66.1 NYT20000817.0485 -1 24 66.1 NYT20000817.0485 -1 rescue 66.1 XIE20000821.0014 -1 BARENTS 66.1 XIE20000824.0003 3 2000 66.1 XIE20000821.0324 3 2000 66.1 XIE20000817.0064 3 2000 66.1 XIE20000824.0003 -1 August 23, 2000 66.1 NYT20000903.0067 -1 Sunday 66.1 XIE20000822.0046 -1 118 66.1 NYT20000815.0029 -1 1995 66.1 APW20000822.0077 -1 1974 66.1 XIE20000822.0059 1 August 12, 2000 66.1 XIE20000822.0059 3 2000 66.1 APW20000822.0077 -1 1968 66.1 APW20000907.0014 3 Aug. 12 66.1 XIE20000824.0003 1 August 12, 2000 66.1 XIE20000822.0203 1 August 12, 2000 66.1 NYT20000817.0485 -1 August 66.1 XIE20000817.0031 -1 August 17 66.1 XIE20000821.0324 3 August 12 66.1 XIE20000817.0031 -1 1995 66.1 APW20000904.0006 -1 2000 66.1 APW20000814.0076 -1 April 1989 66.1 XIE19990826.0029 -1 2000 66.1 NYT19990122.0118 -1 March 1993 66.1 NYT20000825.0157 3 August 2000 66.1 XIE20000821.0014 -1 Monday 66.1 NYT20000927.0430 1 Aug. 12 2000 66.1 XIE20000817.0021 -1 August 17 66.1 NYT20000816.0402 -1 1939 66.1 NYT20000906.0274 -1 Wednesday 66.1 NYT20000906.0274 3 last month 66.1 NYT20000828.0402 3 2000 66.1 NYT20000816.0402 -1 August 21 2000 66.1 NYT20000821.0468 -1 1992 66.1 NYT20000927.0430 3 Aug 12 66.1 NYT20000927.0430 3 12 66.2 NYT20000821.0503 -1 Igor Sergeyev 66.2 APW20000911.0045 -1 President Vladimir Putin 66.2 XIE20000821.0224 -1 POPOV 66.2 XIE20000821.0071 -1 ALL 118 66.2 XIE20000916.0152 -1 THE BARENTS 66.2 XIE20000822.0204 -1 Navy 66.2 XIE20000822.0045 -1 Navy 66.2 XIE20000826.0085 1 Gennady Lyachin 66.2 NYT20000822.0008 -1 Sergeyev 66.2 XIE20000821.0156 -1 Barents Sea 66.2 APW20000911.0045 -1 the Kursk 's sinking 66.2 XIE20000822.0045 -1 Vladimir Kuroyedov 66.2 XIE20000822.0059 -1 Russian President Vladimir Putin 66.2 XIE20000817.0064 -1 Igor Dygalo 66.2 APW20000826.0081 -1 Russian President Vladimir Putin 66.2 XIE20000824.0003 -1 President Vladimir Putin 66.2 NYT20000816.0039 1 Gennadi Lyachin 66.2 NYT20000814.0435 3 LYACHIN 66.2 APW20000827.0034 -1 Ward 66.2 XIE20000821.0202 -1 Vyacheslav Popov 66.2 NYT20000814.0250 -1 Vladimir Kuroyedov 66.2 NYT20000814.0435 -1 Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov 66.2 XIE20000814.0164 -1 barents 66.2 XIE20000507.0089 -1 Vladimir Putin 66.2 NYT19990122.0118 -1 Susan Long 66.2 XIE20000823.0044 -1 Vladimir Putin 66.2 NYT20000817.0327 -1 Eduard Baltin 66.2 XIE20000819.0091 -1 The commander 66.2 XIE20000822.0045 -1 Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov 66.2 NYT20000817.0195 -1 Eduard Baltin 66.2 APW20000903.0079 -1 Ilya Klebanov 66.2 APW20000814.0076 -1 Admiral Vladimir Kuroyedov 66.2 XIE20000821.0015 -1 Kursk 66.2 NYT20000908.0229 -1 PATRICK E. TYLER 66.2 XIE19960121.0121 -1 Ukrainian Navy 66.2 NYT20000815.0337 -1 K-141Kursk 66.2 XIE19970618.0285 -1 Submarine Force 66.2 NYT20000816.0281 -1 Vladimir Putin 66.3 NYT20000822.0008 -1 nine 66.3 NYT20000821.0503 -1 spying 66.3 XIE20000814.0065 -1 MOSCOW 66.3 XIE20000814.0065 -1 THE BARENTS SEA 66.3 XIE20000821.0071 -1 nUCLEAR SUBMARINE 66.3 XIE20000814.0065 1 Northern 66.3 XIE20000826.0085 -1 Gennady Lyachin 66.3 NYT20000814.0487 -1 water 66.3 XIE20000815.0115 -1 Barents Sea 66.3 NYT20000816.0335 1 Northern 66.3 NYT20000816.0335 3 quoted Northern 66.3 XIE20000822.0045 -1 Russian navy commander-in-chief Vladimir Kuroyedov and Murmansk region Governor Yuri Yevdokimov 66.3 XIE20000822.0046 -1 President Vladimir Putin 66.3 XIE20000817.0021 -1 Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov 66.3 XIE20000821.0032 1 the Russian Northern Fleet 66.3 NYT20000816.0335 1 the Northern Fleet 66.3 XIE20000915.0045 -1 Xinhua 66.3 NYT20000819.0056 -1 Izvestia 66.3 XIE20000814.0065 1 Northern Fleet 66.3 XIE20000822.0297 1 Russian Northern Fleet 66.3 NYT20000814.0435 1 Northern 66.3 XIE20000821.0071 -1 Russian 66.3 NYT20000816.0379 -1 Kursk 66.3 NYT20000828.0399 -1 Vladivostok 66.3 XIE20000823.0039 -1 Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev 66.3 XIE19991203.0065 -1 2000 66.3 XIE19970807.0233 -1 Program 66.3 XIE20000821.0088 1 Northern Fleet 66.3 NYT20000822.0008 -1 Russian officials 66.3 NYT20000816.0335 -1 the Russian submarine fleet 66.3 XIE20000821.0014 -1 Kursk 66.3 NYT20000817.0321 1 Northern Fleet 66.3 NYT20000906.0274 -1 unusual 66.3 NYT20000816.0335 -1 Barents Sea 66.3 XIE20000814.0065 3 Russian Northern Fleet Staff Mikhail Motsak 66.3 APW19981020.0838 -1 Russian Pacific Fleet 66.3 NYT20000816.0126 -1 Kursk 66.3 NYT20000823.0263 -1 region 66.3 NYT20000820.0147 -1 base 66.4 APW20000827.0034 -1 two 66.4 NYT20000822.0008 -1 President 66.4 XIE20000821.0071 1 118 66.4 NYT20000828.0315 -1 FOUR 66.4 XIE20000821.0071 -1 2000 66.4 APW20000904.0142 -1 50 yards 66.4 NYT20000823.0341 -1 two 66.4 XIE20000822.0204 3 118 crewmen 66.4 APW20000818.0210 2 118 crewmen 66.4 XIE20000822.0045 -1 400 66.4 NYT20000831.0401 -1 the second U.S. submarine 66.4 XIE20000916.0152 -1 16 66.4 APW20000819.0131 2 118 66.4 NYT20000823.0263 1 118 66.4 XIE20000915.0045 -1 11 66.4 NYT20000825.0103 1 118 66.4 APW20000827.0034 1 118 66.4 XIE20000824.0003 1 118 66.4 NYT20000817.0161 2 118 66.4 NYT20000818.0315 2 118 66.4 APW20000916.0031 -1 three possible versions 66.4 NYT20000824.0305 -1 400 feet deep 66.4 XIE20000913.0084 -1 2000 66.4 XIE19961212.0106 -1 12 66.4 XIE20000821.0036 1 118 66.4 APW20000818.0210 2 118 66.4 APW20000830.0056 1 118 66.4 XIE20000823.0145 1 118 66.4 NYT20000904.0083 1 118 66.4 APW20000903.0079 1 118 66.4 APW20000818.0196 2 118 crewmen 66.4 NYT20000831.0401 1 118 66.4 APW20000818.0196 2 the 118 crewmen 66.6 APW20000827.0034 -1 two 66.6 NYT20000820.0096 -1 Sunday 66.6 NYT20000906.0274 1 BARENTS SEA 66.6 APW20000827.0034 -1 russian nuclear 66.6 XIE20000817.0064 1 Barents 66.6 XIE20000814.0256 1 the Barents sea 66.6 XIE20000822.0045 1 Barents 66.6 XIE20000817.0251 -1 nuclear powered 66.6 NYT20000906.0274 3 icy Barents 66.6 XIE20000817.0043 3 icy Barents 66.6 APW20000822.0077 -1 While presenting no hard evidence, the Russian military command has insisted 66.6 XIE20000821.0014 -1 French Defense Minister Alain Richard said on Monday that the sinking 66.6 XIE20000822.0221 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000822.0059 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000822.0049 1 Barents Sea 66.6 NYT20000831.0401 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000915.0045 1 Barents Sea 66.6 NYT20000821.0130 1 Barents Sea 66.6 