141.1 NYT19990807.0048 1 quarterback 141.1 NYT19990129.0492 -1 Pro Football Hall of Fame 141.1 APW19990211.0250 -1 Seattle 141.1 NYT19990904.0230 -1 Kansas City 141.1 NYT19980729.0514 -1 NFL 141.1 NYT19990414.0485 -1 NFL TEAMS 141.1 NYT19991011.0052 -1 CFL 141.1 APW19990219.0105 -1 Cleveland 141.1 NYT19990414.0485 1 quarterback 141.1 APW19990211.0250 -1 Wash 141.1 APW19981129.0998 -1 39 141.1 NYT19990108.0515 -1 39 141.1 NYT19990507.0302 -1 Canada 141.1 NYT19980729.0514 1 quarterback 141.1 NYT19980724.0012 -1 veteran 141.1 NYT19990414.0485 -1 NFL 141.1 NYT20000826.0059 -1 coaches 141.1 NYT19980720.0011 1 quarterback 141.1 NYT19990414.0485 -1 Washington 141.1 APW19990426.0226 -1 a two-year contract 141.1 NYT19981124.0012 -1 21 141.1 NYT19990212.0022 -1 1978 141.1 NYT19981124.0011 1 quarterback 141.1 NYT19980721.0034 -1 Washington 141.1 NYT20000913.0288 -1 Fame 141.1 NYT19980730.0345 -1 FBN 141.1 APW19990211.0049 -1 Seattle 141.1 NYT19980721.0034 -1 Troy Aikman 141.1 NYT19980810.0007 -1 team 141.1 NYT19981105.0064 -1 us 141.1 NYT19980821.0371 1 quarterback 141.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 141.2 APW19990304.0287 -1 Los Angeles 141.2 APW19990107.0047 -1 Jacksonville 141.2 APW19990211.0250 -1 Seattle 141.2 NYT19990904.0230 -1 Kansas City 141.2 NYT19981007.0126 -1 Seattle 141.2 NYT19980720.0011 -1 Seattle Post-Intelligencer 141.2 NYT19991011.0052 -1 CFL 141.2 NYT19981125.0010 -1 NFL 141.2 APW19990219.0105 -1 Cleveland 141.2 NYT19990828.0113 -1 KANSAS CITY 141.2 APW19990218.0211 -1 Steelers 141.2 NYT20000909.0199 -1 St. Paul 141.2 APW19990112.0330 -1 Seattle 141.2 APW19990219.0105 -1 Seattle 141.2 NYT19991212.0197 -1 Los Angeles 141.2 APW19990218.0211 -1 Three Rivers Stadium 141.2 NYT19980721.0034 3 Wash. 141.2 APW19990211.0250 3 Wash. 141.2 NYT19990414.0485 -1 Williams 141.2 APW19990318.0341 -1 Houston 141.2 NYT19981021.0438 -1 Warren 141.2 APW20000729.0116 -1 Kansas City 141.2 NYT19990906.0034 3 Washington 141.2 NYT19980813.0053 -1 Vancouver , B.C. , coach Dennis Erickson 141.2 APW19990112.0330 -1 $5 million 141.2 APW19990112.0330 -1 million 141.2 NYT19980824.0004 -1 1 141.2 NYT19980720.0011 -1 Saturday 141.2 APW19990213.0120 -1 HOUSTON 141.2 NYT19990414.0485 1 University of Washington 141.2 APW19990218.0211 -1 PITTSBURGH 141.2 NYT19990414.0485 3 Washington 141.2 APW19990211.0049 -1 Seattle 141.2 APW19990428.0306 -1 Seattle 141.2 NYT19981105.0064 -1 us 141.2 NYT19980822.0037 -1 Kingdome 141.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 141.3 NYT19990510.0302 2 1956 141.3 APW20000723.0091 -1 1783 141.3 NYT19980720.0266 -1 1998 141.3 APW19990906.0173 -1 1943 141.3 NYT19990212.0050 -1 1735 141.3 NYT19990129.0204 -1 1939 141.3 NYT19980720.0011 -1 1998 141.3 NYT19980824.0004 -1 SUN 141.3 NYT19990507.0302 -1 OILERS 141.3 APW19990118.0022 2 1956 141.3 APW19990219.0105 -1 Warren Moon To Visit Browns SAN DIEGO (AP) -- Free agent 141.3 APW19990218.0006 -1 42 141.3 NYT19990211.0353 -1 Seahawks 141.3 NYT19990414.0485 -1 1978 141.3 NYT19991210.0007 -1 1967 141.3 NYT19990503.0011 -1 1938 141.3 NYT19980729.0514 -1 1997 141.3 NYT19981017.0063 -1 1976 141.3 APW19990427.0284 -1 1999 141.3 APW19990318.0341 -1 1994-96 141.3 APW19990427.0284 -1 2000 141.3 APW19990112.0330 -1 two 141.3 NYT19980720.0011 -1 $550,000 141.3 NYT19980731.0051 -1 July 24, 1998 141.3 NYT19980720.0011 -1 Steinberg 141.3 NYT19990301.0007 -1 February 1999 141.3 NYT19980729.0514 -1 1998 141.3 NYT19990101.0015 -1 Cheney, July 20: Warren Moon is a no-show at Seahawks training 141.3 NYT19991014.0105 -1 April 1995 141.3 NYT19980721.0034 -1 1996 141.3 NYT19980903.0002 -1 1998 141.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 141.4 APW19990211.0250 1 nine 141.4 APW19980906.0828 -1 16 141.4 NYT20000124.0025 -1 three 141.4 NYT19980811.0018 -1 4.5 million 141.4 NYT19990101.0015 -1 20 141.4 APW19990211.0250 -1 350000 141.4 NYT19980824.0004 -1 SIX 141.4 NYT19981102.0040 -1 15- 141.4 APW19990211.0250 -1 five 141.4 NYT19990814.0265 -1 eight-time 141.4 NYT20000902.0118 -1 12 141.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 10 141.4 APW19990427.0178 2 nine 141.4 APW19990212.0044 3 9 - time 141.4 APW19990224.0139 -1 one 141.4 NYT19980917.0431 -1 one 141.4 APW19990212.0044 1 nine 141.4 NYT19980824.0004 -1 six 141.4 NYT19981205.0225 -1 five 141.4 NYT19980824.0019 -1 six 141.4 NYT19981219.0289 -1 once 141.4 NYT19981017.0063 -1 Warren Moon , 19 years 141.4 APW19990211.0250 -1 43 141.4 APW19990211.0250 -1 43 next season 141.4 NYT19981203.0020 -1 3-3 141.4 APW19990211.0250 3 nine-time 141.4 NYT19990904.0230 -1 two 141.4 NYT19980927.0036 -1 41 141.4 NYT19991210.0007 -1 1999 141.4 APW19990211.0250 -1 49 141.4 NYT19981123.0018 -1 one 141.4 NYT19991214.0188 -1 213,992 141.4 NYT19981214.0007 -1 six- 141.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 141.5 NYT19980721.0034 1 Leigh Steinberg 141.5 NYT19980721.0035 3 Steinberg 141.5 NYT20000125.0011 -1 Dan Pastorini 141.5 APW19990112.0330 1 Leigh Steinberg 141.5 APW19990112.0330 3 STEINBERG 141.5 APW19990112.0330 1 LEIGH STEINBERG 141.5 NYT19981124.0012 -1 Lincoln High School 141.5 NYT20000125.0011 -1 George Blanda 141.5 APW19991027.0086 -1 Troy Aikman 141.5 NYT19981001.0149 -1 Troy Aikman 141.5 APW19990416.0069 -1 Warren Moon 141.5 NYT19980731.0051 1 Leigh Steinberg 141.5 APW19990219.0105 -1 Cleveland Browns 141.5 NYT19981102.0039 -1 Seahawk 141.5 NYT19980728.0017 1 Leigh Steinberg 141.5 NYT19990404.0035 3 Steinberg 141.5 NYT19980811.0018 -1 Warren Moon 141.5 APW19990112.0330 -1 Seattle 141.5 APW19990112.0330 -1 he 141.5 NYT19980720.0011 -1 Anthony Simmons 141.5 NYT19980721.0033 1 Leigh Steinberg 141.5 APW19990112.0330 -1 Seahawks 142.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 142.1 NYT19990205.0401 1 Ladies Professional Golf Association 142.1 NYT19981019.0215 -1 World Championship 142.1 APW19990602.0202 -1 PGA Tour 142.1 NYT19990805.0126 -1 TOUR 142.1 NYT19990205.0401 -1 PROFESSIONAL GOLF 142.1 APW19980823.0755 -1 Tour 142.1 NYT20000823.0431 1 Ladies Professional Golf Association 142.1 NYT19990116.0268 -1 the PGA 142.1 NYT20000110.0506 3 50 YEARS The Ladies Professional Golf Association 142.1 APW19990604.0037 -1 Hall 142.1 APW19990205.0117 -1 Hall 142.1 APW19990205.0233 -1 leaks than government lid 142.1 NYT19990627.0014 -1 PGA 142.1 NYT19990128.0421 -1 72 142.1 APW19990716.0166 -1 basketball 142.1 NYT19981126.0172 1 Ladies Professional Golf Association 142.1 NYT19990128.0421 -1 Australian 142.1 NYT19990728.0058 -1 Women 142.1 APW19990113.0238 -1 Futures Tour is trying to find a corporate title sponsor 142.1 NYT19980601.0001 2 Ladies' Professional Golf Association 142.1 NYT20000212.0032 -1 The LPGA 142.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 142.2 APW19991006.0237 3 Daytona Beach 142.2 NYT19980727.0007 -1 Boston 142.2 APW19981226.0687 -1 Japan 142.2 APW19990205.0117 3 Fla . 142.2 APW19990205.0233 3 Daytona Beach 142.2 APW19990205.0117 -1 GOLF 142.2 NYT19990205.0401 -1 LADIES PROFESSIONAL GOLF ASSOCIATION 142.2 XIE20000111.0231 -1 WASHINGTON 142.2 APW19981226.0692 -1 Japan 142.2 APW19990205.0233 1 Daytona Beach, Fla. 142.2 APW19990205.0117 3 Daytona Beach 142.2 APW19990914.0199 -1 Japan 142.2 NYT19990128.0421 -1 Florida 142.2 APW19990205.0233 1 Daytona Beach, Fla. 142.2 APW19990205.0233 1 Daytona Beach , Fla. 142.2 NYT19981121.0060 -1 Championship 142.2 APW19990205.0117 1 Daytona Beach , Fla. 142.2 NYT20000716.0220 3 Daytona Beach 142.2 APW19990205.0270 1 Daytona Beach , Fla . 142.2 APW19990113.0102 -1 three 142.2 APW19981226.0684 2 Daytona Beach, Florida 142.2 APW19990205.0117 1 Daytona Beach, Fla 142.2 NYT19990804.0220 -1 Boston 142.2 NYT19990205.0401 -1 Golf 142.2 APW19990205.0117 1 Daytona Beach, Fla. 142.2 APW19991006.0237 -1 Hawaii 142.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 142.3 NYT19980714.0243 -1 30 142.3 APW19980707.1104 -1 six 142.3 NYT20000110.0506 -1 50 142.3 APW19990205.0233 -1 19 events 142.3 APW20000502.0223 -1 TWO 142.3 APW19990914.0199 -1 Two 142.3 APW19980731.1097 -1 3 142.3 APW20000723.0109 -1 LPGA 142.3 APW19990205.0117 -1 19 142.3 APW19990727.0189 -1 39 142.3 APW19981119.1398 -1 39 142.3 NYT19991030.0279 -1 34 142.3 NYT19990530.0021 -1 3 142.3 NYT19990205.0401 -1 million 142.3 NYT19990123.0266 -1 two 142.3 APW19990205.0233 -1 10 142.3 NYT19980924.0475 -1 nine 142.3 APW19990205.0233 -1 19 142.3 APW20000326.0101 -1 2006 142.3 APW19991012.0204 4 38 events 142.3 APW19991012.0204 -1 four 142.3 NYT19990804.0150 -1 four 142.3 NYT19990804.0150 -1 11 events 142.3 APW19990113.0102 -1 19 142.3 APW19990113.0102 -1 a natural steppingstone 142.3 APW19991012.0204 1 43 142.3 XIE19981104.0088 -1 four 142.3 NYT19990205.0401 3 36 to 43 142.3 APW19990115.0003 -1 six 142.3 NYT19990212.0016 -1 10 142.3 NYT19990205.0401 -1 19 events 142.3 NYT19990209.0489 -1 two 142.3 NYT19990205.0401 1 43 events 142.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 142.4 APW19990212.0168 1 2000 142.4 NYT19990804.0150 -1 1999 142.4 NYT19991226.0012 -1 Jan. 13 142.4 NYT19990717.0171 -1 1999 142.4 APW19990205.0117 -1 1996 142.4 NYT19990209.0489 1 next year 142.4 XIE20000111.0231 -1 1999 142.4 NYT19990804.0150 1 2000 142.4 APW19980716.0137 -1 1997 142.4 XIE19990622.0127 -1 October 1 142.4 NYT20000223.0025 -1 1998 142.4 NYT19990804.0150 -1 august 4, 1999 142.4 NYT20000113.0020 -1 Night 142.4 NYT19990717.0171 1 next year 142.4 NYT19990717.0171 -1 50 142.4 NYT19990804.0150 -1 professional 142.4 APW20000502.0223 -1 February 1999 142.4 NYT20000315.0028 1 2000 142.4 NYT19990717.0171 1 2000 142.4 APW19981107.0150 -1 1978 142.4 NYT20000612.0863 -1 January 142.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 142.5 NYT20000119.0381 1 13 142.5 APW20000329.0114 -1 1,000 142.5 NYT20000110.0506 -1 50 142.5 APW19991012.0204 -1 4 142.5 APW19980604.1479 -1 SIX 142.5 APW19980621.1035 -1 four 142.5 APW19990114.0009 -1 - 1 142.5 APW19980807.0007 -1 More than 90 people 142.5 NYT20000115.0218 -1 eight 142.5 APW19990727.0189 -1 39 142.5 NYT19990205.0401 2 13 142.5 NYT19990530.0021 -1 three 142.5 NYT20000119.0381 3 13 founders 142.5 APW19991012.0204 -1 eight 142.5 APW19980725.0330 -1 three 142.5 APW19981027.0169 -1 20 142.5 APW19980614.0814 -1 265 142.5 NYT19990121.0455 -1 10 142.5 NYT19980729.0564 -1 Pak 142.5 NYT20000119.0381 -1 11 142.5 NYT19990804.0150 -1 four new tournaments 142.5 NYT20000612.0863 -1 20 142.5 APW19991012.0204 -1 1950 142.5 XIE20000111.0231 -1 1999 142.5 APW19991012.0204 -1 1 142.5 APW19991012.0204 4 12 members 143.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 143.1 NYT20000524.0115 2 Washington 143.1 NYT19991206.0261 3 Washington 143.1 APW19990909.0190 -1 America 143.1 XIE20000912.0017 -1 Jordan 143.1 NYT19991212.0196 2 Washington, DC 143.1 NYT20000518.0335 1 WASHINGTON D.C. 143.1 APW19990908.0112 2 WASHINGTON DC 143.1 XIE19971126.0195 -1 BEIJING 143.1 NYT19990413.0369 -1 American Century 143.1 NYT19991222.0424 4 Washington 143.1 APW19990908.0112 2 Washington 143.1 APW19990727.0299 -1 Latin America 143.1 NYT19991218.0260 4 Washington 143.1 XIE20000914.0100 -1 Pudong New District 143.1 APW20000907.0190 -1 Butler 143.1 APW20000121.0180 -1 Berlin 143.1 APW19990813.0212 1 washington , d. c. 143.1 NYT19991224.0096 4 Washington 143.1 NYT19991218.0260 -1 Palo Alto , Calif 143.1 APW19990908.0112 -1 American Enterprise Institute 143.1 APW19990909.0020 -1 Christopher DeMuth 143.1 APW19990813.0212 1 Washington , D.C. 143.1 NYT19990723.0076 -1 Media 143.1 APW19990813.0212 1 Washington, D.C 143.1 NYT19990423.0064 -1 Kosovo 143.1 NYT19990708.0396 3 Washington 143.1 NYT19991224.0096 -1 Beijing 143.1 NYT19990521.0107 3 Washington 143.1 NYT19990315.0282 2 Washington, DC 143.1 XIE19961207.0026 4 WASHINGTON 143.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 143.2 XIE19990413.0320 -1 Policy 143.2 NYT20000830.0281 -1 Bolton 143.2 NYT19990817.0345 -1 Bolton 143.2 NYT19990518.0440 -1 Justice Department 143.2 APW19990128.0026 -1 Geophysical Union 143.2 NYT19990706.0358 -1 BAUER 143.2 APW19990204.0266 -1 LINKS 143.2 NYT19991122.0195 -1 the title 143.2 APW19990828.0053 -1 Public Policy Research 143.2 NYT20000518.0335 -1 D. C. 143.2 NYT19991227.0219 -1 federal data and institute surveys 143.2 APW19990908.0112 -1 American Enterprise Institute 143.2 NYT19991003.0413 -1 Hampton 143.2 NYT20000726.0074 -1 Schoolthink : the Ideas That Are Undermining American Education , and What We can Do About Them 143.2 NYT19981107.0252 -1 Congress 143.2 NYT20000816.0469 -1 Al Gore 143.2 NYT19980729.0187 -1 Tuesday 143.2 NYT20000214.0432 -1 coming century 143.2 NYT20000330.0122 -1 Ken Griffey Jr. 143.2 NYT19990514.0241 -1 Heritage Foundation 143.2 NYT19981107.0252 -1 expert 143.2 NYT19990804.0441 -1 Nations 143.2 NYT19981116.0370 -1 Public Policy Research 143.2 NYT19980920.0144 -1 Administration 143.2 APW19990128.0026 -1 Competitive 143.2 NYT20000726.0074 -1 Schoolthink: The Ideas That Are Undermining American Education, and What We Can Do About Them 143.2 NYT19991222.0443 -1 United 143.2 NYT19990518.0440 -1 Brookings Institution 143.2 NYT20000726.0074 -1 Education 143.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 143.3 XIE19970505.0048 -1 1943 143.3 APW20000104.0140 -1 1997 143.3 APW20000423.0044 -1 1997 143.3 NYT19990723.0076 -1 1997 143.3 APW19990726.0114 -1 1943 143.3 NYT19990311.0373 -1 1943 143.3 APW19991013.0165 -1 1957 143.3 NYT19991006.0316 -1 1963 143.3 APW19990625.0074 -1 April 143.3 APW19990909.0020 -1 1977 143.3 NYT19991209.0372 -1 1963 143.3 XIE19981113.0149 -1 1991 143.3 XIE19980130.0066 -1 1988 143.3 APW19990908.0112 -1 1977 143.3 XIE20000820.0092 -1 October 143.3 NYT19991218.0260 -1 1946 143.3 APW19990909.0190 -1 1977 143.3 XIE20000507.0124 -1 Friday 143.3 NYT19990514.0241 -1 25 143.3 APW19990817.0128 -1 two 143.3 XIE20000122.0176 -1 1949 143.3 NYT19990315.0282 -1 1934 143.3 NYT19991224.0096 -1 1900 143.3 NYT20000925.0094 -1 1997 143.3 XIE20000820.0092 -1 early September 143.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 143.4 NYT19990430.0385 1 John Bolton 143.4 APW19990806.0271 1 John Bolton 143.4 NYT19980821.0244 -1 Randolph Foundation 143.4 NYT19991218.0260 -1 Public Policy Research 143.4 XIE19980513.0196 -1 INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH 143.4 NYT19990430.0385 3 BOLTON 143.4 APW19990908.0112 -1 Richard Nixon 143.4 NYT19990817.0345 1 John Bolton 143.4 NYT20000814.0145 -1 DeMuth 143.4 NYT20000720.0151 -1 Norman Ornstein 143.4 NYT19980918.0369 -1 Bruce Rampe 143.4 APW19990908.0112 -1 Christopher DeMuth 143.4 APW19990806.0271 1 john bolton 143.4 NYT20000919.0103 -1 Bush 143.4 XIE19991103.0027 2 Bolton 143.4 APW19990909.0020 -1 Christopher DeMuth 143.4 APW19990909.0020 -1 Washington Hospital Center 143.4 NYT19990321.0224 -1 Vice President Al Gore 143.4 NYT19990522.0096 -1 Charles Murray 143.4 NYT19990817.0345 -1 State 143.4 NYT19990430.0385 3 Bolton 143.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 143.5 NYT19991218.0260 -1 for Public Policy Research 143.5 NYT19990406.0260 -1 Waldron 143.5 NYT19991209.0378 -1 Lindsey 143.5 NYT20000816.0469 -1 Brookings Institution 143.5 XIE19961202.0186 -1 AFRICA 143.5 NYT19981113.0192 -1 AEI 143.5 NYT20000214.0432 3 the 20036 ZIP code 143.5 NYT20000228.0021 1 20036 143.5 NYT19981116.0370 -1 Norman Ornstein 143.5 NYT19981116.0370 -1 Public Policy Research 143.5 NYT20000214.0432 1 20036 143.5 NYT20000228.0010 -1 five 143.5 XIE20000909.0069 -1 10,000 143.5 NYT19990708.0396 -1 Washington 143.5 NYT20000228.0010 -1 brutal scrimmage line 143.5 NYT19980612.0140 -1 norman ornstein 143.5 NYT19980922.0200 -1 Congress 143.5 NYT20000214.0432 -1 foreign policy football field 143.5 NYT19990723.0076 -1 AEI 143.5 NYT20000228.0018 -1 foreign policy football field 143.5 NYT20000228.0010 1 20036 143.5 NYT20000214.0437 1 20036 143.5 NYT20000215.0123 1 20036 144.1 APW19990501.0020 1 Fort Bragg 144.1 APW19990813.0080 1 Fort Bragg 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Tuzla 144.1 NYT19990803.0064 3 N . C . 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 1 Fort Bragg 144.1 XIE19960416.0062 1 FORT BRAGG 144.1 XIE19960416.0062 -1 WASHINGTON 144.1 NYT20000229.0104 -1 War II 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 1 Fort Bragg, N.C., 144.1 APW20000322.0210 -1 U.S. 144.1 NYT19990419.0379 3 Camp Gordon 144.1 NYT19980918.0370 -1 Iraq 144.1 NYT19980626.0109 -1 Army 144.1 NYT19980626.0109 -1 III Corps 144.1 APW19990414.0362 -1 Army 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Apaches 144.1 NYT19990402.0082 1 Fort Bragg 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 3 Camp Gordon , Ga 144.1 NYT19980626.0109 -1 Hartzog 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 1 Fort Bragg, N.C. 144.1 NYT19990419.0379 1 Fort Bragg 144.1 NYT19990609.0390 -1 Albania 144.1 NYT20000829.0213 1 Fort Bragg 144.1 APW19991014.0288 -1 Campbell 144.1 NYT19990609.0390 -1 Tirana 144.1 NYT19990419.0379 3 Camp Gordon, Ga. 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Fort 144.1 NYT19990419.0479 -1 divisionGermany Germany 144.1 APW19990813.0080 1 FORT BRAGG 144.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 144.2 NYT19990419.0479 1 1917 144.2 NYT19990419.0379 1 1917 144.2 NYT20000117.0366 -1 1956 144.2 NYT19980730.0091 -1 1944 144.2 APW20000612.0017 -1 January 1946 144.2 APW20000930.0058 -1 1942 144.2 NYT19990610.0393 -1 About 4000 144.2 APW20000608.0115 -1 1991 144.2 NYT19990614.0294 -1 September, 1944 144.2 NYT19990419.0379 -1 48 144.2 NYT19990419.0479 -1 formedGa 144.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 144.3 NYT19990608.0351 -1 1,900 144.3 NYT20000518.0036 -1 24 144.3 NYT19990420.0380 -1 300 144.3 XIE19960416.0062 -1 THREE 144.3 XIE19990624.0009 -1 MILITARY 144.3 NYT19990612.0122 -1 250 144.3 NYT20000518.0036 -1 82 144.3 APW19990813.0080 -1 Airborne Division 144.3 NYT19991012.0387 1 15,000 144.3 APW20000322.0210 -1 82 144.3 NYT19990612.0122 -1 two 144.3 APW19990813.0080 -1 280 soldiers 144.3 APW20000322.0210 -1 two 144.3 NYT19980730.0091 -1 24 144.3 NYT19990323.0201 -1 one 144.3 APW19981007.0706 -1 three 144.3 NYT19990323.0201 -1 157 144.3 APW19990515.0003 -1 some 320 troops 144.3 NYT19990419.0379 -1 1917 144.3 NYT19990419.0379 -1 48 144.3 NYT19990419.0379 -1 a nine-hour flight 144.3 APW20000519.0174 -1 the three-week Airborne School 144.3 NYT19990610.0342 -1 1 144.3 NYT19990610.0341 -1 2,000 144.3 APW19991014.0288 -1 1943 144.3 NYT19990419.0479 -1 48 144.3 APW19990614.0127 -1 40,000 144.3 NYT19990407.0289 -1 Two 144.4 APW20000924.0085 1 shoot 'em in the face 144.4 NYT20000518.0036 -1 101st 144.4 NYT19990419.0379 -1 "Task Force Hawk" 144.4 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Parachute Infantry Regiment 144.4 NYT19981215.0041 -1 ARDENNES-ALSACE 144.4 APW19990716.0087 -1 UNOFFICIAL 144.4 APW20000322.0210 -1 AP Corrects Kosovo US Soldiers Story FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) -- 144.4 APW20000924.0085 1 shoot 'em in the face, 144.4 APW20000924.0085 -1 motto 144.4 APW20000924.0085 1 ''shoot 'em in the face,'' 144.4 NYT19990125.0181 -1 101st 144.4 APW20000322.0210 -1 two 144.4 APW19990628.0104 -1 Army 144.4 APW20000519.0174 -1 82nd 144.4 APW20000924.0085 -1 some members of an 82nd Airborne Division unit 144.4 NYT19980730.0091 -1 crying 144.4 NYT19990323.0201 -1 honor 144.4 NYT19981217.0439 -1 Airmobile 144.4 NYT19980626.0109 -1 Army 144.4 NYT19980626.0109 -1 Hartzog 144.4 NYT19990419.0379 -1 infantry-type missions 144.4 APW19991014.0288 -1 U.S. Army 144.4 NYT20000926.0031 -1 That tally will even up later during 11 days of fierce 144.4 NYT19990420.0265 -1 Army 144.4 APW20000924.0085 1 was ''shoot 'em in the face 144.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 144.5 APW20000322.0210 -1 Army 144.5 NYT19990419.0379 -1 "Task Force Hawk" 144.5 APW19990605.0005 -1 La Fiere Bridge 144.5 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Parachute Infantry Regiment 144.5 NYT19981209.0515 -1 AFRICA 144.5 APW20000930.0058 -1 ARMY 144.5 APW19991014.0288 -1 The Marriage of Bette and Boo 144.5 APW19990614.0127 -1 Bradley 144.5 APW20000930.0058 -1 the 82nd Airborne Division's official song 144.5 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Pentagon 144.5 APW20000930.0058 1 The All American Soldier 144.5 APW20000930.0058 1 The All American Soldier 144.5 APW19990628.0104 -1 Army 144.5 APW20000519.0174 -1 82nd 144.5 APW20000930.0058 -1 Ebb Tide 144.5 NYT19990419.0479 -1 Task Force Hawk 144.5 NYT19981218.0369 -1 Clinton 144.5 NYT19981217.0439 -1 Airmobile 144.5 APW20000930.0058 -1 $25 144.5 APW20000930.0058 -1 Airborne 144.5 APW20000519.0174 -1 private first class 144.5 NYT19990420.0265 -1 The 144.5 APW20000930.0058 1 The All American Soldier, 144.5 APW19991014.0288 -1 U.S. Army 144.5 NYT19990419.0479 -1 All-Americans 144.5 APW20000930.0058 -1 official 144.5 NYT20000531.0213 -1 Army 145.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 145.1 NYT20000718.0142 -1 40 145.1 APW19990125.0245 -1 400 county 145.1 APW19990607.0152 -1 THREE 145.1 APW19990225.0014 2 ONE 145.1 APW19990223.0125 -1 2 145.1 APW19991025.0091 -1 Byrd 145.1 NYT19990830.0161 -1 11 145.1 NYT19990920.0168 -1 24, 145.1 APW19990422.0059 -1 24, 145.1 APW19991025.0091 -1 Two 145.1 NYT19990129.0349 2 1 145.1 XIE19990226.0273 -1 three 145.1 APW19990217.0075 -1 two 145.1 APW19990125.0035 -1 three 145.1 NYT19990127.0502 2 One 145.1 APW20000328.0223 -1 12 145.1 APW19990920.0156 -1 24 , faces trial 145.1 NYT19990210.0278 -1 Guy James Gray 145.1 NYT19990210.0278 -1 seven 145.1 APW19990910.0116 -1 32 145.1 APW19990607.0152 -1 24 145.1 NYT19990224.0442 -1 24 145.1 NYT19990216.0414 -1 two 145.1 NYT19990223.0349 2 just one 145.1 NYT19990129.0342 -1 three 145.1 NYT19990910.0279 3 one black 145.1 APW19990916.0226 -1 32 145.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 145.2 NYT19990225.0399 1 Joe Collins 145.2 APW19991025.0090 -1 Lawrence Russell Brewer 145.2 APW19990225.0007 -1 James Byrd Jr. 145.2 APW19991025.0181 -1 Lawrence Russell Brewer 145.2 NYT19990225.0432 -1 James Byrd Diagnostic 145.2 APW19990922.0214 -1 JAMES BYRD 145.2 APW19990909.0221 -1 SENTENCED 145.2 APW19990226.0115 -1 James Byrd Jr. 145.2 NYT19991116.0364 -1 DANIEL STOLZ 145.2 NYT19990910.0279 -1 black juror 145.2 NYT19990225.0385 -1 JASPER 145.2 APW19990224.0120 -1 JASPER 145.2 NYT19990223.0371 -1 Sheriff 145.2 APW19990127.0195 -1 Jasper NewsBoy 145.2 NYT19990224.0449 -1 JASPER 145.2 APW19990216.0143 -1 JASPER 145.2 NYT19990910.0279 -1 King 145.2 NYT19990225.0400 1 Joe Collins 145.2 APW19990226.0115 -1 John William King 145.2 NYT19990910.0279 -1 Brewer 145.2 NYT19980617.0434 -1 James 145.2 NYT19990223.0371 -1 foreman 145.2 NYT19990225.0303 -1 1998 145.2 NYT19990223.0371 -1 King 145.2 NYT19990223.0370 -1 deliberations 145.2 NYT19990910.0279 -1 Jasper , Texas , 145.2 NYT19990225.0385 -1 James Byrd Jr 145.2 NYT19990225.0432 1 Joe Collins 145.2 APW19991025.0057 -1 Lawrence Russell Brewer 145.2 NYT19990223.0370 -1 James Byrd Jr 145.2 NYT19990225.0432 -1 Bill King 145.2 NYT19990223.0371 -1 Byrd 145.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 145.3 NYT19990428.0269 3 Texas 145.3 APW19990606.0074 2 Texas 145.3 NYT19990129.0349 3 Texas 145.3 NYT19990223.0371 3 Jasper County Sheriff 145.3 APW19990607.0152 2 JASPER 145.3 NYT19990420.0351 2 JASPER TEXAS 145.3 APW19990422.0059 3 Jasper 145.3 NYT19990305.0047 3 Texas 145.3 APW19990917.0036 -1 capital 145.3 NYT19990830.0161 3 Jasper 145.3 APW19990412.0204 3 Texas 145.3 NYT19980610.0572 2 Texas 145.3 NYT19980612.0415 -1 Jasper County Jail 145.3 APW19990909.0221 3 Jasper 145.3 APW19990920.0092 -1 Byrd 145.3 NYT19990223.0371 -1 King 145.3 NYT19990830.0161 -1 Brazos County 145.3 NYT19990209.0027 3 Jasper 145.3 NYT19990302.0069 -1 SAN ANTONIO 145.3 APW19990114.0054 -1 United States 145.3 APW19990910.0116 -1 Byrd 145.3 NYT19990428.0269 -1 Brewer 145.3 NYT19990428.0269 -1 He 145.3 NYT19990830.0161 -1 Tennessee Colony 145.3 NYT19990428.0269 3 Jasper 145.3 APW19990422.0059 3 Jasper County 145.3 NYT19990428.0269 3 Jasper County 145.3 NYT19990305.0047 1 Jasper, Texas 145.3 NYT19990301.0217 3 Jasper 145.3 NYT19990428.0269 3 Jasper County District Attorney 145.3 APW19990913.0079 -1 Brewer 145.3 NYT19990124.0201 -1 TV 145.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 145.4 XIE19990307.0064 -1 June 1995 145.4 APW19990428.0275 3 February 145.4 NYT19991213.0224 2 February 23, 1999 145.4 APW19990422.0059 -1 JAMES BYRD JR. 145.4 APW19990916.0226 -1 June 7, 1998 145.4 APW19990422.0059 -1 May 17 1999 145.4 NYT19990227.0217 -1 last week 145.4 XIE19990226.0273 -1 Tuesday 145.4 NYT19990224.0432 2 1999 145.4 NYT19990226.0351 3 1999 145.4 APW19990219.0222 2 1999 145.4 NYT19990125.0418 -1 25 1999 145.4 APW19990422.0059 3 February 145.4 NYT19990830.0161 3 February 145.4 APW19990921.0179 3 February 145.4 APW19990224.0120 -1 June 145.4 NYT19990302.0069 2 february 23, 1999 145.4 APW19991025.0057 -1 1998 145.4 APW19990920.0156 -1 last week, that he was on an old Jasper County logging road with John William King and Shawn Allen Berry in the early morning hours of June 7, 1998 , when Byrd was chained by his ankles to the bumper of Berry ' s pickup truck , then dragged for three miles . 145.4 APW19990831.0059 3 February 145.4 APW19990422.0059 -1 Jasper 145.4 APW19990422.0059 -1 Defense attorney Doug Barlow 145.4 APW19990910.0116 -1 June 7 , 1998 145.4 APW19990219.0145 -1 June 8 145.4 NYT19990219.0355 -1 June 7 145.4 APW19990422.0059 -1 May 17 145.4 APW19990226.0115 -1 February 26, 1999 145.4 NYT19991213.0224 -1 1997 145.4 NYT19991213.0224 2 1999 145.4 APW19990831.0059 3 last February 145.4 APW19990909.0221 -1 June 7, 1998 145.4 APW19990428.0275 3 1999-02 145.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 145.5 APW19990422.0059 3 James Byrd 145.5 NYT19990222.0341 3 Byrd 145.5 APW19990428.0275 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 NYT19990222.0341 -1 John William Bill King 145.5 APW19991025.0181 -1 Lawrence Russell Brewer 145.5 APW19990111.0285 1 James Byrd Jr 145.5 APW19990422.0059 3 JAMES BYRD 145.5 NYT19990305.0047 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 APW19990920.0092 -1 John William King 145.5 NYT19990223.0371 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 NYT19980612.0348 -1 Jasper 145.5 APW19990422.0059 -1 Jasper 145.5 NYT19990223.0371 3 James 145.5 NYT19990219.0175 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 APW19990219.0145 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 NYT20000314.0411 -1 Rodney King 145.5 NYT19990302.0069 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 APW19990428.0288 -1 Lawrence Russell Brewer 145.5 APW19990219.0146 3 victim James 145.5 APW19990219.0145 3 Byrd 145.5 NYT19990224.0477 -1 family 145.5 APW19990219.0145 -1 Frank Baechtel 145.5 APW19990922.0214 1 James Byrd Jr. 145.5 APW19990125.0035 -1 Jury selection 145.5 NYT19990129.0342 -1 Bill 145.5 APW19990125.0086 -1 Jury selection 145.5 APW19990922.0214 1 James Byrd Jr 145.5 NYT19990223.0371 3 Byrd 145.5 NYT19991116.0356 -1 one 146.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 146.1 NYT20000406.0086 3 Sharif 146.1 APW20000216.0320 -1 Liu 146.1 XIE19991007.0067 -1 Kabbah 146.1 APW19980909.1353 -1 Salvador Allende 146.1 XIE20000711.0005 -1 U. S. Dollars 146.1 XIE19991019.0185 -1 Pervez Musharraf 146.1 XIE19991119.0295 1 NAWAZ SHARIF 146.1 XIE19991119.0295 3 SHARIF 146.1 XIE19991019.0185 3 Sharif 146.1 XIE19970126.0003 -1 Abdul Rashid Dostam 146.1 XIE19991226.0014 -1 Henri Konan Bedie 146.1 NYT19991023.0106 3 Sharif 146.1 XIE20000206.0039 -1 Sharif 146.1 XIE19970108.0014 -1 Bhutto 146.1 XIE19971225.0002 -1 Mulla Rabbani 146.1 XIE19991119.0295 3 Sharif 146.1 NYT19991027.0375 -1 Saddam 146.1 XIE19991220.0164 1 Nawaz Sharif 146.1 APW20000308.0198 -1 Osama 146.1 NYT19990128.0447 -1 Saddam 146.1 NYT19991111.0130 -1 Bush 146.1 APW19981111.1380 -1 exiled leader 146.1 NYT19990428.0205 -1 1968 146.1 NYT19990428.0205 -1 Gen. Omar Torrijos 146.1 XIE19991220.0164 3 Sharif 146.1 XIE19991220.0164 -1 General Pervaiz Musharraf 146.1 XIE19991119.0295 1 Nawaz Sharif 146.1 XIE19971223.0028 -1 Tejan Kabbah 146.1 XIE19991220.0164 3 Nawaz Sharif Monday 146.1 XIE19991220.0242 -1 Shahbaz Sharif 146.1 NYT20000807.0394 -1 Clinton 146.1 NYT19991111.0130 1 Nawaz Sharif 146.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 146.2 APW19981205.0671 -1 1999 146.2 XIE20000314.0030 -1 July 1997 146.2 XIE19970308.0177 -1 1990 146.2 XIE19970308.0177 -1 September 146.2 XIE20000713.0005 -1 2000 146.2 XIE19981225.0155 -1 1998 146.2 XIE20000529.0078 -1 12 146.2 APW19981205.0671 -1 OCTOBER 1999 146.2 XIE19960117.0302 -1 1992 146.2 XIE19970823.0095 -1 May 25 1997 146.2 APW19980903.1335 -1 1944 146.2 NYT20000317.0332 -1 last October 146.2 XIE20000301.0225 -1 1999 146.2 NYT19991017.0139 -1 5 days 146.2 NYT20000807.0394 -1 October 146.2 APW20000520.0085 -1 1994 146.2 XIE19961225.0197 -1 September 146.2 NYT20000807.0387 -1 1999 146.2 XIE20000207.0004 -1 1996 146.2 XIE20000529.0078 -1 Monday, that the Pakistani government was an oligarchy before October 12, 1999 , when the army took over power from a civilian government . 146.2 NYT19991012.0303 -1 Pakistan 146.2 XIE19991214.0098 1 February 1997 146.2 XIE20000824.0294 -1 1991 146.2 NYT19990118.0146 -1 September 146.2 NYT20000328.0021 -1 Pakistan society 146.2 XIE19980221.0041 -1 Thursday 146.2 XIE20000529.0078 -1 October 12 146.2 NYT19991013.0048 -1 1401 146.2 XIE20000529.0078 -1 October 12, 1999 146.2 XIE19980702.0063 -1 last February 146.2 XIE19980210.0313 -1 May 25, 1997 146.2 XIE19991019.0185 1 1997-02 146.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 146.3 XIE19991226.0018 -1 people 146.3 APW20000928.0082 -1 line 146.3 APW19981205.0671 -1 power 146.3 XIE20000713.0005 -1 Traditional Items Exports Up in Fiscal 146.3 XIE19961031.0232 -1 Pakistan Muslim League 146.3 XIE19990326.0254 -1 PAKISTANIS 146.3 XIE19971030.0027 -1 PRESIDENT 146.3 NYT20000807.0394 -1 PAKISTAN 146.3 XIE20000306.0013 -1 U.S. Says Decision yet to be Made for Clinton's Trip to 146.3 APW19980805.0335 -1 groups 146.3 NYT19990312.0452 -1 ``national reconciliation 146.3 NYT19980914.0084 -1 CIA 146.3 NYT19991105.0439 -1 CIA 146.3 NYT19990813.0354 -1 Women 146.3 NYT19991020.0399 -1 Ittefaq Group 146.3 XIE19960708.0203 -1 The News 146.3 NYT19991027.0375 -1 Saddam 146.3 NYT19980914.0084 -1 National Security Archive 146.3 XIE20000529.0078 -1 Xinhua 146.3 NYT20000125.0339 -1 Pakistan 146.3 APW20000217.0241 -1 CIA 146.3 APW19981111.1380 -1 both the smaller Haqiqi group and the mainstream MQM 146.3 APW19980712.0899 -1 1962 146.3 NYT19981222.0315 -1 American 146.3 XIE19991119.0295 -1 former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif 146.3 XIE19991119.0274 -1 US-Crime 146.3 NYT19991208.0430 -1 United Nations 146.3 NYT19991012.0436 1 ARMY 146.3 NYT19991012.0319 -1 PAKISTANI GOVERNME 146.3 NYT19991013.0466 -1 Congress 146.3 XIE19970913.0207 -1 President 146.3 XIE19971018.0179 -1 Taliban 146.3 XIE19961031.0232 -1 Field General Court 146.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 146.4 NYT20000406.0272 -1 President Bourguiba 146.4 APW20000216.0320 -1 Liu 146.4 NYT20000109.0088 -1 Castro 146.4 XIE19980201.0044 -1 Hutus 146.4 XIE19980416.0176 -1 Major News 146.4 XIE19980318.0216 -1 Khmer Rouge 146.4 XIE19961024.0296 -1 MASOOD AZHAR 146.4 NYT20000807.0394 -1 PAKISTAN 146.4 NYT19991013.0466 -1 President Clinton 146.4 APW19980624.1334 -1 Economic 146.4 NYT19991012.0303 1 General Pervez Musharraf 146.4 NYT19991014.0392 -1 Sharif 146.4 XIE20000206.0039 -1 Sharif 146.4 XIE20000512.0124 2 Pervez Musharraf 146.4 NYT20000317.0332 1 Gen. Pervez Musharraf 146.4 XIE19971225.0002 -1 Sharif 146.4 NYT19990118.0202 -1 Bhutto 146.4 NYT20000807.0394 3 Musharraf 146.4 APW19980701.1328 -1 David Trimble 146.4 XIE19991119.0295 -1 Nawaz Sharif 146.4 XIE19991226.0014 -1 Henri Konan Bedie 146.4 APW19981111.1380 -1 exiled leader 146.4 APW19981224.0387 -1 U.S. 146.4 NYT20000328.0021 -1 counterterrorism 146.4 NYT20000328.0021 -1 three 146.4 XIE19981104.0041 -1 Sani Abacha 146.4 NYT20000807.0394 -1 Clinton 146.4 XIE19970721.0144 -1 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif 146.4 XIE19990307.0208 -1 Ta Mok 146.4 XIE20000512.0124 -1 Sharif 146.4 NYT19991013.0048 -1 I A4741 146.4 NYT20000317.0120 1 Pervez Musharraf 146.4 APW19981226.0831 -1 Khmer Rouge 146.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 146.5 XIE20000406.0211 -1 court 146.5 NYT20000608.0002 -1 conspiracy 146.5 XIE19980201.0044 -1 attacks 146.5 XIE20000713.0005 -1 Traditional Items Exports Up in Fiscal 146.5 XIE20000406.0160 -1 Shahbaz Sharif 146.5 XIE19970120.0193 -1 MURDER 146.5 XIE19991119.0295 -1 PRIME 146.5 XIE19961116.0157 -1 Benazir Bhutto 146.5 XIE19961210.0128 -1 Chand 146.5 NYT19991023.0106 -1 Sharif 146.5 APW19980731.1312 -1 REG 146.5 XIE19990102.0046 -1 Pakistan 146.5 XIE19980328.0156 -1 India 146.5 NYT19990910.0266 -1 ZIMBABWE 146.5 XIE19991119.0274 -1 US- 146.5 NYT20000807.0387 -1 misdemeanor 146.5 APW20000921.0095 -1 war crimes 146.5 XIE19990204.0094 -1 Saddam Hussein 146.5 XIE19991119.0274 -1 hate crimes 146.5 NYT20000328.0021 -1 Islamabad 146.5 NYT20000328.0021 -1 three 146.5 XIE20000406.0211 -1 Anti-Terrorism 146.5 XIE20000406.0160 -1 Anti-Terrorism Court No. 146.5 XIE19981227.0084 -1 king 146.5 NYT19990415.0304 -1 corruption 146.5 XIE19971223.0028 -1 Tejan Kabbah 146.5 NYT19990209.0413 -1 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif 146.5 NYT20000406.0086 -1 Sharif 146.5 NYT20000406.0293 1 hijacking 146.5 XIE19971113.0026 -1 Aimal Kansi 147.1 NYT19990106.0219 -1 January 7, 1999 147.1 NYT19990526.0353 2 January 6, 1999 147.1 APW19990709.0002 -1 June 19 147.1 APW19990615.0054 -1 June 19 147.1 NYT19990106.0265 3 1999 147.1 APW20000730.0046 -1 19 147.1 NYT19990526.0353 3 1999 147.1 APW19981025.1217 -1 August 1997 147.1 APW19990828.0070 -1 November 1995 147.1 NYT19990109.0082 -1 summer 147.1 APW19990709.0004 -1 June 19 ,1999 147.1 NYT20000906.0199 -1 1901 147.1 APW20000730.0046 -1 Jan. 20, 1936 147.1 APW20000125.0225 -1 1936 147.1 NYT19990831.0197 -1 1936 147.1 NYT19990619.0103 -1 January 147.1 XIE19991105.0246 -1 1920 147.1 APW19990106.0295 3 1999 147.1 NYT20000213.0058 2 1999 147.1 APW19990122.0366 -1 June 19 147.1 NYT19990619.0103 -1 Diana 147.1 NYT19990619.0103 -1 television interview 147.1 APW20000730.0046 -1 Dec. 11 , 1936 147.1 APW19990624.0286 -1 June 19, 1999 147.1 NYT19990107.0052 -1 1180 147.1 APW19990709.0004 -1 June 19, 1999 147.1 NYT19990106.0265 -1 1981 147.1 APW19990619.0042 -1 1999-06-19 147.2 NYT19990619.0103 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 APW19990122.0366 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 APW20000901.0053 -1 Queen Elizabeth II 147.2 APW19990722.0134 -1 Sarah Ferguson 147.2 NYT19990106.0265 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 APW19990619.0019 3 SOPHIE 147.2 APW19990619.0019 1 SOPHIE RHYS-JONES 147.2 XIE19990620.0107 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 APW19990828.0070 -1 Prince Joachim 147.2 NYT19990109.0082 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 NYT19980803.0127 -1 Prince Edward Island 147.2 XIE19990917.0084 -1 Prince Edward Island 147.2 NYT20000607.0068 -1 Charles 147.2 XIE19990107.0162 1 Sophie Rhys - Jones 147.2 APW20000730.0046 -1 George V 147.2 XIE19990620.0107 -1 Edward 147.2 NYT20000607.0068 -1 Charles and Parker Bowles 147.2 NYT19990215.0308 -1 Charles 147.2 APW19990619.0019 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 APW19990122.0366 1 his fiancee Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 APW19980604.0526 -1 Britain 147.2 APW19990106.0296 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 NYT19990106.0265 -1 Queen Elizabeth 147.2 APW19990106.0295 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 XIE19990107.0162 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.2 NYT19990107.0052 -1 NETANYAHU A1883 147.2 APW19980626.1046 -1 Elizabeth II 147.2 APW20000717.0161 -1 Prince 147.2 APW19990122.0366 -1 Queen 147.2 APW19990709.0002 1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 147.3 XIE19981202.0146 -1 Britain 147.3 APW19981018.0625 -1 Amman 147.3 XIE19990620.0013 -1 England 147.3 NYT19990809.0290 -1 Great Britain 147.3 APW19990622.0050 1 BALMORAL 147.3 APW19990619.0019 -1 GREAT BRITAIN 147.3 APW20000730.0046 -1 WALES 147.3 APW19990619.0019 -1 Washington 147.3 NYT19990619.0078 -1 London 147.3 APW20000901.0053 -1 AP 147.3 APW19990621.0158 1 royal Balmoral estate 147.3 NYT19990718.0113 -1 Britain 147.3 APW19981124.0425 -1 Britain 147.3 APW19990621.0028 -1 LONDON 147.3 NYT19980908.0090 -1 Las Vegas 147.3 APW19990619.0019 -1 WINDSOR 147.3 APW19990709.0002 -1 Britain 147.3 NYT19981013.0199 -1 Edward 147.3 NYT19990106.0265 -1 Charles 147.3 APW19990621.0158 -1 LONDON 147.3 APW19980723.1256 -1 World War II 147.3 NYT19981011.0126 -1 1985 147.3 NYT19990106.0240 -1 LONDON 147.3 APW20000730.0046 -1 Greece 147.3 APW19980604.0526 -1 LONDON 147.3 APW19990622.0050 1 Balmoral 147.3 APW19981127.0982 -1 AMMAN 147.3 APW19990622.0050 1 Scotland 147.3 NYT19990628.0075 -1 Prince William 147.3 APW19990622.0050 -1 Wessex 147.3 APW19990622.0050 1 Balmoral estate 147.4 NYT19990619.0103 1 seventh 147.4 XIE19990620.0107 -1 Britain 147.4 XIE19990620.0107 -1 Queen 147.4 XIE19990620.0013 -1 England 147.4 NYT19990106.0115 -1 London 147.4 NYT19990629.0384 -1 Great Britain 147.4 XIE19990620.0107 -1 GREAT BRITAIN 147.4 NYT19990106.0240 -1 WALES 147.4 APW19990619.0019 -1 Washington 147.4 APW19990619.0019 -1 Windsor 147.4 NYT19980715.0163 1 seventh 147.4 APW19981124.0425 -1 Britain 147.4 NYT19980827.0152 -1 Wales 147.4 NYT19990715.0270 -1 Prince Edward Theater 147.4 NYT19990106.0240 -1 Wales 147.4 APW19990709.0002 -1 Britain 147.4 XIE19990620.0107 -1 Sophie Rhys-Jones 147.4 NYT19981211.0196 -1 England 147.4 NYT19990106.0240 -1 LONDON 147.4 APW19981224.0834 -1 England 147.4 NYT19980715.0163 -1 Pasadena 147.4 NYT19980715.0163 -1 one, 147.4 NYT19990106.0240 -1 documentary about his great-uncle 147.4 NYT19990106.0240 1 seventh 147.4 APW19980724.0322 -1 Windsor 147.4 XIE19990620.0107 1 seventh 147.4 NYT19990106.0240 -1 Windsor 147.4 APW19980724.0161 -1 Wales 147.5 NYT19990619.0103 -1 nongovernment job 147.5 XIE19970208.0097 -1 Britain 147.5 APW19980909.0604 -1 games 147.5 NYT19981013.0304 -1 career 147.5 NYT19981102.0103 -1 queen 147.5 XIE19970906.0043 -1 Britain Queen 147.5 XIE19990620.0107 -1 MEMBERS 147.5 APW20000714.0221 -1 ISLAND 147.5 XIE19990620.0013 -1 After a six-year romance, Britain's Prince Edward wed public relations executive 147.5 APW19990624.0286 -1 official 147.5 NYT19980924.0322 -1 Chasing 147.5 APW19990309.0078 -1 39 147.5 APW20000901.0053 1 TV Producer 147.5 APW19990828.0070 -1 Queen 147.5 APW19990106.0295 -1 Queen 147.5 NYT19980715.0163 -1 founder 147.5 APW19990204.0255 -1 Edward Windsor 147.5 APW19990709.0002 -1 King 147.5 APW19980724.0322 -1 King 147.5 APW19980724.0322 -1 the Russian-made case 1895 by a mistress 147.5 NYT19990601.0159 -1 Rupert Murdoch 147.5 APW19980604.0526 -1 Prince Edward 147.5 APW20000730.0046 -1 Princess Elizabeth 147.5 APW19980604.0526 -1 Edward 147.5 APW20000901.0053 3 producer 147.5 NYT19981013.0199 -1 e 147.5 APW19990619.0042 -1 Britain's Prince E 147.5 NYT19990109.0082 -1 Queen 147.5 XIE19990310.0321 -1 Prince 147.5 APW19981001.0379 -1 Queen 147.5 NYT19990111.0106 -1 Queen Elizabeth 147.5 APW20000730.0046 -1 King George V 147.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 147.6 XIE19980118.0067 -1 1.5 billion 147.6 APW19980909.0604 -1 70 147.6 NYT19991002.0049 -1 two 147.6 NYT19990619.0103 -1 8000 147.6 NYT19990106.0265 -1 50 147.6 NYT19990902.0172 -1 CHARLES 147.6 APW19981231.0493 -1 NIL 147.6 XIE19990620.0107 -1 10 147.6 XIE19990620.0013 -1 six 147.6 APW19990624.0286 -1 Britain 147.6 NYT19990106.0240 -1 16 147.6 NYT20000501.0011 -1 80 147.6 APW19990309.0078 -1 39 147.6 NYT19990109.0082 -1 three 147.6 NYT19990619.0103 -1 3 royal siblings 147.6 APW19990709.0002 -1 one 147.6 APW20000125.0275 -1 one 147.6 NYT19990106.0240 -1 34 147.6 NYT19991226.0061 -1 three 147.6 APW19990107.0149 -1 700 million 147.6 XIE19990415.0138 -1 36 147.6 APW19981025.1217 -1 500 people 147.6 APW19990621.0158 -1 Earl 147.6 APW19990621.0158 -1 queen 147.6 NYT19990106.0240 -1 1981 147.6 APW19990107.0149 -1 Queen Elizabeth II 's divorce-prone family 147.6 XIE19990620.0107 1 200 million 147.6 APW19990107.0150 -1 Queen Elizabeth II 's divorce-prone family 147.6 APW20000213.0050 -1 20,000 147.6 NYT19991102.0207 -1 5 147.6 APW19990709.0002 -1 19 147.6 APW19980724.0322 -1 100 147.6 APW19990107.0149 -1 an estimated 700 million 147.6 APW19981206.0071 -1 500,000 147.6 NYT19990619.0103 -1 20 million 147.6 NYT19990619.0103 -1 three 148.1 APW19990915.0118 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19980214.0079 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19981229.0035 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19980814.0511 1 EGYPT 148.1 NYT19990706.0216 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19981117.0087 -1 Countries 148.1 XIE19971118.0271 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19960516.0103 1 Egypt 148.1 NYT19991118.0385 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19980603.0636 3 Egyptian 148.1 APW19980814.0511 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19981105.0888 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19980115.0369 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19980603.0636 -1 Switzerland 148.1 NYT19991029.0259 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19990206.0039 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19971118.0195 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19981117.0062 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19980214.0079 -1 14 148.1 XIE19980112.0079 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19971119.0064 1 Egypt 148.1 XIE19971225.0029 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19980628.0289 1 Egypt 148.1 APW19980814.0511 -1 Switzerland 148.2 XIE19971211.0196 1 November 17 148.2 XIE19971126.0052 1 November 17, 1997 148.2 APW19980623.0856 1 November 17, 1997 148.2 XIE19971118.0140 -1 1992 148.2 XIE19980323.0127 -1 58 148.2 XIE19980323.0127 -1 FOREIGN TOURISTS 148.2 XIE19980323.0127 1 NOVEMBER 17 148.2 APW19980824.0815 -1 1995 148.2 APW19990629.0114 3 1997 148.2 XIE19980112.0079 3 1997 148.2 NYT19991029.0259 3 1997 148.2 XIE19980112.0079 1 November 17, 1997 148.2 XIE19980323.0127 1 November 17, 1997 148.2 XIE19980806.0133 3 November 148.2 XIE20000620.0016 3 1997 148.2 XIE20000414.0170 -1 August 1995 148.2 APW19980821.1021 3 November 1997 148.2 APW19981031.0715 1 Nov. 17 148.2 XIE19991106.0156 -1 2000 148.2 APW19981117.0062 -1 Egypt 148.2 APW19981117.0062 1 last Nov. 17 148.2 XIE19980112.0079 1 November 17 148.2 NYT19990118.0160 3 1997 148.2 XIE19971122.0045 1 November 17, 148.2 XIE20000129.0062 -1 1937 148.2 XIE19980112.0079 -1 1992 148.2 XIE19980323.0127 -1 1992 148.2 XIE19980112.0079 1 1997-11-17 148.2 XIE19981229.0035 3 November 1997 148.3 XIE19971118.0195 3 57 foreign tourists and 10 Egyptians 148.3 XIE19971122.0045 1 68 148.3 APW19980623.0856 -1 184 148.3 APW19990206.0039 4 62 148.3 NYT19990118.0160 4 60 148.3 APW19981031.0715 4 62 people 148.3 XIE19980323.0127 -1 58 148.3 APW19990206.0039 4 62 PEOPLE 148.3 XIE19971118.0176 -1 60 148.3 XIE19980323.0127 -1 1,300 148.3 APW19981105.0888 -1 58 148.3 XIE19971122.0045 -1 58 foreign tourists 148.3 APW19981217.0993 1 68 148.3 XIE19971127.0045 -1 58 148.3 XIE19980323.0127 -1 17 148.3 XIE19971122.0045 1 68 people 148.3 APW19981109.0806 -1 four 148.3 XIE19971122.0045 -1 58 148.3 APW19980821.1021 4 62 148.3 APW19981031.0715 4 62 148.3 XIE20000620.0016 -1 1,200 people 148.3 APW19980623.0829 -1 1996 148.3 APW19980623.0829 -1 174 148.3 APW19981217.0993 -1 10 Swiss 148.3 APW19980814.0525 4 58 148.3 NYT19980821.0349 4 62 148.3 XIE19971118.0195 -1 57 148.3 XIE19971118.0195 -1 10 148.3 NYT19990121.0094 -1 62 148.3 APW19981025.0367 4 62 people 148.3 XIE20000414.0170 -1 three 148.3 NYT19990121.0094 -1 more than a dozen 148.4 XIE19971211.0196 -1 Valley of Kings 148.4 XIE19971123.0049 -1 Monday 148.4 NYT19990118.0160 -1 Jews 148.4 APW19980623.0856 -1 Islamic 148.4 XIE19971215.0039 -1 Upper Egypt 148.4 XIE19980112.0079 -1 EGYPT 148.4 XIE19980323.0127 -1 A police lieutenant colonel and three conscripts were killed Sunday night 148.4 APW19981117.0275 -1 Egypt 148.4 APW19981117.0062 -1 the city's ancient sites 148.4 XIE19971202.0059 -1 tourist 148.4 XIE19960516.0103 -1 Luxor 148.4 XIE19981022.0211 -1 Egyptian 148.4 XIE19971123.0012 1 Hatshepsut Temple 148.4 XIE19971126.0052 -1 Luxor 148.4 NYT19990511.0154 -1 Egypt 148.4 NYT19990511.0154 -1 Temple 148.4 NYT19991029.0259 -1 Egypt 148.4 XIE19971215.0039 -1 report on official response of various countries to Luxor massacre 148.4 XIE19971118.0148 -1 Luxor 148.4 APW19981117.0062 -1 3,000 148.4 APW19981117.0062 -1 about 3,000 148.4 APW19981117.0062 -1 Luxor 148.4 XIE19971119.0064 -1 Cairo 148.4 APW19981105.0888 -1 southern Egypt 148.4 XIE19971120.0168 -1 Abu Simbel 148.4 XIE19980323.0127 -1 This was the first major terrorist attack since six Muslim militants 148.4 XIE19971122.0240 3 Luxor's Hatshepsut temple 148.4 XIE19960218.0002 -1 Egypt 148.4 APW19980814.0525 1 Temple of Hatshepsut 148.4 XIE19980112.0079 -1 Egypt 148.5 XIE19971118.0195 1 Jamaa al-Islamiya 148.5 APW19981031.0715 1 Islamic Group 148.5 APW19980623.0856 -1 Pharaonic 148.5 APW19981031.0695 1 Islamic Group 148.5 NYT19990118.0160 -1 Al Ahram 148.5 XIE19971123.0049 -1 Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak 148.5 XIE19980323.0127 -1 58 148.5 XIE19971118.0195 -1 EGYPT 148.5 XIE19971216.0116 -1 the organization 148.5 XIE19971215.0039 -1 Luxor Massacre 148.5 APW19981105.0888 -1 Islamic Group 148.5 XIE19971118.0110 -1 Xinhua - Egypt 148.5 XIE19971118.0140 1 Islamic Group 148.5 XIE19971218.0132 1 Gamaa Islamiya 148.5 XIE19980112.0079 -1 Luxor 148.5 XIE19971122.0045 1 Gamaa Islamia 148.5 NYT19991029.0259 -1 Survivors 148.5 XIE19971216.0116 -1 responsibility for Egypt's bloodiest terrorist attack since 1992 148.5 XIE19971118.0195 -1 principal terrorist organization 148.5 APW19981031.0695 -1 1992 148.5 APW19981031.0715 -1 Muslim extremists 148.5 XIE19980112.0079 -1 President Hosni Mubarak 148.5 APW19981031.0695 -1 Muslim extremists 148.5 XIE19971216.0116 3 Gamaa 148.5 XIE19971121.0056 1 Islamic Group 148.5 XIE19971216.0116 1 Gamaa Islamiya 148.5 XIE19971216.0116 -1 Egypt 149.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 149.1 NYT19990217.0394 2 Comedy Central 149.1 NYT20000731.0492 -1 politics 149.1 NYT19980819.0406 -1 news 149.1 APW20000914.0153 1 Comedy Central 149.1 NYT20000905.0101 -1 TV TONIGHT 149.1 NYT20000118.0193 -1 SHOW WITH JON STEWART 149.1 NYT20000118.0193 -1 JON STEWART 149.1 NYT20000615.0018 -1 Show 149.1 NYT19980804.0174 -1 E cable channel 149.1 NYT20000731.0492 -1 Jon Stewart 149.1 APW19990110.0084 -1 Jon Stewart 149.1 NYT20000403.0455 -1 Jon Stewart 149.1 NYT20000110.0444 -1 P.S. NBC 149.1 NYT19981123.0452 -1 one 149.1 NYT19980818.0470 -1 recycled segments 149.1 NYT20000618.0022 -1 6.1 149.1 NYT19980818.0470 -1 staple of NBC's `` Saturday Night Live 149.1 NYT19990321.0097 2 Comedy Central 149.1 NYT19980829.0203 -1 The cable channel offers creative freedom and an audience 149.1 APW20000914.0153 -1 Stewart 149.1 NYT20000814.0340 -1 Dole 149.1 NYT19980929.0258 -1 Garry Shandling 149.1 NYT19990408.0462 -1 Disney 149.1 NYT19990430.0135 1 Comedy Central 149.1 NYT19980716.0428 -1 24-hour-a-day 149.1 NYT19990601.0063 -1 channel 149.1 XIE19980831.0096 -1 program 149.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 149.2 APW19990113.0174 -1 parody 149.2 NYT19990325.0063 -1 Pretty-boy Kilborn 149.2 NYT20000208.0147 -1 Hot Shots 149.2 APW19990110.0084 -1 Jon Stewart 149.2 NYT19990423.0247 -1 SESAME STREET 149.2 APW19990110.0084 -1 COMEDY 149.2 XIE20000111.0151 -1 China has doubled its newspaper groups with the approval of eight 149.2 NYT19980820.0013 -1 an originally produced TV show 149.2 NYT20000612.0168 -1 TV saga 149.2 NYT19981006.0232 -1 COMEDY CENTRAL 149.2 NYT19990310.0329 3 of a news broadcast 149.2 XIE19990213.0151 -1 and one 149.2 NYT19990325.0063 -1 one 149.2 NYT19981228.0258 -1 fit tv 149.2 NYT19980829.0195 -1 Comedy 149.2 APW19981105.0882 -1 Thursday's editions 149.2 NYT20000727.0220 -1 July 149.2 NYT20000503.0383 -1 Mad TV 149.2 NYT20000503.0383 -1 many 149.2 NYT20000829.0199 -1 Gaines 149.2 NYT19991210.0195 -1 Le 149.2 NYT19990331.0515 1 news 149.2 NYT20000218.0203 -1 CBS 149.2 NYT20000218.0203 -1 CD 149.2 NYT19980819.0394 -1 DAILY-SHOW-TV (Undated) _ ``The Daily Show,'' is America's most perfect rendering 149.2 APW19990401.0239 -1 Jimmy Swaggart 149.2 XIE19981028.0178 -1 TV 149.2 NYT19980820.0013 -1 television 149.2 NYT20000814.0340 1 news broadcast 149.2 APW19990113.0174 -1 Stewart 149.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 149.3 NYT19980829.0195 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT19980810.0422 4 Kilborn 149.3 NYT19991220.0172 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT19980810.0417 4 Kilborn 149.3 NYT19981224.0054 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT19981224.0054 1 JON STEWART 149.3 NYT19981224.0054 -1 Johnny Carson 149.3 APW19990110.0084 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT19981225.0018 -1 SHOW 149.3 NYT19990402.0222 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT19980810.0417 3 Stewart 149.3 APW19990113.0174 -1 Comedy Central 149.3 APW19990804.0286 -1 Steve Allen 149.3 NYT19990325.0063 -1 TV 149.3 NYT19981216.0413 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 APW20000421.0088 3 host Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT19980810.0417 -1 ten 149.3 NYT19980829.0203 -1 Comedy Central 149.3 NYT19980811.0253 3 Stewart 149.3 APW20000914.0153 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT20000503.0383 1 Jon Stewart 149.3 NYT20000503.0383 3 Stewart 149.3 NYT20000731.0492 1 Jon Stewart 149.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 149.4 NYT19980829.0203 -1 television 149.4 NYT20000810.0225 -1 8 149.4 NYT20000811.0197 3 11 149.4 NYT19980829.0195 -1 January 149.4 NYT19980829.0203 -1 Jon Stewart 149.4 NYT20000511.0309 -1 FRIDAY 149.4 NYT19980810.0417 -1 JON STEWART 149.4 NYT20000619.0132 -1 times 149.4 NYT20000615.0018 -1 Show 149.4 NYT20000810.0156 -1 12:05 149.4 NYT20000129.0056 -1 American 149.4 XIE19970705.0197 -1 July 5 149.4 NYT19980810.0417 -1 1994 149.4 NYT20000510.0075 -1 1999 149.4 NYT19990810.0190 -1 1950s 149.4 XIE19990123.0173 -1 Friday 149.4 NYT19980829.0203 -1 1996 149.4 NYT19980924.0454 -1 night 149.4 NYT20000731.0492 -1 a half hour of headline news , features 149.4 NYT20000731.0492 -1 Stewart 149.4 NYT19981216.0413 -1 this 149.4 NYT19980811.0253 -1 August 4, 1998 149.4 APW19990614.0070 -1 Half 149.4 NYT19981218.0257 -1 Friday 149.4 NYT20000503.0383 -1 Washington 149.4 NYT19980819.0394 1 11 p.m. 149.4 XIE19960705.0190 -1 1995 149.4 NYT19980829.0203 -1 Politically Incorrect With 149.4 NYT20000503.0383 -1 television 149.4 NYT19981224.0054 -1 1998-12-24T18:00 149.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 149.5 APW19990110.0084 -1 Jon Stewart 149.5 NYT19991220.0168 -1 Jon Stewart 149.5 NYT19990721.0138 -1 Jon Stewart 149.5 NYT19981224.0054 -1 Jon Stewart 149.5 NYT19981224.0054 -1 JON STEWART 149.5 XIE19980520.0234 -1 LIZZ WINSTEAD 149.5 NYT19981224.0054 -1 Johnny Carson 149.5 NYT20000615.0018 -1 Show 149.5 NYT19980829.0203 1 Madeleine Smithberg 149.5 NYT20000110.0444 -1 Lewis Black 149.5 APW19990328.0061 -1 Groening 149.5 APW19990113.0174 -1 Comedy Central 149.5 NYT20000301.0454 -1 Mike Darnell 149.5 NYT19980922.0256 -1 News 149.5 NYT19991223.0205 -1 Aaron Sorkin 149.5 NYT20000229.0354 -1 Aaron Sorkin 149.5 NYT19990325.0063 -1 Kilborn 149.5 NYT19990325.0063 -1 about one 149.5 NYT19980810.0422 -1 Tom Snyder 149.5 NYT20000620.0393 -1 Craig Kilborn 149.5 NYT19980918.0483 1 Madeline Smithberg 149.5 NYT20000318.0273 -1 Mark Brazill 149.5 NYT19980829.0203 -1 Stewart 149.5 NYT19980829.0195 -1 STEWART 149.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 149.6 NYT20000814.0340 -1 Jon Stewart 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 Yahoo 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 Stewart 149.6 NYT20000814.0306 -1 CVN 149.6 NYT20000814.0340 -1 Fox News Channel 149.6 XIE20000308.0248 -1 POPULARITY 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 STEWART 149.6 NYT20000615.0018 -1 Show 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 1 ``Indecision 2000'' 149.6 NYT20000110.0444 -1 10 2000 149.6 NYT20000928.0100 -1 Attorney General 149.6 NYT20000118.0193 3 Indecision 149.6 NYT20000118.0193 -1 cast of comedy channel's nightly satire on `` the Daily show ' with Jon Stewart as host 149.6 NYT19990707.0017 -1 elections 149.6 NYT19980829.0203 -1 co-executive producer 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 one 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 cool cars, cell phones and movies 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 Comedy Central 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 -1 Bill Maher and Stewart 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 3 Indecision 149.6 NYT20000503.0384 1 Indecision 2000 149.6 NYT20000503.0384 3 Indecision 149.6 NYT20000119.0220 -1 Jon Stewart 149.6 NYT20000731.0492 1 Indecision 2000 149.6 NYT20000814.0340 -1 convention 149.6 NYT20000119.0220 1 InDecision 2000 150.