TREC 2004 Novelty Track

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TREC 2004
TREC 2004 Guidelines
TREC 2004 Novelty Topic Text
TREC 2004 relevant sentences for all documents (task 2)
TREC 2004 relevant sentences for the first 5 documents (task 3)
TREC 2004 novel sentences for the first 5 documents (task 3)
TREC 2004 Novel sentences for all documents
TREC 2004 relevant sentences for all but first 5 documents
TREC 2004 novel sentences for all but first five documents
TREC 2004 evaluation script

2004 Document Text
Novelty Document Text is password protected. To receive access to this data you must first purchase the AQUAINT disks from the Linguistic Data Consortium.

Please purchase: The AQUAINT Corpus of English News Text, LDC Catalog No.:LDC2002T31. After purchasing the corpus, contact the TREC data manager to receive the password sequence.

Last updated: Sunday, 24-Jan-2021 15:54:17 UTC
Date created: Friday, February 4, 2005