- AT&T Labs Research
- AT&T at TREC-6 , page 215
- Australian National University
- ANU/ACSys TREC-6 Experiments , page 275
- City University, London
- Okapi at TREC-6 Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR , page 125
- Cornell University
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- CSIRO (Australia)
- CSIRO Routing and Ad-Hoc Experiments at TREC-6, page 455
- Dublin City University
- Ad hoc Retrieval Using Thresholds, WSTs for French Mono-lingual Retrieval, Document-at-a-Glance for High Precision and Triphone Windows for Spoken Documents , page 461
- FS Consulting, Inc.
- Document Retrieval Using The MPS Information Server (A Report on the TREC-6 Experiment), page 477
- GE Corporate Research and Development
- Natural Language Information Retrieval TREC-6 Report, page 347
- George Mason University
- Expanding Relevance Feedback in the Relational Model, page 489
- Harris Corporation
- Ad Hoc Retrieval with Harris SENTINEL, page 503
- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- TREC-6 Ad-Hoc Retrieval, page 511
- The GURU System in TREC-6, page 535
- Mercure at trec6 , page 321
- ISS (Singapore)
- Concrete Queries in Specialized Domains: Known Item as Feedback for Query Formulation, page 541
- NCR Corporation
- Expanding Relevance Feedback in the Relational Model
- Queens College, CUNY
- TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS , page 207
- MDS TREC6 Report, page 241
- SabIR Research Inc.
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- University of California, Berkeley
- Phrase Discovery for English and Cross-language Retrieval at TREC 6 , page 637
- University of Glasgow
- Short Queries, Natural Language and Spoken Document Retrieval: Experiments at Glasgow University , page 667
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Document Translation for Cross-Language Text Retrieval at the University of Maryland, page 687
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6, page 169
- University of North Carolina
- Interactive Retrieval using IRIS: TREC-6 Experiments , page 711
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Context-Based Statistical Sub-Spaces, page 735
- University of Waterloo
- Passage-Based Refinement (MultiText Experiements for TREC-6), page 303
- U.S. Department of Defense
- Text Retrieval via Semantic Forests, page 761
- Verity, Inc.
- Verity at TREC-6: Out-of-the-Box and Beyond , page 259
- AT&T Labs Research
- AT&T at TREC-6 , page 215
- Center for Information Research, Russia
- Conceptual Indexing Using Thematic Representation of Texts , page 403
- City University, London
- Okapi at TREC-6 Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR , page 125
- Cornell University
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- CSIRO (Australia)
- CSIRO Routing and Ad-Hoc Experiments at TREC-6, page 455
- Daimler Benz Research Center Ulm
- Daimler Benz Research: System and Experiments Routing and Filtering , page 329
- GE Corporate Research and Development
- Natural Language Information Retrieval TREC-6 Report, page 347
- Mercure at trec6 , page 321
- NEC Corporation
- Query Term Expansion based on Paragraphs of the Relevant Documents , page 577
- Queens College, CUNY
- TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS , page 207
- Rutgers University
- Application of Logical Analysis of Data to the TREC-6 Routing Task , page 611
- SabIR Research Inc.
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- Siemens AG
- The text categorization system TEKLIS at TREC-6 , page 619
- SRI International
- Using Information Extraction to Improve Document Retrieval , page 367
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
- ETH TREC-6: Routing, Chinese, Cross-Language and Spoken Document Retrieval , page 623
- University of California, Berkeley
- Phrase Discovery for English and Cross-language Retrieval at TREC 6, page 637
- University of California, San Diego
- Fusion Via Linear Combination for the Routing Problem, page 661
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6 , page 169
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Context-Based Statistical Sub-Spaces , page 735
- University of Waterloo
- Passage-Based Refinement (MultiText Experiements for TREC-6) , page 303
- Verity, Inc.
- Verity at TREC-6: Out-of-the-Box and Beyond , page 259
- City University, London
- Okapi Chinese text retrieval experiments at TREC-6 , page 137
- Cornell University
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- CSIRO (Australia)
- Chinese Document Retrieval at TREC-6, page 25
- ISS, Singapore
- Preliminary Qualitative Analysis of Segmented vs Bigram Indexing in Chinese , page 551
- ITI (Singapore)
- Experiments on Proximity Based Chinese Text Retrieval in TREC 6, page 559
- Laboratoire CLIPS, IMAG
- Between Terms and Words for European Language IR and Between Words and Bigrams for Chinese IR , page 697
- Queens College, CUNY
- TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS , page 207
- MDS TREC6 Report, page 241
- SabIR Research Inc.
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
- ETH TREC-6: Routing, Chinese, Cross-Language and Spoken Document Retrieval , page 623
- University of California, Berkeley
- Phrase Discovery for English and Cross-language Retrieval at TREC 6 , page 637
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6 , page 169
- Universite de Montreal
- Between Terms and Words for European Language IR and Between Words and Bigrams for Chinese IR , page 697
- University of Waterloo
- Passage-Based Refinement (MultiText Experiements for TREC-6), page 303
- Cornell University
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- Dublin City University
- Ad hoc Retrieval Using Thresholds, WSTs for French Mono-lingual Retrieval, Document-at-a-Glance for High Precision and Triphone Windows for Spoken Documents , page 461
- Duke University/University of Colorado/Microsoft Research
- Automatic 3-Language Cross-Language Information Retrieval with Latent Semantic Indexing , page 233
- Mercure at trec6, page 321
- New Mexico State University
- Free Resources And Advanced Alignment For Cross-Language Text Retrieval , page 385
- SabIR Research Inc.
