NIST Special Publication:
SP 500-321

The Twenty-Fifth Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC 2016) Proceedings

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NOTE: All papers are available in PDF format.

The inclusion or omission of a particular company or product implies neither endorsement nor criticism by NIST. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the individual papers are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.

Overview Papers

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Track
    Kirk Roberts - The University of Texas Health Science Center
    Dina Demner-Fushman - U.S. National Library of Medicine
    Ellen M. Voorhees - National Institute of Standards and Technology
    William R. Hersh - Oregon Health and Science University

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2016 Contextual Suggestion Track
    Seyyed Hadi Hashemi, Jaap Kamps and Julia Kiseleva - University of Amsterdam
    Charles L.A. Clarke - University of Waterloo
    Ellen M. Voorhees - National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • PDF file TREC 2016 Dynamic Domain Track Overview
    Grace Hui Yang - Georgetown University
    Ian Soboroff - National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2016 LiveQA Track
    Eugene Agichtein - Emory University
    David Carmel, Dan Pelleg, Yuval Pinter - Yahoo Research, Haifa
    Donna Harman - National Institute of Standards and Technology

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2016 Real-Time Summarization Track
    Jimmy Lin, Adam Roegiest and Luchen Tan - University of Waterloo
    Richard McCreadie - University of Glasgow
    Ellen Voorhees - National Institute of Standards and Technology
    Fernando Diaz - Microsoft Research

  • PDF file TREC 2016 Total Recall Track Overview
    Maura R. Grossman, Gordon V. Cormack and Adam Roegiest - University of Waterloo

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC Tasks Track 2016
    Manisha Verma, Emine Yilmaz and Rishabh Mehrotra - University College London
    Evangelos Kanoulas - University of Amsterdam
    Ben Carterette - University of Delaware
    Nick Craswell and Peter Bailey - Microsoft

  • Participant Papers

  • PDF file [ADAPT_TCD] ADAPT_TCD: An Ontology-Based Context Aware Approach for Contextual Suggestion
    Mostafa Bayomi and Séamus Lawless - ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

  • PDF file [AKSW] Answering Live Questions from Heterogeneous Data Sources: SMART in Live QA at TREC2016
    Edgard Marx and Sandro Coelho - University of Leipzig

  • PDF file [BJUT] BJUT at TREC 2016 OpenSearch Track: Search Ranking Based on Clickthrough Data
    Cheng Li and Zhen Yang - Beijing University of Technology
    David Lillis - Beijing University of Technology and University College Dublin

  • PDF file [BJUT] BJUT at TREC 2016: LiveQA Track
    Youjun E, Weitong Chen and Zhen Yang - Beijing University of Technology

  • PDF file [BJUT] BJUT at TREC 2016: Real-Time Summarization Track
    Kai Wang and Zhen Yang - Beijing University of Technology

  • PDF file [bupt_pris_2016] Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT) at TREC 2016: A Rating Model Based on Tags for ABSTRACT Contextual Suggestion
    Danping Yin, Siyuan Gao, Zonghui Peng, Yameng Li and Ruifang Liu - PRIS Lab, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  • PDF file [catres] An Exploration of Total Recall with Multiple Manual Seedings
    Jeremy Pickens, Tom Gricks, Bayu Hardi, Mark Noel and John Tredennick - Catalyst Repository Systems

  • PDF file [cbnu] CBNU at TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Track
    Seung-Hyeon Jo and Kyung-Soon Lee - Chonbuk National University

  • PDF file [CCNU2016NLP] CCNU at TREC 2016 Real-Time Summarization Track
    Chao Bei and Po Hu - Central China Normal University

  • PDF file [CCNU2016TREC] CCNU at TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Track
    Yue Zhang, Po Hu and Fanghong Jian - Central China Normal University

  • PDF file [CLIP] CLIP at TREC 2016: LiveQA and RTS
    Mossaab Bagdouri and Douglas W. Oard - University of Maryland

  • PDF file [CMU-OAQA] CMU OAQA at TREC 2016 LiveQA: An Attentional Neural Encoder-Decoder Approach for Answer Ranking
    Di Wang and Eric Nyberg - Carnegie Mellon University

  • PDF file [COMP2016] PolyU at TREC 2016 Real-Time Summarization
    Haihui Tan, Dajun Luo and Wenjie Li - Polytechnic University

