NIST Special Publication:
SP 500-298

The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC 2012) Proceedings

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NOTE: All papers are available in PDF format.

The inclusion or omission of a particular company or product implies neither endorsement nor criticism by NIST. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the individual papers are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.

Overview Papers

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2012 Contextual Suggestion Track
    Adriel Dean-Hall, Charles L. A. Clarke, University of Waterloo
    Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
    Paul Thomas, CSIRO
    Ellen Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2012 Crowdsourcing Track
    Mark D. Smucker, University of Waterloo
    Gabriella Kazai, Microsoft Research
    Matthew Lease, University of Texas at Austin

  • PDF file Building an Entity-Centric Stream Filtering Test Collection for TREC 2012
    John R. Frank, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Daniel A. Roberts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Feng Niu, Ce Zhang, Christopher Re, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2012 Medical Records Track
    Ellen M. Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    William Hersh, Oregon Health & Science University

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC-2012 Microblog Track
    Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
    Iadh Ounis, Craig Macdonald, University of Glasgow
    Jimmy Lin, University of Maryland

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2012 Session Track
    Evangelos Kanoulas, Google, Zurich
    Ben Carterette, University of Delaware
    Mark Hall, Paul Clough, University of Sheffield
    Mark Sanderson, RMIT University

  • PDF file Overview of the TREC 2012 Web Track
    Charles L. A. Clarke, University of Waterloo
    Nick Craswell, Microsoft
    Ellen M. Voorhees, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

  • Papers

    1. PDF file LSIS at TREC 2012 Medical Track --
      Experiments With Conceptualization, a DFR Model and a Semantic Measure

      Hussam Hamdan, Shereen Albitar, Patrice Bellot, Bernard Espinasse, Sébastien Fournier, LSIS-Aix-Marseille University

    2. PDF file Atigeo at TREC 2012 Medical Records Track:
      ICD-9 Code Description Injection to Enhance Electronic Medical Record Search Accuracy

      Bryan Tinsley, Alex Thomas, Joseph F. McCarthy, Mike Lazarus, Atigeo, LLC

    3. PDF file Exploiting SNOMED CT Concepts & Relationships for Clinical Information Retrieval:
      Australian e-Health Research Centre and Queensland University of Technology at the TREC 2012 Medical Track

      Bevan Koopman, Guido Zuccon, Anthony Nguyen, Deanne Vickers, Luke Butt, Australian e-Health Research Centre, CSIRO
      Bevan Koopman, Peter Bruza, Queensland University of Technology

    4. PDF file Webis at the TREC 2012 Session Track
      Matthias Hagen, Martin Potthast, Matthias Busse, Jakob Gomoll, Jannis Harder, Benno Stein, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

    5. PDF file PRIS at TREC 2012 Contextual Suggestion Track
      Lin Qiu, JunRui Peng, QianQian Wang, Yue Liu, ZhiHua Zhou, Weiran Xu, Guang Chen, Jun Guo, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    6. PDF file PRIS at TREC 2012 KBA Track
      Yan Li, Zhaozhao Wang, Baojin Yu, Yong Zhang, Ruiyang Luo, Weiran Xu, Guang Chen, Jun Guo, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    7. PDF file PRIS at 2012 TREC Medical Track:
      Query Expansion, Retrieval and Ranking

      Jiayue Zhang, Lin Lin, Shudang Diao, Yukun Li, Runnan Liu, Weiran Xu, Jun Guo, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    8. PDF file PRIS at 2012 Microblog Track
      Jiayue Zhang, Sijia Chen, Yue Liu, Jie Yin, Qianqian Wang, Weiran Xu, Jun Guo, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    9. PDF file BUPT_PRIS at TREC 2012 Crowdsourcing Track 1
      Chuang Zhang, Minjie Zeng, Xiaokang Sang, Kailai Zhang, Houfu Kang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    10. PDF file BUPT_PRIS at TREC 2012 Session Track
      Chuang Zhang, Xiaotian Wang, Songlin Wen, Runze Li, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

    11. PDF file Does Category A Anchor Text Improve Category B Results?
      Leonid Boytsov, Anna Belova

    12. PDF file Overcoming Vocabulary Limitations in Twitter Microblogs
      Yubin Kim, Reyyan Yeniterzi, Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University

