NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING IN LARGE-SCALE TEXT RETRIEVAL TASKS Tomek Strzalkowski Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University 715 Broadway, rm. 704 New York, NY 10003 ABSTRACT We developed a prototype text retrieval system which uses advanced natural language processing techniques to enhance the effectiveness of key-word based docuinent retrieval. The backbone of our sys- tern is a tradifional stafistical engine which builds inverted index files from pre-processed documents, and then searches and ranks the documents in response to user queries. Natural language process- ing is used to (1) preprocess the documents in order to extract contents-carrying terms, (2) discover inter- term dependencies and build a conceptual hierarchy specific to the database domain, and (3) process user's natural language requests into effective search queries. For the present TREC effort, the total of 500 MBytes of Wall Street Journal articles have been processed in two batches of 250 MBytes each. Due to time and space limits, two separate inverted indexes were produced for each half of the data, with a partial concept hierarchy built from the first 250 Mbytes only but used for retrieval on either half. Retrieval were performed independently on both halfs of the database and the partial results were merged to pro- duce the final rankings. INTRODUCTION A typical information retrieval (IR) task is to select documents from a database in response to a user 5 query, and rank these documents according to relevance. This has been usually accomplished using statisfical methods (often coupled with manual encoding) that (a) select terms (words, phrases, and other units) from documents that are deemed to best represent their contents, and (b) create an inverted index file (or files) that provide and easy access to documents containing these terms. A subsequent search process will attempt to match a preprocessed user query (or queries) against term-based represen- tations of documents in each case determining a degree of relevance between the two which depends upon the number and types of matching terms. Although many sophisticated search and matching 173 methods are available, the crucial problem remains to be that of an adequate representation of contents for both the documents and the queries. The simplest word-based representations of contents are usually inadequate since single words are rarely specific enough for accurate discrimina- tion, and their grouping is often accidental. A better method is to identify groups of words that create meaningful phrases, especially if these phrases denote impor~~~t concepts in database domain. For ex~ple, joint venture is an important term in Wall Street Journal (WSJ henceforth) database, while nei- ther joint nor venture is import£~int by itself. In the retrieval experiments with the training TREC data- base, we noticed that both joint and venture were dropped from the list of terms by the system because their idf (inverted document frequency) weights were too low. In large databases, such as TIPSTER, the use of phrasal terms is not just desirable, it becomes necessary. The question thus becomes, how to identify the correct phrases in the text? Both statistical and syn- tactic methods were used before with only limited success. Statistical methods based on word co- occurrences and mutual information are prone to high error rates, turning out many unwanted associations. Syntactic methods suffered from low quality of gen- crated parse structures that could be attributed to lim- ited coverage gr£~nmars and the lack of adequate lex- icons. In fact, the difficulties encountered in applying computational linguistics technologies to text pro- cessing have contributed to a wide-spread belief that automated natural language processing may not be suitable in IR. These difficulties included inefficiency, lack of robustness, and prohibitive cost of manual effort required to build lexicons and knowledge bases for each new text domain. On the other hand, while numerous experiments did not establish the usefulness of linguistic methods in IR, they cannot be considered conclusive because of their limited scale. The rapid progress in Computational Linguis- tics over the last few years has changed this equation in various ways. First of all, large-scale resources became available: on-line lexicons, including Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD), Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCB), Webster's Dictionary, Oxford English Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, and others, as well as large text corpora, many of which can now be obtained for research purposes. Robust text-oriented software t(x)ls have been built, including part of speech taggers (stochastic and otherwise), and fast parsers capable of processing text at speeds of 2600 words per minute or more (e.g., TTP parser developed by the author). While many of the fast parsers are not very accurate (they are usually partial analyzers by design),2 some, like TTP, perform in fact no worse than standard full-analysis parsers which are many times slower and far less robust. 3 An accurate syntactic analysis is an essential prerequisite for term selection, but it is by no means sufficient. Syntactic parsing of the database contents is usually attempted in order to extract linguistically motivated phrases, which presumably are better indi- cators of contents than "stafistical phrases" where words are grouped solely on the basis of physical proximity (e.g., "college junior" is not the same as "junior college"). However, creafion of such com- pound terms makes term matching process more complex since in addition to the usual problems of synonymy and subsumption, one must deal with their structure (e.g., "college junior" is the same as "junior in college"). In order to deal with structure, parser's output needs to be "normalized" or "regularized" so that complex terms with the same or closely related meanings would indeed receive matching representa- tions. This goal has been achieved to a certain extent in the present work. As it will be discussed in more detail below, indexing terms were selected from atnong head-modifier pairs extracted from predicate- argument representations of sentences. Standard IR benchmark collections are statistically too small and the experiments can easily produce counterintuitive results. For example, Cranfield collection is only approx. 180,000 English words, while CACM-3204 collection is approx. 200,000 words. Partial parsing is usually fast enough, but it also generates noisy data: as many as 50% of all generated phrases could be in- correct (Lewis and Croft, 1990). 3 TTP has been shown to produce parse stmctures which are no worse in recall, precision and crossing rate than those generated by full-scale linguistic parsers when compared to hand-coded Treebank parse trees. 