Probabilistic Learning Approaches for Indexing and Retrieval with the TREC-2 Collection Norbert Fuhr, Ulrich Pfeifer, Christoph Bremkamp, Michael Pollmann University of Dortmund, Germany Chris Cornell Buckley University Abstract In this paper, we describe the application of probabilis- tic models for indexing and retrieval with the TREC-2 collection. This database consists of about a million documents (2 gigabytes of data) and 100 queries (50 routing and 50 adhoc topics). For document indexing, we use a description-oriented approach which exploits relevance feedback data in order to produce a probabilis- tic indexing with single terms as well as with phrases. With the adhoc queries, we present a new query term weighting method based on a training sample of other queries. For the routing queries, the RPI model is ap- plied which combines probabilistic indexing with query term weighting based on query-specific feedback data. The experimental results of our approach show very good performance for both types of queries. 1 Introduction The good TREC-1 results of our group described in [Fuhr & Buckley 93] have confirmed the general concept of probabilistic retrieval as a learning approach. In this paper, we describe some improvements of the indexing and retrieval procedures. For that, we first give a brief outline of the document indexing procedure which is based on description-oriented indexing in combination with polynomial regression. Section 3 describes query term weighting for adhoc queries, where we have devel- oped a new learning method based on a training sam- ple of other queries and corresponding relevance judge- ments. In section 4, the construction of the routing queries is presented, which is based on the probabilistic RPI retrieval model for query-specific feedback data. In the final conclusions, we suggest some further improve- ments of our method. tails): Let dm denote a document, t~ a term and R the fact that a query-document pair is judged relevant, then P(RIt~, dm) denotes the probability that document dm will be judged relevant w.r.t. an arbitrary query that contains term t~ Since these weights can hardly be es- timated directly, we use the description-oriented index- ing approach. Here term-document pairs Yi~ dm) are mapped onto so-called relevance descriptions ~ dm). The elements X~ of the relevance description contain val- ues of features of t~ dm and their relationship, like e.g. if within-documeut frequency (wdf) of ii~ logidf = log(iuverse document frequency), 1ognumi~rms = log(number of different terms in dm), imarif = 1/(maximum wdf of a term in dm) is~single =1, if term is a single word, =0 otherwise i8~phrase =1, if term is a phrase, =0 otherwise. (As phrases, we considered all adjacent non-stopwords that occurred at least 25 times in the D1 +D2 (training) document set.) Based on these relevance descriptions, we estimate the probability P(Rjx}t~, dm)) that an arbitrary term- document pair having relevance description i will be in- volved in a relevant query-document relationship. This probability is estimated by a s~called indexing func- tion u(x~. Different regression methods or probabilistic classification algorithms can serve as indexing function. For our retrieval runs submitted to TREC-2, we used polynomial regression for developing an indexing func- tion of the form u(i) = (1) 2 Document indexing The task of probabilistic document indexing can be de- scribed as follows (see [Fuhr & Buckley 91] for more de- 67 where the components of v~x) are products of elements of i. The indexing function actually used has the form b0 b1 * is~single b2 is~single b3 is~single b4 lQqnumierms b5 * is~phrase b6 * is~phrase * if * logidf imaxif + imaxif + * if * logid! * imaxif + * if * logidf * imaxif + * if imaxif + b7 is~phrase logidf. mula The coefficient vector b is computed based on a training sample of query-document-pairs with relevance judge- ments Since polynomial functions may yield results outside the interval [0,1], these values were mapped onto the corre- sponding boundaries of this interval. For each phrase occurring in a document, indexing weights for the phrase as well as for its two components (as single words) were computed. There are two major problems with this approach which we are investigating currently: 1. Which factors should be used for defining the in- dexing functions? We are developing a tool that supports a statistical analysis of single factors for this purpose. 