- Using Clustering and SuperConcepts Within SMART : TREC 6, page 107
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
- Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) Track Overview, page 31
- ETH TREC-6: Routing, Chinese, Cross-Language and Spoken Document Retrieval , page 623
- TwentyOne (TNO/U-Twente/DFKI/Xerox/U-Tuebingen)
- Cross Language Retrieval with the Twenty-One system , page 753
- University of California, Berkeley
- Phrase Discovery for English and Cross-language Retrieval at TREC 6 , page 637
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Document Translation for Cross-Language Text Retrieval at the University of Maryland , page 687
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6, page 169
- Universite de Montreal/Laboratoire CLIPS, IMAG
- Between Terms and Words for European Language IR and Between Words and Bigrams for Chinese IR , page 697
- Xerox Research Centre Europe
- Xerox TREC-6 Site Report: Cross Language Text Retrieval , page 775
- AT&T Labs Research
- AT&T at TREC-6, page 215
- Australian National University
- ANU/ACSys TREC-6 Experiments , page 275
- City University, London
- Okapi at TREC-6 Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR , page 125
- Daimler Benz Research Center Ulm
- Daimler Benz Research: System and Experiments Routing and Filtering , page 329
- Queens College, CUNY
- TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS, page 207
- Siemens AG
- The text categorization system TEKLIS at TREC-6, page 619
- University of California, Berkeley
- Phrase Discovery for English and Cross-language Retrieval at TREC 6, page 637
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6, page 169
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Context-Based Statistical Sub-Spaces , page 735
- Xerox Research Centre Europe
- The TREC-6 Filtering Track: Description and Analysis , page 45
Dublin City University
Ad hoc Retrieval Using Thresholds, WSTs for French Mono-lingual Retrieval, Document-at-a-Glance for High Precision and Triphone Windows for Spoken Documents , page 461
Queens College, CUNY
TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS , page 207
SabIR Research Inc.
TREC 6 High-Precision Track , page 69
University of Waterloo
Passage-Based Refinement (MultiText Experiements for TREC-6), page 303
- City University, London
- Interactive Okapi at TREC-6 , page 143
- IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne
- IBM Search UI Prototype Evaluation at the Interactive Track of TREC-6, page 517
- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- The GURU System in TREC-6, page 535
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- TREC-6 Interactive Report, page 73
- New Mexico State University
- Interactive information retrieval using term relationship networks, page 379
- Oregon Health Sciences University
- A Comparison of Boolean and Natural Language Searching for the TREC-6 Interactive Task , page 585
- MDS TREC6 Report, page 241
- Rutgers University
- Rutgers' TREC-6 Interactive Track Experience , page 597
- University of California, Berkeley
- Cheshire II at TREC 6: Interactive Probabilistic Retrieval , page 649
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6 , page 169
- University of North Carolina
- Interactive Retrieval using IRIS: TREC-6 Experiments , page 711
- GE Corporate Research and Development
- Natural Language Information Retrieval TREC-6 Report , page 347
- University of Glasgow
- Short Queries, Natural Language and Spoken Document Retrieval: Experiments at Glasgow University , page 667
- AT&T Labs Research
- AT&T at TREC-6: SDR Track , page 227
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Experiments in Spoken Document Retrieval at CMU , page 291
- City University, London
- Okapi at TREC-6 Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR, page 125
- Dublin City University
- Ad hoc Retrieval Using Thresholds, WSTs for French Mono-lingual Retrieval, Document-at-a-Glance for High Precision and Triphone Windows for Spoken Documents, page 461
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- TREC-6 1997 Spoken Document Retrieval Track Overview and Results, page 83
- MDS TREC6 Report , page 241
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
- ETH TREC-6: Routing, Chinese, Cross-Language and Spoken Document Retrieval , page 623
- University of Cambridge
- TREC-6 1997 Spoken Document Retrieval Track Overview and Results, page 83
- University of Glasgow
- Short Queries, Natural Language and Spoken Document Retrieval: Experiments at Glasgow University , page 667
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Document Translation for Cross-Language Text Retrieval at the University of Maryland , page 687
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6, page 169
- University of Sheffield, UK
- The THISL Spoken Document Retrieval System , page 747
- U.S. Department of Defense
- Text Retrieval via Semantic Forests, page 761
- AT&T Labs-Research
- AT&T at TREC-6, page 215
- Australian National University
- Overview of TREC-6 Very Large Collection Track , page 93
- ANU/ACSys TREC-6 Experiments, page 275
- City University, London
- Okapi at TREC-6 Automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR , page 125
- IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- The GURU System in TREC-6, page 535
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- INQUERY Does Battle With TREC-6, page 169
- University of Waterloo
- Passage-Based Refinement (MultiText Experiements for TREC-6), page 303