1894 NYT19990211.0075 -1 142 million miles 1894 APW19990803.0303 -1 117 million miles 1894 NYT19981211.0308 1 416 - million - mile 1894 APW19990923.0168 -1 121.9 million miles 1894 APW19980705.0043 1 700-million-kilometer (440-million-mile) 1894 NYT19991122.0091 -1 three 1894 XIE19990316.0235 -1 1976 1894 NYT19990524.0252 -1 54 million miles away 1894 NYT19990923.0315 1 249 million miles 1894 NYT19990923.0365 1 249 million miles 1894 NYT20000131.0402 1 the 190 million miles 1894 NYT19981210.0562 -1 about 3 feet 1894 APW19990923.0014 -1 262-mile 1894 APW19990103.0013 -1 4 million mile 1894 NYT20000824.0279 -1 30 percent 1894 APW19990803.0031 -1 219 million miles 1894 NYT20000324.0337 -1 more than two years 1894 NYT19981212.0029 1 416 million miles 1894 NYT19981208.0039 -1 500 miles 1894 XIE19981212.0306 -1 260-mile 1894 APW19990803.0031 -1 about 117 million miles 1894 NYT19981212.0029 1 416-million-mile 1894 APW19990429.0018 -1 geologically dead 1894 XIE19980813.0089 -1 one scientist 1894 APW19990429.0249 -1 geologically dead 1895 NYT19991101.0486 -1 Hong Kong 1895 NYT19990120.0480 -1 Tokyo 1895 NYT19990306.0131 -1 1992 1895 NYT19990310.0218 -1 4 1895 NYT19990909.0282 -1 4 1895 NYT19980929.0267 -1 before 1895 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1895 NYT19990310.0217 -1 2001 1895 APW19990930.0111 -1 1995 1895 NYT19991024.0166 -1 Walt Disney's vision 1895 NYT19990901.0299 -1 DISNEY-IMAGINEERING (Los Angeles) _ Officials 1895 NYT19990810.0082 1 midnight 1895 APW19990711.0016 -1 minutes 1895 NYT20000324.0078 -1 7:30 a.m. 1895 XIE19991119.0084 -1 Hong Kong 1895 NYT19990310.0217 -1 third 1895 NYT20000117.0336 -1 At 1895 APW19981022.0032 -1 67 hectares 1895 XIE19960817.0116 -1 September 2 1895 NYT20000207.0448 -1 82.6 percent 1895 APW19990127.0328 -1 another 30,000 1895 APW19991015.0193 -1 at Disneyland 1895 APW19981021.1440 -1 true 1896 NYT20000821.0391 -1 I-backs 1896 NYT20000821.0391 -1 Dan Alexander 1896 NYT19990407.0262 -1 Disney 1896 XIE19960816.0235 -1 Victor Hugo 1896 NYT19990720.0158 -1 Tarzan 1896 NYT19981021.0168 1 Quasimodo 1896 APW19990330.0188 -1 Dan Monson 1896 NYT20000603.0129 -1 chump change 1896 NYT19981207.0011 -1 horror 1896 NYT19980618.0175 -1 Disney 1896 NYT19990611.0039 -1 II 1896 NYT19980618.0184 -1 Victor 1896 NYT19990621.0011 -1 Pocahontas 1896 APW19980601.0778 -1 another exciting Disney adventure 1896 NYT19980618.0394 -1 Disney's 36th full-length animated movie 1896 APW19981204.1287 -1 Veronique Gailly 1896 NYT19980618.0184 -1 Victor Hugo 1896 NYT19980618.0195 -1 Mulan 1896 NYT20000910.0005 -1 the third-down pass 1896 APW19981204.1287 -1 Victor Hugo 1896 XIE19960816.0235 -1 Notre Dame 1896 NYT19980618.0183 -1 Pocahontas 1896 APW19990309.0075 -1 Notre Dame 1896 APW19990526.0294 -1 third 1897 NYT19990826.0001 -1 Miami 1897 APW19991018.0136 -1 Chicago 1897 APW19990714.0303 -1 International Airport 1897 NYT20000725.0159 -1 O'Hare 1897 NYT20000911.0222 -1 Inn Suites 1897 NYT20000709.0188 -1 Drury Inn & Suites 1897 NYT19990713.0014 -1 Inn Suites 1897 NYT19980818.0406 1 Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport 1897 APW19990520.0178 3 Fort Worth International Airport 1897 APW19991018.0136 -1 the Minimum Safe-Altitude 1897 NYT20000201.0019 -1 the Dallas-Ft 1897 NYT19990513.0394 3 Fort Worth International Airport 1897 NYT19990930.0109 -1 Irving 1897 NYT20000725.0160 -1 Atlanta 1897 XIE19960304.0037 -1 Atlanta 1897 NYT20000709.0188 -1 Airports 1897 NYT19980720.0411 -1 LaGuardia 1897 APW19991018.0136 -1 Park 1897 NYT19990505.0554 -1 Worth 1897 NYT19981007.0441 -1 new Belle Starr 1897 APW19990513.0016 -1 American Airlines 1897 NYT20000709.0188 -1 Dallas 1897 XIE19990514.0004 -1 DFW 1897 NYT19990603.0463 -1 U.S. 1897 NYT19980722.0278 1 Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport 1897 NYT19990727.0198 3 FORT WORTH AIRPORT 1897 NYT19980720.0411 3 the Dallas-Fort Worth airport 1897 APW19990714.0303 3 Dallas-Fort Worth 1897 NYT19990420.0157 -1 Washington_National 1898 APW19990128.0046 1 Anaheim 1898 NYT19980714.0090 -1 New York 1898 NYT19980729.0153 1 Anaheim 1898 NYT19991115.0367 1 Paris 1898 NYT20000815.0328 -1 Hollywood 1898 APW19980709.1082 1 Paris 1898 NYT19990310.0217 1 Paris 1898 NYT19980917.0064 1 Anaheim 1898 NYT19980917.0267 1 Toyko 1898 XIE19970419.0101 -1 Hong Kong Disneyland 1898 NYT19991102.0095 -1 Hong Kong 1898 NYT19980802.0079 3 Disneyland Paris 1898 NYT19990310.0218 1 Paris 1898 XIE19991103.0041 -1 China 1898 NYT20000229.0167 -1 visit www 1898 NYT19991011.0235 -1 today's Vegas moguls 1898 NYT19991102.0380 -1 Hong Kong 1898 APW19980630.0654 1 Paris 1898 XIE19991102.0137 -1 Hong Kong 1898 NYT19991115.0367 -1 Hong Kong 1898 APW20000331.0040 -1 Universal City 1898 NYT20000229.0167 -1 Boston 1898 APW19990209.0235 -1 LasVegas 1898 NYT19990603.0275 1 Anaheim 1898 NYT19990310.0218 1 Tokyo 1898 APW19991022.0242 1 Tokyo 1898 NYT19991115.0367 1 Tokyo 1898 APW19981021.1440 1 Tokyo 1898 APW19990212.0176 -1 Disneyland 1898 APW19991012.0279 -1 fairyland 1898 NYT19980802.0246 -1 California 1899 NYT19990901.0198 -1 DDT 1899 NYT19990811.0149 1 Silent Spring 1899 XIE19960320.0295 1 Silent Spring 1899 NYT20000612.1072 -1 Bible 1899 NYT19990721.0145 1 Silent Spring 1899 NYT20000811.0373 1 Silent Spring 1899 NYT20000621.0286 -1 John Hersey 1899 NYT20000621.0286 -1 The New Yorker 1899 NYT19990301.0039 -1 Mariner/Houghton Mifflin 1899 NYT19990901.0198 1 Silent Spring 1899 NYT20000718.0153 1 Silent Spring 1899 NYT20000123.0191 2 a silent spring 1899 NYT19990721.0145 3 Spring 1899 NYT19990520.0357 -1 The Waste Land . 1899 NYT19990520.0357 -1 a significant influence , consequence or resonance 1899 NYT19981113.0076 -1 the book editor 1899 NYT19990828.0099 1 Silent Spring 1899 APW19990107.0313 1 Silent Spring 1899 XIE19960320.0295 -1 critically important 1899 APW20000812.0019 -1 a tour 1899 XIE19960320.0295 -1 book 1900 NYT19990713.0111 1 Egypt 1900 XIE19960828.0011 1 Egypt 1900 NYT20000928.0255 1 Egypt 1900 XIE19980928.0015 1 Egypt 1900 XIE19970109.0078 1 Egypt 1900 XIE19981014.0011 3 Egyptian 1900 XIE19981014.0011 -1 Water Resources Mahmoud Abu Zeid 1900 XIE19980510.0027 1 Egypt 1900 XIE19960322.0133 -1 Lake Nasser 1900 XIE19980916.0019 -1 Nile Water Level Reaches Record High 1900 XIE19960816.0097 -1 Nile water level 1900 XIE19990415.0157 -1 Nile 1900 NYT19991231.0150 -1 high - tech center 1900 XIE19990713.0042 -1 Sudan 1900 APW19980904.0891 1 Egypt 1900 XIE19970121.0184 -1 central China 1903 NYT19991025.0350 -1 1 minute 1903 NYT20000607.0139 -1 night 1903 NYT19980701.0270 -1 11 1903 NYT19991227.0102 1 24 1903 XIE19971117.0014 -1 Sunday 1903 NYT19991227.0102 1 24 time zones 1903 NYT19990831.0142 1 24 time zones 1903 NYT19980606.0188 -1 eight 1903 NYT19991228.0058 1 24 1903 APW19981227.0163 -1 NIL 1903 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1903 NYT19980721.0364 -1 19 1903 APW20000101.0010 1 24 1903 NYT19990313.0170 -1 one million 1903 XIE19960919.0261 -1 0 in 1903 APW20000101.0067 3 24 hours 1903 APW19981211.0730 -1 11 1903 APW20000101.0072 1 24 time zones 1903 NYT19980831.0202 -1 11 time 1903 XIE19970211.0186 -1 574 protection zones 1903 NYT19991231.0199 1 24 1903 NYT19980831.0202 -1 11 1903 XIE19991218.0101 -1 11 time 1903 XIE19970330.0059 2 24 1903 XIE19971224.0097 -1 Statistics 1903 NYT19980601.0105 -1 these days 1904 NYT20000101.0219 1 10-inch 1904 NYT19980622.0002 -1 20 feet 1904 NYT20000928.0009 -1 about 10 feet 1904 NYT20000626.0006 -1 3D 1904 NYT19990822.0016 -1 15 inches 1904 APW19990427.0087 -1 Karchner 0-0 1904 NYT20000506.0251 -1 2 inches 1904 NYT19990822.0016 1 10 inches 1904 NYT19980909.0009 -1 two in 1904 NYT19980909.0009 -1 a 3 1904 NYT19990822.0016 -1 RBIs 1904 NYT19981022.0032 -1 60 feet 6 inches 1904 NYT20000426.0002 1 10 inch 1904 NYT19990813.0034 -1 nine 1904 NYT19980708.0327 -1 472 feet 1904 NYT19990502.0177 -1 20 mph 1904 APW19990127.0292 -1 the game 1904 APW19990127.0292 -1 I 1904 APW19990802.0097 -1 n't 1904 APW19990309.0186 -1 60 miles 1906 NYT19980624.0151 -1 John 1906 NYT19990514.0417 -1 World 1906 NYT19980930.0235 -1 Christ 1906 NYT19990126.0257 -1 Jesus Christ 1906 NYT19980706.0178 1 crucified 1906 NYT19990402.0364 -1 killed 1906 NYT19990806.0168 -1 WARSH-COLUMN Undated -- Old gurus never die 1906 NYT20000627.0334 -1 will 1906 NYT20000201.0130 -1 Pilate 1906 XIE19981027.0274 -1 died 1906 NYT19990402.0245 2 crucified 1906 NYT20000819.0126 -1 Jesus 1906 NYT19990818.0109 -1 Jesus 1906 NYT20000416.0084 -1 apostle 1906 NYT19981123.0361 -1 St. Francis 1906 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 1906 APW19980727.1147 -1 the hospital 1906 NYT19990402.0245 -1 20 1906 NYT19981030.0276 -1 breast cancer 1906 NYT20000511.0244 -1 Jesus 1906 APW20000329.0132 -1 Goldman 1906 NYT19990409.0274 -1 helga kuhse, his co author on several books on life and death issues, says, peter's greatestoffense,' and mine, is that we do not beautify or desensitize issues. 1906 NYT19991206.0091 -1 n't 1908 XIE19990505.0266 -1 103,000 1908 XIE19990505.0266 1 270,000 1908 XIE19990505.0266 1 about 270,000 1908 NYT20000329.0066 -1 nearly two-thirds 1908 NYT19991217.0103 1 273,000 1908 NYT20000731.0377 1 275,000 1908 NYT20000616.0089 1 270,000 1908 XIE19971224.0093 -1 2000 1908 XIE19990202.0265 -1 the two countries 1908 NYT19990215.0154 1 270000 residents 1908 NYT19980608.0289 -1 two 1908 XIE19990819.0049 -1 one 1908 NYT20000328.0075 -1 their family trees 1908 APW19980817.1154 -1 1,200 1908 NYT19990422.0282 -1 110,000 1908 APW20000715.0070 -1 60 1908 NYT19991216.0298 -1 cataclysms 1908 NYT19990804.0310 -1 sixth 1908 NYT19980731.0083 -1 a majority 1908 NYT19980731.0083 -1 I 1908 NYT20000327.0165 -1 The plague 1909 NYT19980719.0044 -1 Chernow 1909 NYT19990806.0053 -1 Money 1909 NYT19980810.0080 -1 Ron Chernow 1909 APW19991004.0036 -1 Senate 1909 NYT19990909.0316 1 Standard Oil company 1909 NYT19990909.0314 1 Standard Oil company 1909 NYT19990310.0419 1 Standard Oil company 1909 NYT19980813.0386 1 oil 1909 NYT19981201.0182 1 oil 1909 NYT19991109.0441 -1 the Virginia company 1909 NYT19991109.0441 1 Standard Oil 1909 NYT19980912.0072 -1 University 1909 NYT20000905.0219 -1 Museum 1909 NYT19981216.0058 -1 Titanic's passenger list 1909 NYT19990806.0054 -1 God 1909 APW19990422.0191 -1 Services 1909 NYT19981019.0113 -1 ROCKEFELLER 1909 NYT19980814.0192 -1 Amoco 1909 NYT19980618.0056 -1 Rockefeller 1909 NYT19980618.0056 -1 Ron Chernow 1909 NYT20000501.0191 -1 The two new businesses 1909 NYT19980622.0217 -1 Ron Chernow 1909 NYT19980712.0075 -1 Rockefeller 1909 NYT19980922.0300 1 Standard Oil 1910 NYT19980602.0244 -1 a 1910 NYT19980610.0481 -1 World War II 1910 NYT19990315.0144 1 steel 1910 NYT20000703.0102 -1 1943 1910 APW20000418.0083 -1 a penny 1910 APW20000831.0006 2 copper plated 1910 NYT20000703.0101 1 steel 1910 NYT19980610.0481 1 zinc-coated steel 1910 NYT19990315.0143 1 copper 1910 NYT19980617.0119 -1 Hardaway 1910 NYT19990310.0093 1 copper 1910 NYT19990824.0134 -1 executive director of the Washington-based Coin Coalition and a longtime penny critic 1910 NYT20000703.0101 1 copper 1910 NYT19991006.0108 -1 silver 1910 NYT19990811.0468 -1 supply the Mint to make the coins 1910 NYT19990315.0143 1 steel 1910 NYT20000703.0102 1 copper 1910 NYT19990819.0046 -1 billion 1910 NYT19990819.0046 -1 U.S. 1910 NYT19981118.0379 -1 medicine 1910 APW19990603.0223 -1 the Philadelphia mint 1910 NYT19981221.0248 3 zinc, not copper 1910 NYT19980630.0044 -1 Penny 1910 NYT19990315.0143 -1 S 1911 NYT20000628.0381 -1 Juan Miguel Gonzalez 1911 NYT19990120.0226 -1 Ellis 1911 APW19990819.0022 -1 The Raving Texans 1911 NYT20000621.0050 -1 atomic number 1911 NYT19981111.0143 -1 number 1911 NYT20000621.0047 -1 atomic number 1911 NYT19990616.0385 -1 names 1911 NYT19990629.0115 1 periodic table 1911 APW19980623.0967 -1 NIL 1911 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1911 NYT20000621.0050 -1 Bh 1911 NYT19990227.0044 3 The Periodic 1911 NYT19981010.0206 -1 every 1911 NYT20000621.0047 -1 Isaac Newton 1911 APW19990226.0066 -1 Glenn Seaborg 1911 NYT19990314.0276 -1 Phoenix 1911 NYT20000403.0102 -1 LiAlSi06 1911 NYT20000201.0422 -1 the truth 1911 NYT19990128.0413 -1 an important new opportunity 1911 NYT19991102.0147 1 the periodic chart 1911 NYT19980610.0255 1 Periodic Table 1911 NYT19990608.0295 1 periodic table 1911 NYT19980610.0255 -1 It 1912 NYT19990105.0159 1 Paris 1912 XIE19970831.0082 -1 Diana 1912 NYT19981008.0103 1 Paris 1912 XIE19990920.0144 1 Paris 1912 NYT19991124.0399 -1 New York City 1912 XIE19960807.0294 1 Paris 1912 APW19980926.0395 1 Paris 1912 NYT19990305.0044 1 Paris 1912 XIE20000328.0214 -1 Hangzhou 1912 XIE19970831.0082 1 Paris 1912 NYT19981008.0380 -1 Cox News Service 1912 NYT20000131.0330 3 Impressionist Paris 1912 NYT20000131.0330 1 Paris 1912 XIE19980824.0151 -1 BEIJING 1912 XIE19960807.0294 3 Seine River PARIS 1912 APW19981120.0854 3 Paris' main tourist attractions 1912 NYT19990508.0004 2 Paris Opera House 1912 APW19980813.0696 3 Paris miles 1912 NYT19991124.0399 -1 NewYork 1912 NYT19980829.0193 -1 Rouen 1912 XIE19980109.0239 -1 the biggest river flowing across the city 1912 APW19981120.0854 1 Paris 1912 APW19990709.0021 -1 the Seine 1912 NYT20000722.0194 -1 third_century 1912 APW19980926.0395 -1 Traffic 1914 NYT20000306.0534 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT19990517.0224 -1 Hall 1914 APW19990715.0299 1 Cleveland 1914 APW19990807.0115 1 Cleveland 1914 APW19990315.0020 1 Cleveland 1914 APW20000307.0014 -1 BRIDGEPORT 1914 NYT19980923.0294 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT19990409.0307 -1 Los Angeles 1914 APW20000823.0067 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT19990315.0573 -1 N.Y. Times News Service NEW YORK 1914 APW20000629.0191 2 Cleveland 1914 APW19990922.0085 1 CLEVELAND 1914 NYT19980915.0116 3 Cleveland residents 1914 NYT20000306.0534 -1 the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum 1914 APW20000110.0059 1 Cleveland 1914 APW19990315.0288 -1 NEW YORK 1914 APW19990315.0288 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT20000926.0267 1 in Cleveland 1914 APW19990914.0297 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT20000306.0534 -1 NewYork 1914 APW19990804.0208 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT20000414.0250 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT19990428.0010 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT19980721.0047 1 Cleveland 1914 NYT19980721.0393 -1 Fame 1914 APW19990909.0005 -1 tunnel 1914 NYT19990111.0275 1 Cleveland 1916 NYT19991110.0184 -1 Hodges 1916 NYT19980919.0136 -1 NYT8 1916 NYT19990428.0430 1 New York 1916 APW19990413.0185 2 New York City 1916 NYT19991110.0187 -1 Atlantic City 1916 NYT19990426.0240 3 York 1916 NYT19980623.0163 -1 York 1916 NYT19990426.0283 1 Washington , D.C. 1916 NYT19990603.0126 -1 NEWPORT 1916 NYT19990427.0097 1 New York 1916 APW19990825.0183 -1 Albuquerque 1916 NYT19990113.0049 1 New York 1916 NYT19980716.0130 -1 Columbia 1916 NYT20000126.0095 2 New York 1916 APW19990427.0326 1 Washington 1916 NYT19990606.0133 -1 YORK 1916 APW19990115.0181 2 NEW YORK 1916 NYT19980813.0004 -1 Duke Ellington's late 1920s band 1916 NYT19990721.0479 -1 Washington Heights 1916 APW19990427.0326 1 New York 1916 NYT19990113.0049 -1 Harlem 1916 NYT20000125.0360 -1 Marsalis 1916 NYT20000114.0073 -1 Detroit in 1994 1916 NYT19990324.0327 -1 Atlanta 1916 NYT19980827.0338 2 NewYork 1916 NYT19990426.0275 -1 Newport 1916 NYT19990426.0240 1 New York 1916 NYT19990227.0019 -1 London 1916 NYT19990112.0263 1 New York 1916 NYT19990422.0206 -1 Oscar_Peterson_Plays 1918 NYT19990408.0142 -1 Jim Morrison 1918 NYT19990507.0108 -1 Alcohol 1918 NYT19990924.0400 -1 18 1970 1918 NYT19990614.0007 1 choke 1918 NYT19990924.0400 -1 drug-related 1918 APW20000917.0111 -1 In 1970 rock star Jimi Hendrix died in London at age 27 1918 APW19990924.0280 -1 would 1918 NYT20000622.0190 -1 shooting 1918 NYT20000908.0170 -1 TV drama 1918 APW19990505.0191 -1 Louisiana State University's 1958 national championship football team 1918 APW19990505.0191 -1 Alzheimer's disease 1918 NYT19980611.0162 -1 GOD 1918 NYT20000622.0183 1 choking to death in his sleep 1918 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 1918 APW19990504.0011 -1 home Tuesday 1918 APW20000917.0111 -1 1970 1918 NYT19990924.0400 -1 Hendrix 1918 APW19990924.0280 -1 renton, wash. (ap) for nearly three decades, jimi hendrix's flat, simple gravestone on a grassy hillside has drawn visitors from around the world. 1918 NYT19990202.0233 -1 a star 1918 APW19980806.1259 -1 suicide 1918 APW19990925.0197 -1 The tentative dedication date 1918 APW19990925.0197 -1 Hendrix 's 1918 NYT20000908.0104 -1 Instead 1918 APW19980602.1373 -1 Phil Collins 1918 NYT20000622.0183 1 choking to death 1919 NYT19980717.0189 -1 31 1919 NYT19980728.0077 -1 seven 1919 APW19990907.0228 -1 3 1919 NYT20000622.0338 -1 One 1919 NYT19990527.0338 -1 reveals 1919 NYT19990202.0006 -1 100 - pound 1919 XIE19960626.0071 -1 5,230 kilometers, about three-fourths the size of Mars 1919 APW19990321.0053 -1 billion Mars Observer three days 1919 NYT19990310.0077 -1 last August some 700 enthusiasts 1919 NYT19990723.0025 -1 8 miles 1919 APW19980925.0638 -1 1.7 million kilometers 1919 NYT20000221.0141 -1 60s 1919 NYT19981211.0308 -1 260 miles 1919 NYT20000727.0261 -1 about 300 pounds 1919 NYT20000823.0450 -1 20 year 1919 NYT19991101.0451 -1 His 1996 volume 1919 APW19990923.0345 -1 37 miles 1919 NYT19990616.0251 -1 2002 1919 APW19990804.0185 -1 millions of miles 1919 XIE19981212.0306 -1 260-mile 1919 APW19980925.0638 -1 first 1919 NYT19991122.0091 -1 100 times 1919 APW19990321.0053 -1 billion yuan 1919 APW19990131.0063 -1 launch 1919 NYT19990211.0075 3 4 , 217 miles 1920 NYT19981026.0045 -1 1945 1920 NYT19990513.0307 1 1997 1920 NYT19980624.0249 1 1997 1920 NYT19981026.0045 -1 1998 1920 NYT19980601.0366 -1 1988 1920 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1920 XIE19980228.0016 -1 1991 1920 XIE19960127.0017 -1 2003 1920 NYT19990526.0257 -1 the 60s 1920 NYT19980805.0328 -1 past year 1920 NYT19981026.0045 -1 63 1920 XIE19991211.0018 -1 2004 1920 NYT19980928.0521 -1 1953 1920 NYT19981026.0045 -1 last year 1920 NYT19981026.0045 -1 1987 1920 NYT19980601.0366 1 1997 1921 APW19990327.0114 -1 Lewes 1921 APW19990327.0114 -1 Lewes, England 1921 NYT19981119.0145 1 suicide 1921 NYT19981120.0133 1 stepping into an English river to her death 1921 APW19990327.0114 -1 In 1941 novelist critic Virginia Woolf died in Lewes England 1921 NYT19981119.0145 -1 's clear 1921 NYT19981120.0133 1 suicide 1921 NYT19981116.0152 -1 Clarissa Dalloway 1921 NYT19991003.0415 -1 Clarissa 1921 APW19990412.0256 -1 AIDS 1921 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 1921 NYT19990701.0011 -1 Monday 1921 APW19990327.0114 -1 1941 1921 NYT19990822.0094 -1 Zoo Story 1921 NYT19991220.0115 -1 reworking virginia woolf has come into vogue recently, with books like michael cunningham's pulitzer prize winning the days reconsidering the author's stories from alternate viewpoints. 1921 NYT19981120.0133 -1 someone 1921 APW19990511.0234 -1 The 67- year-old Oscar winner 1921 APW19990511.0234 -1 Virginia Woolf 1921 NYT19990822.0094 -1 Similarly 1921 NYT19990811.0092 -1 heart attack 1922 NYT19990617.0215 -1 182 1922 NYT19991101.0051 -1 235 miles per hour 1922 NYT19990107.0255 -1 55 miles per hour 1922 NYT19980806.0299 -1 41 1922 NYT20000907.0192 -1 one minute 1922 NYT20000825.0167 -1 every two to 10 seconds 1922 APW19980609.1138 -1 NIL 1922 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1922 NYT19990811.0467 -1 75 words per minute 1922 NYT20000825.0167 -1 30 minutes 1922 NYT20000107.0124 -1 500 mph 1922 APW20000321.0169 -1 Yo Crew glocks ready one gonna 1922 NYT19990910.0221 -1 three months 1922 NYT19990530.0146 -1 80 mph 1922 NYT20000612.1253 -1 30 years 1922 NYT19991016.0215 -1 25 1922 NYT19980610.0259 -1 5 to 10 seconds 1922 NYT20000825.0167 1 .03 seconds 1924 NYT19990311.0432 -1 1959 1924 NYT20000213.0091 -1 1979 1924 APW19981109.1242 -1 1953 1924 NYT19990506.0079 -1 1920 1924 NYT19991231.0184 -1 1920 1924 NYT20000919.0158 -1 1920 1924 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1924 NYT19981023.0187 -1 two years 1924 NYT19990321.0087 -1 1920 1924 APW19990114.0271 -1 1975 1924 APW19990625.0043 -1 Friday 1924 NYT19981225.0066 -1 1906 1924 NYT19981225.0066 -1 the 1960s 1924 NYT20000421.0146 -1 1920 1924 NYT20000626.0050 -1 November 18 2002 15 22 1924 APW20000221.0085 -1 March 19 1924 APW19980607.1035 -1 Feb. 10 1924 NYT19990331.0345 -1 three days 1924 XIE19960624.0077 -1 1920 1924 NYT20000730.0023 -1 20 minutes 1924 NYT19990624.0166 -1 one day 1925 NYT19980630.0434 -1 Black Sabbath 1925 NYT19980630.0434 -1 NYT10 1925 APW19980801.0830 -1 heaving 1925 NYT19981111.0479 1 bat 1925 NYT20000901.0202 -1 mmortals 1925 NYT19981209.0220 -1 Isaac Hayes the soul great 1925 NYT19980707.0107 -1 legend 1925 NYT19980707.0107 -1 Man 1925 NYT19990315.0312 2 bat 1925 NYT19990722.0122 -1 bit 1925 NYT19980707.0142 -1 Jim Sullivan 1925 NYT19980625.0220 -1 the hard-rocking summer trek featuring Ozzy Osbourne and others 1925 NYT19980917.0476 -1 sound 1925 NYT20000503.0348 -1 Down 1925 NYT19981111.0479 -1 Flying High Again 1925 NYT19991024.0043 -1 the head 1925 APW20000823.0047 -1 1982 1925 APW20000823.0047 -1 Ozzfest 1925 NYT19980709.0328 -1 metal 1925 APW20000823.0047 1 bat 1925 APW20000224.0091 -1 West Hollywood-based Sharon Osbourne 1925 APW19990818.0200 -1 it 1926 NYT19980717.0020 -1 Wednesday 22 July 1998 1926 APW19990905.0041 -1 1932 1926 NYT20000725.0166 1 1793 1926 NYT19980724.0208 -1 July 17 1998 [Friday] 1926 NYT20000909.0127 -1 1907 1926 APW20000629.0033 1 1790s 1926 APW19990521.0313 -1 1983 1926 NYT19980724.0378 -1 1995 1926 APW20000201.0155 1 1793 1926 NYT19990807.0029 -1 23:24 1926 NYT20000212.0111 -1 the 1950s 1926 NYT19980724.0378 -1 1983 1926 NYT19980725.0105 -1 58 1926 NYT20000801.0235 -1 1959 1926 NYT19981116.0127 -1 February 1965 1926 XIE20000412.0195 -1 202 638 3221 202 638 3105 1926 NYT19980725.0165 -1 Saturday 1926 NYT19990520.0274 2 1793 1926 NYT20000712.0161 1 1792 1926 APW20000417.0027 -1 1801 1926 NYT19991227.0287 -1 1889 1926 NYT19980726.0130 -1 Tuesday 1926 NYT20000725.0166 -1 1812 1926 APW19990723.0135 -1 a year 1926 NYT20000713.0238 -1 1860s 1927 NYT19980605.0148 -1 Post 1927 NYT19990706.0237 -1 Mount Vernon home 1927 NYT19990215.0125 -1 Mount Vernon home 1927 NYT19981106.0093 1 throat infection 1927 NYT19991213.0420 1 severe infection of the throat 1927 NYT19980713.0147 -1 can 1927 NYT19980616.0298 -1 AIDS 1927 NYT19991213.0257 -1 14, 1799 1927 NYT19980909.0475 -1 Mount Vernon 1927 NYT19991213.0257 3 infection 1927 NYT19991213.0236 1 inflammatory quinsy 1927 NYT20000607.0166 -1 the government theories 1927 NYT19991213.0257 -1 medical malpractice 1927 NYT20000921.0295 -1 was assassinated 1927 APW20000827.0117 -1 cancer 1927 NYT19990706.0237 -1 West Ford 1927 NYT19991213.0257 -1 that debate _ did washington die because of medical malpractice? 1927 APW19990419.0044 -1 73 1927 APW20000615.0169 -1 George_Washington 1927 APW19981230.1124 -1 theatrical producer 1927 NYT20000607.0166 -1 the 1928 NYT19990804.0283 -1 Copas 1928 NYT19990804.0283 3 crash 1928 APW20000304.0128 1 1963 plane crash 1928 NYT19990804.0283 1 plane crash 1928 APW19980815.0911 -1 NIL 1928 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1928 NYT19980821.0214 -1 Loretta Lynn 1928 NYT19980827.0354 -1 heart attack 1928 NYT19990621.0239 -1 its apple orchards 1928 NYT19990603.0092 3 963 plane crash 1928 NYT20000226.0143 -1 cancer 1928 APW20000915.0178 -1 bekeken 1928 NYT19981222.0273 -1 we are going to die 1928 APW20000423.0089 -1 Friday 1928 APW20000423.0089 -1 heart attack 1928 NYT19990714.0326 -1 Mercury 1928 APW19990526.0141 -1 Barnett 1928 APW20000423.0089 -1 (ap) neal matthews jr., who sang backup to elvis presley, patsy cline and many others as part of the singing quartet the jordanaires, died friday of an apparent heart attack. 1928 NYT19990909.0106 -1 the jukebox 1928 APW19990526.0141 -1 n't 1928 APW19990304.0161 1 plane crash 1929 NYT19980604.0436 -1 My Lai 1929 NYT19980616.0207 -1 Nation 1929 NYT19990114.0211 -1 Me 1929 NYT19991003.0988 -1 COMPANY 1929 NYT19991012.0310 1 Bee Gees 1929 NYT19991021.0367 1 Bee Gees 1929 NYT19991206.0121 1 Bee Gees 1929 APW19990305.0080 1 Bee Gees 1929 NYT19980720.0098 -1 dance 1929 NYT19991012.0237 -1 FEATURE 1929 NYT19991012.0310 -1 1977 1929 NYT20000816.0095 -1 One 1929 APW19990709.0182 -1 all things disco 1929 NYT19990812.0344 -1 disco, bad fashion 1929 APW19990908.0140 1 Bee Gees 1929 NYT19991015.0059 -1 SATURDAY 1929 NYT19991015.0059 -1 Travolta 1929 NYT19990510.0423 -1 schools 1929 NYT19990702.0062 -1 FOR SUNDAY 1929 NYT19991014.0352 -1 By Jon Pareles 1929 NYT20000825.0291 -1 band 1929 NYT20000426.0326 -1 Travolta 1929 NYT19981217.0120 -1 Travolta 1929 NYT19991012.0310 -1 FEVER 1929 NYT19980827.0234 -1 Whit Stillman 1929 NYT19980827.0234 -1 Sunshine Band 1929 APW19980606.0866 -1 Some 1930 APW20000419.0089 1 Wildwood Boys 1930 NYT19980608.0260 -1 Robert Hunter 1930 APW20000628.0073 1 Grateful Dead 1930 NYT20000121.0076 1 Grateful Dead 1930 NYT20000821.0486 -1 ca 1930 NYT19980605.0212 1 Grateful Dead 1930 NYT20000421.0181 1 Grateful Dead 1930 NYT19981114.0141 1 Grateful Dead 1930 NYT19980720.0054 1 Grateful Dead 1930 APW20000419.0089 1 Jerry Garcia Acoustic Band 1930 NYT19980605.0212 -1 his the core of new band 1930 NYT19990616.0055 -1 BC 1930 NYT19990211.0062 -1 CA 1930 APW19990808.0055 -1 San Francisco 1930 NYT19990113.0082 3 the Dead world's accumulation 1930 NYT20000901.0124 3 the Grateful Dead drummer 1930 NYT19990101.0023 3 Dead 1930 NYT19990113.0082 -1 Band 1930 NYT19990706.0266 3 Dead 1930 NYT19980814.0145 2 Grateful Dead 1930 APW19990505.0241 3 the Dead 1930 NYT19990113.0082 3 Dead 1930 NYT19980608.0260 -1 San Jose Stage Company in California 1930 NYT19980629.0255 -1 the only really good bands 1930 NYT19981015.0079 -1 San Francisco 1930 APW19990808.0055 1 Grateful Dead 1930 APW20000419.0089 -1 Garcia 1930 NYT19980605.0275 -1 back 1930 NYT19990706.0266 -1 the band 1930 NYT19990510.0295 1 Grateful Dead 1931 NYT20000807.0430 -1 1984 1931 NYT20000415.0092 -1 1980 1931 APW19981113.0245 2 1948 1931 APW20000101.0173 -1 2000 1931 APW19981108.0871 1 1948 1931 APW19981001.0379 -1 September 25 1998 [Thursday] 1931 APW19981102.0600 -1 1991 1931 APW19980723.0029 -1 1984 1931 NYT19990115.0050 -1 1989 1931 XIE19990429.0098 -1 1997 1931 APW19980723.0029 -1 Two weeks ago 1931 XIE19981123.0025 -1 Sunday 1931 APW19981024.0867 -1 1985 1931 APW19980723.0029 -1 1981 1931 NYT19990910.0209 -1 June 21 1982 1931 APW19991008.0241 -1 April 1998, 1931 APW19980902.0905 -1 three years 1931 XIE19970623.0195 2 1948 1931 APW19980723.0029 -1 last 25 years 1931 APW19990115.0072 -1 1996 1931 APW19991008.0241 -1 February 1997 1931 APW19980723.0029 -1 time 1932 APW19990304.0101 -1 March 1 , 1961 1932 XIE19981205.0093 -1 2001 1932 XIE20000621.0195 -1 Sunday 1 October 2000 1932 XIE19981205.0093 1 1985 1932 APW20000117.0110 -1 the day 1932 XIE19981205.0092 2 December 5 1932 NYT19980607.0121 -1 5 1932 XIE19981205.0093 3 December 5 1932 NYT19981104.0310 -1 1864 1932 APW19990521.0161 -1 today 1932 APW20000319.0127 -1 2001 1932 XIE19990508.0097 -1 today 1932 NYT19991123.0353 -1 22nd September 1st 1932 NYT19990507.0100 -1 1992 1932 NYT19981116.0141 -1 Thursday 1932 NYT19990507.0273 -1 Friday 1932 XIE19990324.0325 -1 2001 1932 APW19991015.0021 -1 today 1932 XIE19980307.0141 -1 March 8. 1932 NYT19981108.0100 -1 two years ago 1932 APW20000117.0110 -1 a day 1932 XIE19990402.0067 -1 1920S 1934 NYT20000905.0294 -1 two 1934 NYT20000223.0415 -1 1,375 1934 NYT19980729.0268 -1 Robbins 1934 APW19990603.0237 -1 Limited 1934 NYT19981119.0233 -1 DVD 1934 APW19990128.0336 1 Romeo and Juliet 1934 NYT19991120.0226 1 Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1934 NYT20000405.0237 -1 art. end 1934 NYT20000222.0155 -1 musicals 1934 NYT19981119.0249 -1 MGM 1934 NYT19980731.0366 -1 Shakespeare 1934 APW19990603.0310 -1 Play 1934 NYT19990218.0226 -1 the film's characters 1934 NYT19990525.0382 -1 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern 1934 NYT19980729.0434 -1 Fiddler 1934 NYT19980731.0366 -1 On the Town 1934 NYT19980602.0251 -1 Hickory Twicker Romeo Juliet 1934 NYT19981028.0200 -1 Robbins 1934 APW20000303.0111 -1 18 1934 NYT20000222.0155 -1 Huntington 1934 NYT20000222.0155 -1 Laurents 1934 NYT20000209.0513 -1 Irvine 1934 NYT19991014.0104 -1 Bernstein 1934 NYT19990527.0219 -1 Janos Szasz 1934 NYT19990311.0052 -1 Jolson Sings Again 1934 NYT20000204.0204 -1 Ground - based missile 1934 NYT19980729.0265 1 Romeo and Juliet 1934 NYT20000507.0070 -1 Shear plays 1934 NYT19980617.0381 -1 it 1934 NYT19980617.0381 -1 the play 1935 NYT19990726.0106 -1 white stripes 1935 APW19990112.0261 2 red 1935 NYT20000309.0052 -1 white 1935 NYT20000309.0052 1 Red 1935 NYT20000222.0202 -1 The whole Rebel flag thing an ignorant knee-jerk reaction 1935 APW20000329.0070 -1 law 1935 XIE19970117.0092 -1 American flag 1935 NYT20000411.0109 -1 B 1935 NYT19990114.0053 2 RED 1935 NYT19990726.0106 2 red 1935 APW19990704.0043 -1 bright stars 1935 XIE19970117.0092 -1 the American flag, the Stars 1935 NYT19990701.0219 -1 food 1935 APW19980602.0520 2 reds 1935 NYT19990805.0378 -1 Southern Party 1935 APW20000110.0272 -1 Colored 1935 NYT20000309.0052 -1 blue 1935 NYT20000212.0111 -1 blue 1935 NYT20000427.0135 2 red 1935 APW19991026.0093 -1 Stars and Stripes 1935 APW19990704.0134 -1 About 1,000 objects from the collection 1936 APW19990103.0023 -1 1,454 feet 1936 APW19990929.0086 -1 1,450-foot 1936 NYT19990413.0372 1 100 1936 XIE19960304.0223 -1 88 1936 NYT19980703.0059 2 110 1936 APW20000313.0168 1 110 1936 APW19990929.0078 -1 90 1936 APW19990820.0254 1 110 1936 XIE19960304.0223 -1 88 stories 1936 NYT19990715.0466 -1 1,537 feet 1936 APW19990608.0141 -1 1996 1936 NYT19991019.0264 -1 5000 1936 NYT20000314.0421 -1 2 1936 XIE19970815.0126 -1 nine 1936 APW19990820.0031 -1 1,450 1936 XIE19960304.0223 -1 420.5-meter 1936 NYT20000330.0436 -1 3 1936 APW19981207.0153 -1 1,450 1936 NYT19990202.0030 -1 $150 million Height 454 feet 1936 APW19990820.0254 -1 2 1936 APW20000313.0168 1 110-story 1936 APW19990820.0031 3 the 110- story 1936 NYT19990217.0428 -1 27 feet 1936 NYT19990217.0320 -1 the tallest 1937 NYT19990507.0001 -1 30 knots 1937 APW19990709.0128 -1 more than 1 million mph 1937 NYT20000703.0125 -1 54 percent 1937 NYT19990203.0334 -1 second 1937 XIE19960719.0241 -1 19 1937 NYT20000822.0286 -1 K-19 1937 APW20000825.0084 -1 225 miles per hour 1937 NYT19990907.0107 -1 20 knots surfaced, 9 knots submerged 1937 APW20000814.0076 -1 24 nuclear armed cruise missiles 1937 NYT19980626.0166 -1 20 kilohertz 1937 NYT19990203.0334 -1 25 years 1937 NYT20000603.0184 -1 eight years 1937 XIE19991102.0221 1 25 knots 1937 NYT20000404.0091 -1 186 mph 1937 NYT19981216.0150 -1 303 - 603 - 1464 1937 XIE19971204.0033 -1 0600 GMT 1937 NYT19980821.0454 -1 attack 1937 XIE19970611.0218 -1 12 mph 1937 APW20000823.0017 -1 12 mph 1937 NYT20000815.0029 -1 27-year 1937 NYT19980915.0089 -1 85 1937 APW19980626.1473 -1 the five official nuclear_weapons states 1937 APW19980626.1473 -1 in southern India 1937 XIE19961121.0268 -1 40-seat 1938 NYT19981202.0243 -1 B-25 1938 NYT19990405.0519 -1 tens 1938 NYT19990121.0328 -1 22 1938 NYT20000927.0521 -1 seven 1938 NYT19991227.0286 2 102 1938 NYT19981202.0243 -1 floors 1938 NYT20000209.0247 -1 floors 1938 APW19990430.0135 3 102 - 1938 APW20000205.0066 -1 80th 1938 APW19990430.0135 1 102 1938 NYT19990121.0328 -1 only the top 22 floors 1938 XIE19970121.0193 2 102 1938 APW20000814.0115 -1 one 1938 APW20000814.0115 -1 Three men 1938 NYT20000214.0509 -1 8,500 engineers 1938 APW20000331.0240 -1 3 1938 NYT19981202.0243 -1 79th 1938 NYT19990121.0533 -1 70 million people visited 1938 NYT19981127.0080 -1 ahead schedule Height 453 feet 1938 APW19981028.0427 -1 86th 1938 APW20000125.0262 -1 40 1938 NYT20000709.0174 -1 1931 1938 APW20000110.0127 -1 two 1938 APW20000725.0177 -1 86th 1938 APW20000125.0262 -1 two people 1938 APW20000204.0187 -1 in red and gold lights 1938 APW19981028.0427 -1 32 states 1939 NYT19990617.0336 -1 Thomas Harvey 1939 APW20000417.0181 -1 Princeton 1939 APW19990312.0210 -1 heart failure 1939 NYT20000708.0128 -1 18 April 1955 1939 NYT19990315.0374 -1 18 April 1955 1939 NYT20000314.0254 1 ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms 1939 NYT20000710.0107 -1 Einstein gone die 1939 APW19990417.0001 -1 Japanese 1939 NYT19990617.0307 -1 the time 1939 NYT19990315.0374 -1 April 18, 1955 1939 NYT19990830.0282 -1 tuberculosis 1939 APW19990926.0120 -1 Down syndrome 1939 NYT19990617.0307 1 ruptured abdominal aneurysm 1939 NYT20000110.0500 -1 270 1939 NYT20000708.0128 -1 bomb 1939 APW19990312.0210 -1 pneumonia 1939 NYT19990617.0307 -1 1955 1939 NYT19990830.0282 -1 Princeton 1939 NYT19990417.0113 -1 they thought the child was going to die, said jenny grosz, co director of the hiv team at the children's evaluation and rehabilitation center of the albert einstein college of medicine in the bronx. 1939 NYT20000710.0107 -1 Hospital 1939 APW19990926.0189 -1 The new book 1939 APW19990417.0001 -1 physicist Albert_Einstein 1939 NYT19980601.0348 -1 the father of the theory of relativity 1939 NYT20000110.0500 -1 every hour 1941 NYT20000825.0167 1 iris 1941 NYT19990508.0004 -1 structure 1941 NYT20000124.0330 -1 60-watt 1941 APW19980609.1138 1 iris 1941 APW19980609.1138 1 The iris 1941 NYT20000825.0167 -1 Kids 1941 APW19980609.1138 -1 Conjunctiva 1941 NYT19980721.0129 -1 a contact lens 1941 NYT20000528.0137 -1 the oval and round windows 1941 NYT19990301.0237 -1 Coats 1941 NYT19991104.0149 -1 telephone 1941 NYT20000315.0295 -1 He 1941 XIE19990304.0285 -1 the membrane 1941 NYT20000825.0167 1 Iris 1941 XIE19970701.0235 -1 Hadassah 1941 XIE19981129.0176 -1 cholera 1941 APW19980609.1138 -1 Another age-related condition 1941 APW19980609.1138 -1 the eye 1942 NYT19990205.0050 -1 two 1942 APW20000412.0095 -1 three 1942 NYT20000920.0153 -1 three 1942 XIE19960720.0246 -1 1916 1942 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1942 APW19980729.0634 -1 NIL 1942 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1942 APW20000412.0095 -1 1940 1942 XIE19960714.0158 -1 1996 1942 XIE20000809.0248 -1 three 1942 NYT20000911.0185 -1 26 1942 APW20000922.0238 -1 44 1942 NYT19991119.0157 -1 11 1942 NYT19990227.0169 -1 1 1942 XIE19991028.0166 -1 1995 1942 XIE19960606.0114 -1 6 1942 XIE19960720.0246 -1 1944 1942 XIE19980210.0297 -1 2004 1942 XIE19970125.0120 -1 10th 1942 NYT20000513.0142 3 twice 1942 APW19980910.0605 -1 I 1943 NYT19990607.0164 1 Hsing-Hsing 1943 NYT19990415.0115 -1 Tiananmen 1943 XIE19961125.0113 -1 Lu Ying 1943 XIE19970211.0142 -1 tiger 1943 NYT19991128.0056 -1 1 1943 XIE19981231.0008 -1 Tong Tong 1943 XIE19970211.0142 1 Ahua 1943 NYT20000403.0493 3 Hsing-Hsin 1943 XIE19961109.0016 -1 Belarus 1943 NYT20000302.0012 1 Hsing-Hsing 1943 XIE19960617.0170 -1 Li 1943 XIE19991126.0053 -1 Chen Ling 1943 APW19990708.0067 -1 President Nixon 1943 NYT20000403.0493 3 National Zoo Hsing- Hsing 1943 NYT19981209.0118 -1 Lucy 1943 XIE19980720.0242 -1 Anne 1943 XIE19970211.0142 -1 42 1943 NYT19990607.0164 3 Ling - Ling and Hsing - Hsing 1943 XIE19991129.0012 -1 National Zoo from Beijing 1943 XIE20000917.0200 -1 apparatus 1943 XIE19970211.0142 -1 cub 1943 APW19990708.0067 -1 another panda 1943 APW19990708.0067 -1 Nixon 1943 NYT20000403.0493 1 Hsing-Hsing 1943 APW19990618.0109 -1 Ling-Ling 1943 APW19980612.1480 -1 Dr Ling 1943 APW19980902.0517 -1 Wang_Ling top 1944 NYT19980930.0083 -1 DC 1944 NYT19980706.0075 -1 white 1944 APW19990629.0105 -1 Texas 1944 NYT20000718.0168 -1 Maryland 1944 NYT20000321.0290 -1 Bush 1944 NYT19990713.0301 -1 Bush 1944 NYT19980921.0336 -1 Bush 1944 NYT20000112.0206 1 Mount Vernon 1944 NYT20000327.0459 -1 Ferry Farm 1944 APW19990728.0148 -1 the picture of George Washington 1944 NYT19980614.0139 -1 George Washington University 1944 NYT19980715.0123 -1 Arlington 1944 XIE19971228.0091 -1 Home 1944 NYT19981118.0183 -1 GOP-BUSHES New Orleans 1944 NYT20000626.0284 -1 George W. Bush Monday 1944 NYT20000913.0282 -1 Texas 1944 NYT19990706.0237 1 Mount Vernon 1944 NYT19991001.0178 -1 General 1944 APW20000512.0124 -1 AP 1944 NYT20000418.0074 -1 For 1944 NYT20000418.0074 -1 The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere 1944 NYT19990105.0101 1 Mount Vernon 1944 NYT19980617.0267 -1 Atlantic-10 school 1944 APW20000306.0038 -1 Mother Teresa 1944 APW20000327.0006 -1 AP 1944 NYT19990706.0237 -1 John Augustine Washington 1945 XIE19970421.0250 1 April 20 , 1889 1945 XIE19970421.0250 1 1889 1945 APW19990419.0044 1 1889 1945 XIE19970421.0250 1 April 20, 1889 1945 APW19981011.0307 -1 1891 1945 APW19990419.0044 -1 1836 1945 APW19991001.0109 -1 1942 1945 APW19990428.0004 -1 110 1945 NYT19991124.0071 3 April 20 1945 APW19981011.0307 -1 1942 1945 NYT19991124.0069 1 April 20, 1889 1945 NYT19991124.0178 1 April 20, 1889 1945 APW19990428.0004 3 April 20 1945 APW19990419.0044 3 1889 1908 April 20th 1945 APW19990419.0044 1 April 20 , 1889 1945 APW20000129.0193 -1 1882 1945 APW19990626.0075 -1 1935 1945 APW19990419.0044 1 1889-04-20 1946 APW19990806.0017 3 Aug. 9 , 1974 1946 APW19990802.0136 -1 Aug. 8 , 1974 1946 APW19990806.0017 3 Monday 9 August 1974 1946 APW19990107.0262 -1 1974 1946 NYT19980830.0221 -1 two months 1946 APW19990215.0184 3 August 9, 1974 1946 APW19990107.0262 1 Aug. 9 1946 APW19990806.0293 -1 next day 1946 XIE19960412.0005 3 August 9, 1974 1946 APW19980913.0056 -1 NIL 1946 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1946 NYT19980909.0307 1 Aug. 9. 1946 XIE19981222.0007 -1 President 1946 NYT19980830.0221 -1 August 1946 APW19990216.0221 3 Aug. 9 , 1974 1946 APW19990215.0184 3 Friday, Aug. 9, 1974 1946 XIE19981029.0061 -1 President Richard Nixon's resignation 1946 NYT19981014.0173 -1 the Watergate special prosecutor 1946 APW19990806.0017 3 Aug. 9, 1974 1946 APW19990215.0090 -1 73 1946 NYT19981219.0016 3 Aug. 9 , 1974 1946 NYT19980921.0435 -1 the right thing for his family 1946 APW19990806.0017 1 Aug. 9 1946 NYT19990804.0154 1 Aug. 9 1946 NYT19981217.0185 -1 1974 1946 APW19990807.0111 -1 1974 1946 APW19990802.0136 -1 1974 1946 NYT19980910.0410 3 Aug. 9, 1974 1946 NYT19980909.0307 1 Aug. 9 1946 APW19990215.0184 -1 18 months 1947 NYT20000321.0041 1 Russia 1947 NYT20000321.0042 1 Russia 1947 NYT20000311.0071 1 Russia 1947 NYT20000321.0035 1 Russia 1947 NYT19980930.0481 1 Russia 1947 NYT20000321.0037 1 Russia 1947 APW19980601.0782 1 Russia 1947 NYT19981125.0387 -1 United States 1947 NYT19980630.0148 1 Russia 1947 NYT20000823.0041 3 Russia cannot 1947 NYT19980930.0481 -1 the Great 1947 NYT20000321.0036 1 Russia 1947 NYT19980617.0123 1 Russia 1947 NYT19990801.0153 -1 Hans Peter Volkmann 1947 NYT20000713.0183 3 Russia's unofficial cultural curators 1947 APW19990520.0090 2 Russia 1947 NYT20000321.0035 3 Russia since the Catherine the Great 1947 APW19980611.1185 -1 19th century England 1947 NYT20000324.0200 1 Russia 1947 NYT19990508.0175 -1 us 1947 NYT19980630.0148 -1 Spain 1947 NYT19990623.0189 1 Russian 1947 APW19990423.0181 -1 United_States 1948 NYT19981025.0063 -1 mobile 1948 NYT19981125.0218 -1 Harvard 1948 NYT19991001.0152 -1 Greek 1948 APW20000127.0164 -1 two 1948 APW19981229.0882 -1 God 1948 NYT19990929.0207 -1 God 1948 APW19981115.0429 -1 youth 1948 NYT19990107.0389 1 nepotism 1948 APW19980605.1280 -1 relatives 1948 NYT19990312.0209 -1 Bryostatin 1948 NYT19980612.0153 -1 Jesus 1948 APW19990817.0013 -1 Bush 1948 NYT20000818.0160 -1 this salary thing 1948 NYT19990129.0488 -1 interns and summer help 1948 NYT19980811.0117 -1 cousins 1948 NYT19990215.0099 -1 white 1948 NYT20000427.0177 -1 Hansen 1948 XIE19970919.0315 -1 Greek 1948 NYT19991226.0007 -1 Holden 1948 NYT19991226.0007 -1 LA 1948 XIE19990817.0127 -1 themselves 1948 NYT19980914.0286 -1 God 1948 NYT19991111.0355 -1 it 1948 NYT19990603.0313 -1 WASHINGTON 1948 APW19980604.1494 -1 mouse 1948 XIE19990817.0127 -1 English word 1948 NYT19980601.0349 -1 one 1949 NYT19980920.0130 -1 white 1949 NYT19981126.0174 -1 Pinochet 1949 NYT19981203.0488 -1 Thatcher 1949 APW19981209.0806 -1 flowers 1949 APW19991022.0126 -1 Palmetto State 1949 NYT20000202.0029 -1 state 1949 APW19990701.0208 1 Union Jacks 1949 NYT19991003.0896 1 Union Jack 1949 APW19980611.1091 -1 NIL 1949 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1949 NYT20000208.0176 -1 Confederacy 1949 NYT19991006.0285 -1 Hawaiian 1949 APW19980830.0374 1 Union Jack 1949 NYT19990524.0257 -1 Maj. George 1949 APW20000117.0024 -1 the 185 years 1949 NYT19990617.0243 -1 the Fascists rise 1949 NYT19990701.0003 -1 Francis Scott Key 1949 NYT19990524.0257 -1 Mary Pickersgill 1949 NYT19990701.0003 -1 McHenry 1949 NYT19981229.0144 -1 france 1949 APW19990423.0219 -1 their 1949 XIE19970521.0146 -1 today 1949 APW19980827.0394 3 Union 1949 APW19990423.0219 -1 NATO 1949 NYT19991212.0212 -1 Tonka 1949 XIE19971213.0062 -1 Hong Kong 1949 APW19980703.0144 1 Union Jack 1949 APW19990423.0219 -1 There 1950 NYT19990921.0178 1 Verne 1950 NYT19990921.0178 1 Jules Verne 1950 NYT19990921.0178 -1 Phileas Fogg 1950 NYT20000112.0196 -1 Adam Bede 1950 NYT19990921.0178 1 Jules Verne's 1950 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1950 NYT19990915.0259 -1 John 1950 APW19981207.1331 -1 Letter 1950 NYT19990622.0234 -1 Harvard University 1950 NYT20000224.0237 -1 Gates 1950 NYT19991014.0139 -1 Doyle 1950 XIE20000622.0294 -1 art workers in Tibet 1950 XIE20000612.0299 -1 The Khitan characters 1950 XIE20000710.0129 -1 Lao She 1950 NYT19980911.0134 -1 Rutland 1951 NYT19990407.0204 -1 Jeannie''outfit 1951 NYT20000524.0379 -1 Africa 1951 NYT19980712.0031 -1 TV series 1951 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1951 NYT20000828.0297 -1 the beach 1951 NYT19991109.0187 -1 Zapp 1951 NYT19991110.0397 -1 Barbara Eden 1951 NYT20000510.0108 -1 episodes 1951 XIE19971009.0290 -1 her 12th World Cycling Championship title 1951 NYT19981027.0304 -1 Kennedy Space Center 1951 NYT20000510.0108 -1 Route 1951 NYT19990216.0094 -1 Hollywood 1951 NYT19980806.0190 -1 Slums of Beverly Hills, 1951 NYT19981027.0304 -1 All 1951 NYT19991110.0397 -1 When Barbara Eden 1951 NYT19981006.0050 -1 Palm Beach Post 1951 NYT19990922.0362 -1 Bewitched 1951 NYT19991110.0397 -1 an episode 1951 NYT19981211.0133 -1 Keanu Reeves 1951 NYT19981211.0133 -1 Lower East Side 1951 NYT19981027.0304 2 COCOA BEACH 1951 NYT20000726.0370 -1 Palm Beach 1952 NYT19981214.0437 -1 Smoking 1952 NYT20000124.0416 -1 British Airways 1952 XIE19961108.0236 -1 20,000 feet 1952 NYT19990410.0150 -1 1 1952 XIE19960222.0139 -1 1 1952 NYT19981205.0174 1 no regulations 1952 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1952 APW19980921.1302 -1 NIL 1952 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1952 XIE19981004.0110 -1 May 1 , 1995 1952 XIE19960716.0189 -1 the eighth foreign airline flying regular flights 1952 NYT19981205.0174 -1 women 1952 NYT20000904.0237 -1 hours 1952 APW19990428.0346 -1 United 1952 NYT19980613.0086 -1 Do 1952 NYT20000124.0416 -1 Michael Bagshaw 1952 NYT19990515.0063 -1 five years 1952 NYT19980615.0067 -1 32 1952 XIE19970216.0184 -1 February 15 1952 NYT19990908.0061 -1 65 percent 1952 NYT19990607.0256 -1 1989 1952 APW19990218.0153 -1 maintenance 1952 APW20000128.0068 -1 Thursday 1952 NYT19991112.0083 -1 tragedy 1953 NYT19980826.0549 -1 4.33-second 1953 NYT19980716.0356 -1 4 p.m. 1953 NYT19980731.0387 -1 two 1953 APW19990316.0162 1 31 1953 APW19990312.0094 -1 two 1953 NYT19981027.0378 -1 32 NFL teams 1953 APW19990312.0094 -1 32 NFL teams 1953 NYT19980601.0093 1 31 1953 NYT20000113.0227 1 31 1953 NYT20000724.0281 1 31 1953 NYT19990109.0094 -1 A 1997 survey 1953 NYT19980805.0113 -1 30 1953 XIE19960107.0350 -1 5 1953 APW19990420.0047 -1 32 1953 NYT19991007.0068 -1 its 32nd franchise 1953 NYT19981226.0048 1 31 1953 APW19990526.0183 -1 2003 1953 NYT19981010.0102 -1 two 1953 NYT19990822.0044 -1 300 1953 NYT19990822.0044 -1 400,000 1953 NYT19980801.0143 -1 at least two teams 1953 NYT19991107.0142 -1 5 1953 NYT19980829.0031 -1 1 1953 APW19990730.0027 -1 two 1953 NYT19980811.0417 -1 30 1953 APW20000303.0123 -1 four 1953 APW19990729.0027 -1 I 1953 XIE19960101.0024 -1 state 1954 NYT20000223.0426 -1 America 1954 NYT19991124.0399 1 France 1954 XIE19971017.0235 2 France 1954 APW19980612.1705 1 France 1954 XIE19980831.0142 -1 United States 1954 APW19991027.0005 1 France 1954 NYT19980603.0059 -1 New Jersey 1954 NYT20000623.0094 -1 New York 1954 NYT19981211.0158 -1 America 1954 NYT19980601.0111 -1 Ellis Island 1954 NYT20000921.0267 2 France 1954 NYT20000627.0328 -1 New York City 1954 NYT20000627.0328 -1 New- York Historical Society 1954 NYT20000909.0221 -1 the world 1954 NYT20000627.0328 -1 America 1954 NYT19981112.0245 -1 Date Prev][Date Next][Thread 1954 NYT20000114.0208 -1 How David Copperfield 1954 NYT19981023.0447 -1 Chango 1954 NYT19990924.0286 -1 T-shirts 1954 XIE19960119.0066 -1 United States 1954 NYT20000726.0198 -1 United States 1954 NYT20000204.0076 -1 United States 1954 NYT19980909.0066 -1 U.S. 1954 NYT19980617.0532 -1 New York 1954 APW20000319.0042 -1 Erie_Canal 1956 NYT19980731.0431 -1 California 1956 APW19980929.0096 -1 U.S. 1956 APW19980807.1217 -1 TANZANIA 1956 APW19981106.0675 -1 Sudan 1956 APW20000319.0088 -1 Brazil 1956 NYT20000616.0258 -1 Brazil 1956 NYT19980730.0228 -1 Brazil 1956 NYT19990505.0051 1 Russia 1956 APW20000215.0043 -1 Colombia 1956 NYT19990609.0074 -1 6,592,850 1956 NYT19981109.0114 -1 Cuba 1956 NYT19980729.0414 -1 Israel 1956 NYT19990826.0412 -1 Lake 1956 APW20000215.0043 -1 U.S. 1956 APW19981203.1630 -1 Taiwan Strait 1956 NYT19990609.0152 3 Russia's area 1956 NYT19991229.0233 -1 the largest Indian land settlement 1956 APW19980716.0208 -1 China 1956 XIE20000614.0271 -1 south China 1956 NYT19980904.0443 -1 Air Force 1956 NYT19990505.0054 -1 U . S . 