1.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1 NYT19980623.0155 -1 1996 1.1 NYT20000201.0097 -1 Rodriguez 1.1 NYT19980619.0373 -1 1980s 1.1 NYT20000727.0012 -1 July 18 1.1 APW20000403.0095 -1 1998 1.1 NYT19990619.0129 -1 1997 1.1 APW20000915.0208 -1 1988 1.1 NYT20000727.0012 -1 1971 1.1 NYT19990527.0450 -1 January 1994 1.1 NYT19990619.0129 -1 1987 1.1 APW19990927.0229 -1 1988 1.1 APW20000608.0214 -1 Thursday 1.1 NYT20000318.0213 -1 1992 1.1 NYT19980623.0155 -1 1995 1.1 NYT19990317.0395 -1 1999 1.1 NYT19981005.0097 -1 the early 1990s 1.1 NYT19980619.0373 -1 1970s 1.1 NYT19981005.0493 -1 1992 1.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.2 NYT19981005.0493 -1 members 1.2 NYT19980623.0155 -1 Bloods 1.2 NYT19991008.0057 -1 the 14th century B.C 1.2 NYT20000224.0267 -1 Blood 1.2 NYT19990317.0395 -1 Blood 1.2 NYT20000128.0211 -1 Vision 1.2 NYT19980722.0426 -1 Bloods 1.2 NYT19981016.0345 -1 Albanians 1.2 NYT19980623.0171 -1 1990s 1.2 NYT20000630.0115 -1 Bloods 1.2 NYT19981005.0493 -1 Young Gangster 1.2 NYT19980807.0444 -1 Vice Lords 1.2 NYT19981021.0298 -1 a bright red Mickey Mouse sweatshirt 1.2 NYT19981209.0302 -1 many things 1.2 NYT19980701.0392 -1 a long time 1.2 NYT20000630.0115 -1 Nickelodeon 1.2 NYT20000210.0123 -1 Heard 1.2 NYT19990317.0395 -1 Crip 1.2 APW19990518.0215 -1 Crips 1.2 APW19990518.0215 -1 Bloods 1.2 NYT20000321.0295 -1 Bateau Ivre 1.2 NYT19990317.0395 -1 BLOODS 1.2 NYT20000210.0123 -1 named Crip 1.2 NYT19990317.0395 -1 Visitors to the FlyPlaya Web site will see the words ``C'z 1.2 NYT19980619.0373 -1 Bloods 1.2 APW19990518.0215 -1 gang 1.2 NYT19990803.0180 -1 Stanley `` Tookie '' Williams 1.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.4 NYT20000318.0213 -1 Jordan 1.4 NYT19990317.0395 -1 Crips 1.4 NYT20000612.0506 2 African-American 1.4 NYT20000611.0190 2 African - American 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 -1 their gang 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 -1 violence 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 -1 Bloods 1.4 NYT20000318.0213 -1 one of the largest Los Angeles 1.4 NYT19990619.0129 -1 Boys and the Venice Shoreline Crips 1.4 NYT19981005.0493 -1 Young Gangster 1.4 NYT19980807.0444 -1 Vice Lords 1.4 NYT19980623.0155 -1 Johnson 1.4 NYT20000727.0012 -1 condemned inmates 1.4 NYT19980822.0160 -1 camp Kempf 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 -1 Hispanic 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 1 black 1.4 NYT19990315.0292 -1 Crips and Bloods 1.4 NYT19980623.0155 -1 Gang 1.4 NYT19991216.0166 -1 t lack 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 -1 Aryan Brotherhood 1.4 NYT19980731.0039 -1 a handful of Irish expatriates 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 -1 Crips , with about 660 members. In all, Buentello estimates that 1.4 NYT19990317.0395 -1 Visitors to the FlyPlaya Web site will see the words ``C'z 1.4 NYT19980623.0155 -1 no gang 1.4 NYT19981005.0493 -1 gang 1.4 NYT19980619.0373 3 a 49-year-old black man 1.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.5 NYT19980623.0155 -1 Bloods 1.5 NYT19990619.0129 -1 11 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 red 1.5 NYT20000611.0190 -1 red 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 1 blue 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 the Bloods 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 Bloods 1.5 NYT19990803.0386 -1 black 1.5 NYT19980905.0155 -1 Boys 1.5 NYT20000611.0190 -1 Bloods and Crips and between Latino and African-American 1.5 APW20000403.0095 1 blue 1.5 NYT19990426.0178 -1 a Cambodian gang 1.5 NYT19990417.0007 -1 Bloods 1.5 NYT19990315.0292 -1 Bloods 1.5 NYT19980623.0155 -1 red 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 yellow 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 a bright red Mickey Mouse sweatshirt 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 Red 1.5 NYT19980722.0426 -1 gangs 1.5 NYT20000611.0190 -1 victims 1.5 NYT20000406.0136 -1 black 1.5 NYT19990317.0122 -1 Cumin seeds 1.5 NYT19981021.0298 -1 associated with gangs 1.5 NYT19980619.0373 -1 black 1.5 NYT19980807.0444 -1 Bloods 1.5 NYT19990515.0190 3 a blue cartoon figure 2.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1 NYT19990723.0258 -1 Aaron Lewis of Staind 2.1 NYT19990723.0258 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990207.0122 -1 4 2.1 NYT20000601.0181 -1 energy 2.1 NYT19990714.0283 -1 Brendan O'Brien 2.1 APW20000908.0051 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990729.0213 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19980707.0112 1 LIMP BIZKIT 2.1 NYT20000804.0140 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990714.0222 3 Bizkit 2.1 APW19990714.0107 -1 the lead singer of the rap-metal band 2.1 NYT19980707.0112 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 APW19990704.0024 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT20000705.0109 -1 Dysfunctional Family Picnic 2.1 NYT19980915.0357 -1 Davis 2.1 NYT20000316.0431 -1 the family name 2.1 NYT20000821.0343 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990723.0278 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT20000815.0115 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990910.0299 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT20000829.0232 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 APW19990714.0107 -1 possible misdemeanor charges 2.1 NYT19990714.0213 3 Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990714.0222 -1 John Otto 2.1 NYT19990723.0258 -1 Kid Rock 2.1 NYT19990726.0005 -1 singer 2.1 APW19990714.0107 -1 AP 2.1 NYT19990723.0278 -1 acknowledgment from him Thursday; Run DMC even took his place onstage briefly during the band's 2.1 NYT20000718.0114 3 Limp Bizkit frontman 2.1 NYT20000114.0067 3 Limp Bizkit singer Fred Durst 2.1 NYT19980707.0107 1 Limp Bizkit 2.1 NYT19990705.0170 1 Limp Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.2 NYT20000718.0114 -1 Neither 2.2 NYT20000816.0124 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000505.0118 1 Interscope Records 2.2 NYT19990729.0213 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000505.0118 -1 Universal Music 2.2 NYT20000519.0144 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000718.0114 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000718.0114 -1 Bizkit 2.2 NYT19990507.0096 -1 Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000913.0158 -1 Bizkit 2.2 NYT19990714.0213 -1 Borland 2.2 NYT20000804.0140 -1 29 2.2 NYT20000718.0114 -1 Limp Bizkit's brand 2.2 NYT19990714.0222 -1 Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000821.0343 -1 aD.J. 2.2 NYT19990727.0091 -1 Durst 2.2 NYT19990922.0118 -1 Bizkit 2.2 NYT20000718.0114 -1 essentially the same currency heavy-metal gods and rappers 2.2 APW19990704.0024 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.2 NYT19990726.0005 -1 singer 2.2 NYT20000913.0158 -1 recording of singer Fred Durst 2.2 APW19990714.0107 -1 Fred Durst, lead singer for the rap-metal band Limp Bizkit, was 2.2 NYT20000718.0114 -1 Limp Bizkit frontman 2.2 NYT20000804.0140 1 Interscope Records 2.2 NYT19980707.0107 -1 Limp 2.2 NYT20000124.0147 -1 Museum of Tolerance 2.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.4 APW19990704.0024 1 Jacksonville 2.4 NYT19990727.0091 -1 Bizkit 2.4 NYT20000802.0001 -1 Texas 2.4 NYT19980722.0511 -1 Mount Vernon 2.4 NYT20000804.0140 2 Jacksonville, Fla. 2.4 APW19990704.0024 -1 Gastonia 2.4 NYT19990705.0170 2 Jacksonville 2.4 APW19990704.0024 1 in Jacksonville 2.4 NYT20000705.0109 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.4 NYT19990910.0299 -1 Bizkit 2.4 NYT19991217.0172 -1 Bizkit 2.4 NYT20000114.0067 -1 Bizkit 2.4 NYT19990714.0213 -1 Bizkit 2.4 NYT20000705.0109 -1 New York 2.4 APW20000908.0051 -1 OK 2.4 NYT19990723.0258 -1 New York 2.4 NYT20000316.0431 -1 Pittsburgh 2.4 NYT20000824.0174 2 Jacksonville 2.4 APW19990704.0024 -1 NEW YORK 2.4 NYT19980707.0112 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.4 APW19990704.0024 1 Jacksonville, Fla. 2.4 APW19990912.0123 -1 thora birch weight gain fred durst gallery photos 2.4 APW19990704.0024 -1 NEW YORK AP 2.4 NYT20000821.0343 -1 Washington 2.4 APW19990714.0107 -1 Jordan 2.4 APW19990704.0024 -1 Gastonia, North Carolina 2.4 NYT19990719.0207 -1 Limp Bizkit 2.4 NYT20000528.0161 -1 Co , WV 2.4 NYT20000824.0174 -1 Gastonia 3.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.1 XIE19960105.0039 1 July 22 , 1995 3.1 XIE19960105.0039 -1 1986 3.1 NYT19991215.0002 -1 Kansas 3.1 APW19990317.0162 2 1995 3.1 XIE19960311.0115 1 1995 3.1 NYT19981207.0260 -1 December 3.1 XIE19960105.0039 1 July 22, 1995 3.1 XIE19960409.0120 -1 February 3.1 NYT19991227.0363 -1 March 26 , 1997 3.1 NYT19991215.0002 -1 1997 3.1 APW19981009.0620 -1 Nov. 21 , 1999 3.1 XIE19960311.0115 1 July 22, 1995 3.1 APW19981009.0620 -1 March 1997 3.1 NYT20000522.0229 -1 1998 3.1 XIE19960327.0280 -1 January 30 3.1 XIE19960311.0115 1 july 22 , 1995 3.1 XIE19970308.0223 -1 9 3.1 XIE19960409.0120 1 July 1995 3.1 XIE19960311.0115 -1 early April 1997 3.1 XIE19970308.0223 -1 March 9 3.1 XIE19960105.0039 -1 1997 3.1 NYT20000807.0208 -1 1999 3.1 NYT19990924.0061 2 the 1995 3.1 XIE19960409.0120 -1 20th century 3.1 XIE19961217.0161 1 July 23, 1995 3.1 NYT20000522.0229 -1 1997 3.1 XIE19960105.0039 1 1995 3.1 XIE19960217.0069 -1 in July last year 3.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.2 XIE19970310.0220 3 every 3,000 3.2 XIE19960327.0280 -1 76 years 3.2 XIE19960318.0215 -1 18 3.2 NYT19991215.0002 -1 1997, 3.2 XIE19960409.0120 1 4,200 years 3.2 NYT19991215.0002 -1 about 25 miles 3.2 NYT20000720.0027 -1 39 members 3.2 XIE19960405.0124 -1 comet 3.2 XIE19960318.0215 -1 150 million 3.2 XIE19970310.0220 1 3,000 years 3.2 NYT19991121.0101 -1 March 26 , 1997 3.2 XIE19960409.0120 -1 One 3.2 APW19981009.0620 -1 Marshall Herff Applewhite 3.2 APW19990724.0076 -1 400,000 3.2 XIE19970310.0220 1 once every 3,000 years 3.2 NYT19990731.0028 -1 did 3.2 NYT19990112.0116 -1 part-time stargazer 3.2 APW19991004.0011 -1 National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund 3.2 XIE19970310.0220 1 every 3,000 years 3.2 XIE19970308.0091 -1 one 3.2 XIE19970319.0243 1 every 2,500 years 3.2 XIE19970308.0223 -1 The total eclipse 3.2 XIE19970310.0220 1 every 3 , 000 years 3.2 XIE19960405.0124 -1 Hale-Bopp Comet will approach the Earth 3.2 XIE19960409.0120 -1 The Hale-Bopp comet is set to become one of the brightest 3.2 XIE19960311.0115 -1 1995 3.2 XIE19970308.0223 1 once every 3,000 years 3.2 NYT19981207.0260 -1 night 3.2 XIE19970308.0223 1 every 3,000 years 4.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 4.1 APW19990723.0146 -1 1978 4.1 APW19981202.0093 -1 1997 4.1 APW19990718.0140 -1 Jean Harlow 4.1 NYT20000720.0492 2 1931 4.1 APW20000412.0252 -1 Wednesday 4.1 NYT20000718.0277 -1 the 1950s 4.1 NYT19991019.0089 1 1931 4.1 NYT19990125.0156 -1 1950 4.1 NYT19980625.0249 2 in 1931 4.1 NYT19990616.0332 -1 1950 4.1 NYT19980619.0287 -1 May 5 , 1955 4.1 NYT19991019.0089 2 February 8, 1931 4.1 APW19981202.0093 -1 1990 4.1 NYT19980619.0287 -1 1955 4.1 NYT20000718.0078 -1 the 1950s 4.1 NYT20000718.0277 -1 1955 4.1 NYT20000412.0441 -1 Wednesday 4.1 APW19990929.0165 -1 1955 4.1 NYT19990706.0165 -1 ago 4.1 NYT19991019.0089 3 1931-1955 4.1 NYT20000113.0103 -1 1932 4.1 APW19981202.0093 -1 1955 4.1 NYT19991117.0368 -1 1972 4.1 NYT19991029.0348 2 1931 4.1 NYT19991214.0408 -1 1958 4.1 APW19981202.0093 -1 1994 4.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 4.2 NYT19990706.0165 1 1955 4.2 NYT19981026.0414 1 1955 4.2 APW19981202.0093 1 1955 4.2 APW20000412.0260 -1 Wednesday 4.2 NYT19980619.0287 1 May 5, 1955 4.2 NYT19990107.0214 -1 1959 4.2 APW19990929.0165 1 1955 4.2 NYT19990616.0332 -1 1950 4.2 NYT20000718.0277 1 1955 4.2 NYT19991019.0089 2 September 1955 4.2 NYT19990806.0417 -1 June 30 4.2 NYT19980619.0287 1 1955 4.2 NYT19990706.0165 -1 62 years ago 4.2 NYT20000412.0441 -1 Wednesday 4.2 NYT20000306.0173 1 1955 4.2 NYT19990706.0165 -1 ago 4.2 NYT19990806.0417 -1 1969 4.2 NYT19981116.0127 -1 1942 4.2 NYT19990806.0417 2 30 , 1955 4.2 APW19991017.0029 -1 1995 4.2 NYT19990323.0027 -1 1965 4.2 APW19981202.0093 -1 1994 4.2 NYT19990604.0100 1 September 30, 1955 4.2 NYT19991019.0089 1 1955 4.2 NYT19990308.0168 2 1955 4.2 NYT20000718.0277 -1 July 19 4.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 4.3 NYT19990510.0108 -1 drown 4.3 NYT19981026.0414 -1 1955 4.3 NYT19990118.0195 -1 James Dean died 4.3 NYT20000904.0128 -1 Rebel 4.3 NYT19990429.0122 -1 kill 4.3 NYT19990127.0231 -1 rebels 4.3 NYT19990706.0165 -1 Young 4.3 APW19990615.0170 -1 perform 4.3 NYT19990118.0195 -1 Brando 4.3 NYT19980825.0330 -1 Diana 4.3 APW19990615.0215 -1 Bogart 4.3 NYT19990706.0165 -1 Jean Harlow 4.3 NYT20000718.0277 1 car crash 4.3 APW20000412.0260 -1 a heart 4.3 NYT19990213.0176 -1 College of Criminal Justice 4.3 NYT19981219.0212 -1 Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy 4.3 NYT19980619.0287 1 auto crash 4.3 NYT19990213.0159 -1 homicides 4.3 NYT19990926.0041 -1 Jesse James 4.3 NYT20000718.0277 -1 the boy's mother 4.3 APW19990615.0170 -1 James Dean 4.3 NYT20000718.0277 -1 Horovitz 4.3 APW19981202.0093 -1 James Dean Died Here The Locations of America 's Pop 4.3 APW19990929.0165 -1 actor 4.3 APW20000215.0301 -1 Fla. AP -- Retired Air Force Col. Dean Davenport co-pilot of the bomber Ruptured Duck during the daring Doolittle Raid on Japan early in World War II died Monday 4.3 NYT19990706.0165 3 in a car crash 44 years ago 4.3 APW19981202.0093 -1 known in South Korea for his films ``Rebel Without a Cause,'' `East of Eden'' and ``Giant,'' and 4.3 NYT20000710.0122 -1 Pop Culture 4.3 NYT19981215.0089 -1 patients die from ruptured spleens 4.3 NYT20000904.0128 -1 Fairmount 4.3 NYT20000718.0277 3 The death of James Dean in a car crash in 1955 4.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 4.5 NYT19990226.0247 -1 Don Corleone 4.5 NYT19990611.0151 -1 Hollywood 4.5 NYT19990914.0293 -1 Rebel 4.5 NYT19990127.0231 -1 star 4.5 NYT19980902.0455 -1 70 4.5 NYT20000511.0180 -1 Hawke 4.5 NYT19991206.0042 -1 Hollywood 4.5 NYT19990616.0332 -1 Marilyn Monroe 4.5 NYT19990222.0343 -1 Levi 4.5 NYT19990127.0231 -1 three films 4.5 NYT20000718.0138 -1 Catch-22 4.5 APW19990605.0102 -1 Chicago 4.5 NYT19990125.0156 1 Fixed Bayonet 4.5 NYT19990604.0100 -1 ``East of Eden,'' 4.5 NYT20000718.0138 -1 a Catch-22 4.5 NYT20000718.0277 -1 Catch-22 4.5 APW19990217.0147 -1 two years 4.5 NYT20000718.0277 -1 film 4.5 APW19990929.0165 -1 actor 4.5 NYT20000305.0164 -1 James Dean movie 4.5 APW19981202.0093 -1 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) _ A South Korean court on Wednesday 4.5 NYT19990429.0122 -1 American 4.5 NYT20000904.0128 -1 Rebel Without a Cause 4.5 APW19990707.0092 -1 Warner Bros. 5.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 5.1 APW19990203.0351 3 American Association of Retired Persons. Martin Corry 5.1 NYT19990727.0089 -1 Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT20000114.0134 -1 AARP Growth 5.1 NYT19990807.0108 -1 American Association 5.1 NYT19981221.0236 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT20000217.0094 3 the American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT19990803.0362 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT19990227.0195 -1 American Association Retired 5.1 NYT20000121.0030 -1 Donald Winston 5.1 NYT19981120.0329 -1 People 5.1 NYT19990727.0056 -1 this year _ 5.1 NYT19990807.0109 -1 their golden years _ 5.1 NYT19990303.0084 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT20000220.0119 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 APW19990514.0212 -1 AARP and Consumers Union 5.1 NYT19980720.0082 -1 Perkins 5.1 NYT19990807.0070 -1 Modern Maturity 5.1 NYT20000121.0030 -1 her organization 5.1 NYT19980720.0082 -1 ìAmerican Association 5.1 NYT19990227.0195 -1 rocking chairs and old retired people 5.1 NYT20000301.0240 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT19990227.0195 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT19980720.0082 -1 Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT20000112.0324 1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.1 NYT19990803.0282 -1 editor 5.1 NYT19990807.0069 -1 an offshoot of the National Retired Teachers Association 5.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 5.2 NYT20000517.0262 -1 1932 5.2 NYT19980720.0082 -1 1998 5.2 NYT19990421.0074 -1 Labalme 5.2 NYT20000519.0335 -1 Thursday 5.2 NYT19990224.0195 -1 31 5.2 NYT19980720.0082 1 1956 5.2 NYT19990701.0324 -1 1994 5.2 NYT19980919.0115 -1 last year 5.2 NYT19990224.0195 -1 Wednesday 5.2 NYT20000209.0240 -1 1999 5.2 NYT19980720.0083 -1 January 1996 5.2 NYT20000519.0335 -1 1978 5.2 APW20000115.0025 -1 2000 5.2 NYT19990701.0324 -1 1998 5.2 APW19990309.0053 -1 2086 5.2 NYT20000113.0373 -1 1998 5.2 NYT20000521.0007 -1 March 1999 5.2 NYT19990714.0528 -1 1978 5.2 APW20000712.0160 -1 Thursday 5.2 NYT20000519.0335 1 1958 5.2 NYT19981002.0304 -1 2002 5.2 NYT20000501.0265 -1 beginning of May 5.2 XIE19990805.0084 2 1958 5.2 NYT19980720.0082 -1 1959 5.2 APW19980905.1000 -1 1968 5.2 APW19990813.0175 -1 1997 5.2 APW19990224.0144 -1 1998 5.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 5.3 NYT19980720.0082 -1 Massachusetts 5.3 NYT20000501.0265 -1 America 5.3 NYT19980720.0082 1 Washington 5.3 NYT19990807.0069 2 WASHINGTON 5.3 NYT20000517.0262 -1 South Carolina 5.3 NYT20000908.0207 2 Washington 5.3 NYT19990203.0258 2 WASHINGTON 5.3 APW19990811.0206 -1 Americans 5.3 NYT20000605.0478 2 in Washington 5.3 APW20000930.0079 -1 Albany 5.3 NYT20000501.0261 2 Washington 5.3 NYT19990203.0153 2 WASHINGTON 5.3 NYT20000714.0442 -1 California 5.3 NYT19980720.0082 -1 Boston 5.3 NYT19991027.0348 2 Washington 5.3 NYT20000629.0331 -1 Novelli said at a meeting with reporters at AARP headquarters 5.3 NYT19980624.0555 2 Washington 5.3 NYT19980720.0082 -1 AARP national headquarters 5.3 NYT19990227.0195 -1 When Steve Rivkin turned 50 two years ago, an irksome little 5.3 NYT19990428.0247 2 Washington, DC 5.3 XIE19960703.0302 -1 China 5.3 NYT20000207.0328 2 Washington 5.3 NYT19980727.0175 2 Washington , DC 5.3 NYT19990727.0089 -1 Sheraton 5.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 5.4 NYT20000519.0335 1 Horace Deets 5.4 NYT20000501.0265 -1 Center 5.4 NYT20000908.0136 1 Horace Deets 5.4 NYT19980728.0213 -1 page 5.4 NYT19990831.0364 -1 page 5.4 NYT20000908.0207 -1 Medicare 5.4 NYT20000908.0122 1 Horace Deets 5.4 NYT19990224.0339 -1 Medicare 5.4 APW19990802.0163 -1 Time Warner 5.4 NYT20000908.0214 1 Horace Deets 5.4 NYT19990220.0103 -1 Medicare 5.4 NYT19990224.0195 -1 Reno 5.4 NYT20000908.0214 -1 Press 5.4 APW19990104.0013 -1 CEO Frank Joklik 5.4 NYT19980824.0039 -1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.4 NYT20000108.0129 -1 American Association of Retired Persons 5.4 APW19990427.0022 -1 Frank Joklik 5.4 NYT20000908.0122 1 Deets 5.4 NYT20000726.0100 1 Tess Canja 5.4 NYT20000727.0191 -1 John Rother 5.4 NYT19980720.0082 -1 Perkins 5.4 NYT20000908.0207 -1 AARP 5.4 APW19990414.0210 -1 Thompson and Mark McClellan , the top Medicare official , said glitches 5.4 NYT20000927.0113 -1 A top Energy Department official 5.4 NYT19990227.0195 -1 Carola Wilson 5.4 NYT20000726.0100 -1 Medicare 5.4 NYT20000815.0104 -1 the company 5.4 NYT20000301.0268 1 Horace Deets 5.4 APW19990204.0040 -1 Medicare 5.4 NYT19980720.0082 1 Deets 6.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 6.1 NYT20000426.0086 2 two years 6.1 NYT19991229.0206 -1 Oxford College 6.1 APW20000104.0057 -1 one day 6.1 NYT19981220.0082 -1 1902 6.1 NYT20000522.0380 1 three years 6.1 NYT19981220.0082 3 three years 6.1 NYT20000426.0086 -1 Oxford 6.1 NYT19990402.0238 -1 A 6.1 XIE19960418.0168 -1 20 year 6.1 APW19981207.0169 1 two or three years 6.1 NYT19990325.0167 -1 1968 6.1 NYT20000408.0178 -1 22 - m 6.1 NYT19981208.0115 1 two years 6.1 NYT19981213.0206 2 for two or three years 6.1 NYT20000525.0341 -1 53-year 6.1 NYT19981227.0090 -1 20 years 6.1 NYT19990219.0282 -1 180 years 6.1 NYT19990803.0016 -1 32 6.1 APW20000104.0057 -1 seven years 6.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 6.2 XIE19970514.0010 -1 Germany 6.2 XIE19970403.0233 -1 China 6.2 APW20000525.0046 -1 Schork 6.2 APW19981206.0940 1 Oxford 6.2 NYT20000408.0178 1 Oxford 6.2 APW20000525.0046 3 England 6.2 NYT20000426.0086 1 Oxford University 6.2 NYT19981220.0082 1 at Oxford 6.2 NYT20000227.0193 1 Oxford 6.2 NYT19990505.0068 1 Oxford 6.2 NYT19980720.0245 1 Oxford 6.2 APW19981206.0940 -1 UNITED STATES 6.2 NYT19990727.0102 1 Oxford 6.2 NYT19990301.0358 3 England 6.2 NYT19990325.0093 1 Oxford 6.2 NYT19991130.0191 1 Oxford University in England 6.2 NYT19990606.0061 1 Oxford 6.2 NYT19990301.0357 1 England 6.2 APW19980809.0921 -1 U.S. 6.2 NYT19981220.0041 -1 ATHENS 6.2 APW20000525.0046 -1 Rhodes scholars and studied 6.2 APW19990628.0037 -1 SOUTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. (AP) -- While Ken Dryden never thought of 6.2 NYT20000319.0040 1 Oxford University 6.2 APW20000525.0046 -1 Washington , DC 6.2 NYT19981220.0082 1 Oxford University 7.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 7.1 NYT20000621.0097 -1 animation animation 7.1 NYT19991019.0111 -1 any DNA 7.1 NYT19990311.0093 1 nocturnal rodents 7.1 NYT20000803.0194 -1 rat 7.1 NYT19981010.0146 -1 state land 7.1 NYT19990311.0093 -1 Birds 7.1 XIE19971015.0257 2 a family of South American rodents 7.1 XIE19990225.0068 -1 About Animal Welfare 7.1 XIE19961127.0110 3 vertebrate 7.1 NYT19991019.0108 -1 DNA 7.1 NYT19990311.0093 -1 monkeys 7.1 NYT19991019.0112 -1 man 7.1 NYT19990311.0093 1 rodents 7.1 XIE19970426.0189 -1 primates 7.1 XIE19960814.0126 -1 Shanghai Animals Spending Comfortable Summer 7.1 NYT19991019.0107 -1 the fecal samples 7.1 NYT19991108.0287 -1 Beaver 7.1 NYT20000524.0255 -1 way. ''' 7.1 APW19980806.0521 -1 Siamese Smoke Pearl , Sable Point Only if you know the animal is not hiding the agouti gene 7.1 NYT19990409.0236 -1 before the mating season is over so their scrawny competitors 7.1 NYT20000817.0206 -1 Animal Planet at 8: Tapirs! Sloths! Otters! Agouti 7.1 NYT20000817.0206 -1 Two interesting specials tonight look at two different sides of pop 7.1 NYT19990316.0259 -1 there 7.1 NYT19990311.0093 1 rabbit-sized nocturnal rodents 7.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 7.2 NYT19990812.0233 -1 life spans 7.2 NYT19980616.0028 -1 male 7.2 NYT19991019.0107 -1 any DNA 7.2 XIE19990508.0220 -1 male 7.2 NYT19990311.0093 -1 lifetime forest 7.2 NYT19990311.0093 -1 Birds 7.2 NYT20000810.0248 -1 a family of South American rodents 7.2 NYT19991101.0234 -1 SPIDERS' LIFE SPAN 7.2 APW19980703.0659 -1 20 years 7.2 NYT19990311.0093 -1 this 7.2 NYT19991019.0108 -1 DNA 7.2 XIE19961214.0164 -1 10 years 7.2 NYT19991122.0251 -1 Three 7.2 XIE19980329.0055 -1 Giant Panda's 7.2 NYT20000929.0004 -1 LR; & LR; The 7.2 XIE19980614.0058 -1 a species 7.2 XIE19990424.0097 -1 25 years 7.2 NYT19981022.0095 -1 the country ' s transition 7.2 XIE19970718.0149 -1 3 years 7.2 XIE19960104.0141 -1 Xinhua 7.2 NYT19991220.0094 -1 Guinea 7.2 APW19980715.0259 -1 average life expectancy 7.2 NYT19991019.0112 -1 So far 8.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 8.1 NYT19980625.0418 -1 Michael Lowe 8.1 NYT19981115.0158 -1 Bobby 8.1 NYT19991118.0189 -1 Kierkegaard 8.1 APW19990107.0121 1 Bobby Seale 8.1 APW19990124.0072 1 Huey Newton 8.1 NYT19981115.0146 1 Huey Newton 8.1 APW19990124.0072 -1 Black Panther Party 8.1 NYT19981115.0158 1 Bobby Seale 8.1 NYT19980627.0194 -1 Ku Klux Klan 8.1 NYT20000908.0379 -1 Huey 8.1 NYT19981115.0158 -1 Huey 8.1 NYT20000526.0228 -1 Brown-Abram 8.1 NYT19990106.0442 1 Bobby Seale 8.1 NYT20000317.0294 -1 Atlanta 8.1 NYT20000622.0384 -1 New 8.1 NYT20000908.0324 1 Huey Newton 8.1 NYT19990215.0290 1 Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale 8.1 NYT19981115.0146 1 Bobby Seale 8.1 NYT20000526.0228 -1 Nation of Islam 8.1 NYT19981115.0158 1 Huey Newton 8.1 APW19990124.0072 1 Seale 8.1 NYT20000202.0250 -1 Carter G. Woodson 8.1 NYT19981010.0096 -1 Reporters Committee 8.1 APW19990710.0019 -1 The civil rights movement 8.1 NYT20000229.0494 2 Bobby G. Seale 8.1 APW20000315.0195 -1 Bobby Rush 8.1 NYT20000908.0324 -1 Huey 8.1 NYT19981115.0158 -1 Carmichael 8.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 8.2 APW19990107.0121 1 1966 8.2 APW20000315.0195 -1 the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee 8.2 NYT20000229.0494 -1 the early 1970s 8.2 APW19990124.0072 1 1966 8.2 APW19990124.0072 1 in 1966 8.2 NYT19980627.0212 -1 march 8.2 NYT20000321.0208 2 1966 8.2 NYT20000317.0294 -1 1960 8.2 APW20000318.0065 -1 1960 8.2 NYT19980710.0042 -1 1940 8.2 NYT19980825.0353 -1 1969 8.2 NYT20000229.0494 -1 May 1969 8.2 NYT20000908.0378 -1 1974 8.2 NYT20000526.0228 -1 1968 8.2 NYT20000927.0295 -1 1992 8.2 NYT19990215.0290 1 1966 8.2 NYT19990215.0290 -1 1965 8.2 NYT19981207.0320 -1 1996 8.2 NYT20000229.0494 -1 in the early 1970s 8.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 8.3 APW19990107.0121 1 OAKLAND 8.3 NYT19990106.0442 -1 Newton 8.3 APW20000315.0195 -1 the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee 8.3 APW19990107.0121 3 west Oakland 8.3 NYT19980627.0194 -1 Sweden 8.3 NYT19990215.0290 1 Oakland, Calif. 8.3 APW19990124.0072 2 Oakland 8.3 NYT19990215.0290 1 Oakland 8.3 APW19990107.0121 1 Oakland 8.3 NYT19980627.0212 -1 Klan 8.3 APW19990124.0072 -1 Seale 8.3 APW20000315.0195 -1 Illinois 8.3 NYT20000908.0324 2 Oakland 8.3 NYT19980627.0198 -1 Houston 8.3 NYT20000317.0294 -1 Atlanta 8.3 NYT20000622.0384 -1 Texas 8.3 APW20000321.0162 -1 Lowndes County 8.3 NYT19990407.0201 -1 I 8.3 NYT20000229.0494 -1 New York 8.3 NYT20000317.0191 -1 New York 8.3 NYT19990205.0096 -1 Illinois 8.3 NYT19990215.0290 1 Calif. 8.3 NYT19980627.0194 -1 Houston 8.3 NYT19990501.0186 -1 New Jersey 8.3 APW19990107.0121 -1 Huey Newton 8.3 NYT19990215.0290 1 Oakland, California 8.3 NYT19990624.0233 2 Oakland , California 8.3 NYT20000321.0024 -1 Lowndes County 9.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 9.3 APW19990811.0254 -1 festival 9.3 APW19990811.0254 -1 Limp Bizkit 9.3 APW19990610.0189 -1 a new CD 9.3 NYT20000804.0140 1 rap 9.3 APW19990811.0009 1 rap 9.3 APW19990610.0189 1 rap 9.3 NYT20000904.0111 -1 Eminem 9.3 NYT20000302.0275 -1 album 9.3 NYT19990702.0085 -1 Woodstock 9.3 NYT20000804.0140 -1 Iovine 9.3 APW19990811.0009 -1 Insane Clown Posse and Rage Against the Machine 9.3 APW19990610.0189 -1 Virgin Megastore 9.3 NYT20000809.0202 -1 On June 9.3 NYT19981023.0025 -1 ICP Clown Mix 9.3 NYT20000809.0105 -1 money 9.3 NYT19991011.0165 -1 Kid Rock and Eminem 9.3 NYT20000911.0093 -1 newly minted Boston rock stars Godsmack release 9.3 APW19990811.0254 -1 members 9.3 APW19990811.0009 3 Rock 9.3 APW19990811.0254 -1 radio 9.3 NYT19980611.0359 1 gritty rap music 9.3 APW19990610.0189 -1 Insane Clown Posse 9.3 APW19990610.0189 -1 CD 9.3 APW19990811.0009 -1 hot acts 9.3 NYT20000809.0105 -1 partners to find Insane Clown Posse Sheet Music 9.3 NYT19990817.0291 -1 and fans to a tradition of cultural theft going back to the days of minstrelsy 9.3 APW19990811.0254 -1 diet of teen-age boys for four decades 9.3 NYT19990526.0309 -1 Dog 9.3 NYT19990817.0291 1 joke-rap 9.3 NYT19981023.0025 -1 ICP 9.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 9.4 APW19990428.0171 -1 Bedford County Sheriff 9.4 APW20000608.0149 -1 Eminem 9.4 NYT20000904.0111 -1 Christopher Reeve 9.4 NYT19981023.0025 2 ICP 9.4 NYT19981023.0025 -1 rap 9.4 APW20000608.0149 -1 album 9.4 NYT20000904.0111 -1 hits 9.4 APW19990811.0254 -1 Fred Durst 9.4 NYT19990817.0291 -1 Limp Bizkit 9.4 APW19990811.0254 -1 Detroit 9.4 NYT20000804.0140 -1 Fred Durst 9.4 NYT19981023.0025 2 ICP Clown Mix 9.4 APW19990630.0190 -1 AP 9.4 NYT20000809.0202 -1 Douglas Dali 9.4 NYT20000809.0105 -1 money 9.4 NYT20000804.0140 -1 The artists Rage Against the Machine, Korn 9.4 NYT20000829.0232 -1 The artists Rage Against the Machine, Korn 9.4 NYT19991227.0187 -1 Eminem 9.4 NYT19990417.0239 -1 Kelly 9.4 NYT19990427.0251 -1 Island 9.4 NYT19990729.0213 -1 the merits 9.4 NYT19990723.0371 -1 George Clinton 9.4 APW19990609.0254 2 Amazing Jeckel Brothers 9.4 APW20000608.0149 -1 the man over the head with an unloaded gun 10.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 10.1 NYT19990913.0227 3 reason prion protein misfolds 10.1 NYT19990211.0161 -1 molecules 10.1 XIE19960425.0048 -1 Cattle 10.1 APW19990526.0110 1 proteins 10.1 APW19991021.0169 1 proteins 10.1 APW19981012.0537 1 proteins 10.1 NYT19990211.0162 -1 molecules 10.1 NYT19981021.0238 1 proteins 10.1 NYT20000522.0232 -1 Britain 10.1 XIE19990211.0308 -1 CJD 10.1 NYT19980930.0046 -1 University of California 10.1 NYT19980929.0153 -1 Nobel Prize 10.1 APW19990526.0110 -1 Piero Parchi of Case Western Reserve 10.1 APW19981012.0642 -1 causing mad cow disease and other ailments 10.1 APW19981012.0537 -1 causing mad cow disease and other ailments 10.1 APW19981012.0399 -1 cow 10.1 NYT20000522.0232 1 protein 10.1 NYT19981021.0238 -1 sheep 10.1 NYT19990419.0249 -1 University of California 10.1 NYT19980930.0046 3 Prions are microscopic particles made of protein 10.1 APW19980928.0962 -1 mad cow disease 10.1 NYT19980929.0153 -1 the disease in the United Kingdom that led to panic and a ban on exports British beef 10.1 APW19990526.0110 -1 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 10.1 APW19981012.0243 -1 Mad Cow Disease 10.1 NYT20000506.0235 -1 the disease 10.1 XIE19981001.0255 -1 mad cow 10.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 10.2 NYT19990419.0249 -1 Fred E. Cohen 10.2 APW19990526.0110 -1 University 10.2 APW19980928.0962 -1 a Nobel Prize 10.2 APW19980928.0962 1 Stanley Prusiner 10.2 NYT19990915.0157 -1 Jacob 10.2 NYT19980929.0153 1 Stanley Prusiner 10.2 NYT19980930.0046 -1 Stanley B 10.2 NYT19990419.0249 -1 Researchers 10.2 XIE19960831.0011 -1 Dublin 10.2 APW19980928.0962 -1 California 10.2 NYT20000522.0177 -1 Rudolph W. Giuliani 10.2 NYT19980930.0046 -1 Francisco 10.2 NYT19980929.0153 -1 The 10.2 NYT19980929.0153 1 Stanley B. Prusiner 10.2 XIE20000711.0047 -1 Jakob 10.2 NYT19990913.0227 -1 scientists 10.2 APW19981012.0642 1 Stanley B. Prusiner 10.2 APW19981012.0537 1 Stanley B. Prusiner 10.2 NYT19990318.0337 -1 CJD 10.2 NYT19990329.0293 -1 Bons 10.2 APW19981012.0285 1 Stanley B. Prusiner 10.2 APW19981012.0310 1 Stanley B. Prusiner 10.2 APW19980928.0962 1 Prusiner 10.2 NYT19990419.0249 -1 University of California 10.2 NYT19990419.0249 -1 California 10.2 APW19980928.0962 -1 Fred Cohen 10.2 APW19990526.0110 -1 James Mastrianni 10.2 APW19980928.0962 -1 disease 10.2 APW19981012.0297 1 Stanley B. Prusiner 11.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 11.1 NYT19980612.0145 -1 Nick Broomfield 11.1 NYT19980612.0145 3 KURT 11.1 APW20000105.0118 -1 Singer/musician Dave Matthews 11.1 NYT20000816.0120 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 APW20000131.0087 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19980612.0145 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 APW20000105.0106 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19991227.0187 -1 Dave Grohl 11.1 XIE19990910.0216 -1 400 musicians 11.1 NYT20000426.0177 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19991221.0078 2 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT20000816.0152 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 APW19990121.0141 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19990921.0332 -1 Pearl Jam 11.1 APW19990130.0073 -1 Rock 11.1 NYT19990404.0214 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19991101.0301 -1 Foo Fighters 11.1 NYT20000321.0093 -1 Long Island 11.1 NYT19991027.0333 1 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19990120.0078 2 Kurt Cobain 11.1 NYT19990421.0382 1 Kurt Cobain 11.