NIST Special Publication:
SP 500-266
The Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC 2005) Proceedings

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Alphabetical Index of TREC 2005 Papers by Task/Track

HARD] [Enterprise] [Question Answering]
[Robust] [Spam] [Terabyte]
Academia Sinica
postscript file   Enhance Genomic IR with Term Variation and Expansion:
Experience of the IASL Group at Genomic Track 2005

Arizona State University
postscript file   Genomic Information Retrieval Through Selective Extraction and Tagging by the ASU-BioAL Group

California State University San Marcos
postscript file   CSUSM at TREC 2005:
Genomics and Enterprise Track

Carnegie Mellon University
postscript file   Thresholding Strategies for Text Classifiers:
TREC 2005 Biomedical Triage Task Experiments
postscript file   York University at TREC 2005: Genomics Track

Chinese University of Hong Kong
postscript file   Pattern Based Customized Learning for TREC Genomics Track Categorization Task

OOO Datapark
postscript file   DataparkSearch at TREC 2005

Dalian University of Technology
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track Experiments at DUTAI

Dublin City University
postscript file   Structural Term Extraction for Expansion of Template-Based Genomic Queries

Erasmus University Medical Center
postscript file   Notebook Paper TREC 2005 Genomics Track

Fudan University
postscript file   WIM at TREC 2005

Harbin Institute of Technology
postscript file   Insun05QA on QA Track of TREC 2005

IBM India Research Lab
postscript file   Biomedical Document Triage:
Automatic Classification Exploiting Category Specific Knowledge

IBM Watson Research
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track Experiments at IBM Watson

Illinois Institute of Technology
postscript file   IIT TREC 2005: Genomics Track

Indian Institute of Technology
postscript file   Biomedical Document Triage:
Automatic Classification Exploiting Category Specific Knowledge

Institute for Infocomm Research
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track at I2R

Medical University of South Carolina
postscript file   UIUC/MUSC at TREC 2005 Genomics Track

National Library of Medicine
postscript file   Fusion of Knowledge-Intensive and Statistical Approaches for Retrieving and Annotating Textual Genomics Documents

National Taiwan University
postscript file   Retrieval of Biomedical Documents by Prioritizing Key Phrases
postscript file   Identifying Relevant Full-Text Articles for Database Curation
postscript file   A Comparison of Techniques for Classification and Ad Hoc Retrieval of Biomedical Documents

Oregon Health & Science University
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track Overview

Queen's University
postscript file   Applying Probabilistic Thematic Clustering for Classification in the TREC 2005 Genomics Track

Rutgers University, DIMACS
postscript file   DIMACS at the TREC 2005 Genomics Track

Simon Fraser University
postscript file   Synonym-Based Expansion and Boosting-Based Re-Ranking:
A Two-phase Approach for Genomic Information Retrieval

State University of New York at Buffalo
postscript file   Experiments on Genomics Ad Hoc Retrieval

postscript file   Notebook Paper TREC 2005 Genomics Track

Tsinghua University (State Key Lab)
postscript file   Learning Domain-Specific Knowledge from Context--THUIR at TREC 2005 Genomics Track

SIM University and University Hospital of Geneva
postscript file   Report on the TREC 2005 Experiment: Genomics Track

Stanford University
postscript file   Classifying Biomedical Articles by Making Localized Decisions

University of Amsterdam
postscript file   Combining Thesauri-Based Methods for Biomedical Retrieval

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
postscript file   Concept Recognition and the TREC Genomics Tasks

University Hospital of Geneva
postscript file   Evaluation of Stemming, Query Expansion and Manual Indexing Approaches for the Genomic Task

University of Illinois at Chicago
postscript file   Experiment Report of TREC 2005 Genomics Track ad hoc Retrieval Task

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
postscript file   UIUC/MUSC at TREC 2005 Genomics Track

The University of Iowa
postscript file   Experiments in Questions and Relationships at the University of Iowa

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
postscript file   Fusion of Knowledge-Intensive and Statistical Approaches for Retrieving and Annotating Textual Genomics Documents

University of Maryland, College Park
postscript file   Fusion of Knowledge-Intensive and Statistical Approaches for Retrieving and Annotating Textual Genomics Documents
postscript file   A Menagerie of Tracks at Maryland: HARD, Enterprise, QA, and Genomics, Oh My!