NYT20000819.0056 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000814.0249 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000824.0003 1 Barents 66.6 NYT20000817.0161 1 Barents 66.6 XIE20000817.0031 -1 Black Sea 66.6 NYT20000821.0130 1 the Barents 66.6 XIE20000824.0003 -1 August 12 66.6 XIE20000821.0324 -1 August 12 66.6 XIE20000821.0070 1 barents sea 66.6 APW19981223.0294 -1 United States 66.6 XIE20000814.0164 1 Barents 66.6 NYT20000817.0195 1 Barents 66.6 NYT20000817.0195 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000817.0064 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000817.0021 1 Barents Sea 66.6 NYT20000828.0399 1 Barents Sea 66.6 NYT20000906.0274 1 Barents Sea 66.6 XIE20000818.0151 -1 save 118 crew aboard 66.6 NYT20000828.0402 -1 RUSSIA 66.6 XIE20000824.0003 -1 August 12 2000 66.6 XIE20000916.0152 -1 Russian Northern Fleet 66.6 NYT20000818.0214 1 Barents Sea 67.1 APW19981127.0254 -1 Lin Lina Teoh 67.1 APW19990920.0080 -1 Miss America standard 67.1 APW19990918.0056 -1 MISS AMERICA 67.1 XIE20000513.0114 1 LARA DUTTA 67.1 XIE20000611.0169 1 Lara Dutta 67.1 NYT20000617.0208 -1 ABA 67.1 XIE20000513.0114 3 India Lara Dutta 67.1 APW20000513.0019 3 Dutta 67.1 NYT19990222.0136 -1 Bob Baffert 67.1 XIE19990920.0205 -1 Heather Renee French 67.1 XIE20000513.0114 1 Lara Dutta 67.1 NYT20000812.0107 -1 Miss World 67.1 APW20000511.0054 -1 Anthony 67.1 APW20000513.0001 1 Lara Dutta 67.1 APW19981126.0466 -1 VICTORIA 67.1 APW19990206.0019 -1 BRANSON 67.1 APW19990918.0056 -1 AP 67.1 XIE20000513.0114 3 miss india 67.1 APW20000513.0019 -1 Jacqueline Aguilera 67.1 XIE20000513.0114 3 Miss India 67.1 APW20000511.0054 -1 Torres 67.1 NYT19990915.0329 -1 Miss America 67.1 APW19980919.0720 -1 Universe Wendy Fitzwilliam 67.1 APW20000513.0001 -1 Botswana 67.1 XIE20000513.0114 -1 India Crowned 67.1 APW20000801.0113 -1 Universe Dayanara 67.1 APW20000203.0138 -1 Miss Universe 67.1 APW20000513.0016 1 Lara Dutta 67.1 NYT20000119.0371 -1 Jim Wilson 67.2 APW19990206.0019 -1 Miss 67.2 APW19980919.0726 -1 Miss Universe 67.2 APW20000513.0001 1 INDIA 67.2 XIE20000611.0169 1 India 67.2 APW20000827.0003 -1 despite its historical rivalry with Miss World , the Miss Universe contest retains unparalleled prestige in many parts of the world , particularly Latin America 67.2 APW20000513.0019 -1 Botswana 67.2 APW20000827.0007 -1 USA 67.2 APW20000228.0288 -1 Venezuela 67.2 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Cyprus 67.2 XIE20000611.0169 -1 Indonesia 67.2 NYT19980720.0347 -1 U . S . 67.2 NYT19991119.0385 -1 USA 67.2 APW20000228.0288 -1 Miss World 67.2 XIE20000605.0238 1 India 67.2 APW20000203.0138 -1 Venezuela 67.2 APW20000513.0016 -1 Botswana 67.2 XIE20000513.0114 1 India 67.2 APW19981028.1240 -1 Croatia 67.2 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Botswana 67.2 APW19990918.0056 -1 America 67.2 NYT19980617.0191 2 India 67.2 XIE20000605.0238 3 from India 67.2 APW19980919.0726 -1 Sabenay 67.2 XIE20000605.0238 -1 Miss Indonesia 67.2 XIE20000513.0114 3 miss india 67.2 XIE20000513.0114 -1 United States 67.2 NYT19981202.0133 -1 Venezuela 67.2 XIE20000611.0169 -1 Tokyo 67.2 APW20000513.0001 -1 NICOSIA 67.2 APW19980919.0720 -1 Trinidad and Tobago 67.2 APW20000228.0288 -1 Pageant 67.3 NYT19990813.0130 -1 one 67.3 APW19980919.0720 -1 one 67.3 XIE20000513.0114 -1 PAGEANT 67.3 XIE19990728.0013 -1 THREE 67.3 XIE20000611.0169 -1 four 67.3 APW20000827.0003 -1 2003 67.3 APW20000603.0178 -1 a $5, 000 scholarship 67.3 APW19990918.0056 -1 first 67.3 XIE19960403.0074 -1 02 67.3 NYT20000822.0410 -1 25 67.3 APW20000513.0001 -1 49 67.3 XIE20000513.0114 -1 21-year 67.3 APW20000513.0001 -1 21-year 67.3 NYT19990108.0448 -1 15 67.3 APW19980919.0726 -1 3 million 67.3 APW19980919.0861 -1 3 million 67.3 APW19980919.0726 -1 two 67.3 APW19980919.0720 -1 two 67.3 XIE20000513.0114 -1 49 67.3 APW20000513.0016 1 78 67.3 APW19990526.0212 -1 83 67.3 XIE20000513.0114 -1 1999 67.3 NYT19981028.0229 -1 21 67.3 NYT19991122.0203 -1 36 winners 67.3 APW19980919.0726 -1 two winners 67.3 APW20000513.0019 -1 2004 67.3 APW20000513.0019 -1 18 67.3 XIE20000513.0114 -1 the 49th Miss Universe pageant 67.3 APW20000513.0001 -1 21 67.3 APW19981201.1136 -1 1981 67.3 NYT19980713.0240 -1 10 67.3 APW20000513.0001 -1 22 67.3 NYT19990310.0503 -1 $25 million 67.3 XIE19990809.0198 -1 SEPTEMBER 1 SEPTEMBER 67.3 XIE20000513.0114 -1 49th 67.4 APW19980919.0720 -1 Trinidad 67.4 APW19990205.0022 -1 the 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 PAGEANT 67.4 APW20000205.0058 -1 COLUMBIA 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 India 67.4 NYT19990310.0271 -1 Jewish 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Lara Dutta India 67.4 APW20000513.0019 -1 beauty pageant 67.4 APW20000228.0288 -1 London 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 3 Cyprus 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 1 Nicosia, Cyprus 67.4 APW20000513.0001 -1 India 67.4 XIE19960513.0170 -1 Dar es Salaam 67.4 XIE20000605.0238 -1 Miss Indonesia 67.4 APW19990918.0056 -1 Kentucky 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Lara Dutta 67.4 XIE19960514.0377 -1 Windhoek 67.4 XIE20000605.0238 -1 Miss Indonesia Foundation Mooryati Soedibyo 67.4 APW20000513.0019 -1 bangkok 67.4 APW20000513.0019 -1 Holland 67.4 APW20000513.0019 -1 Bangkok 67.4 APW20000513.0019 3 Eleftheria stadium 67.4 APW20000228.0288 -1 Venezuela 67.4 XIE20000605.0238 -1 the country 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 1 Nicosia 67.4 NYT19981202.0133 -1 Venezuela 67.4 APW20000228.0288 3 Cyprus 67.4 APW20000513.0019 -1 VIJAY JOSHI 67.4 XIE20000513.0114 -1 India Lara Dutta 67.4 APW20000513.0001 -1 India Lara Dutta 67.4 XIE20000605.0238 -1 beauty 67.4 XIE20000605.0238 -1 India 67.5 APW19980919.0720 -1 1999 67.5 APW20000513.0019 -1 judges 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 PAGEANT 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 DUTTA 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Pageant 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Lara Dutta 67.5 APW19981204.0651 -1 April, 1999 , but her family hopes 67.5 NYT19991231.0005 -1 the century 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 pageant 67.5 APW20000228.0288 -1 beauty pageant 67.5 APW19990916.0162 -1 annual pageant 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 1 May 13 