Proceedings Papers
Overview of TREC 2004,
E.M. Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
TREC 2004 Genomics Track Overview,
W.R. Hersh, R.T. Bhuptiraju, L. Ross, A.M. Cohen, D.F. Kraemer, Oregon Health & Science University
P. Johnson, Biogen Idec Corporation
HARD Track Overview in TREC 2004
High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents,
J.Allan, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Overview of the TREC 2004 Novelty Track,
I. Soboroff, NIST
Overview of the TREC 2004 Question Answering Track,
E.M. Voorhees, NIST
Overview of the TREC 2004 Robust Track,
E.M. Voorhees, NIST
Overview of the TREC 2004 Terabyte Track,
C. Clarke, University of Waterloo
N. Craswell, Microsoft Research
I. Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Overview of the TREC 2004 Web Track,
N. Craswell, MSR Cambridge
D. Hawking, CSIRO
Phrasal Queries with LingPipe and Lucene: Ad Hoc Genomics Text Retrieval,
B. Carpenter, Alias-i, Inc.
Experiments with Web QA System and TREC 2004 Questions,
D. Roussinov, Y. Ding, J.A. Robles-Flores, Arizona State University
Categorization of Genomics Text Based on Decision Rules,
R. Guillen, California State University San Marcos
Initial Results with Structured Queries and Language Models on Half a Terabyte of Text,
K. Collins-Thompson, P. Ogilvie, J. Callan, Carnegie Mellon University
Experiments in TREC 2004 Novelty Track at CAS-ICT,
H.-P. Zhang, H.-B. Xu, S. Bai, B. Wang, X.-Q. Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
TREC 2004 Web Track Experiments at CAS-ICT,
Z. Zhou, Y. Guo, B. Wang, X. Cheng, H. Xu, G. Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
NLPR at TREC 2004: Robust Experiments,
J. Xu, J. Zhao, B. Xu, Chinese Academy of Science
ISCAS at TREC 2004: HARD Track,
L. Sun, J. Zhang, Y. Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences
TREC 2004 HARD Track Experiments in Clustering,
D.A. Evans, J. Bennett, J. Montgomery, V. Sheftel, D.A. Hull, J.G. Shanahan, Clairvoyance Corporation
Evolving XML and Dictionary Strategies for Question Answering and Novelty Tasks,
K.C. Litkowski, CL Research
Columbia University in the Novelty Track at TREC 2004,
B. Schiffman, K.R. McKeown, Columbia University
Concept Extraction and Synonymy Management for Biomedical Information Retrieval,
C. Crangle, A. Zbyslaw, ConverSpeech LLC
M. Cherry, E. Hong, Stanford University
DalTREC 2004: Question Answering Using Regular Expression Rewriting,
V. Keselj, A. Cox, Dalhousie University, Halifax
Experiments in Terabyte Searching, Genomic Retrieval and Novelty Detection for TREC 2004,
S. Blott, F. Camous, P. Ferguson, G. Gaughan, C. Gurrin, J.G.F. Jones, N. Murphy, N. O'Connor, A.F. Smeaton, P. Wilkins, Dublin City University
O. Boydell, B. Smyth, University College Dublin
Amberfish at the TREC 2004 Terabyte Track,
N. Nassar, Etymon Systems
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni at TREC 2004,
G. Amati, C. Carpineto, G. Romano, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
FDUQA on TREC 2004 QA Track,
L. Wu, X. Huang, L. You, Z. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Zhou, Fudan University
The GUC Goes to TREC 2004: Using Whole or Partial Documents for Retrieval and Classification in the Genomics Track,
K. Darwish, A. Madkour, The German University in Cairo
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the TREC 2004 Robust Track,
D.Y. Wang, R.W.P. Luk, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
K.F. Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Robust, Web and Terabyte Retrieval with Hummingbird SearchServer at TREC 2004,
S. Tomlinson, Hummingbird
Juru at TREC 2004: Experiments with Prediction of Query Difficulty,
