1394 NYT19990821.0176 -1 America 1394 NYT19980813.0364 -1 simpler version than the game 1394 NYT19980612.0125 -1 South Africa 1394 XIE19970811.0134 -1 dictatorial diction dictionary dictum 1394 APW19990609.0141 -1 dictatorial diction dictionary dictum 1394 NYT19990610.0266 -1 United States 1394 APW19990415.0003 -1 Japan 1394 XIE19960405.0213 -1 Greece 1394 APW19981126.0450 -1 Asian Games 1394 NYT20000128.0307 -1 Campaign 1394 NYT19980813.0364 -1 United States 1394 XIE19960510.0103 -1 Athletics 1394 NYT19990623.0053 -1 St. Helena 1394 NYT19980813.0462 -1 CHINA 1394 NYT19980812.0066 1 French 1394 APW19990223.0015 -1 England 1394 NYT19991109.0194 -1 California 1394 NYT19990719.0119 -1 Vermont 1394 NYT19980813.0457 -1 China 1394 NYT19980813.0462 -1 China 1394 XIE19971017.0069 -1 India 1394 NYT19990821.0176 -1 United States 1394 NYT19980813.0364 -1 CHINA 1394 NYT19990821.0176 -1 North Carolina 1394 NYT20000131.0084 -1 NIL 1394 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1394 NYT19980813.0364 -1 China 1394 NYT19980813.0462 -1 China Aug. 1394 NYT19980609.0449 -1 Israel 1394 NYT19990110.0106 -1 Chocolate Boulder 1395 APW20000711.0077 3 Kidman 1395 NYT19991220.0294 -1 Julia Roberts 1395 NYT19991101.0416 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 APW19990712.0006 3 actress Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19991101.0416 3 actress Nicole Kidman 1395 APW19990712.0006 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 APW19990423.0019 2 Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman 1395 APW19990712.0006 3 Kidman Sues Newspaper LOS ANGELES 1395 NYT19990719.0343 3 Ms. Kidman 1395 APW19990615.0107 -1 box_office bonanza like 1395 APW19990612.0066 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19990706.0080 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19990326.0303 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19990719.0343 -1 Bill Harford 1395 NYT19990727.0184 2 Nicole Kidman 1395 APW20000711.0077 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 APW19981029.0541 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19980625.0034 -1 actor 1395 NYT19980930.0079 2 Kidman 1395 APW19990502.0054 -1 Pfeiffer 1395 APW19990502.0054 -1 the mother 1395 NYT20000309.0106 -1 Married actors 1395 NYT19990628.0254 2 Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19990706.0083 1 Nicole Kidman 1395 NYT19990622.0131 -1 Capri 1395 NYT19980721.0095 -1 American 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 overlooking Naples and the volcano 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 Naples and the volcano 1396 NYT19991231.0068 -1 Athens 1396 NYT20000912.0360 1 Mount Vesuvius 1396 XIE19961004.0048 3 Vesuve volcano 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 However , both sides 1396 APW19981203.1593 -1 slope 1396 XIE19961004.0048 3 Vesuve 1396 XIE20000618.0055 -1 Turkey 1396 NYT20000410.0140 -1 sister 1396 XIE19970118.0092 -1 Indonesia 1396 NYT20000403.0163 -1 Roman Empire 1396 NYT20000405.0216 1 Vesuvius 1396 NYT19980607.0105 1 Vesuvius 1396 XIE19980711.0203 -1 Yogyakarta 1396 NYT20000405.0216 -1 Europe 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 Roman 1396 NYT19980607.0105 -1 ITALY 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 Chirac 1396 NYT19980607.0105 -1 Naples 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 Pompeii 1396 XIE19961004.0048 -1 NIL 1396 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1396 NYT19981201.0229 1 Mount Vesuvius 1396 NYT20000412.0051 -1 Herculaneum 1396 NYT20000403.0163 -1 Herculaneum 1397 XIE19970828.0278 -1 Bulls 1397 XIE20000120.0293 -1 NBA 1397 NYT19990620.0171 -1 Giants Stadium 1397 APW20000210.0026 -1 18,203 1397 NYT19990113.0529 -1 I 1397 APW19980830.0571 -1 off 1397 APW20000210.0026 -1 Wednesday 1397 APW19990113.0312 -1 Jordan 1397 APW20000921.0034 -1 sellout 1397 NYT19990113.0529 -1 milkman 1397 APW19990924.0077 -1 Restaurant 1397 APW19990619.0057 -1 Chicago Bulls 1397 APW19990619.0057 -1 Spurs 1397 NYT19990221.0079 1 62,046 1397 NYT20000118.0273 -1 $ 33 million 1397 NYT19980722.0187 -1 Fidelity 1397 NYT19990111.0108 -1 National Basketball Association 1397 APW20000503.0115 -1 Mickey Mouse 1397 APW19990111.0165 1 62,046 1397 APW20000210.0026 -1 game 1397 APW19990112.0351 -1 1999-01-12 1397 APW19990111.0165 -1 NBA 1397 APW19990112.0257 -1 `` Jordan says , ` You 're going to play me one - on - one , then this is what you 're going to get , ' '' said Ehlo , who was guarding Jordan when he made `` The Shot '' that knocked Cleveland out of the playoffs in 1989 . 1397 APW19990111.0165 -1 Dome 1397 APW20000210.0026 -1 Rodmania 1397 APW19990112.0316 -1 Charles_Barkley , Patrick Ewing and Reggie_Miller 1397 APW19990112.0279 -1 the Indiana_Pacers coach and an old Jordan nemesis 1397 NYT19980615.0016 -1 Bird played one game 1397 APW19990524.0004 -1 Sting 1397 NYT19990112.0383 -1 NBA 1397 APW19990609.0194 -1 the United States 1397 APW19990109.0035 -1 retire 1397 NYT19990113.0029 -1 seattl it imposs suspect jordan pitch 1397 APW19990113.0208 -1 hill anferne hardawai kobe bryant 1397 NYT19990309.0073 -1 Larry 1398 NYT19981129.0133 1 1867 1398 APW20000202.0021 -1 80 1398 NYT19980915.0275 1 1867 1398 NYT19990413.0404 -1 this year 1398 NYT19990728.0017 -1 1992 1398 NYT20000905.0106 -1 1992 1398 APW20000807.0053 1 1867 1398 APW19990329.0045 1 1867 1398 APW20000202.0021 -1 1933. 1398 APW19990402.0011 -1 1955 1398 APW19990528.0150 -1 1997 1398 APW20000426.0314 -1 1998 1398 APW20000812.0059 1 1867 1398 NYT20000824.0333 1 1867 1398 APW20000207.0288 -1 March 1398 NYT19990305.0371 -1 March 24, 1989 1398 XIE19980812.0013 -1 May 1398 NYT20000201.0035 -1 1976 1398 APW20000106.0282 -1 1997 1398 APW19980709.1208 -1 1997 1398 APW20000426.0314 -1 Wednesday 1398 APW19980907.1163 -1 1954 1398 NYT20000201.0466 -1 1999 1398 NYT19980915.0275 1 by 1867 1398 NYT20000824.0333 -1 1959 1399 NYT20000828.0152 -1 writes 1399 XIE19990512.0183 -1 Cape Town 1399 NYT20000112.0055 -1 approximately every 365 1/4 days 1399 APW19980724.1281 2 Brigadoon 1399 NYT19990802.0181 2 Brigadoon 1399 NYT20000529.0147 2 Brigadoon 1399 XIE20000921.0050 -1 Lockerbie 1399 APW19981009.0172 -1 tower house 1399 NYT19990610.0463 -1 Cobb 1399 NYT20000124.0279 -1 January 1399 NYT20000228.0126 -1 Oct. 15 1399 NYT19990403.0187 -1 Tartan 1399 NYT19990505.0287 -1 Scotland 1399 APW19981012.0621 -1 Norway 1399 NYT19990303.0460 -1 cashmere 1399 NYT20000524.0260 -1 Ruskin 1399 NYT19990505.0144 -1 Wan Kenobi 1399 XIE19990512.0183 -1 New York 1399 APW20000908.0159 -1 Cape Town 1399 NYT20000529.0147 2 Vermont's Brigadoon 1399 NYT19990404.0232 1 Brigadoon 1399 APW19980815.0889 -1 Songzi River 1399 XIE20000228.0139 -1 HONG KONG 1399 XIE19990114.0059 -1 NIL 1399 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1399 XIE19990403.0024 -1 London 1399 NYT19981028.0138 -1 Saratoga 1399 NYT19980805.0538 -1 Kirkcaldy 1399 XIE19980722.0059 -1 Lockerbie 1399 XIE19980722.0059 -1 WASHINGTON 1399 NYT19980616.0043 -1 Buffalo 1399 XIE19991030.0009 -1 2000 1400 NYT20000309.0272 3 invented by Samuel Morse in 1860 1400 NYT19990425.0062 -1 1827 1400 NYT20000309.0272 1 1860 1400 NYT19991225.0046 -1 1837 1400 NYT19990618.0187 -1 1919 1400 NYT19990713.0316 1 1844 1400 XIE19991126.0005 -1 today 1400 NYT19990713.0214 1 1844 1400 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1877 1400 XIE19971029.0280 -1 1985 1400 APW19990214.0115 -1 March 11-12 1400 APW19990214.0115 -1 march 11 12 1400 APW20000107.0249 -1 1997 1400 NYT19990326.0098 -1 1895 1400 XIE19960517.0161 -1 1968 1400 NYT20000104.0053 -1 1867 1400 APW19990405.0230 1 1844 1400 NYT19990713.0200 1 1844 1400 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1854 1400 NYT19990713.0290 1 1844 1400 NYT19990713.0290 -1 19:38 1400 NYT19990617.0347 -1 19th century 1400 XIE19991126.0005 -1 decades 1400 NYT19980827.0284 -1 in 1837 1400 NYT19981006.0296 -1 April 19 , 1982 1400 NYT19990713.0290 -1 1997 1400 NYT19990713.0290 -1 1931 1400 NYT19990203.0198 -1 19th-century 1400 NYT19990203.0198 -1 19th century 1400 NYT19990908.0106 -1 19th century 1400 XIE19971029.0280 -1 October 29 1400 NYT19980608.0180 -1 1837 1401 NYT19990901.0375 3 symbol is a donkey 1401 APW20000223.0317 -1 People 1401 XIE19990331.0095 -1 National Democratic Party 1401 APW19990601.0274 -1 Indonesian Democratic Party for Struggle 1401 XIE19990607.0232 -1 Kabah 1401 XIE19970815.0243 -1 flag 1401 XIE19970815.0243 -1 blue 1401 XIE20000403.0315 -1 HDZ 1401 XIE19970528.0250 -1 Saudi Arabia 1401 NYT19990901.0375 1 a donkey 1401 XIE19990703.0029 -1 Renamo 1401 NYT19990901.0375 -1 elephant 1401 NYT19990901.0375 1 donkey 1401 APW20000114.0276 1 donkey 1401 NYT19980901.0086 -1 he 1401 XIE19990606.0139 -1 Golkar 1401 NYT19981030.0452 -1 they demonized him 1401 NYT19980915.0498 -1 1s t 1401 XIE19990331.0095 -1 Leninism, CPN-ML) was provided the symbol of a single star, the National Democratic Party (RPP) a 1401 NYT19991124.0139 -1 ) ( She also has information on how to subscribe to Campaign Countdown , a rotating campaign - commentary column written by former Democratic vice - presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro and by MS - NBC host Laura Ingraham . 1401 XIE19970425.0153 -1 Commission 1401 APW19990601.0274 -1 bull 1401 APW20000113.0355 -1 some ambiguity 1401 XIE19990401.0030 -1 a tree 1401 XIE19990401.0030 -1 Wednesday 1401 NYT19990801.0108 -1 the party 1401 NYT20000209.0362 -1 March 9 1401 XIE19980310.0226 -1 indonesia 1401 XIE19960514.0396 -1 parliament 1401 XIE19970918.0201 -1 brazilian labor parti the parti labor 1401 XIE19990401.0030 -1 Party 1402 APW19991012.0230 3 March 2 , 1962 1402 NYT19980928.0033 2 1962 1402 APW19991012.0201 -1 Tuesday 1402 APW19991012.0230 1 1962 1402 NYT20000911.0412 1 1962 1402 APW19991013.0202 1 1962 1402 NYT19991013.0042 -1 37 years ago 1402 XIE19991029.0260 -1 NBA 1402 NYT19991012.0441 3 March 2, 1962 1402 XIE19970210.0109 2 1962 1402 APW20000429.0137 -1 Kerry Ryman 1402 APW20000713.0201 3 March 2, 1962 1402 NYT19980912.0165 3 March 2, 1962 1402 APW20000429.0137 1 1962 1402 NYT19981017.0283 2 1962 1402 NYT19990214.0015 -1 77 20-30 11-52 18 28 98 Pct. 1402 NYT19990524.0320 3 March 2 , 1962 1402 NYT19991013.0042 1 1962 1402 NYT19980903.0343 1 1962 1402 NYT19990524.0320 1 1962 1402 NYT19991028.0088 -1 November 2000 1402 NYT19990524.0320 3 March 2, 1962 1402 NYT19991012.0404 2 1962 1402 NYT20000621.0085 1 1962 1402 APW19991012.0108 -1 a game 1402 NYT19980901.0001 -1 one 1402 NYT19991013.0038 -1 14 seasons 1402 NYT19991012.0456 1 1962 1402 NYT19980904.0051 3 March 2 , 1962 1402 NYT19980928.0033 -1 the 1968 Olympics 1402 NYT19991013.0052 -1 1973 1403 NYT20000421.0386 -1 1992 1403 NYT19991025.0179 1 1867 1403 NYT20000526.0206 -1 1839 1403 NYT20000617.0090 -1 19th century 1403 NYT20000221.0327 -1 25 years 1403 NYT20000409.0056 -1 1892 1403 NYT19981117.0450 -1 1992 1403 XIE19960515.0001 -1 2000 1403 XIE20000804.0232 -1 August 4 1403 XIE20000922.0087 -1 1949 1403 APW20000110.0061 -1 2003 1403 APW19990529.0066 -1 mid-1960s 1403 XIE19960515.0119 -1 2000 1403 NYT19990305.0121 -1 1992 1403 NYT19990428.0058 1 1867 1403 XIE19970825.0224 -1 79.1 million kw 1403 NYT19990428.0058 -1 Europe 1403 NYT19990428.0058 -1 decades 1403 NYT19991222.0337 -1 1892 1403 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1900 1403 NYT20000316.0024 -1 20 th century 1403 NYT19981117.0448 -1 1992 1403 XIE19960523.0212 -1 1979 1403 NYT20000621.0215 -1 1992 1403 XIE19960515.0001 -1 the year 1403 NYT19980603.0027 -1 in 1859 1403 XIE19960515.0001 -1 the year 2000 1403 NYT19990305.0119 -1 21st century 1403 NYT19980925.0271 -1 1864 1403 XIE19980810.0226 -1 63.7 million 1403 NYT19990428.0058 1 in 1867 1403 NYT19980701.0256 -1 1957 1403 NYT19980807.0083 -1 1998 1403 XIE19960515.0001 -1 May 14 1403 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1860 1404 XIE19991204.0073 -1 23 1404 NYT20000626.0413 -1 more than three billion 1404 NYT20000509.0008 2 46 chromosomes 1404 NYT19991028.0473 1 46 1404 NYT20000117.0215 -1 23 1404 NYT19980919.0120 -1 Nowell 's team 1404 NYT20000509.0008 2 46 1404 XIE19961120.0128 -1 two chromosomesdoes 1404 XIE20000414.0298 -1 Three 1404 NYT20000508.0456 -1 225 genes 1404 APW19991028.0298 -1 two X chromosomes 1404 NYT19990513.0398 1 46 1404 NYT19990219.0298 -1 two 1404 XIE20000422.0197 -1 about 30 million base-pairs 1404 NYT20000110.0303 -1 23 1404 XIE19970423.0122 -1 23 1404 APW20000509.0024 -1 23 1404 NYT20000508.0456 -1 21 1404 XIE19961120.0128 -1 two 1404 XIE19990324.0175 -1 first 1404 APW20000509.0024 1 the 23 pairs 1404 APW19991028.0272 3 the normal 23 pairs 1404 NYT20000508.0236 -1 21 1404 NYT19991025.0312 -1 the 22d 1404 XIE19991202.0263 1 23 pairs 1404 XIE20000514.0028 -1 14 1405 APW19980702.0461 -1 LRB - .008 avoir ounces 1405 NYT20000324.0062 3 128 ounces 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 16 ounces 1405 NYT19980926.0250 -1 16 ounces 1405 NYT20000324.0062 1 128 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 four 1405 NYT19981026.0181 -1 6 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 8 ounces 1405 NYT19990511.0223 -1 10 1405 XIE19980324.0023 -1 900,000 1405 APW19990928.0020 -1 million British thermal units 1405 NYT19980624.0212 -1 8-ounce 1405 NYT19980624.0212 -1 15-ounce 1405 NYT19981008.0089 -1 99.5 2.1 10 30.5 84.5 _ American Dairy Goat Products Association 1405 NYT19990728.0244 -1 2 1405 NYT20000719.0152 -1 2-ounce 1405 NYT19981104.0267 -1 1 gallon 1405 NYT19990805.0244 -1 8 ounces 1405 NYT20000201.0229 -1 & 1405 NYT19981104.0222 -1 1 pound 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 four quarts 1405 NYT19990915.0219 -1 2 1405 APW19990908.0269 -1 a mere 16 ounces 1405 NYT19980901.0165 -1 lines that seem 1405 APW19990204.0060 -1 a gallon 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 a gallon 1405 APW19980702.0461 -1 .008 avoir ounce 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 4 cups 1405 NYT20000324.0062 -1 69 cents 1405 APW19990303.0254 -1 16.4 gallons 1405 NYT19980628.0084 -1 4 ounces 1406 NYT20000522.0304 -1 Olivier as Romeo and Mercutio , 1935 1406 NYT20000510.0160 -1 1960 1406 NYT19981103.0299 -1 1830 1406 XIE19970531.0077 -1 last year 1406 XIE19960609.0045 -1 1959 1406 NYT20000531.0219 -1 yesterday 1406 NYT19981103.0299 -1 1825 1406 NYT20000404.0102 -1 around 1595 1406 NYT19990111.0378 -1 1967 1406 NYT19990111.0378 -1 summer 1406 NYT20000404.0102 1 13th century 1406 NYT19980702.0206 -1 1996 1406 NYT19980712.0065 -1 Saturday 1406 NYT19980721.0309 -1 1959 1406 NYT20000328.0102 -1 Verona 1406 NYT20000925.0126 -1 1911 1406 NYT19990504.0314 -1 1968 1406 NYT20000404.0102 -1 1595 1406 NYT19980810.0282 -1 1955 1406 NYT19980921.0420 -1 Feb. 14 , 1997 1406 NYT20000531.0072 -1 the first time in more than a decade 1406 NYT19981209.0396 -1 1594 1406 NYT19990525.0382 -1 1996 1406 APW20000828.0065 -1 an Indian school 1406 NYT20000531.0219 -1 1963 1406 NYT19981031.0017 -1 1963 1406 NYT19980729.0265 -1 1957 1406 XIE19970525.0074 -1 from time to time because of a border line from Nigeria that cuts through Cameroun 1406 NYT19981124.0091 -1 two 1406 APW19990128.0336 -1 1957 1406 NYT19981124.0091 -1 1968 1406 NYT19981023.0009 -1 1990 1407 APW20000607.0204 1 April 20 , 1999 1407 APW20000607.0204 3 April 20 , 1999 , shootings 1407 NYT20000713.0337 3 April 1999 1407 NYT20000419.0050 1 April 20, 1999 1407 APW19990712.0141 -1 one month 1407 APW19990715.0132 3 1999 1407 APW19990520.0109 3 April 20 1407 APW20000214.0254 3 April 20 1407 NYT19990814.0170 -1 last year 1407 NYT19990520.0522 3 April 20 1407 NYT19990814.0094 -1 April 1407 APW20000426.0157 -1 Wednesday 1407 NYT19991021.0407 -1 April 1407 APW19990503.0219 3 April 20 1407 APW20000420.0104 1 April 20 , 1999 1407 NYT19990528.0332 3 April 20 1407 NYT19990714.0210 -1 December 1997 1407 APW20000124.0219 3 April 20 1407 NYT19990621.0416 -1 yesterday 1407 NYT19990420.0407 1 April 20 , 1999 1407 NYT19990819.0268 3 1999 1407 NYT19990814.0189 -1 August 1407 APW19990715.0132 3 April 20 1407 NYT20000419.0050 3 1999 1407 APW19990520.0109 -1 her school one month 1407 APW19990712.0141 -1 after the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., , 1407 NYT20000408.0096 3 1999 1407 APW19990520.0200 3 April 20 1407 NYT19990824.0175 3 April 20 1407 NYT19990421.0391 -1 Tuesday 1407 APW19991028.0322 -1 1996 1407 APW19990421.0068 -1 1998 1408 XIE19970530.0138 3 chief of the Socialist Party 1408 XIE19970426.0100 -1 Alain Juppe 1408 XIE19970510.0094 3 Socialist Prime Minister 1408 XIE19970510.0094 1 Socialist Party 1408 NYT19990110.0126 1 Socialist 1408 XIE19971029.0148 -1 French Prime 1408 XIE19971124.0128 -1 21,1997 1408 XIE19991126.0164 -1 NATO 1408 XIE19970604.0015 -1 France 1408 NYT20000926.0332 -1 Chirac 1408 XIE19971029.0148 -1 Wen Jiabao 1408 NYT19990728.0539 -1 Shiv Sena 1408 XIE19971029.0148 -1 Political Bureau of the Central Committee 1408 XIE19961216.0143 -1 RPR 1408 APW19990623.0264 -1 Minister Dominique Voynet 1408 XIE19970430.0051 -1 Communist Party 1408 XIE20000505.0223 -1 France 1408 XIE19971029.0148 -1 Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party 1408 XIE19990129.0045 -1 Green Party 1408 XIE19970530.0048 3 French Socialist Party 1408 XIE19970206.0114 1 Socialist Party 1408 NYT19990823.0267 -1 JOSPIN 1408 XIE19970426.0100 1 Socialist Party 1408 NYT19980810.0440 1 Socialist 1408 XIE19971029.0148 -1 the Political Bureau 1408 XIE19970427.0159 1 Socialist Party 1408 APW20000829.0098 -1 Daniel_Vaillant , 51 1408 NYT19980814.0481 -1 a member 1408 XIE19971029.0148 -1 alsace 1408 XIE19971124.0128 -1 Liberation 1408 NYT19980616.0416 -1 President Francois Mitterrand 1408 XIE19970706.0003 -1 members that the rightist parties of France had "hardened" their position after their defeat in the legislative elections, and that they were closing in with the extreme right. 1408 NYT19991108.0468 -1 Lionel Jospin 1409 APW20000105.0120 -1 Touched Me : The Gospel Music 1409 NYT19990714.0071 -1 Domino 1409 APW19980711.0766 -1 Music 1409 APW20000105.0120 -1 His dream from childhood until I last 1409 NYT19990426.0479 -1 Metropolitan 1409 APW20000623.0075 -1 Gates 1409 NYT19980908.0183 -1 Puerto Rico 1409 APW19981024.1027 -1 Director Bryan Singer and his editors 1409 APW20000428.0215 -1 England 1409 NYT19991129.0213 -1 Max 1409 NYT19990302.0130 1 Jerry Lee Lewis 1409 NYT19981103.0332 -1 glam 1409 APW20000428.0215 -1 13 women in northern England during a five-year period 1409 APW20000202.0095 2 Jerry Lee Lewis 1409 APW20000202.0095 2 Lewis 1409 NYT19981121.0301 -1 Alex Delaware 1409 APW19981024.1027 -1 Director 1409 XIE19991023.0058 -1 Ethiopia 1409 NYT19981202.0273 -1 n 1409 NYT19990302.0136 1 Jerry Lee Lewis 1409 APW20000105.0120 -1 dream 1409 APW19990922.0085 -1 Clapton 1409 APW19990922.0085 -1 the 1409 APW19990315.0288 -1 Billy Joel 1409 APW19990315.0112 -1 Billy Joel 1409 APW19990922.0085 -1 Ritchie Valens 1409 NYT20000914.0190 -1 the early ' 70s 1409 APW20000314.0164 -1 Phil Lesh 1409 APW19990922.0085 -1 Queen 1409 NYT19981202.0273 -1 Dick Clark 1410 NYT20000623.0169 -1 hen that lays the fewest eggs 1410 NYT19991130.0121 1 Araucana 1410 NYT19990114.0010 -1 female 1410 NYT19991130.0121 -1 green 1410 NYT19990401.0083 -1 hens 1410 XIE19990412.0089 -1 This nursery school teacher not only 1410 NYT19991130.0121 -1 grey 1410 NYT19980909.0111 -1 Cowgirls 1410 NYT19990907.0096 -1 America 1410 NYT20000713.0242 -1 Karner blue butterflies 1410 XIE19981204.0383 -1 assessors 1410 NYT19991130.0121 -1 pale green 1410 NYT19991130.0121 1 Araucana hen 1410 NYT19981202.0285 -1 pale 1410 NYT20000713.0242 -1 caterpillars 1410 XIE19990412.0089 -1 red 1410 NYT19991130.0121 -1 American Egg Board 1410 NYT19981024.0120 -1 Congress 1410 NYT19990626.0066 -1 chickens 1410 NYT20000508.0255 -1 egg 1410 NYT19980820.0146 -1 Aegean Sea 1410 NYT19990803.0229 -1 a hen 1410 NYT20000508.0255 -1 place 1410 XIE19960829.0209 -1 Jin 1410 APW19990505.0156 -1 Mahrt 1410 NYT20000605.0104 -1 it 1410 NYT19980918.0233 -1 eggs 1410 NYT19990114.0010 -1 The adult female 1410 APW19990711.0097 -1 600 eggs 1410 NYT20000713.0242 -1 Karner 1410 NYT19990907.0096 -1 egg 1410 NYT20000422.0115 -1 Roman 1410 NYT19990907.0096 -1 Q. Do 1410 NYT19990401.0083 1 Araucana 1411 NYT19981124.0140 1 Hernando De Soto 1411 NYT19981124.0140 -1 Mississippi River 1411 APW19990520.0132 2 Hernando de Soto 1411 NYT19981124.0140 1 Hernando de Soto 1411 NYT20000131.0210 -1 Lewis and Clark 1411 NYT20000621.0186 -1 post 1411 XIE19981118.0185 -1 China 1411 NYT20000530.0127 -1 Portuguese-born 1411 APW19990507.0059 2 Hernando de Soto 1411 NYT19980921.0205 -1 Parson Branch Road 1411 NYT20000424.0189 -1 OL MAN 1411 APW20000520.0126 2 de Soto 1411 APW20000507.0099 -1 1541 1411 APW20000507.0099 2 1541, Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto 1411 NYT19990520.0143 -1 NIL 1411 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1411 NYT20000131.0215 -1 Oregon Territory 1411 NYT20000131.0210 -1 Oregon Territory 1411 APW20000507.0099 2 spanish explorer Hernando de Soto 1411 APW20000603.0095 -1 Savoy 1411 APW20000419.0057 -1 ged data to make a $1 billion Mississippi Riv 1411 NYT19981013.0233 -1 United States 1412 XIE19990412.0037 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19981101.0270 1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT20000411.0296 -1 Clinton 1412 NYT19980812.0045 2 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19990429.0333 1 Owens 1412 NYT19981101.0162 1 Roy Romer 1412 XIE20000307.0364 -1 Bill 1412 APW19991008.0112 -1 Rogers 1412 NYT19981108.0130 -1 Nixon 1412 NYT19981215.0290 1 Roy Romer 1412 APW19990707.0020 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19981101.0194 1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19991014.0435 1 Bill Owens 1412 XIE19990411.0016 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT20000411.0266 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19990111.0148 1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19990507.0084 -1 Gov. George W. Bush 1412 NYT19981101.0161 1 Romer 1412 NYT19981106.0322 1 Romer 1412 NYT19981104.0441 3 Republican Bill Owens 1412 NYT20000526.0026 -1 Romer 1412 NYT19990625.0312 -1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19981105.0527 1 Romer 1412 APW19990226.0082 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT20000527.0018 -1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19980812.0045 1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19990623.0135 1 Romer 1412 NYT19981101.0270 -1 Gail Schoettler 1412 XIE19981105.0044 1 Owens 1412 NYT19981005.0382 2 Bill Owens 1412 NYT20000411.0296 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19981101.0162 1 Roy_Romer 1412 NYT19981101.0270 1 Roy_Romer 1412 NYT19990706.0332 -1 Colorado 1412 NYT20000411.0257 1 Bill Owens 1412 XIE20000614.0259 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19981104.0441 1 Bill Owens 1412 NYT19981101.0162 1 Romer 1412 NYT19981101.0161 1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19980812.0045 -1 Dottie Lamm 1412 NYT19981113.0016 1 Roy Romer 1412 NYT19981101.0162 -1 Governor 1413 XIE19980120.0098 -1 Yangtze River 1413 XIE19971002.0003 -1 Yangtze River 1413 APW19980728.0081 -1 Yangtze River 1413 XIE19971028.0267 1 Yellow 1413 XIE20000219.0129 2 Yellow 1413 XIE19960427.0228 1 Yellow River 1413 XIE20000826.0266 -1 Taiwan 1413 XIE19960508.0131 -1 issue 1413 NYT19980807.0272 -1 Flooding 1413 XIE19971028.0267 -1 China 1413 XIE20000309.0215 -1 Yangtze 1413 XIE19970724.0132 -1 Chinese Nation 1413 XIE19971028.0078 1 Yellow River 1413 XIE19960518.0181 -1 Chengdu 1413 XIE19971110.0244 -1 Yangtze 1413 XIE19970224.0209 -1 Republic of China 1413 XIE19990308.0147 2 Yellow River 1413 XIE19971028.0078 -1 Yangtze 1413 XIE19971029.0270 1 Yellow River 1413 XIE19970724.0132 1 Yellow River 1413 XIE19990509.0236 -1 Thames River 1413 XIE20000826.0170 -1 Shahe River 1413 XIE19990509.0236 -1 Thames 1413 APW19980702.0146 -1 Asia 1413 XIE20000826.0170 -1 Taiwan 1413 XIE19960427.0228 -1 Jinan 1413 XIE19980111.0179 -1 China 's 1413 XIE19970220.0114 -1 China 1413 XIE19990902.0188 -1 Tarim River 1413 XIE19990314.0038 2 Yellow River 1413 NYT19980807.0272 -1 the Yangtze 1413 XIE20000826.0266 2 the Yellow River 1413 XIE19971028.0078 3 Yellow Rivers 1413 XIE19970912.0319 -1 e rivers, including the Upper Mississippi Riv 1413 NYT19990817.0149 -1 Iraq 1414 NYT20000724.0002 -1 4 feet 1414 NYT19991211.0173 1 120- foot 1414 NYT20000912.0150 -1 40 ft 4 1414 NYT19990820.0379 -1 Orville 1414 NYT19981107.0155 1 120 feet 1414 NYT20000724.0002 -1 4 foot 1414 NYT20000912.0393 -1 12, 2000 1414 NYT19991211.0173 1 120 - foot 1414 NYT19990131.0057 -1 852 feet 1414 NYT20000303.0205 -1 the 97 years 1414 NYT19990323.0213 -1 1903 1414 NYT20000724.0002 -1 4 inches 1414 NYT20000724.0002 -1 124 feet 4 inches 1414 NYT20000912.0392 -1 Sept. 1414 NYT19990406.0314 -1 mark 1414 APW19990420.0169 -1 one word 1414 APW19990420.0169 -1 nearly 100 1414 APW19990304.0260 1 120 feet 1414 NYT19990315.0321 1 120 feet 1414 NYT19990419.0470 -1 100 1414 APW19990420.0169 -1 100 years 1414 NYT19990315.0265 -1 NASA 1414 APW20000325.0153 -1 Numbers 1415 NYT19990602.0055 -1 Washington 1415 XIE19991026.0176 -1 issued by the Presidential Office 1415 NYT19990721.0123 -1 Redwood City 1415 XIE19960224.0104 -1 Student 1415 NYT19990916.0442 -1 US 1415 NYT20000330.0309 -1 U.S. 1415 NYT20000812.0072 -1 temple 1415 APW19990422.0219 -1 Boston 1415 XIE19980702.0279 -1 U . S . 1415 NYT19981119.0363 -1 Cleveland 1415 NYT20000405.0207 -1 the post 1415 NYT20000329.0455 -1 Wednesday 1415 APW20000508.0021 -1 New York 1415 NYT19990719.0227 -1 Redwood City 1415 XIE19990212.0268 -1 Spain 1415 APW20000523.0147 1 U.S. Naval Observatory 1415 NYT20000725.0421 -1 Affairs 1415 APW19990616.0227 -1 America 1415 NYT20000720.0141 -1 Texas 1415 APW19980602.1294 -1 Johor 1415 APW19990420.0078 1 U.S . Naval Observatory 1415 NYT19991011.0402 -1 When Vradenburg 1415 NYT19990825.0079 -1 I 1415 NYT19981225.0051 -1 United States 1415 NYT19991217.0222 -1 WASHINGTON 1415 NYT19990825.0079 -1 Dover 1415 NYT20000725.0421 -1 U.S. 1415 APW20000512.0124 -1 Shiloh 1415 NYT20000812.0074 -1 NIL 1415 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1415 APW20000702.0027 -1 a California college 1415 XIE19990323.0086 -1 Xinhua 1415 NYT19980923.0063 -1 Gore 1415 NYT19990122.0414 -1 Gore 1415 NYT19981012.0452 -1 Rancho Bernardo 1415 NYT19981119.0363 -1 Hartford 1415 NYT19991217.0222 -1 1836 1415 NYT19990310.0328 -1 1960 1415 NYT19991217.0222 -1 Vice 1416 NYT19990415.0383 1 1969 1416 NYT19990316.0044 -1 1089 1416 APW19990910.0046 -1 this week 1416 APW20000527.0134 -1 Friday afternoon 1416 APW19990910.0007 -1 March 14 1416 APW20000526.0224 -1 last year 1416 APW20000609.0002 -1 March 23, 1997 1416 APW20000716.0004 -1 March 23, 1997 1416 NYT20000404.0374 -1 April 4 , 2000 1416 APW20000526.0158 -1 in October 1416 NYT19990315.0425 -1 1987 1416 APW20000526.0224 -1 October 1416 APW20000527.0134 -1 last August 1416 NYT20000527.0007 -1 fall 1416 NYT20000527.0007 -1 1996 1416 NYT19990415.0383 1 in 1969 1416 NYT19990315.0425 -1 1998 1417 NYT20000519.0005 1 Roger Bannister 1417 NYT19990710.0120 1 Roger Bannister 1417 NYT19990710.0118 -1 1954 1417 APW19980601.0336 -1 Maroney 1417 NYT19990419.0450 -1 Newton 1417 NYT19991107.0185 -1 Edward Leitch 1417 NYT19981202.0533 -1 the first high school runner in 32 years 1417 NYT20000519.0005 -1 Ryun 1417 NYT19990627.0164 1 Roger Bannister 1417 NYT19990710.0118 1 Roger Bannister 1417 APW19990418.0134 -1 Rochat - Moser 1417 NYT19990707.0313 1 Roger Bannister 1417 XIE19960301.0032 -1 Briton Shirley Griffiths 1417 APW19980601.0889 1 Roger Bannister 1417 XIE19961122.0266 -1 Walker 1417 NYT20000519.0005 -1 Marty Liquori 1417 NYT19990710.0118 -1 Briton 1417 APW20000716.0019 -1 Dokey 1417 NYT19981012.0051 -1 Kristy_Johnston 1417 APW20000218.0057 -1 the first half 1417 NYT19990304.0508 -1 Person 1417 NYT20000519.0005 3 Bannister 1417 APW19981011.0522 -1 Osoro 1417 NYT20000519.0005 -1 Webb 1417 NYT20000501.0455 -1 Morris 1418 APW19990612.0068 1 1951 1418 NYT19981016.0161 3 1950s 1418 NYT19981016.0241 3 1950s 1418 APW19990612.0068 -1 1925 1418 NYT19990108.0133 -1 Thursday 1418 NYT19990103.0188 -1 1953 1418 NYT19990106.0113 -1 1868 1418 NYT19980617.0164 -1 today 1418 NYT19981016.0241 3 the 1950s 1418 NYT19980621.0113 -1 August 1927 1418 APW19991008.0028 -1 21st century 1418 NYT19991104.0458 -1 November 1984 1418 NYT19981016.0161 3 the 1950s 1418 NYT19990504.0229 -1 1953 1418 NYT20000822.0314 -1 two years ago 1418 NYT19991104.0458 -1 1994 1418 APW19990612.0068 -1 The nuclear age 1418 NYT19980803.0246 -1 1996 1418 NYT19980731.0367 -1 1954 1418 NYT19990927.0419 -1 2001 1418 NYT19990904.0030 -1 1954 1418 NYT19980927.0226 -1 1993 1418 NYT19980927.0226 -1 1982 1419 APW19991001.0016 1 1959 1419 NYT20000612.0441 1 1958 1419 NYT19981028.0146 1 1959 1419 APW19990402.0186 -1 1955 1419 NYT19991208.0053 2 1959 1419 APW19990101.0009 -1 birthday Sunday , 40 years since a 1419 APW19990402.0011 -1 1955 1419 APW20000426.0314 -1 1998 1419 NYT19980824.0299 -1 1960 1419 APW19990101.0009 -1 Sunday 1419 NYT19990711.0102 -1 1998 1419 NYT19991208.0053 1 1958 1419 NYT20000113.0345 1 1959 1419 APW19990412.0019 -1 Va. 2 5 Wash. 1 4 W. Va. 3 3 Wis. 0 0 Wyo. 0 2 U.S. 0 3 1419 NYT19990806.0359 -1 flying accidents in Alaska, said Jim LaBelle 1419 APW19990101.0009 1 1959 1419 APW19981211.0048 1 1959 1419 APW19990101.0009 -1 its birthday 1419 NYT19980901.0058 2 1959 1419 APW19990526.0303 -1 last year 's 1419 APW19991001.0016 1 in 1959 1419 NYT20000824.0333 1 1959 1419 APW20000201.0042 -1 1970 1419 NYT20000824.0333 -1 1867 1419 NYT19981118.0480 -1 1993 1420 APW19980610.0582 -1 RM2 , 500 1420 APW19981025.0015 -1 3,732- foot 1420 NYT19990826.0241 -1 4101 1420 XIE19990522.0073 -1 6500 meters 1420 XIE19961016.0188 -1 6 peak 1420 XIE19990421.0272 -1 20 1420 XIE19961016.0188 -1 8,000 meters 1420 XIE20000522.0300 -1 8848-meter 1420 NYT19990125.0531 -1 School 1420 NYT19990125.0531 -1 Bethlehem Central 1420 XIE19991210.0026 -1 99 Ama Dablam expedition 1420 XIE19980711.0126 -1 2,968 meters 1420 XIE19961016.0188 -1 8,463-meter 1420 XIE19970522.0132 -1 4,100 meters 1420 APW19980925.1363 -1 6,684 feet 1420 XIE19960429.0092 -1 8,848-meter 1420 NYT19980821.0292 -1 9,025 feet 1420 APW19980610.0582 -1 500 cash prize 1420 NYT19980729.0373 -1 an 1420 XIE19961016.0188 -1 the world highest peak 1420 XIE19961016.0188 -1 in the world 1420 XIE19990306.0186 -1 13 1420 XIE19990522.0073 -1 8848 meter 1420 XIE20000306.0105 -1 8848 meter 1420 NYT19981015.0080 -1 5 millimetre 1420 APW19980610.0582 -1 sunrise 1420 XIE19971204.0137 -1 A320 1421 APW19990129.0054 3 Evander Holyfield 's ear in June 1997 1421 NYT19990116.0308 3 Evander Holyfield 's ears in June 1997 1421 NYT19991231.0005 1 1997 1421 NYT19990321.0021 1 June 28, 1997 1421 NYT19980729.0508 -1 Wednesday 1421 NYT19990321.0021 1 1997 1421 APW19981222.1016 1 June 1997 1421 XIE19980414.0243 -1 April 13 1421 APW19980709.1256 -1 June 1421 APW19981019.0396 1 June 28, 1997 1421 XIE19970702.0239 -1 July 1 1421 APW19980919.0509 -1 Saturday 1421 APW19990112.0068 1 June 28, 1997 1421 NYT19990321.0021 1 June 28 , 1997 1421 APW19981109.1260 -1 August 1995 1421 XIE19970708.0268 -1 28 1421 APW19980702.1301 1 1997 1421 NYT19991027.0455 1 1997 1421 APW19990521.0004 1 June 28 , 1997 1421 XIE19970630.0067 -1 1997-06-30 1421 XIE19970707.0198 -1 Wednesday 1421 APW19980728.1154 1 June 28 , 1997 1421 APW19990111.0066 -1 his latest comeback Saturday night 1421 APW19990205.0029 1 June 28 , 1997 1421 XIE19991019.0306 3 a June 1997 title bout 1421 APW19981019.0396 -1 Aug . 31 1421 NYT19980729.0490 1 on June 28 , 1997 1421 XIE19970629.0085 3 June 28 1421 XIE19970708.0268 3 on June 28 1421 XIE19991019.0306 1 1997 1421 XIE19970630.0067 -1 2002 1421 XIE19970630.0067 -1 1996 1421 NYT19980729.0490 -1 Wednesday 1421 XIE19970913.0254 2 1997 1422 NYT19991122.0354 3 Switzerland 1422 NYT19980919.0126 3 Switzerland 1422 APW19981119.0795 -1 Albania 1422 NYT19991122.0354 -1 Europe 1422 APW19980924.0461 -1 accord 1422 NYT19980610.0172 -1 Lombardy 1422 NYT19991122.0354 -1 France 1422 XIE20000708.0074 -1 Spur 1422 NYT19980827.0378 -1 Norway 1422 XIE19960423.0137 -1 Monday 1422 XIE20000101.0120 2 Switzerland 1422 NYT19980919.0126 3 SWISS 1422 APW19981227.0321 -1 Friday 1422 APW19981129.0360 2 Italy 1422 APW19981227.0321 -1 Germany and Italy 1422 NYT19980919.0126 -1 the valley sliced by a rail_line and a four-lane highway 1422 NYT19980919.0126 -1 The tax 1422 XIE19971028.0236 -1 the European 1422 NYT19990421.0377 -1 include Germany 1422 NYT19991122.0354 -1 Italy France 1422 NYT19980604.0389 -1 Enrico Fermi 1423 XIE20000128.0072 -1 official Philippine News Agency 1423 NYT19990215.0281 1 the Bataan 1423 NYT19990215.0281 1 Bataan 1423 XIE19960915.0169 -1 Makati City, Metro Manila 1423 XIE19961113.0135 -1 Makati City, Metro Manila 1423 NYT19991207.0191 -1 Malay Peninsula 1423 NYT20000505.0255 -1 Malay peninsula 1423 XIE19980928.0134 -1 Alleviation hke 092810 -- Major News Items in Leading Pakistani Newspapers hke 092811 -- Nepali Government Offices 1423 XIE19970702.0201 -1 China 1423 XIE19960724.0033 -1 Japan 1423 XIE19961120.0142 -1 the world 1423 APW20000107.0230 -1 Indonesia 1423 XIE19961120.0142 -1 Malaysia 1423 XIE20000426.0057 -1 Tamil Tiger 1423 APW19990108.0141 -1 U.S. 1423 XIE19990811.0024 -1 Korean Peninsula hke081082 1423 APW19980808.0127 1 Bicol 1423 NYT19991013.0085 1 Bataan 1423 NYT19980624.0441 -1 Use By Clients 1423 XIE19970109.0147 -1 China 1423 APW19980808.0127 -1 Luzon 1423 APW19990108.0141 -1 MANILA, Philippines 1423 NYT19991207.0191 -1 Malay 1423 NYT20000410.0411 -1 PHILIPPINES 1423 NYT19991013.0085 3 the Bataan peninsula of western Luzon 1423 NYT19990826.0075 -1 Pearl Harbor 1423 APW19981129.0057 1 Zamboanga 1423 XIE19980727.0056 -1 the Korean Peninsula in Geneva 1423 XIE19990805.0200 -1 the peninsula 1423 XIE19990805.0200 -1 the Korean peninsula 1423 NYT19990215.0281 1 the Bataan peninsula 1423 XIE19980412.0077 -1 Cambodia 1423 XIE19970120.0058 -1 China 1423 APW19980808.0127 1 the bicol Peninsula 1423 XIE20000426.0057 -1 MANILA 1423 XIE19980727.0056 -1 MANILA 1423 XIE19960613.0227 -1 all expect normalci completed. sourc 1423 XIE19970330.0172 -1 follow major new item lead newspap the 1424 XIE19980324.0125 -1 Jack Nicholson 1424 NYT20000215.0268 -1 Gary Cooper 1424 NYT20000817.0368 -1 Gary Cooper 1424 APW20000322.0130 -1 Marlon Brando 1424 APW20000817.0014 -1 Tom Hanks 1424 NYT19990318.0250 -1 Jack Nicholson 1424 APW20000327.0018 -1 He 1424 APW19990411.0122 -1 Roberto Benigni 1424 NYT20000316.0338 -1 Carl Franklin 1424 NYT19990323.0063 -1 Wayne 1424 APW20000329.0123 -1 Robert DeNiro 1424 XIE19990322.0153 -1 Roberto Benigni 1424 APW19990923.0117 -1 Patton 1424 APW19990923.0117 -1 George S. Patton 1424 APW19990923.0116 1 George C. Scott 1424 NYT19990923.0346 1 George C. Scott 1424 APW20000510.0107 -1 Alexie 1424 NYT19990322.0004 -1 Benigni 1424 APW19990923.0117 3 Scott 1424 NYT20000314.0387 -1 Sidney Poitier 1424 APW19990923.0116 -1 Patton 1424 NYT20000317.0161 -1 Oscar 1424 NYT19990106.0030 -1 KEVIN SPACEY 1424 APW20000817.0014 -1 Hanks 1424 NYT19990308.0163 -1 Tom Hanks 1424 NYT19991021.0130 -1 Benigni 1424 APW20000213.0068 -1 Jack Nicholson 1424 APW20000327.0018 -1 Michael_Caine 1424 APW20000327.0018 -1 American 1424 NYT20000719.0254 -1 Melvyn Douglas 1424 NYT19990308.0168 -1 Tom Hanks 1424 NYT19990120.0389 -1 Tom Hanks 1424 NYT19990923.0234 -1 Arthur Miller 1424 XIE19980324.0125 -1 Nicholson 1424 XIE19990322.0213 -1 Benigni 1424 XIE19980324.0125 -1 James Cameron 1424 APW20000327.0050 -1 Jack Lemmon 1424 NYT19990301.0135 -1 Poitier 1424 NYT19990308.0168 -1 George 1425 NYT19991218.0078 -1 One 1425 APW19990925.0100 -1 50 , 000 1425 APW19980922.0569 -1 2 million 1425 NYT19990331.0389 -1 5,296,486 (NOTE: this figure was extracted from official sources, e.g., CIA Factbook, and may be slighty different from the value of '5.1 million' mentioned in the article.) 1425 NYT19980903.0063 -1 5,296,486 (NOTE: this figure was extracted from official sources, e.g., CIA Factbook, and may be slighty different from the value of '6 million' mentioned in the article.) 1425 APW19990925.0193 -1 50,000 1425 NYT19990331.0389 1 5.1 million 1425 APW19990312.0117 -1 FROSTBURG , Md. ( AP ) -- People in western Maryland 1425 NYT20000207.0161 -1 1922 British 1425 NYT19980903.0063 -1 1997 1425 XIE20000712.0159 -1 32.5 million People 1425 APW19990925.0100 -1 50,000 1425 NYT19990707.0368 -1 about 440,000 1425 APW19980922.0692 -1 2 million people 1425 NYT19980604.0092 -1 2,000 1425 NYT19980831.0232 -1 10 million 1425 APW19990826.0195 -1 Rate Rhode Island 2,3321.0 Iowa 8,7521.2 Massachusetts 18,1021.3 Minnesota 16,1011.4 New Hampshire 4,1691.5 Nebraska 6,6321.5 Maine 4,9821.6 Indiana 24,3351.6 Connecticut 13,0551.7 North Dakota 3,0221.7 Kansas 11,3951.7 Wisconsin 22,9471.8 Pennsylvania 50,0631.8 New Jersey 34,1771.9 Missouri 25,0101.9 Vermont 2,7781.9 Ohio 56,5942.0 Michigan 51,2092.0 South Dakota 4,5512.2 Illinois 70,0782.3 Utah 15,8522.5 New York 113,4862.6 Alaska 4,9342.8 West Virginia 15,2413.3 Washington 43,8113.4 Hawaii 9,7323.4 Oregon 25,2773.4 Colorado 29,9883.4 Wyoming 4,9543.5 Kentucky 36,2413.7 Idaho 11,7033.7 Nevada 11,5203.7 Delaware 6,7904.0 Tennessee 50,8064.0 Arkansas 25,7144.0 Oklahoma 34,4304.0 Arizona 40,3744.0 North Carolina 68,6694.1 Alabama 45,1014.1 Virginia 65,9584.2 Montana 9,8444.2 New Mexico 20,0644.3 California 344,2904.3 Maryland 52,1394.3 South Carolina 42,1074.4 Georgia 78,8984.4 Louisiana 57,2544.5 Mississippi 35,5284.5 Florida 134,4774.5 Texas 228,3604.5 1425 APW19990318.0314 -1 key, but that doesn't mean major changes 1425 APW19981012.1283 -1 1767 1425 APW19980922.0952 -1 Twenty 1425 APW19980922.0692 -1 2 million 1425 APW19990921.0227 -1 65 1425 NYT19980922.0451 -1 2 million 1425 NYT19990707.0368 -1 440,000 1425 APW20000811.0128 -1 Virginia 1425 APW19980922.0952 -1 2 million 1425 NYT19990319.0060 -1 the Elite Eight 1425 NYT19990319.0060 -1 13 1425 APW19980717.0017 -1 1.3 million 1425 NYT19990208.0348 -1 4.8 1425 NYT19990319.0060 -1 10 years 1425 APW19990318.0314 -1 28 wins 1425 XIE19971013.0101 -1 29 1425 APW19990806.0311 -1 Data 1426 XIE20000507.0124 1 Don Sundquist 1426 XIE19990608.0076 -1 Tennessee Lamar Alexander 1426 NYT19981102.0134 1 Don Sundquist 1426 NYT20000319.0222 -1 Sam Houston 1426 APW20000106.0120 -1 Houston 1426 APW20000514.0071 1 Honorable Don Sundquist 1426 APW19990814.0038 -1 Alexander 1426 NYT19990826.0097 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 APW19990925.0199 -1 Margita Thompson 1426 APW19990817.0220 -1 Alexander 1426 NYT20000406.0526 -1 DEMOCRATS OUTPACE REPUBLICANS 1426 NYT19981104.0031 -1 Mary Jim 1426 NYT20000319.0222 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 NYT19990816.0428 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 APW19990107.0260 -1 Alexander 1426 XIE19981027.0304 1 Don Sundquist 1426 NYT19981030.0149 1 Sundquist 1426 APW19991001.0044 -1 Al Gore 1426 APW19990221.0044 1 Don Sundquist 1426 XIE19960303.0068 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 NYT19991105.0390 1 Don Sundquist 1426 NYT19990310.0143 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 APW19990118.0020 1 Don Sundquist 1426 NYT19990816.0348 -1 Alexander 1426 NYT19990309.0322 1 Don Sundquist 1426 NYT20000406.0526 -1 Davis 1426 NYT19990228.0116 -1 Alexander 1426 APW19990603.0068 -1 Alexander 1426 NYT19980901.0089 -1 January 1426 APW19990108.0033 -1 Alexander , 59 , 1426 APW20000628.0014 -1 Tennessee 1426 NYT19990926.0181 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 NYT19990910.0333 1 Don Sundquist 1426 NYT19990807.0019 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 XIE19990817.0325 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 NYT19990108.0011 -1 Lamar Alexander 1426 APW20000607.0029 1 Sundquist 1426 NYT19981010.0235 -1 Martin 1426 APW19990108.0187 -1 Governor 1427 NYT20000619.0204 -1 Mars 1427 XIE20000112.0321 -1 its 50th anniversary 1427 NYT19990503.0177 -1 Outer Space 1427 NYT19990418.0196 -1 rocket 1427 NYT19981029.0312 -1 launch 1427 NYT19990717.0185 -1 Lunar Prospector 1427 XIE20000716.0152 -1 SHANGHAI : A two-month exhibition on contemporary world astronautic science , technology , and culture 1427 NYT19980724.0012 -1 Sunday 1427 NYT19990118.0139 -1 the planet's surface 1427 NYT19990715.0521 -1 Huntsville 1427 NYT19980715.0279 -1 Ganymede 1427 NYT19990717.0120 1 Eagle 1427 NYT19980630.0328 -1 Venus 1427 APW19990710.0151 -1 July 1969 1427 NYT19990111.0260 -1 Alfred Noyes 1427 XIE20000716.0152 -1 Discovery 1427 NYT19990415.0162 -1 Earth 1427 APW19990728.0036 -1 NASA 1427 XIE19991121.0042 -1 1962 1427 XIE20000709.0089 -1 Discovery 1427 APW19990924.0136 -1 Allison 1427 APW19990728.0149 -1 Eileen Collins 1427 APW19990728.0036 -1 a nearly full moon 1427 APW19990710.0102 -1 Apollo 11 1427 APW20000817.0200 -1 Gilruth 1427 APW19990702.0222 -1 the first 1427 NYT20000316.0252 -1 Moya 1427 XIE20000715.0156 -1 Discovery 1427 XIE19991121.0042 -1 manned satellite 1427 NYT19990415.0162 -1 s great arching lift 1427 NYT19990415.0162 -1 rocketry 1427 NYT19990415.0162 -1 orbit 1427 NYT20000110.0295 -1 scientist arm contrapt project fake 1427 NYT19990118.0139 -1 see half moon astronom call quarter 1427 NYT19990630.0203 -1 Armstrong 1427 APW20000817.0200 -1 Apollo 1428 NYT19990125.0194 -1 Linus Pauling 1428 APW19980609.0543 1 Menchu 1428 NYT20000122.0138 -1 Saddam Hussein 1428 APW19980609.0629 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 XIE19981016.0134 -1 Tony Blair 1428 APW19981002.0843 -1 Prize 1428 APW19981016.0350 -1 David Trimble 1428 APW19981016.0397 -1 Jody Williams 1428 APW19981016.0231 -1 John Hume 1428 APW19981016.0202 -1 David Trimble 1428 XIE19960309.0215 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 NYT19981219.0092 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 APW19991023.0047 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 APW19980609.0629 1 Menchu 1428 NYT19990712.0170 -1 Kosovo 1428 APW20000813.0048 -1 Tum 1428 APW19981215.1320 -1 Francis Sejersted 1428 XIE19970109.0269 1 Rigoberta Menchu Tum 1428 APW19990212.0178 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 APW19980830.0044 -1 Kyi 1428 APW19981016.0202 -1 Hume 1428 XIE19981016.0134 -1 John Hume 1428 APW19980807.0468 -1 Kyi 1428 APW19990225.0016 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 XIE20000329.0002 -1 Yonatan 1428 NYT19981107.0130 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 APW19981016.0324 -1 the six Nobel awards 1428 APW19981016.0299 -1 the six Nobel awards 1428 APW19981016.0299 -1 this year 1428 NYT19980720.0330 -1 Belo 1428 APW19981016.0228 -1 David Trimble 1428 NYT19981016.0247 -1 John Hume 1428 NYT19981221.0115 -1 Guatemala 1428 NYT20000820.0093 -1 Walesa 1428 APW19981016.0228 -1 Hume 1428 APW19981016.0257 -1 Indian 1428 NYT19981214.0326 1 Rigoberta Menchu 1428 APW19980609.0629 -1 Women 1429 NYT19990908.0062 -1 Martin Van Buren 1429 APW20000704.0118 -1 Eaton 1429 NYT19990121.0120 -1 Ida 1429 NYT20000302.0239 1 Rachel 1429 APW19990517.0027 3 Donelson 1429 NYT19980902.0296 1 Rachel Robards 1429 NYT19980902.0296 1 Rachel 1429 APW19991008.0241 -1 Michael Jackson To 1429 APW19990810.0049 -1 the 1429 NYT19980617.0380 -1 UR 1429 NYT19990614.0233 -1 William S. Martin 1429 APW20000704.0118 -1 Michigan 1429 NYT19981202.0239 1 Rachel 1429 APW20000227.0093 -1 Lynn Irby-Jackson 1429 APW20000916.0093 -1 Abraham Lincoln 1429 NYT20000302.0239 -1 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1429 NYT20000314.0314 -1 Jane 1429 APW19980926.0836 -1 Actor Richard Harris 1429 NYT19990716.0222 -1 John Smith 1429 NYT19980911.0480 -1 R. Andrew 1429 XIE19980126.0094 -1 1998-01-26 1429 APW19990810.0049 1 Rachel 1429 APW20000118.0019 -1 House 1429 APW20000704.0118 -1 some Michigan counties 1429 NYT19990615.0310 -1 Tori Ann 1429 APW19990501.0104 -1 Ryan 1429 APW20000603.0040 -1 GREENEVILLE , Tenn. ( AP ) -- 1429 APW19990207.0061 -1 his wife 1429 NYT19980902.0296 -1 Lewis Robards 1429 NYT20000302.0239 3 his wife Rachel 1429 NYT19981222.0378 -1 ballet 1429 APW19991008.0235 -1 Howard J 1429 NYT19991209.0430 -1 President Theodore Roosevelt 1429 NYT19980921.0150 -1 Britain 1430 APW19980708.0692 -1 35 1430 APW19990506.0210 2 18-year-old 1430 APW20000220.0187 -1 21 years 1430 APW19990619.0088 -1 week 1430 APW20000403.0076 -1 120-mile 1430 NYT19990814.0174 -1 a month 1430 NYT20000218.0309 2 14 years 1430 NYT19990910.0353 -1 62-year-old 1430 APW19981213.1085 -1 51-year 1430 APW19981213.0715 -1 51-year 1430 NYT19990910.0353 -1 28-year 1430 NYT19981104.0401 -1 103 - year 1430 NYT19980820.0554 -1 22 years 1430 NYT19981107.0240 -1 25 1430 APW19981213.0715 -1 51-year-old 1430 NYT20000304.0268 -1 2001 1430 APW19980708.0692 -1 55 1430 APW19981213.0999 -1 51 year 1430 APW19981213.1085 -1 51 - year - old 1430 NYT19981119.0512 -1 2 1430 APW19981213.0945 -1 51 year 1430 APW20000215.0303 -1 one 1430 APW19981213.0745 -1 the 95-year-old founder 1430 NYT20000218.0309 -1 one particular 1430 NYT19990814.0174 -1 in South_Carolina 1430 APW19990902.0149 -1 at South_Carolina 1430 XIE19980829.0147 -1 50-year 1430 NYT20000218.0309 2 14 years old 1430 NYT19980824.0424 -1 24 year old 1430 NYT20000929.0019 -1 10 1430 NYT20000218.0309 -1 40 1430 XIE20000124.0073 -1 one 1430 NYT19990519.0198 -1 three years 1431 NYT19981029.0220 1 Gene Hackman 1431 APW19981003.0700 -1 Roy Bean 1431 NYT19980901.0249 -1 Irwin Allen 1431 APW19990908.0299 -1 Michael Landon 1431 NYT20000207.0436 -1 Michael Caine 1431 NYT20000817.0171 -1 John Waters 1431 NYT20000207.0436 -1 Sally Field 1431 NYT19980831.0158 -1 Gloria Stuart 1431 APW19990514.0093 -1 Gene Roddenberry 1431 APW19981003.0702 -1 Broomsticks 1431 APW19981003.0684 1 Roderick Andrew Anthony Jude McDowall 1431 NYT19980901.0249 -1 Even Xena 1431 NYT20000427.0167 -1 Fleet 1431 NYT20000914.0124 -1 Susan Hayward 1431 NYT19990115.0446 -1 Maureen 1431 NYT19990923.0252 -1 Steve Martin 1431 NYT20000207.0436 -1 James Earl Jones 1431 NYT19990328.0066 -1 Heywood Broun 1431 APW19981003.0700 -1 Judge Roy Bean 1431 NYT19990908.0241 -1 the Farrelly_Brothers ( There 's Something About Mary 1431 NYT19990908.0241 -1 ( There 's Something About Mary 1431 NYT19990622.0473 -1 Every corner 1431 APW19990705.0121 -1 Claude Lelouche 1431 NYT19990521.0214 -1 Zeus 1431 NYT19981029.0220 -1 Andrew Miller 1431 NYT19990218.0189 2 Ernest Borgnine 1431 NYT19980803.0158 -1 Rosanna 1432 APW20000327.0053 1 northeastern Wyoming 1432 NYT19990701.0169 1 Wyoming 1432 NYT19990701.0169 3 National Monument, Wyoming 1432 APW20000904.0170 -1 Devils Tower National Monument 1432 APW20000327.0053 1 Wyoming 1432 APW20000828.0099 -1 Moscow 1432 NYT19990122.0498 -1 San Jose 1432 APW20000903.0107 1 northeastern Wyoming 1432 NYT20000308.0236 -1 Idaho 1432 NYT19991008.0285 2 Wyoming 1432 APW20000327.0082 1 Wyoming 1432 NYT19991124.0044 1 Wyoming 1432 NYT19980728.0065 -1 Italy 1432 NYT19990322.0313 1 Wyoming 1432 APW20000327.0060 1 Wyoming 1432 NYT19991124.0045 -1 Devils Tower National Monument 1432 NYT19990322.0313 1 northeast Wyoming 1432 APW19981216.0758 -1 Italy 1432 APW20000503.0237 -1 Texas 1432 NYT20000308.0188 -1 Texas 1432 XIE19971208.0107 -1 downtown Jakarta 1432 NYT19990112.0035 -1 the Devils 1432 NYT20000103.0258 -1 the Black Hills 1432 NYT19990706.0265 -1 San Francisco 1432 NYT19980601.0263 -1 Ottoman 1432 APW20000327.0053 -1 National 1433 NYT19981123.0272 1 370 - foot 1433 NYT19990901.0417 -1 2,500 feet 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 35 feet 1433 XIE19991001.0296 -1 1.84 meters 1433 APW19990605.0149 1 367 1/2 feet tall 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 The honor until recently 1433 XIE19970127.0103 -1 451.9 meter 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 12 miles west 1433 APW19981207.0026 -1 the 1,483 1433 XIE19990923.0273 -1 463 meters 1433 NYT20000414.0202 -1 269 feet and a circumference of 112 feet 1433 APW19981210.1097 -1 1,483-foot 1433 APW19990605.0149 1 367 1/2 feet 1433 NYT20000414.0202 -1 269 feet 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 367.8 feet 1433 XIE19971003.0085 -1 2.44 meters 1433 NYT19990607.0395 1 367.5 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 12 miles 1433 NYT19981123.0272 1 370-foot-tall 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 350 feet 1433 NYT19991214.0320 -1 nine - mile - deep 1433 APW20000112.0222 -1 250 miles 1433 NYT20000408.0127 -1 California 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 splendid isolation 12 miles west 1433 NYT19981123.0272 1 370-foot 1433 XIE19980911.0237 -1 88 centimeters 1433 APW19981207.0035 -1 height 1433 XIE19980911.0237 -1 a height 1433 NYT19990510.0165 -1 some 300 feet 1433 NYT20000408.0127 -1 30 feet 1433 NYT20000327.0210 -1 its 275-foot height 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 37 feet 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 2 feet 1433 NYT19990607.0395 -1 363.4-foot 1433 NYT19980930.0120 -1 Stern 1434 NYT19980804.0227 -1 stuck to his plane with gum 1434 NYT19990424.0012 -1 Atlantic 1434 NYT19990213.0196 -1 Saturday 1434 NYT19981021.0173 -1 aviator Charles 1434 NYT19991019.0089 -1 plane 1434 APW19990126.0064 1 New York 1434 NYT19980925.0253 -1 During a trip to Berlin in 1938 , Lindbergh 1434 NYT19990424.0012 -1 Winston-Salem 1434 APW20000520.0126 -1 Atlantic Ocean 1434 NYT19980921.0198 1 NewYork 1434 NYT19980804.0227 2 NEW YORK 1434 APW19990427.0151 -1 Paris 1434 NYT19980921.0198 -1 America 1434 APW19990519.0121 1 Roosevelt Field 1434 NYT19990830.0421 2 New York 1434 NYT19990424.0012 -1 St. Louis 1434 NYT19980804.0227 -1 Atlantic 1434 NYT19990916.0238 -1 trans-Atlantic 1434 APW19990427.0151 -1 Charles Lindbergh 1434 NYT19990728.0059 -1 Web 1434 APW20000519.0238 1 Long Island 1434 NYT19981008.0177 -1 across the Atlantic 1434 APW20000520.0126 -1 St. Louis 1434 APW19990520.0132 -1 St. Louis 1434 NYT19980924.0315 1 Roosevelt Field 1434 NYT19990723.0042 -1 NIL 1434 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1434 APW19990612.0079 -1 Germany 1434 APW20000520.0126 -1 Paris 1434 NYT19990729.0198 -1 Paris 1434 NYT19981008.0177 -1 aviation 1434 NYT19981008.0177 -1 Paris 1434 NYT19990412.0428 1 New York 1435 XIE19970415.0189 3 Saudi 1435 APW19990322.0186 1 Saudi Arabia 1435 APW19991002.0051 -1 Roman Catholic 1435 APW19990322.0186 -1 Muslims 1435 XIE19970415.0189 -1 kingdom 1435 APW19981011.0182 -1 theft 1435 APW19980825.0046 -1 United States 1435 NYT20000902.0011 -1 Florida 1435 APW19990330.0195 -1 Kuwait 1435 XIE19990325.0442 1 Saudi Arabia 1435 XIE19990325.0065 1 Saudi Arabia 1435 APW19980824.1196 -1 Islam 1435 APW19990330.0043 1 Saudi Arabia 1435 XIE19990727.0026 -1 Realtors 1435 APW19990330.0043 -1 Mecca 1435 APW19990330.0195 -1 Muslims 1435 APW19990330.0043 -1 MECCA 1435 APW19980824.1196 -1 Sudan 1435 APW20000316.0112 -1 Mecca 1435 APW20000319.0058 -1 Medina 1435 APW19980824.1196 -1 home 1435 APW19980825.0046 -1 home 1435 APW19980824.1196 -1 United States 1435 APW19990330.0195 -1 Medina 1435 APW19981011.0182 -1 Afghan 1435 APW19980927.0793 1 Saudi Arabia 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 Virginia 1436 APW20000112.0237 -1 Lee 1436 APW19980621.1179 -1 Bulls 1436 NYT19980730.0299 3 Sorrel 1436 NYT19990429.0120 -1 Valhol 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 -- Stonewall Jackson Museum at Hupp 's Hill Battlefield Park : The original section of the rustic museum 1436 APW19990715.0007 -1 name 1436 NYT19990915.0196 -1 Smoke House 1436 NYT19980730.0299 1 Little Sorrel 1436 NYT20000624.0008 -1 U . S . 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 Arm 1436 NYT20000308.0419 -1 Monument Avenue 1436 NYT19980730.0300 1 Little Sorrel 1436 NYT19980730.0300 -1 Lexington 1436 NYT19980730.0300 -1 Thomas Jonathan 1436 APW20000506.0164 -1 Pegasus 1436 NYT19991019.0094 -1 Disney 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 VMI 1436 NYT19990702.0101 -1 Confederate 1436 NYT19980730.0300 -1 1998-07-30 1436 NYT19980809.0076 -1 Robert E. Lee 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 house 1436 NYT20000508.0372 -1 War 1436 NYT20000508.0372 -1 Robert E. Lee 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery 1436 NYT19990427.0441 -1 Valhol 's owner , Jim Jackson 1436 NYT19990427.0441 -1 the $ 300,000 winner 's purse from the Arkansas Derby despite arguments by the commission that the Kentucky_Derby would be tainted if Valhol ran in the race 1436 NYT19980730.0300 -1 Jackson 's 1436 NYT19980601.0362 -1 Jonathan Reynolds 1436 NYT20000308.0257 -1 confederate general J.E.B. Stuart 1436 NYT19980730.0299 -1 jackson start feel like jackson start 1436 NYT19980622.0224 -1 He 1436 NYT19981217.0471 -1 Jacksons 1437 NYT20000508.0357 -1 11 1437 NYT19981213.0051 -1 seven 1437 XIE19980807.0291 -1 14.196 million bales 1437 APW19980605.1343 -1 The local province of Lahij 1437 NYT20000218.0164 -1 10 percent 1437 NYT19990418.0235 -1 140,000 people 1437 NYT20000629.0112 -1 seven states 1437 NYT19990418.0235 -1 third state 1437 NYT19990628.0435 -1 seven 1437 APW20000313.0113 -1 11 1437 XIE19960719.0261 -1 670.8 billion yuan 1437 NYT19991119.0119 -1 slaves 1437 NYT19990811.0169 -1 11 1437 NYT19990418.0235 -1 seven 1437 NYT19990418.0235 -1 11 1437 XIE19980928.0197 -1 seven - meter - high 1437 NYT19980724.0379 -1 five 1437 NYT20000508.0357 -1 the 11 states 1437 NYT20000312.0142 -1 in Texas 1437 NYT19991119.0119 -1 100,000 1437 NYT19991105.0203 -1 2000 1437 NYT19990418.0235 -1 11 southern state 1437 NYT20000218.0164 -1 five hours 1437 XIE19960911.0052 -1 7 1437 XIE19960520.0170 -1 56.70 1438 NYT19990130.0266 -1 canyon 1438 NYT20000605.0262 2 Gulf of Mexico 1438 NYT19990626.0219 -1 Colorado River 1438 NYT19981008.0080 -1 larger stream 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Wayne Ranney , a geology instructor at Yavapai College in Prescott , Ariz. , 1438 NYT19991129.0135 -1 farming 1438 NYT19990608.0005 -1 Austin 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Ariz . 1438 XIE19971217.0218 -1 This movement 1438 NYT19991011.0029 -1 San Diego 1438 NYT19991011.0029 -1 Arizona 1438 NYT19980817.0090 -1 Salton Sea 1438 NYT19980817.0090 -1 Salton 1438 NYT19981016.0121 -1 Lake 1438 NYT19990529.0008 -1 Environmental 1438 APW19990730.0232 -1 Southern California 1438 NYT19980819.0034 -1 about 130 miles 1438 NYT19980601.0602 -1 Colorado River 1438 APW19990804.0084 -1 1999-08-04 1438 NYT20000818.0075 -1 the Colorado River to the Rio Grande 1438 NYT19990505.0294 1 Gulf of Mexico 1438 NYT19981004.0090 -1 Republican River 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Northern Arizona University 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Rio Grande 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Prescott 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 Yavapai_College in Prescott 1438 NYT20000605.0262 -1 A popular theory 1438 NYT19990503.0298 -1 the Rio Grande 1438 NYT19981024.0281 -1 the Colorado River 1438 XIE20000927.0124 -1 Orontes River 1438 XIE19980806.0195 -1 Nenjiang River 1438 XIE19980821.0081 -1 Yangtze River 1438 NYT19980817.0090 -1 San Diego 1438 XIE19980514.0221 -1 ters of water from the Yellow River, the seco 1438 NYT19990609.0005 -1 River, for exam 1438 NYT19980602.0091 -1 Colorado 1439 NYT19990915.0095 1 1,932 feet 1439 NYT19990915.0090 1 1,932 feet 1439 NYT19990915.0095 1 1 , 932 feet 1439 NYT20000831.0116 2 1932 1439 NYT19980727.0209 -1 800 feet 1439 APW19981012.1233 -1 5 time 1439 NYT19980727.0209 1 1,932 feet 1439 APW19981012.1233 -1 he estimated to be 1,600 feet 1439 APW19981103.1025 -1 mud 1439 NYT20000828.0438 -1 Chester 1439 NYT19990915.0095 -1 1,640 feet 1439 XIE20000811.0100 -1 1,250 meters 1439 NYT20000426.0295 -1 Yamanaka 1439 APW19981012.1233 -1 500 meters 1439 NYT19980901.0167 -1 due 1439 APW19981012.1377 -1 212,500 square kilometers 1439 APW19981012.1377 -1 ( 160 kph ) 1439 APW19981012.1377 -1 at speeds 1439 APW19981012.1377 -1 1600 feet 1439 NYT19980727.0209 -1 800 foot 1439 APW19981012.1233 -1 snow 1439 APW19981022.0080 -1 ash 1439 XIE19990316.0235 -1 220-kilometer-side 1439 NYT19980702.0228 -1 Oregon 1440 NYT19981030.0199 -1 Motown 1440 APW20000727.0001 -1 Christopher Guest 1440 NYT19981030.0167 -1 Motown 1440 NYT20000612.1253 -1 Persuasion 1440 APW19980613.0875 2 Lionel Richie 1440 NYT19980701.0330 1 Lionel Richie 1440 NYT20000429.0122 -1 Jagger 1440 NYT19980701.0330 -1 Linda Ronstadt 1440 APW20000129.0193 -1 Actress Vanessa Redgrave 1440 NYT20000908.0471 -1 NEW YORK Rebert Harris 1440 APW20000122.0208 -1 Dan Langhi 1440 NYT19980912.0203 -1 Vanderbilt 1440 APW20000304.0175 -1 Vanderbilt 1440 APW19990327.0114 -1 Milan Williams 1440 NYT19980908.0183 -1 Andrea Echiverri 1440 NYT19980811.0262 2 Lionel Richie 1440 NYT19990702.0140 -1 Richards 1440 APW19980829.0839 -1 Don Everly 1440 APW19980827.1319 2 Richie 1440 APW20000131.0087 -1 Kurt Cobain 1440 NYT19990514.0232 -1 Spector 1440 NYT19980701.0330 -1 Afro-and-platform-shoe-wearing 1440 APW20000129.0193 -1 51. Actor Charles S. Dutton 1440 NYT19980901.0319 2 Richie 1440 APW20000219.0179 -1 leading scorer Tony_Harris ( 15.3 points per game ) , who was 1-of-14 from the field and finished with three points to go with one assist and three turnovers 1440 APW20000705.0067 -1 Singer 1440 NYT20000624.0106 2 Lionel Richie 1440 NYT19980614.0144 -1 lead singer Michael Stipe 1440 APW20000206.0208 -1 Vanderbilt 1440 NYT19990721.0244 -1 Douglas Cotton 1440 NYT19980912.0203 -1 David Wallace-to-Tavarus Hogans 1440 APW20000705.0067 2 Richie 1441 NYT19991027.0144 1 South Pole 1441 NYT20000405.0273 -1 takes place every winter 1441 NYT19991027.0146 1 the South Pole 1441 APW19991019.0072 -1 Earth 1441 NYT20000405.0273 3 Vostok, Antarctica 1441 NYT19990408.0175 3 Vostok, Antarctica 1441 NYT20000405.0273 1 Antarctica 1441 NYT19991027.0145 1 South Pole 1441 NYT20000405.0273 3 Over Antarctica , the coldest place on earth , severe ozone depletion 1441 APW19980827.1067 -1 year 1441 NYT19990408.0175 1 Vostok Station 1441 XIE19990115.0246 -1 Vietnam 1441 NYT20000405.0273 -1 Arctic 1441 NYT19990408.0175 1 Antarctica 1441 APW19990709.0108 1 South Pole 1441 NYT19991027.0146 1 South Pole 1441 NYT20000302.0109 -1 Finland 1441 APW19991020.0331 1 Antarctic 1441 NYT19990604.0034 2 Antarctica 1441 XIE20000816.0030 -1 800 kilometers 1441 NYT20000405.0273 3 Over Antarctica 1441 NYT20000319.0264 -1 Force 1441 APW19991019.0072 1 the South Pole 1441 APW19991020.0046 1 Antarctic 1441 APW20000317.0102 -1 Calif. , a ghost_town 50 miles south of Lake_Tahoe , 1441 APW19990309.0270 -1 Stanley 1441 APW19990309.0270 -1 Laredo 1441 XIE19980120.0142 -1 China 1441 APW19980827.1067 -1 Earth 1442 XIE19990617.0248 -1 order to control acid rain 1442 XIE19980308.0180 -1 acid rain 1442 XIE19980129.0082 -1 carbon monoxide 1442 XIE19990302.0253 -1 rain 1442 XIE19960115.0049 -1 Progress 1442 XIE19970310.0180 -1 development 1442 XIE19990114.0314 -1 low sulfur high-quality coal 1442 XIE19980308.0180 -1 China 1442 XIE19990302.0253 -1 Sulfur 1442 XIE19991019.0277 -1 percent 1442 XIE19990615.0117 -1 pesticides 1442 APW19980616.0862 1 SO2 1442 XIE19970310.0180 1 SO2 1442 NYT19990509.0130 -1 trade secret 1442 XIE19990615.0117 -1 water 1442 XIE19970310.0180 -1 carbon dioxide 1442 XIE19960212.0007 1 SO2 1442 XIE19970310.0180 -1 oxide 1442 XIE20000725.0122 -1 two years 1442 XIE19971009.0014 -1 emissions 1442 XIE20000525.0190 -1 China 1442 XIE19980918.0125 -1 NIL 1442 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1442 XIE19960622.0108 -1 nitrogen oxide in the city's air 1442 APW19991020.0090 -1 wines 1442 XIE19970313.0070 -1 control areas 1442 XIE19971009.0014 -1 nitrogen dioxide 1442 XIE19960606.0226 -1 noxious emissions 1442 NYT19990416.0380 -1 Acadia 1442 XIE19991203.0252 -1 Coal 1442 XIE19980308.0180 -1 curb deterior trend acid rain dioxid 1442 XIE20000807.0274 -1 percent smog concentr 4 percent dioxid 1442 XIE19971005.0079 -1 Sulphur 1442 XIE19960403.0200 -1 Formula 1443 APW19981010.0698 1 1981 1443 NYT19981212.0143 -1 reggae star 1443 APW19981010.0813 1 1981 1443 APW19990604.0011 1 1981 1443 NYT19981109.0114 -1 1962 1443 NYT20000519.0092 -1 19 years ago 1443 NYT19991217.0112 2 April 1981 1443 APW19990604.0073 -1 Wednesday night 1443 APW19990604.0073 1 1981 1443 APW19990604.0073 -1 1980 1443 NYT20000519.0092 -1 19 years 1443 APW19990701.0222 -1 1970s 1443 APW19981010.0796 1 1981 1443 NYT19991217.0145 1 1981 1443 APW19990604.0073 -1 47 1443 NYT19991217.0112 2 1981 1443 APW19990604.0011 -1 1999-06-04 1443 APW19990930.0337 -1 Wednesday 1443 NYT19980903.0206 2 in 1981 1443 APW20000205.0155 -1 1977 1443 APW19990604.0073 -1 1966 1443 NYT20000519.0092 -1 19 years ago, his band the Wailers continues to keep his legacy alive 1443 APW19990604.0011 1 in 1981 1443 APW19990702.0031 -1 a 1970s wave 1443 APW19981010.0813 -1 0293 1443 APW19981010.0813 -1 2002 1444 APW19980618.0311 2 Corazon Aquino 1444 APW19980820.0044 1 Corazon Aquino 1444 NYT20000904.0084 -1 One 1444 APW19980604.0194 -1 Page 1 1444 XIE19980821.0146 3 Aquino 1444 APW19980604.0194 -1 Estrada 1444 APW19981121.0251 -1 Fabian Ver 1444 APW19981120.1452 3 Former President Corazon Aquino 1444 APW19981121.0251 -1 AP 1444 XIE19980621.0179 -1 Joseph Estrada 1444 XIE19980821.0146 3 Aquino wife 1444 APW19980703.0125 -1 supporter of 1444 APW19981120.1452 -1 AP 1444 XIE19980620.0190 -1 Estrada 1444 APW19990224.0016 1 Corazon Aquino 1444 APW19990902.0200 2 Corazon Aquino 1444 NYT19991221.0058 -1 Mao Zedong 1444 XIE19990120.0139 -1 Joseph Estrada 1444 XIE19971208.0095 -1 Ferdinand Marcos , Jr. 1444 XIE19980620.0190 1 Corazon Aquino 1444 APW19981130.1304 -1 Manila 1444 APW19980608.0292 -1 president 1444 APW19980604.0194 -1 1986 1444 XIE19980620.0190 -1 Joseph Estrada 1444 APW19980819.0336 -1 Joseph Estrada 1444 NYT19991003.0880 -1 lady 1444 APW19981130.0046 -1 Joseph Estrada 1444 NYT19981212.0075 -1 Fidel Ramos 1444 XIE19980821.0146 1 Corazon Aquino 1444 XIE19980622.0146 -1 Marcos 1444 XIE19980821.0146 -1 Marcos 1444 XIE19991215.0095 -1 Philippine National Bank 1444 XIE19971001.0131 -1 Fidel Ramos 1444 APW19981201.1374 -1 Imelda Marcos 1444 NYT20000714.0400 -1 industry leader Philip Morris 1444 APW19980819.0336 -1 Estrada 1444 APW19980911.0059 -1 President Joseph Estrada 1445 NYT19990123.0221 -1 February 1953 1445 NYT19980619.0184 -1 today 1445 NYT19991001.0134 -1 November 26, 1922 1445 XIE20000727.0115 -1 July 27 1445 NYT19990215.0120 -1 June 25 1445 NYT19990408.0144 -1 Tuesday 1445 XIE19980427.0257 -1 April 27 1445 NYT20000211.0308 -1 July 1445 XIE20000727.0115 -1 Wednesday 1445 NYT19981224.0155 -1 christmas 1445 NYT19981029.0431 -1 10 1445 NYT19990325.0208 -1 1873 _ 1445 XIE19980427.0257 -1 Happy Birthday 1445 NYT20000319.0150 -1 this season 1445 NYT20000728.0365 -1 2001 1445 NYT20000705.0190 -1 1998 1445 NYT19981221.0317 -1 1911 1445 NYT20000306.0255 -1 on Friday mornings 1445 NYT19990528.0376 -1 July 4 1445 NYT20000119.0180 -1 1992 1445 APW19991019.0031 -1 Today 1445 XIE20000727.0115 -1 its 50th birthday 1445 APW19990704.0092 -1 1900 1445 APW19990428.0036 -1 between Oct. 1, 1997 and Nov. 30, 1998 1445 APW19990208.0192 -1 two 1445 NYT19991127.0097 -1 1991 1445 NYT19980812.0227 -1 June 1 1445 NYT19980812.0227 -1 July 1445 NYT19980602.0244 -1 Tuesday 1445 NYT20000119.0180 -1 2001 1446 XIE19980130.0093 -1 father of India 1446 XIE19980130.0093 -1 India 1446 NYT19980629.0548 -1 of Bombay 's business district 1446 APW19991008.0224 -1 NEW DELHI , India ( AP ) -- The Supreme Court 1446 APW19980716.0166 -1 Gandhi 1446 NYT20000324.0106 -1 the civil rights movement 1446 APW19980717.0476 -1 multiparty federal 1446 XIE19970810.0122 -1 the Quit India call 1446 NYT20000825.0271 -1 addition 1446 NYT20000825.0271 -1 granddaughter 1446 NYT19990728.0294 1 shot dead 1446 NYT19981111.0231 -1 learn 1446 XIE19980123.0240 -1 50th anniversary 1446 APW19980716.0166 3 Gandhi , known as the mahatma or `` great soul , '' was assassinated in 1948 by Godse . 1446 NYT19990910.0183 -1 und 1446 APW19980717.0476 -1 strongly 1446 APW19990916.0141 -1 Friday 1446 XIE19980130.0093 -1 NEW DELHI 1446 NYT20000204.0287 -1 NIL 1446 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1446 XIE19961129.0047 -1 laying a wreath on his memorial before discussing issues of common concern 1446 APW19980803.1169 -1 Now, it's the economic and functional that bring Africa to the fore,'' 1446 XIE19970828.0146 -1 Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru 1446 XIE19980130.0093 -1 nonviolence 1446 XIE19980130.0093 -1 str 1446 APW19980717.0333 -1 Mahatma Gandhi,'' said Advani, whose Hin 1447 XIE19990408.0017 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19991118.0001 1 Damascus 1447 NYT20000113.0091 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19980603.0040 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19960726.0108 1 Damascus 1447 APW19981001.1042 1 Damascus 1447 XIE20000928.0064 -1 Turkey 1447 APW19981017.0760 -1 control 1447 XIE19970103.0174 -1 the Mossad, Israel's intelligence service 1447 XIE19981009.0166 2 Damascus Friday morning 1447 XIE19990604.0042 2 DAMASCUS 1447 XIE19970125.0098 1 DAMASCUS 1447 XIE19960420.0048 1 Damascus 1447 NYT19980605.0210 1 Damascus 1447 NYT19981021.0346 -1 Ocalan 1447 XIE19961213.0063 -1 Beijing 1447 XIE19970204.0148 1 Damascus 1447 APW19981002.0476 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19971217.0135 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19960125.0018 1 Damascus 1447 APW19980819.0069 1 Damascus 1447 APW19981219.0169 2 Damascus 1447 XIE19970327.0182 1 Damascus 1447 APW19981017.0760 -1 Ankara 1447 APW20000505.0154 1 Damascus 1447 NYT20000611.0026 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19981007.0039 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19980603.0040 -1 Syria 1447 XIE19960721.0046 1 Damascus 1447 XIE19980904.0047 1 Damascus 1447 APW19980709.0755 2 DAMASCUS 1447 APW19981017.0760 1 Damascus 1448 NYT20000717.0218 -1 positive cloud to ground '' lightning 1448 NYT19981204.0153 -1 Cloud Factory 1448 NYT19991028.0184 -1 Max 1448 NYT19990621.0084 -1 thunder 1448 NYT19990312.0190 -1 As we 1448 NYT19990312.0190 -1 spring storm season 1448 XIE20000104.0156 -1 the second time 1448 NYT19980831.0403 -1 Florida 1448 NYT19980831.0403 -1 danger 1448 APW19981025.0670 -1 Moroka Swallows 1448 NYT19980724.0264 -1 bolt 1448 NYT19980630.0295 -1 Medications 1448 NYT20000717.0218 -1 tornadoes 1448 NYT20000518.0129 -1 vicious critters 1448 XIE19980902.0193 -1 spiders 1448 NYT19990518.0349 -1 thunder 1448 NYT19990322.0165 -1 bolt 1448 XIE20000825.0275 -1 U.S. 1448 NYT19990916.0115 -1 rods 1448 NYT19991129.0215 -1 Times 1448 APW19990805.0152 -1 More storms 1448 XIE20000219.0111 -1 there 1448 NYT19990312.0190 -1 there 1448 NYT19990910.0085 -1 lightning 1448 NYT19990523.0071 -1 Fier 1448 NYT19980630.0295 -1 Thunder 1448 NYT20000717.0218 -1 creepy crawly lightning 1448 NYT19991028.0209 -1 Max 1448 NYT20000717.0218 -1 precipitation 1448 NYT19990312.0190 -1 kcstar 1448 XIE20000528.0073 -1 despite lightning rods. 1448 NYT19980805.0218 -1 Drunken Beans 1448 XIE20000219.0111 -1 Lightning 1449 APW19990802.0206 -1 Lakers 1449 APW19990614.0094 -1 NBA 1449 XIE19960329.0066 -1 Basketball 1449 NYT19990829.0030 1 Michigan State 1449 NYT19990325.0354 -1 Larry Bird 1449 NYT19990730.0406 -1 USC 1449 APW19990614.0094 1 Michigan State University 1449 NYT20000205.0040 -1 Dennis Rodman 1449 XIE20000125.0081 -1 STOCKHOLM , January 24 ( Xinhua ) -- 1449 APW19980707.1049 -1 subsidiary 1449 XIE20000110.0079 -1 NBA 1449 APW19990204.0125 -1 Eagle 1449 NYT20000404.0019 1 Michigan State 1449 NYT20000502.0386 -1 NBA 1449 NYT20000630.0446 -1 Magic Johnson Theaters 1449 NYT19990326.0036 1 Michigan State 1449 APW20000308.0013 -1 Earvin 1449 NYT19990325.0354 -1 Earvin 1449 NYT20000209.0042 -1 Bluthenthal 1449 XIE19990902.0165 -1 Former NBA star 1449 NYT19990708.0359 -1 Southwest College 1449 XIE19970614.0126 -1 Los Angeles Lakers 1449 NYT19990325.0354 -1 Earvin Magic 1449 APW20000404.0044 -1 basketball world 1449 NYT20000325.0023 -1 Doc Rivers 1449 XIE19970107.0171 -1 NBA 1449 XIE19991016.0144 -1 Lakers 1449 APW19990614.0094 -1 Los Angeles 1449 NYT20000205.0040 -1 Rodman 1449 APW19990204.0125 -1 Calder_Johnson 1449 APW19990204.0125 -1 His son 1449 XIE19991016.0144 -1 NBA 1449 APW19990805.0167 -1 Penny 1449 APW19990614.0094 -1 Magic Johnson 1449 NYT19991210.0022 -1 attend Long Beach City College 1449 APW19990614.0094 -1 AP 1449 APW19990614.0094 -1 High School 1449 NYT19990325.0354 -1 Indiana University 1449 APW19980707.1049 -1 Johnson Development Corp. 1449 NYT19981003.0083 -1 He 1450 APW19991016.0063 2 Iowa 1450 NYT20000912.0121 1 Iowa 1450 XIE19960505.0015 -1 Nebraska 1450 XIE20000516.0382 -1 Growers Association 1450 APW19990605.0114 -1 Illinois 1450 NYT19990828.0132 -1 Mexico 1450 NYT19990828.0132 -1 Louis 1450 XIE19981106.0173 -1 northeast China 1450 APW19980610.0897 -1 Chicago 1450 APW19990605.0114 -1 Corn Belt 1450 XIE19971107.0261 -1 International Development 1450 APW20000114.0073 2 Iowa 1450 NYT19991218.0142 1 Iowa 1450 APW19990822.0075 -1 Minnesota 1450 XIE19960516.0130 -1 China 1450 XIE19980107.0321 2 Iowa 1450 XIE19970304.0174 -1 China 1450 XIE19961209.0117 -1 US 1450 NYT19991213.0446 2 Iowa 1450 APW19990605.0114 2 Iowa 1450 NYT19990828.0132 -1 company 1450 NYT19980707.0219 -1 Kansas 1450 APW20000404.0082 2 Iowa 1450 APW19990914.0272 -1 flour 1450 APW19980610.0897 -1 the U.S. Governor 1450 XIE19981106.0173 -1 Lishu_County 1450 XIE20000916.0218 -1 corn 1450 APW19990519.0171 -1 Washington 1450 NYT19990828.0132 -1 In Mexico 1450 XIE19981106.0173 -1 Michigan 1450 XIE19981106.0173 -1 Nebraska 1450 XIE19970127.0196 -1 Guizhou 1451 NYT19990804.0208 -1 Ill. 1451 APW19980611.0860 -1 Sri Lanka 1451 APW19980611.0860 -1 McDonald 1451 APW19990416.0171 -1 Imperial Corporation 1451 XIE20000413.0184 -1 U . S . 1451 APW19980611.0860 -1 Colombo 1451 XIE19961202.0230 -1 Greece 1451 APW19980713.1227 -1 U.S. 1451 NYT19990402.0033 -1 Egypt 1451 NYT19990707.0237 1 San Bernardino , Calif. 1451 NYT19991228.0136 -1 Kroc 1451 NYT19981224.0068 -1 Snyder 1451 XIE19990708.0316 -1 China 1451 APW19980713.1227 -1 Philippines 1451 XIE19970220.0254 -1 Russia 1451 NYT19990429.0122 1 California 1451 NYT19990915.0153 -1 MAKEOVER 1451 NYT19990108.0211 -1 I 1451 NYT19991117.0368 1 San Bernardino 1451 APW19980611.0860 -1 Sri 1451 NYT20000920.0011 -1 Wilson 1451 XIE19970605.0028 -1 Campaign 55 1451 NYT19980901.0039 -1 in Moscow 1451 NYT19980715.0498 -1 Des Plaines 1451 NYT20000904.0287 -1 this month 's events in Sydney 1451 NYT20000707.0199 -1 McDonald 1451 NYT19990804.0208 -1 Des Plaines 1451 APW19990405.0059 -1 Moscow 1451 NYT19980715.0498 -1 Ill. 1451 XIE20000418.0060 -1 Zhengzhou 1451 NYT20000718.0090 -1 Internet 1452 XIE19990804.0180 -1 JINAN 1452 APW19980904.0237 -1 novels and plays 1452 APW19981119.0732 -1 Britain 1452 APW19991014.0065 -1 poems 1452 NYT20000411.0146 -1 cockroach 1452 NYT19980925.0488 -1 The Butterfly Jar 1452 NYT19990208.0142 -1 Carroll 1452 APW19980604.1200 -1 sentiment 1452 NYT20000329.0040 -1 United States 1452 NYT19980902.0098 -1 the library 1452 NYT20000802.0006 -1 Chang W. Lee 1452 NYT19980812.0196 1 compendium 1452 XIE20000223.0122 -1 Footprint of Life 1452 NYT19980921.0515 -1 Diva Pittala 1452 NYT19990105.0261 -1 Kokinshu 1452 NYT19990208.0142 -1 poems 1452 XIE19960927.0194 -1 China 1452 NYT19980929.0121 -1 20 short-story collections 1452 NYT20000228.0161 -1 San Francisco 1452 NYT20000927.0233 -1 Museum 1452 NYT19990624.0211 -1 associate 1452 APW20000124.0037 -1 Rita Dove 1452 XIE20000921.0086 -1 her 40 1452 NYT19990815.0060 -1 the last eight years 1452 NYT19990815.0060 -1 I 1452 NYT19980708.0214 -1 The Book of Arabesque 1452 NYT20000126.0116 -1 two collections 1452 NYT20000414.0444 -1 Image 1452 NYT19980811.0371 -1 Ferlinghetti 1452 NYT20000329.0040 -1 Poetry 1452 NYT19980613.0083 -1 Paul Parshley 1452 NYT20000207.0511 -1 verse 1452 NYT20000329.0040 -1 there seem attent poetri poetri 1452 NYT19990815.0060 -1 state 989 book poetri individu 1453 APW19990413.0140 3 Kemmerer 1453 NYT19990305.0313 -1 Argentina 1453 NYT19990518.0447 -1 James Cash 1453 APW19990413.0140 1 Kemmerer , Wyo 1453 APW20000224.0243 -1 Texas 1453 NYT19990625.0271 -1 health 1453 NYT20000103.0411 -1 Dallas 1453 APW19990405.0075 -1 Texas 1453 NYT19990818.0178 -1 Gwinnett County 1453 APW19990815.0002 -1 news release , J.C 1453 NYT20000814.0172 -1 America 1453 APW20000413.0217 1 Kemmerer , Wyo. 1453 APW19980903.1370 -1 Nathalie Tauziat 1453 APW19990408.0297 -1 Sears 1453 APW20000413.0217 3 Kemmerer 1453 APW19990413.0140 1 Kemmerer, Wyo. 1453 APW19991007.0257 -1 Sears 1453 NYT19990104.0200 -1 department store 1453 NYT19981124.0402 -1 Texas 1453 APW19990413.0140 3 Wyo 1453 NYT20000103.0411 -1 NIL 1453 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1453 APW19990413.0140 3 Wyo. 1453 APW20000124.0155 -1 Texas AP 1453 NYT19990825.0022 -1 Jackson 1453 NYT19990818.0178 -1 Taylor 1453 APW20000124.0155 -1 PLANO 1453 NYT20000103.0411 -1 Arizona Jeans 1453 NYT19980605.0099 -1 .. 