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 11.3 NYT20000421.0181 -1 1995. 11.3 NYT19980806.0170 -1 1998 11.3 NYT19991103.0376 -1 Ridgway 11.3 NYT20000531.0292 -1 1985 11.3 APW19980620.0884 -1 1985 11.3 XIE19971021.0155 -1 October 21 11.3 NYT19980612.0145 -1 1994 11.3 APW19990820.0238 -1 in 1987 11.3 NYT20000827.0166 2 1989 11.3 NYT19980909.0121 -1 1987 11.3 APW19990407.0025 -1 April 8, 1994 11.3 APW19990729.0225 -1 1990s 11.3 NYT20000426.0177 -1 February 11.3 NYT20000306.0396 -1 Feb. 23 11.3 NYT19981029.0362 -1 1990 11.3 NYT20000707.0118 -1 1995 11.3 NYT19990813.0156 -1 1992 11.3 APW19990407.0025 -1 five years ago 11.3 NYT20000622.0144 -1 '80s 11.3 APW19980829.0816 2 1989 11.3 APW20000105.0106 -1 1994 11.3 NYT19990404.0214 -1 200 11.3 NYT19980625.0555 -1 1952 11.3 XIE19980923.0132 -1 1986 11.3 NYT20000119.0100 -1 1985 11.3 NYT20000707.0118 -1 1994 11.3 NYT20000128.0088 1 1989 11.3 NYT19990111.0261 -1 1987 11.3 APW20000828.0026 -1 1997 11.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 11.4 NYT19980616.0504 -1 New York City 11.4 NYT19980616.0504 -1 music 11.4 NYT19980612.0145 -1 Cobain 11.4 NYT20000904.0113 2 Smells Like Teen Spirit 11.4 NYT19980612.0145 -1 Kurt Cobain 11.4 APW20000105.0106 2 Nevermind 11.4 APW20000105.0106 -1 Kurt Cobain 11.4 NYT19990127.0094 -1 Floyd 11.4 APW19990121.0141 -1 Cobain 11.4 NYT19990910.0167 -1 Seattle 11.4 NYT20000412.0289 -1 Betty Broadfoot 11.4 APW20000224.0130 -1 Sonny Bono 11.4 APW19990215.0090 -1 Rhythm Orchids with Jimmy Bowen 11.4 NYT19990818.0166 -1 its 11.4 NYT19990921.0332 -1 The 35-year-old Seattle resident 11.4 NYT19991011.0259 -1 end 11.4 NYT19980729.0348 -1 rock band 11.4 NYT19991026.0302 -1 Chemicals 11.4 NYT19980612.0145 -1 ``Live Through This,'' 11.4 NYT20000727.0115 -1 an ironic declaration 11.4 NYT19980727.0265 -1 Nirvana 11.4 NYT19980612.0145 -1 1994 11.4 NYT19991119.0132 -1 all wrong 11.4 NYT19990727.0091 2 Smells Like Teen Spirit 11.4 NYT19980707.0112 -1 Kurt Cobain 11.4 NYT20000707.0118 -1 '' says Grohl. `` 11.6 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 11.6 NYT19980616.0504 -1 number 11.6 NYT20000820.0035 -1 new music 11.6 NYT19981105.0151 -1 Doug Pray 11.6 NYT19991119.0132 2 rock 11.6 NYT20000707.0118 1 rock 11.6 APW19980829.0816 -1 bands 11.6 NYT20000820.0035 -1 album 11.6 NYT19990316.0188 -1 Metal 11.6 NYT19990609.0038 -1 Friday Friday night night football football frenzy frenzy all played 11.6 NYT19980602.0263 -1 Cobain 11.6 NYT19981105.0151 -1 The Decline of Western Civilization 11.6 NYT19980721.0320 -1 Krist Novoselic 11.6 NYT20000707.0118 1 rock music 11.6 NYT19990713.0455 -1 a kind 11.6 NYT19990921.0195 3 an alternative-rock mecca 11.6 NYT19990715.0305 -1 a hip alternative-rock magazine 11.6 APW19980829.0816 -1 back 11.6 NYT19981015.0071 1 rock 11.6 NYT19980826.0250 1 grunge rock 11.6 NYT20000820.0035 -1 charts 11.6 NYT20000707.0118 -1 a moment's hesitation 11.6 NYT20000707.0118 -1 Nirvana 11.6 NYT20000707.0118 -1 Grohl 11.6 NYT20000525.0177 -1 the lutelike laud 11.6 APW19980829.0816 -1 song 11.6 APW20000131.0087 -1 Kurt Cobain 11.6 NYT20000820.0035 -1 it nears its 10th anniversary as a format that the radio industry has assigned its own charts and 11.6 NYT19991027.0333 -1 Every record Bush makes is a two-star record, a disc that 11.6 NYT19980707.0112 -1 Kurt Cobain 11.6 APW19990609.0081 -1 people 11.6 NYT19991027.0333 -1 effort No. 3 from Bush 12.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 12.1 APW19990201.0038 -1 such products as shampoos 12.1 APW19990201.0262 -1 products 12.1 APW19990201.0038 -1 Stewart 12.1 APW19990201.0038 -1 PHILADELPHIA 12.1 APW19990201.0038 1 chemicals 12.1 NYT19990217.0245 -1 Company 12.1 APW19990201.0038 -1 Morton International Inc 12.1 NYT20000509.0117 -1 Plexiglas 12.1 APW19990201.0038 -1 Morton 12.1 NYT19990908.0051 -1 Levi 12.1 APW19990201.0262 3 Philadelphia-based manufacturer of chemicals found 12.1 NYT19990131.0076 -1 Rohm & AMP; Haas 12.1 APW19990201.0038 -1 The Morton 12.1 XIE19970510.0123 -1 Spain 12.1 APW19990201.0262 3 the world's second-largest specialty chemical manufacturer 12.1 NYT19990201.0478 -1 its Morton Salt girl trademark 12.1 NYT20000104.0143 -1 Shipley Co. 12.1 NYT19980812.0405 -1 World War II 12.1 NYT19990126.0471 1 chemical 12.1 NYT19981015.0087 -1 many years 12.1 APW19990201.0038 3 Chemicals Plastics & Rubber 12.1 APW19990201.0262 -1 The deal 12.1 APW19990201.0262 -1 industry to make newspages whiter.. The deal will extend Rohm and Haas 12.1 APW19990201.0038 3 Chemical manufacturing giant Rohm and Haas is buying Morton International Inc., 12.1 APW19990201.0038 1 Chemical 12.1 APW19990201.0037 2 Chemical manufacturing 12.1 APW19990128.0153 -1 said 12.1 APW19990201.0038 3 Chemical manufacturing giant 12.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 12.2 APW19990201.0262 -1 chicago. 12.2 NYT19990201.0478 -1 United States 12.2 NYT19991218.0294 -1 California 12.2 APW19990201.0038 1 PHILADELPHIA 12.2 APW19990201.0295 -1 Wall Street 12.2 APW19990201.0038 1 Philadelphia 12.2 APW19990201.0054 2 Philadelphia 12.2 APW19990201.0262 1 Philadelphia 12.2 APW19990201.0262 -1 Morton 12.2 APW19991014.0093 -1 in Springfield 12.2 APW19990201.0162 -1 United States 12.2 NYT19990217.0236 -1 Washington 12.2 XIE19980214.0182 -1 Friday 12.2 NYT19990906.0182 -1 Southern California 12.2 APW19990201.0038 -1 Morton International 12.2 NYT19990217.0236 -1 Christmas 12.2 NYT19990217.0236 -1 Houston 12.2 NYT19980905.0209 -1 LR 12.2 APW19990201.0262 -1 Quality 12.2 APW20000822.0130 -1 has been located since 1986 12.2 APW19981014.1202 -1 Turkey 12.2 NYT20000509.0117 -1 New York 12.2 NYT19990603.0163 -1 Pennsylvania 12.2 APW19990413.0103 -1 part 12.2 APW19990201.0038 -1 Chemical manufacturing giant 12.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 Morton 12.3 APW19990201.0262 -1 company 12.3 APW19990201.0038 1 $4 billion 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 company 12.3 APW19990201.0262 1 $4 billion 12.3 APW19990201.0262 -1 about $7 billion 12.3 NYT19980723.0319 -1 Growth Rate 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 Latin American 12.3 APW19990201.0038 1 $ 4 billion 12.3 APW19990201.0262 1 $ 4 billion 12.3 NYT19990217.0236 -1 OxyChem 12.3 NYT19990201.0478 -1 ROHM & AMP; HAAS 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 The Morton 12.3 XIE19970510.0123 -1 Spain 12.3 APW19990201.0262 -1 Morton International Inc 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 Morton's highly respected applications expertise 12.3 APW19990201.0038 1 $6.5 billion 12.3 APW19990111.0073 -1 outsider 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 Chemical manufacturing giant 12.3 APW19990201.0038 -1 Haas 12.3 APW19990201.0262 -1 executives 12.3 APW19990201.0038 3 annual sales revenue of about $ 6.5 billion 12.3 APW19990201.0038 1 of $6.5 billion 12.3 APW19990201.0054 -1 chemical 12.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 12.4 APW20000405.0130 -1 401(k 12.4 NYT19990217.0245 -1 OxyChem 12.4 APW19980624.1277 -1 six 12.4 APW19980813.1317 -1 175 12.4 APW19990201.0038 -1 37 12.4 APW19990128.0153 -1 15,000 chemicals 12.4 APW19990201.0038 -1 $4 billion 12.4 NYT19990202.0022 -1 4.9 billion 12.4 NYT20000626.0279 -1 around 200 12.4 NYT19991109.0293 -1 0 12.4 NYT20000323.0379 -1 One 12.4 APW19990201.0262 -1 1,150 12.4 NYT20000104.0143 -1 102 employees 12.4 APW19990201.0262 -1 1/2 12.4 NYT20000509.0233 -1 1939 12.4 APW19990201.0038 -1 4.6 billion 12.4 NYT19981224.0021 -1 1 12.4 NYT20000509.0233 -1 World 12.4 APW19990201.0038 -1 4.6 billion in 12.4 NYT19990201.0402 -1 5/8 12.4 NYT19990217.0236 -1 Two 12.4 NYT20000104.0143 -1 one 12.4 APW19990201.0262 1 23,000 12.4 NYT19990217.0236 -1 31 12.4 APW19990201.0038 -1 $ 7 Billion Chemical Company Relies on WebNative Rohm and Haas Uses DAM to Link 20,000 Employees Across 12.4 XIE19980501.0010 -1 18,000 12.4 NYT19990201.0402 -1 7 12.4 NYT20000920.0361 -1 two 12.4 APW19990201.0038 -1 million 13.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13.1 NYT19990603.0072 -1 Episode 13.1 NYT19990722.0283 -1 Gadget 13.1 NYT19981119.0084 3 Star Wars 13.1 NYT19990506.0281 3 Star Wars 13.1 NYT19991227.0103 3 Star Wars 13.1 NYT19990521.0332 -1 movie 13.1 NYT19991228.0200 3 ` ` Star Wars ' ' 13.1 NYT19990519.0168 3 ` ` Star Wars ' ' 13.1 NYT19990722.0211 -1 a depreciative parody of Africans 13.1 APW19990513.0281 1 The Phantom Menace 13.1 NYT20000818.0206 1 Star Wars : Episode I _ The Phantom Menace , 13.1 NYT20000726.0182 -1 Ahmed Best 13.1 NYT19990603.0072 -1 Gungans 13.1 NYT19990602.0325 -1 a Jar-B-Q 13.1 NYT19990512.0114 -1 Natalie Portman (Queen Amidala), Jake Lloyd (Anakin Skywalker) 13.1 NYT19990518.0127 1 The Phantom Menace 13.1 NYT19990923.0289 -1 Titanic 13.1 NYT19990111.0411 3 Star Wars 13.1 NYT19990518.0127 1 Phantom Menace 13.1 NYT19990520.0118 -1 The Naboo battle scenes 13.1 NYT19990602.0325 -1 Internet 13.1 NYT19990509.0038 -1 the squeaky voice 13.1 APW19990527.0106 -1 annoying character 13.1 NYT19991111.0069 -1 Ahmed Best 13.1 NYT19990111.0411 -1 will introduce the typical Star Wars'' menagerie. One of Qui-Con Jinn's sidekicks is Jar Jar 13.1 NYT19990602.0080 -1 Jar Jar Binks, the loopy, goofy, big-eared amphibian alien from the 13.1 APW19990527.0106 3 Star Wars 13.1 NYT19990519.0117 -1 the movie 13.1 APW19990605.0068 3 Star Wars 13.1 APW19990527.0106 3 `` Star Wars '' movie 13.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13.2 NYT19990619.0184 -1 Star 13.2 APW20000325.0192 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 NYT19990509.0181 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 APW20000325.0192 -1 Denise Richards 13.2 APW19990527.0106 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 NYT19990601.0166 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 APW20000325.0192 -1 Star Wars 13.2 APW19990527.0108 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 NYT19990619.0184 -1 Star Wars 13.2 APW19990527.0106 3 Ahmed 13.2 APW19990527.0108 3 Ahmed 13.2 APW20000325.0192 -1 Zeta 13.2 NYT19990517.0380 3 Ahmed 13.2 NYT19991111.0069 -1 George Lucas 13.2 NYT19990521.0332 3 Ahmed 13.2 NYT19990518.0175 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 APW19990506.0118 -1 the computer-generated characters 13.2 NYT19990517.0227 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 NYT19990518.0175 -1 Frank Oz 13.2 NYT20000818.0206 -1 Star Wars 13.2 NYT19990518.0104 -1 John Leguizamo 13.2 NYT19990419.0277 -1 Bill Moyers 13.2 APW19990527.0106 -1 Star Wars 13.2 NYT19991111.0069 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 APW20000325.0192 -1 actors were Denise Richards of ''The World is Not Enough'' and Jar-Jar Binks (voice 13.2 NYT19990602.0080 -1 Jar Jar Binks, the loopy, goofy, big-eared amphibian alien from the 13.2 APW19990527.0108 -1 a message 13.2 APW19990605.0068 1 Ahmed Best 13.2 NYT19990517.0380 1 Ahmed Best 13.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13.3 NYT19990603.0072 -1 underwater alien race 13.3 NYT19990619.0184 -1 Nation 13.3 NYT19990603.0191 1 the Gungans 13.3 NYT19981119.0084 -1 character 13.3 NYT19990603.0072 -1 character 13.3 NYT19990603.0072 1 Gungans 13.3 NYT19990707.0369 -1 Star Wars 13.3 NYT19990603.0072 -1 Friday 13.3 NYT19990619.0184 -1 Jedi 13.3 NYT19990513.0153 -1 Anakin Skywalker 13.3 NYT19990602.0287 -1 a fictional character in the Star Wars movies "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones 13.3 NYT19990602.0080 -1 SEATTLE 13.3 NYT20000217.0068 -1 Church of Scientology 13.3 NYT20000316.0406 -1 While Bennett 13.3 NYT19990601.0166 -1 Ahmed Best 13.3 NYT19990521.0332 1 the amphibious Gungan race 13.3 NYT19990603.0193 1 Gungans 13.3 NYT19990506.0281 -1 Phantom Menace 13.3 NYT19990603.0074 1 Gungans 13.3 NYT19991228.0348 -1 campaign 13.3 NYT19990521.0070 -1 Watto 13.3 NYT19990603.0072 -1 Jar Jar Binks 13.3 NYT19990517.0194 -1 the big podrace 13.3 NYT19990526.0230 -1 Muppet , a frog 13.3 NYT19990603.0072 -1 Jar Binks, member of an underwater alien race 13.3 NYT19990602.0080 -1 Jar Jar Binks, the loopy, goofy, big-eared amphibian alien from the 13.3 NYT19990513.0153 1 Gungans 13.3 NYT19990430.0339 -1 , Star Wars 13.3 NYT19981119.0084 -1 Houston 14.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 14.1 APW19991031.0069 -1 pharaonic falcon 14.1 XIE19970626.0187 -1 falcon 14.1 APW19991031.0069 -1 85 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 -1 falcon 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 1 sky 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 1 the sky 14.1 APW19980730.0864 -1 Gaballah Ali Gaballah 14.1 APW19980730.0877 -1 Osiris 14.1 APW19980730.0864 -1 an amalgamation of other 14.1 APW19980730.0877 -1 Ancient Egyptians 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 -1 In Memphis 14.1 APW19980730.0864 -1 Osiris 14.1 APW20000215.0053 -1 an Egyptian-looking face 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 -1 a half-million falcon mummies 14.1 APW19980730.0864 -1 underworld 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 -1 war god 14.1 NYT19991031.0127 -1 each airplane's tail 14.1 APW19980730.0877 -1 Ancient Egyptians worshipped Osiris 14.1 XIE19970626.0187 -1 King Amenhotep 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 -1 the war god Montu 14.1 NYT19981007.0214 3 ancient form , Horus is also a creator god , the falcon who flew 14.1 NYT19991031.0127 -1 god Horus 14.1 XIE19961211.0025 -1 France and Germany will delay cooperation in building two military satellites, 14.1 APW19980730.0864 -1 Egyptian 14.1 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Eye 14.1 APW20000215.0053 -1 A sculpture of the falcon - headed god Horus 14.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 14.2 NYT19981007.0214 1 Egypt 14.2 NYT19981007.0214 -1 the war god Montu 14.2 XIE19970626.0187 -1 UK 14.2 APW19980730.0864 1 Egypt 14.2 APW20000215.0053 2 Egypt 14.2 NYT20000427.0227 2 Egypt 14.2 NYT19990213.0056 -1 Starr 14.2 XIE19990713.0042 -1 Isis 14.2 APW19980730.0864 -1 Osiris 14.2 APW19991031.0015 2 Egypt 14.2 NYT19981007.0214 -1 the war god Montu and the sun god Re 14.2 NYT19981124.0420 2 Egyptian 14.2 XIE19970626.0187 1 Egyptian god 14.2 APW19980730.0864 3 Egypt AP 14.2 XIE19961211.0025 -1 France 14.2 XIE20000222.0026 -1 China 14.2 XIE19970217.0001 1 Egypt 14.2 APW19980730.0877 1 Egyptian 14.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 14.3 XIE19990713.0042 -1 temple 14.3 NYT20000427.0227 -1 the grand Eye 14.3 XIE19990713.0042 1 Isis 14.3 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Amneris 14.3 APW19980730.0864 1 Isis 14.3 NYT19981007.0214 -1 Re 14.3 APW19980730.0864 -1 Gaballah 14.3 NYT20000403.0623 -1 Lazaro Gonzalez 14.3 APW19980730.0877 1 Isis 14.3 APW20000215.0053 -1 Roman 14.3 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Horus 14.3 APW19980730.0864 -1 Egyptians 14.3 XIE19990713.0042 -1 Osiris 14.3 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Bob Crowley 14.3 NYT19990303.0106 -1 Pfeiffer 14.3 NYT19981007.0214 -1 Egypt 14.3 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Wayne Cilento 14.3 XIE19961211.0025 -1 Charles Millon 14.3 NYT19980618.0358 -1 Horrible 14.3 APW19990112.0359 -1 police 14.3 NYT19991031.0127 -1 Egyptair 14.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 14.4 APW19980616.0116 -1 Samanchit 14.4 XIE19990713.0042 1 Osiris 14.4 NYT20000427.0227 -1 the grand Eye 14.4 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Amneris 14.4 APW19980730.0864 1 Osiris 14.4 APW19990507.0229 -1 Seth 14.4 XIE20000413.0276 -1 Lazaro Gonzalez 14.4 XIE19990713.0042 -1 Isis 14.4 APW19980730.0877 -1 Isis 14.4 APW20000215.0053 -1 Roman 14.4 XIE19990713.0042 -1 Amon 14.4 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Horus 14.4 APW19980730.0864 -1 Egyptians 14.4 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Bob Crowley 14.4 APW19980730.0864 -1 Isis 14.4 NYT19990508.0222 -1 Jones 14.4 NYT19980831.0225 -1 Jake 14.4 NYT20000427.0227 -1 Wayne Cilento 14.4 XIE19961211.0025 -1 Charles Millon 14.4 XIE19990713.0042 3 Osiris and Isis 14.4 NYT19980807.0315 -1 son 14.4 NYT19991031.0127 -1 The mummified hawk probably 15.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 15.2 APW19991017.0159 -1 Sammy Davis Jr. 15.2 APW19991017.0159 -1 Sinatra 15.2 NYT19990318.0356 -1 Enlibra 15.2 NYT19980812.0063 2 Lauren Bacall 15.2 APW19991017.0159 -1 Davis 15.2 NYT19991223.0074 -1 Bogart 15.2 NYT19980611.0048 -1 Humphrey Bogart 15.2 APW19991017.0029 -1 Dean Martin 15.2 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 15.2 NYT20000919.0158 -1 Information 15.2 NYT19980611.0055 -1 Frank Sinatra 15.2 APW19980605.0628 -1 Id 15.2 NYT19980611.0048 1 Lauren Bacall 15.2 NYT19980820.0262 -1 Davis 15.2 NYT19980820.0487 -1 Barbara Niven 15.2 NYT20000612.0414 -1 Jimmy Cagney 15.2 NYT19980904.0464 -1 Sue Basso 15.2 NYT20000605.0189 -1 the ubiquitous computer term 15.2 NYT20000629.0035 -1 the term partial-birth abortion 15.2 NYT19990501.0210 -1 Frank Sinatra 15.2 NYT19980611.0055 1 Lauren Bacall 15.2 NYT19980820.0311 -1 Chairman, the Rat Pack 15.2 NYT19980812.0063 -1 Humphrey Bogart 15.2 APW19990427.0131 -1 Michael Mace 15.2 NYT19990102.0066 -1 the Center for School Change at the University of Minnesotas Humphrey Institute 15.2 NYT19990505.0055 -1 Frank Sinatra 15.2 APW19991017.0159 -1 Frank Sinatra 15.2 XIE19960208.0081 -1 a term 15.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 15.3 NYT19990930.0019 -1 fake European hotels 15.3 APW19991017.0029 -1 Desert Inn 15.3 NYT19990930.0019 -1 European 15.3 NYT19980821.0204 -1 Frank 15.3 APW19990504.0253 1 Sands Hotel 15.3 NYT19980820.0261 -1 Casino 15.3 NYT19980826.0291 -1 Sinatra 15.3 NYT19981218.0390 -1 Night 15.3 NYT19990311.0088 -1 Elvis 15.3 NYT19980821.0182 -1 Frank Sinatra 15.3 APW19990427.0048 -1 Las Vegas Strip 15.3 NYT19980819.0255 -1 Frank Sinatra (Ray Liotta), Dean Martin (Joe Mantegna) 15.3 APW19990205.0306 -1 the Desert Inn Hotel 15.3 APW19980629.1282 -1 account 15.3 NYT20000127.0076 -1 Fremont Street 15.3 NYT19990930.0019 -1 his remarks 15.3 APW19990925.0192 -1 Sinatra 15.3 NYT19990930.0019 -1 the dust 15.3 APW19990504.0253 -1 Sammy , Joey 15.3 APW19991017.0029 -1 LAS VEGAS AP -- Sammy Davis Jr.s widow 15.3 NYT19990930.0019 -1 where gorgeous, fake European hotels rise above the dust of the bad old hotels that the Rat Pack 15.3 APW19991017.0159 -1 Sammy Davis Jr.'s widow has sued a hotel over a lounge 15.3 APW19990925.0192 -1 Frank Sinatra 15.3 NYT19980610.0517 -1 Sinatra 15.3 APW19990504.0253 1 Sands 15.3 NYT19980812.0063 -1 `` Slums of Beverly Hills '' 16.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 16.1 NYT19980601.0403 -1 CATARACT &LR 16.1 XIE19990204.0164 -1 renal failure 16.1 XIE19980916.0065 -1 Ganga Raj Aryal 16.1 NYT20000215.0080 -1 inflammation 16.1 APW19980805.1016 -1 inflammation 16.1 XIE19970222.0015 -1 visual disability 16.1 NYT19991031.0046 -1 vision 16.1 XIE19980220.0192 -1 Qiang Qiang 16.1 XIE19970222.0015 -1 Surgery 16.1 XIE19971214.0131 -1 removed by an ultrasound technique requiring an incision of about 2 16.1 XIE20000802.0216 -1 Benefits Cataract Patients 16.1 XIE20000612.0310 -1 established five years 16.1 XIE19990606.0077 -1 eye operations 16.1 NYT19991214.0058 -1 glaucoma 16.1 XIE19980916.0065 -1 swelling 16.1 XIE19980415.0186 1 clouding of the lens in the eye 16.1 XIE19980916.0065 -1 heart attack 16.1 XIE19991014.0041 -1 Kenya 16.1 XIE19990519.0344 -1 China ' 16.1 NYT20000215.0080 -1 a red , painful eye 16.1 XIE19990519.0344 -1 Patients ' primary symptom associated with rubeosis is a gradual loss 16.1 NYT19991224.0040 -1 coronary heart disease 16.1 NYT19980811.0275 2 blurred vision 16.1 XIE19991102.0301 -1 China 16.1 XIE19960713.0120 3 poor vision 16.1 XIE19970222.0015 -1 vision 16.1 XIE20000606.0130 -1 cataract patients 16.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 16.2 APW20000119.0201 -1 see 16.2 NYT19980601.0403 1 Surgery 16.2 XIE19970523.0254 1 surgery 16.2 XIE19970311.0127 1 surgery 16.2 NYT19991111.0301 1 surgery 16.2 XIE19990515.0148 -1 sent 16.2 XIE19990719.0193 -1 1997 16.2 NYT19980601.0403 -1 Dr. 16.2 XIE19970423.0169 1 Extracapsular cataract extraction 16.2 NYT19980609.0323 -1 Cataract Canyon 16.2 XIE19991019.0016 -1 5,000 16.2 NYT20000117.0293 -1 Trump Tower 16.2 NYT19981125.0059 -1 One of Pompey Jones 16.2 NYT20000526.0333 -1 American Cataract 16.2 XIE19991014.0041 -1 32,000 Kenyan patients 16.2 XIE20000612.0310 -1 established five years 16.2 XIE19960529.0266 -1 by taking advantage 16.2 XIE19970520.0174 -1 center 16.2 NYT19980601.0403 3 Surgery is the only proven way to 16.2 XIE19990719.0193 -1 can 16.2 XIE19970423.0169 -1 a safe and effective method 16.2 XIE19970311.0127 -1 Cataract 16.2 XIE19991014.0041 -1 1997 16.2 XIE20000606.0130 -1 effective means of treatment 16.2 XIE20000831.0137 -1 treat cataract 16.2 XIE19990519.0344 -1 Sight First China Action, a medical aid program jointly sponsored by 16.2 XIE19960601.0182 -1 serious eye diseases treated by a team of 26 eye doctors 16.2 APW19990417.0060 1 surgery 16.2 APW20000119.0360 1 Surgery 16.2 XIE19970423.0169 -1 cataracts , a common disease 17.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 17.1 APW19980612.1661 -1 1993 17.1 XIE19971229.0077 2 1998 17.1 XIE19981028.0132 -1 87 17.1 NYT20000611.0066 1 1998 17.1 APW20000329.0051 1 July 1998 17.1 NYT19981127.0217 -1 1992 17.1 APW20000615.0040 1 1998 17.1 XIE19961101.0268 -1 Wednesday 17.1 APW20000615.0040 1 July 1998 17.1 APW20000726.0050 1 July 1998 17.1 XIE19961101.0268 -1 November 1994 17.1 APW20000923.0143 1 June 1998 17.1 NYT19990511.0236 2 1998 17.1 APW19980710.0015 -1 July 17 17.1 XIE19961101.0268 -1 1994 17.1 XIE19981215.0174 -1 December 15 17.1 APW20000612.0009 1 1998 17.1 XIE19970805.0319 -1 today 17.1 NYT20000612.0163 -1 1978 17.1 XIE20000516.0070 1 17 July 1998 17.1 XIE19971217.0220 -1 2004 17.1 NYT20000611.0026 -1 20th century 17.1 NYT19981105.0104 1 ##July, 1998 17.1 APW19991027.0193 -1 a 1995 17.1 XIE19980322.0106 2 1998 17.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 17.2 NYT19980619.0387 -1 time 17.2 NYT20000517.0352 -1 David Malone 17.2 NYT20000611.0066 -1 United States 17.2 NYT19991030.0162 1 war crimes 17.2 NYT20000913.0451 1 war crime 17.2 XIE19980415.0004 -1 ICC 17.2 APW20000216.0032 -1 statute 17.2 APW19980902.1265 -1 RWANDA-GENOCIDE TRIBUNAL 17.2 NYT20000517.0352 -1 United Nations 17.2 NYT19990807.0087 -1 sometimes initialized as ICCt to distinguish it from "International Chamber of Commerce 17.2 XIE19981126.0044 -1 Statute 17.2 APW19990810.0206 -1 United Nations 17.2 NYT20000517.0352 -1 International Peace Academy 17.2 XIE19980618.0019 -1 A 17.2 XIE19980322.0106 -1 United Nations 17.2 XIE19960922.0038 -1 eight 17.2 XIE19980322.0106 -1 Nations 17.2 APW19990810.0206 1 war crimes 17.2 NYT20000517.0352 -1 Academy 17.2 NYT20000611.0066 -1 American 17.2 NYT19981110.0454 -1 public support 17.2 XIE19980718.0191 -1 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 17.2 XIE19980718.0191 -1 the United States 17.2 APW19980612.0010 -1 International Criminal Court'' to try 17.2 XIE19961101.0268 -1 Ambassador Chen Shiqiu said today that in the process of establishing 17.2 XIE19980414.0142 -1 the ICC 17.2 NYT19990511.0236 1 war crime 17.2 XIE20000827.0365 1 perpetrators of crimes against humanity 17.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 17.3 XIE19971229.0077 -1 former UN secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali 17.3 XIE19971229.0077 -1 Boutros 17.3 NYT19980617.0544 -1 the maverick Republican 17.3 NYT20000611.0066 -1 WASHINGTON 17.3 XIE19971229.0077 -1 laws 17.3 XIE19980825.0049 -1 International Court of Justice 17.3 APW19990804.0199 -1 United 17.3 NYT20000721.0360 -1 Prime Minister Jean Chretien 17.3 NYT19990406.0318 -1 Hague 17.3 NYT20000531.0364 -1 Bush 17.3 XIE19960610.0230 -1 Yugoslavia 17.3 NYT19980714.0364 -1 Jesse Helms 17.3 XIE19961101.0268 -1 Chinese Ambassador on International Criminal Court 17.3 NYT19980724.0349 -1 Washington 17.3 APW20000923.0143 -1 June 17.3 APW19990814.0098 -1 Philippe Kirsch 17.3 XIE19980721.0055 -1 Minister Dullah 17.3 XIE19980721.0055 3 a U.N. -sponsored agreement 17.3 APW20000516.0041 -1 Joseph Biden 17.3 NYT19980614.0110 2 U.N. 17.3 NYT20000211.0025 -1 Rwanda 17.3 XIE19980721.0055 1 U.N. 17.3 NYT20000721.0360 -1 President Clinton 17.3 XIE19961101.0268 -1 Ambassador Chen 17.3 XIE19980721.0055 -1 Dullah Omar 17.3 NYT20000520.0059 -1 Sen. Joseph Biden 17.3 APW20000211.0103 -1 amendment was the International Criminal Court , which began 17.3 NYT19990624.0339 -1 an amendment 17.3 NYT19981127.0217 -1 Thomas Weiss 17.3 NYT20000611.0066 -1 Jesse Helms 17.3 XIE19981126.0044 -1 Rome Statute 17.3 APW20000615.0040 -1 The United States 17.3 APW20000611.0092 1 United Nations 17.3 XIE19980715.0242 -1 ICC 17.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 17.4 APW19990125.0016 -1 such methods 17.4 XIE19961101.0268 -1 six 17.4 APW19980615.0940 -1 three 17.4 APW20000329.0051 -1 five permanent council members 17.4 NYT20000618.0164 -1 18 justices 17.4 APW20000120.0195 -1 68,000 17.4 XIE20000516.0070 -1 6 17.4 NYT19980702.0488 -1 two 17.4 APW19980615.0338 -1 four 17.4 APW20000119.0219 -1 four justices 17.4 XIE20000516.0070 -1 60 17.4 XIE19960823.0168 -1 five years 17.4 NYT19990902.0307 -1 the first two years 17.4 NYT20000726.0398 -1 nine justices 17.4 NYT20000222.0263 -1 18 justices 17.4 XIE19990827.0184 -1 40 17.4 XIE20000516.0070 -1 96 17.4 NYT19991129.0335 -1 18 justices 17.4 APW20000726.0050 -1 13 17.4 APW19980717.0580 -1 18 17.4 NYT19980615.0023 -1 1 18.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 18.1 APW19990104.0101 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.1 APW19980723.1278 -1 gold 18.1 APW19980723.1278 -1 Gold 18.1 APW20000103.0210 1 heavyweight 18.1 NYT19981007.0405 1 heavyweight 18.1 NYT20000223.0331 1 heavyweight 18.1 NYT19990109.0240 1 heavyweight 18.1 NYT19981022.0098 -1 Sonny Liston 18.1 XIE19960518.0084 -1 147 pounds 18.1 NYT19990913.0163 -1 Florida 18.1 NYT19991219.0236 -1 Sonny Liston 18.1 NYT19980716.0011 -1 one year 18.1 APW19990104.0185 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.1 APW20000111.0206 -1 Ali's 12th-round technical knockout 18.1 APW19980723.1278 -1 boxing 18.1 APW19990103.0047 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.1 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Quarry's 18.1 NYT19981213.0164 -1 won't give 18.1 NYT19981022.0098 -1 Ali 18.1 APW19990103.0080 -1 Jerry Quarry 18.1 XIE19960420.0097 -1 Light Heavyweight division 18.1 APW19980911.0339 -1 Troy Amos Ross a Canadian light heavyweight makes his Commonwealth Games debut 18.1 NYT19981213.0164 -1 $800 to get his opportunity finally. He spent a lot of time on what was called the Black Circuit,'' 18.1 XIE19990104.0205 -1 Jerry Quarry, a former American heavyweight boxer, died in Templeton, California 18.1 APW20000813.0022 -1 people 18.1 APW19990205.0072 1 heavyweight 18.1 APW19990104.0101 1 heavyweight 18.1 NYT19990104.0409 -1 the WBA title 18.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 18.2 APW19981213.0681 -1 second 1996 18.2 APW19981209.1759 -1 1952 18.2 NYT19990118.0004 -1 a brief, golden moment 18.2 NYT19981105.0215 -1 1935 18.2 NYT19991016.0211 -1 1999 18.2 APW19980723.1278 1 Nov. 30, 1956 18.2 XIE19960105.0084 -1 January 4 18.2 APW19981209.1681 -1 1952 18.2 XIE20000126.0206 -1 1961 18.2 APW20000717.0034 -1 1996 18.2 NYT19991017.0014 -1 1962 18.2 APW19981019.0395 -1 1979 18.2 NYT19990313.0160 -1 1960 18.2 APW19990104.0101 -1 Sunday 18.2 APW19990103.0080 -1 Sunday 18.2 APW20000111.0206 -1 1962 18.2 NYT19990313.0160 -1 1959 18.2 NYT20000412.0355 -1 three decades ago 18.2 APW20000111.0206 -1 1965 18.2 NYT19991018.0228 -1 1982 18.2 NYT19990915.0391 -1 Sept. 15, 1999 18.2 NYT19981209.0409 -1 1935 18.2 NYT20000510.0377 -1 1935 18.2 APW19980723.1278 -1 1951 18.2 NYT20000108.0199 -1 1952 18.2 APW19990219.0016 -1 1997 18.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 18.3 XIE19960420.0097 -1 15-15 15 year 18.3 NYT19990118.0004 -1 a brief, golden moment 18.3 APW19990710.0148 -1 1958 18.3 APW19990103.0123 -1 eight 18.3 NYT19981209.0409 1 21-year-old 18.3 NYT19980719.0077 2 21 18.3 NYT19990118.0004 -1 eight 18.3 APW19990103.0121 -1 two 18.3 NYT19981007.0405 -1 seven 18.3 XIE19980131.0114 -1 17 year 18.3 XIE19960518.0084 -1 9-5 18.3 APW19990103.0121 -1 53 18.3 APW19981209.1681 -1 39 18.3 APW19980722.0749 -1 36 hours 18.3 APW19990103.0123 -1 53 18.3 XIE19990104.0205 -1 a 53 18.3 APW19981209.1681 -1 age 39 18.3 APW19981209.1681 -1 nine 18.3 NYT19981007.0405 -1 seven times 18.3 APW19981209.1681 -1 at age 39 18.3 APW20000717.0034 -1 three 18.3 APW19981209.1759 -1 the most courageous boxers 18.3 NYT19981121.0034 -1 44-year 18.3 APW19981209.1759 -1 over Joey Maxim. He successfully defended it nine times, but along the way lost to heavyweight 18.3 XIE19990104.0205 -1 Jerry Quarry, a former American heavyweight boxer, died in Templeton, California 18.3 NYT19981209.0414 1 21 18.3 APW19981107.0501 -1 than 10 years 18.3 XIE19960420.0097 -1 Eighteen - year - old 18.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 18.4 NYT19990104.0409 -1 Quarry 18.4 NYT19991219.0236 -1 Ali 18.4 NYT19981007.0405 -1 Ingemar Johansson 18.4 APW19980723.1277 -1 Ali 18.4 NYT19981021.0294 -1 ali 18.4 XIE19960805.0237 -1 Somluck Kamsing 18.4 APW19981209.1681 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.4 NYT19991219.0236 -1 Sonny Liston 18.4 APW19990205.0072 -1 Tyson 18.4 NYT19990118.0004 -1 Liston 18.4 APW19990103.0037 -1 John 18.4 XIE19960518.0084 -1 Ramases Patterson 18.4 APW19981209.1681 -1 Ali 18.4 APW19981209.1681 -1 Rocky Marciano 18.4 APW19990202.0310 -1 Reid 18.4 APW19990103.0123 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.4 APW20000111.0206 -1 Ali 18.4 APW19990103.0047 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.4 APW19990103.0047 -1 Ali 18.4 NYT19990118.0004 -1 Floyd 18.4 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Jimmy Ellis 18.4 NYT19991018.0228 -1 Duk Koo Kim 18.4 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Floyd Patterson 18.4 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Joe Frazier 18.4 NYT19991219.0236 -1 Joe Frazier 18.4 NYT19991219.0236 -1 world 's Heavyweight 18.4 NYT19991219.0236 -1 those he beat : Sonny Liston Floyd Patterson Joe Frazier George Foreman Ken Norton and Jerry Quarry 18.4 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Jerry Quarry 18.4 XIE19990104.0205 -1 Jerry Quarry 18.4 XIE19980510.0034 -1 Hingis 18.4 NYT19990313.0160 -1 Ingemar Johansson 18.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 18.5 NYT19991219.0236 -1 Sugar Ray Robinson 18.5 APW19981209.1681 -1 Rocky Marciano 18.5 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Jimmy Ellis 18.5 APW19980723.1277 -1 Ali 18.5 NYT19981021.0294 -1 ali 18.5 APW19990103.0123 -1 Jerry Quarry 18.5 NYT20000716.0084 -1 Ali 18.5 NYT19981101.0060 -1 Ali 18.5 NYT19981007.0405 1 Ingemar Johansson 18.5 NYT19991219.0236 -1 Sonny Liston 18.5 APW19981209.1759 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.5 APW19981209.1681 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.5 NYT19981209.0414 -1 Moore 18.5 NYT19981106.0462 -1 Williams 18.5 NYT19981101.0060 -1 Liston 18.5 XIE19960518.0084 -1 Ramases Patterson 18.5 APW19981209.1681 -1 Ali 18.5 APW19990202.0310 -1 Reid 18.5 APW19990103.0123 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.5 NYT20000716.0084 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.5 APW19990103.0047 -1 Muhammad Ali 18.5 APW19990103.0047 -1 Ali 18.5 NYT19991018.0228 -1 Duk Koo Kim 18.5 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Floyd Patterson 18.5 NYT19991219.0236 -1 world heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson 18.5 NYT19990109.0240 -1 Jerry Quarry 18.5 XIE19990104.0205 -1 Jerry Quarry 18.5 NYT19990118.0004 -1 Liston 18.5 APW19990103.0080 -1 Jerry Quarry 19.