NIST Special Publication 500-238:
The Fifth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-5)

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postscript fileFOREWORD
postscript fileABSTRACT


  1. postscript file Overview of the Fifth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-5) , page 1
    E. Voorhees, D. Harman (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  2. postscript fileTREC-5 Interactive Track Report , page 29
    P. Over (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  3. postscript file Spanish and Chinese Document Retrieval in TREC-5 , page 57
    A. Smeaton (Dublin City University) and R. Wilkinson (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
  4. postscript file Report on the TREC-5 Confusion Track , page 65
    P. Kantor (Rutgers University) and E. Voorhees (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  5. postscript file The TREC-5 Filtering Track , page 75
    D. D. Lewis, AT&T Labs--Research
  6. postscript fileNLP Track at TREC-5 , page 97
    T. Strzalkowski (GE Corporate Research and Development), K. Sparck Jones (University of Cambridge)
  7. postscript file The TREC-5 Database Merging Track , page 103
    E. Voorhees (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  8. postscript file Using Query Zoning and Correlation Within SMART: TREC 5 , page 105
    C. Buckley, A. Singhal, M. Mitra (Cornell University)
  9. postscript file INQUERY at TREC-5 , page 119
    J. Allan, J. Callan, B. Croft, L. Ballesteros, J. Broglio, J. Xu, H. Shu
    (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
  10. postscript file TREC-5 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS, page 133
    K.L. Kwok and L. Grunfeld (Queens College, CUNY)
  11. postscript file Okapi at TREC-5, page 143
    M.M. Beaulieu, M. Gatford, X. Huang, S.E. Robertson, S. Walker, P. Williams
    (City University, London)
  12. postscript file Xerox TREC-5 Site Report: Routing, Filtering, NLP, and Spanish Tracks , page 167
    D.A. Hull, G. Grefenstette, B.M. Schultze, E. Gaussier (Rank Xerox Research Center), Hinrich Schutze (Xerox PARC), J. O. Pedersen (Verity Corporation)
  13. postscript file Term importance, Boolean conjunct training, negative terms, and foreign language retrieval: probabilistic algorithms at TREC-5 , page 181
    F. C. Gey, A. Chen, J. He, L. Xu, and J. Meggs (University of California, Berkeley)
  14. postscript file Berkeley Chinese Information Retrieval at TREC-5: Technical Report , page 191
    J. He, J. Xu, A. Chen, J. Meggs, F.C. Gey (University of California, Berkeley)
  15. postscript file TREC-5 Experiments at Dublin City University:
    Query Space Reduction, Spanish & Character Shape Encoding
    , page 197
    F. Kelledy and A. F. Smeaton (Dublin City University)
  16. postscript file The MDS Experiments for TREC5 , page 209
    M. Kaszkiel, P. Vines, R. Wilkinson, J. Zobel (MDS at RMIT)
  17. postscript file SPIDER Retrieval System at TREC-5, page 217
    J.P. Ballerini, M. Buchel, R. Domenig, D. Knaus, B. Mateev, E. Mittendorf,
    P. Schauble, P. Sheridan, M. Wechsler (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH))
  18. postscript file Ad Hoc Experiments Using EUREKA , page 229
    A. Lu, M. Ayoub, J. Dong (Lexis-Nexis)
  19. postscript file InTEXT Automatic Query Enhancement in TREC-5, page 241
    R. Jones, M. Burnett, L. Pape (InTEXT Systems)
  20. postscript file Experiments on Routing, Filtering and Chinese Text Retrieval in TREC-5, page247
    C. Ngo and K.F. Lai (Information Technology Institute, Singapore)
  21. postscript file Rutgers Interactive Track at TREC-5 , page 257
    N. J. Belkin, A. Cabezas, C. Cool, K. Kim, K. B. Ng, S. Park, R. Pressman, S. Rieh,
    P. Savage, H. Xie (Rutgers University)
  22. postscript file Interactive Substring Retrieval (MultiText Experiments for TREC-5), page 267
    C.L.A. Clarke (University of Toronto), G.V. Cormack (University of Waterloo)
  23. postscript file V-Twin: A Lightweight Engine for Interactive Use , page 279
    D.E. Rose and C. Stevens (Apple Computer, Inc.)
  24. postscript file Natural Language Information Retrieval: TREC-5 Report , page 291
    T. Strzalkowski, F. Lin, J. Wang (GE Corporate Research & Development)
    L. Guthrie, J. Leistensnider, J. Wilding (Lockheed Martin Corporation)
    J. Karlgren, T. Straszheim (Department of Computer Science, New York University)
    J. Perez-Carballo (School of Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University)
  25. CLARIT Compound Queries and Constraint-Controlled Feedback in TREC-5 Ad-Hoc Experiments, page 315
    N. Milic-Frayling, D. Evans (CLARITECH Corporation); X. Tong, C. Zhai (Carnegie Mellon University)
