Retrieval of Partial Documents Alistair Moffat* Ron Sacks~DaVist Information systems usually retrieve whole doc- uments as answers to queries. However, it may in some circumstances be more appropriate to re- trieve parts of documents. These parts could be formed by arbitrary division of running text into pieces of similar length, or by considering the doc- ument's hierarchical structure. Here we consider how to break documents into parts, how to imple- ment retrieval of parts, and the impact of division of documents on retrieval effectiveness. 1 Introduction Provision of answers to informally phrased que~ tions is a central part of information retrieval. These answers traditionally take the form of doc- uments retrieved from a text database, but doc- uments will often be unsatisfactory as answers. They may be large and unwieldy; the answer they represent may be diffuse, and therefore hard for the user to extract; and word-based retrieval sys- tems may be misled by the breadth of vocabu- lary of a long document into believing it to be relevant. Indexing and returning parts of documents ad- dresses these problems. We have approached the problem of partial documents in two ways. The first approach is to regard documents as an un- structured series of "pages" of text of similar length, each of which can be returned as an an- swer to a query. We would expect, under this approach, that any bias in the retrieval mecha- nism towards documents of a particular length should be eliminated. By regarding an answer to be the document from which an answer page is drawn, paging can be used even in contexts where *Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Mel- bourne, Parkvrne, Victoria, Australia 3052; tCollaborative Information Technology Research Insti- tute, 723 Swanston St., Cariton, Victoria, Australia 3052; :Dept. of Computer Science, RMIT, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001; §Dept. of Computer Science, RMIT, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001; Ross Wilkinson: Justin Zobel~ documents are required as answers, as is the case for the TREC experiments. Breaking documents into pages, however, has implications for implementation: the growth in the number of candidate answers is such that current approaches for evaluating queries have unacceptable memory requirements and response times. We have developed new algorithms for implementing information retrieval methods on large collections, concentrating on the cosine measure with IDE term weights as a typical ex- ample. These include techniques for efficiently constructing and compressing large inverted files, and for restricting the amount of memory space and processing time required during query eval- uation. The result is that we are able to iden- tify answers in a fraction of the space and time required by previous methods. Using these tech- niques on a version of the TREC data in which the documents are broken into over 1.7 million pages, answers can be found more quickly than they could previously be found on the unpaged data, even though the latter has a smaller index and fewer records. Section 2 gives an overview of these techniques. Our second approach to the problem of par- tial documents was to regard documents as hi- erarchical structures. Some of the documents in TREC are very large. It is not clear that it is desirable to return such documents as a whole, nor is it clear that these documents should be in- dexed as a whole. Most of the long documents in TREC are from the Federal Register collection and all have some degree of structure associated with them. We conducted a set of experiments that attempted to determine whether these doc- uments should be indexed as single objects, and whether the documents' structure could be used in conjunction with the contents of its elements. We also experimented with retrieval of par- tial documents and investigated whether context, that is the rank of the whole document, helped improve ranking of sections. The experiments with hierarchical structures are necessarily based on the small set of longer documents in the TREC 181 collection. We would expect that, in a large database of such documents, the implementation techniques we developed for unstructured text could be used for structured documents almost without change. 