1 3 Noonan syndrome is a relatively common autosomal dominant congenital disorder that affects both males and females and is named after Jacqueline Noonan, a pediatric cardiologist. The fact that an affected parent is not always identified for children with NS suggests several possibilities: 1) Manifestations could be so subtle as to go unrecognized (variable expressivity) 2) NS is heterogeneous, comprising more than one similar condition of differing causes, and some of these may not be inherited. 3) A high proportion of cases may represent new, sporadic mutations. Heterozygous mutations in NRAS, HRAS, BRAF, SHOC2, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, and CBL have also been associated with a smaller percentage of NS and related phenotypes. A condition known as neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome is associated with neurofibromin. NS can be confirmed genetically by the presence of any of the known mutations listed above. However, despite identification of fourteen causative genes, the absence of a known mutation
1 3 Noonan syndrome is a relatively common autosomal dominant congenital disorder that affects both males and females and is named after Jacqueline Noonan, a pediatric cardiologist. The fact that an affected parent is not always identified for children with NS suggests several possibilities: 1) Manifestations could be so subtle as to go unrecognized (variable expressivity) 2) NS is heterogeneous, comprising more than one similar condition of differing causes, and some of these may not be inherited. 3) A high proportion of cases may represent new, sporadic mutations. Heterozygous mutations in NRAS, HRAS, BRAF, SHOC2, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, and CBL have also been associated with a smaller percentage of NS and related phenotypes. A condition known as neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome is associated with neurofibromin. NS can be confirmed genetically by the presence of any of the known mutations listed above. However, despite identification of fourteen causative genes, the absence of a known mutation
1 1 My grandson has Noonan and also albino. He is now just two years. Biggest problem with him is growing. He now weighs 9.5 kg and has since the end of October 2008 a tube through the nose. Investigation into a possible metabolic disease has so far produced no results. The probe he will come steadily, but once the probe power supply is stopped, he falls down again. His diet is also quite normal. The dietician can not help us. This also applies to the treating pediatrician. Who has experience with this? Possible referral to a physician specialized in nutritional disorders. Leading up to the 2014 Winter Olympics Euro 2016 Group A qualifying program Olympics 2016 medal tally / paste Dutch Qualification FIFA World Cup 2014: Group C match schedule Europe EK judo in 2016: 21-24 April 2016 in Kazan -live on TV / Internet Riding with a body protector and air bag vest Schedule and Results Portugal - World Cup 2014 Â Â Common heart defects: Â Â Common facial abnormalities: 5 myths and f
1 3 Background: Noonan syndrome was first recognized as a unique entity in 1963 when Noonan and Ehmke described a series of patients with unusual facies and multiple malformations, including congenital heart disease. These patients were previously thought to have a form of Turner syndrome, with which Noonan syndrome shares a number of clinical features. The observation that patients with Noonan syndrome have normal karyotypes was important in allowing the distinction to be made between the Turner and Noonan syndromes. The cardinal features of Noonan syndrome are unusual facies (ie, hypertelorism, down-slanting eyes, webbed neck), congenital heart disease (in 50%), short stature, and chest deformity. Approximately 25% of individuals with Noonan syndrome have mental retardation. Bleeding diathesis is present in as many as half of all patients with Noonan syndrome. Skeletal, neurologic, genitourinary, lymphatic, eye, and skin findings may be present to varying degrees. Pathophysiology: The pa
1 2 The syndrome is named after Dr Jacqueline Noonan. It is believed that between approximately 1 in 1,000 and 1 in 2,500 children worldwide are born with NS. PTPN11 gene mutations account for approximately 50 percent of all cases of Noonan syndrome. SOS1 gene mutations account for 10 to 15 percent and RAF1 gene mutations account for 5 to 10 percent of Noonan syndrome cases.
1 3 Noonan syndrome is a relatively common autosomal dominant congenital disorder that affects both males and females and is named after Jacqueline Noonan, a pediatric cardiologist. The fact that an affected parent is not always identified for children with NS suggests several possibilities: 1) Manifestations could be so subtle as to go unrecognized (variable expressivity) 2) NS is heterogeneous, comprising more than one similar condition of differing causes, and some of these may not be inherited. 3) A high proportion of cases may represent new, sporadic mutations. Heterozygous mutations in NRAS, HRAS, BRAF, SHOC2, MAP2K1, MAP2K2, and CBL have also been associated with a smaller percentage of NS and related phenotypes. A condition known as neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome is associated with neurofibromin. NS can be confirmed genetically by the presence of any of the known mutations listed above. However, despite identification of fourteen causative genes, the absence of a known mutation
1 1 Growth hormone may be used to treat short stature associated with Noonan syndrome. Growth charts specific for Noonan syndrome are available and can be used to plot an individual's height, weight, and head circumference.Growth hormone has been used to accelerate growth in some patients with the disorder, and achievement of near-adult height has been documented. Such therapy is well tolerated, with very few adverse events reported. Careful follow-up evaluation of patients with Noonan syndrome is needed for early identification of bleeding diathesis, malignancy, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. ; Certain types of congenital heart lesions are amenable to surgical correction. Activity may be limited by cardiac status and the presence of hematologic abnormalities. No special dietary restrictions apply. The following consultations may be indicated in Noonan syndrome: Geneticist Cardiologist Hematologist Ophthalmologist Neurologist Audiologist Geneticist Cardiologist Hematologist O
1 1 Hello, I am responding to your post because I am interviewing someone who is affected by Noonan syndrome for a course I am taking in college. I would love to learn more about Noonan syndrome. please let me know if this is something that you are interested in. Thank you. So vetforliberty, you removed your comment after I pointed out how insensitive it was, but blocked me from replying to you because you disagree with my beliefs and recreational habits? How very mature of you to assume I somehow need your approval. Last time I checked, my husband and I paid 100% of our bills and you paid exactly nothing, meaning you have no room to judge. No offense to eileenabc, but I'm not her friend. I've never met her before or spoken with her. All I did was a search for Noonan syndrome because I'm trying (in vain, it seems) to find a support group for adults with Noonan. I'd like to know what health problems I can expect to encounter over the next 30 years. That's how I happened upon this Experience
2 1 Coeliac disease, also spelled celiac disease, is an autoimmune disorder affecting primarily the small intestine that occurs in people who are genetically predisposed. There is significant debate as to the benefits of screening. Some studies suggest that early detection would decrease the risk of osteoporosis and anaemia. In contrast, a cohort study suggested that people with undetected coeliac disease had a beneficial risk profile for cardiovascular disease (less overweight, lower cholesterol levels). There is limited evidence that screen-detected cases benefit from a diagnosis in terms of morbidity and mortality; hence, population-level screening is not presently thought to be beneficial. In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommends screening for coeliac disease in people with newly diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as in type 1 diabetics, especially those with insufficient weight gain or unexplained
2 1 Coeliac disease, also spelled celiac disease, is an autoimmune disorder affecting primarily the small intestine that occurs in people who are genetically predisposed. There is significant debate as to the benefits of screening. Some studies suggest that early detection would decrease the risk of osteoporosis and anaemia. In contrast, a cohort study suggested that people with undetected coeliac disease had a beneficial risk profile for cardiovascular disease (less overweight, lower cholesterol levels). There is limited evidence that screen-detected cases benefit from a diagnosis in terms of morbidity and mortality; hence, population-level screening is not presently thought to be beneficial. In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommends screening for coeliac disease in people with newly diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as in type 1 diabetics, especially those with insufficient weight gain or unexplained
2 1 Gluten is a protein founds primarily in wheat, barley, and rye. There are also a lot of people who try the diet who have gluten issues but are undiagnosed. They then felt better, touted the gluten free diet as a wonderful cure-all, and the gluten free fad diet was born.
2 1 Gluten is a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. These exist, conjoined with starch, in the endosperms of some grass-related grains, notably wheat, rye, and barley. Gliadin and glutenin comprise about 80% of the protein contained in wheat seed. Being insoluble in water, they can be purified by washing away the associated starch. Worldwide, gluten is an important source of nutritional protein, both in foods prepared directly from foods containing it, and as an additive to foods otherwise low in protein. The seeds of most flowering plants have endosperms with stored protein to nourish embryonic plants during germination, but true gluten, with gliadin and glutenin, is limited to certain members of the grass family. The stored proteins of corn and rice are sometimes called glutens, but their proteins differ importantly from wheat gluten by lacking glutenin. The glutenin in wheat flour gives kneaded dough its elasticity, allowing leavening and contributing chewiness to baked prod
2 1 Coeliac disease, also spelled celiac disease, is an autoimmune disorder affecting primarily the small intestine that occurs in people who are genetically predisposed. There is significant debate as to the benefits of screening. Some studies suggest that early detection would decrease the risk of osteoporosis and anaemia. In contrast, a cohort study suggested that people with undetected coeliac disease had a beneficial risk profile for cardiovascular disease (less overweight, lower cholesterol levels). There is limited evidence that screen-detected cases benefit from a diagnosis in terms of morbidity and mortality; hence, population-level screening is not presently thought to be beneficial. In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence recommends screening for coeliac disease in people with newly diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as in type 1 diabetics, especially those with insufficient weight gain or unexplained
2 1 Gluten free is generally accepted as food that contains less than 20 - 100 parts per million. Before 2006 this limit was 200 parts per million. So GF foods can contain some gluten. If you are sensitive to this small percentage as I am, then you need to choose a corn or rice based cereal without malt or malt extract as this USUALLY contains some gluten. Kelloggs state they cannot say how much gluten is in cornflakes, as it varies, and in some instances has been higher than the allowed limit for gluten free. If I have to eat cereals, then I buy Gorilla Munch, Doves Farm chocolate stars or sunrise flakes.....all from Tesco's. Some might say the outer packaging is tastier, but not sure whether it contains Gluten. If you are not too sensitive then rice and corn based cereals should be OK but they will contain malt which contains gluten.
2 1 The primary treatment of celiac disease is dietary. Removal of gluten from the diet is essential, although complete avoidance of gluten-containing grain products is relatively difficult for patients to achieve and maintain; certain products, such as wheat flour, are virtually ubiquitous in the American diet. A small percentage of patients with celiac disease fail to respond to a gluten-free diet. In some patients who are refractory, corticosteroids may be helpful. See Treatmentand Medicationfor more detail. Treatment Medication The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications. Corticosteroids might be indicated in patients with refractory celiac disease. A small percentage of patients with celiac disease fail to respond to a gluten-free diet. In some patients who are refractory, corticosteroids might be helpful. In patients who fail to respond to corticosteroids, other comorbid conditions, such as lymphomas of the small intestine, have to be ruled
2 1 Gluten Information and Printable Cards Frequently Asked Questions About Celiac Disease   09/30/2015 This Celiac.com FAQ on celiac disease will guide you to all of the basic information you will need to know about the disease, its diagnosis, testing methods, a gluten-free diet, etc.   Subscribe to FREE Celiac.com email alerts  What are the major symptoms of celiac disease? Celiac Disease Symptoms What testing is available for celiac disease? - list blood tests, endo with biopsy, genetic test and enterolab (not diagnostic) Celiac Disease Screening Interpretation of Celiac Disease Blood Test Results Can I be tested even though I am eating gluten free? How long must gluten be taken for the serological tests to be meaningful? The Gluten-Free Diet 101 - A Beginner's Guide to Going Gluten-Free Is celiac inherited? Should my children be tested? Ten Facts About Celiac Disease Genetic Testing Is there a link between celiac and other autoimmune diseases? Celiac Disease Research: Associate
3 1 and became very anger and out of control, could this be cause from th... I was diagnosed with ADHD and during this time before I was prescribed anything my friend who was also diagnosed with AD... For several years taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeli... the difference between Amphetamine Salts 20 Mg and Amphetamine Tabs 20 Mg. Both say generic for adderall... I... Hi, I usually take 30mg of adderal per day, in the morning.
3 1 Medications available for amphetamine toxicity include gastric decontaminants , sedatives to control CNS stimulation caused by amphetamines , muscle relaxants , and several drugs to control possible hemodynamic cardiovascular disturbances . A medical toxicologist may be consulted for assistance in the management of amphetamine toxicity cases. Patients who demonstrate focal neural deficits or have CT scans of the head that indicate bleeding may need neurologic or neurosurgical consultations. Patients who show significant cardiac injury may require cardiologic consultation. Several psychiatric conditions can be associated with amphetamine intoxication and withdrawal, all of which may require different management strategies. However, amphetamine-related psychiatric disorders are typically self-limited and usually remit on their own. Amphetamine-related psychiatric disorders occur most often during intoxication; therefore,treatmentshould focus on controlling medical and psychiatric s
3 1 No but I did Benadryl. That kicked in right away. Opinion 2: Gluten-Free Foods, Products, Shopping & Medications Not recommended on shared computers Frequently Asked Questions About Celiac Disease   09/30/2015 This Celiac.com FAQ on celiac disease will guide you to all of the basic information you will need to know about the disease, its diagnosis, testing methods, a gluten-free diet, etc.   Subscribe to FREE Celiac.com email alerts  What are the major symptoms of celiac disease? Celiac Disease Symptoms What testing is available for celiac disease? - list blood tests, endo with biopsy, genetic test and enterolab (not diagnostic) Celiac Disease Screening Interpretation of Celiac Disease Blood Test Results Can I be tested even though I am eating gluten free? How long must gluten be taken for the serological tests to be meaningful? The Gluten-Free Diet 101 - A Beginner's Guide to Going Gluten-Free Is celiac inherited? Should my children be tested? Ten Facts About Celiac Disea
3 1 The drug is also used illegally as a recreational club drug and as a performance enhancer. The name amphetamine is derived from its chemical name: alpha-methylphenethylamine. Adderall XR® (amphetamine-dextroamphetamine extended release) is a long-acting form of Adderall used for ADHD treatment. As an amphetamine, Adderall can be habit-forming when used in higher doses than recommended or for extended periods of time.
3 1 Yes, big time. Methampetamine is metabolized to regular amphetamine, which then produces downstream metabolites. If you are being tested for employment or probation or sports, your tit will be in a ringer unless you have a medical reason and a prescription for the stuff.
3 1 and became very anger and out of control, could this be cause from th... I was diagnosed with ADHD and during this time before I was prescribed anything my friend who was also diagnosed with AD... For several years taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeli... the difference between Amphetamine Salts 20 Mg and Amphetamine Tabs 20 Mg. Both say generic for adderall... I... Hi, I usually take 30mg of adderal per day, in the morning.
3 1 and became very anger and out of control, could this be cause from th... I was diagnosed with ADHD and during this time before I was prescribed anything my friend who was also diagnosed with AD... For several years taken TEVA 30mg Amphetamine Salts 2x daily with consistent positive relief. Focus and a feeli... the difference between Amphetamine Salts 20 Mg and Amphetamine Tabs 20 Mg. Both say generic for adderall... I... Hi, I usually take 30mg of adderal per day, in the morning.
3 1 Yes, big time. Methampetamine is metabolized to regular amphetamine, which then produces downstream metabolites. If you are being tested for employment or probation or sports, your tit will be in a ringer unless you have a medical reason and a prescription for the stuff.
4 3 A reactive VDRL test does not necessarily imply that the person is syphilitic. The diagnosis must be made in conjunction with clinical findings. Any reactive VDRL test must be confirmed with a specific or treponemal test such as TPHA, FTA-ABS test. Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) Test is a slide test employed in the diagnosis of syphilis. It is NOT a specific test. There are many chances of false positive results.
4 3 Laboratory studies Laboratory studies PSA screening: Controversy exists regarding PSA level cutoffs and reference ranges DRE: Serial examinations are best; clues to the patient’s condition in conjunction with PSA levels include presence of a nodule, as well as asymmetry, texture difference, and bogginess of the prostate, seminal vesicles, and adjacent organs Biopsy and histologic examination: These aid in the diagnosis and help to determine the Gleason score; a biopsy can also help differentiate a cyst or calculus from cancer foci PSA screening: Controversy exists regarding PSA level cutoffs and reference ranges DRE: Serial examinations are best; clues to the patient’s condition in conjunction with PSA levels include presence of a nodule, as well as asymmetry, texture difference, and bogginess of the prostate, seminal vesicles, and adjacent organs Biopsy and histologic examination: These aid in the diagnosis and help to determine the Gleason score; a biopsy can also help differenti
4 3 It depends on what stage of syphilis the patient initiated treatment in, whether the patient is HIV+, or if the patient is a baby born to a mom with reactive serology OR has congenital syphilis. In the absence of a test of cure, NTTs (VDRL) should be monitored until they are negative OR stable at a low 'titre' (1:4 dilutions). So, it is possible that VDRL test will remain positive but at LOW titres..... If patient treated in primary, secondary, or early latent, NTT (VDRL) should be monitored 1, 3, 6, 12 months post treatment late latent, tertiary: 12 and 24 months post treatment HIV+:1,3,6,12,24 post treatment and yearly after that The common treatment for syphilis is penicillin given as an intramuscular injection. Doxycycline 14 day regimen and ceftriaxone IV or IM in exceptional circumstances. IF pregnant, there is no satisfactory alternative to penicillin. Hope this helps
4 4 Keep your cock out of paid-for pussy.
4 3 Treponemal tests check whether your immune system has produced specific antibodies in direct response to the syphilis-causing Treponema pallidum.False ResultsPotential for False Positives and NegativesThe VDRL test isn’t always accurate. For example, you may have false-negative results if you have had syphilis for less than three months, as your body might take this long to make antibodies. The test is also unreliable in late-stage syphilis.On the other hand, the following can cause false-positive diseasemalariapneumonia types lupus erythematosusIV drug use tuberculosisIn some cases, your body may not produce antibodies even if you have been infected with syphilis.
4 3 Treponemal tests check whether your immune system has produced specific antibodies in direct response to the syphilis-causing Treponema pallidum.False ResultsPotential for False Positives and NegativesThe VDRL test isn’t always accurate. For example, you may have false-negative results if you have had syphilis for less than three months, as your body might take this long to make antibodies. The test is also unreliable in late-stage syphilis.On the other hand, the following can cause false-positive diseasemalariapneumonia types lupus erythematosusIV drug use tuberculosisIn some cases, your body may not produce antibodies even if you have been infected with syphilis.
4 3 Treponemal tests check whether your immune system has produced specific antibodies in direct response to the syphilis-causing Treponema pallidum.False ResultsPotential for False Positives and NegativesThe VDRL test isn’t always accurate. For example, you may have false-negative results if you have had syphilis for less than three months, as your body might take this long to make antibodies. The test is also unreliable in late-stage syphilis.On the other hand, the following can cause false-positive diseasemalariapneumonia types lupus erythematosusIV drug use tuberculosisIn some cases, your body may not produce antibodies even if you have been infected with syphilis.
5 1 Although a number of physiological events influence insulin secretion, the most important is the concentration of glucose in the arterial (oxygenated) blood perfusing the pancreas. When the plasma glucose level rises, insulin release is stimulated; as plasma glucose falls, so does the rate of insulin secretion. Even during prolonged fasting, however, a baseline secretion of insulin continues. Insulin secretion also is influenced by neurotransmitters interacting with islet cell receptors, particularly those that bind norepinephrine. Glucagon is produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas and also is secreted by cells scattered throughout the gastrointestinal tract. A number of forms of glucagon have been found; the biologically active one appears to contain 29 amino acids. Radioimmunoassays can distinguish between pancreatic glucagon and similar peptides from the gut. Circulating glucagon levels are high in the fasting state. Secretion is stimulated by amino acids and gastrointestina...
5 1 Medications used to treat Hymenoptera stings include antihistamines , steroids, alpha- and beta-receptor agonists, and bronchodilators. Refer all patients with generalized reactions for allergy testing and desensitization, if indicated. Provide means to self-administer epinephrine and diphenhydramine to all patients with generalized reactions, and advise them to wear medic alert bracelets. Continue treatment with steroids in the ED for 3-5 days. Continue administering antihistamines for at least 24 hours continuous dosing. Cool sting sites for 12 hours. Keep extremities with stings elevated for 12 hours when development of edema may present difficulties. Refer all patients with generalized reactions to an allergist as soon as possible, because risk of fatal reaction is inversely related to length of time since the last sting. Avoiding stings is vitally important for persons who are hypersensitive. Whenever these patients are outdoors, they should adhere to the following suggest
5 1 Hormones like glucagon and insulin regulate the level of sugar in your blood, thus avoiding diabetes. This two hormones are secreted by your pancreas and are the key in protecting you from diabetes. The most important thing to know in this case is that the production of these two hormones is the ultimate thing that protects us form diabetes or any other sugar related problems that you might suffer from. First let us talk about the first important hormone in avoiding diabetes; insulin. It is produced by the beta cells of your pancreas. What makes your body produce insulin is of course a high sugar level in your blood. Without the production of this hormone, you will suffer from diabetes. To protect you from diabetes, when the levels of glucose in your blood are high, the insulin produced is higher, and the other way around, thus doing everything it can to protect you from diabetes. Glucagon, the other hormone that fights against diabetes is produced by the alpha cells of your pancreas.
5 1 How To Administer a Glucagon Injection - YouTube School PinterestExplore Glucose Levels, Diabetes, and related topicsHow To Administer a Glucagon Injection - YouTubeSee MoreFinally someone understands...See MorePainless Blood Glucose Sugar Testing for DiabeticsLearning About Diabetes FREE PROGRAMS in english and Out Diabetes Walk 2013The High Blood Sugar’s Worst NightmareThe A High Blood Sugar’s Worst Nightmare The Diabetes Site BlogSee MoreLearn How to Manage Your Diabetes When You Are Sick or IllType 1 Diabetes and the Flu - Managing Diabetes and IllnessSee MoreDiabetes Forecast Magazine CoverSee MoreHere is an example of Diabetic Retinopathy, and its affect on vision.Glucagon education at school, where teachers become students of type 1 diabetes. Learn why you need to educate on glucagon for your child.See MorePinterestSearchfacebookLog in with FacebookLog in with GooglePrivacy3d189b3a56592feb64849e7f2ce1d76d
5 1 How To Administer a Glucagon Injection - YouTube School PinterestExplore Glucose Levels, Diabetes, and related topicsHow To Administer a Glucagon Injection - YouTubeSee MoreFinally someone understands...See MorePainless Blood Glucose Sugar Testing for DiabeticsLearning About Diabetes FREE PROGRAMS in english and Out Diabetes Walk 2013The High Blood Sugar’s Worst NightmareThe A High Blood Sugar’s Worst Nightmare The Diabetes Site BlogSee MoreLearn How to Manage Your Diabetes When You Are Sick or IllType 1 Diabetes and the Flu - Managing Diabetes and IllnessSee MoreDiabetes Forecast Magazine CoverSee MoreHere is an example of Diabetic Retinopathy, and its affect on vision.Glucagon education at school, where teachers become students of type 1 diabetes. Learn why you need to educate on glucagon for your child.See MorePinterestSearchfacebookLog in with FacebookLog in with GooglePrivacy3d189b3a56592feb64849e7f2ce1d76d
5 1 Glucagon promotes gluconeogenesis (the synthesis of glucose, mainly in the liver) and antagonizes (blocks) the effects of insulin (which pushes sugar into cells). This c an lead to hyperglycemia in states of glucagon overproduction, such as in glucagon producing tumors. Dr. Andrew
5 1 When our bodies sense an increase of glucose in the blood, it immediately directs the pancreas to push insulin into the blood stream. With the insulin, the body is able to burn the glucose as energy. Glucagon causes the liver to release glycogen and raises blood glucose; insulin causes cells to take up glucose and lowers blood glucose.
5 1 How To Administer a Glucagon Injection - YouTube School Pinterest See more best ideas about Watches and YoutubeExplore Glucose Levels, Diabetes, and related topicsHow To Administer a Glucagon Injection - YouTubeSee Moreblood sugar levels after eating chartSee MoreLow Blood Sugar Blood Sugar Levels Chart Diabetics- an Important Tool in Maintaining a Normal Blood Sugar LevelSee MoreFinally someone understands...See MorePainless Blood Glucose Sugar Testing for DiabeticsLearning About Diabetes FREE PROGRAMS in english and Out Diabetes Walk 2013The High Blood Sugar’s Worst NightmareThe A High Blood Sugar’s Worst Nightmare The Diabetes Site BlogSee MoreLearn How to Manage Your Diabetes When You Are Sick or IllType 1 Diabetes and the Flu - Managing Diabetes and IllnessSee MoreDiabetes Forecast Magazine CoverSee MorePinterestSearchfacebookLog in with FacebookContinue with GooglePrivacy3d189b3a56592feb64849e7f2ce1d76d
6 3 Your specific risks depend on your health, the type of anesthesia used, and your response to anesthesia. Your age may be a risk factor. In general, the risks associated with anesthesia and surgery increase in older people. Although all types of anesthesia involve some risk, major side effects and complications from anesthesia are uncommon. Your specific risks depend on your health, the type of anesthesia used, and your response to anesthesia.
6 1 Nearly all patients with a femoral fracture are in significant pain, and parenteral analgesia should always be a consideration. Preoperative prophylactic antibiotics are recommended for the patient undergoing immediate internal fixation, with the usual dose being 1 g of a first-generation cephalosporin. Prophylactic antibiotics are also indicated for open fractures. In a clean laceration smaller than 1 cm, an IV bolus of 1 g of a first-generation cephalosporin is adequate. An antibiotic that covers gram-negative organisms should be added for a laceration larger than 1 cm. With a laceration that has an extensive soft-tissue injury or appears moderately contaminated, 1.5 mg/kg of gentamicin or tobramycin should also be added. If the laceration appears grossly contaminated, penicillin should be added to cover clostridial infections. ; Femoral head fractures Femoral head fractures Treatment of type 1 femoral head fractures is as follows: Obtain orthopedic consultation in the EDReduce d
6 3 Before surgery, an anesthesiologist will meet with you and evaluate your medical condition and formulate an anesthetic plan that is right for you. During surgery, advanced technology is used to monitor your body's functions, and your anesthesiologist must interpret these sophisticated monitors in order to appropriately diagnose, regulate and treat your body while a personalized, delicate balance of anesthetic medications are administered. In some hospitals, nurse anesthetists may assist the anesthesiologists with the monitoring responsibilities. However, it is the anesthesiologist who is responsible for the interpretation of the monitoring, who make educated medical judgments concerning your responses, and when it is and when it is not appropriate to treat you. After surgery, your anesthesiologist will reverse the effects of the anesthetic medications you receive, and return you to consciousness once again. Source: http://lifelinetomodernmedicine.com/what_expect.aspx
7 1 Wanna see my huge dong? wooow no thanks dude
7 1 A thrombus, colloquially called a blood clot, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. trauma, atheroma) 2) Abnormal blood flow (loss of laminar flow resulting from stasis in veins or turbulence in arteries) (e.g. valvulitis, aneurysm) 3) Hypercoagulability (e.g. leukaemia, Factor V mutation (Leiden)) Disseminated intravascular coagulation involves widespread microthrombi formation throughout the majority of the blood vessels. This is due to excessive consumption of coagulation factors and subsequent activation of fibrinolysis using all of the bodys available platelets and clotting factors. The end result is hemorrhaging and ischaemic necrosis of Causes are septicaemia, acute leukaemia, shock, snake bites, fat emboli from broken bones, or other severe traumas. DIC may also be seen in pregnant females.
7 1 I had a DVT in the back of my left leg, behind the knee. I was 26 yrs old when I was diagnosed with it. I had an injury to the same leg 4 yrs before I was diagnosed, and then one week before the diagnosis I hurt the same leg again, but this time I couldn't walk. I was in miserable pain (screaming pain). I went to the doctor this same week and he said he needed to do a MRI on my knee, and that was scheduled 2 days later. That second morning I woke up in so much pain and I went to the bathroom and I accidentally hit the calf of my leg on the side of the bathtub, omg I though I was going to die. Well I went on in to work and my co-workers seen my leg and told me I needed to go home because the whole back of my leg was red and the bottom-back side of my heel was purple. I went home and called my doctor and they told me that sounds like i have a DVT and I need to go to the ER immediately. I went to the ER and they did an ultrasound on my leg, and sure enough I had a DVT. I was going to have
7 1 A thrombus, colloquially called a blood clot, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. trauma, atheroma) 2) Abnormal blood flow (loss of laminar flow resulting from stasis in veins or turbulence in arteries) (e.g. valvulitis, aneurysm) 3) Hypercoagulability (e.g. leukaemia, Factor V mutation (Leiden)) Disseminated intravascular coagulation involves widespread microthrombi formation throughout the majority of the blood vessels. This is due to excessive consumption of coagulation factors and subsequent activation of fibrinolysis using all of the bodys available platelets and clotting factors. The end result is hemorrhaging and ischaemic necrosis of Causes are septicaemia, acute leukaemia, shock, snake bites, fat emboli from broken bones, or other severe traumas. DIC may also be seen in pregnant females.
7 1 I was 26 yrs old when I was diagnosed with it. I had an injury to the same leg 4 yrs before I was diagnosed, and then one week before the diagnosis I hurt the same leg again, but this time I couldn't walk. I was in miserable pain (screaming pain). I no longer have DVT, but my leg has never felt the same since this, I still have pain in all of my calf, but of course not like a clot is there. Your information is very correct about DVT.
7 1 Numerous factors, often in combination, contribute to deep venous thrombosis . These may be categorized as acquired or congenital . A useful categorization may be an acute provoking condition versus a chronic condition, as this distinction affects the length of anticoagulant therapy. The frequent causes of DVT are due to augmentation of venous stasis due to immobilization or central venous obstruction. Immobility can be as transient as that occurring during a transcontinental airplane flight or that during an operation undergeneral anesthesia. It can also be extended, as during hospitalization for pelvic, hip, or spinal surgery, or due to stroke or paraplegia. Individuals in these circumstances warrant surveillance, prophylaxis, and treatment if they develop DVT. general anesthesia Increased blood viscosity may decrease venous blood flow. This change may be due to an increase in the cellular component of the blood in polycythemia rubra vera or thrombocytosis or a decrease in the fl
7 1 A thrombus, colloquially called a blood clot, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. trauma, atheroma) 2) Abnormal blood flow (loss of laminar flow resulting from stasis in veins or turbulence in arteries) (e.g. valvulitis, aneurysm) 3) Hypercoagulability (e.g. leukaemia, Factor V mutation (Leiden)) Disseminated intravascular coagulation involves widespread microthrombi formation throughout the majority of the blood vessels. This is due to excessive consumption of coagulation factors and subsequent activation of fibrinolysis using all of the bodys available platelets and clotting factors. The end result is hemorrhaging and ischaemic necrosis of Causes are septicaemia, acute leukaemia, shock, snake bites, fat emboli from broken bones, or other severe traumas. DIC may also be seen in pregnant females.
7 1 You will have aches in your leg and pain at the site of your DVT for the rest of your life. This is because your veins are damaged from the clot(s). From what I understand there is nothing that you can do to alleviate this. I developed three DVT's in one leg almost 10 years ago. The area where the biggest clot was still aches, gets sore, has a protruding vein, and is always warmer than the rest of my leg. I also find that I have to use a wedge to elevate my legs at night - that helps reduce the pain (something like http://www.harrietcarter.com/index.cfm/f... - you can find sturdier ones from companies on eBay, though; I've had both and the ones from eBay last longer). The only concern I would have about conceiving is to make sure that the DVT was just caused by the pill and not by something genetic. When I had my DVT's I was on the pill, but my doctor did another test just to make sure it wasn't anything else. That test came back positive and so had a further genetic test. Turns out...
8 1 It perpetuates the problem. You know what treating. 2017 Time Inc.
8 1 This medicine comes with a Medication Guide. Read and follow the instructions carefully. Ask your doctor if you have any questions.
8 1 What is the most important information I should know about Darvocet? • Propoxyphene may be habit forming. Physical and/or psychological dependence can occur, and withdrawal effects are possible if the medication is stopped suddenly after prolonged or high-dose treatment. Do not stop taking Darvocet suddenly without first talking to your doctor if you have been taking it continuously for more than 5 to 7 days. Your doctor may want to gradually reduce the dose. • Do not take Darvocet if you suffer from depression or have suicidal thoughts. • Do not take more of this medication than is prescribed. If the pain is not being adequately treated, talk to your doctor. • Do not take other over-the-counter and prescription products that contain acetaminophen. Too much acetaminophen could be dangerous. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter preparations. • Avoid alcohol while taking Darvocet. Alcohol can increase drowsiness and dizziness caused by the medica
8 1 That full of energy feeling isn't due to any stimulant. It's completely due to the drugs ability to suppress depression. Many people who take serotonin (and in the case of Effexor) serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors have the same experience. They've gotten so used to functioning under depression that being out of it, and experiencing life like a non-depressed person will feel like a high. There's some very good news about Effexor. That feeling should last long after you've stopped taking the drug and potentially for the rest of your life. If not, don't be afraid to ask your doctor to prescribe it again.
8 1 What is the most important information I should know about Darvocet? • Propoxyphene may be habit forming. Physical and/or psychological dependence can occur, and withdrawal effects are possible if the medication is stopped suddenly after prolonged or high-dose treatment. Do not stop taking Darvocet suddenly without first talking to your doctor if you have been taking it continuously for more than 5 to 7 days. Your doctor may want to gradually reduce the dose. • Do not take Darvocet if you suffer from depression or have suicidal thoughts. • Do not take more of this medication than is prescribed. If the pain is not being adequately treated, talk to your doctor. • Do not take other over-the-counter and prescription products that contain acetaminophen. Too much acetaminophen could be dangerous. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter preparations. • Avoid alcohol while taking Darvocet. Alcohol can increase drowsiness and dizziness caused by the medica
8 3 Appropriate antibiotic treatment leads to significantly higher symptomatic and bacteriologic cure rates and better prevention of reinfection in women with uncomplicated cystitis.Unfortunately, treatment also selects for antibiotic resistance in uropathogens and commensal bacteria and has adverse effects on the gut and vaginal flora. Consequently, evolving practice seeks to achieve good symptom control for uncomplicated acute cystitis while reducing antibiotic use. For example, European practice increasingly includes the option of offering a 48-hour delayed antibiotic prescription to be used at the patient's discretion. ; The first-choice agents for treatment of uncomplicated acute cystitis in women include nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole , or fosfomycin. Beta-lactam antibiotics may be used when other recommended agents cannot be used.Fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals should be avoided in patients with possible early pyelon
8 1 Prescription Drugs and Over-the-Counter Questions and AnswersDrugsWhat is the difference between prescription drugs and OTC drugs?A drug is a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. Here are the main differences between OTC drugs and prescription drugs.Prescription drugs by a doctorBought at a pharmacyPrescribed for and intended to be used by one personRegulated by FDA through the New Drug Application process. This is the formal step a drug sponsor takes to ask that the FDA consider approving a new drug for marketing in the United States.
8 1 2. Both licensed persons will verify that the correct medication is selected by comparing the medication container with the MAR or order. 3. 4. The second person observes as the medication is drawn up and verifies that the dose is correct. 5.
9 3 Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. There is a general chain of events that applies to infections. The chain of events involves several stepswhich include the infectious agent, reservoir, entering a susceptible host, exit and transmission to new hosts. Each of the links must be present in a chronological order for an infection to develop.
9 3 Morbidity: A study by Kupferwasser et al showed that S bovisendocarditis is a severe infection. The duration of fever and the increased acute-phase reactants after the onset of treatment were longer than with infective endocarditis caused by other bacteria. Involvement of multiple valves and valvular damage resulting in moderate-to-severe regurgitation were also more common. Embolic events were less common and correlated with the smaller sizes of S bovisvegetations observed on transesophageal echocardiograms. Gastrointestinal lesions were observed in nearly 50% of patients with S bovisendocarditis. S bovis S bovis S bovis Mortality: Mortality rates from the same study were 45% for S bovisendocarditis and 25% for non–S bovisendocarditis. This is higher than the 7.5-38% mortality range reported previously. The increased mortality was related to the virulence of S bovisand to a more common occurrence of underlying extracardiac disease of which patients died during follow-up care. S bov
9 4 Staph infections are caused by some varient of the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. That particular bacteria normally lives on the skin and in the noses of all human beings, and causes no problems at all as long as it stays on the surface. The problems starts when the bacteria gets into the skin or inside the body somehow- into a pore, hair follicle or a cut/scrape of the skin itself, or into the digestive tract through contaminated food. Once inside, the bacteria does what all bacteria does, it reproduces and produces a toxin of sorts. The immune system detects it, and attacks, like it is supposed to do. The result can be anything from a pimple or boil, a bad case of food poisoning with diarrhea and vomiting, to a major skin infection or even a systemic infection if it gets bad enough. Penicillin used to be the drug of choice, but now most staph infections are resistant to it, and they have had to develop newer antibiotics as a result. Usually it's treated with vancomycin, although ...
9 3 Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. There is a general chain of events that applies to infections. The chain of events involves several stepswhich include the infectious agent, reservoir, entering a susceptible host, exit and transmission to new hosts. Each of the links must be present in a chronological order for an infection to develop.
9 3 Staphylococcal Infections Also called: Staph Staph is short for Staphylococcus, a type of bacteria. There are over 30 types, but Staphylococcus aureus causes most staph infections, including * Skin infections * Pneumonia * Food poisoning * Toxic shock syndrome * Blood poisoning (bacteremia) Skin infections are the most common. They can look like pimples or boils. They may be red, swollen and painful, and sometimes have pus or other drainage. They can turn into impetigo, which turns into a crust on the skin, or cellulitis, a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot. Anyone can get a staph skin infection. You are more likely to get one if you have a cut or scratch, or have contact with a person or surface that has staph bacteria. The best way to prevent staph is to keep hands and wounds clean. Most staph skin infections are easily treated with antibiotics or by draining the infection. Some staph bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics, making infections harder to treat. I found thi
9 1 Urinary tract infections, which recur over time, are called recurrent urinary tract infections and require further evaluation. This can trap bacteria in the urinary tract and can lead to both bladder and kidney infections. These can be very dangerous because prostate enlargement is most common in elderly men who often do not fight off infection well.
9 1 Someone who has the callsign equipped needs to stab you.
9 3 Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. There is a general chain of events that applies to infections. The chain of events involves several stepswhich include the infectious agent, reservoir, entering a susceptible host, exit and transmission to new hosts. Each of the links must be present in a chronological order for an infection to develop.
11 3 people develop macular degeneration as part of the body's natural aging process. Less commonly, macular degeneration may be an inherited condition, as in the case of juvenile macular degeneration. Injury, infection, inflammation or extreme nearsightedness may also damage the delicate tissue of the macula. The two most common types of age related macular degeneration are "dry" (atrophic) and "wet"(exudative): "Dry" macular degeneration (also called atrophic or invilutional macular degeneration): By far the most common type, "dry" macular degeneration is caused by aging and thinning of the tissues of the macula. Vision loss is usually gradual. "Wet" macular degeneration (also called exudative or hemorrhaging macular degeneration): Accounting for about 10% of all cases, "wet" macular degeneration results when abnormal blood vessels form at the back of the eye. These new blood vessels leak fluid and blood. Leaking fluid distorts and blurs central vision, often resulting in dense scar tissu
11 3 Macular degeneration is essentially the deterioration of the retina and is a reduction of the nutrients from the choroid to the sensory retina, which therefore causes a deterioration of the cones in the eye. Therefore, people with macular degeneration develop a dark spot in the center of the eye, which greatly impairs their vision. This then leads to increased vasculature, leading to bleeding and scarring in the macular region of the eye, thus causing inflammation. Glaucoma is defined as the decreases in vision that is caused by decreases in the pressure of the eye due to different levels of fluid, which helps maintain the health and structure of the eye. Glaucoma affects vision, as it causes a loss in peripheral vision which leads to tunnel vision, loss of vision and even blindness.
11 3 Oxidative stress is believed to play a major role in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration because of combined exposures of the retina to light and oxygen. Additionally, AMD is now widely accepted as a genetically inherited disorder with late onset. Groundbreaking studies in the genetics of AMD have changed the way in which most specialists perceive the disease. Specifically, a majority of the risk of developing AMD is determined by variations in 3 specific genes, as follows: CFHgene BF gene and C2 gene LOCgene CFHgene CFH BF gene and C2 gene BF C2 LOCgene LOC Maller and others showed that polymorphisms in the above 3 genes independently raise the risk of AMD.The above genetic factors contribute to approximately 50% of the sibling risk of developing AMD. Smoking and a higher body mass index are 2 of the most common other environmental factors that contribute independently to the increase in the risk of developing AMD. Smoking has been clearly identified as increas
11 3 Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. Supplements may slow down the worsening of AMD. There is not enough evidence to determine if statins have a role in preventing or slowing the progression of AMD. Antiangiogenic steroids such as anecortave acetate and triamcinolone acetonide have shown no evidence in preventing visual loss in people with neovascular AMD.
11 3 There are many things that can slow the vision loss due to macular degeneration. I list below things that can help and some of them may apply to you. Eat a diet rich in green leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce etc), eat more fish (do not eat red meat - steak), eat nuts of any kind, do aerobic exercises (brisk walking for 1 hour - health permitting) and perhaps the most important - STOP SMOKING (if you are a smoker). There are high dose vitamins and antioxidants that can help too. These are specific for macular dgeneration and are available without a prescription. REMEMBER that if you are a current or ex-smoker you should NOT take beta-carotene. Ask your doctor or pharmacist. There are new treatments for wet macular degeneration. Lucentis has just been approved by the FDA. It is the first drug to produce a gain in vision in macular degeneration patients. The drug is injected inside the eye. Therefore - it is not true that 'no treatment' exists for macular degeneration. There is extensiv
11 3 people develop macular degeneration as part of the body's natural aging process. Less commonly, macular degeneration may be an inherited condition, as in the case of juvenile macular degeneration. Macular degeneration or ARMD is the deterioration of macula, a region found in the retina. Age related macular degeneration is a part of aging process. The sign of macular degeneration is blurred central vision.
11 3 Macular degeneration, also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD or ARMD), is a medical condition which may result in blurred or no vision in the center of the visual field. Supplements may slow down the worsening of AMD. There is not enough evidence to determine if statins have a role in preventing or slowing the progression of AMD. Antiangiogenic steroids such as anecortave acetate and triamcinolone acetonide have shown no evidence in preventing visual loss in people with neovascular AMD.
12 1 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to prevent complications and to reduce morbidity. Ultrasonographic findings, in association with presence or absence of significant clinical bleeding, may aid in determination of medical versus expectant management as well as urgent versus routine follow-up. In the case of expectant management, advise the patient to return to the ED or to contact an OB/GYN if severe cramping, bleeding, fever, and/or passage of tissue occur. In the case of medical management with misoprostol, the first dose of 800 micrograms may be administered intravaginally in the ED, with follow up to an OB/GYN in 24-48 hours. Patients should be warned to return to the ED or contact their OB/GYN immediately for severe cramping, bleeding, fever, and/or passage of tissue. After the first dose of misoprostol is administered intravaginally, the patient may be discharged to follow up with her OB/GYN in 24-48 hours. If a curettage is performed in the ED, the patient should be observed
12 4 A molar pregnancy is a rare complication of pregnancy. It happens when something goes wrong during the fertilisation process at conception, and there are abnormalities in the cells that grow to form the placenta. Molar pregnancy, sometimes called a hydatidiform mole, is part of a group of conditions called gestational trophoblastic tumours. They are usually benign (not cancerous). Even though they can spread beyond the uterus (womb), they are curable. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilised egg contains 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother. In a complete molar pregnancy, the fertilised egg has no maternal chromosomes and the chromosomes from the father's sperm are duplicated, so you end up with two copies of chromosomes from the father and none from the mother. In this case, there's no embryo, amniotic sac, or any normal placental tissue. Instead, the placenta forms a mass of cysts that looks like a cluster of grapes. These cysts are visible on an ultrasound scan. In mos
12 4 Molar pregnancy is an abnormal form of pregnancy in which a non-viable fertilized egg implants in the uterus and will fail to come to term. The moles may intrude so far into the uterine wall that hemorrhage or other complications develop. It is for this reason that a post-operative full abdominal and chest x-ray will often be requested. In 2 to 3% of cases, hydatidiform moles may develop into choriocarcinoma, which is a malignant, rapidly growing, and metastatic (spreading) form of cancer. Despite these factors which normally indicate a poor prognosis, the rate of cure after treatment with chemotherapy is high. Over 90% of women with malignant, non-spreading cancer are able to survive and retain their ability to conceive and bear children. In those with metastatic (spreading) cancer, remission remains at 75 to 85%, although their childbearing ability is usually lost.