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 150.1 NYT19991209.0228 -1 2000 150.1 NYT20000612.0782 -1 1980 150.1 NYT19990325.0370 -1 1979 150.1 NYT19980911.0265 -1 1998 150.1 APW19990428.0297 -1 HAL 150.1 NYT19980807.0173 -1 11 150.1 NYT19980731.0094 -1 `CHEERS' FADES AFTER LANDMARK ENTERS RERUNS BOSTON _ It is a 150.1 APW19990602.0136 -1 the 1990s 150.1 NYT20000824.0230 -1 last year 150.1 NYT19991130.0082 3 93 150.1 NYT19981026.0332 -1 1991 150.1 NYT19980731.0394 1 1993 150.1 NYT19980615.0026 -1 HIGH SCHOOL FANTASIES A8557 BC - TV - FISHING - REVIEW - NYT 72018 150.1 NYT19980731.0094 -1 1984 150.1 NYT19990913.0001 -1 1990 150.1 NYT19981231.0260 -1 2000 150.1 APW20000201.0084 -1 Feb. 28 , 1983 150.1 NYT19980602.0308 1 1993 150.1 APW19990526.0052 -1 Tuesday night, making it the fourth most-viewed series finale of the 1990s behind "Seinfeld , " "Cheers" and "The Cosby Show." 150.1 NYT20000824.0330 -1 50 150.1 APW19990602.0136 -1 May 26, 1999 150.1 NYT19980915.0264 -1 1961 150.1 APW19980615.1274 -1 1997 150.1 NYT19981031.0100 -1 October 25, 1998 150.1 NYT19980731.0094 -1 There is no question that the Cheers logo has become its 150.1 NYT20000825.0123 -1 1983 150.1 APW20000201.0084 -1 1990 150.1 NYT19980731.0094 1 1993 150.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 150.2 NYT19990201.0194 -1 cheers 150.2 NYT20000214.0141 -1 Oprah Winfrey Show 150.2 NYT19980730.0203 -1 cable 150.2 NYT19990202.0017 -1 Fox Network 150.2 APW19990416.0098 -1 cable 150.2 NYT19991130.0082 -1 SEINFELD 150.2 NYT19991124.0136 -1 CBS 150.2 NYT19980731.0094 -1 `CHEERS' FADES AFTER LANDMARK ENTERS RERUNS BOSTON _ It is a 150.2 APW20000529.0029 -1 the network 150.2 NYT20000628.0216 1 NBC 150.2 APW19981225.0682 -1 USA Today 150.2 NYT19981026.0332 2 NBC 150.2 NYT19990115.0129 1 NBC 150.2 NYT20000628.0216 -1 1976 Oscar-nominated satire 150.2 APW19990325.0042 -1 No. 1 150.2 NYT19980731.0094 -1 Boston 150.2 NYT19990203.0398 -1 hits 150.2 NYT19991124.0136 -1 was 150.2 APW19990907.0085 -1 two 150.2 APW19990907.0085 -1 cable networks 150.2 NYT20000414.0207 -1 finally show probably also 150.2 NYT19990521.0199 -1 Frasier 150.2 NYT19980829.0201 2 NBC 150.2 NYT20000712.0162 -1 Chris Isaak 150.2 NYT19980825.0051 -1 UPN 150.2 NYT19980731.0094 -1 There is no question that the Cheers logo has become its 150.2 NYT20000124.0308 -1 ABC Entertainment Group 150.2 NYT19981124.0498 -1 Ally McBeal 150.2 NYT20000216.0439 -1 Fox 150.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 150.3 NYT19980923.0275 -1 Frasier Crane 150.3 NYT19980731.0094 -1 Davis-Mullen 150.3 NYT19990201.0194 -1 Seinfeld 150.3 NYT19980628.0028 -1 George Wendt 150.3 NYT19991207.0254 -1 Ted Danson 150.3 APW20000731.0054 -1 SAM MALONE TED DANSON 150.3 APW19990130.0036 1 SHELLEY LONG 150.3 APW19990130.0036 1 Shelley Long 150.3 NYT19990121.0097 -1 a character 150.3 NYT19980731.0094 -1 Boston 150.3 NYT19980731.0094 -1 Diane Chambers 150.3 NYT19991217.0052 1 Shelley Long 150.3 NYT19991029.0286 -1 Paul 150.3 APW19990507.0016 -1 Hubie 150.3 NYT19990121.0097 -1 Frasier 150.3 NYT19980731.0094 -1 local tourism experts 150.3 NYT19991207.0254 -1 Frasier 150.3 NYT19990121.0097 -1 Diane Chambers 150.3 NYT19980824.0103 3 Shelly Long 150.3 APW20000705.0187 -1 Elian 150.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 150.4 NYT19981001.0289 1 Ted Danson 150.4 NYT19990207.0279 -1 Kung Fu ','' Malone 150.4 NYT19980628.0028 -1 George Wendt 150.4 NYT19991207.0254 1 Ted Danson 150.4 APW20000731.0054 1 TED DANSON 150.4 NYT19980807.0300 -1 Woody 150.4 NYT19991207.0254 -1 Malone 150.4 NYT19991207.0254 3 Danson 150.4 APW19981225.0682 -1 Woody 150.4 NYT19991207.0208 2 Ted Danson 150.4 NYT19981112.0004 -1 Karl Malone 150.4 NYT19991207.0254 -1 Becker 150.4 NYT19990219.0281 -1 Red Sox 150.4 NYT19990922.0453 -1 Lindsay 150.4 APW19980612.0578 -1 Karl 150.4 NYT19981101.0065 2 Danson 150.4 APW20000731.0054 -1 Andy Griffith 150.4 APW20000731.0054 3 Danson 150.4 APW20000801.0124 -1 bar 150.4 NYT19990922.0266 -1 Bradley Whitford 150.4 NYT19991207.0254 -1 ``Becker 150.4 APW19990603.0250 -1 Dennis Rodman 150.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 150.5 NYT19980731.0094 1 Bull & Finch Pub 150.5 NYT20000809.0102 -1 union 150.5 APW19990628.0158 -1 players 150.5 APW19990922.0032 -1 Quarterback Doug 150.5 NYT19980731.0103 -1 Beacon Hill 150.5 NYT19980731.0094 -1 BEACON HILL 150.5 NYT20000712.0200 -1 FINCH 150.5 NYT19990319.0218 -1 the better bars 150.5 NYT20000406.0101 -1 South Boston bar 150.5 NYT19991130.0082 -1 10 150.5 NYT20000617.0061 -1 30 150.5 APW19980604.1194 -1 American 150.5 NYT19980731.0094 1 Bull & Finch 150.5 NYT19980731.0094 -1 Beacon Hill 150.5 APW20000926.0059 -1 town 150.5 NYT19980927.0103 -1 television 150.5 NYT20000304.0016 -1 New Jersey 150.5 NYT19980807.0300 -1 Woody 150.5 NYT19980731.0094 -1 model for Cheers bar 150.5 APW20000627.0072 -1 1985 150.5 APW20000731.0054 -1 Danson 150.5 NYT19990830.0148 -1 Finch 150.5 NYT20000304.0016 -1 Detention Center 150.5 NYT19990830.0148 -1 50 acres 150.5 NYT19990830.0148 -1 Bull 150.5 NYT19990604.0242 -1 Faneuil Hall 150.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 150.6 NYT19990623.0402 -1 1996 150.6 NYT20000619.0231 2 1982 150.6 NYT19990619.0168 -1 1983 150.6 NYT19981021.0421 -1 1967 150.6 NYT19980731.0103 -1 1998 150.6 NYT19990315.0535 -1 1989 150.6 APW19990913.0037 -1 SHOWS 150.6 APW20000315.0015 -1 March 3 2000 150.6 NYT19990123.0220 -1 that year 150.6 NYT19991130.0082 1 1982 150.6 NYT19981026.0332 -1 1999 150.6 NYT19980908.0009 -1 1985 150.6 NYT19980731.0094 -1 200000 150.6 APW19981108.0265 -1 Oct. 30 150.6 NYT19990913.0001 -1 1990 150.6 NYT19991124.0136 -1 1973 150.6 NYT19990509.0046 -1 May 2, 1999 150.6 NYT19981230.0422 -1 2006 150.6 APW19990526.0052 -1 Tuesday night, making it the fourth most-viewed series finale of the 1990s behind "Seinfeld , " "Cheers" and "The Cosby Show." 150.6 NYT19980731.0094 -1 one 150.6 APW19990512.0048 -1 1999 150.6 NYT19990209.0205 -1 more prime-time series 150.6 NYT19991020.0383 -1 1970 150.6 NYT19981116.0411 -1 that network 150.6 APW20000921.0068 1 1982 150.6 NYT19990320.0167 -1 1939 150.6 XIE20000622.0301 -1 1978 and 1979 150.6 NYT19981025.0083 -1 1996 150.6 NYT19980614.0173 -1 families 151.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 151.1 APW19990910.0084 -1 500 151.1 APW19981201.0706 -1 500 151.1 NYT19991111.0424 -1 five 151.1 NYT19981107.0029 -1 one 151.1 NYT20000714.0026 -1 8 151.1 NYT19990225.0248 -1 1999 151.1 NYT20000621.0205 -1 500 151.1 NYT19990617.0024 -1 THREE 151.1 NYT19990627.0022 -1 two 151.1 APW19981202.0124 -1 500 151.1 NYT19981031.0049 -1 nine Winston Cup races 151.1 NYT19981217.0472 -1 five series 151.1 APW19990820.0144 -1 26 151.1 APW19990821.0013 -1 26 151.1 NYT20000513.0259 -1 500 151.1 NYT19990828.0177 -1 six 151.1 NYT19990101.0093 4 3 dozen 151.1 NYT19990617.0504 -1 One 151.1 NYT20000621.0205 -1 two 151.1 NYT20000408.0139 -1 seven 151.1 NYT19981022.0080 -1 31 151.1 NYT19980911.0432 -1 10 151.1 APW19990505.0224 -1 600 , Earnhardt 151.1 NYT19990213.0082 -1 Busch 151.1 NYT19990213.0082 -1 two championships 151.1 NYT19981022.0058 -1 31 151.1 NYT20000705.0213 -1 eighth place 151.1 NYT20000520.0039 -1 21 151.1 APW19990505.0224 -1 four 151.1 APW19990910.0084 -1 24 151.1 NYT19980814.0348 -1 20 151.1 NYT19980820.0629 -1 five top-10 151.1 NYT20000705.0213 -1 seven races 151.1 APW19991012.0140 1 34 151.1 NYT19990923.0210 -1 seven 151.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 151.4 APW19990610.0219 -1 NASCAR 151.4 NYT19991218.0023 -1 NASCAR 151.4 NYT19990401.0191 -1 NASCAR 151.4 NYT20000914.0002 -1 Jiffy 151.4 NYT20000621.0205 -1 NASCAR Racing 151.4 APW19990610.0219 3 REYNOLDS 151.4 APW19990610.0219 -1 Sports Marketing Enterprises 151.4 NYT19991110.0060 -1 NASCAR 151.4 NYT19991110.0060 1 R.J. Reynolds 151.4 APW19990610.0219 -1 Ford 151.4 NYT19990513.0193 -1 Ford 151.4 NYT19991119.0395 -1 Championship Auto Racing Teams 151.4 APW19990610.0219 3 Tobacco Co 151.4 NYT19990304.0044 -1 NASCAR 151.4 NYT19990311.0424 -1 Blaney 151.4 NYT19991218.0021 -1 NASCAR 151.4 APW19991012.0088 -1 NASCAR 151.4 APW19991012.0088 -1 the Winston-Salem-based company 151.4 APW19990507.0164 -1 34 151.4 APW19990507.0164 -1 first 151.4 APW19991012.0088 1 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. 151.4 NYT19981209.0525 -1 Sports Marketing Enterprises 151.4 NYT19990324.0346 -1 Grand National 151.4 NYT19981001.0324 1 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. 151.4 APW19991012.0088 3 RJR 151.4 APW19991012.0088 -1 NASCAR Winston West Series 151.4 APW19990610.0219 1 R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. 151.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 151.5 NYT19990430.0006 -1 car 151.5 NYT19990709.0334 -1 May 30 151.5 NYT19990313.0228 -1 Nov. 21 151.5 NYT19990708.0352 -1 July 2 151.5 NYT20000914.0005 -1 March 151.5 APW19990530.0085 1 SUNDAY 151.5 APW19990823.0073 -1 EVENT 151.5 NYT19990520.0112 -1 NASCAR PAGE INCLUDES AT LEAST ONE COLOR ILLUSTRATION. MINORITIES NASCAR: Former 151.5 NYT19990617.0256 -1 1985 151.5 APW19990305.0003 -1 points 151.5 NYT19990213.0082 -1 1999 151.5 NYT19990709.0099 -1 600 May 30 151.5 APW19990930.0172 -1 2000 151.5 NYT19980902.0505 -1 1999 151.5 NYT20000824.0225 -1 2000 151.5 NYT19980814.0348 -1 august 7, 1998 151.5 NYT19980923.0414 -1 2004 151.5 NYT19990627.0022 -1 May 151.5 NYT19990304.0044 -1 March 27-28 151.5 NYT20000513.0259 -1 36 151.5 NYT19990327.0268 -1 march 27, 1999 151.5 NYT19990430.0006 -1 1997 151.5 NYT20000629.0105 1 Sunday 151.5 NYT20000513.0259 -1 May 28 151.5 NYT20000315.0458 -1 March 151.5 NYT20000629.0105 -1 June 22, 2000 151.5 APW19990525.0118 -1 2000 151.5 NYT19990430.0006 -1 was 11th in the 1997 151.5 NYT19981209.0525 -1 ``Despite not having the Winston Finals, our commitment to NHRA Winston 151.5 APW19990207.0004 3 next Sunday 151.5 NYT19990213.0082 -1 Busch 151.5 NYT19990213.0082 1 Sunday 151.5 NYT19980911.0432 -1 1995 151.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 151.6 NYT19990213.0105 1 Busch 151.6 NYT19990212.0348 -1 Triple-A 151.6 NYT19990225.0248 3 BUSCH GRAND NATIONAL STANDINGS 151.6 NYT19990213.0082 3 NASCAR Busch 151.6 NYT19990211.0013 3 NASCAR Busch 151.6 NYT19990213.0082 3 GRAND NATIONAL 151.6 NYT20000622.0298 1 BUSCH SERIES 151.6 APW19990610.0219 -1 sponsor of the largest and fastest-growing in motorsports 151.6 NYT20000224.0259 -1 DRIVER 151.6 NYT20000706.0181 -1 Earnhardt Jr. 151.6 APW19990210.0110 -1 500 151.6 NYT19990415.0049 -1 500 151.6 NYT19990213.0082 -1 NASCAR 151.6 NYT19990212.0348 1 Busch 151.6 NYT20000819.0019 -1 1 151.6 APW19990311.0030 1 Busch 151.6 NYT19990213.0082 1 Busch 151.6 APW20000423.0002 -1 Salem 151.6 NYT19990213.0082 -1 Kevin Triplett 151.6 NYT19990213.0105 3 Busch races 151.6 NYT19990114.0414 1 Busch 151.6 APW19990626.0153 -1 leader Dale Jarrett 151.6 NYT19990617.0504 -1 race 151.6 NYT19990213.0082 1 Busch series 152.1 APW20000126.0350 1 Salzburg, Austria 152.1 XIE19990330.0004 1 Salzburg, Austria 152.1 APW20000126.0350 3 Salzburg 152.1 APW20000126.0350 3 Austria 152.1 APW19990126.0161 1 Salzburg,Austria 152.1 XIE19990330.0004 3 Salzburg Austria Died 152.1 XIE19990330.0004 3 SALZBURG 152.1 NYT19991215.0346 -1 London 152.1 APW19990126.0161 3 Salzburg 152.1 XIE19990330.0004 3 Salzburg 152.1 XIE19991028.0240 3 Salzburg 152.1 APW19990126.0161 1 Salzburg, Austria . 152.1 APW19990126.0161 1 Salzburg , Austria . 152.1 APW19990126.0161 3 Austria 152.1 APW20000126.0350 1 Salzburg, Austria. 152.1 APW20000126.0350 1 Salzburg , Austria . 152.1 NYT20000612.0093 -1 2000 152.1 NYT19990616.0281 -1 Chicago 152.1 XIE19990330.0004 1 Salzburg Austria 152.1 APW20000126.0350 3 Salzburg, 152.1 APW19990126.0161 1 Salzburg, Austria 152.1 NYT19991215.0345 -1 drama 152.2 APW20000126.0350 1 Jan. 27, 1756 152.2 XIE19990330.0004 1 January 27, 1756 152.2 APW19981024.1024 -1 1791 152.2 XIE19990330.0004 3 1756 152.2 APW20000126.0350 1 January 27, 1756 152.2 APW20000126.0350 3 JANUARY 27 152.2 APW20000126.0350 3 27 1756 152.2 APW19990126.0161 3 1756 152.2 APW19990126.0161 -1 Salzburg 152.2 NYT19991215.0401 -1 1984 152.2 APW20000126.0350 -1 2000 152.2 NYT19980805.0033 -1 84918 152.2 NYT20000111.0271 3 1756 152.2 NYT20000612.0093 -1 2000 152.2 APW20000126.0350 1 Jan. 27 , 1756 152.2 NYT20000111.0271 1 Jan. 27, 1756 152.3 APW19981024.1024 1 1791 152.3 APW19981024.1024 -1 1790 152.3 NYT19981030.0018 1 1791 152.3 NYT20000111.0271 1 1791 152.3 XIE19990330.0004 -1 1756 152.3 APW19990804.0050 -1 18th century 152.3 NYT20000612.0129 -1 La 152.3 NYT20000612.0093 -1 2000 152.3 APW20000126.0350 -1 2000 152.3 NYT19991226.0153 -1 1947 152.3 APW19990126.0161 -1 1756 152.3 NYT19990529.0046 -1 December, 1997 152.3 NYT19980804.0241 1 1791 152.5 NYT20000111.0271 3 Salieri 152.5 NYT20000211.0220 1 Antonio Salieri 152.5 APW19981022.1341 -1 Salzburg 152.5 NYT19990624.0083 -1 Peter Shaffer 152.5 NYT20000211.0220 -1 Wolfgang Amadeus 152.5 NYT20000111.0271 3 Antonio Salieri 152.5 NYT20000229.0178 3 SALIERI 152.5 NYT20000229.0178 -1 Richard 152.5 XIE19970131.0088 -1 Harry Truman 152.5 NYT19990504.0252 1 Antonio Salieri 152.5 NYT19991215.0346 2 Antonio Salieri 152.5 NYT20000229.0178 1 Antonio Salieri 152.5 NYT20000612.0130 -1 al 152.5 NYT20000111.0271 3 Salieri. 152.5 NYT19991215.0345 1 Antonio Salieri 152.5 APW19990327.0120 -1 Giacomo Puccini 152.5 APW20000126.0350 -1 1756 , composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 152.5 NYT20000612.0093 -1 2000 152.5 NYT20000211.0220 -1 The patient 152.5 NYT19980804.0241 -1 Ludwig van Beethoven 152.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 152.6 NYT19990830.0117 2 six 152.6 NYT20000111.0271 -1 one 152.6 APW19990826.0098 -1 two 152.6 NYT20000125.0174 -1 eight 152.6 NYT19981030.0018 2 6 children 152.6 APW19990803.0268 -1 TWO 152.6 NYT19990412.0460 2 SIX 152.6 NYT20000111.0271 -1 35 152.6 NYT19981030.0018 -1 three 152.6 APW19990804.0050 -1 3 152.6 NYT20000125.0174 -1 Jan. 16 2000 152.6 APW19990803.0268 -1 18 152.6 NYT19981210.0067 2 6 152.6 APW19981024.1024 -1 two 152.6 APW19990803.0268 -1 3 152.6 APW19990327.0120 -1 three 152.6 NYT20000111.0271 -1 One 152.6 NYT20000111.0271 -1 1756 152.6 NYT20000125.0174 -1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , eight performances Jan. 16-Feb 152.6 NYT19990105.0072 -1 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 152.6 NYT19990105.0072 -1 first 152.6 NYT19980618.0342 -1 two 152.6 NYT19980806.0285 2 six children 152.6 NYT19981030.0281 -1 four 153.1 NYT19990621.0180 1 Aug. 13, 1899 153.1 NYT19990809.0175 1 August 13, 1899 153.1 APW19990812.0034 1 Aug. 13, 1899 153.1 APW19980823.1018 -1 1960 153.1 NYT19980604.0147 -1 1954 153.1 NYT19990621.0184 1 August 13, 1899 153.1 NYT19990808.0092 3 1899 153.1 NYT19990812.0152 -1 April 29, 1980 153.1 NYT19990809.0175 3 1899 153.1 APW19990812.0034 -1 London 153.1 NYT19990520.0291 3 1899 153.1 APW19980823.1018 -1 1954 153.1 APW19990812.0034 3 1899 153.1 NYT19990808.0092 1 Aug. 13 1899 153.1 NYT19990808.0092 1 Aug. 13, 1899 153.1 NYT19990808.0092 -1 1928 153.1 NYT20000522.0371 -1 1946 153.1 APW19990812.0034 1 Aug. 13 , 1899 153.1 APW19981212.1041 -1 Van Sant 153.1 NYT19990809.0175 -1 three 153.1 APW19980823.1018 4 1899 153.1 NYT19990415.0270 3 Aug. 13 153.1 NYT19990809.0175 -1 1928 153.1 NYT19981006.0298 1 Aug. 13, 1899 153.1 APW19980823.1018 -1 1980 153.1 NYT19981006.0298 1 1899-08-13 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 3 East End of London 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 3 London 153.2 APW19990812.0034 3 London 153.2 NYT19990808.0092 3 London 153.2 APW19980823.1018 3 Leytonstone, London 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 3 LONDON 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 1 LONDON ENGLAND 153.2 NYT19981204.0406 3 Britain 153.2 APW19981023.0881 3 Britain 153.2 NYT19990812.0152 3 London 153.2 APW19990804.0119 3 London 153.2 APW20000318.0112 -1 Psycho 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 -1 13, 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 -1 three 153.2 NYT19990809.0175 -1 East End 153.2 NYT19990109.0249 -1 Strong Cemetery, Albany, Delaware 153.2 APW19980823.1018 3 London 153.2 APW19980823.1018 3 bornLondon 153.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 film 153.3 NYT19980923.0234 -1 "Psycho" 153.3 NYT19990415.0270 -1 A Centennial Salute 153.3 NYT19990808.0091 -1 Clue Game 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 british film 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 VERTIGO 153.3 APW20000318.0112 -1 FILM 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 ROPE 153.3 NYT19990809.0168 -1 The Wild Ride 153.3 NYT20000309.0216 -1 Original 153.3 APW19980822.0783 -1 director Alfred Hitchcock's first color film 153.3 NYT19990808.0091 -1 ``Alfred Hitchcock Presents,'' 153.3 NYT19991029.0180 -1 Rebecca 153.3 NYT19990812.0205 -1 film 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 and one 153.3 NYT20000309.0216 -1 Psycho 153.3 NYT19981204.0145 -1 the genius of Hitchcock and his movie 's ability 153.3 NYT19990729.0095 -1 ` ` The Birds 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 Psycho 153.3 NYT19990726.0266 -1 Scott 153.3 NYT19981204.0145 -1 1960 153.3 APW19980823.1018 -1 South Dakota 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 This 153.3 NYT19990808.0092 -1 Vertigo 153.3 NYT19990809.0175 -1 Rope 153.3 NYT19991118.0464 1 The Pleasure Garden 153.3 NYT19991021.0170 -1 SELZNICK 153.3 NYT20000424.0198 -1 Men 153.3 NYT19990810.0098 -1 The Wild Ride 153.3 APW19990804.0119 -1 The Psycho 153.3 NYT19990809.0166 -1 film 153.3 NYT19990802.0099 -1 shot 153.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 153.5 NYT19990809.0179 -1 five 153.5 APW20000802.0231 -1 six 153.5 NYT19980604.0147 -1 1954 153.5 NYT19980617.0022 -1 18 153.5 NYT19990802.0103 -1 100 153.5 NYT19980617.0022 -1 5 153.5 NYT19990312.0345 -1 TWO 153.5 NYT19990509.0014 -1 2 153.5 NYT19990809.0175 -1 four 153.5 NYT19990809.0179 -1 Awards 153.5 NYT19991029.0180 -1 second 153.5 APW19990924.0034 -1 39 153.5 NYT19990802.0099 -1 39 153.5 NYT20000214.0234 -1 Five 153.5 NYT19990609.0181 -1 an Oscar 153.5 NYT19990809.0175 -1 three 153.5 APW20000312.0068 -1 four 153.5 NYT19990609.0181 -1 1940 153.5 APW19990218.0259 -1 her 55 films 153.5 APW20000312.0017 -1 four 153.5 APW20000312.0017 -1 Only four 153.5 NYT19990809.0179 -1 five Academy Awards 153.5 NYT19990610.0177 -1 one 153.5 NYT19980617.0022 -1 18th 153.5 NYT19990809.0175 -1 1899 153.5 NYT19990810.0098 -1 15 to 18 153.5 NYT19990521.0389 -1 only four 153.5 NYT19981205.0114 -1 seven 153.5 NYT19990809.0179 3 never 153.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 153.6 NYT19990809.0175 3 1980 153.6 NYT19990809.0175 -1 April 28 153.6 APW19981212.1041 -1 1960 153.6 NYT19990808.0092 -1 Aug. 13, 1899 153.6 NYT19981006.0298 -1 Aug. 13, 1899 153.6 NYT19990812.0152 1 April 29, 1980 153.6 NYT19990916.0185 -1 1959 153.6 NYT20000623.0365 -1 1960 153.6 NYT19981204.0147 -1 1960 153.6 NYT19990812.0152 3 1980 153.6 NYT19990808.0092 1 April 29, 1980 153.6 APW19980823.1018 -1 1955 153.6 NYT19990916.0185 -1 1937 153.6 NYT20000522.0371 -1 1946 153.6 NYT19990809.0175 -1 1899 153.6 NYT19990812.0152 -1 100 years 153.6 NYT19990621.0180 -1 North By 153.6 NYT19990809.0175 -1 80 153.6 APW19990804.0242 -1 Aug. 13 153.6 APW19990804.0119 -1 Aug. 13 153.6 NYT19981006.0298 3 1980 153.6 APW19981205.0877 -1 1960 153.6 NYT19981023.0332 -1 1994 153.6 APW19980823.1018 3 1980 153.6 APW19990812.0034 3 1980 153.6 NYT19981204.0145 -1 1960 153.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 153.7 NYT19990809.0175 1 Los Angeles 153.7 NYT19990812.0152 1 Los Angeles 153.7 NYT19990808.0092 1 Los Angeles 153.7 NYT19990812.0152 -1 London 153.7 NYT19990809.0165 2 Bel Air, Los Angeles 153.7 NYT19990808.0091 -1 CALIFORNIA 153.7 NYT19990809.0175 -1 1980 153.7 NYT19990809.0175 -1 paris 153.7 NYT19990422.0142 2 LOS ANGELES 153.7 NYT19990809.0033 -1 SUSPENSE 153.7 NYT19990808.0109 2 Los Angeles 153.7 APW19990115.0306 2 LOS ANGELES 153.7 NYT19990812.0152 -1 Hollywood 153.7 APW19980823.1018 -1 London 153.7 NYT19990810.0098 -1 Suspense 153.7 APW20000318.0112 -1 Psycho 153.7 APW19981212.1041 -1 Alfred Hitchcock 153.7 NYT19990809.0175 -1 80 153.7 NYT20000309.0216 -1 De Palma 153.7 APW19990804.0119 -1 Brooks 153.7 NYT19981202.0063 -1 Psycho 153.7 NYT19990810.0098 -1 London 153.7 NYT19990809.0165 2 Los Angeles 153.7 NYT19990407.0254 -1 Knew 153.7 NYT19981204.0439 -1 Psycho 153.7 NYT19990506.0109 -1 Alfred Hitchcock 153.7 NYT19990809.0168 -1 Suspense 154.1 APW19981004.0943 1 1995 154.1 APW19990130.0035 2 1995 154.1 NYT19980819.0484 1 1995 154.1 NYT19980617.0450 1 1995 154.1 NYT19981119.0310 1 1995 154.1 APW19990130.0086 2 1995 154.1 APW19990414.0334 1 1995 154.1 NYT19991124.0235 1 1995 154.1 NYT19981110.0020 -1 LOOK 154.1 NYT19981119.0404 1 1995 154.1 NYT19981028.0157 -1 1954 154.1 APW19991030.0129 1 1995 154.1 APW19990514.0279 1 1995 154.1 NYT20000612.1126 1 1995 154.1 APW19990513.0106 1 1995 154.1 NYT20000612.1332 1 1995 154.1 NYT20000612.0706 3 a 1995 riding 154.1 APW19980627.0871 -1 a 24-year-old athlete 154.1 NYT19980819.0484 3 May 1995 154.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 154.2 NYT20000511.0356 1 four 154.2 NYT19990619.0274 -1 15 154.2 NYT20000814.0251 -1 1938 154.2 APW19981205.0849 -1 52 154.2 APW19990604.0086 -1 1978 154.2 NYT20000511.0356 1 FOUR 154.2 APW20000312.0034 -1 three 154.2 NYT20000511.0356 -1 three 154.2 APW19990604.0086 -1 AP 154.2 NYT19980601.0158 -1 first 154.2 APW20000506.0066 -1 two 154.2 NYT20000511.0356 1 4 154.2 APW19990604.0086 1 four 154.2 NYT19981120.0191 -1 9 154.2 APW19990514.0279 1 four 154.2 NYT19980601.0158 -1 1978 154.2 APW19980627.0871 1 four 154.2 APW19981128.0831 -1 one reason 154.2 NYT20000823.0243 -1 nine minutes 154.2 NYT20000327.0405 -1 20 154.2 APW19981128.0786 -1 2 154.2 APW19990604.0086 1 4 154.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 154.3 APW19990604.0086 -1 year 154.3 NYT20000814.0251 -1 1950 154.3 APW19990604.0086 -1 1995 154.3 APW19990414.0334 -1 1995 154.3 NYT20000814.0251 -1 1938 154.3 APW20000417.0047 -1 1980 154.3 APW19990604.0086 -1 1987 154.3 NYT19980716.0269 -1 TV 154.3 APW19990130.0035 -1 Christopher Reeve Visits Vail VAIL, Colo. (AP) -- For Christopher Reeve, 154.3 NYT20000823.0243 -1 1978 154.3 APW19990514.0279 -1 1995 154.3 NYT19980601.0158 -1 1978 154.3 APW19990315.0128 -1 1978 154.3 NYT20000314.0113 -1 1000 154.3 NYT20000814.0251 -1 June 1938 154.3 APW19990604.0086 -1 1978 154.3 APW20000615.0210 -1 last year 154.3 APW20000131.0175 -1 1995 154.3 APW20000131.0175 -1 five 154.3 APW19981128.0831 -1 Such heroism 154.3 APW19990514.0279 1 1978 to 1987 154.3 NYT20000511.0356 -1 Spielberg 154.3 NYT20000511.0356 -1 Lawrence 154.3 APW19981128.0786 -1 NEW YORK _ Three years after breaking his neck, Christopher Reeve 154.3 APW20000417.0047 -1 May 24 154.3 APW19990604.0086 1 1978 to 1987 154.3 APW20000131.0175 -1 Super Bowl 154.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 154.4 APW19990604.0086 -1 movie 154.4 NYT20000511.0356 -1 Touch 154.4 NYT19980604.0147 -1 Rear Window 154.4 NYT20000511.0356 -1 Ben-Hur 154.4 NYT19981119.0310 -1 Daryl Hannah 154.4 APW19981212.1036 2 Margot Kidder 154.4 NYT20000823.0243 2 Margot Kidder 154.4 APW19981212.1036 2 MARGOT KIDDER 154.4 NYT20000511.0356 -1 STAR 154.4 APW19990130.0035 -1 Christopher Reeve Visits Vail VAIL, Colo. (AP) -- For Christopher Reeve, 154.4 APW19990307.0094 -1 Angelina Jolie 154.4 NYT19981222.0134 3 Kidder 154.4 APW20000506.0066 2 Margot Kidder 154.4 APW19990915.0170 -1 Nancy Travis 154.4 APW19981213.1025 2 Margot Kidder 154.4 APW19990315.0128 -1 Lois Lane 154.4 APW20000131.0175 -1 1995 154.4 APW19990514.0279 -1 four 154.4 APW19980627.0871 -1 White Plains 154.4 NYT20000724.0552 -1 Reeves 154.4 APW20000417.0047 -1 Goldfinger'' 154.4 APW20000525.0015 -1 Helen Slater 154.4 APW19981128.0786 -1 NEW YORK _ Three years after breaking his neck, Christopher Reeve 154.4 NYT20000816.0168 -1 Steven Spielberg 154.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 154.5 APW19990414.0334 1 1968 154.5 APW19981004.0943 -1 1995 154.5 NYT19980617.0450 -1 1995 154.5 NYT19981123.0173 -1 1998 154.5 NYT20000327.0405 -1 1973 154.5 NYT20000612.0702 -1 MARCH 154.5 NYT19981119.0310 -1 1995 154.5 APW20000615.0210 -1 Gomez 154.5 APW19990130.0035 -1 1995 154.5 NYT19981119.0384 -1 1954 154.5 APW19981128.0831 -1 May 1995 154.5 NYT20000612.0651 -1 1995 154.5 APW19990315.0128 -1 1942 154.5 NYT19990607.0348 -1 1998 154.5 NYT19980601.0158 -1 the mid-1990s 154.5 APW19981128.0831 -1 one 154.5 APW19990414.0334 -1 1995 154.5 NYT20000612.1126 -1 1995 154.5 NYT19991124.0235 -1 1995 155.1 XIE19981207.0340 3 Venezuela's 155.1 APW19981206.0865 1 Venezuela 155.1 NYT19990921.0148 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW19981206.0930 3 Venezuela Eds 155.1 XIE19990916.0332 1 VENEZUELA 155.1 XIE19981212.0251 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW19990915.0124 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW19981105.0099 -1 Chavez 155.1 APW20000809.0014 1 Venezuela 155.1 XIE19981207.0315 1 Venezuela 155.1 XIE20000731.0241 1 Venezuela 155.1 NYT19990715.0525 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW19981206.0871 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW20000729.0009 1 Venezuela 155.1 NYT19981205.0228 2 Venezuela 155.1 NYT20000925.0037 1 Venezuela 155.1 NYT19991015.0133 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW20000525.0043 1 Venezuela 155.1 NYT19981204.0279 2 Venezuela 155.1 NYT20000403.0450 -1 Who 155.1 NYT20000925.0038 -1 United States 155.1 XIE19981216.0387 -1 the South American trade union 155.1 NYT20000731.0380 1 Venezuela 155.1 XIE19990905.0004 -1 his visiting Venezuelan counterpart 155.1 XIE19991012.0300 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW19981206.0997 1 Venezuela 155.1 XIE19981216.0363 -1 China 155.1 NYT20000923.0040 -1 Colombia 155.1 XIE19991012.0265 3 Visiting Venezuelan 155.1 NYT19981207.0377 1 Venezuela 155.1 APW19981206.0930 1 Venezuela 155.1 NYT20000403.0450 1 Venezuela 155.2 XIE19981207.0315 1 44 155.2 XIE19981229.0225 -1 30 years 155.2 NYT19981207.0377 -1 40 years 155.2 XIE19981207.0340 -1 CHAVEZ YOU COLD 155.2 NYT20000422.0109 -1 1998 155.2 NYT19981204.0279 -1 65-year 155.2 APW19981208.0343 3 44-year 155.2 NYT20000408.0109 -1 45-year-old 155.2 NYT20000114.0282 -1 48 155.2 NYT19981204.0279 -1 six 155.2 NYT20000727.0252 -1 8 155.2 NYT19980628.0036 -1 two 155.2 APW19981109.0028 3 44 year 155.2 APW19981208.0408 -1 vote. 155.2 XIE19981207.0315 -1 1999 155.2 NYT20000403.0450 -1 Who 155.2 NYT19981207.0016 -1 force six years 155.2 XIE19981207.0340 -1 the next five years 155.2 APW19981206.0930 -1 40 years 155.2 NYT19981206.0134 3 44-year 155.2 XIE19981207.0342 3 44 year 155.2 NYT20000729.0111 -1 Two months 155.2 NYT20000731.0017 -1 23 million 155.2 XIE19981208.0345 1 44 155.3 XIE19981207.0315 1 Venezuela's Military Academy 155.3 APW19981203.1286 -1 Venezuela 155.3 XIE19981207.0342 -1 Venezuela 155.3 XIE19981207.0342 1 Venezuela Military Academy 155.3 XIE19981207.0340 -1 VENEZUELA 155.3 XIE19981208.0345 -1 Rome 155.3 NYT19981207.0030 -1 PRESIDENT 155.3 NYT20000727.0250 -1 William Lara 155.3 XIE19981207.0315 -1 CARACAS 155.3 XIE20000731.0241 -1 CARACAS 155.3 XIE19981207.0315 -1 Venezuela 155.3 XIE20000731.0017 -1 Venezuela 155.3 APW19981206.0865 -1 Venezuela 155.3 NYT19990202.0276 -1 Simon Bolivar 155.3 APW20000525.0043 -1 Venezuela 155.3 NYT19991015.0133 -1 Venezuela 155.3 XIE20000829.0223 -1 La Paz , Bolivia 155.3 APW19981208.0370 -1 Hugo Chavez 155.3 XIE19981207.0342 -1 1975 155.3 APW19980710.1181 -1 Barinas 155.3 NYT19981204.0279 -1 Venezuela 155.3 XIE19981207.0342 1 Venezuela's Military academy 155.3 NYT20000815.0349 -1 Jakarta 155.3 APW20000113.0328 -1 Venezuela President 155.3 XIE19990915.0113 -1 Venezuela 155.4 XIE19981207.0315 1 1975 155.4 APW20000922.0102 -1 1991 155.4 APW20000413.0184 -1 1992 155.4 NYT19990914.0114 -1 1992 155.4 XIE19981207.0342 1 1975 155.4 APW19981203.1286 -1 1992 155.4 NYT19991011.0024 -1 PRIMERO JUSTICIA 155.4 APW20000210.0372 -1 LEADER 155.4 APW19981214.1515 -1 six years ago 155.4 NYT19981206.0065 -1 Ex 155.4 NYT20000727.0250 -1 a decade 155.4 NYT20000727.0250 -1 2000 155.4 XIE20000731.0364 -1 1992 155.4 XIE19981207.0315 -1 2004 155.4 NYT19990804.0149 -1 1000 155.4 XIE19990812.0267 -1 February 2 155.4 NYT20000731.0017 -1 1992 155.4 NYT20000327.0258 -1 1997 155.4 XIE19981207.0315 -1 February 2 , 1999 155.4 XIE20000820.0157 -1 2006 155.4 APW20000127.0127 -1 February, 1992 155.4 APW19981109.0028 -1 52 155.4 APW19981109.0028 -1 52-year-old high school teacher 155.4 APW19981206.0997 -1 1992 155.4 NYT20000403.0450 -1 7.2 percent last year 155.4 NYT19981204.0279 -1 40 years 155.4 NYT19981208.0313 -1 1992 155.4 NYT19990501.0099 2 1975 155.4 NYT19980911.0179 -1 1992 155.4 XIE20000316.0316 -1 1992 155.4 APW20000207.0141 -1 1992 155.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 155.6 APW20000414.0231 -1 election 155.6 NYT19990709.0125 -1 20 percent 155.6 APW19981206.0930 -1 78 percent 155.6 APW19980629.1311 -1 27 percent 155.6 NYT20000403.0450 -1 7.2 percent 155.6 NYT19981207.0030 -1 56 % 155.6 APW19981206.0978 -1 56 155.6 APW20000414.0231 -1 41 percent 155.6 NYT19981204.0279 -1 candidate 155.6 APW20000727.0047 -1 20 percentage points 155.6 XIE19981207.0315 -1 39 155.6 APW19981214.1515 -1 10 Five 155.6 XIE20000731.0242 1 77 155.6 APW20000414.0231 -1 45 percent 155.6 APW19981208.1070 -1 one 155.6 APW20000731.0040 -1 59 percent 155.6 APW20000627.0222 -1 national guard 155.6 APW19981126.1130 -1 6 155.6 APW20000414.0231 -1 41 155.6 APW19981030.1323 -1 39 percent 155.6 XIE20000731.0242 1 77 percent 155.6 NYT20000819.0104 -1 58 percent 155.6 APW19981030.1323 -1 10 to 6 155.6 APW19981109.1189 -1 Venezuela 155.6 APW19981108.0938 -1 President 155.7 XIE19981207.0315 3 Henrique Salas 155.7 APW20000617.0120 -1 President 155.7 NYT19990828.0148 -1 Elia Pirozzi 155.7 XIE19990810.0309 -1 Bill Clinton 155.7 APW20000305.0100 -1 Alo 155.7 NYT19981215.0152 -1 Colonel Hugo 155.7 NYT20000730.0160 -1 Fidel 155.7 APW19981108.0520 3 SALAS 155.7 APW19981109.0028 -1 HUGO CH VEZ 155.7 APW19981108.0520 -1 PRESIDENT 155.7 XIE20000729.0165 -1 Jimmy Carter 155.7 APW20000620.0208 -1 Francisco Arias 155.7 APW19980629.1311 -1 Hugo Chavez 155.7 NYT19981205.0089 1 Enrique Salas Roemer 155.7 APW19981126.1130 -1 Lt. Col. Hugo Chavez 155.7 APW20000619.0060 -1 Bush 155.7 XIE19991012.0265 -1 Chavez 155.7 APW20000619.0107 -1 Francisco Arias 155.7 APW19981209.1240 -1 presidency 155.7 APW20000627.0222 -1 President Hugo Chavez 155.7 NYT20000403.0450 -1 Hugo Chavez 155.7 APW20000413.0184 -1 latest 155.7 XIE20000726.0383 -1 the South American country 155.7 APW19981204.0920 -1 Chavez 155.7 XIE19990115.0359 -1 Bill Clinton 155.7 XIE19981207.0315 -1 Venezuela President 155.7 APW19981204.0920 -1 Saul Cabrera 155.7 APW20000809.0014 -1 Venezuela 155.7 XIE19990203.0235 -1 Prince Felipe 155.7 XIE19981208.0345 1 Henrique Salas Romer 156.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 156.1 APW19990210.0226 3 Bill France 156.1 NYT19980709.0109 -1 Richard Petty 156.1 NYT19980917.0485 -1 Winston Cup 156.1 NYT19990210.0487 1 Bill France Sr. 156.1 NYT19990722.0210 1 Bill France Sr. 156.1 APW19990210.0226 3 William HG France 156.1 NYT19990722.0210 1 BILL FRANCE SR. 156.1 NYT19990722.0210 3 BILL FRANCE 156.1 NYT19991111.0369 -1 Bill Sr 156.1 APW19981003.0818 -1 Tasmania 156.1 NYT19981021.0425 1 Bill France Sr. 156.1 NYT19990722.0210 -1 Winston Cup 156.1 NYT20000502.0375 -1 Winston Cup 156.1 NYT19990227.0233 -1 Winston Racing Series 156.1 APW19990607.0115 3 William France 156.1 NYT19991111.0369 -1 Bill Sr. 156.1 NYT19991024.0060 -1 Coverage 156.1 APW19990608.0050 3 William France 156.1 NYT19990210.0212 -1 France 156.1 NYT19990213.0082 -1 Busch 156.1 NYT19990213.0082 -1 you 156.1 NYT19990210.0397 -1 Bill France Jr. 156.1 APW19990210.0226 1 Bill France Sr 156.1 NYT19980701.0506 -1 Bill France Jr 156.1 APW19990529.0058 -1 Stock Car 156.1 APW19990210.0226 -1 Mike Helton 156.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 156.2 NYT20000824.0133 4 1948 156.2 NYT20000710.0021 -1 1990 156.2 NYT19990211.0437 -1 1999 156.2 NYT20000913.0095 -1 July 156.2 APW19990210.0222 1 1947 156.2 NYT19990326.0028 -1 1948 156.2 NYT19980628.0186 -1 June 28, 1998 156.2 NYT19991123.0096 -1 1999 156.2 NYT19981021.0425 -1 1953 (1948) 156.2 NYT19990429.0122 1 1947 156.2 NYT19981021.0425 -1 Feb. 15 1948 156.2 APW19990607.0115 -1 1949 156.2 APW19990210.0226 1 1947 156.2 NYT20000617.0214 -1 2004 156.2 APW19990224.0164 -1 Wednesday, that it will no longer allow race tracks to negotiate separate TV deals , returning to the setup it had until 1978 , when it was in charge of the sport 's television rights . 156.2 NYT20000219.0268 -1 Charlotte 156.2 NYT19990711.0032 -1 1992 156.2 NYT19980820.0480 -1 1972 156.2 APW19990526.0010 -1 2000 156.2 NYT19981108.0172 -1 198 156.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 156.3 NYT19990210.0487 -1 Bill France Sr 156.3 APW19990214.0045 -1 Mike Helton 156.3 NYT19990209.0238 -1 Winston Cup 156.3 NYT19990210.0487 3 France Jr. 156.3 NYT20000819.0019 -1 Winston West 156.3 NYT19990210.0487 3 BILL FRANCE 156.3 NYT19990210.0487 -1 Bill France Sr. 156.3 NYT19990210.0399 2 Bill France Jr. 156.3 NYT19980923.0414 -1 Clay Earles 156.3 NYT19990711.0032 -1 Winston Cup 156.3 NYT19981017.0283 -1 Winston Cup 156.3 APW19990210.0226 -1 Mike Helton 156.3 APW19990607.0115 3 William France 156.3 NYT19981021.0425 -1 Fonty 156.3 NYT20000426.0400 -1 Bill France Sr 156.3 NYT19990711.0032 -1 Bill Sr. 156.3 NYT19980701.0506 -1 Bill France Sr 156.3 NYT19990210.0212 -1 Helton 156.3 NYT20000414.0283 -1 drivers 156.3 NYT19980713.0200 -1 William H.G. `` Big Bill '' France 156.3 NYT19990210.0487 -1 Jr 156.3 NYT19990210.0487 1 Bill France Jr. 156.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 156.5 NYT19990219.0303 -1 $3 million 156.5 NYT19990219.0303 1 $100 million 156.5 APW19990224.0164 1 100 million 156.5 NYT19981212.0022 -1 $2 156.5 NYT19990227.0233 -1 BILLION 156.5 APW19990821.0050 -1 150 156.5 NYT19990219.0303 -1 $400 million 156.5 NYT20000518.0102 -1 30 years 156.5 NYT19981023.0417 -1 30 races 156.5 NYT19991119.0058 -1 $500 million 156.5 NYT19990225.0034 -1 10 156.5 NYT19991111.0440 -1 $ 400 million 156.5 NYT20000104.0148 -1 backs of high-profile rappers such as li's l 156.5 APW19990224.0164 -1 million 156.5 NYT19990219.0303 -1 28 races 156.5 NYT19991112.0004 -1 1962 to 156.5 NYT20000525.0162 -1 0525 156.5 NYT19990219.0303 1 about $100 million 156.5 NYT19990219.0303 -1 million 156.5 NYT19991111.0385 -1 $400 million 156.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 156.6 APW19991014.0036 -1 Winston Cup 156.6 NYT20000805.0257 -1 Earnhardt 156.6 NYT19980819.0447 -1 Jeff Gordon 156.6 NYT19980820.0480 -1 Gordon 156.6 APW19990501.0007 -1 Winston Cup 156.6 APW19991014.0145 -1 Jeff Gordon 156.6 APW19991014.0036 1 RICHARD PETTY 156.6 NYT19980813.0427 -1 Jeff Gordon 156.6 NYT19980624.0514 -1 Waltrip 156.6 NYT19990422.0210 -1 WINSTON CUP 156.6 NYT19981021.0425 -1 Dale Earnhardt 156.6 NYT19981021.0425 -1 Richard 156.6 APW19991014.0036 -1 Gordon 156.6 NYT20000323.0004 -1 Bob Glidden 156.6 NYT19990422.0416 -1 Winston 156.6 NYT19980821.0435 3 Petty 156.6 NYT19980613.0208 -1 Dale Earnhardt 156.6 APW19991014.0036 -1 175 156.6 APW19991014.0036 1 Richard Petty 156.6 NYT19981121.0211 -1 Gordon 's third Cup championship 156.6 NYT19990815.0235 -1 Winston Cup 156.6 NYT19981121.0205 -1 Gordon 's third Cup championship 156.6 NYT19990320.0266 2 Richard Petty 156.6 NYT19981121.0205 -1 Jeff Gordon 156.6 NYT19980821.0435 -1 Speedway 156.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 156.7 NYT19990317.0201 -1 Winston Cup 156.7 NYT19980819.0447 -1 Gordon 156.7 NYT19980820.0480 -1 history 156.7 NYT19990323.0014 -1 Racing Online Series 156.7 NYT19990812.0059 -1 Craftsman Truck Series 156.7 NYT19981121.0211 -1 FIVE VICTORIES 156.7 NYT19980717.0017 -1 FIVE 156.7 NYT19980628.0186 -1 EDS: The CoxNet budgeted stories, NASCAR-MAIN and NASCAR-NOTEBOOK, will not move 156.7 NYT19991023.0227 -1 Saturday 156.7 NYT19980624.0514 -1 84 156.7 NYT20000812.0250 -1 39 156.7 NYT19981017.0283 -1 500 156.7 APW19991029.0173 -1 28 victories 156.7 NYT20000705.0378 -1 one 156.7 NYT19981121.0211 -1 Richard Petty 156.7 NYT20000720.0422 -1 Series 156.7 NYT19981121.0211 -1 Richard Petty's career total of victories 156.7 NYT20000617.0214 -1 R Winston Cup 156.7 NYT19981121.0211 1 200 156.7 NYT19990902.0057 -1 Do fans 156.7 NYT19981121.0205 -1 Gordon 's third Cup championship 156.7 APW19990604.0188 -1 Petty 156.7 APW19991014.0036 1 200 156.7 NYT19990525.0472 -1 ``Promoting open-wheel racing is not going to hurt Nascar,'' a Nascar 156.7 APW19990424.0121 -1 only four 156.7 NYT19981121.0205 -1 Gordon 157.1 XIE20000605.0061 1 189 157.1 XIE20000925.0029 -1 UN 157.1 APW20000201.0234 -1 11 157.1 XIE19970613.0228 -1 819 million 157.1 NYT20000120.0329 -1 U . S . 157.1 APW20000323.0299 -1 926 million 157.1 XIE20000120.0333 -1 RUSSIA 157.1 XIE20000209.0254 -1 JUSTICE 157.1 XIE19990325.0420 -1 U.N. Charter 157.1 NYT19991023.0121 3 188 member 157.1 NYT19981021.0456 -1 1 157.1 XIE19990916.0044 -1 five permanent members 157.1 APW20000323.0299 -1 billion 157.1 XIE19981106.0031 -1 1 157.1 XIE19961205.0028 -1 185 157.1 XIE19970923.0295 -1 U.N. 157.1 XIE19970307.0346 -1 United States 157.1 XIE19970923.0295 -1 United States 157.1 XIE20000403.0070 -1 21st 157.1 XIE20000925.0029 -1 The security 157.1 NYT20000528.0112 1 188 157.1 XIE19990617.0124 -1 second 157.1 XIE20000704.0227 -1 five 157.1 XIE19991109.0334 -1 15 157.1 NYT20000725.0307 -1 1 157.1 XIE19970723.0261 -1 5 permanent 157.1 XIE20000117.0014 -1 more than 200 157.1 APW20000201.0234 1 188 157.1 NYT20000906.0418 -1 7 157.2 XIE20000104.0033 1 10 157.2 XIE19991001.0022 -1 five 157.2 XIE19970321.0191 -1 15 157.2 XIE20000501.0044 -1 15 157.2 XIE19971007.0071 1 10 157.2 XIE19991015.0098 -1 5 157.2 XIE20000907.0020 1 TEN 157.2 XIE19991015.0098 -1 five 157.2 XIE19981008.0013 -1 the members 157.2 XIE19991121.0017 3 10 non-permanent members 157.2 XIE19991026.0073 -1 15 157.2 NYT19991023.0109 1 Ten 157.2 XIE19970918.0287 -1 5 permanent members 157.2 XIE20000801.0039 -1 five 157.2 XIE19990604.0069 1 10 157.2 XIE20000331.0272 1 10 157.2 XIE19990619.0116 1 10 157.2 XIE19990118.0035 -1 15 Security Council members 157.2 XIE19991001.0055 1 10 157.2 XIE19990604.0069 -1 five permanent members 157.2 XIE20000301.0039 1 10 157.2 APW19981123.1403 -1 two-year stints 157.2 XIE19980926.0024 1 10 157.2 XIE20000121.0212 -1 four 157.2 APW20000320.0237 -1 all five 157.2 XIE19980926.0024 -1 membership 157.2 XIE19961022.0037 -1 five 157.3 XIE20000104.0033 1 two-year 157.3 XIE19991015.0098 -1 5 157.3 XIE19990316.0029 -1 FOLLOWING 157.3 XIE19990731.0017 -1 ELECTED 157.3 XIE20000309.0047 1 two- year 157.3 XIE19991017.0114 -1 one 157.3 XIE19980103.0170 1 two-year 157.3 NYT20000114.0362 2 two years 157.3 XIE19960207.0016 -1 40 years 157.3 XIE19991015.0098 -1 five 157.3 XIE19990604.0069 1 two-year 157.3 XIE19991015.0098 1 2 year 157.3 XIE19980107.0056 -1 regular budget , and over 1.5 billion 157.3 XIE19991015.0098 -1 10 157.3 XIE20000703.0054 -1 five 157.3 XIE19961022.0037 1 2 year 157.3 XIE19960919.0203 -1 10 non-permanent seats 157.3 NYT19990313.0130 -1 five years 157.3 XIE19991015.0256 -1 the five new non-permanent members 157.3 XIE19991015.0098 1 two-year 157.3 XIE20000622.0309 -1 12-month 157.3 APW19980715.1013 1 two-year 157.3 XIE19961022.0037 -1 General 157.3 XIE19990224.0089 -1 from 1984 to 1990 157.4 XIE19990213.0020 3 month 157.4 XIE19991102.0047 -1 UN 157.4 APW19980818.0229 -1 Security Council 157.4 XIE19990731.0017 -1 5 permanent members 157.4 XIE19980514.0036 -1 35 157.4 XIE20000501.0044 -1 FIVE SECURITY 157.4 XIE19981114.0271 -1 URGENT: Iraq's UN Envoy to Meet UN Chief UNITED NATIONS, November 157.4 APW19980818.0229 1 one-month 157.4 XIE19990121.0056 -1 Xinhua 157.4 NYT19980930.0410 -1 October 157.4 XIE20000501.0044 -1 United Nations 157.4 APW19991016.0166 2 one month 157.4 XIE20000113.0299 -1 Secretary 157.4 XIE19990731.0017 -1 member 157.4 XIE20000501.0044 -1 member 157.4 APW19981123.1403 -1 two-year 157.4 XIE19990731.0017 -1 2 year 157.4 XIE19980128.0055 -1 once 157.4 XIE19991001.0055 -1 1 157.4 XIE20000331.0257 -1 2 year 157.4 XIE19991001.0055 -1 10 non-permanent members 157.4 NYT19991220.0337 -1 one year 157.4 XIE19960817.0174 -1 6.9 percent 157.4 XIE19980422.0042 -1 The observance will be organized by the United Nations, United Nations 157.4 APW19980715.1013 -1 two-year 157.4 XIE19990731.0017 -1 members 157.4 XIE19991001.0055 -1 15 157.4 XIE19980502.0145 -1 819 million dollars 157.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 157.5 XIE20000119.0263 -1 UN 157.5 XIE19990830.0287 -1 B.J. Habibie 157.5 XIE19990710.0118 -1 Assembly 157.5 XIE19980304.0115 -1 Ramos 157.5 XIE20000806.0187 -1 Kofi Annan 157.5 XIE19980304.0115 -1 WELCOMED 157.5 XIE19981006.0282 -1 IRAQ 157.5 XIE19990821.0007 -1 RESOLUTION 157.5 XIE19990812.0004 1 Martin Andjaba 157.5 XIE19960817.0158 -1 Xinhua 157.5 APW20000413.0238 -1 Hans Blix 157.5 XIE19990711.0006 -1 Annan 157.5 XIE19990818.0007 -1 Annan 157.5 XIE19980617.0237 -1 Bush 157.5 XIE20000126.0033 -1 Richard Holbrooke 157.5 XIE19960503.0285 -1 U. N. Secretary- 157.5 XIE20000804.0324 -1 Alpha Oumar Konare 157.5 XIE19981221.0195 -1 United Nations 157.5 XIE20000906.0293 -1 Tarja Halonen 157.5 XIE20000502.0272 -1 Wang Yingfan 157.5 NYT19990920.0030 -1 Clinton 157.5 XIE19970922.0048 -1 U.S. President Bill Clinton 157.5 XIE20000801.0039 -1 1 157.5 XIE20000801.0039 -1 Hasmy Agam 157.5 XIE19990324.0360 -1 Qin Huasun 157.5 XIE20000906.0320 -1 East Timor 157.5 XIE20000119.0263 -1 Annan 157.5 XIE20000803.0034 -1 East Timor 157.5 XIE19990731.0017 1 Martin Andjaba 157.5 XIE19960824.0049 -1 Rolf Ekeus 157.5 XIE19980818.0232 -1 Danilo Turk 157.5 XIE19990914.0095 -1 Secretary-General Kofi Annan 157.5 XIE19970805.0296 -1 Kofi Annan 157.5 XIE20000811.0243 -1 Hasmy Agam 157.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 157.7 XIE20000106.0049 -1 Secretary-General Kofi 157.7 XIE19980626.0093 4 Alvaro De Soto 157.7 XIE20000216.0167 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE19990430.0007 -1 Louise Frechette 157.7 XIE19980401.0106 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE19980917.0023 4 PRENDERGAST 157.7 XIE20000106.0049 -1 ASSISTANT SECRETARY-GENERAL 157.7 XIE19991118.0004 2 IBRAHIM GAMBARI 157.7 XIE20000106.0049 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE19980509.0208 -1 Nane 157.7 NYT19991230.0215 -1 Sir Brian Urquhart 157.7 XIE19970207.0027 -1 Annan 157.7 NYT19981031.0119 4 Kieran Prendergast 157.7 XIE20000106.0049 1 Danilo Turk 157.7 XIE20000106.0049 -1 U. N 157.7 XIE19990213.0170 -1 U.N. 157.7 XIE19960405.0199 -1 Alvaro de Soto 157.7 XIE19990420.0257 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE20000106.0049 -1 assistant Secretary-General 157.7 XIE19980220.0129 -1 U.N. Secretary- 157.7 XIE19981021.0289 -1 20 157.7 XIE19960307.0314 -1 U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali 157.7 XIE19990903.0287 4 Kieran Prendergast 157.7 NYT20000902.0069 -1 Annan 157.7 XIE19970129.0039 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE19981118.0025 4 Kienran Prendergast 157.7 XIE20000107.0160 1 Danilo Turk 157.7 XIE19970813.0055 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE19980627.0140 -1 Kofi Annan 157.7 XIE20000107.0160 -1 Kofi Annan 158.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 158.1 NYT19990524.0240 -1 Jean Mayer 158.1 NYT20000802.0111 -1 Colin Powell 158.1 NYT19991129.0432 -1 Bill Bradley 158.1 NYT19980817.0171 -1 Stephen Delinsky 158.1 NYT19980817.0173 -1 Emerson College 158.1 NYT20000711.0285 -1 Fletcher School 158.1 NYT19991124.0322 -1 JEAN MAYER 158.1 APW20000908.0002 -1 DR. 158.1 NYT19990611.0279 2 John DiBiaggio 158.1 NYT19990819.0315 -1 Levy 158.1 NYT20000329.0322 2 John DiBiaggio 158.1 NYT19991129.0370 -1 Bradley 158.1 NYT19980608.0191 -1 Jean Mayer 158.1 NYT20000912.0268 1 John DiBiaggio 158.1 NYT20000222.0141 2 John DiBiaggio. 158.1 NYT19990922.0394 2 John DiBiaggio 158.1 NYT19990220.0227 -1 Hawkins 158.1 NYT19981023.0405 -1 Diplomacy 158.1 XIE19980120.0029 -1 Ali Hassan Mwinyi 158.1 NYT19991224.0058 3 DiBiaggio 158.1 NYT19980925.0320 -1 15 158.1 NYT19980925.0320 -1 American skipper 158.1 NYT20000501.0429 -1 Mahoney 158.1 NYT19991224.0058 -1 both the American Council 158.1 NYT19980925.0320 -1 Nick Trotman 158.1 NYT19991224.0058 1 John DiBiaggio 158.1 APW20000704.0022 -1 Bucharest University 158.1 NYT19990922.0394 -1 Neil Rudenstine 158.1 NYT19991224.0058 -1 Board of Trustees 158.1 NYT19990522.0128 -1 John Galvin 158.1 NYT19990309.0136 -1 College 158.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 158.2 NYT20000912.0268 -1 President 158.2 NYT20000502.0106 -1 Tufts Christian Fellowship 158.2 NYT19991224.0244 -1 Harvard 158.2 NYT20000502.0104 -1 Tufts Christian Fellowship 158.2 NYT19991206.0100 -1 School of Nutrition 158.2 NYT19981215.0299 -1 Fletcher School of Law 158.2 APW19990811.0290 -1 COLUMBIA 158.2 NYT20000912.0268 -1 SCHOOL 158.2 NYT20000801.0337 -1 universities 158.2 NYT20000912.0268 3 Michigan State University (XXX) 158.2 NYT19991129.0419 -1 Bradley 158.2 NYT19991129.0158 -1 BRADLEY 158.2 NYT19981009.0372 -1 Georgetown University 158.2 NYT19991224.0058 3 University of Connecticut and Michigan State 158.2 XIE19960108.0078 -1 Fletcher School of Law 158.2 NYT19991015.0090 -1 Harvard University president Neil Rudenstine and Tufts University president John DiBiaggio 158.2 NYT19991007.0381 -1 Keller 's and the university 's actions 158.2 APW19990317.0387 -1 Tufts 158.2 NYT19991124.0322 -1 Boston University 158.2 NYT19981023.0405 -1 Fletcher School 158.2 NYT20000502.0119 -1 university spokeswoman Christen Graham 158.2 NYT19991007.0381 -1 Brown 158.2 NYT19991224.0058 1 Michigan State 158.2 NYT19990828.0154 -1 His wife 158.2 NYT20000912.0268 -1 Tufts University 158.2 NYT20000817.0475 -1 The cause 158.2 NYT19990922.0394 -1 Harvard University 158.2 NYT19981008.0143 -1 Harvard 158.2 NYT19990830.0373 -1 Brandeis 158.2 NYT19991129.0402 -1 Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy 158.2 NYT19991129.0402 -1 Fletcher School 158.2 NYT19991206.0101 -1 Judith Dodd 158.2 APW20000908.0002 -1 Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance 158.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 158.3 NYT20000912.0268 -1 John DiBiaggio 158.3 APW20000426.0264 -1 Clinton 158.3 NYT19990528.0396 -1 WBZ 158.3 NYT19990224.0259 -1 New England Conservatory 158.3 NYT19980623.0333 -1 Prescription Drug User Fee Act 158.3 NYT19991124.0322 -1 MAYER 158.3 NYT20000912.0268 -1 John DiBiaggio said Tuesday he would step down by 2002 158.3 NYT19991109.0133 -1 President John DiBaggio 158.3 NYT19990522.0128 -1 head 158.3 NYT20000912.0268 -1 $600 million 158.3 NYT19991129.0370 -1 Bradley 158.3 NYT19991007.0381 -1 Brown 158.3 NYT19990206.0257 -1 Law and Diplomacy 158.3 NYT19991224.0058 -1 3500 colleges 158.3 NYT19981020.0450 -1 $3 billion 158.3 NYT19990521.0257 -1 aid 158.3 NYT20000912.0268 -1 the richer endowments of other colleges 158.3 NYT19980623.0333 -1 Boston 158.3 NYT19991014.0489 -1 Gretchen Wolfram 158.3 NYT19980603.0226 -1 Harvard 158.3 NYT19990301.0239 -1 a registered dietitian 158.3 NYT19981208.0039 -1 global 158.3 NYT19991014.0489 -1 downtown Indianapolis 158.3 NYT20000502.0119 -1 Middlebury College 158.3 NYT19991015.0090 -1 DiBiaggio 158.3 NYT20000912.0268 1 $180 million 158.3 NYT19980618.0125 -1 Vanzetti 158.3 NYT19990423.0138 -1 NATO 158.3 APW19990317.0387 -1 Other colleges include Tufts, Dartmouth, Florida State, Marymount, Rutgers, Smith, Tufts, 158.3 NYT19991109.0133 -1 $20 million 158.3 NYT20000127.0306 -1 Diplomacy 158.3 NYT20000623.0265 -1 Fletcher School of International Law 158.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 158.4 NYT20000912.0268 -1 National 158.4 NYT19991224.0058 -1 DiBiaggio 158.4 NYT20000328.0127 -1 William 158.4 APW20000120.0030 -1 Poverty 158.4 NYT19980715.0131 -1 Project Bread 158.4 NYT20000711.0285 -1 Fletcher School 158.4 NYT20000502.0119 -1 COLLEGE 158.4 NYT20000912.0268 -1 $180 million _ relatively small for a school that said it offered a top education and charged 158.4 NYT20000329.0290 -1 a $10 million gift 158.4 NYT20000912.0268 1 $600 million 158.4 NYT19991109.0133 -1 gift 158.4 NYT19991224.0058 -1 3500 colleges 158.4 NYT19981020.0450 -1 $3 billion 158.4 NYT20000912.0268 -1 school 158.4 NYT20000922.0128 -1 O. Wayne 158.4 NYT19991127.0072 -1 Diplomacy 158.4 NYT20000912.0268 -1 Tufts University president John DiBiaggio 158.4 NYT19991026.0088 -1 Medford 158.4 NYT19981208.0039 -1 global 158.4 NYT19991109.0133 -1 The figure 158.4 NYT20000329.0290 -1 Undated 158.4 APW20000429.0095 -1 Williams 158.4 APW19990317.0387 -1 Other colleges include Tufts, Dartmouth, Florida State, Marymount, Rutgers, Smith, Tufts, 158.4 NYT20000329.0290 -1 $10 million 158.4 NYT20000411.0268 -1 School 158.4 NYT19990330.0103 -1 professor 158.4 NYT19991224.0058 -1 Michigan State 158.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 158.5 NYT19980626.0328 -1 two 158.5 NYT20000722.0115 -1 250 158.5 NYT19990830.0219 -1 one 158.5 NYT19991108.0472 -1 250 158.5 NYT20000329.0322 -1 SEVERAL 158.5 NYT19980723.0408 -1 LESLEY 158.5 NYT20000912.0268 -1 180 million 158.5 NYT19991026.0088 -1 280,000 158.5 NYT19990310.0031 -1 1945 158.5 NYT19991108.0287 -1 20 158.5 APW20000110.0153 -1 10 158.5 NYT20000203.0119 -1 8 - page 158.5 NYT19981002.0275 -1 two 158.5 NYT19990426.0447 -1 one 158.5 NYT19991007.0371 -1 41 158.5 NYT20000222.0141 -1 eight 158.5 NYT19991224.0058 -1 700 158.5 NYT19980723.0146 -1 100 158.5 NYT19991224.0058 -1 Tufts , 14 years 158.5 NYT20000222.0141 -1 to integrate lessons of citizenship into courses in all departments 158.5 NYT19990309.0136 -1 the four-year-old Managed Care Institute 158.5 NYT19991206.0100 -1 200 158.5 NYT20000412.0152 -1 2.8 158.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 158.7 NYT20000502.0119 1 Boston 158.7 NYT19991224.0244 -1 City 158.7 NYT19980817.0173 1 Boston 158.7 NYT19991103.0328 2 Boston 158.7 NYT20000309.0384 1 Medford, Massachusetts 158.7 NYT20000912.0268 1 MEDFORD MASSACHUSETTS 158.7 NYT20000912.0268 1 MEDFORD 158.7 NYT20000502.0119 -1 Washington 158.7 APW19990317.0387 -1 Dartmouth 158.7 NYT19980618.0256 2 Boston 158.7 NYT20000502.0119 -1 Catalano 158.7 APW20000503.0072 2 Boston 158.7 NYT19990315.0255 1 Boston 158.7 NYT20000810.0140 -1 Boston College 158.7 NYT19991224.0058 1 Medford 158.7 APW19990917.0003 1 Boston 158.7 NYT19990301.0239 1 Boston 158.7 APW19980614.0623 1 boston 158.7 NYT19990220.0227 -1 New Canaan , Conn . , and received her bachelor 's degree in psychology and English from Tufts University in 1973 . 158.7 APW19990917.0003 -1 6 158.7 APW20000516.0183 1 MEDFORD, Mass. 158.7 NYT20000502.0119 -1 French 158.7 APW20000429.0095 -1 Babson 158.7 NYT19980908.0286 -1 Washington 158.7 NYT20000912.0268 1 Medford, Massachusetts 158.7 NYT20000410.0335 1 Boston 159.1 NYT20000126.0169 1 1962 159.1 APW20000114.0241 1 1962 159.1 NYT19980707.0356 -1 1997 159.1 APW19990209.0016 -1 1934 159.1 NYT20000623.0431 1 1950 159.1 NYT20000312.0170 -1 the year 159.1 NYT19980803.0419 -1 2004 159.1 APW19990614.0222 1 1950 159.1 NYT19990407.0326 2 1962 159.1 APW20000114.0167 -1 1998 159.1 APW20000114.0241 -1 $165 billion 159.1 APW20000114.0241 -1 billion 159.1 NYT20000623.0431 -1 1999 sales 159.1 NYT19990215.0254 -1 1990 159.1 NYT19990405.0522 -1 April 7, 1997 159.1 APW20000114.0167 1 1962 159.2 NYT20000126.0169 1 Sam Walton 159.2 APW19990614.0222 3 Walton 159.2 NYT20000228.0318 -1 Maurice Miller 159.2 APW20000703.0046 -1 Gene Streett 159.2 NYT20000623.0431 1 Sam Walton 159.2 NYT20000623.0431 1 SAM WALTON 159.2 APW19980726.0919 -1 FOUNDED 159.2 APW20000114.0167 1 Sam Walton 159.2 NYT20000623.0431 3 Walton 159.2 APW19990422.0035 -1 John Walton 159.2 NYT19990215.0247 -1 Stone 159.2 NYT20000612.0236 -1 Sam 159.2 APW19990723.0044 3 Walton family , but there 159.2 APW19990422.0312 -1 1998 159.2 NYT19990405.0522 -1 question 159.2 APW20000114.0167 -1 Scott 159.2 NYT20000429.0144 1 Bud Walton 159.2 NYT19981111.0231 1 Sam Walton 159.2 APW20000101.0221 -1 Stores 159.2 APW19990906.0153 -1 Sam 159.4 NYT20000623.0431 1 885,000 159.4 NYT20000623.0431 -1 1.2 159.4 XIE19971219.0334 -1 6,000 159.4 NYT19991212.0065 -1 97 159.4 NYT19990215.0331 -1 4 159.4 APW19981209.0630 -1 100 159.4 APW20000313.0161 -1 20 159.4 NYT20000228.0319 -1 WORK 159.4 XIE19960210.0178 -1 Two 159.4 NYT19990526.0281 -1 four 159.4 NYT20000312.0170 -1 10 employees 159.4 APW19990511.0230 -1 39 159.4 APW19980604.1758 -1 first 159.4 APW20000303.0315 -1 Two 159.4 APW19990810.0196 -1 1 million 159.4 NYT19981230.0158 -1 10 159.4 XIE19971219.0334 -1 1.4 billion U.S. dollars 159.4 NYT20000623.0431 -1 United States 159.4 NYT20000623.0431 -1 21 percent 159.4 NYT20000626.0255 -1 40 159.4 NYT19980722.0544 -1 14,011 159.4 NYT19990910.0383 -1 110 159.4 NYT20000306.0317 -1 18 159.4 APW20000215.0150 -1 600,000 159.4 APW20000215.0150 -1 Jan. 159.5 APW19990216.0106 -1 1,869 Wal-Mart discount stores 159.5 APW20000114.0241 -1 100 million 159.5 APW19990614.0225 1 3,600 159.5 XIE19991217.0032 -1 2,900 159.5 NYT20000110.0220 -1 12 159.5 NYT19991212.0065 -1 97 159.5 NYT19990910.0383 -1 110 159.5 APW19991006.0270 -1 340 stores 159.5 NYT19981116.0353 -1 5000 159.5 APW19981209.0630 -1 2,000 159.5 APW20000114.0230 -1 64 159.5 APW19990624.0287 -1 211 stores 159.5 NYT19990830.0432 -1 3 retail markets 159.5 NYT19990614.0398 -1 billion 159.5 APW19991005.0179 -1 340 159.5 APW19991005.0179 -1 165 159.5 APW20000114.0241 -1 456 159.5 APW19990819.0140 -1 50 159.5 APW19990614.0225 3 3,600 stores 159.5 APW19990614.0222 -1 1998 159.5 APW19990614.0222 1 3,600 159.5 NYT19990215.0247 -1 19 supercenters 159.5 NYT19981210.0523 -1 74 159.5 NYT20000623.0431 -1 two Sam 's 159.5 NYT19990610.0017 1 2,300 159.5 APW19990723.0044 -1 450 159.5 APW20000114.0133 -1 456 159.5 APW20000114.0167 -1 1,000 159.5 APW19991006.0270 -1 100 159.5 APW20000215.0150 -1 1,801 159.5 APW20000114.0241 -1 1,000 159.