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 1999 67.5 APW19981222.1001 -1 1999 67.5 APW20000228.0288 -1 1999 67.5 XIE19991123.0168 -1 between December 11 and 24 67.5 APW19981126.1140 -1 1998 67.5 XIE20000605.0238 -1 June 7 to 10 67.5 XIE20000605.0238 -1 June 7 67.5 XIE19991106.0169 3 May 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Universe 2000 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 India Lara Dutta 67.5 NYT19990114.0135 -1 May 21 67.5 APW20000203.0138 3 May 67.5 APW20000513.0019 -1 2004 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Born 67.5 NYT20000307.0077 1 May 12 - 13 67.5 APW19990915.0217 -1 University of New Orleans 67.5 XIE20000605.0238 -1 2000 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 1 May 13 2000 67.5 NYT19981130.0456 -1 Life 67.5 APW19980919.0861 -1 1999 67.5 XIE19960827.0179 -1 Archives 67.5 APW20000228.0288 -1 December 67.5 XIE20000513.0114 -1 Saturday 68.1 XIE19960428.0087 1 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960428.0121 -1 2 68.1 XIE19960430.0261 -1 AUSTRALIAN 68.1 XIE19960428.0072 1 TASMANIA 68.1 XIE19960712.0152 1 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960428.0072 -1 Port Arthur 68.1 XIE19960429.0226 3 Tasmania , Australia , 68.1 XIE19961027.0093 3 Australia 68.1 XIE19960430.0261 -1 Bryant 68.1 XIE19960505.0097 1 Tasmania Australia 68.1 XIE19960428.0072 -1 CANBERRA 68.1 XIE19960506.0005 -1 Martin 68.1 XIE19960429.0021 1 Australia 68.1 XIE19970428.0218 1 Australia 68.1 XIE19960428.0069 1 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960428.0109 1 Tasmania 68.1 APW19980609.1154 1 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960428.0072 1 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19961108.0267 1 southern Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960609.0109 1 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Port Arthur 68.1 NYT19990302.0075 -1 Texas 68.1 XIE19960505.0097 -1 Royal Hobart Hospital 68.1 XIE19960428.0072 1 tasmania 68.1 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Alpine Village 68.1 APW19981027.0060 1 Tasmania 68.1 NYT20000207.0154 -1 Texas 68.1 XIE19960506.0005 -1 CANBERRA 68.1 XIE19960505.0097 1 Australia 68.1 XIE20000815.0050 -1 Osaka 68.1 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Car Plate 68.1 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Gunman 68.1 XIE19960428.0036 -1 Port Arthur 68.1 XIE19990622.0122 2 Tasmania 68.1 XIE19960428.0127 -1 Port Arthur 68.2 XIE19960505.0097 -1 5 68.2 APW20000110.0308 -1 One 68.2 XIE19960428.0072 -1 TASMANIA 68.2 XIE19980324.0242 1 1996 68.2 XIE19960505.0097 1 1996 68.2 XIE19960712.0152 3 April 28 68.2 APW19981027.0060 -1 1997 68.2 APW19981027.0060 1 1996 68.2 XIE19970428.0218 1 1996 68.2 XIE19961108.0267 1 April 28, 1996 68.2 XIE19960625.0258 3 April 28 68.2 XIE19971015.0005 -1 1961 68.2 XIE19960428.0072 3 April 28 68.2 XIE19960428.0036 3 April 28 68.2 XIE19960429.0229 3 Sunday 68.2 XIE19960428.0076 1 april 1996 68.2 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Jul 1984 68.2 XIE19960428.0076 1 1996 68.2 APW19981027.0060 1 April 1996 68.2 XIE19960428.0036 -1 1984 68.2 XIE19961108.0267 1 April 28 1996 68.2 XIE19960506.0227 -1 today 68.2 XIE19981213.0065 -1 1937 68.2 NYT19980629.0294 -1 1900s 68.2 APW19981124.0295 -1 1996 68.2 XIE19960428.0036 1 April 28 1996 68.2 APW19980627.0853 -1 1995 68.2 XIE19971226.0112 3 20 - month ago 68.3 XIE19960503.0263 -1 New South Wales 68.3 XIE19960429.0012 -1 four 68.3 XIE19960428.0119 -1 200 68.3 XIE19960430.0174 -1 THREE 68.3 XIE19960502.0239 1 35 people 68.3 XIE19960430.0174 1 35 68.3 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Tasmania 68.3 XIE19960501.0026 -1 Tasmania 68.3 XIE19960429.0222 -1 Tasmania. Police 68.3 XIE19960429.0222 -1 Tasmania 68.3 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Death Toll Rises t 68.3 XIE19960428.0072 -1 Two Canadian tourists were confirmed to be among the people killed 68.3 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Sparks Gun Law Debate 68.3 XIE19960501.0026 -1 death toll of last Sunday's shooting massacre 68.3 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Australia 68.3 XIE19960501.0189 1 35 68.3 XIE19960429.0021 -1 32 68.3 XIE19960625.0258 1 35 68.3 APW19981002.1113 -1 Oct. 2, 1968 68.3 XIE19960501.0189 -1 Royal Hobart Hospital 68.3 APW19990518.0167 -1 AP 68.3 XIE19971226.0112 1 35 people 68.3 XIE19960429.0021 -1 bus blast in pakistan 68.3 APW19981128.0786 -1 208 68.3 XIE19960428.0076 -1 1973 68.3 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Anniversary 68.3 APW19981027.0060 1 35 people 68.3 XIE19960429.0226 -1 yesterday's massacre 68.3 XIE19960429.0226 -1 death toll in yesterday's massacre 68.3 XIE19960428.0087 -1 Death toll 68.3 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Massacre 68.3 NYT19990317.0388 -1 R-Burleson 68.3 NYT19980810.0301 -1 Tasmania 68.3 XIE19960428.0076 -1 32 68.3 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Port Arthur 68.3 APW19981027.0060 -1 39 68.3 XIE19960429.0152 -1 dead 32 persons 68.3 XIE19960429.0021 -1 20 68.3 NYT19990116.0318 -1 center 68.4 XIE19960430.0174 -1 Arthur 68.4 XIE19960430.0074 -1 he 68.4 XIE19960430.0261 -1 ARTHUR IN 68.4 XIE19960430.0261 1 MARTIN BRYANT 68.4 XIE19960430.0261 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960501.0026 3 mass killer Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960712.0152 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960430.0174 -1 Tasmania, Australia 68.4 XIE19960505.0097 -1 the man responsible for the Port Arthur massacre 68.4 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Port Arthur 68.4 XIE19960501.0026 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960506.0005 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960430.0174 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960609.0109 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 NYT19981210.0560 -1 Kahn 68.4 XIE19960505.0097 -1 Arthur Killer 68.4 XIE19960502.0153 1 Martin Bryant 68.4 XIE19960428.0076 -1 red lake 68.4 XIE19960428.0076 -1 sources 68.4 XIE19960428.0076 -1 Lies Exposed 68.4 XIE19960430.0074 3 Bryant 68.4 XIE19960430.0261 -1 George Adams 68.4 XIE19980324.0242 -1 Prime Minister John Howard 68.4 XIE20000815.0050 -1 Memorial Hall 68.4 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Gunman 68.4 XIE19960429.0224 -1 Arthur 68.4 