Index of TREC-9 Papers by Task/Track

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Filtering] [Interactive] [Query] [Question Answering]
[Spoken Document Retrieval] [Web]
BBN Technologies
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileTREC-9 Cross Lingual Retrieval at BBN, page 106

Chinese University at Hong Kong
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileTREC-9 CLIR at CUHK Disambiguation by Similarity Values Between Adjacent Words, page 151

Fudan University
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileFDU at TREC-9: CLIR, Filtering and QA Tasks, page 189

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileEnglish-Chinese Informatin Retrieval at IBM, page 223

Johns Hopkins University, APL
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileThe HAIRCUT System at TREC-9, page 273

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileTREC-9 Experiments at KAIST: QA, CLIR and Batch Filtering, page 303

Microsoft Research China, Tsinghua University China, and
the Université de Montréal
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileTREC-9 CLIR Experiments at MSRCN, page 343

MNIS-TextWise Labs
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  fileCINDOR Trec-9 English-Chinese Evaluation, page 379

National Taiwan University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Description of NTU QA and CLIR Systems in TREC-9, page 389

Queens College, CUNY
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TREC-9 Cross Language, Web and Question-Answering Track Experiments using PIRCS, page 419

RMIT University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Melbourne TREC-9 Experiments, page 437

University of California at Berkeley
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TREC-9 Cross-Language Information Retrieval (English-Chinese) Overview, page 15
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file English-Chinese Cross-Language IR Using Bilingual Dictionaries, page 517

University of Maryland
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TREC-9 Experiments at Maryland: Interactive CLIR, page 543

University of Massachusetts
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file INQUERY and TREC-9, page 551

Cross-Language] [Interactive] [Query] [Question Answering]
[Spoken Document Retrieval] [Web]
Carnegie Mellon University
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file kNN at TREC-9, page 127
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document
  Format (PDF) fileYFilter at TREC-9, page 135

Fudan University
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileFDU at TREC-9: CLIR, Filtering and QA Tasks, page 189

Informatique-CDC, ESPCI
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileTraining Context-Sensitive Neural Networks with Few Relevant Examples for the TREC-9 Routing, page 257

postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileMercure at trec9: Web and Filtering tasks, page 263

KDD R&D Laboratories, Inc., Waseda University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileExperiments on the TREC-9 Filtering Track, page 295

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileTREC-9 Experiments at KAIST: QA, CLIR and Batch Filtering, page 303

Microsoft Research, WhizzBang Labs
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file The TREC-9 Filtering Track Final Report, page 25

Microsoft Research Ltd., UK
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Microsoft Cambridge at TREC-9: Filtering Track, page 361

Queens College, CUNY
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TREC-9 Cross Language, Web and Question-Answering Track Experiments using PIRCS, page 419

Rutgers University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Logical Analysis of Data in the TREC-9 Filtering Track, page 453

Université de Montréal
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileThe System RELIEFS: A New Approach for Information Filtering, page 573

University of Iowa
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  file Filters and Answers: The University of Iowa TREC-9 Results, page 533

University of Nijmegen
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  file Incrementality, Half-life, and Threshold Optimization for Adaptive Document Filtering, page 589

Filtering] [Cross-Language] [Query] [Question Answering]
[Spoken Document Retrieval] [Web]
Chapman University
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) filePassive Feedback Collection--An Attempt to Debunk the Myth of Clickthroughs, page 141

National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Oregon Health Sciences University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TREC-9 Interactive Track Report, page 41

Oregon Health Sciences University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Further Analysis of Whether Batch and User Evaluations Give the Same Results with a Question-Answering Task, page 407

RMIT University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Melbourne TREC-9 Experiments, page 437

Rutgers University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Support for Question-Answering in Interactive Information Retrieval: Rutgers' TREC-9 Interactive Track Experience, page 463

University of Glasgow
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering, Relevance Feedback and Summarisation: Trec-9 Interactive Track Report, page 523

University of Sheffield
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Sheffield Interactive Experiment at TREC-9, page 645

Cross-Language] [Filtering] [Interactive]
[Question Answering] [Spoken Document Retrieval] [Web]
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file
  Hummingbird's Fulcrum SearchServer at TREC-9, page 211

Microsoft Research Ltd., UK
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Microsoft Cambridge at TREC-9: Filtering Track, page 361

National Institute of Standards and Technology
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Query Expansion Seen Through Return Order of Relevant Documents, page 51

SabIR Research, Inc.
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Query Expansion Seen Through Return Order of Relevant Documents, page 51
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file The TREC-9 Query Track, page 81

Sun Microsystems Laboratories
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Halfway to Question Answering, page 489

University of Massachusetts
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file INQUERY and TREC-9, page 551

Question Answering
Cross-Language] [Filtering] [Interactive]
[Query] [Spoken Document Retrieval] [Web]
CL Research
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileSyntactic Clues and Lexical Resources in Question-Answering, page 157