1956 NYT19990505.0054 1 Russia 1956 NYT19990609.0152 1 Russia 1956 APW19990205.0041 -1 the Navy 1956 NYT19980831.0202 1 Russia 1956 APW19980716.0211 -1 China 's largest saltwater lake 1956 APW19980808.0254 -1 Tanzania 's 1958 XIE19971024.0184 -1 17 1958 XIE19970613.0167 -1 Two 1958 NYT19980722.0352 -1 20 mph 1958 NYT19980904.0071 -1 67 mph 1958 XIE19981002.0203 -1 4 1958 NYT19991215.0327 -1 4 1958 APW20000306.0053 -1 4 1958 APW19980730.1259 1 20 minutes 1958 APW19980730.1259 1 20 minute 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 Somchai 52 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 two 1958 NYT19990113.0340 -1 five - speed 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 13-foot 1958 NYT19991025.0278 -1 1,000 feet 1958 NYT19980827.0522 -1 230 mph 1958 APW19980812.0098 -1 miles hour running twenty 1958 NYT20000116.0132 -1 73 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 1,000 1958 APW20000330.0014 -1 50 mph 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 13-foot-long 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 long 1958 APW19980730.1259 -1 Ban Khok Sa-Nga 1958 XIE19960225.0044 -1 also 1959 NYT20000923.0225 -1 four 1959 NYT19990205.0454 -1 three 1959 XIE20000123.0157 -1 January 23 1959 APW19990419.0059 -1 3 1959 NYT19990102.0210 -1 Subject 1959 XIE19960209.0174 -1 subject 1959 NYT19981111.0277 1 carbon copy 1959 APW19991011.0292 -1 the national security 1959 NYT19990516.0043 -1 University of Virginia 1959 NYT20000327.0194 -1 one 1959 APW19990129.0294 -1 : 1959 NYT19981203.0047 -1 newspaper people 1959 NYT20000414.0358 -1 Charles Dickens' favorite 1959 NYT19981209.0298 -1 blind carbon 1959 NYT19990326.0255 -1 Africa 1959 NYT19980912.0161 -1 year 1959 NYT20000216.0262 -1 communication 1959 NYT19990326.0255 -1 Rupert Murdoch 1959 NYT19981209.0298 -1 Cc 1959 NYT19990813.0154 -1 Romeo and Juliet 1959 XIE19980702.0058 -1 Lanos 1959 NYT20000920.0142 1 carbon copy 1959 NYT19990120.0352 -1 n't 1960 XIE19961004.0140 -1 five 1960 NYT19980909.0396 -1 24-hour 1960 APW19981223.1271 -1 14,500 1960 APW19980820.0233 -1 about 1,600 1960 NYT19991020.0290 -1 100 1960 APW19990217.0228 -1 100 1960 NYT19990509.0026 -1 seven 1960 APW19990310.0057 -1 51 1960 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1960 NYT20000414.0305 3 the 145,000 gas stations 1960 NYT20000805.0005 -1 Proven reserves in the United States 160 trillion cubic feet 1960 NYT19981201.0391 -1 48500 1960 NYT19980809.0154 -1 one 1960 XIE19980114.0156 -1 four 1960 XIE19960503.0231 -1 one billion 1960 APW20000825.0126 -1 100 1960 NYT20000810.0434 -1 Nigeria's 2 million barrels 1960 NYT20000414.0305 1 145,000 1960 NYT20000414.0305 -1 10 1960 NYT19981201.0391 -1 48,500 1960 XIE19970420.0028 -1 20 1960 XIE19960503.0231 -1 one 1960 APW19990527.0354 -1 two 1960 APW19990125.0161 -1 14,000 1960 APW19990527.0354 -1 refining and retail sales 1960 NYT19980731.0388 -1 in Georgia 1961 NYT19980924.0459 -1 Negro Leagues 1961 NYT19991117.0068 -1 Southwest 1961 NYT19990709.0076 -1 Negro Leagues 1961 APW19990724.0149 1 pitcher 1961 NYT19980726.0172 -1 right-hander 1961 APW19990725.0058 -1 Negro 1961 NYT19990322.0467 -1 Hall 1961 NYT20000630.0216 -1 Ohio 1961 APW19990820.0206 -1 the Negro Leagues, including Hank Aaron 1961 NYT19990302.0388 -1 an all-time Negro leagues all-star team 1961 NYT19990709.0076 -1 Monte Irvin 1961 NYT19990322.0467 -1 Cuba 1961 NYT20000709.0028 -1 Fla. 1961 NYT20000722.0135 -1 Stearnes 1961 NYT19990208.0348 -1 All Monday result Next game EASTERN DIVISION Kentucky 1961 NYT19990403.0183 -1 Ted Williams 1961 NYT20000709.0048 -1 When Buck O 1961 NYT19990619.0175 -1 face 1961 NYT19980729.0052 -1 Josh 1961 APW19990105.0112 -1 Hall 1961 NYT19980924.0459 -1 Satchel Paige 1961 NYT19990322.0467 -1 World War II 1961 NYT20000709.0024 1 pitcher 1962 NYT20000710.0294 1 Japan 1962 NYT20000803.0360 1 Japan 1962 APW19981021.0562 -1 Zimbabwe 1962 NYT19990809.0269 2 Japan 1962 APW19981102.1217 2 Japan 1962 NYT20000526.0273 1 Japan 1962 NYT20000904.0139 -1 American 1962 NYT19990311.0107 1 Japan 1962 NYT19981209.0160 -1 Morocco 1962 NYT19991029.0045 -1 America 1962 XIE20000824.0123 -1 China 1962 XIE20000808.0185 -1 China 1962 NYT20000907.0211 -1 the story 1962 NYT20000713.0056 -1 these people 1962 APW20000916.0076 -1 America 1962 APW20000916.0076 -1 Vietnam 1962 NYT19990102.0086 -1 Sun City 1962 NYT19980901.0277 -1 no man's land 1962 NYT19990122.0021 -1 McNichols Arena 1962 APW19980723.0132 -1 Argentina 1962 NYT19990104.0090 -1 South Africa 1965 NYT19990216.0099 -1 Parkinson 1965 APW19980827.1139 -1 Mercedes Benz 1965 NYT19990216.0099 -1 Mirapex 1965 NYT19980713.0352 -1 DuPont 1965 XIE19960327.0147 1 Hangzhou MSD Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. 1965 XIE19970212.0231 -1 Irkutsk Aircraft Manufacturing Company 1965 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1965 APW19990727.0159 -1 drug 1965 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1965 NYT19980608.0274 -1 Excellon Manufacturing 1965 NYT19990219.0250 -1 Australia 1965 XIE19960327.0147 1 Hangzhou MSD Pharmaceutical 1965 NYT19990216.0099 -1 Parkinson's disease 1965 NYT19980713.0352 -1 Re-manufacturing Industries Council International 1965 NYT19990216.0099 -1 Neurontin 1965 APW19990727.0159 -1 SmithKline Beecham 1965 NYT19991230.0357 -1 Myers 1965 NYT19991208.0153 -1 Bertelsmann AG 1965 NYT19981207.0250 -1 Patients 1965 NYT20000913.0314 -1 business 1965 XIE19960611.0308 -1 Boeing 1965 APW19990806.0208 -1 The Phoenix 1965 NYT19980713.0352 -1 Lexmark International 1965 NYT19980713.0352 -1 General Motors Corp . 's 1965 APW19990727.0159 -1 Requip 1966 XIE19960617.0206 -1 south China 1966 NYT19991130.0131 1 Boston 1966 NYT20000830.0091 2 Boston 1966 NYT19981023.0259 -1 Schmunker Hill 1966 NYT19990202.0303 2 Boston 1966 NYT19990408.0399 1 Boston 1966 NYT19990715.0136 -1 Bangor 1966 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1966 NYT20000314.0024 -1 Los Angeles 1966 NYT19981023.0154 -1 City Hall Plaza 1966 APW20000915.0004 -1 Anchorage 1966 APW19990419.0180 2 Boston 1966 NYT19980629.0214 -1 SAN FRANCISCO 1966 NYT19980605.0129 2 Boston 1966 NYT19991227.0420 -1 a 40-year-old two-level bomb shelter 1966 NYT19990408.0185 3 the first creation of the Boston History Collaborative, an alliance of historians 1966 NYT20000315.0255 -1 Dresden 1966 NYT20000830.0091 -1 Mexico 1966 NYT19991214.0352 -1 Washington 1966 NYT19990408.0404 -1 NewYork 1966 NYT20000117.0358 -1 Chicago 1966 NYT19991030.0169 2 Boston 1966 NYT19990830.0148 1 Boston 1966 NYT19980915.0382 -1 Charlestown 1966 NYT19990321.0241 -1 Minnesota 1966 NYT19990223.0097 2 Boston 1967 XIE19981002.0170 1 ALP 1967 XIE19970124.0144 -1 News 1967 XIE19981002.0170 1 the Australian Labor Party 1967 XIE19981002.0170 -1 Liberal Party 1967 XIE19981002.0170 1 Labor Party 1967 XIE19981002.0170 1 Labor 1967 XIE19981002.0170 -1 National Party 1967 XIE19980818.0273 2 Labor 1967 APW19981003.0217 -1 Howard's conservative coalition 1967 XIE19981002.0142 -1 Howard's return 1967 XIE19981003.0100 1 Labor 1967 XIE19981003.0192 -1 Liberal Party 1967 APW19981003.0408 2 Labor Party 1967 XIE19991127.0065 2 Labor Party 1967 APW19981003.0379 -1 Beazley 1967 XIE19981003.0192 -1 NPA 1967 APW19980709.0980 -1 One Nation 1967 XIE19990813.0262 -1 Rob de Castella 1967 XIE19981002.0142 1 Labor Party 1967 XIE19981002.0142 -1 Liberal Party 1967 APW19980614.0038 -1 just 15 months months after Hanson launched the party 1967 XIE19960710.0184 -1 trade agreement 1968 APW20000906.0151 -1 B17. 1968 APW20000906.0151 -1 Food and Drug Administration 1968 APW20000906.0151 -1 vitamin B17 1968 NYT20000808.0174 1 apricot 1968 NYT20000808.0174 3 derivative of bitter apricot kernels 1968 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1968 NYT19981009.0266 -1 Hebron 1968 NYT19980909.0181 -1 Tree 1968 NYT19980708.0189 -1 cancer 1968 NYT20000808.0174 3 bitter apricot kernels 1968 NYT19990901.0150 -1 nectarines or apricots 1968 NYT19990727.0160 -1 peaches 1968 NYT19990727.0160 -1 seeds 1968 NYT19990127.0410 -1 Stones 1968 NYT19980730.0314 -1 American 1968 APW20000906.0151 -1 World Without Cancer Inc 1968 XIE19971009.0102 -1 fruit trade 1968 NYT20000121.0140 -1 two 1968 APW20000906.0151 -1 FDA 1968 NYT19991122.0217 -1 trees 1968 NYT19980622.0188 -1 the ground 1968 XIE19990922.0254 -1 Shoushan Stone 1968 APW19980603.0785 -1 I 1969 APW20000520.0053 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 APW20000717.0114 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 NYT19991128.0133 -1 Jaycees 1969 APW19990209.0289 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 APW19990818.0008 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 NYT20000316.0163 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 NYT19980630.0365 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 APW20000714.0184 -1 the ACLU 1969 NYT19991022.0101 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 APW20000107.0047 -1 Ten Commandments book covers 1969 NYT19981209.0297 -1 people 1969 XIE19971219.0332 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 NYT19980908.0457 -1 Los 1969 NYT19980615.0081 -1 ACLU 1969 NYT20000316.0163 1 the American Civil Liberties Union 1969 XIE19961217.0190 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 NYT20000316.0164 1 American Civil Liberties Union 1969 NYT20000601.0145 -1 Christian 1969 APW19990524.0117 -1 The ACLU 1969 APW20000411.0073 -1 the ACLU 1969 APW20000928.0070 -1 Cline 1969 APW19990902.0011 -1 Gino Scarselli associate legal director 1970 NYT20000325.0111 1 Iberia 1970 NYT19980610.0496 -1 Ballet 1970 XIE19980620.0161 1 Iberia 1970 XIE19960703.0246 1 Iberia Airlines 1970 APW19981007.0376 1 Iberia 1970 APW20000626.0067 1 Iberia 1970 XIE19980922.0064 -1 Japan Airlines 1970 XIE19970206.0172 1 Iberia 1970 APW19981107.0267 -1 the national airline 1970 APW19981007.0376 -1 the airline 1970 APW19980926.0546 -1 Madrid 1970 XIE19960522.0206 -1 national airline of 1970 APW19990326.0096 2 Iberia 1970 APW20000626.0067 -1 26 flights and Swissair and Crossair, a regional Swiss airline, 1970 XIE19970206.0172 3 Iberia (Spain), Lufthansa (Germany), British Airways (Britain), 1970 APW20000626.0067 -1 Scandinavian Airlines 1970 XIE19980620.0161 3 Iberia Iberia flies Bilbao 1970 NYT19990410.0036 -1 Airlines 1970 APW19981107.0267 -1 members 1970 APW19990326.0096 2 Iberia Airlines 1970 XIE19960511.0199 -1 Xinhua 1970 APW19980925.0223 -1 Pauknair 1970 NYT20000620.0068 1 Iberia 1970 APW19981107.0267 -1 Spain 1971 NYT20000926.0166 -1 Independence Hall 1971 NYT20000419.0296 -1 Hall 1971 NYT20000729.0190 1 Philadelphia 1971 NYT19980622.0325 1 Philadelphia 1971 NYT20000705.0083 -1 America 1971 NYT20000727.0191 2 Philadelphia 1971 NYT19981105.0447 1 Philadelphia 1971 APW19990703.0071 2 Philadelphia 1971 NYT19990324.0115 1 Philadelphia 1971 NYT19991006.0335 2 Philadelphia 1971 APW19990721.0178 -1 Newport 1971 APW19990502.0121 -1 7 1971 NYT19991026.0061 -1 Independence Square 1971 NYT19990119.0138 3 include 42 acre Philadelphia 1971 NYT20000315.0314 -1 Houston, Texas located throughout the United States along 1971 NYT20000806.0064 -1 Bismarck 1971 NYT20000221.0458 -1 Norfolk 1971 APW19990107.0314 -1 Independence Hall 1971 XIE19991011.0098 -1 BEIJING 1971 APW19990414.0032 -1 Atlantic 1971 NYT19990119.0137 1 Philadelphia 1973 APW19990807.0021 -1 Bob Baffert 1973 NYT19990414.0188 -1 Gabrielle 1973 NYT19981230.0051 -1 Godfrey 1973 XIE19970416.0129 -1 George Sigalas 1973 NYT19990524.0321 -1 updates 1973 XIE19980329.0067 -1 back 1973 NYT19990628.0191 1 center 1973 NYT19980617.0005 -1 Warren Brown 1973 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1973 NYT19981216.0193 -1 Now Smith 18 1973 XIE19990901.0085 -1 Wang Zhizhi 1973 NYT19980729.0052 -1 Harlem Globetrotters 1973 APW20000227.0171 -1 Jack Sikma 1973 APW20000613.0034 -1 Rose 1973 NYT19990329.0053 -1 Duke 1973 NYT19990329.0053 -1 the national championship game 1973 APW19990125.0290 -1 Boys and Girls Club 1973 XIE19981023.0108 -1 Oscar Robertson 1973 NYT19990105.0034 -1 Hall 1973 NYT19990112.0029 -1 Pippen 1973 NYT19990208.0348 -1 Vanderbilt 1973 NYT19990206.0262 -1 Alvan Adams 1973 XIE19960404.0083 -1 Renault 1973 NYT19990220.0284 -1 Bulls . . . Pitino 1973 NYT19981114.0020 -1 baseball 1973 NYT19980617.0005 -1 USA Basketball 1974 NYT19980821.0271 -1 Potsie 1974 APW19990811.0258 -1 Malph 1974 NYT19990322.0191 1 Richie Cunningham 1974 APW19980605.0392 -1 English 1974 APW19990224.0053 -1 of 1974 NYT19980821.0259 1 Cunningham 1974 NYT19980821.0259 -1 family 1974 XIE20000209.0048 -1 New Year 1974 NYT19981214.0047 -1 List 1974 NYT20000116.0130 -1 Birthday 1974 APW19990726.0189 -1 Johnson 1974 NYT20000903.0125 -1 A New York Times News Service article 1974 NYT20000906.0136 -1 Barry Manilow, Carole King 1974 NYT19990322.0191 1 Cunningham 1974 NYT19990611.0233 1 Cunningham 1974 NYT20000828.0469 -1 James Joyce 1974 NYT19980804.0146 -1 older brother on Happy Days 1974 APW19990224.0053 1 Cunningham 1974 APW19990224.0053 -1 Opie Taylor 1974 NYT19990723.0212 -1 the negative 1974 NYT19990322.0191 -1 Howard 1974 NYT19990325.0135 -1 Ron Howard 1974 NYT20000406.0157 -1 Richie 1974 NYT19980831.0430 -1 Anthony 1974 APW19990516.0055 -1 Richie 1975 NYT19990520.0205 -1 Marc Antony 1975 XIE20000727.0256 2 Suicide 1975 APW19981028.1152 -1 30 BC 1975 NYT19991227.0237 1 suicide 1975 APW19980824.1132 1 commits suicide by letting asp bite her 1975 NYT20000506.0060 -1 man sworn die well if has 1975 NYT20000506.0061 -1 will 1975 NYT19990929.0266 -1 VII 1975 XIE19960724.0126 -1 drugs 1975 APW19990419.0207 -1 lung cancer 1975 NYT19990520.0205 -1 Konigin 1975 NYT19990520.0205 -1 Marc 1975 NYT19990418.0152 -1 poisoned 1975 NYT19990520.0331 -1 a weak heart 1975 APW19981028.1152 1 suicide 1975 NYT19990314.0159 -1 and coming up tomorrow:cleopatra _ why won't the rumors die?' 1975 APW19981028.1152 -1 Ptolemy XII 1975 APW19981028.1152 -1 Cleopatra 1975 NYT19990520.0205 -1 n't 1975 APW19981028.1152 -1 Ptolemy XII father 1975 NYT19990520.0205 -1 birth 1975 APW19980824.1132 1 asp bite 1976 NYT19981126.0047 1 ` ` Be Prepared ' ' 1976 NYT20000426.0340 -1 specifically forbid membership to homosexuals 1976 NYT20000810.0220 -1 English 1976 APW20000822.0039 -1 Cub 1976 NYT19990219.0437 -1 Tiger 1976 NYT19981126.0047 1 Be Prepared 1976 NYT19990804.0361 -1 his first court battle homosexuals his 1976 NYT19981126.0047 -1 Matthew Milleson 1976 XIE19971009.0159 -1 Tiger 1976 NYT19980721.0087 -1 America won one court ruling 1976 APW19990804.0003 -1 America's ban 1976 NYT20000719.0200 -1 no_exact_answer 1976 NYT19981126.0047 -1 Scout Law 1976 NYT20000426.0454 -1 state 1976 NYT20000630.0192 -1 Scout 1976 NYT19981202.0135 -1 Boy Scout Handbook 1976 APW20000426.0171 -1 1990 1976 NYT20000630.0192 -1 America 1976 NYT20000628.0165 -1 America 1976 NYT20000429.0054 -1 Ohio 1976 NYT19990804.0421 -1 First Amendment 1976 NYT20000630.0192 -1 states any values regarding homosexuality 1976 NYT19990521.0268 -1 Religion in Life 1976 NYT19980721.0087 -1 [S [VP [S Angered/NNP [PP by/IN [NP the/DT manual/JJ ] ] ] ,/, ] [S [NP Boy/NN Scout/NNP officials/NNS ] [VP [ADVP recently/RB ] told/VBD [NP the/DT Unitarian/NNP church/NN ] [S [VP not/RB to/TO [VP dispense/VB [NP [NP the/DT religious/JJ award/NN emblems/NNS ] [SBAR [WHNP that/IN ] [S [VP are/VBP [VP given/VBN ] ] ] ] ] [PP by/IN [NP [NP [NP many/JJ religious/JJ denominations/NNS ] [PP to/TO [NP Boy/NN Scouts/NNPS ] ] ] [SBAR [WHNP who/WP ] [S [VP are/VBP [NP [NP members/NNS ] [PP of/IN [NP their/PRP$ faith/NN ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ./. ] 1976 APW19981129.0274 -1 Myanmar Sports-The World 1977 APW19991008.0007 -1 300 square miles 1977 NYT19980606.0148 -1 7-foot 1977 APW19991008.0051 -1 40 feet 1977 APW19991008.0051 -1 300 square miles 1977 APW19990928.0210 -1 100 1977 NYT19990218.0268 -1 100 1977 NYT19991120.0149 -1 100 1977 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1977 APW19980825.0736 -1 NIL 1977 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1977 NYT19990128.0215 -1 30 square miles 1977 NYT19990303.0425 -1 2.5 million square feet 1977 NYT19990302.0171 -1 95 exits 1977 APW19991008.0051 -1 least 40 feet 1977 APW20000126.0249 -1 20 inches 1977 APW20000125.0259 -1 up to 2 feet 1977 APW19991008.0042 -1 300 square mile 1977 NYT19990814.0176 -1 two 1977 NYT19990916.0341 -1 Raleigh 1977 APW19990928.0210 -1 At 1977 APW20000214.0200 -1 393 square miles 1977 NYT19980930.0249 -1 800 square miles 1977 APW19990928.0199 -1 18,000-square-mile 1977 APW19991008.0007 -1 40 feet 1977 NYT19990916.0341 -1 second 1977 APW19991008.0042 -1 at the University of North_Carolina 1977 NYT19990830.0419 -1 60 percent 1977 APW19980604.1829 -1 heavyweight 1978 NYT19981223.0021 -1 22 1978 NYT19980806.0128 -1 night 1978 XIE19960227.0104 -1 4.10 1978 NYT19980709.0085 -1 two 1978 NYT19981029.0011 -1 Jul 1978 NYT19991207.0193 -1 20 1978 APW19990811.0061 -1 moon is only one-400th the size of the sun 1978 NYT20000229.0186 -1 5 1978 NYT19990419.0030 -1 10 1978 NYT20000107.0351 -1 9 1978 APW19990811.0061 -1 about 11,000 degrees 1978 NYT19990121.0036 -1 20 1978 XIE19960227.0104 -1 February 4, 1995 1978 NYT19980928.0169 -1 five million 1978 XIE19971012.0111 -1 10-meter 1978 NYT20000529.0013 -1 7-foot-2 1978 APW20000907.0129 -1 $123.94 1978 XIE19990822.0224 -1 25.3.95 4.08 1978 APW19990831.0231 -1 Sun 1978 APW19990807.0148 -1 23 seconds 1979 NYT19980612.0339 -1 three hours 1979 NYT19990717.0122 -1 One night 1979 NYT19990816.0266 -1 seven years 1979 XIE19970408.0053 -1 18 1979 NYT19990705.0131 -1 370 miles 1979 NYT20000913.0078 -1 18 moons 1979 APW19990818.0104 -1 18 moons 1979 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1979 APW19980605.1549 -1 NIL 1979 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1979 APW20000504.0253 -1 1962 1979 XIE19990626.0203 -1 3 1979 NYT19990118.0139 -1 One 1979 APW19980605.1549 -1 4 1979 NYT20000706.0266 -1 4 1979 XIE19970408.0053 -1 18 moons 1979 NYT19980907.0097 -1 sun 67 million miles sun 1979 NYT19980907.0097 -1 25 million miles 1979 NYT20000926.0234 -1 29 1979 NYT19990510.0302 -1 1955 1979 APW19990131.0107 -1 two 1979 NYT19981116.0383 -1 two 1979 NYT20000703.0336 -1 two 1979 NYT19990329.0035 -1 two 1979 NYT19990118.0139 -1 two 1979 NYT19990816.0266 -1 two 1979 APW19990428.0306 -1 I 1979 APW19980605.1549 -1 both matches 1980 APW19980704.0762 -1 700 million kilometer 1980 NYT20000201.0103 -1 two years 1980 NYT19990210.0062 1 221,456 miles 1980 NYT19991218.0089 1 221,662 miles 1980 XIE19960519.0017 -1 384,000 1980 NYT19991218.0089 1 221,662 1980 NYT19991221.0159 -1 17,000 miles 1980 NYT19990210.0062 1 252,711 miles 1980 NYT19990210.0062 3 its the moon 221,456 miles 1980 NYT19990316.0297 -1 billion years 1980 NYT19991218.0089 3 221662 miles away 1980 APW19980602.1194 -1 50 kilometers 1980 APW19981021.1002 -1 100 kilometers 1980 NYT19980803.0220 -1 10 million atoms 1980 APW19980704.0762 -1 its 10 1980 NYT19990210.0062 1 221,456 mile 1980 NYT19990719.0430 -1 6,200 miles 1980 APW19981106.1139 -1 3,598 kilometers 1980 APW19990727.0156 -1 billions 1980 NYT19990216.0097 -1 50 1980 NYT19991220.0182 1 222,000 miles 1980 NYT19990712.0218 -1 350 miles 1980 NYT19990210.0062 1 250 , 000 miles 1981 NYT20000713.0097 1 1,250 miles 1981 NYT19980722.0080 -1 more than 20 miles 1981 NYT19990705.0023 -1 over the years 1981 NYT20000713.0097 -1 as long ago as 18 million years 1981 NYT20000713.0097 -1 3 1981 NYT19991207.0076 1 1,250 - mile 1981 NYT19990803.0106 -1 18 hours 1981 XIE19960202.0221 1 2,000 km 1981 NYT19990219.0432 -1 three minutes by a scuba diver on Great Barrier Reef 1981 NYT19990609.0080 -1 500,000 1981 NYT19990705.0023 1 1200 miles 1981 NYT20000713.0097 -1 15-150 miles 1981 XIE19970605.0258 -1 1000 kilometers 1981 NYT20000713.0097 -1 3,000 reefs 1981 APW19981016.1237 -1 3,100 miles 1981 NYT19990705.0023 1 more than 1,200 miles 1981 NYT19991207.0076 -1 about 3 feet long 1981 NYT20000713.0097 -1 thousands islands Smith family 1981 NYT20000713.0100 2 1,250 mile 1981 APW19981016.1237 -1 June, 1981 NYT19990705.0023 1 1,200 miles 1981 NYT19991208.0092 -1 3 feet 1981 NYT19990622.0129 -1 some 850 1981 XIE19960202.0221 1 2000 km 1981 APW19980820.0084 -1 less than a year 1981 NYT20000713.0097 -1 90-minute 1981 APW19980702.0033 -1 in reefs 1981 NYT19990622.0129 -1 this_year 1981 APW19980701.1397 -1 suffering 1981 NYT19991207.0076 1 1 , 250-mile-long 1982 NYT19991029.0152 -1 Tornatore 1982 NYT19990322.0356 -1 Oscar 1982 NYT19990322.0356 1 Driving Miss Daisy 1982 APW19990322.0107 -1 Oscar 1982 APW19990304.0197 -1 Saving Private Ryan 1982 APW19990124.0017 -1 Gregory Peck 1982 NYT19981119.0520 -1 Gregory Peck 1982 APW20000325.0089 1 Driving Miss Daisy 1982 APW19990304.0197 -1 motion 1982 APW19990304.0006 -1 movie 1982 NYT20000222.0224 -1 Zanucks 1982 APW19990304.0006 -1 Nominated 1982 NYT19980820.0245 2 Driving Miss Daisy 1982 APW19990322.0107 -1 the Oscar-winning film 1982 APW19990210.0203 -1 Anthony Minghella's breathtaking film 1982 NYT19990323.0073 1 Driving Miss Daisy 1982 APW19990321.0002 -1 Oscar 1982 APW19990304.0006 -1 award from the Producers Guild of America 1982 APW20000327.0009 -1 this movie 1982 APW19990304.0197 -1 every year 1982 APW19990322.0030 1 Driving Miss Daisy 1982 APW19990125.0146 -1 There 1983 NYT19991002.0051 3 1964 1983 NYT19990602.0089 2 1964 1983 APW20000229.0006 3 1965 1983 APW19990820.0114 3 1964 1983 APW19990924.0052 3 1964 1983 NYT20000730.0132 3 1964 1983 NYT20000821.0025 1 1963 - 69 1983 APW19990514.0015 -1 2001 1983 NYT20000130.0052 3 1964, 1983 NYT20000821.0025 1 Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-69 1983 APW19990701.0344 3 1968 1983 NYT19980821.0244 3 1966 1983 NYT19990703.0104 3 1964 1983 NYT19990215.0290 3 1963 1983 NYT20000526.0304 3 January 1965 1983 NYT20000816.0217 -1 1960 1983 NYT19990311.0073 3 1966 1983 NYT20000424.0467 3 December 1964 1983 NYT20000816.0217 -1 1974 1983 NYT19990307.0249 -1 1960 1983 APW19990123.0113 3 1964 1983 NYT19990121.0463 3 1965 1983 APW19990826.0055 -1 1908 1983 NYT19990119.0154 3 1963 1983 APW20000229.0006 -1 the following year 1983 NYT19990602.0089 -1 must-see 1983 NYT19981209.0490 3 December 1968 1984 NYT19990201.0308 1 Generation X. 1984 NYT19981204.0216 -1 Baby Boom 1984 NYT19990315.0421 3 Generation 1984 NYT19990201.0308 3 Generation 1984 NYT19990226.0232 1 Generation X 1984 NYT19981204.0216 1 Generation X 1984 XIE19960315.0181 -1 March 1965 May 1970 1984 XIE19960724.0022 -1 1965 1984 NYT19981204.0216 3 X 1984 APW19990317.0362 -1 Eric 1984 NYT19990827.0231 -1 a general age 1984 APW19980605.0392 -1 100 years ago 1984 NYT19990315.0421 -1 Medicare 1984 APW20000211.0336 -1 1977 1984 NYT19990226.0232 -1 and 1984 NYT19990315.0421 1 Generation X 1984 NYT19990315.0421 -1 Like Social Security 1984 NYT20000228.0320 -1 a leap day baby 1984 NYT19990827.0231 1 Generation X 1984 NYT19980715.0053 -1 U.S. 1984 NYT20000223.0206 -1 Some people 1984 NYT19980715.0055 -1 1917 1985 NYT19990809.0432 -1 Ali 1985 NYT19991209.0191 -1 Caves 1985 APW19990601.0021 -1 Zydrunas Ilgauskas 1985 APW19990601.0170 1 Gund 1985 APW19990601.0165 1 Gund 1985 APW19990212.0298 1 Gund 1985 NYT19991106.0233 1 Gund 1985 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1985 APW20000610.0017 -1 the 5th Regiment 1st Cav 1985 NYT19991117.0090 -1 Cav Chris Mills 1985 APW19980602.0941 -1 Chris 1985 APW19990707.0017 -1 any potential coaching candidates 1985 APW20000526.0016 -1 U. S. Cavalry Association 1985 APW20000113.0015 -1 Portland Trail Blazers 1985 NYT20000415.0230 1 Gund Arena 1985 NYT20000321.0019 1 Gund 1985 NYT19991117.0090 -1 Chris 1985 NYT19991117.0090 -1 Globetrotters 1985 APW19990601.0021 -1 Under Fratello 1985 NYT19991019.0045 -1 USC envisions 1985 APW19981113.1070 -1 United 1985 APW19991015.0108 -1 AP 1985 NYT19991117.0090 -1 Ricktator 1985 NYT19980930.0063 -1 Bat Cave 1985 APW19990601.0170 -1 the Cavs 1986 NYT20000421.0222 -1 Miss. 1986 NYT19981207.0422 -1 Chancellor 1986 NYT19981029.0432 -1 University of Mississippi 1986 NYT19981007.0005 -1 Florida 1986 APW19990802.0015 -1 Yazoo City 1986 NYT19980904.0461 2 Oxford 1986 NYT19981028.0238 1 Oxford , Miss. 1986 APW19990313.0002 -1 Barnes 1986 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1986 NYT19980702.0003 1 Oxford 1986 NYT19980928.0116 -1 the South -- 1986 NYT19990729.0337 -1 Arkansas 1986 NYT19981028.0260 -1 Miss 1986 NYT19980910.0495 1 Oxford 1986 APW19990313.0002 -1 a Rebel fan waves 1986 NYT19990729.0337 -1 Mississippi State, LSU 1986 NYT19981029.0431 -1 Miss. 1986 NYT19980708.0287 1 OXFORD 1986 NYT19991120.0181 -1 Baton Rouge 1986 NYT20000517.0336 -1 Southside Gallery 1986 NYT19990826.0078 -1 Jackson 1986 APW19991012.0036 1 Oxford 1986 NYT19980719.0074 -1 Miami 1986 APW20000101.0051 -1 Oklahoma 1986 APW19990802.0015 -1 Mississippi 1989 NYT20000312.0034 -1 1998 1989 APW19990901.0180 -1 in August 1989 1989 NYT20000623.0088 -1 mid-20th century 1989 NYT19991104.0356 -1 1991 1989 APW19990525.0164 -1 1988 1989 APW19990612.0148 -1 Saturday 1989 NYT19980729.0562 -1 1993 1989 XIE19981229.0103 -1 1997 1989 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1989 NYT19990528.0121 -1 1988 1989 XIE19991028.0226 -1 1993 1989 APW19990922.0226 -1 1990 1989 APW20000321.0086 -1 April 1994 1989 APW20000418.0167 -1 eighth 1989 NYT19990616.0072 -1 '87 1989 NYT19980729.0562 -1 15 1989 APW19990922.0226 -1 April 1994 1989 NYT19990528.0038 -1 Saturday 1989 APW19980922.0563 -1 Monday 1989 NYT19980729.0562 -1 40 years 1989 NYT19980809.0112 -1 Monday 1989 NYT19980729.0562 -1 1996 1989 XIE19971231.0238 -1 January_1999 1990 NYT19991104.0199 -1 Lori Shannon 1990 APW19990118.0040 2 Jughead 1990 NYT19990701.0351 -1 Emily 1990 NYT19990212.0095 2 Jughead 1990 APW19990226.0118 -1 Goldwater 1990 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 1990 NYT19981202.0241 -1 1990 1990 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1990 APW19990226.0118 -1 Publications 1990 NYT19980612.0171 -1 Ms. Underwood 1990 APW19990112.0103 -1 11 future world champions 1990 NYT20000612.0581 -1 Samad 1990 NYT19981029.0117 -1 Short 1990 APW20000801.0214 -1 No 1990 NYT20000721.0382 -1 I 1990 NYT19990203.0037 -1 Veronica 1990 NYT19990301.0471 -1 Veronica 1990 NYT19990301.0471 -1 Grundy 1990 NYT19980610.0230 -1 the real secret 1991 NYT20000113.0017 -1 Vikings 1991 APW19990616.0186 -1 AP 1991 NYT19990928.0122 -1 State University 1991 NYT19990119.0473 -1 State University 1991 NYT19980921.0095 -1 Minnesota 1991 NYT19991026.0143 1 Sioux description of the Minnesota River 1991 NYT19980711.0215 -1 Eric Murdock scored six straight points to keep Los Angeles front 44-39 1991 NYT19980711.0215 -1 Mitchell had eight of final 10 points to put the Wolves within five at halftime 1991 APW19990407.0109 -1 his state's entrepreneur 1991 NYT19980708.0075 -1 borders many states 1991 NYT19990109.0069 -1 Vikings 1991 NYT19981125.0212 -1 ahead 1991 NYT20000527.0212 -1 Montreal 1991 NYT20000527.0186 -1 Detroit 1991 APW20000608.0006 -1 a job 1991 APW19980615.1363 -1 state 1991 APW20000626.0049 -1 said 1991 APW20000828.0013 -1 AP 1991 NYT19980919.0057 -1 also rans in the primary included ted mondale, the son of former vice president walter mondale; mike freeman, son of former gov. orville freeman; mark dayton, heir to the dayton hudson store conglomerate, which owns the target chain, and doug johnson, who described himself as the only commoner in the contest but the one with the most authentic minnesota name. 1991 APW20000325.0134 -1 fill out 1991 NYT19980916.0006 -1 bears 1992 NYT19980804.0018 -1 90 degrees 1992 NYT19990728.0069 -1 150 degrees below zero F 1992 APW19980702.1200 -1 3,100 degrees 1992 NYT19990628.0412 -1 2 1992 APW19980614.0457 -1 2 1992 XIE19980227.0240 3 two million degrees 1992 XIE19990930.0057 1 6500 Celsius 1992 NYT20000229.0186 -1 5 1992 APW19980702.1200 -1 1.2 billion miles 1992 NYT20000926.0324 -1 1,000 times 1992 NYT20000214.0174 -1 around 24 degrees 1992 NYT19980701.0286 -1 15 1992 XIE19960725.0267 -1 5800 1992 XIE19980611.0310 1 6,000 degrees Centigrade 1992 XIE19960227.0104 -1 February 4, 1995 1992 NYT19990703.0122 -1 11,000 years 1992 NYT19981203.0556 -1 MICROSOFT 1992 NYT19980715.0503 -1 hundreds 1992 XIE19990822.0224 -1 25.3.95 4.08 1992 APW19980702.1200 -1 one vent 1992 APW19990731.0035 -1 the Sun God 1992 NYT19990609.0265 -1 300 Kosovars 1992 XIE19980227.0240 1 two million degrees centigrade 1993 APW19981028.0253 1 four 1993 NYT19981020.0169 1 three 1993 XIE20000615.0120 -1 100 to 120 tons 1993 NYT19990906.0151 -1 11 official languages 1993 XIE20000901.0151 2 three 1993 XIE19980201.0051 -1 11 1993 NYT19990906.0151 1 three 1993 APW19980601.0503 -1 NIL 1993 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 1993 NYT19981106.0040 -1 640 20:42 1993 XIE20000428.0298 2 four 1993 APW19990111.0114 -1 Amendment 1993 APW19981026.1041 -1 7 1993 XIE20000901.0151 -1 26 1993 APW20000418.0031 1 four languages 1993 APW19981028.0253 1 four official languages 1993 XIE19990520.0340 2 Four 1993 APW19980707.0611 -1 in July 1996 1993 APW19980903.0964 -1 in Europe 1993 NYT19991210.0228 -1 nine historians 1993 APW19980602.0835 -1 a severe blow 1994 NYT19980715.0254 -1 Ringo 1994 NYT19980715.0254 -1 Ringo Starr 1994 APW20000412.0100 -1 McCartney 1994 NYT19981008.0128 -1 1964 1994 APW20000217.0281 -1 20 years ago 1994 APW19980627.0930 -1 single Love 1994 NYT19980720.0135 -1 single Love 1994 NYT19981103.0332 -1 . 1994 APW19991004.0084 1 Love Me Do 1994 APW20000815.0047 -1 a 'manic Beatles single 1994 APW19980608.0190 -1 three 1994 NYT19980627.0255 -1 Entertainment 1994 NYT19980828.0041 -1 single 1994 NYT19980713.0151 -1 the music business 1994 NYT20000205.0136 -1 the band's haircuts 1994 NYT19990820.0158 -1 Magical Mystery Tour 1994 NYT19991230.0189 -1 Harrison 1994 NYT20000803.0264 -1 But 1994 NYT20000803.0264 -1 Original Motion Picture Score 1994 NYT19980722.0305 -1 rotary telephone 1994 NYT20000319.0138 -1 3 1994 APW19981212.0417 -1 1 1994 NYT19981224.0143 -1 two 1994 NYT19980728.0330 -1 Brian Epstein 1994 NYT20000527.0189 -1 home run 1994 NYT19980714.0063 -1 August on 1994 NYT19981012.0269 -1 n't 1995 NYT19990613.0007 -1 Organization 1995 NYT19980723.0373 -1 State Department 1995 NYT19981027.0281 -1 Nevada 1995 APW19990528.0225 -1 Gaming 1995 APW20000127.0107 -1 Gaming 1995 NYT19990219.0376 -1 The 1995 NYT19981027.0236 1 Mississippi Gaming Commission 1995 NYT19980720.0291 -1 the city 1995 NYT19990407.0534 -1 Grand Casinos Inc. 1995 NYT20000617.0006 -1 Jersey 1995 NYT19981029.0014 -1 GAMING 1995 NYT19981027.0300 -1 a state ethics commission 1995 APW19990903.0115 -1 Twelve states and the District of Columbia 1995 NYT19980622.0121 -1 Interior 1995 NYT19981031.0161 -1 University of New Orleans 1995 NYT19981027.0283 -1 Perskie 1995 NYT19981027.0236 -1 Gaming 1995 NYT19990414.0203 -1 New York Department of Health 1995 APW20000331.0075 -1 Texas 1995 NYT19981023.0197 1 Mississippi Gaming Commission 1995 APW19990601.0099 -1 state 1995 NYT19980930.0080 1 Mississippi Gaming Commission 1995 NYT19981021.0115 1 Mississippi Gaming Commission 1995 NYT19980607.0080 -1 Indian 1995 NYT19980927.0147 -1 National Guard 1996 NYT20000517.0003 1 Durham 1996 NYT19980727.0419 -1 Health 1996 NYT19990402.0172 1 Durham , N.C. 1996 NYT19980713.0008 2 Durham 1996 NYT19990903.0071 1 Durham 1996 APW19991012.0138 1 Durham North Carolina 1996 APW19991012.0031 1 Durham North Carolina 1996 NYT19990411.0058 1 Durham North Carolina 1996 NYT19981029.0095 1 Durham 1996 NYT19990514.0295 -1 Washington 1996 NYT19980607.0092 1 Durham 1996 APW19990712.0150 -1 Duke University spokesman Al Rossiter 1996 NYT19980819.0535 1 Durham 1996 NYT19990411.0058 -1 North Carolina 1996 NYT19980709.0197 -1 Raleigh 1996 NYT20000302.0465 -1 Manchester 1996 APW20000417.0189 -1 defrauding four major basketball schools 1996 NYT20000517.0003 -1 Eric Lincoln Series 1996 NYT19981112.0216 1 Durham 1996 NYT19981120.0321 1 DURHAM 1996 NYT20000122.0036 -1 hot English department late 1996 NYT20000517.0003 1 Durham, N.C., 1996 NYT19990402.0316 -1 NewYork 1996 NYT19990903.0072 1 Durham 1996 NYT20000513.0024 2 Durham 1996 APW19990319.0169 -1 New York 1996 NYT19990906.0229 1 Durham 1996 NYT19980826.0543 1 Durham 1996 APW20000712.0005 -1 the university 1996 XIE19980906.0025 1 Durham , N . C . 1996 NYT19990201.0274 1 Durham 1997 NYT20000612.0542 -1 John Andre 1997 NYT20000323.0183 -1 Claudia Kennedy 1997 APW19991016.0015 -1 John Burgoyne 1997 APW19990922.0165 1 Benedict Arnold 1997 NYT20000612.0542 1 Benedict Arnold 1997 NYT20000612.0542 1 Arnold 1997 XIE19990923.0130 -1 Washington 1997 NYT20000628.0106 -1 Gibson's patriot 1997 APW19990922.0165 3 papers revealing Benedict Arnold's plot 1997 NYT19981218.0308 2 Benedict Arnold 1997 NYT19990217.0123 -1 The former journalist turned screenwriter 1997 APW19981104.0093 -1 the board 1997 NYT20000612.0542 -1 Horatio Gates 1997 APW20000908.0076 -1 Sierra Leonean army 1997 APW20000627.0058 -1 Benjamin Martin 1997 APW20000627.0058 -1 the_British 1998 APW19990218.0359 -1 69-year 1998 NYT19980903.0406 -1 seven years 1998 NYT20000107.0365 -1 64 years 1998 NYT20000328.0030 -1 35 1998 NYT19980823.0067 -1 only 3 days old 1998 NYT19980815.0111 -1 1948 1998 APW19981106.1495 -1 100 1998 NYT19980924.0459 -1 100 1998 APW19990815.0042 1 53 1998 APW20000929.0198 -1 1939 1998 NYT20000323.0248 -1 $ $ $ Reach Montini at ed.montini a arizona republic.com 444-8978 1998 NYT19980815.0207 -1 50 years 1998 NYT19980818.0004 -1 12 years old 1998 NYT19980817.0038 -1 50 years 1998 NYT19980713.0494 -1 1998 1998 NYT19980813.0426 -1 40 years 1998 NYT19980904.0157 -1 61 1998 NYT19990305.0351 -1 89 1998 NYT19980927.0210 -1 10 year 1998 NYT19980815.0111 -1 16 1948 forgotten proved 1998 NYT19980908.0132 -1 $16 1998 NYT19980908.0252 -1 50 years 1998 NYT19980908.0467 -1 61 home runs 1998 NYT19981003.0241 -1 1948 1998 APW19990815.0042 -1 1948 1998 NYT19980815.0111 -1 50 years 1998 NYT19980908.0416 -1 60th 1998 APW19981113.0239 -1 at Yankee Stadium 1999 NYT19990515.0156 -1 2.5 million 1999 NYT20000313.0417 -1 10 1999 APW20000120.0067 -1 Iowa 1999 XIE19990213.0023 -1 New Hampshire 1999 APW19980809.0648 -1 us 1999 APW20000517.0229 -1 Census 2000 1999 APW19990915.0145 -1 Census 2000 1999 XIE19970402.0140 -1 China 1999 NYT19980626.0093 -1 California 1999 APW19981014.1270 -1 Andorra 1999 XIE19971119.0165 -1 the country 1999 NYT19990322.0124 -1 Texas 1999 NYT20000306.0233 -1 California 1999 APW19980810.0791 -1 St. Kitts and Nevis 1999 XIE20000925.0237 -1 the three East African countries 1999 XIE19970701.0106 -1 0.7 million people 1999 NYT20000716.0112 -1 United States 1999 NYT20000313.0417 -1 month 1999 NYT20000624.0143 -1 New York 1999 XIE19970604.0285 -1 1.13 billion people 1999 XIE19990213.0023 -1 the smallest poor population 1999 XIE19971119.0165 -1 province 1999 NYT20000217.0378 1 Wyoming 1999 XIE19990213.0023 -1 Mississippi 1999 NYT20000905.0162 -1 New York 1999 NYT19990831.0137 1 Wyoming 1999 APW19990323.0110 -1 the state 1999 XIE20000719.0182 -1 China 's 2000 NYT19991220.0063 1 687 2000 XIE19981212.0306 1 687 2000 NYT19980729.0220 -1 years 2000 XIE19981212.0306 1 687 Earth days 2000 APW19990923.0014 1 687 2000 NYT19991220.0063 -1 longer 2000 NYT19990130.0266 -1 90 minutes 2000 APW19990923.0275 -1 327.5 million 2000 NYT19990301.0215 -1 One 2000 NYT19981210.0562 1 687 2000 APW19981021.1317 -1 two million 2000 NYT19981211.0308 -1 2 rocket 2000 APW19990803.0303 -1 117 million miles 2000 APW19980923.1395 1 687 earth 2000 XIE19981212.0306 3 687 Kepler paid attention 2000 NYT19981119.0046 -1 the thousands of asteroids 2000 NYT19991220.0063 -1 17 2000 APW19980704.0762 -1 10-month 2000 APW19990803.0031 -1 about 117 million miles 2000 NYT19990415.0315 -1 6 2000 APW19990923.0345 -1 at 2:26 a.m. 2000 APW19990923.0349 -1 in 2001 NYT19990421.0345 -1 Nails 2001 NYT19981120.0261 1 Led Zeppelin 2001 APW20000614.0083 -1 E Street Band 2001 NYT19980720.0095 1 Led Zeppelin 2001 NYT20000309.0095 -1 band 2001 APW19980602.1318 -1 BLUES 2001 NYT19990130.0240 -1 Radio 2001 NYT19991015.0101 -1 Jimmy 2001 NYT19980703.0239 -1 an Elvis Costello song 2001 NYT20000920.0172 -1 an old man's death 2001 NYT19980824.0371 -1 Wilburn Brothers 2001 NYT19991015.0101 3 Zeppelin 2001 NYT19990815.0068 -1 Springsteen 2001 NYT19990215.0374 -1 the audience 2001 NYT19981120.0261 -1 Definitely 2001 NYT19981120.0261 -1 Whole Lotta Love 2001 APW19990315.0288 -1 Let 2001 APW19990424.0159 -1 Robert Plant 2001 NYT19980720.0095 -1 British 2001 NYT19980615.0354 -1 Schubert 2001 NYT19980904.0145 -1 all-male bands 2001 APW20000614.0083 -1 accolades 2001 NYT19980720.0095 -1 the Who 2003 NYT19990202.0087 -1 20 feet 2003 NYT19980611.0362 -1 quarter 2003 NYT19980621.0182 -1 11-0 2003 NYT19990113.0206 -1 10 2003 APW20000104.0024 -1 10 yards 2003 NYT20000813.0106 -1 10 yards 2003 NYT20000803.0281 2 15 feet 2003 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2003 NYT19990830.0409 -1 Long distance 15 cents 2003 NYT20000104.0350 -1 3000 miles away 2003 NYT19990916.0221 -1 10 feet 2003 XIE19990824.0394 -1 66.34 meters 2003 NYT20000325.0021 -1 3-point 2003 NYT19990724.0229 -1 a 3 2003 APW19991002.0147 -1 40 feet 2003 APW19980604.0037 -1 175 mile 2003 NYT19990724.0229 -1 a five 2003 NYT19990314.0241 -1 about 10 feet 2003 NYT20000622.0023 -1 $1 billion 2003 APW20000305.0146 -1 3s 2003 NYT19990626.0022 -1 10 points 2003 APW20000304.0165 -1 five 2003 APW20000304.0165 -1 two 2003 XIE19981010.0047 -1 100 galaxies 2003 NYT20000618.0020 1 15-foot 2004 NYT20000219.0146 -1 Jenkins 2004 NYT19981202.0181 -1 instance 2004 NYT19990525.0170 -1 gas 2004 NYT19981202.0181 -1 dice cube 2004 NYT19981202.0181 1 seven 2004 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2004 XIE19980808.0052 -1 changes in the U.S. initiative calling Israeli pullback 2004 XIE19990205.0202 -1 security 2004 XIE19960901.0069 -1 Istanbul 2004 XIE19990809.0019 -1 Iraq 2004 NYT20000111.0337 -1 Dice 2004 NYT19981201.0117 -1 Garson's first film 2004 NYT19990412.0325 -1 India 2004 XIE20000728.0144 -1 U.S. 2004 NYT19981202.0181 -1 add faces 2004 APW19981210.1397 -1 Israeli-Palestinian 2004 NYT20000111.0207 -1 fish 2004 APW19980922.0541 -1 concessions Tuesday 2005 NYT20000104.0075 1 Millennium Force 2005 NYT19990622.0466 -1 Freeze 2005 NYT20000529.0314 -1 Cedar Point 2005 NYT20000104.0075 -1 Cedar Point 2005 NYT19990718.0060 -1 Ryan 2005 NYT19990622.0466 3 Blast Coaster 2005 NYT19990622.0466 -1 the tallest fastest roller coaster 2005 APW19990402.0165 -1 a roller coaster 2005 NYT20000111.0063 -1 tallest and fastest 2005 NYT19990806.0123 -1 Starring Aerosmith 2005 NYT19980619.0464 -1 the world 2005 NYT19990413.0090 -1 the world 2005 NYT19990312.0206 -1 FUN TOWN 2005 NYT19980622.0253 -1 Flags 2005 NYT19980819.0245 3 Revenge billed as the nation 2005 NYT19980619.0469 -1 LITE 2005 NYT19980619.0469 -1 Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia 2005 NYT19990622.0466 3 the Blast Coaster 2005 NYT20000111.0063 -1 the world 2005 APW20000509.0249 -1 Paramount 2005 NYT19980819.0181 1 Riddler's Revenge 2005 APW20000509.0249 -1 the fastest 2005 APW19980803.1050 -1 the turbulent waves of the ocean , but a wooden roller_coaster 2005 NYT19980819.0181 3 Revenge roller coaster 2005 NYT20000522.0262 -1 the world 2007 APW19980714.1180 -1 three 2007 NYT20000811.0418 -1 53-minute 2007 XIE19960108.0106 -1 a second 2007 APW20000706.0108 -1 14 years 2007 XIE20000605.0013 -1 two years 2007 NYT20000924.0158 -1 30 years 2007 NYT20000605.0141 1 seven 2007 APW20000924.0077 -1 five 2007 XIE20000706.0044 1 seven 2007 APW20000924.0077 -1 1873 2007 XIE20000605.0168 -1 five years 2007 NYT19990118.0207 -1 411 2007 APW19990305.0169 -1 four 2007 APW19990222.0097 -1 two 2007 APW20000924.0095 -1 five 2007 XIE19980508.0010 -1 12-hour 2007 APW19980612.0746 -1 Europeans 2007 XIE20000411.0358 -1 15 2007 APW20000606.0040 -1 14 years 2007 XIE20000925.0093 -1 00 voters voted shorten office 2007 NYT20000219.0067 -1 Two years 2007 NYT20000924.0158 -1 five years 2007 APW20000924.0077 3 seven to five years 2007 APW19981109.1030 -1 two 2007 APW19980630.0125 -1 eight year 2007 XIE19971211.0065 1 seven 2007 APW20000924.0090 -1 five years 2007 APW20000924.0095 -1 Sunday 's 2007 APW20000924.0095 -1 Sunday 2009 APW19981005.1297 -1 birds 2009 NYT20000323.0174 -1 humanlike 2009 NYT19990423.0063 -1 humanlike 2009 NYT20000427.0063 1 koala bears 2009 NYT20000221.0098 -1 monkey 2009 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2009 XIE19971205.0316 -1 the animal 2009 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2009 NYT19990108.0160 -1 people 2009 APW20000309.0058 -1 more 2009 APW19991029.0042 -1 DNA, saliva 2009 NYT19990420.0081 -1 human-like life forms 2009 NYT19990821.0117 -1 ape 2009 XIE19960516.0007 -1 States 2009 APW19990422.0162 -1 behaviour 2009 NYT19990418.0152 -1 Story 2009 NYT19990418.0152 -1 Let 2009 APW19990107.0307 -1 the animal endured extreme climates changes 2009 NYT19990303.0346 -1 creature 2009 XIE19981214.0232 -1 creature 2009 NYT19991108.0287 -1 Beaver 2009 XIE19980907.0112 -1 DNA 2009 APW19990810.0021 -1 the equivalent of 18 stacks as tall as New_York 's Empire_State Building 2009 APW19990810.0021 -1 FBI officials 2010 APW20000504.0117 1 St. Helena 2010 NYT19990914.0144 1 St. Helena 2010 APW19980915.1302 -1 Long Island 2010 APW20000504.0117 1 St Helena 2010 APW20000504.0117 1 of St. Helena 2010 APW20000504.0117 3 Helena 2010 APW19981106.0874 -1 the British 2010 NYT19990811.0109 -1 Last Island 2010 NYT19980929.0092 -1 France 2010 APW20000429.0081 -1 June 1815 2010 NYT20000904.0158 -1 June 18, 1815 2010 XIE19980604.0176 -1 France 2010 NYT19990811.0109 3 Battle Battle Saint Helena 2010 APW20000504.0117 -1 His 2010 NYT19990914.0144 -1 Paul Kauffmann 2010 APW19990328.0118 -1 the island 2010 APW19981129.0937 -1 Cyprus 2010 APW19980611.1695 -1 France 2011 NYT19990830.0366 1 1452 2011 NYT20000518.0234 -1 1982 2011 NYT19990830.0364 1 1452 2011 NYT19991103.0264 -1 1994 2011 NYT19990830.0364 -1 1519 2011 NYT19980610.0172 -1 1529 2011 NYT19990830.0364 -1 2000 2011 APW19981113.0541 -1 Thursday 2011 NYT19990913.0251 -1 1994 2011 NYT19990830.0366 2 April 15 1452 2011 NYT20000612.0045 -1 July 12, 1908 2011 NYT19990830.0366 -1 2000 2011 APW19980821.0583 -1 Friday 2011 APW19990626.0156 -1 Nearly five centuries 2011 NYT19991117.0391 -1 1986 2011 APW19990626.0156 -1 1978 2012 NYT19990625.0181 -1 Paul 2012 NYT19990302.0073 -1 Cellucci 2012 NYT19980729.0534 -1 el City 2012 NYT20000809.0166 -1 El Paso 2012 NYT19981021.0430 1 heart attack 2012 APW20000423.0062 -1 Singer Marty Robbins drove the pace car in 1976 2012 NYT19981021.0430 -1 would 2012 NYT19981229.0139 -1 Grace 2012 NYT19981117.0222 -1 died 2012 NYT19980617.0318 -1 crash 2012 APW20000302.0029 -1 His soon-to-be-released album 2012 NYT19980729.0268 -1 20th-century ballet's greatest choreographers 2012 NYT19990106.0254 -1 leukemia 2012 NYT19980804.0232 -1 12 days ago 2012 APW19990412.0263 -1 July 2012 APW20000220.0141 2 heart attack 2012 XIE19991015.0488 -1 leukemia 2012 NYT19990302.0086 -1 Trischitta 2012 APW19990505.0171 -1 marty robbins, loretta lynn and alabama won in previous decades. 2012 NYT19980731.0366 -1 There 2012 NYT19980729.0268 -1 Robbins 2012 NYT19990302.0073 -1 recently 2013 NYT19981207.0093 -1 $ 49.99 2013 NYT20000628.0054 -1 $ 100 2013 NYT19990704.0039 1 13 2013 NYT19981216.0056 -1 15 2013 APW20000602.0043 2 13 2013 NYT19981211.0196 2 13 stripes 2013 NYT19981216.0056 1 13 stripes 2013 NYT19981211.0196 -1 9 2013 APW20000403.0201 1 13 2013 NYT19981216.0056 -1 15 stripes 2013 APW19990704.0134 -1 About 1,000 objects from the collection 2013 APW19981127.0963 2 13 2013 APW19990611.0149 -1 Two 2013 APW20000316.0068 -1 272 2013 APW19990704.0134 -1 1,000 objects 2013 NYT19990704.0038 1 13 stripes 2013 NYT19981028.0275 -1 20 2013 NYT20000422.0143 -1 Two 2013 NYT19981211.0196 -1 15 2013 NYT19981211.0196 -1 1776 2013 NYT20000719.0066 -1 three horizontal stripes 2013 NYT19980812.0260 -1 three 2013 NYT20000212.0111 -1 three 2013 NYT19981028.0275 -1 three 2013 APW19990611.0149 -1 in California 2013 APW19990704.0134 -1 I 2013 APW20000330.0069 -1 one 2013 APW19980723.1321 -1 flag 2015 NYT20000501.0259 -1 Top Vocal Group 2015 XIE20000504.0204 -1 Entertainer 2015 APW20000426.0106 -1 Universal City , Calif. 2015 APW19990331.0249 -1 Hall of Fame 2015 NYT20000911.0268 -1 Recording Arts 2015 NYT20000524.0231 -1 Recording Arts 2015 APW20000315.0116 -1 recording 2015 NYT20000601.0296 1 Universal Amphitheatre 2015 APW19990505.0019 1 Universal Amphitheatre 2015 APW20000606.0133 -1 side 2015 NYT19990413.0116 -1 country 2015 NYT19991029.0152 -1 Santa Cecilia 2015 APW20000120.0080 -1 Cuba 2015 APW20000504.0056 -1 Calif. 