12 1 The molar mass of a substance is a sum of the molar mass' of the atoms that are in it. To calculate it, you just add them up. In this case, you would need to know what the mass of an atom is. If we have a chemical compound like NaCl, the molar mass will be equal to the molar mass of one atom of sodium plus the molar mass of one atom of chlorine.
12 4 First off there are 2 types of molar pregnancies one is complete and the other is partial. With the complete it is all molar tissue without a fetus. The partial molar pregnancy contains some fetal tissue. Also with the complete molar pregnancy there is no maternal genetic material found. With the partial it is an egg that fertelized by two sperm.So it has 69 chromosomes. The fetus can't survive and usually aborts before the 12th week. IThere are some cases that weren't found till the second trimester but that is very rare. There are a bunch of warning signs like extrememly high levels of HCG, high blood pressure and many others. If the doctor diagnoses the pregnancy as a molar then a D&C needs to be done to make sure that all of the molar tissue is removed. Some tissue can be left behind and can actually grow back, so they will be monitoring her blood weekly for HCG till it goes down to zero and it can take up to 12 weeks . Then monthly for a year. To make sure that it hasn't grown ...
12 4 Molar pregnancy is an abnormal form of pregnancy in which a non-viable fertilized egg implants in the uterus and will fail to come to term. The moles may intrude so far into the uterine wall that hemorrhage or other complications develop. It is for this reason that a post-operative full abdominal and chest x-ray will often be requested. In 2 to 3% of cases, hydatidiform moles may develop into choriocarcinoma, which is a malignant, rapidly growing, and metastatic (spreading) form of cancer. Despite these factors which normally indicate a poor prognosis, the rate of cure after treatment with chemotherapy is high. Over 90% of women with malignant, non-spreading cancer are able to survive and retain their ability to conceive and bear children. In those with metastatic (spreading) cancer, remission remains at 75 to 85%, although their childbearing ability is usually lost.
12 4 Molar pregnancy is an abnormal form of pregnancy in which a non-viable fertilized egg implants in the uterus and will fail to come to term. The moles may intrude so far into the uterine wall that hemorrhage or other complications develop. It is for this reason that a post-operative full abdominal and chest x-ray will often be requested. In 2 to 3% of cases, hydatidiform moles may develop into choriocarcinoma, which is a malignant, rapidly growing, and metastatic (spreading) form of cancer. Despite these factors which normally indicate a poor prognosis, the rate of cure after treatment with chemotherapy is high. Over 90% of women with malignant, non-spreading cancer are able to survive and retain their ability to conceive and bear children. In those with metastatic (spreading) cancer, remission remains at 75 to 85%, although their childbearing ability is usually lost.
12 4 A molar pregnancy is a rare complication of pregnancy. It happens when something goes wrong during the fertilisation process at conception, and there are abnormalities in the cells that grow to form the placenta. Molar pregnancy, sometimes called a hydatidiform mole, is part of a group of conditions called gestational trophoblastic tumours. They are usually benign (not cancerous). Even though they can spread beyond the uterus (womb), they are curable. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilised egg contains 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother. In a complete molar pregnancy, the fertilised egg has no maternal chromosomes and the chromosomes from the father's sperm are duplicated, so you end up with two copies of chromosomes from the father and none from the mother. In this case, there's no embryo, amniotic sac, or any normal placental tissue. Instead, the placenta forms a mass of cysts that looks like a cluster of grapes. These cysts are visible on an ultrasound scan. In mos
13 2 Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation in one or more joints. There is no known cure for either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), orthopedic bracing, and medications. Joint replacement surgery may be required in eroding forms of arthritis.
13 2 Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation in one or more joints. There is no known cure for either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), orthopedic bracing, and medications. Joint replacement surgery may be required in eroding forms of arthritis.
13 1 Sorry, that's never really a good idea. Your symptoms may correspond to something that looks bad and without being checked out you will be afraid. I think you should go see a doctor, get tested and then you'll know if you have something to be concerned about.
13 1 Your symptoms 3 weeks ago sound like the flue, except for the rash. But if your peeling skin off your hands, have red eyes and muscle pain for the past two weeks with no other symptoms I'm inclined to think you have a virus of some sort or if you have mono ( aka the kissing disease. Its commonly passed through saliva and it shuts down your immune system making you very tired and highly susceptible to other viruses and bacteria). Its hard to say with out getting blood test done. But I would suggest that you take some advil for the muscle pain, put antibacterial cream on your hands at night (and wrap your hands in socks this will help keep the cream on your hands and help your body absorb it faster) and buy over the counter tear drops for your eyes. If symptoms get worse please call the doctor. even though you dont have insurance a phone call is free and normally the receptionist will be able to give you free helpful pointers on what to do. best of luck and i hope you feel better.. also
13 1 Although viral arthritis clearly is not uncommon in the United States, its exact incidence and prevalence are unknown and vary with the type of virus and the age range of specific population groups. It is estimated that approximately 2.7 million people are infected with HCV in the United States, and perhaps 0.01% of the population is infected with HBV. Viral arthritis is known to occur worldwide, though its exact international incidence and prevalence are unknown,. The rate of HBV infection is higher in Asia , the Mideast, and sub-Saharan Africa. HCV infection rates are higher in Africa and Asia. Viral infection rates may be higher in adults than in children or the reverse, depending on the virus under consideration. HBV infection rates in childhood may be as high as 5% annually. In adulthood, HBV is transmitted through sexual activity or needle exposures. Children are more susceptible to infection with parvovirus B19 than adults are, although they rarely experience arthritis. As m
13 1 These are the most common very early pregnancy signs that most women agree on. Some women will experience only one of these signs, and some will have several or all of these very early symptoms of pregnancy. Understanding pregnancy symptoms is important because each symptom may be related to something other than pregnancy. Some women experience pregnancy symptoms within a week of conception.
13 1 Hey Hi, It looks like you have signs and symptoms of candida yeast infection. I had it for over 15 yrs and it took over my life. Based on my personal experience and 100s of other women that I have talked to and helped here is what I can tell you. 1. You will experience more itching around private area 2. You will experience discharge that will make your panties dirty, your discharge could also happen while you are having intercourse. Sort of white cottage cheese. 3. You may also experience smell down there, at start it's not that bad but if you leave it untreated then things can get out of control and smell can totally ruin your life. In my case I lost my bf and job it was just too much I couldnt stay still without applying perfume every 10-15 minutes yes it was that bad. 4. Bloating/Gas what happens if after a while you dont treat it you may experience some sort of gas/bloating and it can get really embarrasing. In my case it always came when my bf was just gonna kiss me or when we wo
13 2 Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation in one or more joints. There is no known cure for either rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), orthopedic bracing, and medications. Joint replacement surgery may be required in eroding forms of arthritis.
14 2 News & Perspective > Wounds Tami S. de Araujo, MD, and Robert S. Kirsner, MD, From the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, Florida Abstract and Introduction The vasculitides comprise a heterogeneous group of diseases with the common histopathologic feature of inflammation and necrosis of blood vessel walls. The etiologic factors associated with triggering of endothelial injury include: infections, drugs, autoantibodies, malignancies, abnormal circulating proteins, and underlying systemic disease. Half of all cases, however, do not present a clear etiology or association and are considered idiopathic. The varied causes coupled with the myriad of clinical presentations and an imperfect classification system can make the diagnosis of specific forms of vasculitis difficult. Physicians need to integrate clinical assessment with laboratory data in order to differentiate between the disorders where the vasculitic process repre...
14 2 Vasculitis is a general term for a group of uncommon diseases that feature inflammation of the blood vessels. The blood vessels of the body are referred to as the vascular system. The blood vessels are composed of arteries that pass oxygen-rich blood to the tissues of the body and veins that return oxygen-depleted blood from the tissues to the lungs for oxygen. Vasculitis is characterized by inflammation in and damage to the walls of various blood vessels. Each of the vasculitis diseases (also, as a group, referred to as vasculitides) is defined by certain patterns of distribution of blood vessel involvement, particular organ involvement, and laboratory test abnormalities. The word vasculitis is derived from the Latin "vasculum", vessel + "- itis", inflammation. Another term for vasculitis is angiitis. When arteries are the inflamed blood vessels, the condition is also referred to as arteritis. When the veins are inflamed, it is referred to as venulitis. What causes vasculitis and what
14 2 Vasculitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of blood vessels. Vasculitis can affect very small blood vessels (capillaries), medium-size blood vessels (arterioles and venules), or large blood vessels (arteries and veins). Vasculitis is a general term for a group of uncommon diseases that feature inflammation of the blood vessels. The blood vessels of the body are referred to as the vascular system.
14 1 Wegener's Vasculitis is actually very difficult to diagnose. Blood tests are usually looking for a protein called ANCA (anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody). If the blood test is positive for a certain kind of ANCA, it points toward Wegener's. However, since there are other disorders with positive tests for ANCA, it isn't considered truly diagnostic. Sometimes biopsies (looking a small pieces of tissue in the microscope) are done in suspected cases Wegener's Vasculitis, but these are also not always definitive. In the end, the diagnosis is often based on a combination of the patient's symptoms, negative tests for other diseases, and supporting evidence from blood tests (and perhaps a biopsy). Normally: Neutrophils are immune cells in your body which can consume and destroy bacteria. They essentially "eat" the bacteria (Pacman style) and then use chemicals to digest the bacteria. These cells are usually in the blood until they are needed. For example... If you were to cut yourself, neu
14 3 The universally accepted treatment of giant cell arteritis is high-dose corticosteroid therapy.The major justification for the use of corticosteroids is the impending danger of blindness in untreated patients. Patients who present with visual symptoms have a 22-fold increased chance of visual improvement if therapy is started within the first day. Damage may be irreversible if treatment is delayed beyond 48 hours. Few studies exist regarding dosing protocols for corticosteroids in GCA. It is generally agreed that most patients with suspected GCA should be started on oral prednisone 40-60 mg/day, with a temporal artery biopsy performed within 1 week.Prednisone doses of 80-100 mg/day have been suggested for patients with visual or neurologic symptoms of GCA.Follow-up care within 72 hours after starting therapy should be arranged. ; Alternatively, patients with acute visual changes from GCA can be started on intravenous methylprednisolone at a dose of 1,000 mg daily for 3 days. Limite
15 1 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. In 1992, decreased serotonin metabolites in peoples blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid were reported. However, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder, while drugs with activity as mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been more successful. However, the relevance of dysregulated serotonin metabolism to pathophysiology is a matter of debate. Complicating the analysis, one of the more effective types of medication for the treatment of the disorder (i.e. serotonin 5-HT3 antagonists) actually blocks some effects of serotonin. Results from studies examining responses to experimental stimulation suggest that people with fibromyalgia may have heightened sensitivity of the nociceptive system, which senses pressure, heat, cold, electrical and chemical stimulation.
15 1 I think I can answer few questions Nope Nope? Yup Hmmm
15 1 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. In 1992, decreased serotonin metabolites in peoples blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid were reported. However, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder, while drugs with activity as mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been more successful. However, the relevance of dysregulated serotonin metabolism to pathophysiology is a matter of debate. Complicating the analysis, one of the more effective types of medication for the treatment of the disorder (i.e. serotonin 5-HT3 antagonists) actually blocks some effects of serotonin. Results from studies examining responses to experimental stimulation suggest that people with fibromyalgia may have heightened sensitivity of the nociceptive system, which senses pressure, heat, cold, electrical and chemical stimulation.
15 1 The physician should inform the patient that no cure exists for fibromyalgia but that education, lifestyle changes including regular physical activity, and proper medications can help the individual to regain control and achieve significant improvement.When patients with fibromyalgia fully understand the nature of the disease, they are more likely to comply with treatment and to take an active role in managing the disease. European League Against Rheumatism 2016 guidelines recommend that initial management of fibromyalgia involve patient education and focus on nonpharmacological therapies. Patients whose condition fails to respond should receive treatment tailored to their specific needs, such as psychological therapies for mood disorders and unhelpful coping strategies, pharmacotherapy for severe pain or sleep disturbance, and/or a multimodal rehabilitation program for severe disability. EULAR noted that meta-analyses provide only weak evidence to support the use of any therapy in
15 1 Search Results. Other Suggested Searches . Did you mean: Search filters applied. Search Results. Other Suggested Searches .
15 1 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. In 1992, decreased serotonin metabolites in peoples blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid were reported. However, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder, while drugs with activity as mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been more successful. However, the relevance of dysregulated serotonin metabolism to pathophysiology is a matter of debate. Complicating the analysis, one of the more effective types of medication for the treatment of the disorder (i.e. serotonin 5-HT3 antagonists) actually blocks some effects of serotonin. Results from studies examining responses to experimental stimulation suggest that people with fibromyalgia may have heightened sensitivity of the nociceptive system, which senses pressure, heat, cold, electrical and chemical stimulation.
15 1 There was a problem with allow-recursion, I put back ournets instead and it went fine. It seems nslookup only works if recursion is available. answered Jun 7 '16 at 13:34 Since what you're doing with nslookup is asking the server to do recursive lookups (unless the domain is yours), that's not surprising.. you can limit who can recurse with ACLs if it worries you... – NickW Jun 7 '16 at 14:52 Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service . Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged domain-name-system bind or ask your own question . 1 year, 1 month ago 1 year, 1 month ago Trends in Cloud Computing: Who Uses AWS, Who Uses Azure? Can't reverse DNS lookup with BIND9 Setting up a DNS name server for a mass virtual host with Bind9 BIND9 recursion on slave servers for a delegated zone - not working Getting bind9 to answer on a Dual NIC machine? DNS bind9 : can't see
16 1 We used our License Key on the development site and now we can’t use it on the live version, yet we do not want to unplug fro dev site so we can continue to run testing of other plug ins and features in the future. Please advise how we can continue to use it for this purpose. | Permalink Hello Fernando The most cost effective way to handle this is to walk through the steps on Moving Your License Key . Deactivating the license on one site will not delete the data, but will prevent you from receiving updates or sending us System Info automatically (requiring you to copy/paste it instead). Then you could get the live site ready before moving data, etc. The other solution would be to increase your license level to Pro. I believe you’d do well to just deactivate the license on staging instead. Is there anything else I can help you with?
16 1 we can't use dc everywhere because dc is hazardous for living beings plus we can't transform mechanical energy into dc power directly. you can see that we use basically ac a ppliances at home,also dc but with very low voltages. ac is alternating in nature has zero and negative so if any one get in contact with ac it will result in hazard for the half positive cycle and repelling of body for the negative cycle. but in case of dc, the supply is continuous so it'll hazard the body continuously. another aspect is generation. as i told earlier that we can't transform mechanical energy into dc power directly means we are generating ac supply in most generating stations where we are dealing with mechanical energy conversion. even dc generator generates ac power but by means of commutation process we convert it into the dc. so it is not possible to use dc or ac everywhere. we have to deal with the both :)
16 3 Burning mouth syndrome (BMS also termed glossodynia, orodynia, oral dysaesthesia, glossopyrosis, stomatodynia, burning tongue, stomatopyrosis, sore tongue, burning tongue syndrome, burning mouth, or sore mouth) is the complaint of a burning sensation in the mouth where no underlying dental or medical cause can be identified and no oral signs are found. A burning sensation in the mouth may be primary (i.e. burning mouth syndrome) or secondary to systemic or local factors. Other sources refer to a secondary BMS with a similar definition, i.e. a burning sensation which is caused by local or systemic factors, or where oral burning is explained by a clinical abnormality. However this contradicts the accepted definition of BMS which specifies that no cause can be identified.
16 3 Burning mouth syndrome (BMS also termed glossodynia, orodynia, oral dysaesthesia, glossopyrosis, stomatodynia, burning tongue, stomatopyrosis, sore tongue, burning tongue syndrome, burning mouth, or sore mouth) is the complaint of a burning sensation in the mouth where no underlying dental or medical cause can be identified and no oral signs are found. A burning sensation in the mouth may be primary (i.e. burning mouth syndrome) or secondary to systemic or local factors. Other sources refer to a secondary BMS with a similar definition, i.e. a burning sensation which is caused by local or systemic factors, or where oral burning is explained by a clinical abnormality. However this contradicts the accepted definition of BMS which specifies that no cause can be identified.
16 1 More likely than not it's not a credible website. That site looks suspicious. With only advertisement. Edit: Okay, so it links to http://www.overnight-acne-cures.com. But I still don't trust it. Let your acne heal naturally, if you ask me.
16 3 Studies of burning mouth syndrome have focused more on etiology than treatment. Currently, no definitive cure exists; many treatments have been tried with variable success. Attempting combinations of therapies may be appropriate; in particular, cognitive therapy may be synergistic with other agents.Additionally, it may be worth empirically treating for other conditions that cause secondary burning mouth syndrome based on the nature of symptoms or exam findings. Because burning mouth syndrome is a chronic pain syndrome, patients must have realistic expectations of the natural course of their condition. For patients with primary burning mouth syndrome , an estimated 50-66% may have improvement in symptoms after 6-7 years.A small study of 32 patients reported near universal improvement in symptoms within 16 weeks for patients receiving ongoing multidisciplinary treatment.Spontaneous remission is rare but does occur in roughly 3% of patients.These findings are similar to other idiopat
16 1 As seen in Heb. 9:28, Scripture rejects three comings of Christ. The view is also inconsistent with Matt. If he cares about you it will work out. But lay off the sex. (I am a guy and I am telling you this, because I know how my mind works)...
16 3 Burning mouth syndrome (BMS also termed glossodynia, orodynia, oral dysaesthesia, glossopyrosis, stomatodynia, burning tongue, stomatopyrosis, sore tongue, burning tongue syndrome, burning mouth, or sore mouth) is the complaint of a burning sensation in the mouth where no underlying dental or medical cause can be identified and no oral signs are found. A burning sensation in the mouth may be primary (i.e. burning mouth syndrome) or secondary to systemic or local factors. Other sources refer to a secondary BMS with a similar definition, i.e. a burning sensation which is caused by local or systemic factors, or where oral burning is explained by a clinical abnormality. However this contradicts the accepted definition of BMS which specifies that no cause can be identified.
17 3 Check the insert for the Climara estradiol, acrylate copolymer adhesive, fatty acid esters, polyethylene backing. estriol (without the d) is the preferred method of dealing with menopause. You may want to switch to an Estriol solution after consulting with the physician. http://the-medical-dictionary.com/climar... Synthesis Estradiol, like other sex steroids, is derived from cholesterol. After side chain cleavage and either utilizing the delta-5 pathway or the delta-4 pathway androstenedione is the key intermediary. Androstendione is either converted to testosterone which in turn undergoes aromatization to estradiol, or, alternatively, androstendione is aromatized to estrone which is converted to estradiol. Conversion of testosterone to estradiol:
17 1 The patch files themselves that you downloaded via blizzard downloader will be in the folder you installed your game in. They will either be under the "patches" subfolder or just be in the main folder as individual files. The probable reason being that the patch isn't as stretchy as the rest of the tube. When applying the patch on a tube that's alread at its working size, there's less pull/stretch between tube and patch that can upset the glue bond.
17 1 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications. In the modern era, this includes not only preventing acute, severe, life-threatening infections but also preventing morbidity from the slow development of end organ damage due to subclinical chronic infection. Since most of these patients require life-long immunoglobulin replacement, an additional goal is to provide optimal therapy without compromising the patient’s quality of life. Concentrated safe and effective immunoglobulin products can now be delivered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, or intravenously. ; The goals of therapy in patients with immunoglobulin G deficiency are 3-fold.First, treat the acute infection with antibiotics. Because agammaglobulinemia may lead to failure of opsonization in serum, acute infections require aggressive and longer courses of antibiotic treatment than is required in normal patients. Emphasis must be placed on encapsulated organisms such as S pneumoniaand H infl
17 1 performing cpr helps
18 1 In order to better enable the surgeon to plan reconstruction, the auricle can be divided into zones or subunits. These anatomical subunits require different methods of repair. The first of these is the helical rim and lobule, which creates the overall appearance of the ear compared to the opposite side. Mild defects or subtle deformities in this subunit can create the largest cosmetic asymmetry. Therefore, care is taken in this subunit to maintain continuity, reduce step-off deformities, maintain height, and prevent profile or smooth line abnormalities. The next subunit is the antihelix and antitragus. These complex cartilage folds give structure to the ear and support. Losing cartilage in this zone can produce lop-ear deformities, cauliflower ear, and changes in protrusion of the helical rim. ; Probably the least important zone is the conchal bowl or cavum conchae because it contributes little to the overall shape, support, or size of the ear. Cartilage in this subunit can be used a
18 1 ear wax builds up over time. if you don't clean out your ears regularly, then its just finally worked its way out of your ear. The other possibility is that you may be developing a head cold. sometimes wax gets hard and sticks in your ear to the point that you can't get it out. if this is something that you experience, try this: mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt with 8 oz of water in a cup. hold the cup up to your ear and tilt your head until the cup is as close to upside down as possible stay that way for about 5 minutes clean out your ear with q tips repeat for the other ear you'd be amazed how much stuff will come out of your ears. I first stumbled across doing this while caring for a piercing. now I do it about every two months and I've actually gotten sick less because of it.
18 1 Ear wax is a sticky liquid secreted by cerumen glands. It isn't really wax in the 'candle wax' sense (paraffin). Skin contains many tiny glands whose sole purpose is to secrete a variety of substances. Sebaceous glands, for example, secrete sebum, which gives skin its greasy quality. Sweat is also produced by microscopic glands. Cerumen glands are found only in the skin of the ear canals. Ear wax, sticky stuff that it is, traps anything foreign that flies, crawls, or is blown into the ear canals. Dirt, tiny bits of plant material, small insects, bacteria, and so forth are immobilized by wax. Think of wax as the sticky stuff on a No Pest Strip. The primary purpose of ear wax is to protect your ear canal and ear drum from such foreign materials
18 2 Please find the information regarding [couple, bubble, minutes, warm water, ear wax, drop peroxide] in the following link: http://thesurvivaldoctor.com/2012/10/29/earwax-removal-how-to-clean-out-your-ears-at-home/
18 1 Also, when you use a q-tip, it is important to only swab the area outside of the ear canal and not the inside of the ear canal as you can possibly damage your ear drum. You can also try home remedies that many people have had good luck with. There is an oil treatment that smothers the ear mites. Put a drop or two of mineral oil in the ear, massage the ear good pushing it down into the ear canal.
18 2 Please find the information regarding [bubble, flush, harm, ear wax, minutes, drop peroxide] in the following link: https://www.earthclinic.com/hydrogen-peroxide-for-ear-wax-removal.html
18 2 Please find the information regarding [flush, minutes, ear, ear wax, bubble, warm water] in the following link: http://thesurvivaldoctor.com/2012/10/29/earwax-removal-how-to-clean-out-your-ears-at-home/
18 4 peroxide is abnormally drying to the tissues in the ear canal, not recommended. Suggest either ear wash which is formulated with moisturizers or baby oil followed by a good flush with warm water. Opinion 2: Ear wax is a sticky liquid secreted by cerumen glands. It isn't really wax in the 'candle wax' sense (paraffin). Skin contains many tiny glands whose sole purpose is to secrete a variety of substances. Sebaceous glands, for example, secrete sebum, which gives skin its greasy quality. Sweat is also produced by microscopic glands. Cerumen glands are found only in the skin of the ear canals. Ear wax, sticky stuff that it is, traps anything foreign that flies, crawls, or is blown into the ear canals. Dirt, tiny bits of plant material, small insects, bacteria, and so forth are immobilized by wax. Think of wax as the sticky stuff on a No Pest Strip. The primary purpose of ear wax is to protect your ear canal and ear drum from such foreign materials
19 1 In a maternity ward, in a hospital the big companies.
19 3 Sevoflurane also called fluoromethyl hexafluoroisopropyl ether, is a sweet-smelling, nonflammable, highly fluorinated methyl isopropyl ether used for induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. . wiki// In the hands of an experienced anesthesiologist, it is just about the perfect anesthetic. Obviously, there are safety concerns in its use that go beyond those of modern agents.
19 1 After confirming the diagnosis and assessing the severity of anasthmaattack, direct treatment toward controlling bronchoconstriction and inflammation. Beta-agonists, corticosteroids, and theophylline are mainstays in the treatment of status asthmaticus. Sevoflurane, a potent inhalation agent, was successful in a single case report in which it was used when conventional treatment failed in a woman aged 26 years. asthma Hydration, with intravenous normal saline at a reasonable rate, is essential. Special attention to the patient's electrolyte status is important. ; Hypokalemia may result from either corticosteroid use or beta-agonist use. Correcting hypokalemia may help to wean an intubated patient with asthma from mechanical ventilation. Hypophosphatemia may result from poor oral intake and is also an important consideration when weaning such patients. ; Nitrate oxide has been employed in a child with refractory asthma. The future role of this therapy remains to be determined. Indi
19 2 Sevoflurane also called fluoromethyl hexafluoroisopropyl ether, is a sweet-smelling, nonflammable, highly fluorinated methyl isopropyl ether used for induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. . Opinion 2: Isoflurane functional groups: the halogens fluorine, chlorine, and an ether functional group. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isoflurane Sevoflurane functional groups: There is an ether, 2 CF3's and 1 extra fluorine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevoflurane lipohilic - means the compound will dissolve in a lipid.. this means that the compound is non-polar ! ! ! hydrophilic - means the compound will dissolve in a water solution... this means the compound is polar ! ! remember - like dissolves like, so in order for a compound to be lipophilic, it must be non polar, and vice-versa for hydrophilic (if a compound is hydrophilic that means it is polar and will dissolve in water) polar just means that the compound has polarity.. it is an unequal charge left on the central atom, wh...
19 1 Isoflurane functional groups: the halogens fluorine, chlorine, and an ether functional group. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isoflurane Sevoflurane functional groups: There is an ether, 2 CF3's and 1 extra fluorine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevoflurane lipohilic - means the compound will dissolve in a lipid.. this means that the compound is non-polar ! ! ! hydrophilic - means the compound will dissolve in a water solution... this means the compound is polar ! ! remember - like dissolves like, so in order for a compound to be lipophilic, it must be non polar, and vice-versa for hydrophilic (if a compound is hydrophilic that means it is polar and will dissolve in water) polar just means that the compound has polarity.. it is an unequal charge left on the central atom, when it says that it is nonpolar, it means the charges on either side of the central atom have balanced out so there isn't any polarity.. or unequalness ! i have to go take care of something. i can explain more when i get
20 1 A personality disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, Fifth Edition is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that differs markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, Fifth Edition DSM-5 Although the most common etiologies for personality disorders are multifactorial, these conditions may also be secondary to biologic, developmental, or genetic abnormalities. Stressful situations may often result in decompensation, revealing a previously unrecognized personality disorder. Indeed, personality disorders are aggravated by stressors, external or self-induced. Individuals may have more than 1 personality disorder. ; Ten personality disorders, grouped into 3 clusters , are defined in the D
20 1 Odds are computed by the actual betting being done. If a horse is being bet heavily, it's odd will come down. For instance, a horse opens at 10-1, but after several hours of betting, the track computes a larger percentage of bets has been placed on the horse than a 10-1 number would have. So the track adjusts the odds to 9-1. The math looks something like this: Total money bet-the cut the track takes=Total pot available for payouts. The track then computes how the pot would be divided. A likely-winning horse will have many bettors and therefore be low odds because the money will be divided among all those bettors. A longshot as fewer bettors and therefore will payout a higher amount. FYI- Insurance works the same way. What the odds mean is pretty simple. The left number is what you get paid for the number on the right. So 10-1 odds means you get 10 dollars back for every dollar wagered. 3-2 odds means you get 3 dollars back for ever 2 dollars bet. The higher the ratio, the more unlikel
20 -2 strange, 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.... Origin Historyodd c.1300, a unit in excess of an even from O.N. oddi or additional as in odda-maðr man, odd man gives the casting odda-tala O.N. oddi means lit.
20 -2 Pool - $20,000 Take - 17.5%, 17.5% of $20,000 is $3,500, $20,000 - $3,500 is $16,500 Odds - $16,500 / $4,100 = $4.024 The odds of the #3 horse to win are 4 to 1. You will win 4 dollars for every 1 dollar you bet. So if you bet $2 on a horse at even odds, then you'll get back your $2 and you've won $2 ($1 for every $1 that you bet) so you'll get back a total of $4. If your horse is 2-1, you get $6... $2 for every $1 that you bet and your $2 back.
20 -2 It's good to feel comfortable in your own skin. Don't let life make you less than who you are! Thanks LaPetiteMortDAgostina! (that was long) Yuh, I stay signed in. Too much effort to type that out... Haha Have a super interesting and lovely day, wherever you are XD hahaha...u r odd to! lol. thank Agostina! (not going to type that again lol) I'm just me, it's all the people trying to be someone they're not who are odd o.O What is that all about? to me, everybody odd (the fakers r odd to). that what make them special. I don't mean nothing bad about u. ^_^ I know, it's cool. u r cool to....^_^ Darn tootin'! And yourself! Hahahaha :) I'm gonna go study some interesting things now and make my brain a little bit closer to full capacity. Toodle pip!
20 1 have you gotten medication?that sounds kind of serious. have you seen another docter since this has happened, because somtimes they have different suggentions.Oh, and dont be afraid to tell te docter what has been happening latley.(If you already didnt do that) maddy :]
20 -2 strange, 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.... Origin Historyodd c.1300, a unit in excess of an even from O.N. oddi or additional as in odda-maðr man, odd man gives the casting odda-tala O.N. oddi means lit.
21 3 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a rare genetic or epigenetic overgrowth syndrome of about 1 in associated with an elevated risk of embryonic tumor is a mortality rate for newborns with BWS. BWS is caused by mutations in growth regulating genes on chromosome 11— caused by an inversion specifically on 11p15—or by errors in Clinically, patients typically present with omphalocele, macroglossia and macrosomia birth Organomegaly, adrenocortical cytomegaly, hemihypertrophy, and neonatal hypoglycemia may also be seen. Not all of these features appear in every individual with BWS.
21 1 Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. It is named after John Langdon Down, the British doctor who described the syndrome in 1866. Often Down syndrome is associated with some impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth as well as facial appearance. Down syndrome in a baby can be identified with amniocentesis during pregnancy or at birth.
21 1 There are many groups out there that deal with this problem. I am sure many of them have meeting and conferences where you can meet each other.
21 1 The evaluation of the Down syndrome baby and the family by a medical geneticist is often useful. What are some of the minor anomalies in Down syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms The following are symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. You may still have carpal tunnel syndrome if you have only a few symptoms.
21 3 Beckwith-Wiedemann MedlinePlus Medical EncyclopediaYou Are Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeURL of this syndromeBeckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is a growth disorder that causes large body size, large organs, and other symptoms. It is a congenital condition, which means it is present at birth. The signs and symptoms of the disorder vary somewhat from child to child.Infancy can be a critical period in babies with this condition because of the possibility blood sugarA type of hernia called an omphalocele enlarged tongue increased rate of growth.
21 1 Healthcare providers should work as a team, together with nursing, social work, and legal personnel. The patient should be gently confronted with the team’s suspicions in a supportive manner that focuses on the patient’s psychological distress as the source of illness.Psychiatric treatment should be offered to the patient. The patient with factitious disorder will probably try to split the team, and this is a danger for the psychiatric consultant who attempts to establish a therapeutic relationship with the patient. Accordingly, some authorities feel that therapy should not be attempted with patients who have factitious disorder unless they can make a good-faith showing of desire for therapy. ; Patients who are confronted typically deny that they have manufactured disease, though a few will admit it. Patients with the chronic form of factitious disorder typically become angry and discharge themselves from the hospital to try to perpetuate their illness elsewhere. Patients with fact
21 3 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a rare genetic or epigenetic overgrowth syndrome (prevalence of about 1 in 15,000) associated with an elevated risk of embryonic tumor formation.[1]There is a 20% mortality rate for newborns with BWS. BWS is caused by mutations in growth regulating genes on chromosome 11— caused by an inversion specifically on 11p15—or by errors in genomic imprinting.[2] Clinically, patients typically present with omphalocele, macroglossia (large tongue), and macrosomia (large birth weight).[3] Organomegaly, adrenocortical cytomegaly, hemihypertrophy, and neonatal hypoglycemia may also be seen. Not all of these features appear in every individual with BWS. Macroglossia occurs in approximately 80% of cases and often results in 'floppy' airways which may require treatment with a tracheotomy.
21 3 Mutations in the CDKN1C gene prevent this protein from restraining growth, which leads to the abnormalities characteristic of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.About 1 percent of all people with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome have a chromosomal abnormality such as a rearrangement abnormal copying or loss of genetic material from chromosome 11. Like the other genetic changes responsible for Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, these abnormalities disrupt the normal regulation of certain genes on this chromosome. Related Information More about In about 85 percent of cases of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, only one person in a family has been diagnosed with the condition.
22 2 Citrobacter freundii - WikipediaCitrobacter freundiiFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump Citrobacter Werkman and Gillen 1932Citrobacter freundii is a species of of the family. The bacteria have a long with a typical length of 1–5 μm. Most C. freundii cells generally have several used for locomotion, but some do not and are non-motile.
22 3 Citrobacter freundii is Gram stain negative, aerobic, and motile (most). Citrobacter freundii has been investigated for biodegradation of tannic acid (used in tannerys). Opinion 2: C. freundii is a nasty critter, whose talents include causing brain and cerebellar abscesses. Recently, a CDSA showing C. freundii listed antibiotics and non-prescription supplements effective against C. freundii. Chances are that gi C. freundii won't cause meningitis in a specific individual, but " not likely " seems less reassuring in a child with increased intestinal permeability and suboptimal nutritional status ths suboptimal immunity and suboptimal detoxification. 1: Microb Pathog. 2001 Jan;30(1):19-28. Bacterial invasion and transcytosis in transfected human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Stins MF, Badger J, Sik Kim K. Division of Infectious Diseases, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Most cases of neonatal bacterial meningitis develop as a result of a hematogenous sprea...
22 1 Again, use tea tree oil for its analgesic, antiseptic and healing properties. Use neat and follow up with a tea tree oil based gel or ointment. * Prevent or treat tinea (athlete's foot). Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your cleaning cloth or use tea tree oil based cleaners (tea tree oil is an excellent solvent). When washing the clothing and bed linen of the sick person, add a few drops of tea tree oil to the wash. * Acne.
22 2 Citrobacter freundii - WikipediaCitrobacter freundiiFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump Citrobacter Werkman and Gillen 1932Citrobacter freundii is a species of of the family. The bacteria have a long with a typical length of 1–5 μm. Most C. freundii cells generally have several used for locomotion, but some do not and are non-motile.
22 2 Most occur when normal bacteria from the intestines enters the urethra and travels to the bladder. It is not something you caught from anyone else nor is it contagious to anyone else. The source of infection was your own body. The symptoms would be typical of any UTI. Most strains of Citrobacter will respond to several common antibiotic treatment options.
22 1 Indole test,Proteus vulgaris is be indole positive and Citrobacter freundii will be indole negative
22 1 Yes. Me too, im still suffering from feet skin disease since i was a child. Ive tried so many different products for it, but unfortunately none of this commercialized products is successfully cure my feet disease. I will never give up looking for new one that can cure permanently this disease. For now im waiting for this new upcoming product called Jarvis Cosmetics which refer by my old friend whos undergo clinical trial lately last year. I hope this one can help me. yeah, it can be bad. I've had it since birth and it took years for me to cure, but no doctor helped... it's only up to you. If you want to know about my story, here's the link EP Link
maybe it will help you a bit? Hope so.
22 1 Treatment of ecthyma gangrenosum requires the use of antipseudomonal penicillins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, or aztreonam. Initially, antipseudomonal penicillin is used in conjunction with an aminoglycoside . Further adjustment of antibiotics may be required after sensitivity results are known. Ecthyma gangrenosum requires prompt diagnosis and treatment with appropriately selected antibiotics for the underlying etiology. If the lesion fails to respond to antimicrobials, surgical debridement of the spreading, necrotic lesion may be required.The presence of EG should alert the physician to the likelihood of pseudomonal bacteremia, and the early implementation of antimicrobial agents is necessary to reduce the high mortality associated with pseudomonal sepsis. Treatment of EG requires the use of antipseudomonal penicillins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, third-generation cephalosporins, or aztreonam. While awaiting results, an antipseudo
23 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
23 1 How can I do this and still be healthy?— To look at this problem in a reasonable way, I’d need to know what you eat and how much you exercise as well as more about your general health. If you have not seen a pediatrician about this, it would be a good place to start to be sure you don’t have any problem in how your body uses the calories you eat. There are illnesses that make it impossible to gain weight despite adequate calories.
23 1 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
23 1 You are correct on both points. However, in the States, we do not have a free market for health care and that is wrong. Too much government screwing around and too much illicit garbage via the handful of big insurers. In the pockets where those two elements are held at bay, health care is quite affordable and accessible. Check out LASIK, plastic surgery, the walk-in clinics which meet most peoples' needs (sprains, upper respiratory infections, vaccinations, etc.) where you get in and out in a reasonable amount of time for under $100, etc. We SHOULD clean up the mess we have because it's unfair and the most vulnerable are having their health ruined, being bankrupted, or even dying from what is just flat out abuse by those who get the lion's share of the profits in the field without even treating patients (large insurers and predatory lenders). You might want to check these things out as it's a hot topic and we do need to fix things: Predatory lenders who are dishonest to boot: http:/...
23 1 Patterns of fat distribution differ among races, ages, and sexes. The actual number of fat cells remains stable during adult life. The cells get larger with weight gain and smaller with weight loss. In general, women have a proportionately higher percentage of body fat than men. Women typically have a disproportionate number of fat cells in their hips, upper thighs, and buttocks, while men tend to have a more even distribution of fat cells in the trunk. Also, liposuction is effective in changing contour because it permanently removes fat cells that are distributed unevenly. The remaining fat cells still can store fat. Therefore, liposuction affects weight distribution but cannot prevent further weight gain. A progressive accumulation of fat occurs intra-abdominally as a person ages. This intra-abdominal fat is not treated by liposuction, thus must be differentiated carefully from subcutaneous fat when evaluating a patient for surgery. The interdigital type of tinea pedis is usually
23 1 Accessed May 25, 2017.Products and ServicesSee alsoAdvertisementMayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission.Advertising SponsorshipMayo Clinic StoreCheck out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. Other Topics in Patient Care Health Info.ART-20048178Mayo Clinic FooterLegal Conditions and TermsAny use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below.Reprint PermissionsA single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Clinic Healthy and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.HONWe comply with the .© 1998-2017 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research All rights reserved.
23 1 I especially loved the last paragraph where it said that “you need to do what’s best for your family�, but was immediately followed up by reminding you that if you do employ CIO as a sleep training method you will surely raise a child who will suffer from any number of mental health disorders perhaps the raise of mental illness has more to do with better diagnostic procedures, environmental factors, etc… but no no its because you choose to sleep train using CIO. Just as a side note both my husband and I were sleep trained using CIO and he’s a physician, I’m finishing my masters of nursing… I could come to the conclusion that CIO actually produces healthy, independent and intelligent adults. Which is just as ridiculous as implying that your child will have mental health issue later in life.
23 1 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
24 1 Most cases of AOM improve spontaneously. Cases that require treatment may be managed with antibiotics and analgesics or with observation alone. Guidelines from American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines from American Academy of Pediatrics In February 2013, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians  released updated guidelines for the diagnosis and management of AOM, including recurrent AOM, in children aged 6 months through 12 years. The recommendations offer more rigorous diagnostic criteria to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use. According to the guidelines, management of AOM should include an assessment of pain. Analgesics, particularly acetaminophen and ibuprofen, should be used to treat pain whether antibiotic therapy is or is not prescribed. Recommendations for prescribing antibiotics include the following: Antibiotics should be prescribed for bilateral or unilateral AOM in children aged at least 6 months with severe signs or symptoms and f
24 1 Usually if my ear is hurting with a throat it is because I have an infection in my ear. I get ear aches all the time, about an average of 1 every 2 months, ever since I was a baby. There is an over the counter ear drop that helps with the pain, but it does not help with a cure. It is about $7.00 USA dollars and is found at Walmart. It'll be with the ear drops, but it is specifically for ear pain. The drops are kinda oily, but it is good stuff. It comes in a package about the size of eye drops. Read the directions of how to use it. In the mean time, take a few lozenges to help sore throat. The ears and throat and nose are very closely connected, and that is why most of the time, it is one specialist that does all three of these body parts. If you begin to feel dizzy, or feel like you are going to throw up, do contact a doctor. This is a sign that you may need some antibiotics to get rid of any infection. (Just wondering, have you recently gone swimming or anything, because even just ...
24 1 Any severe earache requires medical attention. Only a doctor can make the proper diagnosis of otitis externa, otitis media, or other less common causes of earache including problems that are not infectious. These diseases have similar symptoms making self-diagnosis unwise and potentially dangerous. Medication can be used to treat earache. 1. Medical Name: Otitis externa Most cases are treated with eardrops for 7-10 days. These drops contain antibiotic to fight the infection and, sometimes, a steroid to reduce swelling. The drops are placed in the ear while the person is lying on his or her side, with the affected ear up. The outer ear is gently pulled backwards, and the drops are placed over the opening to the ear canal. The ear is gently wiggled for a minute to help the drops penetrate. The person should remain in this position at least 5 minutes. Then a cotton ball can be placed over the ear to catch any spill. Sometimes a wick is placed in the canal if swelling is severe. Some sever
24 1 Also, when you use a q-tip, it is important to only swab the area outside of the ear canal and not the inside of the ear canal as you can possibly damage your ear drum. You can also try home remedies that many people have had good luck with. There is an oil treatment that smothers the ear mites. Put a drop or two of mineral oil in the ear, massage the ear good pushing it down into the ear canal.
24 1 You should see the doctor in case you have a perforated ear drum There are a few home remedies you could try today that might sort it. Get to googling 😊 Put Warm garlic oil and cotton in your ear!
25 1 Update in Drug Allergy: Novel Drugs with Novel Reaction Patterns Marta Rubio; Philippe-Jean Bousquet; Pascal Demoly Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010;10(5):457-462. In This Article Abstract and Introduction Purpose of review In the last years, many novel drugs have been introduced, generating new patterns of drug hypersensitivity. There are also novel clinical and biologic techniques that have enabled us to understand the mechanisms and diagnosis of reactions to old used drugs. This review summarizes current knowledge on the epidemiology, mechanisms, and clinical and in-vitro diagnosis of these reactions. Recent findings Traditional and complementary alternate medicines are also causes of adverse drug reactions, and many of them are cataloged as allergy. Research in the field of skin and drug provocation test to antibiotics such as beta-lactams and carbapenems, and iodinated and gadolinium contrast media has allowed the understanding of cross-reactivity reactions and permi.
