TREC 2020 Health Misinformation Track Ad Hoc Retrieval Task Results

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University of Santiago de Compostela
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file CiTIUSCrdAdh
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file CiTIUSCrdRelAdh
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file CiTIUSSimAdh
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file CiTIUSSimRelAdh

University of Waterloo
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m10
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m4
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m5
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m7
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m8
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file h2oloo.m9

University of Copenhagen
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run10
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run11
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run12
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run13
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run4
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run5
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run6
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run7
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run8
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file adhoc_run9

U.S. National Library of Medicine
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_BNU_ENS_NLI
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_BNU_E_GH
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_BNU_T5_CTM
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_CTM_R1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_CTM_R2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_E3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_E4
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_TME
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_TME_GH
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file NLM_TME_NLIR

Waseda University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file RSL_BM25
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file RSL_BM25LC
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file RSL_BM25LM
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file RSL_BM25LMC

Smucker Information Retrieval Research Group, Univ. of Waterloo
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file bm25_desc
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file bm25_title

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file vohbm25
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file vohcolabEvSim

Webis @ Halle, Leipzig, Weimar
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-ax-rer
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-descr-2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-kq
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-kq-t-td
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-kq-td
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-m-title
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cn-title-2

Last updated: Thursday, 25-Feb-2021 16:59:12 UTC
Date created: November 5, 2020