TREC 2007 QA Data
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TREC 2007 QA Track Guidelines
TREC 2007 QA Main Task
Factoid judgments for all responses
(qid doc-id judgment answer-string)
List judgments for all responses
(qid doc-id judgment equivalence-class answer-string)
Other nugget pyramid
(qid nugget-id nugget-weight nugget-gloss)
Other nuggets retrieved
(qid nugget-id vital|okay docid answer-string)
Anonymized Other judgments
(gzipped, tar file)
Test questions
Ranking of top 1000 AQUAINT-2 documents per target
Ranking of top 1000 Blog06 documents per target
TREC 2007 ciQA Task
ciQA Home Page
ciQA nuggets (primary assessor, binary nugget weights)
ciQA nugget pyramid
(qid nugget-id nugget-weight nugget-gloss)
ciQA nuggets retrieved
(qid nugget-id vital|okay docid answer-string)
Anonymized ciQA judgments
(gzipped, tar file)
ciQA test questions
Ranking of top 100 AQUAINT-2 documents per topic
Mapping between assessors and topics
Last updated:Thursday, 12-Feb-2015 21:20:38 UTC
Date created: July 13, 2007
[email protected]