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 19.1 XIE20000414.0036 1 collective farm collective farm 19.1 XIE19980421.0039 -1 Getz 19.1 NYT20000125.0120 -1 Israel 19.1 XIE19990130.0031 -1 Moshav 19.1 XIE19970117.0134 -1 Israel 19.1 XIE20000415.0163 1 a voluntary collective community 19.1 NYT19980606.0152 -1 place 19.1 NYT19990915.0081 -1 Golan 19.1 APW19981213.0563 -1 City 19.1 NYT20000125.0120 -1 expected to provide for their material needs 19.1 XIE19980421.0039 -1 Kibbutz Communities Undergo Reforms 19.1 XIE19990928.0143 1 collective farm 19.1 NYT19991215.0117 -1 Merom Golan 19.1 XIE19980421.0039 -1 Israel 19.1 NYT20000125.0120 -1 settlement 19.1 APW19981204.0843 1 communal farms 19.1 NYT20000526.0270 -1 Israeli 19.1 XIE20000414.0036 1 an agricultural farming community 19.1 NYT20000125.0120 -1 Syrian 19.1 NYT20000125.0120 -1 memorial 19.1 XIE19991222.0019 -1 intentional community in Israel 19.1 NYT19981115.0095 -1 Israel 19.1 XIE19970117.0134 -1 Kibbutz communities 19.1 XIE19980421.0039 3 Kibbutzim in Israel, the largest communitarian movement in the world today, 19.1 XIE20000414.0036 -1 Israel 19.1 XIE20000414.0036 1 agricultural farming community 19.1 XIE19980421.0039 -1 israel 19.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 19.2 XIE20000414.0036 1 Israel 19.2 XIE19980421.0039 -1 275 19.2 NYT19980928.0079 -1 Australia 19.2 XIE19980421.0039 -1 Red Sea 19.2 XIE19970117.0134 1 Israel 19.2 XIE19970807.0122 1 Israel 19.2 XIE19990928.0092 1 Israel 19.2 APW20000109.0055 1 Israel 19.2 XIE19980421.0039 1 Israel 19.2 XIE19960910.0263 -1 Netanyahu 19.2 XIE19961113.0074 1 Israel 19.2 APW19980708.0019 1 Israel 19.2 NYT19980717.0140 1 Israel 19.2 NYT20000125.0120 -1 United States 19.2 APW19981116.1112 -1 Associated Press 19.2 XIE20000821.0286 1 Israel 19.2 NYT20000125.0120 -1 the Jordanian border 19.2 XIE19990928.0092 -1 the Golan Heights six months 19.2 NYT19980812.0381 1 Israel 19.2 XIE19980421.0039 -1 Kibbutz Metzer 19.2 NYT19990214.0051 -1 only a religious country 19.2 XIE20000821.0286 1 . Israel 19.2 XIE19990928.0143 1 Israel 19.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 19.3 XIE19980421.0039 1 1908 19.3 APW19981120.1378 -1 1910 19.3 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1967 19.3 APW19990214.0061 -1 in 1909 19.3 XIE19960403.0132 -1 1909 19.3 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1960 19.3 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1956 19.3 NYT19990517.0329 -1 Feb. 19.3 NYT19991011.0390 -1 1948 19.3 NYT19980907.0161 -1 1909 Tel Aviv 19.3 XIE19960325.0119 -1 1948 19.3 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1991 19.3 APW19990211.0012 -1 1909 19.3 XIE20000414.0036 -1 2000 19.3 NYT19980717.0119 -1 2001 19.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 19.4 XIE19980421.0039 -1 Israel 19.4 NYT20000125.0120 -1 Israel 19.4 NYT20000125.0120 -1 Russia 19.4 XIE19980421.0039 3 Sea of Galiee 19.4 NYT20000115.0086 -1 Galilee 19.4 NYT19990211.0267 -1 Supreme Court 19.4 NYT19980717.0127 -1 Israel 19.4 NYT20000805.0088 -1 Lebanon 19.4 NYT19990519.0395 -1 Israel 19.4 XIE19990928.0092 -1 Israel 19.4 APW19980708.0019 -1 Israel 19.4 NYT19980717.0140 -1 Israel 19.4 APW19980617.0701 -1 David 19.4 NYT20000125.0124 -1 Israel 19.4 XIE20000821.0286 -1 Israel 19.4 XIE19980424.0254 -1 northern Israel 19.4 XIE19970426.0119 -1 northern Israel 19.4 XIE19980421.0039 1 shores of the Sea of Galiee 19.4 NYT19980717.0126 -1 Israel 19.4 NYT20000125.0120 -1 Golan 19.4 APW19981013.0461 -1 Sha ' ar Hagolan 19.4 XIE19970117.0134 -1 Israel 19.4 APW19980617.0701 -1 Gurion , Israel 19.4 NYT20000125.0120 2 the Sea of Galilee 19.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 19.5 NYT19980928.0079 -1 2 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 2 19.5 XIE19980424.0254 -1 19980424 19.5 XIE19980421.0039 1 275 19.5 XIE19980424.0254 -1 23-year-old girl 19.5 XIE19980421.0039 -1 one 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 three 19.5 NYT20000805.0129 -1 Hong Kong Return Marks Chapter History 2 Hong 19.5 APW19980708.0019 -1 5 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1960 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1956 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 80 19.5 XIE19970117.0134 -1 185,000 19.5 APW19980708.0016 -1 one 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 our bed and breakfast 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1967 19.5 NYT20000805.0129 -1 offered free accommodations in the kibbutz , 3 meals a day , free laundry service 19.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 80s 20.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 London 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 France 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 the Concorde 001 20.1 NYT20000725.0364 -1 1969 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 1969 20.1 APW20000725.0129 1 1976 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 March 2 , 1969 20.1 APW20000726.0074 1 1976 20.1 NYT20000911.0198 -1 2002 20.1 APW19990523.0001 1 1976 20.1 APW20000726.0071 1 1976 20.1 APW20000819.0027 -1 1968 20.1 XIE20000726.0059 -1 Tuesday 20.1 XIE20000725.0056 -1 Tuesday 20.1 APW20000815.0140 -1 morning 20.1 APW20000801.0147 -1 one 20.1 APW20000725.0129 3 Jan. 21, 1976 20.1 APW19981123.1284 -1 1990 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 maiden passenger flights took place on January 21 20.1 APW20000725.0129 -1 Concorde passenger flights 20.1 XIE20000816.0140 -1 The French press Wednesday expressed their pessimism about the future of 20.1 APW20000819.0027 -1 1969 20.1 XIE20000725.0036 1 1976 20.1 APW19990120.0161 1 1976 20.1 NYT20000728.0142 -1 1969 20.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 20.3 NYT19980915.0483 -1 58 20.3 NYT20000726.0316 -1 your neighbors 20.3 NYT20000726.0316 1 100 20.3 NYT19991013.0233 1 100 passengers 20.3 NYT20000818.0297 1 100 seats 20.3 NYT19991013.0233 1 100 20.3 NYT19991013.0233 3 only 100 20.3 NYT20000726.0316 -1 1 20.3 NYT20000818.0297 -1 seven 20.3 XIE19960502.0212 -1 2.04 20.3 NYT20000726.0316 1 100-seat 20.3 NYT20000818.0297 1 100 20.3 APW20000725.0185 -1 3,400 20.3 APW20000819.0027 3 each 100-seat Concorde 20.3 XIE20000731.0055 -1 66 20.3 NYT20000725.0291 -1 10 miles 20.3 XIE20000815.0241 -1 five 20.3 NYT19990325.0171 -1 52 seats 20.3 NYT19991013.0233 -1 front cabin has 40 seats , and the rear 20.3 XIE19960122.0223 1 100 20.3 APW20000801.0147 -1 80,000 20.3 APW20000725.0129 -1 001 20.3 NYT19991013.0233 1 100 seats 20.3 APW20000801.0147 1 100 20.3 NYT19991123.0320 -1 four 20.3 XIE19960122.0223 -1 300 passengers 20.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 20.4 NYT20000815.0283 -1 five day 20.4 NYT20000726.0034 -1 1969 20.4 NYT20000725.0327 -1 miles per hour 20.4 APW20000817.0179 -1 1 20.4 NYT19980911.0042 1 about 1,800 mph 20.4 NYT20000726.0316 1 1,350 mph 20.4 NYT20000726.0316 -1 1 20.4 NYT20000725.0342 1 1,350 miles per hour 20.4 NYT19991013.0233 -1 five 20.4 APW20000725.0217 1 1,350 mph 20.4 NYT20000728.0057 -1 two minutes 20.4 NYT20000729.0073 -1 3 hours 20.4 NYT20000725.0401 -1 30-year history 20.4 NYT20000815.0317 -1 British Airways and Air France 20.4 NYT20000725.0384 1 1,350 miles per hour 20.4 NYT20000901.0200 -1 195 20.4 NYT20000725.0370 1 1,350 mph 20.4 XIE20000816.0141 -1 the flight 20.4 NYT20000921.0347 -1 every 17 , 000 tickets 20.4 APW20000725.0242 -1 60 mph 20.4 NYT20000726.0316 -1 10 20.4 NYT19991013.0233 1 1,330 mph 20.4 NYT20000804.0225 -1 57 hours 20.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 20.5 APW20000725.0104 -1 1980 20.5 APW20000730.0008 -1 1969 20.5 APW20000831.0067 -1 24 20.5 APW20000725.0088 -1 25 years 20.5 NYT20000816.0143 -1 25 years 20.5 NYT20000816.0143 -1 last month 20.5 NYT20000726.0316 -1 Wednesday 20.5 NYT20000725.0237 -1 Air France Flight 4590 20.5 NYT20000816.0289 -1 Concorde Flight AF 4590 20.5 NYT20000816.0143 -1 July 25 20.5 NYT19990812.0389 -1 1980 20.5 NYT19980612.0176 2 2000 20.5 APW20000726.0229 1 2000 20.5 NYT20000725.0237 -1 4590 20.5 APW20000819.0027 -1 1968 20.5 APW20000811.0078 -1 Transportation Minister Jean- Claude Gayssot 20.5 NYT20000815.0150 -1 Paris last month 20.5 XIE20000726.0196 -1 1976 20.5 NYT20000726.0149 -1 30 20.5 XIE20000921.0172 2 July 25, 2000 20.5 NYT20000725.0259 -1 1976 20.5 XIE20000816.0141 -1 seven or eight 20.5 XIE20000726.0171 -1 1969 20.5 APW19990514.0265 -1 1997 20.5 NYT20000725.0364 -1 Industry spin This is the first Concorde crash in 25 years it 's still a safe plane 20.5 NYT20000725.0237 -1 1976 20.5 NYT20000727.0113 -1 Concorde crash 20.5 XIE20000816.0140 -1 The French press Wednesday expressed their pessimism about the future of 20.5 XIE20000726.0196 -1 1969 20.5 APW20000726.0074 -1 1976 20.5 XIE20000725.0056 2 2000 20.5 NYT19981005.0185 2 2000 20.5 APW20000725.0129 3 - July 25 , 2000 21.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 21.1 NYT19990413.0099 -1 Disney World 21.1 NYT20000111.0242 -1 two 21.1 APW19980603.0588 -1 24, 1997, 21.1 APW19980603.0588 1 120 villages 21.1 NYT19990429.0461 -1 85 21.1 NYT19990429.0461 -1 1 21.1 NYT19990328.0034 -1 two years 21.1 NYT20000127.0306 -1 four years 21.1 NYT19990728.0197 -1 one vacation spot 21.1 NYT19990429.0461 -1 28 21.1 NYT19981129.0043 -1 1994 21.1 NYT19981008.0020 -1 6 21.1 APW19980603.0588 -1 one 21.1 APW19980603.0588 -1 36 countries 21.1 APW19980603.0588 -1 24, 1997 21.1 NYT20000718.0126 -1 2 21.1 APW19980603.0588 1 120 21.1 NYT20000111.0242 -1 1997 21.1 NYT20000401.0274 -1 500,000 in 21.1 APW19990914.0012 -1 380 21.1 NYT20000718.0216 -1 2 21.1 XIE20000612.0003 -1 7 21.1 NYT19990309.0122 -1 one 21.1 NYT19990429.0461 -1 10, 21.1 NYT19990429.0461 -1 51 21.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 -1 Colorado 21.3 NYT19990429.0421 -1 Mexico 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 -1 Copper Mountain 21.3 NYT20000718.0125 -1 Copper Mountain 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 -1 Cancun 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 3 Jamaica 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 -1 Atlantic 21.3 NYT20000928.0480 -1 in Tahiti 21.3 NYT19991019.0410 -1 in Port St. Lucie 21.3 APW19981205.0413 -1 Martinique 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 -1 Playa Blanca 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 1 Runaway Bay , Jamaica 21.3 NYT19990429.0328 -1 Mexico 21.3 NYT19990429.0424 -1 Mexico 21.3 NYT20000403.0518 -1 Mexico 21.3 APW19980603.0596 -1 Bintan island 21.3 NYT19990429.0461 -1 Italy 21.3 NYT19990429.0461 -1 Paris 21.3 NYT20000718.0125 -1 Mexico 21.3 NYT20000718.0125 -1 Club Med is offering a $150 discount per adult 21.3 NYT20000111.0242 -1 Almost two years after a management shake-up, Club Mediterranee SA on 21.3 NYT19990330.0085 -1 Cancun 21.3 NYT19990330.0085 -1 Mexico 21.3 NYT19990429.0461 -1 Lucie , Florida 21.3 NYT19990429.0461 -1 Euro Disney 22.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 22.1 APW20000425.0204 1 PRAGUE 22.1 APW20000223.0092 1 Czechoslovakia 22.1 APW20000223.0092 1 PRAGUE 22.1 APW20000223.0092 1 Prague, Czechoslovakia 22.1 APW20000223.0092 1 Prague 22.1 APW19990130.0073 -1 Vienna 22.1 APW20000425.0204 1 Prague 22.1 APW20000223.0092 1 Prague , Czechoslovakia 22.1 NYT19990112.0123 -1 Austria 22.1 NYT19981119.0437 -1 LR 22.1 APW20000425.0204 -1 1883 , Franz Kafka 22.1 APW20000223.0092 3 was born in Prague , Czechoslovakia , in 1883 22.1 APW19981206.0970 -1 There 22.1 APW20000223.0091 -1 Virginia 22.1 APW20000223.0092 -1 America 22.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 22.2 APW20000425.0204 1 1883 22.2 APW20000223.0092 -1 Prague 22.2 APW20000223.0092 1 1883 22.2 APW20000223.0092 1 in 1883 22.2 APW20000425.0204 -1 February 22.2 NYT20000531.0051 3 July 3, 1883 22.2 NYT20000817.0254 -1 Oct. 1 22.2 NYT19980709.0267 -1 Sept. 22.2 APW19991020.0077 -1 Oct. 28, 1944 22.2 APW20000424.0211 -1 1929 22.2 NYT19981118.0401 -1 Hermann and Julie 22.2 APW20000223.0092 3 was born in Prague , Czechoslovakia , in 1883 22.2 APW20000425.0204 -1 1911 22.2 NYT19991105.0471 -1 1990 22.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 22.3 APW20000425.0204 -1 early 20th century 22.3 APW20000223.0092 -1 artists 22.3 NYT19991116.0177 -1 Franz Kafka's `Amerika 22.3 APW20000223.0092 -1 the 22.3 APW20000223.0091 1 Jewish 22.3 NYT19990507.0109 2 Jewish 22.3 APW20000223.0091 -1 novel 22.3 NYT19991010.0080 -1 Joyce 22.3 APW20000223.0092 -1 then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 22.3 APW20000223.0091 3 Jewish and Franz Kafka 22.3 APW20000223.0091 -1 Author Kimberley Kafka 22.3 NYT19980814.0227 -1 The Trial 22.3 NYT19980928.0181 -1 Josef K 22.3 APW20000223.0092 -1 me 22.3 NYT19981210.0555 -1 Cold War show trials 22.3 NYT19981210.0554 -1 Cold War show trials 22.3 NYT19990520.0352 -1 The Trial 22.3 NYT19980616.0491 -1 outsider 22.3 APW19980616.1566 -1 Austrian 22.3 APW19980616.1566 -1 Thought 22.3 APW20000223.0092 -1 Franz Kafka 22.3 NYT19990322.0193 -1 American 22.3 APW20000223.0092 -1 years 22.3 NYT19990402.0185 -1 Representative writers are Lewis Carroll , Franz Kafka , Michael Bulgakov 22.3 NYT19990106.0073 -1 author 22.3 NYT19990506.0409 -1 Death 22.3 NYT19990624.0022 -1 Metamorphosis 22.3 XIE19990930.0035 -1 ethnic minorities 22.3 APW20000223.0092 1 Jewish 22.3 NYT19990416.0363 -1 Metamorphosis 23.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23.1 NYT19990629.0356 -1 Hollywood 23.1 NYT19991222.0313 -1 Oliver Stone 23.1 NYT19990212.0027 -1 Bud 23.1 NYT19990214.0147 -1 bud 23.1 NYT19991222.0313 1 Wall Street 23.1 NYT19980604.0123 1 Wall Street 23.1 NYT19991222.0313 1 ` ` Wall Street. ' ' 23.1 NYT19991229.0134 1 ` ` Wall Street. ' ' 23.1 NYT19990603.0192 -1 Flash Gordon 23.1 NYT20000217.0192 -1 Michael Douglas 23.1 NYT20000314.0278 -1 Blue Horseshoe Investments 23.1 NYT19980604.0123 -1 Michael Douglas 23.1 NYT19980801.0205 -1 his 23.1 NYT19990219.0322 -1 January 23.1 NYT20000212.0159 -1 Patton 23.1 NYT19991229.0134 1 ``Wall Street. 23.1 NYT20000314.0278 3 the Wall Street movie's 23.1 NYT19991222.0313 3 Street 23.1 NYT19990514.0281 1 Wall Street. 23.1 XIE19980731.0279 -1 Michael Douglas 23.1 NYT20000314.0278 -1 the swashbuckling character 23.1 XIE19980731.0279 1 Wall Street 23.1 NYT19980604.0123 -1 Gordon Gekko character.. Also fun is the film 23.1 XIE19980731.0279 -1 The United Nations on Thursday named film star Michael Douglas of 23.1 NYT19991117.0246 -1 Michael Douglas 23.1 NYT19990514.0281 -1 michael Douglas 23.1 APW20000223.0092 2 Wall Street 23.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23.2 NYT20000217.0192 1 Michael Douglas 23.2 NYT19980603.0232 3 Douglas 23.2 XIE19990114.0047 -1 Zambia 23.2 NYT20000217.0192 -1 Seth 23.2 NYT19980604.0137 3 Douglas 23.2 NYT19980604.0123 3 Douglas 23.2 NYT19980605.0139 3 Douglas 23.2 NYT19990422.0232 -1 Minny 23.2 NYT19980603.0232 -1 Oscar 23.2 NYT20000217.0192 -1 J. T. Marlin 23.2 XIE19980731.0279 1 Michael Douglas 23.2 XIE19980506.0266 -1 China 23.2 XIE19961106.0064 -1 central China 23.2 NYT19990514.0281 1 Michael Douglas 23.2 XIE19980731.0279 -1 Oscar 23.2 NYT19980603.0232 3 Ask Michael Douglas 23.2 NYT19990422.0232 -1 Fenimore 23.2 NYT20000217.0192 -1 Gordon Gekko 23.2 NYT19990428.0412 -1 Stephen King 23.2 NYT20000217.0192 -1 Greed is good 23.2 NYT19990516.0067 -1 Natalie Portman 23.2 NYT19991117.0246 -1 Greed 23.2 NYT20000218.0080 -1 Oliver Stone 23.2 NYT19980803.0451 -1 some plays 23.2 NYT20000720.0193 3 Michael 23.2 NYT20000218.0080 1 Michael Douglas 23.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23.3 XIE19980731.0279 1 1987 23.3 NYT19990629.0218 -1 1998 23.3 NYT19991013.0285 -1 1977 23.3 NYT20000403.0029 -1 2001 23.3 NYT20000813.0067 -1 November 23.3 NYT20000314.0278 1 1987 23.3 NYT19980604.0123 1 1987 23.3 XIE19971121.0084 -1 mon 23.3 NYT19981023.0130 -1 1997 23.3 APW19980713.0471 -1 1991 23.3 NYT19980708.0347 -1 the director Adrian Lyne's adaptation 23.3 APW20000611.0052 -1 its fourth weekend 23.3 NYT20000217.0192 1 1987 23.3 NYT19980604.0137 -1 10 23.3 NYT20000217.0192 -1 1992 23.3 NYT20000218.0080 -1 Gordon Gekko in 1767 Barry Lyndon is traditionally 23.3 NYT19991222.0313 -1 movie character Gordon Gekko 23.3 XIE19980731.0279 -1 The United Nations on Thursday named film star Michael Douglas of 23.3 APW20000307.0128 -1 1999 23.3 NYT20000217.0192 -1 29 23.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 23.4 XIE19960108.0213 -1 CWP panel 23.4 XIE19960108.0213 -1 nation 23.4 NYT19980604.0137 -1 Gordon Gekko 10 23.4 NYT19980812.0378 -1 Education 23.4 NYT19991222.0313 -1 movie 23.4 NYT19990804.0358 -1 country 23.4 NYT20000217.0192 -1 Michael Douglas 23.4 XIE19980731.0279 -1 " Wall Street " 23.4 NYT20000314.0278 -1 Wall Street 23.4 XIE19980731.0279 -1 Gordon Gekko 23.4 NYT20000902.0192 -1 Michael Douglas 23.4 NYT19990430.0012 -1 GORDON SETS 23.4 NYT19980603.0232 1 financier 23.4 NYT20000218.0080 -1 demigod 23.4 NYT19990514.0073 -1 Wall Street 23.4 NYT20000314.0278 -1 that greed 23.4 NYT19990514.0281 1 financier 23.4 NYT20000314.0278 3 businessmen 23.4 NYT20000720.0193 1 financier 23.4 NYT19991229.0134 1 trader 23.4 NYT20000218.0080 -1 Gekko's downfall 23.4 XIE19980731.0279 -1 Oscar _ 23.4 NYT19990304.0331 -1 the inquisitiveness and enthusiasm 23.4 NYT19980604.0123 -1 character of Gordon Gekko is based loosely 23.4 NYT20000314.0278 -1 greed 23.4 NYT20000222.0298 -1 president 23.4 NYT19991127.0051 -1 Wall Street 23.4 NYT20000217.0192 -1 Wall Street 23.4 NYT19991222.0313 3 ethics-free trader 23.4 NYT20000218.0080 -1 Street 23.4 NYT20000218.0080 -1 `` Wall Street. '' Gordon Gekko 24.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 24.1 APW19990622.0133 -1 1999 24.1 NYT19990616.0281 -1 1989 24.1 NYT19991009.0243 -1 Toronto 24.1 NYT19991009.0243 1 1929 24.1 APW20000621.0107 -1 1970 24.1 APW20000826.0083 -1 1980 24.1 NYT19990422.0371 1 1929 24.1 NYT19990422.0371 2 February 28, 1929 24.1 NYT19981015.0192 -1 1983 24.1 NYT19980604.0175 -1 1989 24.1 NYT19980709.0312 -1 summer 24.1 NYT19980709.0311 -1 summer 24.1 NYT20000427.0200 -1 1930 24.1 APW20000621.0107 2 Born February 28 , 1929 24.1 NYT20000412.0271 -1 1933 24.1 NYT19990824.0224 -1 1979 24.1 XIE19961009.0056 -1 1990 24.1 APW19981029.1167 -1 1997 24.1 NYT20000623.0360 -1 1970 24.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 24.2 NYT20000201.0209 -1 Madeleine K. Albright 24.2 NYT20000926.0134 1 American 24.2 NYT19990825.0193 2 American 24.2 APW20000621.0107 -1 Microsoft 24.2 NYT19990803.0222 1 American 24.2 APW20000714.0208 -1 architect 24.2 NYT19981113.0324 -1 Guggenheim Museum 24.2 NYT19980820.0044 -1 Guggenheim Museum 24.2 NYT19991220.0151 -1 Spain 24.2 NYT19991009.0243 -1 1929 24.2 NYT19990616.0281 -1 Frank O. Gehry 24.2 NYT19980625.0555 -1 French 24.2 NYT19980604.0175 1 American 24.2 APW20000714.0208 -1 Los Angeles 24.2 NYT19980819.0155 -1 Guggenheim Museum 24.2 NYT20000416.0163 -1 the Guggenheim's main building 24.2 NYT19990115.0373 1 America 24.2 NYT20000210.0185 -1 Italian 24.2 APW20000826.0083 -1 the fiberglass spheres 24.2 APW19990623.0106 -1 colored 24.2 APW19990928.0086 -1 Guggenheim Museum 24.2 NYT19990825.0193 -1 architect 24.2 NYT19990616.0281 -1 Spain 24.2 NYT19980727.0145 1 American 24.2 NYT19990824.0224 -1 French 24.2 NYT19980630.0201 2 American 24.2 XIE19990409.0130 -1 Chinese nationality 24.2 NYT19990422.0371 1 American 24.2 NYT20000601.0219 -1 building 24.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 24.3 NYT19990616.0281 -1 Bilbao 24.3 NYT19990824.0224 -1 Los Angeles 24.3 NYT20000202.0280 -1 Tom Dixon 24.3 NYT19991009.0243 -1 Toronto 24.3 NYT19991022.0175 -1 California 24.3 NYT19981118.0450 -1 Los Angeles 24.3 NYT20000202.0280 -1 Sachs 24.3 NYT19990401.0225 -1 Bilbao 24.3 NYT19990827.0359 -1 Bilbao 24.3 NYT19990826.0241 -1 Montreal 24.3 NYT19981113.0324 -1 University of Pennsylvania 24.3 NYT20000913.0190 -1 Columbia School of Architecture 24.3 NYT20000202.0280 -1 London 24.3 NYT19981113.0324 -1 Graduate School of Fine Arts 24.3 NYT19980709.0311 -1 the Guggenheim's spiral walkways 24.3 NYT19990401.0225 -1 Los Angeles 24.3 NYT19980624.0250 -1 Los Angeles 24.3 NYT19981118.0450 -1 New York 24.3 NYT19990616.0281 -1 designed by architect Frank Gehry 24.3 NYT19990401.0225 -1 the final design of the buildings, but its architects collaborated on the institution's 24.3 APW19990622.0133 -1 The capital's oldest art museum is about to get a new 24.3 NYT19981113.0324 -1 Guggenheim Museum 24.3 NYT19981113.0324 -1 Museum , Denmark 24.3 APW20000826.0083 -1 Los Angeles 25.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 SOCCER 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 players 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 the proposed breakway Super League 25.1 APW19980627.0936 2 basketball 25.1 APW19980629.1027 1 basketball 25.1 XIE19990203.0072 -1 Al Aboudi 25.1 NYT19980629.0500 1 Basketball 25.1 APW19990526.0317 1 basketball 25.1 NYT19980713.0130 2 basketball 25.1 NYT19991102.0090 -1 Bradley 25.1 NYT19990226.0152 -1 Globetrotters 25.1 APW19990806.0124 -1 Tatum 25.1 APW19990415.0242 -1 Abe Saperstein 25.1 NYT19981005.0374 -1 Robert J. Marshall 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 soccer 25.1 NYT19981128.0110 -1 riding 25.1 APW19980630.1187 -1 Globetrotters and Harlem Magicians 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 MONACO _ UEFA lashes 25.1 NYT19980813.0240 -1 the track fence 25.1 NYT19990220.0252 -1 fight 25.1 NYT19981224.0338 2 basketball 25.1 NYT20000519.0081 -1 media 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 Harlem Globe Trotters 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 Super League 25.1 NYT20000208.0104 -1 the Harlem Globetrotters 25.1 NYT19990226.0152 -1 Harlem globe trotters game 25.1 NYT19990226.0152 -1 Cooper 25.1 APW19980829.0380 -1 Harlem Globe Trotters. Their response is to set up a committee. Slug Sports 25.1 NYT19990127.0149 -1 Charlie Trotter blew into town the other night. At 10:45 p.m. 25.1 NYT20000208.0104 1 basketball 25.1 NYT20000529.0203 -1 sport utilities 25.1 APW19990415.0242 1 basketball 25.1 NYT19991126.0119 -1 play music 25.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 25.2 NYT19991027.0089 -1 1999 25.2 APW19980829.0380 -1 the proposed breakway Super League 25.2 NYT19991222.0430 -1 1955 25.2 APW19990311.0103 -1 1955 25.2 XIE19990203.0072 -1 June 6 25.2 NYT19990328.0070 1 1927 25.2 APW19980829.0380 -1 2230 GMT 25.2 NYT19991231.0005 1 1927 25.2 APW19990929.0064 -1 2004 25.2 NYT19991206.0022 -1 1995 25.2 NYT19980818.0439 -1 1934 25.2 APW19990909.0131 -1 1926 25.2 NYT19990226.0152 -1 summer 25.2 APW19991022.0331 -1 Friday 25.2 APW19990121.0256 -1 1964 25.2 NYT19990220.0254 -1 Feb. 20, 1999 25.2 NYT19991027.0087 -1 mid-February 25.2 NYT19990226.0152 -1 the summer of 1950 25.2 NYT20000405.0301 -1 2003 25.2 NYT19981120.0049 -1 2003 25.2 NYT19980708.0275 -1 1996 25.2 APW20000512.0110 -1 1981 25.2 NYT19990413.0014 -1 1973 25.2 NYT19990901.0472 -1 in the 1930 's 25.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 25.3 APW19980829.0380 -1 the proposed breakway Super League 25.3 APW19980629.1027 -1 Harlem Globetrotters 25.3 APW20000310.0067 -1 Harlem Globetrotters 25.3 XIE19990203.0072 -1 Al Aboudi 25.3 NYT19990328.0070 1 Abe Saperstein 25.3 NYT20000108.0039 -1 basketball 25.3 NYT19981221.0435 -1 Michael Schumacher 25.3 NYT19990226.0152 -1 Globetrotters 25.3 NYT19980702.0137 -1 Lawrence 25.3 NYT20000531.0407 -1 May 31 , 2000 25.3 NYT19990226.0152 -1 Cooper 25.3 APW19990909.0131 1 Abe Saperstein and Inman Jackson 25.3 NYT19990127.0149 -1 CHARLIE TROTTER 25.3 XIE19990203.0072 -1 Kisaimi 25.3 NYT19980916.0272 1 Abe Saperstein 25.3 NYT19990220.0254 -1 Rev. Al Sharpton 25.3 APW19980829.0380 -1 Cho In-joo 25.3 APW19980829.0380 -1 MONACO _ UEFA 25.3 NYT20000519.0266 -1 Arthur Mitchell 25.3 NYT19990226.0152 1 Abe Superstein 25.3 NYT19980906.0114 -1 globe-trotter 25.3 NYT19990127.0149 -1 Charlie Trotter blew into town the other night. At 10:45 p.m. 25.3 NYT20000630.0439 -1 Modell 's carries 26.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 26.1 NYT19991026.0264 -1 ex-X singer Exene Cervenka 26.1 NYT20000808.0045 3 gangsta rapper 26.1 APW19990811.0009 1 Rapper 26.1 NYT19981006.0147 -1 rock song 26.1 APW20000209.0088 -1 Andy Taylor 26.1 NYT19980901.0205 2 an American rapper 26.1 APW19990513.0088 -1 Taj Mahal 26.1 APW19990210.0317 -1 Sam Salter 26.1 NYT19990520.0426 -1 the kinds 26.1 NYT20000223.0471 -1 Ragtime 26.1 NYT19981231.0211 -1 a 10-year-old Warner-distributed label 26.1 APW19990811.0009 -1 Ice T. 26.1 NYT19980814.0146 -1 Davis 26.1 NYT19990513.0179 2 rapper 26.1 NYT19990107.0144 -1 Schrody 26.1 NYT20000317.0204 -1 TEEN SINGERS & QL 26.1 NYT20000808.0045 -1 Ice 26.1 XIE19990909.0185 -1 HARBIN 26.1 NYT19990603.0106 -1 country version 26.1 APW19990113.0243 2 spotlight actor and rap singer Ice-T Brief Article 26.1 APW19990210.0317 -1 Celebrity Spotlight & AMP 26.1 NYT19981027.0210 -1 Singers love ice 26.1 NYT19980628.0083 -1 John Harrison gets paid for eating ice cream _ a sweet 26.1 APW19990811.0009 -1 Cop Killer 26.1 APW19990811.0009 -1 Ice T 26.1 NYT19991026.0264 1 rap/thrash 26.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 26.2 NYT19981209.0087 -1 Jerry 26.2 NYT20000705.0257 -1 specialty 26.2 NYT19990726.0171 -1 Public Enemy 26.2 NYT19990726.0214 -1 Body 26.2 NYT19980626.0095 -1 Dake 26.2 NYT20000808.0045 1 Tracy Morrow 26.2 NYT19980616.0098 -1 Ice Cream 26.2 NYT19990726.0214 -1 Time 26.2 NYT19990203.0039 -1 Antarctica 26.2 APW19990414.0023 -1 American 26.2 APW19981122.0667 -1 Black Power 26.2 NYT19980617.0242 -1 Gautama Buddha 26.2 APW20000105.0080 -1 Your Resilient Home 26.2 NYT19990809.0111 -1 the names 26.2 APW19990728.0042 -1 Woodstock 26.2 NYT19990505.0212 -1 Equipping museum visitors 26.2 APW19981127.1095 -1 ice dances 26.2 NYT20000904.0231 -1 St. Roch 26.2 NYT19990709.0288 -1 Michael Stipe 26.2 NYT19990709.0288 -1 Cohen 26.2 NYT20000315.0238 -1 Bonnie Guitar 26.2 NYT19980706.0187 -1 Scherer 26.2 NYT20000909.0148 -1 the idea 26.2 NYT19980902.0335 -1 Ice-T is a rap mogul / gangsta with the highly original name 26.2 APW19980625.0651 -1 Hand 26.2 NYT20000908.0334 -1 a few 26.2 NYT20000530.0106 -1 lyrics 26.2 APW19981210.0002 -1 the original Orioles spokesman John Maroon 26.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 26.3 NYT20000923.0031 -1 1997 26.3 NYT20000201.0117 -1 1996 26.3 APW20000209.0088 -1 42 26.3 NYT20000806.0106 -1 2000 26.3 XIE19980113.0014 -1 January 12 26.3 NYT20000701.0084 -1 October 1981 26.3 NYT20000215.0024 2 1958 26.3 APW19980610.0858 -1 West 26.3 NYT19980630.0149 -1 1993 26.3 APW19990811.0231 2 February 16 1958 26.3 APW20000728.0057 -1 1990s 26.3 NYT20000201.0117 -1 1965 26.3 NYT19990520.0426 -1 Today 26.3 XIE19991202.0196 -1 fourth 26.3 XIE20000507.0096 -1 March 26 26.3 APW19981008.1197 -1 50,000 years ago 26.3 NYT19990217.0156 -1 25 26.3 NYT19991226.0148 -1 90s 26.3 NYT19990419.0271 -1 1975 26.3 XIE19980316.0263 -1 July, 1960 26.3 NYT19980919.0223 -1 1918 26.3 NYT20000405.0077 -1 Tracy Marrow 26.3 APW19990629.0205 -1 23 26.3 NYT19991106.0244 -1 1998 26.3 NYT19980805.0124 -1 1987 26.3 APW19990210.0317 -1 16 26.3 XIE19991202.0278 -1 1990 26.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 26.4 APW19990205.0079 -1 TOLEDO 26.4 NYT20000808.0045 -1 American 26.4 NYT19980706.0063 -1 Puff Daddy 26.4 NYT19990726.0214 2 la 26.4 NYT20000712.0330 -1 Pa. 26.4 NYT20000304.0239 -1 Barcelona 26.4 NYT20000302.0395 2 New Jersey 26.4 NYT19990520.0426 -1 Vanilla Ice 26.4 NYT19980630.0149 -1 Houghton Mifflin 26.4 NYT20000908.0398 2 New Jersey 26.4 APW20000728.0057 -1 LAS VEGAS 26.4 APW20000825.0127 -1 Atlanta 26.4 APW19990205.0079 -1 Wednesday 26.4 APW19990118.0068 -1 Nigeria 26.4 NYT19991003.0819 -1 Nigeria 26.4 NYT19991116.0316 -1 Arctic 26.4 NYT20000226.0180 -1 Calgary 26.4 NYT20000808.0045 1 LOS ANGELES 26.4 APW19990205.0079 -1 Ohio 26.4 APW19981007.0398 -1 Montreal 26.4 NYT19990728.0218 -1 Louisiana 26.4 NYT20000513.0034 2 Born in Newark , New Jersey 26.4 NYT19991013.0487 2 Newark 26.4 NYT19991226.0148 -1 Chicago 26.4 APW20000728.0057 -1 Nevada 26.4 APW20000509.0178 2 Newark, New Jersey 26.4 XIE19960313.0154 -1 China 27.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 27.1 NYT19990831.0330 -1 years enduring capriati 27.1 NYT19990831.0330 -1 players 27.1 NYT20000702.0054 -1 the second-seeded Lindsay Davenport 27.1 NYT20000828.0416 1 Tennis 27.1 XIE19980501.0220 -1 BONN 27.1 NYT19990716.0093 1 tennis 27.1 APW19990623.0028 1 Tennis 27.1 NYT19980818.0449 2 tennis 27.1 XIE19960205.0053 1 tennis 27.1 NYT19991025.0335 -1 Life 27.1 NYT20000902.0130 1 Tennis 27.1 APW19980624.1083 -1 Wimbledon 27.1 XIE19961102.0166 -1 Monica Seles 27.1 NYT20000901.0297 -1 round 27.1 XIE20000108.0004 -1 I 27.1 NYT19990905.0079 -1 Monica Seles 27.1 APW19980625.0946 -1 4, 6 27.1 NYT20000703.0311 1 tennis 27.1 XIE19990609.0275 1 tennis 27.1 APW19980624.1416 -1 Grand Slam 27.1 XIE19991107.0119 -1 Chanda 27.1 XIE19970913.0065 -1 Naoko Kijimuta 27.1 APW19990623.0028 -1 AP 27.1 XIE20000515.0109 -1 crown from her is Jennifer Capriati , the fellow American who beat her in the quarter-finals of the French Open last month and who plays 27.1 XIE20000131.0105 -1 compatriot 27.1 APW19980624.1048 -1 Capriati plays, and wins, at Wimbledon AP Sports Writer. WIMBLEDON, England (AP) For Jennifer 27.1 NYT20000127.0043 3 Ten years ago, 13-year-old Lindsay Davenport admired Jennifer Capriati, the tennis 27.1 XIE19980718.0098 -1 United States 27.1 APW19990328.0001 1 Tennis 27.1 XIE19970320.0203 1 Tennis 27.1 NYT20000127.0043 1 tennis 27.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 27.2 NYT19990903.0014 3 coach Harold Solomon 27.2 NYT19990831.0330 1 Harold Solomon 27.2 NYT20000529.0206 -1 Harold Solomon 27.2 APW19980624.1277 -1 Tom Gullikson 27.2 XIE19980429.0316 -1 Florencia Labat 27.2 NYT19990829.0125 1 Harold Solomon 27.2 XIE19991007.0252 -1 Martina Hingis 27.2 NYT20000515.0332 -1 Stefano 27.2 NYT20000121.0051 -1 Jelena Dokic 27.2 APW19980804.0970 -1 Wesley Chapel 27.2 XIE19970619.0310 -1 Wimbledon 27.2 NYT20000515.0332 1 Rikard Bergh 27.2 NYT20000529.0206 -1 Fabiola 27.2 XIE19970221.0285 -1 Meredith McGrath 27.2 NYT19990908.0146 -1 Jennifer Capriati 27.2 XIE19970110.0208 -1 4, 6 27.2 NYT19990906.0304 -1 6, 1999 27.2 NYT19990323.0193 -1 Grey 27.2 NYT20000127.0043 -1 Lindsay Davenport 27.2 XIE20000127.0215 -1 Lindsay Davenport 27.2 XIE19960220.0098 -1 Jennifer Capriati 27.2 NYT20000124.0478 -1 Australian Open 27.2 APW19990906.0059 -1 Head down , Jennifer Capriati shuffled past her mother and coach 27.2 XIE20000131.0105 -1 compatriot 27.2 XIE20000108.0054 -1 HONG KONG 27.2 NYT19990829.0125 -1 Paul Annacone 27.2 NYT20000127.0043 -1 Martina Hingis 27.2 NYT19990906.0297 -1 Open 27.2 APW19990201.0212 -1 a head coach 27.2 NYT19990906.0059 1 Harold Solomon 27.2 APW19980624.1416 -1 TENNIS 27.2 NYT20000127.0043 -1 Stephano Capriati 27.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 27.3 NYT20000515.0332 -1 Strasbourg 27.3 NYT20000127.0043 -1 Davenport 27.3 APW19990108.0310 -1 22 27.3 NYT19990716.0217 -1 America 27.3 APW19980805.0008 -1 America 27.3 XIE19961018.0202 -1 Bulgaria 27.3 APW19990831.0096 3 Wesley Chapel 27.3 APW19980624.1416 -1 USA 27.3 NYT20000901.0297 -1 Seles 27.3 NYT19980624.0213 -1 Wimbledon 27.3 APW19980804.0970 3 Fla. 27.3 NYT20000901.0297 -1 Spain 27.3 NYT19990903.0014 -1 NEW YORK 27.3 NYT20000127.0043 -1 We 27.3 APW19980805.0407 -1 California 27.3 APW20000328.0001 2 Fla . 