2 Retrieval of paged text The first issue that must be considered when ac- cessing a set of documents as a collection of pages is the pagination strategy; one possible method for pagination is discussed in Section 2.1. Then, given paged text, answers must be found in response to documents. In an inverted file text database system of the kind we have been devel- oping [6, 9], the implications of paging are a large increase both in the number of accumulators used to hold the intermediate cosine values and in the length of the inverted file entries. The former means that evaluating a ranking will require more memory; while the latter implies a longer time to resolve queries. Methods for avoiding these in- creases are outlined in Sections 2.2 and 2.3; a full description is given elsewhere [10]. Finally, there is the impact on effectiveness of the decision to paginate the documents. Ex- perimental results comparing document retrieval with page retrieval are described in Section 2.4. 2.1 Breaking text into pages One way to store text in a database is as a set of records, each containing a single document. Such an organisation implies that entire docu- ments must be retrieved in response to queries. Moreover, a query can match long documents in which its words are widely separated and could well be unrelated, so this storage strategy can re- sult in irrelevant material being retrieved. An alternative way of presenting text is as a series of pages. There are several advantages to using pages: * they are of a more manageable size than whole documents, and the size variation be- tween pages can be constrained to be far less than the size variation between documents; * if a user looks for answers matching a query, it is likely that in relevant material the query's words will occur close together in the retrieved text; * retrieving a page of text to display may be considerably cheaper than retrieving an en- tire document; 1. Set prev undefined and curr Wi. 2. For each j from 2 to n, (a) If curr > B, emit prev if it is defined, set prev curr, and set curr Wj. (b) Otherwise, if W, > prev then set prev prev + curr and set curr w3. (c) Otherwise, set curr curr + w3. 3. If curr < B then set prev prev + curr and emit prev. Otherwise, emit prev followed by curr. Figure 1: Paging algorithm * in many applications it is natural to regard documents as consisting of parts rather than as a whole; for example, the nodes in a hy- pertext system or the sections of a book; and * only parts of documents can, in general, fit on a screen, and people can only comprehend part of a document at a time. For these reasons-and because of the challenge posed by the sheer size of a paged version of the TREC collection-experiments were undertaken with paged text. The paging strategy adopted first breaks doc- uments into minimal units likely to be useful for ranking. In most collections this unit would prob- ably be the paragraph. The algorithm shown in Figure 1 is then used to gather paragraphs into pages, where W~ is the length of the i'th para- graph of the original document and B is the tar- get length of each constructed page. Documents of fewer than B bytes must, of course, be allo- cated singleton pages, but all other pages are B bytes or more. Moreover, the aim is that only a small number of pages are significantly longer than B bytes. The algorithm requires time linear in the length of the text and a constant amount of space, and so is a small additional step during database construction. For the experiments de- scribed below, length was measured in bytes (the alternatives being words, or some more abstract length value based upon term frequencies), and B = 1,000 was used. The pagination of the 2,055 Mb TREC collec- tion resulted in the 742,358 documents being con- verted into 1,743,848 pages of average size 1,235 bytes each. 182 2.2 Management of accumulators An effective way to rank documents against a query is with the cosine measure, defined by the function Wq,t Wd,t Gd ~q2,t~~2,t' where q is the query, d is the document, and W~,t is the weight of word i in document or query x. We assume that Wd = V(Z~ wd2,t) is the length of document d, and that the top r answers are to be retrieved and returned to the user. In our experiments term weights were calcu- lated using the IDE rule Wd,t = fd,t log(N/ft), where fd,t is the number of appearances of term tin document d, N is the number of documents in the collection, and ft is the number of docu- ments that contain term t. Harman [3] gives a summary of ranking techniques and a discussion of the cosine measure and IDE weighting rule. To support the cosine measure in an inverted file text database system, each inverted file entry contains a sequence of (d, fd,t) pairs for some term i. The value ft, the number of documents con- taining t, is stored in the lexicon, and from these two the cosine contribution fd,t (log(N/ft))2 of term tin document d can be calculated. A struc- ture of accumulators is used to collect these con- tributions. As the inverted file entry for each query term is processed, the accumulator value for each document number in the inverted file entry is updated by adding in each partial co- sine value as it is calculated, so that by the time all inverted file