Aggregated Results
Question text
- What are the names of three US national parks where one can find redwoods?
- Identify a site with Roman ruins in present day France?
- Name four films in which Orson Welles appeared.
- Name three countries that imported Cuban sugar during the period of time covered by the document collection.
- Which children's TV program was on the air longer: the original Mickey Mouse Club or the original Howdy Doody Show?
- Which painting did Edvard Munch complete first: "Vampire" or "Puberty"?
- Which was the last dynasty of China: Qing or Ming?
- Is Denmark larger or smaller in population than Norway ?
Counts of responses for each possible assessment outcome:
Q Resp 2:2 2:1 2:0 1:2 1:1 1:0 0:0
- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1 107 8 0 3 38 2 6 50
2 98 18 - 0 - - - 80
3 106 3 2 1 44 23 27 6
4 106 29 7 0 35 14 8 13
--- -- -- -- --- -- -- ---
417 58 9 4 117 39 41 149
14% 2% 1% 28% 9% 10% 36%
5 106 65 - 9 - - - 32
6 100 41 - 22 - - - 37
7 105 77 - 15 - - - 13
8 101 9 - 14 - - - 78
--- --- -- -- --- -- -- ---
412 192 60 160
46.6% 14.6% 38.8%
=== === = == === == == ===
829 250 9 64 117 39 41 309
Q question number
Resp total number of responses
2:2 all requested items are supplied : all supplied items are supported
2:1 all requested items are supplied : some supplied items are supported
2:0 all requested items are supplied : no supplied items supported
1:2 some requested items are supplied : all supplied items are supported
1:1 some requested items are supplied : some supplied items are supported
1:0 some requested items are supplied : no supplied items are supported
0:0 no requested items are supplied : ergo, no supplied items supported
- not applicable since only one was item requested
Last updated: Tuesday, 22-Sep-2015 13:54:55 UTC
Date created: Monday, 2-Oct-00
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or Bill Hersh.