1454 APW19990610.0061 1 $ 175,400 1454 NYT20000126.0076 -1 8- foot 1454 NYT19981201.0075 -1 in 1454 NYT19990226.0127 -1 4 other 1454 APW19980911.0251 -1 Zhytomyr 1454 NYT19981202.0413 -1 two broad 1454 NYT19991003.0879 -1 1976 ruling 1454 APW19990823.0221 -1 Proposition 5 1454 NYT19980611.0397 -1 few 1454 XIE19991029.0069 -1 Tin Aung Aye 1454 XIE19970608.0007 -1 the three men 1454 APW20000513.0014 -1 10th U.S. Circuit Court 1454 XIE19980424.0263 -1 540 million dollars 1454 NYT19981020.0120 -1 millions of dollars 1454 NYT19990624.0041 -1 1.55 BILLION dollar 1454 NYT19991003.0541 -1 4 1454 APW19990928.0221 -1 $1.5 billion 1454 NYT19981004.0100 -1 $ 140,000 1454 APW20000531.0059 -1 3rd 1454 XIE20000124.0076 -1 the 20 million dollars 1454 NYT19981021.0482 -1 $ 500,000 1454 NYT19990226.0127 -1 22 states 1454 NYT19990226.0127 -1 the Olmstead case 1454 NYT19990226.0127 -1 13 states 1454 NYT20000707.0041 -1 $1,000 1454 XIE20000622.0350 -1 3 1454 NYT19990522.0178 -1 thus restore $ 2.6 billion 1454 NYT19990427.0460 -1 90 days 1455 APW19990505.0093 1 Lakehurst 1455 NYT20000409.0197 1 Lakehurst 1455 XIE19960209.0303 -1 New York City 1455 APW20000702.0064 -1 German airship 1455 APW20000817.0218 -1 N.J. 1455 APW20000702.0048 -1 use 1455 APW20000702.0048 -1 Attending 1455 NYT19991008.0349 -1 Puerto Rico 1455 NYT19990801.0170 -1 real_estate boom 1455 NYT20000729.0098 -1 CONCORDE-TECH-REVIEW 1455 NYT20000729.0098 -1 Concorde 1455 NYT20000728.0375 -1 Washington 1455 NYT20000409.0196 1 Lakehurst , N.J. 1455 NYT19990630.0064 -1 New York City 1455 APW19990409.0223 -1 German 1455 APW20000702.0048 1 Lakehurst 1455 NYT19990630.0064 -1 England 1455 APW20000505.0220 1 Lakehurst 1455 APW19990821.0103 -1 Pittsburgh station KDKA 1455 NYT19980602.0182 1 Lakehurst 1455 NYT19980611.0064 -1 NIL 1455 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1455 NYT19990630.0064 -1 York City 1455 NYT19990630.0079 -1 York City 1455 APW20000505.0140 -1 Philadelphia 1455 APW20000702.0064 -1 airship 1455 APW20000702.0064 -1 misconception 1455 APW20000109.0071 -1 New York 1456 NYT20000705.0100 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT19981104.0325 -1 a prime battleground 1456 NYT20000705.0100 -1 Key 1456 NYT20000929.0169 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT19981104.0325 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT20000705.0155 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT20000929.0169 3 Pennsylvania Turnpike 1456 APW19990803.0139 -1 Keystone State 1456 NYT20000705.0155 -1 living up to its name 1456 NYT20000929.0169 -1 idea 1456 NYT20000705.0155 -1 KEY THIS ELECTION YEAR 1456 NYT19990826.0258 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT19990224.0399 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT20000909.0080 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT19980601.0439 -1 Ohio 1456 NYT20000801.0203 -1 Gore 1456 NYT20000801.0203 -1 Heinz 1456 NYT20000616.0326 1 Pennsylvania 1456 NYT19981104.0325 -1 a prime battleground for the 2000 elections 1456 NYT20000911.0090 2 Pennsylvania 1456 APW19990209.0272 -1 that entity 1456 XIE20000821.0307 -1 as diverse as it is rich in natural 1456 NYT20000929.0169 -1 the Keystone_State 1456 NYT19981230.0334 -1 s clean record 1456 NYT20000929.0169 -1 ne 1456 APW19990803.0311 -1 over time contract paid 000. mai 1992 1457 NYT19981212.0075 1 Corazon Aquino 1457 XIE19971208.0095 -1 Jr. 1457 NYT19981121.0042 -1 Philippines 1457 XIE19990304.0249 -1 Estrada 1457 APW19981120.1452 1 Corazon Aquino 1457 APW19980628.0094 3 Aquino 1457 XIE19980509.0114 2 Corazon Aquino 1457 APW19981209.0507 -1 Ferdinand Marcos 1457 XIE19980623.0111 -1 Marcoses committed 1457 XIE19980821.0146 -1 Benigno Aquino 1457 XIE19990227.0192 -1 Marcos Jr 1457 XIE19981213.0201 -1 beeline to Imelda 1457 XIE19980821.0146 -1 Aquino-Galman 1457 APW19981120.1452 -1 Fabian Ver 1457 NYT19981218.0224 1 Corazon Aquino 1457 XIE19980821.0146 -1 Ver 1457 NYT19981221.0329 -1 Ferdinand E. Marcos 1457 XIE19980509.0114 -1 Juan Enrile 1457 XIE19980510.0122 1 Corazon Aquino 1457 XIE19980509.0114 3 Aquino 1457 NYT19981212.0075 -1 Marcos 1457 APW19981209.0507 -1 dictator Ferdinand Marcos 1457 APW19980819.0336 -1 Fidel Ramos 1457 XIE19980915.0104 3 Aquino 1457 APW19981120.1452 -1 Ver 1457 XIE19971208.0095 -1 Xinhua 1457 XIE19980622.0212 -1 President-elect Joseph 1457 APW19980617.0236 -1 BC-Philippines-Marcos AP Photos MLA103-105 By CLARO_CORTES_Associated_Press_Writer_MANILA , Philippines 1457 APW19980819.0336 -1 BC-Philippines-Marcos_General MANILA , Philippines ( AP ) _ President 1457 APW19990203.0389 -1 AP 1457 XIE19970308.0126 -1 Manila Heroes 1457 XIE19980510.0179 -1 Carlos P. Garcia 1457 XIE19980509.0114 -1 Secretary of National Defense 1457 XIE19980821.0146 3 Aquino 1457 APW19980819.0336 -1 Estrada 1457 APW19980624.1493 -1 Philippines 1457 APW19981006.0590 -1 Marcos Jr 1457 XIE19980429.0226 -1 Philippine 1457 NYT19980608.0421 -1 Suharto 1457 APW19980819.0336 -1 Philippines 1458 NYT19981112.0329 -1 musical 1458 NYT19990121.0201 -1 Raitt 1458 APW19990630.0020 1 Rydell 1458 NYT19981122.0022 -1 USC 1458 NYT20000703.0335 -1 State 1458 NYT20000703.0335 -1 10 percent 1458 NYT19980930.0173 -1 O'Connor's name 1458 APW19990430.0149 -1 NewYork 1458 XIE19991028.0171 -1 University of Toronto 1458 NYT19990702.0294 -1 Stevenson 1458 APW19980822.0776 -1 Rain 1458 NYT19990218.0227 -1 ''Rock and Roll High School 1458 NYT19990315.0280 1 Rydell High School 1458 NYT19990916.0248 -1 Out. 1458 APW19980627.0936 -1 Hotchkiss School 1458 NYT19990519.0073 -1 Armada Senior 1458 NYT19990218.0227 -1 Rock and Roll 1458 APW19990629.0020 -1 28 1458 APW19990629.0020 1 Rydell High 1458 NYT19990524.0233 -1 Americans 1458 NYT19980930.0173 -1 1998-09-30 1458 NYT19990224.0338 -1 high school as a brutal social and sexual testing ground 1458 NYT20000526.0323 -1 Hollywood 1458 NYT19980723.0018 -1 Gavin 1458 NYT19981112.0329 -1 Bobby Simone 1458 APW19990630.0020 -1 the success 1458 NYT19980930.0173 -1 a high_school 1458 APW19990430.0149 -1 a high_school 1458 NYT19990702.0294 -1 high school 1458 NYT19990404.0059 -1 high-school 1458 NYT19980723.0260 -1 Hollywood 1458 NYT19990424.0215 -1 Eric Harris 1458 NYT19981201.0057 -1 the early 1970s 1458 APW19990630.0020 -1 Carr 1458 NYT19990110.0221 -1 Food 1458 NYT19980618.0107 -1 Girls 1458 NYT19990315.0280 -1 School 1459 APW20000830.0147 1 Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 1459 APW20000830.0146 1 Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 1459 APW19980706.0451 -1 India 1459 NYT19991211.0162 -1 Brown County State 1459 APW19990219.0019 -1 Brown County State 1459 APW19990806.0117 -1 Great Smoky Mountain National Park 1459 APW20000830.0147 -1 Acadia National Park in Maine 1459 APW19990506.0251 -1 Hollywood Park 1459 APW19990612.0189 -1 `` It 1459 NYT19990420.0165 -1 trouble 1459 NYT20000821.0329 -1 District of Columbia 1459 APW19990403.0104 -1 Cincinnati 1459 APW20000830.0146 -1 Maine 1459 NYT19991018.0262 -1 SHOT 1459 NYT20000821.0329 -1 Midwest 1459 NYT20000905.0196 -1 Ohio 1459 NYT20000831.0121 -1 Maine 1459 APW19990806.0117 -1 Great Smoky Mountain 1459 NYT20000908.0262 -1 Notre Dame 1459 APW19990806.0117 -1 Maryland 1459 APW20000830.0146 -1 Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1459 APW20000830.0146 3 Dunes National Lakeshore 1459 NYT20000913.0460 -1 Bloomington 1459 NYT19980723.0219 -1 Jones 1459 APW20000830.0146 -1 Washington 1459 APW20000830.0147 3 Lakeshore 1459 XIE19960604.0304 -1 Chicago 1459 XIE19960605.0270 -1 Chicago 1459 APW20000911.0021 -1 one 1459 NYT20000531.0403 -1 the Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1459 XIE19980727.0081 -1 Cross River 1459 APW20000830.0146 -1 Mount Rainier National Park 1459 XIE19990913.0142 -1 Chinese 1460 NYT19990428.0143 -1 Dashiell Hammett 1460 NYT19980812.0235 1 Asta 1460 NYT20000317.0113 -1 Ghost Dog 1460 NYT19990729.0175 -1 Essential movie : `` The Thin Man . '' 1460 NYT19990908.0342 -1 Nello 1460 NYT20000316.0173 -1 his life 1460 NYT19990108.0128 -1 Red Line 1460 NYT20000503.0223 -1 wheat beer 1460 APW19990619.0010 -1 Life 1460 NYT20000824.0366 -1 Festival 1460 NYT20000316.0213 -1 Ghost Dog 1460 NYT20000316.0173 -1 cross-cultural 1460 NYT19980812.0235 -1 Skippy 1460 NYT20000211.0167 -1 William Powell 1460 APW19990811.0141 -1 1999-08-11 1460 NYT19990524.0251 -1 William Powell 1460 NYT19990222.0244 -1 Max 1460 NYT19990315.0239 -1 Dead 1460 NYT19981021.0071 -1 guinea pigs 1460 NYT19980812.0235 -1 the wire-haired terrier 1460 NYT19980812.0235 -1 a spoof of his career and ' 20s Hollywood , starring Bruce_Dern , Madeline Kahn and Art_Carney 1460 NYT20000315.0322 -1 2000_Los_Angeles_Daily_News With his latest film 1460 NYT20000315.0322 -1 Ghost Dog 1460 NYT19981116.0187 -1 Andy Hardy 1460 NYT20000211.0167 -1 Myrna Loy 1460 NYT19980605.0134 -1 Dog 1460 NYT19980812.0235 -1 dog 1460 NYT19980812.0235 -1 terrier 1460 NYT20000316.0173 -1 cinema 1460 NYT19980605.0134 -1 Neva 1460 NYT19980605.0098 -1 The 1460 NYT20000211.0137 -1 Movies 1461 XIE19981016.0121 -1 John Hume, David Trimble 1461 APW19991016.0015 -1 Mother Teresa 1461 XIE19981021.0047 -1 Northern Ireland 1461 XIE19981210.0096 -1 North Korean 1461 APW19991013.0186 -1 United States 1461 XIE19981017.0165 -1 Northern Ireland 1461 XIE19981017.0165 -1 Hume 1461 APW19981016.0397 -1 table 1461 XIE19971211.0247 -1 Norwegian Oslo City Hall 1461 XIE19981016.0121 -1 Ireland 1461 APW19981016.0397 -1 Northern Ireland 1461 XIE19981016.0051 -1 Northern Ireland 1461 APW20000927.0211 -1 AP 1461 APW19981016.0433 -1 United States 1461 APW19981002.0912 -1 Turkey 1461 NYT20000412.0028 -1 Kim Dae Jung 1461 APW20000212.0213 -1 Tutu 1461 APW19981019.0166 -1 Trimble 1461 APW19981220.0928 -1 Sudan 1461 APW19981023.1042 -1 Myanmar 1461 APW19981023.1020 -1 Myanmar 1461 APW19981008.0769 -1 East Timor 1461 APW19981211.0090 -1 Burma 1461 APW19981016.1056 -1 Ireland 1461 APW19981016.0474 -1 United States 1461 APW19981016.0293 -1 Ireland 1461 APW19991015.0024 -1 Oslo 1461 APW19981016.0324 -1 his Irish counterpart Bertie_Ahern 1461 APW19981016.0299 -1 Norway 1461 APW19981016.0324 -1 the peace agreement 1461 APW19981210.0342 -1 Israel 1461 XIE19981211.0335 -1 Northern Ireland 1461 APW19981015.1086 -1 Robert F. Furchgott 1461 APW19981016.0287 -1 John Hume 1462 NYT19990709.0158 1 Newport 1462 NYT19990709.0160 1 Newport 1462 NYT19990709.0139 -1 New World 1462 APW19990222.0131 -1 United States 1462 NYT19990709.0144 1 Newport, Rhode Island 1462 XIE19970713.0107 2 Newport, Rhode Island 1462 NYT19990709.0160 -1 Western Hemisphere 1462 NYT19990709.0160 1 Newport , R.I 1462 NYT19980828.0456 -1 Central Synagogue 1462 NYT19980828.0456 -1 Reform Judaism 1462 APW19981109.0916 -1 Frauenkirche 1462 NYT19990709.0212 -1 Blessing 1462 APW19980811.0878 -1 Israel 1462 NYT20000912.0257 -1 Poland 1462 NYT19980611.0196 -1 Temple Mickve Israel 1462 NYT20000811.0218 -1 New York 1462 NYT19990709.0144 -1 Caribbean 1462 NYT19990709.0144 -1 St. Thomas 1462 NYT19990406.0114 1 Newport 1462 NYT19990709.0143 1 Newport 1462 NYT19990709.0212 -1 American 1462 NYT19990709.0144 -1 1763 1462 NYT19980611.0196 -1 America 1462 NYT19990709.0139 -1 Fri 1462 APW20000115.0087 -1 O'Connor 1462 NYT19990715.0210 -1 across the United States 1462 NYT19990709.0158 -1 Western Hemisphere 1462 APW20000115.0219 -1 America 1462 APW19990619.0128 -1 the Mississippi River 1462 NYT19980921.0154 2 in Newport 1462 APW19990619.0128 -1 SACRAMENT0 , Calif. ( AP ) 1462 NYT19990709.0159 -1 a Spanish Moorish structure that is eventually replaced by something more spacious 1462 NYT19990709.0160 -1 the synagogue 1462 NYT19980611.0196 -1 Israel 1462 NYT20000704.0201 2 Newport 1462 NYT20000811.0218 -1 Houston 1462 NYT19990924.0467 -1 Philadelphia 1462 NYT19990924.0467 -1 Canada 1462 NYT19990709.0144 1 Newport 1462 APW19981210.1081 -1 Eilat Mazar 1462 NYT19990709.0143 -1 Western Hemisphere 1462 APW19981109.0916 -1 West Germany 1463 APW19981217.0817 -1 Korea 1463 APW20000616.0035 -1 North Korea 1463 APW20000911.0007 -1 Kim Yong Sun 1463 NYT19990510.0319 -1 South 1463 APW19990409.0199 -1 fans 1463 APW19981205.0076 -1 The Saudi Arabian anthem 1463 APW19981217.0817 -1 speed 1463 APW19980913.1292 -1 Lee 1463 NYT19990510.0319 -1 Japan 1463 APW20000720.0012 -1 followed by a 21 - gun salute as Putin 1463 NYT19990615.0304 -1 South 1463 APW20000720.0012 -1 Putin 1463 APW20000612.0139 -1 South Korea 1463 NYT19990714.0383 -1 Japan 1463 APW19981210.0340 1 Patriotic Song 1463 APW19981217.0817 -1 Korea. 1463 APW19981007.0694 -1 Thursday 1463 NYT20000816.0437 -1 Kim Il Sung 1463 APW19981210.0340 1 The Patriotic Song 1463 APW19981007.0084 -1 South Korean 1463 APW19980622.0418 -1 18 kilometers 1463 APW20000105.0243 -1 the house 1463 NYT20000630.0211 -1 South Korea 1463 APW20000720.0012 -1 The North Korean agency 1463 APW20000905.0174 -1 U.S. 1463 APW19990812.0018 -1 Japan 1463 APW20000905.0174 -1 North_Korean leader 1463 APW20000720.0012 -1 anthems 1463 XIE19970510.0059 -1 release 1463 APW20000720.0012 -1 north korean 1463 NYT19990714.0383 -1 yo 1463 NYT19981217.0374 -1 Japanese 1463 NYT19980604.0049 -1 Tampa Bay Devil Rays 1463 NYT19990510.0319 -1 Korea 1464 NYT19981221.0132 1 Steve Sloan 1464 APW20000517.0112 -1 Twice 1464 NYT20000713.0303 -1 Dick Van Dyke 1464 NYT19981221.0132 -1 Dick Van Dyke 1464 NYT19980831.0012 -1 Wixon 1464 NYT19990726.0163 -1 Jack 1464 NYT19990726.0163 -1 Scott Baio 1464 NYT19990120.0312 -1 Thursdays 1464 NYT19980831.0012 -1 James Harris 1464 APW19980902.0880 -1 Scotland Yard 1464 APW20000517.0112 -1 TUESDAY 1464 NYT20000421.0015 -1 Yates 1464 NYT20000421.0015 -1 Goss 1464 NYT19981224.0028 -1 CBS 1464 NYT19980812.0341 -1 Mark Sloan 1464 APW20000405.0110 -1 Singer Lisa Stansfield 1464 NYT19981221.0132 1 Detective Steve Sloan 1464 NYT19991231.0071 -1 Van Dyke 1464 NYT19990809.0137 -1 Dick 1464 NYT19990619.0134 -1 Berkowitz 1464 NYT19981221.0132 -1 DICK VAN DYKE 1464 NYT19990111.0079 -1 Bosch 1464 NYT20000616.0063 -1 Dick 1464 XIE19990122.0143 -1 Sun 1464 NYT19990726.0163 -1 Jack Something-or-Other 1464 NYT19981008.0115 -1 Douglas_J._S._Watson 1464 NYT19981008.0115 -1 detectives 1464 NYT19980731.0130 -1 Romulus Poe 1464 NYT19990109.0142 -1 San Diego 1464 XIE19991226.0044 -1 Nimrodi 1464 APW19980707.0050 -1 Guangming Daily 1464 APW19990403.0106 -1 Detective Rick Marks 1464 NYT19980814.0266 -1 Rich Cronin 1465 APW19980728.0566 -1 Motor 1465 APW19980728.0953 -1 Motor 1465 NYT19980728.0202 -1 Motor 1465 NYT19980806.0355 1 Rolls-Royce 1465 APW19980728.0566 1 Rolls Royce 1465 APW19980605.1243 1 Rolls-Royce 1465 NYT19980806.0355 1 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd. 1465 NYT19980806.0355 1 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars 1465 APW19980825.0350 -1 But the purchase Britain 1465 APW19980728.0173 1 Rolls-Royce 1465 APW19980728.0188 1 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd 1465 APW19980728.0245 -1 London 1465 APW19980728.0953 -1 VW 1465 APW19980731.0380 -1 VW 1465 APW19980728.0188 1 Rolls- Royce Motor Cars Ltd 1465 APW19980728.0245 1 Rolls-Royce 1465 APW19980731.0321 -1 Bentley Motor Cars 1465 NYT19980922.0421 2 Rolls Royce 1465 APW19980605.0614 1 Rolls - Royce 1465 APW19980730.1017 -1 Bentleys 1465 APW19980604.1874 1 Rolls-Royce motors 1465 APW19980728.0953 3 Rolls-Royce and Bentley 1465 APW19980731.0321 2 Rolls-Royce 1465 NYT20000525.0104 -1 service 1465 NYT19990211.0022 -1 San Fernando Valley 1465 NYT19990312.0383 -1 Rolls - Royce 1465 APW19980605.0354 -1 BMW 1465 APW19980728.0566 -1 VW 1465 NYT19980716.0323 1 Volkswagen 1465 NYT19980716.0323 -1 Stephen_Reitman 1465 NYT19980716.0323 -1 1998_N.Y._Times_News_Service_WOLFSBURG , Germany _ 1465 APW19981023.0879 1 VW 1465 NYT19980728.0202 -1 Rolls-Royce PLC 1465 APW19980728.0566 -1 Lycos 1465 APW19990427.0172 1 Volkswagen 1465 NYT19990312.0383 1 Volkswagen 1465 NYT20000525.0107 2 Volkswagen 1466 NYT19990521.0426 1 6 feet 1466 NYT19980917.0154 -1 289 - pound 1466 APW19990512.0060 1 6 feet 1466 NYT19990620.0008 -1 15-foot 1466 NYT19980917.0154 -1 289- pound 1466 XIE20000429.0149 -1 24 points 1466 APW20000104.0081 -1 124-120 1466 APW19990508.0056 -1 a 28 1466 NYT19990521.0426 -1 6 1466 APW19990114.0347 -1 76ers 1466 NYT20000226.0081 -1 6-foot-7 1466 APW20000206.0156 -1 50 points 1466 NYT20000214.0038 -1 26 points 1466 NYT19990523.0178 1 6 - foot 1466 XIE19990318.0205 -1 39 points 1466 XIE19991102.0336 -1 76ers 1466 APW19990508.0056 1 six-feet 1466 NYT19990515.0008 1 6 feet 1466 NYT20000929.0003 -1 200 meter 1466 NYT19990521.0426 -1 21 points 1466 NYT19980901.0337 -1 interviewed 1466 NYT19990521.0426 1 6 feet tall 1466 APW20000104.0081 -1 38 shots 1466 NYT20000204.0117 2 six feet 1466 APW19990508.0056 1 six feet 1466 NYT20000221.0008 -1 seven inch 1466 APW19990306.0073 -1 24 hours 1466 NYT19990521.0426 -1 Two weeks 1466 NYT19980606.0226 -1 39.2 .. 1467 APW19990214.0093 -1 1995 1467 APW19990928.0039 -1 1998 1467 NYT19990508.0178 -1 1890 1467 APW19990415.0085 -1 1976 1467 NYT19981102.0065 1 1889 1467 APW19981211.0048 1 1889 1467 APW19990305.0041 -1 1990 1467 NYT20000313.0124 -1 Feb . 24 1467 APW20000101.0160 -1 the 1980s 1467 APW20000511.0045 -1 1922 1467 NYT20000503.0104 -1 Oct 12 1467 APW19990121.0364 -1 1999 1467 NYT19990719.0279 -1 1997 1467 NYT19990719.0279 -1 1998 1467 NYT19990113.0457 -1 1898 1467 NYT20000328.0323 -1 1977 1467 APW19990728.0184 -1 1997 1467 NYT19991217.0171 -1 lottery 1467 APW19990614.0045 -1 13 years 1467 APW19990214.0093 -1 1997 1467 NYT19990116.0143 -1 December 1931 1467 APW20000209.0037 -1 1994 1467 NYT19981102.0014 -1 Wash. 1467 APW19990421.0030 -1 last year 1467 NYT19980910.0295 2 1889 1467 NYT20000501.0098 -1 a very infamous time 1467 NYT20000501.0101 -1 a very infamous time 1467 NYT20000501.0101 -1 Columbus_Day 1467 NYT19991217.0171 -1 November 2000 1467 XIE19990731.0030 -1 in 1933 1467 NYT19981102.0065 1 in 1889 1467 NYT20000329.0046 -1 2007 1467 APW20000101.0160 -1 1877 1467 NYT19980910.0161 -1 1972 1468 NYT20000913.0164 -1 petrified like Sleeping Beauty 1468 APW19981016.0084 -1 world is petrified of an early 1468 NYT19980914.0339 -1 Amato 1468 NYT19980617.0220 -1 trees 1468 NYT20000113.0186 -1 Petrified Forest 1468 NYT19990407.0131 -1 hand 1468 NYT19990812.0205 -1 Like most brand names , he 'd also petrified into an institution , 1468 NYT19980601.0408 -1 wear collection 1468 NYT19991117.0262 -1 Demetrios 1468 NYT20000406.0081 -1 U . S . A . 1468 NYT20000529.0217 -1 whose legends 1468 NYT19991129.0214 -1 Protestants 1468 NYT19990701.0262 -1 talented performers 1468 XIE19960927.0170 2 stone 1468 NYT19991224.0199 -1 Egypt 1468 NYT19980921.0254 -1 wood 1468 NYT20000529.0217 -1 ll 1468 NYT19990518.0028 -1 I'll 1468 NYT19990212.0003 -1 every day 1468 NYT19990114.0191 -1 a corner 1468 NYT19981111.0138 -1 If-only-you-understood-technology 1468 NYT20000913.0164 -1 cat 1468 APW20000704.0042 -1 their guess 1468 NYT20000104.0326 -1 NIL 1468 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1468 NYT19981114.0211 -1 Asia's longest-ruling leader 1468 NYT20000720.0227 -1 back 1468 NYT19980901.0118 -1 other things 1468 APW19981027.1001 -1 Forest National Park 1468 NYT19980720.0198 -1 Steven 1468 APW19990304.0205 -1 Clinton 1469 NYT19990309.0102 3 Bell patented the telephone in 1876 1469 APW19990302.0140 -1 1847 1469 NYT19981231.0280 -1 Page 1 1469 NYT19990309.0102 1 1876 1469 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1875 1469 APW19990214.0115 -1 March 1469 APW19990306.0083 -1 1875 1469 APW20000309.0226 1 March 10, 1876 1469 NYT19990309.0102 1 March 10, 1876 1469 NYT20000605.0071 1 1876 1469 NYT19981112.0103 1 March 10 , 1876 1469 NYT19990315.0121 -1 1929 1469 NYT19990315.0121 1 1876 1469 APW19980716.0698 -1 36_74 Steven Young 38 1469 NYT19981112.0103 1 1876 1469 NYT19980918.0489 -1 the turn of the century 1469 APW19990309.0078 1 1876 1469 XIE19971024.0174 -1 1997-10-24 1469 NYT19990309.0102 -1 1922 1469 NYT19990112.0360 -1 1964 1469 APW19981202.0398 -1 Porumb Bell 1469 APW19990222.0093 -1 a specific date 1469 APW20000728.0094 -1 1984 1469 NYT19981213.0095 -1 '60s 1469 NYT19990315.0120 1 1876 1469 NYT19980722.0251 -1 1992 1470 APW19991019.0031 1 1964 1470 NYT20000519.0209 -1 1929 1470 NYT19991124.0430 -1 November 1929 1470 NYT19981125.0341 -1 1929 1470 APW19991019.0031 1 Oct. 20, 1964 1470 APW20000810.0031 -1 Wednesday 1470 NYT19991224.0096 1 1964 1470 NYT19990810.0173 -1 1929-1933 1470 NYT19990810.0173 -1 1933 1470 APW20000703.0033 -1 Sunday 1470 NYT19990407.0209 -1 1952 1470 NYT20000201.0078 -1 1932 1470 APW19990809.0178 -1 1874 1470 XIE20000716.0186 -1 1929 1470 APW19980806.0900 1 1964 1470 NYT19990810.0173 -1 1874 1470 NYT19990225.0380 -1 May 1972 1470 APW19991019.0031 -1 age 1470 APW19980804.0889 -1 1865 1936 1470 NYT19991015.0373 -1 1975 1470 APW19991019.0031 1 In 1964 1470 NYT19991224.0096 -1 1874 1470 NYT19991003.1058 -1 1928 1471 NYT19991025.0108 -1 cubic feet 1471 NYT20000115.0025 -1 3 1471 XIE19990808.0012 1 105 kilometers per hour 1471 APW19980607.0642 -1 3 1471 NYT20000222.0451 -1 Cheetah X15 1471 NYT19981023.0124 -1 60 m 1471 NYT19981105.0501 -1 185 milesanhour 1471 NYT20000222.0451 -1 18XL 1471 XIE19980224.0252 -1 a 60,000 1471 NYT19981023.0124 -1 120 to 250 kilohertz 1471 NYT20000222.0451 -1 10,000-rpm 1471 XIE19980104.0064 -1 47.92/second run 1471 XIE19990808.0012 3 105 kilometers per hour while 1471 NYT19981023.0124 1 60 m.p.h 1471 APW19980915.1383 -1 65 miles per hour 1471 XIE19990808.0012 1 more than 105 kilometer per hour 1471 NYT19990623.0191 -1 70 mph 1471 XIE19980206.0147 -1 50 percent 1471 APW19990524.0101 -1 The cheetah 1471 XIE19980206.0147 -1 Thursday 1471 NYT19991025.0108 -1 the number 1471 NYT19981023.0124 1 up to 60 m.p.h. 1471 XIE19990808.0012 1 105 kilometre per hour 1471 NYT19980605.0440 -1 2.5-mile 1472 NYT19980706.0116 3 Hablador de la Casa 1472 NYT19981216.0541 -1 Lords 1472 NYT20000716.0149 -1 English 1472 NYT20000906.0023 -1 Next , he 1472 APW19990519.0288 -1 God 1472 APW19981125.0559 -1 Pinochet's 83rd birthday 1472 NYT19980706.0116 1 Casa 1472 NYT20000724.0117 -1 United States 1472 APW19981203.1165 -1 Others 1472 APW19990519.0288 -1 world 1472 APW19981209.0876 -1 police 1472 XIE19961101.0104 -1 Spain 1472 NYT19981006.0270 1 casa 1472 NYT19980720.0204 -1 colonial 1472 NYT19990512.0077 -1 Mozer 1472 NYT19981203.0028 -1 SAY GRINCH 1472 NYT19981003.0220 -1 every day 1472 NYT19981119.0504 -1 the kitchen 1472 APW19981209.0876 -1 Pajuelo 1472 APW20000525.0083 -1 The Spanish-American War 1472 APW19980906.0970 -1 Isaiah 40 1472 NYT19990830.0275 -1 in Spanish 1472 NYT20000106.0065 -1 occasionally 1472 APW19991026.0093 -1 Spanish 1472 NYT19981102.0080 -1 si 1473 APW19990826.0055 1 1908 1473 APW20000826.0130 -1 1928 1473 APW19990826.0055 1 August 27, 1908 1473 APW20000826.0130 1 1908 1473 NYT19990324.0384 -1 March 18 , 1906 1473 NYT20000414.0438 -1 Feb. 29 , 1936 1473 NYT19990118.0483 -1 1966 1473 NYT19980908.0172 -1 in February 1473 APW20000229.0006 -1 1965 1473 NYT19980901.0121 2 in 1908 1473 NYT20000816.0217 -1 1974 when Richard_Nixon 1473 APW19990804.0208 -1 a New Year 's 1473 APW19990804.0208 -1 1952 1473 APW19990826.0055 1 In 1908 1473 APW20000826.0130 1 In 1908 1473 NYT20000602.0358 -1 1963 1473 NYT19990812.0452 -1 1969 1473 XIE19990420.0311 -1 2002 1474 XIE20000717.0103 -1 90 percent lower than the normal level 1474 NYT20000226.0184 -1 3 - point range 1474 APW19980929.0590 1 the Dead Sea 1474 APW19981210.1121 -1 Friday 1474 APW19981109.0606 1 Dead Sea 1474 NYT19990802.0236 -1 high 1474 XIE19980906.0041 -1 then 1474 XIE19970410.0135 -1 Opposition employment spokesman Martin Ferguson 1474 XIE19971031.0199 -1 the SET index 1474 APW19980819.0520 1 Dead Sea 1474 XIE19990605.0148 -1 Portland 1474 APW19981210.1121 -1 Jordanian 1474 APW19990528.0250 -1 elevation 1474 NYT19990723.0219 -1 high 1474 APW19980929.0590 1 Dead Sea 1474 NYT19981201.0402 -1 Glenn 1474 XIE20000921.0190 -1 1892.28 points tomorrow 1474 APW19980929.0590 -1 30 kilometers 1474 APW19980929.0590 3 Dead Sea, the lowest 1474 APW19980929.0590 -1 Dead 1474 APW19981008.1197 -1 minus 40 degrees 1474 APW19980929.0590 -1 Sea 1474 NYT19980618.0129 -1 90 1474 APW19980618.0612 -1 a round orbit 1,400 kilometers 1474 NYT19981007.0172 -1 getting even lower . According to an article 1474 XIE19991018.0104 -1 2.10 percent 1474 NYT19980929.0214 -1 -- 2 x 8 1/2 -- 1474 APW19980819.0520 1 The Dead Sea 1474 XIE19971031.0199 -1 2.64 percent 1474 NYT20000612.0243 -1 north 1474 APW19980804.0054 -1 2 percent 1474 NYT19981024.0065 -1 the University of Pennsylvania 1474 XIE19990501.0025 -1 sea level 1474 NYT19980929.0214 -1 mkt 1474 XIE19980120.0142 -1 China 1474 NYT19980615.0388 -1 Hang Seng 1475 NYT19991206.0134 -1 Richard E. Byrd 1475 NYT19981103.0190 -1 Robert 1475 XIE19990126.0188 -1 Australians 1475 APW19990510.0140 -1 Charles Schwieterman 1475 XIE19980116.0283 3 Norwegian Roald Amundsen 1475 NYT19991028.0488 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 NYT19990930.0037 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 NYT19991206.0114 -1 week 1475 APW19981115.1108 -1 Englishman Robert Scott 1475 XIE19980116.0283 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 XIE19990827.0320 -1 Sergei Bubka 1475 NYT19991206.0114 -1 tri 1475 NYT19990712.0413 -1 Raymond T. Conway 1475 APW19981023.0012 -1 Edmund 1475 NYT19990527.0286 -1 Mars 1475 APW19981208.1473 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 XIE19990126.0229 -1 Eric Philips 1475 NYT19991129.0264 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 NYT19991206.0114 -1 Richard E. Byrd 1475 NYT19991206.0114 -1 Ford 1475 XIE19991231.0158 -1 Xinhua 1475 NYT19980901.0025 -1 Exploration Who 1475 NYT19981103.0190 -1 Robert Falcon Scott 1475 XIE19990126.0229 -1 Hillary 1475 NYT19981103.0190 -1 A FIRST RATE TRAGEDY ' Robert Falcon Scott 1475 XIE19980116.0283 1 explorer Roald Amundsen 1475 NYT19990217.0105 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 NYT19981103.0190 -1 the british explorer Robert Falcon Scott 1475 NYT19981103.0190 -1 Scott 1475 XIE19981221.0153 1 Amundsen 1475 APW19990126.0333 -1 Hillary 1475 NYT19981128.0126 1 Roald Amundsen 1475 XIE19990126.0229 -1 South 1476 NYT19990625.0055 -1 Poseidon 1476 NYT20000926.0234 -1 Poseidon 1476 NYT19990219.0266 -1 M. Douglas Ivester 1476 XIE20000823.0014 2 Neptune 1476 NYT20000314.0060 1 Neptune 1476 NYT19980924.0398 -1 Cupid 1476 APW19980830.0943 -1 Yam 1476 APW20000607.0154 -1 Segura Roman 1476 NYT20000505.0159 -1 Catholic 1476 APW20000923.0121 -1 Mary Star 1476 APW19980621.0394 -1 Pen Duick 1476 XIE20000427.0369 -1 valid partner 1476 NYT19981216.0186 -1 Jupiter 1476 XIE20000601.0010 -1 Menotus 1476 APW19981023.1482 -1 Hermes 1476 APW19981023.1482 -1 Poseidon 1476 NYT20000707.0235 -1 Janus 1476 XIE20000823.0014 2 NEPTUNE 1476 NYT20000314.0060 -1 Helen Tooker 1476 NYT20000422.0035 -1 Jesus 1476 NYT20000707.0235 -1 Greek 1476 NYT20000919.0263 -1 Like Humpty Dumpty 1476 NYT20000806.0175 -1 Wars 1476 NYT20000309.0257 -1 Dandois 1476 NYT20000721.0259 -1 Jupiter 1476 NYT20000422.0035 -1 Elian 1476 APW19980831.1288 -1 Roman 1476 NYT19980926.0147 2 King Neptune 1476 NYT19980616.0372 2 Neptune 1476 NYT20000422.0035 -1 Cobre 1476 NYT20000411.0240 -1 God 1476 NYT20000815.0290 -1 Mithras 1476 NYT20000411.0240 -1 Murray Friedman 1476 NYT19991117.0152 -1 Roman Catholic 1476 NYT19990402.0365 -1 Roman Catholic Christians 1476 NYT19980915.0025 -1 the Roman god Mercury 1476 NYT20000422.0035 -1 the son 1476 NYT19981014.0074 -1 Martin Luther 1476 NYT19980915.0073 -1 Earth 1476 NYT20000422.0035 -1 God 1477 NYT19990601.0311 -1 measured at 170,000 light - years 1477 NYT19990118.0159 -1 light was being measured 1477 NYT19980730.0270 -1 Martin 1477 NYT19980925.0136 -1 Europa 1477 NYT19990818.0186 1 nanometers 1477 NYT19990118.0159 -1 frequency 1477 NYT19990416.0085 -1 They 1477 NYT19980922.0106 -1 spectrometer 1477 NYT19990125.0146 -1 Frequency 1477 NYT19981116.0199 -1 Illinois 1477 NYT19980925.0131 -1 Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer 1477 NYT19990125.0146 -1 FM 1477 NYT19990125.0146 -1 10 feet 1477 NYT19990125.0146 -1 1,000 feet 1477 NYT19990125.0146 -1 feet 1477 NYT19980605.0242 -1 different 1477 NYT19990531.0178 3 the UV range at wavelengths of 290 to 400 nanometers. 1477 NYT19980925.0136 -1 light 1477 NYT19990125.0146 -1 average FM 1477 NYT19990531.0178 -1 radiation in the UV range 1477 APW20000508.0134 1 An angstrom 1477 APW20000508.0134 1 angstrom 1477 NYT19991121.0122 -1 light 1477 APW20000508.0134 -1 visible light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation 1477 APW20000508.0134 -1 a meter 1477 NYT20000905.0235 -1 color coded channels 1477 NYT19980925.0136 -1 Accuracy 1477 NYT19990818.0186 -1 wavelength 1477 NYT20000711.0086 -1 wave small chanc hit particl 1477 NYT19980905.0086 -1 Japan 1478 NYT19980618.0137 -1 Margaret Mitchell 1478 NYT19990712.0256 -1 Frankly 1478 NYT19990411.0110 1 Scarlett O'Hara 1478 NYT19980830.0015 2 Scarlett 1478 NYT19980618.0137 -1 Pansy ohara 1478 XIE19980825.0282 -1 Xinhua 1478 NYT19980625.0139 -1 1989 1478 APW20000616.0002 -1 Gore Names New Head 1478 APW20000616.0002 -1 Illinois 1478 NYT19980701.0456 -1 TEXAS GIRL 1478 APW19990810.0132 -1 low 1478 NYT19990429.0210 -1 Ms. Simpson 1478 NYT19980625.0319 2 Scarlett 1478 NYT19980701.0117 -1 Online Exhibit 1478 NYT19990805.0070 -1 Arthur Ravenel 1478 NYT19981010.0031 2 Scarlett O'Hara 1478 NYT19990111.0044 2 Scarlett O'Hara 1478 XIE19980106.0262 -1 Sino - US Xiangtan Bergey Windpower Co. 1478 NYT19980625.0322 1 Scarlett 1478 XIE20000915.0136 -1 Xinhua 1478 NYT19991124.0167 -1 Spenser 1478 XIE20000731.0288 -1 Zhang Jinbo 1478 NYT19980624.0268 2 Scarlett 1478 NYT20000424.0437 -1 NIL 1478 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1478 NYT19991117.0156 -1 Austen 1478 NYT20000601.0328 2 Scarlett O'Hara 1478 NYT20000612.0634 -1 Journey 1478 NYT19980618.0137 -1 Pansy O'Hara 1478 NYT19980623.0423 -1 popularity 1478 NYT19980701.0456 -1 heroin 1478 NYT20000424.0437 -1 Travis Wendel 1478 NYT19981104.0430 -1 With 1479 NYT19981216.0317 3 Hearing Handel 1479 NYT19981218.0058 -1 Elijah 1479 NYT19981222.0138 1 George Frideric Handel 1479 NYT19981216.0317 1 Handel 1479 XIE19980730.0011 -1 " Cosmoplanetary Messiah 1479 NYT19981216.0317 -1 Messiah 1479 NYT19991217.0148 1 George Frederic Handel 1479 NYT19991215.0450 -1 Sutton Place 1479 NYT19991215.0450 -1 Jesus 1479 NYT19990915.0346 -1 Bernstein 1479 NYT19991217.0148 -1 Virginia O'Hanlon 1479 NYT19990331.0164 -1 Essenes 1479 NYT20000221.0265 -1 Gustav Becking 1479 NYT19980706.0273 1 Handel 1479 NYT19991217.0148 1 Handel 1479 NYT19991217.0148 -1 Christmas 1479 NYT19981211.0128 1 Handel 1479 NYT20000221.0427 -1 Nike T-shirt 1479 NYT19980811.0376 1 Handel 1479 NYT19981216.0317 -1 St. Thomas 1479 NYT19981222.0138 1 Handel 1479 NYT19991215.0450 -1 People Ministries 1479 APW20000612.0012 -1 Michael Casserly 1479 NYT19980901.0210 2 Handel 1479 NYT20000101.0222 -1 Messiahcam 1479 NYT20000101.0222 -1 2000 Saturday , Messiahcam was 1479 NYT20000517.0250 -1 Players 1479 NYT20000228.0380 -1 Jennens 1479 NYT19980621.0083 3 Mozart reorchestrated Handel 1479 NYT20000517.0250 -1 Bob 1479 NYT19990430.0408 -1 Music 1480 APW19990218.0311 -1 Pacific 1480 XIE19981209.0376 3 Ecuador 's port city of Guayaquil 1480 NYT19990814.0060 -1 Peru 1480 XIE19981115.0148 -1 Latin America 1480 XIE19990729.0269 -1 Ecuadorian 1480 XIE19971212.0310 -1 El Nino Emergency Recovery Project 1480 XIE19980403.0271 -1 Agree 1480 XIE19960606.0118 -1 Taiwan 1480 APW19980715.0777 -1 banana tycoon in 1480 XIE19990219.0221 1 Guayaquil 1480 APW19981218.0976 -1 Peru 1480 APW19980603.0246 -1 Paraguay 1480 APW19990218.0311 1 Guayaquil 1480 NYT19990429.0103 1 Guayaquil 1480 XIE19990729.0269 -1 Manta 1480 XIE19990219.0164 -1 Kosovo 1480 XIE19970715.0271 -1 Nicolas Lapentti 1480 APW20000912.0026 -1 Pacific 1480 XIE19970312.0233 -1 Latin America 1480 XIE19991223.0303 1 Guayaquil 1480 APW19980711.0768 1 Guayaquil, Ecuador 1480 NYT19980825.0162 -1 Finance Ministry 1480 XIE19981115.0148 -1 America 1480 XIE19990219.0164 1 Guayaquil 1480 APW20000912.0026 -1 fish 1480 NYT19990814.0201 -1 LIMA 1480 APW19990310.0302 1 Guayaquil 1480 APW19990317.0185 1 Guayaquil 1480 APW19990927.0084 -1 Liberian-flagged 1480 APW19980930.0905 -1 largest city 1480 XIE19990219.0164 -1 people 1480 XIE19960921.0170 -1 smallpox 1480 APW19990820.0022 -1 the country's ``worst economic crisis in 1480 NYT19990911.0185 -1 Guadeloupe 1481 XIE19980108.0346 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19960206.0299 1 Algiers 1481 XIE20000616.0013 1 Algiers 1481 APW20000506.0078 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19990712.0103 -1 Algeria 1481 XIE19970401.0079 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19991227.0104 -1 Saudi Arabia 1481 XIE19970617.0058 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19960211.0084 3 Algiers' Bab el Oued neighborhood 1481 XIE19971113.0032 -1 Paris 1481 NYT19990312.0439 -1 Oran, Algeria 1481 XIE19960211.0084 1 ALGIERS 1481 XIE19980811.0030 2 ALGIERS 1481 XIE19970515.0057 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19960417.0310 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19970523.0185 1 Algiers 1481 APW19980627.0324 -1 Muslim Algeria 1481 XIE19970924.0062 -1 Paris 1481 XIE19960211.0084 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19960721.0081 1 Algiers 1481 XIE19990712.0103 1 ALGIERS 1481 APW19980626.1062 2 ALGIERS 1481 XIE19980108.0346 1 ALGIERS 1481 XIE19961224.0113 2 Algiers 1481 NYT19990312.0445 -1 Oran 1481 XIE19970715.0005 1 Algiers 1481 APW19980919.0232 -1 ( AP ) _ Security_forces searched Saturday for the perpetrators of a bomb attack near the city of Tiaret 1481 XIE19971113.0032 -1 Algeria 1481 XIE19990726.0007 1 Algiers 1481 NYT19990312.0447 1 Algiers 1481 NYT19990222.0040 -1 Milan Mayor Gabriele Albertini 1481 XIE19970617.0058 1 ALGIERS 1481 XIE19971113.0032 -1 PARIS 1482 APW20000312.0041 -1 Sussex County 1482 NYT19980826.0447 -1 New Hanover 1482 APW19980613.0873 -1 New York City 1482 NYT19991228.0362 1 New Castle 1482 XIE19961210.0291 -1 Delaware County , Pennsylvania 1482 XIE19970520.0276 -1 Monday. 1482 APW20000312.0041 -1 Bethany beach 1482 NYT19981001.0505 -1 Del. 1482 NYT19980826.0451 -1 But New Hanover County 1482 NYT19980928.0206 -1 Del. 1482 APW20000905.0175 -1 Monroe County 1482 APW19990408.0189 -1 AP 1482 APW19990916.0304 -1 Va. 1482 NYT20000207.0428 -1 New Hampshire 1482 NYT19991228.0362 1 New Castle County 1482 NYT19990410.0252 2 New Castle 1482 NYT19980921.0463 -1 Greenville 1482 NYT20000205.0210 -1 Kent County 1482 APW20000630.0189 2 New Castle County 1482 APW19980602.1697 -1 Philadelphia 1482 NYT20000103.0363 -1 New York 1482 NYT19990829.0165 -1 New Hanover County 1482 NYT20000207.0484 -1 Del. 1482 APW19990930.0089 -1 New Jersey 1482 APW20000811.0128 -1 New York 1482 APW19981018.0956 -1 New York 1482 APW20000303.0094 -1 Del 1482 APW19990930.0089 -1 Maryland and Virginia 1482 NYT20000203.0458 -1 Delaware 1482 NYT20000505.0025 -1 Delaware County 1482 XIE19970520.0276 -1 Wilmington 1482 XIE19960513.0222 -1 Wilmington 1482 APW19990930.0226 -1 Wilmington 1482 APW20000119.0246 2 its New Castle County 1482 APW19990429.0080 -1 Philadelphia 1482 APW19990429.0080 -1 Wayne 1482 APW19990429.0080 -1 U.S. 1482 NYT19980702.0441 -1 Fort Miles 1483 APW19981025.0528 -1 record time 1483 APW19981025.1077 -1 Nepal 1483 APW19981025.0528 1 Mount Everest 1483 NYT19990517.0120 1 Mount Everest 1483 APW19981116.0941 -1 orbit 1483 APW19981025.1077 -1 KATMANDU , Nepal 1483 APW19991004.0101 -1 Utah 1483 APW19981116.0941 -1 Baikonur cosmodrome 1483 XIE20000216.0119 -1 China 1483 NYT19980728.0289 -1 the Sun 1483 XIE19960104.0020 -1 NEW YORK 1483 APW19981025.1077 -1 KATMANDU 1483 APW19981025.0528 -1 Nepal 1483 APW19981025.1077 -1 ___ KATMANDU 1483 APW19981016.0626 1 Mt. Everest 1483 NYT19990517.0120 1 Everest 1483 NYT20000327.0233 -1 Israel 1483 NYT19991221.0016 -1 Sun 1483 XIE19981103.0324 -1 Kosovo 1483 NYT19981103.0117 1 Mount Everest 1483 APW19981025.0528 1 Mt. Everest 1483 NYT19980902.0031 -1 in Ecuador 1483 XIE19990420.0087 -1 the highest point 1483 XIE19990420.0087 -1 the highest point of the South_Pole , 3,910 meters above sea level and carried out the first ever scientific investigations in the region during their 15th expedition to Antarctica 1483 XIE19980821.0114 -1 , the highest dam of its kind in the world , will fall 10 meters short of the height for a different style dam 1483 APW19981025.0528 -1 Nepal AP 1483 XIE19971211.0329 -1 Xinhua 1483 NYT19980821.0292 -1 the continental United States 1483 XIE19991223.0263 -1 BEIJING 1483 XIE19980120.0142 -1 China 1483 XIE19960920.0199 -1 China 1484 XIE19970805.0247 -1 National Basketball Association Rookie 1484 NYT20000319.0207 -1 Philadelphia 1484 NYT20000319.0146 -1 Philadelphia 76ers guard 1484 NYT19990522.0253 -1 Duke 1484 NYT20000319.0207 -1 Vince Carter 1484 APW19990127.0266 -1 PHILADELPHIA ( AP ) -- Allen Iverson 1484 NYT19990522.0158 -1 guard 1484 NYT20000319.0210 -1 Toronto Raptors 1484 APW19990306.0073 -1 Philadelphia 1484 NYT19991230.0118 -1 Public School 1484 NYT20000319.0210 -1 NBA 1484 NYT20000319.0146 -1 Toronto Raptors 1484 NYT19990404.0178 1 Georgetown 1484 NYT20000319.0144 -1 Kobe Bryant 1484 NYT19991210.0267 -1 Traxtar 1484 NYT19990313.0216 -1 Iverson All 1484 NYT20000319.0144 -1 Philadelphia 1484 APW19990306.0073 -1 NBA 1484 APW19990625.0005 1 Georgetown 1484 NYT20000319.0144 -1 NBA 1484 NYT19990826.0052 -1 Philadelphia 1484 NYT19990325.0354 -1 basketball 1484 XIE20000601.0284 -1 Neal Unanimous 1484 NYT20000319.0146 -1 Philadelphia 76ers 1484 APW19990406.0012 -1 Rick Mahorn denied a report that he and other 76ers players had to talk Iverson out of leaving the arena at halftime of the Cleveland game . 1484 NYT20000319.0207 -1 NBA 1484 NYT20000319.0144 -1 Jordan 1484 APW19990306.0073 -1 Iverson 's 1484 NYT20000319.0144 -1 Philadelphia 76ers 1484 NYT19990404.0178 -1 Allen Iverson 1484 APW19990306.0073 -1 Brown 1484 NYT19990520.0519 -1 GUARD 1484 APW19990306.0073 -1 First Union Center 1484 NYT19980606.0226 -1 NBA 1485 XIE19971018.0019 -1 five - million - dollar bill 1485 NYT20000112.0073 -1 New Zealand 1485 XIE20000214.0273 -1 10,000- dollar 1485 XIE19970806.0082 -1 Nickel 1485 XIE19960801.0345 -1 The White House 1485 NYT19990722.0113 -1 American 1485 XIE19960121.0090 -1 US 1485 NYT19990716.0032 -1 BC-TEN-DAVISCUP-ADVANCE 1485 NYT20000414.0043 -1 U 1485 NYT19991122.0026 -1 55 1485 APW19990104.0052 -1 term 1485 NYT19990804.0064 -1 One 1485 XIE19970731.0319 -1 150 billion dollars 1485 NYT19991014.0345 -1 Yiddish 1485 NYT19980921.0089 -1 Latin 1485 NYT19990628.0360 -1 change 1485 NYT19981006.0094 -1 dictionary 1485 APW20000610.0077 -1 Italy 1485 NYT19991110.0051 -1 A4788 BC-BBO-GMS-LADN 1485 NYT19991018.0156 -1 There 1485 NYT20000904.0148 -1 slang 1485 NYT19980610.0274 -1 Indonesia 1485 NYT20000809.0332 -1 one in which the vice-presidential running mate is better equipped to become president than 1485 XIE19990602.0299 -1 10000 dollar bill 1485 XIE19980927.0119 -1 80 billion dollars 1485 NYT19980916.0329 -1 George Washington 1485 NYT19991110.0051 2 fin 1485 NYT19991110.0051 -1 tr 1485 NYT19991018.0156 -1 there vocabulari pilgrim. 1485 NYT19991018.0156 -1 colleg student make vast quantiti 1486 NYT20000202.0107 -1 Rhode Island 1486 NYT20000202.0105 -1 Rhode Island 1486 NYT19990817.0276 -1 Utah 1486 NYT19990723.0235 -1 Music 1486 APW19990915.0219 -1 LOS ANGELES 1486 APW19990127.0412 -1 Brahms 1486 APW19990810.0251 -1 AMES 1486 NYT19981028.0008 -1 NewYork 1486 NYT19991225.0006 -1 Detroit 1486 NYT19990826.0027 -1 NEW YORK 1486 APW19990810.0251 -1 Iowa 1486 NYT19990817.0276 -1 -a-goose 1486 NYT19990817.0274 -1 Utah Republican 1486 NYT19981203.0067 -1 Midwest 1486 NYT19980706.0332 -1 teeth 1486 NYT19981126.0236 -1 Paris 1486 APW19990915.0219 -1 Autumn Leaves 1486 NYT20000906.0209 -1 March 1486 APW19991006.0276 -1 U.S. 1486 APW19990811.0099 -1 Utah 1486 NYT19981228.0388 -1 NIL 1486 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1486 NYT19990817.0275 -1 Utah Republican 1486 NYT20000908.0009 -1 Sheldon 1486 APW19990915.0219 -1 Broadway 1486 APW19990915.0219 -1 Phoenix 1486 NYT19980613.0064 -1 Rhode Island 1486 NYT19990330.0326 -1 Tonight 1487 NYT19991111.0183 -1 2 1487 NYT19981208.0082 -1 Orlando tourism people 1487 NYT20000731.0129 -1 eight miles 1487 NYT20000803.0050 -1 1 1487 NYT20000501.0147 1 $ 46 per ticket 1487 APW19980601.1507 1 dlrs 30.50 1487 NYT20000207.0448 -1 46 1487 XIE20000323.0200 -1 85,000 1487 APW19990723.0252 -1 Disneyland 1487 APW19990521.0220 -1 two years 1487 NYT19990921.0191 -1 five sets 1487 NYT19981208.0082 -1 four 1487 NYT19990614.0375 1 $46.64 1487 NYT19991022.0146 -1 four 1487 NYT20000411.0123 -1 four 1487 NYT20000731.0129 1 $ 46 1487 NYT20000501.0147 -1 $ 1 1487 NYT19990614.0375 -1 $ 2 1487 APW19980601.1507 1 30.50 1487 NYT19980612.0088 -1 3 1/2 hour 1487 APW19980601.1507 -1 dlrs 25 1487 APW19980601.1507 -1 dollars 1487 APW19980601.1507 1 dlrs 30.5 0 1487 NYT19981208.0082 -1 Walt Disney 1487 NYT19991111.0183 -1 every day 1487 APW20000322.0294 -1 2002 1487 NYT19980831.0126 -1 $ 15.95 1487 NYT20000921.0269 -1 four day 1487 NYT19991117.0416 -1 food 1487 APW20000112.0147 -1 1.24 billion 1487 NYT19990921.0191 -1 three hours 1487 NYT19980904.0186 -1 $ 360 1487 NYT19990916.0451 -1 91 1487 NYT19981020.0293 -1 2 1487 NYT19990306.0130 -1 9 1487 NYT19981208.0082 -1 6 1487 NYT19980619.0008 -1 62.5 cents 1487 NYT20000526.0012 -1 2006 1488 XIE19960712.0217 -1 Georgetown 1488 XIE19980828.0041 -1 man 1488 NYT19980818.0135 -1 Minor League 1488 XIE19990916.0353 -1 On Wednesday afternoon , the storm 's center 1488 NYT19990807.0138 -1 year 1488 APW19981112.1044 -1 Sun News 1488 APW19990914.0308 -1 Fla . 1488 NYT19990518.0490 -1 Long Beach State 1488 NYT20000906.0292 -1 Atlanta Braves 1488 APW19981106.1251 -1 AP 1488 NYT19990713.0207 -1 Washington Senators 1488 NYT20000906.0292 1 Myrtle Beach Pelicans 1488 NYT20000708.0191 -1 Carolina League 1488 XIE19960712.0217 -1 Horry 1488 APW19980802.0773 -1 Dominican Republic 2 1488 NYT19980820.0300 -1 League 1488 APW19981226.0695 -1 TBA 1488 NYT20000217.0199 -1 w 1488 NYT19980818.0139 1 Pelicans 1488 APW19981030.0756 -1 Senior Tour Championship 1488 NYT20000708.0191 -1 League 1488 APW19990717.0086 -1 Kansas City Royals 1488 APW19990818.0200 -1 AP 1488 APW19981226.0695 -1 PGA 1488 XIE19970723.0246 -1 HAVANA 1488 NYT19980818.0135 -1 Carolina League 1488 NYT19990902.0281 -1 NIL 1488 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1488 APW19980718.0746 -1 Texas Cafe 1488 APW19990916.0355 -1 Tidewater 1488 NYT19990328.0217 -1 no U.S. 1488 APW19990916.0018 -1 AP 1488 NYT19981205.0133 -1 Douglas Wendel 1488 NYT19980706.0315 -1 Girls 1489 XIE19960711.0153 2 Asia 1489 XIE19961210.0002 2 Asia 1489 XIE19960817.0202 -1 Indian Ocean 1489 XIE19981205.0089 3 central Asia 1489 XIE19960711.0153 2 central Asia 1489 XIE19970214.0063 -1 Africa 1489 XIE19981205.0089 1 Asia 1489 XIE19970303.0213 -1 Africa 1489 XIE19961210.0002 -1 underthrust 1489 XIE20000527.0134 3 Asia Cup Cricket 1489 APW19980603.0796 -1 Pakistan 1489 APW19980623.0019 1 Asia 1489 NYT19991225.0119 2 Asia 1489 APW19980602.0754 -1 Pakistan 1489 NYT19990805.0224 -1 North America 1489 APW19980615.0812 -1 Indian sub-continent 1489 XIE20000309.0018 2 Asian 1489 XIE19981002.0166 -1 Australia 1489 APW19980702.0706 2 Asia 1489 XIE19970303.0213 2 Asia 1489 XIE20000320.0005 1 Asia 1489 APW20000610.0077 -1 Australia 1489 XIE20000706.0133 2 Asia 1489 XIE19981205.0089 -1 The host continent 1489 XIE20000320.0005 -1 Pakistan and the world 1489 XIE19961210.0002 -1 India 1489 XIE20000319.0030 -1 Besides host Australia 1489 APW19981215.0934 2 Asia 1489 XIE19991117.0010 -1 India Pakistan 1489 XIE19980227.0074 -1 Pakistan 1489 XIE19980216.0200 -1 Britain 1490 APW19990709.0136 -1 Probed 1490 NYT19991109.0113 -1 NATIONAL 1490 APW19990211.0323 -1 AP 1490 NYT20000913.0267 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 APW19990211.0299 -1 Boston Strangler Stout 1490 NYT20000913.0267 3 DeSalvo 1490 NYT20000913.0267 3 DeSalvo's 1490 APW19990211.0299 -1 Tea Party Porter 1490 NYT20000913.0267 3 Relatives of Albert DeSalvo 1490 NYT19990709.0118 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 NYT19990902.0103 -1 NewYork 1490 NYT19991109.0165 -1 chances 1490 NYT19991109.0165 -1 women 1490 NYT19990831.0172 -1 Akron 1490 APW19990211.0323 -1 Stout 1490 APW19990211.0323 -1 Porter 1490 APW19990211.0299 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 APW19990117.0054 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 NYT19990915.0067 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 APW19990709.0136 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 NYT19981120.0501 -1 30 miles 1490 NYT19990508.0076 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 NYT20000913.0267 3 DeSalvo 's 1490 NYT20000612.0132 3 DeSalvo 1490 NYT19990709.0113 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 NYT19990831.0135 -1 George Higgins 1490 APW19990709.0136 -1 Casey_Sherman 1490 NYT19990902.0103 -1 the Gravedigger and Revere the Caretaker 1490 NYT19990928.0323 -1 Boston 1490 APW19990709.0136 -1 the sadist who killed 13 women in a string of attacks that terrorized the city in the early 1960s 1490 APW20000817.0065 1 Albert DeSalvo 1490 APW19990211.0299 -1 AP 1490 APW19990211.0323 -1 somethin 1490 APW19990211.0299 -1 breweri critic over beer boston ap 1490 NYT19990818.0339 -1 Stranglers 1491 APW20000308.0254 -1 Adventures 1491 APW20000308.0254 -1 starred as Sherlock Holmes 's brother 1491 NYT19980826.0264 -1 author of ``A Sherlock Holmes Handbook 1491 APW20000308.0254 1 Mycroft 1491 NYT19990902.0220 -1 Billy Wilder 1491 NYT19990902.0220 1 Mycroft 1491 NYT20000517.0267 -1 ennui 1491 NYT19990812.0234 -1 the Strand magazine's publishing 1491 NYT19980826.0264 -1 The idea 1491 NYT20000118.0119 -1 NewYork 1491 NYT19980826.0264 -1 particular interest in 1491 NYT19990812.0234 -1 Strand 1491 NYT20000907.0271 -1 Oct 1491 NYT19990824.0338 -1 GOVERNOR BUSH 1491 NYT20000517.0267 -1 2000-05-17 1491 NYT19991217.0115 -1 Arthur Conan Doyle 1491 NYT19990902.0220 -1 Wilder 1491 APW20000308.0254 -1 1976 1491 NYT20000411.0096 -1 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle 1491 NYT20000411.0097 -1 Holmes ' 1491 NYT19991111.0069 -1 Dr. Watson 1491 APW20000308.0254 -1 franais 1491 APW20000308.0254 -1 nytimes 1491 NYT20000411.0092 -1 B Baker 1491 NYT19990602.0502 -1 The 1492 APW19990130.0073 -1 Baseball pitcher Nolan Ryan is 52 1492 NYT19990410.0133 -1 that day 1492 NYT19990715.0192 -1 18 years 1492 APW19990104.0109 -1 53 1492 NYT20000830.0256 1 44 1492 NYT19990724.0157 -1 1993 1492 NYT19990724.0157 -1 7 set 1492 NYT19990103.0010 -1 a year 1492 NYT19990715.0213 -1 five years 1492 NYT19981016.0091 -1 &QL; 1492 NYT19990103.0099 -1 14 years ago 1492 NYT19990103.0027 -1 one 1492 NYT19990103.0010 -1 40 years 1492 NYT20000424.0015 1 46 1492 NYT19980801.0203 -1 18-year 1492 NYT19990724.0157 -1 5,714 1492 NYT19990105.0283 -1 60 years 1492 NYT19990103.0027 -1 five years 1492 NYT19990104.0500 -1 1993 1492 APW20000423.0128 -1 1993 1492 NYT19990103.0027 -1 one year 1492 APW19990430.0116 -1 honor 1492 APW19990629.0123 -1 36 - year - old 1492 APW19980703.1312 -1 19 1492 NYT19990726.0017 -1 27 years 1492 APW20000424.0221 -1 two hours 1492 NYT20000424.0015 -1 30-year-old 1492 NYT19980815.0215 -1 ( in Austin ) and serving on the state 's 1492 NYT19990917.0028 -1 26-year 1492 NYT19990806.0011 -1 2 1492 NYT19980812.0458 -1 13 year old 1492 NYT19990103.0010 -1 21 year old 1492 NYT19990720.0018 -1 2 year old 1492 NYT19990715.0205 -1 27 1492 NYT19990715.0213 -1 22-year-old 1492 NYT19990701.0476 -1 300 1492 NYT19980725.0112 -1 most seasons 1493 NYT19990813.0231 1 Aug. 17 , 1786 1493 APW19990804.0353 -1 Berry was born on Aug. 14 1493 NYT19981115.0048 -1 the mid-'50s 1493 NYT19990813.0231 1 Aug. 17, 1786 1493 NYT19990813.0231 1 1786 1493 NYT19981117.0333 -1 1978 1493 APW20000429.0154 -1 Saturday 1493 APW19990613.0094 -1 Friday 1493 APW20000429.0154 -1 March 6, 1836 1493 NYT19981117.0166 -1 five minutes later 1493 NYT20000224.0237 -1 March 6, 1836 1493 NYT20000531.0384 -1 1993 1493 NYT19990813.0231 -1 17 1493 NYT19990813.0231 -1 annual 1493 NYT19990127.0109 -1 1834 1493 NYT19990817.0381 -1 in August 1493 NYT20000427.0261 -1 March 6, 1836 1493 NYT19981006.0430 -1 April 20 , 1919 1493 NYT19990813.0231 -1 The annual Davy Crockett Days Celebration 1493 NYT19981021.0446 2 in 1786 1493 NYT19990813.0231 1 Aug 17 , 1786 1493 NYT19980908.0178 -1 fall into the hands of a dreaded Yankee 1493 NYT19991217.0115 -1 1950s 1493 NYT19991130.0148 -1 1 1493 NYT19981117.0333 -1 in 1978 1493 NYT19990813.0231 -1 1950 1493 APW20000720.0186 -1 2000 1494 NYT19981203.0051 1 Kipling 1494 NYT19990916.0106 -1 Rita Moreno 1494 XIE20000307.0149 -1 west to follow the principle of "complementing each other's advantages," meaning the promotion of common prosperity for both east and west by 1494 NYT19981203.0051 -1 Royal India 1494 APW19980615.1512 -1 Bernard Lee Then Kit 1494 NYT20000829.0231 -1 King 1494 NYT19991122.0478 -1 Timor 1494 NYT20000508.0221 2 Rudyard Kipling 1494 APW19990419.0092 -1 German 1494 NYT20000705.0168 -1 Bertrand Russell 1494 NYT19981203.0051 -1 Passage 1494 NYT19990217.0038 -1 Ayub Khan-Din 1494 NYT20000927.0347 -1 2000_N.Y._Times_News_Service_NEW_YORK _ 1494 NYT20000927.0347 -1 ( Attn : Mass. , Japan 1494 NYT20000508.0221 -1 North 1494 NYT20000927.0347 -1 the modern west 1494 NYT19981203.0051 1 Rudyard Kipling 1494 NYT19980714.0248 -1 Finn 1494 XIE19961112.0173 -1 Guardian 1495 NYT19991006.0373 -1 Mary Katherine Gallagher 1495 NYT19991007.0195 -1 Irish 1495 NYT19991007.0195 -1 Molly Shannon , who 1495 NYT19991007.0236 -1 Mary Katherine 1495 NYT19990927.0176 -1 FINDING LAUGHTER 1495 NYT19991007.0195 -1 NewYork 1495 NYT20000215.0345 -1 their trailer was blown off its foundation into a field planted 1495 NYT19980703.0282 -1 weekend discussion at 1495 NYT19991012.0110 -1 movie 1495 NYT19991012.0110 -1 joy 1495 APW20000911.0101 -1 also 1495 NYT19991007.0241 -1 1999 1495 NYT19990930.0082 -1 Saturday Night Live 1495 NYT19991007.0243 -1 a tree 1495 NYT20000215.0423 -1 Harrell 1495 APW19990908.0228 -1 Molly Shannon 1495 NYT19991007.0241 -1 NIL 1495 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1495 NYT19991011.0220 -1 extending her ``Saturday Night Live'' character 1495 NYT19990927.0172 -1 4 year old Molly Shannon 1495 NYT19991008.0133 -1 Superstar 1495 NYT20000728.0263 -1 Molly on store windows in the town cente 1495 NYT20000728.0263 -1 me at nighttime, because that's when the 1496 XIE19970827.0165 1 Germany 1496 NYT19980927.0174 -1 East Germany 1496 XIE19981110.0055 1 Germany 1496 XIE19971219.0309 1 Germany 1496 NYT19991223.0155 -1 Cheek 1496 NYT19991228.0063 1 Germany 1496 XIE19960621.0005 -1 East Germany 1496 XIE19960621.0005 -1 Namibia 1496 NYT19980926.0054 1 Germany 1496 NYT19980821.0266 -1 United States 1496 XIE19960523.0041 -1 East Germany 1496 NYT19990520.0153 -1 Belgium 1496 NYT19990520.0153 -1 Ludwigshafen 1496 NYT19980627.0014 1 Germany 1496 XIE19990219.0163 1 Germany 1496 XIE20000425.0185 1 Germany 1496 XIE19970415.0025 -1 Greece 1496 XIE20000802.0298 1 Germany 1496 XIE19960224.0160 1 Germany 1496 APW19980830.0494 2 Germany 1496 APW19980605.1671 -1 Hungary 1496 XIE19990330.0044 2 Germany 1496 XIE19990729.0288 1 Germany 1496 NYT19980821.0266 1 Germany 1496 APW19980830.0505 2 Germany 1496 NYT19981205.0115 -1 their hearts 1496 NYT19990407.0265 1 Germany 1496 NYT19981113.0224 -1 Berlin 1496 NYT19991228.0063 -1 Berlin 1496 XIE19990729.0252 1 Germany 1496 NYT19980625.0105 1 Germany 1496 NYT19980806.0134 -1 the Berlin Wall 1496 XIE19970415.0163 1 Germany 1497 NYT19990524.0468 -1 FLAG 1497 NYT19990524.0465 -1 FLAG 1497 NYT19990608.0161 -1 Pacific 1497 APW20000117.0024 -1 verse 1497 APW20000117.0024 -1 flag 1497 APW19981209.1118 -1 Biladi 1497 APW20000117.0024 -1 Spangled Banner 1497 NYT20000707.0166 -1 horizontal 1497 APW20000117.0024 -1 the wool and cotton flag Americans 1497 NYT19990129.0059 -1 Houston 1497 NYT19981207.0174 -1 STAR-SPANGLED BANNER 1497 NYT19990519.0263 -1 Smithsonian Institution 1497 NYT20000913.0057 1 Defense of Fort M'Henry 1497 NYT19980803.0145 -1 national anthem 1497 NYT20000924.0094 -1 Star - Spangled Banner 1497 APW20000817.0216 -1 Key 1497 NYT19990726.0409 -1 Woodstock 1497 APW20000117.0024 -1 Francis Scott Key 1497 NYT19980707.0379 -1 original copy 1497 APW20000919.0004 -1 1964 1497 NYT20000622.0190 -1 Woodstock 1497 NYT19981018.0049 -1 Merrill 1497 APW20000406.0088 -1 Francis Scott Key 1497 APW20000919.0004 -1 Lawrence M. 1497 APW20000919.0004 -1 the building , which opened in 1964 and houses the original Star-Spangled_Banner , Edison 's light_bulb and other American artifacts 1497 NYT19990519.0263 -1 the original Star-Spangled_Banner 1497 NYT19990114.0498 -1 Allegiance 1497 NYT19990726.0409 -1 the original Woodstock 1497 NYT19990701.0006 -1 triumph 1497 APW20000919.0004 -1 vacuum 1497 APW20000117.0024 -1 wool cotton flag american know star 1497 NYT19981212.0195 -1 Israel 1497 APW19990527.0173 -1 Original 1498 NYT20000105.0442 -1 NFL 1498 APW20000110.0047 -1 NFL 1498 NYT19980806.0272 -1 DOLPHINS 1498 APW19981007.1208 -1 Dallas Cowboys 1498 NYT19990831.0017 -1 USC 1498 NYT19981230.0462 1 Escambia High School 1498 NYT19981230.0462 -1 Gailey 1498 NYT20000826.0192 -1 COWBOYS PRACTICE 1498 NYT19990916.0011 -1 Washington 1498 APW20000314.0198 -1 St. John the Evangelist School 1498 NYT19981113.0493 -1 Texas Stadium 1498 NYT20000808.0383 -1 Cowboys 1498 APW19990506.0341 -1 University 1498 NYT19991231.0143 -1 13 1498 NYT19990911.0211 -1 Aikman 1498 NYT19991109.0019 -1 Cowboys 1498 NYT20000129.0143 -1 Fairleigh Dickinson University 1498 NYT19981213.0209 -1 yesterday 1498 NYT20000507.0017 -1 2002 1498 NYT19980627.0211 -1 Cowboys 1498 NYT20000925.0380 -1 Dallas Cowboys 1498 NYT19991109.0014 -1 Cowboys 1498 NYT19981230.0462 -1 high school 1498 NYT20000826.0192 -1 Texas 1498 NYT19980809.0015 -1 the Cowboys 1498 APW19990508.0144 -1 Saturday 1498 NYT19980831.0239 -1 1998 Fort_Worth Star-Telegram IRVING 1498 NYT19981230.0462 3 then a freshman at Escambia_High_School in Pensacola , earned an A for a book report on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1498 NYT20000805.0044 -1 Emmitt_Smith 1498 NYT19981016.0263 -1 Cowboys 1498 NYT19981125.0324 -1 the Jets' 1498 NYT19981230.0462 -1 Pensacola 1498 NYT19991115.0317 -1 Arizona 1498 NYT19981111.0029 -1 St. Philip have School 1498 NYT19990910.0004 -1 hype 1498 NYT19980901.0370 -1 groin 1498 NYT19981012.0137 -1 NFL 1498 NYT19980820.0521 -1 Cowboys 1499 XIE20000908.0219 -1 Africa 1499 XIE20000908.0219 -1 east Africa country 1499 XIE20000807.0280 -1 Africa 1499 XIE19990614.0149 -1 Mudavadi 1499 XIE19961220.0181 2 Cote d'Ivoire 1499 XIE19990226.0025 1 Ethiopia 1499 XIE20000531.0167 1 Tanzania 1499 XIE19960109.0003 -1 U.S. 1499 XIE19990601.0215 -1 South Africa 1499 XIE19960109.0003 1 Ethiopia 1499 XIE19960313.0200 1 Uganda 1499 XIE19971222.0135 -1 South 1499 XIE19990614.0149 -1 Horticulture 1499 XIE19961220.0181 1 Uganda 1499 XIE19970305.0141 1 Uganda 1499 XIE19961009.0094 1 Uganda 1499 XIE19980119.0092 -1 east African countries 1499 XIE19990202.0184 -1 Kenya 1499 XIE19981203.0007 -1 Cocoa 1499 XIE19970924.0091 1 Uganda 1499 XIE19960109.0003 -1 east 1499 XIE19960819.0194 -1 crops 1499 XIE19980917.0193 -1 S. African 1499 XIE19960807.0081 -1 Kenya 1499 XIE19980726.0094 1 Ethiopia 1499 XIE19990719.0050 -1 Coffee 1499 XIE20000812.0168 -1 Coffee 1499 XIE20000812.0168 -1 coffee 1499 XIE19980119.0092 2 Uganda 1499 XIE19990729.0212 -1 Brazil 1499 XIE20000502.0014 1 Ethiopia 1499 XIE19970313.0121 -1 Darius Mbela 1499 XIE19970909.0147 -1 Brazil 1499 NYT19981008.0247 -1 Vodou 1500 APW20000619.0032 1 Washington 1500 NYT19990530.0203 1 Washington 1500 NYT19980708.0114 1 Washington 1500 APW19980719.0490 1 Washington 1500 NYT19990827.0255 1 Washington, DC 1500 NYT19990827.0255 1 Washington 1500 XIE20000901.0086 -1 Alaska 1500 NYT20000302.0406 -1 NEW YORK 1500 NYT19990319.0338 1 Washington 1500 APW20000714.0088 1 Washington 1500 NYT19980616.0506 1 Washington 1500 NYT19990318.0370 1 Washington 1500 NYT19990421.0145 -1 Michigan 1500 XIE20000901.0043 1 Washington 1500 NYT19990113.0322 -1 Georgetown University Law Center 1500 NYT19991224.0066 2 District of Columbia 1500 NYT19991117.0357 1 Washington 1500 NYT19990323.0117 1 Washington 1500 APW19990606.0003 2 Washington 1500 NYT19980824.0321 1 Washington 1500 APW20000714.0088 -1 Georgetown 1500 NYT19981023.0405 -1 in Northwest Washington 1500 NYT20000302.0406 -1 2000_N.Y._Times_News_Service_NEW_YORK _ Douglas Colt 1500 NYT19990319.0338 -1 Georgetown_University 1500 NYT20000215.0264 -1 on Wisconsin Avenue 1500 NYT19980605.0360 -1 the apostolate 1500 NYT19990827.0255 -1 Nablus 1500 APW19990128.0255 1 WASHINGTON 1500 XIE19991206.0083 -1 NANJING 1501 APW19980602.0754 -1 50s 1501 NYT19990930.0083 -1 70,000 metric tons 1501 XIE19970722.0041 -1 July 1501 APW19980728.0612 -1 June 1501 APW19981201.0595 -1 Chernobyl 1501 XIE19990917.0147 -1 two commercial 1501 XIE19980610.0300 -1 60 billion korun 1501 NYT20000112.0363 -1 many 1501 XIE19990524.0070 -1 Xu 1501 APW19981005.0243 -1 12 1501 XIE19980916.0238 -1 70 1501 APW19990319.0215 1 about 20 percent 1501 NYT20000101.0200 -1 103 1501 NYT19980907.0165 -1 Two years 1501 XIE20000222.0268 -1 nearly 1. 20 trillion kwh 1501 XIE19980812.0325 -1 Greens has been calling for a quit 1501 XIE19990518.0130 -1 2.1 million kilowatts 1501 XIE19990316.0275 -1 power plants 1501 XIE19990316.0275 -1 power plant 1501 XIE20000407.0106 -1 21s t 1501 APW19990923.0262 -1 1 1501 NYT19991003.0564 -1 35 percent 1501 XIE19991021.0057 -1 500,000 ton 1501 NYT20000319.0225 -1 two 1501 APW19991009.0055 -1 Nuclear power accounts 1501 NYT19990327.0113 1 20 percent 1501 XIE19990518.0130 -1 present , sources 1501 XIE19990518.0130 -1 some two 1501 XIE19960418.0111 -1 1.3 billion U.S. dollars 1501 XIE19980624.0044 -1 13-year 1501 APW19991001.0176 1 20 percent 1501 NYT19991026.0207 -1 103 1501 APW19990319.0215 -1 sixty percent 1501 NYT19981209.0347 -1 100 times 1501 XIE19980312.0043 -1 4 years 1501 APW19991009.0055 -1 10 years 1501 XIE19990518.0130 -1 70 1501 XIE19980603.0225 -1 2020 1502 APW19990723.0177 1 1963 1502 APW20000628.0180 1 1963 1502 APW19990624.0269 1 1963 1502 NYT19991112.0098 1 1963 1502 APW20000816.0020 1 1963 1502 NYT19990717.0230 -1 last year 1502 NYT20000718.0270 -1 Tuesday 1502 NYT19990723.0136 -1 next day 1502 APW19990717.0153 -1 Paul Crute 1502 NYT19980808.0079 1 1963 1502 NYT19990717.0208 1 1963 1502 APW20000121.0234 3 Nov. 22, 1963 1502 NYT19980814.0501 3 November 1963 1502 APW20000121.0103 1 1963 1502 NYT19990422.0375 -1 1989 1502 NYT19990721.0465 1 1963 1502 XIE19980102.0182 1 1963 1502 NYT19990717.0230 1 1963 1502 APW19990721.0087 -1 the night 1502 NYT20000718.0270 -1 attending a Tall Ships party July Fourth 1502 NYT19991023.0124 -1 after 6 o'clock on Thursday evening 1502 APW19990723.0177 1 in 1963 1502 NYT19990718.0225 1 in 1963 1502 APW20000522.0006 -1 1961 1502 APW20000714.0248 1 1963 1502 NYT19990717.0230 -1 1984 1502 APW19990717.0040 1 1963 1503 APW20000211.0188 -1 Greenland 1503 XIE19991018.0249 1 New Guinea 1503 XIE19991018.0249 3 Papua New Guinea 1503 APW19980729.0170 1 New Guinea 1503 XIE19980803.0084 -1 Greenland 1503 APW19980602.1201 -1 Pulau Kukup 1503 XIE20000829.0270 -1 China 1503 XIE19980420.0155 -1 state 1503 XIE19991018.0249 -1 part 1503 XIE19990607.0230 1 New Guinea 1503 XIE19991018.0249 3 Guinea 1503 XIE20000829.0270 -1 South China Sea 1503 XIE19990607.0230 -1 Indonesia 1503 XIE20000409.0024 -1 Third World 1503 XIE19980817.0191 -1 Gulf 1503 XIE19990607.0230 -1 Irian Jaya 1503 NYT19990517.0258 1 New Guinea 1503 XIE19990827.0322 -1 400 meters 1503 APW19981229.0810 -1 Greenland 1503 XIE19990607.0230 -1 mainland 1503 NYT19980804.0066 3 Guinea 1503 XIE19991018.0249 -1 Kalimantan 1503 XIE20000829.0270 -1 the South_China_Sea 1503 XIE19990819.0198 -1 Hainan 1503 XIE20000829.0270 -1 China 's 1503 NYT19990517.0258 -1 Greenland 1503 NYT19981109.0114 -1 home of Mount Gay 1503 NYT19990601.0261 -1 anthrax 1503 APW19980701.0271 -1 Mauritius 1503 XIE19970301.0159 2 Papua New Guinea 1504 NYT19981017.0124 1 Southern California 1504 NYT19980819.0034 -1 San Diego 1504 NYT20000823.0412 -1 Starring Val Kilmer 1504 APW20000125.0246 1 Southern California 1504 NYT20000823.0412 -1 Coachella Valley 1504 APW19981125.1368 1 California 1504 NYT20000823.0412 -1 Indio 1504 NYT19980817.0090 -1 Salton trough 1504 APW20000125.0246 -1 Mecca 1504 APW20000113.0346 1 Calif . 1504 APW20000113.0346 -1 SanDiego 1504 APW20000715.0124 1 California 1504 APW19990722.0087 -1 Martha 's Vineyard 1504 APW20000113.0346 1 Calif. 1504 NYT19980819.0034 -1 Colorado River 1504 APW20000930.0015 1 California 1504 NYT19980903.0027 -1 Imperial Valley 1504 APW20000113.0346 -1 Salton Sea Symposium 1504 APW20000113.0346 1 California 1504 NYT20000111.0095 -1 San Andreas Fault 1504 NYT19990207.0248 2 California 1504 NYT20000408.0127 2 California 1504 APW20000113.0346 -1 San Diego 1504 APW19981125.1368 -1 ancient Lake Cauhilla 1504 NYT19990402.0372 -1 in Imperial County 1504 APW20000715.0124 -1 the nearby Alamo_River 1504 NYT19980817.0090 -1 the Salton Sea 1504 APW19990421.0319 2 California 1504 APW20000715.0124 -1 Imperial 1504 APW20000113.0346 -1 Interior Department 1504 APW20000113.0346 -1 AP 1504 APW19981125.1368 -1 Lake Cauhilla 1505 NYT20000719.0122 3 China 's currency , the yuan 1505 XIE19980609.0242 1 yuan 1505 XIE19991229.0254 1 Renminbi 1505 NYT19990204.0111 -1 yen 1505 XIE19980609.0242 1 Yuan 1505 XIE19960202.0057 -1 US Dollars 1505 NYT20000719.0122 1 yuan 1505 XIE20000701.0185 -1 China to 1505 NYT19990603.0340 -1 American 1505 XIE19980929.0210 -1 the illegal capital flow 1505 XIE19991217.0290 -1 China 1505 NYT19980914.0088 -1 Hong Kong dollar 1505 XIE19991108.0198 -1 commercial bill in Chinese 1505 XIE19970628.0075 1 RMB 1505 XIE19981103.0227 -1 dollars 1505 XIE19960530.0116 -1 species 1505 XIE19980217.0066 1 Yuan 1505 NYT19980809.0181 1 renminbi 1505 XIE20000330.0103 -1 Chinese 1505 XIE19990104.0061 -1 U.S. dollars 1505 XIE19980929.0210 1 RMB 1505 XIE19990128.0155 1 reminbi 1505 XIE19991229.0254 -1 Chinese 1505 APW19980616.0346 1 yuan 1505 XIE19980726.0050 1 yuan 1505 NYT19981029.0470 -1 the euro 1505 XIE19990106.0214 -1 dollars 1505 NYT19981030.0443 -1 Committee 1505 NYT19990603.0340 -1 American dollars 1505 XIE19980814.0235 -1 China 's stability 1505 XIE19990908.0152 -1 China 1505 XIE19980504.0180 -1 the Euro 1505 XIE19970814.0164 1 yuan 1505 APW19981228.0358 -1 the european 1505 XIE20000625.0193 1 renminbi 1505 XIE19991007.0144 -1 dollars 1505 XIE19971007.0237 -1 Birr 1505 XIE19991022.0265 -1 Money 1506 NYT20000905.0251 1 Excalibur 1506 NYT19990126.0071 -1 Court 1506 APW19980608.1203 1 Excalibur 1506 APW19980806.1327 -1 Latin 1506 APW19980806.0809 -1 Round Table 1506 NYT19990116.0165 -1 Georgia 1506 NYT19981106.0305 -1 Connecticut Yankee in 1506 NYT19981216.0279 -1 fact 1506 NYT19980618.0245 2 Excalibur 1506 NYT20000221.0443 -1 John Gano 1506 NYT20000315.0409 -1 MightyWords 1506 NYT19981216.0279 -1 Round Table 1506 APW19980608.1203 3 sword, Excalibur 1506 APW19980806.0809 -1 Thursday 1506 NYT19980908.0404 -1 knights 1506 APW19980608.1203 -1 Lionel 1506 NYT20000905.0251 -1 Merlin 1506 APW19980806.0809 -1 The find 1506 NYT19980804.0300 -1 The resurrection of his army of skeleton warriors 1506 NYT19990923.0372 -1 the sword 1506 NYT19980907.0213 -1 A Connecticut Yankee 1506 APW19980806.1327 2 Excalibur 1506 NYT20000905.0251 -1 Glastonbury 1506 APW19980806.1327 -1 slate 1506 NYT20000221.0443 -1 Margaret Gano 1506 NYT19981216.0279 -1 arthur legend greatest king king 1506 NYT19981201.0095 -1 They 1506 APW19980806.0809 -1 Arthur 1507 APW19990302.0140 -1 Spangled Banner 1507 XIE19990822.0049 -1 Song of Life : Story 1507 XIE19990822.0049 -1 Song of Life 1507 NYT19981031.0245 -1 Japan 1507 APW20000915.0100 -1 Advance Australia Fair 1507 XIE19970701.0002 -1 flag 1507 APW20000915.0100 -1 United States 1507 XIE19991115.0043 -1 LONDON , November 14 ( Xinhua ) -- England football team manager Kevin Keegan 1507 APW19980921.0549 -1 Unity Day piece 1507 APW19980916.0428 -1 James Hickman 1507 APW20000915.0100 -1 Australia 1507 XIE19991115.0043 -1 team 1507 NYT19981214.0352 -1 New England Electric System 1507 NYT20000905.0215 -1 Communist Russia 1507 NYT19980702.0165 1 God Save the Queen 1507 APW19990623.0013 -1 Patriots 1507 NYT19980603.0111 -1 Wales 1507 NYT19980603.0118 -1 National Museum of Wales 1507 XIE19991115.0043 -1 English National Anthem 1507 APW19990129.0214 -1 Rock 1507 NYT19990113.0123 -1 TV 1507 NYT19990113.0123 -1 Good Morning America 1507 NYT19981030.0238 -1 Peterson 1507 XIE19991221.0249 -1 the national anthem of the People's Republic of China 1507 XIE19981215.0188 -1 Africa 1507 XIE19991115.0043 -1 LONDON 1507 XIE19960815.0175 -1 experts said 1507 XIE19991115.0043 -1 that 1507 XIE20000725.0030 -1 the national_anthem 1507 NYT19980710.0431 -1 anthems 1507 APW19980828.0522 -1 the national anthem 1507 APW20000915.0100 -1 paean 1507 XIE19970510.0059 -1 release 1507 XIE19991115.0043 -1 Hampden Park 1507 NYT19990714.0383 -1 yo 1507 XIE20000725.0030 -1 Swiss 1507 APW19980921.0549 -1 East German 1507 NYT19990429.0191 -1 JERUSALEM 1507 NYT19990727.0312 -1 National 1508 NYT19980706.0184 -1 Rogers 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 Trigger 1508 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Roy Rogers 1508 NYT19980706.0183 -1 Trigger 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 Roger 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 Rogers 1508 APW19990715.0091 -1 name 1508 NYT19980706.0341 -1 Trigger &UR 1508 NYT19980708.0254 -1 U . S . 1508 APW20000428.0080 -1 role 1508 NYT19980707.0001 -1 Horses 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 buckskin 1508 NYT19980706.0338 1 Buttermilk 1508 NYT19980706.0343 -1 Roy Rogers 1508 NYT20000426.0239 -1 Wolfson 1508 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Trigger 1508 NYT19980706.0183 -1 1950 1508 NYT19980619.0287 -1 the horse 1508 NYT19980706.0200 -1 Rogers 1508 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Ranch 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 midcentury America 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 the Cowboys 1508 NYT19980706.0327 -1 the Cowboys 1508 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Rogers ' 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 Roger's wonder horse 1508 NYT19980706.0399 -1 Roy Rogers 1508 NYT19980706.0201 -1 Roy Rogers 1508 APW19991013.0077 -1 Movie 1508 NYT19980706.0332 -1 nn 1508 NYT19980720.0286 -1 the first time horton arrest 1985 evan 1509 APW19991014.0300 -1 singer 1509 APW19980917.0172 -1 widow of singer 1509 APW19980711.0760 -1 singer 1509 NYT19981231.0121 -1 Ol ' 1509 APW19980711.0760 -1 guitar 1509 APW19991014.0300 1 Ol ' Blue Eyes 1509 NYT19980706.0223 1 Ol ' Blue Eyes 1509 NYT19981231.0109 1 Ol ' Blue Eyes 1509 NYT19990513.0200 -1 Sunshine State 1509 NYT19981112.0351 -1 The Man 1509 NYT19990929.0255 -1 The Sinatra estate 1509 NYT19980615.0123 3 Blue Eyes Back 1509 NYT19980820.0261 3 `Ol' Blue 1509 NYT20000104.0068 -1 Mass . 1509 NYT19981231.0109 -1 suggesting his mastery of popular song as he squeezed and massaged each tune lyric to and hypnotic effect 1509 NYT19980603.0104 -1 kidnapping case involve 1509 NYT19990927.0235 -1 Pettibon 1509 NYT19990605.0159 -1 Torme 1509 NYT19981231.0109 1 Ol' Blue Eyes 1509 NYT19981231.0109 1 Chairman of the Board 1509 NYT19980611.0048 -1 Rat Pack 1509 NYT20000814.0056 -1 traffic island 1509 NYT19990501.0210 -1 Hollywood 1509 NYT20000104.0068 -1 Hoboken 1509 NYT19981231.0109 1 the Chairman of the Board 1509 NYT19981228.0268 -1 Ol 1509 NYT19990501.0210 -1 Rat Pack 1509 NYT19990929.0255 -1 1999-09-29 1509 APW19981208.1070 -1 FBI 1509 NYT19981112.0351 -1 Los Angeles 1509 APW19990921.0019 -1 Board 1509 NYT19990501.0210 -1 Greg Moore 1509 APW19980601.1284 -1 its superb cheesesteak sandwich 1509 NYT19980820.0261 1 Ol' Blue Eyes 1509 APW19980601.1284 -1 It 1509 NYT20000829.0087 -1 It 1509 APW19981208.1175 -1 Sinatra 's 1509 NYT19981209.0529 -1 FBI 1509 NYT19980615.0123 1 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD 1509 NYT19990122.0501 -1 T'bird 1509 NYT19980616.0103 -1 June 27 1509 NYT19990311.0085 -1 Marinaro 1509 NYT19981112.0351 -1 Roger Borms 1509 NYT20000829.0087 -1 Dean 1509 NYT19980914.0022 -1 Alabama 1509 NYT19980623.0261 -1 Sinatras 1510 APW19990114.0373 2 Amsterdam 1510 NYT20000309.0061 -1 hid in the attic of her Amsterdam home 1510 NYT19980909.0488 -1 Nazis 1510 APW19990803.0072 2 Amsterdam 1510 APW19980818.0592 -1 Young Girl 1510 APW19990313.0056 -1 New York 1510 APW19980827.0173 -1 Swiss 1510 NYT20000309.0061 2 Amsterdam 1510 APW19980826.0815 -1 New York 1510 APW19980826.0837 2 Amsterdam 1510 APW19981209.1247 2 Amsterdam 1510 APW19980909.0293 -1 USA 1510 APW19990901.0242 -1 Gettysburg 1510 APW19980826.0837 -1 New York 1510 APW19980827.0640 3 Netherlands 1510 APW19981112.0913 -1 Basel 1510 NYT19980909.0338 -1 Young Girl 1510 NYT19990402.0201 -1 Holocaust 1510 APW19981109.0989 -1 Swiss 1510 NYT19980825.0192 -1 Holocaust 1510 APW19980825.0663 -1 Basel 1510 APW19980826.0815 1 Amsterdam 1510 APW19980826.0815 1 AMSTERDAM , Netherlands 1510 APW19981103.0821 2 Amsterdam 1510 APW19981103.0821 2 Netherlands 1510 NYT19980909.0488 1 Amsterdam 1510 APW19980826.0704 -1 Basel 1510 APW19981231.0265 2 Amsterdam 1510 APW19980827.0677 -1 UPDATES throughout with Swiss group denying allegations 1510 APW19980825.0813 -1 a sister organization of the Amsterdam foundation 1510 APW19981209.1247 -1 the diary 1510 APW19981106.1065 2 Amsterdam 1510 NYT19990313.0278 2 Amsterdam 1510 NYT19980825.0192 -1 United States 1510 APW19980918.0786 3 Netherlands 1510 APW19981209.1247 2 AMSTERDAM 1510 APW19980827.0267 -1 Suijk 1510 NYT19980909.0488 -1 Manhattan 1510 NYT19980611.0207 -1 NEW YORK 1510 APW19981209.1247 -1 Diary 1511 NYT19990119.0083 -1 William Congreve 1511 NYT19990119.0083 -1 Congreve 1511 NYT19991008.0064 -1 William Shakespeare 1511 NYT19990306.0251 -1 Halfnight 1511 NYT19990119.0083 -1 it 1511 NYT19990306.0251 -1 Ashlin Halfnight 1511 NYT19990306.0251 -1 road 1511 XIE19980105.0036 -1 Allegre 1511 NYT20000908.0379 -1 Taylor 1511 NYT19991008.0064 -1 Shakespeare 1511 NYT19980616.0233 -1 Jim 1511 NYT19990713.0371 -1 Cimarosa 's 1511 XIE20000528.0074 -1 Ballet Orchestra will 1511 NYT19990306.0251 -1 Pat 1511 NYT19981207.0165 -1 Joe 1511 NYT19990317.0425 -1 British 1512 NYT19981214.0157 -1 13 1512 APW19990210.0112 -1 ninth planet in the solar system 1512 NYT20000316.0314 1 4.5 billion years 1512 APW19990210.0168 -1 years ago 1512 NYT20000603.0035 -1 Sun 1512 XIE19980511.0247 -1 65 1512 NYT20000313.0280 1 4.5 billion years 1512 NYT19990705.0117 -1 long 1512 NYT19990125.0145 -1 this month 1512 APW19990929.0170 -1 Stars Shed Debris Disks 1512 NYT19981209.0261 -1 an apparent 100,000-year cycle 1512 APW19980909.1173 -1 California 1512 APW19990929.0170 -1 Sun 1512 NYT20000306.0337 -1 one 1512 NYT20000306.0127 -1 one 1512 NYT20000515.0122 1 4.6 billion years 1512 NYT19990201.0262 1 4.6 billion years 1512 XIE19971202.0181 -1 22 million yuan 1512 APW19990209.0359 1 4.5 billion years 1512 APW19981020.1364 -1 77 1512 APW19990929.0170 -1 years 1512 NYT20000306.0126 -1 3 1512 XIE19960123.0194 -1 China 1512 APW19981020.1364 -1 1 1512 NYT19981216.0279 -1 Internet 1512 APW19990925.0034 -1 an age 1512 NYT19990705.0117 1 4.5 billion years 1512 APW19990929.0170 -1 only 15 1512 APW19990929.0170 -1 age 1512 XIE19981117.0026 -1 12,000 1512 NYT19980722.0522 -1 70 1512 NYT19990109.0123 -1 10 1512 NYT20000524.0166 -1 10 1512 APW19990415.0028 -1 20 1512 APW20000606.0125 -1 10 1512 XIE19960226.0112 -1 26 1512 XIE19990416.0050 -1 System 1513 APW19980609.0247 -1 India 's western Gujarat state 1513 NYT20000325.0096 -1 Clinton 1513 NYT19991216.0354 -1 Mumbai 1513 APW20000510.0196 -1 1.5 billion people 1513 XIE19960919.0040 -1 At an international symposium 1513 APW20000713.0021 1 15 million 1513 APW20000510.0196 -1 AP 1513 APW20000510.0196 -1 all day 1513 XIE19980902.0144 -1 6 billion People 1513 XIE20000817.0230 -1 four 1513 APW19981011.0290 -1 AP 1513 APW19990921.0132 -1 20 1513 APW20000510.0196 1 15 million people 1513 APW20000510.0196 -1 1 billion 1513 XIE19990903.0036 -1 10 1513 APW20000712.0020 -1 27.37 million 1513 NYT19990817.0301 -1 1 billion 1513 APW20000712.0020 1 15 million 1513 APW19980610.0071 -1 400 1513 APW20000224.0061 -1 1 million 1513 XIE20000512.0005 -1 World Bank 1513 NYT19991216.0354 -1 1 billion 1513 APW20000712.0020 -1 two 1513 NYT19990807.0115 -1 News 1513 XIE19980316.0131 -1 1958 1513 APW20000510.0196 -1 1 billion people 1513 XIE19960818.0046 -1 11.3 percent 1513 NYT19990113.0372 -1 in Bombay 1513 XIE19980510.0105 -1 950 million 1513 NYT19981023.0211 -1 1994 1513 XIE20000216.0006 -1 6.97 Million hke021543 1513 XIE19961126.0153 -1 25 years 1513 APW20000713.0021 -1 2015 1513 XIE20000511.0171 -1 11 1513 NYT19990804.0138 -1 APTN 1514 NYT20000528.0109 -1 Ontario 1514 XIE19980312.0363 -1 Ontario 1514 APW20000427.0184 -1 Newark 1514 NYT20000702.0126 2 Greater Toronto 1514 NYT19980922.0130 -1 United States 1514 XIE19990910.0124 -1 Montreal 1514 XIE19990910.0124 -1 Canada 1514 NYT19991224.0217 -1 Winnipeg 1514 XIE19960627.0201 -1 Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien 1514 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Montreal and Vancouver 1514 XIE19980527.0149 -1 United States 1514 NYT20000702.0126 2 Toronto 1514 XIE19960605.0254 -1 Newly-promoted 1514 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Montreal 1514 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Edmonton 1514 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Vancouver 1514 XIE19970415.0077 1 Toronto 1514 XIE19970402.0080 -1 Singapore 1514 NYT20000608.0244 2 Toronto 1514 XIE19980518.0108 -1 Chongqing 1514 XIE19990910.0124 1 Toronto 1514 XIE19980404.0033 -1 1995 1514 NYT19990211.0106 -1 Montreal 1514 NYT19981215.0418 -1 Nashville 1514 APW20000327.0018 -1 Williams 1514 XIE19991115.0091 -1 America 1514 NYT19991224.0217 -1 Canada 's 1514 XIE19971022.0012 -1 Canada 1514 XIE19991027.0029 -1 Ottawa 1514 XIE19970624.0061 1 Toronto 1514 XIE19970215.0236 -1 Pacific 1514 XIE19970415.0077 -1 OTTAWA 1514 NYT19991112.0283 -1 nine times 1514 NYT19980720.0046 1 Toronto 1515 APW19990825.0153 -1 Dr. Seuss Goes to War 1515 NYT19991119.0093 -1 Department 1515 APW19990825.0153 1 Theodor Geisel 1515 NYT19991119.0098 -1 Seuss 1515 NYT20000728.0364 -1 Show Boat 1515 NYT20000728.0364 -1 His middle name 1515 NYT19991119.0093 -1 Springfield 1515 APW19990302.0058 1 Theodor Geisel 1515 NYT20000906.0331 -1 William Ivey Long 1515 APW19990825.0153 -1 World War II 1515 NYT19991119.0098 1 Theodor Seuss Geisel 1515 APW19990825.0153 1 Theodor Seuss Geisel 1515 NYT19990702.0179 1 Theodor Seuss Geisel 1515 NYT19990511.0168 1 Theodore Geisel 1515 NYT19980923.0104 -1 Seuss Kindergarten 1515 NYT19990521.0408 1 Theodore Geisel 1515 NYT19990726.0280 1 Theodore Geisel 1515 NYT20000908.0315 -1 Grinch 1515 NYT19991206.0089 3 ( For use by N.Y. Times News Service clients ) ( STORY also moved in `` K '' category ) TITLE : `` Dr. Seuss Goes to War : The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel '' Text by Richard H. Minear ( The New Press , $ 25 ) By DAVE WAGNER c.1999 The Arizona Republic 1515 NYT19991119.0093 3 Geisel 1515 NYT19991119.0098 -1 Urban Development 1515 APW19990825.0153 -1 There 1515 APW19990825.0153 -1 Seuss 1515 NYT20000728.0364 1 Theodor Seuss Geisel 1515 NYT19990702.0179 -1 the hat Horton 1515 APW19990302.0058 -1 Lorax 1515 NYT20000728.0364 -1 Cat 1515 NYT19980605.0105 -1 Internet 1515 APW19990825.0153 3 Geisel 1516 NYT20000724.0485 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 NYT19990412.0263 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 APW19990818.0048 -1 People 1516 APW19990818.0048 1 Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation 1516 XIE19990218.0162 1 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate 1516 XIE20000722.0139 3 OTTAWA , July 21 ( Xinhua ) -- Canadian Pacific Railway ( CPR ) of Montreal and Calgary-based Canadian National Railway ( CN ) 1516 NYT20000524.0412 -1 nothing 1516 XIE19960809.0196 1 cardio - pulminary resuscitation 1516 NYT19991008.0315 -1 reason 1516 NYT19991130.0289 -1 such training 1516 APW20000524.0109 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 NYT19990219.0207 -1 Training 1516 APW20000525.0006 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 NYT20000421.0181 -1 Zen Tricksters 1516 APW19990227.0072 -1 first aid 1516 NYT19990131.0025 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 NYT19990225.0251 3 resuscitation 1516 NYT20000623.0374 1 cardio pulmonary resuscitation 1516 NYT20000629.0307 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 XIE19970314.0259 -1 Italy 1516 APW19990818.0048 -1 France 1516 APW20000524.0109 -1 -- 2.4 minutes vs 1516 NYT20000629.0306 -1 CPR 1516 XIE19990218.0162 -1 contraceptive prevalence rate 1516 APW20000503.0091 1 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1516 XIE19970331.0027 -1 the Committee of permanent representative 1516 NYT19991008.0315 3 resuscitation 1516 NYT19991008.0315 -1 of saving lives as a means of `saving de 1516 APW19990703.0120 -1 ABC 1517 NYT19990419.0115 -1 offensive state symbol 1517 NYT20000112.0468 -1 New York 1517 NYT20000814.0324 1 Willow Ptarmigan 1517 NYT20000824.0333 -1 caribou 1517 NYT20000824.0333 -1 In Seward , the town 1517 NYT20000824.0333 -1 face 1517 NYT20000311.0168 -1 Environmental Conservation Department 1517 APW19990422.0174 -1 Baltimore Oriole 1517 XIE20000206.0201 -1 U.S 1517 APW19990422.0174 -1 Red-headed Woodpecker 1517 APW19990729.0236 -1 birds 1517 NYT20000411.0179 -1 owls 1517 NYT20000814.0324 1 willow ptarmigans 1517 NYT20000103.0164 -1 Arizona 1517 NYT20000531.0015 -1 eagles 1517 NYT19990702.0242 -1 beefheart 1517 APW19990422.0174 -1 State Birds 1517 APW19990422.0174 -1 birds 1517 APW20000826.0055 -1 mosquito 1517 APW19990316.0263 -1 Anchorage 1517 NYT19980922.0249 2 ptarmigan 1517 NYT19980607.0109 2 ptarmigan 1517 APW19990422.0174 -1 More 1517 NYT19991230.0349 -1 home to large_numbers of eagles 1517 APW19991001.0125 -1 Alaska 1517 APW19990320.0115 -1 fish 1517 NYT19990419.0115 -1 flamingo 1517 APW19990422.0174 -1 the Scissor-tailed flycatcher 1517 NYT20000824.0333 -1 visionary 1517 APW19990101.0009 -1 mark 40th birthdai anchorag alaska 1517 NYT20000824.0333 -1 alaska fair recall bigger villain 1517 NYT19990305.0224 -1 Prince William Sound 1517 NYT20000824.0333 -1 State 1518 XIE20000906.0238 -1 1271 1518 NYT20000924.0200 -1 1324 1518 XIE19970820.0070 -1 1298 1518 XIE19960206.0098 -1 Wednesday 1518 XIE20000908.0189 -1 1271 1518 XIE19970820.0070 -1 1298. 