entries have been processed the accumulator for document d contains the value fd,t (log(N/ft))2 = Wqt Wd,t. The number of accumulators required to pro- cess a query can be large. Queries were created from TREC topics 51-100 by simply extracting and stemming all of the alphanumeric strings, and stopping 601 closed-class words. The gen- erated queries had an average of over 40 terms, and each resulted in about 75% of the pages of TREC having a non-zero accumulator value. With this ratio the most memory-efficient accu- mulator structure is an array. But at 32 or 64 bits per accumulator, this structure is formidably large, and dominates the retrieval-time mem- ory requirements. Even initialising it is time- consuming. 1. Order the words in the query from highest weight to lowest. 2. Set A $; A is the current set of accumula- tors. 3. For each word tin the query, (a) (b) Retrieve It, the inverted file entry for t. For each (d, ~ pair in It, i. If the accumulator Ad E A, calcu- late Ad Ad + wq,t Wd,t. ji. Otherwise, set A A+{Ad}, cal- culate Ad Wq,t Wd,t. (c) If Al >~ L, go to step 4. 4. For each document d such that Ad C A, cal- culate Cd Ad/Wd. 5. Identify the r highest values of Cd using a heap. Figure 2: Quit algorithm for computing cosine using approximately L accumulators A simple strategy for restricting the number of accumulators is to order query terms by decreas- ing weight, and only process terms until some designated termination condition is met. One such condition is to impose an a priori bound L on the number of non-zero accumulators, and to stop processing terms when this bound is reached. Such a ranking process, which we call quit, is il- lustrated in Figure 2. Other possible termination conditions would be to place a limit on the num- ber of terms considered or on the total number of pointers decoded; or to place an upper bound on the term frequency ft, and only process terms that appear in fewer than x% of the documents, for some predetermined value x. Buckley and Le- wit [1]; Lucarella [8]; and Wong and Lee [13] have also considered various stopping rul~s, and derive conditions under which inverted file entries can be discarded without affecting the r top documents (although their order within the ranking may be different). Here we are prepared to allow approx- imate as well as exact rules, acknowledging that the cosine measure is itself a heuristic. Quitting has the advantage of only process- ing the inverted file entries of a subset of the query terms, and hence of faster ranking, but at the possible expense of poor retrieval perfor- mance, depending upon how discriminating the low weighted terms are. An alternative is to continue the processing of 183 1. Order the words iu the query from highest weight to lowest. 2. Set A 3. For each word tin the query, (a) Retrieve It. (b) For each ~d, fd,t) pair in It~ i. If Ad E A, calculate Ad Ad + Wq,t Wd,t. ji. Otherwise, set A A + {Ad}, cal- culate Ad Wq,t Wd,t. (c) If IAI > L, go to step 4. 20 - 4. For each remaining word tin the query, (a) Retrieve It. (b) For each d such that Ad E A, if (d,fd,t~ E I~, calculate Ad Ad+ Wq,t Wd,t. 5. For each document d such that Ad ~ A, cal- culate Cd Ad/Wd. (0- 0 0 15 - sured as an lipt average precision, as a function of k = Al, the number of accumulators actually used. The small numbers beside the continue curve show the average number of terms pro- cessed in phase one of each query. For example, only 8.2 terms are needed to generate 27,000 ac- cumulators. The difference between quit and con- tinue is marked, and, perhaps surprisingly, even the mid to low weight terms appear to contribute to the effectiveness of the cosine rule. Ignoring them leads to significantly poorer retrieval. 6. Identify the r highest values of Cd. Figure 3: Con~inue algorithm for using approxi- mately L accumulators 10 continue D quit 1000 10000 100000 1000000 inverted file entries after the bound on the num- ber of accumulators is reached, but allow no new documents into the accumulator set. This con- tinue algorithm is illustrated in Figure 3. The algorithm has two distinct phases. In the first phase, accumulators are added freely, as in the qui~ algorithm. In the second stage, existing ac- cumulator values are updated but no new accu- mulators are added. Both qui~ and continue gen- erate the same set of approximately L candidate answers, but in a different permutation, so when the top r documents are extracted from this set and returned, different retrieval effectiveness can be expected, particularly if r ĞL. A similar strategy to that of continue is de- scribed by flarman and Candela [3, 4], although their motivation is somewhat different-they de- sire a small number of accumulators to reduce the sorting time required for a total ranking of the