NIST Special Publication:
SP 500-324

The Twenty-Sixth Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC 2017) Proceedings

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NOTE: All papers are available in PDF format.

The inclusion or omission of a particular company or product implies neither endorsement nor criticism by NIST. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the individual papers are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.

Overview Papers

  • PDF file TREC 2017 Common Core Track Overview
    James Allan, Donna Harman, Evangelos Kanoulas, Dan Li, Christophe Van Gysel, Ellen Voorhees

  • PDF file TREC Complex Answer Retrieval Overview
    Laura Dietz - University of New Hampshire
    Manisha Verma - University College London
    Filip Radlinski - Google
    Nick Craswell - Microsoft

  • PDF file TREC 2017 Dynamic Domain Track Overview
    Grace Hui Yang and Zhiwen Tang - Georgetown University
    Ian Soboroff - NIST

  • PDF file Overview of the Medical Question Answering Task at TREC 2017 LiveQA
    Asma Ben Abacha and Dina Demner-Fushman - U.S. National Library of Medicine
    Eugene Agichtein - Emory University
    Yuval Pinter - Georgia Institute of Technology

  • PDF file Overview of TREC OpenSearch 2017
    Rolf Jagerman and Martin de Rijke - University of Amsterdam
    Krisztian Balog - University of Staveneger
    Phillip Schaer - TH Köln
    Johann Schaible and Narges Tavakolpoursaleh - GESIS---Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2017 Precision Medicine Track
    Kirk Roberts - The University of Texas Health Science Center
    Dina Demner-Fushman - U.S. National Library of Medicine
    Ellen M. Voorhees - NIST
    William R. Hersh and Steven Bedrick - Oregon Health and Science University
    Alexander J. Lazar and Shubham Pant - The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2017 Real-Time Summarization Track
    Jimmy Lin, Salman Mohammed, Royal Sequiera, Luchen Tan, Nimesh Ghelani and Mustafa Abualsaud - University of Waterloo
    Richard McCreadie - University of Glasgow
    Dmitrijs Milajevs and Ellen Voorhees - National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • PDF file TREC 2017 Tasks Track Overview
    Evangelos Kanoulas - University of Amsterdam
    Emine Yilmaz and Rishabh Mehrotra - University College London
    Ben Carterette - University of Delaware
    Nick Craswell and Peter Bailey - Microsoft

  • Participant Papers

  • PDF file [advanse_lirmm] Summarizing tweet in real-time by filtering quality, relevant and non redundant tweets
    Bilel Moulahi - LIRMM, University of Montpellier, CNRS, Cedex, France
    Lamjed Ben Jabeur - P3 Group, Blagnac, France
    Rafik Abbes and Lynda Tamine - IRIT, Université de Toulouse UPS-IRIT, Cedex, France

  • PDF file [BiTeM] Customizing a Variant Annotation-Support Tool: an Inquiry into Probability Ranking Principles for TREC Precision Medicine
    Emilie Pasche, Julien Gobeill, Luc Mottin, Anaïs Mottaz, Douglas Teodoro, Paul Van Rijen and Patrick Ruch - HES-SO / HEG Geneva, Information Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland
    Emilie Pasche, Julien Gobeill, Luc Mottin, Anaïs Mottaz, Douglas Teodoro, and Patrick Ruch - SIB Text Mining, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, Switzerland
    Anaïs Mottaz - Laboratory of Cognitive Neurorehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland

  • PDF file [BJUT] BJUT at TREC 2017: Real-Time Summarization Track
    Qingwei Meng, Kai Wang and Zhen Yang - College of Computer Science, Faculty of Information, Beijing University of Technology, China

  • PDF file [BJUT] BJUT at TREC 2017: Tasks Track
    Lupu Li, Guangyuan Zhang and Zhen Yang - College of Computer Science, Faculty of Information, Beijing University of Technology, China