E. Yom-Tov, S. Fine, D. Carmel, A. Darlow, E. Amitay, IBM Haifa Research Labs
J. Chu-Carroll, K. Czuba, J. Prager, A. Ittycheriah, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
S. Blair-Goldensohn, Columbia University
A Hidden Markov Model for the TREC Novelty Task,
J.M. Conroy, IDA/CCS
IIT at TREC 2004 Standard Retrieval Models Over Partitioned Indices for the Terabyte Track,
J. Heard, O. Frieder, D. Grossman, Illinois Institute of Technology
WIDIT in TREC 2004 Genomics, Hard, Robust and Web Tracks,
K. Yang, N. Yu, A. Wead, G. La Rowe, Y.-H. Li, C. Friend, Y. Lee, Indiana University
TREC 2004 Genomics Track Experiments at IUB,
K. Seki, J.C. Costello, V.R. Singan, J. Mostafa, Indiana University Bloomington
TREC Novelty Track at IRIT-SIG,
T. Dkaki, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) and
Universite Toulouse le Mirail
J. Mothe, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT) and
Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres Midi-Pyrenees
Combining Linguistic Processing and Web Mining for Question Answering: ITC-irst at TREC 2004,
H. Tanev, M. Kouylekov, B. Magnini, ITC-irst
JHU/APL at TREC 2004:
Robust and Terabyte Tracks,
C. Piatko, J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, S. Cost, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Korea University Question Answering System at TREC 2004,
K.-S. Han, H. Chung, S.-B. Kim, Y.-I. Song, J.-Y. Lee, H.-C. Rim, Korea University
Novel Approaches in Text Information Retrieval
Experiments in the Web Track of TREC 2004,
M. Farah, D. Vanderpooten, Lamsade, University of Paris Dauphine
LexiClone Inc. and NIST TREC,
I. Geller, LexiClone
AnswerFinder at TREC 2004,
D. Molla, M. Gardiner, Macquarie University
Meiji University Web, Novelty and Genomic Track Experiments,
T. Tomiyama, K. Karoji, T. Kondo, Y. Kakuta, T. Takagi, Meiji University
Microsoft Research Asia at Web Track and Terabyte Track of TREC 2004,
R. Song, J.-R. Wen, S. Shi, G. Xin, T.-Y. Liu, T. Qin, X. Zheng, J. Zhang, G. Xue, W.-Y. Ma, Microsoft Research Asia
Microsoft Cambridge at TREC 13: Web and Hard Tracks,
H. Zaragoza, N. Craswell, M. Taylor, S. Saria, S. Robertson, Microsoft Research Ltd.
Answering Multiple Questions on a Topic From Heterogeneous Resources,
B. Katz, M. Bilotti, S. Felshin, A. Fernandes, W. Hildebrandt, R. Katzir, J. Lin, D. Loreto,
G. Marton, F. Mora, O. Uzuner, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Experience of Using SVM for the Triage Task in TREC 2004 Genomics Track,
D. Zhang, W.S. Lee, National University of Singapore
Knowledge-Intensive and Statistical Approaches to the Retrieval and Annotation of Genomics MEDLINE Citations,
A.R. Aronson, D. Demmer, S.H. Humphrey, N.C. Ide, W. Kim, R.R. Loane, J.G. Mork, L.H. Smith, L.K. Tanabe, W.J. Wilbur, N. Xie, National Library of Medicine
D. Demner, University of Maryland, College Park
H. Liu, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Identifying Relevant Full-Text Articles for GO Annotation Without MeSH Terms,
C. Lee, W.-J. Hou, H.-H. Chen, National Taiwan University
Similarity Computation in Novelty Detection and Biomedical Text Categorization,
M.-F. Tsai, M.-H. Hus, H.-H. Chen, National Taiwan University
National University of Singapore at the TREC 13 Question Answering Main Task,
H. Cui, K. Li, R. Sun, T.-S. Chua, M.-Y. Kan, National University of Singapore
Feature Generation, Feature Selection, Classifiers, and Conceptual Drift for Biomedical
Document Triage,
A.M. Cohen, R.T. Bhupatiraju, W.R. Hersh, Oregon Health & Science University
Revisiting Again Document Length Hypotheses TREC 2004 Genomics Track Experiments at Patolis,
S. Fujita, Patolis Corporation