174 Introduction of compound terms also compli- cates the task of discovery of various semantic rela- tionships among them, including synonymy and sub- sumption. For example, the term natural language can be considered, in certain domains at least, to sub- sume any term denofing a specific human language, such as English. Therefore, a query containing the former may be expected to retrieve documents con- tairn'ng the latter. The same can be said about language and English, unless language is in fact a part of compound term programming language in which case the association language - Fortran is appropriate. This is a problem because (a) it is a stan- dard practice to include both simple and compound terms in document representation, and (b) term asso- ciations have thus far been computed primarily on word level (including fixed phrases) and therefore care must be taken when such associations are used in term matching. This may prove particularly trou- blesome for systems that attempt term clustering in order to create "meta-terms" to be used in document representation. The system presented here computes term associations from text on word and fixed phrase level and then uses these associations in query expansion. A fairly primitive filter is employed to separate synonymy and subsumption relationships from others including antonymy and complementation, some of which are strongly domain-dependent. This process has led to an increased retrieval precision in experi- ments with smaller and more cohesive collections (CACM-3204), but may be less effective with large databases. We are presently studying more advanced clustering methods along with the changes in interpretation of resulting associations, as signalled in the previous paragraph. Working with TREC topics has also helped to identify other, perhaps unanticipated problems, some of which may render the traditional statistical approach to information retrieval quite unworkable. A typical document retrieval query will specify (in one way or another) a set of concepts that are of interest to the originator of the query. Thus if the user is interested in documents that report on anticipated rail strikes, the following query may be appropriate: (TREC topic 058) A relevant document will report an impending rail strike .... Any other wording can be used so long as it is going to denote a concept to be found in a document. The system's task is then to dis- cover that the same concept is being denoted in both the query and a document, no matter how different the surface descriptions happen to be. In other words, no new information is requested, the query being entirely self contained and completely specified. 4 An altogether different situafion arises when the query actually requests that cer~un underspecified information is found before a docu- ment could be judged relevant. In TREC topics (e.g., 058, as in many others) the following request is corn- monpiace: to be relevant, the document will identiA the location of the strike or potential strike. What we ask the system here is to extract the value of ce~~~in variable that satisfies certain conditions, i.e., find X such that location-of-strike(X). It is impossible to properly evaluate such query using any kind of con- stant term based retrieval. What is required, at the minimum is a general pattern matching capability, and appropriately advanced representation of con- tents (including more careful NLP processes). In the remainder of this paper we discuss par- ticulars of the present system and some of the obser- vations made while processing TREC data. The above comments will provide the background for situafing our present effort and state-of-the-art with respect to where we should be in the future. OVERALL DESIGN Our information retrieval system consists of a traditional stafistical backbone (Harman and Candela, 1989) augmented with various natural language pro- cessing components that assist the system in database processing (stemming, indexing, word and phrase clustering, selectional restrictions), and translate a user's information request into an effective query. This design is a careful compromise between purely statistical non-linguistic approaches and those requir- ing rather accomplished (and expensive) semantic analysis of data, often referred to as `conceptual retrieval'. The conceptual retrieval systems, though quite effective, are not yet mature enough to be con- sidered in serious information retrieval applications, the major problems being their extreme inefficiency and the need for manual encoding of domain knowledge (Mauldin, 1991). However, as pointed out in the previous section, a more careful text process- ing may be required for certain types of requests. In our system the database text is first pro- cessed with a fast syntactic parser. Subsequently cer- tain types of phrases are extracted from the parse trees and used as compound indexing terms in addi- tion to single-word terms. The extracted phrases are statistically analyzed as syntactic contexts in order to discover a variety of similarity links between smaller subphrases and words occurring in them. A further filtering process maps these similarity links onto semantic relations (generalization, specialization, synonymy, etc.) after which they are used to transform user's request into a search query. The user's natural language request is also parsed, and all indexing terms occurring in them are identified. Certain highly ambiguous, usually single- word terms may be dropped, provided that they also occur as elements in some compound terms. For example, "natural" is deleted from a query already containing "natural language because "natural" occurs in many unrelated contexts: "natural number", "natural logarithm", "natural approach", etc. At the same time, other terms may be added, namely those which are linked to some query term through admis- sible similarity relations. For example, "unlawful activity" is added to a query (TREC topic 055) con- taining the compound term "illegal activity" via a synonymy link between "illegal" and "unlawful". After the final query is constructed, the database search follows, and a ranked list of documents is returned. It should be noted that all the processing steps, those performed by the backbone system, and these performed by the natural language processing corn- ponents, are fully automated, and no human interven- tion or manual encoding is required. FAST PARSING WITH TTP PARSER TTP (Tagged Text Parser) is based on the Linguistic String Grammar developed by Sager (1981). The parser currently encompasses some 400 grammar productions, but it is by 110 means complete. The parser's output is a regularized parse tree representation of each sentence, that is, a representa- tion that reflects the sentence's logical predicate- argument structure. For exainple, logical subject and logical object are identified in both passive and active sentences, and noun phrases are organized around their head elements. The significance of this representation will be discussed below. The parser is equipped with a powerful skip-and-fit recovery mechanism that allows it to operate effectively in the face of ill-formed input or under a severe time pres- sure. In the runs with approximately 83 million words of TREC's Wall Street Journal texts,5 the parser's speed averaged between 0.45 and 0.5 seconds per sentence, or up to 2600 words per minute, on a 21 MIPS SparcStation ELC. try. 4 This does not mean that the query has to accurately reflect the user's intentions. we take what we've got and give it our best 175 Approximately 0.5 (;Bytes of text, over 4 million sen- tences. TIT' is a full grammar parser, and initially, it attempts to generate a complete analysis for each sentence. However, unlike an ordinary parser, it has a built-in timer