  • PDF file [CSIROmed] CSIRO at TREC Clinical Decision Support Track
    Sarvnaz Karimi, Sara Falamaki and Vincent Nguyen - Data61, CSIRO

  • PDF file [DA_IICT] Team DA IICT at Clinical Decision Support Track in TREC 2016: Topic Modeling for Query Expansion
    Jainisha Sankhavara and Prasenjit Majumder - Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology

  • PDF file [DPLAB_IITBHU] Employing open-web for Contextual Suggestion using tag-tag similarity
    Sainyam Kapoor, Manajit Chakraborty and C. Ravindranath Chowdary - Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)

  • PDF file [DUTH] Augmenting Medical Queries with UMLS Concepts via MetaMap
    Christopher Agrafiotes and Avi Arampatzis - Database and Information Retrieval Research Unit, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace

  • PDF file [DUTH] Recommending Points-of-Interest via Weighted kNN, Rated Rocchio, and Borda Count Fusion
    Georgios Kalamatianos and Avi Arampatzis - Database and Information Retrieval Research Unit, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace

  • PDF file [e-discoveryteam] TREC 2016 Total Recall Track
    Ralph Losey, National e-Discovery Counsel, Jackson Lewis P.C. and
    Jim Sullivan, Tony Reichenberger, Levi Kuehn and Jani Grant - Sr. Discovery Services Consultants, Kroll Ontrack, Inc. and

  • PDF file [ECNU] ECNU at TREC 2016: Web-based query expansion and experts diagnosis in Medical Information Retrieval
    Hongyu Liu, Yang Song, Yun He, Yueyao Wang, Qinmin Hu and Liang He - Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing
    Hongyu Liu, Yang Song, Yun He, Yueyao Wang, Qinmin Hu and Liang He - Department of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University

  • PDF file [ECNU] ECNU at 2016 LiveQA Track: A Parameter Sharing Long Short Term Memory Model for Learning Question Similarity
    Weijie An, Mengfei Shi, Xin Ouyang, Yan Yang, Qinmin Hu, and Liang He - Department of Computer Science and Technology, East China Normal University

  • PDF file [EmoryIrLab] Emory University at TREC LiveQA 2016: Combining Crowdsourcing and Learning-To-Rank Approaches for Real-Time Complex Question Answering
    Denis Savenkov and Eugene Agichtein - Emory University

  • PDF file [ETH] ETH Zurich at TREC Clinical Decision Support 2016
    Simon Greuter, Philip Junker, Lorenz Kuhn, Felix Mance, Virgile Mermet, Angela Rellstab and Carsten Eickhoff - Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich

  • PDF file [ExPoSe] Significant Words Language Models for Contextual Suggestion
    Mostafa Dehghani and Jaap Kamps - Institute for Logic, University of Amsterdam
    Hosein Azarbonyad and Maarten Marx - Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam

  • PDF file [FUM-IRLAB] A Context Based Recommender System through Collaborative Filtering and Word Embedding Techniques
    Mahsa Khorasani, Hamid Sadjadi, Faezeh Ramazani and Faezeh Ensan

  • PDF file [georgetown] An Investigation of Basic Retrieval Models for the Dynamic Domain Task
    Razieh Rahimi and Grace Hui Yang - Georgetown University

  • PDF file [HAUT] Literature based Clinical Decision Support: Searching Articles According to Medical Needs
    Baoli Li - Department of Computer Science, Henan University of Technology
    Jikang Xiao, Shigen Jiang, Zhen Wang, Haoqi Ding and Yaojun Niu - Cognitive Computing Group

  • PDF file [HLJIT] HLJIT at TREC 2016: The Approaches Based on Document Language Model for Real-Time Summarization Track
    Song Li, Zhenyuan Hao, Zhongyuan Han, Leilei Kong and Haoliang Qi - School of Computer Science and Technology, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology
    Song Li and Leilei Kong - College of Information and Communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University

  • PDF file [IAII_PUT] PUT Contribution to TREC CDS 2016
    Jakub Dutkiewicz, Czesław Jędrzejek, Michał Frąckowiak and Paweł Werda - Poznan University of Technology

  • PDF file [ims_unipd] The University of Padua (IMS) at TREC 2016 Total Recall Track
    Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Maria Maistro, and Daniel Zilio - University of Padua

  • PDF file [IR-IITBHU] IR-IITBHU at TREC 2016 Open Search Track: Retrieving documents using Divergence From Randomness model in Terrier
    Mitodru Niyogi - Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology
    Sukomal Pal - Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)

