TREC 2019 Incident Streams Track 2019-B Results

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National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Page

Chonbuk National University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cbnuC1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file cbnuS1

Carnegie Mellon University (Informedia)
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Informedia-nb
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Informedia-rf1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Informedia-rf2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Informedia-rf3

University College Dublin
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDbaseline
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDbcnelmo
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDbilstmalpha
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDbilstmbeta

University of Paderborn
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB-BERT
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB-FOCAL

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file DLR_BERT_R
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file DLR_Fusion
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file DLR_MeanMaxAAE_Regression
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file DLR_SIF_R
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file DLR_USE_R

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ict_dl

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IITBHU_run1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IITBHU_run2

Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRITrun1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRITrun2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRITrun3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRITrun4

New York University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file nyu.base.multi
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file nyu.base.sing
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file

Universidad de Alicante
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file run1_baseline
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file run2_negative
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file run3_irn
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file run4_all

Last updated: Friday, 21-Feb-2020 14:18:34 UTC
Date created: October 18, 2019