2. What is the best type of indexing function? Pre- vious experiments have suggested that regression methods outperform other probabilistic classifica- tion methods. As a reasonable alternative to poly- nomial regression, logistic regression seems to offer some advantages (see also [Fuhr & Pfeifer 94]). As a major benefit, logistic functions yield only values between 0 and 1, 50 there is no problem with out- liers. We are performing experiments with logistic regression and compare the results to those based on polynomial regression. 3 Query term weighting for ad- hoc queries 3.1 Theoretical background The basis of our query term weighting scheme for ad-hoc queries is the linear utility-theoretic retrieval function described in [Wong & Yao 89]. Let qT~ denote the set of terms occurring in the query, and Uim the indexing weight ~(x}i~, dm)) (with Uim = 0 for terms i~ not oc- curring in dm). If Cik gives the utility of term i~ for the actual query q~, then the utility of document dm w.r.t. query q~ can be computed by the retrieval function Q(qk,dm)= ~ Cik~ILim. t For the estimation of the utility weights Cik, we applied two different methods. As a heuristic approach, we used tf weights (the num- + ber of occurrences of the term i~ in the query), which had shown good results in the experiments described in [Fuhr & Buckley 91]. + As a second method, we applied linear regression to this problem. Based on the concept of polynomial retrieval functions as described in [Fuhr 89b], one can estimate the probability of relevance of q~ w.r.t. dm by the for- P(RIqk, dm) ~ Cik ~im t~EqT~ (3) If we had relevance feedback data for the specific query (as is the case for the routing queries), this function could be used directly for regression. For the ad-hoc- queries, however, we have only feedback information about other queries. For this reason, we regard query features instead of specific queries. This can be done by considering for each query term the same features as described before in the context of document indexing. Assume that we have a set of features {fo,fi,..., fi} and that x5~ denotes the value of feature fj for term i~ Then we assume that query term weight Cik can be estimated by linear regression according to the formula 1 Cik = ~1~0a5x5~. (4) Here the factor IqTk serves for the purpose of normaliza- tion across different queries, since queries with a larger number of terms tend to yield higher retrieval status val- ues with formula 2. The factors a5 are the coefficients that are to be derived by means of regression. Now we have the problem that regression cannot be applied to eqn 4, since we do not observe Cik values directly. In- stead, we observe relevance judgements. This leads us back to the polynomial retrieval function 3, where we substitute eqn 4 for c~k: P(Rqk,d,,,) ~ t EqT~ (~`0aixii) Uim with = Za3~jjT~1xiiuim ~=0 t.Eq~T = ~a5y5 (5) 5=0 1 yj = ~ ~qT~1xiiuirn (6) t (2) Equation 5 shows that we can apply linear regression of the form P(RIqk, dm) ~ a~ ~ to a training sample 68 of query-document pairs with relevance judgements in order to determine the coefficients a~. The values Yj can much shorter than in the TREC collection. These facts may account for the different results. be computed from the number of query terms, the values of the query term features and the document indexing test sample weights. run learning sample features Q1/D12 Q2/D3 For the experiments, the following parameters were con 1 every doc. 0.2698 0.2678- sidered as query term features: 2 every 100. doc. i 0.2700 0.2678 XO =1 (constant) 3 every 1000. doc. 0.2662 4 judged docs only i 0.2635 0.2677 Xi = if (within-query-frequency) 5 every doc. x 0.2654 x2 =logif 6 every 100. doc. x 0.2677 x3 = if idf x4 = is~phrase Table 2: Variations of the reg learning sample and the x5 = inijile (=1, if term occurs in query title, query features =0 otherwise) For most of our experiments, we only used the parame- run ter vector x = ....... , x4)T. The full vector is denoted as x~. Below, we call this query term weighting method factor 1 2 3 4 S 6 reg. constant -3.05 -2.96 1.04 -20.80 2.47 -1.71 This method is compared with the standard