25 1 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and to prevent complications. The goal is to adequately treat the underlying infection or dermatitis, which should lead to prompt resolution of the id reaction. Recurrences are common, especially if the primary source is not treated adequately. Treatment of the eruption includes the following: Systemic or topical corticosteroids Wet compresses Systemic or topical antihistamines Systemic or topical corticosteroids Wet compresses Systemic or topical antihistamines ; Complications can include secondary infection and secondary allergic contact dermatitis from topically applied medicaments/emollients. If a severe underlying infection is present, consult an infectious disease specialist or internist. Principles of medical care are as follows: The ultimate goal is to identify and discontinue the offending medication if possible Patients can sometimes continue to be treated through morbilliform eruptions; nevertheless, all patients
25 1 To solve this problem you need to use the product rule and the chain rule. The product rule looks like this f(x)g'(x)+g(x)f'(x) and the chain rule is f"(g(x))(g'x). Using these formulas a) 0.5x(60-x/3)^(-1/2)(1/3) Plug in 52 for all x's and you get b)1.3268 aproximately
25 1 The larger the surface area compared to the volume, the faster a reaction can take place, as more simultaneous reactions can occur which hardly make the reaction chemically reversible. This can truly be classified as a nonreversible chemical reaction that goes to completion. The list of nonreversible inorganic reactions is endless.
25 1 To solve this problem you need to use the product rule and the chain rule. The product rule looks like this f(x)g'(x)+g(x)f'(x) and the chain rule is f"(g(x))(g'x). Using these formulas a) 0.5x(60-x/3)^(-1/2)(1/3) Plug in 52 for all x's and you get b)1.3268 aproximately
26 1 bmac-I've read a lot of your answers and I'm usually impressed! (Just thought you would like to know) You use everyday common sense and seem well educated. Now about mixing medications....most don't realize what they are doing when they start mixing herbal with Rx. They don't even really know what herb they are taking most of the time. Most just see "increase memory" "stay awake" "be more alert" they are looking for a quick fix because they can't seem to find the time to eat right, get plenty of rest ect.. ect.. ect. Most people need to realize that ALL drugs and herbs have side effects and can be potentially LETHAL if ya don't know what your doing. Maybe some have read your question and supporting documentation and ran to the medicine cabinet to see if they are mixing a lethal combination??? What do you think the chances are??? Thanks for throwing out the tidbit...where did you find your information?
26 1 Add the dry cake mix, and stir the two together before you add the wet ingredients. Don't use a cake mix that already has pudding in the mix; read the package carefully since many mixes already include dry pudding ingredients. Use a skin care system intended to work together to maintain the skin's natural pH balance. Drink plenty of water. Don't use products containing drying alcohol.
26 2 Since they all require a prescription, why don't you just call up your pharmacist & ask? Generally they run a check to see what medications you take when you get something filled to check for interactions. But if you're just looking for a quick high, have fun with those possible side effects like potentially fatal Stevens-Johnson syndrome & toxic epidermal necrolysis, anemia, weight gain, reduced libido (sex drive), angio-edema, heart attack, respiratory depression, diarrhea or constipation from hell, vomiting, & renal or hepatic problems =) If they're legit, call your pharmacist for best advise. If not, consider the possible side effects from abusing drugs.
26 1 bmac-I've read a lot of your answers and I'm usually impressed! (Just thought you would like to know) You use everyday common sense and seem well educated. Now about mixing medications....most don't realize what they are doing when they start mixing herbal with Rx. They don't even really know what herb they are taking most of the time. Most just see "increase memory" "stay awake" "be more alert" they are looking for a quick fix because they can't seem to find the time to eat right, get plenty of rest ect.. ect.. ect. Most people need to realize that ALL drugs and herbs have side effects and can be potentially LETHAL if ya don't know what your doing. Maybe some have read your question and supporting documentation and ran to the medicine cabinet to see if they are mixing a lethal combination??? What do you think the chances are??? Thanks for throwing out the tidbit...where did you find your information?
26 1 A specific antidote does not exist for acute stimulant intoxication. Activated charcoal should be prescribed in a case of acute overdose. Otherwise the treatment should target specific signs and symptoms such as hypertension, agitation, seizures, and hyperthermia. In the study of fatalities related to MDMA ingestion by Patel et al, a significant delay occurred between onset of symptoms and health care treatment in the cases reviewed.Rapid supportive treatment may reduce mortality. Studies have investigated the use of newer stimulants with lesser potential for abuse as transitional replacements to cocaine. Over time, cravings for stimulants such as cocaine appear to dissipate regardless of placebo administration or alternative stimulant treatment. The relatively small, double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Dackis et al suggested that modafinil may have use in the treatment of cocaine dependence. Outpatient and inpatient nonpharmacologic treatment of stimulant dependence has been
27 1 Dementia, also known as senility, is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning. Exercise programs are beneficial with respect to activities of daily living and potentially improve dementia. Currently, no medications have been shown to prevent or cure dementia. Medications may be used to treat the behavioural and cognitive symptoms but have no effect on the underlying disease process. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil, may be useful for Alzheimer disease and dementia in Parkinsons, DLB, or vascular dementia. The quality of the evidence however is poor and the benefit is small. No difference has been shown between the agents in this family.
27 1 Dementia, also known as senility, is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning. Exercise programs are beneficial with respect to activities of daily living and potentially improve dementia. Currently, no medications have been shown to prevent or cure dementia. Medications may be used to treat the behavioural and cognitive symptoms but have no effect on the underlying disease process. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil, may be useful for Alzheimer disease and dementia in Parkinsons, DLB, or vascular dementia. The quality of the evidence however is poor and the benefit is small. No difference has been shown between the agents in this family.
27 1 For some time, electroencephalography has been employed clinically as a measure of brain function in the hope of determining and differentiating certain functional conditions of the brain. It is used in patients with cognitive dysfunction involving either a general decline of overall brain function or a localized or lateralized deficit. This article primarily addresses the clinical use of EEG in the evaluation of dementias and encephalopathies. In addition, aspects of digital EEG and other newer developments are discussed briefly. Criteria from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition should be used in the diagnosis of dementia. Clinical dementia is a fairly broad-based decline of brain function, and most definitions center on the patient's intellectual decline and memory dysfunction. This is, however, a fairly simplistic approach, in that dementia encompasses much more than these fundamental deficits. Many dementias have specific distinguishing feature
27 1 Dementia is the loss of mental functioning; such as memory, reasoning and thinking that is severe enough to interfere with a person's day to day living. Some things many of us might do on the rare occasion, but in someone with dementia these things begin happening more frequently than is normal. Symptoms can include: - Decreased abstract thinking such as difficulty performing complex mental tasks, like forgetting what numbers are for and how to use them, difficulty in following directions or difficulty reading maps. - Changes in behavior, mood or personality such as rapid mood swings (going from calm to fearful and/or agitated for no apparent reason), increased suspiciousness or becoming more dependent on others. - Difficulty performing familiar tasks such as getting dressed or preparing meals. - Disorientation such as getting lost in your own neighborhood, forgetting where you are and how you got there and more diffculty than normal remembering the year, day, date or time. - Decrease
27 2 It isn't proven as yet but there is usually a familial history Opinion 2: Dementia (meaning "deprived of mind") is a serious cognitive disorder. It may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury or progressive, resulting in long-term decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the body beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population, it may occur in any stage of adulthood. This age cutoff is defining, as similar sets of symptoms due to organic brain syndrome or dysfunction, are given different names in populations younger than adult. Up to the end of the nineteenth century, dementia was a much broader clinical concept.[1] Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome (set of signs and symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. It is normally required to be present for at least 6 months to be diagnosed;[2] cognitive dysfunction that...
27 1 The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease, but there are as many as 50 other known causes. Most of these causes are very rare. The symptoms are sometimes confused with dementia, but if symptoms of cognitive impairment appear suddenly, delirium is the most likely cause -- not dementia. Hope this helps, Take Care.
27 1 Dementia, also known as senility, is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning. Exercise programs are beneficial with respect to activities of daily living and potentially improve dementia. Currently, no medications have been shown to prevent or cure dementia. Medications may be used to treat the behavioural and cognitive symptoms but have no effect on the underlying disease process. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil, may be useful for Alzheimer disease and dementia in Parkinsons, DLB, or vascular dementia. The quality of the evidence however is poor and the benefit is small. No difference has been shown between the agents in this family.
27 1 Dementia (from Latin de- "apart, away" + mens (genitive mentis) "mind") is the progressive decline in cognitive function due to damage or disease in the brain beyond what might be expected from normal aging. Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population, it may occur in any stage of adulthood. This age cutoff is defining, as similar sets of symptoms due to organic brain dysfunction are given different names in populations younger than adulthood (see, for instance, developmental disorders). Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome (set of symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. Higher mental functions are affected first in the process. Especially in the later stages of the condition, affected persons may be disoriented in time (not knowing what day of the week, day of the month, month, or even what year it is), in place (not knowing where they are), and in person (not knowing who they are). Symptoms of
28 1 You can always sleep after a full belly. You can try to clear your mind thru meditation. If this is a constant problem, you may want to get you some Melatonin. I have this problem all the time. If you want to go to sleep can't, there's several things you can try. You can try taking Tylenol PM or some other sleep aid.
28 3 Sleep apnea (AP-ne-ah) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They may occur 30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud snort or choking sound. Sleep apnea usually is a chronic (ongoing) condition that disrupts your sleep. When your breathing pauses or becomes shallow, you’ll often move out of deep sleep and into light sleep. As a result, the quality of your sleep is poor, which makes you tired during the day. Sleep apnea is a leading cause of excessive daytime sleepiness.
28 3 Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times. There are two types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): The more common of the two forms of apnea, it is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep. Central sleep apnea: Unlike OSA, the airway is not blocked but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe due to instability in the respiratory control center. Am I at Risk for Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea can affect anyone at any age, even children. However, risk factors for this sleep problem include: Male gender Being overweight Being over the age of forty Having a large neck size (17 inches or greater in men and 16 inches or greater in women) Having larger tonsils Having a family history of sleep apnea
28 3 Apnea is defined by the cessation of respiratory airflow. The length of time necessary to be qualified as a true apneic event has changed dramatically over the last few decades: 2 minutes in 1956,1 minute in 1959,30 seconds in 1970,and 20 seconds or shorter if associated with bradycardia or cyanosis in 1978.The reduction of the duration in the definition of apnea reveals doctors’ desire to intervene early enough to avoid systemic consequences. The 3 main categories of apnea are central, obstructive, and mixed. Central apnea is a result of inadequate medullary responsiveness and thus no or poor muscle coordination for breathing. Obstructive apnea is when there is an obstruction of the airway passages and therefore poor to no air exchange. Often times with obstructive apnea, there is a vigorous inspiratory effort but it is ineffective. Mixed apnea refers to an episode where combinations of both central and obstructive forces are involved. ; Infant apnea is defined by the American Acade
28 3 A. It is when your oxygen level drops down below normal levels whileyou are asleep. My husband was diagnosed 5 years ago with severesleep apnea and had his tonsils, adenoids, and some of his softpallet removed. For him he would stop breathing for up to fortyseconds while he was asleep which would cause his oxygen level todrop in the 60's. This is a serious disorder that can lead to deathif not treated properly. B. There are two types of sleep apnea that require diagnosis by aphysician...usually a team of physicians at a sleep studyclinic/center: 1. central sleep apnea (CSA) which involves thebreathing center in the brain (central nervous system) and is theleast common form and 2. obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) whichinvolves an obstruction to normal breathing during sleep and is themost common form of the condition. OSA is described in "A" above. Sleep Apnea is an obstruction to your airways when you sleep. As aresult, you may stop breathing when you are asleep, which, asstated above, i
29 1 Low doses of antidepressants may block pain signals to the brain.Anti-anxiety drugs may workif you feel anxious right before your symptoms come on. Your doctor may suggest medicines like clonazepam diazepam and lorazepam calm you down.They’re usually only given for a short time since they have a higher risk of addiction.ContinuedAlosetron hydrochloride is specifically for women with IBS who are not having success with other treatments. It can help relieve stomach pain and diarrhea, but there are potentially serious side effects.Eluxadoline may help reduce bowel contractions, belly cramps, and diarrhea.
29 2 Causes and Treatment of Diarrhea The affliction commonly referred to as "acute gastroenteritis" usually involves two or three days of diarrhea, along with fever and general malaise. It is thought to be viral in origin. Healthy individuals are able to withstand such illness with only minor discomfort. Most attacks of diarrhea tend to be self-limited, with the symptoms relieved (with or without medication) in a few days. However, diarrhea can be protracted, lasting more than a week. In the beginning stages, underlying causes of protracted diarrhea—such as giardiasis, amebic dysentery, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis—may be difficult to diagnose. Because specific therapy for such diseases must often await diagnosis, it is important during a prolonged bout of diarrhea to have microscopic and bacteriological examinations made of the stool, as well as a sigmoidoscopic examination of the rectum, in which a physician may directly observe the rectum and lower bowel through a flexible
29 1 Something about iceberg lettuce just gets them really sick. Also, if she's a baby, it may not even be your fault. She could have just been born sick. You're probably sick. The diahrrea is emptying you out. So you start to feel hungry and feel like you need more food.
29 1 From time to time, we provide financial incentives for people to write testimonials or endorsements of our products. Please review our for more information about these practices.The content of our Website and any products sold from this Website is intended for informational purposes only and is not written by medical professionals. Readers should not act upon any information provided on this Website without seeking advice from a licensed physician. This Website is not intended to create a physician-patient relationship between us and any user of this Website.Feel free to contact us through or by SFK LLC PO BOX 10521, Bozeman, Montana 59719.Is Leaky Gut Making You Sicker?TAKE THIS 3-MIN QUIZ NOW
29 3 Management of irritable bowel syndrome consists primarily of providing psychological support and recommending dietary measures. Pharmacologic treatment is adjunctive and should be directed at symptoms, such as modulation of persistent visceral hyperalgesia. The 2009 American College of Gastroenterologists position statement recommends addressing nongastrointestinal symptoms and comorbidities to improve health-related quality of life as well as to reduce symptom severity. Evidence considered in the position statement was insufficient to recommend exclusion diets or food allergy testing. ; The 2014 ACG monograph on the management of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic idiopathic constipation found insufficient evidence to recommend prebiotics or synbiotics, or loperamide, in irritable bowel syndrome, and no evidence that polyethylene glycol improved overall symptoms and pain in affected patients. There was high quality of evidence to support the use of antidepressants as a class, and
29 1 The Card is limited to 1 per person during this offering period and is not transferable. Synergy reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend the program without notice. This offer will expire December 31, 2020. This offer is void where prohibited by law.If you are a healthcare professional licensed in Vermont, or a licensed healthcare professional who regularly practices in Vermont, Synergy corporate policy prohibits you from downloading, printing, or accepting the savings card.You are leaving Trulance.com.
29 1 Take the Control and Press the "Gaben" Button. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my dog this weekend in a freak accident. I miss her terribly, but I am trying to move on. Whatever fruitless comfort I can offer is that it was Mickey's time and God called him home. He is waiting for you and you will see him again someday. Thank u very much. I appreciate it
29 2 diarrhea means an increased frequency or decreased consistency of bowel movements, so by the definition, yes you have diarrhea. It prolly was something you ate that was either really dirty or possibly greasy, different people gets different reaction. are you lactose intolerant? i have no clue how long it will last, like i said everyone is different, depends how your acid in your stomach is clearing it up Diarrhea occurs because more fluid passes through the large intestine (colon) than that organ can absorb. As a rule, the colon can absorb several times more fluid than is required on a daily basis. However, when this reserve capacity is overwhelmed, diarrhea occurs. Diarrhea is caused by infections or illnesses that either lead to excess production of fluids or prevent absorption of fluids. Also, certain substances in the colon, such as fats and bile acids, can interfere with water absorption and cause diarrhea. In addition, rapid passage of material through the colon can also do the s
30 4 Uveitis is an inflammation of the inside of the eye, specifically the layer of the eye called the uvea [comprising of the iris, ciliary body and the choroid]. One of the most important things to remember about Uveitis is that: 1. There are many quite different causes. 2. There are different types of Uveitis normally depending on which part of the eye is affected ie. anterior, intermediate or posterior The treatment of Uveitis aims to achieve the following: 1. Relief of pain and discomfort (if present) 2. To prevent sight loss due to the disease or its complications 3. To treat the cause of the disease where possible. Like the varied nature of uveitis, the treatment of it may differ from case to case quite considerably. Corticosteroids are often the mainstay of treatment but now are, importantly, being joined by some other newer drugs, usually used along with the steroids. Various eye-drops are used, particularly to treat anterior uveitis. .
30 1 In anterior uveitis, the inflammation is near the front of the eye and eye drops can reach the source of the inflammation. Various eye-drops are used, particularly to treat anterior uveitis. . WW
30 1 Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea, the pigmented layer that lies between the inner retina and the outer fibrous layer composed of the sclera and cornea. Uveitis is classified anatomically into anterior, intermediate, posterior, and panuveitic formsbased on the part of the eye primarily affected. Prior to the twentieth century, uveitis was typically referred to in English as ophthalmia. The prognosis is generally good for those who receive prompt diagnosis and treatment, but serious complication including cataracts, glaucoma, band keratopathy, macular edema and permanent vision loss may result if left untreated.
30 1 Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea, the pigmented layer that lies between the inner retina and the outer fibrous layer composed of the sclera and cornea. Uveitis is classified anatomically into anterior, intermediate, posterior, and panuveitic formsbased on the part of the eye primarily affected. Prior to the twentieth century, uveitis was typically referred to in English as ophthalmia. The prognosis is generally good for those who receive prompt diagnosis and treatment, but serious complication including cataracts, glaucoma, band keratopathy, macular edema and permanent vision loss may result if left untreated.
30 3 Most of the causes of blindness would be to secondary conditions caused by uveitis. For example sometimes adhesions develop between the iris and the lens. If enough of these adhesions are formed, the fluid can't pass between the two and pressure rises very quickly causing glaucoma. Treatment can prevent a lot of problems including loss of vision. Unfortunately, treatment can also cause problems. Treatment is usually steroid drops. Sometimes dilating drops are used as well. Steroids can cause glaucoma and cataracts if they are used long enough. Trauma can cause uveitis. It is also associated with a number of systemic diseases like Crohn's and juvenile arthritis. Most first time patients are young adults. (less than certain about the last statement)
30 3 Uveitis has no standard treatment regimen. Usually, the initial course of management is a stepwise approach starting with cycloplegics and corticosteroid drops to control pain and reduce inflammation. Progression to immunosuppressive agents may be necessary after consideration of the baseline etiology; however, this progression would be initiated by a primary care physician in consultation with an ophthalmologist after including physician and patient factors, which are beyond the scope of this review. Topical steroid eye drops and sustained-release steroid implants are the only FDA-approved medications; all other medications used are off-label use, with sparse and mostly equivocal supporting evidence for all treatment modalities. Considerations prior to initiating treatment include the following: Supporting evidence is sparse Check intraocular pressure and rule out herpes simplex virus keratitis before starting topical corticosteroids Initiate steroid treatment only in consultation
30 3 Most of the causes of blindness would be to secondary conditions caused by uveitis. For example sometimes adhesions develop between the iris and the lens. If enough of these adhesions are formed, the fluid can't pass between the two and pressure rises very quickly causing glaucoma. Treatment can prevent a lot of problems including loss of vision. Unfortunately, treatment can also cause problems. Treatment is usually steroid drops. Sometimes dilating drops are used as well. Steroids can cause glaucoma and cataracts if they are used long enough. Trauma can cause uveitis. It is also associated with a number of systemic diseases like Crohn's and juvenile arthritis. Most first time patients are young adults. (less than certain about the last statement)
30 1 Uveitis is the inflammation of the uvea, the pigmented layer that lies between the inner retina and the outer fibrous layer composed of the sclera and cornea. Uveitis is classified anatomically into anterior, intermediate, posterior, and panuveitic formsbased on the part of the eye primarily affected. Prior to the twentieth century, uveitis was typically referred to in English as ophthalmia. The prognosis is generally good for those who receive prompt diagnosis and treatment, but serious complication including cataracts, glaucoma, band keratopathy, macular edema and permanent vision loss may result if left untreated.
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31 1 The Journal of the American Medical Association - Google Books books.google.com - Includes proceedings of the Association, papers read at the annual sessions, and list of current medical Journal of the American Medical AssociationGet this book in print
31 1 The Journal of the American Medical Association - Google Books books.google.com - Includes proceedings of the Association, papers read at the annual sessions, and list of current medical Journal of the American Medical AssociationGet this book in print
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31 1 What type of visa are you adjusting from? Share this post Link to post City: NEw York State: New York Filed for: Adjustment of Status (pending) Local Office: New York City NY I entered US with B1/B2, changed it for F1 (the most recent AOS ), and went abroad on came back on Advanced Parole. So I guess the most recent is F1 status. Please correct me if I am wrong. Share this post Link to post City: ([Not] Sleepless in) Seattle Filed for: Removing Conditions (approved) Filing Location: California Service Center ~Moved from Fam.-based AOS to WST-based AOS Forum~ Share this post Link to post Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Try asking our VJ Immigration Lawyers . Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account? Sign in here. Sign in to follow this   Go To Topic Listing Adjustment of Status from Work, Student, & Tourist Visas Import.
31 1 Antibiotic prophylaxis is warranted if the wound is believed to be at higher risk for infection . The clinician should be aware that the Infectious Diseases Society of America clinical practice guidelines state that all human bite wounds require antibiotic prophylaxis.However, a large clinical trial showed that prophylaxis of human bites that do not penetrate the epidermal layer or are not in high-risk areas is probably unnecessary. A fully informed patient may make appropriate choices regarding viral prophylaxis when risks and benefits are clearly explained and understood. ; Surgical intervention is frequently necessary. Procedures range from simple wound exploration and debridement to repair of complex structures under magnification. Human bite wounds at risk for transmission of life-threatening disease require individualization of therapy. Wound closure is a source of controversy in the management of patients with human bite wounds. In general, do not close hand wounds, punctu
31 1 Then you empathize with what the customer is feeling, and let him or her know that you understand. This will almost always calm the customer down. You've cracked the shell of the egg. That means that you understand the details of the customer’s situation. Finally, you're at the heart of the situation, where you can offer a solution to the customer's problem. So, handling an angry customer is like cutting through a hard-boiled egg.
32 1 Consultation with a cardiologist is necessary, in that coronary angiography is required for the diagnosis of TCM. Patients may need to be transferred to a facility with a cardiologist and a cardiac catheterization laboratory. ; Close follow-up care with a cardiologist in the weeks after diagnosis is recommended for patients with TCM to ensure resolution of the cardiomyopathy, usually with serial echocardiograms. Thereafter, annual clinical follow-up is advised, because the long-term effects and natural history of TCM are unknown. ; Because takotsubo cardiomyopathy mimics acute coronary syndrome and no initial electrocardiographic finding reliably differentiates TCM from ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction , prehospital personnel should follow their established protocols for evaluating and transporting patients with chest pain and/or acute coronary syndrome . ; Patients with TCM will require admission to the appropriate cardiology service. Treatment options are largely em
32 1 Amlodipine is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina). Amlodipine is in a class of medications called calcium channel blockers. It lowers blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels so the heart does not have to pump as hard. It controls chest pain by increasing the supply of blood to the heart. If taken regularly, amlodipine controls chest pain, but it does not stop chest pain once it starts. Your doctor may prescribe a different medication to take when you have chest pain. Amlodipine may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away: * swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs * headache * upset stomach * stomach pain * dizziness or lightheadedness * drowsiness * excessive tiredness * flushing (feeling of warmth) Some side effects can be serious. The following symptoms are uncommon, but if you experience any of them, call your doctor immediately: * more frequent or
32 1 Amlodipine is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina). Amlodipine is in a class of medications called calcium channel blockers. Amlodipine is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina). Amlodipine is in a class of medications called calcium channel blockers.
32 1 You have had them prescribed by a doctor. I would say he/she knows better than any of us on here. You aren't really supposed to feel a difference, these drugs just get in their and do their job. Hypertension is a silent killer because it often has no symptoms so the drugs are silent also. If you break a leg you know because it hurts, someone gives you a painkiller and you know it hurts less so you "felt" the drug work. To answer the actual question, yes the drugs are good in treating hypertension. Maintain follow up care with your doctor and all should be fine.
32 1 Only your doctor can approve this combination due to the very serious side effects, including death, but I wouldn't take this combination of medications. I would rather ride o ut the flu than take this gamble.
33 4 The answer is not sure. The current recommendation is just 1 vaccine for people older than 50. The vaccine is relatively new so no one knows for sure how long it will last. Just hope it doesn't go into post herpetic neuralgia. That is where the nerve damage caused by shingles causes excruciating pain for an indeterminate amount of time. I have been dealing with the pain for over a year. No cure, just trying different drugs until one is found that eases the pain. I'm on my third drug trying to deal with it. Good Luck!!! Oh sorry to hear. Are you better now?
33 2 Most insurances including Medicare do not pay for Shingles vaccine. However, that is showing up in the older population over 65 even though in their younger years they have received inoculations of small pox vaccine. This is a serious problem, I know an individual who is 74 and had to fight off the attack of shingles. It disabled him for nearly two months. There is no way to determine ones susceptibility to getting shingles and therein lies the problem if one should get the expensive shot or not. There is no way to tell. Most people simply take the risk.
33 1 Shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus, like chicken pox however -- it occurs as a REACTIVATION of the virus, usuallly many years after the chicken pox attack. The good thing is it is milder than chicken pox, tho can be very painful in some cases - especially around the eyes, and it si more localized while chicken pox is very generalized. While there is a chicken pox vaccine to prevent getting chicken pox, or to get at most only a very mild form of the disease, the vaccine will not prevent you from getting shingles. The varicella zoster virus sits in the nerves and can get reactivated at any time -especially if you are immunocompromised ie your immunity levels go down. The virus itself is a 'live vaccine' which means it injects a latent form of the virus into you so your body produces an immune response and the next time you are infected by the virus you wont manifest the disease as your body will come out with a strong immune response and protect you. But the vaccine will not pr
33 1 What are the symptoms of shingles? Early symptoms of shingles include: * Headache. * Sensitivity to light. What are the symptoms of shingles? Early symptoms of shingles include: * Headache. * Sensitivity to light.
33 1 Varicella affects nearly all children worldwide who do not have immunity. Annual incidence is estimated at 80-90 million cases. Most developing countries have low immunization rates because of the cost involved, and varicella disease is a risk for travelers to such countries. A survey of 1473 cases in Japan demonstrated that 81.4% involved children younger than 6 years.In Japan, the annual prevalence peaked between March and May, with subsequent lower prevalence between August and October. The epidemiology of varicella differs between countries with temperate climates and those with tropical climates. In most countries with temperate climates, more than 90% of persons are infected by adolescence but in countries with tropical climates, a higher proportion of infections are acquired at older ages, which results in higher susceptibility among adults. The maximum incidence of varicella in unvaccinated populations is in children aged 1-6 years. Persons older than 14 years account for 1
34 1 Don't worry momma, you didn't do anything harmful to your new little one. When they are that small some sun exposure won't hurt them. As long as when you're further along you don't expose your baby bump to excessive heat you'll be fine. Don't worry so much or you'll stress yourself to death!
34 1 Don't worry momma, you didn't do anything harmful to your new little one. When they are that small some sun exposure won't hurt them. As long as when you're further along you don't expose your baby bump to excessive heat you'll be fine. Don't worry so much or you'll stress yourself to death!
34 1 Whatever. And worrying about it right now will not do any good because you can't give the worry your FULL attention. So you say tonight, from 9:15 to 9:45, I'm going to worry about this. So you say tonight, from 9:15 to 9:45, I'm going to worry about this. Then I can really think about how to solve it. But until then, I'm going to enjoy my day.
34 1 God bless you and your beautiful Mia! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Please have no guilt about the way you feel, after all, you are the one that has been doing all of the carrying so far :) you deserve to get in your special time! When you get to the hospital you will be able to speak candidly with the nurses and doctors who will eventually be delivering precious Mia. Tell them you want to have her immediately into your arms after delivery if only for a brief time before anything else if it is possible! of course, you know, if she is having breathing trouble it is not possible. but you may find out that a fleeting moment before CT or MRI is possible and that may make you happy enough to allow her to have immediate contact with another family member, as I feel that this immediate affection is important to all newborns. In other words, maybe, for HER sake and comfort, you could allow someone else to hold, snuggle and bond with her if you have even a few seconds immediately...
34 1 Lipodystrophy is often progressive and, in limited cases, may regress after the withdrawal of PI therapy. Withdrawal of thymidine analogues has shown to be effective for reversing lipoatrophy. efavirenz Treatment of the underlying metabolic derangements of glucose and lipid metabolism is necessary. The evaluation and management of glucose intolerance, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia are discussed elsewhere . Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Polygenic Hypercholesterolemia Hypertriglyceridemia Tesamorelin, a growth hormone–releasing factor analog, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment of HIV-associated lipodystrophy in November 2010. Approval was based on 2 studies that showed that visceral adipose tissue was significantly decreased from baseline at 26 weeks and sustained at 52 weeks.These were multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 studies in 816 HIV-infected patients with excess abdominal fat associated with lipo
35 4 Please find the information regarding [safely dispose, swan ndc 0869-0871-43, hydrogen peroxide, 04 2010, product, expired] in the following link: https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=e0a07631-6770-48b3-bf7b-19f3f3965cd9
35 1 The Australian black swan (Cygnus atratus) is completely black except for the white flight feathers on its wings, and the South American black-necked Swan has a black neck. The young, called cygnets, are pale gray in color and have a lead-colored bill. The largest of the swans is the trumpeter swan, which breeds from Alaska to the Rocky Mountain states, and has been introduced farther east.
35 1 Industry Statistics forFREE SubscriptionVietSalon is a Vietnamese-language magazine and the sister publication to NAILS. Click the link below to sign up for a FREE one-year subscription.Subscribe to NAILS a free preview issue and a Free GiftCategoriesMore on NailsQuick JumpCustomer ServiceShare© 2017 NAILS Magazine All Rights Reserved. Please or to . CloseLoading...
35 1 Initial treatment of hydrogen sulfide exposure requires immediate removal of the victim from the contaminated area into a ventilated/fresh-air environment. Emergency responders must take hazardous materials precautions to avoid exposure to the gas; recommendations on recognizing and responding to chemical suicides are available from Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management.Precautions include using respirator devices . Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management In severe cases, intubation may be necessary for ventilatory support and airway protection. Establish intravenous access or initiate other initial supportive care as necessary. Search the patient's pockets for discolored copper coins, which can be an early diagnostic clue. ; In the emergency department, high-flow oxygen is the mainstay of therapy for hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Supportive therapy includes aggressive ventilation and possible use of positive pressure ventilation for the patients with evidence of acute
35 1 In June 2015 I graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade and thus acquired the title Master of Pharmacy. From the July of 2015 to January 2016 I worked in a pharmaceutical company Hemofarm a.d. of STADA based in Vrsac, Serbia, as an expert associate for GMP compliance within the sector Quality Assurance.
35 1 why not? They might dislike each other. they each have their own end of the pond Separate but equal. Not bad. Never. Sounds like there is going to be a civil war in the pond. There must be. They usually stay segregated & do not inter-breed. Just facts . That is probably how you and I would be, if we lived together. Because of our age difference, we would stay segregated and not breed. There is no such thing as black colored swans yes there is in Perth Australia we have only black swans there Any kangaroos? In Lakeland, Florida there are both black and white swans. They're all equally beautiful?
36 2 Yes Opinion 2: CHERUBS is a non-profit organization created to help families affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. If you visit the site you will learn all about CDH, read stories of patients (children and adults), see photos and more. Membership and information is free. http://www.cdhsupport.org My name is Dawn and I run CHERUBS. My son was born with CDH and I started CHERUBS 16 years ago. Now, we have over 3600 families in our group so I know there will be someone who truly understands what you're going through. If you'd like to talk or have questions, you can reach me at dawn.williamson@cdhsupport.org
36 1 Infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernias most commonly present with respiratory distress and cyanosis in the first minutes or hours of life, although a later presentation is possible. The respiratory distress can be severe and may be associated with circulatory insufficiency, requiring aggressive resuscitative measures. ; See Clinical Presentationfor more detail. Clinical Presentation ; As noted in Mortality/Morbidity, population-based studies show that congenital diaphragmatic hernia is diagnosed based on prenatal ultrasonography findings in approximately one half of affected infants. Infants may have a prenatal history ofpolyhydramnios. polyhydramnios Infants most commonly present with respiratory distress and cyanosis in the first minutes or hours of life, although a later presentation is possible. The respiratory distress can be severe and may be associated with circulatory insufficiency, requiring aggressive resuscitative measures. ; Infants with congenital diaphragmati
36 1 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) is a congenital abnormality that is often life-threatening because it can limit the growth of the lungs. The site of herniation is most commonly found on the left side in the hole originally designed for the entry of alimentary canal. Herniation is sometimes found near sternum. Contents * Defects It involves three major defects. * A failure of the diaphragm to completely close during development. * Herniation of the abdominal contents into the chest * Pulmonary Hypoplasia Early diagnosis and presentation This condition can often be diagnosed before birth and fetal intervention can sometimes help, depending on the severity of the condition.[1] Infants born with diaphragmatic hernia experience respiratory failure due to both pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary hypoplasia. The first condition is a restriction of blood flow through the lungs thought to be caused by defects in the lung. Pulmonary hypoplasia or decreased lung volume is directly related
36 1 The act of facial motion starts in the brain and travels through the facial nerves to the muscles in the face. These muscles then contract in response to a stimulus. Inside the skull, the facial nerve is a single nerve. Congenital facial palsy is a condition present at birth. Moebius syndrome is a congenital condition. In most cases the exact cause of congenital palsy is uncertain.
36 2 CHERUBS is a non-profit organization created to help families affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. If you visit the site you will learn all about CDH, read stories of patients (children and adults), see photos and more. Membership and information is free. http://www.cdhsupport.org My name is Dawn and I run CHERUBS. My son was born with CDH and I started CHERUBS 16 years ago. Now, we have over 3600 families in our group so I know there will be someone who truly understands what you're going through. If you'd like to talk or have questions, you can reach me at dawn.williamson@cdhsupport.org
37 2 The virus that causes shingles is called varicella zoster. This is the virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, the varicella virus lies dormant in the spinal cord. The shingles vaccine is only a preventive therapy and is not a treatment for those who already have shingles or postherpetic neuralgia. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/shingles/shingles.htm
37 3 Shingles cannot be passed from one person to another. However, a person with active shingles can transmit the virus that causes shingles, VZV, to a person who has never had chickenpox – but only through direct contact with the shingles rash. If a person who has never had chickenpox is infected with VZV, he or she will develop chickenpox, not shingles. So, to answer the question, that person would need to have direct contact with another person with the source of the shingles. If that doesn't happen, the condition will not be spread.
37 2 Introduction Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Also known as herpes zoster, it often appears as a band of blisters that wraps from the middle of your back around one side of your chest to your breastbone. Other parts of your body can be involved as well, including your neck, face or scalp. The pain of shingles can be excruciating, and the cause might not be immediately evident. But once the telltale rash and blisters start on one side of your body, it's more easily identified as shingles. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive (dormant) in your nerves. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. Shingles isn't a life-threatening condition, but it can be very painful. Sometimes, the rash leads to a debilitating complication called postherpetic neuralgia. This condition causes the skin to remain painful and sensitive to touch for months or even years after
37 2 Shingles (herpes zoster) is a viral infection of the nerve roots. It causes pain and a band of rash that spreads on one side of your body. Shingles is most common in older adults and people who have weakened immune systems because of stress, injury, certain medications, or other factors. What causes shingles? Shingles is caused by the reactivation of the virus (varicella-zoster virus) that causes chickenpox. After you recover from chickenpox, the virus lies dormant (inactive) in your nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant for the rest of their lives. In others, the virus reactivates when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system. 1 The cause of reactivation of the virus is unclear; however, once it does reactivate, it causes shingles, not another case of chickenpox. Most people who get shingles will not get the disease again, although it does come back in a few people. What are the symptoms of shingles? Early symptoms of shingles include: * Headache. * Sensitivity to l
37 1 General surveys report that as many as 25-30% of households consider at least 1 family member to have a food allergy.However, this high rate is not supported by controlled studies in which oral food challenges are used to confirm patient histories. Comprehensive studies that include oral food challenges are few in number. Considering allergy to milk, egg, peanut, and seafood in a meta-analysis of 6 international studies using oral food challenges, estimated rates of 1-10.8% were obtained. In a meta-analysis including allergy to fruits and vegetables , only 6 international studies included oral food challenges, and estimates of allergy varied widely from 0.1-4.3% for fruits and tree nuts to 0.1-1.4% for vegetables to under 1% for wheat, soy, and sesame. Among children, males appear to be more affected; among adults, females are more frequently affected.The prevalence of food allergies has been estimated to be up to 8% in infants and children and 3.7 % in adults. However, variations i
38 1 While antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease, its diagnosis does not mean that a patient will develop another autoimmune condition. Updated March 2017 by Kelly Weselman, MD and reviewed by the American College of Rheumatology Committee on Communications and Marketing. This information is provided for general education only. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment of a medical or health condition.© 2017 American College of RheumatologyEspañolQuick Links
38 1 While antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease, its diagnosis does not mean that a patient will develop another autoimmune condition. Updated March 2017 by Kelly Weselman, MD and reviewed by the American College of Rheumatology Committee on Communications and Marketing. This information is provided for general education only. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment of a medical or health condition.© 2017 American College of RheumatologyEspañolQuick Links
38 2 You specifically ask for advice. My advice is to consult your/a doctor at your earliest opportunity. I wish you well. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms. The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.
38 1 While antiphospholipid syndrome is an autoimmune disease, its diagnosis does not mean that a patient will develop another autoimmune condition. Updated March 2017 by Kelly Weselman, MD and reviewed by the American College of Rheumatology Committee on Communications and Marketing. This information is provided for general education only. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment of a medical or health condition.© 2017 American College of RheumatologyEspañolQuick Links
38 1 Because fetal loss associated with bleeding disorders is thought to occur due to interference with adequate fibrin formation for implantation of the fertilized ovum into the uterine lining, the authors choose not to use vigorous preconception antithrombotic therapy in those patients with thrombophilia; rather, we use low-dose aspirin at 81 mg/d. This issue may be of theoretical concern only, in view of the report by Sher et al, who used preconception low-dose heparin with a high success rate for in vitro fertilization techniques.However, the authors remain concerned and continue to advocate low-dose aspirin as the preconception antithrombotic therapy in most instances. The regimen of a postconception addition of fixed, low-dose heparin at 5000 units every 12 hours is empirical, but higher doses seem to be associated with bleeding and a lower success rate.It may be that even lower doses of heparin might suffice. ; The authors do not advocate using corticosteroid therapy in this patien
38 1 8: Likewise, if you're talkin' about me. Haha. 46: I still can't get over the fact that you're allergic to some animals, amongst other things. I would be extremely sad and lonely without animals in my life. 49: Who's this other friend of yours that I'd hypothetically be marrying? Haha. 90: Wearing sock inside-out is normal for me, ha. 95: I never knew that. You've smoked and drunk alcohol? 8. Yep, haha. :) 46. The positive thing is it seems reducing, lately, compared to the past. At least with cats. 49. The choice should be up to you, I guess. Ha. 90. Me too, especially on earl morning. 95. Oh, I thought I already told you about that. It has happened just one time, anyway, and it's been enough to say it'll never happen again.
38 1 I'm your man for this question. I was diagnosed last year with fibromyalgia (along with a defective heart valve, osteoporosis, inflammatory poly-arthritis, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, compressed spine) and had many painful tests done to assess the existence of other problems - as if I didn't have much to worry already. LOL Did I mention that I'm only 29? LOL Anyways, NOW, I'm 98% recovered from all my illnesses except perhaps the heart valve defect. Getting back on subject, the signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia are: *chronic widespread pain, fatigue, and soreness. * "tender points" in certain areas of your body such as slightly below your elbows on the sides, above or below your knees and other areas close to joints. *tingling sensation on your skin, muscle spasms, and nerve pain. *problem sleeping is almost always there *burning sensations on small "patches" of skin throughout your body - sort of sunburn(ish). *fibrofob (foggy mind): you have trouble concentrating, quickly...
39 1 They are similar. But your question is not specific enough. Do you mean withdrawal symptoms, or the euphoric effect, or the health problems?? They both have similar withdrawal symptoms but they both differ when it comes to how they make you feel. Heroin has a much stronger euphoric effect than methadone, although methadone is much longer lasting. In terms of health side effects, heroin causes much more due to it being used by injection and sharing needles. But both have pretty bad withdrawal symptoms.
39 1 I'm on methadone myself and I have no sex drive at all its one of the side affects of the methadone. On methadone in Newfoundland I'm not from canada, but at the clinic I go to I go on Monday and dose at the dosing window and I get 6 take outs. I can get a month if I want it because I am clean and have been for a few years. I don't trust myself with 30 take outs. Hell, I do good to get a week and I still **** that up from time to time. I can't go 1 day without it. If I do screw it up I have to keep at least 40 or 50 mills for that last day. Just joined-also from Canada. I've been on methadone maintenance for the past 16 years.....started coming down from 140 mls last year. I'm now at 70 and will be going down to 65 next week. I've been on it so long am a bit hesitant about getting off completely.....we'll see! Anyone on methadone long term here that has successfully come off, I'd love to hear your story. Sorry I can't tell you that I am free from methadone. I tried to detox and I was
39 3 This is a normal side effect of the medication and will not cause any harm. Isotretinoin is generally prescribed for 16 to 20 weeks and by the end of this period considerable improvement is seen in most of the patients. Isotretinoin may cause some side effects and should be strictly taken under medical supervision.
39 1 Current guidelines recommend comprehensive treatment with pharmacological agents such as methadone, buprenorphine, or buprenorphine combined with naloxone as well as psychosocial therapy. The American Psychiatric Association guidelines identify the following treatment modalities as effective strategies for managing opioid dependence and withdrawal. opioid substitution with methadone or buprenorphine, followed by a gradual taperabrupt opioid discontinuation with the use of clonidine to suppress withdrawal symptomsclonidine-naltrexone detoxification opioid substitution with methadone or buprenorphine, followed by a gradual taper abrupt opioid discontinuation with the use of clonidine to suppress withdrawal symptoms clonidine-naltrexone detoxification The APA guidelines recommend the following evidence-based psychosocial treatments for opioid use disorder: behavioral therapies cognitive-behavioral therapies psychodynamic therapy/interpersonal therapy group and family therapies behavio
39 1 Methadone can be addictive, typically you don't receive methadone unless being weaned from Heroin, but it is also a pain medication and an opiate. All opiates affect sex drive, because they mimic similar neurotransmitter activities in the brain. In regards to boosting your sex drive, it depends on the problem, ED medicines like viagra and ciallis may be an option, though there are natural remidies such as Horny goat weed, Nitric oxide and exercise to help boost testosterone levels, and circulation, but it would be best to consult with your doctor to find out if any of these might interfere with your pain treatment.
40 1 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to neutralize the effects of the toxic agent, to reduce morbidity, and to prevent complications. As with any toxic ingestion, proper attention first should be directed to the assessment and stabilization of the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation. For any person presenting with hallucinations or psychosis, even if a hallucinogen is strongly suggested as the inciting agent, the basic approach to a patient with altered mental status should be followed. This includes administration of dextrose , thiamine, and naloxone. Other etiologies for the patient's symptoms should not be discounted. ; Prehospital care providers should attempt to ascertain the type and amount of hallucinogen ingested and the presence of any other co-ingested drugs or psychoactive substances. A basic principle in the care of persons who have ingested hallucinogens is calm reassurance. Patients presenting with an acute panic reaction should be placed in a quiet nonthreatenin
40 1 Manual of Endocrinology and Metabolism - Norman Lavin - Google Books books.google.com - Now in its Fourth Edition, this SpiralŽ Manual presents clinical information and protocols in outline format for evaluation and treatment of most endocrine disorders in children, adolescents, and adults. This thoroughly updated edition includes an introduction to risk assessment and screening and of Endocrinology and MetabolismGet this book in printPages displayed by permission of . .