2015 APW19990505.0171 -1 the decade and entertainer of the year but it 2015 APW20000503.0297 -1 named entertainer of the year and the Dixie Chicks 2015 NYT19990302.0253 -1 Grand Ole Opry 2015 APW19990428.0210 -1 Loretta Lynn 2015 APW20000503.0153 -1 38th 2015 NYT19990211.0375 -1 firearms 2015 NYT20000426.0127 -1 Dixie Chicks 2015 APW19990505.0175 -1 COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS 2015 APW20000503.0153 -1 show 2015 APW20000503.0153 -1 AP 2015 APW20000503.0297 -1 Dixie Chicks 2015 APW20000503.0297 -1 It 2015 XIE20000723.0137 -1 AMM 2016 NYT19990607.0375 -1 millions of acres 2016 XIE19970312.0039 -1 10 billion marks 2016 XIE19960306.0246 -1 1,365 sq km 2016 XIE20000705.0176 -1 oil 2016 XIE19970318.0117 -1 Europe 2016 NYT19990115.0286 -1 Europe 2016 XIE20000601.0280 -1 Europe 2016 XIE19970310.0053 1 Ruhr 2016 XIE19971031.0069 -1 360 sq. km. 2016 XIE19970625.0160 -1 The statistics office 2016 XIE19980127.0250 -1 the country 2016 XIE19970310.0242 -1 610 square kilometers 2016 APW19981120.0975 -1 Austria 2016 APW19990706.0188 -1 Britain 2016 XIE19960316.0034 -1 China's largest natural gas production bases 2016 NYT19981222.0291 -1 the German central bank's comparable discount rate 2016 XIE19980313.0045 -1 ADDIS ABABA 2016 XIE19970311.0071 -1 Bonn 2016 NYT19990105.0250 -1 Federal Republic 2016 XIE19980610.0287 -1 Austria 2016 XIE19990429.0170 -1 China 2016 NYT19990319.0120 -1 Providence - Fall River 2016 XIE19970309.0193 -1 subsidies 2016 XIE19970712.0048 -1 China 2016 XIE19960306.0246 -1 31,200 sq km 2016 XIE19961118.0180 -1 Xinhua 2016 XIE19960306.0246 -1 China 2016 NYT20000313.0208 -1 19 percent 2017 NYT19990129.0410 -1 1.25 billion pounds 2017 APW19990405.0151 -1 five years 2017 APW20000107.0045 -1 1 percent 2017 NYT19990129.0410 -1 California 2017 XIE19981222.0303 -1 milk 2017 NYT19990928.0112 1 28 percent 2017 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2017 NYT19990928.0112 3 roughly 28 percent of the nation 's cheese 2017 XIE20000405.0056 -1 96 percent of precincts 2017 APW20000303.0111 -1 20 2017 NYT19990129.0410 -1 2 2017 NYT19990421.0183 -1 6 cups 2 pounds 2017 NYT19991208.0052 -1 American Dairy Association 2017 NYT19990928.0112 1 roughly 28 percent 2017 NYT19981015.0072 -1 20 percent 2017 NYT19990830.0064 -1 retaliatory tariff 2017 NYT19990129.0410 -1 year 2017 NYT20000325.0226 -1 47 percent 2017 APW19990628.0097 -1 60 percent 2017 NYT19980610.0282 -1 27 percent 2017 NYT19990129.0410 -1 first 2017 APW19990313.0141 -1 22 categories 2017 APW19990203.0169 -1 in Wisconsin 2017 APW19990405.0151 -1 60 percent 2018 NYT19981230.0169 -1 five years 2018 NYT20000922.0085 -1 Six decades 2018 NYT20000710.0110 -1 20 years 2018 APW19990923.0168 1 687 days 2018 APW19990923.0014 1 687 days 2018 XIE19981212.0306 -1 Earth days 2018 XIE19961108.0050 1 687 Earth days 2018 NYT19990923.0331 1 687 2018 NYT19990920.0045 1 687 days 2018 XIE19981212.0306 -1 two years 2018 XIE19961108.0050 1 687 2018 APW19980923.1395 1 687 2018 NYT20000309.0222 -1 one 2018 XIE19990104.0244 -1 12 feet 2018 NYT20000727.0261 -1 110 yards 2018 NYT19981211.0308 1 687 2018 NYT19990923.0331 1 687 days 2018 NYT19981019.0096 -1 sixty 2018 XIE19981212.0306 -1 260-mile 2018 NYT19981210.0562 1 687 2018 XIE19961108.0050 -1 March_1998 2018 NYT19981210.0562 1 687 Earth days 2019 NYT20000617.0206 -1 Pawtucket 2019 NYT19990519.0206 -1 Lou Merloni 2019 NYT19981113.0449 -1 Dan Duquette 2019 APW19990228.0042 -1 Tim Naehring 2019 APW19990228.0042 -1 Sunday 2019 NYT20000112.0124 -1 Fisk 2019 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2019 APW19991018.0261 -1 Boston catcher 2019 APW20000203.0037 -1 third baseman 2019 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2019 NYT19990116.0090 -1 Jose Offerman 2019 NYT19990327.0182 -1 Abigail Adams 2019 NYT19980708.0435 -1 Vaughn 2019 APW19990709.0252 -1 Jimmy 2019 NYT19990512.0050 -1 Ted Williams Shift 2019 NYT19981113.0449 -1 Los Angeles 2019 NYT20000627.0351 -1 Sosa 2019 APW19991018.0322 -1 Ruth 2019 NYT19990502.0042 -1 Pedro Gomez 2019 NYT19990502.0042 -1 ON THE RISE Chicago White 2019 NYT19981001.0289 -1 I 2019 APW19990711.0072 -1 John Valentin 2019 APW19990510.0057 -1 Boston Red Sox 2019 NYT19981217.0103 -1 Dan Duquette 2020 APW20000914.0079 -1 Bercy 2020 NYT19990127.0187 -1 Museums 2020 APW20000914.0079 1 Paris 2020 NYT19981201.0181 1 Paris 2020 NYT19991109.0172 1 Paris 2020 XIE19990521.0036 -1 YORK 2020 XIE19980521.0152 1 PARIS 2020 NYT19991109.0172 -1 ancient Troy 2020 NYT19991109.0172 -1 the Times News Service 2020 NYT19991109.0183 1 Paris 2020 APW19990902.0114 1 Paris 2020 NYT19990902.0270 -1 Hotel 2020 NYT20000612.0152 1 Paris 2020 NYT20000412.0184 -1 Greek or Renaissance art 2020 APW20000914.0079 3 central Paris 2020 NYT19990522.0115 1 Paris 2020 NYT20000828.0244 1 in Paris 2020 NYT19991216.0169 -1 Champs-Elysees 2020 XIE19990910.0303 -1 Champs - Elysee and Chang 2020 NYT19980609.0141 -1 Berkeley 2020 NYT20000907.0202 1 Paris 2020 NYT20000124.0376 1 Paris 2020 APW20000413.0230 1 PARIS 2020 NYT19980609.0414 1 Paris 2021 NYT19981221.0228 1 Great Barrier Reef 2021 NYT19991021.0288 -1 Florida Keys 2021 NYT19990705.0023 -1 Australia 2021 NYT19990705.0023 1 Great Barrier Reef 2021 APW19981125.1425 2 Australia's Great Barrier 2021 NYT19990705.0023 3 Great Barrier 2021 NYT19990705.0023 3 Great Barrier Ree 2021 NYT19991021.0288 -1 the Florida Keys coral reef system 2021 APW19980702.0033 -1 coral 2021 XIE19970629.0002 -1 Mohammed 2021 NYT19990705.0023 -1 reefs 2021 NYT19990120.0039 -1 barrier reefs 2021 XIE19981215.0234 -1 more than 600 small islands 2021 APW19980817.0192 -1 the area 2021 NYT19981221.0226 1 Great Barrier Reef 2021 NYT19991207.0076 2 The Great Barrier Reef 2021 NYT19981221.0228 3 Great Barrier 2021 NYT19981221.0228 -1 Bay Islands 2021 XIE19960202.0221 -1 Australia 2021 NYT20000713.0097 1 Great Barrier Reef 2021 APW19981009.1288 -1 Caribbean 2021 APW19980602.1224 2 Great Barrier Reef 2021 APW19981125.1425 -1 the world 's 2021 APW19980602.1224 -1 the world 2021 XIE19990430.0133 -1 Indonesia 's 2022 NYT19991229.0368 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT19980601.0296 -1 Students 2022 NYT19990921.0427 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT20000126.0078 -1 Oklahoma City 2022 NYT19991210.0067 -1 London 2022 NYT19991209.0136 -1 London 2022 NYT20000315.0069 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT20000307.0392 -1 New York City 2022 APW20000201.0010 -1 New York City 2022 NYT20000904.0188 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT19991210.0066 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT19991207.0193 -1 London 2022 NYT20000315.0069 -1 London 2022 NYT20000315.0071 3 Royal Greenwich Observatory 2022 NYT19991231.0176 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT20000829.0416 -1 New York 2022 NYT19991210.0067 1 Greenwich England 2022 APW20000902.0146 -1 Bath 2022 NYT19990120.0491 1 Greenwich 2022 NYT19980624.0515 -1 Regents exam 2023 NYT19980810.0295 -1 Adelines 2023 NYT19990415.0438 -1 APRIL 2023 XIE19981021.0132 -1 Asia 2023 XIE19980114.0247 2 Africa 2023 XIE20000905.0223 2 Africa 2023 NYT19980602.0221 2 Africa 2023 NYT20000113.0233 1 Africa 2023 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2023 XIE19970516.0012 2 Africa 2023 NYT19981212.0103 2 Africa 2023 NYT19990104.0268 -1 Milan 2023 APW20000114.0175 -1 Glass 2023 XIE20000801.0313 -1 South Africa 2023 XIE19960630.0059 -1 S. Africa Enters International Peacekeeping Arena JOHANNESBURG 2023 NYT19980909.0250 -1 Asia 2023 NYT19990223.0108 -1 South Africa 2023 XIE19990923.0027 2 Africa 2023 XIE19980508.0101 -1 Australia 2023 APW19980612.1329 -1 ASIA 2023 NYT19990414.0159 2 Africa 2023 APW19980612.1329 -1 The dessert buffet 2025 NYT20000111.0111 1 Astrodome 2025 NYT19980704.0001 1 Astrodome 2025 NYT19980704.0001 -1 Taj Mahal 2025 NYT19990712.0278 -1 football 2025 NYT19990331.0355 1 Astrodome 2025 NYT19990129.0401 -1 the world 's first retractable-roof football 2025 XIE19991116.0152 -1 football 2025 NYT20000111.0111 -1 Houston 2025 NYT19990126.0304 -1 one 2025 NYT19990331.0321 -1 the Houston Cougars vs 2025 NYT20000912.0266 -1 the meeting 2025 XIE19970523.0127 -1 District Boards 2025 APW20000909.0152 -1 Blue Jays 2025 NYT19990518.0008 -1 own new stadium 2025 NYT19990313.0160 -1 Yankee Stadium 2025 XIE19991116.0152 -1 Wembley 2025 NYT19990518.0008 -1 baseball 2025 NYT19990925.0229 1 Astrodome 2025 XIE19960516.0219 -1 Olympic Stadium 2025 APW19981113.0239 -1 The previous record for a baseball 2025 NYT19990520.0027 -1 Cardinals 2026 NYT19991228.0157 -1 1896 2026 NYT19990609.0309 -1 1968 2026 XIE19960815.0292 -1 2002 2026 XIE19990310.0366 -1 1968 2026 XIE19960404.0054 1 776 BC 2026 XIE19960407.0159 1 776 BC 2026 XIE19960804.0069 -1 1988 2026 XIE19960816.0256 -1 1896 2026 NYT19990609.0309 -1 The 2000 Olympic Games 2026 NYT19980713.0334 -1 1982 2026 XIE19960428.0192 1 776 BC 2026 XIE19960815.0292 -1 2000 2026 XIE19960319.0186 -1 1896 2026 APW19991013.0052 -1 1996 2026 XIE19990828.0065 -1 1964 2026 XIE20000404.0333 -1 2000 2026 XIE20000301.0134 -1 1968 2026 APW19981204.1047 -1 1994 2026 NYT20000819.0252 -1 1988 2026 NYT19980815.0199 -1 May 2026 XIE19990131.0012 -1 Sunday 2026 NYT20000809.0002 -1 1896 2026 APW19980729.0634 -1 1936 2026 XIE20000324.0052 -1 2000 2026 XIE19980903.0330 -1 2000 2026 XIE19960815.0292 -1 1896 2026 APW19990402.0081 -1 the 1928 2026 APW20000811.0194 -1 1988 Seoul Olympics 2026 XIE19960821.0178 -1 November 8th 2027 NYT19980730.0433 2 1994 2027 APW19990413.0328 2 1994 2027 APW19980610.0165 -1 four years ago 2027 NYT20000619.0136 1 1994 2027 NYT19990613.0114 -1 June 17, 1994 2027 NYT20000619.0136 1 June 13 , 1994 2027 APW19990824.0061 -1 1995 2027 NYT20000619.0136 1 June 13, 1994 2027 NYT19981215.0152 -1 this week 2027 NYT19980617.0122 -1 two nations 2027 XIE20000620.0282 -1 Monday 2027 NYT19990728.0405 -1 February 2027 APW19990824.0061 2 1994 2027 APW19990606.0055 3 June 12, 1994 2027 APW19990616.0281 -1 Five years ago 2027 APW19990606.0039 -1 1995 2027 APW19980618.0791 3 June 17 1994 2027 XIE19960503.0056 -1 February 2027 APW19990217.0016 -1 Tuesday night 2027 APW20000608.0198 2 1994 2027 APW20000815.0176 2 1994 2027 APW20000114.0086 -1 1999 2027 APW19991010.0139 2 1994 2027 NYT19981123.0161 -1 not 2028 NYT20000404.0189 -1 sun 2028 NYT20000229.0177 -1 Bus stops 2028 APW19980730.1259 -1 Montri 2028 NYT20000616.0226 1 anacondas 2028 NYT20000616.0226 1 reticulated python 2028 APW19980730.1259 -1 king 2028 APW19990531.0038 -1 scorpions 2028 NYT19990409.0206 -1 Sleazy 2028 NYT20000616.0226 3 pythons 2028 NYT20000828.0100 -1 Australia's most poisonous spider 2028 NYT20000117.0336 -1 Interstate 2028 NYT20000505.0089 -1 creature 2028 APW19980703.0355 2 Anaconda's sucuri's called 2028 APW19980730.1259 -1 When 2028 APW19980730.1259 -1 It 2028 APW19990630.0310 -1 pets 2028 APW20000803.0105 -1 snake 2028 NYT19980803.0165 -1 Snake Eyes 2028 NYT19990928.0057 -1 racer 2028 NYT19980624.0233 -1 There 2028 APW19990528.0120 -1 snakes 2028 NYT19990925.0083 -1 fondly 2029 APW20000811.0023 1 11 2029 NYT19980619.0079 -1 6/18 2029 NYT20000308.0037 -1 seven 2029 XIE19981013.0050 -1 20,000 2029 NYT20000330.0277 1 11 2029 APW19980920.0795 -1 NIL 2029 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2029 NYT19990106.0270 2 11 2029 NYT20000313.0354 -1 284 2029 APW20000918.0020 -1 9 2029 NYT20000330.0277 -1 25 2029 APW20000610.0028 1 11 2029 APW20000811.0023 3 s 11 2029 NYT20000817.0419 -1 174 2029 APW20000811.0019 -1 270 2029 APW20000811.0023 -1 votes 2029 APW20000610.0028 -1 in Tennessee 2029 NYT20000905.0095 -1 5 points 2029 NYT19980613.0050 -1 pollsters 2030 NYT19980602.0082 -1 ` ` Francophonie ' ' 2030 NYT19981027.0131 -1 dog 2030 NYT19991016.0119 1 Chat 2030 NYT20000511.0440 1 Chat 2030 XIE19981212.0124 -1 a total of 6,900 students acquited basic literacy in French language within six years at village 2030 NYT19980617.0191 -1 will 2030 NYT20000314.0265 -1 English-rights proponents 2030 NYT20000621.0093 -1 hand-painted French enamel dog _ and cat _ pins 2030 NYT19981226.0017 -1 Pudelisch 2030 APW19980610.0165 -1 a French can go all the way to the final 2030 NYT20000126.0418 -1 librairie , 2030 NYT19990224.0243 -1 Berlitz French 2030 NYT19990108.0397 -1 France 2030 NYT19990118.0132 -1 English 2030 APW19980608.1191 -1 the French were now beginning to give more importance to the English language as a result of the Internet 2030 NYT19991016.0119 1 chat 2030 APW19990519.0127 -1 two foreign language teachers 2031 NYT19990204.0197 -1 Pharaoh 2031 APW19980730.0877 -1 Osiris 2031 APW19980830.0943 -1 Baal 2031 NYT19981210.0328 -1 Bes 2031 NYT19990726.0122 -1 Michael C. Carlos Museum 2031 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2031 NYT20000131.0084 -1 Lara 2031 NYT20000403.0383 -1 the Egyptian god Osiris of Isis 2031 NYT19980914.0226 -1 Rome 2031 NYT19981210.0328 -1 Isis 2031 XIE19990619.0097 -1 Egypt 2031 NYT19990801.0116 -1 Egypt 2031 APW19980730.0864 -1 Osiris 2031 NYT20000406.0089 -1 Osiris 2031 NYT20000414.0096 -1 Anderson, 2031 NYT19981210.0328 -1 Faience 2031 NYT19981029.0490 -1 St. John 2031 NYT19980901.0186 -1 Tchaikovsky 2031 APW20000215.0053 -1 ancient Egyptian gods 2031 APW20000215.0053 -1 Egyptian 2031 NYT20000908.0185 -1 God politicians bandy 2032 NYT19990315.0265 -1 Wright 2032 NYT19990203.0118 -1 Herrera-Noble 2032 XIE20000111.0205 -1 football 2032 NYT20000212.0201 -1 football 2032 APW19980802.0594 1 Tour de France 2032 NYT19990303.0247 1 Tour de France 2032 NYT19990817.0368 -1 Hong Kong 2032 NYT20000426.0001 -1 Ellsworth Vines Jr. 2032 NYT19990401.0048 -1 Names 2032 APW20000612.0167 -1 World Series 2032 XIE19980830.0115 -1 Saturday 2032 NYT20000722.0238 -1 Three weeks 2032 NYT19980902.0575 -1 Manhattan 2032 APW19991009.0132 -1 Holmby Hills 2032 NYT19980615.0327 -1 a phenomenon 2032 NYT19990131.0057 -1 In 2032 NYT19990131.0057 -1 Intercollegiate Rules Committee 2032 APW19981015.1043 -1 the event 2032 APW19990726.0047 -1 France 2032 XIE19990627.0115 -1 sports event 2032 XIE19980905.0086 -1 US 2032 APW19981216.0794 -1 Olympic 2032 NYT19980730.0439 1 Tour de France 2032 APW19981219.0432 -1 World Cup event 2032 APW19981124.0900 -1 this event , while their compatriots 2033 NYT19990131.0133 -1 HIV-1 2033 NYT19991108.0345 2 four 2033 NYT19990121.0385 -1 three 2033 NYT19990405.0269 -1 hundreds 2033 APW19990627.0116 -1 2 2033 NYT19981123.0149 -1 2 2033 APW19990627.0091 1 four 2033 NYT19980907.0061 1 four 2033 XIE19970925.0194 -1 five 2033 NYT19981123.0164 -1 one 2033 NYT19980914.0109 1 four 2033 XIE20000909.0148 -1 300,000 2033 XIE19990205.0191 2 4 2033 NYT19990405.0243 -1 300 2033 NYT20000610.0191 -1 six blood 2033 NYT19990405.0269 -1 millimeter million red 2033 NYT19991108.0345 2 one of the four 2033 NYT19990311.0440 -1 56 2033 NYT19990131.0133 -1 30 million 2033 APW19990627.0091 1 four main blood types 2033 NYT19991108.0345 -1 one 2033 APW19980717.0410 -1 three 2033 NYT19990116.0166 -1 three 2033 NYT19991025.0333 -1 one 2033 APW19990922.0179 -1 the blood supply 2033 APW19990627.0116 -1 more 2033 XIE19960101.0024 -1 state 2035 NYT20000714.0202 1 four 2035 NYT19981021.0015 1 four 2035 APW19990602.0052 2 4 stomachs 2035 APW19981231.0760 2 4 stomachs 2035 APW19980706.0549 -1 NIL 2035 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2035 APW19980907.0929 -1 110 pounds 2035 APW19980916.0625 -1 110 pounds 2035 NYT19990807.0115 -1 30 2035 NYT20000714.0202 1 four stomachs 2035 NYT20000904.0180 -1 one 2035 NYT19981021.0015 3 four famous stomachs 2035 APW19980916.0625 -1 as much as 110 pounds 2035 APW19980916.0625 -1 ( 50 kilos 2035 APW19980916.0625 -1 plastic bags 2035 APW19980916.0625 -1 50 kilos 2036 NYT19981101.0196 -1 Thousands 2036 NYT19980605.0431 -1 seven 2036 NYT19981112.0175 -1 14 2036 XIE19980228.0093 1 58 2036 APW19990827.0005 -1 four 2036 NYT20000131.0139 1 58 2036 NYT19990313.0031 -1 1 2036 APW20000309.0001 -1 1 2036 NYT19990831.0216 1 58 2036 NYT19991117.0009 -1 six 2036 NYT19991211.0090 1 58 2036 APW19990226.0068 -1 five California counties 2036 NYT19980711.0082 -1 22 2036 APW20000303.0111 -1 10 2036 APW20000926.0076 -1 two 2036 NYT20000630.0049 -1 20 2036 NYT20000517.0004 -1 3,273 2036 NYT20000621.0409 -1 2 2036 NYT19990406.0220 -1 1,000 girls 2036 NYT20000630.0048 -1 20 2036 NYT19981001.0001 -1 10 2036 NYT19981126.0017 -1 1890 2036 NYT19980730.0371 -1 10 2036 NYT19991108.0409 -1 five 2036 APW20000219.0058 -1 783,620 2036 APW20000309.0001 -1 1998 2036 NYT19990930.0073 -1 34 2036 NYT20000205.0234 -1 1998 2036 APW19990209.0009 -1 six 2036 NYT19980713.0046 -1 10 2036 XIE19980119.0157 1 58 2036 APW20000309.0062 -1 8.1 percent 2036 APW19990311.0130 -1 I 2036 NYT19981128.0006 -1 million people 2036 APW19980601.0246 -1 see 2037 NYT19990307.0066 -1 Steve Alford 2037 APW19990204.0214 -1 Costner 2037 NYT19980608.0225 -1 Cedar Rapids 2037 NYT19991026.0143 1 Siouan ``ouaouia 2037 APW19990823.0201 -1 Vice President Al Gore got no traction in Iowa 2037 APW19990715.0328 -1 the AP's Newspaper Membership department 2037 NYT19980614.0125 -1 the Texas governor 2037 APW20000219.0181 -1 State 2037 NYT19990102.0129 -1 Saturday 2037 NYT20000129.0017 -1 Keyes 2037 NYT20000408.0221 -1 Said 2037 APW20000319.0129 -1 a lift 2037 NYT20000630.0395 -1 2002 2037 APW19981209.0058 -1 2002 2037 NYT20000117.0298 -1 New Hampshire 2037 APW19991030.0086 -1 i can tell you from personal experience that there are people on that committee who are salivating to get rid of iowa and new hampshire, he said. 2037 APW19990102.0085 -1 Missouri 2037 NYT19991026.0143 3 Iowa (from the Siouan ``ouaouia,'' meaning ``one who puts to sleep'') 2037 APW20000825.0031 -1 Election officials 2037 NYT20000124.0339 -1 true 2038 NYT19980618.0141 -1 Wilde 2038 NYT19980618.0398 -1 Jude Law 2038 NYT20000416.0076 -1 Barnes Noble.com 2038 NYT19991102.0036 -1 Barnes 2038 NYT19990724.0200 1 dynamite 2038 APW19981002.0843 1 dynamite 2038 NYT19981208.0190 -1 NIL 2038 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2038 APW19981207.1568 -1 Nobel 2038 APW19981002.0912 -1 the other Nobel prize 2038 NYT20000406.0441 -1 Barnes & Noble 2038 NYT20000517.0120 -1 Lord Tennyson 2038 NYT20000928.0505 -1 many 2038 XIE19981008.0089 1 dynamite 2038 APW19981014.0409 1 dynamite 2038 NYT19981208.0190 -1 Treasury Department 2038 NYT19990701.0125 -1 baseball 2038 NYT19980817.0149 -1 one year 2038 NYT19981018.0148 -1 sense 2039 NYT20000319.0210 -1 Kobe Bryant 2039 NYT20000319.0146 -1 Philadelphia 2039 APW19990306.0073 -1 NBA 2039 NYT19990424.0150 -1 Nets 2039 APW19990414.0132 1 Georgetown 2039 NYT19990424.0150 2 Georgetown 2039 APW19990414.0091 1 Georgetown 2039 NYT19990404.0178 1 Georgetown 2039 NYT20000903.0087 -1 school 2039 APW20000213.0160 -1 NBA 2039 NYT20000519.0018 -1 PHILADELPHIA 2039 APW20000104.0081 -1 Milwaukee Bucks 2039 APW19990405.0213 -1 Problems PHILADELPHIA 2039 NYT20000319.0210 -1 a year 2039 APW20000422.0149 -1 AP 2039 APW19990524.0027 -1 Sixers 2039 NYT20000108.0245 -1 Toronto 2039 APW19990404.0071 -1 Sixers 2039 NYT20000319.0144 -1 the NBA 2039 NYT20000627.0400 -1 Green 2039 NYT19990227.0236 -1 Vin Baker 2039 NYT19990306.0178 -1 the college game 2039 APW20000115.0064 -1 Sixers 2039 NYT20000319.0144 -1 NBA 2039 APW19990323.0103 -1 AP 2039 XIE19990604.0249 -1 NBA 2039 APW19990311.0263 1 Georgetown 2039 APW19990406.0012 -1 opening 2040 NYT19980618.0337 -1 children 2040 NYT19980618.0337 -1 Bungee 2040 NYT20000717.0054 -1 blue 2040 APW19990418.0038 3 tadpoles grow 2040 APW19990429.0104 3 tadpoles grow 2040 APW19990429.0104 1 tadpoles 2040 APW19990418.0038 1 tadpoles 2040 XIE19960919.0153 -1 security 2040 APW19991030.0196 -1 a pink baby blanket 2040 NYT19990924.0110 -1 babies 2040 APW19990418.0038 -1 egg 2040 NYT19981111.0316 -1 last season 2040 NYT19990430.0042 -1 worm 2040 APW19990418.0038 -1 fish 2040 NYT19981123.0331 -1 change 2040 APW19990429.0104 3 Tadpoles green Leanna 2040 XIE19960309.0187 -1 30 million 2040 NYT19990419.0168 -1 May 2040 NYT19980810.0365 -1 Gail Ruhling 2040 NYT19980627.0090 -1 a chytrid 2040 NYT20000817.0254 -1 13 2040 XIE19960309.0187 -1 30 2040 NYT19990222.0013 -1 Horned Frogs 2040 NYT19990519.0440 -1 bullfrogs 2040 XIE19960309.0187 -1 200 million 2040 NYT19990618.0370 1 tadpoles 2040 NYT19980604.0266 -1 there 2040 NYT19980605.0271 -1 frogs 2040 NYT19980611.0171 -1 Leach 2043 NYT20000126.0487 -1 Supreme Court 2043 NYT20000316.0083 -1 constitutional amendment 2043 APW19991021.0257 -1 1973 2043 NYT20000122.0277 -1 1973 2043 APW20000618.0033 -1 Supreme Court decision 2043 APW19991021.0257 -1 Harkin 2043 NYT19980605.0254 -1 human life amendment 2043 NYT20000316.0083 -1 Amendment 2043 APW19991021.0257 -1 amendment 2043 NYT19980605.0254 -1 Catholic 2043 NYT19990504.0120 -1 abortion 2043 XIE19980116.0097 -1 decision 2043 APW20000122.0182 -1 a constitutional amendment banning abortion 2043 NYT20000121.0295 -1 the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion 2043 NYT19990518.0327 -1 Civil War 2043 NYT19981205.0053 -1 Medicaid 2043 APW20000123.0005 -1 United States 2043 NYT20000503.0473 -1 Reproductive Action League 2043 NYT20000128.0113 -1 the so-called Hyde amendment 2043 NYT19981208.0380 -1 1973 2043 APW20000120.0260 -1 1973 2043 APW19990825.0223 -1 Roe vs. Wade 2043 APW19990825.0223 -1 X 2043 APW19991021.0334 -1 late-term abortions 2043 APW19991021.0257 -1 Roe 2043 NYT19990313.0113 -1 n't 2044 NYT19990316.0158 -1 US Airways 2044 NYT20000719.0257 -1 University of Pennsylvania 2044 NYT20000729.0234 1 the Philadelphia Museum of Art 2044 APW20000803.0036 1 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2044 NYT20000730.0040 1 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2044 NYT20000731.0161 3 Art 2044 NYT20000803.0131 1 Museum of Art 2044 NYT19991026.0061 1 Philadelphia Art Museum 2044 NYT20000503.0157 3 the city 's the Museum of Art 's Rocky steps 2044 NYT20000411.0123 1 the Museum of Art 2044 NYT19991228.0057 3 Art 2044 APW19990430.0112 -1 Mountain 2044 APW19990915.0010 3 the Art Museum steps 2044 NYT19990605.0213 -1 Art's permanent collection 2044 NYT20000731.0161 -1 Eakins Oval 2044 APW19990915.0010 1 Art Museum 2044 NYT20000731.0161 -1 Eagle 2044 NYT20000529.0153 3 Art 2044 NYT19980630.0168 -1 Museum of Modern Art 2044 NYT20000411.0123 -1 Include Include 2044 NYT20000411.0123 -1 Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corp 2044 NYT20000120.0141 -1 the Los Angeles museum 2044 NYT19991228.0057 1 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2044 NYT20000525.0163 1 Museum of Art 2044 APW19990915.0010 -1 or 'Sixth Sense 2044 APW19980626.1429 1 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2044 NYT20000729.0234 3 Philadelphia Museum 2044 APW19990915.0010 -1 [S -/: To/TO [S [VP hear/VB [NP [NP [NP locals/NNS talk/VB ] [PP about/IN [NP it/PRP ] ] ] ,/, [NP [NP a/DT new/JJ movie/NN ] [PP about/IN [NP [NP dead/JJ people/NNS ] [SBAR [S [NP walking/VBG [PP around/IN [NP Philadelphia/NNP ] ] ] [VP is/VBZ [ADVP the/DT best/JJS ] thing/NN [S [VP to/TO [VP happen/VB [PP since/IN [NP [NP [NP a/DT little-known/JJ boxer/NN ] [VP named/VBN [NP Rocky/NNP ] ] ] [VP trained/VBN [PP on/IN [NP the/DT Art/NNP Museum/NNP steps/NNS ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ./. ] ] ] ] ] 2044 NYT20000828.0244 -1 exhibit 2045 APW19980819.1154 1 1718 2045 APW19990122.0357 -1 1764 2045 NYT20000511.0240 1 1718 2045 APW20000126.0297 -1 2001 2045 NYT20000524.0262 -1 1992 2045 NYT19981113.0069 -1 1943 2045 APW19980626.1429 -1 1835 2045 APW19990903.0005 -1 1984 2045 APW19990210.0332 -1 Wednesday 2045 NYT19991030.0170 -1 1992 2045 NYT19990505.0223 -1 38 2045 NYT20000202.0493 -1 1997 2045 APW19980819.1154 1 August 25, 1718 2045 NYT19990923.0507 -1 1717 2045 NYT19991119.0083 -1 1999 2045 NYT19991119.0083 -1 1977 2045 APW19990122.0169 -1 this month 2045 NYT19990505.0165 -1 1872 2045 APW19980819.1154 -1 1825 2045 APW19990824.0023 1 1718 2045 APW19990316.0022 -1 the 1970 s anthem 2045 NYT19981103.0272 -1 Friday 2047 NYT20000319.0099 -1 Venus 2047 NYT20000319.0099 -1 terrestrial planets 2047 NYT20000329.0295 -1 1500 degrees 2047 NYT20000806.0102 -1 innermost planet 2047 NYT19991206.0033 1 36 million miles 2047 NYT19991208.0147 1 36 million miles 2047 NYT19990216.0097 -1 closest 2047 NYT19980820.0037 -1 The rest of the Mercury 48 2047 NYT19991206.0033 3 orbits just 36 million miles from the sun 2047 NYT19990125.0145 -1 the solar system's planets 2047 NYT19980907.0097 -1 about 3,100 miles 2047 NYT19990716.0229 -1 10-mile 2047 NYT19980830.0015 -1 35 year 2047 NYT20000806.0102 1 35.5 million miles 2047 NYT19990304.0358 -1 San Bernardino 2047 NYT19990419.0260 -1 Venus 2047 NYT19980615.0038 -1 five days 2047 NYT19990109.0123 -1 88 days 2047 NYT19990816.0256 -1 93 million miles 2047 NYT19980907.0097 -1 3,100 miles 2047 NYT19990514.0119 -1 the planet closest to our sun is tiny mercury, which has a very weak magnetic field. 2047 NYT20000806.0102 -1 35.5 miles 2047 APW20000425.0063 -1 one part 2047 APW19981117.0065 -1 in fish 2047 APW20000504.0253 -1 the moon 2048 NYT19990218.0055 1 1981 2048 NYT19990218.0055 -1 1985 2048 NYT19981115.0084 -1 today 2048 NYT19981227.0079 -1 1984 2048 APW19980711.0757 1 1981 2048 NYT19991101.0490 2 1981 2048 NYT19980621.0134 -1 1980 2048 XIE19960301.0036 -1 1995 2048 NYT20000828.0060 -1 2000 2048 NYT19990224.0105 1 1981 2048 NYT20000802.0275 2 1981 2048 APW19980726.0873 3 August 1, 1981 2048 NYT19990218.0055 -1 April 1 2048 NYT19990223.0431 -1 Tuesday 2048 NYT19990218.0055 -1 VH1 2048 NYT19980603.0284 -1 The 1998 2048 NYT19990520.0544 -1 next_month 2048 NYT20000802.0181 2 1981 2049 NYT19980601.0118 -1 ISLAND 2049 NYT19980601.0120 -1 YEAR 2049 APW19980606.0905 -1 Ronald Reagan 2049 NYT20000321.0091 -1 Ma '' Ferguson 2049 NYT20000710.0120 1 Grover Cleveland 2049 NYT20000526.0204 -1 Clinton 2049 XIE19980526.0408 -1 President Soeharto 2049 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2049 NYT19991003.0497 -1 Clinton 2049 XIE19980509.0128 -1 President 2049 NYT19990119.0154 -1 vice 2049 APW20000326.0003 2 Grover Cleveland 2049 NYT19991003.0497 -1 President Clinton 2049 XIE20000605.0013 -1 the office 2049 NYT19980829.0148 -1 the lower house 2049 APW19990730.0208 -1 Kennedy 2049 NYT20000723.0023 -1 Bill Clinton 2049 NYT20000321.0091 -1 Ferguson 2049 XIE19970417.0161 -1 Chaim Herzog 2049 APW19990730.0208 -1 two 2049 NYT20000321.0091 -1 Ma'' Ferguson 2049 XIE20000505.0063 -1 Kemal 2049 NYT20000321.0091 -1 his wife 2049 XIE20000605.0168 -1 far 2050 NYT19980915.0240 -1 sun 2050 NYT19991130.0222 -1 New York 2050 NYT19991130.0222 -1 lives 2050 XIE20000323.0266 -1 water 2050 NYT19990201.0278 -1 gold chloride solution 2050 NYT19981221.0435 -1 AQUA 2050 NYT20000619.0284 1 cyanide 2050 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2050 XIE19990702.0068 -1 changes 2050 NYT19980902.0388 -1 Duma 2050 APW20000214.0166 1 Cyanide 2050 APW19981203.1061 2 the Zyklon-B cyanide tablets 2050 NYT20000619.0284 -1 crushed rock 2050 NYT19990201.0278 -1 Solution 2050 APW19980911.0476 -1 next May 2050 APW19990408.0208 -1 Dominique Moceanu 2050 XIE19960511.0147 -1 BJP Emerges 2050 NYT20000619.0284 -1 gold 2050 APW20000322.0266 1 cyanide 2050 XIE19960730.0207 -1 1 2050 NYT19990102.0055 -1 China slows 2050 APW19990408.0208 -1 Olympic 2050 NYT20000619.0284 -1 Many mines in Zimbabwe 2050 NYT19990201.0278 -1 chloride 2050 APW20000322.0266 -1 Australian-owned Tolukuma gold 2050 XIE19961117.0085 -1 Farooq_Leghari 2051 NYT20000713.0143 -1 Mars 2051 NYT19980610.0414 -1 METEOR 2051 APW19981208.0596 2 Antarctica 2051 NYT19990310.0214 -1 earth 2051 NYT19981216.0080 2 Antarctica 2051 NYT20000202.0254 2 Antarctica 2051 APW19981210.0648 -1 Asian 2051 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2051 NYT20000202.0254 -1 the brief Antarctic summer 2051 XIE19960620.0064 -1 Africa 2051 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2051 NYT19990310.0214 -1 Antarctica 2051 NYT19980828.0051 -1 Mars 2051 XIE19960731.0162 -1 China 2051 NYT19990322.0185 -1 Earth-like microbial fossils 2051 NYT20000117.0187 2 Antarctica 2051 APW19980804.0639 2 Antarctica 2051 APW19980804.0639 -1 Mars 2051 APW19980610.1052 -1 gets rid of 2051 NYT19990322.0185 2 Antarctica 2051 NYT19981216.0073 2 Antarctica 2051 APW19980810.0675 2 Antarctica 2051 XIE19960814.0081 -1 Africa 2051 NYT20000117.0187 2 Antarctic 2051 XIE19981228.0159 -1 Guinea-Bissau 2052 APW20000219.0058 1 Bexar 2052 NYT19990222.0010 -1 America 2052 APW19990122.0271 -1 eastern Texas 2052 NYT20000427.0433 1 Bexar County 2052 NYT19981211.0413 -1 Austin 2052 NYT19990527.0247 1 Bexar County 2052 NYT20000208.0246 1 Bexar 2052 NYT19990823.0372 -1 South Texas 2052 NYT19980902.0108 1 Bexar 2052 NYT19990112.0454 -1 City 2052 NYT20000628.0356 -1 Austin 2052 NYT20000628.0356 -1 Austin and the state's 13 other dioceses 2052 APW19990210.0060 -1 Salt Lake City 2052 NYT19981020.0404 -1 Interstate 2052 NYT19990822.0154 -1 Interstate 2052 NYT19981211.0413 -1 Dallas 2052 NYT19991227.0181 -1 the scene 2052 NYT20000427.0433 -1 Hays County 2052 NYT20000724.0334 1 Bexar County 2052 NYT19990618.0483 -1 San Antonio 2052 NYT19981017.0141 -1 Hispanic 2052 NYT19990813.0224 -1 El Paso 2052 NYT19981019.0460 -1 Comal County 2052 APW20000917.0114 -1 San_Antonio 2052 NYT19991118.0494 -1 Calif 2053 APW20000628.0128 -1 LeAnn Rimes 2053 NYT20000731.0170 -1 Academy 2053 NYT20000105.0223 -1 Unpretty 2053 APW20000926.0085 1 Milli Vanilli 2053 APW19980912.0446 -1 milli 2053 NYT19990303.0090 1 Milli Vanilli 2053 NYT20000302.0335 -1 1997 2053 APW19990610.0190 1 Milli Vanilli 2053 APW19981107.0800 -1 NIL 2053 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2053 NYT20000317.0147 -1 NOT 2053 NYT20000105.0223 -1 or group 2053 APW20000321.0057 -1 album 2053 APW19990105.0293 -1 Rose 2053 APW20000223.0298 -1 the year's four best-selling albums 2053 NYT20000221.0169 1 Milli Vanilli 2053 NYT20000224.0045 -1 Santana 2053 NYT19990105.0303 -1 Garth Brooks 2053 APW20000216.0120 -1 Dan Huff 2053 NYT20000104.0199 -1 a duo 2053 APW19980912.0272 -1 AP 2053 APW20000223.0278 -1 Santana 2053 APW19990224.0131 -1 Johnny Cash 2053 NYT19990224.0426 -1 well 2054 NYT19990628.0060 -1 Lyman Hall 2054 NYT19990628.0060 -1 George Walton 2054 NYT19980707.0059 -1 Declaration 2054 NYT19990628.0060 2 Declaration of Independence 2054 NYT19980706.0170 -1 Declaration 2054 NYT19990628.0060 -1 Independence 2054 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2054 NYT20000630.0170 -1 Francis Lewis 2054 NYT19981228.0304 -1 Images 2054 NYT19980707.0059 -1 Lachlan 2054 APW20000422.0065 -1 current state flag 2054 APW19980601.0773 -1 fatal 2054 NYT19990423.0199 -1 County 2054 XIE19960516.0157 -1 the agreement on the Eritrean side 2054 NYT19980706.0170 -1 John Witherspoon 2054 XIE19990911.0037 -1 this document 2054 NYT19980706.0170 -1 England 2054 NYT19980706.0170 -1 Gwinnett 2054 NYT19980706.0170 2 the Declaration of Independence 2054 XIE19981016.0362 -1 document U.N. arms inspectors 2055 NYT19990412.0235 -1 Garnish 2055 NYT19980915.0194 -1 sugar 2055 NYT19990713.0208 -1 splits 2055 NYT19990706.0153 -1 14057 Alcoholic beverage, wine 2055 NYT19981120.0483 -1 14057 Alcoholic beverage, wine 2055 NYT20000608.0069 -1 14057 Alcoholic beverage, wine 2055 NYT20000628.0126 1 PEACH MELBA 2055 NYT19980630.0231 -1 ice cream 2055 NYT20000628.0126 3 Melba 2055 NYT20000410.0164 -1 your favorite flavor of chocolate ice cream or frozen yogurt 2055 NYT19981008.0272 -1 A funky breakfast 2055 NYT19980630.0234 -1 sugar 2055 NYT19980805.0126 -1 water 2055 NYT19990727.0154 -1 Lespinasse 2055 NYT19980630.0231 -1 ice creams 2055 NYT20000510.0165 -1 It 2055 NYT20000510.0165 -1 Salmon With Tangy Mustard 2055 NYT20000704.0087 -1 his 2055 NYT19981008.0272 -1 pears 2055 NYT19990629.0203 -1 CHOCOLATE 2055 NYT19990804.0280 -1 fruits 2055 NYT19980722.0195 2 peach Melba 2055 NYT20000530.0131 -1 flavors 2056 NYT19990719.0207 -1 Brian Setzer Orchestra 2056 NYT19990409.0092 -1 Alanis Morissette 2056 NYT19990409.0092 -1 Metallica 2056 APW20000628.0073 -1 Los Angeles 2056 NYT19991101.0232 2 Jane's Addiction 2056 NYT20000515.0056 1 Jane's Addiction 2056 NYT19990528.0168 2 Jane 's Addiction 2056 NYT19990528.0168 -1 Spread 2056 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2056 NYT20000522.0238 -1 Funkadelic 2056 NYT19990630.0302 -1 Jane 2056 NYT19991011.0271 -1 young rock and hip-hop artists 2056 NYT20000412.0113 -1 Flea and the boys 2056 NYT20000707.0118 -1 Foo Fighters 2056 NYT20000707.0118 -1 Nirvana 2056 APW19990811.0254 -1 Aerosmith 2056 NYT19991227.0160 -1 the J. Geils Band 2056 NYT19990630.0302 1 Jane's Addiction 2056 NYT19990630.0302 -1 Frusciante 2056 NYT19990726.0405 -1 DMX 2056 NYT19990528.0168 2 Jane's Addiction 2056 APW20000905.0047 -1 rapper Eminem 2057 NYT19981030.0244 -1 Five 2057 APW20000618.0092 -1 four 2057 NYT19980810.0143 -1 four 2057 APW20000205.0155 -1 11 children 2057 NYT19991217.0145 1 seven 2057 NYT19991106.0125 -1 three 2057 APW19980706.1171 -1 NIL 2057 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2057 NYT19991217.0145 -1 one 2057 XIE20000329.0274 -1 29 2057 APW20000618.0092 -1 three 2057 APW20000205.0101 -1 Street 2057 APW20000315.0029 -1 160 schools 2057 APW19990403.0071 -1 1 1/16 2057 NYT20000824.0204 -1 911 2057 NYT19990322.0194 -1 two children 2057 APW19990930.0337 -1 1979 2057 NYT19980705.0046 -1 25 2057 NYT19991217.0145 1 seven children 2057 APW19981122.0939 -1 1981 2057 NYT19991229.0309 -1 One 2057 APW19990604.0011 -1 three 2057 NYT19991217.0145 1 seven children 2057 APW19981010.0813 -1 age 36 2057 APW19981010.0796 -1 in Jamaica 2057 APW20000205.0155 -1 one 2057 NYT19990116.0068 -1 peoples 2058 NYT20000620.0191 -1 Washington 2058 XIE19990314.0085 -1 New York 2058 NYT20000713.0046 -1 News 2058 XIE19990314.0085 -1 news 2058 NYT19990317.0020 -1 News That's Fit 2058 NYT19990624.0409 -1 Games 2058 XIE19990314.0085 1 all the news that's fit to print 2058 NYT19990913.0202 -1 the battle 2058 NYT19990105.0493 -1 Boston Globe AMHERST 2058 XIE19990314.0085 3 All the news 2058 NYT19990314.0187 -1 fit 2058 NYT19980825.0300 -1 A New York Times News Service article 2058 NYT20000814.0088 -1 Faithful Reader fit print 2058 XIE19990314.0085 -1 cherished by the New York Times 2058 NYT20000506.0143 -1 With God 2058 NYT19980825.0300 -1 News 2058 NYT19980825.0300 -1 one 2058 NYT20000429.0054 -1 American Civil Liberties Union 2058 NYT19990317.0020 -1 stone 2058 NYT19990314.0187 -1 cherished by The New York Times 2058 APW20000627.0097 -1 Ohio 2058 APW20000425.0139 -1 the motto 2058 NYT19990129.0459 -1 Mrs. Mott 2059 NYT19981005.0400 -1 Illinois 2059 NYT19981005.0400 -1 Schippers 2059 APW20000323.0233 -1 Northwest 2059 NYT19990126.0014 -1 Northwest 2059 NYT19981008.0164 1 she - kag - ong 2059 NYT19981008.0164 1 Ojibwa words ``she-kag-ong 2059 APW19990103.0070 -1 go shopping in Chicago 2059 APW19990119.0155 -1 next month's city election 2059 NYT19991128.0105 -1 the address part 2059 APW19980806.0260 -1 Cubs 2059 NYT20000522.0443 -1 Detroit 2059 APW19990329.0155 -1 NBD 2059 APW20000417.0133 -1 Abe 2059 APW20000308.0272 -1 points 2059 APW20000111.0028 -1 History 2059 NYT19990408.0121 -1 name 2059 APW19990919.0061 -1 Unicom 2059 APW19991026.0056 -1 as a result of the legal battle, however, the silverbergs recently dropped the use of jordan's name and renamed the restaurant for chicago cubs slugger sammy sosa. 2059 APW19980928.1101 -1 Los Angeles 2059 APW19990329.0206 -1 The bank 2059 APW20000417.0133 -1 editor 2061 APW19990910.0174 -1 U.S. District Judge Royal 2061 NYT19980901.0403 -1 Ferguson 2061 APW19990517.0210 -1 Ferguson 2061 NYT19980901.0403 -1 Supreme 2061 NYT20000513.0083 -1 Supreme 2061 NYT19980901.0403 1 Brown vs. Board of Education 2061 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2061 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2061 NYT20000121.0228 -1 Ferguson 2061 NYT19980921.0440 -1 Brown 2061 NYT20000127.0324 -1 the 1973 Supreme Court ruling 2061 NYT20000920.0073 -1 court _ and the ruling 2061 NYT19981110.0171 -1 Convention 2061 NYT20000630.0088 -1 Roe 2061 NYT19990226.0386 -1 the lower court ruling 2061 APW19990517.0210 3 Board of Education 2061 NYT19990308.0142 -1 In Plessy 2061 XIE19970417.0065 -1 spending limits 2061 NYT19981025.0035 -1 the Supreme Court 2061 NYT19980825.0196 3 Brown 2061 NYT19980901.0403 -1 Supreme Court 2061 APW19990517.0210 1 Brown v. Board of Education 2061 APW19981110.0510 -1 a June 24 ruling by the Court of First Instance 2061 APW19990825.0223 -1 McCain 2061 APW20000121.0337 -1 [S [NP Bush/NNP ] [VP has/VBZ [VP said/VBD [SBAR [S [NP the/DT country/NN ] [VP is/VBZ not/RB [ADJP ready/JJ [S [VP to/TO [VP pass/VB [NP such/JJ a/DT sweeping/VBG amendment/NN ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ./. ] 2062 NYT20000318.0205 -1 2 inches 2062 NYT19980617.0067 -1 one inch 2062 XIE19960301.0057 -1 three 2062 NYT20000127.0074 2 6 legs 2062 NYT20000202.0281 2 6 legs 2062 NYT19990403.0276 1 six 2062 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2062 APW19980621.0467 -1 NIL 2062 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2062 APW19980821.0167 -1 One 2062 NYT20000224.0207 2 six 2062 NYT20000427.0398 -1 one billion 2062 NYT20000831.0210 -1 two inches 2062 NYT19990708.0291 -1 103 2062 NYT19990403.0276 1 six legs 2062 NYT19980812.0265 -1 one 2062 NYT19981229.0114 -1 one 2062 NYT20000427.0398 -1 12 2062 NYT20000626.0085 -1 three 2062 XIE19990216.0077 -1 three 2062 NYT19990503.0218 -1 1999 2062 APW19980821.0167 -1 ( dlrs 7,000 ) and a three-year jail term 2062 NYT19980727.0201 -1 most 2062 NYT19980716.0107 -1 10 miles 2063 NYT19980622.0147 -1 Theatre 2063 NYT19980611.0205 -1 Park 2063 NYT19980603.0118 -1 Macbeth 2063 NYT19981215.0334 -1 Ms. Taymor 2063 NYT20000110.0199 -1 Rosalind Bellamy 2063 NYT19980826.0085 -1 Charles Dickens 2063 NYT20000120.0140 -1 Charles Dickens 2063 APW19990323.0257 -1 William Shakespeare 2063 NYT20000110.0199 -1 Shakespeare's more cynical characters 2063 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2063 NYT19990313.0039 -1 : 2063 NYT19990313.0039 -1 Iago 2063 NYT19990313.0039 -1 Cleopatra 2063 NYT19980822.0146 -1 Henry's 15th century 2063 NYT19981115.0072 -1 King Lear 2063 NYT19990514.0120 -1 Bottom 2063 NYT20000601.0205 -1 Bloom 2063 NYT19990209.0277 -1 Lynn Redgrave 2063 NYT20000809.0159 -1 Prince Charles 2063 NYT20000318.0097 -1 Love 2063 APW19990319.0054 -1 Love 2063 NYT19990525.0382 -1 Shakespeare 2063 NYT19990125.0015 -1 Dharma and Greg's 2063 APW19980905.0947 -1 New School 2063 APW19990323.0257 -1 Branagh 2064 XIE19960611.0251 1 Nepal 2064 XIE19960529.0226 -1 China 2064 NYT19980811.0253 1 Nepal 2064 XIE19960529.0226 1 Nepal 2064 APW19981016.0626 1 Nepal 2064 XIE20000121.0226 -1 Nepalese 2064 APW20000317.0210 1 Nepal 2064 NYT19990504.0336 -1 world 2064 NYT20000215.0451 1 Nepal 2064 XIE20000517.0361 -1 Sagarmatha Millennium Expedition 2064 APW19981025.1077 3 Nepal ranks 2064 APW19981025.1077 1 Nepal 2064 XIE19980804.0241 -1 Tibet 2064 APW19981025.1077 3 Geology Region Nepal side 2064 XIE19990202.0158 -1 Canada 2064 APW19981015.0975 -1 Mt Lhotse 2064 XIE20000219.0052 -1 MTS results 2065 NYT19980709.0019 -1 section of Yellowstone 2065 NYT19980709.0019 -1 Gibbon 2065 NYT19990525.0087 1 cows 2065 NYT19990525.0086 1 cow 2065 NYT19981027.0365 -1 adult 2065 NYT19981027.0263 -1 adult 2065 NYT20000624.0115 1 cow 2065 NYT19980608.0172 -1 Sex changes in fish 2065 NYT19980612.0197 2 COW 2065 NYT19980612.0039 -1 Male 2065 XIE19960928.0138 -1 Assistant Secretary of State 2065 NYT19990525.0087 3 called cows and males 2065 NYT19980721.0042 -1 bear 2065 NYT20000126.0171 -1 pounds 2065 APW20000922.0136 -1 Wht mle clled 2065 NYT19990801.0050 -1 I 'd just killed 2065 NYT20000624.0115 -1 I 2065 NYT19990525.0086 -1 Berlin 2065 APW19990906.0021 -1 a moose 2065 NYT19990525.0086 1 a cow 2065 NYT19990927.0125 -1 a bull 2065 APW19980617.1387 -1 Army 2065 NYT19990617.0501 -1 500 - pound 2065 NYT19990525.0087 -1 BIT OF MOOSE 2065 APW20000922.0136 -1 moose 2065 NYT19990525.0087 -1 Females 2066 NYT19991027.0194 -1 Amatitan 2066 NYT19980908.0179 -1 Mexicans 2066 NYT19991027.0216 1 agave 2066 NYT19990601.0223 -1 juice 2066 NYT20000720.0090 1 blue agave plant 2066 NYT20000720.0090 1 blue agave 2066 APW19990205.0084 -1 NIL 2066 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2066 NYT19980710.0431 -1 Mexico 2066 NYT19990601.0223 1 agave 2066 NYT19991027.0209 3 a straightforward agave flavor 2066 NYT20000919.0123 3 100 percent blue agave 2066 NYT20000912.0304 1 agave juice 2066 NYT19990601.0223 -1 drink 2066 NYT20000519.0008 -1 plant 2066 NYT20000719.0276 -1 BOB MARGARITAS Really good margaritas like these 2066 APW19990428.0232 -1 Tequiza 2066 APW20000320.0244 -1 Tequiza Extra 2066 NYT20000519.0008 -1 a tequila 2066 NYT20000704.0050 -1 100% 2066 NYT19990601.0223 -1 100 2066 NYT19991027.0216 -1 U.S. 2066 NYT19980731.0231 -1 juice 2066 NYT20000919.0194 -1 Mexico City 2066 NYT19990601.0223 1 blue agave 2066 NYT19991027.0216 -1 Denton 2066 APW19980804.0941 -1 the state 2067 NYT19980630.0215 -1 15 mph 2067 NYT19980909.0070 -1 eight 2067 APW20000511.0046 1 five 2067 XIE19991123.0301 1 five 2067 APW19990818.0248 -1 1 2067 XIE20000726.0057 -1 1 2067 XIE19970212.0050 -1 1 2067 NYT19990830.0182 -1 383 2067 APW20000610.0069 1 five 2067 APW20000201.0023 -1 $ 50 2067 NYT19980728.0095 -1 three 2067 XIE19980401.0082 -1 one 2067 APW20000413.0162 -1 eight 2067 APW20000201.0023 -1 one 2067 APW20000610.0069 -1 higher temperatures 2067 NYT20000807.0248 -1 53186 2067 XIE19970212.0050 -1 33 million 2067 APW20000413.0162 -1 eight great lakes 2067 NYT19980610.0390 -1 10,000 2067 XIE19980322.0173 -1 25 2067 NYT20000905.0133 2 five 2067 XIE20000726.0057 -1 two 2067 APW19990405.0083 -1 the other two 2067 XIE19970219.0288 -1 3 2067 APW20000610.0069 -1 high fuel costs 2067 APW19990818.0019 -1 the Great_Lakes basin 2067 XIE19960101.0024 -1 state 2068 APW19980619.1384 -1 hippos 2068 NYT20000801.0321 -1 cows 2068 NYT19980810.0265 -1 Rabies 2068 APW20000822.0091 -1 Rabies 2068 NYT19990318.0337 -1 cow 2068 NYT20000821.0384 1 mosquitoes 2068 XIE19980605.0251 -1 The animals 2068 APW19990126.0187 -1 animal 2068 NYT19990809.0212 -1 black widow 2068 NYT19980828.0006 -1 fatalities 2068 NYT20000103.0335 -1 elephant 2068 APW19990218.0124 -1 the monkey virus 2068 NYT20000221.0198 -1 thousands of dogs and cats 2068 NYT20000328.0118 -1 pig 2068 NYT20000727.0096 -1 Nile 2068 NYT20000831.0247 -1 Medicine 2068 NYT19990611.0276 -1 Parasitic 2068 NYT19991108.0444 -1 animal behaviorists 2068 APW20000724.0151 2 mosquito 2068 XIE19970323.0147 2 mosquito 2068 NYT19990427.0311 -1 right whale 2068 XIE20000425.0039 2 mosquito 2068 APW19991001.0240 -1 a crush video 2068 APW19981206.0597 -1 activist 2069 NYT19990517.0314 1 1977 2069 NYT19990517.0421 1 1977 2069 NYT19990514.0219 2 1977 2069 NYT19990517.0342 1 1977 2069 NYT19990501.0004 1 1977 2069 NYT19990315.0214 1 1977 2069 NYT19981003.0022 -1 1941 2069 APW20000807.0046 1 1977 2069 APW19990413.0218 -1 May 19 2069 APW19990626.0056 -1 Saturday 2069 NYT19990517.0365 -1 22 years ago 2069 APW19990413.0218 -1 May 3 2069 APW19990512.0193 1 1977 2069 NYT19990413.0109 -1 Monday 2069 APW19990512.0183 -1 May 19 2069 APW19990506.0173 -1 May 2069 NYT19990517.0421 -1 22 years 2069 APW19990510.0181 1 1977 2069 APW19990520.0138 -1 1997 2069 APW19990602.0116 -1 1958 2069 NYT19981022.0284 1 1977 2069 APW19990518.0209 -1 1997 2069 NYT19990310.0096 1 1977 2070 XIE19980711.0040 -1 1992 2070 NYT19980603.0058 -1 1946 2070 XIE19980308.0020 -1 1989 2070 APW20000510.0243 -1 the centennial year 2070 NYT20000203.0061 -1 1865 2070 APW19980928.1280 -1 1865 2070 APW19990411.0001 1 April 12 , 1861 2070 XIE19960704.0103 -1 from 1955 to 1972 2070 APW19990411.0001 1 April 12, 1861 2070 XIE19991009.0015 -1 1995 2070 XIE19970413.0018 -1 1975 2070 APW19980711.0748 -1 Francisco Franco 2070 NYT19980731.0214 -1 Re 2070 NYT19990102.0049 -1 American 2070 APW20000115.0194 -1 1547 2070 XIE19970220.0002 -1 today 2070 XIE19960607.0258 -1 1994 2070 APW19980813.1214 -1 1998 2070 XIE19960317.0009 -1 RUF rebels 2070 XIE19960903.0143 -1 September 3 2070 APW19980807.0939 -1 1994 2070 XIE19980922.0227 -1 1972 2070 NYT19991125.0079 1 April 12, 1861 2070 APW19990616.0245 -1 this fall 2070 XIE19981219.0163 -1 Friday debate 2070 NYT19990206.0078 3 1861 2071 XIE19990606.0123 1 17,000 2071 APW19980717.0124 1 17,000 2071 XIE19970521.0227 1 17,508 2071 XIE19981228.0196 1 17,000 2071 XIE19970120.0216 1 17,000 2071 XIE19990607.0230 1 17,508 2071 NYT19990828.0128 1 13,000 2071 XIE19961009.0090 -1 1821 2071 NYT19990828.0128 1 13000 2071 XIE20000116.0106 -1 five 2071 XIE19991018.0249 -1 two 2071 APW19981201.0014 -1 1,900 kilometers 2071 XIE20000426.0011 -1 12.7 2071 NYT20000610.0077 1 13,000 2071 APW19990826.0055 -1 126 2071 XIE19970428.0074 -1 two 2071 NYT20000209.0429 -1 2,000 2071 NYT20000209.0429 -1 12 2071 NYT19990830.0108 1 13,000 islands 2071 APW19981201.0129 -1 25 2071 NYT19990907.0291 -1 one 2071 XIE19970116.0229 1 17,500 2071 XIE19970125.0173 1 17,500 2071 XIE20000428.0280 1 17,508 2071 APW19990311.0058 -1 thousands 2071 NYT19980610.0187 -1 resources 2072 APW19980817.0931 -1 Bruce 2072 NYT20000818.0206 -1 The Crow 2072 APW19980817.0931 -1 filming the Crow 2072 APW19980817.0931 1 shooting accident 2072 NYT19980720.0191 1 shooting accident 2072 NYT19980720.0191 -1 Lee buried next to Brandon Lee 2072 NYT20000328.0156 -1 Hodgkin 2072 NYT20000812.0020 -1 died 2072 APW19980817.0931 1 shooting 2072 XIE19970103.0106 -1 Ng and other seven third-year students 2072 APW19990325.0031 -1 the death penalty 2072 NYT19991123.0062 -1 cancer 2072 NYT19991213.0157 -1 breast implants 2072 NYT19980720.0191 1 in a shooting accident 2072 NYT19990601.0071 -1 1993 2072 NYT19980720.0191 3 accident 2072 APW19990515.0093 -1 the murders 2072 APW19990721.0008 -1 the accident 2072 APW20000811.0087 -1 The Buffalo News Thursday 2072 NYT19990529.0070 -1 artists planning to die anytime soon should leave instructions. 