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 159.6 NYT20000114.0345 -1 2,400 159.6 XIE19991217.0032 -1 2,900 159.6 NYT20000110.0220 -1 12 159.6 NYT19991212.0065 -1 97 159.6 NYT19990526.0281 -1 four 159.6 NYT20000203.0300 -1 250 159.6 NYT19981128.0003 -1 40 159.6 APW20000216.0163 -1 60 159.6 XIE19960210.0178 -1 Two 159.6 APW20000509.0165 -1 53 159.6 NYT19980917.0207 -1 12 159.6 APW19990511.0230 -1 39 159.6 NYT19990215.0247 -1 three 159.6 NYT19990830.0432 -1 3 retail markets 159.6 NYT19990830.0432 -1 billion 159.6 NYT19990912.0039 -1 one 159.6 NYT20000505.0301 -1 Supercenter 159.6 APW19991006.0270 -1 340 159.6 APW19990920.0008 -1 10 159.6 NYT19980831.0273 -1 20 159.6 NYT19990830.0432 -1 cash 159.6 APW19990920.0008 -1 front of 10 Wal-Mart Supercenters 159.6 NYT19990215.0247 -1 15 159.6 APW20000323.0029 -1 68 159.6 NYT19990910.0383 -1 110 159.6 NYT20000114.0345 -1 100 159.6 APW20000114.0167 -1 More than 100 million 159.6 APW20000215.0150 -1 600,000 159.6 NYT20000122.0083 -1 4,000 159.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 159.7 NYT20000114.0345 -1 2,400 159.7 XIE19991217.0032 -1 2,900 159.7 NYT20000110.0220 -1 12 159.7 NYT19991212.0065 -1 97 159.7 NYT19981111.0146 -1 5.57 159.7 XIE20000629.0285 -1 100 159.7 XIE20000514.0176 -1 20 159.7 XIE19970417.0154 -1 60 159.7 XIE19960210.0178 1 Two 159.7 APW20000509.0165 -1 53 159.7 NYT19980917.0207 -1 12 159.7 APW20000216.0020 1 six 159.7 APW19990511.0230 -1 39 159.7 XIE20000425.0200 -1 three 159.7 APW20000114.0167 -1 store 159.7 XIE20000511.0298 -1 billion 159.7 NYT19990912.0039 -1 one 159.7 NYT20000203.0300 1 6 159.7 APW19990920.0008 -1 10 159.7 NYT19980831.0273 -1 20 159.7 APW19990511.0230 -1 13 stores 159.7 NYT19990830.0432 -1 cash 159.7 APW19990920.0008 -1 front of 10 Wal-Mart Supercenters 159.7 NYT19990215.0247 -1 15 159.7 APW19990810.0196 1 six 159.7 NYT19990910.0383 -1 110 159.7 XIE20000511.0298 -1 more than 3,500 159.7 APW20000215.0150 -1 600,000 159.7 XIE20000511.0298 -1 3,500 160.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 160.1 APW19981002.1004 1 182 160.1 APW19990914.0229 1 182 160.1 APW19981030.0927 -1 181 160.1 APW19981206.0970 -1 1.7 billion 160.1 NYT19980904.0127 3 182 member nations 160.1 APW19981007.1252 -1 FEW 160.1 NYT19991003.0592 -1 UNITED 160.1 XIE20000608.0019 -1 two 160.1 NYT19980903.0262 1 182 160.1 XIE19960306.0262 -1 more than 50 member nations 160.1 APW20000926.0102 1 182 160.1 XIE19971027.0081 -1 39 160.1 XIE19961216.0118 -1 184 160.1 XIE19970422.0155 -1 180 160.1 XIE19960822.0078 -1 second 160.1 NYT19980903.0262 -1 One 160.1 NYT19991003.0589 1 182 160.1 NYT20000308.0493 1 182 160.1 XIE19970321.0197 -1 61 IMF member countries 160.1 NYT19980903.0262 3 182 member nations 160.1 NYT19980903.0270 1 182 160.1 NYT19980904.0126 3 182 member nations 160.1 NYT19981006.0043 1 182 160.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 160.3 APW19990902.0051 -1 new loans 160.3 XIE19990501.0049 -1 Romania 160.3 XIE19991224.0257 -1 U.S. 160.3 APW19990119.0096 -1 America 160.3 APW19990906.0140 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE20000309.0399 -1 BRAZIL 160.3 APW19990902.0051 -1 RUSSIA 160.3 XIE19980929.0046 -1 ZAIRE 160.3 XIE19981114.0039 -1 Brazil 160.3 APW19980625.0788 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19990522.0117 -1 Kuwait 160.3 XIE20000418.0272 -1 China 160.3 XIE19960327.0197 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19960209.0285 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19990429.0136 -1 Russia 160.3 APW19990902.0051 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19990517.0056 -1 Thailand 160.3 XIE19990915.0231 -1 Ethiopia 160.3 NYT19981004.0166 -1 America 160.3 XIE19971219.0274 -1 South Korea 160.3 XIE19971219.0274 -1 world 160.3 XIE19990429.0295 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19980313.0280 -1 October 160.3 XIE19960822.0078 -1 Russia 160.3 APW19990901.0184 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19980313.0280 -1 Indonesia 160.3 XIE19971018.0102 -1 Bulgaria 160.3 APW19990902.0198 -1 Russia 160.3 NYT19990115.0285 -1 Russia 160.3 XIE19971219.0274 -1 U.S. 160.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 160.4 XIE19990928.0260 -1 World Bank 160.4 XIE19980910.0273 -1 S. 160.4 XIE19981206.0138 -1 Thailand 160.4 XIE19990211.0146 -1 International Monetary Fund 160.4 XIE20000309.0399 -1 900 million 160.4 XIE19971018.0102 -1 100 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 BILLION 160.4 XIE19970120.0139 -1 a record amount 160.4 XIE20000728.0271 -1 40 million 160.4 XIE19970905.0138 -1 Bank 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 1 17800000000 dollar 160.4 XIE20000309.0399 -1 million 160.4 APW19990425.0047 -1 approval 160.4 XIE19971126.0151 -1 borrowing foreign currency funds and granting foreign currency loans 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 Russia 160.4 XIE19991224.0257 -1 December 23 160.4 NYT19980927.0063 -1 10 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 1995 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 member countries 160.4 XIE20000509.0024 -1 joint decision 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 March this year 160.4 XIE20000412.0357 -1 Several Paris Club creditor countries 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 1 17.8 billion dollar 160.4 XIE19991224.0257 -1 Arizaga 160.4 APW19990924.0008 -1 14 million ounces 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 amount 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 billion 160.4 XIE19960822.0078 -1 three-year 160.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 160.5 XIE19970321.0197 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE20000901.0056 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE19980111.0053 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 NYT19991015.0262 -1 A Trademark Battle 160.5 XIE19971125.0293 -1 Arrangement 160.5 XIE19980929.0046 -1 FAMILIES 160.5 XIE19960209.0285 -1 INTERNATIONAL 160.5 XIE19960209.0285 1 INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND 160.5 XIE19981114.0039 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 NYT19980602.0022 -1 APPROVES 160.5 XIE19990629.0072 1 The International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE20000801.0300 3 International Monetary Fund IMF 160.5 XIE19970625.0227 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 NYT19981105.0102 -1 right 160.5 XIE19980905.0152 -1 Have Good Intentions Towards Thailand 160.5 NYT19980727.0037 -1 its said Indonesian economy prominent Harvard University economist 160.5 XIE19970923.0159 -1 World Bank 160.5 XIE20000208.0189 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 APW19980616.0621 -1 20 160.5 XIE19980128.0165 -1 immediate full deregulation 160.5 XIE19971218.0233 -1 about 22 million U.S. dollars 160.5 NYT19980903.0262 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE19980603.0191 -1 53 million U.S. Dollars 160.5 XIE19980914.0005 -1 Arrangement 160.5 XIE19970621.0149 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE20000128.0244 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE19990306.0300 1 The International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE20000329.0129 1 International Monetary Fund 160.5 NYT19980601.0001 2 International Monetary Fund 160.5 XIE19971107.0149 1 the International Monetary Fund 160.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 160.6 NYT19991003.0589 1 1944 160.6 XIE19970919.0114 1 1945 160.6 XIE19990807.0008 -1 1997 160.6 NYT19990706.0033 -1 1998 160.6 XIE20000801.0300 -1 2000 160.6 NYT19991003.0592 1 1944 160.6 XIE19960209.0285 -1 1995 160.6 NYT19980904.0127 1 1945 160.6 XIE19970919.0220 1 1945 160.6 XIE19990730.0087 -1 1998 160.6 NYT19981202.0365 1 1944 160.6 XIE19970523.0178 -1 1997 160.6 APW19990830.0106 -1 1996 160.6 XIE19990205.0215 -1 April 160.6 XIE19961012.0117 1 1945 160.6 XIE20000208.0189 -1 August, 1997 160.6 APW20000404.0203 -1 one 160.6 APW20000404.0203 -1 financial distress 160.6 XIE19990426.0318 -1 1994 160.6 NYT19980903.0270 1 1945 160.6 XIE19960910.0036 -1 2000 and 2004 160.6 APW19990420.0093 -1 2000 160.6 NYT19981024.0253 -1 1965 160.6 XIE20000124.0048 -1 July, 1997 160.6 XIE19961023.0204 -1 December 1994 160.6 XIE20000621.0272 -1 September 1998 160.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 160.7 XIE20000121.0252 1 Washington 160.7 XIE19971121.0171 1 Washington 160.7 XIE19971121.0171 -1 U.S. 160.7 XIE20000731.0181 1 Washington 160.7 XIE20000410.0298 1 Washington, DC 160.7 XIE19990113.0032 2 WASHINGTON D.C. 160.7 XIE19981114.0039 2 WASHINGTON DC 160.7 XIE19981114.0039 2 WASHINGTON 160.7 XIE19961112.0024 1 Washington 160.7 APW19980606.0214 -1 Indonesia 160.7 XIE19981114.0049 1 WASHINGTON 160.7 XIE19960829.0309 1 Washington 160.7 APW20000320.0186 1 Washington 160.7 XIE19980926.0005 -1 World Bank 160.7 APW19981113.0072 -1 BRAZIL 160.7 XIE20000121.0252 1 WASHINGTON 160.7 APW19990903.0244 1 Washington 160.7 NYT19980903.0262 -1 one 160.7 NYT19980903.0262 -1 Russia 160.7 APW20000320.0085 1 Washington 160.7 XIE19970721.0045 1 Washington, DC, USA 160.7 XIE20000801.0300 -1 Sudan 160.7 XIE20000417.0211 1 Washington 160.7 APW20000320.0186 -1 Bank 160.7 APW20000320.0186 1 Washington, DC 161.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 161.1 NYT19980715.0439 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19991103.0425 -1 Seattle 161.1 NYT19990717.0113 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19980715.0410 2 Boston 161.1 NYT19991217.0249 -1 Washington 161.1 NYT19990713.0395 -1 Lake 161.1 NYT19980715.0424 -1 LEAGUE 161.1 NYT19980715.0335 2 Boston 161.1 NYT19980925.0045 -1 HALL 161.1 NYT19990713.0395 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19980715.0415 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19980715.0394 1 BOSTON 161.1 NYT19990709.0078 1 BOSTON 161.1 APW19990712.0065 -1 Fenway. 161.1 NYT19990708.0114 -1 Red Sox 161.1 APW19990413.0093 -1 All-Star 161.1 NYT19980715.0424 1 BOSTON 161.1 NYT19990819.0100 -1 basketball 161.1 XIE19960425.0025 -1 Zurich , Switzerland 161.1 NYT19980707.0116 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19980715.0424 -1 $40 161.1 NYT19980707.0137 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19990709.0078 1 Boston 161.1 APW20000612.0167 -1 KANSAS CITY 161.1 APW19990412.0051 1 Boston 161.1 NYT20000510.0038 -1 Chicago 161.1 NYT20000602.0233 -1 Atlanta 161.1 NYT19980715.0415 1 BOSTON 161.1 NYT19991019.0127 3 Greater Boston 161.1 NYT19980715.0424 1 Boston 161.1 NYT19991103.0425 -1 July 161.1 NYT19991019.0127 1 Boston 161.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 161.2 APW19990316.0037 -1 Fenway Park 161.2 APW19990216.0139 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT20000630.0140 -1 Atlanta 161.2 NYT19990713.0395 -1 Lake 161.2 APW19990930.0365 -1 LEAGUE 161.2 APW19990412.0051 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19990708.0114 -1 convention 161.2 NYT19980715.0335 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19980715.0415 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19990717.0113 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19980715.0424 -1 BOSTON 161.2 APW19990129.0235 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19990713.0390 -1 Boston 161.2 APW19990129.0235 -1 All-Star 161.2 NYT19990708.0114 -1 Red Sox 161.2 APW20000709.0084 1 Milwaukee 161.2 NYT19990710.0064 -1 Cincinnati 161.2 NYT19980707.0116 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19980715.0424 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19980715.0424 -1 9 161.2 APW20000709.0084 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19980715.0424 -1 They 161.2 NYT19981203.0139 -1 Boston 161.2 NYT19980715.0439 -1 They 161.2 NYT20000325.0224 -1 Idaho 161.2 APW19990930.0365 1 Milwaukee 161.2 NYT20000602.0233 -1 Atlanta 161.2 NYT19980715.0415 -1 BOSTON 161.2 NYT19991019.0127 -1 Greater Boston 161.2 APW19990930.0365 -1 Brewers 161.2 NYT19991019.0127 -1 Boston 161.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 161.4 APW19990413.0093 -1 League 161.4 NYT19981203.0139 -1 Boston 161.4 NYT19991009.0023 -1 Ballpark 161.4 NYT19980715.0394 -1 So I 161.4 NYT19991019.0127 -1 Greater Boston 161.4 APW19990930.0365 -1 Dugdale Park 161.4 APW19990412.0051 -1 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 161.4 APW19990923.0293 -1 host to the 1979 All-Star game in the Kingdome 161.4 APW19990412.0051 -1 Boston 161.4 NYT19980904.0175 -1 Game 161.4 NYT19990713.0390 1 Fenway Park 161.4 APW19990412.0051 -1 Major League Baseball 161.4 NYT19990412.0404 1 Fenway Park 161.4 APW19990930.0365 -1 Boston 161.4 APW19990711.0085 1 Fenway Park 161.4 APW19990711.0085 -1 seat 161.4 NYT19990203.0005 -1 Safeco Field 161.4 APW19990923.0293 -1 popular Home Run Derby. Seattle 161.4 NYT19980812.0549 -1 run 161.4 NYT19980707.0116 -1 Major League Baseball 161.4 NYT19990202.0009 -1 Boston star 161.4 APW19990218.0169 -1 Cal Ripken 161.4 APW19990413.0093 1 Fenway Park 161.4 NYT20000103.0330 1 Fenway 161.4 NYT19991019.0127 -1 NCAA basketball tournament, Women's 161.4 APW20000615.0186 -1 Detroit 161.4 NYT19980715.0415 3 in both previous Fenway All-Star Games and that 1999 Baseball All-Star Game Stan Musial 161.4 APW19990713.0015 1 Fenway Park 161.4 APW19990712.0011 1 Fenway 161.4 APW19990413.0314 -1 Boston 161.4 NYT19980715.0394 1 Fenway 161.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 161.5 APW19990712.0224 -1 Field 161.5 APW19980927.0064 -1 12.5 million liters 161.5 NYT19990202.0009 -1 Boston Red Sox 161.5 NYT19990711.0135 -1 Fenway Park 161.5 APW19990316.0037 -1 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 161.5 APW19990316.0037 -1 FENWAY 161.5 APW19990923.0293 -1 Seattle To Host 2001 All-Star Game SEATTLE (AP) -- The 2001 161.5 NYT19981225.0004 -1 One 161.5 APW19990208.0054 -1 seating capacity 161.5 NYT19990708.0114 1 34,000 161.5 NYT19980715.0415 -1 11 161.5 NYT19990902.0386 -1 one 161.5 NYT19990422.0329 1 33,871 161.5 APW19990712.0224 -1 three decks 161.5 APW19990412.0051 -1 Fenway Park 161.5 NYT20000410.0272 -1 2006 161.5 NYT19990422.0329 -1 Spokesmen for the Red Sox 161.5 NYT19980707.0116 -1 Fenway Park 161.5 NYT19980707.0116 -1 Boston next July 161.5 APW19990413.0093 -1 an official sponsor 161.5 NYT19980715.0140 -1 Ryder Cup 161.5 NYT19980707.0116 -1 League 161.5 NYT19980715.0415 -1 BOSTON _ They held a luncheon at Fenway Wednesday to trumpet 161.5 NYT19990711.0135 -1 seating 161.5 NYT19990711.0135 -1 stadium 161.5 NYT19980715.0394 1 33,000 161.5 NYT19980715.0394 -1 Fenway 161.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 161.6 APW19990316.0037 -1 Fenway Park 161.6 NYT19991103.0436 -1 Nov. 3, 1999 161.6 APW20000208.0347 -1 June 3 161.6 APW19990923.0293 -1 November 2000 161.6 NYT19980715.0424 -1 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL 161.6 NYT19980715.0424 -1 LEAGUE 161.6 APW20000503.0092 -1 1999 161.6 NYT19990713.0391 1 July 13, 1999 161.6 NYT19980715.0335 -1 1999 161.6 NYT20000531.0209 -1 1999 161.6 NYT19981203.0139 -1 2000 161.6 NYT19990713.0390 1 July 13, 1999 161.6 APW19990129.0235 -1 July 10, 2001 161.6 NYT19990713.0390 -1 1833 161.6 NYT19990202.0009 -1 July 10 , 2001 161.6 NYT19990708.0378 -1 Wednesday 161.6 NYT19990819.0100 -1 basketball 161.6 XIE19960425.0025 -1 July 161.6 NYT19990202.0009 -1 summer 161.6 NYT19990202.0009 -1 baseball 161.6 NYT19980715.0439 -1 july 8, 1998 161.6 NYT19990706.0056 -1 July 9 161.6 NYT19980715.0439 -1 June 1 161.6 APW19990412.0051 -1 July 161.6 NYT19990708.0114 -1 2001 161.6 NYT19980715.0424 -1 Major League 161.6 NYT19990713.0391 1 1999-07-13 161.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 161.7 NYT19991118.0404 -1 League 161.7 NYT19990714.0062 -1 Ted Williams 161.7 APW19991023.0052 -1 Bud Selig 161.7 NYT19980715.0335 -1 Gordon Edes 161.7 NYT20000826.0133 -1 Tina Thompson 161.7 NYT19990829.0101 -1 League 161.7 NYT19990714.0027 1 PEDRO MARTINEZ 161.7 XIE20000713.0301 -1 TED WILLIAMS 161.7 NYT19980709.0096 -1 LEAGUE 161.7 APW19981123.1201 -1 Roberto 161.7 NYT19990714.0011 3 Martinez 161.7 NYT19980709.0027 -1 Major League Baseball 161.7 APW19980708.0011 -1 REG 161.7 NYT19990220.0274 -1 Player award 161.7 NYT19980715.0424 -1 Major League Baseball 161.7 NYT20000712.0058 -1 AL 161.7 NYT19990829.0101 -1 National League 161.7 NYT19991118.0404 -1 Cy Young 161.7 APW19991002.0124 -1 Ramirez 161.7 APW20000712.0256 -1 Lou Gehrig Player 161.7 NYT19990710.0062 -1 1934 161.7 NYT19990710.0062 -1 one 161.7 XIE19971114.0277 -1 seven 161.7 NYT19991118.0404 -1 AL 161.7 NYT19991120.0271 2 Pedro Martinez 161.7 NYT19991118.0404 2 Pedro Martinez 161.7 NYT19991120.0063 2 Pedro Martinez 161.7 NYT19990714.0027 1 Pedro Martinez 161.7 APW20000712.0014 3 Star MVP Pedro Martinez 161.7 APW19980708.0380 -1 Alex Rodriguez 161.7 NYT19990411.0049 -1 Dick Radatz 161.7 XIE19980519.0300 -1 NBA 161.7 NYT20000403.0318 1 Pedro Martinez 161.7 NYT19980715.0394 -1 Clark Booth 162.1 NYT20000521.0167 3 bone marrow and other organs 162.1 NYT19991117.0275 -1 cells 162.1 NYT20000409.0168 -1 point 162.1 NYT19991117.0145 -1 form 162.1 NYT19981113.0162 -1 breast 162.1 NYT19991117.0275 1 bone marrow 162.1 NYT20000521.0167 -1 BLOOD CELLS 162.1 NYT20000204.0084 -1 CELLS 162.1 NYT20000521.0167 -1 Chicago 162.1 NYT20000521.0167 -1 Multiple 162.1 XIE19960326.0111 -1 plasma cell 162.1 NYT20000409.0049 -1 the fluid part of the blood 162.1 NYT20000409.0049 -1 four 162.1 NYT19991117.0275 3 bone 162.1 NYT19981113.0169 1 cancer of bone marrow 162.1 NYT20000409.0168 -1 Plasma 162.1 NYT19991003.0395 -1 Boston 162.1 NYT19981215.0120 -1 20 162.1 NYT19981215.0120 -1 recent interview 162.1 NYT19991117.0334 -1 cells 162.1 NYT20000521.0167 -1 about 500 patients 162.1 NYT20000409.0097 -1 blood 162.1 NYT20000410.0365 1 bone marrow 162.1 APW20000428.0107 -1 Hodgkin 162.1 NYT19981215.0120 -1 Hodgkins 162.1 NYT20000819.0223 -1 New York 162.1 NYT19991117.0275 -1 blood cells 162.1 NYT19991117.0275 3 marrow 162.1 NYT20000204.0084 -1 body 162.1 NYT19991117.0275 -1 Dr 162.2 NYT20000530.0103 1 Thalidomide 162.2 NYT19991117.0334 1 thalidomide 162.2 NYT20000521.0167 -1 Barlogie 162.2 NYT20000204.0084 -1 Farber Cancer Institute 162.2 NYT20000426.0104 3 thalidomide analogues 162.2 NYT19981113.0162 -1 LEUKEMIA 162.2 NYT20000521.0167 1 THALIDOMIDE 162.2 NYT20000521.0167 3 THALIDOMIDE'S ANTI-CANCER USE IS SUPPORTED NEW ORLEANS _ The early promise 162.2 NYT20000426.0099 1 thalidomide 162.2 NYT19991117.0334 -1 other drugs 162.2 NYT19991117.0334 -1 stimulating 162.2 NYT20000426.0099 -1 Elias Anaissie 162.2 NYT19991010.0222 -1 battery 162.2 NYT19991117.0275 -1 Medicine 162.2 NYT19991010.0222 -1 specific anti-cancer drug 162.2 NYT19991122.0083 1 Thalidomide 162.2 NYT19991003.0395 -1 a promising cancer drug , Bayer 9556 162.2 APW19981016.1190 -1 three 162.2 NYT20000521.0167 -1 One 162.2 NYT19991010.0222 -1 myeloma 162.2 NYT20000521.0167 -1 Last year, Dr. Bart Barlogie, an oncologist at the University of 162.2 NYT19991117.0275 1 thalidomide 162.2 NYT19991117.0334 -1 side 162.3 NYT19981113.0162 1 stem cell transplants 162.3 NYT20000521.0167 -1 chemotherapy 162.3 NYT20000409.0168 -1 Philadelphia Flyers 162.3 NYT19991120.0071 -1 University of Arkansas 162.3 NYT19991117.0334 -1 bone marrow transplants 162.3 NYT19980630.0385 -1 DEXAMETHASONE 162.3 NYT19981215.0120 -1 LYMPHOMA 162.3 APW20000219.0180 -1 CANCER 162.3 NYT19981113.0162 -1 CellPro 162.3 NYT19991218.0189 -1 chemotherapy 162.3 NYT19981113.0162 -1 CellPro's device 162.3 NYT20000426.0099 -1 Elias Anaissie 162.3 APW20000830.0052 -1 a type of cancer 162.3 APW20000220.0199 -1 one round 162.3 NYT19991117.0275 -1 Anderson 162.3 APW20000219.0180 -1 rare form of bone marrow cancer 162.3 APW20000812.0056 -1 Treatments 162.3 NYT19981113.0169 -1 the former CellPro headquarters 162.3 NYT20000521.0167 -1 one 162.3 NYT20000521.0167 -1 He 162.3 NYT20000521.0167 -1 three 162.3 APW20000219.0180 -1 Neilson 162.3 XIE19960326.0111 -1 It 162.3 NYT19990824.0292 -1 McCourt 162.3 NYT20000521.0167 -1 therapy 162.3 NYT19990824.0331 -1 cancer 162.3 NYT20000901.0235 -1 writing 162.4 NYT20000521.0167 1 14,000 162.4 XIE19960711.0157 2 14000 162.4 APW20000219.0180 1 15000 162.4 APW19980916.1271 -1 12000 162.4 XIE19970801.0216 -1 13000 162.4 NYT19980808.0135 -1 1964 162.4 NYT20000426.0099 -1 35 years 162.4 NYT19991218.0189 -1 20 162.4 NYT20000521.0167 1 about 14000 162.4 NYT19991208.0262 -1 four 162.4 NYT19991117.0275 1 14,000 162.4 NYT19991117.0334 -1 one 162.4 NYT19991117.0275 1 14,000 Americans 162.4 NYT19991117.0334 1 13,700 162.4 NYT20000521.0167 -1 bone pain 162.4 NYT19991117.0334 -1 35 162.4 NYT20000521.0167 -1 million Americans 162.4 APW20000219.0180 1 15,000 162.5 NYT19991117.0334 1 11,400 162.5 APW20000219.0180 1 10,000 162.5 NYT20000521.0167 -1 14,000 162.5 NYT19991117.0275 -1 14000 162.5 NYT20000521.0167 -1 THREE 162.5 APW20000904.0163 -1 four 162.5 APW20000219.0180 1 10,000 deaths 162.5 APW20000219.0180 1 about 10,000 162.5 NYT19991117.0334 -1 and two 162.5 NYT19991117.0334 -1 one 162.5 NYT19991003.0395 -1 40,000 162.5 APW20000219.0180 -1 about 15,000 162.5 NYT19991117.0334 -1 thalidomide 162.5 NYT20000521.0167 -1 two questions 163.1 NYT19981111.0303 1 St. Petersburg, Russia 163.1 APW20000920.0144 3 Russia 163.1 NYT20000927.0271 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 NYT20000416.0184 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 NYT20000711.0341 -1 Kirov 163.1 NYT19990609.0424 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 APW19980701.0850 1 ST. PETERSBURG RUSSIA 163.1 APW20000620.0106 3 ST. PETERSBURG 163.1 NYT19991031.0054 -1 LONDON 163.1 NYT19991101.0028 3 RUSSIA 163.1 NYT19991031.0027 3 Russia 163.1 NYT20000619.0336 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 APW20000620.0106 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 APW19980701.0850 3 Russia 163.1 APW19981026.0534 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 NYT19990225.0244 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 APW19980701.0850 3 St. PETERSBURG 163.1 NYT20000725.0085 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 NYT19980917.0275 1 St. Petersburg , Russia 163.1 NYT19990323.0123 -1 Petersburg 163.1 APW20000620.0106 -1 Palace Square 163.1 NYT20000619.0336 -1 manhattan 163.1 NYT19980917.0275 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 NYT20000828.0244 -1 New York , Washington 163.1 APW19980701.0850 -1 one 163.1 APW20000620.0106 -1 Petersburg 163.1 NYT19991031.0054 3 St. Petersburg 163.1 NYT19980917.0275 -1 HERMITAGE 163.1 NYT19980917.0275 -1 Palace Square 163.1 NYT19991101.0019 -1 London 163.1 XIE20000609.0112 -1 Moscow 163.1 APW19980731.0804 3 Russia 163.1 NYT19991003.1035 3 St. Petersburg 163.2 NYT19990323.0092 1 Neva River 163.2 NYT19990609.0424 1 Neva 163.2 NYT19991101.0028 -1 TO OPEN A LONDON WING 163.2 NYT19990609.0424 1 NEVA 163.2 APW19980701.0850 -1 Hermitage Museum opens new computer center St. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) _ 163.2 NYT19990609.0424 1 Neva River 163.2 NYT19991031.0027 -1 HERMITAGE-MUSEUM 163.2 APW19980701.0850 -1 Russia 163.2 NYT19980726.0108 -1 Petersburg 163.2 APW20000620.0106 -1 Solomon R. Guggenheim 163.2 NYT19990609.0424 3 the banks of the Neva River 163.2 NYT19991031.0027 -1 Russia 163.2 NYT19991101.0019 -1 House 163.2 APW19980701.0850 -1 PETERSBURG 163.2 APW19980701.0850 -1 one 163.2 NYT20000619.0336 -1 St. Petersburg 163.2 APW20000620.0106 -1 Petersburg 163.2 NYT19990810.0199 -1 Tennessee 163.2 NYT19990609.0424 -1 For this and other more mundane projects, the Hermitage has joined 163.3 APW20000620.0106 -1 18th century 163.3 NYT19980930.0481 1 1764 163.3 APW20000620.0106 -1 1852 163.3 APW19990602.0275 -1 1975 163.3 NYT20000426.0292 -1 1992 163.3 NYT19980930.0481 -1 1998 163.3 APW20000620.0106 -1 PALACE 163.3 APW19980701.0850 -1 Hermitage Museum opens new computer center St. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) _ 163.3 NYT19980930.0481 -1 today 163.3 NYT19991031.0054 -1 1999 163.3 NYT20000713.0182 -1 3333 Camp Bowie Blvd. 163.3 APW19980905.0936 -1 November 1918 163.3 NYT20000725.0085 -1 1908 163.3 NYT20000828.0247 -1 1999 163.3 NYT19980930.0481 -1 1769 163.3 NYT19980930.0481 -1 that museum 163.3 APW20000620.0106 -1 18th 163.3 APW20000620.0106 -1 the 18th century 163.3 NYT19990609.0424 -1 For this and other more mundane projects, the Hermitage has joined 163.3 NYT19980930.0481 -1 1948 163.4 NYT19991031.0054 1 3-million-piece 163.4 NYT19991031.0054 -1 State 163.4 APW19990921.0210 -1 72,000 acres 163.4 NYT19991101.0028 -1 TO OPEN A LONDON WING 163.4 APW20000620.0106 -1 1 macosx 163.4 APW19980905.0937 -1 ST. PETERSBURG 163.4 APW19980701.0850 -1 Hermitage Museum opens new computer center St. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) _ 163.4 APW19980905.0936 -1 19 163.4 NYT19980806.0254 -1 size 37 163.4 APW19980701.0850 -1 Russia 163.4 NYT19990225.0244 -1 Three 163.4 APW19980701.0850 -1 one 163.4 NYT20000713.0182 -1 St. Petersburg 163.4 NYT19991207.0245 -1 St. Petersburg 163.4 NYT20000208.0186 -1 its size or scope 163.4 NYT19991031.0027 -1 Russia 163.4 NYT20000725.0085 -1 House 163.4 APW19980701.0850 -1 PETERSBURG 163.4 NYT19990609.0299 -1 20 to 30 miles 163.4 APW20000620.0106 -1 St. Petersburg 163.4 NYT20000619.0336 -1 two million square feet 163.4 NYT20000911.0145 -1 1,000 163.4 NYT19980917.0275 -1 $100,000 163.4 NYT19990609.0424 -1 For this and other more mundane projects, the Hermitage has joined 163.4 NYT19980602.0187 -1 one 163.4 APW19980905.0937 -1 two 163.4 APW20000620.0106 1 3 million 163.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 163.6 NYT20000619.0336 -1 Petersburg 163.6 NYT19991031.0054 -1 St. Petersburg 163.6 NYT19991101.0019 1 London 163.6 NYT19991031.0027 -1 London 163.6 NYT19990609.0424 -1 St. Petersburg 163.6 APW20000614.0123 -1 ROME 163.6 NYT19991031.0054 -1 PETERSBURG 163.6 NYT19991031.0054 -1 ST. PETERSBURG 163.6 NYT19991031.0054 1 LONDON 163.6 NYT19991031.0054 -1 A year 163.6 NYT20000619.0336 1 Amsterdam 163.6 APW19980701.0850 -1 PETERSBURG 163.6 NYT19981202.0380 -1 Moscow 163.6 APW20000920.0144 -1 St. Petersburg 163.6 NYT19981001.0261 1 Amsterdam 163.6 NYT19991031.0054 1 Amsterdam 163.6 NYT20000619.0336 -1 New York 163.6 NYT19981205.0215 -1 Dostoyevsky 163.6 NYT19980917.0275 -1 St. Petersburg 163.6 NYT19981001.0261 -1 Russia 163.6 APW19980905.0936 2 Amsterdam 163.6 NYT20000619.0336 -1 2006 163.6 NYT20000619.0336 -1 Wall Street 163.6 NYT20000608.0142 -1 a lot 163.6 NYT20000718.0350 -1 Russia 163.6 NYT20000619.0336 -1 St. Petersburg 163.7 NYT20000619.0336 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT20000221.0292 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT19990225.0244 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT19981001.0261 3 B. Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT20000619.0336 -1 Solomon R. Guggenheim 163.7 APW19980701.0850 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 APW19980701.0850 1 MIKHAIL PIOTROVSKY 163.7 NYT19990225.0244 -1 Miles Glaser 163.7 NYT20000718.0350 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT20000128.0455 -1 Larissa 163.7 NYT19980917.0275 1 Dr. Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 APW19980905.0936 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT19980917.0275 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT19991031.0054 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT19981001.0261 -1 Randall Bourscheidt 163.7 NYT19990323.0092 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky. 163.7 NYT19990531.0148 -1 Museum 163.7 APW20000620.0106 3 Michael Piotrovski 163.7 NYT19990531.0148 -1 University Art Museums director James Cuno 163.7 APW19980905.0936 1 Boris Piotrovsky 163.7 NYT19990323.0092 1 Mikhail Piotrovsky 164.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 164.1 APW19981205.0888 3 York 164.1 APW20000501.0032 -1 View 164.1 NYT20000824.0338 -1 Elizabeth 164.1 NYT19981228.0181 -1 Elizabeth 164.1 NYT19990217.0487 -1 Dame Judith Olivia 164.1 APW19981205.0888 1 YORK ENGLAND 164.1 XIE19990322.0227 -1 Hollywood 164.1 APW19990509.0067 -1 NEW YORK 164.1 NYT19980803.0006 2 England 164.1 NYT20000809.0307 2 England 164.1 NYT19990415.0438 2 YORK 164.1 NYT19990510.0361 2 York 164.1 APW19990210.0180 -1 Love 164.1 APW19981205.0888 3 England 164.1 APW19990210.0157 -1 Love 164.1 APW19990411.0122 -1 London 164.1 NYT19990513.0384 -1 Cher 164.1 APW19981205.0888 -1 Queen Victoria 164.1 NYT19990415.0494 2 YORK 164.1 APW19981205.0888 -1 London 164.1 APW19981205.0888 -1 Chad 164.1 APW19990118.0139 -1 Love 164.1 APW19990311.0327 -1 New Heights 164.1 NYT19990513.0083 -1 Arabella 164.1 NYT19990104.0173 2 North Yorkshire 164.1 APW19990210.0157 -1 Montenegro 164.1 APW19981114.0950 -1 Love 164.1 NYT19990321.0226 3 DenchYork 164.1 APW19981205.0888 1 York, England 164.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 164.3 NYT19990321.0226 1 Michael Williams 164.3 NYT19981221.0197 -1 Viola 164.3 NYT19981221.0197 -1 Geoffrey Rush 164.3 NYT20000824.0338 -1 Dame Judi Dench 164.3 NYT19990908.0238 -1 Sophie Marceau 164.3 NYT20000824.0338 -1 Dame 164.3 NYT20000408.0162 -1 KEIRA KNIGHTLEY 164.3 NYT20000824.0338 -1 DAME JUDI 164.3 NYT19990604.0165 -1 Amy 164.3 NYT19990319.0161 -1 Redgrave 164.3 NYT20000824.0338 -1 Dame Judi 164.3 XIE19990901.0041 -1 Dame Judi 164.3 NYT19990330.0150 -1 Iris 164.3 APW19980609.1514 -1 Roger Spottiswoode Starring Pierce Brosnan 164.3 APW19990118.0139 -1 Elizabeth I 164.3 NYT20000825.0291 -1 Elizabeth 164.3 NYT19990513.0384 -1 Joan Plowright 164.3 APW19990209.0377 -1 Emily Watson 164.3 APW19990602.0130 -1 Maggie Smith 164.3 NYT19991118.0431 -1 actors Judi Dench 164.3 APW20000821.0023 -1 8 164.3 APW20000821.0023 -1 Highlights of this compilation special 164.3 APW19990209.0377 -1 Dame Judi 164.3 NYT19990217.0487 -1 Daniel Day-Lewis 164.3 APW19990625.0288 1 Michael Williams 164.3 NYT19990518.0410 -1 Dame 164.3 NYT20000302.0251 1 Michael Williams 164.3 NYT19981228.0176 -1 Colin Firth 164.3 NYT19980914.0181 -1 Love 164.3 NYT19990321.0226 -1 Queen 164.3 APW19990625.0289 1 Michael Williams 164.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 164.4 APW19990322.0124 -1 seven 164.4 APW19990209.0088 1 two 164.4 APW19990209.0377 1 two 164.4 APW19990209.0377 1 2 164.4 NYT19981228.0181 -1 CHARLIZE 164.4 APW19990209.0377 -1 THREE 164.4 APW19990415.0246 -1 eight 164.4 APW19990209.0088 -1 one 164.4 NYT19990308.0350 -1 Dench 164.4 NYT19990322.0325 -1 anything 164.4 APW19990209.0121 -1 13 164.4 NYT19990321.0226 -1 13 164.4 APW19990209.0088 3 2 actresses 164.4 APW19990209.0221 2 Two 164.4 APW19990209.0377 -1 three 164.4 NYT20000809.0307 -1 three 164.4 APW19990322.0031 -1 10 164.4 NYT19990209.0277 -1 13 164.4 APW19990322.0110 -1 Dench , 64 , begged Madden 164.4 NYT19990308.0350 -1 three 164.4 APW19990209.0377 -1 three actresses 164.4 APW19990318.0179 2 2 164.4 APW19990209.0377 -1 59 164.4 APW19990322.0054 -1 seven 164.4 APW19990629.0111 2 two 164.4 NYT19990209.0240 -1 11 164.4 NYT19990322.0004 -1 11 Oscars 164.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 164.5 APW19990322.0055 -1 seven 164.5 NYT19990326.0231 -1 3 164.5 APW19990322.0054 -1 seven 164.5 NYT19990322.0325 -1 71 164.5 APW19990415.0246 -1 TWO 164.5 NYT19990811.0220 -1 1997 164.5 APW19990321.0001 -1 Dench 164.5 APW19990210.0157 -1 10 164.5 NYT19990322.0407 -1 71 164.5 NYT20000302.0251 -1 three 164.5 APW19990209.0377 -1 3 actresses 164.5 APW19990625.0288 -1 best supporting actress 164.5 NYT20000809.0307 -1 three 164.5 NYT19991013.0146 -1 1998 164.5 APW19990322.0110 -1 Dench , 64 , begged Madden 164.5 APW19990322.0030 -1 Private Ryan 164.5 APW19990322.0030 -1 five 164.5 NYT19990318.0132 -1 seven nominations 164.5 NYT19990327.0092 -1 three 164.5 NYT19990217.0487 2 1 164.5 APW19990411.0122 -1 seven 164.5 APW19990629.0111 -1 two 164.5 NYT19990327.0092 -1 three Oscars 164.5 APW19990411.0122 -1 four 164.5 APW19990322.0124 -1 seven 164.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 164.6 APW19990503.0281 -1 six 164.6 NYT19980910.0331 -1 five 164.6 NYT19990326.0231 -1 3 164.6 NYT19990415.0244 -1 100 164.6 APW19990114.0144 -1 SIX 164.6 APW20000821.0023 -1 10 164.6 APW19990606.0110 -1 two 164.6 XIE19990322.0227 -1 Dench 164.6 NYT19990603.0492 -1 12 164.6 APW19990210.0157 -1 10 164.6 NYT19981224.0100 -1 113 164.6 NYT19990204.0383 -1 six 164.6 NYT19981124.0301 2 1 164.6 NYT19990607.0029 -1 two 164.6 APW19990415.0246 -1 eight 164.6 NYT19990607.0029 1 one 164.6 APW19990411.0122 -1 seven 164.6 NYT19990318.0132 -1 13 164.6 NYT19990311.0450 -1 1999 164.6 APW19990322.0110 -1 Dench , 64 , begged Madden 164.6 APW19990607.0203 -1 Four 164.6 NYT19990217.0487 2 1 164.6 APW19990606.0110 1 one 164.6 NYT19990603.0230 -1 45 164.6 APW19990629.0111 -1 two 164.6 APW19990607.0203 -1 two Tony Awards 164.6 APW19990411.0122 -1 four 164.6 APW19990607.0203 -1 Matthew Bourne 164.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 164.7 APW19981205.0888 1 1934 164.7 APW19990510.0153 -1 1968 164.7 NYT19990513.0170 -1 1999 164.7 NYT19990217.0487 -1 1957 164.7 NYT19990317.0160 -1 ` 164.7 APW19990318.0242 -1 DENCH 164.7 APW19990318.0179 -1 1998 164.7 NYT19990321.0226 -1 1999 164.7 NYT19980604.0181 -1 1000 164.7 APW19981205.0888 3 Dec. 9, 1934 164.7 NYT19980818.0431 -1 1961 164.7 APW19990322.0030 -1 July 164.7 NYT19981124.0301 -1 1987 164.7 APW19981205.0888 3 Dec. 9 , 1934 164.7 NYT19991013.0146 -1 1998 164.7 APW19981205.0888 -1 1968 164.7 APW19990210.0157 -1 February 9, 1999 164.7 NYT19990603.0494 -1 1999 164.7 NYT19990603.0488 -1 June 3, 1999 164.7 NYT19990330.0150 -1 1936 164.7 APW19990325.0137 -1 1987 165.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 165.1 APW20000621.0166 1 2000 165.1 NYT20000604.0060 -1 1998 165.1 APW20000621.0225 1 2000 165.1 APW19980613.0396 -1 1843 165.1 NYT20000805.0222 -1 1997 165.1 APW20000622.0037 1 2000 165.1 XIE20000920.0107 -1 1994 165.1 NYT20000719.0013 3 August 4 2000 165.1 XIE20000804.0116 3 August 4 2000 165.1 APW20000622.0037 -1 Aug. 4 165.1 NYT20000804.0062 1 2000 165.1 NYT20000804.0228 1 2000 165.1 NYT20000719.0013 -1 12000 165.1 NYT20000804.0338 -1 Aug. 4, 1900 165.1 NYT20000616.0070 -1 August 165.1 NYT20000719.0013 -1 August 4 , 165.1 NYT20000712.0169 -1 100 165.1 NYT20000712.0169 -1 Everyone at the event 165.1 APW20000804.0035 -1 Security 165.1 NYT20000804.0228 -1 1923 165.1 NYT20000807.0090 1 2000 165.1 XIE20000804.0116 -1 1940 165.1 APW19980804.0538 -1 1936 165.1 NYT20000715.0099 1 2000 165.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 165.2 APW19990912.0080 -1 black 165.2 NYT20000712.0169 -1 red 165.2 APW19980804.0315 -1 pink 165.2 APW19980613.0363 -1 white 165.2 APW20000622.0037 -1 black 165.2 APW20000622.0037 -1 BLACK 165.2 APW20000804.0035 -1 SAME 165.2 APW19980804.0177 -1 new pink 165.2 NYT20000804.0228 -1 Mall 165.2 APW19980804.0315 -1 yellow 165.2 APW20000803.0102 -1 day 165.2 NYT20000719.0013 -1 blue 165.2 NYT20000804.0338 -1 Aug. 4, 1900 165.2 NYT20000711.0312 -1 the Queen Mother 165.2 NYT20000712.0169 -1 upcoming 100th birthday 165.2 APW19980804.0177 -1 pink 165.2 NYT20000804.0228 -1 wine 165.2 APW19980804.0538 -1 yellow 165.2 NYT20000228.0313 -1 green 165.2 NYT20000804.0338 -1 gold and blue colors 165.2 APW19980804.0177 -1 1936 165.2 NYT20000804.0228 -1 open 165.2 APW19980804.0315 -1 cream 165.2 XIE20000804.0301 -1 The Queen Mother 165.2 NYT20000804.0338 -1 gold 165.2 NYT20000713.0040 -1 wine 165.2 NYT20000326.0213 -1 white 165.2 APW19980613.0618 -1 white 165.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 165.4 APW19981208.1180 3 Elizabeth 165.4 NYT20000712.0169 -1 Guild Hall 165.4 XIE19970904.0013 -1 Prince Philip 165.4 NYT20000713.0040 -1 Mum 165.4 APW20000804.0035 3 HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 165.4 APW20000804.0035 3 QUEEN ELIZABETH 165.4 NYT20000712.0169 -1 1915 165.4 APW20000203.0281 -1 Canadians 165.4 APW20000621.0045 3 Elizabeth 165.4 APW20000821.0051 -1 Queen Mother 165.4 NYT20000804.0228 -1 Queen Mother 165.4 NYT20000807.0090 2 Elizabeth 165.4 APW20000719.0191 3 Queen Elizabeth II 165.4 NYT20000804.0228 -1 Victoria 165.4 APW20000803.0102 -1 Janet Carter 165.4 NYT20000621.0266 -1 Andrew 165.4 APW20000804.0035 -1 nation's favorite royal 165.4 APW20000501.0005 2 Elizabeth 165.4 APW20000430.0151 -1 an unnamed Buckingham Palace source 165.4 APW19980804.0538 3 Elizabeth 165.4 APW20000804.0035 -1 Janet Carter 165.4 NYT20000712.0169 3 Queen Elizabeth 165.4 APW20000804.0035 -1 dissident Irish republicans 165.4 APW19980711.0764 -1 Esther 165.4 NYT20000804.0062 -1 Buckingham Palace 165.4 APW19980804.0538 3 Queen Elizabeth 165.4 NYT20000712.0177 -1 Guild 165.4 APW19980804.0538 3 Elizabeth II 165.4 APW20000430.0151 -1 Prince 165.4 APW20000730.0046 -1 1945 165.4 APW20000730.0046 1 Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon 165.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 165.5 XIE19970219.0189 -1 000 165.5 NYT20000804.0062 -1 3 165.5 APW19990704.0079 -1 60 165.5 APW20000804.0035 -1 100 165.5 APW20000621.0045 -1 50 165.5 NYT20000804.0228 1 one interview 165.5 NYT20000804.0228 1 one 165.5 APW20000821.0051 -1 100 165.5 NYT20000719.0013 -1 two 165.5 NYT20000807.0090 -1 1000 165.5 XIE20000804.0116 -1 two 165.5 APW20000621.0225 -1 70 165.5 NYT20000804.0228 -1 her 100 165.5 NYT20000804.0228 -1 1923 165.5 APW20000803.0102 -1 heavy 165.5 NYT20000804.0228 3 only one interview 165.5 APW19980706.1192 -1 3 165.5 NYT20000804.0228 -1 11 165.5 NYT20000612.1107 -1 21 165.5 XIE20000804.0301 -1 two 165.5 APW20000804.0035 2 1 165.5 NYT20000703.0348 -1 four 165.5 NYT20000804.0338 -1 40,000 165.5 NYT20000817.0291 -1 1945 165.5 APW20000517.0138 -1 4 165.5 APW20000804.0035 -1 Eleven 165.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 165.6 NYT20000712.0234 -1 Elizabeth 165.6 NYT20000713.0040 -1 Hall 165.6 NYT20000804.0228 -1 Wallis Simpson 165.6 NYT20000719.0013 -1 April 16th, 2000 165.6 NYT20000712.0169 -1 KING 165.6 NYT20000712.0177 -1 QUEEN MOTHER 165.6 NYT20000607.0253 -1 Queen Elizabeth 165.6 NYT20000804.0228 -1 his hand 165.6 NYT20000719.0013 -1 two-queen 165.6 NYT20000712.0169 -1 Queen Mother 165.6 NYT20000804.0228 -1 Queen Mother 165.6 NYT20000807.0090 -1 1000 165.6 APW19980804.0081 2 Prince 165.6 XIE20000804.0301 -1 Mother 165.6 APW20000621.0225 -1 2000 165.6 NYT20000719.0013 -1 her 165.6 NYT20000712.0169 -1 1936 165.6 NYT20000712.0169 -1 older 165.6 NYT20000712.0234 -1 Queen Mother 165.6 NYT20000713.0040 -1 King George VI 165.6 XIE20000804.0116 -1 George VI 165.6 XIE19990323.0028 -1 1978 165.6 XIE20000804.0116 -1 Nazi 165.6 NYT20000712.0177 -1 Guild 165.6 NYT20000612.1107 -1 Duchess of York 165.6 NYT20000503.0076 -1 December 22, 2002 165.6 NYT19981112.0015 -1 death 165.6 NYT19990115.0294 -1 1945 165.6 APW20000730.0046 3 Prince Albert 165.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 165.7 XIE20000804.0116 -1 Mum 165.7 NYT20000713.0040 -1 Hall 165.7 APW19980603.1833 -1 Dowager of Scotland 165.7 NYT20000804.0338 -1 August 4, 1900 165.7 NYT20000712.0177 -1 QUEEN MOTHER 165.7 NYT20000719.0013 -1 August 4 2000 165.7 XIE20000804.0116 -1 French 165.7 NYT20000712.0169 -1 Queen Mother 165.7 APW20000821.0051 -1 Queen Mother 165.7 NYT20000807.0090 -1 1000 165.7 APW20000113.0080 -1 1977 165.7 NYT20000616.0070 -1 August 165.7 NYT20000804.0228 -1 birthday 165.7 NYT19990921.0204 -1 1999 165.7 NYT20000804.0228 -1 ` ` Happy Birthday 165.7 APW20000621.0225 -1 2000 165.7 NYT20000712.0169 -1 4, 165.7 NYT20000712.0169 -1 quiet 165.7 NYT20000713.0040 -1 Queen Mother 165.7 XIE20000804.0116 -1 French President Jacques Chirac 165.7 NYT20000712.0169 -1 Guild Hall 165.7 XIE19990323.0028 -1 1978 165.7 APW19980804.0538 -1 Elizabeth II 165.7 NYT20000712.0177 -1 Guild 165.7 NYT20000612.1107 -1 Duchess of York 165.7 NYT20000804.0338 -1 August 4 165.7 APW19980804.0315 -1 Happy Birthday 165.7 NYT20000712.0169 -1 royal 165.7 NYT19990612.0012 -1 1945 165.7 APW20000730.0046 1 King George VI 166.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 166.1 XIE20000930.0364 1 18 166.1 XIE19990628.0210 -1 38,000 166.1 NYT20000810.0246 -1 1997 166.1 XIE20000930.0364 -1 5 166.1 XIE19971219.0122 -1 H5N1 166.1 NYT19981103.0091 -1 SIX 166.1 XIE19981214.0080 -1 1.6 million 166.1 XIE19990411.0053 -1 9 166.1 XIE19981214.0080 -1 N 166.1 NYT19991102.0182 1 18 166.1 APW19981001.0142 1 18 166.1 XIE19980219.0023 3 May 1997 17 additional cases 166.1 NYT19990120.0095 -1 one 166.1 NYT19990120.0090 -1 30 million 166.1 APW19981215.0422 -1 22.4 million 166.1 NYT19990120.0094 -1 four 166.1 NYT19981103.0091 1 18 166.1 XIE19971227.0085 -1 502 166.1 NYT19990120.0090 -1 1 166.1 NYT19990120.0090 -1 almost 27 166.1 XIE19981214.0080 -1 approximately 1.6 million poultry 166.1 XIE19971231.0059 4 13 166.1 XIE19971225.0013 -1 Four 166.1 XIE19981005.0116 -1 million 166.1 XIE20000930.0364 -1 all three 166.1 XIE19990407.0081 -1 1997 166.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 166.2 XIE20000930.0364 1 six 166.2 XIE19990628.0210 -1 38,000 166.2 XIE19990411.0053 -1 2 166.2 XIE20000930.0364 -1 5 166.2 NYT19981103.0091 -1 18 166.2 XIE19981214.0080 -1 1.6 million 166.2 XIE19990411.0053 -1 9 166.2 XIE19981214.0080 -1 N 166.2 NYT19991102.0182 1 six 166.2 XIE20000930.0364 -1 18 166.2 APW19981001.0142 -1 18 166.2 APW19981005.0112 1 6 people 166.2 NYT19990120.0090 -1 one 166.2 NYT19990121.0073 -1 30 million 166.2 NYT19990120.0090 -1 30 million 166.2 NYT19990120.0095 -1 four 166.2 XIE19971227.0085 -1 502 166.2 NYT19990120.0090 -1 1 166.2 NYT19990120.0090 -1 almost 27 166.2 XIE19981214.0080 -1 approximately 1.6 million poultry 166.2 XIE19981005.0116 -1 million 166.2 XIE19980101.0079 -1 six million 166.2 XIE19980309.0201 -1 100,000 166.2 XIE19990407.0081 -1 1997 166.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 166.3 XIE19980114.0121 -1 virus 166.3 NYT20000810.0246 -1 Hong Kong 166.3 NYT19990121.0078 -1 influenza virus 166.3 XIE19980124.0060 -1 1997 166.3 XIE19971219.0122 -1 Hong Kong is trying to persuade tourists that it is safe 166.3 XIE19980114.0121 -1 H 166.3 XIE19980502.0005 1 1.5 million 166.3 XIE19971226.0101 -1 the virus 166.3 XIE19971229.0117 -1 13 million 166.3 NYT19990121.0074 -1 government 166.3 APW19981126.0001 4 million 166.3 XIE19990628.0210 -1 Hong Kong 166.3 XIE19980502.0003 1 1.5 million 166.3 APW19990215.0069 -1 Hong Kong 166.3 NYT19990121.0074 -1 break 166.3 NYT20000703.0265 -1 Birds 166.3 APW19980804.0122 1 all 1.4 million local chickens 166.3 NYT19990120.0090 -1 1 166.3 NYT19990120.0090 -1 markets and farms 166.3 NYT19990120.0095 -1 break 166.3 NYT19990120.0090 -1 the avian influenza virus 166.3 APW19981225.0683 1 1.3 million 166.3 XIE19981214.0080 -1 H5N1 166.3 XIE19980113.0301 -1 the virus 166.3 XIE19990411.0053 -1 H9N2 166.3 XIE19981214.0080 -1 In reviewing the situation in Hong Kong, Deputy Director of Health 166.3 APW19980804.0122 -1 Last December 166.3 XIE19980113.0301 -1 virus 166.3 XIE19980124.0060 -1 Agricultural 166.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 166.4 XIE19990407.0081 -1 influenza 166.4 XIE19990628.0210 -1 Spring Festival 166.4 APW20000110.0151 -1 Type 166.4 XIE19981214.0080 -1 Flu Paul Saw 166.4 XIE19990407.0081 -1 influenza virus 166.4 XIE19971219.0122 3 H5N1 AVIAN INFLUENZA 166.4 XIE19990628.0210 -1 the end 166.4 XIE19971208.0088 1 H5N1 166.4 XIE19990628.0210 -1 ed 166.4 APW19980609.0582 -1 REG 166.4 NYT19980705.0031 -1 $ 20 billion 166.4 XIE19990628.0210 -1 China 166.4 APW19981014.0356 -1 an outbreak of a mysterious avian flu 166.4 NYT19990120.0090 -1 Hong Kong outbreak 166.4 NYT19991102.0182 -1 New strains of flu turn 166.4 XIE19981005.0116 -1 strain 166.4 APW19981215.0422 -1 Asia's currency turmoil 166.4 XIE19980129.0008 -1 China 166.4 NYT19991102.0182 -1 Hong Kong strain 166.4 NYT19990120.0090 -1 1 166.4 NYT19990120.0090 -1 almost 27 166.4 XIE19990407.0081 -1 control of avian flu outbreak in late 1997 166.4 XIE19990407.0081 -1 This 166.4 NYT19990120.0094 -1 H 166.4 XIE19981005.0116 1 H5N1 166.4 XIE19990407.0081 -1 Virus 166.4 NYT19990120.0090 -1 Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Poultry Market 166.4 XIE19980108.0262 -1 poultry products 166.4 XIE19990407.0081 -1 virus 166.4 XIE19971219.0122 1 H5N1 166.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 166.5 XIE19990407.0081 -1 influenza 166.5 XIE19990412.0016 -1 Taliban Rule Out 166.5 XIE19981214.0080 -1 1997 166.5 XIE19971219.0122 -1 H5N1 STRAIN 166.5 APW19981215.0422 -1 1997 166.5 NYT19990120.0090 -1 Christmas 1997 166.5 XIE20000930.0364 -1 all strains 166.5 NYT19991102.0182 -1 Hong Kong 166.5 XIE19971227.0085 -1 ed 166.5 APW19980609.0582 -1 REG 166.5 NYT19980705.0031 -1 $ 9.1 166.5 XIE19971227.0085 -1 virus 166.5 APW19981001.0142 -1 China 166.5 NYT19990120.0090 -1 group 166.5 NYT19991102.0182 -1 New strains of flu turn 166.5 XIE19981005.0116 -1 Chan 166.5 APW19981215.0422 -1 late 1997 166.5 XIE19990407.0081 -1 1997 166.5 XIE19990407.0081 -1 2 166.5 XIE19981214.0080 -1 year 166.5 XIE19981214.0080 -1 `` absence of new human cases of Avian Flu in year 166.5 XIE19981214.0080 -1 World health experts and scientists 166.5 NYT19990121.0078 -1 H 166.5 XIE19990407.0081 -1 Virus 166.5 XIE19981214.0080 -1 Chairman 166.5 XIE19980108.0262 -1 poultry products 166.5 XIE19990407.0081 1 H9N2 167.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 167.1 NYT19990922.0210 1 London 167.1 XIE19991027.0315 1 London 167.1 NYT19991231.0197 1 London 167.1 XIE19991027.0315 1 LONDON 167.1 XIE19991026.0002 1 London 167.1 NYT19991207.0010 -1 Wheel 167.1 NYT20000228.0094 1 London 167.1 NYT19990909.0090 1 LONDON 167.1 XIE19991018.0037 1 LONDON 167.1 XIE19991230.0204 1 London 167.1 NYT19990909.0099 -1 Greenwich 167.1 NYT19991116.0396 1 London 167.1 NYT19990922.0210 1 LONDON 167.1 NYT19980608.0111 -1 Rome 167.1 NYT19991116.0396 3 England 167.1 NYT19991207.0010 -1 Europe 167.1 NYT19991209.0137 1 LONDON 167.1 NYT20000228.0094 -1 Bowden 167.1 NYT19991207.0010 1 London 167.1 NYT19981117.0082 1 LONDON 167.1 NYT19990906.0259 2 London 167.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 167.2 APW19980627.0475 -1 50 kilometers 167.2 APW19980627.0276 -1 50 kilometers 167.2 XIE19991230.0204 3 450 167.2 XIE19991027.0315 1 135 METRES 167.2 NYT19990922.0210 1 443-foot 167.2 XIE19991026.0002 1 450-feet 167.2 NYT20000228.0094 1 443-foot-high 167.2 NYT19981117.0082 -1 20 167.2 XIE19971029.0127 -1 39 167.2 NYT19990922.0210 1 443 - foot 167.2 XIE19991027.0315 -1 one 167.2 NYT19990909.0099 -1 Ferris 167.2 XIE19991026.0002 -1 Eight 167.2 XIE19991026.0002 3 environmental demonstration on 450-feet-high Millennium Wheel 167.2 NYT19991231.0197 -1 London Eye 167.2 NYT19991116.0396 -1 500-ton Ferris wheel , offering 25-mile views 167.2 NYT19991116.0396 -1 25 167.2 XIE19991026.0002 3 environmental demonstration on the 450-feet-high Millennium Wheel 167.2 NYT19991116.0396 -1 London 167.2 NYT20000228.0094 1 443-foot-high structure 167.2 XIE19991230.0204 -1 32 capsules 167.2 NYT20000228.0094 -1 25 miles 167.2 NYT20000228.0094 1 443-foot 167.2 NYT19990909.0099 -1 500 feet 167.2 XIE19991026.0002 3 450-feet-high 167.2 XIE19991027.0315 -1 million 167.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 167.3 NYT20000228.0094 1 London Eye 167.3 NYT20000826.0100 -1 Black Quarterbacks 167.3 XIE19991230.0204 3 British Airways London Eye 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 1 LONDON EYE 167.3 NYT19991207.0010 -1 will be drawn from a drum Jan 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 -1 Wheel 167.3 NYT19991231.0197 1 London Eye 167.3 NYT19991011.0390 -1 B.C 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 -1 Ferris 167.3 NYT19980608.0111 -1 Ferris 167.3 NYT19990909.0090 -1 Dayton Daily News SKUBE - ON - BOOKS 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 1 London Eye 167.3 NYT19991207.0010 -1 offering 25-mile views 167.3 NYT19991207.0010 -1 Wheel 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 -1 British 167.3 NYT19990909.0098 -1 London 167.3 APW20000425.0088 -1 Richard D. Thau 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 -1 however 167.3 NYT20000228.0094 -1 Dome 167.3 NYT19990922.0210 -1 all 167.3 NYT19991209.0137 -1 tribute 167.3 NYT19991207.0010 -1 Ferris 167.3 NYT19980608.0111 -1 the world 167.3 NYT19990909.0099 -1 Teflon 167.3 NYT19990224.0256 -1 Grand Vitara 167.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 167.4 NYT20000228.0094 1 British Airways 167.4 APW20000103.0001 -1 Pontiac 167.4 NYT19991116.0396 -1 Ferris 167.4 NYT20000105.0209 -1 Airways London Eye 167.4 NYT20000228.0094 3 BRITISH AIRWAYS LONDON EYE 167.4 NYT19991207.0010 -1 Ferris 167.4 XIE19991027.0315 -1 U.S 167.4 NYT20000105.0209 1 British Airways 167.4 NYT19990922.0210 -1 Ferris 167.4 NYT20000228.0094 -1 Eye 167.4 NYT20000810.0280 -1 Steven Squyres 167.4 NYT19991209.0136 -1 Ferris 167.4 XIE19991018.0037 -1 London Eye 167.4 XIE19991026.0002 1 British Airways 167.4 NYT19991207.0010 -1 Dome 167.4 NYT19981105.0076 -1 Mercedes 167.4 NYT19990419.0147 -1 one 167.4 NYT19990419.0147 -1 another 167.4 NYT20000228.0094 -1 a Ferris wheel 167.4 NYT20000105.0209 -1 South London 167.4 NYT20000620.0090 -1 Labor Party 167.4 NYT19990909.0099 -1 Teflon 167.4 NYT19991209.0136 -1 Year's Eve 167.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 167.5 XIE19991230.0204 1 32 167.5 NYT20000302.0056 -1 one 167.5 XIE19991027.0315 -1 one 167.5 XIE19991230.0204 3 32 passenger capsules 167.5 NYT20000228.0094 1 32 167.5 NYT20000228.0094 3 the 32 egg-shaped passenger capsules 167.5 NYT20000228.0094 3 32 egg-shaped 167.5 NYT19991209.0136 1 32 167.5 NYT20000105.0209 3 32 capsules 167.5 XIE19991230.0204 -1 one 167.5 NYT20000105.0209 1 32 167.5 NYT20000211.0169 -1 eight 167.5 XIE19991027.0315 -1 33.23 million U.S. dollar 167.5 NYT20000228.0094 -1 one 167.5 NYT20000228.0094 -1 the $ 1 billion exhibition center 167.5 NYT19991207.0010 -1 25- 167.5 NYT19990922.0210 -1 4 167.5 XIE19991018.0037 -1 450 168.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 168.1 NYT19980826.0144 -1 two 168.1 NYT19990829.0075 -1 two 168.1 XIE19980320.0183 -1 24 168.1 APW19980724.0322 -1 300 168.1 APW19980724.0322 -1 SEVERAL 168.1 NYT19981202.0304 -1 TEN 168.1 APW20000611.0062 -1 British, Saudi Princes To Debut Art LONDON (AP) -- Prince Charles 168.1 APW20000611.0062 -1 30 168.1 APW19981014.1219 -1 30-year 168.1 NYT20000831.0192 -1 50 168.1 APW19981024.0902 -1 Diana 168.1 APW19980716.1004 -1 REG 168.1 APW19980709.0045 -1 20 168.1 APW19981109.1235 -1 At least 3 members 168.1 APW19980724.0161 -1 and four 168.1 NYT19981108.0075 -1 50 168.1 APW20000611.0062 1 450 168.1 APW19980724.0161 -1 four 168.1 APW19981112.1318 -1 50 168.1 APW19980715.1231 -1 10 168.1 XIE19970630.0048 -1 more than 150 years 168.1 APW19980701.0860 -1 0900 168.1 APW20000611.0062 -1 26 oil paintings 168.1 XIE19980107.0091 -1 23,000 168.1 APW19980724.0161 -1 Wales 168.1 APW20000611.0062 -1 Patronage 168.1 NYT19981203.0134 -1 PRINCE-CHARLES (San Francisco) _ As Prince Charles celebrated his 50th birthday 168.1 XIE19960620.0229 -1 150 168.1 APW19980724.0161 -1 more than 300 168.1 APW19981002.1272 -1 Princess 168.1 APW20000611.0062 -1 Saudi 168.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 168.3 APW19981014.1376 -1 lithograph 168.3 APW19980716.1004 -1 Sun 168.3 NYT19980621.0177 -1 Ronald Reagan Building in Washington 168.3 APW19980716.1004 -1 50000 pounds 168.3 NYT19991103.0300 -1 PICASSO 168.3 NYT19990505.0273 -1 AUCTION 168.3 APW19990624.0046 -1 The amount 168.3 NYT19981110.0274 -1 8,900 168.3 APW19980715.1231 -1 NZ 0000 168.3 NYT19981215.0211 -1 $45 168.3 NYT19990830.0231 -1 death 168.3 APW19980724.0161 -1 4 168.3 NYT19991103.0300 -1 $16 million 168.3 NYT19991103.0300 -1 million 168.3 APW19990511.0147 -1 total 168.3 APW19980715.1231 -1 10 168.3 NYT19990325.0395 -1 Brant 168.3 NYT19991103.0300 -1 Japanese 168.3 APW19990511.0040 -1 1990 168.3 NYT20000130.0053 -1 old master drawings 168.3 XIE19960620.0229 -1 80 km 168.3 NYT20000130.0056 -1 old master drawings 168.3 APW19990511.0147 -1 $82.5 million 168.3 APW20000611.0062 -1 Saudi 168.3 XIE19971124.0132 -1 yesterday 168.3 APW20000611.0062 -1 Patronage 168.3 NYT20000321.0431 -1 32 by 24 inches 168.3 NYT20000321.0396 -1 amount 168.3 APW19990910.0242 -1 museum 168.3 NYT19990125.0155 -1 $50 million 168.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 168.4 APW19990809.0112 -1 newspaper 168.4 NYT19980828.0160 -1 True Hollywood Story 168.4 NYT19981203.0304 -1 Fine Art 168.4 NYT19990127.0250 -1 SAATCHI 168.4 APW20000611.0062 -1 ARTS 168.4 APW20000611.0062 -1 London 168.4 APW19981112.1318 -1 AP 168.4 NYT19980924.0329 -1 oil paint 168.4 NYT19981108.0075 -1 British 168.4 NYT19990818.0418 1 watercolor 168.4 APW19980724.0322 -1 Leon Krier 168.4 NYT19980924.0329 -1 passionate, inventive vitality 168.4 APW20000611.0062 -1 Saudi 168.4 NYT19980924.0329 -1 passionate , inventive vitality 168.4 APW19990310.0099 -1 Prince 168.4 NYT20000321.0431 -1 rapidly commercialized and organized expanded At time 168.4 XIE19971003.0019 -1 November 168.4 NYT19981110.0274 -1 400 168.4 NYT19981110.0274 -1 during 168.4 APW19981110.1229 -1 ideal medium 168.4 APW20000611.0062 -1 it 168.4 APW20000611.0062 -1 oil 168.4 APW20000611.0062 -1 Patronage 168.4 NYT19980723.0223 -1 Metropolitan Museum 168.4 APW19980618.1012 -1 Portrait of a man 168.4 NYT19980902.0409 -1 artist 168.4 APW19981014.1219 -1 lithograph 168.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 168.5 APW19981112.1318 -1 Bowles 168.5 NYT19980828.0160 -1 True Hollywood Story 168.5 NYT19981215.0074 -1 Camilla Parker Bowles 168.5 XIE19980810.0051 -1 WATERCOLOURS 168.5 NYT19980806.0254 -1 THESE 168.5 APW20000617.0025 -1 Prince Charles' press secretary 168.5 NYT19981111.0332 -1 50 168.5 APW19980716.1004 -1 11 168.5 APW19981004.0943 -1 POLITICS 168.5 APW19980724.0161 -1 Camilla Parker Bowles 168.5 NYT19980906.0092 -1 art 168.5 NYT19980828.0160 -1 Prince 168.5 APW19980724.0161 -1 show 168.5 NYT19981021.0056 -1 American 168.5 XIE19970329.0116 -1 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Internantional Co-operation 168.5 APW19981105.1377 -1 Chelsea 168.5 APW19981105.1377 -1 younger 168.5 APW19980724.0322 -1 show 168.5 APW19980723.0029 -1 Mrs. Parker Bowles 168.5 APW20000609.0144 -1 William 168.5 APW19981110.1229 -1 new Internet website 168.5 NYT19981104.0350 -1 Camilla Parker Bowles 168.5 NYT19990106.0265 -1 Surrey 168.5 APW20000611.0062 -1 Saudi 168.5 NYT19980610.0292 -1 English 168.5 APW20000611.0062 -1 Patronage 168.5 APW19980724.0161 -1 crafts 168.5 NYT19980727.0181 -1 Bowles 168.5 NYT20000524.0260 -1 Diana 168.5 NYT19981201.0097 -1 St. James 168.