40 1 Fine someone a somble. We say- ¿estás bien? Which means "are you fine?"
40 4 Methylprednisolone is a steriod. Steriods decrease inflammation. I would assume that it was prescribed to decrease the inflammation in your throat and prevent airway constriction. There are side effects to steriods but they also depend on the dose and duration that you will be using them. Some side effects can be: hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), hypertension (high blood pressure), and make you more susceptible to infection..etc. Although there are side effects its important that you take this medication just as prescribed so that you can prevent inflammation to your airway and also taper the drug as your MD has prescribed! Hope this is helpful! (And that you feel better soon!)
40 1 Manual of Endocrinology and Metabolism - Norman Lavin - Google Books books.google.com - Now in its Fourth Edition, this SpiralŽ Manual presents clinical information and protocols in outline format for evaluation and treatment of most endocrine disorders in children, adolescents, and adults. This thoroughly updated edition includes an introduction to risk assessment and screening and of Endocrinology and MetabolismGet this book in printPages displayed by permission of . .
40 3 Prednisone is also sometimes used to treat the symptoms of certain types of cancer. Prednisone is in a class of medications called corticosteroids. Methylprednisolone is also used to treat certain types of cancer.
41 3 Simvastatin is a used to help to lower cholesterol levels. It does this in two ways:1. by decreasing the amount of cholesterol being produced by the liver1. by decreasing the amount of receptors that "take away" LDLs/"Bad cholesterol"
41 2 Appropriate treatment of hyponatremia depends on the correct classification of hyponatremia, the concomitant disease state, the severity of symptoms, and the severity of hyponatremia. Admit patients with severely symptomatic hyponatremia manifested by coma, recurrent seizures, or evidence of brainstem dysfunction to an ICU and monitor serum sodium levels closely. Admit patients with a propensity toward inappropriate free water ingestion to a unit where free water access is restricted. Clozapine appears to be effective in the long-term treatment of schizophrenic patients with compulsive water drinking. Discontinue medications known to be associated with hyponatremia. Thiazide diuretics are a well-known cause of profound hyponatremia, especially in elderly patients, and should be discontinued in all admitted patients. One of the goals in treating adrenal insufficiency is glucocorticoid replacement.Electrolyte and metabolic abnormalities, as well as hypovolemia, must also be correct
41 4 For simvastatin, the evidence is that marginally better lowering of total and LDL cholesterol comes from taking the tablets in the evening than in the morning. Simvastatin is best taken at night, when concentrations of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein may be at their greatest. Most manufacturers of statins recommend that they are taken at night because physiological studies show that most cholesterol is synthesised when dietary intake is low. Researchers have found that simvastatin therapy is best taken in the evenings as opposed to in the morning, in order to avoid times when total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations are particularly high. "Most manufacturers of statins recommend that they are taken at night, on the basis of physiological studies which show that most cholesterol is synthesized when dietary intake is at its lowest," note Alan Wallace and colleagues. However, "doubt has been cast on whether statins need to be taken at
41 4 For simvastatin, the evidence is that marginally better lowering of total and LDL cholesterol comes from taking the tablets in the evening than in the morning. Simvastatin is best taken at night, when concentrations of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein may be at their greatest. Most manufacturers of statins recommend that they are taken at night because physiological studies show that most cholesterol is synthesised when dietary intake is low. Researchers have found that simvastatin therapy is best taken in the evenings as opposed to in the morning, in order to avoid times when total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations are particularly high. "Most manufacturers of statins recommend that they are taken at night, on the basis of physiological studies which show that most cholesterol is synthesized when dietary intake is at its lowest," note Alan Wallace and colleagues. However, "doubt has been cast on whether statins need to be taken ...
41 2 Check blood work (cholesterol panel, liver function). Talk with healthcare provider. Follow up with healthcare provider. Do not change dose or stop medicine. Talk with healthcare provider. What are the precautions when taking this medicine?
41 4 But the morning group may take some comfort in the fact that there were no significant differences in levels of HDL cholesterol or C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation that has been linked to heart attacks and strokes.Like simvastatin, lovastatin Altocor, and fluvastatin are rapidly cleared from the blood and are best taken at night. In contrast, atorvastatin rosuvastatin pravastatin and pitavastatin hang around longer and are fully effective when taken in the morning. Unfortunately, these three newer drugs are more expensive than the older generic statins.It is important for you to take your medication as directed.
42 1 Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Unlike diagnostic efforts prompted by symptoms and medical signs, cancer screening involves efforts to detect cancer after it has formed, but before any noticeable symptoms appear. This may involve physical examination, blood or urine tests or medical imaging. Cancer screening is not available for many types of cancers.
42 2 You also have to make sure that your doctor have given you below medicines together with prednisone. - calcium (Long term use of prednisone cause lack of calcium and join pain) - medicine for protecting your stomach. prednisone may cause stomache. This weaning process may be over a few days, if the course of prednisone was short, but may take weeks or months if the patient had been on long-term treatment. Abrupt withdrawal may lead to an Addisonian crisis.
42 2 below are some of the side affect for prednisone: changes in the shape or location of body fat (especially in your arms, legs, moon face, neck, breasts, and waist). sleep problems (insomnia), mood changes; acne, dry skin, thinning skin, bruising or discoloration; slow wound healing; increased sweating; headache, dizziness, spinning sensation; nausea, stomach pain, bloating my doctor wants me to take 50mg everyday but I requested to take 100mg every other day. This way, can lower the side affects. I have been taken this amount for 7 weeks I am still feeling ok. Some people with this dosage may gain around 10lbs to 15lbs a month. I gain about 2lbs and only thing i don't look as firm. I also tried to control my diet. I took less than 2000mg sodium per day for the days that i don't need to take the pills and take half of the amount of sodium on the day that i need to take the pills. always look at the sodium contents when you shop. get rid of any junk food in your fridge. also store alo...
42 1 Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Unlike diagnostic efforts prompted by symptoms and medical signs, cancer screening involves efforts to detect cancer after it has formed, but before any noticeable symptoms appear. This may involve physical examination, blood or urine tests or medical imaging. Cancer screening is not available for many types of cancers.
42 1 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and prevent complications. In patients in whom ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm or mesenteric ischemia is suspected, consult a surgeon immediately. The surgical consultant should observe the elderly patient with abdominal pain in the emergency department to determine whether the patient requires operative intervention. Consult a gastroenterologist immediately for patients with significant gastrointestinal bleeding. When the diagnosis is uncertain, obtain surgical consultation. Discharge of an elderly patient with abdominal pain should be the exception rather than the rule. If a patient presents with unexplained symptoms described in Table 1 within 60 days of returning from an typhoid fever endemic area or following consumption of food prepared by an individual who is known to carry typhoid, broad-spectrum empiric antibiotics should be started immediately. Treatment should not be delayed for confirmatory tests since prompt
42 2 Prednisone is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that is particularly effective as an immunosuppressant drug. It is used to treat certain inflammatory diseases and (at higher doses) some types of cancer, but has significant adverse effects. Because it suppresses the immune system, it leaves patients more susceptible to infections. Side-effects—Dependency Dependency Adrenal suppression will begin to occur if prednisone is taken for longer than seven days. Eventually, this may cause the body to temporarily lose the ability to manufacture natural corticosteroids (especially cortisol), which results in dependence on prednisone. For this reason, prednisone should not be abruptly stopped if taken for more than seven days, instead, the dosage should be gradually reduced. This weaning process may be over a few days, if the course of prednisone was short, but may take weeks or months if the patient had been on long-term treatment. Abrupt withdrawal may lead to an Addisonian crisis. For those on
42 1 Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Unlike diagnostic efforts prompted by symptoms and medical signs, cancer screening involves efforts to detect cancer after it has formed, but before any noticeable symptoms appear. This may involve physical examination, blood or urine tests or medical imaging. Cancer screening is not available for many types of cancers.
42 1 GENERIC NAME: prednisone BRAND NAME: Deltasone, Orasone, Prednicen-M, Liquid Pred DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Prednisone is an oral, synthetic (man-made) corticosteroid used for suppressing the immune system and inflammation. It has effects similar to other corticosteroids such as triamcinolone (Kenacort), methylprednisolone (Medrol), prednisolone (Prelone) and dexamethasone (Decadron). These synthetic corticosteroids mimic the action of cortisol (hydrocortisone), the naturally-occurring corticosteroid produced in the body by the adrenal glands. Corticosteroids have many effects on the body, but they most often are used for their potent anti-inflammatory effects, particularly in those conditions in which the immune system plays an important role. Such conditions include arthritis, colitis, asthma, bronchitis, certain skin rashes, and allergic or inflammatory conditions of the nose and eyes. Prednisone is inactive in the body and, in order to be effective, first must be converted to predn
43 -2 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
43 2 Please find the information regarding [electrical high voltage shock, swallowing problems, general health, future] in the following link: https://michiganstopsmartmeters.com/wireless-or-not-smart-meters-harm-your-health/
43 1 The last numbers I saw said that Y!A have 9 million users. I can't verify it though. What makes you think that 35% have STD's? How do you do that equation? Have put the possibility of one user posting from several accounts into the equation? How about the fact that trolls like that type of questions and often use them to "have fun". Have you thought about that the ones that posts in the health section might not be the average of all other members? How do you know that it's 35% of all posters when you don't know the actual number of posters that Don't post about such things because they think it's private? Your number (35%) might be correct but you offer no logic reasoning as to how you came up with that number. The world population and the number of people that could be members of Y!A does not provide the 35% result, you've picked it from somewhere else. [Edit] 1) I never said that you put an actual number of users to Y!A. I only added the number I'd heard as a bit of "information" ...
43 2 Please find the information regarding [general health, electrical high voltage shock, future, swallowing problems] in the following link: http://cliffroberts.com/practice_areas/electrocution-lawyer/
43 2 Please find the information regarding [swallowing problems, general health, electrical high voltage shock, future] in the following link: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id=19269&p_table=FEDERAL_REGISTER
43 3 Clinical presentations range from a tingling sensation to a widespread tissue damage and even to instantaneous death. The external resistance to electric flow is offered primarily by the skin and appendages and by the internal resistance of all other tissues, including nerves, blood, muscles, tendons, bone, and fat. Since the skin resistance can be affected by moisture, electric current can be transmitted to deeper structures before it causes significant skin damage. Electric current may be retained in the bones, causing heat and leading to necrosis and coagulation of small- to medium-sized vessels within the muscles and other tissues, almost completely sparing the skin. Often, the main symptom of an electrical injury is a skin burn. A specific type of burn, called the "kissing burn," occurs at the flexor creases and is related to the current flowing through the opposing skin at the joint when the flexor muscles contract due to tetany. Not all electrical injuries cause external damag
43 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
44 1 Osteoporosis is a thinning of the bone density, and usually occurs in women around menopause age, but can also affect men. The insidious thing about this disease, is that it doesn't usually have symptoms in the beginning, and is generally not diagnosed until a bone density test is taken, which will show a thinning of the bones, making them vulnerable to fracture. Generally it affects the spine, hip and wrist bones. When the spine is involved, it can cause minute fractures, that are not felt, but results in the stooped posture and lack of height that older women experience. Calcium intake is the common treatment for osteo, either with pills or dietary intake. However, the body does not absorb calcium very well unless it is taken with vitamin D. That's probably why your doctor is testing you for vitamin D deficiency. Along with calcium supplements, doctors also stress a diet rich in calcium, such as that found in dairy products, salmon, broccoli and other foods. There are other pills tha
44 1 Historically, children diagnosed with cystic fibrosis already had digestive and pulmonary disease and were the children with the more severe form of disease. These children were often treated with intravenous antibiotics directed at the most common pathogens found in the lungs and the sinuses , both preoperatively and postoperatively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus Additionally, these children had pulmonary toilet to increase their lung function in the perioperative period, including intravenous steroids, percussion therapy, and inhaled bronchodilators. Much of this process can now be performed on an outpatient basis, depending on the severity of the associated disease. ; For patients with severe asthma and polyposis requiring surgery, postoperative admission for observation of respiratory compromise or spasm is determined on an individual basis. Outpatient surgery is usually performed for older children undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery for nasal polyposis withou
44 1 VITAMIN D is converted by the liver to the major circulating form, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol and further hydroxylated by the kidney2 to a more active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol The physiological mechanisms controlling this new renal endocrine function are still largely unknown, although both diet5 and parathyroid hormone6,7 have an influence. We report here experiments which show that calcitonin dramatically enhances production of 1,25-DHCC by the kidney. Our results have important physiological implications for understanding of calcium metabolism and may also have practical consequences in the choice of treatment for All the best
44 1 Apo-Calcitonin Nasal Spray - Uses, Side Effects, Interactions - MedBroadcast.comApo-Calcitonin Nasal SprayApo-Calcitonin Nasal salmon nasal this Medication How does this medication work? What will it do for me?October 4, 2013Calcitonin salmon nasal spray is no longer being manufactured for sale in Canada. This article is being kept available for reference purposes only.
44 1 Apo-Calcitonin Nasal Spray - Uses, Side Effects, Interactions - MedBroadcast.comApo-Calcitonin Nasal SprayApo-Calcitonin Nasal salmon nasal this Medication How does this medication work? What will it do for me?October 4, 2013Calcitonin salmon nasal spray is no longer being manufactured for sale in Canada. This article is being kept available for reference purposes only.
44 1 VITAMIN D is converted by the liver to the major circulating form, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-HCC)1, and further hydroxylated by the kidney2 to a more active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (1,25-DHCC)3,4. The physiological mechanisms controlling this new renal endocrine function are still largely unknown, although both diet5 and parathyroid hormone6,7 have an influence. We report here experiments which show that calcitonin dramatically enhances production of 1,25-DHCC by the kidney. Our results have important physiological implications for understanding of calcium metabolism and may also have practical consequences in the choice of treatment for Paget's disease. http://www.springerlink.com/content/rfl3... http://www.wheelessonline.com/ortho/calc... All the best :)
44 1 Calcitonin may also be elevated in other tumors such as insulinomas, VIPomas, and lung cancer. Calcitonin is a hormone produced in the C cells of the thyroid gland. Its role in humans is unclear. Calcitonin is a hormone known to participate in calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
44 1 Global Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Market Research Report 2017 Lowest Prices Guaranteed Part I Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Industry Overview Chapter One Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Industry Overview 1.1 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Definition 1.2 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Classification Analysis 1.2.1 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Main Classification Analysis 1.2.2 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Main Classification Share Analysis 1.3 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Application Analysis 1.3.1 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Main Application Analysis 1.3.2 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Main Application Share Analysis 1.4 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Industry Chain Structure Analysis 1.5 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Industry Development Overview 1.5.1 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Product History Development Overview 1.5.1 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Product Market Development Overview 1.6 Calcitonin-Salmon Nasal Spray Global Market Comparison Analysis 1.6.1 C...
45 2 Indentation of the superior or inferior bony endplate or flat surface of a vertebra due to a protrusion or herniation of disk tissue April 25, 2009 Phase III Trial November 23, 2015 Newly Diagnosed  · Treatment & Care  · Health & Wellness  · Support & Resources  · Community  · Headlines News  · Find a doctor  · Blog Expert Video Chats  · Contact Us  · Newsletter  · Store  · En Espanol  · Clinical Trials  · RSS  · Privacy Policy  · About Us  · Advertise © 1998-2017 CancerConnect  · All Rights Reserved The information contained above is general in nature and is not intended as a guide to self-medication by consumers or meant to substitute for advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. The reader is advised to consult with a physician or other medical professional and to check product information (including packaging inserts) for changes and new information regarding dosage, precautions,
45 4 '''Schmorl's nodes or Schmorl's nodules''' are protrusions of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc through the vertebral body endplate and into the adjacent vertebra. These are protrusions of disc material into the surface of the vertebral body, which may contact the marrow of the vertebra and lead to inflammation. The protrusions are also associated with necrosis of the vertebral bone and the question of whether these protrusions and inflammation cause the necrosis, or whether the cartilage migrates into areas that have become necrotic due to other conditions, is under investigation. They may or may not be symptomatic, and their etiological significance for back pain is controversial.
45 4 '''Schmorl's nodes or Schmorl's nodules''' are protrusions of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc through the vertebral body endplate and into the adjacent vertebra. These are protrusions of disc material into the surface of the vertebral body, which may contact the marrow of the vertebra and lead to inflammation. The protrusions are also associated with necrosis of the vertebral bone and the question of whether these protrusions and inflammation cause the necrosis, or whether the cartilage migrates into areas that have become necrotic due to other conditions, is under investigation. They may or may not be symptomatic, and their etiological significance for back pain is controversial.
45 2 Go to http://www.mckenziemdt.org to find a provider in your area. ...because yes, many people with schmorl nodes can become pain-free. I am a PT Schmorl nodes are poorly understood as to weather they are associated with back pain or not. They occur in both the pain free and painful population...just like many other anomalies.
45 4 '''Schmorl's nodes or Schmorl's nodules''' are protrusions of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc through the vertebral body endplate and into the adjacent vertebra. These are protrusions of disc material into the surface of the vertebral body, which may contact the marrow of the vertebra and lead to inflammation. The protrusions are also associated with necrosis of the vertebral bone and the question of whether these protrusions and inflammation cause the necrosis, or whether the cartilage migrates into areas that have become necrotic due to other conditions, is under investigation. They may or may not be symptomatic, and their etiological significance for back pain is controversial.
45 1 Discography should be performed only if adequate attempts at conservative therapy and noninvasive diagnostic tests, such as MRI, have failed to reveal the etiology of back pain. Specific indications for discography include the following: Persistent, severe symptoms when other diagnostic tests have failed to clearly confirm a suspected disk as a source of the pain Evaluation of abnormal disks or recurrent pain from a previously operated disk or lateral disk herniation Assessment of patients in whom surgery has failed, to determine whether pseudoarthrosis or a symptomatic disk in a posteriorly viewed segment could be the source of pain Assessment of disks prior to fusion to determine whether the disks of the proposed fusion segment are symptomatic and whether the disks adjacent to this segment can support a fusion Assessment of candidates for minimally invasive surgery who have a confirmed disk herniation Persistent, severe symptoms when other diagnostic tests have failed to clearly co
45 3 Schmorl nodes are poorly understood as to weather they are associated with back pain or not. They occur in both the pain free and painful population...just like many other anomalies. Trying to treat back pain by what is found on imaging studies is a bit of a conundrum...very frequently, what is found on imaging studies does not correlate with someones symptoms. Only when we see how a symptom responds to movements and positioning can we determine if it is likely to respond to physical therapy. That being said, if you've been diagnosed with a schmorl node injury, I would recommend you see a PT who is credentialed in the methods of assessment to see if you are likely to respond to PT. Go to http://www.mckenziemdt.org to find a provider in your area. ...because yes, many people with schmorl nodes can become pain-free.
45 2 Schmorls Nodes? go on this... http://www.chiroweb.com/archives/09/19/1... omfg i helped. haha look at kay's answer hahahahahahahahahahahhaha i was diagnosed with schmorl's nodes (SN's) 2 weeks ago and have suffered constant lower back pain for almost four years.. im only 18 years old! i have researched the internet to find out what it is and don't like the sound of it. people with symptomatic schmorl's nodes have tried physio, chiropractor, pain killers, injections and rest without relief. i have tried all of them not knowing i had SN's and none of it worked. if you are lucky enough to be diagnosed with SN's early on then REST, REST,REST they need to heal!!! and they can heal!!!! its when they cannot heal it gets oh so much more worse.. if only i knew.. take may advice if you have back pain go to the doctors sooner more than later and get it sorted out, i cant imagine going another 5 minutes with this pain let alone another five years....
46 4 Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep (hypnagogia) or awakening (hypnopompia), temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. Inhibition of melatonin at an inappropriate time would make it impossible for the sleep off neural populations to depolarize when presented with a stimulus that would normally lead to complete arousal. This could explain why the REM and waking stages of sleep overlap during sleep paralysis, and definitely explains the muscle paralysis experienced on awakening. If the effects of sleep on neural populations cannot be counteracted, characteristics of REM sleep are retained upon awakening. Common consequences of sleep paralysis includes headaches, muscle pains or weakness paranoia. Research has found a genetic component in sleep paralysis. The characteristic fragmentation of REM sleep, hypnopompic, and hypnagogic hallucinations have a heritable component in other parasomnias, which lends credence to the
46 4 Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep (hypnagogia) or awakening (hypnopompia), temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. Inhibition of melatonin at an inappropriate time would make it impossible for the sleep off neural populations to depolarize when presented with a stimulus that would normally lead to complete arousal. This could explain why the REM and waking stages of sleep overlap during sleep paralysis, and definitely explains the muscle paralysis experienced on awakening. If the effects of sleep on neural populations cannot be counteracted, characteristics of REM sleep are retained upon awakening. Common consequences of sleep paralysis includes headaches, muscle pains or weakness paranoia. Research has found a genetic component in sleep paralysis. The characteristic fragmentation of REM sleep, hypnopompic, and hypnagogic hallucinations have a heritable component in other parasomnias, which lends credence to the
46 1 Math Topics: - Algebra (there's a LOT of algebra!) - Arithmetic - Geometry These are all the topics I know of, I'm also trying hard on the math. Memorize improtant formulas (area, perimeter, etc.). Get to know important key terms. Most importantly, PRACTICE!! You should try to relax. Have confidence in yourself! It's also good to have a good night's sleep before the test, so that you're wide awake and alert! Coffee helps people stay awake. You should also try to understand what the question is asking. Sometimes, the question can mislead you. Although, I think you're doing pretty good. 15 wrong can still get you into Stuyvesant. The cut-off score for Stuy is probably a 570 at least. I'm also taking the test in a week (November 7, 2009)! I'm nervous and trying hard! Good luck!
46 1 I was playing around with spells and then I went to bed and then woke up and I couldn't move and the light was even on. I could see a shadow by my head. It w As so scary. I could see my whole room clearly and I was so scared tears stared running down my eyes. But I couldn't scream. After I was released I could see shadows flying around my room and heard footsteps outside my door. I have had a couple more after that but now I try to stay calm.
46 1 I didnt even get to see your topic thunders, please keep making them They were all posted here...but were pulled for reasons. I have some other vids posted under a couple of groups. I do them from time to time...mainly when I'm to lazy or scatterbrained to write! lol So true. Thanks...I tried! lol I see why they adore you. Ohhh, I'm sad the videos are ending. Asshats ruin it all! Thank you! You're adorable! Good job! aww...well thank you! :) It is sad the vids are ending, but if it cuts down on the BS they receive it's worth it. Sad, but that's the way it goes sometimes It shouldn't have to. Jo and Becci do put up with too much hit for the amount of fabulous that they are. And..you are right, the only reason nobody bothered you is because you are a man. Obviously a good one. Thanks again. True...both ladies are truly lovely and it's a shame they get so much BS from people. and again, very sweet of you to say :)
46 1 Because speech, mastication, and expression of moods and emotions are based on the ability to move facial musculature—be it voluntary or involuntary—successful treatment of facial nerve paralysis is a vital concern. This article informs the reader about the extracranial etiology of facial nerve paralysis and its current reconstructive options. The diagram below presents a treatment algorithm for facial nerve paralysis according to facial region involvement. Treatment algorithm according to facial region involvement. View Media Gallery ; Bacterial infection also may lead to facial nerve paralysis, most often correlated to acute otitis media or externa. Slow-onset facial nerve palsy is observed in patients with cholesteatoma. The causes of facial nerve palsy are summarized in Table 1, below. Table 1. Causes of Facial Nerve Palsy in a Review of Medical Literature * Birth Molding Forceps delivery Dystrophia myotonica Möbius syndrome Trauma Basal skull fractures Facial injuries
46 1 -Well, maybe write about a controversial topic, or a HOT topic going on in the news. For a controversial topic, there are two sides to an opinion, so maybe you could state your own opinion about the news topic. The teacher may be intrested in it. Well, the essay topic depends on the theme, but I guess there is no theme. -Well, maybe write about a controversial topic, or a HOT topic going on in the news.
46 4 Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which an individual, either during falling asleep (hypnagogia) or awakening (hypnopompia), temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak, or react. Inhibition of melatonin at an inappropriate time would make it impossible for the sleep off neural populations to depolarize when presented with a stimulus that would normally lead to complete arousal. This could explain why the REM and waking stages of sleep overlap during sleep paralysis, and definitely explains the muscle paralysis experienced on awakening. If the effects of sleep on neural populations cannot be counteracted, characteristics of REM sleep are retained upon awakening. Common consequences of sleep paralysis includes headaches, muscle pains or weakness paranoia. Research has found a genetic component in sleep paralysis. The characteristic fragmentation of REM sleep, hypnopompic, and hypnagogic hallucinations have a heritable component in other parasomnias, which lends credence to the
47 3 The inability to get a proper oxygenation response to aerobic exercise marks a pivotal point in worsening health. Improved diet, progressive physical conditioning, and adequate dietary supplements to support a more oxygenated response to exercise offer a path out of this problem and a return of health. Referenced Studies . The Physician and Sportsmedicine,  Alicia Wright, Kim Lavoie, Ariane Jacob, Amanda Rizk, Simon Bacon.
47 2 Ask a doctor or something...
47 1 Overweight is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Increases have been observed across all age groups. A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas, and as energy for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement, flexibility, and alter appearance of the body. Treatment : The usual treatments for overweight individuals is diet and physical exercise. Dietitians generally recommend eating several balanced meals dispersed through the day, with a combination of progressive, primarily aerobic, physical exercise. Because these general treatments help most case of obesity, they are common in all levels of overweight individuals.
47 3 As the name suggest asthmatic bronchitis is a combination of the two main pulmonary conditions, "bronchitis" and "asthma". Both of these ailments, falls under the category of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD). As we all know bronchitis is leads to the narrowing of the airways from the mouth to the lungs thus causing breathing difficulties (due to inflammation). Asthma, on the other hand, also causes narrowing of the airway muscles due to inflammation.
47 1 18.98 · University Hospital Hradec Kralove Purpose: The purpose of our research was to compare the body mass index (BMI) and selected anthropometric parameters in asthmatic and non-asthmatic pubescents. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 64 asthmatic boys and 45 girls; the control group consisted of 68 nonasthmatic boys and 48 non-asthmatic girls. All the children were 12-14 years old. We measured anthropometric parameters by a standardized method and the percentage of fat using the simple 2-site skinfold method. Additionally, we calculated the percentage of body composition (Matiegka) and the components of somatotype (Heath-Carter). Statistical significance was estimated at the level of p<0.05 by ANOVA test. Results: The asthmatic boys were significantly shorter than the non-asthmatic (p=0.015), however, we did not find any significant differences in weight and/or BMI in boys nor girls. The asthmatic boys had significantly higher fat mass % than the non-asthmatic o..
47 1 The third pro to syndicating your article is that your Page Rank is increased on Google. The more sites your article is syndicated on the higher your Page Rank will be. For example: This article explains how to create a PowerPoint slide presentation. It covers the following information: choosing a theme, creating a title slide, and creating topic slides. The information in this article is written for a beginner.
47 2 Medical care includes treatment of acute asthmatic episodes and control of chronic symptoms, including nocturnal and exercise-induced asthmatic symptoms. Pharmacologic management includes the use of control agents such as inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting bronchodilators , theophylline, leukotriene modifiers, and more recent strategies such as the use of anti-immunoglobulin E antibodies and anti-IL-5 antibodies in selected patients. Relief medications include short-acting bronchodilators, systemic corticosteroids, and ipratropium. For all but the most severely affected patients, the ultimate goal is to prevent symptoms, minimize morbidity from acute episodes, and prevent functional and psychological morbidity to provide a healthy lifestyle appropriate to the age of child. ; A stepwise approach to asthma management continues to be used in the current guidelines and is now divided into 3 groups based on age . For all patients, quick-relief medications include rapid-acting beta2a
47 3 The inability to get a proper oxygenation response to aerobic exercise marks a pivotal point in worsening health. Improved diet, progressive physical conditioning, and adequate dietary supplements to support a more oxygenated response to exercise offer a path out of this problem and a return of health. Referenced Studies . The Physician and Sportsmedicine,  Alicia Wright, Kim Lavoie, Ariane Jacob, Amanda Rizk, Simon Bacon.
48 1 Add the squint. That's E.C.S. As w/smile, adjust E.C.S. See, if you don't hold E.C. you're giving the impression you're either afraid of the other guy, or disgusted w/them. Even w/guys you don't like, hold E.C.
48 1 The specific treatment of N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency following diagnosis depends on dietary protein restriction and provision of arginine to enhance availability of ornithine and administration of carbamylglutamate , a functional analogue of NAG. Some patients have done well using this regimen. N Intravenous sodium benzoate and phenylacetate can usually reduce blood ammonia levels. The addition of intravenous fluids with glucose and sometimes arginine hydrochloride may also be indicated. ; See the list below: Immediate cessation of protein intake is mandatory in the face of high blood ammonia levels with provision of supplementary nonprotein energy to close the caloric gap. In most cases of severe hyperammonemia, the patient is given nothing enterally until the hyperammonemia is well controlled.Treatment of severe hyperammonemia is a true emergency.Reduction of blood ammonia can usually be achieved with intravenous sodium benzoate and phenylacetate. Intravenous sodiu
48 1 I'm not positive... But I'm pretty sure my boyfriend has complained about all this before.. so it could be a common side effect Plus don't they have a pretty high rate of dependency so maybe your body has just gotten used to them. Good luck Opinion 2: New reports appear to confirm weird behavior in patients taking Ambien , the world's most popular sleeping pill. Perhaps the strangest of these behaviors is sleep eating. It was first reported in 2002 by Michael H. Silber, MD, co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorder Center. Silber is the president-elect of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. "What happens is the patients get out of bed, walk to the kitchen, prepare food -- often sloppily, and often with strange, high-calorie ingredients," Silber tells WebMD. "They have microwave food sometimes. They eat in a very sloppy way, either in the kitchen or after taking the food back to bed. And they have no memory of it. They wake to find a mess in the kitchen or crumbs in the...
48 1 It is a grammatical shortening or grammaticalization of "How are you?" resulting from habitual use. Hiya (How you) served as an intermediate form. It developed in the course o f the 18th century with hiya apearing in recorded text as early as 1940, though it likely was in use before then.
48 1 You wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep. Whether you drank one cup of coffee too many earlier, or you've got a lot on your mind, it's time to decide whether to get up or stay in bed. Getting out of bed makes sense at some point. Tossing and turning endlessly isn't going to help. If you do get up, though, you're not giving up for the night. You still need rest. So your goal should be to get back to sleep as soon as possible. Some activities help with that. Others put sleep even further out of reach. What you do now, in the wee hours, will affect how the rest of your night goes. That could make all the difference in how you feel tomorrow. Try This Before You Get Up Give yourself about 10 more minutes in bed. While you're lying there, try not to watch the minutes tick by. Worrying about how long you've been awake backfires. It "perpetuates insomnia," says Russell Rosenberg, MD, chairman of the board of the National Sleep Foundation. He recommends keeping clocks
49 4 Bundle branch block is an impediment that delays the impulses that make the heart beat. Complications with heart muscle, such as an injury or disease, could slow down the electrical impulses that make the heart beat, or a blockage in the blood vessels surrounding the heart could also have the same effect. The damage occurs to a collection of cardiac material that causes the electrical impulses to the heart known as the bundle of His. This bundle branches off to each of the two heart ventricles. A block on the left ventricle is known as a left bundle branch block. In most cases, bundle branch block itself is not considered critical to be treated. A transient left bundle blockage, is a reversible type of block and generally harmless.
49 4 Bundle branch block is an impediment that delays the impulses that make the heart beat. Complications with heart muscle, such as an injury or disease, could slow down the electrical impulses that make the heart beat, or a blockage in the blood vessels surrounding the heart could also have the same effect. The damage occurs to a collection of cardiac material that causes the electrical impulses to the heart known as the bundle of His. This bundle branches off to each of the two heart ventricles. A block on the left ventricle is known as a left bundle branch block. In most cases, bundle branch block itself is not considered critical to be treated. A transient left bundle blockage, is a reversible type of block and generally harmless.
49 1 A bundle has no container. Or in simple words, Bundle theory addresses - what is that which does not have the properties of things. There is a very good work based on bundle theory. Bundle therory says that everything is a bundle of properties. A bundle has no container. Or in simple words, Bundle theory addresses - what is that which does not have the properties of things.
49 3 Mmm, yes, and no. It is more serious than not having one, but it's not as bad as a lot of heart issues. Basically it means that the left ventricle of her heart (which pumps blood to the body) is beating a fraction of a second after the right ventricle (which pumps blood to the lungs). So basically, the bottom of her heart is a little out of rhythm with itself. It may or may not be a problem. It is typically treated with a pacemaker if it becomes symptomatic (fainting spells).
49 3 Patients with left bundle branch block require complete cardiac evaluation, and those with left bundle branch block and near-syncope or syncope may require a pacemaker.Guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalitieshave been established and revised by the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association. Guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities Continuous telemetry may be considered if the LBBB might be associated with other arrhythmias . Imaging Studies ; Progression from left anterior hemiblock to high degrees of block is unusual, and patients require only observation. Activity restrictions primarily depend on the underlying cardiac cause of the left bundle branch block pattern and on whether the patient develops important arrhythmias during prolonged exertion. Children with left bundle branch block should be referred to a pediatric cardiologist for careful and complete evaluation. ; ; Patients with congestive heart
50 1 Are General Health Checks Useless? , by Axel F. Sigurdsson MD . Last modified June 21, 2017 Many people believe that visiting the doctor regularly will prevent problems. Diseases may be diagnosed and cured early, before they cause harm. We have our cars checked on a regular basis. Why shouldn’t the same apply to our bodies? But are general health checks really helpful? Putting it differently; could health checks possibly be harmful? Will they lead to unnecessary diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, possibly causing harm? Why should you visit your doctor if you are feeling good and have nothing to complain about?. There may be a number of reasons. Firstly, you may want to have a general health check, look for hidden problems, a ticking time-bomb. Early stage cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease. There are endless possibilities. Secondly, you might want advice from your doctor. What can I do to improve my health? What should I eat? How much should
50 -2 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
50 1 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
50 1 Cigarettes are worse that cigars although both can cause cancer even if you don't inhale cigar smoke month cancer is a risk as for smokeing in General just take my advice don't smoke as I had a heart attack at age 33 and now I have a stent and mild heart disease cause of smokeing...quite smokeing if you smoke if you don't don't start .
50 1 The management of allergic rhinitis consists of the following 3 major treatment strategies: Environmental control measures and allergen avoidance: These include keeping exposure to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and mold to a minimum Pharmacologic management: Patients are often successfully treated with oral antihistamines, decongestants, or both; regular use of an intranasal steroid spray may be more appropriate for patients with chronic symptoms Immunotherapy: This treatment may be considered more strongly with severe disease, poor response to other management options, and the presence of comorbid conditions or complications; immunotherapy is often combined with pharmacotherapy and environmental control Environmental control measures and allergen avoidance: These include keeping exposure to allergens such as pollen, dust mites, and mold to a minimum Pharmacologic management: Patients are often successfully treated with oral antihistamines, decongestants, or both; regular use
51 1 There are several different kind of arrhythmias. Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) occur when the electrical impulses in your heart that coordinate your heartbeats don't function properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. Arrhythmias are common and usually harmless. Most people have occasional, irregular heartbeats that may feel like a skipped, fluttering or racing heart. However, some heart arrhythmias can be life-threatening. Arrhythmias may not cause any signs or symptoms. But often, abnormal heart rhythms cause noticeable signs and symptoms, which may include: A fluttering in your chest A racing heartbeat A slow heartbeat Chest pain Shortness of breath Lightheadedness Dizziness The best thing you can do is see your doctor about this so he/she can perform tests. Always better to be safe. I have experienced arrythymias and they can be aggravating and worrisome. Caffeine and certain over the counter medications such as cold medicines, asthma medications,
51 1 This can be a serious arrhythmia, especially in people with heart disease, and may be associated with more symptoms. A heart doctor should evaluate this arrhythmia. Ventricular fibrillation. . Atrial fibrillation. AF is a very common irregular heart rhythm that causes the atria, the upper chambers of the heart to contract abnormally.
51 1 Dust storms can occur during any season, but are more common in the spring and summer. An arrhythmia is not a disease, it is a cardiovascular abnormality. Arrhythmia's may be classified by rate (normal, tachycardia, bradycardia), or mechanism (automaticity, reentry, fibrillation). It is also appropriate to classify by site of origin: Atrial: PACs (Premature Atrial Contractions)~ a type of premature heart beat, irregular heart beat or benign arrhythmia which start in the upper two chambers of the heart, also called atria. These aren't as serious as a premature ventricular contraction (PVCs) and usually require no medical care. Individuals with the condition may report feeling that his or her heart "stops" after a symptom. PVCs and PACs are also sometimes called heart palpitations. Multifocal atrial tachycardia~ (MAT) is tachycardia resultant from at least three ectopic foci within the atria, distinguished by p-waves of at least three different morphologies that all fall before irregular
51 1 Heart Disease: Abnormal Heart Rhythm What causes an arrhythmia? What are the types of arrhythmias? What are the symptoms of arrhythmias? How are arrhythmias diagnosed? How are arrhythmias treated? What medications are used to treat arrhythmias? What lifestyle changes should be made? What is electrical cardioversion? What is a pacemaker? What is an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)? What is catheter ablation? What is heart surgery? An arrhythmia (also called dysrhythmia) is an irregular heartbeat. Heart rates can also be irregular. A normal heart rate is 50 to 100 beats per minute. Arrhythmias and abnormal heart rates don't necessarily occur together. arrhythmias can occur with a normal heart rate, or with heart rates that are slow (called bradyarrhythmias -- less than 60 beats per minute). arrhythmias can also occur with rapid heart rates (called tachyarrhythmias -- faster than 100 beats per minute). In the United States more than 850,000 people are hospitalized for an arrhy
51 1 Acute atrial ectopic tachycardia may be a medical emergency, requiring immediate rate control. More frequently, patients are evaluated in the clinical setting, and hospitalization is often only necessary for initiation of certain antiarrhythmic medications. Although surgical cryoablation has previously been used to treat patients with atrial ectopic tachycardia, this has been primarily supplanted by catheter radiofrequency ablation techniques. Go to Atrial Tachycardiaand Multifocal Atrial Tachycardiafor information on these topics. Atrial Tachycardia Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia ; Drugs with some effect in atrial ectopic tachycardia include digoxin , amiodarone, propafenone, flecainide, sotalol, procainamide, and esmolol.Only digoxin and oral amiodarone are devoid of negative inotropic effect. Adequate control may not require the complete abolition of all atrial ectopic beats or runs. Atrial ectopic tachycardia is one of the incessant tachycardias, which may become associate
52 1 Goldfine, and during a raw brand, she fixes a alpha a viagrabuy on his dysfunction. Several generic ventricle, no ardour needed is the generic viagra fildena most sexual bit for you to buy generic embarrassed process philosophy penile and tra drive pharmacy contraceptives without category. This resulted in better a coitus of 3shell pills between absent men and was well of occupation with all intellectual women, including australia. Celas may include hydrochloride quantities and message store problem to help indicate that the kopen bear and 1990s are not patented; these also are cumulative to counterfeiting. Cialis number bit viagra, generic viagra fildena temper sensitization onlinecom! What has underscored the doses in major sex desk, and men. Glyburide exhibited notably active generuc with online day into erectogenic individuals. Patents a online panel for sharing your men. The involvement thinks in 19th- yet non-responsive dysfunction of viagra writing relatively that the drug ...
52 1 Delayed ejaculation is typically a self-reported diagnosis; there is no firm consensus on what constitutes a reasonable time frame for reaching orgasm. Male orgasm is defined as a subjective, perceptual-cognitive event of peak sexual pleasure that in normal conditions coincides with the moment of ejaculation.Delayed ejaculation is typically a self-reported diagnosis; there is no firm consensus on what constitutes a reasonable time frame for reaching orgasm. The presence of a normal sexual excitement phase is a prerequisite for male orgasmic disorder . In other words, if the absence of orgasm follows a decreased desire for sexual activity, an aversion to genital sexual contact, or a decreased lubrication-swelling response, diagnoses such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder, sexual aversion disorder, or male erectile disorder might be more appropriate, even if they all have a final common outcome . anorgasmia Patients with MOD can achieve firm erections and have normal sexual interco
52 1 Find patient medical information for Feldene Oral on WebMD including its uses, side effects and safety, interactions, pictures, warnings and user ratings. Feldene official prescribing information for healthcare professionals. Includes: indications, dosage, adverse reactions, pharmacology and more.
52 1 No, Good Friday will not fall again on the 22nd March in your lifetime. Prior to 1940 Good Friday last fell on March 22 in 1799. Of all the dates on which Good Friday falls, March 22 is the rarest. I made a list of the dates for Easter, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Pentecost Sunday, etc. for every year from 1583 until 2399, and during that 817 years Good Friday falls on March 22 only three times (1799, 1940 and 2391)! P.S.: Your 11th, 95th and 106th birthdays fall on Holy Thursday.
53 1 NPH is not a 24 hour insulin and it is not a short/fast insulin. NPH peaks at 2 to 4 hours and can last 12 to 16. It depends on the NPH and the person. Those who take it once a day are likely type 2 who do not need the peak/coverage at night because of the risk of hypos. That is based on their personal needs. I know several people like this. Others take it twice a day, ideally 12 hours appart so that the peak times and overlapping coverage maintain a balance. I am one of these diabetics, and I am type 2. I know a few people who take NPH three times a day because that is how they need it (also type 2). Type 2s can also use short acting insulins and insulin mixes if that is what they need. Do NOT assume what type of diabetes necessarily relates to what type of insulin is being used or how often it is taken. And any diabetic that ignores their health by overeating at a party and expects they can just add some more insulin to cover it, is dumb. Type 1 or not. There are other issues involve
53 3 NPH and Caregivers Hydrocephalus AssociationNPH and CaregiversNPH and CaregiversA normal pressure hydrocephalus diagnosis is complex and frustrating. Normal pressure hydrocephalus symptoms like gait disturbance, mild dementia and incontinence also occur with other conditions that affect people over 60 years of age often making diagnosis confusing. These conditions can also coexist with hydrocephalus, further complicating diagnosis and making treatment difficult.For those living with NPH and their caregivers, staying informed about the condition is essential to managing care.
53 1 NPH insulin, my friend, is an intermediate-acting insulin. (It's a trademark for an insulin suspension (isophane).) This type of insulin has a peak action which occurs 4 to 10 hours after administering. (It's a trademark for an insulin suspension (isophane).) This type of insulin has a peak action which occurs 4 to 10 hours after administering. This type of insulin is given twice a day normally.
53 3 NPH and Caregivers Hydrocephalus AssociationNPH and CaregiversNPH and CaregiversA normal pressure hydrocephalus diagnosis is complex and frustrating. Normal pressure hydrocephalus symptoms like gait disturbance, mild dementia and incontinence also occur with other conditions that affect people over 60 years of age often making diagnosis confusing. These conditions can also coexist with hydrocephalus, further complicating diagnosis and making treatment difficult.For those living with NPH and their caregivers, staying informed about the condition is essential to managing care.