  26. postscript file Experiments on Chinese Text Indexing -- CLARIT TREC-5 Chinese Track Report, page 335
    C. Zhai (Carnegie Mellon University), X. Tong (Carnegie Mellon University),
    N. Milic-Frayling (CLARITECH Corp.), D.A. Evans (CLARITECH Corp.)
  27. postscript file OCR Correction and Query Expansion for Retrieval on OCR Data -- CLARIT TREC-5 Confusion Track Report , page 341
    C. Zhai (Carnegie Mellon University), X. Tong (Carnegie Mellon University),
    N. Milic-Frayling (CLARITECH Corp.), D.A. Evans (CLARITECH Corp.)
  28. postscript file Evaluation of Syntactic Phrase Indexing -- CLARIT NLP Track Report, page 347
    C. Zhai (Carnegie Mellon University), X. Tong (Carnegie Mellon University),
    N. Milic-Frayling (CLARITECH Corp.), D.A. Evans (CLARITECH Corp.)
  29. postscript file ANU/ACSys TREC-5 Experiments, page 359
    D. Hawking, P. Thistlewaite, P. Bailey (Australian National University)
  30. postscript file Parallel Techniques For Efficient Searching Over Very Large Text Collections, page 377
    B. Mamalis, P. Spirakis, B. Tampakas (Computer Technology Institute)
  31. postscript file Document Retrieval Using The MPS Information Server (A Report on the TREC-5 Experiment) , page 391
    F. Schiettecatte (FS Consulting, Inc.)
  32. postscript file Using Relevance Feedback within the Relational Model for TREC-5 , page 405
    D. A. Grossman (Office of Information Technology), J. Reichart (P2000 Technology Inc.), A. Chowdhury, C. Lundquist (George Mason University), D. Holmes (NCR),
    O. Frieder (Florida Institute of Technology)
  33. postscript file TREC-5 Ad Hoc Retrieval Using K Nearest-Neighbors Re-Scoring , page 415
    E. P. Chan, S. Garcia, S. Roukos (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
  34. postscript file The GURU System in TREC-5 , page 427
    Y. Ravin (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
  35. postscript file Mercure02: adhoc and routing tasks , page 429
    M. Boughanem (Universite de Limoges) and C. Soule-Dupuy (Institut de
    Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
  36. postscript file Information Retrieval and Trainable Natural Language Processing , page 433
    J. D. Burger, J. S. Aberdeen, D. D. Palmer (The MITRE Corporation)
  37. postscript file Using Bayesian Networks as Retrieval Engines , page 437
    M. Indrawan, D. Ghazfan, B. Srinivasan (Monash University, Australia)
  38. postscript file CRL English Routing System for TREC-5 , page 445
    J. Cowie, Z. Guan (New Mexico State University)
  39. postscript file New Experiments In Cross-Language Text Retrieval At NMSU's Computing Research Lab , page 447
    M. Davis (New Mexico State University)
  40. postscript file Experiments with TREC using the Open Text Livelink Engine , page 455
    L. Fitzpatrick (Open Text Corporation)
  41. postscript file Data Fusion of Machine-Learning Methods for the TREC5 Routing Task
    (and other work)
    , page 477
    K. B. Ng (APLab Rutgers University, SCILS),
    D. Loewenstern (Computer Science Department, Rutgers University and Bell Laboratories),
    C. Basu (Computer Science Department, Rutgers University and Bellcore),
    H. Hirsh (Computer Science Department, Rutgers University),
    P. Kantor (APLab, Rutgers University and SCILS)
  42. Report on the TREC-5 Experiment: Data Fusion and Collection Fusion, page 489
    J. Savoy, A. Le Calve, D. Vrajitoru (Universite de Neuchatel)
  43. postscript fileUsing Relevance to Train a Linear Mixture of Experts , page 503
    C.C. Vogt, G.W. Cottrell, R.K. Belew, B.T. Bartell (University of California, San Diego)
  44. postscript fileReport on the Glasgow IR group (glair4) submission , page 517
    M. Sanderson, I. Ruthven (University of Glasgow)
  45. postscript fileMetric Multidimensional Information Space , page 521
    G.B. Newby (University of Illinois)
  46. postscript file Corpus Analysis for TREC 5 Query Expansion , page 537
    S. Gauch, J. Wang (University of Kansas)
  47. postscript fileAlignment of Spanish and English TREC Topic Descriptions , page 547
    D. W. Oard (University of Maryland)
  48. postscript file An Investigation of Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Linear and Probabilistic Models , page 555
    R.G. Sumner, Jr., W.M. Shaw, Jr. (University of North Carolina)


    A. postscript fileTREC-5 Results, page A-1
    postscript fileSystem Features
    B. postscript file Summary Performance Comparisons TREC-2, TREC-3, TREC-4, TREC-5, page B-1
        K. Sparck-Jones (University of Cambridge)
Last updated: Monday, 15-Apr-2019 11:10:28 EDT
Date created: Tuesday, 01-Aug-00
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