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 168.6 APW20000611.0062 -1 painting 168.6 NYT19990628.0264 -1 Charles Huelsman 168.6 APW19990709.0002 -1 Philip 168.6 APW19981029.1419 -1 AP 168.6 APW19981112.1318 -1 Camilla Parker Bowles 168.6 APW19980717.0573 -1 MICHAEL 168.6 NYT20000112.0285 -1 TWO 168.6 XIE19971029.0198 -1 Harry 168.6 XIE20000827.0171 -1 Dong 168.6 XIE19980815.0097 -1 Diana 168.6 APW19981112.1318 -1 REG 168.6 NYT19990602.0146 -1 Prince Edward 168.6 NYT19990818.0418 -1 royal family 168.6 APW19980627.0835 -1 Harry 168.6 APW20000611.0062 -1 both amateur artists 168.6 NYT19981008.0221 -1 child 168.6 APW19990602.0169 -1 Welsh Assembly 168.6 APW20000611.0062 -1 recent watercolors by Charles 168.6 APW19980715.1231 -1 Two 168.6 APW19980724.0322 -1 paintings , drawings and other artworks and crafts 168.6 APW19980724.0161 -1 1997 168.6 APW19980724.0161 -1 1936 168.6 APW19980723.0029 -1 The younger son 168.6 APW20000611.0062 -1 Prince 168.6 APW19980724.0161 -1 art 168.6 APW20000611.0062 1 Khalid Al-Faisal 168.6 APW19980626.1046 -1 Harry _ 168.6 APW19980724.0161 -1 Prince Albert 168.6 APW19981112.1318 -1 Parker Bowles 168.6 APW19980724.0161 -1 Leon Krier 168.6 APW19981112.1318 -1 Charles 169.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 169.1 XIE19980809.0007 -1 July 169.1 XIE19971111.0069 -1 3,000 BC 169.1 XIE19971111.0069 1 2,500 BC 169.1 NYT19990318.0337 -1 1986 169.1 NYT20000505.0250 -1 2000 169.1 NYT19990224.0291 -1 2000 169.1 XIE20000415.0008 -1 Thursday 169.1 XIE19960311.0097 -1 2950 B.C. 169.1 APW19980621.0751 -1 the late 1980s 169.1 NYT19990324.0213 -1 2800 and 2200 B.C. 169.1 XIE19961120.0192 -1 March 169.1 NYT20000920.0185 -1 2003 169.1 NYT19981005.0185 -1 2001 169.1 NYT19990324.0213 -1 1400 169.1 NYT19990324.0213 -1 1400 B.C. 169.1 NYT20000311.0114 -1 2002 169.1 APW19990828.0055 -1 one 169.1 APW19990828.0055 -1 favor of personal computer 169.1 XIE19971111.0069 -1 Traces 169.1 XIE19970104.0024 -1 January 3 169.1 XIE19970809.0010 -1 second quarter of this year 169.1 XIE19971111.0069 -1 November 11, 1997 169.1 NYT19990324.0213 -1 1995 169.1 NYT19990607.0508 -1 2000 169.1 APW20000117.0172 -1 1930s 169.1 NYT19980603.0118 -1 The following year 169.1 XIE19960115.0246 -1 July 1992 169.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 169.2 XIE19970831.0103 -1 340 million 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 1 3,000 169.2 XIE19970828.0020 -1 5,300 169.2 XIE19971111.0478 3 3000 stone circles 169.2 XIE20000803.0108 -1 3 169.2 XIE19960530.0203 -1 MAY 169.2 XIE19980120.0165 -1 2 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 -1 British archaeologists have discovered evidence of a prehistoric ceremonial temple at 169.2 APW19980621.0751 -1 one 169.2 NYT20000410.0161 -1 Notes 169.2 NYT20000720.0264 -1 two 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 3 about 3000 169.2 XIE19971111.0226 1 3,000 169.2 XIE19960423.0112 -1 13 169.2 XIE19971111.0478 1 3,000 169.2 NYT19990111.0226 -1 10 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 -1 one 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 -1 Britain but previously only seven timber temples 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 -1 only seven timber temples 169.2 XIE19971111.0478 -1 only seven timber temples 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 3 about 3,000 169.2 XIE19971111.0069 -1 Stanton Drew 169.2 NYT20000907.0311 -1 Sharing his view, for a somewhat different reason, is Douglas S. 169.2 XIE19971111.0478 1 3000 169.2 XIE19961124.0108 -1 57 169.2 XIE19960530.0203 -1 100,000 169.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 169.3 XIE19971111.0069 2 3,000 BC 169.3 APW20000619.0062 -1 1980 169.3 APW19980611.1082 3 2000 169.3 NYT19990324.0213 -1 CONSTRUCTION 169.3 XIE19971111.0069 2 3000 BC 169.3 XIE20000317.0110 -1 1944 169.3 APW20000511.0107 -1 16 169.3 APW20000511.0107 -1 first summer 169.3 XIE19970614.0030 1 2,800 B.C. 169.3 APW20000511.0107 -1 the 1980s 169.3 NYT19990216.0203 1 about 3050 B.C. 169.3 XIE20000219.0156 -1 1368-1644 169.3 XIE19960311.0097 3 2300 169.3 XIE19960311.0097 3 2950 169.3 NYT19980603.0118 -1 1248 169.3 NYT19990324.0213 -1 1400 169.3 APW20000619.0062 1 5,000 years ago 169.3 NYT19990324.0213 -1 2800 169.3 APW19990828.0055 -1 one 169.3 XIE19971111.0069 -1 10 169.3 NYT20000731.0235 -1 1819 169.3 APW20000511.0107 1 5,000 years ago 169.3 NYT20000620.0278 -1 years ago 169.3 XIE19960311.0097 3 2300 BC 169.3 XIE19960311.0097 3 5000 169.3 NYT19990216.0203 1 BC3050 169.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 169.4 APW20000621.0054 -1 England 169.4 XIE19960326.0084 -1 County 169.4 NYT19980901.0093 -1 Cornwall 169.4 XIE19990906.0030 -1 Avebury 169.4 NYT19991206.0024 1 WILTSHIRE 169.4 XIE19990906.0030 -1 AVEBURY 169.4 XIE19971111.0069 -1 British archaeologists have discovered evidence of a prehistoric ceremonial temple at 169.4 NYT20000403.0162 1 Wiltshire 169.4 NYT19980727.0104 -1 Stonehenge 169.4 NYT19990324.0213 1 Wiltshire 169.4 XIE19990906.0030 -1 Britain 169.4 XIE19971111.0069 -1 Britain 169.4 APW19980611.1082 -1 pre-Christian and astronomical worship 169.4 NYT19990308.0483 -1 Dade County development site 169.4 NYT19990324.0213 -1 Avebury 169.4 XIE19990906.0030 -1 Pacific 169.4 NYT19991206.0024 -1 England 169.4 XIE19960704.0317 -1 Japan , Indonesia , Hong Kong and Taiwan 169.4 APW19990828.0055 -1 one 169.4 APW20000511.0107 -1 5,000 169.4 APW19990103.0141 -1 Miami-Dade 169.4 XIE19970301.0139 -1 Britain 169.4 XIE19971111.0069 -1 Bristol 169.4 XIE19971111.0069 -1 BC 169.4 NYT20000907.0311 -1 Sharing his view, for a somewhat different reason, is Douglas S. 169.4 NYT20000711.0103 -1 England 169.4 NYT20000131.0255 -1 England 169.4 NYT19990324.0213 -1 Salisbury 169.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 169.6 XIE19990906.0030 2 Avebury 169.6 NYT19990324.0177 -1 Ring 169.6 NYT19991206.0024 -1 Aubrey 169.6 APW20000726.0123 -1 Sohn Hyun 169.6 NYT19990324.0213 1 AVEBURY 169.6 NYT19991206.0024 -1 STONEHENGE 169.6 XIE19971111.0069 -1 LONDON 169.6 XIE19971111.0069 -1 well-known stone circles 169.6 NYT19980603.0118 -1 England 169.6 NYT19990324.0213 -1 Stonehenge 169.6 NYT19990324.0213 -1 Megalith Map 169.6 XIE19971111.0069 -1 Stanton Drew 169.6 NYT19980901.0093 -1 burial cairns 169.6 APW20000619.0062 -1 Stonehenge 169.6 NYT19980817.0025 -1 repellent open space 169.6 XIE19971111.0069 -1 series of well-known stone circles 169.6 NYT19991003.0091 -1 marble 169.6 NYT19990324.0213 -1 one 169.6 NYT19990324.0213 -1 wonderful guide 169.6 XIE19971111.0069 -1 seven 169.6 XIE19971111.0226 -1 series of well-known stone circles 169.6 NYT20000508.0470 -1 stockholders 169.6 XIE19960111.0068 -1 Britain 169.6 NYT19980603.0118 -1 Wales 169.6 NYT19991206.0024 -1 Yale 169.6 NYT19991206.0024 -1 Fables 169.6 APW19990329.0187 -1 Kaaba 169.6 APW20000511.0107 -1 Stonehenge 169.6 NYT19980901.0093 -1 destinations 170.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 170.1 NYT19991130.0287 -1 one 170.1 NYT19990909.0119 1 16 170.1 NYT19990909.0155 -1 55 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 10 170.1 APW20000216.0100 -1 1999 170.1 NYT19991130.0186 -1 Two 170.1 NYT20000319.0047 -1 13 170.1 NYT20000319.0047 -1 54 170.1 NYT20000319.0038 -1 54 170.1 NYT19990909.0119 3 16 - song 170.1 NYT19991013.0270 -1 one 170.1 NYT19991223.0051 -1 1 170.1 NYT20000803.0264 -1 10 170.1 NYT19991125.0191 -1 14 Duke Ellington songs 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 Prine 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 1970s 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 the four songs 170.1 NYT19990909.0127 -1 one 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 four 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 1 170.1 NYT19990909.0125 1 16 170.1 APW19991006.0336 -1 four songs 170.1 NYT19990915.0190 3 16 tracks 170.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 170.2 APW19980919.0875 -1 Roger Cook 170.2 NYT19990915.0190 -1 Oh Boy Records 170.2 NYT19990915.0190 -1 CD 170.2 APW19991006.0336 -1 Country Music 170.2 APW19980919.0874 -1 ONE NIGHT 170.2 APW19980919.0874 -1 LOVE 170.2 APW19991006.0336 -1 Angel From Montgomery 170.2 NYT20000721.0152 -1 NEW YORK 170.2 APW19980919.0874 -1 best song 170.2 NYT20000804.0078 -1 ``Murder on Music Row 170.2 NYT19991222.0070 -1 Christmas in Prison 170.2 NYT20000921.0138 -1 music 170.2 NYT19991013.0270 -1 others 170.2 NYT19991223.0051 -1 No. 1 170.2 NYT19991013.0270 -1 In Spite of Ourselves 170.2 NYT20000905.0214 -1 Mc 170.2 NYT19990915.0190 -1 So Sad to Watch Good Love Go Bad ) , ; Wedding Bells / Let 's Turn Back the Years ) , ; When Two Worlds Collide ; I Know One ; We Must Have Been Out of Our Minds 170.2 APW19991006.0336 -1 1963 170.2 APW19991006.0336 -1 's 170.2 APW19980919.0874 1 i Just Want To Dance with You 170.2 APW19991006.0336 -1 Them Over 170.2 NYT19991223.0051 -1 Christmas 170.2 NYT19990909.0119 -1 Ourselves 170.2 NYT19980727.0265 1 I Just Want to Dance With You 170.2 APW19991006.0336 -1 Let's Invite Them Over 170.2 NYT20000905.0214 -1 album 170.2 APW19980919.0874 1 I Just Want To Dance With You 170.2 NYT19990909.0119 -1 Undated 170.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 170.3 NYT20000607.0057 -1 Daydreams 170.3 NYT20000905.0214 -1 1992 170.3 NYT19980727.0265 -1 1998 170.3 NYT19990909.0127 -1 SURGERY TO REMOVE 170.3 APW19991006.0336 -1 CANCER 170.3 APW19991006.0336 -1 John Prine Makes Duets Album NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- John Prine 170.3 APW19991006.0336 3 late in 1997 170.3 NYT19991013.0270 -1 1999 170.3 NYT19980727.0265 -1 the '70s 170.3 APW19980919.0875 -1 1998 170.3 NYT19991130.0186 -1 Dec. 5 1999 170.3 APW19981222.0341 -1 1996 170.3 APW19981003.0848 2 1997 170.3 APW19980919.0874 -1 1994 170.3 APW19991006.0336 1 1997 170.3 NYT19990909.0127 -1 15 170.3 APW19991006.0336 -1 1971 170.3 NYT19990915.0099 -1 AUDIO-PRINE _ Review of new album by John Prine. (Longino, Atlanta 170.3 NYT19980827.0004 -1 1996 170.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 170.4 NYT19990909.0127 -1 15 170.4 NYT19990909.0127 -1 two 170.4 APW19991009.0135 -1 53 170.4 APW20000216.0100 -1 1 album 170.4 NYT19991003.0847 -1 SO MANY 170.4 NYT19991013.0270 -1 FEW 170.4 NYT19991130.0287 -1 445 170.4 NYT19990909.0127 -1 15 years 170.4 NYT20000319.0047 -1 four years 170.4 NYT19990909.0127 1 30 170.4 NYT19991013.0270 -1 1999 170.4 NYT19991130.0287 -1 19 170.4 NYT19980601.0329 -1 One 170.4 NYT19990921.0169 -1 one 170.4 NYT19991013.0270 -1 one 170.4 NYT19990921.0169 -1 1 170.4 NYT19981201.0080 -1 day 170.4 NYT20000307.0091 -1 two 170.4 NYT19980727.0265 -1 70s 170.4 APW20000216.0100 -1 Guy Clark 170.4 APW19991006.0336 -1 four years 170.4 NYT19991214.0287 -1 two 170.4 NYT19990624.0290 -1 five 170.4 NYT19990909.0119 -1 16- 170.4 APW19991006.0336 -1 Spite 170.4 NYT20000319.0047 -1 album 170.4 NYT19990909.0127 1 30 years 171.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 171.1 XIE20000127.0176 -1 1942 171.1 NYT19991020.0234 -1 1998 171.1 NYT19981007.0273 -1 Oct. 15 171.1 NYT19990904.0030 -1 January 27, 1942 171.1 NYT19990724.0155 -1 27 1942 171.1 APW19990405.0021 -1 JANUARY 27 1942 171.1 APW19990405.0021 -1 Jan. 6, 1920 171.1 XIE19980131.0120 -1 1937 171.1 NYT19981116.0127 -1 1956 171.1 NYT20000226.0145 -1 2000 171.1 NYT19990114.0235 -1 1609 171.1 NYT19981205.0065 -1 1963 171.1 NYT19980730.0381 -1 October 171.1 NYT19991020.0234 -1 October 1998 171.1 NYT19981105.0392 -1 1920-25 171.1 NYT19991129.0432 -1 2000 171.1 NYT19981205.0065 -1 $1.9 billion 171.1 NYT19980603.0341 -1 move 171.1 NYT19981205.0065 -1 $1.9 171.1 NYT19981204.0228 -1 1924-25 171.1 APW19990405.0021 -1 Jan. 6 , 1920 171.1 APW19990405.0021 -1 1920 171.1 APW20000115.0052 -1 September 9, 1998 171.1 NYT20000130.0053 -1 WynnJanuary 171.1 APW19990406.0024 -1 1939 171.1 NYT19981007.0273 -1 1998-10-15 171.1 NYT19981105.0392 -1 1958 171.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 1 MGM Grand 171.2 XIE19970603.0149 -1 Handan Iron 171.2 NYT20000223.0151 2 MGM Grand 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Worldwide Inc 171.2 NYT20000306.0397 1 MGM Grand Inc 171.2 NYT20000229.0479 -1 Las Vegas Strip 171.2 NYT19980603.0341 -1 VEGAS 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 1 MGM GRAND 171.2 NYT20000223.0548 2 MGM Grand Inc 171.2 APW20000428.0008 -1 Resorts 171.2 NYT20000309.0344 1 MGM Grand 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Mirage Resorts Inc 171.2 NYT19980603.0341 -1 Mirage Resorts Inc 171.2 NYT20000223.0349 -1 Las Vegas 171.2 NYT20000223.0548 -1 Mirage Resorts Inc 171.2 NYT20000309.0421 1 MGM Grand 171.2 APW20000223.0155 -1 Bellagio 171.2 NYT20000223.0151 3 MGM 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 -1 4 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 -1 $4.4 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Mirage Resorts Inc. 171.2 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Las Vegas 171.2 NYT20000229.0479 2 MGM Grand Inc 171.2 NYT20000309.0344 3 MGM 171.2 NYT20000306.0397 -1 Undated 171.2 NYT20000306.0397 1 MGM Grand Inc. 171.2 NYT20000226.0145 2 MGM Grand 171.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 171.3 APW20000307.0002 -1 billion 171.3 NYT19981105.0392 -1 York in May 171.3 NYT19980730.0381 -1 Mirage Resorts 171.3 APW20000306.0162 -1 Mirage Chairman Steve 171.3 NYT19990114.0235 2 BELLAGIO 171.3 NYT19981007.0433 -1 Jon Jerde 171.3 NYT19990411.0061 -1 LASVEGAS-WYNN 171.3 NYT19981223.0382 -1 Steve Wynn 171.3 NYT19980730.0381 1 Bellagio 171.3 NYT20000223.0548 -1 Monte Carlo 171.3 NYT19981105.0392 -1 chairman 171.3 APW20000307.0002 -1 Mirage 171.3 NYT19991020.0234 -1 chief executive 171.3 NYT19990824.0360 -1 Mirage 171.3 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Mirage 171.3 NYT19990128.0068 -1 MGM Grand 171.3 APW19981008.1389 -1 Chanel 171.3 APW20000223.0155 -1 1989 171.3 NYT19981205.0065 -1 million 171.3 APW20000306.0162 2 Bellagio 171.3 APW20000306.0146 -1 Beau Rivage 171.3 APW20000306.0162 -1 Mirage 171.3 NYT19980603.0341 -1 Mirage Resorts 171.3 NYT19981007.0433 1 Bellagio 171.3 NYT19991020.0234 1 Bellagio 171.3 NYT19991020.0234 -1 Mirage Resorts 171.3 APW20000714.0208 -1 MGM Mirage 171.3 NYT19981205.0054 1 Bellagio 171.3 NYT19990929.0245 -1 Mirage 171.3 NYT19990307.0046 -1 Comdex convention 171.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 1 Sandy Gallin 171.4 NYT19980603.0459 1 Sandy Gallin 171.4 APW20000203.0120 -1 Steve Wynn 171.4 NYT19981105.0392 -1 Field II 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 -1 Las Vegas 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 -1 EVENTUALLY 171.4 NYT19980720.0118 -1 WYLIE 171.4 NYT19980730.0381 -1 Edmund P. Pillsbury 171.4 NYT19990107.0219 -1 Joyce Theater 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 -1 Stephen Wynn 171.4 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Stephen A. Wynn 171.4 NYT19981205.0065 -1 Steve Wynn 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 -1 Rob Marshall 171.4 NYT19990405.0568 -1 Manager Bucky Harris 171.4 APW20000203.0120 -1 1987 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 -1 30 171.4 NYT19980603.0459 -1 Steven 171.4 APW19990701.0268 -1 Las Vegas 171.4 NYT19980603.0341 -1 Mirage 171.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 171.5 NYT19981205.0065 -1 Las Vegas 171.5 NYT19990427.0346 -1 Nev. 171.5 NYT19990128.0192 -1 Mirage 171.5 NYT19981105.0392 -1 York in May 171.5 NYT19981007.0273 -1 Bellagio Hotel 171.5 APW20000714.0208 -1 MGM Mirage 171.5 NYT19980622.0121 -1 GAMBLING 171.5 NYT20000306.0447 -1 STEVE WYNN 171.5 NYT19990510.0524 -1 LAS VEGAS 171.5 NYT20000306.0447 -1 proved too fancy for the market there 171.5 NYT19981120.0055 -1 William Acquavella 171.5 NYT19990411.0061 -1 LASVEGAS-WYNN 171.5 NYT19980603.0341 1 Beau Rivage 171.5 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Stephen A. Wynn 171.5 NYT20000309.0344 -1 Mirage Resorts 171.5 NYT19981205.0065 1 Beau Rivage 171.5 NYT19991020.0234 -1 chief executive 171.5 NYT20000306.0447 -1 Mirage 171.5 NYT19990114.0235 -1 Las Vegas 171.5 APW20000306.0162 -1 flamboyant Mirage chairman 171.5 NYT20000130.0056 -1 Microsoft 171.5 NYT19981204.0228 -1 garish 171.5 APW19981008.1389 -1 million 171.5 NYT20000309.0344 -1 MGM Grand 171.5 NYT20000306.0447 1 Beau Rivage 171.5 NYT19991020.0234 -1 Mirage Resorts 171.5 NYT19990704.0078 -1 Las Vegas 171.5 NYT19990511.0118 -1 Bellagio Gallery 171.5 NYT19990929.0245 -1 Mirage 171.5 NYT19980622.0121 -1 Mirage Resorts 171.5 NYT19981205.0065 -1 Le Jardin 172.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 172.1 APW20000117.0138 -1 Jerry 172.1 APW19990114.0116 -1 Erie 172.1 APW20000117.0143 -1 New York 172.1 NYT19991003.0848 3 VERMONT 172.1 NYT20000412.0158 -1 United States 172.1 APW20000831.0140 -1 1999 172.1 NYT20000209.0416 2 Burlington, Vt. 172.1 APW20000118.0009 -1 New York 172.1 APW20000117.0138 -1 New York 172.1 NYT19991209.0264 3 South Burlington 172.1 APW20000411.0204 -1 Calif. 172.1 NYT20000501.0410 -1 Unilever 172.1 NYT20000412.0354 -1 Ben & Jerry 172.1 APW20000413.0002 -1 Miami 172.1 NYT20000124.0364 2 Burlington 172.1 APW20000412.0148 2 Vermont 172.1 NYT19991221.0266 -1 1978 172.1 APW20000117.0138 -1 last month 172.1 NYT19981209.0087 -1 PHOENIX 172.1 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Part 172.1 NYT19991221.0266 3 Vermont 172.1 NYT20000124.0364 2 Burlington, Vt 172.1 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Dean 172.1 NYT19981225.0017 -1 glass 172.1 NYT19991228.0294 -1 Ice 172.1 NYT19991026.0208 -1 Russia 172.1 NYT19980701.0142 -1 company 172.1 NYT20000412.0354 -1 Greenfield 172.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 172.2 NYT19980805.0124 1 ice cream 172.2 APW20000118.0009 -1 Cohen 172.2 APW20000118.0009 -1 Greenfield 172.2 NYT19991228.0294 1 Ice Cream 172.2 NYT20000209.0114 1 ice cream 172.2 NYT19981120.0344 -1 COMPANY 172.2 APW20000117.0138 -1 BEN COHEN 172.2 APW20000117.0138 1 ICE CREAM 172.2 NYT20000124.0447 -1 AROUND 172.2 NYT20000412.0424 1 ice cream 172.2 NYT20000412.0354 -1 AMP 172.2 APW20000117.0138 -1 AMP 172.2 NYT19980630.0231 1 ice cream 172.2 NYT20000328.0341 -1 Burlington 172.2 APW20000118.0009 -1 Ben & Jerry 's 172.2 APW20000204.0141 -1 part of large conglomerates , '' Ben & Jerry 's co-founder 172.2 APW20000126.0331 -1 AMP 172.2 NYT20000406.0544 1 ice cream 172.2 NYT19990712.0192 -1 the major producers 172.2 APW20000117.0138 -1 Wicks 172.2 APW20000411.0204 -1 AMP 172.2 NYT20000124.0364 -1 Burlington 172.2 NYT20000412.0354 -1 statement 172.2 NYT20000412.0354 1 ice cream 172.2 NYT20000411.0278 -1 TAKEOVER 172.2 APW20000126.0331 -1 the company 172.2 NYT19991228.0294 3 Ice 172.2 APW20000204.0202 -1 Unilever 172.2 NYT19980805.0125 1 ice cream 172.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 172.3 NYT19980630.0231 -1 Jerry 172.3 NYT20000412.0368 1 Cohen 172.3 NYT20000124.0364 1 Cohen 172.3 NYT19981020.0033 -1 R F 172.3 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Jerry Homemade 172.3 NYT19981208.0153 -1 JERRY 172.3 NYT19980806.0301 -1 Clinton Nicknames 172.3 NYT19991222.0017 -1 PUT 172.3 NYT20000209.0416 3 Ben Cohen 172.3 APW20000117.0138 3 Ben Cohen 172.3 NYT20000905.0043 -1 Big Ben 172.3 NYT20000328.0316 3 Ben Cohen 172.3 NYT19980824.0416 -1 Stiller 172.3 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Ben & Jerry 's 172.3 NYT20000412.0368 -1 existing Ben 172.3 NYT20000412.0017 1 Cohen 172.3 NYT19991228.0294 -1 named 172.3 NYT20000209.0416 -1 Jerry 172.3 APW20000210.0316 -1 executive at Hain's 172.3 NYT20000329.0326 1 Cohen 172.3 APW20000118.0009 -1 market Vermont 172.3 APW20000210.0316 -1 Jerry 172.3 NYT20000328.0341 1 Cohen 172.3 NYT19991228.0294 -1 Phish Food 172.3 NYT19991228.0294 -1 Jerry Ice Cream 172.3 NYT19981025.0100 -1 Dreyer 172.3 APW20000329.0185 3 Ben Cohen 172.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 172.4 NYT19980630.0231 -1 ice cream 172.4 NYT19980706.0002 -1 Bruckheimer 172.4 APW20000413.0002 1 Greenfield 172.4 NYT19981020.0033 -1 R F 172.4 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Jerry Homemade 172.4 NYT19990116.0001 -1 COLUMBIA FLORIDA GEORGIA 172.4 APW19990908.0199 -1 LAST WEEK 172.4 NYT19991026.0208 -1 ICE CREAM 172.4 NYT19980806.0301 -1 Clinton Nicknames 172.4 APW19991023.0113 -1 SCHWARTZ 172.4 NYT20000209.0416 -1 AMP 172.4 APW20000117.0138 -1 AMP 172.4 NYT19980630.0234 -1 Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Makes 172.4 NYT19980824.0416 -1 Stiller 172.4 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Ben & Jerry 's 172.4 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Ben 172.4 NYT20000412.0368 -1 existing Ben 172.4 NYT20000124.0364 1 Greenfield 172.4 NYT20000412.0017 -1 Cohen 172.4 NYT19991228.0294 -1 named 172.4 NYT20000209.0416 -1 Ben 172.4 NYT20000411.0379 1 Greenfield 172.4 NYT20000209.0416 -1 A Hain 's executive 172.4 NYT20000617.0109 -1 Jeff 172.4 NYT20000412.0354 1 Greenfield 172.4 NYT19991228.0294 -1 Phish Food 172.4 NYT20000314.0009 -1 Bob 172.4 NYT19981025.0100 -1 Dreyer 172.4 NYT20000501.0410 1 Greenfield 172.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 -1 ice cream 172.5 NYT20000412.0208 -1 Grand Ice Cream 172.5 NYT20000411.0379 -1 Grand Ice Cream 172.5 NYT19981020.0033 -1 RD - QTR PROFIT RISES 172.5 NYT20000501.0410 -1 Jerry Homemade 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 1 PHISH 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 1 Phish 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 -1 the band 172.5 APW20000204.0258 -1 MONTPELIER 172.5 NYT20000412.0368 -1 AMP 172.5 APW20000117.0138 -1 AMP 172.5 APW20000412.0148 -1 Slim- Fast Foods Co. 172.5 NYT20000412.0368 -1 Unilever 172.5 NYT20000920.0327 -1 Heart 172.5 NYT19981209.0087 -1 Grateful Dead 172.5 NYT20000503.0016 -1 a Rocky Road-flavored path 172.5 NYT20000209.0416 -1 20 172.5 NYT20000209.0416 -1 new corporate parent 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 -1 Jerry Ice Cream fame 172.5 NYT20000412.0354 -1 Cohen 172.5 NYT20000412.0420 -1 Unilever 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 -1 thousand 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 -1 Ice 172.5 NYT20000124.0364 -1 Jerry Ice Cream 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 3 Phish Food 172.5 NYT19991228.0294 -1 cream 172.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 172.6 NYT20000208.0153 -1 $ 172.6 APW20000413.0002 -1 Tuesday 172.6 NYT19981020.0033 -1 R F 172.6 NYT20000501.0410 -1 Jerry Homemade 172.6 NYT20000411.0278 -1 SHARES 172.6 NYT20000412.0354 3 $326 172.6 NYT20000503.0406 -1 Slim 172.6 NYT20000412.0354 1 $326 million 172.6 APW20000503.0011 1 $326 million 172.6 NYT19991209.0264 -1 the world 172.6 NYT19980630.0231 -1 1998 172.6 APW20000412.0119 1 $326 million 172.6 NYT20000501.0410 -1 Ben & Jerry 's 172.6 APW20000501.0118 -1 Purchasing managers 172.6 NYT20000411.0379 -1 AMP 172.6 NYT19991228.0294 -1 AMP 172.6 NYT20000328.0341 -1 early December 172.6 NYT20000412.0354 -1 7.5 172.6 APW20000412.0119 -1 AMP 172.6 APW20000411.0204 1 $ 43 a share 172.6 APW20000413.0002 1 $43 172.6 NYT20000411.0379 -1 a significant premium 172.6 NYT20000412.0420 1 $43.60 per share 172.6 NYT20000515.0358 -1 Bestfoods 172.6 NYT20000716.0165 1 $ 326 MILLION 172.6 APW20000413.0002 1 $43. 60 172.6 NYT19991221.0266 -1 Dreyer 172.6 NYT20000209.0416 -1 company 172.6 NYT20000501.0410 1 $326 million 173.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 173.1 XIE19970424.0254 -1 Japan 173.1 XIE20000623.0057 -1 China 173.1 XIE19960615.0120 -1 China 173.1 XIE19991123.0229 -1 China 173.1 XIE19971206.0033 -1 China 173.1 XIE19980305.0239 -1 SWITZERLAND 173.1 XIE20000724.0130 -1 China 173.1 XIE20000320.0052 -1 Economic 173.1 XIE19960722.0165 -1 Madrid 173.1 XIE19960323.0126 2 Spain 173.1 XIE19991002.0020 -1 China 173.1 NYT19980812.0381 -1 Madrid 173.1 XIE20000125.0317 2 Spain 173.1 XIE20000908.0325 -1 China 173.1 XIE19960722.0165 1 Spain 173.1 XIE19971017.0283 -1 Turkey 173.1 XIE19980927.0027 -1 1970 173.1 XIE19980927.0027 -1 27 173.1 XIE19991102.0010 -1 Geneva 173.1 NYT19990927.0397 1 Madrid, Spain 173.1 XIE19990212.0022 -1 Jordan 173.1 XIE20000229.0202 -1 China 173.1 XIE19991013.0220 -1 China 173.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 173.2 NYT19991015.0318 -1 U.S. 173.2 XIE20000920.0306 -1 China 173.2 XIE19960129.0158 -1 Europe 173.2 XIE19960615.0120 -1 China 173.2 XIE19960323.0126 1 France 173.2 XIE19981008.0137 -1 China 173.2 XIE19960130.0085 -1 CHINA 173.2 XIE19960323.0126 1 FRANCE 173.2 XIE20000724.0130 -1 China 173.2 XIE19970203.0034 -1 China 173.2 XIE19960723.0266 -1 China 173.2 XIE19971211.0135 -1 China 173.2 XIE19960723.0266 1 France 173.2 XIE19990212.0022 -1 Jordan 173.2 XIE19960130.0085 -1 China 173.2 XIE19971017.0283 -1 Turkey 173.2 XIE19970203.0034 -1 report 173.2 XIE19960323.0126 -1 United States 173.2 XIE19991031.0013 2 France 173.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 173.3 APW19981030.1019 -1 Renato Ruggiero 173.3 APW19981014.0925 -1 Agreement 173.3 APW20000520.0055 -1 Agreement 173.3 XIE19970425.0046 -1 Vida Yeboah 173.3 XIE19970424.0318 -1 General Francesco Frangialli 173.3 XIE19990722.0023 -1 Mike Moore 173.3 XIE19970627.0037 -1 TRADE ORGANIZATION 173.3 XIE19980927.0027 -1 ORGANIZATION WTO. 173.3 XIE19980505.0045 -1 Renato Ruggiero 173.3 XIE19970424.0247 -1 Renato Ruggiero 173.3 XIE20000429.0005 -1 Francesco Frangialli 173.3 XIE20000219.0131 -1 Director-General 173.3 XIE19991130.0133 -1 Zhu 173.3 XIE20000424.0271 -1 WTO Accession 173.3 XIE19960619.0315 -1 ed 173.3 XIE19991010.0161 -1 Xinhua 173.3 XIE19970425.0034 -1 World Tourism Organization 173.3 XIE19960927.0106 -1 Cheng Wendong 173.3 XIE19970203.0034 -1 Xinhua 173.3 XIE19960710.0320 -1 Cheng Wendong 173.3 XIE20000229.0202 -1 Mike Moore 173.3 XIE19960927.0106 -1 Deputy Director 173.3 XIE19970516.0122 -1 East Asia 173.3 XIE19970516.0122 -1 Francesco Frangialli 173.3 XIE19990826.0235 -1 Hong Kong 173.3 XIE19990926.0029 -1 General Assembly 173.3 XIE19960927.0106 -1 Francesco Frangialli 173.3 XIE19960927.0106 1 Dr. Eduardo Fayos-Sola 173.3 XIE19970424.0318 -1 Francesco Frangialli 173.3 XIE19970203.0034 -1 MADRID 173.3 XIE19980521.0294 -1 Renato Ruggiero 173.3 APW19980717.1121 -1 Renato Ruggiero 173.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 173.4 XIE19960323.0126 -1 60.6 million 173.4 XIE19970203.0034 -1 26 million 173.4 XIE19990428.0077 -1 21 173.4 XIE19990330.0017 -1 032951 173.4 XIE19960620.0030 -1 600 million tourists 173.4 XIE20000724.0130 -1 2020 173.4 XIE19971006.0183 -1 6 173.4 XIE20000724.0130 -1 1 173.4 XIE19960323.0126 -1 60.6 million tourists 173.4 XIE19980401.0085 -1 80 173.4 XIE19960323.0126 -1 60600000 tourists 173.4 XIE19960130.0085 -1 million 173.4 XIE19980805.0194 -1 23.5 million 173.4 XIE19970630.0082 -1 4,640,000 173.4 XIE19960130.0085 1 23.4 million 173.4 NYT19990927.0397 -1 21st 173.4 XIE20000923.0258 -1 2000 173.4 XIE19970203.0034 -1 26 million tourists 173.4 XIE19970203.0034 -1 26 173.4 XIE19960130.0085 -1 fifth 173.4 XIE19970203.0034 -1 fifth 173.4 XIE19960130.0085 1 23.4 million foreign visitors 173.4 XIE19960130.0085 -1 4 million 173.4 XIE19960619.0315 -1 600 million 173.4 XIE19971028.0045 -1 593 million 173.4 XIE19960620.0030 -1 600 173.4 XIE19960508.0082 -1 billion 173.4 XIE19960723.0266 1 23.4 million 173.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 173.5 XIE19980805.0194 1 Africa 173.5 XIE19990421.0168 -1 Asia 173.5 XIE19960701.0178 -1 Asia 173.5 XIE19970417.0198 -1 Asia 173.5 XIE19970630.0082 2 AFRICA 173.5 XIE19980805.0194 -1 DATA 173.5 XIE19970114.0143 -1 Europe 173.5 XIE20000724.0130 -1 China 173.5 XIE19980803.0053 2 Africa 173.5 XIE19961023.0169 -1 East Asia and the Pacific region 173.5 XIE19990504.0053 2 Africa 173.5 XIE19970425.0034 2 Africa 173.5 XIE19980805.0194 -1 1997, 173.5 XIE19980805.0194 -1 5 173.5 XIE19970425.0034 -1 Tourist arrivals and receipts 173.5 XIE19990507.0105 2 Africa 173.5 XIE20000604.0148 -1 Colombo 173.5 XIE19980805.0194 3 South Africa 174.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 174.1 APW19990616.0131 -1 1919 174.1 XIE19990927.0002 -1 1971 174.1 APW19991002.0045 -1 1996 174.1 XIE20000516.0382 -1 May 22 174.1 NYT19980617.0397 -1 1996 174.1 NYT19990310.0251 -1 2000 174.1 APW20000503.0209 -1 BOB STALLMAN 174.1 NYT19980910.0255 2 1919 174.1 APW19990608.0207 -1 1997 174.1 NYT19990913.0403 -1 1999 174.1 APW19990322.0190 -1 3000 174.1 NYT20000411.0324 -1 1996 174.1 APW19990821.0009 -1 1996 174.1 APW20000129.0053 -1 2002 174.1 NYT19991116.0130 -1 1964 174.1 XIE20000115.0130 -1 2000 174.1 APW19991002.0179 -1 1996 174.1 NYT19980617.0397 -1 American Farm Bureau Federation 174.1 XIE20000516.0382 -1 AFBF President Bob Stallman, at a press conference here 174.1 APW20000426.0057 -1 1996 174.1 NYT20000411.0324 -1 April 11 174.1 APW19990708.0117 -1 July 8, 1999 174.1 APW20000805.0019 -1 1996 174.1 NYT19980705.0205 -1 1997 174.1 APW19990804.0067 -1 1996 law 174.1 NYT19990702.0183 -1 November 2000 174.1 APW19990708.0117 -1 1999-07-08 174.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 2 Dean Kleckner 174.2 NYT19980727.0409 -1 Primo Nebiolo 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 2 Kleckner 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 2 KLECKNER 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 2 President Dean Kleckner 174.2 NYT20000411.0324 -1 Bob Stallman 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 -1 President Dean Kleckner 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 -1 President Dean Kleckner 174.2 APW20000503.0209 -1 Stallman 174.2 APW19990210.0142 -1 Bureau 174.2 APW19990708.0117 1 Dean Kleckner 174.2 APW19990916.0243 -1 Clinton 174.2 XIE20000516.0382 -1 Bob Stallman 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 2 AFBF President Dean Kleckner 174.2 APW20000112.0093 -1 1998 174.2 APW19990924.0236 -1 legislation 174.2 NYT19981204.0393 2 Dean Kleckner 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 -1 Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Sen. Richard Lugar 174.2 NYT19991116.0130 1 Dean Kleckner 174.2 NYT19980617.0397 -1 Senate 174.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 174.3 APW19990924.0236 -1 500 million 174.3 APW20000121.0169 -1 29 174.3 NYT20000411.0324 -1 50 174.3 NYT19980611.0075 -1 MILLION MEMBER 174.3 NYT19980617.0397 -1 DEMOCRATS PUSH FOR CHANGES TO 1996 FARM BILL By Elizabeth Hurt 174.3 NYT19980611.0075 1 4.7 million 174.3 NYT19980611.0075 1 4.7 million families 174.3 NYT20000411.0324 1 4.9 million 174.3 NYT19980601.0538 1 more than 4000000 farmers 174.3 NYT20000411.0324 -1 million 174.3 APW19990110.0053 1 4.7-million 174.3 APW19990708.0034 -1 $9 billion 174.3 NYT19980617.0397 -1 American Farm Bureau Federation 174.3 NYT20000411.0324 -1 it 174.3 NYT20000411.0324 -1 50 states 174.3 NYT20000902.0115 -1 51,000 174.3 NYT19980601.0538 3 four million 174.3 APW19991002.0045 -1 1996 174.3 NYT20000411.0324 -1 11 - 174.3 NYT19980617.0397 -1 The American Farm Bureau Federation is also wary of adjusting the 174.3 XIE20000516.0382 -1 5 million member 174.3 NYT19980601.0538 1 more than four million 174.3 NYT19980617.0397 -1 American 174.3 NYT20000620.0193 -1 farmers 174.3 NYT20000712.0337 -1 two 174.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 174.4 NYT19980617.0397 -1 President Dean Kleckner 174.4 APW20000112.0093 -1 billion bushels 174.4 APW19990708.0117 3 $4 BILLION 174.4 NYT19980617.0397 -1 PRESIDENT 174.4 APW19990813.0094 -1 property 174.4 APW19990803.0109 -1 $2.3 billion 174.4 APW19990114.0303 -1 $13 1000000 174.4 APW19990708.0117 3 $4 billion 174.4 APW19990910.0161 -1 billion 174.4 APW20000413.0066 -1 drought 174.4 APW20000623.0020 -1 95 174.4 NYT20000411.0324 -1 1998 174.4 NYT20000411.0324 -1 $14 174.4 APW19990110.0053 -1 year 174.4 NYT19980820.0099 -1 drought 174.4 NYT19980617.0397 -1 R-Ind 174.4 APW19990708.0034 1 $9 billion 174.4 APW19990804.0067 -1 Mary Kay Thatcher 174.4 NYT19980617.0397 -1 Senate Agriculture Committee 174.4 APW19990804.0067 -1 500 million 174.4 APW19990527.0115 -1 farmers 174.4 APW19990906.0109 -1 U.S. 174.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 Raul Jimenez Thanksgiving 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 Delta Air Lines 174.5 NYT19980617.0397 -1 President Dean Kleckner 174.5 APW19990722.0216 -1 45 million 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 THIS YEAR 174.5 NYT19980617.0397 -1 DEMOCRATS PUSH FOR CHANGES TO 1996 FARM BILL By Elizabeth Hurt 174.5 NYT20000328.0312 -1 $3 billion 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 The cost 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 1 $33.83 174.5 XIE19990412.0228 -1 20th 174.5 APW19990726.0270 -1 $10 billion 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 The cost of a home-cooked turkey dinner 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 74 cents 174.5 XIE19960703.0183 -1 finance 174.5 APW19990708.0117 -1 $ 5 billion 174.5 APW19990708.0117 -1 $2 billion 174.5 APW19990708.0117 -1 billion 174.5 NYT19991126.0248 -1 $62,000 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 22.8 cents a gallon 174.5 NYT19980617.0397 -1 Senate Agriculture Committee 174.5 NYT19980617.0397 -1 The American Farm Bureau Federation is also wary of adjusting the 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 million 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 1 $33. 83 174.5 NYT19991124.0394 -1 year 175.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 175.1 XIE20000629.0267 -1 10 175.1 NYT20000110.0073 -1 six-year-old 175.1 APW20000115.0031 -1 six years 175.1 NYT20000105.0098 -1 five days 175.1 XIE20000406.0174 -1 11 175.1 NYT20000405.0433 -1 ELIAN GONZALEZ 175.1 NYT20000418.0193 -1 6 175.1 NYT20000403.0500 -1 6-year 175.1 NYT20000424.0223 -1 6-year 175.1 NYT20000106.0361 -1 6 - year - old 175.1 APW20000206.0118 -1 one 175.1 APW20000326.0139 -1 child 175.1 APW20000718.0184 -1 repatriation 175.1 APW20000608.0116 -1 6 175.1 NYT20000403.0500 -1 6 - year 175.1 NYT20000418.0193 -1 6 year 175.1 NYT20000701.0155 -1 40 years 175.1 NYT20000410.0310 -1 10 175.1 APW20000326.0093 -1 Cuba 175.1 APW20000326.0118 -1 Cuba 175.1 XIE20000406.0308 -1 six-year-old Cuban shipwreck survivor Elian Gonzalez 175.1 XIE20000330.0300 -1 the six-year-old Cuban boy 175.1 NYT20000104.0079 -1 6-year 175.1 APW20000612.0063 -1 6-year 175.1 NYT20000410.0310 -1 6-year-old 175.1 NYT20000104.0079 -1 6-year-old 175.1 APW20000202.0208 -1 6-year 175.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 175.2 XIE20000620.0335 -1 Juan Miguel Gonzalez 175.2 NYT20000113.0061 -1 Janet Reno 175.2 APW20000204.0074 -1 Juan Miguel Gonzalez 175.2 APW20000107.0088 -1 BOY 175.2 APW20000107.0088 -1 ELIAN GONZALEZ 175.2 NYT20000412.0454 -1 South 175.2 NYT20000406.0059 -1 Gonzalez 175.2 XIE19980316.0259 2 Gonzalez 175.2 NYT20000629.0086 -1 Elian Gonzalez 175.2 XIE20000325.0166 1 Lazaro Gonzalez 175.2 APW20000612.0063 -1 Gonzalez 175.2 NYT20000113.0205 -1 Cubans 175.2 APW20000204.0074 -1 Manolo 175.2 NYT20000410.0309 2 Lazaro Gonzales 175.2 NYT20000406.0059 -1 Miguel 175.2 NYT20000921.0065 -1 Lincoln Diaz-Balart 175.2 NYT20000110.0073 -1 A six-year-old boy 175.2 APW20000115.0031 -1 25 175.2 APW20000115.0031 -1 Juan Miguel 175.2 APW20000204.0074 -1 The boy 's father 175.2 NYT20000415.0172 2 Gonzales 175.2 XIE20000511.0059 -1 His father 175.2 APW20000326.0139 -1 Castro 175.2 APW20000326.0093 -1 Castro 175.2 APW20000115.0031 -1 Juan Miguel Gonzalez 175.2 NYT20000628.0154 -1 Juan Miguel 175.2 NYT20000113.0064 -1 Janet Reno 175.2 APW20000209.0224 -1 Castro 175.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 175.3 NYT20000321.0424 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000415.0172 -1 MIAMI 175.3 NYT20000113.0061 -1 Reno 175.3 APW20000718.0184 -1 Gonzalez 175.3 NYT20000406.0059 -1 MIAMI 175.3 NYT20000406.0059 1 CUBA 175.3 NYT20000418.0193 -1 Miami 175.3 APW20000125.0042 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000416.0040 -1 MIAMI 175.3 NYT20000111.0354 -1 Juan Gonzalez 175.3 NYT20000406.0059 1 Cuba 175.3 APW19990514.0096 -1 Texas 175.3 NYT20000201.0381 1 Cuba 175.3 APW20000420.0192 1 Cuba 175.3 APW20000718.0184 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000405.0433 -1 Miami 175.3 APW20000326.0093 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000105.0350 -1 Gonzales 175.3 NYT20000405.0379 1 CUBA 175.3 NYT20000105.0350 -1 Havana 175.3 APW20000204.0074 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000105.0350 -1 United States 175.3 NYT20000412.0454 -1 MIAMI BEACH 175.3 XIE20000422.0217 -1 Juan Miguel 175.3 NYT20000406.0119 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000405.0314 1 Havana 175.3 APW20000115.0031 1 Cuba 175.3 APW20000629.0056 -1 Miami 175.3 NYT20000113.0061 -1 Atlanta 175.3 APW20000204.0074 -1 Juan Miguel Gonzalez 175.3 NYT20000105.0350 1 Cuba 175.3 APW20000129.0144 1 Cuba 175.3 NYT20000104.0079 2 Cuba 175.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 175.4 APW19980806.0971 2 Janet Reno 175.4 XIE20000413.0028 1 Janet Reno 175.4 APW20000326.0139 -1 Castro 175.4 NYT20000628.0402 -1 Escolero 175.4 NYT20000421.0104 3 General Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000406.0060 -1 Miami Little Havana 175.4 APW20000115.0031 1 JANET RENO 175.4 APW20000115.0031 -1 ELIAN GONZALEZ 175.4 NYT20000421.0104 3 Attorney General Janet Reno 175.4 APW20000425.0022 -1 Elian 175.4 NYT20000411.0423 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT19981112.0362 -1 Gonzalez 175.4 XIE19980316.0259 -1 Gonzalez 175.4 NYT20000418.0193 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000422.0268 1 Janet Reno 175.4 XIE20000422.0217 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000329.0017 1 Janet Reno 175.4 APW20000612.0063 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000418.0169 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000129.0157 -1 former Attorney General Ramsey Clark 175.4 APW20000204.0074 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000405.0433 3 U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000418.0193 -1 Juan Miguel 175.4 APW20000211.0277 -1 paternal great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez 175.4 NYT20000421.0104 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000630.0144 1 Janet Reno 175.4 XIE20000125.0073 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000511.0082 1 Janet Reno 175.4 APW20000204.0074 -1 Miami 175.4 NYT20000418.0090 1 Janet Reno 175.4 APW20000120.0072 -1 General 175.4 APW20000120.0072 1 Janet Reno 175.4 NYT20000511.0402 -1 Elian Gonzalez 175.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 175.5 APW20000324.0238 -1 March 30 175.5 APW20000204.0074 -1 Jan. 5 175.5 NYT20000113.0093 -1 January 2000 175.5 APW20000718.0184 -1 LAST YEAR 175.5 APW20000116.0063 -1 ELIAN GONZALEZ 175.5 XIE20000418.0002 -1 April 17 2000 175.5 NYT19981112.0362 2 2000 175.5 APW20000122.0238 2 2000 175.5 NYT20000406.0521 -1 April 6, 2000 175.5 APW20000718.0184 -1 Nov. 25 175.5 APW20000107.0318 -1 1959 175.5 APW20000209.0224 -1 1990s 175.5 NYT20000106.0007 -1 Jan. 14 175.5 XIE19991203.0303 -1 november 26, 1999 175.5 NYT20000914.0434 3 2000 175.5 APW20000208.0339 -1 later 175.5 APW20000129.0140 -1 Burton 175.5 APW20000326.0118 -1 third 175.5 NYT20000105.0350 -1 Nov. 25 175.5 NYT20000329.0409 -1 November 175.5 NYT20000623.0265 -1 June 23, 2000 175.5 APW20000208.0339 -1 1993 175.5 NYT20000327.0464 2 2000 175.5 APW20000107.0088 -1 40 years 175.5 NYT20000113.0093 2 2000 175.5 NYT20000419.0372 -1 2000-04-19 175.5 XIE20000629.0267 -1 November 22, 1999 176.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 176.2 NYT19990425.0107 1 Taylor Hackford 176.2 NYT19990425.0107 3 Hackford 176.2 NYT19990315.0430 -1 Kazan 176.2 NYT19980827.0285 -1 Tim Johnson 176.2 NYT20000424.0102 1 Taylor Hackford 176.2 NYT19990425.0107 3 HACKFORD 176.2 NYT19990425.0107 1 TAYLOR HACKFORD 176.2 NYT19981029.0002 -1 Dilbert Dunker 176.2 NYT19990315.0430 -1 John Ford 176.2 XIE20000201.0042 -1 ed 176.2 NYT20000104.0016 -1 ed 176.2 NYT19980611.0424 -1 Velvet Gown 176.2 APW20000218.0168 -1 Ben Younger 176.2 APW20000707.0074 -1 Smith 176.2 NYT19980903.0156 -1 Manuel Poirier 176.2 NYT19981208.0393 -1 Gentleman 176.2 NYT19990507.0097 -1 Julian Jarrold 176.2 NYT19980604.0234 -1 Richard Gere 176.2 APW20000829.0159 -1 1982 176.2 NYT19990515.0073 -1 war 176.2 APW20000829.0159 -1 Nitzsche 176.2 NYT19990708.0227 -1 John 176.2 NYT19990723.0299 -1 Steel Magnolias . '' Gere 176.2 NYT19990425.0107 -1 Short films 176.2 APW20000829.0180 -1 Up Where We Belong 176.2 NYT19990723.0299 -1 Marshall 176.2 NYT19980604.0406 -1 Ms 176.2 APW20000829.0180 -1 Nitzsche 176.2 APW20000829.0159 -1 Up Where We Belong 176.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 176.3 APW20000829.0159 1 1982 176.3 APW19990218.0065 -1 1994 176.3 NYT19990425.0107 -1 1978 176.3 NYT19981103.0451 -1 1978 176.3 NYT20000830.0405 1 1982 176.3 APW19990726.0196 -1 Gere Leaves Impressions in Calif. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Richard Gere 176.3 APW19990304.0006 -1 1995 176.3 NYT19990108.0022 -1 2002 176.3 NYT19990222.0407 2 1982 176.3 NYT19980611.0424 -1 1985 176.3 APW20000829.0180 1 1982 176.3 NYT19990318.0173 -1 1936 176.3 APW19980812.0261 2 1982 176.3 NYT19981210.0380 -1 July, that Hale had engaged in a pattern of " inappropriate behavior " with her and the other women beginning as early as 1994 , when Hale served in Hawaii . 176.3 NYT20000830.0405 -1 1979 176.3 NYT20000830.0405 -1 three 176.3 NYT19990425.0107 -1 1999 176.3 APW20000221.0085 -1 March 19 176.3 APW19990319.0035 -1 1988 176.3 APW19980821.0071 -1 1947 176.3 APW19990304.0006 -1 1989 176.3 NYT19991112.0207 -1 A stiff evasion. ``I knew him, and he was neither an 176.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 176.4 NYT20000427.0048 -1 MET 176.4 APW19990321.0002 -1 Supporting Actor 176.4 APW20000829.0159 1 UP WHERE WE BELONG 176.4 APW19990726.0196 -1 American Gigolo 176.4 APW20000104.0043 -1 television song 176.4 APW20000829.0159 3 We Belong 176.4 NYT20000830.0405 -1 best 176.4 APW20000829.0180 1 Up Where We Belong 176.4 XIE19990829.0104 -1 Marathon Gold Medal SEVILLE 176.4 NYT20000830.0405 -1 Belong 176.4 APW20000829.0180 -1 best original song Academy Award 176.4 APW19990514.0071 -1 ` ` An Officer and a Gentleman 176.4 NYT20000830.0405 1 Up Where We Belong 176.4 NYT19990308.0189 -1 Oscar 176.4 APW20000829.0159 -1 1982 176.4 APW20000829.0159 -1 Nitzsche 176.4 APW19990224.0038 -1 My Heart Will Go On '' 176.4 NYT20000830.0405 -1 Best 176.4 APW20000829.0159 3 Belong 176.4 APW20000829.0159 1 Up Where We Belong 176.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 176.5 NYT20000808.0250 -1 songs 176.5 NYT19991125.0067 -1 Wilson 176.5 APW20000308.0107 -1 Holly Cruikshank 176.5 NYT20000131.0235 -1 Oscar 176.5 NYT20000805.0034 -1 KENNY 176.5 NYT19980604.0234 -1 GUY 176.5 NYT20000619.0148 -1 Farrell 176.5 NYT19990409.0307 -1 Joel 176.5 NYT20000209.0433 -1 ed 176.5 NYT20000104.0016 -1 ed 176.5 NYT19990317.0534 -1 George 176.5 NYT20000830.0405 -1 Buffy Sainte - Marie 176.5 NYT19991125.0067 -1 Bennett 176.5 NYT19990211.0328 -1 Ev'ry Voice 176.5 NYT20000830.0405 -1 Award 176.5 APW20000829.0180 -1 Academy 176.5 NYT20000117.0061 -1 Tyrell 176.5 NYT19990224.0139 -1 Peters 176.5 NYT20000131.0231 -1 1939 176.5 APW20000829.0159 -1 seven 176.5 APW20000829.0159 -1 Nitzsche 176.5 APW19991020.0149 -1 Patty 176.5 XIE19980819.0263 -1 Army 176.5 NYT19991112.0141 -1 Shirley Bassey 176.5 NYT20000830.0405 -1 Sonny Bono 176.5 NYT19991130.0287 -1 Trisha Yearwood 176.5 NYT19980901.0203 -1 Ms 176.5 APW20000829.0180 -1 Nitzsche 176.5 NYT20000830.0405 -1 Buffy Sainte-Marie 176.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 176.6 NYT19990119.0311 -1 film 176.6 NYT19990425.0107 -1 Hackford 176.6 NYT19981120.0389 -1 Ohio State 176.6 APW19980711.0687 -1 Film Festival 176.6 APW20000829.0159 -1 UP WHERE WE BELONG 176.6 APW20000829.0159 -1 WE BELONG 176.6 APW20000508.0034 -1 REVIEWS 176.6 NYT19991108.0480 -1 Honkworm International 176.6 NYT19990308.0464 -1 the Florida bar 176.6 APW20000515.0141 -1 River Street 176.6 APW20000201.0035 -1 NBC 's Monitor, a weekend news and features radio program 176.6 APW19990228.0029 -1 Brooklyn 176.6 APW20000201.0035 -1 NBC 's Monitor , a weekend news and features radio program 176.6 APW20000829.0180 -1 Academy 176.6 APW19990514.0071 -1 model for bar 176.6 NYT19991213.0322 -1 Americans 176.6 APW19990514.0071 -1 52, 176.6 APW19990514.0071 -1 Cave 176.6 APW20000829.0159 -1 Nitzsche 176.6 APW19990514.0071 1 Trader Jon 's 176.6 NYT19980621.0201 -1 $90 million 176.6 NYT19990213.0276 -1 22-acre 176.6 NYT20000802.0149 -1 didn 176.6 NYT19990416.0428 -1 film 176.6 NYT19980604.0234 -1 Naval 176.6 NYT20000630.0386 -1 60 gallons 177.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 177.1 XIE19970517.0229 1 chess 177.1 XIE19970507.0198 -1 match 177.1 NYT19980826.0362 -1 bridge 177.1 NYT19981223.0201 1 chess 177.1 XIE19970507.0198 -1 Chess Champion Garry Kasparov 177.1 XIE19960404.0099 1 CHESS 177.1 XIE19970512.0243 1 chess 177.1 XIE19970511.0189 -1 final 177.1 NYT19981223.0201 -1 1997 177.1 XIE19970511.0189 1 chess 177.1 NYT20000827.0077 -1 four 177.1 XIE19970507.0198 -1 Games 5 and 6 177.1 XIE19970508.0256 -1 four 177.1 XIE19970511.0189 -1 final game 177.1 NYT19980715.0080 1 chess 177.1 NYT20000827.0042 -1 games , Deep Blue 177.1 NYT20000825.0169 -1 Three 177.1 APW19990622.0024 3 greatest chess player 177.1 XIE19970507.0198 -1 Kasparov 177.1 NYT19981028.0225 -1 players 177.1 XIE19970521.0005 -1 Kasparov 177.1 XIE19970511.0189 -1 IBM 177.1 XIE19970511.0189 -1 computer 177.1 XIE19970502.0192 1 chess 177.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 177.2 XIE19970512.0245 1 Garry Kasparov 177.2 APW19990510.0092 2 Garry Kasparov 177.2 NYT20000825.0169 -1 Austin Powers 177.2 NYT19981013.0028 -1 Hall Jr 177.2 XIE19970512.0245 3 World Chess Champion Garry 177.2 XIE19970507.0198 -1 DEEP 177.2 APW19990510.0092 2 GARRY KASPAROV 177.2 XIE19960209.0222 -1 U.S 177.2 XIE19960218.0120 1 Garry Kasparov 177.2 XIE19970901.0088 2 Gary Kasparov 177.2 XIE19970507.0198 1 Kasparov 177.2 NYT19990701.0067 -1 IBM 177.2 APW20000114.0039 -1 Mayers 177.2 XIE19970512.0243 3 Garry 177.2 APW19980606.0340 -1 Vladimir Kramnik 177.2 XIE19970507.0198 -1 Philadelphia 177.2 XIE19970512.0243 -1 few of his human challengers in recent years 177.2 XIE19970512.0245 3 Garry 177.2 XIE19970507.0198 -1 New York 177.2 XIE19970505.0168 1 Garry Kasparov 177.2 XIE19970507.0198 -1 Deep Blue 177.2 XIE19970512.0243 -1 Deep Blue 177.2 XIE19980602.0142 2 Garry Kasparov 177.2 NYT20000827.0041 3 Garry 177.2 XIE19960404.0099 -1 Judith Polgar 177.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 177.3 NYT19991216.0415 -1 $250 million 177.3 NYT20000718.0128 -1 $100 million 177.3 NYT19991119.0014 -1 $1.99 million 177.3 XIE19970512.0243 -1 400000 177.3 XIE19970505.0168 -1 $17 177.3 NYT20000815.0147 -1 1974 177.3 XIE19970508.0256 -1 six- 177.3 NYT19990415.0512 -1 $37.5 million 177.3 XIE19960209.0222 1 500,000 U.S. 177.3 XIE19970507.0198 -1 sixth games 177.3 NYT19990804.0438 -1 $90 million 177.3 APW19990128.0035 -1 Tommy Haas 177.3 XIE19970512.0245 -1 six 177.3 APW19990322.0008 -1 $7 177.3 NYT20000830.0137 -1 84 177.3 NYT20000127.0002 -1 least $ 75 million 177.3 NYT19991208.0146 -1 $100 million 177.3 XIE19970507.0198 -1 February 1996 177.3 XIE19970512.0243 -1 February 177.3 NYT20000825.0169 -1 embryonic phase 177.3 NYT20000127.0412 -1 $ 76 million 177.3 XIE19970507.0198 -1 the second , fifth and sixth games 177.3 APW19990905.0042 -1 $50,000 177.3 XIE19960209.0222 1 500,000 U.S. dollars 177.3 XIE19970512.0243 -1 1996 177.3 NYT19990428.0177 -1 1997 to 177.3 NYT19990427.0288 -1 30 177.3 XIE19970512.0243 -1 700000 177.3 NYT20000127.0412 -1 million 177.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 177.4 XIE19970511.0189 -1 Kasparov 177.4 NYT19990816.0046 -1 7.2 million 177.4 XIE19970507.0198 -1 var 177.4 XIE19970512.0243 2 SIX 177.4 XIE19970508.0256 -1 World champion Garry Kasparov drew with Deep Blue computer again in 177.4 XIE19970512.0245 2 six 177.4 XIE19980602.0142 -1 6000 SP super computer 177.4 XIE19970507.0198 2 sixth 177.4 NYT19990701.0067 -1 two 177.4 XIE19960209.0222 1 6 177.4 XIE19970507.0198 -1 one 177.4 XIE19970521.0005 -1 10 177.4 NYT19991020.0458 -1 three 177.4 NYT19990511.0195 -1 10 177.4 XIE19970507.0198 -1 1 177.4 XIE19970512.0243 -1 400,000 177.4 XIE19970505.0168 2 six 177.4 XIE19970507.0198 -1 the second , fifth and sixth games 177.4 NYT20000914.0364 -1 24 177.4 APW20000905.0206 -1 seven 177.4 XIE19970505.0230 2 six 177.4 XIE19960404.0099 -1 two 177.4 XIE19970512.0245 2 six- 177.4 NYT20000827.0077 -1 DEEP-BLUE _ WASHINGTON _ When an advertiser needs a high-powered sports 177.4 XIE19970507.0198 -1 Kasparov 177.4 XIE19960218.0120 1 6 177.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 177.5 XIE19970512.0245 -1 Garry Kasparov 177.5 NYT20000317.0236 -1 Mohammed Khatami 177.5 APW19990510.0092 -1 Garry Kasparov 177.5 NYT20000825.0169 -1 Austin Powers 177.5 XIE20000724.0280 -1 U. S. Masters 177.5 XIE19970512.0245 -1 World Chess Champion Garry 177.5 APW19990510.0092 -1 GARRY KASPAROV 177.5 XIE19960209.0222 -1 U.S 177.5 XIE19960218.0120 -1 Garry Kasparov 177.5 APW20000510.0224 -1 Garry Kasparov 177.5 NYT19990701.0067 3 IBM 177.5 APW20000114.0039 -1 Mayers 177.5 NYT20000628.0365 -1 Chess 177.5 APW20000510.0224 3 IBM 177.5 APW19980606.0340 -1 Vladimir Kramnik 177.5 XIE19970505.0230 -1 he 177.5 XIE19970512.0245 -1 Garry 177.5 XIE19970507.0198 -1 New York 177.5 XIE19970505.0168 -1 Garry 177.5 XIE19970512.0245 1 Deep Blue 177.5 APW19990510.0092 -1 Garry 177.5 NYT20000718.0128 -1 Blue Gene 177.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 1 200 million 177.6 NYT19981117.0442 -1 88 177.6 XIE19960820.0087 2 200 million moves 177.6 XIE19970605.0136 -1 1998 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 -1 200 177.6 XIE19970508.0256 -1 six- 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 -1 three minutes 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 -1 match rules 177.6 XIE19960404.0099 -1 one billion 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 1 200000000 moves 177.6 XIE19970508.0256 -1 and one 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 -1 three 177.6 NYT19980910.0124 -1 five 177.6 NYT19981206.0083 -1 20 seconds 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 -1 50 billion chess positions 177.6 XIE19960404.0099 -1 1995 177.6 XIE19970517.0229 -1 millions 177.6 XIE19960404.0099 -1 about one billion moves 177.6 XIE19960404.0099 -1 billion 177.6 NYT19990427.0288 -1 30 177.6 XIE19970502.0192 -1 million 177.6 XIE19960404.0099 -1 one 177.6 XIE19970512.0245 1 200 million 178.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 178.1 NYT19990805.0007 -1 3 178.1 APW20000313.0024 -1 28 178.1 NYT19980926.0057 -1 two 178.1 XIE19971206.0170 -1 three 178.1 NYT19980722.0526 -1 38 178.1 APW20000802.0166 -1 50000 178.1 XIE19991216.0056 -1 1999 178.1 APW20000802.0166 -1 DEA 178.1 XIE19971206.0213 -1 three 178.1 APW20000802.0042 -1 One 178.1 APW20000212.0177 -1 20 miles 178.1 NYT19990805.0007 3 300 178.1 NYT20000701.0005 -1 50 178.1 NYT19990427.0010 -1 13 178.1 APW19990728.0111 -1 two 178.1 NYT19990805.0007 3 more than 300 meth labs 178.1 NYT19990805.0007 -1 three 178.1 NYT19980812.0475 -1 12 178.1 APW20000810.0099 -1 100 178.1 NYT19990805.0007 -1 meth every three days 178.1 NYT19980910.0178 -1 200 178.1 APW20000412.0199 -1 Nine 178.1 NYT19990805.0007 1 more than 300 178.1 XIE20000626.0150 -1 115,000 178.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 178.2 APW20000212.0177 -1 two 178.2 APW20000313.0024 -1 28 178.2 XIE19971206.0170 -1 three 178.2 NYT19980608.0435 -1 8 178.2 APW20000802.0042 -1 100 178.2 NYT19990206.0018 -1 FIVE 178.2 NYT19980926.0102 -1 7000 178.2 XIE19971206.0213 -1 three 178.2 APW19990128.0222 -1 Three men 178.2 APW20000802.0166 -1 160 178.2 XIE19971206.0213 -1 100 178.2 NYT19990427.0010 -1 13 178.2 APW20000802.0166 -1 two 178.2 NYT19990805.0007 -1 more than 300 meth labs 178.2 APW20000802.0166 -1 dozens 178.2 NYT19990805.0007 -1 300 178.2 APW19981008.1280 -1 32 178.2 XIE20000626.0312 -1 1970 178.2 NYT19990206.0021 -1 320 meth labs 178.2 APW20000802.0042 -1 140 178.2 APW20000802.0042 -1 clandestine labs 178.2 XIE19960927.0327 -1 14 states 178.2 APW20000802.0042 -1 140 people 178.2 NYT19990913.0144 -1 16 178.2 APW20000412.0199 -1 Nine 178.2 NYT19990206.0018 -1 320 178.2 NYT19980926.0057 -1 two 178.2 XIE20000626.0150 -1 115,000 178.2 NYT19990206.0021 -1 320 178.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 178.3 APW19990206.0088 -1 $24 million 178.3 NYT19990805.0007 -1 $2.6 million 178.3 XIE19990115.0049 -1 300 million dollars 178.3 NYT19980926.0102 -1 5000 178.3 APW19990524.0048 -1 1999 178.3 APW19990714.0117 -1 SHUT DOWN 178.3 XIE19971206.0213 -1 three 178.3 APW19990714.0117 1 $20 million 178.3 NYT19990805.0007 -1 more than 300 meth labs 178.3 APW19990714.0117 -1 ~ 178.3 APW19990714.0117 -1 Gore 178.3 XIE19971206.0170 -1 100 178.3 APW20000325.0079 -1 $5 million 178.3 APW19990714.0117 -1 100 178.3 APW19990714.0117 1 $ 20 million 178.3 APW19990714.0074 1 $20 million 178.3 APW19990714.0074 -1 $20 178.3 APW20000325.0079 -1 $ 5 million 178.3 NYT20000502.0298 -1 RUSSIAN 178.3 APW19990714.0074 -1 Congress 178.3 NYT19980926.0057 -1 two 178.3 APW19990609.0180 -1 105,000 178.3 APW19990714.0118 1 $20 million 178.3 APW19990714.0117 -1 Congress 178.