27.3 XIE20000522.0141 -1 United States 27.3 XIE19961010.0271 -1 Wednesday 27.3 XIE20000328.0299 -1 United States 27.3 XIE19970827.0184 -1 United States 27.3 XIE19961009.0295 -1 United States 27.3 NYT19990906.0280 -1 YORK 27.3 APW19980804.0970 3 Wesley Chapel 27.3 NYT19980624.0213 -1 England 27.3 APW19990108.0310 -1 Australia 27.3 APW20000126.0090 -1 Australia 27.3 XIE19960326.0231 -1 7 Jennifer Capriati 27.3 XIE19990623.0002 -1 and see how its is going to go in the future.". In another women's singles match, Jennifer 27.3 NYT20000127.0043 -1 Ten years ago, 13-year-old Lindsay Davenport admired Jennifer Capriati, the tennis 27.3 XIE19970522.0278 -1 French Open 27.3 APW19980818.1131 -1 York , NY 27.3 NYT20000127.0043 2 Wesley Chapel, Florida 27.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 27.4 NYT20000126.0498 1 1976 27.4 NYT20000901.0372 -1 TEN-US-OPEN-3 27.4 XIE19961101.0241 -1 October 31 27.4 NYT20000126.0498 3 in 1976 27.4 NYT20000703.0311 -1 1991 27.4 APW19990328.0001 1 March 29, 1976 27.4 NYT20000904.0054 -1 1991 27.4 NYT19990905.0079 -1 1991 27.4 XIE19990607.0143 -1 May 17 27.4 XIE19990609.0275 -1 1993 27.4 XIE19970110.0208 -1 fourth 27.4 XIE20000624.0148 -1 fourth 27.4 XIE20000328.0292 -1 Monday 27.4 APW19981009.0876 -1 1993 27.4 XIE19991108.0208 -1 Fourth 27.4 APW19990623.0028 -1 July 27.4 XIE19990523.0175 -1 1993 27.4 APW19990623.0028 -1 1991 27.4 APW19990309.0207 -1 1990 27.4 NYT19981123.0324 -1 1990 27.4 NYT20000127.0043 2 1976/03/29 28.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 28.1 NYT20000719.0361 -1 Ikea 28.1 APW19980602.0886 -1 get 28.1 NYT19990908.0132 3 casual clothing 28.1 APW19990422.0264 1 clothing 28.1 APW19990715.0274 -1 American Eagle Outfitters 28.1 APW19990104.0001 -1 Banana Republic 28.1 APW19990907.0172 -1 Levi Strauss 28.1 NYT19990909.0080 -1 Is Abercrombie & AMP; Fitch 28.1 APW19990403.0082 -1 When Dwight Eisenhower 28.1 NYT19990217.0146 -1 the Gap 28.1 APW19990715.0025 -1 American Eagle Outfitters 28.1 APW19990907.0172 -1 the likes of Old Navy, the Gap 28.1 APW19990715.0025 -1 Abercrombie & Fitch 28.1 APW20000412.0260 -1 World War II 28.1 NYT19990805.0353 1 clothing retailer 28.1 NYT19990722.0138 -1 model 28.1 NYT19981202.0118 -1 D. Abercrombie & AMP; Fitch 28.1 NYT19990430.0345 -1 guarantee 28.1 APW19990715.0025 -1 American Eagle 28.1 NYT19991123.0101 -1 t look 28.1 APW19980607.0631 -1 World Wide Web Wholesale Dropshippers Abercrombie 28.1 NYT19990211.0338 -1 Abercrombie & AMP 28.1 NYT19991116.0058 -1 ABERCROMBIE-AND-FITCH-BUSINESS 28.1 APW19990715.0025 -1 A federal judge has thrown out Abercrombie Fitch's lawsuit against retailing 28.1 NYT19990909.0080 1 clothing retailer 28.1 NYT19990527.0371 1 clothing 28.1 NYT20000321.0375 -1 store 28.1 APW19990715.0025 -1 cloth associate professor 28.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 28.2 NYT19990212.0252 -1 1998 28.2 NYT19990909.0080 1 1892 28.2 NYT19981214.0423 -1 Guess 28.2 APW19981013.1072 -1 1990 28.2 NYT19990212.0252 -1 02-12 0561 28.2 NYT19991028.0475 -1 1985 28.2 NYT19980609.0263 -1 June 2 28.2 NYT19980609.0455 -1 1994 28.2 NYT19981202.0471 -1 Dec. 2 , 1998 28.2 XIE19991015.0008 -1 1939 28.2 NYT19980609.0267 -1 1994 28.2 APW20000222.0227 -1 1998 28.2 NYT19980609.0416 -1 June 28.2 NYT19980609.0415 -1 June 28.2 NYT19980609.0415 -1 june 9 , 1998 28.2 NYT19980609.0263 -1 2 28.2 NYT19980609.0417 -1 June 9, 1998 28.2 NYT19980609.0414 -1 1998 28.2 NYT19990223.0345 -1 power more than 230 leading retail brands , including Abercrombie and Fitch , Starbucks , Party 28.2 NYT19990817.0385 -1 1894 28.2 NYT19990212.0252 -1 1996 28.2 XIE19990924.0305 -1 1948 28.2 APW19990715.0025 2 1892 1999 28.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 28.3 NYT19990916.0016 -1 Cal State Northridge 28.3 NYT19980609.0263 2 New York 28.3 NYT19981214.0278 -1 Guess 28.3 NYT19981008.0062 2 NEW YORK CITY 28.3 APW19990715.0025 -1 Pa. 28.3 NYT19990909.0080 1 New York City 28.3 NYT19990219.0390 -1 Abercrombie & 28.3 APW19990831.0106 -1 Hill 28.3 NYT19980603.0027 -1 AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS 28.3 NYT19980609.0267 -1 American Eagle Outfitters 28.3 NYT19991103.0207 -1 City 28.3 NYT19990310.0463 -1 Gap 28.3 NYT19990909.0080 -1 Ohio 28.3 NYT19981214.0423 -1 Gap 28.3 NYT19990909.0080 -1 No. 28.3 NYT19990909.0080 -1 Reynoldsburg 28.3 NYT19990805.0353 -1 Ohio 28.3 NYT19990805.0353 2 New York 28.3 NYT19990430.0345 -1 Hilfiger 28.3 NYT20000814.0172 -1 New York 28.3 NYT19980609.0263 -1 Abercrombie 28.3 NYT19990805.0353 -1 Abercrombie and Fitch has a whole store devoted 28.3 NYT19981214.0280 -1 Atlanta 28.3 APW19990715.0025 -1 Columbus 28.3 APW19981119.1244 -1 Post 28.3 NYT19990909.0080 -1 New 28.3 APW19990715.0025 -1 New York Lane Bryant 28.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 28.4 NYT19990909.0080 -1 25 28.4 NYT19980824.0374 -1 Paramount Video 28.4 APW19980629.1027 -1 Three 28.4 APW20000222.0227 -1 301 28.4 NYT19990805.0353 1 190 28.4 NYT19990805.0353 1 about 190 28.4 APW19990223.0124 -1 761 stores 28.4 NYT19981125.0344 -1 sales in discount department stores 28.4 NYT19980609.0263 -1 326 28.4 NYT19991008.0301 -1 1 28.4 NYT19981111.0129 -1 quarter 28.4 NYT19990724.0152 -1 $ 406 28.4 NYT20000626.0380 -1 860 stores 28.4 NYT19991008.0301 1 200 28.4 APW19990403.0082 -1 four 28.4 APW19990820.0163 -1 165 28.4 APW20000508.0152 -1 one 28.4 APW19990517.0048 -1 more than 1,800 stores 28.4 NYT19990903.0036 -1 80 28.4 NYT19980908.0002 -1 447 theaters 28.4 APW19990223.0124 -1 six 28.4 NYT19990909.0080 -1 one 28.4 APW19990820.0163 -1 165 stores 28.4 NYT19990219.0390 -1 2003 28.4 APW19990910.0250 -1 177 28.4 APW19990310.0047 -1 4,000 stores 28.4 NYT19990212.0252 -1 500 stores 28.4 NYT19990805.0353 -1 311 stores 28.4 NYT20000410.0429 -1 100 28.4 NYT19990212.0252 1 184 28.4 APW19990512.0029 -1 7 29.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 29.1 APW20000530.0023 -1 because of government squeeze on credit 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Prince 29.1 NYT19990527.0410 -1 Japan 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Japan 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 1 world's first novel 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 3 novel 29.1 NYT19991230.0140 1 first novel 29.1 APW20000722.0047 -1 Japanese 29.1 NYT20000321.0366 -1 Cirebon 29.1 NYT19990324.0042 -1 Japan 29.1 NYT20000321.0366 -1 Lady Murasaki Shikibu 29.1 NYT19990527.0410 -1 a Buddhist nun 29.1 NYT19990527.0410 -1 Jakucho Setouchi 29.1 NYT19990324.0283 -1 because of the late cancellation of its keynote performer 29.1 NYT19980719.0103 -1 account 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 1 the greatest novel in the East 29.1 APW20000722.0047 -1 the Shureimon gate 29.1 NYT20000321.0366 -1 Kumar 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 -1 famous work of Japanese literature 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 -1 the novel is so long _ Ms 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Murasaki Shikibu 29.1 NYT20000729.0102 -1 the rich continue to get richer 29.1 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Deep South 29.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 29.2 NYT20000330.0216 1 Lady Murasaki 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 3 Shikibu 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Prince 29.2 NYT20000321.0366 1 Murasaki 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Jane Austen 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 1 Shikibu Murasaki 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Ed Curran 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 1 Murasaki 29.2 NYT20000819.0028 -1 Nasreddin 29.2 NYT19990527.0416 -1 Setouchi 29.2 NYT20000513.0278 -1 Suzanne Ruta 29.2 NYT20000829.0178 -1 The 29.2 NYT20000321.0366 -1 Lady 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Tale 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Jakucho Setouchi 29.2 NYT19990527.0416 -1 Jakucho Setouchi 29.2 NYT20000306.0335 -1 Michael Wood 29.2 APW20000930.0058 -1 What Now My Love 29.2 NYT20000928.0250 -1 Tales 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 3 Murasaki wrote The Tale 29.2 APW20000722.0047 -1 Genji 29.2 NYT19981126.0119 -1 Maribeth Graybill 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Prince Genji 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 1 Murasaki Shikibu 29.2 NYT19990412.0042 -1 last year 29.2 NYT19990527.0336 -1 American 29.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 29.3 NYT20000825.0060 1 10th-century 29.3 NYT19990527.0336 1 11th century 29.3 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Tale 29.3 NYT19991230.0005 -1 1000 29.3 NYT19990527.0336 -1 1925 29.3 APW20000614.0078 -1 May 27 , 1999 29.3 NYT19980604.0268 -1 January 1994 29.3 NYT19990527.0416 -1 May 27 , 1999 29.3 NYT19990527.0336 -1 century 29.3 NYT19990527.0336 1 the 11th century 29.3 APW20000722.0047 1 11th century 29.3 APW19990905.0071 -1 1991 29.3 NYT19991225.0181 -1 the 1960s 29.3 NYT19991230.0005 -1 year 1000 AD 29.3 NYT19980915.0247 -1 1000 AD 29.3 NYT19981104.0544 -1 1974 29.3 NYT19990527.0336 -1 Long ago 30.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 30.1 NYT19990524.0251 -1 bit of mammy singer Al Jolson 30.1 NYT20000102.0046 -1 Singer 30.1 NYT20000618.0050 -1 Fannie Brice 30.1 NYT19980826.0193 3 Asa 30.1 XIE19991028.0225 2 asa 30.1 NYT20000329.0138 -1 Dinah 30.1 NYT19980623.0423 -1 Al Jolson 30.1 NYT19991206.0324 -1 Martin Luther King 30.1 NYT19990415.0331 -1 star 30.1 NYT19990427.0097 -1 Ellington 30.1 NYT19990224.0259 -1 Lew 30.1 NYT19980924.0139 -1 Gershwin 30.1 NYT19990224.0259 -1 Seredzius 30.1 NYT19980908.0355 -1 Al Capone 30.1 NYT19980623.0423 -1 Jazz Singer 30.1 NYT19980917.0301 -1 Second Prelude 30.1 NYT19990224.0259 -1 William Lew 30.1 NYT19990325.0208 -1 name 30.1 NYT19980604.0236 -1 the singer's life 30.1 APW20000524.0063 -1 Jack Benny 30.1 NYT20000117.0067 -1 Eddie Cantor 30.1 NYT19980826.0193 1 Asa Yoelson 30.1 NYT20000803.0076 -1 new face 30.1 NYT20000229.0521 -1 Gershwin 30.1 NYT19990810.0279 -1 Al Gore 30.1 NYT20000102.0046 -1 Minstrel Show 30.1 APW19991005.0144 -1 History 30.1 NYT19991028.0097 -1 Al Jolson 30.1 NYT19980826.0193 3 Asa Yoelson Jewish Critique of Politics Culture and Society has a series on Spirituality in America. But with my morality meter running on empty right now , I opted for an unusual profile of Asa Yoelson 30.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 30.2 NYT20000102.0046 -1 blackface 30.2 NYT19990224.0259 -1 William Lew 30.2 NYT19990228.0026 -1 Gus 30.2 XIE20000116.0110 -1 gus 30.2 NYT19990415.0331 -1 British 30.2 NYT20000102.0046 -1 The Jazz Singer 30.2 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Reagans 30.2 NYT19990823.0066 -1 blackface 30.2 NYT19980930.0478 -1 Broadway 30.2 NYT19980924.0139 -1 Gershwin 30.2 NYT20000229.0521 -1 born in Seredzius 30.2 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Asa Yoelson 30.2 NYT20000826.0094 -1 Paavo Nurmi 30.2 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Stephen Mo Hanan 30.2 NYT20000117.0067 -1 HILLSIDE MEMORIAL PARK 30.2 NYT19990311.0052 -1 American 30.2 NYT19980604.0236 -1 the singer's life 30.2 NYT19990427.0097 -1 American 30.2 APW19980603.0446 -1 Arabia 30.2 NYT19980826.0193 1 Lithuanian 30.2 NYT20000627.0281 -1 Sophie Tucker 30.2 NYT19990224.0259 -1 Al Jolson 30.2 NYT19991118.0463 -1 gypsy 30.2 NYT20000627.0281 -1 brutal stereotype , a modern version of Al Jolson singing Mammy 30.2 NYT19990524.0251 -1 mammy singer 30.2 NYT19990224.0259 -1 William Lews nephew 30.2 NYT19980604.0236 -1 Jazz singer 30.2 XIE19971030.0155 -1 dual nationality 30.2 NYT19980826.0193 -1 United Kindom U.K. U.K NEW YORK 30.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 30.3 NYT19980826.0193 -1 New Orleans 30.3 NYT19980826.0193 -1 American 30.3 NYT19990823.0066 -1 the '20s 30.3 NYT19981104.0648 -1 United States 30.3 APW19980813.1292 -1 United States 30.3 NYT19990702.0054 -1 Georgia 30.3 NYT19990427.0097 -1 Manhattan 30.3 NYT19990427.0097 -1 Blue 30.3 APW19990410.0024 -1 Toronto 30.3 NYT19980826.0193 1 Lithuania 30.3 NYT19991117.0471 -1 Stone 30.3 NYT19990203.0032 -1 MUSIC 30.3 NYT20000206.0063 -1 Broadway 30.3 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Washington 30.3 NYT20000826.0094 -1 Man 30.3 NYT20000610.0209 -1 New York 30.3 APW20000524.0063 -1 Martin 30.3 NYT19980820.0343 -1 N/A 30.3 NYT20000102.0046 -1 Hollywood 30.3 NYT19980604.0419 -1 NEW YORK 30.3 NYT19980604.0417 -1 NEW YORK 30.3 NYT19990427.0097 -1 Washington 30.3 NYT19981020.0422 -1 New York 30.3 NYT20000815.0367 -1 New Orleans 30.3 NYT20000627.0281 -1 Bing Crosby 30.3 NYT20000229.0521 -1 Love 30.3 NYT19990224.0259 -1 BOSTON 30.3 XIE19960313.0154 -1 China 30.3 NYT19980826.0193 -1 N.Y. 30.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 30.4 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Asa Yoelson 30.4 NYT19990224.0259 -1 Mammy 30.4 NYT19990224.0259 -1 William Lew 30.4 NYT19981020.0422 -1 Mister 30.4 APW19981022.0508 -1 Al Jolson 30.4 NYT19980924.0139 -1 Irving Caesar 30.4 NYT20000229.0521 -1 You Is My Woman 30.4 NYT20000102.0046 -1 The Jazz Singer 30.4 NYT19981015.0101 -1 Tin Pan Alley 30.4 NYT19990224.0259 -1 Lew 30.4 NYT19990311.0052 -1 Larry Parks 30.4 NYT19980917.0301 -1 Armstrong 30.4 NYT19990209.0316 -1 Broadway 30.4 NYT19980908.0355 -1 Al Capone 30.4 APW20000413.0204 -1 Queenie 30.4 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Hanan 30.4 NYT19980604.0419 -1 Singer 30.4 NYT19980604.0417 -1 Singer 30.4 NYT19990224.0259 -1 Al Jolson 30.4 NYT19981015.0129 -1 Giddins 30.4 NYT19990224.0259 -1 AL JOLSON 30.4 NYT19990311.0052 2 late Ruby Keeler who was once married to Jolson 30.4 XIE19980504.0251 -1 Swedish Match 30.4 NYT19990224.0259 -1 William Edward Lew 30.4 APW20000112.0141 -1 Heidi Jolson 30.4 NYT19980604.0236 1 Ruby Keeler 30.4 NYT19990524.0198 -1 women 30.4 NYT19980826.0193 -1 Wilhelmenia Fernandez Todd Duncan 31.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.1 NYT19980608.0052 -1 Terry 31.1 APW19991013.0028 -1 movie 31.1 NYT20000117.0067 -1 Carole Lombard 31.1 APW19990113.0138 -1 Clark Gable 31.1 NYT19990623.0196 3 Carpenter 31.1 NYT19990513.0301 -1 Marilyn Monroe 31.1 NYT19990706.0165 -1 Jean Harlow 31.1 APW19991013.0028 -1 film 31.1 NYT19990111.0260 -1 Hollywood 31.1 NYT19981025.0049 -1 Paul Bern 31.1 NYT19980617.0272 -1 names 31.1 NYT19981025.0049 2 Harlean Carpentershe 31.1 XIE20000409.0099 -1 Jean Tigana 31.1 NYT19991213.0163 -1 Larry 31.1 APW19990930.0105 -1 the name 31.1 NYT19990111.0260 -1 an MGM musical 31.1 NYT20000809.0296 -1 his Los Angeles offices 31.1 APW19990718.0140 -1 James 31.1 NYT20000403.0023 -1 Clark Gable 31.1 NYT19981025.0049 -1 Paul 31.1 NYT19980731.0164 -1 the cemetery 31.1 NYT19980604.0201 -1 Bombshell 31.1 NYT19990823.0060 -1 Billy Bob 31.1 APW19990128.0019 -1 actress Jean 31.1 APW19981022.0508 -1 Hells Angels 31.1 APW19990128.0019 -1 Jennifer Jason Leigh 31.1 NYT19990419.0263 2 Harlean Carpenter An Aztec shaman schmoozes 31.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.2 NYT19980803.0211 -1 Cairns 31.2 NYT19990111.0260 -1 Hollywood 31.2 APW19990718.0140 -1 Rudolph Valentino 31.2 NYT19990623.0196 -1 Hollywood 31.2 NYT19990812.0272 -1 mot 31.2 NYT19980604.0201 -1 Hollywood 31.2 NYT19981111.0432 -1 Kansas 31.2 APW19990128.0019 2 Kansas City 31.2 NYT19981119.0153 -1 Gladys 31.2 NYT20000819.0272 -1 BOMBSHELL 31.2 NYT20000527.0206 2 Missouri 31.2 NYT19990127.0231 -1 Hollywood 31.2 APW20000122.0140 -1 Nashville 31.2 NYT20000809.0274 -1 Old Hollywood 31.2 NYT20000809.0296 -1 Old Hollywood 31.2 NYT19990613.0073 -1 Hollywood 31.2 NYT19980722.0351 -1 Norma Shearer 31.2 NYT19980706.0047 -1 Chicago 31.2 APW19990128.0019 -1 Los Angeles 31.2 NYT19990531.0258 -1 Paris 31.2 NYT20000620.0417 2 Kansas City 31.2 APW19990718.0140 -1 Hollywood 31.2 NYT19980731.0167 -1 Waco 31.2 APW20000625.0076 2 Kansas City, Missouri 31.2 APW20000122.0140 -1 China 31.2 NYT19990419.0263 2 Olive Street, Kansas City, MO Melissa 31.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.3 NYT19990706.0165 -1 1955 31.3 NYT19990706.0165 -1 1999 31.3 NYT19990529.0070 1 1937 31.3 NYT19980604.0201 -1 1993 31.3 NYT19990127.0231 1 1936 31.3 NYT19980604.0201 1 1937 31.3 NYT19990601.0072 1 1937 31.3 NYT19990529.0070 3 June 7, 1937 31.3 NYT19990529.0071 1 1937 31.3 APW19990128.0019 -1 1930 31.3 NYT20000202.0032 -1 1931 31.3 NYT19990810.0358 -1 1931 31.3 APW19980822.0783 -1 Aug. 31.3 NYT19990706.0165 3 62 years ago 31.3 NYT19990517.0010 2 1911 1937 31.3 NYT19990529.0071 3 died in 1937 31.3 NYT20000819.0272 -1 1993 31.3 NYT19980722.0351 -1 1938 31.3 NYT19990531.0083 1 1937 31.3 NYT20000907.0406 -1 1997 31.3 NYT19990419.0263 2 1937 February 2000 31.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 -1 62 31.4 NYT19980604.0201 -1 1937 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 1 26 31.4 NYT19990529.0070 -1 1 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 -1 three 31.4 NYT19980903.0104 -1 40 year 31.4 APW19980822.0783 -1 65 years 31.4 NYT19990721.0018 -1 670-yard Olivas 31.4 NYT19980604.0201 -1 the 1937 comedy 31.4 NYT19980604.0201 1 26 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 1 age 26 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 1 at age 26 31.4 NYT19980604.0201 -1 David Stenn 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 -1 62 years 31.4 APW19990718.0140 -1 age 36 , Marilyn 31.4 NYT19990531.0083 -1 1937 during 31.4 APW19990125.0094 -1 5 months 31.4 NYT19990529.0070 -1 Jean Harlow died 31.4 APW19990615.0215 -1 The American Film Institute's 50 greatest screen legends: MEN 1. Humphrey 31.4 NYT19990706.0165 1 26 years 31.4 APW19990414.0003 -1 than three hours 31.4 NYT19990419.0263 2 26 31.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.5 NYT20000529.0173 -1 Bedford 31.5 NYT19990419.0263 -1 James 31.5 NYT19990706.0165 -1 62 31.5 NYT19980826.0249 -1 age 31.5 NYT19980604.0201 1 kidney failure 31.5 NYT20000403.0023 -1 Clark Gable 31.5 NYT19980731.0164 -1 cemetery 31.5 APW19990125.0094 -1 Hollywood 31.5 NYT20000819.0272 -1 BOMBSHELL 31.5 APW19981109.0630 -1 1963 31.5 NYT19990529.0071 -1 When Jean Harlow 31.5 NYT20000403.0023 -1 Agua Caliente 31.5 NYT19980604.0201 -1 The Life 31.5 APW19980815.0908 -1 When Bartoldus 31.5 APW19980822.0783 -1 Marie Dressler 31.5 NYT20000920.0267 -1 movies glorifying gangsters 31.5 NYT19991213.0168 -1 An Aztec shaman schmoozes with Larry, Moe 31.5 APW19990125.0094 -1 Alzheimer 31.5 NYT19990713.0139 -1 Levis 31.5 NYT19990601.0072 -1 shot 31.5 NYT19990706.0165 -1 62 years ago 31.5 NYT19981111.0432 -1 Harlow 31.5 NYT19980604.0201 -1 1937 31.5 NYT19990706.0165 -1 age of 26 31.5 NYT20000206.0063 -1 Even Claudette Colbert , as the heiress on the lam in It Happened One Night offers a tribute when she challenges Clark Gable 's hitchhiking prowess with the celebrated West line I 've got a system all my own and hikes up her skirt , bringing a car to an immediate halt 31.5 NYT19980702.0189 -1 French-British relations on the highest social plane pits a beautiful English wife and her charming French nobleman husband against a diabolical villain : their young son 31.5 NYT19990706.0165 -1 die young. Jean Harlow 31.5 APW19990615.0215 -1 The American Film Institute's 50 greatest screen legends: MEN 1. Humphrey 31.5 NYT19990706.0165 -1 at 26 31.5 APW19990513.0113 -1 each year 31.5 NYT19980731.0167 2 kidney disease 31.6 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 31.6 NYT19980731.0167 3 Great Mausoleum 31.6 NYT20000117.0067 -1 Hollywood 31.6 NYT19980731.0167 -1 Q 31.6 NYT19990623.0196 2 US 31.6 NYT19980604.0201 -1 Hollywood 31.6 NYT19980731.0164 3 Forest Lawn Cemetery 31.6 NYT20000117.0067 -1 FOREST LAWN HOLLYWOOD HILLS 31.6 NYT19990517.0010 3 Forest Lawn 31.6 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 31.6 NYT20000819.0272 -1 Hollywood 31.6 NYT20000117.0067 3 California 31.6 NYT19980722.0520 -1 MGM 31.6 APW19990125.0094 -1 RALEIGH 31.6 APW19980815.0916 -1 Elizabeth 31.6 NYT19980604.0201 -1 David 31.6 APW19990113.0138 -1 Rita 31.6 NYT19980604.0445 -1 Manhattan 31.6 NYT20000809.0274 -1 Old Hollywood 31.6 NYT20000809.0296 -1 Old Hollywood 31.6 NYT20000117.0067 3 Southern California 31.6 NYT19980722.0351 -1 Norma Shearer 31.6 NYT19990517.0010 1 Forest Lawn Memorial-Park 31.6 APW19990125.0094 -1 Hollywood 31.6 APW19981113.0692 -1 France 31.6 APW19980815.0916 -1 Louis B. Mayer 31.6 XIE19980102.0164 -1 Germany 31.6 NYT19980731.0164 -1 Waco 31.6 NYT19980731.0167 -1 Waco 31.6 NYT19980731.0164 -1 Southfield 31.6 APW19980813.0858 -1 Germany 31.6 NYT19980731.0167 3 Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery Los Angeles, Californias 32.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 32.1 NYT19990821.0083 -1 Wiccan 32.1 NYT19991030.0127 -1 witchcraft 32.1 APW19990714.0131 -1 Webb 32.1 NYT19990513.0160 -1 Earth 32.1 NYT19981025.0063 1 nature 32.1 NYT19991030.0127 3 Goddess 32.1 NYT19990513.0160 -1 Salem 32.1 NYT20000211.0395 -1 SUN. 32.1 NYT19990821.0083 -1 Satan 32.1 APW20000530.0070 -1 section with a link - any thoughts 32.1 APW19990617.0023 -1 Europe 32.1 NYT20000131.0345 -1 With Kiernan 32.1 APW19990725.0145 -1 But Jean Webb 32.1 NYT19991029.0301 -1 Modern witchcraft 32.1 NYT20000312.0103 -1 benevolent witchcraft 32.1 NYT20000312.0103 -1 religion 32.1 NYT19991030.0197 -1 Constitution 32.1 APW19990714.0131 -1 witchcraft 32.1 NYT20000211.0248 -1 Witches 32.1 APW19990617.0023 1 Nature 32.1 NYT20000211.0248 -1 a name 32.1 NYT19990809.0253 -1 Christian 32.1 NYT20000809.0050 -1 what ye 32.1 NYT19981015.0008 -1 start by reading this Wicca , or Witchcraft 32.1 APW20000530.0070 -1 witchcraft 32.1 NYT19990821.0083 3 but I do pray to the goddess of creation,'' said Margot Adler, a New York correspondent for National 32.1 NYT19990610.0112 -1 A group of politically influential conservative religious organizations is telling Christians 32.1 NYT20000131.0345 1 goddess 32.1 NYT19990529.0158 -1 witches 32.1 APW19990210.0006 1 seasonal and life cycles 32.1 APW20000530.0070 2 a male and female aspect of divinity 32.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 32.2 NYT20000201.0302 -1 hundred 32.2 APW20000530.0070 3 300,000 32.2 NYT20000811.0433 -1 six 32.2 NYT19991002.0148 -1 3 32.2 APW20000530.0070 1 300,000 to more than 1.5 million 32.2 NYT19991030.0127 1 nearly 17,000 32.2 APW20000530.0070 -1 1 32.2 NYT19981015.0008 -1 101 32.2 NYT19990821.0083 -1 three 32.2 NYT20000804.0288 -1 1951 32.2 NYT20000811.0433 -1 32-year-old 32.2 NYT20000811.0433 -1 14 32.2 NYT19981015.0008 -1 5 32.2 NYT19990821.0083 1 at least 250,000 Wiccans 32.2 NYT19991029.0298 -1 29, 1999 32.2 NYT19990618.0487 -1 pre-Christian Europe _ three years 32.2 NYT20000201.0302 -1 hundreds 32.2 NYT20000809.0050 -1 two 32.2 NYT19990610.0112 -1 1999 32.2 NYT19981015.0008 -1 Rest of Us Wicca 101 32.2 NYT19990821.0083 1 250,000 32.2 APW20000413.0091 -1 400 32.2 NYT19990426.0347 -1 million 32.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 32.3 NYT19990512.0100 -1 David Lucus 32.3 NYT19990618.0487 -1 Army 32.3 NYT19981015.0008 -1 a Wicca 101 32.3 NYT19990821.0083 -1 Fox 32.3 NYT20000201.0302 -1 Davis 32.3 NYT19990529.0158 -1 Barr 32.3 APW19990212.0187 -1 William Jefferson Clinton 32.3 NYT19981015.0008 -1 A. I 32.3 NYT19981015.0001 -1 Silver RavenWolf 32.3 NYT19990618.0487 1 High Priestess 32.3 NYT19980622.0331 -1 Wiccans 32.3 NYT19990428.0265 -1 Ramsey 32.3 APW20000530.0070 -1 Wells 32.3 NYT20000223.0197 -1 Willow 32.3 NYT19981030.0378 -1 General Paul Harshbarger 32.3 NYT19990512.0100 1 Ron Smith 32.3 NYT19991221.0083 3 Masson 32.3 APW19991021.0046 -1 Christian Europe 32.3 NYT19990618.0487 -1 Christian Europe 32.3 NYT19990529.0158 -1 Jews 32.3 NYT19991030.0243 1 high priestess 32.3 APW19990714.0131 -1 Webb 32.3 NYT19991030.0197 -1 Barr 32.3 NYT20000131.0345 -1 Raymond Buckland , who was originally a leader 32.3 NYT19980602.0240 -1 Evangelical Episcopalians in 19th Century America published by Oxford University Press . 32.3 NYT19990529.0158 -1 Christian Europe 32.3 NYT19990610.0112 -1 Christian Europe 32.3 APW20000413.0091 -1 Witchcraft 32.3 XIE20000825.0457 -1 the Taiwan leader 32.3 NYT19990821.0083 -1 Ms. Fox 32.3 APW20000530.0070 -1 John K. Simmons Jews and Muslims 33.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 33.1 APW19990225.0020 -1 time for such worldly things as poetry of John Keats & his to Nightingale roots in melodrama 33.1 APW19990225.0020 -1 Ode 33.1 NYT19990818.0191 -1 Churchill 33.1 XIE19960619.0103 -1 women 33.1 XIE19990614.0031 1 nursing 33.1 NYT19980602.0054 -1 People 33.1 NYT19981119.0139 -1 Diana 33.1 NYT20000207.0434 -1 Joan 33.1 XIE20000508.0158 3 military nurse 33.1 NYT19980610.0005 -1 Florence Nightingale Nursing Home 33.1 NYT19980602.0201 -1 Darth Vader 33.1 NYT20000503.0206 1 Modern Nursing 33.1 APW19990504.0135 -1 a lift 33.1 NYT20000802.0324 -1 the Massachusetts Nurses Association's organized labor branch 33.1 NYT20000802.0346 -1 the Massachusetts Nurses Association's organized labor branch 33.1 NYT19990327.0214 1 nursing 33.1 APW19980901.1053 1 nursing 33.1 NYT19990212.0450 -1 observed that he embodied ``the supreme American paradox 33.1 APW19980901.1053 3 nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale 33.1 XIE20000508.0158 -1 Nightingale Award 33.1 NYT20000928.0164 -1 The Secret Diary 33.1 NYT20000906.0209 2 nurse Florence Nightingale , famous for her care of British soldiers 33.1 XIE19990614.0031 1 the pioneer of the modern nursing 33.1 APW19990511.0207 -1 nearly 12 hours 33.1 XIE19970902.0085 -1 the award in 1983 33.1 APW19990920.0153 -1 People 33.1 APW19990511.0207 1 modern nursing 33.1 APW19990511.0207 1 founder of modern nursing 33.1 APW20000511.0209 -1 police officer 33.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 33.2 APW19990511.0207 -1 1870 33.2 APW19990511.0207 1 1820 33.2 APW20000511.0209 -1 Florence 33.2 APW20000511.0209 1 May 12, 1820 33.2 APW20000511.0209 3 May 12 33.2 APW20000511.0209 1 May 12 , 1820 33.2 APW19990511.0207 1 May 12, 1820 33.2 APW19990225.0020 -1 1938 33.2 NYT19981023.0017 -1 1951 33.2 XIE19990614.0031 -1 1912 33.2 APW20000812.0124 -1 Aug. 33.2 APW20000511.0209 1 may 12 , 1820 33.2 APW20000511.0209 1 1820 33.2 APW20000812.0124 -1 Aug. 13, 1910 33.2 XIE20000508.0158 -1 1912 33.2 NYT19990121.0109 -1 1940 33.2 APW19990511.0207 1 12 May 1820 33.2 APW19990511.0207 -1 1999 33.2 APW20000511.0209 -1 1941 33.2 XIE19970902.0085 -1 1925 33.2 APW19990309.0207 -1 1990 33.2 APW20000511.0209 3 1820 1912 33.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 33.3 XIE20000508.0158 -1 United Kingdom 33.3 APW19990511.0207 3 Italy. 33.3 APW20000511.0209 3 Florence 33.3 NYT19991228.0320 2 Italy 33.3 APW20000511.0209 3 Italy 33.3 APW20000511.0209 1 Florence, Italy 33.3 APW19990511.0207 3 Italy 33.3 APW19980901.1053 -1 Asprey 33.3 NYT19991228.0377 2 Italy 33.3 NYT20000906.0123 -1 Ore. 33.3 APW19990511.0207 3 Florence 33.3 NYT20000503.0206 -1 Kaiserwerth , Germany 33.3 XIE20000508.0158 -1 Washington 33.3 XIE19970715.0118 -1 North Africa 33.3 APW19990511.0207 3 Nightingale was born on May 12 , 1820 , in Florence 33.3 NYT19990612.0182 -1 ATTENTION EDITORS 33.3 XIE19990614.0031 -1 Washington 33.3 XIE19960313.0154 -1 China 33.3 APW19990511.0207 1 Florence, Italy 33.3 APW20000511.0209 -1 Kocaeli 33.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 33.4 NYT19980610.0005 -1 1930s 33.4 APW19990511.0207 -1 1820 33.4 APW20000812.0124 1 Aug 13, 1910 33.4 NYT19981119.0139 2 1910 33.4 NYT19980610.0005 -1 the 1930s 33.4 APW20000812.0124 1 Aug. 13, 1910 33.4 NYT20000725.0406 -1 1996 33.4 APW20000812.0124 3 1910 33.4 NYT19980610.0005 -1 June 4 33.4 APW20000812.0124 1 Aug. 13 , 1910 33.4 APW19990503.0281 -1 1953 33.4 APW20000812.0124 1 August 13, 1910 33.4 NYT20000503.0206 -1 1836 33.4 APW20000511.0209 -1 May 12, 1820 33.4 NYT19981023.0017 -1 1951 33.4 XIE19990614.0031 -1 1912 33.4 APW20000812.0124 1 aug._13,_1910 33.4 NYT19980610.0005 -1 4 33.4 XIE20000508.0158 -1 1912 33.4 XIE20000803.0200 2 August 13 , 1910 33.4 XIE19980922.0011 -1 21 33.4 APW20000511.0209 -1 1941 33.4 XIE19970902.0085 -1 1925 33.4 APW19980810.0467 -1 1992 33.4 APW20000511.0209 -1 1880 2001 1969 34.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 34.1 APW20000124.0043 -1 1999 34.1 APW19990316.0019 -1 Salem 34.1 APW20000926.0139 1 1971 34.1 APW19990721.0106 -1 March 31 34.1 APW19990614.0045 1 1971 34.1 NYT19990907.0119 -1 1968 34.1 APW20000430.0123 1 1971 34.1 APW20000608.0050 -1 January 34.1 NYT20000128.0447 -1 2002 34.1 APW19990430.0135 1 May 1, 1971 34.1 APW19990721.0106 -1 1997 34.1 APW19990617.0064 -1 2003 34.1 APW19990316.0287 -1 December 34.1 NYT19980729.0134 -1 2002 34.1 APW19990309.0065 -1 2002 34.1 APW20000823.0085 -1 October 34.1 APW19990430.0135 1 1971 34.1 APW19990316.0019 -1 June 10, 1971 34.1 APW20000926.0139 -1 1997 34.1 APW20000710.0125 -1 1999 34.1 NYT20000202.0247 -1 1995 34.1 APW19990721.0106 2 May 1 , 1971 34.1 APW19990308.0108 1 1971 34.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 34.2 APW19990316.0287 -1 88 34.2 APW19990318.0189 -1 the documents 34.2 APW20000227.0082 -1 500 34.2 APW19990316.0051 1 21 million 34.2 APW19990316.0051 1 about 21 million passengers 34.2 NYT19990709.0218 -1 234 passengers 34.2 APW19990316.0051 1 about 21 million 34.2 NYT20000822.0133 -1 1 34.2 NYT19990515.0135 -1 three 34.2 APW20000227.0137 -1 up to 4 million passengers 34.2 NYT20000307.0127 -1 one 34.2 APW19990326.0086 -1 11 34.2 NYT20000227.0174 -1 5.3 billion 34.2 NYT20000510.0280 -1 625,000 34.2 APW20000227.0082 -1 22,000 34.2 APW19990617.0064 -1 every 1,000 34.2 APW20000125.0061 -1 2002 34.2 APW19990316.0051 -1 million 34.2 NYT20000822.0133 -1 12 , 960 passengers 34.2 APW19990316.0051 -1 serves over 500 34.2 APW20000706.0075 -1 25,000 34.2 APW19990316.0051 -1 2 million passengers 34.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 34.3 APW20000706.0029 1 25,000 34.3 NYT19990316.0293 -1 20 34.3 APW20000227.0082 -1 22,000 34.3 APW19990316.0051 -1 3,000 34.3 APW20000304.0024 -1 1998 34.3 NYT19990317.0037 -1 196 passengers 34.3 NYT19990907.0119 -1 3 passengers 34.3 NYT20000202.0247 -1 20 34.3 NYT19980820.0344 -1 13 34.3 APW19990828.0093 -1 Two 34.3 APW20000304.0024 -1 1,000 34.3 APW20000304.0024 -1 more than 1,000 employees 34.3 APW19990310.0104 -1 1,000 34.3 APW19990310.0155 -1 2 billion 34.3 NYT20000706.0180 1 25,000 34.3 NYT19990317.0037 -1 two 34.3 APW19990309.0065 -1 9 million 34.3 NYT20000821.0311 1 24,000 34.3 NYT20000202.0247 -1 some 24,000 travelers 34.3 APW20000706.0075 1 25,000 34.3 APW19990310.0155 -1 1,000 34.3 APW20000304.0024 -1 800 to 1,000 34.3 APW19990310.0155 -1 1 , 000 employees 34.3 APW19990517.0204 -1 Unions representing 8,000 of Amtrak 34.3 NYT20000706.0359 1 25,000 34.3 NYT19991015.0062 -1 20,000 employees 34.3 APW19990309.0173 -1 1,000 34.3 NYT19990728.0228 -1 10,000 34.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 34.4 NYT19990120.0536 -1 Southwest 34.4 NYT19990120.0536 3 Warrington 34.4 NYT19990901.0322 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT19980820.0344 -1 chief executive officer 34.4 APW19990617.0064 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT19990120.0536 1 George Warrington 34.4 APW19990617.0191 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT19980820.0344 -1 Executive Officer 34.4 NYT20000131.0471 -1 New Haven 34.4 APW20000926.0139 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT20000809.0392 1 George Warrington 34.4 APW20000304.0024 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT19980820.0344 1 George D. Warrington 34.4 NYT19980820.0344 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT19990120.0536 -1 president and chief executive 34.4 NYT19990309.0422 1 George D. Warrington 34.4 NYT19990901.0322 3 Warrington 34.4 NYT19990823.0290 1 George Warrington 34.4 NYT19991220.0372 -1 currently president of Burlington 34.4 APW20000926.0139 -1 Phyllis Scheinberg 34.4 APW19990702.0028 1 George Warrington 35.