which regulates the amount of time allowed for parsing any one sentence. If a parse is not returned before the allotted time elapses, the parser enters the skip-and-fit mode in which it will try to "fit" the parse. While in the skip-and-fit mode, the parser will attempt to forcibly reduce incomplete constituents, possibly skipping portions of input in order to restart processing at a next unattempted con- stituent. In other words, the parser will favor reduc- tion to backtracking while in the skip-and-fit mode. The result of this strategy is an approximate parse, partially fitted using top-down predictions. The frag- ments skipped in the first pass are not thrown out, instead they are analyzed by a simple phrasal parser that looks for noun phrases and relative clauses and then attaches the recovered material to the main parse structure. As an illustration, consider the following sentence taken from the CACM-3204 corpus: The method is illustrated by the automatic con- struction of both recursive and iterative pro- grains operating on natural numbers, lists, and trees, in order to construct a program satisfying certain specifications a theorem induced by those specifications is proved, and the desired program is extracted from the proof. The italicized fragment is likely to cause additional complications in parsing this lengthy string, and the parser may be better off ignoring this fragment alto- gether. To do so successfully, the parser must close the currently open constituent (i.e., reduce a program satisfying certain speeLfications to NP), and possibly a few of its parent constituents, removing corresponding productions from further considera- tion, until an appropriate production is reactivated. In this case, TTP may force the following reductions: SI ~ to V NP; SA ~ SI; S ~ NP V NP SA, until the production S ~ S and S is reached. Next, the parser skips input to find and, and resumes normal process- ing. As may be expected, the skip-and-fit strategy will only be effective if the input skipping can be per- formed with a degree of determinism. This means that most of the lexical level ambiguity must be removed from the input text, prior to parsing. We achieve this using a stochastic parts of speech tagger to preprocess the text. Full details of the parser can be found in (Strzalkowski, 1992). PART OF SPEECII TAGGER One way of dealing with lexical ambiguity is to use a tagger to preprocess the input marking each word with a tags that indicates its syntactic 176 categorization: a part of speech with selected mor- phological features such as number, tense, mode, case and degree. The following are tagged sentences from the CACM-3204 collection: 6 The/dt paper/nn presents/vbz a/dt proposai/nn for/in structured/vbn representation/nn of/in multiprogramming/vbg in/in a/dt high/ji level/nn language/nn ./per The/dt notation/nn used/vbn explicitly/rb associates/vbz a/dt data/nns structure/nn shared/vbn by/in concurrent/jj processes/nns with/in operations/nns defined/vbn on/in it/pp ./per The tags are understood as follows: dt - determiner, nn - singular noun, nns - plural noun, in - preposition, ii - adjective, vbz - verb in present tense third person singular, to - particle "to", vbg - present participle, vbn - past participle, vbd - past tense verb, vb - infinitive verb, cc - coordinate conjunction. Tagging of the input text substantially reduces the search space of a top-down parser since it resolves most of the lexical level ambiguities. In the examples above, tagging of presents as "vbz" in the first sentence cuts off a potentially long and costly "garden path" with presents as a plural noun followed by a headless relative clause starting with (that) a proposal.... In the second sentence, tagging resolves ambiguity of used (vbn vs. vbd), and associates (vbz vs. nns). Perhaps more impo~'tntly, elimination of word-level lexical ambiguity allows the parser to make projection about the input which is yet to be parsed, using a simple lookahead; in particuL'tr, phrase boundaries can be determined with a degree of confidence (Church, 1988). This latter property is critical for implementing skip-and-fit recovery tech- nique ouflined in the previous section. Tagging of input also helps to reduce the number of parse structures that can be assigned to a sentence, decreases the demand for consulting of the dictionary, and simplifies dealing with unknown words. Since every item in the sentence is assigned a tag, so are the words for which we have no entry in the lexicon. Many of these words will be tagged as "np" (proper noun), however, the surrounding tags may force other selections. In the following exam- ple, chinese, which does not appear in the dictionary, is tagged as "jj" :~ this/dt paper/nn dates/vbz back/rb the/dt genesis/nn of/in binary/jj conception/nn circa/in 6 Tagged using the 35-tag Penn Treebank Tagset created at the University of Pennsylvania. 7 We use the machine readable version of the Oxford Ad- vanced Leamer's Dictionaiy (OALD). 5000/cd years/nns ago/rb ,/com as/rb derived/vbn by/in the/di chinese/jj ancients/nns ./per The tagger which we use to process the input text prior to parsing is based upon a bi-gram model; it selects most likely tag for a word given co- occurrence probabilities computed from a relafively small training set.8 While the peak accuracy of the best-tag option of the tagger is predicted to approach 97% (Meteer et al., 1991), we noted that the actual performance on unprocessed WSJ text was in fact somewhat worse. The main problem, it appears, were frequent mistakes in tokenization of input, especially in recognizing sentence boundaries. For example, when a sentence ended with a period but wasn't fol- lowed by at least two blanks or an end-of-line, this and the next sentence would be collapsed together. On the other hand, intra-sentenfial periods (like those following abbreviated words) were occasionally found followed by a new-line character, and the sen- tence was split into two. While the parser contains a provision to deal with the case of collapsed sen- tences, the tags were likely to be incorrect. The fol- lowing example is typical; note tagging errors at the second apostrophe, and plans. Gorbachev was rinining into trouble at home, including the August coup, "which I thought would be the end of it," Mr. Costa says. Still, plans to send the tank to the U.S. somehow moved ahead. Gorbachev/np was/vbd running/vbg into/in trouble/nn at/in home/nn ,/com including/vbg the/di August/np coup/nn ,/com "/apos which/wdt I/pp thought/vbd would/md be/vb the/di end/nn of/in it/pp ,/com "/nn Mr/nn ./per Costa/np says/vbz ./per still/rb ,/com plans/vbz to/to send/vb the/di tank/nn to/to the/di U.S./np somehow/rb moved/vbd ahead/rb ./per WORD SUFFIX TRIMMER Word stemming has been an effective way of improving document recall since it reduces words to their common morphological root, thus allowing more successful matches. On the other hand, stem- ming tends to decrease retrieval precision, if care is not taken to prevent situafions where otherwise unre- lated words are reduced to the same stem. In our The program, supplied to us by Bolt Beranek and New- man, operates in two alternative modes, either selecting a single most likely tag for each word (1,est-tag option, the one we use at present), or supplying a short ranked list of alternatives (Meteer et at., 1991). 