Aggregated Results

Question text

  1. What are the names of three US national parks where one can find redwoods?
  2. Identify a site with Roman ruins in present day France?
  3. Name four films in which Orson Welles appeared.
  4. Name three countries that imported Cuban sugar during the period of time covered by the document collection.
  5. Which children's TV program was on the air longer: the original Mickey Mouse Club or the original Howdy Doody Show?
  6. Which painting did Edvard Munch complete first: "Vampire" or "Puberty"?
  7. Which was the last dynasty of China: Qing or Ming?
  8. Is Denmark larger or smaller in population than Norway ?
Counts of responses for each possible assessment outcome:

	Q Resp  2:2  2:1  2:0  1:2  1:1  1:0  0:0
	- ----  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---

	1  107    8    0    3   38    2    6   50
	2   98   18    -    0    -    -    -   80
	3  106    3    2    1   44   23   27    6
	4  106   29    7    0   35   14    8   13
	   ---   --   --   --  ---   --   --  ---
	   417   58    9    4  117   39   41  149
	         14%   2%   1%  28%   9%  10%  36% 

	5  106   65    -    9    -    -    -   32
	6  100   41    -   22    -    -    -   37
	7  105   77    -   15    -    -    -   13
	8  101    9    -   14    -    -    -   78
	   ---  ---   --   --  ---   --   --  ---
	   412  192        60                 160
	         46.6%     14.6%               38.8%

	   ===  ===    =   ==  ===   ==   ==  ===
	   829  250    9   64  117   39   41  309

Q	question number
Resp	total number of responses
2:2	all  requested items are supplied : all supplied items are supported
2:1     all  requested items are supplied : some supplied items are supported
2:0     all  requested items are supplied : no supplied items supported
1:2     some requested items are supplied : all supplied items are supported
1:1     some requested items are supplied : some supplied items are supported
1:0     some requested items are supplied : no supplied items are supported
0:0     no   requested items are supplied : ergo, no supplied items supported
 -      not applicable since only one was item requested

National Institute of Standards and Technology Home Last updated: Tuesday, 22-Sep-2015 13:54:55 UTC

Date created: Monday, 2-Oct-00
For information about this webpage contact or Bill Hersh.