collection, whereas we assume that only a small fraction of the collection is to be presented. In this latter case, to find the top r documents a heap is the appropriate data structure, and O(N + r log N) time is required, a small fraction of query processing time. Figure 4 shows retrieval effectiveness, mea- Number of accumulators Figure 4: Effectiveness of quit and continue In these experiments direct assessment of the relevance of pages was not possible because the relevance judgements were for whole documents. To measure effectiveness, it was assumed that if a document was relevant then each page from it was relevant, but only the most highly ranked page from each document was returned and counted. We believe this method to be fair, since one way in which pages might be used would be to rank on pages but return whole documents, with perhaps some highlighting of the top-ranked pages. Other strategies for using parts of documents to select whole documents are discussed in Section 3. Also surprising is that the continue strategy, with restricted numbers of accumulators, is capa- ble of better retrieval performance than the orig- inal cosine method, in which all pages are per- mitted accumulators. It would appear that the mid to low weight terms, while contributing to retrieval effectiveness, should not be permitted to collaborate and select documents that contain none of the more highly weighted terms. 184 1o*o - try in full can be avoided by including a series of synchronisation points at which decoding can commence [10]. These can be arranged as a series of pointers, or skips, as illustrated in Figure 6. C) w skip E 1.0 - document flu 0 array continue inverted file entry quit 0.1 *1 tO 10000 100000 1000000 Number of accumulators Figure 5: CPU time of quti and con jinue Whilst the results for retrieval effectiveness are encouraging, the results for time are not. Figure 5 shows the cost of these two strategies in terms of cpu time, with the set A of accumulators stored as a hash table. The times shown include all processing required to identify the top r = 200 ranked documents, but do not include the cost of actually retrieving those documents, which, in a system such as ours, in which the text is also compressed, involves further decoding effort. All timings are for a lightly loaded Sun SPARCsta- tion Model 512 using a single processor; programs were written in C and compiled using gcc. While for values of L less than about 100,000 the con- ~inue method takes no longer than the simple co- sine measure when implemented using an array of accumulators, it is clearly unsatisfactory com- pared with the quii technique. In the next section we discuss methods by which this situation can be improved. 2.3 Processing long inverted file entries Compression can reduce index size by a factor of six; for example, for the paged form of TREC the size reduces from 1,120 Mb to 184 Mb, an irresistible saving. Compression, however, pro- hibits random access into inverted file entries, so that the whole of each inverted file entry must be decoded, even though not every (d, fd,t) pair is required. This is the reason that the con~inue strategy is slow. The need to decompress an inverted file en- Figure 6: Adding skips The skips divide the inverted file entry into a series of blocks, and to access a number in the entry, only the skips and the block containing the number need to be decoded. Appropriately coded, such skips increase the size of the com- pressed inverted file by only a few percent, but can drastically reduce the amount of decoding re- quired. Decode time for a skipped inverted file entry is given by T = ~d (2s + Lp/2s), where id is the time needed to decode one (d, fd,t) pair, p is the number of such pairs in the inverted file entry, L is the number of accumulators, and S is the number of skips. This time is minimised at S = \/L~/2. For 10,000 accumulators and an inverted file entry of length 100,000 (a com- mon figure for queries to the paged TREC),to- tal time including reading from disk on a typi- cal system drops from 0.30 seconds to 0.22 sec- onds [10]. Moreover, under the same assump- tions an uncompressed inverted file entry of this length would take 0.30 seconds to read, and so the skipped compressed inverted file provides faster ranking than even an uncompressed inverted file. To test skipping, inverted files were con- structed for several different fixed values of L and then, for each inverted file, the cpu time for in- verted file processing measured for a range of ac- tual L values. To ensure that inverted files did not become too large, a minimum block size was imposed, requiring that every skip cover at least four (d, fd,t) pairs. The results of these experi- ments are shown in Figure 7. As can be seen, substantially faster query processing is the result when the number of accumulators is less than about 100,000. As predicted by the analysis, the index constructed assuming that L = 1,000 gives the best performance when the number of accu- mulators (the variable L in Figure 3) is small. 