2072 APW20000317.0248 -1 a woman who posed as a man 2072 APW20000317.0248 -1 Brandon 2072 NYT19980720.0191 -1 Others 2073 NYT19981104.0142 -1 18,000 mph 2073 NYT19981221.0172 1 186,000 miles per second 2073 NYT20000724.0118 1 about 186,000 miles per second 2073 XIE19971118.0126 -1 289 million 2073 XIE20000519.0173 -1 300 million 2073 APW19990325.0218 1 about 6 trillion miles a year 2073 NYT19980928.0169 1 186,000 miles per secon 2073 NYT19981118.0068 -1 1971 2073 NYT19990103.0192 1 186000 miles per second 2073 NYT20000724.0118 1 186,000 miles per second 2073 NYT20000131.0253 -1 its usual 186,000 miles 2073 NYT19990726.0419 -1 2 megabits 2073 NYT20000724.0118 -1 0009013 2073 NYT19991221.0252 -1 6,395 2073 XIE19990220.0035 -1 186,171 miles 2073 APW19991029.0309 -1 600 mph 2073 NYT19990625.0192 -1 million mph 2073 NYT19990128.0451 -1 600 mph 2073 NYT20000131.0253 -1 40 mph 2073 NYT19981005.0174 -1 100-watt 2073 APW19991006.0154 -1 the distance light travels 2073 NYT20000615.0071 -1 n't 2073 NYT19980928.0169 1 186 , 000 miles per second 2074 NYT19991227.0237 1 482 feet 2074 XIE19990624.0039 1 137-meter 2074 NYT19990519.0195 -1 10-inch 2074 NYT19990930.0260 -1 481 2074 NYT20000530.0272 -1 481 2074 XIE19960625.0104 -1 106 meters 2074 XIE19960929.0023 1 140 meters 2074 NYT19990412.0270 -1 5 feet tall sedentary 2074 XIE20000827.0082 -1 the structure 540 meters tall 2074 NYT19990106.0140 -1 1992 2074 XIE20000206.0051 -1 11 meters 2074 XIE19990923.0273 -1 1,815 feet 2074 XIE19960625.0104 -1 27,400 square meters 2074 NYT19990205.0195 -1 12-story 2074 XIE19990930.0019 -1 about 9 meters 2074 NYT19990218.0403 -1 853-foot-tall 2074 XIE19990624.0039 -1 three 2074 XIE19961121.0267 -1 50 2074 XIE19970624.0185 -1 two meters 2074 XIE19990624.0039 -1 second 2074 XIE19990624.0039 1 137 - meter 2074 APW19990929.0086 -1 1,483 feet 2074 APW19981207.0035 -1 553.3 meters 2075 NYT20000314.0069 -1 Houston 2075 NYT20000908.0326 -1 Las Vegas 2075 APW20000304.0086 -1 New York City 2075 APW20000726.0111 -1 New York City 2075 APW20000624.0048 1 KENTWOOD 2075 APW19990217.0309 -1 Platinum 2075 NYT19990314.0068 -1 NIL 2075 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2075 NYT19990507.0180 -1 N.Y. Times News Service NEW YORK 2075 NYT20000718.0251 1 Kentwood 2075 NYT20000628.0379 -1 New York 2075 APW20000515.0069 -1 NEW YORK 2075 APW20000525.0071 -1 Britney Spears Sets CD Record NEW YORK 2075 APW19991003.0009 -1 NEW YORK 2075 NYT19990308.0207 -1 Orlando 2075 NYT19990308.0207 -1 Lauryn Hill 2075 NYT19990314.0068 1 Kentwood 2075 NYT20000126.0171 -1 Heber City,, 2075 NYT20000314.0160 -1 Shreveport 2075 NYT20000817.0137 -1 New York 2075 APW20000626.0036 -1 Britney Spears 2075 APW20000515.0069 -1 Britney 2076 NYT19990907.0372 3 Oats Co 2076 NYT20000316.0010 -1 Player 2076 NYT20000802.0408 -1 Cadbury Schweppes 2076 NYT19990907.0372 -1 Pepsi 2076 NYT19990209.0283 -1 Coca - Cola 2076 NYT20000623.0325 1 Quaker Oats 2076 NYT19990907.0372 1 Quaker Oats Co 2076 NYT19990607.0273 -1 Whitewater 2076 APW20000210.0201 1 Quaker Oats 2076 NYT19991220.0396 -1 food 2076 NYT19990607.0273 1 Quaker Oats Co. 2076 APW19980602.0067 -1 UK 2076 NYT19990209.0283 -1 Coca-Cola 2076 NYT19981027.0252 -1 delivering Pepsi products 2076 NYT20000719.0497 -1 a reusable plastic sports bottle 2076 NYT19990907.0372 1 Quaker Oats Co. 2076 NYT20000913.0361 -1 Pepsico 2076 NYT20000913.0361 -1 Coca-Cola 2076 NYT19990621.0071 -1 Coca-Cola Enterprises 2076 APW19991019.0209 -1 Coca - Cola Co. 2076 NYT19990206.0233 -1 Andy Petree 2076 NYT20000619.0340 -1 it 2076 NYT19990907.0372 -1 Pepsico 2076 APW19990608.0052 -1 The Australian 2076 NYT19990111.0326 -1 Cadbury_Schweppes ' 2076 NYT19990112.0253 1 Quaker Oats Co. 2077 APW19990119.0128 -1 Two 2077 NYT20000531.0049 -1 375 2077 NYT19981210.0210 -1 52 2077 NYT20000717.0056 -1 3 2077 XIE19960813.0148 -1 3 2077 APW19980915.1300 1 476 - kilo 2077 NYT19990827.0070 1 487 kilos, or 1,071 pounds 2077 APW19980826.0999 -1 NIL 2077 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2077 NYT19991001.0055 -1 50 miles 2077 NYT19980623.0504 -1 50-year 2077 NYT19990831.0061 1 1,071 pounds 2077 NYT19990116.0166 -1 50-pound 2077 NYT19981201.0063 -1 10 year 2077 NYT19981012.0263 -1 lots of pig 2077 NYT20000531.0049 -1 Art Museum 2077 NYT20000531.0049 -1 The Big Pig Gig 2077 NYT20000202.0335 -1 two days 2077 NYT20000406.0212 -1 for just $1 2077 XIE19980403.0080 -1 nearly two-hectare 2077 NYT19981125.0092 -1 17-inch 2077 NYT20000717.0056 -1 three miles 2077 XIE19961028.0178 -1 181.4598 million tons -2.58 2077 XIE19980403.0080 -1 eight months 2077 XIE19960907.0107 -1 10-15 kilograms 2077 APW19981109.0628 -1 an English first division soccer match 2077 APW19981109.0628 -1 one 2077 NYT19990827.0190 -1 one big firm 2077 XIE19981031.0044 -1 years 2078 NYT19981015.0162 -1 granite 2078 NYT19981015.0162 -1 a 2078 NYT19990701.0326 -1 ice 2078 NYT19990311.0156 -1 sand 2078 NYT20000107.0114 -1 DuPont Corian 2078 NYT20000107.0114 1 acrylic 2078 NYT19990416.0093 -1 two changes of Formica 2078 NYT20000107.0114 -1 SSV 2078 NYT19990123.0245 -1 Custom 2078 NYT20000107.0114 -1 DuPont 2078 NYT19990416.0093 -1 kitchen counters 2078 NYT20000126.0101 -1 materials 2078 NYT19980701.0121 -1 Montgomery 2078 NYT20000323.0082 -1 Give Day Make Love Kitchen 2078 APW19990717.0052 -1 LCD 2078 APW19990717.0052 -1 FM CD 2078 NYT20000323.0082 -1 granite 2078 NYT19990523.0177 -1 1969 2078 NYT20000107.0114 -1 Wilsonart 2078 NYT19990512.0254 -1 granite 2078 NYT19990701.0326 -1 The kitchen 2078 XIE19981009.0106 -1 COR 's 2079 NYT19980820.0430 -1 ` ` core samples ' ' from the bodies , in hope of building a genetic profile of the mysterious virus that killed 20 million to 40 million people before vanishing . By John Noble Wilford . ( The story has moved in ` ` a ' ' 2079 NYT19980717.0033 -1 ` ` if you pitch like this , you will make the big money. ' ' 2079 NYT19990730.0202 -1 Que 2079 APW19980623.0283 -1 NIL 2079 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2079 NYT19981213.0186 -1 Spain 2079 NYT19980716.0072 -1 Language 2079 NYT19991022.0283 -1 Dictionary 2079 APW19981020.0123 -1 Garzon has no jurisdiction outside Spain 2079 NYT19990810.0300 -1 Rodriguez 2079 NYT19981207.0192 -1 Hola 2079 NYT19990923.0201 -1 Spanish 2079 NYT19980923.0214 -1 English 2079 APW19981029.0971 -1 news reports 2079 NYT19991017.0137 2 quien 2079 APW19980906.0970 -1 I 2080 NYT19980924.0279 -1 WWII 2080 APW19990120.0093 -1 Koreas 2080 XIE19991231.0044 -1 two 2080 XIE19960917.0019 1 Versailles 2080 XIE19981113.0286 1 Versailles 2080 NYT20000524.0252 1 Versailles 2080 NYT19980623.0202 1 Versailles 2080 APW19981106.0993 -1 slow peace accord 2080 NYT19981107.0075 -1 Braye 2080 APW19990926.0105 -1 Germany 2080 APW19980816.0788 -1 WWII 2080 APW19980626.0521 -1 _ Russia and Japan 2080 NYT20000816.0246 -1 Germany 2080 APW19980622.0032 -1 World War II 2080 NYT19981107.0042 -1 World War I 2080 XIE19981112.0007 -1 1918 2080 NYT20000725.0105 -1 The Camp David peace talks 2080 NYT19981006.0406 -1 July 2080 NYT19990614.0432 -1 New York Times Photo 2080 XIE20000903.0075 -1 the row 2080 APW19981105.1437 1 Versailles 2080 APW19981022.0227 -1 Korean 2080 APW19990210.0169 -1 World War I 2080 NYT19980914.0090 -1 Peace Talks 2080 APW19981022.0265 -1 About 3.2 million French and German soldiers 2080 APW19980626.0521 -1 Foreign_Ministry spokesman 2081 XIE20000718.0091 -1 Sydney 2081 APW19990827.0211 -1 Butch Reynolds 2081 XIE19960514.0247 -1 field 2081 NYT20000713.0309 -1 Field 2081 NYT20000914.0222 -1 field 2081 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2081 APW20000718.0009 -1 Crogan the 1997 national champion 2081 XIE19960908.0177 -1 China 2081 NYT20000505.0339 2 Marathons 2081 APW19980617.1284 -1 Women 2081 APW19980716.0304 -1 race 2081 XIE19991108.0174 -1 two 2081 XIE20000918.0386 -1 the women's 3,000m individual pursuit 2081 NYT19990219.0443 -1 Tour de France 2081 NYT19991228.0157 -1 Games 2081 NYT20000925.0183 -1 Sydney 2081 APW20000626.0088 -1 Olympics 2081 NYT20000709.0001 -1 Atlanta Olympics 2081 XIE20000930.0102 -1 Tian Liang 2081 XIE19960319.0186 -1 Barcelona Olympic Games 2081 APW19981004.0533 -1 50 kilometers 2081 XIE19981218.0193 -1 Xinhua 2081 NYT19990803.0083 -1 Olympics 2081 XIE19990414.0082 -1 a medal event in the Sydney Olympic Games 2081 NYT20000925.0447 -1 gold 2081 XIE20000826.0216 -1 Damme event 2081 XIE20000317.0152 -1 Olympic_Winter_Games 2083 NYT20000311.0039 -1 Lipica 2083 NYT19990930.0082 -1 pigs 2083 NYT19980909.0023 -1 cows 2083 APW19980807.1162 1 Spanish 2083 APW19980807.1162 -1 Lipizzan 2083 APW19980807.1163 -1 Lipizzan 2083 APW19980807.1162 1 Spanish stallions 2083 APW19980807.1162 -1 NIL 2083 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2083 NYT20000311.0039 -1 INTERNATIONAL 2083 NYT20000217.0303 -1 horses 2083 NYT19990311.0456 -1 stallions 2083 APW19980808.0522 -1 _TRAV-AUSTRIA-LIPIZZANERS _ Thanks 2083 NYT19990119.0070 -1 a broken people's need 2083 NYT19981029.0496 -1 mare 2083 NYT20000315.0429 -1 Holstien 2083 NYT19991123.0237 -1 you want to find 2083 NYT19980818.0090 -1 ET 2083 NYT20000311.0039 -1 LIPIZZANER 2083 NYT19990311.0078 -1 the horses 2083 NYT19981104.0216 -1 stallion 2083 NYT20000311.0023 -1 A3641 2083 NYT19981021.0058 -1 Dash For Cash 2083 APW19980807.1162 -1 Iberian 2083 APW19980807.1162 -1 Lipizzaner horses 2083 APW19980807.1162 -1 the Lipizzaners 2083 NYT20000131.0332 -1 opportunities 2084 NYT19980928.0033 -1 54 homers 2084 NYT19990412.0053 -1 50,000 2084 NYT19990111.0163 -1 60 2084 NYT19980910.0005 -1 60 2084 NYT19980601.0384 -1 60 2084 NYT19991025.0108 3 714 home 2084 APW19990308.0192 1 714 2084 NYT19990328.0070 -1 29 in 1919 to 54 2084 APW19980820.1287 -1 NIL 2084 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2084 NYT19980903.0269 -1 54 2084 NYT20000629.0115 -1 1927 2084 APW19991012.0129 -1 three 2084 NYT19980906.0051 -1 60 2084 NYT19980911.0360 -1 One 2084 NYT19980924.0459 -1 60 games 2084 NYT20000104.0290 -1 the 60 2084 APW19981022.1171 -1 60 2084 NYT19980910.0007 -1 60 2084 NYT19980905.0133 -1 1927 year sixty average 2084 NYT19990515.0199 -1 three 2084 NYT20000812.0224 -1 nine 2084 APW19990612.0168 -1 60 2084 NYT19980914.0363 -1 60 2084 NYT19990402.0098 -1 54 2084 APW19981113.0239 -1 first 2084 NYT19981022.0363 -1 60 2084 NYT19980708.0017 -1 60 2084 NYT19980601.0384 -1 despite missing 32 games due to injury 2084 NYT19980601.0384 -1 one 2084 NYT20000627.0312 -1 54 2084 APW19990117.0069 -1 hit 2084 NYT19980908.0384 1 714 2085 NYT19990523.0014 -1 Glendale 2085 APW19991008.0177 -1 Tucson 2085 NYT19990505.0017 -1 Yuma 2085 APW20000808.0212 -1 by evening , park spokesman Will Morris 2085 NYT19990913.0064 1 17-mile 2085 NYT19990928.0031 -1 Inn Hotel & Suites 2085 NYT19990218.0232 -1 20 miles 2085 APW19991010.0167 -1 87 rancher Mesa civic leader Mesa 2085 NYT20000220.0125 -1 two 2085 NYT19990218.0424 -1 20 miles 2085 NYT19990829.0013 -1 13 year 2085 NYT20000403.0085 -1 six runs 2085 APW20000805.0075 -1 12 hours 2085 APW20000414.0250 -1 15 minutes 2085 NYT19980727.0284 -1 more than 700 students have gone through mesa's class, and phoenix boasts a 90 percent success rate _ no more false alarms _ for its students. 2085 NYT19980724.0421 -1 one night 2085 NYT19980724.0421 -1 in Phoenix 2085 NYT19980724.0421 -1 police 2086 NYT19990624.0056 -1 Scientists 2086 NYT19981021.0492 -1 Institute of Judeo-Christian 2086 XIE20000612.0076 -1 Voices of Children and Adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean 2086 NYT19990802.0225 -1 Cameron 2086 NYT20000731.0248 -1 ant 2086 NYT19981122.0212 1 myrmecology 2086 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2086 NYT19990802.0225 -1 ants 2086 NYT20000414.0055 -1 Edward Wilson of Harvard 2086 NYT19980720.0167 -1 Guidance 2086 APW19991026.0105 -1 U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers 2086 APW19990801.0010 -1 Hokkaido 2086 NYT19981016.0159 -1 Fire Ant Calling Contest 2086 NYT19980701.0444 -1 German Italian Portuguese 2086 NYT19981122.0212 -1 scientific lore convey 2086 NYT19990312.0470 -1 the company 2086 NYT19981122.0212 -1 Hollywood 2086 NYT20000313.0482 -1 Kerry Ann Geiler 2086 NYT20000814.0210 -1 them 2086 NYT19981107.0126 -1 Guidance 2086 NYT20000214.0429 -1 Congress 2086 NYT19990802.0225 -1 Ants 2086 NYT19990802.0225 -1 medicine 2086 NYT19990312.0470 -1 the behavior of roaches mosquitoes and ants 2086 XIE19970827.0179 -1 group 2087 NYT19991224.0217 -1 Winnipeg 2087 NYT19990513.0047 -1 Hockey 2087 XIE19970415.0077 -1 London 2087 XIE19991003.0117 -1 Canada 2087 XIE19991003.0117 1 Toronto 2087 XIE19970415.0077 1 Toronto 2087 NYT19981231.0119 1 Toronto 2087 XIE19980522.0162 -1 Chongqing 2087 NYT19980809.0025 -1 Amarillo 2087 NYT19980603.0023 -1 Canada 2087 NYT19990224.0474 -1 New York 2087 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Vancouver 2087 XIE19980522.0162 -1 southwest China 2087 XIE19990323.0073 -1 Canada's third-largest phone company 2087 APW19981130.1052 -1 Canada's largest province 2087 XIE19970618.0212 -1 Hong Kong 2087 NYT20000119.0432 -1 Canada 2087 XIE19991003.0117 1 Toronto, Canada 2087 NYT20000608.0244 -1 Canada 2087 XIE19991003.0117 -1 Chinese Canadians 2087 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Hamilton 2087 XIE19970415.0077 -1 OTTAWA 2087 NYT19991224.0217 -1 Canada 2087 APW20000223.0146 -1 a likely place 2087 NYT20000515.0342 -1 Kosovar families 2087 APW19981106.0524 -1 foreigners 2088 NYT19980919.0164 -1 1:03 p.m. 2088 NYT19981113.0475 -1 two years 2088 NYT19991127.0053 1 132 2088 NYT19991129.0082 1 132 2088 NYT19991129.0085 1 132 2088 NYT19990123.0222 -1 100 2088 NYT19980810.0377 -1 100 2088 XIE19961030.0222 -1 100 2088 APW19990612.0075 -1 55 2088 NYT19991127.0052 1 132 2088 NYT20000418.0270 -1 80 rooms 2088 NYT19981119.0226 -1 the top two floors of the White House 2088 NYT19980712.0138 -1 two 2088 NYT19980910.0329 -1 One 2088 XIE19991102.0242 -1 one 2088 XIE19980815.0030 -1 one 2088 NYT19981207.0245 -1 47 carved figures 2088 APW19990217.0291 -1 200 years 2088 NYT19981119.0226 1 132 rooms 2088 NYT19990209.0242 -1 Rates High Street 651 High 2088 NYT19990628.0312 -1 two years 2088 NYT19991129.0082 1 132 rooms 2088 NYT19981125.0380 -1 25 2088 NYT20000707.0107 -1 two 2088 APW19990128.0126 -1 in as many years 2088 APW19990603.0159 -1 first 2088 NYT20000630.0390 -1 3,000 people 2089 NYT19981215.0103 -1 Fountain of Youth 2089 NYT19990915.0077 -1 Florida 2089 XIE19990427.0268 -1 Latin America 2089 NYT19990915.0077 1 Puerto Rico 2089 NYT19990914.0048 1 Puerto Rico 2089 NYT19990915.0077 -1 Juan 2089 NYT19990914.0048 1 Puerto Rico's 2089 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2089 NYT19980917.0062 -1 Leon Park 2089 NYT19990608.0150 1 Puerto Rico 2089 NYT19990914.0048 3 Puerto Rico's first governor _ 2089 NYT20000922.0122 -1 the northeast Florida coast 2089 APW19980922.0402 -1 Antigua 2089 APW19980914.0958 -1 Bahamas 2089 APW19980725.0104 -1 San Juan 2089 NYT19990915.0077 -1 Christopher Columbus 2089 APW19980919.0430 -1 S. and British Virgin Islands 2089 NYT19981215.0103 -1 Ponce de Leon 2089 NYT19990112.0101 -1 Hispaniola 2089 APW20000516.0182 -1 Ponce de Leon 2089 NYT19981215.0103 -1 Fountain 2090 APW20000517.0297 2 Gladiator 2090 NYT20000106.0200 1 Gladiator 2090 NYT20000427.0285 1 Gladiator 2090 NYT20000227.0113 2 Gladiator 2090 NYT20000505.0093 1 Gladiator 2090 NYT19991111.0246 1 Gladiator 2090 NYT19981215.0292 -1 a Ridley Scott film with startling role reversals 2090 NYT19990930.0282 -1 The film 2090 NYT19990908.0241 -1 Bob Thornton 2090 NYT19990506.0177 -1 Chemistry 2090 NYT20000227.0120 2 Gladiator 2090 NYT20000503.0288 1 Gladiator 2090 APW20000517.0297 -1 DVD 2090 NYT20000505.0093 -1 Conquest of Paradise 2090 NYT19990923.0346 -1 Movie 2090 NYT20000503.0288 -1 Rome 2090 NYT19990930.0282 -1 Napoleonic Wars 2090 NYT20000503.0290 1 Gladiator 2090 APW20000517.0297 2 Both Ridley Scott , whose Gladiator 2091 APW20000610.0093 1 Marshall Bruce Mathers III 2091 APW20000630.0088 1 Marshall Mathers III 2091 APW20000829.0072 1 Marshall Mathers 2091 NYT20000904.0110 1 Marshall Mathers 2091 NYT20000809.0202 1 Marshall Mathers 2091 APW20000601.0037 1 Marshall Mathers 2091 NYT19990729.0213 3 Mathers 2091 NYT19990729.0213 1 Marshall Mathers 2091 APW20000907.0211 -1 Eminem 's which GLAAD 's Scott Seomin 2091 APW20000601.0037 -1 MTV 2091 APW20000605.0024 -1 Sunday Eminem 2091 APW19980604.1726 -1 Detroit 2091 NYT20000904.0111 1 Marshall Mathers 2091 APW20000829.0072 2 Marshall Bruce Mathers III 2091 APW20000817.0073 -1 The 27-year-old rap star 2091 NYT19990414.0292 1 Marshall Bruce Mathers III 2091 NYT20000731.0185 -1 Dr. Dre 2091 NYT20000908.0145 -1 Britney Spears 2091 NYT20000804.0140 -1 Dr. Dre 2091 APW20000817.0073 1 Marshall Mathers III 2091 NYT20000908.0145 -1 rapper 2091 NYT19990729.0213 -1 which 2091 NYT20000907.0416 -1 Slim 2091 APW20000608.0149 -1 AP 2091 APW20000605.0024 -1 Sunday 2091 APW20000707.0107 1 Marshall Bruce Mathers III 2091 APW20000608.0149 -1 Eminem 2091 NYT20000825.0128 -1 actual 2091 NYT20000904.0109 -1 By Gary 2092 NYT19990713.0316 1 1844 2092 APW19990405.0230 1 1844 2092 NYT19990929.0475 -1 19th-century 2092 NYT19980831.0474 -1 1837 2092 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1875 2092 NYT20000309.0272 1 1860 2092 NYT20000104.0053 -1 1867 2092 APW19990416.0324 -1 1848 2092 APW19990524.0171 1 1844 2092 APW19990214.0029 -1 March 11-12 2092 APW19990214.0115 -1 March 11-12 2092 NYT19991206.0046 -1 16 2092 APW19990405.0230 3 1844 24th 2092 APW19990214.0029 -1 March 11 2092 XIE19971029.0280 -1 a month 2092 APW19990108.0316 2 1844 2092 XIE19980624.0040 -1 1994 2092 NYT19990203.0198 -1 the 19th-century 2092 NYT20000104.0053 1 1844 2092 APW19990405.0230 -1 May_24 2092 NYT19990713.0200 1 1844 2093 NYT19990111.0308 -1 Krypton 2093 NYT20000804.0141 -1 Kerry 2093 NYT19981022.0537 -1 New York City 2093 APW19990315.0128 -1 Texas 2093 NYT19981111.0274 1 Metropolis 2093 NYT20000608.0244 1 Metropolis 2093 NYT19990830.0183 -1 Smallville 2093 NYT20000327.0405 -1 KANSAS CITY 2093 APW20000506.0066 1 Metropolis 2093 APW19990806.0095 -1 St. Louis 2093 NYT19981214.0372 -1 CHICAGO 2093 APW19980826.0013 -1 Kansas 2093 APW19981114.0840 -1 New York 2093 NYT19980708.0041 -1 U K 2093 NYT19990111.0308 -1 Superman's first comic book appearance 2093 APW19980819.1083 -1 Batman 2093 APW20000531.0198 -1 DURHAM 2093 APW20000613.0077 -1 Gotham City 2093 NYT20000709.0095 -1 New York 2093 NYT19990111.0308 -1 Weirdverse 2093 NYT19990505.0474 -1 Del City 2093 XIE19980519.0220 -1 Guangzhou 2093 NYT19980920.0051 -1 St. Louis 2093 APW19990605.0144 -1 Washington 2093 APW20000525.0015 -1 NEW YORK 2093 APW19990607.0263 -1 Grand Rapids 2093 NYT19991014.0308 1 Metropolis 2093 APW20000525.0015 -1 home 2093 NYT19990707.0221 -1 hoops 2093 NYT20000804.0141 -1 several recent interviews 2094 APW20000112.0030 -1 Jan. 18 , 1955 2094 NYT19991213.0196 -1 1986 2094 APW20000405.0100 -1 1962 2094 NYT19990717.0259 -1 the summer of 1963 2094 NYT19990719.0513 1 1917 2094 NYT20000223.0206 -1 1932 2094 NYT19990804.0062 -1 February 2094 APW19990717.0072 1 May 29 , 1917 2094 NYT19991213.0196 -1 1963 2094 APW19990717.0091 -1 2 1/2 weeks after his father's 1960 election 2094 APW19990718.0140 -1 1961 definition of celebrity as someone 2094 NYT19990718.0113 -1 1997 2094 NYT19981130.0165 -1 1960 2094 NYT20000807.0039 -1 this day 2094 APW19990717.0040 -1 Aug. 7, 1963 2094 APW19990803.0170 -1 July 16 2094 NYT19991222.0151 -1 July 2094 NYT19990721.0402 -1 1966 2094 APW19990717.0091 -1 May 19, 1994 2094 NYT19991112.0222 -1 1940 2094 APW19990724.0134 2 May 29, 1917 2094 APW20000112.0030 -1 Jan 18, 1955, 2094 NYT20000906.0300 -1 July 2094 NYT19990529.0185 -1 May 8 2094 NYT19990721.0402 -1 Four years later, 2094 NYT19991222.0151 -1 Fourth of July 2094 NYT19990718.0113 -1 1994 2094 NYT19990717.0167 -1 Friday 2094 APW20000212.0030 -1 Jan 18, 1955, 2094 APW19990717.0091 2 1917 2094 APW19990717.0103 -1 1994 2094 APW19990717.0103 -1 1995 2094 APW19990724.0134 -1 1988 Democratic_Convention 2094 NYT19991019.0089 1 1917 2098 NYT19990806.0389 -1 Mark McGwire 2098 NYT19990529.0225 -1 Ted Williams 2098 NYT19991116.0240 -1 Jones 2098 APW19990731.0235 -1 Gwynn 2098 NYT19990404.0018 -1 Baseball 2098 NYT20000907.0450 -1 baseball 2098 NYT19990910.0376 1 Kiner 2098 NYT19990606.0038 -1 coleman 2098 XIE19991220.0374 -1 tennis 2098 NYT19981213.0012 -1 San Diego 2098 APW20000823.0209 -1 runs 2098 NYT19980708.0030 -1 history 2098 NYT19990929.0002 -1 Sammy Sosa 2098 NYT20000411.0472 -1 their first seven games 2098 APW19981206.0668 -1 the Champions Cup game 2098 APW19990731.0235 -1 MonicaArmendarez 2098 XIE19980715.0286 -1 Derrick Adkins 2098 NYT19990131.0057 -1 West Point 2098 NYT19990131.0057 -1 L. L. Whitman 2098 APW19990111.0255 -1 Chen 2098 APW19981222.0595 -1 Roger Maris 2098 NYT19991210.0316 -1 Derby 2098 NYT19981119.0434 -1 Sosa 2098 NYT19990929.0002 -1 Ruth 2098 NYT19990131.0051 -1 Texas League 2098 NYT19991003.0769 2 Ralph Kiner 2098 APW19981028.0642 -1 his league 's 2098 NYT19990929.0002 -1 first 2099 NYT19990702.0206 -1 Graham Chapman 2099 APW19981003.0728 1 Monty Python 2099 NYT19990831.0132 -1 Footlights 2099 NYT19990916.0013 1 Monty Python's Flying Circus 2099 NYT19990702.0206 1 Monty Python's Flying Circus 2099 APW19981003.0728 -1 British Broadcasting Corp. 2099 NYT19980713.0145 3 the Python crew 2099 APW19991008.0074 1 Monty Python 2099 NYT19981119.0243 -1 Fawlty Towers 2099 NYT19990112.0183 -1 CBS 2099 NYT19990314.0094 -1 Fawlty Towers 2099 NYT19990809.0366 3 Monty Python's famous dead parrot skit 2099 NYT19990114.0175 -1 ABC 2099 NYT19991011.0223 -1 BBC 2099 NYT19990114.0175 -1 CBS 2099 NYT19981214.0241 2 Monty Python 2099 NYT19990425.0128 -1 team 2099 NYT19990916.0013 1 Monty Python 2099 NYT19990402.0075 -1 John Cleese 2099 NYT19981110.0238 -1 Fawlty Towers 2099 APW19981003.0728 -1 Goldie Hawn teamed 2099 APW19991008.0018 3 [S -/: [S [NP [NP Monty/NNP Python/NNP star/NN ] John/NNP Cleese/NNP ] [VP ordered/VBD [NP [NP train/NN crash/NN footage/NN ] [VP edited/VBN [PP out/IN of/IN [NP [NP the/DT comedy/NN group/NN 's/POS ] upcoming/JJ 30- year anniversary [ADJP special [PP due to [NP [NP this week 's ] train tragedy ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] . ] 2099 APW19980930.0144 -1 international recognition 2099 NYT19990329.0197 -1 a flashy 2099 NYT19990209.0234 1 Monty Python's Flying Circus 2100 NYT19990521.0093 -1 Cleopatra 2100 APW19990914.0221 -1 B.C. 2100 APW20000305.0039 -1 Julius 2100 NYT19990314.0159 -1 Julius 2100 NYT19990415.0085 1 Et tu , Brute ? Then fall , Caesar 2100 NYT19990817.0126 -1 You, too, old buddy 2100 NYT20000820.0075 -1 apt horror 2100 NYT20000808.0206 -1 Caesar Rodney 2100 NYT19990607.0243 -1 Julius 2100 XIE19991120.0051 -1 the El Cesar department 2100 NYT19990618.0232 -1 show-business names 2100 NYT19990827.0098 -1 Lindsay Short 2100 NYT20000724.0401 -1 Bush 2100 NYT19981123.0360 -1 Julius 2100 NYT19991105.0118 -1 We need to clean out the pollsters consultants and the spin doctors and the bloated staffs 2100 NYT20000610.0226 -1 International Boxing Association 2100 NYT20000610.0226 -1 King 2100 APW19990121.0327 -1 Your Show of Shows 2100 APW19990121.0254 -1 Your Show of Shows 2100 NYT19990314.0159 -1 Caesar 2100 APW19990121.0379 -1 Your Show of Shows 2100 NYT19981212.0243 -1 they live and die 2100 APW20000507.0094 -1 Little Caesar 2100 APW19990329.0218 -1 Caesar 2100 NYT19981027.0288 -1 Feuer 2101 XIE19990729.0028 -1 France 2101 XIE19971111.0344 -1 Vietnam 2101 NYT19980630.0148 -1 England 2101 NYT19981130.0208 -1 Russia 2101 NYT19980930.0481 -1 Russia 2101 APW19980601.0782 1 German 2101 NYT20000330.0206 -1 U.S. 2101 NYT19981130.0208 1 German 2101 APW20000221.0079 -1 Russia 2101 NYT19990522.0132 -1 Great Britain 2101 NYT20000927.0333 -1 Russia 2101 XIE19961206.0256 -1 Russia 2101 APW19980601.0782 -1 Empress Catherine 2101 NYT20000713.0183 -1 Russia's unofficial cultural curators 2101 NYT19990702.0274 -1 Russia 2101 NYT20000221.0292 -1 Russias 2101 NYT19980617.0123 -1 Russia 2101 APW19980601.0782 -1 Russia 2101 NYT19991025.0185 -1 Sweden 2101 NYT19980824.0222 -1 Sweden 2101 APW19980611.1175 -1 a great insight 2101 NYT19991025.0186 -1 Northern_Europe 2101 NYT19990511.0377 -1 Indian 2102 NYT19990202.0136 -1 Statue 2102 NYT19990705.0018 -1 Ellis Island 2102 APW20000303.0062 -1 Ellis Island 2102 NYT19980722.0287 -1 National Historic 2102 NYT19981119.0307 1 Statue of Liberty 2102 APW19990709.0167 1 Statue of Liberty 2102 NYT19980620.0138 -1 NIL 2102 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2102 NYT19980711.0131 -1 New York 2102 NYT19990121.0533 -1 Ellis 2102 NYT19981019.0030 -1 New York Harbor 2102 NYT19981119.0307 -1 U.S. 2102 NYT19980703.0334 2 Diane Dayson, the superintendent of the Statue of Liberty National Monument 2102 NYT19981015.0187 -1 305 2102 NYT19990520.0196 -1 Statue 2102 NYT19981216.0566 -1 our president 2102 NYT19990325.0127 -1 Barr 2102 NYT20000721.0342 -1 the step 2102 NYT19981211.0158 -1 New York Harbor 2102 NYT19990202.0136 -1 New York 2102 NYT19980703.0334 -1 Liberty 2102 NYT19990420.0190 -1 Le Cirque 2102 APW20000303.0062 2 Statue of Liberty 2103 NYT20000802.0011 -1 Abraham Lincoln 2103 NYT19991221.0218 -1 Robert E. Lee 2103 NYT20000619.0197 1 Pickett 2103 NYT20000524.0411 -1 Lee 2103 APW20000702.0089 -1 Civil War 2103 NYT19990324.0238 -1 Gen. Robert E. Lee 2103 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2103 APW20000419.0215 -1 President 2103 NYT19990422.0451 -1 Battle of Gettysburg 2103 APW20000117.0259 -1 Lee 2103 NYT19980710.0216 -1 Robert E. Lee 2103 NYT19990517.0102 -1 the entrenched Union positions 2103 NYT20000711.0204 -1 a Union artillery battery 2103 NYT19980622.0232 -1 Stonewall Jackson 2103 NYT20000831.0197 -1 Lee 2103 NYT19980622.0224 -1 Ulysses S. Grant 2103 NYT19980710.0055 2 George Pickett 2103 NYT19990503.0240 -1 bartenders 2103 NYT19990913.0245 1 George E. Pickett 2103 NYT20000524.0411 -1 President Polk 2103 NYT19990324.0238 -1 Robert E. Lee 2103 NYT19980710.0055 -1 Robert E. Lee 2103 APW19990604.0195 -1 Civil War 2103 NYT19980710.0216 -1 Gettysburg 2103 NYT19980710.0055 -1 most 2104 NYT20000629.0422 -1 1900 2104 NYT20000817.0431 -1 1986 2104 NYT19990513.0194 -1 1932 2104 XIE19960517.0249 -1 1994 2104 XIE19970428.0080 -1 1620 2104 NYT20000823.0071 1 July 1863 2104 APW20000814.0111 -1 1993 2104 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2104 APW20000819.0051 -1 12 2104 NYT19980817.0445 -1 1994 2104 NYT20000105.0224 -1 1947 2104 XIE19960306.0101 -1 10 2104 XIE19960906.0156 -1 1993 2104 APW19981222.0194 -1 2001 2104 NYT20000126.0030 -1 1997 2104 NYT20000601.0109 -1 1620 2104 NYT19981231.0109 -1 1928 2104 APW20000817.0096 -1 today 2104 NYT19990226.0236 -1 77 2104 APW20000814.0111 -1 the time 2104 XIE19991025.0148 -1 20th_century 2105 XIE20000925.0056 2 China 2105 NYT19981116.0255 -1 India 2105 XIE19961202.0216 2 China 2105 XIE20000519.0126 -1 India 2105 XIE19971221.0156 2 China 2105 NYT19980831.0336 -1 India 2105 XIE19990520.0317 1 China 2105 XIE19971221.0156 2 east China 2105 XIE19971126.0144 2 China 2105 XIE19990708.0310 1 China 2105 NYT19981005.0322 -1 England 2105 XIE19971220.0081 -1 East China Province 2105 XIE19960813.0194 -1 China and other Asian countries 2105 XIE19960809.0184 2 China's major garment production bases 2105 XIE19990311.0197 -1 TruMatch 2105 XIE19960514.0405 -1 Zhejiang 2105 XIE19960115.0164 3 east China 2105 XIE19971223.0164 1 China 2105 XIE19980909.0252 2 China 2105 XIE19990311.0197 2 China 2105 XIE19980204.0220 -1 zones 2105 XIE19980204.0220 -1 Bangladesh 's 2106 APW19980609.1027 -1 Mattel 2106 NYT19980611.0037 -1 DOLL 2106 APW19990203.0313 3 Millicent Roberts 2106 NYT19990304.0159 -1 Ruth Handler 2106 APW19990203.0313 3 Barbara Millicent Roberts 2106 NYT19990304.0159 1 Barbie Millicent Roberts 2106 NYT19990302.0121 -1 Tracy 2106 NYT19990304.0159 3 Barbie Millicent Roberts from Willows 2106 NYT19990302.0121 -1 Barbie 's Animals 2106 NYT19980910.0466 -1 Mom Barbie 2106 NYT19990826.0137 -1 Brown 2106 NYT19990304.0159 3 Roberts 2106 NYT19981202.0406 -1 Ken 2106 NYT19990304.0159 -1 Ken 2106 APW19990203.0313 -1 the world's best-selling doll 2106 NYT19990304.0159 -1 Barbie and Ken 2106 NYT19990302.0051 -1 Barbie 2106 NYT20000830.0131 -1 Ken 2106 NYT19990916.0230 2 Barbara Millicent Roberts 2106 NYT19991117.0254 -1 children favorites 2106 NYT19990120.0298 -1 My Design 2106 APW19990614.0253 -1 older girls 2106 NYT19990304.0159 -1 Barbie 2106 APW19990803.0138 -1 Mattel 2106 APW19990929.0210 -1 Barbie 's 2106 APW19990203.0313 -1 Barbie 2106 NYT20000203.0433 -1 cars 2107 NYT19990108.0016 1 Danish krone 2107 APW19981130.0213 -1 Sweden 2107 APW19980926.0249 -1 euro 2107 APW20000928.0170 -1 53 percent 2107 APW19981210.1129 1 Danish kroner 2107 XIE19991214.0080 1 Danish kroner 2107 NYT19990204.0377 1 krone 2107 APW20000928.0170 -1 euro 2107 APW20000929.0003 1 krone 2107 NYT20000928.0398 -1 the dollar 2107 NYT19981006.0245 -1 currency of 2107 XIE19980718.0103 -1 banknotes 2107 XIE20000501.0184 -1 Euro 2107 APW19981231.0393 -1 December 1991 _ New European Union treaty 2107 XIE19980325.0013 -1 European Monetary Union 2107 NYT19980907.0117 -1 no_exact_answer 2107 APW19981203.1011 2 Iceland Sweden Krone 2107 XIE19980328.0007 -1 the euro 2107 APW19981219.0074 -1 still good 2107 NYT19990209.0089 -1 the euro 2107 APW19980926.0249 -1 the euro 2107 NYT20000927.0364 -1 EURO 2107 APW19981229.0467 -1 Maastricht treaty 2107 APW19981229.0810 -1 56,000 2107 APW20000317.0133 1 krone 2107 APW19981231.0360 -1 Denmark 2107 APW19981231.0360 -1 European_Union 's 2109 XIE19980322.0167 1 1945 2109 XIE19960419.0219 -1 last year 2109 XIE19970213.0007 -1 today 2109 NYT19980720.0178 -1 1996 2109 XIE20000509.0037 -1 1284 2109 APW19990625.0021 1 1945 2109 XIE19990603.0326 -1 4 2109 NYT19990107.0350 -1 1991 2109 NYT19980917.0160 2 1945 2109 NYT19980907.0298 -1 1998 2109 NYT19990209.0405 -1 Monday 2109 XIE19961124.0172 -1 fourth 2109 NYT20000503.0359 -1 1995 2109 NYT20000912.0329 -1 2001 2109 NYT20000716.0105 -1 1990 2109 APW19990321.0008 -1 March 22, 1994 2109 XIE20000622.0037 -1 1970 2109 XIE19980805.0295 -1 August 9 2109 XIE19981007.0268 -1 Tuesday evening 2109 APW20000830.0159 -1 2002 2109 XIE20000919.0044 -1 1284 2109 APW19990714.0092 -1 Late last year 2109 XIE19961221.0044 -1 1991-1992 2109 APW20000907.0190 -1 1998 2109 XIE19961217.0025 -1 from_October_1996_through_December_1997 2109 XIE20000903.0019 1 1945 2110 NYT20000311.0172 -1 Erick Barkley 2110 NYT20000316.0375 -1 Hofstra 2110 NYT19981231.0436 2 Craig Claxton 2110 NYT20000304.0207 -1 point guard 2110 NYT20000304.0207 -1 , 2110 NYT20000311.0172 -1 St. John 2110 NYT19990302.0393 1 Craig (Speedy) Claxton 2110 NYT20000318.0208 -1 Hofstra 2110 NYT20000311.0210 -1 Wright 2110 APW20000318.0034 -1 Norman 2110 NYT20000722.0239 -1 Jackson 2110 NYT20000722.0239 -1 Bill Duffy 2110 NYT20000323.0359 1 Craig 2110 NYT20000629.0009 -1 11 point guard wowed scouts 2110 NYT20000520.0179 -1 the quickest point guard 2110 NYT19990302.0393 1 Craig 2110 NYT20000520.0179 -1 Claxton 2110 NYT20000701.0194 -1 Glen Rice 2110 NYT20000701.0194 -1 Mark Karcher 2110 NYT19990218.0224 -1 packaging 2110 NYT20000315.0356 1 Craig 2110 NYT20000520.0179 -1 Hofstra 2110 XIE20000629.0253 -1 g 2110 APW19990309.0168 1 Craig 2110 NYT20000317.0424 -1 eventually 2111 NYT19991224.0099 -1 year 2111 NYT19990220.0297 -1 three 2111 NYT19991028.0019 -1 three 2111 NYT19991022.0292 -1 26 times 2111 NYT19991101.0188 1 25 2111 APW19981014.1414 -1 NIL 2111 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2111 NYT19981112.0066 -1 three times 2111 NYT19990914.0013 -1 four 2111 XIE19970108.0270 -1 two 2111 NYT19991027.0001 -1 3 2111 NYT19981014.0049 -1 Tuesday night 2111 APW19981019.0618 -1 0 2111 APW19981019.0618 -1 10 2111 NYT19990308.0449 -1 10 times 2111 NYT19990530.0071 -1 10 games victories 1931 beaten 2111 APW20000717.0194 -1 three 2111 NYT19990308.0150 -1 two 2111 NYT19990308.0150 -1 10 2111 APW20000112.0228 -1 three times 2111 NYT19981020.0098 -1 three times 2111 NYT19991022.0284 -1 twice 2111 NYT19990116.0295 -1 24th 2111 NYT19980621.0067 -1 2 2111 APW19981018.0026 -1 six games 2111 APW19981018.0026 -1 first 2111 NYT19991022.0284 -1 two 2111 NYT19980615.0287 -1 if 2115 APW19990904.0170 2 Quebec 2115 APW19980820.0604 -1 Parti Quebecois 2115 NYT19981128.0177 -1 Canada 2115 APW19990904.0170 -1 Canada 2115 NYT19980712.0182 2 Quebec 2115 NYT19981128.0177 1 Quebec 2115 NYT20000316.0121 1 Quebec 2115 NYT20000816.0303 -1 Texas 2115 APW19990129.0116 -1 state 2115 NYT19990817.0236 -1 LeBlanc 2115 XIE19991201.0314 -1 Canada 2115 XIE19970420.0130 -1 British Columbia 2115 NYT20000816.0303 -1 Newfoundland 2115 NYT19990416.0251 2 her Quebec roots 2115 NYT20000928.0475 -1 Canada's 15th prime minister 2115 APW20000202.0253 2 Quebec 2115 XIE19970630.0186 -1 Chinese 2115 NYT19980712.0189 -1 National Gallery of Art 2115 NYT19980712.0189 -1 Quebecker 2115 NYT20000928.0423 2 Quebec 2115 APW19990904.0170 -1 Acadian 2115 NYT19981002.0294 -1 about 80 percent 2115 APW19990904.0170 -1 The 300,000 people of Acadian descent in Canada 's Atlantic provinces-- New_Brunswick , Nova_Scotia , Prince_Edward_Island and Newfoundland- 2115 APW19980617.1091 -1 land 2116 APW20000611.0073 -1 Thomas Wardell 2116 NYT19990805.0317 -1 98 Degrees 2116 APW20000611.0073 1 55 degrees 2116 NYT19990503.0361 -1 12845 2116 APW20000611.0073 -1 55 2116 NYT20000803.0097 -1 nearly 3 million visitors 2116 APW19980821.1324 -1 1791 2116 NYT19981219.0140 -1 20 degrees Fahrenheit 2116 NYT20000706.0111 -1 32-mile 2116 APW20000611.0073 -1 02000 2116 NYT19981206.0107 -1 70 degrees 2116 NYT20000221.0095 -1 civilized city of western civilization 2116 APW20000527.0065 -1 at least 1 mile 2116 NYT20000803.0097 -1 3 2116 NYT19981202.0526 -1 Great 2116 NYT19990503.0361 -1 3 2116 APW20000611.0073 -1 N.Y. 2116 NYT19990816.0163 -1 more than a dozen 2116 NYT20000221.0210 -1 Ol 2116 NYT20000616.0193 -1 5 2116 APW20000611.0073 -1 cold 2116 APW20000129.0012 -1 the cold 2116 APW20000527.0065 -1 New_York state 's 2116 APW19980822.0067 -1 a popular tourist destination 2117 NYT19990616.0134 -1 Calipari 2117 NYT20000529.0272 -1 Eastern Conference 2117 NYT19990616.0134 -1 NBA 2117 NYT19990616.0134 -1 Knicks 2117 NYT19990607.0193 3 Massachusetts 2117 NYT19990217.0347 3 Massachusetts 2117 NYT19990217.0347 3 Boston Globe Former University of Massachusetts 2117 NYT19990310.0031 -1 Minutemen 2117 APW19990111.0111 -1 training 2117 NYT19980620.0145 -1 PF 2117 NYT19991218.0257 -1 Knicks 2117 APW20000902.0049 -1 New York Knicks 2117 APW20000422.0125 -1 M NEW YORK 2117 NYT19990616.0134 -1 basketball 2117 NYT19990610.0037 -1 Knick 2117 NYT19990613.0017 -1 NBA 2117 NYT19990610.0007 -1 Knicks 2117 NYT20000307.0451 -1 any team in the NBA 2117 NYT19990227.0038 -1 MARCUS CAMBY 2117 NYT19990217.0347 -1 college eligibility 2117 NYT19990212.0380 -1 Knicks 2117 NYT19990617.0045 -1 Knicks 2117 APW20000314.0224 -1 the Knicks 2117 NYT19990217.0347 1 University of Massachusetts 2117 APW19990621.0233 -1 solution 2117 APW19981230.1096 -1 letters 2118 NYT19980712.0164 -1 two 2118 XIE20000406.0174 -1 half 2118 NYT20000414.0296 -1 younger sister, Juanita 2118 APW19980624.0184 -1 NIL 2118 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2118 APW19980716.0126 -1 two 2118 APW19980723.0172 -1 1953 2118 NYT20000117.0055 -1 one 2118 XIE19980225.0269 -1 71 2118 NYT19981229.0383 -1 29 2118 APW19980829.0514 -1 46 2118 APW19981006.1299 -1 2 2118 NYT20000117.0055 -1 1959 2118 APW19980605.1393 -1 we are brothers of the cuban people, but what impedes foreign relations is the line of the government of cuba's president fidel castro, calderon sol said in remarks published by newspapers here friday. 2118 APW20000909.0055 -1 the end 2118 APW20000909.0055 -1 I 2118 NYT19980828.0057 -1 years 2119 APW19980611.0871 -1 1994 2119 XIE19980927.0105 -1 2000 2119 APW19990714.0254 1 July 24 , 1970 2119 APW20000224.0087 -1 early Dec. 27 2119 APW19990714.0254 -1 1970 2119 APW19990714.0254 1 July 24, 1970 2119 APW20000223.0240 -1 Dec. 27 2119 APW19990723.0074 1 July 24 2119 NYT20000615.0218 -1 2000 2119 APW20000223.0217 -1 early Dec. 27 2119 APW20000719.0053 -1 July 23-29 2119 NYT19991230.0316 -1 Dec. 30, 1999 2119 APW19990721.0133 -1 1997 2119 APW20000719.0053 2 July 24, 1970 2119 APW19990704.0008 -1 Sunday 2119 NYT19990609.0097 -1 1970 2119 APW19980927.0005 -1 Saturday night 2119 APW19990714.0254 1 July 24 2119 APW20000224.0087 -1 Dec. 27 2119 NYT19990607.0103 -1 1359 2119 NYT19990820.0359 -1 Thursday 2119 APW20000224.0087 -1 Dec . 30 2119 APW20000224.0090 -1 Dec . 27 2120 APW20000321.0062 -1 Viacom 2120 XIE19960805.0188 -1 Internet 2120 APW19990324.0125 -1 ABC 2120 NYT19990912.0076 -1 NBC 2120 NYT19990525.0191 -1 ABC NBC 2120 NYT20000328.0194 -1 ABC NBC 2120 XIE20000904.0147 1 Columbia Broadcasting System 2120 APW20000917.0111 -1 Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System 2120 NYT19981002.0196 -1 creative change 2120 APW19990725.0054 -1 stands 2120 NYT19990523.0073 -1 WB's youth-oriented shows 2120 NYT19990727.0208 -1 '' 2120 NYT19980917.0116 -1 ABC), Buddy Faro 2120 NYT20000525.0386 -1 Fox 2120 NYT19990405.0261 -1 PBS 2120 APW19990907.0195 -1 AP 2120 NYT19990728.0256 -1 Becker 2120 APW19990226.0175 -1 AP 2120 XIE19960317.0104 -1 television 2120 NYT19990907.0279 -1 VIACOM 2120 NYT19990310.0433 -1 Home Shopping Network 2120 NYT19981205.0211 1 Columbia Broadcasting System 2120 NYT19981028.0498 -1 high-level CBS 2120 APW19990907.0180 -1 CBS 2120 NYT19980805.0175 -1 West counters 2121 APW20000107.0043 -1 CBA 2121 XIE19960623.0009 -1 Week 2121 NYT19990223.0174 -1 Patti Page 2121 APW19990915.0251 -1 Mellencamp 2121 APW20000412.0096 -1 music 2121 NYT19990610.0131 -1 Music 2121 NYT19990602.0055 -1 Spencer 2121 NYT20000208.0313 1 Etta James 2121 APW19980728.0579 -1 NIL 2121 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2121 NYT20000612.1188 -1 Christian 2121 NYT20000302.0491 -1 song 2121 NYT20000203.0068 -1 DAT 2121 NYT20000123.0103 -1 Warner EMI 2121 NYT19990629.0334 -1 newly manufactured music recordings 2121 APW19990128.0165 -1 short form music video 2121 NYT20000229.0341 -1 Dylan 2121 NYT19990423.0378 -1 Beatnik 2121 NYT20000804.0078 -1 Grammy 2121 APW20000302.0029 -1 Love 2121 NYT20000927.0279 -1 Major 2121 NYT19981230.0100 -1 Prince 2121 XIE20000926.0240 -1 Thorsten Oliver Pfrang 2121 APW19990427.0062 -1 industry 2121 APW19990427.0267 -1 Tuesday 's 2122 NYT19990402.0365 -1 Animals 2122 NYT19981229.0197 -1 Yosses 2122 NYT20000112.0060 -1 GLACEED ORANGES 2122 NYT20000315.0246 -1 fruit 2122 NYT19991221.0126 -1 sugar 2122 NYT19990420.0203 -1 outer layer 2122 NYT20000118.0109 -1 outer layer 2122 NYT19981020.0236 2 pith 2122 NYT19990921.0192 2 white pith 2122 NYT19981020.0236 -1 the zest 2122 NYT19980902.0398 -1 lemon 2122 NYT20000215.0259 -1 White 2122 NYT19991215.0083 -1 bitter 2122 NYT20000724.0348 -1 layer 2122 NYT19981021.0118 -1 3/4 cup sifted confectioners' sugar 2122 NYT19990209.0171 -1 His chocolate-covered fruit _ 2122 NYT19990402.0365 -1 Navel 2122 NYT19981222.0166 -1 lemon 2122 NYT20000315.0246 -1 Then 2122 NYT19990415.0353 -1 OLIVES These 2122 NYT19981111.0429 -1 the majority 2122 NYT20000315.0246 -1 Orange 2122 NYT19990414.0195 -1 sugar 2122 NYT19981215.0427 -1 coffee 2122 NYT19990810.0151 -1 white 2122 APW19990929.0072 -1 The harvest of early oranges in the Rio_Grande Valley 2122 NYT20000112.0060 -1 Salt 2123 NYT19980807.0311 -1 Dec. 8 , 1980 2123 NYT19990309.0208 -1 1980 2123 NYT19990309.0208 -1 1968 2123 APW19980815.0909 1 1940 2123 NYT20000901.0183 -1 2004 2123 APW19981202.1375 1 1940 2123 APW19981130.1287 1 1940 2123 APW20000217.0281 -1 1970 2123 APW19981003.0818 1 1940 2123 APW19990730.0163 2 1940 2123 APW19990413.0060 -1 1980 2123 NYT19990309.0208 -1 Dec. 8, 1980 2123 NYT20000303.0095 -1 the late '60s 2123 APW20000220.0034 -1 1980 2123 APW19981202.1375 1 1940 July 2123 NYT19990718.0255 -1 Nov 25, 1960, 2123 NYT20000821.0344 -1 1995 2123 NYT19981110.0208 -1 1980 2123 APW19980824.1238 -1 1980 2123 APW19990210.0317 -1 December 1980 2123 APW19990824.0186 -1 next month 2123 APW19980824.1238 -1 Monday 2124 APW20000421.0193 -1 Sox 2124 NYT19980713.0030 -1 Minor League Player of the Year 2124 NYT19980812.0549 -1 American Legion 2124 NYT19980812.0549 -1 American League 2124 APW19981111.1492 -1 Chicago White Sox 2124 NYT19980625.0059 1 Dodgers 2124 NYT19980805.0003 2 Dodger 2124 APW20000525.0154 -1 Sox 1B 2124 NYT19980607.0186 -1 RBI 2124 APW19990503.0160 -1 baseman 2124 APW19990105.0145 -1 games 2124 NYT19990619.0193 -1 Yankees 2124 NYT19980709.0037 3 Dodger Blue 2124 NYT20000728.0055 -1 The White Sox' lead 2124 NYT19990322.0495 -1 department 2124 NYT19980619.0391 -1 Major League 2124 NYT19990725.0017 -1 minor league 2124 NYT19990104.0449 -1 a major league team 2124 APW19980917.1385 -1 One 2124 NYT19990225.0024 -1 other organizations 2124 NYT19990829.0016 -1 White Sox 2124 APW20000929.0206 -1 White Sox 2124 NYT19980713.0030 2 Dodgers 2124 NYT19980715.0067 -1 Dennis Reyes 2124 APW19990402.0253 1 Los Angeles Dodgers 2124 NYT19980713.0030 -1 the Year 2124 NYT19980628.0020 -1 Wallach 2126 NYT19981217.0217 -1 40-foot 2126 NYT19980903.0306 -1 three miles 2126 XIE19991019.0299 -1 5,005 meters 2126 NYT20000206.0233 -1 31,000 feet 2126 NYT19990711.0090 -1 a UFO 2126 NYT19990505.0447 -1 spotted a 2126 APW20000101.0011 -1 spotted a 2126 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2126 APW20000211.0227 -1 5 percent 2126 APW19990419.0139 -1 0.10 cent 2126 NYT20000612.0615 -1 Phelan Segur 2126 NYT20000522.0307 -1 Hotel 2126 APW19990808.0094 -1 10 years 2126 NYT19990116.0294 -1 a Mile High salute 2126 NYT19981206.0193 -1 9-2 2126 APW19981206.0847 -1 9-2 2126 NYT19991228.0284 -1 level 2126 NYT19990505.0474 -1 43 2126 APW19990827.0236 -1 40 miles 2126 XIE19980420.0024 -1 an altitude 2126 NYT19980612.0084 -1 20 miles 2126 NYT19981210.0291 -1 20 miles 2126 APW19990301.0198 -1 90 percent 2126 APW19990808.0001 -1 $1.1 billion 2126 APW19990512.0257 -1 the U.S. Agriculture Department supply 2126 NYT19981013.0127 -1 one 2126 APW19990808.0094 -1 are 2126 APW19990808.0094 -1 the fruit 2127 NYT20000626.0383 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19991213.0486 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19991214.0291 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19991213.0109 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19981217.0072 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19981217.0071 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19991213.0109 -1 the United States 2127 APW20000825.0011 2 Colombia 2127 XIE19970612.0029 -1 Spain 2127 XIE19990918.0228 -1 American 2127 XIE19980925.0223 -1 U.S. 2127 XIE19990503.0112 -1 the whole canal region 2127 XIE19990709.0297 -1 the Canal zone 2127 NYT19990609.0245 1 Colombia 2127 NYT19990609.0245 -1 U.S. 2127 NYT19990118.0189 2 Colombia 2127 NYT19990118.0189 -1 Panama Canal 2127 APW19990215.0100 -1 Jackson, Mich., 3.7 2127 NYT20000626.0383 -1 Argentina 2127 NYT19991213.0109 -1 United States 2127 APW20000101.0064 -1 United States 2127 XIE19991231.0222 -1 United_States geopolitics 2128 NYT20000314.0256 -1 vanilla 2128 APW20000103.0020 -1 100 years 2128 APW20000322.0068 -1 Twinkie 2128 NYT20000314.0256 1 banana 2128 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2128 NYT19980602.0290 -1 smacks of reverse racism 2128 NYT19990110.0224 -1 my good look 2128 NYT19981119.0084 -1 food 2128 NYT19980622.0366 2 banana 2128 APW20000322.0068 -1 The Great Twinkies Shortage 2128 APW20000320.0166 -1 Twinkies and other products 2128 NYT20000314.0256 1 banana cream 2128 NYT19991027.0129 -1 pudding 2128 NYT20000503.0148 -1 strawberry puree 2128 NYT19990707.0022 -1 chocolate 2128 APW19990417.0099 -1 creamy 2128 NYT19991221.0126 -1 Orange 2128 NYT19991215.0235 -1 the original '50s blond wood 2128 NYT20000314.0256 -1 Twinkle Toe Shoes 2128 NYT19990331.0098 -1 Sno Balls 2128 NYT20000209.0259 -1 a fat price tag necessarily mean better flavor 2128 NYT20000719.0084 -1 one 2128 APW20000322.0068 -1 bread 2128 NYT19980630.0200 -1 Twinkies filling 2128 APW20000322.0068 -1 Twinkies 2128 APW20000617.0033 -1 Sensing 2129 NYT19990330.0344 -1 714 2129 APW19990404.0018 1 755 2129 NYT20000101.0219 1 755 2129 APW19990205.0027 -1 715 2129 NYT19990205.0339 1 755 2129 NYT19980908.0386 -1 500 home 2129 NYT20000807.0441 -1 500 home 2129 NYT19990203.0427 1 755 2129 APW19990422.0113 1 755 2129 NYT19990407.0075 -1 25 2129 NYT19980928.0111 -1 962 2129 NYT19980708.0024 1 755 2129 NYT19981003.0039 -1 one 2129 NYT19981007.0398 -1 70 2129 NYT19990205.0342 3 all 755 2129 NYT19990403.0119 1 755 homers 2129 NYT19980928.0111 1 755 2129 NYT19981102.0479 1 755 home runs 2129 NYT20000426.0002 -1 5,064 2129 NYT19990421.0115 -1 1974 2129 NYT19981102.0479 3 755 home runs, but there 2129 NYT19990408.0343 1 755 2129 NYT19990410.0133 1 755 2129 APW19990205.0027 -1 Ruth 's record 2129 APW19990205.0028 -1 I 2131 NYT19981111.0185 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19980617.0098 -1 Francis 2131 NYT19990121.0418 1 Willie Brown 2131 APW20000914.0224 1 Willie Brown 2131 APW19980802.0224 -1 Peyron 2131 XIE19970402.0142 1 Willie Brown Jr 2131 NYT19991028.0401 1 Willie Brown Jr 2131 XIE19970405.0062 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19991215.0071 1 Brown 2131 XIE19971024.0181 1 Willie Brown 2131 APW20000914.0224 -1 Christopher 2131 NYT19980929.0256 -1 Rob Morse 2131 NYT19981104.0226 1 Willie Brown 2131 APW20000316.0219 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19991215.0071 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19990603.0110 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19991215.0071 3 San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown 2131 NYT19991106.0179 3 San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown 2131 NYT20000827.0146 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT20000419.0109 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT20000831.0068 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19991129.0387 -1 Tom Ammiano 2131 NYT19991103.0109 -1 Mayor Frank Jordan 2131 NYT19990305.0060 -1 Clint Reilly 2131 NYT19990427.0138 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19991028.0438 1 Willie Brown 2131 XIE19991114.0006 1 Willie L. Brown 2131 NYT19990930.0097 1 Willie Brown 2131 APW20000914.0224 -1 San_Francisco 2131 NYT19981130.0447 3 Brown 's 2131 NYT19990220.0077 1 Willie Brown 2131 NYT19980812.0091 1 Willie Brown 2133 APW19990211.0012 1 Feb. 12 , 1809 2133 APW19990211.0012 1 feb. 12, 1809 2133 NYT19991028.0421 -1 Dec. 10 , 1910 2133 NYT19990212.0116 1 1809 2133 APW19990211.0012 1 February 12, 1809 2133 NYT19990106.0270 -1 1860 2133 APW19990211.0012 1 1809 2133 APW19990211.0012 3 12 1809 2133 APW19990606.0074 -1 1864 2133 XIE19970225.0019 -1 February 2133 NYT19990809.0113 -1 Feb. 2133 APW19990211.0012 1 Feb. 12, 1809 2133 APW19990606.0074 -1 1848 2133 NYT20000713.0238 -1 1865 2133 NYT19990324.0238 2 February 12 1809 2133 NYT20000410.0405 -1 April 10, 2000 2133 NYT20000621.0166 -1 1861 2133 APW19990211.0012 3 Feb. 12 2133 APW19990211.0022 2 Feb 12, 1809, 2133 APW19990211.0012 3 Feb . 12 2133 NYT20000629.0244 -1 1960 2133 APW19990211.0012 1 1809-02-12 2134 APW19981205.0888 -1 Jermaine Jackson 2134 APW19990813.0200 1 Frank Ferrano 2134 APW19980811.1195 -1 Lee 2134 NYT19990830.0196 -1 Mo 2134 NYT19990817.0120 -1 tattoo 2134 NYT19990331.0519 -1 makes 2134 APW19980811.1195 -1 makes 2134 APW19990809.0007 -1 Cynthia Cooper 2134 APW19981205.0888 -1 Musician Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue 2134 APW19981205.0888 -1 David Schools 2134 APW19990904.0052 -1 Bassist 2134 APW19990904.0052 -1 GREENSBORO, N.C. 2134 APW19981205.0888 -1 Singer Brenda Lee 2134 APW19990910.0240 -1 Pamela Anderson Lee 2134 NYT19990817.0343 -1 Neil 2134 APW19981205.0888 -1 Brenda Lee 2134 APW19981228.1097 -1 Tommy Lee 2134 APW19990813.0200 -1 bassist 2134 APW19990904.0052 -1 North Carolina 2134 NYT19981221.0344 -1 that first installment 2134 APW19990813.0200 -1 AP 2134 APW19990915.0116 -1 Motley Crue 2134 APW19990915.0116 -1 Motley Crue bassist 2134 APW19990904.0052 -1 bassist Nikki_Sixx 2135 APW20000118.0249 -1 Medimax 2135 NYT19980704.0072 -1 AIDS 2135 NYT20000215.0094 -1 1 2135 NYT19990906.0213 -1 square miles 2135 APW20000922.0177 -1 most accurate 2135 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2135 APW19980624.0064 -1 NIL 2135 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2135 APW19990624.0149 -1 15 percent 2135 NYT19980925.0147 -1 AIDS discrimination 2135 APW19981028.1058 -1 AIDS and HIV sufferers and the projections of their impact 2135 APW19981123.1393 -1 10 to 15 percent 2135 APW19990618.0052 -1 Home Access 2135 XIE19960802.0336 -1 the present two 2135 APW20000922.0177 -1 HIV 2135 APW20000922.0177 -1 Sovo Tec Diagnostics of Novato 2135 APW20000709.0038 -1 two equal groups 2135 XIE19970808.0162 -1 two 2135 NYT19990830.0267 -1 two 2135 NYT19990128.0397 -1 Two 2135 XIE19960904.0242 -1 3,341 2135 APW20000922.0177 -1 over the Internet 2135 APW20000922.0177 -1 Friday 2135 NYT19990624.0385 -1 administered 2135 APW19980620.0360 -1 patients 2136 NYT19981012.0226 -1 several hours 2136 NYT19981113.0061 -1 One day 2136 NYT20000131.0361 -1 four 2136 NYT19990531.0167 -1 about 25 miles 2136 APW19981106.1139 2 8 moons 2136 NYT19990531.0167 1 8 2136 APW19981106.1139 -1 five 2136 APW19980628.0113 -1 NIL 2136 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2136 NYT20000911.0430 -1 three 2136 NYT20000411.0109 -1 Two 2136 NYT19990823.0238 -1 two 2136 APW19990210.0112 -1 two 2136 APW19990120.0026 -1 1,440 miles 2136 APW19990820.0102 -1 2 2136 NYT19990531.0167 -1 16 2136 NYT19990330.0185 -1 four moons 2136 APW19990210.0112 -1 billion km 680 miles minutes 2136 NYT19980721.0033 -1 42 2136 NYT19990823.0238 -1 1989 2136 APW19981106.1139 -1 five moons 2136 NYT19990331.0488 -1 three 2136 NYT20000220.0104 2 eight 2136 APW19990210.0251 -1 Neptune 's orbit 2136 APW20000126.0193 -1 31 2139 NYT20000503.0350 -1 Dow Jones 2139 NYT20000503.0350 -1 Nasdaq 2139 APW19980916.0149 1 nitrogen 2139 APW19980916.0149 3 nitrogen makes 2139 NYT19980914.0441 -1 makes 2139 NYT19991108.0323 1 nitrogen 2139 XIE19960712.0254 -1 the rare earth producers 2139 XIE19980130.0125 -1 air 2139 NYT19990614.0185 2 Nitrogen 2139 NYT19980803.0220 2 nitrogen 2139 APW19990513.0055 -1 global carbon dioxide levels 2139 XIE19971201.0187 -1 Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases 2139 NYT19981231.0071 -1 carbon dioxide 2139 NYT19990910.0080 -1 ozone 2139 XIE19991022.0066 -1 21 2139 APW19991024.0112 -1 cancer 2139 APW19990904.0018 -1 Security Council 2139 APW19990904.0018 -1 AP 2139 APW19990310.0194 -1 gas 2139 NYT19980626.0192 -1 NASA 2139 APW19990513.0055 -1 carbon dioxide 2139 APW19990414.0176 -1 the equatorial waters of the Pacific 2139 APW19990311.0339 -1 the atmosphere 2139 XIE19990501.0025 -1 Earth 's 2140 APW19990123.0078 -1 1968 2140 NYT19990827.0004 -1 1968 2140 APW20000115.0103 -1 the day 2140 NYT19980625.0546 -1 30-year -old 2140 NYT19990113.0292 1 April 4, 1968 2140 APW20000304.0126 -1 1968 2140 APW19990607.0028 -1 Jan. 17 , 2000 2140 NYT19990923.0422 1 April 4, 1968 2140 NYT19990118.0485 -1 Monday 2140 APW20000304.0126 3 April 4 2140 NYT19990120.0562 -1 Dr. 2140 APW19990118.0024 1 April 4, 1968 2140 APW19990118.0177 -1 Non-Violent Peace Prize 2140 NYT19980612.0110 -1 the Dream 2140 XIE19971102.0212 -1 November 1 2140 APW19990402.0227 -1 April 3, 1968 2140 NYT19990211.0368 2 April 4 , 1968 2140 APW19990526.0209 -1 Washington 2140 NYT20000427.0113 1 April 4, 1968 2140 XIE19980120.0005 -1 1968 2140 XIE19980325.0092 -1 April 10, 1968 2140 APW19990607.0244 -1 Jan . 