SMART if -7.54 -10.67 -2.40 14.58 -4.32 14.11 weighting schemes: log if -9.01 -5.69 -5.08 -81.58 -1.48 -0.70 if.idf 5.84 7.00 1.63 8.72 1.81 7.70 nnn: Cik = if is~phrase -8.06 -19.23 -2.73 19.81 -2.97 20.39 ntc: Cik = if. idf injille -1.70 3.44 Inc: Cik = (1+logtf) ltc: Cik = (1 + logif) idf Table 3: Coefficients of query regression 3.2 Experiments In order to have three different samples for learning and/or testing purposes, we used the following com- binations of query sets and document sets as samples: Q3/D12 was used as training sample for the reg method, and both Q1/D12 and Q2/D3 were used for testing. As evaluation measure, we consider the 11-point average of precision (i.e., the average of the precision values at 0.0,0.1,..., 1.0 recall). sam - le p QTW Q1/D12 Q2/D3 nnn 0.2303 ntc 0.2754 inc 0.2291 0.2601 lic 0.2826 0.2783 reg 0.2698 0.2678 Table 1: Global results for single words First, we considered single words only. Table 1 shows the results of the different query term weighting (QTW) methods. First, it should be noted that the ntc and ltc methods perform better than nnn and Inc. This find- ing is somewhat different from the results presented in [Fuhr & Buckley 91], where the nnn weighting scheme gave us better results than the ntc method for lsp in- dexing. However, in the earlier experiments, we used only fairly small databases, and the queries also were 69 In a second series of experiments, we varied the sam- ple size and the set of features of the regression method (table 2). Besides using every document from the learn- ing sample, we only considered every 100th and every 1000th document from the database, as well as only those documents for which there were explicit relevance judgements available. As the results show almost no differences, it seems to be sufficient to use only a small portion of the database as training sample in order to save computation time. The additional consideration of the occurrence of a term in the query title also did not effect the results. So query titles seem to be not very significant. It is an open question whether or not other parts of the queries are more significant, so that the consideration as an additional feature would affect retrieval quality. The coefficients computed by the regression process for the second series of experiments are shown in table 3. It is obvious that the coeffients depend heavily on the choice of the training sample so it is quite surprising that retrieval quality is not affected by this factor. The only coefficient which does not change its sign through all the runs is the one for the if. idf factor. This seems to confirm the power of this factor. The other factors can be regarded as being only minor modifications of the if idf query term weight. Overall, it must be noted that the regression method does not yield an improvement over the ntc and ltc methods. This seems to be surprising, since the regres- sion is based on the same factors which also go into the nt~ and ltc formulas. However, a possible explanation could be the fact that the regression method tries to minimize the quadratic error for all the documents in the learning sample, but our evaluation measure con- siders at most the top ranking 1000 documents for each query; so regression might perform well for most of the documents from the database, but not for the top of the ranking list. There is some indication for this ex- planation, since regression yields always slightly better results at the high recall end. & result 0.00 0.3199 0.10 0.3707 0.15 0.3734 0.20 0.3700 0.25 0.3656 0.30 0.3610 0.50 0.3451 1.00 0.3147 Table 4: Effect of downweighting Q2/D12) (and thus also with ii and t2), a document dm containig the phrase would yield Uim + U2m + U3m as value of the retrieval function, where the weights Uim are computed by the lsp method described before. In order to avoid the effect of counting the single words in addition to the phrase, we modified the original phrase weight as follows: U3m = U3m - Ulm - U2m and stored this value as phrase weight. Queries with the single words t1 or t2 are not affected by this modi- fication. For the query with phrase t3, however, the re- trieval function now would yield the value Uim + U2m + U'3m = U3m, which is what we would like to get. QTW & result reg 0.00 0.2724 reg 