185 for the first round of experimentation [6, 9]. The times listed cover all activity from issue of query until a ranked list of 200 document numbers is calculated. 0 Co E i: 0 10*o - continue L=1OO,OOO L=1O,OOO L=1 000 *1 1000 10000 100000 1000000 Number of accumulators Figure 7: Time required by skipping 2.4 Retrieval experiments The implementation techniques described above, skipping and limitation of the number of accu- mulators, can be applied to document retrieval as well as to page retrieval. Table 1 summarises the various resources required and performance achieved by both document and page retrieval, for various values of L, the nominal number of ac- cumulators. The following points should be noted in connection with the data in Table 1 File sizes Stemming was applied during in- verted file construction, but no words were stopped. All alphanumeric strings were indexed, totalling 333,000,000 term occur- rences of 538,244 distinct terms. The doc- ument index contained 136,000,000 (d,fd,t) pointers, the paged index 196,000,000 such pairs. Each is compressed to occupy less than one byte. The variation in inverted file size is due to the insertion of skips, or, in the case of the "All" row, their absence. The text itself was also stored compressed using a word-based model [9], allowing the 2,055 Mb to be reduced to 605 Mb. A fur- ther 27 Mb of smaller auxiliary files were also required. In total, the complete retrieval system for the paged TREC occupied about 817 Mb, or 40% of the initial unindexed text. Retrieval time The SPARCstation 512 used for these experiments is approximately 2.2 times faster than the SPARCstation 2 used 186 Fetching of the 200 answers, which occupy 226.9 Kb compressed, adds a uniform 1.9 sec per query including the cost of decompres- sion. Decompressed, there 15 an average of 829.9 Kb of output text per query. Elapsed times during the ranking process are generally about 1.6 sec greater than cpn time, in the course of which an average of 42 disk accesses are made to the lexicon; 42 disk accesses made to the inverted file itself (fetching a total of 1.65 Mb of data, contain- mg about two million compressed (d, fd,t) pairs); and 275 accesses to the combined file of document weights and addresses. All of these files except the inverted file are small, and likely to have been buffered into main memory, hence the small overhead. Elapsed time for the presentation of docu- ments was about 5.0 sec per query greater than cpu time, caused by the need to per- form a further 200 seeks into the file con- taming the compressed text. This file is too large for there to have been any buffering ef- fect. Memory space When skipping is employed (the first three rows in each section of the ta- ble) memory space during query processing is proportional to the number of non-zero ac- cumulators. In these experiments a hash ta- ble was used, and an average of 14 bytes per accumulator required. For the "All" exper- iments an array of accumulators was used, 2.8 Mb for document retrieval, and 6.6 Mb for page retrieval. An array of 6-bit approximate document lengths was used to guide the retrieval pr~ cess [11], requiring 0.5 Mb for document re- trieval and 1.2 Mb for page retrieval. Terms processed The values for "Terms pro cessed" indicate the average number of terms processed before processing switched from the first to the second phase of continue. For each query a whole number of inverted file entries were processed, and this is why the "non-zero accumulators" average is greater than the target value L. Not surprisingly, with page retrieval fewer terms were re- file Retrieval Time TI Non-zero (Mb) II (cpu sec) TI accumulators ____________ ______ Page Doc. ~ Page Doc. ] Page L = 1,000 IJ 145.8J205.4 II 2.36 ` 2.95 11 2,330 2,701 L = 10,000 11156.71220.311 4.46 ~ 5.57 ~ 12,855 13,238 L = 100,000 11161.61230.211 9.80 ~ 12.00 11107,737 109,370 All (array) 11128.61184.411 7.66 ~ 12.48 II 582,783 1,307,115 (a) Resources required Terms Precision at 200 JI Pessimal lipt processed ________ ________TI Doc. average ~ _____________ ______ Page Doc. ~ Page _________ ~ Page L = 1,000 f[ 3.08 J 2.84 II 0.271-0.612 ~ 0.260-0.639 TI 0.164 0.166 L = 10,000 ~ 6.80 ~ 6.06 0.346-0.530 0.319-0.554 ~ 0.185 0.173 L = 100,000 ~ 16.84 14.26 ~ 0.333-0.446 ~ 0.326-0.504 ~ 0.175 0.175 All (array) 11 42.44 ~ 42.44 J[ 0.331-0.444 j 0.321-0.502 `1 0.174 0.173 ) (b, Re trieval ~fiectiveness Table 1: Document vs. paragraph retrieval: (a) resources required, and (b) retrieval