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 35.1 NYT19981208.0335 -1 1999 35.1 NYT19981110.0053 1 1981 35.1 NYT20000228.0536 -1 New York 35.1 NYT19991102.0385 1 April 1981 35.1 NYT20000713.0335 -1 Thursday 35.1 NYT20000728.0137 -1 2001 35.1 NYT20000204.0379 -1 1995 35.1 NYT20000228.0536 -1 Tuesday 35.1 NYT19991019.0411 1 1981 35.1 NYT19991102.0385 -1 April 2001 35.1 NYT19991102.0123 -1 April 2001 35.1 APW20000721.0006 -1 1997 35.1 NYT20000716.0107 -1 last week 35.1 NYT19990621.0345 -1 ago 35.1 NYT19991102.0362 -1 April of 2001 35.1 NYT19991102.0123 -1 2001 35.1 NYT19991117.0381 -1 1916 35.1 APW19990209.0272 -1 Mr. Welch retired as Chairman and CEO of General Electric in September 35.1 APW20000211.0336 -1 1960 35.1 NYT20000228.0536 -1 1997 35.1 APW20000511.0209 2 1981 2001 35.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 35.2 NYT20000713.0335 -1 two 35.2 NYT19980820.0186 -1 GE Chairman 35.2 NYT19981110.0053 -1 100,000 35.2 NYT19981110.0053 -1 1981, 35.2 NYT19991008.0363 -1 20 years 35.2 NYT19981219.0037 -1 7 years 35.2 NYT20000719.0504 -1 20 35.2 NYT19981029.0098 -1 17 35.2 NYT20000719.0504 -1 1 35.2 NYT20000713.0275 -1 three 35.2 XIE20000309.0406 -1 10500 35.2 NYT20000715.0038 -1 20 35.2 APW19990422.0033 -1 10 35.2 APW19990421.0196 -1 10 years 35.2 NYT19981220.0022 -1 1 { years 35.2 APW19990422.0033 -1 2.8 million in 35.2 APW19990422.0033 -1 10 years 35.2 NYT19990920.0003 -1 one 35.2 NYT19981206.0083 1 40 35.2 NYT20000719.0504 -1 20 years 35.2 APW19990421.0196 -1 1998 35.2 XIE20000917.0025 -1 September 7 , 2001 , Jack Welch said goodbye 35.2 NYT20000713.0232 -1 7.1 million 35.2 NYT20000713.0335 -1 three 35.2 NYT19990920.0003 -1 18 years 35.2 NYT19981110.0053 -1 17 years 35.2 NYT19991102.0385 -1 20 35.2 NYT20000713.0335 -1 20 years 35.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 35.3 NYT19990422.0147 -1 1998 35.3 NYT19991102.0385 -1 1981 35.3 NYT19991014.0329 -1 Power Systems 35.3 NYT19991102.0123 1 2001 35.3 NYT19991102.0385 1 APRIL 2001 35.3 NYT20000728.0137 1 2001 35.3 NYT19991102.0385 -1 1980 35.3 NYT19991102.0263 1 April 2001 35.3 NYT19981111.0253 -1 1997 35.3 NYT19980820.0186 -1 April 35.3 NYT19991102.0362 -1 1998 35.3 NYT19991103.0040 1 APRIL 2001 35.3 NYT19981110.0053 -1 1981 35.3 XIE20000113.0226 -1 October 35.3 NYT20000713.0275 1 2001 35.3 NYT19991102.0385 -1 Nov. 19, 2000 35.3 NYT19991014.0329 -1 end of the year 35.3 NYT19991019.0411 -1 December 2000 35.3 NYT19990422.0147 -1 Welch , who retired from GE a year ago after 21 years as 35.3 XIE20000516.0254 -1 1935 35.3 NYT19981214.0491 -1 2000 35.3 NYT19990920.0003 -1 7 35.3 NYT19991102.0123 1 April 2001 35.3 NYT20000713.0335 3 2001 1969 35.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 35.4 NYT19990920.0003 -1 GE Chairman 35.4 NYT20000713.0335 -1 market 35.4 NYT19981110.0053 -1 1981, 35.4 XIE20000113.0226 -1 2,500 people 35.4 NYT20000719.0504 1 about 100,000 people 35.4 APW19990421.0196 -1 500,000 shares 35.4 NYT20000719.0504 -1 00 35.4 NYT20000719.0504 1 about 100,000 35.4 NYT20000611.0057 -1 1 35.4 NYT20000719.0504 -1 four 35.4 NYT19990920.0003 -1 4,300 people 35.4 NYT20000719.0504 1 100,000 35.4 NYT20000901.0175 -1 1987 35.4 XIE20000113.0226 -1 2,500 35.4 NYT19981110.0051 -1 one 35.4 XIE19970112.0165 -1 his 22 fights 35.4 NYT20000820.0016 -1 500 companies 35.4 APW19990422.0033 -1 1998 35.4 NYT19990920.0003 -1 one 35.4 NYT19981110.0053 -1 1981 35.4 XIE20000113.0226 -1 2 , 500 people 35.4 NYT20000728.0137 -1 07 01 miah 35.4 NYT20000713.0232 -1 7.1 million 35.4 NYT19991102.0362 -1 1 No. 2 35.4 NYT19981214.0491 -1 160,000 people 35.4 NYT20000719.0504 1 100,000 people 35.4 NYT19981110.0053 1 100,000 35.4 NYT20000713.0335 2 100,000 36.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 36.1 NYT19990312.0452 -1 Phnom Penh 36.1 NYT19980723.0379 -1 PAILIN 36.1 APW19990607.0249 -1 a Khmer Rouge operation 36.1 XIE19981226.0060 -1 Vietnam 36.1 XIE19960830.0064 -1 PHNOM PENH 36.1 APW19981203.0375 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW20000418.0001 1 Cambodia 36.1 NYT19980723.0379 -1 Pailin 36.1 NYT19990104.0533 1 Cambodia 36.1 NYT19990104.0389 1 Cambodia 36.1 NYT19990104.0459 -1 Beijing 36.1 XIE19990309.0087 3 Cambodian 36.1 APW19981226.0055 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19990101.0062 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19980620.0111 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19990101.0122 -1 United States 36.1 NYT19990312.0452 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19981205.0662 3 northwestern Cambodia 36.1 XIE20000405.0013 -1 April 8 36.1 APW19980701.0409 -1 Thursday 36.1 NYT19990104.0459 1 Cambodia 36.1 NYT19990103.0108 1 Cambodia 36.1 XIE20000524.0372 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19981203.0313 3 Cambodian 36.1 NYT19990103.0108 1 CAMBODIA 36.1 XIE19990304.0208 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19981230.0021 3 Khmer Rouge , Cambodia 's Maoist movement 36.1 APW19981203.0313 1 Cambodia 36.1 NYT19991019.0274 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19981226.0055 -1 France 36.1 XIE19971029.0142 1 Cambodia 36.1 XIE19981226.0118 1 Cambodia 36.1 APW19980602.0310 1 Cambodia 36.1 XIE19990307.0208 3 Cambodia Khmer Rouge 36.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 36.2 APW19981204.1480 1 April 1975 36.2 APW19981226.0755 1 1975 36.2 APW19981205.0038 1 April 1975 36.2 XIE19981226.0060 1 1975 36.2 APW19981225.0810 -1 April 36.2 APW19990104.0039 -1 1976 36.2 APW19990826.0096 1 1975 36.2 APW19980717.0069 1 1975 36.2 APW19981226.0337 1 1975 36.2 APW19990104.0038 -1 1970 36.2 NYT19990104.0389 1 1975 36.2 APW19981204.1454 1 April 1975 36.2 NYT19990108.0005 -1 March 18 1970 36.2 APW19980603.0363 1 1975 36.2 APW19980801.0137 1 1975 36.2 APW19990104.0038 -1 1979 36.2 NYT19990510.0352 -1 Sunday 36.2 APW19981204.1480 1 1975 36.2 APW20000106.0069 -1 fall 36.2 APW19980722.1299 1 1975 36.2 APW19981226.0055 1 1975 36.2 APW19981227.0183 -1 1997 36.2 APW19990428.0331 3 high school , converted into a detention & torture center in 1975 by khmer rouge when they came into power 36.2 APW19990104.0038 1 1975 36.2 APW19990104.0039 1 1975 36.2 APW19980602.0310 1 1975 36.2 XIE19990307.0208 2 1975 1976 1979 36.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 36.3 NYT19990501.0132 -1 Duch 36.3 XIE19990113.0239 -1 Khieu Samphan 36.3 NYT19980723.0379 -1 Pailin 36.3 NYT19990305.0044 -1 Ho Chi Minh 36.3 APW19981209.0390 -1 Ta Mok 36.3 APW19980719.0177 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981230.0179 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981128.0185 2 Pol Pot 36.3 NYT19990501.0132 -1 Khieu Samphan 36.3 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 36.3 APW19981205.0038 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19980613.0168 -1 Cambodia 36.3 APW19981204.1457 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981229.0331 -1 Hun 36.3 APW19981128.0185 -1 Pol 36.3 APW19980603.1833 -1 Son Sen 36.3 APW19981125.1339 2 Pol Pot 36.3 XIE19990102.0051 -1 the Khmer Rouge leaders 36.3 XIE19980613.0182 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981115.0040 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981229.0246 -1 Khieu Samphan 36.3 APW19981226.0652 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19990428.0331 2 Pol Pot 36.3 XIE19960906.0170 -1 Son Sen 36.3 APW19981226.0337 -1 Ieng Sary 36.3 APW19981225.0772 -1 Khieu Samphan 36.3 APW19981204.1457 -1 the Khmer Rouge 36.3 APW19981228.0800 -1 Prime Minister Hun Sen 36.3 XIE19980416.0133 -1 Khmer Rouge leader Pol 36.3 APW19981205.0662 1 Saloth Sar 36.3 NYT19990109.0078 -1 Un Samath 36.3 APW19981226.0055 -1 Ta Mok 36.3 APW19981204.1431 2 Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981205.0038 2 the late Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot 36.3 APW19981117.0114 2 Pol Pot 36.3 XIE19990307.0208 2 Pol Pot Khmer Rouge 36.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 36.5 NYT19990108.0006 1 1979 36.5 NYT19990108.0005 -1 1975 36.5 XIE19991009.0064 -1 Chile 36.5 XIE19981226.0060 -1 1975 36.5 APW19981225.0810 -1 April 36.5 APW19990104.0039 -1 1976 36.5 NYT19990501.0132 1 1979 36.5 APW19990803.0158 3 79 36.5 APW19980626.0249 -1 1975 36.5 APW19990104.0038 -1 1970 36.5 APW19991008.0155 -1 1998 36.5 APW19980623.1485 -1 1975 36.5 APW19990106.0280 1 Jan. 7, 1979 36.5 APW19990104.0038 1 1979 36.5 NYT19990510.0352 -1 Sunday 36.5 APW19980731.1312 -1 1975 36.5 APW19980910.1476 1 1979 36.5 APW19980603.0363 -1 1975 36.5 APW19981226.0055 -1 1975 36.5 APW20000119.0062 -1 found after Saddam Hussein was removed from power in Iraq 36.5 APW19981004.0029 -1 1977 36.5 XIE19981226.0111 -1 1967 36.5 APW19981230.1168 -1 1975 36.5 APW19980602.0310 1 1979 36.5 XIE19990307.0208 -1 1985 37.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 37.1 NYT19990223.0029 -1 Payton 37.1 NYT19980801.0150 -1 1 37.1 APW19990630.0382 -1 1 37.1 XIE19970922.0037 -1 285 billion 37.1 APW19980621.1071 -1 six 37.1 APW19980621.1071 -1 5,000 - year 37.1 NYT19990401.0356 -1 won first 37.1 NYT19980915.0472 -1 70 37.1 APW19990520.0346 -1 two 37.1 NYT19991019.0383 -1 one 37.1 NYT20000611.0068 -1 two 37.1 NYT19990114.0485 2 four 37.1 NYT19990205.0396 -1 80 37.1 APW19990630.0382 -1 30-minute 37.1 APW20000814.0022 -1 two 37.1 NYT19980801.0155 -1 1998 37.1 NYT19980801.0154 -1 1998 37.1 NYT19990602.0396 -1 25 37.1 NYT20000808.0356 -1 15 37.1 NYT19981208.0314 -1 10 37.1 APW19990630.0382 1 four 37.1 APW20000224.0100 -1 nearly four 37.1 NYT19980801.0150 -1 8-1 37.1 NYT19981113.0503 -1 Member No. 243 Joined 11-August 03 , Are you excited 37.1 XIE19970606.0105 -1 47 37.1 APW19990630.0382 -1 6 37.1 XIE19981206.0049 -1 3 37.1 APW19990630.0382 -1 455 members 37.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 37.3 APW19990630.0382 1 Australia. 37.3 APW19990630.0382 -1 American 37.3 XIE19980429.0207 -1 LRA 37.3 APW19990630.0382 -1 nothing 37.3 APW19990630.0382 -1 Nothing 37.3 XIE19970922.0037 -1 Middle East 37.3 APW19990630.0382 1 Sydney 37.3 APW19990411.0034 -1 LOS ANGELES 37.3 APW19990630.0382 -1 Fox Family Channel 37.3 NYT19980701.0326 -1 Girls 37.3 XIE19970129.0228 -1 China 37.3 NYT20000526.0138 -1 Damascus 37.3 NYT20000820.0063 -1 Music 37.3 APW19980614.0359 -1 United States 37.3 APW19990630.0382 1 Australia 37.3 NYT19980612.0299 -1 Washington 37.3 APW19980604.1538 -1 central Japan 37.3 NYT19980802.0177 -1 Brooklyn 37.3 NYT20000315.0432 -1 Washington 37.3 XIE19991023.0027 -1 China 37.3 XIE19990405.0123 -1 Australian musical 37.3 APW19980903.0235 -1 U.S. officials 37.3 NYT19991125.0107 -1 wiggles, you wiggle 37.3 APW19990630.0382 -1 The Down Under-United States entertainment connection brought Olivia Newton-John to American 37.3 XIE19980802.0143 -1 World 37.3 APW19981015.0081 -1 China 37.3 APW19990630.0382 -1 Iraq 38.1 NYT20000319.0040 1 subatomic 38.1 NYT19991227.0248 -1 top quark 38.1 APW20000327.0033 -1 gluons 38.1 APW20000125.0216 -1 Bott 38.1 APW20000125.0216 1 elementary particle 38.1 NYT19990216.0371 1 fundamental particle 38.1 NYT19991009.0071 1 subatomic particles 38.1 NYT20000501.0277 -1 hadron 38.1 NYT19980608.0219 -1 matter 38.1 NYT19990809.0213 -1 gluon 38.1 XIE19980113.0177 -1 generally believed to never exist alone but only in color-neutral groups of two or three and possibly five or more 38.1 NYT20000612.0789 -1 TRAIL OF FREE-ROAMING QUARKS 38.1 NYT19980605.0056 -1 Muster Mark 38.1 NYT19980605.0056 -1 Three Quarks 38.1 NYT20000612.0789 1 subatomic particles 38.1 NYT19990118.0207 -1 the standard model theory 38.1 NYT19991227.0248 -1 previous discoveries 38.1 NYT20000228.0205 -1 discovery 38.1 NYT20000228.0203 -1 neutrino 38.1 XIE20000722.0131 1 matter particles 38.1 XIE20000722.0131 -1 can 38.1 NYT20000907.0154 -1 Higgs 38.1 NYT20000209.0356 -1 the detection 38.1 NYT20000226.0011 -1 Fermilab 38.1 NYT20000619.0276 -1 forces 38.1 APW20000327.0033 -1 Protons and neutrons 38.1 NYT19990216.0371 -1 protons 38.1 NYT19990216.0371 -1 particles quarks 38.1 NYT19980915.0029 -1 Chairman Tim Gill said Denver's Quark decided to stop pursuing the 38.1 NYT20000501.0277 -1 physics 38.1 NYT20000722.0072 -1 there 38.1 XIE19980113.0177 1 tiniest building blocks of matter 38.2 NYT19990118.0207 1 Richter and Dr. Samuel C.C. Ting 38.2 XIE19980113.0177 -1 Usov 38.2 NYT19980825.0336 -1 Adobe 38.2 XIE19980113.0177 -1 the Weizmann Institute 38.2 NYT20000209.0356 -1 charm 38.2 NYT20000209.0356 -1 Charm 38.2 NYT19990216.0371 -1 James Joyce 38.2 NYT19980605.0056 1 Murray Gell-Mann 38.2 NYT19980605.0056 -1 James Joyce 38.2 NYT20000731.0325 -1 Particle 38.2 NYT20000603.0033 -1 Cernettes 38.2 NYT19991229.0188 1 Gell-Mann 38.2 NYT19990118.0207 1 Richter 38.2 NYT20000612.0789 -1 Frank Wilczek 38.2 NYT20000209.0435 -1 Geneva 38.2 NYT20000209.0356 -1 The 38.2 NYT19991230.0211 -1 particles 38.2 NYT19980824.0264 -1 Sidney Drell 38.2 XIE19980113.0177 -1 Israeli scientists 38.2 XIE19980113.0177 -1 Weizmann Institute 38.2 APW19981013.0317 1 Richard E. Taylor 38.2 NYT19990330.0193 -1 Bill Straus 38.2 NYT20000228.0205 1 Fermilab 38.2 NYT19981230.0422 -1 Quirky Quark 38.2 XIE19960207.0211 -1 Standard Model 38.2 XIE19960207.0211 3 Fermilab in 1977 38.2 NYT19990524.0148 -1 Quark 38.2 XIE19980113.0177 -1 Edward Witten 38.2 XIE19960207.0211 -1 James Glanz 38.2 NYT19990216.0326 3 Linear Accelerator Center 38.2 NYT19990118.0207 -1 particles 38.2 NYT19980831.0473 2 Gell-Mann and Zweig Cambodia 38.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 38.3 NYT19991230.0211 1 20th century 38.3 APW19991012.0070 1 1995 38.3 XIE19980113.0177 -1 the Weizmann Institute 38.3 NYT19990216.0371 1 1960s 38.3 XIE19980113.0177 -1 January 13 38.3 NYT19990118.0207 1 1974 38.3 NYT19990216.0326 1 1960s 38.3 NYT19991227.0248 1 1995 38.3 XIE19960301.0054 -1 in 1964 38.3 APW19980825.1298 -1 August 31, 1997 38.3 NYT19990118.0207 1 1995 38.3 NYT20000209.0439 -1 Feb. 9, 2000 38.3 NYT20000131.0286 -1 1973 38.3 APW20000327.0033 -1 February 38.3 NYT19990216.0326 -1 1990 38.3 NYT19980824.0458 1 1995 38.3 XIE19980113.0177 -1 Tuesday 38.3 NYT19990118.0207 3 1974 charm 38.3 APW19981013.0317 -1 1977 38.3 APW20000327.0033 2 20th century 38.3 NYT19980824.0459 -1 1998 38.3 APW20000327.0033 -1 1964 1978 39.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 39.1 NYT20000330.0210 3 rock 39.1 APW19990722.0153 -1 Alberico 39.1 APW19990505.0123 3 rock 39.1 APW19980602.0690 -1 Win 39.1 APW19990609.0017 -1 tour 39.1 NYT19990831.0247 -1 Lubbock 39.1 NYT19990301.0136 -1 bassist Lee Fox Boston and guitarist Paul Carbona 39.1 NYT19990524.0251 -1 Crawford 39.1 NYT19990713.0455 -1 Pennsbury 39.1 NYT20000712.0231 -1 Balcony Club 39.1 APW19990411.0057 -1 White House 39.1 NYT19990115.0131 2 rock 39.1 APW19990828.0141 -1 Lewis 39.1 APW19990915.0251 -1 Mellencamp 39.1 NYT20000908.0470 -1 pop, swing 39.1 NYT20000718.0115 -1 Oedipus 39.1 XIE19971223.0071 -1 statement 39.1 NYT19980817.0268 1 punk-rock 39.1 NYT20000321.0311 -1 record 39.1 NYT20000321.0311 -1 the underground pop bands 39.1 NYT19981030.0176 -1 Rancid 39.1 NYT19990307.0255 -1 docu-cabaret 39.1 NYT19981030.0176 3 rock music 39.1 NYT19981030.0176 3 his punk rock group Rancid 39.1 NYT20000814.0120 -1 music by the band Culture Clash 39.1 APW19981225.0164 -1 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan (AP) _ A clash between two rival gangs in 39.1 APW19990505.0123 1 punk rock 39.1 NYT19981204.0127 -1 people 39.1 XIE19991109.0211 -1 their first hit 39.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 39.2 APW20000223.0331 -1 Grammys 39.2 NYT19980902.0427 -1 Rolling Stones 39.2 NYT19990505.0406 -1 Public Enemy 39.2 APW19980615.0733 -1 cut 39.2 NYT19990813.0021 -1 cut 39.2 NYT19980910.0137 -1 1990 39.2 NYT19990113.0063 -1 1966 39.2 APW19990505.0123 -1 London 39.2 NYT19990825.0213 -1 Oct 23 39.2 NYT19990719.0235 -1 1981 39.2 NYT19990324.0497 2 1977 39.2 NYT19980811.0091 2 1977 39.2 NYT19981120.0224 -1 10 39.2 APW19990828.0141 -1 Lewis 39.2 NYT19991021.0112 -1 Armagideon Time 39.2 APW20000224.0062 -1 1983 39.2 XIE19970712.0022 -1 night 39.2 NYT19991222.0322 -1 1982 39.2 NYT19991217.0172 -1 late 1970s 39.2 APW19990619.0098 -1 Saturday 39.2 APW19990120.0214 -1 Wednesday 39.2 NYT20000709.0039 -1 1970 39.2 NYT19980625.0224 -1 1992 one of the first major hip hop 39.2 NYT19991109.0428 -1 1992 39.2 APW19990105.0293 -1 major album, record 39.2 APW19981225.0164 -1 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan (AP) _ A clash between two rival gangs in 39.2 NYT20000203.0205 2 1977 39.2 APW20000209.0092 -1 a 1999 39.2 XIE19991109.0211 -1 1974 1970 40.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 40.1 XIE19971018.0052 -1 October 90, 1919 40.1 APW20000416.0088 -1 1998 40.1 NYT20000628.0111 -1 the Admiral Nimitz Foundation 40.1 NYT19990602.0103 1 1885 40.1 XIE19971107.0310 -1 today 40.1 APW19990612.0050 -1 Friday 40.1 NYT19981103.0129 2 February 24, 1885 40.1 XIE19971018.0052 -1 October 12 40.1 NYT19990610.0400 -1 1855 40.1 NYT19991108.0177 -1 54 40.1 NYT20000621.0073 -1 1994 40.1 XIE19971007.0044 -1 Tuesday 40.1 APW19990329.0199 -1 1992 40.1 NYT19981031.0252 -1 ago 40.1 NYT19990930.0024 -1 1906 40.1 NYT20000621.0071 -1 1994 40.1 NYT19991108.0177 -1 24 40.1 NYT19990602.0103 -1 1983 40.1 APW19990612.0050 -1 20th century 40.1 APW19990327.0016 -1 1992 40.1 NYT19990610.0400 2 02/24/1885 1983 1940 40.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 40.2 NYT19990602.0103 -1 Town Lake 40.2 APW19990612.0050 1 FREDERICKSBURG 40.2 APW19990612.0050 3 Fredericksburg native Admiral 40.2 NYT20000628.0214 -1 United States 40.2 APW19990612.0050 -1 Pacific 40.2 NYT19990629.0131 1 Fredericksburg 40.2 NYT19990610.0400 1 Fredericksburg 40.2 APW19990612.0050 -1 Admiral Chester 40.2 NYT19980911.0455 -1 Hope 40.2 NYT19980717.0179 -1 Texas 40.2 NYT19991108.0177 -1 San 40.2 NYT19990212.0081 -1 Meridian 40.2 NYT20000628.0045 -1 a rare World War II combat boat 40.2 NYT20000621.0071 -1 Texas Gulf Coast 40.2 APW19990612.0050 -1 Bush 40.2 APW19990612.0050 1 Fredericksburg 40.2 NYT19990602.0103 -1 Austin 40.2 NYT20000828.0438 -1 000-acre park 40.2 APW19990612.0050 -1 Admiral Chester Nimitz 40.2 NYT19990602.0103 -1 World War II 40.2 APW19990612.0050 -1 fleet Admiral 40.2 APW19981218.1420 -1 There 40.2 NYT20000805.0036 -1 Nimitz Admiral Nimitz Historical Center 40.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 40.3 NYT19990629.0131 -1 Adm. 40.3 NYT19990222.0223 -1 Pacific Fleet 40.3 NYT19990610.0400 -1 Fleet 40.3 NYT20000412.0164 -1 Admiral Chester 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 World War II Pacific 40.3 NYT19990120.0078 2 Navy 40.3 NYT19991031.0097 2 Navy 40.3 NYT20000721.0330 -1 ATF 40.3 APW20000107.0081 -1 Air Force 40.3 NYT19990629.0131 -1 Fredericksburg 40.3 APW19990327.0016 -1 World War II 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 Historical Center 40.3 NYT19990602.0103 -1 World War II 40.3 NYT20000628.0045 -1 a rare World War II combat boat 40.3 APW19981214.0212 -1 Nippon Credit Bank Ltd. 40.3 NYT19990818.0054 -1 post office 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 Admiral Nimitz Museum 40.3 NYT19990930.0024 -1 Naval Academy 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 Fredericksburg 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 Chester Nimitz 40.3 NYT20000412.0164 -1 Pacific 40.3 NYT20000905.0075 -1 First National Bank 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 Pacific 40.3 NYT19990629.0131 -1 served under Adm. Chester Nimitz 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 The memories weren't all pleasant for George Bush as he toured 40.3 APW19990612.0050 -1 fleet Admiral 40.3 APW19981130.0371 -1 the armed forces 40.3 NYT19990610.0400 -1 Fleet Admiral 40.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 40.4 NYT19990930.0024 3 World War 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 Fredericksburg native Admiral 40.4 NYT19990602.0103 1 World War II 40.4 APW19990612.0050 1 World War II 40.4 APW19990329.0199 1 during World War II 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 museum 40.4 NYT20000412.0164 -1 Admiral 40.4 APW19990329.0199 -1 Conant 40.4 NYT20000628.0111 -1 Pacific 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 Bush 40.4 APW19990327.0016 1 World War II 40.4 APW19990612.0050 1 World War II Pacific 40.4 NYT19990930.0024 -1 William 40.4 NYT19990629.0131 -1 Adm. 40.4 NYT20000628.0045 -1 Fredericksburg 40.4 XIE19971013.0152 -1 more than 20 other fixed-wing aircraft 40.4 NYT19990930.0024 1 World War II 40.4 NYT20000412.0164 1 World War II 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 Admiral Chester Nimitz 40.4 APW19990327.0016 -1 Chester Nimitz 40.4 NYT19990610.0400 3 Pacific 40.4 NYT19990629.0131 -1 the boys 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 USS Augusta CA-31 40.4 XIE19971007.0125 -1 the Gulf 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 II Pacific fleet commander and Fredericksburg native Admiral Chester Nimitz, under whom Bush 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 The memories weren't all pleasant for George Bush as he toured 40.4 APW19990612.0050 -1 fleet Admiral 40.4 NYT19980819.0456 -1 war crimes 40.4 NYT19980814.0222 1 World War II 40.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 40.5 NYT19981204.0035 -1 K-State 40.5 XIE19971107.0310 -1 United States 40.5 APW19990612.0050 3 Fredericksburg native Admiral 40.5 NYT19990602.0103 1 admiral 40.5 APW19990612.0050 3 Admiral Chester Nimitz 40.5 APW19990612.0050 1 Admiral 40.5 APW19991009.0117 2 Admiral 40.5 NYT20000621.0073 -1 state 40.5 NYT19990930.0024 -1 Slew McCain 40.5 NYT19990930.0024 -1 William 40.5 APW19990329.0199 -1 Life 40.5 NYT20000621.0071 -1 Texas 40.5 XIE19971107.0310 -1 US Postpones Nimitz 40.5 APW19990327.0016 -1 World War II 40.5 APW19990612.0050 -1 World War II Pacific 40.5 NYT19990629.0131 1 Adm. 40.5 APW19990612.0050 -1 World War II Pacific fleet commander 40.5 NYT19990610.0400 3 Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz 40.5 NYT20000112.0017 -1 station 40.5 NYT19990930.0024 -1 captain 40.5 NYT19990930.0024 -1 Naval Academy 40.5 APW19990612.0050 -1 Chester Nimitz 40.5 APW19990612.0050 -1 Fredericksburg 40.5 NYT19990514.0165 -1 the House Ways and Means Committee 40.5 APW19990612.0050 1 Fleet Admiral 40.5 APW19990610.0089 -1 Liar 40.5 NYT19990222.0223 -1 Chester W. Nimitz 40.5 APW19990612.0050 -1 The memories weren't all pleasant for George Bush as he toured 40.5 APW19990612.0050 1 fleet Admiral 40.5 XIE19991116.0281 -1 the world 40.5 NYT20000805.0036 -1 commander of the Pacific fleet 250 miles away from the salt air and seawater of the Texas Gulf Coast 41.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 41.1 NYT19990711.0100 -1 1929 41.1 NYT19980917.0341 -1 1923 41.1 NYT19981125.0167 -1 Harding 41.1 APW20000228.0020 -1 October 41.1 NYT19990104.0268 2 early 1920s 41.1 APW20000906.0115 -1 next year 41.1 NYT19981104.0651 1 1920s 41.1 NYT19980830.0097 1 1922 41.1 APW19980806.1299 -1 1981 41.1 NYT19980708.0252 -1 1924 41.1 NYT20000319.0254 -1 1921 41.1 NYT19981104.0651 -1 1920 41.1 NYT20000113.0215 1 1923 41.1 NYT19980917.0341 -1 75 years ago 41.1 NYT19990525.0134 -1 1996 41.1 NYT19980830.0097 -1 the Warren G. Harding administration 41.1 NYT19990224.0278 -1 the Watergate prosecution 41.1 APW19990214.0089 -1 two 41.1 NYT19981104.0651 1 the 1920s 41.1 APW19980806.1299 1 1922 41.1 NYT19980917.0341 1 1920s 41.1 NYT20000829.0104 -1 2001 41.1 APW19990214.0089 -1 scandals, Teapot Dome 41.1 NYT19980917.0341 -1 MIDWEST, Wyo. _ The 55-year-old president had intimate encounters with a 41.1 NYT19990711.0100 -1 On 14th April, 1922 1982 1855 41.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 41.2 NYT19980917.0341 1 Harding 41.2 APW19980927.1019 -1 Gen. 41.2 APW19990524.0126 -1 Jefferson Davis 41.2 APW19980806.1299 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT20000825.0183 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT20000113.0215 1 Harding 41.2 NYT19980917.0341 -1 Monica Lewinsky 41.2 NYT19980918.0012 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT19980928.0067 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT19980824.0101 1 Warren G. Harding 41.2 APW19990106.0164 -1 Resolution Impeaching William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States 41.2 NYT19980817.0366 1 Warren G. Harding 41.2 NYT20000629.0093 -1 French President Jacques Chirac 41.2 APW20000327.0012 -1 Fidel Castro 41.2 APW19980929.1336 -1 Bill Clinton 41.2 NYT19980917.0341 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT20000825.0183 1 Harding 41.2 NYT19990711.0101 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT19980917.0341 1 President Warren Harding 41.2 NYT19990711.0100 -1 Ronald Reagan ' 41.2 APW19980730.0802 -1 George Hincapie 41.2 XIE19960524.0253 2 29th President of the United States 41.2 XIE19991001.0156 -1 General 41.2 NYT20000113.0215 1 Warren G. Harding 41.2 NYT20000825.0183 -1 Eleanor Roosevelt 41.2 NYT19980917.0341 -1 Melvin Dimick 41.2 NYT19980920.0144 -1 President Clinton 41.2 NYT19990711.0100 1 Warren Harding 41.2 NYT19990711.0100 3 President Warren Harding John Mitchell 41.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 41.3 APW19980806.1299 -1 President Warren Harding 41.3 NYT19980817.0366 -1 Monica Lewinsky 41.3 NYT19990215.0040 -1 graphic sexual detail 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 -1 Scandals 41.3 NYT19981125.0167 -1 Harding 41.3 APW19990301.0249 -1 investigation 41.3 NYT19981104.0651 -1 1920s 41.3 NYT20000113.0215 -1 Teapot Dome scandal 41.3 APW19990220.0062 -1 Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 -1 story 41.3 NYT19981111.0248 -1 Warren G. Harding 41.3 NYT19990101.0159 -1 Washington 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 -1 Most Scandalous President 41.3 APW19980806.1299 -1 The Navy 41.3 APW19980807.0845 3 TEAPOT DOME 41.3 NYT19980911.0396 -1 the Clinton administration 41.3 NYT20000309.0248 -1 the Clinton administration 41.3 NYT19990525.0134 -1 Watergate 41.3 APW19980717.0129 -1 World War II 41.3 NYT19980822.0102 1 oil 41.3 NYT19990711.0101 -1 Andrew 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 -1 United States 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 3 TEAPOT-DOME 41.3 NYT19980914.0199 -1 politicians 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 -1 Campaign Finance Reform 41.3 NYT19990212.0439 -1 politics 41.3 NYT19980817.0366 -1 outweighed anything they were able to accomplish during their administrations 41.3 NYT19981125.0167 3 Harding administration 41.3 NYT19990301.0233 -1 The IOC 41.3 NYT19980917.0341 -1 Arnold Schwarzenegger The Southeastern Conference 42.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 42.1 APW19980702.0249 -1 18th century 42.1 XIE19970722.0262 -1 1881 42.1 NYT20000619.0287 -1 a Grand Parade 42.1 NYT19990830.0147 1 1797 42.1 XIE19970722.0262 -1 July 21 42.1 XIE19970722.0262 -1 1812 42.1 NYT19980724.0114 -1 today 42.1 NYT19990303.0366 -1 2002 42.1 NYT19981128.0189 -1 2002 42.1 NYT19980721.0109 -1 July 1798 42.1 NYT20000705.0104 -1 July 16 42.1 NYT20000619.0287 -1 July 11 42.1 APW19990818.0035 -1 1812 42.1 NYT20000705.0104 -1 July 11 42.1 NYT19990830.0147 -1 1812 42.1 NYT19980721.0081 -1 Thursday 42.1 NYT19990128.0203 1 1797 42.1 XIE19980911.0156 -1 1987 42.1 XIE19960904.0269 -1 1920 1921 42.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 42.2 XIE19970722.0262 3 War 42.2 NYT19990830.0148 -1 Bunker Hill 42.2 XIE19980617.0139 -1 War 42.2 APW19980702.0249 -1 War 42.2 XIE19970722.0262 -1 Massachusetts 42.2 NYT19990830.0147 1 War of 1812 42.2 NYT19990830.0147 -1 Old Ironsides 42.2 NYT19980721.0081 -1 Libertad 42.2 XIE19970424.0024 -1 Cold War 42.2 NYT19980721.0109 -1 April 3 , 1814 42.2 XIE19970722.0262 -1 USS Constitution Sails After 42.2 APW19990317.0111 -1 USS Thorn 42.2 NYT20000406.0225 -1 James T 42.2 APW19981114.0741 -1 USS Duluth 42.2 NYT19980915.0333 -1 Marie 42.2 APW20000916.0060 -1 USS Duluth, and USS Anchorage 42.2 NYT19980721.0081 -1 its first sail 42.2 NYT19980609.0373 -1 IRONSIDES-SAIL 42.2 NYT19980609.0170 -1 Old Ironsides 42.2 NYT20000620.0095 -1 World War II 42.2 APW19990818.0035 1 War of 1812 42.2 NYT19990212.0085 -1 Atlanta 42.2 NYT19980731.0094 -1 are 42.2 NYT19980609.0332 -1 USS 42.2 NYT19980609.0332 -1 NAVY 42.2 XIE19971007.0125 -1 USS Nimitz Aircraft Carrier 42.2 NYT19980721.0081 -1 USS Constitution Museum 42.2 APW19980707.0057 -1 USS Independence 42.2 XIE19971007.0125 -1 conflict as USS 42.2 XIE19970722.0262 -1 The USS Constitution, the wooden sailing ship that defended the United 42.2 NYT19990830.0148 -1 Charlestown Navy Yard Charlestown 42.2 XIE19990826.0024 -1 armed conflict 42.2 XIE19960904.0269 -1 the wooden sailing ship 42.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 42.3 APW19990818.0035 -1 Nova Scotia 42.3 XIE19970710.0110 2 more than 30 42.3 XIE19970710.0110 2 More than 30 42.3 NYT19980724.0114 3 30 42.3 NYT19980721.0081 -1 9 tall ships 42.3 XIE19970722.0262 -1 first time 42.3 APW19990828.0087 -1 four 42.3 NYT19980724.0114 -1 1 42.3 NYT20000401.0262 -1 three 42.3 NYT20000411.0141 -1 Five 42.3 APW19980702.0249 -1 22 42.3 NYT19990605.0086 -1 72 42.3 APW20000916.0060 -1 three widely separated parts 42.3 NYT19980624.0144 -1 the 1950s 42.3 NYT19980722.0449 -1 three weeks 42.3 APW19990826.0186 -1 three 42.3 NYT19980731.0094 -1 two 42.3 NYT19991022.0052 -1 two 42.3 XIE19970722.0262 -1 1812 42.3 NYT19980724.0114 -1 War of 1812 42.3 NYT19980624.0144 -1 750,000 42.3 XIE19970722.0262 -1 116 42.3 NYT19980624.0144 -1 750 42.3 XIE19970722.0262 -1 116 1812 42.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 42.4 APW19980702.0249 -1 Commandant 42.4 XIE19970722.0262 -1 Massachusetts Bay 42.4 NYT19990830.0147 -1 1797 42.4 NYT19990830.0148 1 Old Ironsides 42.4 NYT19990830.0147 1 Old Ironsides 42.4 NYT19980609.0170 1 Old Ironsides 42.4 NYT20000619.0287 1 Old Ironsides 42.4 XIE19970722.0262 -1 ship 42.4 NYT19980609.0170 3 Ironsides 42.4 NYT19980728.0081 -1 Tyrone G. Martin 42.4 NYT19980731.0094 -1 USS Constitution, and the Museum of Fine Arts 42.4 APW19990706.0153 -1 Mighty Mo 42.4 NYT19980724.0114 -1 Jeffrey Simpson 42.4 NYT19990517.0014 -1 name 42.4 NYT19990915.0310 -1 Charlestown Navy Yard 42.4 NYT20000724.0342 -1 Free State 42.4 NYT19990830.0147 -1 the water 42.4 APW19980702.0249 -1 USS 42.4 NYT19990830.0147 3 Old 42.4 NYT19980609.0332 1 Old Ironsides 42.4 APW19980702.0249 -1 the U.S. Navy 42.4 NYT19990830.0147 3 Ironsides 42.4 NYT19990703.0175 1 Old Ironsides 42.4 XIE19970722.0262 3 Old Ironsides Yokosuka Songkhla 43.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 43.1 XIE19981211.0335 3 Alfred 43.1 APW19990624.0365 -1 APSE 43.1 APW19981012.0625 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 APW19981006.1271 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 APW19981011.0541 -1 President Jimmy Carter 43.1 APW19991013.0114 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 XIE19961008.0137 1 Alfred Bernhard Nobel 43.1 APW19981014.1358 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 XIE19981211.0335 -1 David Trimble 43.1 APW19981007.1097 -1 Livelihood 43.1 NYT19981016.0049 -1 Science 43.1 APW19980607.0621 -1 Norwegian 43.1 APW19981014.0409 -1 Scholes 43.1 APW19981016.0433 -1 Jody Williams 43.1 NYT20000707.0414 -1 The 43.1 APW19981023.0614 -1 The 43.1 APW19981015.1086 -1 Robert C. Laughlin 43.1 XIE20000525.0027 -1 Executive Director 43.1 APW19981014.0247 -1 The economics prize 43.1 XIE20000627.0153 -1 China 43.1 NYT19990825.0055 -1 Congress 43.1 XIE19970217.0135 -1 Chen Ning Yang 43.1 XIE19970918.0158 -1 Chemist Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee 43.1 XIE19961003.0084 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 XIE19981211.0335 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 APW19981207.1143 3 Alfred 43.1 XIE19971016.0006 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 APW19981008.0421 -1 Jose Saramago 43.1 APW19981013.0844 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 XIE19981211.0335 3 anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel who established the awardsin Stockholm 43.1 APW19981016.0193 3 Alfred Nobel the Swedish industrialist and inventor of dynamite who established the prizes 43.1 XIE19961211.0231 -1 David Lee 43.1 APW19981012.0401 3 Alfred 43.1 APW19981007.1355 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 APW20000927.0211 1 Alfred Nobel 43.1 XIE19971211.0247 2 Riksbank Swedish Krona Alfred Nobel 43.