  • PDF file [cbnu] CBNU at TREC 2017 Precision Medicine Track
    Seung-Hyeon Jo and Kyung-Soon Lee - Division of Computer Science and Engineering, CAIIT Chonbuk National University, Korea

  • PDF file [CMU-OAQA] CMU OAQA at TREC 2017 LiveQA: A Neural Dual Entailment Approach for Question Paraphrase Identification
    Di Wang and Eric Nyberg - Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh, PA

  • PDF file [CSIRO] CSIRO at 2017 TREC Precision Medicine Track
    Vincent Nguyen, Sarvnaz Karimi, Sara Falamaki, Diego Molla-Aliod, Cecile Paris and Stephen Wan - CSIRO Data61 Marsfield, NSW, Australia

  • PDF file [ETH] ETH Zurich at TREC Precision Medicine 2017
    Negar Foroutan Eghlidi, Jannick Griner, Nicolas Mesot, Leandro von Werra and Carsten Eickhoff - Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  • PDF file [FEUP] FEUP at TREC 2017 OpenSearch Track Graph-Based Models for Entity-Oriented
    José Devezas, Carla Teixeira Lopes and Sérgio Nunes - INESC TEC and DEI, FEUP, Porto, Portugal

  • PDF file [georgetown] A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Dynamic Search
    Zhiwen Tang and Grace Hui Yang - Georgetown University

  • PDF file [HLJIT] HLJIT at TREC 2017 Real-Time Summarization
    Zhongyuan Han, Leilei Kong, Liuyang Tian and Haoliang Qi - School of Computer Science and Technology, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, China
    Song Li and Liuyang Tian - School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University - China

  • PDF file [HokieGo] HokieGo at 2017 PM Task: Genetic Programming based re-ranking method In Biomedical Information Retrieval
    Junyan Wu, Xiaofu Ma and Weiguo Fan - Virginia Tech

  • PDF file [ICTNET] ICTNET at TREC2017 Complex Answer Retrieval Track
    Rui Cheng, Xiaomin Zhuang, Hao Yan, Yuanhai Xue, Zhihua Yu, Yue Liu and Xueqi Cheng - Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
    Rui Cheng, Xiaomin Zhuang, Hao Yan, Yuanhai Xue, Zhihua Yu, Yue Liu and Xueqi Cheng - Key Laboratory of Web Data Science and Technology,CAS
    Rui Cheng, Xiaomin Zhuang and Hao Yan - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

  • PDF file [ICTNET] ICTNET at TREC 2017 Common Core Track
    Xu Chang, Liying Jiao, Jinlong Liu, Weijian Zhu, Yuanhai Xue, Li Zha and Yue Liu - Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
    Xu Chang, Liying Jiao, Jinlong Liu, Weijian Zhu, Yuanhai Xue, Li Zha and Yue Liu - Key Laboratory of Web Data Science and Technology, CAS
    Xu Chang, Liying Jiao, Jinlong Liu and Weijian Zhu - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
    Xueqi Cheng - Institute of Network Technology, ICT (YANTAI), CAS

  • PDF file [ICTNET] ICTNET at TREC 2017 Dynamic Domain Track
    Weimin Zhang, Yaokang Hu, Rongqian Jia, Xianfa Wang, Le Zhang, Yue Feng, Sihao Yu, Yuanhai Xue, Xiaoming Yu, Yue Liu and Xueqi Cheng - Institute of Computing Technology, CAS
    Weimin Zhang, Yaokang Hu, Rongqian Jia, Xianfa Wang, Le Zhang, Yue Feng, Sihao Yu, Yuanhai Xue, Xiaoming Yu, Yue Liu and Xueqi Cheng - Key Laboratory of Web Data Science and Technology, CAS
    Weimin Zhang, Yaokang Hu, Rongqian Jia, Xianfa Wang, Le Zhang, Yue Feng and Sihao Yu - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • PDF file [ICTNET] ICTNET at TREC2017 OpenSearch Track
    Peng Xu, Long Bai, Suiyuan Zhang, Fang Yang,,Zhibin Zhang, Xiaoming Yu, Xiaolong Jin and Xueqi Cheng - Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
    Peng Xu, Long Bai, Suiyuan Zhang, Fang Yang, Zhibin Zhang, Xiaoming Yu, Xiaolong Jin and Xueqi Cheng - Key Laboratory of Web Data Science and Technology, CAS
    Peng Xu, Long Bai, Suiyuan Zhang and Fang Yang - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