effectiveness quired, on average, to consume the available accumulators. Precision at 200 The range of values in this column is to show the fraction of unjudged documents that were accessed. The lower number assumes that all unjudged docu- ments are irrelevant; the upper is calculated assuming that all are relevant. lipt effectiveness The "1 ipt average" values are calculated based solely upon the top 200 ranked documents, assuming that all remain- ing relevant documents are ranked last, and that all unjudged documents are not rele- vant. Index construction New algorithms have been developed for index construction. Using these algorithms, the index was built in un- der 4 hours, using a peak of 40 Mb of main memory and less than 50 Mb of temporary disk space above and beyond the final size of the inverted file. The compression of the documents took a further 4 hours, for a total database build time of under 8 hours. Based upon these experiments we conclude that: * use of a limited number of accumulators does not appear to impact retrieval effectiveness, and so is an extremely attractive heuristic for ranking large collections because of the dra- matic savings in retrieval-time memory us- age that result; 187 * introduction of skips to the compressed in- verted file entries significantly reduces pro- cessing time in this restricted-accumulators environment; * index compression can, in this way, become "free": if only partial decoding is required, the input time saved by compression can be more than enough to pay the cpu cost offrac- tional decoding; * all non-stopped terms should be allowed to contribute to the ranking, and that the quit strategy is inferior to continue; and * even relatively simple pagination gives re- trieval not measurably inferior to document retrieval. When dealing with pages, the retrieval system was implemented to display the entire document, but highlight the page or pages that had caused the document to be ranked highly. This deci- sion made the paged collection particularly easy to use, and when we browsed the answers to the queries it was very satisfying to be able to find the exact text that had triggered the match. This advantage of pagination became clear even in the early stages of the project, while we were attempting to debug the implementation of the cosine method. On the other hand, a problem that was brought out by these experiments was the dif- ficulty of comparing retrieval effectiveness in the face of non-exhaustive relevance judgements. When precision rates are around 30%, and a fur- ther (in the L = 1,000 case) 30% of documents are unjudged, there can be no significance what- soever attached to the difference between even 30% precision and 40% precision. Indeed, as- suming that 27.1% of the unjudged documents are relevant for the "L = 1,000; Doc~ combina- tion gives a final precision of 0.411; the corre- sponding number for the "All; Doc" pairing is only 0.373. Thus, the precision figures of Table 1 are sufficiently imprecise that no conclusion can be drawn about the appropriate value of L that should be used, and about the merits of docu- ment vs. paged retrieval. There is clearly scope for research into other methodologies for compar- ing retrieval mechanisms. 3 Structured documents Many of the documents in the TREC collection are very large and have explicit structure, and it may be possible to use this structure-rather than the statistically based pagination methods described abov~to break documents into parts. In particular, many documents can be broken up into a set of sections, each section having a type. There has been relatively little work done on re- trieving or ranking partial documents. However, Salton et al. [12] have demonstrated that docu- ment structure can be valuable. Sometimes this structure is explicitly available [2], and sometimes it has to be discovered [5], but the knowledge of this structure has been shown to help deter- mine the relevance of sub-documents. In this part of the work we used a small database to investigate whether retrieval of sections helped document retrieval, and whether retrieval of doc- uments helped section retrieval. By way of a benchmark, the paged retrieval techniques de- scribed earlier were applied to the same database. 