  • PDF file [IR.SFSU.2016] San Francisco State University at LiveQA Track of TREC 2016
    Maria Khvalchik and Anagha Kulkarni - San Francisco State University

  • PDF file [IR.SFSU.2016] San Francisco State University (SFSU) at Total Recall Track of TREC 2016
    Mon-Shih Chuang and Anagha Kulkarni - San Francisco State University

  • PDF file [iris] Query Expansion with Automatically Predicted Diagnosis: iRiS at TREC CDS track 2016
    Danchen Zhang, Daqing He, Sanqiang Zhao, and Lei Li - University of Pittsburgh

  • PDF file [IRIT] IRIT @ TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Track
    Gia-Hung Nguyen, Lynda Tamine and Nathalie Bricon-Souf - IRIT, Université de Toulouse
    Laure Soulier - Sorbonne Universités

  • PDF file [IRIT] IRIT at TREC Real Time Summarization 2016
    Bilel Moulahi, Lamjed Ben Jabeur, Abdelhamid Chellal, Thomas Palmer, Lynda Tamine, Mohand Boughanem, Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat, and Gilles Hubert - Université de Toulouse UPS-IRIT

  • PDF file [IRLAB_DA-IICT] DAIICT at TREC RTS 2016: Live Push Notification and Email Digest
    Sandip Modha, Krati Agrawal, Deepali Verma and Prasenjit Majumder - DAIICT
    Chintak Mandalia - LDRP

  • PDF file [JBC-TREC2016] University of Texas Rio Grande Valley TREC LiveQA 2016: Using Topic Modeling to Answer Complex Questions
    Josue Balandrano Coronel - University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

  • PDF file [LavalLakehead] Word embeddings and Global Preference for Contextual Suggestion
    Jian Mo, Luc Lamontagne and Richard Khoury - Laval University

  • PDF file [LavalLakehead] Laval University at TREC Dynamic Domain 2016: Subtopic extraction focused on Named Entities
    Robin Joganah, Richard Khoury and Luc Lamontagne - Université Laval

  • PDF file [MayoNLPTeam] An Ensemble Model of Clinical Information Extraction and Information Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support
    Yanshan Wang, Majid Rastegar-Mojarad, Ravikumar Komandur-Elayavilli, Sijia Liu and Hongfang Liu - Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic

  • PDF file [MERCKKGAA] Semi-Supervised Information Retrieval System for Clinical Decision Support
    Harsha Gurulingappa, Luca Toldo and Claudia Schepers - Merck KGaA
    Alexander Bauer - Cognizant Technology Solutions
    Gerard Megaro - EMD Millipore Corporation

  • PDF file [nch_risi] Evaluation of a Machine Learning Method to Rank PubMed Central Articles For Clinical Relevancy: NCH at TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Track
    Wei Chen, Soheil Moosavinasab, Steve Rust, Yungui Huang and Simon Lin - Department of Research Information Solutions and Innovation, The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital
    Anna Zemke and Ariana Prinzbach - College of Medicine, The Ohio State University

  • PDF file [NKU] NKU at TREC 2016: Clinical Decision Support Track
    Hualong Zhang and Liting Liu - Intelligent Information Processing Lab, NanKai University

  • PDF file [NLM_NIH] NLM NIH at TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Track
    Asma Ben Abacha - U.S. National Library of Medicine, MD

  • PDF file [PKUICST] PKUICST at TREC 2016 Real-Time Summarization Track: Push Notifications and Email Digest
    Lili Yao, Chao Lv, Feifan Fan, Jianwu Yang and Dongyan Zhao - Peking University

  • PDF file [prna] Clinical Question Answering using Key-Value Memory Networks and Knowledge Graph
    Sadid A. Hasan, Siyuan Zhao, Vivek Datla, Joey Liu, Kathy Lee, Ashequl Qadir, Aaditya Prakash and Oladimeji Farri - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Philips Research North America

  • PDF file [prna] Open Domain Real-Time Question Answering Based on Semantic and Syntactic Question Similarity
    Vivek Datla, Sadid A. Hasan, Joey Liu, Yassine Benajiba, Kathy Lee, Ashequl Qadir, Aaditya Prakash and Oladimeji Farri - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Philips Research North America