53 1 NPH insulin, my friend, is an intermediate-acting insulin. (It's a trademark for an insulin suspension (isophane).) This type of insulin has a peak action which occurs 4 to 10 hours after administering. This type of insulin is given twice a day normally. This is why your daughter is taking it twice, as well as her Lispro. (Lispro, by the way is a fast-acting insulin which reaches its peak action in 30 to 90 minutes. This type of insulin is given at mealtimes.) I'm sure you're probably already aware, my friend, but your daughter's insulin regime WILL change over time. In fact, she MAY still be going through what's termed the "honeymoon period" or "honeymoon phase" where her remaining beta cells (islets of Langerhans) of her pancreas MAY still be producing a certain amount of insulin. This, sadly, WILL change. The remaining beta cells will be destroyed by your daughter's immune system. I'm so sorry that your daughter is suffering with diabetes ... and I do know that it's not exactly a 'b
53 1 I really liked the NPH, it allowed Gina to cut back on the number of shots. The only reason we went back to lantus is because the peaks that accompany NPH were too much for her. They were making her crash. You answered your own question... if it aint broke dont fix it! Everyone is unique with their lifestyle, their careers, and their blood sugars. NPH is a good choice, and it works for you. Humalog isn't any better or worse than Novalog. It works the itty bittiest bit faster. It's a better choice for us because Gina takes her fast acting insulin post-meals (five year olds aren't the best at committing to what they're going to eat).
53 1 Surgery Surgery Surgical CSF shunting remains the main treatment modality for NPH. Prior to embarking upon surgical therapy, knowing which patients may benefit from surgery is necessary. Detailed testing is performed before and after CSF drainage . Ideal candidates for shunt surgery would show imaging evidence of ventriculomegaly, as indicated by a frontal horn ratio exceeding 0.50 on imaging studies, along with one or more of the following criteria: Presence of a clearly identified etiology Predominant gait difficulties with mild or absent cognitive impairment Substantial improvement after CSF withdrawal Normal-sized or occluded sylvian fissures and cortical sulci on CT scan or MRIAbsent or moderate white-matter lesions on MRI Presence of a clearly identified etiology Predominant gait difficulties with mild or absent cognitive impairment Substantial improvement after CSF withdrawal Normal-sized or occluded sylvian fissures and cortical sulci on CT scan or MRI Absent or moderate whi
53 1 NPH is not a 24 hour insulin and it is not a insulin. NPH peaks at 2 to 4 hours and can last 12 to 16. It depends on the NPH and the person.
54 1 You specifically ask for advice. My advice is to consult your/a doctor at your earliest opportunity. I wish you well. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms. The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.
54 1 Because the entire species is a very large area and the specific population is a particular area, therefore it is easier to study the same organisms in a smaller area than the organisms in a very large area.
54 1 Drug approval is called "marketing authorization" and is not directly related to clinical trials. A program of clinical trials will usually lead to a marketing authorization in one or more countries. You probably have to look somewhere else on FDAs website. Try Drugs@FDA or have a look at WhoDD to get from drug substance to marketed drug (and approval, maybe). edited Mar 16 at 16:51 answered Mar 16 at 15:04 Do you know where that data is available? I have not found it in chEMBL or clinicaltrials.gov, nor found a relevant API call from openFDA. – Will Manidis Mar 16 at 15:14 Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service . Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged api openfda or ask your own question . Podcast #112 – Please Direct All Hate Mail to Jay Hanlon c/o Stack Overflow… How can I access FDA drug and medical device recall data from 1970 to 2014? How can
54 1 To obtain a model questions paper for the plus one business studies course or would be best to visit the instructor of the course. They should have extra copies of the papers and this would insure that the student will receive the correct paper.
54 1 A wide range of effective treatments is available for major depressive disorder. Medication alone and brief psychotherapy alone can relieve depressive symptoms. There is also empirical support for the ability of brief psychotherapy to prevent relapse. In children and adolescents, however, pharmacotherapy by itself is insufficient treatment. Moreover, in all patient populations, the combination of medication and psychotherapy generally provides the quickest and most sustained response. Combination therapy has also been associated with significantly higher rates of improvement in depressive symptoms; increased quality of life; and better treatment compliance, especially when treatment is needed for longer than 3 months. ; Psychotherapy is often conducted on an outpatient basis with weekly, 60-minute sessions. Although there is wide variation in practice, psychotherapy tends to be time-limited . In the 1990s, The American Psychological Association’s Division 12 Task Force on Promoti
55 -2 The last numbers I saw said that Y!A have 9 million users. I can't verify it though. What makes you think that 35% have STD's? How do you do that equation? Have put the possibility of one user posting from several accounts into the equation? How about the fact that trolls like that type of questions and often use them to "have fun". Have you thought about that the ones that posts in the health section might not be the average of all other members? How do you know that it's 35% of all posters when you don't know the actual number of posters that Don't post about such things because they think it's private? Your number (35%) might be correct but you offer no logic reasoning as to how you came up with that number. The world population and the number of people that could be members of Y!A does not provide the 35% result, you've picked it from somewhere else. [Edit] 1) I never said that you put an actual number of users to Y!A. I only added the number I'd heard as a bit of "information" ...
55 2 Treatment generally involves supportive care, with specific complications treated as appropriate. Liver transplantation, in selected cases, is an option if the patient has fulminant hepatic failure . Patients at risk of developing acute hepatitis A virus infection should undergo immunization for the virus. In addition, immunization of those at greater risk for morbidity from acute HAV infection is important. ; A German study of immunization rates in patients with autoimmune liver disease identified that seroconversion rates in this population were lower; however, more importantly, the study identified that vaccination was not offered to a large proportion of this population.It is not difficult to identify a low risk-benefit ratio in patients with chronic liver disease, and the author recommends vaccination for HAV in all who have no contraindication. The advent of new antiviral agents, such as direct-acting antivirals and host-targeting agents , has expanded the potential therapeut
55 -2 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
55 -2 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
56 2 So it's not surprising that jock itch and athlete's foot often occur at the same time, since both are caused by fungi. What are the symptoms of jock itch? Symptoms of jock itch include the following: Itching and pain are common. What are the symptoms of jock itch? Symptoms of jock itch include the following: Itching and pain are common. A rash is on the groin, skin folds, inner thighs, or buttocks.
56 3 So has anyone here had jock itch before? I seem to have acquired it for the first time. The rash is on my scrotum and inner thighs, but here's my real concern. I just found a little bump on the bottom of my shaft and what scares me is it looks like a really really tiny wart. Now I jut shaved the other day so maybe I opened up a cut or something but my question is does this sound like it's a symptom of jock itch on the shaft or should I be freaking out running to planned parenthood this week? I had an STD check in June before my fight because I had to get licensed but I wasn't checked for herpes or warts. Megadeth90 | , last edited by A fungal infection like jock itch can cause small bumps, so I would just use the jock itch cream (rub it in well). The bump might take a little longer than the rest of the rash to go, but it should go within a week. Ineligible | , last edited by Good to hear, I didn't realize I had it until the other day when I was shaving and I happened to notice t...
56 1 Jock itch is a fungal infection of the skin on the groin, upper inner thighs, or buttocks. It most commonly occurs in hot, humid conditions. Doctors often refer to jock itch as tinea cruris. Jock itch is caused by common fungus organisms that grow best in warm, moist areas. Jock itch can affect women, but most commonly affects men, especially men who perspire heavily. The fungus that causes jock itch most often results from: Wearing wet, damp, or unlaundered clothing (such as underwear or an athletic supporter) Sharing towels that are infected with jock itch fungus Infrequent showering, especially after exercising or perspiring heavily from work Risk factors for jock itch include: Hot, humid conditions Heavy perspiration Obesity Tight clothing Re-wearing clothing, especially underwear or athletic supporters, before laundering Changing underwear infrequently Infrequent showering Sharing towels or clothing with other people Using public showers or locker rooms Immune system disorders Joc
56 1 It is a bacteria. To get rid of it, go buy Lotrimin, always put on clean underwear everyday and always use a clean towel to dry with. But, make sure you are absolutely and com pletely dry before you put your underwear on. Dampness creates the bacteria. Same as under the arms. This is what creates the bad odor. Forget boxers, wear briefs. Briefs give you lift and separation like a woman's bra and hinders sweating or dampness. I use a hair dryer at home to make sure I am dry down there.
56 1 Angiokeratomas of Fordyce are a benign neoplasms and are not amenable to drug therapy. The importance of these lesions was well summarized by Bean, "These varicules should be known so that we can allay the fears of old men, many of whom have worries enough already." If the lesions are an incidental finding or are asymptomatic, the patient can be reassured about the lesions’ benign nature. If concern exists regarding bleeding or cosmetic appearance, then several surgical treatment options are available. his is not practical if more than a few lesions exist. However, excision can be performed with the patient under local anesthesia, with a good cosmetic result.Obtaining negative margins has been recommended by authors who have treated recurrent angiokeratomas of the scrotum. Successful resolution has been reported with single treatments using both the 578-nm copper laserand the argon laser,resulting in minimal scarring. A 2004 study showed benefit using a 532-nm potassium-titanyl
57 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
57 3 Pain control remains the mainstay of treatment, usually with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory or oral narcotic agents. Patients with isolated rib fractures who are unable to cough and clear secretions adequately should be considered for admission for 24-hour observation. Consider admission for patients with underlying lung disease or decreased pulmonary reserve. A lower threshold for admission of older persons with isolated rib fractures is warranted because of their higher incidence of hypoventilation, hypercapnia, atelectasis, and pneumonia. Specifically in the age group 65 years and older, consider admission for patients age ≥85 years, or with initial systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg, hemothorax, pneumothorax, 3 or more unilateral rib fractures, or pulmonary contusion. Admission may also allow for observation for occult intra-abdominal organ injury. Patients being admitted should have good pain control and, if possible, given an incentive spirometer to prevent pulmonary splinti
57 1 Rib cage pain on left side over a year ago Rib cage pain on left side Rib cage consist of 12 thoracic vertebrae, 24 ribs, sternum-breastbone and the coastal cartilages. It is the coastal cartilages which provide the connection of ribs and the sternum. Ribs assist a human in motion, expansion and contraction of the abdominal region. Rib cage surrounds the ribs and protects them. Rib cage is an elastic, flexible protective covering. In the chest area nerves come out of the spine and split into two different ways. One of the parts goes toward the under part of the skin. In this way it sends the fibers even further to the surface of the skin and this is done during its travel half way around the thorax. The other nerve goes from the bottom of the rib just around the sternum. This nerve surfaces to the skin as well and then goes back in the direction of the side of the same level as the first nerve. It is exactly the hurting and the discomfort in this area of the ribs that provides t...
57 1 The general wellbeing of body and mind. Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties
58 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
58 1 The most important step in treatment is to prevent further exposure to lead. Accurate assessment of environmental and occupational exposure is essential. Modifying children’s behavior to decrease hand-to-mouth activity is beneficial. The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration has recommendations for occupational lead exposure. Under these guidelines, the permissible exposure limit is 50 µg/m3for an 8-hour, time-weighted average. Workers with blood lead levels of 60 µg/d L or higher must be removed from the workplace. Additionally, employees should be removed from the workplace if the average of their last 3 BLLs is 50 µg/d L or higher. Individuals with BLLs of 40 µg/d L or higher must undergo medical evaluation. 3 ; Community-wide preventive actions are recommended when children are found to have BLLs of 10 µg/d L or higher. With BLLs of 15-19 µg/d L, nutritional and educational interventions are recommended. With BLLs of 20 µg/d L or higher, medical evaluations an
58 1 The last numbers I saw said that Y!A have 9 million users. I can't verify it though. What makes you think that 35% have STD's? How do you do that equation? Have put the possibility of one user posting from several accounts into the equation? How about the fact that trolls like that type of questions and often use them to "have fun". Have you thought about that the ones that posts in the health section might not be the average of all other members? How do you know that it's 35% of all posters when you don't know the actual number of posters that Don't post about such things because they think it's private? Your number (35%) might be correct but you offer no logic reasoning as to how you came up with that number. The world population and the number of people that could be members of Y!A does not provide the 35% result, you've picked it from somewhere else. [Edit] 1) I never said that you put an actual number of users to Y!A. I only added the number I'd heard as a bit of "information" ...
58 1 The general wellbeing of body and mind. Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties
59 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
59 1 The last numbers I saw said that Y!A have 9 million users. I can't verify it though. What makes you think that 35% have STD's? How do you do that equation? Have put the possibility of one user posting from several accounts into the equation? How about the fact that trolls like that type of questions and often use them to "have fun". Have you thought about that the ones that posts in the health section might not be the average of all other members? How do you know that it's 35% of all posters when you don't know the actual number of posters that Don't post about such things because they think it's private? Your number (35%) might be correct but you offer no logic reasoning as to how you came up with that number. The world population and the number of people that could be members of Y!A does not provide the 35% result, you've picked it from somewhere else. [Edit] 1) I never said that you put an actual number of users to Y!A. I only added the number I'd heard as a bit of "information" ...
59 2 Appendectomy remains the only curative treatment of appendicitis, but management of patients with an appendiceal mass can usually be divided into the following 3 treatment categories: Patients with a phlegmon or a small abscess: After intravenous antibiotic therapy, an interval appendectomy can be performed 4-6 weeks later.Patients with a larger well-defined abscess: After percutaneous drainage with IV antibiotics is performed, the patient can be discharged with the catheter in place. Interval appendectomy can be performed after the fistula is closed.Patients with a multicompartmental abscess: These patients require early surgical drainage. Patients with a phlegmon or a small abscess: After intravenous antibiotic therapy, an interval appendectomy can be performed 4-6 weeks later. Patients with a larger well-defined abscess: After percutaneous drainage with IV antibiotics is performed, the patient can be discharged with the catheter in place. Interval appendectomy can be performed a
59 1 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
60 1 Medications for patients with upper GU injuries relate to the management of patients as critically injured rather than management specific to the GU injury. Management of renal injuries depends on the grade of injury and is linked to management of associated injuries. Grade of renal injury is best depicted in the scale developed by the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Grade III injuries include the following: Laceration more than 1 cm parenchymal depth of renal cortex without collecting system rupture or urinary extravasation Laceration more than 1 cm parenchymal depth of renal cortex without collecting system rupture or urinary extravasation Grade V injuries include the following: Laceration - Completely shattered kidney Vascular - Avulsion of renal hilum that devascularizes the kidney Laceration - Completely shattered kidney Vascular - Avulsion of renal hilum that devascularizes the kidney Treat grades I, II, and III conservatively. Monitor vital signs, hematocrit
60 1 fre·quen·cy [ frkwənssee ] (plural fre·quen·cies) noun Definition: 1. frequent occurrence: the fact of happening often or regularly at short intervals quite good friends, judging by the frequency of his visits 2. rate of occurrence: the number of times that something happens during a period of time We're trying to establish the frequency of his visits. Did he come once a month? 3. broadcasting wavelength for broadcasting: a wavelength on which a radio or television signal is broadcast and to which a receiving set can be tuned 4. physics rate of recurrence: the number of times that something such as an oscillation, a waveform, or a cycle is repeated within a specific length of time, usually one second. Symbol νf 5. statistics number of occurrences of statistical result: the number of times a particular result occurs in a statistical survey absolute frequency, or the ratio of that number to the total results obtained in the survey relative frequency HISTOGRAM: A bar graph of a f
60 1 Please find the information regarding [day, frequency, 5 mg tablets, understood, prescribed, correct recommended dosage] in the following link: http://prescription-drug.addictionblog.org/how-much-hydrocodone-is-too-much/
60 1 fre·quen·cy [ frkwənssee ] (plural fre·quen·cies) noun Definition: 1. frequent occurrence: the fact of happening often or regularly at short intervals quite good friends, judging by the frequency of his visits 2. rate of occurrence: the number of times that something happens during a period of time We're trying to establish the frequency of his visits. Did he come once a month? 3. broadcasting wavelength for broadcasting: a wavelength on which a radio or television signal is broadcast and to which a receiving set can be tuned 4. physics rate of recurrence: the number of times that something such as an oscillation, a waveform, or a cycle is repeated within a specific length of time, usually one second. Symbol νf 5. statistics number of occurrences of statistical result: the number of times a particular result occurs in a statistical survey absolute frequency, or the ratio of that number to the total results obtained in the survey relative frequency HISTOGRAM: A bar graph of a f
60 1 The absence of a warning for a given drug or drug combination in no way should be construed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective or appropriate for any given patient. Neither Everyday Health nor its licensor assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of the information provided. The information contained herein is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects.
60 1 If you are looking at purchasing a sub, frequency response isn't nearly as important as frequency roll-off at the cross over point between the sub and speakers. It has a digital counter, a frequency reference and a time base counter. It measures frequency by counting the input signal for a specific time. They are often able to measure time intervals too.
60 1 For an oscillating or varying current , frequency is the number of complete cycles per second in alternating current direction. The standard unit of frequency is the hertz , abbreviated Hz. If a current completes one cycle per second, then the frequency is 1 Hz; 60 cycles per second equals 60 Hz (the standard alternating-current utility frequency in some countries). Larger units of frequency include the kilohertz (kHz) representing thousands (1,000's) of cycles per second, the megahertz (MHz) representing millions (1,000,000's) of cycles per second, and the gigahertz (GHz) representing billions (1,000,000,000's) of cycles per second. Occasionally the terahertz (THz) is used; 1 THz = 1,000,000,000,000 cycles per second. Note that these prefixes represent specific powers of 10, in contrast to the prefixes for multiples of bytes, which represent specific powers of 2. Computer clock speed is generally specified in megahertz and, more recently, in gigahertz. Frequency is important in ...
61 1 I was answering a question of yours similar to this one and the answer was removed(it was explaining your question) .anyway try formspring.com it is just like yahoo!answers im told There are some glitches, but There is a prefilter the question has to pass. If you have links or references to certain websites or certain keywords, the questions will be held for staff review, usually 30 minutes to a couple of days. If there is a problem, you may get a violation or they may just not post the question. If the question is showing in your profile, this would be the reason. If not in your profile, they could have been quickly deleted. Try this. Edit the question and add just a couple of periods in the added details and resubmit. This sometimes clears the question. Or post with no links and add them in the added details.
61 1 Question the client further about discomfort to assess the meaning of pain.d. Assess the abdominal dressing and consult the surgeon about findings.c. Question the client further about discomfort to assess the meaning of pain.A resident of the nursing home has quite severe arthritis. When administering an analgesic to this elderly resident, the nurse a. Give the medication before the activity session in the day room.b. Give the medication when the resident states the pain is at 6 or higher on a 1-10 pain scale.c.
61 1 I was answering a question of yours similar to this one and the answer was removed(it was explaining your question) .anyway try formspring.com it is just like yahoo!answers im told
61 1 Question the client further about discomfort to assess the meaning of pain.d. Assess the abdominal dressing and consult the surgeon about findings.c. Question the client further about discomfort to assess the meaning of pain.A resident of the nursing home has quite severe arthritis. When administering an analgesic to this elderly resident, the nurse a. Give the medication before the activity session in the day room.b. Give the medication when the resident states the pain is at 6 or higher on a 1-10 pain scale.c.
61 2 Establishing an effective Compliance and Ethics Program ("Program") has become a necessity to protect any highly regulated... View the full answer {[ getNetScore(30361648) ]} Opinion 2: No. I am quite frank when it comes to those things. So ask away!
61 1 So the ability to answer difficult questions is built on ... “Discuss� the question. Sometimes it seems like people are looking for a ... The Art of Manliness Teaching Your Toddler to Answer Questions – Receptive and Expressive Language ... have difficulty learning to answer questions. ... a question it seems like the ...
61 1 More than 90% of the protein in bone is composed of type 1 collagen. Degradation products that are derived from the enzymatic hydrolysis of type 1 collagen are therefore the most useful markers of bone resorption. Since the 1990s, multiple blood and urine markers have been used as surrogate markers of bone remodeling, but those peptides related to regions that cross-link with pyridinoline have been proven to be the most sensitive and specific. The pyridinium compounds PYD and DPD, as well as hydroxypyridinium cross-link collagen, are among the more specific markers. These are formed during extracellular maturation of fibrillar collagens and are released when mature collagens degrade. Measurement of these markers does not depend on the degradation of newly synthesized collagens or dietary sources. Several groups have developed tests based on specific antibodies that are raised against isolated collagen peptides that contain cross-links, as opposed to using the cross-links themselves
61 1 Question the client further about discomfort to assess the meaning of pain.d. Assess the abdominal dressing and consult the surgeon about findings.c. Question the client further about discomfort to assess the meaning of pain.A resident of the nursing home has quite severe arthritis. When administering an analgesic to this elderly resident, the nurse a. Give the medication before the activity session in the day room.b. Give the medication when the resident states the pain is at 6 or higher on a 1-10 pain scale.c.
62 3 Please find the information regarding [taking lisinopril, drug interactions, extra-strength tylenol, aleve, diclofenac, safe] in the following link: https://www.mediguard.org/medication
62 1 Drugs that may interact with Doxofylline are Allopurinol, Cimetidine, Clindamycin, Eythromycin, Lincomycin, Propranolol, and Ranitidine. There may be other drugs that react with Doxofylline, so always inform your doctor of any drugs that you are taking. Doxofylline is used to treat asthma and COPD.
62 1 There are no known drug to drug interactions between these two medications, making them safe to take together. Make sure to contact you primary care provider prior to ta king these two medications to ensure that it is safe.
62 1 The over the counter cold/sinus medicines that you normally need to worry about with drug interactions are pseudoephedrine (or decongestants) and antihistamines. I have shown an example of a search - please see link below. http://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.p... There are no known interactions between Celexa and decongestant or antihistamine (as shown). However, it does not mean that interactions will not occur. Please see your doctor if you do have unusual symptoms otherwise it is fine to take them together.
62 3 Please find the information regarding [aleve, extra-strength tylenol, taking lisinopril, diclofenac, drug interactions, safe] in the following link: https://www.mediguard.org/medication
62 1 Many employers end up testing for more, rather than less. Here is a list of other drugs that can be included in drug tests. 1. Result? Many employers end up testing for more, rather than less. Here is a list of other drugs that can be included in drug tests.
62 1 Nortriptyline Drug Interactions - Drugs.com› › › InteractionsCould be experiencing depression?Nortriptyline Drug InteractionsInteractionsA total of 1072 drugs brand and generic are known to interact with . drug interactions brand and generic drug interactions brand and generic drug interactions brand and generic the database that may interact with nortriptyline.Check for interactions with nortriptylineType in a drug name and select a drug from the list.SearchCommon medications checked in combination with nortriptylinenortriptyline InteractionsThere is with nortriptylinenortriptyline disease InteractionsThere are with nortriptyline which also...Drug Interaction ClassificationThe classifications below are a general guideline only. It is difficult to determine the relevance of a particular drug interaction to any individual given the large number of variables.MajorHighly clinically significant. Avoid the risk of the interaction outweighs the benefit.ModerateModerately clinically sig
62 1 Except for absolute tobacco avoidance, no forms of therapy are definitive for thromboangiitis obliterans . There is some support for a few pharmacologic approaches, but for the most part, such approaches are ineffective. Surgical or endovascular revascularization usually is not feasible, because of the lack of a distal target for revascularization. Patients may require one or more amputations. Indications for hospital admission include the following: Surgery Parenteral pharmacologic treatment of infection or pain that is refractory to oral medical therapy Intensive behavioral modification therapy for patients unable to achieve smoking cessation at home Surgery Parenteral pharmacologic treatment of infection or pain that is refractory to oral medical therapy Intensive behavioral modification therapy for patients unable to achieve smoking cessation at home ; No dietary restrictions are needed; diet has not been shown to affect the course of the disease. Cardiovascular exercise should b
63 1 A trisomy is a type of polysomy in which there are three instances of a particular chromosome, instead of the normal two. If the chromosome pairs fail to separate properly during cell division, the egg or sperm may end up with a second copy of one of the chromosomes. (See non-disjunction.) If such a gamete results in fertilization and an embryo, the resulting embryo may also have an entire copy of the extra chromosome. The number of chromosomes in the cell where trisomy occurs is represented as, for example, 2n+1 if one chromosome shows trisomy, 2n+1+1 if two show trisomy, etc. Trisomies are sometimes characterised as autosomal trisomies (trisomies of the non-sex chromosomes) and sex-chromosome trisomies. Autosomal trisomies are described by referencing the specific chromosome that has an extra copy.
63 1 Trisomy 13 happens affects every cell in the body. It's a tragedy this has to happen to any baby and their families but unfortunately there is no cure since syndrome happens at conception. Opinion 2: These are the TYPES of trisomy 13 not the causes. The two most common reasons (again not causes) are non disjunction at Meiosis I or Meiosis II. Trisomy 13 is also special in that in many cases one parent can have what is called a Robertsonian translocation which increases the risk of Trisomy 13 happening significantly. Mosaicism on the other hand is thought to be a post conception event. Why it happens is not really known though the risk increases with maternal age (not so much with paternal age). There are a few theories, the one most considered at this point is a condition which amounts to sticky chromosomes (that is the chromosomes tend to stick and break during meiosis), but the bottom line is that no one really knows WHY it happens. The best web site I know to explain causes i...
63 1 A trisomy is a type of polysomy in which there are three instances of a particular chromosome, instead of the normal two. If the chromosome pairs fail to separate properly during cell division, the egg or sperm may end up with a second copy of one of the chromosomes. (See non-disjunction.) If such a gamete results in fertilization and an embryo, the resulting embryo may also have an entire copy of the extra chromosome. The number of chromosomes in the cell where trisomy occurs is represented as, for example, 2n+1 if one chromosome shows trisomy, 2n+1+1 if two show trisomy, etc. Trisomies are sometimes characterised as autosomal trisomies (trisomies of the non-sex chromosomes) and sex-chromosome trisomies. Autosomal trisomies are described by referencing the specific chromosome that has an extra copy.
63 1 Medical literature provides little information on the use of specific drugs to treat Patau syndrome. All patients diagnosed prenatally with a fetus affected by Patau syndrome should be offered a consultation with a care provider skilled in delivering serious information who is knowledgeable about recurrence risk, screening, and diagnostic testing options for future pregnancies.Although a geneticist or genetics counselor is an ideal source and may be best suited for exploring family history, an experienced maternal fetal medicine physician or properly trained obstetrician may provide requisite information especially in regions of the United States, where the amount geneticists and genetic counselors is inadequate. Specific information related to the management of an ongoing pregnancy should be discussed during this consultation. Once a diagnosis of Patau syndrome is made, pregnancy management varies according to the gestational age at diagnosis. ; At previable gestational ages, the
63 1 Well this is only a start since I am not good at actuarial matters, but I have a daughter with a different form of trisomy and so I was curious myself. The NIH reports that trisomy 13, or Patau syndrome, 1) occurs in one in 10,000 newborns 2) more than 80% of these children die in the first year* *the Lucille Packard children's hospital of Stanford reports: "Unfortunately, 90 percent of babies born with trisomy 18 or 13 die by age 1. It is important to note that 5 to 10 percent of babies with trisomy 18 or 13 do survive the first year of life. Therefore, these disorders are not universally fatal and, in the absence of any immediate life-threatening problems, accurate predictions of life expectancy are difficult to make. There are a few reports of babies with trisomy 18 or 13 surviving to their teens, however, this is unusual." [Emphasis mine] There is a list of symptoms and complications but no "life expectancy" computations are listed so some assumptions are required. On the other han
63 1 Patau syndrome, like Down syndrome, is associated with increased age of the mother. It may affect individuals of all ethnic backgrounds. ... ( iv) Patan syndrome (trisomy of chromosome No. 5).
63 1 Well this is only a start since I am not good at actuarial matters, but I have a daughter with a different form of trisomy and so I was curious myself. The NIH reports that t risomy 13, or Patau syndrome, 1) occurs in one in 10,000 newborns 2) more than 80% of these children die in the first year* *the Lucille Packard children's hospital of Stanford reports: "Unfortunately, 90 percent of babies born with trisomy 18 or 13 die by age 1. It is important to note that 5 to 10 percent of babies with trisomy 18 or 13 do survive the first year of life. Therefore, these disorders are not universally fatal and, in the absence of any immediate life-threatening problems, accurate predictions of life expectancy are difficult to make. There are a few reports of babies with trisomy 18 or 13 surviving to their teens, however, this is unusual." [Emphasis mine] There is a list of symptoms and complications but no "life expectancy" computations are listed so some assumptions are required. On the other h
63 1 A trisomy is a type of polysomy in which there are three instances of a particular chromosome, instead of the normal two. If the chromosome pairs fail to separate properly during cell division, the egg or sperm may end up with a second copy of one of the chromosomes. (See non-disjunction.) If such a gamete results in fertilization and an embryo, the resulting embryo may also have an entire copy of the extra chromosome. The number of chromosomes in the cell where trisomy occurs is represented as, for example, 2n+1 if one chromosome shows trisomy, 2n+1+1 if two show trisomy, etc. Trisomies are sometimes characterised as autosomal trisomies (trisomies of the non-sex chromosomes) and sex-chromosome trisomies. Autosomal trisomies are described by referencing the specific chromosome that has an extra copy.
64 2 I learned to deal with it by drinking a glass of tonic water, but only after the pain had already started.�Even Tonic Water Has Some HazardsSome people find even the small amount of quinine in tonic water can pose problems. These folks may experience ringing in the ears, rash, itching or blurred vision and should steer clear of tonic water altogether.There are those who are so sensitive that even a little bit of quinine could prove life threatening.“Quinine in tonic water proved almost fatal for me. Nighttime leg cramps have been an ongoing problem, so I bought a bottle of tonic water.“On Saturday I had a 5-ounce glass before supper.
64 1 High-potency topical steroids have been successfully used for control of pruritus. Oral antihistamines may reduce pruritus and aid in sleep for irritable and extremely uncomfortable children. Extremely symptomatic children may be treated with dapsone at a dose of 1-2 mg/kg/day. Although acropustulosis is self-limited, treatment to relieve the severe pruritus is recommended. Sedating oral antihistamines, such as hydroxyzine and diphenhydramine, in sufficient dosages to induce somnolence may be used to relieve pruritus, especially at night. Topical steroidsand oral dapsonehave been used with good success for symptomatic management. ; Appropriate workup for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency should be considered before prescribing oral dapsone, owing to the risk of red blood cell breakdown, or hemolysis. Limited case reports describe topical maxacalcitol being useful for management, but more research is required. ; Topical or oral antibiotics should not be given unless the
64 1 You are just drinking carbonated water with natural flavoring. As long as getting really bad gas and indigestion, then the seltzer is just helping you get your fluids in The only thing I would say is be careful not to get tonic water in case you are sensitive to quinine...
64 1 Seltzer water is carbonated water, sometimes with, sometimes without any flavor. Seltzer has no sugar, no added minerals or chemicals. Club soda is basically seltzer with sodium (salt) added. Tonic water is club soda with quinine added, yes to fight malaria. But it does give it a distinctly different taste to either seltzer or club soda, it is used in certain drinks for that specific flavor (vodka & tonic, gin & tonic, they wouldn't be the same w/seltzer or club soda). I wouldn't recommend drinking club soda or tonic water if you're a seltzer drinker as the norm. The sodium in both of these is not terribly useful when trying to hydrate your body, which is the reason I drink seltzer in the first place.
64 2 I have always fond it a great way of getting almost instant relief from cramps. Just have a big drink of tonic water made with quinine and the cramp goes. It would be a good i dea to find out why you are getting the cramps however. simply taking a mineral supplement or a sports drink prior to or after strenuous exercise can often stop cramps from happening in the first place.
64 1 "Bark of Remijia contains 0.5 - 2 % of quinine. The bark is cheaper than bark of Cinchona and as it has an intense taste, it is used for making tonic water." "In some areas, non-medical use of quinine is regulated. There is a huge difference between a 100 mg or higher quinine pill/capsule and the quinine used in tonic water. As a matter of fact, the tree of origin is even different. "Bark of Remijia contains 0.5 - 2 % of quinine.
64 1 Seltzer water is carbonated water, sometimes with, sometimes without any flavor. Seltzer has no sugar, no added minerals or chemicals. Club soda is basically seltzer with sodium (salt) added. Tonic water is club soda with quinine added, yes to fight malaria. But it does give it a distinctly different taste to either seltzer or club soda, it is used in certain drinks for that specific flavor (vodka & tonic, gin & tonic, they wouldn't be the same w/seltzer or club soda). I wouldn't recommend drinking club soda or tonic water if you're a seltzer drinker as the norm. The sodium in both of these is not terribly useful when trying to hydrate your body, which is the reason I drink seltzer in the first place.
64 2 I learned to deal with it by drinking a glass of tonic water, but only after the pain had already started.�Even Tonic Water Has Some HazardsSome people find even the small amount of quinine in tonic water can pose problems. These folks may experience ringing in the ears, rash, itching or blurred vision and should steer clear of tonic water altogether.There are those who are so sensitive that even a little bit of quinine could prove life threatening.“Quinine in tonic water proved almost fatal for me. Nighttime leg cramps have been an ongoing problem, so I bought a bottle of tonic water.“On Saturday I had a 5-ounce glass before supper.
65 1 Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. Intro : Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. It can also refer to the actual organisms living on or within a host. Terminology : In general, the term infestation refers to parasitic diseases caused by animals such as arthropods (i.e. mites, ticks, and lice) and worms, but excluding conditions caused by protozoa, fungi, bacteria, and viruses, which are called infections.
65 1 Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. Intro : Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. It can also refer to the actual organisms living on or within a host. Terminology : In general, the term infestation refers to parasitic diseases caused by animals such as arthropods (i.e. mites, ticks, and lice) and worms, but excluding conditions caused by protozoa, fungi, bacteria, and viruses, which are called infections.
65 4 There are some good management strategies on the web site listed below. Beware of chemical methods as the could pose threats to children & pets. "The best way to prevent entry is to remove grasses and weeds in a three-foot strip around foundations, although mites may cross mulch and pea gravel to enter the home anyway. Some flowers and plants are not attractive to clover mites. If these plants are located near the house, it may serve as a barrier to mite movement from the lawn into the building. Some unattractive plants include: petunia, salvia, geranium, chrysanthemum, rose, zinnia, yew, arborvitae, juniper and spruce".
65 3 Ear mites Ear mites can cause an allergic reaction resulting in intense itching (pruritis) of the ear. Ear mites can affect dogs and cats of all ages and are very common in puppies and kittens. The red hot steam will kill dust mites in no time. Clean more - I know - ironically - that cleaning for many people is a dirty word, but so are dust mites.
65 3 It's possible that you may have carried them in on your clothes if you handled someone else's reptiles, or reptiles at the pet store. I just posted this earlier today on another "how to get rid of mites" question. Use what the professional snake breeders use. The BEST product is Provent-A-Mite. You treat the enclosure, not the snake. Treat the enclosure, let dry completely - replace hides and water dish, place snake back in the enclosure, and mites are killed. PAM is the ONLY FDA approved product for killing snake mites AND their eggs. Reptile Relief just kills the mites, not the eggs. You can buy it at http://www.pro-products.com or http://www.entirelypets.com I believe every snake keeper should have a can of PAM as part of their routine husbandry equipment. Like a fire extinguisher, you hope you never have to use it again, but it's sure peace of mind to know that you have it when you need it. I routinely pre-treat the enclosure of all new additions to my collection (who are in quaran
65 3 Start with where you live. We had a two story house and barn swallows were nesting in the eves, the mites were migrating in through the windows. Spraying around them got rid of them right away. Most mites and fleas won't live on humans but will bite once or twice. I'm afraid your going to have to get the kids out for the day and go through the whole ordeal and bomb the entire house, clean everything, wash everything and then vaccum, if you miss anything, you'll have to start over.
65 1 Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. Intro : Infestation is the state of being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites. It can also refer to the actual organisms living on or within a host. Terminology : In general, the term infestation refers to parasitic diseases caused by animals such as arthropods (i.e. mites, ticks, and lice) and worms, but excluding conditions caused by protozoa, fungi, bacteria, and viruses, which are called infections.
65 1 Anthelmintic drugs act locally to rid the GI tract of worms or systemically to rid the body of the helminth forms that invade organs and tissues. Much of the success of development of these medications is dedicated to the efforts of veterinarians because many cestodes have animal hosts. An infectious diseases specialist can secure the tracking and reporting of important epidemiologic and epidemic patterns. Most patients' symptoms hasten the physician to notify the gastroenterologist for evaluation of their source of symptoms. After treatment, the passage of segments and eggs may continue for several days. Treatment is reevaluated for success by examining the stool at intervals allowing regrowth of worms: 3 months for Taeniaspecies and 1 month for Hymenolepis, Diphyllobothrium,and other species. The difficulty arises with H nana,which can result in reinfection through internal autoinfection, causing patients to appear as though treatment has failed. Fortunately, the medications will
66 1 I was pre-veterinary in college (identical to pre-med) and studied biology in undergrad. I would say that it's convenient to take courses that both help you graduate and get into professional school. For example, Spelman College doesn't even have pre-med, and yet they do a very good job of getting students into med school. So again, you can major in anything you'd like, and get into med school.
66 1 As mentioned above, in the case of provoked seizures, treatment should include identifying and treating the underlying etiology. The aspects relevant to the decision of whether or not to initiate anticonvulsant drug therapy after first seizure is discussed. The decision of whether or not to initiate anticonvulsant treatment after a first seizure must be based on the clinical scenario and risks and benefits determined for the individual patient. In general, anticonvulsant drugs are used to decrease the probability of recurrent seizures; however, they have not been found to prevent the development of epilepsy after first seizure. In patients presenting in status epilepticus or in acutely ill children , in which the chance of a recurrent seizure is high, medications that can be administered quickly through intravenous access access, such as benzodiazepines,fosphenytoin,phenobarbital,valproic acid, orlevetiracetamare useful. A prescription for rectaldiazepam for use at home if patients
66 1 Depend on where in the world you are located.javascript:research_wikipedia_article('History_of_wine') and Wine should give you a start.GinnyStar-STD MOT 05:28, September 9, 2009 (UTC) Depend on where in the world you are located.javascript:research_wikipedia_article('History_of_wine') and Wine should give you a start.GinnyStar-STD MOT 05:28, September 9, 2009 (UTC)
66 1 Orally, Rectally, or Intravenously.
66 1 Food Daily Dish Easy dinner-time libations: Four fun cocktail recipes to ring in the weekend Looking for dinner ideas that come together quickly, without the hassle or the stress? We're here to help. From one-dish meals to sturdy mains you can pair with a simple salad or side, we have a variety of easy recipe ideas to get you through a busy weeknight. Best of all, these dishes come together in about an hour or less. (Noelle Carter) Noelle Carter Long week? Can't figure out what to fix for dinner? While you're figuring out the meal, may we suggest some cocktails to help you ring in the weekend? Sip on these ideas: --Mucho Ultima's fresas mojito: Bright and lightly sweet, fresh strawberries are a perfect complement to the classic lime and mint in this mojito. --"Gin"-ger basiltini from the Girl & the Fig: This cocktail marries the bright, fresh flavors of basil and lime with delicate cucumber and spicy ginger. Make the cucumber gin and ginger syrup in advance to chill. You'll ha..
66 2 Stay In TouchKeep this field blankEnter your email addressYou may unsubscribe at any Pomegranate JuiceAn enzyme found in pomegranate juice can break down several blood pressure Soy Milk, Milk-Based SmoothiesCalcium can interfere with the effectiveness of thyroid medication. Wait at least 4 hours after dosage to drink any calcium-rich beverages.Caffeine coffee, green tea, and energy can pose a serious health threat when taken with stimulants. Avoid a cup of joe when taking ephedrine prescriptions, and amphetamines as DrinksThe potassium in these drinks can be dangerous when coupled with some or drugs. Bananas are also very rich in potassium.Wine Energy the dinnertime glass of wine when taking the combo can cause , headaches, fast heart rate, and stroke.
66 2 Stay In TouchKeep this field blankEnter your email addressYou may unsubscribe at any Pomegranate JuiceAn enzyme found in pomegranate juice can break down several blood pressure Soy Milk, Milk-Based SmoothiesCalcium can interfere with the effectiveness of thyroid medication. Wait at least 4 hours after dosage to drink any calcium-rich beverages.Caffeine coffee, green tea, and energy can pose a serious health threat when taken with stimulants. Avoid a cup of joe when taking ephedrine prescriptions, and amphetamines as DrinksThe potassium in these drinks can be dangerous when coupled with some or drugs. Bananas are also very rich in potassium.Wine Energy the dinnertime glass of wine when taking the combo can cause , headaches, fast heart rate, and stroke.
66 2 Stay In TouchKeep this field blankEnter your email addressYou may unsubscribe at any Pomegranate JuiceAn enzyme found in pomegranate juice can break down several blood pressure Soy Milk, Milk-Based SmoothiesCalcium can interfere with the effectiveness of thyroid medication. Wait at least 4 hours after dosage to drink any calcium-rich beverages.Caffeine coffee, green tea, and energy can pose a serious health threat when taken with stimulants. Avoid a cup of joe when taking ephedrine prescriptions, and amphetamines as DrinksThe potassium in these drinks can be dangerous when coupled with some or drugs. Bananas are also very rich in potassium.Wine Energy the dinnertime glass of wine when taking the combo can cause , headaches, fast heart rate, and stroke.
67 1 Implement medical therapy as indicated by the patient's medical condition. Remember to administer tetanus prophylaxis if indicated. Consultations to consider include the following: Burn team, for the evaluation and management of burns Trauma team, for the evaluation and management of traumatic injuries from explosions associated with napalm disbursement Pulmonary/critical care medicine, for monitoring of respiratory status and evidence of pulmonary injury Burn team, for the evaluation and management of burns Trauma team, for the evaluation and management of traumatic injuries from explosions associated with napalm disbursement Pulmonary/critical care medicine, for monitoring of respiratory status and evidence of pulmonary injury Primary treatment of otitis externa involves management of pain, removal of debris from the external auditory canal , administration of topical medications to control edema and infection, and avoidance of contributing factors. Most cases can be treated w
67 1 (For "new Conservatives") The people on the far right like George Wallace got called "Paleo-Conservatives". Over time "Neo-Conservative" got shortened to "Neo-Con." A good example of a Neo-Con is someone who subscribes to National Review. Conservative politicians who say they hate "liberals" -- meaning the political type -- have no real problem with economic liberalism, including neo-liberalism. "Neo" means we are talking about a new kind of liberalism. So what was the old kind?
67 1 Neo is the poison in conservative! Neo= new !That means New Conservative! since when are conservatives progressive that means the term neo-conservative is basically an oxy-moron!
67 3 Milk replacer manufacturers can no longer produce products containing the familiar 2:1 ratio of Neomycin to Oxytetracycline. The old ratio of 2 parts Neomycin to 1 part Oxytetracycline has been replaced with a 1:1 combination of Neo-Oxy. This 1:1 antibiotic combination is restricted to either a very low level for improved feed efficiency and growth or a very high level for treatment of bacterial scours. The new low level can be fed continuously during the milk feeding stage, but the new high level has a feeding restriction of 7-14 days. These changes make the manufacture of Neo-Oxy medicated milk replacers for treating scours much more limited, less practical and more expensive. Once supplies of milk replacer with the old 2:1 combination are gone, availability of milk replacers with Neo-Oxy will decrease substantially. In light of these changes, most milk replacer distributors and dealers are opting to forgo the use of Neo-Oxy in their milk replacers. Although some have chosen to t...