1518 XIE20000911.0316 -1 1254-1324 1518 XIE19970820.0070 -1 August 20 1518 NYT19990709.0363 -1 1969 1518 NYT19990709.0363 -1 1948 1518 NYT19990709.0363 1 1292 1518 NYT19990901.0136 -1 1957 1518 XIE20000908.0189 -1 1254 1518 XIE19980202.0048 -1 17 1518 NYT19990223.0108 -1 New Year 1518 NYT19980815.0122 -1 1941 1518 XIE19970820.0070 -1 Marco Polo 1518 APW19981013.0041 -1 1989 1518 XIE19970409.0030 -1 1989 1518 XIE19970822.0097 -1 1927 1518 XIE19960723.0336 -1 1 1518 NYT20000924.0200 -1 in 1324 1518 XIE19970820.0070 -1 in 1927 1518 XIE20000906.0238 -1 1254 1518 XIE19970820.0070 -1 1927 1518 NYT19980824.0162 -1 39 1518 XIE20000906.0238 -1 2000 1519 XIE19980107.0291 1 Denmark 1519 XIE19990602.0135 -1 world renowned Danish writer 1519 APW20000401.0148 1 Odense 1519 APW20000401.0148 1 Odense, Denmark 1519 NYT20000120.0236 -1 Norway 1519 NYT19980925.0484 -1 Green County 1519 XIE19990602.0135 3 Denmark Park 1519 NYT20000526.0267 -1 Philippines 1519 XIE19961127.0190 -1 Sudeten 1519 APW19990401.0097 1 Odense 1519 XIE19960107.0157 -1 Austria 1519 NYT19981229.0151 -1 Israel 1519 NYT20000526.0267 -1 Georgia 1519 NYT20000927.0154 -1 New Jersey 1519 APW20000310.0090 -1 European Jewry 1519 XIE20000108.0019 -1 Austria 1519 XIE19980107.0291 -1 The Sea 1519 APW19990401.0097 1 Odense, Denmark 1519 NYT19980724.0395 -1 Christian 1519 NYT19980702.0226 -1 Copenhagen 1519 NYT20000113.0253 -1 Stuttgart 1519 NYT19981028.0012 2 in Odence 1519 XIE19981210.0052 -1 NIL 1519 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1519 NYT19990116.0270 2 Denmark 1519 XIE19990602.0135 -1 China 1519 XIE19991025.0118 -1 China 1519 NYT19991027.0447 2 Odense 1519 XIE19980825.0166 -1 Andersen 1520 NYT19981028.0422 -1 Louisville 1520 APW19990427.0014 -1 Louisville 1520 APW20000126.0078 -1 Louisville 1520 NYT19990802.0259 1 Frankfort 1520 NYT20000406.0413 -1 Kentucky 1520 XIE20000625.0195 -1 China 1520 APW20000508.0130 -1 alive 1520 XIE20000221.0101 -1 Beijing 1520 NYT19990706.0239 -1 LOUISVILLE 1520 XIE20000427.0011 -1 Beijing 1520 NYT19990320.0030 -1 Miami 1520 APW20000804.0022 -1 United States 1520 XIE20000221.0101 -1 BEIJING 1520 NYT20000508.0421 -1 Bluegrass 1520 NYT19980904.0265 -1 London 1520 APW19990603.0149 2 Frankfort 1520 APW19990302.0148 -1 Louisville 1520 NYT19990706.0239 -1 Louisville 1520 APW20000804.0022 -1 Indiana 1520 NYT19990816.0403 -1 ! a little empathy may go a long 1520 APW20000208.0376 -1 ( 17-6 , 7-2 ) and No . 8 Tennessee 1520 XIE20000427.0011 -1 Kentucky 1520 APW20000427.0175 -1 Kentucky Derby 1520 NYT19980702.0039 -1 the world capital 1520 NYT19990706.0239 -1 Paris 1520 APW19990313.0145 -1 Kansas 1520 APW20000510.0168 1 Frankfort 1521 NYT20000830.0172 3 Opened on Jan. 1 , 1892 1521 NYT20000830.0172 3 Jan. 1 , 1892 1521 NYT20000908.0299 -1 Monday 1521 NYT20000830.0172 1 1892 1521 NYT19991107.0178 -1 1965 1521 NYT19980601.0139 -1 late 19th 1521 NYT19980703.0334 -1 year 1521 NYT20000120.0395 -1 New York Harbor 1521 NYT20000830.0172 -1 1924 1521 NYT19990521.0214 -1 1990 1521 NYT20000830.0172 -1 Americans 1521 NYT20000830.0172 -1 20th centuries 1521 NYT19990420.0190 -1 1977 1521 NYT19990609.0103 2 1892 1521 APW20000120.0204 1 1892 1521 NYT19980703.0334 -1 all of the years 1521 NYT19991106.0114 -1 2000 1521 APW20000711.0154 -1 A year 1521 NYT19990520.0196 1 1892 1521 NYT19991111.0380 -1 1930 1521 NYT19991107.0178 -1 1990 1521 NYT19980603.0222 -1 1990 1521 APW20000120.0204 -1 1990 1521 APW19991019.0223 3 between 1892 and 1954 1521 NYT20000306.0085 -1 1900s 1521 NYT20000830.0172 -1 a day 1521 NYT19990202.0136 1 1892 1521 NYT20000110.0258 -1 1907 1521 NYT20000120.0395 -1 1997 1521 NYT19991107.0178 -1 From 1990 through 1996 1521 APW20000120.0204 -1 since 1990 1521 NYT19991225.0061 -1 1910 1521 APW19991019.0223 1 1892 1522 NYT19980710.0305 -1 White House dealt 1522 XIE19980914.0216 -1 Hamad Alsayyari 1522 XIE20000721.0093 -1 BEIJING , July 21 ( Xinhua ) -- The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in China 1522 XIE19960104.0105 -1 government 1522 XIE19970712.0216 -1 Xinhua 1522 XIE19990420.0170 -1 Riyadh 1522 XIE19961102.0134 -1 group 1522 XIE19980620.0119 -1 Xinhua 1522 APW19980722.0532 1 kaffiyeh 1522 XIE19970926.0034 -1 prerequiste 1522 APW19981027.0441 -1 Crown Prince Abdullah 1522 APW20000824.0194 -1 Egyptians 1522 XIE19980914.0010 -1 huge amount of capitals 1522 APW19981215.1053 -1 true writing 1522 APW19981120.0903 -1 Time 1522 XIE20000719.0036 -1 Friday 1522 XIE19980914.0010 -1 the Saudi_Monetary_Fund 1522 XIE19960104.0105 -1 a leading Saudi dissident 1522 XIE19960617.0007 -1 The Cairo summit 1522 NYT19981208.0098 -1 Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Abdullah 1522 XIE19981124.0056 -1 for speeding up implementation of an acc 1522 XIE19960626.0176 -1 after the four Saudi Arabians accused we 1522 APW19981129.0665 -1 Albania 1523 NYT19980628.0177 3 13 percent of the U.S. population 1523 NYT19990214.0045 -1 30 percent 1523 NYT20000928.0391 -1 AIDS cases 1523 NYT19980608.0045 1 12.7 percent 1523 APW19990119.0266 -1 percent 1523 NYT19980924.0233 -1 25.6 percent 1523 XIE19980226.0157 -1 10percent 1523 NYT20000809.0318 -1 New York 1523 NYT19980924.0233 -1 22.2 percent 1523 APW19990119.0266 -1 almost 30 percent 1523 XIE19970311.0229 -1 2.9percent 1523 NYT19980723.0214 -1 80 percent 1523 NYT19991229.0084 -1 27 percent 1523 NYT19990715.0155 1 13 percent 1523 NYT19981119.0582 -1 Hispanic 1523 NYT20000217.0372 -1 30 million 1523 NYT20000925.0367 -1 clearly one 1523 APW19990119.0266 -1 37 percent 1523 NYT19990701.0200 -1 2 percent 1523 NYT19991109.0117 -1 40 percent 1523 NYT19980806.0228 1 12. 8 percent 1523 NYT19990701.0200 -1 Hispanic 1523 NYT19990701.0200 -1 percent Hispanic 1523 NYT19980608.0045 -1 1997 1523 NYT19980628.0140 1 13 percent 1523 NYT19990812.0318 -1 10 percent 1523 NYT19990214.0115 -1 companies 1523 XIE19990127.0285 -1 down 40.1 percent 1523 NYT19980613.0153 -1 43 percent 1523 XIE19991216.0374 -1 23 percent 1523 NYT19980613.0153 -1 today 1523 NYT19981105.0035 -1 4 percent 1523 NYT20000627.0236 -1 8 percent 1523 NYT20000723.0086 1 13 percent 1523 NYT19990724.0124 -1 census 1523 NYT19981230.0187 -1 mediocrity 1524 NYT19990307.0242 -1 Maryvale Baseball Park 1524 NYT19980602.0271 -1 American League 1524 APW20000728.0232 -1 Bob Wickman 1524 APW19990407.0126 1 Miller Park 1524 NYT19990508.0236 1 Miller Park 1524 APW19990407.0126 1 County Stadium 1524 APW20000113.0045 -1 MILWAUKEE ( AP ) -- Federal authorities 1524 APW19990415.0001 -1 Famer Warren Spahn 1524 APW19990714.0095 -1 AP 1524 APW20000517.0287 -1 Houston 1524 NYT19990717.0113 -1 Jesse Levis 1524 APW19991003.0159 -1 July crane accident 1524 APW19990715.0118 1 Miller Park 1524 NYT20000414.0458 3 Miller 1524 NYT19991002.0107 1 County Stadium 1524 APW19990407.0126 -1 Stadium 1524 NYT19980918.0535 -1 MCGWIRE 1524 APW20000112.0180 -1 the Milwaukee Brewers ballpark 1524 APW19990407.0126 -1 AP 1524 APW20000113.0045 -1 crane 1524 APW19990407.0126 -1 MILWAUKEE 1524 APW19990908.0149 1 Miller Park 1524 APW19990715.0118 -1 We 1524 APW19990715.0080 -1 We 1524 APW19990908.0149 -1 the Brewers 1524 APW19990714.0036 -1 open next season 1524 NYT19990810.0076 -1 Pacific Bell 1524 APW20000112.0180 -1 AP 1524 APW19990407.0126 -1 www 1524 APW19990407.0126 -1 bratwurst 1524 APW19990715.0080 -1 Milwaukee community 1524 APW19990715.0118 -1 Milwaukee community 1524 APW20000929.0045 -1 MLB 1525 NYT19980629.0157 1 University of Virginia 1525 NYT20000426.0191 1 University of Virginia 1525 NYT19990203.0131 -1 University 1525 NYT19980629.0157 -1 Charlottesville, Virginia 1525 NYT19990530.0096 1 University of Virginia 1525 NYT19990530.0096 1 Virginia 1525 XIE19980915.0060 -1 University 1525 NYT20000826.0184 -1 father 1525 NYT19980803.0008 -1 Cooley 1525 NYT19990503.0357 -1 Ohio 1525 NYT19990306.0133 2 University of Virginia 1525 NYT19981103.0095 -1 Sally Hemings 1525 NYT19981107.0094 -1 New Nation 1525 NYT19980903.0182 -1 Monticello 1525 XIE19980915.0060 -1 Philadelphia 1525 NYT19990906.0206 -1 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital 1525 APW19990929.0025 2 University of Virginia 1525 NYT19990422.0238 -1 Philadelphia 1525 NYT19990614.0180 -1 lecturer 1525 NYT19990422.0238 -1 Thomas Jefferson 1525 NYT20000216.0514 -1 Monticello 1525 NYT20000211.0209 -1 Monticello 1525 XIE19980701.0007 -1 Parkinson 1525 APW19990119.0371 -1 Thomas Jefferson University 1525 APW19990929.0025 -1 Robert_M._S._McDonald 1525 APW19990929.0025 -1 N.Y. 1525 XIE19980915.0060 -1 University of Regensborg 1525 APW20000622.0068 -1 Library of Congress 1525 APW20000225.0094 -1 Science 1525 NYT19981105.0182 2 University of Virginia 1525 NYT19981031.0129 -1 University Press of Virginia 1525 NYT19980713.0208 -1 the Wistar Institute 1525 NYT19981107.0068 -1 Oxford University Press 1525 NYT20000701.0212 -1 New York University Law School 1525 NYT20000414.0275 -1 University Hospital 1526 NYT20000802.0001 1 Philadelphia 1526 NYT20000802.0008 1 Philadelphia 1526 NYT20000802.0009 1 Philadelphia 1526 APW20000729.0089 -1 Wilmington 1526 NYT19990610.0121 1 Philadelphia 1526 APW20000530.0129 2 Philadelphia 1526 XIE19970123.0017 -1 country 1526 NYT19980817.0176 3 Philadelphia cheese steak 1526 NYT19980817.0176 -1 Baltimore 1526 NYT20000729.0236 -1 a union town 1526 APW20000802.0001 1 Philadelphia 1526 NYT20000804.0320 1 Philadelphia 1526 NYT19981029.0117 -1 Toronto 1526 NYT19980602.0281 -1 New York 1526 NYT19980601.0536 -1 City Hall 1526 NYT20000802.0010 -1 New York 1526 NYT19980817.0176 1 Philadelphia 1526 APW19991012.0053 -1 Irvin 1526 APW19991020.0048 1 Philadelphia 1526 APW19981017.0866 2 Philadelphia 1526 APW20000729.0089 -1 New Jersey 1526 APW19990518.0266 2 Philadelphia 1526 APW19991020.0048 1 PHILADELPHIA 1526 NYT19980928.0028 -1 only about two hours away by car and 1526 APW20000729.0089 1 Philadelphia 1526 XIE19990406.0160 -1 Lahore 1526 XIE19990606.0046 -1 the city 1526 APW20000530.0129 2 PHILADELPHIA 1526 NYT20000727.0335 1 Philadelphia 1526 XIE19970123.0017 -1 Pakistan 1526 APW19991020.0048 -1 City 1527 XIE19971007.0028 3 June 1967 1527 NYT19981229.0098 1 June 5, 1967 1527 NYT19991015.0266 -1 Friday 1527 APW20000508.0199 2 June 5, 1967 1527 NYT20000113.0015 2 June 5, 1967 1527 APW19981021.0384 3 1967 1527 APW20000511.0113 -1 June 1527 NYT19990419.0355 -1 1939 1527 XIE19990422.0359 -1 April 21 1527 XIE19981007.0331 3 1967 1527 APW19980908.0242 -1 1995 1527 NYT20000205.0108 -1 August 1998 1527 XIE20000620.0191 -1 1977 1527 APW19980703.0064 -1 tuesday, july 7 1527 APW20000508.0199 -1 1956, 1967, 1973 1527 XIE19990930.0170 1 June 5 , 1967 1527 NYT19990915.0081 3 1967 1527 XIE19990420.0013 -1 November 1947 1527 NYT19980720.0032 2 June 5 1527 APW19980604.1385 -1 Aug 6 1527 NYT19981110.0021 -1 2002 1527 APW19981021.0384 1 June 5 , 1967 1527 NYT19990921.0113 -1 1999 1527 NYT20000122.0069 -1 1994 1527 NYT19990507.0195 -1 March 24 1527 APW20000514.0074 -1 1993 1527 XIE19961031.0036 3 1967 1527 XIE19960407.0026 -1 this morning 1527 NYT19990419.0355 -1 1945 1527 NYT19990603.0351 -1 1940 1527 NYT20000416.0158 -1 March 24 1527 NYT19981231.0394 -1 On June 6 , 1944 1527 APW19980711.0667 -1 on May 6 1527 NYT19980723.0007 -1 June 6 , 1944 1527 NYT19980630.0152 -1 the 1991 desert war 1527 NYT20000414.0343 -1 1941 1527 XIE19990420.0013 -1 1947 1527 NYT19981214.0202 -1 1963 1527 NYT19990503.0120 -1 1812 1527 APW20000508.0199 3 1967 1528 NYT20000223.0142 -1 Yunnan 1528 XIE20000914.0361 -1 Mongolia 1528 XIE19971030.0305 -1 Tibet 1528 XIE19970813.0088 -1 Marco Polo 1528 XIE19980506.0288 2 China 1528 XIE19970509.0112 1 Beijing 1528 XIE20000906.0238 -1 Khan of Ouigour 1528 XIE20000911.0316 2 northwest China 1528 APW19981122.0329 -1 Pakistan 1528 NYT19980610.0213 -1 Ariz . 1528 XIE19970509.0112 -1 the city in 1272 1528 APW19981122.0329 -1 British-based 1528 NYT20000908.0046 1 China 1528 XIE19971030.0305 1 China 1528 XIE19990918.0187 -1 Mongolia 1528 APW19990112.0130 -1 Genghis 1528 XIE20000918.0213 -1 Yuan Dynasty 1528 NYT20000908.0046 -1 Communism 1528 XIE19980722.0292 2 China 1528 XIE19990918.0187 1 China 1528 NYT20000509.0103 -1 Xanadu 1528 XIE19980202.0048 -1 Marco Polo 1528 NYT19990121.0125 2 China 1528 APW19980930.0202 2 China 1528 XIE19990623.0273 -1 Tibet 1528 XIE19971030.0305 1 northwest China 1528 XIE20000911.0316 -1 NIL 1528 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1528 XIE19990902.0291 -1 Genghis Khan 1528 XIE19960814.0115 -1 Tibet 1528 XIE19970509.0112 1 BEIJING 1528 XIE20000914.0361 -1 URUMQI 1528 XIE19960814.0115 -1 Tibetan 1529 NYT19981231.0447 -1 time that TCU won a bowl game 1529 APW19981220.0482 -1 San Diego State 1529 APW19990115.0067 -1 East-West Shrine 1529 NYT19981119.0024 -1 USC 1529 NYT19981224.0349 -1 TCU 1529 NYT19991224.0169 -1 football 1529 NYT20000105.0361 -1 nation 1529 NYT19991020.0431 -1 Clemson's secondary coach 1529 NYT19980902.0053 -1 always considered college football 1529 NYT19991224.0169 -1 Atlanta 1529 NYT19980926.0209 -1 autumn 1529 NYT19991108.0539 -1 Clemson 1529 NYT19980916.0349 -1 football 1529 NYT20000705.0190 -1 nigga 1529 NYT19990102.0270 1 Rose Bowl Game 1529 NYT19990821.0153 -1 football 1529 NYT19990126.0143 -1 college football 1529 NYT19991231.0286 -1 21s t 1529 NYT19980609.0308 -1 championship game 1529 NYT19991118.0395 -1 Scorpio 1529 APW19990128.0245 -1 NFL 1529 APW19990819.0101 -1 Coleman College 1529 NYT19981223.0037 -1 The_sublime logic 1529 NYT19981228.0470 -1 There 1529 NYT19981228.0470 -1 the Fiesta Bowl 1529 NYT19981113.0401 -1 no playoffs 1529 NYT19991224.0169 -1 much a part of the holidays as eggnog and gifts 1529 NYT19991224.0171 -1 ex Falcons coach 1529 NYT19981204.0026 -1 winners 1529 NYT19980829.0037 -1 College 1529 NYT19991215.0018 -1 four year 1529 NYT19981016.0269 -1 Miami University 1529 NYT20000105.0361 -1 Virginia Tech Coach Frank Beamer 1529 APW20000626.0072 -1 Orange 1529 NYT19990101.0167 -1 Florida State 1529 NYT19980923.0357 -1 Super Bowl 1530 XIE20000712.0296 1 Wellington 1530 XIE19990510.0182 -1 Christchurch City 1530 NYT19991111.0231 1 Wellington 1530 XIE20000907.0233 1 Wellington 1530 XIE19990618.0199 1 Wellington 1530 XIE20000101.0131 -1 Gisborne City 1530 XIE20000513.0196 3 Wellington, Rotorua and Auckland 1530 XIE20000606.0213 1 Wellington 1530 XIE19970527.0151 1 Wellington 1530 XIE20000308.0270 3 central Wellington 1530 XIE19970527.0151 -1 North Island 1530 XIE20000208.0176 -1 Sydney 1530 XIE19990103.0080 1 Wellington 1530 XIE19990325.0298 1 Wellington 1530 XIE19981126.0226 -1 South Island 1530 XIE19990618.0199 -1 Auckland 1530 XIE20000208.0176 2 Wellington 1530 XIE20000720.0208 1 WELLINGTON 1530 XIE20000720.0208 1 Wellington 1530 XIE20000208.0176 2 WELLINGTON 1530 XIE19990310.0320 1 WELLINGTON 1530 XIE19990806.0310 -1 -- A total of 146 pilots of the Ansett New_Zealand 1530 XIE19990618.0199 -1 New_Zealand 1530 NYT19991111.0231 -1 Auckland 1530 XIE20000907.0233 1 WELLINGTON 1530 XIE20000815.0105 2 WELLINGTON 1531 NYT20000404.0353 -1 stock panic in Japan 1531 XIE19991011.0231 1 National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations 1531 NYT19991103.0435 -1 NEW YORK 1531 XIE19991011.0231 3 National Association of Security/Securities Dealers Automated Quotations 1531 NYT19980909.0072 3 National Association of Security/Securities Dealers Automated Quotations 1531 XIE20000425.0253 -1 index 1531 NYT20000928.0451 -1 NASDAQ 1531 APW19990107.0041 -1 NASDAQ 1531 NYT19980716.0485 -1 spokesman 1531 APW20000628.0050 -1 Dow Gains 1531 NYT19980909.0072 3 National Association of Securities Dealers 1531 NYT19980611.0305 3 National Association of Securities 1531 APW20000217.0172 -1 National Association 1531 NYT19980819.0511 -1 Conde Nast 1531 APW19990713.0175 -1 Inc. 1531 NYT19980909.0072 3 National Association of Securities 1531 XIE19991011.0231 1 national association of securities dealers automated quotation 1531 NYT19991229.0328 -1 NASDAQ 1531 NYT19991103.0425 -1 Room 1531 APW19980604.1201 -1 accounting system 1531 NYT19990226.0405 -1 at 1531 NYT20000202.0224 -1 It 1531 NYT20000316.0313 -1 Nasdaq 1531 NYT20000503.0334 2 National Association of Securities 1531 NYT19990226.0419 -1 com 1531 XIE20000418.0065 -1 bubble blowing for new and high technolo 1531 NYT20000412.0103 -1 China 1531 NYT19990226.0419 -1 National 1532 NYT20000612.0812 -1 third in Latin America 1532 NYT20000612.0812 -1 Latin America 1532 NYT20000612.0812 1 96 percent 1532 XIE19980908.0182 -1 95 1532 NYT20000612.0812 -1 Though Cuba historically 1532 XIE19980908.0182 -1 year 1532 XIE19990908.0173 -1 Day Wednesday 1532 NYT20000612.0812 -1 U . S . 1532 XIE19970927.0038 -1 348 1532 XIE20000908.0275 -1 Day 1532 NYT19981214.0342 1 96 percent 1532 NYT20000605.0298 -1 -------------------9.50----------9.50----------7.75 Discount rate 1532 XIE19980806.0142 -1 30 percent 1532 XIE19960708.0100 -1 1,000 1532 APW19980612.0737 -1 51 per cent 1532 XIE19981210.0360 -1 90 percent 1532 NYT19981109.0114 -1 Location 1532 NYT20000424.0182 -1 0.02 1532 NYT19981008.0242 -1 higher than that of many of the states 1532 XIE19980908.0182 -1 average 49 percent literacy 1532 XIE19980404.0104 -1 in 1997 1532 XIE19990413.0204 -1 2 1532 NYT20000612.0812 -1 420000 people 1532 XIE19981207.0298 -1 Myanmar 1532 XIE19981212.0232 -1 100 percent 1532 NYT19980819.0153 -1 Union 1532 APW19980608.1397 -1 Revolution 1533 NYT20000406.0183 1 Sidney Lumet 1533 APW20000406.0080 -1 movie - show 1533 APW20000720.0084 -1 HBO 1533 NYT20000406.0183 -1 Henry Fonda 1533 APW20000406.0080 -1 Stephen Frears 1533 NYT20000404.0242 -1 Stephen Frears 1533 NYT20000404.0242 -1 Turner Classic Movies 1533 NYT20000404.0242 -1 Fail Safe 1533 APW20000104.0185 -1 Henry Fonda 1533 NYT20000308.0403 -1 diner , the 1533 NYT20000404.0130 -1 Eugene Burdick 1533 NYT20000410.0156 -1 Stephen Frears 1533 NYT20000406.0190 -1 George Clooney 1533 APW19990911.0103 -1 Dean Martin 1533 NYT20000406.0183 1 Sidney Lumet ( 1533 APW20000104.0185 1 Sidney Lumet 1533 NYT20000113.0140 -1 Clooney 1533 NYT20000620.0276 -1 Clooney 1533 NYT20000404.0242 -1 Frears 1533 NYT20000410.0172 -1 George Clooney 1533 APW20000104.0185 -1 George Clooney 1533 APW20000909.0077 -1 Clooney 1533 NYT20000517.0364 -1 Clooney 1533 APW20000104.0185 -1 Clooney 1533 NYT20000327.0076 -1 The project 1533 NYT19980806.0156 -1 89 minutes 1533 NYT20000404.0242 -1 Turner Classic movie 1533 NYT20000406.0183 3 Lumet 1533 NYT20000327.0076 -1 Clooney 1533 XIE19970109.0258 -1 Cherry 1534 NYT19991215.0002 -1 frozen gases and ice mixed with dust 1534 APW19980808.0277 -1 Taliban 1534 NYT19990505.0510 -1 Earth 1534 NYT19990505.0510 -1 earth 1534 NYT19990505.0510 -1 In the 1920s , astrophysicists 1534 NYT19991213.0226 -1 belt 1534 NYT19990216.0097 -1 Jupiter 1534 NYT19990220.0048 -1 Oregon 1534 NYT19990327.0149 -1 legal status 1534 NYT20000622.0187 -1 Energy 1534 NYT19990514.0119 -1 gases 1534 NYT19991213.0252 3 helium 1534 NYT20000229.0186 1 hydrogen and helium 1534 NYT19990201.0271 -1 atmosphere 1534 NYT19990709.0232 -1 Pakistanis 1534 NYT19991209.0103 -1 Java 1534 NYT19990216.0097 -1 more than eleven 1534 NYT20000229.0186 1 hydrogen helium 1534 NYT19990501.0150 3 hydrogen 1534 NYT19980617.0277 -1 air 1534 XIE19960423.0067 -1 Brazil 1534 NYT19981214.0192 2 hydrogen 1534 NYT19980720.0160 -1 air 1534 XIE20000808.0175 -1 The planet HD 83443c circles 1534 NYT20000511.0040 -1 a 50-46 halftime lead 1534 NYT19981124.0027 -1 first 1534 NYT19990501.0150 -1 iron 1534 NYT20000229.0186 3 hydrogen 1534 NYT19990804.0481 -1 a black t-shirt 1534 NYT19990312.0227 -1 Tom Wolfe 1534 NYT19990312.0227 -1 World 1534 NYT19980730.0233 -1 He 1535 NYT19980802.0076 1 van Gogh 1535 NYT19990525.0059 1 Van Gogh 1535 NYT19980802.0076 1 Vincent van Gogh 1535 XIE19970705.0120 1 Vincent Van Gogh 1535 APW19990329.0022 1 Van Gogh 1535 XIE19990317.0340 1 Vincent Van Gogh 1535 XIE19990317.0340 -1 customer 1535 APW20000429.0084 -1 Raul Salinas 1535 XIE19980107.0091 -1 B. C 1535 NYT19980802.0076 3 Gogh 1535 NYT19981106.0101 -1 Abby 1535 APW19990827.0207 1 Van Gogh 1535 NYT19980802.0076 -1 Schuffenecker 1535 NYT20000112.0285 -1 Antwerp 1535 APW19990525.0016 1 Vincent van Gogh 1535 NYT19981002.0107 -1 Van 1535 APW19981114.0720 -1 the Yasuda 1535 NYT19980906.0090 -1 Claude Monet 1535 APW19981114.0720 -1 Francesco_Ravel 1535 NYT19990507.0100 -1 Kat 1535 NYT19990507.0100 -1 43 1535 NYT19991221.0352 -1 Rubens 1535 APW19980630.1044 -1 Claude Monet 1535 NYT19980802.0076 -1 Gauguin 1535 XIE19990317.0340 -1 Vincent 1535 NYT19980802.0076 1 Van Gogh 1535 NYT19990101.0127 -1 Moses Pendleton 1536 APW19990304.0275 1 Seattle 1536 NYT19990713.0482 1 Seattle 1536 APW20000926.0011 1 Seattle 1536 NYT19991104.0053 2 Seattle 1536 APW19981018.0582 1 Seattle 1536 XIE19981224.0168 -1 City 1536 NYT19981229.0226 -1 the 1536 APW19990811.0319 -1 Jim Clarke 1536 APW19990209.0150 -1 Atlanta 1536 APW19990209.0204 -1 Salt Lake City 1536 XIE19980506.0085 -1 Sault Ste. Mario 1536 NYT20000522.0090 1 Seattle 1536 NYT20000612.0964 1 Seattle 1536 NYT19990214.0118 -1 Utah 1536 NYT19980721.0162 2 Seattle 1536 XIE19981201.0005 -1 Salt Lake City Olympics 1536 XIE19970506.0261 2 Seattle 1536 NYT19990524.0411 -1 Salt Lake City 1536 NYT19981215.0337 -1 Salt Lake City 1536 NYT19990713.0482 -1 Olympic Mountains 1536 NYT19980720.0119 -1 Washington 1536 APW19981228.1123 -1 SALT LAKE CITY 1536 NYT19991106.0210 1 Seattle 1536 XIE19980602.0229 -1 Chicago 1536 NYT20000229.0183 -1 Bush 1536 NYT20000316.0148 2 Seattle 1536 APW19990811.0319 -1 Anchorage 1536 APW19990811.0319 -1 D.C. , before joining the AP in Anchorage in 1993 1536 XIE19981224.0168 -1 Washington 1536 XIE19980602.0229 -1 WASHINGTON 1536 NYT19980819.0012 1 Seattle 1536 APW19990319.0057 -1 Salt Lake City 1536 XIE19990112.0279 -1 Salt Lake City Mayor 1536 XIE19980602.0229 -1 Xinhua 1536 XIE19981224.0168 2 Seattle 1536 XIE19980224.0255 -1 Japan 1536 XIE19980921.0151 -1 URUMQI 1536 NYT20000321.0070 -1 WEST PALM BEACH 1537 APW20000918.0020 -1 538 1537 NYT19981005.0058 -1 800- pound 1537 NYT20000731.0371 2 Missouri, 11 1537 APW20000811.0023 1 11 1537 APW20000714.0201 -1 270 1537 APW20000610.0028 1 11 electoral votes 1537 NYT20000731.0371 -1 Rove 1537 NYT20000719.0116 -1 3 1537 XIE19970717.0125 -1 4,833 1537 NYT19980730.0417 -1 41-4 1537 XIE20000511.0338 -1 Dominicans 1537 NYT19980605.0245 2 11 1537 NYT19980603.0388 -1 $ 3 1537 APW19981018.0688 -1 1 1,215 10 9. Wisconsin 7 1537 XIE19970110.0281 -1 2 1537 APW20000404.0125 -1 23 1537 APW19981108.0700 -1 0 1537 NYT20000330.0277 1 11 1537 NYT20000731.0371 -1 100 electoral college 1537 NYT19990106.0099 -1 12 1537 APW20000918.0020 -1 270 1537 NYT20000731.0371 -1 112 1537 NYT20000731.0371 -1 another 112 Southern electoral college votes 1537 XIE19960829.0175 -1 votings 1537 APW19990706.0021 -1 the vote 1537 APW19990706.0021 -1 a count 1537 NYT20000612.0873 2 11 1537 NYT20000826.0180 -1 25 1537 APW20000918.0020 -1 the 538 electoral College vote 1537 XIE20000511.0338 -1 50 states 1537 XIE19961106.0255 -1 270 1537 XIE19991127.0175 -1 five 1537 NYT20000124.0255 -1 7-0 1 ,031 14 12 1538 NYT19990429.0205 1 Catbert 1538 APW19990710.0063 -1 George Lucas 1538 NYT19981016.0143 1 Catbert 1538 NYT19981016.0143 -1 Dogbert 1538 NYT19980729.0358 -1 Pedro Almodovar 1538 NYT19980715.0258 -1 Peter O 1538 NYT20000906.0210 -1 Special Edition 1538 APW19990928.0146 -1 Gerald H. Levine 1538 APW19990203.0310 -1 Scott Adams 1538 NYT19981230.0279 -1 Scott Adams 1538 NYT19990301.0213 -1 Lynne Thigpen 1538 APW20000630.0063 -1 Louis J. Freeh 1538 NYT19990122.0186 -1 Scott Adams 1538 NYT19990119.0359 -1 Scott Adams 1538 NYT19990429.0205 -1 Sun 1538 APW19990203.0310 -1 fellow workers Alice 1538 APW19990203.0310 -1 Dilbert 's devious companion , Dogbert 1538 NYT19981016.0143 -1 Adams 1538 NYT19990125.0235 -1 Daniel Stern 1538 NYT19980617.0286 -1 Donald Sutherland 1538 NYT19991029.0208 1 Catbert 1539 APW19990928.0243 -1 President Bush 1539 APW20000206.0193 -1 AP 1539 APW19990303.0319 -1 President 1539 NYT19990811.0273 1 Jelly Belly 1539 NYT19990811.0273 -1 In 1980 , presidential candidate Ronald Reagan 1539 NYT19980603.0094 -1 sign 1539 NYT20000524.0297 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy &LR 1539 NYT19990329.0196 -1 California 1539 NYT20000221.0226 -1 Republican like 1539 NYT20000630.0134 -1 Kisses 1539 APW20000729.0033 -1 jelly 1539 NYT19990811.0273 1 jellybean 1539 APW19991003.0144 -1 biographer 1539 NYT19990811.0273 -1 Herman Goelitz Candy Co. 1539 APW19990303.0319 -1 Nancy Reagan 1539 NYT20000727.0170 1 Jelly beans 1539 NYT19991011.0343 -1 1999-10-11 1539 NYT20000724.0453 -1 1984 1539 NYT20000126.0006 -1 House 1539 NYT19990218.0183 -1 eat 1539 APW19990303.0319 -1 The hotel 1539 NYT19990329.0196 -1 Governor Bush 1539 NYT20000509.0118 -1 his presence 1539 NYT20000509.0118 -1 Reagan 's 1539 NYT19990929.0381 -1 heir 1539 NYT19990518.0193 -1 honor of the company's centennial 1539 NYT20000406.0142 -1 beans 1539 NYT20000202.0172 -1 1980 1539 NYT19990811.0273 -1 Jelly 1539 NYT19990329.0196 -1 no imit reagan. peopl see spirit 1539 APW19991004.0175 -1 ladi nanci reagan look ceremoni reagan 1539 NYT19981207.0202 -1 For 1540 NYT20000216.0030 -1 Lake Tahoe 1540 NYT19990915.0095 -1 Lake Tahoe 1540 NYT19990915.0095 -1 Tahoe 1540 XIE19980323.0012 -1 Britain 1540 XIE20000811.0100 -1 depth 1540 XIE19981017.0089 -1 Petit 1540 NYT19990915.0095 -1 United States 1540 XIE19981017.0089 -1 France 1540 NYT19990115.0324 -1 Salt Lake 1540 NYT19990915.0090 -1 United States 1540 NYT19980727.0209 1 Crater 1540 NYT19990915.0090 -1 Tahoe 1540 APW19991006.0409 -1 North America 1540 XIE19961031.0270 -1 Balkan 1540 NYT20000217.0476 -1 North America 1540 NYT19980727.0209 1 Crater Lake 1540 APW19980821.1324 -1 American Lakes 1540 NYT19990915.0090 -1 Lake Tahoe 1540 NYT19990517.0258 -1 Society 1540 NYT19981219.0047 -1 Texas 1540 XIE19961031.0270 -1 Macedonia 1540 XIE20000910.0053 -1 the third largest lake in Africa 1540 NYT19981008.0050 -1 the lake 1540 NYT20000502.0015 -1 the biggest 1540 NYT20000203.0247 -1 Oregon 1540 NYT20000706.0076 -1 Lake George 1540 XIE20000811.0100 2 Crater Lake 1540 XIE20000910.0053 -1 Malawi 1540 APW20000610.0070 -1 Lake Ontario 1540 NYT19990705.0212 -1 Utah 1541 NYT19980722.0421 -1 MindSpring 1541 APW19980715.0395 -1 Fernando Casas 1541 NYT19980815.0146 -1 Executive Vice 1541 APW20000615.0169 1 Washington 1541 NYT19990420.0363 -1 Tom Hensel 1541 NYT19990629.0264 -1 Dan Quayle 1541 XIE19960820.0108 -1 Republican National Convention 1541 NYT19990720.0248 -1 Henry A. Schimberg 1541 NYT19990420.0363 -1 Scott McAdams 1541 APW20000314.0042 1 George Washington 1541 XIE19960319.0276 -1 Savimbi 1541 XIE19981002.0200 -1 Bill Clinton 1541 APW19990105.0234 1 George Washington 1541 NYT19980904.0324 -1 CEO 1541 NYT20000624.0057 -1 Students 1541 XIE19970504.0186 -1 Wang Nan 1541 XIE19961206.0288 -1 Ron McCord 1541 NYT20000209.0027 -1 casinos 1541 APW19990120.0060 -1 President Carter 1541 APW19990401.0242 -1 vice 1541 NYT20000809.0295 -1 West Coast 1541 NYT19981119.0539 -1 Nixon 1541 NYT19981020.0328 -1 Michael Misikoff 1541 NYT20000815.0077 -1 vice 1541 NYT19990306.0084 -1 Clinton 1541 APW19980715.0395 -1 Dow Jones Newswires 1541 NYT19981020.0328 -1 MindSpring Vice_President and Chief Financial_Officer Michael_Misikoff 1541 NYT19981020.0328 -1 the third quarter , MindSpring Vice_President and Chief Financial_Officer Michael_Misikoff , 1541 NYT20000808.0370 -1 2000_N.Y._Times_News_Service_SAN_FRANCISCO _ 1541 NYT19990930.0181 -1 Al Gore 1541 NYT19981011.0013 -1 Kansas punter Matt Tyler 1541 NYT20000406.0532 -1 Eric M. Kobren 1541 NYT19980715.0421 -1 Steve Jobs 1541 NYT19981013.0396 -1 Craig Barrett 1541 NYT19981020.0328 -1 MindSpring 1541 XIE19990621.0082 -1 GDP 1541 XIE20000818.0221 -1 LEI 1542 APW19990305.0214 -1 Texas 1542 NYT19980723.0239 1 Ogden , Utah 1542 NYT19980723.0239 1 Ogden 1542 NYT19980911.0494 1 Utah 1542 APW19990305.0214 1 Utah 1542 NYT19980723.0239 1 Ogden, Utah 1542 NYT19980831.0267 1 Ogden , Utah 1542 NYT20000921.0236 -1 Tinker 1542 XIE19960719.0205 -1 La Union 1542 NYT19980604.0214 1 Utah 1542 XIE19980326.0288 1 Utah 1542 NYT20000921.0236 1 Utah 1542 APW19990112.0061 -1 New York 1542 APW19990306.0009 1 Utah 1542 APW19991019.0322 1 Utah 1542 NYT19980723.0239 1 Utah 1542 NYT19980604.0214 1 Ogden 1542 APW19990306.0009 -1 Idaho 1542 APW20000928.0196 1 Utah 1542 NYT20000827.0132 1 northern Utah 1542 XIE19960914.0019 1 Utah 1542 NYT19981218.0485 1 Utah 1542 NYT19990223.0438 2 Utah 1542 NYT19990903.0266 1 Utah 1542 APW19990305.0214 -1 Va. 1542 NYT19981203.0309 -1 near Salt Lake City 1542 APW19990305.0214 3 Utah ; Dyess_Air_Force_Base , Texas ; Elmendorf_Air_Force_Base , Alaska ; Lakenheath_Air_Base in England ; Davis Monthan Air_Force Base , Ariz. ; Shaw Air_Force Base , S.C. ; Barksdale Air_Force Base , La. ; Ellsworth Air_Force Base , S._D. ; Cannon Air_Force Base , N.M. ; and Langley Air_Force Base , Va. 1542 XIE19980325.0062 1 about 120 kilometers west of Salt_Lake_City 1542 XIE19980325.0063 -1 Salt Lake City 1542 XIE19980325.0062 -1 Salt Lake City 1542 NYT19980831.0267 1 Ogden 1542 NYT19980831.0259 1 Ogden 1542 NYT19980723.0239 1 Ogden Utah 1542 APW19990305.0214 -1 Wash. 1542 XIE19980505.0219 -1 BEIJING 1542 NYT19980723.0239 -1 AFB 1543 NYT19981208.0279 -1 50s 1543 NYT19981201.0137 -1 30- foot 1543 NYT19981013.0253 -1 4 feet 1543 APW20000604.0022 -1 4 feet 1543 NYT20000329.0228 -1 68-page 1543 NYT19991217.0331 -1 14 in 1543 APW19990809.0246 -1 60 year 1543 NYT19981016.0313 -1 Records 1543 NYT20000713.0062 -1 6 inches 1543 NYT19981208.0279 -1 three 1543 NYT19991217.0331 -1 281.3 yards 1543 NYT19981110.0186 -1 47 in 1543 NYT19981111.0035 -1 8-FOOT 1543 NYT19980820.0256 -1 2 1543 NYT20000806.0065 -1 $ 666,000 1543 APW19980627.0948 -1 23rd Annual 1543 NYT20000106.0103 -1 tall 20-foot trunks 1543 NYT19981229.0110 -1 seven miles 1543 APW20000703.0036 -1 11-mile 1543 APW19990809.0246 -1 60 years 1543 NYT19980623.0350 -1 37,000 foot 1543 APW19981107.0799 -1 1969. 1543 NYT19981011.0121 -1 40 years 1543 NYT19981011.0121 -1 Garland 's 1543 NYT20000124.0103 -1 18 inches 1543 APW20000421.0040 -1 1939 1543 NYT19981209.0224 -1 11 1543 NYT19981215.0212 -1 32 1543 NYT19990304.0216 -1 five foot 1543 APW19980627.0948 -1 510 pages 1543 NYT19980917.0219 -1 a third hour 1544 XIE20000519.0253 1 China 1544 XIE19970910.0214 -1 densely 1544 XIE19970610.0212 -1 Indonesia 1544 XIE19980623.0120 1 China 1544 APW19981028.1058 -1 child 1544 XIE19990205.0041 -1 Egypt 1544 APW19981027.1431 -1 India 1544 XIE19970820.0068 2 China 1544 XIE19960312.0044 -1 Indonesia 1544 APW19991012.0199 1 China 1544 XIE19991013.0174 -1 Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo 1544 XIE19980902.0144 -1 populous 1544 XIE19960322.0235 1 China 1544 NYT19980626.0232 1 China 1544 NYT19990312.0261 1 China 1544 XIE19990416.0060 -1 Ethiopia 1544 XIE19980902.0144 -1 India 1544 XIE19990819.0062 1 China 1544 APW20000722.0072 1 China 1544 NYT19990121.0125 2 China 1544 XIE20000519.0253 -1 Henan Province 1544 XIE19990401.0137 -1 India 1544 APW19980930.0202 2 China 1544 APW20000320.0006 -1 Bangladesh 1544 XIE19961212.0213 -1 Cairo 1544 NYT19980903.0081 -1 that you can only have one children per 1544 APW19981028.1058 -1 There 1544 XIE19960530.0029 -1 the world 1544 NYT19980605.0210 -1 Malaysia 1544 XIE19991013.0174 -1 Nigeria 1544 XIE19971013.0101 2 China 1545 NYT20000924.0175 -1 birth 1545 NYT20000131.0209 -1 bears 1545 NYT20000818.0196 1 doe 1545 NYT20000324.0038 2 rabbit does 1545 XIE20000525.0237 -1 The karyons 1545 APW19980616.0763 -1 45 day 1545 NYT19990819.0184 -1 aren 1545 NYT19990405.0297 -1 3 1545 NYT19981221.0249 -1 Athens 1545 NYT20000924.0175 -1 gave birth to 1545 NYT19981026.0230 -1 Hey 1545 NYT20000818.0196 3 does 1545 NYT20000422.0203 -1 buck 1545 NYT20000924.0175 -1 bunny 1545 NYT19990405.0297 -1 can produce as many as 12 litters a year 1545 NYT19990308.0456 -1 rabbits 1545 NYT19990405.0297 -1 dog 1545 NYT19990405.0297 -1 male rabbit 1545 NYT19990930.0186 2 doe 1545 NYT19990207.0253 -1 a rabbit as a joke in late 1994 1545 XIE19990622.0268 -1 Academy 1545 APW19990925.0038 -1 coyote 1545 XIE20000525.0237 -1 extracted karyons 1545 NYT19990405.0295 -1 The lucky Easter bunnies 1545 APW19980616.0763 -1 there 1545 NYT20000422.0203 -1 rabbits 1545 NYT19990523.0184 -1 a ``tigon.'' 1545 NYT19990715.0305 -1 b. A 1545 NYT19980706.0344 -1 the 19 1545 NYT19990405.0297 -1 spcaLA 1545 NYT19990405.0295 -1 a month from rabbit owners eager to get 1545 NYT19990405.0297 -1 Rabbits 1546 APW19981024.1019 -1 theme in Tucci 's 1996 movie 1546 NYT20000429.0094 -1 last year 1546 APW20000224.0355 -1 this month 1546 NYT20000719.0215 -1 today 1546 XIE19980727.0089 -1 1996 1546 NYT20000113.0407 2 1957 1546 NYT20000113.0407 -1 1970 1546 NYT19991117.0240 -1 1997 1546 NYT20000801.0324 -1 1979 1546 APW19990314.0042 -1 February 1992 1546 APW19990421.0349 -1 one year 1546 NYT20000113.0407 -1 this year 1546 NYT19991228.0284 -1 40 years ago 1546 NYT19990712.0023 -1 1994 1546 NYT19990908.0024 -1 1980 1546 XIE19971121.0084 -1 Seven Years 1546 APW20000917.0076 -1 June 1546 NYT19981028.0260 -1 1989 1546 NYT19980805.0334 -1 Halloween 1546 XIE19980603.0123 -1 20 1546 NYT20000815.0255 -1 1956 1546 NYT19980812.0235 1 1957 1546 NYT19980812.0235 -1 in 1869 1546 NYT19980811.0122 -1 2000 1546 NYT20000815.0256 -1 1956 1546 NYT19981028.0260 -1 1990 1546 NYT19980812.0235 -1 1869 1546 APW19990824.0005 -1 2002 1547 NYT19990608.0176 1 92 1547 NYT20000621.0047 -1 Bh 1547 XIE19960222.0172 1 92 1547 APW19990715.0152 -1 14 1547 NYT19991108.0187 -1 82 1547 XIE19990603.0054 -1 235 1547 NYT19980601.0305 -1 238 1547 NYT19990930.0453 -1 United States 1547 XIE19960222.0172 3 92 protons 1547 NYT19990128.0413 -1 two 1547 NYT19990128.0413 1 92 1547 NYT19981230.0455 -1 Hiroshima 1547 NYT19990922.0362 -1 www.naav.com ) , 1547 NYT19990608.0176 3 number 92 1547 APW19990930.0153 -1 United States 1547 NYT19991108.0187 1 92 1547 NYT20000630.0211 -1 War 1547 NYT20000103.0041 -1 1991 1547 NYT19991108.0187 -1 a bunch 1547 NYT19991108.0187 3 92 . Therefore it has 92 protons and 1547 NYT19991215.0383 -1 no one so far 1547 XIE19970913.0118 -1 Friday 1547 NYT19990608.0127 -1 116 1547 XIE19980724.0103 -1 thorium 1547 NYT19991108.0187 -1 Atom 1547 NYT19980804.0297 -1 90 1547 XIE19980902.0021 -1 1 1547 NYT19980814.0364 -1 Hamza 1548 APW19990713.0134 -1 Lou Gehrig 1548 NYT19980604.0493 -1 1982 1548 NYT19991012.0348 -1 Babe Ruth, Lou 1548 NYT20000712.0040 -1 Not Gehrig 1548 NYT19990816.0203 -1 Lou Gehrig 1548 APW19980629.0108 -1 interview 1548 NYT19990828.0176 -1 That sound 1548 APW19990710.0050 -1 Boston 1548 APW20000420.0080 -1 first baseman 1548 NYT19980920.0226 -1 Chuck Knoblauch 1548 NYT19980920.0226 -1 Joe McCarthy 1548 NYT19980611.0056 -1 Pat Seerey 1548 NYT19990816.0203 -1 Lou 1548 APW19991024.0060 -1 Ruth 1548 NYT19980920.0181 -1 Use By Clients 1548 NYT19981017.0050 -1 Ruth 1548 NYT19990816.0203 -1 Lou Gehrig benched 1548 APW19980629.0108 -1 Lou Gehrig 1548 NYT19980611.0050 -1 Lou Gehrig 1548 APW20000420.0080 -1 Lou Gehrig 1548 APW19990909.0154 -1 Gehrig 1548 NYT19990816.0203 -1 1999-08-16 1548 NYT19980926.0145 -1 Babe Ruth 1548 NYT20000712.0324 -1 League 1548 NYT19990304.0427 -1 Hunter 1548 NYT19991013.0181 -1 Lou 1548 NYT19981017.0043 -1 Caminiti 1548 APW20000712.0013 -1 Jeter 1548 NYT19981017.0050 -1 DiMaggio 1548 NYT19990702.0296 -1 Lou Gehrig 1548 NYT19990816.0170 -1 Jimmy Hunter 1548 NYT19980926.0145 -1 Babe 1548 NYT19980926.0145 -1 Miller 1548 APW19980717.1362 -1 Ruth 1548 NYT19990828.0176 -1 Babe 1549 NYT19981227.0030 1 1981 1549 NYT19980723.0412 -1 1977 1549 XIE20000524.0371 -1 Every year 1549 NYT19981006.0296 -1 1985 1549 NYT19980623.0209 -1 1985 1549 NYT20000607.0156 -1 1985 1549 NYT19980617.0231 1 1981 1549 XIE19960817.0132 -1 a year ago 1549 XIE19981212.0190 -1 this year 1549 NYT19980723.0412 -1 the early 1990s 1549 XIE19990323.0311 -1 1998 1549 NYT19990426.0116 -1 2286 1549 NYT19980723.0412 -1 1990s 1549 NYT19990404.0185 -1 1963 1549 NYT19991226.0123 1 1981 1549 NYT20000507.0161 -1 1978 1549 NYT19981231.0227 -1 1980 _ Year 1549 NYT19991024.0066 -1 IBM 1549 XIE19980922.0297 -1 1980 1549 NYT19990404.0077 -1 1963 1549 NYT19990304.0427 -1 March 04 , 1999 1549 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1888 1549 NYT19991015.0059 -1 1997 1549 NYT19990909.0008 -1 1998 1549 NYT19990407.0077 2 1970s 1549 XIE19990323.0311 -1 The invention 1549 NYT19980901.0091 -1 1980 1549 XIE19960821.0242 -1 that time 1549 XIE19980906.0151 -1 this year 1549 XIE19970710.0155 -1 138 B.C. 1549 NYT19980603.0186 -1 200 1549 NYT19990527.0299 -1 7 1549 APW19980611.0946 -1 1998 1549 XIE19980120.0046 -1 in the 1990s 1549 APW19990718.0108 -1 1969 1549 XIE19980906.0151 -1 2000 1549 NYT19980901.0064 -1 2001 1549 XIE19981212.0190 -1 1998 1549 XIE19970510.0105 -1 1995 1550 NYT19991222.0380 -1 West Coast 1550 NYT19980903.0214 1 Cornwall 1550 NYT19980901.0162 1 Cornwall 1550 NYT19980901.0105 1 Cornwall 1550 APW20000801.0221 -1 southwest tip 1550 NYT19980901.0162 1 county of Cornwall 1550 XIE19990812.0289 -1 -- The last total solar 1550 APW19990807.0146 -1 second 1550 APW19990807.0148 -1 northern France and swathes 1550 APW19990807.0148 -1 Yugoslavia 1550 NYT19980901.0105 -1 MARAZION, England 1550 NYT19991123.0107 -1 New 1550 NYT19980903.0214 3 TRAVEL-CORNWALL-BOS 1550 APW19980910.1043 -1 Sweden 1550 APW19980604.1879 -1 Germany 1550 NYT19980901.0105 1 county of Cornwall 1550 NYT19990811.0214 1 Cornwall 1550 NYT19980602.0171 -1 Devon 1550 NYT19980901.0105 -1 St. Michael 1550 APW19990807.0148 -1 Bryher 1550 APW19990807.0146 -1 moon 1550 APW20000110.0141 -1 Southwest 1550 NYT19980901.0094 1 CORNWALL 1550 NYT19980901.0094 1 county of Cornwall 1550 NYT19980715.0088 -1 England 1550 NYT19980901.0105 -1 MARAZION 1550 NYT19990701.0316 -1 English 1550 APW19990807.0146 -1 $2,400 each 1550 XIE19971016.0256 -1 the southwestern tip of China 's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , northwest China , at 04 1550 XIE19970612.0045 -1 England 1550 XIE19971016.0256 -1 the southwestern tip 1550 NYT19980904.0414 -1 Nova Scotia 1550 NYT19980901.0105 -1 county 1550 NYT19980901.0162 -1 county 1550 APW19980627.0443 -1 Argentina 1550 APW19990807.0148 -1 totality 1550 NYT20000829.0166 -1 Europe 1550 NYT20000829.0166 -1 America 1550 NYT19980901.0094 -1 The 1551 NYT19990812.0109 1 deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 NYT20000627.0026 3 Human deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 XIE19970108.0006 1 Deoxyribonucleic Acid 1551 APW19981229.0184 -1 Anwar 1551 NYT20000113.0125 1 DeoxyriboNucleic Acid 1551 NYT20000830.0154 -1 Does Not Apply 1551 NYT20000113.0125 1 deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 XIE20000827.0292 -1 The employment of DNA technique ( sometimes 1551 NYT20000113.0125 -1 gene 1551 NYT20000727.0401 -1 Houston County 1551 NYT20000726.0261 1 deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 NYT19990109.0184 -1 case 1551 NYT20000319.0229 -1 matching existing rape evidence 1551 NYT19981005.0259 1 deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 NYT19980605.0175 -1 RNA 1551 APW19990604.0026 -1 Jeanine Nicarico 1551 APW20000602.0145 -1 CNN 1551 NYT20000113.0125 3 stands for deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 APW20000113.0071 -1 AP 1551 NYT19990520.0250 1 Deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 APW19981231.0169 -1 Anwar 1551 APW19991007.0160 -1 unknown male 1551 NYT20000328.0106 -1 For 1551 APW19991007.0160 1 deoxyribonucleic acid 1551 NYT19990628.0224 -1 Dr . Richard_R._Sinden 1551 NYT20000113.0125 -1 DNA 1551 NYT20000627.0026 -1 discovered the nature 1551 APW20000316.0055 -1 fingerprint 1551 NYT19990610.0360 -1 Z-DNA in 1979 because it has a zig-zag b 1551 NYT19990801.0188 -1 The 1552 APW19981220.0875 1 first computer 1552 NYT19990225.0235 3 called the Analytic Engine 1552 NYT19991025.0085 -1 Computer History 1552 NYT19981102.0344 3 Difference Engine 1552 NYT19990225.0235 -1 machine 1552 NYT19980603.0077 -1 engine 1552 NYT19990225.0235 1 Analytic Engine 1552 NYT19991109.0231 -1 This 1552 NYT19990225.0235 -1 Keefe 1552 NYT19991025.0086 -1 Minnesota 1552 APW20000419.0099 -1 news_conference 1552 NYT19990613.0093 1 Analytical Engine 1552 NYT19991025.0086 -1 paper 1552 NYT19990613.0093 -1 Engine 1552 APW19981220.0875 1 computer 1552 NYT19981102.0344 -1 engine 1552 APW19990929.0151 -1 AP 1552 APW19981220.0875 -1 Birthdays 1552 NYT19981102.0344 -1 1791-1871 1552 NYT19990225.0235 3 A machine called the Analytic Engine , which she conceived with a collaborator , Charles_Babbage ( John_O'Keefe ) , 1552 NYT19990803.0119 -1 the jockstrap 1552 APW19991021.0158 -1 guys 1552 NYT19990803.0119 -1 Charles Bennett 1552 NYT19990201.0155 -1 re 1552 APW19991007.0138 -1 Riggio 1552 NYT19981102.0344 -1 George Boole 1553 NYT19981125.0032 -1 RCA 1553 NYT19990915.0485 -1 Gemini 1553 NYT19990101.0001 1 Maytag 1553 APW19990325.0237 1 Maytag 1553 APW19990115.0219 1 Maytag 1553 NYT19990915.0485 3 Maytag executives 1553 NYT19981125.0032 -1 Hotpoint 1553 NYT20000110.0313 -1 chef 1553 NYT20000214.0501 -1 Hoover 1553 NYT19990915.0485 1 Maytag 1553 NYT20000110.0313 -1 Cheryl Smith 1553 APW19990910.0207 -1 Admiral 1553 APW19990115.0219 -1 Jenn 1553 NYT19990101.0001 -1 Jenn-Air 1553 NYT20000927.0243 -1 James 1553 NYT19980819.0291 -1 Refrigerate 1553 NYT19981125.0032 -1 Admiral 1553 NYT20000214.0501 1 Maytag 1553 NYT19981214.0172 -1 House 1553 APW20000426.0218 -1 Magic 1553 NYT20000214.0501 -1 Magic Chef 1553 NYT20000126.0006 -1 House 1553 APW19990910.0207 1 Maytag 1553 NYT20000110.0313 -1 Elliott 1553 NYT20000913.0416 -1 2000 1553 NYT19991117.0376 -1 Ladybug Cooperative 1553 APW19990115.0219 -1 Jenn Air 1553 NYT19981125.0032 -1 Jenn Air 1553 NYT19990410.0036 -1 Jacques Torres 1553 NYT19980616.0043 -1 Camino del Monte 1553 NYT19990728.0348 -1 All 1554 APW19990402.0203 -1 Cigar 1554 XIE19960906.0086 -1 Alcohol 1554 NYT20000524.0039 -1 pea 1554 NYT19980604.0266 -1 crucifer 1554 NYT19991215.0178 -1 Elizabeth Whelan 1554 APW19981020.0824 -1 year 1554 NYT19991012.0332 -1 the nation's largest cigarette maker 1554 APW19981020.0824 -1 United States 1554 NYT19990831.0221 -1 Leaves Perilla 1554 NYT20000419.0327 -1 cigarettes 1554 NYT19980811.0189 -1 common 1554 NYT19991013.0502 -1 cigarette 1554 XIE19980617.0053 -1 alcohol 1554 NYT19990426.0363 -1 drug 1554 NYT20000419.0327 -1 Drug 1554 NYT20000602.0210 1 Nicotiana alata 1554 XIE19980312.0369 -1 Scientific Committee 1554 NYT20000812.0124 -1 Star Scientific 1554 NYT19990318.0306 -1 three months 1554 APW20000516.0033 -1 smokeless tobacco 1554 NYT19990831.0221 -1 Brugmansia 1554 NYT19980705.0144 -1 Rosenblatt 1554 NYT20000224.0016 -1 chocolate 1554 NYT20000419.0327 -1 a cigarette 1554 APW19990429.0284 -1 Harold_Burton 1554 NYT19990831.0221 -1 ( perennial ) Scientific 1554 NYT19990426.0141 -1 burley tobacco 1554 APW19991006.0269 -1 pipe 1554 NYT19990426.0363 -1 smokeless tobacco 1554 NYT20000118.0422 -1 the Civic Counsel of Greater Kansas City 1554 APW19980706.0360 -1 smoking 1554 NYT19981201.0212 -1 Sen. John McCain 1554 APW20000802.0121 -1 BAT, R.J. 1554 APW19980706.0360 -1 Tobacco 1555 NYT19990419.0479 1 1968 1555 NYT19980903.0190 3 1968 Tet Offensive , Hue 1555 NYT19990419.0379 1 1968 1555 NYT20000427.0121 1 1968 1555 NYT19990216.0183 -1 years 1555 APW20000410.0003 1 1968 1555 NYT19990405.0200 1 1968 1555 NYT19980810.0139 1 1968 1555 NYT20000427.0137 1 1968 1555 APW19990216.0049 -1 1975 1555 NYT19980903.0190 1 1968 1555 NYT19990608.0088 2 1968 1555 NYT19980903.0190 3 during the 1968 1555 APW19981029.0204 2 January 1968 1555 APW20000129.0193 3 Jan. 30, 1968 1555 NYT19991109.0352 3 Jan. 31 , 1968 1555 NYT19980814.0473 1 early 1968 1555 NYT19980810.0139 -1 13 months 1555 NYT19990422.0179 1 1968 1555 NYT19990216.0183 -1 15:10 1555 APW19981029.0204 1 1968 1555 APW20000129.0193 -1 Jan 1555 APW19990216.0170 -1 1987 1555 APW19990216.0170 -1 1975 1555 NYT19990722.0344 1 in early 1968 1555 XIE19960224.0086 -1 February 24 1556 APW20000117.0173 -1 conservative Clarence Thomas 1556 APW19990123.0056 -1 Supreme Court Justice 1556 APW19990827.0050 -1 a liberal champion 1556 NYT19980729.0443 -1 Supreme Court 1556 APW19990805.0091 -1 Supreme Court Justice 1556 NYT19981030.0213 -1 Civil Rights '' 1556 APW19980805.0316 -1 design them 1556 NYT19981030.0213 -1 Mr. Civil Rights 1556 APW19990805.0091 -1 U . S . 1556 APW20000915.0135 -1 social change course at 1556 APW20000805.0112 -1 NAACP 1556 NYT19980805.0260 1 Arlington 1556 NYT19991120.0269 1 Arlington 1556 NYT19991120.0268 1 Arlington National Cemetery 1556 NYT19981014.0153 -1 justice 1556 NYT19990405.0482 -1 Education 1556 NYT19991104.0269 -1 Nat 1556 NYT19980818.0293 2 Arlington National Cemetery 1556 APW20000915.0135 -1 Harlem 1556 NYT19990924.0354 -1 Europe 1556 NYT19990322.0346 -1 Supreme Court 1556 NYT20000713.0242 -1 place 1556 NYT19981216.0179 -1 Supreme Court Justice 1556 NYT19981016.0338 -1 place 1556 NYT19990314.0174 -1 Ozarks 1556 APW19990805.0091 -1 WASHINGTON 1556 NYT19981101.0134 -1 NIL 1556 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1556 NYT19990215.0290 -1 the first black U.S. Supreme Court justice 1556 NYT19990314.0174 -1 Sedalia 1556 NYT19980731.0173 -1 positions 1556 NYT19991104.0269 -1 Forest Lawn Cemetery 1556 NYT19981124.0164 -1 America 1556 NYT19981014.0153 -1 Boston 1556 NYT19980723.0155 -1 Supreme Court 1557 APW19980707.1028 -1 put into orbit by a RSM 1557 APW19981004.0063 1 Sputnik 1557 APW19980707.0451 -1 1970 1557 APW19981004.0063 -1 Explorer 1 1557 APW19990710.0151 -1 Explorer 1 1557 NYT19981024.0120 1 Sputnik 1557 APW20000619.0034 -1 launch 1557 XIE19960116.0036 -1 The retrieval of the Japanese satellite 1557 APW19981004.0063 1 Sputnik satellite 1557 XIE19961106.0263 -1 Xinhua 1557 XIE19960320.0265 -1 China 1557 APW19990710.0002 1 Sputnik 1557 XIE19960107.0132 -1 first 1557 XIE19981219.0135 -1 Long March 1557 XIE19971010.0023 -1 moon 1557 NYT19980722.0465 2 Sputnik 1557 APW19980908.0401 -1 Telecom 1557 NYT19981029.0462 1 Sputnik 1557 XIE19970627.0214 -1 Test Fire 1557 NYT19981023.0214 2 Sputnik 1557 NYT19990719.0130 1 Sputnik 1557 NYT19990719.0130 -1 1957 1557 NYT19981107.0185 -1 Union 1557 APW19990702.0222 -1 human 1557 XIE19960320.0265 -1 Space scientists 1557 XIE19960113.0175 -1 The Malaysian satellite 1557 XIE19961031.0274 -1 a satellite 1557 XIE20000210.0167 -1 Earth 1557 NYT19981029.0460 1 Sputnik 1557 NYT19990719.0130 1 sputnik i 1557 XIE19960320.0265 -1 orbit 1557 XIE19980422.0033 -1 Xinhua 1557 XIE19960516.0176 -1 it oper orbit phase us commun 1557 APW19991010.0019 -1 two satellit space remot control 1557 XIE19960320.0265 -1 Space 1558 NYT20000510.0281 -1 $ 30 1558 APW20000707.0163 -1 at 150 mph 1558 NYT20000125.0186 -1 39 1558 NYT19990726.0181 -1 $660,000 1558 NYT19991220.0344 -1 McCain 1558 NYT19990726.0190 -1 two weeks 1558 NYT19990726.0190 -1 50 percent 1558 XIE19980106.0001 -1 PET 1558 NYT20000208.0084 -1 Bush 1558 NYT19990202.0210 -1 one 1558 NYT19980904.0134 -1 $ 100 1558 XIE19960305.0240 -1 a 4.9 percent rise 1558 NYT20000125.0186 -1 1,128 1558 XIE19990520.0257 -1 207.1 NZ dollars ( 114 U.S. dollars 1558 NYT20000126.0052 -1 millions of dollars 1558 NYT19990614.0371 -1 read 1558 NYT20000513.0004 -1 1 million dollar 1558 NYT19990203.0336 -1 each year 1558 NYT19990523.0060 -1 $70 1558 NYT19990201.0168 -1 eight days 1558 NYT20000710.0012 -1 300 at 1558 APW20000223.0044 -1 an average $1.86 1558 NYT19990726.0181 -1 Bush 's 47 percent 1558 NYT19990726.0190 -1 Bush 's 47 percent 1558 NYT19990726.0181 -1 in New_Hampshire 1558 NYT20000204.0316 -1 $1.5 million 1558 APW19990819.0116 -1 450 1558 NYT20000125.0186 -1 1128 1558 NYT19990219.0116 -1 $ 39 1558 NYT19991208.0113 -1 dollars 1558 XIE19990203.0128 -1 more than one billion Australian dollars 1559 NYT19991106.0118 -1 Mall 1559 NYT19991029.0288 -1 Atlanta 1559 NYT19981218.0102 -1 SAN FRANCISCO 1559 NYT19991109.0318 -1 Luther 1559 NYT20000815.0361 -1 Washington , D.C 1559 NYT19980901.0060 1 Lincoln Memorial 1559 NYT20000913.0414 -1 WASHINGTON _ 1559 NYT20000116.0132 -1 Parting the Waters 1559 NYT19990115.0189 -1 Detroit 1559 NYT19990511.0303 -1 Atlanta 1559 NYT19990511.0303 -1 U . S . 1559 NYT19991106.0118 -1 the Mall 1559 NYT19980826.0332 -1 America 1559 APW20000117.0148 -1 South Carolina 1559 APW20000117.0240 -1 Kingstree 1559 NYT19990902.0264 1 Lincoln Memorial 1559 NYT19980826.0221 1 Lincoln Memorial 1559 APW19990929.0035 -1 New Orleans 1559 NYT20000114.0173 -1 oratory skills 1559 NYT19980828.0373 -1 Georgia 1559 NYT19990511.0303 -1 Georgia 1559 NYT19980828.0373 -1 Dream 1559 NYT20000815.0361 -1 I 1559 NYT19991209.0337 -1 Memphis 1559 APW19990511.0129 -1 ATLANTA 1559 NYT19980817.0200 -1 Republican 1559 APW19990511.0129 -1 a more public speech 1559 NYT20000914.0015 1 Lincoln Memorial 1559 NYT20000114.0172 -1 NIL 1559 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1559 NYT20000815.0361 -1 Washington 1559 NYT19980828.0373 -1 Democratic Representative John Lewis of Georgia 1559 NYT19990511.0303 -1 ATLANTA 1559 NYT19990511.0303 -1 Atlanta Georgia 1559 NYT19980722.0534 -1 CBS 1559 NYT19990511.0303 -1 Jr 1560 NYT19980611.0164 -1 Morgan Freeman 1560 NYT19981105.0312 -1 Rated 1560 NYT20000928.0302 -1 CAST 1560 NYT20000228.0321 -1 Hurricane 1560 APW20000124.0005 -1 Halle Berry 1560 NYT19981105.0172 -1 The script 1560 NYT19991110.0514 -1 drama 1560 NYT20000319.0102 -1 Easy Rawlins 1560 NYT19991110.0514 -1 St 1560 NYT19991110.0514 -1 Washington 1560 NYT19990528.0330 -1 mafia 1560 NYT19991110.0514 -1 Dr 1560 NYT19991110.0514 1 St. Elsewhere 1560 NYT19981104.0151 -1 starring 1560 NYT19991227.0300 -1 ` ` The Hurricane , ' ' 1560 NYT20000302.0188 -1 Oscar 1560 NYT20000612.0049 -1 NBC 1560 APW19980721.0131 -1 Cry Freedom 1560 NYT20000319.0102 -1 starring Denzel 1560 NYT20000106.0144 -1 2000-01-06 1560 NYT19981115.0084 -1 Biography 1560 APW20000811.0128 -1 York 1560 APW19990905.0077 -1 Queen Latifah 1560 NYT20000103.0192 -1 HURRICANE 1560 NYT20000612.0045 -1 1953-1965 , 1560 NYT20000612.0049 -1 13 years 1560 NYT19991025.0300 -1 I 1560 APW20000123.0188 -1 portrayal 1560 NYT19990927.0278 -1 Emmy 1560 NYT19991125.0074 -1 Egoyan 1560 APW20000213.0040 -1 Berry 1560 NYT19991110.0514 -1 feel work said washington seat prime 1560 NYT20000103.0192 -1 jewison first work soldier work 1560 NYT19981203.0476 -1 The 1561 NYT19990809.0111 -1 July 23 , 1904 1561 APW19990523.0023 -1 1904 1561 APW19990523.0023 -1 1904 St. Louis World 's Fair 1561 NYT19980630.0231 -1 1881 1561 NYT19990714.0232 -1 1974 1561 APW19990722.0134 -1 1904 1561 APW19990523.0023 1 1903 1561 NYT20000605.0160 -1 1600 1561 APW20000211.0261 -1 last year 1561 NYT19980630.0231 -1 1998 1561 NYT19990908.0074 1 Sept. 22, 1903 1561 NYT19990908.0074 1 Sept. 22 , 1903 1561 NYT20000712.0330 -1 summer 1561 NYT20000712.0330 -1 1876 1561 NYT20000705.0257 -1 1923 1561 APW20000321.0133 -1 17:38 1561 NYT20000712.0330 -1 1998 1561 NYT19980630.0231 -1 1842 1561 APW19990523.0023 -1 ICE-CREAM CONE 1561 NYT19980630.0231 -1 ( 1998 ) 1561 APW19990523.0023 -1 1913 1561 NYT19990809.0111 -1 on July 23 , 1904 1562 APW19981214.1341 -1 Bosnia 1562 APW19981126.0823 -1 Bosnia 1562 APW19980707.1208 -1 U.S. 1562 NYT19990515.0076 -1 History 1562 APW19980926.0482 -1 United States 1562 NYT19991208.0206 -1 America 1562 NYT19990515.0074 -1 Honorable Scars Northern Amputees Discuss 1562 XIE20000222.0324 -1 WASHINGTON 1562 NYT19990203.0107 -1 U . S . 1562 NYT19990415.0199 -1 Virginia 1562 APW20000712.0073 1 Fort Sumter 1562 XIE19980719.0141 -1 North 1562 NYT19990624.0039 -1 Iowa 1562 APW20000119.0353 -1 Alaska 1562 NYT19981009.0260 -1 Grand Central Market 1562 APW20000413.0056 1 Fort Sumter 1562 NYT19990510.0192 -1 World War II 1562 NYT19990510.0192 -1 World War I 1562 XIE19981111.0046 -1 Lebanon 1562 XIE19960903.0181 -1 Lebanon 1562 NYT19980730.0266 -1 us 1562 NYT19980928.0185 1 Fort Sumter 1562 APW19990411.0001 1 Fort Sumter 1562 NYT19991112.0309 -1 Confederate 1562 NYT20000707.0191 2 at Fort Sumter 1562 NYT19990225.0072 -1 Yugoslavia 1562 APW20000602.0043 -1 Confederate 1562 APW19981017.0809 -1 United States 1562 XIE19970912.0328 -1 WASHINGTON 1562 NYT19990928.0158 -1 Granbury 1562 XIE20000124.0054 -1 NIL 1562 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1562 APW19981205.0662 -1 between Khmer Rouge and new military government 1562 APW20000712.0073 3 at Fort Sumter, not Pickens 1562 NYT19990415.0441 2 Fort Sumter 1562 NYT19990521.0389 -1 Canada 1562 NYT19990515.0076 -1 Gettysburg 1562 XIE19970912.0327 -1 Algeria 1562 NYT19991003.0315 -1 Vietnam 1562 NYT19990203.0106 -1 USSR 1562 NYT19990603.0351 -1 Europe 1563 NYT19990407.0282 1 Luther 1563 NYT19990407.0288 -1 Theses 1563 NYT19990409.0134 -1 World War II 1563 NYT19990409.0134 1 Luther 1563 NYT19990407.0282 3 pope when Martin Luther 1563 NYT19990527.0199 3 pope when Martin Luther 1563 NYT19990407.0277 1 Luther 1563 NYT19981218.0258 -1 Roman Catholic 1563 NYT19990407.0282 -1 Atlanta Journal 1563 NYT19990407.0282 1 Martin Luther 1563 NYT19990407.0282 -1 Reformed 1563 APW19990617.0277 1 Martin Luther 1563 NYT19980601.0231 -1 John 1563 NYT19990702.0379 -1 Sinn Fein 1563 NYT19990407.0277 1 Martin Luther 1563 APW19981026.0109 -1 Azizah 1563 NYT20000118.0217 2 Martin Luther 1563 APW19990217.0069 2 Martin Luther 1563 APW19991030.0095 1 Martin Luther 1563 XIE20000427.0371 -1 Amato 1563 APW19981013.0450 -1 Mohamed Hatta 1563 NYT19990407.0277 -1 Berliner Dom 1563 XIE19960311.0187 -1 Ali 1563 APW19981118.0528 -1 Parliament 1563 NYT19980901.0204 2 When Luther 1563 XIE19970830.0035 -1 Prime_Minister Mesut_Yilmaz 1563 NYT19990409.0091 1 Martin Luther 1563 NYT19990407.0287 -1 North America 1563 NYT20000816.0464 -1 Officer Dan MacDonald 1563 NYT19981102.0126 1 Martin Luther 1563 NYT19990407.0282 -1 Reformation 1564 NYT20000831.0325 2 1969 1564 NYT19980729.0407 -1 several more years 1564 XIE19970704.0157 -1 1997 1564 NYT20000908.0335 -1 1970s 1564 APW19981219.1000 -1 30 years ago 1564 APW20000107.0103 -1 1970 1564 APW19990818.0100 -1 20 years ago 1564 NYT19990310.0089 -1 summer 1564 NYT19980923.0179 -1 '70s 1564 NYT19990914.0080 1 1969 1564 NYT20000827.0040 -1 Sabbath 1564 XIE20000810.0083 -1 1. 48 percent 1564 NYT20000921.0309 -1 43 1564 APW19981210.1500 -1 eight months 1564 NYT19981124.0247 -1 1997 1564 APW20000807.0129 -1 1959 1564 NYT19990914.0080 -1 live on stage 1564 NYT19990914.0080 -1 last year 1564 APW20000107.0103 -1 second 1564 APW20000702.0064 -1 1928 1564 NYT20000618.0174 -1 1999 1564 NYT20000904.0113 -1 In 1975 1564 NYT19991010.0085 -1 132 country 1564 NYT19990914.0080 -1 1980 1564 NYT19980720.0030 -1 1838 1564 XIE20000616.0264 -1 2002 1565 NYT19990207.0271 -1 shortened season 1565 NYT19990328.0044 -1 Utah 1565 APW19990524.0074 -1 shortened season 1565 NYT20000218.0040 1 The Mailman 1565 APW20000210.0036 -1 AP 1565 APW20000413.0003 -1 Jazz 1565 XIE19981111.0328 -1 WASHINGTON , November 10 ( Xinhua ) -- Kay Malone , wife of NBA Utah Jazz forward Karl Malone , 1565 APW20000210.0036 -1 All-Star game 1565 XIE19970602.0174 3 Mailman 1565 XIE19990221.0146 -1 the NBA' s best record 1565 APW19990801.0066 -1 Utah 1565 NYT20000218.0040 -1 Karl Malone earned because of his relentless ability to deliver 1565 NYT19990207.0279 -1 long_time 1565 NYT19990112.0320 -1 Jordan 1565 NYT19981230.0184 -1 Anderson 1565 NYT20000218.0040 3 Mailman 1565 NYT19980601.0017 -1 John Stockton 1565 APW19990121.0233 -1 I know is still alive and well. 1565 NYT20000218.0040 -1 Anderson 1565 NYT19980602.0460 -1 Stockton 1565 APW19980713.0018 1 The Mailman 1565 XIE19970602.0174 -1 NBA 1565 NYT19990306.0265 -1 1999-03-06 1565 NYT19990113.0029 -1 NBA 1565 NYT19981112.0004 -1 Lake City 1565 NYT19990516.0019 -1 Rafael Palmeiro 1565 XIE19970602.0174 -1 Malone 1565 APW19990121.0233 -1 Jazz Agree 1565 APW19990122.0062 -1 This 1565 APW19990122.0262 -1 Dwight_Manley 1565 NYT19981112.0004 -1 Malone 's 1565 XIE19981220.0141 -1 or the letters NBA. 1565 APW19990503.0071 -1 Alonzo Mourning 1565 NYT19990217.0067 -1 franchise bulwark 1565 NYT19990207.0271 -1 13 year veteran 1565 NYT19990214.0017 -1 Dennis 1565 APW19990801.0066 -1 Jordan 1565 XIE19970602.0174 1 The Mailman 1565 APW19990121.0233 -1 Larry Miller 1565 APW19990121.0233 -1 Dwight Manley 1565 NYT19980601.0220 -1 Brown 1565 XIE19981111.0328 -1 Malones 1566 XIE19980613.0176 1 Lorca 1566 APW19990525.0023 -1 AP 1566 XIE19980613.0176 1 Garcia Lorca 1566 XIE19980613.0176 1 Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 NYT19981017.0153 1 Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 NYT19991028.0509 -1 Cadiz 1566 APW19981209.1194 -1 Report 1566 NYT19991028.0509 1 Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 NYT20000730.0195 -1 Spain 1566 APW19980822.0665 -1 Octavio Paz 1566 APW19990304.0182 -1 professor of 1566 APW19981127.1163 -1 Gloria Fuertes 1566 APW19980605.1145 1 Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 APW19980605.0392 1 Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 NYT19981119.0142 1 Garcia Lorca 1566 NYT19981120.0129 -1 Roman Catholicism 1566 NYT19981017.0153 -1 fascists 1566 NYT19991109.0128 -1 Antonio Machado 1566 NYT20000730.0195 -1 Jose Angel Valente 1566 NYT19990526.0484 -1 Bilbao 1566 NYT19981017.0153 -1 Franco 1566 APW19980611.1363 1 Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 APW19990525.0023 -1 Francisco Franco 1566 APW19981230.0654 -1 AP 1566 APW19981230.0503 2 Garcia Lorca 1566 NYT20000506.0018 -1 Historia de una escalera 1566 NYT20000506.0018 -1 Historia de una escalera ( The Story of a Staircase ) , written in 1949 and still widely performed 1566 APW20000718.0189 -1 ( AP 1566 APW19981230.0503 2 Lorca 1566 APW19990525.0023 -1 Gen. Francisco Franco 1566 NYT19990526.0484 -1 Ramon Rubial 1566 XIE19980613.0176 3 spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca 1566 APW19981209.1194 -1 Franco 1566 APW19980611.1363 -1 jt 1566 NYT19990411.0088 -1 Sherman Alexie 1566 NYT20000730.0195 -1 Carlos Casares 1566 APW19990609.0006 -1 Spain Wants 1566 NYT19980811.0158 -1 Lish 1567 APW19990124.0072 1 1966 1567 APW19990107.0121 1 1966 1567 NYT19980627.0208 2 the 1960s 1567 NYT19990217.0405 -1 1968 1567 NYT19990217.0405 -1 1972 1567 APW19990218.0325 -1 June 1997 1567 NYT19980627.0208 -1 1996 1567 NYT19981128.0086 2 the 1960s 1567 NYT20000229.0494 -1 1969 1567 NYT19990215.0290 -1 1969 1567 APW19990124.0072 -1 1973 1567 NYT19990106.0442 -1 1973 1567 NYT19990106.0442 -1 1967 1567 APW19990217.0007 -1 1968 1567 NYT20000306.0452 -1 1992 1567 NYT19990220.0136 -1 27 years 1567 APW19990218.0325 -1 1997 1567 NYT20000321.0028 2 1960s 1567 APW19990124.0072 -1 1968 1567 NYT19980714.0090 -1 1906 1567 APW20000321.0162 -1 California 1567 APW19990218.0325 -1 a 1968 murder 1567 APW20000924.0118 -1 1967 1567 NYT19981224.0081 2 1966 1567 NYT19990217.0405 -1 in 1972 1567 NYT19990222.0083 -1 1997 1567 NYT20000908.0324 -1 1974 1567 APW20000321.0162 -1 1960 1567 NYT19990106.0442 2 the late 1960s 1567 APW19990124.0072 -1 the late 1970s 1568 NYT20000403.0618 -1 87 1568 NYT19991208.0114 1 67 1568 NYT19991208.0114 -1 Dec. 14, 1799 1568 NYT19990706.0237 -1 two centuries old 1568 NYT19990215.0129 -1 11 years 1568 NYT20000306.0185 -1 11 years 1568 APW19990104.0224 -1 age 81 1568 NYT19991213.0257 1 67 1568 NYT19990327.0212 -1 March 17 1568 NYT19991208.0114 -1 24 day 1568 NYT19990215.0129 -1 three years 1568 NYT19990327.0212 -1 six years 1568 NYT20000306.0185 -1 2,170 features nationwide 1568 NYT19980908.0033 -1 200 years after 1568 NYT19981019.0432 -1 25 times 1568 NYT19990131.0221 1 67 1568 NYT19980825.0099 -1 11 years 1568 NYT19980825.0077 -1 90 years 1568 NYT19990528.0419 -1 94 1568 NYT19990215.0129 -1 home and outbuildings, and the tomb 1568 NYT19980908.0033 -1 Nearly 200 years 1568 NYT19991208.0114 -1 1799 1568 NYT19981119.0045 -1 2{ year 1568 NYT19980902.0083 -1 Nearly 200 years 1568 NYT19980618.0144 -1 92 year 1568 APW19990119.0383 -1 82. 1568 NYT19981106.0093 1 67 1568 NYT19991208.0114 -1 24 days 1568 NYT19990215.0128 -1 passed since George_Washington _ 1568 NYT19990328.0100 -1 one 1568 NYT19980618.0144 -1 92-year 1568 NYT19981012.0212 -1 6 1568 APW19990104.0224 -1 81 1568 NYT19991214.0028 1 67 1568 NYT19991208.0114 -1 11 1568 NYT19991208.0114 -1 14 1568 NYT19990215.0128 -1 550 1568 NYT19980601.0162 -1 ONE 1568 NYT19980916.0162 -1 7 years old 1569 NYT19980610.0386 -1 1969 1569 APW20000615.0017 1 1975 1569 NYT19981116.0182 1 1975 1569 XIE19990906.0043 1 1975 1569 NYT19990608.0088 -1 the end of 1971 1569 NYT20000412.0347 1 April 30, 1975 1569 NYT19990418.0140 1 1975 1569 NYT20000204.0069 -1 1866 1569 APW20000914.0082 -1 1992 1569 NYT20000427.0109 1 25 years ago 1569 NYT20000424.0091 -1 April 30th 1569 XIE19971203.0009 -1 December 2 1569 NYT19981113.0153 1 1975 1569 NYT20000429.0181 1 twenty-five years ago 1569 APW20000429.0062 1 April 30, 1975 1569 NYT19980622.0224 1 1975 1569 APW20000311.0029 1 April 1975 1569 XIE19960122.0176 1 1975 1569 NYT20000301.0502 1 April 1975 1569 NYT20000711.0037 1 1975 1569 NYT20000301.0504 1 April 1975 1569 NYT19990712.0452 2 1975 1569 NYT19991019.0228 -1 1968 1569 NYT19981202.0336 1 1975 1569 APW20000427.0163 -1 the morning 1569 NYT19980901.0083 2 in 1975 1569 APW19981110.1482 1 1975 1569 NYT20000427.0124 -1 1990 1569 NYT20000427.0113 -1 1965 1569 NYT19990108.0169 -1 in May 1970 1569 XIE19960122.0176 1 in 1975 1569 APW20000615.0017 1 in 1975 1569 NYT19981201.0384 1 1975 1569 NYT20000505.0341 -1 1972 1569 XIE19970225.0113 -1 February 25 1569 APW19990511.0192 -1 1968 1570 NYT19991103.0275 2 18 1570 APW19980925.1123 2 18 1570 APW19990427.0330 -1 AP 1570 APW20000622.0206 2 18 years 1570 APW20000921.0182 2 18 1570 XIE19980219.0324 -1 Under the agreement , he 1570 APW19981030.0741 -1 Oct . 16 1570 NYT19990311.0341 -1 a constitutional provision 1570 NYT20000926.0275 -1 Vietnam 1570 XIE19970724.0270 -1 Plata 1570 NYT19981128.0250 -1 NATURE-LOVING INDIANS TURN POACHERS INTO PREY EDAD 1570 NYT19981128.0043 -1 one 1570 APW19990313.0016 -1 third term 1570 XIE19991025.0026 1 over 18 1570 NYT19980606.0187 -1 Brazil 1570 NYT19981217.0048 -1 1976 1570 APW19981123.0424 -1 Japan 11 1570 APW19981211.1146 -1 1994 1570 XIE20000320.0055 2 18 years of age 1570 XIE19971108.0243 -1 Argentina 1570 APW19980705.0866 2 18 1570 NYT20000612.0122 -1 States 1570 APW19980606.0444 -1 Argentine 1570 APW20000921.0182 -1 Thursday 1570 XIE19991025.0026 1 18 1570 XIE19960310.0158 -1 172 years 1570 XIE19971005.0012 -1 21 1570 APW19980606.0444 -1 2 1570 XIE19980320.0069 -1 15 1570 NYT19990911.0193 -1 09-11 1570 XIE19980614.0157 -1 15 1570 XIE19980614.0157 -1 12 1570 XIE19960310.0158 2 18 1570 XIE19980820.0255 -1 8 billion 1570 APW19981217.1172 -1 970 1570 APW19980617.1349 -1 27 1570 XIE19991021.0009 -1 Republica 1571 NYT20000324.0422 -1 day 1571 APW20000123.0089 -1 dropped about a penny in the West 1571 NYT19990801.0017 -1 6 - foot - 7 1571 XIE19990715.0229 -1 27,000 sq m 1571 NYT20000703.0102 -1 1943 1571 NYT20000703.0102 -1 are 1571 NYT19990818.0268 -1 1 million penny 1571 NYT19991206.0076 -1 Lady Liberty 1571 NYT20000703.0102 -1 1943 steel 1571 NYT19991215.0203 -1 311 King St. 843 - 723 - 2999 1571 NYT19990818.0267 -1 one million 1571 NYT19980610.0481 -1 World War II 1571 NYT19990101.0256 -1 $ 12 1571 NYT19991215.0203 -1 843-723-2999 1571 XIE19990811.0298 -1 4. 47 million tons 1571 APW19990630.0003 -1 1996 1571 NYT19990707.0088 -1 7 grams 1571 NYT19991206.0076 -1 100 percent 1571 NYT19990707.0088 -1 Penny Carrots 1571 NYT20000703.0101 -1 D 1571 NYT20000703.0101 -1 four year 1571 NYT19990310.0090 -1 1943 1571 NYT20000703.0101 -1 A few 1943 pennies 1571 XIE19960618.0055 -1 the four mining giants 1571 NYT19990520.0420 -1 the two companies 1571 NYT20000703.0101 -1 the penny 1571 XIE19980122.0197 -1 275,000 tons 1571 XIE19980629.0040 -1 110,000 tons 1571 APW19981225.0803 -1 2000 1571 NYT19990310.0093 -1 1943 1571 NYT20000703.0102 -1 1943 pennies 1571 NYT19991206.0076 -1 Fourteen years 1571 NYT19990817.0278 -1 $40 1571 NYT19990730.0340 -1 $40 1571 NYT19990819.0046 -1 99 Cents 1572 XIE19970919.0130 -1 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 1572 XIE19970919.0130 -1 Pittsburgh University 1572 NYT19981104.0325 -1 suburban Philadelphia 1572 NYT20000911.0231 -1 Pennsylvania 1572 NYT19990422.0218 2 William Penn 1572 NYT20000712.0265 -1 Laura J. Winter C. 1572 APW19980605.0521 -1 Executive Council 1572 APW20000110.0070 -1 New Jersey 1572 NYT20000329.0284 -1 Indiana 1572 NYT19991207.0399 -1 Rasheed Wallace 1572 NYT20000620.0258 -1 swing 1572 NYT20000403.0496 -1 the Indiana poll 1572 NYT20000705.0100 -1 nation 1572 APW20000413.0263 -1 Fame 1572 NYT19990914.0096 1 William Penn 1572 NYT19990110.0224 -1 Street 1572 NYT19981002.0279 -1 New Jersey 1572 NYT19981113.0495 -1 James Johnson 1572 APW19990127.0222 -1 Winter Games 1572 NYT20000705.0155 -1 May 1572 NYT19980902.0107 2 William Penn 1572 NYT20000705.0100 -1 Keystone State 1572 NYT19990610.0013 -1 Florida 1572 NYT20000409.0138 -1 Gov. Tom Ridge 1572 NYT20000329.0284 -1 Romano 1572 APW20000811.0128 -1 York 1572 NYT19990909.0206 -1 Joseph Wharton 1572 APW19990127.0222 -1 AP 1572 NYT19981104.0325 -1 Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky 1572 NYT19990422.0218 -1 NIL 1572 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1572 NYT19981006.0202 -1 Penn State 1572 NYT20000329.0284 -1 Pennsylvania State University 1572 NYT19981028.0386 -1 Sonny Popowski 1572 APW19990414.0137 -1 Sparkman 1572 NYT20000620.0258 -1 Madonna 1572 NYT19990315.0163 -1 Texas 1573 NYT19990323.0085 -1 Special Agent James Maddock 1573 NYT19990323.0234 -1 Special Agent James Maddock 1573 NYT19980906.0145 -1 Kenneth Piernick 1573 APW19980905.0175 -1 Kenneth Piernick 1573 APW20000106.0184 -1 Jesus Christ 1573 NYT20000429.0084 -1 former head 1573 APW19990510.0127 -1 James Kallstrom 1573 APW20000227.0191 -1 Ex 1573 NYT19980723.0098 -1 I 1573 XIE19971022.0045 -1 Donald M. Kerr Jr. 1573 NYT20000615.0108 -1 Vicki Weaver 1573 APW19990705.0066 -1 James E. Kessler, Jr. 1573 XIE19991008.0006 -1 Michael Vatis 1573 XIE19971022.0045 -1 Los Alamos National Laboratory 1573 APW19990617.0281 -1 Lewis Schiliro 1573 NYT19990220.0103 1 Louis J. Freeh 1573 NYT19981016.0117 -1 Bob Blitzer 1573 APW19990220.0017 -1 Havre 1573 XIE19980820.0204 -1 Kenneth Piernick 1573 APW20000504.0220 -1 Kathleen McChesney 1573 APW20000525.0016 -1 J. Edgar Hoover 1573 APW19991016.0131 -1 J. Edgar Hoover 1573 XIE19971022.0045 -1 Reno 1573 XIE19990317.0016 -1 Flanagan 1573 NYT19980804.0305 1 Louis Freeh 1573 NYT19991123.0224 1 Freeh 1573 APW20000321.0167 -1 Gore 1573 APW19990831.0254 -1 Attorney General Janet Reno 1573 NYT19990610.0219 -1 Jack Crawford Scott Glenn 1573 NYT20000209.0408 1 Louis Freeh 1573 NYT20000209.0408 -1 Bulger 's handler 1573 APW19990711.0096 -1 the FBI 1573 NYT19980713.0342 -1 Internal Revenue Service 1573 NYT19990831.0375 1 Director Louis J. Freeh 1573 XIE19990818.0124 -1 Omar Rocha Soto 1573 APW19990928.0112 -1 Stephen W. Dillard 1573 XIE19971022.0045 1 Louis J. Freeh 1573 NYT19980723.0096 -1 John Morris 1573 APW19990901.0258 1 Freeh 1573 NYT19990925.0315 -1 President Clinton 1573 NYT19990925.0311 -1 Richard Jewell 1573 APW19990831.0137 -1 But 1574 NYT19981227.0082 1 1989 1574 NYT19990217.0161 -1 TV show of the 1990 1574 NYT19990405.0246 -1 1951 1574 NYT19990121.0328 1 1987 1574 APW20000111.0102 -1 This week marks the 10th anniversary of the first regular 1574 APW20000111.0100 -1 1998 1574 NYT19990922.0153 -1 1989 1574 NYT19980722.0407 -1 Wednesday 1574 NYT20000314.0419 -1 Oct. 30, 1975 1574 APW20000924.0049 -1 January 1574 NYT19980609.0276 2 1987 1574 APW20000126.0216 -1 June 1997 1574 NYT20000719.0372 -1 1994 1574 NYT20000719.0372 -1 the years 1574 APW20000111.0100 1 1987 1574 NYT19990124.0103 -1 Sundays 1574 NYT19990908.0332 -1 '90s 1574 NYT19990121.0328 -1 1990 1574 XIE19960125.0191 -1 Wednesday night 1574 NYT20000719.0372 -1 1998 1574 XIE19960125.0191 -1 1994 1574 XIE19960125.0157 -1 January 24 1574 NYT19981227.0082 1 in 1989 1574 NYT20000719.0372 -1 20/20 1574 APW20000424.0160 -1 11 p.m. 1574 APW20000111.0100 -1 1993 1574 APW19980626.0971 -1 2002 1575 NYT19990117.0055 -1 40 - degree tilt 1575 APW19980909.1474 1 23.5 1575 XIE19961106.0263 -1 550 kilometers 1575 NYT19991220.0108 -1 rotational axis 1575 APW19990714.0273 -1 24.14 degrees 1575 APW19990714.0273 -1 Some 9,000 years ago , Earth 's tilt 1575 APW19990714.0273 3 23,45 1575 NYT19980617.0060 -1 its maximum sunward 1575 NYT20000214.0174 -1 the Earth's axis 1575 NYT19980617.0057 -1 N . Y . 1575 XIE20000713.0024 -1 4.9 1575 NYT20000216.0142 -1 Summer 1575 NYT19980617.0057 -1 5 1575 NYT19980618.0129 -1 5 1575 APW19980909.1474 1 23.5 degrees 1575 NYT20000214.0174 1 23.5 degrees 1575 NYT19991012.0128 -1 five 1575 APW19990714.0273 3 the current 23.45 degrees 1575 NYT19980617.0057 -1 5 degrees 1575 NYT20000121.0032 -1 16 1575 APW19990714.0273 -1 23 1575 APW19990714.0273 -1 4 degree 1575 XIE19981229.0068 -1 China 1575 NYT19980831.0200 -1 axis 1575 NYT19990703.0122 -1 Hemisphere 1575 APW19990714.0273 -1 the change 1575 APW19990714.0273 1 23.45 degrees 1575 NYT20000216.0142 -1 the Sahara 1575 NYT20000221.0209 -1 Earth 's 1575 NYT20000214.0174 -1 That latitude 1575 NYT20000603.0094 -1 angle 1575 APW19990714.0273 -1 24.14 degree 1575 NYT20000121.0032 -1 6,000-degree 1575 NYT20000221.0209 -1 Moon 1576 APW19990601.0297 -1 Large Magellanic Cloud 1576 NYT19991101.0274 -1 50 million light years from Earth 1576 APW19990602.0158 -1 Large Magellanic Cloud 1576 NYT19980703.0132 -1 trees 1576 APW19991006.0285 -1 spiral galaxies 1576 NYT19991213.0281 1 Andromeda 1576 NYT20000321.0102 -1 Specifically , how many light years 1576 APW19990601.0014 -1 Milky Way 1576 NYT20000119.0024 -1 Earth 1576 NYT19990125.0199 -1 United States 1576 NYT20000113.0174 -1 Optional 1576 NYT20000508.0233 2 Andromeda 1576 NYT20000508.0199 2 Andromeda 1576 NYT20000828.0438 -1 rose 1576 NYT19981026.0201 2 Andromeda Galaxy 1576 NYT19990119.0153 -1 subtitles 1576 APW19980626.0212 -1 light-years 1576 APW19980626.0212 -1 Milky Way 1576 NYT20000419.0347 -1 Bar 1576 APW19980626.0212 -1 one 1576 NYT19980625.0063 -1 Earth 1576 NYT19981026.0201 -1 the spiral arms of this galaxy , about two-thirds of the way from its center to the far edge , he explained 1576 NYT19991213.0281 -1 an early sign that the unusual $ 80 million project will help change the way astronomy is done 1576 NYT20000508.0233 2 decades that Andromeda is headed this way , though they still cannot say whether the two are destined to collide or merely to speed past , narrowly missing each other 1576 NYT20000605.0264 -1 Earth's home galaxy 1576 XIE20000628.0047 -1 Arizona 1576 APW19980819.1264 -1 Australia AP 1576 NYT19990520.0021 -1 own milky way 1576 NYT19980625.0063 -1 M31 1576 NYT19980817.0232 -1 halo 1576 NYT19990106.0221 -1 the visibl part earth home milki wai 1576 APW19990601.0311 -1 star milki wai billion ordinari 1576 NYT19980817.0232 -1 California 1576 NYT20000410.0321 -1 Milky 1577 NYT20000124.0279 -1 Address to a Haggis 1577 NYT19990902.0205 -1 Best Laid Plans 1577 NYT20000522.0269 -1 Robert 1577 NYT20000124.0279 -1 Before anyone could 1577 NYT19990901.0128 -1 crew 1577 NYT19981210.0207 -1 Minnesotans 1577 NYT19990511.0275 -1 Midland 1577 NYT19991127.0164 -1 Ah 1577 NYT20000414.0115 -1 ` ` Casey at the Bat , ' ' and a short story on a light-hitting Little Leaguer who saves the day. &QL ; &UR ; ` ` ESQUIRE ' ' 1577 NYT19990909.0191 -1 NOIRISH 1577 NYT20000522.0086 -1 AIDS 1577 NYT20000522.0086 -1 Robert Burns 1577 APW19980604.1494 -1 men, gang 1577 NYT20000324.0193 -1 February 1577 NYT19990329.0290 -1 peanut 1577 NYT20000719.0014 -1 BAD TASTE 1577 NYT19990116.0177 -1 that there 1577 NYT19981027.0291 -1 Mice 1577 NYT19980811.0367 -1 Die Seejungfrau 1577 NYT19990114.0090 -1 alien 1577 NYT19981027.0291 -1 Men 1577 NYT19980601.0180 -1 there 1577 NYT20000125.0099 -1 Dick Gephardt 1577 NYT20000728.0083 -1 sit varieti mous imagin albino black 1577 NYT20000611.0034 -1 Tree 1578 XIE19980526.0286 3 20 meters tall and 57 meters long 1578 XIE19980526.0046 3 20 meters tall and 57 meters long 1578 XIE19980526.0046 1 20 meters 1578 XIE19980526.0286 1 20 meters 1578 XIE19980526.0286 -1 66 feet 1578 NYT19990106.0166 -1 66 feet 1578 XIE19980526.0286 1 20 meters tall 1578 XIE19980607.0041 -1 57 meter 1578 XIE19990604.0035 -1 4,500 1578 XIE19960304.0223 -1 17 meters 1578 XIE19971010.0024 -1 34 1578 XIE19990604.0035 -1 the 4,500 1578 XIE19980607.0041 -1 57 meters 1578 XIE19980526.0046 -1 57 meters 1578 NYT19990921.0352 -1 the bottom 15 feet 1578 NYT20000612.0197 -1 RIDDLE 1578 NYT19990405.0431 -1 822 feet tall 1578 NYT20000524.0129 -1 20 foot 1578 XIE19980526.0046 -1 2620-2500 1578 NYT19980901.0170 -1 covered 1578 XIE19980526.0286 -1 57 meters long 1578 XIE19990604.0001 -1 the day 's hours 1578 NYT19981203.0273 -1 6 feet 1578 XIE19980526.0046 1 20 metre 1578 XIE19980526.0286 -1 three passages 1579 APW19980808.0254 -1 main exports _ _ tea and coffee 1579 XIE19990630.0137 -1 Coffee as a foreign exchange contributor 1579 NYT19980603.0358 -1 China 1579 XIE19981028.0264 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19970806.0182 2 Kenya 1579 XIE19980519.0002 -1 China 1579 XIE19981105.0288 2 Tea , one of Sri Lanka 's main export items , accounts about 25 percent of the country 's export earnings . 