1.00 0.2596 ntc 0.00 0.2754 ntc 0.15 0.3110 ntc 1.00 0.2524 of phrases (sample Table 6: Results for the subtraction method (sample Q1/D12) As described before, in our indexing process, we con- sider phrases in addition to single words. This leads to the problem that when a phrase occurs in a document, we index the phrase in addition to the two single words forming the phrase. As a heuristic method for overcom- ing this problem, we introduced a factor for downweight- mg query term weights for phrases. That is, the actual query term weight of a phrase 15 C'ik = &Cik, where Cik is the result of the regression process. In order to de- rive a value for a, we performed a number of test runs with varying values (see table 4). Obviously, weighting factors between 0.1 and 0.3 gave the best results. For the official runs, we choose & 0.15. sample QTW a Q1/D12 Q2/D3 ltc 0.15 0.3192 0.3131 ltc 0.2 0.3220 0.3056 reg 0.15 0.3080 0.3062 Table 5: Results for single words and phrases In table 5, this method is compared with the ltc formula, where we also choose a weighting factor for phrases which gave the best results. One can see that with the sample Q2/D3, the differences between the methods are smaller than on sample Q1/D12, but still ltc seems to perform slightly better. Finally, we investigated another method for coping with phrases. For that, let us assume that we have binary query weights only. Now as an example, the single words ti and i2 form a phrase t3. For a query with phrase i3 70 Table 6 shows the corresponding results (a = 0 means that single words only are considered). In contrast to what we expected, we do not get an improvement over single words only when phrases are considered fully. The result for the ntc method shows that still phrases should be downweighted. Possibly, there may be an im- provement with this method when we would use binary query term weights, but it is clear that other query term weighting methods mostly give better results. 3.3 Official runs As document indexing method, we applied the description-oriented approach as described in section 2. In order to estimate the coefficients of the indexing func- tion, we used the training sample Q12/D12, i.e. the query sets Qi and Q2 in combination with the docu- ments from Di and D2. Two runs with different query term weights were sub- mitted. Run do rtL2 is based on the nnn method, i.e. tf weights. Run dortq2 uses reg query term weights. For performing the regression, we used the query sets Qi and Q2 and a sample of 400,000 documents from D1. Table 7 shows the results for the two runs (Numbers in parentheses denote figures close to the best/worst re- sults.). As expected, dortq2 yields better results than dortL2. The recall-precision curves (see figure 1) show that there is an improvement throughout the whole re- call range. For precision average and precision at 1000 documents retrieved, run dortQ2 performs very well, while precision at 100 documents retrieved is less good. This confirms our interpretation from above, saying that 1 0.9- dortL2" ~ dortQ2" 0.8- Precision 0.5- 0.3- 0.2- 0.1- 0 I I I I I I I I I1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Recall Figure 1: Recall-precision curves of ad-hoc runs regression optimizes the overall performance, but not necessarily the retrieval quality when only the top rank- ing documents are considered. With regard to the mod- erate results for the reg query term weighting method, the good performance of dortQ2 obviously stems from the quality of our document indexing method. run dortL2 dortq2 query term weighting nnn reg average precision: Prec. Avg. 0.3151 0.3340 query-wise comparison with median: Prec. Avg. 37:2 45:4 Prec. @ 100 docs 35:11 34:7 Prec. @ 1000 docs ~ 37:10 45:2 Best/worst results: Prec. Avg. I 3/0 3(1)10 Prec. ~ 100 docs 3(2)/i 4(1)/0(2) Prec. @ 1000 docs ~ 6(1)/0 9(1)/0 dortL2 vs. dortq2. Prec. Avg. 21:29 Prec. ~ 100 docs 22:24 Prec. ~ 1000 docs 17:29 Table 7: Results for adhoc queries 4 Query term weighting routing queries 4.1 Theoretical background for For the routing queries, the retrieval-with-probabilistic- indexing (RPI) model described in [Fuhr 89a] was ap- plied. The corresponding retrieval function is based on the following parameters: U~Tfl indexing weight of term t~ in document dm DRk set of documents judged