  • PDF file [ICTNET] ICTNET at TREC 2017 Real-Time Summarization Track
    Xiao Wang, PengCheng Fan, Liang Cheng, Guoliang Xing and Zhihua Yu - Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
    Xiao Wang, PengCheng Fan, Liang Cheng, Guoliang Xing and Zhihua Yu - Key Laboratory of Web Data Science and Technology,CAS
    Xiao Wang, PengCheng Fan and Liang Cheng - University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
    Xueqi Cheng - Institute of Network Technology, ICT (YANTAI), CAS

  • PDF file [ILPS] ILPS at TREC 2017 Common Core Track
    Christophe Van Gysel, Dan Li and Evangelos Kanoulas - Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • PDF file [imi_mug] TREC 2017 Precision Medicine - Medical University of Graz
    Pablo López-García Michel Oleynik, Zdenko Kasáč and Stefan Schulz - Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation, Medical University of Graz, Austria

  • PDF file [ims-core] IMS @ TREC 2017 Core Track
    Nicola Ferro - Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua

  • PDF file [IR-Cologne] IR-Cologne at TREC 2017 OpenSearch Track: Rerunning Popularity Ranking Experiments in a Living Lab
    Narges Tavakolpoursaleh - GESIS --- Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany
    Mandy Neumann and Philipp Schaer - TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences), Cologne, Germany

  • PDF file [IRIT] IRIT at TREC Real-Time Summarization 2017
    Abdelhamid Chellal and Mohand Boughanem - Universite de Toulouse UPS-IRIT, France

  • PDF file [IRIT] Some thoughts from IRIT about the scenario A of the TREC RTS 2016 and 2017 tracks
    Gilles Hubert, Jose G. Moreno, Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat and Yoann Pitarch - Universite de Toulouse UPS-IRIT, France

  • PDF file [IRLAB_DA-IICT] DAIICT-LDRP at TREC RTS 2017: Real Time Push Notification and Post Summarization
    Sandip Modha and Prasenjit Majumder - DAIICT Gandhinagar Gujarat
    Chintak Mandalia, Shyamal Shah, Sahil Kewlani, Bhavya Shah and Deep Doshi - LDRP Gandhinagar Gujarat

  • PDF file [MayoNLPTeam] Leveraging both Structured and Unstructured Data for Precision Information Retrieval
    Yanshan Wang, Ravikumar Komandur-Elayavilli, Majid Rastegar-Mojarad, and Hongfang Liu - Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

  • PDF file [MedIER] Retrieving documents based on gene name variations: MedIER at TREC 2017 Precision Medicine Track
    Tong Yin - School of Information, University of Michigan
    Danny T.Y. Wu - Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Cincinnati
    V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran - Department of Learning Health Sciences, University of Michigan

  • PDF file [MPIID5] Contextualized PACRR for Complex Answer Retrieval
    Sean MacAvaney - Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA
    Andrew Yates and Kai Hui - Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrucken, Germany

  • PDF file [MRG_UWaterloo] MRG_UWaterloo and WaterlooCormack Participation in the TREC 2017 Common Core Track
    Maura R. Grossman and Gordon V. Cormack - University of Waterloo

  • PDF file [NaCTeM] Identifying Personalised Treatments and Clinical Trials for Precision Medicine using Semantic Search with Thalia
    Piotr Przybyla, Axel J. Soto and Sophia Ananiadou - National Centre for Text Mining, School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK

  • PDF file [NOVASearch] NOVASearch at Precision Medicine 2017
    Gonçalo Araújo, André Mourão and João Magalhães - NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal

  • PDF file [NOVASearch] NOVASearch at TREC 2017 Real-Time Summarization Track
    Gustavo Gonçalves, Flávio Martins and João Magalhães - NOVA LINCS, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal

  • PDF file [PKUICST] PKUICST at TREC 2017 Real-Time Summarization Track: Push Notifications and Email Digest
    Jizhi Tang, Chao Lv, Lili Yao and Dongyan Zhao - Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, China

  • PDF file [POZNAN] POZNAN Contribution to TREC PM 2017
    Artur Cieslewicz - Poznan University of Medical Sciences
    Jakub Dutkiewicz and Czeslaw Jedrzejek - Poznan University of Technology

  • PDF file [prna] Open domain real-time question answering based on asynchronous multiperspective context-driven retrieval and neural paraphrasing
    Vivek Datla, Tilak Arora, Joey Liu, Viraj Adduru, Sadid A. Hasan, Kathy Lee, Ashequl Qadir, Yuan Ling, Aaditya Prakash, Oladimeji Farri - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Philips Research North America, Cambridge, MA, USA

  • PDF file [prna] Recognizing Tweet Relevance with Profile-specific and Profile-independent Supervised Models
    Kathy Lee, Ashequl Qadir, Yuan Ling, Joey Liu, Sadid A. Hasan, Vivek Datla, Aaditya Prakash, Oladimeji Farri - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Philips Research North America, Cambridge, MA, USA

  • PDF file [prna-mit] A Hybrid Approach to Precision Medicine-related Biomedical Article Retrieval and Clinical Trial Matching
    Yuan Ling, Sadid A. Hasan, JoeyLiu, Kathy Lee, Vivek Datla, Ashequl Qadir, and Oladimeji Farri - Artificial Intelligence Lab, Philips Research North America, Cambridge, MA, USA
    Michele Filannino, William Boag, Di Jin and Ozlem Uzuner - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
    Kevin P. Buchan - State University of New York, Albany, NY, USA
    Michele Filannino, Kahyun Lee, Ozlem Uzuner - George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA

  • PDF file [QU] Exploiting Live Feedback for Tweet Real-time Push Notifications
    Reem Suwaileh and Tamer Elsayed - Computer Science and Engineering Department, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

  • PDF file [RMIT] RMIT at the 2017 TREC CORE Track
    Rodger Benham, Luke Gallagher, Joel Mackenzie, Tadele T. Damessie, Ruey-Cheng Chen, Falk Scholer and J. Shane Culpepper - RMIT University Melbourne, Australia
    Alistair Moffat - The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

  • PDF file [S.T] at TREC 2017: Real-Time Summarization Track
    Junjie Xiong, Dongdong Xiang, Qian Guo, Haiguang Chen - Shanghai Normal University

  • PDF file [SienaCLTeam] Siena's Tasks Track System
    Emily Barranca - Swathmore College, Swathmore, PA
    Sharon Gower Small - Siena College Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Loudonville, NY

  • PDF file [SOIC] Fast NLP-based Pattern Matching in Real Time Tweet Recommendation
    Zheng Gao and John Wolohan - School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Indiana University Bloomington

  • PDF file [teckro] Patient selection for clinical trials based on concept-based retrieval and result filtering and ranking
    Johannes Leveling - Teckro, Limerick, Ireland

  • PDF file [tgncorp] Tarragon Consulting at TREC 2017: Common Core Track
    Richard M. Tong - Tarragon Consulting Corporation, Berkeley, California, USA

  • PDF file [TREC_UB] Ranking Clinical Trials Using Elasticsearch
    Ajinkya Yogesh Thorve - Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo, NY
    Haimonti Dutta - Department of Management Science and Systems, University at Buffalo, NY

