For non-medical questions: Multiple NIST assessors independently created question interpretations and judged responses for the set of non-medical questions. (We asked assessors to provide their own paraphrase of the question both to see how the assessor was interpreting the question and to provide future training data for systems.) The number of assessors per question varies, depending on how many questions an assessor could get to in the allotted assessing time. Each question (except questions 7760 and 7917 that are not in English and were therefore dropped), had a primary assessor who was assigned the question first. Only the primary assessor's judgment is available on the web site, and only the judgment was used in scoring. The file qids.txt gives the mapping between external (Yahoo) question ID and the NIST-assigned id. It is of the form NIST-id Yahoo-id The file 'anon-qrels.txt' contains the assessments from the primary assessor. The file is in the form qid judgment response where qid is the NIST-assigned id for the question. The scale for judgments is 1: Bad 2: Okay 3: Good 4: Excellent -2: Unintelligible Responses are the strings as returned by the system with all new line characters translated into spaces. Note that there are duplicate response-strings in this file which happens when two different systems return identical strings. Since assessors also saw each instance of duplicate response-strings, it is possible for different instances of the same response-string to have different judgments (if the assessor were inconsistent). The file 'questionParaphrases.xml' contains the question interpretations from all assessors who provided interpretations for that question. This file contains the text of the original question, the interpretation from the primary assessor, and then the interpretations from all secondary assessors. Each interpretation is tagged with the assessor id of the assessor who created it. Through the assessor id, you can trace back the judgments to the specific question interpretation. For medical questions: NIST assessors are not medical experts. To judge the set of medical questions, a NIST assessor was given a set of reference answers from a physician and judged system responses based on the reference answers. Each medical question has only one assessor. The question interpretation for medical questions was highly influenced by the reference answers. Medical questions 10 and 103 did not make it into the question stream, so there are 102 medical questions judged. The file 'med-qs-and-reference-answers.xml' is the set of questions together with the corresponding reference answers for each question. The file 'med-interpretations.xml' is the question interpretations for the medical questions. The file 'med-anon-qrels.txt' is the judgment file for the medical questions.