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 178.4 NYT19990913.0144 3 Mount Carmel 178.4 NYT19990913.0144 1 WACO 178.4 APW19990728.0111 -1 Ban Mulled on Net Drug Directions WASHINGTON (AP) -- Instructions for 178.4 APW20000802.0166 -1 WASHINGTON 178.4 NYT19990714.0287 -1 Hill 178.4 NYT19980926.0057 -1 Los Angeles 178.4 NYT19991030.0222 -1 Central Texas 178.4 APW20000115.0213 -1 KANSAS CITY, Mo. 178.4 NYT19990831.0196 -1 Sacramento County 178.4 NYT20000620.0222 3 Mount Carmel 178.4 APW19990714.0117 -1 Texas Gov. 178.4 APW19990728.0111 -1 Mexico 178.4 APW19990728.0111 -1 Mexican cartels 178.4 APW20000802.0042 -1 $450 178.4 APW20000314.0039 1 Waco, 178.4 NYT19990913.0437 -1 Justice Department 178.4 NYT19991116.0394 -1 Rangers 178.4 APW19990728.0111 -1 The proposed ban on publishing drug-making instructions is part of a 178.4 NYT19990826.0255 -1 Davidians 178.4 NYT19990901.0067 1 WACO 178.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 178.5 NYT19990805.0007 -1 meth 178.5 NYT19990805.0007 -1 ACID 178.5 APW19981208.1568 -1 FIRE 178.5 XIE19971206.0170 -1 U.S. Federal 178.5 NYT19990714.0243 -1 DEA 178.5 NYT19990714.0243 1 Chemco International 178.5 XIE19971206.0213 -1 Drug Enforcement Administration 178.5 NYT20000705.0156 -1 drug companies 178.5 APW20000325.0073 -1 funding 178.5 APW20000802.0166 -1 DEA 178.5 NYT19990217.0559 -1 Miller 178.5 APW20000325.0073 -1 DEA 178.5 NYT19990111.0128 -1 FDA 178.5 APW20000802.0042 -1 DEA 178.5 APW20000802.0042 -1 first 178.5 APW20000325.0073 -1 Republican governor 178.5 NYT19990805.0007 -1 DEA 178.5 NYT19990805.0007 -1 more than 300 meth labs 178.5 XIE19990222.0178 -1 OPCW 178.5 APW20000325.0073 -1 Federal 178.5 NYT19990714.0243 -1 chemicals 178.5 NYT19980926.0102 -1 Valley 179.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 179.1 APW20000119.0241 -1 1914 179.1 NYT19990427.0137 -1 April 23 179.1 NYT20000319.0179 -1 January 19 179.1 NYT20000319.0178 -1 January 19 179.1 NYT20000119.0195 -1 2000 179.1 NYT20000119.0224 -1 FLORIDA 179.1 NYT19980729.0256 -1 LAMARRS 179.1 NYT20000119.0224 -1 1930s 179.1 NYT20000119.0294 -1 the 1930s 179.1 NYT20000126.0155 -1 last week 179.1 APW20000119.0304 1 Nov. 9, 1913 179.1 NYT20000119.0224 -1 2000 179.1 NYT19981111.0451 -1 1940s 179.1 NYT20000330.0034 -1 March 30 179.1 APW20000119.0241 1 Nov. 9, 1913 179.1 APW20000119.0355 -1 1986 179.1 NYT20000330.0034 -1 13th century 179.1 NYT19981118.0041 -1 Nov. 30 179.1 XIE20000103.0006 -1 2000 179.1 NYT19981118.0044 3 1913 179.1 APW20000119.0241 -1 Wednesday 179.1 APW20000119.0241 -1 exotic, dark-haired beauty 179.1 NYT20000126.0155 -1 january 19, 2000 179.1 APW20000312.0035 -1 Jan. 19 179.1 NYT20000119.0294 -1 1930s 179.1 NYT19990314.0124 -1 San Francisco 179.1 APW20000119.0241 -1 Austrian 179.1 APW20000119.0241 -1 1930s 179.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 179.2 APW20000119.0241 3 Hedwig Kiesler 179.2 NYT19980706.0318 -1 Aimee Semple McPherson 179.2 NYT20000119.0195 1 Hedwig Eva Marie Kiesler 179.2 NYT19981118.0041 -1 VIENNA 179.2 APW20000119.0241 -1 STARRING 179.2 NYT20000506.0060 -1 Delilah 179.2 APW19990618.0031 -1 Reclusive 179.2 NYT20000119.0224 -1 Delilah 179.2 NYT20000119.0195 3 Kiesler 179.2 NYT20000119.0195 -1 LaMarr 179.2 NYT20000329.0195 -1 late actress 179.2 APW20000119.0241 -1 1937 179.2 NYT20000119.0195 -1 George Antheil 179.2 NYT19990619.0042 -1 not 179.2 NYT19981118.0041 -1 You 179.2 NYT20000119.0195 -1 Miss Lamarr and Antheil 179.2 NYT20000119.0195 -1 Mayer 179.2 APW20000722.0059 -1 James Lamarr Loder 179.2 NYT19990619.0042 -1 Gertie'' 179.2 NYT20000119.0224 1 Hedwig Eva Marie Kiesler 179.2 APW19980730.0543 -1 Miss 179.2 NYT19981111.0451 -1 agent 179.2 NYT19980706.0318 -1 Lana Turner 179.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 179.3 NYT20000119.0224 1 Vienna 179.3 NYT20000119.0195 1 Vienna 179.3 NYT19981111.0451 -1 Amsterdam 179.3 NYT19980706.0318 -1 Nancy 179.3 NYT20000119.0224 -1 Hollywood 179.3 NYT20000119.0224 -1 NEW YORK 179.3 NYT20000119.0224 -1 HOLLYWOOD 179.3 APW20000119.0241 -1 ORLANDO 179.3 APW19990809.0149 -1 Lamarr 179.3 APW20000226.0093 -1 NEW YORK AP - Anger 179.3 APW19990810.0135 -1 Delilah 179.3 NYT19981118.0041 1 Vienna 179.3 NYT20000119.0224 -1 London 179.3 NYT19981118.0044 1 Vienna 179.3 NYT19990809.0379 -1 Louisville , Ky 179.3 APW20000119.0241 -1 1942 179.3 APW20000722.0059 -1 Loder 179.3 NYT20000119.0294 -1 Hollywood 179.3 NYT20000122.0215 2 Vienna 179.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 179.4 NYT19991228.0371 2 january 19, 2000 179.4 NYT20000319.0178 3 January 19 179.4 NYT19980907.0248 -1 Nov. 8 179.4 NYT20000119.0224 3 January 2000 179.4 NYT20000126.0155 -1 MOVIE 179.4 NYT20000319.0178 3 JANUARY 19 179.4 NYT20000119.0224 -1 1930s 179.4 NYT20000119.0294 -1 the 1930s 179.4 APW20000312.0035 -1 Lamarr 179.4 APW20000312.0035 3 Jan. 19 179.4 NYT20000119.0195 3 2000 179.4 NYT20000119.0224 3 2000 179.4 APW19990810.0135 -1 1949 179.4 APW20000119.0355 -1 1986 179.4 NYT19980907.0248 -1 Nov. 8 , 1969 179.4 NYT19990518.0299 3 2000 179.4 NYT20000319.0179 -1 Hedy Lamarr 179.4 APW20000119.0241 -1 Wednesday 179.4 APW20000119.0241 -1 40s 179.4 NYT20000119.0195 -1 1991 179.4 APW20000119.0304 -1 40s 179.4 NYT19981111.0451 -1 1940s 179.4 NYT20000119.0294 -1 1930s 179.4 NYT20000319.0178 1 January 19, 2000 179.4 NYT19980907.0248 -1 die 179.4 APW19990809.0314 -1 Cecil B. DeMille 179.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 179.6 NYT19981118.0041 1 frequency hopping 179.6 NYT19980706.0318 -1 Aimee Semple McPherson 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 -1 Philo T 179.6 NYT20000119.0224 -1 George Antheil 179.6 NYT20000329.0195 1 SPREAD SPECTRUM 179.6 APW19990618.0031 -1 Reclusive 179.6 NYT20000329.0096 3 technology 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 -1 actress 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 -1 system 179.6 NYT20000506.0060 -1 Delilah 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 4 electronic guidance system 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 3 electronic guidance system for military 179.6 NYT20000119.0195 -1 George Antheil 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 -1 it 179.6 APW20000119.0241 -1 40 179.6 NYT20000119.0195 -1 She 179.6 NYT20000329.0195 1 spread-spectrum technology 179.6 NYT20000119.0294 -1 OBIT 179.6 NYT19981118.0044 -1 inventor 179.6 NYT20000329.0195 -1 actress 179.6 NYT19990619.0042 -1 Microsoft 180.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 180.1 XIE19960404.0053 1 Beirut 180.1 XIE20000304.0018 -1 Damascus 180.1 APW20000720.0101 -1 Hassan 180.1 XIE20000719.0136 2 Beirut 180.1 XIE20000719.0136 2 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE19971011.0017 2 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE20000906.0008 2 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE20000906.0020 -1 Xinhua 180.1 XIE20000525.0318 -1 Israel 180.1 XIE20000519.0025 2 Beirut 180.1 NYT19990601.0404 2 Beirut 180.1 XIE19960131.0006 2 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE19980810.0016 -1 Israel 180.1 XIE19990922.0052 -1 Turkey 180.1 XIE19980715.0037 -1 Lebanon 180.1 APW20000702.0010 -1 south Lebanon 180.1 XIE19960330.0005 -1 lebanon 180.1 XIE20000601.0290 -1 Lebanon 180.1 XIE19960129.0035 -1 Damascus 180.1 XIE19960401.0011 -1 128 180.1 XIE19960401.0011 -1 Chirac 180.1 XIE19970822.0231 2 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE20000504.0111 -1 Syria 180.1 APW20000510.0158 2 Beirut 180.1 XIE19960404.0053 1 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE19980121.0065 2 BEIRUT 180.1 XIE19980611.0017 -1 Lebanon Khiam 180.1 NYT19990719.0568 2 BEIRUT 180.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 180.2 XIE19960819.0162 1 128 180.2 XIE19960401.0011 1 128 180.2 NYT19990121.0117 -1 three 180.2 XIE20000827.0301 3 128 seats 180.2 XIE19961018.0140 1 128 180.2 XIE19961018.0140 -1 TWO 180.2 XIE19970223.0068 -1 three 180.2 APW20000523.0133 -1 seven 180.2 XIE19970103.0005 -1 the PAP's 51th seat 180.2 NYT20000227.0164 -1 seven 180.2 XIE19971011.0017 1 128 180.2 XIE19960404.0053 1 128 180.2 XIE20000905.0006 1 128 180.2 XIE19961018.0140 -1 two 180.2 NYT20000902.0134 1 128 180.2 XIE19981015.0199 1 128 180.2 XIE20000920.0017 -1 60 180.2 NYT20000525.0300 -1 nine 180.2 XIE19960712.0114 1 128 180.2 XIE20000906.0020 1 128 180.2 XIE19970820.0136 -1 43 wounded 180.2 APW20000528.0034 1 128 180.2 APW20000528.0034 3 128-member Parliament in elections expected later this summer 180.2 XIE19960712.0114 -1 the first half-Christian-half-Muslim one 180.2 XIE20000827.0034 -1 one 180.2 XIE19971021.0015 -1 nine 180.2 XIE20000905.0006 3 128- 180.2 XIE19980611.0017 -1 40 180.2 NYT20000827.0065 1 128 180.2 XIE20000906.0020 3 128 seats 180.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 180.3 XIE19961022.0149 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 APW20000720.0101 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 NYT20000211.0443 -1 Terry Anderson 180.3 XIE20000704.0071 -1 Hussein Al 180.3 XIE19990514.0009 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19980611.0017 1 NABIH BERRI 180.3 XIE19980611.0017 -1 Amal Movement 180.3 XIE19980213.0332 3 Speaker Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19990616.0163 3 Speaker Nabin Berri 180.3 APW19981002.0577 -1 Rafik Hariri's 180.3 XIE19981120.0056 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19970527.0270 3 Speaker Nabih Berri 180.3 APW19980825.0294 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19960121.0033 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19960401.0011 3 Berri 180.3 XIE19961022.0149 -1 Elie Frizli 180.3 APW19981109.0298 3 Berri 180.3 XIE19960106.0030 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 NYT20000526.0141 -1 member 180.3 XIE20000906.0020 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE20000920.0017 3 Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19960127.0003 3 Speaker Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19980213.0048 -1 12 180.3 XIE20000229.0320 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19970915.0053 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 NYT20000828.0357 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE20000517.0220 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE20000531.0119 1 Nabih Berri 180.3 XIE19980611.0017 1 Nabih Berri 180.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 180.4 XIE20000927.0400 1 Elie Ferzli 180.4 APW20000720.0101 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 NYT20000211.0443 -1 Terry Anderson 180.4 XIE19970223.0068 1 Elie Frizli 180.4 XIE19990627.0007 -1 Salim Hoss 180.4 XIE20000306.0371 -1 NABIH BERRI 180.4 XIE19980611.0017 -1 Amal Movement 180.4 XIE20000705.0218 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19970213.0102 -1 Chinguimbo 180.4 XIE20000920.0017 -1 Maronite 180.4 XIE20000306.0371 -1 Speaker Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19970527.0270 -1 Speaker Nabih Berri 180.4 NYT20000611.0139 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 APW19980825.0294 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19960129.0035 -1 al-Hariri 180.4 XIE19960403.0010 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19961022.0094 1 Elie Frizli 180.4 XIE20000306.0371 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19960602.0139 -1 Hassan Rouhani 180.4 NYT20000526.0141 -1 member 180.4 XIE20000920.0017 -1 Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19960127.0003 -1 Speaker Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE20000306.0371 -1 6 180.4 XIE19960106.0030 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19961022.0149 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19970915.0053 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19960127.0003 -1 Prime Minister Rafik Al-Hariri 180.4 NYT19991209.0334 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19980611.0017 -1 Nabih Berri 180.4 XIE19990514.0009 -1 Emile Lahoud 180.4 XIE19970223.0068 -1 Prime Minister 180.4 NYT19980621.0166 -1 Mohammad Reza Bahonar 180.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 180.6 XIE19981002.0030 -1 24 180.6 XIE19990215.0084 -1 five 180.6 NYT19990121.0117 -1 three 180.6 XIE19980204.0170 -1 3 years 180.6 XIE19971204.0049 -1 THREE YEARS 180.6 XIE19971204.0049 -1 THREE 180.6 XIE20000531.0119 -1 22 180.6 XIE19981002.0030 -1 nine-year 180.6 XIE19980519.0049 -1 five-year 180.6 XIE19961018.0140 3 four-year 180.6 XIE19971011.0017 -1 128 180.6 XIE19960404.0053 -1 128 180.6 XIE19960713.0099 -1 4 successive 180.6 XIE19980804.0117 -1 three and 180.6 XIE19970527.0270 -1 two 180.6 XIE19960914.0129 -1 19 180.6 XIE19981124.0164 -1 half 180.6 APW19981124.0344 -1 three decades 180.6 APW19981124.0077 -1 six 180.6 NYT20000221.0121 -1 1980s 180.6 XIE20000802.0006 -1 more than 20 years 180.6 APW19981124.0077 -1 1989 180.6 XIE19981002.0030 -1 The nine-year term 180.6 XIE19960914.0129 1 four 180.6 APW19981124.0327 -1 nearly three decades 180.6 APW20000825.0140 3 next four years 180.6 XIE19960131.0006 -1 four billion 180.6 XIE19980611.0017 -1 40 180.6 XIE19990820.0234 -1 two 180.6 XIE19960914.0129 3 four years 180.6 XIE19960917.0286 3 four-year 181.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 181.1 XIE19980909.0153 -1 Old Trafford 181.1 APW19980908.0470 -1 Nesha Starcevic MANCHESTER 181.1 APW19980908.0455 -1 BSkyB 181.1 APW19980908.0455 -1 Nesha Starcevic MANCHESTER 181.1 XIE19980913.0102 -1 Prime Minister Tony Blair 181.1 XIE19990730.0270 -1 Sports Minister Kate Hoey 181.1 APW19980909.1345 -1 daily newspaper 181.1 APW19980906.0445 -1 ENGLAND 181.1 XIE19991028.0120 1 PREMIER LEAGUE 181.1 APW19980908.1359 -1 Manchester United 181.1 XIE19980908.0284 -1 Manchester United 181.1 XIE20000528.0150 2 the English premier league 181.1 XIE19980816.0136 3 English Premier 181.1 APW19980906.1127 -1 BSkyB 181.1 NYT19980907.0217 -1 British soccer 181.1 XIE19990424.0249 -1 League champions 181.1 XIE19990704.0077 -1 Government 181.1 APW19980906.0548 1 Premier League 181.1 NYT19980811.0130 -1 England 181.1 APW19980908.1359 -1 Football Task Force and a former British Sports Minister 181.1 APW19980820.0875 -1 Thursday 181.1 APW19980820.0875 -1 round of the European Champions Cup 181.1 APW19990527.0231 1 Premier League 181.1 XIE19990630.0158 -1 next January 's inaugural world club championship 181.1 XIE19990510.0269 -1 Arsenal 181.1 APW19980909.0920 -1 The offer 181.1 APW19980908.0455 -1 Rupert Murdoch 181.1 APW19980810.0515 1 English Premier League 181.1 APW19980914.0852 -1 623-million-pound 181.1 APW19980909.1345 -1 623.4 million pound 181.1 APW19991004.0173 1 English Premier League 181.1 NYT19980907.0217 -1 Murdoch 181.1 XIE19990523.0163 1 Premier league 181.1 APW19980909.0205 -1 623.4 million pounds 181.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 181.2 APW19981124.0541 1 Old Trafford 181.2 NYT19990421.0152 -1 United Football Club 181.2 XIE19980920.0158 -1 Champions Arsenal 181.2 APW19980910.0845 -1 Liverpool FC 181.2 XIE19990630.0072 2 OLD TRAFFORD 181.2 APW19981124.0541 -1 England 181.2 APW19981124.0541 -1 United 181.2 XIE19991004.0127 1 Old Trafford 181.2 XIE19990410.0216 -1 Manchester United 181.2 XIE19990619.0219 -1 Manchester United 181.2 APW19980909.0828 1 Old Trafford 181.2 APW19981029.0571 -1 MMC 181.2 APW19980910.0647 -1 England 181.2 APW19980910.0647 -1 Thursday 181.2 APW19980910.0647 -1 Highbury 181.2 XIE19990714.0289 -1 England 181.2 APW19980910.0537 -1 Highbury 181.2 NYT20000823.0212 -1 England 181.2 APW19980909.0828 -1 Davis 181.2 APW19980909.0828 -1 1902 181.2 APW19980909.0912 -1 Friday 181.2 XIE19990510.0269 -1 LONDON 181.2 NYT19990728.0401 -1 Spain 181.2 APW19980906.0293 1 Old Trafford 181.2 XIE19990803.0298 -1 Alex Ferguson 181.2 NYT19981202.0372 -1 England 181.2 XIE20000304.0200 -1 Elland Road 181.2 NYT19990728.0401 1 Old Trafford 181.2 APW19980908.1359 3 Trafford 181.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 181.3 XIE19990518.0351 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 APW19980908.1198 -1 Martin Edwards 181.3 NYT19980907.0217 -1 Murdoch 181.3 APW19980908.1144 -1 Martin Edwards 181.3 XIE19960606.0097 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 3 FERGUSON 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 1 SIR ALEX FERGUSON 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 1 ALEX FERGUSON 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 3 Sir Alex 181.3 XIE19990809.0185 -1 The Manchester United manager 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 APW19980908.0800 3 Ferguson 181.3 APW19980802.0428 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 APW19981116.1108 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 XIE19990623.0078 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 APW19980908.0800 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 1 Sir Alex Ferguson 181.3 XIE19990803.0298 1 Alex ferguson 181.3 XIE20000205.0162 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 APW19980906.0445 -1 Former Manchester United manager Tommy Docherty 181.3 APW19980805.0713 3 Alex 181.3 APW19980805.0713 -1 10 181.3 APW19990527.0039 3 Ferguson 's team 181.3 XIE19990523.0015 1 Alex Ferguson 181.3 XIE19970303.0092 1 Alex Ferguson 181.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 181.4 XIE19990518.0186 1 Roy Keane 181.4 APW19980908.1198 -1 Martin Edwards 181.4 NYT19980907.0217 -1 Murdoch 181.4 APW19980908.1144 -1 Martin Edwards 181.4 XIE19960606.0097 -1 Alex Ferguson 181.4 XIE19960913.0024 -1 GARY NEVILLE 181.4 XIE19990629.0311 1 ROY KEANE 181.4 XIE19990629.0311 3 captain Roy Keane 181.4 NYT19990818.0322 1 Roy Keane 181.4 XIE19990523.0015 1 Roy Keane 181.4 XIE19970415.0128 -1 Chelsea 181.4 NYT19990922.0398 1 Roy Keane 181.4 XIE19991208.0098 1 Roy Keane 181.4 XIE19980908.0284 -1 Rupert Murdoch 181.4 XIE19990629.0311 1 Roy Keane 181.4 APW19990525.0242 -1 Paul Scholes 181.4 XIE19991130.0271 1 Roy Keane 181.4 APW19980909.0828 -1 1960 181.4 APW19980909.0828 -1 1960s 181.4 XIE20000429.0113 -1 England 181.4 XIE19990510.0269 -1 Premier League 181.4 XIE19991120.0218 2 Roy Keane 181.4 APW19980817.0677 4 Eric Cantona 181.4 XIE19971002.0106 1 Roy Keane 181.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 181.5 XIE19990428.0316 -1 Edwin Van der 181.5 NYT19980907.0217 -1 Murdoch 181.5 XIE19990428.0316 -1 Alex Ferguson 181.5 XIE19990428.0316 -1 VAN NISTELROOY 181.5 XIE19990714.0289 -1 FC 181.5 APW19990409.0191 -1 Andy Walsh 181.5 XIE19990424.0249 -1 Premier League 181.5 NYT20000802.0428 -1 Andreas Koepke 181.5 APW19980909.0494 -1 REG 181.5 XIE19980828.0249 1 Peter Schmeichel 181.5 APW19981112.0456 1 Peter Schmeichel 181.5 XIE19990428.0316 -1 Richard Wright 181.5 XIE19990704.0077 -1 Alex Ferguson 181.5 APW19981112.0394 4 Nicky Culkin 181.5 APW19981113.0666 -1 Chelsea 181.5 APW19981112.0456 3 Australian goalkeeper Mark Bosnich 181.5 APW19980930.1125 -1 1 181.5 APW19981119.0589 -1 we 181.5 APW19981112.0456 3 Schmeichel 181.5 XIE19980908.0284 -1 Fair Trading 181.5 NYT19990630.0388 4 Mark Bosnich 181.5 XIE19990803.0298 -1 Alex Ferguson 181.5 XIE19961002.0071 -1 Fabrizio Ravanelli 181.5 NYT19990421.0152 -1 Rupert Murdoch 181.5 APW19980930.1106 3 Schmeichel 181.5 APW19980807.0837 -1 Wenger 181.5 APW19980930.1106 1 Peter Schmeichel 181.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 181.7 APW19981116.0823 1 Royal Antwerp 181.7 APW19980920.0394 -1 Super League 181.7 APW19981116.0802 -1 Premier League 181.7 APW19981116.0802 1 Royal Antwerp 181.7 XIE19980908.0284 -1 UK 181.7 APW19981116.0802 -1 a feeder club 181.7 APW19981116.1108 1 Royal Antwerp 181.7 XIE19990619.0219 -1 LONDON 181.7 APW19980806.0323 -1 loan 181.7 APW19990409.0191 -1 Andy Walsh 181.7 XIE19990213.0236 -1 BSkyB 181.7 XIE19991120.0189 -1 David Gill 181.7 APW19980806.1268 -1 Brugge 181.7 APW19980906.0548 -1 remaining Former Manchester United manager Tommy Docherty 181.7 XIE19970424.0297 -1 a counter-attack through striker Lars Ricken 181.7 APW19981116.0802 3 Antwerp 181.7 APW19981116.0802 -1 deal 181.7 XIE19990619.0219 -1 English premier league soccer club Manchester United 181.7 APW19980909.0205 -1 British Sky Broadcasting 181.7 APW19981116.0802 3 Belgian side Royal Antwerp 181.7 APW19981116.1108 -1 feeder 181.7 APW19981116.1108 3 Antwerp 182.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 182.1 APW19990209.0146 -1 four 182.1 NYT19990707.0155 -1 30 182.1 APW19990327.0009 -1 1999 182.1 NYT19990604.0380 -1 INCLUDING 182.1 NYT20000110.0319 -1 30- 182.1 NYT20000818.0242 -1 one 182.1 NYT19980809.0175 -1 51st 182.1 NYT20000821.0216 -1 17,000 182.1 XIE19990512.0041 -1 10 markets 182.1 NYT20000808.0202 -1 one 182.1 NYT20000821.0214 -1 one 182.1 NYT19980727.0397 -1 2 182.1 NYT19980809.0175 1 9,810 182.1 APW19990804.0004 -1 100,000 182.1 NYT19990224.0412 -1 1996 182.1 NYT19980809.0175 -1 1998 Edinburgh Festival Fringe 182.1 NYT19980809.0175 -1 51 182.1 NYT19980820.0352 -1 220 East Fourth Street 182.1 NYT20000110.0319 -1 30 182.1 NYT19990720.0244 -1 200 182.1 XIE19990101.0127 -1 1.2 182.1 NYT19980809.0175 3 9,810 artists 182.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 182.2 NYT19980820.0352 -1 performance 182.2 XIE19990614.0058 -1 one 182.2 XIE19990425.0088 -1 Investment Up 182.2 NYT19980820.0352 -1 30 p.m 182.2 APW19990602.0038 -1 250 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 -1 FESTIVAL 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 -1 51st 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 1 16,141 182.2 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Edinburgh 182.2 XIE19970607.0139 -1 111 congressmen 182.2 NYT20000808.0202 -1 one 182.2 NYT20000821.0216 4 17,000 182.2 XIE19990202.0212 -1 849 182.2 NYT19990707.0155 -1 30 182.2 NYT19990810.0378 -1 And 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 -1 51 182.2 NYT20000817.0270 -1 1997 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 -1 the largest arts festival 182.2 NYT19990720.0416 -1 400 182.2 NYT20000110.0319 -1 three 182.2 NYT19990122.0400 -1 2,047 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 -1 festival 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 3 16,141 performances 182.2 NYT19980809.0175 -1 1998 182.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 182.4 NYT20000821.0216 1 August 182.4 XIE19990421.0118 -1 June 182.4 XIE19980325.0253 -1 October 182.4 NYT19980604.0139 -1 May 182.4 NYT20000727.0123 1 August 182.4 APW20000310.0031 -1 DECEMBER 182.4 NYT20000821.0216 1 AUGUST 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 -1 SCOTLAND: IF YOU GO For information on Scotland: Contact the Scottish 182.4 NYT19980809.0175 -1 the 1960s 182.4 NYT20000818.0242 -1 Fringe 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Edinburgh 182.4 NYT19990701.0237 -1 British 182.4 XIE19990328.0101 -1 February 1998 182.4 XIE19971024.0167 -1 1600 182.4 NYT19980809.0175 -1 1998 182.4 XIE19971020.0091 -1 October 24 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 3 Aug. 14-30 182.4 NYT20000403.0472 2 August 182.4 NYT19990728.0200 -1 July 1 182.4 NYT20000720.0164 -1 11 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Aug. 15-Sept . 4 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 1 Aug 182.4 NYT19980809.0175 1 August 182.4 NYT20000720.0164 1 August 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Upcoming festivals: Late summer is festival time in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh 182.4 NYT19990707.0155 1 Aug. 182.4 XIE19960809.0226 1 August 182.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 182.5 XIE19990703.0165 -1 Thailand 182.5 XIE19971017.0185 2 Scotland 182.5 NYT19991217.0249 -1 Israel 182.5 XIE19971022.0127 -1 Nigeria 182.5 XIE19960809.0226 1 SCOTLAND 182.5 NYT19980820.0352 -1 Canada 182.5 NYT20000818.0242 -1 Fringe 182.5 NYT20000808.0202 -1 Edinburgh 182.5 APW19981203.0876 -1 Australia 182.5 XIE19981103.0207 -1 Ireland 182.5 APW20000426.0092 1 Scotland 182.5 XIE19990916.0291 -1 China 182.5 NYT20000818.0242 1 Scotland 182.5 XIE19971020.0091 -1 Commonwealth 182.5 XIE19971020.0091 -1 Pakistan 182.5 NYT19980801.0023 1 Scotland 182.5 APW19990506.0176 2 Scotland 182.5 XIE19970808.0244 2 UK 182.5 APW20000426.0092 -1 Tokyo , Disney 182.5 NYT20000808.0202 -1 Clancy 182.5 NYT20000821.0361 1 Scotland 182.5 XIE19971023.0028 -1 Nigeria 182.5 NYT19990707.0155 -1 FringeUnited 182.5 XIE19960809.0226 1 Scotland 182.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 182.6 NYT20000821.0216 1 1947 182.6 XIE19980723.0365 -1 2000 182.6 APW19981029.1420 -1 1986 182.6 XIE19991028.0240 1 1947 182.6 NYT20000817.0270 -1 1999 182.6 NYT19990707.0155 -1 SCOTLAND: IF YOU GO For information on Scotland: Contact the Scottish 182.6 NYT19990224.0412 -1 1996 182.6 NYT20000821.0232 -1 Fringe 182.6 APW19981203.0876 -1 1998 182.6 XIE19990108.0147 -1 1997 182.6 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Aug. 15 182.6 NYT19980809.0175 -1 1998 182.6 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Aug. 14-30 182.6 XIE19970911.0130 -1 2000 182.6 NYT19990728.0200 -1 November, 1998 182.6 NYT20000821.0232 -1 Homer 182.6 NYT20000821.0232 -1 One 182.6 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Aug. 15-Sept . 4 182.6 NYT20000821.0361 -1 1590 182.6 NYT20000808.0202 1 1947 182.6 NYT19990707.0155 -1 Upcoming festivals: Late summer is festival time in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh 182.6 NYT20000817.0270 -1 1997 183.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 183.1 APW19990602.0060 -1 June 14 183.1 NYT19990531.0105 3 June 16 183.1 XIE19990618.0012 -1 June 16 183.1 APW19980711.0422 -1 June 16, 1999 183.1 XIE19990615.0018 -1 NELSON MANDELA 183.1 XIE19971121.0162 3 1999 183.1 XIE19971217.0128 3 1999 183.1 XIE19971217.0128 -1 Mandela 183.1 XIE19990615.0018 2 June 14, 1999 183.1 XIE19981123.0016 3 1999 183.1 XIE19990616.0003 -1 June 15 183.1 XIE19990520.0215 3 June 2 183.1 APW19981128.0373 3 1999 183.1 APW19981121.0505 3 1999 183.1 XIE19990109.0045 -1 January 16, 1999 183.1 NYT19990525.0405 3 1999 183.1 XIE19961025.0006 -1 Deputy President Thabo Mbeki 183.1 APW19990614.0177 -1 today 183.1 APW19990614.0177 -1 second 183.1 NYT19990531.0110 -1 May 31, 1999 183.1 XIE19990615.0018 -1 June 16 183.1 NYT19990607.0369 -1 1994 183.1 XIE19990703.0165 3 June 1999 183.1 XIE20000204.0075 -1 2006 183.1 APW19980711.0422 2 June 2, 1999 183.1 APW19981002.0937 -1 15 to 18 months from now 183.1 XIE19990618.0012 3 June 183.1 APW19981106.0966 -1 Frei 183.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 183.2 XIE19971121.0162 2 Nelson Mandela 183.2 XIE19990605.0123 1 Nelson Mandela 183.2 XIE20000607.0060 1 Nelson Mandela 183.2 XIE19990615.0018 3 MANDELA 183.2 XIE19990605.0123 3 President Nelson Mandela 183.2 APW19980630.0992 -1 Thabo Mbeki 183.2 XIE19961218.0032 -1 S. African 183.2 XIE19980912.0037 -1 S. African 183.2 XIE19971218.0252 3 Mandela 183.2 XIE19990609.0217 1 Nelson Mandela 183.2 XIE19990616.0093 1 Nelson Mandela 183.2 APW20000109.0048 3 Mandela 183.2 XIE19990524.0108 2 Nelson Mandela 183.2 NYT19990601.0200 -1 George Washington 183.2 XIE19990608.0260 3 Nelson Mandela will 183.2 XIE19990328.0037 -1 ANC President Thabo 183.2 APW20000523.0001 1 Nelson Mandela 183.2 XIE19980731.0039 2 South African President Nelson Mandela 183.2 NYT19990616.0295 -1 generation 183.2 XIE19990616.0103 -1 PRETORIA 183.2 XIE19960305.0011 -1 Deputy President F. W. de Klerk 183.2 XIE19990616.0113 1 Nelson Mandela 183.2 XIE19971218.0090 1 Nelson Mandela 183.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 183.3 XIE19990426.0184 -1 Base 183.3 XIE19981123.0016 1 African National Congress 183.3 NYT19990603.0356 1 African National Congress 183.3 NYT19990614.0204 3 National Congress 183.3 XIE19970920.0049 -1 Nelson Mandela 183.3 XIE19980106.0216 1 ANC 183.3 APW20000513.0146 3 African National 183.3 XIE19990521.0188 -1 his party 183.3 XIE19981101.0019 1 African National Congress 183.3 XIE19960504.0059 2 African National 183.3 XIE19990605.0042 3 African National 183.3 NYT19990603.0356 -1 The people 183.3 XIE19981217.0370 1 African National Congress 183.3 XIE19990616.0198 -1 Nelson Mandela 183.3 APW20000513.0146 -1 the ruling party and the opposition 183.3 XIE19980417.0121 -1 South Africa 183.3 XIE19990426.0184 -1 Inkatha Freedom Party leader 183.3 XIE19970122.0032 -1 National Union 183.3 XIE19990608.0271 -1 political parties 183.3 XIE19970708.0227 -1 Republic 183.3 NYT19990531.0110 -1 Adrian Hadland 183.3 NYT19990531.0110 -1 two 183.3 XIE19990426.0184 1 ANC 183.3 XIE19960109.0268 -1 The route 183.3 NYT20000513.0063 -1 Nelson Mandela 's anointed successor 183.3 NYT19990531.0110 -1 Nelson Mandela 183.3 XIE19990328.0037 1 ANC 183.3 XIE20000327.0021 -1 Xinhua 183.3 XIE19980109.0062 3 New ANC 183.3 XIE19971221.0016 1 ANC 183.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 183.5 XIE19990426.0184 -1 Nelson Mandela 183.5 APW19980916.1030 -1 King Letsie III 183.5 NYT19990603.0012 -1 African National Congress 183.5 XIE19990605.0025 -1 National Congress 183.5 XIE19971221.0098 3 Inkatha Freedom 183.5 XIE19970630.0161 -1 DECADE 183.5 XIE19980420.0158 -1 AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 183.5 XIE19981123.0016 -1 NELSON MANDELA 183.5 XIE19990426.0214 -1 Thabo Mbeki 183.5 XIE19990426.0214 1 IFP 183.5 NYT20000605.0144 -1 African National 183.5 XIE19990605.0042 -1 African National 183.5 NYT19990612.0113 -1 Nelson Mandela 183.5 XIE19971215.0186 1 Inkatha Freedom Party 183.5 XIE19971221.0098 -1 major 183.5 APW20000513.0146 -1 the ruling party and the opposition 183.5 NYT20000830.0335 -1 South Africa 183.5 XIE19971220.0088 -1 white dominated National Party 183.5 XIE19990426.0184 -1 ANC 183.5 XIE19980420.0158 -1 African National Congress 183.5 XIE19990426.0184 1 The IFP 183.5 XIE19990426.0184 -1 South Africa 183.5 NYT20000618.0125 -1 growing 183.5 XIE19990426.0184 -1 Natal 183.5 XIE19971221.0098 -1 Nelson Mandela 183.5 APW19981002.0937 -1 Friday 183.5 XIE19990608.0271 3 Inkatha Freedom 183.5 XIE19981204.0216 1 Inkatha Freedom Party 183.5 XIE19980420.0158 -1 National Congress 183.5 XIE19980109.0062 -1 New ANC 183.5 XIE19980111.0111 -1 ANC 183.5 XIE19990426.0184 1 IFP 183.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 183.6 XIE20000211.0062 -1 five 183.6 XIE20000211.0062 -1 five years 183.6 XIE19980510.0025 -1 100 183.6 XIE19990703.0165 -1 MANY 183.6 XIE19971121.0162 -1 1999 183.6 XIE19990616.0268 -1 30 183.6 XIE19990616.0268 -1 the 30 heads 183.6 NYT19990525.0211 4 57-year-old 183.6 NYT19990527.0291 2 56 183.6 XIE19990616.0113 -1 Two 183.6 NYT19990531.0110 -1 16 183.6 XIE19990616.0113 -1 South Africa 183.6 APW19981231.0572 -1 80 183.6 NYT19990531.0110 -1 10 years 183.6 XIE19990605.0025 -1 five years 183.6 XIE19990616.0199 -1 five years 183.6 XIE19990617.0256 -1 Monday 183.6 XIE19990617.0256 -1 Pretoria 183.6 XIE19990426.0184 -1 at least nine times 183.6 NYT19990607.0369 1 56 183.6 NYT19990616.0317 1 56 183.6 XIE19971121.0162 -1 81-year 183.6 XIE19990616.0094 -1 80- year 183.6 XIE19990613.0069 -1 only three days 183.6 XIE19990616.0093 1 56 183.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 183.7 APW19981231.0572 -1 1999 183.7 NYT19990607.0369 -1 14 183.7 NYT19990519.0340 -1 two 183.7 NYT19990614.0389 -1 400 seats 183.7 APW19981108.0427 -1 1999 183.7 XIE19990615.0027 1 266 183.7 NYT19990526.0342 -1 one enemy 183.7 XIE20000505.0040 -1 5 183.7 NYT19990519.0340 -1 June 2 183.7 XIE19990608.0077 -1 two 183.7 NYT19990530.0093 -1 one 183.7 XIE19990608.0271 -1 six 183.7 NYT19990614.0389 -1 five 183.7 XIE19971228.0122 -1 1999 183.7 XIE19990615.0018 -1 2 national elections 183.7 NYT19990614.0389 -1 South Africa 183.7 NYT19990614.0389 -1 2 183.7 NYT19990614.0389 -1 66 183.7 NYT19990614.0389 -1 66 percent 183.7 XIE19990608.0077 -1 34 183.7 XIE19990607.0026 -1 two- thirds 183.7 XIE20000327.0021 -1 27 183.7 NYT19990603.0356 -1 more than two-thirds 183.7 NYT19990705.0169 -1 400 seats 183.7 XIE19990608.0016 1 266 184.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 184.1 NYT20000405.0408 -1 world record 184.1 NYT19980709.0012 -1 May 15 184.1 NYT19981010.0162 -1 Oct. 10, 1998 184.1 APW19980904.0948 -1 Oct. 11 184.1 NYT20000328.0287 -1 2000 184.1 NYT19990208.0407 -1 AUTHOR 184.1 APW19991023.0215 -1 LASALLE BANK 184.1 APW19991023.0215 -1 LASALLE BANKS 184.1 NYT20000418.0332 -1 1997 184.1 APW20000414.0068 -1 1997 184.1 NYT19981011.0143 -1 Sunday 184.1 NYT20000405.0408 -1 1999 184.1 NYT20000328.0287 -1 1999 184.1 NYT20000418.0332 -1 1998 184.1 XIE19980909.0061 -1 February 28, 1999 184.1 XIE20000416.0125 -1 Sept. 20, 1998 2:06:05 184.1 APW20000506.0040 -1 1998 184.1 NYT20000328.0287 -1 1998 184.1 NYT19991103.0361 -1 1979 184.1 NYT20000405.0408 -1 April 16 184.1 NYT20000719.0034 -1 2000 184.1 APW19981009.1215 -1 1985 184.1 NYT20000405.0408 -1 1993 184.1 NYT20000405.0408 -1 who 184.1 NYT20000418.0332 -1 1997 and 1998 184.1 NYT20000418.0332 3 October 184.1 APW20000414.0068 -1 1998 184.1 APW20000414.0068 -1 1998 and 1999 184.1 NYT20000405.0408 -1 Khannouchi 184.1 XIE19990603.0117 -1 10,000 184.1 XIE19991024.0033 1 1999-10-24 184.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 184.2 APW19980616.1069 2 42 Km 184.2 NYT20000506.0168 -1 two miles 184.2 NYT20000221.0414 -1 100 miles 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 5 MINUTES 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 LASALLE BANK CHICAGO 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 KHANNOUCHI 184.2 XIE19991109.0193 -1 London 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 3 26-mile 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 the distance 184.2 XIE19991109.0193 -1 Chicago Marathon 184.2 APW19981103.0095 -1 two years 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 2 races 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 two 184.2 APW19991022.0209 -1 1997 184.2 NYT20000405.0408 -1 2 hours 184.2 NYT20000506.0168 1 26.2 miles 184.2 NYT20000904.0147 2 26.2 miles 184.2 APW19991023.0021 -1 McKiernan 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 2 184.2 NYT20000506.0168 -1 Williams 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 385 yard 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 Sandra Inoa 184.2 NYT20000221.0414 -1 32 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 1 26-mile, 385-yard 184.2 NYT20000418.0332 -1 385-yard 184.2 NYT19981010.0166 -1 Chicago 184.2 NYT20000405.0408 -1 Khannouchi 184.2 APW19981103.0095 -1 run 184.2 NYT20000304.0268 1 26 miles, 385 yards 184.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 184.3 NYT20000418.0332 1 Khannouchi 184.3 NYT20000221.0414 -1 Kristy Johnson 184.3 NYT19991107.0199 -1 Librado RomeroNew York Times 184.3 XIE20000416.0125 1 KHANNOUCHI 184.3 XIE20000416.0125 1 KHALID KHANNOUCHI 184.3 XIE20000220.0106 -1 Irina Safarova 184.3 NYT19980920.0136 -1 Luis 184.3 APW19981011.0844 -1 Joyce Chepchumba 184.3 NYT19981011.0143 2 Khalid Khannouchi 184.3 APW19981011.0522 -1 ran 184.3 APW19981029.1264 -1 ran 184.3 APW19981103.0095 -1 Ronaldo da Costa 184.3 APW19981103.0095 -1 Ondoro Osoro 184.3 APW19981103.0095 -1 Moses Tanui 184.3 NYT20000328.0287 -1 Boston 184.3 XIE19991208.0144 -1 Liz McColgan 184.3 NYT19991107.0199 -1 Domingos Castro 184.3 NYT19990808.0026 2 Khalid Khannouchi 184.3 APW19981226.0694 -1 golf , men , European PGA Tour , Alfred Dunhill Cup 184.3 APW19981011.0695 -1 1995 184.3 NYT20000328.0287 1 Khalid Khannouchi 184.3 NYT20000418.0332 -1 Sandra Inoa 184.3 NYT20000405.0408 1 Khannouchi 184.3 XIE19971103.0235 -1 LaSalle Bank 184.3 NYT19991107.0197 -1 Adriana Fernandez 184.3 XIE20000416.0125 1 Khalid Khannouchi 184.3 XIE19991108.0010 -1 York City 184.3 APW19981009.1215 -1 Marian Sutton 184.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 184.4 NYT20000418.0332 -1 Khannouchi 184.4 NYT20000221.0414 -1 Kristy Johnson 184.4 NYT19991107.0199 -1 Librado RomeroNew York Times 184.4 NYT20000418.0332 -1 VALLEY MARATHON 184.4 NYT19991107.0197 -1 MENS 184.4 APW19981009.1215 -1 KHANNOUCHI 184.4 XIE20000220.0106 -1 Irina Safarova 184.4 APW19981029.1264 -1 ran 184.4 NYT20000405.0408 -1 Khannouchi 184.4 XIE19991208.0144 2 Joyce Chepchumba 184.4 APW19981103.0095 -1 Moses Tanui 184.4 NYT20000328.0287 -1 Boston 184.4 XIE19991208.0144 -1 Liz McColgan 184.4 NYT19991107.0199 -1 Domingos Castro 184.4 NYT19981010.0166 -1 Khalid Khannouchi 184.4 APW19981029.1264 -1 Rod Dixon 184.4 APW19981103.0095 -1 17 184.4 NYT19991107.0197 -1 Domingos Castro 184.4 XIE19971020.0206 -1 Britain 184.4 NYT20000418.0332 -1 Sandra Inoa 184.4 APW19981103.0173 -1 New York 184.4 NYT19991107.0198 -1 Lisa Ondieki 184.4 XIE19971103.0235 -1 LaSalle Bank 184.4 NYT19991107.0197 -1 Adriana Fernandez 184.4 XIE19991108.0010 -1 York City 184.4 NYT20000418.0332 -1 1997 184.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 184.5 NYT20000221.0414 -1 2: 32 184.5 NYT20000418.0332 -1 08: 36 184.5 APW20000414.0068 -1 London Marathon 184.5 NYT20000328.0287 -1 Khalid Khannouchi 184.5 APW19981009.1215 -1 2 HOURS 184.5 APW19981009.1215 -1 SECONDS 184.5 NYT19990419.0303 -1 Joseph Chebet 184.5 APW19981011.0844 -1 the third-fastest time 184.5 APW19991024.0119 -1 Chepchumba 184.5 NYT20000418.0332 -1 2 races 184.5 XIE19990418.0090 -1 1997 184.5 XIE19981030.0272 -1 2 hours 184.5 NYT20000328.0287 -1 1998 184.5 NYT20000405.0408 -1 United States 184.5 NYT19991107.0199 -1 womens' winner 184.5 NYT19980612.0278 -1 night 184.5 XIE20000220.0106 -1 added Cherono 184.5 APW19981011.0695 -1 1997 184.5 XIE20000503.0215 -1 minutes 184.5 APW19981009.1215 -1 Khalid Khannouchi 184.5 APW19981009.1215 -1 2 hours, 7 minutes, 10 seconds 184.5 NYT20000328.0287 -1 Boston 184.5 NYT20000418.0332 1 2 hours, 5 minutes, 42 seconds 184.5 NYT20000418.0332 -1 1997 184.5 NYT20000328.0287 -1 Ndereba 184.5 APW19981011.0695 -1 Champion Khalid Khannouchi 184.5 XIE19971103.0235 -1 two hours 8 minutes and 12 seconds 184.5 XIE20000416.0125 -1 Khannouchi 184.5 XIE19991024.0033 1 two hours five minutes and 42 seconds 184.5 XIE19981030.0272 -1 1985 184.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 184.6 XIE19971026.0090 -1 two hours nine minutes 184.6 NYT20000221.0414 -1 2: 32 184.6 APW20000414.0068 -1 London Marathon 184.6 NYT19991107.0199 -1 young hispanic women 184.6 XIE20000924.0235 -1 13 184.6 XIE19961021.0230 -1 SECONDS 184.6 APW19981011.0844 -1 the third-fastest time 184.6 NYT20000418.0332 -1 race 184.6 NYT20000418.0332 -1 2 races 184.6 APW19981009.1215 -1 1997 184.6 XIE19981030.0272 -1 2 hours 184.6 NYT20000328.0287 -1 1998 184.6 NYT20000221.0414 -1 Columbia 184.6 NYT19991107.0199 -1 womens' winner 184.6 NYT19980612.0278 -1 night 184.6 XIE20000220.0106 -1 added Cherono 184.6 APW19981011.0695 -1 1997 184.6 XIE19981012.0264 -1 minutes 184.6 APW19981009.1215 -1 Elana Meyer 184.6 APW19981009.1215 -1 2 hours, 7 minutes, 10 seconds 184.6 XIE19991028.0042 -1 London 184.6 NYT19991024.0168 -1 morning 184.6 APW19991022.0209 -1 1997 184.6 NYT20000506.0168 -1 2 hours 184.6 NYT20000221.0414 -1 2:28:34 184.6 NYT20000328.0287 -1 Khalid Khannouchi 184.6 APW19981011.0522 -1 Osoro 184.6 NYT20000418.0332 -1 1997 184.6 APW19981009.1215 -1 1985 185.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 185.1 APW19990528.0150 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19981120.1378 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19990317.0361 -1 Montana 185.1 NYT20000724.0002 -1 Montana 185.1 APW19990820.0001 -1 Nome 185.1 APW20000305.0076 -1 NOME 185.1 APW19990310.0306 1 ANCHORAGE 185.1 APW19990317.0381 -1 Lincoln 185.1 APW19990310.0306 -1 Dog 185.1 NYT19990626.0158 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19990624.0103 1 ANCHORAGE 185.1 NYT19990121.0106 1 Anchorage 185.1 NYT20000201.0336 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19990306.0111 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19990624.0235 -1 Hughes Tool Co. 185.1 NYT19990121.0115 2 ANCHORAGE 185.1 APW20000314.0233 1 Anchorage 185.1 NYT19990121.0115 -1 Alaska 185.1 APW19981120.1388 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19990305.0167 -1 Alaska 185.1 APW19990305.0167 -1 1925 185.1 APW19990624.0103 -1 Redington 185.1 APW19990315.0021 -1 Alaska 185.1 NYT20000219.0236 -1 KAN KANSAS CITY 185.1 NYT19990121.0106 1 ANCHORAGE 185.1 APW20000316.0051 1 ANCHORAGE 185.1 APW19990119.0179 1 Anchorage 185.1 APW19990310.0306 1 Anchorage 185.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 185.2 APW19990624.0103 1 Nome 185.2 APW19990509.0077 -1 Farflung 185.2 APW19990509.0077 -1 Wolves 185.2 APW19990317.0361 -1 Montana 185.2 NYT20000201.0336 -1 Anchorage 185.2 NYT19990121.0106 -1 Anchorage 185.2 APW19990305.0167 -1 ANCHORAGE 185.2 APW19990624.0103 1 NOME 185.2 APW19990317.0381 -1 Lincoln 185.2 APW19990820.0001 1 Nome 185.2 NYT19990127.0046 1 Nome 185.2 APW19981120.1378 -1 Anchorage 185.2 NYT19990121.0106 -1 Alaska 185.2 APW19990314.0062 -1 Anchorage 185.2 NYT19990123.0221 -1 Alaska 185.2 APW19990624.0235 -1 Hughes Tool Co. 185.2 NYT19990121.0115 -1 Alaska 185.2 APW19981120.1388 -1 Anchorage 185.2 APW19990305.0167 -1 Alaska 185.2 APW19990305.0167 -1 1925 185.2 APW19990315.0021 1 Nome 185.2 NYT20000201.0336 3 Nome, Alaska 185.2 NYT19990626.0158 -1 Anchorage 185.2 NYT19990121.0106 -1 ANCHORAGE 185.2 NYT20000118.0097 -1 Alaska 185.2 NYT19990127.0043 -1 Anchorage 185.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 185.3 NYT19990626.0158 -1 Alaska 185.3 NYT19981017.0060 -1 Nov. 185.3 NYT19990121.0106 1 March 185.3 NYT20000219.0236 -1 ALASKA 185.3 XIE20000309.0007 2 MARCH 185.3 APW19990624.0103 -1 Father of the Iditarod Dies ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- Joe Redington, 185.3 APW19990624.0103 -1 1974 185.3 APW19990314.0062 -1 1,100-mile 185.3 NYT19990626.0158 1 March 185.3 NYT19990123.0221 -1 1997 185.3 APW20000316.0051 -1 2000 185.3 NYT20000120.0231 1 March 185.3 APW19990313.0047 -1 8:51 185.3 APW20000305.0076 -1 1999 185.3 APW19990315.0035 -1 1999 185.3 APW19981120.1388 -1 1980s 185.3 NYT19990525.0081 -1 1994 185.3 NYT19981223.0360 -1 American 185.3 APW20000309.0037 -1 Wednesday 185.3 APW19990305.0167 -1 1925 185.3 APW19990305.0167 -1 40 185.3 APW19990624.0103 -1 1967 185.3 APW19990317.0193 3 March 17, 1999 185.3 APW19990311.0361 -1 may 185.3 NYT19990121.0114 -1 _ Southern happenings. (Thrasher, Atlanta Journal-Constitution) MOVEDTRAVEL-IDITAROD _ ANCHORAGE, 185.3 NYT20000829.0239 2 March 185.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 185.4 APW19990624.0103 1 Joe Redington 185.4 APW20000805.0131 -1 Starr 185.4 APW19990317.0193 -1 Dog Race 185.4 NYT19980629.0147 -1 Iditarod racer Jessie 185.4 APW19990317.0361 -1 Doug Swingley 185.4 APW19990317.0193 -1 Doug Swingley 185.4 APW19990315.0021 -1 Trail Sled Dog 185.4 APW19990624.0103 -1 ALASKA 185.4 APW19990624.0103 1 JOE REDINGTON 185.4 APW19990624.0235 1 Joe Redington 185.4 NYT19990626.0158 -1 reg 185.4 NYT19990626.0158 1 Joe Redington 185.4 APW19990311.0361 -1 Doug Swingley 185.4 APW19990315.0021 -1 Swingley 185.4 APW19981120.1388 -1 Martin Buser 185.4 APW19990310.0174 -1 Rick Swenson 185.4 APW19990312.0065 -1 Swingley 185.4 APW19990305.0167 -1 forward 185.4 APW19990624.0235 3 Redington 185.4 APW19990305.0167 -1 1925 185.4 APW19990305.0167 -1 Swenson 185.4 APW19990307.0074 -1 Quest 185.4 APW19990309.0292 -1 Swingley 185.4 APW19990308.0085 -1 Mitch Seavey 185.4 NYT19990626.0158 3 Redington 185.4 NYT19990915.0154 -1 Butcher 185.4 APW19981120.1378 -1 Martin Buser 185.4 APW19990311.0361 -1 Front-running musher Doug Swingley 185.4 APW19990310.0191 -1 Swingley 185.4 APW19990317.0246 -1 Doug Swingley 185.4 NYT20000724.0002 -1 Doug Swingley 185.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 185.6 NYT19980615.0065 2 1049 185.6 APW19990317.0381 4 1,100 185.6 NYT19990127.0043 -1 1973 185.6 NYT19990626.0158 -1 15,000 185.6 APW19981120.1388 1 1049 miles 185.6 APW19990307.0074 -1 1000 185.6 APW19990305.0167 -1 two 185.6 NYT19990121.0104 -1 two 185.6 APW19981120.1378 -1 11 miles 185.6 APW19990314.0062 4 1,100-mile 185.6 NYT19990915.0154 1 1 049 - mile 185.6 APW19990316.0263 -1 Two 185.6 APW19990624.0103 -1 two 185.6 APW19990308.0085 -1 seven 185.6 APW19990307.0074 -1 56 185.6 APW19990305.0167 -1 11 185.6 APW19990624.0235 -1 50 miles 185.6 APW19990307.0074 -1 Alaska 185.6 APW19990308.0085 -1 second 185.6 APW19990624.0103 -1 a two-day event 185.6 NYT19990127.0043 4 1,050 miles 185.6 APW19981120.1378 -1 18 kilometers 185.6 NYT20000201.0336 1 1,049-mile 185.6 APW19990624.0103 -1 1967 185.6 APW19981120.1388 -1 18 185.6 APW19990317.0190 -1 two 185.6 APW19990315.0021 -1 170 miles 185.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 185.7 APW20000314.0233 -1 Susan Butcher 185.7 APW19990317.0381 -1 1: 31 185.7 APW19990317.0193 -1 Trail Sled Dog Race 185.7 APW19990315.0021 -1 Trail Sled Dog 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 22 HOURS 46 MINUTES 185.7 APW20000316.0051 -1 46 MINUTES 185.7 APW19990310.0306 -1 the 1,100-mile race in 1983 185.7 NYT19990909.0165 -1 time 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 Martin Buser 185.7 NYT19990128.0067 -1 Dog Race 185.7 APW19990313.0047 -1 13 dogs 185.7 APW19990307.0074 -1 1995 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 1991 185.7 APW19990307.0074 -1 3 hours 185.7 APW20000314.0233 -1 1994 185.7 APW19990313.0116 -1 night 185.7 APW19990310.0164 -1 an hour by defending champion Jeff King of Denali Park , DeeDee Jonrowe of Willow and John Barron of Big Lake 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 100 185.7 APW20000309.0037 -1 1983 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 champion Jeff King 185.7 APW19990314.0062 -1 four hours 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 Trail Sled Dog 185.7 APW19990305.0167 4 9 days, 3 hours 185.7 APW19990313.0047 -1 Buser 185.7 APW20000314.0233 -1 8 days 185.7 APW19990316.0263 -1 Buser 185.7 APW20000314.0233 -1 more than an hour 185.7 APW19990305.0167 -1 Swingley 185.7 APW19990313.0116 -1 1999-03-13T08:51 186.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 186.1 XIE19961002.0047 -1 110 186.1 XIE19980310.0066 -1 three 186.1 XIE19990531.0178 -1 three 186.1 APW19990701.0169 -1 40 186.1 APW19990701.0083 -1 75,000 186.1 XIE20000705.0298 -1 100 186.1 XIE19980310.0066 -1 GREAT PYRAMID 186.1 XIE19971231.0051 -1 EIGHTY 186.1 APW19980906.0346 -1 4,500- 186.1 XIE19960929.0023 1 97 186.1 XIE19960929.0023 1 97 pyramids 186.1 APW19981113.0246 -1 13 186.1 NYT19980919.0182 -1 39 186.1 NYT19990624.0067 -1 2 ancient 186.1 XIE19990624.0039 -1 three 186.1 XIE19990604.0001 -1 three 186.1 APW19990603.0039 -1 5,000 186.1 XIE19970326.0124 -1 the Giza pyramids 4 ,600 years 186.1 APW19980916.0308 -1 1 186.1 APW19980916.0308 -1 1.6 186.1 XIE19970508.0309 -1 thousands 186.1 NYT19991208.0430 -1 5,000- 186.1 APW19991021.0045 -1 Seven 186.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 186.2 XIE19980310.0066 -1 Cairo 186.2 XIE19980310.0066 1 Giza 186.2 APW19980830.0941 -1 Ilam 186.2 APW19990418.0063 3 Cairo 186.2 XIE19970508.0309 1 CAIRO GIZA 186.2 XIE19970508.0309 3 CAIRO 186.2 NYT19990204.0282 3 Cairo 186.2 XIE19980310.0066 -1 Pyramids 186.2 APW19980906.0346 3 CAIRO 186.2 XIE19960829.0050 3 CAIRO 186.2 XIE19990930.0019 1 Giza Plateau 186.2 XIE19990624.0039 -1 Egypt 186.2 XIE19960929.0023 1 Giza 186.2 NYT19990714.0395 -1 Aleppo 186.2 XIE19980319.0121 1 Giza 186.2 XIE19960929.0023 3 CAIRO 186.2 XIE19980319.0121 3 Cairo 186.2 XIE19980319.0121 1 Giza , Cairo 186.2 XIE19980310.0066 -1 Egypt 186.2 XIE19980310.0066 -1 4th 186.2 XIE19980310.0066 -1 CAIRO 186.2 XIE19980319.0121 -1 Egypt 186.2 APW19981002.1084 3 CAIRO 186.2 NYT19990930.0260 -1 Cairo 186.2 APW19981002.1151 3 Cairo 186.2 XIE19990520.0230 -1 Victoria 186.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 186.4 XIE19960829.0050 1 Great Pyramid 186.4 NYT20000906.0425 -1 Greece 186.4 APW20000905.0208 -1 The Russian 186.4 APW19990202.0165 -1 Mardi Gras 186.4 XIE20000713.0158 -1 Giza Plateau 186.4 XIE19990624.0039 1 CHEOPS 186.4 APW19990530.0051 1 GREAT PYRAMID 186.4 APW19990530.0051 -1 GIZA 186.4 XIE19990530.0100 -1 Director 186.4 XIE20000713.0158 1 Khufu 186.4 APW19981113.0199 -1 Associated Press 186.4 APW19980906.0346 -1 i &Cx 186.4 APW19990302.0060 -1 Giza 186.4 NYT19991227.0237 -1 Ancient World 186.4 XIE19991209.0002 -1 years ago 186.4 XIE19990624.0039 -1 restoration 186.4 XIE19990624.0039 -1 three 186.4 APW19990302.0060 -1 queens 186.4 NYT19991019.0279 1 Cheops 186.4 XIE19960118.0159 -1 CAIRO 186.4 XIE20000713.0158 -1 June 1999 after restoration 186.4 XIE19960929.0023 -1 Egypt 186.4 XIE19960118.0159 -1 26th century BC. 186.4 XIE19980310.0066 -1 Giza 186.4 NYT20000810.0095 -1 Egyptians 186.4 XIE19991218.0045 2 the Great Pyramid of Cheops 186.4 XIE19980319.0121 2 Khufu 186.4 XIE19960929.0023 -1 Giza 186.4 XIE19980310.0066 1 Khufu 186.4 XIE19980310.0066 1 The Great Pyramid of Khufu 186.4 XIE19990831.0279 -1 Great Wall 186.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 186.5 APW19981113.0199 -1 Great 186.5 XIE19980319.0121 -1 14 kilometers 186.5 APW19981113.0246 1 137 meters 186.5 NYT19991019.0279 1 450 FEET 186.5 XIE19970409.0079 -1 BASE 186.5 NYT19990628.0361 -1 481 FEET 186.5 XIE19990624.0039 1 137-meter 186.5 XIE19970918.0016 -1 Germans 186.5 XIE19980319.0121 -1 66.5 meters 186.5 APW19981113.0199 -1 Associated Press 186.5 APW19980906.0346 -1 i &Cx 186.5 APW19990102.0005 -1 31 1999 186.5 XIE19990624.0039 -1 three 186.5 XIE19970508.0309 -1 one 186.5 XIE19990531.0178 -1 Egypt 186.5 NYT19991019.0279 1 450-foot 186.5 XIE19990531.0178 -1 three 186.5 XIE19990624.0039 1 137 meter 186.5 XIE20000713.0158 -1 June 1999 after restoration 186.5 XIE19980319.0121 -1 eight 186.5 XIE19980319.0121 -1 61.5 186.5 XIE19980310.0066 -1 Giza 186.5 XIE19960929.0023 1 140 meters 186.5 XIE19990624.0039 -1 136 meters 186.5 XIE20000101.0141 -1 2,000-year 186.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 186.6 APW19980722.0958 -1 Three 186.6 XIE19990624.0039 1 4,500 years 186.6 NYT19980714.0324 -1 0 years 186.6 APW19980906.0346 -1 1 186.6 XIE19980310.0066 -1 18 186.6 NYT19990923.0206 -1 OLD KINGDOM 186.6 APW19981208.0455 -1 17-year-old 186.6 NYT19991208.0430 1 5,000-year 186.6 XIE19970508.0309 -1 Pyramids 186.6 APW20000402.0042 -1 4,000-year-old 186.6 XIE19980508.0155 -1 15 186.6 XIE19980310.0066 -1 three 186.6 NYT19990617.0293 -1 4 186.6 NYT19990617.0293 -1 32 186.6 APW19990603.0039 2 5,000 186.6 XIE19960118.0159 1 4,600 years ago 186.6 APW19990302.0060 1 5,000 years 186.6 XIE19970508.0309 -1 a three-year plan 186.6 XIE19980310.0066 -1 Egypt 186.6 XIE19980319.0121 -1 Giza 186.6 XIE19970508.0309 -1 years of history 186.6 XIE19980310.0066 -1 the famous three Great Pyramids 186.6 XIE19980310.0066 -1 10 years 186.6 APW19981002.1084 -1 1 186.6 XIE20000101.0141 -1 2,000-year 186.6 NYT19991208.0430 -1 000-year-old 186.6 NYT20000429.0165 -1 seven years 186.6 NYT19991019.0279 -1 800-year-old 186.6 NYT19990714.0395 1 4,600-year-old 187.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 187.1 XIE19960716.0301 -1 Brazil 187.1 XIE19990702.0284 1 Peru 187.1 NYT20000908.0336 -1 New Zealand 187.1 XIE19960716.0301 -1 BRAZIL 187.1 XIE19960716.0301 3 southern Peru 187.1 NYT20000616.0263 -1 the main source 187.1 APW20000403.0194 -1 Carhuasanta 187.1 XIE19991128.0163 2 Peru 187.1 XIE19971010.0232 2 Peru 187.1 APW19980614.0544 -1 Brazil 187.1 NYT19990506.0409 1 Peru 187.1 NYT19990114.0328 -1 Brazil 187.1 NYT19990408.0182 -1 El Salvador 187.1 APW19980626.1471 2 Peru 187.1 XIE19960716.0301 1 Peru 187.1 NYT20000617.0038 -1 Brazil 187.1 XIE19970627.0237 2 Peru , Colombia 187.1 NYT19990506.0120 -1 Brazil 187.1 XIE19990702.0284 -1 Cailloma 187.1 APW20000403.0194 -1 Brazil 187.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 187.2 XIE19960716.0301 2 Brazil 187.2 NYT19980727.0304 -1 North America 187.2 NYT19990805.0376 2 Brazil 187.2 NYT20000908.0336 -1 New Zealand 187.2 XIE19970123.0211 -1 Peru 187.2 APW19990616.0178 1 BRAZIL 187.2 XIE19990702.0284 -1 Peru 187.2 APW19990616.0261 1 Brazil 187.2 APW19990616.0178 1 Brazil 187.2 APW19980614.0544 2 Brazil 187.2 NYT19990114.0328 2 BRAZIL 187.2 XIE20000717.0012 -1 Peru 187.2 NYT19990114.0328 2 Brazil 187.2 APW19980626.1471 -1 Colombia 187.2 XIE19991103.0309 -1 Peru 187.2 NYT20000617.0038 2 Brazil 187.2 XIE19970627.0237 -1 Peru , Colombia 187.2 NYT19990326.0051 -1 Albuquerque 187.2 NYT19990713.0081 -1 million 187.2 NYT19991126.0238 -1 This 187.2 XIE19990702.0284 -1 Cailloma 187.2 APW19981030.0988 -1 Papua New Guinea 187.2 NYT20000616.0258 2 BRAZIL 187.2 NYT19980727.0304 -1 man 187.2 APW20000403.0194 2 Brazil 187.2 NYT19990713.0081 2 Brazil 187.2 XIE19960117.0097 -1 China 187.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 187.3 APW19981215.0583 -1 350 kilometers 187.3 APW19990616.0261 -1 two years 187.3 XIE19960716.0301 1 6,500 kilometers 187.3 NYT20000115.0158 2 4000 miles 187.3 NYT19991124.0166 1 4000 MILES 187.3 XIE19960716.0301 -1 3,165 km 187.3 XIE19960716.0301 1 6,500 kilometers long 187.3 NYT19990805.0376 -1 On 187.3 XIE19990702.0284 -1 one 187.3 NYT19991222.0187 -1 five or six years 187.3 APW19980614.0544 -1 9-foot 187.3 NYT19980826.0088 -1 3,915 miles 187.3 XIE19970604.0143 -1 1,400 km 187.3 NYT19980826.0090 -1 4,145 miles 187.3 APW19990523.0106 -1 17 187.3 XIE19960716.0301 -1 15 187.3 XIE19960716.0301 3 6,500 187.3 NYT20000820.0172 -1 No one 187.3 XIE19971101.0137 -1 6,300 kilometers 187.3 NYT20000115.0158 -1 bare bone 187.3 NYT20000807.0248 -1 80 miles 187.3 APW19990523.0106 -1 620 miles 187.3 XIE20000315.0130 -1 million square kilometers 187.3 XIE19970627.0237 -1 million 187.3 XIE19991128.0163 -1 Two 187.