177 system we replaced a traditional morphological stein- mer with a conservative dictionary-assisted suffix trimmer. 9 The suffix trimmer performs essentially two tasks: (1) it reduces inflected word forms to their root forms as specified in the dictionary, and (2) it converts nominalized verb forms (e.g., "implementa- tion", "storage") to the root forms of corresponding verbs (i.e., "implement", "store"). This is accom- plished by removing a standard suffix, e.g., "stor+age", replacing it with a standard root ending ("+e"), and checking the newly created word against the dictionary, i.e., we check whether the new root ("store") is indeed a legal word, and whether the ori- ginal root ("storage") is defined using the new root ("store") or one of its standard inflecfional forms (e.g., "storing"). For exatnple, the following definifions are excerpted from the O~)rd Advanced Learner's Dictionary (OALD): storage n [U] (space used for, money paid for) the storing of goods ... diversion n [U] diverting... procession n [C] number of persons, vehicles, etc moving forward and following each other in an orderly way. Therefore, we can reduce "diversion" to "divert" by removing the suffix "+sion" and adding root form suffix "+t". On the other hand, "process+ion" is not 10 reduced to "process Earlier experiments with CACM-3204 collec- tion showed an improvement in retrieval precision by 6% to 8% over the base system equipped with a stan- dard morphological stemmer (the SMART stemmer). Due to time limitations these numbers are not avail- able for TFIEC database at this time. HEAD-MODIFIER STRUCTURES Syntactic phrases extracted from TTP parse trees are head-modifier pairs. The head in such a pair is a central element of a phrase (main verb, main noun, etc.), while the modifier is one of the adjunct £trguments of the head. In the TREC experiments reported here we extracted head-modifier word and fixed-phrase pairs only. While TREC WSJ database is large enough to warrant generation of ktrger coin- pounds, we were in no posiflon to verify their effec- tiveness in indexing (largely because of the tight schedule). We discuss some options below. 9 Dealing with prefixes is a more complicated matter, since they may have quite strong effect upon the meaning of the result- ing term, e.g., Un- usually introduces explicit negation. `~ Definition checking is not implemented yet. Let us consider a specific example from WSJ database: The former Soviet president has heen a local hero ever since a Russian tank invaded Wiscon- sin. The tagged sentence is given below, followed by the regularized parse structure generated by TTP, given in Figure 1. The/di formei;~~j Soviet/ji president/nn has/vbz been/vbn a/dt locaiji hero/nn ever/rb since/in a/dt Russian/ji tank/im invaded/vbd Wisconsin/np Iper It should be noted that the parser's output is a predicate-argument structure centered around main elements of various phrases. In Figure 1, BE is the main predicate (modified by HAVE) with 2 argu- ments (subject, object) and 2 adjuncts (adv, sub_ord). INVADE is the predicate in the subordinate clause with 2 arguments (subject, object). The subject of BE is a noun phrase with PRESDENT as the head element, two modifiers (FOR~~R, SOVIET) and a determiner (THE). From this structure, we extract head-modifier pairs that become candidates for com- pound terms. The following types of pairs are con- sidered: (1) a head noun and its left adjecfive or noun adjunct, (2) a head noun and the head of its right [assert [[pert [HAVE]l [(verb [BEll [subject [np [n PRESIDENT] (t~pos ThE] [adj [FORMERII ladi [SOVIET] Ill [object [np [n HEROI [t~pos Al [adj [LOCALIIII [adv EVER] [sub_ord [SINCE [[verb [INVADE] I (subject [np [n TANK] [t~os Al [adj [RUSSIAN]]]] (object [np (name [WISCONSIN]]]]]]j]]] Figure 1. Predicate-argument parse structure. 178 adjunct, (3) the main verb of a clause and the head of its object phrase, and (4) the head of the subject phrase and the main verb. These types of pairs account for most of the syntactic variants for relafing two words (or simple phrases) into pairs carrying compatible semantic content. For example, the pair retrieve+information will be extracted from any of the following fragments: information retrieval sys- tem, retrieval of information from databases: and information that can be retrieved by a user- controlled interactive search process. In the example at hand, the following head-modifier pairs are extracted (pairs containing low-contents elements, such as BE and FORMER, or names, such as WISCONSIN, will be later discarded): [PRESIDENT,BE] [PPESIDENT,FORMER] [PRESIDENT,SOVIET] [BE,HERO] [HERO,LOCAL] [TANK,INVADEJ [TANK~USSIAN] [INVADE,WISCONSIN] We may note that the three-word phrase former Soviet president has been broken into two pairs former president and Soviet president, both of which denote things that are potenfially quite different from what the original phrase refers to, and this fact may have potentially negafive effect on retrieval preci- sion. This is one place where a longer phrase appears more appropriate. An further example is shown in Figure 2.11 One difficulty in obtaining head-modifier pairs of highest accuracy is the notorious ambiguity of nominal compounds. For example, the phrase natural language processing should generate language+natural and processing+language, while dynamic information processing is expected to yield processing +dynamic and processing +information. Since our parser has no knowledge about the text domain, and uses no semantic preferences, it does not attempt to guess any internal associations within such phrases. Instead, this task is passed to the pair extrac- tor module which processes ambiguous parse struc- tures in two phases. In phase one, all and only unam- biguous head-modifier pairs are extracted, and the frequencies of their occurrences are recorded. In phase two, frequency information about pairs gen- erated in the first pass is used to form associations from ambiguous structures. For example, if "Note that working with the parsed text ensures a degree of predsion in capturing the meaningful phrases, which is especially evident when compared with the results usually obtained from ei- ther unprocessed or only partially processed text (Lewis and Croft, 1990). Note also that names, pronouns and dummy verbs are not allowed to create pairs. SENThNclll: ()orbachev ordered the tank shipped to a plant in the Ukraine, where seven mechanics worked for three months restoring it. PARSE STRUCTURE: [assert [[verb [ORDERII [subject [np [name [GORBACHEVIJII [object [[verb []I [subject [np [n TANKI [t~os ThEI [m~wh [[verb [SHIPII [subject ANYONEI [object VARI [TO [np in PLANTI [t~s AJII [IN [np [name [UKRAINEII [t~s ThEI [m_wh [[verb [WORKJI [subject [np [n MECHANICI [count [SEVENIII [FOR [np [n MONTh] [count [THREEIIII [sa~wh [[verb ~ESTO~l [subject PROI [object [np significantly fewer times or perhaps none at all, then we will prefer the former association as valid. Although the noun phrase disambiguation rou- tine has been implemented to work with the pair extractor program, it has not been used in the current installment of ThEC. A more conservative version of pair extractor was used instead (it generates fewer pairs) since that version was found effective in test runs. 12 TERM CORRELATIONS FROM TEXT Head-modifier pairs form compound terms used in database indexing. They also serve as occurrence contexts for smaller terms, including single-word terms. In order to determine whether such pairs signify any important association between terms, we calculate the value of the Informational Contribution (IC) function for each element in a pair. This is important because not every syntactic associa- tion necessarily translates into a semantic one, and we may also need to eliminate spurious pairs gen- erated by the parser. Higher values of IC indicate stronger association, and moreover the element which has the larger value is considered semantically dominant. These values are context dependent, and will vary from one corpus to another. 