Additional QA Resources

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Additional QA Resources

After TREC-9, there was a request for a list of the sentences (as opposed to whole documents) that contain correct answers to the questions. Abe Ittycheriah of IBM Watson Research Center undertook to automatically match the strings in the judgment files to documents and extract the enclosing sentence. (Note a match was not always possible.) These files were provided by Abe Ittycheriah for the QA research community.

README file associated with sentences

Sentences for TREC-8 questions (tar.gz)

Sentences for TREC-9 questions (tar.gz)

Karen Sparck Jones of Cambridge University created a data set designed to investigate a variety of issues involved in recognizing a correct answer when the question is ambiguous, underspecified, etc. The data set and associated documentation are in a single file here

QA task compiled by Karen Sparck Jones

Lisa Ferro of MITRE created answer keys for the TREC-8 and most of the TREC-9 questions based on the TREC judges' assessments. All answers accepted by the judges are represented in the answer keys, and the answer keys use a "short answer" form as the answer rather than a text snippet.

TREC-8 answer key

TREC-9 answer key

AQUAINT Opinion Pilot

AQUAINT Relationship Pilot

AQUAINT Definition Pilot

Last updated: Tuesday, 24-Apr-2012 18:04:53 UTC
Date created: Tuesday, 23-April-02