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 187.5 XIE19970627.0237 1 Andes 187.5 NYT19990818.0293 -1 Palmapampa 187.5 NYT20000908.0336 -1 New Zealand 187.5 XIE19970627.0237 1 ANDES 187.5 XIE19990702.0284 -1 LIMA 187.5 XIE19970627.0237 -1 Brazil 187.5 XIE19970627.0237 -1 mountain 187.5 XIE20000717.0012 -1 Peru 187.5 NYT19990329.0281 -1 Amazon River basin 187.5 XIE19970627.0237 -1 Peru 187.5 APW19980626.1471 -1 Peru 187.5 XIE20000315.0130 -1 South America 187.5 APW19980731.1252 -1 5757 187.5 XIE19990605.0196 -1 Tanggula Mountain Range 187.5 NYT20000616.0263 -1 Rome 187.5 NYT19990329.0415 -1 company 187.5 XIE19970627.0237 -1 Bolivia 187.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 187.6 XIE19990702.0284 1 Carhuasanta River 187.6 NYT19990506.0409 -1 Peru 187.6 XIE19991128.0163 -1 Peruvian Foreign Ministry 187.6 APW20000403.0194 -1 Peruvian Andes 187.6 APW19990422.0136 -1 BASIN 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 to the Amazon 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 LIMA 187.6 APW20000422.0053 -1 Manicore 187.6 APW19980603.0712 -1 Hmongs 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 Amazon River 187.6 XIE19970627.0237 -1 Amazon River 187.6 NYT19990915.0387 -1 European 187.6 NYT20000302.0085 -1 Amazon River basin 187.6 XIE19970611.0069 -1 Yang 187.6 NYT19981125.0194 -1 the largest, most powerful river of the world 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 longest 187.6 NYT19981125.0194 -1 the largest , most powerful river of the world 187.6 APW19980608.0944 -1 South America 187.6 NYT20000616.0258 -1 guarana 187.6 XIE19960409.0032 -1 American 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 15 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 southern Peru 187.6 XIE19960716.0301 -1 An expedition 187.6 NYT19990506.0413 -1 Peru 187.6 NYT19990506.0409 -1 Strong 187.6 NYT19990506.0118 -1 Peter Strong 187.6 NYT19991101.0285 -1 Brazilian 187.6 NYT19991019.0200 -1 dolphin 187.6 XIE19990702.0284 -1 Amazon 187.6 NYT19981122.0191 -1 company 187.6 NYT19990506.0120 -1 the party 187.6 XIE19970815.0207 -1 LIMA 188.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 188.1 XIE19971218.0186 1 California 188.1 XIE19991118.0219 -1 Botswana 188.1 APW19990117.0079 -1 Florida 188.1 NYT19990520.0061 -1 MO 188.1 APW19990117.0079 2 California 188.1 XIE19971107.0261 -1 MEXICO 188.1 XIE19971218.0186 1 CALIFORNIA 188.1 APW19990117.0079 -1 United States 188.1 NYT19990924.0282 -1 Colombia 188.1 NYT19990804.0209 2 California 188.1 NYT20000905.0148 2 California 188.1 XIE19970821.0274 -1 China 188.1 XIE19971107.0261 -1 Mexico 188.1 XIE19971218.0186 -1 Mexico 188.1 APW19980616.1624 -1 New Zealand 188.1 NYT19980812.0216 -1 Grill 188.1 APW20000505.0036 -1 Burbank 188.1 APW19990117.0079 -1 USDA 188.1 NYT20000811.0205 -1 Tasmania 188.1 APW20000505.0036 2 California 188.1 XIE19971107.0261 -1 MEXICO CITY 188.1 XIE19960313.0240 2 California 188.1 APW20000216.0044 -1 Washington 188.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 -1 high 188.2 NYT19990822.0197 -1 color 188.2 NYT19990419.0255 -1 fats 188.2 NYT19990502.0011 -1 OVERWEIGHT WAS BAD ENOUGH 188.2 NYT19980630.0187 -1 canola oil 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 -1 MONOUNSATURATED FAT 188.2 APW19990117.0079 -1 Inspector Hopes To Nab Smugglers ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- Nick Porzio 188.2 NYT20000801.0148 -1 the milk-fat content 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 3 hefty 20 percent 188.2 NYT19990804.0205 -1 10 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 -1 10 188.2 NYT19980615.0314 -1 monounsaturated 188.2 NYT20000323.0345 -1 carbohydrate 188.2 NYT19991220.0231 -1 lowering fat 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 -1 avocado's high fat content 188.2 NYT19991220.0231 -1 don 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 -1 ten 188.2 NYT20000207.0260 -1 people 188.2 NYT20000323.0347 -1 either carbohydrates or protein supplies 4 calories 188.2 NYT19980805.0204 -1 21 grams 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 1 20 percent 188.2 NYT19990608.0312 -1 chicken 188.2 APW19990117.0079 -1 Mexican 188.2 NYT19980707.0177 -1 For instance, in the section on avocados (which Peterson acknowledges are 188.2 NYT20000905.0148 -1 olive oils 188.2 NYT19980805.0218 -1 calories 188.2 NYT20000229.0227 -1 avocado 188.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 188.5 APW19990312.0242 -1 1930s 188.5 XIE19971107.0261 -1 1997 188.5 NYT19990527.0062 -1 1991 188.5 NYT19990402.0086 -1 November 188.5 NYT19991015.0060 -1 1999 188.5 NYT19990901.0140 -1 LATER 188.5 XIE19971218.0186 -1 MEXICO 188.5 XIE19971218.0186 -1 1987 188.5 XIE19971218.0186 -1 83 188.5 NYT19990129.0264 -1 the years 188.5 APW19990302.0247 -1 1997 188.5 NYT19990105.0393 -1 5 1999 188.5 APW19990117.0079 -1 December 188.5 NYT20000125.0120 -1 1967 188.5 NYT20000914.0100 -1 2000 188.5 APW19990519.0222 -1 this year 188.5 APW19990117.0079 -1 19 188.5 NYT19981026.0122 -1 garden 188.5 XIE19971218.0186 -1 1997 188.5 APW19990302.0247 -1 December 188.5 XIE19971107.0261 -1 November 5, 1997 188.5 XIE19971107.0261 -1 the end of 1997 188.5 XIE19971107.0261 -1 November 5 188.5 NYT20000229.0227 -1 places 188.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 188.6 XIE19980311.0213 -1 pests 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 Gray Davis 188.6 NYT19980616.0183 -1 Tabasco 188.6 NYT19991230.0005 -1 Theo 188.6 NYT19980810.0025 -1 IN NEW JERSEY 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 citrus 188.6 NYT19990710.0085 1 THRIPS 188.6 APW19990117.0079 -1 PESTS 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 peaches 188.6 XIE19960402.0248 -1 alien 188.6 XIE19971107.0261 -1 Mexican 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 citrus fruit 188.6 NYT19990710.0085 -1 Alan Jennings 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 dozens 188.6 NYT19990710.0085 -1 Pest Detection Emergency Protection division 188.6 APW20000505.0036 -1 Americans 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 dozens of other crops 188.6 NYT19991003.1015 -1 California 188.6 APW20000323.0261 -1 ten 188.6 NYT19980812.0216 -1 What wine 188.6 NYT19990710.0087 -1 Agriculture 188.6 NYT19990710.0087 -1 Jennings 188.6 APW19990117.0079 1 weevil 188.6 NYT19990710.0085 -1 Detection Emergency Protection 188.6 APW19990117.0079 -1 Mexican 188.6 NYT19990710.0085 1 thrips 188.6 APW20000323.0261 1 sharpshooter 189.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 189.2 NYT20000709.0075 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 APW20000203.0306 -1 Kathleen Clarey 189.2 NYT20000703.0167 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 APW19981128.0835 -1 JK Rowling 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 J.K. ROWLING 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 JK ROWLING 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 HARRY POTTER 189.2 APW19990709.0137 -1 Harry 189.2 NYT20000709.0075 1 Bloomsbury 189.2 APW19981128.0835 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 NYT19990308.0200 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 NYT20000621.0047 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 APW19981128.0835 -1 Rowling 189.2 NYT20000703.0167 -1 Rowling 189.2 APW20000706.0157 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 NYT20000703.0167 -1 the first Potter book 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Rowling 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Arthur A. Levine 189.2 NYT20000112.0203 -1 555 Broadway 189.2 NYT19990908.0087 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 NYT19990922.0287 -1 Harry Potter 189.2 NYT20000703.0167 -1 J. K. 189.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 189.3 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Chipping Sodbury 189.3 NYT20000112.0203 -1 $10 189.3 NYT20000926.0454 -1 $27 million 189.3 APW20000706.0157 -1 5 189.3 NYT19990705.0190 -1 1965 189.3 XIE19990227.0098 -1 JK 189.3 NYT20000112.0203 -1 A LITTLE MAGIC TOUCHED J.K. ROWLING Q:.MDNM/ Where can I write 189.3 NYT20000709.0075 -1 3 189.3 NYT19991102.0396 -1 $99 189.3 NYT20000227.0101 -1 first time 189.3 NYT19981216.0286 -1 grandkids 189.3 APW20000324.0070 -1 Avon 189.3 APW20000310.0106 -1 Avon 189.3 NYT19990211.0153 -1 $14 189.3 NYT20000709.0075 -1 $ 22 million-plus 189.3 NYT20000703.0167 -1 Harry Potter 189.3 APW19990709.0137 -1 $ 1 million 189.3 NYT20000709.0075 -1 all four Harry Potter books 189.3 NYT20000311.0259 -1 $5 189.3 NYT20000112.0203 -1 555 189.3 NYT19990908.0164 -1 seven- 189.3 NYT20000703.0167 -1 21 million 189.3 NYT20000112.0203 -1 A:.MDNM/ Write to Joanne Kathleen Rowling in care of Arthur A. 189.3 NYT19990908.0087 -1 two 189.3 NYT19991012.0289 1 $100,000 189.3 NYT19991017.0067 -1 dozen 189.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 189.4 APW19990320.0106 -1 1965 189.4 NYT19990705.0190 -1 1975 189.4 APW19990709.0137 -1 1997 189.4 NYT20000112.0203 4 1993 189.4 NYT20000703.0167 -1 1998 189.4 NYT19991107.0194 -1 1965 189.4 NYT19991123.0044 1 1990 189.4 APW20000708.0075 -1 Potter 189.4 NYT19991022.0057 -1 1999 189.4 APW19981128.0835 -1 2000 189.4 NYT20000112.0203 -1 10012 189.4 NYT20000713.0070 -1 July 189.4 NYT20000621.0025 -1 2001 189.4 NYT20000705.0270 -1 Saturday 189.4 APW20000706.0157 -1 1995 189.4 NYT20000616.0397 -1 2000 189.4 APW19981128.0835 -1 Rowling 189.4 APW19990709.0137 -1 third 189.4 APW19990709.0137 -1 second 189.4 APW20000706.0157 -1 1995 , 189.4 NYT19991017.0067 -1 1997 189.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 189.5 NYT20000526.0208 -1 "Sparky" 189.5 APW20000125.0239 1 "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" 189.5 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Huey Lewis 189.5 APW19981222.0801 -1 GKN 189.5 NYT19990520.0360 -1 1997 189.5 NYT19990628.0148 -1 1999 189.5 XIE19990227.0098 -1 WHITBREADS 189.5 APW20000125.0239 -1 Four years ago 189.5 NYT19990623.0418 -1 British 189.5 APW20000125.0239 1 ``Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.'' 189.5 NYT20000227.0101 -1 Association of American Publishers 189.5 NYT20000823.0368 -1 North Carolina author 189.5 NYT20000112.0203 -1 care of Arthur A. Levine Books 189.5 APW20000125.0239 1 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 189.5 NYT19980803.0026 -1 2001 189.5 APW19990709.0137 -1 1997 189.5 APW19990709.0137 -1 immediate 189.5 APW20000125.0239 -1 her novels 189.5 APW20000125.0239 -1 J.K. 189.5 NYT19990308.0200 -1 Sweeney 189.5 NYT19991117.0069 -1 1947 189.5 APW20000125.0239 -1 wizard Harry Potter 189.5 APW20000125.0239 -1 Harry Potter 189.5 NYT19990606.0033 -1 Bradley 189.5 NYT19990331.0499 -1 United 189.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 1 Chipping Sodbury 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 -1 New York 189.6 NYT20000621.0047 -1 New York 189.6 APW19990709.0137 -1 EDINBURGH 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 1 CHIPPING SODBURY ENGLAND 189.6 NYT19980603.0215 -1 Cambridge 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Books 189.6 NYT20000621.0050 -1 British 189.6 APW19981128.0835 -1 NEW YORK 189.6 NYT20000724.0450 -1 London 189.6 APW19981128.0835 -1 United States 189.6 NYT19991026.0027 -1 Ventura 189.6 NYT19990125.0257 -1 Joanne 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Edinburgh 189.6 NYT20000708.0106 -1 England 189.6 NYT20000621.0025 -1 San Francisco 189.6 APW19981128.0835 -1 Portugal 189.6 APW19981128.0835 -1 the United States 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Texas 189.6 NYT20000112.0203 -1 New York, NY 189.6 NYT20000710.0217 -1 England 189.6 NYT20000709.0075 -1 Britain 189.6 NYT20000724.0450 -1 Potter 189.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 189.7 APW20000815.0122 1 Edinburgh 189.7 APW19980614.0897 -1 Milan 189.7 APW20000815.0133 1 Edinburgh 189.7 NYT20000112.0203 -1 New York 189.7 APW20000706.0157 1 Edinburgh 189.7 APW19990709.0137 2 EDINBURGH SCOTLAND 189.7 NYT20000112.0203 -1 YORK CITY 189.7 NYT20000112.0203 -1 HARRY 189.7 NYT20000112.0203 -1 Write 189.7 APW19981128.0835 -1 NEW YORK 189.7 APW19981128.0835 -1 United States 189.7 NYT20000403.0355 -1 Washington 189.7 APW20000310.0106 -1 Random House 189.7 NYT20000112.0203 2 Edinburgh 189.7 APW19980811.1352 -1 England 189.7 NYT19991026.0027 -1 they 189.7 APW19981128.0835 -1 Portugal 189.7 APW19981128.0835 -1 first 189.7 NYT20000703.0167 -1 the United States 189.7 NYT20000709.0075 -1 Britain 189.7 APW20000815.0122 1 Edinburgh, Scotland 189.7 NYT19990308.0200 -1 London 189.7 NYT19990628.0148 -1 Potter 189.7 APW20000706.0157 1 EDINBURGH 190.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 190.1 NYT19990729.0174 2 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT19980616.0049 -1 Washington 190.1 APW20000228.0170 1 Pittsburgh 190.1 XIE19991203.0005 -1 Basel 190.1 NYT19981209.0373 -1 London 190.1 APW20000320.0242 1 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT20000828.0375 2 PITTSBURGH PENNSYLVANIA 190.1 NYT20000828.0375 2 PITTSBURGH 190.1 APW19991004.0055 2 Pittsburgh 190.1 APW19990615.0036 -1 AP 190.1 APW19991004.0217 2 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT20000829.0182 2 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT19990216.0318 1 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT19991009.0178 -1 New York 190.1 APW19990615.0036 2 PITTSBURGH 190.1 APW20000228.0122 -1 Heinz 190.1 APW20000228.0122 -1 addition to Milnot's baby food business 190.1 APW19991004.0055 2 PITTSBURGH 190.1 NYT19990331.0333 -1 Los Angeles 190.1 NYT19990505.0503 1 Pittsburgh 190.1 APW20000320.0242 -1 Boston 190.1 NYT20000904.0255 2 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT19990201.0192 1 Pittsburgh 190.1 NYT20000615.0327 -1 Paris 190.1 APW19991004.0217 2 PITTSBURGH 190.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 190.2 APW19990527.0266 2 Johnson 190.2 NYT19991019.0223 -1 Schimberg 190.2 NYT19990217.0419 1 William R. Johnson 190.2 NYT20000314.0371 -1 Bob Knowling 190.2 APW20000228.0174 -1 Milnot Holding Corp 190.2 NYT19990217.0419 1 MR. JOHNSON 190.2 NYT19990217.0419 -1 HJ HEINZ 190.2 NYT19980804.0035 3 CEO JOHNSON 190.2 NYT19981226.0164 -1 Ian J. McCarthy 190.2 APW20000228.0174 2 William R. Johnson 190.2 APW19991004.0217 -1 Heinz 190.2 APW19990927.0172 -1 Heinz 190.2 NYT19990505.0503 1 Johnson 190.2 APW20000228.0122 2 William R. Johnson 190.2 NYT20000302.0465 -1 O'Leary 190.2 APW19990308.0303 -1 Mary E. Junck 190.2 NYT19981207.0329 -1 Kerry 190.2 NYT20000904.0255 -1 1998, 190.2 APW19990928.0146 -1 Jose Carlos Villares 190.2 NYT19981106.0317 1 William Johnson 190.2 APW19991004.0217 2 William Johnson 190.2 APW19991011.0053 -1 Corp 190.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 190.3 APW19990612.0106 -1 John Kerry 190.3 APW19990305.0247 -1 J. Peterman Co. 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 3 Sen. John Heinz R-Pa 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 -1 Lower Merion Township 190.3 NYT19990425.0128 -1 AFRICA 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 -1 HJ HEINZ 190.3 NYT19980906.0100 -1 HJ 190.3 NYT19990604.0078 -1 the heir 190.3 NYT19991103.0078 -1 Teresa Heinz 190.3 APW19991004.0217 2 Heinz 190.3 APW19990927.0172 2 Heinz 190.3 NYT20000119.0113 -1 rust 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 -1 Teresa Heinz 190.3 NYT19990915.0386 -1 Charles R. Shoemate 190.3 APW19990612.0106 -1 Teresa Heinz 190.3 NYT19990415.0469 -1 Martin Robbins 190.3 NYT19990821.0005 -1 R.J. Reynolds 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 -1 4, 1991, 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 1 John Heinz 190.3 APW19990612.0106 -1 Sen. John Kerry 190.3 NYT19991103.0076 1 Sen. John Heinz 190.3 NYT19990217.0419 -1 William R. Johnson 190.3 NYT19990105.0390 -1 Iraq 190.3 NYT19990217.0419 -1 Weight Watchers 190.3 XIE19990521.0154 -1 1993 190.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 190.4 NYT19990303.0268 1 1876 190.4 NYT20000627.0130 -1 1999 190.4 NYT19980908.0438 -1 1998 190.4 NYT19981018.0249 -1 1994-1995 190.4 NYT20000414.0312 -1 six years ago 190.4 NYT19990722.0381 -1 This year 190.4 NYT20000709.0046 -1 Monday 190.4 NYT20000717.0054 -1 2000 190.4 NYT20000709.0046 -1 2000 190.4 XIE19970318.0226 -1 1997 190.4 APW20000309.0186 -1 Jan. 26 190.4 NYT19981130.0078 -1 1960 190.4 NYT19990901.0198 -1 1960 190.4 NYT20000414.0312 -1 1994 190.4 NYT20000923.0028 -1 2003 190.4 APW20000228.0170 -1 today, it earned $1.6 billion , or $1.60 a share , excluding one-time charges and gains in the last three months of 1999 compared to $1.21 billion , or 61 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. 190.4 APW19990915.0127 -1 Ida 190.4 APW19990915.0245 -1 second 190.4 APW19990615.0036 -1 the company 190.4 NYT19980908.0438 -1 Weight Watchers Gourmet Food Co. 190.4 APW19990908.0198 -1 September 8, 1999 190.4 APW19990217.0092 -1 1978 190.4 APW19990915.0245 -1 2004 190.4 NYT20000406.0286 -1 1967 190.4 APW19990217.0092 -1 food 190.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 190.5 NYT19980607.0053 -1 HJ 190.5 NYT19990218.0161 1 cancer 190.5 APW19990722.0022 -1 Weight Watchers 190.5 APW19990615.0036 -1 FOOD 190.5 NYT19990201.0192 -1 HJ HEINZ 190.5 APW19990615.0036 -1 Heinz Profit Up Before Restructuring PITTSBURGH (AP) -- H. J. Heinz 190.5 NYT19980908.0438 -1 Dorland 190.5 NYT19990201.0192 1 cancer 190.5 NYT20000829.0182 -1 Pittsburgh 190.5 NYT19990201.0192 -1 a purified form of the supposed preventive substance 190.5 NYT19990218.0161 -1 coronary heart disease 190.5 APW19990615.0036 -1 four 190.5 APW19990615.0036 -1 fourth 190.5 NYT19990505.0503 -1 He 190.5 NYT19990218.0161 -1 heart attack 190.5 NYT20000406.0286 -1 death 190.5 NYT19991103.0078 -1 A: Teresa Heinz is the widow of Sen. John Heinz (R-Pa.), 190.5 NYT19990218.0161 3 lycopene prevents cancer 190.5 NYT19990217.0419 -1 food 191.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 191.1 XIE20000716.0012 1 FISA 191.1 APW20000420.0051 -1 100 percent 191.1 APW19980725.0321 -1 Falcon Crest 191.1 NYT20000720.0029 -1 All I 191.1 APW19981223.1149 -1 World Cup Regatta 191.1 XIE19991125.0284 -1 BRITISH 191.1 APW19981223.0334 1 FISA 191.1 XIE19980530.0082 4 IRF 191.1 XIE19970216.0069 1 FISA 191.1 XIE19980530.0082 -1 Lucerne 191.1 XIE19970901.0135 1 FISA 191.1 XIE19970901.0135 3 International Rowing Federation FISA 191.1 XIE19960825.0040 -1 Xinhua 191.1 XIE19980530.0082 -1 World Cup 191.1 XIE20000716.0177 1 FISA 191.1 XIE19990704.0085 -1 Dragon Paddlers 191.1 XIE20000717.0266 1 FISA 191.1 XIE19991118.0004 -1 United Nations 191.1 APW19981223.0334 -1 1999 191.1 APW19981223.0334 -1 first 191.1 APW20000908.0152 -1 Garnjost 191.1 XIE20000717.0275 1 FISA 191.1 XIE20000717.0266 -1 World Cup 191.1 APW19981223.1149 1 FISA 191.1 XIE19970901.0135 -1 rowers 191.1 XIE20000223.0107 -1 Olympic 191.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 191.2 XIE20000716.0177 1 1997 191.2 XIE19981224.0213 -1 May 191.2 XIE19971119.0067 -1 1990 191.2 XIE19970510.0103 -1 Jan 191.2 XIE19981224.0213 -1 1999 191.2 NYT19981024.0178 -1 1976 191.2 APW19981223.0334 -1 FISA 191.2 XIE19970831.0133 -1 1962 191.2 XIE19980530.0082 -1 1999 191.2 NYT19991023.0213 2 1997 191.2 NYT20000401.0262 -1 2004 191.2 NYT20000705.0102 -1 2000 191.2 XIE19981224.0213 -1 May 28 191.2 NYT19990308.0301 -1 2006 191.2 APW19981223.1149 -1 Wednesday 191.2 XIE19980530.0082 -1 Munich 191.2 APW19981223.1149 -1 1999 191.2 XIE19970421.0051 -1 Monday 191.2 APW20000908.0152 -1 1983 191.2 XIE19990402.0034 -1 from April 3 to 24 191.2 XIE19980530.0082 -1 the 1999 191.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 191.3 XIE19990620.0031 -1 New Zealand 191.3 XIE19981218.0066 -1 China 191.3 XIE19990731.0148 -1 Cuba 191.3 APW19981223.0334 2 Germany 191.3 APW19981223.0334 2 GERMANY 191.3 XIE19970421.0051 2 Germany 191.3 XIE20000717.0266 -1 Switzerland 191.3 XIE20000716.0177 1 Germany 191.3 XIE19980530.0082 2 Germany 191.3 APW19981218.0301 -1 Japan 191.3 XIE20000716.0177 3 Xinhua - Germany 191.3 APW20000716.0081 1 Germany 191.3 XIE19990620.0031 2 Germany 191.3 XIE20000717.0266 -1 FISA 191.3 APW19981223.0334 -1 Munich 191.3 XIE19980530.0082 -1 1999 191.3 APW19981223.1149 2 Germany 191.3 XIE20000716.0177 -1 Switzerland 191.3 APW20000908.0152 -1 Taiwan 191.3 XIE20000717.0266 1 Germany 191.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 191.5 XIE19970831.0133 1 Denis Oswald 191.5 XIE19970716.0213 -1 Milosevic 191.5 XIE20000223.0107 2 Denis Oswald 191.5 NYT19981013.0309 -1 Charles River 191.5 NYT19990101.0187 -1 Mario Cuomo 191.5 XIE20000223.0107 -1 Olympic Association 191.5 XIE19970831.0133 1 DENIS OSWALD 191.5 XIE19970831.0133 -1 FISA 191.5 XIE20000223.0107 2 Oswald 191.5 XIE19970831.0133 1 Oswald 191.5 XIE20000911.0143 2 Denis Oswald 191.5 XIE19970521.0132 -1 Lu Shengrong 191.5 XIE19990704.0085 -1 Dragon Paddlers 191.5 APW20000307.0048 -1 Bush 191.5 XIE19990326.0250 -1 Bulgarian Federation and its President Valentin Zayakov 191.5 XIE20000223.0107 -1 18 191.5 XIE20000223.0107 -1 secret ballot in Lausanne, headqaurters of the International Olympic Committee 191.5 XIE20000223.0107 -1 Premio Nebiolo 191.5 XIE20000717.0275 -1 Games 191.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 191.6 XIE19970901.0135 -1 14 191.6 NYT20000621.0110 -1 one 191.6 NYT19980624.0557 -1 18 191.6 XIE20000920.0394 -1 7 191.6 XIE19980308.0210 -1 16 191.6 XIE20000716.0177 -1 100 191.6 XIE20000815.0116 -1 28 191.6 XIE20000717.0266 -1 EIGHT 191.6 XIE19970421.0051 -1 14 191.6 APW19981001.0008 -1 100 191.6 XIE19980728.0104 -1 one 191.6 XIE19970216.0069 -1 50 191.6 APW19981030.0617 -1 12 191.6 XIE20000717.0266 -1 2000 meters 191.6 NYT20000920.0049 -1 eight 191.6 XIE20000716.0178 -1 double 191.6 XIE20000717.0275 -1 double 191.6 XIE20000716.0177 -1 fourteen 191.6 NYT20000920.0049 -1 five 191.6 NYT20000401.0262 -1 2004 191.6 APW20000420.0051 -1 28 191.6 XIE19970216.0069 -1 16 191.6 XIE20000716.0177 -1 five 191.6 NYT20000919.0339 -1 6 191.6 XIE20000717.0275 -1 lightweight double sculls 191.6 XIE19980524.0013 -1 23 191.6 APW19990529.0063 -1 five million 191.6 XIE19970901.0135 -1 10 191.6 NYT20000922.0236 -1 3 191.6 XIE19970216.0069 -1 550 192.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 192.1 APW19981111.0420 -1 exploratory talks 192.1 APW19980917.0664 -1 Nationalist Party 192.1 APW19980625.0532 -1 separatist group 192.1 APW19980623.0642 3 HOMELAND 192.1 NYT19990217.0337 -1 ASKATASUNA 192.1 APW19981221.1168 -1 Basque-language 192.1 APW19981111.0420 1 Basque Homeland and Freedom 192.1 APW19980902.0493 1 Basque Homeland and Freedom 192.1 APW20000812.0081 -1 Police 192.1 APW19980906.0560 3 Homeland 192.1 APW20000905.0019 -1 campaign 192.1 APW19980906.0560 -1 Basque extremist group ETA 192.1 NYT19981011.0210 -1 Adams 192.1 APW19980610.0851 -1 1968 192.1 APW19980916.1195 -1 MADRID 192.1 APW19981210.0301 -1 separatist group 192.1 APW19981210.0721 1 Basque Homeland and Liberty 192.1 APW19981103.0734 -1 Aznar 192.1 APW19980924.0473 3 Homeland 192.1 APW19980917.0550 3 Basque language initials for Basque Homeland and Freedom 192.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 192.2 APW19980625.0391 -1 30 192.2 XIE20000810.0313 1 800 192.2 NYT20000605.0402 -1 five 192.2 XIE19990311.0001 1 800 people 192.2 APW19980623.0642 1 800 192.2 APW19980623.0642 -1 ETA claims responsibility for two murders MADRID, Spain (AP) _ The 192.2 APW20000915.0123 1 800 192.2 APW20000915.0123 1 800 people 192.2 APW19980916.1015 1 800 192.2 APW19980909.1101 1 800 192.2 APW19980715.0163 1 800 people 192.2 APW19980627.0713 -1 two 192.2 APW19980903.0647 1 800 192.2 APW19980710.0900 1 800 192.2 APW20000712.0120 1 800 192.2 APW19980918.0417 1 nearly 800 people 192.2 APW19981025.0315 -1 1968 192.2 APW19981025.0315 1 800 192.2 APW19981105.0174 -1 30 years 192.2 APW19980710.0710 1 800 192.2 APW19981229.1117 1 800 192.2 APW19980917.0550 -1 Popular Party 192.2 APW19980625.0274 -1 Homeland 192.2 APW20000904.0105 -1 ETA, a Basque-language acronym for Basque Homeland and Freedom, demands the 192.2 APW20000905.0019 -1 Aznar embraced Indiano 192.2 APW19981229.0819 1 800 people 192.2 XIE20000224.0194 -1 two 192.2 APW19980905.0360 -1 Basque 192.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 192.4 APW19981025.1030 -1 1994 192.4 NYT19991128.0036 1 Sept. 16 192.4 APW19981015.0288 4 Sept. 18 192.4 APW19980905.0360 -1 June 25 192.4 APW19981005.0169 -1 1968 192.4 APW20000313.0017 -1 SEPARATIST GROUP ETA 192.4 APW20000312.0046 3 SEPTEMBER 1998 192.4 APW19981112.0863 4 Sept. 18 192.4 APW19981028.0504 -1 Basque 192.4 APW19981105.0274 3 mid-September 192.4 NYT19990630.0309 -1 1998 192.4 XIE19970722.0144 -1 1998 192.4 XIE19990311.0001 -1 March 10 192.4 APW19981028.0932 4 Sept. 18 192.4 APW19980917.0153 -1 1996 192.4 APW19980917.0153 -1 1989 192.4 APW20000313.0017 -1 Oct. 16 192.4 APW19980917.0550 -1 June 25 192.4 XIE19980131.0058 -1 1997 192.4 APW19981028.0210 -1 BBC 192.4 APW19981028.0210 -1 two 192.4 APW19981028.0971 -1 the separatist group 192.4 APW20000121.0184 3 September 192.4 APW19980916.1243 1 September 16 192.4 APW19980919.0283 -1 1968 192.4 APW20000312.0046 3 September 1998 192.4 APW19980905.0360 -1 1998 192.4 NYT20000921.0008 -1 2000 192.4 APW19981210.0721 -1 30 years 192.4 NYT19990814.0126 -1 1968 192.4 APW20000121.0184 -1 thousands 192.4 NYT20000921.0008 -1 1998 192.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 192.5 NYT20000121.0232 3 September 1998 192.5 APW19981005.0855 1 Sept. 18 192.5 APW19981005.0531 1 Sept 18 192.5 APW20000109.0051 3 September 1998 192.5 APW19980917.1213 -1 MIDNIGHT 192.5 NYT19990604.0272 -1 MARCH 22 192.5 APW19981005.0486 -1 1968 192.5 APW19981112.0863 1 Sept. 18 192.5 XIE19971008.0025 -1 the date 192.5 APW19981005.0486 1 Sept 18 192.5 APW19981112.0863 -1 1968 192.5 APW19980625.0240 -1 1968 192.5 XIE19990311.0001 -1 March 10 192.5 APW19980917.0550 -1 Oct. 25 192.5 APW19980916.1243 3 Friday 192.5 APW19980917.0333 3 Friday 192.5 APW20000101.0099 -1 1968 192.5 NYT20000122.0003 -1 1998 192.5 APW19980918.0417 3 Friday 192.5 NYT19981103.0252 -1 first 192.5 APW19981024.0480 -1 september 19, 1998 192.5 APW19981024.0360 -1 The big question mark 192.5 APW19981210.0396 1 Sept. 18 192.5 APW19980917.0153 -1 northern Spain 192.5 APW19981112.0190 1 Sept. 18 192.5 APW19980919.0283 -1 1968 192.5 APW19981028.0645 3 Sept. 18, five weeks 192.5 APW19981026.0339 -1 1968 192.5 APW20000109.0051 -1 1998-09 192.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 192.6 APW19981112.0863 -1 Sept. 18 192.6 APW19981103.0982 -1 1989 192.6 APW19980917.0550 -1 GROUP ETA 192.6 APW19981028.0504 -1 Wednesday 192.6 APW20000121.0184 3 last month 192.6 APW19981112.0863 -1 1968 192.6 APW19980625.0240 -1 1968 192.6 APW20000312.0046 -1 1998 192.6 XIE19960220.0123 -1 February 19 192.6 APW19981028.0932 -1 Sept. 18 192.6 APW19980921.1108 -1 truce 192.6 NYT19981025.0181 -1 September 16 192.6 APW19981005.0855 -1 Sept. 18 192.6 APW19981103.0938 -1 2000 192.6 APW19981005.0169 -1 northern Basque 192.6 APW19981005.0169 -1 three 192.6 NYT19981103.0252 -1 september 22, 1998 192.6 APW19980917.0153 -1 control 192.6 APW19981210.0396 -1 Sept. 18 192.6 APW19980917.0926 -1 Thursday 192.6 NYT19991128.0036 1 November 28, 1999 192.6 APW19981104.0455 -1 1968 192.6 APW19981210.0721 -1 30 years 192.6 APW19981229.0819 -1 800 192.6 APW19980917.0153 -1 other political groups 192.6 APW19980917.0926 -1 1960s 193.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 193.1 XIE19991014.0021 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19981016.0158 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19981117.0059 -1 Kuito 193.1 XIE20000131.0195 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19990205.0247 -1 FAO 193.1 XIE19961028.0227 1 ROME 193.1 XIE19991118.0341 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19970813.0013 -1 Program 193.1 XIE19990211.0005 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19980210.0234 2 ROME 193.1 XIE19960906.0236 1 Rome 193.1 APW19980724.0823 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19990523.0056 1 Rome 193.1 XIE19980203.0047 -1 Mombasa 193.1 XIE19971018.0130 -1 Food 193.1 XIE19991014.0021 -1 Djibouti 193.1 XIE19970920.0032 -1 Angola 193.1 XIE19970920.0032 -1 first 193.1 XIE19990722.0060 -1 .2 193.1 XIE19990527.0088 1 Rome, Italy 193.1 XIE19980215.0078 -1 Freetown 193.1 XIE19991023.0141 -1 BELGRADE 193.1 XIE20000908.0248 -1 Bangladesh 193.1 XIE20000429.0022 -1 MAPUTO 193.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 193.2 XIE20000201.0313 1 1963 193.2 XIE19970202.0117 -1 December 1996 193.2 XIE19990424.0034 -1 1998 193.2 XIE19970314.0060 -1 May 193.2 XIE19961108.0044 -1 November 7 193.2 XIE20000508.0400 1 1963 193.2 XIE20000228.0132 -1 1999 193.2 XIE19990418.0016 -1 April 17 1999 193.2 XIE19980203.0047 -1 1997 193.2 XIE19990821.0016 -1 1998 193.2 XIE19990921.0219 2 1963 193.2 XIE19980608.0239 -1 1000 193.2 XIE20000602.0235 -1 2001-2005 193.2 XIE20000904.0059 -1 2001 193.2 XIE19991129.0024 -1 2001 193.2 XIE20000303.0099 -1 1999 193.2 XIE19971018.0130 -1 October 18, 1997 193.2 XIE19990514.0111 -1 1999 193.2 XIE19980324.0047 -1 Monday 193.2 XIE19960824.0016 -1 1995 193.2 XIE19960824.0016 -1 first 193.2 XIE19960904.0068 -1 1995 193.2 XIE20000309.0112 -1 Bangladesh 193.2 XIE19990824.0025 -1 August 23, 1999 193.2 XIE19991026.0102 -1 2001 193.2 XIE19990730.0207 -1 July 30 193.2 XIE19980702.0048 -1 tons 193.2 XIE19990824.0025 -1 1999-08-23 193.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 193.3 APW19980602.0596 -1 UN 193.3 APW19990105.0194 -1 Judith Lewis 193.3 XIE19990418.0016 -1 Michael Jones 193.3 XIE19980214.0014 -1 Catherine Bertini 193.3 XIE19970405.0026 -1 UNICEF Executive 193.3 NYT19990415.0092 -1 MCGOVERN 193.3 XIE19980107.0328 -1 JAMES MORRIS 193.3 XIE19980320.0087 -1 PROGRAMME 193.3 XIE19990810.0226 -1 Chief Executive Director Catherine Bertini 193.3 XIE19991023.0141 -1 a WFP official 193.3 XIE19971213.0033 -1 Irene Lacy 193.3 XIE19971121.0266 -1 Executive Director 193.3 XIE20000603.0033 -1 executive director 193.3 APW19990511.0247 -1 Tun Myat 193.3 XIE19980221.0045 -1 Negasso 193.3 XIE20000913.0034 -1 Xinhua 193.3 XIE20000913.0034 -1 World Food Program 193.3 XIE19990730.0207 -1 Catherine Bertini 193.3 XIE19970318.0069 -1 Catherine Bertini 193.3 XIE20000303.0099 -1 WFP African Bureau Director Mohamed Zejjari 193.3 XIE19970315.0224 -1 Children Organization 193.3 XIE19970315.0224 -1 Jolly Nyeko 193.3 XIE20000602.0235 -1 Half a million poor households 193.3 XIE19980921.0234 -1 Mohammed Zajjari 193.3 XIE19970405.0026 -1 Executive 193.3 XIE19980107.0030 -1 Catherine Bertini 193.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 193.4 XIE19971115.0059 1 Catherine Bertini 193.4 APW19981015.0925 2 Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE19990323.0035 2 Catherine Bertini 193.4 APW19990105.0194 -1 Judith Lewis 193.4 XIE19990418.0016 -1 Michael Jones 193.4 APW19981015.0925 -1 Abby Spring 193.4 XIE19970301.0160 1 Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE19980107.0328 -1 JAMES MORRIS 193.4 XIE19970115.0144 -1 PROGRAMME WFP 193.4 XIE19990810.0226 2 Chief Executive Director Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE19991023.0141 -1 a WFP official 193.4 XIE19970115.0144 -1 Mike Sackett 193.4 XIE19971121.0266 -1 Executive Director 193.4 XIE19990731.0183 2 Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE19980221.0045 -1 Negasso 193.4 XIE20000913.0034 -1 Xinhua 193.4 XIE20000913.0034 -1 World Food Program 193.4 XIE19980326.0210 2 Catherine Bertini 193.4 APW19990511.0247 -1 Food 193.4 XIE19970226.0246 1 Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE19970318.0069 1 Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE20000303.0099 -1 WFP African Bureau Director Mohamed Zejjari 193.4 XIE19970315.0224 -1 Children Organization 193.4 XIE19970315.0224 -1 Jolly Nyeko 193.4 XIE19980107.0030 2 Catherine Bertini 193.4 XIE19981117.0059 -1 Kuito City 193.4 XIE19980921.0234 -1 Mohammed Zajjari 193.4 XIE19970507.0045 1 Catherin Bertini 193.4 XIE19990730.0207 2 Catherine Bertini 193.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 193.5 XIE20000309.0112 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE19990925.0162 -1 Journal 193.5 XIE19990925.0162 -1 U.S. 193.5 XIE19991127.0002 -1 Ethiopia 193.5 XIE19971115.0059 -1 Executive Director Catherine Bertini 193.5 XIE19960723.0127 3 UNITED 193.5 XIE19960723.0127 1 UNITED NATIONS 193.5 XIE19980531.0161 -1 International Fund for Agricultural Development 193.5 XIE19960419.0207 3 Rome-based U.N. 193.5 XIE19980424.0101 1 U.N. 193.5 XIE19990819.0035 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE19990727.0080 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE19981219.0300 3 UN agency 193.5 XIE20000412.0008 -1 United Nations Development Program UNDP 193.5 XIE20000720.0336 -1 situation 193.5 XIE20000720.0336 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE19981114.0203 -1 World Food Program 193.5 XIE19980618.0157 1 U.N. 193.5 XIE19970214.0020 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE19970422.0039 -1 aid organization 193.5 XIE19991014.0021 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE19970408.0125 -1 FAO 193.5 XIE19990321.0001 -1 Europe 's Kosovo Verification Mission 193.5 XIE19980618.0157 1 United Nations 193.5 XIE20000131.0195 3 the United Nations 193.5 XIE19960509.0025 -1 and Agriculture Organization 193.5 XIE19981114.0203 -1 DPRK 193.5 NYT19991219.0274 2 United Nations 193.5 XIE19980716.0085 -1 CIDA 193.5 XIE19990211.0005 3 United Nations World Food Program 193.5 XIE20000308.0039 1 U.N. 193.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 193.6 XIE20000412.0285 -1 34 193.6 XIE19981112.0037 -1 76 193.6 XIE20000303.0099 -1 102 193.6 XIE19971126.0027 -1 700 193.6 XIE19970301.0160 -1 300 million 193.6 XIE19970311.0027 -1 FOOD 193.6 XIE19970311.0027 -1 TONS 193.6 XIE20000602.0235 -1 The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) will continue providing food 193.6 XIE19960221.0064 -1 9,000 193.6 XIE19990120.0037 -1 Program 193.6 XIE20000229.0348 -1 16 193.6 XIE19971121.0063 -1 U.S. 193.6 XIE19971212.0249 -1 five 193.6 XIE19960824.0016 -1 food aid 193.6 XIE20000228.0132 -1 million 193.6 XIE19991014.0021 2 80 193.6 XIE19981213.0011 -1 two 193.6 APW19980709.0781 -1 160,000 193.6 XIE19991026.0102 -1 2000 193.6 XIE19971121.0063 -1 7.827 million U.S. dollars 193.6 XIE19981027.0020 -1 1,200 193.6 XIE20000908.0248 -1 future 193.6 XIE19990317.0035 -1 a million Tanzanians 193.6 XIE20000218.0197 -1 1 million 193.6 XIE19970311.0027 -1 90 193.6 XIE19980206.0302 -1 26 193.6 XIE19980217.0028 -1 ADDIS ABABA, February 16 (Xinhua) -- The World Food Program will 193.6 XIE20000908.0248 -1 Bangladesh 193.6 XIE19970311.0027 -1 tons 193.6 XIE20000217.0331 -1 over 1.1 million 193.6 XIE20000613.0066 -1 1991 and 194.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 194.1 APW19981010.0048 -1 Champion 194.1 NYT20000919.0324 -1 Atlanta 194.1 XIE19991119.0253 -1 Indonesia 194.1 XIE19970405.0178 -1 Dortmund 194.1 XIE19961210.0301 1 Las Palmas 194.1 XIE19961210.0301 3 SPAIN 194.1 XIE19960228.0226 -1 FEBRUARY 194.1 XIE19961210.0301 -1 MADRID 194.1 XIE19961216.0224 -1 MADRID 194.1 XIE19961218.0297 -1 Russia 194.1 XIE19970212.0168 -1 MADRID 194.1 XIE19961216.0225 -1 Russia 194.1 XIE19961216.0225 1 Canary Islands 194.1 APW19990728.0018 -1 Las Vegas 194.1 APW19990601.0064 -1 Federation 194.1 XIE19961221.0232 -1 Chess 194.1 XIE19990711.0170 -1 Dortmund 194.1 APW19981010.0284 -1 Las Vegas 194.1 APW19990601.0064 -1 150 194.1 APW19990601.0064 -1 150-country World Chess Federation 194.1 XIE20000229.0304 -1 Russia 194.1 XIE19961220.0266 1 Las Palmas 194.1 XIE19961221.0232 1 Las Palmas 194.1 XIE19961211.0289 3 Spain 194.1 XIE19990425.0060 -1 China 194.1 APW19981010.0284 -1 Karpov 194.1 XIE19961211.0289 1 Canary Islands 194.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 194.2 XIE19960501.0165 -1 May 12 194.2 NYT20000825.0169 -1 1997 194.2 XIE19971228.0144 -1 December 194.2 NYT19981014.0067 -1 Nov. 6 194.2 APW19990622.0024 -1 1997 194.2 APW20000625.0148 -1 1995 194.2 XIE19961210.0301 -1 KASPAROV 194.2 XIE19971204.0062 -1 1886 194.2 XIE19961216.0224 -1 December 15 1996 194.2 XIE19980521.0120 -1 Thursday 194.2 XIE19961212.0203 1 December 21, 1996 194.2 NYT20000306.0030 -1 2000 194.2 XIE19980602.0142 -1 1996 194.2 APW20000530.0153 -1 2000 194.2 XIE19961212.0203 3 December 21 194.2 XIE20000502.0202 -1 2000 194.2 XIE19960610.0029 -1 1996 194.2 XIE19980610.0290 -1 June 17, 1998 194.2 XIE19960228.0226 -1 Monday, it would not be rescheduled in 1996 as a result of criticism from members of the opposition United Left coalition . 194.2 XIE19961211.0289 3 21 194.2 XIE19960228.0226 -1 1995 194.2 XIE19961211.0289 3 December 21 194.2 XIE19961210.0301 -1 Monday 194.2 XIE19961211.0289 -1 December 10, 194.2 XIE19981029.0208 -1 1999 194.2 XIE19960124.0256 -1 January 12, 1997 194.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 194.3 XIE19981029.0208 -1 ten 194.3 XIE19971201.0089 -1 three 194.3 XIE19960320.0094 2 Six 194.3 XIE20000515.0083 -1 nine 194.3 XIE19970624.0263 2 6 194.3 APW19981010.0284 -1 MAY 2002 194.3 XIE19970624.0263 -1 BEST 194.3 XIE19961210.0301 -1 World champion Garry Kasparov defeated Bulgarian Veselin Topalov in the opening 194.3 XIE19961211.0289 3 - Six 194.3 XIE19961216.0225 -1 the two world chess bodies 194.3 NYT19990322.0053 -1 470 194.3 NYT20000316.0189 -1 30 194.3 XIE19961210.0301 -1 one and two 194.3 XIE19971204.0062 -1 20 194.3 XIE19970505.0230 -1 45 194.3 XIE19961216.0225 -1 two 194.3 XIE19960320.0094 2 six 194.3 NYT19990316.0450 -1 10 194.3 APW19980926.0543 -1 000 players and guests 194.3 XIE19961211.0277 -1 10 194.3 XIE19961211.0277 -1 second 194.3 XIE19961210.0301 3 The two-week tournament features six 194.3 XIE19961211.0289 1 Six 194.3 NYT19981111.0138 2 6 194.3 XIE19971204.0062 -1 68 194.3 XIE19961216.0225 -1 The World Chess Super Tournament was organized to try to bring 194.3 XIE19970624.0263 2 six 195.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 195.1 NYT19990907.0013 -1 November 28, 1975 195.1 NYT20000923.0073 3 Aug. 30 195.1 XIE20000412.0289 3 August 30 195.1 XIE20000909.0160 3 August 1999 195.1 XIE20000203.0002 -1 80 195.1 XIE19990721.0269 -1 MAY 2002 195.1 XIE20000809.0298 -1 FIRST DEMOCRATIC 195.1 XIE19990224.0160 -1 if the territory rejects Indonesia's offer of special 195.1 XIE20000718.0064 -1 next year 195.1 NYT19990131.0204 -1 June 7, 1999 195.1 XIE19991019.0132 3 1999 195.1 XIE19990128.0229 -1 2002 195.1 XIE19990904.0227 3 August 30 195.1 APW19981106.0551 -1 1975 195.1 NYT19990622.0275 2 Aug. 8 195.1 XIE19990623.0126 -1 August 21 195.1 NYT20000907.0246 3 1999 195.1 XIE20000810.0336 -1 Thursday 195.1 APW19990726.0091 -1 today 195.1 XIE20000208.0116 3 August 30 195.1 XIE19991020.0272 -1 Indonesia 195.1 NYT19990912.0191 -1 Sunday 195.1 APW19990601.0018 -1 today 195.1 APW20000627.0151 -1 June 27, 2000 195.1 APW19980615.1180 -1 1975 195.1 NYT20000923.0073 -1 movement are creating violent situations to stop that from happening 195.1 XIE20000627.0038 -1 between 30 August 195.1 APW19981104.0335 -1 1975 195.1 XIE19990904.0227 1 1999-08-30 195.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 195.2 XIE20000203.0002 2 78.5 percent 195.2 XIE19990904.0138 1 78.5 percent 195.2 NYT19990907.0291 1 79 percent 195.2 XIE19990904.0228 -1 INDONESIA 195.2 APW19990921.0097 4 80 195.2 XIE19990904.0175 1 78 percent 195.2 APW19991007.0147 -1 East 195.2 NYT19990907.0304 1 79 195.2 XIE19990623.0289 -1 39 195.2 NYT19991001.0212 4 80 percent 195.2 XIE20000828.0238 -1 more than 19 years 195.2 NYT19990912.0095 -1 referendum 195.2 NYT19990902.0285 -1 1000 words 195.2 APW19990904.0005 1 78.5 percent 195.2 APW20000131.0033 -1 5 percent 195.2 APW19990726.0091 -1 200 195.2 APW19990825.0090 2 90 percent 195.2 APW19990825.0089 2 90 percent 195.2 NYT20000421.0316 4 80 percent 195.2 XIE19990906.0172 1 over 78 percent 195.2 XIE20000828.0238 -1 19 years 195.2 XIE19990904.0445 1 78.5 percent 195.2 XIE19990511.0331 -1 approximately 800,000 195.2 XIE19990904.0228 -1 Indonesia 195.2 XIE19990904.0207 1 78.5 195.2 XIE19990906.0172 1 78 percent 195.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 195.3 XIE19990224.0160 1 Indonesia 195.3 XIE20000229.0210 1 Indonesia 195.3 XIE19990421.0342 -1 Australia 195.3 XIE19990224.0160 1 INDONESIA 195.3 XIE19990904.0227 -1 Urgent: Pro-Independence Forces Win East Timor's Ballot DILI, East Timor, September 195.3 XIE20000125.0145 -1 China 195.3 NYT19980728.0340 -1 Jakarta's 195.3 XIE19990830.0279 1 Indonesia 195.3 XIE19990206.0063 1 Indonesia 195.3 XIE20000229.0134 1 Indonesia 195.3 NYT19990826.0261 -1 United States 195.3 NYT19990910.0267 1 Indonesia 195.3 APW20000214.0004 1 Indonesia 195.3 XIE19990904.0455 3 Indonesia , U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan 195.3 XIE19990128.0192 -1 Australia 195.3 XIE20000911.0159 -1 Monday 195.3 APW19990818.0107 1 Indonesia 195.3 APW20000906.0205 -1 About 250,000 East Timorese fled East Timor for dozens of border 195.3 NYT19990206.0249 1 Indonesia 195.3 XIE19990923.0127 1 Indonesia 195.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 195.4 APW19981127.0481 1 1975 195.4 NYT19991112.0349 -1 Indonesia 195.4 APW19990914.0182 1 1975 195.4 XIE20000627.0038 -1 OCTOBER 1999 195.4 XIE19990612.0031 -1 INDONESIA 195.4 XIE19990612.0031 1 1975 195.4 XIE19990904.0227 -1 Urgent: Pro-Independence Forces Win East Timor's Ballot DILI, East Timor, September 195.4 APW19980611.1788 1 1975 195.4 APW19981119.0470 -1 1976 195.4 APW19980718.0067 1 1975 195.4 XIE19990830.0279 -1 Indonesia 195.4 NYT19991112.0349 1 1975 195.4 APW19981224.0165 1 1975 195.4 APW19980620.0164 1 1975 195.4 APW19990720.0039 1 1975 195.4 APW19990211.0194 -1 1945 195.4 APW19980717.0114 1 1975 195.4 APW19980703.0467 1 1975 195.4 APW20000627.0151 1 1975 195.4 APW19980703.0467 -1 East Timorese 195.4 APW19990911.0032 -1 you 195.4 APW19980609.1162 1 1975 195.4 APW19980624.0854 1 1975 195.4 NYT19990910.0267 1 1975 195.4 NYT19990219.0107 1 1975 195.4 APW20000906.0205 -1 About 250,000 East Timorese fled East Timor for dozens of border 195.4 APW19981211.0972 3 Dec. 1975 195.4 NYT19990905.0135 2 1975 195.4 XIE19990128.0008 3 seventies 195.4 NYT19990925.0133 2 1975 195.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 195.5 XIE19991118.0045 3 1999 195.5 APW20000109.0049 3 Sept. 20 195.5 APW19991007.0147 -1 Aug. 30 195.5 XIE19990906.0246 -1 May 5 195.5 XIE19991102.0033 3 September 20 195.5 XIE19991118.0045 -1 July 1999 195.5 XIE19991118.0342 -1 INTERNATIONAL FORCE 195.5 XIE19991215.0049 3 SEPTEMBER 1999 195.5 XIE19990930.0240 -1 September 30 1999 195.5 XIE19991026.0257 3 last month 195.5 NYT19991001.0241 -1 Friday 195.5 NYT19990928.0201 3 1999 195.5 XIE20000909.0160 -1 1999 195.5 XIE20000223.0019 1 September 20, 1999 195.5 XIE19991026.0200 -1 1975 195.5 APW19990910.0212 -1 1975 195.5 XIE19991008.0123 -1 February 2000 195.5 XIE19991008.0032 3 September 20 195.5 XIE19991118.0342 -1 November 18, 1999 195.5 NYT19980714.0356 -1 1999 195.5 XIE19991118.0342 -1 Tuesday 195.5 XIE19991008.0032 -1 15 195.5 XIE19990917.0227 -1 September 17, 1999 195.5 XIE19991102.0033 -1 October 25 195.5 XIE20000223.0019 -1 Wednesday 195.5 XIE19991011.0205 -1 October 11, 1999 195.5 APW19980615.1180 -1 1975 195.5 XIE20000909.0160 -1 August 1999 195.5 XIE19991029.0197 -1 January 15, 2000 195.5 APW19990930.0331 -1 leader 195.5 NYT19990910.0267 -1 1975 195.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 195.7 APW20000103.0052 -1 Sept. 20 195.7 NYT20000923.0073 -1 Aug. 30 195.7 XIE20000209.0196 -1 February 9 195.7 XIE20000810.0336 -1 December 1999 195.7 XIE19991118.0342 -1 GOVERNING COUNCIL 195.7 XIE20000221.0254 -1 INTERNATIONAL FORCE 195.7 XIE19990721.0269 -1 1272 195.7 XIE19991102.0033 -1 October 25 1999 195.7 XIE19991026.0200 -1 Tuesday 195.7 APW20000829.0168 -1 1999 195.7 NYT20000907.0246 -1 1999 195.7 XIE19991102.0033 -1 September 20 195.7 XIE19991215.0049 -1 January 195.7 XIE19991118.0342 -1 November 18, 1999 195.7 XIE20000810.0336 -1 1999 195.7 APW20000822.0173 -1 militiamen 195.7 XIE19991026.0057 -1 Monday 195.7 XIE19991026.0200 -1 26 195.7 XIE19991102.0033 -1 October 25 195.7 XIE19991026.0015 -1 Monday 195.7 XIE19991102.0033 -1 October 25, 1999 195.7 XIE20000909.0160 -1 August 1999 195.7 XIE20000201.0193 -1 October 1999 195.7 XIE20000412.0289 -1 October 1999 195.7 NYT19990923.0296 -1 24 years 195.7 XIE20000131.0274 -1 October 1999 195.7 XIE20000221.0303 1 2000-02-21 196.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 196.1 XIE19970429.0061 2 January 1 196.1 APW19981230.0431 3 Jan. 1 196.1 XIE19970429.0061 2 January 1, 1999 196.1 XIE19980502.0043 2 January 1 196.1 XIE19990701.0192 -1 July 1 196.1 NYT19990102.0082 -1 CURRENCY 196.1 XIE19960404.0003 -1 MALTA 196.1 XIE19970429.0061 -1 2002 196.1 XIE19970217.0023 -1 its start 196.1 APW19981209.0805 1 Jan. 1, 1999 196.1 NYT19990204.0110 2 1999 196.1 XIE19990216.0023 -1 June 1997 196.1 XIE19990205.0090 3 January 1 196.1 XIE19970909.0149 2 January 1, 1999 196.1 APW19980924.0735 -1 2001 196.1 XIE19981226.0044 -1 2003 196.1 NYT20000531.0200 -1 2000 196.1 XIE19980504.0031 -1 May 4, 1998 196.1 APW20000121.0218 -1 2002 196.1 APW19990228.0094 -1 European Monetary Union 196.1 APW20000516.0080 -1 11 196.1 APW20000516.0080 -1 2002 196.1 XIE19970610.0216 -1 June 17, 1997 196.1 XIE19970909.0149 2 January 1 , 1999 196.1 APW20000310.0245 -1 Jan. 1, 2002 196.1 XIE19980424.0004 2 January 1, 1999 196.1 NYT20000429.0005 -1 16 months 196.1 APW19990604.0084 -1 11 percent 196.1 NYT20000705.0318 3 18 months ago 196.1 APW20000425.0148 3 January 1999 196.1 XIE19970610.0216 1 1999-01-01 196.1 NYT20000221.0313 -1 11 euro 196.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 196.2 APW19981108.0695 -1 five 196.2 NYT19990923.0373 1 11 196.2 NYT20000221.0313 -1 one 196.2 APW19981101.0879 1 11 196.2 APW20000516.0080 1 11 nations 196.2 XIE19980529.0133 -1 EURO ADOPTION 196.2 XIE19990613.0168 -1 12 196.2 XIE19990417.0045 -1 five 196.2 XIE19980217.0149 -1 one 196.2 XIE19970218.0228 -1 one 196.2 APW19991014.0009 1 11 196.2 NYT20000928.0398 -1 Germany 196.2 XIE19980502.0090 -1 Germany 196.2 APW19981108.0695 -1 1 196.2 APW19981231.0358 1 11 nations 196.2 XIE19970909.0149 -1 three 196.2 NYT20000705.0318 1 11 196.2 XIE19980504.0228 1 11 196.2 XIE19990102.0125 1 Eleven 196.2 XIE19980503.0148 -1 11 European Union member states 196.2 XIE19980504.0031 -1 Brussels 196.2 XIE19980504.0031 -1 3 196.2 NYT19981223.0073 1 11 European countries 196.2 NYT19990223.0316 1 11 196.2 XIE19980503.0148 1 11 196.2 APW19981230.1085 1 Eleven 196.2 APW19981203.0789 -1 Ten 196.2 APW19981022.0904 1 11 196.2 NYT20000429.0005 1 11 196.2 XIE19981106.0143 2 11 196.2 NYT19981211.0264 -1 15-nation 196.2 APW19990103.0036 1 Eleven 196.2 XIE19980424.0029 -1 ten 196.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 196.4 XIE19980604.0065 -1 january 1, 2001 196.4 XIE20000605.0042 -1 January 1 196.4 XIE19970429.0061 -1 January 1, 1999 196.4 XIE19981223.0048 -1 January 1, 1999 196.4 XIE19970909.0149 -1 1999 196.4 XIE19980505.0047 -1 2000 196.4 APW19981008.0365 -1 Jan. 1 1998 196.4 NYT20000507.0086 -1 Bavarian 196.4 XIE20000115.0206 -1 January 1,2001 196.4 NYT19981223.0069 -1 1999 196.4 XIE19971219.0343 -1 1999 196.4 XIE19961017.0291 -1 1 January 1999 196.4 XIE19970909.0149 -1 January 1, 1999 196.4 XIE19990110.0045 -1 2002 196.4 APW19980924.0735 -1 2001 196.4 XIE19980113.0049 -1 1999 196.4 APW20000309.0161 -1 Jan. 4 , 1999 196.4 XIE20000327.0093 -1 2005 196.4 APW19981114.0151 -1 laws 196.4 APW19981114.0151 -1 them 196.4 XIE19980701.0011 -1 January 1 , 1999 196.4 APW19991018.0093 -1 Jan. 1 196.4 APW20000310.0245 -1 Jan. 1, 2002 196.4 XIE19980505.0047 -1 2001 196.4 XIE19980508.0321 -1 January 2001 196.4 APW19981114.0151 -1 1999 196.4 APW20000503.0164 -1 Jan. 1, 2001 Wednesday 196.4 XIE19970613.0200 -1 1999 196.4 XIE20000518.0067 -1 2001-01-01 196.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 196.5 XIE19971011.0009 1 2002 196.5 XIE19980808.0014 -1 1999 196.5 XIE19970909.0149 -1 1999 196.5 XIE19980505.0047 -1 2001 196.5 XIE19970522.0024 -1 1999 196.5 APW19981203.0992 -1 2004 196.5 XIE19970909.0149 -1 60 196.5 XIE19980423.0035 -1 1999 196.5 XIE19980423.0035 -1 The French National Assembly Wednesday voted with 334 votes for and 196.5 XIE19971011.0009 3 January 1, 2002 196.5 NYT19990422.0507 -1 1999 196.5 NYT19990204.0110 -1 1999 196.5 APW19980615.1487 -1 1999 196.5 NYT19981229.0270 3 Jan. 1 2002 196.5 APW20000311.0061 2 2002 196.5 NYT19980601.0081 -1 2000 196.5 XIE20000519.0143 -1 2000 196.5 XIE19981022.0327 -1 January 1 , 1999 196.5 XIE19970116.0185 -1 2006 196.5 XIE19980502.0043 -1 1999 196.5 APW20000516.0080 -1 one 196.5 APW20000516.0080 -1 11 nations 196.5 XIE19980808.0014 -1 January 1 , 1999 196.5 XIE19980808.0014 3 January 1 , 2002 196.5 XIE19990119.0012 3 January 1, 2002 196.5 XIE19981106.0143 -1 November 6, 1998 196.5 XIE19980808.0014 1 2002 196.5 XIE19970429.0061 -1 He also said that French companies will be free to choose 196.5 XIE19970909.0149 -1 1998 196.5 APW19981021.1312 -1 Jan. 1, 1999 196.5 XIE19970925.0300 -1 1998 196.5 XIE19980718.0103 1 2002 196.5 XIE19980423.0035 -1 January 1, 1999 196.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 196.6 XIE20000928.0430 -1 Maastricht Treaty 196.6 XIE19980505.0047 -1 14 percent 196.6 XIE19981127.0152 -1 93.5 percent 196.6 NYT19991102.0027 -1 FOR ADOPTION OF THE 196.6 XIE20000928.0430 1 53 percent 196.6 XIE19980422.0278 -1 SHEEP 196.6 APW20000928.0226 -1 28 196.6 APW20000928.0188 1 53 percent 196.6 XIE20000929.0163 -1 A majority 196.6 XIE20000929.0326 -1 97 196.6 APW20000121.0159 -1 39 196.6 XIE20000928.0430 -1 11 196.6 APW19990228.0094 -1 a referendum 196.6 XIE19970218.0251 -1 1 196.6 XIE20000929.0163 -1 majority 196.6 NYT20000928.0398 -1 47 percent 196.6 APW20000928.0188 -1 90 percent 196.6 NYT19990305.0044 -1 half 196.6 APW19980818.0556 -1 5 percentage points 196.6 APW20000928.0188 -1 125 196.6 APW20000928.0188 -1 favor of keeping the 125-year-old krone 196.6 APW20000928.0170 -1 90 percent 196.6 XIE20000928.0430 -1 European monetary union 196.6 APW20000928.0170 1 53 percent 196.6 XIE20000928.0433 1 53 percent 196.6 XIE20000928.0430 -1 47 percent 196.6 NYT20000927.0364 -1 15 196.6 APW20000928.0213 -1 Denmark 196.6 NYT19980918.0347 -1 3.3 percent 197.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 197.1 XIE19980723.0433 1 sheep 197.1 XIE20000122.0176 -1 goats 197.1 XIE19970423.0104 2 sheep 197.1 XIE19990601.0311 -1 mouse 197.1 NYT19990902.0222 -1 Fisher 197.1 XIE20000616.0080 -1 Dolly 197.1 NYT20000427.0302 -1 1996 197.1 XIE20000616.0080 1 SHEEP 197.1 APW20000817.0066 -1 adult 197.1 XIE19990121.0033 -1 animal 197.1 NYT20000905.0046 -1 Dolly 197.1 NYT19990901.0442 -1 mice 197.1 XIE19990110.0198 1 sheep 197.1 XIE19981014.0276 -1 Dolly 197.1 XIE19990430.0330 1 sheep 197.1 NYT19980723.0424 1 sheep 197.1 NYT19990127.0110 -1 Dolly 197.1 NYT19981021.0238 -1 Dolly 197.1 APW20000817.0062 -1 Dolly 197.1 NYT19981208.0387 -1 adult animal 197.1 NYT20000427.0302 -1 Edinburgh 197.1 NYT19980722.0372 -1 Researchers 197.1 APW20000817.0066 -1 Nature 197.1 NYT19980831.0142 -1 Dolly 197.1 XIE19990110.0032 3 Dolly the sheep 197.1 APW19981208.0663 1 sheep 197.1 NYT19980722.0372 -1 MOUSE 197.1 XIE19970312.0242 3 sheep Dolly 197.1 APW20000817.0062 1 sheep 197.1 XIE19980423.0066 -1 Dolly 197.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 197.2 XIE19990329.0206 1 1996 197.2 NYT20000905.0046 1 1996 197.2 XIE20000616.0080 4 1997 197.2 NYT19990901.0442 -1 1997 197.2 XIE20000616.0080 -1 DOLLY 197.2 APW19990108.0130 3 July 5, 1996 197.2 XIE20000728.0189 -1 Beibu Gulf years 197.2 NYT19991220.0406 -1 between 1997 and 1998 197.2 XIE19990110.0032 1 1996 197.2 XIE20000622.0069 -1 January 197.2 XIE19990329.0206 3 July 1996 197.2 APW19990526.0120 1 1996 197.2 XIE20000103.0185 -1 December, 1998 197.2 APW19981108.0972 -1 one 197.2 APW19981108.0972 -1 first 197.2 APW19990526.0326 -1 1998 197.2 XIE20000622.0069 -1 December 1999 197.2 XIE20000622.0069 -1 cloned 197.2 XIE20000622.0069 -1 Dolly 197.2 APW19990108.0130 1 1996 197.2 XIE20000103.0185 -1 December 1998 197.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 197.3 APW19990531.0028 -1 cells 197.3 XIE19980130.0047 -1 White House 197.3 APW19980722.1283 -1 University 197.3 NYT20000112.0273 -1 THAT USB PORT 197.3 NYT19981021.0238 1 Roslin Bio-Med 197.3 APW19981108.0972 -1 PLANT 197.3 XIE19990601.0311 -1 STEM CELLS 197.3 NYT19991002.0106 -1 insurance companies 197.3 XIE19980423.0066 3 Scotland's Roslin Institute 197.3 NYT19991117.0310 -1 Dolly 197.3 XIE19990121.0033 1 Roslin Institute 197.3 APW19981215.1433 2 Roslin Institute 197.3 XIE19990121.0033 -1 Scotland 197.3 NYT20000427.0302 -1 first mammal 197.3 XIE19980423.0066 -1 creator 197.3 NYT19980909.0287 -1 Virginia 197.3 XIE19980423.0066 -1 Dolly 197.3 XIE19980424.0082 -1 UK 197.3 NYT19981026.0262 -1 No. 1-ranked institute 197.3 NYT19980905.0182 -1 one 197.3 NYT19980905.0182 -1 first 197.3 NYT19980706.0335 -1 Dolly 197.3 NYT20000427.0302 1 Roslin Institute 197.3 NYT19980722.0372 1 Roslin Institute 197.3 NYT19980905.0182 -1 Seed 197.3 XIE19970423.0104 -1 Dolly 197.3 NYT19980706.0335 1 Roslin 197.3 APW19981108.0972 -1 cloning 197.3 APW19981215.1433 -1 embryo 197.3 XIE19990329.0206 1 Roslin Institute 197.3 NYT20000427.0302 -1 Dolly 198.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 198.1 XIE19970724.0164 1 Iran 198.1 XIE19960502.0031 -1 North Korea 198.1 XIE19971029.0024 1 Iran 198.1 APW19981219.0435 -1 Japan 198.1 APW19981121.0554 1 Iran 198.1 APW19980713.0263 -1 RUSSIA 198.1 XIE19961014.0137 -1 PLANT 198.1 APW19980713.0263 1 IRAN 198.1 XIE19960102.0105 3 southern Iran 198.1 XIE19990102.0084 -1 Nuclear 198.1 XIE19970724.0164 -1 Persian Gulf 198.1 APW19980713.0199 1 Iran 198.1 XIE19960221.0094 1 Iran 198.1 XIE19981124.0072 1 Iran 198.1 XIE19970920.0125 1 Iran 198.1 NYT20000116.0121 -1 Bushehr 198.1 XIE19981010.0118 -1 India 198.1 XIE19981010.0118 -1 10 198.1 XIE19970723.0029 -1 Azerbaijan 198.1 XIE19980423.0036 -1 Russia 198.1 XIE19960317.0073 1 Iran 198.1 APW19981216.1418 1 Iran 198.1 NYT20000116.0121 1 Iran 198.1 XIE19970903.0195 1 Iran 198.