    13. PDF file A Time-Aware Language Model for Microblog Retrieval
      Bingjie Wei, Shuai Zhang, Rui Li, Bin Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    14. PDF file ICTNET at Context Suggestion Track TREC 2012
      Bingyang Liu, Tong Wu, Xianghui Lin, Yanqin Zhong, Qian Liu, Yue Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    15. PDF file ICTNET at Microblog Track TREC 2012
      Bolong Zhu, Jinghua Gao, Xiao Han, Cunhui Shi, Shenghua Liu, Yue Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    16. PDF file ICTNET at Session Track TREC 2012
      Zhenhong Chen, Mingchuan Wei, Junxiao Nan, Jun Chen, Xiaoming Yu, Yue Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    17. PDF file ICTNET at Web Track 2012 adhoc Task
      Heyuan Li, Yuanhai Xue, Shaohua Guo, Feng Guan, Xiaoming Yu, Yue Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    18. PDF file ICTNET at Web Track 2012 Diversity Task
      Zilong Feng, Yuanhai Xue, Xaoming Yu, Hongbo Xu, Yue Liu, Xueqi Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    19. PDF file Finding, Weighting and Describing Venues:
      CSIRO at the 2012 TREC Contextual Suggestion Track

      David Milne, Paul Thomas, Cecile Paris, CSIRO ICT Centre

    20. PDF file Searching and Filtering Tweets:
      CSIRO at the TREC 2012 Microblog Track

      Sarvnaz Karimi, Jie Yin, Paul Thomas, CSIRO ICT Centre

    21. PDF file CWI at TREC 2012, KBA Track and Session Track
      Samur Araujo, Delft University of Technology
      Gebrekirstos Gebremeskel, Jiyin He, Corrado Bosscarino, Arjen de Vries, CWI

    22. PDF file DCU@TRECMed 2012:
      Using adhoc Baselines for Domain-Specific Retrieval

      Johannes Leveling, Lorraine Goeuriot, Liadh Kelly, Gareth J. F. Jones, Dublin City University

    23. PDF file (Not Too) Personalized Learning to Rank for Contextual Suggestion
      Andrew Yates, Dave DeBoer, Hui Yang, Nazli Goharian, Steve Kunath, Ophir Frieder, Georgetown University

    24. PDF file Effective Structured Query Formulation for Session Search
      Dongyi Guan, Hui Yang, Nazli Goharian, Georgetown University

    25. PDF file UGent Participation in the Microblog Track 2012
      Thong Hoang Van Duc, Thomas Demeester, Joannes Deleu, Piet Demeester, Chris Develder, Ghent University

    26. PDF file HIT at TREC 2012 Microblog Track
      Zhongyuan Han, Xuwei Li, Muyun Yang, Haoliang Qi, Sheng Li, Tiejun Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology
      Zhongyuan Han, Haoliang Qi, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology

    27. PDF file IBM at TREC 2012: Microblog Track Myle Ott, Vittorio Castelli, Hema Raghavan, Radu Florian, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

    28. PDF file Contextual Suggestion
      Abhishek Mallik, IIT Bombay
      Mandar Mitra, Kripabandhu Ghosh, ISI Kolkata

    29. PDF file ISTI@TREC Microblog Track 2012:
      Real-Time Filtering Through Supervised Learning

      Giacomo Berardi, Andrea Esuli, Diego Marcheggiani, Instituto di Scienza e Technologie dell'Informazione

    30. PDF file The HLTCOE Approach to the TREC 2012 KBA Track
      Brian Kjersten, Paul McNamee, Johns Hopkins University

    31. PDF file TREC 2012 Microblog Track Experiments at Kobe University
      Taiki Miyanishi, Kazuhiro Seki, Kuniaki Uehara, Kobe University

    32. PDF file Three Questions About Clinical Information Retrieval
      Stephen Wu, James Masanz, Ravikumar K. E., Hongfang Liu, Mayo Clinic

    33. PDF file IRRA at TREC 2012: Divergence From Independence (DFI)
      Bekir Taner Dincer, Mugla University

    34. PDF file NLM at TREC 2012 Medical Records Track
      Dina Demner-Fushman, Swapna Abhyankar, Antonio Jimeno-Yepes, Russell Loane, François Lang, James G. Mork, Nicolas Ide, Alan R. Aronson, National Library of Medicine

    35. PDF file Retrieving Medical Records with "sennamed": NEC Labs America at TREC 2012 Medical Record Track
      Yanjun Qi, Pierre-Francois Laquerre, NEC Laboratories America

    36. PDF file Northeastern University Runs at the TREC12 Crowdsourcing Track
      Maryam Bashir, Jesse Anderton, Jie Wu, Matthew Ekstrand-Abueg, Peter B. Golbus, Virgil Pavlu, Javed A. Aslam, Northeastern University

    37. PDF file Measuring Robustness with First Relevant Score in the TREC 2012 Microblog Track
      Stephen Tomlinson, OpenText

    38. PDF file Identifying Patients for Clinical Studies from Electronic Health Records:
      TREC 2012 Medical Records Track at OHSU

      Steven Bedrick, Tracy Edinger, Aaron Cohen, William Hersh, Oregon Health & Science University