XIE19960429.0163 -1 Lone Farmer 68.5 XIE19960428.0036 -1 Texas 68.5 XIE19960428.0119 -1 the 68.5 XIE19960430.0261 2 AUSTRALIAN 68.5 XIE19980907.0116 -1 JAPANESE 68.5 XIE19960505.0097 -1 1996 68.5 XIE19960429.0211 -1 martin Bryant , a 29 - year - old from New Town , pleaded guilty to the crime and is currently serving a life sentence without parole in Risdon Prison 68.5 XIE19960502.0153 -1 Tasmania 68.5 NYT19990402.0123 -1 wake 68.5 NYT19990831.0362 -1 roots 68.5 APW19990628.0099 -1 couldn 68.5 XIE19960430.0261 2 Australian 68.5 XIE19960428.0072 2 Australian 68.5 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Port Arthur 68.5 XIE19960506.0005 -1 British 68.5 XIE19960506.0005 -1 Martin Bryant 68.5 XIE19960430.0174 -1 Australia 68.5 XIE19980324.0242 2 Australian 68.5 XIE19960505.0097 -1 Royal Hobart Hospital 68.5 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Pakistani 68.5 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Tasmania 68.5 XIE19960429.0163 -1 Mass Killer 68.5 XIE19960428.0076 -1 identity 68.5 XIE19960428.0076 -1 sources 68.5 XIE19960712.0152 1 Australia 68.5 XIE19960501.0026 -1 Israeli 68.5 XIE19960430.0261 -1 the nation 68.5 XIE19960428.0072 -1 Canadian 68.5 XIE19960609.0109 -1 the country 68.5 XIE19981225.0073 -1 Azuma 68.5 NYT19980810.0301 -1 Tasmania 68.5 XIE19960712.0152 -1 Martin Bryant 68.5 XIE19960430.0261 -1 Gunman 68.5 APW19981027.0060 -1 39 68.5 XIE19960430.0261 -1 four years 68.5 XIE19960429.0021 -1 Bangladeshi Former President Breaks Hunger strike hke042815 68.5 XIE19960429.0021 -1 97 68.5 XIE19991228.0174 -1 China 69.1 APW19980901.0341 -1 12 , 69.1 XIE19980310.0136 -1 I 69.1 NYT19991228.0054 -1 4 - 3 69.1 XIE19970605.0007 2 1998 69.1 APW19980712.0817 1 1998 69.1 APW19981125.1351 -1 2005 69.1 APW19980613.0238 2 1998 69.1 NYT19980714.0226 -1 Sunday 69.1 APW19980711.0802 2 1998 69.1 XIE19960601.0174 2 1998 69.1 APW19981002.0910 -1 for the first time 69.1 NYT19980629.0459 -1 1994 69.1 NYT19991019.0025 -1 2010 69.1 XIE20000228.0279 -1 1997 69.1 XIE19970603.0147 2 1998 69.1 NYT19990626.0160 2 1998 69.1 APW20000702.0108 1 1998 69.1 APW19980714.0153 -1 July 26, 1998 69.1 APW19980708.1149 -1 1982 and 1986 69.1 APW19980710.0889 -1 1930 69.1 XIE19980424.0271 2 1998 69.1 APW19981106.0666 3 98 69.1 APW19980601.1112 2 1998 69.1 APW19980820.0718 -1 2010 69.1 APW19980626.1383 -1 2002 69.1 NYT19980603.0505 2 1998 69.1 NYT20000120.0311 -1 january 1998 69.1 XIE19970916.0008 -1 July 1996 69.1 XIE19960703.0022 2 1998 69.1 APW19980901.0337 3 July 12 69.1 APW19980628.0931 -1 1966 69.1 APW19980708.1149 -1 1982 69.1 APW19980626.0896 -1 Friday 69.1 XIE19980727.0141 -1 Sunday 69.1 APW19981002.0910 -1 3-0 69.1 NYT19980630.0018 2 1998 69.1 XIE20000909.0107 -1 July 22 2005 year 69.1 XIE20000909.0107 -1 2005 69.1 APW19980602.0488 2 1998 69.1 APW19980627.0294 -1 1300 69.1 XIE19971130.0134 2 '98 69.2 APW19980623.1403 -1 Rosangela de Souza 69.2 APW19980609.0437 -1 s 69.2 APW19980624.0465 -1 NANTES FRANCE 69.2 XIE19980707.0162 -1 THE FRENCH TEAM 69.2 APW19980615.1710 -1 England 69.2 XIE19980727.0141 -1 Xinhua 69.2 APW19980627.0861 -1 Au Revoir 69.2 APW19980901.0337 1 Brazil 69.2 XIE19980727.0141 -1 Aime Jacquet 69.2 APW19980630.1342 -1 Sweden 69.2 NYT19980623.0152 -1 Saudis 69.2 APW20000702.0108 3 Brazil 3-0 69.2 APW19980712.0817 -1 Mario Zagallo 69.2 APW19981128.0487 -1 English 69.2 XIE19980701.0170 2 Brazil 69.2 NYT19991225.0123 -1 South Africa 69.2 APW19980601.1112 2 Brazil 69.2 APW19980623.0465 -1 Peter Muello 69.2 APW19980901.0341 -1 Les Bleus 69.2 NYT19980610.0267 2 Brazil 69.2 APW19980624.0465 -1 Nesha Starcevic NANTES 69.2 XIE19960407.0165 -1 davis cup 69.2 APW19981010.0632 -1 Marcel Desailly 69.2 XIE19961103.0154 -1 Olympiad 69.2 APW19980712.0644 1 Brazil 69.2 NYT19980703.0089 -1 Denis 69.2 XIE19980930.0082 -1 Cedric Pioline 69.2 XIE19980826.0109 -1 Super Eagles 69.2 XIE19980713.0149 1 Brazil 69.2 APW19980712.0892 -1 Zinedine Zidane 69.2 APW19980608.1588 -1 Ronaldo 69.2 XIE19990628.0213 -1 Rio de Janeiro 69.2 APW19981126.0550 -1 Chelsea 69.3 APW19980616.1574 -1 Akira Narahashi 69.3 APW19980625.0517 -1 France 69.3 APW19980712.0978 -1 4 - 3 69.3 APW19980708.0380 -1 A DRAMATIC 69.3 APW19980623.0465 -1 GAME 69.3 NYT20000130.0202 -1 st 69.3 NYT20000130.0199 -1 2 69.3 APW19980626.0544 -1 Argentina 69.3 XIE19971208.0245 -1 1 69.3 NYT19980711.0123 -1 Brazil 69.3 APW19980709.1260 -1 beat Brazil 69.3 NYT19990720.0110 -1 Brazil played 69.3 NYT19980712.0156 -1 The French 69.3 NYT19980629.0459 -1 Under Sampson 69.3 XIE19971114.0136 -1 marks 69.3 APW19980819.1045 -1 goals 69.3 NYT19980709.0006 -1 goals 69.3 XIE19971117.0201 -1 0-0 69.3 APW19980712.0817 -1 0 69.3 XIE19970604.0002 -1 at least 10 69.3 APW19980712.0817 1 3-0 69.3 XIE19980713.0027 1 3-0 69.3 APW19980626.0544 -1 2002 69.3 APW19980611.0419 -1 Ronaldo 69.3 APW19981116.0920 -1 AP 69.3 APW19980602.1634 -1 World Cup 69.3 NYT19980622.0422 -1 the World Cup 69.3 XIE19981015.0281 -1 0 69.3 APW19980709.0496 -1 four goals 69.3 XIE19960916.0245 -1 points 69.3 XIE19991118.0222 -1 War 69.3 XIE19980107.0319 -1 'CNN 69.3 APW19980712.0644 1 3-0 69.3 APW19980710.0889 -1 century-ending chance 69.3 APW19981116.0920 -1 score 69.3 APW19980714.0401 -1 the World Cup success 69.3 XIE19981006.0115 -1 Lyuboslav Penev 69.3 NYT19980712.0246 -1 DOMINATES BRAZIL 69.3 APW19980706.0394 -1 World Cup games 69.3 APW19980610.0918 -1 39 69.3 XIE19960803.0266 -1 Resources Sports Paparazzi Leader Sports 69.3 APW19991008.0180 -1 2005 69.3 APW19990325.0212 -1 Yevgeny Plushenko 69.3 APW19980715.0479 1 3 - 0 69.3 APW19980715.1159 -1 0 69.4 APW19980621.0276 -1 Peter Muello 69.4 APW19980609.0437 -1 s World Cup 69.4 APW19981126.0550 -1 RONALDO 69.4 APW19980608.1588 -1 ZIDANE 69.4 APW19980901.0337 -1 1998 69.4 APW19981212.0951 -1 National 69.4 APW19980624.0465 -1 nickname 69.4 NYT19980612.0327 -1 Zidane 69.4 APW19990708.0254 -1 Tour de 69.4 APW19980711.0745 -1 Tour de 69.4 NYT19990723.0387 -1 Tour de 69.4 APW19980615.0433 -1 France 69.4 APW19980618.1319 -1 Zinedine Zidane 69.4 APW19981213.1009 -1 Dino Zoff 69.4 APW19981217.1570 -1 France Football 69.4 APW19980911.1475 -1 French Open 69.4 NYT19990513.0473 -1 American 69.4 XIE19980613.0118 -1 Bafana Bafana 69.4 APW19981113.0755 -1 Guy Mislin 69.4 APW19981126.0550 -1 Ronaldo 69.4 APW20000119.0081 -1 Indians 69.4 APW19980713.0858 -1 Writethru 69.4 APW19980627.0294 -1 NICE 69.4 