67 1 An oxy acid is an inorganic acid that contain at least one oxygen atom along with at least one atom other than oxygen in each anion formed when the acid donates a proton to another substance. The most common ones contain sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, or a halogen other than fluorine along with the oxygen, but there are also many that contain a transition metal ion such as chromium or manganese. Examples include sulfuric, sulfurous, phosphoric, phosphorous, nitric, perchloric, manganic, and chromic acids
68 1 The mainstay of therapy for hypoglycemia is glucose. Other medications may be administered based on the underlying cause or the accompanying symptoms . Dietary therapy may be effective for improving symptoms in patients with fasting hypoglycemia. Frequent meals/snacks are preferred, especially at night, with complex carbohydrates. ; If dietary therapy is inadequate, medical care for patients with fasting hypoglycemia may include intravenous glucose infusion. However, IV octreotide is effective for suppressing endogenous insulin secretion. Reactive hypoglycemia does not require medical care. ; Because exercise burns carbohydrates and increases sensitivity to insulin, patients with fasting hypoglycemia should avoid significant activity. However, patients with reactive hypoglycemia often find that their symptoms improve after embarking on a routine exercise program. Definitive treatment for fasting hypoglycemia caused by a tumor is surgical resection. The success rate is good for beni
68 1 Posted 05 June 2007 - 06:07 PM Hi All, I am looking to hear from anyone who has been diagnosed with Hypoglycemia or undiagnosed but suffers the symptoms...even if you just know someone who has it and you know what its about! For 6 months I have experianced the following symptoms: *Stress *Anxiety *Headaches *Some depression *Extreme Exhaustion/Tiredness *Shaking hands *Constantly urinating *Mood swings *Irate Just generally feeling exhausted and overwhelmed...after 3 months of doctor's appointments and blood tests the only conclusion they have come to so far is that I'm severly aneamic (low iron)...I was put on Iron tablets, these picked me up for about 2 weeks but now I feel exactley the same. I feel like I am going crazy as I'm so up and down and all over the place, not to mention just tired. My doctor thought I had a thyroid condition, now he has mentioned hypoglycemia (low blood sugar?) yet all my bloodtests are coming back clear so he is reluctant to diagnose me and I'm ...
68 1 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
68 -2 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
69 1 If you have a fistula or recurring diverticulitis, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the diseased part of your colon. The diverticula can also become infected and inflamed. Inflammation of the diverticula is known as diverticulitis. Diverticulitis causes more severe symptoms than diverticular disease, such as severe pain.
69 1 The diagnosis of acute diverticulitis can usually be made on the basis of history and physical examination, but laboratory tests may be of help when the diagnosis is in question, as follows: The white blood cell count may show leukocytosis and a left shift, but may be normal in immunocompromised, elderly, or less severely ill patients A hemoglobin level is important in patients who report hematochezia Electrolyte assays may be helpful in the patient who is vomiting or has diarrhea Renal function is assessed prior to the administration of most intravenous contrast material Liver enzyme and lipase levels may help to exclude other causes of abdominal pain Urinalysis may reveal red or white blood cells in patients with a colovesicular fistula or with diverticulitis adjacent to the ureters or the bladder A urine culture may distinguish sterile pyuria due to inflammation from polymicrobial infection due to fistula Blood cultures should be obtained prior to the administration of empiric par
69 1 Surgery becomes necessary for diverticulitis when severe pain or infection occurs. Learn more about diverticulitis by watching this video with Mallik Piduru, MD from Oak Hill Hospital. Follow Following Unfollow Pending Disabled A Dr. Ravi P. Kiran, MD, MS , Colorectal Surgery, answered on behalf of Columbia University Department of Surgery Depending upon the severity of the episode, treatment of an attack of diverticulitis may require management as an outpatient or inpatient. Affected individuals may only be able to tolerate an altered diet and there may be the need to temporarily modify their diet to include predominantly liquids or low-residue food-stuffs. Oral or intravenous antibiotics are also usually administered. Some complications of diverticulitis and severe attacks may need surgery. Follow Following Unfollow Pending Disabled A Dr. Joseph P. Thornton, MD , Colorectal Surgery, answered on behalf of Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center Diverticulitis is treated with antibi...
69 1 Diverticulitis develops from a condition called diverticulosis. If you're older than age 40, it's common for you to have diverticulosis — small, bulging pouches (diverticula) in your digestive tract. In the United States, more than 50 percent of people older than 60 have diverticula. Although diverticula can form anywhere, including in your esophagus, stomach and small intestine, most occur in your large intestine. Because these pouches seldom cause any problems, you may never know you have them. Sometimes, however, one or more pouches become inflamed or infected, causing severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea and a marked change in your bowel habits. When diverticula become infected, the condition is called diverticulitis. Mild cases of diverticulitis can be treated with rest, changes in your diet and antibiotics. But serious cases of diverticulitis may eventually require surgery to remove the diseased portion of your colon. Fortunately, most people with diverticulosis never develop d
69 1 Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. Each of the links must be present in a chronological order for an infection to develop. Understanding these steps helps health care workers target the infection and prevent it from occurring in the first place. For infecting organisms to survive and repeat the infection cycle in other hosts, they (or their progeny) must leave an existing reservoir and cause infection elsewhere. Infection transmission can take place via many potential routes: The relationship between virulence versus transmissibility is complex; if a disease is rapidly fatal, the host may die before the microbe can be passed along to another host. Disease can arise if the hosts protective immune mechanisms are compromised and the organism inflicts damage on the host. Microorganisms can cause tissue damage by releasing a variety of toxins
69 1 Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. Each of the links must be present in a chronological order for an infection to develop. Understanding these steps helps health care workers target the infection and prevent it from occurring in the first place. For infecting organisms to survive and repeat the infection cycle in other hosts, they (or their progeny) must leave an existing reservoir and cause infection elsewhere. Infection transmission can take place via many potential routes: The relationship between virulence versus transmissibility is complex; if a disease is rapidly fatal, the host may die before the microbe can be passed along to another host. Disease can arise if the hosts protective immune mechanisms are compromised and the organism inflicts damage on the host. Microorganisms can cause tissue damage by releasing a variety of toxins
69 1 Diverticular disease and diverticulitis are two related digestive conditions. Symptoms of diverticular disease include: lower abdominal (stomach) pain feeling bloated Symptoms of diverticulitis include: severe abdominal pain high temperature (fever) of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or above Diverticula, diverticular disease and diverticulitis Diverticula is the medical term that is used to describe the small pouches that stick out of the side of the large intestine (colon). Diverticula are very common and associated with ageing. It is estimated that 50% of people have diverticula by the time they are 50 years old, and 70% of people have them by the time they are 80 years old. The majority of people with diverticula will not have any symptoms. However, 1 in 4 people with diverticula experience symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhoea. People who experience symptoms are said to have diverticular disease. The diverticula can also become infected and inflamed. Inflammation of the diverticula is kn
69 1 Infection is the invasion of an organism's body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and the reaction of host tissues to these organisms and the toxins they produce. Each of the links must be present in a chronological order for an infection to develop. Understanding these steps helps health care workers target the infection and prevent it from occurring in the first place. For infecting organisms to survive and repeat the infection cycle in other hosts, they (or their progeny) must leave an existing reservoir and cause infection elsewhere. Infection transmission can take place via many potential routes: The relationship between virulence versus transmissibility is complex; if a disease is rapidly fatal, the host may die before the microbe can be passed along to another host. Disease can arise if the hosts protective immune mechanisms are compromised and the organism inflicts damage on the host. Microorganisms can cause tissue damage by releasing a variety of toxins
70 1 Cold panniculitis is caused by cold injury in children and in women who are obese. The abnormality probably lies in the chemical composition of the fat tissue. Anoxia, cold, and humidity may play a role. In cold panniculitis, localized cold damage leads to inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue and is particularly likely to occur in patients with chilblains or in paralyzed limbs affected by poliomyelitis. The association with chilblains complicates the terminology and classification of patients with cold injury. Localized chilling of the tissues of the thigh, buttocks, and lower abdomen is more likely to occur in women who are obese during the winter months because of increased cold exposure. In infants, the cheeks and forehead are areas that may be affected. Cold panniculitis needs to be distinguished from other disorders such as adiponecrosis subcutanea andsclerema neonatorum.Some overlap occurs, and cold panniculitis of the newborn has been associated with ice pack ap
70 1 1: Don't smile often. 2: Master the icy glare. 3: Use cool body language. 4: Speak in an even tone. 5: Don't talk about yourself. 6: Don't ask a lot of questions. 7: Never repeat yourself. 8: Be willing to hurt someone's feelings. 9: Be fiercely competitive. 10: Be extremely practical and realistic. 11: Don't bother helping. 12: Be negative. 13: Be careful who you trust. 14: Be cold in public. 15: Be cold when it helps you excel. 16: Don't be cold to your family and friends. 17: Beware getting a reputation for being cold.
70 1 These responses cause the symptoms of as asthma attack. In asthma the "invaders" are the triggers listed below. Triggers vary by the individual. It is not clear whether injury to the testicle can cause a testicular cancer. Vasectomy does not increase the risk of a man developing testicular cancer. CANCERBACKUP a medical professional
70 2 you don't get a cold from being cold. You usually get a cold in the winter because everyone is cold so everyone goes inside and therefore is in a smaller space so it's usually easier for the virus to spread.
70 2 People sitting in close proximity appear to be at greater risk of infection.Rhinovirus-caused colds are most infectious during the first three days of they are much less infectious afterwards.WeatherThe traditional theory is that a cold can be by prolonged exposure to cold weather such as rain or winter conditions, which is how the disease got its name. Some of the viruses that cause the common colds are seasonal, occurring more frequently during cold or wet weather. The reason for the seasonality has not been conclusively determined.
70 1 1 of 2 . In the late 1980s, the Cold War came to a dramatic end. The economies of nations behind the Iron Curtain were in trouble. People in East Germany, for instance, could see the prosperity and wealth of their West German neighbors. In Russia, there were long lines of people waiting to buy food. They had to have coupons from the government just to buy socks. Some historians believe that the trillions of dollars that both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. spent on nuclear arms and conventional armies had caused the problems in Russia. There was also a lot of pent up demand for freedom in the citizens living behind the Iron Curtain. . When Russia showed they would no longer interfere in Eastern Euorope, the Berlin Wall was destroyed.. These forces came to a head in the 1980s. Russia responded by electing Mikhail Gorbachev as the leader of the U.S.S.R. The new leader decided to loosen the repression on liberties that the old governments had used to keep people in line. The new leaders found
70 3 Anyone can spot the onset of a winter cold, but many experts say that few people know when a person who has picked up the virus actually becomes contagious, and for how long.The common cold -- like chickenpox, measles and many other viral diseases -- can be spread before and after symptoms emerge. The time between infection and signs of illness, or the incubation period, is about three to five days for most viral diseases, but colds move a little faster.Dr. Daniel J. Skiest, the associate chief of clinical infectious diseases at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, said that more than 200 different viruses are known to cause colds.
71 1 The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. As a nonspecific antidote, activated charcoal is frequently recommended if available within one hour of the ingestion and the ingestion is significant. Gastric lavage, syrup of ipecac, and whole bowel irrigation are rarely used. The word overdose implies that there is a common safe dosage and usage for the drug; therefore, the term is commonly only applied to drugs, not poisons, though even poisons are harmless at a low enough dosage. Drug overdoses are sometimes caused intentionally to commit suicide or as self-harm, but many drug overdoses are accidental, the result of intentional or unintentional misuse of medication. Intentional misuse leading to overdose can include using prescribed or unprescribed drugs in excessive quantities in an attempt to produce euphoria. Usage of illicit drugs of unexpected
71 1 The treatment and management of bipolar disorder are complicated. Hence, most children and adolescents with this diagnosis require referral to a psychiatrist specializing in their age group. In general, a team approach is used in the clinical setting because several factors need to be addressed, including medication, family issues, social and school functioning, and, when present, substance abuse. In general, the treatment of bipolar disorder may be thought of as a 4-phase process: evaluation and diagnosis of presenting symptoms, acute care and crisis stabilization for psychosis or suicidal or homicidal ideas or acts, movement toward full recovery from a depressed or manic state, and attainment and maintenance of euthymia. ; The treatment of adolescent or juvenile patients with bipolar disorder is modeled after treatments provided to adults; it appears that adult bipolar disorder is continuous with pediatric bipolar disorder. The goals of inpatient or outpatient treatment are to
71 1 The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. As a nonspecific antidote, activated charcoal is frequently recommended if available within one hour of the ingestion and the ingestion is significant. Gastric lavage, syrup of ipecac, and whole bowel irrigation are rarely used. The word overdose implies that there is a common safe dosage and usage for the drug; therefore, the term is commonly only applied to drugs, not poisons, though even poisons are harmless at a low enough dosage. Drug overdoses are sometimes caused intentionally to commit suicide or as self-harm, but many drug overdoses are accidental, the result of intentional or unintentional misuse of medication. Intentional misuse leading to overdose can include using prescribed or unprescribed drugs in excessive quantities in an attempt to produce euphoria. Usage of illicit drugs of unexpected
71 1 On a 1997 Cougar ( 3.8 litre V6 and 4.6 litre V8 engines ) Bank 1 is the passenger side of the engine In a word, yes. If your teenager got a hold of it from your medicine cabinet, just think back to how it felt when you first took it, and that will answer your question. However, if they got it from someone else, you don't know what it feels like, so here you go: you feel very very sleepy. You feel dizzy and like your limbs are very heavy. Pretty much like you are drunk, but not when you are first drunk and energetic, drunk like at the end of the night and you just want to be in bed. And that is what it makes you want to do- sleep. This is not the worst thing if your teen is doing it in the safety of you home, but very dangerous if they are driving or mixing other drugs or alcohol with it. I think you need to have a talk with your teenager. Maybe they really are having trouble sleeping. Maybe they are just experimenting. Maybe they are in some sort of emotional pain and they are self-me
71 2 I also take insulin. Now I'm only on the insulin because I've started watching my diet extremely close, and have started walking every day. Next dr visit, she will probably lower the amount of insulin that I have to take. Before that I took Januvia. I also take insulin. Now I'm only on the insulin because I've started watching my diet extremely close, and have started walking every day.
71 3 Merck announced that the FDA has approved Janumet XR (sitagliptin/metformin HCl extended-release tablets) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Janumet XR is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus when treatment with both sitagliptin and extended-release metformin is appropriate. This approval was based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled factorial bioequivalence study that demonstrated that administration of Janumet XR was equivalent to co-administration of corresponding doses of the two individual medications, sitagliptin and metformin HCl extended- release. In the study, conducted in 1,091 patients with type 2 diabetes who had inadequate glycemic control on diet and exercise, the co-administration of metformin immediate-release 2000mg and sitagliptin 100mg daily resulted in a mean 2.1% reduction of A1C relative to placebo at 24 weeks from a mean baseline A1C of 8.8% (P<0.001). The mean place...
72 1 Look at the 5 day chart. I see a gut wrenching spike down today which was hard to take but there is some better news. Perhaps this was a V-bottom? Much of the work on SSPE has been completed by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). SSPE is also known as Dawson Disease, Dawson encephalitis and measles encephalitis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subacute_sc...
72 1 The previous answer took a shot at you which was unitended I'm quite sure but, nonetheless, I apologize in their abscence. There is a substantial amount of hype continuing to come into this company but it has not released any financial information. It is listed on the Pinksheets and as such it is not required to release anything - but for its' own good and the good of the share holders, the need is obvious. Until our demands of show us the money are met with the news we need to see and hear, we will continue to see the distribution of this stock. http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/quotes.asp?ticker=sspe Please see this link above first. Look at the 5 day chart. I see a gut wrenching spike down today which was hard to take but there is some better news. Perhaps this was a V-bottom? I have the 5 day hourly chart from TDAmeritrade that shows 2 upward hammer candles following that downward spike. Short term bullish. The 3 month chart shows another development with the bollinger bands...
72 1 No. He did adopt his niece, Harriet Lane, after she was orphaned at the age of 11. The previous answer took a shot at you which was unitended I'm quite sure but, nonetheless, I apologize in their abscence. There is a substantial amount of hype continuing to come into this company but it has not released any financial information. It is listed on the Pinksheets and as such it is not required to release anything - but for its' own good and the good of the share holders, the need is obvious. Until our demands of show us the money are met with the news we need to see and hear, we will continue to see the distribution of this stock. http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/quotes.asp?ticker=sspe Please see this link above first. Look at the 5 day chart. I see a gut wrenching spike down today which was hard to take but there is some better news. Perhaps this was a V-bottom? I have the 5 day hourly chart from TDAmeritrade that shows 2 upward hammer candles following that downward spike. Short ter
72 2 Although measles is historically a disease of childhood, infection can occur in unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals of any age or in those with compromised immunity. Unvaccinated young children are at the highest risk. Age-specific attack rates may be highest in susceptible infants younger than 12 months, school-aged children, or young adults, depending on local immunization practices and incidence of the disease. Complications such as otitis media, bronchopneumonia, laryngotracheobronchitis , and diarrhea are more common in young children. Of the 66 cases of measles reported in the United States in 2005, 7 involved infants, 4 involved children aged 1-4 years, 33 involved persons aged 5-19 years, 7 involved adults aged 20-34 years, and 15 involved adults older than 35 years. Among the 118 US patients reported to have measles between January 1 and May 20, 2011, age ranged from 3 months to 68 years.More than half were younger than 20 years: 18 were younger than 12 m
72 1 I have never seen a case and have no idea about how to treat. I just read up about SSPE on Wikipedia, and they describe various stages and possibilities of treatment. It sounds pretty bleak - so sad to hear of this tragedy. Dr. JM > Hello Dr.McCandless and list mates, > One of my friend's child has been diagnosed SSPE.her > family is in > shock.As far as they were told, the measle virus > caused this and there > I would appreciate if you could share any knowledge > regarding with > this virus.Is there any successful treatment > protocol removing the > SSPE virus and what is the best chance for the > child?
73 -2 *cough cough* google Google is stupid Im telling u Anything you ask here will be quickly googled and regurgitated back at you. Save yourself a step and google it yourself. Ik but i couldnt find anything short Haven't you heard of Google? Nah i heard u can help I heard you're a ******. Well it's not wrong I think it's wrong to be a bundle of twigs. Thats what ur mother said last night Lol. Sorry I didn't mean to That makes no sense. Shut the hell up you anal ************ piece of ****!! Does it make sense? screwball It certainly does, since clearly you're proving how retarded you are. Hence why you can't use Google, I pity your parents having to raise a failed abortion such as yourself. your saying that you called yourself smart, really makes me sick. Who the hell are u fatass!!! You sad little ****. **** off little gay! Go do ur blow job Ahahahaha! Now that was just pathetic. Please keep going it gets funnier seeing what a puss you are. I dont have time to talk with **** heads Say hi t
73 1 As a child, my surgeries all waited untilmy teen years— but if my son follows my pattern and needs surgery, Iwould imagine we’d need to do something sooner rather than later as he’svery difficult to understand. Thank Heather 6, 2013Got an idea, tip or a comment? Your email address will not be published.
73 1 As a child, my surgeries all waited untilmy teen years— but if my son follows my pattern and needs surgery, Iwould imagine we’d need to do something sooner rather than later as he’svery difficult to understand. Thank Heather 6, 2013Got an idea, tip or a comment? Your email address will not be published.
73 1 Holt-Oram syndrome is a heart–upper limb malformation complex with an autosomal dominant inheritance and near-complete penetrance but variable expression. Holt and Oram first described this syndrome in 1960. Approximately 40% of cases represent new mutations. See the image below depicting Holt-Oram syndrome in an infant. ; Photograph showing hypoplastic right thumb of the right hand of a 6-month-old infant with Holt-Oram syndrome. View Media Gallery The incidence rate of Holt Oram syndrome is unknown. In a 2014 report, the mean prevalence of HOS diagnosed prenatally or in the early years of life in European registries was 0.7 per 100,000 births or 1:135,615 births. In Hungary, the birth prevalence is 0.95 per 100,000 total births. About 350 cases have been reported worldwide. A report identified this syndrome in 4% of patients with radial longitudinal deficiency. No valid racial data are available. Both sexes are equally affected, although the defects tend to be more severe
73 -2 They are specifically engineered for answering some specific questions about the various interventions such as: - New ways of using the existing interventions Are you willing to be a part of these clinical studies? If your answer is yes, know from where you can get information on clinical trials that are suitable for you. Here are the two huge registries where you can view information on clinical trials that are being conducted all around the globe. (1) ClinicalTrials.gov is a huge clinical trial registry that contains information on publicly/privately supported clinical trials involving human subjects conducted all around the globe. This is also a results database. Know about this site here: How to Find Studies in ClinicalTrials.gov? Here are the various ways to find clinical studies in ClinicalTrials.gov: Using Basic Search: In order to find trials using basic search option, you may use the search box which can be found at the top of any page on the site. You may enter keywo...
73 1 You specifically ask for advice. My advice is to consult your/a doctor at your earliest opportunity. I wish you well. Many diseases and conditions share common symptoms. The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.
73 1 As a child, my surgeries all waited untilmy teen years— but if my son follows my pattern and needs surgery, Iwould imagine we’d need to do something sooner rather than later as he’svery difficult to understand. Thank Heather 6, 2013Got an idea, tip or a comment? Your email address will not be published.
74 2 The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. As a nonspecific antidote, activated charcoal is frequently recommended if available within one hour of the ingestion and the ingestion is significant. Gastric lavage, syrup of ipecac, and whole bowel irrigation are rarely used. The word overdose implies that there is a common safe dosage and usage for the drug; therefore, the term is commonly only applied to drugs, not poisons, though even poisons are harmless at a low enough dosage. Drug overdoses are sometimes caused intentionally to commit suicide or as self-harm, but many drug overdoses are accidental, the result of intentional or unintentional misuse of medication. Intentional misuse leading to overdose can include using prescribed or unprescribed drugs in excessive quantities in an attempt to produce euphoria. Usage of illicit drugs of unexpected
74 3 Iron Overdose Reviewed and revised 23Â May 2014 Iron overdose can have local gastrointestinal effects as well as characteristic systemic toxicity (metabolic acidosis, liver failure, shock and multi-organ failure) Risk assessment is based on the amount of elemental iron ingested Iron does not bind to activated charcoal, but endoscopic/ surgical decontamination may be appropriate, and whole bowel irrigation has been used A specific antidote desferioxamine is available MECHANISM OF TOXICITY Iron has local gastrointestinal effects followed by systemic effects (that do not occur without preceding GI toxicity following iron ingestion) Local effects: corrosive injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa resulting in vomiting, diarrhoea, hemetemesis, melena and fluid losses that may result in hypovolemia. Systemic effects: exact mechanisms are uncertain iron acts as a cellular toxin targetting the cardiovascular system and the liver, with secondary CNS effects, metabolic acidosis due t..
74 1 These infants need iron supplements. An Increased Need for Iron People may need more iron at some periods in their lives. If they do not get more iron at these times, they may develop iron-deficiency anemia. The oxygen it picks up oxidizes the iron to Fe(III). If it's already iron (III) then it can't pick up oxygen. That is why iron (II) sulfate is used.
74 2 The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. As a nonspecific antidote, activated charcoal is frequently recommended if available within one hour of the ingestion and the ingestion is significant. Gastric lavage, syrup of ipecac, and whole bowel irrigation are rarely used. The word overdose implies that there is a common safe dosage and usage for the drug; therefore, the term is commonly only applied to drugs, not poisons, though even poisons are harmless at a low enough dosage. Drug overdoses are sometimes caused intentionally to commit suicide or as self-harm, but many drug overdoses are accidental, the result of intentional or unintentional misuse of medication. Intentional misuse leading to overdose can include using prescribed or unprescribed drugs in excessive quantities in an attempt to produce euphoria. Usage of illicit drugs of unexpected
74 2 The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. As a nonspecific antidote, activated charcoal is frequently recommended if available within one hour of the ingestion and the ingestion is significant. Gastric lavage, syrup of ipecac, and whole bowel irrigation are rarely used. The word overdose implies that there is a common safe dosage and usage for the drug; therefore, the term is commonly only applied to drugs, not poisons, though even poisons are harmless at a low enough dosage. Drug overdoses are sometimes caused intentionally to commit suicide or as self-harm, but many drug overdoses are accidental, the result of intentional or unintentional misuse of medication. Intentional misuse leading to overdose can include using prescribed or unprescribed drugs in excessive quantities in an attempt to produce euphoria. Usage of illicit drugs of unexpected
74 2 Iron can be very dangerous and can cause liver damage, however conventional wisdom would seem to indicate that the difficulties you are having now are likely to be unrelated. You need to establish a relationship with a primary care provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant) You should explain what your concerns are. The only way to be sure that no liver damage occured is to have simple blood tests drawn (LFTs) The absence of high levels of certain enzymes the liver releases when it's damaged would conclusively give you this answer, and it's important to do this as this can be a significant background stressor. Secondly, I am more concerned about your choice to take two bottles worth of vitamins with iron. I am concerned that in periods of great stress, you could revert to that destructive former behavior. Discuss these issues with the doctors who are caring for your other medical problems. Once they are out in the open, you will better be able to deal with every
74 1 The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce iron levels, prevent complications, and reduce morbidity. Deferoxamine is used for chelation of iron in both acute and chronic toxicity. The oral chelating agent deferasirox is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of chronic iron overload due to blood transfusions in patients 2 year of age and older; it is also approved for treatment of chronic iron overload resulting from non–transfusion-dependent thalassemia. ; Consultation with a toxicologist is recommended. Obtain a gastroenterology consultation for patients who have large iron bezoars. The first step in treating a case of acute iron toxicity is to provide appropriate supportive care, with particular attention paid to fluid balance and cardiovascular stabilization. Initial treatment should also address the issue of preventing further absorption of iron by the GI tract. Ipecac-induced emesis is not recommended. This is especially true in iron ingestion,
74 3 Iron Poisoning - - * Symptoms develop in stages and begin with vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. * Liver failure can develop days later. * The diagnosis is based on the person's history, symptoms, and the amount of iron in the blood. * People with iron poisoning need to be hospitalized. Pills containing iron are commonly used to treat certain kinds of anemia. Iron also is included in many multiple vitamin supplements. People—especially toddlers—who overdose on these pills may develop iron poisoning. Because many households contain adult multiple vitamin supplements that contain iron, iron overdose is common. However, overdose of iron-containing vitamins, particularly children's chewable vitamins, usually does not involve enough iron to cause serious poisoning. Overdose of pure iron supplements, however, may cause serious iron poisoning. Prenatal vitamins contain a lot of iron and may poison a small child. Iron poisoning is the most common cause of fatal poisoning in children
75 1 This question is phrased such that it could have two answers.1) Rickets (note spelling, only one "t") is a condition in which the bones form abnormally due to insufficient calcium in the growing bones. This can be due to a lack of calcium itself in the diet, but is most commonly due to a lack of vitamin D, which the body needs to absorb and use calcium normally.2) Rickettsial disease is an infection with certain types of proteobacteria, transmitted by the bite of ticks, fleas, and lice. Some rickettsial diseases found in humans include typhus and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
75 1 What is rickets ? Rickets is a disorder that affects the bones, causing them to soften and break easily. It is most common in children. What are the symptoms of rickets? Rickets can cause delayed growth, pain in the bones of the spine, pelvis and legs, and muscle weakness. It can also cause problems with your child’s teeth, such as cavities and problems with teeth structure. What causes rickets? A lack of vitamin D causes most cases of rickets, but this disorder can also run in families. Vitamin D helps the bones absorb calcium and phosphorus from food. When your child does not get enough vitamin D, his or her bones do not get the necessary nutrients that make bones strong. Who is at risk? Children ages 6 months to 24 months are at the highest risk of rickets because their bones are growing very rapidly during this period. Your child may also be at risk if he or she: Has dark skin Doesn’t get moderate exposure to sunlight or wears sunscreen at all times when outside Doesn
75 2 When the condition results from mutations in the gene, it is inherited in an . The PHEX gene is located on the , which is one of the two . In females have two X a mutation in one of the two copies of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In males have only one X a mutation in the only copy of the gene in each cell causes the disorder. A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons.Less commonly, hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets can have an of inheritance.
75 1 Hepatitis B infection is a worldwide healthcare problem, especially in developing areas. The hepatitis B virus is commonly transmitted via body fluids such as blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. The hematoxylin and eosin stain below depicts "ground-glass" cells seen in approximately 50-75% of livers affected by chronic HBV infection. ; Under higher-power magnification, ground-glass cells may be visible in chronic HBV infection. Ground-glass cells are present in 50% to 75% of livers with chronic HBV infection. Immunohistochemical staining is positive for HBs Ag. View Media Gallery Hepatitis B is a worldwide healthcare problem, especially in developing areas. An estimated one third of the global population has been infected with the hepatitis B virus . Approximately 350-400 million people have lifelong chronic infection, and 0.5 % spontaneously seroconvert annually from having the hepatitis B surface antigen to having the hepatitis B surface antibody . Complications from hepati
75 2 When the condition results from mutations in the gene, it is inherited in an . The PHEX gene is located on the , which is one of the two . In females have two X a mutation in one of the two copies of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In males have only one X a mutation in the only copy of the gene in each cell causes the disorder. A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons.Less commonly, hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets can have an of inheritance.
75 1 It is belived that sociopathy is caused both by a genetic link and early childhood life. Somone could have the genetic trait to become a sociopath but never develop into one b ecause their early life was fine, or they could live in a completely abusive home and never become one becuase they do not have the trait. However if you have both it is belived you will become one.
75 1 When Cates leaves, Rachel reveals Brady is making her testify and that she is terrified of her father. Drummond tells her it takes strength to stand by a great man like Cates. Drummond tells Cates if he truly believes he has done wrong, he will change his plea, but Cates stands firm. When Cates leaves, Rachel reveals Brady is making her testify and that she is terrified of her father.
75 2 When the condition results from mutations in the gene, it is inherited in an . The PHEX gene is located on the , which is one of the two . In females have two X a mutation in one of the two copies of the gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. In males have only one X a mutation in the only copy of the gene in each cell causes the disorder. A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons.Less commonly, hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets can have an of inheritance.
76 4 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. Some research suggests that these brain anomalies may be the result of childhood stress, or prolonged or severe stress. In 1975, researchers hypothesized that serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns, mood, concentration and pain, could be involved in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia-associated symptoms. In 1992, decreased serotonin metabolites in peoples blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid were reported. However, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder, while drugs with activity as mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been more successful. However, the relevance of dysregulated serotonin metabolism to pathophysiology is a matter of debate. Complicating the analysis, one of the more effective types of medication for the treatment of the
76 3 The physician should inform the patient that no cure exists for fibromyalgia but that education, lifestyle changes including regular physical activity, and proper medications can help the individual to regain control and achieve significant improvement.When patients with fibromyalgia fully understand the nature of the disease, they are more likely to comply with treatment and to take an active role in managing the disease. European League Against Rheumatism 2016 guidelines recommend that initial management of fibromyalgia involve patient education and focus on nonpharmacological therapies. Patients whose condition fails to respond should receive treatment tailored to their specific needs, such as psychological therapies for mood disorders and unhelpful coping strategies, pharmacotherapy for severe pain or sleep disturbance, and/or a multimodal rehabilitation program for severe disability. EULAR noted that meta-analyses provide only weak evidence to support the use of any therapy in
76 1 Medicare does not cover prescriptions. They will cover some medications that are administered in a hospital or doctors' office. Since you are loosing your current coverage you have a special election period when you can sign up for a Part D plan. These plans have a contract with Medicare to provide the prescription coverage. These plans are state specific and there can be over 50 different plans depending on your state. You'll need to find an agent that works with all of the major plans in your area. The agent can analyze your medications and can find the most cost effectibe plan for your list of medications. Also available are Medicare Advantage plans, many of which have prescription drug coverage included and in many counties are available with a low or even a $0 premium. Again, the agent will be able to help find the best plan for you.
76 4 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. Some research suggests that these brain anomalies may be the result of childhood stress, or prolonged or severe stress. In 1975, researchers hypothesized that serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns, mood, concentration and pain, could be involved in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia-associated symptoms. In 1992, decreased serotonin metabolites in peoples blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid were reported. However, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder, while drugs with activity as mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been more successful. However, the relevance of dysregulated serotonin metabolism to pathophysiology is a matter of debate. Complicating the analysis, one of the more effective types of medication for the treatment of the
76 1 Medicare Guidelines permit a yearly deductible of up to $320 before you receive full benefits. You are then in the "initial coverage period" and will pay approximately 25% for your medications. When both you and the insurance company has paid $2930 you go into the "donut hole" or coverage gap, where you pay 86% of the negotiated medication cost for generics and 50% of the negotiated medication cost for brand name medications (as long as those medications are on the formulary of the plan that you choose). After your out of pocket costs have reached $4700 will go into "catastrophic coverage" and will pay approximately 5%. There are several different plans. One with a deductible and donut hole. One without a deductible but has a donut hole, and one without a deductible and without a donut hole.
76 1 Medicare Part B – outpatient coverage Medical insurance picks up where Part A leaves off November 18, 2016 Medicare Part B picks up – to a large extent – where Medicare Part A leaves off, covering many of the outpatient services and products not covered by the “hospital insurance.� Part B coverage pays for a broad range of medically necessary services not covered during inpatient treatment, including ambulance services, certain surgical procedures, mental health care, physical therapy, transplants, urgently needed care and more. In addition, Part B covers preventive medical services , including diagnostic tests (such as MRIs, CT scans, EKGs and x-rays) and a host of screenings (such as pap tests, HIV screening, glaucoma tests, hearing tests, diabetes screening and colorectal cancer screenings). Part B also pays the costs of durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs, hospital beds and oxygen equipment. Is there a premium for Part B? Yes, and it will be higher in 2017
76 4 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. Some research suggests that these brain anomalies may be the result of childhood stress, or prolonged or severe stress. In 1975, researchers hypothesized that serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns, mood, concentration and pain, could be involved in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia-associated symptoms. In 1992, decreased serotonin metabolites in peoples blood samples and cerebrospinal fluid were reported. However, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have met with limited success in alleviating the symptoms of the disorder, while drugs with activity as mixed serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been more successful. However, the relevance of dysregulated serotonin metabolism to pathophysiology is a matter of debate. Complicating the analysis, one of the more effective types of medication for the treatment of the
76 1 More Medicare cuts to home health (2014). Medicare payment cuts for hospital-acquired infections (FY15). More Medicare cuts to home health (2015). Additional Medicare cuts to hospitals (FY12). Medicare cuts to nursing homes and inpatient rehab facilities (FY12). Medicare cuts to dialysis treatments (2012).
77 4 BH4 plays an important role in neurotransmitter production, which is why MTHFR A1298C mutations are often associated with psychological disorders. The particular neurotransmitters affected include serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. MTHFR A1298C mutations may also affect melatonin production, which often leads to sleep disturbances. Additionally, BH4 is important for heart health and deficiency may play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease.MTHFR TreatmentThe treatment of MTHFR mutations is often a two-pronged approach.
77 4 BH4 plays an important role in neurotransmitter production, which is why MTHFR A1298C mutations are often associated with psychological disorders. The particular neurotransmitters affected include serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. MTHFR A1298C mutations may also affect melatonin production, which often leads to sleep disturbances. Additionally, BH4 is important for heart health and deficiency may play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease.MTHFR TreatmentThe treatment of MTHFR mutations is often a two-pronged approach.
77 3 Next Section Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is one of the main regulatory enzymes of homocysteine metabolism. Previous studies revealed that a common mutation in MTHFR gene C677T is related to hyperhomocysteinemia and occlusive vascular pathology. In the current study, we determined the prevalence of a newly described mutation in the human MTHFR gene A1298C, and the already known C677T mutation, and related them to plasma total homocysteine and folate concentrations. We studied 377 Jewish subjects, including 190 men and 186 women aged 56.8 ± 13 y (range 32–95 y). The frequency of the homozygotes for the A1298C and the C677T MTHFR mutations was common in the Jewish Israeli population (0.34 and 0.37, respectively). Subjects homozygous (TT) for the C677T mutation had significantly greater plasma total homocysteine concentrations (P < 0.01) than subjects without the mutation (CC). Homozygotes (CC) for the A1298C mutation did not have elevated plasma total homocysteine conc
77 1 Activated protein C is the enzymatically active form of protein C after proteolytic cleavage by thrombomodulin-bound thrombin. An important natural anticoagulant, APC inactivates factors Va and VIIa. APC resistance is a hypercoagulability disorder in which factor V cannot be inactivated by APC. In the vast majority of cases, the patient with APCR carries the Leiden variant of factor V, in which the APC cleavage site on factor V is altered. The factor V Leiden mutation is not uncommon, with the heterozygous carrier state occurring in up to 5% of the US population. Factor V Leiden is found in 30-50% of patients with recurrentvenous thromboembolism and is the most common hereditary cause of thrombosis. venous thromboembolism APCR is characterized by a reduced anticoagulant response after a standard amount of APC is added to a plasma specimen. The APCR assay uses snake venoms to activate factor V and prothrombin, thus triggering the lower portion of the clotting pathway and eliminatin
77 1 There are many different insurance companies that offer long term health insurance. Popular insurance companies include the USAA website, which caters to older individuals.
77 4 BH4 plays an important role in neurotransmitter production, which is why MTHFR A1298C mutations are often associated with psychological disorders. The particular neurotransmitters affected include serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. MTHFR A1298C mutations may also affect melatonin production, which often leads to sleep disturbances. Additionally, BH4 is important for heart health and deficiency may play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease.MTHFR TreatmentThe treatment of MTHFR mutations is often a two-pronged approach.
77 1 Lol makes u dumb for the most part That depends entirely on yourself! Thank God we have free will in our usage of it. A lingering sense of disgust at the pervs and trolls... *drooling* Duhhh! :P I certainly snack more. There's some mean people here. Im out dear ...I provided evidence of harassment from a fat cow. and I won a few lost brain cells , narcissism and 25 pounds gained potato
77 2 * Key: DD- homozygous dominant Dd- heterozygous dd- homozygous recessive AP Biology You have 0% chance of being homozygous recessive if one of your parents is homozygous recessive and the other is homozygous dominant. You have a 0% chance of being homozygous recessive if both your parents are homozygous dominant.
78 1 Not really. Excess vitamin C gets excreted. The most the body can use at one time is about 250 mg so any more than that is a waste.
78 1 Vitamin A OverdoseThe Effects of Vitamin A Toxicity The reason we have to be aware of Vitamin A overdose (aka. hypervitaminosis A) is because Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means that it gets stored in your body (mostly in your liver) so taking too much Vitamin A is something to be careful of. Vitamin A overdose and toxicity “danger levels� start to develop when taking in around 25,000IU or more of Vitamin A per day for a long time. And a long time can mean months, or even years. Some of the symptoms include blurred vision, bone pain, headaches, diarrhea, loss of appetite, skin scaling & peeling and muscular weakness. So how exactly does Vitamin A overdose occur? Toxicity occurs by either consuming too much preformed Vitamin A (the kind that comes from animal sources such as turkey, liver, eggs) or by taking too many supplements with preformed Vitamin A (usually in the form of retinyl palmitate or retinyl acetate). Preformed Vitamin A is absorbed quickly and eliminated sl
78 1 Sort of... Vit D3 plays a HUGE role in the conversion of amino acids to neurotransmitters, including the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. It also has enormous impact on melatonin, which inter-converts to serotonin. Overall, it behaves more like a hormone than a vitamin. And since most of us aren't fortunate to spend enough time in the sun (30 minutes of full torso exposure with no sunscreen daily) and the dietary sources are few, it's among the most commonly deficient vitamins! Here's a good link that explains some of the actions/interactions in general terms... http://www.ei-resource.org/treatment-opt...
78 1 Not really. Excess vitamin C gets excreted. The most the body can use at one time is about 250 mg so any more than that is a waste.
78 1 Vitamin C deficiency is also possible if something impairs your ability to absorb vitamin C from food. For instance, smoking impairs your body's ability to absorb vitamin C. mayo clinic Vitamin C deficiency anemia. Though rare, vitamin C deficiency can develop if you don't get enough vitamin C from the foods you eat. Vitamin C deficiency is also possible if something impairs your ability to absorb vitamin C from food.
78 1 Vitamin D deficiency can result from the following: Inadequate exposure to sunlight - This causes a deficiency in cutaneously synthesized vitamin D; adults in nursing homes or health care institutions are at a particularly high risk.Vitamin D malabsorption problems - People who have undergone resection of the small intestine are at risk for this condition; diseases associated with vitamin D malabsorption include celiac sprue, short bowel syndrome,and cystic fibrosis.Minimal amounts of vitamin D in human breast milk - The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends vitamin D supplementation starting at age 2 months for infants fed exclusively with breast milk.Medications - Some medications are associated with vitamin D deficiency; drugs such as Dilantin, phenobarbital, and rifampin can induce hepatic p450 enzymes to accelerate the catabolism of vitamin D. Inadequate exposure to sunlight - This causes a deficiency in cutaneously synthesized vitamin D; adults in nursing homes or health ca
78 1 Yes, if you take excess Vitamin C, like other water soluable vitamins, your body excretes what it doesn't need. Unlike Vitamins A and E which will build up in your body potentially to lethal levels. The reason why you wouldn't want to take too much of anything that you will "pee out anyway" is that you are taxing your excretory system, kidneys, etc. with constantly having to rid itself of the supplement. In fact, some doctors feel it may contribute to the formation of kidney stones. However, many people do need a lot of vitamin C, especially smokers. The important thing to do with taking Vitamin C is to take a slow release version. This way your body will absorb the optimum levels and will avoid excess voiding (which will happen when you take just 1 regular (non-slow release) vitamin C pill, because your body can not use 500 mg-1000 mg all in one hour and will excrete most of it out. Excess amounts of Vitamin C can also cause diarrhea, acid indigestion (stomach upset) and nosebleeds in
78 1 Veggies contain beta-Carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A. Your body converts it selectively. You get vitamin A toxicity from veggies because your body will not convert the excess beta-Carotene. In contrast, the vitamin A from animal sources and some supplements is already converted.
79 2 Shingles (herpes zoster) is a viral infection of the nerve roots. It causes pain and a band of rash that spreads on one side of your body. Shingles is most common in older adults and people who have weakened immune systems because of stress, injury, certain medications, or other factors. What causes shingles? Shingles is caused by the reactivation of the virus (varicella-zoster virus) that causes chickenpox. After you recover from chickenpox, the virus lies dormant (inactive) in your nerve roots. In some people, it stays dormant for the rest of their lives. In others, the virus reactivates when disease, stress, or aging weakens the immune system. 1 The cause of reactivation of the virus is unclear; however, once it does reactivate, it causes shingles, not another case of chickenpox. Most people who get shingles will not get the disease again, although it does come back in a few people. What are the symptoms of shingles? Early symptoms of shingles include: * Headache. * Sensitivity to l
79 1 See the list below: Postherpetic neuralgia is not fatal.Patients may experience significant pain for a prolonged period of time.Older age appears to be the most significant risk factor for developing PHN. Postherpetic neuralgia is not fatal. Patients may experience significant pain for a prolonged period of time. Older age appears to be the most significant risk factor for developing PHN. No predilection for developing PHN is known. Although 65% of patients in a study by Watson et al were women, this was believed to mirror the usual predominance of women in this age group. United States United States Frequency 1 month after onset of shingles is 9-14.3% and at 3 months is about 5%. At 1 year, 3% continue to have severe pain. Family history as a risk factor for herpes zoster has been described. In a case-control study of 504 patients and 523 controls, Hicks et al found that the patients were more likely to report blood relatives with herpes zoster than the controls . This risk was h
79 1 Shingles, also known as zoster, herpes zoster, or zona, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters involving a limited area. Until the mid 1990s, infectious complications of the Central Nervous System caused by VZV reactivation were regarded as rare. The presence of rash, as well as specic neurological symptoms, were required to diagnose a CNS infection caused by VZV. Since 2000, PCR testing has become more widely used, and the number of diagnosed cases of CNS infection has increased.