    39. PDF file PKUICST at TREC 2012 Microblog Track
      Feng Liang, Runwei Qiang, Yihong Hong, Yue Fei, Jianwu Yang, Peking University

    40. PDF file Web-Based Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Microblog Retrieval
      Ahmed Saad, El Din, Walid Magdy, Qatar Computing Research Institute

    41. PDF file Microblog Search and Filtering with Time Sensitive Feedback and Thresholding bsed on BM25
      Wei Gao, Qatar Computing Research
      Zhongyu Wei, Kam-Fai Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    42. PDF file Using Meda-data to Search for Clinical Records:
      RMIT at TREC 2012 Medical Track

      Iman Amini, Mark Sanderson, Xiaodong Li, RMIT
      David Martinez, NICTA and the University of Melbourne

    43. PDF file TREC Microblog 2012 Track: Real-Time Ranking Algorithm for Microblog Ranking Systems
      Davide Feltoni Gurini, Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University

    44. PDF file Rutgers at the TREC 2012 Session Track
      Chang Liu, Michael Cole, Eun Baik, Nicholas J. Belkin, Rutgers University

    45. PDF file Skierarchy: Extending the Power of Crowdsourcing Using a Hierarchy of Domain Experts, Crowd and Machine Learning
      Ramesh Nellapati, Sanga Peerreddy, Prateek Singhal, SetuServ, Inc.

    46. PDF file SAWUS Siena's Automatic Wikipedia Update System
      Carl Tompkins, Zachary Witter, Sharon G. Small, Siena College

    47. PDF file The Siena College Medical Information Retrieval System (MIRS)
      Larry Medsker, Sharon Small, Siena College

    48. PDF file Siena's Twitter Information Retrieval System:
      The 2012 Microblog Track

      Karl Appel, Lauren Mathews, Darren Lim, Sharon Small, Siena College

    49. PDF file TNO and RUN at the TREC 2012 Contextual Suggestion Track:
      Recommending Personalized Touristic Sights Using Google Places

      Maya Sappelli, Wessel Kraaij, TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen
      Suzan Verberne, Radboud University Nigmegen

    50. PDF file U. Albany & USC at the TREC 2012 Session Track
      Xiaojun Yuan, Jingling Liu, Ning Sa, University at Albany

    51. PDF file The University of Amsterdam at TREC 2012
      Richard Berendsen, Edgar Meij, Daan Odijk, Maarten de Rijke, Wouter Weerkamp, University of Amsterdam

    52. PDF file Contextual Suggestion from Wikitravel:
      Exploiting Community-Based Suggestions

      Marijn Koolen, Jaap Kamps, Hugo Huurdeman, University of Amsterdam

    53. PDF file LSIS/LIA at TREC 2012 Knowledge Base Acceleration
      Ludovic Bonnefoy, LIA-University of Avignon
      Vincent Bouvier, Patrice Bellot, LSIS-Aix-Marseille University

    54. PDF file LIA at TREC 2012 Web Track:
      Unsupervised Search Concepts Identification from General Sources of Information

      Romain Deveaud, Eric SanJuan, LIA-University of Avignon
      Patrice Bellot, LSIS-Aix Marseille University

    55. PDF file UCAS at TREC 2012 Microblog Track
      Xin Zhang, Sha Lu, Ben He, Jungang Xu, Tiejian Luo, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    56. PDF file UCD IIRG at TREC 2012 Medical Track
      James Cogley, Nicola Stokes, John Dunnion, Joe Carthy, University College Dublin

    57. PDF file UCM at TREC 2012: Does Negation Influence The Retrieval of Medical Reports?
      Alberto Díaz, Miguel Ballesteros, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
      Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
      Laura Plaza, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

    58. PDF file An Exploraton of Ranking-Based Strategy for Contextual Suggestion
      Pelin Yang, Hui Fang, University of Delaware

    59. PDF file Entity Profile Based Approach in Automatic Knowledge Finding
      Xtong Liu, Hui Fang, University of Delaware

    60. PDF file Exploiting Domain Thesaurus for Medical Record Retrieval
      Miguel A. Callejas P., Yue Wang, Hui Fang, University of Delaware

    61. PDF file Exploring Evidence Aggregation Methods and External Expansion Sources for Medical Record Search
      Dongqing Zhu, Ben Carterette, University of Delaware

    62. PDF file Concept Detection and Using Concept in adhoc of Microblog Search
      Hao Wu, Hui Fang, University of Delaware

    63. PDF file Exploiting Ontologies for Search Result Diversification
      Wei Zheng, Hui Fang, University of Delaware

    64. PDF file University of Glasgow at TREC 2012:
      Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

      Nut Limsopatham, Richard McCreadie, M-Dyaa Albakour, Craig Macdonald, Rodrygo L. T. Santos, Iadh Ounis, University of Glasgow