3.1 The database Since we needed information about the relevance of sections to queries it was not possible to use the full TREC database. Instead, we used a database consisting of 4,000 documents extracted from the Federal Register collection. These documents were selected as being the 2,000 largest docu- ments which were relevant to at least one of topics 51-100 provided for the first TREC experiment. Another 2,000 documents were randomly selected from the Federal Register collection to provide both smaller documents and non-relevant docu- ments. The average number of words in these documents was 3,260. These documents were then split into sections based on their internal markup. The documents had a number of tags inserted that defined an in- ternal structure. It appeared that only the T2 and T3 tags could be reliably used to indicate a new internal fragment. Section breaks were de- fined to be a blank line, or a line containing only markup, followed by a T2 or a T3 tag. This led to a database of 32,737 sections. Each of these sections had a type based on its tag. The types were (purpose), (abstract), (start), (summary), (title), (supplementary), and a general category (misc) that included all remaining categories. Having made the document selections, only 19 of the queries 51-100 had a relevant document in the collection. Each of the sections for doc- uments that had been judged as relevant was judged for relevance against these queries so that finer grained retrieval experiments were possi- ble. One difficulty that arose was that quite a few documents that had been judged relevant ap- peared to have no relevant sections-there were relevant key terms in the documents but the doc- uments themselves did not appear to address the information requirement. There were 145 such (query, document) pairs. To be consistent, we took these document to be irrelevant. After these alterations, only 14 queries had a relevant section, and there were an average of 23 relevant sections per query. 3.2 Structured ranking ~`e carried out a set of experiments on rank- ing documents using the retrieval of sections. We first compared simple ranking of documents against ranking sections to find relevant docu- ments. Next, a set of formulae were devised that attempted to use the fact that one document has several sections that might be more or less highly ranked. These took into consideration the rank of the section, the number of ranked sections, and the number of sections in the document. Exper- iment 3 describes one of the more successful for- mulas. Further trials were then performed using the type of the section. First, a set of experiments were run that determined which types were bet- ter predictors of relevance. These results were then used to devise a measure that used a weight for each type. Finally, we tried to combine these 188 results to see if it was helpful to use the rank of the whole documents along with the rank of its component parts. Experiment 1: Rank full documents against the queries using standard cosine measure. Experiment 2: Split documents into sections. Measure similarity of each section against the queries using standard cosine mea- sure. Order documents based on the highest ranked section. Experiment 3: Split documents into sections. Measure similarity of each section against the queries using standard cosine measure. Order documents based on 0.5~~1wt(s,,) where S,, is the flth highest ranked section in the document. The effect of this formula is that a document's weight is determined by a decay formula using the weight of all of a document's sections. (Values other than 0.5 were tried, but gave poorer performance.) Experiment 4: Split documents into sections. Measure similarity of each section against the queries using standard cosine measure. Then weight each section using its type, for example (introduction) or (address). Order documents based on tw(i~pe(s,, ))0.5"~1wt(s,,) where S,, is the flth highest ranked section in the document, type(s,,) is the type of the sec- tion, and tw(t~) is the weight of the type t~ The weights of the types of sections were ob- tained by conducting a set of experiments where all types but one were given a weight of 1, and in turn, each type was given a weight of 2. Using these experiments it was determined that (purpose) and (summary) were each more helpful, and that (misc) was less helpful. As a result, in this experi- inent tw((purpose)) = tw((summary)) = 2, tw((misc)) = 0.5, and other weights were set to 1. Experiment 5: Rank the documents, and rank the sections. Form a new rank based on the average rank of these two ranks. 