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 43.3 APW19991015.0068 1 1901 43.3 APW19981006.1271 -1 1998 43.3 NYT19991016.0043 1 1901 43.3 NYT20000119.0179 1 1901 43.3 APW19980607.0621 -1 December 10 43.3 APW19981209.1809 1 1901 43.3 XIE19961008.0137 1 1901 43.3 NYT19991015.0401 1 1901 43.3 XIE19961008.0137 -1 December 10 43.3 APW19991015.0076 1 1901 43.3 APW19981008.1387 -1 October 14, 1994 43.3 XIE19961008.0137 -1 1996 43.3 APW19990505.0118 -1 1957 43.3 NYT19980826.0492 -1 August 21 43.3 NYT19981008.0338 -1 1996 43.3 APW19981210.0641 1 1901 43.3 APW19981007.0929 1 1901 43.3 NYT19980714.0286 -1 July 43.3 NYT20000317.0338 -1 Monday 43.3 XIE19981008.0089 -1 1998 43.3 NYT19980821.0266 1 1901 43.3 XIE19991012.0163 -1 1999 43.3 XIE19981211.0335 -1 December 10 43.3 XIE19971016.0006 -1 1896 43.3 APW19991015.0024 1 1901 43.3 XIE19990220.0035 -1 Switches to Bachelors , Masters Degrees 12 / 08 / 2003 , Kiel University awards 43.3 APW19990706.0177 -1 2003 43.3 XIE19961211.0231 -1 1896 43.3 APW20000902.0103 1 1901 43.3 APW19981007.1170 -1 1980 43.3 APW20000927.0211 1 1901 43.3 XIE19971211.0247 -1 1903 1977 1997 1996 43.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 43.4 APW19980607.0621 -1 original capital 43.4 APW19980607.0621 -1 Alfred 43.4 NYT19980629.0300 -1 the Nobel Prizes 43.4 XIE19991018.0091 -1 importance 43.4 NYT19981023.0068 -1 Relation 43.4 NYT19980629.0300 -1 exceed 43.4 APW20000927.0211 -1 winner 43.4 APW19991013.0157 -1 his analysis 43.4 XIE19990113.0302 -1 Gary Becker 43.4 NYT19980924.0519 -1 two 43.4 NYT19981002.0360 -1 three 43.4 APW20000902.0103 1 968,000 dollar 43.4 NYT19981014.0076 -1 matter 43.4 NYT19980630.0165 -1 Progress in Religion 43.4 NYT19990310.0473 -1 religion 43.4 NYT19991021.0409 -1 $1 million 43.4 XIE20000805.0063 -1 five 43.4 APW19981013.1365 -1 one 43.4 NYT19990420.0245 3 $1 million 43.4 APW19991013.0114 1 $960,000 43.4 XIE19980507.0076 -1 50 Years 43.4 APW19981023.0279 -1 $ 500,000 Albany Medical Center Prize 43.4 APW19991011.0073 -1 physics 43.4 XIE19961211.0231 -1 after he died in 1896 43.4 APW19981008.0059 -1 this year 43.4 XIE19991013.0136 -1 analysis 43.4 APW19981007.1355 -1 the literature prize 43.4 APW19990929.0156 1 $960,000 43.4 XIE19971211.0247 -1 10,000,000 Swedish Crowns 44.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 44.1 NYT20000925.0409 -1 American Indians tribes 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 -1 people 44.1 NYT19980611.0038 -1 NEW SACAJAWEA COIN 44.1 NYT19981207.0375 1 Shoshone 44.1 NYT19991015.0145 -1 Montana 44.1 NYT19991015.0145 1 Lemhi 44.1 NYT19991015.0145 3 Lemhi Indians 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Lewis and Clark 44.1 NYT19991025.0369 -1 Lewis 44.1 NYT19991025.0443 1 Shoshone 44.1 NYT19991026.0035 1 Shoshone 44.1 NYT20000801.0316 1 Shoshone 44.1 NYT20000822.0191 -1 Survivor II 44.1 NYT19981207.0376 -1 Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin 44.1 NYT20000814.0370 -1 people 44.1 NYT19981209.0045 1 Shoshone tribe 44.1 NYT19991015.0072 -1 LEWIS& 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 1 Lemhi 44.1 NYT19991015.0137 -1 Idaho 44.1 NYT19981209.0045 1 Shoshone 44.1 NYT19991015.0145 -1 Indians 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 -1 their chief 44.1 NYT19991015.0145 -1 INDIANS 44.1 NYT19991015.0145 -1 a place 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 -1 members of lands that once belonged to the tribes 44.1 NYT20000711.0105 -1 no American Indian tribe 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 -1 was never ratified, so basically they belong down here,'' said Duane Thompson, chairman of 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 3 SALMON, Idaho _ Here in the valley where the Shoshone teen-ager 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Lewis Clark 44.1 NYT19980610.0425 -1 Americans 44.1 NYT19991015.0072 1 Lemhi 44.1 NYT19991025.0394 3 Shoshoni Pacific 44.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 44.2 NYT19991025.0394 1 1805 44.2 NYT19991025.0369 -1 the Indians 44.2 NYT19981209.0045 -1 Sacagawea 44.2 NYT19981209.0046 3 1804 44.2 NYT19981209.0045 1 1804-06 44.2 NYT20000717.0188 -1 1993 44.2 NYT19981209.0045 3 1804 44.2 NYT19990128.0109 -1 19th century 44.2 NYT19991026.0035 -1 some 11,500 years 44.2 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Indian-bred horses 44.2 NYT19991026.0035 -1 one 44.2 NYT19990202.0054 3 1805 44.2 NYT19991025.0443 -1 hundreds 44.2 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Shoshone woman who accompanied Lewis and Clark on their expedition 44.2 NYT19981209.0045 3 06 44.2 APW19990505.0045 1 1805 44.2 NYT19991026.0035 3 1805 1812 44.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 44.3 NYT19980611.0038 -1 1242 44.3 NYT19991025.0394 -1 1996 44.3 NYT19980611.0038 -1 NEW SACAJAWEA COIN 44.3 NYT19991025.0443 -1 1805 44.3 NYT19980611.0038 -1 18:53 44.3 NYT19990712.0052 -1 in 1784 44.3 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 44.3 NYT19991025.0394 -1 1805 44.3 NYT19991025.0369 -1 1805 44.3 NYT19991025.0394 -1 February 11 1805 44.3 NYT19991025.0394 -1 summer of 1805 44.3 NYT19981207.0376 -1 2000 44.3 NYT19981207.0375 -1 2000 44.3 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Nov. 15 44.3 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Nov. 44.3 NYT20000822.0191 -1 Jan. 28 44.3 NYT19990122.0095 -1 1940 44.3 NYT20000612.0110 2 Sacagawea was born in approximately 1787 44.3 APW19980924.1372 2 1787 44.3 XIE19991202.0278 -1 1990 44.3 NYT19991025.0394 2 1788 1789 44.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 44.4 NYT19991025.0394 -1 1996 44.4 NYT19980611.0038 -1 NEW SACAJAWEA COIN 44.4 NYT19990202.0054 -1 25 44.4 NYT19980611.0038 -1 18:53 44.4 NYT19981209.0045 1 Dec. 20, 1812 44.4 APW19990419.0044 2 1812 44.4 NYT19991025.0394 -1 1805 44.4 NYT19991025.0369 -1 1805 44.4 NYT19981209.0045 3 the 1812 the 44.4 NYT19991025.0394 -1 summer of 1805 44.4 NYT19981207.0376 -1 2000 44.4 NYT19981207.0375 -1 2000 44.4 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Nov. 15 44.4 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Nov. 44.4 NYT19981209.0045 1 1812 44.4 XIE19980806.0095 -1 1998 44.4 NYT19991025.0394 2 1812 1805 44.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 44.5 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Station Camp 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Shoshone 44.5 NYT19980611.0038 -1 NEW SACAJAWEA COIN 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Fort 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 -1 fort 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 -1 New Mexico 44.5 NYT19981209.0045 1 Wyoming 44.5 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 44.5 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Shoshone 44.5 NYT19981209.0046 -1 U . S . 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Fort Hall 44.5 NYT19980610.0425 -1 America 44.5 NYT19991015.0137 -1 Idaho 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Idaho 44.5 NYT19980610.0425 -1 U.S. 44.5 NYT19991026.0035 -1 Shoshone 44.5 NYT19981209.0046 1 Wyoming 44.5 NYT19981209.0045 -1 the U.S. Mint 44.5 NYT19990202.0054 -1 Missouri 44.5 NYT19980706.0162 -1 a cemetery 44.5 NYT19991025.0394 2 Wind River Reservation in Wyoming 44.6 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 44.6 NYT19981223.0046 -1 1 pound 44.6 NYT19980611.0038 -1 THOSE DEAD PRESIDENTS 44.6 NYT19981207.0375 -1 6 year 44.6 NYT19991025.0394 -1 $500 44.6 NYT19980610.0312 -1 first quarter 44.6 NYT19980610.0312 1 dollar 44.6 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 44.6 NYT19991025.0443 -1 two 44.6 NYT19980610.0425 -1 real 44.6 APW20000202.0086 -1 100 million worth 44.6 NYT20000809.0229 1 dollar 44.6 NYT19981207.0375 -1 one 44.6 NYT19991026.0035 -1 IDAHO-INDIANS 44.6 NYT19991025.0394 -1 Hidatsa Indians 44.6 APW20000602.0148 -1 $500,000 44.6 NYT19980610.0425 -1 two 44.6 NYT19991025.0394 1 dollar 44.6 NYT19980610.0425 -1 $20 44.6 NYT19991025.0394 -1 a translator 44.6 NYT19981223.0046 -1 2-pound 44.6 NYT19980610.0425 3 Dollar / Quarter Coin Item No 24245 Price $ 14.97 Item is in stock Original Worth 44.6 NYT19980610.0425 -1 SACAJAWEA COIN 44.6 NYT19991025.0394 -1 SALMON, Idaho _ Here in the valley where the Shoshone teen-ager 44.6 NYT19990824.0134 -1 100,000 44.6 NYT20000822.0191 -1 final four 44.6 NYT19991025.0369 1 dollar 45.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 45.1 XIE19960911.0240 1 1956 45.1 XIE19960912.0091 1 1956 45.1 XIE19960912.0091 1 in 1956 45.1 XIE20000117.0153 -1 January 17 45.1 XIE19981108.0129 1 1956 45.1 XIE19960603.0056 -1 June 3 45.1 XIE19981223.0291 -1 December 22 45.1 XIE19980925.0039 -1 1998 45.1 XIE19981223.0223 -1 Tuesday 45.1 XIE19960911.0240 -1 Monday 45.1 XIE19970626.0057 -1 today 45.1 XIE19980116.0362 -1 1995 45.1 XIE19981108.0129 -1 July this year 45.1 XIE19960926.0253 -1 June 30, 1996 45.1 XIE19960911.0240 3 established in 1956 45.1 XIE19970520.0022 -1 has established a new company to manage the building 45.1 XIE19970107.0216 -1 1991 45.1 XIE19960926.0253 -1 1995 45.1 XIE19990218.0240 -1 1991 45.1 XIE19990303.0354 -1 1997 45.1 XIE19970604.0052 2 1956 45.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 45.2 XIE19990603.0052 -1 development finance company 45.2 XIE19990603.0052 -1 World Bank 45.2 XIE19991217.0307 -1 WASHINGTON 45.2 NYT19981006.0331 -1 ansm 45.2 XIE19980312.0225 -1 invest 45.2 XIE19970702.0051 -1 IFC Investable 45.2 XIE20000608.0195 -1 the World Bank 45.2 XIE19990902.0037 -1 September 45.2 XIE19990426.0168 -1 World Bank 45.2 XIE19990629.0085 -1 World Bank 45.2 XIE19990715.0056 -1 created on July 20 45.2 XIE19970711.0250 -1 The International Finance Corporation( IFC 45.2 APW19980612.0807 -1 Amalgamated Bank of South Africa 45.2 XIE19990616.0303 -1 Xinhua 45.2 XIE19970111.0221 -1 Xinhua 45.2 XIE20000124.0042 -1 the World Bank Group 45.2 XIE19980112.0166 3 funding 45.2 XIE19990528.0274 1 promote private sector investment in developing countries 45.2 XIE19970523.0115 -1 investments 45.2 XIE20000124.0042 -1 chief 45.2 XIE20000608.0195 -1 IFC 45.2 XIE20000608.0195 -1 Xinhua 45.2 XIE19990624.0354 -1 World Bank Group 45.2 XIE19961127.0236 -1 The IFC 45.2 XIE19981103.0037 -1 IFC 45.2 XIE19961209.0117 -1 the verification mission 45.2 XIE19990827.0299 3 Developing countries, helping to reduce poverty and improve people's lives 46.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 46.1 APW19981009.0620 3 Marshall Herff 46.1 XIE20000320.0324 -1 Luweero 46.1 NYT19980811.0336 -1 Young 46.1 XIE19970328.0238 -1 David Koresh 46.1 APW19981009.0620 1 Marshall Herff Applewhite 46.1 NYT19980610.0435 -1 members 46.1 XIE19990809.0148 -1 Li Hongzhi 46.1 APW20000130.0010 -1 Shoko Asahara 46.1 NYT19990805.0332 -1 David Koresh 46.1 APW19981009.0620 -1 Bopp 46.1 APW19981009.0620 -1 Hale-Bopp 46.1 XIE19970328.0238 -1 1993, Branch Davidian leader David Koresh and 80 followers 46.1 XIE19991105.0119 -1 Falun Gong 46.1 NYT19990907.0164 -1 David Koresh 46.1 NYT20000121.0097 -1 Shultz 46.1 NYT19991121.0181 -1 Hale-Bopp 46.1 XIE19991105.0220 -1 39 members of the Heaven 's Gate cult 46.1 NYT20000705.0267 -1 the police 46.1 NYT19991213.0099 -1 Princess Diana 46.1 APW19981009.0620 3 Herff Applewhite 46.1 APW19981123.0212 -1 the cult members 46.1 XIE19970328.0238 -1 Do and Ti Bo and Peep Bill Clinton 46.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 46.2 NYT19991213.0099 1 39 46.2 XIE19990626.0023 -1 1945 46.2 NYT19991121.0181 1 39 46.2 XIE19970401.0063 -1 two 46.2 XIE19991105.0220 3 39 members 46.2 APW19990727.0057 1 39 46.2 NYT19991121.0181 -1 3 46.2 NYT19981019.0135 -1 $ 1 million 46.2 NYT19991121.0182 -1 11 46.2 XIE19991105.0220 1 39 46.2 APW19990630.0373 -1 1997 46.2 APW19990325.0139 1 39 46.2 NYT19980930.0254 -1 ' 46.2 NYT20000120.0036 3 the 39 people 46.2 NYT20000120.0037 3 the 39 people 46.2 NYT19981121.0126 1 39 46.2 APW19981009.0620 1 39 46.2 NYT19990628.0361 3 39 members 46.2 XIE19970401.0063 -1 1997 46.2 NYT19990218.0206 -1 295 46.2 XIE19970328.0083 3 39 cult 46.2 XIE19970328.0083 1 39 46.2 NYT19991213.0099 3 39 30 46.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 46.3 APW19990107.0305 1 1997 46.3 NYT20000426.0360 -1 1978 46.3 NYT19990628.0361 1 1997 46.3 XIE19970328.0238 -1 39 46.3 NYT19981106.0435 1 1997 46.3 APW19990727.0057 1 1997 46.3 APW19981009.0620 3 March 19 46.3 APW19981009.0620 1 March 1997 46.3 NYT19990219.0123 2 1997 46.3 NYT19981106.0435 1 Easter week, 1997 46.3 APW19990630.0373 1 1997 46.3 XIE19970328.0238 -1 today 46.3 XIE19960815.0154 -1 February 46.3 APW19981009.0620 1 1997 46.3 NYT19991227.0363 1 March 26, 1997 46.3 NYT19991121.0101 -1 January 46.3 XIE19970328.0238 -1 time on the 25th that the mass suicide began 46.3 APW19990107.0305 -1 1966 46.3 NYT19991213.0099 -1 1938 46.3 XIE19991105.0220 1 March 26, 1997 46.3 XIE19970328.0238 2 1997/03/26 March 27, 1997 46.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 46.4 NYT19981005.0437 -1 new Jerusalem 46.4 NYT19980919.0182 -1 Waco 46.4 NYT19991121.0181 1 SAN DIEGO 46.4 NYT19991213.0099 1 San Diego 46.4 APW19990107.0305 1 San Diego 46.4 NYT20000329.0169 -1 Netscape 46.4 NYT20000107.0415 -1 Scientology 46.4 NYT19980610.0435 -1 United States 46.4 XIE19961026.0132 -1 Zhongtianmen 46.4 NYT19980601.0028 -1 Jordan 46.4 NYT19980930.0254 -1 Midnight 46.4 NYT19991121.0182 1 San Diego 46.4 NYT19990628.0361 1 Rancho Santa Fe , Calif. 46.4 XIE19961026.0132 -1 Nantianmen 46.4 NYT19990628.0361 1 Rancho Santa Fe, Calif. 46.4 XIE19970328.0238 -1 Hale 46.4 NYT19990506.0226 -1 Bridge 46.4 XIE19971008.0010 -1 Heaven 46.4 NYT19990908.0397 -1 Earth 46.4 XIE19970328.0238 2 San Diego 46.4 NYT19981007.0271 -1 gates of heaven 46.4 XIE19961026.0132 -1 JI'NAN, October 26 (Xinhua) -- Three aerial cables, which can carry 46.4 NYT19990701.0443 -1 cults 46.4 XIE19970328.0188 1 southern California 46.4 NYT19991213.0099 2 San Diego King Solomon 46.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 46.5 NYT19990815.0125 -1 give 46.5 APW19990727.0057 -1 the People 46.5 NYT19991121.0181 -1 39 members 46.5 APW19990107.0305 -1 cult 46.5 NYT19990421.0283 -1 suggest 46.5 NYT19990628.0361 -1 Rancho Santa Fe 46.5 APW20000325.0140 -1 Heaven Gate techno religious cult 46.5 APW19990825.0099 -1 San Diego 46.5 XIE19991105.0220 -1 California 46.5 NYT19980820.0343 -1 N/A 46.5 XIE19970328.0083 -1 committed 46.5 APW19990107.0305 -1 mass 46.5 NYT19980919.0182 -1 mass 46.5 NYT20000121.0096 1 by overdosing on barbiturates sweetened with vodka and apple sauce 46.5 NYT19980610.0435 -1 account 46.5 NYT20000120.0036 1 overdosing on barbiturates 46.5 NYT20000121.0097 3 overdosing 46.5 XIE19991105.0220 -1 U.S. 46.5 XIE19970328.0083 -1 women 46.5 NYT19991213.0099 -1 Heaven 46.5 XIE19970401.0063 -1 committed suicide by ingesting a combination 46.5 XIE19970328.0083 -1 women who committed suicide 46.5 NYT19991115.0178 -1 Heaven's Gate cult committing suicide 46.5 XIE19961026.0132 -1 JI'NAN, October 26 (Xinhua) -- Three aerial cables, which can carry 46.5 XIE19970328.0188 -1 cult 46.5 APW20000405.0220 -1 the second casino dealer to commit suicide that way in the last eight months 46.5 XIE19970328.0188 1 a combination of alcohol and the drug phenobarbitol 46.5 XIE19990930.0247 1 they had ingested applesauce or pudding laced with barbiturates and a shot of vodka 46.6 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 46.6 APW19990727.0057 -1 the People 46.6 NYT19991121.0181 -1 39 members 46.6 XIE19991105.0220 -1 March 26, 1997 46.6 XIE19991105.0220 -1 cult 46.6 APW19990107.0305 -1 cult 46.6 APW19981009.0620 -1 March 1997 46.6 NYT19990628.0361 -1 Rancho Santa Fe 46.6 APW19990825.0099 -1 San Diego 46.6 APW19990107.0305 -1 mass 46.6 NYT19980919.0182 -1 mass 46.6 NYT19980625.0261 -1 Because Tiananmen 46.6 NYT19980610.0435 -1 account 46.6 APW19990727.0057 -1 39 46.6 APW19990325.0139 -1 religious cult 46.6 XIE19970328.0083 -1 known 46.6 NYT19991213.0099 -1 Heaven 46.6 NYT19991115.0178 1 to join a flying saucer hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet . 46.6 NYT19980729.0209 -1 offered to swap 46.6 XIE19970328.0083 -1 women who committed suicide 46.6 NYT19991115.0178 -1 Heaven's Gate cult committing suicide 46.6 XIE19961026.0132 -1 JI'NAN, October 26 (Xinhua) -- Three aerial cables, which can carry 46.6 XIE19970328.0188 -1 cult 46.6 XIE19961107.0163 -1 Many Sri Lankan men committed suicide because they 46.6 NYT19981005.0437 -1 to join aliens 47.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 47.1 APW20000103.0032 -1 day 47.1 XIE20000712.0335 -1 July 12 47.1 NYT20000710.0467 -1 2000 47.1 NYT20000616.0076 -1 last three days 47.1 NYT20000710.0467 -1 July 10, 2000 47.1 XIE20000610.0193 -1 Al Assad 47.1 XIE20000827.0087 -1 Sunday 47.1 APW20000103.0145 -1 1996 47.1 APW20000611.0078 -1 1994 47.1 XIE20000719.0137 -1 June 10 47.1 NYT20000904.0263 -1 1994 47.1 APW20000711.0073 3 July 17 47.1 NYT20000710.0317 -1 May 21 47.1 XIE20000717.0159 3 July 17 47.1 NYT20000612.0683 -1 Syria 47.1 XIE20000827.0005 -1 the regional peace process 47.1 XIE20000711.0178 3 july 17 47.1 APW20000612.0071 -1 Monday 47.1 XIE20000717.0009 1 July 17, 2000 47.1 XIE20000719.0034 3 July 17 47.1 APW20000625.0080 -1 June 10 47.1 APW20000617.0015 -1 1963 47.1 NYT20000612.0926 -1 1994 47.1 XIE20000720.0163 -1 2001 Mubarak , President Bashar al Assad of Syria 47.1 XIE19991231.0018 -1 2001 47.1 APW19981118.0803 -1 1998 47.1 XIE20000827.0087 -1 2000 47.1 APW20000717.0127 1 2000-07-17 47.1 NYT20000615.0066 2 July 17, 2000 June 20, 2000 47.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 47.2 NYT20000612.0670 -1 Shoukat 47.2 NYT20000612.0670 -1 Rifaat 47.2 APW20000617.0069 -1 15 years Saturday 47.2 APW20000930.0176 -1 Syrian President Bashar Assad 47.2 APW20000617.0092 1 Baath 47.2 APW20000620.0164 1 Baath 47.2 APW20000617.0015 1 Baath 47.2 NYT20000617.0183 -1 Bashar al 47.2 NYT19990805.0347 -1 Syria 47.2 XIE20000712.0179 -1 President Vladimir Putin 47.2 XIE20000625.0021 -1 June 10 47.2 APW20000617.0015 1 Baath party 47.2 APW20000201.0070 -1 Democratic Party 47.2 APW19980707.0121 -1 68 47.2 NYT20000610.0172 -1 the 69-year-old president's death 47.2 NYT20000610.0171 -1 the 69-year-old president's death 47.2 APW20000624.0069 -1 parliament 47.2 APW20000618.0039 1 Baath 47.2 APW20000624.0069 1 Baath Party 47.2 NYT20000612.0670 -1 Bashar Assad 47.2 NYT20000612.0670 1 Baath Party 47.2 XIE20000611.0086 -1 Syrian President Bashar Assad 47.2 NYT20000902.0134 -1 President 47.2 XIE20000620.0331 -1 DAMASCUS 47.2 APW20000612.0071 -1 Syrian President 47.2 APW20000620.0164 3 the Baath party 47.2 NYT20000611.0162 1 Baath 47.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 47.3 APW20000610.0153 -1 son 47.3 APW20000610.0188 -1 least 40 47.3 NYT20000611.0162 -1 Region 47.3 APW20000624.0069 -1 executive 47.3 XIE20000623.0031 -1 Syria 47.3 XIE20000611.0047 -1 Hafez 47.3 NYT20000612.0670 -1 the current President of Syria and the son of former President Hafez al-Assad 47.3 NYT20000612.0670 -1 BASHAR ASSAD PRESENTS 47.3 APW20000711.0073 -1 president 47.3 NYT20000717.0412 -1 president 47.3 NYT20000619.0416 -1 dictator 47.3 APW20000610.0188 -1 head of state 47.3 NYT19990508.0119 -1 Jordan 47.3 APW20000624.0069 -1 AP 47.3 XIE20000627.0127 -1 URGENT Syrian Parliament 47.3 XIE20000610.0034 -1 president 47.3 NYT20000612.0670 -1 politics 47.3 APW20000611.0036 1 eye doctor 47.3 XIE20000611.0043 -1 armed forces 47.3 APW20000617.0092 -1 a Syria expert 47.3 NYT20000612.0670 -1 Bashar Assad 47.3 APW20000904.0078 -1 vast economic investments 47.3 XIE19991210.0176 -1 the country 47.3 APW20000610.0141 1 ophthalmologist 47.3 NYT20000615.0067 3 ophthalmologist preserve 47.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 47.4 XIE20000612.0517 -1 40 day 47.4 XIE19990211.0316 -1 Hafez Al Assad 47.4 APW20000617.0069 -1 three years 47.4 XIE20000627.0098 -1 1 47.4 NYT20000717.0172 1 seven-year 47.4 NYT19980603.0016 -1 President 47.4 NYT20000717.0172 -1 25 47.4 APW20000711.0019 -1 two 47.4 NYT20000629.0299 -1 few years 47.4 NYT20000612.0689 -1 about 125 mile 47.4 NYT20000612.0681 -1 20 minutes 47.4 XIE20000719.0169 -1 a 40-day mourning period 47.4 APW19980823.0289 -1 Madrid Conference 47.4 XIE20000701.0032 -1 five years 47.4 NYT20000710.0467 -1 30 years 47.4 NYT20000903.0080 -1 34 - year old heir to Syrian power , during his internship here in preparation for assume" the m 47.4 XIE19990213.0062 1 seven-year 47.4 NYT20000710.0472 -1 for 30 years 47.4 APW20000711.0073 -1 July 17 47.4 APW20000103.0032 -1 34-year 47.4 APW20000613.0002 -1 three days 47.4 APW20000624.0069 -1 1970 coup 47.4 APW20000711.0073 1 seven-year 47.4 NYT20000615.0067 2 7 years 48.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 48.1 XIE19980826.0063 1 1937 48.1 XIE19980826.0063 -1 a Palestinian 48.1 APW19980826.0170 1 1937 48.1 APW19980826.0741 1 1937 48.1 APW19980826.0170 -1 Wednesday 48.1 APW19980826.0193 1 1937 48.1 NYT19980825.0283 1 1937 48.1 NYT19980825.0296 2 May, 1937 48.1 APW19980826.0846 1 1937 48.1 NYT19990126.0436 -1 1973 48.1 XIE19980826.0063 -1 Monday 48.1 APW19980826.1136 -1 Tuesday 48.1 NYT19980826.0014 2 Abu Nidal May , 1937 August 16 , 2002 , born Sabri al-Banna in Jaffa 48.1 NYT19980825.0283 -1 1974 48.1 NYT20000615.0067 -1 1937 1989 1974 1972 48.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 48.2 NYT19980825.0343 -1 Father of Struggle 48.2 NYT19980825.0283 -1 'Father 48.2 APW19980826.0170 -1 Arab 48.2 APW19980826.0193 -1 Arab 48.2 APW19980826.0170 3 al-Banna 48.2 APW19980923.1131 1 Sabri al-Banna 48.2 NYT19980829.0101 1 Sabri Al Banna 48.2 NYT19980826.0014 -1 Organization 48.2 APW19980818.0520 -1 Egypt 48.2 APW19980826.0175 3 Sabri 48.2 APW19980826.0170 -1 a Palestinian political leader 48.2 APW19980818.0114 -1 Egypt 48.2 NYT20000324.0275 -1 The Israeli 48.2 NYT20000823.0049 -1 Fatah Revolutionary Council 48.2 NYT19990126.0434 -1 one Middle Eastern government's expert 48.2 APW19980826.1136 -1 A high-ranking Palestinian official 48.2 APW19980902.1015 -1 Plato 48.2 APW19980826.0544 -1 Moussa 48.2 NYT20000823.0048 -1 Jacqueline Valente 48.2 NYT20000610.0129 -1 El Al airliner 48.2 APW19980826.0170 -1 condition 48.2 APW19980826.0170 -1 Egyptians 48.2 NYT19980825.0283 -1 Fatah Revolutionary Council 48.2 NYT19990126.0436 -1 1970 , and Africans 48.2 APW19980827.0036 -1 Terrorist mastermind Abu Nidal 48.2 APW19980826.0170 1 Sabri al-Banna 48.2 NYT19990419.0346 -1 Abdullah al Sanussi 48.2 XIE19980826.0063 1 Sabri el-Banna 48.2 NYT19990126.0434 2 Sabri l-Banna 48.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 3 300 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 3 200 48.3 XIE20000917.0079 2 200 48.3 APW19980826.0836 2 200 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 1 200 to 300 followers 48.3 APW19980807.0761 -1 29 48.3 APW19980826.0741 1 only a few hundred 48.3 APW19980826.0170 -1 One 48.3 APW19980821.1160 -1 three 48.3 APW19980821.1160 -1 seven 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 3 300 followers 48.3 APW19980818.0114 -1 88 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 -1 one 48.3 XIE20000615.0200 -1 50 48.3 APW19980818.0520 -1 32 passengers 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 1 200 to 300 48.3 NYT19990126.0436 2 200 to 300 48.3 APW19980826.0846 3 hundred followers 48.3 APW19980826.1132 -1 29 , 1994 48.3 NYT19990126.0434 -1 1970 s 48.3 APW19980826.0741 1 a few hundred 48.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 48.5 NYT19980826.0014 -1 Iraq 48.5 APW19980826.0193 -1 Israel. 48.5 NYT19980826.0014 1 1974 48.5 APW19980826.0170 2 1974 48.5 NYT19980825.0296 1 1974 48.5 NYT19980825.0296 1 in 1974 48.5 NYT19990126.0436 -1 1989 48.5 XIE19960724.0228 -1 1995 48.5 APW19990710.0034 -1 1981 48.5 NYT19990216.0377 -1 collaborator executions 48.5 NYT19990126.0434 -1 intelligence reports 48.5 NYT19980825.0283 1 1974 48.5 NYT19990126.0434 -1 one 48.5 NYT19980825.0343 1 1974 48.5 APW19980826.0846 -1 Arafat 's orders 12 Sept74 F-RC attempted to assassinate Abu Mazin 48.5 NYT19980825.0296 -1 PLO condemned Abu Nidal to death 48.5 APW19980826.0170 -1 CAIRO, Egypt (AP) _ Where is Abu Nidal? American news reports 48.5 NYT19990126.0434 -1 1981 1982 1983 49.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 49.1 XIE20000324.0073 -1 Juan Carlos Valeron 49.1 XIE20000528.0087 -1 Real Madrid 49.1 NYT20000830.0064 -1 Tipper Gore 49.1 APW19981109.1030 -1 Voinea 49.1 APW19980916.0530 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 NYT19980826.0055 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW19980916.0335 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 XIE20000826.0130 -1 Roberto Carlos 49.1 APW20000110.0162 -1 Berlin 49.1 APW19981102.0387 3 Sanchez 49.1 NYT19981124.0360 3 Sanchez 49.1 APW19980916.0337 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW19981102.0387 -1 Carlos the Jackal, 49.1 APW19981102.0387 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 NYT20000201.0146 -1 Janos Kadar 49.1 APW19981109.1074 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW19980621.0053 -1 Jean-Louis and family 49.1 APW20000110.0233 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 XIE20000907.0065 -1 Ford 49.1 APW20000110.0162 -1 European operations 49.1 APW19981102.0387 -1 Jackal 49.1 APW19981122.0510 -1 Venezuelan 49.1 NYT19980909.0091 -1 Hans 49.1 APW20000110.0162 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW19981102.0387 3 is Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW20000110.0162 3 is Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW19980713.1252 -1 Carlos Sainz 49.1 APW19980914.0570 1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.1 APW20000110.0162 3 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez Toyota Celica Subaru Impreza Carlos Sainz 49.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 49.2 APW19981122.0510 -1 La Sante 49.2 APW20000110.0162 1 Venezuelan 49.2 APW19981122.0510 3 Venezuelan-born Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.2 XIE20000726.0296 2 Venezuela 49.2 APW20000110.0162 -1 BERLIN 49.2 APW19990814.0046 -1 Sudan 49.2 NYT20000727.0252 1 Venezuela 49.2 APW19990428.0003 1 Venezuela 49.2 APW19981122.0510 -1 Ramirez 49.2 NYT19990915.0074 1 Venezuela 49.2 NYT19990914.0115 1 Venezuela 49.2 NYT19990804.0149 1 Venezuela 49.2 APW19981122.0510 1 Venezuelan 49.2 NYT20000720.0412 -1 France 49.2 APW19990814.0046 -1 T.E. Lawrence 49.2 NYT20000316.0317 -1 France 49.2 NYT19980826.0055 -1 France 49.2 APW19981112.1173 -1 France 49.2 APW19981112.0162 -1 PARIS 49.2 NYT20000727.0252 -1 Sabaneta de Barinas 49.2 NYT20000727.0252 -1 Europe 49.2 APW19981112.1150 3 Venezuelan-born terrorist Ilich 49.2 APW19981109.1030 -1 Romania 49.2 NYT19990914.0115 -1 New York 49.2 APW20000110.0162 -1 Berlin 49.2 APW19981122.0510 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.2 XIE19960209.0173 -1 China 49.2 NYT19981114.0101 3 Venezuela Spain Sudan 49.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 49.3 NYT19991102.0086 -1 case Jack Ryan 49.3 APW20000110.0162 -1 Weinrich 49.3 APW19981102.0387 -1 French Embassy 49.3 NYT19990623.0365 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.3 APW19980909.0712 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.3 APW19981122.0510 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.3 APW19990428.0003 -1 Hugo Chavez 49.3 NYT19990123.0145 -1 John Huston 49.3 APW19980914.0570 -1 Ramirez 49.3 APW19981109.0974 -1 The 49.3 NYT19980827.0216 -1 France 49.3 APW19980910.0487 -1 Joachim Klein 49.3 NYT19980818.0294 -1 Richard de Mille 49.3 NYT20000201.0147 -1 Janos Kadar 49.3 NYT20000720.0412 -1 France 49.3 NYT20000316.0317 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.3 APW19981112.0162 -1 Laden 49.3 APW20000110.0162 -1 Carlos 49.3 APW19981102.0387 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.3 NYT20000201.0147 -1 spies/ Carlos The Jackal Trail 49.3 NYT19990914.0115 -1 is serving a life term in a French prison.. But any missteps perceived abroad are lost on Venezuelan 49.3 APW20000110.0162 -1 After a four-year trial, an accused terrorist and a former accomplice 49.3 APW19981112.1119 1 Magdalena Kopp 49.3 NYT19990514.0360 2 Magdalena Kopp Fabrice Santoro 49.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 49.4 APW20000110.0162 -1 1975 49.4 APW20000110.0162 1 1994 49.4 APW19990814.0046 -1 Sudan 49.4 APW19980909.0168 -1 Wednesday 49.4 APW19981112.1119 1 1994 49.4 NYT19981114.0101 1 1994 49.4 APW20000110.0162 -1 1970 49.4 NYT19990623.0365 1 1994 49.4 NYT19990521.0265 -1 1975 49.4 APW19990814.0046 2 Aug. 15, 1994 49.4 APW19980909.0712 -1 1975 49.4 APW19980909.0992 -1 1975 49.4 NYT19990501.0099 -1 1975 49.4 NYT19990623.0365 -1 1975 49.4 XIE19960723.0135 -1 1983 49.4 APW19981109.1071 -1 Monday 49.4 APW20000110.0233 -1 1970s 49.4 APW19990814.0046 2 1994 49.4 APW20000110.0162 -1 1970s 49.4 NYT19990804.0149 -1 April 49.4 APW19980909.0213 -1 1975 49.4 APW19981102.0387 3 Imprisoned in France since 1994 49.4 NYT19990623.0365 -1 December 1997 49.4 XIE19970831.0040 -1 1997 49.4 APW19981102.0387 1 August 1994 49.4 NYT19981114.0101 -1 1995 1991 April 21 January 20 49.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 49.5 APW19980916.0335 -1 Austria 49.5 APW19981102.0387 -1 France 49.5 NYT19990503.0132 -1 a Venezuelan 49.5 NYT19980705.0108 -1 The Mad-Jackal Mystery Tour 49.5 XIE19991211.0221 -1 us 49.5 APW20000110.0162 -1 BERLIN 49.5 APW19990814.0046 1 Sudan 49.5 APW19980909.0712 -1 French jail 49.5 NYT19981114.0101 1 in Sudan 49.5 APW19990814.0046 -1 Ramirez 49.5 APW19990814.0046 -1 France 49.5 APW19980916.0530 -1 France 49.5 NYT19990613.0136 -1 Paris 49.5 APW19981214.0592 -1 Israel 49.5 NYT19980827.0216 -1 France 49.5 APW20000110.0162 -1 Berlin 49.5 NYT19990304.0405 -1 Niagara 49.5 NYT20000316.0317 -1 France 49.5 NYT19980826.0055 -1 France 49.5 NYT19990623.0365 -1 Paris 49.5 NYT20000720.0412 -1 France 49.5 APW19981111.0372 -1 Australia 49.5 APW19981112.1119 -1 Carlos the Jackal , international terrorist , captured 49.5 NYT19990521.0265 -1 France 49.5 APW19981102.0387 -1 Ilich Ramirez Sanchez 49.5 XIE19990211.0029 -1 Turkey 49.5 APW19981102.0387 1 Sudan 49.5 NYT19981114.0101 -1 CARACAS 50.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 50.1 APW19990818.0104 1 October 1997 50.1 NYT19991018.0271 -1 1609 50.1 APW19990814.0075 1 October 1997 50.1 APW19990922.0160 2 1997 50.1 NYT19990705.0131 1 October 1997 50.1 APW19990114.0006 1 Oct. 15, 1997 50.1 NYT19990705.0131 3 1997 50.1 NYT19981007.0363 1 1997 50.1 NYT19980827.0530 2 1997 50.1 APW19990713.0236 -1 1965 50.1 APW19981112.1380 -1 1996 50.1 APW19990108.0253 -1 Jan. 9, 1968 50.1 NYT19981007.0363 -1 2004 50.1 APW19990814.0154 1 October 1997 50.1 APW19990731.0025 -1 1977 50.1 XIE19971015.0191 3 1997 50.1 APW19990114.0006 3 was launched on Oct . 15 , 1997 , from Cape Canaveral , Fla. , over the objections of anti-nuclear protesters who feared what might happen if the rocket exploded while carrying Cassini and its 72 pounds of poisonous plutonium 50.1 APW19980703.1213 -1 2002 50.1 APW19990818.0104 -1 2004 50.1 APW19990114.0006 1 October 15, 1997 50.1 NYT19990705.0131 3 October 50.