TREC 2011 Chemical IR Track

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The following data are available for research use provided the creators are acknowledged. Please cite: Mihai Lupu, Harsha Gurulingappa, Igor Filippov, Zhao Jiashu, Juliane Fluck, Marc Zimmermann, Jimmy Huang, and John Tait. Overview of the TREC 2011 Chemical IR Track. Proceedings of TREC 2011. NIST Special Publication SP 500-296. 2012.


The TREC 2011 Chemical IR track used the same document set as the TREC 2010 track. See here for a description of that document set.


PATopics2011.tar.gz (md5) contains the 1000 topics of the Prior Art Task. Here is a list of the files within the archive. All the topics are patent application documents that are already in the collection . (md5) contains 6 technology survey topics.

I2STopics2011.tar.gz (md5) contains 1000 Image-to-Structure topics. These are TIF images, for which the participants have to identify and return the chemical structure as a SDfile.

I2STraining2011.tar.gz (md5) contains 1000 image-strcture pairs which the pa rticipants can use for training their systems. The structure files are given here as MOL files.

Last updated: Thursday, 30-Aug-2018 15:38:27 EDT
Date created: August 30, 2018