The University of Michigan-Dearborn
postscript file   UM-D at TREC 2005: Genomics Track

University of Neuchatel
postscript file   Report on the TREC 2005 Experiment: Genomics Track
postscript file   Evaluation of Stemming, Query Expansion and Manual Indexing Approache s for the Genomic Task

University of Padova
postscript file   Symbol-Based Query Expansion Experiments at TREC 2005 Genomics Track

University of Pennsylvania
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track Experiments at IBM Watson

University of Tampere
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track Experiments at UTA

Yahoo, Inc.
postscript file   TREC 2005 Genomics Track Experiments at IBM Watson

University of Wisconsin, Madison
postscript file   Classifying Biomedical Articles by Making Localized Decisions

York University
postscript file   York University at TREC 2005: Genomics Track

Genomics] [Hard] Question Answering]
[Robust] [Spam] [Terabyte]
Australian National University
postscript file   TREC 14 Enterprise Track at CSIRO and ANU

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
postscript file   TREC 2005 Enterprise Track Experiments at BUPT

Bilkent University
postscript file   Experiments for HARD and Enterprise Tracks

California State University San Marcos
postscript file   CSUSM at TREC 2005:
Genomics and Enterprise Track

Carnegie Mellon University
postscript file   Experiments with Language Models for Known-Item Finding of E-mail Messages

postscript file   TREC 14 Enterprise Track at CSIRO and ANU

postscript file   The Lowlands' TREC Experiments 2005

postscript file   Overview of the TREC 2005 Enterprise Track

Drexel University
postscript file   TREC 2005 Enterprise Track Results from Drexel

Fudan University
postscript file   WIM at TREC 2005

Microsoft Research Asia
postscript file   Research on Expert Search at Enterprise Track of TREC 2005

Microsoft Research Ltd.
postscript file   Microsoft Cambridge at TREC 14: Enterprise Track

Microsoft Research Cambridge
postscript file   Overview of the TREC 2005 Enterprise Track

Nankai University
postscript file   Research on Expert Search at Enterprise Track of TREC 2005

postscript file   Overview of the TREC 2005 Enterprise Track

Peking University
postscript file   CNDS Expert Finding System for TREC 2005

Queen Mary University of London
postscript file   The QMUL Team with Probabilistic SQL at Enterprise Track

Shanghai Jiaotong University
postscript file   Research on Expert Search at Enterprise Track of TREC 2005

Temple University
postscript file   TREC 2005 Enterprise Track Results from Drexel

Tsinghua University (State Key Lab)
postscript file   THUIR at TREC 2005: Enterprise Track (Draft)

University of Amsterdam
postscript file   Language Modeling Approaches for Enterprise Tasks

University of Duisburg-Essen
postscript file   Applying the Annotation View on Messages for Discussion Search

University of Glasgow
postscript file   University of Glasgow at TREC 2005:
Experiments in Terabyte and Enterprise Tracks with Terrier

University of Maryland College Park
postscript file   A Menagerie of Tracks at Maryland: HARD, Enterprise, QA, and Genomics, Oh My!