NYT19980712.0183 -1 Platini 69.4 APW19980712.0251 -1 Reaction 69.4 NYT19980601.0229 -1 World Cup 69.4 NYT19980601.0229 -1 the World Cup 69.4 APW19980716.0970 -1 euskara finnish french 69.4 NYT19980608.0373 -1 Eric Cantona 69.4 APW19980901.0337 1 Les Bleus 69.4 NYT19980712.0183 -1 Juventus 69.4 APW19980618.1319 -1 Cup 69.4 APW19980618.1319 -1 Brazil 69.4 APW19980618.1436 -1 the nickname 69.4 XIE19980826.0109 -1 Super Eagles 69.4 XIE19990609.0285 -1 World Cup finals 69.4 APW19980713.0723 -1 Associated Press 69.4 XIE19970625.0073 -1 Jacques Cousteau 69.4 XIE19961013.0146 -1 Sports 69.4 APW19981126.0550 -1 Inter 69.5 APW19980709.0496 -1 Croatia 69.5 APW19980709.0496 -1 Morocco 69.5 APW19980615.1668 -1 NANTES FRANCE 69.5 APW19981116.0392 -1 WEMBLEY 69.5 APW19980625.1428 -1 TEAM 69.5 APW19980615.1710 -1 win 69.5 APW19980708.1026 -1 first 69.5 APW19980619.1309 -1 tournament 69.5 APW19980623.1403 -1 Slug Sports 69.5 APW19981117.1357 -1 FIFA Confederations 69.5 APW19980930.0818 -1 final match 69.5 APW19981013.1204 -1 final match 69.5 NYT19980712.0161 -1 Bastille Day 69.5 NYT20000612.0915 -1 Arena 69.5 XIE19980114.0335 -1 open 69.5 APW19980601.0922 -1 European 69.5 XIE19990207.0183 -1 Iranian 69.5 XIE19980926.0213 -1 team 69.5 XIE19981021.0274 -1 RFK Stadium 69.5 APW19980612.1631 -1 Marseilles 69.5 XIE19961108.0263 -1 Marseille 69.5 NYT19980712.0161 1 Stadium of France 69.5 APW19980930.0818 -1 the 1970 and 1986 69.5 NYT19990214.0125 -1 Women's 69.5 APW19980625.1492 -1 LYON 69.5 APW19980618.1270 -1 the Stade de 69.5 NYT19980608.0077 -1 the World Cup 69.5 XIE19980614.0183 -1 Belgium 69.5 XIE19960424.0199 -1 Giants Stadium 69.5 XIE19990429.0123 -1 fifa 69.5 APW19990121.0200 -1 Event 69.5 NYT19980702.0272 -1 greatest 69.5 APW19980901.0337 1 Stade de France 69.5 NYT19990519.0481 -1 same cavernous football stadiums 69.5 XIE19980629.0058 -1 La Mosson Stadium 69.5 APW19980626.1174 -1 the Felix Bollaert stadium 69.5 XIE19980825.0322 -1 Levski Sofia 69.5 APW19980612.1631 -1 first 69.5 APW19980614.0959 -1 World Cup 69.5 APW19980602.0488 -1 Rio de Janeiro 69.5 APW19990305.0052 -1 2005 69.5 XIE19970820.0058 -1 newly-crowned walking world champion 69.5 NYT19990116.0318 -1 center 69.5 APW19980702.1370 -1 FIFA 69.6 APW19980625.0517 -1 Larry Siddons 69.6 APW19980713.0163 -1 Eternity 69.6 XIE19980310.0136 1 AIME JACQUET 69.6 APW19980727.0214 -1 LEMERRE 69.6 APW19980901.0341 -1 Frances 69.6 APW19980628.0293 -1 National 69.6 APW19980610.1707 -1 Coach Berti Vogts 69.6 XIE19980310.0136 3 Jacquet 69.6 APW19980727.0323 -1 Roger Lemerre 69.6 XIE19980727.0141 -1 Roger Lemerre 69.6 APW19980608.1588 -1 CLAIREFONTAINE France The World Cup must be even close when the French 69.6 APW19980618.1319 -1 Christophe Dugarry 69.6 XIE19980727.0141 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 NYT19980601.0229 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 XIE19980310.0136 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 APW19980901.0341 -1 Michel Platini 69.6 APW19980709.0496 -1 Mario Zagallo 69.6 XIE19980410.0069 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 APW19980703.1072 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 XIE19980727.0033 -1 Nominated Coach 69.6 NYT19980601.0229 -1 the World Cup 69.6 APW19980709.0496 -1 coach Mario Zagallo 69.6 APW19980716.0970 -1 guy noves 69.6 XIE19980628.0057 -1 Thierry Henry 69.6 APW19980901.0337 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 XIE19980727.0094 1 Aime Jacquet 69.6 APW19980618.1319 -1 Brazil 69.6 XIE19980826.0109 -1 Super Eagles 69.6 XIE19971130.0134 -1 Fernando Henrique Cardoso 69.6 APW19980901.0337 -1 Chirac 69.6 APW19980713.0717 -1 Ronaldo 69.6 APW19980604.0432 -1 France 69.6 APW20000729.0062 -1 Jacques Chirac 69.6 APW19980604.0432 -1 national 70.1 APW19980712.0410 -1 20 , 70.1 NYT19990614.0071 -1 you 70.1 APW19990323.0240 3 1998 70.1 APW19990817.0161 -1 1983 70.1 XIE19990315.0007 -1 1999 70.1 XIE19991003.0153 -1 2003 70.1 XIE19991119.0290 1 February, 1998 70.1 NYT19990227.0034 1 Feb. 3, 1998 70.1 NYT20000303.0205 -1 1994 70.1 APW19990323.0240 1 Feb. 3, 1998 70.1 APW19990317.0235 1 Feb. 3, 1998 70.1 NYT19990304.0406 3 February 70.1 NYT19990908.0100 -1 1972 70.1 APW19990323.0240 1 February 3, 1998 70.1 APW19990222.0151 3 last Feb. 3 70.1 NYT19990305.0248 1 Feb. 3, 1998 70.1 XIE19980527.0261 1 February 3, 1998 70.1 APW19990226.0162 1 Feb. 3, 1998 70.1 XIE19991119.0290 3 1998 70.1 XIE19991030.0160 -1 october 70.1 APW20000418.0200 2 1998 70.1 APW19990111.0118 3 Feb. 3 70.1 APW19990226.0162 1 Feb. 3 , 1998 70.1 APW19990510.0068 3 1998 70.1 APW19991027.0046 -1 Monday 70.1 XIE19960203.0049 -1 Pakistan 70.1 APW19990122.0040 -1 1936 70.1 NYT19990304.0406 3 last February 70.1 APW20000617.0128 -1 2003 21 December 70.1 APW19990614.0003 -1 airport 70.2 APW19980712.0410 -1 Italy 70.2 XIE19980204.0268 -1 s ANSA news agency 70.2 XIE19980204.0253 -1 SKI 70.2 XIE19980212.0267 3 NORTHERN ITALY 70.2 XIE19980307.0196 -1 Iraq 70.2 APW19980607.0757 -1 Seveso 70.2 NYT19990226.0398 -1 United States 70.2 NYT19990824.0146 -1 clinics 70.2 APW19990212.0290 -1 Marine jet 70.2 XIE19980214.0148 -1 ROME 70.2 NYT19980805.0076 -1 Intel, Sony 70.2 NYT19990714.0149 -1 Boston 70.2 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Israel 70.2 NYT19990304.0406 1 Mount Cermis 70.2 XIE19980204.0268 -1 Rome 70.2 XIE19980204.0253 -1 Rome 70.2 XIE19980204.0253 1 Cavalese City of Trento Province 70.2 XIE19980204.0268 1 Cavalese City of Trento Province 70.2 APW19990212.0290 3 alpine valley 70.2 XIE19980206.0145 1 Cavalese City 70.2 XIE19990315.0007 -1 Italy 70.2 APW19990305.0245 -1 cable car 70.2 NYT19990305.0397 -1 plane 70.2 NYT19990304.0406 -1 American serviceman 70.2 XIE19980212.0025 -1 iraq 70.2 XIE19990205.0030 -1 Soviet Union 70.2 XIE20000207.0171 -1 Britain 70.2 APW19990111.0118 3 ski resort in the Italian Alps. 70.2 APW19990226.0162 1 Italian Alps 70.2 XIE19980207.0045 1 Cavalese 70.2 NYT19990304.0406 -1 U.S. 70.2 XIE19961008.0179 -1 Crash 70.2 XIE19960203.0049 -1 Pakistan 70.2 NYT19990313.0293 -1 Boston, NY 70.2 NYT19990304.0406 3 Mount 70.2 NYT19990113.0406 -1 Southern California 70.2 XIE20000106.0262 -1 Germany 70.2 APW19980903.0608 -1 50 70.3 XIE19980212.0267 1 20 70.3 XIE19980204.0268 -1 3 70.3 XIE19980207.0070 1 20 70.3 XIE19990309.0322 -1 two 70.3 APW19990115.0012 3 20 people , but the 70.3 APW19990429.0153 1 20 70.3 