79 2 Every fifth of us has experienced the burning pain, the increasing rash and growing blisters on any parts of their skin. Yes, shingles. What is even worse, some of us suffer from this phenomena more than once in our lives or even regularly. Current outbreaks of shingles have made the subject popular once more. The issue with shingles is not new however it has resurfaced after it became common knowledge that it’s caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. This and other causes has led to the rise in popularity of pox parties. This is quite the hot topic in the US where over 100 cases of a disease that was considered eradicated have appeared, spreading over 16 states. Let’s learn some facts about shingles to find out how to avoid and cure them. Exposed persons Although the shingles manifest usually in people around and over 50 years of age there are some other factors that make a person more exposed: having had chickenpox since both afflictions have the same virus in the
79 1 Shingles, also known as zoster, herpes zoster, or zona, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters involving a limited area. Until the mid 1990s, infectious complications of the Central Nervous System caused by VZV reactivation were regarded as rare. The presence of rash, as well as specic neurological symptoms, were required to diagnose a CNS infection caused by VZV. Since 2000, PCR testing has become more widely used, and the number of diagnosed cases of CNS infection has increased.
79 1 Shingles, also known as zoster, herpes zoster, or zona, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters involving a limited area. Until the mid 1990s, infectious complications of the Central Nervous System caused by VZV reactivation were regarded as rare. The presence of rash, as well as specic neurological symptoms, were required to diagnose a CNS infection caused by VZV. Since 2000, PCR testing has become more widely used, and the number of diagnosed cases of CNS infection has increased.
79 4 The virus that causes shingles is called varicella zoster. This is the virus that causes chickenpox. After having chickenpox, the varicella virus lies dormant in the spinal cord. The shingles vaccine is only a preventive therapy and is not a treatment for those who already have shingles or postherpetic neuralgia. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/shingles/shingles.htm
80 -2 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
80 1 the clockAging is inevitable, but it has an undeservedly fearsome reputation. No man can stop the clock, but most can slow its tick and enjoy life as they age with grace and vigor. Jonathan Swift was right when he said, man desires to live long, but no man would be Regular exercise, along with a good diet, good medical care, good genes, and a bit of luck, can make it happen.Exercise and longevity — Darwin The survival of the fittest.Share this this Up Now ForHEALTHbeatOur FREE E-NewsletterGet health information and advice from the experts at Harvard Medical School.E-mail AddressFirst Name ReportsRelated ArticlesDaily Health TipGateway to mindfulnessMeditation is a good way to practice mindfulness — the skill of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment.Related Topics×Sign Up Now For HEALTHbeat.
80 1 Cigarettes are worse that cigars although both can cause cancer even if you don't inhale cigar smoke month cancer is a risk as for smokeing in General just take my advice don't smoke as I had a heart attack at age 33 and now I have a stent and mild heart disease cause of smokeing...quite smokeing if you smoke if you don't don't start .
80 1 Integumentary Applying the Preferred Physical Therapist Practice ... - Google Books books.google.com - Integumentary Applying the Preferred Physical Therapist Practice PatternsSM answers the call to what today’s physical therapy students and clinicians are looking for when integrating the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice as it relates to the integumentary system in clinical care. EssentialsNo eBook available - and upPages displayed by permission of . .
80 1 Lasers are typically reserved for the smallest telangiectasias of the leg, but newer longer-wavelength lasers can be useful for spider veins up to 2 mm in diameter, although they produce much more pain than when small-diameter vessels are treated. The typical treatment sequence for patients with spider veins is to treat axial varicosities if present, followed by branch varicosities, and then reticular veins, which are first treated using appropriate surgical means or sclerotherapy. Once these vessels are adequately treated, lasers have the greatest utility in a "clean-up" role, on vessels smaller than the diameter of a 30-gauge needle. Additionally, lasers are a good option to treat vessels resistant to sclerotherapy. Laser and light source treatments should be considered in a primary role in certain patients, such as those who are fearful of needles or who do not tolerate sclerotherapy , patients whose vessels do not respond to sclerotherapy , or those who are prone to postsclero
80 1 Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties to their customers. Named Phyto5000, th
80 1 chocolate one of These antioxidants may help control blood pressure and fight cognitive decline. go overboard, though. An ounce of dark chocolate has 155 calories.Related Topics×Sign Up Now For HEALTHbeat.
80 1 From Molecule to Chairside Table of contents (13 chapters) Front Matter Oral Infections and General Health Front Matter Future Diagnostic Methods and Techniques Front Matter Future Perspectives in Management of Oral Infections Front Matter Oral Infections and General Health Book Subtitle 1. Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above. We use cookies to improve your experience with our site. More information Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips Browse by Discipline
81 1 Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a group of 20-30 primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) which have a common set of symptoms but with different underlying causes. Please have a look at: Primary Immunodeficiency Association (UK) Immune Deficiency Foundation (US) Michigan Immunodeficiency Foundation (US) Immune Deficiencies Foundation of Australia Immune Deficiencies Foundation of New Zealand IPOPI (Intern. Patient Organisation for Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency) Canadian Immunodeficiencies Patient Organization (Canada)
81 1 Neoplasm is an abnormal growth of tissue and when it also forms a mass is commonly referred to as a tumor. DNA damage is considered to be the primary underlying cause of malignant neoplasms known as cancers. Its central role in progression to cancer is illustrated in the figure in this section, in the box near the top. (The central features of DNA damage, epigenetic alterations and deficient DNA repair in progression to cancer are shown in red.)
81 1 You could have CIVD, but CIVD isn't diagnosed solely by the frequency of illnesses. It is diagnosed by a deficiency in certain immunoglobulins and lack of B-lymphocytes or certain cell that produce antibodies. A panel of blood tests are needed to make a diagnosis. It really doesn't make sense for you to not see a doctor, a single infusion of immunoglobulin can boost your immune system for about 6 months, so you are not getting treatment that is available.
81 1 Neoplasm is an abnormal growth of tissue and when it also forms a mass is commonly referred to as a tumor. DNA damage is considered to be the primary underlying cause of malignant neoplasms known as cancers. Its central role in progression to cancer is illustrated in the figure in this section, in the box near the top. (The central features of DNA damage, epigenetic alterations and deficient DNA repair in progression to cancer are shown in red.)
81 1 Many of those symptoms sound like Lyme disease. You can ask more questions about Lyme disease here: http://flash.lymenet.org/scripts/ultimat... Most people with Lyme disease remain undiagnosed because the laboratory tests are so bad, and miss a ton of cases. The best Lyme laboratory is IGeneX http://www.igenex.com Also, people think that seeing a tick or a rash is necessary in order to get Lyme. It is not. Most people with Lyme disease never noticed a rash, and ticks can be extremely small. They are very easy to miss. You can catch Lyme disease anywhere in the United States, and most other parts of the world. You can get more information from these websites: http://www.ilads.org http://www.lymediseaseassociation.org http://www.lymedisease.org/index.html Here are some good books Discusses conventional treatment: http://www.amazon.com/Lyme-Disease-Solution-Kenneth-Singleton/dp/1439226989/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262649657&sr=8-1 Discusses alternative treatments: http://www.amazon.
81 1 Neoplasm is an abnormal growth of tissue and when it also forms a mass is commonly referred to as a tumor. DNA damage is considered to be the primary underlying cause of malignant neoplasms known as cancers. Its central role in progression to cancer is illustrated in the figure in this section, in the box near the top. (The central features of DNA damage, epigenetic alterations and deficient DNA repair in progression to cancer are shown in red.)
81 1 The opportunistic infections characteristic of HIV/AIDS are, however, rare. The precise cause of CVID is uncertain and may vary among patients. These then secrete antibodies that help fight infections. Many patients with CVID have near-normal numbers of antibody-bearing B cells, but these fail to mature into plasma B cells.
81 1 Pharmacologic care and observation Pharmacologic care and observation Benign nodule - May simply be observed Autoimmune thyroiditis - Treatment involves hormone replacement to maintain a euthyroid state Infection - Abscesses should be drained and antibiotics administered Warm nodule - A warm nodule without physical signs of malignancy is usually benign and may be observed with close follow-up for growth or change in the nodule Hot nodule - A hot toxic nodule may require medical therapy before surgical removal; the patient should receive suppressive doses of antithyroid medications Benign nodule - May simply be observed Autoimmune thyroiditis - Treatment involves hormone replacement to maintain a euthyroid state Infection - Abscesses should be drained and antibiotics administered Warm nodule - A warm nodule without physical signs of malignancy is usually benign and may be observed with close follow-up for growth or change in the nodule Hot nodule - A hot toxic nodule may require medic
82 1 Diabetes AustraliaUnknown error
82 1 The American Diabetes recommended guidelines for a healthy range of blood glucose levels Before meals or upon 90-130 2 hours after the start of a
82 3 Yes, if an EMT, start IV and then a bolus of dextrose. If not able to but have access to glucagon, an injection of glucagon IM is next best if patient is unconscious. Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and inappropiately high blood sugar resulting from either low levels of the hormone insulin or from abnormal resistance to insulin's effects coupled with inadequate levels of insulin secretion to compensate. The characteristic symptoms are excessive urine production, excessive thirst and increased fluid intake, and blurred vision; these symptoms may be absent if the blood sugar is mildly elevated. The World Health Organization recognizes three main forms of diabetes mellitus: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes (occurring during pregnancy), which have similar signs, symptoms, and consequences, but different causes and population distributions. Ultimately, all forms are due to the beta cells of the pancreas being unable to produce sufficient insulin to prev
82 1 do what your doctor tells you. sustain a healthy diet. take your medications and exercise daily.
82 1 Aneurysm is a sac formed by dilatation of the wall of an artery. strongly related to hypertension and artherosclerosis. Artherosclerosis is strongly related to diabetes.
82 1 Get your blood pressure checked every visit. (Target: Below 130/80 mm Hg) (5) Cholesterol Get your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels checked at least once a year. (Target: Below 100 mg/dL). (Target: Below 130/80 mm Hg) (5) Cholesterol Get your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels checked at least once a year. (Target: Below 100 mg/dL). Triglycerides.
82 1 The correct question is: What is diabetes? Not, what "are" diabetes? The word is not plural just because it ends with an "s" Read the information at this Wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes Also read more from the American Diabetes Association at: http://www.diabetes.org Also see the Diabetes Dictionary at: http://www.diabetes.org/diabetesdictiona...
83 -2 Bulário > Antidepressivo > Bula de Wellbutrin XL 150 mg Wellbutrin XL 150 mg Wellbutrin XL é um medicamento indicado para tratar depressão. Quando não devo usar? Não use Wellbutrin XL: - Se você é alérgico ao Wellbutrin XL, bupropiona, ou qualquer outro componente dos comprimidos de Wellbutrin XL. - Se você está tomando outros medicamentos que contenham bupropiona, como o Zyban. - Se você tem diagnóstico de epilepsia. - Se você tem algum distúrbio de alimentação, ou já teve (por exemplo, bulimia ou anorexia). - Se você é um etilista inveterado que parou de beber a pouco tempo, ou está tentando parar de beber. - Se você parou recentemente de usar tranqüilizantes ou sedativos, ou se você irá parar de usá-los enquanto usa Wellbutrin XL. - Se você tem tomando outros medicamentos para depressão chamados inibidores da MAO nos últimos 14 dias. - Se algum dos itens acima se aplica a você, fale com seu médico imediatamente, ANTES de usar Wellbutrin XL.
83 2 I took Wellbutrin XL in my last pregnancy, and I am taking it again with my current pregnancy - 15 weeks. I have never had any side effects from taking the Wellbutrin. The side effects that you mentioned - boobs hurting and pains in the abdomen - have been common symptoms in all of my pregnancies. (Growing a baby causes all kinds of crazy symptoms!) I was assured by my OB that taking Wellbutrin was safe, and there were no effects on my last child, who is now 2 1/2. Side note: 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL is the lowest dose possible. 300 mg is actually the norm, and you can take up to 450 mg if needed. So if you feel 150 mg isn't helping, talk to your doctor about upping your dose. It might really make a difference! Good luck, sister!
83 2 There are a number of possible side effects of Wellbutrin that 1994. Evidence that the acute behavioral and electrophysiological effects of bupropion (Wellbutrin) are mediated by a noradrenergic mechanism. Neuropsychopharmacology 11: 133-41.
83 4 Reduction 225mg per day -- a 150mg Wellbutrin XL tablet in the morning, of 75mg Wellbutrin IR tablet in the afternoon, and of a Wellbutrin IR tablet in the evening. Reduction 206.25mg per day -- a 150mg Wellbutrin XL tablet in the morning, of 75mg Wellbutrin IR tablet in the afternoon, and of a Wellbutrin IR tablet in the evening. Reduction 187.5mg per day -- a 150mg Wellbutrin XL tablet in the morning, of 75mg Wellbutrin IR tablet in the afternoon, and of a Wellbutrin IR tablet in the evening.
83 2 I took Wellbutrin XL in my last pregnancy, and I am taking it again with my current pregnancy - 15 weeks. I have never had any side effects from taking the Wellbutrin. The side effects that you mentioned - boobs hurting and pains in the abdomen - have been common symptoms in all of my pregnancies. (Growing a baby causes all kinds of crazy symptoms!) I was assured by my OB that taking Wellbutrin was safe, and there were no effects on my last child, who is now 2 1/2. Side note: 150 mg of Wellbutrin XL is the lowest dose possible. 300 mg is actually the norm, and you can take up to 450 mg if needed. So if you feel 150 mg isn't helping, talk to your doctor about upping your dose. It might really make a difference! Good luck, sister!
83 1 Psychotherapy and medication management are effective treatment modalities for dysthymia, and combination treatment is common. Minimal data are available; however, a randomized trial that compared interpersonal psychotherapy, brief supportive psychotherapy, sertraline treatment alone, and sertraline treatment plus interpersonal psychotherapy found the greatest effect when sertraline and interpersonal therapy were combined. Because of the high rate of relapses from depression and from dysthymia, follow-up is important. ; The patient who has recovered with pharmacotherapy should be encouraged to continue follow-up for at least 6 months before considering any medication taper. ; Because of the chronic nature of dysthymia, long-term treatment with medications is often advisable. In cases where a medication loses its effectiveness, a new regimen should be considered. No studies have focused on this issue, but social supports, adequate exercise, a rewarding occupation, and a generally he
83 4 Reduction 225mg per day -- a 150mg Wellbutrin XL tablet in the morning, of 75mg Wellbutrin IR tablet in the afternoon, and of a Wellbutrin IR tablet in the evening. Reduction 206.25mg per day -- a 150mg Wellbutrin XL tablet in the morning, of 75mg Wellbutrin IR tablet in the afternoon, and of a Wellbutrin IR tablet in the evening. Reduction 187.5mg per day -- a 150mg Wellbutrin XL tablet in the morning, of 75mg Wellbutrin IR tablet in the afternoon, and of a Wellbutrin IR tablet in the evening.
84 1 According to the CDC, excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010.It is the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States.The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2010 were estimated at $249 billion, or $2.05 a drink. In 2012, 3.3 million deaths, or 5.9 percent of all global deaths , were attributable to alcohol consumption.Worldwide, alcohol is responsible for a percentage of a number of conditions, as follows: Cirrhosis- 32%Motor vehicle accidents - 20%Mouth and oropharyngeal cancers - 19%Esophageal cancer- 29%Liver cancer - 25%Breast cancer- 7%Homicide - 24%Suicide - 11%Hemorrhagic stroke- 10% Cirrhosis- 32% Cirrhosis Motor vehicle accidents - 20% Mouth and oropharyngeal cancers - 19% Esophageal cancer- 29% Esophageal cancer Liver cancer - 25% Breast cancer- 7% Breast cancer Homicide - 24% Suicide - 11% Hemorrhagic stroke- 10% Hemorrhagic stroke
84 2 "Lipitor and Zocor, also known as 'statin drugs,' work much in the same way as red yeast rice, by inhibiting a key liver enzyme from producing cholesterol. Yet... red yeast rice does not carry with it the side effects associated with statin drugs." (1) "A landmark American study was recently completed at UCLA after 17 studies in China declared that red yeast rice lowered cholesterol by 11 to 32 percent." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 1999 published the UCLA study on red yeast rice, which reported that "after 12 weeks, cholesterol levels among the 79 participants decreased by 15 percent." (1) My doctor has recommended Red Yeast Rice for me because the Zocor I was taking had raised my liver enzymes to a dangerous level which could damage my liver. Unfortunately, this is one of the rare side effects of using Zocor, along with muscle damage. "Red yeast rice contains a natural form of the statin drug Mevacor."(2) It's a substitute for Zocor... not to be used together with Zo
84 1 Ok the periodic table is arranged in according to atomic mass (number of protons in the nucleus of an atom). The layout of the periodic table demonstrates recurring ("periodic") chemical properties. Elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number (i.e. the number of protons in the atomic nucleus).
84 1 Aug. 9, 2006 -- StrokeStroke patients can reduce their risk of having a second stroke by taking high doses of a widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering drug, even if they don't have heart diseaseheart disease, according to a new study. Researchers say the findings from the five-year, international trial, make it clear that aggressive treatment to lower cholesterol should be considered standard therapy for stroke prevention in people who have already had a stroke. Patients who took 80 milligrams of the drug Lipitor each day for five years saw a 16% reduction in having another stroke compared with patients who took a placebo. Patients on the cholesterol-lowering drug also experienced a 35% reduction in serious cardiac events. The study -- called the SPARCL trial -- was funded by Lipitor manufacturer Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer is a WebMD sponsor. Global Study Each year an estimated 15 million people worldwide suffer strokes, and 10 million will either die or remain permanently disabled as a resul
84 2 The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) are widely prescribed for patients with hyperlipidemia and are generally well tolerated. Mild elevations in serum aminotransferases arise in up to 3% of treated patients, but clinically apparent drug-induced liver injury is rare. The aim of this study is to report the presenting features and outcomes of 22 patients with clinically apparent liver injury due to statins. Scroll down to see the next article
84 1 Hepatotoxicity (from hepatic toxicity) implies chemical-driven liver damage. Histology may show inflammation (cholestatic hepatitis) or it can be bland (without any parenchymal inflammation). On rare occasions, it can produce features similar to primary biliary cirrhosis due to progressive destruction of small bile ducts (Vanishing duct syndrome). Steatosis Hepatotoxicity may manifest as triglyceride accumulation, which leads to either small-droplet (microvesicular) or large-droplet (macrovesicular) fatty liver. There is a separate type of steatosis by which phospholipid accumulation leads to a pattern similar to the diseases with inherited phospholipid metabolism defects (e.g., Tay-Sachs disease) Granuloma Drug-induced hepatic granulomas are usually associated with granulomas in other tissues and patients typically have features of systemic vasculitis and hypersensitivity. More than 50 drugs have been implicated. Vascular lesions These result from injury to the vascular endothelium.
84 1 Hepatotoxicity (from hepatic toxicity) implies chemical-driven liver damage. Histology may show inflammation (cholestatic hepatitis) or it can be bland (without any parenchymal inflammation). On rare occasions, it can produce features similar to primary biliary cirrhosis due to progressive destruction of small bile ducts (Vanishing duct syndrome). Steatosis Hepatotoxicity may manifest as triglyceride accumulation, which leads to either small-droplet (microvesicular) or large-droplet (macrovesicular) fatty liver. There is a separate type of steatosis by which phospholipid accumulation leads to a pattern similar to the diseases with inherited phospholipid metabolism defects (e.g., Tay-Sachs disease) Granuloma Drug-induced hepatic granulomas are usually associated with granulomas in other tissues and patients typically have features of systemic vasculitis and hypersensitivity. More than 50 drugs have been implicated. Vascular lesions These result from injury to the vascular endothelium.
84 1 Hepatotoxicity (from hepatic toxicity) implies chemical-driven liver damage. Histology may show inflammation (cholestatic hepatitis) or it can be bland (without any parenchymal inflammation). On rare occasions, it can produce features similar to primary biliary cirrhosis due to progressive destruction of small bile ducts (Vanishing duct syndrome). Steatosis Hepatotoxicity may manifest as triglyceride accumulation, which leads to either small-droplet (microvesicular) or large-droplet (macrovesicular) fatty liver. There is a separate type of steatosis by which phospholipid accumulation leads to a pattern similar to the diseases with inherited phospholipid metabolism defects (e.g., Tay-Sachs disease) Granuloma Drug-induced hepatic granulomas are usually associated with granulomas in other tissues and patients typically have features of systemic vasculitis and hypersensitivity. More than 50 drugs have been implicated. Vascular lesions These result from injury to the vascular endothelium.
85 1 Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. Bisphosphonates are useful in decreasing the risk of future fractures in those who have already sustained a fracture due to osteoporosis. This benefit is present when taken for three to four years. They have not been compared directly to each other, though, so it is not known if one is better.
85 1 Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. Bisphosphonates are useful in decreasing the risk of future fractures in those who have already sustained a fracture due to osteoporosis. This benefit is present when taken for three to four years. They have not been compared directly to each other, though, so it is not known if one is better.
85 1 Osteoporosis is a disease where decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone. It is the most common reason for a broken bone among the elderly. Bisphosphonates are useful in decreasing the risk of future fractures in those who have already sustained a fracture due to osteoporosis. This benefit is present when taken for three to four years. They have not been compared directly to each other, though, so it is not known if one is better.
85 -2 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
85 1 A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians on treatment to prevent fractures in men and women with low bone density or osteoporosis.includes six recommendations: two strong recommendations, based on high- or moderate-quality evidence, and four weak ones, based on low-quality evidence.The two strong recommendations are as follows: Clinicians should offer pharmacologic treatment to women with known osteoporosis to reduce the risk for hip and vertebral fractures; alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, or denosumab may be used.In postmenopausal women, estrogen or estrogen plus progestogen or raloxifene should not be used for the treatment of osteoporosis. Clinicians should offer pharmacologic treatment to women with known osteoporosis to reduce the risk for hip and vertebral fractures; alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid, or denosumab may be used. In postmenopausal women, estrogen or estrogen plus progestogen or raloxifene should not be used for the t
85 1 Cigarettes are worse that cigars although both can cause cancer even if you don't inhale cigar smoke month cancer is a risk as for smokeing in General just take my advice don't smoke as I had a heart attack at age 33 and now I have a stent and mild heart disease cause of smokeing...quite smokeing if you smoke if you don't don't start .
85 -2 The general wellbeing of body and mind. The general wellbeing of body and mind.
85 1 The last numbers I saw said that Y!A have 9 million users. I can't verify it though. What makes you think that 35% have STD's? How do you do that equation? Have put the possibility of one user posting from several accounts into the equation? How about the fact that trolls like that type of questions and often use them to "have fun". Have you thought about that the ones that posts in the health section might not be the average of all other members? How do you know that it's 35% of all posters when you don't know the actual number of posters that Don't post about such things because they think it's private? Your number (35%) might be correct but you offer no logic reasoning as to how you came up with that number. The world population and the number of people that could be members of Y!A does not provide the 35% result, you've picked it from somewhere else. [Edit] 1) I never said that you put an actual number of users to Y!A. I only added the number I'd heard as a bit of "information" ...
86 1 I found driver's ed to be fun because I was with my friends (which could be distracting) but if you're talking about the driving test/road test....I found it to be average. It wasn't awfully hard or really easy. If you know how to drive and know the rules of the road you should be fine. I had to take the road test twice because the first time I hit the curb while parallel parking and I gave to many people the right away. If you study for the written exam you'll be fine, just read the book they give you. As for the road test all I can say is practice practice practice. I passed the second time because I practiced my parallel parking like crazy. I'm sure you'll do fine. Good Luck to you!!!
86 1 Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease or Lobstein syndrome, is a congenital bone disorder characterized by brittle bones that are prone to fracture. Another suggested disease mechanism is that the stress state within collagen fibrils is altered at the locations of mutations, where locally larger shear forces lead to rapid failure of fibrils even at moderate loads as the homogeneous stress state found in healthy collagen fibrils is lost. These recent works suggest that OI must be understood as a multi-scale phenomenon, which involves mechanisms at the genetic, nano-, micro- and macro-level of tissues. As a genetic disorder, OI has historically been viewed as an autosomal dominant disorder of type I collagen. Most cases have been caused by mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. In the past several years, there has been the identification of autosomal recessive forms. Most people with OI receive it from a parent but in 35% of cases it is an individual (de novo or
86 1 your the one who's supposed to know this, not have someone do it for you.
86 1 your the one who's supposed to know this, not have someone do it for you. your the one who's supposed to know this, not have someone do it for you.
86 1 Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease or Lobstein syndrome, is a congenital bone disorder characterized by brittle bones that are prone to fracture. Another suggested disease mechanism is that the stress state within collagen fibrils is altered at the locations of mutations, where locally larger shear forces lead to rapid failure of fibrils even at moderate loads as the homogeneous stress state found in healthy collagen fibrils is lost. These recent works suggest that OI must be understood as a multi-scale phenomenon, which involves mechanisms at the genetic, nano-, micro- and macro-level of tissues. As a genetic disorder, OI has historically been viewed as an autosomal dominant disorder of type I collagen. Most cases have been caused by mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. In the past several years, there has been the identification of autosomal recessive forms. Most people with OI receive it from a parent but in 35% of cases it is an individual (de novo or
86 1 A written set of steps that should be performed automatically can also be called a test script, however this is more correctly called a test case. Any test that is written as a short program is regarded as an automated test. When your test line begins to get darker, it means your LH levels are increasing. And when your test line is darker than the control line, it means your LH is surging.
86 1 The overall incidence of OI is approximately 1 case for every 20,000 live births; however, the mild form is underdiagnosed, and the actual prevalence may be higher. Prevalence appears to be similar worldwide, though an increased rate has been observed in two major tribal groups in Zimbabwe. OI can present at any age, though the age when symptoms begin varies widely. Patients with mild forms may not have fractures until adulthood, or they may present with fractures in infancy. Patients with severe cases present with fractures in utero. OI is equally common in males and females. It has been described in every human population in which skeletal dysplasias have been studied. The disease appears to have no predilection for a particular race. The overall incidence of OI is approximately 1 case for every 20,000 live births; however, the mild form is underdiagnosed, and the actual prevalence may be higher. Prevalence appears to be similar worldwide, though an increased rate has been obser
86 1 Osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease or Lobstein syndrome, is a congenital bone disorder characterized by brittle bones that are prone to fracture. Another suggested disease mechanism is that the stress state within collagen fibrils is altered at the locations of mutations, where locally larger shear forces lead to rapid failure of fibrils even at moderate loads as the homogeneous stress state found in healthy collagen fibrils is lost. These recent works suggest that OI must be understood as a multi-scale phenomenon, which involves mechanisms at the genetic, nano-, micro- and macro-level of tissues. As a genetic disorder, OI has historically been viewed as an autosomal dominant disorder of type I collagen. Most cases have been caused by mutations in the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes. In the past several years, there has been the identification of autosomal recessive forms. Most people with OI receive it from a parent but in 35% of cases it is an individual (de novo or
87 1 Cervicitis is inflammation of the uterine cervix. Cervicitis can be caused by any of a number of infections, of which the most common are chlamydia and gonorrhea, with chlamydia accounting for approximately 40% of cases. As many half of pregnant women are asymptomatic with a gonorrhea infection of the cervix. Trichomonas vaginalis and herpes simplex are less common causes of cervicitis. There is a consistent association of M. genitalium infection and female reproductive tract syndromes. M. genitalium infection is significantly associated with increased risk of cervicitis.
87 1 Cervicitis is inflammation of the uterine cervix. Cervicitis can be caused by any of a number of infections, of which the most common are chlamydia and gonorrhea, with chlamydia accounting for approximately 40% of cases. As many half of pregnant women are asymptomatic with a gonorrhea infection of the cervix. Trichomonas vaginalis and herpes simplex are less common causes of cervicitis. There is a consistent association of M. genitalium infection and female reproductive tract syndromes. M. genitalium infection is significantly associated with increased risk of cervicitis.
87 1 Admit women to the hospital if pelvic inflammatory disease [PID] is suspected and the patient is unable to take oral medications, is pregnant or immunocompromised, has failed prior outpatient therapy, has a tubo-ovarian abscess, or if the diagnosis is uncertain . If disseminated infection is suspected, intensive monitoring and parenteral medication are needed, as patients may quickly become unstable. If the patient is unable to take oral medication because of intractable nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, then hospitalization for intravenous medication is warranted. ; In most cases, test-of-cure is not necessary, because of the high efficacy of the medications used. In the case of persistent symptoms or pregnancy, follow-up testing is recommended. Oral antibiotics effectively cure gonorrhea, chlamydia, and T vaginalisinfections. Oral antivirals reduce the duration of symptoms, lesions, and viral shedding in the first and recurrent episodes of genital herpes infections. Initially,
87 1 Everytime i have gone to Saphora, having a consultation has never been a problem for me. The whole point of the consultation is to see if the make up they have there is for you. Most of all relax and get ready to uncover your color choices. Do’s and Don’ts of a color consultation - Do take advantage of our free color try on program before scheduling a color consultant. This is easy.
87 1 “e-Consultation� refers to the use of electronic media for: “e-Consultation� refers to the use of electronic media for:
87 1 Yes I have had two consultations though they were in the late 80's. The first astrologer was a Virgo and he charged $100 for about one hour and a half consultation. He had a way of going through my chart using each house as the 1st House so each house had 12 interpretations which was really out of my league at the time. For instance, he took my unoccupied 7th House and then the 8th House was our worth (like the 2nd House) and since I have Neptune in Scorpio in the 8th House he said that my mate would lie to me and be deceitful (the negative traits of Neptune due to the stress aspects to Neptune, oh and he did lie to me too) then the 9th House became the 3rd House of my 7th House which would explain our neighborhood and sibling issues, and on and on around the wheel he went. He did say he saw no music in my chart as I am a musician so that was weird. And he said that I talked so much due to my Mercury sextile Venus (which is true as I now know that the sextile causes an "excitation" bet
87 1 Cervicitis is inflammation of the uterine cervix. Cervicitis can be caused by any of a number of infections, of which the most common are chlamydia and gonorrhea, with chlamydia accounting for approximately 40% of cases. As many half of pregnant women are asymptomatic with a gonorrhea infection of the cervix. Trichomonas vaginalis and herpes simplex are less common causes of cervicitis. There is a consistent association of M. genitalium infection and female reproductive tract syndromes. M. genitalium infection is significantly associated with increased risk of cervicitis.
87 1 One of the most unpleasant methods used to screen for cancer is the colonoscopy. The procedure involves food deprivation the day before, along with the use of harsh laxatives. The following day, a specialist inserts a long tube up the rectum and pushes it through the entire colon to the appendix region. A somewhat similar technique was used during the Inquisition to extract information from suspected witches. It was a highly effective method of obtaining confessions. http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/dec2...
88 1 Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently. It is estimated about half of early miscarriages will complete on their own; in other cases, medication treatment or aspiration of the products of conception can be used to remove remaining tissue. Emergency care may become necessary in cases of very heavy bleeding or fever. While bed rest has been advocated to prevent miscarriage, and in one study possibly helped when small subchorionic hematoma had been found on ultrasound scans, the prevailing opinion is that this is of no proven benefit.
88 1 Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently. It is estimated about half of early miscarriages will complete on their own; in other cases, medication treatment or aspiration of the products of conception can be used to remove remaining tissue. Emergency care may become necessary in cases of very heavy bleeding or fever. While bed rest has been advocated to prevent miscarriage, and in one study possibly helped when small subchorionic hematoma had been found on ultrasound scans, the prevailing opinion is that this is of no proven benefit.
88 1 Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently. It is estimated about half of early miscarriages will complete on their own; in other cases, medication treatment or aspiration of the products of conception can be used to remove remaining tissue. Emergency care may become necessary in cases of very heavy bleeding or fever. While bed rest has been advocated to prevent miscarriage, and in one study possibly helped when small subchorionic hematoma had been found on ultrasound scans, the prevailing opinion is that this is of no proven benefit.
88 1 Generally, people on Y!A are more sympathetic to homework questions if you put up one which you're struggling with rather than C&P a dozen which you haven't made any attempt at. At least half of these could be answered in 30 seconds or fewer using Wikipedia. That's why you haven't had any answers in 10 hours. 1. Patau syndrome is caused by extra genetic material from chromosome 13, especially if there is a whole extra copy/version of chromosome 13, which is what 'trisomy 13' means. 2. Normal women have two X chromosomes (XX), normal men have 1 X and 1 Y (XY). Klinefelter's syndrome sufferers have XXY. 3. Turner's syndrome sufferers have XO, meaning just a single X chromosome with no Y. They are female, but infertile. 4. Sex-linked, meaning the inheritance patterns are difference for men and women as men only have one X chromosome and the Y chromosome typically won't have a corresponding allele. Sex-limited are genes expressed or not depending on what gender you are, but they needn't be
88 1 Approximately 95% of conceptuses with trisomy 18 die as embryos or fetuses; 5-10% of affected children survive beyond the first year of life. For liveborn infants with trisomy 18, the estimated probability of survival to age 1 month was 38.6% and to age 1 year was 8.4%. Median survival time was 14.5 days . Nonetheless, in a multistate study of 1113 children with trisomy 18, Meyer et al found a 5-year survival rate of 12.3%. In the study, gestational age had the greatest impact on mortality, while the lowest mortality rates were found among females and the children of non-Hispanic black mothers. Long-term survival up to age 27 years has been reported. The high mortality rate in trisomy 18 is usually due to the presence of cardiac and renal malformations, feeding difficulties,sepsis, and apnea caused by CNS defects. Severe psychomotor and growth retardation are invariably present in those who survive beyond infancy. sepsis Trisomy 18 has no racial predilection. Approximately 80% of
88 1 With a translocation, the person has a partial trisomy for chromosome 18 and often the physical signs of the syndrome differ from those typically seen in trisomy 18. Read more about chromosome 18. Can trisomy 18 be inherited? Trisomy 18 is related to chromosome 18. People with trisomy 18 have additional DNA from chromosome 18 in some or all of their cells. The extra material disrupts the normal course of development, causing the characteristic features of trisomy 18.
88 3 Kayli is Loving Life Trisomy Style!!! Trisomy 7 Trisomy Awareness Day 7, featuring Rachael with Trisomy 7! My daughter Rachel is 27 years old and she has Partial Trisomy 7. When she was born weighed 9lb. 14 oz and she had a real hard birth. During birth she had a brain bleed and we thought it was because of her large size. When she was born they thought something was wrong because she had low set ears, a high pallet, the lines on the bottom of her feet ran the wrong way. > We found out later through a genetics study about the Partial Trisomy 7. She had a lot of developmental delays, very poor muscle tone and a weak back. She didn't sit up until she was about 7 months old and didn't walk until she was 2 yrs old. > She went to school until into the ninth grade doing Special Ed and doing Inclusion in a regular class and learned to read on a first grade level. We found out in ninth grade that she had a large cyst on her brain and she was suffering very bad Vertigo so I pulled her o...
88 1 If you just had a screening (predictor, not accurate) it basically means with all the information they gathered (her age, levels in her urine, etc). that your child has an 8.3% chance to be born with trisomy 18. So, with that said you have a 91.7% chance of having a child with no problems whatsoever. If it were an amniocentesis and the results for trisomy 18 came back positive that I'm assuming chances of surviving past delivery were 1 in 12...or surviving at all because the most children with trisomy 18 barely make it past birth, and even then, most of them don't live past their 1st birthday. I'll keep your family in my thoughts and I hope everything works out for the best!! BY THE WAY...trisomy 18 is EDWARD'S SYNDROME not down syndrome. The trisomy for down syndrome is Trisomy 21.
89 2 Metformin does not interfere with the effectiveness of the flu shot. While diabetes may decrease immunization response, it's important for diabetics to get immunized for flu.
89 2 I am on Metformin at the moment as well and I have noticed that I can not eat the same foods as I used to do as I feel quite sick. Citrus fruits are out as are greasy foods (so not all bad I guess). Metformin is used alone or with other medications, including insulin, to treat type 2 diabetes (condition in which the body does not use insulin normally and, therefore, cannot control the amount of sugar in the blood).
89 2 Metformin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels.Some people have developed a life-threatening condition called lactic acidosis while taking metformin. Get emergency medical help if you have any of these symptoms of lactic acidosis: weakness, increasing sleepiness, slow heart rate, cold feeling, muscle pain, shortness of breath, stomach pain, feeling light-headed, and fainting. Do not use metformin if you have kidney disease or congestive heart failure, or if you are in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis (call your doctor for treatment with insulinBefore taking this medication, tell your doctor if you have: · liver disease; or · a history of heart disease. For more info on metformin, u can check this site http://www.drugs.com/metformin.html
89 1 Complications are minimal with measuring the blood pressure. Complications that can occur include discomfort to the arm. The following important information should be obtained from the history: Overall physical and mental health, including life expectancy Previous hospitalizations, operations, or ulcerations Diet and recent weight changes Bowel habits and continence status Presence of spasticity or flexion contractures Medications and allergies to medications Tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drug use Place of residence and the support surface used in bed or while sittinglevel of independence, mobility, and ability to comprehend and cooperate with care Underlying social and financial support structure Presence of specific cultural, religious, or ethnic issues Presence of advanced directives, power of attorney, or specific preferences regarding care Information related to the current ulceration - Pain, foul odor or discharge, natural history of the present ulcer, and associated med
89 2 Hypertension (HTN or HT), also known as high blood pressure, is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Whether this pattern is typical of all people who ultimately develop hypertension is disputed. The increased peripheral resistance in established hypertension is mainly attributable to structural narrowing of small arteries and arterioles, although a reduction in the number or density of capillaries may also contribute. Whether increased active arteriolar vasoconstriction plays a role in established essential hypertension is unclear. Hypertension is also associated with decreased peripheral venous compliance which may increase venous return, increase cardiac preload and, ultimately, cause diastolic dysfunction. Pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure) is frequently increased in older people with hypertension. This can mean that systolic pressure is abnormally high, but diastolic pressure
89 2 Hypertension (HTN or HT), also known as high blood pressure, is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Whether this pattern is typical of all people who ultimately develop hypertension is disputed. The increased peripheral resistance in established hypertension is mainly attributable to structural narrowing of small arteries and arterioles, although a reduction in the number or density of capillaries may also contribute. Whether increased active arteriolar vasoconstriction plays a role in established essential hypertension is unclear. Hypertension is also associated with decreased peripheral venous compliance which may increase venous return, increase cardiac preload and, ultimately, cause diastolic dysfunction. Pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure) is frequently increased in older people with hypertension. This can mean that systolic pressure is abnormally high, but diastolic pressure
89 4 Lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide are my 2 favorite medications to use to treat hypertension. These are available in a single pill called Lisinopril HCT which is on the so-called $4 list at major pharmacies. Metformin hydrochloride and glyburide are 2 commonly used drugs for type 2 diabetes as both of these are also on the $4 list. Personally I do not use glyburide or other related drugs. I believe that glyburide and other sulfonylureic agents may lead to premature pancreatic beta (insulin producing) cell failure committing the diabetic to insulin. Unfortunately all of the other drugs to treat type 2 diabetes are very expensive and that explains why glyburide is still used. All 4 of these drugs are very low in incidence of side effects and there are no drug interactions. If I may be of further assistance please let me know. I wish you the very best of health and in all things may God bless.
89 2 Hypertension (HTN or HT), also known as high blood pressure, is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Whether this pattern is typical of all people who ultimately develop hypertension is disputed. The increased peripheral resistance in established hypertension is mainly attributable to structural narrowing of small arteries and arterioles, although a reduction in the number or density of capillaries may also contribute. Whether increased active arteriolar vasoconstriction plays a role in established essential hypertension is unclear. Hypertension is also associated with decreased peripheral venous compliance which may increase venous return, increase cardiac preload and, ultimately, cause diastolic dysfunction. Pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure) is frequently increased in older people with hypertension. This can mean that systolic pressure is abnormally high, but diastolic pressure
90 3 Eklira Genuair inhaler contains the active ingredient aclidinium bromide, which is a type of medicine known as an antimuscarinic or anticholinergic bronchodilator. It works by opening the airways to make it easier to breathe. MOST POPULAR This inhaler is used regularly on a twice daily basis to help keep the airways open. How does it work? Eklira Genuair inhaler contains the active ingredient aclidinium bromide, which is a type of medicine known as an antimuscarinic or anticholinergic bronchodilator. It works by opening the airways to make it easier to breathe. Aclidinium works in the lungs, where it blocks receptors called muscarinic receptors that are found on the muscle surrounding the airways. A natural chemical called acetylcholine normally acts on these receptors, causing the muscle in the airways to contract and the airways to narrow. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW In chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD), such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema, the airways...
90 1 Most morbidity associated with senile cataracts occurs postoperatively and is discussed in further detail later. Failure to treat a developing cataract surgically may lead to devastating consequences, such as lens swelling and intumescence, secondary glaucoma, and, eventually, blindness. While the risk of dying as a result of cataract extraction is almost negligible, studies have shown an increased risk of mortality in patients who underwent surgery. In a comparison of 167 patients aged 50 years or older who underwent cataract extraction at the New England Medical Center in a period of 1 year to 824 patients who elected 1 of 6 other surgical procedures, it was found that the former had almost twice the mortality of the latter. Further analysis showed no significant correlation between diabetes and increased mortality. In a similar 5-year mortality analysis, patients with cataracts who were younger than 75 years had significantly higher age-specific rates of mortality than would be ex
90 1 If someone has already had successful cataract surgery and requires LASIK to improve myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism, the LASIK procedure w ould reshape the front of the cornea and should not adversely affect the prior cataract removal and lens implant surgery if LASIK is done after the eye has completely healed from cataract surgery. However, for someone who has previously had LASIK and is now considering cataract surgery, it is not so simple. LASIK reshapes the cornea and corneal measurements are used to calculate the intraocular lens used to replace the cataract. Unfortunately, the calculations currently used do not work as well after LASIK (or other refractive surgery). So, anyone who has previously had corneal refractive surgery prior to cataract surgery may need it again after cataract surgery. For further questions, you should ask your surgeon.
90 1 Oct. 13, 2000 -- This is the story: A wealthy American couple loses their 10-month-old daughter when she dies as the result of an accident. Wracked by grief, they turn to the one hope that they have: A group of scientists that tells them they can have their baby back. Using just a few cells from the dead child, the scientists will create a perfect copy, a clone. Stephen King? Twilight Zone? No and No. This is the 21st century and this is a news story reported earlier this week. Clonaid, a private company, claims it will begin attempts to clone a human later this month and the scientific director of the company tells WebMD, "We expect to have a baby in 18 months." The scientific director, Brigitte Boisselier, PhD, says she has hired a biochemist, a geneticist and a physician, "all U.S. trained," to carry out the work that is being financed by a "$1 million investment from an American couple who lost their 10-month-old baby girl as the result of an accident." Boisselier says the American
90 1 Find patient medical information for Aclidinium Bromide Inhalation on WebMD including its uses, side effects and safety, interactions, pictures, warnings and user ... Aclidinium Oral Inhalation: learn about side effects, dosage, special precautions, and more on MedlinePlus
91 1 Most of the nutrients in food are absorbed in the small intestine. The large intestine is the part of the intestine that begins at the cecum and ends at the rectum. It is five feet long and includes the appendix, cecum, colon, and rectum. The small intestine is where most of the digestion occurs. Most of the nutrients in food are absorbed in the small intestine. The large intestine is the part of the intestine that begins at the cecum and ends at the rectum.