189 Other experiments were carried out using best two sections, and formulas that more closely ap- proximated the cosine measure. None of these experiments achieved better results than the ones displayed here. The obvious conclusion is that if documents are available for ranking as whole doc- uments, then for this collection it is preferable to do so. 3.3 Section retrieval For very long documents it may be desirable to return relevant sections rather than relevant doc- uments. We were interested to see whether it might be useful to know about the rank of the containing document. In the first experiment documents were ranked, and sections shown in document order. This produced very poor re- sults. Next, we still ranked sections in higher ranked documents ahead of lower ranked docu- ments, but used section ranking for sections in the same document. This was reasonable but there were still many irrelevant sections being ex- amined. Finally, we attempted to delete these ir- relevant sections by using document ranking, and then section ranking, but this time discarding sec- tions that had a section rank of greater than 200. Experiment 6: Rank sections against the queries using standard cosine measure. Experiment 7: Rank full documents against the queries using standard cosine measure. Order the sections by their appearance within documents. Experiment 8: Rank full documents against the queries using standard cosine measure. Order sections, first by document, then by rank within documents. Experiment 9: As in experiment 3, but then delete all but the 200 highest ranked sec- tions. These experiments show that ranking both documents and sections does help to find more relevant sections. This result is in contrast to the earlier investigation of finding relevant docu- ments. We are able to find relevant sections much easier if the rank of both the sections, and the containing documents are taken into account. 3.4 Paged versus section retrieval Our results showing that retrieving documents based on section ranking was not as useful as Documents /5 J 10 115120T 25 ~ 30 15012001 Experiment ________ I ________ lii ________ I ________ 1IJ 1 0.286 0.271 0.248 0.236 0.234 0.229 0.206 0.102 2 0.243 0.221 0.214 0.204 0.191 0.178 0.170 0.092 3 0.271 0.250 0.229 0.221 0.206 0.202 0.184 0.094 ~4 0.329 0.257 ifi30.229 0.206 0.202 0.184~0.085 5 0.343 0.264 0.238 0.236 0.234 0.231 0.209 0.099 Table 2: Comparison of ranking formula for fixed number of documents returned Documents/S Experiment ______J~~ 20 ~ 50__~ 200 J I 0.186 0.164 0.181 0.161 0.160 0.152 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.121 0.105 0.100 0.094 0.088 0.090 0.083 9£ _____I~f r~! f j 0.171 0.121 0.114 0.100 0.091 0.083 0.100 0.082 ______________ 0.214 0.171 0.186 0.189 0.189 0.193 0.179 NA Table 3: Comparison of ranking formula for fixed number of sections returned document ranking was perhaps surprising-other studies have indicated that considering smaller fragments was helpful, although in combination with larger contexts. We wondered whether the section boundaries that had been imposed were inappropriate. We thus applied the pagination techniques described in Section 2.1 to the 4,000 document database used here. These results are shown in Table 4 as Experiment 10. These three experiments are a little difficult to interpret. Dividing documents into sections leads to poorer retrieval performance, but divid- ing further into pages leads to comparable re- trieval performance to ranking whole documents. It may be that the manually supplied divisions are poorer than the divisions generated by au- tomatic techniques [5]. Experiments 2-4 show that some of this performance degradation can be ameliorated by taking documents' structure into account. However, these experiments indi- cate that there is no retrieval advantage in break- ing the document up, should the desired unit of retrieval be whole documents. 4 Conclusions The combination of a restricted-accumulators policy and the introduction of skips to the com- pressed inverted file entries allows fast query evaluation on large text collections. Moreover, the ranking can be carried out within modest amounts of main memory. For example, the 190 paged TREC collection contains 1.7 million pages, but ranked queries of 50 or more terms can be re- solved within seconds using just a few megabytes of main memory. These two techniques mean that large collections can be searched on small machines without measurable degradation in re- trieval effectiveness. In the second part of the experiment we have concentrated on large documents, breaking them into smaller units for the purposes of indexing. It is not clear that users are interested in re- trieving 3 Mb documents, and these experiments were designed to allow users the option of retriev- ing smaller parts of such documents. The results were mixed. It appears that indexing both sec- tions and documents is helpful in ranking sec- tions. However, it is not clear what an appropri- ate indexing strategy is if only full documents are to be returned. We are continuing our investiga- tion of partial document retrieval. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Daniel Lam and Neil Sharman for their assistance with various com- ponents of the experiments described here. This work was supported by the Australian Research Council, the Collaborative Information Technol- ogy Research Institute, and the Centre for Intel- ligent Decision Systems.