13 The likelihood of a given word being paired with another word, within one predicate-argument structure, can be expressed in statistical terms as a conditional probability. In our present approach, the required measure had to be uniform for all word occurrences, covering different types of predicate- argument links, i.e., verb-object, noun-adjunct, etc. This is reflected by an additional dispersion parame- ter, introduced to evaluate the heterogeneity of word associations. The resulting new formula IC (x, [x,y]) is based on (an estimate of) the conditional probabil- ity of seeing a word y as a modifier of the word x, normalized with a dispersion parameter for x. IC(x,[x,y))= f:,y `zX + d~ - 1 EXTRAC~D PAIRS: MECHANIC WORK SHIP TANK TANK SHIP Figure 2. Extraction of syntactic pairs. language+natural has Occurred unambiguously a number times in contexts such as parser for natural language, while processing+natural has occurred 179 where ~ is the frequency of [x,y] in the corpus, n~ is the number of pairs in which x occurs at the same position as in [x,yJ, and d(x) is the dispersion pararn- eter understood as the number of distinct words with 12 In a few test runs with TREC topics 001 to 005 against the training database (disk 1), we observed that the inclusion of corn- pound terms obtained from head-modifier pairs increased both re- call and precision quite sugnificantly. In particular, for topic 003 no relevant documents could be found without compound terms. 13 For more details please refer to (Strzalkowski and Vau- they, 1992). which x is paired. When JC(x, [x,y]) = 0, x and y never occur together (i.e., ~ = 0); when IC(x, [x,yJ) = 1, x occurs only with y (i.e., ~ = and d~= 1). So defined, IC function is asymmetric, a pro- perty found desirable by Wuks et al. (1990) in their study of word co-occurrences in the Longman dic- tionary. In addition, IC is quite stable even for rela- tively low frequency words (dispersion parameter helps here), and in this respect it compares favour- ably to Fano's mutual information formula. The lack of stability on low frequency terms is particularly worrisome for IR applications since many important indexing terms could be eliminated from considera- tion. It should also be pointed out that the parficular way of generating syntactic pairs was dictated, to some degree at least, by statistical considerations. Our original experiments with IC formula were per- formed on the relafively small CACM-3204 collec- tion, and therefore we combined pairs obtained from different syntactic relations (e.g., verb-object, subject-verb, noun-adjunct, etc.) in order to increase frequencies of some associations. This became largely unnecess~uy in a large collection such as TIP- STER, but we had no means to test alternative options, and thus decided to stay with the original. It should not be difficult to see that this was a compromise solution, since many important distinc- tions were potentially lost, and strong associations could be produced where there weren't any. A way to improve things is to consider different syntacfic rela- tions independently, perhaps as independent sources of evidence that could lend support (or not) to certain term similarity predictions. We have already started testing this option. A few examples of IC coefficients obtained from CACM-3204 corpus are listed in Table 1. IC values for terms become the basis for calcu- lating term-to-term similarity coefficients. If two terms tend to be modified with a number of common modifiers and otherwise appear in few distinct con- texts, we assign them a similarity coefficient, a real number between 0 and 1. The similarity is deter- mined by comparing distribution characteristics for both terms within the corpus: how much information contents do they c~trry, do their information contribu- tion over contexts vary greatly, are the common con- texts in which these terms occur specific enough? In general we will credit high-contents terms appearing in identical contexts, especially if these contexts are not too commonplace.14 The relative similarity `~ It would not he appropriate to predict similarity between language and logarithm on the basis of their co-occurrence with natural. 180 word head+modifier IC coeff, distribute distribute+normal 0.040 normal distribute+normal 0.115 minimum minimum+relative 0.200 relative minimum+relative 0.016 retrieve retrieve+inform 0.086 inform retrieve+inform 0.004 size size +medium 0.009 medium size +medium 0.250 editor editor+text 0.142 text editor+text 0.025 system system+parallel 0.001 parallel system+parallel 0.014 read read+character 0.023 character read+character 0.007 implicate implicate+legal 0.035 legal implicate+legal 0.083 system system+distribute 0.002 distribute system+distribute 0.037 make make +recommend 0.024 recommend make +recommend 0.142 infer infer+deductive 0.095 deductive infer+deductive 0.142 share share +resource 0.054 resource share +resource 0.042 Table 1. Examples of IC coefficients. between two words x1 and x2 is obtained using the following formula (0: is a large constant): 15 SIM(x1 ,x2) = log (0: ~ sim~(xi ,x2)) where sim~(x1,x2)=MJN(IC(x1,[x1,yJ),!C(x2,[x2,yJ)) * MIN (IC ty, [x1,y]),IC("', [x2,yJ)) The similarity function is further normalized with respect to SIM(x1 ,x1). In addition, we require that words x1 and x2 appear in at least two distinct common contexts, where a common context is a couple of pairs [x1 ,y] and [x2,y], or [y~~] and [yx2] such that they each occurred at least twice. Thus, banana and baltic will `~ This is inspired by a formula used by Hindle (1990), and subsequently modified to take into account the asymmetry of IC measure. not be considered for similarity relation on the basis of their occurrences in the common context of repub- lic, no matter how frequent, Unless there is another such common context comparably frequent (there wasn't any in TREC WSJ database). 16 It may be worth pointing out that the similari- ties are calculated using term co-occurrences in syn- tactic rather than in document-size contexts, the latter being the usual pracfice in non-linguistic clustering (e.g., Sparck Jones and Barber, 1971; Crouch, 1988; Lewis and Croft, 1990). Although the two methods of term clustering may be considered mutually comple- mentary in certain situafions, we believe that more and stronger associations can be obtained through syntactic-context clustering, given sufficient amount of data and a reasonably accurate syntactic parser. 