17 , 2000 2140 APW20000117.0240 -1 every_day 2141 NYT19981215.0443 1 nine 2141 XIE19961107.0281 -1 five 2141 APW19990112.0247 -1 55 2141 APW19990503.0197 -1 55 2141 APW20000502.0245 -1 55 2141 NYT20000605.0440 1 nine 2141 NYT20000222.0099 1 nine 2141 APW19980708.0409 -1 NIL 2141 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2141 NYT19981211.0235 -1 12 2141 NYT20000418.0191 1 nine 2141 NYT19991231.0133 -1 1 2141 XIE20000628.0256 -1 one 2141 NYT19981123.0430 -1 5 2141 NYT19990224.0389 -1 a 5 2141 NYT19990105.0484 -1 Five women 2141 NYT19981103.0248 -1 4 2141 NYT19990322.0346 -1 three justices 2141 NYT19981203.0067 -1 Short biographies history thousands opinions 2141 NYT20000329.0279 -1 one 2141 NYT19980723.0485 -1 23,199 2141 XIE20000628.0256 -1 two deputy chief justices and seven 2141 XIE19981223.0138 -1 2 2141 NYT19990327.0130 -1 two 2141 NYT19990105.0484 -1 first 2141 XIE19961012.0163 2 nine 2141 APW19980708.0409 -1 in Brussels 2141 APW19980708.0409 -1 in the United_States 2141 XIE20000628.0256 -1 one chief justice 2141 NYT20000822.0340 -1 1989 2142 NYT20000414.0372 -1 1987 2142 APW20000210.0251 -1 1999 2142 APW19990629.0131 -1 2003 2142 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2142 APW19990126.0031 -1 its 1997 2142 NYT19980624.0182 -1 the 1962 Cuban missile crisis 2142 APW19990125.0341 -1 1998 2142 APW20000210.0140 -1 1999 2142 NYT19990203.0135 -1 1865 2142 XIE19980112.0029 -1 2003 2142 APW19990629.0131 -1 2004 2142 APW19991018.0342 -1 1998 2142 NYT20000206.0149 -1 2002 2142 APW19990302.0140 -1 March 3, 1998 2142 NYT20000113.0365 -1 15 February 2001 2142 APW19981203.1485 -1 1997 2142 XIE19960123.0079 -1 Last year 2142 APW19990629.0055 -1 2003 2142 APW20000211.0117 -1 1999 2142 APW19990722.0080 -1 a year 2142 NYT19980821.0350 -1 bond market 2143 APW19990721.0094 -1 Biograph Theater 2143 NYT20000608.0057 -1 belief 2143 NYT19991119.0442 -1 Society 2143 NYT19990408.0181 -1 Society 2143 APW19990714.0177 -1 society 2143 APW19990721.0094 1 shot to death 2143 APW19990927.0069 -1 1934 2143 APW19991011.0095 -1 In 1933 bank robber John Dillinger escaped fled a jail in Allen County Ohio 2143 APW19991011.0095 -1 with the help of his gang killed sheriff 2143 APW19990818.0213 -1 shoot 2143 APW19990927.0069 -1 Chicago one night 2143 APW19990927.0069 -1 Chicago one night 2143 APW19990721.0094 1 shot 2143 NYT19980616.0401 -1 Al Capone 2143 NYT19981225.0046 -1 a cause without a choice 2143 NYT19991019.0089 1 shot 2143 APW19990927.0069 1 gunned down 2143 APW19991027.0050 -1 Friday 2143 NYT19981022.0311 -1 cancer 2143 NYT19980616.0401 -1 Cubs 2143 APW20000105.0287 -1 we're not john dillinger, morris said. 2143 NYT19990604.0028 -1 LET SON MEMORY 2143 APW19990124.0092 -1 a one-ton hornless bull 2143 NYT19991119.0067 -1 column 2143 APW19990721.0094 -1 July 22 , 1934 2144 NYT19981120.0231 -1 two-minute 2144 NYT19991221.0301 -1 1967 2144 NYT19991227.0302 -1 Hurricane 2144 NYT20000106.0304 -1 Hurricane 2144 APW19990407.0178 -1 lyrics 2144 NYT19981006.0406 -1 lyrics 2144 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2144 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2144 NYT19981203.0067 -1 Movies 2144 NYT19991105.0217 -1 one 2144 APW20000112.0048 -1 Polar Music Prize 2144 NYT19990105.0303 -1 My Love 2144 NYT20000803.0265 -1 Things Have Changed 2144 NYT19981006.0406 -1 Tell Me, Momma 2144 NYT19981211.0371 -1 Tim Rice 2144 NYT19980618.0184 -1 Aladdin 2144 NYT20000110.0074 -1 1966 2144 NYT19981005.0223 -1 Johnson 2144 NYT20000502.0315 -1 Disney Chanel 2144 APW20000112.0048 -1 the songs 2144 NYT19990908.0240 -1 Hurricane 2144 NYT19990728.0543 -1 Dylan 2144 NYT19981006.0406 -1 blues 2144 NYT19981019.0111 -1 love 2144 NYT20000503.0346 -1 John Corigliano 2144 NYT20000317.0268 -1 Things Have Changed 2144 APW19990405.0007 -1 [S -/: [S [NP [NP [NP [NP It 's ] nirvana/NN ] [PP for/IN [NP [NP 1960/CD s/PRP folk/NN fans-- ] Bob Dylan ] ] ] and [NP Paul Simon ] ] [VP are [VP hitting [NP the road ] [ADVP together ] [PP for [NP a summer tour ] ] ] ] ] . ] 2144 NYT19980908.0367 -1 relationship 2145 APW19991009.0129 -1 Amtrak 2145 NYT20000830.0250 -1 Los Angeles 2145 NYT20000501.0272 -1 horizontal vertical 2145 NYT20000629.0109 -1 and angles 2145 APW20000829.0029 1 wind speeds 2145 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2145 NYT20000628.0015 -1 campaign finance law since technical changes 2145 APW19990609.0215 -1 security 2145 NYT19980602.0382 -1 Steven Elmendorf 2145 NYT20000724.0153 -1 measures 2145 NYT19980724.0412 -1 A New York Times News Service article 2145 NYT20000726.0155 -1 Olympics 2145 APW19990819.0037 -1 GPS 2145 NYT19980707.0118 -1 protrctor 2145 NYT20000706.0288 -1 weekend 2145 XIE19961021.0200 -1 World Trade Organization 2145 NYT20000511.0412 -1 HOUSE 2145 NYT19990218.0068 -1 Nielsen Media Research 2145 APW19980602.0625 -1 The measures 2145 APW20000818.0129 -1 the measure 2145 APW20000829.0029 -1 equipment such 2149 XIE19960623.0146 -1 eight - time 2149 NYT20000723.0175 1 nine 2149 APW19981104.1389 -1 four 2149 XIE19980511.0197 -1 four 2149 XIE19960206.0273 -1 four 2149 APW20000914.0208 3 9 Olympic gold medals 2149 XIE19980511.0197 2 9 Olympic gold medals 2149 NYT20000724.0406 1 nine 2149 APW19980709.1326 -1 NIL 2149 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2149 APW19980921.1343 1 nine 2149 XIE20000827.0236 -1 eight 2149 XIE19960616.0162 -1 100, 200 2149 NYT20000912.0258 -1 the women's 100, 200 2149 NYT19990524.0320 -1 the 100, 200 2149 NYT20000909.0168 -1 10 2149 NYT19980921.0451 -1 1980 Trials finished fourth 2149 XIE19980511.0197 -1 one 2149 APW20000914.0208 3 nine Olympic gold medals 2149 NYT20000909.0168 1 nine 2149 NYT19991227.0008 -1 four 2149 XIE19970502.0145 1 nine 2149 APW20000914.0208 1 nine 2149 XIE19991120.0174 1 nine 2149 APW19990829.0067 -1 at the championships 2149 APW19990829.0155 -1 the 400- meter relay 2149 NYT19990709.0382 -1 five Olympic teams Lewis 2149 XIE19961231.0218 -1 200 2151 NYT19980802.0142 -1 Vetheuil 2151 NYT19980807.0293 -1 Paris 2151 APW19980707.0768 -1 AP 2151 NYT20000326.0068 1 Rouen Cathedral 2151 NYT19981123.0237 3 haystacks Rouen 2151 NYT19990531.0200 1 Rouen Cathedral 2151 NYT20000326.0068 1 Rouen 2151 APW19980630.1044 -1 NIL 2151 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2151 NYT19990329.0424 -1 Fondation Claude Monet 2151 NYT19981123.0237 1 Rouen 2151 NYT19990903.0383 -1 oil painting 2151 NYT19981113.0018 -1 GETTY MUSEUM ACQUIRES 2151 NYT20000326.0068 -1 another well-known Monet image 2151 APW19990211.0055 -1 National Gallery of Art 2151 NYT20000720.0145 1 Rouen Cathedral 2151 XIE20000215.0122 -1 1840 2151 NYT19990504.0273 -1 sanctuary 2151 NYT19980807.0293 -1 Modern Art 2151 NYT19980802.0142 -1 Vetheuil in Winter 2151 NYT19980709.0263 1 Rouen Cathedral 2151 NYT20000907.0209 2 Rouen 2151 NYT19990407.0176 -1 Table 2151 APW19980630.1044 -1 That 2151 APW19980630.1044 -1 The painting , Waterlily Pond and Path by Water , 2151 NYT19990407.0176 -1 exhibit 2151 APW19990210.0114 -1 The donations 2152 XIE19960104.0117 -1 2000 2152 XIE19960507.0050 -1 1644 2152 XIE19981026.0228 -1 1984 2152 XIE20000512.0210 1 more than 2,000 years ago 2152 XIE19980526.0214 2 over 2,000 years ago 2152 XIE19991207.0199 -1 221 BC 2152 XIE19980217.0144 -1 221 B.C. 2152 XIE20000612.0601 -1 1797 2152 XIE20000729.0035 -1 1368-1644 2152 NYT19991214.0299 -1 1914 2152 XIE20000407.0299 -1 Today 2152 XIE19970105.0131 -1 221 BC 2152 XIE20000612.0298 -1 1368-1644 2152 XIE19971107.0158 1 2,000 years ago 2152 XIE19990513.0253 -1 1368-1644 2152 XIE19971230.0084 1 2,000 years ago 2152 XIE20000621.0233 -1 Feb 24 2003 10 2152 XIE19971230.0084 1 more than 2,000 years ago 2152 XIE19971230.0084 3 more than 2,000 years 2152 XIE19960617.0088 -1 1987 2152 XIE19981102.0165 -1 past 20 years 2152 XIE19980502.0034 -1 March 2C 2152 NYT19991214.0299 -1 1903 2152 XIE19960313.0074 -1 221-206 BC 2152 XIE19971108.0131 1 2 , 000 years ago 2153 NYT19990912.0017 1 1915 2153 APW19990607.0216 2 1915 2153 NYT19980916.0085 -1 1917 2153 APW19980617.0895 3 May 2153 NYT19980918.0256 1 May 7, 1915 2153 NYT19980916.0067 1 May 7 , 1915 2153 APW20000928.0063 -1 1965 2153 NYT19980916.0085 1 May 7, 1915 2153 NYT19980916.0067 -1 May 13 1915 2153 APW19980926.0205 -1 German 2153 NYT19990526.0163 1 1915 2153 APW19980617.0895 1 May 7, 1915 2153 NYT19980916.0085 -1 May 13, 1915 2153 APW19990607.0216 -1 June 8, 1915 2153 APW19980617.0895 -1 1917 2153 NYT19980619.0463 -1 Friday 2153 NYT19980918.0256 -1 May 13 2153 APW20000506.0147 3 1915 2153 NYT19980916.0067 3 1915 2153 NYT19980916.0067 1 May 7, 1915 2153 APW19980617.0895 -1 20 seconds 2153 NYT19991112.0319 -1 today 2154 NYT19980609.0405 -1 us 2154 NYT19981020.0225 -1 whites 2154 NYT19980902.0347 -1 recipe 2154 NYT20000422.0115 -1 Chalazae 2154 NYT20000422.0115 -1 yolk 2154 NYT20000419.0090 -1 yolk 2154 NYT19991221.0129 -1 yolk 2154 NYT19990907.0096 1 albumen 2154 NYT20000307.0207 -1 person 2154 APW19981218.0198 -1 a woman 2154 NYT19981126.0073 -1 white outside 2154 NYT19980922.0177 -1 yolk 2154 NYT20000419.0090 -1 The yolks 2154 NYT19990504.0207 -1 the rounded bottoms of the whites so 2154 NYT19991208.0189 -1 baking powder 2154 NYT19990805.0244 -1 recipe 2154 NYT20000201.0126 -1 well 2154 NYT19991003.0355 -1 Moracts 2154 NYT19990907.0096 -1 Rhode Island Reds 2154 APW19980605.0571 -1 a feeble leader 2154 NYT19990316.0148 2 albumin 2154 NYT20000419.0098 -1 shell 2154 APW19980610.1348 1 albumin 2154 NYT19980915.0200 -1 mustard 2154 NYT20000704.0087 -1 egg white mixture 2154 NYT20000622.0306 -1 Americans 2154 NYT20000422.0115 -1 beginning 2155 APW19980611.0369 1 Belgium 2155 APW20000819.0027 -1 Canada 2155 APW19980814.0317 1 Belgium 2155 XIE20000203.0162 -1 United States 2155 APW19980729.0161 1 Belgium 2155 NYT19990622.0181 1 Belgium 2155 NYT19990521.0149 -1 Israel 2155 XIE19980505.0144 -1 Ugandan 2155 XIE19980816.0165 1 Belgian 2155 NYT19991129.0352 -1 France 2155 NYT19990622.0324 1 Belgium 2155 APW19980729.0161 -1 France 2155 XIE19960813.0017 3 a Belgian Sabena air company's airliner 2155 XIE19981009.0076 -1 this year, nine European carriers including British Airways 2155 APW19980729.0154 -1 France 2155 NYT19991013.0392 -1 Swissair 2155 APW19990425.0086 -1 Northwest MINNEAPOLIS 2155 NYT19980903.0322 -1 Brazil 2155 APW19980611.0369 -1 home 2155 XIE19981109.0115 -1 Dubai 2156 NYT20000206.0140 1 100.1 mph 2156 NYT19990905.0020 1 100 mph 2156 NYT19990304.0028 1 100 mph 2156 APW19990710.0075 3 100 2156 NYT20000408.0212 -1 133 2156 NYT19980908.0004 -1 The Reds were too busy paying attention to Johnson threw the first 1-0 shutout against the Reds since Maddux did Aug. 15 2156 NYT19980808.0015 -1 9-0 2156 NYT20000610.0220 1 98-mph 2156 NYT19980609.0047 1 95 mph 2156 NYT19980902.0022 1 98 mph 2156 NYT20000710.0333 -1 one 2156 NYT20000403.0324 -1 the 73 2156 NYT20000610.0220 -1 85-mph 2156 NYT19980815.0211 -1 95-plus 2156 NYT20000710.0333 -1 122 2156 NYT19980603.0013 -1 two 2156 APW19990324.0252 -1 16 strikeouts 2156 APW19990522.0050 -1 I 2156 NYT20000610.0220 -1 85-mph slider 2157 APW19980626.1429 -1 America 2157 APW20000106.0022 -1 New York 2157 APW19990622.0151 -1 Georgia 2157 APW19990814.0088 -1 N.Y. 2157 NYT19980706.0170 -1 Delaware 2157 APW19990104.0219 -1 Delaware 2157 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2157 NYT20000928.0382 -1 funny decisive Bartlet 's character 2157 NYT19980706.0170 -1 Pennsylvania 2157 NYT20000319.0222 -1 New York 2157 NYT20000308.0347 -1 one 2157 NYT19980914.0143 -1 One 2157 NYT20000928.0382 -1 West Wing 2157 NYT20000630.0170 -1 never tasted American independence 2157 NYT20000315.0245 -1 Charles Carroll 2157 NYT20000703.0465 -1 America 2157 NYT19981122.0203 -1 Livingston 2157 APW19991022.0290 -1 Illinois 2157 NYT20000703.0465 -1 New York 2157 XIE20000619.0194 -1 Israel 2157 NYT20000721.0170 -1 Georgia 2157 XIE19971122.0016 -1 Georgia 2157 NYT19990826.0074 -1 downtown 2157 NYT20000302.0189 -1 John Rutledge House 2157 XIE19990612.0127 -1 Aguinaldo 101_years_ago 2159 APW19980627.0968 -1 us 2159 NYT19990305.0074 -1 Gill 2159 NYT19981102.0275 -1 Jordan 2159 APW19990428.0138 -1 Marshville, N.C 2159 NYT19990203.0398 -1 ABC 's daytime dramas Port Charles 2159 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2159 NYT19990401.0146 -1 DUMMY 2159 APW19990428.0138 -1 music 2159 XIE20000106.0152 -1 his second 2159 APW20000705.0055 -1 last year's classical-minded composer 2159 NYT20000308.0273 -1 a neighbor's daughter 2159 NYT20000126.0186 -1 Mali 2159 NYT19981030.0177 -1 US 2159 NYT19980813.0073 -1 Nashville 2159 NYT19990331.0161 -1 his own 2159 APW19980613.0875 -1 Singer Cyndi Lauper 2159 NYT19990527.0109 -1 Allison 2159 NYT19980619.0301 2 Travis 2159 NYT19981223.0345 -1 Whitney Houston 2159 NYT19981203.0062 -1 The book 2159 NYT20000921.0344 -1 Nashville 2159 APW19980725.0402 -1 The Key to Life , the last song on the album , 2159 APW19991006.0336 -1 the album 2159 NYT19990610.0131 -1 Club convention 2160 NYT20000418.0070 1 102.5 F 2160 NYT19991230.0014 2 102 degrees 2160 NYT19990720.0201 1 between 100 and 102 degrees 2160 NYT19981118.0211 -1 several degrees 2160 NYT20000418.0070 1 102.5 2160 NYT19990529.0005 1 between 100 and 102 degrees 2160 NYT20000829.0079 -1 heats up the body 2160 NYT19981207.0452 -1 75 degrees Fahrenheit 2160 APW19990825.0207 -1 more than 107 degrees 2160 NYT19990313.0081 -1 165 degrees 2160 NYT19990531.0175 -1 107 degrees Fahrenheit 2160 NYT19990720.0201 -1 normal 100 2160 NYT19990713.0007 -1 10-15 degrees 2160 APW19980608.0780 -1 103 2160 NYT20000418.0070 1 102.5F 2160 XIE19981205.0227 -1 the focus 2160 NYT20000418.0070 1 100.5 to 102.5 F 2160 NYT19990720.0201 -1 100 2160 NYT19990720.0201 1 100 and 102 degrees 2160 NYT19990529.0005 -1 between 100 2160 NYT19981113.0181 -1 102.5 2160 NYT19980721.0141 -1 98 2160 NYT19980715.0349 -1 in 2160 XIE19981205.0227 -1 study reducing body temperature 2161 NYT20000327.0157 -1 Australia 2161 APW19981026.0808 -1 Sri Lanka 2161 NYT19981204.0378 -1 National Basketball Association 2161 XIE19961130.0118 -1 Rugby league 2161 APW19980710.0477 -1 rugby 2161 XIE19991025.0067 -1 League 2161 XIE20000917.0201 1 Kiwis 2161 APW20000921.0040 -1 his nickname 2161 XIE19991126.0132 -1 Ashburton 2161 APW20000106.0097 -1 League 2161 XIE20000601.0197 -1 Seattle SuperSonics 2161 XIE19980620.0186 -1 the four-team men's basketball invitational tournament 2161 APW20000921.0040 -1 AP 2161 NYT20000728.0127 -1 Carl Dickel 2161 XIE20000601.0197 -1 Ray Allen 2161 NYT20000728.0127 -1 Dickel 2161 APW19990422.0287 -1 League 2161 NYT19990823.0189 -1 English 2161 NYT19990823.0233 -1 Cox News Service 2161 NYT19991231.0203 -1 Westminster Dog Show 2161 APW20000912.0065 -1 a good thing 2161 APW20000923.0177 -1 U.S. 2161 APW20000921.0040 -1 New Zealand 2161 APW19980710.0477 -1 Slug Sports 2161 APW20000923.0177 1 Kiwis 2161 APW19980729.1341 -1 Theos ( God ) 2161 APW19980729.1341 -1 his nickname 2161 APW20000507.0071 -1 . 2161 APW19990923.0284 -1 Gentle Ben 2162 NYT19980601.0171 -1 15 feet 2162 NYT19980603.0379 -1 1.5 miles 2162 NYT19990119.0228 -1 100 feet 2162 NYT20000708.0115 -1 only 18 2162 NYT20000901.0095 -1 2 paddles 2162 NYT19980608.0030 -1 2 oversized floating paddles 2162 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2162 NYT19991108.0187 -1 atomic number 82 2162 XIE19980205.0159 -1 A net 7.7 percent 2162 XIE19970619.0222 -1 16 2162 NYT19990426.0118 -1 6 inches 2162 NYT19990515.0239 -1 5 2162 NYT19980627.0039 -1 The leaders' 70 minutes 2162 NYT19990119.0228 -1 literally 100 feet 2162 NYT19990119.0228 -1 100 foot 2162 APW19990601.0255 -1 the goal frame 2162 APW19990821.0026 -1 two 2162 APW20000218.0150 -1 6 inches 2162 XIE19970809.0117 -1 25 years 2162 NYT19990119.0228 -1 $194 million 2162 NYT19990515.0239 -1 250 2162 NYT19990204.0076 -1 Internet police 2164 NYT20000411.0368 -1 Lipstadt 2164 NYT19990520.0370 -1 Caesar 2164 APW20000707.0032 -1 pond 2164 APW20000212.0073 -1 NIL 2164 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2164 NYT20000323.0222 -1 Scott's relatives 2164 NYT20000612.0512 -1 New York City's public schools 2164 APW20000411.0092 -1 diseases 2164 NYT19980908.0111 -1 condition 2164 XIE19960124.0156 -1 shot himself 2164 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2164 XIE19991024.0119 -1 London 2164 APW19990205.0086 -1 lung cancer 2164 NYT20000513.0193 -1 lung cancer 2164 NYT19990625.0185 -1 Holocaust 2164 NYT19990314.0271 -1 and coming up tomorrow:cleopatra _ why won't the rumors die?' 2164 NYT19981110.0020 -1 his mother could apply only home remedies 2165 NYT19980707.0059 1 July 4 , 1776 2165 NYT19980707.0059 2 Wednesday 4 July 1776 2165 NYT19980707.0059 -1 that date 2165 NYT19980706.0170 1 July 4, 1776 2165 NYT19980706.0170 1 July 4 , 1776 2165 APW19980624.1523 -1 NIL 2165 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2165 XIE19990204.0003 -1 Tarja Halonen 2165 NYT19980629.0281 2 July 4 , 1776 2165 NYT19990327.0182 3 July 4 2165 NYT19980707.0059 1 July 4, 1776 2165 XIE19960721.0145 -1 20th of July 2165 NYT19980706.0170 3 July 4 2165 APW19990801.0044 1 Aug. 2, 1776 2165 XIE20000617.0108 -1 Joint Declaration 2165 NYT19990628.0060 1 July 4, 1776 2165 XIE19990111.0088 -1 May 4 2165 NYT19980706.0170 -1 lesser-known delegates 2165 NYT19980706.0170 -1 date 2166 NYT20000908.0463 -1 Kennedy 2166 NYT20000908.0463 -1 Alabama 2166 NYT19990126.0098 -1 grew 2166 NYT20000521.0064 -1 Thurmond 2166 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2166 NYT19980914.0009 -1 That Wallace died haunted race is appropriate to his life story clumsy Snopsian aspiration 2166 NYT19980914.0009 -1 George Corley Wallace Jr. born on Aug. 25 1919 in Clio Ala 2166 APW19990907.0022 -1 shootings 2166 NYT19990721.0074 -1 AMANPOUR 2166 NYT19980914.0113 -1 the feisty and mercurial Alabama governor 2166 NYT19980916.0305 -1 cancer 2166 NYT20000421.0137 -1 cancer 2166 NYT19980916.0305 -1 heart attack 2166 NYT19980914.0037 -1 former 2166 NYT19980914.0490 -1 shot 2166 NYT19980914.0065 -1 racially motivated killings 2166 NYT19980918.0101 -1 cancer 2166 NYT19980916.0305 -1 Wallace 2166 NYT19990721.0069 -1 but this is my father, my mother, my sister. 2166 NYT20000520.0085 -1 White House 2166 NYT20000731.0312 -1 People 2166 NYT19980914.0002 -1 shot 2167 NYT19981229.0079 -1 47 percent 2167 XIE19991215.0126 -1 two 2167 NYT19990621.0333 -1 30 2167 XIE19960809.0233 -1 30 2167 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2167 APW19980609.0213 -1 NIL 2167 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2167 XIE19990715.0108 -1 Myanmar Foreign Minister U Win Aung Thursday 2167 NYT19981023.0372 -1 other Latin American despots 2167 NYT20000922.0010 -1 Jodi 2167 APW19980807.0885 -1 FIFA 2167 APW19981013.0070 -1 Asia 2167 APW19990414.0224 -1 twice 2167 NYT20000214.0297 -1 32 percent 2167 APW19990910.0248 -1 first 2167 NYT19980908.0097 -1 9 2167 APW19980908.1376 -1 one diver 2167 NYT19980907.0202 -1 activists 2168 XIE19980222.0187 1 Colombia 2168 APW19990528.0025 -1 U.S. 2168 XIE20000822.0202 2 Colombia 2168 XIE19990412.0169 -1 Zambia 2168 XIE19980226.0272 1 Colombia 2168 XIE19960508.0250 3 Colombian 2168 XIE19981103.0067 -1 Zambia's 2168 XIE20000423.0055 -1 China 2168 XIE19960318.0183 -1 east African 2168 XIE19960619.0303 -1 Brazil 2168 XIE19980807.0277 1 Colombia 2168 XIE20000822.0202 -1 the world's leading emeralds producers 2168 XIE19981127.0161 -1 the world's production 2168 XIE19960508.0250 1 Colombia 2168 NYT20000518.0213 -1 Colombia country South America 2168 XIE19970219.0142 -1 Zambia 2168 XIE19960126.0183 -1 Brazil 2168 NYT19990607.0153 2 Colombia 2168 XIE19991006.0037 -1 address 2169 APW19990721.0181 -1 1989 2169 NYT19991121.0014 -1 1941 2169 APW19991028.0223 -1 1941 2169 NYT19991208.0305 -1 the day 2169 APW19991028.0223 1 December 7, 1941 2169 NYT19990531.0315 1 Dec. 7 , 1941 2169 NYT19981211.0087 1 Dec. 7 2169 XIE19970311.0236 1 December 7, 1941 2169 APW19980922.1182 -1 the field 2169 NYT19981204.0229 -1 Pearl Harbor Day 2169 NYT19990325.0044 -1 One 2169 NYT20000814.0224 -1 D-Day 2169 NYT19981207.0083 1 Dec. 7 , 1941 2169 APW19981207.1801 1 Dec. 7, 1941 2169 APW19981207.1801 -1 Japan's surprise attack 2169 NYT19990629.0131 -1 Sakai, Japan's leading war ace 2169 NYT19990525.0424 -1 1941 2169 NYT19991207.0191 1 Dec. 7 2169 NYT19991121.0014 -1 December 1941 2169 APW19981130.1304 1 Dec. 7, 1941 2169 NYT19981025.0249 -1 Nov 11, 2169 XIE19980417.0124 -1 Red 2169 NYT19991208.0305 1 Dec. 7, 1941 2169 APW19990210.0196 -1 1941 2169 APW19990322.0215 1 Dec. 7, 1941 2169 APW19991028.0223 1 Dec. 7, 1941 2169 NYT19981110.0057 1 Dec. 7, 1941 2169 APW19981207.1801 1 Dec . 7 , 1941 2169 XIE19960723.0260 -1 Monday 2169 NYT19981207.0084 1 Sunday 2170 NYT19990628.0009 2 four years 2170 NYT19991208.0338 -1 few weeks 2170 APW19980708.0443 -1 pounds 2170 APW19981226.0681 -1 U20 2170 XIE19970323.0082 2 four years 2170 NYT19990519.0481 -1 1994 2170 APW19990214.0029 -1 two years 2170 NYT19990519.0481 -1 the same cultural barriers American women 2170 NYT19980727.0170 -1 the women's world cup 2170 APW19980611.1752 -1 115,000 2170 NYT19980706.0231 -1 United States 2170 APW19980707.0412 -1 the partying 2170 APW19981220.0924 -1 2002 2170 XIE19990801.0093 -1 six times 2170 XIE19991029.0295 -1 six times 2170 APW19990710.0071 -1 two years 2170 XIE19970515.0004 -1 16th 2170 APW19980626.0298 3 every four years 2170 APW19990214.0029 -1 every two years 2170 APW19980703.1187 -1 the World Cup 2170 APW19990708.0148 -1 host 2171 NYT19990809.0283 -1 six 2171 NYT20000110.0222 -1 700 words 2171 NYT19990113.0117 -1 three 2171 NYT19990113.0117 -1 Three 2171 NYT19980624.0269 -1 One 2171 NYT19980925.0450 -1 6 2171 NYT19991122.0251 -1 6 2171 NYT19980624.0269 1 six - foot 2171 NYT19990726.0278 1 six feet 2171 APW19980616.0903 -1 NIL 2171 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2171 NYT20000829.0276 1 4 feet 2171 NYT20000314.0146 -1 20 2171 NYT20000619.0376 -1 2 2171 NYT20000314.0146 -1 35 degrees Celsius 2171 APW19990902.0158 -1 35 acre 2171 NYT19981008.0039 -1 8305 8367 for repeats on or UPI DataNews 2171 NYT20000314.0146 -1 Fish 2171 NYT20000619.0291 -1 Pinta Island 2171 NYT20000110.0243 -1 two years 2171 NYT19980625.0523 -1 5 2171 APW20000802.0085 -1 5 2171 NYT19980625.0523 1 six-foot 2171 NYT19980624.0269 1 six-foot 2171 NYT19980625.0523 -1 9 2171 NYT19980624.0269 -1 thousands 2171 NYT19980625.0523 -1 I 2171 NYT19980910.0270 -1 one friend 2171 NYT19990113.0117 -1 bananas 2171 NYT19981007.0319 1 4 feet 2173 APW20000613.0157 -1 Nike 2173 NYT19990303.0522 -1 Doremus 2173 APW19990510.0110 -1 company 2173 NYT19991007.0132 -1 poster 2173 NYT19990312.0439 -1 poster 2173 NYT20000905.0160 1 bunny 2173 APW19990510.0110 1 rabbit head 2173 NYT19990303.0522 -1 the Playboy logo 2173 APW19990503.0018 -1 Chicago 2173 APW20000414.0159 -1 buy 2173 NYT20000703.0055 -1 Julie Brown 2173 APW19990510.0110 -1 its Internet sites 2173 NYT19990422.0158 -1 make lacking association 2173 APW19990503.0018 -1 Monday 2173 NYT20000905.0160 -1 California Sunshine Activewear 2173 NYT19990303.0522 -1 pictures 2173 XIE19990320.0051 -1 Ong 2173 NYT19990303.0522 -1 Playboy 2173 NYT19990728.0081 -1 Loses Round Over Search Engine Ads 2173 APW20000414.0105 -1 Inc. Playboy 2173 APW19990510.0110 -1 Playboy 's own Web site 2173 APW19990510.0110 -1 Playboy 's 2173 XIE20000819.0034 -1 PLA logistics departments 2175 NYT20000927.0019 -1 Iran 2175 APW19981016.0918 -1 Egypt 2175 APW20000610.0090 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE19980706.0025 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE19980214.0075 1 Kuwait 2175 APW19980809.0361 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE20000916.0009 1 Kuwait 2175 APW19990330.0190 1 Kuwait 2175 APW19981013.1318 1 Kuwait 2175 NYT19990814.0097 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE20000105.0174 1 Kuwait 2175 NYT19990405.0438 -1 Iran 2175 XIE19990801.0026 3 Invasion KUWAIT CITY 2175 XIE19971005.0022 3 Iraq and Kuwait 2175 NYT19990609.0141 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE19980629.0032 3 aggressive tentions Kuwait 2175 APW19981026.0515 3 Kuwait in 1990 2175 XIE20000520.0016 1 Kuwait 2175 APW19981124.0947 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE19980218.0268 1 Kuwait 2175 NYT19990920.0214 1 Kuwait 2175 XIE20000925.0022 -1 Iraq 2175 APW19980805.0459 1 Kuwait 2175 APW19981207.0483 3 Kuwait in 1990 2175 XIE19960201.0025 1 Kuwait 2175 NYT20000823.0294 1 Kuwait 2175 APW19980607.0364 -1 Iraqi 2176 NYT20000422.0107 3 1300 2176 NYT20000422.0088 3 1300 2176 NYT19990808.0015 -1 1970 2176 APW19990403.0059 -1 today 2176 NYT19990610.0076 2 14th century 2176 APW19990403.0059 -1 century 2176 NYT19990526.0198 2 14th century 2176 APW19990728.0344 -1 1993 2176 APW19990417.0069 -1 700 years 2176 NYT19980730.0127 -1 90 2176 NYT19990404.0137 -1 12 hours 2176 APW20000329.0103 -1 World 2176 NYT20000411.0119 1 1300s 2176 NYT19980917.0451 -1 Sept. 17, 1998 2176 NYT19980917.0457 -1 1994 2176 NYT19980923.0455 -1 seventh 2176 NYT19980728.0352 -1 Aug. 28 2176 NYT19980916.0352 -1 December 18 [1937] 2176 NYT19980828.0393 -1 Friday 2176 NYT20000828.0377 -1 1952 2176 XIE19990720.0319 -1 1929 2176 NYT19980915.0208 -1 1994 2176 NYT19980625.0502 -1 1994 2176 NYT19980917.0451 -1 SEPT. 20 2176 NYT19981216.0303 -1 modern-day 2176 APW19990403.0059 -1 Easter 2178 NYT19980821.0019 -1 199 yards 2178 APW20000303.0111 -1 19 degrees 2178 XIE19970629.0135 -1 10 2178 APW19990406.0118 -1 10 2178 APW20000717.0214 1 11,240 - foot 2178 APW19990523.0088 1 11,245 feet 2178 APW19990406.0118 -1 NIL 2178 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2178 XIE19980107.0037 -1 Mt 2178 APW19990524.0158 1 11,245 feet 2178 APW19981012.0532 -1 the 7,129 meters 2178 APW19990805.0322 -1 99 in 2178 APW19981208.0090 -1 1 1/2 miles 2178 APW19981208.0090 -1 15-inch 2178 XIE19970216.0167 -1 6,812-meter high 2178 NYT20000217.0115 -1 Its 2178 XIE19981011.0062 -1 5,850 2178 XIE19961024.0098 -1 8,848-meter 2178 NYT19980714.0084 -1 60 miles 2178 XIE19970829.0154 -1 8.35 km 2178 APW19990406.0118 -1 2 2178 APW19981016.0626 -1 ends Nov . 15 2178 APW19990523.0088 1 11 , 245 feet 2179 NYT19980818.0128 -1 Newport 2179 NYT19990311.0201 -1 English 2179 NYT19980818.0128 -1 Josepha 2179 NYT19980818.0116 -1 Josepha 2179 NYT19980818.0116 1 Mary Had A Little Lamb 2179 NYT19980818.0116 -1 verses 2179 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2179 NYT19981203.0061 -1 Liberty Leading the People 2179 NYT19990423.0178 -1 Trillings 2179 NYT19980818.0128 -1 a lousy children's poem 2179 NYT19980818.0116 1 Mary Had a Little Lamb 2179 NYT19980818.0116 -1 American 2179 NYT19980818.0128 -1 William Cullen Bryant 2179 NYT19981203.0357 -1 book 2179 NYT20000207.0511 -1 the most accomplished blank-verse writer 2179 NYT19980818.0116 -1 Newport 2179 NYT19981005.0167 -1 Shy means thinking about yourself 2179 APW19990228.0050 -1 A Sketch 2181 NYT19990313.0160 1 55,000 2181 NYT19981203.0212 -1 $ 25 2181 NYT19990416.0295 -1 80,000 people 2181 NYT19990925.0169 -1 1,000 2181 NYT19991213.0434 -1 2 2181 NYT19981012.0423 -1 2 2181 NYT19981019.0029 -1 2 2181 NYT19980620.0222 1 57,545 2181 NYT19980903.0357 1 70,000 2181 APW19980928.1236 -1 NIL 2181 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2181 NYT20000208.0404 -1 6500 2181 APW19980804.0590 -1 1 2181 APW19990129.0209 -1 two 2181 NYT19980620.0222 -1 750 2181 NYT19991026.0403 -1 40 2181 NYT19981007.0405 -1 120 2181 NYT19991026.0392 -1 26 2181 NYT20000921.0056 -1 up to 100,000 people 2181 NYT20000411.0471 -1 thirty plane full men visit 2181 APW19980918.1047 -1 2,000 2181 NYT19980605.0208 -1 three 2181 NYT20000724.0388 -1 16 people 2181 NYT19991026.0398 -1 26 2181 NYT19991012.0368 -1 12 2181 NYT19981021.0030 -1 two 2181 APW19990412.0243 -1 six 2181 APW19990129.0210 -1 up_to three 2181 APW19990128.0203 -1 I 2182 APW19980904.0587 1 12,000 feet 2182 NYT19980806.0261 1 12,000 feet 2182 NYT19991028.0488 1 12,460 feet 2182 APW19980904.0587 3 12,000 feet of water 2182 XIE20000126.0053 -1 three feet 2182 XIE19960806.0051 1 3,800 meters 2182 APW19990826.0130 -1 Three years 2182 NYT19980806.0263 3 1985 in 12,000 feet 2182 APW19990325.0198 -1 about 400 miles 2182 APW19990502.0121 -1 300 mile 2182 NYT19990112.0044 -1 IN 2182 NYT19980806.0261 -1 000 feet 2182 NYT19980806.0263 1 12,000 feet 2182 APW19990503.0262 -1 half a mile 2182 APW19990502.0114 -1 half 2182 XIE19960806.0051 1 3,800 meters 2182 APW19980904.0587 -1 13 years 2182 APW19990325.0198 -1 last 2182 XIE19980721.0117 -1 one Finnish scientist 2182 NYT19980831.0197 3 two miles 2184 NYT19991215.0291 -1 McCartney 2184 XIE19991230.0004 -1 New York 2184 NYT19990309.0149 2 Cavern Club 2184 APW19980915.1094 -1 Pepper 2184 NYT19990309.0149 -1 Casbah Club 2184 NYT19990217.0140 -1 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts 2184 NYT19990909.0223 -1 Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts 2184 NYT19991215.0291 1 Cavern Club 2184 APW19990622.0195 2 Cavern Club, 2184 NYT19991214.0313 -1 the subterranean Liverpool nightclub 2184 NYT19991214.0220 -1 the sweaty Liverpool nightclub 2184 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2184 NYT19991216.0034 2 Cavern Club 2184 NYT19991215.0291 1 Cavern 2184 XIE19990101.0059 -1 BBC 2184 NYT19991215.0291 -1 Mathew Street 2184 NYT19990820.0158 -1 the Liverpool skiffle group 2184 NYT19991214.0313 1 Cavern Club 2184 APW19981017.0853 -1 McCartney 2184 NYT19991214.0381 -1 After 2184 NYT19991215.0291 -1 Liverpool Oratorio 2184 NYT19991214.0313 3 The original Cavern Club, the small, sweaty, subterranean Liverpool nightclub 2184 APW19981112.1376 -1 the struggling Premier League club 2184 NYT19991102.0310 -1 DJs 2184 NYT19980722.0305 1 Cavern Club 2184 APW19990623.0067 2 Cavern Club 2184 APW19990622.0195 -1 The permanent display 2185 NYT19990826.0050 -1 several years 2185 XIE19961002.0007 -1 four years 2185 NYT19981002.0065 -1 30-year 2185 NYT20000811.0329 -1 this year 2185 NYT20000823.0412 -1 20 2185 NYT19990826.0050 -1 20 2185 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2185 NYT19990620.0029 -1 1990 2185 NYT19990502.0039 -1 '89 2185 NYT19980609.0130 -1 five years 2185 NYT20000506.0209 -1 eight years 2185 NYT20000703.0310 -1 3-year 2185 NYT20000811.0329 -1 10 doves 2185 NYT19990620.0029 2 less than one year 2185 NYT20000101.0007 -1 thousand year 2185 NYT19980610.0337 -1 Saturday 2185 NYT19980824.0481 -1 11,000 feet 2185 XIE19970222.0059 -1 three cups 2185 NYT19990830.0010 -1 two weeks 2185 NYT19990502.0039 -1 about 570,000 2185 NYT19990425.0117 -1 Owens 2185 NYT19980607.0030 -1 stock tanks 2185 NYT19991230.0249 -1 lucky 2186 NYT19980615.0118 -1 small 2186 NYT19980602.0231 -1 twins 2186 NYT19990122.0115 -1 75 inches 2186 NYT19990414.0222 -1 fitted sheet flat sheet 2186 NYT19981207.0093 1 76 inches by 80 inches 2186 NYT20000721.0177 -1 a reading 2186 APW20000902.0073 -1 an inviting personality 2186 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2186 NYT20000214.0542 -1 Turkish 2186 NYT19980812.0308 -1 least 20 inches 2186 NYT19980805.0308 -1 The Kramlichs' vast lower-level party room 2186 NYT20000823.0068 -1 2,700 2186 NYT19990708.0038 -1 83H 2186 NYT19990929.0563 -1 Consumer Product 2186 NYT19991108.0032 -1 Bob Tedeschi 2186 NYT19981230.0221 -1 60 2186 NYT19981223.0122 -1 US Department of Commerce 2186 NYT19981103.0188 -1 grains 2186 NYT19980812.0354 -1 scanners 2187 NYT19991017.0096 -1 Montreal 2187 NYT19980826.0545 -1 135 yards 2187 XIE19960704.0280 -1 Nobel Peace 2187 XIE19971011.0002 -1 Nobel Peace 2187 NYT19990113.0122 1 Grey Cup 2187 APW19990927.0138 1 Grey Cup 2187 APW20000807.0151 -1 eight Canadian skins games 2187 NYT19990119.0106 -1 Americans 2187 NYT20000912.0452 -1 French 2187 APW19990529.0110 -1 League 2187 NYT19981113.0324 -1 every three years 2187 NYT19981102.0410 -1 ESPN2 2187 NYT19990517.0475 -1 All-Star 2187 NYT19980721.0034 -1 League CFL 2187 NYT19980609.0259 -1 football coach three 2187 APW20000525.0125 -1 League 2187 NYT19980704.0130 -1 Foxboro Stadium Aug 2187 NYT19981113.0324 -1 the International Foundation 2187 NYT19980910.0331 -1 Hall 2187 NYT19981107.0241 -1 League 2187 NYT19990809.0013 -1 Big 12 2187 APW19981012.1261 1 Grey Cup 2187 NYT19981113.0324 -1 Architecture Prize 2187 APW19981023.0914 -1 This 2188 NYT20000309.0466 -1 Pee Wee King 2188 NYT20000309.0466 -1 Redd Stewart 2188 NYT20000309.0466 -1 Bill Monroe 2188 APW19990210.0009 1 Patti Page 2188 NYT20000309.0466 -1 Stewart 2188 NYT19990430.0317 -1 Pee Wee 2188 NYT19990430.0055 1 Patti Page 2188 NYT20000309.0466 -1 Victor 2188 NYT19990430.0317 -1 Redd 2188 NYT19990223.0173 -1 New York 2188 APW19981124.0203 -1 Matilda 2188 NYT19990430.0317 -1 Tennessee Waltz 2188 APW19990210.0009 -1 Santa Claus 2188 APW19990107.0092 -1 Ben Bernie Orchestra 2188 NYT20000309.0466 -1 PEE WEE KING 2188 NYT19990430.0317 -1 Stewart 2188 NYT19990205.0344 -1 Ungerleider 2188 NYT19980613.0038 -1 Randy Travis 2188 NYT20000330.0387 -1 Iris Time 2188 NYT19990430.0056 -1 Redd Stewart 2188 NYT19990407.0343 -1 he 2188 APW19990210.0009 -1 A record distributor 2188 APW19980726.0749 -1 Sang 's 2189 NYT19990616.0426 -1 young 2189 NYT19990320.0184 -1 animals 2189 XIE19991116.0105 -1 fish 2189 APW19990212.0079 -1 birds 2189 NYT19990324.0107 -1 camel 2189 NYT20000207.0343 -1 camel 2189 NYT19991223.0049 1 rat 2189 NYT20000619.0155 -1 animal 2189 NYT19981229.0172 -1 ape 2189 APW19990211.0276 -1 three 2189 XIE20000819.0071 -1 The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers 2189 XIE19980721.0217 -1 the world's three longest and oldest dikes 2189 NYT19980820.0289 -1 lion 2189 XIE20000713.0204 -1 horse 2189 NYT19990810.0261 -1 Ash Meadows 2189 APW20000115.0180 -1 Earth 2189 NYT19981227.0082 -1 animal fables 2189 NYT19980727.0142 -1 camels 2189 NYT19990423.0367 -1 the camels 2189 APW19990211.0276 -1 seal 2189 NYT19980830.0070 -1 meat cutter 2189 APW19990211.0276 -1 they 2189 APW20000508.0086 -1 water 2190 NYT19990406.0083 -1 Venezuela 2190 XIE19970612.0145 1 South Korea 2190 XIE19990521.0142 3 Korea 2190 APW19981023.0038 1 South Korea 2190 NYT20000306.0468 3 Korea 2190 APW19981215.0045 -1 North Korea 2190 APW20000116.0178 1 South Korea 2190 XIE19960403.0071 -1 Japan's 2190 APW19980715.1256 -1 the nation 2190 APW19980630.0103 1 South Korea 2190 NYT19981027.0031 -1 NORTH 2190 APW19981031.0270 3 KOREA 2190 XIE19990401.0100 -1 India 2190 XIE19990521.0142 1 South Korea 2190 APW19990909.0094 3 reviving South Korea's depressed stock market 2190 APW19981207.0161 3 South Korea's overcrowded car industry 2190 APW19980907.0095 1 South Korea 2190 APW19981029.0326 -1 North Korea 2190 XIE19980114.0025 1 South Korea 2190 APW19981110.0012 1 South Korea 2190 NYT19980605.0278 -1 America 2190 XIE19980113.0150 -1 India 2190 NYT20000626.0175 1 South Korea 2190 XIE19990520.0229 1 South Korea 2190 APW19990906.0097 3 Korea 2190 APW19980709.0011 -1 Bangladesh 2190 XIE19960508.0095 1 Republic of Korea 2190 APW19990423.0256 -1 Hyundai 2190 XIE19970401.0137 -1 U.S. dollars this_year 2190 NYT19990108.0327 1 South Korea 2191 NYT19990127.0507 1 St. Louis 2191 NYT19990413.0059 -1 Fla. 2191 NYT19990127.0455 1 St. Louis 2191 NYT19990804.0515 -1 London 2191 NYT19990221.0095 1 St. Louis 2191 APW19990524.0171 1 St. Louis 2191 XIE19970523.0271 -1 Hong Kong 2191 NYT19990316.0025 -1 Los Angeles 2191 NYT19990127.0507 -1 Louis' famous landmark 2191 NYT19981006.0114 3 St. Louis's biggest tourist attraction 2191 NYT19991207.0011 3 Arch located St Louis state 2191 NYT20000315.0314 -1 Houston, Texas located throughout the United States along 2191 NYT19990127.0507 1 St.Louis 2191 APW19981111.0792 -1 King Albert 2191 APW19990127.0069 1 ST. LOUIS 2191 NYT19990726.0384 1 St. Louis 2191 NYT19990127.0455 3 CSt. Louis 2191 NYT19980720.0291 1 St. Louis 2192 NYT19990420.0091 -1 Betty Shabazz 2192 APW19990729.0013 -1 Shabazz 2192 APW20000510.0130 -1 Farrakhan 2192 APW19990516.0005 -1 Betty Shabazz 2192 APW19990712.0124 -1 Betty Shabazz 2192 APW19990220.0023 1 shot 2192 APW20000220.0140 1 shot to death 2192 APW19990120.0160 -1 NIL 2192 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2192 NYT19980707.0113 -1 Welcome 2192 APW19980929.1387 -1 buy 2192 NYT19991109.0245 1 murder 2192 NYT19990123.0172 -1 Akilah Monifa 2192 NYT20000118.0193 -1 18-to-49-year-old viewers 2192 NYT20000127.0213 -1 killed 2192 NYT20000217.0087 1 assassinated 2192 NYT20000725.0220 -1 games 2192 APW19990729.0013 -1 fire 2192 APW20000722.0131 -1 plane crash 2192 NYT20000908.0378 3 Malcolm X was assassinated 2192 NYT19990517.0324 3 Malcolm X was assassinated 2192 APW19990516.0005 -1 Malcolm X 2192 NYT19990318.0289 -1 she said black leaders farrakhan, malcolm x and martin luther king jr. expect to die by a gun, not by illness. 2192 NYT19990318.0289 -1 She said black leaders Farrakhan , Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. expect to die by a gun not by illness 2192 NYT19990514.0434 1 assassinated 2192 APW19990520.0054 -1 Malcolm_X 2192 APW19981230.1126 -1 long-hidden author 2192 NYT19990318.0289 -1 die 2192 APW19990120.0160 1 assassinated 2193 NYT19980603.0227 -1 3000 2193 NYT19980605.0293 -1 two 2193 NYT19990504.0222 -1 12,183 feet 2193 NYT19981112.0304 -1 3,900 feet 2193 NYT19981112.0304 1 2500 feet 2193 NYT19981112.0304 1 2,500 feet 2193 NYT20000913.0304 -1 21 2193 NYT19981112.0304 -1 3,900 2193 APW19980714.1143 -1 NIL 2193 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2193 NYT20000321.0155 -1 9 2193 NYT19991208.0112 -1 1,300 2193 NYT19980723.0255 -1 4,000 2193 NYT20000217.0377 -1 2 2193 NYT19981112.0304 1 2,500 2193 APW19980810.0523 -1 2,700 meters 2193 XIE19960516.0124 -1 Israeli Knesset 2193 NYT20000913.0371 -1 more than 3 feet 2193 XIE19981015.0267 -1 2460 twelve smaller 2193 NYT19981112.0304 -1 ten 2193 NYT20000103.0164 -1 ten 2193 NYT19981112.0304 1 2,500 feet 2193 APW19980810.0875 -1 Monday 2193 APW19980810.0523 -1 some 9 million years 2193 APW19980601.0387 -1 144 2194 NYT20000210.0348 -1 are 2194 NYT19980905.0088 -1 metal 2194 APW20000822.0129 -1 ore 2194 NYT19980905.0084 -1 metal 2194 NYT20000517.0184 -1 cotton 2194 NYT19981221.0091 -1 friction material 2194 NYT19981221.0066 -1 friction material 2194 NYT19981228.0099 -1 metal 2194 APW19980803.0999 3 asbestos-laden 2194 NYT20000517.0184 -1 air 2194 NYT19990819.0126 -1 ABS 2194 APW19980601.0865 -1 Disc 2194 NYT19991123.0130 -1 Disc 2194 NYT19981228.0099 -1 good 2194 NYT20000210.0348 3 asbestos-cement sheets, panels 2194 NYT20000213.0096 3 thinner asbestos material 2194 NYT20000517.0184 -1 polyurethane chunks 2194 APW19990729.0283 -1 steel 2194 NYT19981009.0400 -1 Italy 2194 XIE19980324.0011 -1 EBC 2194 NYT20000517.0184 -1 Artificial pads 2194 APW20000822.0129 -1 Gardeners 2194 APW19990729.0283 -1 Ford SVT Mustang Cobras 2194 APW20000825.0007 -1 several complete spins 2194 NYT19990916.0441 -1 million 2194 NYT20000517.0184 -1 one 2194 NYT19981228.0111 -1 metal 2194 NYT19990916.0441 -1 A carburetor kit and brake pads 2194 NYT19981228.0099 -1 brake 2194 APW19980610.1298 -1 the brake_pads 2194 APW19990729.0283 -1 Ford officials 2195 APW20000211.0190 1 March 30 , 1981 2195 APW20000411.0009 1 1981 2195 APW19990924.0174 1 1981 2195 XIE19980807.0343 1 1981 2195 XIE19970620.0039 1 March 30, 1981 2195 NYT20000920.0154 1 March 30 , 1981 2195 XIE19970620.0039 1 1981 2195 XIE19970620.0039 1 March 30, 1981, 2195 APW19990926.0140 1 1981 2195 NYT19980808.0079 1 1981 2195 NYT19990227.0091 -1 Day 2195 NYT19981106.0346 2 1981 2195 APW20000211.0190 1 March 30, 1981 2195 NYT20000204.0048 1 March 30, 1981 2195 NYT19980726.0140 1 1981 2195 NYT19990623.0447 -1 1988 2195 APW19990928.0103 -1 a month 2195 APW19990527.0302 1 1981 2195 APW19990206.0001 -1 Saturday 2196 NYT19990726.0188 -1 Kiribati 2196 APW20000902.0040 -1 Island 2196 APW19990216.0067 1 central Pacific 2196 NYT20000913.0124 1 Pacific Ocean 2196 XIE19960714.0062 -1 Indian Ocean 2196 APW19980606.0156 1 Pacific 2196 NYT20000913.0124 1 Pacific 2196 APW19990216.0067 1 Pacific 2196 NYT19981205.0121 1 the Pacific 2196 APW19981028.0033 -1 only three Atlantic storms 2196 APW19980709.0160 -1 AP 2196 XIE19990623.0005 -1 Kiribati 2196 NYT20000531.0391 -1 Brownsville 2196 NYT20000108.0133 -1 Nairobi 2196 NYT19981108.0095 -1 Earhart's plane region central 2196 APW19990216.0067 3 Pacific 1940 Fiji 2196 NYT19990726.0188 1 Pacific 2196 NYT19990726.0188 -1 International Date Line 2196 APW19990601.0298 -1 Tarawa 2196 APW20000114.0226 -1 Ocean County 2196 NYT20000913.0371 1 Pacific 2196 APW19980701.0271 -1 Indian Ocean 2196 APW19990216.0067 1 the central Pacific 2196 APW19990601.0070 -1 the capture 2197 NYT19991207.0145 3 Climate Orbiter 2197 NYT20000219.0065 -1 Moon 2197 NYT19990202.0006 -1 spacecraft 2197 APW19980704.0762 -1 Earth 2197 NYT20000126.0212 -1 Earth 2197 NYT19981027.0093 -1 probes 2197 NYT19990920.0045 1 Viking 2197 NYT19981210.0562 1 Mars Global Surveyor 2197 APW19981020.1365 -1 NIL 2197 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2197 XIE19980107.0259 -1 Lunar Prospector 2197 NYT20000727.0261 -1 missions 2197 APW19990924.0213 -1 spacecraft 2197 NYT20000328.0360 -1 Dr. Edward 2197 APW19990923.0275 -1 The Orbiter's companion 2197 NYT19981023.0214 -1 the planet's atmosphere 2197 NYT20000727.0261 -1 Surveyor 2197 NYT20000328.0331 -1 Lander 2197 NYT20000630.0350 -1 Science 2197 NYT19990211.0075 -1 back 2197 NYT19990212.0169 -1 Paul Getty Trust and the White House Millennium Council 2197 NYT19991212.0117 -1 the Mars 2197 NYT19990726.0295 -1 Missions 2197 NYT19981218.0210 -1 spacecraft 2197 NYT20000313.0210 -1 NASA 2197 NYT19981118.0141 -1 X-38 2197 XIE19980107.0259 -1 Tuesday night 2197 APW19990924.0213 -1 risk 2197 APW19980704.0762 -1 Mars 2198 NYT19981214.0060 1 Rehnquist 2198 XIE19971203.0003 1 Chief Justice Sajjad 2198 XIE19971101.0036 1 Sajjad 2198 NYT19980701.0300 -1 John Jay 2198 NYT20000513.0124 -1 William Howard Taft 2198 NYT19981022.0095 -1 William Howard Taft 2198 APW19990626.0064 1 William Rehnquist 2198 APW19990818.0193 1 William Rehnquist 2198 XIE19971101.0185 1 Sajjad Ali Shah 2198 NYT19980706.0170 -1 U.S. Supreme Court 2198 XIE19970928.0009 1 William Rehnquist 2198 XIE19971223.0158 1 Sajjad Ali Shah 2198 XIE19971203.0204 -1 Pakistan 2198 NYT19981210.0270 -1 75 years ago 2198 XIE19971127.0106 1 Sajjad 2198 APW19990308.0274 -1 Earl Warren 2198 XIE19971203.0003 1 Sajjad 2198 NYT19990826.0207 -1 Earl Warren 2198 APW19990610.0061 -1 U.S. Supreme Court 2198 XIE19971101.0185 -1 Sharif 2198 XIE19971202.0194 1 Sajjad Ali Shah 2198 XIE19971202.0149 1 Sajjad Ali Shah 2198 APW20000426.0267 -1 Supreme Court 2198 NYT19990114.0161 1 William H. Rehnquist 2198 APW20000208.0325 -1 state Supreme Court 2198 XIE19980123.0261 3 William H. Rehnquist Rehnquist 2198 XIE20000628.0256 -1 Acting Chief Justice 2198 APW20000426.0267 -1 the Supreme_Court 2198 NYT19990110.0009 1 William_Rehnquist 2199 NYT19981029.0112 -1 Zep 2199 NYT20000920.0327 -1 Robert 2199 NYT19991015.0101 -1 Black Crowes 2199 NYT19981029.0112 -1 Search Party 2199 NYT19980922.0289 1 Yardbirds 2199 APW19981210.1500 -1 Robert Plant 2199 NYT20000908.0335 -1 Robert Plant 2199 NYT19990415.0164 1 Yardbirds 2199 NYT19990415.0177 1 Yardbirds 2199 APW19991018.0259 -1 rock 2199 APW19981210.1500 -1 London 2199 NYT19990630.0155 -1 two years ago 2199 NYT20000908.0202 -1 Robert Plant 2199 NYT19990630.0155 -1 Firm 2199 NYT19980918.0353 -1 House 2199 NYT20000921.0309 -1 Stillwater 2199 NYT19980922.0330 -1 Robert Plant 2199 NYT19991015.0101 -1 legend 2199 NYT19980918.0353 -1 SEPT 2199 APW20000105.0118 -1 Singer Bill Cowsill 2199 NYT19990330.0285 -1 Jones-Mel Lewis band 2199 NYT19980922.0289 -1 Led Zeppelin 2199 NYT19991015.0088 -1 Black Crowes 2199 NYT19980918.0353 -1 Robert Plant 2199 NYT19990914.0080 -1 Zep bandmates 2199 APW19991018.0259 -1 Page 's 2199 NYT19990517.0185 -1 release 2199 APW19990108.0253 -1 Rock musician 2200 NYT19980601.0135 -1 10 2200 NYT19980602.0140 -1 three 2200 NYT19990504.0179 -1 35 2200 XIE19990116.0026 -1 Fifty 2200 APW20000506.0082 -1 250 2200 NYT19990103.0137 -1 100 2200 APW19980626.0544 -1 100 2200 APW20000925.0044 -1 six - pack 2200 XIE19961104.0136 -1 17 million liters 2200 NYT19991217.0295 1 15-gallon 2200 NYT20000530.0242 -1 very big $ 1.2 2200 APW20000512.0214 -1 20 drums of potassium cyanide 2200 NYT19990518.0468 -1 two hands 2200 APW20000512.0277 -1 20 drums 2200 NYT19991216.0360 1 15.5-gallon keg 2200 NYT19980902.0372 -1 200 pound 2200 APW20000715.0159 -1 two - pound 2200 XIE19990325.0167 -1 Balkans 2200 NYT19991006.0418 -1 At 2200 NYT20000426.0085 -1 half-barrel 2200 NYT20000714.0283 -1 hundreds of miles 2200 APW19990211.0170 -1 20 2200 APW19990211.0170 -1 20 other events 2200 APW19990211.0170 -1 the keg jump 2200 NYT20000530.0242 -1 10 2200 NYT19980717.0081 -1 1990s 2202 NYT20000831.0229 -1 two 2202 NYT20000728.0354 -1 three 2202 NYT19990130.0086 -1 three 2202 NYT20000906.0137 -1 one 2202 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2202 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2202 NYT19981029.0467 -1 three 2202 NYT19991016.0200 -1 two 2202 NYT20000730.0001 -1 122 passes 2202 NYT20000130.0005 -1 122 2202 NYT20000925.0392 -1 222 2202 NYT19981025.0255 -1 three interceptions 2202 NYT20000906.0137 -1 309 XIV 331 2202 NYT19981207.0352 -1 two 2202 NYT20000201.0027 -1 20 2202 NYT20000129.0189 -1 49 2202 NYT20000731.0023 -1 two 2202 NYT19990923.0208 -1 more 2202 APW19990427.0238 -1 eight interceptions 2202 APW19990427.0178 -1 two touchdowns 2204 NYT19990728.0200 -1 Scots 2204 APW20000705.0041 1 Connery 2204 APW20000608.0077 -1 Billy Bob 2204 NYT19990112.0218 -1 Fred Couples 2204 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2204 NYT19981007.0275 -1 South African 2204 NYT19990225.0203 -1 Joe 2204 APW19990111.0125 2 Connery 2204 NYT19990428.0048 -1 Andrew 2204 APW19990623.0170 -1 a native 2204 APW20000705.0041 -1 a native 2204 NYT19981128.0078 -1 Gibson 2204 NYT19980920.0216 -1 Jesus 2204 NYT19990902.0293 -1 King 2204 NYT19990709.0099 -1 the right owner 2204 APW19990903.0066 -1 left wrist 2204 NYT20000708.0049 2 Sean Connery 2204 NYT19990302.0246 -1 Lloyd Parrack 2204 APW19981113.1476 -1 especially sailors 2204 APW19981113.1476 -1 Cook 's 2204 APW19990409.0121 -1 Meares cannot 2205 NYT20000518.0200 -1 two 2205 APW20000504.0146 -1 three 2205 NYT20000519.0105 1 14 2205 XIE19980821.0307 -1 seven 2205 NYT19980622.0063 -1 five 2205 APW20000101.0156 -1 two 2205 NYT20000518.0200 1 14 2205 XIE19990712.0042 2 The 14 new members 2205 APW20000109.0069 -1 2297 2205 NYT19980719.0169 -1 2 2205 APW19980615.1157 -1 2003 2205 XIE20000420.0292 -1 three 2205 APW20000525.0160 -1 two 2205 XIE19980701.0029 -1 063046 2205 XIE19980320.0093 -1 112 IDF officers 2205 NYT19981111.0298 -1 two 2205 XIE19961107.0319 -1 one 2205 APW19990902.0233 -1 Five 2205 APW20000218.0226 -1 Three 2205 XIE19970401.0157 -1 2 2205 APW19990605.0142 -1 $150,000 sitting 2205 NYT19990210.0441 -1 17 years experience 2205 APW19980601.0030 -1 06 2206 NYT19981105.0300 -1 four 2206 NYT19981027.0256 -1 $ 20,000 2206 APW19991027.0075 -1 Fetches $ 1.2M 2206 APW19990816.0104 -1 wore 14 2206 NYT19980828.0223 -1 wore a 14 2206 NYT19991001.0343 -1 155 2206 APW19980829.0819 -1 NIL 2206 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2206 APW19991028.0088 -1 1.26 2206 APW19991001.0029 -1 AP 2206 NYT19981211.0397 -1 DiMaggio 2206 NYT19991001.0343 -1 more than 200 pound 2206 NYT19990126.0469 -1 more than 300 pounds 2206 NYT19980731.0099 -1 one 2206 NYT20000604.0095 -1 three 2206 APW19981119.0252 -1 more than a million pounds 2206 APW19991028.0088 -1 $1.26 Million 2206 NYT19990921.0385 -1 One 2206 APW20000315.0107 -1 8,000 2206 APW20000405.0100 -1 nearly four decades 2206 APW20000405.0100 -1 I 2206 NYT19990921.0385 -1 book 2209 APW19980703.0741 -1 1998 2209 XIE19960620.0185 -1 13 million 2209 XIE20000213.0129 -1 China 2209 XIE19990207.0121 -1 weed 2209 APW19980610.0554 1 fallow 2209 XIE19980611.0235 -1 Seventy percent of the total land idle 2209 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2209 XIE19981212.0247 -1 30 years 2209 XIE19970519.0159 -1 use 2209 NYT20000723.0139 -1 pastures 2209 XIE19980525.0256 -1 May 2209 XIE19960829.0278 -1 Northeast China 2209 XIE19960426.0181 -1 South China 2209 XIE19980611.0176 -1 1995 2209 XIE19980122.0254 -1 South China 2209 XIE19970612.0198 -1 United States 2209 NYT20000705.0031 -1 Magui Serna 2209 NYT19990904.0199 -1 New York Times Photo 2209 XIE19970601.0113 -1 nothing 2209 XIE19980525.0256 -1 Xinhua 2209 XIE19980425.0123 -1 Land-Use Law 2209 NYT19990831.0333 -1 Tim Henman 2209 XIE19981024.0054 -1 ranking 2210 APW19980812.0469 -1 0.035 ounces 2210 APW19981123.1297 -1 5 ounces 2210 APW19980702.1302 -1 12 ounces 2210 APW19981010.0170 -1 0.035 ounce 2210 NYT20000705.0147 2 28 grams 2210 APW19981022.0462 2 28.35 grams 2210 APW19981022.0991 2 28.35 grams 2210 APW19980918.0150 -1 15 2210 NYT19981222.0153 1 30 2210 NYT20000119.0029 1 28 2210 APW19980601.0361 -1 NIL 2210 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2210 NYT19991214.0176 -1 three grams 2210 NYT19991103.0154 -1 1 2210 NYT19981118.0173 -1 1 2210 NYT19981028.0199 2 28 2210 NYT19980728.0164 -1 1.283 2210 NYT19990218.0210 -1 1/3 cup crushed chocolate graham cracker crumbs 2210 APW19980918.0150 -1 0 2210 NYT19981202.0193 -1 96 2210 NYT20000919.0040 -1 5 grams 2210 APW19981029.0405 -1 01 Page 28 2210 NYT19981118.0173 -1 10 grams 2210 APW19991021.0203 -1 25 2210 APW20000509.0113 -1 12 2210 NYT19981202.0193 -1 grams fat, 18 grams carbohydrates, 1 gram protein, 7 milligrams cholesterol, 28 milligrams sodium, 45 percent 2210 NYT19981007.0220 -1 pound 2210 NYT20000315.0276 -1 a pound 2210 APW19981022.0462 -1 5 grams 2210 APW19981015.0159 -1 less than half 2210 NYT20000719.0152 -1 10 grams 2210 APW19980918.0150 -1 over 500 2210 APW19981022.0462 -1 gram 2210 NYT19980728.0164 -1 35 calories 2210 APW19990415.0049 -1 20 2211 NYT19991228.0379 -1 four-night 2211 APW19991018.0240 -1 630.05 2211 NYT19990830.0428 -1 5.3 million miles 2211 XIE19971124.0180 -1 two acres 2211 NYT19990301.0106 -1 20 2211 NYT19990602.0077 -1 350 million 2211 NYT19991018.0287 1 11 young and tend to have 11 mammaries. In the biggest litters, there can be as many as 28 pups 2211 APW19980701.1325 -1 NIL 2211 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2211 NYT19990615.0122 -1 45 square feet 2211 NYT19990329.0278 -1 five 20-gram 2211 APW19980609.0014 -1 375,000 hectares 2211 NYT20000127.0071 -1 10 foot 2211 NYT20000905.0068 -1 first time 2211 APW19980719.0107 -1 24,700 acres 2211 NYT19990602.0077 -1 two 2211 NYT19991018.0287 -1 two 2211 NYT19990329.0275 -1 21 days 2211 NYT19990329.0275 -1 two 2211 NYT19990824.0181 -1 two 2211 APW19990422.0155 -1 stress 2211 XIE19980224.0252 -1 two litters 2212 NYT19981102.0156 -1 Ireland 2212 APW19980603.0369 -1 U.S. 2212 NYT19990224.0426 -1 Vince Gill 2212 NYT20000406.0413 -1 Tater Knob Pottery 2212 NYT20000406.0413 -1 Drayton Hall 2212 XIE20000601.0127 -1 Philippine 2212 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2212 NYT19991026.0244 -1 country music 2212 NYT19991010.0109 -1 music 2212 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2212 NYT19990312.0410 -1 Tots 2212 NYT19990902.0071 -1 Hank 2212 APW19980718.0747 -1 Hank Williams 2212 APW19990215.0085 -1 MOSES LAKE 2212 NYT20000719.0215 -1 music 2212 NYT19990708.0252 -1 a music-loving high school 2212 APW20000216.0105 -1 Elvis Presley 2212 NYT19990324.0290 -1 St. Petersburg 2212 NYT20000508.0047 -1 U . S . 