TREC 2019 Incident Streams Track 2019-A Results

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National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Page

Beijing University of Technology
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file BJUTDMS-run1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file BJUTDMS-run2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file BJUTDMS-run3

Carnegie Mellon University (Informedia)
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file rf
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file rf-autothre
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file rf-autothre
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file rf-extra
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file xgboost
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file xgboost-event
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file xgboost-extra

University College Dublin
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDrunEL1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDrunEL2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDrunELFB3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UCDrunELFB4

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNET2019_IS

Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRIT_run_rf_gb
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRIT_run_rf_gb_binary
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRIT_run_rf_gb_binary_chain
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file IRIT_run_rf_gb_threshold


Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file irlabISIBase
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file irlabISIBase2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file irlabISIBase3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file irlabISIDeep

New York University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file nyu-smapp_run_baseline
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file nyu-smapp_run_baseline_multi
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file nyu-smapp_run_fasttext
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file nyu-smapp_run_fasttext_multi

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SC-KRun-60002002410001
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SC-KRun2624435
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SC-KRun28482low
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SC-KRun68484low

University at Buffalo
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ubIS


Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB-BILSTM
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB-DICE
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB-DICE
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB_BERT
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UPB_FastText

Last updated: Friday, 21-Feb-2020 14:18:11 UTC
Date created: October 18, 2019