    65. PDF file University of Glasgow (uog_tw) at TREC Microblog 2012 Jesus A. Rodriguez Perez, Andrew J. McMinn, Joemon M. Jose, University of Glasgow

    66. PDF file University of Essex at the TREC 2012 Session Track M-Dyaa Albakour, University of Glasgow
      Udo Kruschwitz, University of Essex

    67. PDF file Team Association Analysis for Named Entity Filtering
      Oskar Gross, Hannu Toivonen, University of Helsinki
      Antoine Doucet, Normandy University

    68. PDF file The University of Illinois' Graduate School of Library and Information Science at TREC 2012
      Miles Efron, Jana Deisner, Peter Organisciak, Garrick Sherman, Ana Lucic, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

    69. PDF file Incorporating Temporal Information in Microblog Retrieval
      Craig Willis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
      Richard Medlin, Jaime Arguello, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    70. PDF file Using Hybrid Methods for Relevance Assessment in TREC Crowd '12
      Christopher Harris, Padmini Srinivasan, The University of Iowa

    71. PDF file Bi-directional Linkability From Wikipedia to Documents and Back Again:
      UMass at TREC 2012 Knowledge Base Acceleration Track

      Jeffrey Dalton, Laura Dietz, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

    72. PDF file NICTA and UBC at the TREC 2012 Medical Track
      David Martinez, University of Melbourne
      Arantxa Otegi, Eneko Agirre, University of Basque Country

    73. PDF file Using a Bayesian Model to Combine LDA Features with Crowdsourced Responses
      Edwin Simpson, Steven Reece, University of Oxford
      Antonio Penta, Sarvapali Ramchurn, University of Southampton

    74. PDF file Query-Structure Based Web Page Indexing
      Falah H. Al-akashi, Diana Inkpen, University of Ottawa

    75. PDF file UT Austin in the TREC 2012 Crowdsourcing Track's Image Relevance Assessment Task Hyun Joon Jung, Matthew Lease, University of Texas at Austin

    76. PDF file On Duplicate Results in a Search Session
      Jiepu Jiang, Daqing He, Shuguang Han, University of Pittsburgh

    77. PDF file Using Stream Features for Instant Document Filtering
      Andreas Bauer, Christian Wolff, University of Regensburg

    78. PDF file Using Exploration and Learning for Medical Records Search:
      An Experiment in Identifying Cohorts for Comparative Effectiveness Research

      Harvey Hyman, University of South Florida
      Warren Fridy III, Fridy Enterprises

    79. PDF file QUT_Para at TREC 2012 Web Track:
      Word Associations for Retrieving Web Documents

      Mike Symonds, Guido Zuccon, Bevan Koopman, Peter Bruza, Queensland University of Technology
      Guido Zuccon, Bevan Koopman, Australian e-Health Research Centre

    80. PDF file Cohort Sherpherd II:
      Verifying Cohort Constraints from Hospital Visits

      Travis Goodwin, Kirk Roberts, Bryan Rink, Sanda M. Harabagiu, University of Texas at Dallas

    81. PDF file IRIT at TREC 2012 Contextual Suggestion Track
      Giles Hubert, Guillaume Cabanac, University of Toulouse

    82. PDF file IRIT at TREC Microblog 2012: adhoc Task
      Lamjed Ben Jabeur, Firas Damak, Lynda Tamine, Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat, Guillaume Cabanac, Mohand Boughanem, IRIT/SIG

    83. PDF file Ensemble Clustering for Result Diversification
      Dong Nguyen, Djoerd Hiemstra, University of Twente

    84. PDF file An Ensemble Approach for Expanding Queries
      Doug Redd, Qing Zeng-Treitler, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
      Duy Bui, Doug Redd, Qing-Zeng-Treitler, University of Utah
      Thomas Rindflesch, National Library of Medicine

    85. PDF file Frequent Itemset Mining for Query Expansion in Microblog adhoc Search
      Younos Aboulnaga, Charles L. A. Clarke, University of Waterloo

    86. PDF file University of Waterloo: Logistic Regression and Reciprocal Rank Fusion at the Microblog Track
      Adam Roegiest, Gordon V. Cormack, University of Waterloo

    87. PDF file York University at TREC 2012: CrowdSourcing Track
      Qinmin Hu, Zhi Xu, Xanghi Huang, Zheng Ye, York University

    88. PDF file York University at TREC 2012:
      Medical Records Track

      Jun Miao, Zheng Ye, Jimmy Huang, York University

    89. PDF file York University at TREC 2012:
      Microblog Track

      Zahra Amin Nayeri, Zheng Ye, Jimmy X. Huang, York University


    Last updated: Monday, 15-Apr-2019 17:23:12 UTC
    Date created: Wednesday, February 7, 2013