relevant for query qk, Pik expectation of the indexing weight of term t~ in DR DkN set of documents judged nonrelevant for query qk, rjk expectation of the indexing weight of t~ in DN The parameters Pik and r~k can be estimated based on relevance feedback data as follows: Pik Uim d~~EDkR __ 1 qik - Uim d~EDkN Then the query term weight is computed by the formula Cik - Pik(l - r~k) -1 rjk(l - Pik) 71 1 0.9- `dortVl" ~ "dortPl" I 0.8~ 0.7- 0.6- Precision 0.5- 0.4- 0.3- 0.2- 0.1- 0 I i I I I I I I I I 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Recall Figure 2: Recall-precision curves of routing runs and the RPI retrieval function yields Q(qk,dm)= ~ log(cikuim+1). tIEq~T 4.2 Experiments In principle, the RPI formula can be applied with or without query expansion. For our experiments in TRECi, we did not use any query expansion. The final results showed that this was reasonable, mainly with respect to the small amount of relevance feed- back data available. In contrast, for TREC2 there were about 2000 relevance judgements per query, so there was clearly enough training data for applying query expan- sion methods. As basic criterion for selecting the expansion terms, we considered the number of relevant documents in which a term ocurs, which gave us a ranking of candidates; docu- ment indexing weights were considered for tie-breaking. Then we varied the the number of terms which are added to the original query. expansion result 0 0.2909 10 0.3047 30 0.3035 50 0.3002 100 0.2832 Table 8: Effect of number of expansion terms In a first series of experiments, we considered single word only. We used Q2/D1 (lsp document indexing) as training sample and Q2/D2 (ltc indexing) as test sample. As can be seen from table 8, query expansion clearly improves retrieval quality, but only for a limited (7) number of expansion terms. For larger numbers, we get worse results. This effect seems to be due to parameter estimation problems. expansion phraseweight single w. phrases result 0.5 0 0 0.3476 0.5 20 0 0.3713 1.0 20 0 0.3730 0.5 20 10 0.3728 1.0 20 10 0.3605 0.5 30 10 0.3729 1.0 30 10 0.3626 Table 9: Query expansion with phrases In a second series of experiments, we looked at the combination of single words and phrases. These ex- periments were performed as retrospective runs, with Q2/D12 as training sample and Q2/D2 as test sample (both with ltc document indexing). For the number of expansion terms, we treated single words and phrases separately. Furthermore, similar to the adhoc runs, we used an additional factor for downweighting the query term weights of phrases. The different parameter com- binations tested and the corresponding results are given in table 9. Obviously, phrases as expansion terms gave no improvement, so we decided to have only single words as expansion terms (but the phrases from the original query still are used for retrieval). Furthermore, the re- trieval quality reaches its optimum at about 20 terms. 72 4.3 Official runs procedures, this combination seems to be a prospective Two different runs were submitted for the routing queries, both based on the RPI model. Run dortPi uses the same document indexing function as for the adhoc queries. Query terms were weighted according to the RPI formula. In addition, each query was expanded by 20 single words. Phrases were not downweighted. Run dortVl is based on ltc document indexing. Here no query expansion took place. area of research. A Operational details of runs A.1 Basic Algorithms The algorithm A to find the coefficient vector a for the ad-hoc query term weights can be given as follows: run document indexing query expansion I dortVl dortPl ltc lsp none 20 terms average precision: Prec. Avg. ~ 0.3516 0.3800 query-wise comparison with median: Prec. Avg. 38:10 46:4 Prec. © 100 docs 31:11 40:5 Prec. © 1000 docs 32:9 37:7 Best/worst results: Prec. Avg. 1/0 4(2)10 Prec. © 100 docs 3(3)11(1) 7(5)11(1) Prec. © 1000 docs 6(2)/0(1) 10(2)/0(1) dortVl vs. dortPl: Prec. Avg. 10:39 Prec. © 100 docs 9:27 Prec. © 1000 docs 7:33 Table 10: Results for routing queries Table 10 shows the results for the two runs. The recall- precision curves are given in figure 2. Again, the results confirm our expectations that LSP indexing and query expansion yields better results. 