2212 APW19981121.0773 -1 critics 2212 APW20000117.0276 -1 Shania Twain 2212 APW20000118.0060 -1 Shania Twain 2212 NYT19990112.0027 -1 Singer-songwriter Brooks 2212 NYT19980926.0223 -1 Mark McGwire 2212 NYT19991026.0244 1 Little Jimmy Dickens 2212 APW19990215.0085 -1 preserved potato_peels , smiling Tater Tots and potato-theme water 2212 NYT20000519.0094 -1 Kezzie 2213 NYT20000902.0162 -1 sister 2213 NYT19990827.0263 -1 Ziona 2213 XIE19990625.0262 -1 Turkey 2213 NYT20000422.0136 -1 hens 2213 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2213 XIE19960919.0153 -1 security 2213 NYT19981104.0396 -1 the feast 2213 NYT19990827.0384 -1 ISRAEL 2213 NYT20000905.0381 -1 hens 2213 APW19990601.0184 -1 Kurdish national identity 2213 NYT19991124.0208 -1 two green military tents 2213 NYT19981118.0302 -1 bird 2213 NYT20000112.0358 -1 days days 2213 NYT19990501.0191 -1 photos Poults spring live 2213 NYT19980709.0053 -1 Thanksgiving 2213 NYT19991119.0083 -1 Americans 2213 NYT19991119.0083 -1 Nestle Toll House Morsels 2213 NYT19990926.0053 -1 10 2213 NYT19981104.0399 -1 turkey 2213 APW19990601.0183 -1 executing Ocalan commonly referred to as a bloody terrorist and baby - killer 2213 XIE19991224.0199 -1 Health officials 2214 NYT19981223.0175 1 Austria 2214 XIE19970318.0285 -1 China 2214 APW19980707.0611 1 Austria 2214 XIE20000601.0071 -1 France 2214 NYT19990827.0034 -1 France 2214 APW19980919.0587 -1 U.S. 2214 XIE20000904.0049 1 Austria 2214 NYT19981020.0169 1 Switzerland 2214 APW19980702.1015 -1 NIL 2214 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2214 APW19980715.0609 1 Switzerland 2214 XIE19960401.0098 -1 Languages 2214 XIE20000716.0073 -1 More 2214 XIE19980715.0029 1 Austria 2214 XIE19980308.0005 -1 Berlin Conference 2214 APW19980715.0609 3 Officials from Germany, Switzerland and Austria 2214 APW19980714.0212 1 Switzerland 2214 APW19980714.0458 -1 GERMANY 2214 APW19981105.0411 -1 South Korea Pakistan 2214 XIE19970204.0193 -1 China 2214 NYT19990224.0333 -1 Germany 2214 XIE19980308.0005 -1 Windhoek 2214 NYT19980706.0344 -1 East_Germany 's 2215 NYT20000803.0130 -1 Atlanta 2215 XIE20000916.0268 -1 Jolo 2215 NYT20000412.0211 -1 high frequency 2215 NYT19980930.0291 -1 frequency 2215 APW19980617.1395 1 infrasonic 2215 NYT19990319.0142 1 infrasound 2215 APW19990521.0177 -1 a low hum 2215 NYT19981219.0359 -1 the thump 2215 NYT19991106.0150 -1 Iceberg Lake 2215 NYT19991207.0016 -1 MODERN 2215 NYT19990319.0156 -1 frequencies 2215 XIE19990628.0071 -1 a frequency range 2215 NYT20000217.0271 -1 20 2215 NYT19991208.0138 -1 several different ways 2215 XIE19990103.0142 -1 sounds 2215 NYT19990806.0094 -1 Edmund Gerstein 2215 NYT19980930.0291 -1 CD, McGreevy 2215 NYT19980923.0536 -1 Cinema Digital Sound 2215 NYT19980619.0178 -1 20 kilohertz 2215 XIE19980408.0126 -1 high-pitched sounds 2215 APW19990521.0177 -1 hearing 2215 APW19990521.0177 -1 sound therapy 2215 APW19990228.0066 -1 Lowe 2216 NYT20000824.0248 -1 Peter Tosh 2216 NYT19990805.0090 -1 YOUNG-COLUMN 2216 APW19990709.0220 1 pneumonia 2216 NYT19990423.0003 -1 1st 2216 APW19981003.0680 -1 1st 2216 APW19990709.0220 -1 July 2216 APW19990701.0222 3 complications caused by respiratory problems 2216 APW19990717.0085 1 pneumonia 2216 APW19990702.0031 -1 can 2216 APW20000107.0067 -1 died 2216 NYT19981204.0037 -1 shooting 2216 NYT19990331.0056 -1 any given year 2216 APW19981002.1300 -1 141 Mark Calcavecchia &Cx1f 2216 APW19990107.0092 1 pneumonia 2216 NYT20000616.0062 -1 breast cancer 2216 NYT19981205.0004 -1 line of duty 2216 APW19990803.0034 -1 office 2216 APW19990108.0126 1 pneumonia 2216 APW19990709.0220 -1 AP 2216 NYT19990916.0428 -1 i put my hand up and thought,dear lord, is this how it feels to die?' brown said on thursday. 2216 NYT19981205.0004 -1 this year 2216 APW19990907.0135 -1 The final defense witness 2216 APW19990907.0135 -1 Brown 2216 NYT19981204.0037 -1 other cadets living 2216 APW19990701.0222 -1 a former child star who became known as the Crown Prince of Reggae 2216 APW19990709.0220 1 Pneumonia 2217 NYT19991003.0362 2 Denmark 2217 NYT19991016.0060 -1 Alaska 2217 NYT19980604.0114 -1 Iceland 2217 XIE19961226.0019 -1 China 2217 NYT19990108.0013 1 Denmark 2217 APW19980903.0952 1 Denmark 2217 NYT20000725.0329 1 Denmark 2217 XIE19990421.0178 -1 Tanzania 2217 XIE19990217.0053 1 Kingdom of Denmark 2217 APW19980903.0952 -1 substantial home-rule powers 2217 XIE19990421.0178 -1 Uganda 2217 NYT19980609.0400 -1 Brazil 2217 NYT19990201.0301 -1 Map 2217 XIE20000418.0373 -1 Canada 2217 XIE19960206.0144 -1 fully-fledged commercial bank 2217 XIE20000207.0135 -1 Uganda 2217 NYT19991003.0362 -1 Iceland 2217 NYT20000403.0188 -1 Canada 2217 APW19990128.0356 3 Denmark trouble 2217 XIE19980527.0089 -1 Russia 2217 XIE19981211.0112 -1 Uganda 2217 APW19981120.0781 2 Denmark 2217 NYT20000327.0165 -1 Greenland 2217 XIE19990402.0016 -1 Uganda 2218 NYT19990227.0159 3 Phillips 2218 NYT20000602.0189 -1 Regis 2218 APW20000618.0084 -1 Macy 2218 NYT20000309.0259 -1 Country 2218 NYT20000131.0308 -1 country 2218 NYT19981028.0214 -1 country 2218 NYT19990213.0005 -1 Phillips - Jones 2218 NYT20000825.0216 1 Phillips-Van Heusen 2218 NYT20000906.0220 -1 Coats Viyella Group PLC 2218 APW19990615.0278 -1 public 2218 APW20000628.0082 -1 retail 2218 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2218 NYT19990213.0005 -1 Jones 2218 NYT19990513.0103 -1 caddy 2218 NYT19980714.0095 -1 t-shirts 2218 NYT19990213.0005 -1 Gillette 2218 NYT20000615.0012 -1 Regis 2218 NYT20000824.0101 -1 Van Heusen's new Regis collection 2218 NYT20000825.0216 -1 Regis 2218 NYT20000525.0016 -1 Levi Strauss 2218 NYT20000824.0010 -1 Philbin 2218 NYT19991208.0153 -1 Bertelsmann AG 2218 APW20000413.0188 -1 performer last 2218 APW20000616.0135 -1 Macy's 2218 APW20000503.0144 1 Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 2218 APW20000616.0135 -1 Macy 2218 NYT19980614.0069 -1 Van Heusen 2218 APW20000616.0135 -1 Kathie Lee Gifford 2218 APW20000616.0135 -1 Regis_Philbin 's 2218 NYT19990213.0005 -1 Phillips-Jones 2219 NYT19990811.0068 1 5 feet 6 inches 2219 NYT19990811.0068 -1 5 feet 2219 NYT19990811.0068 -1 6 feet 2219 APW20000419.0086 -1 Al Pacino 60 2219 NYT19991111.0176 -1 60 Minutes at the behest of producer Lowell Bergman Al Pacino 2219 NYT19991101.0144 -1 the 60 Minutes producer 2219 NYT19990127.0160 -1 6 feet 2 inches 2219 NYT19991221.0109 -1 170 minutes 2219 NYT20000106.0447 -1 Minutes 2219 NYT20000217.0177 -1 more than 300 miles 2219 NYT19991223.0203 -1 more than 300 miles 2219 NYT19990811.0068 -1 5 foot 9 inch 2219 NYT20000404.0405 -1 The Godfather, Part III, 2219 NYT20000217.0153 -1 1,300 words 2219 NYT19990811.0068 -1 5 feet 5 inches 2219 NYT19991025.0295 -1 60 Minutes 2219 APW20000914.0066 -1 I 2219 NYT19990907.0288 -1 one 2219 NYT19990811.0068 -1 5 feet 9 inches 2220 NYT19980916.0329 -1 President Clinton 2220 XIE19981103.0211 -1 Bill Clinton 2220 XIE19981022.0249 -1 Bush 2220 XIE19980530.0061 2 Cleveland 2220 APW19990508.0127 2 Cleveland 2220 NYT20000223.0057 2 Grover Cleveland 2220 NYT19980824.0160 -1 Clinton 2220 APW19990623.0055 2 Grover Cleveland 2220 XIE19960315.0254 -1 President 2220 NYT19980818.0021 2 Grover Cleveland 2220 APW19980609.1504 -1 Gates 2220 XIE19960315.0254 -1 President Clinton 2220 XIE19980527.0101 -1 the White House budget office 2220 NYT20000113.0041 -1 chairman and chief executive of Network Associates, a Santa Clara developer of security and antivirus software, 2220 APW19990412.0038 -1 Clinton 2220 NYT19991027.0206 -1 George 2220 NYT20000803.0367 -1 Cheney 2220 XIE20000825.0010 -1 Bill Clinton 2220 APW19980715.0065 -1 U. S 2220 NYT19980824.0160 -1 Bill Clinton 2220 XIE19990731.0048 -1 Bill Clinton 2220 NYT19980916.0329 -1 Clinton 2220 XIE20000310.0256 -1 U.S. 2220 XIE19980927.0108 -1 Bill Clinton 2220 XIE19970731.0011 -1 Clinton administration 2223 NYT19991206.0041 -1 1895 2223 NYT19990204.0273 -1 1997 2223 NYT19990818.0269 -1 1972 2223 APW20000831.0015 -1 1940 2223 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1888 2223 NYT19990217.0045 -1 over four centuries ago 2223 APW19980610.1399 -1 1996 2223 NYT20000227.0024 -1 1994 2223 XIE19970908.0239 -1 1888 2223 APW19990220.0023 -1 1947 2223 NYT19980704.0144 -1 1996 2223 XIE19971129.0086 -1 November 29 2223 NYT20000521.0101 -1 Monday 2223 NYT20000119.0176 -1 the early 1950s 2223 NYT20000503.0364 -1 15th-century 2223 NYT19981216.0444 -1 1999 2223 NYT19990428.0063 -1 1267 2223 NYT19980708.0084 -1 a week 2223 NYT20000521.0101 -1 1888 2223 APW19990317.0391 -1 1938 2223 NYT19990204.0225 -1 1996 2223 NYT19990721.0249 1 1839 2223 NYT19980712.0082 -1 time 2223 NYT19980712.0082 -1 dates 2225 NYT20000526.0067 1 Iraq 2225 APW19980602.1613 -1 Oman 2225 XIE19970915.0085 1 Iraq 2225 APW19980922.1085 1 Iraq 2225 XIE19981013.0083 -1 China 2225 APW20000205.0172 1 Iraq 2225 APW19990507.0100 -1 The inescapable shadow of Saddam 2225 APW20000419.0199 1 Iraq 2225 NYT19981223.0367 1 Iraq 2225 XIE19971002.0059 3 northern Iraq 2225 APW19980922.1165 3 The setting reflected Iraq's ancient culture 2225 NYT19991031.0046 -1 Egypt 2225 NYT19980801.0089 -1 Jerusalem 2225 NYT20000711.0244 -1 New York City 2225 NYT19980814.0246 -1 Freed 2225 NYT19980814.0246 -1 Great Ishtar Gate 2225 XIE20000427.0012 -1 Technology Exhibition Center 2225 APW19980922.1165 1 Iraq 2225 NYT19981223.0367 1 IRAQ 2225 XIE19990923.0010 1 Iraq 2225 XIE19980618.0230 -1 XI'AN 2226 NYT19990530.0154 2 1973 2226 APW19980627.0618 2 1973 2226 APW20000628.0091 1 1973 2226 APW20000425.0077 1 January 22, 1973 2226 NYT19990530.0154 -1 May 30 1973 [26 years ago] 2226 NYT19980728.0023 1 1973 2226 NYT20000217.0314 1 1973 2226 APW19981211.1109 -1 1975 2226 NYT19990304.0403 1 1973 2226 NYT19990916.0048 1 1973 2226 APW19990828.0146 1 1973 2226 NYT19990304.0433 1 1973 2226 NYT19990105.0083 1 1973 2226 NYT19980728.0023 -1 1997 2226 NYT20000928.0355 3 1973 1973 1998 2226 APW19990916.0307 1 1973 2226 NYT19980629.0465 -1 today 2226 XIE19981204.0052 1 1973 2226 NYT19990909.0022 -1 Wednesday 2226 APW20000122.0018 1 1973 2226 APW19990808.0050 -1 1997 2227 NYT19980606.0170 -1 Maryland 2227 NYT19980605.0431 -1 Derby 2227 NYT19990528.0063 1 Kentucky 2227 APW19990824.0138 1 Kentucky 2227 NYT19991019.0288 1 Kentucky 2227 NYT19990528.0063 1 Ky. 2227 APW19991013.0134 2 Ky. 2227 NYT19990528.0063 -1 security 2227 NYT19980814.0458 -1 Bluegrass country 2227 APW19990429.0322 1 Kentucky 2227 APW20000719.0056 -1 United States 2227 APW19990404.0062 2 Kentucky 2227 APW19990429.0322 3 Sheikh Mohammed's first Kentucky Derby entries 2227 NYT19980816.0119 1 Kentucky 2227 NYT19980816.0119 3 Kentucky east central United 2227 NYT19980719.0155 -1 boy 2227 NYT20000925.0258 -1 Wisconsin 2227 NYT19991014.0265 -1 Georgia 2227 NYT19990528.0063 -1 hemp history 2227 NYT19990706.0239 1 Kentucky 2227 APW19990603.0149 2 Kentucky 2227 APW19991013.0134 -1 band 2227 NYT20000328.0116 -1 a young go - getter 2227 NYT19990812.0086 1 Kentucky 2227 APW19991013.0134 -1 bluegrass 2227 NYT19990528.0063 -1 U.S. farmers 2227 NYT19990528.0063 -1 group 2228 NYT19991111.0175 2 France 2228 NYT20000703.0236 -1 Flanders 2228 APW19990220.0023 1 France 2228 APW19981105.1437 1 France 2228 APW19981106.0874 3 eastern France 2228 XIE19960709.0091 2 French 2228 APW19981106.0874 -1 Germany 2228 XIE19960808.0292 -1 Grasse 2228 NYT19990309.0381 -1 the 1991 Gulf War resolution 2228 NYT19981107.0097 3 French World War 2228 NYT20000703.0236 1 France 2228 APW19980911.1225 -1 Zeroual 2228 APW20000220.0140 1 France 2228 APW19980625.0862 1 France 2228 APW19981105.1437 3 French 2228 APW19980903.1036 -1 statement 2230 XIE19990920.0121 -1 Three 2230 XIE19970121.0185 -1 19,000 cubic meters 2230 NYT19980603.0482 -1 370 miles 2230 APW19980810.0946 1 Three Gorges Dam 2230 XIE19971106.0234 -1 13 billion kwh 2230 APW19980810.0946 -1 Gorges project 2230 NYT19990804.0140 1 Three Gorges 2230 APW19980603.0021 1 Three Gorges Dam 2230 XIE19960214.0268 -1 Dam 2230 APW20000812.0037 -1 2009 2230 APW19980830.0264 1 Three Gorges Dam 2230 XIE19980820.0276 -1 Guandi Hydroelectric Power Station 2230 XIE19970227.0030 -1 The enormous power generating capacity 2230 XIE19980820.0276 -1 Ertan 2230 XIE20000919.0158 -1 Xiaolangdi Dam 2230 NYT19990914.0084 -1 Episcopalian 2230 NYT19990914.0084 -1 Cairo 2230 XIE19970512.0203 -1 the massive dam 2230 XIE19971106.0234 -1 power 2230 XIE19980104.0140 -1 Xinhua 2230 NYT19990706.0019 -1 fish 2230 XIE19971013.0142 1 Three Gorges 2230 XIE19960120.0138 3 Three Gorges Hydroelectric Power Station 2230 XIE19980104.0140 -1 world 2231 NYT19990506.0342 1 palindromes 2231 APW20000413.0233 -1 English 2231 APW19990602.0200 -1 NIL 2231 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2231 NYT19981209.0197 -1 Cleveland 2231 NYT19990212.0352 -1 words 2231 NYT19981110.0312 -1 forms 2231 APW19990602.0233 -1 temper 2231 NYT19990506.0342 1 Palindromes 2231 NYT19980722.0077 -1 From W 2231 NYT19980722.0077 -1 She 2231 NYT19990602.0440 -1 Talmudic 2231 NYT20000224.0122 -1 two 2231 NYT19981230.0421 -1 Microsoft Word 2231 NYT19990323.0150 -1 cheese 2231 NYT19990106.0044 -1 Microsoft Word 2231 APW19990428.0142 -1 as sounding nearly the same 2231 APW19990428.0142 -1 are saying 2231 NYT19990603.0258 -1 National_Spelling_Bee 2232 APW19980717.1267 -1 Romanov 2232 NYT19990629.0373 1 Anastasia 2232 NYT19990604.0222 -1 Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna 2232 APW19980905.0936 -1 married 2232 NYT19981021.0205 -1 married 2232 NYT19980716.0052 -1 married 2232 APW19980717.1375 -1 St. Peter 2232 NYT19990604.0222 -1 a girl 2232 APW20000817.0008 -1 daughter 2232 XIE19980718.0089 -1 Nicholas II Friday 2232 NYT19990525.0338 1 Anastasia 2232 NYT19981010.0029 -1 Stalin 2232 APW19980717.1266 -1 ST 2232 APW19980715.1264 -1 Czar Nicholas II, his family 2232 APW19980617.0721 -1 the murdered czar, Nicholas II, and his family 2232 NYT20000814.0376 -1 Empress Alexandra 2232 APW19980716.0170 3 Anastasia Nicholaievna Romanov 2232 NYT19981211.0310 -1 inmates 2232 NYT19990629.0373 -1 Anna Anderson 2232 APW19980710.0836 -1 Patriarch Alexy II 2232 APW19980717.0366 -1 Peter 2232 APW19980714.1197 -1 Nicholas II 2232 APW19980717.0436 -1 Yeltsin 2232 APW19980711.0237 -1 75 2233 NYT19990624.0015 -1 several years 2233 NYT19980624.0552 -1 two feet 2233 NYT19991207.0264 -1 240 career steals 2233 NYT19990317.0457 -1 9 inches 2233 XIE19990504.0251 -1 9 inches 2233 XIE19990620.0154 -1 9 2233 NYT19991116.0048 1 23 feet , 9 inches 2233 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2233 XIE19990504.0251 -1 Yao seven-feet-six-inches 2.28 2233 XIE19970611.0163 -1 1 2233 NYT19990317.0457 -1 19 feet 2233 XIE20000811.0261 -1 1.7 shots 2233 APW19990413.0189 -1 June 30 in 2233 XIE19960731.0230 -1 15 minute 2233 APW20000803.0178 -1 8.9 2233 NYT19990926.0093 -1 19 feet 2233 NYT19981108.0125 -1 6-foot 2233 NYT19990228.0004 -1 29 2233 NYT19980604.0453 -1 The 12 2233 APW19981121.0107 -1 one 2233 NYT19990624.0015 -1 two games 2233 NYT20000904.0025 -1 20 feet , 6 inches 2235 NYT19981203.0177 -1 Corruption 2235 XIE19960526.0007 -1 Mount Everest 2235 XIE19960311.0191 1 Aconcagua 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 North America 2235 NYT20000406.0171 1 Cerro Aconcagua 2235 NYT20000405.0085 1 Cerro Aconcagua 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 the world 's highest mount 2235 APW19980608.1544 1 Aconcagua 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 world 's highest 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 Europe 2235 XIE19990507.0231 -1 the world's highest mountain, the Nepali Ministry of Tourism 2235 NYT20000814.0324 -1 18,008 feet 2235 NYT19981130.0336 -1 of Everest 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 the Antarctica 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 Antarctica 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 Qomolangma in Asia 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 the highest mountains 2235 NYT19991028.0488 1 Aconcagua 2235 XIE19980107.0129 1 Aconcagua 2235 XIE19960525.0106 -1 Mount Everest 2235 NYT19991215.0031 -1 Himalayan Mountains 2235 XIE19980107.0037 -1 Europe and the Antarctica 2235 NYT19980605.0249 -1 Argentine 2235 XIE19970826.0174 -1 Rwenzori Mountains 2235 APW19980703.1239 -1 mountain biking or hiking , horseback 2235 XIE19970410.0020 -1 South_Africa 2236 XIE19960524.0223 1 Spain 2236 APW19980706.0309 -1 Indonesia 2236 APW19981009.0970 1 Spain 2236 APW19990707.0126 1 Spain 2236 XIE19960711.0061 -1 carrier 2236 NYT19990426.0488 -1 carrier 2236 NYT20000702.0157 -1 carrier 2236 APW19980827.1204 1 Spain 2236 APW19980706.0243 1 Spanish 2236 NYT19981020.0169 1 Spain 2236 XIE19990711.0183 -1 Gran 2236 NYT20000725.0115 -1 Copenhagen 2236 XIE19980421.0279 -1 Canary Island, Spain, and Cuba's Ministry of Light Industry 2236 APW19980925.0627 -1 Spain's _ and history's _ most deadly aviation disaster 2236 XIE19980627.0113 -1 China 2236 XIE19971101.0092 -1 Cyprus 2236 NYT20000112.0011 -1 the South Carolina statehouse 2236 XIE19981223.0157 -1 Uruguay 2236 APW19991022.0146 -1 the group 2236 APW19990707.0127 -1 Canary_Islands 2236 APW19980827.1204 -1 the island 's 2236 APW19981218.0305 -1 Ceuta 2237 NYT20000706.0297 -1 Eagles 2237 APW19990520.0177 -1 Ricky Martin 2237 APW20000216.0105 -1 Urban Hymns 2237 APW19991027.0393 1 Thriller 2237 NYT20000529.0051 -1 Hits 1971-1975 2237 NYT20000526.0190 -1 Hits 1971-1975 2237 NYT19990209.0049 1 Thriller 2237 NYT20000411.0404 -1 Eagles' ``Greatest Hits, 1971-1975,'' 2237 NYT19990528.0174 -1 My records their 2237 APW20000927.0148 -1 rock 2237 NYT19981202.0266 -1 Heads 2237 NYT19980716.0359 -1 hits 2237 NYT19990817.0343 -1 Hits 2237 NYT19990107.0145 -1 rock musicians 2237 NYT20000529.0051 -1 the Eagles, the iconic Rock 2237 NYT19990429.0087 -1 American Fool 2237 NYT20000601.0212 -1 Eagles 2237 NYT19991012.0310 -1 best - of - disco compilation 2237 NYT19990312.0144 -1 When 2237 NYT19990217.0043 -1 At 2237 XIE19971011.0199 -1 the albums 2237 NYT19990209.0085 1 Thriller 2237 APW19990520.0177 -1 best-ever album 2237 APW19990616.0234 -1 I 2238 NYT19981009.0259 -1 Earth 2238 NYT19981012.0223 -1 us 2238 NYT19991125.0195 -1 1 degree 2238 APW19980707.1251 -1 25 degrees Fahrenheit 2238 NYT20000828.0298 -1 1 2238 APW19990710.0002 -1 page 2238 APW19990503.0292 -1 - 64 degrees 2238 APW19980903.1209 1 minus-250 degrees F (minus-156C 2238 APW19990131.0107 -1 The last full moon Jan. 2 2238 APW19990601.0265 -1 Buzz Aldrin 2238 NYT20000612.0729 -1 STAR-FLAG 2238 APW19990811.0061 -1 about 11,000 degrees 2238 APW19990722.0111 -1 up to 1,500 degrees 2238 APW19990811.0061 -1 3.6 million degrees 2238 NYT19981108.0127 -1 Soviet Union 2238 NYT20000627.0084 -1 5 degrees 2238 APW19990709.0047 -1 moon 2238 NYT19990719.0130 -1 NASA 2238 APW19980903.1209 -1 millions 2238 NYT20000309.0196 -1 each month 2238 NYT19980623.0172 -1 20 2238 APW19990709.0047 -1 the moon 2238 XIE19981123.0265 -1 now 2238 NYT19981030.0365 -1 the former Soviet 2238 NYT19990728.0069 1 150 degrees below F 2239 APW19990717.0086 -1 Juan Corona 2239 NYT19990322.0212 -1 prison brawl 2239 NYT19990322.0212 -1 this week 2239 APW19990808.0082 1 Corcoran State 2239 APW19990808.0082 1 Corcoran State Prison 2239 APW19990808.0071 -1 nation's most bizarre and notorious 2239 APW19990302.0273 -1 most notorious prisoner on the planet 2239 NYT19981118.0094 -1 Sirhan Sirhan 2239 NYT19981128.0036 -1 California 2239 NYT19980824.0204 -1 celebrity 2239 NYT19980915.0162 -1 Karen Silkwood's family 2239 NYT19990524.0160 -1 Public Enemy No. 1 2239 NYT19990423.0150 -1 Tate-LaBianca 2239 APW19990808.0082 1 Corcoran 2239 NYT19990301.0055 -1 a New York computer 2239 NYT19980728.0290 -1 Fromme 2239 APW20000606.0188 -1 Leslie Van Houten 2239 APW19990808.0082 -1 any prisoner 2239 NYT19990423.0150 -1 Beatles 2239 NYT19990808.0017 1 Corcoran State Prison 2239 APW19990904.0084 -1 Squeaky 2239 APW20000325.0138 -1 Manson 2239 NYT20000824.0101 -1 Web site 2239 APW19990105.0193 -1 Brian Warner 2239 APW19990808.0082 -1 housing 2240 APW19980929.0746 -1 Turkey 2240 NYT19990805.0401 -1 two 2240 APW19990510.0031 2 Taps 2240 NYT19981027.0099 2 Taps 2240 NYT19980807.0318 2 Taps 2240 APW19980811.0158 -1 NIL 2240 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2240 NYT19990716.0087 -1 Santiago 2240 APW20000520.0068 -1 War 2240 APW20000528.0116 -1 World War II veterans 2240 NYT19990805.0401 2 played taps 2240 NYT19990905.0119 -1 time 2240 APW20000528.0116 -1 Butterfield 2240 XIE19970117.0193 -1 Evening session 2240 NYT20000914.0173 -1 Internet 2240 NYT19990227.0181 -1 third base 2240 APW20000528.0116 2 taps 2240 APW19981108.0965 2 Taps 2240 APW20000528.0116 -1 Defense Department 2240 APW20000520.0068 -1 laurel wreaths 2240 NYT19990227.0181 -1 Ventura plays 2240 NYT20000907.0219 -1 United_States military 2241 NYT19990711.0135 1 37 feet 2241 NYT19990828.0173 1 37 feet 2241 NYT19981002.0411 -1 388 feet 2241 APW19990712.0065 1 37 - foot 2241 NYT19990604.0332 -1 315 feet 2241 APW19990712.0011 -1 1912 2241 APW19990712.0011 -1 18 home runs 2241 APW19990710.0192 1 37 feet 2241 APW19990603.0263 -1 315 tantalizing feet 2241 NYT19980613.0193 1 37-foot 2241 APW19990710.0153 -1 310 foot 2241 APW19990710.0018 3 37 2241 NYT19990516.0050 -1 5 feet 2241 APW19990712.0166 -1 18 home runs 2241 APW19990712.0224 1 37-foot 2241 APW19990712.0065 1 37-foot 2241 APW19990712.0011 1 37-foot 2241 APW19990710.0153 -1 one 2241 NYT20000520.0204 -1 8 - foot 2241 APW19990712.0096 -1 nine innings 2241 APW19990712.0096 -1 at Fenway 2241 APW19990712.0211 -1 5,692 feet - 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 Researchers 2242 NYT20000201.0298 -1 Paris 2242 APW19990422.0240 -1 products 2242 NYT19980820.0226 -1 sugar 2242 NYT19981231.0135 -1 weight 2242 NYT19990125.0206 1 phenylethylamine 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 cannabinoids 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 foods 2242 APW20000128.0197 -1 plant 2242 NYT19981025.0206 -1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2242 NYT20000515.0309 -1 ADDICTION 2242 NYT20000520.0097 -1 anxiety 2242 NYT20000218.0199 -1 many other foods 2242 NYT19980903.0242 -1 lithium 2242 NYT20000208.0147 -1 PEA 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 lower nervous states 2242 NYT19990521.0343 -1 related materials 2242 APW20000924.0041 -1 natural mood-enhancing chemicals 2242 NYT19990208.0225 -1 brain chemicals 2242 NYT20000718.0311 -1 two 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 chocolate 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 carbohydrates 2242 NYT19990125.0206 -1 mood-altering chemicals 2242 APW19980910.1137 -1 depression 2242 APW19980713.0598 -1 findings 2244 NYT19990916.0262 -1 Shaquille O'Neal 2244 NYT19981120.0425 -1 white 2244 NYT19990909.0077 -1 race-car 2244 NYT20000426.0150 -1 Betty 2244 NYT19990223.0433 -1 Betty Boop 2244 NYT19980828.0223 1 14 2244 APW19991027.0053 -1 night 2244 APW19991027.0053 -1 1962 2244 APW20000923.0100 -1 Sui 2244 APW19991028.0130 -1 Million NEW YORK 2244 NYT20000911.0261 -1 Year Itch 2244 NYT19980828.0223 1 8 2244 NYT19980828.0223 -1 White 2244 NYT19980828.0223 -1 a flared skirt 2244 NYT19980828.0223 -1 But 2244 NYT19980828.0223 -1 Diane Von Furstenburg 2244 APW20000906.0040 -1 love 2244 NYT20000607.0176 -1 life 2244 APW19991027.0053 -1 1962 to serenade President Kennedy sold Wednesday night for a record $1,267,500 2244 APW19991029.0035 -1 $1.26 million 2244 NYT19991101.0500 -1 Happy Birthday 2244 NYT19980828.0223 -1 polka - dot 2244 APW19991028.0130 -1 three pairs 2244 APW19990816.0104 -1 in 1962 2244 NYT19980624.0182 -1 doors 2245 APW19981018.0687 2 Florence 2245 NYT19990610.0214 -1 Campidoglio 2245 NYT19990321.0233 -1 David 2245 NYT19980629.0275 2 Florence 2245 APW19990126.0278 2 Florence 2245 NYT19990923.0271 2 Florence 2245 NYT19990104.0300 2 Florence 2245 NYT19990923.0271 -1 the center of an art-historical debate for several years now 2245 APW19990126.0279 2 Florence 2245 NYT19980807.0053 -1 News 2245 APW19990404.0048 -1 today 2245 NYT19990723.0007 -1 KANSAS CITY 2245 NYT19990923.0271 -1 Metropolitan Museum 2245 NYT19990113.0311 -1 David F 2245 APW20000705.0009 -1 Rome 2245 NYT19990929.0235 -1 Rome 2245 NYT19981116.0382 -1 Manhattan 2245 NYT19990923.0271 -1 NewYork 2245 NYT19990319.0312 -1 state property 2245 APW20000212.0094 -1 Moscow 2245 NYT19980629.0270 -1 Working at night when the statue 's permanent home , the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo , is closed , the team has so_far 2245 XIE19990206.0120 -1 United_States 2246 NYT20000329.0189 -1 movie 2246 NYT20000329.0189 -1 Dustin Hoffman 2246 APW20000327.0027 1 Cabaret 2246 APW20000327.0040 1 Cabaret 2246 APW20000327.0040 -1 won 2246 APW20000327.0027 -1 won 2246 NYT19991216.0384 -1 the show 2246 NYT19990429.0373 -1 TV 2246 NYT19991216.0388 1 CABARET 2246 NYT19980611.0164 -1 Actor 2246 APW20000327.0027 -1 Gigi 2246 XIE20000409.0226 -1 named best supporting actor 2246 NYT19990513.0108 2 the cabaret 2246 NYT19990322.0273 -1 Two Women 2246 NYT19991216.0384 1 Cabaret 2246 APW19980627.0948 -1 Judy Garland 2246 APW20000327.0040 -1 1972 2246 XIE19960617.0064 -1 1 halftime 0 - 1 2246 APW19990322.0124 -1 film and it 2246 NYT19990715.0186 2 Cabaret 2246 APW19990304.0293 2 Cabaret 2246 NYT19990316.0211 -1 the festival top prizes 2246 APW20000327.0040 -1 On Golden Pond 2246 APW19990301.0109 -1 Emily Watson 2247 NYT20000403.0318 -1 Mel Parnell 2247 NYT19980908.0384 -1 Mel Ott 2247 APW19990904.0034 1 Cy Young 2247 APW19990611.0057 -1 Lachemann 2247 NYT19990903.0106 1 Cy Young 2247 NYT19980723.0009 1 Cy Young 2247 NYT20000706.0335 1 Cy Young 2247 NYT20000719.0038 -1 Wood 2247 NYT19990723.0117 1 Cy Young 2247 APW19990127.0235 -1 the minor league pros 2247 NYT20000314.0033 -1 a good major league hitter 2247 NYT19980818.0143 -1 Watt 2247 APW19980916.1324 2 Cy Young 2247 NYT20000330.0483 -1 the composed young man 2247 NYT19990607.0006 -1 a five-time Cy Young award winner 2247 NYT20000429.0215 -1 Fielder 2247 NYT19990327.0286 -1 Tiant 2247 NYT19981031.0241 -1 minor league 2247 NYT20000205.0257 -1 Steve Jurgensen 2247 NYT20000205.0257 -1 Scottie McCarron 2247 NYT19980729.0446 -1 Baseball players 2247 APW19981031.0089 -1 Eric Davis 2247 NYT19980609.0457 -1 Yankees 2247 NYT20000403.0318 1 Cy Young 2247 APW19981112.0469 -1 the Americans 2247 NYT19981006.0484 -1 Johnson 's 2248 NYT19990415.0315 1 nine 2248 NYT19990108.0271 -1 two 2248 NYT19990705.0117 -1 one 2248 NYT20000330.0414 -1 two 2248 NYT19990109.0123 2 9 planets 2248 NYT20000319.0099 1 nine 2248 XIE19980508.0235 3 nine major 2248 APW19990415.0028 -1 the three planets 2248 NYT19990415.0282 -1 three large planets 2248 NYT19980625.0194 -1 one 2248 NYT19990112.0307 2 9 2248 NYT20000126.0176 1 nine 2248 NYT19990125.0145 -1 two 2248 NYT19990705.0117 -1 trillion 2248 APW19980626.0212 -1 876 2248 APW19990415.0028 -1 318 2248 XIE19990416.0050 -1 three planets 2248 XIE19980508.0235 1 nine 2248 NYT19990706.0057 -1 one 2248 NYT19990706.0057 -1 4.5 billion 2248 XIE19990102.0110 3 the nine planets 2248 APW19980923.1108 -1 three 2248 APW19990119.0153 1 nine 2248 APW20000807.0112 2 Nine 2248 APW19990119.0241 1 nine 2248 APW19990415.0028 -1 4 years 2248 APW19990415.0028 -1 I 2248 NYT19990125.0145 -1 one planet similar 2248 NYT19980907.0097 -1 25 2249 XIE19981209.0356 1 December 31 , 1999 2249 APW19981013.1303 1 Dec. 31 , 1999 2249 APW19981013.1258 2 Tuesday 31 December 1999 2249 XIE19991224.0175 1 December 31 , 1999 2249 XIE19980922.0296 -1 1979 2249 NYT19990609.0245 -1 1979 2249 XIE19990108.0219 1 December 31 , 1999 2249 XIE19970917.0298 3 1999 2249 XIE19990120.0264 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE19961112.0251 1 December 31 1999 2249 APW19981013.1258 -1 1914 2249 APW19981028.1284 1 Dec. 31 , 1999 2249 XIE19990729.0268 -1 December 2249 XIE19990108.0219 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE19970523.0224 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE19990713.0279 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE19970111.0153 1 December 31 1999 2249 XIE19991229.0069 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE19970214.0263 -1 January 13 2249 XIE19960424.0230 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE19981204.0251 3 December 31 2249 XIE19961112.0251 1 December 31, 1999 2249 XIE20000207.0213 3 1999 2249 XIE19990813.0091 -1 August 12 2249 XIE19990801.0151 1 December 31, 1999 2249 APW19980809.0852 1 Dec. 31, 1999 2249 APW19980809.0852 1 On Dec. 31, 1999 2249 APW19981013.1258 -1 Sept . 30 2249 XIE19970917.0298 -1 1977 Torrijos-Carter_Treaties 2249 NYT19981217.0069 1 Dec. 31 , 1999 2251 XIE19960924.0080 -1 621 kilometers 2251 XIE19960924.0080 -1 440 kilometers 2251 NYT19990427.0141 1 5,700 feet 2251 XIE19960924.0080 -1 3,000 meters 2251 APW19990521.0198 -1 2 2251 NYT19980818.0078 -1 2 2251 NYT19990518.0141 -1 2 2251 NYT19980717.0149 -1 two dams 2251 XIE19960924.0080 1 1,839 meter 2251 XIE19960924.0080 -1 1,839 deep 2251 NYT19991014.0419 -1 five miles wide hikers a more gradual descent 2251 NYT19991014.0419 -1 10-14 2251 NYT20000111.0295 -1 277 miles 2251 APW19990120.0350 -1 2,500 miles 2251 APW19981016.1248 -1 446-mile 2251 APW19990521.0123 -1 500cc 2251 APW19981016.1248 -1 1.6 2251 NYT19981221.0244 -1 more than 3,000 foot 2251 NYT19991014.0419 -1 gorges 2251 APW19990120.0350 -1 six miles 2251 NYT19991014.0184 -1 a mile 2251 NYT20000111.0364 -1 more than 1,500 square miles 2251 NYT19990625.0006 -1 1 mile 2251 APW19990707.0327 -1 one mile 2251 XIE19960924.0080 1 1,839 meters 2251 XIE19991124.0260 -1 three 2251 APW19990521.0198 -1 2,500 feet 2252 NYT19980612.0207 -1 Christ 2252 APW19990816.0175 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19990402.0365 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19980601.0547 -1 Jesus 2252 APW19990521.0221 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19991111.0070 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19991110.0182 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19980706.0178 1 Peter 2252 NYT20000112.0285 -1 St. Andrew 2252 NYT19980706.0178 -1 Paul 2252 NYT19990521.0190 -1 Jesus 2252 NYT19991224.0168 -1 Bible readers 2252 NYT19990830.0170 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19980605.0281 -1 Paul 2252 NYT19991122.0402 -1 Jesus 2252 NYT19980601.0547 -1 A recent draft 2252 APW19980619.1127 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19990530.0190 -1 Christ 2252 NYT19990402.0245 -1 Jesus 2252 NYT19991223.0191 -1 Jesus 2252 NYT19990508.0175 -1 Christ 2252 APW20000420.0113 -1 Jesus 2254 NYT19990429.0071 -1 $ 600 2254 NYT19990816.0413 1 $20,000 2254 NYT19990816.0413 1 about $ 20,000 2254 APW19990716.0073 -1 100 2254 XIE20000630.0193 -1 100 2254 NYT19990816.0411 1 $ 20,000 2254 NYT19990816.0411 1 $20,000 2254 APW19980730.0127 -1 NIL 2254 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2254 NYT19991103.0073 1 $ 25,000 2254 NYT19990816.0413 -1 300 pounds 2254 NYT19991109.0160 -1 Mann 2254 NYT19990816.0413 -1 Carnie Wilson 2254 NYT19990115.0370 2 about 20,000 dollar 2254 NYT19990816.0411 3 15 25% body weight $20 000 2254 NYT19990413.0128 -1 $10 million 2254 NYT19990531.0177 -1 2,000 2254 APW20000515.0165 -1 only 238 2254 NYT19981019.0356 -1 around $50 2254 NYT19991108.0387 -1 50 percent 2254 NYT19990816.0411 -1 about 90 2254 NYT19980601.0062 -1 $80,000 to $100,000 2254 APW20000406.0025 -1 healthy blood flow 2254 APW19990810.0285 -1 the 31- year-old daughter 2254 XIE19961113.0309 -1 costs amount 2255 NYT19990707.0072 -1 ` ` Han Solo always got the girl and he was very cool , ' ' says Ray Park , the soft-spoken Scottish actor who portrays Darth Maul in ` ` Star Wars : The Phantom Menace. ' ' ( Darth Maul is the Sith Lord audiences love to hate. ) ` ` I wanted to be Han Solo , but with Jedi powers and a lightsaber . It 's a bit ironic that I 'm playing Darth Maul . .. . I did n't think Darth Maul would be so big. ' ' 2255 NYT19981004.0137 -1 ` ` Do I look like a bimbo from Paris ? ' ' her Anne asks Gabriel coyly as he brings her to dinner in the country with too many of Jenny 's old friends . This is the sort of film in which even Anne 's kinky streak is given a pretty gloss , and in which she smokes soulfully while announcing , ` ` I do n't love you , ' ' to a man with whom she 's just had a supposedly wild encounter . ` ` I know , ' ' 2255 NYT19980929.0183 -1 food 2255 APW20000126.0123 -1 Je 2255 NYT19980612.0148 -1 Je 2255 NYT19980902.0296 -1 Je 2255 APW19980830.0457 1 je t'aime 2255 NYT20000126.0418 -1 love borrowed heart 2255 NYT19990708.0395 -1 are 2255 APW20000302.0029 -1 one 2255 NYT19981201.0449 -1 Je 2255 XIE19990910.0303 -1 Ma 2255 NYT19990916.0194 -1 deep 2255 NYT19990417.0116 -1 nobody 2255 NYT19990910.0218 2 Je t'aime 2255 NYT19981222.0184 -1 once 2255 NYT19980831.0079 -1 French 2255 APW19980611.1692 -1 judicial sources 2255 APW19981010.0863 -1 I 2257 NYT20000602.0331 1 America 2257 NYT19980619.0317 -1 Japan 2257 NYT19991003.0816 1 United States 2257 XIE19970626.0123 -1 United States 2257 XIE19970626.0123 -1 Britain 2257 XIE19970627.0149 -1 poorest 2257 XIE19990529.0075 -1 poorest 2257 NYT20000919.0373 1 United States 2257 XIE19970626.0123 1 Switzerland 2257 XIE19980302.0146 1 United States 2257 APW19980624.0077 -1 the richest people 2257 NYT19980724.0368 1 U.S. 2257 APW19991021.0157 -1 India 2257 XIE19990917.0313 2 U.S. 2257 XIE19990917.0313 -1 th place 2257 NYT19981206.0170 -1 th 2257 XIE20000110.0294 -1 China 2257 NYT20000919.0373 3 ways United States 2257 NYT20000114.0249 1 United States 2257 XIE19960708.0178 -1 Bank 2257 NYT20000219.0101 -1 At 2257 XIE19970304.0275 1 The United States 2257 XIE19970304.0275 1 United States 2257 XIE19990917.0313 -1 America 2257 APW20000303.0087 -1 Japan 2257 XIE20000904.0232 1 United States 2257 XIE19960222.0141 1 United States 2257 APW19980921.0417 -1 the world 2259 NYT20000612.0865 -1 Alaska 2259 APW19990115.0134 -1 50th state 2259 APW20000223.0080 -1 1959 2259 NYT19981118.0480 -1 1993 2259 APW19990820.0211 -1 21 1959 2259 APW19990820.0102 -1 21 1959 2259 APW19990706.0068 -1 annexed 2259 APW20000615.0055 -1 Hawaii become the first state 2259 NYT20000223.0427 -1 JUSTICES RULE ELECTION LAW 2259 APW19991006.0423 -1 the islands' original residents 2259 XIE19971220.0158 -1 Honolulu 2259 APW20000614.0186 -1 to decriminalize the use of medical marijuana through the Legislature 2259 NYT19981119.0284 -1 L 2259 NYT19991119.0088 -1 At 2259 NYT19991006.0285 -1 one of 2259 APW19990115.0134 -1 1959 2259 NYT20000306.0489 -1 Oregon 2259 NYT19980625.0005 -1 &ur; hawaii: the state the boom forgot &lr; &ql; 2259 APW19980815.0833 -1 1959 2259 APW20000615.0055 -1 People 2259 NYT19981118.0480 -1 then 2260 NYT19990321.0148 -1 1785 2260 APW19981221.0333 -1 1991 2260 XIE19980628.0178 -1 June 2260 NYT19991117.0137 1 1783 2260 NYT19991115.0063 1 1783 2260 XIE19971017.0198 -1 1998 2260 APW19990604.0248 1 1783 2260 APW19981221.0433 -1 their a 1991 crossing of Pacific 2260 APW19981223.0751 -1 Dec. 18 2260 NYT19990404.0226 1 1783 2260 XIE20000122.0121 -1 January 22 2260 APW20000226.0103 -1 Saturday 2260 NYT19991216.0438 -1 today 2260 NYT19990227.0302 1 1783 2260 APW19990923.0332 -1 Thursday 2260 NYT19991117.0129 1 1783 2260 XIE19980628.0178 -1 June 27 2260 NYT19991115.0063 -1 modern-day 2261 NYT19990829.0030 -1 Earvin 2261 NYT19980715.0148 1 Michigan State 2261 APW19990614.0094 -1 NBA 2261 APW19990614.0094 -1 Junior College 2261 NYT19980707.0181 1 Michigan State 2261 NYT19990328.0227 1 Michigan State 2261 NYT19990906.0028 1 Michigan State 2261 NYT20000405.0116 1 Michigan State 2261 APW19990614.0094 1 Michigan State University 2261 APW19990709.0297 -1 business 2261 NYT19981230.0184 -1 Box 2261 XIE19990902.0165 -1 NBA 2261 APW19990326.0270 -1 Sony Corp. 2261 NYT20000730.0152 -1 Charity Basketball Game 2261 NYT20000601.0419 -1 most basketball fans 2261 NYT19990409.0388 -1 Salem State 2261 NYT19980610.0459 -1 Lakers 2261 NYT20000730.0152 -1 Magic Johnson Foundation 2261 NYT20000601.0419 -1 Mullin 2261 NYT19990526.0385 -1 Stephon Marbury 2261 NYT20000717.0026 -1 junior college 2261 XIE19970107.0171 -1 NBA 2261 NYT20000429.0205 -1 NBA 2261 APW19990326.0270 -1 AP 2261 NYT19991013.0001 -1 Larry Bird 2261 NYT19990114.0024 -1 the league 2261 XIE19960221.0138 -1 Los Angeles Lakers 2262 NYT20000221.0390 -1 Griffey 2262 APW19990301.0029 -1 Cinergy 2262 APW20000801.0072 -1 Barry Larkin 2262 NYT19991028.0282 -1 Erich Kunzel 2262 NYT19991028.0282 -1 Cincinnatus 2262 NYT19991028.0282 1 given its name by Arthur St. Clair 2262 APW20000123.0189 -1 could 2262 NYT19990312.0497 -1 will 2262 APW20000731.0025 -1 AP 2262 NYT19980903.0201 -1 Ohio 2262 APW20000313.0165 -1 Destination 2262 NYT20000315.0007 -1 can 2262 NYT20000728.0436 -1 Clifton School 2262 NYT20000731.0487 -1 Then Griffey 2262 NYT19990312.0497 -1 at least a third tournament 2262 NYT20000522.0392 -1 Bell 2262 APW20000211.0076 -1 it 2262 APW20000211.0076 -1 Cincinnati 2262 APW20000227.0163 -1 cincinnati once again got up by 18 points on sunday and never let louisville get closer than nine the rest of the way. 2262 APW19990916.0142 -1 get back 2262 NYT19991028.0282 1 The society was named for Cincinnatus, a Roman patriot who returned to his farm after saving his city in battle, and this city, in turn, was named for the society. 2263 NYT19980903.0137 -1 64-ounce 2263 NYT19980920.0048 -1 eight 2263 NYT19980628.0135 -1 0.66 2263 NYT19990415.0097 -1 64-ounce bladder buster 2263 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2263 NYT19990314.0182 -1 NIL 2263 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2263 NYT19990415.0097 1 32 ounces 2263 NYT19990912.0039 -1 100,000 square foot 2263 NYT20000616.0172 -1 They 2263 NYT19980710.0054 -1 50 different batteries 2263 NYT19990415.0097 -1 32 2263 NYT19990415.0097 -1 42 ounces 2263 NYT19981211.0425 -1 590 2263 APW20000923.0061 -1 the Big Money Ball number 2263 APW20000722.0037 -1 Friday 's 2264 APW20000810.0058 1 42 2264 APW19990603.0115 1 age 42 2264 APW19990603.0227 -1 a year 2264 APW19990113.0119 -1 1977 2264 APW19990826.0180 1 42 years 2264 NYT19980812.0272 1 42 2264 APW20000423.0089 -1 1985 2264 APW20000809.0096 1 42 2264 NYT19990105.0097 -1 some 40 2264 APW20000113.0080 -1 1977 2264 NYT19980812.0272 -1 144 years old 2264 APW20000419.0085 -1 25 years 2264 APW20000810.0058 -1 1977 2264 NYT19980812.0272 -1 144 years 2264 NYT19990831.0186 -1 18 2264 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1968 1971 1966 How old was 2264 NYT19990909.0120 -1 10 year 2264 NYT20000810.0131 -1 titles 2264 NYT19991009.0106 -1 three days 2264 XIE19990808.0037 2 42 2264 XIE19990927.0246 2 42 years 2264 NYT19990126.0161 -1 $27.95 2264 NYT19980812.0272 -1 1 2264 NYT19990105.0097 -1 42 2264 APW19990113.0119 -1 four years 2264 APW19990113.0119 -1 then 2264 NYT19980812.0272 -1 chimneys 2265 NYT19991111.0100 -1 Florida 2265 NYT19991111.0100 -1 Suwannee River 2265 NYT19991209.0292 -1 Yearling 2265 NYT19981111.0242 -1 Yearling 2265 NYT19981020.0180 1 cerebral hemorrhage 2265 NYT19981020.0180 3 cerebral hemorrhage dispatched her 2265 NYT19981020.0180 -1 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is permanent author because left at least two permanent books 2265 NYT19981020.0180 -1 may 2265 XIE20000425.0064 -1 August 2265 NYT19991111.0100 -1 the brilliant black writer 2265 NYT19990211.0028 -1 his suburban Tarzana home Tuesday night 2265 NYT19990721.0231 -1 Yearling 2265 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2265 NYT19990211.0050 -1 Wednesday night 2265 NYT19981020.0180 -1 1953 2265 APW19990216.0099 -1 pneumonia 2265 NYT19981020.0180 -1 Perkins 2265 NYT19981020.0180 -1 but marjorie kinnan rawlings is a permanent author because she left at least two permanent books. 