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 50.2 NYT19991212.0098 -1 American University 50.2 APW19980707.0451 -1 14 50.2 XIE19961119.0009 -1 180 million dollars 50.2 NYT19991212.0098 1 $3.3 billion 50.2 NYT19991212.0117 -1 Saturn 50.2 NYT19990816.0266 -1 a dozen 50.2 NYT20000801.0199 -1 $ 1,000 50.2 NYT19990201.0262 -1 $ 166 million 50.2 APW19990925.0120 -1 2 billion dollar 50.2 NYT19990816.0277 -1 billions 50.2 APW19990814.0131 -1 11,000 50.2 NYT19990201.0262 -1 $166 million 50.2 XIE19961129.0065 -1 5 50.2 APW20000103.0258 -1 Saturn-bound 50.2 NYT19990816.0266 -1 the Saturn visit 50.2 NYT19990329.0153 1 $2 billion 50.2 NYT19991212.0117 -1 billion 50.2 NYT19990329.0152 1 $2 billion 50.2 NYT19981007.0363 -1 the space agency's most recent launch 50.2 XIE19971012.0057 -1 32 kilogram 50.2 XIE19970909.0300 -1 1 0.03 % cost 50.2 APW19990814.0075 -1 72 pounds of carcinogenic cargo arent 50.2 NYT19990201.0262 -1 million. Contributing to the low price is the recycling of spare parts from earlier craft like 50.2 XIE19971015.0170 -1 Cassini, the probe destined for Saturn, took off early this morning 50.2 XIE19960316.0143 -1 2,130 US dollars 50.2 NYT19981007.0363 -1 6 billion 50.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 50.3 XIE19971015.0170 1 Saturn 50.3 XIE19971013.0149 -1 Cape Canaveral 50.3 XIE19971012.0057 1 Saturn 50.3 NYT19981007.0363 1 Saturn 50.3 XIE19971014.0009 1 Saturn 50.3 XIE19970909.0300 -1 risk 50.3 APW19990818.0104 -1 Huygens 50.3 APW19990925.0120 -1 2 billion dollar 50.3 XIE19971014.0009 -1 Cassini's 50.3 APW20000108.0233 -1 Surveyor Seven 50.3 APW19990108.0253 -1 Surveyor VII 50.3 XIE19971014.0009 3 the ringed planet Saturn 50.3 APW20000103.0258 3 Saturn-bound 50.3 XIE19971015.0170 3 Saturn Bound 50.3 APW19990818.0104 -1 Galileo 50.3 APW20000103.0258 -1 place 50.3 APW19990814.0154 -1 Earth 50.3 XIE19971015.0170 -1 Cassini Probe Takes Off Aboard Space Rocket 50.3 XIE19971012.0057 -1 Cape Canaveral 50.3 XIE19971013.0149 1 Saturn 50.3 APW19980703.1213 1 Saturn 50.3 XIE19971013.0149 3 Saturn Titan 50.3 APW19990814.0075 -1 Earth 50.3 XIE19971012.0057 1 Venus and Saturn 50.3 XIE19970224.0254 3 Saturn shrinking 51.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 51.1 APW19990201.0119 -1 aid by Americans to groups 51.1 APW19990202.0141 -1 groups 51.1 NYT19980626.0281 -1 Baptist 51.1 APW19990217.0163 -1 Turkey 51.1 NYT19980614.0110 -1 Iraq 51.1 APW19990202.0141 -1 Turkey 51.1 XIE19960903.0220 -1 Iraq 51.1 APW19981117.1426 -1 an ethnic group of Iranian origin 51.1 NYT19990216.0442 -1 Turkey 51.1 NYT20000901.0322 -1 Greek Orthodox Church 51.1 NYT20000205.0161 -1 Warren Wilson College 51.1 APW19990614.0192 -1 Sellinger Program 51.1 APW19990202.0141 -1 Tamil Eelam 51.1 APW19990202.0141 -1 eight American groups' right 51.1 XIE19960504.0142 -1 groups 51.1 XIE19960912.0057 -1 Gulf War 51.1 NYT20000612.0683 1 Sunni Muslim 51.1 APW19990201.0119 -1 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 51.1 XIE19990221.0201 -1 Kurds Continue Protest in German Cities 51.1 APW20000911.0016 -1 the generals 51.1 APW19981117.1426 -1 Turks 51.1 XIE19990317.0266 -1 compile official data on religious affiliation , scholars estimate that at least two-thirds of the Kurds in Turkey 51.1 NYT20000620.0294 -1 a religious theme 51.1 XIE19970628.0067 -1 Iraq 51.1 APW19980701.0244 -1 Turkey 51.1 NYT19990223.0272 1 secular Muslims 51.1 XIE19990221.0201 -1 Some 2,000 Kurds staged a march in Stuttgart in defiance of a demonstration ban imposed by the city 51.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 51.2 NYT19990220.0135 1 12 million 51.2 XIE19990218.0056 -1 Iraq 51.2 APW19981127.1278 1 12 million 51.2 APW19981021.0345 -1 500,000 51.2 APW19981125.1139 1 12 to 15 million 51.2 NYT19990216.0442 1 About 12 million 51.2 NYT19990223.0272 -1 About 2 million 51.2 NYT19990219.0110 -1 2 51.2 NYT19990216.0323 1 12 million 51.2 APW19981117.1426 -1 25 million 51.2 NYT19990217.0506 -1 15 51.2 APW19981128.0464 -1 2 million 51.2 APW19981004.0200 -1 10,000 51.2 APW19981125.1139 -1 25 million 51.2 APW19980809.0916 -1 500,000 51.2 NYT19990216.0442 1 12 million 51.2 XIE19990221.0201 -1 Some 10,000 Kurds staged demonstrations 51.2 NYT19990219.0062 3 the country's 15 million 51.2 NYT19990219.0061 3 the country's 15 million 51.2 NYT19990219.0399 -1 20 million 51.2 NYT19990217.0506 -1 million 51.2 NYT19990216.0442 -1 20 million 51.2 APW19981117.1426 -1 20 million 51.2 APW19990630.0088 -1 12 51.2 XIE19990221.0201 -1 10,000 51.2 APW19981117.1426 1 12 million Kurds 51.2 NYT19990216.0281 -1 20 million 51.2 XIE19990221.0201 -1 25 30 million 52.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 52.1 APW19990827.0058 -1 8, 1999 52.1 APW19990415.0038 1 1954 52.1 NYT19990826.0271 -1 Italy 52.1 NYT20000116.0045 -1 1974 52.1 XIE20000806.0008 -1 Sun 52.1 NYT19991119.0083 -1 1951 52.1 NYT19991119.0083 1 1954 52.1 NYT20000127.0283 -1 1988 52.1 NYT20000124.0138 -1 1988 52.1 NYT19990804.0208 1 1954 52.1 APW19990805.0283 -1 Thursday 52.1 APW19990826.0236 -1 last week 52.1 APW20000411.0169 -1 Tuesday 52.1 XIE20000806.0008 -1 1995 52.1 APW20000128.0034 -1 Dec. 27 52.1 APW19990415.0038 3 1954 , James McLamore and David Edgerton opened 52.1 XIE19990801.0172 -1 1975 52.1 APW20000910.0061 -1 1998 52.1 APW19990930.0129 -1 1993 52.1 XIE20000806.0008 1 1954 52.1 APW20000411.0169 2 1954 1988 52.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 52.2 APW19990415.0038 1 Miami 52.2 NYT19980917.0311 -1 30 52.2 APW19980723.0470 -1 United Kingdom 52.2 NYT19990804.0208 1 Miami 52.2 NYT19990826.0271 -1 Burger 52.2 APW19990805.0283 -1 West Bank 52.2 NYT20000912.0211 2 in Miami 52.2 APW19990827.0058 -1 Maale Adumim 52.2 APW19990314.0052 -1 Istanbul 52.2 APW19990805.0283 -1 Va . 52.2 APW19990805.0283 -1 Saudi Arabia 52.2 NYT19990412.0236 -1 Las Vegas 52.2 NYT19980609.0141 -1 Beverly Hills 52.2 XIE20000806.0008 -1 Turkey 52.2 NYT19990829.0096 -1 West Bank 52.2 NYT19991119.0083 -1 QL 52.2 NYT19990829.0096 -1 restaurant opened in 1948 in a Los Angeles 52.2 APW20000127.0171 -1 the dangers 52.2 APW20000411.0169 -1 San Francisco 52.2 APW20000410.0139 2 Miami 52.2 XIE20000301.0337 -1 McDonald 52.2 XIE19971018.0104 -1 China 52.2 APW20000411.0169 2 Miami, Florida 52.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 52.3 APW20000126.0419 -1 Zachary 52.3 APW20000314.0191 -1 Doughty 52.3 XIE20000806.0008 -1 1954 52.3 NYT19990830.0111 -1 Corporation 52.3 NYT19990708.0019 -1 Meal 52.3 NYT20000912.0211 -1 MTV Video Music Awards 52.3 NYT19981007.0218 -1 King Whopper 52.3 NYT19981229.0300 -1 James 52.3 APW19990826.0236 -1 David Williams 52.3 APW19990908.0269 -1 McDonald 52.3 NYT19990203.0146 -1 McDonald 52.3 NYT19980919.0063 -1 Ruth 52.3 APW19990826.0236 -1 David Edgerton 52.3 NYT19990803.0333 -1 Truck,'' a Burger King 52.3 APW19990122.0382 -1 Kim Miller 52.3 APW19990910.0007 -1 McDonald 52.3 NYT19980805.0264 -1 Peter Allen Abramson 52.3 NYT20000912.0354 -1 King Puts Account 52.3 APW20000314.0191 -1 Muslims 52.3 APW20000128.0034 -1 Charles Nicolas 52.3 NYT19990907.0067 -1 Maale Adumim 52.3 NYT19990915.0145 -1 Kim Miller 52.3 NYT20000509.0019 -1 Stan Lee Media 52.3 XIE19990918.0074 -1 McDonald's 52.3 APW20000411.0169 -1 Dow Jones Newswires 52.3 XIE20000806.0008 -1 Burger King 52.3 APW19990415.0038 -1 Burger King Corporation was founded in 1954 52.3 APW19980615.0372 -1 the NRL 52.3 APW19990505.0274 -1 Jim Grote 52.3 APW20000410.0139 -1 Arthur Andersen LLP 52.3 APW19990826.0236 -1 and David 52.3 NYT19990323.0294 -1 McCarthy 52.3 APW20000411.0169 2 James McLamore and David Edgerton 52.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 52.4 APW20000127.0171 -1 ad in USA Today 52.4 APW20000127.0171 -1 USA 52.4 NYT19990414.0412 -1 about 60 percent 52.4 APW20000910.0061 -1 part 52.4 APW20000410.0139 -1 1999 52.4 APW20000411.0169 1 $1.4 billion 52.4 APW20000127.0171 -1 Burger King restaurant 52.4 APW20000910.0128 -1 Burger Kings 52.4 APW20000910.0128 -1 $ 500 million 52.4 NYT20000622.0418 -1 a large international food corporation that sells fast food in chain stores 52.4 APW20000411.0169 -1 Burger King Corp. 52.4 NYT19980726.0094 -1 The 52.4 APW19990421.0341 -1 Sara Phillips 52.4 APW19980605.0829 -1 Gross 52.4 NYT19990827.0252 -1 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. 52.4 APW20000202.0243 -1 a financially troubled Texas food 52.4 APW20000126.0419 -1 Dec. 52.4 APW19990826.0236 -1 more than 10,500 franchises 52.4 NYT19990414.0412 -1 $1.75 billion 52.4 XIE19960109.0021 -1 Hussein 52.4 NYT19990414.0412 1 $10.3 billion 52.4 NYT19991113.0068 -1 $1.99 52.4 NYT19991113.0027 -1 any more Pokemon toys 52.4 APW20000411.0169 -1 Diageo 52.4 APW19990414.0021 -1 average Burger King restaurant should realize an estimated $ 788 in gross 52.4 APW20000411.0169 -1 500 million 52.4 APW19991028.0106 -1 there 52.4 APW20000411.0169 -1 McDonald 52.4 XIE19971212.0118 1 9 billion U.S. dollars 52.4 APW20000412.0213 -1 7.9 billion 53.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 53.1 NYT19990619.0192 -1 James Truman 53.1 NYT19990331.0513 3 Florio 53.1 NYT19990813.0178 -1 publishing companies Time Inc. 53.1 NYT19990331.0513 -1 Conde Nast Publications 53.1 NYT19990606.0167 -1 Laura Bracken 53.1 NYT19990228.0057 1 Steven T. Florio 53.1 NYT19980628.0144 -1 Nast Publications 53.1 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 53.1 NYT19990331.0513 -1 Publications 53.1 NYT19980710.0094 1 Steven Florio 53.1 NYT19990718.0191 2 Steven T. Florio 53.1 NYT19990610.0474 -1 FORMER CONDE NAST PRESIDENT 53.1 NYT19990819.0351 -1 Fairchild 53.1 NYT20000206.0070 -1 GQ 53.1 NYT19990819.0384 -1 Walt Disney Co 53.1 NYT19990127.0475 -1 Hearst 53.1 NYT19980709.0346 1 Steven Florio 53.1 NYT19980723.0492 -1 Slate 53.1 NYT19990819.0384 -1 Conde Nast 53.1 NYT19991119.0332 -1 Liberman 53.1 NYT19990803.0426 -1 4 Times Square 53.1 APW19990820.0013 -1 May Buy Disney Magazines 53.1 NYT19990331.0513 -1 Jack Laschever 53.1 NYT19990314.0153 -1 Gruner Jahr USA 53.1 NYT19980710.0094 3 the president and CEO of Conde Nast Steven Florio 53.1 NYT19980708.0383 2 Steve Florio 53.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 53.2 NYT19991119.0322 -1 occupied France 53.2 NYT19990619.0192 -1 Garden 53.2 NYT19991224.0068 -1 Mass. 53.2 NYT19990619.0192 1 New York City 53.2 NYT19990822.0080 1 Manhattan 53.2 NYT19990610.0474 -1 West Coast 53.2 NYT19980831.0465 1 Madison Avenue 53.2 NYT19990822.0080 1 Times Square 53.2 NYT19990822.0080 -1 Newhouse 53.2 NYT20000414.0123 -1 Avenue 53.2 NYT19990520.0516 -1 Details 53.2 NYT20000612.0289 1 in New York 53.2 NYT20000706.0031 -1 in Foster City 53.2 NYT19990723.0378 2 NEW YORK 53.2 NYT19991120.0032 -1 America 53.2 NYT19990913.0400 -1 Tokyo 53.2 NYT19980810.0293 -1 Mass. 53.2 NYT20000329.0403 1 New York 53.2 NYT19990416.0182 -1 Nast 53.2 NYT19990822.0080 1 NEW YORK 53.2 NYT19990331.0513 2 NEW YORK 53.2 NYT19990619.0192 1 Times Square 53.2 NYT19990610.0474 -1 York City 53.2 APW19990902.0090 3 NEW YORK AP 53.2 NYT19990706.0156 -1 companies. Conde Nast, which moved to its new headquarters 53.2 NYT19990331.0513 -1 In a transition that re-establishes him as one of the company's 53.2 NYT19990411.0112 -1 Traveler Magazine 53.2 NYT19981019.0384 -1 Atlanta 53.2 APW19990817.0155 1 4 Times Square 53.2 NYT19980708.0383 -1 US 53.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 53.3 NYT19990610.0474 -1 1961 53.3 NYT19990331.0513 -1 1998 53.3 APW19990421.0138 -1 Knight 53.3 NYT20000507.0050 -1 1996 53.3 APW19990922.0045 -1 Wednesday 53.3 NYT19990314.0104 -1 late 1980s 53.3 NYT20000505.0052 -1 1996 53.3 NYT19990812.0424 -1 1998 53.3 APW19991020.0178 -1 January 1998 53.3 NYT19990204.0149 -1 1998 53.3 NYT19980904.0243 -1 September 1996 53.3 NYT20000903.0030 -1 1998 53.3 NYT20000326.0082 -1 May 53.3 NYT19981018.0088 -1 1998 53.3 NYT19990819.0396 -1 1996 53.3 NYT19990807.0155 -1 July 53.3 NYT19990129.0165 -1 Thursday 53.3 APW19991020.0178 -1 1998 53.3 NYT19990719.0510 -1 Monday 53.3 NYT19980614.0067 -1 1986 53.3 NYT19990606.0167 -1 June 15, 1998 53.3 NYT19990610.0474 -1 1969 53.3 NYT19990822.0080 -1 1995 53.3 NYT19990331.0513 -1 1995 53.3 NYT19980723.0139 -1 1922 53.3 NYT19980708.0393 -1 1993 53.3 APW19990610.0153 -1 1954 53.3 NYT19981118.0420 -1 1979 53.3 APW20000517.0008 -1 1998 53.3 NYT19980708.0383 -1 1917 54.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.1 NYT19990728.0070 3 Elmira 54.1 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.1 NYT19990516.0187 2 NEW YORK 54.1 NYT20000902.0100 2 NEW YORK 54.1 NYT19990716.0321 -1 Ohio 54.1 NYT20000105.0404 3 Elmira 54.1 NYT19980616.0506 2 New York 54.1 NYT19990728.0070 -1 Elmira Free Academy 54.1 NYT19990723.0317 3 Elmira 54.1 NYT19991218.0071 -1 America 54.1 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Cape Canaveral 54.1 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Columbia 54.1 APW19990722.0122 -1 Columbia 54.1 NYT19990729.0076 -1 Columbia 54.1 APW19990721.0021 -1 Columbia 54.1 NYT19990728.0070 1 Elmira , N.Y. 54.1 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Fla. 54.1 NYT19990728.0070 1 Elmira, N.Y. 54.1 NYT19990728.0070 -1 Arlington 54.1 NYT19990723.0156 -1 CAPE CANAVERAL 54.1 APW19990717.0096 -1 Colonel , USAF NASA Astronaut Personal Data Born November 19 54.1 NYT19990723.0317 3 N.Y 54.1 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Grenada 54.1 NYT19990728.0070 -1 NASA 54.1 XIE19960313.0154 -1 China 54.1 APW19990717.0096 1 Elmira, N.Y. 54.1 NYT19990723.0156 -1 1956 54.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.2 NYT19981127.0371 -1 seven 54.2 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.2 NYT19990516.0187 -1 9 54.2 NYT19990723.0317 -1 9 54.2 APW19990727.0280 -1 11 54.2 NYT19990712.0235 -1 first female 54.2 NYT19980825.0276 -1 37,762 54.2 NYT19990723.0317 -1 16 54.2 NYT19980624.0486 2 three 54.2 NYT19980624.0486 -1 four 54.2 NYT19980825.0276 -1 37,762 siblings 54.2 NYT19990723.0317 -1 42-year-old 54.2 NYT20000106.0392 -1 5 54.2 NYT19990723.0236 -1 five 54.2 NYT20000106.0392 -1 one, 5 54.2 APW19990724.0117 -1 Observatory 54.2 APW19990723.0029 -1 nine 54.2 NYT19990718.0156 -1 four 54.2 NYT19990728.0070 -1 11 54.2 NYT19990712.0235 -1 42 54.2 NYT19990222.0246 -1 2003 , at 6 05 pm Looking for siblings 54.2 NYT19990719.0248 -1 600 words 54.2 XIE19990723.0261 -1 1 54.2 APW20000510.0251 2 three 54.2 NYT19990723.0156 -1 1978 1956 54.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.3 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.3 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Elmira 54.3 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Eileen Marie Collins 54.3 NYT19990712.0125 -1 Dr. Heidi DeBlock 54.3 NYT19990728.0070 -1 a space shuttle 54.3 NYT19990728.0070 -1 Michael Collins 54.3 NYT19980624.0486 -1 William 54.3 NYT19990105.0125 -1 Sister Mary Helen 54.3 NYT19990216.0108 -1 Boston 54.3 NYT19990216.0108 -1 Christine Temin 54.3 NYT19990723.0296 -1 Ellen Ruth Harvill 54.3 NYT19990712.0125 -1 Kennedy Space Center 54.3 NYT19981029.0382 -1 the international space center program 54.3 NYT19990723.0317 1 Pat Youngs 54.3 NYT19980827.0160 -1 Hap Collins 54.3 NYT19990723.0156 -1 SCI-SHUTTLE-COLLINS 54.3 NYT19990723.0156 -1 COLLINS 54.3 APW19990722.0029 -1 Colonel Eileen Marie Collins was born 54.3 NYT20000204.0409 -1 Eileen Whitman Hills, whom he married 54.3 NYT19990723.0317 -1 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. _ Like so many of the 40-something men 54.3 NYT19990728.0070 -1 NASA 54.3 NYT19990723.0156 2 Pat Youngs Eileen Collins 54.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.4 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.4 NYT19990516.0187 -1 three 54.4 APW19990727.0280 -1 11 54.4 NYT19990712.0125 -1 first female 54.4 APW19990717.0096 -1 four 54.4 NYT19990723.0317 -1 4 54.4 NYT19980624.0486 -1 three 54.4 APW19981114.0960 -1 four children 54.4 NYT19990723.0317 -1 40-something 54.4 NYT20000106.0392 -1 5 54.4 NYT19990723.0236 -1 five 54.4 NYT20000106.0392 -1 one, 5 54.4 APW19990724.0117 -1 Observatory 54.4 NYT19990718.0156 -1 four 54.4 NYT19990717.0223 -1 four 54.4 NYT19990728.0070 -1 11 54.4 NYT19990723.0317 -1 40- 54.4 NYT19990717.0223 -1 1998 A First Lieutenant Colonel Eileen Marie Collins 54.4 NYT19990719.0248 -1 600 words 54.4 NYT19990723.0317 -1 16 54.4 XIE19990723.0261 2 1 54.4 NYT19980701.0332 -1 three 54.4 NYT19990723.0156 -1 1978 5 54.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.5 NYT19990723.0317 1 Houston 54.5 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Earth 54.5 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.5 APW19981009.1286 -1 USA 54.5 NYT19980706.0346 -1 usa 54.5 NYT19990716.0321 -1 Ohio 54.5 NYT19990727.0413 -1 Kennedy Space Center 54.5 NYT19990723.0236 -1 Kennedy Space Center 54.5 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Elmira 54.5 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Fla. 54.5 NYT19980610.0515 -1 New York 54.5 NYT20000105.0404 -1 Elmira 54.5 APW19990922.0020 -1 Switzerland 54.5 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Columbia 54.5 APW19990722.0122 -1 Columbia 54.5 NYT19990729.0076 -1 Columbia 54.5 APW19990721.0021 -1 Columbia 54.5 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Elmira , N.Y. 54.5 NYT19991218.0071 -1 Westchester County 54.5 NYT19980928.0278 -1 Conn. 54.5 NYT19990723.0156 -1 President 54.5 NYT19990721.0282 -1 Eileen Collins 54.5 NYT19990723.0317 -1 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. _ Like so many of the 40-something men 54.5 NYT19990719.0503 -1 midnight 54.5 NYT19990723.0156 -1 CAPE CANAVERAL , Fla. 54.7 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.7 APW19990729.0209 -1 3-year-old daughter Bridget 54.7 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.7 NYT20000902.0100 -1 NEW YORK 54.7 NYT19990120.0397 1 astronaut 54.7 NYT19990720.0275 1 astronaut 54.7 NYT19990717.0223 -1 Rose 54.7 NYT19990728.0002 -1 Colonel 54.7 NYT19990728.0070 -1 space shuttle 54.7 NYT19980624.0486 -1 William 54.7 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Museum 54.7 XIE19990723.0251 -1 Columbia 54.7 NYT19981114.0015 -1 Eileen Marie Hunter 54.7 NYT19990728.0070 -1 commander 54.7 APW19990726.0036 3 42, a former test pilot 54.7 APW19990727.0031 -1 the five-member crew's short flight 54.7 NYT19990723.0098 -1 Woman-in-the-News 54.7 NYT19990723.0317 -1 COMMANDER 54.7 NYT19981118.0334 -1 president 54.7 NYT19990606.0134 1 astronaut 54.7 NYT19990723.0317 -1 airline pilot 54.7 NYT19990728.0070 1 a space shuttle commander 54.7 NYT19990728.0070 -1 Air Force 54.7 NYT19990712.0125 -1 42 54.7 NYT19990723.0317 -1 family 54.7 XIE19960315.0272 -1 the Israeli occupation 54.7 APW19990410.0046 1 astronaut 54.7 NYT19990723.0156 3 astronaut space man 54.8 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.8 NYT19990723.0317 1 Air Force 54.8 NYT19990723.0156 -1 force 54.8 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.8 NYT19990716.0321 1 USAF 54.8 XIE19990720.0247 1 Air Force 54.8 NYT19980813.0399 2 Air Force 54.8 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Army 54.8 NYT19990723.0317 -1 shuttle mission 54.8 NYT19980624.0486 -1 William 54.8 NYT19990728.0070 -1 NASA 54.8 NYT20000729.0114 -1 Congress 54.8 APW19990624.0114 1 Air Force 54.8 NYT19990723.0156 -1 Cape Canaveral 54.8 NYT19990717.0223 -1 Jeff Ashby 54.8 APW20000614.0232 -1 young women 54.8 NYT19990712.0125 -1 Kennedy Space Center 54.8 NYT19981029.0382 -1 the international space center program 54.8 NYT19990728.0070 3 Air Force Col. Eileen Marie Collins 54.8 NYT19990728.0070 1 Air Force 54.8 NYT19980820.0331 1 Air Force 54.8 NYT19990205.0094 -1 S.W. Collins Co. 54.8 NYT19990728.0070 -1 a space shuttle commander 54.8 NYT19990723.0156 -1 COLLINS 54.8 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Astronaut Bio Eileen Collins 54.8 APW19990722.0029 3 Air Force Col. Eileen Collins 54.8 NYT19990717.0223 -1 a tremendous person to work for,'' said Jeff Ashby, the 45-year-old naval aviator who will 54.8 NYT19990723.0317 -1 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. _ Like so many of the 40-something men 54.8 NYT19980822.0228 -1 the new branch 54.8 APW19990624.0028 1 Air Force 54.8 NYT19990723.0156 -1 launch manager 54.9 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 54.9 NYT19990723.0317 -1 Russian space station 54.9 NYT19990723.0009 -1 second 54.9 NYT19990723.0317 -1 the National Soaring Museum 54.9 APW19981009.1286 -1 USA 54.9 NYT19980706.0346 -1 usa 54.9 NYT19990723.0317 -1 National Soaring Museum 54.9 XIE19990720.0247 1 colonel 54.9 NYT20000106.0392 -1 women 54.9 NYT19990723.0009 -1 Columbia 54.9 NYT19980624.0486 -1 William 54.9 NYT19990728.0070 -1 NASA 54.9 APW19990728.0256 -1 Air Force 54.9 APW19990724.0076 -1 Chandra X- 54.9 APW20000614.0232 -1 young women 54.9 APW19991004.0128 -1 dance captain 54.9 NYT19990723.0098 -1 Woman-in-the-News 54.9 NYT19990809.0365 -1 first 54.9 NYT19990728.0070 1 Air Force Col. 54.9 NYT19990728.0070 1 Col. 54.9 NYT19990723.0317 -1 aviation 54.9 NYT19990728.0070 -1 Air Force 54.9 NYT19990723.0009 -1 aviation pioneers 54.9 NYT19990723.0009 -1 Eileen M. Collins of the Air Force into the ranks 54.9 NYT19990723.0317 -1 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. _ Like so many of the 40-something men 54.9 APW20000817.0223 -1 runners 54.9 APW19990728.0036 -1 the moon 54.9 APW19990717.0096 1 colonel 54.9 NYT19990723.0317 -1 woman commander 55.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 55.1 NYT20000319.0102 1 Los Angles 55.1 NYT20000615.0317 -1 Mexico 55.1 APW19990924.0068 -1 E.L Doctorow 55.1 NYT19991022.0109 2 LOS ANGELES 55.1 NYT20000618.0011 2 LOS ANGELES 55.1 NYT19981001.0096 -1 Washington Square 55.1 NYT19981111.0224 2 Los Angeles 55.1 NYT19980903.0210 -1 Preval 55.1 NYT19980624.0249 -1 Rawlins 55.1 NYT19980903.0210 -1 Rawlins 55.1 NYT20000618.0011 2 Los Angeles 55.1 APW19980826.1108 -1 Big Bear 55.1 APW19980731.0959 -1 Haiti 55.1 NYT20000522.0408 -1 David 55.1 NYT19981111.0263 -1 New York 55.1 APW19990119.0242 -1 America 55.1 NYT20000316.0338 -1 Washington 55.1 APW19990924.0068 -1 NEW YORK 55.1 NYT19991011.0252 -1 Chandler 55.1 NYT20000319.0237 -1 Capitalism 55.1 NYT20000319.0102 1 Los Angeles 55.1 NYT20000811.0066 2 East Los Angeles 55.1 NYT20000618.0009 -1 Mosley 55.1 NYT20000811.0066 2 Los Angeles 55.1 NYT19990304.0370 -1 Germany 55.1 NYT20000202.0352 -1 Devil in a Blue Dress 55.1 NYT20000616.0087 2 LOS ANGELES 55.1 NYT20000702.0019 -1 San Francisco 55.1 NYT20000202.0352 -1 Paris 55.1 NYT20000618.0014 -1 California 55.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 55.2 NYT19980921.0552 -1 Aug. 2 , 1997 55.2 APW19990924.0145 -1 1997 55.2 NYT19991011.0252 -1 Chester Himes 55.2 APW19980815.0634 2 1952 55.2 XIE19980510.0115 -1 May 9 55.2 NYT19991026.0135 -1 1995 55.2 NYT20000316.0338 -1 Cry Freedom 1987 55.2 NYT19980610.0494 2 1952 55.2 NYT19981111.0224 -1 1972 55.2 NYT20000316.0338 -1 1996 55.2 XIE19990112.0239 2 January 12 1952 55.2 NYT20000618.0009 -1 November of 1992 55.2 NYT20000105.0204 -1 1995 55.2 NYT20000524.0178 -1 1936 55.2 NYT19990506.0282 -1 Christmas 55.2 NYT20000202.0352 -1 ago 55.2 NYT20000612.1334 -1 Nov. 23, 1992 55.2 APW19990924.0068 -1 four 55.2 NYT20000316.0338 -1 1992 55.2 NYT19980911.0001 -1 1922 55.2 NYT19990619.0161 2 1952 55.2 APW19980731.0959 -1 1995 55.2 NYT19991014.0137 2 20th century 55.2 APW20000624.0156 2 1952 55.2 XIE19991202.0278 -1 1990 55.2 NYT19991022.0109 2 1952 55.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 55.3 NYT20000319.0102 -1 21st century 21 century 55.3 NYT20000202.0232 -1 Easy Rawlins 55.3 NYT20000202.0232 -1 author 55.3 NYT19991014.0137 -1 author 55.3 NYT20000202.0352 -1 47 55.3 NYT19981111.0263 -1 45 55.3 NYT19980624.0249 -1 Easy Rawlins 55.3 NYT19991022.0109 -1 One 55.3 NYT20000809.0113 -1 two 55.3 APW19980926.0848 -1 six years 55.3 APW19990302.0119 -1 25 year 55.3 NYT20000202.0352 -1 47-year-old 55.3 NYT19991014.0137 1 34 55.3 NYT20000616.0433 -1 the 147-pound weight 55.3 NYT20000319.0237 -1 19, 2000 55.3 NYT20000316.0338 -1 1995 55.3 NYT19991014.0137 -1 47 55.3 APW19980731.0959 -1 one 55.3 APW19980926.0848 -1 21-year-old 55.3 NYT19991002.0217 -1 a book 55.3 NYT20000617.0001 -1 135 pounds 55.3 NYT20000702.0019 -1 WRITING (Undated) Walter Mosley 55.3 NYT20000202.0352 -1 Thousands of writers dream about it, and a decade ago, Walter 55.3 NYT19990909.0328 -1 12 years 55.3 NYT19981130.0255 -1 62 years 55.3 NYT20000202.0352 -1 36 33 56.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 56.1 XIE20000113.0239 1 1998 56.1 APW19980622.0824 -1 about 30 anti-agreement Protestants 56.1 NYT19991118.0344 1 April 1998 56.1 XIE19980613.0115 -1 June 12 56.1 NYT20000530.0089 1 1998 56.1 APW20000310.0187 1 1998 56.1 XIE19990419.0093 -1 Friday 56.1 XIE20000809.0312 1 1998 56.1 NYT20000717.0146 -1 May 1998 56.1 XIE20000816.0301 1 1998 Good Friday 56.1 NYT19981209.0100 -1 May 56.1 NYT20000215.0256 -1 November 56.1 XIE19990622.0085 1 April 1998 56.1 XIE19990608.0318 -1 Monday 56.1 XIE19991111.0015 -1 Wednesday 56.1 APW19991005.0053 1 1998 56.1 XIE20000816.0301 1 1998 56.1 XIE19990716.0054 2 1998 56.1 NYT20000203.0353 1 1998 56.1 XIE20000405.0012 1 April 1998 56.1 XIE19981218.0183 3 as the Stormont Agreement was signed in Belfast on April 10 1998 56.1 NYT19990627.0174 -1 1969 56.1 NYT19990322.0364 -1 1986 56.1 XIE20000904.0272 -1 1997 56.1 APW19990309.0202 1 April 1998 56.1 XIE19990726.0019 2 1998 56.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 56.2 XIE19990909.0027 -1 seriousness of purpose 56.2 XIE19991113.0059 -1 right 56.2 APW20000821.0052 -1 South 56.2 NYT19990625.0266 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 NYT20000708.0196 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 NYT19981216.0213 -1 may end unease and see us there; home, belonging and at peace 56.2 NYT19980807.0286 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 NYT19990701.0359 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 XIE19960427.0022 -1 Iraq 56.2 NYT19980624.0135 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 XIE19990715.0094 -1 to provide efficient aid during disasters and emergencies 56.2 NYT19990714.0365 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 NYT19980630.0244 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 XIE19970515.0061 -1 the peaceful use 56.2 NYT19990715.0367 -1 majority leader 56.2 XIE20000414.0349 3 peace 56.2 XIE19991202.0009 3 peace 56.2 XIE20000304.0222 -1 report 56.2 NYT19990630.0311 -1 Agreement. Adams and Sinn Fein 56.2 XIE20000405.0012 -1 added 56.2 XIE19990909.0027 -1 Sinn Fein 56.2 NYT20000221.0088 -1 the date 56.2 APW19981030.1152 -1 Text 56.2 XIE19960730.0039 -1 here today 56.2 XIE19990320.0018 -1 Northern Ireland Assembly 56.2 APW19980612.1167 -1 Northern Ireland 56.2 APW19990309.0202 3 political settlement 56.2 XIE19990726.0019 -1 put the terms of the agreement into plain english 57.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 57.1 NYT19990908.0090 -1 Gus Grissom 57.1 APW19990503.0005 -1 Grissom 57.1 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Grissom 57.1 APW19990721.0178 1 spacecraft 57.1 APW19990502.0114 3 capsule 57.1 NYT20000806.0064 -1 wreck 57.1 APW19990721.0178 -1 Grissom 57.1 APW20000703.0036 -1 York Harbor 57.1 NYT19990909.0019 -1 MUSEUM VISITORS TO GET CLEAR VIEW OF LIBERTY BELL 57.1 APW19990721.0145 -1 Cape Canaveral 57.1 APW19990721.0145 -1 bottom 57.1 XIE19981106.0260 -1 The 57.1 APW19990414.0032 -1 Atlantic 57.1 APW19990701.0263 1 spacecraft 57.1 APW19990414.0032 -1 bottom 57.1 NYT19990909.0019 1 space capsule 57.1 APW19990721.0178 -1 Newport 57.1 APW19990721.0178 -1 Once Liberty Bell 57.1 APW19990721.0085 -1 was 57.1 NYT20000517.0267 -1 forensic detective 57.1 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Atlantic Ocean 57.1 APW19990721.0178 -1 An underwater salvage team 57.1 APW19990721.0085 -1 Liberty Bell 7 arrived by ship 57.1 APW19990703.0142 -1 Supporters of death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal blocked the entrance to 57.1 NYT19990909.0019 1 Mercury space capsule 57.1 APW19990419.0132 -1 Newport 57.1 APW19990419.0131 1 space capsule 57.1 APW19990502.0032 -1 robotic recovery vessel snapped in rough seas Space ship 57.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 57.2 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Mercury astronaut Gus Grissom 57.2 NYT19990324.0115 -1 Faber 57.2 APW19990503.0005 -1 the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center 57.2 NYT19980630.0248 -1 climb 57.2 NYT19990925.0050 -1 climb 57.2 APW19990721.0085 -1 Gus 57.2 APW19990503.0005 2 NASA 57.2 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Gus Grissom 57.2 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Grissom 57.2 APW19980626.1429 -1 George Washington 57.2 NYT19990720.0398 -1 Grissom 57.2 NYT20000806.0064 -1 Gus Grissom 57.2 NYT19990908.0095 -1 Redstone 57.2 NYT19990720.0395 -1 Gus Grissom 57.2 NYT19990324.0115 -1 Schulmerich 57.2 APW19990502.0121 -1 The 57.2 APW19990502.0032 -1 Grissom 57.2 APW19990414.0276 -1 Curt Newport 57.2 APW19990503.0005 -1 Gus Grissom 57.2 APW19990414.0032 -1 Atlantic 57.2 NYT19990909.0019 -1 Atlantic Ocean 57.2 APW19990721.0178 -1 Gus Grissom 57.2 APW19990701.0263 -1 Newport 57.2 NYT19980722.0496 -1 Max Faget 57.2 APW19990721.0145 -1 Gus 57.2 APW19990414.0276 -1 Newport 57.2 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Liberty Bell 57.2 APW19991025.0311 -1 perform a mission re-entry sequence developed from actual Liberty Bell 7 57.2 APW19990502.0030 -1 a successful mission 57.2 APW19990721.0085 -1 Max Ary 57.2 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Max Ary 57.2 APW19990701.0263 -1 Lost Spacecraft 57.2 NYT19980812.0516 -1 Bell Atlantic 57.2 APW19990419.0131 -1 Gus Grissom 57.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 57.3 APW19990414.0276 -1 capsule 57.3 APW19990419.0132 -1 Grissom 57.3 NYT19990909.0019 -1 flight 57.3 NYT19990721.0318 -1 flight 57.3 APW19990414.0032 3 aluminum, titanium, magnesium 57.3 APW19990721.0178 -1 Gus Grissom 57.3 APW19990502.0114 -1 capsule 57.3 APW19990417.0039 -1 Grissom 57.3 NYT19990721.0340 -1 Gus Grissom 57.3 XIE19981106.0260 -1 Independence Hall 57.3 APW19990721.0145 -1 Cape Canaveral 57.3 APW19990414.0032 -1 Outside of Challenger 57.3 APW19990414.0032 -1 Oceaneering International in January 57.3 APW19980626.1429 -1 a nationwide bell-ringing 57.3 APW19990503.0262 -1 discovered Saturday 300 miles southeast 57.3 APW19990502.0083 -1 discovered Saturday 300 miles southeast 57.3 APW19990721.0085 -1 water 57.3 APW19990721.0178 -1 Liberty Bell 57.3 NYT20000315.0070 3 titanium 57.3 NYT20000806.0064 -1 Mercury 57.3 NYT19990909.0019 -1 MUSEUM VISITORS TO GET CLEAR VIEW OF LIBERTY BELL 57.3 APW19990721.0085 -1 a 15-minute suborbital flight 57.3 APW19990414.0276 -1 LIBERTY BELL 57.3 APW19990414.0276 -1 Newport 57.3 APW19990701.0263 -1 Mercury capsule 57.3 APW19990721.0178 -1 An underwater salvage team 57.3 APW20000430.0123 -1 Cape Canaveral 57.3 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Grissom's recovery from a 16-minute spaceflight July 21 57.3 APW19990502.0083 -1 Gus Grissom 57.3 APW20000825.0018 -1 The Comets 57.3 APW19990414.0032 1 aluminum, titanium, magnesium and other metals 57.3 APW19990502.0121 -1 steel vessel 57.