17 QUERY EXPANSION Similarity relations are used to expand user queries with new terms, in an attempt to make the final search query more comprehensive (adding synonyms) and/or more pointed (adding specializa- tions).'8 It follows that not all similarity relafions will be equally useful in query expansion, for inst£'tnce, complementary and antonymous relations like the one between australian and canadian, or accept and reject may actually harm system's performance, since we may end up retrieving many irrelevant documents. Similarly, the effectiveness of a query containing vitamin is likely to diminish if we add a similar but far more general term such as acid. On the other hand, database search is likely to miss relevant documents if we overlook the fact that for- tran is a programming language, or that infant is a baby and baby is a child. We noted that an average set of similarities generated from a text corpus con- tains about as many "good" relations (synonymy, specialization) as "bad" relations (antonymy, 16 However, SJM(banana,dominican) was generated since two independent contexts were indeed found: republic and plant, even though word plant apparently occurs in different senses in ba- nana plant and dominican plant. 17 Non-syntactic contexts cross sentence boundaries with no fuss, which is helpful with short, succinct documents (such as CACM abstracts), but less so with longer texts; see also (Grishman etal., 1986). I' Query expansion (in the sense considered here, though not quite in the same way) has been used in information retrieval research before (e.g., Sparck Jones and Tait, 1984; Harman, 1988), usually with mixed results. An altemative is to use term clusters to create new terms, "metaterms", and use them to index the database instead (e.g., Crouch, 1988; Lewis and Croft, 1990). We found that the query expansion approach gives the system more flexibility, for instance, by making room for hypertext-style topic exploration via user feedback. 181 complementation, generalization), as seen from the query expansion viewpoint. Therefore any attempt to separate these two classes and to increase the propor- tion of "good" relations should result in improved retrieval. This has indeed been confirmed in our ear- her experiments where a relatively crude filter has visibly increased retrieval precision. In order to create an appropriate filter, we expanded the IC function into a global specificity measure called the cumulative informational contri- bution function (ICW). ICW is calculated for each term across all contexts in which it occurs. The gen- eral philosophy here is that a more specific word/phrase would have a more limited its use, i.e., a more specific term would appear in fewer distinct contexts. In this respect, ICW is similar to the stan- dard inverted document frequency (idf) measure except that term frequency is measured over syntactic units rather than document size units.19 Terms with higher ICW values are generally considered more specific, but the specificity comparison is only mean- ingful for terms which are akeady known to be suni- lar. The new function is calculated according to the following formula: F JCL(W) * JCR(W) if both exist JCW(w) =~JCR(W) if only ICR (w) exists Lo otherwise where (with n~, d~ > 0): ICL(W) = IC ([w,~]) = d~(n~+d~- 1) ICR (w) =IC([_,wJ) = d~(n~+d~-l) For any two terms w1 and w2, ~`lnd constants ~ > 1, ~2 > 1, the following situations were considered. If JCW(w2) >- 6~ * ICW(w1) then w2 is considered more specific than w1. If ICW(w2) < 62 * ICW(w1) and ICW(w2)> ICW(w1) then w2 is considered synonymous with w 1 20 In addition, if SIM~rm(W 1,w2) = 0> 0, where 0 is an empirically established threshold, then w2 can be added to the query containing term w1 with weight o.21 The 19 We believe that measuring term specificity over document-size contexts (e.g., Sparck Jones, 1972) may not be ap- propriate in this case. In particular, syntax-based contexts allow for processing texts without any intemal document structure. 20 In TkBC runs we used 8 = 10 and 82 = 3. 21 For CACM-3204 collection the filter was most effective at = 0.57. For TREC we changed the similarity formula slightly in order to obtain correct normalizations in all cases~ This however lowered similarity coeffidents in general and a new threshold had to be selected. We used tt = 0.1 in TREC runs. cutoffs could be different for synonymy and speciali- zation. For example, the following were obtained from TRBC WSJ training database: with ICW (child) - 0.000001 ICW (baby) - 0.000013 JCW (infant) - 0.000055 SJM (child, infant) - 0.131381 SIM (baby, child) - 0.183064 SJM (baby, infant) -0.323121 Therefore both baby and infant can be used to spe- cialize child (with 6t = 10), while baby and infant can be considered synonyms (with ~ = 5). Note that if ~ is well chosen, then the above filter will also help to reject antonymous and complementary relations, such as SIMnorm(back,front)=0.305287 with ICW (back )=0.000001 and ICW ("rnntY-0.000006. We continue working to develop more effective filters. Bxwnples of filtered similarity relafions obtained from TREC corpus are listed in Tables 2 and 3. SUMMARY OF RESULTS We have processed the total of 500 MBytes of ~trticles from Wall Street Journal section of ThEC database. Runs were made independently on training corpus (250 MBytes) and the test corpus (another 250 Mbytes). Natural language processing of each half of the corpus, including tagging, stemming, parsing and pair extraction required approximately 2 weeks of nearly uninterrupted processing on two Sparc works- tations (we use an assortment of SparcStation 1, BLC and 2, with MWS rates varying from 13 to 21 to 28.5). 22 Computing term similarities from the first 250 Mbytes of text took up another week. This time limitations in our computing resources, mostly memory, were the main reason. With a sufficient amount of RAM (on the order of 256 MBytes or more) we estimated that this process should take no more than 20 hours. It should be noted that we com- puted term similarities ktsed only on the training corpus, but we used them in retrieval freim either database. We assumed that the underlying set of concepts and describing them terms does not vary greatly between the two databases (the first covered Wall Street Journal from 1987 to 1989, the second from 1990 to 1992). 22 Processing of the training corpus took significantly longer in practice (real time) since we had only one Sparcstation available at ~y given time, and also due too errors made and resulting froin them need for re-processing soitie parts. 182 Subsequent indexing process performed by the NIST IR system required additional 2 weeks for each half of the database, on a single SparcStation 2.23 In tot£'tl, we created three inverted file indexes: two were derived from the training corpus, and one from the test corpus. The first index created from training corpus did not include compound terms; the remain- mg two indexes included them. No cumulative index was produced, since we estimated it would require more than 6 weeks to build. Some interesting discrepancies were observed. While the postings file generated from the training corpus was 25% larger that the one generated from the test corpus, the corresponding dictionary of terms was about 25% smaller in the training corpus. This seems to suggest that in 1990-92 volumes of Wall Street Journal (test corpus) a greater number of unique terms were used, while these terms were on average occurring more sparsely in the text. This fact may partially under- mine an earlier assumption that term similarities gen- erated from training corpus were adequate for test corpus as well. During the training stage of TREC we per- formed only very limited tests, mostly because the base system retrieval was quite slow on a database of this size (approx. 