Celebrating 25 Years of TREC

November 15, 2016
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland USA

NIST Home Page


9:00 a.m., Green Auditorium
    Kent Rochford
    Associate Director for Laboratory Programs


9:45 a.m., Green Auditorium
Keynote Talk
    Sue Dumais
    Distinguished Scientist & Deputy Managing Director
    Microsoft Research Lab, Redmond

11:15 a.m., Green Auditorium
"Looking Back" Panel, Panelists:
      Donna Harman, NIST
      Chris Buckley, Sabir Research
      Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University
      Stephen Robertson, Professor Emeritus City Universtiy London

1:50 p.m., Green Auditorium
    1:50 p.m.   The TREC Web Track, David Hawking, Microsoft Canberra
    2:15 p.m.   The TREC Question Answering Track and IBM Watson, John Prager, IBM
    2:40 p.m.   The TREC Bio/Medical Tracks, William Hersh, Oregon Health & Science University
    3:05 p.m.   The TREC Legal Track, Jason R.Baron, Drinker Biddle

4:00 p.m., Green Auditorium
"Moving Forward" Panel, Panelists:
      James Allan, University of Massachusetts Amherst
      Charles L.A. Clarke, University of Waterloo
      Diane Kelly, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
      Arjen de Vries, Radboud University

5:15 p.m., Sessions End
Last updated: Monday, 21-Nov-2016 08:33:28 MST
Date created: September 6, 2016