The University of Melbourne
postscript file   Melbourne University 2005: Enterprise and Terabyte Tasks

University of Pittsburgh
postscript file   Pitt at TREC 2005: HARD and Enterprise

University of Twente
postscript file   The Lowlands' TREC Experiments 2005

University of Waterloo
postscript file   Experiments for HARD and Enterprise Tracks

Genomics] [Enterprise] [Question Answering]
[Robust] [Spam] [Terabyte]
Bilkent University
postscript file   Experiments for HARD and Enterprise Tracks

Chinese Academy of Sciences
postscript file   NLPR at TREC 2005: HARD Experiments
postscript file   Relevance Feedback by Exploring the Different Feedback Sources and Collection Structure

postscript file   The Lowlands' TREC Experiments 2005

Indiana University, Bloomington
postscript file   WIDIT in TREC 2005 HARD, Robust, and SPAM Tracks

Meiji University
postscript file   Meiji University HARD and Robust Track Experiments

Rutgers University
postscript file   Rutgers Information Interaction Lab at TREC 2005: Trying HARD

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
postscript file   SAIC & University of Virginia at TREC 2005:
HARD Track

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
postscript file   Interactive Construction of Query Language Models--UIUC TREC 2005 HARD Track Experiments

University of Maryland College Park
postscript file   A Menagerie of Tracks at Maryland: HARD, Enterprise, QA, and Genomics, Oh My!

University of Massachusetts Amherst
postscript file   HARD Track Overview in TREC 2005 High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents

postscript file   When Less is More: Relevance Feedback Falls Short and Term Expansion Succeeds at HARD 2005

University of North Carolina
postscript file   University of North Carolina's HARD Track Experiment at TREC 2005

University of Pittsburgh
postscript file   Pitt at TREC 2005: HARD and Enterprise

University of Strathclyde
postscript file   University of Strathclyde at TREC HARD

University of Twente
postscript file   The Lowlands' TREC Experiments 2005

University of Virginia
postscript file   SAIC & University of Virginia at TREC 2005:
HARD Track

University of Waterloo
postscript file   Experiments for HARD and Enterprise Tracks

York University
postscript file   York University at TREC 2005: HARD Track

Genomics] [Hard] [Enterprise] [Robust] [Spam] [Terabyte]
Arizona State University
postscript file   Building on Redundancy: Factoid Question Answering, Robust Retrieval and the "Other"

Carnegie Mellon University
postscript file   JAVELIN I and II Systems at TREC 2005

CL Research
postscript file   Exploring Document Content with XML to Answer Questions

Dalhousie University
postscript file   DalTREC 2005 QA System Jellyfish:
Mark-and-Match Approach to Question Answering

Dragon Development Corporation
postscript file   QACTIS-based Question Answering at TREC 2005

Fudan University
postscript file   FDUQA on TREC 2005 QA Track

Henggeler Computer Consultants
postscript file   QACTIS-based Question Answering at TREC 2005

postscript file   Enterprise, QA, Robust and Terabyte Experiments with Hummingbird SearchServer at TREC 2005

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
postscript file   IBM's PIQUANT II in TREC 2005

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
postscript file   JHU/APL at TREC 2005: QA Retrieval and Robust Tracks

postscript file   QACTIS-based Question Answering at TREC 2005

Langugage Computer Corporation
postscript file   Employing Two Question Answering Systems in TREC 2005

postscript file   Differential Linguistics at NIST TREC

Macquarie University
postscript file   AnswerFinder at TREC 2005

Microsoft Research
postscript file   Factoid Question Answering over Unstructured and Structured Web Content

MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
postscript file   External Knowledge Sources for Question Answering

The MITRE Corporation
postscript file   MITRE's Qanda at TREC 14

National Institute of Standards and Technology
postscript file   Overview of the TREC 2005 Question Answering Track

National University of Singapore
postscript file   Using Syntactic and Semantic Relation Analysis in Question Answering

Peking University
postscript file   Peking University at the TREC 2005 Question and Answering Track

Saarland University
postscript file   TREC 2005 Question Answering Experiments at Tokyo Institute of Technology

Saarland University/DFKI GmbH
postscript file   QuALiM at TREC 2005: Web-Question Answering with FrameNet

Sabir Research, Inc.
postscript file   Looking at Limits and Tradeoffs: Sabir Research at TREC 2005

