The order of documents in a qrels file is not indicative of relevance or
degree of relevance. Only a binary indication of relevant (1) or
non-relevant (0) is given. Documents not occurring in the qrels file were not
judged by the human assessor and are assumed to be irrelevant in the
evaluations used in TREC. The human assessors are told to judge a document
relevant if any piece of the document is relevant (regardless of how small
the piece is in relation to the rest of the document).
- The format of a qrels file is as follows:
where TOPIC is the topic number,
ITERATION is the feedback iteration (almost always zero and not used),
DOCUMENT# is the official document number that corresponds to the "docno" field in the documents, and
RELEVANCY is a binary code of 0 for not relevant and 1 for relevant.
- Sample Qrels File:
- 1 0 AP880212-0161 0
1 0 AP880216-0139 1
1 0 AP880216-0169 0
1 0 AP880217-0026 0
1 0 AP880217-0030 0
- TREC 2002 cross language relevance judgements
- TREC 2001 cross language qrels
- TREC-8 cross language qrels (document set is Associated Press 1988-1990; Schweìzerìsche Depeschenagentur (English); Schweìzerìsche Depeschenagentur (French); Schweìzerìsche Depeschenagentur (German); Schweìzerìsche Depeschenagentur (Italian))
- TREC-8 girt qrels
- TREC-7 cross language qrels (document set is not available)
- TREC-6 Chinese track qrels
- TREC-6 cross language track English qrels
- TREC-6 cross language track French qrels
- TREC-6 cross language track German qrels
- TREC-5 Chinese track qrels
- TREC-5 Spanish track qrels
- TREC-4 Spanish track qrels
- TREC-3 Spanish track qrels