173 MBytes, 99+K documents). 24 We run experiments with topics 001 to 005, using relevance judgements supplied with the training data- base. The purpose of these tests was to (1) observe any improvement in performance resulting from the use of compound phrase terms, (2) tune the term similarity filter by adjusting certain threshold values in an attempt to obtain the most effective set of simi- larities, and (3) note if any manual intervention into the queries could improve retrieval results. As may be expected, none of these experiments were con- clusive, but this was all we could rely upon in the short time given. First of all, we noticed that system overall performance (cumulative recall and precision levels) were what we could have expected from runs on smaller benchmark collections such as CACM- 3204. This tnay be partially explained by the diver- sity of the subject tnatter covered in the TREC data, and also by the character of the queries (i.e., requests to extract information), but some problem with the base search engine may also be to blame. 25 We were 23 Indexing process could not l~ done in parallel because NIST system requires serial processing. Moreover, as indexing progressed, and the partial database grows in size, the process slowed down significantly from approx. 6 mm/file to 37 mm/file. 24 The system needed approx. 60 minutes to process a quety. In the middle of the training run we discovered that the NIST system has been designed to handle databases up to 65K do- cuments (21b) Subsequently we rewrote portions of the code to fix this, but we were not certain if other decisions made by the re- tneval module (e.g., bitmapping, idf cutoffs) were not in fact coun- wordi word2 SIMnorm abm absence accept accord acquire speech adjustable maxsaver affair affordable disease medium+range aircraft aircraft airline alien anniversary anti+age anti+clot contra candidate contend property attempt await stealth child baggage ban bearish bee roller+coast two +income television soldier treasury research withdrawal Table 2. Filtered more specific term). *anti+ballistic *maternity acquire pact purchase address one +year *advance +purchase scandal low+income *ailment *air+to+air *jetliner plane carrier immigrate *bicentennial anti+wrinkle cholesterol+lower *anti+sandinista *aspirant *aspirant asset bid pend *b+1 *baby luggage restrict bullish *honeybee *bumpy two+earner tv troop *short+term study *pullout 0.534894 0.233082 0.179078 0A92332 0A49362 0.263789 0.824053 0.734008 0.684877 0.181795 0.247382 0.874508 0.166777 0.423831 0.345490 0.270412 0.588210 0.153918 0.856712 0.294677 0.116025 0.143459 0.285299 0.641592 0.572960 0.877582 0.183064 0.607333 0.321943 0.847103 0.461023 0.898278 0.293104 0.806018 0.374410 0.661133 0.209257 0.622558 word similarifies (* indicates the terproductive with larger databases. Later experiment have confirmed this as we obtained new code from NIST. 183 wordi word2 SIMnorm lord abuser 0.261507 break accelerator 0.106775 accept reject 0.275802 accord level 0.152023 cent accrue 0.259478 acquire deficient 0.615525 fix+rate adjustable 0.930180 advertise environmental 0.124026 petroleum aerospace 0.207406 afghan nicaraguan 0A21478 banana dominican 0.444193 begin month 0.346558 german british 0.112465 superpower reagan+ gorbachev 0.400145 republic sea 0.227662 sunglasses sneakers 0.126749 Table 3. Some (apparently?) "bad" similarities gen- erated. also quite disappointed with the effect that the query expansion had (or did not have) on either precision or recall figures. This was somewhat more directly related to the wide domain scope of WSJ articles, and we noticed many obvious word sense mixups leading to unwanted term associations. Also, the rather straightforward method of query expansion terms proved less adequate here, and we are considering new methods as outlined briefly in the introduction to this paper. Our final test with manually altered queries (terms were deleted or added after consulting the original topic) brought only negative results: any kind of intervention appeared only to further decrease both recall and precision. Final runs were performed as follows: (1) Topics 1-25 were processed using only direct fields (, <desc>, and <narr>) with respect to the training database (disk 1). They were subsequently run in the routing mode against the test database (disk 2). 26 Unfor- tunately, the routing results were hindered by a bug in our program that removed duplicate 26 While other fields provided much useful information about various aspects of a given topic (including definitions of spe- cialized terms), we thought that their inclusion in the final query would make it difficult to assess the advantages of linguistic pro- cessing. This especially applies to Concepts fiels <con> which list- ed hand-extracted keywords. Subsequenfly, we realized that more often this field in fact provided further clues not found in other sec- tions of a topic. terms from queries while preparing them for a routing run. (2) Topics 51-75 were processed using the same 3 fields as above with respect to the test database only (disk 2). They were then run in ad-hoc mode independently against the training data- base and the test database, and the top 200 documents from each run (for each query) were merged using document scores. The upper 200 documents were selected for the final result. It should be noted that we run topics against disk 1 using idf weights on terms from disk 2 (a roufing-like mode). This, it turned out, created an even distribufion of hits between the two databases. We call this method the uniform merge. (3) We repeated run (2), but this time we run topics 51-75 in ad-hoc mode on both disks (i.e., different weights were used in these runs). Again, top 200 documents were selected. We call this method the bruteft)rce merge. (4) Finally, we repeated uniform merge with queries manually pruned before actual retrieval. Summary statistics for these runs are shown in ~tbles 4 and 5. It has to be pointed out that these results are lower than expected because of various problems with the database search prograin and because the Concepts field in TREC topics was not included in search queries. Subsequent runs with Concepts field included in search produced results shown in Table 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Donna Harinan of NIST for making her IR system available to us. We would also like to thank Ralph Weischedel, Marie Meteer and Heidi Fox of BBN for providing and assisfing in the use of the part of speech tagger. Jose Perez Carballo has contributed a number of valuable observations during the course of this work, and his assistance in processing the TREC data was critical for our being able to finish on time. This paper is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency under Contract N00014-90-J-1851 from the Office of Naval Research, under Contract N00600-88-D-3717 from PRC Inc., and the National Science Foundation under Grant IRI-89-02304. We also acknowledge support from Canadian Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS). 