bin/ - Evaluation script for temporal summarization 2015 data/ matches.tsv - All matches between gold standard nuggets and pooled updates matches_task*.tsv - Matches filtered by task dataset nuggets.tsv - Gold standard nuggets nuggets_fixed.*.tsv - Gold standard nuggets with latency shifted to earliest of any matched update and the original Wiki time. updates_pooled.tsv - Pooled set of updates exactMatches2015.tsv - Duplicate matches found using exact matches between the pooled updates and the filtered dataset. Usage: The official track metrics were generated with: ./bin/ -t -l all -n data/nuggets.tsv -u data/updates_sampled.tsv \ -m data/matches_task.tsv \ --duplicates_file data/exactMatches2015.tsv -t - Normalization using only nuggets found in the match file -l all - Fixes latency to the earliest of any nugget and its matching updates For best comparison with track runs, use the nuggets file for your task, e.g.: ./bin/ -t -l all -n data/nuggets_fixed.task.tsv \ -u data/updates_sampled.tsv \ -m data/matches_task.tsv \ --duplicates_file data/exactMatches2015.tsv