TREC 2014 Microblog Track Time Line Generation Task Results

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National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Page

Pattern Recognition + Intelligent System Laboratory
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file PrisTTG2014a
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file PrisTTG2014b
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file PrisTTG2014c
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file PrisTTG2014e

JHU Human Language Technology Center of Excellence
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file hltcoeTTG0
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file hltcoeTTG1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file hltcoeTTG2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file hltcoeTTG3

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SR
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SRTD
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SRTL
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file Standard

Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNETAP3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNETAP4
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNETRUNSP4
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file ICTNETRunSP3

Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file JufeLdkeSum1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file JufeLdkeSum2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file JufeLdkeSum3

Peking University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file TTGPKUICST1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file TTGPKUICST2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file TTGPKUICST3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file TTGPKUICST4

Qatar Computing Research Institute
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file EM100
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file EM50
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SM100
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SM50

Qatar University
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file QUQEd10t15TTgCL
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file QUQEd5t25TTgBL
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file QUTmpDecayTTgCL
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file QUTqrmTTgBL

Siena College Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAI124aTTG
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAI14aTTG
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAI3am14aTTG
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file SCIAI3cm4aTTG

University of Delaware
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file udelRunTTG1
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file udelRunTTG2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file udelRunTTG3
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file udelRunTTG4

InfoLab Group at University of Delaware
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UDInfoMMR5
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UDInfoMMRA
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UDInfoMMRWC5
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file UDInfoMMRWCA

The University of Glasgow
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file 1unique2
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file 3unique0
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file 3unique2

Delft University of Technology
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file wistudt2bcd
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file wistudt2bd
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file wistudt2qcd
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file wistudt2qd

Last updated: Monday, 09-Feb-2015 16:09:51 UTC
Date created: October 27, 2014