2265 NYT19991111.0100 -1 poverty 2265 NYT19981020.0180 -1 profitable 2265 NYT19980618.0244 -1 once one of the most popular of American novelists 2266 APW19990327.0066 -1 sugar 2266 XIE19961114.0272 2 insulin 2266 APW19990327.0066 -1 isolated 2266 APW19990327.0066 1 insulin 2266 APW19990327.0066 -1 NIL 2266 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2266 NYT19990524.0240 -1 William Banting 2266 XIE19961114.0272 2 the hormone insulin 2266 APW19980605.0928 -1 10,246 students pursuing matriculation courses 2266 APW19990327.0066 -1 material 2266 NYT19980914.0418 -1 the feeling 2266 XIE20000711.0316 -1 the substance 2266 APW19990327.0066 -1 1921 2266 APW19980601.0851 -1 tea 2266 APW19990327.0066 1 INSULIN 2266 APW19980717.1217 -1 Maurice Greene and Ato Boldon 2268 NYT20000726.0439 -1 Guillermo Figueroa 2268 NYT19980706.0018 -1 percussion instruments 2268 NYT20000208.0191 -1 music 2268 APW19981110.1363 -1 Music 2268 NYT20000517.0272 1 violin 2268 NYT19990103.0125 -1 the New 2268 NYT20000209.0189 -1 Cleveland 2268 NYT19980909.0376 -1 Artists 2268 NYT19990502.0025 -1 piano 2268 NYT20000209.0189 -1 the chamber music repertory 2268 NYT20000517.0272 -1 also been aspiring conductors 2268 NYT19981223.0320 3 Four Violins 2268 NYT20000517.0272 -1 Symphony 2268 APW20000827.0102 -1 well 2268 NYT20000517.0272 -1 I 2268 NYT20000517.0272 -1 Joseph Silverstein 2268 NYT19981105.0149 -1 instruments 2268 NYT20000209.0189 1 violin 2268 NYT20000517.0272 -1 Boston Symphony Orchestra 2268 NYT19990205.0113 -1 concerto 2268 APW19990301.0190 -1 13 instruments 2268 NYT19981201.0140 1 violin 2269 APW20000208.0359 1 12 minutes 2269 NYT20000620.0031 -1 12 years 2269 APW20000611.0129 -1 three quarters 2269 APW20000620.0011 -1 the fourth quarter 2269 XIE20000304.0116 -1 1 2 3 2269 NYT20000506.0053 -1 3 2269 NYT19990218.0046 -1 six minutes 2269 APW20000203.0329 -1 30 seconds 2269 APW20000520.0129 1 12 minutes 2269 APW20000203.0329 -1 The 39 points 2269 NYT20000131.0084 -1 three 2269 NYT19980609.0280 -1 3 Sunday 2269 APW19991016.0014 -1 10 consecutive points 2269 APW20000402.0097 -1 Dan Majerle's 3 2269 APW20000610.0006 -1 17-foot 2269 NYT19990329.0024 -1 10 inch 2269 APW20000610.0036 -1 Friday 2269 APW19990520.0179 -1 26 2269 NYT20000314.0238 -1 two years 2269 APW19991007.0277 -1 two years 2269 NYT19991119.0021 -1 six minutes 2269 NYT19991222.0030 -1 first 2269 APW19990420.0286 -1 Tuesday 2269 NYT19990130.0176 -1 8 2269 APW20000620.0011 -1 fourth 2269 XIE19990506.0262 -1 10 minutes 2270 NYT20000411.0258 1 Annapolis 2270 NYT20000411.0237 1 Annapolis 2270 XIE20000411.0412 1 Annapolis 2270 APW20000412.0057 1 Annapolis 2270 NYT19990308.0050 -1 Knoxville 2270 APW19990102.0029 -1 Maryland 2270 NYT19990908.0186 -1 Washington 2270 NYT19981111.0436 -1 capital of 2270 APW20000717.0014 -1 the 13 original states 2270 APW20000620.0104 -1 the nation's capital pay in-state tuition 2270 NYT19990729.0377 -1 central part state 2270 XIE19960217.0038 -1 Silver Spring,, 2270 APW19991022.0098 -1 Columbia 2270 APW20000411.0126 1 Annapolis 2270 APW20000411.0126 -1 Washington 2270 APW19980612.1588 -1 yeah 2270 NYT20000907.0428 -1 the capital 2271 NYT19990204.0332 -1 Halcion 2271 NYT19980615.0133 -1 Valium 2271 NYT19990204.0331 -1 Halcion 2271 APW20000916.0002 -1 Binion , 55 2271 NYT19990204.0331 -1 Valium 2271 NYT19990816.0201 1 sedatives 2271 NYT20000323.0274 -1 preliminary study 2271 NYT19980729.0042 -1 NYT 2271 NYT19990816.0201 -1 Drugs 2271 XIE19970116.0292 -1 one 2271 NYT19990401.0429 3 the anti-anxiety drugs Xanax and Valium and cough suppressant Tussionex 2271 NYT19990307.0090 -1 FDA 2271 NYT20000323.0274 -1 American 2271 APW19990325.0028 -1 Zyvox 2271 APW19990316.0035 -1 Binion 2271 NYT19990816.0201 -1 Mexican Valium 2271 NYT19981218.0424 -1 this class 2271 NYT20000316.0169 -1 a new class 2271 NYT19990201.0381 -1 AZT 2271 NYT20000323.0331 -1 Valium 2271 APW20000225.0035 -1 Prozac 2271 NYT20000822.0045 3 She also began taking Xanax, a drug that eases anxiety and panic attacks. 2271 APW20000520.0003 -1 death 2271 APW19990429.0176 -1 Xanax 2271 NYT19990216.0129 1 anti-anxiety 2272 NYT19990625.0324 -1 three 2272 XIE19991120.0226 -1 10 2272 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2272 APW19980812.0068 -1 NIL 2272 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2272 NYT19980813.0098 -1 one 2272 XIE19991110.0264 1 11 2272 XIE19991128.0111 -1 3 2272 NYT19981215.0029 -1 ORDER LIST 2272 NYT20000509.0085 -1 20 such firms 2272 APW19990514.0195 -1 10 2272 APW19990514.0195 -1 10 agencies 2272 NYT19990326.0238 -1 Cyphernomicon Contents 11 2272 NYT19980824.0245 -1 one 2272 XIE19960202.0224 -1 1994 2272 XIE19960523.0057 1 the 12 main U.S. intelligence agencies 2272 NYT19980801.0231 -1 620 2272 NYT19980801.0231 -1 545 2272 NYT19980602.0332 2 11 2272 XIE19971016.0342 -1 26.6 billion U.S. dollars 2272 NYT19980611.0316 -1 9,000 2272 NYT19980603.0541 -1 just one analyst 2272 APW20000227.0094 -1 in strict accordance 2272 APW19980814.0830 -1 four 2273 XIE20000515.0181 -1 Falun 2273 NYT20000919.0347 -1 CHALAYAN-FASHION 2273 APW19990415.0150 -1 Church 2273 APW19981001.0136 -1 Russian Orthodox Church 2273 XIE19991009.0073 -1 Islam 2273 NYT19980722.0292 -1 Islam 2273 NYT19980722.0292 1 Christianity 2273 NYT19981202.0121 2 Christianity 2273 XIE19980828.0183 -1 million 2273 NYT19990527.0199 -1 Abraham 2273 XIE19991009.0073 2 Christianity 2273 XIE19970904.0231 -1 UNESCO's world cultural heritage list 2273 APW20000224.0284 -1 Nation of Islam 2273 NYT19980722.0295 1 Christianity 2273 NYT19980710.0156 -1 Orthodox 2273 NYT19990112.0011 -1 Bronx High School of Science 2273 NYT19980722.0295 -1 Islam 2273 NYT19980722.0295 1 Roman Catholics 2273 XIE20000820.0139 -1 other religions 2273 NYT19980822.0086 -1 Islam 2273 XIE19990427.0027 -1 Ghana 2273 APW20000313.0136 -1 million 2273 NYT20000106.0232 -1 Buddhist 2273 APW19990128.0355 -1 Bible 2273 XIE19980127.0072 -1 citizens 2273 APW19981130.1337 -1 Buddhism 2275 NYT20000907.0042 -1 nine 2275 NYT19990301.0215 -1 70 2275 XIE19961223.0198 -1 five 2275 XIE19960725.0160 -1 one 2275 XIE19960725.0160 -1 2 2275 APW19990415.0028 -1 2 2275 NYT19990118.0139 -1 Earth and Venus are made of the same basic minerals, they're close in size 2275 NYT19990329.0035 -1 a decision big sister Venus 6-4 2275 NYT19990118.0139 -1 860 degrees Fahrenheit 2275 APW19990415.0028 -1 The middle planet the star 242 2275 NYT19990816.0266 -1 atmosphere of 2275 NYT19980907.0097 -1 25 million miles 2275 NYT20000515.0063 -1 Y2K 2275 NYT19990816.0256 -1 every 320 days 2275 NYT19990104.0240 -1 billion years 2275 NYT20000421.0113 -1 pressure atmosphere ninety 2275 NYT20000421.0113 -1 pressure atmosphere ninety 2275 NYT19990415.0315 -1 the planet next - in from Earth 2275 NYT20000303.0121 -1 Mercutio 2275 NYT20000421.0077 -1 VENUS 2275 XIE19960222.0064 -1 100 million years 2275 XIE19971014.0009 -1 Earth 2275 NYT19990816.0256 -1 93 million miles 2275 XIE19961116.0066 -1 one kilometer 2275 XIE19960725.0160 -1 30 years 2275 NYT19990118.0139 -1 second 2275 APW19990415.0028 -1 4 years 2275 APW19990415.0028 -1 I 2275 APW19990415.0028 -1 242 days 2275 APW19980607.0941 -1 1967 2276 NYT19980810.0161 -1 1994 2276 NYT20000317.0305 -1 Monday 27 March 2000 2276 NYT19981203.0266 2 1970 2276 NYT19981204.0149 -1 a few years ago 2276 NYT20000410.0380 2 1970 2276 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2276 NYT19990616.0225 -1 1999 Playmate of the Year 2276 APW20000301.0015 -1 8 years old 2276 NYT19991101.0340 -1 Today 2276 NYT19980727.0342 -1 1991 2276 APW20000224.0099 -1 1990 2276 APW20000224.0130 -1 1990 2276 APW20000517.0085 -1 May 23, 1958 2276 NYT20000412.0420 -1 April 12, 2000 2276 APW20000322.0129 3 March 27 1970 Long 2276 NYT19981209.0282 -1 1900 2276 NYT20000114.0067 -1 1998 2276 APW19990301.0288 -1 Tuesday 2276 NYT19991220.0395 -1 1993 2276 NYT19991027.0220 -1 1999 2276 APW19991028.0067 -1 Thursday 2276 NYT20000317.0305 3 March 27 2276 APW19991028.0067 -1 a summer appearance 2276 APW19990326.0160 3 March 27 2277 APW19981027.0302 1 Mali 2277 NYT20000914.0339 -1 Australia 2277 NYT20000129.0116 1 Mali 2277 NYT19991231.0055 1 Mali 2277 NYT19991231.0083 1 Mali 2277 NYT20000717.0126 1 Mali 2277 NYT19990601.0203 -1 Paul Auster 2277 NYT20000129.0071 1 Mali 2277 XIE19970201.0024 -1 Africa 2277 NYT19991231.0083 3 central Mali 2277 NYT20000808.0173 3 central Mali 2277 NYT19991228.0253 1 Mali 2277 NYT20000129.0116 3 Raby Mali heritage 2277 NYT20000824.0351 -1 well 2277 NYT20000104.0068 -1 America 2277 NYT19980813.0193 -1 Peru 2277 APW19981028.0119 -1 danger 2277 NYT20000808.0173 1 Mali 2277 NYT19980813.0219 -1 Japan 2277 XIE19970825.0053 -1 a colony of another country 2277 NYT20000427.0101 1 Mali 2277 NYT20000113.0268 -1 tomorrow 2277 NYT19980813.0163 -1 strangers 2278 NYT19980730.0115 -1 Powerball 2278 NYT19980723.0466 -1 St. Louis 2278 NYT19980831.0403 -1 15 feet 2278 NYT19980730.0115 -1 chance 2278 NYT19980730.0114 -1 chance 2278 NYT19990719.0133 1 One in 600,000 2278 NYT19980730.0114 1 12 million to one 2278 NYT20000628.0172 -1 Five persons 2278 XIE20000219.0111 -1 112 following the death of 30 2278 NYT19981007.0244 -1 Showtime 2278 XIE19980401.0203 -1 1 2278 APW19980804.0118 -1 an 18-year-old girl, her 65-year-old father 2278 NYT19990812.0006 -1 10 1/2 2278 NYT19980730.0114 3 about 12 million 2278 NYT19980730.0114 -1 2000 2278 NYT19980730.0114 -1 King 2278 NYT19981115.0225 -1 a lead 2278 NYT20000525.0029 -1 Doctors 2278 APW19991002.0082 -1 Now 2278 NYT19990902.0291 -1 better odds 2278 NYT19980730.0115 -1 year 2278 APW19981028.0460 -1 1 2278 NYT19980831.0403 -1 McBay 2278 APW19980826.1247 -1 40 yards 2278 NYT19980730.0114 -1 one 2278 NYT19980730.0115 -1 1 2278 NYT19980831.0403 -1 Andy_Upshaw 2279 APW19990814.0060 -1 Brooklyn Dodgers 2279 NYT20000706.0335 -1 Gibson 2279 NYT19990205.0341 -1 diabetes 2279 NYT19990710.0145 -1 24 1972 2279 NYT20000906.0035 -1 at his home 2279 NYT19990816.0111 -1 Do 2279 APW19990410.0032 -1 died 2279 NYT20000718.0093 -1 Brooklyn Dodgers 2279 APW19990814.0153 -1 baseball's color barrier 2279 APW19990816.0170 -1 cancer 2279 NYT20000313.0418 -1 Restzeit 2279 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2279 NYT19980924.0459 -1 stroke 2279 APW19990816.0139 -1 m. 2279 APW20000229.0006 -1 heart attack 2279 NYT19990816.0111 -1 Brooklyn Dodgers 2279 NYT19990223.0010 -1 a one man freak show named dennis rodman who doesn't have the class and dignity in his whole tattooed, pierced, butt ugly body that men like roy campanella and jackie robinson had in one pinkie. 2279 NYT19990103.0023 -1 1947 2279 APW19990819.0219 -1 Teammates 2279 APW19990819.0219 -1 Robinson 2279 APW19981230.1135 -1 obstacles 2279 APW19990414.0003 -1 baseball 's first black major league player 2280 NYT19981027.0138 1 5,005 2280 NYT20000223.0548 1 5,000 2280 APW19990611.0292 -1 4 2280 APW20000518.0134 -1 4 2280 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2280 APW19980917.0172 -1 NIL 2280 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2280 APW20000223.0155 1 5005 2280 NYT19990128.0195 -1 One 2280 APW20000223.0178 1 5,005 2280 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Bellagio 2280 NYT19981115.0115 -1 16 fight 2280 NYT20000308.0296 1 5,034 2280 NYT19981027.0138 1 5,005 rooms 2280 APW20000223.0108 -1 TechEd 03 special room telephone 2280 NYT20000127.0076 -1 424 2280 NYT20000612.0149 1 5,005- 2280 APW19991014.0045 1 5,005 2280 APW19991014.0045 -1 MGM Grand 's 2280 APW20000223.0178 -1 in Las_Vegas 2281 NYT19980707.0113 1 Matthew C. Perry 2281 NYT19981007.0136 -1 Japanese 2281 APW19990713.0236 1 Commodore Matthew Perry 2281 APW19980701.1261 1 Perry 2281 APW19990513.0103 -1 Barshefsky 2281 APW19980701.1261 1 Matthew Perry 2281 NYT20000506.0219 1 Matthew Perry 2281 NYT19980707.0113 1 Matthew C . Perry 2281 APW19990713.0236 1 Matthew Perry 2281 XIE19991125.0044 -1 New York Times 2281 APW19990520.0189 -1 the North American Free Trade Agreement 2281 NYT19991231.0187 1 Commodore Perry 2281 NYT19980707.0113 1 Perry 2281 NYT19990520.0274 2 Matthew Perry 2281 APW19990503.0011 -1 Clinton 2281 APW19990701.0227 -1 U.S. 2281 APW19990520.0261 -1 America's overall trade deficit 2281 NYT20000506.0219 -1 Commodore Matthew Perry's interpreter 2281 NYT19990411.0131 -1 Ishiharas 2281 NYT19990429.0368 -1 1853 2281 NYT19981118.0275 -1 Clinton 2281 XIE19971126.0183 -1 President Bill Clinton Tuesday 2281 NYT19991222.0443 -1 U.S. officials 2281 NYT19981114.0066 -1 Clinton 2281 APW19990307.0013 2 Matthew C. Perry 2281 NYT19991222.0443 -1 Clinton 2281 NYT19980921.0461 -1 Obuchi 2281 APW19990707.0045 2 Matthew Perry 2281 APW19990520.0189 -1 President 2282 XIE19971008.0030 1 Suez 2282 NYT19991220.0064 1 Suez Canal 2282 XIE19981217.0073 1 Suez 2282 XIE19961125.0230 1 Suez 2282 XIE19961125.0230 1 Suez canal 2282 XIE19970412.0058 1 Suez 2282 XIE19961125.0230 -1 Canal 2282 XIE19980602.0207 -1 Dead Sea 2282 XIE19961125.0230 -1 Egypt 2282 XIE19971008.0030 -1 November 17, 1879 and Egypt 2282 XIE19961231.0220 -1 Egypt 2282 XIE19971025.0036 1 Suez 2282 XIE19960920.0157 -1 Egypt connects 2282 XIE19971025.0036 -1 the only canal directly linking 2282 XIE19980206.0308 1 Suez Canal 2282 NYT19991220.0070 1 Suez Canal 2282 XIE19961125.0230 1 Suez Canal 2282 XIE19971025.0036 -1 Egyptians 2282 XIE19971025.0036 1 Suez Canal 2282 XIE19971025.0036 -1 Port_Tawfiq 2283 APW20000618.0045 -1 four 2283 NYT19980621.0145 -1 five 2283 APW19980624.1461 3 seven or eight strawberries 2283 NYT20000125.0154 -1 rice 2283 APW19980624.1461 -1 cream 2283 NYT19990406.0221 -1 Korean meal 2283 APW19980622.1358 1 strawberries and cream 2283 APW19980629.1308 -1 horror 2283 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2283 NYT19980825.0157 2 Strawberries 2283 NYT19980908.0152 -1 cream 2283 XIE19980126.0118 -1 meat dumplings 2283 NYT20000608.0101 -1 Huntington Wines 2283 NYT20000201.0176 -1 butter 2283 APW19980624.1461 3 magician Strawberries cream 2283 NYT19990927.0475 -1 The restaurant 2283 APW20000709.0112 -1 Georgia 2283 NYT20000710.0016 -1 Scroogian 2283 XIE19980126.0118 -1 additional delicious dishes 2283 APW19980624.1461 1 Strawberries and Cream - 2283 NYT20000719.0088 -1 one 2283 APW19980629.1105 -1 Wimbledon 2283 NYT19980704.0207 -1 A LONELY FAN 2283 APW19980624.1461 -1 Champagne 2283 APW19980625.1456 -1 Wimbledon 2284 NYT19991215.0294 -1 Qing 2284 NYT19980616.0279 -1 Emperor 2284 XIE20000809.0169 -1 five Song dynasty 2284 NYT19991028.0284 -1 Artisan 2284 NYT19990513.0340 -1 Joan of Arc 2284 XIE19990615.0284 1 Ming 2284 XIE19990612.0194 1 Ming 2284 NYT20000721.0177 1 Ming 2284 XIE19960314.0203 1 Ming 2284 XIE19960320.0228 -1 the first unified Chinese dynasty 2284 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2284 NYT19991028.0284 -1 DVD 2284 NYT20000207.0434 -1 Arc 2284 NYT20000515.0299 -1 Joan 2284 XIE19970801.0057 -1 the 4,000-year old carving utensils 2284 XIE19970531.0077 -1 China's most famous legendary figure 2284 XIE19990927.0248 -1 Manchu 2284 XIE19960709.0196 -1 Tang 2284 XIE19960724.0235 -1 Chinese 2284 XIE19971102.0180 1 Ming 2284 NYT19990505.0164 -1 Chinese 2284 APW19981231.0887 -1 Birthdays: Joan of Arc 2284 XIE19970801.0057 -1 Qing Dynasty 2285 APW20000228.0020 1 9 million pounds 2285 APW20000228.0020 3 9 million 2285 APW19990905.0041 -1 8 2285 NYT19990508.0099 -1 8 2285 NYT20000316.0327 -1 1962 2285 APW19990905.0039 -1 11 2285 NYT19981006.0394 -1 million - dollar 2285 NYT20000508.0357 -1 Republican-controlled House 2285 APW20000228.0020 -1 Freedom 2285 APW20000228.0020 1 nearly 9 million pound 2285 APW19981210.1324 -1 about 150 pounds 2285 APW20000228.0020 -1 287 2285 NYT20000511.0002 -1 123 members 2285 APW20000228.0020 1 nearly 9 million pounds 2285 APW19990905.0039 -1 $1.8 million 2285 APW19990905.0041 -1 $1.8 million 2285 APW19990905.0039 -1 the $200,000 2285 APW20000228.0020 -1 more 2285 NYT19991209.0136 -1 pavilions 2286 NYT20000531.0242 -1 Bansuri 2286 NYT20000908.0245 -1 John 2286 XIE19970213.0171 -1 steel 2286 NYT19990118.0214 1 clay 2286 NYT19990118.0214 -1 wood 2286 NYT20000624.0042 -1 Native American 2286 NYT19980603.0523 -1 Native American 2286 NYT19990301.0344 1 eagle bone 2286 APW19990727.0142 -1 the flute 2286 APW19990306.0038 -1 Dale Evans 2286 APW19990224.0047 -1 Indian 2286 NYT20000526.0283 -1 American 2286 NYT19990927.0287 -1 the oldest known playable musical instrument 2286 NYT20000531.0242 -1 both Indian and Western instruments 2286 NYT19990818.0227 -1 gold 2286 NYT19980806.0254 -1 Native American 2286 APW20000113.0108 -1 Indians 2286 NYT19991103.0036 -1 A6364 2286 APW19990727.0142 -1 Carl Lewis 2286 APW19990727.0142 -1 An 2286 NYT19990531.0280 -1 the deal 2286 NYT20000908.0245 -1 North 2286 NYT19980625.0196 -1 Mexico 2286 NYT19990818.0227 -1 Indian 2286 NYT19990927.0287 -1 items 2286 NYT20000526.0283 -1 1988 piece set to American Indian 2286 APW19990922.0054 -1 the flute 2287 NYT20000424.0027 -1 Hispaniola 2287 NYT20000422.0272 -1 Hispaniola 2287 XIE19991207.0127 -1 Dominica 2287 APW19980618.1409 -1 1844 2287 APW19990929.0002 -1 27 2287 APW19980929.0617 -1 the 2287 NYT19980930.0393 -1 border 2287 APW19980602.1605 -1 NIL 2287 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2287 NYT19990429.0263 -1 Wucker 2287 NYT19990429.0263 -1 independence 2287 APW19980702.1311 -1 Government 2287 XIE19990719.0172 -1 bt 2287 NYT19980923.0384 -1 the northern Leeward Islands west 2287 NYT19990320.0131 -1 Hispaniola 2287 NYT19990710.0069 -1 Dajabon 2287 NYT19990429.0263 -1 river 2287 APW19980923.1267 -1 Georges 2287 NYT19980924.0337 -1 Hispaniola 2287 APW19980617.1091 -1 AP 2287 APW20000824.0009 -1 powerful winds 2287 APW19980929.0617 -1 island of Hispaniola 2287 NYT19990415.0073 -1 In Haiti 2287 APW20000107.0329 -1 Haiti 2288 NYT19991109.0199 -1 beef 2288 NYT19990204.0137 1 calf 2288 XIE19980320.0286 1 calves 2288 NYT20000418.0134 -1 lambs 2288 NYT19991109.0199 1 calves 2288 NYT19990626.0066 2 cow 2288 APW20000824.0215 1 cows 2288 NYT20000203.0119 -1 animals 2288 NYT19991109.0199 -1 animal 2288 NYT20000418.0134 -1 lamb 2288 NYT19990913.0400 -1 Farm 2288 NYT19990910.0368 -1 Beef 2288 NYT19990826.0024 1 calf 2288 NYT20000724.0366 -1 Pierson's daughter 2288 NYT19980714.0165 -1 turkey 2288 NYT19991109.0199 -1 PENPAGES 2288 NYT19991014.0003 -1 Unlike 2288 XIE19980320.0286 -1 Compassion in World Farming 2288 NYT20000723.0096 -1 animals 2288 XIE19980424.0018 1 calves 2288 NYT19991109.0199 -1 stew meat 2288 NYT19991109.0199 -1 meat 2288 APW20000824.0196 1 calf 2289 NYT19990723.0208 -1 Eyadema 2289 NYT19991227.0291 -1 President 2289 APW19990805.0146 1 Africa 2289 XIE20000704.0027 1 Africa 2289 XIE19990709.0308 1 Africa 2289 APW20000710.0141 1 Africa 2289 XIE19990721.0135 1 Africa 2289 XIE19970114.0013 2 Africa 2289 XIE19970609.0175 2 African 2289 NYT19990620.0071 3 West Africa 2289 APW19980602.1601 1 Africa 2289 XIE19990723.0014 -1 LOME 2289 XIE19960530.0047 3 Ivoire, Tunisia and South Africa 2289 XIE20000704.0027 3 African Unity summit 2289 XIE20000726.0177 3 West Africa 2289 XIE19990721.0135 -1 Nigeria 2289 XIE20000726.0177 1 Africa 2289 XIE20000708.0095 1 Africa 2289 NYT20000410.0027 1 Africa 2289 XIE19960319.0002 1 Africa 2289 XIE19980602.0033 1 Africa 2289 XIE19990721.0135 -1 Cameroun Guinea , Nigeria 2289 XIE19970327.0013 1 African 2289 APW20000710.0141 -1 Togo 2289 XIE20000704.0027 -1 summit 2290 NYT19980721.0243 -1 1909 2290 NYT19981013.0247 -1 1996 2290 NYT19981020.0114 -1 1983 2290 NYT20000914.0359 -1 1919 2290 NYT19981009.0348 1 1700 2290 APW20000217.0281 -1 1970 2290 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2290 APW19990201.0126 -1 1975 2290 NYT19980902.0331 -1 1971 2290 APW19981121.0793 -1 REO Speedwagon 2290 APW20000615.0076 -1 1989 2290 APW20000418.0113 -1 1988 2290 XIE19990804.0213 -1 first six months of this year 2290 NYT19981209.0278 -1 1900 2290 NYT19980921.0243 -1 20020713 2002 2290 NYT19980917.0008 -1 1976 2290 APW20000418.0113 -1 1987 2290 NYT19981124.0459 -1 March 2290 NYT20000730.0110 -1 1939 2290 NYT20000913.0339 -1 1948 2290 APW20000418.0113 -1 1988 California estate sale 2292 NYT20000705.0086 -1 skulls 2292 NYT19981109.0148 -1 Legg-Perthes 2292 APW19980706.1000 -1 Doctor , Libyan leader 2292 APW19981111.1457 -1 animals 2292 NYT20000720.0435 -1 Arthritis 2292 NYT19991129.0257 -1 Arthritis 2292 NYT19981114.0177 2 orthopedic 2292 APW19981211.1619 -1 the changes 2292 NYT19980909.0039 -1 Baltimore 2292 XIE19990217.0125 -1 marrow 2292 XIE19980922.0304 -1 birth deformities, arthritis patients 2292 NYT20000829.0214 -1 MOSCOW _ 2292 NYT19990726.0460 -1 marrow 2292 APW19980910.1432 -1 team 2292 NYT19980917.0077 -1 York Times 2292 NYT19980917.0077 -1 Carol Kaesuk 2292 NYT19991230.0102 -1 anonymous call 2292 NYT19980704.0136 -1 doctors 2292 NYT20000814.0351 -1 James Cancer Hospital 2292 NYT19981004.0098 -1 team 2292 NYT19991116.0224 -1 n't 2293 NYT19990211.0370 1 five 2293 NYT19991112.0181 -1 5-minute 2293 NYT19990226.0215 -1 1,500 years 2293 NYT19991117.0330 1 five 2293 APW20000316.0114 1 five 2293 XIE19961011.0263 1 five 2293 NYT19990907.0132 -1 10 2293 APW19980618.1466 -1 NIL 2293 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2293 NYT19991124.0449 1 five times 2293 NYT19990119.0473 1 five 2293 NYT19981218.0260 -1 30 2293 NYT19991112.0181 1 at least 5 2293 APW20000314.0196 -1 60 2293 NYT19991124.0449 1 five 2293 NYT20000821.0447 1 five times 2293 NYT19991112.0295 1 five times 2293 APW19980706.0173 -1 is it sufficient for muslims to only pray and spend all their time on certain rituals? 2293 NYT20000821.0447 1 five 2293 APW20000105.0123 -1 at a nearby mosque 2293 APW20000105.0123 -1 60 percent 2294 XIE19961210.0002 1 Asia 2294 NYT19990802.0313 -1 Europe 2294 NYT20000602.0316 2 Asia 2294 XIE19981205.0089 1 Asia 2294 APW19980623.0019 1 Asia 2294 APW19980610.0847 1 Asia 2294 APW19990922.0089 1 Asia 2294 XIE19970624.0143 -1 America 2294 NYT19991231.0197 -1 Europe 2294 XIE19971105.0109 2 Asia 2294 XIE19981205.0089 -1 Africa 2294 XIE20000527.0134 3 Asia Cup Cricket 2294 XIE19961129.0011 3 Asia's two largest nations 2294 NYT19981015.0044 -1 Europe 2294 XIE19990903.0085 -1 Pakistan 2294 APW19980612.0839 -1 Pakistan 2294 XIE19960817.0202 -1 the Indian Ocean region and the African continent 2294 NYT20000814.0091 -1 Australia 2294 XIE19990629.0181 3 South Asia 2294 APW19981231.0767 -1 Australia 2294 XIE20000320.0005 1 Asia 2294 XIE19970927.0102 1 Asia 2294 APW19980602.0754 -1 India 2294 XIE19990721.0173 -1 West_Indies September_7 2295 APW19981017.0866 -1 Constitution 2295 NYT19980622.0217 -1 Carolina 2295 NYT19981202.0413 -1 US Supreme Court 2295 NYT19981216.0179 -1 Missouri 2295 NYT19980625.0458 2 Dred Scott 2295 APW19981017.0866 1 Dred Scott 2295 NYT19990128.0170 1 1857 Dred Scott 2295 APW19980906.0446 -1 NIL 2295 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2295 APW19990305.0204 -1 Scott 2295 NYT19981004.0205 -1 Hispanics 2295 NYT19980730.0334 -1 free 2295 APW19981017.0866 1 Supreme Court's Dred Scott ruling 2295 APW19990809.0042 -1 the American Bar Association's annual meeting 2295 APW19981017.0866 -1 pre-Civil War 2295 NYT20000229.0029 1 Dred Scott 2295 APW19990126.0276 -1 Constitution 2295 NYT19981028.0181 1 Dred Scott 2295 APW20000615.0011 -1 U.S. 2295 NYT19991003.0579 -1 Voting Rights Act 2295 APW20000615.0011 -1 They 2296 APW20000327.0053 1 Devils Tower 2296 NYT19990622.0203 -1 Mount Olympus 2296 APW20000415.0060 -1 America 2296 NYT19990622.0203 1 Devils Tower 2296 NYT19990623.0105 1 Devils Tower 2296 NYT20000608.0331 -1 American 2296 NYT20000125.0079 1 Devils Tower National Monument 2296 NYT20000125.0079 3 Ironically in light Devils National Monument 2296 NYT20000421.0268 -1 Monument 2296 NYT19990622.0203 -1 national monuments 2296 NYT20000125.0079 -1 Grand Canyon National Park 2296 NYT20000201.0078 -1 14 presidents _ seven Republicans and seven Democrats _ 2296 NYT20000131.0229 -1 the president's power 2296 APW19990925.0032 -1 Statue of Liberty 2296 APW20000111.0098 -1 Grand Canyon 2296 NYT20000605.0128 -1 Ironwood Forest National Monument 2296 NYT20000608.0331 -1 Both 2296 NYT20000608.0331 -1 Antiquities Act 2296 NYT20000531.0396 -1 Soda Mountain in south-central Oregon 2296 NYT20000125.0079 -1 Park 2296 NYT19991124.0044 -1 a national monument 2296 NYT20000131.0229 -1 Arizona 2296 NYT20000111.0295 -1 Antiquities Act 2296 NYT19990623.0105 1 Devils Tower ( Wyo. ) 2296 APW19980702.1171 -1 This 2297 NYT20000704.0173 -1 Justin Timberlake 2297 NYT20000718.0251 -1 part of Cockney slang 2297 NYT19990826.0079 3 Britney Jean Spears 2297 NYT20000830.0128 -1 NATALIE 2297 APW20000119.0118 -1 Natalie 2297 NYT20000731.0185 -1 of 2297 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2297 APW19991003.0009 -1 Singer Britney Spears 2297 NYT20000426.0145 -1 Mira 2297 NYT19990826.0079 1 Jean 2297 APW20000103.0123 -1 To Be 2297 APW20000425.0070 -1 AP 2297 NYT20000520.0207 -1 the years 2297 NYT20000628.0379 -1 Paul 2297 APW19990714.0035 -1 FUKKIN HOMOS SPEARS JEAN JEAU 2297 NYT20000628.0093 -1 the carefully choreographed teen music scene 2297 APW19990926.0046 -1 She 2297 NYT19990317.0083 -1 At 2297 APW19991013.0078 -1 young fans 2297 NYT20000206.0139 -1 Web 2297 APW20000615.0082 -1 AP 2297 APW20000515.0069 -1 Spears ' 2297 APW20000615.0082 -1 Spears 2298 NYT19980804.0313 -1 28 2298 NYT19990504.0017 -1 380 yards 2298 APW19990410.0022 -1 54 2298 NYT19980713.0142 -1 500 2298 NYT19980615.0240 2 336 dimples 2298 NYT19980713.0142 2 336 dimples 2298 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2298 APW19990126.0203 -1 NIL 2298 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2298 NYT19980713.0142 -1 20 2298 NYT19980829.0053 2 336 2298 NYT19980615.0240 -1 300 2298 APW20000822.0153 -1 one 2298 NYT19980630.0358 -1 an eventual point 25 feet 2298 NYT19980615.0240 -1 350 yards 2298 APW19990518.0128 -1 eagle 2 2298 XIE19990201.0103 -1 Search Results 336 336 2298 NYT19991122.0251 -1 8020 2298 NYT19981029.0049 2 336 2298 NYT19990408.0025 -1 two 2298 NYT19980615.0235 -1 350 yards 2298 NYT19980615.0240 -1 the book 2299 APW19980618.0131 -1 1,126 kph 2299 APW19980618.0131 -1 1 2299 NYT20000802.0104 1 about 750 mph 2299 APW19990325.0224 -1 741 mph 2299 APW19990325.0206 -1 741 mph 2299 NYT20000802.0104 1 about 750 2299 NYT19981009.0207 -1 700 2299 NYT19991231.0005 1 763.035 2299 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2299 NYT19980605.0440 -1 312 2299 APW19990325.0206 -1 1,126 2299 NYT19991231.0005 -1 two 1-mile 2299 APW19980618.0131 1 763.035 2299 NYT19990529.0225 -1 10 2299 NYT19991226.0116 -1 75 2299 APW19990802.0041 1 763.035 2299 NYT19990318.0023 -1 April 2299 NYT19981019.0198 -1 two 2299 APW19981213.0310 -1 two 2299 APW19980910.0641 -1 one 2299 APW19990325.0206 -1 700 mph 2299 NYT19991231.0005 -1 first 2299 APW19990802.0041 1 763.035 mph 2299 APW19990802.0041 -1 mph 2300 NYT19991129.0176 -1 Windhoek 2300 NYT19990816.0174 -1 Congress 2300 XIE20000908.0189 -1 China 2300 XIE20000906.0238 -1 China 2300 XIE19970113.0064 -1 China 2300 XIE20000908.0189 1 Italy 2300 XIE20000911.0316 1 Italian 2300 XIE20000526.0007 -1 China 2300 NYT19980624.0265 -1 China 2300 XIE19970409.0030 1 Italy 2300 XIE20000911.0316 -1 China 2300 XIE19970113.0064 -1 China BEIJING 2300 XIE19970606.0112 3 China and Italy 2300 XIE19981120.0202 -1 China 2300 XIE19961007.0148 -1 US 2300 NYT20000327.0455 -1 Mexico 2300 XIE19970704.0172 -1 China 2300 XIE19970820.0070 -1 China 2300 XIE19971210.0292 -1 China 2300 NYT19981108.0095 -1 Host_Fashion_Show_East_China 's 2301 NYT19990507.0114 1 Wagner 2301 APW20000728.0076 -1 Das Rheingold 2301 NYT20000911.0242 -1 Das Rheingold 2301 NYT19991210.0136 -1 Das Rheingold 2301 NYT19980629.0183 -1 Das 2301 APW19980716.0904 1 Richard Wagner 2301 NYT19990507.0114 -1 Siegfried 2301 NYT19980629.0183 1 Wagner 2301 NYT19991115.0115 -1 a small and musically sophisticated audience 2301 APW19981207.1588 1 Richard Wagner 2301 NYT19991115.0115 -1 Ives 2301 NYT19980901.0186 -1 Tchaikovsky 2301 NYT19990507.0114 -1 Lucas 2301 NYT19990507.0114 3 But Wagner 2301 NYT20000221.0441 -1 He 2301 NYT20000405.0369 -1 Siegfried 2302 NYT19981223.0280 -1 $ 34.99 2302 NYT19991105.0428 -1 $ 275 million 2302 NYT19981118.0066 -1 $40 2302 APW19990203.0313 1 $ 3 2302 APW19990203.0313 -1 3 2302 NYT20000524.0113 -1 $ 10 2302 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2302 NYT19990302.0121 -1 1991 -- Famous designers 2302 APW19990929.0210 -1 billion - dollar 2302 NYT20000830.0131 -1 $100 2302 NYT20000112.0122 -1 $100 2302 NYT19981116.0101 -1 $8 2302 NYT20000112.0122 -1 less than 100 dollar 2302 APW19981103.0738 -1 07 15 2002 listen SQUEAL work 2302 APW19990203.0313 3 $3 in 1959 2302 NYT19990222.0144 -1 the first two months 2302 APW19990203.0313 1 $3 2302 NYT19981207.0178 2 $3 2302 APW19990203.0057 -1 seven new titles 2302 APW19990203.0057 -1 I 2302 XIE19971011.0092 -1 costs ranging 2303 XIE19980626.0334 1 Nile 2303 XIE20000308.0338 -1 Resources 2303 XIE19971007.0117 -1 The Yangtze 2303 XIE20000315.0130 2 Nile 2303 XIE19980425.0171 -1 Yangtze River 2303 XIE19990702.0284 1 Amazon 2303 XIE19980116.0139 -1 Yangtze 2303 NYT19990211.0343 1 Nile River 2303 XIE19960315.0063 -1 Yangtze 2303 APW19980723.0683 1 Nile 2303 NYT19990211.0343 1 Nile 2303 XIE19961231.0126 -1 east China 2303 XIE19980120.0098 -1 Beijing-based China Women 2303 NYT19980826.0090 -1 Mekong, Tibet, China, Myanmar 2303 APW19980723.0683 -1 White Nile 2303 XIE20000904.0084 -1 The 6,300 - kilometer Yangtze 2303 XIE19981029.0198 -1 October 2303 XIE19980120.0098 -1 At 2303 APW19980925.0734 -1 The floods 2303 XIE19970225.0277 2 Nile 2303 XIE20000717.0012 -1 Nile 2303 XIE19980526.0101 -1 Yellow River 2303 XIE19960801.0163 -1 The Yangtze 2303 XIE19970901.0012 1 Nile river 2303 XIE19971028.0077 -1 Henan_Province 2303 XIE19990417.0018 -1 world 2305 APW20000915.0186 3 Sept. 16 , 1810 2305 APW20000505.0036 3 Saturday 16 September 2000 2305 XIE20000818.0023 -1 June 2305 XIE19990918.0221 2 September 2305 APW20000915.0186 3 16 2305 APW20000915.0186 3 Sept. 16, 1810 2305 NYT19990916.0306 -1 Thursday 2305 NYT19990916.0306 -1 1994 2305 APW20000915.0186 3 Sept. 15-16, 2305 APW19980626.1235 -1 2000 computer problem 2305 NYT19981119.0258 -1 1836 2305 APW19980913.0376 1 September 16 2305 APW20000729.0077 -1 Saturday 2305 NYT19990206.0264 -1 Saturday 2305 APW20000505.0036 1 Sept. 16 2305 XIE20000204.0193 -1 Jul 2000 15 11 56 2305 NYT19990712.0346 -1 Friday 2305 XIE19960806.0125 -1 August 6 2305 APW19980703.1076 -1 July 4 2305 XIE20000717.0291 -1 10 days 2305 APW19980915.0605 1 September 16 2305 NYT19990908.0074 1 Sept. 16 2305 APW20000915.0186 -1 1810 2305 XIE19960806.0125 -1 August every year 2305 XIE19970823.0162 -1 August 27 2305 APW20000915.0186 -1 this year 2305 APW20000915.0186 -1 this_year 2305 APW20000223.0251 -1 1821 2306 NYT19990809.0293 -1 2551 2306 NYT20000412.0113 -1 carbon-14 2306 XIE19980319.0121 -1 three 2306 APW19990302.0060 -1 One 2306 NYT19990714.0395 1 451 - foot 2306 NYT19991227.0237 1 482 feet 2306 NYT20000429.0165 -1 1998 book 2306 NYT20000101.0007 -1 2000 2306 XIE19990930.0019 -1 9 meters 2306 XIE19960118.0159 -1 BC 2306 NYT20000429.0165 -1 seven years 2306 NYT19991019.0279 -1 28 2306 NYT19991019.0279 1 450-foot 2306 NYT19990218.0318 -1 30 foot 2306 APW19981113.0199 -1 beneath one's feet difficult 2306 NYT19990923.0047 -1 805 257 - 2892 2306 XIE19990930.0019 -1 Cheops 2306 XIE19991217.0153 -1 Cheops in Giza 2306 XIE19990930.0019 -1 9 2306 XIE19990930.0019 -1 about 9 meters 2306 NYT19991019.0279 -1 28-foot 2306 APW19981113.0246 -1 9 meters 2306 APW19981113.0199 -1 two 2306 NYT19980716.0361 -1 17 2306 NYT19980924.0241 -1 5,267 feet 2306 APW19981113.0199 -1 most 2306 APW19981113.0199 -1 forever 2306 APW19981113.0199 -1 two other pyramids 2306 APW19981113.0305 -1 1999 2307 NYT20000802.0224 1 two 2307 NYT20000518.0200 -1 eight years 2307 APW19990217.0036 -1 24 2307 NYT19980805.0131 -1 24 2307 APW19990701.0344 1 two 2307 NYT20000729.0254 1 two 2307 APW19990118.0029 -1 NIL 2307 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2307 NYT19990721.0359 1 two 2307 NYT20000415.0204 2 two 2307 NYT19991016.0065 -1 Two weeks 2307 NYT20000301.0090 -1 Amendment 2307 NYT19981118.0432 -1 18 2307 NYT20000802.0001 -1 13 2307 NYT20000301.0090 3 more than two terms 2307 APW19991027.0231 -1 1956 American's blamed extending Clinton reading 2307 NYT20000815.0037 -1 1981 2307 NYT19990922.0466 -1 1953 2307 NYT19990127.0394 -1 1953 2307 XIE19960614.0202 -1 1950 2307 NYT19991016.0065 -1 first 2307 APW19991020.0221 -1 24 2307 APW19991020.0221 -1 one 2309 NYT19990708.0112 -1 300 milligrams 2309 NYT19981020.0157 -1 2 cups 2309 NYT20000907.0163 -1 1 cup 2309 NYT20000809.0071 -1 8 ounces 2309 NYT20000531.0079 -1 1 cup 2309 NYT19981019.0180 -1 not as rich 2309 APW19980605.0704 -1 two parts calcium to part magnesium to two parts phosphorus 2309 APW19990410.0129 -1 1995 2309 NYT19990708.0112 -1 8 - ounce 2309 APW19990702.0211 -1 one 2309 NYT19990819.0140 -1 1/2 cup ice cream 2309 NYT19990927.0201 -1 4 grams 2309 NYT20000809.0071 -1 1 cup 2309 NYT19990708.0112 -1 an 8 - ounce 2309 APW19991008.0070 -1 one 2309 NYT20000809.0071 -1 ounces whole broccoli or 8 ounces broccoli florettes 2309 NYT19990114.0114 -1 1,200 milligrams 2309 NYT19981019.0180 -1 8 ounces 2309 APW19990702.0211 1 118 mg 2309 APW19990702.0164 -1 the ages 2309 APW20000314.0091 -1 I 2309 NYT19981019.0180 -1 one fast-food hamburger 2309 NYT19980609.0141 -1 forest 2310 XIE19990309.0093 -1 tens 2310 APW20000606.0079 -1 three-year 2310 NYT19981110.0021 -1 five years 2310 NYT19990309.0222 1 17,000 2310 NYT19990819.0005 -1 Zolotarev 2310 APW20000606.0079 1 33,629 2310 NYT19990311.0258 1 17,000 2310 NYT19981121.0116 1 54,000 2310 APW19980630.0066 -1 NIL 2310 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2310 NYT19990819.0005 -1 14 2310 APW19980618.1339 -1 1950 2310 XIE19991001.0037 -1 100, 200 2310 APW19990930.0294 -1 100, 200 2310 NYT19990704.0039 -1 58,000 2310 APW20000324.0191 -1 1 million 2310 APW19990930.0363 -1 100 2310 NYT19990905.0119 -1 million military 2310 NYT19990311.0258 1 more than 17,000 2310 APW20000324.0235 -1 1 million 2310 APW20000606.0079 -1 432 deaths 2310 NYT20000612.0455 -1 1950 2310 XIE19970528.0273 -1 one 2310 NYT19990604.0344 -1 two 2310 NYT19990309.0222 1 more than 17,000 2310 NYT20000705.0117 -1 50,000 2310 APW20000624.0054 -1 death 2310 NYT20000623.0084 1 54 , 000 2311 NYT19990820.0230 1 Charles Lindbergh 2311 NYT19990831.0222 -1 swing 2311 NYT19980615.0080 -1 Lindy 2311 NYT19990831.0222 -1 invented by ``Shorty'' Snowden in 1927 2311 NYT19980713.0204 -1 names like 2311 NYT19990928.0373 -1 showcase bravura dancing 2311 NYT20000808.0312 -1 the strenuous social dance 2311 APW20000121.0321 -1 no_exact_answer 2311 NYT19991022.0152 -1 committed suicide 2311 NYT20000217.0021 -1 go on 2311 NYT20000120.0406 -1 Remick Music 2311 NYT20000120.0406 -1 Jan 2311 NYT19980714.0163 -1 a hint 2311 NYT19990831.0222 -1 1927 2311 NYT19990928.0373 -1 hip-hop 2311 NYT20000921.0282 -1 Lindy Hop 2311 NYT19980615.0080 -1 (who needs a footprint diagram when you have wiggling models doing the lindy hop to louis prima?) 2311 NYT19980713.0204 3 In 1927, Charles Lindbergh flew his plane from New York to Paris, prompting headlines like, ``Lindbergh Hops the Atlantic.'' 2312 XIE19961218.0284 -1 nine 2312 NYT19991120.0123 -1 40 percent 2312 NYT19990101.0150 1 15 2312 XIE19961102.0001 -1 five 2312 NYT19990101.0150 1 15 republics 2312 NYT20000926.0065 1 15 republics 2312 XIE19961220.0064 1 15 republics 2312 XIE19970507.0039 1 15 2312 APW19980817.0876 -1 1991 2312 NYT19990828.0181 -1 one 2312 APW19981202.1130 1 15 2312 NYT19990101.0150 -1 1997 2312 XIE20000610.0003 -1 2,500 2312 XIE20000610.0003 -1 1 1968 2312 NYT19980903.0077 -1 500 2312 NYT19981020.0093 -1 1944 2312 APW19981013.0341 -1 one 2312 APW20000817.0163 -1 2.5 million 2312 XIE19970612.0176 -1 two 2312 XIE19990321.0077 -1 three 2312 XIE19960315.0042 1 15 2312 APW19981229.0360 -1 the two nations 2312 XIE19981002.0056 -1 1991 2313 NYT19981008.0272 -1 Four 2313 NYT19981105.0131 -1 few years 2313 APW20000619.0062 -1 eight hours 2313 NYT19980603.0555 -1 1 2313 XIE19960403.0004 -1 language 2313 NYT19980603.0555 -1 Language 2313 NYT20000203.0201 1 14 pounds 2313 APW19990329.0187 -1 security 2313 NYT19990111.0441 -1 U.S. English 2313 NYT19980723.0347 -1 One 2313 APW19990111.0114 -1 the state's top court 2313 APW19980806.1327 -1 the time 2313 NYT19990412.0232 -1 Los Angeles 2313 NYT19991010.0073 2 14 2313 XIE19980205.0131 -1 8 11 2313 NYT19991231.0025 -1 Radio Free Europe 2313 NYT19991231.0025 -1 At 2313 NYT19980707.0181 -1 equal 2313 NYT19991112.0222 -1 English 2313 NYT19990111.0441 -1 Constitution 2313 APW19980811.0989 -1 A stone 2313 APW19980811.0989 -1 at Moscow 's Luzhniki sports stadium 2313 NYT19980603.0555 -1 Wednesday 2313 XIE19990314.0163 -1 China 's 2315 NYT19980929.0053 -1 40 feet 2315 NYT19980811.0400 -1 NY-LATE-NIGHT-DINING-2 2315 NYT20000620.0106 1 eight 2315 NYT19980614.0198 -1 two 2315 NYT19981030.0232 1 eight 2315 NYT19980610.0508 1 10 2315 APW19980601.1042 -1 NIL 2315 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2315 NYT19981022.0163 -1 3/4 2315 NYT19980614.0198 -1 one 2315 NYT19980929.0053 -1 six feet 2315 NYT19980610.0508 1 10 tentacles 2315 NYT19980614.0198 2 ten arms developed long 2315 NYT19980614.0198 -1 20 - foot 2315 NYT19990405.0455 -1 6544 2315 NYT19980610.0508 3 10 large tentacles 2315 NYT19981030.0232 -1 two 2315 NYT19980614.0198 -1 the two long tentacles 2315 NYT19980610.0508 -1 Wednesday 2316 NYT19991031.0135 2 Vienna 2316 NYT19980724.0208 -1 Palestinians 2316 XIE19960829.0106 2 VIENNA 2316 XIE19970712.0150 -1 Salzburg 2316 XIE19991030.0005 2 Vienna 2316 XIE19960829.0106 -1 Linz 2316 APW19980610.1506 -1 Graz 2316 NYT19980805.0393 -1 Graz 2316 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2316 XIE19960903.0033 -1 Aqaba 2316 XIE19990928.0257 -1 Plovdiv 2316 APW19980902.0973 -1 European Union 2316 NYT20000214.0422 2 Vienna 2316 XIE19960829.0106 2 Austria VIENNA 2316 XIE19961012.0165 -1 Hong Kong 2316 XIE20000723.0147 2 Wednesday, 7/8 - Vienna 2316 XIE19960829.0106 -1 Linz, Austria 2316 APW20000217.0208 -1 Saudi Arabia 2316 XIE19970528.0246 -1 China 2316 NYT19981111.0435 -1 Graz 2316 APW19981224.0354 2 Vienna 2316 XIE19990419.0082 2 Vienna 2316 APW19980716.0250 -1 the largest 2316 APW19980716.0250 -1 Austria _ the largest number 2316 XIE19960806.0065 -1 joint working group 2316 XIE19991030.0005 -1 Turkey 2317 APW19991025.0017 -1 Packers 2317 NYT19990522.0130 -1 Green Bay 2317 NYT20000126.0282 -1 Green Bay Packers 2317 APW19990109.0024 -1 Packers 2317 APW19990211.0167 -1 49ers 2317 APW19990110.0085 1 Falcons 2317 APW19990109.0024 -1 football 2317 NYT19990213.0281 -1 NASCAR 2317 NYT20000126.0282 -1 NFL 2317 APW19990217.0061 -1 NFL 2317 APW19981217.1584 -1 GREEN BAY 2317 APW19990110.0092 1 Atlanta 2317 NYT19981114.0109 -1 Packers 2317 APW19990110.0085 1 Atlanta Falcons 2317 NYT19990401.0048 -1 R S UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND GUARD STEVE FRANCIS 2317 NYT19981003.0211 -1 Indianapolis 2317 NYT20000819.0243 -1 Because of Hasselbeck 2317 APW19990914.0276 -1 this thing 2317 APW19990213.0026 -1 Green Bay Packers 2317 APW19991028.0204 -1 AP 2317 APW19980921.1170 -1 Super Bowl 2317 APW19980921.1170 1 Atlanta 2317 APW19990801.0024 -1 Breleigh Ann 2317 APW19990801.0025 -1 Brett Favre 2317 APW19981217.1584 -1 Coach_Mike_Holmgren 2317 NYT19980925.0019 -1 grin 2318 NYT19990404.0202 -1 Standards 2318 NYT19990404.0202 -1 A 2318 APW19990203.0390 -1 wind 2318 NYT19990419.0262 -1 gamma 2318 NYT19990315.0230 1 Geiger counter 2318 NYT19991001.0251 1 Geiger counters 2318 NYT19990802.0122 -1 The atomic bombs 2318 APW19981104.1381 -1 the government 2318 NYT19980727.0017 -1 X 2318 XIE19970920.0113 -1 global greenhouse gas emissions 2318 APW20000526.0020 -1 an employee performing decontamination work 2318 NYT19990614.0269 -1 Skylab 2318 APW20000216.0286 -1 release 2318 NYT19981007.0399 -1 the House 2318 APW20000216.0286 -1 Quinn 2318 XIE19970729.0170 -1 Nuclear Protection 2318 XIE19981030.0060 -1 such 2318 NYT20000720.0477 -1 the instrument 2318 NYT19981005.0247 -1 Curies 2318 NYT19981005.0247 -1 substances 2318 XIE19971112.0002 -1 Red Cross 2318 APW20000624.0035 1 Geiger counter 2318 APW19980616.1365 -1 conducted detailed and exhaustive radioactivity measurements 2318 XIE19970103.0229 -1 move 2319 NYT19990119.0107 -1 Indians 2319 APW19980817.1156 -1 Air Force 2319 NYT19990924.0072 1 aspirin 2319 NYT19990924.0073 1 aspirin 2319 NYT19981112.0110 -1 fruit 2319 NYT19991207.0064 -1 herbal 2319 NYT19990129.0064 1 aspirin 2319 NYT19991228.0123 1 aspirin 2319 APW19991014.0281 -1 the pains in the back of legs 2319 NYT20000422.0052 -1 other jazzy consumer goods balms 2319 NYT20000811.0230 -1 The 2319 NYT19990205.0214 1 Aspirin 2319 NYT19990206.0142 -1 more than 220,000 flowering plant species 2319 NYT19990503.0298 -1 a healthy forest 2319 NYT19990205.0214 -1 Source 2319 NYT20000106.0088 -1 1977 2319 NYT19981013.0035 -1 three Americans 2319 NYT20000812.0014 -1 It 2319 NYT19990422.0109 -1 House in Dallas 2319 APW19981013.0592 -1 three 2319 NYT19990621.0126 -1 Chinese temple 2319 APW19990904.0015 -1 eggs 2319 NYT19991207.0064 1 aspirin 2319 XIE19960418.0282 -1 Chinese Medicine 2319 APW19990904.0015 -1 American elms 2320 NYT19991213.0193 -1 1972 2320 NYT20000424.0105 -1 1981 2320 XIE19980928.0238 -1 1979 2320 NYT19991213.0193 -1 1939 2320 NYT19991206.0044 2 1927 2320 NYT19980821.0053 2 1927 2320 NYT19981124.0403 1 Sept. 7 , 1927 2320 XIE19961225.0106 -1 1958 2320 NYT19990722.0343 -1 Six years later, 2320 NYT19990423.0210 -1 8 2320 NYT19990524.0148 -1 January 4 , 1993 2320 APW20000812.0043 -1 1930 2320 NYT19980810.0384 -1 1950 2320 XIE20000406.0236 -1 April 6 2320 NYT19990812.0083 -1 today 2320 XIE20000831.0290 -1 Thursday 2320 NYT20000725.0091 -1 1965 2320 NYT19991116.0080 -1 50 30 years 2320 NYT19980918.0024 -1 1956 2320 NYT20000119.0176 -1 the early 1950s 2320 NYT19991119.0083 -1 1999 2320 NYT19991119.0083 -1 1977 2320 NYT20000207.0150 -1 Wed 2320 NYT19990714.0232 2 1927 2320 XIE19990907.0180 -1 1952 2320 XIE19961225.0106 -1 1982 2320 NYT19990731.0227 -1 77-year-old 2320 NYT19980602.0180 -1 1830 2320 APW19990331.0293 -1 any time 2320 NYT19991213.0193 -1 60_years_ago 2320 NYT20000881.0083 -1 1939 2323 NYT19991020.0404 -1 Susan Faludi 2323 NYT19980727.0384 -1 Women 2323 APW19990111.0235 -1 Morgan 2323 APW19990521.0228 -1 Morgan Silver 2323 NYT20000330.0121 -1 Majority Foundation 2323 NYT19980704.0134 -1 majority 2323 APW20000831.0006 -1 Sacagawea 2323 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2323 NYT19990819.0359 -1 Paul Podolosky 2323 APW19990302.0198 -1 Elizabeth 2323 NYT19991217.0184 -1 Germaine Greer 2323 NYT19980715.0402 -1 Frederick Douglass 2323 NYT19990807.0199 -1 Branson 2323 APW19990222.0080 -1 U.S. Silver Eagle 2323 APW19990126.0165 -1 Certified Coin Exchange n 2323 NYT19981215.0367 -1 the modern American women's movement 2323 NYT19981215.0367 -1 Betty Friedan 2323 NYT20000330.0100 -1 Friedan 2323 APW19980616.0057 -1 AP International Desk in New York 2323 APW19980616.0057 -1 AP 2323 NYT19991101.0142 -1 Susan Faludi 2323 APW19990413.0124 -1 Morgan 2323 NYT19990129.0199 -1 Hindi 2323 APW20000201.0194 1 Susan B. Anthony 2323 APW19990331.0007 -1 [S Peace/NNP Silver/NN Dollar/NN [S [NP $104.00/CD ] [VP n/NN ] ] ./. a/DT ./. ] 2325 NYT19990311.0087 -1 2003 2325 APW20000114.0276 1 1967 2325 APW19990622.0223 2 1967 2325 NYT19990203.0515 -1 1980 2325 NYT19990120.0114 1 1967 2325 NYT20000131.0322 -1 1999 2325 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2325 NYT20000131.0433 -1 that state Jan. 24 caucuses 2325 APW19990621.0207 -1 1977 2325 NYT19990128.0044 -1 Jan. 27 , 1998 2325 NYT20000131.0179 -1 Sunday 2325 NYT20000131.0433 -1 Sunday 2325 NYT20000125.0328 -1 2000 2325 NYT20000125.0078 -1 twenty years 2325 NYT20000130.0019 -1 Sunday 2325 NYT20000131.0433 -1 Jan. 24 2325 NYT19990122.0239 -1 Jan. 23 2325 NYT19990127.0359 -1 Sunday 2325 NYT20000128.0398 2 1967 2325 XIE19980507.0133 -1 1998 2325 NYT19990125.0020 -1 01-25 2325 NYT19990201.0468 -1 78px12 2325 NYT20000230.0029 -1 Sunday 2325 NYT20000131.0433 -1 Sunday night 2325 APW19990114.0290 1 1967 2326 NYT19991015.0037 -1 90 feet 2326 NYT19990718.0021 -1 year 2326 APW20000505.0235 -1 10 feet 2326 NYT20000604.0098 1 60 feet 6 inches 2326 NYT20000814.0005 1 60 feet 6 inches 2326 NYT19980728.0103 1 60 - feet - six - inches 2326 NYT20000426.0002 -1 375 feet 2326 NYT19981022.0032 1 60 feet 6 inches 2326 APW19981019.0618 -1 Tuesday night 's Game 3 2326 NYT19980707.0415 -1 the last eight years 2326 NYT19981022.0032 -1 1500 miles away 2326 NYT19990404.0209 -1 60 feet 2326 NYT19980909.0009 -1 two in 2326 NYT19990909.0004 -1 4 record 2326 NYT19990704.0002 -1 his 1 2326 NYT20000501.0023 -1 60 foot 2326 NYT19980904.0060 -1 10 years 2326 NYT20000604.0098 -1 60 feet 2326 APW20000727.0122 -1 60 feet 2326 NYT19980708.0327 -1 472 feet 2326 APW19981019.0618 -1 eight 2326 APW19990210.0323 -1 the plate 2326 NYT19990507.0013 -1 27 games 2328 NYT19981202.0036 -1 Atchison 2328 NYT20000828.0142 -1 America 2328 XIE19970507.0214 -1 Texas 2328 APW19990823.0165 -1 N.J. 2328 NYT19990621.0006 1 Kansas 2328 APW19990412.0137 1 Kansas 2328 NYT19981202.0036 1 Kan. 2328 APW19990927.0213 -1 a stop in Wyoming 2328 APW20000110.0226 -1 a trip 2328 NYT19981118.0014 -1 Ohio 2328 NYT19981018.0132 2 Kansas 2328 NYT19991110.0122 -1 Oklahoma 2328 APW19990823.0165 -1 United States 2328 NYT19990619.0013 3 KANSAS CITY 2328 NYT19981214.0258 -1 the celebrated aviator 2328 APW19990413.0193 1 Kansas 2328 APW19990823.0165 -1 Buenos Aires 2328 NYT19991206.0195 -1 Washington 2328 XIE19990406.0254 -1 Australia 2328 NYT19981204.0042 -1 Washington 2328 XIE19970320.0208 -1 California 2328 NYT19990619.0013 1 Kan. 2328 NYT19991110.0122 -1 His 2329 NYT20000710.0100 -1 two 2329 NYT19991025.0080 -1 third 2329 NYT19990527.0293 -1 four 2329 NYT19991012.0073 -1 1.5 2329 NYT19990712.0220 -1 600 2329 XIE19990301.0128 -1 600 2329 NYT19990322.0106 1 696 2329 NYT19990712.0220 -1 more than 600 2329 NYT19991012.0073 -1 750-1,000 Ohms 2329 NYT19980812.0149 -1 2.2 2329 NYT19981024.0065 -1 21 2329 NYT19991001.0161 -1 One 2329 NYT20000914.0142 -1 one 2329 NYT19990927.0213 -1 One 2329 APW19981214.1396 -1 least two years 2329 NYT19991012.0073 -1 750 2329 NYT20000807.0223 -1 one muscle 2329 NYT20000807.0223 -1 one 2329 NYT19981105.0066 -1 4 2329 NYT19981105.0066 -1 72 2329 NYT19980821.0268 -1 three 2329 NYT19991228.0326 -1 600 2329 APW19990211.0001 -1 three 2329 NYT19990922.0460 -1 143,000 2329 NYT19980914.0148 -1 two 2329 NYT19990707.0203 -1 98 2329 APW19981214.1190 -1 are immature cells within the muscle tissue 2329 APW19990401.0172 -1 one 2329 NYT20000818.0211 -1 2000 2329 NYT20000214.0307 -1 200 2330 NYT20000804.0163 1 Hudson 2330 NYT19980721.0375 -1 NY-BRIDGE-PHOTOGRAPHER 2330 NYT19980711.0131 -1 East River 2330 APW20000702.0039 1 Hudson River 2330 APW19990103.0128 1 Hudson River 2330 NYT20000203.0423 1 the Hudson 2330 NYT20000203.0416 1 the Hudson 2330 NYT19991209.0006 1 Hudson River 2330 APW20000704.0085 1 Hudson River 2330 NYT20000203.0416 -1 The Coast Guard icebreaker Penobscot 2330 NYT20000203.0416 1 the Hudson River 2330 NYT19990814.0184 1 Hudson River 2330 APW20000614.0204 -1 City 2330 APW20000702.0039 1 Hudson 2330 XIE19960412.0159 -1 Yangtze 2330 NYT19990219.0371 2 Hudson River 2330 NYT19990505.0393 -1 a successful East Coast road trip 2330 NYT19991230.0092 -1 John Herbert 2330 NYT19990306.0168 -1 Ohio 2330 NYT20000203.0416 1 Hudson River 2330 NYT19980608.0455 -1 Brooklyn 2330 NYT19980711.0131 -1 Roosevelt Island 2330 APW20000424.0119 -1 The GW 2330 NYT19980711.0131 -1 Harlem River 2330 XIE19990325.0349 -1 Ayeyawaddy River 2330 XIE19961210.0190 -1 Yangtze 2330 APW20000424.0119 1 Hudson 2330 NYT20000112.0017 2 Hudson River 2330 NYT19980608.0455 -1 Connecticut 2330 NYT19990306.0168 -1 Just 2331 NYT20000215.0068 1 Katharine Hepburn 2331 APW19990304.0007 -1 Academy 2331 NYT19990312.0347 -1 Holly Hunter 2331 XIE19990210.0227 -1 Gwyneth Paltrow 2331 NYT19990118.0179 -1 Academy Awards 2331 NYT20000215.0117 1 Katharine Hepburn 2331 APW20000327.0027 -1 Father Henry Fonda 2331 APW20000327.0027 -1 -- Jane Fonda 2331 NYT20000510.0405 -1 Woody Allen 2331 NYT19990120.0066 -1 - 2331 NYT19990503.0414 -1 one 2331 APW19990209.0088 -1 Meryl Streep 2331 XIE19990210.0282 -1 Elizabeth 2331 APW19990209.0377 -1 Academy Award nominees 2331 NYT19990209.0266 -1 a foreign-language film nominee 2331 APW20000215.0178 -1 Jones 2331 NYT19990817.0173 -1 Dorothy Dandridge 2331 NYT19990312.0366 -1 Picked 2331 NYT19990312.0366 -1 Daniel Day 2331 APW19990209.0088 -1 he 2331 NYT19990209.0299 -1 Shakespeare 2331 NYT19990312.0347 -1 Jane Campion 2331 NYT19990217.0487 -1 Rodney Ackland 2331 XIE19990210.0282 -1 Gwyneth Paltrow 2331 APW20000325.0080 1 Katharine Hepburn 2331 APW20000215.0092 -1 The year 's 2331 NYT20000216.0020 -1 John_Irving 's 2331 NYT19990318.0218 -1 races 2333 APW20000524.0038 -1 39 2333 NYT19981116.0173 -1 six-year 2333 XIE20000107.0206 -1 2 2333 NYT20000624.0162 -1 2 2333 NYT19990805.0028 -1 51,251 2333 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2333 APW20000627.0148 -1 six warships 2333 APW20000628.0228 -1 three 2333 APW20000826.0063 -1 five years old 2333 NYT19990507.0029 -1 16 years 2333 APW20000813.0103 -1 About 1,000 2333 NYT19990827.0082 -1 21 year 2333 NYT19991217.0156 -1 five 2333 NYT19990528.0261 -1 1942 2333 APW19991018.0197 -1 1942 2333 NYT19991019.0425 -1 72.2 percent 2333 NYT19991217.0156 -1 first 2333 NYT19981202.0382 2 17 2333 APW20000314.0033 -1 two U.S. Navy ships 2333 APW20000323.0197 -1 I 2333 APW19980909.1161 -1 ship 2334 NYT19991120.0177 1 Manhattan Island 2334 NYT19980723.0209 -1 1626 2334 NYT19991120.0177 1 Manhattan 2334 APW19990503.0121 2 Manhattan 2334 NYT19980723.0209 1 Manhattan 2334 APW19981114.0902 -1 NIL 2334 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2334 NYT19990930.0124 -1 Pieter Minuit 2334 NYT19980814.0071 -1 BC-STREETSMARTS-SF CHRON-STREET SMARTS 2334 NYT20000710.0401 -1 The government post office 2334 NYT19980723.0241 -1 Indian 2334 XIE19990211.0254 -1 Norwegian products 2334 NYT19980723.0241 1 Manhattan 2334 NYT19991120.0177 -1 Indians 2334 NYT19980625.0173 -1 dogs 2334 NYT19980623.0418 -1 her about $2,000 2334 APW20000104.0007 -1 the outage 2334 NYT19991120.0177 -1 proudly 2335 NYT19990422.0244 -1 James Taylor 2335 APW19980710.1204 -1 Singer 2335 NYT19991217.0112 3 car accident in 1981 2335 APW19980710.1204 -1 car in 1981 2335 NYT19991217.0112 1 car accident 2335 APW19980710.1204 3 killed in car crash 2335 NYT19980728.0008 -1 could 2335 NYT20000911.0411 -1 shooting 2335 NYT20000703.0167 -1 the books 2335 NYT19991217.0112 -1 Story 2335 NYT19991217.0112 1 in a car accident 2335 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2335 NYT19991217.0112 3 accident 2335 NYT19981205.0133 -1 it 2335 NYT19991217.0112 -1 Doobie Brothers 2335 NYT19991217.0112 -1 harry chapin, story of a life, elektra/rhino. 