1579 APW19980601.1235 -1 market 1579 XIE19990608.0240 -1 Sudan 1579 XIE19971003.0148 2 Kenya 1579 XIE20000626.0193 -1 Vietnam 1579 XIE19990501.0151 2 Kenya 1579 XIE19990109.0181 2 Kenya 1579 XIE19980313.0233 -1 Bangladesh 1579 XIE20000225.0100 2 Kenya 1579 XIE19971221.0119 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19981105.0288 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19980115.0091 -1 India 1579 XIE19981028.0264 -1 India 1579 XIE20000901.0060 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19961220.0183 -1 Uganda 1579 XIE19990501.0151 -1 U.S. 1579 XIE19990313.0097 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19980819.0164 -1 The fall in export volume 1579 XIE19991007.0211 1 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19991231.0157 -1 NIL 1579 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1579 XIE19990411.0156 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19990111.0204 -1 China 1579 XIE19990502.0161 2 Sri Lanka 1579 XIE19980819.0164 -1 Bangladesh 1579 XIE19980720.0166 -1 China 1579 NYT19980623.0191 -1 Africa 1580 NYT19991123.0120 -1 Essays 1580 APW19981209.1356 -1 Clariant 1580 NYT19990528.0225 1 Cartography 1580 NYT19981102.0452 -1 &LR 1580 XIE19970604.0099 -1 Lecture 1580 XIE19970505.0075 -1 30 1580 XIE19990528.0243 -1 Karakorums 1580 APW20000917.0099 -1 Amsterdam 1580 NYT19991003.0456 -1 University 1580 APW19990716.0038 -1 title 1580 NYT19990528.0173 1 cartography 1580 NYT20000601.0286 -1 EDUC_Math 1580 APW20000509.0032 -1 Mongolia 1580 APW19990118.0146 -1 James George Janos 1580 NYT20000501.0239 -1 Advance Decline 1580 APW19990826.0051 -1 number 1580 APW19990302.0191 -1 Killington 1580 NYT19990805.0202 -1 art as a kind of visual architecture that could be mapped out if you just followed the blueprint 1580 NYT20000821.0292 -1 term 1580 XIE20000619.0314 -1 carp 1580 XIE19991124.0204 -1 CAS 1580 NYT20000501.0241 -1 BC-SCI-FIRST-HUMANS-NYT 1580 XIE20000729.0078 -1 Sciences 1580 NYT20000111.0124 -1 rock from top of Everest 1580 NYT19990209.0268 -1 art 1580 APW19980717.0349 -1 syphilis genome 1580 APW20000826.0014 -1 map of the reactor 1580 NYT19980603.0198 -1 Vice President Al Gore 1580 NYT19991003.0456 -1 longitude 1580 NYT19990528.0225 1 cartography 1580 NYT19990929.0205 -1 Bruce Sterling 1581 XIE19981023.0095 -1 Japan Celebrate 1581 XIE20000614.0124 -1 World Marks 1581 NYT19981026.0229 -1 week 1581 XIE19990129.0109 -1 Home Page 1581 APW19990105.0061 -1 Home Page 1581 XIE19991006.0093 -1 Wednesday 6 October 1999 1581 XIE19981218.0365 -1 Beijing Gathering Marks 20th Anniversary of Reform and Opening 1581 XIE19981002.0101 -1 world 1581 APW19981014.0438 -1 Pope John Paul II 1581 XIE20000610.0131 2 China 1581 APW19990404.0037 -1 Sunday 1581 APW19980802.0638 -1 Pope John Paul II 1581 XIE20000825.0438 -1 August 26, 1980 1581 NYT19990517.0076 -1 virgintennial 1581 NYT19980819.0522 -1 November 1581 NYT19980901.0060 -1 March on 1581 XIE19981008.0072 -1 June 1999 1581 XIE20000728.0051 -1 founding anniversary of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 1581 APW19981015.1000 -1 the 20th anniversary Friday 1581 NYT19980828.0388 -1 75th anniversary 1581 NYT19990204.0165 -1 May 25, 1997 1581 XIE19990211.0101 -1 millennium 1581 XIE19960628.0079 -1 BEIJING 1581 XIE19981109.0137 -1 wedding anniversary 1581 XIE19960405.0213 -1 1996 1581 NYT19990204.0469 -1 Iran 1581 XIE19960816.0225 -1 this evening 1581 XIE19960628.0079 -1 the 60th anniversary 1581 XIE20000401.0095 -1 the 50th anniversary 1581 XIE19991112.0020 -1 10th 1581 XIE19981211.0091 -1 year 1581 NYT19980610.0150 -1 November 1581 XIE19981002.0101 -1 reprint information 1581 XIE19981002.0101 -1 congratulation 1581 NYT19980723.0280 -1 1997 1582 NYT19981026.0222 -1 90 degrees 1582 APW19980603.1927 -1 150 feet 1582 NYT19990116.0095 -1 Page 1 1582 NYT20000620.0238 -1 5 inches 1582 NYT19981230.0126 -1 360 in 1582 APW19990412.0306 -1 15-hour 1582 NYT19981002.0064 -1 One pair 1582 NYT19990116.0095 -1 a mile 1582 APW19990927.0143 -1 taken away 1582 NYT19990528.0298 -1 12 miles 1582 APW20000326.0067 -1 2 1582 NYT19991110.0274 -1 tone 1582 XIE19970523.0245 -1 management style 1582 NYT19980805.0131 1 4 inches 1582 NYT19980611.0340 -1 two 1582 APW20000103.0289 -1 high 14 points 1582 APW19980922.0165 -1 4-meter ( 13 feet ) 1582 XIE19990120.0301 -1 meters 1582 NYT19990914.0056 -1 10-foot 1582 NYT19990125.0411 -1 two inches 1582 NYT19980917.0044 -1 5-foot-11 1582 NYT19991223.0063 -1 13 foot 1582 NYT20000110.0164 -1 200 million 1582 APW19981122.0221 -1 a tour-high seven titles 1582 NYT19980901.0001 -1 better 1582 XIE19970903.0203 -1 information 1582 APW19990422.0097 -1 at Columbine_High_School 1582 NYT19980828.0046 -1 10-foot 1582 NYT19980603.0206 -1 two or three inches 1582 NYT19990227.0147 -1 97 miles 1582 NYT19981002.0064 -1 five 1582 NYT19980720.0064 -1 wit 1583 APW20000204.0142 -1 drama 1583 APW19980728.0853 -1 Miser 1583 APW19990625.0003 -1 Internet Explorer 1583 NYT20000403.0499 -1 Internet Explorer 1583 NYT20000421.0083 -1 In this opera we 1583 NYT20000315.0373 -1 his Missouri plainchant 1583 APW19990122.0386 -1 Muti 1583 NYT20000315.0373 -1 Missouri 1583 NYT19981207.0291 -1 illustrated by photographs reproduced 1583 NYT19990723.0160 -1 Monteverdi 1583 NYT20000315.0373 1 libretto 1583 NYT19980621.0083 1 libretto 1583 NYT19981229.0169 1 libretto 1583 NYT19990302.0369 -1 Wozzeck 1583 APW19991018.0007 -1 at the opera 1583 APW19990122.0186 -1 music 1583 NYT19980930.0150 -1 based 1583 NYT20000315.0373 -1 Us 1583 NYT20000802.0221 -1 message 1583 NYT19981207.0291 -1 Somerset-Ward 1583 XIE20000113.0207 -1 1950s 1583 NYT19981229.0169 -1 in its format and orientation 1583 NYT19981029.0159 -1 CALL NOW . . . ( 888 ) 2-NYTSYN ( 888-269-8796 ) 1583 NYT19981229.0169 -1 one 1583 XIE20000113.0207 -1 texts 1583 NYT19980603.0185 -1 formatting 1583 NYT19990714.0446 -1 opera 1583 NYT20000315.0373 -1 Gertrude Stein 1583 NYT19981229.0169 -1 soprano 1583 XIE19990909.0002 -1 that it no longer bear the misleading na 1583 XIE20000113.0207 -1 Opera 1584 NYT19990616.0073 1 1994 1584 APW19990801.0145 3 1994 Bush elected as Texas governor 1584 NYT19990616.0073 1 Nov. 8, 1994 1584 NYT20000120.0383 -1 Thursday 1584 NYT19990616.0073 1 November 8, 1994 1584 NYT20000830.0098 2 1994 1584 NYT19991028.0103 2 1994 1584 NYT19990618.0210 1 Nov. 8 , 1994 1584 NYT20000130.0105 1 1998 1584 APW20000801.0022 1 1994 1584 NYT19981030.0047 1 1994 1584 NYT19981026.0317 -1 today 1584 NYT19990823.0135 -1 2000 1584 APW19990630.0265 1 1994 1584 NYT20000830.0191 1 1994 1584 NYT19990616.0073 -1 $ 18.4 million _ $ 14.9 million 1584 XIE20000731.0316 -1 2000 1584 NYT19980925.0146 1 1994 1584 NYT19981103.0384 -1 2000 1584 NYT19981118.0432 -1 Nov. 18 , 1998 1584 APW20000213.0061 -1 1995 1584 NYT19990312.0257 -1 2000 1584 APW20000327.0200 -1 Al Gore 1584 XIE20000803.0187 -1 here Wednesday evening 1584 NYT19990618.0210 1 1994 1584 NYT19981118.0087 -1 a second term 1584 NYT19981118.0373 -1 1967 _ 1584 NYT19981118.0087 -1 Nov . 3 1584 APW19990916.0368 -1 2000 1584 NYT19990616.0073 1 Nov. 8 , 1994 1584 APW20000824.0032 -1 in 1992 1584 APW19990608.0068 -1 2000 1584 NYT19981118.0320 -1 Nov. 3 1584 APW19990221.0044 -1 2000 1584 NYT19981118.0320 -1 2000 1585 APW20000923.0090 -1 remain in power 1585 APW20000327.0030 -1 called ' ' The Dark Face of Power 1585 APW20000916.0151 -1 Alberto Fujimori 1585 XIE19970910.0245 -1 Inca 1585 APW20000307.0154 1 Catholic Church 1585 APW19981112.1386 -1 The medicine of Peru 's pre- Columbian Indians combined religion , ritual and remedies 1585 APW19981008.0956 -1 Arequipa 1585 XIE19990820.0151 -1 Xinhua 1585 APW20000928.0215 -1 Panama 1585 APW20000919.0289 -1 videotape show intelligence 1585 XIE19961219.0176 -1 Important Hostages 1585 APW20000924.0116 2 Roman Catholic church 1585 NYT19980720.0143 -1 Inca 1585 APW19981005.1275 -1 church 1585 NYT19981231.0319 -1 Bible 1585 APW20000929.0073 -1 intelligence 1585 APW19981112.1386 -1 Columbian Indians 1585 APW20000728.0088 1 Roman Catholic 1585 APW20000822.0145 -1 LIMA 1585 APW19980820.1078 -1 one week 1585 APW20000924.0109 -1 AP 1585 NYT20000424.0012 -1 Indians 1585 APW19980915.1287 -1 human 1585 NYT19990805.0205 -1 Feather art 1585 APW19981112.1386 -1 Indians 1585 NYT20000926.0468 -1 Montesinos 1585 APW19981023.1356 -1 Ecuador 's armed_forces chief Gen . Patricio_Nunez , speaking in Quito , the capital 1585 APW19981105.0321 -1 Buddhism 1585 APW19981220.0765 2 Roman Catholicism 1585 NYT19981003.0030 -1 global agency 1585 APW19981023.1335 -1 kilometer 1585 APW19981111.0913 -1 drop 1998 econom growth growth estim 2 1586 NYT19980713.0162 1 1937 1586 NYT19980713.0162 -1 1936 1586 NYT20000228.0152 1 1937 1586 NYT19990306.0168 1 1937 1586 XIE19971225.0022 -1 Thursday 1586 APW19991028.0234 -1 Saturday night 1586 APW20000425.0198 -1 1936 1586 NYT20000620.0074 -1 1850 1586 NYT19991015.0041 -1 last Saturday 1586 NYT19980902.0579 2 1930s 1586 NYT19990507.0125 -1 spring 1586 APW19980828.0820 -1 1)b 2)a 3)c 4)b 5)b 6)a 7)a 8)c 9)c 10)c 1586 XIE20000522.0296 -1 34 1586 NYT19990129.0285 -1 years 1586 NYT20000308.0072 -1 Six years ago 1586 NYT19991025.0171 -1 A few years ago 1586 NYT19990928.0088 -1 1999-09-28 1586 NYT19990318.0225 1 1930s 1586 NYT19990827.0134 -1 20 minutes 1586 NYT19991025.0069 -1 one 1586 APW20000425.0198 2 1930s 1586 APW19990526.0049 1 May 27 , 1937 1586 APW20000415.0174 -1 Feb . 12 1586 NYT19990827.0149 -1 the new year 1586 NYT19990827.0149 -1 Dec . 31 1586 APW20000415.0174 -1 Jan. 15 1586 APW19991028.0234 -1 101 1586 XIE19971028.0323 -1 10000 1586 NYT20000928.0399 -1 three 1586 NYT19980724.0146 -1 1994 1586 NYT19990827.0148 -1 Dec. 31 1586 NYT20000530.0126 -1 2001 1587 NYT20000118.0205 -1 Baker Street 1587 NYT20000426.0300 -1 No 1587 NYT20000604.0026 -1 Project Gutenberg Etext 1587 NYT20000604.0026 -1 And that 1587 NYT19990429.0268 -1 Teller of Tales 1587 NYT19990208.0195 -1 Task Force 1587 NYT19981001.0067 -1 Austin 1587 NYT19990209.0251 -1 monster 1587 XIE20000412.0140 -1 Guanganmen 1587 NYT19990313.0153 -1 retribution 1587 NYT20000815.0128 -1 Baker 1587 NYT19990429.0268 -1 Arthur Conan Doyle 1587 NYT19990121.0335 -1 Sherlockians 1587 NYT20000422.0198 -1 Baker Street 1587 NYT20000517.0267 -1 2000-05-17 1587 APW20000308.0254 -1 Adventures 1587 APW20000308.0254 -1 1976 1587 NYT19990621.0001 -1 director of the Governor 's community policy office 1587 NYT20000411.0096 -1 Regent 's Park and Oxford Street 1587 NYT20000411.0096 -1 Abbey 1587 NYT19981022.0281 -1 The new spiritualism 1587 NYT20000426.0300 -1 O.J. Simpson 1587 NYT19981007.0264 -1 He 1588 NYT20000510.0011 1 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0278 -1 July 24 , 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0277 -1 July 24 , 1969 1588 NYT19981029.0363 1 1969 1588 NYT20000315.0075 -1 1967 1588 APW19980710.1204 1 1969 1588 NYT19990716.0317 3 16 July 1969 Landed 1588 XIE19960707.0030 -1 June 23 1588 APW19990709.0019 1 1969 1588 NYT19981118.0139 -1 July 20, 1969 1588 NYT19990716.0076 -1 July 1588 APW19991010.0117 -1 Oct 11, 1968, 1588 APW19981010.0848 -1 three decades later 1588 NYT19990717.0059 -1 July 20, 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0279 -1 July 24, 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0279 1 July 16, 1969 1588 NYT19981029.0384 1 1969 1588 APW19990702.0222 1 July 16 , 1969 1588 NYT20000817.0422 -1 Christmas 1968 1588 NYT19990716.0317 1 July 16, 1969 1588 APW19981020.1367 -1 July 20 , 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0277 1 1969 1588 NYT19990715.0520 1 July 16, 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0469 -1 July 14 , 1999 1588 NYT20000712.0237 -1 On July 1588 NYT19990715.0543 -1 1961 1588 NYT19990715.0543 -1 May 1961 1588 APW19991010.0117 -1 Oct 1588 NYT19990717.0059 -1 the 50th anniversary 1588 NYT19990716.0076 -1 July 20 , 1969 1588 NYT19990715.0543 -1 1967 1588 APW19990702.0222 1 July 16, 1969 1588 NYT19981030.0341 1 1969 1588 NYT19990714.0279 1 on July 16 , 1969 1588 NYT19990717.0059 1 1969 1589 APW20000724.0013 1 Bobby Jones 1589 NYT19990524.0319 1 Bobby Jones 1589 NYT19990524.0319 -1 1930 1589 APW19990209.0195 -1 Golf 1589 NYT19990709.0360 -1 Gene Sarazen 1589 NYT19981126.0172 1 Bobby Jones 1589 NYT19990429.0251 -1 U. S. Opens 1589 NYT20000802.0104 -1 Woods 1589 NYT19980713.0321 -1 Torrey Pines GC 1589 NYT19990429.0251 1 Bobby Jones 1589 NYT20000126.0308 -1 PGA 1589 NYT20000715.0193 -1 Ben Hogan 1589 NYT20000406.0069 3 Jones 1589 APW19980606.0474 -1 Sergio Garcia 1589 NYT19990429.0251 -1 Woods 1589 NYT19990608.0375 2 Bobby Jones 1589 APW19980708.0842 -1 Nicklaus 1589 NYT19990429.0251 -1 Jack Nicklaus 1589 NYT19990608.0375 -1 Masters 1589 NYT19980619.0412 -1 Kuchar 1589 NYT19980714.0006 -1 Hogarth will tee it up with the best of the nation 1589 APW20000723.0066 -1 Watson 1589 APW20000723.0066 -1 Nicklaus 1589 APW19980828.1152 -1 Harold Hilton 1589 NYT19990709.0360 -1 Gary Player 1589 NYT20000802.0106 -1 Nicklaus 1589 NYT19990429.0251 3 Jones 1589 APW19980717.1076 2 Jones 1589 NYT19980720.0009 -1 Tom Watson 1590 NYT19991125.0049 -1 fly and run 1590 NYT19990323.0075 -1 insect 1590 NYT19980723.0228 -1 material 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 food 1590 APW19980826.1315 -1 predators 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 insects 1590 NYT19990323.0075 -1 Gordon 1590 NYT19990201.0260 1 plant 1590 NYT19980802.0116 -1 1998 Cox News Service AUSTIN, Texas _ 1590 XIE19981104.0156 -1 The agronomy department and World Food Program 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 In Denton County 1590 NYT19980707.0041 3 he's heard stories from other farmers about grasshoppers eating the bit of green plant 1590 XIE19981104.0156 -1 The agronomy department and World Food Program 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 Texas 1590 NYT19980707.0041 -1 other farmers 1590 NYT19990804.0258 1 roses 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 also 1590 NYT19990201.0260 -1 locust 1590 NYT19981125.0142 -1 food 1590 NYT19980707.0041 -1 corn 1590 XIE19981104.0156 -1 Food 1590 NYT19990804.0258 1 roses , daylilies , irises , bush honeysuckle and cannas 1590 NYT19990323.0075 -1 crickets 1590 APW20000312.0038 -1 fried grasshoppers 1590 NYT19990114.0360 1 grass 1590 NYT19981104.0208 -1 Edmundo 1590 XIE19981104.0156 -1 effective pesticides 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 food elsewhere 1590 XIE19981104.0156 -1 grasshoppers 1590 NYT19990111.0446 1 grass 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 grasshoppers 1590 NYT19980707.0041 -1 grasshoppers 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 the plant Cooper 1590 NYT19990201.0260 -1 feeding 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 Grasshopper 1590 NYT19990804.0258 -1 John Cooper 1590 APW19990709.0016 -1 feed 1591 NYT20000116.0094 -1 9 percent 1591 XIE19980506.0146 -1 8 percent 1591 NYT20000714.0093 1 roughly 10 percent 1591 NYT20000714.0093 1 10 percent 1591 XIE19960319.0174 -1 The survey also 1591 NYT19990914.0106 -1 work 1591 XIE20000617.0030 2 10percent 1591 NYT20000515.0173 -1 Md . 1591 XIE19960319.0174 -1 3.3 percent 1591 NYT20000329.0426 2 10 percent 1591 NYT20000329.0426 -1 50 percent 1591 NYT19980601.0308 -1 left 1591 NYT19990127.0165 -1 $ 15 1591 XIE19970706.0072 -1 115 million 1591 XIE19970502.0042 -1 2006 1591 NYT20000806.0013 3 12 percent 1591 APW19990616.0099 -1 23 1591 NYT20000121.0215 1 about 10 percent 1591 XIE19981113.0020 -1 Africa 1591 XIE20000617.0030 -1 around 7 1591 XIE19970910.0214 -1 the population 1591 NYT19990903.0076 -1 80 percent 1591 NYT20000515.0176 -1 18 percent 1591 XIE19981029.0037 -1 - Ninety-seven percent 1591 XIE20000703.0256 -1 49.67 percent 1592 NYT19980602.0255 1 1933 1592 NYT19990407.0248 -1 March 1933 1592 APW19990322.0021 2 1933 1592 NYT19990407.0248 1 1933 1592 APW19990415.0134 -1 clumsy cow 1592 APW19990226.0002 1 27 February 1933 1592 NYT20000321.0235 2 27 February 1933 1592 NYT19990407.0262 1 1933 1592 APW19990306.0052 -1 1894. 1592 NYT20000312.0180 -1 1984 1592 NYT19990306.0041 -1 next month 1592 APW20000718.0088 -1 1976 1592 APW19990419.0094 -1 today 1592 APW19981214.0338 -1 1969 1592 APW19990419.0267 -1 1945 1592 NYT20000321.0236 -1 May 1996 1592 NYT19990305.0273 -1 1961 1592 NYT19990407.0262 -1 between 1884 and 1894 1592 APW19990226.0002 1 On Feb . 27 , 1933 1592 XIE19990420.0021 -1 1894 1592 NYT20000312.0180 -1 later this month 1592 NYT19990407.0262 -1 1995 1592 APW19990418.0045 -1 1894 1592 APW19990419.0093 -1 the Nazi era 1592 NYT19990310.0458 -1 A New_York Times News Service 1592 NYT20000330.0335 -1 last year 1592 APW19981110.0825 -1 1995 1592 APW20000226.0155 1 1933 1592 APW19990306.0052 -1 in 1894 1592 APW19990418.0045 -1 19th century 1592 NYT19990407.0248 -1 in March 1933 1592 NYT19990407.0262 -1 1894 1592 APW19990418.0045 -1 past 80 years 1592 XIE19990420.0021 2 1933 1593 XIE19970603.0202 -1 21.7 percent 1593 XIE20000905.0015 -1 around 6 percent 1593 XIE20000828.0219 -1 69,536,644 (mid-2001 est.) (NOTE: this figure was extracted from official sources, e.g., CIA Factbook, and may be slighty different from the value of '65.205 million' mentioned in the article.) 1593 APW20000727.0079 -1 64 million 1593 XIE19980729.0018 -1 percent 1593 XIE19980302.0004 -1 7 percent 1593 XIE20000827.0309 -1 Xinhua 1593 XIE19960815.0151 -1 U . S . 1593 APW20000827.0025 -1 region 1593 XIE19990722.0028 -1 1.8 percent 1593 XIE20000827.0309 -1 2.02percent 1593 XIE19971007.0233 -1 50 percent 1593 XIE19970603.0202 -1 51.2 percent 1593 XIE19990225.0257 1 11.4 percent 1593 APW20000122.0148 -1 total 1593 XIE19991012.0090 -1 at 17 billion 1593 XIE20000624.0018 -1 17 million work force 1593 XIE20000828.0219 -1 65.205 million 1593 APW20000827.0025 -1 Delta 1593 XIE19961129.0077 -1 Nile 1593 XIE19970226.0201 -1 47 percent 1593 XIE19991012.0090 -1 development 1593 XIE19991012.0090 -1 1994 1593 XIE20000303.0036 -1 Luanda 1593 NYT20000127.0301 -1 6 percent 1593 NYT20000607.0414 -1 1994 1593 APW20000827.0025 -1 65,205,000 1593 APW20000827.0025 -1 50 1593 XIE19970603.0202 -1 the capital 1593 XIE19960815.0151 -1 Egypt 1593 XIE19980409.0017 -1 57 percent 1593 XIE20000828.0219 -1 2.02 percent 1593 XIE19970603.0202 -1 66 million inhabitants 1593 XIE19970603.0202 -1 Xinhua 1593 XIE19971207.0090 -1 2.8 percent 1593 APW20000827.0025 -1 50 percent 1594 NYT19990220.0226 -1 Glass 1594 NYT19990826.0303 -1 Dec. 20 1594 NYT19990701.0148 -1 Jabberwocky 1594 NYT19991104.0287 -1 Jabberwocky 1594 APW19990930.0154 -1 The Walrus and the Carpenter 1594 NYT19980819.0172 -1 CARROLL-CENTENARY ( London ) 1594 APW19981001.0642 -1 day 1594 NYT19980819.0257 -1 LOOKING GLASS 1594 NYT19990404.0224 -1 London 1594 NYT19990225.0241 -1 reason 1594 APW19981001.0642 -1 AP 1594 NYT19981127.0236 -1 Wonderland. 1594 APW19990403.0051 -1 Bart 1594 APW19990930.0154 -1 The Walrus 1594 APW19990715.0153 -1 Jekyll & Hyde 1594 NYT19980819.0257 -1 Through the Looking Glass 1594 XIE19991217.0130 -1 Britain 1594 NYT20000126.0109 -1 Northern Ohio 1594 APW19990930.0154 -1 The lyrics 1594 NYT19990404.0224 -1 American musicals 1594 NYT19980819.0172 -1 the name Lewis Carroll 1594 NYT19980819.0173 -1 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1594 NYT19980916.0069 -1 Alice 1594 NYT19991219.0047 -1 round and about and upside down, dancing with it a kind of bolero of two snakes twisting and coiling, until the poem has found its right and proper shape. 1595 XIE19990915.0228 -1 Ben - Etzion Yaron 1595 NYT20000723.0047 -1 Basic 1595 NYT19980722.0257 -1 Hubbard 1595 NYT20000525.0330 1 Grace Hopper 1595 NYT19990315.0057 -1 Burnett 1595 NYT20000702.0152 -1 profile 1595 NYT19980608.0096 -1 Morse 1595 XIE19971001.0035 -1 General Kofi 1595 XIE19990212.0020 -1 Annan 1595 NYT20000525.0330 -1 Bloch 1595 NYT19991230.0313 -1 MVS 1595 NYT20000723.0047 -1 C++ 1595 NYT19990315.0057 -1 Bob Burnett 1595 XIE20000618.0140 -1 China 1595 NYT20000525.0330 -1 John Cullinane 1595 NYT20000525.0330 1 Hopper 1595 NYT20000801.0065 -1 Visual Basic 1595 NYT20000525.0330 -1 computer 1595 NYT20000803.0090 -1 Java 1595 NYT20000723.0047 -1 a challenging software engineering problem _ 1595 XIE19990915.0228 -1 the programmers of which used two digits for years in the 20th century instead of four needed to differentiate between them and those in the 21st century because of the limitation of space 1595 XIE19960523.0001 -1 it 1595 NYT20000723.0047 -1 Cobol 1595 NYT19980728.0213 -1 Deborah Russell 1595 NYT19980903.0057 1 Grace Hopper 1595 NYT19980709.0059 -1 Gordon 1595 NYT20000723.0047 -1 Kadhim 1595 NYT20000723.0047 -1 Charles Fitzgerald 1595 NYT19981001.0341 -1 Y2K 1596 NYT19991108.0555 -1 November 1943 1596 NYT20000715.0092 -1 1943 1596 NYT19981021.0100 1 1922 1596 NYT20000711.0230 1 1922 1596 XIE19980312.0305 -1 April , 1945 1596 APW19980723.1256 2 1922 1596 NYT19990215.0213 -1 1992 1596 XIE19970109.0065 -1 1937 1596 NYT20000816.0056 -1 '30s 1596 NYT19990423.0246 -1 1945 1596 NYT19990108.0448 -1 1 1596 NYT20000217.0328 -1 the 19th century 1596 NYT19980908.0240 2 1922 1596 NYT19990108.0263 -1 1945 1596 NYT20000711.0230 -1 1945 1596 NYT19990108.0225 -1 1944 1596 NYT19990908.0124 -1 year 1596 NYT20000711.0230 -1 1934 1597 APW19990210.0169 -1 San Francisco 1597 NYT19980924.0516 -1 New York 1597 XIE19960819.0069 -1 Washington, DC 1597 XIE19960819.0069 -1 Miami 1597 NYT19990427.0431 -1 Manhattan 1597 NYT19980924.0516 -1 Estonia 1597 XIE19990728.0105 -1 France 1597 NYT19980924.0516 -1 NewYork 1597 NYT19991108.0437 -1 France 1597 NYT19990905.0182 -1 Le Point 1597 XIE19960104.0215 -1 France 1597 NYT19990322.0383 -1 N.Y. 1597 APW19980611.1703 -1 Hollywood 1597 NYT19990322.0383 1 934 Fifth Avenue , New York , N.Y. 10021 1597 NYT19990719.0501 -1 Vail 1597 XIE20000610.0070 -1 France 1597 XIE19970701.0263 -1 New York city 1597 NYT19990427.0431 -1 France 1597 APW19981206.0195 -1 Northern South America 1597 XIE19961206.0268 -1 United States 1597 APW20000412.0052 -1 Louisiana 1597 NYT19990930.0399 -1 France 1597 APW20000412.0052 -1 Atlanta 1597 NYT19980924.0516 -1 New_York 1597 XIE19990218.0091 -1 the_French 1597 NYT19990427.0431 -1 Richard Duque 1597 XIE19971205.0079 -1 New York City 1597 APW20000412.0177 -1 America 1597 XIE19991216.0181 -1 Calcutta 1597 APW19980611.0540 -1 Atlanta 1598 NYT19990526.0434 -1 Major League Baseball 1598 NYT20000329.0219 -1 October 1598 NYT19981003.0203 1 Reggie Jackson 1598 NYT20000329.0219 1 Reggie Jackson 1598 NYT19990526.0434 -1 Darryl Strawberry 1598 APW19990701.0299 3 Jackson 1598 NYT19990308.0354 -1 Baseball Hall 1598 APW19990114.0100 -1 them 1598 APW19981006.1348 -1 Belanger 1598 NYT19990718.0180 -1 Nestor Chylak 1598 NYT19980804.0448 -1 the case submitted to Tech last October 1598 APW20000119.0081 -1 Charles W. Somers 1598 NYT20000825.0105 -1 Jimy Williams 1598 NYT19990804.0377 -1 Orel Hershiser 1598 NYT19990827.0121 1 Reggie Jackson 1598 NYT19981003.0203 3 Jackson 1598 NYT19990524.0319 -1 Michael Johnson 1598 APW19990308.0314 -1 God 1598 NYT19990116.0305 -1 Kirk 1598 NYT19990909.0331 2 Reggie Jackson 1598 APW19990219.0204 -1 Roger Clemens 1598 XIE19971024.0074 -1 Kuanysh Sultanov 1598 APW19990425.0108 -1 Joe DiMaggio 1598 APW19990401.0076 -1 the Cleveland clubhouse 1598 NYT19980716.0270 -1 Rangers manager Johnny Quaker Oates says 1598 APW20000119.0081 -1 the nickname 1598 APW19990901.0123 -1 Tiny 1598 NYT19990126.0127 -1 baseball team 1598 APW19990528.0142 -1 Cleveland team 1598 APW19990308.0008 -1 baseball commissioner Bud Selig 1598 NYT19980716.0270 -1 Nick 1598 NYT19990331.0207 -1 Bill James 1598 APW19991021.0310 -1 Pete Rose 1598 NYT19980801.0187 -1 Jackson 1598 NYT19990308.0354 -1 Mr 1599 XIE19990913.0273 -1 Democratic Republic of Congo 1599 XIE19960313.0006 1 about 42 million 1599 XIE19960829.0012 -1 JOHANNESBURG 1599 XIE19970702.0161 -1 million people 1599 XIE19970702.0161 -1 42 million 1599 XIE19970703.0121 -1 42 million 1599 XIE19970703.0121 -1 The result of the latest census 1599 XIE19970702.0161 -1 42 million person 1599 XIE19981019.0149 -1 three million more people 1599 XIE19960625.0049 -1 06241901 People 1599 XIE19960829.0012 1 41.8 million 1599 XIE19980220.0190 -1 develop country like 1599 XIE19980526.0140 -1 last year 1599 XIE20000131.0283 -1 7.9 million 1599 XIE20000131.0283 -1 29 people 1599 XIE19970702.0187 1 37.9 million 1599 XIE19970822.0203 -1 9.3 million tons 1599 XIE19960313.0006 1 42 million 1599 NYT20000716.0074 -1 millions 1599 XIE19970729.0018 1 38 million 1599 XIE19960829.0012 -1 15 1599 XIE19970703.0121 1 37.9 million 1599 APW19981017.0346 -1 1 million 1599 XIE19980318.0102 -1 African 1599 XIE19970702.0161 -1 42 million people 1599 XIE19981019.0149 1 37.9 million 1599 XIE19990601.0104 -1 2.6 percent 1599 XIE20000131.0283 -1 per 1000 people 1599 XIE19970701.0106 1 37.9 million 1599 XIE19960604.0051 -1 More than 1.8 million 1599 XIE19960604.0051 -1 more 1599 XIE20000131.0283 -1 1000 people 1599 XIE19960829.0012 -1 Xinhua 1599 APW19981217.0818 -1 four 1600 XIE19960517.0218 -1 Hyundai Motor Company 1600 APW19990124.0100 -1 Roseville 1600 NYT20000317.0255 1 Alfa Romeo 1600 APW20000312.0025 2 Alfa Romeo 1600 XIE19980322.0148 -1 CHANGSHA 1600 NYT20000905.0081 -1 pack 1600 NYT19991130.0057 -1 Standard & AMP 1600 XIE19970520.0156 -1 China 1600 XIE19961107.0127 -1 Volvo Bus 1600 NYT19991123.0071 -1 Standard & AMP 1600 NYT19981102.0150 -1 Lycos 1600 NYT19990301.0441 -1 Toy Biz 1600 NYT20000824.0150 1 Alfa Romeo 1600 NYT19980812.0447 -1 man 1600 XIE19990427.0146 -1 Nexia Biotechnologies Inc. 1600 NYT20000901.0390 -1 Walker 1600 XIE20000706.0155 -1 Market Management Center 1600 XIE19960813.0068 -1 205 1600 NYT19991123.0068 -1 Type and Lincoln 1600 APW19980610.1365 -1 1994 1600 NYT20000317.0255 1 Fiat 1600 XIE19960516.0222 -1 Xinhua 1600 NYT20000905.0081 -1 Spider-Man 1600 NYT19990113.0257 -1 Broadway 1600 APW19990929.0134 -1 Jonathan_Coddington 1600 NYT20000724.0346 -1 Dr . William_G._Eberhard 1600 NYT19990528.0201 -1 Comparative Zoology 1600 XIE19960813.0068 2 Fiat 1600 XIE19960806.0174 -1 Automobile Group Company 1600 XIE19980508.0037 -1 Dongfeng Automobile Company 1600 NYT19991116.0116 -1 US Ski Team 1600 NYT19990528.0201 -1 spiders 1600 NYT19990528.0201 -1 Harvard 1600 NYT19980810.0065 -1 Disney 1601 NYT19990617.0336 1 1955 1601 NYT19990617.0307 1 1955 1601 NYT20000710.0107 -1 1905 1601 NYT20000708.0128 1 April 18, 1955 1601 NYT19990315.0374 1 1955 1601 NYT19990830.0282 1 1955 1601 NYT20000730.0181 -1 Friday 1601 NYT20000314.0254 1 1955 1601 NYT19990315.0374 1 April 18 , 1955 1601 NYT20000710.0107 2 1955 1601 NYT19990830.0282 -1 1933 1601 NYT20000110.0162 1 1955 1601 NYT20000330.0096 1 1955 1601 NYT19990315.0374 1 April 18, 1955 1601 APW20000417.0181 1 1955 1601 APW19980728.0704 -1 last year 1601 NYT19981017.0195 2 in 1955 1601 NYT20000207.0209 -1 1915 1601 NYT19991129.0255 -1 1915 1601 NYT19990617.0336 1 in 1955 1601 NYT19990830.0282 -1 1916 1601 NYT19990830.0282 -1 1918 1601 NYT20000207.0209 -1 1880 1602 APW19990416.0115 -1 Sotheby 1602 APW20000321.0008 -1 Goldstein 1602 APW20000201.0160 -1 Organization US Postage 1602 XIE19960117.0069 -1 Li Yuan 1602 APW19990812.0258 -1 Clayton 1602 APW19990416.0115 -1 Mummy 1602 APW19990610.0061 -1 U. S. Supreme 1602 NYT20000526.0379 -1 Jeff Van Gundy 1602 APW19990728.0075 -1 Johnson 1602 NYT19990503.0530 -1 Treick 1602 NYT19990308.0353 -1 Paul Simon 1602 NYT20000111.0347 -1 Marc Ganis 1602 APW19981125.0893 -1 Loroupe 1602 APW19990301.0219 -1 Testaverde 1602 APW19990623.0059 -1 James 1602 NYT20000111.0121 -1 Hollywood 1602 NYT19990710.0229 -1 Stone 1602 NYT20000221.0441 -1 Childs 1602 NYT20000818.0156 -1 Allen 1602 APW19980831.0144 -1 The 25-year old Takanohana 's 1602 XIE19990610.0039 -1 Vieri 's 1602 XIE19990610.0039 -1 Lazio 1602 APW19990611.0203 -1 Joyner 1602 NYT19990728.0553 -1 Buddy Rich 1602 APW19990108.0323 -1 The New York Yankees 1602 APW19980828.1180 -1 Jeff Hartwig 1602 NYT19980815.0034 -1 West Bank 1602 XIE19960523.0062 -1 Li Peng 1602 APW19990204.0275 -1 Lili St 1603 APW19990207.0061 -1 April 25 , 1865 1603 APW19990130.0073 2 1865 1603 APW20000403.0030 1 April 9, 1865 1603 NYT20000106.0352 -1 135 years 1603 NYT20000405.0132 1 April 9, 1865 1603 NYT19990716.0176 2 1865 1603 NYT20000308.0351 -1 1870 1603 NYT20000311.0133 -1 1825. 1603 NYT19980622.0224 -1 1974 1603 APW20000729.0007 -1 June 1603 NYT20000219.0153 -1 15 years after 1603 APW20000712.0073 1 April 9, 1865 1603 APW20000723.0083 1 April 9 , 1865 1603 APW20000723.0083 1 1865 1603 NYT20000405.0132 1 1865 1603 NYT20000106.0352 -1 years 1603 APW20000403.0030 -1 April 9 1603 APW20000403.0030 1 April 9 , 1865 1603 NYT19990207.0170 -1 June 1603 APW20000403.0030 1 1865 1603 APW20000723.0083 1 April 9, 1865 1603 NYT19990807.0115 -1 June 1603 NYT19990714.0471 -1 1949 1603 APW20000729.0007 -1 a month 1603 NYT20000405.0132 1 April 9 , 1865 1603 NYT19980622.0224 -1 1964 1603 NYT19980622.0234 -1 1964 1603 NYT19980622.0234 -1 1974 1603 NYT20000219.0153 -1 Six 1603 NYT20000203.0061 2 1865 1603 NYT20000311.0133 -1 1825 1603 APW19990216.0055 -1 December 1997 1604 NYT20000104.0185 -1 Burning Spear 1604 APW19990910.0135 -1 Ja & Amil - lion , `` Can I Get A. 1604 NYT19980615.0274 -1 Aaliyah 1604 NYT19990422.0446 -1 Book 1604 XIE19991218.0085 -1 Aziz 1604 APW19981009.1351 -1 25 R 1604 NYT20000502.0060 -1 a time R 1604 NYT19981028.0133 -1 California 1604 APW19981009.1351 -1 25 R 1604 NYT19980802.0102 -1 Ryan 1604 NYT19980802.0102 -1 Hanks 1604 APW19990224.0149 1 rhythm and blues 1604 NYT20000612.0331 -1 Blues 1604 NYT19980604.0351 -1 R-N.Y. 1604 NYT20000410.0428 -1 Elian Gonzalez 1604 APW19981220.0838 -1 NHL 1604 NYT19991223.0208 -1 RB 1604 NYT19980820.0532 -1 TCB 1604 APW20000417.0027 -1 Cole 1604 APW19990414.0318 -1 RB 1604 XIE19960303.0185 -1 NIL 1604 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1604 NYT19980604.0219 -1 R&B 1604 APW19980608.1414 -1 world music 1604 NYT19990422.0446 -1 n 1605 NYT20000825.0143 -1 running 10 miles 1605 NYT19991031.0160 -1 385 yards 1605 NYT20000422.0208 -1 429 feet 1605 XIE19981008.0081 -1 10km 1605 NYT20000914.0459 1 26.2-mile 1605 XIE19981008.0081 3 42.195 km full course 1605 XIE19981008.0081 -1 10 km 1605 NYT20000228.0546 1 26-mile 1605 XIE19970504.0082 -1 32 1605 NYT19990418.0131 -1 5,000 meters 1605 NYT19980829.0035 -1 30 1605 XIE19970504.0065 -1 32 1605 NYT19981031.0198 1 26.2-mile 1605 NYT19990309.0380 1 26.2 miles 1605 NYT19990313.0293 1 26.2 - mile 1605 NYT20000904.0147 1 26.2 miles 1605 NYT20000218.0244 -1 three miles 1605 NYT20000804.0075 -1 10K runs 1605 XIE19961004.0234 -1 10 kilometers 1605 NYT19990419.0415 -1 meters 1605 XIE19970223.0118 3 26.1 6 miles 1605 XIE19961004.0234 1 42.195 kilometers 1605 NYT20000218.0244 -1 three mile 1605 NYT19991031.0160 -1 Oct 24, 1605 NYT20000825.0143 -1 10 miles 1605 NYT19980714.0274 1 26.2-mile 1605 NYT19981031.0100 1 26.2 - mile 1605 NYT19981031.0026 1 26.2 miles 1605 NYT19980612.0376 -1 385 yards 1605 NYT20000416.0178 -1 I 1605 NYT20000218.0244 -1 three miles a day 1605 NYT19980620.0163 -1 100-mile 1605 NYT20000422.0254 -1 500 1605 APW19981029.1264 -1 350 1605 NYT20000804.0075 -1 100 miles 1605 NYT19981031.0026 3 26 miles 1605 NYT19981031.0026 -1 10,000 meters 1605 NYT19980709.0084 -1 mile and the 2-mile 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 90 degrees 1606 NYT19990913.0218 1 212 degrees Fahrenheit 1606 NYT19981230.0192 -1 's assassin 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 90 degrees Celsius 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 100 degrees 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 high 1606 APW19980803.0418 -1 dogs 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 the spring 1606 NYT20000419.0092 -1 the same amount 1606 NYT19990510.0213 1 212 degrees Fahrenheit 1606 NYT19991025.0231 -1 Cover 1606 NYT19980605.0052 -1 White 1606 NYT19980609.0199 -1 350 degrees 1606 NYT19990510.0213 3 212 1606 XIE19961130.0121 -1 earth 1606 NYT19990913.0218 -1 vapor 1606 NYT19980825.0110 -1 180 1606 NYT19990913.0218 -1 temperatures 1606 APW19980919.0881 -1 Soup 1606 NYT19981230.0192 -1 81 1606 APW19980801.0155 -1 Public ire 1606 NYT19991109.0207 -1 lower . On the other hand , food 1606 NYT19990913.0218 3 212 degrees 1606 NYT19990601.0221 -1 10 slices fresh ginger 1606 NYT19991214.0170 -1 5 cups 1606 NYT19990601.0221 -1 2 1606 NYT19981230.0192 -1 Lincoln's assassin 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 temperatures as high as 90 degrees Celsius 1606 APW19980801.0357 -1 boiling drinking water 1606 NYT19990921.0255 -1 concentrates chemicals 1606 XIE19980331.0282 -1 it 1606 NYT19990510.0213 -1 535 degrees Fahrenheit 1606 NYT19981230.0192 -1 BOSTON 1607 NYT19990210.0323 -1 diabetes 1607 NYT19990809.0202 -1 Wide swings in blood glucose 1607 NYT19990118.0210 -1 Diabetic 1607 NYT20000823.0362 -1 Type 2 Diabetes 1607 NYT19990210.0323 -1 But Minimed 1607 APW20000919.0017 -1 tissue 1607 APW19990824.0088 -1 Amazingly 1607 NYT19990809.0202 -1 NewYork 1607 NYT19990901.0328 -1 Americans 1607 NYT19990524.0244 -1 two 1607 NYT19990210.0323 -1 seven 1607 APW19980910.1227 1 72 milligrams to 144 milligrams per deciliter 1607 NYT19990118.0210 -1 DIABETES 1607 NYT19981118.0163 -1 1,000 1607 XIE19971031.0182 -1 5.4 million tons 1607 XIE19960615.0195 -1 two times 1607 NYT19991129.0342 -1 Amazon 1607 NYT19981203.0216 -1 one week 1607 NYT19990301.0239 -1 diabetes 1607 APW20000214.0016 -1 University 1607 XIE20000621.0158 -1 eat 1607 APW19980910.1227 -1 LONDON 1607 APW19980910.1227 3 72 milligrams to 144 milligrams 1607 APW19980910.1227 -1 liter 1607 XIE20000621.0158 -1 liter 1607 XIE19970713.0058 -1 extremely high risk range and 42 percent 1607 NYT20000612.0352 -1 osteoporosis 1607 NYT19991208.0189 -1 blindness 1607 NYT19990210.0323 -1 Minimed 1607 NYT19990809.0202 -1 insulin 1607 NYT19990118.0210 -1 But 1607 NYT19980618.0391 -1 Guide 1608 XIE19990719.0072 -1 APEC 's founding and a crucial year 1608 NYT20000127.0097 -1 its 10th anniversary 1608 NYT19990408.0106 -1 Wedding 1608 NYT20000505.0077 -1 bag 1608 XIE19990914.0251 -1 will 1608 XIE19971125.0072 -1 fish 1608 XIE19961211.0078 -1 Panchen Lama 1608 XIE19971125.0072 -1 China 1608 XIE19961211.0078 -1 Zhebung Temple Celebrates 1st 1608 NYT19991223.0182 -1 endowment 1608 NYT19980614.0157 -1 All 1608 NYT19990331.0153 -1 Shop 1608 APW19981109.0322 -1 pontiff 1608 NYT20000626.0373 -1 Animals 1608 NYT20000505.0077 -1 Pier 1 gift bag 1608 NYT19991126.0194 -1 free 1608 XIE19980618.0084 -1 days 1608 NYT19981021.0022 -1 wedding 1608 NYT19990408.0209 -1 Gephardt 1608 NYT20000505.0077 -1 their 10th anniversary 1608 XIE19971125.0072 -1 peace 1608 NYT20000127.0097 -1 a new Hollywood-theme gift 1608 XIE19961219.0266 -1 Daniel Lam 1608 XIE19991108.0067 -1 government spokesman 1608 NYT19990226.0362 -1 June 1608 NYT20000127.0097 -1 celebrate 1608 XIE19961111.0279 -1 192 771 u dollar worth gift monei 1608 NYT19991229.0107 -1 Gifts 1609 XIE19970715.0251 -1 200 million dollars 1609 XIE19980526.0320 -1 euro 1609 APW20000411.0291 -1 La Paz 1609 APW19980918.1038 1 bolivianos 1609 NYT20000726.0179 1 Bolivian bolivianos 1609 XIE19980526.0431 -1 The Financial Institution and Banking Association of Colombia ( ASOBANCARIA ) 1609 XIE19980526.0320 -1 the 1609 XIE19960211.0139 -1 Xinhua 1609 XIE19960613.0222 -1 United States 1609 APW19981223.0806 -1 tropical region in 1609 XIE19960211.0139 -1 Social Action Minister Alberto Mazza 1609 NYT20000726.0179 1 bolivianos 1609 XIE19990915.0293 -1 800 1609 NYT19980626.0138 -1 at 1609 APW20000312.0125 -1 economic reforms 1609 APW19980918.1361 3 56.6 million bolivianos ( dlrs 11 million 1609 NYT20000612.0817 -1 La Paz 1609 NYT19990418.0247 -1 Bolivia 1609 XIE19960327.0191 -1 the Euro 1609 XIE20000301.0281 -1 euro 1609 XIE19990904.0010 -1 Association 1609 NYT19990422.0507 -1 Other countries 1609 XIE19970911.0251 -1 dollar 1609 XIE19971119.0260 -1 NIL 1609 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1609 NYT19991101.0518 -1 the Mexican peso 1609 XIE19980319.0138 -1 tied Bolivar 1609 XIE19980328.0066 -1 Bolivar 1609 NYT19990531.0301 -1 currency policy Mercosur 1609 XIE19970312.0071 -1 Guarani 1609 XIE19980526.0431 -1 peso 1610 NYT20000810.0182 -1 John Hancock 1610 NYT20000427.0063 -1 John Hancock 1610 APW20000105.0201 -1 William Floyd 1610 XIE19960104.0009 -1 United States 1610 NYT20000630.0219 -1 President Clinton 1610 NYT19980707.0059 -1 Historian David Freeman Hawke 1610 NYT20000426.0019 -1 President Clinton 1610 NYT19980707.0059 -1 Rodney 1610 NYT19980706.0170 -1 Robert Morris 1610 NYT19981104.0212 -1 grassy knoll 1610 NYT19990211.0377 -1 Jeffords 1610 APW19990412.0128 -1 Maria L. Sanford 1610 NYT20000426.0019 -1 Howard Dean 1610 NYT20000405.0277 -1 Bernard Sanders 1610 NYT20000427.0035 -1 Howard Dean 1610 NYT19980706.0170 -1 July 1610 XIE19990408.0158 -1 Arafat 1610 NYT19990414.0108 -1 Thomas Jefferson 1610 NYT20000902.0110 -1 Elisa Howes 1610 NYT20000427.0035 -1 Ethan Allen 1610 NYT20000913.0411 -1 Peter_Abbarno 1610 NYT19980707.0059 -1 George_Read ( 1733-1798 1610 NYT19980707.0059 -1 the delegates 1610 NYT20000426.0191 -1 Thomas Jefferson 1610 NYT20000810.0182 -1 Massachusetts 1610 APW19990412.0128 -1 Charles Carroll 1610 NYT20000427.0035 -1 MA 1610 NYT20000427.0035 -1 Adam 1610 NYT19980706.0170 -1 Rodney 1611 NYT19990805.0190 -1 hours 1611 NYT19990412.0353 -1 the end of this week 1611 NYT20000116.0035 -1 average maximum 1611 APW19990222.0052 -1 White House 1611 NYT20000117.0191 -1 They 1611 NYT19991210.0393 -1 size 1611 APW19981029.1365 -1 Science 1611 NYT20000116.0035 -1 76 years 1611 NYT19990607.0256 -1 727 s 1611 NYT20000214.0331 -1 seven days 1611 APW19990811.0095 -1 88 years 1611 NYT19990113.0096 -1 eight days 1611 APW20000818.0070 -1 August 1995 1611 XIE20000528.0133 -1 60-plus Yun-7 passenger planes 1611 NYT19990308.0266 -1 45 1611 APW20000615.0045 -1 2002 1611 NYT19981030.0156 -1 fruit flies 1611 APW19981029.1365 -1 fruit fly 1611 APW19991020.0104 -1 200 miles 1611 XIE19960917.0131 -1 20 years 1611 NYT20000116.0034 -1 47 years 1611 NYT19980816.0140 -1 Thorsby 1611 NYT19991115.0039 -1 birds 1611 XIE20000528.0133 -1 their lifespan 1611 APW19981029.1365 -1 60-day 1611 XIE19970314.0264 -1 a 15-year lifespan 1611 NYT20000117.0184 -1 the 20th century 1611 NYT20000117.0191 -1 one 1611 NYT19980903.0134 -1 a grand London town house 1611 NYT20000116.0034 -1 47 years when the 20th century began 1611 NYT20000706.0072 -1 two days 1611 APW20000421.0039 -1 House 1612 NYT19980810.0395 1 1994 1612 NYT19990211.0078 1 1994 1612 APW20000126.0394 1 1994 1612 NYT19991028.0465 1 1994 1612 APW19981207.1514 -1 1995 1612 NYT19991214.0178 -1 sixth 1612 APW19980702.1382 1 1994 1612 NYT19980810.0394 1 1994 1612 XIE19961130.0052 -1 June 28 1612 NYT19991109.0456 -1 1991 1612 NYT19981217.0149 -1 1991 1612 APW19980615.0704 1 September 1994 1612 APW19980728.1009 1 September 1994 1612 NYT19980810.0395 3 1994, Hall said 1612 NYT19991214.0172 -1 this century 1612 NYT19980922.0215 1 1994 1612 NYT19990320.0131 1 September 1994 1612 APW20000404.0031 2 1994 1612 APW20000126.0394 -1 this month 1612 NYT19990320.0131 1 1994 1612 XIE19960809.0198 -1 1990 1612 APW20000126.0394 -1 Sunday Morning 1612 APW20000118.0046 -1 a fraud-marred 1997 vote 1612 NYT20000605.0048 2 1994 1612 NYT19980810.0394 1 in 1994 1612 NYT19980810.0395 1 in 1994 1612 APW20000520.0024 3 in 1994 1612 NYT19990610.0159 -1 Dec. 31 1612 XIE19960210.0002 1 September 1994 1613 NYT20000908.0250 1 1868 1613 NYT19990403.0093 1 1878 1613 NYT20000908.0250 -1 1936 1613 XIE19981223.0175 -1 1st earl of Beaconsfield 1613 XIE19991101.0312 -1 May 1613 APW19981201.1375 -1 1997 1613 XIE19980217.0319 1 between 1874 and 1880 1613 XIE19980718.0203 -1 August 2 1613 XIE19990518.0209 -1 Monday night 1613 XIE19980217.0319 1 between 1874 and 1880 1613 APW19990315.0036 1 1878 1613 APW19981215.1369 -1 1804 1613 XIE19981223.0147 -1 June 1996 1613 XIE19980718.0203 -1 2-5 1613 NYT20000908.0250 -1 1835 1613 XIE19980217.0319 3 1874 1613 XIE20000227.0021 -1 by May 1613 XIE20000127.0041 -1 1996 1613 NYT20000806.0190 -1 1950s 1613 XIE19980217.0319 -1 the Victorian era 1613 XIE19980217.0319 -1 Victorian era 1613 APW19981201.1375 -1 1989 1613 NYT20000908.0250 -1 in 1835 1613 NYT20000908.0250 -1 April 1613 NYT20000908.0250 -1 47-42-18 1613 NYT19981007.0451 -1 47 1614 XIE19990218.0089 1 Melbourne 1614 APW19981113.0002 1 Melbourne 1614 XIE19990906.0072 1 Melbourne 1614 NYT19990507.0352 -1 British Columbia, Canada 1614 XIE19990705.0087 -1 British Columbia, Canada 1614 XIE19971215.0110 3 Melbourne City 1614 APW19980929.1399 -1 New South Wales 1614 XIE19970412.0153 -1 Wellington 1614 XIE19991024.0119 -1 Nairobi 1614 XIE19980509.0033 -1 Beijing 1614 NYT19980916.0063 -1 British Columbia 1614 NYT19980603.0118 -1 Wales 1614 XIE19960720.0026 -1 Monrovia 1614 XIE19990705.0087 -1 Columbia 1614 XIE19990608.0319 -1 Sydney 1614 XIE20000208.0117 2 Melbourne 1614 XIE19980616.0174 1 Melbourne 1614 NYT20000403.0279 -1 Market Shock 1614 XIE20000222.0176 -1 Mombasa 1614 XIE19990219.0025 -1 KAMPALA 1614 XIE19980719.0092 1 Melbourne 1614 NYT19990507.0352 -1 British Columbia 1614 XIE19970825.0082 -1 an exciting cosmopolitan city from which all the 1614 XIE19990114.0359 -1 British_Columbia ( B._C. ) , Wednesday , killing two people aboard 1614 XIE19990419.0192 -1 Victoria 1614 XIE19971215.0110 2 Melbourne 1614 NYT20000626.0037 -1 Tamaulipas 1614 XIE19990705.0087 -1 Ottawa 1614 APW19980929.1399 2 MELBOURNE 1614 XIE19980806.0173 1 Melbourne 1614 NYT19990507.0352 -1 Capital 1615 XIE19991029.0049 -1 Nigeria 1615 NYT19980820.0373 1 Sudan 1615 XIE19980907.0069 -1 Congo 1615 XIE20000801.0332 -1 low-lying coastal belt, Tanzania 1615 APW19980824.1196 1 Sudan 1615 XIE19980912.0073 -1 former Zaire 1615 XIE19960806.0004 -1 Bulawayo 1615 XIE19971230.0128 -1 china 1615 XIE19980908.0148 -1 his four-day state visit 1615 XIE19960820.0058 -1 the two countries, Mineral 1615 XIE19971230.0147 -1 China 1615 XIE20000716.0081 -1 United 1615 XIE20000817.0306 -1 Zimbabwe 1615 XIE19980629.0037 -1 France 1615 XIE19980626.0061 -1 South Africa 1615 NYT19990111.0335 1 Sudan 1615 NYT19980814.0180 2 Sudan 1615 XIE19970405.0095 -1 South Africa 1615 XIE19970529.0042 2 Sudan 1615 XIE19991004.0157 1 Sudan 1615 XIE19960619.0035 2 Sudan 1615 XIE19960325.0073 1 Sudan 1615 APW19980821.0387 1 Sudan 1615 NYT19991016.0097 1 Sudan 1615 XIE19960228.0249 -1 1996-02-27 1615 XIE19980821.0329 -1 Congo 1615 APW19980612.0934 1 Sudan 1615 XIE19980328.0127 -1 South_Africa 1615 XIE19990427.0044 -1 Africa 1615 XIE19980313.0159 -1 South Africa 1615 XIE19990106.0046 -1 South Africa 1615 XIE19980115.0168 -1 South Africa 1615 XIE20000413.0017 -1 Nigeria 1615 XIE19980630.0020 -1 France 1615 XIE19980925.0005 -1 China 1615 NYT19980601.0112 -1 California 1616 NYT19991027.0408 -1 Oct. 27 , 1999 1616 NYT19991027.0404 -1 Oct. 27 , 1999 1616 NYT20000731.0351 -1 several weeks 1616 NYT20000802.0399 1 July 14, 1913 1616 NYT20000203.0026 -1 36 1616 APW20000703.0160 -1 Monday 1616 APW19980709.0384 -1 1930 1616 APW19980709.0384 3 1913 1616 NYT20000803.0243 -1 Aug. 3, 2000 1616 NYT20000707.0362 -1 August, the week of his 28th 1616 NYT19990224.0303 -1 Tuesday night 1616 APW19981128.0801 -1 1975 1616 NYT19990131.0057 -1 July 1616 APW19990411.0042 -1 April 1975 1616 NYT19990223.0359 -1 Jimmy Carter 1616 APW19980709.0384 -1 Today 1616 APW19980708.1182 3 1913 1616 NYT19981230.0079 -1 1976 1616 NYT19981226.0108 -1 1917 1616 NYT19981003.0077 -1 12:54 1616 NYT19990217.0230 -1 Aug. 9, 1974 1616 APW19990820.0057 -1 1974 1616 APW19980708.1182 -1 Today 1616 NYT20000802.0447 -1 1933 1616 NYT20000804.0252 -1 Aug . 9 , 1974 1616 NYT20000803.0217 -1 Aug. 3, 2000 1616 XIE19980715.0042 2 July 14 1616 APW19980708.1182 -1 1602-1661 1616 NYT20000804.0252 -1 May 8 1616 NYT20000804.0252 -1 Aug. 9 1616 NYT20000802.0399 -1 Feb. 1, 1916 1616 NYT19980601.0148 -1 Christmas 1617 NYT20000814.0304 1 1898 1617 APW19990816.0081 -1 1896 1617 NYT19980922.0135 1 1898 1617 NYT20000919.0043 1 1898 1617 NYT19990426.0175 1 1898 1617 NYT19981013.0085 1 1897-1898 1617 XIE20000215.0082 -1 January 30 1617 NYT20000620.0150 -1 a century ago 1617 NYT20000919.0043 1 1897 1617 APW19981208.1057 -1 2.10 1617 XIE20000403.0071 -1 April 3 1617 NYT20000919.0043 1 1897-1898 1617 NYT20000817.0254 1 1897 1617 NYT20000619.0409 -1 century ago 1617 NYT19990709.0075 -1 1996 1617 NYT19990213.0088 -1 1997 1617 APW19990816.0081 -1 a prospecting party 1617 NYT19990312.0333 -1 Burn Rate : How I Survived the Gold_Rush Years 1617 NYT19990312.0333 -1 1999 Cox News 1617 APW19990816.0081 -1 In 1896 1617 NYT20000814.0304 1 of 1898 1617 APW19990816.0081 -1 1994 1617 APW19990816.0081 -1 1870 1617 XIE20000415.0082 -1 April 15 1617 XIE19980125.0082 -1 January 24 1617 APW19980914.0748 2 1898 1618 NYT19990825.0044 1 liver 1618 APW19990525.0115 2 liver transplant 1618 XIE19960204.0151 -1 China 1618 APW20000410.0010 1 Liver 1618 NYT19990109.0209 -1 China 1618 NYT20000522.0287 1 liver 1618 XIE19960423.0040 -1 Nigeria 1618 NYT19991012.0435 -1 Kansas City 1618 XIE19980115.0003 -1 U . S . 1618 XIE19980608.0175 -1 Wellington 1618 NYT19990823.0155 1 the liver 1618 APW19990328.0079 -1 New York 1618 NYT20000522.0287 -1 Minn. 1618 NYT20000522.0287 -1 Rochester 1618 NYT19990823.0155 1 liver 1618 NYT19980602.0303 -1 white 1618 NYT19991121.0050 -1 Manhattan 1618 XIE19961220.0072 -1 Huizhou 1618 XIE19980104.0078 1 liver 1618 NYT19990823.0155 -1 Ervin's 1618 NYT19981215.0120 2 liver 1618 APW19990525.0171 -1 NIL 1618 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1618 NYT19980730.0338 -1 outside the United States 1618 NYT20000902.0093 -1 Fang Zhiyong 1618 XIE19960225.0062 -1 Xinhua 1618 NYT20000814.0136 -1 Minnesota 1618 APW20000410.0010 -1 Canada 1618 APW19990525.0171 -1 McKittrick 1618 NYT20000902.0093 -1 Beijing 1618 NYT19981112.0485 -1 Kansas City 1619 APW19990814.0026 1 Henderson 1619 APW19980924.1077 -1 Caribbean 1619 APW19990814.0026 1 Rickey Henderson 1619 APW19990517.0010 -1 Richard Iannella 1619 APW19980924.0050 -1 season 1619 NYT19990915.0029 -1 Mondesi 1619 APW19990814.0055 -1 KansasCity 1619 APW20000214.0129 -1 stars 1619 APW19990418.0033 -1 A Pts 1619 XIE19970503.0182 -1 enditem 1619 APW19990625.0090 -1 New York Rep. Anthony Weiner 1619 APW19990611.0046 -1 Damon 1619 NYT19981106.0025 2 Rickey Henderson 1619 NYT20000806.0175 -1 Wars 1619 APW19990814.0055 -1 John Wathan 1619 NYT19980602.0033 2 Rickey Henderson 1619 NYT20000630.0202 -1 Wars 1619 APW19990814.0026 -1 Cedeno 1619 NYT19990612.0193 -1 Vince_Coleman 1619 APW19990625.0090 -1 The Democrats ' star 1619 APW19990625.0090 -1 a base 1619 NYT19990716.0391 -1 Mookie Wilson 1619 APW19990814.0026 -1 record 1619 NYT19980626.0228 -1 Peter Rutkoff 1620 NYT19980721.0198 -1 1966 Macy 's Thanksgiving Day parade 1620 NYT19980721.0198 -1 1966 1620 NYT19991105.0232 -1 Thanksgiving 1620 APW20000904.0128 -1 1882 1620 APW19980814.0856 -1 1998 1620 NYT19981126.0218 -1 two and a half 1620 NYT19981124.0308 -1 Thursday 1620 NYT19991125.0124 -1 New York Times Photo 1620 NYT19981023.0380 -1 October 1620 NYT19991123.0308 -1 1977 1620 APW20000216.0199 -1 1991 1620 NYT19991125.0156 -1 the mid-40s 1620 NYT19981102.0451 -1 Nov. 2, 1998 1620 NYT19991125.0109 1 1924 1620 APW20000807.0090 -1 the 1999 West Indian Day Parade 1620 XIE19970119.0034 -1 1966 1620 NYT19991123.0308 -1 this year 1620 NYT19981126.0236 -1 Nov. 26 , 1998 1620 NYT19981126.0237 -1 1998 1620 NYT19981102.0430 -1 nearly 100 1620 NYT19991125.0156 -1 Thursday 1620 APW19981123.0918 -1 U.S. _ Thanksgiving Day 1620 NYT19991003.0513 -1 Jan . 3 , 2000 1620 NYT19991125.0124 -1 -- Nov . 25 , 1999 1620 NYT19991125.0109 3 since 1924 1620 NYT19990415.0174 -1 1932 1620 NYT19991123.0308 -1 2000 1620 NYT19980831.0124 -1 November 1620 NYT19980721.0198 -1 1963 1621 APW19980603.0515 2 Andorra 1621 XIE20000615.0161 -1 Austria 1621 APW19990916.0164 -1 the first 1621 NYT19990312.0244 -1 France 1621 XIE19980328.0003 1 Andorra 1621 APW20000611.0074 -1 France 1621 XIE20000524.0286 -1 France 1621 XIE19990720.0064 -1 a major tour 1621 XIE19990720.0064 -1 Switzerland 1621 APW19980710.0915 -1 Ireland 1621 APW19980718.0542 -1 AP 1621 APW19980718.0542 -1 Spain 1621 NYT19980722.0032 -1 France 1621 APW19990120.0165 1 Andorra 1621 NYT20000913.0124 1 Andorra 1621 NYT19990222.0301 -1 Italy 1621 APW19990916.0288 -1 separates 1621 APW19990718.0042 -1 Saint-Gaudens 1621 NYT20000509.0035 -1 Basque country 1621 APW19980718.0542 -1 French 1621 NYT20000913.0371 1 Andorra 1621 APW19990718.0042 -1 France 1621 APW19990718.0042 -1 SAINT - GAUDENS 1621 NYT19980611.0284 -1 Polynesia 1621 XIE20000615.0161 -1 Greece 1621 APW19990722.0286 -1 the Tour de France 1621 APW19980902.0493 -1 Basque 1621 APW20000706.0025 -1 NIL 1621 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1621 NYT19980601.0116 -1 India 1621 APW19990718.0042 -1 Colombia 1621 XIE19990702.0300 -1 Italy 1621 APW20000611.0074 -1 LYON 1622 NYT19991127.0053 1 Ellen Axson 1622 NYT19980903.0086 -1 1913 Woodrow Wilson 's wife 1622 NYT19991110.0102 -1 Clinton 1622 NYT19991129.0085 1 Ellen Axson 1622 NYT19980723.0029 -1 Hillary Clinton 1622 NYT19991129.0085 1 Ellen Axson Wilson 1622 NYT19981130.0195 -1 Dana Carvey 1622 NYT19991127.0052 1 Ellen Axson Wilson 1622 NYT19990205.0427 -1 Teddy Roosevelt 1622 APW19990301.0115 -1 Eleanor Roosevelt 1622 NYT20000216.0261 -1 Polks 1622 NYT19990620.0112 -1 lot to Brian 1622 NYT19991129.0085 -1 Bess 1622 NYT19991127.0052 1 Ellen Axson 1622 NYT19980903.0086 1 Ellen 1622 NYT20000921.0264 -1 Eleanor Roosevelt 1622 APW19990613.0047 1 Edith 1622 NYT19980913.0178 1 Edith Wilson 1622 NYT19991127.0052 1 Ellen 1622 APW19990301.0148 1 Edith 1622 NYT19991127.0052 -1 Axson 1622 NYT19981221.0179 -1 Roosevelt 1622 APW19990613.0047 1 Edith Wilson 1622 APW19990119.0276 -1 Hillary Rodham Clinton 1622 APW19990301.0148 -1 Mrs. Warren Harding 1622 NYT19991123.0401 3 Edith Bolling 1622 APW19990301.0148 3 Edith , for vice_president 1622 NYT19991129.0082 1 Ellen_Axson_Wilson 1622 NYT19980921.0028 -1 Wilson 's 1622 NYT19991108.0552 -1 Clinton 1622 NYT20000210.0166 -1 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1622 NYT19991129.0082 1 Ellen Axson Wilson 1622 NYT20000216.0261 -1 Missouri 1622 NYT19991129.0085 1 Ellen 1622 APW19990412.0024 -1 Grace Miller 1622 NYT20000726.0190 -1 Mercy 1622 NYT19980713.0286 -1 Mrs 1622 APW19990301.0148 3 Wilson 1623 NYT19990310.0481 -1 drug 1623 NYT19991228.0118 -1 alcohol 1623 APW19990505.0296 3 small overdoses of acetaminophen 1623 NYT19990215.0050 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT19991228.0118 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT19991228.0118 -1 While the alcohol 1623 NYT19981223.0343 -1 Drug Administration 1623 NYT19990125.0203 -1 fever reducer 1623 NYT20000418.0128 -1 Drug Emporium 1623 APW20000823.0087 -1 NewYork 1623 APW19990505.0296 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT20000124.0221 -1 Feverall 1623 NYT19990215.0050 -1 Hepatitis C 1623 NYT19981223.0343 -1 ingredients 1623 NYT19991115.0164 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT19991130.0087 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT19981223.0343 -1 eeze 1623 NYT19991228.0103 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT19981223.0343 -1 aspirin 1623 APW19990505.0319 1 acetaminophen 1623 NYT19991228.0103 -1 liver damage 1623 NYT19980620.0005 -1 DJB Investments Inc. 1623 NYT20000908.0146 -1 Johnson 1623 APW19990505.0296 -1 The surgeon general 1623 NYT19981223.0343 -1 recommended doses and cautionary warnings 1623 NYT20000908.0268 -1 ingredients 1623 NYT19980706.0239 -1 Two percent soybean oil 1623 NYT19980706.0158 -1 Two percent soybean oil 1623 NYT19990206.0021 -1 ephedrine 1623 APW19990505.0296 -1 ibuprofen 1623 NYT20000717.0464 -1 johnson market same wai similar drug 1623 NYT19980714.0146 -1 ingredi percent activ percent 1623 NYT19980604.0305 -1 And 1623 NYT20000913.0036 -1 Type 1624 APW20000321.0159 1 1985 1624 XIE19971019.0181 1 1985 1624 XIE19971019.0179 1 1985 1624 NYT20000106.0060 1 1985 1624 NYT19990622.0227 -1 xxxxx 1624 NYT20000204.0341 -1 last six months 1624 APW19990415.0038 -1 Pepsi 1624 NYT19990523.0153 -1 1987 1624 XIE19971019.0181 -1 March 1, 1981 1624 NYT19990528.0396 2 1985 1624 APW20000217.0165 -1 1980 1624 XIE19980304.0282 -1 last year 1624 APW20000709.0098 1 1985 1624 NYT20000218.0267 -1 1999 1624 NYT20000125.0234 1 1985 1624 APW20000420.0102 -1 their race 1624 NYT19990823.0206 -1 Christmas_Eve 1624 NYT19990622.0291 -1 a year 1624 NYT19990622.0291 -1 1997 1624 NYT19990504.0382 -1 1998 1624 NYT20000301.0350 -1 the early 1980s 1624 NYT20000114.0204 -1 2000 1624 NYT19990622.0227 -1 1926 1624 NYT19980923.0490 -1 1994 1624 APW19990325.0337 -1 1998 1624 NYT19980618.0106 -1 1980 1624 NYT20000303.0335 -1 2002 1625 APW19990529.0051 -1 Lake Tahoe 1625 XIE20000325.0211 1 Lake Baikal 1625 XIE19980326.0264 -1 Lake Victoria 1625 XIE20000325.0211 1 Baikal 1625 XIE20000325.0211 -1 Caspian Sea 1625 XIE20000325.0211 -1 Russia 1625 NYT19990915.0090 -1 FCC 1625 XIE20000308.0040 -1 the safety laws and regulations governing water transport 1625 XIE19961031.0270 -1 U . S . 1625 NYT19990915.0090 -1 U.S. 1625 NYT19990915.0095 -1 United States 1625 NYT19990915.0095 -1 California 1625 NYT19990114.0134 -1 October Films 1625 XIE20000325.0211 -1 water 1625 XIE20000325.0211 -1 Siberia 1625 XIE20000811.0100 -1 Jilin Province 1625 XIE19980422.0256 -1 Lake Victoria 1625 NYT20000501.0292 1 Baikal 1625 NYT19990219.0286 -1 Japan 1625 XIE19990430.0178 -1 the Dianchi_Lake 1625 XIE20000910.0053 -1 the lake 1625 XIE20000325.0211 -1 The second largest body of water in Russia 1625 NYT19990407.0503 -1 Eastern 1625 XIE19980722.0105 -1 United States 1625 NYT20000706.0111 -1 Lake George 1625 NYT19990915.0095 1 Baikal 1625 XIE19961031.0270 -1 Macedonia 1625 NYT20000321.0070 -1 WEST PALM BEACH 1625 APW20000610.0070 -1 Lake Ontario 1625 XIE19960802.0050 -1 DAR ES SALAAM 1625 NYT19980604.0389 -1 Siberia 1625 NYT20000501.0292 -1 Siberian 1626 APW19990718.0111 -1 Aldrin Glad Armstrong Was First LONDON 1626 NYT19991013.0087 -1 Atlanta Braves 1626 NYT20000713.0050 -1 mother's maiden 1626 NYT19980601.0060 1 Edwin 1626 XIE20000811.0015 -1 Scott Horowitz 1626 APW19990717.0042 -1 Neil Armstrong 1626 NYT19990720.0391 -1 Earth, space pioneers Neil Armstrong 1626 APW19990711.0015 -1 Tranquillity 1626 APW19990716.0240 -1 S . C . 1626 NYT20000327.0105 -1 Woody 1626 NYT19990716.0076 -1 MOON-WALK-FLOATER- 1626 NYT19990717.0119 -1 July 1626 NYT19990716.0076 1 Edwin 1626 NYT19980825.0175 -1 Neil Armstrong 1626 NYT19990717.0119 -1 July 31 1626 APW19990902.0255 -1 Adam Spiegel 1626 NYT19981111.0371 1 Edwin 1626 APW19990601.0265 -1 Neil Armstrong 1626 APW19990119.0209 1 Edwin `` Buzz '' Aldrin 1626 NYT19981111.0371 -1 Neil Armstrong 1626 APW19990902.0020 -1 1999-09-02 1626 NYT19990723.0103 -1 Neil Armstrong 1626 APW19990718.0111 -1 moon 1626 NYT19990709.0270 -1 Armstrong 1626 APW19990717.0043 -1 Armstrong 1626 APW19990616.0161 -1 Allen 1626 NYT19990716.0076 -1 Jim_Lovell 1626 NYT19990716.0075 -1 MOON-WALK-FLOATER-4-B&W_NYT105 , Dr . Werner_Von_Braun 1626 NYT19990716.0076 -1 Apollo 11 's 1626 APW19990731.0044 -1 ShareSpace Foundation 1626 NYT19980825.0175 -1 Skylab 1626 APW19990717.0043 -1 the moon 1626 APW19990718.0111 -1 Neil Armstrong 1626 NYT19980707.0061 -1 Aspen 1626 APW20000716.0006 -1 Zimmerman 1627 NYT19980603.0107 -1 tomb sarcophagus 1627 NYT19980603.0107 -1 Arlington National Cemetery 1627 XIE19981002.0040 -1 graves 1627 NYT19980603.0107 -1 Memorial Day 1627 XIE19980901.0174 -1 wreath 1627 XIE19990225.0288 -1 his visit to the U.S. , Rawlings will 1627 NYT19980629.0519 -1 Korean War 1627 NYT19980630.0119 -1 Folo 1627 NYT19980629.0519 -1 Hawaii 1627 APW20000323.0297 -1 book at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Mount Avala 1627 XIE19971212.0150 -1 Russian Guards Resume 1627 XIE19970423.0223 -1 MOSCOW 1627 NYT19980603.0107 -1 Q 1627 APW19990917.0028 1 Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God 1627 APW20000529.0127 -1 Arlington 1627 NYT19980609.0079 -1 ` ` Wilhelm Meister 's Travels ' ' : ` ` Nothing is worth more than this day. ' ' 1627 XIE20000118.0047 -1 ROME 1627 NYT19980603.0058 -1 Unknowns 1627 NYT19980603.0058 -1 4 1627 APW20000323.0297 -1 memorial 1627 XIE19970509.0254 -1 wreath at 1627 APW20000323.0297 -1 10 miles 1627 XIE19960509.0270 -1 a wreath 1627 NYT19990422.0507 -1 Panama 1627 APW19981210.0638 -1 Most 1627 XIE19971212.0150 -1 1924 on the eve of the funeral of Vladimir_Lenin , the founder of the Soviet state 1627 XIE19960510.0002 -1 the unknown soldier 1627 XIE19960510.0002 -1 the tomb 1627 XIE19970711.0182 -1 Authority 1627 APW20000323.0297 -1 Milosevic 1627 APW19981210.0681 -1 mil 1627 APW19981210.0681 -1 50s 1627 NYT19980603.0058 -1 so refer wai unknown soldier. sinc 1627 NYT19980603.0058 -1 Tomb 1628 APW19990702.0234 -1 Florida 1628 NYT19980908.0059 -1 Florida 1628 XIE19960513.0005 1 more than 2,000 square miles 1628 NYT19991118.0288 -1 2 1628 NYT19980624.0457 -1 700,000-acre 1628 NYT20000724.0295 -1 head 1628 NYT19990412.0242 -1 1 thing 1628 APW19990518.0098 -1 Restudy 1628 NYT19990630.0345 -1 two agencies 1628 APW19990630.0254 -1 1,000 miles 1628 APW19990630.0254 -1 100 miles 1628 XIE19960514.0106 -1 11 1628 APW19990518.0300 -1 Restudy 1628 NYT19980624.0457 -1 700,000 - acre 1628 NYT19991014.0447 -1 third 1628 NYT19990524.0429 -1 400 1628 XIE19981028.0086 -1 12.98 million hectares 1628 XIE19960513.0005 -1 2,000 1628 NYT19991118.0288 -1 251 acres 1628 XIE19960513.0005 1 2,000 square miles 1628 NYT19990412.0242 -1 Everglades Agricultural 1628 XIE19970428.0188 -1 II 1628 NYT19981204.0302 -1 2002 1628 APW19990630.0254 -1 $ 7.8 billion 1628 NYT19991118.0288 -1 251 acre 1628 XIE19960514.0106 -1 11 key areas 1628 NYT20000920.0264 -1 10 parts 1628 NYT19981113.0412 -1 20 years 1628 NYT19981204.0302 -1 the area 1628 NYT19980910.0062 -1 4 1628 NYT19981204.0454 -1 1400 1628 NYT19981204.0454 -1 16 1628 APW19990630.0254 -1 two seasons 1628 NYT19981204.0454 -1 one 1628 NYT19981204.0302 -1 $120 million 1628 NYT19981113.0412 -1 one-half square miles 1629 NYT20000110.0310 -1 enforcing Hollywood censor 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 World War II 1629 NYT20000507.0188 3 NEW YORK 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 Cemetery 1629 APW20000529.0035 -1 Auburn 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 West 1629 NYT20000501.0328 -1 Broadway 1629 NYT20000507.0189 3 NEW YORK 1629 NYT20000208.0387 3 NewYork 1629 XIE20000103.0120 -1 Indonesia 1629 NYT20000521.0152 2 NEW YORK 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 Broadway 1629 NYT20000208.0387 3 Brooklyn 1629 NYT20000507.0186 1 Cypress Hills Abbey cemetery in Queens , N.Y. 1629 NYT19980904.0440 -1 Brooklyn 1629 NYT20000507.0070 -1 Italian 1629 NYT19990722.0070 -1 Cemetery 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 Becoming Mae West 1629 NYT19990221.0042 -1 West Virginia 1629 NYT19990502.0234 -1 Diamond Lil 1629 APW20000927.0108 -1 United States film actress (1892-1980) 1629 NYT20000223.0455 -1 Shepard 1629 NYT20000508.0001 2 New York 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 Hollywood 1629 APW19990710.0151 -1 Shepard 1629 NYT19990810.0358 -1 Hollywood 1629 APW19981128.0221 -1 Bangkok 1629 NYT19991102.0020 -1 NIL 1629 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1629 NYT19981229.0178 -1 East Texas 1629 NYT20000208.0387 3 Cypress Hills 1629 NYT20000110.0310 -1 Hollywood 1629 NYT19980621.0228 -1 Hollywood 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 Jo 1629 NYT20000208.0387 -1 US 1630 NYT20000214.0549 -1 1999 1630 NYT19990323.0037 -1 1966 1630 XIE20000511.0213 -1 2000 1630 NYT19980608.0079 1 at least 12,000 years ago 1630 NYT19980608.0079 -1 14,000 years ago 1630 NYT19980807.0218 -1 1993 1630 NYT19980606.0080 1 12,000 years ago 1630 NYT19981109.0081 -1 today 1630 XIE20000424.0233 -1 1995 1630 XIE20000811.0059 -1 fourth 1630 NYT20000619.0268 -1 1998 1630 NYT19980606.0078 1 at least 12,000 years ago 1630 NYT19980608.0079 -1 000 years ago 1630 NYT19980608.0079 -1 1979 1630 NYT19980608.0079 -1 summer 1630 NYT20000211.0137 1 100,000 years ago 1630 XIE19980802.0117 -1 1973 1630 APW19980811.0269 -1 August 1990 1630 NYT19990726.0303 -1 companions 1630 NYT19980904.0128 -1 This summer 1630 APW19990117.0114 -1 years ago 1630 NYT19980606.0078 1 12,000 years ago 1630 NYT19981006.0413 -1 Oct. 06, 1998 1630 NYT20000908.0321 -1 1998 1630 NYT19980829.0210 -1 17:57 1630 APW19990709.0054 -1 1996 1630 NYT19980606.0078 -1 1979 1630 XIE19960817.0098 -1 this evening 1630 NYT19990111.0249 -1 50,000 years ago 1630 NYT19980606.0078 1 12 ,000 years ago 1630 NYT19980608.0079 -1 year 1630 NYT19991115.0039 -1 centuries of breeding for cohabitation with humans 1630 NYT19980618.0072 -1 3 1630 XIE20000424.0233 -1 May 1 1630 NYT20000223.0363 -1 2001 1631 XIE19960309.0207 -1 units for large complete thermal power 1631 APW19990624.0178 -1 Dome spokesman Bill Curl 1631 APW19990311.0050 -1 Miami 1631 NYT20000912.0438 -1 HP 9000 1631 XIE20000913.0328 -1 Industry sources 1631 NYT19990605.0001 -1 Louisiana 1631 XIE20000913.0328 -1 Microsoft's Windows NT and the freely distributed Linux operating system 1631 NYT20000912.0438 -1 HP's announcement 1631 XIE19980713.0129 -1 China 1631 APW19990624.0178 -1 corporate name to the 1631 APW19990720.0079 -1 Doug Thornton 1631 NYT19981125.0437 1 70,000 - seat 1631 NYT19981125.0183 1 70,000 1631 NYT19990622.0043 -1 timeline 1631 XIE20000913.0328 -1 HP 1631 NYT19990905.0055 -1 70,200 ) 1631 NYT19990106.0038 -1 Louisiana Superdome 1631 NYT19980822.0038 -1 1982 1631 NYT19981122.0003 -1 Louisiana 1631 NYT19980916.0336 -1 Orleans 1631 APW20000904.0025 -1 a kickoff 99 yards 1631 NYT19980916.0336 -1 63,350 1631 NYT19990605.0001 -1 two four-year terms 1631 APW19990604.0098 -1 three years 1631 NYT20000912.0438 -1 HP 1631 NYT19990625.0027 -1 crowd 1631 XIE19970212.0158 -1 next month in Thailand from 3,000 to 5,000 per month to ensure punctual deliveries 1631 NYT19990213.0079 -1 the Games 1631 NYT20000912.0438 -1 www 1631 NYT20000912.0438 -1 qualification 1631 APW19990624.0178 -1 Gov. John McKeithen 1631 NYT19980601.0486 -1 Louisiana 1632 NYT19991112.0287 -1 grams 1632 NYT19990623.0110 -1 8 1632 NYT20000223.0072 -1 25 grams 1632 NYT19991112.0287 -1 3-ounce 1632 NYT19990419.0255 -1 1 cup 1632 NYT19990217.0196 -1 10 grams 1632 NYT19990217.0196 -1 24 grams 1632 NYT20000619.0225 -1 are 1632 NYT19990803.0155 -1 3 1632 NYT20000724.0366 -1 Soy 1632 NYT19990905.0205 -1 one expects 1632 NYT19990905.0205 -1 20 different 1632 NYT19990803.0155 -1 26 1632 NYT20000223.0072 -1 1 pound 1632 NYT19991112.0280 -1 a dozen grams 1632 NYT19990419.0255 -1 13 grams 1632 NYT19990217.0196 -1 14-ounce package extra-firm tofu 1632 NYT19980709.0159 -1 soy 1632 NYT19990803.0155 -1 5 1632 NYT19980709.0159 -1 Soy 1632 NYT19990623.0110 -1 2 1632 NYT19991112.0280 -1 dozen grams 1632 NYT19990419.0255 -1 4 ounce 1632 NYT19990419.0255 -1 4 1632 APW19991026.0064 -1 about 10 grams 1632 NYT20000223.0072 -1 7 grams 1632 NYT20000223.0072 -1 ( percent calories 1632 NYT20000223.0072 -1 1 1632 NYT19980709.0159 -1 98 1632 APW20000926.0137 -1 10 1632 NYT19990803.0155 -1 three 1632 NYT19990623.0224 -1 6 g protein 1632 NYT19991112.0287 -1 25 grams 1632 NYT19990419.0255 -1 23 grams 1633 NYT19990622.0466 -1 sister park 1633 APW19980803.0594 -1 Big Dipper roller coaster 1633 APW19980822.0394 -1 third 1633 NYT20000120.0131 -1 Kraken 1633 NYT20000111.0063 -1 tallest 1633 NYT20000104.0075 1 Millennium Force 1633 NYT19990622.0466 3 Blast Coaster 1633 APW19990826.0085 -1 Dufren 1633 APW19980803.0594 -1 Pierre 1633 NYT19980619.0369 -1 Tailgaters 1633 NYT19980819.0181 -1 LasVegas,Nev . 1633 APW19980713.1185 -1 North America 1633 NYT19980619.0469 -1 Amusement Business 1633 NYT20000110.0227 -1 Kansas City Star 1633 NYT19990827.0147 -1 Vallejo 1633 NYT20000104.0075 -1 Cedar Point 1633 NYT19980619.0369 -1 construction 1633 APW19980716.0808 -1 LONDON 1633 NYT20000104.0075 -1 tallest 1633 NYT19990622.0466 -1 Freeze 1633 NYT20000104.0075 -1 its Magnum XL 1633 NYT20000111.0063 -1 Fujiyama 1633 NYT19990622.0466 -1 the Wayne_Foundation_Industrial_Park 1633 APW20000509.0249 -1 Beast -- the tallest , fastest wooden roller_coaster 1633 NYT20000120.0131 -1 Read all about Kraken 1633 APW20000801.0085 -1 s tallest roller coaster 1633 NYT19990622.0466 -1 Blast 1633 NYT20000111.0063 -1 Flashback 1633 NYT20000111.0063 -1 headache 1633 NYT19990622.0466 -1 Mr. Freeze 1633 NYT19990622.0466 -1 Charlotte, N.C. 1634 XIE20000328.0312 -1 North 1634 XIE19970303.0155 -1 Caracas 1634 NYT20000928.0016 -1 Maracaibo 1634 XIE19970812.0238 -1 AFTA 1634 XIE19970604.0224 -1 CARACAS 1634 XIE19991224.0226 -1 912,050 sq. km (NOTE: this figure was extracted from official sources, e.g., CIA Factbook, and may be slighty different from the value of ' 909,000' mentioned in the article.) 1634 XIE19991225.0029 -1 Caribbean 1634 XIE20000122.0147 -1 Venezuela 1634 APW19980609.1692 -1 1 mile 1634 XIE20000811.0244 -1 Century 1634 XIE20000813.0153 -1 Nigeria 1634 XIE19990606.0134 -1 Colombian border town of La Gabarra 1634 XIE19970426.0144 -1 Caribbean 1634 XIE19980724.0247 -1 Guyana 1634 XIE19980326.0236 -1 Colombia 1634 XIE20000811.0244 -1 Venezuelan 1634 NYT19981202.0214 1 340,569 square miles 1634 NYT19980902.0501 -1 Caracas 1634 NYT19980818.0143 -1 10 1634 XIE19990919.0191 -1 Colombia 1634 XIE19991222.0001 -1 1 1634 XIE20000110.0065 -1 Caribbean 1634 XIE19960628.0242 -1 Orinoco river 1634 XIE19970212.0187 -1 800-square-meter 1634 NYT19990122.0266 -1 Venezuela 1634 XIE20000811.0244 -1 159,500 square kilometers 1634 NYT19990809.0345 -1 Colombia 1634 APW20000315.0043 -1 160 miles 1634 XIE19981027.0240 -1 place 1634 XIE19991225.0029 -1 50,000 dollars 1634 XIE19980527.0310 -1 in Venezuela 1634 XIE20000818.0022 -1 150,000-square kilometer 1634 NYT19981221.0428 -1 Texas 1634 XIE20000111.0028 -1 Table 1634 XIE19991225.0029 -1 mud 1634 XIE19970303.0155 -1 Institutions 1635 APW19990307.0074 -1 Sled Dog 1635 NYT20000313.0113 -1 Sled Dog 1635 XIE20000622.0291 -1 Argentina 1635 APW19990528.0150 -1 Sled Dog 1635 APW19990528.0150 1 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race 1635 APW20000316.0134 -1 The Arco Alaska workers ' stomach distress 1635 NYT19990121.0106 -1 personality 1635 APW19990624.0235 1 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog 1635 XIE20000406.0179 -1 June 6 1635 NYT19991128.0065 -1 discharges 1635 APW19990528.0150 -1 half-dozen 1635 NYT20000201.0336 -1 International Rocky Mountain Stage Stop Sled Dog 1635 NYT19990121.0104 1 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race 1635 NYT20000302.0109 -1 Inuit 1635 NYT19990123.0221 -1 1925 1635 NYT20000908.0336 -1 rock climbing 1635 NYT19991225.0060 -1 Fishing 1635 NYT19990121.0106 1 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race 1635 NYT19990123.0221 1 Iditarod 1635 APW19990528.0150 -1 General Communications Inc. 1635 APW19990307.0074 1 the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race 1635 NYT19990123.0221 -1 EDGAR NOLLNER 1635 NYT19981028.0151 -1 Raul 1635 APW19990624.0103 -1 Redington 1635 APW19990313.0116 -1 Denali Park 1635 NYT19990121.0106 -1 Alaska 1635 XIE19990425.0076 -1 The dragon boat race 1635 APW19990625.0178 1 Iditarod 1635 APW19990317.0199 -1 Wednesday 1635 APW19990317.0190 -1 Wednesday 1635 APW19990307.0074 -1 Nome 1635 NYT19990121.0106 1 the Iditarod 1635 APW19990802.0200 -1 John F. Kelly 1635 NYT19990520.0137 -1 Delta Queen 1636 NYT20000707.0128 3 first week of May , 1863 1636 NYT20000707.0128 1 May , 1863 1636 NYT20000707.0128 -1 the first week 1636 NYT20000707.0128 1 1863 1636 APW19990202.0242 2 1863 1636 APW19980808.0627 -1 1998 1636 NYT19991208.0206 1 1863 1636 NYT20000707.0128 1 first week of May , 1863. 1636 XIE19980326.0156 -1 370 1636 XIE19981210.0087 -1 1946 1636 NYT19980730.0299 -1 July 21 , 1861 1636 NYT20000707.0128 1 May, 1863 1636 NYT20000831.0197 -1 May 1636 NYT19981120.0127 -1 1996 1636 NYT20000911.0097 1 May 1863 1636 XIE19960328.0001 -1 December 1995 1636 APW20000810.0095 -1 Last week 1636 NYT20000707.0128 -1 1864 1636 NYT19991111.0175 -1 Jan 1636 NYT19980730.0299 -1 on July 1636 NYT19980730.0299 -1 1861 1636 NYT19990227.0216 -1 Jan 1636 NYT20000707.0128 -1 the eve 1636 XIE19981112.0007 -1 1918 1636 APW19981106.1215 -1 1995 1636 NYT19990825.0363 -1 May 1636 NYT20000707.0128 1 of May , 1863 1636 NYT19990326.0112 -1 1862 1637 XIE20000820.0195 -1 Somali national flag 1637 NYT19990117.0063 -1 Donald 1637 NYT19990819.0181 1 inverted Pentagram 1637 NYT19990819.0181 -1 David 1637 NYT19981118.0121 -1 Patent 1637 NYT19991124.0294 -1 the Jesus/Santa Claus death match 1637 NYT20000501.0225 -1 Illinois 1637 NYT19990218.0150 1 Pentagrams 1637 APW19990217.0048 1 baphomet 1637 NYT19991223.0176 -1 Satan 1637 NYT19990819.0179 -1 six 1637 NYT19981028.0126 1 pentagram 1637 NYT19990819.0179 1 pentagram 1637 NYT19990808.0017 -1 Manson 1637 NYT20000810.0355 -1 Satan 1637 NYT19990819.0179 -1 David 1637 XIE19961031.0144 -1 U.S. 1637 APW19990614.0195 -1 Satan 1637 XIE19960520.0154 -1 NIL 1637 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1637 XIE19990205.0162 -1 Lu 1637 NYT19991220.0156 -1 Gary 1637 NYT19981212.0130 -1 Seka 1637 NYT19990424.0256 -1 Mrs. Boles 1637 NYT19990819.0181 -1 Satan 1637 NYT19990819.0181 -1 Li 1637 NYT19990608.0188 -1 Satan 1637 APW19990614.0153 -1 Miroslav Satan 1637 APW19980712.0049 -1 Seoul 1638 NYT19980627.0090 -1 Central 1638 NYT19980627.0090 -1 Central and South America 1638 NYT20000913.0133 -1 Sydney 1638 APW19980807.0118 -1 Sydney 1638 APW19981202.0586 -1 Sydney 1638 XIE20000907.0134 -1 Queensland 1638 NYT19980627.0040 -1 Central America 1638 NYT20000713.0036 -1 Daintree River 1638 XIE20000907.0134 -1 Australia 1638 NYT20000713.0100 -1 the 1638 APW19981113.0414 -1 Indonesia 1638 NYT19981231.0330 -1 NewYork 1638 XIE19980625.0098 -1 Melbourne 1638 APW19980708.1128 -1 United States 1638 NYT20000405.0137 -1 United States 1638 NYT19991207.0076 1 Cairns 1638 NYT19991207.0076 1 Daintree 1638 XIE20000907.0134 -1 lack 1638 NYT20000131.0312 -1 Sydney 1638 NYT19981222.0220 -1 Queensland 1638 NYT20000713.0036 -1 National Park 1638 XIE19970705.0092 -1 Canberra 1638 APW19981123.0035 -1 CANBERRA 1638 NYT20000713.0036 -1 _ Daintree National Park 1638 NYT19981030.0093 -1 NIL 1638 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1638 NYT19981222.0220 -1 Daintree 1638 NYT19991208.0092 1 Port Douglas 1638 XIE20000907.0134 -1 Xinhua 1638 APW19980611.1639 -1 AP Long 1638 NYT19990223.0180 -1 New Guinea 1638 XIE20000613.0139 -1 BEIJING 1638 NYT19990421.0430 -1 Yucatan Peninsula 1639 NYT19990422.0233 -1 colorfully offbeat role 1639 NYT19990422.0233 -1 colorfully offbeat 1639 NYT19990423.0038 -1 director 1639 NYT20000330.0178 3 air traffic control 1639 NYT19990114.0090 -1 Nick Nolte 1639 NYT19990423.0158 -1 style 1639 NYT20000127.0352 -1 its feverish climax 1639 APW19990420.0317 -1 Chicago 1639 NYT20000330.0126 -1 uniform for 1639 NYT19990422.0427 -1 Grade 1639 NYT20000330.0178 -1 Fidelity 1639 NYT20000330.0178 -1 Brat Pack 1639 APW19990426.0214 1 air traffic controller 1639 NYT19980910.0203 -1 Julianne Moore 1639 APW19990425.0011 -1 Star Wars 1639 NYT20000330.0178 1 air-traffic-controller 1639 NYT19990422.0202 -1 Billy Bob Thornton 1639 NYT19990422.0202 -1 John Cusack, Billy Bob Thornton 1639 NYT19980716.0181 -1 Wide Sargasso Sea 1639 NYT20000411.0376 -1 actor 1639 APW19990505.0220 -1 Billy Bob Thornton 1639 APW19990902.0020 -1 the characters 1639 NYT19990422.0427 -1 1999_Cox_News_Service Like Donnie_Brasco 1639 NYT19990429.0079 -1 1999_Cox_News_Service_AUSTIN , Texas _ 1639 NYT19991227.0186 -1 puppeteer 1639 NYT19990422.0522 -1 hotshot 1639 NYT20000330.0178 -1 directors 1639 APW20000430.0010 -1 actors 1639 NYT19980820.0112 -1 80s. 1639 NYT19990422.0202 -1 Thornton 1639 NYT19990422.0202 -1 Jolie 1639 NYT20000330.0178 -1 wit 1639 NYT20000330.0178 -1 tin surreal celebr satir be malkovich 1639 NYT19981030.0099 -1 Geoffrey Rush 1639 NYT20000313.0244 -1 Cusacks 1640 XIE20000819.0095 3 Lao 1640 XIE20000229.0293 3 Lao Zi 1640 NYT19980702.0141 1 Lao Tzu 1640 NYT19991105.0312 -1 Li Hongzhi 1640 XIE20000819.0095 1 Lao Tzu 1640 APW19990617.0179 -1 China 1640 NYT19990729.0226 -1 Li 1640 XIE20000819.0095 1 Lao-tzu 1640 APW20000719.0197 -1 Falun Gong 1640 XIE19970810.0059 -1 Confucianism 1640 APW19990420.0040 -1 Lance Blanchard 1640 NYT19990426.0347 -1 Li in 1992 , mixes traditional Chinese teaching 1640 APW19990730.0206 -1 Li Hongzhi 1640 XIE19980821.0237 -1 Ye 1640 XIE20000301.0318 3 Lao Zi 1640 XIE19990915.0142 -1 Autumn 1640 NYT19980702.0088 1 Lao Tzu 1640 APW19980701.1347 1 Lao Tzu 1640 NYT19990716.0095 -1 Falun Gong 1640 APW19990731.0094 -1 Li Hongzhi 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 Qin Taoism 1640 XIE20000811.0220 -1 Confucius 1640 XIE20000229.0293 3 Lao 1640 NYT19990426.0347 -1 Buddhism 1640 NYT20000921.0309 -1 Lee 1640 XIE20000819.0095 1 Lao - tzu 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 Taoism 1640 NYT19980722.0179 1 philosopher Lao Tzu 1640 APW20000115.0103 -1 Lee 1640 APW19990731.0094 -1 Falun Gong 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 The Chinese Taoist Association 1640 NYT19980928.0266 -1 Confucius 1640 XIE20000927.0203 -1 Min_Zhiting 1640 APW19981108.0170 -1 2,500 years 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 China 1640 APW19990731.0094 -1 United States 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 the Chinese Academy of Taoism 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 Tao 1640 XIE19991111.0263 -1 Li 1640 XIE20000819.0095 -1 Chinese 1640 APW19981108.0170 -1 Li Hongzhi 1641 NYT19990622.0211 -1 Mark Chesnutt 1641 APW20000224.0110 -1 Rock 1641 NYT19990722.0497 -1 Hawaii 1641 APW19991029.0203 -1 N'Sync 1641 NYT19980910.0303 -1 Wall Street 1641 NYT20000721.0071 -1 Strings Attached 1641 NYT20000414.0479 -1 its 1641 APW20000907.0205 -1 Male 1641 NYT20000602.0081 -1 Fla . 1641 APW20000329.0167 -1 Orlando-based 1641 APW19990728.0312 -1 Miami 1641 APW19990111.0247 -1 Pearl Jam 1641 NYT20000316.0224 -1 Backstreet Boys 1641 APW20000308.0111 -1 New York 1641 NYT19981130.0245 -1 ABC 1641 NYT19990908.0129 -1 Bawitdaba 1641 NYT19991230.0202 -1 Ohio 1641 NYT19980728.0260 1 The boys combined the last letters of their first names to come up with ' N Sync . 1641 NYT20000602.0081 -1 Backstreet Boys 1641 NYT19981203.0113 3 The last letter of each band member's name 1641 APW20000505.0090 -1 Bass 1641 XIE20000919.0044 -1 Iraq 1641 NYT20000602.0081 -1 Orlando 1641 APW19980605.0739 -1 Hanson 1641 NYT19981007.0386 -1 Britain 1641 APW20000505.0090 -1 Romano each 1641 NYT19990405.0191 -1 NIL 1641 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1641 NYT19990609.0310 -1 earth 1641 NYT19981130.0245 -1 Orlando 1641 NYT19980728.0260 -1 no Mercy 1641 NYT20000414.0479 -1 Trans Continental Management 1641 NYT19981130.0245 -1 World 1641 NYT19981119.0403 -1 Orlando 1641 NYT19981119.0403 -1 N 1642 NYT19990120.0222 -1 Sloths 1642 NYT20000531.0195 -1 hog 1642 NYT19991222.0071 -1 love 1642 NYT20000313.0064 -1 `` Really , I 1642 NYT20000203.0133 -1 call dozen 1642 NYT20000526.0077 -1 every time 1642 NYT19990309.0101 -1 Albany 1642 NYT19990903.0081 -1 Slowpoke 1642 NYT20000427.0341 -1 Leguizamo 1642 NYT19980601.0110 -1 child 1642 NYT20000315.0102 -1 Mindscape Entertainment 1642 NYT19990903.0081 -1 goose 1642 APW19980916.0690 -1 sloth bear 1642 APW19980815.0838 -1 AP 1642 APW19980916.0690 -1 wild 1642 NYT19990120.0222 -1 Most 1642 NYT20000501.0148 -1 teeth 1642 NYT20000501.0148 -1 There 1642 NYT19990927.0165 -1 babies 1642 NYT19990201.0148 -1 the pediatrician 1642 NYT19980714.0296 -1 baby 1642 NYT20000203.0133 -1 Lea 1642 XIE19960926.0069 -1 ambulance service to save the baby, whic 1642 NYT19981027.0275 -1 than Baby Doe, are calling her Julia. 1642 NYT19990518.0126 -1 He 1643 NYT20000202.0105 1 Roger Williams 1643 NYT19990130.0155 1 Roger Williams 1643 NYT20000324.0089 -1 Devon 1643 APW19990412.0128 3 Baptist leader Roger Williams 1643 NYT19990818.0112 1 Roger Williams 1643 NYT19990315.0453 -1 Chafee 1643 NYT20000809.0154 -1 Carter 1643 APW19990312.0149 -1 Goals 1643 APW19990617.0304 -1 Lamar Odom 1643 APW19991006.0102 -1 Southeastern Massachusetts 1643 NYT20000330.0387 -1 Mr. Potato 1643 NYT20000330.0387 -1 Mr. Potato Head 1643 XIE19970510.0261 -1 fourth 1643 APW19991029.0235 -1 Tom Skinner 1643 NYT20000129.0239 -1 Joaquina Bela Teixeira 1643 APW19990204.0121 1 Roger Williams 1643 NYT19990202.0478 -1 Philip Rhodes 1643 APW20000814.0082 -1 West Nile 1643 XIE19980404.0232 -1 Rhodes 1643 NYT19991013.0479 2 Williams 1643 APW19990412.0128 1 Roger Williams 1643 APW19990405.0016 -1 Church 1643 NYT19981202.0534 -1 ODOM 1643 NYT20000129.0239 -1 Young 1643 XIE19990910.0124 2 Williams 1643 APW19990312.0149 -1 Price 1643 NYT19981119.0207 2 Roger Williams 1643 APW19990517.0242 -1 his coach and some advice from Kobe_Bryant 1643 APW19990517.0244 -1 Kobe_Bryant 1643 APW19991006.0102 -1 R.I. 1643 APW19991006.0102 -1 Massachusetts 1643 NYT19990126.0151 -1 a chafee 1643 APW19990312.0149 -1 Odom 1643 APW20000121.0175 -1 George Wilson 1643 APW20000121.0175 -1 Sergeant Charles Ferranti 1643 APW19991006.0102 -1 Alan Raymond 1643 NYT19980608.0301 -1 New York 1643 APW20000914.0119 2 Williams 1644 NYT20000329.0295 -1 109 light - years 1644 XIE20000808.0175 -1 141 light years from our Sun 1644 NYT19990205.0389 -1 50 miles 1644 XIE20000808.0175 -1 4.3 light years 1644 APW19990108.0186 -1 300 light years 1644 APW19990114.0006 -1 500 miles 1644 APW19990814.0075 -1 10 time 1644 APW19990814.0154 -1 10 times 1644 APW19990107.0109 -1 100 light years 1644 NYT19980706.0015 -1 25-mile 1644 NYT20000330.0414 -1 about 117 light-years 1644 NYT20000329.0295 -1 109 light-years 1644 NYT19981104.0663 -1 800 million miles 1644 NYT20000324.0142 -1 29 years 1644 NYT19990108.0368 -1 about 1,300 trillion miles 1644 APW19990814.0154 -1 two tennis courts 1644 APW19990814.0075 -1 Earth 1644 NYT19990108.0368 -1 Earth 1644 XIE20000808.0175 -1 141 light years 1644 APW19990814.0075 -1 two year 1644 NYT19990715.0520 -1 three miles 1644 APW19990814.0075 -1 10 times 1644 APW19980601.1507 -1 two year 1644 APW19990814.0075 -1 10 times as 1644 NYT20000806.0102 -1 less_than three days 1644 APW19990628.0224 -1 the same period 1644 NYT19981029.0404 -1 10 1644 XIE19991210.0027 -1 1.5 billion kilometre 1644 NYT19990812.0275 -1 600 miles 1644 NYT19990812.0275 -1 850 miles 1645 NYT19981204.0365 3 $ 100 billion 1645 XIE20000224.0171 -1 dollars 1645 XIE20000508.0215 -1 50 hectares 1645 APW19981119.0586 -1 2 1645 NYT19990806.0332 1 $60 billion 1645 NYT19981207.0467 3 $ 40 billion 1645 APW19981112.0559 -1 billion 1645 APW19981119.0586 -1 40 1645 NYT19981130.0330 -1 $24.7 billion 1645 APW19990601.0179 -1 2 hours 1645 APW19981119.0586 -1 20 years 1645 XIE19970613.0156 -1 two 1645 XIE20000224.0171 -1 one billion U.S. dollars 1645 NYT19990519.0293 -1 billion 1645 APW19990205.0092 -1 six 1645 NYT19981004.0108 1 about $ 50 billion 1645 NYT20000712.0237 1 $ 95 billion 1645 APW19981112.0559 -1 40 billion 1645 APW19981119.0586 -1 40 billion 1645 NYT19980602.0358 -1 seven 1645 APW19981119.0586 -1 shuttle 1645 APW19981119.0586 -1 Mir 1645 NYT19981204.0344 1 more than 100 billion dollar 1645 APW19981210.1501 -1 250 - mile - high 1645 XIE19970819.0109 -1 3500 kilogram 1645 NYT20000913.0218 -1 MP3.com 1645 XIE20000224.0171 -1 nearly one billion U.S. dollars 1645 APW19981119.0586 3 dlrs 40 billion 1645 NYT19981130.0330 -1 the previous 40 years 1645 NYT19980729.0454 -1 $ 8 billion 1645 NYT19981130.0330 -1 cost 1645 NYT19990902.0273 -1 2000 1645 NYT19981204.0365 -1 six 1645 NYT19981004.0108 -1 1993 1645 APW20000914.0124 -1 1993 1645 XIE20000224.0171 -1 1 billion dollars 1645 APW19990221.0037 -1 zero dollars 1645 XIE19990527.0112 -1 4,300 pounds 1646 NYT19981223.0218 1 Aug. 6 , 1945 1646 NYT19990122.0324 3 1945 1646 NYT19990526.0466 3 1945 1646 APW19980806.1006 -1 the day 1646 XIE19990806.0259 1 August 6, 1945 1646 NYT19980805.0362 1 August 1945 1646 XIE19970628.0112 3 1945 1646 XIE19970628.0112 1 August 6 , 1945 1646 XIE19970628.0112 1 August 6, 1945 1646 APW19990806.0179 3 1945 1646 NYT19990526.0466 -1 Aug. 9, 1945 1646 XIE20000806.0155 3 more than five decades ago 1646 APW19980806.1006 1 Aug. 6, 1945 1646 NYT19981223.0218 1 Aug. 6, 1945 1646 XIE20000814.0221 -1 1968 1646 APW19980802.0318 3 1945 1646 APW19990805.0099 1 Aug. 6 , 1945 1646 NYT20000317.0385 -1 22:02 1646 NYT19990123.0027 3 1945 1646 APW19980806.1365 -1 8 1646 XIE20000806.0155 1 August 6 , 1945 1646 NYT19981230.0455 -1 Aug . 