184 Run nyuirl nyuir2 Name routing routing Queries 25 25 Tot number of does over all queries Ret 5000 5000 Rel 3766 3766 RelRet 834 ~ 1177 Recall Precision Averages 0.00 0.5691 0.6983 0.10 0.3618 0.5072 0.20 0.1846 0.3508 0.30 0.1314 0.2997 0.40 0.1065 0.2286 0.50 0.0481 0.1481 0.60 0.0295 0.0604 0.70 0.0104 0.0296 0.80 0.0104 0.0260 0.90 0.0000 0.0125 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 Average precision for all points 11-pt 0.1320 0.2147 Average precision at 0.20, 0.50, 0.80 3-pt 0.0811 0.1750 Recall at 5 docs 0.0338 0.0374 l5docs 0.0671 0.0961 30docs 0.0979 0.1533 lOodocs 0.2117 0.3119 200docs 0.2988 0.4298 Precision at Sdocs 0.3360 0.4480 15 docs 0.2960 0.4587 30 docs 0.2787 0.3973 lOodocs 0.2276 0.3080 200docs 0.1668 0.2354 Table 4. Routing run statistics: (1) duplicate terms (unintenfionally) removed from queries; and (2) du- plicate terms retained and Concepts fields included. Run nyuirl ~ nyuir2 } nyuir3 Name brute__~ prune j_uniform Queries 25 ~ 25 J 25 Tot number of docs over all queries Ret 4986 4990 4989 Rel 3318 3318 3318 ReiRet 1161 958 1039 Recall Precision_Averages 0.00 0.7830 0.7168 0.7368 0.10 0.6216 0.4858 0.5592 0.20 0.4891 0.3722 0.4660 0.30 0.3815 0.2032 0.3235 OAO 0.2350 0.1382 0.2099 0.50 0.1871 0.0599 0.1385 0.60 0.1447 0.0419 0.0801 0.70 0.0705 0.0058 0.0560 0.80 0.0229 0.0030 0.0056 0.90 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Average precision for all points 11-pt 0.2669 0.1843 0.2341 Average precision at 0.20,0.50,0.80 3-pt 0.2330 0.1450 0.2034 _________ Recall at 5 docs 0.0713 0.0444 0.0571 l5docs 0.1326 0.0929 0.1297 30 docs 0.1868 0.1424 0.1734 lOodocs 0.3350 0.2550 0.2918 200 docs 0.4294 0.3466 0.3908 Precision at S docs 0.5680 0.5200 0.5360 15 docs 0.5200 0A267 0.4907 30 does 0.4320 0.3627 0.4147 100 docs 0.3140 0.2684 0.2916 200docs 0.2322 0.1916 0.2078 Table 5. Ad-hoc run statistics with Automatic Brute Force Merge, Uniform Merge with hand pruning, and Automatic Uniform Merge. 185 Run nyuirl {nyui14~ nyuirs Name brute concepts negations Queries 25 j251 25 Tot number of docs over all queries Ret 4986 4984 4984 Rel 3318 3318 3318 RelRet 1161 1291 1309 Recall Precision Averages 0.00 0.7830 0.7685 0.7823 0.10 0.6216 0.6521 0.6625 0.20 0.4891 0.5396 0.5460 0.30 0.3815 0.4306 0.4419 OAO 0.2350 0.2671 0.2755 0.50 0.1871 0.2094 0.2085 0.60 0.1447 0.1457 0.1457 0.70 0.0705 0.0660 0.0660 0.80 0.0229 0.0385 0.0385 0.90 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Average precision for all points 11-pt [~ 0.2669 0.2834 0.2879 Average precision at 0.20, 0.50,0.80 3-pt ~ 0.2330 0.2625 0.2643 Recall at S docs 0.0713 0.0738 0.0741 l5docs 0.1326 0.1362 0.1386 30docs 0.1868 0.2007 0.2011 100 does 0.3350 0.3513 0.3565 200 does 0.4294 0.4739 0.4828 Precision at 5 docs 0.5680 0.6080 0.6080 l5docs 0.5200 0.5360 0.5493 30 docs 0.4320 0.4760 0.4773 100 does 0.3140 0.3432 0.3484 200 does 0.2322 0.2582 ~__0.2618 Table 6. Ad-hoc run statistics using Automatic Brute Force Merge: without Concepts field, with Concepts field, and with Concepts excluding negated terms. REFERENCES Church, Kenneth Ward and Hanks, Patrick. 1990. "Word associafion norms, mutual informa- tion, and lexicography." Computational Linguistics, 16(1), MIT Press, pp.22-29. Crouch, Carolyn J. 1988. "A cluster-based approach to thesaurus construcfion." Proceedings of ACM SIGIR-88, pp.309-320. Grishman, Ralph, Lynette Hirschman, and Ngo T. Nhan. 1986. "Discovery procedures for sub- language selectional patterns: initial experi- ments". Computational Linguistics, 12(3), pp. 205-215. Grishman, Ralph and Tomek Strzalkowski. 1991. "Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing." Position paper at the workshop on Future Directions in Natural Language Pro- cessing in Informafion Retrieval, Chicago. Harman, Donna. 1988. "Towards interacfive query expansion." Proceedings of ACM SIGIR-88, pp.321-331. Harman, Donna and Gerald Candela. 1989. 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McDonald, Tony Plate, and Brian M. Slator. 1990. "Providing machine tractable dictionary tools." Machine Translation, 5, pp. 99-154. APPENDIX A: EXAMPLE QUERY We show TRBC topic 057 and a part of result- mg search query with only top ranked terms showed in Table A.1. Please note that we rank terms by their idf scores even though their actual scores are idf * weight. It is worth pointing out, however, that the NIST system uses idf scores to decide if a term falls below a preset "significance" threshold. We only show fields used for query generation. <top> <num> Number: 057 <title> Topic: MCI <desc> Description: Document will discuss how MCI has been doing since the Bell System breakup. ~arr> Narrative: A relevant document will discuss the financial health of MCI Com- munications Corp. since the breakup of the Bell System (AT&T and the seven regional Baby Bells) in January 1984. The status in- dicated may not necessarily be a direct or indirect result of the breakup of the system and ensuing regulation and deregulation of Ma Bell or of the restrictions placed upon the seven Bells; it may result from any number of factors, such as advances in telecom- munications technology, MCI initiative, etc. MCI's financial hcalth may be reported directly: a broad statement about its eam- ings or cash flow, or a report containing financial data such as a quarterly report; or it may be reflected by one or more of the fol- lowing: credit ratings, share of customers, volume growth, cuts in capital spending, figure net loss, pre-tax charge, analysts' or MCI's own forecast about how well they will be doing, or MCI's response to price cuts that AT&T makes at its own initiative or under orders from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), such as price reductions, layoffs of employees out of a per- ceived need to cut costs, etc. Daily OTC trading stock market and monthly short interest reports are NOT relevant; the inventory must be longer te~, at least quarterly. <Aop> teim idf weight deposit+financial 16.185341 0.192091 result+ breakup 16.185341 1.000000 restrict+action 16.185341 0.441260 number+factor 16.185341 1.000000 deposit+financial 16.185341 0.192091 layoff+job 15.600377 0.199677 report+health 15.185340 1.000000 share+cut 15.185340 1.000000 benefit+pnce 14.863412 0.263889 share+annual 14.600377 0.249365 document+ relevant 14.377985 1.000000 growth+custom 14.185340 1.000000 need+perceive 14.185340 1.000000 report+short 14.185340 1.000000 earnings+ cash 14.015415 1.000000 report+ interest 13.725908 1.000000 share+benejit 13.484900 0.263889 restrict+place 13.185340 1.000000 share+growth 13.097878 1.000000 layoff+employee 13.015415 1.000000 breakup+system 12.661778 1.000000 bell+atarm 12.484900 0.303537 number+adjust 12.377985 0.421292 hoard+cash 12.278449 0.253572 rebate+cash 12.015415 0.112116 growth+volume 11.661778 1.000000 flow+earnings 11.512915 1.000000 pre+tas 11.430452 1.000000 report+monthly 11.056057 1.000000 flow+capital 10.827788 0.434692 report+ quarterly 10.827788 1.000000 bell+ baby 10.541484 1.000000 reduce+price 10.314976 1.000000 health+financial 10.005431 1.000000 hoard 9.956521 0~253572 infusion +cash 9.717734 0.332548 ensue 9.505860 1.000000 stock+trade 9.327359 1.000000 boost+price 9.225338 0.280143 breakup 9.135491 1.000000 disposable 9.108524 0.216766 rebate 8.918553 0.112116 fcc 8.810301 1.000000 cut+price 8.763275 1.000000 mci 8.555984 1.000000 Table A.1. Partial search query for topic 057 187