5 Conclusions and outlook The experiments described in this paper have shown that probabilistic learning approaches can be applied successfully to different types of indexing and retrieval. For the ad-hoc queries, there seems to be still room for further improvement in the low recall range. In order to increase precision, a passage-wise comparison of query and document text should be performed. For this pur- pose, polynomial retrieval functions could be applied. In the case of the routing queries, we first have to inves- tigate methods for parameter estimation in combination with query expansion. However, with the large number of feedback documents given for this task, other types of retrieval models may be more suitable, e.g. query- specific polynomial retrieval functions. Finally, it should be emphasized that we still use rather simple forms of text analysis. Since our methods are flexible enough to work with more sophisticated analysis 73 Algorithm A 1 For each query document pair (qk, dm) ~ (Qi U Q2) x D8 with D8 being a sample from (D1 UD2) do 1.1 determine the relevance value ~km of the document dm with respect to the query qk. 1.2 For each term t~ occuring in q~ do 1.2.1 determine the feature vector ~j and the indexing weight Uim of the term t~ w.r.t. to document dm. 1.3 For each feature j of the feature vectors x compute the value of YJ looping over the terms of the query. 1.4 Add vector x and relevance value r~m to the least squares matrix. the least squares matrix to find the co- 2 Solve efficient vector a The algorithm B to find the coefficient vector b for the document indexing is sketched here: Algorithm B 1 Index D1 U D2 (the learning document set) and Qi U Q2 (the learning query set). 2 For each document d ~ D1 U D2 2.1 For each q ~ Qi U Q2 2.1.1 Determine the relevance value r of d to q 2.1.2 For each term t in common be- tween qT (set of query terms) and ~T (set of document terms) Find values of the ele- ments of the relevance description involved in this run and add values plus relevance informa- tion to the least squares matrix being constructed 3 Solve the least squares matrix to find the coef- ficient vector b The algorithm C to index a document set D can now be given as: Algorithm C 1 For each document d E D 1.1 For each term t E ~ 1.1.1 Find values of the relevance de- scription i(t, d) involved in run. 1.1.2 Give I the weight b. v~x~t, d)) 1.1 Add d to the inverted file. A.2 Ad-hoc runs The algorithm D is used for indexing and retrieval for the ad-hoc runs. Steps numbered with a trailing "A" apply only for run dortq2, steps with trailing "B" only to run dortL2. Algorithm D 1 Run al~orithm B to determine the coefficient vector b for document indexing. lA Run algorithm A to determine the coefficient vector a for query indexing. 2 Call algorithm C for document set D1 U D2 3 For each query q~ £ Q~ do 3.1 For each term t~ occuring in q~ do 3.1.1A Determine the feature vector Xik and compute the query term weight Cik by multiplying it to d.. 3.1.1B Weight t~ w.r.t. qk (test query set) with if weights (nnn variant). Phrases where downweighted by multiplying the weights with ~ = 0.15. 3.2 Run an inner product inverted file sim- ilarity match of c~ against the inverted file formed in step 2, retrieving the top 1000. A.3 Routing runs Algorithm E is used for indexing and retrieval for the routing runs. Steps numbered with a trailing "A" apply only for run dortPl, steps with trailing "B" only to run dortVl.. 74 Algorithm E lA Index query set Q2 and document set D1 U D2 with if. idf weights. lB Index query set Q2 and document set D1 U D2 by calling algorithm C 2 For each query q E Q2 2.1 For each term I ~ qT (set of query terms) 2.1.1 Reweight term I using the RPI rel- evance weighting formula andthe relevance information supplied. 3A Index document set D3 by calling algorithm C. 3B Index document set D3 with if. idf weights. Note that the collection frequency information used was derived from occurrences in D1 U D2 only (in actual routing the collection frequencies within D3 would not be known). 4 Run the reweighted queries of Q2 (step 2) against the inverted file (step 3), returning the top 1000 documents for each query. References F'iihr, N.; Buckley, C. (1991). A Probabilistic Learn- ing Approach for Document Indexing. 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