9 , 1995 1646 APW19990806.0179 1 Aug . 6 , 1945 1646 NYT19981223.0218 1 on Aug. 6 , 1945 1646 XIE19970628.0112 1 On August 6 , 1945 1646 XIE19990806.0259 -1 August 6 1647 APW19981205.0624 2 Europe 1647 XIE20000801.0348 -1 Frankfurt 1647 NYT19990317.0486 -1 Africa 1647 NYT19990224.0336 -1 Africa 1647 XIE20000726.0177 -1 North American 1647 APW19990318.0137 -1 America 1647 APW19980619.0162 -1 Australian 1647 XIE19990612.0086 -1 Argentina 1647 XIE19990612.0086 -1 Australia 1647 XIE19971205.0037 -1 Brazil 1647 NYT19990816.0173 -1 a place 1647 NYT19990924.0336 1 Europe 1647 NYT19990926.0074 -1 Royal Bank 1647 XIE19970929.0123 -1 Africa 1647 APW19980729.1287 1 Europe 1647 NYT19980606.0188 -1 England 1647 NYT19980605.0258 -1 Wales 1647 XIE19990828.0209 -1 Australia 1647 XIE19990427.0369 -1 England 1647 NYT19981123.0331 -1 Africa 1647 XIE19970423.0072 1 Europe 1647 APW19980615.1076 2 European 1647 APW19980914.0877 -1 Norfolk Islands 1647 XIE19971107.0134 -1 Africa 1647 APW19980607.0568 -1 ASIA 1647 XIE20000723.0006 -1 Africa 1647 NYT19980617.0094 2 Europe 1647 NYT19990926.0074 -1 the Continent 1647 NYT19990816.0173 1 Europe 1647 NYT19990924.0336 -1 National_Westminster 1647 NYT19990924.0336 -1 Scotland 1647 APW19980730.1180 -1 in Africa 1647 XIE19960324.0077 -1 Ireland 1647 XIE19990612.0086 2 Europe 1647 XIE19990612.0086 -1 Africa 1647 APW19981012.0612 -1 EDINBURGH 1648 NYT19980707.0290 -1 pitcher Mordecai 1648 NYT19990331.0207 -1 diving for a fly ball 1648 APW19990604.0207 -1 He 1648 XIE19990324.0172 -1 TuBerculosis 1648 NYT19990331.0207 -1 equals ( 2 x 1648 NYT19991222.0427 -1 IMMIG _ TB stats -- 2 x 4 -- IMMIG-TB 1648 XIE20000404.0273 -1 Shahida Jamil 1648 NYT19990305.0065 -1 World Series 1648 NYT19990305.0065 -1 Boston 1648 XIE19980325.0119 -1 tuberculosis ( TB ) in the world 1648 NYT19981012.0177 -1 chance test 1648 NYT19991028.0467 -1 World Health Organization 1648 XIE19970325.0059 -1 patients 1648 NYT20000727.0336 -1 percent 1648 NYT19991003.0663 -1 Yankees 1648 NYT19990223.0303 -1 small towns 1648 NYT19990122.0487 -1 Indiana Puritans 1648 NYT19980704.0160 -1 HR 1648 APW20000603.0150 -1 3B 1648 NYT19991222.0293 -1 Statistics 1648 NYT19991009.0208 -1 New York 1648 XIE19971030.0239 -1 tuberculosis 1648 NYT19990305.0065 -1 1920 1648 XIE19980822.0215 -1 very serious disease 1648 NYT19990331.0207 -1 There 1648 NYT20000308.0116 -1 There 1648 NYT19990419.0153 -1 TB 1648 XIE19990702.0216 -1 treasury bill 1648 NYT19991027.0372 -1 time bomb 1648 NYT19991222.0307 -1 NYT 1648 NYT20000421.0305 -1 T 1648 XIE19980922.0225 -1 the popular Treasury bill 1648 NYT19991222.0427 -1 BA 1648 XIE19970325.0006 -1 even more expensive and difficult treatm 1649 NYT19981030.0164 3 January 1986 1649 NYT19991028.0488 1 1986 1649 APW19990903.0123 -1 1988 1649 NYT19990730.0115 1 1986 1649 NYT19990730.0115 3 January 1986 1649 XIE19961120.0291 -1 1983 1649 NYT19980825.0175 1 1986 1649 NYT19990421.0343 1 1986 1649 APW19981020.1367 3 Jan. 28, 1986 1649 NYT19980914.0017 3 Jan. 28, 1986 1649 NYT19981030.0164 1 1986 1649 NYT19981029.0287 1 1986 1649 NYT19990527.0380 1 1986 1649 APW20000127.0128 3 Jan. 28 , 1986 1649 APW19990205.0092 1 1986 1649 NYT19980614.0123 1 1986 1649 APW20000127.0128 1 1986 1649 NYT19981102.0204 1 1986 1649 NYT19981118.0139 3 Jan. 28, 1986 1649 NYT19981028.0432 1 1986 1649 APW19990825.0075 -1 just three weeks 1649 NYT19980901.0004 2 1986 1649 APW19990527.0161 -1 1990 1649 APW19990527.0164 -1 almost six months 1649 APW19990527.0164 3 the 1986 Challenger accident 1649 NYT19990421.0343 1 in 1986 1649 NYT19991028.0488 1 in 1986 1649 NYT19980614.0123 3 Jan. 28 , 1986 1649 APW19990524.0026 1 1986 1649 NYT19980618.0103 -1 1959 1650 NYT19990414.0338 -1 New York 1650 NYT19980824.0299 -1 New York 1650 NYT20000521.0189 -1 Westchester 1650 APW20000522.0055 -1 Elmira 1650 APW20000802.0169 1 Chemung 1650 APW20000814.0138 1 Chemung County 1650 NYT20000522.0459 -1 Syracuse 1650 APW20000814.0138 -1 section 1650 NYT19990301.0099 -1 Bubbles 1650 APW20000208.0022 -1 Orange County 1650 NYT19990712.0235 -1 River Valley 1650 NYT19981127.0378 -1 Class C 1650 APW20000615.0183 -1 N.Y. 1650 APW20000919.0268 -1 N.Y. 1650 NYT20000522.0459 1 Chemung County 1650 NYT20000522.0459 -1 Binghamton 1650 APW20000802.0169 -1 Nursing Facility 1650 APW20000802.0169 1 Chemung County 1650 APW20000615.0183 -1 Telemarketing Fraud 1650 APW20000601.0186 1 Chemung County 1650 APW20000101.0012 1 Chemung 1650 APW20000823.0198 1 Chemung County 1650 APW20000311.0030 -1 Nassau-Suffolk 1650 NYT20000921.0309 -1 Lee 1650 NYT20000522.0459 -1 Albany 1650 APW20000115.0103 -1 Lee 1650 APW20000630.0145 -1 N.Y. 1650 APW20000919.0268 -1 N.Y. , more_than 20 years ago , and those studies contributed to the development of similar experiments in other cities 1650 APW20000814.0138 -1 N.Y. ( AP ) - 1650 NYT20000522.0459 -1 Elmira 1650 NYT19990521.0241 -1 Westchester County 1650 NYT20000522.0459 -1 Westchester County 1650 APW20000823.0198 -1 Elmira City 1650 NYT19990301.0099 -1 Schuyler County 1650 APW20000720.0106 -1 New York 1650 XIE19960520.0140 -1 Henan 1650 NYT19980714.0462 -1 Elmira 1651 NYT19990812.0218 1 Polaris 1651 NYT20000816.0023 -1 a couple 1651 NYT19990607.0422 -1 Minnesota North Stars 1651 NYT19991116.0180 -1 `` Voyage to the North Star '' 1651 NYT19991116.0180 -1 threaten 1651 NYT20000703.0310 -1 a ballplayer's name 1651 NYT19990929.0517 -1 Florida 1651 APW19990602.0208 -1 North Carolina 1651 NYT19990916.0094 -1 roadside park 1651 NYT20000118.0372 1 Polaris 1651 NYT19990619.0057 -1 North Carolina State 1651 APW20000417.0173 -1 prequel 1651 NYT19990608.0192 -1 Al 1651 NYT19990812.0218 -1 Dubhe 1651 NYT20000501.0225 -1 earth 1651 APW19990614.0108 -1 four weeks 1651 NYT19990519.0246 -1 Darth Vader 1651 XIE19990622.0268 -1 Academy 1651 NYT19981029.0496 -1 horse 1651 APW19990806.0147 -1 Malin 1651 NYT19991116.0180 -1 There 1651 NYT19991116.0180 -1 the North_Star 1651 NYT19990608.0184 -1 a french 1651 NYT19990519.0246 -1 nn 1651 NYT20000826.0165 -1 star owner norm green move star 1651 NYT20000501.0225 -1 namer turn biggest firm sue star 1651 NYT19980611.0153 -1 The 1651 NYT19991215.0134 -1 Pole 1652 NYT19990605.0154 1 1941 1652 NYT19990605.0154 3 entered World War II in 1941 1652 NYT19980703.0096 1 1941 1652 NYT19990909.0121 -1 1940 1652 APW19990825.0153 -1 the early 1940s 1652 NYT19980604.0402 1 December 1941 1652 XIE19980627.0100 -1 this week 1652 APW19980721.0055 -1 1987 1652 APW19990923.0141 -1 today 1652 XIE19961204.0131 -1 December 3 1652 XIE19961204.0131 -1 Tuesday 1652 APW19981207.1801 1 Dec. 7 , 1941 1652 APW19981218.0700 -1 Thursday 1652 NYT19980717.0023 -1 1940 1652 NYT20000828.0444 -1 1939 1652 NYT19990210.0061 -1 1917 1652 XIE20000712.0145 -1 its 23rd 11 1652 APW20000710.0050 1 1941 1652 NYT19980809.0074 2 1941 1652 NYT19980604.0402 1 December , 1941 1652 NYT20000909.0010 1 1941 1652 NYT19981213.0097 -1 1940 1652 NYT19990118.0318 -1 Friday 1652 NYT19981223.0218 -1 1917 1652 NYT19990702.0179 1 1941 1652 APW19991003.0002 -1 1940 1652 NYT19981213.0133 -1 1940 1652 APW19990325.0219 -1 many lives 1652 APW19981207.1801 1 Dec 7 , 1941 1652 XIE19961204.0131 -1 1989 1652 NYT19980626.0370 -1 1979 1652 APW20000710.0050 3 in 1941 1652 NYT19990210.0063 -1 in 1940 1652 NYT19981217.0439 -1 June 4 , 1944 1652 APW19980802.0430 -1 1940 1652 XIE19961204.0131 -1 1979 1652 NYT19991111.0216 -1 1993 1652 NYT19990916.0094 -1 6000 1653 NYT20000919.0043 -1 One medium potato 1653 NYT20000919.0043 -1 starch potato 1653 NYT19980709.0436 -1 McDonald 1653 XIE19971212.0118 -1 McDonald 1653 NYT20000712.0268 -1 Not only 1653 NYT19990708.0391 -1 food 1653 NYT20000719.0112 -1 Asking 1653 NYT20000919.0043 -1 fact 1653 NYT19980827.0205 -1 Pierre 1653 NYT20000719.0112 -1 a bit like asking for french fries 1653 NYT20000906.0108 -1 dissertation on 1653 XIE19971212.0118 -1 Miami 1653 XIE20000425.0112 -1 police 1653 NYT20000712.0098 1 pommes frites 1653 NYT19981229.0428 -1 McDonald 1653 NYT19980727.0149 -1 ` ` OK but no potatoes , I 'm on a diet. ' ' 1653 NYT19981223.0389 -1 Heck 1653 APW19990918.0055 1 pommes frites 1653 NYT20000919.0043 -1 potatoes 1653 NYT19980616.0187 -1 each year 1653 NYT19990829.0182 -1 off 1653 NYT20000316.0397 -1 Foods 1653 NYT20000531.0236 -1 food 1653 APW19990413.0027 -1 The prize 1653 APW20000216.0044 -1 60 pounds 1653 NYT19990709.0172 -1 more 1653 NYT19991030.0135 -1 wearily 1653 APW19990214.0009 -1 deep fry 1653 NYT19990825.0121 -1 still eating pizza 1653 XIE19971212.0118 -1 available 1653 NYT20000919.0033 -1 soak 1653 NYT19990708.0391 -1 baguettes. 1654 APW20000506.0068 1 Prairie View A & M University in Texas 1654 APW20000513.0111 1 Texas 1654 APW20000513.0111 -1 PO Box 1654 NYT20000823.0342 -1 Prairie View A & M University 1654 NYT20000622.0266 1 Texas 1654 NYT19990715.0030 -1 Murray 1654 NYT20000308.0188 2 North Texas 1654 APW19990112.0284 1 Texas 1654 APW20000228.0239 -1 Jackson 1654 NYT19980906.0227 -1 Stevens Point 1654 APW20000506.0068 1 Texas 1654 NYT19990302.0154 1 Texas 1654 NYT20000308.0188 1 Texas 1654 NYT20000823.0342 -1 Houston 1654 NYT19981209.0355 1 Texas 1654 NYT19981109.0143 1 Texas 1654 NYT19991011.0076 2 Texas 1654 NYT19990102.0120 2 Texas 1654 APW19990112.0284 -1 College Station 1654 NYT20000212.0031 -1 Houston 1654 NYT20000622.0266 -1 Prairie_View_A&M_University 1654 NYT20000823.0342 -1 Texas Southern University 1654 NYT19981204.0450 -1 University of Texas 1654 NYT19990506.0414 -1 Houston 1654 APW19990712.0073 -1 Langston 1654 NYT19981005.0271 -1 Cedar Creek 1655 NYT19990212.0087 1 Kentucky 1655 APW19990211.0012 -1 Hardin County, Kentucky 1655 APW19990211.0012 1 Larue County , Ky 1655 NYT20000210.0209 1 Kentucky 1655 NYT19981028.0181 -1 Illinois 1655 NYT20000414.0253 -1 Lincoln 1655 NYT19990212.0116 -1 Darwin 1655 NYT19990212.0116 1 Kentucky 1655 NYT20000211.0188 -1 Lincoln 1655 APW19991021.0289 -1 NEW YORK 1655 NYT19981022.0288 1 Kentucky 1655 NYT19990122.0128 -1 LBJ 1655 NYT19991213.0333 -1 Abraham Lincoln High School 1655 NYT19990212.0155 -1 cabin 1655 NYT19990212.0087 -1 England 1655 NYT19981022.0288 -1 Hardin County, Kentucky 1655 NYT20000828.0032 -1 Lincoln 1655 XIE19961206.0280 -1 on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln 1655 NYT19980821.0499 -1 Illinois 1655 NYT20000829.0036 -1 McClellan 1655 APW19990211.0012 1 present-day Larue County 1655 NYT19980901.0150 2 in Kentucky 1655 XIE19960519.0180 -1 NIL 1655 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1655 APW19990211.0012 3 United States 1655 NYT19990506.0396 2 Kentucky 1655 NYT20000211.0188 -1 Gettysburg 1655 APW20000517.0233 -1 Michigan 1655 NYT19990417.0265 -1 America 1655 NYT19990417.0265 -1 February 1656 NYT20000629.0334 -1 reaching a top speed of 240 mph 1656 NYT19980722.0352 -1 5 mph 1656 APW19990316.0294 -1 90 mph 1656 NYT19981224.0259 -1 2 1656 APW19980604.0020 -1 200 kph 1656 NYT20000314.0146 -1 at 1656 APW19981008.0788 -1 240 kilometer 1656 APW19990920.0062 -1 4.5-mile 1656 APW19990709.0159 -1 600,000 mph 1656 APW19981008.0788 -1 at least 15 1656 APW20000610.0165 -1 speeds 1656 NYT19981022.0275 -1 $ 3 1656 APW19990316.0294 -1 280 miles 1656 APW19990317.0360 -1 280 miles 1656 APW19990317.0176 -1 90 mph 1656 NYT19980908.0392 -1 90 mph 1656 APW19991005.0065 -1 78 mph 1656 NYT19990809.0124 -1 96 feet 1656 APW20000610.0165 -1 The trains 1656 NYT19990809.0124 -1 65.4 MPH 1656 NYT19990326.0437 -1 mph 1656 APW19990317.0360 -1 90 mph 1656 NYT20000317.0045 -1 90 mph 1656 NYT19980818.0096 -1 more than 1 ,000 mph 1657 APW19980726.0289 -1 fails new attempt CALAIS 1657 APW20000831.0087 -1 northern port city of Calais 1657 XIE19980613.0057 -1 Calais 1657 NYT19980909.0340 -1 amp 1657 APW20000831.0087 -1 ports 1657 XIE19980415.0167 -1 PARIS , April 15 ( Xinhua ) -- French police 1657 APW19981105.0168 -1 port 1657 NYT19981116.0073 -1 an obscure Gaullist politician 1657 XIE19970930.0251 -1 U . S . 1657 NYT20000330.0196 -1 believe that she is sent by God to help them drive the English back across the Channel 1657 XIE19960531.0074 -1 lead 1657 XIE19961006.0168 -1 SNCF 1657 XIE19990701.0537 -1 Angolo Normand islands 1657 NYT20000612.0041 1 La Manche 1657 NYT19990203.0047 -1 phone 1657 XIE20000314.0079 -1 Arabic 1657 NYT20000113.0155 -1 Sunday 1657 NYT20000621.0161 -1 the North Sea 1657 NYT20000829.0099 -1 Cross 1657 APW20000831.0087 -1 The British government demanded action 1657 NYT19980904.0368 -1 ? 7 . In which year of the 1657 NYT19991111.0397 -1 NIL 1657 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1657 NYT20000612.0041 3 white duds travels a couple of hundred miles to the northwest across La Manche 1657 NYT19991104.0305 -1 dung 1657 NYT19990203.0047 -1 prompting the company to send out a rem 1657 APW19990610.0164 -1 Oxygen, being developed by talk show hos 1657 NYT19981207.0120 -1 And 1658 NYT19990328.0086 3 1874 - 1963 1658 NYT19990328.0086 3 1874 - 1915 1658 APW19990325.0139 1 1875 1658 NYT20000412.0114 -1 1914 1658 APW20000325.0140 1 1875 1658 NYT19990328.0086 1 1874 1658 NYT19990328.0086 -1 1996 1658 APW19990325.0139 -1 1892 1658 APW19990325.0139 -1 1911 1658 NYT20000717.0004 -1 December 1658 XIE19970223.0156 -1 event. enditem =02230648 =02230654 NNNN 14:54 14:54 g # PAB 1658 NYT19990406.0168 1 1874 1658 NYT19990810.0173 2 1874 1658 NYT20000215.0057 1 1874 1658 NYT19980604.0225 -1 1997 1658 NYT19980604.0232 -1 1997 1658 APW19990325.0139 1 In 1875 1658 APW20000325.0140 1 In 1875 1658 NYT20000629.0244 -1 18th-century New England 1658 NYT20000215.0057 -1 1963 1658 APW19980719.0616 2 1874 1658 APW19990419.0044 -1 1949 1659 APW19990630.0059 3 born in Duluth 1659 APW20000107.0103 -1 Rolling Stone 1659 NYT19980807.0311 -1 New York 1659 APW19990411.0037 1 Duluth, Minnesota 1659 APW19990411.0037 1 DULUTH , Minn 1659 NYT20000110.0075 -1 Blonde 1659 APW19990411.0037 3 Duluth 1659 NYT19990728.0543 -1 CONCERT 1659 APW20000726.0062 -1 NewYork 1659 APW20000726.0062 1 Duluth, Minn., 1659 APW19991012.0233 -1 NEW YORK 1659 NYT20000920.0145 -1 Houston 1659 APW19990411.0094 -1 Folk City 1659 APW20000726.0062 1 Duluth , Minn. 1659 APW20000726.0062 3 Duluth 1659 NYT20000107.0098 -1 Hurricane 1659 APW19990106.0168 3 Minnesota 1659 APW20000106.0170 -1 Bruce Springsteen 1659 APW19990630.0059 1 Duluth, Minnesota 1659 APW20000106.0170 -1 Rolling Stone 1659 NYT19981125.0243 -1 hall 1659 APW19990411.0037 3 DULUTH 1659 APW19990630.0059 3 Duluth 1659 NYT19980901.0213 2 in Duluth 1659 NYT19990718.0126 -1 NIL 1659 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1659 APW20000625.0033 -1 Nashville 1659 NYT20000914.0060 -1 Gore 1659 APW20000726.0062 -1 HIBBING 1659 APW20000726.0062 -1 Hibbing 1659 NYT19981006.0406 -1 Manchester 1659 APW20000726.0062 -1 Born 1660 NYT19991220.0312 -1 Col. Tom Parker 1660 NYT19991220.0312 -1 Tom Parker 1660 NYT19981029.0267 -1 's early , sexy years 1660 APW20000810.0058 -1 Internet 1660 NYT19990429.0354 -1 Aaron 1660 NYT20000403.0368 -1 MAYOR Elvis Presley 1660 APW19990506.0137 -1 Currie Grant 1660 NYT19990201.0298 -1 like 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 a Welsh name 1660 APW20000609.0093 -1 January 1660 APW20000810.0070 -1 LasVegas 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 that Elvis twin 1660 NYT19991009.0106 -1 Texaco 1660 APW20000814.0067 -1 Memphis Mafia 1660 NYT19991108.0177 -1 Henry Aaron 1660 NYT19990805.0354 1 Aron 1660 NYT19990805.0354 -1 Graceland 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 Gladys 1660 APW19990312.0053 -1 Windmills 1660 XIE19960322.0172 -1 Stojko 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 Jesse Garon Presley 1660 NYT19981214.0225 -1 Aaron 1660 APW19990826.0180 1 Elvis Aaron Presley 1660 NYT19981029.0267 -1 Peter Guralnick 1660 APW19990506.0137 -1 singer 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 1935 1660 NYT19990114.0351 -1 Peter Guralnick 1660 APW19990312.0162 -1 AP 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 Garon 1660 NYT19990208.0467 -1 Welsh terrier 1660 APW19990312.0162 -1 the Court 1660 NYT20000612.0139 -1 Welsh 1660 NYT19990805.0354 -1 the shadow of Graceland and Elvis Presley Enterprises 1660 NYT19981231.0080 -1 the King 's quiet interregnum , but , as Guralnick carefully details , it 1660 NYT19981214.0225 -1 Presley 's 1660 APW20000209.0089 -1 Elvis 1660 APW20000423.0089 -1 Patsy Cline 1660 NYT19981121.0223 -1 Elvis Stahr 1660 NYT19981029.0267 -1 last train 1660 APW19990312.0162 -1 Box 1660 APW19990312.0162 -1 shrine 1660 NYT20000816.0435 -1 the peopl preslei enterpris control 1660 APW20000609.0093 -1 place end june million donat preslei 1660 NYT19981001.0173 -1 Venice 1661 NYT19981219.0216 -1 motto 1661 NYT19981219.0216 -1 America 1661 NYT19990405.0199 -1 national motto 1661 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Duritz 's label 1661 NYT20000112.0359 -1 a patriotic `` E Pluribus Unum '' necktie and a mischievous twinkle in his eye , Buchanan 1661 APW20000421.0113 -1 10 1661 NYT19990721.0095 -1 United States of America 1661 NYT19990923.0372 -1 a six - pointed star 1661 NYT20000405.0278 -1 customer service representative at 1661 NYT19990618.0265 -1 the Latin phrase 1661 NYT19990721.0095 -1 designation 1661 NYT19980919.0111 -1 more 1661 NYT19991124.0068 1 out of many , one 1661 NYT19981219.0216 -1 One. 1661 APW19990406.0252 -1 Edward F. Borden Jr 1661 NYT19980923.0109 -1 Clinton 1661 NYT19981219.0216 -1 eagle 1661 NYT19990618.0265 1 out of the many , one . 1661 NYT19981219.0216 -1 motto E 1661 NYT20000120.0096 -1 band on the tour is Joe 90, a junior guitar-jam ensemble signed to Duritz's label, E Pluribus Unum. 1661 APW20000421.0113 -1 The statue 1661 NYT19980901.0147 2 out of many , one . This is 1661 APW20000421.0113 1 Out of many, one 1661 NYT19990618.0265 -1 It 1661 APW19990630.0152 -1 Unum 1661 NYT19990618.0265 -1 ' ' ' she said 1661 NYT19990618.0265 -1 Texas 1661 NYT19980610.0481 -1 usahistory 1661 NYT19980610.0481 -1 wheat 1661 NYT19981123.0486 -1 UNUM Provident, will be to try to sell i 1661 NYT19990426.0231 -1 Classics 1662 XIE20000311.0013 -1 1991 1662 NYT20000717.0104 -1 1948 1662 XIE19971218.0313 -1 December 23 1662 APW19980617.1026 2 70 AD 1662 XIE19971218.0313 -1 December 23. 1662 NYT20000317.0218 -1 Monday night 1662 XIE19980124.0045 -1 past two years 1662 XIE19990131.0007 -1 January 31 1662 NYT19990614.0149 -1 1923 1662 NYT19990614.0149 -1 1989 1662 APW19980716.1320 1 70 A.D. 1662 NYT20000330.0202 -1 70 1662 XIE19960609.0100 -1 August 1990 1662 XIE19960609.0056 -1 1932 1662 NYT20000321.0279 -1 70 1662 NYT19991211.0212 -1 Dec. 1, 1924 1662 XIE19971218.0313 -1 on December 1662 NYT19990612.0109 -1 1923 1662 XIE19971218.0313 -1 the ceremony 1662 NYT20000319.0235 -1 NIL 1662 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1662 XIE19971218.0313 -1 on December 23 1662 NYT20000321.0279 -1 45 million home 1662 NYT20000315.0265 -1 1998 1662 NYT20000321.0279 -1 1948 1663 XIE19991001.0101 -1 Star 1663 APW19981011.0397 -1 stored in a house to make fireworks 1663 APW20000702.0003 -1 Chinese 1663 NYT19981105.0163 -1 New Year 1663 XIE20000328.0230 -1 Chinese 1663 NYT19990702.0075 -1 Heckman 1663 APW19980814.0346 -1 minor 1663 APW19990926.0200 -1 AP 1663 NYT19990706.0005 -1 California 1663 APW19981013.1141 -1 a Tultepec home 1663 XIE19961221.0113 -1 German Charity 1663 APW19980814.0346 -1 AP 1663 XIE20000826.0115 1 Pyrotechnists 1663 NYT19990821.0053 -1 phone 1663 NYT19980624.0510 -1 a 1663 APW20000101.0133 -1 Hillary Rodham Clinton 1663 APW19990312.0275 -1 Louisville 1663 NYT20000101.0003 -1 Clinton 1663 XIE19991001.0101 -1 pyrotechnics 1663 NYT19990318.0259 -1 Ferguson 1663 APW20000101.0005 -1 President Clinton 1663 NYT19981105.0163 -1 Mexicans 1663 XIE19971014.0265 -1 Clinton 1663 APW20000702.0003 -1 AP 1663 XIE19960213.0120 -1 1980s 1663 NYT19990705.0038 -1 NIL 1663 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1663 NYT19990212.0468 -1 Harold Meyers 1663 NYT19980630.0051 -1 Professor Pyro 1663 APW19981011.0397 -1 six children 1663 NYT19980916.0063 -1 English Bay 1663 NYT19990702.0073 -1 Bret Swenson 1663 APW19990701.0242 -1 Read 1664 APW19981218.0519 -1 Branson 1664 NYT19990430.0358 -1 Albanian 1664 NYT19981019.0383 -1 302-184 1664 XIE19970609.0155 -1 Air 1664 NYT19990512.0355 -1 Matt 1664 NYT19990830.0332 -1 field 1664 XIE19971215.0052 -1 Columbia AirLife 1664 XIE20000609.0315 -1 U. S. S 1664 NYT19990428.0339 -1 Wells 1664 XIE19990221.0081 -1 Xinhua 1664 APW19990227.0063 -1 William Avery 1664 APW19981218.0279 -1 Branson 1664 APW20000909.0063 1 Igor Sikorsky 1664 NYT19980601.0040 -1 Chuck Person 1664 APW20000126.0392 -1 Elian 1664 NYT19990225.0101 -1 Bell 1664 NYT19980918.0210 -1 Cherney 1664 APW19990614.0036 -1 Lodge 1664 NYT19981029.0188 -1 Rotary Rocket 1664 NYT19981203.0146 -1 Edgerton 1664 APW19990415.0322 -1 Abrahams 1664 APW19990707.0102 -1 Clinton 1664 NYT19990913.0333 -1 Pryor 1664 APW19980611.0950 -1 AP 1664 APW19990609.0273 -1 the worst IDP cases 1664 XIE19970624.0129 -1 NIL 1664 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1664 NYT20000629.0408 -1 Graham 1664 APW20000110.0158 2 Sikorsky 1664 NYT19981201.0246 -1 George W. Bush 1664 XIE19980114.0012 -1 Premier Boris Nemtsov 1664 NYT19990825.0370 -1 La Dolce Vita 1664 NYT19980601.0579 -1 Darrel Harris 1664 XIE19960916.0206 -1 Chen 1665 APW20000420.0060 1 1939 1665 APW20000420.0060 -1 Constitution Hall 1665 NYT20000208.0093 -1 20th century 1665 APW19990408.0304 1 1939 1665 NYT20000725.0074 1 1939 1665 NYT19990215.0287 1 1939 1665 NYT20000208.0093 -1 20th 1665 NYT19991215.0158 1 1939 1665 NYT20000209.0369 -1 1955 1665 NYT20000209.0369 -1 Sunday 1665 NYT19981209.0513 -1 January 1955 1665 NYT20000209.0369 -1 Easter Sunday 1665 XIE19991228.0038 -1 August 1963 1665 NYT20000208.0093 -1 contralto 1665 NYT20000208.0093 -1 the 20th century 1665 NYT20000208.0093 1 1939 1665 NYT20000208.0093 -1 2000-02-08 1665 NYT19991215.0165 1 1939 1665 XIE19960528.0018 -1 time 1665 NYT19980603.0182 1 1939 1665 APW19990408.0304 1 In 1939 1665 NYT19980603.0182 -1 1897-1993 1665 NYT19990417.0265 -1 1991 1666 XIE19960210.0183 3 Return Guantanamo to Cuba HAVANA 1666 NYT19990423.0316 -1 American 1666 XIE19980515.0282 3 Guantanamo Bay Naval 1666 NYT19990406.0293 3 Guantanamo Bay Naval 1666 NYT19990415.0388 1 Guantanamo Bay Naval 1666 XIE19980515.0282 -1 President Bill Clinton 1666 XIE19960210.0183 1 Guantanamo 1666 XIE19960210.0183 -1 HAVANA , February 9 ( Xinhua ) -- Former U.S. Rear Admiral Eugene Carroll today 1666 XIE19980915.0254 -1 8 woman 1666 XIE19960709.0056 3 Guantanamo Bay WASHINGTON 1666 XIE19960308.0208 -1 Indiana 1666 NYT19990105.0483 -1 return engagement in 1666 NYT19990409.0234 1 Guantanamo Bay 1666 NYT19990406.0293 1 Guantanamo Bay 1666 XIE19960216.0230 1 Guantanamo 1666 XIE19980515.0282 1 Guantanamo Bay 1666 XIE19961130.0042 -1 Shannon 1666 APW20000108.0190 -1 About 100 1666 NYT19990506.0352 3 base at Guantanamo Bay 1666 NYT20000321.0378 -1 National Council of the Churches 1666 NYT19990405.0457 3 the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay 1666 XIE19981021.0273 -1 United States 1666 APW20000819.0121 -1 Bay 1666 XIE19960210.0183 -1 HAVANA 1666 XIE19980515.0282 1 Guantanamo 1666 XIE19981021.0273 -1 One bit of information exclusively -- one thing fundamentally -- and that 1666 NYT19990611.0121 -1 Cuba 1666 APW19990410.0008 -1 the designated site 1666 NYT19990423.0316 1 Guantanamo Bay 1666 NYT19981223.0325 -1 Manuel Viramontes 1666 APW20000825.0203 -1 Cuba 1666 APW20000824.0195 -1 Cuba 1666 NYT19990406.0086 1 Guantanamo 1666 XIE19960210.0183 -1 prison 1666 APW19990310.0111 -1 aftermath 1666 APW19980727.1167 -1 Foreign Ministry 1666 XIE19980507.0329 -1 present cuba pose signific threat u.S. 1666 APW19990727.0194 -1 U.N. Economic 1666 NYT19990421.0390 -1 Ellis Island 1667 APW20000505.0094 -1 merged Frankfurt 1667 APW19990401.0021 -1 BP Amoco 1667 XIE19990902.0050 -1 UK 1667 NYT20000914.0286 -1 The situation 1667 APW19980707.0102 -1 talk 1667 NYT20000831.0285 -1 Deutsche Boerse 1667 APW20000503.0066 -1 The London Stock Exchange and Germany's Deutsche Boerse 1667 APW19980707.0102 -1 London 1667 NYT20000901.0022 -1 tech 1667 APW19980707.0675 -1 Frankfurt 1667 XIE19960108.0071 1 LSE 1667 XIE20000503.0113 1 LSE 1667 XIE19960105.0169 1 LSE 1667 APW19980909.0391 -1 Financial Times-Stock Exchange 1667 APW19990730.0294 1 LSE 1667 NYT19980921.0423 -1 Frankfurt 1667 XIE19960703.0330 -1 dollars 1667 NYT19990730.0238 -1 a global phenomenon 1667 NYT20000501.0409 -1 the London Stock_Exchange 1667 NYT20000503.0330 -1 London 1667 XIE19980623.0039 -1 building of the London stock exchange, and a model TGV train motor car on Wall Street in New York. 1667 NYT19980707.0268 -1 futures 1667 APW19990405.0009 -1 stock exchang close london london 1667 APW19990601.0314 -1 Prices 1668 APW19990325.0289 1 Yellowstone National Park 1668 NYT19990724.0061 1 Yellowstone 1668 APW19980908.1238 -1 Mexico 1668 APW20000719.0110 2 Yellowstone 1668 APW19990226.0197 -1 California 1668 APW19990325.0289 -1 U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth in Washington , D.C. , 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 Mexico City 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 AP 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 DE 1668 APW19980909.0081 -1 Mexico 1668 XIE19970225.0199 -1 Building 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 Mexico 1668 APW19990325.0289 1 Yellowstone 1668 NYT19981116.0321 -1 Everglades 1668 NYT19990212.0083 -1 California 1668 APW19990419.0204 -1 Commerce 1668 APW19980918.0644 -1 Virunga National Park 1668 NYT19990724.0061 1 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 1668 NYT19990724.0061 1 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL 1668 APW19991022.0214 -1 Black Canyon 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 DESIERTO DE LOS LEONES NATIONAL PARK 1668 NYT20000508.0185 -1 United States 1668 APW19990325.0289 -1 Washington 1668 APW19981029.1445 -1 Virunga 1668 NYT19980713.0157 -1 Missions Park 1668 NYT19980622.0325 -1 America 's oldest cities 1668 APW19990325.0289 -1 national park 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 soothing contrast 1668 NYT19990309.0263 -1 the Sonoran Desert National Park 1668 APW19980908.1277 -1 pollution 1668 XIE19990913.0142 -1 Chinese 1668 NYT19990624.0163 -1 North Hollywood 1668 APW20000627.0019 -1 US 1669 NYT19980702.0442 1 20,320 feet 1669 NYT19990706.0142 1 20,320 - foot 1669 NYT20000823.0109 1 20 , 320 feet 1669 NYT19990526.0225 1 20,320 feet 1669 APW19990605.0158 2 20,320 ft. (6,194m) 1669 NYT19990706.0142 1 20,320-foot 1669 NYT20000823.0109 1 20,320 feet 1669 NYT19990526.0225 -1 345 feet 1669 NYT19980820.0287 -1 12,000-feet 1669 XIE19970406.0079 -1 a 42 1669 NYT19980702.0235 -1 50 miles 1669 NYT19980820.0287 1 20,320-foot 1669 NYT19990526.0225 1 20,320 feet 1669 NYT20000814.0324 1 20,320 feet 1669 APW20000822.0177 1 20,400-foot 1669 NYT19980702.0441 1 20,320 feet 1669 NYT20000814.0324 -1 north 235 miles 1669 NYT19980731.0281 -1 Alaska 1669 APW20000819.0055 1 20,400-foot 1669 NYT19980702.0235 1 20,320 feet 1669 APW19990523.0094 -1 11,245 feet tall 1669 APW20000822.0177 1 20,400 - foot 1669 NYT20000814.0324 1 20,320 foot 1669 NYT19980702.0445 1 20,320 feet 1669 APW19990605.0158 -1 10 yards 1669 NYT19980923.0059 -1 two-headed 1669 APW19980703.1248 1 6,194-meter 1669 NYT19980820.0287 -1 50 miles 1669 APW19990520.0057 -1 one 1669 NYT19981125.0391 -1 Cook 's diary and photographs 1669 NYT19980922.0249 1 20,320 feet 1669 NYT19990526.0225 1 20320 feet 1669 APW19980703.1248 1 20320 foot 1669 NYT19980821.0433 -1 79 inch 1669 NYT19981125.0351 -1 90 years 1669 APW19990605.0158 -1 10 yards 1669 NYT19980702.0188 1 20 ,320 feet 1670 APW19990618.0049 -1 Shenandoah 1670 APW20000528.0116 -1 Daniel Adams Butterfield 1670 APW19990919.0033 -1 Civil War 1670 NYT19980730.0299 -1 Jackson 1670 XIE19990903.0486 -1 National Union for the Total Independence of Angola 1670 NYT19980710.0119 -1 Gettysburg 1670 NYT19990810.0124 -1 Bull Run 1670 NYT19980730.0299 -1 John Bracken 1670 NYT19980624.0480 -1 Richard Shoemaker 1670 APW19990730.0243 -1 Trust Bank 1670 NYT19980915.0249 -1 strange phenomenon 1670 NYT19980817.0267 -1 Civil War 1670 NYT19990825.0341 -1 South Africa 1670 NYT20000905.0251 -1 Mordred 1670 NYT19980615.0231 2 Sheridan 1670 APW20000712.0073 -1 Confederate 1670 APW19990406.0062 -1 Ulysses S. Grant 1670 NYT19980915.0247 -1 Murray 1670 NYT19980915.0249 -1 Minor 1670 APW19990730.0243 -1 ANB 1670 NYT20000617.0013 -1 Mike_Bolley 1670 NYT19980710.0216 -1 the Union line 1670 APW19990730.0243 -1 Co. of Muncie, Peoples Loan & Trust Bank of Winchester, and Farmers State Bank of Union City, Ohio. 1670 NYT19980915.0249 -1 Yale Medical School 1670 NYT19980630.0107 -1 Scott Harshbarger 1670 XIE19960815.0094 -1 Labor Confederation 1670 NYT19981125.0365 -1 William Tecumseh Sherman 1670 NYT19980906.0090 -1 Murray 1670 NYT19980630.0107 -1 McGovern 1670 XIE19971206.0075 -1 General 1671 NYT19991130.0135 1 London 1671 XIE19980706.0058 1 London 1671 NYT19981029.0146 1 London 1671 NYT20000905.0043 1 London 1671 XIE20000405.0072 -1 in the clock tower 1671 NYT19990104.0268 -1 in the clock tower 1671 NYT19990927.0322 -1 in the clock tower 1671 NYT19981022.0299 -1 NEW YORK _ Sometimes 1671 NYT20000328.0341 -1 Oakland 1671 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Vermont 1671 NYT20000724.0344 -1 OK 1671 NYT19990825.0321 1 London 1671 NYT20000501.0410 -1 New York 1671 NYT20000328.0341 -1 Calif. 1671 APW19980901.0901 1 London 1671 NYT19991227.0126 1 London 1671 NYT19990202.0085 -1 Tower of London 1671 NYT20000105.0430 -1 St. Petersburg 1671 NYT20000807.0278 2 London 1671 XIE20000101.0094 1 London 1671 XIE19970102.0018 1 London 1671 NYT19990324.0115 1 London 1671 NYT20000515.0390 1 London, England 1671 NYT20000718.0142 1 London 1671 APW20000607.0062 -1 Thames 1671 NYT19980921.0423 2 London 1671 NYT19990817.0126 1 London 1671 APW19990308.0318 -1 Pitt 1671 XIE19960901.0002 -1 in Roermond 1671 NYT19990202.0085 1 London 1671 NYT20000412.0354 -1 NIL 1671 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1671 NYT20000115.0059 -1 Vatican City 1671 NYT19981117.0082 -1 the Parliament House 1671 NYT20000412.0208 -1 Dreyer 1671 NYT20000807.0278 2 England 1672 XIE19970626.0280 -1 Cuba 1672 APW19991026.0098 -1 Australia 1672 APW19990122.0202 1 Brazil 1672 XIE19970721.0160 -1 States ' fifth-largest export market 1672 XIE19981205.0017 -1 U.S 1672 XIE19970311.0278 -1 Caribbean 1672 XIE19970626.0280 -1 South Africa 1672 XIE19970115.0224 -1 Hu 1672 XIE19970812.0122 -1 Thailand 1672 XIE19961010.0246 -1 trade breakthrough in some 1672 XIE19960717.0251 -1 MEXICO CITY 1672 NYT19981001.0043 -1 JAPAN 1672 NYT19991110.0167 -1 Canada 1672 XIE19970721.0160 1 Brazil 1672 XIE19990531.0251 -1 African 1672 NYT20000817.0396 -1 Louisiana 1672 XIE19991027.0264 -1 China 1672 XIE19991027.0264 -1 Cuba 1672 XIE19970626.0280 2 Brazil 1672 XIE19960720.0205 -1 BEIJING 1672 NYT20000519.0257 1 BRAZIL 1672 APW19980815.0621 -1 Nevis 1672 XIE19970311.0278 -1 Venezuela 1672 XIE19991027.0264 -1 products from Latin_America to China in 1996 , were soya , sugar_cane , fish meal , iron , cotton and wool fibres , steel laminates , copper , wood_pulp , iron and steel tubes , fertilizers and fish products 1672 XIE19970111.0161 -1 sugar_cane 1672 XIE19960908.0079 -1 China 1672 APW19980916.0952 -1 especially Ecuador 1672 XIE19971223.0255 -1 China 1672 NYT19990527.0233 -1 Alabama 1673 NYT20000214.0331 -1 Prey 1673 NYT20000214.0539 -1 Prey 1673 NYT20000214.0539 -1 Birds of Prey 1673 NYT19980824.0382 -1 28 years 1673 NYT20000525.0098 -1 species 1673 NYT20000214.0331 -1 1970 1673 APW19990906.0196 -1 1998 1673 NYT19980825.0269 -1 late-morning 1673 NYT19980825.0269 -1 Earth 1673 NYT19980824.0382 -1 1968 1673 NYT19980712.0203 -1 1960s 1673 NYT19980713.0242 1 spring 1673 NYT19980601.0087 -1 August 1673 NYT19990908.0108 -1 Canadians 1673 NYT20000214.0540 -1 2000 1673 NYT19980713.0242 -1 1988 1673 NYT19980713.0242 -1 this year 1673 NYT19990802.0123 -1 1991 1673 NYT20000214.0537 -1 2000 1673 APW19990820.0165 -1 low point 1673 NYT19990802.0123 -1 May 1673 NYT20000214.0292 -1 Aug . 9 , 1970 1673 NYT20000214.0331 -1 Aug . 9 , 1970 1673 NYT20000214.0331 -1 a spectacular moment 1673 NYT19990802.0123 -1 late May 1673 NYT20000214.0532 -1 1 1673 NYT20000104.0279 -1 1973 1673 NYT20000214.0292 -1 Aug. 9 1673 NYT20000214.0292 -1 1970 1673 APW19990820.0165 -1 1970 1673 NYT19980602.0105 -1 the Middle Ages 1674 NYT19981221.0432 -1 1969 or President Nixon 's resignation 1674 APW19990710.0102 -1 July 18 , 1969 1674 NYT20000904.0230 1 July 20 , 1969 1674 NYT20000904.0230 -1 the day 1674 XIE19990721.0075 -1 Apollo 11 mission 1674 APW20000607.0059 -1 Friday 1674 APW19981020.1367 3 July 20 , 1969 : Apollo 11 's Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land on moon . 1674 NYT19990716.0317 -1 event 1674 NYT20000210.0005 -1 Earth 1674 NYT19990723.0042 -1 1969 1674 APW20000607.0059 1 July 20, 1969, 1674 NYT19990715.0521 1 July 20, 1969 1674 APW19990717.0043 1 July 20, 1969 1674 APW20000607.0059 1 July 20 , 1969 1674 APW19990717.0042 1 July 20 , 1969 1674 APW19990717.0043 -1 1969 1674 NYT19990719.0360 -1 1969 1674 APW19990710.0102 -1 two days 1674 APW19990717.0042 -1 1969 1674 NYT19990717.0119 1 July 20 , 1969 1674 XIE19990721.0075 3 July 20 1674 NYT19990714.0469 -1 July 14 , 1999 1674 APW19981020.1367 -1 20 1674 APW20000607.0059 1 July 20, 1969 1674 NYT19990727.0017 -1 1969 1674 NYT19990720.0021 -1 Buzz Aldrin 1674 APW19990716.0053 -1 Tuesday 1674 NYT19990714.0277 1 July 20 , 1969 1674 NYT19990714.0278 -1 1969 1674 NYT20000210.0004 1 July 20 , 1969 1674 NYT19990719.0360 1 on July 20 , 1969 1674 NYT19990716.0076 1 on July 20 , 1969 1674 NYT19990727.0017 3 July 20 1674 APW19990717.0043 -1 Friday 1674 APW19990710.0102 -1 July 18, 1969 1674 NYT19990630.0203 -1 today 1675 NYT19991026.0002 -1 Chorus 1675 NYT20000327.0049 -1 cream 1675 APW19990317.0192 -1 Spencer Davis 1675 NYT19980817.0168 -1 Man 1675 NYT19990514.0232 -1 band 1675 NYT20000421.0181 -1 first 1675 NYT20000207.0529 -1 Kenner-Jackson 1675 NYT19990831.0183 -1 Detroit 1675 NYT19980918.0542 -1 Los Super Seven 1675 NYT19990514.0232 -1 man 1675 NYT19990711.0087 -1 Side 1675 NYT19990514.0232 1 Turtles 1675 NYT19980623.0250 -1 all 1675 NYT19991008.0004 -1 Garry Bonner 1675 APW19990605.0091 -1 Together Again 1675 NYT19980816.0193 -1 Choir 1675 NYT19981113.0503 -1 German 1675 NYT19991008.0004 1 Turtles 1675 NYT19980817.0168 -1 Addams Family Reunion 1675 APW19991020.0149 -1 duet 1675 XIE19970607.0174 -1 1997-06-07 1675 NYT19990514.0232 -1 the band's 1675 NYT19980930.0177 -1 Franklin 1675 XIE19980909.0071 -1 the United Nations headquarters 1675 NYT19980831.0220 -1 1998_N.Y._Times_News_Service_NEW_YORK _ Brazilfest ' 98 , a condensed program at the Damrosch_Park_Band_Shell on Sunday night , 1675 NYT19990514.0232 -1 all the masters 1675 NYT19991013.0081 -1 this band 1675 NYT20000929.0089 -1 Beatles 1675 NYT19981004.0141 -1 Beatles 1675 NYT19990514.0232 -1 people 1675 APW19991020.0149 -1 Garland 1675 NYT19991015.0084 -1 he hear annual happi dai held he hear 1675 NYT20000216.0455 -1 Rock 1675 NYT19990104.0053 -1 Nashville 1676 NYT20000622.0338 -1 1996 1676 APW19990923.0349 -1 1997 1676 NYT19990318.0269 -1 2 1/2 years 1676 NYT20000623.0040 -1 September 1997 1676 NYT20000622.0311 -1 Thursday 1676 NYT20000622.0338 -1 Thursday 1676 XIE19961208.0050 -1 December 8 1676 NYT19981210.0381 -1 the 1970s 1676 NYT19991129.0399 -1 over the last four decades 1676 XIE19981212.0306 -1 September 1999 1676 APW19990103.0127 -1 1997 1676 NYT19990527.0286 -1 1997 1676 NYT19990417.0228 -1 1980 1676 NYT20000525.0320 -1 Thursday 1676 NYT19990308.0224 -1 47 42 17 11 1676 APW19990923.0014 -1 later that year 1676 NYT19991206.0165 -1 2001 1676 APW19990923.0345 -1 1997 1676 NYT20000914.0062 -1 SEPT. 18, 2000 1676 NYT19990308.0471 -1 March 08 , 1999 1676 NYT20000727.0261 -1 19:26 1676 XIE19991102.0122 -1 2003 1676 NYT19981210.0562 -1 1997 1676 APW20000810.0114 -1 life 1676 NYT19981204.0183 -1 Jan . 3 1676 APW19990923.0168 -1 this year 1676 APW19990923.0014 -1 1997 1676 APW19990923.0168 -1 In 1997 1676 APW19990923.0349 -1 In 1997 1676 NYT20000621.0388 1 June 21 , 2000 1676 APW19990923.0168 -1 1997 1676 NYT19981204.0183 -1 1997 1676 NYT20000724.0371 -1 2002 1677 NYT19980909.0047 -1 New York Yankees teammate 1677 NYT19990309.0009 -1 Mick 1677 NYT20000201.0149 -1 of the Nazi Holocaust 1677 NYT20000529.0171 -1 dicta dictate dictatorial diction 1677 NYT19980725.0076 -1 But when Mantle 's son , Billy , 1677 NYT19991002.0215 -1 Atlas 1677 NYT19980630.0040 -1 N . J . 1677 NYT20000919.0073 -1 1995 1677 NYT19990628.0086 -1 sprinkler head 1677 NYT20000410.0365 -1 Hunter 1677 NYT19980909.0047 -1 same way 1677 NYT19980807.0428 1 cancer 1677 NYT20000911.0296 -1 Babe Ruth 1677 NYT19981211.0369 -1 One client 1677 NYT19980722.0167 -1 baseball 1677 NYT19980807.0428 -1 Mickey Mantle 1677 NYT19980727.0149 -1 naturally 1677 NYT19980909.0047 -1 Yankees 1677 NYT19980909.0047 -1 the many ballplayers 1677 NYT19981119.0047 -1 NIL 1677 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1677 NYT19980903.0346 -1 a New Yorker's point of view 1677 NYT19980630.0040 -1 Mickey Mantle 1677 APW19981029.1296 -1 Mantle's hair, ``ghoulish.'' 1678 NYT19990520.0207 1 Hoover 1678 APW19980623.1475 1 Herbert Hoover 1678 NYT19981125.0341 1 Herbert Hoover 1678 XIE19961107.0171 -1 Bill Clinton 1678 NYT20000405.0207 2 Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Clark Hoover 1678 NYT20000718.0305 2 Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Clark Hoover 1678 XIE20000716.0186 3 Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Clark Hoover 1678 XIE20000909.0027 -1 Jiang Zemin 1678 APW19990307.0072 -1 Armando Calderon Sol 1678 XIE20000716.0186 1 Herbert Hoover 1678 XIE20000729.0165 -1 Georgia Carter 1678 XIE19980706.0149 -1 Yugoslav President 1678 APW20000816.0109 -1 Hakan Astrom 1678 APW20000812.0043 -1 Glass Cage 1678 APW19981213.1149 1 Herbert Hoover 1678 XIE20000804.0323 -1 George Bush 1678 APW19990723.0074 1 Hoover 1678 NYT20000519.0209 1 Herbert Hoover 1678 APW19990412.0085 -1 Clinton 1678 NYT20000113.0215 1 Herbert Hoover 1678 XIE19980625.0184 -1 Clinton 1678 XIE19971014.0265 -1 Clinton 1678 APW19981130.0113 -1 Ershad 1678 APW19980909.1421 -1 Nguyen Manh Cam 1678 XIE19980625.0184 -1 Hillary 1678 XIE19991122.0280 -1 White_House_John_Podesta 1678 APW19990307.0072 -1 President 1678 XIE19991122.0280 -1 Bill Clinton 1678 XIE19990707.0026 -1 Bill Clinton 1678 APW19981012.1283 -1 Lee Harvey Oswald 1678 NYT20000222.0510 -1 the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1678 NYT19991217.0222 -1 President Woodrow Wilson 1678 XIE19980629.0132 -1 President Clinton Donates 1678 NYT19980610.0188 -1 Gaudi 1678 APW19990412.0128 -1 Presidents 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 3 - mile 1679 NYT19990823.0238 -1 10 miles 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 3- mile 1679 XIE19961204.0067 -1 3476 km 1679 XIE19960928.0090 -1 2.1 meters 1679 NYT19991011.0226 -1 125 miles 1679 XIE19990922.0081 -1 1. Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji talk at the 4th Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) 1679 APW19981106.1139 -1 3,598 kilometer 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 Jupiter's 16 1679 NYT19990316.0297 -1 Arizona 1679 APW19990119.0153 -1 1,440 miles 1679 XIE19960626.0071 -1 Earth-like 1679 APW19990210.0112 -1 1,430 miles 1679 NYT19991011.0226 -1 about 125 miles 1679 NYT19990216.0097 1 2,159 miles 1679 APW19981013.1191 -1 2,236 miles 1679 XIE19961202.0139 -1 70 kilometers 1679 APW19990120.0026 -1 1,440 miles 1679 XIE19990119.0018 -1 500 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 3-mile 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 3,480km 1679 APW20000722.0130 -1 3 mile 1679 XIE19990403.0095 -1 one - meter deep 1679 APW19990119.0241 -1 only 1,440 miles 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 3 miles 1679 NYT19980901.0277 -1 about that of Earth , and because of 1679 XIE19971102.0215 -1 the other about 160 kilometers 1679 NYT19990316.0297 -1 the moon 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 3 mile 1679 APW20000723.0012 -1 7.5 miles 1679 XIE19960928.0090 -1 2.1 metre 1679 NYT19990531.0167 -1 25 miles 1679 XIE19960928.0090 -1 208 kilograms 1679 NYT20000110.0295 -1 100 feet 1679 XIE19960928.0090 -1 Moon 1680 NYT19981216.0279 1 Britain 1680 NYT20000905.0251 -1 Ireland 1680 NYT19980622.0239 -1 Penzance 1680 XIE20000217.0219 -1 China 1680 XIE19990801.0172 -1 Spain 1680 NYT19991115.0198 -1 Opera 1680 APW19980921.0646 -1 origin 1680 XIE19960522.0197 -1 Ly Thuch 1680 XIE19981016.0094 -1 Mozambique 1680 NYT20000905.0251 1 England 1680 XIE20000621.0284 -1 Morocco 1680 APW19980807.0057 -1 Peru 1680 NYT20000330.0138 -1 Vermont 1680 APW19980806.0809 1 Britain 1680 NYT19980604.0235 -1 Camelot 1680 NYT19990621.0408 -1 Amendment 1680 NYT20000103.0266 -1 Israel 1680 XIE19981121.0020 -1 Swaziland 1680 XIE19990208.0248 -1 Indonesia 1680 NYT19981113.0237 2 Britain 1680 NYT20000901.0211 1 England 1680 NYT20000718.0142 -1 Jamaica 1680 XIE19990130.0118 -1 Jamaica 1680 APW19990807.0147 -1 U.S. 1680 APW19980806.0809 -1 the magician Merlin 1680 NYT20000905.0251 -1 Salisbury , where King_Arthur supposedly fought his last battle against the traitorous Mordred , and the Round_Table in the Great_Hall of Winchester Castle 1680 NYT20000905.0251 -1 King_Arthur 1680 NYT19981106.0305 -1 King_Arthur 's 1680 NYT19981203.0362 -1 China 1680 APW19980707.0243 -1 Bhutan 1680 APW19980806.1327 1 Britain 1680 NYT19981201.0095 -1 Washington 1681 APW19990406.0069 1 1926 1681 APW19991030.0095 1 1926 1681 NYT20000321.0085 -1 October 22, 1926 1681 APW19990406.0069 3 1926 before 1681 NYT19981203.0339 -1 1996 1681 NYT19981211.0369 -1 March 1681 NYT19990409.0148 1 1926 1681 NYT20000122.0143 3 1874-1926 1681 APW20000707.0118 1 1926 1681 NYT19981203.0579 1 1926 1681 NYT19981204.0305 1 1926 1681 NYT20000321.0085 1 Halloween , 1926 1681 APW19981208.0210 -1 late 1996 1681 APW19990406.0069 3 1926 before he could perform the stunt 1681 NYT19990405.0310 1 1926 1681 APW19990412.0103 1 1926 1681 NYT19980808.0140 -1 August 1681 NYT20000122.0142 -1 2000 1681 NYT20000321.0085 1 1926 1681 NYT19981204.0305 -1 his death 1681 NYT19981203.0579 1 in 1926 1681 NYT20000122.0143 1 1926 1681 NYT20000208.0425 -1 1975 1681 NYT19981204.0305 -1 Halloween night 1681 APW19991030.0095 1 In 1926 1681 XIE19980828.0023 -1 2002 1682 NYT19990113.0292 -1 April 4 , 1968 1682 NYT19990115.0242 -1 1968 1682 NYT19990902.0343 3 1929 1682 APW20000114.0276 1 Jan. 15 , 1929 1682 NYT19990113.0292 1 January 15, 1929 1682 NYT19990113.0292 3 1929 1682 NYT19981205.0156 -1 1980 1682 APW20000223.0019 -1 1986 1682 APW19990114.0290 1 Jan 15, 1929, 1682 APW20000907.0195 -1 Saturday 1682 NYT19990902.0344 -1 Jan. 1682 NYT19990902.0344 -1 Sept. 2, 1999 1682 NYT20000126.0079 1 Jan. 15 , 1929 1682 NYT19990113.0292 1 Jan. 15 , 1929 1682 NYT19990113.0292 -1 January 1986 1682 NYT19990113.0292 1 Jan . 15 , 1929 1682 APW19990114.0290 1 Jan. 15, 1929 1682 NYT19991209.0282 -1 20:00 1682 NYT19991209.0337 -1 April 4, 1968 1682 XIE19971102.0212 -1 1968 1682 APW20000114.0276 3 1929 1682 APW19990114.0290 -1 Jan 1682 NYT19990113.0292 1 Jan 15 , 1929 1682 APW19990607.0028 -1 Jan . 17 , 2000 1682 APW19990607.0028 -1 last month 1682 NYT19990118.0421 -1 Jan. 18 , 1999 1682 NYT19981202.0480 -1 in 1968 1682 APW19990114.0290 1 Jan. 15 , 1929 1682 NYT19981205.0156 -1 1968 1682 NYT19990123.0121 -1 1968 1682 APW19990118.0024 -1 1999 1682 NYT19990902.0328 3 1929 1682 APW19990607.0028 -1 2000 1683 NYT20000208.0035 -1 Frankenstein 1683 NYT20000208.0035 -1 Frankenstein and The Mummy 1683 NYT20000208.0035 1 Boris Karloff 1683 NYT19991104.0038 -1 Atlantic 1683 NYT20000208.0035 3 Karloff 1683 NYT19981223.0120 1 Boris Karloff 1683 NYT19990810.0016 -1 wood 1683 APW20000215.0105 -1 Haley Joel Osment 1683 NYT19990716.0085 -1 Texas 1683 APW20000724.0184 -1 comedy guest 1683 NYT19991130.0058 -1 Distinquished 1683 NYT19990409.0083 -1 Names 1683 NYT19990215.0104 -1 brand 1683 NYT19981223.0120 -1 former truck driver 1683 NYT19990922.0051 -1 Chan Ho 1683 NYT20000215.0268 -1 Oscar 1683 APW20000830.0076 -1 NIL 1683 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1683 NYT19981223.0120 -1 stage name 1683 APW19990319.0054 -1 Portland 1683 APW20000215.0105 -1 Lincoln 1683 APW19991011.0310 -1 Piazza 1683 APW19990218.0325 -1 Judge Everett Dickey 1683 NYT19980917.0106 -1 McDowell 1683 NYT19990810.0016 -1 Michael 1684 NYT19981226.0193 -1 play an NFC wild - card game next week 1684 APW20000208.0021 -1 baseball 1684 NYT19980906.0122 -1 rules governing Blackjack 1684 NYT20000927.0017 -1 baseball 1684 NYT19990928.0245 -1 It 1684 NYT19981104.0332 -1 example 1684 NYT19980821.0183 -1 Voodoo 1684 NYT19991001.0278 -1 United States 1684 NYT19981226.0193 -1 playoff game 1684 NYT19990728.0095 -1 III Arena Test 1684 NYT19990315.0496 -1 contracts 1684 NYT19981016.0305 -1 poker 1684 NYT19991128.0169 -1 trading 1684 APW20000916.0009 -1 Tigers 1684 APW19980620.0369 -1 Sepp Blatter 1684 APW19990202.0203 -1 baseball 1684 XIE19970227.0255 -1 played with 1684 NYT19991219.0083 -1 Chicago 1684 NYT19991112.0228 -1 Sleepy Hill 1684 NYT19991104.0143 -1 video game 1684 APW19990121.0211 -1 Chicago 1684 XIE19990903.0494 -1 Each set 1684 NYT19980715.0231 -1 common cards 1684 NYT20000602.0163 -1 There 1684 NYT20000522.0105 -1 cards 1684 NYT20000130.0014 -1 the Rams 1684 NYT19990521.0068 -1 a Dell dimension T500 PC 1684 NYT19980821.0183 -1 3Dfx 1684 NYT19980812.0251 -1 Ken Griffey Jr. 1685 XIE19960728.0224 -1 Mexico City 1685 XIE19971006.0214 -1 Mexico 1685 APW20000513.0100 -1 South 1685 XIE19970602.0043 1 New York City 1685 XIE19970602.0043 -1 38th largest 1685 NYT20000628.0047 -1 38th largest 1685 NYT19980705.0215 2 New York City 1685 NYT19990719.0272 -1 Phoenix 1685 XIE19990901.0276 -1 China 1685 NYT20000316.0149 -1 job 1685 APW20000329.0130 -1 their town 1685 XIE19970602.0043 1 NewYork 1685 NYT20000628.0047 -1 Detroit 1685 XIE19980916.0214 -1 Tianjin 1685 APW19980818.0780 -1 Big 1685 XIE20000615.0188 -1 Japan 1685 NYT20000628.0047 1 New York 1685 NYT19990815.0113 2 New York 1685 XIE19961016.0295 -1 Hebron 1685 XIE19970602.0043 1 New York 1685 XIE19970315.0189 -1 PANAMA CITY 1685 NYT19990526.0394 -1 Los Angeles 1685 NYT20000628.0047 -1 Can 1685 XIE19970923.0295 -1 Annan 1685 NYT19990202.0451 2 New York City 1685 APW19990630.0090 -1 Phoenix 1685 XIE20000615.0188 -1 Shanghai 1685 APW19990309.0272 -1 U.S. cities 1685 XIE20000208.0117 -1 Hobart 1685 NYT20000317.0055 -1 cities 1685 XIE19971125.0232 -1 LOS ANGELES 1685 NYT19990216.0157 -1 Seattle 1685 NYT19980710.0082 -1 Liberty City 1685 XIE19970205.0059 -1 California 1685 XIE19970205.0059 -1 Tech America 1685 XIE19960911.0052 -1 7 1685 XIE19960520.0170 -1 56.70 1685 NYT19980720.0046 -1 North America 1686 NYT19981119.0227 1 Drake 1686 APW19980802.0857 1 Francis Drake 1686 NYT19981119.0132 1 Drake 1686 APW19990728.0316 1 English 1686 APW19980611.0187 -1 George Dewey 1686 APW19980802.0857 1 Sir Francis Drake 1686 APW19980803.0916 1 Sir Francis Drake 1686 XIE19970817.0061 -1 Spanish 1686 APW19991023.0149 -1 Abracadabra 1686 NYT19991101.0131 -1 Philip II 1686 XIE19970914.0171 -1 U. S 1686 APW19990728.0316 1 the English 1686 XIE19960504.0080 -1 surprise 3-6 , 3-6 1686 NYT19990908.0074 -1 Elizabeth I 1686 APW19980803.0916 1 Francis Drake 1686 APW19980611.0187 -1 U.S. naval forces 1686 APW19981209.1643 -1 King Juan Carlos 1686 APW19990518.0101 1 English 1686 NYT19981119.0132 -1 Plymouth 1686 APW19980717.1242 -1 Elizabeth 1686 NYT19981119.0136 1 Drake 1686 NYT19980930.0416 -1 the Royals 1686 APW19990518.0101 1 England 1686 NYT19980901.0242 2 England 1686 XIE20000619.0001 -1 Gaizka_Mendieta , and Alfonso 1686 XIE19980304.0274 -1 3 1686 NYT19990924.0451 -1 Garcia 1686 NYT20000627.0179 -1 Elizabeth 1686 NYT19981119.0228 1 Drake 1686 NYT19980630.0204 -1 Elizabeth 1686 XIE19980418.0213 -1 Li 1686 XIE19990703.0028 -1 Italian 1686 NYT19980630.0204 -1 Philip 1686 NYT19980630.0204 2 English 1687 XIE19990712.0060 -1 Senate 1687 NYT19990606.0043 -1 Martti Ahtisaari 1687 APW19990619.0043 1 Woodrow Wilson 1687 NYT19990504.0207 1 Woodrow Wilson 1687 NYT19981101.0174 2 Woodrow Wilson 1687 NYT19990504.0207 1 President Woodrow Wilson 1687 APW20000826.0069 -1 President Clinton 1687 NYT20000513.0158 1 Woodrow Wilson 1687 APW19990619.0043 -1 in 1687 APW20000115.0186 -1 Fidel Castro 1687 XIE19960314.0135 -1 General Assembly 1687 NYT19990504.0207 -1 official Mother 1687 NYT19990505.0326 -1 business 1687 APW19990409.0028 -1 Clinton 1687 APW19990906.0068 -1 Clinton 1687 APW20000513.0199 -1 Mother 1687 APW19990619.0043 -1 Richard Nixon 1687 NYT19990510.0401 -1 issues 1687 XIE19970511.0093 -1 Guangdong Province 1687 XIE19980510.0216 -1 Clinton 1687 APW19990619.0043 -1 Mother 1687 APW19990619.0043 -1 Honor thy father 1687 APW19990619.0043 -1 Honor thy father and thy mother 1687 NYT19990505.0323 -1 the Los 1687 NYT19980618.0229 -1 Cokie Roberts 1687 NYT20000927.0169 -1 Bonnie Angelo 1687 NYT19990203.0229 -1 Irwyn Applebaum 1687 NYT19990507.0347 -1 Julia Ward Howe 1687 NYT19990505.0327 -1 columnist Akilah Monifa 1687 NYT19990505.0327 -1 Raoul Lowery 1687 NYT19980608.0347 -1 The 1688 NYT20000905.0294 -1 began building St. Louis in 1764 1688 NYT19990127.0455 1 Built in 1965 1688 NYT20000905.0294 -1 1764 1688 NYT19990127.0507 1 1965 1688 NYT20000721.0303 -1 1932 1688 NYT19990127.0455 1 1965 1688 APW19990524.0171 -1 1968 1688 XIE19980802.0088 -1 Sunday 1688 APW19990127.0069 -1 night sky 1688 NYT19991108.0380 -1 2000 1688 APW20000301.0009 -1 1918 1688 NYT19990726.0384 3 Oct. 28, 1965 1688 NYT20000925.0367 -1 1993 1688 XIE19971110.0075 -1 May 1997 1688 NYT19990726.0384 1 1965 1688 APW19990305.0195 2 1965 1688 XIE19980109.0122 -1 475-221 B.C. 1688 NYT19990221.0095 -1 1997 1688 NYT20000122.0021 -1 the symbolic threshold 1688 NYT19980901.0406 2 1965 1688 APW19990722.0120 -1 a year 1688 NYT19990526.0067 -1 1996 1688 NYT19990726.0384 -1 two 1688 NYT20000905.0294 -1 in 1764 1688 NYT19990127.0455 -1 19th century 1688 XIE19981016.0167 2 1965 1688 NYT20000105.0410 -1 1999 1688 NYT20000105.0410 -1 2000 1688 NYT20000405.0466 -1 2000 1689 APW19991024.0080 1 Crimean War 1689 NYT20000702.0042 -1 William Howard Russell 1689 APW19991024.0080 1 Crimean 1689 APW19981025.0685 -1 The white obelisk monument 1689 APW19981025.0685 -1 the 1689 NYT19991012.0386 -1 Infantry Division 1689 NYT19991012.0387 -1 United States 1689 XIE19960710.0065 -1 Law 1689 APW20000605.0014 -1 shrapnel 1689 NYT19981123.0304 -1 Galassi 1689 NYT20000911.0097 -1 Civil War 1689 NYT20000702.0042 -1 London 1689 NYT19980730.0300 -1 Civil War 1689 APW19991024.0080 -1 1854 1689 APW19991027.0250 -1 Idaho 1689 APW19991027.0331 -1 Idaho 1689 XIE19960620.0108 -1 charge 1689 XIE19980508.0209 -1 connection 1689 XIE19990806.0179 -1 war 1689 NYT20000702.0042 -1 the Civil War 1689 XIE19961024.0020 -1 Xinhua 1689 XIE19980123.0073 -1 instead nine consist 5 000 12 crene 1689 NYT19981111.0266 1 Crimean War 1690 APW20000711.0064 -1 arrest and pay Chambers 1690 NYT19980828.0266 1 Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 NYT20000802.0275 -1 COXNET FOOD 1690 XIE19980715.0240 2 Drug Enforcement Agency 1690 APW20000417.0172 1 Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 XIE20000828.0277 -1 The official 1690 XIE19980715.0240 -1 Justice Department 1690 APW20000413.0165 -1 Washington 1690 XIE19980715.0240 1 Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 APW20000802.0042 -1 pound of tablet 1690 NYT19991025.0423 -1 its drug seizures 1690 NYT19991111.0359 -1 New York 1690 XIE19970520.0244 1 U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 NYT20000627.0420 -1 Chambers 1690 XIE19960628.0239 1 U.S . Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 NYT19991122.0243 -1 drug 1690 APW19980616.0699 1 drug enforcement administration 1690 XIE19990819.0300 1 Drug Enforcement Agency 1690 XIE19970309.0155 1 Drug Enforcement Agency 1690 NYT19980811.0247 -1 Hobbs 1690 NYT19990216.0418 -1 Russell 1690 NYT19980901.0001 -1 ready 1690 XIE19960621.0259 1 Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 NYT19990302.0098 -1 46 1690 APW19990729.0047 -1 the DEA 1690 APW19980616.0699 1 Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 NYT19991123.0032 -1 marijuana is a Schedule I drug 1690 NYT20000505.0368 -1 was an agent working in Monterrey 1690 NYT20000924.0070 -1 which it acquired from Texaco in 1988 1690 XIE19970228.0216 1 the Drug Enforcement Administration 1690 XIE19980715.0240 -1 enforcement 1690 APW20000711.0064 -1 about those arrests -- as well as about 1690 NYT19980605.0097 -1 Williams 1691 NYT19981116.0127 -1 Hollywood 1691 NYT19980630.0387 -1 Chicago 1691 APW19981031.0958 2 Mackinac Island 1691 NYT19991019.0212 -1 Hollywood 1691 APW20000216.0101 -1 New Straits 1691 APW19990915.0010 -1 Philadelphia 1691 APW19980620.0886 -1 Hollywood 1691 XIE19970307.0196 -1 US 1691 NYT19980630.0293 -1 Taiwan 1691 NYT19990312.0222 -1 Cannes in May 1691 NYT19980913.0071 -1 America 1691 NYT19990113.0338 -1 Hollywood 1691 NYT19990129.0287 -1 Dallas 1691 NYT19981126.0109 -1 Paris 1691 NYT20000807.0248 1 Mackinac Island 1691 NYT19991015.0098 -1 Story 1691 NYT20000807.0248 -1 Hotel 1691 NYT20000727.0110 -1 Camp David 1691 NYT19981123.0085 -1 Alaska 1691 XIE19960508.0086 -1 Hong Kong 1691 APW20000712.0212 -1 Chicago 1691 NYT20000807.0248 1 Grand Hotel 1691 APW19990108.0024 -1 May 1691 NYT19990106.0318 -1 Michigan 1691 NYT19991223.0186 -1 Tibet 1691 APW19990618.0142 -1 May 1691 NYT20000921.0244 -1 New England 1691 APW19990518.0228 -1 LOS ANGELES 1691 NYT19990924.0454 -1 NIL 1691 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1691 NYT19980719.0080 -1 the United States 1691 NYT19990225.0200 -1 Hollywood 1691 XIE19980926.0180 -1 BEIJING 1691 XIE19960704.0029 -1 Beijing 1691 NYT19980706.0176 -1 New York 1691 NYT19980914.0176 -1 Time 1692 APW19981123.0532 -1 Eiffel Tower in Paris 1692 NYT20000607.0136 1 984 - foot 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 381-meter 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 109 feet 1692 APW19981106.0271 2 984 ft. 1692 NYT19990514.0141 1 984 ft. 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 33 meters 1692 APW19981104.1059 -1 300,000 franc 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 210 million 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 1,250 1692 APW19981030.1106 -1 8,000 1692 NYT20000607.0136 1 984-foot 1692 XIE19981230.0008 -1 2.3 million 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 1,250-foot 1692 NYT20000829.0092 -1 200 1692 APW19981104.1127 -1 55,000 1692 NYT20000828.0309 -1 51,400-ton 1692 APW19981005.0153 -1 377 feet 1692 NYT19990211.0197 -1 100 feet 1692 NYT19980707.0272 1 984 - foot - high 1692 NYT19990105.0103 -1 50 story 1692 NYT20000828.0373 -1 at least 300 years 1692 NYT19980707.0272 1 984-foot 1692 APW19981102.0316 -1 the 11.7 percent unemployment_rate 1692 APW19981104.1127 -1 five more workers 1692 APW19981229.0865 -1 most 1692 NYT20000201.0119 1 986 feet 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 1250 foot 1692 APW19981210.1535 -1 109 foot 1692 XIE19991224.0086 -1 100 feet 1692 APW19981105.1132 -1 20 people 1693 NYT19990822.0175 -1 April 15 , 1947 1693 NYT19990710.0145 1 1919 1693 NYT19980916.0067 -1 1911 1693 NYT19980916.0085 -1 1947 1693 NYT19990710.0145 1 January 31, 1919 1693 NYT19980916.0138 -1 1947 1693 NYT19990123.0204 -1 months ago of the 50th anniversary of 1693 NYT20000313.0418 -1 1947 1693 NYT19980918.0256 -1 1972 1693 NYT19990710.0145 -1 1920 1693 NYT19990520.0493 -1 Aug. 23 , 1911 1693 NYT20000401.0166 -1 1950 1693 NYT19980918.0256 -1 1947 1693 APW19990409.0223 -1 1947 1693 NYT19990710.0145 1 Jan. 31 , 1919 1693 NYT19980916.0067 -1 1947 1693 NYT19980726.0161 -1 April 1947 1693 NYT19990710.0145 -1 May 1920 1693 NYT19990113.0304 -1 my Sports Mount Rushmore alongside those of Babe Ruth 1693 NYT19990710.0145 1 Jan . 31 , 1919 1693 NYT19990710.0145 1 Jan. 31, 1919 1693 APW19990322.0021 2 1919 1693 NYT19980701.0073 -1 10:22 1693 NYT19990710.0145 -1 1997 1693 NYT19990710.0145 -1 midnight 1693 NYT19980906.0205 2 in 1919 1693 NYT19990710.0145 1 Jan 31 , 1919 1693 NYT19990815.0031 -1 1955 1693 NYT20000313.0418 -1 1997 1693 NYT19990814.0218 -1 in 1947 1693 NYT19991126.0093 -1 1929 1694 NYT19980714.0090 -1 1852 1694 NYT19990924.0313 2 1848 1694 NYT19981202.0017 -1 1239 1694 NYT19991110.0190 -1 Early next year 1694 APW19991017.0188 -1 1850 1694 XIE19990404.0121 -1 1850 1694 APW19990618.0018 -1 1976 1694 NYT19990210.0282 -1 1975 1694 NYT20000403.0381 -1 CSAA 1694 NYT19991213.0463 -1 Jan. 1 1694 NYT20000329.0206 -1 1959 1694 NYT20000221.0034 -1 March 7 1694 APW20000227.0124 -1 1849 1694 NYT19990529.0088 -1 1990s 1694 XIE19990404.0121 2 1848 1694 NYT19990329.0452 -1 1997 1694 NYT19980904.0129 -1 Texas 1694 NYT19980904.0129 1 1848 1694 NYT19980924.0212 -1 1953 1694 APW20000830.0003 -1 1999 1694 APW19990716.0181 -1 June 1694 XIE19990404.0121 -1 1845 1694 APW19990716.0138 -1 direct competition 1694 XIE19971218.0186 -1 1987 1694 NYT19980716.0319 -1 March 7 1694 NYT19980904.0129 -1 two 1694 NYT19991228.0196 -1 1933 1694 NYT20000414.0452 -1 June 9 , 1935 1694 NYT19980716.0319 -1 2000 1694 NYT20000620.0014 -1 1975 1694 NYT20000307.0101 -1 1947 1694 NYT19990716.0168 -1 1850 1695 NYT19980806.0382 -1 Roy Rogers kept the faith 1695 NYT19981011.0170 -1 1969 1695 NYT19981011.0169 -1 Martin Co 1695 NYT19980805.0136 -1 Tennessee Walking 1695 NYT20000914.0208 -1 stallion 1695 NYT20000812.0020 2 palomino 1695 NYT19980707.0106 -1 Roy Rogers 1695 NYT19980706.0343 -1 girl 1695 NYT19980706.0338 -1 LR 1695 NYT19980706.0201 -1 Dale Evans Show 1695 NYT19980706.0200 -1 California 1695 APW19990413.0267 -1 premier 1695 NYT19980706.0332 -1 Dale 1695 NYT19980707.0394 1 palomino 1695 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Dale Evans 1695 NYT19980706.0343 -1 Dale Evans 1695 NYT19991001.0134 -1 Fraggle Rock 1695 NYT20000812.0020 2 a golden palomino 1695 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Miss Evans 1695 NYT19980706.0327 -1 an abused child whom they adopted after a goodwill visit to an orphanage 1695 NYT19980707.0106 -1 Rogers 1695 NYT19980707.0001 1 the cowboy's famous palomino 1695 NYT20000812.0020 -1 Montgomery Lee 1695 NYT19980707.0106 -1 Premise 1695 NYT19980707.0001 -1 cowboy 1695 NYT19980706.0327 -1 children at roger lunchbox play roi at 1695 NYT19980706.0327 -1 Who 1696 NYT19980918.0024 -1 1932 1696 APW19980707.0451 -1 1955 1696 XIE19991126.0005 -1 today 1696 NYT19990714.0232 -1 November 3, 1894-June 24 1696 XIE19990627.0099 -1 November 3, 1894-June 24 1696 NYT20000811.0236 -1 1858 1696 NYT20000811.0236 -1 1858. 1696 XIE19970909.0042 -1 today 1696 XIE19970919.0131 -1 September 19 1696 NYT19991025.0179 -1 1867 1696 APW19990523.0023 -1 1973 1696 NYT19990801.0149 -1 spring 1696 NYT20000612.0076 -1 second century 1696 NYT19990408.0195 -1 April 1998 1696 XIE19970909.0042 -1 2.5 1696 NYT19981223.0451 -1 1915 1696 XIE20000106.0164 -1 in December 1696 NYT19991221.0089 -1 18th century 1696 XIE19981205.0049 -1 1964 1696 APW19981027.0783 -1 1915 1696 XIE19970314.0232 -1 The new style pencils 1696 XIE20000106.0164 -1 December 1696 NYT19980918.0024 -1 1956 1696 NYT20000605.0071 -1 1898 1696 NYT19990112.0393 -1 1890s 1696 NYT20000723.0189 -1 four 1696 XIE19970909.0042 -1 September 8 1696 NYT20000202.0500 -1 April 6 , 1926 1696 NYT19980621.0176 -1 2-year-old 1697 NYT20000204.0076 -1 Liberty / Ellis Island Foundation 1697 NYT19980620.0138 1 New York 1697 NYT19980809.0178 -1 Empire State Building 1697 APW20000111.0012 -1 1986 1697 APW20000703.0025 1 in New York Harbor 1697 APW19990107.0334 3 America 1697 APW20000111.0016 1 N.Y 1697 APW20000319.0042 1 New York 1697 XIE19980831.0142 3 United States. 1697 APW20000207.0087 1 New York 1697 NYT19990901.0072 1 Upper New York Bay 1697 APW20000207.0087 1 NewYork 1697 NYT19980627.0162 -1 California 1697 APW19981022.1340 1 New York City harbor 1697 NYT19990825.0240 1 New York 1697 APW19980814.1235 -1 Puerto Rico 1697 NYT19980815.0137 2 New York 1697 APW19980813.0696 -1 Flame of Liberty 1697 NYT19981211.0158 1 New York 1697 NYT20000810.0242 -1 Ellis Island 1697 NYT19990209.0091 -1 Immigration Museum 1697 APW20000704.0053 1 New York 1697 NYT19980807.0311 2 New York 1697 APW19990616.0281 1 New York City 1697 XIE19980831.0142 3 United States 1697 APW20000811.0128 2 New York 1697 NYT19990624.0233 1 New York 1697 APW20000510.0142 3 the United States 1697 NYT19980901.0120 2 in New York 1697 NYT19981119.0307 -1 other_American_Indians sought to celebrate tribal prayer and water ceremonies last year on Liberty_Island 1697 NYT20000204.0076 -1 the statue 1697 NYT19980627.0162 -1 the Statue of Liberty 1697 NYT19990901.0071 1 New York 1697 XIE19960119.0066 3 United States 1697 NYT19990427.0220 -1 lincoln 1697 NYT20000204.0076 -1 Ellis Island 1697 APW20000111.0016 -1 ALBANY 1697 APW20000207.0087 -1 BOSTON 1697 APW20000207.0087 -1 National 1698 NYT19990113.0124 -1 Nov. 18 , 1957 1698 NYT19990113.0230 -1 Nov. 18 , 1957 1698 NYT19990113.0237 -1 Nov. 18 , 1957 1698 NYT19990113.0237 -1 Nov. 18, 1957 1698 APW19980706.1128 -1 1998 1698 APW19990711.0081 1 100 B.C. 1698 NYT19981027.0288 -1 1948 1698 NYT19990314.0159 -1 yesterday 1698 APW19990711.0081 -1 sixth 1698 APW20000305.0039 1 100 B.C. 1698 NYT20000228.0126 -1 since 46 BC 1698 NYT19990314.0271 -1 March 15 1698 NYT19990113.0237 -1 '80 1698 APW20000103.0020 -1 1954 1698 APW19990711.0081 -1 1543 1698 APW20000314.0164 -1 44 B.C. 1698 APW19990711.0081 -1 the year 1698 NYT20000103.0160 -1 46 BC 1698 NYT19990113.0122 -1 Nov. 18, 1957 1698 NYT19990113.0122 -1 Nov. 18 , 1957 1698 NYT19990607.0243 -1 this year 1698 NYT20000522.0304 -1 1952 1698 NYT19990113.0237 -1 1957 1698 NYT19980901.0170 -1 in 100 1698 NYT19990817.0126 -1 1999 The Boston Globe LONDON _ 1698 NYT19990504.0126 -1 1996 1698 APW19990711.0081 1 In 100 B.C. 1698 NYT20000810.0393 -1 Nov. 2 , 1922 1698 NYT19991211.0254 -1 1937 1698 NYT20000131.0235 -1 1830 1698 XIE19990513.0250 -1 2002 1699 NYT19981012.0247 -1 Indianapolis 1699 NYT19980713.0450 -1 Indianapolis 1699 NYT20000104.0347 -1 New York 1699 NYT20000531.0006 -1 Austin 1699 APW19990818.0087 1 West Lafayette 1699 NYT19990703.0132 1 West Lafayette , Ind 1699 APW19990716.0167 -1 Indianapolis 1699 NYT20000330.0479 -1 Indiana 1699 NYT20000612.0855 -1 Mo. 1699 NYT19990202.0472 -1 line 1699 APW19990329.0130 -1 Cheer NCAA Title WEST 1699 APW20000126.0274 -1 Indianapolis 1699 APW19990329.0086 -1 San Jose 1699 APW19990802.0100 1 West Lafayette 1699 NYT20000612.0855 2 West Lafayette 1699 APW19990104.0175 -1 Central Park 1699 NYT19980619.0176 3 Lafayette 1699 APW19990102.0056 3 West Lafayette 1699 NYT19990409.0193 1 West Lafayette 1699 APW19990329.0208 -1 Indiana 1699 NYT20000624.0168 -1 Kansas City 1699 NYT20000612.0855 -1 Indiana 1699 NYT19980619.0177 3 Lafayette 1699 NYT19990512.0130 -1 Richard Borgens 1699 NYT19991208.0117 -1 Indiana 1699 NYT19980828.0445 -1 LOS ANGELES 1699 APW20000810.0211 -1 Indianapolis 1699 APW19990916.0133 -1 Indiana 1699 APW19990102.0105 1 West Lafayette 1699 APW19990818.0087 3 LAFAYETTE 1699 APW19990802.0100 -1 the university 1699 APW19990410.0022 -1 the third prize , while the People 's Choice Award went to Hofstra University of Hempstead , N.Y._Vanderbilt_University and the University of Toledo 1699 APW19990313.0060 -1 Lafayette 1699 XIE19981111.0351 -1 Xinhua 1699 XIE19970913.0054 1 West Lafayette 1699 NYT19990426.0354 -1 Siegen 1699 APW19990818.0087 -1 Lafayette Web site 1699 NYT19990325.0407 -1 Louisiana Tech 1699 NYT19990314.0285 -1 MIAMI 1700 NYT20000711.0103 -1 England 1700 NYT19990324.0213 -1 Wiltshire 1700 APW19980611.1082 -1 England 's Salisbury Plain 1700 NYT20000620.0278 -1 Americans 1700 NYT20000731.0235 1 South of Manchester 1700 NYT19990527.0158 1 Salem, New Hampshire 1700 NYT19980715.0198 -1 England 1700 NYT19990527.0158 1 North Salem 1700 NYT20000620.0278 -1 America 1700 APW19980611.1082 -1 LONDON 1700 XIE19990906.0030 -1 UK 1700 NYT20000811.0042 -1 America 1700 XIE20000907.0295 -1 Colombia 1700 NYT20000728.0092 1 South of Manchester 1700 APW19990103.0141 -1 Central America 1700 NYT20000731.0235 -1 Manchester 1700 NYT20000620.0278 -1 Bolivia 1700 NYT20000620.0278 1 Mystery Hill 1700 NYT20000131.0398 2 New Hampshire 1700 NYT19981212.0214 -1 Phoenix, Arizona 1700 NYT20000728.0092 -1 Manchester 1700 APW19990103.0141 -1 Florida 1700 APW20000621.0054 -1 England ( AP ) 1700 APW20000621.0054 -1 Stonehenge 1700 NYT19990527.0158 1 N.H. 1700 APW19980619.1027 -1 England Stonehenge 1700 XIE19970614.0030 -1 England 1700 NYT19980715.0198 -1 the pyramid of Egypt 1700 APW19980922.0652 -1 Salem 1700 APW19980922.0652 -1 English Heritage 1700 APW19980922.0652 -1 LONDON 1700 NYT19990216.0203 -1 LONDON 1700 NYT19980603.0118 -1 Stonehenge 1700 NYT19990305.0087 -1 Sites 1701 NYT19990908.0243 1 Oak Ridge Cemetery 1701 APW19991021.0289 -1 American 1701 APW20000413.0217 -1 Washington 1701 APW19990613.0064 2 Springfield, Illinois 1701 XIE19960519.0180 -1 Manuscript Sells 1701 APW20000707.0008 -1 Washington 1701 APW19981020.1160 -1 Manchester City 1701 APW20000707.0057 -1 Washington 1701 NYT20000707.0270 -1 Lincoln 1701 NYT20000218.0334 -1 New York 1701 NYT20000314.0168 -1 Granbury 1701 APW20000414.0268 -1 Washington 1701 NYT19981209.0205 3 Illinois 1701 NYT19980805.0131 -1 Cemetery 1701 NYT20000224.0114 -1 Jefferson 1701 APW19991021.0289 2 Springfield 1701 NYT20000629.0244 -1 Bennington 1701 NYT19990908.0243 3 Springfield 1701 NYT19981209.0205 -1 Abraham Lincoln 1701 NYT20000822.0061 -1 Lincoln 1701 APW19980615.0375 -1 at the Heroes' Cemetery 1701 NYT19990422.0271 -1 Grant 1701 APW20000729.0032 -1 Atlanta 1701 APW19991029.0246 -1 Md 1701 NYT19980819.0486 -1 NIL 1701 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1701 APW20000310.0244 -1 Arlington National Cemetery 1701 NYT20000224.0114 -1 Washington 1701 APW19990701.0082 -1 Jasper 1701 NYT19980616.0253 -1 Beverly Sills 1701 NYT19980604.0354 -1 WASHINGTON 1701 APW19990613.0064 2 Springfield 1701 NYT20000707.0270 -1 Worcester 1701 NYT19990417.0265 -1 America 1701 NYT19980817.0365 2 Springfield 1701 NYT20000707.0270 -1 Abraham 1702 NYT19981028.0504 -1 Good Food Costs 1702 NYT19990331.0073 -1 winner 1702 APW19990830.0086 -1 Nike 1702 NYT19990323.0382 -1 Nike 1702 XIE19971031.0131 -1 Singapore Launches Tourism Quality Program 1702 APW19990331.0022 -1 50 1702 NYT19990304.0417 -1 LR 1702 XIE19980324.0202 -1 U . S . 1702 NYT19981024.0154 -1 a team 1702 XIE19971226.0179 -1 State 1702 XIE19990421.0299 -1 Computer-related 1702 NYT20000410.0159 -1 slogans 1702 XIE19980724.0164 -1 anti racism rally Friday 1702 NYT19990503.0302 1 Ford 1702 NYT19991012.0222 -1 Stacia Washer 1702 APW19990219.0286 2 Ford 1702 XIE19971210.0284 -1 Huang 1702 NYT19990929.0486 -1 George 1702 NYT19990326.0208 2 ford 1702 XIE19970103.0083 -1 15 years 1702 APW19980603.0793 -1 Clinton 1702 APW19980611.0475 -1 Research 1702 APW20000104.0138 -1 Pataki 's plan 1702 APW20000104.0139 -1 Pataki 's 1702 APW20000104.0139 -1 Other parts 1702 XIE20000218.0119 2 Ford Motor Company 1702 XIE19971031.0131 -1 Lion City 1702 APW19990614.0244 -1 Tracy Grubbs 1702 NYT19990212.0255 -1 Lamar Alexander 1702 NYT19990817.0385 -1 approval 1702 APW19990714.0038 -1 spokeswoman 1702 NYT20000913.0075 -1 Harry 1702 NYT19990428.0295 -1 workers 1703 APW19990714.0325 -1 won an Emmy Award 1703 APW19990617.0093 -1 Morte 1703 NYT19990201.0545 -1 Accelerated Reader Page 1703 NYT20000408.0240 -1 National Book Award 1703 XIE19990213.0011 -1 In 1997 she 1703 NYT19990201.0545 -1 Although Holes 1703 APW20000104.0300 -1 Mellinkoff 1703 NYT19990201.0545 -1 Texas 1703 NYT19980810.0252 -1 town picnic 1703 NYT19981119.0027 -1 first 1703 NYT20000117.0292 -1 awards 1703 XIE19961127.0004 -1 U.S.dollar 1703 XIE19990207.0097 -1 Iran 1703 APW19990617.0093 -1 National Book Award 1703 NYT19990615.0249 -1 Collegeville 1703 XIE19970424.0262 -1 LONDON 1703 NYT20000823.0368 -1 A Georgia writer's memoir about growing up next to a junkyard and a North Carolina author's novel 1703 NYT19990422.0451 -1 $14. 1703 NYT20000113.0407 -1 Night 1703 NYT20000113.0407 -1 is 1703 NYT20000726.0440 -1 the book 1703 NYT19980810.0252 -1 Favorite 1703 NYT19980919.0061 -1 Memoirs of a Mangy Lover 1703 NYT19980805.0328 -1 North Carolina 1703 NYT20000209.0486 -1 Canada 1703 NYT19981121.0211 -1 Edsel Ford Engineering award 1703 NYT19981218.0050 -1 Sterling Grover 1703 XIE19981026.0111 -1 Best Service 1703 NYT19980710.0212 -1 Paris 1704 NYT20000201.0318 -1 40 beats per minute 1704 NYT20000324.0104 1 70 beats per minute 1704 NYT20000103.0203 -1 SCI-ATOMIC-CLOCK 1704 NYT20000121.0165 -1 100 beats per minute 1704 NYT19980615.0082 -1 55 beats a second 1704 APW19980805.0794 -1 120 beats per minute 1704 APW19990928.0140 -1 38 1704 NYT19981026.0117 -1 And in tests , Engel 1704 NYT20000719.0315 -1 second 1704 NYT20000719.0315 -1 the speed 1704 XIE19960313.0210 -1 China 1704 APW19990928.0140 -1 Bush 1704 NYT20000121.0165 -1 30 percent 1704 NYT19990726.0286 2 60 beats a minute 1704 XIE19961106.0054 -1 80 beats per minute 1704 APW19991027.0055 -1 25 beats per minute 1704 NYT19990125.0211 -1 36 times 1704 NYT20000121.0164 -1 beats per minute 1704 APW19990928.0140 -1 104 over 80 1704 NYT19990726.0286 -1 60 1704 NYT19990503.0305 -1 60 1704 NYT20000529.0161 -1 300 times 1704 NYT19990102.0120 -1 Cooper 1704 NYT19991028.0096 -1 90 1704 APW19990928.0141 -1 6 feet 1704 APW19990925.0011 -1 196 1704 APW19990925.0210 -1 196 1704 APW19990925.0210 -1 196 ( normal range 1704 XIE20000511.0207 -1 35 1704 NYT20000121.0165 -1 150 1704 NYT19990928.0165 -1 38 1704 APW19990928.0140 -1 three 1704 APW19990925.0210 -1 120 beats 1704 NYT20000121.0165 -1 150 beats 1704 XIE20000819.0120 -1 16.76 percent 1704 NYT20000719.0315 -1 7 percent 1704 NYT20000529.0161 -1 He 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 cranberry juice 1705 NYT19991214.0199 -1 brandy 1705 NYT19990821.0144 -1 baseball 1705 NYT20000414.0213 2 sugar cane 1705 APW19981028.1274 2 sugar 1705 NYT19990901.0189 -1 eggs 1705 NYT20000301.0114 -1 For Rum Sauce ( 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 ball 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 William Morrow 1705 NYT19980721.0213 -1 Taste 1705 NYT19991214.0199 -1 America 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 a rum martini made 1705 NYT19981026.0134 -1 Battling Demon 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 rums 1705 NYT19990726.0344 1 molasses 1705 NYT19980605.0429 -1 make sure 1705 NYT20000510.0164 -1 cake 1705 NYT20000626.0192 -1 devil rum 1705 APW19980730.1043 1 sugar cane 1705 NYT19981215.0103 3 sugar 1705 NYT19990728.0269 -1 coconut 1705 APW20000629.0205 -1 Power 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 cranberry 1705 APW19980910.1186 -1 Donald Nelthropp 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 It 1705 NYT19991214.0199 -1 rum 1705 APW20000930.0180 -1 a bottle 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 ice 1705 NYT19980625.0328 -1 Quentin Tarantino 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 lime 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 flavor 1705 NYT20000414.0213 -1 fun rum tropic rum rum fun tropic rum 1706 NYT19990224.0355 -1 1996 1706 APW20000327.0149 -1 1988 1706 NYT19981112.0255 -1 Hershey 's Chocolate With Almonds , 1908 1706 APW20000503.0011 -1 last month 1706 NYT19990212.0284 -1 Corporation 1706 NYT19990224.0355 -1 Year 1706 NYT19981014.0138 -1 1840 1706 APW19990913.0108 -1 Pa . 1706 APW19991029.0298 -1 today 1706 NYT19981112.0260 -1 Earth 1706 APW19991025.0063 -1 Oct. 4 1706 APW19991025.0200 -1 May 1706 NYT19981112.0255 1 1903 1706 APW19980807.0856 -1 Argentina River Plate vs. Gremio ___ QUARTERFINALS First Leg _ Oct. 28 Second Leg _ Nov. 4 Pairings TBA ___ SEMIFINALS First Leg _ Nov. 11 Second Leg _ Nov. 18 Pairings TBA ___ FINALS Semifinal winners First Leg _ Dec. 2 Second Leg _ Dec. 16 Third Leg _ Dec. 27 1706 XIE19970429.0061 -1 2002 1706 NYT19990714.0232 -1 1894 1706 NYT19990224.0334 -1 02-24-99 1706 NYT19990429.0328 -1 35 years 1706 NYT19980820.0236 -1 1907 1706 NYT19981112.0255 1 in 1903 1706 APW19990914.0266 -1 HERSHEY 1706 NYT19981112.0260 1 1903 1706 APW19991029.0298 -1 the time 1706 APW19990913.0108 -1 Halloween 1706 NYT19980912.0165 -1 March 2, 1962 1706 NYT19981112.0260 1 in 1903 1706 NYT19980601.0006 -1 Los Angeles 1706 APW19990913.0108 -1 Jan. 4 1706 APW19991029.0298 -1 Halloween 1706 APW20000424.0061 -1 Easter 1706 NYT19980605.0098 -1 today 1706 APW19990913.0108 -1 2000 1707 NYT19980727.0149 -1 cartoon character 1707 APW19990410.0085 -1 Zim 1707 NYT19990302.0404 -1 Toons 1707 NYT19980727.0149 -1 Yogi Berra 1707 APW19981119.1264 -1 legend 1707 NYT19990302.0404 -1 Smokey 1707 APW20000715.0076 -1 Fred Flintstone 1707 NYT19980727.0149 -1 NewYork 1707 NYT19990210.0462 -1 The Alvin Show, 1707 NYT19990228.0026 -1 team 1707 XIE19960918.0171 -1 today 1707 NYT19990722.0258 -1 Pokemon 1707 NYT19990302.0404 -1 Harry L. Rossoll 1707 NYT20000630.0006 -1 Boo-Boo 1707 APW19981020.1365 -1 Barnacle Bill 1707 APW19990410.0085 -1 Friday 1707 NYT19991228.0227 -1 Lone Ranger 1707 APW20000715.0076 -1 The Flintstones 1707 NYT20000630.0001 -1 CAROLYN SAID 1707 NYT19980727.0149 -1 character 1707 NYT19990524.0319 -1 Berra 1707 NYT19981001.0420 -1 Kramer 1707 NYT19980727.0097 -1 a distinguished New York Yankees catcher 1707 NYT20000630.0006 -1 Nashville Rogers 1707 APW20000515.0178 -1 Futurama 1707 NYT19990228.0026 -1 four Z 's 1707 NYT19980929.0409 -1 1961 1707 APW19990511.0211 -1 Bear and Shirley Temple 1707 NYT19990716.0259 -1 Hanna Barbera 1707 NYT20000630.0006 -1 Monique Rutherford 1707 NYT19990629.0120 -1 Texas 1707 XIE19960523.0118 -1 Yu Hong 1707 NYT20000630.0006 -1 Christina Gaines 1707 NYT19990410.0223 -1 She 1708 NYT19980907.0157 1 1989 1708 APW20000306.0086 3 massive 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill 1708 NYT19991207.0263 1 1989 1708 NYT20000830.0038 1 1989 1708 NYT19991209.0270 1 1989 1708 APW19990320.0074 1 1989 1708 NYT19990503.0452 1 1989 1708 APW19990503.0279 1 1989 1708 NYT19990323.0141 -1 1990 1708 APW19990622.0060 -1 Tuesday 1708 APW19990320.0074 -1 March 22, 1989 1708 APW19990320.0074 -1 1990 1708 APW19990320.0074 1 March 24, 1989 1708 NYT19981203.0445 1 1989 1708 APW19990320.0074 -1 March 22, 1989 1708 APW19990216.0020 1 March 24, 1989 1708 NYT19991112.0068 1 1989 1708 NYT19990318.0357 1 March 24 , 1989 1708 NYT19980919.0129 -1 $ 40 million _ $ 10 million 1708 NYT20000113.0229 -1 Alaska 1708 APW20000411.0284 1 1989 1708 NYT19980613.0042 1 1989 1708 APW20000404.0031 -1 1994 1708 APW20000524.0073 -1 Midnight 1708 NYT19990503.0498 1 1989 1708 APW20000317.0002 -1 rejected Thursday 1708 APW19990320.0074 -1 1986 1708 NYT19990410.0032 -1 1994 1708 APW20000306.0086 1 1989 1708 APW19990503.0236 1 1989 1708 NYT19991207.0281 1 in 1989 1708 NYT19990503.0498 -1 Monday 1708 NYT19990310.0180 -1 2002 1708 NYT19990310.0180 -1 1964 1708 APW19990320.0074 -1 December 1986 1708 APW19990320.0074 -1 1999 1709 APW19980928.0233 -1 compared with the same month last year 1709 APW19980904.0969 -1 51 percent increase from July 1709 NYT20000414.0288 -1 April 1709 XIE20000825.0471 -1 The Latvian Foreign Ministry 1709 APW19981207.1541 -1 August birthstone 1709 NYT20000414.0288 -1 its own perennial appeal 1709 XIE19980821.0300 -1 resolution on 1709 NYT20000414.0224 -1 DIAMOND-JEWELRY 1709 NYT20000801.0073 -1 vacation 1709 NYT20000414.0304 -1 Diamond 1709 XIE19990810.0145 -1 August 10 1709 XIE19971009.0154 -1 Grand Prix 1709 NYT20000414.0224 -1 DIAMOND 1709 XIE19971009.0158 -1 100 meters 1709 NYT19980724.0074 -1 ring 1709 NYT19980825.0144 -1 Service 1709 NYT19991218.0238 -1 the concert 1709 NYT19981119.0205 2 peridot . Now all we have to do 1709 XIE19980816.0107 -1 - 22 1709 XIE19980825.0045 -1 they 1709 NYT19980803.0239 -1 August 1709 NYT20000414.0304 -1 DIAMOND-JEWELRY 1709 NYT19980601.0338 -1 the Isaac Bell House 1709 XIE19980814.0155 -1 beij 14 xinhua the follow follow list 1709 XIE19960816.0197 -1 51st anniversari vietnam revolution. 