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 57.4 NYT19990909.0019 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 APW19990414.0032 -1 sea 57.4 APW19990503.0005 -1 the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center 57.4 NYT19990720.0395 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 APW19990502.0083 -1 crack 57.4 APW19990721.0178 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 APW19990416.0154 -1 Grissom 57.4 APW19990414.0276 -1 capsule 57.4 APW19990414.0276 -1 hatch 57.4 NYT19990721.0209 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 APW19990721.0145 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 NYT19990909.0019 -1 MUSEUM VISITORS TO GET CLEAR VIEW OF LIBERTY BELL 57.4 APW19990721.0145 -1 Cape Canaveral 57.4 APW19990414.0032 -1 Outside of Challenger 57.4 APW19990414.0032 -1 Oceaneering International in January 57.4 NYT19990721.0318 -1 12 57.4 APW19990503.0262 -1 discovered Saturday 300 miles southeast 57.4 APW19990502.0083 -1 discovered Saturday 300 miles southeast 57.4 APW19990419.0131 -1 Grissom 57.4 APW19990721.0178 -1 Liberty Bell 57.4 APW19990414.0032 1 lost at sea 57.4 APW19990414.0032 -1 Challenger 57.4 NYT19990721.0318 -1 S LIBERTY BELL 57.4 APW19990701.0263 -1 Newport 57.4 NYT19990721.0318 -1 Liberty 57.4 APW19990414.0276 -1 Newport 57.4 NYT19990104.0331 -1 Pacific Bell 57.4 APW19990414.0032 -1 Gus Grissom 57.4 APW19990701.0170 -1 a successful mission 57.4 APW19990417.0039 -1 happens that they don't.''. Liberty Bell 57.4 APW19990703.0142 -1 Supporters of death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal blocked the entrance to 57.4 NYT19990916.0441 -1 there 57.4 APW19990502.0030 -1 Lost 58.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 58.1 XIE20000122.0003 -1 Eric Bernard 58.1 NYT19980928.0331 -1 the new Vilar Center 58.1 NYT19990121.0331 -1 A History 58.1 NYT19991128.0054 1 American 58.1 NYT19980928.0475 2 American 58.1 NYT19990128.0153 -1 Linus Lee 58.1 NYT20000501.0220 -1 concert version 58.1 NYT20000822.0298 -1 Germany 58.1 NYT19990224.0243 -1 birth 58.1 NYT19980915.0220 -1 County 58.1 NYT19991128.0054 -1 Covent 58.1 NYT19981219.0196 -1 Metropolitan Opera 58.1 NYT19981219.0196 -1 Amerindo Investment Advisers 58.1 NYT19980820.0343 -1 N/A 58.1 NYT19990512.0081 -1 today's new Web chiefs 58.1 NYT19980928.0475 -1 Metropolitan Opera 58.1 NYT20000712.0366 2 American 58.1 XIE20000120.0045 -1 Portugal 58.1 XIE19990425.0070 -1 Brazilian Alberto Appointed Coach for Saudi Olympic Team 58.1 APW20000731.0086 -1 a sum 58.1 NYT19990907.0432 -1 Opera 58.1 NYT19990509.0065 -1 president of Amerindo Investment Advisors 58.1 APW20000731.0086 -1 name 58.1 NYT19980928.0331 -1 the Met 58.1 NYT19990907.0432 2 US 58.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 58.3 NYT19990509.0065 -1 Pierre M. Omidyar 58.3 APW20000912.0186 -1 director 58.3 NYT19991128.0054 -1 Covent Garden 58.3 APW19980610.1713 -1 Major 58.3 APW20000731.0086 -1 Wolfgang Wagner 58.3 NYT19990509.0065 1 Amerindo Investment Advisors 58.3 NYT20000703.0314 -1 Nasdaq 58.3 NYT20000822.0298 -1 Investment 58.3 NYT19990204.0149 3 Amerindo Investment 58.3 NYT19980928.0476 -1 Met 58.3 APW19980610.1713 -1 Alberto Knox 58.3 NYT19981219.0196 -1 Lufkin Jenrette Inc 58.3 NYT19980928.0480 1 Amerindo Investment Advisers Inc 58.3 NYT19981219.0196 -1 Koch Industries 58.3 XIE19980407.0246 -1 clay court ATP Tour tournament 58.3 NYT19980928.0342 1 Amerindo Investment Advisers Inc 58.3 NYT19990204.0149 -1 a $20 million donation 58.3 NYT19990204.0149 -1 METROPOLITAN OPERA 58.3 NYT20000703.0314 1 Amerindo Investment Advisors 58.3 NYT19981219.0196 1 Amerindo Investment Advisers 58.3 NYT19980928.0331 1 Amerindo Investment Advisers Inc. 58.3 NYT19990907.0432 -1 Alberto W. Vilar 58.3 NYT19991128.0054 -1 free concerts 58.3 NYT19990907.0432 -1 Vilar 58.3 NYT19991128.0054 -1 American 58.3 NYT20000822.0298 -1 Wagner 58.3 APW20000912.0186 -1 $ 14 million 58.3 NYT19980928.0342 -1 Valery Gergiev Johns Hopkins 59.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 59.1 NYT20000403.0617 1 consumer advocate Ralph Nader 59.1 XIE19971016.0293 -1 China 59.1 NYT19991012.0366 3 Nader 59.1 NYT19990514.0347 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 APW20000316.0072 -1 Davis 59.1 NYT19980926.0085 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 NYT19981028.0384 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 NYT20000403.0617 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 NYT20000711.0425 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 APW19990615.0007 -1 White 59.1 NYT19980622.0351 -1 Washington 59.1 NYT19980622.0351 -1 Larry Sasich 59.1 NYT19990301.0407 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 NYT19990515.0205 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 APW20000905.0077 -1 Wenonah Hauter 59.1 APW19990807.0061 -1 Friedman 59.1 APW20000905.0077 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 APW20000905.0077 3 Ralph 59.1 APW20000505.0153 -1 Joan Claybrook 59.1 NYT19990514.0347 -1 Joan Claybrook 59.1 APW20000308.0084 -1 Sidney Wolfe 59.1 NYT19981202.0441 -1 But 59.1 APW20000505.0153 1 Ralph Nader 59.1 APW20000308.0084 2 Ralph Nader Xu Public Citize 59.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 59.2 NYT19990912.0207 -1 1999 59.2 NYT19990111.0464 -1 Laney 59.2 NYT19980722.0180 2 1971 59.2 XIE19990819.0091 -1 yesterday afternoon 59.2 NYT19981202.0441 1 1971 59.2 APW20000316.0072 -1 today 59.2 APW20000308.0084 -1 Tuesday 59.2 XIE19980608.0103 2 1971 59.2 NYT19990418.0236 -1 1993 59.2 NYT20000912.0226 -1 1992 59.2 APW20000619.0172 -1 June 14 59.2 NYT20000221.0250 -1 1960 59.2 NYT20000711.0397 -1 June 2001 59.2 APW19990807.0061 -1 1989 59.2 NYT19981202.0441 -1 1997 59.2 NYT20000711.0397 -1 Tuesday 59.2 XIE19990908.0127 -1 September 8 59.2 NYT20000315.0447 -1 March 14 59.2 NYT19980821.0257 -1 1936 59.2 NYT20000627.0354 -1 June 20, 2000 59.2 APW19990807.0192 -1 1989 59.2 NYT20000711.0397 -1 March 1995 59.2 APW19990807.0061 -1 1996 59.2 NYT19990514.0347 -1 Year 2000 59.2 NYT20000731.0227 -1 Cause , Democracy 21 , League of Women Voters , Public 59.2 NYT20000713.0058 -1 1983 59.2 APW20000308.0084 -1 1997 59.2 APW20000706.0075 2 1971 59.2 APW19990307.0056 -1 2000 59.2 APW20000308.0084 -1 1990 1995 59.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 59.3 XIE19980720.0066 -1 Inland Chinese 59.3 APW19990610.0009 -1 gang 59.3 NYT19990304.0179 -1 Public Citizen's Smith 59.3 NYT19990427.0440 -1 Project 59.3 NYT20000213.0091 -1 involved 59.3 NYT19980605.0464 3 Health Research Group 59.3 XIE19970703.0186 -1 South African 59.3 APW20000308.0084 -1 Rezulin 59.3 APW20000314.0089 -1 President Joan Claybrook 59.3 APW20000307.0123 -1 Rezulin 59.3 XIE19971122.0234 3 Public Citizen's Health Research Group 59.3 NYT19980608.0339 3 Health Research Group 59.3 NYT19980708.0382 3 a Washington-based consumer group 59.3 XIE20000328.0013 -1 brothers 59.3 NYT19991012.0440 -1 view 59.3 APW20000203.0149 1 consumer advocacy 59.3 XIE19971120.0133 -1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 59.3 APW20000316.0072 -1 Public Citizen's charges 59.3 APW19990807.0061 -1 Public Citizen 59.3 APW20000307.0123 -1 FDA 59.3 NYT19980608.0339 3 public health 59.3 NYT19991012.0440 -1 Public Citizen argued in its brief that because the main purpose of such suits 59.3 NYT19980603.0063 -1 work 59.3 APW19990807.0061 -1 C 59.3 NYT19990715.0148 3 Health Research Group 59.3 XIE19971120.0133 -1 China 59.3 APW19980728.0202 1 consumer advocacy 59.3 APW20000308.0084 2 nonprofit consumer advocacy organization 59.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 59.4 NYT20000217.0337 -1 Jimmy Carter 59.4 NYT19980721.0022 -1 250,000 59.4 NYT20000711.0397 -1 2001 59.4 APW20000307.0123 -1 reports 59.4 APW19990527.0359 -1 leaflet 59.4 APW20000525.0104 -1 68 59.4 NYT19991003.1071 -1 1 59.4 NYT20000716.0021 -1 two 59.4 NYT20000716.0021 -1 1999 59.4 NYT19990730.0068 -1 23,000 members 59.4 APW19990610.0009 -1 6-3 59.4 XIE19991116.0087 -1 one 59.4 NYT20000711.0397 -1 five years 59.4 XIE19990308.0029 -1 39 59.4 XIE19971022.0166 -1 one day 59.4 NYT19990706.0066 -1 150 59.4 APW19990807.0061 -1 first 59.4 XIE19981203.0013 -1 15 59.4 NYT19990603.0329 -1 18 59.4 APW20000204.0169 -1 two dozen members 59.4 NYT19991212.0100 -1 125,000 members nationwide 59.4 XIE19980421.0039 -1 125,000 59.4 NYT19990601.0044 -1 50 59.4 APW20000308.0084 -1 85 59.4 APW19981207.1642 -1 160,000 59.4 APW19990115.0182 -1 290,000 59.4 APW20000308.0084 -1 970,000 710,000 59.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 59.5 NYT20000705.0246 -1 Dan Zielinski 59.5 APW20000308.0084 -1 Dr 59.5 APW20000216.0242 -1 Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch 59.5 NYT19980820.0499 -1 Sidney Wolfe 59.5 APW20000316.0072 -1 Davis 59.5 NYT19991102.0391 1 Joan Claybrook 59.5 APW20000307.0123 -1 Public Citizen 59.5 XIE19970204.0164 -1 department 59.5 APW19980601.0003 -1 We have no answer available 59.5 NYT19991224.0058 -1 Education 59.5 APW20000308.0084 -1 Sidney Wolfe 59.5 NYT20000711.0425 -1 Deputy Director 59.5 NYT20000207.0238 -1 Sidney Wolfe 59.5 NYT20000316.0298 -1 Robert Ray 59.5 APW19981025.0643 -1 Ali Meshkini 59.5 NYT19981021.0450 -1 Dan Reeves 59.5 NYT19990706.0065 -1 Tom 59.5 NYT20000711.0397 -1 Public Citizen officials 59.5 APW20000221.0150 -1 Sidney Wolfe 59.5 APW20000222.0052 -1 Dr. Sidney Wolfe 59.5 XIE19960822.0259 -1 Kyodo 59.5 NYT20000531.0272 1 Joan Claybrook 59.5 APW19991014.0309 -1 Lori Wallach 59.5 NYT20000213.0091 -1 Sidney Wolfe 59.5 NYT19990706.0065 -1 Public Citizen 59.5 NYT20000826.0040 -1 Alfred North 59.5 APW20000224.0185 -1 Public Citizen , a consumer advocacy 59.5 NYT19990706.0065 -1 the White House 59.5 NYT19991216.0307 -1 Linda Edwards 59.5 APW20000308.0084 -1 Health Research Group 59.5 XIE19991218.0148 -1 South Africa 59.5 APW19990525.0129 1 Joan Claybrook 59.5 APW20000308.0084 -1 David Orloff 60.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 60.1 NYT19990614.0315 -1 letter 60.1 NYT19990608.0329 -1 House 60.1 NYT19990404.0212 3 R-Okla 60.1 NYT19991101.0367 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19990119.0394 2 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19990614.0315 -1 Capitol Hill 60.1 APW19991027.0040 1 Oklahoma 60.1 APW19991029.0116 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19980619.0259 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19990210.0378 -1 Lott 60.1 XIE20000509.0355 -1 California 60.1 NYT19990117.0211 -1 Republican 60.1 APW20000911.0137 1 Oklahoma 60.1 XIE19960214.0022 -1 U.S. 60.1 APW19990604.0074 1 Okla. 60.1 APW19991101.0023 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19990210.0454 -1 Republicans 60.1 NYT19990609.0255 -1 Republican presidential candidate 60.1 NYT19991025.0472 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19990108.0408 1 Okla. 60.1 NYT19990117.0211 1 Oklahoma 60.1 APW19990629.0032 3 R-Okla. 60.1 APW19990707.0266 1 Okla. 60.1 NYT19990204.0441 -1 Jim Hill 60.1 APW20000911.0137 3 Senator Jim Inhofe R-OK 60.1 APW20000925.0157 3 R-Okla 60.1 NYT19990108.0408 -1 Washington 60.1 NYT20000201.0479 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19990210.0378 1 Oklahoma 60.1 NYT19981103.0384 -1 South Carolina 60.1 NYT19990404.0212 1 Okla 60.1 APW19990508.0071 1 Oklahoma 60.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 60.2 NYT19990608.0329 -1 1998 60.2 APW19990609.0198 -1 1997 60.2 NYT19990108.0408 -1 R-Okla. 60.2 NYT19990807.0127 2 1934 60.2 APW19990508.0071 -1 early Saturday 60.2 NYT20000722.0219 2 1934 60.2 APW19990508.0071 -1 Saturday 60.2 NYT20000818.0223 -1 1984 60.2 NYT20000122.0121 -1 1887 60.2 NYT19991030.0166 -1 1991 60.2 APW19991017.0004 -1 1996 60.2 APW19991017.0055 -1 1996 60.2 NYT19990614.0315 -1 Monday 60.2 NYT19990612.0093 -1 last week 60.2 NYT19990210.0378 -1 Wednesday 60.2 APW19991028.0274 -1 1994 60.2 NYT19991031.0097 -1 May 29, 1944 60.2 NYT19990819.0100 -1 1996 60.2 APW20000211.0096 -1 March 4 , 2002 60.2 XIE20000310.0084 -1 2002 60.2 APW19990611.0176 -1 1985 60.2 APW19990608.0016 -1 1985 60.2 NYT20000201.0479 -1 November 60.2 APW19990309.0207 -1 1990 60.2 NYT19990614.0196 2 1934 November 17 60.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 60.3 NYT19991030.0166 -1 1991 60.3 APW19991017.0022 -1 1996 60.3 NYT19990107.0272 -1 1954 60.3 NYT19981016.0039 2 1994 60.3 NYT19990315.0554 2 1994 60.3 NYT19980709.0470 2 1994 60.3 NYT20000201.0479 -1 November 60.3 NYT19990312.0294 -1 1978 60.3 NYT19981104.0413 2 1994 60.3 APW20000522.0053 -1 1954 60.3 APW19991017.0055 -1 1996 60.3 NYT19990614.0315 -1 Monday 60.3 NYT19990113.0416 2 1994 60.3 APW19990508.0071 -1 early Saturday 60.3 APW19990408.0115 -1 Election in 1966 , Inhofe was later elected to the State Senate 60.3 XIE20000807.0040 -1 1988 60.3 APW19990608.0016 -1 1985 60.3 XIE20000320.0051 2 November 8, 1994 60.3 XIE20000807.0040 2 1994 60.3 NYT19991030.0166 -1 1994 1934 60.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 60.4 APW19991027.0040 -1 funeral services 60.4 XIE19960214.0022 -1 meeting 60.4 NYT19990404.0212 -1 R-Okla 60.4 NYT19990107.0304 -1 Senate 60.4 APW19990304.0253 -1 Senate Armed Services Committee 60.4 APW19991027.0040 -1 Smith 60.4 XIE20000323.0030 -1 Senate 60.4 NYT19990108.0408 -1 Senate 60.4 NYT20000728.0109 2 the US Army 60.4 APW20000712.0209 -1 Senate 60.4 APW20000105.0043 -1 Okla. 60.4 APW19991007.0030 -1 Clinton 60.4 NYT19990108.0408 -1 Sen. 60.4 NYT19990210.0454 -1 Republicans 60.4 NYT19990614.0315 -1 Clinton's recess appointment 60.4 NYT20000618.0064 -1 Times News Service HOUSTON 60.4 NYT19980626.0312 -1 public service 60.4 NYT19991011.0377 1 Army 60.4 NYT19990609.0205 -1 White House 60.4 XIE19960214.0022 -1 U.S. 60.4 APW19990508.0071 -1 was to meet 60.4 XIE19960214.0022 -1 Inhofe 60.4 APW19990707.0266 -1 Okla. 60.4 NYT20000530.0158 -1 Jim Russell 60.4 NYT19991220.0403 -1 executive branch 60.4 APW20000105.0043 -1 Sen. James Inhofe 60.4 NYT19990108.0408 -1 Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), one of the Senate 60.4 NYT20000201.0479 -1 Sen. John Ashcroft disputes an Oklahoma colleague's statement last week that 60.4 NYT19990117.0211 -1 Oklahoma Senator 60.4 NYT19990604.0127 -1 Clinton 60.4 NYT19990614.0196 -1 pilot 61.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 61.1 APW19981229.0694 3 Hassan el-Banna in Egypt in 1928 61.1 APW19981229.0694 3 Hassan 61.1 APW20000122.0202 -1 1954 61.1 XIE20000528.0025 3 al Banna 61.1 APW20000226.0133 -1 laws 61.1 APW19981229.0694 1 Hassan el-Banna 61.1 APW19980617.0317 -1 Mohammed Mutwali Sharawi 61.1 XIE19990930.0233 -1 King Abdullah 61.1 APW19981102.0136 -1 Hamas 61.1 APW19980922.1254 -1 Movement 61.1 NYT20000610.0120 -1 Clinton 61.1 XIE20000528.0025 3 Banna 61.1 APW19981031.0414 -1 Alexandria 61.1 APW20000624.0045 -1 Jordan 61.1 APW20000727.0135 -1 Ali Sadreddine 61.1 APW20000122.0202 -1 President Hosni Mubarak 61.1 XIE19980222.0033 -1 Islamic Iran 61.1 NYT19980820.0466 -1 Cairo-based Islamic Jihad 61.1 XIE20000601.0168 -1 Gamal Abdel Nasser 61.1 APW19981113.1336 -1 Jordan 61.1 APW19981102.0119 -1 Sheik Ahmed Yassin 61.1 XIE19990928.0030 -1 Nasser 61.1 XIE20000923.0003 -1 Muslim Brotherhood 61.1 XIE20000918.0022 -1 Egypt 61.1 APW19981129.0773 -1 the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood 61.1 APW19981129.0773 -1 An Egyptian 61.1 XIE20000601.0168 -1 Al Akhbar 61.1 XIE20000528.0025 1 Hassan al Banna 61.1 APW20000122.0202 -1 The government 61.1 APW20000727.0135 2 Hasan al-Banna Egyptian 61.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 61.2 APW19991016.0144 1 1928 61.2 XIE19990827.0029 1 1928 61.2 XIE19991226.0074 1 1928 61.2 APW19991016.0144 -1 1995 61.2 APW19981012.0328 -1 1994 61.2 XIE19990827.0029 1 in 1928 61.2 XIE20000601.0168 -1 1954 61.2 XIE19960219.0048 -1 1987 61.2 APW20000122.0202 1 1928 61.2 XIE20000719.0011 -1 1987 61.2 APW19981026.0313 -1 1970 61.2 APW20000624.0045 -1 1994 61.2 APW20000610.0090 -1 Feb. 2, 1982 61.2 XIE19990928.0030 -1 1954 61.2 XIE19970818.0019 -1 August 18 61.2 XIE20000124.0067 -1 Monday 61.2 XIE19991017.0022 -1 1954 61.2 XIE19991017.0022 1 1928 61.2 XIE19990827.0029 3 1928 Hasan al-Banna founds the Muslim Brotherhood 61.2 XIE19970128.0265 -1 1994 61.2 XIE19991226.0074 -1 1992 61.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 61.3 XIE19990802.0156 -1 other extremist Islamic groups 61.3 APW19981229.0694 -1 1928 61.3 XIE20000903.0033 -1 20 61.3 NYT20000815.0319 -1 mind 61.3 NYT19990624.0119 -1 Mind 61.3 XIE19990815.0012 -1 opposes peace with Israel 61.3 XIE19990928.0030 -1 Islamic movement 61.3 APW19981012.0865 -1 leader 61.3 NYT19980820.0466 -1 Egypt 61.3 XIE19991017.0022 -1 Egypt 61.3 APW19980921.1050 -1 Egypt 61.3 XIE19990930.0233 -1 Hamas 61.3 XIE19990827.0029 -1 1928 61.3 XIE20000601.0168 -1 Muslim Brotherhood Suspects Arrested 61.3 APW19981026.0313 -1 Marxist Palestinian 61.3 APW20000624.0045 -1 Islamic Action Front 61.3 APW19981012.0865 -1 Mustapha Mashhour 61.3 APW19981012.0328 -1 university professors and thinkers 61.3 APW19981102.0444 -1 Timraz's father 61.3 XIE19970911.0064 -1 a member of the politburo of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas and the Hamas spokesman 61.3 XIE19970818.0019 -1 disguise 61.3 XIE19980218.0006 -1 World War II 61.3 XIE20000124.0067 1 advocates turning Egypt into a strict Muslim state by political means 61.3 XIE19960716.0321 -1 formed a committee on Monday to study the legality of appointing rebel chief Nur Misuari as chairman of the 61.3 XIE19970716.0012 -1 a political spectrum 61.3 XIE19990827.0029 -1 Islamic 61.3 APW20000718.0161 -1 England , where the Anglo-American Establishment sponsors the radical " Muslim Brotherhood " in order to advance its long-term goal 61.3 XIE20000903.0033 3 an Islamic state 61.3 APW19981229.0694 1 of strict Islamic rule only through peaceful means 61.3 NYT19990624.0119 -1 theocracy 61.3 XIE20000903.0033 -1 the government 61.3 APW20000727.0135 -1 traditional Islamic family values 62.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 62.1 XIE19970211.0080 -1 Antarctic 62.1 XIE19970103.0245 -1 BANGKOK 62.1 APW19980718.0009 -1 Celia 62.1 APW19990505.0118 -1 CAMBRIDGE 62.1 XIE19990808.0081 -1 Addis Ababa 62.1 NYT20000327.0196 1 Harvard Law School 62.1 NYT19990922.0093 -1 Harvard Medical School 62.1 NYT19980603.0271 1 Harvard Law School 62.1 NYT19980910.0077 1 Harvard 62.1 NYT19990422.0386 -1 United States 62.1 NYT20000822.0083 1 Harvard 62.1 XIE20000112.0293 -1 China 62.1 XIE19980619.0050 -1 Geneva 62.1 NYT19981231.0144 -1 China 62.1 NYT19980721.0316 -1 Rice 62.1 XIE19960831.0214 -1 Shanghai 62.1 XIE19960612.0169 -1 Southwest China 62.1 NYT19980922.0123 1 Harvard Law School 62.1 NYT19980910.0077 1 Harvard University 62.1 NYT20000109.0154 1 Harvard University 62.1 NYT20000330.0071 1 Harvard Law School 62.1 NYT19980726.0078 -1 Massachusetts 62.1 NYT19980721.0265 -1 Ariz. 62.1 NYT20000412.0350 3 Society at Harvard 62.1 XIE19970429.0150 -1 will be located in Nigerian capital Abuja 62.1 APW19990812.0292 -1 part 62.1 NYT19980922.0123 -1 New York 62.1 NYT19981231.0144 1 Harvard Law School 62.1 XIE19990325.0415 -1 China 62.1 NYT19990624.0096 1 Harvard Law School 62.1 NYT19980910.0077 3 Harvard University SINGAPORE U.S. 62.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 62.2 APW19980619.0507 -1 1989 62.2 NYT19990821.0067 -1 Fazilet 62.2 NYT19991229.0246 -1 2004 62.2 NYT19990817.0022 -1 Monday 62.2 NYT20000327.0196 2 1997 62.2 NYT20000805.0089 -1 1994 62.2 XIE20000229.0001 -1 2004 62.2 XIE19990808.0081 -1 October 1 62.2 NYT20000616.0202 -1 2000 62.2 NYT20000201.0360 -1 1998 62.2 NYT19980910.0172 -1 August 1998 62.2 NYT20000718.0011 -1 1988 62.2 NYT19981231.0144 -1 2000 62.2 NYT19980721.0316 2 1997 62.2 NYT19990815.0133 -1 Sunday 62.2 NYT20000412.0350 -1 1998 62.2 NYT19980910.0077 -1 weekend 62.2 NYT19990106.0045 -1 2000 62.2 NYT19981030.0054 -1 1973 62.2 NYT20000327.0196 -1 '90s 62.2 NYT19990105.0443 -1 1950 62.2 XIE19971109.0041 -1 RSS 2.0 62.2 XIE19980415.0208 -1 1922 62.2 NYT19981231.0144 -1 1999 62.2 NYT20000412.0350 2 1997 62.2 XIE19990808.0081 -1 1996 62.2 NYT19980906.0233 2 1999 1997 62.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 62.3 NYT19990106.0045 -1 Jonathan Zittrain 62.3 NYT19980603.0271 -1 the Harvard Law School 62.3 NYT19990428.0372 -1 left 62.3 NYT20000109.0154 -1 Harvard University 62.3 NYT19980603.0271 -1 Harvard Law School 62.3 NYT19980923.0109 -1 moment 62.3 APW19990421.0201 -1 Responsibility 62.3 NYT20000822.0083 -1 Harvard 62.3 NYT19990922.0093 -1 1922 62.3 NYT20000628.0061 -1 mid-1990s 62.3 NYT19990925.0023 -1 Berkman Center for the Internet and Society 62.3 NYT20000327.0199 -1 Harvard Law School 62.3 NYT19980906.0233 -1 Harvard University 62.3 NYT19981231.0144 -1 But Jonathan Zittrain 62.3 XIE19990808.0081 -1 the Addis Ababa-based U. 62.3 APW19990812.0292 -1 Harvard University Law School 62.3 NYT19980726.0078 -1 Lawrence Lessig, the Harvard law professor, and Walter Bender 62.3 NYT19980922.0123 -1 Harvard Law School 62.3 NYT20000412.0350 -1 research center 62.3 NYT20000412.0350 1 studies the development and regulation of the Internet 62.3 NYT19990925.0023 -1 Jonathan Zittrain 62.3 NYT19981030.0054 -1 a way 62.3 NYT19981231.0144 -1 Net 62.3 APW19990511.0092 -1 the Internet Fraud Council 62.3 NYT20000412.0350 -1 Harvard Law 62.3 NYT19980919.0111 -1 Jonathan Zittrain 62.3 APW19990812.0292 -1 Harvard Law 62.3 NYT19980714.0095 -1 mission statements 62.3 NYT19980906.0233 -1 to explore and understand cyberspace 63.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 63.1 NYT19990604.0159 -1 Ashdown 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 -1 cotton 63.1 XIE20000525.0220 -1 Tibet 63.1 NYT19980605.0169 -1 Life 63.1 NYT19980701.0235 -1 Senate 63.1 NYT19980626.0047 2 a beetle measuring an average length of six millimeters 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 -1 ` BOLL WEEVIL CITY 63.1 NYT19980727.0026 -1 BUG 63.1 XIE19990312.0271 1 beetles 63.1 NYT20000128.0058 -1 Caldwell 63.1 NYT20000224.0097 -1 Caldwell 63.1 NYT20000602.0187 -1 boll weevils 63.1 XIE19970528.0256 -1 midge 63.1 APW19990311.0091 1 beetles 63.1 NYT20000224.0100 -1 Here 63.1 XIE19970707.0109 -1 Weevil Insects Against 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 -1 a little 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 -1 1953 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 -1 insect pest of cotton 63.1 NYT19980626.0047 -1 DEEP SOUTH DEEP-SIXES DESTRUCTIVE BOLL WEEVIL 63.1 NYT19990604.0159 -1 boll weevils, Ashdown acknowledged that the insect 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 -1 ENTERPRISE, Ala. _ Sometimes, tourists whizzing south to the Florida beaches 63.1 NYT19980715.0128 -1 cotton crops 63.1 NYT19980715.0128 -1 the pest 63.1 NYT19980726.0135 2 beetle 63.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 63.2 NYT19980715.0128 -1 boll weevils 63.2 NYT19980715.0128 1 cotton 63.2 NYT19980715.0128 -1 Craig Roussel 63.2 NYT19980715.0128 1 Cotton 63.2 NYT19980701.0235 1 cotton 63.2 NYT19990831.0093 -1 heart failure 63.2 NYT19991126.0052 -1 Year 63.2 NYT19990215.0291 -1 News 63.2 NYT19980626.0047 -1 a beetle measuring an average length of six millimeters 63.2 NYT19980626.0047 -1 Boll Weevil Eradication 63.2 NYT19980715.0128 -1 Boll Weevil Eradication Program 63.2 NYT19980626.0047 -1 American South 63.2 NYT20000214.0143 -1 Caldwell 63.2 XIE19980827.0190 -1 developed trans-genetic cotton seeds 63.2 NYT19980615.0437 2 cotton 63.2 APW20000703.0064 -1 sweet peppers 63.2 APW19990722.0257 -1 has made 63.2 NYT19980701.0235 -1 sites of the boll weevil and the effect of weevil damage on the cotton plant 63.2 APW19990523.0024 -1 damage 63.2 NYT19980715.0128 -1 plant the boll weevil 63.2 NYT19980726.0135 -1 ENTERPRISE, Ala. _ Sometimes, tourists whizzing south to the Florida beaches 63.2 APW19981018.0113 -1 The damage 63.2 NYT19980715.0217 1 cotton 64.1 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 64.1 NYT19990524.0137 1 John Chapman 64.1 NYT19990513.0118 -1 American Forests 64.1 NYT19990908.0074 1 John Chapman 64.1 NYT19990523.0185 1 John Chapman 64.1 NYT19990223.0163 1 Jonathan Chapman 64.1 NYT19990523.0185 -1 American Forests 64.1 NYT19981202.0239 1 John Chapman 64.1 NYT20000812.0238 -1 Someone Named Johnny Ruiz. 64.1 NYT19990124.0214 -1 her WebTV box 64.1 NYT19990415.0072 -1 poetry submissions 64.1 NYT19990908.0289 -1 Or 64.1 APW20000412.0106 1 John Chapman 64.1 NYT19990915.0108 -1 Chronicle 64.1 NYT19990319.0061 -1 Kazan 64.1 NYT19990524.0137 -1 Johnny Appleseed 's real name was John 64.1 NYT19990417.0141 -1 Americas Sun Belt 64.1 NYT19990523.0185 3 was John Chapman 64.1 NYT19990524.0137 3 was John Chapman 64.1 NYT19980705.0092 -1 Donald Gogel 64.1 APW20000412.0106 -1 Johnny Johnny Appleseed 64.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 64.2 NYT19990513.0118 1 Leominster 64.2 NYT19990415.0074 -1 Poetry 64.2 NYT19990902.0108 1 Leominster 64.2 NYT19990417.0141 -1 America 64.2 NYT19990513.0118 1 Leominster, Mass. 64.2 NYT19990922.0136 2 in Massachusetts 64.2 NYT19990908.0074 -1 Ohio 64.2 NYT19990714.0540 -1 New York 64.2 NYT19981210.0125 -1 Washington 64.2 APW20000412.0106 -1 Jackson,VI 64.2 NYT19990713.0014 -1 Kansas City 64.2 NYT19990317.0312 -1 Bermuda 64.2 NYT19990415.0072 -1 Poetry 64.2 NYT19990713.0014 -1 KANSAS CITY , Kan. 64.2 NYT19990802.0084 -1 New York 64.2 XIE19970715.0118 -1 North Africa 64.2 NYT19990513.0118 3 Johnny Appleseed was born in Leominster , Massachusetts 64.2 NYT19990513.0118 -1 the country 64.2 NYT19981230.0106 -1 California 64.2 NYT19990524.0137 -1 Ohio 64.2 XIE19960313.0154 -1 China 64.2 NYT19990417.0141 -1 September 26, 1775 64.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 64.3 NYT19990524.0137 1 1845 64.3 NYT19990417.0141 -1 1988 64.3 NYT19991229.0074 -1 M. Mitchell Waldrop's ``Computing 64.3 NYT19990523.0185 1 1845 64.3 NYT19981230.0106 -1 Thanksgiving 64.3 NYT19991227.0159 -1 11th century 64.3 NYT19990513.0118 1 1845 64.3 NYT19990417.0141 -1 Sun 64.3 NYT19990513.0118 -1 March 11, 1847 64.3 NYT19990915.0108 -1 1999 64.3 NYT19990908.0074 -1 Sept. 26 64.3 NYT19990908.0074 -1 this month 64.3 NYT19990908.0074 -1 September 64.3 NYT19990415.0072 -1 April 64.3 NYT19990415.0074 -1 April 64.3 XIE19970715.0052 -1 1997 64.3 NYT19990513.0118 -1 September 26, 1775 64.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 64.4 NYT19990401.0265 -1 church for first Sundays 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 1 cooking pot 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 -1 September 64.4 NYT20000612.0138 -1 his head 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 1 pot 64.4 NYT19990417.0141 -1 hockey player 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 -1 John Chapman 64.4 NYT19990524.0251 -1 Donna Reed Show 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 -1 Chapman 64.4 NYT19981210.0125 -1 Washington State Apple Growers 64.4 APW20000412.0106 -1 Chief Joseph 64.4 APW20000412.0106 -1 historic trees' original caretakers 64.4 NYT19990415.0072 -1 poetry submissions 64.4 NYT19990628.0413 -1 stock 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 -1 DESSERT Mexican Apple Roll-Ups Makes 5 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 -1 Johnny 64.4 NYT19990513.0118 -1 American Forests 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 1 a cooking pot 64.4 NYT19990524.0137 -1 said that John Chapman Johnny Appleseed one of the most loved pioneer 64.4 NYT19990707.0383 -1 a man 64.4 NYT19990908.0074 3 Johnny Appleseed. Chapman was known to wear a cooking pot for a hat 64.4 NYT19990524.0137 -1 SCHOOL VIOLENCE Teen wounds 6 students A student opened fire in 64.4 APW20000114.0191 -1 people 65.2 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 65.2 APW19990430.0223 -1 first shuttle flight 65.2 XIE19961120.0291 -1 first space-walk 65.2 NYT20000405.0063 -1 America 65.2 NYT19990503.0474 2 Columbia 65.2 NYT19981118.0139 -1 disaster 65.2 APW19990717.0096 2 Columbia 65.2 XIE19960115.0039 -1 flight 65.2 APW19980916.0002 -1 space 65.2 APW20000914.0124 -1 space station 65.2 NYT19981027.0298 1 Columbia 65.2 NYT19990925.0301 2 Columbia 65.2 XIE19981030.0048 -1 Space Shuttle Discovery Blasts Into Space 65.2 NYT20000906.0133 -1 International Space Station 65.2 APW19981226.0435 -1 A Moscow 65.2 NYT19980602.0234 -1 While NASA 65.2 XIE19970405.0037 1 Columbia 65.2 NYT20000912.0367 -1 the international space station 65.2 APW19981207.0560 -1 the international space station 65.2 APW19990624.0036 -1 AP 65.2 APW19990624.0114 -1 seat 65.2 NYT19990722.0025 2 Columbia 65.2 NYT19990730.0115 -1 the life span 65.2 NYT19990730.0115 -1 NASA 65.2 NYT19990130.0086 -1 America 65.2 APW19990513.0263 -1 Discovery 65.2 NYT19990223.0176 -1 space shuttle program, compact discs, cable TV, gene mapping. 65.2 NYT19990730.0115 -1 Two decades after its birth, and 13 years after its worst 65.2 NYT20000907.0214 3 orbiter Columbia 65.2 XIE19980504.0028 1 Columbia 65.3 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 65.3 XIE19980306.0339 -1 May 1997 65.3 XIE19961120.0291 -1 1983 65.3 XIE20000930.0010 -1 Yemen 65.3 APW19981010.0848 2 1981 65.3 NYT19990430.0353 -1 April 65.3 XIE19960115.0179 -1 sat 65.3 XIE20000930.0039 -1 1978 65.3 NYT19981012.0223 -1 1962 65.3 APW19990403.0039 -1 April 4, 1983 65.3 NYT20000118.0362 -1 2000 65.3 NYT19980709.0255 -1 October 65.3 NYT19981202.0521 -1 November 65.3 NYT19990324.0244 -1 1970 65.3 APW19990411.0001 1 1981 65.3 XIE19970428.0097 -1 March 65.3 APW20000111.0376 -1 Tuesday 65.3 APW19990413.0140 1 1981 65.3 APW19990811.0305 -1 1977 65.3 NYT20000907.0261 1 1981 65.3 XIE19980306.0339 -1 February 1995 65.3 NYT19990503.0474 -1 1970 65.3 APW19980618.1333 -1 2001 65.3 NYT19990503.0338 3 flight was in 1981 with the space shuttle 65.3 XIE19970405.0037 1 1981 65.3 APW19990903.0206 -1 1999 65.3 XIE19980609.0031 -1 1995 65.3 APW19981020.1367 1 April 12, 1981 65.3 NYT19990203.0257 -1 1962 65.3 APW19990915.0233 2 1981 April 12 65.4 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 65.4 NYT19990730.0115 1 January 1986 65.4 NYT19981028.0432 1 1986 65.4 NYT19990107.0146 -1 the wrecked Titanic 65.4 APW19981117.0291 2 1986 65.4 XIE19961120.0291 -1 1967 65.4 NYT20000122.0144 1 1986 65.4 NYT19980830.0049 1 1986 65.4 APW19991007.0315 -1 1988 65.4 NYT19981207.0253 1 January 1986 65.4 APW19990807.0141 -1 Aug. 8, 1989 65.4 APW19990527.0254 -1 December 65.4 NYT19990925.0301 -1 1980s 65.4 NYT19981029.0382 -1 November 1969 65.4 APW19990527.0161 -1 Thursday 65.4 XIE19960823.0236 1 1986 65.4 NYT19981118.0139 1 Jan. 28, 1986 65.4 APW19990527.0193 -1 December 65.4 NYT19991208.0265 -1 Heating Problems During Re-entry of Space Shuttles 791 words , 5 65.4 APW19990410.0046 -1 1978 65.4 NYT19991024.0109 1 1986 65.4 XIE19980609.0031 -1 1995 65.4 NYT19981118.0139 1 January 28, 1986 65.4 APW19990915.0233 -1 1986 January 29 65.5 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 65.5 NYT19990430.0353 1 seven 65.5 APW19990606.0063 -1 the Philippines 65.5 NYT19980601.0411 2 seven 65.5 APW19981213.1140 2 seven 65.5 NYT19990430.0353 -1 10 65.5 NYT19981118.0139 3 seven-member 65.5 NYT19990430.0353 3 seven crew members 65.5 NYT19990503.0338 1 seven 65.5 NYT19981019.0326 -1 2 million 65.5 NYT19990503.0338 -1 1 65.5 NYT19981105.0412 1 seven 65.5 NYT19981111.0056 1 seven 65.5 NYT19981202.0350 -1 11 members 65.5 APW19990127.0360 1 seven 65.5 XIE19971006.0220 2 the seven-member shuttle 65.5 APW20000127.0128 -1 28, 1986 65.5 NYT19991208.0399 1 seven 65.5 NYT19981118.0139 1 seven 65.5 NYT19990503.0338 -1 1986 65.5 APW20000522.0163 2 seven crew members 65.5 NYT19981028.0432 -1 28 , 1986 65.5 APW20000212.0165 -1 30 days 65.5 NYT19981105.0412 -1 70 65.5 NYT19980601.0411 -1 17 65.5 APW19990915.0233 -1 7 6 65.6 NYT20000222.0111 -1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 65.6 NYT19990730.0115 -1 13 years 65.6 APW20000127.0128 3 73 65.6 NYT19981028.0432 1 73 seconds 65.6 XIE19961207.0059 -1 17 days 65.6 NYT19980914.0017 1 74 seconds 65.6 NYT19980601.0411 -1 shuttle 65.6 NYT19981029.0363 -1 1 65.6 NYT19981029.0322 1 90 seconds 65.6 APW19990722.0170 -1 two decade 65.6 APW19990127.0360 1 73 seconds 65.6 NYT19981130.0252 -1 an 11-day flight , will 65.6 APW19990127.0360 -1 all seven crew members 65.6 XIE19960823.0236 -1 Five days 65.6 APW19990527.0161 -1 six 65.6 NYT19981029.0322 1 about 90 seconds 65.6 APW19990527.0193 -1 December 65.6 NYT19990503.0338 -1 18 years 65.6 NYT19981030.0164 -1 1986 65.6 APW19990915.0233 -1 10-Days 17-Days 20 seconds