  • PDF file [UCAS] UCAS at TREC-2017 Precision Medicine Track
    Canjia Li, Ben He, Yingfei Sun, and Jungang Xu - School of Computer and Control Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • PDF file [UD_GU_BioTM] UD_GU_BioTM at TREC 2017: Precision Medicine Track
    A. S. M. Ashique Mahmood, Gang Li, Cathy Wu and K. Vijay-Shanker - Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
    Shruti Rao, Peter McGarvey and Subha Madhavan - Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics, Georgetown University, Washington D.C, USA
    Peter McGarvey and Cathy Wu - Protein Information Resource, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington D.C, USA
    Cathy Wu - Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
    Subha Madhavan - Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington D.C, USA

  • PDF file [udel_fang] Evaluating Axiomatic Retrieval Models in the Core Track
    Yue Wang, Peilin Yang, and Hui Fang - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware

  • PDF file [udel_fang] Combining Term-based and Concept-based Representation for Clinical Retrieval
    Yue Wang and Hui Fang - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware

  • PDF file [udel_fang] Silent Day Detection in Real-Time Summarization Track
    Kuang Lu, Peilin Yang, and Hui Fang - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware

  • PDF file [UKNLP] Team UKNLP at TREC 2017 Precision Medicine Track: A Knowledge-Based IR System with Tuned Query-Time Boosting
    Jiho Noh - Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
    Ramakanth Kavuluru - Division of Biomedical Informatics (Department of Internal Medicine) and the Department of Computer Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

  • PDF file [UMass] UMass at TREC 2017 Common Core Track
    Qingyao Ai, Hamed Zamani, Stephen Harding, Shahrzad Naseri, James Allan and W. Bruce Croft - Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval, College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts

  • PDF file [UMD_CLIP] UMD_CLIP: Using Relevance Feedback to Find Diverse Documents for TREC Dynamic Domain 2017
    Kristine Rogers and Douglas W. Oard - College of Information Studies and UMIACS, University of Maryland, College Park

  • PDF file [UNTIIA] UNT Precision Medicine Information Retrieval at TREC 2017
    Lokesh Kumar Viswavarapu and Haihua Chen - Intelligent Information Access Laboratory, College of Information, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
    Jiangping Chen, Ana Cleveland and Haihua Chen - Department of Information Science, College of Information, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
    Lokesh Kumar Viswavarapu - Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, TX

  • PDF file [UTDHLTRI] UTD HLTRI at TREC 2017: Complex Answer Retrieval Track
    Ramon Maldonado, Stuart Taylor and Sanda M. Harabagiu - Department of Computer Science, Human Language Technology Research Institute, University of Texas at Dallas

  • PDF file [UTDHLTRI] UTD HLTRI at TREC 2017: Precision Medicine Track
    Travis R. Goodwin, Michael A. Skinner and Sanda M. Harabagiu - Human Language Technology Research Institute, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas

  • PDF file [UWaterlooMDS] UWaterlooMDS at the TREC 2017 Common Core Track
    Haotian Zhang, Mustafa Abualsaud, Nimesh Ghelani, Angshuman Ghosh, Gordon V. Cormack, and Maura R. Grossman - David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
    Mark D. Smucker - Department of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo

  • PDF file [WaterlooCormack] MRG_UWaterloo and WaterlooCormack Participation in the TREC 2017 Common Core Track
    Maura R. Grossman and Gordon V. Cormack - University of Waterloo

  • PDF file [Webis] Webis at TREC 2017: Open Search and Core Tracks
    Matthias Hagen, Yamen Ajjour, Johannes Kiesel, Payam Adineh and Benno Stein - Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar, Germany

  • Appendix

    Last updated: Monday, 15-Apr-2019 17:25:38 UTC
    Date created: February 28, 2018