Part-of-Speech Sense Matrix Model Experiments in the TREC 2004 Robust Track at ICL, PKU,
B. Swen, X-Q. Lu, H.-Y. Zan, Q. Su, Z.-G. Lai, K. Xiang, J.-H. Hu, Peking University, Beijing
TREC 2004 Robust Track Experiments Using PIRCS,
K.L. Kwok, L. Grunfeld, H.L. Sun, P. Deng, Queens College, CUNY
RMIT University at TREC 2004,
B. Billerbeck, A. Cannane, A. Chattaraj, N. Lester, W. Webber, H.E. Williams, J. Yiannis, J. Zobel, RMIT University
The Robert Gordon University's HARD Track Experiments at TREC 2004,
D.J. Harper, G. Muresan, B. Liu, I. Koychev, D. Wettschereck, N. Wiratunga, The Robert Gordon University
Rutgers' HARD Track Experiences at TREC 2004,
N.J. Belkin, I. Chaleva, M. Cole, Y.-L. Li, L. Liu, Y.-H. Liu, G. Muresan, C.L. Smith, Y. Sun, X.-J. Yuan, X.-M. Zhang, Rutgers University
DIMACS at the TREC 2004 Genomics Track,
A. Dayanik, D. Fradkin, A. Genkin, P. Kantor, D. Madigan, Rutgers University DIMACS
D. D. Lewis, David D. Lewis Consulting
V. Menkov, Aqsaqal Enterprises
Question Answering by Searching Large Corpora With Linguistic Methods,
M. Kaisser, T. Becker, Saarland University/DFKI GmbH
SJTU at TREC 2004: Web Track Experiments,
Y. Lu, J. Hu, F. Ma, Shanghai Jiaotong University
UB at TREC 13: Genomics Track,
M.E. Ruiz, State University of New York at Buffalo
M. Srikanth, Language Computer Corporation
R. Srihari, Cedar/Buffalo
Information Needs and Automatic Queries,
R.M. Tong, Tarragon Consulting Corporation
MeSH Based Feedback, Concept Recognition and Stacked Classification for Curation Tasks,
W. Kraaij, S. Raaijmakers, TNO-TPD
M. Weeber, R. Jelier, Erasmus Medical Center
THUIR at TREC 2004: Genomics Track,
J.Li, X. Zhang, M. Zhang, X. Zhu, Tsinghua University
Improved Feature Selection and Redundance Computing--
THUIR at TREC 2004 Novelty Track,
L. Ru, L. Zhao, M. Zhang, S. Ma, Tsinghua University
THUIR at TREC 2004: QA,
W. Tan, Q. Chen, S. Ma, Tsinghua University
Using Normal PC to Index and Retrieval Terabyte Document--THUIR at TREC 2004 Terabyte Track,
Y. Jn, W. Qi, M. Zhang, S. Ma, Tsinghua University
Finding "Abstract Fields" of Web Pages and Query Specific Retrieval--
THUIR at TREC 2004 Web Track,
Y. Liu, C. Wang, M. Zhang, S. Ma, Tsinghua University
Question Answering with QACTIS at TREC 2004,
P. Schone, T. Bassi, A. Kulman, U.S. Department of Defense
G. Ciany, Dragon Development Corporation
P. McNamee, J. Mayfield, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
Towards Grid-Based Information Retrieval,
G.B. Newby, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Using Wikipedia at the TREC QA Track,
D. Ahn, V. Jijkoun, G. Mishne, K. Muller, M. de Rijke, S. Schloback, University
of Amsterdam
Language Models for Searching in Web Corpora,
J. Kamps, G. Mishne, M. de Rijke, University of Amsterdam
BioText Team Experiments for the TREC 2004 Genomics Track,
P.I. Nakov, A.S. Schwartz, E. Stoica, M.A. Hearst, University of California Berkeley
University of Chicago at TREC 2004: HARD Track,
G.-A. Levow, University of Chicago
TREC Genomics 2004,
G. Sinclair, B. Webber, University of Edinburgh
Question Answering with QED and Wee at TREC 2004,
K. Ahn, J. Bos, S. Clark, T. Dalmas, J.L. Leidner, M.B. Smillie, B. Webber, University of Edinburgh
J.R. Curran, University of Sydney
University of Glasgow at TREC 2004:
Experiments in Web, Robust, and Terabyte Tracks with Terrier,
V. Plachouras, B. He, I. Ounis, University of Glasgow
Report on the TREC 2004 Experiment: Genomics Track,
P. Ruch, C. Chichester, G. Cohen, F. Ehrler, P. Fabry, J. Marty, H. Muller, A. Geissbuhler, University Hospital of Geneva
UIC at TREC 2004: Robust Track,
S. Liu, C. Sun, C. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago
UIUC in HARD 2004--Passage Retrieval Using HMMs,
J. Jiang, C.X. Zhai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Novelty, Question Answering and Genomics: The University of Iowa Response,
D. Eichmann, Y. Zhang, S. Bradshaw, X. Ying Qiu, L. Zhou, P. Srinivasan, A. Kumar Sehgal, H. Wong, The University of Iowa
University of Lethbridge's Participation in TREC 2004 QA Track,
Y. Chali, S. Dubien, University of Lethbridge
Question Answering Using the DLT System at TREC 2004,
R.F.E. Sutcliffe, I. Gabbay, K. White, A. O'Gorman, M. Mulcahy, University of Limerick
UMass at TREC 2004: Novelty and HARD,
N. Abdul-Jaleel, J. Allan, W.B. Croft, F. Diaz, L. Larkey, X. Li, M.D. Smucker, C. Wade, University of Massachusetts
Indri at TREC 2004: Terabyte Track,
D. Metzler, T. Strohman, H. Turtle, W.B. Croft, University of Massachusetts
Improving Passage Retrieval Using Interactive Elicition and Statistical Modeling,
D. He, D. Demner-Fushman, D.W. Oard, University of Maryland College Park
D. Karakow, S. Khudanpur, Johns Hopkins University
Melbourne University 2004: Terabyte and Web Tracks,
V.N. Anh, A. Moffat, The University of Melbourne
The University of Michigan in Novelty 2004,
G. Erkan, University of Michigan
University of North Carolina's HARD Track Experiments at TREC 2004,
D. Kelly, V. Deepak Dollu, X. Fu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UNT at TREC 2004: Question Answering Combining Multiple Evidences,
J. Chen, G. He, Y. Wu, S. Jiang, University of North Texas
Expanding Queries Using Stems and Symbols,
M. Bacchin, M. Melucci, University of Padova
From the Texts to the Contexts They Contain: A Chain of Linguistic Treatments,
A. Amrani, ESIEA Recherche
J. Aze, T. Heitz, Y. Kodratoff, M. Roche, LRI-Universite Paris-Sud
TALP-QA System at TREC 2004: Structural and Hierarchical Relaxation Over Semantic Constraints,
D. Ferres, S. Kanaan, E. Gonzalez, A. Ageno, H. Rodriguez, M. Surdeanu, J. Turmo, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, TALP Research Center
Using Clustering and Blade Clusters in the Terabyte Task,
G. Attardi, A. Esuli, C. Patel, Universita di Pisa, Italy
ISI Novelty Track System for TREC 2004,
S.-M. Kim, D. Ravichandran, E. Hovy, University of Southern California, ISI
Sheffield University and the TREC 2004 Genomics Track:
Query Expansion Using Synonymous Terms,
Y. Guo, H. Harkema, R. Gaizauskas, University of Sheffield
The University of Sheffield's TREC 2004 QA Experiments,
R. Gaizauskas, M.A. Greenwood, M. Hepple, I. Roberts, H. Saggion, University of Sheffield
TREC 2004 Genomics Track Experiments at UTA:
The Effects of Primary Keys, Bigram Phrases and Query Expansion on
Retrieval Performance,
A. Pirkola, University of Tampere (UTA)
Conceptual Language Models for Context-Aware Text Retrieval,
H. Rode, D. Hiemstra, University of Twente
Bangor at TREC 2004: Question Answering Track,
T. Clifton, W. Teahan, University of Wales Bangor
Approaches to High Accuracy Retrieval:
Phrase-Based Search Experiments in the HARD Track,
O. Vechtomova, University of Waterloo
M. Karamuftuoglu, Bilkent University
Domain-Specific Synonym Expansion and Validation for Biomedical Information Retrieval (MultiText Experiments for TREC 2004),
S. Buttcher, C.L.A. Clarke, G.V. Cormack, University of Waterloo
Exploiting Zone Information, Syntactic Rules, and Informative Terms in Gene Ontology Annotation of Biomedical Documents,
B. Settles, M. Craven, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Can We Get A Better Retrieval Function From Machine?,
W. Fan, W. Xi, E.A. Fox, Virginia Tech
L. Wang, University of Michigan
York University at TREC 2004: HARD and Genomics Tracks,
X. Huang, Y.R. Huang, M. Zhong, M. Wen, York University