Fudan University
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileFDU at TREC-9: CLIR, Filtering and QA Tasks, page 189

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileOne Search Engine or Two for Question-Answering, page 235
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileIBM's Statistical Question Answering System, page 231

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileA Simple Question Answering System, page 251

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileTREC-9 Experiments at KAIST: QA, CLIR and Batch Filtering, page 303

Korea University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering Considering Semantic Categories and Co-Occurence Density, page 317

postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file QALC--The Question-Answering System of LIMSI-CNRS, page 325

Microsoft Research Ltd.
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering Using a Large NLP System, page 355

The MITRE Corporation
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Another Sys Called Qanda, page 369

National Institute of Standards and Technology
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Overview of the TREC-9 Question Answering Track, page 71

National Taiwan University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Description of NTU QA and CLIR Systems in TREC-9, page 389

NTT Data Corporation
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file NTT DATA TREC-9 Question Answering Track Report, page 399

Queens College, CUNY
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format             (PDF) file TREC-9 Cross Language, Web and Question-Answering Track Experiments using PIRCS, page 419

Southern Methodist University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file FALCON: Boosting Knowledge for Answer Engines, page 479

Sun Microsystems Laboratories
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Halfway to Question Answering, page 489

Syracuse University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering: CNLP at the TREC-9 Question Answering Track, page 501

Universidad de Alicante
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file A Semantic Approach to Question Answering Systems, page 511

Universitá di Pisa - Italy
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file The PISAB Question Answering System, page 621

Université de Montréal
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Goal-Driven Answer Extraction, page 563

University of Iowa
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Filters and Answers: The University of Iowa TREC-9 Results, page 533

University of Massachusetts
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file INQUERY and TREC-9, page 551

University of Sheffield
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file University of Sheffield TREC-9 QA System, page 635

University of Southern California
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering in Webclopedia, page 655

University of Waterloo, CTIT
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering by Passage Selection (MultiText Experiments for TREC-9), page 673

Spoken Document Retrieval
Cross-Language] [Filtering] [Interactive] [Query]
[Question Answering] [Web]
Cambridge University
postscript file  Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Spoken Document Retrieval for TREC-9 at Cambridge University, page 117

postscript file  Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file The LIMSI SDR System for TREC-9, page 335

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Spoken Document Retrieval Track Slides

University of Sheffield
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file The Thisl SDR System at TREC-9, page 627

Cross-Language] [Filtering] [Interactive] [Query]
[Question Answering] [Spoken Document Retrieval]
AT&T Labs-Research
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileAT&T Labs at TREC-9, page 103

CSIRO Mathematics and Information Sciences
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileACSys/CSIRO TREC-9 Experiments, page 167
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) fileMelbourne TREC-9 Experiments, page 437
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) fileOverview of the TREC-9 Web Track, page 87

CWI, Amsterdam
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileThe Mirror DBMS at TREC-9, page 171

Dublin City University
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileDublin City University Experiments in Connectivity Analysis for TREC-9, page 179

Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd.
postscript file   Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileFujitsu Laboratories TREC-9 Report, page 203

postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileHummingbird's Fulcrum SearchServer at TREC-9, page 211

Illinois Institute of Technology
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) fileIIT TREC-9-Entity Based Feedback with Fusion, page 241

postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Mercure at trec9: Web and Filtering tasks, page 263

Johns Hopkins University, APL
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file The HAIRCUT System at TREC-9, page 273

Justsystem Corporation
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Reflections on "Aboutness" TREC-9 Evaluation Experiments at Justsystem, page 281

Queens College, CUNY
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TREC-9 Cross Language, Web and Question-Answering Track Experiments using PIRCS, page 419

RICOH Co., Ltd.
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Formati
  (PDF) file Structuring and Expanding Queries in the Probablistic Model, page 427

RMIT University
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Melbourne TREC-9 Experiments, page 437

SabIR Research, Inc.
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file SabIR Research at TREC-9, page 475

TNO-TPD and Univ. of Twente
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file TNO-UT at TREC-9: How Different are Web Documents?, page 665

University of Bangkok, Thailand
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Kasetsart University TREC-9 Experiments, page 289

Université de Neuchâtel
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Report on the TREC-9 Experiment: Link-based Retrieval an Distributed Collections, page 579

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Information Space Based on HTML Structure, page 601

University of Padova, Italy
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Web Document Retrieval Using Passage Retrieval, Connectivity Information, and Automatic Link Weighting--TREC-9 Report, page 611

University of Waterloo, CTIT
postscript file    Adobe Portable Document Format
  (PDF) file Question Answering by Passage Selection (MultiText Experiments for TREC-9), page 673

Last updated: Friday, 05-Oct-2001 13:17:36 UTC
Date created: Wednesday, 01-Aug-17