[Million Query]
[Relevance Feedback]
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
PRIS in TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Carnegie Mellon Univeristy
Document and Query Expansion Models for Blog Distillation
- Dalian University of Technology
DUTIR at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Dublin City University
DCU at the TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
FUB, IASI-CNR and University of Tor Vergata at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Instituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica
FUB, IASI-CNR and University of Tor Vergata at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
IIT Kharagpur at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Indiana University
WIDIT in TREC 2008 Blog Track: Leveraging Multiple Sources of Opinion Evidence
- Korea University
A Hybrid Method for Opinion finding Task
(KUNLP at TREC 2008 Blog Track)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Overview of the TREC 2008 Blog Track
- Pohang University of Science and Technology
KLE at TREC 2008 Blog Track: Blog Post and Feed Retrieval
- The State University of New York at Buffalo
TREC 2008 at the University at Buffalo:
Legal and Blog Track
- TNO Information and Communication Technology
Polarity Classification of Blog TREC 2008 Data with a Geodesic Kernel
- Tsinghua University
THUIR at TREC 2008: Blog Track
- University of Amsterdam
External Query Expansion in the Blogosphere
- University of Glasgow
Overview of the TREC 2008 Blog Track
University of Glasgow at TREC 2008:
Experiments in Blog, Enterprise, and Relevance Feedback Tracks with Terrier
- University of Illinois at Chicago
UIC at TREC 208 Blog Track
- University of Lugano
University of Lugano at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
UMass at TREC 2008 Blog Distillation Task
- University of Neuchatel
UniNE at TREC 2008: Fact and Opinion Retrieval in the Blogsphere
- Universidade do Porto
FEUP at TREC 2008 Blog Track: Using Temporal Evidence for Ranking and Feed Distillation
FUB, IASI-CNR and University of Tor Vergata at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- University of Texas at Dallas
UTDallas at TREC 2008 Blog Track
University of Waterloo at TREC 2008 Blog Track
- York University
York University at TREC 2008: Blog Track
[Million Query]
[Relevance Feedback]
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research on Enterprise Track of TREC 2008
Overview of the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track
Overview of the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track
- Drexel University
CSIR at TREC 2008 Expert Search Task:
Modeling Expert Evidence in Expertise Retrieval
- Fudan University
Using Role Determination and Expert Mining in the Enterprise Environment
- INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Weighted PageRank: Cluster-Related Weights
- Microsoft
Overview of the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
Overview of the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track
- National University of Ireland, Galway
DERI at TREC 2008 Enterprise Search Track
- RMIT University
RMIT University at TREC 2008: Enterprise Track
- SAP Research
Blind Relevance Feedback with Wikipedia: Enterprise Track
- St. Petersburg State University
Weighted PageRank: Cluster-Related Weights
- Tsinghua University
THUIR at TREC 2008: Enterprise Track
- University of Amsterdam
Combining Candidate and Document Models for Expert Search
Overview of the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track
- University of Avignon
Universities of Avignon and Lyon III at TREC 2008: Enterprise Track
- University College London
The University College London at TREC 2008 Enterprise Track
- University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow at TREC 2008:
Experiments in Blog, Enterprise, and Relevance Feedback Tracks with Terrier
- University of Lyon
Universities of Avignon and Lyon III at TREC 2008: Enterprise Track
- University of Twente
University of Twente at the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track:
Using the Global Web as an Expertise Evidence Source
- Wuhan University
CSIR at TREC 2008 Expert Search Task:
Modeling Expert Evidence in Expertise Retrieval
- Yahoo! Labs
Blind Relevance Feedback with Wikipedia: Enterprise Track
[Million Query]
[Relevance Feedback]
- Italian National Centre for ICT in the Public Adminstrations (CNIPA)
CNIPA, FUB and University of Rome "Tor Vergata" at TREC 2008 Legal Track
- H5
H5 at TREC 2008 Legal Interactive: User Modeling, Assessment & Measurement
- Open Text Corporation
Experiments with the Negotiated Boolean Queries of the TREC 2008 Legal Track
- RMIT University
RMIT University at TREC 2008: Legal Track
- The State University of New York at Buffalo
TREC 2008 at the University at Buffalo:
Legal and Blog Track
- The University of Amsterdam
Where to Stop Reading a Ranked List?
- The University of Iowa
University of Iowa at TREC 2008 Legal and Relevance FeedbackTracks
- University of L'Aquila
CNIPA, FUB and University of Rome "Tor Vergata" at TREC 2008 Legal Track
- University of Maryland, College Park
Query Expansion for Noisy Legal Documents
- University of Pittsburgh
Pitt@TREC08: An Initial Study of Collaborative Information Behavior in E-Discovery
- University of Rome, Tor Vergata
CNIPA, FUB and University of Rome "Tor Vergata" at TREC 2008 Legal Track
- University of Saskatchewan
Distributed EDLSI, BM25, and Power Norm at TREC 2008
- University of Waterloo
MultiText Legal Experiments at TREC 2008
- Ursinus College
Distributed EDLSI, BM25, and Power Norm at TREC 2008
Million Query
[Relevance Feedback]
- Mount Holyoke College
Distributed Multisearch and Resource Selection for the TREC Million Query Track
- Northwestern University
Million Query Track 2008 Overview
- University of Alaska Fairbanks
Distributed Multisearch and Resource Selection for the TREC Million Query Track
- University of Delaware
Million Query Track 2008 Overview
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
Million Query Track 2008 Overview
UMass at TREC 2008 Blog Distillation Task
Million Query Track 2008 Overview
Relevance Feedback
[Million Query]
- Brown University
Incorporating Relevance and Psuedo-relevance Feedback in the Markov Random Field Model
- Carnegie Mellon Univeristy
Extending Relevance Model for Relevance Feedback
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Evaluating a Novel Kind of Retrieval Models Based on Relevance Decision Making in a Relevance Feedback Environment
- Dalian University of Technology
DUTIR at TREC 2008 Relevance Feedback Track
- Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
FUB at TREC 2008 Relevance Feedback Track:
Extending Rocchio with Distributional Term Analysis
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Evaluating a Novel Kind of Retrieval Models Based on Relevance Decision Making in a Relevance Feedback Environment
- Microsoft
Relevance Feedback Track Overview: TREC 2008
- RMIT University
RMIT University at TREC 2008: Relevance Feedback Track
- Sabir Research
Relevance Feedback Track Overview: TREC 2008
- Tinghua University
THUIR at TREC 2008: Relevance Feedback Track
- The University of Amsterdam
The Impact of Positive, Negative and Topical Relevance Feedback
- University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow at TREC 2008:
Experiments in Blog, Enterprise, and Relevance Feedback Tracks with Terrier
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A Study of Adaptive Relevance Feedback--
UIUC TREC 2008 Relevance Feedback Experiments
- The University of Iowa
University of Iowa at TREC 2008 Legal and Relevance FeedbackTracks
- University of Massachusetts
Evaluating a Novel Kind of Retrieval Models Based on Relevance Decision Making in a Relevance Feedback Environment
- University of New York
Evaluating a Novel Kind of Retrieval Models Based on Relevance Decision Making in a Relevance Feedback Environment
Last updated: Wednesday, 23-Dec-2009 20:38:01 UTC
Date created: April 16, 2009
[email protected] |
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