State University of New York at Stony Brook
postscript file   Question Answering with Lydia (TREC 2005 QA Track)

Tokyo Institute of Technology
postscript file   TREC 2005 Question Answering Experiments at Tokyo Institute of Technology

University of Albany SUNY
postscript file   ILQUA -- An IE-Driven Question Answering System

University of Amsterdam
postscript file   Towards a Multi-Stream Question Answering-As-XML-Retrieval Strategy

University of Central Florida
postscript file   Question Answering with SEMEX at TREC 2005

University of Edinburgh
postscript file   Question Answering with QED at TREC 2005

University of Essex
postscript file   Question Answering Using the DLT System at TREC 2005

University of Limerick
postscript file   Question Answering Using the DLT System at TREC 2005

University of Maryland, College Park
postscript file   A Menagerie of Tracks at Maryland: HARD, Enterprise, QA, and Genomics, Oh My!

University of North Texas
postscript file   UNT 2005 TREC QA Participation: Using Lemur as IR Search Engine

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
postscript file   TALP-UPC at TREC 2005: Experiments Using a Voting Scheme Among Three Heterogeneous QA Systems

University of Sheffield
postscript file   The University of Sheffield's TREC 2005 Q&A Experiments

University of Sydney
postscript file   Question Answering with QED at TREC 2005

U.S. Department of Defense
postscript file   QACTIS-based Question Answering at TREC 2005

Genomics] [Hard] [Enterprise] [Question Answering]
[Spam] [Terabyte]
Arizona State University
postscript file   Building on Redundancy: Factoid Question Answering, Robust Retrieval and the "Other"

Columbia University
postscript file   Building on Redundancy: Factoid Question Answering, Robust Retrieval and the "Other"

Chinese Academy of Sciences
postscript file   CAS-ICT at TREC 2005 Robust Track: Using Query Expansion and RankRusion to Improve Effectiveness and Robustness of Ad Hoc Information Retrieval

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
postscript file   MATRIX at the TREC 2005 Robust Track

City University of New York
postscript file   MATRIX at the TREC 2005 Robust Track

Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Sanit-Etienne
postscript file   Fuzzy Proximity Ranking with Boolean Queries

postscript file   Enterprise, QA, Robust and Terabyte Experiments with Hummingbird SearchServer at TREC 2005

IBM Haifa Research Lab
postscript file   Juru at TREC 2005: Query Prediction in the Terabyte and the Robust Tracks

Indiana University, Bloomington
postscript file   WIDIT in TREC 2005 HARD, Robust, and SPAM Tracks

postscript file   A Conceptual Indexing Approach for the TREC Robust Task

postscript file   A Conceptual Indexing Approach for the TREC Robust Task

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
postscript file   JHU/APL at TREC 2005: QA Retrieval and Robust Tracks

Meiji University
postscript file   Meiji University HARD and Robust Track Experiments

National Institute of Standards and Technology
postscript file   Overview of the TREC 2005 Robust Retrieval Track

Queens College, CUNY
postscript file   TREC 2005 Robust Track Experiments Using PIRCS

Queensland University of Technology
postscript file   Queensland University of Technology at TREC 2005

RMIT University
postscript file   RMIT University at TREC 2005: Terabyte and Robust Track

Sabir Research, Inc.
postscript file   Looking at Limits and Tradeoffs: Sabir Research at TREC 2005

The University of Hong Kong
postscript file   Building on Redundancy: Factoid Question Answering, Robust Retrieval and the "Other"

University of Illinois at Chicago
postscript file   UIC at TREC 2005: Robust Track

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
postscript file   An Axiomatic Approach to IR--UIUC TREC 2005 Robust Track Experiments

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
postscript file   UMass Robust 2005: Using Mixtures of Relevance Models for Query Expansion

The University of Melbourne
postscript file   RMIT University at TREC 2005: Terabyte and Robust Track