XIE19991119.0290 1 20 people 70.3 APW19990226.0135 1 20 people 70.3 NYT19980710.0229 1 20 70.3 APW19990825.0198 1 20 70.3 NYT19990908.0100 -1 10 70.3 NYT19990819.0097 -1 50 70.3 APW19990510.0068 -1 10 70.3 APW19981116.0674 -1 37,000 people 70.3 APW19981115.0371 -1 37,000 people 70.3 XIE19980527.0261 1 20 70.3 XIE19990315.0007 1 20 70.3 APW19990429.0120 1 20 70.3 NYT19990111.0475 -1 229 70.3 XIE19980207.0191 1 Twenty 70.3 NYT19980602.0362 2 20 70.3 XIE19980527.0261 1 20 people 70.3 XIE19980207.0045 1 20 people 70.3 APW19981006.0956 -1 forty three 70.3 XIE19970903.0183 -1 63 70.3 XIE19990307.0179 2 20 70.3 APW19990111.0118 1 Twenty people 70.3 APW19990226.0162 1 20 70.3 XIE19980207.0070 1 20 people 70.3 APW19990226.0162 -1 Prowler 70.3 XIE19960110.0287 2 20 70.3 APW19990122.0040 -1 1936 70.3 APW19990805.0074 -1 2.2 70.3 APW19990212.0290 1 20 70.3 NYT19990520.0210 -1 creator 70.3 APW20000115.0214 2 20 70.4 XIE19991119.0290 -1 1998 70.4 APW19990226.0025 -1 EA 70.4 XIE19990315.0007 -1 SKI RESORT 70.4 APW19990505.0183 -1 POLITICAL AFFILIATION 70.4 APW19990226.0135 -1 wire 70.4 XIE19960404.0122 -1 detailed coloring information 70.4 NYT20000620.0222 -1 NYT 70.4 APW19991027.0323 -1 affiliating 70.4 XIE19980207.0070 3 -- U.S. military authorities acknowledged Friday for the first time that 70.4 XIE19990315.0007 3 An Italian military procuratorate confirmed Sunday that the American plane was 70.4 XIE19980207.0070 1 Marine Corps 70.4 XIE19970202.0108 -1 a plane crash 70.4 NYT19990304.0406 -1 Italy 70.4 NYT19980831.0457 -1 pilot 70.4 NYT20000617.0107 -1 Air Force 70.4 XIE19980214.0148 3 Marine 70.4 XIE19990309.0322 1 United States 70.4 APW19990422.0085 1 U . S . 70.4 APW19990429.0153 -1 Feb. 3, 1998 70.4 APW19990505.0183 -1 &T 70.4 XIE19990315.0007 -1 Xinhua 70.4 NYT19980809.0095 -1 video 70.4 APW19990209.0149 -1 20 people 70.4 NYT19990304.0406 -1 plane ' s crew 70.4 APW19980618.0571 -1 32 battle plane 70.4 XIE19960711.0297 -1 Year 70.4 APW19990111.0118 1 Marine Corps 70.4 APW19990113.0232 -1 Cavalese 70.4 NYT19991112.0160 -1 WFP 70.4 XIE19960203.0049 -1 Pakistan 70.4 NYT19980731.0266 -1 Press 70.4 XIE19991004.0141 -1 Cavalese 70.4 NYT19990413.0138 -1 high-speed cable connection 70.4 APW19990903.0006 -1 Asian Clinic 70.4 NYT19990116.0318 -1 center 70.4 XIE19990502.0074 -1 F 70.5 XIE19980527.0261 -1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 70.5 APW19990226.0025 -1 Marine pilot 70.5 XIE19990309.0322 -1 CAR 70.5 APW19990825.0199 -1 THE CO-PILOT 70.5 APW19990226.0135 -1 wire 70.5 APW19990805.0090 -1 released 70.5 APW20000426.0053 1 Richard J. Ashby 70.5 NYT19991001.0302 -1 site 70.5 NYT20000208.0019 -1 site 70.5 NYT19990418.0156 -1 site 70.5 NYT19990819.0097 -1 Shore Net 70.5 XIE19990308.0244 1 Richard Ashby 70.5 XIE19990309.0322 1 Richard Ashby 70.5 XIE20000405.0341 -1 Claudio Castonia 70.5 NYT19990209.0365 3 Ashby 70.5 APW19990305.0178 1 Richard Ashby 70.5 APW19990212.0112 1 Capt. Richard Ashby 70.5 APW19990226.0135 3 Ashby 70.5 APW19990429.0153 -1 Marine 70.5 APW19990304.0073 -1 Marine Pilot Acquitted 70.5 NYT19980617.0222 -1 video 70.5 APW19990209.0149 -1 20 people 70.5 XIE19980214.0148 -1 crew 70.5 APW19980618.0571 -1 video clips 70.5 XIE19970804.0032 -1 Airport 70.5 NYT19980909.0382 -1 car 70.5 APW19990214.0095 1 Capt. Richard Ashby 70.5 APW19990429.0153 3 Ashby 70.5 APW19990825.0198 -1 Diliberto 70.5 APW19990422.0183 -1 LEJEUNE, N.C. 70.5 NYT19990603.0021 -1 McCain 70.5 XIE19960203.0049 -1 Pakistan 70.5 NYT19980605.0373 -1 Ap 70.5 XIE19991004.0209 -1 Tragedy ROME 70.5 NYT19990413.0138 -1 high-speed cable connection 70.5 APW19980903.0343 -1 Nova Scotians 70.5 APW19990614.0003 -1 airport 70.5 NYT20000810.0407 -1 37 70.5 APW19990305.0078 -1 Massimo D 70.5 NYT19990305.0109 -1 D 70.6 APW20000426.0053 3 six months 70.6 XIE19990317.0329 -1 manslaughter 70.6 APW19990825.0199 -1 20 PEOPLE 70.6 XIE19990409.0233 -1 NATIONALISM 70.6 NYT19991110.0277 -1 LUCKY 70.6 NYT19990106.0153 -1 wire 70.6 NYT19990418.0156 -1 Design 70.6 APW19990429.0153 -1 CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) -- A Marine pilot whose jet killed 20 people at an Italian resort tried twice to return to his damaged jet after it landed, a witness said today as testimony began at the pilot's obstruction of justice trial. 70.6 NYT19980608.0217 -1 TMS 70.6 NYT19990418.0156 -1 don 70.6 NYT19981130.0348 -1 war 70.6 APW19990429.0153 -1 twice asked to get into the cockpit as Henry and his 17-man crew surrounded the damaged plane 70.6 APW19990429.0153 -1 A Marine 70.6 APW19990305.0178 1 acquittal 70.6 XIE19990317.0329 1 acquitted 70.6 XIE19990308.0244 -1 February 3, 1998 70.6 XIE19990306.0217 -1 Prowler 70.6 APW19990825.0198 -1 American 70.6 XIE19990317.0329 -1 US 70.6 XIE19980422.0272 -1 30 70.6 APW19990111.0118 -1 two US F 70.6 XIE19960711.0297 -1 year 70.6 XIE19960711.0297 -1 Year 70.6 APW19990429.0153 -1 justice 70.6 XIE19990309.0322 -1 Richard Ashby 70.6 APW19990302.0022 -1 LEJEUNE, N.C. 70.6 NYT19990603.0021 -1 McCain 70.6 XIE19960203.0049 -1 Pakistan 70.6 NYT19990418.0156 -1 Neil Harrap 70.6 APW19990309.0322 -1 court-martial 70.6 APW19980619.0096 -1 Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers 70.6 NYT19980904.0102 -1 American 70.6 NYT19990305.0109 -1 Massimo D 70.6 NYT19990305.0109 -1 D 71.1 NYT19991025.0544 -1 22 , 71.1 NYT19990517.0234 -1 for 71.1 NYT19991025.0544 -1 TYNDALL 71.1 NYT19991006.0437 -1 FALCON 71.1 APW19990605.0146 -1 Fighting Falcon 71.1 NYT19990517.0234 -1 Air Force 71.1 NYT19991025.0477 -1 Air Force 71.1 XIE20000320.0228 1 fighter planes 71.1 XIE19980713.0225 -1 The New Zealand government is considering an offer to buy second-hand 71.1 XIE19980713.0225 -1 an offer to buy second-hand 71.1 XIE19991109.0260 -1 F16 jets 71.1 XIE20000320.0228 1 fighter 71.1 XIE19991109.0197 1 fighter 71.1 NYT19991025.0487 -1 F-16 71.1 NYT19990517.0234 1 fighter 71.1 NYT19990514.0025 -1 U.S. Air Force 71.1 APW19980730.0430 -1 PROFILE 71.1 NYT19990331.0492 -1 Krepinevich 71.1 XIE20000222.0029 1 fighter jet 71.1 XIE19981030.0068 -1 passenger plane 71.1 NYT19990517.0085 -1 the case 71.1 NYT19991130.0262 -1 type 71.1 XIE19991109.0197 -1 Labor Party 71.1 XIE19991109.0260 -1 Labor Party 71.1 NYT19991025.0544 -1 Tyndall Air Force Base 71.1 XIE19990314.0202 -1 Groups Discussion 71.1 XIE19961106.0043 -1 Falcon 71.1 XIE19970201.0077 -1 F 71.2 NYT19991006.0442 -1 15 71.2 