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 198.2 APW19981121.0554 1 Russia 198.2 NYT19990316.0248 -1 United States 198.2 XIE19980113.0308 -1 U.S. 198.2 XIE19980602.0028 -1 Iran 198.2 NYT20000116.0121 -1 Iran 198.2 XIE19970723.0029 -1 IRAN 198.2 XIE19960102.0105 -1 PLANT 198.2 XIE20000424.0287 -1 China 198.2 XIE19980402.0096 -1 developed countries 198.2 XIE19981124.0072 1 Russia 198.2 XIE19970724.0164 -1 Iran 198.2 NYT19991123.0361 -1 Iran 198.2 XIE19960102.0105 1 Russia 198.2 XIE19981125.0334 -1 Iran 198.2 APW19980926.0210 -1 Iran 198.2 APW19980713.0199 -1 Iran 198.2 APW19980713.0263 -1 Iran 198.2 NYT20000116.0121 -1 Bushehr 198.2 XIE19960410.0050 -1 Iran 198.2 XIE19980308.0023 -1 Israel 198.2 APW19981121.0554 -1 Iran 198.2 NYT20000605.0336 1 Russia 198.2 XIE19980423.0036 1 Russia 198.2 NYT20000605.0336 -1 Ukraine 198.2 XIE19981210.0130 -1 Iran 198.2 APW19981124.0476 1 Russia 198.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 198.4 XIE19970724.0164 -1 Iran 198.4 APW20000103.0189 -1 PLANT 198.4 APW19981124.1369 -1 PROGRAM 198.4 NYT19991129.0108 -1 purposes 198.4 APW19981124.0476 3 civilian 198.4 APW19980713.0199 -1 Iran 198.4 XIE19970920.0125 -1 nuclear plant 198.4 XIE19970723.0029 -1 Iran 198.4 XIE19970723.0029 -1 the activities of Bonab nuclear research facilities 198.4 XIE19970724.0164 -1 will 198.4 XIE19970724.0164 -1 preemptive air raid 198.4 XIE19960410.0050 -1 Iran 198.4 XIE19980312.0043 -1 Iran 198.4 XIE19981124.0025 -1 25 198.4 APW19981124.0479 -1 Iran 198.4 XIE19970723.0029 -1 humanitarian and peaceful purposes 198.4 APW19981121.0554 3 civilian purposes 198.4 XIE20000216.0300 -1 the Science Daily 198.4 APW20000103.0189 -1 plant 198.4 XIE19970723.0029 -1 Blix 198.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 198.5 APW19981124.0493 -1 Russia 198.5 APW19991007.0278 -1 Fugen 198.5 XIE19970703.0140 -1 head 198.5 APW20000808.0207 -1 Harry Truman 198.5 XIE19970724.0164 -1 power plant 198.5 APW19980713.0263 -1 IRAN 198.5 APW19981226.0262 -1 PLANT 198.5 XIE19970724.0164 -1 Iran Sets up New Free Trade Zone TEHRAN, July (Xinhua) -- 198.5 APW19981226.0262 -1 A nuclear reactor 198.5 NYT20000116.0121 -1 research 198.5 NYT20000605.0336 -1 Clinton 198.5 NYT19991127.0072 -1 Russian 198.5 NYT20000116.0121 -1 uranium 198.5 NYT19980816.0069 -1 two 198.5 XIE19980312.0043 3 1000 198.5 APW19981125.0165 -1 Bushehr 198.5 APW19981216.1548 3 40-megawatt heavy-water research reactor 198.5 APW19980713.0263 -1 Iran 198.5 APW19981216.1418 -1 U.S. 198.5 XIE19971229.0162 -1 10 198.5 APW19981017.0007 -1 fuel cycle facilities 198.5 APW19990411.0075 -1 Researchers 198.5 XIE19970707.0074 -1 Russian-built 198.5 NYT20000605.0336 -1 Russia 198.5 XIE19980312.0043 1 VVER 198.5 APW19981226.0262 -1 Ukraine 198.5 APW19981226.0262 -1 Yuzhnaya 198.5 APW19980713.0199 -1 Russia has been building Iran's only large nuclear reactor in the 198.5 APW19990616.0165 -1 power plants 198.5 APW19981226.0262 -1 plant 198.5 XIE19971229.0162 -1 U.S. 198.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 198.6 XIE19980213.0026 -1 1999 198.6 APW19980909.0687 -1 1994 198.6 XIE19980515.0026 -1 1948 198.6 XIE19981122.0028 -1 1994 198.6 NYT20000605.0336 -1 IRAN 198.6 APW19980713.0263 -1 REACTOR 198.6 XIE20000101.0049 -1 1988 198.6 NYT20000206.0142 -1 a year 198.6 XIE19960102.0105 -1 January 198.6 NYT20000116.0121 -1 2000 198.6 XIE19960102.0105 -1 1996 198.6 NYT19991226.0008 -1 Sunday 198.6 NYT20000818.0318 -1 2003 198.6 XIE19970707.0074 -1 January 8, 1995 , Russia experts 198.6 XIE19960522.0244 -1 2000 198.6 XIE19960317.0073 -1 2000 198.6 XIE19981124.0072 -1 52 months 198.6 APW19981017.0007 -1 october 17, 1998 198.6 XIE19990830.0008 1 1974 198.6 XIE19970707.0074 -1 2000 198.6 XIE19961123.0093 1 1974 198.6 NYT20000605.0336 -1 1995 198.6 NYT19980816.0070 -1 2005 199.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 199.1 APW19981221.0557 1 1887 199.1 NYT19990526.0047 1 1887 199.1 NYT19981221.0451 -1 1968 199.1 NYT19990526.0047 -1 1918 199.1 NYT19990526.0047 -1 1968 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1995 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 PIETRELCINA ITALY 199.1 APW19981221.0557 -1 1968 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Fini 199.1 NYT19990502.0136 -1 2000 199.1 APW19981001.0425 -1 1000 199.1 APW19981221.0380 1 1887 199.1 NYT19980820.0511 -1 2000 199.1 NYT19990526.0050 1 1887 199.1 APW19981001.0425 -1 Bari 199.1 APW19981001.0425 -1 case 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1959 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1918 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1968 199.1 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Vatican 199.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 3 Southern Italy 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Middle Ages 199.2 NYT19981221.0451 -1 Vatican 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Martin 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Francesco Forgione 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 LIFE 199.2 NYT19980826.0390 2 PIETRELCINA 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Paris 199.2 APW19981001.0783 -1 the southern city 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 3 Italy 199.2 NYT19990526.0047 3 Italy 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Georges Pompidou Center 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Vatican 199.2 APW19981221.0557 -1 San Giovanni Rotondo 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 San 199.2 NYT19981029.0490 3 Italy 199.2 APW19981221.0557 3 Italy 199.2 APW19981221.0557 -1 Puglia 199.2 NYT19990502.0053 3 ITALY 199.2 NYT19990502.0136 -1 Bari 199.2 NYT19990526.0047 -1 1968 199.2 NYT19990526.0047 -1 first 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 One 199.2 NYT20000229.0481 -1 San 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Brooklyn- 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 San Giovanni Rotondo 199.2 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Rome 199.2 APW19981221.0380 -1 Vatican 199.2 APW19981221.0557 3 PioItaly San Italy 199.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 199.3 NYT19980923.0427 1 1968 199.3 NYT19981221.0451 1 1968 199.3 NYT19990526.0047 -1 1918 199.3 NYT19980923.0427 -1 81 199.3 APW19981221.0557 1 1968 199.3 NYT20000531.0303 -1 May 1999 199.3 APW19981001.0425 -1 Bari 199.3 APW19981001.0425 -1 worldwide following 199.3 APW19981001.0425 -1 Thirty 199.3 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1959 199.3 NYT19990526.0047 1 1968 199.3 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1995 199.3 NYT19990502.0136 1 1968 199.3 NYT19990526.0050 -1 1969 199.3 APW19981221.0380 1 1968 199.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 23 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 1 81 199.4 APW19981001.0425 -1 Thirty years 199.4 APW19981001.0425 -1 three years 199.4 APW19981001.0783 -1 three years 199.4 NYT20000301.0444 -1 50 years 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 SAN GIOVANNI 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1968 199.4 NYT19990526.0047 -1 1920s 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 42-year 199.4 NYT19990526.0047 1 81 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Padre Pio statuettes, Padre Pio lighters, Padre Pio snow shakers, miniature Padre Pio guitar-shaped prayer books, Padre Pio liqueur and rose-scented Padre Pio air fresheners 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Two 199.4 NYT19980923.0427 -1 24 hour 199.4 NYT19991123.0296 -1 15 years 199.4 APW19981001.0783 -1 Thirty years 199.4 APW19981001.0425 -1 61 199.4 APW19981001.0425 -1 three 199.4 NYT19990526.0050 -1 1920 199.4 NYT20000531.0391 -1 11 million 199.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 199.5 APW19981221.0557 -1 San 199.5 APW19981001.0425 1 Bari 199.5 APW19981001.0432 1 Bari 199.5 NYT19981221.0451 -1 Vatican 199.5 NYT19990502.0136 -1 Rome 199.5 APW19981001.0425 -1 1918 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 SAN GIOVANNI 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Paris 199.5 APW19981221.0468 -1 Vatican 199.5 APW19981001.0783 -1 the southern city 199.5 APW19981001.0783 1 Bari 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Rome 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO 199.5 APW19981221.0380 -1 Vatican 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Pope 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 Salerno 199.5 NYT20000301.0444 -1 Kansai 199.5 APW19981221.0557 -1 ceremony Monday 199.5 NYT19981222.0093 -1 Jerusalem 199.5 NYT19980923.0427 -1 San Giovanni Rotondo 199.5 APW19981221.0557 3 southern Italy 199.5 NYT20000301.0444 -1 San Giovanni Rotonda, Italy 199.5 NYT19990502.0053 -1 Rome 199.5 APW19981221.0557 3 Italy 199.5 APW19981001.0425 1 BARI 199.5 NYT19990502.0136 -1 ROME 199.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 199.6 APW19981001.0425 1 1918 199.6 NYT19990502.0136 -1 1968 199.6 NYT19990526.0047 1 1918 199.6 NYT19980923.0427 1 1918 199.6 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1968 199.6 APW19981001.0425 -1 Capuchin 199.6 NYT19981221.0451 -1 1968 199.6 NYT19990526.0047 3 Sept. 20 1918 199.6 APW19981221.0557 -1 1968 199.6 NYT19980820.0511 -1 2000 199.6 NYT19990526.0050 3 Sept. 20 , 1918 199.6 APW19981001.0783 1 1918 199.6 NYT20000531.0303 -1 May 1999 199.6 APW19981221.0380 1 1918 199.6 NYT19990526.0047 3 Sept. 20 , 1918 199.6 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1959 199.6 NYT19980923.0427 -1 1995 199.6 NYT19990526.0047 3 Sept. 20, 1918 200.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 200.1 NYT19980610.0423 1 Hoboken 200.1 APW19990321.0044 -1 New York 200.1 NYT20000925.0466 -1 Most 200.1 NYT19990621.0445 -1 Philadelphia 200.1 NYT19981208.0324 2 Hoboken, New Jersey 200.1 NYT19991123.0417 -1 1942 200.1 NYT19990621.0445 1 HOBOKEN 200.1 APW19980601.1284 3 HOBOKEN NEW JERSEY 200.1 NYT19981022.0341 -1 New York 200.1 APW19980712.0898 -1 Drive 200.1 NYT19990311.0085 3 N.J. 200.1 APW19980712.0898 2 HOBOKEN 200.1 APW19990626.0081 -1 NEW YORK 200.1 APW19990728.0152 -1 New York 200.1 APW19991028.0141 -1 New York 200.1 NYT19990311.0075 1 Hoboken 200.1 NYT19990621.0445 3 Hoboken, N.J. 200.1 NYT19990621.0445 3 Hoboken , N.J. 200.1 NYT19990621.0445 1 Hoboken 200.1 NYT19990616.0470 -1 New York 200.1 NYT19990311.0075 -1 Brooklyn 200.1 NYT19990311.0075 -1 little corner of Brooklyn 200.1 APW19980714.1141 2 HOBOKEN, New Jersey 200.1 APW19980601.1284 -1 New Jersey 200.1 NYT19980610.0423 -1 Atlantic 200.1 NYT19990621.0445 3 Hoboken, N.J 200.1 APW19980905.0987 -1 Los Angeles 200.1 NYT19980820.0620 -1 York 200.1 APW19980601.1284 1 Hoboken 200.1 NYT19980610.0423 -1 JERSEY CITY 200.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 200.2 NYT19990929.0255 -1 1996 200.2 NYT20000101.0023 -1 2000 200.2 NYT19990628.0346 1 1935 200.2 NYT19980604.0478 -1 1984 200.2 NYT19980623.0261 -1 1998 200.2 NYT19990929.0255 -1 1998 200.2 NYT19990628.0346 -1 ONE 200.2 NYT19981208.0324 -1 1938 200.2 APW19990120.0400 -1 25 years ago 200.2 APW19980712.0898 -1 Drive 200.2 NYT19980610.0216 -1 1998 200.2 NYT19990311.0052 -1 1995 200.2 NYT19990503.0189 -1 Ghost Road 1996 200.2 NYT19981208.0324 -1 November 26, 1938 200.2 NYT19980820.0261 -1 1950s 200.2 NYT19990407.0383 -1 1933 200.2 APW20000811.0074 -1 October 1998 200.2 NYT19981112.0422 -1 1998 200.2 NYT20000814.0056 -1 December, 1943 , he gave Army doctors plenty of reasons to reject him . 200.2 APW19980601.1284 -1 one 200.2 APW19980601.1284 -1 151 200.2 APW19991014.0300 -1 May 14 , 1998 200.2 NYT19990628.0346 -1 the Major Bowes radio troupe 200.2 APW19980917.0172 -1 1986 200.2 APW19990908.0181 -1 1938 200.2 APW19990528.0022 -1 1963 200.2 NYT19981112.0351 -1 1995 200.2 NYT19980603.0059 -1 1963 200.2 NYT20000804.0333 -1 1980 200.2 APW20000125.0132 -1 the 1930s 200.2 NYT20000804.0333 -1 1501 200.2 NYT19980810.0067 -1 1995 200.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 200.3 NYT19990628.0346 -1 music 200.3 APW19980803.1003 -1 Thousand Bedrooms 200.3 NYT20000804.0271 -1 New York 200.3 NYT20000829.0087 -1 The Haitian Frank 200.3 NYT20000221.0439 -1 Tommy Dorsey Orchestra 200.3 NYT19990628.0346 -1 Nelson Riddle 200.3 NYT19991217.0112 -1 1998 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 ARTIST 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 as a solo artist 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 Frank Sinatra's first recording 200.3 NYT19990407.0383 -1 1939 200.3 NYT20000326.0196 -1 band 200.3 NYT19990628.0346 -1 one 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 solo artist 200.3 NYT19990407.0383 -1 Harry James 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 first recording as solo artist 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 artist 200.3 NYT19990628.0346 -1 first singers 200.3 NYT19980601.0019 -1 1950 200.3 NYT19980821.0167 -1 you 200.3 NYT19981112.0351 -1 The Song 200.3 NYT19990628.0346 -1 Sinatra 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 1930s 200.3 APW19981208.0996 -1 FBI 200.3 NYT19981126.0082 -1 Songs 200.3 APW20000125.0132 -1 N.J. 200.3 NYT19981224.0226 -1 studios and movie sound stages 200.3 NYT19991222.0211 -1 The Sinatra Family Wish You a Merry Christmas 200.3 NYT19980821.0168 -1 Rat 200.3 APW20000125.0132 1 Roses of Picardy 200.3 NYT19980810.0067 -1 Dean Martin 200.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 200.4 APW19991014.0300 1 May 14, 1998 200.4 NYT19980614.0053 3 May 14 200.4 APW19990503.0085 -1 April 15 200.4 APW20000511.0253 -1 May 3 200.4 NYT19981214.0077 2 1998 200.4 NYT19980820.0032 -1 25 200.4 NYT19990929.0255 2 1998 200.4 NYT19990504.0003 -1 1966 200.4 NYT19981230.0097 -1 Summer 200.4 NYT19981228.0354 2 1998 200.4 NYT19981214.0076 2 1998 200.4 NYT19980610.0216 3 1998 200.4 NYT19990211.0086 3 1998 200.4 NYT19981112.0416 -1 12 1998 200.4 APW19981208.0996 -1 1969 200.4 NYT19980623.0261 -1 1944 200.4 NYT19990616.0470 1 May 14 , 1998 200.4 APW19991014.0300 1 May 14 , 1998 200.4 APW19981208.0996 -1 Tuesday, releasing more than 1,200 pages of documents touching on his unproved allegations of ties to the Communist Party , and a mug shot from his 1938 arrest on seduction charges . 200.4 NYT19980723.0229 -1 Frank 200.4 NYT20000308.0496 -1 Feb. 28 200.4 NYT19990616.0470 1 May 14, 1998 200.4 NYT19981208.0324 -1 42799 200.4 NYT19980609.0009 3 May 1998 200.4 APW19990528.0022 -1 1963 200.4 NYT19981112.0421 -1 20th century 200.4 NYT19991101.0296 -1 the 1960s 200.4 NYT20000804.0333 -1 October 12, 1944 200.4 APW20000614.0114 3 1998 200.4 NYT19980614.0053 1 1998-05-14 200.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 200.5 XIE19980516.0013 1 82 200.5 NYT19990211.0086 -1 10 200.5 NYT19980610.0216 -1 20 years 200.5 NYT19981230.0097 -1 2 years 200.5 NYT20000605.0175 -1 12 years 200.5 NYT20000308.0496 -1 91 200.5 APW20000401.0118 -1 APRIL 23 200.5 APW19991014.0300 -1 14 1998 200.5 NYT19990407.0383 -1 91 200.5 NYT19990628.0346 -1 41-year-old 200.5 APW20000513.0161 1 82 200.5 APW20000830.0077 -1 19-year 200.5 NYT19981216.0173 -1 41-year-old 200.5 NYT19980610.0216 -1 KCET Channel 28 200.5 APW19980601.1284 -1 news 200.5 NYT19980610.0186 -1 three 200.5 NYT19990105.0191 -1 50 years 200.5 NYT19991216.0383 -1 more than 30 years 200.5 NYT19980723.0229 -1 Frank 200.5 NYT19981022.0341 -1 five months 200.5 NYT19990311.0085 -1 10 years 200.5 NYT19980819.0143 1 82 200.5 NYT19990311.0075 -1 10 years 200.5 NYT19980722.0555 -1 40 years 200.5 NYT19980604.0478 1 82 200.5 NYT19990315.0221 -1 22-year 200.5 APW19980905.0987 -1 12 200.5 NYT19981230.0097 -1 2 200.5 APW19980601.1284 1 82 201.1 NYT19990419.0150 3 April 23 201.1 NYT19990419.0150 1 1564 201.1 NYT19990402.0037 1 April 23, 1564 201.1 NYT19990327.0064 -1 Jan. 10 201.1 APW20000211.0105 -1 1997 201.1 NYT19990402.0037 -1 1999 201.1 NYT19990402.0037 -1 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON ENGLAND 201.1 APW19990422.0113 1 APRIL 1564 201.1 APW19990422.0113 3 APRIL 23 201.1 APW19990422.0113 1 1564 201.1 NYT19990519.0144 -1 1999 201.1 NYT19981228.0462 -1 1959 201.1 APW20000422.0112 1 1564 201.1 NYT19990402.0037 1 April 23, , 1564 201.1 APW19990724.0107 -1 California Institute of Technology 201.1 NYT19990419.0150 -1 six 201.1 APW20000422.0112 1 April 23, 1564 201.1 NYT19990419.0112 -1 16th century 201.1 APW19990422.0113 -1 April 23, 1899 201.2 APW20000721.0144 1 Stratford-upon-Avon 201.2 NYT19990402.0037 3 Stratford 201.2 NYT19990402.0037 3 England 201.2 APW19990323.0257 -1 Love 201.2 NYT19991227.0320 -1 America 201.2 NYT19990410.0092 -1 Norton 201.2 APW19990512.0044 -1 London 201.2 XIE19971211.0085 3 STRATFORD 201.2 XIE19971211.0085 1 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON 201.2 NYT19990313.0039 -1 Lincoln 201.2 NYT19990428.0057 -1 site 201.2 NYT19990202.0063 3 Stratford 201.2 XIE19971211.0085 3 Stratford 201.2 NYT20000815.0237 -1 New England 201.2 NYT19990308.0303 3 Stratford 201.2 NYT19981228.0462 -1 Manhattan 201.2 NYT19990428.0057 -1 Works 201.2 NYT19990120.0174 -1 Stoppard 201.2 NYT20000810.0014 3 Avon 201.2 APW20000102.0075 -1 Venice , Taymor 201.2 NYT19990113.0180 -1 John 201.2 NYT19980616.0200 -1 free association lead 201.2 APW20000721.0144 -1 Cumbria 201.2 NYT19990402.0037 -1 Vere 201.2 NYT19990202.0063 -1 Oxford 201.2 NYT19990126.0099 -1 Oxford 201.2 NYT19990617.0177 -1 Hollywood 201.2 NYT19990801.0089 -1 London 201.2 APW20000721.0144 3 bornStratford Avon 201.2 NYT19990402.0037 1 Stratford-upon-Avon 201.3 NYT19990612.0109 1 1616 201.3 APW19990422.0113 1 1616 201.3 APW20000422.0112 -1 April 23 201.3 NYT19990421.0141 -1 1564 201.3 NYT19990327.0064 -1 Jan. 10 201.3 NYT19990402.0037 -1 1999 201.3 NYT19990327.0064 -1 26 201.3 APW19990422.0113 2 23 1616 201.3 APW19990422.0113 2 APRIL 23 1616 201.3 XIE19971211.0085 1 1616 201.3 APW19981121.0771 -1 1582 201.3 NYT19990612.0110 1 1616 201.3 NYT19990519.0144 -1 1999 201.3 NYT19990202.0063 1 1616 201.3 APW19990101.0023 -1 1999 201.3 NYT19990126.0099 -1 1980s 201.3 NYT19990202.0063 -1 1604 201.3 APW20000422.0112 -1 1564 201.3 NYT19990419.0150 -1 Feb. 8, , 1601 201.3 APW19990724.0107 -1 California Institute of Technology 201.3 NYT19990419.0150 -1 1564 201.3 NYT19990402.0037 1 1616 201.3 NYT19990614.0149 1 1616 201.3 APW19981219.0060 -1 1623 201.3 NYT19990419.0112 -1 16th century 201.3 XIE19971211.0085 2 April 23, 1616 201.3 NYT19990126.0099 -1 the early 1980s 201.3 NYT19991220.0094 -1 2002 201.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 201.4 NYT19990402.0037 -1 23 201.4 XIE19971211.0085 1 52 201.4 NYT19990309.0124 -1 400 years 201.4 NYT19990421.0128 -1 435 years 201.4 NYT19991227.0320 -1 one Years 201.4 NYT19990419.0150 -1 8 years 201.4 NYT19991124.0228 -1 7 201.4 NYT19990327.0064 -1 26 201.4 APW20000422.0112 1 52 years 201.4 NYT20000820.0016 -1 400-year 201.4 APW19990422.0113 1 52 201.4 NYT19990327.0064 -1 Jan. 12 201.4 NYT19981115.0072 -1 1 201.4 NYT19981115.0072 -1 15 201.4 APW19990528.0169 -1 Three 201.4 NYT20000421.0233 -1 2,000 years 201.4 NYT19990627.0123 -1 $11 201.4 NYT19990327.0064 -1 midst of the playwright's pop-culture renaissance 201.4 NYT19990402.0037 -1 one eye 201.4 NYT19990402.0037 -1 18 201.4 NYT19990126.0099 -1 one 201.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 201.5 XIE19971211.0085 1 154 201.5 APW20000422.0112 -1 1564 201.5 NYT19990126.0099 -1 1980 201.5 XIE19971211.0085 1 154 sonnets 201.5 XIE19971211.0085 -1 13 201.5 NYT19991124.0228 -1 7 201.5 APW19990319.0054 -1 300 201.5 NYT19990402.0037 -1 one 201.5 NYT19980701.0171 2 154 201.5 NYT19980907.0136 -1 38 plays 201.5 XIE19971211.0085 -1 One 201.5 NYT19980622.0459 -1 one 201.5 NYT19980630.0101 -1 seven 201.5 NYT20000110.0082 1 154 201.5 NYT19981124.0274 -1 400 years 201.5 NYT19980622.0459 -1 75 201.5 NYT19990126.0099 -1 1980s 201.5 NYT20000108.0277 1 154 201.5 NYT19990126.0099 -1 four 201.5 NYT20000126.0359 -1 3 1/2 201.5 NYT19990418.0087 1 154 sonnets 201.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 201.6 NYT19990202.0063 2 37 201.6 NYT19990417.0027 2 38 201.6 NYT19991223.0072 -1 five 201.6 APW20000422.0112 -1 1564 201.6 NYT19990126.0099 -1 1980 201.6 NYT19990614.0149 -1 1 early disbeliever 201.6 APW19990712.0024 -1 PERU INDIANA 201.6 NYT19990126.0099 -1 SHAKESPEARE WRITE 201.6 NYT19990401.0059 1 37 201.6 NYT19990327.0064 -1 28 201.6 NYT19990402.0037 -1 one 201.6 NYT19990402.0037 -1 Vere 201.6 XIE19971211.0085 1 37 201.6 NYT19980701.0171 -1 154 201.6 NYT19980907.0136 1 38 plays 201.6 NYT19990126.0099 -1 one 201.6 NYT20000201.0246 -1 three 201.6 NYT19980630.0101 -1 seven 201.6 NYT20000814.0268 -1 two 201.6 XIE19971211.0085 -1 1616 201.6 APW19990319.0054 -1 11 plays 201.6 NYT19990126.0099 -1 William Shakespeare 201.6 NYT19990126.0099 -1 29 201.6 XIE19971211.0085 -1 one 201.6 NYT19990126.0099 -1 four 201.6 XIE19971211.0085 -1 154 sonnets 201.6 NYT19981115.0072 1 39 202.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 202.1 NYT19981125.0051 3 Peru 202.1 NYT19990518.0466 -1 Ill. 202.1 NYT19981215.0287 -1 New York 202.1 NYT19990610.0476 -1 Louisville 202.1 NYT19981013.0182 -1 George 202.1 NYT19981026.0200 -1 Hawaii 202.1 NYT19981125.0051 1 Peru, Indiana 202.1 NYT19981124.0153 -1 1891 202.1 NYT19981124.0153 3 INDIANA 202.1 NYT19981124.0153 1 PERU INDIANA 202.1 APW20000904.0030 -1 Montgomery 202.1 APW20000417.0176 -1 NEW YORK 202.1 NYT19981124.0153 3 Peru 202.1 NYT19990729.0193 -1 Everett Dance Theater 202.1 NYT20000323.0446 -1 Howard 202.1 NYT19990320.0294 -1 Florida 202.1 APW20000508.0065 -1 Music 202.1 APW20000605.0026 -1 Copenhagen 202.1 NYT19981125.0051 1 Peru , Ind. 202.1 APW20000904.0030 -1 1964 202.1 APW20000411.0128 -1 Horn 202.1 NYT20000726.0441 -1 Jerusalem 202.1 NYT20000903.0092 -1 Henriette 202.1 NYT19981124.0153 1 Peru, Ind 202.1 APW20000519.0165 -1 Gershwin 202.1 NYT20000822.0336 -1 Berlin 202.1 NYT20000601.0181 -1 Irving Berlin 202.1 NYT19981124.0153 1 Peru, Indiana 202.1 APW19990804.0205 -1 Wendy Williams 202.2 NYT19981125.0051 1 1891 202.2 NYT19990518.0466 -1 1906 202.2 NYT19990610.0476 -1 1995 202.2 NYT19990425.0236 -1 1944 202.2 APW20000106.0137 -1 1948 202.2 XIE19990915.0090 -1 SOCCER 202.2 NYT19981124.0153 1 1891 202.2 NYT20000903.0092 -1 1923 202.2 NYT19991119.0244 -1 Dec. 3 1999 202.2 APW20000904.0030 -1 property 202.2 NYT19980721.0309 -1 1985 202.2 APW19990109.0062 -1 1936 202.2 NYT20000824.0410 -1 1960 202.2 NYT19980923.0193 -1 1930s 202.2 NYT19990707.0128 -1 1955 202.2 NYT19991130.0323 -1 1950 202.2 NYT20000903.0092 -1 April 1, , 1923 , 202.2 NYT19981124.0153 -1 Katie Cole Porter 202.2 NYT19981124.0153 -1 two 202.2 NYT19981125.0051 -1 October 1964 202.2 NYT20000626.0152 -1 1948 202.2 APW20000514.0155 -1 1948 202.2 NYT20000323.0446 -1 1991 202.2 NYT19981125.0051 -1 1964 202.2 APW20000904.0030 -1 1964 202.2 NYT19981124.0153 -1 1892 202.3 APW20000904.0030 1 1964 202.3 APW19990204.0202 -1 1998 202.3 NYT19980611.0249 1 1964 202.3 APW20000106.0137 -1 1948 202.3 NYT19991103.0077 2 1964 202.3 NYT19981125.0051 1 1964 202.3 APW20000904.0030 -1 KATE 202.3 NYT19991119.0244 -1 Dec. 3 1999 202.3 APW20000904.0030 -1 property 202.3 NYT19991130.0323 1 1964 202.3 NYT20000119.0093 -1 1948 202.3 NYT20000824.0410 -1 1960 202.3 NYT19991103.0080 2 1964 202.3 NYT20000222.0407 -1 2000 202.3 NYT19981124.0153 3 October, 1964 , a morose and lonely millionaire 202.3 NYT19981124.0153 -1 Cole Porter 202.3 NYT19981124.0153 -1 own 202.3 NYT19981125.0051 3 October 1964 202.3 NYT20000323.0446 2 1964 202.3 APW20000514.0155 -1 1948 202.3 NYT20000323.0446 -1 1991 202.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 202.5 NYT19980611.0249 1 Silk Stockings 202.5 NYT19980619.0333 -1 "Do n't Fence Me In" 202.5 NYT19980619.0321 -1 "Do n't Fence Me In" 202.5 NYT20000515.0174 -1 Jimi Hendrix 202.5 APW19990223.0019 -1 Imperial Theater 202.5 APW20000604.0129 -1 FIVE 202.5 APW19990908.0140 -1 MUSICAL 202.5 NYT19980611.0249 -1 business nostalgia 202.5 NYT19981029.0267 -1 the events 202.5 NYT19980611.0249 1 ``Silk Stockings,'' 202.5 NYT19991130.0323 -1 This World 202.5 NYT20000517.0222 -1 Kate 202.5 NYT19991206.0147 -1 three 202.5 APW19990622.0193 -1 music 202.5 NYT19990116.0170 -1 Steel Pier 202.5 NYT19981118.0304 -1 Ethel Merman 202.5 NYT19980611.0249 -1 original cast of Porter's last Broadway musical 202.5 NYT20000216.0296 -1 Fred Astaire 202.5 APW19990916.0339 -1 a new trial for a $2 202.5 NYT19981125.0295 -1 ten 202.5 NYT19981125.0295 -1 hard-bitten show business veteran 202.5 NYT19981125.0051 -1 McBrien 202.5 APW20000713.0051 -1 Mazzie 202.5 NYT20000517.0222 -1 72 202.5 APW20000604.0129 -1 Kate 202.5 NYT19981124.0165 -1 NYTBOOK-COLE-1000&ADD-NYTSF, COLE PORTER, A Biography. By William McBrien. Illustrated. 459 pp. 202.5 APW19990701.0061 -1 November 202.5 APW19990701.0061 -1 musical 202.5 NYT19990907.0341 -1 Marie Christine 202.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 202.6 NYT19981125.0295 -1 Two 202.6 APW20000106.0137 -1 1948 202.6 NYT19981203.0191 -1 1930 202.6 NYT19981125.0051 1 800 songs 202.6 APW19990701.0061 -1 KATE 202.6 NYT19990623.0148 -1 GEORGE GERSHWIN 202.6 NYT20000822.0336 -1 300 SONGS 202.6 NYT19990107.0232 -1 two 202.6 NYT19991119.0195 -1 818 202.6 APW19990701.0061 -1 one 202.6 NYT19981124.0153 1 800 202.6 NYT19981026.0200 -1 One 202.6 NYT19980719.0039 -1 Five 202.6 NYT19991130.0323 -1 one 202.6 NYT19990107.0232 -1 three 202.6 NYT19991130.0323 -1 20th 202.6 NYT19981125.0051 -1 1891 202.6 NYT19981124.0153 -1 Cole Porter 202.6 NYT19981124.0153 -1 own 202.6 NYT19981125.0051 -1 the two most important people 202.6 NYT20000619.0148 -1 24 202.6 NYT20000312.0109 -1 Two 202.6 NYT19981124.0153 -1 14 202.6 NYT20000619.0148 -1 20 202.6 NYT20000615.0142 -1 one 202.6 NYT20000710.0122 -1 16 songs 202.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 202.7 NYT19981125.0051 3 See America 202.7 NYT20000603.0130 -1 "The Music Man" 202.7 NYT19980706.0327 -1 "Do n't Fence Me In" 202.7 NYT20000515.0174 -1 Jimi Hendrix 202.7 NYT19981124.0382 -1 Joffrey Ballet 202.7 NYT19981125.0051 -1 Irving Berlin 202.7 APW19990721.0028 -1 CEO 202.7 APW20000605.0026 -1 SHOW 202.7 APW20000605.0026 -1 KATE 202.7 NYT19981124.0153 -1 talent as a child -- on the piano and the violin and at composing tunes -- and his mother 202.7 APW20000904.0030 -1 property 202.7 NYT19981125.0051 1 ``See America First,'' 202.7 NYT19980909.0116 -1 39 202.7 NYT19981015.0101 -1 music 202.7 NYT20000517.0204 -1 Kiss Me 202.7 NYT19981124.0153 -1 and one 202.7 APW20000605.0026 -1 Kate 202.7 NYT20000605.0007 -1 the revival of Cole Porter 's musical '' Kiss Me 202.7 NYT20000629.0400 -1 Shakespeare 202.7 APW20000508.0065 -1 revival of Cole Porter musical 202.7 NYT19991129.0164 -1 see 202.7 APW20000904.0030 -1 1964 202.7 NYT19981124.0153 -1 15 202.7 NYT19980909.0116 -1 first musical comedy 202.7 APW20000904.0030 -1 Robert Montgomery Jr. 202.7 NYT19981124.0153 -1 g 202.7 NYT19981125.0051 1 See America First, 202.7 APW20000514.0155 -1 Brian Stokes Mitchell 202.7 APW19990223.0019 -1 Silk Stockings'' opened at the Imperial Theater on Broadway 202.7 NYT19981125.0051 -1 Music 202.7 APW20000713.0051 -1 'Kiss Me 202.7 APW20000224.0121 -1 revival 202.7 APW20000224.0121 -1 music 202.7 APW20000605.0026 -1 Kiss Me, Kate 202.7 NYT20000903.0092 -1 Literary Property Trusts 203.1 APW19981218.0469 1 second-largest 203.1 APW19990617.0084 -1 most productive 203.1 APW19980821.0884 -1 Daimler-Benz 203.1 APW19990316.0280 -1 Japan 203.1 NYT19990524.0035 -1 STOCKS MIXED 203.1 APW19990117.0063 -1 Toyota Motor 203.1 NYT19981018.0138 -1 CASINO 203.1 APW19990117.0053 -1 MOTOR CORP 203.1 APW19990310.0125 -1 s 203.1 APW19980820.0312 -1 its position 203.1 APW19990310.0125 -1 fifth 203.1 NYT19980924.0423 -1 11 203.1 NYT20000508.0399 -1 Japan 203.1 APW19990104.0103 -1 Nissan Motor Co. 203.1 APW19990319.0111 -1 chairman 203.1 APW20000328.0009 -1 Mitsubishi 203.1 NYT20000316.0269 -1 executive 203.1 APW19990805.0076 -1 Renault SA 203.1 APW19990117.0063 -1 Mazda Motor 203.1 APW19980820.0312 -1 Japan 203.1 APW19990310.0125 -1 its position 203.1 APW19990319.0111 -1 one 203.1 APW19990319.0111 -1 Foreign automakers 203.1 APW19990118.0200 -1 Responding to reports that Renault, DaimlerChrysler AG and Ford Motor Co. might be interested in buying part of Nissan, the Japanese automaker said Saturday 203.1 APW19980820.0134 -1 Toyota Motor 203.1 APW19990319.0111 -1 Ford Motor 203.1 APW19990319.0144 -1 board 203.1 APW19980820.0166 -1 Toyota Motor 203.1 APW19991029.0239 1 2 203.1 APW20000413.0254 -1 Renault SA 203.1 NYT19990503.0415 -1 Japan 203.1 APW19990310.0125 -1 General 203.1 APW19990519.0217 -1 Renault 203.1 APW19981211.0376 -1 Toyota Motor Corp. 203.2 APW19990117.0053 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990319.0144 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990319.0111 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19981208.0764 -1 North America 203.2 NYT19990310.0387 -1 Toyota Motor 203.2 APW19990118.0200 -1 TOKYO 203.2 APW19990330.0192 -1 NISSAN MOTOR 203.2 APW20000516.0009 2 CARLOS GHOSN 203.2 APW19990419.0174 -1 Jerry Benefield 203.2 APW19990314.0051 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 NYT20000303.0193 -1 G. CHAMBERS 203.2 NYT19990203.0310 -1 Johnson 203.2 APW20000316.0094 1 Carlos Ghosn 203.2 APW19990114.0002 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990118.0200 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990325.0173 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990117.0053 -1 Motors 203.2 APW19990716.0092 1 Carlos Ghosn 203.2 NYT19990122.0388 4 Nissan Motor President Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990310.0125 -1 General Motors Corp. 203.2 APW19990310.0125 -1 DaimlerChrysler 203.2 NYT19990705.0147 -1 commercials 203.2 NYT20000908.0421 -1 Kawasoe 203.2 APW20000210.0086 -1 Jed Connelly 203.2 NYT19990409.0371 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990117.0063 4 Yoshikazu Hanawa 203.2 APW19990330.0192 -1 Renault 203.4 APW19990831.0223 1 Tokyo 203.4 XIE19990225.0260 -1 Headquarters 203.4 APW19980802.0956 1 Tokyo 203.4 NYT19980924.0152 1 Tokyo 203.4 NYT19990311.0499 -1 Farmington 203.4 NYT19990310.0431 -1 CREDIT CARD 203.4 APW19990118.0200 2 TOKYO 203.4 NYT19990616.0547 -1 North Kansas City 203.4 NYT19980726.0062 -1 City Natl 203.4 NYT19990310.0431 -1 Ginza 203.4 APW19990315.0127 -1 NEW YORK 203.4 APW19990104.0164 -1 DETROIT 203.4 APW19991018.0331 2 TOKYO 203.4 XIE19970421.0068 -1 Toyota Motor Corp. 203.4 NYT19980924.0423 -1 Ginza 203.4 NYT19990521.0352 -1 Hiroshima 203.4 APW19990316.0280 -1 Renault 203.4 NYT19980924.0423 1 TOKYO 203.4 APW19981208.0735 -1 California 203.4 NYT19990316.0320 -1 Frankfurt 203.4 APW19990117.0053 -1 DaimlerChrysler 203.4 APW19990117.0053 -1 theory 203.4 APW19990831.0223 1 TOKYO 203.4 APW19990315.0127 -1 Renault 203.4 XIE19970608.0139 -1 Beijing 203.4 APW19990118.0200 -1 Asia 203.4 NYT19990327.0044 2 Tokyo 203.4 APW19990316.0182 2 Tokyo 203.4 APW19991018.0331 2 Tokyo 203.4 APW20000808.0166 -1 Toyota Motor Corp. 203.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 203.5 APW19990330.0093 -1 Motor 203.5 APW19990330.0192 -1 sedan 203.5 APW20000316.0094 -1 Motor Manufacturing 203.5 APW19990324.0113 -1 Renault Chairman Louis Schweitzer 203.5 APW19990608.0214 -1 NORTH AMERICA 203.5 APW20000504.0121 -1 MAXIMA 203.5 APW20000515.0204 -1 MOTOR 203.5 XIE19961013.0075 -1 Nissan to Market Lithium Battery-Powered Cars in U.S. JAPAN, October 12 203.5 NYT19991126.0196 -1 Acura 203.5 APW19990330.0192 1 Infiniti Q45 203.5 APW19990316.0280 1 Infinity 203.5 APW19990302.0167 1 Infiniti 203.5 APW19990210.0015 -1 Toyota 203.5 NYT19991126.0196 -1 Lexus 203.5 APW19990325.0173 -1 news reports 203.5 NYT19990311.0499 -1 Renault 203.5 APW19990210.0015 -1 hardtop sports car 203.5 APW19990330.0192 -1 cars and trucks 203.5 APW19990330.0192 1 Infiniti 203.5 APW20000515.0204 -1 Renault 203.5 APW19990330.0192 -1 Q45 203.5 APW19990121.0159 -1 Nissan has been in talks with Daimler-Benz AG, the German automaker 203.5 APW19990319.0144 -1 Renault SA 203.5 APW19990211.0089 -1 2000 Maxima 203.5 APW19990817.0219 -1 Lincoln Blackwood 203.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 203.6 APW19990309.0163 -1 former 203.6 APW19990715.0260 3 Datsun 240Z 203.6 NYT19990120.0400 -1 Fuji Heavy Industries 203.6 NYT19990120.0400 -1 Suzuki Motor 203.6 XIE19960514.0439 -1 JOSEPH 203.6 XIE19961013.0075 -1 COMPANY 203.6 APW19990928.0146 -1 Scottsdale 203.6 NYT19990326.0467 -1 Le Cost Killer 203.6 APW19991020.0163 -1 Japan 203.6 APW19990310.0153 -1 chairman 203.6 APW19980727.0320 -1 troubled Korean automaker 203.6 APW19990114.0193 -1 2002 203.6 NYT19981001.0301 -1 corporations 203.6 APW19990608.0214 -1 North 203.6 APW19990117.0063 -1 Daimler and Nissan officials 203.6 APW19990310.0125 -1 Lincoln C 203.6 APW19990309.0073 -1 he 203.6 APW19990117.0053 -1 business 203.6 NYT19990310.0431 -1 Wednesday 203.6 NYT19991025.0523 1 Datsun 203.6 APW19990309.0163 -1 Eaton 203.6 NYT19990310.0431 -1 Renault 203.6 NYT19981125.0157 1 Datsun 203.6 NYT19990318.0343 -1 DaimlerChrysler 204.1 NYT19990219.0283 2 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT20000312.0147 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT20000131.0006 -1 Koran 204.1 NYT20000513.0153 -1 Mormon 204.1 NYT19980608.0136 -1 Mormon Temple 204.1 NYT19981029.0234 -1 MOVEMENT 204.1 NYT20000312.0147 1 JOSEPH SMITH 204.1 NYT20000312.0147 -1 Christian 204.1 NYT19990219.0283 -1 Catholic 204.1 NYT20000510.0054 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT19980819.0130 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT20000312.0149 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT20000313.0279 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT20000313.0267 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT19980603.0442 -1 Southern Baptist 204.1 NYT20000316.0103 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT19981023.0294 3 founder Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT20000312.0147 -1 1820 204.1 NYT19980611.0050 -1 1890 204.1 NYT20000312.0149 1 founder Joseph Smith 204.1 NYT19980610.0476 -1 Christian 204.1 NYT19990707.0172 -1 Gordon B. Hinkley 204.1 NYT20000630.0389 -1 Hinckley 204.1 NYT20000316.0103 -1 Wilford Andersen 204.1 APW19990416.0306 -1 Salt Lake 204.1 APW19990601.0280 1 Joseph Smith 204.1 APW19990405.0016 1 Joseph Smith 204.2 NYT19990219.0283 -1 1820s 204.2 APW19980605.1843 1 1830 204.2 NYT19990102.0168 -1 1875 204.2 APW20000419.0118 -1 1890 204.2 NYT20000316.0103 1 1830 204.2 NYT19991224.0149 1 1830 204.2 NYT20000312.0147 -1 JOSEPH SMITH 204.2 APW19990926.0092 -1 Mormons Update Women's Meeting SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- In an 204.2 APW19990209.0002 -1 1846 204.2 APW19990811.0004 -1 Nations 204.2 NYT20000312.0147 -1 2000 204.2 NYT20000312.0149 -1 2000 204.2 NYT20000312.0147 1 1830 204.2 NYT19980911.0037 -1 A8689 BC - MORMONS - EVANGELIZING - TEX 98619 204.2 NYT19990718.0066 1 1830 204.2 NYT19990212.0450 -1 1972 204.2 NYT19980603.0442 -1 June 9 204.2 APW19990306.0034 -1 1829 204.2 NYT20000630.0389 -1 the mid-1930s 204.2 NYT20000312.0147 -1 12 204.2 NYT20000312.0149 1 1830 204.2 NYT20000313.0279 -1 the 1840s 204.2 NYT20000312.0147 -1 1820 204.2 APW20000209.0211 -1 1846 204.2 NYT19980608.0136 -1 Even though Baptist videos and books about Mormons state that the 204.2 NYT20000316.0103 -1 1997 204.2 NYT20000906.0112 -1 the 1840s 204.2 NYT20000906.0112 -1 Hinckley 204.3 NYT19990219.0283 1 upstate New York 204.3 NYT19980603.0442 -1 Joseph Smith 204.3 APW19990831.0246 -1 ZCMI 204.3 APW20000720.0080 -1 Salt Lake City 204.3 APW19990209.0002 -1 Illinois 204.3 NYT19980608.0136 -1 Southern Baptists 204.3 APW20000518.0073 -1 OTHER 204.3 NYT19980609.0034 -1 ESSAY 204.3 APW20000518.0073 -1 CITY 204.3 APW20000122.0100 -1 Salem 204.3 NYT19981028.0531 -1 Utah 204.3 NYT19991101.0344 -1 Mormon church 204.3 NYT19980819.0130 -1 1805 204.3 NYT19991003.0809 -1 Utah 204.3 APW20000518.0073 -1 Utah 204.3 NYT20000906.0112 1 New York 204.3 NYT19980611.0050 -1 Salt Lake City 204.3 NYT20000312.0147 -1 Phoenix 204.3 NYT19980603.0442 -1 Southern Baptist 204.3 NYT20000312.0147 -1 Latter-day 204.3 NYT19980603.0442 -1 Salt Lake City 204.3 NYT19991224.0149 1 New York 204.3 NYT19990706.0127 -1 Salt Lake City 204.3 NYT20000312.0147 -1 Christian 204.3 NYT19980603.0442 -1 10 204.3 NYT20000312.0149 -1 Some 204.3 NYT19980610.0476 -1 Salt Lake City 204.3 APW20000518.0073 -1 Salt Lake City 204.3 APW19980605.1843 1 New York 204.3 APW19991002.0174 -1 Hinckley 204.3 NYT20000717.0149 -1 Edwards 204.3 APW19990202.0269 -1 Boston 204.3 NYT19980819.0130 1 New York 204.3 APW19990429.0014 -1 Hinckley 204.3 APW19990405.0016 -1 Fayette 204.3 NYT20000513.0153 -1 Utah 204.4 NYT19980608.0136 1 10 millions 204.4 APW20000928.0070 -1 12,000 204.4 NYT19980603.0442 -1 million-member 204.4 NYT20000312.0147 -1 150,000 204.4 NYT20000316.0103 1 10.3 million members 204.4 NYT19980605.0094 -1 LAST DAYS 204.4 NYT19990109.0219 -1 LDS 204.4 APW20000122.0100 -1 Two 204.4 NYT20000513.0153 -1 three 204.4 APW19980605.1778 -1 126-year 204.4 NYT19980603.0442 -1 950 204.4 NYT20000312.0147 -1 12 204.4 NYT20000312.0149 -1 12 204.4 APW19991002.0174 -1 six 204.4 NYT20000513.0153 -1 every 3 residents 204.4 NYT20000312.0149 -1 million 204.4 APW19990116.0093 -1 2 million 204.4 APW20000518.0073 4 5 million 204.4 NYT19980608.0221 -1 40,000 204.4 NYT19991224.0149 -1 1830 204.4 APW19991002.0166 -1 their 740,000 members 204.4 NYT20000312.0147 -1 1997 204.4 NYT20000312.0149 1 10.3 million members 204.4 NYT20000824.0281 -1 5 million 204.4 NYT19991224.0149 1 10 million 204.4 NYT19980726.0210 -1 four 204.4 NYT19981028.0531 -1 three 204.4 NYT19990718.0066 -1 300,000 204.4 XIE20000925.0030 -1 30,000 204.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 204.6 NYT19980608.0094 2 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT19991003.0809 -1 San Francisco 204.6 NYT19991003.0809 2 Utah 204.6 NYT20000312.0147 -1 Phoenix 204.6 NYT19980608.0136 2 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT19980611.0050 -1 ESTABLISHMENTS 204.6 APW20000518.0073 2 UTAH 204.6 NYT19980612.0153 -1 CITY 204.6 NYT19980608.0221 -1 Denver 204.6 NYT19990212.0141 1 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT19990121.0065 -1 the Mormon capital 204.6 NYT19980608.0221 -1 Southern Baptists 204.6 APW19990415.0129 2 SALT LAKE CITY 204.6 APW19990306.0031 2 SALT LAKE CITY 204.6 APW19981018.0318 2 Utah 204.6 APW20000518.0073 2 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT19980611.0050 1 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT20000312.0149 2 Utah 204.6 NYT19980608.0094 -1 Southern Baptist 204.6 NYT19980608.0221 -1 Latter-day 204.6 NYT19980608.0221 1 SALT LAKE CITY 204.6 NYT19981028.0532 2 Utah 204.6 APW19990324.0261 -1 Roswell 204.6 NYT19980603.0442 2 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT20000312.0147 -1 Source 204.6 NYT20000316.0101 -1 America 204.6 NYT19980609.0434 1 Salt Lake City 204.6 NYT20000513.0153 2 Utah 204.6 APW19991002.0174 -1 Hinckley 204.6 NYT19981028.0531 2 Utah 204.6 NYT19980608.0094 -1 Hinckley 204.6 APW19990116.0093 2 SALT LAKE CITY 204.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 204.7 APW20000302.0025 -1 30 million 204.7 NYT19991229.0160 -1 94,000 204.7 NYT20000312.0147 -1 150,000 204.7 APW19991002.0174 2 100 204.7 NYT19980605.0094 -1 LAST DAYS 204.7 NYT19980603.0442 -1 MORMON 204.7 NYT19990415.0405 -1 100 204.7 APW19990404.0029 4 56 204.7 APW19991002.0174 -1 six months 204.7 NYT20000830.0091 -1 14-year 204.7 APW20000402.0076 1 76 204.7 NYT19991230.0237 1 100 204.7 NYT20000830.0091 -1 55 204.7 NYT20000316.0102 -1 million 204.7 APW19990104.0211 -1 12 204.7 NYT19980819.0130 -1 10 million 204.7 NYT20000312.0147 -1 1997 204.7 NYT20000313.0267 -1 10.3 million members 204.7 NYT20000630.0389 -1 40 years 204.7 NYT19991224.0149 -1 10 million 204.7 NYT19980819.0130 -1 318,000 204.7 NYT19991224.0149 -1 more than 10 million 205.1 XIE19960629.0210 1 Luzon 205.1 APW19980907.0723 1 Luzon 205.1 XIE20000304.0121 -1 In June 205.1 APW19980907.0723 3 central Luzon 205.1 XIE20000304.0121 -1 JUNE 205.1 APW19980918.0412 2 LUZON PHILIPPINES 205.1 APW19980918.0412 2 LUZON 205.1 APW19990621.0088 3 Philippines 205.1 XIE19961021.0208 -1 Clark 205.1 APW19980918.0412 2 Luzon 205.1 XIE19970421.0093 -1 Mount Pinatubo 205.1 APW19980710.1204 3 Philippines 205.1 XIE19970421.0093 3 northern Philippines 205.1 XIE19970421.0093 3 Philippines 205.1 NYT19980722.0292 -1 the eruption of Mount Pinatubo 205.1 XIE19981211.0393 -1 islands and coastlines 205.1 XIE20000304.0121 1 Luzon 205.1 XIE20000304.0121 -1 Mt 205.1 APW19980917.0023 -1 Mount Pinatubo 205.1 XIE19960411.0075 -1 1991 205.1 XIE20000304.0121 -1 Council 205.1 XIE19990802.0061 2 Luzon Island 205.1 APW20000330.0073 -1 Japan 205.1 XIE19960528.0245 1 Luzon 205.2 XIE20000304.0121 1 June 205.2 APW19981029.0560 -1 November 205.2 APW19981029.0560 1 June 205.2 XIE19981014.0086 1 June 205.2 XIE19970421.0093 1 June 205.2 APW19981022.0003 -1 SEVERAL 205.2 APW19981029.0560 1 JUNE 205.2 XIE20000304.0121 -1 The Philippine government is addressing the health concerns of more than 205.2 APW19981028.0661 1 June 205.2 NYT20000228.0488 -1 Feb. 28, 2000 205.2 XIE19960110.0105 1 June 205.2 APW19980917.0023 -1 1991 205.2 XIE19960411.0075 -1 1991 205.2 APW19981028.0661 3 June 1991 205.2 APW19981029.0560 3 June 1991 205.2 XIE20000602.0249 -1 1992 205.2 NYT20000228.0488 -1 Feb. 28 , 2000 205.2 XIE19980711.0126 -1 January, 1997, when more 205.2 APW19990621.0038 -1 1816 205.2 APW20000809.0157 -1 15 July 14 205.2 APW19980907.0723 -1 Central Luzon 205.2 NYT20000228.0488 -1 Feb. 205.2 APW19980603.0274 -1 The 1991 eruption of nearby Mount Pinatubo hastened the departure of 205.2 NYT19980817.0236 2 June 205.3 XIE19981014.0086 1 About 500 205.3 APW19981025.0015 -1 700 205.3 APW19981029.0560 -1 6,000 205.3 APW20000330.0073 -1 two 205.3 APW19990621.0088 -1 300 people 205.3 APW19981022.0003 -1 VOLCANO 205.3 XIE19960830.0260 -1 800 205.3 APW19981028.0661 -1 370 205.3 APW19981028.0661 -1 6,000 205.3 APW19981028.0661 -1 more than 6,000 people 205.3 XIE19970807.0254 1 364 205.3 XIE19981014.0086 -1 600 205.3 XIE19960411.0075 -1 800 205.3 XIE19970526.0143 -1 11 people 205.3 APW19980710.1204 -1 Four 205.3 APW19980602.1576 -1 Thousands 205.3 XIE19981014.0086 1 500 205.3 NYT19981109.0114 -1 30,000 205.3 APW19981029.0560 -1 more than 6,000 people 205.3 APW19981022.0003 -1 two 205.3 APW19981022.0003 -1 three 205.3 APW19981022.0003 -1 millions 205.3 APW20000401.0104 -1 50 205.3 XIE19980711.0203 -1 300 people 205.3 XIE19960830.0260 -1 400 205.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 205.4 APW19981022.0193 -1 20 205.4 APW19981022.0193 -1 12,800 205.4 NYT20000902.0094 -1 13,000 205.4 APW20000329.0249 -1 9000 people 205.4 XIE19980708.0279 -1 400 205.4 NYT20000228.0488 -1 15 205.4 APW19980918.0412 -1 100,000 205.4 APW19990621.0038 -1 two 205.4 APW19981028.0661 -1 more than 6,000 people 205.4 XIE19961021.0208 -1 6,000 205.4 XIE19981014.0086 -1 500 205.4 APW19981022.0193 -1 about 6200 people 205.4 APW19981022.0193 -1 four 205.4 APW19981021.1088 -1 thousands 205.4 APW20000627.0013 -1 2,500 205.4 APW19981022.0003 -1 12,500 205.4 XIE19960825.0134 -1 60,000 205.4 APW19981029.0560 -1 more than 6,000 people 205.4 APW19981022.0003 -1 1991 205.4 APW19981022.0193 -1 at least four 205.4 APW19981022.0003 -1 millions 205.4 XIE19970308.0152 -1 3,900 205.4 APW19981029.0560 -1 6,000 205.4 NYT20000228.0498 -1 15 205.4 APW19981022.0003 -1 74 people 205.4 APW20000331.0129 -1 11,000 people 205.4 APW19981022.0003 -1 two 205.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 205.5 XIE19981014.0086 1 600 years 205.5 APW19981022.0003 -1 90 km 205.5 APW19990309.0182 -1 1889 205.5 XIE19981014.0086 1 600 YEARS 205.5 XIE19981014.0086 3 600 205.5 XIE19981014.0086 1 600 years 205.5 APW19980710.1204 -1 Four 205.5 APW19980918.0412 -1 Mount 205.5 XIE19990802.0061 -1 three to five feet 205.5 XIE19970807.0254 -1 24 hours 205.5 NYT19990519.0346 -1 6 miles 205.5 XIE19960411.0075 -1 some two billion 205.5 XIE19960411.0075 -1 1991 205.5 APW19990621.0088 -1 1991 year 205.5 XIE19960411.0075 -1 some two billion cubic meters 205.5 NYT20000608.0077 -1 500 miles 205.5 APW19981028.0661 -1 June 1991 205.5 XIE19960411.0075 -1 million cubic meters 205.5 XIE19980617.0107 -1 August 9 to 11 206.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 206.1 NYT19990920.0068 1 1889 206.1 XIE19980803.0099 -1 August 206.1 XIE19980817.0127 -1 1954 206.1 NYT19990821.0138 1 1889 206.1 NYT19980719.0173 -1 May 24 206.1 NYT19991215.0231 -1 1991 206.1 XIE19990921.0317 -1 PM 206.1 NYT19990428.0486 -1 1984 206.1 NYT19990821.0138 -1 1900 206.1 NYT19991215.0231 -1 1906 206.1 NYT19991215.0231 -1 10000 people 206.1 NYT19990920.0068 1 May 31, , 1889 , 206.1 XIE19980730.0168 -1 1954 206.1 APW20000606.0016 2 1889 206.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 206.2 APW19980714.1110 2 2209 206.2 NYT19990821.0138 1 2,200 206.2 APW19990530.0061 4 2,000 206.2 NYT19990821.0138 1 2200 people 206.2 NYT19990920.0068 -1 1889 206.2 NYT19990821.0138 1 2200 206.2 NYT19990205.0221 -1 6 billion 206.2 NYT19991215.0231 -1 6,000 206.2 NYT19990920.0068 -1 the 1889 Johnstown flood 206.2 NYT19990205.0221 -1 million 206.2 APW19990128.0012 -1 18 206.2 APW20000129.0183 -1 229 206.2 APW19980909.0874 -1 million 206.2 NYT19990821.0138 -1 1889 206.2 NYT19990205.0221 -1 the Johnstown Flood Control Project and $140,000 206.2 NYT19990821.0138 -1 1900 206.2 NYT19990205.0221 -1 $ 6.8 million 206.2 APW20000606.0016 4 more than 2,000 206.2 XIE19980614.0135 -1 million people 206.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 206.3 APW19990530.0061 -1 May 31, 1889 206.3 NYT19990205.0221 -1 5 206.3 NYT19990920.0068 -1 1889 206.3 APW19980615.0726 -1 RAIN FELL 206.3 APW19990530.0061 -1 2,000 206.3 XIE19980808.0061 -1 one source 206.3 NYT19990821.0138 -1 2,200 206.3 NYT19990920.0068 -1 12 206.3 NYT19990920.0068 1 20 - 1000000 - ton 206.3 XIE19980810.0184 -1 meters 206.3 NYT20000905.0205 -1 whole north end 206.3 NYT19990827.0236 -1 one 206.3 NYT19990224.0399 -1 $10 206.3 NYT19990920.0068 1 20-million ton 206.3 NYT19990827.0093 -1 Pennsylvania 206.3 XIE19980826.0084 -1 0 206.3 XIE19980826.0084 -1 0.08 206.3 NYT19990920.0068 -1 12 miles 206.3 NYT19991215.0231 -1 nine feet 206.3 NYT19990920.0068 1 20-million-ton 206.3 APW19990530.0061 -1 31, 1889 206.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 206.4 APW20000606.0016 1 South Fork 206.4 XIE19980407.0090 -1 weir 206.4 NYT19990821.0138 -1 Galveston 206.4 NYT20000316.0386 -1 Floyd 206.4 APW20000606.0016 -1 failures 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 31 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 1889 206.4 XIE19991006.0178 -1 the dams 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 1 South Fork 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 The Johnstown Flood National Memorial 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 U. S 206.4 APW20000606.0016 -1 a gathering of dam safety experts 206.4 APW20000606.0016 -1 234 dam failures 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 Galveston 206.4 XIE19991006.0178 -1 dams' spillway gates 206.4 NYT19990827.0093 -1 Pennsylvania 206.4 APW20000606.0016 3 the privately owned South Fork dam 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 people 206.4 APW20000606.0016 -1 a gathering 206.4 APW20000606.0016 -1 Dams 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 -1 National Memorial 206.4 NYT19990920.0068 1 South Fork Dam 206.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 206.5 APW20000606.0016 -1 South Fork 206.5 NYT20000412.0335 -1 Twelve-year-old 206.5 XIE19980730.0149 -1 100 years 206.5 XIE19970820.0147 -1 three years 206.5 NYT19990119.0464 -1 65 years 206.5 APW20000606.0016 -1 40 206.5 NYT19990205.0221 -1 PENNSYLVANIA 206.5 NYT19990920.0068 -1 31 206.5 APW20000717.0152 -1 22-year 206.5 APW20000912.0206 -1 53-year 206.5 NYT19990827.0236 -1 1897 206.5 NYT19990827.0236 -1 41 206.5 XIE19980830.0037 -1 Three 206.5 NYT20000901.0156 -1 90 206.5 NYT19980719.0173 -1 49 206.5 XIE19980819.0143 -1 50 206.5 APW20000606.0016 -1 68 year 206.5 XIE19971105.0230 -1 100 years 206.5 APW20000606.0016 -1 68 206.5 NYT19990920.0068 -1 1889 206.5 APW20000606.0016 -1 2,000 206.5 XIE19980830.0037 -1 1000 year 206.5 NYT19991122.0261 -1 seven feet 206.5 NYT19980714.0324 -1 five years 206.5 NYT19990128.0325 -1 65 years 206.5 NYT19990920.0068 -1 12 miles 206.5 XIE19980819.0143 -1 50 years 206.5 XIE19970416.0039 -1 three 206.5 NYT19980603.0157 -1 1.1 million 206.5 NYT19990119.0464 -1 at least 65 years old 206.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 206.6 APW20000606.0016 -1 1889 206.6 NYT20000901.0156 -1 Texas 206.6 XIE20000430.0121 -1 China 206.6 APW20000419.0195 -1 New York 206.6 NYT19990426.0484 1 Pennsylvania 206.6 NYT19990205.0221 1 PENNSYLVANIA 206.6 NYT19990827.0093 1 Pennsylvania 206.6 NYT19990920.0068 1 Pa. 206.6 XIE19990721.0052 -1 State of Emergency 206.6 NYT19990920.0068 3 Johnstown, Pa. 206.6 NYT20000822.0291 1 Pennsylvania 206.6 NYT19990205.0221 1 Pennsylvania 206.6 APW20000419.0195 -1 U.S. 206.6 NYT19990224.0399 -1 News Service 206.6 NYT19990205.0221 -1 Gettysburg 206.6 NYT19990224.0399 1 Pennsylvania 206.6 APW20000606.0016 -1 ballroom 206.6 NYT19990205.0221 -1 Nanty Glo 206.6 APW19990624.0016 1 Pa 206.6 NYT19981104.0325 2 Pennsylvania 206.6 NYT19990426.0484 1 Pa. 206.6 APW19990810.0295 2 Pa 207.1 APW20000617.0074 1 1173 207.1 NYT19990104.0182 -1 2000 207.1 APW19980616.1042 -1 October 207.1 XIE20000404.0329 -1 1056 207.1 XIE20000404.0329 -1 April 4 2000 207.1 XIE19970421.0208 4 1174 207.1 APW20000601.0106 -1 2001 207.1 XIE19970421.0208 3 1174 and 1350 207.1 XIE19980107.0245 3 between 1173 and 1360 207.1 APW19980831.1343 -1 1986 207.1 APW20000601.0106 -1 June, 2001 207.1 APW19981212.0644 -1 10 207.1 APW20000616.0080 -1 about 250 207.1 APW19981212.0644 1 1173 207.1 XIE19981212.0266 -1 Italy 207.1 APW20000617.0074 3 August 9, 1173 207.1 NYT19981126.0120 -1 1979 207.1 XIE20000404.0329 -1 pagoda 207.1 APW19981211.0531 1 1173 207.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 207.2 XIE19981212.0266 1 200 years 207.2 NYT19990104.0182 -1 coming after 99 in the year field 207.2 XIE19980107.0245 -1 58 meters 207.2 NYT19990907.0432 -1 861 feet 207.2 APW19981212.0644 -1 100 meters 207.2 XIE19981212.0266 -1 INCLINATION 207.2 XIE19970311.0242 2 200 YEARS 207.2 APW20000616.0080 -1 250 years 207.2 APW19990522.0062 -1 Tower 207.2 XIE19970311.0242 -1 2 207.2 XIE20000111.0320 -1 ten 207.2 XIE20000111.0320 -1 4 meters 207.2 APW19981212.0644 -1 12 century 207.2 APW19980929.0081 -1 4 meters 207.2 NYT20000607.0136 -1 that 984-foot marvel 207.2 APW19981212.0644 -1 1173 207.2 XIE19970311.0242 -1 10 207.2 XIE19980813.0278 -1 12 207.2 APW19980929.0081 -1 838 year 207.2 XIE20000404.0329 -1 115 years 207.2 NYT20000530.0108 -1 10 minutes 207.2 NYT20000530.0108 -1 131 feet 207.2 XIE20000612.0278 -1 115 years 207.2 APW19980929.0081 -1 13 feet 207.2 XIE19980107.0245 -1 18 months 207.3 APW19990522.0033 1 6 degrees 207.3 APW20000601.0106 -1 over 207.3 XIE19980107.0245 -1 Italy 207.3 APW20000617.0074 -1 Michele Jamiolkowski 207.3 NYT20000508.0237 -1 MIRACOLI 207.3 XIE19981212.0266 -1 LEAN 207.3 APW20000601.0106 -1 To Reopen in 2001 PISA 207.3 NYT20000818.0262 -1 This angle 207.3 NYT20000313.0265 -1 39 207.3 NYT20000319.0257 -1 Italy 207.3 NYT20000530.0108 -1 131 feet 207.3 XIE20000404.0329 -1 Italy 207.3 NYT20000530.0108 -1 futuristic masts 207.3 NYT19980622.0123 -1 the angle of its floor 207.3 XIE19981212.0266 -1 tower's inclination from underground 207.3 APW19980929.0081 -1 meter 207.3 APW19981212.0644 -1 1173 207.3 APW20000617.0074 -1 Fabio Vasarelli 207.3 XIE20000111.0320 -1 work 207.3 NYT20000530.0108 -1 three times 207.3 XIE20000111.0320 -1 Italian 207.3 NYT19980622.0123 -1 German Synagogue 207.3 NYT20000508.0241 -1 apparently chucked the debris into the nearby harbor 207.3 NYT19990321.0148 -1 3 207.3 APW20000601.0106 -1 tilt 207.3 APW19980929.0081 -1 perpendicular 207.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 207.4 APW19980727.0746 -1 1990 207.4 APW19980812.0575 -1 Cao Shihzhong 207.4 NYT19991229.0228 -1 MARTHA MAKES HER MOVE The 207.4 XIE19980813.0278 -1 5 207.4 XIE20000404.0329 -1 3 4 207.4 NYT19990321.0148 -1 3 207.4 APW20000617.0074 -1 60 207.4 XIE19970311.0242 -1 The Italian Senate has approved a bill to restore the Leaning 207.4 NYT19990924.0024 -1 one 207.4 APW19980812.0575 -1 Leaning 207.4 APW19981212.0644 1 half-degree 207.4 APW19980727.0746 -1 80 slanted structures 207.4 APW19990522.0062 3 one-fifth 207.4 XIE19981212.0178 -1 Italy 207.4 NYT20000607.0136 -1 The Leaning Tower of Pisa 207.4 NYT20000607.0136 -1 time 207.4 XIE20000111.0320 -1 50,000 cubic meters 207.4 XIE20000518.0342 -1 Yuan 207.4 APW19981212.0644 -1 1173 207.4 XIE20000404.0329 -1 1056 207.4 XIE19980813.0278 -1 30 years 207.4 XIE20000404.0329 -1 nine- story 207.4 XIE19980813.0278 -1 eight- 207.4 APW19990523.0082 -1 PISA, Italy (AP) -- The Leaning Tower of Pisa is leaning 207.4 XIE19970311.0242 -1 12 billion liras 207.4 NYT20000321.0022 -1 18-hole 207.4 APW19990522.0033 1 one-fifth of an inch 207.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 207.5 APW20000601.0106 -1 Ministry 207.5 XIE19980107.0245 -1 Italy 207.5 XIE19980813.0278 3 22 million 207.5 NYT20000508.0237 -1 CATHEDRAL 207.5 XIE19970311.0242 -1 10 207.5 XIE19981212.0266 -1 Begins ROME 207.5 XIE19970311.0242 4 12 billion liras 207.5 XIE19960620.0074 -1 Moscow 207.5 XIE19980813.0278 1 22 million U.S. 207.5 NYT20000814.0333 -1 $20 207.5 NYT19980728.0065 -1 .) 