TREC 2014 Session Track Results

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National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Page

Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file webis2014act
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file webis2014db
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file webisSt14ax

East China Normal University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ecnusession1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ecnusession2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ecnusession3

Endicott College
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ECxCGxPRF
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ECxSRMxOS
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ECxSRMxPRF

Georgetown University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file GUS14Run1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file GUS14Run2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file GUS14Run3

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNET14SER1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNET14SER2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNET14SER3

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file RAMA

Siena College Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAITeamC
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAITeamF
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAITeamL

University College London
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file uclbaseline

University of Delaware
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file udel14Run1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file udelitu

CIIR, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UMASS1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UMASS2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UMASS3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UMASS4

Tianjin University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file WLZNTJU

Last updated: Monday, 09-Feb-2015 18:29:42 UTC
Date created: October 16, 2014