NYT19990718.0159 -1 Earlier 71.2 XIE19981203.0251 -1 TO FLY 71.2 XIE19981203.0251 -1 AN F16 71.2 XIE19980713.0225 -1 16 71.2 NYT19991006.0442 -1 000-pound , laser-guided bombs 71.2 NYT19990517.0085 3 400 71.2 NYT19991025.0487 -1 F 22 F 16 71.2 XIE19970110.0088 -1 Singapore forces 71.2 NYT19990517.0085 1 400 to 500 miles per hour 71.2 NYT19990809.0124 -1 5,968 MPH 71.2 NYT19981028.0053 -1 $750 MILLION 71.2 XIE19990910.0188 -1 six kites 71.2 NYT19991006.0375 -1 2,000-pound 71.2 NYT19990517.0085 -1 15,000 miles per hour 71.2 XIE19981203.0251 -1 NZPA 71.2 XIE19990720.0028 -1 300 kilometers per hour 71.2 XIE19990311.0181 -1 Martino 71.2 XIE19980713.0225 -1 1 71.2 XIE19981203.0251 -1 F16 71.2 XIE19981202.0157 -1 New Zealand Stocks Close Lower hke120224 71.2 NYT19991006.0444 -1 1999 71.2 NYT19990517.0085 -1 three 71.3 NYT19990517.0085 -1 altitude 71.3 XIE19980713.0225 -1 F16 FIGHTER 71.3 NYT19990718.0159 -1 THE COMPANY 71.3 NYT20000313.0084 1 Lockheed Martin 71.3 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Aircraft 71.3 XIE19981202.0204 -1 Jenny Shipley 71.3 XIE19981202.0204 -1 Aircraft 71.3 XIE19960511.0158 -1 Air Force 71.3 XIE19990325.0101 -1 Schroeder 71.3 APW19990424.0159 -1 Curnow 71.3 XIE19970201.0077 -1 F-15 71.3 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Max Bradford 71.3 NYT20000311.0093 -1 Elizabeth Becker 71.3 APW19990424.0159 -1 Navy 71.3 NYT19980923.0051 -1 R F 71.3 XIE20000222.0029 -1 fighter 71.3 APW19990804.0198 -1 Pfizer 71.3 XIE19981202.0204 -1 volvo aero 71.3 XIE19981202.0204 -1 effectively confirm 71.3 XIE19981202.0204 -1 Single Layer 71.3 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Defense 71.3 APW19990424.0159 -1 pilot 71.3 XIE19981203.0251 -1 New Zealand Press Association 71.3 XIE19960304.0242 -1 Hans-Jorg Geduhn 71.3 NYT19990718.0159 -1 Defense 71.3 APW19981202.0487 -1 NATASHA GURAL 71.3 NYT20000829.0265 -1 Chris Vaughn 71.3 APW19990129.0098 -1 Fighting Falcon 71.3 XIE20000105.0008 -1 Online 71.3 NYT19990925.0269 -1 Luke Air Force Base 71.4 NYT19990517.0085 -1 of 71.4 XIE19981203.0251 -1 NEW ZEALAND 71.4 NYT19990718.0159 -1 BASED IN 71.4 APW19990612.0118 -1 Richardson 71.4 NYT20000829.0371 -1 Texas 71.4 APW19990408.0156 1 Bethesda , Md 71.4 NYT19991006.0437 -1 Bethlehem 71.4 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Air Force 71.4 XIE19980713.0225 -1 WELLINGTON 71.4 XIE19980615.0125 -1 ground-based 71.4 XIE19991109.0260 -1 United States 71.4 XIE19981203.0251 -1 United States 71.4 XIE19981202.0204 -1 United States 71.4 XIE19981203.0251 -1 New Zealand 71.4 NYT19981124.0293 -1 Ga 71.4 NYT19991025.0477 -1 Fargo, N.D 71.4 NYT19981014.0054 -1 U.S. 71.4 APW19980715.0008 -1 Singapore 71.4 APW19981201.0008 -1 LONDON 71.4 XIE20000301.0188 -1 US dollar 71.4 XIE19971022.0091 -1 US base 71.4 NYT19991025.0544 -1 aviation 71.4 NYT19991025.0544 -1 Aviation 71.4 XIE19970518.0059 -1 Diyarbakir 71.4 APW19990714.0173 -1 Seattle 71.4 XIE19970518.0059 -1 southeastern Turkey 71.4 NYT20000725.0322 -1 Kuwait 71.4 XIE19980713.0225 -1 Pakistan 71.4 NYT19991025.0544 -1 Air 71.4 APW19981202.0487 -1 Conn. 71.4 XIE19980615.0125 -1 Australia 71.4 NYT19991025.0487 -1 University 71.4 APW19981116.0181 -1 Oregon 71.5 NYT19990517.0284 -1 Air Force maintenance personnel 71.5 NYT19990718.0011 -1 F - 16 71.5 NYT20000118.0378 -1 MILITARY ENGINES 71.5 XIE19961101.0138 -1 GE Aircraft 71.5 NYT19990517.0284 -1 Aircraft 71.5 XIE19991109.0260 -1 Geoff Braybrooke 71.5 XIE19981202.0204 -1 Aircraft 71.5 NYT19981004.0161 -1 Carolina _ 71.5 XIE19990325.0101 -1 Schroeder 71.5 NYT19990107.0328 -1 jet 71.5 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Wellington-based 71.5 NYT19980713.0481 -1 Sue Gettinger 71.5 NYT19990517.0284 -1 A0586 &Cx1f 71.5 NYT19990327.0014 -1 Lockheed 71.5 NYT19990707.0374 -1 James McNerney 71.5 APW19990812.0174 1 Pratt & Whitney 71.5 NYT19990327.0014 1 General Electric 71.5 XIE19961112.0265 -1 Ferrari engine 71.5 XIE19981202.0204 -1 volvo aero 71.5 XIE19981202.0204 -1 effectively confirm 71.5 XIE19981202.0204 -1 Fighting Falcon 71.5 APW19981117.0998 -1 General Motors 71.5 NYT20000830.0331 -1 humans 71.5 XIE19981203.0251 -1 New Zealand Press Association 71.5 APW19980908.1384 -1 Trent 71.5 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Max Bradford 71.5 APW19981117.0998 -1 IRL 71.5 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Air Force 71.5 NYT19981105.0071 -1 Dodge Ram 71.5 XIE19981215.0075 -1 English Electric Lightning 71.5 APW19980713.0735 -1 Fighting Falcon 71.5 XIE19981203.0251 -1 Fighter 71.5 NYT19990925.0269 -1 Luke Air Force Base 72.1 NYT19990113.0372 3 India 72.1 NYT19990113.0372 -1 industry 72.1 NYT20000814.0178 1 MUMBAI BOMBAY 72.1 NYT20000814.0178 1 MUMBAI 72.1 APW20000530.0156 3 India 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 1 Bombay , India 72.1 APW20000530.0156 -1 Hollywood 72.1 APW20000530.0156 -1 actresses 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Hindi 72.1 NYT20000720.0217 -1 London 72.1 NYT20000811.0112 1 Mumbai 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 1 Mumbai Bombay 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 3 Mumbai-based 72.1 APW20000530.0156 1 Bombay 72.1 NYT19980813.0219 1 Bombay 72.1 NYT19990323.0102 1 Bombay 72.1 NYT19990113.0338 3 India 72.1 NYT20000811.0154 1 Mumbai (Bombay) 72.1 NYT20000214.0476 3 India 72.1 NYT20000814.0159 1 Mumbai 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Bollywood 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 1 Mumbai 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 1 Bombay 72.1 NYT20000814.0178 1 Mumbai 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 1 mumbai 72.1 NYT20000718.0142 -1 United States 72.1 APW19980818.0604 1 Bombay 72.1 NYT20000811.0154 1 MUMBAI 72.1 NYT20000811.0113 1 Mumbai 72.1 NYT20000814.0159 3 Mumbai, IND 72.1 NYT20000814.0160 1 Mumbai 72.1 NYT20000814.0178 1 Bombay 72.1 NYT20000912.0140 -1 Bollywood 72.1 NYT20000811.0152 3 INDIA 72.1 NYT19990113.0338 -1 Indian Film 72.1 NYT19990113.0338 -1 Indian Hindi 72.1 NYT20000912.0140 3 INDIA 72.2 NYT20000811.0154 -1 Amitabh Bachchan 72.2 NYT19990113.0372 -1 industry 72.2 NYT20000720.0217 -1 LONDON 72.2 NYT19990113.0372 -1 THE CITY 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 India 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 film 72.2 NYT19990113.0372 -1 India 72.2 NYT20000720.0076 -1 