207.5 APW19990211.0178 -1 the Leaning Tower of Pisa 207.5 NYT20000620.0138 -1 fuel 207.5 XIE20000601.0121 -1 seven million yuan 207.5 APW19981212.0644 -1 work 207.5 XIE19980813.0278 -1 Chinese engineer 207.5 XIE19980813.0278 -1 my life work 207.5 APW19990523.0082 -1 PISA, Italy (AP) -- The Leaning Tower of Pisa is leaning 207.5 XIE19980813.0278 -1 million U.S 207.5 XIE20000601.0121 -1 pagoda 207.5 NYT19980622.0123 -1 German Synagogue 207.6 APW19981211.0388 -1 103-meters 207.6 XIE19980107.0245 4 58 meters 207.6 NYT20000601.0133 -1 131 feet 207.6 NYT20000530.0108 -1 131 feet 207.6 XIE19981212.0266 1 54.5 meters 207.6 NYT19990321.0148 1 180 feet 207.6 APW19981211.0531 3 180 ft55 207.6 XIE19970311.0242 -1 OVER 2000 207.6 NYT20000508.0237 -1 CATHEDRAL 207.6 XIE20000404.0329 -1 12.81 meters 207.6 XIE19981017.0176 -1 30-meter 207.6 APW19981211.0531 -1 26 meters 207.6 XIE20000111.0320 -1 ten 207.6 XIE19990809.0026 -1 Italy 207.6 XIE19980727.0034 -1 80 207.6 NYT20000607.0136 -1 that 984-foot marvel 207.6 APW19981212.0644 -1 1173 207.6 XIE19970311.0242 -1 10 207.6 XIE19980813.0278 -1 12 207.6 XIE20000404.0329 -1 The octagonal pagoda 207.6 NYT19980728.0099 -1 14 feet 207.6 XIE19980813.0278 1 54.5 meters 207.6 APW19981211.0531 3 55 207.6 XIE20000612.0278 -1 11. 36 meters 207.6 APW20000617.0074 -1 6 degrees 208.1 XIE20000506.0102 1 more than 2,000 years ago 208.1 NYT19980628.0159 1 2000 years 208.1 XIE19980711.0105 -1 25 208.1 APW19981213.0098 -1 two years 208.1 XIE19961230.0076 -1 six years 208.1 XIE20000904.0215 -1 4 208.1 XIE20000612.0308 -1 OVER 208.1 XIE20000506.0102 1 2000 YEARS OLD 208.1 XIE20000506.0102 1 2000 YEARS 208.1 XIE19990612.0063 -1 1,500 208.1 XIE19970515.0165 -1 6,700 kilometers 208.1 XIE20000506.0102 1 2,000 years 208.1 NYT19981228.0207 2 2000 208.1 XIE20000904.0215 -1 Fourteen 208.1 XIE19970508.0155 -1 ancient Great Wall 208.1 XIE19981102.0165 -1 25 208.1 XIE19960418.0147 2 2,000 208.1 XIE19980217.0144 3 2,200 years 208.1 XIE19971108.0144 2 2,000 years 208.1 XIE19970516.0224 1 the 2 , 500-year old Great Wall 208.1 NYT19981104.0353 -1 340 208.1 XIE20000517.0265 -1 6,000 century 208.1 XIE19980217.0144 -1 huge black stones 208.1 XIE19981102.0165 -1 20 years 208.1 XIE20000602.0216 -1 4 208.1 XIE19980109.0122 1 2,500-year 208.1 NYT19981026.0330 -1 3,000 miles 208.1 XIE19980628.0066 -1 1 208.1 XIE19970618.0220 -1 two beacon 208.1 XIE19980109.0122 -1 367-day 208.2 XIE19981102.0154 1 6,000 killometers 208.2 XIE20000101.0168 -1 zero hours 208.2 XIE19991101.0213 -1 40 meters 208.2 XIE19991207.0199 1 6000 km 208.2 XIE19971230.0084 -1 BUILT OVER 2000 YEARS AGO 208.2 XIE19981102.0154 -1 OVER 208.2 XIE19961013.0048 -1 708 208.2 XIE19970515.0165 1 6,700 kilometers 208.2 XIE19991207.0199 1 6,000 km 208.2 XIE19980326.0255 -1 first 208.2 XIE20000612.0308 -1 million 208.2 XIE19990514.0200 -1 1.5 meters 208.2 XIE19981102.0165 -1 20 years 208.2 XIE19970611.0191 -1 64.05 percent 208.2 XIE19991207.0199 -1 20 km 208.2 XIE19981102.0165 1 6,000 kilometers 208.2 XIE19970508.0155 -1 the 178-km Great Wall 208.2 XIE19991207.0199 -1 20 208.2 XIE19970508.0152 -1 8 208.2 XIE19980628.0066 -1 400 years 208.2 XIE19981102.0154 -1 a two-month field investigation 208.2 XIE19970508.0152 -1 50,000 km 208.2 NYT19981026.0330 1 3,000 miles 208.2 XIE19991207.0199 1 more than 6,000 km 208.2 XIE19980726.0356 -1 660 million 208.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 208.3 XIE19960604.0070 -1 3000 years 208.3 XIE19991214.0319 -1 two years 208.3 XIE20000506.0102 -1 2,000 years 208.3 XIE20000101.0168 -1 zero hours 208.3 XIE20000517.0265 -1 6000 208.3 XIE19971218.0129 -1 MING DYNASTY 208.3 XIE20000506.0102 -1 BUILT OVER 2000 YEARS 208.3 XIE20000612.0298 -1 50 years 208.3 XIE20000328.0178 -1 Wall 208.3 XIE19980217.0144 -1 221 208.3 XIE19980629.0140 -1 8 wonders 208.3 XIE19980814.0151 -1 billion 208.3 XIE19980319.0107 -1 4,142-meter 208.3 XIE19981102.0154 -1 U.S. 208.3 NYT19990120.0295 -1 three days 208.3 XIE20000517.0265 -1 16 century 208.3 XIE19981102.0165 -1 6,000 kilometers 208.3 XIE19970508.0155 -1 the 178-km Great Wall 208.3 XIE20000517.0265 -1 16 208.3 NYT20000411.0337 -1 middle of the grounds 208.3 XIE20000517.0265 -1 The Great Wall stone cannons 208.3 XIE19981102.0165 -1 20 years 208.3 XIE20000517.0265 -1 200 208.3 XIE19960124.0088 -1 about 400 kilometers 208.3 NYT19981026.0330 -1 3,000 miles 208.3 XIE19991207.0199 -1 20-km-long 208.3 NYT19980601.0001 -1 6000 kilometers 208.3 XIE19991207.0054 -1 1,000-Year-Old 208.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 208.4 XIE19981102.0154 1 Ming Dynasty 208.4 XIE19960326.0106 -1 Great Wall of China 208.4 NYT19981009.0260 -1 One Bunker Hill 208.4 XIE20000612.0601 4 Ming 208.4 NYT19990803.0220 -1 MANHATTAN 208.4 XIE20000517.0265 1 MING DYNASTY 208.4 XIE19980628.0143 1 Ming Dynasty 208.4 XIE20000529.0253 -1 Archaeologists 208.4 XIE19980217.0144 -1 Qinshihuang 208.4 NYT20000411.0337 -1 2000 208.4 XIE20000826.0154 -1 2000 208.4 XIE20000729.0035 4 Ming 208.4 XIE19990416.0132 -1 Chinese Special Olympic Committee CSOC 208.4 XIE19980217.0144 -1 Mongolia Autonomous 208.4 XIE19980628.0143 -1 1644 208.4 XIE19970515.0165 -1 1644 208.4 NYT20000127.0280 2 Ming 208.4 XIE19991207.0199 4 Song Dynasty 208.4 NYT19980624.0194 4 Qin 208.4 XIE19980628.0066 -1 Dynasty 208.4 APW19980628.0201 -1 one 208.4 XIE19980217.0144 -1 Archeologists 208.4 XIE19960520.0188 -1 Qing Dynasty 208.4 XIE19980217.0144 -1 troops 208.4 XIE20000729.0035 -1 Hushan 208.4 XIE20000506.0102 4 Ming 208.4 XIE20000506.0102 4 Qin Dynasty 208.4 XIE19961031.0182 -1 First Emperor 208.4 XIE20000827.0173 -1 BC 208.4 XIE19970508.0155 1 Ming Dynasty 208.4 XIE20000611.0139 1 Ming Dynasty 208.4 XIE19980217.0144 -1 material 209.1 NYT19990718.0197 1 GREENWICH 209.1 NYT19990727.0352 -1 New York 209.1 APW19990723.0034 -1 Vineyard 209.1 APW19990717.0084 -1 Douglas 209.1 NYT19990721.0402 -1 JFK Jr 209.1 APW19990722.0036 -1 LAUREN BESSETTE 209.1 APW19990721.0087 -1 MANHATTAN 209.1 NYT19990719.0511 -1 JOHN 209.1 APW19990722.0036 -1 Salem 209.1 APW20000401.0070 -1 Martha's Vineyard 209.1 NYT19990719.0481 -1 the island 209.1 NYT19990721.0306 1 Connecticut 209.1 NYT19990721.0358 2 Connecticut 209.1 NYT19990719.0524 -1 Martha's Vineyard 209.1 APW19990718.0002 -1 Mass 209.1 NYT19990721.0480 1 Greenwich 209.1 NYT19990719.0297 -1 Milan 209.1 NYT19990717.0195 -1 BOSTON 209.1 NYT19990717.0195 1 Greenwich 209.1 NYT19990717.0195 1 Greenwich, Conn. 209.1 APW19990723.0034 -1 NEW YORK 209.1 APW19990722.0036 1 Greenwich , Conn 209.1 NYT19990719.0312 -1 one 209.1 APW19990717.0006 1 OLD GREENWICH, Conn. 209.1 NYT19990724.0234 1 Greenwich 209.1 APW19990723.0098 -1 Martha's Vineyard 209.1 NYT19990718.0257 1 Greenwich 209.1 NYT19990717.0195 1 Greenwich, Conn 209.1 APW19990717.0006 -1 Fairfield 209.1 NYT19990717.0272 -1 Hyannis Port 209.1 APW19990717.0111 1 Greenwich 209.1 NYT19990724.0234 1 GREENWICH 209.2 NYT19990717.0195 1 Greenwich High School before transfering to St Mary High School 209.2 APW19990717.0006 2 Greenwich 209.2 APW19990730.0213 -1 Piper Saratoga 209.2 APW19990730.0278 -1 Piper Saratoga 209.2 NYT19990724.0234 -1 Theo A 209.2 NYT19990724.0234 -1 var 209.2 NYT19990719.0013 -1 JR 209.2 NYT19990719.0013 -1 JOHN 209.2 NYT19990719.0013 -1 the high school 209.2 APW19990717.0006 2 Greenwich High School 209.2 NYT19990717.0195 -1 High School 209.2 NYT19990721.0452 -1 Coast Guard 209.2 APW19990722.0345 -1 JFK Jr. 209.2 APW19990722.0289 -1 Navy 209.2 APW19990718.0002 3 Mary High School 209.2 NYT19990718.0257 -1 Boston University 209.2 NYT19990719.0013 -1 KENNEDY-BESSETTE-BOS 209.2 NYT19990717.0195 1 Greenwich High School 209.2 APW19990718.0070 -1 New York Times 209.2 XIE19990719.0247 -1 Friday night 209.2 APW19990717.0006 -1 Bessette 209.2 NYT19990724.0234 -1 Lauren 209.2 NYT19990718.0257 -1 Klein 's Boston store 209.2 NYT19990717.0224 -1 NYT 209.2 NYT19990718.0197 -1 feet 209.2 XIE19980325.0137 -1 John F. 209.2 NYT19990717.0195 -1 Lauren 209.2 NYT19990719.0013 1 Greenwich 209.2 NYT19990724.0234 -1 William Smith Colleges 209.3 NYT19990717.0195 1 Boston University 209.3 NYT19990718.0257 -1 Lauren 209.3 APW20000622.0255 -1 Vineyard 209.3 APW20000716.0086 -1 Harvard University 209.3 NYT19990718.0264 -1 Calvin 209.3 NYT19990720.0278 -1 JOHN F. KENNEDY 209.3 NYT19990720.0278 -1 JOHN F. 209.3 NYT19990719.0509 -1 NEW YORK 209.3 NYT19990721.0333 -1 Kennedy 209.3 NYT19990724.0234 -1 William Smith Colleges 209.3 NYT19990719.0312 1 Boston University 209.3 NYT19990718.0257 1 Boston University 209.3 NYT19990719.0545 -1 CNN 209.3 APW19990722.0345 -1 JFK Jr. 209.3 NYT19990723.0261 -1 JFK Institute of Politics 209.3 APW19990722.0036 -1 Christ Church 209.3 NYT19990717.0179 -1 sister 209.3 NYT19990724.0234 -1 Hobart and William Smith Colleges 209.3 NYT19990723.0261 -1 White House 209.3 NYT19990719.0317 1 Boston University 209.3 NYT19990718.0071 -1 Newsweek 209.3 NYT19990727.0352 -1 John F. Kennedy Jr., 209.3 NYT19990719.0312 -1 Bambi 209.3 NYT19990724.0234 -1 The Rev. Hugh Tudor-Foley 209.3 NYT19990717.0226 -1 NYT 209.3 NYT19990719.0312 -1 Kennedy wife 209.3 NYT19990719.0314 -1 Calvin 209.3 APW19990717.0067 1 Boston University 209.3 NYT19981221.0470 -1 Tower 209.3 NYT19990721.0359 -1 Coast Guard 209.3 APW19990722.0069 -1 St. Thomas 209.3 APW19990718.0039 -1 Greenwich High School 209.4 NYT19990717.0195 -1 son of the late president 209.4 APW19990717.0069 -1 John 209.4 NYT19990718.0257 1 John F. Kennedy Jr. 209.4 NYT19990924.0406 -1 Lauren Bessette 209.4 APW19990718.0124 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy 209.4 NYT19990722.0427 1 John Kennedy Jr 209.4 NYT19990718.0264 -1 Love Story John 209.4 APW19990717.0111 -1 JOHN 209.4 APW19990717.0111 1 JOHN F. KENNEDY 209.4 NYT19981112.0130 -1 Rita Trudeau 209.4 NYT19990719.0564 -1 her sister 209.4 APW19990722.0346 1 JFK Jr. 209.4 APW19990723.0081 1 John F. Kennedy Jr. 209.4 APW19990722.0036 1 John F. Kennedy 209.4 NYT19990717.0210 1 John F. Kennedy Jr. 209.4 APW19990723.0081 1 John F. Kennedy Jr 209.4 APW19990717.0069 -1 Edward M 209.4 APW19990723.0098 -1 John 209.4 NYT19990723.0262 -1 O'Byrne 209.4 NYT19990718.0257 -1 William Bessette 209.4 NYT19990717.0179 -1 Jr. 209.4 XIE19990719.0247 -1 His father 209.4 NYT19990719.0312 -1 Bambi 209.4 NYT19990719.0312 -1 this 209.4 APW19990722.0345 1 JFK Jr. 209.4 NYT19990718.0257 -1 Her rise 209.4 NYT19990717.0216 -1 John 209.4 NYT19990720.0067 -1 Calvin Klein 209.4 NYT19990718.0257 1 John F. Kennedy Jr 209.4 NYT19990718.0257 -1 Richard Freeman 209.4 APW19990723.0098 1 JFK Jr 209.4 NYT19990721.0462 1 John F. Kennedy Jr. 209.4 APW19990718.0002 -1 Martha's Vineyard 209.4 NYT19990720.0064 1 John F. Kennedy 209.4 NYT19990719.0297 1 John F. Kennedy Jr. 209.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 209.5 APW19990827.0214 -1 July 16, 1999 209.5 NYT19990722.0427 1 1996 209.5 APW19990718.0124 -1 1968 209.5 NYT19990720.0068 2 September 21, 1996 209.5 APW19990723.0098 -1 WIFE 209.5 APW19990718.0002 1 September 1996 209.5 APW19990811.0069 1 1996 209.5 NYT19990721.0333 -1 previous days 209.5 APW19990717.0111 1 1996 209.5 NYT19990719.0312 1 1996 209.5 NYT20000718.0270 -1 July 16 , 1999 209.5 NYT19990719.0042 -1 A4827 BC - R - OBIT - KENNEDY - WIFE - NYT 69822 209.5 NYT19990719.0317 1 1996 209.5 NYT19990718.0257 1 1996 209.5 APW19990723.0081 1 1996 209.5 XIE19990719.0247 -1 Friday night 209.5 NYT19990719.0312 -1 newspaper 209.5 APW19990722.0345 2 1996 209.5 NYT19990717.0207 -1 Saturday 209.5 NYT19990720.0068 1 1996 209.5 NYT19990721.0292 -1 July 16, 1999 209.5 NYT19990719.0297 -1 July 16 209.6 NYT19990724.0234 -1 over a week ago 209.6 XIE19990723.0042 1 July 16, 1999 209.6 NYT20000718.0270 1 July 16, 1999 209.6 APW20000716.0112 -1 July 16 209.6 NYT19990726.0123 -1 July 16 209.6 NYT19990724.0234 -1 September 1999 209.6 APW20000715.0121 3 1999 209.6 NYT19990720.0325 -1 JFK JR. 209.6 APW19991031.0079 1 July 16 1999 209.6 NYT19990721.0333 -1 Kennedy 209.6 NYT19990924.0406 -1 Dec. 19, 1999 209.6 NYT19990719.0297 -1 1997 209.6 NYT19990720.0388 3 1999 209.6 NYT20000718.0270 1 July 16 , 1999 209.6 NYT19990718.0253 -1 July 18, 1999 209.6 APW19990803.0106 -1 July 16 209.6 NYT19990718.0257 -1 1994 209.6 NYT19990717.0224 -1 July 17 , 1999 209.6 NYT19990717.0247 -1 1996 209.6 NYT19990717.0226 3 1999 209.6 APW19990923.0298 -1 died 209.6 NYT19990719.0312 -1 1997 209.6 NYT19990719.0300 -1 1997 209.6 APW20000711.0013 1 July 16, 1999 209.6 NYT19990720.0058 -1 1997 209.6 NYT19990717.0226 -1 July 17, 1999 209.6 NYT19990717.0195 -1 1988 209.6 APW19990718.0002 -1 September 1996 209.6 NYT19990724.0234 3 July 1999 209.6 NYT19990723.0334 -1 July 23, 1999 209.6 APW19990722.0344 -1 1963 209.6 APW19990827.0214 1 1999-07-16 209.6 NYT19990719.0297 -1 July 16 210.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 210.1 NYT19990903.0313 1 Attorney General 210.1 NYT19990907.0399 -1 Waco 210.1 APW19980926.0373 -1 Tonight Show 210.1 XIE19970814.0292 1 Attorney General 210.1 APW20000329.0055 -1 Waco Siege 210.1 APW19990909.0007 1 ATTORNEY GENERAL 210.1 XIE19980927.0020 -1 WASHINGTON 210.1 NYT20000721.0084 -1 the government's role 210.1 NYT20000617.0162 1 U.S. Attorney General 210.1 XIE20000419.0377 -1 11 210.1 XIE19970328.0238 -1 39 210.1 NYT19990910.0063 1 Attorney General 210.1 NYT19990905.0104 -1 Republican 210.1 NYT20000722.0003 -1 General 210.1 APW19990909.0060 -1 Mo. 210.1 APW19990210.0002 -1 President 210.1 APW19990829.0113 1 Attorney General 210.1 NYT20000419.0372 -1 United States 210.1 NYT20000330.0160 1 Attorney General 210.1 APW19990909.0294 -1 Sen. John Danforth 210.1 APW19990909.0294 -1 Former Republican Sen. John Danforth 210.1 NYT19990905.0104 -1 WASHINGTON 210.1 NYT19990902.0391 -1 La Bella 210.1 NYT19990905.0104 -1 Congress 210.1 NYT20000714.0391 -1 Mount Carmel 210.1 NYT20000401.0059 1 attorney general 210.1 NYT19990909.0093 -1 FBI 210.1 NYT19990827.0022 -1 General 210.1 NYT20000403.0104 -1 Miami 210.1 NYT19990909.0095 -1 Waco 210.1 APW20000125.0228 1 Attorney General 210.1 NYT19990913.0437 -1 FBI 210.1 APW19990903.0211 -1 Justice 210.1 APW19990110.0010 1 attorney general 210.1 NYT19990905.0104 -1 FBI 210.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 210.2 NYT19990903.0313 -1 General 210.2 APW20000329.0055 -1 Branch Davidians 210.2 APW20000525.0049 -1 Miami 210.2 APW19980926.0373 -1 Tonight Show 210.2 XIE19970814.0292 -1 Attorney General 210.2 NYT19990905.0104 -1 FBI Director Louis Freeh 210.2 APW20000422.0013 -1 MIAMI 210.2 NYT19990902.0259 -1 ATTORNEY GENERAL 210.2 XIE19980927.0020 -1 WASHINGTON 210.2 APW20000314.0116 -1 Attorney General 210.2 NYT19990609.0295 -1 Patrol 210.2 NYT19990907.0399 -1 Attorney General 210.2 XIE20000419.0377 -1 11 210.2 XIE19970328.0238 -1 39 210.2 NYT19990902.0315 -1 general 210.2 XIE19990827.0075 -1 WASHINGTON 210.2 APW19990203.0225 -1 Attorney 210.2 APW19990203.0225 -1 San Diego 210.2 APW19990210.0002 -1 President 210.2 NYT19990902.0259 -1 General 210.2 NYT19990903.0256 -1 Washington 210.2 NYT20000419.0258 -1 a former member 210.2 NYT19990916.0163 -1 one 210.2 NYT19990826.0268 -1 assault on the compound 210.2 NYT19990902.0259 -1 the attorney general 210.2 NYT19990909.0272 -1 Danforth 210.2 NYT20000125.0276 1 state's attorney 210.2 NYT19990909.0093 -1 FBI 210.2 NYT19990905.0104 -1 FBI 210.2 NYT20000403.0104 -1 Miami 210.2 NYT19990908.0307 -1 Attorney 210.2 NYT19990913.0437 -1 FBI 210.2 NYT19991021.0500 -1 World Trade Center 210.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 210.3 NYT20000401.0059 -1 Miami 210.3 XIE19990227.0022 -1 U.S. 210.3 NYT20000222.0192 -1 Washington 210.3 NYT19990531.0017 1 Denmark 210.3 NYT20000415.0160 -1 Miami 210.3 NYT20000403.0104 -1 Elian Miami 210.3 NYT19990901.0067 -1 MOUNT CARMEL 210.3 NYT20000424.0454 -1 MIAMI 210.3 XIE19980927.0020 -1 WASHINGTON 210.3 APW20000322.0256 -1 Washington 210.3 APW20000118.0111 -1 Cuba 210.3 NYT19981202.0044 -1 Reno 210.3 XIE20000413.0159 -1 Miami 210.3 NYT20000427.0131 -1 Miami 210.3 APW20000330.0168 -1 Reno 210.3 NYT20000419.0352 -1 United States 210.3 APW20000128.0181 -1 Cuba 210.3 APW20000413.0054 -1 Washington 210.3 NYT20000412.0460 -1 MIAMI 210.3 APW20000422.0049 -1 Miami 210.3 XIE20000411.0438 -1 Florida 210.3 APW20000629.0018 -1 6 210.3 APW20000119.0175 -1 federal 210.3 NYT20000419.0258 -1 Juan Miguel 210.3 NYT20000412.0460 -1 Miami 210.3 APW20000330.0168 -1 Elian Gonzalez 210.3 NYT20000419.0100 -1 Miami 210.3 NYT20000403.0104 -1 Miami 210.3 NYT20000412.0419 -1 Miami Beach 210.3 APW20000701.0050 -1 Elian 210.3 APW20000411.0299 -1 Miami, Florida 210.3 NYT19991027.0377 2 Denmark 210.3 NYT20000419.0096 -1 CUBA 210.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 210.4 NYT20000411.0464 3 south Florida 210.4 NYT19980808.0059 -1 Louis Freeh 210.4 NYT20000812.0145 -1 Pittsburgh 210.4 NYT20000113.0100 -1 Washington 210.4 APW20000526.0062 -1 Miami Herald 210.4 APW19990205.0054 -1 ERIC HOLDER 210.4 APW20000207.0261 -1 WACO 210.4 XIE19980927.0020 -1 WASHINGTON 210.4 APW19990615.0158 -1 U.S. 210.4 NYT20000314.0044 -1 CASE FOR JANET RENO 210.4 NYT20000419.0258 1 Miami 210.4 NYT19981124.0084 -1 Reno 210.4 XIE20000422.0090 -1 Reno 210.4 NYT20000330.0437 3 Florida 210.4 NYT20000406.0114 1 Miami 210.4 NYT19990505.0122 -1 Washington 210.4 APW19990527.0236 -1 Justice Department 210.4 NYT20000823.0301 -1 Tenn. 210.4 APW20000405.0197 -1 America 210.4 NYT20000406.0114 1 MIAMI 210.4 APW20000525.0049 3 Florida 210.4 APW20000506.0193 -1 Jersey City , N.J. , 210.4 APW20000629.0018 -1 12 210.4 APW20000420.0043 -1 Cuban 210.4 NYT20000812.0145 -1 Washington 210.4 NYT20000411.0392 -1 Reno 210.4 NYT20000427.0208 -1 MIDDLE AMERICA 210.4 APW20000424.0026 1 MIAMI 210.4 NYT20000403.0104 2 Miami 210.4 NYT20000406.0114 4 Dade County 210.4 NYT19990909.0093 -1 Waco, Texas 210.4 APW20000424.0026 4 Everglades 210.4 NYT20000401.0059 2 MIAMI 210.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 210.5 NYT19990306.0066 1 Eric Holder 210.5 NYT20000510.0022 -1 George Tenet 210.5 NYT19990909.0394 -1 Clinton 210.5 APW19990205.0054 1 Eric Holder 210.5 APW20000329.0209 -1 General Janet Reno 210.5 NYT20000419.0262 3 General Eric Holder 210.5 APW19990317.0286 1 Eric Holder 210.5 NYT19990814.0112 -1 PARKINSON 210.5 APW19990205.0054 1 ERIC HOLDER 210.5 NYT20000119.0276 -1 Janet Reno 210.5 NYT20000409.0089 1 Eric Holder 210.5 XIE19990604.0342 -1 Attorney General Janet Reno 210.5 APW20000408.0023 -1 Attorney General Janet Reno 210.5 APW19990203.0225 1 Eric Holder 210.5 NYT19980722.0477 1 Eric Holder 210.5 NYT20000422.0188 1 Eric Holder 210.5 APW20000428.0017 -1 Defense Secretary John Hamre 210.5 APW20000330.0027 1 Eric Holder 210.5 NYT19980629.0365 -1 Attorney General Janet Reno 210.5 APW19990218.0277 -1 Counsel Act 210.5 APW19990218.0277 1 Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder 210.5 NYT19990308.0075 3 Holder 210.5 APW19990311.0144 3 General Eric Holder 210.5 NYT20000622.0283 -1 Clinton 210.5 NYT19980902.0379 -1 General 210.5 APW20000304.0093 1 Eric Holder 210.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 210.6 NYT19980927.0081 1 Parkinson 210.6 APW20000314.0089 -1 asbestosis 210.6 APW20000614.0025 -1 leaks 210.6 NYT20000507.0101 -1 Naturalization Service 210.6 APW19990908.0053 -1 Attorney General 210.6 APW20000524.0052 3 Parkinson Foundation 210.6 NYT19990916.0163 -1 1999 210.6 NYT19980927.0081 1 PARKINSON 210.6 NYT19980915.0289 -1 cancer 210.6 NYT19980927.0081 1 Parkinson's 210.6 APW19990110.0086 1 Parkinson 210.6 NYT19980927.0081 3 neurological disorder 210.6 APW19990908.0053 -1 Janet Reno 210.6 APW20000614.0014 -1 cancer 210.6 NYT20000419.0258 -1 a former member 210.6 NYT19990916.0163 -1 one 210.6 NYT19980927.0081 -1 late 1995 210.6 NYT19990814.0112 -1 Reno 210.6 APW20000614.0014 -1 prostate cancer 210.6 NYT19980927.0081 1 Parkinson's disease 211.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 211.1 NYT19980618.0552 -1 Hall 211.1 APW19990915.0247 -1 1989 211.1 APW19980815.0943 -1 1996 211.1 APW20000610.0173 -1 1978 211.1 APW20000304.0128 -1 1986 211.1 APW19990526.0141 -1 1995 211.1 APW19990804.0218 -1 DICK 211.1 NYT19991230.0177 2 1999 211.1 APW20000524.0078 -1 1998 211.1 NYT20000105.0194 2 1999 211.1 APW19990804.0218 -1 AP 211.1 APW19980815.0911 -1 10 211.1 APW19980815.0943 -1 1997 211.1 APW19980815.0943 -1 1996 and 1997 211.1 NYT19990908.0064 -1 1990 211.1 NYT19990108.0213 -1 2000 211.1 APW19990915.0247 -1 1987 211.1 APW20000304.0128 -1 1963 211.1 APW19980815.0911 -1 16 211.1 APW19990804.0218 -1 three 211.1 APW19990526.0141 -1 Nashville 's Ryman Auditorium 211.1 APW19980815.0943 -1 1991 211.1 APW19990804.0218 -1 More than three decades 211.1 APW19990804.0218 3 August 3, 1999 211.1 NYT20000226.0097 -1 1962 211.1 APW20000828.0112 -1 1996 211.1 APW19980815.0911 -1 1988 211.1 NYT19990423.0346 -1 1993 211.2 APW19990804.0218 1 Charlie Dick 211.2 APW20000621.0092 -1 Bill Mack 211.2 APW19990717.0135 -1 Crazy 211.2 APW19990526.0141 -1 Dolly Parton 211.2 NYT19990402.0093 -1 Billie Holiday 211.2 NYT19990413.0423 -1 MUSEUM 211.2 APW19990804.0218 -1 GERALD CLINE 211.2 NYT19990923.0311 -1 Owen Bradley 211.2 NYT19990831.0183 -1 Emily Robison 211.2 NYT19980610.0149 -1 Loretta Lynn 211.2 APW19990717.0135 -1 Hawkshaw Hawkins 211.2 NYT19990115.0139 -1 Hurricane Mitch 211.2 NYT19990811.0212 -1 Owen Bradley 211.2 NYT19990908.0062 -1 Nancy Moore 211.2 APW20000423.0062 -1 Elvis Presley 211.2 NYT19990810.0072 -1 Trevathan 211.2 APW19990314.0042 1 Charlie Dick 211.2 NYT19990909.0106 -1 Patsy Cline 211.2 NYT20000306.0173 -1 1989 211.2 NYT20000306.0173 -1 what 211.2 APW19990526.0141 -1 Barnett 211.2 NYT19980610.0149 -1 Madonna 211.2 APW19990526.0141 -1 Patsy Cline 211.2 NYT19990923.0311 -1 Ms. Barnett 211.2 NYT19990621.0208 -1 Wiggins 211.2 APW20000423.0089 -1 Neal Matthews Jr . 211.2 APW19990804.0218 -1 Sweet Dreams 211.3 APW19990804.0218 3 March 5, 1963 211.3 APW19990804.0218 1 1963 211.3 APW20000621.0092 1 1963 211.3 APW20000524.0078 -1 1998 211.3 APW20000304.0128 1 1963 211.3 APW19990304.0161 -1 CRASH 211.3 APW19990304.0161 1 1963 211.3 APW19980815.0943 -1 1996 211.3 APW20000610.0173 -1 the years 211.3 APW19990526.0141 1 1963 211.3 NYT19981021.0430 -1 26 1925 211.3 NYT20000728.0130 -1 1997 211.3 APW19980815.0943 -1 1997 211.3 NYT20000306.0173 -1 1985 211.3 APW19990717.0135 3 March 5 , 1963 211.3 NYT19990811.0212 -1 1962 . '' Barnett 211.3 NYT19990714.0326 -1 2005 211.4 APW19990804.0218 1 plane crash 211.4 APW20000621.0092 1 killed in a plane crash 211.4 NYT19990603.0087 -1 thrive in the vast TVA lake 211.4 NYT19990804.0283 1 plane crash 211.4 APW20000610.0173 -1 Country Music Hall 211.4 APW19990314.0042 -1 SWEET DREAMS 211.4 APW19990304.0161 1 CRASH 211.4 APW19990304.0161 1 PLANE CRASH 211.4 APW19990804.0218 3 in a plane crash on March 5, 1963 211.4 APW19990804.0218 -1 AP 211.4 NYT19990804.0283 1 plane 211.4 APW20000621.0092 1 a plane crash 211.4 APW20000915.0178 -1 session 211.4 APW19990526.0141 -1 copycat 211.4 NYT19990923.0311 -1 Nashville revue 211.4 APW19990717.0135 -1 March 5 , 1963 211.4 APW19990526.0141 -1 singer 211.4 APW19990804.0218 3 a plane crash on March 5 211.4 APW19990804.0218 -1 1963 211.4 APW19990526.0141 -1 Six months 211.4 NYT19990714.0326 -1 death 211.4 NYT20000306.0173 -1 South African 211.4 APW19990526.0141 -1 Always 211.4 APW20000915.0178 -1 Tuesday 211.4 NYT19981113.0234 -1 didn 211.4 NYT20000301.0214 -1 ll 211.4 APW19990804.0218 1 a plane crash 211.5 NYT19991006.0076 1 Sweet Dreams 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 1 Sweet Dreams 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 1 "Sweet Dreams" 211.5 NYT19990423.0342 -1 When Willie 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 1 Sweet Dreams , 211.5 NYT20000306.0181 -1 Jessica Lange 211.5 APW19990526.0141 -1 BRADLEY 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 1 SWEET DREAMS 211.5 NYT19980715.0252 -1 Crazy 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 3 Sweet 211.5 NYT19990326.0088 -1 Crazy 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 -1 the 1985 movie 211.5 NYT19990730.0133 2 ``Sweet Dreams,'' 211.5 APW19990804.0218 -1 three 211.5 NYT19991118.0075 -1 one 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 -1 ` ` King of the Road ' ' ( Suffolk Marketing ) through television commercials . He was a regular on the television show ` ` Hee Haw ' ' in the early ' 80s , and appeared in ` ` Sweet Dreams 211.5 NYT19990909.0106 -1 Ravenous. 211.5 NYT19990909.0106 -1 Best Laid Plans; Ravenous . 211.5 APW19981202.1374 -1 1973 211.5 NYT20000306.0173 -1 Who 211.5 NYT19990304.0289 -1 the Harmonists 211.5 NYT19990909.0106 -1 She 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 1 Sweet Dreams, 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 3 Dreams 211.5 APW19990526.0141 -1 Always 211.5 NYT19990130.0032 -1 Crazy 211.5 NYT19990413.0423 -1 1985 movie 211.6 APW20000524.0078 1 Owen Bradley 211.6 APW19990526.0141 1 Owen Bradley 211.6 APW20000524.0078 -1 Loretta Lynn 211.6 NYT19981106.0367 -1 Jimi Hendrix 211.6 NYT19990202.0374 1 Owen Bradley 211.6 NYT19980610.0149 -1 JUNE 17 211.6 APW19990526.0141 1 OWEN BRADLEY 211.6 NYT19990923.0311 1 Owen Bradley 211.6 NYT19991118.0083 2 Owen Bradley 211.6 NYT19990811.0212 1 Owen Bradley 211.6 APW19990526.0141 -1 Barnett 211.6 NYT19990923.0311 -1 last project of the legendary producer 211.6 NYT19990811.0212 -1 Brenda Lee 211.6 NYT19990402.0093 -1 Beatles 211.6 NYT20000306.0173 -1 1985 211.6 NYT19980610.0161 -1 Country Music 211.6 NYT20000316.0245 -1 music 212.1 APW19990609.0301 -1 June 17: Singer Barry Manilow is 53 212.1 XIE19970220.0138 2 1946 212.1 NYT19990730.0174 -1 1980 212.1 NYT20000316.0166 -1 1998 212.1 NYT19990129.0204 -1 1939 212.1 APW19990129.0213 -1 THREE 212.1 APW20000607.0063 -1 17 212.1 NYT19990522.0142 2 1946 212.1 NYT19981113.0503 -1 1921 212.1 NYT19990114.0191 -1 date 212.1 NYT19990414.0290 -1 1950s 212.1 APW20000515.0026 -1 the early '70s 212.1 NYT19981126.0082 -1 1966 212.1 APW20000607.0063 -1 June 17 212.1 APW19990129.0213 -1 1991 212.1 NYT20000103.0180 -1 2000 212.1 NYT20000316.0096 -1 1998 212.1 NYT19991126.0177 -1 1974 212.1 NYT20000107.0212 -1 1943 212.1 NYT19980713.0139 -1 we 212.1 NYT20000316.0166 -1 Even his first big hit 212.1 NYT19991003.0847 -1 70s 212.1 APW20000515.0026 -1 1975 212.1 NYT19990303.0390 -1 1997 212.1 NYT19991210.0194 -1 1977 212.1 NYT20000624.0094 -1 1998 212.1 APW20000607.0063 -1 1978 212.1 APW19990129.0259 -1 1991 212.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 212.2 NYT19980908.0005 -1 two 212.2 NYT20000704.0187 -1 18-time 212.2 APW20000126.0120 -1 1984 212.2 NYT20000624.0094 -1 1,000 212.2 NYT19990609.0289 -1 100 212.2 NYT20000411.0336 -1 CLIVE DAVIS 212.2 NYT20000323.0217 -1 THREE 212.2 NYT20000316.0166 -1 53- 212.2 NYT19981126.0082 -1 two 212.2 NYT19990308.0485 -1 369 212.2 NYT19981126.0082 -1 90 212.2 APW20000101.0036 -1 10 212.2 NYT19990409.0103 -1 two 212.2 NYT20000628.0256 -1 sixth 212.2 NYT20000411.0162 -1 three 212.2 APW20000515.0026 -1 1 212.2 NYT20000316.0095 -1 0314 212.2 NYT20000131.0145 -1 two 212.2 NYT19990904.0235 -1 once 212.2 NYT19990413.0421 -1 $10,000 212.2 NYT19980730.0249 -1 Monday 212.2 NYT20000316.0166 -1 the tender ballad 212.2 APW19991026.0074 -1 24 212.2 NYT19981126.0082 -1 two- 212.2 NYT20000406.0226 -1 12 212.2 NYT19990709.0385 -1 1,100 212.2 NYT20000730.0083 -1 45,800 212.2 NYT19990609.0289 -1 75 212.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 212.3 NYT19990307.0050 1 "Harmony" 212.3 NYT19980611.0173 -1 Hardly Wait 212.3 NYT19990307.0050 -1 The Harmonists 212.3 NYT20000316.0166 -1 Copacabana 212.3 NYT19991003.0847 -1 MIDLER 212.3 NYT19990522.0142 -1 HARMONISTAS 212.3 NYT19981113.0503 1 Harmony 212.3 NYT19991126.0177 -1 ``Supernatural,'' 212.3 NYT19991003.0847 -1 Rose 212.3 NYT19980611.0173 -1 Mandy 212.3 NYT19990303.0390 -1 Comedian Harmonists 212.3 NYT20000316.0095 -1 Barry Manilow 212.3 NYT20000103.0180 -1 Billy Joel 212.3 APW20000411.0160 -1 Songs 212.3 APW20000515.0026 -1 the last of an amazing kind of musical businessman 212.3 APW20000411.0160 -1 Brown 212.3 NYT19981113.0503 1 `` Harmony 212.3 NYT19990613.0113 -1 Barry 212.3 NYT20000316.0166 -1 very mention of Barry Manilow's name 212.3 NYT19990613.0113 -1 we 212.3 NYT20000316.0166 -1 a Broadway show 212.3 NYT19990307.0050 -1 Harmonists 212.3 NYT20000316.0166 -1 Broadway 212.3 NYT19990307.0050 1 Harmony 212.3 NYT19990824.0370 -1 Broadway 212.3 NYT19990303.0390 1 Harmony 212.3 NYT19991003.0847 -1 Midler 212.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 212.4 NYT19990904.0237 -1 high 212.4 NYT19990904.0237 -1 Sandstone Amphitheatre 212.4 NYT19990904.0235 -1 Sandstone Amphitheatre 212.4 NYT19991129.0156 -1 While Gore 212.4 NYT19990809.0075 -1 free classical cds 212.4 NYT19991126.0156 -1 ARISTA 212.4 NYT19980611.0154 -1 HIGH SCHOOL 212.4 NYT19990904.0237 -1 Sandstone 212.4 APW20000515.0026 -1 Brooklyn high school 212.4 APW20000126.0120 -1 Continental 212.4 NYT20000411.0336 -1 NBC 212.4 NYT20000406.0490 -1 Universal Music Group and Sony Music 212.4 APW19990120.0085 1 Dick Grove School of Music 212.4 NYT19991126.0177 -1 one 212.4 APW19990120.0085 1 the Dick Grove School of Music 212.4 NYT20000316.0095 -1 MANILOW 212.4 APW19990120.0085 -1 its students 212.4 NYT19990516.0041 -1 University 212.4 NYT19990904.0235 -1 the day 212.4 APW19990120.0085 -1 26 212.4 NYT20000316.0166 -1 his performance 212.4 NYT19980713.0139 -1 Lawrence Welk 212.4 NYT20000502.0272 -1 Janis Joplin 212.4 NYT20000406.0490 -1 Davis 212.4 NYT20000605.0342 -1 University 212.4 NYT20000112.0148 -1 Whitney Houston 212.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 212.5 APW19980613.0875 -1 Anne Murray 212.5 APW20000101.0036 -1 Crooner Barry Manilow 212.5 APW20000101.0036 -1 Frank Sinatra 212.5 NYT20000406.0226 -1 Fort Worth 212.5 NYT19991003.0847 -1 Continental Baths 212.5 NYT19991003.0847 1 Bette Midler 212.5 NYT19980611.0173 -1 CROWE 212.5 NYT20000316.0095 -1 MUSIC 212.5 NYT20000316.0166 -1 &HT; There was a time when the very mention of Barry 212.5 NYT19990307.0050 -1 Harmony 212.5 NYT19990904.0237 -1 Sandstone 212.5 APW20000126.0120 -1 Barry Manilow 212.5 NYT19991229.0372 -1 Billy Joel 212.5 NYT20000323.0217 -1 Rock 212.5 NYT20000316.0166 1 Bette Midler 212.5 NYT19991003.0847 3 Midler 212.5 NYT19990307.0050 -1 Wilbur Pauley 212.5 NYT19990409.0103 -1 Erwin Bootz 212.5 NYT19990708.0217 -1 Dadon Dawadolma 212.5 NYT20000316.0166 -1 Copacabana 212.5 NYT20000104.0197 -1 Diana Krall 212.5 NYT19990413.0421 -1 Singer Barry Manilow 212.5 NYT19980827.0307 -1 1913 212.5 NYT19990303.0390 -1 five 212.5 NYT20000316.0166 -1 a New York native 212.5 NYT19991003.0847 -1 Manilow 212.5 NYT19990218.0278 -1 Music 212.5 NYT19991129.0156 -1 Roger Clinton 212.5 NYT19990904.0237 -1 She stopped at a box of records. She was drawn to 212.5 NYT19990310.0363 -1 Comedian Harmonists 212.5 NYT20000112.0148 -1 Whitney Houston 212.5 APW19990711.0106 -1 Camryn Manheim 212.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 212.6 APW20000515.0026 1 Arista 212.6 NYT19990812.0122 -1 seven-minute 212.6 NYT19990904.0237 -1 life 212.6 NYT19990413.0243 -1 files 212.6 APW20000101.0036 -1 Auld Lang Syne 212.6 NYT19981105.0181 -1 Air Supply 212.6 NYT19981126.0082 -1 Bette Midler 212.6 NYT19991215.0091 -1 QUAID 212.6 APW20000515.0026 1 ARISTA 212.6 APW20000515.0026 -1 new 212.6 NYT20000406.0490 1 Arista Records 212.6 NYT20000316.0166 -1 and two 212.6 NYT20000411.0336 -1 Davis 212.6 NYT20000502.0272 -1 LaFace Records 212.6 NYT19990904.0237 -1 Barry Manilow 212.6 APW20000515.0026 -1 new record label 212.6 NYT19980803.0269 -1 Records 212.6 APW20000515.0026 -1 label Davis 212.6 NYT19991126.0177 -1 about $75 212.6 NYT19990303.0390 -1 Harmony 212.6 NYT19990904.0237 -1 Time 212.6 NYT20000502.0272 -1 Janis Joplin 212.6 APW19990129.0213 -1 Super Bowl 212.6 NYT19981223.0345 -1 Records 212.6 NYT20000608.0316 -1 music 212.6 NYT20000411.0277 2 Arista Records 213.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 213.1 XIE19980131.0120 -1 Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra 213.1 NYT19990603.0214 -1 Ed Harris 213.1 NYT19990325.0128 -1 This Internet 213.1 NYT20000217.0171 -1 Walter Matthau 213.1 APW19990515.0050 -1 2000 213.1 NYT20000218.0081 -1 ACTRESS 213.1 NYT19981217.0213 -1 Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT20000217.0037 -1 PRACTICAL 213.1 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT19981228.0178 -1 Meg Ryan 213.1 NYT19980728.0216 -1 David-Allen Ryan 213.1 NYT19981218.0167 -1 the reigning practitioner of Movie Star Cute . 213.1 NYT19981218.0167 -1 reigning practitioner 213.1 NYT19981217.0213 -1 Starring Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT19981217.0250 -1 Kathleen Kelly 213.1 NYT19981209.0049 -1 Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT19981130.0363 -1 Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT19981130.0363 -1 You 213.1 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Movie Star Cute 213.1 NYT19980807.0178 -1 Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT19980807.0178 -1 Sleepless 213.1 NYT19990120.0389 -1 Emily 213.1 NYT19990115.0020 -1 ve Got Mail 213.1 NYT19990729.0173 -1 Tom Hanks 213.1 NYT19981218.0079 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 APW20000922.0119 1 Dennis Quaid 213.2 APW20000629.0060 1 Dennis Quaid 213.2 NYT20000218.0081 -1 Lisa Kudrow 213.2 NYT19980630.0004 1 Dennis Quaid 213.2 NYT19981218.0167 -1 TOM HANKS 213.2 APW20000629.0060 1 DENNIS QUAID 213.2 NYT19981217.0213 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT19990210.0113 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT19990113.0153 2 Dennis Quaid 213.2 APW19990515.0050 2 Dennis Quaid 213.2 APW19990101.0061 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT19981221.0227 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT20000217.0175 -1 Starring Diane Keaton 213.2 NYT20000217.0186 -1 Eve 213.2 NYT19980612.0185 2 Dennis Quaid 213.2 NYT19981130.0363 -1 one 213.2 NYT19981130.0363 -1 Hanks 213.2 NYT19981217.0123 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT19981209.0049 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT19981217.0213 -1 Starring Tom Hanks 213.2 NYT19981130.0363 -1 Tom Hanks 213.2 APW20000302.0012 -1 Mail 213.2 NYT20000831.0325 1 Dennis Quaid 213.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 213.3 NYT19981218.0167 -1 1989 213.3 APW19980719.0875 -1 1961 213.3 NYT20000208.0147 -1 1999 213.3 NYT19981217.0214 -1 1998 213.3 NYT19981218.0132 -1 NORA EPHRON 213.3 NYT20000831.0325 -1 RUSSELL CROWE 213.3 NYT19980902.0359 -1 1989 213.3 NYT20000719.0118 -1 1995 213.3 APW19980719.0875 -1 August 213.3 APW19980719.0875 -1 first 213.3 NYT20000217.0353 -1 2000 213.3 NYT19981216.0274 -1 1989 213.3 NYT20000218.0034 -1 NYT 60013 213.3 NYT20000608.0132 -1 8942 213.3 NYT19990428.0299 -1 1200 213.3 APW20000629.0060 1 1987 213.3 NYT19981204.0192 -1 1940 213.3 NYT20000608.0132 -1 1870 213.3 NYT20000207.0266 -1 Night 213.3 NYT19981111.0447 -1 1940 213.3 NYT19981111.0447 -1 classic 213.3 NYT20000217.0353 -1 30s 213.3 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Harry Met Sally 213.3 NYT19980630.0004 -1 1991 213.3 NYT19981217.0122 -1 the unsuccessful, 1990 213.3 NYT20000426.0354 -1 2000 213.3 NYT19990714.0157 -1 April 213.3 NYT20000203.0135 -1 2000 213.5 NYT19981217.0123 1 You've Got Mail 213.5 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Tom Hanks 213.5 NYT19990115.0020 1 "You 've Got Mail" 213.5 NYT19990429.0186 3 Mail 213.5 NYT19990107.0430 -1 Back to the Future II , 213.5 APW19990105.0063 -1 Starring Tom Hanks 213.5 NYT19990114.0157 -1 FREE 213.5 NYT19981204.0192 -1 TOM HANKS 213.5 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Sleepless in Seattle 213.5 NYT19990409.0357 3 Got Mail 213.5 NYT19990115.0020 -1 Corner 213.5 NYT19981204.0192 -1 ``The Shop Around the Corner.'' 213.5 NYT19990113.0198 1 You ve Got Mail 213.5 NYT19990115.0020 -1 three 213.5 NYT19990115.0020 -1 character 213.5 NYT19990729.0173 -1 Seattle 213.5 NYT19981204.0192 -1 ` ` The Shop Around the Corner 213.5 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Saving Private Ryan 213.5 NYT19990429.0200 -1 Kathleen Kelly 213.5 NYT19981130.0363 -1 one 213.5 NYT19981217.0122 -1 two 213.5 NYT19990729.0173 -1 Sleepless in Seattle 213.5 NYT19990113.0198 3 Mail ' 213.5 NYT19981223.0153 -1 The Shop Around the Corner 213.5 NYT19981217.0123 3 Mail 213.5 NYT19981218.0163 -1 Kathleen Kelly 213.5 NYT19981204.0192 1 You've Got Mail 213.5 NYT19990113.0198 -1 Wash. 213.5 NYT19981231.0272 -1 friends 213.5 NYT19981204.0192 -1 Shop 213.5 NYT20000217.0213 -1 Hanging Up 213.5 NYT19981204.0192 -1 The Shop Around the Corner 213.5 NYT19990311.0081 -1 ve 213.5 NYT19981218.0167 1 You've Got Mail 213.6 NYT19981217.0123 -1 Joe Fox 213.6 APW20000201.0115 -1 Julia Roberts 213.6 NYT20000217.0177 -1 Walter Matthau 213.6 NYT19981216.0086 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19990113.0153 -1 Dennis Quaid 213.6 NYT19981223.0108 3 Tom HanksMeg 213.6 NYT19981022.0511 -1 ATLANTIC CITY 213.6 NYT19981218.0167 1 TOM HANKS 213.6 NYT19990421.0129 -1 Matt Damon 213.6 NYT19981217.0213 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT20000217.0171 -1 Walter Matthau 213.6 APW19990901.0130 -1 eye candy 213.6 APW19990101.0061 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19981218.0167 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19990409.0357 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19990729.0175 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19981209.0049 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19981221.0227 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 APW19990224.0068 -1 Robin Williams 213.6 NYT19990405.0227 -1 Bogart 213.6 NYT19990729.0173 -1 Kathleen 213.6 APW20000201.0115 -1 10 213.6 APW20000201.0115 -1 tradition 213.6 NYT19981218.0060 -1 Kathleen 213.6 NYT19981218.0167 3 Tom Hanks guy 213.6 APW19990816.0074 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19981223.0108 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19990505.0063 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19981223.0305 -1 Bonnie 213.6 NYT19990107.0178 -1 Julia Roberts 213.6 NYT19981218.0167 -1 MAIL 213.6 NYT19981130.0363 1 Tom Hanks 213.6 NYT19990729.0173 3 Hanks 213.6 NYT19981214.0182 -1 Mail 213.7 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 213.7 NYT20000217.0353 -1 eve ( 213.7 NYT19981223.0098 -1 "You 've Got Mail" 213.7 NYT19990429.0186 -1 Mail 213.7 NYT19990107.0430 -1 Back to the Future II , 213.7 NYT19981217.0250 -1 Nora Ephron 213.7 NYT19990125.0238 -1 CMT 213.7 NYT19990114.0157 -1 FREE 213.7 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Sleepless in Seattle 213.7 NYT19990115.0020 -1 Got Mail 213.7 NYT19990115.0020 -1 Corner 213.7 NYT19990107.0178 -1 Hurlyburly 213.7 APW19990105.0072 -1 AOL 213.7 NYT19981123.0432 -1 AOL 213.7 NYT20000217.0186 -1 Eve 213.7 NYT20000317.0404 -1 Hollywood 213.7 NYT20000217.0175 -1 three 213.7 NYT19990503.0213 -1 children 213.7 NYT19990729.0173 -1 Seattle 213.7 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Saving Private Ryan 213.7 NYT20000701.0084 -1 February 213.7 NYT20000216.0473 -1 Adam Arkin 213.7 NYT20000217.0353 -1 30s 213.7 NYT20000217.0353 -1 Diane Keaton 213.7 NYT19980609.0227 -1 Fort Worth Star-Telegram 213.7 NYT20000302.0434 1 HANGING UP 213.7 NYT19981218.0167 -1 MAIL 213.7 NYT19981218.0167 -1 Star 213.7 NYT20000217.0213 2 Hanging Up 213.7 NYT19981204.0192 -1 The Shop Around the Corner 213.7 NYT19981222.0322 -1 film 213.7 NYT20000217.0353 1 Hanging Up 214.1 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 214.1 APW20000814.0120 1 Atlantic City 214.1 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Cyprus 214.1 NYT19980908.0083 1 Atlantic City 214.1 APW20000802.0162 3 New Jersey 214.1 XIE20000513.0114 -1 India 214.1 APW20000113.0079 -1 Teen USA 214.1 APW19990920.0080 -1 TEEN USA PAGEANT 214.1 APW19990428.0251 1 ATLANTIC CITY 214.1 APW19990914.0120 -1 Cincinnati 214.1 APW20000618.0005 1 Atlantic City 214.1 APW19990428.0251 1 Atlantic City 214.1 NYT19980911.0202 -1 Timonium Days Inn 214.1 NYT20000825.0147 -1 America 214.1 NYT19980911.0202 -1 America 214.1 APW20000513.0019 -1 Eleftheria stadium 214.1 APW20000618.0005 3 N. J. 214.1 XIE19991106.0169 -1 Cyprus 214.1 APW20000203.0138 -1 Cyprus. 214.1 NYT19990914.0330 1 Atlantic City Convention Center 214.1 APW20000618.0005 -1 America 214.1 XIE20000513.0114 -1 NICOSIA 214.1 NYT19990914.0308 1 Atlantic City 214.1 APW19990428.0251 1 Atlantic City , N.J. , 214.1 APW19990914.0116 -1 Miss America 214.1 APW19990914.0116 -1 annual Miss America Pageant 214.1 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Nicosia 214.1 APW19990920.0080 1 Atlantic City 214.1 APW20000618.0005 1 Atlantic City, N.J 214.1 APW20000618.0005 -1 Maryland 214.1 APW20000921.0004 -1 Renneisen 214.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 214.2 APW19990212.0131 2 ABC 214.2 APW19990831.0035 2 ABC 214.2 APW20000419.0050 -1 CBS 214.2 APW19990916.0193 -1 Las Vegas 214.2 APW19990914.0120 -1 HEATHER 214.2 APW19990831.0035 -1 MISS USA 214.2 NYT20000207.0398 -1 CMT 214.2 APW19990428.0251 -1 Osmonds To Host Beauty Pageant LOS ANGELES (AP) -- There they 214.2 APW19990818.0254 -1 N. J 214.2 APW19990818.0254 1 ABC-TV 214.2 NYT20000807.0427 -1 NBC 214.2 APW20000921.0004 -1 CBS 214.2 NYT20000411.0419 -1 New York 214.2 XIE19991028.0020 -1 CBS 214.2 APW20000814.0120 2 ABC 214.2 NYT19990915.0329 -1 Miracle Network telethons 214.2 APW19990818.0254 -1 Atlantic City 214.2 NYT20000216.0541 -1 formats of `` the Dating Game 214.2 APW20000910.0100 1 ABC 214.2 APW19990212.0131 -1 1961 214.2 NYT19990922.0076 -1 Guys 214.2 APW19990914.0154 -1 Organization 214.2 NYT19990915.0329 -1 ratings 214.2 NYT20000825.0147 -1 Inside the 2000 Miss Deaf America Pageant program is an ad 214.2 NYT19980911.0202 -1 Glamour Dolls 214.2 APW20000930.0077 -1 contestants 214.2 APW19990921.0152 1 ABC 214.3 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 214.3 APW20000322.0042 -1 1921 214.3 APW19990818.0254 1 Sept. 18 214.3 XIE20000710.0082 -1 July 9 214.3 APW19990920.0080 -1 Mon, August 3 1998 214.3 NYT19980923.0245 -1 ARKANSAS 214.3 APW19990831.0035 -1 TV 214.3 APW19990428.0251 -1 1980 214.3 APW19990428.0251 1 Sept. 18 214.3 APW19990428.0251 -1 2000 214.3 NYT19990929.0083 -1 1990s 214.3 NYT20000406.0521 -1 April 6, 2000 214.3 APW19990428.0251 1 Sept. 18 214.3 XIE20000611.0169 -1 1996 214.3 NYT19990929.0081 3 1999 214.3 NYT20000825.0147 -1 2000 214.3 APW20000621.0146 -1 Oct. 14 214.3 NYT19990914.0308 3 1999 214.3 NYT19990915.0329 -1 Saturday night 214.3 APW19990920.0080 -1 Miss Whatever 214.3 NYT19990916.0488 -1 What animates the local pageants 214.3 APW20000814.0120 -1 Oct. 14 214.3 APW20000714.0171 -1 Friday 214.3 APW19990914.0154 -1 Saturday 214.3 APW19990831.0035 1 Sept. 18 214.3 NYT19991003.0491 -1 1923 214.3 APW20000321.0116 -1 1990 214.3 NYT19980916.0277 -1 11 years 214.3 APW20000714.0171 -1 contestants 214.3 APW19990831.0035 1 1999-09-18 214.3 NYT19980923.0245 -1 1986 214.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 214.4 APW19990918.0056 1 Heather Renee French 214.4 NYT19990922.0079 -1 Kentucky 214.4 APW19990927.0310 -1 America Organization 214.4 NYT19990624.0213 -1 Teen 214.4 NYT19990922.0079 1 Heather Renee French 214.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 13 214.4 APW19990914.0120 3 HEATHER 214.4 APW20000618.0005 -1 HAGERSTOWN 214.4 NYT19990922.0079 -1 Miss Kentucky 214.4 NYT19980911.0202 -1 Miss Universe 214.4 APW19990918.0056 1 Heather Renee French 214.4 APW20000618.0005 -1 Maria Amir 214.4 NYT19980923.0245 -1 Pageant 214.4 NYT19990915.0329 -1 Donny 214.4 APW20000912.0222 1 Heather French 214.4 APW19990918.0056 3 Kentucky Heather Renee French 214.4 APW19990914.0120 3 French 214.4 NYT20000717.0370 -1 2000 Miss Texas Scholarship Pageant 214.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Nicosia 214.4 XIE19990920.0205 3 Heather Renee 214.4 APW20000618.0005 -1 Sonia Maria Amir 214.4 APW20000222.0172 -1 Amy Osmond 214.4 NYT20000717.0370 -1 Julia E. Sharlow 214.4 APW19990918.0056 -1 Kentucky 214.4 APW19990920.0149 1 Heather Renee French 214.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 214.5 APW19990918.0056 -1 first 214.5 APW19990920.0149 -1 Washington 214.5 APW19990920.0149 -1 New York 214.5 NYT19981210.0569 -1 Cincinnati 214.5 NYT19990922.0079 1 Kentucky 214.5 NYT19990929.0083 -1 Minnesota 214.5 NYT19980911.0202 -1 ENGLAND 214.5 NYT19980923.0245 -1 ARKANSAS 214.5 APW19990918.0056 -1 New York 214.5 APW20000618.0005 -1 N.J. 214.5 APW19990428.0251 -1 N. J 214.5 APW19990918.0056 1 Kentucky 214.5 APW20000618.0005 -1 Atlantic City 214.5 APW19990918.0056 -1 ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. 214.5 APW19990920.0149 1 Miss Kentucky 214.5 NYT19990929.0081 -1 New York 214.5 NYT20000825.0147 -1 California 214.5 NYT20000717.0370 -1 Texas 214.5 NYT19980911.0202 -1 Florida 214.5 APW19990918.0056 -1 N.J. 214.5 APW20000618.0005 -1 October 214.5 APW19990918.0056 -1 ATLANTIC CITY 214.5 APW20000917.0111 1 Kentucky 214.5 APW19990914.0154 2 Kentucky 214.5 NYT19990929.0083 -1 Hawaii 214.5 NYT19990928.0025 -1 District of Columbia 214.5 APW19990920.0149 1 Kentucky 214.6 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 214.6 APW20000814.0120 -1 eight 214.6 APW20000814.0120 -1 one 214.6 APW19980901.1179 -1 two 214.6 XIE20000710.0082 -1 9 214.6 APW19990920.0080 -1 600 214.6 APW19981019.0395 -1 GRAND JURY 214.6 APW19990928.0179 -1 13 214.6 NYT20000207.0398 -1 NIL 214.6 APW20000814.0120 -1 1997 214.6 APW19990831.0035 -1 79 214.6 APW19990428.0251 -1 Miss America Pageant 214.6 APW20000814.0120 -1 80 214.6 APW20000814.0120 -1 10 214.6 APW19990813.0068 -1 10 214.6 APW19990914.0120 -1 three 214.6 NYT20000410.0023 -1 5 - day 214.6 NYT19980911.0202 -1 14 214.6 APW19990914.0120 -1 51 214.6 APW19990920.0080 -1 Seven blocks 214.6 NYT20000717.0370 2 seven 214.6 APW19981222.1001 -1 1999 214.6 NYT19990928.0025 -1 all 50 states 214.6 NYT19980911.0202 -1 42 contestants 214.6 APW20000814.0120 -1 millions 214.6 NYT19981210.0569 -1 4 214.6 APW19990831.0035 -1 six 214.6 APW19990920.0080 2 Seven 214.6 APW20000621.0146 -1 500 214.6 APW19990918.0006 -1 five 214.6 APW19990918.0006 -1 40,000 214.6 APW19990608.0200 -1 17 215.1 APW19990318.0073 3 Utah 215.1 NYT19990225.0190 3 Park City 215.1 XIE20000602.0209 -1 Beijing 215.1 APW20000119.0115 3 Utah 215.1 XIE20000323.0263 -1 Changchun 215.1 NYT19990216.0243 1 Park City, Utah 215.1 XIE19991124.0025 -1 2000 215.1 NYT20000224.0265 3 PARK CITY 215.1 NYT19990216.0243 -1 Lima 215.1 NYT19990125.0418 3 Utah 215.1 APW20000702.0028 -1 Venice 215.1 APW19990121.0181 3 Utah 215.1 NYT20000114.0165 3 Utah 215.1 NYT19990527.0105 -1 Atlanta 215.1 NYT20000224.0265 3 Park City 215.1 APW20000919.0110 -1 Hollywood 215.1 APW20000919.0112 -1 Bethel , N.Y. 215.1 NYT19990216.0243 -1 Sundance 215.1 APW20000919.0110 -1 WOODSTOCK, N.Y. 215.1 APW20000119.0115 3 Park City 215.1 NYT20000114.0165 1 Park City , Utah 215.1 APW19990121.0181 -1 ten 215.1 APW19990121.0181 -1 it 215.1 APW20000120.0153 -1 30 215.1 APW20000919.0110 -1 http://www.woodstockfilmfestival.com/ 215.1 APW19990409.0214 -1 Channel 215.1 NYT20000224.0265 3 Utah 215.1 NYT19990429.0200 3 Park City 215.1 APW20000119.0115 1 Park City, Utah 215.1 NYT19990216.0243 -1 Happy, Texas 215.1 NYT19990225.0190 1 PARK CITY, Utah 215.1 NYT19980828.0086 3 Utah 215.2 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 215.2 APW19990225.0104 -1 Jury 215.2 NYT19980914.0479 -1 Gavriel Shapiro 215.2 NYT19990429.0200 1 Robert Redford 215.2 NYT19980804.0268 -1 Other America 215.2 APW20000919.0112 -1 International Documentary 215.2 NYT19990216.0243 -1 CANNES 215.2 NYT19990505.0043 -1 GRAND JURY 215.2 NYT19991111.0160 -1 AUDIENCE AWARD 215.2 NYT19990216.0243 -1 that were being fed to the rest of the world 215.2 NYT19990225.0190 1 Robert Redford 215.2 NYT19990908.0233 -1 Festival 215.2 NYT19990429.0200 1 Jeffrey Gilmore 215.2 NYT20000114.0165 -1 Blair 215.2 NYT20000114.0165 2 Robert Redford 215.2 NYT20000202.0325 -1 Kathleen Marshall 215.2 NYT20000119.0238 -1 Jason Kliot 215.2 NYT19990908.0233 -1 Frank Whaley 215.2 NYT19990908.0233 -1 1999 Sundance Film Festival 215.2 NYT19980721.0205 -1 John Cooper 215.2 APW20000209.0082 -1 Vietnam 215.2 APW20000209.0082 -1 first 215.2 APW20000919.0110 -1 Nic Holt 215.2 NYT19980831.0164 3 Redford 215.2 NYT19990614.0186 -1 Layng 215.2 NYT19990128.0414 -1 Geoffrey Gilmore 215.2 NYT19990128.0414 -1 The Kindness of Strangers 215.2 XIE20000908.0047 -1 Toronto International 215.2 NYT20000114.0299 1 Robert Redford 215.2 NYT19980928.0209 -1 filmmakers 215.3 APW19990331.0260 1 January 215.3 XIE19980118.0044 -1 2000 215.3 NYT19991123.0259 1 January 1999 215.3 APW20000119.0115 -1 June 1993 215.3 NYT19990429.0200 1 January 215.3 XIE19990902.0095 -1 2000 215.3 NYT19990527.0138 -1 GRAND JURY PRIZE 215.3 NYT20000224.0265 -1 PARK CITY UTAH 215.3 XIE19991124.0025 -1 2000 215.3 NYT19990128.0414 2 JAN. 31 1999 215.3 NYT19990128.0414 -1 Saturday 215.3 APW19990121.0181 -1 each year 215.3 NYT19990429.0412 -1 1999 215.3 NYT19990216.0243 -1 1999 215.3 NYT20000121.0318 -1 Jan. 21 2000 215.3 APW20000120.0153 1 Jan. 30 215.3 APW20000919.0110 -1 1969 215.3 APW20000223.0090 -1 1999 215.3 NYT20000204.0290 1 January 1999 215.3 APW20000919.0110 -1 famed 1969 215.3 NYT20000215.0107 -1 2000 215.3 NYT20000125.0060 -1 last year 215.3 NYT19991020.0230 -1 Fort Worth Film 215.3 NYT19991020.0230 -1 What 215.3 APW19990121.0181 -1 1991 215.3 NYT19990128.0414 2 January 23 215.3 NYT19990810.0186 -1 1996 215.3 NYT20000711.0158 -1 2000 215.3 XIE19960628.0208 -1 August 23 to 28 215.3 XIE19980105.0074 -1 1985 215.3 NYT20000204.0290 -1 1999-01 215.3 NYT19980828.0086 -1 1969 215.4 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 215.4 NYT19990407.0200 -1 Best 215.4 NYT20000502.0128 -1 Aaron Beall 215.4 NYT19990128.0189 -1 Sheedy 215.4 NYT19991123.0259 -1 Oscar 215.4 NYT19990908.0233 -1 York City 215.4 NYT20000107.0159 -1 James Bond 215.4 APW19990121.0181 -1 Ally Sheedy 215.4 NYT20000204.0169 -1 PARK CITY UTAH 215.4 NYT19990429.0200 -1 CANNES 215.4 NYT19990128.0189 -1 Ally Sheedy 215.4 APW20000702.0028 -1 Festival 215.4 NYT19990326.0303 -1 Lion's Gate Entertainment 215.4 NYT20000201.0356 -1 Oscar 215.4 NYT20000703.0337 -1 Nicholas 215.4 NYT20000224.0265 -1 Utah 215.4 NYT19990216.0243 1 Sarah Polley 215.4 APW19990203.0109 1 Sarah Polley 215.4 NYT20000419.0058 -1 Sundance 215.4 APW19990203.0109 -1 Dern 215.4 NYT19980702.0103 -1 Steven Soderbergh 215.4 APW19990127.0339 -1 appeared 215.4 APW19990203.0109 -1 best performances at Sundance 215.4 APW19990203.0343 -1 Dern 215.4 NYT19990407.0200 -1 There 215.4 NYT19980911.0457 -1 James Dean-like 215.4 XIE19961215.0060 -1 movies 215.4 NYT19990216.0243 -1 Robert Redford 215.5 NYT19990807.0048 -1 quarterback 215.5 NYT20000129.0297 -1 Best 215.5 NYT20000215.0274 -1 "Mifune" 215.5 APW19990130.0081 1 "Three Seasons" 215.5 NYT19991123.0259 -1 "American Hollow" 215.5 NYT19990908.0233 -1 Frank Whaley 215.5 APW19990130.0107 -1 Grand Jury Prize 215.5 NYT20000824.0366 -1 2000 215.5 NYT19991111.0160 -1 PRIZE 215.5 APW20000223.0090 -1 Judy Berlin 215.5 APW20000126.0133 -1 Grand Jury Prize 215.5 APW20000223.0090 -1 The movie 215.5 NYT19990216.0243 -1 Oscar 215.5 NYT20000201.0356 -1 Oscar 215.5 APW20000223.0090 -1 You Can Count On Me 215.5 NYT20000129.0297 -1 N. Y. 215.5 NYT19990908.0233 -1 directorial debut 215.5 NYT19990908.0233 -1 1999 215.5 APW20000223.0090 -1 1998 Venice International Film Festival 215.5 APW20000223.0090 -1 sling blade 215.5 NYT19991123.0259 -1 Oscar 215.5 NYT20000515.0261 -1 the middle class , the Dogma film 215.5 XIE20000220.0017 -1 1989 215.5 XIE20000220.0017 -1 second 215.5 NYT19980625.0222 -1 The Truman Show 215.5 NYT19990216.0243 -1 Guinevere 215.5 NYT19990505.0043 1 Three Seasons 215.5 NYT19980702.0128 -1 Filmmaker 215.5 NYT19980702.0128 -1 Trophy 215.5 NYT19990908.0233 -1 The Sweet Hereafter 215.5 NYT19980814.0275 -1 Slam 215.5 APW20000129.0248 -1 Count 215.5 NYT19990908.0233 -1 Whaley 215.6 APW19990130.0081 1 Three Seasons 215.6 NYT20000129.0297 -1 Documentary 215.6 NYT20000204.0290 -1 "Shadow Hours" 215.6 APW19990130.0081 1 "Three Seasons" 215.6 NYT19991123.0259 -1 "American Hollow" 215.6 NYT19990908.0233 -1 Frank Whaley 215.6 NYT19990908.0233 -1 NIL 215.6 NYT20000114.0165 -1 Grand Jury Prize 215.6 XIE19960827.0202 -1 FTAA 215.6 NYT19990505.0043 -1 BEST DIRECTOR 215.6 NYT19990504.0410 -1 GRAND JURY PRIZE 215.6 APW20000223.0090 -1 Judy Berlin 215.6 APW20000126.0133 -1 Grand Jury Prize 215.6 APW20000223.0090 -1 The movie 215.6 NYT19990527.0139 1 Three Seasons 215.6 APW19990130.0068 1 Three Seasons 215.6 XIE19980506.0205 -1 northeast China 215.6 NYT19990908.0233 -1 1999 Sundance Film Festival 215.6 NYT19990908.0233 -1 1999 215.6 APW20000223.0090 -1 1998 Venice International Film Festival 215.6 NYT20000203.0067 -1 Movie 215.6 APW20000223.0090 -1 sling blade 215.6 APW20000126.0121 -1 Academy Award 215.6 NYT20000515.0261 -1 the middle class , the Dogma film 215.6 APW19990120.0400 -1 46 215.6 NYT20000129.0297 -1 Five 215.6 APW19990120.0400 -1 46th 215.6 APW19990130.0107 -1 Harvey Keitel 215.6 NYT20000129.0297 -1 a Brooklyn girl 215.6 NYT19990505.0043 -1 Grand Jury Prize141.8 QASCU2 NYT19991210.0007 player last season/team 48 qb-pk george blanda 1975 oakland raiders 45 pk ben agajanian 1964 san diego chargers 45 ot-g john nesser 1921 columbus panhandles 44 qb steve deberg 1998 atlanta falcons 43 pk-ot lou groza 1967 cleveland browns 43 pk jan stenerud 1985 minnesota vikings 43 pk eddie murray 1999 dallas cowboys 43 qb warren moon 1999 kansas city chiefs nn 215.6 NYT19990505.0043 2 Three Seasons 215.6 NYT20000822.0183 -1 DAYS 215.6 NYT20000824.0366 -1 DAYS 215.6 NYT19990908.0233 -1 The Sweet Hereafter 215.6 NYT19980814.0275 -1 Book of Life, 215.6 XIE19960927.0154 -1 feature