Genomics] [Hard] [Enterprise] [Question Answering]
[Robust] [Terabyte]
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
postscript file   PRIS Kidult Anti-SPAM Solution at the TREC 2005 Spam Track:
Improving the Performance of Naive Bayes for Spam Detection

Breyer, L.A.
postscript file   DBACL at the TREC 2005

Chinese Academy of Sciences (NLPR)
postscript file   CAS-ICT at TREC 2005 SPAM Track: Using Non-Textual Information to Improve Spam Filtering Performance

Dalhousie University
postscript file   DalTREC 2005 Spam Track: Spam Filtering Using N-gram-based Techniques

postscript file   CRM114 versus Mr. X: CRM114 Notes for the TREC 2005 Spam Track

Freie Universitat Berlin
postscript file   CRM114 versus Mr. X: CRM114 Notes for the TREC 2005 Spam Track

IBM Research
postscript file   IBM SpamGuru on the TREC 2005 Spam Track

Indiana University, Bloomington
postscript file   WIDIT in TREC 2005 HARD, Robust, and SPAM Tracks

Josef Stefan Institute
postscript file   Spam Filtering Using Character-Level Markov Models: Experiments for the TREC 2005 Spam Track

L.A. Breyer
postscript file   TREC 2005 Enterprise Track Experiments at BUPT

Massey University
postscript file   A TREC Along the Spam Track with SpamBayes

postscript file   CRM114 versus Mr. X: CRM114 Notes for the TREC 2005 Spam Track

Mitsubhshi and University of California
postscript file   CRM114 versus Mr. X: CRM114 Notes for the TREC 2005 Spam Track

postscript file   Simple Language Models for Spam Detection

University of Waterloo
postscript file   TREC 2005 Spam Track Overview

York University
postscript file   York University at TREC 2005: SPAM Track

Genomics] [Hard] [Enterprise] [Question Answering]
[Robust] [Spam]
Dublin City University
postscript file   Dublin City University at the TREC 2005 Terabyte Track

postscript file   Enterprise, QA, Robust and Terabyte Experiments with Hummingbird SearchServer at TREC 2005

IBM Haifa Research Lab
postscript file   Juru at TREC 2005: Query Prediction in the Terabyte and the Robust Tracks

National Institute of Standards and Technology
postscript file   The TREC 2005 Terabyte Track

National Taiwan University
postscript file   National Taiwan University at Terabyte Track of TREC 2005

Peking University
postscript file   Tianwang Search Engine at TREC 2005: Terabyte Track

Queensland University of Technology
postscript file   Queensland University of Technology at TREC 2005

postscript file   The TREC 2005 Terabyte Track
postscript file   RMIT University at TREC 2005: Terabyte and Robust Track

Sabir Research, Inc.
postscript file   Looking at Limits and Tradeoffs: Sabir Research at TREC 2005

Tsinghua University (State Key Lab)
postscript file   THUIR at TREC 2005 Terabyte Track

University of Amsterdam
postscript file   Effective Smoothing for a Terabyte of Text

Universita degli Studi di Milano
postscript file   MG4J at TREC 2005

University of Glasgow
postscript file   University of Glasgow at TREC 2005:
Experiments in Terabyte and Enterprise Tracks with Terrier

University of Massachusetts, Amherst
postscript file   Indri at TREC 2005: Terabyte Track

The University of Melbourne
postscript file   RMIT University at TREC 2005: Terabyte and Robust Track
postscript file   Melbourne University 2005: Enterprise and Terabyte Tasks

Universita di Pisa
postscript file   IXE at the TREC 2005 Terabyte Task
postscript file   Efficiency vs. Effectiveness in Terabyte-Scale Information Retrieval

University of Waterloo
postscript file   The TREC 2005 Terabyte Track

York University
postscript file   York University at TREC 2005: Terabyte Track

Last updated: Wednesday, 27-Sep-2006 13:25:09 UTC
Date created: Friday, February 17, 2006