1709 NYT19980724.0074 -1 American 1710 NYT19990630.0110 3 colors of the Italian flag _ red 1710 NYT19991207.0167 1 green , red and white 1710 APW19981206.0424 -1 Aidid 1710 NYT20000308.0100 1 red, white and green 1710 NYT19991207.0167 3 green 1710 APW19980623.1225 -1 Several thousands 1710 APW19980623.1225 -1 Italian color 1710 XIE19970219.0088 -1 emblem 1710 NYT20000316.0037 -1 Vietnam 1710 NYT20000907.0026 -1 Red white and blue 1710 APW19981219.0738 -1 neo-fascist group , the 1710 NYT19990629.0267 -1 Tibetan 1710 APW20000304.0065 3 Green 1710 NYT19991207.0167 3 white 1710 NYT19980619.0198 -1 red 1710 NYT20000201.0001 2 green 1710 APW19980703.0319 -1 neo 1710 XIE19970815.0243 2 green 1710 NYT19990630.0110 3 green 1710 NYT19990630.0110 3 red 1710 NYT20000308.0100 -1 Gibraltar 1710 NYT19981110.0054 2 white 1710 APW19980623.1431 -1 Italian flags 1710 NYT19980902.0123 -1 red , white , and what ? all 1710 APW19980623.1168 -1 Bordeaux 1710 APW19980623.1225 -1 Bordeaux 1710 APW19980623.1225 -1 Italians 1710 NYT20000308.0100 3 green 1710 NYT19991207.0167 3 red 1710 APW19980601.0790 -1 blue 1710 APW20000304.0065 2 red 1710 APW19980906.0359 -1 the three colour 1710 APW19980623.1225 2 Green 1710 NYT20000510.0307 -1 sive symbol of white supr 1710 NYT20000510.0307 -1 been hurt when black memb 1711 XIE19991002.0168 -1 July 19 , 1956 1711 XIE19960810.0008 1 1928 1711 APW19990303.0240 -1 1939 1711 APW19990121.0047 -1 1976 1711 APW19990303.0240 -1 Feb. 23 1711 NYT19981007.0370 -1 1930 1711 NYT19991013.0085 -1 1930 1711 NYT19991017.0148 -1 quarter five 1711 NYT19981129.0124 -1 1969 1711 XIE20000718.0127 -1 today 1711 APW20000831.0127 -1 Oct. 1 1711 NYT19990904.0021 -1 Friday night 1711 NYT19990530.0146 -1 1940s 1711 XIE19960810.0008 -1 May 1941 1711 NYT19981115.0048 -1 1954 1711 NYT19980710.0376 -1 1975 1711 XIE19960810.0008 -1 1949 1711 NYT19990714.0232 -1 1930 1711 NYT19990908.0357 -1 Sept. 8, 1999 1711 NYT19981029.0411 -1 1962 1711 XIE19960810.0008 -1 in May 1711 NYT19981124.0380 -1 1930 1711 APW19980606.0811 -1 1995 1711 XIE19960810.0008 -1 Coventry 1711 NYT19980901.0170 -1 in 1941 1711 NYT19981218.0476 -1 1969 1711 NYT19990114.0120 -1 1969 1711 NYT19981218.0476 -1 the first time 1711 XIE19960831.0215 -1 August 31 1711 XIE19960810.0008 -1 16 1711 NYT19980701.0053 -1 November 1996 1711 NYT19990114.0120 -1 1983 1711 APW19981102.0996 -1 0587 1711 NYT19991025.0179 -1 1930 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 ago by spooling line onto wicker reels 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 Zebco 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 Marilyn C. Grant 1712 NYT20000706.0077 -1 Zebco 1712 NYT20000406.0021 -1 Fly 1712 NYT19990830.0178 -1 Farquharson 1712 NYT20000706.0275 1 Chinese 1712 NYT20000706.0334 -1 Marilyn C. Grant 1712 NYT20000419.0398 -1 I 1712 NYT19980728.0039 -1 Charlton Outdoor Technologies 1712 NYT19990227.0144 -1 York Open 1712 NYT20000706.0334 -1 Zebco workers 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 Zero Hour Bomb Co 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 Grant 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 Zero Hour Bomb Co. 1712 NYT19991013.0253 -1 Orvis 1712 APW19991023.0002 -1 Bakelite 1712 NYT19990410.0251 -1 Hour Bomb Co. 1712 NYT19981219.0142 -1 Hardy 1712 NYT20000529.0054 -1 Bush 1712 NYT19990428.0058 -1 Gutenberg 1712 NYT20000705.0073 -1 Zebco 1712 NYT19990410.0251 1 R.D. Hull 1712 NYT20000229.0183 -1 Bush 1712 NYT20000706.0077 2 China 1712 NYT20000706.0275 -1 the Zero Hour Bomb Co. 1712 NYT19990410.0251 -1 He 1712 NYT19990410.0251 1 R. D. Hull 1712 NYT20000419.0395 -1 2000_Los_Angeles_Daily_News_LOS_ANGELES _ 1712 NYT19990410.0251 -1 Easton Street 1712 NYT19980812.0491 -1 Gary Gillingham 1712 NYT19990410.0251 -1 William 1712 NYT19990410.0251 -1 Zebco 1712 NYT19990410.0251 -1 American 1712 NYT19980901.0104 -1 Mullally 1713 APW19990812.0050 3 Triskaidekaphobia Open 1713 XIE19980908.0223 -1 Amanda Coetzer 1713 APW19990812.0050 3 Triskadekaphobia- Fear 1713 XIE19960401.0041 -1 14 1713 NYT20000626.0236 -1 Phobias can seriously 1713 NYT20000626.0236 -1 situation 1713 NYT19990323.0075 -1 people 1713 NYT19991003.0685 -1 NewYork 1713 NYT19991003.0685 -1 Let 1713 APW19990812.0050 1 Triskaidekaphobia 1713 NYT19980630.0218 -1 fear 1713 NYT19991213.0093 -1 People 1713 XIE19990730.0213 -1 11th century 1713 NYT20000110.0067 -1 phobias 1713 NYT19990818.0054 -1 Ohio 1713 APW19990812.0050 -1 fear 1713 XIE20000911.0295 -1 16 days 1713 NYT19990517.0168 -1 social phobia 1713 NYT19990517.0311 -1 Liebowitz 1713 APW19990812.0281 -1 Some look to Norse mythology 1713 NYT20000626.0236 -1 Dr . Brenda_Wiederhold 1713 NYT19990517.0287 -1 -- tk -- 1713 NYT19990517.0449 -1 1980 1713 XIE19981105.0376 -1 social phobia 1713 NYT19990514.0167 -1 Social 1713 NYT19981019.0209 -1 Social 1713 APW19990812.0050 -1 the number 13 1713 NYT19990909.0031 -1 nn 1713 NYT19990517.0311 -1 19 million 1713 NYT19980610.0188 -1 Friday 1713 NYT19990517.0311 -1 Fear 1714 NYT19990729.0228 1 Ontario 1714 NYT19980608.0171 1 Ontario 1714 APW19980902.0916 3 southern Ontario 1714 APW20000513.0084 2 Ontario 1714 NYT19980622.0356 1 Ontario 1714 NYT19990712.0289 -1 United States 1714 APW19980619.1393 -1 fall 1714 NYT20000627.0106 -1 Travel Trivia 1714 APW20000724.0153 -1 NewYork 1714 APW20000513.0084 -1 United States 1714 NYT19990306.0103 -1 British Columbia 1714 APW19990101.0039 -1 United States 1714 APW20000914.0136 -1 N.Y. 1714 APW20000914.0136 -1 Buffalo 1714 NYT19990518.0072 2 Ontario 1714 NYT19990604.0309 -1 Atlanta 1714 APW20000426.0163 -1 Iceland 1714 APW19990120.0108 -1 Jackson County 1714 APW19980619.1393 1 Ontario 1714 NYT20000330.0300 -1 British Columbia 1714 NYT19990730.0303 -1 N.Y. 1714 APW20000513.0084 -1 Wheatfield 1714 NYT19990511.0309 1 Ontario 1714 APW20000922.0197 -1 NIL 1714 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1714 NYT20000517.0348 1 Ontario 1714 APW19990210.0056 -1 the Fujian Province 1714 NYT19981211.0147 -1 British Columbia 1715 NYT20000814.0293 -1 70 percent of the RDA for vitamin 1715 APW19990420.0296 1 60 milligrams 1715 APW19990420.0029 -1 Wednesday 1715 XIE19971217.0304 -1 100 1715 NYT20000410.0335 -1 2,000 milligrams 1715 APW20000411.0057 1 75 milligrams 1715 NYT20000815.0209 -1 bottle 1715 NYT19991003.0900 -1 413 1715 APW20000411.0057 -1 Women 1715 NYT20000323.0347 -1 1 cup 1715 APW20000411.0057 -1 2,000 milligrams 1715 NYT19990607.0238 -1 500 milligrams 1715 APW20000328.0015 -1 many 1715 APW19990420.0029 1 60 milligrams 1715 NYT20000323.0345 1 60 milligrams 1715 NYT20000403.0295 -1 47 42 17 11 1715 NYT20000410.0335 -1 more than 2,000 milligrams 1715 NYT19990125.0194 -1 1,000 milligrams 1715 NYT20000410.0335 -1 milligrams 1715 NYT20000410.0335 -1 C 1715 NYT20000410.0166 -1 100 percent 1715 NYT19980907.0108 1 60 milligrams 1715 NYT20000323.0345 -1 1 cup 1715 NYT19990405.0059 -1 three 1715 XIE19991113.0132 -1 400 micrograms 1715 APW20000411.0057 1 60 milligrams 1715 NYT19980908.0230 1 60 milligrams 1715 NYT19980907.0108 -1 vitamin C 1715 NYT20000415.0076 -1 no more than 2,000 milligrams 1715 NYT19981202.0150 -1 10 1715 NYT19990125.0194 -1 60 1715 APW20000303.0014 -1 2 1715 NYT20000415.0074 -1 1500 1715 NYT19990607.0238 -1 take 500 milligram 1715 APW20000303.0014 -1 500 milligrams 1715 NYT19990909.0409 -1 $850 million 1715 NYT19991008.0331 -1 $1 1715 NYT19980902.0398 -1 1/2 cup 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 Affirmed 1716 NYT19990606.0200 -1 Affirmed 1716 NYT19990602.0387 -1 Carl Yast 1716 APW19990610.0144 -1 War Emblem 1716 APW19990608.0129 -1 horse racing's first Triple Crown winner 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 D. Wayne Lukas 1716 APW19991002.0046 -1 Triple Crown Winner Dead 1716 NYT19990530.0062 -1 Triple Crown winner 1716 NYT19980605.0431 -1 Kent Desormeaux 1716 NYT19990527.0460 -1 Belmont 1716 APW19990605.0153 -1 WINNING JOCKEY 1716 APW19990517.0234 -1 Belmont Stakes 1716 NYT19990530.0074 -1 Pearl Harbor 1716 NYT19980601.0603 -1 Affirmed 1716 NYT19980605.0423 3 Barton 1716 NYT19980605.0341 -1 Real Quiet 1716 NYT19980606.0165 -1 Belmont Stakes 1716 NYT19990604.0322 3 Barton 1716 NYT19980605.0423 1 Sir Barton 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 Belmont 1716 APW19990515.0012 -1 Derby 1716 NYT19980603.0409 -1 DAVID EINSTEIN 1716 APW19990610.0144 1 Sir Barton 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 Silver Charm 1716 NYT20000423.0009 -1 Derby 1716 APW19990527.0004 -1 Charismatic 1716 APW19990515.0012 -1 the Derby 1716 NYT19980601.0426 2 Sir Barton 1716 APW19991029.0077 -1 Blissfull Hall 1716 NYT19990514.0142 -1 four Kentucky_Derby winners 1716 NYT19990530.0062 -1 OMAHA ( 1935 ) Owner : Belair Stud Trainer : Sunny Jim Fitzsimmons Jockey : William_Saunders_Notable : Omaha 1716 NYT20000511.0381 -1 the Triple_Crown 1716 NYT19991231.0005 -1 Gallant Fox 1716 NYT19980601.0603 -1 Real Quiet 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 Baffert 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 Charismatic 1716 APW19990515.0033 -1 Lukas 1716 APW19990531.0014 -1 Silver Charm 1716 APW19990604.0038 -1 Silver Charm 1716 NYT19981031.0115 -1 Emblem 1717 XIE19970122.0252 -1 Rio de Janeiro 1717 NYT19990426.0111 1 London 1717 XIE19970608.0155 -1 Munich 1717 XIE19980401.0252 -1 Mexico 1717 XIE19990827.0050 -1 Turkey 1717 XIE19970415.0077 2 London 1717 XIE19960310.0007 -1 Saudi Arabia 1717 XIE19970906.0143 -1 Dhaka 1717 XIE19960613.0279 -1 Shanghai 1717 XIE19960401.0103 -1 Beijing 1717 XIE19981029.0037 -1 Africa 1717 XIE19970529.0024 -1 United States 1717 XIE19980617.0171 1 Xi'an 1717 XIE19980617.0171 -1 Rome 1717 XIE19980728.0178 -1 Bengal 1717 XIE19970502.0042 -1 Mexico City 1717 NYT19980616.0135 -1 Fort Worth 1717 XIE19960401.0103 -1 US 1717 NYT20000908.0138 -1 Barcelona 1717 XIE19980617.0171 -1 Athens 1717 NYT20000501.0348 -1 Detroit 1717 NYT19990717.0006 -1 Phoenix 1717 NYT20000908.0454 -1 Barcelona 1717 NYT20000107.0349 -1 New York 1717 XIE19980617.0171 -1 four major ancient capitals 1717 XIE19990118.0162 -1 NIL 1717 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1717 XIE19970102.0193 -1 Jakarta 1717 NYT19990616.0380 -1 Mexico City 1717 XIE19970415.0077 -1 Ottawa Hull 1717 XIE19970502.0042 -1 Tokyo 1717 NYT19990125.0038 -1 the WORLD'S FIRST city 1717 XIE20000523.0182 -1 China 1717 NYT19990426.0111 1 LONDON 1717 XIE19990213.0053 -1 BRUSSELS 1717 XIE19971012.0061 -1 BEIJING 1718 APW19990903.0073 -1 1787 1718 NYT19990818.0403 -1 1925 1718 NYT19980922.0109 -1 2000 1718 NYT19981216.0091 -1 1670 1718 NYT20000624.0131 -1 1915 1718 XIE19971127.0254 -1 today 1718 APW20000707.0008 -1 1862 1718 NYT19981121.0189 -1 summer 1718 APW20000707.0008 -1 1864 1718 NYT20000829.0332 -1 1928 1718 APW20000504.0052 -1 a month ago 1718 APW20000105.0052 -1 1889 1718 APW19991020.0305 -1 1999 1718 NYT19981119.0226 1 1792 1718 NYT19980601.0338 -1 1883 1718 NYT19980623.0320 -1 1993 1718 NYT19980810.0423 -1 January 1993 1718 APW20000807.0001 -1 1913 1718 XIE19960605.0295 -1 today 1718 APW19991012.0114 1 Oct . 13 , 1792 1718 APW19980819.0700 -1 Aug. 18-21, 1991 1718 NYT19990701.0371 -1 2000 1718 NYT19990107.0385 -1 21:23 1718 NYT20000112.0292 -1 1942 1718 NYT19981119.0226 -1 1971 1718 NYT19981001.0205 -1 Clinton 1718 APW19990903.0073 -1 garden gate open 1718 NYT19980909.0110 -1 in 1915 1718 NYT20000713.0238 1 1800 1718 APW19991015.0191 -1 Dec . 31 1718 XIE19960606.0026 -1 WASHINGTON , June 4 ( Xinhua ) -- Two American 1718 NYT19980903.0176 -1 1885 1718 XIE19991213.0206 -1 1994 1718 APW20000105.0052 -1 in 1889 1718 NYT19990722.0357 -1 1998 1718 APW20000308.0223 -1 September 1996 1718 NYT20000502.0321 -1 1999 1718 XIE19961008.0042 -1 October 7 1718 NYT19980820.0148 -1 1927 1719 NYT19990415.0315 -1 6 million miles 1719 NYT19990816.0256 -1 93 million miles 1719 NYT19990415.0315 -1 just 4.6 days 1719 NYT19990415.0315 -1 5.2 AU 1719 XIE19971211.0329 -1 his paper Monday at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union here , Daniel Baker , Director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado , 1719 NYT19990415.0315 -1 6 million mile 1719 NYT20000515.0063 -1 1982 1719 NYT20000515.0166 -1 175 million miles 1719 XIE19960409.0120 1 about 800 million kilometers 1719 NYT19990419.0260 -1 Earth-size 1719 NYT19980625.0378 -1 15 light-years 1719 NYT19980625.0369 -1 15 light-years 1719 NYT19991011.0357 -1 380 miles 1719 XIE19991130.0198 -1 418 million km 1719 NYT19990415.0315 -1 less than 6 million miles 1719 XIE19960409.0120 1 800 million kilometers 1719 NYT19980625.0263 -1 15 light-years 1719 NYT19990415.0315 -1 less than 6 million mile 1719 NYT19980625.0263 -1 only 15 light-years 1719 APW19981021.1002 -1 93 million miles 1719 XIE19981129.0011 -1 one-tenth 1719 APW19981021.1002 1 777 million kilometers 1719 XIE19991210.0027 -1 4,498,252,900 kilometers 1719 XIE19990731.0167 -1 the Sun 1719 NYT19990415.0282 -1 more 1719 APW19990804.0185 -1 millions of miles 1719 NYT20000806.0102 -1 the constellation Eridanus 1719 NYT19990415.0282 -1 seven planets 1719 NYT20000721.0259 -1 10 miles 1719 NYT19990415.0448 -1 Sun 1720 NYT19980904.0051 -1 scored in an NBA game March 2 , 1962 1720 NYT19990424.0216 -1 April 24 , 1999 1720 APW20000819.0115 2 9-0 1720 NYT19980904.0051 -1 1962 1720 NYT19980808.0193 -1 36-5 1720 APW19990415.0001 -1 1997 1720 NYT19980927.0218 -1 Monday night 1720 NYT19990608.0006 -1 Friday 1720 APW19980706.1132 -1 1954 1720 NYT19980904.0051 -1 March 2 , 1962 1720 XIE19990329.0146 -1 eighth 1720 NYT19990610.0361 -1 summer 1720 NYT19980922.0392 -1 Sept. 12 1720 APW19990603.0144 1 9 - 0 1720 NYT20000316.0434 -1 9 1720 NYT19990703.0199 -1 3. 1720 XIE20000812.0093 -1 August 11 1720 APW19990415.0001 -1 thousands 1720 NYT19980808.0193 -1 0 1720 NYT19990530.0114 -1 June 6, 1989 1720 APW19991022.0207 -1 Friday night 1720 APW19990623.0244 -1 box scores 1720 XIE19960802.0252 -1 1984 1720 NYT19980806.0432 -1 League 1720 NYT19980829.0217 -1 1937 1720 APW19990415.0001 -1 a game 1720 NYT19990608.0447 -1 six seasons 1720 NYT19980924.0008 -1 1999 1720 APW19991017.0156 -1 4-3 because Cedeno's run was the only one that mattered,and Ventura didn't touch home 1720 NYT19980710.0434 -1 11 game 1720 NYT19980924.0016 -1 12 1720 NYT20000708.0199 -1 four 1720 NYT19980622.0266 -1 the year 1720 NYT19980701.0398 -1 2001 1721 NYT20000824.0219 1 46 feet 1721 NYT20000824.0219 1 only 46 feet 1721 NYT20000604.0098 -1 60 feet 1721 APW19981019.0618 -1 4-for-6 1721 NYT19980630.0031 -1 Ballpark 1721 NYT20000920.0127 -1 back-yard 1721 APW19981019.0618 -1 12 in 1721 NYT19981022.0032 -1 60 feet 6 inches 1721 NYT20000805.0262 -1 90 1721 APW19990218.0321 -1 six feet 1721 NYT20000604.0098 -1 60 feet 6 inches 1721 NYT20000610.0002 -1 15 feet 1721 APW19990218.0321 -1 two 1721 XIE20000918.0296 -1 Monday 1721 XIE20000918.0296 -1 just two days 1721 NYT20000824.0219 -1 last 1721 NYT19980728.0103 -1 60-feet 1721 NYT20000604.0098 -1 6 inches 1721 NYT20000824.0219 1 46 foot 1721 NYT20000824.0219 -1 7 innings 1721 NYT20000824.0219 -1 10 innings 1721 NYT19990808.0037 -1 six feet 1722 NYT20000522.0293 -1 1863 poem 1722 APW19990514.0034 1 1886 1722 NYT20000708.0151 -1 March 25, 1920 1722 NYT20000222.0075 1 1886 1722 APW20000514.0128 1 1886 1722 APW19990109.0013 3 1830-1886 1722 NYT19981210.0107 1 1886 1722 APW19990514.0034 -1 1911 1722 NYT19981209.0244 1 1886 1722 XIE19990423.0018 -1 2014 1722 APW19990514.0034 -1 Amherst, Mass 1722 APW19990417.0069 -1 the top 1722 NYT19991013.0263 -1 Oct . 29 1722 APW19991023.0159 -1 1984 1722 APW20000514.0128 1 In 1886 1722 APW20000514.0128 -1 In 1911 1722 NYT19981210.0107 -1 1870 1722 NYT20000106.0223 2 1886 1723 NYT20000211.0177 -1 Madonna 's version 1723 NYT20000814.0073 -1 BBC America 1723 NYT20000912.0457 -1 Ahmadazai 1723 APW20000825.0046 1 Ciccone 1723 XIE20000512.0179 -1 di Campiglio 1723 APW20000825.0046 3 Madonna Ciccone 1723 NYT20000903.0037 -1 Gordon Sumner 1723 APW19981106.0784 -1 Sestriere 1723 APW19980928.0565 -1 a bad name 1723 NYT19980915.0454 -1 World Vaishnava Association 1723 NYT20000903.0037 -1 Gordon 1723 APW19980926.0844 -1 cake 1723 NYT19990609.0333 -1 UR 1723 NYT19980604.0219 1 Ciccone 1723 NYT19980626.0203 -1 Dorothy 1723 XIE19971212.0125 -1 Val 1723 APW20000824.0173 -1 Rosenberg 1723 NYT20000912.0457 -1 Mirwais 1723 NYT19980604.0219 3 Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone 1723 APW20000320.0081 -1 Ritchie 1723 APW20000825.0046 -1 2000-08-25 1723 APW19980721.0334 -1 Liz Rosenberg 1723 NYT20000228.0165 -1 Desperately Seeking Susan 1723 NYT19980915.0453 -1 Video 1723 NYT19990202.0218 -1 Latrell Sprewell 1723 APW20000824.0173 -1 Parisi 1723 NYT19980911.0027 1 Ciccone 1723 NYT20000912.0457 -1 Music ( Maverick / Warner Brothers 2-47598 ) , her latest foray into electronica 1723 NYT20000228.0165 -1 Madonna 1723 NYT19991227.0182 -1 Ray 1723 NYT20000502.0097 -1 Guy Ritchie 1723 NYT19990915.0146 -1 Robert Madonna 1723 NYT19980707.0185 -1 David Mamet 1723 APW20000315.0112 -1 Paul McCartney 1723 NYT19990310.0279 -1 Goth 1723 APW20000825.0046 -1 Liz Rosenberg 1723 NYT20000228.0165 -1 her hair consist baromet morph incarn 1723 NYT19980602.0091 -1 It 1723 APW19981226.0111 -1 Madonnas 1724 NYT20000406.0088 1 Osiris 1724 APW20000930.0062 1 Osiris 1724 APW20000215.0053 -1 Roman 1724 APW20000215.0053 -1 Ancient Egypt 1724 NYT19981022.0281 1 Osiris 1724 XIE19990727.0016 -1 Xinhua 1724 APW20000215.0053 1 Horus 1724 XIE19970531.0135 -1 Iraq Friday 1724 APW19980730.0877 1 Isis 1724 NYT19991127.0048 -1 U. S 1724 XIE19970712.0093 -1 giant power project in 1724 APW19980730.0864 1 Horus 1724 NYT20000131.0097 -1 Lara 1724 APW19980730.0877 1 Osiris 1724 NYT19981007.0214 1 Horus 1724 APW19980716.1315 -1 Manichaeism 1724 APW19980730.0864 1 Isis 1724 XIE19960328.0004 -1 Gaddafi 1724 NYT19981218.0103 -1 Egypt 1724 NYT20000809.0305 -1 Akhenaten 1724 NYT20000809.0305 -1 Service 1724 NYT19990407.0340 -1 god 1724 APW19980730.0864 1 Osiris 1724 NYT19981217.0187 -1 Bill Condon 1724 NYT19980825.0144 -1 Service 1724 NYT20000812.0187 -1 Akhenaten 1724 APW20000630.0104 -1 Ahmed Younes 1724 NYT20000118.0325 1 Osiris 1724 APW20000215.0053 -1 Egypt , Arnold 1724 XIE19970531.0135 -1 God 1724 NYT19981218.0103 -1 One scholar 1724 NYT19991227.0237 -1 Freed 1724 XIE19990708.0327 -1 Farouk Hosni Wednesday 1724 NYT20000118.0325 -1 egyptian 1724 NYT19981007.0214 -1 MU 1724 NYT19981014.0074 -1 Martin Luther 1724 XIE19990303.0206 -1 Prime Minister Kamal Ganzouri 1724 NYT19990621.0364 -1 Min 1725 NYT19990907.0238 -1 London 1725 NYT20000622.0423 -1 50 pounds 1725 NYT19991111.0298 -1 New York City 1725 APW19990803.0093 -1 Division I-AA Eastern Washington 1725 NYT19991111.0298 -1 NewYork 1725 NYT20000130.0033 -1 Boston 1725 APW19990519.0246 -1 New York 1725 NYT19991007.0133 -1 Paget Brewster 1725 NYT20000130.0033 -1 Beijing 1725 NYT19990915.0436 -1 Paige O'Hara 1725 NYT19990915.0436 -1 Lumiere 1725 NYT20000130.0033 -1 narrator 1725 NYT19990921.0352 -1 desert 1725 APW19990519.0246 -1 Swoosie Kurtz 1725 APW19990606.0074 -1 New York 1725 NYT19990217.0473 -1 Columbia College 1725 NYT19980825.0144 -1 New York 1725 APW19990519.0246 -1 a New York apartment house 1725 NYT20000511.0379 -1 NIL 1725 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1725 NYT19991111.0295 -1 New York City 1725 NYT19991007.0157 -1 New York 1725 NYT19991111.0298 -1 York City 1725 APW19991006.0077 -1 Manhattan 1725 NYT19991007.0133 -1 Hook 1725 APW19990803.0093 -1 Eastern Washington 1725 NYT19991007.0133 -1 CBS 1725 NYT19991213.0268 -1 UCI 1726 NYT20000329.0355 -1 couple standing under a canopy 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 Tomer Cohen 1726 NYT19991122.0239 -1 marriage ceremony 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 bride 1726 NYT20000329.0355 -1 Many ceremonies 1726 NYT20000323.0329 -1 woman 1726 APW19980910.1213 -1 Reform 1726 NYT20000111.0117 -1 Paris 1726 NYT19991117.0172 -1 Hebrew 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 marriage 1726 NYT19990924.0195 1 huppah 1726 NYT19990426.0353 -1 Israel 1726 NYT19990924.0195 -1 only daughter 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 22 1726 NYT19991105.0259 1 chupah 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 ceremony 1726 NYT19981217.0342 -1 four - foot deep 1726 NYT19990802.0286 -1 tradition 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 Irit 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 Cohen 1726 NYT19980609.0211 -1 bat 1726 APW19980825.1326 -1 The rockets 1726 APW19990404.0032 -1 Butler 1726 APW19990404.0032 -1 the canopy 1726 NYT19991117.0172 -1 canopies 1726 NYT19980719.0037 -1 Vinit Sethi's wedding 1726 APW19981223.0735 -1 Nov. 1726 NYT20000329.0355 -1 groom 1726 NYT20000329.0355 -1 wed 1726 NYT19990525.0041 -1 Wedding Magazine 1726 NYT19990924.0195 -1 Wedding 1727 NYT19990811.0283 -1 dozen red wasps 1727 APW19990124.0048 -1 species common on Southern farms 1727 NYT20000805.0188 1 White Anglo-Saxon Protestant 1727 NYT19980916.0067 -1 Geheime Staats-Polizei 1727 NYT20000805.0199 -1 OO 1727 NYT20000809.0149 -1 Nancy Parrish 1727 APW19981130.1051 -1 work 1727 NYT20000724.0346 -1 Gauld 1727 NYT20000809.0149 -1 America 1727 XIE19970819.0102 1 Western Area Security Patrol 1727 NYT19980918.0256 -1 Geheime Staats- Polizei 1727 NYT20000805.0199 -1 WASPs 1727 NYT20000825.0185 -1 next step 1727 NYT19980921.0217 1 Wide Area Surveillance Projectile 1727 NYT19990818.0397 -1 Vespa 1727 NYT19980921.0218 3 plane, called the Wide Area Surveillance Projectile 1727 XIE19990219.0228 -1 Cavaliers 1727 NYT19980820.0331 1 Women 's Airforce Service Pilots 1727 XIE19960428.0076 3 white anglo saxon 1727 NYT19980820.0331 1 women's airforce service pilots 1727 APW19990111.0064 -1 AP 1727 NYT20000805.0186 1 White Anglo-Saxon Protestant 1727 NYT19981102.0204 -1 1986 1727 XIE19960428.0076 1 white anglo saxon protestants 1727 XIE19960428.0105 1 white Anglo Saxon Protestants 1727 NYT20000724.0346 -1 Dr . Ian_Gauld 1727 APW19980615.0559 -1 the jets 1727 NYT19990701.0162 -1 the wasps 1727 NYT19990720.0027 -1 separating it from its own parasites 1727 NYT19990514.0260 -1 ' ' said Darko 1727 NYT19980921.0218 -1 Deyst says 1727 NYT19980820.0331 3 the Women have Airforce Service Pilots 1727 NYT19990721.0278 -1 caterpillar 1727 NYT19980820.0447 -1 By 1728 NYT19991010.0152 1 1923 1728 NYT19981106.0243 3 hit on April 18 1728 NYT19990909.0442 -1 April, 1977 1728 APW19981014.0045 -1 1978 1728 NYT19990828.0176 1 April 18, 1923 1728 NYT19991012.0348 1 1923 1728 NYT20000401.0170 -1 1946 1728 NYT19990412.0485 -1 Monday 1728 APW19981113.0239 -1 1992 1728 APW19981013.0077 -1 seventh 1728 NYT19981017.0076 1 1923 1728 NYT19991003.0759 -1 Tuesday 1728 NYT19981106.0226 1 April 18, 1923 1728 NYT19981106.0226 1 April 18 , 1923 1728 NYT19980813.0227 1 1923 1728 APW19990503.0101 -1 July 1970 1728 APW19990124.0021 -1 opening day April 9 1728 NYT19981106.0226 1 1923 1728 NYT19980927.0225 1 1923 1728 NYT19990921.0113 -1 1999 1728 NYT19990412.0485 -1 2002 1728 APW19990409.0018 -1 games 1728 NYT19981017.0076 -1 1943 1728 NYT19991012.0348 -1 the final day 1728 NYT19980927.0225 1 in 1923 1728 NYT19991013.0181 1 in 1923 1728 NYT19981106.0243 1 on April 18 , 1923 1728 NYT19991213.0434 -1 2002 1728 APW19981007.1191 -1 0444 1728 NYT19990708.0402 -1 2001 1729 XIE19960822.0241 1 Schiphol Airport 1729 NYT19980715.0238 1 Schiphol Airport 1729 NYT19981027.0362 1 Schipol 1729 NYT19990713.0034 -1 DiMaggio 1729 APW19981001.1101 1 NH Schiphol 1729 APW19980912.0303 1 Schiphol airport 1729 APW19981117.0427 1 Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport 1729 XIE20000704.0038 -1 At the Amsterdam international airport , Zhu 1729 APW19980903.0520 -1 land 1729 APW19980930.0285 -1 AP 1729 APW19981112.0664 3 _ KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport 1729 XIE19980320.0233 -1 Helsinki 1729 APW19980607.1007 1 Schiphol 1729 NYT19990422.0355 1 Schiphol 1729 APW19981027.1171 1 Schiphol 1729 XIE20000528.0183 1 Schiphol 1729 APW19980819.0415 1 Schiphol Airport 1729 APW19980607.1007 1 Schiphol Airport 1729 XIE19960926.0203 1 Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport 1729 APW19980819.0415 1 Schiphol 1729 APW19980826.0289 -1 CNN 1729 APW19980605.1007 -1 KLM 1729 APW19981106.0738 -1 Netherlands 1729 XIE19970830.0209 -1 Sea 1729 APW19981217.1031 -1 rail 1729 XIE19980320.0233 -1 The two Estonians 1729 APW19981112.0664 -1 / bk ) BC-Netherlands-New_Airport , 0293 AMSTERDAM 1729 APW19980903.0534 -1 a new airport 1729 NYT19990211.0237 -1 LCOR Inc. 1729 XIE19991027.0078 -1 London Heathrow 1729 NYT19990217.0331 -1 Ms. Boehler 1729 APW19990104.0096 -1 Netherlands 1729 APW19990104.0096 1 Schiphol 1729 XIE19980529.0133 -1 Yves Doutriaux 1729 APW19981101.0440 -1 Amsterdam Marathon 1729 APW19980607.1007 -1 Sunday Times 1729 APW19980904.0177 -1 Hotel 1730 NYT19980714.0248 -1 pen 1730 NYT19980714.0248 1 Samuel Langhorne Clemens 1730 APW19981124.1336 -1 American Author 1730 APW19990829.0107 -1 Tom Sawyer 1730 APW19990928.0134 1 Samuel Langhorne Clemens 1730 APW19990830.0151 -1 Mark Twain 1730 NYT19980714.0248 -1 Twain flash 1730 NYT20000818.0387 -1 Gore 1730 NYT19980714.0248 -1 Mississippi 1730 NYT19991014.0081 -1 the lost art of quilting 1730 NYT19980924.0305 -1 child 1730 NYT20000421.0234 -1 Gilder-Clemens 1730 NYT20000818.0251 -1 Tipper Gore 1730 NYT19980716.0166 -1 Andrew Kitzanuk 1730 NYT19990522.0200 -1 Tom Sawyer 1730 NYT19980813.0033 -1 Johnson 1730 APW19990830.0151 -1 St. Petersburg 1730 APW19990106.0017 -1 Brian Warner 1730 NYT19991019.0088 -1 Mark Twain Prize 1730 APW20000502.0122 1 Samuel Clemens 1730 NYT19981230.0462 -1 Huckleberry Finn 1730 NYT19990427.0119 1 Samuel Clemens 1730 NYT20000403.0213 -1 Abraham Lincoln 1730 APW19990106.0017 -1 Monday 1730 NYT19981027.0141 1 Samuel Clemens 1730 NYT19980714.0248 -1 America 1730 NYT19990202.0169 -1 Faulkner 1730 NYT19991020.0419 -1 Winters 1730 APW20000502.0122 -1 AP 1730 APW20000502.0122 1 Samuel_Clemens 1730 NYT20000421.0234 -1 Twain 1730 NYT19991001.0232 -1 Tom Sawyer 1730 APW20000722.0104 1 Samuel Clemens 1730 NYT19990510.0190 -1 Chicago 1730 NYT20000421.0234 -1 Olivia 1730 NYT19991012.0217 -1 McGwire 1730 NYT19980714.0248 3 Samuel Langhorne 1730 NYT19980829.0248 -1 Justin 1730 NYT19990216.0045 -1 Twains 1731 NYT19980824.0494 -1 Census Bureau 1731 NYT19980922.0440 -1 WASHINGTON 1731 XIE20000807.0090 -1 2000 1731 APW19990610.0119 1 10 years 1731 NYT19980824.0494 -1 For the first time since the Census Bureau 1731 APW19981023.0103 -1 head 1731 APW19981023.0103 -1 China 1731 NYT19980928.0513 -1 seven months 1731 NYT19990915.0290 1 every 10 years 1731 NYT19991230.0094 1 ten years 1731 APW20000829.0121 -1 552,990 552,819 Hunterdon 108,234 124,553 Mercer 326,089 333,861 Middlesex 672,841 717,949 Monmouth 554,198 611,444 Morris 421,673 463,545 Ocean 434,461 497,533 Passaic 470,876 485,064 Salem 65,382 64,534 Somerset 241,344 288,090 Sussex 131,386 144,700 Union 493,557 498,759 Warren 91,956 100,312 1731 XIE20000321.0044 -1 1994 genocide atrocities 1731 NYT19990915.0290 -1 435 1731 XIE20000306.0214 -1 current population 1731 NYT20000401.0101 -1 each year 1731 NYT19980824.0494 1 10 years 1731 NYT20000419.0044 -1 1790 1731 APW19990212.0187 -1 The United States Senate 1731 XIE19990417.0175 -1 in 1997 1731 XIE19980526.0347 -1 growing by 13-to-15 million each_year 1731 XIE19990417.0175 -1 its population 1731 APW19980630.1341 -1 almost twice 1731 APW19981023.0103 -1 2000 1731 XIE20000306.0214 -1 Xinhua 1731 XIE19990724.0143 3 every 10 years beginning in 19 1731 NYT19990630.0197 -1 J 1732 NYT19990703.0114 -1 evident truths : without emotion 1732 NYT19990118.0110 -1 Gettysburg Address 1732 NYT19981019.0194 -1 Thomas Jefferson 1732 NYT19981019.0190 -1 Thomas Jefferson 1732 APW19990622.0151 -1 In it , Adams 1732 NYT19990408.0032 -1 and 1732 APW20000110.0282 -1 a time capsule 1732 APW20000110.0282 -1 America 1732 NYT20000313.0136 -1 those precious documents 1732 APW19980604.0690 -1 ground break 1732 APW20000110.0282 -1 GARY BAUER 1732 NYT20000626.0303 -1 character 1732 APW20000110.0282 1 ` ` We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal , endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights , among these the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ' ' 1732 APW19990506.0036 -1 Jefferson 1732 NYT20000301.0044 -1 Moved Mon. 1732 NYT19990720.0410 -1 English 1732 NYT19990515.0217 -1 created equal 1732 APW20000110.0282 1 We hold these truths 1732 NYT20000629.0437 -1 1776 1732 NYT19980825.0144 -1 York 1732 NYT19981019.0194 -1 human 1732 XIE20000305.0065 -1 the leader 1732 APW20000110.0282 1 We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, among these the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness 1732 APW20000110.0282 -1 the century 1732 NYT19990703.0114 -1 Independence 1732 NYT20000824.0161 -1 the declaration 1732 NYT19990515.0217 -1 the famous words 1732 NYT19990423.0069 -1 right of return 1732 NYT20000926.0166 -1 Independence Hall 1732 NYT20000810.0182 -1 Dunlap Declaration 1732 NYT20000629.0337 -1 600 word 1732 APW20000110.0282 -1 silicon 1732 XIE19981209.0183 -1 s of human rights," he said. 1732 APW20000110.0282 3 ndence, because of the words: ``We hold these 1732 NYT19981015.0097 -1 The 1733 NYT19980816.0021 -1 House Majority Whip Tom DeLay 1733 NYT19980816.0021 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE19970810.0063 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE19970808.0151 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 APW20000814.0014 -1 Marca Bristo Chairperson 1733 NYT20000125.0193 -1 Marca Bristo Chairperson 1733 APW19990107.0099 -1 William Jefferson Clinton 1733 XIE20000825.0296 -1 Pro Tempore Blas Ople and Senator Robert Barbers 1733 XIE19970808.0149 3 Strom Thurmond president 1733 APW19990107.0129 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE19980303.0241 1 Storm Thurmond 1733 APW20000428.0228 -1 Pro Tempore Kevin Sullivan 1733 NYT19990107.0304 -1 United States 1733 XIE19970810.0063 1 Thurmond 1733 NYT19990628.0097 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 NYT19990116.0103 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 NYT19990106.0384 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE20000825.0161 -1 Blas Ople 1733 XIE19970806.0252 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 NYT19981104.0616 -1 Kevin Sullivan 1733 XIE20000212.0030 1 Thurmond 1733 XIE19980605.0024 -1 Jiang 1733 NYT19990121.0134 -1 Frank Coleman 1733 XIE19970808.0149 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE20000829.0169 -1 Jiang 1733 XIE19970807.0231 -1 Xinhua 1733 XIE19970810.0088 1 Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE19990108.0298 -1 President 1733 NYT19990107.0304 1 Thurmond 1733 XIE19970810.0088 -1 Meets 1733 XIE19970808.0149 1 Senator Strom Thurmond 1733 XIE19961010.0145 -1 Senator Ernesto Maceda 1733 NYT19990110.0009 -1 Pro Tempore 1733 XIE19970806.0252 -1 President 1734 APW19981202.0339 -1 Gang 1734 NYT19981108.0089 -1 a breed 1734 NYT19990104.0123 -1 Latin 1734 XIE19970131.0132 -1 Schofield 1734 NYT19980923.0214 -1 premium product 1734 XIE19980317.0248 -1 CEDD 1734 APW20000131.0020 -1 Malaysia 1734 APW19990519.0288 -1 world 1734 NYT19990120.0090 -1 United States 1734 APW19981202.0339 -1 vehicles 1734 APW19981202.0339 -1 road 1734 NYT19981108.0089 1 Cerdo 1734 NYT19980608.0044 -1 Latin 1734 NYT19981108.0089 -1 Cerdo Iberico 1734 NYT19990602.0057 -1 English 1734 NYT19990222.0002 -1 cat 1734 NYT19981003.0145 -1 every day 1734 NYT19991102.0182 -1 worldwide 1734 XIE20000723.0006 -1 Africa 1734 APW19981202.0561 -1 LISBON 1734 NYT19990301.0065 -1 years 1734 NYT19990106.0054 -1 the Book of Ob-Jay , http 1734 NYT19990106.0054 -1 text 1734 NYT19990321.0057 -1 quietly 1734 NYT19990317.0119 -1 white pigs 1734 APW19980830.0305 -1 white 1734 XIE19970131.0132 -1 crate 1735 NYT19980919.0120 -1 Dallas 1735 NYT20000824.0397 -1 Oklahoma City 1735 NYT19980812.0408 -1 Los Angeles 1735 NYT19990102.0168 -1 State College 1735 NYT19981216.0052 1 Georgetown , Texas 1735 NYT20000113.0054 1 Georgetown 1735 NYT20000902.0004 -1 Houston 1735 XIE19980706.0227 -1 Beijing 1735 XIE19960927.0084 -1 Pu 1735 XIE19981118.0156 -1 Tehran 1735 NYT20000824.0397 1 Georgetown, Texas, 1735 NYT20000111.0075 1 Georgetown 1735 NYT20000902.0004 -1 Dallas 1735 NYT20000629.0327 -1 Americus 1735 XIE19991018.0182 -1 Shanghai 1735 NYT20000824.0397 1 Georgetown 1735 NYT19981008.0427 1 Georgetown 1735 NYT20000113.0054 3 Georgetown is in the thick of application season 1735 XIE19981120.0076 -1 Chongqing 1735 NYT19980812.0296 -1 Los Angeles 1735 APW19980709.0953 -1 Ile 1735 NYT19990616.0328 -1 University 1735 XIE19990918.0031 -1 BEIJING 1735 NYT19980904.0192 -1 AUSTIN 1735 NYT19990331.0408 1 GEORGETOWN 1735 APW19990121.0206 -1 Los Angeles 1735 NYT20000824.0397 -1 Lubbock 1735 APW20000928.0006 -1 Dallas 1735 XIE19990517.0066 -1 Beijing and Qinghua universities 1735 NYT19990625.0230 -1 the University 1735 XIE19990517.0066 -1 Beijing University 1735 NYT19981213.0206 2 Georgetown 1735 NYT19980605.0364 -1 studio City 1735 XIE19981120.0076 -1 CHONGQING 1735 NYT19990331.0408 -1 San Antonio 1735 NYT20000805.0248 -1 Medical Center 1735 NYT19990503.0519 -1 State 1736 NYT19980830.0065 -1 New York 1736 APW19980909.0904 -1 Scotland 1736 NYT19990402.0086 -1 Surgeon 1736 NYT19980605.0129 1 cheek 1736 NYT19981017.0278 -1 Chelsey Gragg 1736 NYT19990408.0093 -1 gym 1736 NYT20000219.0249 -1 Chicago 1736 NYT20000809.0205 -1 Atlanta 1736 APW20000427.0091 -1 Uganda 1736 NYT20000518.0179 3 Mondrian cheek by jowl 1736 XIE19980507.0010 -1 S. Africa 1736 NYT19980605.0129 -1 Sacco 1736 NYT19980605.0129 -1 Forest Hills 1736 NYT19980818.0137 3 head 1736 NYT19990319.0174 -1 Australian 1736 NYT19981221.0243 -1 President Ernesto Zedillo 1736 NYT19981031.0095 -1 Europe 1736 APW19980617.0365 -1 west coast 1736 APW19980604.0209 2 cheek 1736 NYT19991209.0308 -1 Levesque 1736 NYT20000815.0361 -1 I 1736 NYT20000818.0211 -1 male 1736 NYT19990421.0186 -1 Barnaby 1736 NYT20000920.0011 -1 Wilson 1736 XIE19960329.0096 -1 Australia 1736 NYT19990408.0093 -1 NIL 1736 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1736 NYT19981027.0163 -1 back-alley Bangkok 1736 NYT19990412.0220 -1 nose or jowl 1736 NYT19980620.0115 -1 the East River 1736 NYT19990524.0261 -1 GA 1736 NYT19981103.0434 -1 London 1736 NYT19980806.0077 -1 Sofia 1736 NYT19981017.0278 -1 I 1737 NYT20000816.0190 -1 80s 1737 NYT20000707.0389 -1 8 ounces per hour during flight 1737 NYT20000401.0143 -1 the day 1737 NYT20000530.0149 -1 5 1737 NYT20000530.0149 -1 Experts , 1737 NYT19990929.0363 -1 3 time 1737 NYT20000314.0129 -1 Mindell 1737 NYT19991227.0222 -1 two weeks 1737 NYT20000707.0389 1 9 hours 1737 NYT19990802.0200 -1 between 10 and 12 1737 NYT20000125.0067 -1 Americans 1737 NYT20000707.0389 1 10 hours 1737 NYT19990510.0118 -1 4. CHRONOBIOLOGY 1737 NYT20000707.0389 1 nine to 10 hours 1737 NYT20000707.0389 -1 1 1 2 hour 1737 NYT19981007.0161 -1 help 1737 NYT19981007.0161 -1 school 1737 NYT19991227.0222 -1 five 1737 NYT20000506.0095 -1 3-year 1737 NYT19980629.0179 -1 two year 1737 NYT20000508.0069 -1 one 1737 XIE19971112.0192 1 nine hours 1737 NYT19990927.0165 -1 all night 1737 NYT19990929.0563 -1 sleep 1737 APW19980710.1160 -1 9 1/2 hours 1737 APW20000602.0152 -1 a few nights 1737 NYT19990707.0126 -1 39 1737 NYT19990929.0286 -1 25 1737 NYT19980826.0545 -1 their two child 1737 NYT20000707.0389 -1 12 hours 1737 NYT20000401.0143 -1 eight hours 1737 NYT19991227.0222 -1 eight 1737 NYT19990927.0165 -1 one 1738 XIE19970731.0254 -1 Chad 1738 XIE19990629.0227 -1 People 's Liberation Army troops 1738 NYT19990819.0056 -1 Oklahoma 1738 XIE19960919.0069 -1 Cavalry 1738 APW20000509.0140 -1 U.S 1738 XIE19961025.0145 -1 Hong Kong 1738 XIE19991217.0072 -1 Macao SAR 1738 XIE19990629.0044 -1 Macao 1738 XIE19961123.0057 -1 Legislative Affairs Commission 1738 XIE19961123.0057 -1 China 1738 XIE19980929.0110 -1 Portugal 1738 XIE19970904.0083 -1 southwest Germany 1738 NYT19990313.0191 -1 Bergen Street 1738 XIE19960409.0207 -1 Japan 1738 NYT19981104.0280 -1 Taipei 1738 NYT19990327.0233 -1 Tuzla 1738 APW19981114.0741 -1 F-117 Stealth 1738 XIE19990628.0057 -1 Macao 1738 XIE19960917.0036 -1 territories 1738 XIE19960919.0069 -1 US 1738 NYT19990819.0056 -1 Indians 1738 NYT19980609.0038 -1 TO 1738 XIE19980919.0092 -1 Macao 1738 XIE19960415.0013 -1 Moscow 1738 NYT19990819.0056 -1 Red River 1738 NYT19990204.0003 -1 Phoenix 1738 XIE19990317.0308 -1 NIL 1738 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1738 XIE19970409.0060 -1 Albania 1738 NYT19990203.0152 -1 Vietnam 1738 XIE19980131.0145 -1 Kuwait 1738 XIE19990325.0391 -1 Aviano 1738 APW20000106.0126 -1 Westbrook 1738 XIE19970904.0083 -1 Charleston 1738 XIE19980303.0103 -1 SAR 1738 XIE19960917.0037 -1 WASHINGTON 1738 XIE19961124.0059 -1 Hong Kong 1738 XIE19961123.0057 -1 Law 1738 NYT19990203.0085 -1 Victoria 1738 XIE19960919.0069 -1 Cav 1739 NYT19990923.0454 1 Seiji Ozawa 1739 NYT19981116.0164 -1 Boston 1739 APW19990622.0048 -1 Boston Symphony Orchestra 1739 NYT19990622.0384 1 Seiji Ozawa 1739 APW19980916.0886 -1 minister 1739 NYT20000928.0104 -1 the Boston Symphony Orchestra's great home 1739 APW19990623.0013 -1 Munich Philharmonic Orchestra 1739 APW20000211.0144 -1 Pittsburgh 1739 NYT19980921.0179 -1 28-year-old 1739 NYT19980921.0179 -1 JAPAN 1739 NYT19980924.0071 1 Seiji Ozawa 1739 NYT19980706.0421 3 Ozawa 1739 NYT19990607.0242 3 Ozawa 1739 NYT19990205.0113 -1 Zoon 1739 NYT19980622.0506 -1 Dallas Symphony Orchestra 1739 NYT19990806.0136 3 Kent Nagano ; Seiji Ozawa 1739 NYT19990623.0350 -1 Philharmonic 1739 XIE19980207.0166 1 Seiji Ozawa 1739 NYT20000928.0112 1 Seiji Ozawa 1739 NYT19980921.0199 -1 JAPAN 1739 XIE20000503.0077 1 Seiji Ozawa 1739 NYT19990623.0350 -1 BOSTON 1739 NYT20000822.0108 3 Ozawa 1739 APW19991014.0305 -1 John Williams 1739 NYT19990623.0350 -1 Leon Kirchner 1739 APW19990623.0013 -1 Paris ; James_Levine 1739 NYT19990623.0355 -1 the Metropolitan_Opera , Christoph_Eschenbach 1739 NYT19990623.0355 -1 Seiji 1739 NYT19981116.0164 -1 Mahler 1739 APW19990705.0150 -1 Tchaikovsky 1739 NYT19981116.0164 -1 a virtually full Felsenreitschule 1739 NYT19990623.0355 -1 Soloist 1739 NYT19990623.0355 -1 orchestra 1739 NYT19990623.0355 -1 John Williams 1739 NYT19990623.0355 -1 Boston Pops 1739 NYT19990623.0355 3 Ozawa 1740 APW19980614.0006 -1 one team 1740 APW19990908.0087 -1 Laurie 1740 APW19980613.0880 -1 Ice Hockey 1740 NYT20000611.0119 -1 The New Jersey Devils 1740 APW19980613.0880 -1 period 1740 APW19990607.0143 -1 Dallas 1740 NYT19990609.0056 -1 water bottle 1740 APW19990617.0245 -1 DAY 1740 NYT20000528.0149 -1 Devils 1740 APW19990419.0024 -1 Wednesday other openers 1740 APW19990607.0143 -1 bet Monday 1740 APW19990128.0073 1 silver 1740 NYT19980606.0014 -1 win 1740 NYT19980925.0173 -1 a 1740 APW19980607.0828 -1 finals. 1740 APW19990520.0294 -1 Juneau 1740 APW20000611.0014 -1 ice 1740 APW19990128.0124 1 silver 1740 NYT19980609.0026 -1 Cup Finals 1740 NYT19990611.0020 -1 Canada 1740 APW19990625.0250 -1 a run 1740 XIE19970403.0185 -1 World Cup 1740 APW19990716.0006 -1 his call 1740 NYT19981201.0467 -1 in Arizona 1740 NYT19981201.0467 -1 the Stanley Cup 1740 NYT19980611.0375 -1 Hunter 1740 NYT19990313.0242 -1 a run 1740 NYT19980602.0016 -1 Hasek 1740 NYT20000610.0168 -1 hockey 1740 APW19980612.0139 -1 hockey 1740 NYT19990611.0020 -1 one great rule hockei cup germ 1740 APW19990610.0291 -1 NHL 1741 APW20000502.0122 -1 Samuel Clemens 1741 NYT19991206.0284 1 Dickens 1741 XIE19971024.0149 -1 Qiu Shutian 1741 APW19981006.0196 -1 code 1741 APW19990311.0125 -1 Means Davis 1741 NYT20000920.0204 -1 Atlanta 1741 XIE19960817.0182 -1 Director of Economics 1741 NYT19981113.0457 -1 Parker 1741 NYT19991215.0204 -1 Watkins 1741 NYT19991206.0284 1 Charles Dickens 1741 XIE19960105.0049 -1 Kabinga Pande 1741 APW19981006.0558 -1 Munich 1741 NYT20000109.0173 -1 Victor Serry 1741 NYT20000418.0064 -1 Nancy Zaroulis 1741 APW20000216.0125 -1 2000-02-16 1741 NYT19990127.0202 -1 Edgar Allan Poe 1741 APW20000502.0122 -1 Mark Twain 1741 APW20000614.0042 -1 James 1741 APW20000126.0350 -1 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson 1741 APW20000927.0142 -1 Watkins 1741 APW20000216.0125 -1 Tionne Watkins 1741 NYT20000302.0237 -1 Sherman Alexie 1741 NYT19980927.0012 -1 WATERGATE effect Philip Kerr 1741 XIE19960426.0143 -1 BOZ Acting 1741 NYT19991110.0314 -1 the thrill pen victori agoni pen the 1741 NYT19981028.0503 -1 Oliver Twist 1741 NYT20000116.0032 -1 Street 1742 XIE20000113.0210 -1 1996 1742 XIE20000421.0121 -1 2001 to 2003 1742 XIE20000113.0210 1 65 million years ago 1742 XIE19960902.0248 -1 Mesozoic Era 1742 NYT20000703.0422 -1 years ago 1742 NYT20000212.0023 -1 April 6, 1995 1742 XIE20000721.0100 1 65 million years ago 1742 XIE19991015.0148 -1 summer 1742 XIE19991223.0113 -1 November 1999 1742 XIE19990330.0258 -1 1935 1742 XIE19971124.0188 -1 Cretaceous Period 1742 XIE19960902.0248 -1 years ago 1742 XIE19960902.0248 -1 100 million years ago 1742 APW19981016.0225 -1 a year ago 1742 XIE19991022.0119 -1 September 1742 XIE19990608.0197 -1 last year 1742 XIE19971124.0188 -1 the late Jurassic Period 1742 XIE20000113.0210 -1 1996 , attracting international interest 1742 XIE19990728.0254 -1 320 1742 NYT19980702.0091 -1 the bad 2 percent 1742 NYT19981105.0303 -1 Cretaceous 1742 XIE20000310.0065 -1 2001 1743 XIE19980115.0359 -1 Long Island 1743 NYT20000720.0126 2 Florida 1743 APW20000202.0283 -1 miles of rivers 1743 NYT20000113.0127 -1 miles of rivers 1743 NYT19990915.0418 2 Florida 1743 APW19990830.0213 -1 North Carolina 1743 NYT19990716.0163 -1 southern New England 1743 XIE19970520.0244 -1 U.S. 1743 XIE19980528.0323 -1 order 1743 XIE19961225.0159 -1 Barleta 1743 NYT19990716.0163 -1 Ohio 1743 APW20000312.0041 -1 Delaware 1743 NYT19990909.0353 -1 Andhra Pradesh 1743 APW20000928.0042 -1 Kansas 1743 NYT19990330.0049 -1 Canada 1743 XIE19960723.0335 -1 New York 1743 NYT20000628.0397 -1 New York 1743 XIE19970520.0244 -1 Nicaragua 1743 NYT19980828.0441 -1 us 1743 NYT19990915.0470 -1 New Jersey 1743 APW19990808.0026 -1 N.J. 1743 APW19990921.0186 -1 North Carolina 1743 NYT19990424.0159 -1 Georgia 1743 XIE19980522.0041 -1 UK 1743 XIE19970520.0244 -1 operation 1743 XIE19990120.0098 -1 NIL 1743 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1743 NYT19990916.0458 -1 Massachusetts 1743 NYT19990709.0100 -1 Rhode Island 1743 APW20000627.0053 -1 Gulf 1743 NYT20000403.0440 2 Florida 1743 XIE19970520.0244 -1 Connecticut 1743 NYT20000628.0397 -1 California 1743 NYT19990707.0211 -1 Niger Delta 1744 APW19990522.0101 1 Ford 1744 NYT20000801.0388 -1 Chrysler 1744 NYT19990820.0211 -1 DaimlerChrysler 1744 NYT19990528.0297 1 Ford Motor 1744 NYT20000203.0250 1 Ford Motor 1744 NYT20000203.0250 1 Ford Motor Co 1744 NYT20000922.0029 -1 Rolls-Royce PLC 1744 APW19980602.1232 -1 stuff 1744 NYT19990528.0297 1 Ford Motor Co 1744 NYT19990128.0254 2 Ford Motor Company 1744 NYT19990128.0254 -1 Detroit 1744 NYT19991021.0304 1 Ford Motor Co. 1744 NYT20000203.0250 1 Ford Motor Co. 1744 NYT19990909.0234 2 Ford 1744 APW20000610.0100 -1 Stern Pinball 1744 NYT20000802.0267 -1 Beijing 1744 NYT19990812.0453 -1 Fords 1744 NYT19991104.0208 1 Ford 1744 APW19990319.0183 3 Edsel Ford 1744 APW19990522.0101 3 Henry Ford 1744 NYT20000707.0163 -1 fouls 1744 NYT19990528.0297 -1 1991 1744 NYT19990820.0194 -1 Chrysler Corp. 1744 NYT20000706.0360 -1 Art Deco 1744 APW19990522.0101 -1 AP 1744 NYT19990820.0194 -1 Volkswagen 1744 NYT20000629.0162 -1 Cadillac 1744 NYT20000315.0095 -1 development team 1744 NYT19990528.0297 1 Ford Motor Co. 1744 NYT20000706.0360 -1 the landmark preservation Commission 1744 NYT19990528.0297 -1 AC 1744 NYT20000203.0250 1 Ford 1745 NYT19991003.0393 -1 side of the diaphragm 1745 NYT19991003.0393 3 involuntary spasms 1745 NYT19980605.0436 -1 Akinwande 1745 XIE19990814.0175 -1 Sri Lanka 1745 NYT19991003.0393 3 diaphragm muscle 1745 NYT19991110.0092 -1 system 1745 NYT19991003.0393 1 irritation of those phrenic nerves 1745 XIE19990814.0175 -1 COLOMBO , August 14 ( Xinhua ) -- Sri Lanka 's economy 1745 XIE20000918.0360 -1 their security system 1745 XIE19990814.0175 -1 external issues 1745 NYT20000221.0217 -1 Science Times ) ( 1745 XIE19980805.0017 -1 Xinhua 1745 NYT19990402.0211 -1 Viagra 1745 APW19990122.0182 -1 diaphragm 1745 NYT19991003.0393 3 diaphragm 1745 NYT19980713.0183 -1 Asia 1745 NYT19990820.0256 -1 earth 1745 NYT19991003.0393 1 Hiccups are fast , involuntary spasms of the diaphragm caused by irritation of those phrenic nerves . 1745 NYT19991003.0393 -1 cause 1745 NYT19980624.0266 -1 hush 1745 XIE20000918.0165 -1 competitions 1745 XIE19960911.0089 -1 The fateful hiccup 1745 NYT19991003.0393 3 spasms of the diaphragm . So how do 1745 XIE20000918.0360 -1 there 1745 NYT19991003.0393 -1 That 1745 NYT19981026.0211 -1 Hiccups 1745 XIE19990814.0175 -1 1998 1745 NYT20000525.0122 -1 Happy Days 1745 NYT19980806.0299 -1 purpose 1745 NYT19980613.0216 -1 Game 5 1745 XIE19960911.0089 -1 hiccup 1745 NYT19991003.0393 -1 it 1745 NYT20000221.0217 -1 danger q. can hiccup kill danger 1746 XIE19970226.0260 1 Parche 1746 XIE19970226.0260 1 Gunther Parche 1746 XIE19960520.0086 -1 Hamburg 1746 XIE19990505.0112 -1 Venus Williams 1746 XIE19960430.0244 1 Steffi Graf fan 1746 NYT19990821.0140 1 Steffi Graf fan 1746 NYT19990201.0046 1 Steffi Graf fan 1746 APW19981119.1439 -1 Graf 1746 XIE19960430.0244 -1 she 1746 NYT19980604.0416 -1 Venus Williams 1746 NYT19980604.0416 -1 the court 1746 NYT19980902.0489 -1 grieve 1746 XIE19960602.0070 -1 Germany 1746 APW19990925.0020 -1 Jim Lefebvre 1746 APW19981007.1311 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 APW19980605.1246 -1 Iva Majoli 1746 XIE20000524.0295 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 XIE19961219.0236 -1 Graf 1746 NYT19990201.0046 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 APW19990813.0165 -1 Graf 1746 XIE19970604.0248 -1 Monica Seles 1746 NYT19980807.0001 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 XIE19960116.0226 -1 Graf 1746 NYT19980604.0328 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 APW19990813.0165 1 a deranged Graf fan 1746 NYT19980901.0432 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 XIE19960807.0181 -1 Katarina_Studenikova 1746 XIE19961031.0287 -1 Seles 1746 XIE19970112.0085 -1 Yugoslavia 1746 XIE19961219.0236 -1 Steffi Graf 1746 APW19981007.1311 -1 tennis player Steffi Graf 1746 XIE19960430.0244 1 Parche 1746 NYT19990603.0043 -1 Graf 1746 APW19990525.0062 -1 French 1746 XIE19961031.0287 1 Parche 1746 NYT20000502.0376 -1 Graf 1746 XIE19970226.0260 -1 April 1747 APW19980918.1235 1 Miami 1747 NYT19980819.0073 1 Miami 1747 APW19980823.0139 -1 San Salvador 1747 APW19980918.1235 1 Miami, Florida 1747 APW19990514.0183 -1 Coral Gables , Fla 1747 APW19990822.0108 1 Miami 1747 XIE19990909.0040 -1 Leeward Islands 1747 APW19980823.0139 -1 Pacific Ocean 1747 APW20000525.0029 -1 east Pacific 1747 APW19980918.1532 -1 14.0 north latitude and 50.0 west longitude 1747 APW19990824.0009 -1 Caribbean 1747 APW20000805.0088 3 Florida 1747 APW20000914.0003 1 Miami 1747 NYT19980824.0451 1 Miami 1747 APW19981025.0169 1 Miami 1747 NYT19980623.0216 -1 New York 1747 APW20000812.0099 1 Miami 1747 APW19980918.1354 1 Miami 1747 APW20000525.0029 1 Miami 1747 NYT20000720.0260 -1 Honolulu 1747 APW20000920.0173 1 Miami 1747 NYT19990826.0225 -1 Atlantic 1747 APW19981026.0795 1 Miami 1747 APW20000805.0072 1 Miami 1747 NYT19981001.0289 -1 Atlantic 1747 APW19980812.1289 -1 U.S. 1747 APW20000913.0287 1 Miami 1747 NYT19980901.0054 2 in Miami 1747 APW19990822.0108 -1 NIL 1747 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1747 APW19981031.0662 -1 (40 kms) south of Santa Rosa de Copan 1747 XIE19990909.0040 1 Miami 1747 NYT19991019.0418 1 Miami 1747 NYT19980921.0521 1 Miami 1747 APW19981031.1015 -1 the U.S. National Hurricane Center 1747 APW19981108.0824 -1 Central America 1747 NYT19990915.0135 -1 Boulder 1747 APW19980918.1235 -1 Hurricane 1748 APW19990222.0158 1 1992 1748 NYT19980721.0205 1 1992 1748 NYT20000902.0205 1 1992 1748 NYT20000301.0433 1 1992 1748 NYT19990425.0106 3 April 29, 1992 1748 NYT20000306.0051 1 1992 1748 NYT19990302.0376 1 4/30/92 1748 NYT20000810.0009 3 early 1990s 1748 NYT20000818.0419 -1 term 1748 NYT19990425.0106 1 April 1992 1748 APW20000125.0281 1 1992 1748 NYT19990217.0302 1 1992 1748 APW19990710.0099 3 since the 1992 1748 APW20000406.0084 1 1992 1748 APW20000620.0076 1 April 1992 1748 NYT20000306.0052 1 1992 1748 NYT20000304.0047 1 1992 1748 NYT19991115.0234 1 1992 1748 NYT19981014.0024 1 1992 1748 NYT19991018.0093 2 1992 1748 XIE20000814.0183 1 1992 1748 NYT19990425.0106 -1 18:44 1748 NYT19990201.0295 1 1992 1748 APW20000622.0258 1 1992 1748 NYT20000505.0010 2 1992 1748 NYT20000507.0185 1 1992 1748 APW19990421.0164 -1 Their three-game series 1748 APW20000125.0281 1 April 1992 1748 NYT19980930.0019 -1 a year 1748 NYT19980930.0019 -1 1993 1748 NYT19980930.0019 -1 1973 1748 NYT19980721.0245 1 1992 1748 NYT19981014.0024 1 in 1992 1748 APW19990708.0282 3 in May 1992 1749 APW19981004.0063 1 Sputnik , launched on Oct. 4, 1957 1749 APW19981004.0063 1 Oct. 4, 1957 1749 NYT19980722.0496 1 Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT20000817.0477 1 1957 1749 APW19981004.0063 1 Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT19990218.0214 2 October 4, 1957 1749 NYT20000712.0237 1 1957 1749 NYT19981104.0142 1 Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT20000817.0477 1 Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT19980930.0434 1 1957 1749 NYT19981104.0144 -1 November 1957 1749 APW19980914.0586 -1 Oct. 1, 1958 1749 APW19990710.0002 1 1957 1749 NYT19990323.0364 -1 four decades since 1749 APW19991003.0002 1 Oct. 4, 1957 1749 NYT19990719.0130 1 Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT20000712.0237 1 Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT20000207.0167 -1 1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D ----- 1749 NYT19981029.0198 1 1957 1749 APW19981004.0063 1 1957 1749 NYT19980722.0496 1 Oct . 4 , 1957 1749 NYT19980722.0496 1 Oct. 4, 1957 1749 NYT20000912.0248 2 1957 1749 XIE19980504.0103 -1 early next year 1749 NYT20000712.0237 1 Oct. 4, 1957 1749 NYT19990902.0227 2 1957 1749 APW19981016.0062 1 1957 1749 APW19980914.0586 -1 Oct 1749 NYT19980914.0126 2 in 1957 1749 APW19981004.0063 1 Oct 4 , 1957 1749 XIE19980102.0026 -1 September 14 1749 NYT20000817.0477 1 Oct . 4 , 1957 1749 NYT19991117.0132 1 1957 1749 APW19981004.0063 1 on Oct. 4 , 1957 1749 NYT19981104.0142 -1 November 1957 1750 XIE20000802.0348 -1 Mexico City 1750 XIE20000802.0348 -1 Surpasses 97 1750 NYT19990113.0109 -1 598 , 000 1750 NYT20000717.0318 -1 More than seven million 1750 NYT19990607.0343 -1 101,879,171 (mid-2001 est.) (NOTE: this figure was extracted from official sources, e.g., CIA Factbook, and may be slighty different from the value of '100 million' mentioned in the article.) 1750 NYT19990607.0343 -1 19100 1750 NYT19990607.0343 -1 19.6 million 1750 NYT20000712.0127 -1 AOL Mexico will 1750 APW19980922.1280 -1 irritation 1750 NYT19991227.0411 -1 Latin American history 1750 XIE19990507.0365 -1 Reach 1750 NYT19990607.0343 -1 100 million People 1750 XIE19991024.0144 1 98.1 million 1750 XIE19991024.0144 -1 Xinhua 1750 XIE19970830.0172 -1 60 years 1750 XIE19980711.0179 -1 15.6 million 1750 NYT19980602.0204 -1 New 1750 NYT19980904.0352 -1 3 million 1750 APW19990826.0195 -1 Rate Rhode Island 2,3321.0 Iowa 8,7521.2 Massachusetts 18,1021.3 Minnesota 16,1011.4 New Hampshire 4,1691.5 Nebraska 6,6321.5 Maine 4,9821.6 Indiana 24,3351.6 Connecticut 13,0551.7 North Dakota 3,0221.7 Kansas 11,3951.7 Wisconsin 22,9471.8 Pennsylvania 50,0631.8 New Jersey 34,1771.9 Missouri 25,0101.9 Vermont 2,7781.9 Ohio 56,5942.0 Michigan 51,2092.0 South Dakota 4,5512.2 Illinois 70,0782.3 Utah 15,8522.5 New York 113,4862.6 Alaska 4,9342.8 West Virginia 15,2413.3 Washington 43,8113.4 Hawaii 9,7323.4 Oregon 25,2773.4 Colorado 29,9883.4 Wyoming 4,9543.5 Kentucky 36,2413.7 Idaho 11,7033.7 Nevada 11,5203.7 Delaware 6,7904.0 Tennessee 50,8064.0 Arkansas 25,7144.0 Oklahoma 34,4304.0 Arizona 40,3744.0 North Carolina 68,6694.1 Alabama 45,1014.1 Virginia 65,9584.2 Montana 9,8444.2 New Mexico 20,0644.3 California 344,2904.3 Maryland 52,1394.3 South Carolina 42,1074.4 Georgia 78,8984.4 Louisiana 57,2544.5 Mississippi 35,5284.5 Florida 134,4774.5 Texas 228,3604.5 1750 NYT19990607.0343 -1 new generation have opted for smaller families 1750 NYT19990115.0048 -1 millions 1750 APW19980808.0719 -1 8. 5 million 1750 NYT19981110.0219 -1 110.3 billion 1750 XIE19990507.0365 -1 100 million 1750 NYT19990617.0437 -1 11 million 1750 APW19981123.0854 -1 City 1750 NYT19990714.0247 -1 40 1750 XIE19991024.0144 -1 some 28 million people 1750 XIE19970830.0172 -1 the country 's total population 1750 XIE20000802.0348 -1 Mexico 's population 1750 NYT19990607.0343 -1 12 million 1750 NYT19990607.0390 -1 100 million 1750 XIE20000802.0348 -1 97 1750 NYT19980914.0254 -1 type 2 diabetes 1750 XIE19980711.0179 -1 15 years 1750 XIE20000802.0348 -1 the 1750 XIE19971013.0101 -1 29 1750 NYT19980601.0105 -1 about 600 ,000 1751 APW19990521.0293 1 Colorado 1751 NYT20000726.0375 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000805.0140 1 Colorado 1751 NYT20000726.0372 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000721.0239 1 Colo. 1751 APW20000724.0191 1 Southwest Colorado 1751 APW20000810.0006 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000724.0191 1 southwestern Colorado 1751 NYT20000726.0364 3 Colo. _ Even 1751 APW19990519.0186 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000805.0103 1 Colo. 1751 APW20000720.0220 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000721.0224 -1 Denver 1751 NYT19990427.0216 -1 America 1751 APW20000720.0220 1 Colo. 1751 APW20000729.0016 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000721.0224 1 , Colo. 1751 NYT19990519.0459 1 Colorado 1751 NYT20000726.0372 1 Cortez 1751 NYT19980610.0260 1 Colorado 1751 NYT20000828.0266 -1 Montana 1751 NYT20000726.0375 1 CORTEZ, Colo. 1751 NYT20000829.0102 -1 Four Corners 1751 APW20000805.0139 1 Colo. 1751 NYT20000726.0375 1 Cortez 1751 APW20000721.0224 1 Colo 1751 NYT19980606.0256 2 in Southwest Colorado 1751 NYT20000604.0028 -1 W._Richard_West 1751 NYT20000604.0028 -1 Mesa Verde 1751 NYT20000828.0266 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000724.0202 1 Colorado 1751 NYT19990519.0459 -1 New Mexico 1751 APW20000724.0191 1 Colorado 1751 APW20000720.0220 -1 Durango 1751 APW20000805.0139 -1 National Interagency Fire Center 1751 APW20000805.0139 -1 Park 1752 NYT19990310.0341 1 1995 1752 NYT19980811.0304 1 1995 1752 XIE19980910.0007 1 1995 1752 APW19981023.1050 -1 two-day 1752 APW19990129.0044 1 April 19, 1995 1752 XIE19960704.0070 2 1995 1752 XIE19980909.0239 1 1995 1752 XIE19990309.0051 1 1995 1752 NYT20000418.0313 -1 Tuesday 1752 XIE19971220.0249 -1 fourth 1752 APW20000417.0035 -1 Aug. 7 1752 NYT19990427.0330 1 1995 1752 APW19990505.0265 3 after the 1995 1752 NYT19980608.0070 -1 1981 1752 NYT19990531.0107 -1 1981 1752 NYT20000415.0127 1 April 1995 1752 NYT19980604.0370 1 April 19 , 1995 1752 NYT19990506.0027 3 1995 sted 1994 1752 XIE19980105.0043 1 1995 1752 APW19990308.0327 1 1995 1752 NYT20000719.0210 -1 1998 1752 XIE19960719.0194 1 April 19 , 1995 1752 APW19980611.1104 1 April 19, 1995 1752 XIE19961004.0128 2 1995 1752 APW20000715.0012 -1 01:34 1752 APW19990129.0044 1 1995 1752 NYT19981111.0516 1 1995 1752 APW20000420.0067 -1 Five years 1752 XIE19970918.0330 1 April 19 , 1995 1752 APW19990330.0267 -1 Dec . 23 , 1997 1752 XIE19970425.0060 1 in 1995 1752 APW20000606.0128 1 in 1995 1752 NYT19980725.0052 1 1995 1752 NYT19990504.0418 1 April 19, 1995 1752 XIE19980105.0043 -1 1998 1753 APW20000223.0088 -1 1997 particle board sculpture 1753 NYT20000607.0328 1 1982 1753 APW20000223.0088 -1 1997 1753 NYT19990427.0330 1 November 13, 1982 1753 NYT20000427.0124 -1 Maya Lin 1753 NYT20000427.0080 -1 1981 1753 NYT19990530.0205 -1 Monday 1753 APW20000505.0214 -1 Monday three 1753 NYT19990816.0473 -1 1984 1753 NYT19990813.0052 -1 nearly 10 years ago 1753 APW20000325.0140 1 March 26, 1982 1753 NYT20000531.0148 -1 1995 1753 NYT20000531.0148 1 1982 1753 APW19990325.0139 1 1982 1753 NYT19990909.0123 -1 1997 1753 NYT19990909.0123 -1 1984 1753 NYT19980603.0327 -1 the years 1753 NYT20000704.0116 1 1982 1753 APW19990209.0266 -1 1997 1753 NYT20000704.0116 -1 18:59 1753 NYT19991110.0265 -1 schools 1753 APW19990325.0139 3 1982, groundbreaking ceremonies 1753 NYT19981106.0427 1 1982 1753 NYT19990530.0205 -1 Nov . 1 , 1955 1753 APW19990505.0106 -1 Jan . 1 , 1961 1753 NYT19990530.0205 -1 1956 1753 NYT19991111.0099 -1 2000 1753 NYT19980910.0138 -1 October 1848 1754 APW19980630.0593 1 1991 1754 APW19980630.1085 1 1991 1754 NYT20000921.0259 1 1991 1754 APW20000907.0190 1 1991 1754 XIE19961112.0054 1 1991 1754 APW20000912.0101 1 1991 1754 NYT19980623.0036 1 1991 1754 APW20000907.0066 -1 May 1754 XIE19970513.0136 -1 May 11 1754 XIE19981201.0179 -1 Tuesday 1754 APW20000328.0121 -1 Tuesday 1754 APW20000328.0121 3 July 31, 1991 1754 NYT20000921.0259 -1 summer 1754 NYT19981216.0399 3 February 1991 1754 NYT19981103.0328 1 1991 1754 APW19980723.1290 -1 1990 1754 XIE19961030.0213 1 1991 1754 APW19980603.1919 1 1991 1754 APW19980723.1290 -1 July 18 1754 NYT20000822.0367 -1 about one month 1754 NYT20000531.0213 -1 2000-05-31 1754 NYT19991018.0411 2 1991 1754 NYT19981228.0399 1 1991 1754 APW19980630.1085 -1 conducting Operation Southern Watch 1754 NYT20000515.0374 1 1991 1754 XIE19980917.0318 -1 August 8 1754 APW19980630.1085 1 the 1991 Persian Gulf War 1754 APW19990115.0152 1 1991 1754 XIE19960521.0137 -1 May 21 1754 NYT19980820.0281 1 War of 1991 1754 XIE20000302.0202 -1 2000 1755 APW19990509.0044 -1 died in Boston 1755 APW19981226.0643 -1 leader 1755 NYT19990902.0103 -1 Revolutionary War 1755 APW19990509.0044 -1 In 1818 , American patriot Paul Revere 1755 APW19980630.0925 -1 letter 1755 NYT19980908.0241 -1 Revolution 1755 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Boston 1755 NYT20000628.0214 -1 professor of 1755 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Boston Tea Party 1755 APW19990509.0044 -1 Ticonderoga 1755 NYT19990128.0203 1 silversmith 1755 NYT20000601.0106 2 silversmith 1755 NYT19990128.0203 3 silversmith and midnight rider 1755 APW19990509.0044 -1 1775 1755 NYT19981009.0231 -1 1998-10-09 1755 NYT20000326.0036 3 (the silversmith) in 1775 1755 NYT19980630.0115 -1 Hancock 1755 NYT20000208.0210 -1 chief 1755 APW19990509.0044 -1 1818, American patriot Paul 1755 NYT20000628.0214 -1 Paul_Armistead 1755 APW20000403.0022 -1 Revere 1755 APW20000403.0022 1 Boston silversmith 1755 APW20000403.0022 1 silversmith 1755 APW20000403.0022 -1 lo 1755 APW20000403.0022 -1 blockbluster 1755 NYT20000418.0114 -1 the result rever ride. but longfellow 1755 APW20000628.0079 -1 rever born rever dick deriv dutch born 1755 NYT19981208.0049 -1 daughter 1755 NYT20000117.0111 -1 Patriot 1756 NYT19981005.0420 -1 1942 1756 XIE19980114.0155 -1 98 1756 APW19980714.0697 -1 week 1756 NYT20000926.0080 -1 7th on 6th 1756 NYT19981104.0210 -1 spring 1756 APW20000126.0129 1 September 1756 APW19990913.0096 -1 Spring Fashion Week Underway 1756 XIE19970515.0089 -1 this year 1756 APW20000126.0129 -1 spring 2000 1756 NYT19991103.0213 -1 2000 1756 APW20000207.0202 -1 Fall 1756 NYT19990923.0419 -1 2000 1756 APW19990913.0096 -1 spring of the new century 1756 NYT20000208.0048 -1 fall 1756 APW19990908.0065 1 Sept. 11 - 17 1756 NYT19990629.0353 -1 2000 1756 APW20000912.0216 -1 3,273 3,074 66,666 19,833 Upstate 6,589 6,326 123,497 36,704 1756 XIE19970515.0089 -1 Fashion Week Spring 1756 APW20000207.0202 -1 This week 1756 APW19990525.0180 -1 2002 1756 NYT20000208.0048 3 February 9, 2000 1756 NYT20000221.0320 -1 March 7 1756 APW20000207.0202 -1 19:38 1756 APW20000809.0066 -1 2001 1756 NYT19990916.0318 -1 2000 1756 NYT20000221.0034 -1 March 7 1756 APW20000207.0202 -1 an expanded, nine-day marathon 1756 XIE19981102.0250 -1 only 3 seconds 1756 XIE19981102.0234 -1 second 1756 XIE19990120.0065 -1 '99 1756 NYT20000919.0173 -1 2001 1756 NYT19980715.0514 -1 July 15 , 1998 1756 XIE19971103.0238 -1 Sep 14 1756 NYT19990923.0419 -1 November 1 1756 XIE19990914.0254 -1 September 14 1756 NYT19980914.0149 1 this year Nov .2-6 1756 NYT19990118.0482 -1 2002 1757 APW19980730.0598 3 battle on Iwo Jima in 1944 1757 NYT19990714.0554 3 capture Iwo Jima and Okinawa in 1945 1757 APW19980730.0598 1 1944 1757 NYT19991111.0216 -1 36-day assault 1757 NYT19981110.0057 2 1945 1757 APW19990218.0074 1 Feb. 19 , 1945 1757 NYT19990714.0554 -1 1944 1757 NYT19980616.0506 -1 August 1942 1757 NYT19981110.0057 -1 Sept. 2, 1945 1757 NYT20000611.0170 -1 48 hours 1757 NYT20000612.0158 1 Feb. 23, 1945 1757 APW19990129.0205 -1 Jan. 3, 1991 1757 NYT19980731.0366 2 1944 1757 NYT19990814.0252 1 February 1945 1757 NYT19991211.0132 -1 1956 1757 NYT20000612.0158 1 1945 1757 APW20000218.0240 1 Feb . 19 , 1945 1757 NYT19990714.0554 1 1945 1757 APW19990218.0074 1 Feb. 19, 1945 1757 NYT20000619.0409 -1 2010 1757 NYT19990419.0036 1 1945 1757 APW20000219.0081 1 1945 1757 APW20000219.0081 -1 Mount Suribachi four days 1757 NYT19990325.0178 -1 1949 1757 XIE19991213.0023 -1 1966 1757 NYT19980723.0117 2 1945 1757 APW19980730.0598 1 in 1944 1757 APW19990218.0074 1 On Feb. 19 , 1945 1757 APW20000219.0081 1 in 1945 1757 NYT19981110.0057 -1 Dec. 7 , 1941 1757 NYT20000612.0158 -1 2000 1757 APW20000218.0240 1 1945 1757 NYT19991206.0002 -1 1954 1758 NYT20000416.0090 1 Kansas 1758 NYT20000416.0090 3 southeast Kansas 1758 NYT20000416.0090 -1 the temperature 1758 NYT20000416.0088 1 Kansas 1758 XIE20000728.0292 -1 The project 1758 NYT19990908.0180 -1 Sunflower State 1758 NYT19981022.0076 -1 State Route 87 1758 APW20000517.0045 -1 graduate_student at North Dakota 1758 NYT19990910.0031 -1 ESTIMATES 1758 NYT20000416.0090 -1 middle 1758 NYT20000416.0090 -1 temperature 1758 NYT19980601.0077 -1 Mo. 1758 NYT19980601.0057 -1 MO. 1758 NYT20000303.0195 -1 Whoever 1758 NYT20000807.0012 2 Kansas 1758 APW19980801.0802 -1 sunflowers 1758 XIE19970808.0245 -1 sunflower seeds 1758 NYT19990305.0232 -1 meadowlark 1758 NYT19981112.0402 3 Kansas State 1758 NYT19990831.0170 2 Kansas 1758 NYT20000416.0088 3 Sunflower State, the temperature varied from the middle 70s in southeast Kansas to the middle 20s in 1758 XIE19991020.0107 -1 Department 1758 XIE19960331.0035 -1 Reasons 1758 APW20000517.0045 -1 North_Dakota and South_Dakota 1758 NYT20000913.0075 -1 Day 1758 APW20000915.0077 -1 com 1758 XIE19960331.0035 -1 reason failur state price se low 1758 NYT19980915.0278 1 Kansas 1759 NYT19980804.0370 -1 Prince 1759 APW19990128.0336 1 Sheldon Harnick 1759 NYT19991206.0060 -1 Red Violin 1759 NYT19981228.0234 -1 Sholem Aleichem 1759 NYT19981006.0351 2 Sheldon Harnick 1759 NYT19981220.0199 -1 Sholem Aleichem 1759 NYT19981220.0197 -1 Aleichem 1759 NYT19990903.0201 -1 Gaily 1759 NYT19981218.0406 -1 name 1759 APW19990909.0215 -1 Oliver Stone 1759 NYT19990726.0477 -1 Annie Get Your Gun 1759 NYT19981228.0235 -1 Sholem Aleichem 1759 NYT19980715.0332 -1 Joseph Stein 1759 NYT19980729.0265 -1 Sholom Aleichem 1759 NYT19980729.0251 -1 Anna Kisselgoff 1759 NYT19990114.0251 -1 Moiseyev 1759 NYT19980804.0370 2 SHELDON HARNICK 1759 NYT19991018.0236 -1 Sunrise 1759 NYT19991229.0287 -1 Roof 1759 NYT19991221.0301 -1 Jewison 1759 NYT20000703.0348 -1 Tevye 1759 APW19990909.0003 -1 Vilanch 1759 NYT19981028.0200 -1 Robbins 1759 APW19990412.0263 -1 the New York Public Library 1759 NYT19981228.0234 -1 Ukrainian 1759 NYT19990114.0206 -1 Dubner 1759 NYT19991007.0264 -1 Tevye 1759 NYT19991007.0264 -1 Sheridan Whiteside 1759 NYT19991206.0060 -1 John Garfield 1759 NYT19981220.0199 -1 Re 1759 NYT19980822.0154 -1 Blum 1759 NYT19980714.0225 -1 Fiddler 1760 NYT20000602.0156 -1 Calif. 1760 APW20000614.0083 -1 Ferriday 1760 NYT19990315.0571 -1 Albemarle County, Virginia 1760 APW19990405.0187 -1 Albemarle County, Virginia 1760 NYT19991112.0282 -1 England 1760 NYT19990315.0571 -1 Richmond 1760 NYT20000808.0376 -1 New York City 1760 NYT19990315.0571 -1 Washington 1760 NYT19990306.0198 -1 Alabama 1760 APW20000614.0083 -1 Georgia 1760 NYT20000321.0362 -1 Chase Manhattan Bank 1760 NYT20000801.0179 -1 Rowf 1760 NYT19980814.0130 -1 England 1760 NYT19990608.0079 -1 Narnia 1760 APW20000718.0216 -1 RBIs 1760 NYT20000602.0156 -1 accident 1760 NYT20000807.0423 -1 Mississippi 1760 APW19990704.0123 2 Ireland 1760 NYT19990903.0162 -1 Christian 1760 NYT19980814.0130 -1 London, England, UK 1760 NYT19981201.0261 -1 Lewis 1760 NYT20000224.0246 -1 Oxford 1760 NYT20000602.0156 -1 Oxford 1760 NYT19980823.0088 -1 Clark 1760 APW19990825.0183 -1 LaGrange 1760 APW19981222.1148 -1 Friendship 1760 NYT19980901.0242 2 in Belfast 1760 NYT19990309.0321 -1 London 1760 NYT20000513.0024 -1 NIL 1760 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1760 NYT19991229.0290 -1 Narnia 1760 NYT19980819.0257 -1 outside Oxford 1760 NYT19981123.0210 -1 Oxford 1760 NYT19990121.0335 -1 New York C.S. 1760 NYT19990121.0336 -1 Coole 1760 NYT20000602.0156 -1 Headington 1760 NYT20000602.0156 -1 England 1760 NYT20000602.0156 -1 OXFORD 1760 NYT19980601.0108 2 Belfast 1760 NYT20000726.0022 -1 CS 1761 APW20000527.0060 -1 88 1761 APW20000527.0095 -1 88 1761 XIE19990108.0057 -1 33,662.75 ringgit 1761 NYT19991003.0989 -1 two 1761 NYT19991003.0989 -1 2 passion 1761 NYT19990120.0362 -1 one 1761 NYT19981111.0379 -1 7 1761 NYT20000127.0204 -1 two 1761 NYT19981117.0064 -1 five 1761 NYT20000201.0397 2 36 one 1761 NYT19981009.0340 -1 white 1761 APW19981218.0832 -1 the feet 1761 NYT19990811.0235 -1 5 keys 1761 NYT19990808.0159 2 36 1761 NYT19990322.0225 -1 one key 1761 XIE19971111.0208 -1 1,000 meters high 1761 NYT19990511.0398 -1 8 1761 APW19981218.0832 -1 two 1761 NYT19981009.0067 -1 one 1761 APW19981218.0832 -1 many keys 1761 NYT19980925.0064 -1 a few artists in 1761 NYT20000503.0085 -1 two professional piano handlers 1761 NYT19981111.0379 -1 10 times 1761 NYT19990224.0259 -1 one 1761 NYT20000323.0060 -1 just 88 1761 NYT19990722.0162 -1 two 1761 NYT19991003.0989 -1 six rows 1761 NYT19981111.0284 -1 30 megabytes 1761 XIE19990804.0213 -1 4 1761 NYT19990722.0162 -1 130 1762 NYT19991214.0218 -1 hung over Rhett Butler 's mantel 1762 NYT19991003.0726 -1 Rhett Butler 1762 NYT19981112.0181 -1 Atlanta 1762 NYT19980629.0108 1 Tara 1762 NYT20000615.0093 -1 mansion 1762 NYT19990629.0361 -1 clunky 1762 APW19990529.0041 -1 Wind 1762 NYT19980924.0303 -1 Ala . 1762 NYT19980604.0184 -1 $14.50 hard cover 1762 NYT19980623.0423 -1 pop version 1762 NYT19990621.0072 1 Tara 1762 NYT20000615.0093 -1 Mint Julep 1762 NYT19981029.0095 -1 Bonnie Blue 1762 NYT19990414.0057 -1 Gone With 1762 NYT19990217.0417 -1 Kennedy 1762 NYT19981104.0430 1 Tara 1762 NYT19981029.0095 -1 India 1762 NYT19990414.0057 -1 ATLANTA 1762 NYT19990630.0033 1 Tara 1762 NYT19991006.0030 -1 one 1762 APW19990916.0290 -1 This saga 1762 NYT19991214.0218 -1 Peachtree 1762 NYT19980626.0133 -1 the scrappy young daughter of an Irish plantation_owner ( Thomas_Mitchell ) 1762 NYT19991214.0218 -1 the film 's premiere in Atlanta on Dec . 