  • PDF file [prna] Assorted Textual Features and Dynamic Push Strategies for Real-time Tweet Notification
    Kathy Lee, Ashequl Qadir, Vivek Datla, Sadid A. Hasan, Joey Liu, Aaditya Prakash and Oladimeji Farri - Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Philips Research North America

  • PDF file [QU] Real, Live, and Concise: Answering Open-Domain Questions with Word Embedding and Summarization
    Rana Malhas, Marwan Torki, Rahma Ali and Tamer Elsayed - Qatar University
    Evi Yulianti - RMIT University

  • PDF file [QU] Light-weight, Conservative, yet Effective: Scalable Real-time Tweet Summarization
    Reem Suwaileh, Maram Hasanain and Tamer Elsayed - Qatar University

  • PDF file [RMIT] RMIT @ TREC 2016 Dynamic Domain Track: Exploiting Passage Representation for Retrieval and Relevance Feedback
    Ameer Albahem, Damiano Spina, Lawrence Cavedon and Falk Scholer - RMIT University

  • PDF file [RMIT] RMIT at the TREC 2016 LiveQA Track
    Joel Mackenzie, Ruey-Cheng Chen and J. Shane Culpepper - RMIT University

  • PDF file [SCIAICLTeam] Siena's Clinical Decision Assistant with Machine Learning
    Brendan Kish, Thomas Walsh, Katherine Small, Steven Gassert, Kylie Small and Sharon Gower Small - Siena College Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • PDF file [SCIAICLTeam] Siena College's Institute of Artificial Intelligence TREC 2016 Contextual Suggestion Track
    Tristan Canova, Daniel Carpenter, Kevin Danaher, Neil Devine, Darren Lim - Siena College Institute for Artificial Intelligence

  • PDF file [THKoeln-GESIS] Popularity Ranking for Scientific Literature Using the Characteristic Scores and Scale Method
    Philipp Schaer - TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences)
    Narges Tavakolpoursaleh - GESIS --- Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

  • PDF file [Uamsterdam] Neural Endorsement Based Contextual Suggestion
    Seyyed Hadi Hashemi and Jaap Kamps - University of Amsterdam
    Nawal Ould Amer - University of Grenoble

  • PDF file [udel_fang] Extracting Useful Information from Clinical Notes
    Yue Wang and Hui Fang - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware

  • PDF file [udel_fang] Query Performance Prediction and Topic Shift in Microblog Retrieval
    Kuang Lu and Hui Fang - University of Delaware

  • PDF file [ufmg] UFMG at the TREC 2016 Dynamic Domain track
    Felipe Moraes, Rodrygo L. T. Santos and Nivio Ziviani - Department of Computer Science, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
    Nivio Ziviani - Kunumi

  • PDF file [UiS] The University of Stavanger at the TREC 2016 Tasks Track
    Darío Garigliotti and Krisztian Balog - University of Stavanger

    Lokesh Kumar Viswavarapu - Intelligent Information Access Laboratory, College of Information - Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering - University of North Texas
    Jiangping Chen, Ana Cleveland and Jodi Philbrick - Department of Information Science, College of Information - University of North Texas

  • PDF file [uogTr] University of Glasgow Terrier Team at TREC 2016: Experiments in Contextual Suggestions
    Jarana Manotumruksa, Craig Macdonald and Iadh Ounis - University of Glasgow

  • PDF file [UPD_IA] Evaluation of a Feedback Algorithm inspired by Quantum Detection for Dynamic Search Tasks
    Emanuele Di Buccio and Massimo Melucci - University of Padua

  • PDF file [USI] Venue Appropriateness Prediction for Contextual Suggestion
    Mohammad Aliannejadi, Ida Mele, and Fabio Crestani - Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI)

  • PDF file [WaterlooCormack] "When to Stop" Waterloo (Cormack) Participation in the TREC 2016 Total Recall Track
    Gordon V. Cormack, Maura R. Grossman - University of Waterloo

  • PDF file [Webis] Webis at TREC 2016: Tasks, Total Recall, and Open Search Tracks
    Matthias Hagen, Johannes Kiesel, Payam Adineh, Masoud Alahyari, Ehsan Fatehifar, Arefeh Bahrami, Pia Fichtl and Benno Stein - Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

  • PDF file [WHUIRGroup] WHUIRGroup at TREC 2016 Clinical Decision Support Task
    Ruixue Wang, Heng Ding and Wei Lu - Wuhan University

  • Appendix

    Last updated: Monday, 15-Apr-2019 11:25:17 MDT
    Date created: February 16, 2017