2335 NYT19990413.0115 -1 The first 2335 APW20000511.0235 -1 operations director for the airport 2335 APW19990428.0179 -1 Harris 2335 NYT19991217.0112 -1 songs 2335 APW19980710.1204 1 car crash 2336 NYT19991115.0097 -1 two 2336 NYT19990817.0058 -1 1200 words 2336 NYT19990304.0102 1 three 2336 NYT19991021.0267 1 seven 2336 NYT19981214.0245 -1 2 2336 NYT19990621.0225 2 three 2336 NYT19990702.0049 -1 four or five 2336 APW19980608.1501 -1 NIL 2336 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2336 NYT19990303.0166 1 three 2336 NYT19980611.0036 -1 one 2336 NYT20000216.0188 2 three 2336 NYT19991130.0065 -1 two 2336 NYT19980624.0244 -1 10 micrometers 2336 NYT19980711.0024 -1 NDTAKE-HNS 2336 NYT19990119.0163 -1 1 2336 NYT19990303.0170 1 three layers 2336 XIE20000327.0048 -1 23 2336 NYT19990119.0163 -1 24 2336 NYT19991021.0267 1 seven layers 2336 NYT19991130.0066 -1 two 2336 XIE19990830.0273 -1 2 2336 NYT19990816.0252 -1 one 2336 NYT19990614.0216 2 three 2336 NYT19990303.0170 1 three 2336 NYT19990304.0098 1 3 2336 NYT19980619.0179 -1 15 micrometres 2336 NYT19991130.0070 -1 two cell types 2336 APW19980601.0035 -1 06 2337 NYT19990901.0364 -1 Mormons 2337 NYT20000629.0041 -1 born 2337 NYT19990718.0066 -1 born 2337 APW19990626.0010 1 killed by a mob 2337 APW19990626.0010 3 killed 2337 NYT19991125.0077 -1 As the religious scholars point out are things 2337 APW19990513.0113 -1 murder 2337 NYT19991125.0077 -1 a 14-year-old boy 2337 APW19981014.0410 -1 53 5 F 2337 APW20000712.0243 -1 lung cancer 2337 NYT20000630.0389 1 executed by a mob 2337 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2337 NYT19990203.0266 -1 Wednesday 2337 APW19990519.0267 -1 murder 2337 NYT20000510.0054 -1 Salem 2337 NYT19990518.0400 -1 after lucerne medical center, where she is a patient, refused to disconnect her life support, ms. smith sued to compel them to let her die. 2337 NYT19981111.0062 -1 winning back 2337 NYT19991125.0077 -1 things 2337 APW19990404.0029 1 assassinated 2338 NYT19981005.0095 -1 1912 2338 NYT19981020.0167 -1 1952 2338 NYT19990217.0075 -1 1912 2338 NYT19981130.0362 1 1910 2338 NYT19990217.0075 -1 April 14, 1912 2338 NYT19990407.0236 -1 April 14-15, 1912 2338 NYT19990217.0075 -1 May 31 , 1911 2338 NYT19990217.0075 -1 May 31, 1911 2338 APW19981218.1116 -1 April 14 1912 2338 APW20000801.0059 -1 1987 2338 NYT19980702.0441 -1 July 2 , 1998 2338 NYT19990126.0245 -1 1912 2338 XIE19990507.0085 -1 1998 2338 APW20000825.0209 -1 Friday 2338 NYT19981130.0379 -1 1911 2338 APW19990413.0140 -1 April 14 1912 11 2338 APW19990512.0249 -1 1943 2338 NYT20000901.0138 -1 1972 2338 NYT19980806.0261 -1 12 2338 NYT19990217.0075 -1 April 14 2338 NYT19981130.0379 -1 today 2338 NYT19990520.0274 -1 1881 2338 APW19990506.0264 -1 August 1998 2338 NYT20000129.0273 -1 last_week 2339 NYT20000201.0327 -1 Carruth 2339 NYT19990603.0335 -1 Miguel Sanchez 2339 APW19990222.0095 1 stroke 2339 NYT20000223.0152 -1 1848 2339 APW19990222.0095 -1 1848 2339 NYT19990327.0182 -1 always seemed feel sort of inferior John Quincy Adams 2339 NYT19990327.0182 -1 Adams 2339 APW19990510.0047 -1 the only father-son presidents 2339 NYT20000422.0203 -1 four-year study 2339 NYT19990327.0182 -1 alcoholism 2339 NYT19990327.0182 -1 at his desk in the U.S. house 2339 APW19990106.0151 -1 Tuesday 2339 APW19990301.0127 1 stroke 2339 APW19990222.0095 1 a stroke 2339 APW19990420.0151 -1 AP 2339 APW19990106.0151 -1 adams was the great great great grandson of john adams, the great great grandson of john quincy adams and the son of charles francis adams, who served as secretary of the navy. 2339 APW19990106.0151 -1 Adams 2339 NYT20000405.0232 -1 n't 2339 APW19990301.0115 1 stroke 2340 NYT19990916.0145 -1 Teddy Wilson 2340 NYT19990923.0256 1 piano 2340 NYT19981110.0085 -1 Oscar Peterson 2340 NYT19980827.0338 1 piano 2340 NYT19990804.0283 1 piano 2340 NYT19980827.0338 -1 alto saxophone 2340 NYT19980827.0338 3 jazz piano at its most demanding 2340 NYT19980827.0338 -1 Harlem 2340 NYT19990624.0197 2 piano 2340 NYT19990915.0300 -1 the music division 2340 NYT19990916.0241 3 the most death-defying piano 2340 NYT19990518.0139 -1 Mix 2340 APW19990901.0230 -1 Ellington 2340 NYT20000830.0184 -1 Museum, 2340 NYT19980707.0045 -1 Miles Davis 2340 NYT19981015.0129 -1 Don Pullen 2340 NYT20000321.0386 -1 This 2340 NYT19981110.0085 1 piano 2340 NYT19980921.0315 -1 Lincoln Center 2340 NYT19990518.0139 -1 baseball 2340 NYT19980827.0338 1 jazz piano 2340 APW19990505.0221 -1 that 2340 APW19990630.0093 -1 n't 2341 NYT19980611.0203 -1 1759 2341 NYT19980605.0398 -1 1960 2341 NYT20000209.0378 -1 1999 2341 NYT19980919.0114 -1 1875 2341 XIE19960912.0003 -1 today 2341 APW19980913.0219 -1 1874 2341 NYT20000519.0131 -1 1970 2341 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2341 XIE19991013.0228 -1 Wednesday 2341 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2341 NYT19980922.0312 -1 1982 2341 NYT19981029.0378 -1 1874 2341 APW19980606.0808 -1 1800 2341 NYT19980922.0312 -1 the late 1970s 2341 XIE20000818.0075 -1 Monday 2341 APW19981224.0831 -1 1945 2341 APW19981118.1371 1 Nov. 24, 1867 2341 NYT19981029.0378 -1 1876 1873 2341 NYT19981231.0109 -1 1928 2341 NYT20000822.0250 -1 1985 2341 NYT20000308.0378 -1 a day 2341 APW20000320.0016 -1 1873 2341 APW19980908.0051 -1 Tuesday 2341 NYT19990612.0225 -1 1986 2341 APW19981224.0831 -1 harvest crops 2341 NYT20000427.0293 -1 Thursday 2342 NYT19990906.0304 2 1947 2342 NYT19991010.0185 -1 1986 2342 APW19991026.0040 -1 1998 2342 APW19991015.0064 -1 1948 2342 NYT20000817.0239 -1 1950 2342 NYT19991227.0366 1 1947 2342 XIE19961106.0086 -1 1997 2342 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2342 NYT19991019.0317 -1 The Sugarbush race televised on Fox Feb. 21 2342 NYT19991020.0458 -1 their 1996 World defeat 2342 NYT19991019.0317 -1 1914 2342 NYT19990308.0144 2 1947 2342 NYT19981020.0215 -1 8:10 p.m. EDT 2342 NYT19980913.0125 -1 Tuesday 2342 NYT20000926.0462 -1 last five years 2342 APW20000626.0089 -1 1994 2342 NYT19990220.0323 -1 1986 2342 NYT19980923.0414 -1 1998 2342 NYT20000812.0139 2 Sept 30 1947 2342 NYT19991027.0017 -1 1996 2342 NYT19990720.0301 -1 1996 2342 NYT19991028.0032 -1 Wednesday 2342 NYT20000612.0049 2 1947 2342 NYT19981017.0132 -1 1996 2342 NYT19991023.0129 -1 1996 2342 NYT19990107.0100 -1 Last year 2342 NYT19981014.0027 -1 Saturday and Sunday nights 2342 APW19980627.0904 -1 2 - 3 2342 APW20000626.0089 -1 the 1994 2342 APW19991026.0040 -1 last year 's 2342 APW19991026.0040 -1 Last_year 's 2343 NYT19990611.0058 -1 four 2343 NYT19980714.0001 -1 $ 10 million 2343 NYT20000511.0240 -1 11 million people 2343 NYT19991226.0172 -1 six 2343 APW19990212.0176 -1 16 People 2343 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2343 XIE19991210.0097 -1 2005 2343 NYT19980819.0364 -1 one 2343 XIE19990129.0166 -1 19 2343 NYT19990310.0218 -1 10 places 2343 APW19980817.1132 -1 the 12 million 2343 NYT20000901.0190 -1 3 million 2343 NYT20000901.0190 -1 11 million year percent 2343 APW19980817.0919 -1 1998 57 million Orlando Paris 2343 NYT19991107.0087 -1 10 2343 NYT19990310.0218 -1 2000 2343 NYT19981014.0184 -1 5 2343 NYT19991115.0367 -1 12 million 2343 NYT19991115.0367 -1 17.5 million 2343 NYT19991126.0229 -1 2 2343 APW19990128.0046 -1 most 2343 APW19991015.0193 -1 at Disneyland 2344 NYT19980723.0136 2 Berlin 2344 NYT20000913.0160 -1 Games 2344 NYT20000913.0160 1 Berlin 2344 XIE19960416.0307 1 Berlin 2344 APW19990221.0021 1 Berlin 2344 APW19990310.0141 -1 Lake Placid 2344 NYT19990409.0169 -1 Lake Placid 2344 XIE19970111.0207 -1 Lake Placid 2344 XIE19960817.0071 -1 Athens 2344 NYT20000829.0314 1 Berlin 2344 XIE19960124.0199 -1 South Korea 2344 XIE19961217.0050 -1 Johannesburg 2344 XIE19961020.0005 -1 Cape Town 2344 XIE19960416.0307 -1 Atlanta 2344 APW19980729.0634 1 Berlin 2344 XIE19960416.0307 -1 the modern summer games 2344 XIE19990401.0287 -1 Olympics World Summer Games 2344 NYT20000829.0314 -1 Munich 2344 APW19991014.0160 -1 Atlanta 2344 NYT20000720.0467 -1 Nagano, Japan 2344 XIE19960109.0067 -1 Lausanne 2344 XIE19960124.0199 -1 SEOUL 2344 APW19981214.0066 -1 Sydney 2344 NYT19980917.0065 -1 Montreal 2344 NYT19990123.0275 1 Berlin 2344 APW19980729.0634 -1 Nazi_Germany 2344 NYT19990722.0344 1 Berlin 2347 NYT20000928.0445 1 Greece 2347 NYT19980818.0480 -1 Zeus 2347 APW19980727.0344 1 Greece 2347 NYT19990622.0203 -1 Utah 2347 APW19980727.0429 1 Greece 2347 XIE20000527.0137 1 Greece 2347 APW19980727.0429 -1 ATHENS 2347 APW19980803.0213 1 Greece 2347 NYT19990910.0106 -1 a northern California park 2347 NYT20000517.0121 -1 God 2347 NYT20000515.0428 -1 Phoenix 2347 XIE19970521.0070 1 Greece 2347 APW19980727.0429 1 northern Greece 2347 APW19980724.0640 1 northern Greece 2347 APW19980803.0419 3 raged Greece blaze 900 meter 2347 APW19980727.0782 -1 the legendary home of the ancient gods 2347 NYT19990726.0440 -1 Massachusetts 2347 NYT20000515.0428 -1 Portland 2347 APW19980727.0344 -1 Mount_Olympus 2347 APW19990603.0064 -1 Giza 2347 APW19980803.0213 1 northern Greece 2350 APW20000604.0007 -1 0 2350 NYT20000810.0091 -1 2,100 2350 NYT19990320.0184 -1 100 2350 APW19980902.1356 1 5-ton 2350 APW19990920.0173 -1 5 2350 APW19980902.1356 -1 5 in 2350 NYT19990705.0126 1 30 feet 2350 APW19981105.1544 1 20 feet (6 meters 2350 APW19990707.0146 1 11,000 pounds 2350 NYT20000705.0232 -1 the two-and-a-half 2350 NYT19990104.0215 -1 killer whale 2350 APW19980705.0732 -1 an Oregon aquarium 2 1/2 years 2350 NYT19990710.0150 1 22-foot 2350 APW19990518.0045 -1 more than 70 year 2350 APW20000521.0056 -1 25 to 30 2350 NYT19990517.0427 -1 Asian 2350 NYT20000809.0394 -1 Japanese Fisheries Ministry 2350 XIE19960822.0113 -1 500 kilometers 2350 NYT19980910.0054 1 20-foot 2350 NYT19990624.0160 -1 5 feet 2350 APW19981123.0373 -1 8.3-meter 2350 NYT19990519.0011 -1 one last look 2350 APW19980909.1016 -1 1900 2351 NYT19990319.0150 1 10 years 2351 NYT19980621.0040 -1 eight days 2351 NYT19980903.0222 -1 Chapter 7 2351 NYT19990312.0461 1 seven to 10 years 2351 NYT19981222.0336 1 seven years 2351 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2351 NYT19990405.0178 -1 1997 2351 NYT19980909.0318 -1 other unsecured consumer debt 2351 NYT19980621.0041 -1 one year 2351 NYT20000108.0232 -1 1998 2351 APW19990621.0007 -1 Grassley 2351 NYT19981219.0351 -1 Debt 2351 NYT19981222.0336 1 10 years 2351 NYT19991110.0212 2 10 years 2351 NYT19991010.0184 -1 three months 2351 NYT19990319.0150 3 a bankruptcy ill remain on your credit report for a period of seven to 10 years. 2351 APW19990303.0239 -1 credit 2351 APW19990415.0199 -1 bipartisan legislation 2351 NYT19981219.0351 -1 collection 2352 NYT20000525.0125 1 Benjamin Wright 2352 APW20000117.0005 -1 Century 2352 APW20000807.0081 -1 Sandi Abadinsky 2352 NYT20000525.0125 -1 F. Daniel Larkin 2352 NYT19980910.0249 -1 railroads 2352 APW20000116.0046 -1 President Thomas Jefferson 2352 APW20000829.0206 -1 Hudson 2352 APW19990307.0075 -1 chief 2352 NYT19980910.0505 -1 locks 2352 NYT20000525.0125 -1 State 2352 NYT19980910.0249 -1 Lawrence Seaway and the New York State Thruway 2352 APW20000319.0042 -1 New York state quarter 2352 APW20000807.0081 -1 Cuomo 2352 NYT19990811.0177 -1 Andrew Cuomo 2352 APW20000116.0046 -1 Thruway 2352 NYT19980602.0221 -1 Noah 2352 NYT19991221.0064 -1 Giant new steam shovels 2352 XIE19970412.0086 -1 Ford 2352 APW20000113.0020 -1 Andre 2352 APW20000829.0206 2 Benjamin Wright 2352 APW20000907.0028 -1 the western frontier 2352 APW20000907.0028 -1 an important commercial trade_route 2353 NYT19980821.0373 -1 Jihad 2353 APW19980828.0531 -1 Hamas 2353 NYT19981021.0416 -1 veracity 2353 APW20000123.0044 -1 alliance 2353 APW19981105.0771 -1 al Qaeda 2353 NYT19990803.0062 1 construction 2353 NYT19980826.0204 -1 Hearst 2353 APW19980830.0952 1 contracting 2353 APW19980823.1129 -1 security 2353 APW19980820.0682 -1 Africa 2353 NYT19981104.0648 -1 Afghanistan 2353 NYT19990109.0095 -1 family 2353 NYT19980824.0347 -1 ASSOCIATES SAY BIN LADEN FAMILY SPURNED TERROR SUSPECT SAN ANTONIO _ Terror 2353 NYT19990803.0068 3 the elite construction business 2353 NYT19980824.0347 -1 Niece 2353 NYT19990510.0423 -1 what gun 2353 APW19981105.0771 -1 anything 2353 NYT19980824.0347 -1 President 2353 APW19980922.0127 -1 the former personal secretary 2353 XIE20000413.0155 -1 Afghanistan 2353 NYT19980826.0374 -1 a worldwide terrorist network supposedly run by a Saudi living in Afghanistan 2353 APW19980830.0952 1 contracting magnate 2353 APW19990103.0026 -1 those who risked their lives to earn the pleasure of God 2353 APW19990103.0026 -1 their lives 2353 NYT19980821.0360 -1 plant 2354 APW19990803.0072 -1 Bergen-Belsen. 2354 APW19990116.0059 -1 Bergen-Belsen 2354 APW19980831.1005 1 typhus 2354 APW19981112.0913 -1 concentration camp Bergen 2354 APW19981103.0870 -1 concentration camp Bergen 2354 APW19981209.1247 1 typhus 2354 APW19981209.0933 1 typhus 2354 APW19981002.1104 -1 Executive director Gillian Walnes said Mrs. Frank died peacefully in her sleep overnight Thursday 2354 APW19980909.0216 -1 will 2354 NYT19981029.0267 -1 Ku Klux Klansmen 2354 APW19981002.1104 -1 his daughter's best-selling wartime diary 2354 NYT19980909.0488 -1 the Auschwitz death camp 2354 NYT19980922.0110 -1 depressions 2354 NYT20000309.0061 1 typhus 2354 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2354 NYT19990123.0004 -1 Thursday 2354 NYT19980928.0388 1 typhus 2354 APW20000411.0092 -1 poisoning 2354 APW19981002.1104 -1 AP 2354 APW19980825.0744 -1 the war documentation center, which wants the pages back so they can be included in the next edition of anne's diary, contends that otto frank never intended to make a gift of them to suijk. 2354 NYT19980909.0338 -1 weeks 2354 APW19980825.0744 -1 He 2354 APW19980826.0815 -1 Anne 2354 APW19981103.0870 1 typhus 2354 APW19981002.1104 -1 Elfriede Frank father 2355 NYT19980714.0277 -1 1994 2355 NYT20000827.0045 -1 41 2355 NYT19980610.0241 -1 April 12 , 1945 2355 APW20000411.0247 3 Franklin Delano 2355 NYT20000112.0054 3 Franklin 2355 APW20000411.0247 1 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 2355 APW20000411.0247 1 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt 2355 NYT20000719.0426 -1 1942 2355 NYT19990428.0244 3 Roosevelt 2355 NYT19991102.0314 -1 bradley 2355 NYT19991220.0064 -1 Jimmy Carter 2355 XIE20000205.0007 -1 Major World Cities HKSAR Chief Executive Delivers Lunar New Year Message Chinese Greeting Spring Festival China Greeting Last Year 2355 NYT20000928.0422 -1 Roosevelt Institute 2355 NYT19990428.0244 -1 Clinton 2355 NYT19990119.0023 -1 Woodrow Wilson 2355 NYT19990909.0219 -1 19th century 2355 NYT20000827.0029 -1 Atlanta Journal 2355 NYT20000827.0029 -1 Roosevelt Warm 2355 APW19990105.0220 -1 President Clinton 2355 NYT20000827.0045 3 Roosevelt 2355 NYT19990302.0277 -1 Georgia 2355 APW20000710.0021 -1 The desk 2356 NYT20000807.0116 -1 Charlie Parker 2356 NYT19991104.0269 -1 Hines 2356 NYT19990415.0251 1 cornet 2356 NYT19990701.0127 1 cornet 2356 NYT20000612.0010 2 cornet 2356 APW20000823.0044 1 trumpet 2356 NYT19990830.0439 1 trumpet 2356 NYT20000905.0144 -1 games for the purpose of using baseball as a conduit for better contact 2356 NYT19980729.0453 -1 Bill Clinton 2356 NYT20000505.0042 -1 Jazz 2356 NYT20000814.0283 1 trumpet 2356 NYT19990701.0127 3 the world's greatest trumpet player _ cutting records 2356 NYT19990720.0391 -1 Kitty Hawk 2356 NYT19990802.0360 -1 SUB-ARMSTRONG-TAPES-3 2356 NYT20000927.0317 -1 Ellington 2356 APW19990511.0165 -1 16 pieces 2356 APW20000823.0044 -1 Modern 2356 NYT20000807.0116 -1 Bud Powell 2356 NYT20000112.0361 -1 Nature 2356 NYT19980716.0130 1 trumpet 2356 NYT19990701.0127 1 trumpet 2356 NYT19990802.0239 -1 ARMSTRONG 2356 NYT19990802.0239 -1 In His Own Words 2356 APW19990120.0356 -1 It 2356 APW19990120.0356 -1 Armstrong 2356 NYT19990219.0198 -1 instrument makers 2356 APW19990830.0041 -1 years 2357 APW19981120.0140 1 Tokyo 2357 APW19990221.0065 1 Tokyo 2357 APW19981117.0725 1 Tokyo 2357 XIE19980925.0224 1 Tokyo 2357 NYT20000316.0433 1 Tokyo 2357 APW19980823.1094 1 Tokyo's 2357 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2357 NYT20000623.0262 1 Tokyo 2357 APW19981117.0725 3 Tokyo's swank Ginza shopping district late Tuesday night 2357 NYT20000112.0244 -1 Roswell 2357 APW20000327.0090 -1 Imperial Palace 2357 APW19980823.1094 -1 Japan 2357 NYT19991116.0065 -1 California 2357 NYT20000305.0184 -1 a state takeover 2357 APW19980823.1094 1 Tokyo 2357 NYT19991018.0496 1 Tokyo 2357 NYT19991022.0034 -1 Kansas City district 2357 APW19981027.1346 1 Tokyo 2358 NYT20000621.0277 -1 Banquo 2358 APW19990509.0038 -1 King 2358 NYT20000621.0277 -1 Guy Moore 2358 NYT19990216.0117 -1 Lady Macbeth 2358 NYT19990523.0082 -1 Lady Macbeth 2358 NYT19990216.0117 -1 Shakespeare 2358 APW20000619.0124 -1 Lady Macbeth 2358 NYT20000615.0278 -1 Diane Venora 2358 NYT19980817.0188 1 Macbeth 2358 NYT20000621.0277 -1 Sher 2358 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2358 NYT20000617.0046 -1 King 2358 NYT20000403.0040 -1 Shakespeare 2358 NYT19980702.0214 -1 Ross 2358 NYT19990822.0103 -1 Bath Shakespeare Festival 2358 NYT19980702.0214 -1 Jeffrey Frace 2358 NYT20000615.0278 -1 Kelsey Grammer 2358 APW20000619.0124 -1 Banquo 2358 NYT19990419.0385 -1 Paramilitary groups associated 2358 NYT20000621.0277 -1 Bob Hoskins 2358 NYT20000621.0277 -1 Stephen Noonan 2358 NYT19990615.0332 -1 Duncan 2358 APW19990226.0073 -1 King 2358 APW20000615.0161 -1 Kelsey Grammer 2358 NYT19990216.0117 1 Macbeth 2358 APW20000615.0161 -1 [S [NP Two/CD exceptions/NNS ] :/: [VP Peter/NNP ] Michael/NNP Goetz/NNP ,/, [SBAR as/IN [S [NP the/DT kindly/RB ] [VP [ADVP yet/RB ] doomed/VBN [NP Duncan/NNP ,/, and/CC Peter/NNP Gerety/NNP ] ] ] ,/, ] [PP as/IN [NP [NP [NP the/DT bawdy/JJ ] Porter/NNP ] ,/, [SBAR [WHNP who/WP ] [S [VP provides/VBZ [NP [NP [NP the/DT play/VB 's/POS ] brief/JJ moment/NN ] [PP of/IN [NP comic/JJ relief/NN ] ] ] ] ] ./. ] ] ] ] 2358 NYT20000415.0179 -1 Duncan 's 2359 NYT20000102.0048 -1 Russia 2359 APW19990611.0296 -1 inside a wooden horse 2359 NYT20000603.0096 -1 U.S. 2359 APW20000825.0125 2 Greece 2359 NYT19981022.0132 -1 guileless 2359 NYT19981118.0017 -1 spell 2359 NYT19991108.0432 -1 spell 2359 NYT20000323.0121 2 Greece 2359 APW19990614.0088 -1 Bulgaria 2359 APW19990614.0088 1 Greek 2359 APW19990611.0296 -1 the city of Troy 2359 NYT19990603.0546 -1 New York 2359 NYT19990506.0317 -1 China 2359 NYT19980622.0499 -1 Wooden 2359 NYT19981008.0320 -1 Los Angeles 2359 NYT19980910.0390 -1 _ Weekly motor sports column 2359 APW19990614.0088 -1 the city 2359 APW19990611.0152 1 Greek 2359 APW19980803.0306 -1 Rwandan 2359 APW19990611.0296 -1 to launch a surprise attack on the city of Troy 2359 NYT19981130.0542 -1 El Paso 2359 NYT20000720.0194 -1 China 2359 APW19980621.0862 -1 Israel 2359 NYT19990409.0370 -1 awaiting an attack from the capitalist running dogs 2359 APW19990506.0049 -1 pathogens act 2360 NYT20000907.0271 -1 Roma 2360 APW19990925.0205 -1 Kennedy 2360 XIE19960807.0147 -1 vietnam 2360 NYT19981026.0230 -1 Pope 2360 APW19981109.0322 -1 John Paul II 2360 XIE20000728.0051 -1 Special 2360 NYT19981029.0120 -1 Edition 2360 NYT19990408.0106 1 china 2360 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2360 APW19981010.0932 -1 rights 2360 NYT19990130.0305 -1 $ 625,000 2360 NYT19990130.0305 -1 $ 10,000 2360 NYT19980820.0329 -1 Homers 2360 NYT19981015.0081 -1 Edition 2360 APW19981014.0438 -1 Pope John Paul II 2360 APW19981109.0322 -1 several celebrations 2360 XIE19980511.0271 -1 Third Plenary Session 2360 NYT19981028.0276 -1 cash 2360 NYT20000907.0271 -1 CBS in October 2360 APW19990925.0205 -1 May 2360 APW19990925.0205 -1 the 20th anniversary 2360 NYT20000907.0271 -1 idea 2360 XIE19980116.0108 -1 50 2360 XIE19990828.0077 -1 People's Republic 2360 XIE19960807.0147 -1 elephant 2360 APW19990518.0261 -1 Alex 2360 NYT19980723.0280 -1 Clay 2361 NYT20000107.0254 -1 Sox 2361 NYT19990403.0203 -1 Padres 2361 APW19990122.0179 -1 Beaver Stadium 2361 NYT20000604.0115 -1 Fox Sports 2361 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2361 APW19990525.0257 -1 football 2361 NYT20000603.0206 -1 ESPN 2361 NYT19990313.0163 -1 baseball 2361 NYT19991207.0099 -1 MLB and ESPN officials 2361 APW19990525.0257 -1 baseball 2361 NYT20000107.0002 -1 Adelphia Coliseum 2361 APW19991003.0042 -1 Cincinnati Reds 2361 NYT20000924.0047 -1 League 2361 NYT19990130.0267 -1 well 2361 XIE19981021.0274 -1 Giants Stadium 2361 APW20000609.0203 -1 Yankee Stadium 2361 APW19981123.1198 -1 thousands 2361 NYT20000401.0273 -1 MLB 2361 NYT19990504.0420 -1 baseball 2361 APW19990524.0209 -1 The Browns 2361 APW19990525.0257 -1 MLB 2361 NYT19990330.0344 -1 exploits 2362 NYT19990730.0122 -1 30 miles 2362 NYT19980828.0007 -1 200 2362 APW19990828.0124 -1 one-mile 2362 APW19980925.1361 -1 a few miles 2362 APW19980925.1361 1 14,110 2362 NYT19990720.0351 1 14,110 - foot 2362 NYT19981010.0080 -1 4,000 miles 2362 NYT19990227.0196 -1 12,000 feet 2362 NYT19980701.0020 -1 the recovery period for such injuries eight weeks 2362 NYT19981010.0080 -1 200,000 on a cog railroad 2362 NYT19980709.0468 -1 1997 2362 APW19980925.1363 1 14,110 feet 2362 APW19980925.1361 -1 6,710 feet 2362 APW19980925.1363 1 4,300 meters 2362 NYT19990119.0189 -1 71-year 2362 APW19980925.1363 -1 6,684 feet 2362 NYT19990115.0382 -1 5,280 foot 2362 NYT20000812.0121 -1 Missouri Mountain 2362 NYT19990616.0124 -1 21 peaks 2362 APW19980925.1363 -1 19-mile 2362 APW19980925.1361 1 14,110-foot 2362 NYT19990917.0055 -1 second 2362 NYT20000812.0121 -1 Torreys Grays Quandry Blanca , Crestone Needle Pyramid , Pikes Peak and Mounts Bierstadt Harvard Shavano Democrat Bross Sneffels Columbia Yale Massive and Missouri Mountain 2362 NYT19981010.0080 2 14,110-foot 2362 NYT19980709.0468 -1 Pikes Peak 2362 APW19980925.1361 1 14 , 110-foot 2364 NYT19991027.0146 1 134 degrees F. 2364 APW20000317.0102 1 123 degrees 2364 NYT20000725.0195 1 134 degrees 2364 NYT19980720.0342 -1 120 2364 NYT19980724.0181 -1 134 2364 APW19980911.1403 -1 NIL 2364 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2364 NYT19991027.0144 1 134 degrees F 2364 APW19990129.0014 -1 Winn Dixie Regular Franks 12 oz 2364 NYT19980724.0181 -1 1913 2364 NYT19990727.0396 -1 100 degrees 2364 NYT20000911.0186 -1 one of the first ethicists 2364 NYT20000615.0136 1 134 degrees Fahrenheit 2364 NYT19981217.0221 -1 At least two dozen times 2364 APW20000317.0102 -1 Calif. 2364 APW19980911.1403 -1 Death Valley 2364 APW20000906.0175 -1 one 2364 NYT19980724.0181 -1 127 2364 NYT19980720.0342 1 125 degrees 2364 NYT19980720.0342 -1 Monday 2364 NYT20000110.0218 -1 two Colorado gold nuggets 2364 APW19990309.0270 1 129 degrees 2365 APW20000525.0144 -1 California 2365 NYT19990331.0007 -1 Money 2365 APW20000217.0033 -1 between 1.5 million and 5 million gallons 2365 APW19981125.1368 -1 Salton Sea 2365 NYT19990511.0108 1 Gulf of Mexico 2365 APW19991015.0308 -1 The six other Western states 2365 NYT19981019.0495 -1 Bruckner 's Creek 2365 APW19991016.0203 -1 Colorado River 2365 NYT19990106.0216 -1 Arkansas River 2365 NYT19981004.0088 -1 empties 2365 NYT19990921.0327 -1 Lake 2365 NYT20000605.0262 -1 central Arizona 2365 APW20000216.0227 -1 Conservationists from Roxbury and Washington 2365 NYT19981021.0481 -1 the last city 2365 NYT20000818.0075 -1 Rio Grande 2365 NYT19981021.0481 1 Gulf of Mexico 2365 NYT20000319.0115 -1 Denver 2365 XIE19980909.0146 -1 Yellow Sea 2365 NYT19980721.0401 -1 Canyon Forest Village 2365 APW20000619.0023 -1 Fort Yuma Reservation 2365 NYT19990709.0362 -1 body 2365 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Lake 2365 NYT19990626.0219 -1 Lake 2365 APW19991018.0077 -1 California 2365 NYT20000605.0262 1 Gulf of Mexico 2365 NYT19990626.0219 -1 Valley 2365 NYT20000610.0006 -1 Yuma 2365 NYT20000605.0262 1 Gulf of California 2365 APW20000217.0033 -1 Conservationists from Roxbury 2365 NYT19981022.0454 -1 water Thursday night 2367 NYT19990312.0263 1 555-foot 2367 APW19990728.0345 1 555-foot 2367 APW19980910.0930 -1 160 yards 2367 APW19990518.0053 3 555 feet 2367 NYT19990514.0141 1 555 - foot 2367 NYT19990302.0184 -1 37 miles 2367 NYT19990302.0184 -1 1888 2367 APW20000731.0075 1 555 feet 2367 APW20000216.0082 -1 several thousand years 2367 NYT20000306.0097 -1 the new GBT _ weighing 16 million pounds 2367 NYT19990514.0141 1 555-foot 2367 APW20000601.0059 -1 200,000 acres 2367 NYT20000101.0003 1 555-foot-high 2367 NYT19990302.0106 -1 12 2367 APW19990819.0184 -1 an inch 2367 APW20000601.0059 -1 51 miles 2367 NYT20000801.0002 1 555-foot 2367 NYT19990302.0184 1 555-foot 2367 APW20000720.0170 -1 7.4-acre 2367 NYT19991223.0147 1 555 - foot 2367 NYT19990302.0184 1 555-foot-tall 2367 APW19980624.1276 -1 years 2367 APW19980624.1276 -1 in Bridgeport 2367 APW20000921.0156 -1 15 feet 2368 NYT19981104.0649 -1 McCaughey Ross 2368 APW19980925.1402 -1 King Classic 2368 NYT19980616.0409 -1 Sarah 2368 APW19990910.0247 -1 Betsy Drake 2368 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2368 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2368 APW20000910.0100 -1 Betsy Drake 2368 NYT19990804.0145 -1 arlene 2368 APW19980813.0496 -1 the great players 2368 NYT20000421.0378 -1 the top players 2368 APW19990919.0047 -1 Sophia Loren 2368 NYT19990817.0092 -1 Nixon 2368 APW19980812.1320 -1 It 2368 APW19980815.0462 -1 King 2368 APW20000219.0004 -1 King 2368 APW19980925.1402 -1 Rachel Heatherington 2368 NYT19990817.0092 -1 Arlene 2368 APW19980924.1292 -1 Beth Daniel 2370 NYT19980908.0214 -1 1997 2370 NYT19990915.0199 -1 1921 2370 NYT19990930.0267 -1 1992 2370 NYT19990915.0199 -1 1936 2370 NYT20000919.0043 1 1853 2370 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2370 XIE19960104.0135 -1 the US last year 2370 XIE19990915.0143 -1 1900 2370 APW19980603.0275 -1 Wednesday 2370 XIE19960104.0135 -1 last year 2370 NYT19990421.0181 -1 2001 2370 APW19981127.0791 -1 22 Oct 1997 03 25 25 2370 NYT19980826.0129 -1 this weekend 2370 APW20000314.0141 -1 1997 2370 XIE20000419.0137 -1 Today 2370 NYT19990309.0082 -1 1895 2370 NYT19990416.0274 -1 1995 2370 APW19980602.0085 -1 Tuesday 2370 NYT19991216.0174 -1 1996 2370 APW19990920.0153 -1 the first time 2370 XIE19960104.0135 -1 last_year 2371 NYT19990812.0127 1 Carpenter bees 2371 NYT19991119.0114 -1 insect 2371 NYT19990701.0162 -1 critters 2371 NYT20000601.0158 -1 Baker 2371 NYT19990921.0035 -1 report 2371 NYT19991118.0132 1 carpenter 2371 NYT19990701.0162 1 carpenter bee 2371 NYT20000607.0098 -1 black 2371 NYT19990604.0124 -1 Newton A. No 2371 NYT19980724.0474 -1 12 2371 NYT20000908.0159 -1 Drill 2371 APW19981213.0131 -1 the left-side bunker 2371 NYT19990812.0127 -1 their eggs 2371 NYT20000825.0077 -1 holes in siding 2371 NYT20000721.0213 -1 Woods 2371 NYT19991118.0132 -1 Your 2371 NYT19990812.0127 -1 Trouble 2371 NYT20000608.0094 -1 it 2371 NYT20000825.0077 -1 pilot holes 2371 NYT20000530.0334 -1 Urquhart 2371 NYT19980928.0140 -1 per day 2371 NYT19991118.0132 1 carpenter bee 2371 APW20000228.0038 -1 Woods 2374 XIE19990813.0253 -1 Buddha 2374 NYT19980604.0447 -1 Statue of Liberty 2374 XIE19990702.0199 -1 Guinness Book of Records 2374 XIE19990627.0131 -1 Buddha 2374 APW19981103.0350 -1 Buddha 2374 XIE19960107.0318 -1 unique 2374 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2374 XIE19980831.0142 -1 Liberty in United States 2374 APW19980913.0499 -1 Buddha 2374 XIE20000528.0002 -1 3000 square meters 2374 XIE19990813.0253 -1 the world's tallest bronze Buddha, an 88-meter tall statue 2374 XIE20000619.0238 -1 Huanghai Road 2374 NYT19980719.0190 -1 Statue of Liberty 2374 APW19981104.0211 -1 s Buddha 2374 XIE19990627.0131 -1 Heritage 2374 XIE19990627.0033 -1 China Repairs 2374 XIE19990702.0199 -1 Chengde 2374 APW19981104.0211 -1 Buddha statue 2374 APW20000801.0085 -1 Buddha 2374 XIE19990702.0199 -1 Xinhua 2374 XIE19990702.0199 3 A wooden, gold painted Buddhist figure 2374 XIE19990702.0199 -1 Buddhist statue 2374 APW19980713.0052 -1 Buddha standing 2375 NYT19981203.0049 1 July 4 , 1826 2375 NYT20000427.0082 1 Wednesday 4 July 1826 2375 NYT19990515.0290 -1 50 years 2375 APW20000216.0256 -1 this date 2375 NYT20000427.0082 1 July 4, 1826 2375 NYT19981203.0049 1 July 4, 1826 2375 APW20000703.0154 -1 January 2375 APW20000701.0175 -1 April 25 2375 NYT20000427.0082 3 July 4 2375 NYT19980715.0498 -1 Publication 2375 NYT19981116.0198 -1 : 2375 NYT20000507.0120 -1 1998 2375 APW20000309.0226 -1 1785 2375 XIE19981101.0136 -1 Saturday 2375 NYT19980803.0008 -1 July 20 2375 NYT19990515.0290 -1 July 1826 50th 2375 NYT19990515.0290 2 July 4, 1826, the 2375 NYT19981203.0049 3 July 4 2375 NYT19980903.0182 -1 he 2375 NYT20000426.0191 1 July 4, 1826 2375 NYT19981031.0129 -1 1997 2375 APW20000701.0175 -1 April 25, 1855 2375 NYT20000701.0212 -1 1855 2375 APW20000322.0236 -1 January 2375 NYT19990503.0357 -1 last_year 2375 NYT20000427.0082 1 July 4 , 1826 2376 NYT19981205.0094 -1 black 2376 NYT20000715.0013 -1 shirt 2376 NYT19990610.0204 -1 black belt 2376 NYT19990316.0340 -1 Southeast Asia 2376 NYT20000210.0117 -1 degree black 2376 NYT19981205.0075 -1 degree black 2376 NYT19990610.0204 1 white 2376 APW20000723.0027 -1 ninth-degree black 2376 NYT19991015.0097 -1 seat 2376 NYT19981116.0231 -1 Minnesota 2376 NYT19980819.0217 -1 catalog 2376 APW19980904.0836 -1 martial arts 2376 NYT19990610.0204 -1 basic black 2376 NYT19990108.0242 -1 degree 2376 NYT19990908.0101 -1 body blows 2376 NYT19981116.0230 -1 Minnesota 2376 NYT20000908.0234 -1 kwon 2376 NYT19990831.0087 -1 fan belt 2376 APW20000429.0039 -1 Beaver County 2376 NYT20000522.0114 -1 Feld 2376 APW20000722.0047 -1 chops 2376 NYT20000726.0144 -1 Road 2376 APW19980717.0139 -1 training 2377 APW19990214.0023 -1 Malaysia 2377 XIE19990604.0204 -1 Pakistan 2377 XIE19980303.0225 -1 China 2377 XIE19980412.0080 1 Thailand 2377 XIE19980910.0237 -1 Malaysia 2377 XIE19990105.0278 1 Thailand 2377 APW19980612.1456 -1 Malaysia 2377 XIE19960720.0135 1 Thailand 2377 APW19980806.0070 1 Thailand 2377 XIE19990304.0200 -1 Malaysia 2377 XIE20000701.0163 -1 Indonesia 2377 XIE19960713.0170 -1 the world's second largest rubber producer 2377 APW19980806.0349 -1 Malaysia 2377 XIE19990304.0200 -1 Malaysia exports oil tin 2377 XIE19961206.0219 -1 North America 2377 APW19990214.0023 -1 rubber 2377 XIE20000713.0223 -1 Malaysia next_month 2378 NYT20000519.0092 -1 Wailers 2378 NYT19990531.0122 -1 Reggae 2378 APW19990604.0073 1 cancer 2378 APW19990604.0011 1 cancer 2378 NYT19990531.0122 1 melanoma 2378 APW19981010.0796 1 cancer 2378 APW20000205.0155 -1 will 2378 APW19990604.0011 -1 shot 2378 NYT19991217.0145 -1 1981 2378 NYT19991217.0145 1 cancer 2378 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2378 NYT19981212.0143 -1 accident 2378 APW19990709.0220 -1 pneumonia 2378 APW20000205.0155 1 cancer 2378 APW20000205.0155 -1 AP 2378 APW20000205.0155 -1 kingston, jamaica (ap) in trench town, it's as if bob marley never died. 2378 NYT19980820.0255 -1 Ranglin awarded the Jamaican Order of Distinction in 1973 2378 APW20000205.0101 -1 age 36 2378 APW19981010.0698 -1 in Jamaica 2378 APW19981010.0813 -1 Marley 2378 APW20000205.0101 1 cancer 2379 NYT19980916.0404 -1 Awareness Week 2379 NYT20000318.0081 -1 fire ants 2379 NYT19980916.0404 -1 pests 2379 NYT19980916.0404 -1 Ant 2379 NYT19980806.0364 1 Solenopsis invicta 2379 NYT20000904.0128 -1 Atta texana 2379 NYT19991023.0169 -1 Formica 2379 NYT20000731.0248 -1 Argentine ants 2379 APW19990508.0130 -1 Razov 2379 NYT19990601.0199 -1 Armadillos 2379 NYT19990922.0357 -1 fire ant 2379 XIE19960522.0161 -1 fire-like red brown hair 2379 APW19981003.0851 -1 space-alien faces 2379 NYT19980901.0087 -1 critter 2379 NYT19980916.0404 -1 Imported Fire 2379 NYT19990818.0047 -1 water sprayed top leg 2379 XIE19990127.0130 -1 1996 2379 NYT19980901.0087 -1 I 2379 NYT19980901.0087 -1 These 2379 APW19990309.0199 -1 they 2379 NYT20000731.0248 -1 fire ants 2379 NYT20000731.0248 -1 United States 2379 XIE19960921.0162 -1 People 2379 NYT19990617.0088 -1 optimistic 2380 NYT19981220.0151 -1 Paris 2380 APW19981204.0631 -1 Netherlands 2380 XIE19970328.0233 -1 the French National Assembly 2380 XIE19961022.0065 -1 Middle East 2380 XIE19960801.0237 2 Elysee palace 2380 XIE20000611.0223 1 Elysee palace 2380 XIE19960705.0203 1 Elysee Palace 2380 NYT19990930.0228 1 Elysee Palace 2380 APW19980714.0845 -1 Tuesday 2380 APW19980603.1833 -1 Czechoslovakia 2380 APW19990617.0153 -1 Paris 2380 APW19990208.0122 -1 Palace 2380 XIE19980714.0029 -1 Jacques Chirac 2380 XIE20000824.0266 -1 United States 2380 XIE19970505.0040 -1 PARIS 2380 NYT19990205.0276 -1 Camp David 2380 XIE19981219.0128 -1 Paris 2380 NYT19980723.0400 -1 vice president 2380 XIE19960301.0155 -1 Jacques Chirac 2380 XIE19960301.0155 -1 Chancellor of Germany 2380 XIE19970105.0018 -1 Bangui 2380 APW20000610.0128 -1 4 2380 XIE19970331.0112 -1 Paris 2380 XIE19970915.0209 -1 Xinhua 2380 NYT19990205.0276 -1 camp david 2380 XIE19980406.0210 -1 Paris 2380 APW19981224.0202 -1 France 2380 NYT19981124.0452 -1 D.N.C. issue ads 2381 NYT19991219.0171 -1 Guildenstern 2381 NYT19990210.0007 -1 Laertes 2381 NYT19990210.0007 -1 Ophelia 2381 NYT19990120.0174 -1 Zeffirelli 2381 NYT20000601.0198 -1 Ophelia 2381 NYT19991219.0171 -1 Ophelia 2381 NYT19981006.0357 1 friend 2381 NYT20000509.0112 3 beloved friend 2381 NYT19990210.0007 -1 sweet prince 2381 NYT19981006.0357 -1 Fortinbras 2381 NYT19991025.0181 -1 Fortinbras 2381 APW20000111.0307 2 friendship 2381 NYT19991025.0181 -1 Gertrude and Laertes 2381 NYT19990722.0225 -1 the Horatio Alger-Norman Rockwell school 2381 NYT19980713.0166 -1 an intrinsic part of racing 2381 NYT19981006.0357 -1 Ghost 2381 NYT19990210.0007 -1 For Laertes 2381 NYT20000509.0112 -1 a witness 2381 NYT19990210.0007 -1 Claudius 2381 NYT19980911.0385 -1 for example, ms. lewinsky initiated the relationship in the fall of 1995, she said, during the shutdown of the federal government with what she called intense flirting. 2382 NYT19990310.0136 -1 God 2382 APW19990623.0078 -1 House of Representatives 2382 NYT19990618.0057 -1 Whose Ten Commandments 2382 NYT20000207.0250 -1 God 2382 NYT19990617.0384 -1 God 2382 APW19990617.0204 1 Exodus 2382 NYT20000830.0203 -1 biblical and extrabiblical 2382 NYT20000207.0250 -1 The text of the Ten Commandments 2382 NYT19990219.0283 -1 Bible 2382 NYT19981117.0257 -1 monument 2382 APW19990623.0078 -1 the horrific school shootings 2382 NYT19990619.0208 -1 the House 2382 APW19990920.0032 -1 of Independence 2382 APW19990623.0078 -1 House 2382 NYT19990618.0057 -1 a vote of 287 - 139 of a wide - ranging bill 2382 NYT19990916.0265 -1 Christian 2382 NYT20000728.0361 -1 the passage 2382 NYT20000925.0367 -1 God 2382 APW20000404.0165 -1 God 2382 NYT19991021.0373 -1 CONGRESS 2382 APW19990414.0045 -1 de-conflicted the airspace 2382 APW19990623.0078 -1 The silliest move 2382 NYT19980926.0046 -1 Bible 2382 APW20000210.0079 -1 the Ten_Commandments 2382 XIE19991005.0166 -1 Palestinians wishing 2382 APW19990811.0273 -1 years 2383 NYT19980619.0304 -1 Deadheads 2383 NYT20000602.0141 -1 by thinking about her devoted father 2383 APW20000628.0073 -1 Five years ago 2383 NYT19980605.0323 -1 Grateful Dead guitarist 2383 APW20000628.0073 -1 Grateful Dead guitarist 2383 APW19990512.0182 1 heart attack 2383 NYT19990113.0082 1 drug abuse 2383 APW20000628.0073 -1 NIL 2383 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2383 NYT19990816.0182 -1 drug 2383 APW19990518.0247 -1 no_exact_answer 2383 NYT19981124.0262 -1 assassinated 2383 NYT19990714.0505 -1 we want to do if we do it 2383 NYT19980621.0005 -1 it 2383 NYT19990610.0138 -1 Garcia 2383 NYT19990816.0171 -1 book garcia (undated) _ the newest posthumous glimpse of jerry garcia is a responsible biography, written by blair jackson, a journalist. 2383 NYT19990727.0040 -1 you want to do if you wait until you die 2383 NYT19980701.0425 -1 [S [NP [NP Jesse/NNP Castaneda/NNP ] ,/, [NP [NP a/DT Laredo/NNP bail/VB bondsman/NN ] [SBAR [WHNP whose/WP$ office/NN and/CC home/NN ] [S [VP were/VBD [VP searched/VBD [PP by/IN [NP federal/JJ agents/NNS ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ,/, ] [VP said/VBD [SBAR [S [NP he/PRP ] [VP believed/VBD Garcia/NNP was/VBD scared/VBN [SBAR [S [NP he/PRP ] [VP would/MD [VP die/VB [PP in/IN [NP prison/NN ] ] ] ] [SBAR if/IN [S [NP he/PRP ] [VP didn't/VBD [VP accept/VB [NP the/DT plea/NN bargain/NN ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ./. ] 2384 XIE19991105.0242 -1 7,682,300 2384 XIE19970408.0132 -1 18,289,000 2384 XIE19981002.0166 1 306,400 2384 XIE19981002.0166 -1 7,682,300 2384 XIE20000317.0287 -1 300 000 2384 XIE19981002.0166 -1 million 2384 XIE19980401.0260 -1 1,220 mynas 2384 XIE19980401.0260 -1 1990 2384 NYT19990324.0071 -1 210 million 2384 APW20000126.0321 -1 50,000 2384 XIE19981002.0166 -1 1996 2384 XIE19960722.0212 -1 18.5 million 2384 XIE19990518.0189 -1 Australia's rural road network 2384 XIE20000419.0267 -1 Australian Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Herron 2384 NYT19981110.0219 -1 1998 2384 XIE19991105.0242 1 306,400 1996 2384 XIE19991105.0242 -1 19 million people 2384 XIE19990204.0190 -1 26 million people 2384 XIE19991105.0242 -1 1996 2384 XIE19960722.0212 -1 2051 2384 NYT19990324.0068 -1 210 million 2384 XIE19960722.0212 -1 462,000 2384 XIE19980401.0260 -1 the aggressive 2386 APW19991030.0095 -1 Detroit 2386 NYT19990518.0370 -1 gangrene and 2386 NYT19990809.0175 -1 resulting 2386 APW19991030.0095 1 ruptured appendix 2386 APW19991030.0095 3 In 1926 magician Harry Houdini died in Detroit suffering complications of a appendix 2386 NYT19990405.0380 -1 will 2386 NYT19991012.0219 -1 executed 2386 NYT19981204.0305 -1 our most famous magician 2386 APW19990406.0069 -1 A 25-year-old magician 2386 APW19990503.0008 -1 I 'm going to die 2386 APW19990406.0069 -1 1926 2386 APW19990412.0103 -1 1926 2386 APW20000707.0118 -1 AP 2386 NYT19990318.0286 -1 the famous magician harry houdini testified before a packed house in 1926 to promote a bill against fortune telling. 2386 NYT19981203.0339 -1 The rest of the movie 2386 APW20000707.0118 -1 there 2386 APW20000707.0118 -1 Harry Potter 2386 NYT19990405.0380 -1 stunt 2386 APW19990906.0012 -1 generation forebear 2387 NYT19991026.0206 1 England 2387 NYT19980926.0212 -1 America 2387 APW19990130.0073 -1 United States 2387 XIE19960126.0113 -1 India 2387 APW19981106.0536 1 England 2387 XIE19981202.0016 -1 the parliament building 2387 XIE19980203.0175 -1 Xinhua 2387 NYT19991026.0206 -1 America 2387 XIE19980803.0032 -1 Zimbabwe 2387 NYT20000607.0214 -1 man 2387 NYT19981013.0199 -1 United States 2387 NYT20000811.0088 -1 symbolism 2388 NYT19991122.0497 -1 Taylor 2388 NYT19990701.0349 -1 Joe DiMaggio 2388 NYT19991122.0497 -1 The Misfits 2388 NYT19991112.0313 -1 Doyle 2388 NYT19990901.0169 -1 Doyle 2388 NYT20000928.0057 -1 Conan 2388 APW20000405.0100 1 After the Fall 2388 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2388 APW20000525.0015 -1 the block 2388 NYT19990101.0001 -1 NIL 2388 APW20000525.0015 -1 Judaism 2388 APW19981212.0615 -1 New York Yankees 2388 NYT20000729.0012 -1 Guiles' best-selling books 2388 NYT19981119.0153 -1 following Leaming's lead 2388 NYT19991215.0107 -1 Pulitzer 2388 NYT19990308.0513 -1 Joe DiMaggio 2388 NYT19991010.0207 -1 1955 2388 NYT20000323.0446 -1 Joe DiMaggio 2388 APW19990302.0013 -1 today 2388 NYT19981203.0067 -1 Misfits 2388 NYT19980603.0124 -1 The Misfits 2388 NYT19981217.0203 -1 Marilyn 2388 NYT19981120.0140 -1 Kazan 2388 NYT19990309.0423 -1 he resisted all blandishments to emote about his failed marriage to Marilyn Monroe 2388 APW20000405.0100 -1 two-act play 2388 APW19991029.0035 -1 Other high bids 2390 NYT19980602.0046 -1 Cuernavaca 2390 NYT19980602.0210 -1 News 2390 NYT19990127.0534 -1 Mission Community Hospital 2390 NYT19980908.0206 -1 Civilian Conservation Corps 2390 NYT19980814.0484 -1 Albuquerque 2390 APW19980712.0717 -1 Albuquerque 2390 NYT19990611.0212 1 Olmecs 2390 APW19990226.0075 1 Olmec 2390 NYT19991025.0202 -1 blood 2390 NYT19990226.0363 -1 A New Mexico man 2390 NYT19990925.0312 -1 THE 2390 NYT19990116.0148 -1 City 2390 NYT19981022.0542 -1 morning 2390 APW20000120.0243 -1 100 million years ago 2390 NYT19981008.0289 -1 an African-American family _ two daughters 2390 XIE20000517.0265 -1 Ming Dynasty 2390 NYT19990903.0103 -1 Makah 2390 XIE19960630.0130 -1 The tribesmen 2390 NYT19990611.0212 -1 B.C. 2390 NYT19990324.0213 -1 Stonehenge 2390 NYT19990226.0363 -1 New Mexico tribes 2390 APW20000120.0243 -1 The pieces of cervical vertebrae 2391 NYT20000607.0199 1 Franklin D. Roosevelt 2391 APW19990119.0278 3 Roosevelt 2391 NYT19990203.0127 1 Franklin Roosevelt 2391 APW19990119.0278 3 President Roosevelt 2391 APW20000504.0173 -1 Bush 2391 NYT19990315.0056 -1 Clinton 2391 NYT19990203.0127 1 President Franklin Roosevelt 2391 XIE19961118.0008 -1 Professor Martin 2391 XIE19990707.0044 -1 Ghanaian Vice-President John Evans Atta Mills 2391 XIE19971126.0123 -1 President 2391 NYT20000620.0395 -1 Bush 2391 NYT19990921.0415 -1 President Clinton 2391 APW19990127.0105 -1 President Clinton 2391 APW20000504.0173 -1 election-year politics 2391 NYT19981209.0381 -1 Clinton 2391 APW19990217.0291 -1 Medicare 2391 XIE19980612.0088 -1 lawmakers 2391 NYT19990326.0336 -1 Social Security taxes 2391 APW20000619.0151 -1 Bush 2391 NYT20000119.0255 -1 Bush 2391 NYT19990921.0415 -1 Clinton 2391 APW19991028.0179 -1 Overhauling Social Security 2391 NYT19981216.0093 -1 the women 2391 XIE20000529.0173 -1 remarks last_Friday 2391 NYT19990503.0423 -1 system 2392 APW20000520.0126 -1 1881 2392 NYT19981031.0152 -1 1881 2392 NYT20000603.0135 -1 1983 2392 APW19981023.1385 1 1863 2392 XIE20000508.0158 -1 May 8 1863 [137 years ago] 2392 NYT19981031.0155 1 1864 2392 XIE20000824.0189 -1 1975 2392 NYT19981104.0310 1 1864 2392 XIE19991014.0160 -1 October 14 2392 XIE19990826.0006 -1 Wednesday 2392 APW19981126.0124 -1 Thursday 2392 NYT19981031.0152 1 1864 2392 NYT20000414.0320 -1 1980 2392 XIE19991015.0079 -1 October 14 2392 NYT19991106.0124 -1 last week 2392 NYT19981104.0310 -1 1881 2392 APW20000520.0126 -1 1924 2392 XIE20000508.0158 -1 end_of_last_year 2392 APW19981023.1385 1 1863-10-29 2393 APW20000304.0117 -1 Alabama 2393 NYT20000104.0368 -1 Cemetery 2393 APW19990424.0103 -1 face 2393 NYT19981031.0129 -1 white 2393 NYT20000208.0262 1 red 2393 NYT00000000.0000 -1 nnnnnnnnn 2393 APW20000126.0188 -1 test 2393 APW19990423.0136 -1 Dave Thomas 2393 NYT19980903.0182 -1 Monticello 2393 NYT19981002.0216 -1 beards 2393 NYT20000224.0114 -1 white 2393 NYT19981104.0277 -1 its new Jefferson/Hemings members 2393 NYT20000104.0368 -1 a Civil War veteran 2393 APW19990424.0103 -1 Denver 2393 APW19990423.0080 -1 Denver 2393 NYT20000211.0164 -1 Sally 2393 NYT19990428.0214 -1 green 2393 NYT19990428.0214 1 red 2393 NYT19981105.0454 -1 Jordan, a tall, white-haired, distinguished-looking Southerner 2393 NYT19981031.0129 -1 Monticello 2393 NYT20000104.0368 -1 DNA 2393 NYT19980710.0047 -1 [S [PP Instead/RB ] [S ,/, [PP of/IN course/NN ] ,/, [S [PP in/IN [NP order/NN [S [VP to/TO [VP stay/VB ] ] ] ] ] [S [VP [S looking/VBG [ADJP young/JJ [PP for/IN [NP their/PRP$ middle-aged/JJ mates/NNS and/CC dates/NNS ] ] ] ] ,/, ] [S [NP they/PRP ] [VP [ADVP all/DT ] started/VBD [VP dyeing/NN [NP their/PRP$ hair/NN ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ./. ]