15 1762 NYT19980604.0184 -1 O'Hara 's 1762 NYT19990225.0229 -1 O'Hara 1762 NYT20000126.0229 -1 the doctor 's last days. Leigh 1762 NYT19991214.0218 -1 trivia 1762 NYT19980626.0098 -1 Gable 1762 NYT19990629.0361 -1 Brad Gooch 1762 NYT19990629.0361 -1 Baudelaire 1762 NYT19980701.0456 -1 The 1763 NYT20000208.0275 -1 10 1763 APW19980715.1061 -1 8 billion 1763 NYT20000612.0242 -1 the 1950s 1763 NYT19981005.0174 1 14 billion years 1763 APW19990319.0078 -1 37 1763 NYT19990609.0289 1 12 billion years old 1763 NYT19990526.0034 -1 billions 1763 NYT19990529.0168 -1 10 billion year 1763 NYT19990529.0168 1 12 billion years 1763 XIE19960304.0076 1 15 billion years 1763 APW19980715.1061 -1 thought 1763 APW20000414.0172 -1 billion years old 1763 APW19990525.0223 1 13.5 billion years 1763 NYT19990529.0168 -1 three times 1763 XIE19990910.0164 1 15 billion years ago 1763 NYT19980601.0106 -1 44 - year 1763 NYT19980602.0113 -1 24 - year 1763 XIE19960429.0014 -1 28/04/96 16:45 1763 NYT19990607.0083 -1 galaxy was measured at 23.5 million light-years away 1763 XIE19971119.0219 -1 70-year-old 1763 XIE19970424.0230 -1 years 1763 NYT20000426.0199 -1 300,000 year 1763 NYT20000605.0265 -1 billion years old 1763 NYT20000426.0199 -1 300,000 years 1763 NYT19991125.0134 -1 20 years 1763 NYT19990208.0153 -1 10 1763 APW19980914.1278 -1 two children _ 1763 NYT19990609.0289 -1 that 1763 NYT19990526.0034 1 12 BILLION YEARS 1763 XIE19970424.0230 -1 a university degree 1763 XIE19970424.0230 -1 over 40 years 1763 NYT19990609.0289 1 12 billion years 1763 NYT19990529.0168 -1 one 1763 NYT20000401.0251 -1 4 1763 XIE20000513.0114 -1 21 year old 1763 XIE19960304.0076 -1 15 1763 NYT19990529.0168 -1 12 1763 XIE19981109.0088 -1 9 1763 NYT19980612.0232 -1 years old 1764 APW19981227.0917 1 Dictator Fulgencio Batista 1764 NYT20000913.0045 -1 Elian 1764 XIE19971231.0199 -1 December 31 1764 APW19980823.0318 1 Fulgencio Batista 1764 APW20000905.0130 -1 Rudolph Guiliani 1764 APW19980823.0318 -1 Castro 1764 NYT19981021.0468 -1 Augusto Pinochet 1764 NYT19981021.0468 -1 United States 1764 APW19980819.1187 -1 Puerto Rico-based 1764 APW19980823.0318 -1 Dominican Republic 1764 NYT19981205.0089 -1 Chavez 1764 NYT19981021.0468 -1 Pinochet 1764 APW19981226.0604 1 Fulgencio Batista 1764 APW20000611.0107 -1 Americans 1764 NYT19981023.0242 -1 Lt. Col. Francisco Arias Cardenas 1764 XIE19970701.0250 -1 armed 1764 APW19981226.0643 1 Fulgencio Batista 1764 APW19990101.0089 1 Batista 1764 APW19980826.0051 -1 SAN JUAN 1764 NYT19981229.0383 1 Fulgencio Batista 1764 NYT19981021.0467 -1 Augusto Pinochet 1764 APW19981226.0643 -1 Himalayan 1764 NYT19980812.0161 -1 The Cuban Foreign Ministry 1764 XIE19970701.0250 -1 Raul Castro 1764 APW19980823.0318 -1 Barbados and Grenada 1764 NYT19981023.0242 -1 strongman Omar Torrijos 1764 APW19981020.0665 -1 Augusto Pinochet 1764 NYT19981023.0242 -1 Omar Torrijos 1764 NYT20000422.0237 -1 Cuban dictator Fidel Castro 1764 NYT19981021.0468 -1 communism 1764 APW19981105.1307 -1 exile 1764 APW20000905.0130 -1 Sen. Jesse Helms 1764 APW20000909.0055 -1 Rudolph Giuliani 1764 NYT19990814.0129 -1 Cuba 1765 XIE19970807.0141 -1 cargo terminal at the new airport 1765 NYT20000318.0202 -1 Zurich Airport 1765 NYT19990104.0289 2 London City 1765 XIE19960507.0062 -1 U.S 1765 XIE19991225.0011 -1 The sources 1765 APW19981010.0267 -1 army 1765 XIE19990730.0231 -1 Pudong International 1765 NYT19990420.0157 -1 Pittsburgh 1765 XIE19970116.0128 -1 Minute 1765 XIE19960918.0038 -1 Kennedy 1765 XIE19971229.0090 -1 Hong Kong 1765 XIE19960918.0038 -1 Newark Airport 1765 APW19980809.0778 -1 City Airport 1765 APW19980601.0540 -1 Heathrow Airport 1765 APW19980601.0246 -1 Nicolas Minvelle 1765 APW19981123.0885 -1 Gaza 1765 XIE19970612.0126 -1 Jiangsu Province 1765 NYT19981214.0516 -1 Gaza 1765 APW19990119.0152 -1 CINCINNATI 1765 XIE19980113.0137 -1 NIL 1765 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1765 NYT19990616.0084 -1 FAA 1765 NYT19981103.0088 -1 the international code 1765 APW19990521.0011 -1 leading airport 1765 NYT19980602.0304 -1 airports 1765 NYT19990420.0157 -1 UK Airports 1765 XIE19970116.0128 -1 HONG KONG 1765 XIE19980604.0111 -1 Beijing Capital 1765 NYT19980601.0220 -1 Army 1766 APW19980820.0219 -1 National Rugby League and Great Britain 1766 APW19981223.1293 -1 National Rugby League and Great Britain 1766 APW19980913.0102 -1 Australia 's National Rugby League 1766 APW19981002.0909 -1 Saturday 1766 NYT20000528.0099 -1 Flying Foxes 1766 APW19981001.0062 -1 CANBERRA , Australia ( AP ) 1766 APW19981119.1286 -1 Hill 1766 XIE19990720.0112 -1 east China 1766 XIE19990322.0223 -1 a single flower 1766 APW19980603.0139 -1 Canberra 1766 NYT19980626.0015 -1 the national flower of Australia 1766 XIE19970917.0139 -1 Soccer 1766 XIE19991203.0175 -1 east China 1766 NYT19980626.0015 -1 flower 1766 NYT19980626.0015 1 wattle blossoms 1766 XIE20000812.0092 1 wattle 1766 NYT19991107.0199 -1 NYT11 1766 XIE19980811.0158 -1 Pauline Hanson 1766 APW19981205.0088 -1 late October 1766 XIE19970126.0090 -1 2001 1766 APW19981226.0675 -1 flying 1766 APW20000122.0137 -1 National Australia Bank Ltd 1766 APW19980829.0876 -1 Oct. 1766 NYT20000321.0124 -1 Festival 1766 NYT19991020.0386 -1 Center 1766 NYT19980626.0015 -1 this rate 1766 XIE19970228.0267 -1 200 kinds 1766 XIE20000226.0094 -1 now 1766 NYT19980626.0015 -1 the national flower 1766 XIE19970228.0267 -1 spring 1766 XIE19990322.0223 -1 chrysanthemum 1766 XIE19960410.0162 -1 Chinese 1766 NYT19980628.0049 -1 colonies 1767 NYT19990924.0071 -1 1968 1767 APW19981101.0425 -1 1965 1767 NYT20000706.0272 -1 1996 1767 NYT19980930.0317 -1 35th year 1767 NYT19981221.0065 -1 1999 1767 NYT19990819.0247 1 1964 1767 NYT19980910.0513 1 1964 1767 NYT19981212.0119 -1 1999 1767 NYT20000622.0135 -1 1966 1767 NYT19990601.0051 -1 1999 1767 NYT19990601.0048 -1 1993 1767 NYT19990903.0085 1 April 17, 1964, 1767 NYT19980810.0303 -1 last year 1767 NYT20000725.0106 -1 June 27, 1990 1767 NYT19981221.0081 -1 Nov. 1 1767 NYT20000526.0130 1 1964 1767 NYT19981003.0129 -1 1965 1767 NYT19991026.0326 -1 November 1956 1767 APW19991004.0091 -1 1955 1767 NYT20000526.0130 -1 last year 1767 NYT19990530.0165 -1 1966 1767 NYT19990903.0102 1 April 17 , 1964 1767 NYT19991026.0326 -1 1999 1767 NYT19990921.0113 -1 1999 1767 NYT20000702.0008 -1 five months ago 1767 NYT19990820.0352 1 1964 1767 NYT19990530.0165 -1 1998 1767 APW19990804.0151 -1 1971 1767 APW19990916.0218 -1 60 Minutes 1767 NYT19980901.0430 2 in 1964 1767 NYT19990903.0102 1 1964 1767 NYT19990108.0190 -1 the 35th anniversary 1767 NYT19990415.0259 -1 the 35th anniversary 1767 APW19990916.0218 -1 June 1993 1767 NYT20000107.0231 -1 this weekend 1767 NYT19980604.0187 2 1964 1767 NYT19990820.0352 1 in 1964 1767 NYT19990819.0368 -1 two 1767 NYT19991123.0109 -1 1930s Duesenberg SJ 1767 NYT19990601.0048 -1 2002 1767 NYT19981221.0081 -1 3588 1767 NYT19980910.0513 -1 1999 1767 NYT19990113.0340 1 1964 1767 NYT19990108.0190 -1 2001 1768 NYT19991209.0245 -1 Mary Jo 1768 NYT19991125.0074 -1 Mary Jo 1768 NYT19991013.0103 -1 Bond 1768 APW20000422.0137 -1 James Bond 1768 NYT19990802.0174 1 Remington Steele 1768 APW19981214.0822 -1 PARIS ( AP ) 1768 APW19980604.1342 -1 I 1768 APW19991007.0335 -1 Keely Shaye Smith 1768 XIE19980523.0167 -1 Beijing 1768 APW19990801.0105 -1 new Steve McQueen 1768 APW19991007.0335 -1 James Bond 1768 APW19980604.1342 -1 current 1768 NYT19991108.0118 1 Remington Steele'' 1768 NYT19990114.0148 -1 Bond 1768 NYT20000324.0417 -1 ABC 1768 NYT19990428.0151 -1 June 11 1768 NYT19990811.0220 -1 007 1768 APW19981214.1371 -1 Electra 1768 NYT19991013.0103 -1 JAMES BOND 1768 NYT20000218.0380 -1 Rensselaer County 1768 NYT19990316.0249 -1 James Bond 1768 APW19990301.0045 -1 Bond movies 1768 APW19981214.0822 -1 James Bond 1768 NYT19991119.0094 -1 nearly four decades 1768 APW19990802.0250 -1 Enough 1768 APW19990802.0250 -1 Grant_Goodeve from Eight is Enough 1768 NYT19990113.0376 -1 ``The Deceivers'' (1988) _ 1768 APW19980815.0917 -1 there 1768 NYT19990722.0229 -1 Crown 1768 NYT19991121.0178 -1 Singapore 1768 NYT19991013.0103 -1 the series 1768 NYT19991119.0312 -1 90s 1768 NYT19991116.0097 -1 World 1768 NYT19991116.0097 -1 so tell mr. brosnan brosnan the world 1768 NYT19990315.0108 -1 Bond 1769 NYT20000102.0042 -1 Andrew Barnes 1769 NYT19990127.0372 -1 local English - language newspaper 1769 NYT20000102.0042 -1 the last 30 years 1769 NYT19990318.0223 -1 Nelson Poynter 1769 NYT20000102.0042 -1 Del. 1769 NYT19990127.0311 -1 Petersburg Times 1769 APW20000116.0122 -1 Jack 1769 NYT19981205.0215 -1 Sergei Shevchenko 1769 APW19990301.0085 -1 Williams 1769 APW19990605.0104 -1 Kearse 1769 NYT20000102.0042 -1 Times Publishing 1769 NYT19980817.0468 -1 Tampa-St 1769 NYT20000612.1080 -1 Internet 1769 NYT20000515.0163 -1 Hearst 1769 XIE19990313.0115 -1 Moscow 1769 NYT20000102.0042 -1 Nelson Poynter 1769 NYT19990209.0244 -1 Fla 1769 NYT20000102.0042 3 Poynter 1769 APW19990314.0028 -1 Ward Connerly 1769 NYT20000202.0345 -1 Putin 1769 NYT20000110.0064 -1 Brad Thomas 1769 XIE20000624.0123 -1 Xinhua 1769 NYT20000102.0042 -1 The Day in New_London , Conn. , and The Delaware_State_News , in Dover , Del . , developed unconventional arrangements to avoid the sale of 1769 APW19981207.0543 -1 St . Petersburg 1769 APW20000116.0122 -1 John B. ``Jack'' Lake 1769 NYT20000102.0042 1 Poynter Institute 1769 NYT19990711.0180 -1 Igor Stupnikov 1769 NYT20000102.0067 1 Poynter Institute 1769 NYT20000105.0412 -1 Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga 1769 APW19980816.0956 -1 Peter 1769 APW19980816.0935 -1 British 1769 APW19980816.0930 -1 But 1770 XIE20000824.0049 -1 19.8 degrees 1770 NYT19980922.0145 -1 Box 1770 NYT19980709.0142 -1 WEATHER CONDITIONS 1770 XIE20000824.0049 -1 RRB 1770 NYT19980709.0142 -1 102 1770 NYT19990323.0055 -1 Box 2171 , San Antonio , TX 78297. ) 1770 XIE19960924.0136 -1 recorded temperature 1770 NYT19980709.0142 -1 101 1770 NYT19981201.0474 -1 5 3/8 1770 XIE19990310.0191 -1 two degrees centigrade 1770 APW19990607.0201 -1 private terminal at 1770 NYT19980709.0142 -1 1996 1770 XIE20000105.0563 -1 December 1770 NYT19980709.0142 -1 Austin 1770 NYT19980618.0201 1 107 degrees 1770 NYT19990203.0012 -1 six 1770 NYT19981201.0474 -1 Y. Times News Service 1770 APW20000617.0018 -1 106 degrees 1770 APW19980610.0773 -1 40.1 degrees Celsius 1770 XIE19980714.0121 -1 38.6 degrees 1770 APW19990630.0181 -1 PW19990630 1770 XIE19990617.0271 -1 the NBA record 1770 XIE20000711.0007 -1 Monday 1770 APW19990530.0029 -1 58.23 degrees Fahrenheit 1770 NYT19981209.0456 -1 4 1770 NYT19990818.0320 -1 the 115-degree temperature 1770 APW19990630.0181 -1 3 1770 XIE19960924.0136 -1 32.5 degrees 1770 XIE20000617.0123 -1 103 degrees Fahrenheit 1770 NYT19980805.0137 -1 The 1771 NYT20000605.0269 -1 INVASION 1771 NYT19980923.0252 -1 May 24 , 1997 1771 NYT19980730.0309 1 June 6, 1944 1771 APW19990605.0014 1 1944 1771 NYT19990904.0239 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT20000607.0325 -1 next year 1771 NYT19980730.0309 -1 1984 1771 XIE19960910.0227 -1 first seven months this year 1771 NYT20000607.0325 -1 June 4, 2001 1771 APW19990326.0133 -1 January 1771 NYT19990605.0086 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT19990327.0150 1 June 6, 1944 1771 APW19990811.0051 1 June 6, 1944 1771 NYT19980921.0127 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT19980601.0058 -1 Sunday 1771 NYT19980601.0039 -1 Wednesday 1771 XIE19990226.0008 -1 11 11-3 11-3 1771 NYT20000525.0225 1 June 6 1771 APW19990606.0080 -1 D-Day beachheads 1771 XIE19990318.0196 -1 2002 1771 NYT19980713.0327 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT19981227.0015 -1 JUNE 7, 1944 1771 NYT19990405.0317 -1 last Sunday of March 1771 APW20000501.0138 -1 May 1771 NYT19980818.0086 -1 Thirty years later 1771 NYT19980608.0082 1 June 6, 1944 1771 XIE19980318.0028 -1 1998 1771 NYT19991215.0218 -1 May 1771 NYT19990313.0278 -1 1943 1771 APW19981010.0852 -1 the Civil War era 1771 APW20000604.0042 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT19980730.0309 -1 the big 10-year anniversary event 1771 NYT19981028.0137 -1 1980 1771 NYT19980723.0527 1 June 6, 1944 1771 APW19981010.0852 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT20000522.0437 -1 MAY 28 1771 NYT19980602.0105 1 June 6 , 1944 1771 NYT19980730.0309 1 1944 1772 NYT20000806.0061 3 downtown Savannah , thatEli Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0016 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT19980819.0097 -1 Horace Smith 1772 NYT20000806.0016 3 Eli Whitney and 1772 NYT20000823.0076 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0014 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT20000823.0076 -1 Greene 1772 NYT19990206.0180 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT19980819.0095 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0016 -1 business partner 1772 APW19981017.0866 1 Inventor Eli Whitney 1772 NYT20000324.0214 -1 George Bush 1772 NYT20000806.0061 1 Whitney 1772 APW19981017.0866 1 Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0061 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT19980928.0185 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT19980819.0095 -1 Horace Smith 1772 NYT19980819.0097 1 Eli Whitney 1772 APW20000313.0176 1 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT19980923.0291 2 Eli Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0016 1 Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0016 -1 2000_Cox_News_Service_SAVANNAH , Ga. _ 1772 NYT20000806.0016 3 Eli Whitney Eli Whitney 1772 NYT20000806.0016 -1 Xinjiang 1772 XIE19971009.0041 -1 Ethiopian 1772 NYT19980811.0299 -1 Feagley 1773 NYT19991118.0381 -1 composition 1773 NYT19990428.0202 -1 Suzanne Ciani 1773 NYT19991130.0233 2 Appalachian Spring 1773 NYT20000221.0441 -1 In composition , though , he 1773 NYT19991125.0062 -1 31-minute 1773 NYT20000221.0441 -1 Elliott Carter 1773 NYT19990602.0178 -1 Buenos Aires 1773 NYT19980804.0364 -1 wittily embodied the New York City Ballet 1773 NYT19981104.0392 -1 STAY IN 1773 NYT19981112.0169 1 Appalachian Spring 1773 NYT20000418.0329 -1 study 1773 NYT19991117.0366 -1 sextet 1773 NYT19981007.0453 1 Appalachian Spring 1773 NYT19991122.0228 1 ` ` Appalachian Spring , ' ' 1773 NYT19991129.0173 -1 Columbia 1773 NYT19990720.0097 -1 Abraham Lincoln 1773 NYT19991117.0369 -1 The Music of Aaron Copland 1773 NYT20000207.0467 -1 Lincoln Portrait 1773 NYT19981112.0169 -1 composer 1773 NYT19981112.0169 -1 Fanfare for the Common 1773 NYT19990505.0300 -1 1999-05-05 1773 NYT19980616.0311 -1 composers 1773 NYT19991117.0366 -1 Pollack 1773 APW20000228.0088 -1 all your life 1773 NYT19981112.0203 -1 Billy the Kid 1773 NYT20000215.0029 -1 Roseman 1773 APW20000228.0088 -1 Copland 's 1773 NYT19980902.0434 -1 1939 1773 NYT19990603.0049 -1 Aaron Copland 's music 1773 NYT19991122.0204 -1 1960s 1773 APW20000222.0209 -1 orchestra 1773 NYT19991122.0204 -1 spike lee present the music copland 1773 NYT19981015.0101 -1 Ellington 1774 NYT19990503.0333 3 stands for `` HyperText Markup Language 1774 APW19990825.0016 3 Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1774 NYT19990414.0210 1 hypertext markup language 1774 NYT20000717.0326 -1 XML 1774 NYT19990503.0333 3 HyperText Markup Language 1774 NYT19980715.0082 1 Hypertext Markup Language 1774 NYT19990503.0333 1 HyperText Markup Language 1774 XIE19990911.0203 -1 XML can 1774 NYT19990602.0238 -1 Jon Bosak of Sun Microsystems 1774 NYT19991231.0095 1 HyperText Markup Language 1774 NYT19981012.0437 -1 companion file 1774 NYT19990503.0333 -1 Web pages 1774 NYT19980617.0230 -1 Freedom 1774 NYT20000719.0146 -1 Netscape Navigator, on either the display of the information 1774 NYT20000201.0347 -1 Library of Congress 1774 NYT19990503.0333 3 HyperText 1774 NYT20000202.0139 1 hyper text markup language 1774 NYT19990503.0333 1 for HyperText Markup Language 1774 APW19980601.0800 1 hypertext markup language 1774 NYT19991107.0170 -1 WML 1774 NYT20000622.0186 1 hypertext markup language 1774 NYT20000612.0236 -1 Language 1774 NYT19990503.0333 -1 the language of Web pages 1774 NYT19990602.0238 -1 HTML 1774 NYT20000112.0121 3 HyperText 1774 NYT19990324.0184 -1 htm 1774 NYT19990503.0333 1 for ``HyperText Markup Language.'' 1774 NYT19980615.0377 -1 Israel 1775 APW19990704.0027 -1 World Church 1775 APW19981129.1015 -1 wool 1775 NYT19990808.0010 -1 Pronghorn 1775 APW19980619.1382 -1 large herds of zebra 1775 NYT20000426.0033 -1 department 1775 APW19981210.0559 -1 movement 1775 APW19991021.0157 -1 a nonendangered Tibetan mountain goat 1775 APW19981030.0079 -1 China 1775 XIE19990819.0190 -1 A major raid 1775 NYT19990611.0348 -1 Christians 1775 XIE19990819.0190 -1 Tibetan 1775 NYT20000604.0153 1 herd 1775 XIE19991016.0220 -1 information 1775 NYT20000612.0237 -1 Prairie 1775 APW19981030.0079 -1 Chinese 1775 APW19981030.0079 -1 animals 1775 APW20000208.0078 3 A herd of pronghorn antelope , he suspects . 1775 NYT19990505.0018 -1 Valley 1775 NYT20000604.0163 1 herd 1775 APW20000531.0150 -1 Tibetan 1775 XIE20000512.0135 -1 China 1775 NYT19990808.0010 -1 Congress 1775 APW19981030.0079 -1 A single shawl 1775 APW19981210.0708 -1 there 1775 XIE19990216.0152 -1 there 1775 NYT19990121.0438 -1 a ``white supremacist group.'' 1775 APW20000531.0150 -1 Tibetan antelope 1775 APW19981030.0079 -1 chiru 1775 APW19981030.0079 -1 shahtoosh 1775 APW19981210.0559 -1 shahtoosh that fetches high prices in th 1776 XIE19980913.0183 -1 1982 1776 NYT19990525.0128 1 1716 1776 NYT19991010.0203 -1 installed the light in 1874 1776 APW19991024.0119 -1 last year 1776 NYT19980721.0361 -1 1934 1776 APW19990602.0111 -1 1934 1776 NYT20000101.0149 -1 year Saturday 1776 NYT19991110.0070 -1 year 1776 NYT19990617.0509 -1 2000 1776 APW19990709.0097 -1 today 1776 NYT20000519.0069 -1 950 A.D. 1776 NYT20000501.0113 -1 June 1776 NYT19990715.0026 -1 1995 1776 NYT19990617.0509 -1 1988 1776 NYT19990505.0180 -1 June 11 1776 APW19990708.0058 -1 memorial day 1776 NYT19991128.0152 -1 1972 1776 APW20000527.0013 -1 1999 1776 APW19990710.0156 -1 1 1776 NYT19980706.0356 -1 a year 1776 APW19990708.0058 -1 1950 1776 APW19981127.1354 -1 1905 1776 NYT19981216.0196 -1 Dec. 17 1776 NYT19981005.0433 -1 1933 1776 NYT19990525.0400 1 1716 1776 APW19990709.0165 -1 planned Friday night 1776 NYT19980818.0228 -1 1997 ) 1776 NYT19980906.0182 -1 1905 1776 XIE19961021.0218 -1 1994 1776 APW19990613.0061 -1 1841 1776 NYT20000101.0149 -1 500 1776 NYT20000815.0202 -1 33 countries 1776 NYT19990617.0509 -1 2001 1776 NYT19990617.0509 -1 1870 1776 NYT19991012.0237 -1 1841 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Peter Gallagher 1777 NYT20000323.0213 -1 Rose Petal Sorbet 1777 NYT19990915.0072 -1 Sam Mendes 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Allison Janney, Chris Cooper 1777 APW20000327.0048 -1 Spacey 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Undated 1777 NYT20000928.0513 -1 Scott 1777 NYT19990914.0160 -1 Kevin Spacey 1777 NYT19990914.0160 -1 Peter Gallagher 1777 APW19990607.0203 -1 live 1777 NYT19990914.0160 -1 Sam Mendes 1777 NYT19990915.0072 -1 Peter Gallagher 1777 NYT19990914.0160 1 Jim No. 1 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Sam Robards 1777 NYT19990914.0210 -1 Lester Burnham 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Annette Benning 1777 NYT19990914.0210 -1 Chris Cooper 1777 NYT19990914.0160 1 Jim No . 1 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Kevin Spacey 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Allison Janney 1777 NYT19990915.0019 -1 Peter Gallagher 1777 NYT20000503.0332 -1 Joseph 1777 NYT19980725.0090 -1 the first_class of the Smith-Yale junior year abroad program that helped establish Paris as a romantic way station for a generation of young Americans 1777 NYT19980725.0090 -1 young Americans 1777 APW20000327.0049 -1 Sunday 1777 NYT20000608.0203 -1 Quantum Leap 1777 NYT19990131.0104 -1 Tom Clancy 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Sam Mendes 1777 NYT19990914.0123 -1 Mendes 1777 NYT19990914.0210 -1 Kevin Spacey 1777 NYT20000608.0203 -1 Charles Burden Sr. 1777 NYT20000327.0033 -1 Buffy 1778 NYT19990409.0465 -1 1940 1778 NYT19981223.0133 -1 bought ABC in 1995 1778 NYT19990409.0465 -1 1941 1778 NYT19990923.0413 1 1966 1778 NYT19991024.0166 1 1966 1778 APW19990325.0286 -1 Tuesday 1778 NYT19990923.0413 2 December 15, 1966 1778 XIE19991223.0008 2 December 15, 1966 1778 NYT19990310.0218 1 1966 1778 NYT20000825.0285 -1 Friday 1778 APW19981031.1002 1 1966 1778 APW19981124.0452 -1 2000 1778 APW19990410.0032 -1 Saturday 1778 NYT20000115.0132 -1 Wednesday 1778 APW19981118.0180 -1 1995 1778 APW19990410.0032 -1 1940s 1778 APW19990410.0032 -1 1941 1778 NYT19981001.0343 1 1966 1778 APW20000811.0010 -1 November 2001 1778 XIE19990916.0020 -1 Wednesday 1778 NYT19990903.0125 1 1966 1778 NYT20000111.0331 -1 Monday 1778 NYT20000210.0144 2 1966 1778 NYT19991227.0257 -1 2000 1778 NYT19990228.0089 2 1966 1778 APW19981031.1002 -1 his death 1778 NYT19980922.0439 -1 in 1967 1778 NYT19980730.0198 -1 1923 1778 APW19991015.0296 -1 1996 1778 APW19991015.0296 -1 1991 1778 NYT19990409.0465 -1 last Saturday 1778 APW20000113.0381 -1 nine 1778 APW20000813.0117 -1 on July 30 1778 NYT20000227.0085 -1 August 1989 1778 XIE20000107.0190 -1 January 6 1778 APW19990107.0173 -1 1998 1778 APW19981031.1002 -1 0735 1778 NYT19981014.0184 -1 2001 1779 APW20000909.0145 2 Sydney 1779 NYT20000818.0143 1 Sydney 1779 XIE19970618.0243 -1 Tegucigalpa 1779 NYT20000404.0405 -1 New York City 1779 XIE19980828.0144 -1 Hobart 1779 XIE19960429.0011 -1 Hobart 1779 APW19981226.0725 2 Sydney 1779 XIE19990906.0122 -1 Melbourne 1779 APW19981226.0725 2 SYDNEY 1779 NYT19981013.0233 -1 here 1779 XIE20000118.0205 -1 Gulangyu 1779 XIE20000902.0088 2 Olympian Open Sydney Village SYDNEY 1779 XIE19970903.0192 -1 China 1779 XIE19971029.0127 2 Sydney 1779 XIE20000902.0088 2 Sydney Games 1779 APW19981126.0140 -1 BRISBANE 1779 APW19981203.0141 -1 MELBOURNE 1779 NYT19990126.0450 -1 Africa 1779 XIE19990906.0122 -1 Victoria 1779 XIE19960627.0227 2 Sydney 1779 APW19981226.0725 2 SYDNEY, Australia 1779 APW19981226.0725 2 Sydney's 1779 XIE19980724.0164 -1 Friday 1779 APW19980927.1351 2 Sydney 1779 APW20000827.0142 -1 Madrid 1779 XIE19990906.0122 -1 Deane 1779 XIE19990906.0122 -1 Australia 1779 APW19981028.0119 -1 Cambodia 1779 XIE19981021.0283 -1 Australia 1779 APW20000504.0100 -1 Melbourne 1779 NYT20000517.0139 2 AUSTRALIA Sydney The 1779 NYT20000117.0058 -1 Melbourne 1779 XIE20000316.0281 2 Sydney 1779 NYT19980901.0314 -1 United States 1780 NYT19990502.0002 -1 Jackson Robinson 1780 NYT20000401.0107 -1 Robinson 1780 NYT19991016.0185 -1 Pedro Martinez 1780 NYT19990904.0168 -1 Sandy Koufax 1780 APW19991023.0216 -1 Sandy Koufax 1780 NYT19991105.0294 -1 Coates 1780 APW19981125.1318 -1 Mo Vaughn 1780 NYT20000620.0397 -1 Rawlings 1780 APW19990315.0171 -1 Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa 1780 APW19990205.0027 -1 Mobile 1780 NYT19990205.0342 -1 Hank Aaron Award 1780 NYT19990915.0483 -1 Sandy Alderson 1780 NYT19980905.0055 1 Nolan Ryan 1780 NYT19990805.0457 -1 Sammy Sosa 1780 APW19981125.1318 -1 Mike Piazza 1780 APW19990205.0028 -1 Hank Aaron 1780 NYT19990731.0141 1 Nolan Ryan 1780 APW19980708.0011 -1 Tony Gwynn 1780 NYT19980614.0024 -1 McGwire 1780 APW19980909.0017 -1 Rookie Jeff Abbott 1780 NYT19990205.0342 -1 Hank Aaron 1780 APW19990217.0040 -1 Stieb 1780 NYT19980923.0299 -1 Ted Williams 1780 APW19990725.0058 1 Ryan 1780 NYT20000228.0169 -1 Aaron 1780 APW19981023.1229 -1 Schott 1780 NYT19990611.0077 2 Nolan Ryan 1780 NYT19980906.0045 -1 Mark McGwire 1780 NYT19981201.0454 -1 Belle 1780 APW19981125.1340 -1 The Associated Press 1780 APW19990105.0309 1 Ryan 1780 NYT19990915.0483 -1 his sixth year as National League president , Coleman , who is black , 1780 NYT19990205.0342 -1 1999_Cox_News_Service_ATLANTA _ For all the home_runs 1780 NYT19981112.0323 -1 Red Sox 1780 NYT19990104.0500 1 Ryan 1780 APW19990315.0171 -1 Sammy Sosa 1780 NYT20000701.0023 -1 blue Major League Baseball 1780 NYT19990619.0193 -1 Pitcher 1780 NYT19990915.0483 -1 Selig 1780 NYT20000329.0254 -1 Japanese 1780 APW19990127.0235 -1 Olympic 1780 NYT19990501.0266 -1 Michael 1780 NYT19990430.0117 -1 Timothy L 1780 APW19990205.0028 -1 Baseball 1781 APW20000113.0381 1 1937 1781 NYT19980621.0087 1 1937 1781 APW20000725.0127 -1 the last week 1781 APW20000922.0071 -1 1936 1781 XIE19970627.0085 -1 June 27 1781 XIE19970627.0085 -1 Frog Prince 1781 NYT19980810.0231 -1 2000 1781 XIE19970101.0111 -1 1996 1781 NYT19991024.0166 -1 1978 1781 NYT19991225.0007 -1 winter 1781 NYT19990203.0277 -1 least 44 Democrats _ 10 1781 XIE19970101.0111 -1 1997 1781 XIE19970101.0111 -1 New Year 's Day , 1997 1781 NYT19990107.0114 -1 the year 1781 APW20000105.0209 -1 2001 1781 APW20000325.0089 -1 1989 1781 NYT19981110.0075 -1 1938 1781 NYT19980804.0075 -1 1967 1781 XIE20000210.0235 -1 this winter 1781 NYT19980901.0184 -1 1938 1781 NYT20000829.0191 -1 National_Day observance 1781 NYT19980621.0087 -1 1989 1781 APW20000303.0166 -1 in the 40s 1781 NYT19980621.0087 1 in 1937 1781 NYT20000829.0191 -1 9 1781 NYT19990714.0291 -1 a 1790 barn 1781 NYT20000829.0191 -1 1959 1781 NYT19980921.0146 -1 438-5800 1781 APW20000126.0319 -1 2002 1782 NYT19991020.0405 -1 Geraldine Ferraro 1782 NYT19990223.0375 -1 Michael Dukakis 1782 NYT19990223.0380 -1 Michael Dukakis 1782 NYT19990311.0008 1 Victoria Woodhull 1782 APW20000219.0088 1 Pamfilova 1782 NYT20000321.0035 1 Ella Pamfilova 1782 XIE20000302.0294 -1 Sworn 1782 XIE19971019.0177 -1 White House 1782 NYT19990205.0184 -1 Draft Elizabeth Dole 1782 NYT19990311.0008 -1 Margaret Chase Smith 1782 NYT19991020.0387 -1 Margaret Chase Smith 1782 APW19990104.0063 -1 Mrs. Dole 1782 NYT19980609.0438 -1 Seymour Wishman 1782 NYT19991020.0463 -1 Margaret Chase Smith 1782 APW19990711.0081 -1 Geraldine A. Ferraro 1782 NYT20000717.0255 1 Victoria Woodhull 1782 NYT19980625.0309 -1 Geraldine Ferraro 1782 APW20000115.0109 -1 McCain 1782 NYT19990927.0415 -1 Laura Bogan 1782 NYT19980908.0397 -1 Ferraro 1782 NYT20000803.0329 -1 Dole 1782 APW19990104.0063 -1 Dole 1782 APW19990711.0081 -1 Walter F. Mondale 1782 APW19990711.0081 -1 Ferraro 1782 XIE20000511.0203 -1 Amina Salum Ali 1782 APW19990625.0282 -1 Dole 1782 NYT19990223.0100 -1 Michael Dukakis 1782 NYT19980901.0075 -1 Victoria 1782 XIE19970209.0036 -1 NIL 1782 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1782 NYT20000812.0143 -1 Charity Ngilu 1782 NYT19991021.0433 -1 Senator Bob Smith 1782 NYT19980611.0059 -1 Purnick 1782 APW20000601.0041 -1 Ferraro 1782 XIE19971019.0177 -1 President Clinton 1782 NYT19990311.0008 3 Woodhull 1783 NYT19990129.0323 1 Sweden 1783 APW19990602.0031 -1 Ford 1783 XIE19960616.0044 -1 China 1783 APW19990215.0185 -1 U.S 1783 XIE19971118.0042 1 Sweden 1783 XIE19981028.0041 -1 Gaborone 1783 XIE19960613.0132 -1 Shandong 1783 XIE20000630.0093 -1 Shanghai 1783 NYT19980701.0527 -1 Audis 1783 XIE19971118.0042 -1 China 1783 XIE19960628.0101 3 Volvo Car Corporation of Sweden 1783 XIE19990130.0179 -1 China 1783 XIE20000630.0093 -1 China- Sweden Shanghai Sunwin Bus Corporation 1783 APW19990115.0217 1 Sweden 1783 APW19990222.0215 1 Sweden 1783 XIE19990312.0032 1 Sweden 1783 NYT20000323.0096 -1 V70 1783 NYT19990128.0334 -1 Brazil 1783 XIE20000824.0086 -1 Japan 1783 APW19980703.0693 1 Sweden 1783 NYT19980701.0527 -1 Germany 1783 APW19990211.0012 -1 United States 1783 XIE19990312.0032 -1 U.S. 1783 APW19981018.1101 -1 Thailand 1783 NYT19980701.0527 1 Sweden 1783 XIE19980117.0179 -1 United States 1783 XIE19991102.0277 -1 U.S. 1783 XIE20000630.0093 -1 Volvo China 1783 APW19990107.0213 1 Sweden 1783 APW19990222.0215 -1 NIL 1783 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1783 NYT19990207.0099 1 Sweden 1783 XIE19990130.0179 -1 United States 1783 APW19990128.0038 1 Sweden 1783 NYT19981208.0385 -1 New York 1784 NYT19990909.0079 -1 Leech suck the life 1784 APW19981104.1361 -1 maggots 1784 NYT19991101.0058 -1 the Manado species Latimeria menadoensis 1784 APW19990620.0066 3 Hirudo 1784 APW19981122.1046 -1 Eretmochelys imbricata 1784 APW19990620.0066 -1 Leeches U.S.A. 1784 APW19981104.1361 -1 rest 1784 NYT20000414.0034 -1 its good medieval name 1784 XIE19980601.0094 -1 Beijing 1784 NYT19990831.0221 -1 Seeds Common 1784 APW19981104.1361 -1 medicinal leeches 1784 NYT19990820.0287 1 Hirudo medicinalis 1784 NYT20000723.0072 -1 monitor 1784 NYT19990831.0221 -1 1 1784 NYT20000414.0034 -1 leeches 1784 NYT19991214.0412 -1 John Leech 1784 NYT19990116.0198 -1 American 1784 NYT19990218.0254 -1 Richard Leech 1784 NYT19990318.0306 -1 three months 1784 NYT19990518.0442 -1 Maynard 1784 NYT19990831.0221 -1 Hypericum 1784 XIE19960822.0181 -1 News 1784 NYT20000414.0034 -1 the International Center 1784 NYT20000718.0434 -1 Laurence_Wasserman 1784 NYT19990820.0287 -1 Calabrese 1784 NYT19990318.0306 -1 Boston Scientific 1784 NYT19981202.0289 -1 Theodoric 1784 APW19981230.0809 -1 Re 1784 NYT19981202.0289 -1 dunking witches 1784 NYT19990820.0287 3 Hirudo 1784 APW19980601.0443 -1 Class 1784 APW19990620.0066 -1 Marie Bonazinga 1784 NYT19980622.0485 -1 Bel Canto Trio . Showered 1785 XIE19981023.0195 -1 Tigris river basin 1785 XIE20000210.0022 -1 flow from the river to Syria 1785 XIE19980909.0146 -1 Huaihe River 1785 XIE19960707.0046 -1 Tigris 1785 NYT19990720.0044 -1 Pacific Ocean 1785 XIE19960215.0282 -1 ANKARA , February 14 ( Xinhua ) -- A Turkish official 1785 XIE19960215.0016 -1 Syria 1785 XIE19960215.0282 -1 Turkey Will 1785 XIE20000210.0022 -1 Turkey 1785 XIE19980909.0146 -1 Yellow Sea 1785 XIE19971020.0069 -1 Syria 1785 NYT19990301.0067 -1 Turkey 1785 NYT19990301.0067 -1 Iraq 1785 XIE19980929.0035 1 Persian gulf 1785 NYT19990313.0010 -1 Tigris 1785 XIE19960708.0014 -1 Tigris 1785 APW19981006.0219 -1 Turkey 1785 XIE19960327.0142 -1 Turkey 1785 NYT20000724.0214 -1 Nile River 1785 APW19990507.0100 -1 Euphrates River 1785 XIE19960123.0236 -1 1983 1785 NYT20000724.0214 -1 Tigris 1785 APW19990111.0165 -1 Jordan 1785 APW19980929.0822 -1 Jordan 1785 XIE19981005.0008 -1 Syria 1785 XIE19980929.0035 -1 Tigris 1785 XIE19980929.0035 -1 Iraq 1785 XIE19980929.0035 -1 Turkey 1785 NYT20000702.0084 -1 A new lake 1785 XIE19960306.0044 -1 its water 1785 XIE19960707.0046 -1 Tigris Rivers 1785 XIE20000210.0022 -1 water from Turkey's Euphrates River as a key 1785 XIE20000210.0022 -1 upstream country of Euphrates River, allows m 1785 NYT19981217.0132 -1 Euphrates 1786 NYT19980615.0280 -1 scored 45 points in the final game 1786 NYT19980601.0583 -1 Bulls 1786 XIE19970210.0109 -1 NBA All-Star 1786 XIE19980606.0144 -1 WASHINGTON , June 5 ( Xinhua ) -- Michael Jordan 1786 APW19980614.1044 -1 time 1786 XIE19980606.0131 -1 the Chicago Bulls roll 1786 XIE19970612.0143 -1 their fifth NBA championship 1786 NYT19980601.0039 -1 Jordan 1786 XIE19960606.0124 -1 to pace the Chicago Bulls 1786 APW19990111.0165 -1 charity basketball 1786 XIE19980606.0131 -1 NBA Finals 1786 XIE19970210.0098 -1 period 1786 XIE19970210.0098 -1 East 1786 NYT19990524.0320 -1 63 1786 NYT20000319.0028 -1 NBA 1786 NYT19991012.0441 -1 40 1786 XIE19991023.0173 -1 Bird 1786 XIE19980604.0246 -1 33 points 1786 XIE19980530.0140 -1 six years 1786 XIE19981020.0298 -1 2002 1786 NYT19980615.0280 -1 Bulls 1786 XIE19980606.0131 -1 37 points 1786 XIE19980608.0261 -1 1998-06-08 1786 XIE19971210.0249 -1 13 seasons 1786 NYT19980615.0016 -1 52 percent 1786 NYT19990111.0530 -1 Chamberlain 1786 XIE19990112.0155 -1 Boston 1786 APW19980614.1049 -1 55 1786 XIE19980530.0140 -1 forcing a Game 7 Sunday at Chicago 1786 XIE19960124.0245 -1 seven rebounds 1786 NYT19990113.0531 -1 the game 1786 APW19990304.0029 -1 that many points on a good night. 1786 XIE19960124.0245 -1 31.7 1786 XIE19980530.0140 -1 basketball 1786 APW19990111.0165 -1 27 1786 NYT19990309.0073 -1 Starr 1787 NYT20000923.0145 -1 time 1787 NYT19980730.0301 -1 rock ' n ' roll time 1787 NYT20000923.0145 -1 Van Halen 1787 APW19990203.0164 -1 1901 1787 NYT19980703.0109 -1 1901 1787 APW19991009.0135 -1 Today 's Birthdays : Playwright Harold Pinter 1787 APW20000530.0121 -1 bass player Michael Anthony 1787 NYT19980921.0389 -1 Monday 1787 APW19981003.0848 1 Oct. 10 1787 APW19990721.0094 -1 today 1787 APW19990721.0094 -1 Actor-comedian-director Albert Brooks 1787 NYT19990528.0376 -1 July 4 1787 NYT19981224.0155 -1 christmas 1787 XIE20000611.0140 -1 Conference 2000 1787 XIE20000512.0104 -1 1998 1787 APW19981003.0848 -1 43 1787 NYT20000923.0145 -1 October 1787 NYT19980703.0330 -1 July 3, 1998 1787 APW19990616.0206 -1 1997 1787 APW20000530.0121 -1 1974 1787 APW20000628.0180 -1 1993 1787 APW19991009.0135 -1 Birthdays 1787 APW19981017.0858 -1 Oct . 18 1787 NYT19980703.0330 -1 JULY 5 1787 NYT19981118.0039 -1 Nov. 25 1787 APW19991009.0135 -1 44 1787 NYT19980707.0395 -1 July 7 , 1998 1787 APW19981003.0848 -1 Oct. 4-10 1787 NYT19990114.0358 -1 1999 1787 NYT19990330.0046 -1 1986 1787 NYT19990115.0289 -1 1976 1787 NYT19980826.0470 -1 Dave 1788 APW20000315.0028 1 Pfizer Inc. 1788 NYT19990309.0382 1 Pfizer 1788 NYT20000204.0340 1 Pfizer 1788 NYT19991018.0372 1 Pfizer 1788 APW20000531.0131 3 spokesman for Pfizer 1788 APW20000531.0131 1 Pfizer 1788 XIE19991228.0145 -1 Chua Jui Meng 1788 NYT19980619.0382 1 Pfizer Pharmaceutical 1788 NYT19981228.0451 -1 Dale E. Bonner 1788 APW20000315.0028 -1 4,497 men 1788 NYT20000602.0099 -1 older patients 1788 NYT19980601.0148 1 Pfizer 1788 NYT19991018.0373 -1 Dole 1788 NYT19990804.0111 -1 Celebrex 1788 APW19990802.0039 1 Pfizer 1788 NYT19980619.0504 1 Pfizer Inc. 1788 APW19980819.0546 -1 Jean - Louis Galland 1788 NYT19990804.0111 1 Pfizer 1788 NYT20000121.0344 -1 Zoloft 1788 XIE20000726.0180 -1 ED 1788 APW19980602.0249 1 Pfizer 1788 NYT20000121.0344 1 Pfizer Inc 1788 NYT20000121.0344 3 But Pfizer Inc 1788 NYT20000202.0080 -1 Selig 1788 NYT19980601.0148 -1 Goss 1788 APW19990307.0020 -1 Lentini 1788 NYT19980710.0265 1 Pfizer 1788 APW19990804.0198 -1 Celebrex 1788 APW19990916.0290 -1 Selig 1788 APW20000619.0128 -1 Lipitor 1788 APW19980828.0546 -1 Viagra 1788 APW20000315.0028 1 Pfizer Inc 1788 APW19980820.1218 -1 Brad_Stone 1788 APW19980820.1218 -1 Cardiology 1788 APW20000601.0061 -1 Medicine 1788 APW19980825.0305 -1 European Union 1788 NYT19990626.0139 -1 Internet 1788 NYT19980619.0382 1 Pfizer Inc. 1788 APW19980820.1218 -1 Impotence 1788 APW19980820.1218 -1 Wolfe 1788 NYT19980601.0148 -1 Bill Clarkson 1788 NYT19980619.0382 1 Pfizer 1788 APW19980820.1218 1 Pfizer 1789 APW19990908.0255 -1 1990 1789 APW19990905.0025 3 1970 1789 NYT20000502.0043 1 May 4 , 1970 1789 APW20000504.0160 3 1970 1789 NYT20000511.0320 3 1970 1789 APW20000504.0160 3 Kent State Remembers 1970 Shootings 1789 NYT20000501.0294 -1 the violent four days 1789 APW20000513.0104 3 May 4 1789 APW19990307.0099 -1 Arkansas 1789 APW20000504.0160 1 May 4, 1970 1789 NYT20000502.0043 1 May 4, 1970 1789 APW19980807.0856 -1 Argentina River Plate vs. Gremio ___ QUARTERFINALS First Leg _ Oct. 28 Second Leg _ Nov. 4 Pairings TBA ___ SEMIFINALS First Leg _ Nov. 11 Second Leg _ Nov. 18 Pairings TBA ___ FINALS Semifinal winners First Leg _ Dec. 2 Second Leg _ Dec. 16 Third Leg _ Dec. 27 1789 XIE19980305.0020 -1 2001 1789 APW20000429.0124 1 May 4 , 1970 1789 APW19990205.0091 -1 State shootings 1789 NYT20000919.0163 2 1970 1789 NYT20000502.0043 3 1970 1789 NYT20000502.0090 1 May 4, 1970 1789 NYT20000503.0112 3 1970 1789 APW19990328.0001 -1 1974 1789 APW19990908.0255 -1 A hillside memorial 1789 NYT20000502.0090 1 May 4 , 1970 1789 APW19990208.0041 -1 Oct . 30 1789 APW20000504.0134 1 May 4 , 1970 1789 NYT20000502.0043 1 On May 4 , 1970 1789 APW19990908.0184 -1 Kent State 1789 APW20000322.0301 -1 77-80-77 1789 NYT19990310.0137 -1 the '60s 1789 APW19990908.0255 3 1970 1790 XIE20000317.0312 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19980224.0130 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 APW19990408.0304 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 APW19990322.0186 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE20000319.0008 3 western Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19990907.0288 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE20000319.0008 -1 Jeddah 1790 XIE19980118.0107 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19980118.0107 -1 measure 1790 XIE19990316.0061 -1 Jeddah 1790 XIE20000820.0025 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE20000316.0021 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19990321.0015 -1 Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef Bin Abdel- Aziz 1790 XIE20000319.0008 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19980615.0012 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 APW19981102.0331 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 APW19981120.0059 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 NYT19991115.0194 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19991004.0013 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE20000319.0197 -1 Jeddah 1790 XIE19990316.0154 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19970416.0091 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19960825.0029 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 APW19980827.0149 -1 Libya 1790 XIE19990317.0187 -1 Iraq 1790 XIE20000712.0008 2 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19980118.0107 -1 the Kingdom 1790 XIE19990321.0015 -1 NIL 1790 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1790 XIE19980324.0094 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 APW20000319.0058 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19980324.0199 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 XIE19960211.0082 1 Saudi Arabia 1790 NYT19981219.0241 -1 United States 1791 NYT19981118.0139 -1 June 29 , 1995 1791 XIE19980609.0031 -1 1995 1791 APW19981020.1367 -1 June 29 , 1995 1791 NYT19991019.0126 -1 horse 1791 APW19980615.0792 -1 1986 1791 APW19980602.1117 -1 Saturday 1791 APW19981117.0291 -1 1986 1791 XIE19980605.0266 -1 ninth 1791 XIE20000811.0265 -1 August 11 1791 NYT20000724.0240 -1 hundreds of hours 1791 XIE19980130.0031 -1 ninth 1791 APW19990825.0075 -1 Feb. 19, 1986 1791 APW19980615.0635 -1 fall 1791 NYT19980601.0411 -1 February 1791 APW19980615.0635 -1 1986 1791 APW20000111.0156 -1 February 1986 1791 NYT19981118.0069 -1 11 1791 NYT19981119.0052 -1 May 1791 NYT19981118.0069 -1 1997 1791 XIE19960423.0057 -1 a decade ago 1791 NYT19981118.0069 1 1999 1791 NYT19990308.0189 -1 March 21 1791 NYT19980608.0314 -1 1998-06-08 1791 APW19980626.0430 -1 1986 1791 NYT19990827.0380 -1 1986 1791 APW19980724.0596 -1 1986 1791 NYT19980604.0337 -1 12 1791 NYT19981119.0052 -1 1987 1791 APW19980615.0241 1 in December 1999 1791 NYT19990827.0243 -1 the next six months 1791 APW19990825.0201 -1 1997 1791 APW19981117.0291 1 1999 1791 XIE19970922.0147 -1 September 22 1791 APW20000812.0002 -1 2001 1792 APW19990125.0324 -1 431 miles and links Rochester 1792 APW19981011.0053 -1 four 1792 APW19990116.0002 -1 60 inches 1792 APW20000610.0140 -1 99,11PM 1792 APW20000610.0140 -1 PLACE 1792 NYT19980907.0281 -1 75 miles 1792 APW20000701.0119 -1 under seven inches 1792 APW20000308.0166 -1 50 1792 NYT20000202.0497 -1 two feet 1792 NYT19990418.0068 -1 21 1792 NYT20000807.0207 -1 one year 1792 NYT20000408.0144 -1 35 percent 1792 NYT20000515.0362 -1 64,000-acre 1792 APW19990125.0324 -1 431 miles 1792 APW19990125.0324 -1 719 mile 1792 APW20000818.0183 -1 about 30 miles 1792 APW20000113.0187 -1 eight to 10 inches 1792 NYT20000807.0143 -1 Maryland 1792 APW20000415.0005 -1 $22 1792 APW20000111.0150 -1 60 miles 1792 APW20000610.0140 -1 -- NewsSource 13 Staff 1792 APW20000610.0140 -1 2 1792 APW20000522.0031 -1 I 1792 APW20000111.0146 -1 75 miles 1792 NYT20000406.0554 -1 30 miles 1792 NYT19980625.0230 -1 150 miles 1792 NYT20000129.0199 -1 22 societies 1792 NYT20000129.0199 -1 500 miles 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 building the CN Tower in Toronto 1793 NYT19990202.0030 1 the Petronas Twin Towers 1793 NYT19990202.0078 1 Petronas Twin Towers 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 Sears Tower 1793 APW19980813.0505 -1 foot 1793 XIE19990923.0273 1 Petronas Towers 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 But the world 's tallest office building 1793 APW19981206.1084 -1 apartment 1793 XIE19970127.0103 1 Petronas Twin Towers 1793 APW19981206.1124 -1 Australia 1793 XIE19980827.0081 1 Petronas Twin Towers 1793 NYT20000411.0295 -1 Chrysler Building 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 Kuala Lumpur 1793 APW19990929.0086 -1 Sears Tower 1793 NYT19990202.0030 1 Petronas Twin Towers 1793 NYT19990202.0030 -1 Sears Tower 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 1,483 feet 1793 APW19981206.1072 -1 tower 1793 XIE19990923.0273 3 Towers 1793 APW19981210.1097 -1 Malaysia 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 Malaysia 1793 XIE19970127.0103 3 the 5,000 - odd employees of Petronas and its subsidiaries 1793 XIE19970127.0103 3 Petronas and its subsidiaries 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 Xinhua 1793 APW19990102.0096 -1 skyscraper 1793 XIE19981208.0358 -1 a 113-floor tower at a cost of 900 million U.S. dollars 1793 NYT19990223.0440 -1 Park Place 1793 NYT19981014.0028 -1 Post 's eight-story Equitable Life Assurance Society 1793 XIE19990923.0273 -1 Chrysler 1793 APW19990929.0086 3 Petronas 1793 NYT19981014.0028 -1 Cornelius Vanderbilt Mansion 1793 APW20000129.0147 -1 worlds 1794 NYT19990916.0385 -1 race starts 1794 NYT20000712.0029 -1 CART INTENDS TO SLOW CARS IRVING 1794 NYT19981125.0190 -1 detailed courses 1794 APW19990730.0318 -1 Mid-Atlantic 200 1794 XIE19971014.0285 1 Thrust SSC 1794 NYT19981009.0376 -1 Sports Car 1794 NYT20000712.0029 -1 Rahal 1794 XIE20000515.0214 -1 BANGKOK , May 15 ( Xinhua ) -- World major carmakers 1794 NYT20000712.0029 -1 world 1794 XIE19991015.0453 -1 Canadian Jacques Villeneuve 1794 NYT20000712.0029 -1 Texas 1794 APW19990317.0176 -1 fuel cell 1794 APW19990317.0296 -1 BMW V12 1794 APW19991015.0004 -1 BAR-Supertec 1794 NYT20000712.0029 -1 cars 1794 NYT19980706.0240 -1 Jaguar 1794 APW19980724.0635 -1 McLaren 1794 XIE19960125.0034 -1 auto 1794 APW19981030.0083 -1 Hakkinen 1794 XIE20000918.0356 -1 1 1794 XIE19990502.0077 -1 BAR Supertec 1794 APW19990203.0071 -1 salon 1794 APW19981222.0669 -1 McLaren-Mercedes 1794 NYT19990821.0147 -1 Fastest Stock Car Driver 1794 XIE19980224.0097 -1 Sichuan Province 1794 NYT19990531.0034 -1 Greg Ray 1794 NYT19981127.0129 -1 Boy 1794 XIE19990502.0077 -1 Former world champion Jacques Villeneuve 1794 APW19990128.0064 -1 Two more of the sleek , open-cockpit Ferraris 1794 NYT19980605.0478 -1 QL ; WHO ' S HOT & QL ; Tony Stewart 's pole speed of 224.448 1794 NYT19980605.0478 -1 the car 1794 APW19980606.0411 -1 Mercedes CLK-LM 1794 NYT20000923.0227 -1 F1 1794 XIE19960501.0049 -1 Ford of Corsican 1794 APW19990317.0176 -1 s automakers 1794 NYT19981021.0231 -1 fast cars 1794 XIE19990430.0125 -1 teammate 1794 XIE20000829.0063 -1 most chines afford expect bui car 1794 NYT20000729.0165 -1 search for wai to design car for wai 1795 NYT19981130.0118 3 beam a red light as far as 1,500 feet 1795 NYT19981130.0128 3 light as far as 1,500 feet 1795 NYT19981130.0118 1 1,500 feet 1795 NYT19981222.0310 1 100 yards 1795 NYT19981130.0128 1 1,500 foot 1795 NYT19990821.0162 -1 18 1795 NYT20000419.0125 -1 one inch 1795 APW19990623.0108 -1 April 20 1795 NYT20000419.0125 -1 nine-inch 1795 NYT19981130.0128 1 1,500 feet _ 1795 NYT20000319.0167 -1 3-point 1795 NYT19981021.0141 1 800 yards 1795 NYT19980920.0116 1 1,200 feet 1795 NYT19981130.0128 -1 12 1795 NYT19990126.0286 -1 five inches 1795 NYT19980805.0427 -1 four year 1795 NYT19990615.0204 -1 12-inch 1795 NYT20000419.0125 -1 nine - inch 1795 NYT19990421.0325 -1 four year 1795 NYT19980920.0116 -1 one 1795 NYT19981222.0294 1 100 yards 1795 NYT19990929.0311 -1 in chest_pain 1795 NYT20000711.0087 -1 one 1795 NYT19981222.0294 1 about 100 yards 1795 NYT20000419.0125 -1 about 100 feet 1795 NYT19980818.0411 -1 411 1795 NYT19981223.0033 -1 A3148 BC-TRITIUM-SPI 918 21:32 U A ENERGY DEPT 1795 NYT19981222.0310 -1 100 miles 1795 APW19991031.0144 -1 60 miles 1796 XIE19971020.0135 1 October 23 , 1942 1796 APW19981102.1117 2 1942 - U.S. and British troops land 1796 APW19980822.0461 -1 Saturday 1796 XIE19970904.0083 -1 1943 1796 NYT19990512.0243 -1 Germans 1796 XIE19980930.0068 3 October 23 , 1942 1796 APW19980822.0484 -1 minute 1796 XIE19971020.0135 1 October 23, 1942 1796 XIE19990809.0091 -1 July 10 1796 XIE19980930.0068 1 October 23, 1942 1796 APW19990121.0363 -1 1997 1796 XIE19980930.0068 1 1942 1796 XIE19970904.0083 -1 1941 1796 NYT20000131.0374 -1 last year 1796 XIE19971020.0135 1 1942 1796 NYT20000530.0167 2 1942 1796 XIE19970101.0030 -1 1994 1796 APW19981102.1117 -1 1997 1796 APW19980822.0484 -1 Saturday 1796 XIE19970904.0083 -1 next month 1796 APW19980822.0461 -1 five 1796 XIE19980930.0068 3 on October 23 , 1942 1796 APW20000712.0073 -1 May 1862 , 13 months 1796 NYT19990303.0422 -1 1997 1796 NYT19981125.0386 -1 1998 1796 NYT19980828.0070 -1 Hitler 1796 NYT19981214.0129 -1 1945 1797 APW19980718.0356 -1 Austria 1797 APW19980815.0400 -1 Hess 1797 NYT19981229.0098 -1 of God 's eye Israel 1797 APW20000419.0237 -1 April 30, 1945 1797 NYT19990429.0484 -1 by making anonymous bomb threats by phone 1797 NYT19990630.0160 -1 by winning gold 1797 APW20000423.0066 -1 The note , which 1797 APW19980718.0356 -1 guilty 1797 NYT19991009.0154 -1 U . S . 1797 APW20000212.0218 -1 Wednesday 1797 NYT19980629.0324 -1 gemuetlich Hitler 1797 APW20000505.0006 -1 15 million 1797 APW20000418.0219 -1 Protestant theologian 1797 APW20000418.0219 -1 pneumonia 1797 APW19990429.0003 1 committed suicide 1797 APW19990809.0240 -1 Kampf 1797 XIE19990325.0092 -1 1941 1797 NYT19980828.0301 3 It was Zhukov 's soldiers who planted a Soviet flag atop the Reichstag on May 1 , 1945 , a day after Adolf Hitler committed suicide . 1797 APW19990630.0016 -1 und 1797 APW19990629.0240 -1 DER 1797 APW20000321.0112 -1 mentally or otherwise 1797 APW20000816.0163 -1 Hess 1797 APW20000423.0066 -1 The note 1797 APW19990422.0201 -1 that horrible dictator 1797 APW19990422.0201 -1 Adolf_Hitler 1797 APW19990408.0013 -1 bullets 1797 APW19990502.0112 -1 Adolf Hitler s birthday 1797 APW20000423.0066 -1 bea 1797 APW20000423.0066 -1 campaigning 1797 NYT19981116.0226 -1 his rage at his mother's doctor, and Rob 1798 XIE19971114.0320 1 Africa 1798 XIE19960124.0055 3 South Africa 1798 NYT19990213.0045 2 Horn of Africa 1798 XIE19971114.0320 3 corner of the African 1798 NYT19991115.0194 -1 Antarctica 1798 XIE19970423.0070 -1 Nile Valley 1798 XIE19990712.0205 -1 Egypt 1798 XIE20000805.0019 -1 issue 1798 XIE20000805.0019 3 South Africa Denies Vying 1798 XIE19970212.0039 -1 Egypt 1798 XIE19970212.0039 -1 Europe 1798 XIE19970427.0112 -1 World Cup Qualifiers 1798 XIE19961215.0115 1 Africa 1798 NYT19980807.0327 -1 US 1798 XIE19990513.0012 1 Africa 1798 XIE19961215.0115 3 African nations 1798 APW19980611.0173 1 Africa 1798 XIE20000401.0080 1 Africa 1798 XIE19960108.0086 1 Africa 1798 XIE19961215.0115 1 African 1798 APW19980709.1299 2 Africa 1798 APW19981206.0687 1 Africa 1798 XIE19961225.0211 1 in Africa 1798 APW19980619.0106 -1 ASIA 1798 APW19981123.0927 2 Africa 1798 NYT20000515.0200 1 Africa 1798 NYT19981226.0123 -1 every continent 1798 XIE19990428.0016 1 African 1798 XIE19990323.0166 -1 NIL 1798 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1798 XIE19981125.0181 2 Africa 1798 XIE19970212.0039 -1 tourist-exporting continents 1798 XIE19960329.0146 -1 Middle East 1798 XIE19961027.0103 -1 Middle East 1798 APW19981126.0570 1 Africa 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 Africa 's average infant mortality rate 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 Africa 1799 NYT20000214.0093 -1 51.6 years 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 2.1 children 1799 XIE19970706.0081 1 56 years 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 50 years 1799 XIE19980129.0092 -1 However , life expectancy in Nigeria , which 1799 XIE19970212.0046 -1 expectancy 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 Nigerians 1799 XIE19990204.0247 -1 Nigerian Woman 1799 XIE19980712.0064 -1 U. N 1799 XIE19981211.0038 -1 6.5 to six 1799 NYT19980820.0404 -1 QR 1799 XIE19980510.0208 -1 51 years 1799 XIE20000629.0237 -1 57.8 years 1799 NYT19980820.0404 -1 47 years 1799 XIE19990922.0186 -1 2001 1799 XIE19980404.0040 -1 5. 5 1799 NYT19980821.0080 -1 62 years 1799 XIE19980404.0040 -1 5.5 1799 NYT20000824.0372 -1 20 years 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 Projects 1799 XIE19960319.0278 -1 18 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 The report 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 1,000 life births 1799 XIE19980910.0200 -1 life_expectancy 1799 XIE19990427.0025 -1 42 years 1799 XIE19980304.0036 -1 46.8 years 1799 APW19980828.0544 -1 4.02 years 1799 XIE19990529.0110 -1 52 years 1799 NYT19990828.0072 -1 69 1799 XIE19980206.0043 -1 52 years 1799 XIE19980712.0064 -1 Xinhua 1799 NYT20000826.0116 -1 20 years 1799 XIE19980707.0169 -1 15-month 1799 NYT19980602.0091 -1 today 1800 XIE19991021.0110 -1 Indonesian New Vice President Sworn 1800 APW19990114.0025 -1 Presidential Oath 1800 APW20000603.0147 -1 Simon 1800 NYT19980623.0091 1 Lyndon Johnson 1800 NYT19981113.0174 -1 President Clinton 1800 XIE20000411.0166 -1 Ricardo Puno 1800 XIE20000411.0166 -1 Chinese Taipei 1800 XIE19990311.0134 -1 al Assad 1800 XIE19990617.0256 -1 Nelson Mandela 1800 NYT20000828.0337 -1 vice president 1800 XIE20000116.0169 -1 Mozambican President Chissano 1800 NYT19990207.0077 -1 Bill Clinton 1800 NYT19991115.0127 -1 Clinton 1800 APW19990503.0087 1 Lyndon Johnson 1800 NYT19980623.0084 3 Johnson 1800 NYT19981226.0060 -1 AmSouth 1800 XIE19961112.0264 -1 Levon Ter-Petrosyan 1800 XIE20000116.0169 -1 Chissano Sworn Into Office 1800 XIE19980218.0229 -1 Wilson 1800 NYT19980623.0084 -1 Kennedy 1800 NYT19980815.0146 -1 executive vice 1800 XIE19990412.0110 -1 Obasanjo 1800 XIE20000120.0331 -1 Clinton 1800 XIE19990618.0016 -1 Thabo Mbeki 1800 NYT19980811.0380 -1 Ron Woodard 1800 APW19990120.0076 -1 Lott 1800 XIE20000116.0169 -1 -- Mozambican President Joaquim_Chissano , re- elected last December 1800 XIE19991013.0261 -1 Vajpayee 1800 XIE19980319.0199 -1 Xinhua 1800 APW19980702.0359 -1 Estrada 1800 XIE19961112.0264 -1 Levon Ter Petrosyan 1800 NYT19980623.0091 -1 Kennedy 1800 NYT19980715.0273 -1 Ban Johnson 1800 XIE19980630.0181 -1 Estrada 1800 XIE19980521.0289 -1 B.J. Habibie 1801 NYT20000110.0145 3 stapes '' in your ear 1801 NYT20000110.0145 3 stapes 1801 NYT19991002.0178 -1 DETROIT 1801 NYT20000110.0145 1 Ear 1801 NYT20000110.0145 1 stapes in your ear 1801 XIE19990127.0034 -1 U.S. 1801 NYT20000904.0142 -1 throat 1801 APW19990401.0172 -1 Baltimore 1801 XIE19990707.0345 -1 China 1801 NYT19990813.0114 -1 knee 1801 NYT19990205.0211 -1 New York 1801 NYT20000315.0338 -1 Working 1801 NYT20000103.0040 -1 Kosovo 1801 NYT20000110.0145 1 ear 1801 NYT19980904.0262 -1 us 1801 NYT19991011.0236 -1 Asian 1801 APW19990228.0067 -1 collagen 1801 NYT19990308.0273 -1 Australia 1801 XIE19970402.0140 -1 regions 1801 NYT19990402.0086 -1 Normally 1801 NYT19990726.0295 -1 Rayman 1801 NYT19981021.0467 -1 Cox 1801 APW20000627.0052 -1 male 1801 NYT19990701.0190 -1 Cox 1801 NYT19980911.0152 -1 Smith 1801 NYT20000315.0338 -1 central_China 1801 APW19980716.0739 -1 the bones 1801 APW19990218.0042 -1 in Galarraga's back 1801 NYT19981017.0278 -1 Phoenix 1801 NYT19990726.0037 -1 Sheridan 1801 NYT20000904.0142 -1 Panama 1801 APW19980930.1370 -1 SNOWBIRD 1801 APW19990509.0050 -1 Finland 1801 APW19990509.0050 -1 Seattle 1801 NYT19980618.0103 -1 Cape Canaveral 1801 XIE19970811.0118 -1 Skeletal 1802 NYT20000221.0070 -1 13 1/2 - inch 1802 APW19990122.0180 -1 21 miles 1802 APW19990122.0327 -1 21 miles 1802 NYT19990811.0068 -1 6 feet 1802 APW20000221.0186 -1 33,000 feet 1802 NYT19990715.0455 -1 1962 in 1802 APW19981001.0669 -1 70,000 pound 1802 NYT20000221.0070 -1 a 13 1/2 1802 NYT19980922.0137 -1 one foot 1802 NYT20000511.0248 -1 the only two 1802 NYT19990706.0083 -1 couple 1802 XIE20000118.0256 -1 Round 1802 NYT20000221.0070 -1 13 1/2-inch 1802 APW19981205.0878 -1 1.87 meters 1802 NYT19990602.0362 1 5 - foot - 8 1802 NYT19990811.0068 1 5 feet 9 inches 1802 NYT19981211.0028 -1 Globe story, headlined 1802 NYT20000221.0070 -1 13 1 2-inch 1802 APW20000528.0032 -1 Nine Yards 1802 NYT19980828.0012 -1 2 - foot tall 1802 NYT19990602.0362 1 5-foot-8 1802 APW19990311.0282 -1 90 seconds 1802 NYT19990602.0362 1 5 foot 8 inch 1802 NYT20000221.0070 -1 13 1 1802 NYT19980901.0001 -1 ready 1802 XIE19970326.0119 -1 Friday 1802 XIE19970326.0119 -1 the Sail Osaka ' 97 Tall Ship Race which starts 1802 NYT19990817.0125 -1 top 1802 NYT19990417.0113 -1 5 feet 1802 NYT20000522.0371 -1 1996 1802 NYT20000314.0147 -1 2 1802 NYT19990811.0068 -1 44 inches 1802 XIE19970326.0119 -1 two races 1802 NYT19980601.0330 -1 six feet 1803 NYT19980902.0107 1 1902 1803 NYT19980902.0111 1 1902 1803 NYT19990728.0366 -1 1901 1803 NYT19980804.0263 -1 today 1803 NYT19980804.0263 -1 1900 1803 NYT19990526.0188 -1 1900 1803 NYT19980804.0263 -1 modern-day 1803 NYT19980701.0461 -1 summer 1803 APW19990503.0188 2 1902 1803 APW19991001.0048 -1 down 11 11/16 1803 NYT19990730.0082 -1 1901 1803 NYT19980902.0107 -1 The forerunner 1803 APW19990416.0061 -1 September 1983 1803 APW19990416.0167 -1 September 1983 1803 APW19990513.0024 -1 four days today 1803 NYT19980804.0263 -1 Jan. 2 1803 APW19990503.0188 -1 mid-June 1803 APW19990731.0035 -1 1309 1804 NYT19990922.0301 1 River Liffey 1804 NYT19990309.0151 1 River Liffey 1804 XIE19960429.0158 -1 Yellow River 1804 NYT19990922.0301 1 Liffey 1804 NYT19981102.0250 -1 River Shannon 1804 NYT19990913.0353 -1 The flow in the Oconee River at Dublin in Middle Georgia 1804 XIE19960606.0240 -1 waste 1804 APW19980710.0702 -1 St 1804 XIE19980408.0251 -1 Ireland 1804 NYT20000506.0137 -1 New Jersey 1804 NYT19981102.0250 -1 The route 1804 APW19981104.1016 -1 European service center in 1804 NYT19981025.0217 -1 Ireland 1804 NYT19980630.0064 -1 Ireland 1804 NYT19991209.0133 1 River Liffey 1804 NYT20000530.0147 -1 Yonne Rivers 1804 XIE19970327.0188 -1 China 1804 NYT19990913.0353 -1 Oconee River 1804 XIE20000215.0119 -1 Gide River 1804 APW19990917.0085 -1 Ireland 1804 NYT19990921.0208 -1 Doyle 1804 NYT19980715.0496 -1 Hudson 1804 APW19991005.0144 -1 Ireland 1804 APW19980710.0702 1 River Liffey 1804 NYT20000828.0165 -1 crowds snake 1804 NYT19990913.0353 -1 Oconee 1804 XIE19970213.0038 -1 NIL 1804 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1804 NYT19980818.0031 1 Liffey River 1804 NYT19981102.0250 -1 rivers 1804 NYT19990922.0301 1 the River Liffey 1804 XIE19970404.0016 -1 LONDON 1804 NYT19990608.0082 1 River Liffey 1805 XIE19971101.0127 1 Mandela 1805 XIE19960918.0025 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 NYT19990104.0329 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 APW19980625.0161 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 NYT19991014.0379 1 Mandela 1805 XIE19990618.0012 -1 Thabo Mbeki 1805 XIE19990618.0012 -1 African National Congress 1805 XIE19990604.0058 -1 Thabo Mbeki Thursday 1805 APW19981014.0575 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 APW19981106.0966 -1 state visit to 1805 APW19980618.0308 1 Mandela 1805 XIE19990615.0018 1 Mandela 1805 APW19981018.0181 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 XIE19990616.0105 2 Nelson Mandela 1805 APW19980626.0284 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 XIE19990615.0018 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 XIE19960327.0160 2 Nelson Mandela 1805 NYT19991209.0434 1 Mandela 1805 NYT19981201.0204 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 XIE19960825.0105 2 Mandela 1805 APW19980625.0330 1 Mandela 1805 NYT20000618.0164 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 APW19981106.0966 2 Nelson Mandela 1805 XIE19990623.0280 -1 Mbeki 1805 NYT19990607.0369 -1 Parliament 1805 NYT19980901.0274 2 Mandela 1805 APW19980604.1407 -1 BC-South_Africa-Sierra_Leone , 0162 PRETORIA 1805 XIE19980605.0365 -1 President 1805 XIE19990618.0012 -1 South_Africa 1805 APW19980626.0247 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 APW19980831.1342 1 Nelson Mandela 1805 APW19980831.1342 3 President Nelson Mandela 1805 XIE19990618.0012 -1 Mbeki 1805 XIE19980630.0020 -1 French 1805 XIE19980604.0225 -1 South African 1805 APW19981014.0575 1 Mandela 1806 NYT20000107.0422 -1 1979 1806 NYT19990708.0221 1 1967 1806 XIE19990307.0154 1 1967 1806 APW19990228.0005 -1 his 40s 1806 NYT19981124.0398 1 1967 1806 APW19990707.0056 1 1967 1806 APW19991012.0283 -1 early this year 1806 XIE19990228.0026 -1 1968 1806 NYT20000822.0264 -1 ninth 1806 NYT19981124.0398 -1 1980 1806 NYT20000418.0069 -1 this week 1806 APW20000417.0201 -1 1985 1806 APW19990707.0003 -1 1960s 1806 APW19981123.0628 1 1967 1806 XIE19990207.0108 -1 07/02/99 10:47 GMT NNNN 18:49 18:49 1806 NYT20000822.0264 -1 New England 1806 APW19990707.0003 1 1967 1806 NYT19980819.0503 -1 1968 1806 NYT19980824.0458 -1 Aug. 24 , 1998 1806 APW20000415.0004 -1 00:07 1806 NYT20000107.0422 -1 1984 1806 APW19981215.1371 1 1967 1806 XIE19980719.0177 -1 Friday night 1806 XIE19970429.0201 -1 1995 1806 NYT20000822.0264 -1 1995 1806 NYT20000822.0264 -1 1996 1806 NYT20000822.0264 -1 1984 1806 APW19981123.0628 1 in 1967 1806 APW19990707.0056 1 in 1967 1806 APW20000415.0004 -1 1998 1806 XIE19960419.0210 -1 1994 1806 APW20000415.0004 -1 late Friday 1807 XIE19971127.0025 -1 Transport Jean 1807 XIE19970811.0004 -1 Guam's Agana International Airport 1807 XIE19960903.0054 -1 nautical miles 1807 XIE19990816.0159 1 450 passengers 1807 APW19990325.0127 -1 Boeing 1807 XIE19980603.0257 -1 -800 1807 XIE19970804.0125 -1 Its first hanger 1807 XIE19980603.0257 -1 the world's largest civil airplane producer 1807 XIE19970804.0125 -1 US 1807 NYT19990317.0499 -1 monopoly on 1807 NYT20000306.0464 -1 XX 1807 NYT19980603.0473 -1 777 1807 APW19980915.1137 -1 more than 400 1807 APW19990426.0006 -1 550 1807 XIE19960611.0308 -1 12 billion U.S. dollars last year 1807 XIE20000215.0084 -1 Boeing Company 1807 XIE19960903.0054 -1 10 tons-plus 1807 XIE19971010.0033 1 450 1807 XIE19960903.0054 -1 747-400 1807 XIE19970109.0077 -1 China 1807 XIE19961113.0191 -1 cargo 1807 XIE19961010.0227 1 400 1807 APW19981001.1101 -1 Airlines 1807 NYT19990614.0477 1 400 1807 XIE19980603.0257 -1 LOS ANGELES 1807 NYT20000229.0480 -1 300 1807 NYT19990614.0477 -1 the next 20 1807 NYT19990707.0322 -1 more 1807 NYT19990613.0143 -1 greater range as well as one 1807 NYT19990611.0344 -1 more cargo 1807 NYT19990726.0210 -1 range 1807 XIE19961010.0227 -1 Airbus 1807 XIE19980225.0137 -1 two 1807 NYT19980609.0428 -1 747 1807 XIE19960123.0024 -1 Services 1808 NYT19981125.0227 1 Puerto Rico 1808 APW20000619.0122 1 Guam 1808 APW19980611.0187 -1 George Dewey 1808 NYT19990902.0095 -1 History 1808 APW19980913.0958 1 Puerto Rico 1808 APW19980725.0104 -1 Saturday 1808 NYT20000505.0255 -1 Philippines 1808 NYT19980605.0218 1 Cuba 1808 APW19981209.1643 1 Puerto Rico 1808 APW19981122.1064 -1 stage base for 1808 NYT20000913.0371 -1 Tuvalu 1808 APW20000614.0162 -1 Solomon Islands 1808 NYT20000117.0204 1 Puerto Rico 1808 NYT19981209.0282 1 Guam 1808 NYT19981213.0186 -1 Spanish-American 1808 APW19981212.0284 -1 Caribbean 1808 NYT20000505.0255 -1 Europe 1808 APW19981123.0909 1 Guam 1808 NYT19981209.0282 1 Puerto Rico 1808 NYT19990506.0031 -1 R F RHODE 1808 XIE19970612.0214 -1 1898 1808 APW20000702.0089 2 Cuba 1808 APW19980604.1899 -1 mainland 1808 NYT19990813.0173 1 Puerto Rico 1808 APW20000619.0122 -1 the U.S. cruiser Charleston 1808 XIE19971109.0179 -1 NIL 1808 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1808 NYT19990709.0243 1 Puerto Rico 1808 NYT19981217.0439 2 Cuba 1808 APW19981209.1643 -1 United States 1808 NYT19990528.0261 -1 China 1808 APW19980604.1899 -1 independence 1808 APW19981209.1643 -1 reconquest 1808 APW19981209.1643 -1 Caribbean 1808 NYT19980610.0188 -1 Mediterranean 1809 NYT19990719.0198 -1 1837 1809 NYT20000807.0099 -1 1AA 1809 NYT20000612.0962 -1 SW1 1809 NYT20000807.0098 -1 SW1 1809 APW19981112.1318 -1 1985 1809 APW19981112.1318 -1 Friday 1809 APW19981031.0645 -1 1649 1809 XIE20000805.0030 -1 Sunday 1809 XIE19970904.0065 -1 September 3 1809 APW19980619.0930 -1 Friday 1809 XIE20000804.0301 -1 Friday 1809 NYT19990115.0051 -1 1997 1809 NYT19990115.0051 -1 1993 1809 NYT19990719.0198 1 1803 1809 NYT19990721.0169 -1 June 1809 XIE20000417.0067 -1 76-52 0-95 38-97 67-33 0-99 46-82 70-62 77-0 85-1 1809 APW19990617.0102 -1 2 1809 APW20000703.0029 -1 1850s 1809 NYT19990814.0089 -1 Monday evening 1809 NYT20000302.0056 -1 18th century 1809 XIE20000805.0030 -1 1856 1809 NYT19981110.0139 -1 1850s 1809 XIE20000805.0030 -1 last 1809 APW19981203.1532 1 1705 1809 XIE19991003.0074 -1 LONDON , October 3 ( Xinhua ) -- 1809 APW19981203.1532 -1 July 1976 1809 NYT20000107.0313 -1 1775 1809 NYT19990719.0198 1 in 1803 1809 NYT19990818.0418 -1 May 23 , 1910 1809 APW19981203.1532 -1 Sun 1810 XIE19970521.0146 3 London 1810 XIE19970409.0274 -1 Hong Kong 1810 XIE19970521.0146 1 Tower of London 1810 NYT19990408.0296 -1 Britain 1810 XIE19980913.0035 -1 London 1810 XIE19970521.0146 -1 1985 1810 XIE19970604.0069 -1 United Kingdom 1810 APW19990620.0044 -1 England 1810 XIE19970521.0146 -1 India 1810 XIE20000117.0177 -1 United States 1810 NYT20000305.0006 -1 place 1810 NYT19990601.0176 -1 New York 1810 NYT20000617.0080 -1 U.S. 1810 NYT20000617.0080 -1 U.K. 1810 XIE19970521.0146 1 London Tower 1810 APW19980815.0080 1 Tower of London 1810 XIE20000117.0177 -1 London 1810 APW19980814.1173 1 Tower of London 1810 APW19980814.1173 -1 Tower 1810 APW19980814.1173 3 London 1810 APW20000514.0077 -1 Crown 1810 APW19980814.1230 -1 England 1810 NYT19990514.0120 -1 Preakness 1810 APW19980625.1429 -1 England 1810 XIE20000117.0177 -1 the United States 1810 NYT19990913.0443 -1 Buckingham Palace 1810 NYT19990705.0125 -1 NIL 1810 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1810 NYT20000823.0020 -1 in prison 1810 APW19990730.0082 -1 towering 1810 XIE19970521.0146 3 LONDON 1810 APW19980814.1230 -1 Jewels 1811 NYT19991028.0426 1 1940s 1811 APW19990624.0311 1 1941 1811 APW19990624.0311 -1 1928 1811 NYT20000731.0356 -1 long-ago 1811 NYT19991028.0426 -1 1940 1811 NYT19991101.0159 1 early 1940s 1811 NYT19991028.0426 -1 xxxxx 1811 NYT19991101.0159 1 the early 1940s 1811 XIE19980313.0297 -1 February 1811 NYT19991028.0426 1 late 1940s 1811 NYT19990106.0188 -1 nearly 60 years ago 1811 NYT19991101.0159 1 the early 1940s 1811 NYT20000228.0082 -1 1999 1811 NYT19990608.0425 1 March 1942 1811 XIE19970517.0047 1 1947 1811 NYT19991028.0426 1 the late 1940s 1811 APW19990513.0261 -1 1942 1811 NYT20000813.0004 -1 on July 1811 NYT19990608.0425 -1 1928 1811 APW19991029.0049 -1 last spring 1811 NYT19990513.0011 -1 1974 1811 NYT19990315.0255 -1 1928 1811 NYT20000909.0218 -1 in 1993 1811 NYT20000717.0337 -1 in the 1940s 1811 NYT19990608.0425 -1 in 1928 1811 NYT19991028.0426 -1 1945 1811 APW19990729.0193 -1 1910 1812 NYT19990616.0224 -1 film of the British stage play 1812 NYT20000414.0097 -1 Abraham Lincoln 's love 1812 APW19990103.0047 -1 David E. Lynch 1812 NYT19990412.0211 -1 African-American 1812 APW20000313.0025 -1 John Wilkes Booth 1812 NYT19991130.0392 -1 Paris 1812 NYT20000414.0097 -1 Abraham Lincoln , Redeemer President 1812 NYT19980924.0117 -1 South 1812 NYT19990822.0069 -1 Although Bishop 1812 NYT19990822.0063 -1 chance 1812 APW19981006.0315 -1 AP 1812 NYT20000522.0257 -1 NewYork 1812 NYT19980722.0313 -1 Burr, , wanted to de - deify Lincoln and rehabilitate Burr 1812 NYT20000928.0270 -1 Nazis 1812 NYT20000221.0425 -1 Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater 1812 APW19990411.0057 1 Our American Cousin 1812 NYT19980602.0281 -1 Neb. 1812 NYT19981202.0260 -1 Gate Theater 1812 APW19981006.0315 -1 Sept. 30 1812 NYT20000619.0358 -1 November 1812 APW19990413.0140 1 Our American Cousin 1812 NYT19991017.0050 -1 Lincoln Center Theater 1812 NYT19991027.0442 -1 1999-10-27 1812 APW19990915.0110 -1 her mother 1812 NYT19990412.0211 -1 Emily Mann 1812 NYT19991020.0386 -1 Center 1812 APW19990907.0183 -1 another school 1812 APW20000309.0023 -1 Ford 's Theater 1812 APW19990511.0165 -1 50 states 1812 NYT20000522.0257 -1 more 1812 NYT19990622.0253 -1 Twelfth Night 1812 NYT19990317.0065 -1 opposite her mother 1812 NYT20000531.0229 -1 Kevin Chamberlin 1812 NYT19990908.0243 -1 Tad 1812 NYT19990822.0063 -1 Wit 1812 NYT19990417.0265 -1 Dan Bassuk 1812 NYT19980810.0067 -1 The 1812 NYT20000513.0031 -1 John 1813 XIE19961030.0207 -1 1997 1813 XIE19980424.0025 -1 May 1998 1813 APW19990222.0102 -1 1980 1813 XIE19980814.0056 -1 1998 1813 XIE19990822.0157 -1 1949 1813 XIE19961108.0084 -1 1855 1813 XIE19961030.0207 -1 October 29 1813 NYT19990203.0459 1 1847 1813 XIE19990822.0157 -1 October 1 1813 APW19990729.0327 -1 July 29 , 1998 1813 XIE19961030.0207 -1 today 1813 APW19981104.1294 -1 May 6, 1840 1813 APW19981104.0622 -1 May 6, 1840 1813 NYT19991103.0192 1 1847 1813 NYT19980824.0494 -1 1940 1813 NYT20000711.0158 -1 2000 1813 APW19980708.1181 -1 September 1999 1813 XIE19980108.0211 -1 7 1813 NYT19981206.0187 -1 last year 1813 NYT19990106.0038 -1 1998 1813 NYT19991115.0210 -1 1960s 1813 XIE19980108.0211 -1 this year 1813 XIE19960806.0062 -1 1840 1813 XIE19970705.0152 -1 1997 1813 NYT19981126.0250 -1 1869 1813 XIE20000309.0021 -1 a year 1813 XIE19980108.0211 -1 January 7 1813 XIE19961030.0207 -1 in 1997 1813 NYT19990809.0360 -1 1920 1813 XIE19970705.0152 -1 October 1 1813 XIE19970705.0152 -1 1879-1896 1813 XIE19981009.0165 -1 October 9 1813 XIE19970909.0224 -1 1953 1814 APW19980905.0566 -1 gift from God 1814 APW19980905.0577 -1 gift from God 1814 XIE19990103.0109 -1 1998 1814 XIE19981223.0088 -1 Christmas 1814 XIE19990828.0077 -1 to the organizers , the concert 1814 APW19980905.0566 -1 grave 1814 XIE19980629.0010 -1 HK Handover Marked 1814 XIE19970214.0248 -1 China 1814 NYT19991115.0024 -1 gifts 1814 NYT19990301.0332 -1 gifts 1814 NYT19990515.0263 1 clocks 1814 XIE20000818.0051 -1 50th 1814 APW19981025.0524 -1 Scoreboard 1814 APW19981109.0322 -1 pontiff 1814 NYT19990503.0207 -1 birthday Beetle 1814 XIE19980116.0108 -1 5th 1814 NYT20000228.0251 -1 anniversary 1814 XIE19990310.0228 -1 Henan Province 1814 APW19990424.0098 -1 gifts waiting for Solana, Chirac and Constantinescu 1814 NYT19981115.0156 -1 deal 1814 XIE20000920.0394 -1 2200 1814 APW19980616.1485 -1 St . Lucia ( AP ) _ The Caribbean_Community is planning a series of cultural theme nights to celebrate the trade group 's 25th anniversary during a summit this month 1814 APW19980718.0738 -1 BC-ARTS-US-Calder 1814 NYT19990408.0106 -1 anniversaries 1814 XIE19990103.0109 -1 the military 1814 APW19981109.0322 -1 gifts 1814 NYT19990301.0312 -1 gifts 1814 XIE19961111.0279 -1 192 771 u dollar worth gift monei 1814 NYT19980616.0043 -1 New Mexico 1815 XIE19990429.0276 -1 MANAGUA 1815 XIE19961201.0147 -1 MANAGUA 1815 APW19980813.0784 -1 Switzerland 1815 XIE20000826.0194 -1 Central America 1815 XIE20000826.0098 -1 coffee 1815 XIE19970430.0232 -1 mining 1815 XIE19980320.0211 -1 unemployment 1815 XIE19961011.0092 -1 Xinhua 1815 APW19990307.0080 -1 Nicaragua 1815 XIE19981117.0282 -1 visit to 1815 XIE20000421.0159 -1 Xinhua 1815 XIE19960609.0153 -1 Xinhua 1815 NYT19990222.0444 1 tourism 1815 NYT19980601.0189 -1 farming 1815 XIE19970503.0210 -1 Cybermarket 1815 XIE20000826.0194 -1 Costa Rica 1815 XIE19970430.0232 -1 Greenpeace 1815 XIE19991120.0160 -1 New Zealand 1815 XIE19961228.0144 3 tourism sector 1815 XIE20000826.0098 -1 El Salvador 1815 XIE19961110.0132 -1 1996-11-10 1815 NYT19990317.0246 -1 Sandinista 1815 APW19990211.0261 -1 MANAGUA 1815 XIE19970430.0232 -1 The Greenpeace 1815 XIE19960510.0179 -1 Costa_Rica , Alvaro_Arzu of Guatemala , Carlos_Roberto_Reina of Honduras 1815 XIE19991130.0175 -1 Nicaragua 's 1815 XIE19961011.0092 -1 Nicaragua 1815 XIE19990513.0299 -1 Chinese Embassy 1815 XIE19960501.0182 -1 the Alliance 1815 XIE19970319.0233 -1 cent 1815 XIE19970430.0232 -1 pollution 1815 XIE19960619.0331 -1 Consultative Group 1815 NYT19980603.0079 -1 The 1816 APW19990212.0108 -1 America 1816 XIE20000920.0251 -1 83 1816 APW20000323.0199 -1 Dec. 6 1816 APW19991019.0287 -1 18 years 1816 NYT20000605.0212 -1 first 1816 APW20000921.0155 -1 6 month 1816 NYT20000323.0133 -1 four years 1816 XIE19980204.0177 -1 12 years 1816 NYT19981209.0439 -1 Jan 20, 1993, 1816 XIE19980621.0124 -1 many 1816 NYT19981221.0466 -1 21 years 1816 NYT20000118.0337 -1 46 - year 1816 XIE19990408.0084 -1 15 years 1816 APW20000330.0228 -1 foreign affairs 1816 APW19981029.1006 -1 three-month-old 1816 NYT19990718.0122 -1 14 1816 NYT19990203.0135 -1 Benjamin Franklin 1816 XIE20000904.0179 -1 82 - year - old 1816 NYT19990630.0291 -1 6 1816 APW19980601.0068 -1 U.S. 1816 XIE19970205.0164 -1 Every 8 1816 XIE19990504.0289 -1 95.9 percent 1816 XIE19990504.0289 -1 all votes 1816 NYT20000229.0122 -1 at 732-390-4480 , or fax her 1816 NYT19980912.0043 -1 22-year 1816 XIE19970430.0193 -1 2 1816 XIE20000904.0179 -1 82 year old 1816 APW19990125.0100 -1 18 month old 1816 NYT20000824.0379 -1 14 1816 XIE19990504.0289 2 35 1816 XIE19960911.0052 -1 7 1816 XIE19960520.0170 -1 56.70 1816 NYT19980623.0191 -1 years 1817 APW19980920.0559 -1 Roosevelt Johnson 1817 APW19990821.0103 -1 Franklin Roosevelt 1817 XIE19991012.0029 -1 Sex Draws Attention 1817 NYT19990219.0456 -1 Thomas Donohue 1817 NYT20000807.0301 -1 Woodrow Wilson 1817 NYT20000810.0160 -1 Woodrow Wilson 1817 XIE19960607.0302 -1 Clinton 1817 XIE19991020.0288 -1 Maria Victoria Polanco 1817 APW19980624.0460 -1 Togo 1817 XIE19961004.0155 -1 Port Portal 1817 NYT19990106.0134 -1 U. S 1817 NYT19990614.0373 -1 Clinton 1817 APW19990902.0144 -1 Robert Struble 1817 NYT19990106.0134 -1 Elizabeth Dole 1817 APW19980626.0797 -1 Gilchrist Olympio 1817 APW19980624.1066 -1 Gnassigbe Eyadema 1817 APW19990221.0012 -1 Calvin Coolidge 1817 NYT19990204.0362 -1 Clinton 1817 NYT20000125.0192 -1 George W. Bush 1817 APW19981218.1157 -1 Jacques Chirac 1817 XIE19991114.0061 -1 Wallace 1817 XIE19970312.0233 -1 Frei 1817 NYT19990323.0054 -1 Bush 1817 NYT19980713.0115 -1 Coolidge 1817 APW19990412.0085 -1 Clinton 1817 APW20000726.0129 -1 Lazio 1817 APW20000407.0002 -1 Clinton 1817 NYT19990106.0134 -1 Clinton 1817 XIE19971014.0265 -1 Clinton 1817 NYT19980630.0263 -1 Clinton 1817 APW19990503.0275 -1 Levine 1817 NYT19980901.0256 -1 Woodrow Wilson 1817 XIE19980210.0016 -1 NIL 1817 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1817 APW20000422.0070 -1 Clinton 1817 NYT19990614.0352 -1 Paige Patterson 1817 XIE19991114.0061 -1 Adrian Wallace 1817 NYT19980630.0272 -1 Clinton 1817 NYT19980611.0252 -1 President Bush 1817 NYT19990528.0410 -1 REL 1817 XIE19961008.0252 -1 American 1817 NYT19980730.0225 -1 Woodrow Wilson 1817 NYT19990511.0235 -1 Address 1818 APW20000227.0150 1 Milwaukee 1818 NYT19990608.0410 -1 Israel 1818 NYT19990320.0118 -1 Israel 1818 NYT19990118.0146 -1 Prime Minister of Israel 1818 APW20000227.0091 1 Milwaukee 1818 NYT19990118.0202 -1 Israel 1818 NYT19990915.0385 -1 U.S. 1818 XIE19960602.0094 -1 Jerusalem 1818 NYT19990808.0160 -1 Israel 1818 NYT19981119.0278 1 Milwaukee 1818 NYT19990118.0146 -1 Israel 1818 APW20000405.0058 -1 U . S . 1818 NYT20000919.0379 -1 NEW YORK 1818 NYT19990510.0313 -1 Middle East 1818 APW20000228.0024 1 Milwaukee 1818 NYT19980918.0276 -1 Arab 1818 APW20000316.0183 -1 Israel 1818 APW20000227.0091 -1 Israel 1818 NYT19990118.0146 1 Ukraine 1818 APW19980729.1161 -1 Kiev 1818 NYT19990608.0286 -1 Israel 1818 XIE20000124.0206 -1 Israel 1818 APW20000405.0058 -1 Israel 1818 NYT19980906.0214 2 in Milwaukee 1818 NYT19990118.0202 1 Ukraine 1818 XIE19980408.0160 -1 NIL 1818 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1818 NYT19990118.0202 1 Milwaukee 1818 NYT19990118.0146 -1 Cairo 1818 NYT19990118.0146 -1 JOHANNESBURG 1818 XIE19980429.0334 -1 JOHANNESBURG 1818 NYT19980611.0185 -1 Israel 1819 XIE19960925.0248 -1 1961 1819 XIE19960925.0248 -1 committed suicide in 1961 1819 APW19990804.0246 1 Aug. 5 , 1962 1819 APW19990804.0246 -1 36 1819 APW19990804.0246 1 1962 1819 APW19980829.0819 1 1962 1819 NYT20000923.0140 -1 20th 1819 NYT20000604.0095 -1 1982 1819 APW19991027.0176 2 1962 1819 XIE20000804.0040 -1 January 1819 APW19991027.0176 -1 today 1819 NYT20000519.0173 -1 1997 1819 NYT20000604.0095 1 1962 1819 NYT19981123.0336 -1 March 1991 1819 NYT19990127.0231 -1 every year 1819 NYT19981204.0169 -1 two weeks 1819 NYT19981222.0138 1 1962 1819 APW19990804.0246 1 Aug. 5, 1962 1819 NYT19981029.0411 2 1962 1819 NYT19990921.0296 -1 1997 1819 NYT19990309.0212 1 1962 1819 APW19990804.0246 -1 her death 1819 APW19990804.0246 1 Aug 5 , 1962 1819 NYT19990921.0385 2 1962 1819 APW20000902.0082 -1 1997 1819 NYT19990921.0296 -1 28 1819 NYT19990220.0112 -1 Feb. 23 1819 NYT19990921.0385 -1 1997 1820 APW19980911.1399 1 1810 1820 NYT20000824.0385 1 1821 1820 NYT19990121.0307 1 1821 1820 NYT20000825.0001 1 1821 1820 XIE19971202.0334 -1 December 1 1820 XIE19990919.0029 -1 September 16 1820 XIE20000917.0080 -1 September 16 1820 NYT19980824.0383 -1 Labor Day 1820 NYT19980916.0424 1 1821 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 Friday 1820 NYT19980916.0424 -1 1811 1820 NYT19990302.0066 -1 1996 1820 NYT19981113.0190 -1 1836 1820 NYT19990916.0306 -1 Thursday 1820 APW19990301.0215 -1 1836 1820 NYT19991228.0107 -1 1836 1820 APW20000223.0251 1 1821 1820 NYT19990728.0507 -1 September 15 1820 XIE20000311.0199 -1 November 1990 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 16 1820 APW19980918.1068 -1 Independence Day 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 Independence Day 1820 XIE19960914.0157 -1 September 15 1820 APW19981222.1148 -1 1836 1820 NYT19981119.0258 -1 1836 1820 NYT19990916.0221 -1 17:15 1820 NYT19990504.0176 -1 19th-century 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 1810 1820 APW19980725.0280 -1 1 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 Sept 16 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 the country 's Independence_Day celebrations 1820 NYT19980916.0424 -1 Sept . 16 1820 NYT19980730.0200 -1 1994 1820 NYT20000825.0001 1 in 1821 1820 NYT20000824.0385 1 in 1821 1820 NYT19990111.0200 -1 In 1833 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 September 16 1820 APW20000915.0186 -1 15-16 1820 APW20000705.0018 -1 the 1980s 1820 NYT19980601.0350 -1 15 August 1947 1820 NYT19980916.0424 1 1810 1821 NYT20000706.0362 3 Shreve 1821 APW20000125.0262 -1 NEW YORK 1821 APW20000110.0127 -1 New York 1821 NYT20000706.0362 -1 later the architects of the Empire State Building 1821 NYT20000706.0362 3 Shreve & 1821 NYT20000706.0362 -1 Broadway 1821 NYT20000619.0403 -1 Cesar Pelli 1821 NYT20000706.0362 3 Lamb 1821 NYT19980701.0361 -1 Kevin Ireton 1821 NYT19991118.0080 -1 Trinity Church 1821 NYT20000706.0362 -1 Ernest Flagg 1821 APW19990127.0282 -1 Charles Luckman 1821 NYT19990731.0184 -1 Ralph Walker 1821 NYT19980630.0262 -1 Avenue 1821 NYT19990302.0370 -1 Steven Holl 1821 NYT19990731.0184 -1 Irving Trust 1821 NYT20000720.0203 -1 Gio Ponti 1821 NYT20000706.0362 1 Shreve & Lamb 1821 NYT20000706.0362 1 Shreve Lamb 1821 NYT19990806.0299 -1 New York City 1821 NYT19980929.0267 -1 Frank Gehry 1821 NYT19991029.0277 -1 Motors 1821 NYT20000706.0362 -1 building 1821 NYT20000706.0362 3 Shreve END OF ANSWER BLOCK. Lamb 1821 NYT20000706.0362 -1 1775 Broadway 1821 NYT19980806.0478 -1 Motors 1821 APW20000821.0015 -1 Navy departments 1821 NYT19990508.0004 -1 Jean_Nouvel 1821 NYT20000419.0269 -1 2000_N.Y._Times_News_Service Although 1821 NYT20000419.0269 -1 architects 1821 NYT20000706.0362 -1 General Motors 1821 NYT19990806.0299 -1 Architect Lars Stanley of Austin 1821 NYT19991006.0345 -1 Garcia 1821 NYT19991222.0001 -1 Michael Mandelbaum 1821 APW20000117.0096 -1 Spitzer 1821 APW19980707.1295 -1 Designed 1822 NYT19981130.0379 -1 Carpathia 1822 NYT19981130.0362 -1 Carpathia 1822 NYT19980909.0183 -1 Bill Clinton 1822 NYT19980909.0354 -1 Bill Clinton 1822 APW19981023.1462 1 EJ Smith 1822 NYT19980807.0235 -1 Neptune 1822 NYT19981130.0379 -1 Garzke 1822 APW19981023.1462 -1 size 1822 NYT19980911.0155 -1 ROBERT E. THOMPSON 1822 NYT19980702.0117 1 Smith 1822 NYT19990111.0273 -1 Liz McConahay 1822 NYT19990427.0091 -1 Ioan Gruffudd 1822 NYT19990415.0120 -1 steerage passengers 1822 NYT20000411.0199 -1 Clinton 1822 APW19981023.1462 1 Edward J. Smith 1822 NYT19990715.0478 -1 Davis Cup 1822 APW19980810.0443 2 Smith 1822 NYT19980703.0082 1 Captain Smith 1822 NYT19981119.0490 1 Edward John Smith 1822 NYT19980604.0081 2 Smith 1822 APW19990412.0085 -1 Clinton 1822 NYT19990407.0236 -1 James Cameron 1822 NYT19990407.0236 -1 Walter Lord 1822 NYT19980702.0117 -1 Artifact Exhibition 1822 XIE19971014.0265 -1 Clinton 1822 NYT19980911.0362 -1 Bill Clinton 1822 APW19990523.0038 -1 Hartzell 1822 NYT19990407.0236 -1 Rick_Archbold 1822 NYT19990415.0120 -1 the 1822 NYT19980807.0235 -1 Nelson 1822 NYT19980912.0104 1 E.J. Smith 1822 NYT19990531.0135 -1 Ben Brantley 1822 NYT19990415.0120 -1 James Cameron 1822 NYT19980909.0143 -1 Bill Clinton 1822 APW19981105.0654 -1 Gavin Murphy 1822 NYT19980702.0143 -1 Tulloch 1822 APW19980810.1065 -1 George Tulloch 1822 NYT19980901.0079 -1 Rose 1822 APW19981023.1462 -1 Captain 1823 NYT19990127.0097 3 Michael Jordan No. 23 basketball jerseys 1823 NYT19991219.0023 -1 Numbers 1-4 1823 NYT19990118.0095 -1 Bulls 1823 NYT20000115.0022 -1 game 1823 APW19990520.0338 -1 .1 overall 1823 NYT19990609.0175 3 23 jersey 1823 APW19990520.0340 -1 Tennessee 1823 APW19990111.0165 1 45 1823 APW19990113.0051 1 23 1823 NYT19990609.0175 -1 one 1823 NYT19980708.0021 -1 one 1823 NYT19990127.0097 1 23 1823 APW19990520.0338 1 Twenty-three 1823 NYT19990113.0247 -1 $ 78 million _ 1823 NYT19990109.0036 -1 Bulls 1823 NYT19990119.0468 -1 com 1823 APW19990520.0338 1 23 1823 NYT20000409.0010 -1 game 1823 NYT19990602.0410 -1 Grant Hill 1823 NYT19980623.0225 -1 no shoes 1823 APW19990520.0338 -1 1 1823 APW19990121.0169 1 23 1823 APW19990520.0340 -1 the No. 1 1823 NYT19990116.0068 1 23 1823 APW19990520.0338 -1 Holdsclaw 1823 APW19990520.0340 -1 Holdsclaw 1823 APW19990520.0340 -1 the No . 1 overall pick 1823 APW19990520.0340 -1 1 1823 APW19990520.0338 -1 first two days 1823 NYT19990113.0240 -1 underwear 1823 NYT19990113.0471 1 23 1823 NYT19990908.0133 -1 Holdsclaw 1824 NYT19991001.0039 1 Venus 1824 NYT19990816.0266 2 Venus 1824 NYT19990415.0282 -1 Jupiter 1824 NYT19990429.0349 -1 Mars Global Surveyor 1824 XIE20000622.0348 -1 Imaging 1824 NYT19990816.0266 -1 study 1824 NYT19990816.0277 -1 Earth 1824 XIE19991204.0042 -1 U . S . 1824 APW19990930.0199 1 Venus 1824 APW19990217.0038 -1 Mars Global Surveyor 1824 NYT19991130.0342 -1 Mars 1824 APW19991011.0095 1 Venus 1824 NYT19981026.0201 -1 Earth 1824 XIE19971226.0110 -1 Gesser 1824 NYT19990705.0131 2 Venus 1824 NYT20000828.0174 -1 Mars 1824 NYT19991113.0023 -1 earth 1824 NYT19991025.0293 -1 Mars 1824 NYT19990119.0269 -1 America 1824 NYT19991001.0039 -1 Mars 1824 NYT19980802.0130 -1 Tierra del Fuego 1824 NYT19991001.0039 -1 more 1824 XIE19981107.0246 -1 NIL 1824 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1824 NYT19990923.0363 -1 United States 1824 NYT19990614.0244 -1 United States 1824 NYT19990415.0282 -1 Santa Cruz 1824 NYT19980904.0411 -1 Lynch 1824 XIE19991204.0042 -1 Earth 1824 XIE19991204.0042 -1 Mars 1824 NYT19990923.0331 -1 Calif. 