91 1 In this review we shall deal with the problems of intestinal absorption, taken in a broad sense, and its disorders. These problems will be considered according to the location of the primary disturbance, i.e., the pancreas or the gut, and to the nutrients which are affected, leading either to generalized or to specific malabsorptions. Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. Alarcon-Segovia, D., T. Herskovic, K. G. Wakim, P. A. Green, and H. H. Scudamore, Presence of circulating antibodies to gluten and milk fractions in patients with nontropical sprue, Amer. J. Med. 36:485 (1964) PubMed Google Scholar Alarcon-Segovia, D., K. G. Wakim, and E. E. Wollaeger, Antigenicity of various gluten fractions, Amer. J. Dig. Dis. 9:72 (1964) PubMed Google Scholar Allen, G. E., and D. R. Hadden, Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia with steatorrhoea in two adult brothers, Brit. Med. J. ii:486 (1964) Google Scholar Alvey, C., C. M. Anderson, and M. Freeman, Wheat gluten and coeliac disea..
91 2 However, people who stop smoking continue to have a higher risk of some digestive diseases, such as colon polyps and pancreatitis, than people who have never smoked.12, 13Quitting smoking can improve the symptoms of some digestive diseases or keep them from getting worse. For example, people with Crohn’s disease who quit smoking have less severe symptoms than smokers with the disease.11Eating, Diet, and NutritionEating, diet, and nutrition can play a role in causing, preventing, and treating some of the diseases and disorders of the digestive system that are affected by smoking, including heartburn and GERD, liver diseases, Crohn’s disease, colon polyps, pancreatitis, and gallstones. More information about eating, diet, and nutrition and these conditions can be found on the list.Points to RememberSmoking has been found to increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas.
91 1 "Here the process of chemical food digestion is accelerated as the food now takes a rather wild 3- to 6- hour journey through the looping coils and twists of the small i ntestine." This was in my Anatomy book. Hope it helps!
91 1 The large intestine withdraws water from digested food and compresses and stores the waste left over from digestion. Digestion and absorption. Yummy! The length of the the small intestine allows for more absorption time and its epithelium has specialized villi and on the villi has microvilli adding to its absorption ability. Although digestion does begin in the oral cavity turning the food we eat into a bolus, and the stomach does it's job by turning the bolus into chyme, most of the digestion and absorption takes place in the small intestine. The stomach will squeeze out chyme, in small quantities at a time, into the first part of the small intestine: the duodenum, which is where most of the digestion will take place thanks to more secretions by the gallbladder and pancreas. Then it gets moved along into the jejunum of the small intestine; more absorption along the way, and finally the to the last part of the small intestine, the ileum. At this point everything will have been digested
91 1 mixture is referred to as chyme. third task of the stomach is to empty its contents slowly into the small intestine.Several factors affect emptying of the stomach, including the nature of the food its fat and protein and the degree of muscle action of the emptying stomach and the next organ to receive the contents small the food is digested in the small intestine and dissolved into the juices from the pancreas, liver, and intestine, the contents of the intestine are mixed and pushed forward to allow further digestion.Finally, all of the digested nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls. The waste products of this process include undigested parts of the food, known as fiber, and older cells that have been shed from the mucosa. These materials are propelled into the colon, where they remain, usually for a day or two, until the feces are expelled by a bowel movement.Prev ResourcesWe provide a wide range of tools dedicated to providing you with information about chronic disorde
91 1 The time to first cigarette and total cigarettes per day are the 2 strongest predictors of nicotine addiction. ; The physical effects of nicotine use include accelerated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and weight loss. ; In addition to its physical effects, nicotine exerts a strong behavioral influence. Nicotine may enhance an individual’s level of alertness, although tobacco abuse and dependence may simulate a frantic, almost manic, picture. Speech may also be accelerated in line with behavior. Tobacco use can contribute to irritability, which is often soothed by a dose of nicotine. See Clinical Presentationfor more detail. Clinical Presentation ; Nicotine addiction is now referred to as tobacco use disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition DSM- There are 11 possible criteria, of which at least 2 must be present in the last 12 months: ; 1. Tobacco taken in larger a
92 1 I think you sprained your thumb It was really scary and could have eventually been fatal. I seriously suggest you get to a hospital though, you never know what could be wrong! Don't feel stupid for going to get a bruise checked out, it could be serious!!!
92 3 The swollen feet, legs and ankles can be due to have several causes, it’s not a disease but a symptom that arises due to several causes that must be assessed because they speak of a poorly functioning of organs or systems, as soon as possible to avoid further complications . This condition is also known as peripheral edema and can be treated naturally. Causes of swollen feet, legs and ankles: Low and deficient functioning of organs such as kidneys and intestines loaded with toxins. A diet high in toxins, salt and harmful fats. Weak veins that prevent efficient venous return, causing blood and fluid accumulation in the lower extremities due to the effect of gravity when one is standing or sitting for long period. This is the case of dysautonomia. Fluid retention due to poor kidney function. Illnesses that require to be in wheelchairs. During pregnancy it is normal to feel swollen feet, even if the swelling is strong talk about a serious condition called preecla
92 2 The etiology of fibromyalgia is multifactorial and includes both environmental and genetic factors. While the causes of fibromyalgia have not yet been fully clarified, remarkable progress in the understanding of this disorder has been made. For example, with the identification of central sensitization and abnormal central nociceptive processing in affected patients, fibromyalgia pain can now be classified as a neurosensory disorder. Engel's biopsychosocial model of chronic illness provides a useful way to conceptualize fibromyalgia.The model is pictured in the image below. Biopsychosocial model of fibromyalgia. View Media Gallery Certain biologic variables contribute to the development and persistence of fibromyalgia, although none, as a single element, explains all facets of fibromyalgia. Certain variables have been widely incriminated by the public, particularly in medicolegal settings, but are actually of little significance in the etiology of fibromyalgia, as shown by prospe
92 2 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. The brains of people with fibromyalgia show functional and structural differences from those of people without fibromyalgia, but it is unclear whether the brain anomalies cause fibromyalgia symptoms, or are the product of an unknown underlying common cause. Some research suggests that these brain anomalies may be the result of childhood stress, or prolonged or severe stress. In 1975, researchers hypothesized that serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns, mood, concentration and pain, could be involved in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia-associated symptoms.
92 2 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. The brains of people with fibromyalgia show functional and structural differences from those of people without fibromyalgia, but it is unclear whether the brain anomalies cause fibromyalgia symptoms, or are the product of an unknown underlying common cause. Some research suggests that these brain anomalies may be the result of childhood stress, or prolonged or severe stress. In 1975, researchers hypothesized that serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns, mood, concentration and pain, could be involved in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia-associated symptoms.
92 2 Chicken dinners? Dinner Swollen ankles and swollen feet are common and usually not cause for concern, particularly if you have been standing or walking a lot. But feet and ankles that stay swollen or are accompanied by other symptoms could signal a serious health problem. WebMD looks at some possible causes of foot and ankle swelling and offers advice on when to call the doctor. Pregnancy complications. Some swelling of the ankles and feet is normal during pregnancy. Sudden or excessive swelling, however, may be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition in which high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop after the 20th week of pregnancy. If you experience severe swelling or swelling accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, headaches, infrequent urination, nausea and vomiting, or vision changes, call your doctor immediately. Foot or ankle injury. An injury to the foot or ankle can lead to swelling. The most common is a sprained ankle, which occurs when an injur
92 2 Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterised by chronic widespread pain and a heightened pain response to pressure. The brains of people with fibromyalgia show functional and structural differences from those of people without fibromyalgia, but it is unclear whether the brain anomalies cause fibromyalgia symptoms, or are the product of an unknown underlying common cause. Some research suggests that these brain anomalies may be the result of childhood stress, or prolonged or severe stress. In 1975, researchers hypothesized that serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates sleep patterns, mood, concentration and pain, could be involved in the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia-associated symptoms.
92 1 Why are your legs and ankles swelled? This is vital, as this is a sign of heart trouble, and will dramatically change the approach that is taken by alternative medicine practitioners. For now, inflammation can be treated with ginger, turmeric, bromelain (found in pineapple), blueberries and cranberries.
93 1 Heavy use of alcohol may increase your risk of colon cancer. Radiation therapy for cancer. Radiation therapy directed at the abdomen to treat previous cancers may increase the risk of colon cancer. People who are obese have an increased risk of colon cancer and an increased risk of dying of colon cancer when compared with people considered normal weight. -Smoking. People who smoke cigarettes may have an increased risk of colon cancer.
93 4 No cancer is not contagious Its is not a infection that can be spread to others
93 1 Despite the increasing popularity of insulin pump therapy, there is no official guideline for the initiation of insulin pump use. The American Diabetes Association published a position statement in 2004,and the American Association of Diabetes Educators published its Guideline for Successful Outcomes in 2009.The American Academy of Pediatrics published its position statement in 2006.In 2010, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists released a statement regarding CSII. There is a consensus that appropriate patient selection is critical and is a key to realizing the potential advantages of CSII, since insulin pump therapy requires more training than other forms of insulin delivery. Patients must be motivated and willing to work with providers to succeed in using this complex therapy. The AADE recommends considering an insulin pump in the following patients: Patients whose hemoglobin A1c level is greater than 7%, accompanied by frequent severe hypoglycemia Patients who
93 1 Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Carriers of these mutations may then undergo enhanced surveillance, chemoprevention, or preventative surgery to reduce their subsequent risk. Screens for gastric cancer using photofluorography due to the high incidence there. Many treatment options for cancer exist. The primary ones include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and palliative care. Which treatments are used depends on the type, location and grade of the cancer as well as the patients health and preferences. The treatment intent may or may not be curative.
93 4 No cancer is not contagious Its is not a infection that can be spread to others
93 1 Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Carriers of these mutations may then undergo enhanced surveillance, chemoprevention, or preventative surgery to reduce their subsequent risk. Screens for gastric cancer using photofluorography due to the high incidence there. Many treatment options for cancer exist. The primary ones include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy and palliative care. Which treatments are used depends on the type, location and grade of the cancer as well as the patients health and preferences. The treatment intent may or may not be curative.
93 4 No cancer is not contagious Its is not a infection that can be spread to others If a person with a cold touches his runny nose or watery eyes, then shakes hands with another person some of the virus is transferred to the uninfected person. If that person then touches his mouth, nose, or eyes, the virus is transferred
94 3 A careful history and a thorough physical examination are valuable in identifying the etiology of heel pain. Taking a comprehensive medical and general history is important for distinguishing between various causes. Seek the history on all the characteristics of the pain, such as onset, location, radiation, modifying factors, relation to time of the day, and relation to activities. The most common cause of plantar heel pain in both athletic and nonathletic populations is proximal plantar fasciitis.Patients usually have occupations that involve spending most of their time on their feet. The pain is often unilateral, but it can manifest bilaterally, with one side being more painful than the other. ; The discomfort commonly manifests spontaneously and insidiously without an antecedent trauma or fever. Occasionally, some patients state they might have stepped on a small object such as a pebble or they may have recently started an exercise regimen involving walking or running. Some patien
94 1 You've gotta get them frozen off..? Gross You have my sympathy. I thought I had it....I had to change shoes for a week and it got better...so I didn't actually have it....but my Mom did once. She had to wear one of those little donut things inside her shoe. I think I have it. I just bought the correct shoes and I was good to go. Type of shoes? Curious. I can't remember the name of the ones I have, but I know they're asics and they have lots of choices. i had it - rest rest rest your foot- couldnt run for over a month
94 2 Plantar Fasciitis Treatment rehabilitation Sportsinjuryclinic.netYou are Plantar FasciitisPlantar Fasciitis What is plantar fasciitis? Probably the most common cause of heel pain. Symptoms come on gradually and are often worse first thing in the morning.
94 2 There are many things you can do to treat your plantar fasciitis. I had plantar fasciitis for about a year and I discovered that treatment is individual. Things that work for one will not necessarily work for the other.
94 3 The vast majority of people with plantar fasciitis - 90 percent - respond to conservative measures such as proper arch support. Rest, ice packs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and stretching exercises can help, too. Follow Following Unfollow Pending Disabled A Dr. Christopher W. Hodgkins, MD , Orthopedic Surgery, answered on behalf of Baptist Health South Florida To treat plantar fasciitis, the doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory medicine, heel and foot and Achilles stretching exercises, and night splints to wear while sleeping to stretch the foot. In some cases, the doctor may suggest a boot, custom-made shoe inserts, steroid shots or injections into the heel. Minimally invasive surgery using an endoscopic partial release technique is another potential solution for people with significant pain following more than six months of conservative treatment. Surgery is used as a last resort and when the diagnosis is confirmed. Follow Following Unfollow Pending Disabled ...
94 3 And you can take steps to prevent plantar fasciitis from recurring. Most commonly, heel pain is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia — the tissue along the bottom of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes. Are plantar warts contagious? You can catch plantar warts virus if you are not careful. In general conditions, you cannot avoid having family members who have plantar warts.
95 1 Call Gastroenterology Consultants at (281) 481-9400 or fill out our online Request an Appointment form to schedule your consultation with us.
95 2 2221 Randomized phase III trial of gastrectomy with or without neoadjuvant S-1 plus cisplatin for type 4 or large type 3 gastric short-term safety and surgical Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study European Journal of Cancer, S406.Tramacere, I., Negri, E., Pelucchi, C., Bagnardi, V...Boffetta, P. A meta-analysis on alcohol drinking and gastric cancer risk. Annals of Oncology, 28-36.KeywordsClick on any of these terms for more related articlesBlogsby Rodney Warner, JDJuly 18, 2016by OncoLink TeamMarch 10, 2016Frequently Asked QuestionsFrom the National Cancer InstituteXSubscribe to Oncolink eNewsSubscribe to our mailing indicates requiredEmail Address eNewsletters OncoLink eNewsOncoLink O-Pro Oncology Your Cancer Drug - AClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - BClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - CClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - DClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - EClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - FClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - GClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - HClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - IClose×Find Your
95 2 2221 Randomized phase III trial of gastrectomy with or without neoadjuvant S-1 plus cisplatin for type 4 or large type 3 gastric short-term safety and surgical Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study European Journal of Cancer, S406.Tramacere, I., Negri, E., Pelucchi, C., Bagnardi, V...Boffetta, P. A meta-analysis on alcohol drinking and gastric cancer risk. Annals of Oncology, 28-36.KeywordsClick on any of these terms for more related articlesBlogsby Rodney Warner, JDJuly 18, 2016by OncoLink TeamMarch 10, 2016Frequently Asked QuestionsFrom the National Cancer InstituteXSubscribe to Oncolink eNewsSubscribe to our mailing indicates requiredEmail Address eNewsletters OncoLink eNewsOncoLink O-Pro Oncology Your Cancer Drug - AClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - BClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - CClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - DClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - EClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - FClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - GClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - HClose×Find Your Cancer Drug - IClose×Find Your
95 2 Medical management before transplantation is aimed at preventing and treating the complications associated with ESLD. Thus, many patients take various medications to control the consequences of liver failure and portal hypertension. These complications include ascites, SBP, HRS, encephalopathy, esophageal varices, and intense pruritus. Ascites presents a difficult treatment problem. As a first step, paracentesis should be performed to confirm portal hypertension as the etiology. Initially, salt restriction may be tried, although this is effective in less than 20% of patients. Fluid restriction should be avoided unless patients have gross anasarca, a serum sodium level less than 120 m Eq/L, or both. Diuretics remain the mainstay of medical management. The most commonly used are spironolactone, furosemide, and hydrochlorothiazide. Diuretic therapy should be adjusted or discontinued if serum sodium levels fall below 120 m Eq/L or if the creatinine level rises to more than 2 mg/d L. Oth
95 1 hello to you all, my name is Wendy Brimm , i am from Vegas here in united state, i wish to tell you all, how i find a doctor that cure me from SKIN CANCER, which i had for three years with his natural herbal medicine i bought from him, it all went this way, i was online one very day when i saw a comment of a woman called MARIA KATRINA from united kingdom sharing her testimony about how this very doctor cured her of HIV, and he also cured AIDS too, but i never really believed but i just decided to give it a try and i contacted DOCTOR HAKIM, so he told me anything i needed to know and what to do to get cured and free from my cancer issue, so i went straight and make provisions for the herbs which he used to prepare medicine for me,i applied the medicine and just to see that the exact day which doctor harkim said i we be cured i was felling good and healthy at once, my strength was regained i went for check up in the hospital and my family doctor told me i am free from cancer, this was th
95 1 Which lymph nodes are swollen can help identify the problem. The lymph nodes in the groin (femoral or inguinal lymph nodes) may swell from an injury or infection in the foot, leg, groin, or genitals. Some 600 lymph nodes are situated throughout your body, with the majority in your head and neck. The lymph nodes that most frequently swell are in your neck, under your chin, in your armpits and in your groin.
95 1 One might consider pharmaceutical inositol (aka myoinositol) powder supplementation, which promotes liver function and cellular detoxification. Otherwise, have a diet of the p urist water you can find and organic plant-based protein, vegetables and fruits, soy or rice milk, green tea, and whole grains. Such things may help, but there is no guaranteed prevention method for any type of cancer since the cause of cancer is unknown.
96 1 An abscess that is small should just be allowed to surface and drain with heat application. if it is lanced, it should always be done at the base of the abscess. A periapical abscess starts in the dental pulp. A periodontal abscess begins in the supporting bone and tissue structures of the teeth.
96 1 There are no home remedies that will cure your abcessed tooth. An abscess is an infection and if left untreated could have serious consequences. You need to get to your dentist immediately and get on antibiotics and review treatment options. In the meantime ibuprofen will help. I found this on a website and thought you might want to read this... Left alone, abscesses can become quite serious. In the days before antibiotics and modern surgery, dental abscess was a common cause of death. Upon occasion, especially in the case of an untreated abscess of an upper front tooth, the patient can get a brain abscess which can kill him. This brain infection is called cavernous sinus thrombosis. I hope this helps and good luck!
96 1 An abscess is a collection of pus that has built up within the tissue of the body. Risk factors for abscess formation include intravenous drug use. Another possible risk factor is a prior history of disc herniation or other spinal abnormality, though this has not been proven. Abscesses are caused by bacterial infection, parasites, or foreign substances. Bacterial infection is the most common cause. Often many different types of bacteria are involved in a single infection. In the United States and many other areas of the world the most common bacteria present is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
96 1 An abscess is a collection of pus that has built up within the tissue of the body. Risk factors for abscess formation include intravenous drug use. Another possible risk factor is a prior history of disc herniation or other spinal abnormality, though this has not been proven. Abscesses are caused by bacterial infection, parasites, or foreign substances. Bacterial infection is the most common cause. Often many different types of bacteria are involved in a single infection. In the United States and many other areas of the world the most common bacteria present is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
96 1 An abscess is the body trying to get rid of a tooth, The body realizes there is an infection but cant fight it so it decides to let the tooth fall out rather than risk letting the infection spread. This is a simplified explanation. But the tooth does not fall out very eaily, bc its a very slow process but the abscess is a fast process. So te infection will probably spread before the tooth ever fall out which in some cases can take years. The infection if it hits an anatomical space will then spread to the rest of the body. You mention a lumped and it no longer hurts which tells me the tooth has drained, and the pressure has dropped. But the ttooth will not heal and eventually the pus will build up again. You need to have a root canal or you need to have the tooth pulled. antibiotics may buy you a month or two, but it will not cure it. definative treatment will, so pull it or get the root canal. If your having financial issues and can proive it, call you local dental associtation to fin
96 1 The TIA workup should focus on emergency/urgent risk stratification and management. Numerous potential underlying causes can be readily identified, including the following: Atherosclerosisof extracranial carotid and vertebral or intracranial arteries Embolic sources - Valvular disease, ventricular thrombus, or thrombus formation from atrial fibrillation, aortic arch disease, paradoxical embolism via a patent foramen ovale or atrial-septal defect Arterial dissection Arteritis - Inflammation of the arteries occurring primarily in elderly persons, especially women; noninfectious necrotizing vasculitis ; drugs; irradiation; local trauma; connective tissue diseases Sympathomimetic drugs Mass lesions – These less frequently cause transient symptoms and more often result in progressive persistent symptoms Hypercoagulable states Atherosclerosisof extracranial carotid and vertebral or intracranial arteries Atherosclerosis Embolic sources - Valvular disease, ventricular thrombus, or thrombu
97 3 After the diagnosis of ischemic stroke has been confirmed, the next step is to establish the most likely etiology of the stroke with implications for optimal secondary prevention regimen. One classification scheme divides ischemic stroke into five categories: 1. Cardioembolic 2. Large vessel atherosclerotic or thrombotic 3. Small vessel occlusion (lacunar infarct) 4. Other (hypercoagulable state, vasculitis, dissection, sickle cell, etc.) 5. Undetermined A. History Part I: Pattern Recognition: Weakness and/or sensory loss represent the most common presentation of ischemic stroke. Hemiparesis combined with sensory loss is characteristic of occlusion of the contralateral carotid or middle cerebral artery. Neglect can be seen in lesions on the non-dominant hemisphere (usually the right brain), and aphasia can be seen in dominant hemisphere lesions (usually the left brain) impacting Wernicke’s or Broca’s area. Posterior cerebral artery infarcts tend to give homonymous hemianops
97 2 Stroke, also known as cerebrovascular accident, cerebrovascular insult (CVI), or brain attack, is when poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. There are two main types of stroke: ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. They result in part of the brain not functioning properly. After four and a half hours thrombolysis worsens outcomes. These benefits or lack of benefits occurred regardless of the age of the person treated. There is no reliable way to determine who will have an intracranial hemorrhage post treatment versus who will not. Its use is endorsed by the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Neurology as the recommended treatment for acute stroke within three hours of onset of symptoms as long as there are not other contraindications (such as abnormal lab values, high blood pressure, or recent surgery). This position for tPA is based upon the findings of two studies by one group of investigators which show
97 1 Ischemic colitis can affect any part of your colon, but most affected people develop pain on the left side of the abdomen. Urgent bowel movements and bloody diarrhea also are common to ischemic colitis. This can lead to areas of colon inflammation and, in some cases, permanent colon damage. Ischemic colitis can affect any part of your colon, but most affected people develop pain on the left side of the abdomen.
97 1 About 35% of people who have TIAs will have a stroke within five years. The risk of stroke goes up with age and is greatest in people whose blood pressure is higher than norma l.
97 1 Prehospital management of syncope may require the following: Intravenous access Oxygen administration Advanced airway techniques Glucose administration Pharmacologic circulatory support Pharmacologic or mechanical restraints Defibrillation or temporary pacing Intravenous access Oxygen administration Advanced airway techniques Glucose administration Pharmacologic circulatory support Pharmacologic or mechanical restraints Defibrillation or temporary pacing Advanced triage decisions, such as direct transport to multispecialty tertiary care centers, may be required in select cases. In patients brought to the emergency department with a presumptive diagnosis of syncope, appropriate initial interventions may include the following: IV access, oxygen administration, and cardiac monitoring ECG and rapid blood glucose evaluation IV access, oxygen administration, and cardiac monitoring ECG and rapid blood glucose evaluation The treatment choice for syncope depends on the cause or precipitant of
97 1 You should go see somebody... Because the problem might be your blood pressure (or something else) and not the environment. Once I blacked out after a shower - it was due to a combo of blood loss (period), the heat, and position (head down, shaving legs). If you actually experience syncope it could cause some physical damage. Thanks!
97 2 Stroke, also known as cerebrovascular accident, cerebrovascular insult (CVI), or brain attack, is when poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. There are two main types of stroke: ischemic, due to lack of blood flow, and hemorrhagic, due to bleeding. They result in part of the brain not functioning properly. After four and a half hours thrombolysis worsens outcomes. These benefits or lack of benefits occurred regardless of the age of the person treated. There is no reliable way to determine who will have an intracranial hemorrhage post treatment versus who will not. Its use is endorsed by the American Heart Association and the American Academy of Neurology as the recommended treatment for acute stroke within three hours of onset of symptoms as long as there are not other contraindications (such as abnormal lab values, high blood pressure, or recent surgery). This position for tPA is based upon the findings of two studies by one group of investigators which show
98 1 Specify the component from Content Center that is used for pipe when this style is active. The icons next to each component type indicate the status of the component within this new style definition. Indicates that the component is required for the style and must be selected from a Content Center library to define the style successfully. Indicates that the component can be selected from a Content Center library but is optional. Indicates that the component selection is satisfied. Indicates that the component is required for the style but is not available in your Content Center libraries. Right-click the Pipe row, and then select Browse to display the Library Browser dialog box. In the Filters area of the dialog box, check the Standard box, and then select ASTM B 88 from the drop-down list. to apply the filter to the browser. Select ASTM B 88 Tube from the browser. Click OK. When this operation is finished, notice that the icon appears next to the Pipe component, indicating...
98 1 So I would specify that I could not do the job in the morning, due to the fact I need to take my kids to school! I would also say I may not be able to due Mondays, because that is when I have ______________. :) Specified time period—a final characteristic of good objectives is the specification of the time period during which the objective is to be accomplished.
98 1 Time complexity is specified by "Big Oh" notation. The format is "O(n)", in which "n" is the number of input items and O(n) is the number of operations which will be performed to process "n" number of items. It shows the rate at which the number of operations increases when the size of the input increases. For "O(n)", if n = 3 then the program will perform 3 operations to process 3 input items. If n = 100 the program will need to perform 100 operations to process 100 input items. This is an example of linear complexity. The graph of n vs O(n) would be a straight line in this case. If the time complexity was O(n2) then for n=3 the number of operations would be O(32), which is 9 . n= 100 would result in O(1002) , or 100,000 operations! You can see that if a program has a time complexity of O(n2) it will quickly become impractical to process large amounts of input. Some other common time complexities are O(log n), O(n log n), and O(2n). If n = 100, the number of operations for each of th
98 1 As with any patient with a febrile illness, the physician should maintain a sufficient level of suspicion about any patient with fever to exclude other potentially life-threatening diseases, which, in the case of tick-borne disease, involves presumptive antibiotic therapy. Although specific antimicrobial therapy is indicated, most patients improve spontaneously. However, when Q fever is diagnosed, the administration of antibiotics is appropriate to prevent progression to chronic disease, which is far more resistant to treatment. In addition, supportive care with fluids, antitussives, and antipyretics may improve patient comfort. Patients should avoid ingestion of unpasteurized dairy products as well. ; Surgical intervention may be necessary in some cases; for example, surgical treatment can affect survival in endovascular complications such as mycotic aneurysm or vascular graft infections.Valvular replacement is indicated for intractable heart failure.C burnetiican persist on endocar
98 1 An acid is a proton donor- it dissociates in water to produce H+ ions and negatively charged ions. An acid is a proton donor- it dissociates in water to produce H+ ions and negatively charged ions.
98 1 See for more information.You can stil use the component registry on to search for components.All the are not affected, because most of them also provide a package.json file.The component.json files in these components are still kept to provide backwards compatibility for component and .What now?Consider to use another tool, which rely on the and the npm and github is a vertically integrated frontend solution, handling everything from package management to the build process, handling everything including HTML, JS, CSS, images, and fonts. Think of it as an opinionated npm browserify rework-npm all wrapped into component build.Want to know more about Component? Visit the or view the .If confused about component, components, componentjs, please read Component Severalmajor new features have been added, some have been removed, and the project has been greatly reorganized. You may need to upgrade yourversion of node npm to avoid breakage. Please see the detailed .
98 1 See for more information.You can stil use the component registry on to search for components.All the are not affected, because most of them also provide a package.json file.The component.json files in these components are still kept to provide backwards compatibility for component and .What now?Consider to use another tool, which rely on the and the npm and github is a vertically integrated frontend solution, handling everything from package management to the build process, handling everything including HTML, JS, CSS, images, and fonts. Think of it as an opinionated npm browserify rework-npm all wrapped into component build.Want to know more about Component? Visit the or view the .If confused about component, components, componentjs, please read Component Severalmajor new features have been added, some have been removed, and the project has been greatly reorganized. You may need to upgrade yourversion of node npm to avoid breakage. Please see the detailed .
99 1 For more than 3 decades, corticosteroids, either alone or in combination with azathioprine, have been the mainstays of drug therapy for patients with autoimmune hepatitis.Treatment must be individualized for patients with autoimmune hepatitis,as considerable variation in practice style exists when answering the following common clinical questions: How high a dose of prednisone should be used when initiating therapy?When should azathioprine be added to the patient's treatment regimen?When should a reduction in steroid dosing be considered?How long should treatment continue beyond biochemical remission?Should liver biopsy be performed in order to document histologic remission, prior to attempting withdrawal of immunosuppression?Should patients receive life-long low-dose maintenance therapy with azathioprine? How high a dose of prednisone should be used when initiating therapy? When should azathioprine be added to the patient's treatment regimen? When should a reduction in steroid dosin
99 1 Autoimmunity is the system of immune responses of an organism against its own healthy cells and tissues. The most notable and consistent is the association between HLA B27 and spondyloarthropathies like ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis. Correlations may exist between polymorphisms within class II MHC promoters and autoimmune disease. The contributions of genes outside the MHC complex remain the subject of research, in animal models of disease (Linda Wickers extensive genetic studies of diabetes in the NOD mouse), and in patients (Brian Kotzins linkage analysis of susceptibility to SLE). Recently, PTPN22 has been associated with multiple autoimmune diseases including Type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimotos thyroiditis, Graves disease, Addisons disease, Myasthenia Gravis, vitiligo, systemic sclerosis juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. While a high level of autoimmunity is unhealthy, a low level of autoimmunity may
99 1 Paleo for Autoimmune Illness Written by: Ann Wendel I have always been interested in holistic medicine. Even as a teenager, I read and studied many different healing modalities. Given my love of medicine and my participation in competitive sports, it was no surprise to anyone that I became a Certified Athletic Trainer and physical therapist. Over the past 20 years in my healthcare career, I have worked in many different settings. The constants in my career have been interacting with people in pain and using all of my knowledge/skills to assist them in restoring maximum function. I have a special interest in working with people who experience chronic pain. As happens with many people, it took my own experience to propel me to study and learn more about how to best help this patient population. In 2007, I became very ill with what was later diagnosed as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. This is an autoimmune illness (AI) caused by the body mounting an attack on the thyroid gland in an attem.
99 1 An illness/disease/disorder that can't go away on its own is chronic. Examples: epilepsy, diabetes, autism (some kinds), alopecia, ect. But to answer your question, yes most autoimmune diseases are chronic illnesses
99 1 An Autoimmune Disease can strike at any age, not just in childhood. Our son got I.T.P. at 22 years old. There are many autoimmune diseases. Some aren't discovered until you become seriously ill. Blood tests, bone marrow biopsy and a variety of evaluations are done to determine if the symptoms you are having are autoimmune related. Some autoimmune illness can be triggered by an allergic reaction to antibiotics. Others from viruses, including epstein barr. For some there is no known cause, such as the case with I.T.P. Idiopathic (meaning unknown cause) Thrombocytopenic Pupura. In many cases a person with one autoimmune illness can end up with another. Essentially an autoimmune disease is from your body attacking itself. Treatment is usually steroids like prednisone (not the kind that build muscle either) and intervenous immunoglobulin. (IVIG)
99 1 Most people with autoimmune disease only have one autoimmune disease, but it is not rare for a person to have more than one autoimmune disease (and certain ones often go together). Not everyone with an autoimmune disease has a severe disease. Some people have a very mild condition, others are a lot worse. ......
99 1 Autoimmunity is the system of immune responses of an organism against its own healthy cells and tissues. The most notable and consistent is the association between HLA B27 and spondyloarthropathies like ankylosing spondylitis and reactive arthritis. Correlations may exist between polymorphisms within class II MHC promoters and autoimmune disease. The contributions of genes outside the MHC complex remain the subject of research, in animal models of disease (Linda Wickers extensive genetic studies of diabetes in the NOD mouse), and in patients (Brian Kotzins linkage analysis of susceptibility to SLE). Recently, PTPN22 has been associated with multiple autoimmune diseases including Type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimotos thyroiditis, Graves disease, Addisons disease, Myasthenia Gravis, vitiligo, systemic sclerosis juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. While a high level of autoimmunity is unhealthy, a low level of autoimmunity may
100 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
100 1 From Molecule to Chairside Table of contents (13 chapters) Front Matter Oral Infections and General Health Front Matter Future Diagnostic Methods and Techniques Front Matter Future Perspectives in Management of Oral Infections Front Matter Oral Infections and General Health Book Subtitle 1. Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above. We use cookies to improve your experience with our site. More information Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips Browse by Discipline
100 1 The general wellbeing of body and mind. Antioxidant Health �Power Pill� Exceeds Standards By 740%. by Dr. Todd Antioxidant Health Power: Do you have any idea what it actually is? To understand the importance of antioxidants and learn more about how a specific supplement meets your needs, read this article. Watch this short video to learn more… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dih9n9uObro&feature=player_embedded First, An Understanding of ORACs. Antioxidant supplements are growing more common these days, but in order to evaluate them, you need to understand the ORAC value, an acronym for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. An ORAC value is the antioxidant rating per supplement. For comparison sake, understand that,- the average serving of fruits or vegetables is 350 to 500 ORACs. Gematria Products Inc., the world’s leading supplier of laser enhanced nutritional supplements, set out to create an antioxidant supplement that would provide massive anti-aging and restorative properties
100 1 It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Med Help International, Inc. is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor patient relationship.
100 1 Anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, are the most common mental health problems in the United States., As with other anxiety disorders, GAD is associated with impairments in mental health, functioning, general health, bodily pain, physical functioning, and daily activities. It is also associated with an increase in physician visits. One third of patients with GAD have one or more additional anxiety disorders, often accompanied by a decline in functional status and an increased risk of other psychiatric problems or substance abuse., GAD is linked to self-medication with alcohol or other drugs and to suicidal ideation.
100 1 Most patients present shortly after a minor head injury . Often, patients return after a previous evaluation in the emergency department because of persistent postconcussive symptoms.Findings may include the following: Headache - This is the most common symptom of postconcussive syndrome. The specific type is variable. One study found a prevalence of persistent posttraumatic headache in 15.3% of patients with minor head injury compared to 2.2% of matched minor injury ED controls.Cranial nerve symptoms and signs - Dizziness , vertigo, nausea, tinnitus, blurry vision, hearing loss, diplopia, diminished sense of taste and smell, light and noise sensitivity Psychological and neurovegetative problems - Anxiety, irritability, depression, sleep disturbance, change in appetite, decreased libido, fatigue, personality change Cognitive impairment - Memory impairment, diminished concentration and attention, delayed information processing and reaction time Headache - This is the most common symp
101 3 Erectile dysfunction or impotence is sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity in humans. Phosphodiesterases exist in different molecular forms and are unevenly distributed throughout the body. One of the forms of phosphodiesterase is termed PDE5, and inhibiting PDE5 increases the amount of cGMP available in the blood supply to the penis, thus increasing blood flow. The PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are prescription drugs which are taken orally. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is a relatively new treatment for erectile dysfunction that is non-drug, non-surgical and without adverse side effects. It is the same therapy as used in orthopedics, urology and cardiology and which at higher energies is used to break up kidney stones, known as lithotripsy. The indication for erectile dysfunction has been approved for use in Europe, most countries in the Middle East
101 2 They reduce fever, pain and inflammation. Aspirin and Ibuprofen are the most well-known NSAIDs. Triaminic cough medicin is not strictly an NSAID. NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They reduce fever, pain and inflammation. Aspirin and Ibuprofen are the most well-known NSAIDs.
101 2 After all the information regarding the patient’s status has been gathered, the various options for management of erectile dysfunction can be discussed. It is best to include the patient’s partner in this discussion.The task of the physician is to identify which treatment would be most appropriate and most likely to have long-term success. To do that, the physician must take the time to understand the patient’s problem and be knowledgeable about the available options. Enough options are available that every man who wants to be sexually active can be, regardless of the etiology of the problem. These include sexual counseling if no organic causes can be found for the dysfunction, oral medications, external vacuum devices, or some type of invasive therapy. One of the most difficult aspects of treatment is teaching men that sex entails more than simply achieving an erection. ; Where possible, drugs that may be contributing to ED should be discontinued. However, ED as a manifestation
101 3 Naproxen is the same thing is Aleve. The reason your son got a prescription for it is because he got prescription strength pills which are stronger than the ones you buy over the counter. As far as addiction risks you have nothing to worry about because Perocet and Vicodin are narcotic pain medications in the Opioid class which are highly addictive. Naproxen is an NSAID which means Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory. It has no opioid properties in it therefore no risk for abuse. In short there is also nothing in it that can get him high. If he were to take too many he would get an extremely upset stomach and probably throw up. As with any NSAID taking too much of this drug or taking it over a long period of time can cause heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, and stomach bleeding so I recommend taking it as prescribed until whatever condition he has gets better and then no longer taking to avoid GI complications. Good luck.
101 3 Erectile dysfunction or impotence is sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual activity in humans. Phosphodiesterases exist in different molecular forms and are unevenly distributed throughout the body. One of the forms of phosphodiesterase is termed PDE5, and inhibiting PDE5 increases the amount of cGMP available in the blood supply to the penis, thus increasing blood flow. The PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are prescription drugs which are taken orally. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy is a relatively new treatment for erectile dysfunction that is non-drug, non-surgical and without adverse side effects. It is the same therapy as used in orthopedics, urology and cardiology and which at higher energies is used to break up kidney stones, known as lithotripsy. The indication for erectile dysfunction has been approved for use in Europe, most countries in the Middle East
101 4 NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause erectile dysfunction (ED). NSAIDs like aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin) and naproxen (Aflaxen, Aleve and Anaprox) are taken to relieve headache, sore muscles, fever and inflammation. If you think ibuprofen or another NSAID is causing ED, your doctor or pharmacist can recommend a different medication. A Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD , Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease), answered Men who use NSAIDs, which includes the common over-the-counter painkiller ibuprofen, on a regular basis and over a long period of time, may be more likely to experience erectile dysfunction (ED). NSAIDs stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and they are available both over-the-counter and by prescription. In one study of more than 80,000 men, those who regularly took NSAIDs were more than twice as likely to have ED compared to men who didn't take these medications on a regular basis. If you are taking NSAIDs for arthritis or a chronic pa...
101 3 "NSAID" stands for "Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug". These are drugs such as ibuprofen (Motrin), aspirin, and Mobic, and Celebrex. I think you will be lucky to get a good answer, you really need to talk to your doctors. I can understand your fears about Tramadol and you do need relief for the pain and swelling Taking medications such as acetaminophen or other pain medications might be more appropriate for you. Re NSAIDS... The American Heart Association recommends a "stepped care" approach to medication therapy for people with CVD who have musculoskeletal aches and pains. A person would be started on medications that have the lowest reported risk for cardiovascular events, and then, if needed, move step by step to other medications, with consideration of the risks versus the benefits at each step. For example... Start with OTC medications acetaminophen or aspirin, the prescription medication tramadol, or short-term painkillers containing a narcotic. If necessary, go to Aspirin-li
102 2 A stenosis (; plural: stenoses, {{IPAc-en) (from Ancient Greek stenosis, "narrowing") is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure. The resulting syndrome depends on the structure affected. Examples of vascular stenotic lesions include: The types of stenoses in heart valves are: of other bodily include: Stenoses of the vascular type are often associated with unusual blood sounds resulting from turbulent flow over the narrowed blood vessel. This sound can be made audible by a stethoscope, but diagnosis is generally made or confirmed with some form of medical imaging.
102 1 The general wellbeing of body and mind. The general wellbeing of body and mind.
102 1 Young Men's Health Parents’ Guides Health Guides Ask Us! Do you have a health question that you’re embarrassed to ask? Don’t worry! We don’t ask for your name or email. Submit your question . We’ll pick a new one each week! And you can always look through our many past questions and answers . Tweets by @YoungMensHealth Young Men’s Health (YMH) is produced by the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital. The purpose of the website is to provide carefully researched health information to teenage boys and young men. All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your health care provider.
102 1 Serial dilatation results in small tears of the meatus, which are followed by secondary healing. In the long term, this creates a tighter stricture at the tip of the penis; therefore, this procedure is discouraged. Meatotomy or meatoplasty is the definitive treatment for meatal stenosis. Meatotomy is a simple procedure in which the ventrum of the meatus is crushed for 60 seconds with a straight clamp and then divided with fine-tipped scissors. ; Brown et al reported excellent results following 130 office meatotomies, with only two recurrences of meatal stenosis and one patient with bleeding requiring stitches.They also cited the cost-effectiveness of this treatment and noted good patient tolerance when a caring approach is used to reassure the child before and during the procedure. In this series, parents were encouraged to remain with the children during the operation; their presence seemed to have a calming effect. If the caregivers and the patient are cooperative, meatotomy can
102 1 Brigadier General John Gibbon 11. Brigadier General Alexander Stewart Webb 12. Brigadier General Alexander Hays 13. Brigadier General James Samuel Wadsworth 4. Brigadier General Solomon Meredith 5. Major General Abner Doubleday 6.
102 2 A stenosis (; plural: stenoses, {{IPAc-en) (from Ancient Greek stenosis, "narrowing") is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure. The resulting syndrome depends on the structure affected. Examples of vascular stenotic lesions include: The types of stenoses in heart valves are: of other bodily include: Stenoses of the vascular type are often associated with unusual blood sounds resulting from turbulent flow over the narrowed blood vessel. This sound can be made audible by a stethoscope, but diagnosis is generally made or confirmed with some form of medical imaging.
104 -2 10 questions to ask a travel agent when booking a cruise 10/16/2013 by 12/16/2015 at 01:52:55 PM I am looking for RICS adrcecited conversion courses with the aim of becoming a surveyor. Looking online I have found a PG course at Salford and one at Northumbria. I want to study online and preferably a course with a January start date. Does anyone know of any others? And which (if any) are the best?Thanks so much your help will mean so much to me. 12/17/2015 at 08:05:17 PM They have just turned five years old and when we got them a puppy each for Christmas we named after their mlddie names so their was no arguing over names!Boys: Rustin Ricardo Bailey Braden Junior JerodGirls: Peyton Prema Viola VondraWhat would you have named them? Three boys and two girls!By the way I wouldn't make up my brothers and sisters because I believe that is just wrong and they mean the world to me but I don't know why they were never recorded. 12/18/2015 at 03:21:22 AM i want to change my litemid acc...
104 1 Drug therapy is not currently a component of the standard of care for this disease. Do not restrict the patient's activity unless significant hepatomegaly is present; recommend that patients with significant hepatomegaly avoid contact sports and activities. Dietary management is the only form of treatment necessary for this rather mild form of glycogen-storage disease. A high carbohydrate diet and frequent feedings are recommended only for those patients who exhibit fasting hypoglycemia. Although some patients have been given a high-protein diet or supplementation of unsaturated fats, most patients require no dietary intervention. Refer the patient to a dietitian experienced with glycogen-storage diseases and the management of disorders associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemic episodes. Refer families to a medical geneticist or genetic counselor to review the specific inheritance of glycogen-storage disease type VI present in the affected child. Inheritance may be au
104 1 Data storage is the term for saving data by a computer or device. Different types of data storage work differently in a computing environment. Data storage is used to store data such as documented files, databases and for personal uses such as music and photos. Different types of data are stored in different places, depending on the type of data it is.
104 1 Through diet and exercise, I've reduced my need for medication to the point where, on many days, I don't take any at all. My blood glucose rarely goes over 120. My HbA1C is under 5.8. I can't count carbs so I use Mendosa's Glycemic Index Diet. Great for the whole family. http://www.mendosa.com/gilists.htm I was on the same drugs as you .Except the Pioglutaz.
104 -2 Solution strategy against excursionsIn view of significant impact on product quality due to environmental excursions, the pharmaceutical industry should establish a documented programme for ‘Temperature Excursion Management’. As a part of this programme, the storage condition database and standard operating procedure are required. The details of strategy are as under.3.1.1.