1824 NYT19981222.0333 -1 Eros 1824 APW19980706.1130 -1 Fukumoro 1825 APW19990207.0029 1 1996 1825 NYT19980709.0113 -1 later this year 1825 NYT19990317.0450 1 1996 1825 NYT19981230.0311 -1 Year 1825 APW19990512.0068 -1 year 1825 NYT19990901.0190 -1 Pokemon Snap 1825 NYT19990317.0450 3 September 1996 1825 NYT19991118.0149 -1 '90s 1825 NYT19981230.0311 -1 christmas 1825 NYT19990203.0216 -1 1997 1825 NYT20000107.0082 -1 97 1825 NYT19990317.0450 -1 50 million users worldwide _ 17 million 1825 APW19990927.0223 -1 1997 1825 APW19990816.0065 -1 this year 1825 NYT20000711.0168 -1 1999 1825 NYT20000328.0153 -1 N64 1825 APW19990207.0029 -1 their closest competition 1825 NYT19980901.0013 2 1996 1825 APW19990512.0068 -1 Christmas 1825 NYT19990511.0418 -1 Christmas 1825 NYT19990512.0093 -1 this year 1825 NYT19990425.0155 -1 this year 1825 NYT20000524.0372 -1 64 1825 APW19990207.0029 1 in 1996 1825 NYT19990831.0165 -1 the mid-'90s 1825 NYT20000125.0252 -1 2000 1825 XIE20000428.0029 -1 1995 1825 NYT19981230.0417 -1 64 1825 NYT20000827.0175 -1 2002 1826 NYT19980723.0260 -1 Spielberg 's film career 1826 NYT19980723.0260 -1 Spielberg 1826 NYT19990303.0396 -1 Spielberg 's career 1826 APW19990314.0029 -1 Shakespeare in Love 1826 NYT19981116.0127 -1 Oscar 1826 APW19990304.0007 -1 Oscar 1826 NYT20000215.0068 -1 The suburban satire-drama `` American Beauty '' 1826 XIE19980324.0125 -1 dollar production 1826 NYT20000215.0068 -1 AMERICAN BEAUTY 1826 NYT19981203.0265 -1 LosAngeles 1826 NYT20000215.0068 -1 eight Academy Award nominations on Tuesday 1826 APW19990416.0217 -1 Golden Boot 1826 NYT20000215.0068 -1 Beauty 1826 APW19990422.0244 1 Wings 1826 NYT19980818.0431 -1 nomination 1826 XIE19980731.0279 -1 Douglas 1826 APW20000301.0018 -1 The End of the Affair 1826 NYT20000215.0056 -1 OSCAR 1826 XIE19981120.0076 -1 China 1826 NYT19981117.0342 -1 Wings of the Dove 1826 NYT19990810.0374 -1 Dandridge 1826 APW20000928.0085 -1 animated features 1826 NYT19990323.0073 -1 Annie Hall 1826 APW19990322.0011 -1 It 1826 APW19990307.0044 -1 seven Academy_Awards 1826 APW19990307.0044 -1 a best picture award 1826 NYT19991221.0301 -1 the Heat of the Night 1826 NYT19990422.0435 1 ``Wings'' , 1826 APW19990308.0027 -1 film 1826 NYT19981116.0507 -1 best picture 1826 APW19990307.0068 -1 Oscar 1826 APW19990307.0068 -1 Spielberg 1826 XIE19961013.0002 -1 Dr. Sun Yat 1826 XIE19990412.0098 -1 Elizabeth 1826 NYT19990209.0320 -1 Oscar 1827 NYT20000224.0234 1 San Antonio 1827 NYT19981119.0397 -1 Santa 1827 NYT19980908.0178 1 Texas 1827 NYT19990108.0080 -1 San Jacinto 1827 APW20000429.0154 1 Texas 1827 NYT19981121.0075 1 Texas 1827 NYT19990108.0080 1 Texas 1827 XIE19970409.0223 -1 Puqi City 1827 NYT20000529.0157 1 Texas 1827 NYT20000224.0234 3 the Texas revolution 1827 NYT19981117.0333 -1 North America 1827 NYT19990420.0175 2 Texas 1827 NYT19990108.0080 3 Texas independence 1827 NYT20000619.0409 -1 Los Alamos 1827 NYT19990305.0360 1 Texas 1827 NYT19990806.0059 -1 Mexico 1827 NYT19990728.0237 2 Texas 1827 NYT19981215.0332 1 Texas 1827 APW20000429.0162 3 Texas folklore 1827 NYT20000529.0157 -1 NIL 1827 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1827 NYT20000224.0234 1 Texas 1827 APW20000429.0154 -1 Santa Anna 1827 NYT19990108.0080 -1 San 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 developed from the Thai strain 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 Thai strains 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 a brand 1828 NYT19990505.0051 -1 Akihito 1828 XIE20000819.0016 -1 Hua Hin 1828 APW19980714.0503 -1 Viravat Chlayon 1828 APW19980831.0146 -1 Manas Bophrom 1828 XIE19990402.0250 -1 The code names 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 Manila 1828 APW19980820.0625 -1 temple in 1828 XIE19961104.0176 -1 Thai Commerce Ministry 1828 XIE19991218.0028 -1 BANGKOK 1828 APW19990824.0055 -1 years 1828 APW19990510.0092 1 Siam 1828 NYT19980602.0348 -1 Siamese twins 1828 NYT20000819.0154 -1 Siamese twins 1828 XIE20000413.0323 -1 Shaoxing 1828 NYT19990304.0149 -1 cosmic 1828 XIE20000615.0072 -1 Mekong 1828 XIE19960108.0093 1 Siam 1828 XIE19970814.0117 -1 Malaysia 1828 XIE19991128.0068 -1 2010 1828 XIE19980721.0288 -1 Bangkok 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 BANGKOK 1828 XIE19990130.0118 -1 Indonesia 1828 APW20000401.0176 -1 China 1828 XIE19991218.0028 -1 CP executives 1828 XIE19991218.0028 -1 Charoen_Pokphand_Group ( CP ) 1828 APW19980707.0421 -1 General Motors 1828 XIE19991218.0028 -1 Thailand 1828 XIE19960218.0104 -1 Phuket 1828 XIE19991218.0028 -1 agro 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 Khao Dawk 1828 XIE19980402.0236 -1 Reserves 1828 XIE19971006.0176 -1 major car brands 1828 APW19980626.0091 -1 3 1828 XIE19960701.0196 -1 origin 1828 XIE20000113.0149 -1 be crucial trade partner japan fourth 1828 NYT19980916.0164 -1 Bush 1829 XIE19990923.0273 1 1,815 feet 1829 APW19981207.0035 1 1,815 feet 1829 XIE19990923.0229 1 1,815 feet 1829 APW19981207.0026 1 1815 feet 1829 XIE19960620.0074 1 553 meters 1829 XIE19970812.0057 -1 460 meters 1829 APW19981206.1072 1 553.3 meter 1829 XIE19981113.0287 -1 420-meter 1829 XIE19990923.0273 1 463 meters 1829 APW20000628.0220 -1 750-foot 1829 XIE19990923.0229 -1 137 1829 APW19981206.1072 -1 six meters 1829 APW19981206.1072 -1 19 1/2 feet 1829 NYT19981118.0039 1 1,815 - foot 1829 XIE19990923.0273 -1 two 450-foot 1829 XIE20000828.0157 -1 28 1829 XIE20000827.0363 -1 more than 55,000 tons 1829 NYT19980622.0233 1 1,815-foot 1829 NYT20000830.0352 -1 4 inches tall 1829 APW19981206.1072 1 1,815 feet 1829 XIE19990923.0273 -1 472 meters 1829 XIE19990923.0273 -1 137 1829 NYT19980901.0170 -1 approximately 1829 XIE19990923.0273 1 ( 463 meters 1829 APW19981207.0026 1 553.3 meters 1829 APW19981207.0035 -1 in Toronto 1829 XIE19990923.0273 -1 450-foot 1829 XIE19990923.0273 -1 137 meter 1829 XIE19990923.0229 -1 137 meter 1829 XIE19990923.0273 -1 2 feet 1829 APW19990608.0141 -1 1,450 feet 1829 NYT19991009.0243 -1 just over 19 1/2 feet 1830 XIE19970712.0076 2 PARIS 1830 NYT19980802.0053 -1 Reaction 1830 XIE20000310.0164 2 PARIS 1830 APW19980802.0309 1 Paris 1830 APW19980731.0916 1 Paris 1830 XIE19990712.0233 2 PARIS 1830 XIE20000629.0256 -1 Switzerland 1830 NYT19980711.0179 -1 World Cup 1830 XIE20000310.0164 2 Paris 1830 APW19980717.1118 1 Paris 1830 APW19980803.0584 1 Paris 1830 APW19980731.0907 -1 Massi 1830 XIE19980724.0049 2 PARIS 1830 APW19980718.0357 1 Paris 1830 XIE19980803.0077 1 Paris 1830 NYT19990920.0096 2 Paris 1830 NYT19980802.0053 1 Paris 1830 XIE20000629.0256 2 Paris 1830 APW19980903.0259 -1 Madrid 1830 XIE19960702.0265 2 Paris 1830 APW19990718.0078 1 Paris 1830 APW19980730.1238 -1 Switzerland 1830 APW20000703.0189 -1 one place to another 1830 NYT20000630.0237 -1 Atlanta 1830 NYT19980720.0187 -1 Place de la Bastille 1830 NYT19990702.0248 1 PARIS 1830 NYT19990616.0310 -1 Switzerland 1830 APW19980727.0848 -1 St. Louis 1830 NYT20000909.0180 -1 Hamilton 1830 APW19980729.1031 -1 NIL 1830 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1830 APW19980707.1106 2 Paris 1830 NYT19990714.0259 -1 Nantes 1830 XIE20000629.0256 2 PARIS 1830 NYT19990309.0151 -1 France 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 First 1831 NYT19990112.0467 1 Who 's on First 1831 NYT19981113.0458 -1 Who have on first 1831 NYT19990805.0228 -1 Lerner and Philips also 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 and Abbott and Costello's famous routine, " 1831 NYT20000808.0083 -1 Whatsoever 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 Madison 1831 NYT19980908.0076 -1 show title 1831 NYT19981201.0067 -1 Frankenstein 1831 NYT20000828.0009 1 ` ` Who 's on first ' ' 1831 NYT19990805.0228 -1 Mitts 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 Ball Game 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 Mickey Mantle 1831 NYT19990506.0284 -1 Bud 1831 NYT19981113.0458 1 ``Who 's on first ? '' 1831 NYT19990805.0228 -1 comedy routine 1831 APW19990706.0042 -1 usa 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 speakers played 1831 NYT19980806.0432 -1 Game 1831 NYT20000722.0251 -1 Cheetah 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 The auction 1831 NYT20000426.0013 -1 Costello 1831 NYT19990622.0267 -1 Alza 1831 NYT19991022.0162 -1 Costello 1831 APW20000614.0087 -1 legendary 1831 NYT20000426.0013 -1 the first names in comedy - Marx 1831 NYT19981113.0458 -1 Abbott and Costello 's classic comedy routine 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 Bud 1831 NYT19990112.0467 -1 chemotherapy 1831 NYT19980904.0109 -1 ANDREW RYAN 1831 NYT19980618.0004 -1 He 1832 NYT19990909.0159 -1 live news broadcast 1832 NYT19990909.0159 -1 end a live news broadcast 1832 NYT19981016.0012 -1 Glenn 1832 NYT19990409.0279 -1 CBS Evening News 1832 NYT20000112.0477 -1 Why would Walter Cronkite 1832 NYT19981104.0407 -1 hero 1832 NYT19980728.0161 -1 MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL Glenn 1832 NYT19980818.0470 -1 CBS' weeknight late-night star 1832 NYT19981104.0407 -1 Houston 1832 APW19990708.0008 -1 he 1832 NYT19990827.0118 -1 a Buffett friend 1832 NYT19991227.0123 -1 season run 1832 NYT19991227.0123 -1 Nov 1832 NYT19980825.0280 -1 CBS 1832 NYT19990409.0279 -1 ` ` CBS Evening News , ' ' 1832 NYT19990827.0118 -1 Tweeter Center 1832 NYT19990520.0217 -1 CBS 1832 NYT19981026.0393 -1 1998-10-26 1832 NYT19990909.0159 -1 beef 1832 APW20000219.0144 -1 World War II 1832 NYT19980812.0469 -1 NIL 1832 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1832 NYT19980903.0138 -1 This was the awakening 1832 NYT20000305.0023 -1 Newsweek 1832 NYT19981104.0407 -1 distaste 1832 NYT19980728.0161 -1 anchor 1832 NYT19981027.0299 -1 ndent and as anchor of ``The CBS Evening News' 1832 NYT19990409.0279 -1 me to the organization ``because of my exceedi 1832 NYT19990409.0279 -1 ormer anchorman of the ``CBS Evening News,'' w 1832 NYT19981102.0187 -1 Boxer 1833 NYT19980604.0361 -1 218 1833 XIE19960703.0013 -1 30 million pounds 1833 APW19980919.0539 -1 10-foot 1833 NYT19990312.0415 -1 215 pounds 1833 NYT19990312.0415 -1 6 feet 1833 NYT19990114.0465 -1 four inches 1833 XIE19981110.0312 -1 16 in 1833 NYT19981022.0003 -1 5 year 1833 APW19990113.0056 -1 Four boxers 1833 APW19990203.0270 -1 two 1833 APW19990205.0319 -1 one 1833 NYT19990312.0415 -1 Holyfield 1833 NYT19980604.0361 -1 four inches 1833 NYT20000126.0194 -1 5-feet 1833 NYT19991023.0052 1 5 - foot - 10 1833 APW19990809.0013 -1 220 pounds 1833 XIE19960703.0013 -1 heavyweight champion Mike Tyson 30 million pounds 1833 APW19981023.1139 -1 people want me to fight 1833 NYT20000126.0194 -1 5-feet-9 1833 NYT20000630.0015 -1 meters 1833 APW19980919.0690 -1 3-meter 1833 XIE20000625.0217 -1 38 seconds 1833 NYT19991111.0378 -1 6 foot 5 inch 1833 XIE19990603.0259 -1 one goal 1833 NYT19980901.0459 -1 anywhere 1833 NYT19990112.0071 -1 one eye 1833 APW19990211.0135 -1 the final chapter 1833 APW19990211.0135 -1 an especially dirty one 1833 NYT19990308.0397 -1 six feet 1833 NYT19991024.0043 -1 32 inches 1833 NYT19981022.0003 -1 10 acres 1833 APW19980919.0823 -1 3 meter 1833 APW19990113.0056 -1 2 bits 1833 APW19990113.0056 -1 24 knockouts 1833 NYT20000129.0003 -1 4 p.m. 1833 NYT19980604.0361 -1 6-foot-7 1834 NYT19990909.0260 -1 Luke 1834 NYT19990402.0090 -1 Matthew 1834 APW19990825.0092 2 Judas 1834 NYT20000131.0156 -1 Christ 1834 NYT20000131.0156 1 Judas 1834 NYT19990402.0243 1 Judas 1834 NYT19980821.0365 -1 Dorothy Heyl 1834 NYT20000511.0244 -1 Come 1834 NYT20000131.0156 -1 Thirty 1834 NYT19981226.0104 -1 Israel 1834 APW20000420.0113 -1 Holy Thursday ceremony recall 1834 NYT19981013.0064 -1 Jesus H. Christ 1834 NYT19990331.0164 -1 Sharon 1834 NYT19991209.0265 1 Judas 1834 XIE19970831.0032 -1 Xiao Hailiang 1834 XIE20000228.0087 -1 Jolanda Ceplak 1834 NYT19990402.0243 -1 Last Supper 1834 NYT19991208.0067 1 Judas Iscariot 1834 APW20000909.0041 -1 Jesus Christ 1834 NYT19990402.0365 1 Judas 1834 NYT19990402.0245 -1 the controversial Jesus_Seminar and author of The Birth 1834 APW19990811.0196 -1 Jeffrey_Snider 1834 APW19990408.0134 -1 Jesus Rivera 1834 NYT19981019.0075 -1 Terence McNally 1834 NYT19990402.0243 -1 Jennie O. Smith 1834 NYT19990402.0245 -1 John 1834 NYT19980827.0298 1 Judas 1835 NYT20000518.0145 1 Moriarty 1835 NYT20000518.0145 -1 effective 1835 NYT19990916.0322 -1 Watson 1835 NYT20000518.0145 1 Professor Moriarty 1835 NYT20000518.0145 -1 Holmes 1835 NYT20000518.0145 3 The Woman Green Professor Moriarty 1835 APW20000308.0254 -1 James Bond 1835 NYT20000518.0145 -1 Henry Daniell 1835 NYT20000518.0145 3 Professor Moriarty, Holmes 1835 NYT19980826.0264 -1 particular interest in 1835 NYT19990902.0220 -1 Mycroft 1835 NYT19990106.0229 -1 Microsoft 1835 NYT19990429.0268 -1 Features 1835 APW20000308.0254 -1 GREENVILLE 1835 NYT20000518.0145 -1 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1835 NYT19990121.0331 -1 Dickens Fellowship 1835 NYT20000517.0267 -1 Sherlock Holmes 1835 NYT19991217.0115 -1 Arthur Conan Doyle 1835 NYT20000518.0145 -1 Rathbone 1835 NYT19990921.0232 -1 Doyle 1835 NYT19991111.0069 -1 Watson 1835 APW20000308.0254 -1 the late Jeremy Brett 1835 APW20000308.0254 -1 Mycroft 1835 NYT20000411.0096 -1 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle 1835 NYT20000411.0092 -1 Holmes ' 1835 NYT19991111.0069 -1 Dr. Watson 1835 NYT20000118.0205 -1 Case 1835 NYT20000604.0026 -1 Internet 1835 NYT19990903.0125 -1 Sherlock Holmes 1835 NYT20000118.0205 -1 Watson 1835 NYT20000604.0026 -1 Doyle 1835 NYT20000411.0092 -1 B Baker 1835 APW19980609.0674 -1 Kraisak Chonhavan 1835 NYT20000411.0097 2 Moriarty 1836 XIE20000714.0318 1 River Tiber 1836 NYT19981106.0209 2 Tiber River 1836 XIE19960429.0158 -1 Yellow River 1836 XIE20000714.0318 3 banks of the Tiber 1836 NYT20000204.0360 -1 Po River 1836 NYT19980611.0366 -1 River Plate 1836 APW19981229.0245 -1 Rome 1836 APW19981229.0245 -1 IMF study 1836 NYT19981113.0236 -1 Thayls 1836 XIE19981204.0204 -1 Turkey 1836 APW19981227.0387 -1 lead 1836 NYT19981113.0236 -1 Germany 1836 NYT20000823.0241 -1 5601 Main St. 1836 XIE20000714.0318 1 Tiber 1836 NYT19980611.0144 -1 Milan 1836 NYT19980719.0165 -1 Ciampino 1836 XIE19990207.0024 -1 Toms River 1836 XIE19990207.0002 -1 Cortina D'ampezzo 1836 NYT20000204.0360 -1 Peninsula 1836 NYT20000709.0096 2 Tiber River 1836 NYT19990302.0052 3 Tiber Rive 1836 NYT19991014.0210 -1 Hudson River 1836 NYT19991222.0061 -1 many 1836 XIE19960419.0022 -1 Adriatic Sea 1836 XIE19991219.0075 -1 Alpine 1836 NYT19981113.0236 -1 Don 1836 APW19990125.0164 1 Tiber 1836 XIE19981202.0227 -1 NIL 1836 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1836 APW19981222.0952 -1 Turkey 1836 NYT20000204.0360 -1 the Po River 1836 NYT20000823.0241 -1 the nearby River Oaks Shopping Center 1836 XIE19970912.0319 -1 e rivers, including the Upper Mississippi Riv 1836 XIE19990507.0243 -1 long both banks of the Yellow River at weeken 1836 NYT19980730.0313 2 Tiber River 1837 NYT20000927.0223 1 1913 1837 NYT20000927.0223 -1 14 years 1837 NYT19990522.0146 -1 1955 1837 NYT20000715.0028 -1 1955 1837 APW20000928.0193 -1 April 1998 1837 NYT20000927.0223 1 1913. 1837 NYT20000401.0107 1 1913 1837 NYT20000708.0245 -1 Summer 1837 NYT19990404.0115 -1 Independent League 1837 NYT19991208.0445 -1 1956 1837 NYT19991010.0152 -1 1956 1837 NYT19990503.0522 -1 July 1956 1837 NYT20000229.0475 -1 this year 1837 APW19990503.0085 -1 1957 1837 APW20000928.0193 -1 1998 1837 APW19990923.0296 -1 1957 1837 APW19990308.0215 -1 1947 1837 APW19990923.0296 -1 their last game 1837 NYT20000401.0107 1 in 1913 1837 NYT20000927.0223 1 in 1913 1837 APW20000928.0193 -1 in April 1998 1837 APW20000928.0193 -1 April 1998 plans 1837 NYT20000927.0223 -1 1953 1837 APW19990819.0236 -1 1957 1837 NYT19991009.0172 -1 era 1838 NYT20000218.0024 -1 FDR Memorial suite 1838 APW19990905.0006 -1 Franklin Roosevelt 1838 NYT20000412.0164 1 Fala 1838 NYT20000412.0164 -1 No , not content with that , they now 1838 NYT19990224.0405 -1 chewing-gum spitter 1838 NYT19980605.0344 -1 Buddy 1838 NYT19990706.0004 1 Fala 1838 NYT20000919.0161 -1 California 1838 NYT19990809.0236 -1 Democrats 1838 NYT20000510.0124 -1 Republican 1838 NYT20000908.0038 1 Fala 1838 NYT19990705.0223 1 Fala 1838 XIE19971228.0129 -1 Saturday 1838 NYT19990617.0162 -1 Jack 1838 NYT19990706.0004 -1 his beloved Scottish terrier 1838 NYT19981113.0457 -1 It 1838 NYT20000412.0164 -1 it 1838 NYT19990826.0087 -1 the dog 1838 NYT20000710.0491 -1 Truman 1838 NYT19990706.0004 -1 Boomer 1838 NYT19990705.0223 -1 Purchase 1838 NYT19980601.0297 -1 dogs 1838 NYT20000412.0164 -1 homefront rationing 1838 NYT19980605.0134 -1 Neva 1838 NYT19980910.0161 -1 He 1839 XIE20000807.0120 1 Israel 1839 XIE19991210.0116 -1 Cuba 1839 APW20000808.0209 -1 United States 1839 XIE19971115.0097 2 state of Israel 1839 APW19980915.0380 1 state of Israel 1839 NYT20000629.0294 1 state of Israel 1839 APW20000103.0117 1 Israel 1839 XIE19970510.0034 -1 South Asian Free 1839 XIE19970401.0065 -1 government 1839 XIE19970212.0200 1 Burma Myanmar 1839 XIE19990807.0102 -1 Japan 1839 APW19980903.1335 -1 Korean People Democratic Republic 1839 XIE19971121.0174 -1 China 1839 APW19980903.1335 -1 North Korea 1839 NYT20000805.0218 2 Israel 1839 NYT19991012.0293 -1 Colombia 1839 APW19980924.0317 1 Myanmar 1839 NYT20000714.0184 1 Israel 1839 XIE19981203.0351 2 Israel 1839 XIE20000917.0007 2 Israel 1839 APW19980903.1335 -1 North Korea 1839 XIE19990928.0201 2 Israel 1839 XIE19960325.0119 1 Israel 1839 APW19980915.0380 1 Israel 1839 XIE19970212.0200 1 Burma 1839 APW19981130.0796 -1 Hong Kong 1839 XIE19970530.0082 -1 Portugal 1839 NYT20000725.0285 1 Israel 1839 NYT19990929.0517 -1 Atlantic Ocean 1839 XIE19960515.0153 -1 Hong Kong 1839 APW19980921.0447 -1 Gen. Ne Win seized power 1839 NYT19990713.0449 -1 It was formed in 1948 , and it 1839 XIE19980921.0177 -1 NIL 1839 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1839 XIE19970815.0015 -1 Palestine 1839 XIE20000908.0038 1 Israel 1839 NYT19990718.0280 -1 North America 1840 NYT19990419.0115 -1 Suwannee River 1840 NYT19990430.0317 -1 Tennessee 1840 NYT19990210.0008 -1 Home Page 1840 APW20000705.0070 -1 Kansas 1840 NYT19990305.0232 -1 law 1840 NYT19980804.0192 -1 home 1840 APW19991026.0200 -1 the city's only black mayor 1840 NYT19981130.0471 -1 Texas 1840 NYT19980703.0342 -1 the refrain 1840 NYT19981207.0453 -1 Alamo Bowl 1840 APW19991026.0200 -1 Legislature 1840 NYT20000415.0213 -1 songs 1840 NYT19990305.0232 1 Home on the Range 1840 NYT19990305.0232 1 ` ` Home on the Range , ' ' 1840 NYT19990305.0232 -1 Range 1840 APW20000705.0070 -1 Song for America 1840 NYT19990726.0021 -1 mammoth 1840 NYT19980915.0278 -1 we 1840 NYT19991003.1139 -1 Kansas 1840 NYT19980703.0342 -1 Workin' for the Man 1840 XIE19981116.0111 -1 back to your home and please leave your smiles here 1840 NYT20000216.0455 -1 e.g. 1840 NYT19990305.0232 -1 state song 1840 NYT19980915.0278 -1 Missouri 1840 NYT19981204.0424 -1 Missouri 1840 NYT20000513.0236 -1 such 10 lawrenc kansa citi such kansa 1840 APW20000705.0070 -1 1972 produc gold album kansa america 1840 NYT20000610.0145 -1 State 1841 NYT19980922.0275 -1 loved American poet 1841 NYT19980922.0275 -1 Walt Whitman 1841 APW19990127.0350 -1 Levinson 1841 APW19990128.0096 -1 Allan 1841 NYT19981022.0175 -1 The show 1841 NYT20000908.0389 -1 2 point 1841 NYT19990311.0213 -1 Paris 1841 NYT20000222.0075 -1 calendar 1841 NYT20000908.0389 2 Nevermore 1841 APW19981206.0537 -1 def 1841 NYT19990318.0206 -1 Edgar A. Poe 1841 APW19990128.0096 -1 Ohio 1841 APW19990119.0326 -1 Baltimore 1841 NYT19980810.0185 2 Nevermore 1841 APW19981023.0934 -1 1964 1841 NYT20000612.0663 -1 author 1841 APW19990128.0096 -1 1845 1841 APW20000927.0039 -1 a bronze medal ended later in the day when Poulsen lost to Australia 's Lauren_Burns , eliminating Poulsen from the final 1841 APW20000927.0039 -1 the semifinals , leaving her unable to compete in the finals against her best friend , Esther_Kim 1841 APW20000927.0039 -1 the final 1841 NYT19981022.0175 -1 Annabelle Lee 1841 APW19990128.0096 -1 i 1841 APW19990128.0096 -1 bu 1841 NYT19990318.0206 -1 Ms. Nelson 1841 NYT19980811.0158 -1 Carver 1842 NYT19981111.0152 -1 \ 1842 NYT19990702.0052 -1 two-bits 1842 NYT19991105.0287 -1 late 1930 1842 NYT20000111.0101 -1 $ 1.63 1842 NYT20000222.0240 -1 2 1842 NYT19990305.0128 -1 $14.95 1842 NYT20000104.0093 -1 2 cup 1842 NYT20000405.0154 -1 2.86 for 1842 NYT20000104.0093 -1 2 1842 NYT19990518.0185 -1 2 1842 NYT19980606.0213 -1 10 1842 APW19990831.0043 -1 $ 3 1842 APW19990901.0261 -1 market nearly 10 billion pounds 1842 APW19980923.0424 -1 1.1 million 1842 NYT19990411.0101 -1 20 cents 1842 NYT19990411.0101 -1 4.5 dinars 1842 NYT19991104.0210 -1 25 dollar 1842 XIE20000404.0315 -1 0.3 to 0.9 centimeters higher 1842 NYT19981111.0152 -1 1 1842 NYT19990118.0267 -1 2 - percent 1842 APW19980923.0424 -1 11 pounds 1842 NYT20000503.0105 -1 15 grams 1842 APW20000704.0069 -1 100 pounds 1842 APW19990401.0281 -1 11 1842 NYT19990114.0441 -1 28.8 cents 1842 NYT19981021.0118 -1 1 1842 NYT20000411.0173 -1 1 1842 NYT19991117.0376 -1 1 1842 XIE19960612.0021 -1 9.4 million US dollars 1842 NYT19990223.0205 -1 eight ounces 1843 XIE19970502.0106 -1 1996 1843 XIE19980114.0260 -1 HIV 1843 NYT19981221.0321 -1 between the 28th and 30th weeks 1843 NYT19990927.0165 -1 SIDS 1843 XIE19991220.0128 -1 1989 1843 NYT19990301.0237 -1 April 1843 XIE19981219.0372 -1 Friday 1843 XIE20000912.0326 -1 Affected 1843 NYT19981221.0321 -1 Iowa 1843 NYT19990923.0135 1 August 1843 NYT19990923.0135 -1 October 1843 NYT20000810.0313 -1 summer months 1843 NYT19980921.0228 -1 April 1843 XIE19960901.0112 -1 pregnancy. enditem =09011129 =09011125 NNNN 19:30 19:30 g # PAB 1843 XIE19960522.0097 -1 head 1843 APW19990121.0375 -1 three months 1843 XIE20000413.0202 -1 This month 1843 XIE19980617.0218 -1 1976 1843 NYT19981217.0419 -1 Dec. 17 , 1998 1843 XIE19981208.0203 -1 U.S. 1843 NYT19991002.0044 -1 1997 1843 XIE19970224.0210 -1 February 1843 NYT19991003.0298 -1 United States 1843 XIE19960330.0072 -1 09 1843 XIE19981219.0372 -1 December 1843 APW19990625.0159 -1 December 1843 NYT19990301.0237 -1 each year 1843 XIE19961119.0129 -1 each year 1843 NYT19981228.0341 -1 may 1844 XIE19981015.0018 -1 19th century 1844 XIE19981015.0018 -1 Wednesday 1844 NYT19990225.0192 2 334 BC 1844 XIE19970807.0232 -1 between 1991 and 1995 1844 APW19980811.0633 -1 Tuesday for 1844 NYT20000316.0215 -1 fourth 1844 APW20000111.0081 -1 1967 1844 APW20000928.0155 -1 last year 1844 XIE19981015.0018 -1 October 14 1844 NYT19981006.0348 1 2nd century B.C. 1844 NYT20000925.0298 -1 Oct. 30 1844 NYT20000229.0080 -1 1980 10,552 3,834 4,439 1,153 3,061 1844 XIE19990224.0251 -1 2 1844 NYT19991101.0464 -1 1986 1844 XIE19961017.0300 -1 1856 1844 NYT19980806.0454 -1 Aug. 6 , 1998 1844 XIE19970121.0093 -1 five years ago 1844 XIE20000307.0144 -1 two-time 1844 XIE19981015.0018 -1 awarded Wednesday 1844 XIE19981015.0018 1 323-58 B.C. 1844 NYT20000107.0212 -1 1942 1844 NYT20000107.0212 -1 1939 1844 XIE19970606.0232 -1 Etruscan and imperial Roman times, Associated National Press Agency (ANSA) reported today. 1844 NYT20000316.0215 -1 fourth century 1844 XIE19961228.0073 1 in 323 B.C. 1844 XIE19981015.0018 -1 2000 1844 XIE19981015.0018 -1 October 1 1844 NYT19980602.0091 -1 an era 1844 XIE19961221.0008 -1 1986 1845 NYT19990818.0198 1 Alberta 1845 APW19981228.0133 -1 Alberta Colorado 1845 APW20000616.0161 1 Alberta 1845 NYT19980725.0100 1 Alberta 1845 XIE19981003.0128 1 Alberta 1845 XIE19981003.0128 3 southern Alberta 1845 NYT20000327.0272 1 Alberta 1845 APW19981205.0644 1 Alberta 1845 XIE19990419.0192 1 Alberta Province 1845 APW19981206.1098 -1 Firth 1845 NYT20000608.0244 1 Alberta 1845 XIE19990419.0192 3 Alberta Province Ralph Klein 1845 XIE19981003.0128 -1 Canada 1845 XIE19960613.0247 -1 Thailand 1845 APW20000715.0026 1 Alberta 1845 NYT20000122.0162 1 Alberta 1845 NYT19991015.0318 -1 Kelowna 1845 XIE20000220.0135 1 Alberta 1845 XIE19960218.0091 1 Alberta 1845 NYT20000308.0197 1 Alberta 1845 APW19990830.0234 -1 Wasatch County 1845 APW19981108.1001 1 Alberta 1845 NYT19980721.0101 1 Alberta 1845 APW19981004.0872 1 Alberta 1845 NYT20000608.0322 -1 NIL 1845 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1845 XIE20000220.0135 -1 Canadian Province 1845 XIE20000715.0058 -1 Canada 1845 NYT19991221.0257 2 Alberta 1846 NYT20000109.0167 1 America 's Cup 1846 XIE20000107.0176 1 America 's Cup 1846 NYT19980908.0417 -1 Mark David McGwire 1846 NYT19990618.0013 -1 hockey 1846 XIE19970408.0022 1 Americas Cup 1846 XIE20000223.0180 -1 One world trophy and five continental trophies will 1846 XIE19970911.0116 -1 Cup 1846 APW20000217.0082 -1 Luna Rossa 1846 XIE19970911.0116 3 America 1846 APW19980615.0503 -1 Netherlands 1846 NYT20000218.0144 3 International America 1846 NYT19981117.0111 -1 Cup 1846 NYT19991115.0322 -1 Winston Cup 1846 XIE20000107.0176 1 America's Cup 1846 APW19990622.0066 3 America 1846 XIE20000107.0176 -1 s Cup 1846 NYT19991225.0060 -1 7 - foot 1846 XIE19970911.0116 1 the America's Cup 1846 APW19990620.0063 -1 Carbonneau , the league 's oldest player this season , also won his third title . 1846 NYT19980720.0169 -1 Zealand 1846 APW20000303.0024 -1 New Zealand 1846 XIE19970911.0116 1 America 's Cup 1846 APW19981003.0232 -1 Nepal ( AP ) 1846 APW19990322.0102 -1 The Robertson_Trophy 1846 NYT19980715.0190 -1 trophies 1846 NYT20000518.0004 -1 Cup 1846 XIE19980109.0294 -1 Award 1846 NYT19980720.0169 -1 the oldest trophy 1846 APW19981108.0249 -1 hockey 1846 APW19980615.1611 -1 def 1846 NYT19980715.0190 -1 the paradox cours winner trophi abl 1846 NYT19990305.0102 3 America 1847 APW20000321.0057 -1 Turner 1847 APW19990726.0165 -1 Love 1847 NYT19980717.0116 -1 Adrian Thaws 1847 NYT20000411.0300 1 Annie Mae Bullock 1847 APW19990726.0165 -1 Tina Turner 1847 APW20000321.0057 -1 instrumentation 1847 APW19990726.0165 -1 Love Got 1847 NYT19990127.0194 -1 Illinois 1847 NYT20000726.0268 -1 soulful 1847 APW20000308.0116 -1 Ann Margret 1847 NYT19990914.0275 -1 many moons 1847 APW20000414.0032 -1 situation 1847 NYT20000726.0268 1 Annie Mae Bullock 1847 NYT20000411.0300 -1 Ike 1847 APW19990726.0165 -1 Takin 1847 NYT20000726.0268 -1 Tina Turner 1847 NYT20000411.0300 1 Anna Mae Bullock 1847 NYT19990719.0014 -1 Thompson 1847 NYT20000118.0212 -1 Tina Turner wailing ``simply the best, better than all the rest,'' and Paul Simon's ``Call me Al.'' 1847 APW20000725.0122 -1 Island 1847 NYT20000628.0105 -1 the great, rare act 1847 NYT20000411.0300 3 Bullock 1847 NYT19991023.0202 -1 NIL 1847 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1847 NYT20000411.0300 -1 Ike and Tina Turner Revue 1847 NYT19980901.0342 -1 Carolina Herrera 1847 NYT19990415.0096 -1 Cher 1847 NYT20000411.0300 -1 O N T H E W E B 1847 NYT19981201.0097 -1 Charles 1848 NYT19990123.0028 1 Enola Gay 1848 NYT19990123.0028 -1 Hiroshima , Japan , on Aug. 6 , 1945 1848 NYT19990123.0027 1 Enola Gay 1848 NYT19990929.0380 -1 the B-29 1848 XIE20000806.0155 3 bomber Enola Gay 1848 APW19990828.0080 -1 fighter 1848 APW19980618.0411 -1 Taketa 's Japan Congress Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs 1848 APW19980805.1192 -1 person 1848 XIE19990806.0259 -1 140, 000 people 1848 APW20000212.0122 -1 Colo . 1848 NYT20000119.0024 -1 the World War II bomber 1848 NYT20000828.0444 1 Enola Gay 1848 NYT20000828.0444 -1 Bock 1848 NYT19990929.0380 1 Enola Gay 1848 NYT19991001.0143 3 Enola 1848 NYT20000828.0444 -1 Paul Tibbets 1848 NYT20000828.0444 1 ENOLA GAY 1848 NYT19990929.0424 -1 SR-71 1848 XIE19960806.0152 3 U.S . B-29 bomber Enola Gay 1848 NYT19990123.0027 3 Enola Gay, the plane 1848 NYT19990120.0051 -1 Nagasaki 1848 APW20000316.0170 -1 Japan 1848 NYT20000630.0211 -1 War 1848 APW20000426.0027 -1 The atomic bomb 1848 APW19980806.0105 -1 690 kilometers ( 425 miles ) southwest of Tokyo 1848 XIE19960807.0047 -1 Hiroshima 1848 NYT19990929.0380 -1 B-29 1848 APW19980806.0647 -1 Hiroshima 1848 NYT20000119.0024 1 Enola Gay 1848 NYT19990123.0027 -1 the plane 1848 XIE20000806.0155 -1 jp 1848 XIE19980806.0258 -1 southwest 1848 XIE19970806.0233 -1 U.S. B 1848 XIE20000806.0155 3 Gay 1849 APW20000819.0095 -1 fuss, Indian mascot 1849 NYT19990513.0200 -1 50 states 1849 NYT19990504.0400 -1 Tornado Alley 1849 NYT20000302.0330 -1 Williams 1849 APW20000305.0002 2 Sooner State 1849 NYT19990513.0200 -1 Sunshine State 1849 APW19990504.0235 -1 AP 1849 NYT19990513.0200 -1 ( I 'll 1849 APW19990517.0226 -1 Teams 1849 NYT20000906.0353 3 The Sooners roll 1849 NYT20000906.0353 -1 Arkansas State 1849 NYT19990504.0418 -1 Kansas 1849 NYT19990504.0475 -1 Kansas 1849 NYT19990504.0320 -1 veteran 1849 NYT19990513.0200 -1 Tarheel State 1849 APW19990227.0060 -1 Earl Iba 1849 APW19990319.0231 -1 Najera 1849 NYT20000218.0145 1 Sooner State 1849 NYT19980918.0117 2 Sooners 1849 NYT19981209.0130 -1 Texas 1849 NYT19990504.0475 -1 Texas 1849 APW19990101.0021 -1 Oklahoma City 1849 NYT19981030.0185 2 Sooners 1849 NYT19990513.0200 1 Sooner State 1849 NYT19990301.0182 1 Sooners 1849 APW19990707.0124 -1 usa 1849 NYT20000218.0145 1 the Sooner State 1849 NYT19990513.0200 -1 Florida 1849 NYT19990504.0357 -1 Plains 1849 NYT19990301.0182 -1 the action 1849 APW20000305.0002 -1 24-5 , 12-4 Big 12 1849 NYT20000108.0261 -1 Oklahoma 1849 APW20000226.0204 -1 past three weeks 1849 NYT19990504.0357 -1 Tornado 1849 NYT19990504.0475 -1 Tornado 1849 NYT19990513.0200 -1 these ridiculous nicknames 1849 APW19990504.0245 -1 Chickasha 1849 NYT19991127.0182 -1 Brandon Daniels 1849 APW19990503.0079 -1 Katherine Burch 1849 NYT19980617.0379 -1 University 1849 APW20000305.0002 2 Sooner 1850 NYT19990921.0385 -1 couple of years 1850 APW19990415.0314 -1 J. Edgar Hoover 1850 APW20000808.0093 -1 AP 1850 APW20000405.0100 3 Norma Jeane 1850 NYT20000729.0012 -1 Norman Mailer 1850 APW19990415.0314 -1 Kennedy 1850 NYT19991215.0107 -1 RADCLIFFE GETS SEVERAL BOOKS 1850 NYT20000330.0183 -1 Blonde 1850 APW19990308.0205 -1 Japan 1850 APW19990804.0246 -1 actress Marilyn Monroe 1850 NYT20000330.0183 -1 Edward M. Kennedy 1850 APW19991027.0176 -1 AP 1850 NYT19990212.0212 -1 Brown 1850 NYT19990127.0231 -1 James Dean 1850 NYT19990107.0349 1 Norma Jean Mortenson 1850 NYT19990415.0118 -1 Brian Hugh Warner 1850 NYT20000418.0027 -1 Puh 1850 NYT19990308.0150 -1 California 1850 NYT19990128.0109 -1 Kenneth W. Rendell 1850 NYT20000729.0012 3 Norma Jean 1850 NYT20000330.0183 1 Norma Jeane Baker 1850 NYT19981203.0312 -1 Judy Garland 1850 NYT20000330.0183 1 Norma Jean Baker 1850 NYT19980821.0204 -1 Barbara Niven 1850 APW19991001.0177 -1 Friday 1850 APW20000808.0093 -1 Joe DiMaggio 1850 NYT19990921.0385 -1 Arthur Miller 1850 APW19990415.0314 -1 Hoover 1850 NYT19990614.0223 -1 John F. Kennedy 1850 APW19990415.0314 -1 AP 1850 NYT19990921.0385 -1 BC-MARILYN-PERFUME- $ ADV26-NYT ( af ) 1850 NYT20000729.0012 -1 Marilyn Monroe 1850 APW19991029.0035 -1 Monroe 1850 APW19990415.0314 -1 John F. Kennedy 1850 APW19990429.0043 -1 John F. Kennedy 1850 APW19990427.0182 -1 Geppetto CLICK HERE 1850 NYT19990921.0385 -1 Kennedy 1850 NYT19981217.0203 -1 Mae West 1850 NYT19991215.0107 -1 Carl Rollyson 1850 NYT19980605.0098 -1 The 1850 APW20000405.0100 -1 Jean 1851 XIE19970701.0208 -1 China 1851 XIE19970520.0250 -1 China 1851 XIE19970709.0010 -1 China 1851 XIE20000425.0074 -1 Thailand 1851 XIE19970601.0042 1 Britain 1851 XIE19970601.0042 -1 China 1851 XIE19960629.0154 -1 Hong Kong 1851 XIE19970624.0112 -1 world 1851 XIE19970709.0023 -1 Malta 1851 XIE19970622.0094 -1 China 1851 APW19980624.0050 -1 Taiwan for 50 years until 1945 1851 XIE19970514.0110 -1 China 1851 XIE19961231.0085 -1 a fluid trade relationship 1851 XIE20000825.0006 -1 Japan 1851 APW19980623.1495 -1 Taiwan 1851 XIE19970606.0206 1 Britain 1851 NYT19990422.0087 -1 China 1851 XIE19970623.0169 -1 China 1851 XIE19970701.0176 -1 China 1851 XIE19990630.0240 -1 China 1851 XIE19970128.0206 -1 Panama 1851 NYT19990429.0338 -1 China 1851 XIE20000715.0048 -1 China 1851 XIE19970702.0200 -1 Hong Kong 1851 APW19980702.1449 -1 United States 1851 XIE20000512.0135 -1 China 1851 XIE19991221.0072 -1 Portugal 1851 NYT19990429.0338 -1 the real problem 1851 XIE19970622.0094 1 Britain 1851 XIE19970630.0128 -1 NIL 1851 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1851 APW19980612.0415 -1 United States 1851 XIE19991119.0132 -1 Thailand 1851 XIE19980701.0274 -1 China 1851 XIE19970624.0117 -1 China 1851 NYT19981003.0090 -1 Austria 1851 XIE19970709.0023 -1 China 1851 XIE19961211.0214 -1 China 1851 NYT19980614.0132 -1 China 1852 APW19990127.0360 3 1547 1852 APW20000610.0136 3 1509 1852 APW19980909.0799 -1 1554 1852 APW20000623.0152 3 1509 1852 NYT19990617.0481 3 1533 1852 APW19990711.0081 3 1543 1852 APW19981231.0887 -1 fourth 1852 NYT19990317.0389 -1 Oct. 16 1852 NYT19990617.0481 -1 since 1533 1852 APW20000212.0203 -1 1914 1852 NYT19991030.0141 -1 1927 1852 APW20000717.0129 1 16th century 1852 APW19980621.1069 3 1547 1852 XIE20000421.0044 -1 8 59-80 69-53 64-57 41-66 60-31 0-72 14-80 1852 APW20000421.0147 3 1509 1852 NYT19981215.0103 -1 Jan. 6 1852 NYT19990818.0106 3 1534 1852 APW19990124.0103 3 1533 1852 APW20000512.0220 3 1534 1852 APW19980615.1673 3 1533 1852 APW19980909.0799 -1 decades 1852 NYT19990121.0009 1 16thcentury 1852 APW19990518.0101 -1 the second wife 1852 APW19981028.1262 -1 1986 - U._N. General 1852 APW19980621.1069 -1 (1491-1547) 1852 APW20000717.0129 -1 3 1852 NYT19980610.0313 -1 1996 1852 NYT19981109.0139 2 1513 1853 NYT19980908.0112 1 Ga. 1853 NYT20000412.0065 -1 shot a single German soldier 1853 NYT19990311.0454 -1 National Park Service 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 Andersonville 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 Civil War 1853 NYT19980908.0112 1 Andersonville , Ga 1853 NYT19990311.0454 -1 Andersonville Prison 1853 NYT19990311.0454 -1 ground 1853 NYT19980929.0185 2 Ga. 1853 NYT19980902.0111 1 South Georgia 1853 NYT19980804.0250 1 Ga . 1853 NYT19980902.0107 1 South Georgia 1853 XIE19960204.0018 -1 Singapore 1853 NYT19990311.0454 1 Ga. 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 U.S. 1853 NYT19991208.0206 1 Georgia 1853 NYT20000412.0064 -1 Russian 1853 NYT19980902.0111 -1 Civil War 1853 NYT19980804.0214 1 GEORGIA 1853 NYT19990408.0050 1 southwest Georgia 1853 NYT20000222.0077 -1 Civil War 1853 NYT19990311.0454 1 Ga 1853 NYT19990311.0454 1 Ga. _ 1853 APW19990408.0304 -1 War Museum 1853 APW19990408.0304 -1 Saudi Arabia 1853 NYT19980902.0107 1 Georgia 1853 NYT19980902.0111 -1 Washington 1853 NYT19980902.0111 3 Andersonville , the Civil_War prison camp in South_Georgia where many Northern soldiers died 1853 NYT19980804.0214 -1 Near the POW Museum 1853 NYT19981208.0228 2 Georgia 1853 NYT19990408.0242 1 Georgia 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 Camp Sumter 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 AMERICUS 1853 NYT19980804.0250 1 Ga. 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 POW 1853 NYT19980804.0250 -1 War 1854 XIE19971211.0085 -1 playwright 1854 XIE19971211.0085 -1 English playwright 1854 NYT19980620.0001 -1 father 1854 NYT20000814.0268 -1 time 1854 NYT20000612.0237 -1 Hamlet 1854 NYT20000117.0216 -1 after the so-called `` revenge dramas '' of the ancient Roman scribe Seneca , `` Titus 1854 NYT19990126.0099 -1 Shakespeare 1854 NYT19990421.0128 -1 Branagh or Welles 1854 NYT19990202.0063 -1 Elizabeth 1854 NYT19981211.0185 -1 the enormous artistic leap 1854 NYT19991220.0384 -1 book focus_on 1854 NYT19981211.0185 -1 Jacobean 1854 NYT19991228.0391 -1 career 1854 NYT19991228.0391 -1 work 1854 NYT19981208.0260 -1 actor 1854 NYT19990801.0089 -1 works 1854 NYT19980727.0264 -1 place 1854 NYT19980710.0365 -1 Cider House Rules 1854 NYT19980922.0303 -1 Joseph Fiennes 1854 NYT19990126.0099 -1 English 1854 NYT19990329.0073 -1 Jan. 1854 NYT19981231.0272 -1 Romeo and Juliet 1854 NYT19981209.0396 -1 THE MUSE OF SHAKESPEARE IMAGINED AS A BLONDE ( FOR RELEASE SUNDAY , DEC. 13 ) 1854 XIE19971211.0085 -1 LONDON 1854 NYT19990126.0099 -1 Charlton_Ogburn 's 1854 NYT19990111.0378 -1 Love 1854 NYT20000511.0134 -1 the scenes 1854 APW20000211.0105 -1 Romeo + Juliet 1854 APW19990322.0054 -1 writer 1854 APW19990322.0055 -1 writer 1854 NYT20000324.0103 -1 young 1854 NYT19990402.0037 -1 occupation 1854 NYT19990126.0099 -1 the notion kit marlow great 1854 APW20000119.0120 -1 jonathan epstein act plai countri 1854 NYT19981022.0167 -1 boy 1855 NYT20000214.0027 -1 360 - degree 1855 NYT20000214.0027 -1 270 - degree 1855 NYT19981007.0168 -1 bits 1855 NYT20000623.0385 -1 3D 1855 NYT19980617.0193 -1 3D 1855 NYT19990626.0169 -1 3D 1855 XIE19981118.0187 -1 November 1855 XIE19960526.0124 -1 21-14 1855 XIE19960406.0118 -1 Ding 1855 APW19990518.0205 -1 224.843 mph 1855 XIE19981014.0262 -1 15 1855 APW19980604.1866 -1 one 1855 XIE19960801.0273 -1 18, 21 1855 XIE19960406.0118 -1 25-year 1855 NYT19990326.0230 3 1,000 miles per hour 1855 XIE20000226.0120 -1 three - time 1855 APW19980712.0667 -1 1930 Uruguay 18 434,500 24,138 1934 Italy 17 395,000 23,235 1938 France 18 483,000 26,833 1950 Brazil 22 1,337,000 60,772 1954 Switzerland 1855 NYT19980831.0308 -1 30 1855 NYT19990129.0168 -1 350 pounds 1855 NYT19981229.0400 -1 60-mile-per-hour 1855 APW19980828.0601 -1 175 mph 1855 XIE19981118.0187 -1 three hours 1855 NYT19981117.0086 -1 10-minute 1855 XIE19960526.0124 -1 Qiao 1855 NYT19990706.0057 1 1,040 miles per hour 1855 NYT19990706.0057 -1 today 's roughly 24 1855 XIE20000226.0120 -1 5.9 s 1855 XIE20000331.0260 -1 first 1855 NYT19990530.0130 -1 80 mph 1855 APW19980814.1161 -1 143.342 mph 1855 NYT19991206.0139 -1 1999 1855 XIE20000226.0120 -1 two 1855 XIE19981118.0187 -1 three trips 1855 NYT19990706.0057 -1 150 pounds 1856 APW19990203.0391 1 Akron 1856 APW19980719.0005 -1 New York City 1856 APW19990203.0391 -1 Rubber City 1856 APW19980609.1115 -1 balloon 1856 APW19980827.0211 -1 Jakarta 1856 XIE19990827.0050 -1 Nairobi 1856 APW19990203.0391 3 Akron once known as the Rubber Capital of the World, 1856 XIE19960711.0153 -1 Xi ' an 1856 APW19990710.0054 -1 South 1856 NYT19990121.0076 -1 Hackensack 1856 APW19990710.0054 1 Akron 1856 NYT19981031.0085 -1 Kosovo 1856 APW19990203.0391 1 AKRON, Ohio 1856 XIE20000715.0048 -1 China 1856 APW19990203.0391 1 AKRON 1856 XIE20000512.0135 -1 China 1856 NYT20000829.0228 -1 Point Judith 1856 APW19990203.0391 -1 Rubber Capital 1856 NYT19990413.0056 -1 Ybor_City , east of Tampa , 1856 NYT19990413.0056 -1 the World 1856 XIE19990609.0230 -1 Malaysia 1856 XIE19961206.0219 -1 Indonesia 1856 XIE19970508.0229 -1 Malaysia 1857 NYT19990508.0207 -1 237 - acre 1857 NYT20000506.0204 -1 a half over 1857 NYT19990728.0426 -1 1,000 miles 1857 APW19991031.0099 -1 26 in 1857 APW19990407.0077 -1 5 length 1857 APW19990623.0242 -1 the 3 1857 APW20000427.0175 -1 three inches 1857 NYT19981107.0001 -1 1\-mile 1857 NYT19980624.0597 -1 Pimlico 1857 NYT19990528.0139 -1 fourth in 1857 NYT19981008.0015 -1 a one - turn mile 1857 NYT19980811.0107 -1 five furlongs 1857 APW19990910.0195 -1 $ 86 million 1857 APW19990526.0241 -1 2000 Breeders 1857 NYT20000829.0411 -1 13 racetracks 1857 APW19990501.0025 1 seven furlongs 1857 NYT20000429.0030 -1 $ 140 million 1857 APW19990316.0003 -1 two seconds 1857 APW19990429.0024 -1 1/4mile 1857 APW19990626.0124 -1 Saturday 1857 APW19990618.0059 -1 at Churchill_Downs 1857 APW19990613.0087 -1 third 1857 APW19991017.0123 -1 1 1/2-mile 1857 APW19990429.0024 -1 1 1/8 mile 1857 NYT20000211.0002 -1 four 1857 APW20000427.0175 -1 four 1857 NYT19990506.0466 -1 4 miles 1857 NYT19990506.0466 -1 2 furlongs 1857 APW19990401.0261 -1 two months 1857 NYT20000829.0411 -1 Arlington 1858 APW19990329.0117 3 Wilmington 1858 NYT19980602.0392 -1 Ciena 1858 APW19990311.0014 1 Wilmington, Delaware 1858 APW19980914.1231 -1 Norwich , England 1858 XIE19980407.0061 -1 US 1858 NYT19990312.0456 3 Wilmington 1858 NYT19990804.0402 -1 Pioneer 1858 NYT19991012.0275 -1 machinery 1858 NYT19991012.0275 -1 H. Dale Martin 1858 XIE19970205.0186 -1 United States 1858 NYT19980816.0163 -1 offshore fields 1858 NYT19990310.0442 -1 chemical 1858 NYT20000923.0157 -1 Stargatt & 1858 NYT19991012.0275 -1 performance benchmarks 1858 NYT19991012.0375 -1 problem 1858 NYT19981002.0304 1 Wilmington , Del. 1858 APW19990219.0041 -1 Zeneca 1858 APW20000218.0249 -1 CapSpan 1858 XIE19980401.0269 -1 China 1858 XIE19980407.0061 -1 China 1858 NYT20000228.0303 -1 Washington 1858 NYT19980918.0304 1 Wilmington , Del 1858 NYT20000312.0067 -1 Ask Schrader 1858 APW19981203.0860 -1 Chevron 1858 APW19981130.0837 -1 U.S. 1858 APW19990330.0036 3 Wilmington 1858 XIE19980407.0061 -1 south China 1858 NYT19980928.0468 -1 Round Rock 1858 NYT19990315.0435 -1 OPTIONAL MATERIAL FOLLOWS ) If the acquisition 1858 APW19990313.0154 3 Del 1858 APW19990809.0289 3 Del. 1858 XIE19971023.0120 -1 Paul Wong 1858 APW19990311.0014 3 WILMINGTON 1858 APW19990311.0014 -1 NEW YORK 1858 XIE19990907.0135 -1 China 1858 XIE19980407.0061 -1 BEIJING 1859 NYT20000507.0055 3 U.S. Naval Academy 1859 NYT19981116.0050 3 United States Naval Academy 1859 APW19990714.0133 -1 admirals 1859 NYT20000907.0090 3 United States Naval 1859 NYT20000907.0102 3 United States Naval Academy 1859 APW19990930.0268 1 Naval Academy 1859 APW20000418.0062 1 Naval Academy 1859 NYT20000507.0102 -1 There 1859 NYT19991116.0445 -1 force 1859 APW19990713.0263 -1 AP 1859 NYT19980813.0412 -1 Palmer 1859 APW19990714.0133 1 the Navy 1859 NYT20000907.0090 -1 small_town 1859 APW20000728.0151 -1 AP 1859 NYT20000507.0102 -1 U.S. Army 1859 NYT20000908.0025 3 United States Naval Academy 1859 APW19990714.0133 1 Navy 1859 NYT20000507.0055 -1 West Point 1859 NYT19980731.0142 -1 Tuskeegee Airmen of World War II 1859 NYT20000907.0238 1 U.S. Naval 1859 NYT19990903.0035 1 Naval Academy 1859 NYT19980723.0524 1 Naval 1859 NYT20000907.0090 1 Naval Academy 1859 APW19990927.0196 -1 1967 1859 NYT19980731.0248 -1 West Point 1859 NYT19990203.0036 -1 dogs 1859 APW20000418.0062 -1 AP 1859 XIE19970219.0097 -1 NIL 1859 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1859 NYT19981113.0203 -1 the troubled service branch after cheating incidents 1859 NYT19991124.0070 -1 1838 1859 NYT19990824.0159 1 U.S. Naval 1859 NYT20000907.0428 3 the United States Naval Academy 1859 NYT20000907.0238 -1 aviation 1859 NYT20000907.0238 1 U.S. NAVAL 1859 NYT19980731.0142 -1 Russia 1860 NYT19990717.0151 -1 Broadway musical `` Ragtime 1860 NYT19981213.0097 -1 a Hopi woman 1860 NYT19980820.0284 -1 For 1860 APW20000816.0079 -1 From hits like '' West Side Story '' and '' The Sound of Music '' to 1860 NYT19990128.0042 -1 opera 1860 NYT20000920.0382 -1 Porgy 1860 NYT19991011.0460 -1 Norway 1860 NYT19980611.0249 -1 Silk Stockings 1860 NYT19980924.0381 -1 Porgy 1860 NYT20000815.0128 -1 Give My Regards to Broadway 1860 NYT19980728.0177 -1 It Only Takes a Moment 1860 NYT19990311.0052 -1 West Side 1860 NYT19980728.0177 -1 Bosom Buddies 1860 NYT19990409.0180 -1 Just the Way You Are 1860 NYT20000703.0225 -1 Flower Drum Song 1860 NYT19981017.0245 -1 Cabaret 1860 APW19981003.0850 -1 Sondheim 1860 APW19981003.0850 -1 Broadway 1860 NYT19980609.0366 -1 blasts of music from a huge outdoor concert that Tommy is giving nearby 1860 APW19990817.0215 -1 My grandfather 1860 NYT20000315.0154 -1 he 1860 NYT20000315.0155 -1 he 1860 NYT19991109.0439 -1 50-minute Broadway 1860 NYT19981013.0087 -1 Blast 1860 NYT20000222.0408 -1 s aching romantic cry 1860 NYT19991130.0055 -1 Broadway musicals 1860 NYT20000703.0225 -1 musicals 1860 NYT20000223.0407 -1 Hammerstein 1860 NYT20000822.0336 -1 classic cinemat paean bad tast music 1860 NYT19990824.0370 -1 jame joyc stori extens incident irish 1861 XIE20000404.0010 2 Seattle 1861 XIE19970215.0032 2 Showing Seattle 1861 NYT19991106.0075 -1 Microsoft 1861 NYT20000622.0183 2 Seattle 1861 NYT19981207.0192 -1 Turlock , Calif 1861 XIE20000113.0309 -1 Creates New Role 1861 NYT19981130.0264 -1 Reno 1861 NYT20000823.0100 -1 Bloomsbury 1861 XIE20000404.0010 -1 U . S . 1861 NYT20000405.0405 2 Wash . 1861 NYT19981202.0461 -1 NEW YORK 1861 NYT20000820.0133 -1 Bloomsbury 1861 NYT19981203.0491 2 SEATTLE 1861 NYT19990510.0040 2 Seattle 1861 NYT19981109.0170 2 Seattle 1861 NYT20000913.0386 -1 West Coast 1861 NYT19990911.0076 2 Seattle 1861 NYT20000712.0184 -1 Africa 1861 NYT20000113.0342 1 Seattle 1861 NYT19980622.0502 1 Seattle 1861 NYT19981203.0491 -1 Microsoft 1861 NYT20000622.0183 -1 Lakeside School 1861 NYT20000608.0344 -1 Gates 1861 XIE19990206.0109 -1 Los Angeles 1861 NYT19980824.0005 2 Seattle 1861 NYT20000622.0183 -1 Ravenna 1861 NYT19980924.0511 -1 in Glens Falls 1861 NYT19981024.0043 -1 NIL 1861 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1861 APW19990206.0075 2 Seattle 1861 NYT20000224.0237 -1 Pam Houston 1861 APW19990525.0098 2 SEATTLE 1861 NYT20000113.0342 -1 Lakeside 1861 NYT19981122.0121 -1 Microsoft 1861 NYT19990716.0331 -1 America 1861 NYT19990110.0135 -1 October 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 Capita 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 Capita GDP Growth 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 Capita GDP Growth in Southeast 1862 XIE19960115.0194 -1 's gross domestic product 1862 XIE19990722.0138 -1 Chinese 1862 XIE20000305.0120 -1 growth rate 1862 XIE19970918.0232 -1 gross domestic product 1862 XIE20000922.0115 -1 Interview : SSB Forecasts 8.1 Percent Growth for China 's GDP 1862 XIE20000426.0225 -1 China Securities 1862 XIE19991229.0237 -1 U . S . 1862 XIE19960309.0141 -1 gross domestic product 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 per caput 1862 XIE19970918.0232 -1 Five- Year Plan 1862 XIE19990129.0132 -1 Xinhua 1862 XIE19980103.0106 -1 mid 1862 XIE19970418.0090 1 1,468.6 billion yuan 1862 NYT19990921.0161 -1 growth 1862 APW19990420.0085 1 $ 205 billion 1862 XIE19961003.0179 -1 Annual 1862 XIE20000426.0007 -1 1997 1862 XIE19980525.0150 -1 South China 1862 XIE20000426.0225 -1 1 1862 XIE19960328.0100 1 5,773. 3 billion yuan 1862 XIE19980127.0187 -1 capita GDP 1862 NYT20000706.0218 -1 CHINA 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 capita GDP 1862 APW19980627.0866 -1 Declaration 1862 XIE19980409.0026 -1 Rice 1862 NYT19981110.0219 -1 Economy 1862 APW20000113.0029 -1 now in the hands of the private sector 1862 XIE19991229.0237 1 8,319 billion yuan 1862 XIE19970808.0111 -1 CPC 1862 XIE19960606.0119 -1 China 1862 NYT19991028.0169 -1 deflator 1862 XIE19971016.0157 -1 s cities 1862 XIE20000418.0225 -1 s GDP 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 power parity 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 1980s 1862 XIE19970408.0126 -1 13 1862 XIE19971008.0281 -1 8 1862 NYT19981111.0080 -1 Taiwan 1863 NYT20000226.0129 -1 Powers 1863 NYT19981024.0233 -1 Johnson 1863 NYT19990413.0246 -1 Clinton 1863 NYT19990920.0160 1 John Paul Jones 1863 APW20000124.0290 -1 Al Gore 1863 XIE19991010.0087 -1 Vanessa Atler 1863 NYT19990316.0099 -1 Williams 1863 XIE19991228.0168 -1 Muhammad Ali 1863 NYT19990925.0144 3 Steven Erlanger FAMILIARITY STOPS THE PRESSES John Paul Jones 1863 APW19991025.0269 -1 Buchanan 1863 APW19991025.0254 -1 Pat 1863 APW19990922.0165 1 John Paul Jones 1863 APW20000905.0114 -1 Matthew Maguire 1863 NYT19980926.0218 -1 Oba Carr 1863 NYT19990920.0160 3 Jones 1863 APW19991028.0358 1 John Paul Jones 1863 NYT20000125.0301 -1 Gore 1863 NYT19980918.0515 -1 Jonathan Pelto 1863 APW19990518.0199 -1 Arum 1863 NYT20000809.0086 -1 Holyfield 1863 NYT19981228.0073 -1 Gore 1863 APW20000219.0157 -1 Governor Bush 1863 NYT19980901.0013 2 Jones 1863 NYT19991024.0047 -1 NIL 1863 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1863 NYT19990123.0274 -1 Mike Tyson 1863 NYT19990422.0537 -1 New Jersey 1863 NYT19991112.0008 -1 Mark Taffet 1863 NYT19990920.0160 -1 Samuel 1864 APW19990817.0002 1 Virginia Dare 1864 APW19980812.1271 -1 North Carolina 1864 NYT19981209.0346 1 Virginia Dare 1864 NYT19991023.0174 -1 Stefan Tatarenko 1864 APW19981016.0689 -1 name 1864 APW20000316.0025 -1 Amselle 1864 NYT19980731.0439 3 Virginia 1864 NYT20000120.0295 -1 soybean farmer 1864 NYT19981002.0384 -1 60-40 1864 APW19980812.1271 1 Virginia Dare 1864 NYT19990204.0168 -1 have been 1864 APW19980812.1271 -1 Ibrahim 1864 APW20000601.0177 1 Virginia Dare 1864 APW19990817.0002 -1 1227 1864 APW20000725.0122 -1 Island 1864 APW19981117.1463 -1 U.S. 1864 XIE19971004.0196 -1 The computerized message 1864 NYT19991023.0174 -1 NIL 1864 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1864 NYT19990610.0117 -1 Marcy Tannenbaum 1864 NYT19981021.0159 -1 Wired 1865 NYT19990108.0505 -1 TUCSON 1865 APW19990124.0083 -1 produce 1865 APW19980724.1281 -1 Central Valley 1865 APW20000924.0061 2 Bt cotton 1865 NYT19990101.0020 -1 Because the two states 1865 APW19980602.1272 -1 Rhu Tapai 1865 XIE19960614.0142 -1 Tanzania Food Security Bulletin 1865 NYT19990101.0020 -1 Arizona 1865 NYT19981002.0247 -1 Colorado , New Jersey and a handful of other states 1865 NYT20000813.0030 -1 ) &HT ; REAL 1865 XIE19960107.0167 -1 Xinhua 1865 APW19990706.0032 -1 cash crops 1865 NYT19980925.0213 -1 crops 1865 APW19990516.0068 1 cotton 1865 NYT19980608.0404 -1 California 1865 APW19990812.0157 -1 harvested 1865 NYT19990515.0051 -1 Coded 1865 NYT19990513.0249 -1 begin ital always end ital have been sweet 1865 APW20000924.0061 -1 crops 1865 XIE19960715.0032 2 cotton 1865 XIE19990108.0307 -1 production 1865 APW19990803.0023 -1 Corn 1865 NYT19991018.0007 -1 Arizona 1865 NYT20000223.0098 -1 Other crops 1865 NYT19980805.0330 -1 County 1865 NYT19990322.0159 -1 corn 1865 APW20000924.0061 -1 Fifty-nine percent 1865 NYT19990513.0249 -1 sweetness in onions as there 1865 NYT19990513.0249 -1 Arizona 1865 APW19990725.0136 -1 drug crops 1865 NYT19990101.0020 -1 so many of the same crops 1865 APW19990304.0046 -1 yield 1865 XIE19990427.0289 -1 yields 1865 NYT19990510.0043 -1 crops 1865 APW19990506.0138 -1 wheat 1865 APW20000630.0051 2 cotton 1865 NYT19981224.0098 -1 isn sever 1990 freez wipe ruin tree 1865 NYT19990101.0020 -1 1990 freez decim state citru sent 1865 NYT19980719.0011 -1 Louisiana 1866 NYT20000807.0223 -1 ability 1866 NYT20000807.0223 1 lens 1866 NYT19990909.0374 -1 Thursday 1866 APW20000301.0006 -1 brain 1866 NYT19980921.0526 -1 region 1866 APW19990818.0074 -1 Creek 1866 NYT20000811.0004 -1 Clinton 1866 NYT20000907.0097 -1 Washington Post 1866 APW19990818.0074 -1 Leigh Ann 1866 NYT19990715.0130 -1 New York State 1866 NYT20000801.0192 -1 Shanghai 1866 NYT19990203.0350 -1 size 1866 NYT19990521.0070 -1 back 1866 NYT19990503.0125 -1 REVIEW 1866 NYT19980601.0433 2 lens 1866 APW20000224.0089 -1 Tuesday 1866 NYT20000703.0261 2 lenses 1866 XIE20000410.0019 -1 the top 1866 NYT20000524.0265 -1 NIL 1866 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1866 NYT19980831.0209 -1 the nose and full lips (lips lose their connective tissue and thin out over time) 1866 NYT19991215.0458 -1 a diamond eye 1866 NYT19990123.0274 -1 the eyes 1866 XIE19991026.0239 -1 Shariff Nassir 1866 XIE19961102.0158 -1 President J.R. Jayewardene 1866 NYT19980803.0197 -1 Katya 1867 NYT19981006.0144 1 Florence 1867 APW19981008.1171 -1 Santa Maria 1867 XIE19990923.0087 -1 beautiful Piazza 1867 NYT19991018.0271 -1 Paris 1867 NYT19981008.0106 -1 the 1867 NYT20000703.0239 -1 Campanile 1867 XIE20000503.0262 -1 road connect 1867 NYT19991126.0051 -1 ATLANTA 1867 NYT19991018.0271 1 Florence 1867 NYT19981006.0144 -1 Africa 1867 NYT19981123.0361 -1 St. 1867 NYT19981123.0131 1 Florence 1867 NYT19981006.0144 -1 Santa Maria 1867 NYT19981123.0131 -1 Rome 1867 NYT19991018.0271 -1 Heilbron 1867 XIE19980106.0274 -1 patron_saint of Cuba 1867 XIE20000220.0196 -1 Fiore 1867 NYT19981123.0361 1 Florence 1867 APW20000922.0056 1 Florence 1867 APW19990902.0161 -1 Los Angeles 1867 XIE19980526.0406 -1 London 1867 NYT20000703.0139 -1 Maria Martini 1868 NYT19981030.0237 -1 Pennsylvania 1868 APW19990827.0152 -1 Pennsylvania 1868 APW19990729.0158 -1 Baltimore 1868 NYT19991225.0108 2 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1868 APW19990805.0268 -1 Susquehanna River 1868 NYT20000122.0118 -1 the 1868 APW19990805.0268 -1 Glendening 1868 XIE19980710.0141 -1 Dhaka 1868 APW19990704.0087 2 Harrisburg 1868 APW19990704.0087 -1 York Haven 1868 NYT19990703.0177 -1 Great Kills Harbor 1868 NYT19991217.0314 -1 Sunbury 1868 NYT19980903.0149 -1 Amsterdam 1868 NYT19991225.0108 -1 Pennsylvania 1868 NYT19980903.0149 -1 Chesapeake Bay 1868 APW20000320.0018 2 HARRISBURG 1868 NYT19980720.0119 -1 Washington 1868 NYT19991225.0108 -1 Hudson 1868 NYT20000311.0193 -1 Baltimore 1868 APW20000208.0007 -1 Albany 1868 APW20000625.0129 -1 Binghamton 1868 XIE20000611.0095 -1 NIL 1868 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1868 APW20000711.0060 -1 Baltimore 1868 APW19990704.0087 -1 Mary 1868 APW19990805.0266 -1 Baltimore 1868 APW20000625.0129 -1 WASHINGTON 1868 XIE19970523.0023 -1 Brazzaville 1868 NYT19991225.0108 -1 Hudson in New York; the Lower Mississippi in 1868 NYT19980626.0266 -1 Susquehanna River 1869 APW20000828.0106 -1 Esau 1869 NYT19981204.0466 -1 Moses 1869 NYT19990414.0143 -1 Genesis 28 1869 NYT19990502.0088 -1 Genesis 28 1869 NYT19991102.0017 -1 Michael Sherrell 1869 APW20000828.0106 -1 Jacob and Esau 1869 NYT19991117.0299 -1 Kansas 1869 NYT20000927.0169 -1 Martha 1869 NYT19981006.0100 -1 Elizabeth 1869 NYT19990414.0143 -1 phenomenal boom in 1869 APW19990423.0073 -1 John 1869 APW20000828.0106 -1 Oliva 1869 APW20000216.0266 -1 Esau 1869 APW19990113.0066 -1 Snead 1869 NYT19990626.0014 -1 New Hampshire 1869 NYT20000618.0042 -1 Isaac 1869 APW19991028.0084 -1 Esau 1869 NYT19990324.0284 -1 England 1869 NYT19991109.0402 -1 Mary 1869 NYT19990105.0186 -1 Anna 1869 APW19990423.0055 -1 Church 1869 APW19990423.0055 -1 John 1869 APW19991028.0084 -1 Oliva 1869 NYT19981230.0308 -1 Texas Ranger_Jesse_Mack 1869 NYT19990331.0260 -1 the Bible 1869 NYT19991117.0299 -1 father John 1869 XIE20000424.0064 -1 Joseph 1869 APW19990423.0055 -1 Jacob Youngblood 1869 APW19990423.0072 -1 Jacob Youngblood 1869 NYT19981230.0308 -1 Harris County 1869 APW20000828.0106 -1 Eve 1869 NYT19990414.0143 -1 Roman Catholic 1869 NYT19980731.0059 -1 Gail Sheehy 1870 XIE19980710.0066 -1 Ghana 1870 XIE19961016.0123 -1 Ghana 1870 XIE19960919.0092 -1 Ghana 1870 XIE19960206.0005 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19980116.0062 -1 Italy 1870 XIE19971127.0161 1 Republic of South Africa 1870 NYT19981029.0221 1 South Africa 1870 APW19980816.0155 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19991110.0128 -1 Britain 1870 APW19980819.0910 -1 mid-1980s 1870 XIE20000214.0043 3 South African Home Affairs Department 1870 XIE19960731.0068 1 South Africa 1870 APW20000921.0201 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19990702.0200 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19960220.0005 1 South Africa 1870 APW19980816.0155 -1 Congo 1870 NYT19980807.0346 1 South African 1870 XIE19960919.0248 -1 Ghana 1870 XIE19971230.0153 -1 Africa 1870 XIE19971023.0013 -1 Spain 1870 XIE19970211.0066 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19960304.0084 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19980116.0062 1 South African 1870 NYT19990616.0299 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19961202.0013 -1 Johannesburg 1870 XIE19970122.0031 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19980622.0091 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19960317.0086 -1 Zimbabwe 1870 XIE20000723.0006 2 South Africa 1870 NYT19981029.0347 1 South Africa 1870 NYT19980822.0181 -1 Uganda 1870 APW19980819.0816 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19990616.0100 1 South_Africa 1870 XIE19971127.0161 -1 Pretoria 1870 XIE19990614.0024 -1 United States 1870 XIE20000918.0009 1 South Africa 1870 XIE19971009.0209 -1 Cape Town 1870 XIE19961126.0010 1 South Africa 1870 NYT19981029.0347 -1 Pretoria 1870 XIE19971009.0209 1 South Africa 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 Earth 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 force of Earth 's gravity 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 driving it about 3 feet into Mars soil 1871 XIE19961208.0050 -1 four months 1871 NYT20000621.0306 -1 2 1871 NYT19981207.0054 -1 large 1871 NYT19990318.0354 -1 3 sample 1871 APW19990125.0090 -1 Earth 1871 NYT19990809.0124 -1 two less 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 5 billion years 1871 APW19990126.0096 1 one-third 1871 APW19990125.0090 1 one - third 1871 NYT19980726.0112 -1 six years 1871 APW19990324.0116 -1 0.0 Houston 6.875+ 0.75 6.875+ 0.75 Indianapolis 6.875+ 1.5 6.875+ 1.5 Las Vegas 6.375+ 3.5 7.00 +0.625 Los Angeles 6.625+ 2.0 6.75 +1.875 Miami 6.75 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 5 billion 1871 NYT19990927.0203 -1 Earth 1871 NYT19991122.0091 -1 NIL 1871 NYT19990301.0159 -1 18 1871 NYT19990923.0315 -1 $ 125 million 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 about 3 foot 1871 APW19981221.0023 -1 Sunday 1871 APW19990125.0090 -1 the one-sixth gravity 1871 APW19990801.0004 -1 life 1871 NYT19981210.0381 -1 life 1871 NYT19990318.0354 -1 Thursday 1871 APW19990801.0004 -1 4 billion years 1871 NYT19991122.0091 -1 3 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 40000 1871 XIE19970708.0034 -1 1.5 million 1871 NYT19981210.0562 -1 three feet 1871 NYT19991122.0091 -1 100 times 1872 APW20000725.0173 -1 died in Buenos Aires at age 33 1872 NYT19981115.0244 -1 Juan Peron was thrown out of power 1872 NYT19990204.0132 -1 of Labor headquarters 1872 NYT19990204.0133 2 cancer at age 33 1872 NYT20000605.0238 -1 Eva 1872 NYT19990203.0118 -1 Argentina 1872 NYT20000605.0238 -1 Buenos Aires 1872 NYT19990204.0132 -1 33 1872 NYT19980815.0060 -1 intruder 1872 NYT20000605.0238 -1 The Argentine and the U.S. governments 1872 NYT19990204.0133 -1 Argentina 1872 NYT19990204.0133 -1 General Confederation 1872 NYT20000605.0238 1 cervical cancer 1872 XIE19970706.0129 -1 1919-1952 1872 NYT20000605.0238 3 Eva died on July 26 , never knowing that she had cervical cancer , the same disease that had killed Juan Peron 's first wife . 1872 NYT19990203.0118 -1 1952 1872 NYT19990203.0118 -1 age 33 1872 NYT19990203.0118 -1 Confederation 1872 NYT19981115.0244 -1 1941 1872 APW19980614.0009 -1 cancer at the age of 33 . She 1872 NYT20000605.0238 -1 underwent a hysterectomy in November 1951 1872 NYT19990204.0132 -1 Domingo_Sarmiento 1872 NYT19990204.0132 -1 Eva_Peron 1872 NYT20000605.0238 -1 her knowledge 1872 APW19990726.0239 -1 former first lady Eva Peron today 1872 NYT19981115.0244 -1 verve 1872 NYT19981115.0244 -1 marble 1872 NYT19981115.0244 -1 Eva Peron, who with her husband, Juan, w 1873 NYT20000802.0396 -1 13 million people 1873 NYT20000718.0215 1 Eureka 1873 NYT19990515.0239 -1 Golden State 1873 NYT20000229.0248 -1 Kryla & 1873 NYT20000925.0091 -1 Northern California 1873 NYT20000601.0145 -1 New Testament 1873 NYT19990223.0184 -1 the predicted wine glut 1873 NYT19980603.0163 -1 a gold oak tree 1873 NYT20000808.0332 -1 Sacramento 1873 NYT20000808.0332 -1 tourism 1873 NYT20000902.0019 -1 three-day trip to 1873 NYT20000902.0019 -1 LR 1873 NYT19980617.0086 -1 group 1873 NYT19980617.0086 -1 largest single voting block 1873 NYT20000718.0135 1 Eureka 1873 APW19990930.0310 -1 Looking 1873 NYT20000831.0123 -1 Sebastiani 1873 NYT20000702.0073 -1 Latin 1873 NYT19981201.0452 -1 English 1873 NYT19981204.0006 -1 found 1873 NYT20000718.0215 1 'Eureka!' 1873 NYT20000302.0016 -1 three - day 1873 NYT19980717.0030 -1 Vic Motto 1873 NYT19981207.0531 -1 Quentin 1873 NYT20000808.0332 -1 California 1873 NYT19990112.0154 1 Eureka 1873 NYT20000429.0054 -1 Ohio 1873 APW20000724.0126 -1 the motto 1873 NYT20000718.0135 -1 one-word mottoes 1873 NYT19981207.0531 -1 Kill to get in, die to get out 1873 NYT20000120.0372 -1 gold 1873 APW20000627.0097 -1 aclu 1873 NYT20000501.0073 -1 ohio histori trouble. 1866 legislatur 1873 APW20000627.0097 -1 david nelson said found ohio troubl 1873 NYT19990112.0154 -1 Chicago 1873 APW20000627.0097 -1 State 1874 NYT20000728.0360 1 1862 1874 NYT20000728.0360 2 April 6-7, 1862 1874 APW19990406.0062 1 1862 1874 APW19990405.0016 1 1862 1874 APW20000512.0124 -1 1600 1874 NYT19991208.0206 -1 1865 1874 NYT19980903.0062 2 1862 1874 NYT19990806.0349 -1 53 years 1874 NYT19990422.0271 2 1862 1874 APW19990406.0062 -1 Tennessee 1874 NYT19991019.0257 2 1862 1874 NYT20000921.0013 -1 this week 1874 XIE19980406.0193 -1 April 6 1874 NYT19990819.0235 -1 1997 1874 NYT19990819.0235 -1 the summer crush 1874 NYT19981024.0255 -1 1989 1874 APW19990405.0016 1 In 1862 1874 APW19991021.0192 -1 1997 1874 NYT19990819.0235 -1 March 1997 1875 XIE19980419.0120 -1 Hennepin County 1875 XIE19971122.0043 -1 Minnesota 1875 APW19990618.0219 -1 Public Library 1875 XIE19960215.0058 -1 St. 1875 APW19990611.0058 -1 the 1875 NYT20000908.0042 -1 Drive 1875 APW20000427.0138 -1 Daviess County 1875 APW19990515.0069 -1 Minn. 1875 APW19990418.0056 -1 South St. Paul 1875 NYT20000908.0042 -1 Minn. 1875 APW19990309.0191 -1 Iowa 1875 NYT19991027.0053 -1 Minn. 1875 APW19990603.0282 2 Ramsey County 1875 NYT19981116.0243 -1 Minneapolis-St 1875 APW19991018.0024 -1 Ventura 1875 NYT20000127.0183 -1 10 1875 APW19990122.0271 -1 North Dakota 1875 APW19990813.0082 2 Ramsey County 1875 NYT19990724.0194 -1 Tour de Sprawl 1875 NYT20000715.0166 -1 Ventura 1875 APW20000905.0175 -1 Lackawanna County 1875 APW19990611.0058 -1 Minn. 1875 APW19990122.0271 -1 North Dakota 1875 APW19990804.0294 -1 Minn. ( AP ) 1875 NYT20000908.0042 -1 Minnesota 1875 APW20000105.0242 -1 Dakota County 1875 APW19990418.0056 -1 Washington 1875 NYT19980916.0379 -1 Minneapolis 1875 NYT20000703.0411 -1 street of mansions 1875 APW20000320.0208 -1 Ventura 1875 XIE19960520.0140 -1 Henan 1875 NYT19990531.0109 -1 Minn . 1876 NYT19990816.0256 1 93 million miles 1876 NYT19980929.0337 3 93 million miles from Earth 1876 NYT20000223.0089 3 sun is 93 million miles from Earth 1876 XIE19980504.0028 -1 Sunday , ending two weeks 1876 XIE19990810.0008 -1 1 AU 1876 XIE19990225.0278 -1 50 meters 1876 XIE19990731.0167 -1 system 1876 APW19980929.1244 -1 27 1876 APW19980929.1244 -1 20 kilometers 1876 NYT19991220.0034 1 91.4 million miles 1876 XIE19980926.0162 -1 distance 1876 NYT19980702.0379 -1 Tholen 1876 APW20000210.0295 1 93 million miles 1876 NYT20000103.0229 1 91,400,005 miles 1876 APW19980909.1173 -1 1,600 times 1876 NYT20000208.0102 1 93 million-mile 1876 XIE19990225.0278 -1 meters 1876 XIE19971008.0082 1 165 million kilometers 1876 NYT19990412.0230 -1 18 billion miles 1876 NYT19990531.0164 -1 six month 1876 NYT19990831.0218 1 93 million miles 1876 NYT20000118.0193 1 93 million miles 1876 NYT20000208.0102 1 93 million - mile 1876 NYT19980929.0243 -1 12 miles 1876 APW19990415.0028 -1 4 years 1876 NYT19990118.0139 -1 the night 1876 APW19990709.0159 -1 mph 1876 NYT19980929.0337 1 93 million miles 1876 NYT19990301.0215 1 93 million miles 1876 NYT20000208.0102 1 93 million mile 1876 NYT19980929.0243 -1 300 miles 1877 NYT19990128.0319 -1 Swan Lake , the Dirty Bird 1877 NYT19991211.0070 -1 cows 1877 XIE19990426.0274 -1 Baby Trend 1877 NYT20000113.0028 -1 TRUMPETER SWAN 1877 NYT19981008.0221 -1 Part cartoon , part spoof of the British royal family and part lyric poem , this rechoreographed `` Swan Lake '' 1877 NYT19981027.0385 -1 The 1877 XIE19970819.0120 -1 Great Wall 1877 XIE19960816.0123 -1 China 1877 NYT20000223.0058 -1 Radio 1877 XIE20000112.0080 -1 black swans 1877 NYT19980825.0134 2 cygnet 1877 NYT19980602.0152 -1 trumpeter 1877 NYT20000223.0058 -1 anti-Castro 1877 APW19980601.0411 -1 Sunday 1877 NYT19990201.0242 -1 21s t 1877 XIE19960816.0123 -1 swan in the world, three of them live in China, which all can be seen 1877 NYT19981027.0385 -1 Bourne 1877 XIE20000112.0080 -1 Province 1877 XIE20000112.0080 -1 1. A couple of black swans 1877 XIE19960816.0123 -1 There 1877 NYT19981027.0385 -1 This 1877 APW20000218.0032 -1 Swan 1877 NYT20000112.0197 -1 swans 1877 APW19990810.0034 -1 zidovudine 1877 XIE19990426.0274 -1 Yang 1877 NYT20000112.0197 -1 societi help reader distinguish 1877 NYT20000112.0197 -1 Trumpeter 1877 NYT20000112.0197 -1 Stuart Little 1877 NYT19980710.0069 -1 The 1877 APW20000522.0083 -1 Center 1878 NYT19990324.0222 1 1877 1878 NYT19990505.0402 -1 more than 100 years 1878 NYT19990428.0058 1 1877 1878 NYT20000102.0046 1 1877 1878 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1888 1878 NYT19991025.0179 1 1877 1878 NYT20000309.0272 1 1878 1878 NYT19990324.0222 -1 1863 1878 NYT19991230.0177 -1 1999 1878 NYT19990504.0273 -1 1999 1878 XIE19970718.0049 1 1877 1878 NYT19991027.0211 1 1877 1878 NYT20000817.0254 -1 1900 1878 XIE19970718.0049 -1 the 120th anniversary 1878 NYT19980903.0176 -1 1910 1878 NYT19980818.0474 -1 his summer home 1878 NYT20000309.0272 -1 1906 1878 NYT19990324.0222 1 in 1877 1878 NYT19990504.0273 -1 more than 100 years 1879 APW20000602.0025 -1 refocused his attention on music 1879 NYT19990717.0246 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 1879 NYT20000601.0393 -1 There 1879 NYT20000403.0577 -1 Puente 1879 APW20000601.0151 -1 NewYork 1879 NYT20000601.0380 -1 New York Times 1879 NYT20000427.0332 -1 San 1879 APW19980630.0662 -1 pianists 1879 NYT20000601.0347 1 El Rey 1879 APW20000602.0025 -1 Harlem Hospital 1879 APW20000601.0085 -1 New York City 1879 NYT20000601.0347 -1 Tito Puente , Jr. 1879 APW20000224.0004 -1 Tito 1879 APW20000601.0151 -1 Tito 1879 NYT19980728.0264 -1 Tito Puente 1879 XIE19960430.0219 -1 29 1879 NYT20000601.0393 -1 NEW YORK 1879 APW20000224.0004 -1 his son 1879 NYT20000403.0577 1 El Rey 1879 NYT20000601.0347 -1 rhythm , , Ernest_Anthony_Puente was 1879 APW20000224.0004 -1 Black_Sabbath 1879 NYT19981017.0141 -1 New Mexico 1879 NYT20000502.0076 -1 Rio 1879 NYT19990717.0183 -1 Camelot 1879 APW20000224.0004 -1 a nickname 1879 NYT20000601.0393 -1 Tito 1879 NYT20000601.0366 -1 raise money for Tito Puente Scholarship 1879 NYT20000602.0118 -1 Puente's supple music meant it was best 1880 APW19990915.0002 1 1638 1880 NYT20000202.0265 -1 Feb. 12 1880 APW20000123.0148 -1 fourth quarter 1880 APW19990915.0002 -1 1810 1880 APW19990915.0002 -1 1893 1880 NYT19981104.0521 -1 January 1969 1880 NYT20000119.0184 -1 1715 1880 APW19980910.1342 1 1638 1880 APW19981124.0837 -1 17 th century 1880 XIE19980219.0423 -1 the first time 1880 NYT19990421.0205 -1 1998 1880 APW19980910.1342 3 (1638-1715) 1880 APW19990915.0002 1 In 1638 1880 APW19990915.0002 -1 Aug. 4 1880 NYT20000119.0184 -1 from 1643 to 1715 1880 NYT20000705.0268 -1 1685 1881 NYT19990201.0143 -1 mounding Mexican zinnias 1881 NYT19980711.0082 -1 Amorphophallus 1881 NYT20000712.0166 -1 Common 1881 NYT20000728.0453 -1 bushes 1881 XIE19990519.0204 -1 Malaysia 1881 NYT19990407.0214 -1 the 1881 NYT20000612.0735 -1 their seeds 1881 NYT20000712.0166 -1 America 1881 NYT20000813.0042 -1 scientific 1881 NYT19990831.0221 -1 Zephyranthes 1881 APW19980608.1099 -1 annuals 1881 NYT19980605.0287 -1 butterfly bush 1881 NYT20000712.0166 1 Z. elegans 1881 APW19981121.0554 -1 Iran 1881 NYT20000612.0525 -1 oregano 1881 NYT19990205.0219 -1 flowers 1881 NYT20000712.0166 -1 flowers 1881 NYT19980612.0203 1 Zinnia angustifolia 1881 NYT20000712.0166 -1 flower 1881 NYT19990617.0139 -1 seeds 1881 NYT19990318.0306 -1 three months 1881 NYT20000913.0146 -1 the common ragweed plant (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), which it calls the most important cause 1881 NYT20000813.0042 -1 Dutchman 1881 NYT19980605.0287 -1 Momma 1881 NYT19990201.0143 -1 periwinkle 1881 NYT19990831.0221 -1 Houseplants Peace_lily Scientific name 1881 NYT19990831.0221 -1 ( perennial ) Scientific 1881 NYT20000717.0350 -1 leafhopper 1881 NYT19980612.0332 -1 verbena 1881 NYT19990708.0173 -1 gardening 1881 NYT19990708.0173 -1 Zinnia Man 1881 NYT19990602.0151 -1 Pomerantz 1882 APW19980717.0488 -1 British 1882 NYT19991018.0240 1 Scottish 1882 NYT19990429.0207 -1 68-year-old 1882 NYT19990505.0287 1 Scottish 1882 APW20000705.0041 -1 Birth Name 1882 NYT19990505.0378 -1 British 1882 APW19990824.0023 -1 Today 's Birthdays : Former U.S. arms control director Eugene V. Rostow 1882 NYT19990122.0163 -1 Gena Rowlands 1882 APW19990118.0218 -1 James Bond 1882 NYT19980814.0111 -1 Phoenix,Ariz . 1882 NYT19990826.0193 -1 a delayed snit over a relationship 1882 APW19990111.0125 -1 Britain 1882 NYT19990505.0287 -1 Spain 1882 NYT19990505.0287 -1 Mediterranean 1882 APW19980819.1154 1 Scottish 1882 NYT19980811.0212 -1 Ralph Fiennes 1882 APW19990116.0017 -1 Heart 1882 NYT19990430.0105 -1 Catherine Zeta-Jones 1882 NYT19990414.0106 1 Scot 1882 APW19990111.0052 -1 British 1882 NYT19980626.0183 -1 British 1882 NYT19990121.0210 -1 American 1882 NYT19991112.0282 -1 English 1882 APW19981018.0314 -1 Hollywood 1882 NYT20000206.0152 -1 Bryant Park 1882 APW19990111.0052 1 Scottish 1882 NYT20000612.0236 -1 English 1882 APW19981018.0314 -1 Malaysia 1882 APW20000705.0041 -1 full Scottish regalia 1882 APW19990118.0131 -1 that 1882 APW19990118.0218 -1 that 1882 NYT19990429.0297 -1 Sean_Connery 1882 NYT19990316.0249 -1 only actor 1882 NYT19990914.0185 -1 other recipients 1882 APW19990414.0196 -1 star of the day 1882 APW19990111.0125 -1 Russia 1882 APW20000705.0041 1 Scottish 1883 XIE19970916.0103 -1 substances 1883 XIE20000916.0077 -1 20 million square kilometers 1883 XIE19990708.0229 -1 60 1883 XIE19980611.0102 -1 600 tons 1883 XIE19990708.0229 -1 87,000 tons 1883 XIE19991125.0125 -1 50,000 tons 1883 XIE20000924.0226 -1 in 1883 XIE19970916.0115 -1 Third International Ozone Layer Protection Day 1883 XIE20000916.0063 -1 International Day 1883 APW19980622.0496 -1 20 years 1883 XIE19980623.0356 2 20 percent 1883 XIE19960108.0164 1 20 percent 1883 APW19991006.0383 -1 9.8 1883 XIE19981105.0189 -1 Montreal Protocol 1883 XIE19960108.0164 -1 20 1883 XIE19970916.0115 -1 20,000 1883 APW20000122.0238 1 50 percent 1883 XIE19970916.0115 -1 the past 10 years 1883 XIE19961012.0018 -1 ozone layer is being 1883 XIE20000916.0063 1 30 percent 1883 XIE19990708.0229 -1 on Substances 1883 XIE19990708.0229 -1 Substances 1883 XIE19981001.0049 -1 10 to 50 kilometers high 1883 XIE19980227.0017 -1 2000 1883 NYT19990531.0122 -1 20 year 1883 XIE20000916.0063 -1 30 1883 XIE19970607.0021 -1 the Vienna Convention 1883 XIE19990916.0096 -1 2050 1883 XIE20000916.0063 1 up to 30 percent 1883 XIE19990824.0305 -1 20 1883 XIE19990708.0229 -1 20 1883 XIE19970916.0103 -1 50 years 1883 XIE19970916.0115 -1 20 years 1883 XIE19980605.0205 -1 270 million US dollars 1883 XIE19970916.0103 -1 50 1883 XIE19970916.0115 -1 150 million US dollars 1884 NYT19990715.0543 3 map the moon and pick landing sites 1884 NYT19990715.0521 -1 Aldrin 1884 NYT19990827.0030 -1 Butler 1884 APW19990722.0127 -1 Thomas Kinkade 1884 XIE19990721.0075 1 moon 1884 NYT19990717.0120 -1 Tranquility _ 1884 APW19990722.0087 -1 Thursday 1884 NYT19990716.0317 -1 Columbia 1884 XIE19960827.0155 -1 Iran 1884 NYT19990717.0120 -1 Houston 1884 APW19990722.0127 -1 Martha 's Vineyard 1884 NYT20000510.0013 1 moon 1884 APW19990702.0222 1 moon 1884 NYT19980601.0261 -1 God 1884 NYT19990720.0391 -1 Sea of Tranquillity 1884 NYT19990717.0120 1 Moon 1884 NYT19990717.0122 -1 Sea of Tranquillity 1884 NYT19990717.0122 1 Moon 1884 NYT19990717.0120 1 moon 1884 APW19990702.0222 -1 Apollo 1884 NYT20000424.0221 -1 Montecito 1884 APW19980708.0547 -1 China 1884 APW19990710.0102 -1 Earth 1884 APW19990723.0243 -1 the seas 1884 APW20000708.0153 -1 Sea Reel 1884 APW19990723.0243 -1 Cape_Cod vacationers and residents came no closer to the ceremony that returned the ashes of John_F._Kennedy Jr . , his wife , Carolyn_Bessette_Kennedy , and her sister , Lauren_Bessette , to the seas 1884 APW19990721.0167 -1 a flat area 1884 NYT19990717.0120 -1 Eagle 1884 NYT19990715.0521 -1 Eagle 1884 APW19990703.0015 -1 INGLEWOOD 1884 APW19990417.0071 -1 Anita Park 1885 XIE19980305.0323 -1 Spanish - speaking island 1885 NYT19990203.0084 -1 language 1885 XIE19961027.0011 -1 French Polynesia 1885 XIE19980707.0026 2 French 1885 APW19980609.0729 -1 English 1885 XIE19961027.0011 1 French 1885 APW19980706.0469 -1 vote 1885 XIE19961027.0011 -1 Educated 1885 XIE19981108.0031 -1 Liberation Nationale Kanak Socialiste 1885 NYT20000521.0197 -1 Johnson County 1885 NYT19990923.0201 -1 English 1885 XIE19961009.0096 2 Kanak 1885 APW19980706.0702 -1 peace 1885 NYT20000721.0098 2 French 1885 APW19981006.1322 2 French 1885 APW19980609.0729 2 French 1885 APW19981106.1065 -1 Referendum 1885 NYT19991129.0296 -1 residents of England 1885 XIE19961027.0011 -1 Paici 1885 NYT20000721.0098 -1 English 1885 XIE19960905.0006 2 French 1885 XIE19961024.0020 2 French 1885 XIE19980422.0206 2 French 1885 XIE19961027.0011 -1 the 28 tongues 1885 XIE19961027.0011 -1 the French_Polynesia 1885 APW19981107.0848 -1 New_Caledonia 1885 APW19981207.1776 -1 Japanese 1885 NYT20000427.0101 2 French 1885 XIE19961027.0011 1 the Paici language 1885 XIE19961027.0011 -1 English 1885 APW19980819.0492 2 French 1885 APW19981108.0613 2 French 1885 NYT19980601.0296 -1 English 1886 APW20000306.0174 -1 insulting the country 's flag 1886 APW19990710.0172 -1 American flag 1886 NYT20000902.0050 1 bright yellow and blue 1886 XIE19990403.0204 -1 flowers 1886 APW19980610.1349 -1 Brazilian flag 1886 APW19980610.1349 3 yellow 1886 APW20000306.0174 -1 TV actress Angela Bismarck 1886 NYT19990902.0196 -1 and brown 1886 XIE20000325.0180 -1 World Cup Qualifier RIO DE JANEIRO 1886 NYT19990902.0196 -1 black and white and yellow and brown _ but we 1886 APW20000306.0174 -1 Bismarck 1886 APW19980610.1733 1 green and yellow 1886 APW19990704.0141 -1 COMPLAINTS 1886 APW19980707.1172 -1 Dennis Bergkamp 1886 NYT20000902.0050 3 blue 1886 APW19980707.1172 -1 orange 1886 APW19980610.1349 1 green and yellow 1886 NYT19990721.0103 -1 black 1886 NYT19990428.0111 -1 skimpiness 1886 NYT20000902.0049 -1 green 1886 NYT20000719.0366 -1 2000-07-19 1886 APW19980610.1349 -1 _ Brazil 1886 APW19980610.1349 -1 kickoff , Rio_'s 1886 NYT19991127.0085 -1 1/4 1886 NYT19991127.0085 -1 1/4 -- National 1886 APW19980712.0992 -1 blue 1886 NYT19980619.0464 -1 NEW YORK 1887 NYT19980812.0036 -1 downtown Seattle skyline 1887 NYT20000627.0203 -1 building Pac Bell Park 1887 NYT20000707.0162 -1 Riley 1887 NYT20000711.0006 -1 Major League 1887 NYT19990714.0064 -1 Fenway Park 1887 APW19981013.0461 -1 TOKYO ( AP ) 1887 NYT19990723.0077 -1 Tiger Stadium 1887 XIE19970108.0213 -1 the city 1887 NYT20000412.0292 -1 SanFrancisco 1887 NYT19990828.0161 -1 San Francisco 1887 NYT20000627.0203 -1 San Francisco Giants 1887 NYT20000117.0336 -1 parks 1887 NYT19990331.0331 -1 parks 1887 NYT19990213.0022 -1 Fenway 1887 APW19990827.0143 -1 Clemente 1887 NYT19990930.0037 -1 Candlestick 1887 NYT19990723.0077 -1 Fenway Park 1887 APW20000822.0160 -1 field 1887 NYT19990925.0160 -1 Detroit 1887 NYT19990429.0023 -1 1947 1887 NYT19990714.0022 -1 Fenway Park 1887 NYT19990723.0077 -1 Briggs Stadium 1887 NYT19990102.0152 -1 Stadium 1887 APW19990712.0116 -1 Fenway Park 1887 APW19991010.0167 -1 Patterson 1887 NYT19990723.0077 -1 Philadelphia 1887 NYT20000411.0389 -1 Candlestick_Park 1887 NYT20000411.0388 -1 baseball 1887 NYT19981007.0260 -1 Wednesday's Fenway Park 1887 APW19990827.0140 -1 Clemente 1887 NYT20000817.0380 -1 Willie McCovey 1887 NYT19990710.0060 -1 Briggs Stadium 1887 NYT19990723.0077 -1 stadium 1887 XIE19990913.0142 -1 Feng 1887 NYT20000626.0420 -1 african travers atlant look make 1887 XIE19981216.0124 -1 Chan 1887 NYT19990525.0039 -1 The 1887 NYT19990723.0077 -1 Park 1888 NYT20000219.0122 1 1879 1888 NYT19990910.0253 -1 the next year 1888 NYT19991112.0109 -1 last about 1888 NYT19981125.0235 -1 1977 1888 NYT19990628.0181 -1 Thomas Edison 1888 NYT19990910.0073 -1 November 1888 APW19980801.0780 -1 1932 1888 APW20000204.0016 -1 November 1888 APW19981223.1270 1 1879 1888 NYT20000619.0430 -1 century ago 1888 NYT19981125.0235 -1 1966 1888 APW19990426.0135 -1 those moments 1888 NYT19980901.0005 -1 18 1888 NYT19991112.0109 -1 September 1998 1888 APW19981223.1270 1 in 1879 1888 NYT20000219.0122 1 in 1879 1888 NYT19991112.0109 -1 1997 1888 NYT19990407.0193 -1 last year 1888 NYT19981118.0211 -1 1800 1889 XIE20000713.0158 2 4,500 - year 1889 XIE19970221.0053 -1 86 1889 APW19980727.0850 -1 2 1889 NYT19990714.0401 -1 800-year-old 1889 XIE19960929.0023 -1 Archaeologists 1889 XIE19980319.0121 -1 61.5 meter 1889 XIE19990604.0035 -1 a year 1889 APW19980605.1307 -1 five years 1889 XIE19960929.0023 -1 Egypt 1889 XIE20000713.0158 2 4,500-year-old 1889 XIE19960805.0242 -1 703.5 1889 XIE19960727.0289 -1 19.153 1889 XIE19960929.0023 1 4,500 years ago 1889 NYT19981102.0167 -1 12- 1889 XIE20000611.0050 -1 10 10 Offside 1889 XIE19960929.0023 -1 2613-2494 B.C. 1889 APW20000101.0063 -1 centuries-old 1889 NYT20000621.0360 -1 2001 1889 APW19980824.1186 -1 35 1889 NYT20000818.0420 -1 4 - year - old 1889 NYT19990325.0368 -1 2 1889 NYT20000809.0065 -1 $ 1 1889 APW19980812.0869 -1 half staff 1889 NYT19980901.0031 -1 matched 1889 APW19980727.0850 1 4,500 1889 NYT20000130.0145 -1 7-year 1889 XIE19990624.0039 -1 three 1889 APW19981113.0246 -1 30 1889 NYT20000810.0097 -1 31 1889 XIE19960929.0023 -1 28 1889 NYT19980616.0043 -1 season 1890 NYT19990125.0117 1 Longfellow 1890 NYT20000418.0074 -1 Paul Revere 1890 NYT20000418.0074 1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1890 NYT20000418.0074 1 Longfellow 1890 NYT19980929.0424 -1 McGrath 1890 NYT20000418.0074 -1 Parker House 1890 APW20000620.0054 -1 Larry M. Golub 1890 NYT20000802.0059 -1 Explaining Hitler 1890 NYT20000802.0059 -1 Taylor 1890 NYT20000418.0114 1 Longfellow 1890 NYT19981009.0231 -1 PETER DE JAGER 1890 NYT20000418.0074 -1 Omni Parker 1890 NYT20000627.0179 -1 Flynn 1890 NYT20000418.0114 1 poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1890 XIE19960215.0008 -1 NIL 1890 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1890 APW20000403.0022 1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1890 NYT20000418.0114 3 Henry Wadsworth 1890 NYT19990108.0213 -1 Paul Kingsbury 1890 APW20000808.0035 -1 Poem 1891 NYT20000913.0230 1 Jack Johnson 1891 NYT20000913.0230 3 boxer Jack Johnson 1891 NYT19980620.0037 2 boxer Jack Johnson 1891 NYT19990205.0087 1 Jack Johnson 1891 NYT20000113.0160 1 Jack Johnson 1891 NYT19980620.0037 2 Jack Johnson 1891 NYT19980620.0037 -1 Louis 1891 NYT19990306.0148 -1 Lennox Lewis 1891 XIE19980408.0048 -1 Tony Tucker 1891 NYT19980620.0037 -1 Max 1891 NYT19990131.0057 3 Johnson 1891 APW20000103.0093 3 Johnson 1891 NYT20000124.0121 -1 Muhammad Ali 1891 NYT19990131.0057 1 Jack Johnson 1891 XIE19990209.0034 2 Johnson 1891 NYT19980618.0169 2 Johnson 1891 NYT19990513.0283 -1 Blair 1891 APW19990529.0110 3 first Jack Johnson 1891 NYT19981003.0216 2 Jack Johnson 1891 APW19990415.0333 -1 an undisputed light_heavyweight champion 1891 XIE19990607.0021 -1 Jones 1891 NYT19991226.0136 -1 Charles 1891 APW19990415.0334 -1 Reggie Johnson 1891 XIE19990607.0021 2 Johnson 1892 NYT19980909.0262 -1 nutmeg , cinnamon , flour and salt 1892 NYT19980804.0152 -1 Stephen Raichlen 's `` Miami Spice 1892 NYT20000215.0264 -1 South 1892 NYT19981124.0211 -1 Vanilla 1892 NYT19980909.0250 1 Sri Lanka 1892 XIE19960925.0188 1 Sri Lanka 1892 NYT19981028.0159 -1 Ingredients 1892 APW19980930.1283 1 Sri Lanka 1892 NYT19991006.0291 -1 Caribbean 1892 NYT19980909.0250 -1 India 1892 NYT20000426.0317 -1 Woodstock 1892 NYT19981226.0011 -1 us 1892 NYT20000719.0222 -1 Atlanta 1892 NYT19980909.0250 -1 bark 1892 NYT19981226.0011 -1 Manu 1892 NYT20000815.0361 -1 I 1892 NYT20000412.0131 -1 OR 1892 XIE19960925.0188 3 Sri 1892 NYT19981228.0049 -1 Manu 1892 NYT19980622.0323 -1 Beach Smells 1892 NYT20000811.0354 -1 NIL 1892 NYT20000411.0240 -1 NIL 1892 NYT19990504.0222 -1 Ridge 1893 NYT20000313.0434 -1 Vienna is a hospitable place to visit 1893 XIE19990330.0004 -1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1893 NYT19990612.0230 -1 Bosnia 1893 NYT19980820.0343 -1 Austria 1893 NYT19980820.0343 -1 Saint Francois 1893 APW19980905.0805 -1 Lamprechtsofenhohle 1893 NYT20000307.0418 -1 Andras Schiff 1893 NYT19980820.0345 -1 NewYork 1893 APW19980905.0979 -1 foreign ministers 1893 NYT19980820.0345 -1 Karen Finley 1893 NYT19980818.0293 -1 Arlington 1893 NYT19990817.0242 -1 Mortier 1893 NYT20000817.0061 -1 Kaija Saariaho 1893 NYT20000822.0298 -1 Alberto Vilar 1893 NYT19990802.0238 -1 Mozart 1893 XIE19990701.0602 -1 Refugees Sadako Ogata 1893 XIE19970712.0150 -1 Austria 1893 APW20000328.0229 -1 Zell 1893 NYT20000223.0464 -1 Mozart 1893 APW20000328.0229 -1 Austria 1893 NYT19991120.0037 -1 Salzburg 1893 NYT19990222.0194 -1 Hitler 1893 NYT19980820.0343 -1 Peter Sellars 1893 APW20000328.0229 -1 Seven helicopters 1893 NYT19990817.0242 -1 Gerard_Mortier 1893 XIE19970712.0150 -1 Salzburg 1893 NYT19980820.0343 -1 Mortier 1893 NYT19991207.0335 -1 Jorge Madrazo 1893 NYT19980820.0343 -1 festival 1893 NYT19980820.0343 -1 Joseph F. Troy