cre 72.2 NYT19990323.0102 -1 Indian 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 Indian 72.2 NYT20000720.0076 -1 Hollywood 72.2 NYT20000720.0217 -1 Hollywood 72.2 NYT20000811.0112 -1 Mukta Arts 72.2 APW20000530.0156 1 Bombay 72.2 APW20000624.0132 -1 Hollywood 72.2 NYT20000720.0217 -1 London 72.2 NYT20000718.0142 -1 London 72.2 NYT20000719.0080 -1 Hollywood 72.2 NYT20000814.0159 -1 Hollywood 72.2 NYT19990824.0146 -1 9,000-foot 72.2 NYT20000811.0152 2 Bombay 72.2 NYT20000718.0142 -1 Britons 72.2 NYT20000814.0178 -1 Mumbai 72.2 NYT20000527.0129 -1 Monica 72.2 NYT20000811.0152 -1 india 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 Surat 72.2 NYT20000811.0152 -1 India 72.2 NYT20000811.0154 -1 MUMBAI 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 Bollywood 72.2 NYT20000814.0159 -1 Mumbai, IND 72.2 NYT20000814.0178 -1 Ghai 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 Hollywood 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 India center film industry Bombay 72.2 APW20000530.0156 -1 Indian Hindi 72.2 XIE19991216.0181 -1 Calcutta 72.2 NYT20000814.0159 2 BOMBAY 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 1 Malabar Hill 72.3 NYT20000214.0476 -1 Hollywood 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 TAXI 72.3 NYT19990824.0146 -1 COP 72.3 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Movies 72.3 APW20000530.0156 -1 Film 72.3 NYT19980813.0219 -1 a genre-bending combination of comedy 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 Cineblitz Magazine 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 India's prolific film industry 72.3 NYT20000720.0217 -1 Mambo Sharman, one of the Bollywood awards organizers, said he was 72.3 APW20000530.0156 -1 Bollywood Honors Richard Gere UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) -- Hollywood star Richard 72.3 NYT20000912.0138 -1 feature spectacularly scenic backgrounds that are filmed in faraway locations typically Switzerland 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 1,000 72.3 NYT20000718.0143 -1 Hollywood 72.3 NYT20000814.0159 -1 Hyderabad 72.3 NYT20000214.0476 -1 Bollywood 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 Bombay 72.3 NYT20000317.0031 -1 film industry 72.3 APW19990404.0077 -1 26 years 72.3 NYT20000913.0038 -1 upi 72.3 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Khan 72.3 NYT20000913.0038 -1 UPI 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 BOMBAY 72.3 NYT19980616.0423 -1 COP 72.3 NYT20000720.0217 -1 Sharman 72.3 NYT20000913.0038 -1 Lenk 72.3 NYT20000811.0154 -1 co-produced 72.3 NYT20000924.0041 -1 free ringtone 72.3 NYT19990113.0372 -1 Film 72.3 NYT19980805.0438 -1 outsider 72.4 NYT20000720.0076 -1 House 72.4 APW20000624.0132 -1 their 72.4 NYT20000720.0217 -1 HOLLYWOOD 72.4 NYT20000720.0217 -1 INDIAN FILM 72.4 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Movies 72.4 NYT20000811.0153 -1 Film 72.4 NYT19980813.0219 -1 a genre-bending combination of comedy 72.4 NYT20000720.0076 -1 Britons 72.4 NYT19990323.0102 -1 Indian film 72.4 APW20000624.0132 1 International India Film Awards 72.4 NYT20000720.0217 -1 Mambo Sharman, one of the Bollywood awards organizers, said he was 72.4 APW20000530.0156 -1 Bollywood Honors Richard Gere UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) -- Hollywood star Richard 72.4 NYT20000912.0138 -1 feature spectacularly scenic backgrounds that are filmed in faraway locations typically Switzerland 72.4 NYT20000718.0142 -1 Millennium Dome 72.4 NYT20000718.0142 -1 Indian 72.4 APW20000324.0103 -1 annual BAFTAs 72.4 APW20000530.0156 -1 AP 72.4 NYT20000214.0476 -1 Bollywood 72.4 NYT20000214.0476 -1 late hit 72.4 APW20000624.0132 -1 the indian film 72.4 APW20000530.0156 -1 Ashanti Deceivers 72.4 APW20000624.0132 -1 film 72.4 APW20000624.0132 -1 Hollywood 72.4 APW19990603.0273 -1 the food industry's equivalent 72.4 NYT20000718.0142 -1 Millennium 72.4 NYT20000913.0038 -1 Lenk 72.4 NYT20000214.0476 -1 radio 72.4 APW20000329.0123 -1 Ford 72.5 APW20000624.0132 -1 Miss World 72.5 APW20000624.0132 1 second 72.5 NYT19990113.0372 -1 BOMBAY 72.5 NYT19990113.0372 -1 INDIAN FILM INDUSTRY 72.5 NYT19990113.0372 -1 INDIAN FILM 72.5 NYT20000811.0153 2 two 72.5 NYT20000811.0152 -1 India 72.5 APW19981204.1299 -1 India 72.5 APW20000530.0156 -1 India 72.5 NYT19990113.0372 -1 India 72.5 NYT20000720.0217 -1 London 72.5 APW20000530.0156 -1 Hollywood 72.5 NYT20000214.0476 -1 India 72.5 NYT19990113.0338 -1 India 72.5 APW20000624.0132 -1 Hollywood 72.5 NYT19990323.0102 -1 BOMBAY 72.5 XIE19960321.0081 -1 India 72.5 NYT19990113.0338 -1 Bollywood 72.5 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Mumbai 72.5 APW20000530.0156 -1 Bombay 72.5 NYT19990113.0338 -1 FILM INDIA 72.5 NYT20000811.0152 -1 indian 72.5 NYT19990113.0372 -1 Hong Kong 72.5 NYT20000811.0152 -1 Indian 72.5 NYT19990113.0338 1 second 72.5 NYT20000811.0157 -1 MUMBAI 72.5 APW20000624.0132 -1 Organizers 72.5 APW20000624.0132 -1 Bombay 72.5 NYT19990113.0338 -1 Hollywood, FL 72.5 NYT19990113.0338 -1 Indian Hindi 72.5 NYT20000214.0476 -1 Kollywood 72.5 NYT19990113.0372 -1 Bombay 73.1 APW19981224.0294 -1 U . 73.1 APW19980902.0652 -1 problem 73.1 APW19980922.0222 -1 DRUG 73.1 NYT19980622.0345 1 SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION 73.1 XIE20000709.0167 1 Erectile Dysfunction 73.1 XIE20000703.0086 1 erectile dysfunction 73.1 NYT19980817.0220 -1 Berti 73.1 APW19980701.1159 -1 FDA 73.1 NYT19980601.0148 1 erectile dysfunction 73.1 APW19980902.0652 3 impotence drug 73.1 NYT19991228.0281 -1 doctor 73.1 NYT19980724.0333 -1 Too new to have a brand name, IC351 works in a 73.1 APW19980828.0520 -1 Japanese importer arrested on suspicion of marketing Viagra TOKYO (AP) _ 73.1 APW19980812.0190 -1 a ban approved use 73.1 NYT19990510.0460 -1 World Wide Web 73.1 NYT19980705.0093 -1 drug 73.1 NYT19981206.0066 -1 diabetes 73.1 NYT19981209.0050 -1 diabetes 73.1 NYT19980619.0504 1 impotence 73.1 NYT19980619.0067 1 impotence 73.1 NYT19980601.0148 -1 Pfizer 73.1 NYT19980619.0324 -1 HMO 73.1 NYT19990626.0139 1 erectile dysfunction 73.1 APW19980902.0652 -1 Lebanese Viagra 73.1 APW19980626.0354 -1 buy 73.1 NYT19981123.0187 -1 Smith 73.1 APW19980626.0354 -1 Buy 73.1 APW19980602.1399 1 erectile dysfunctions 73.1 NYT19980705.0091 -1 sale 73.1 NYT19980705.0093 -1 sale of Viagra 73.1 NYT19980708.0090 -1 other prescription drugs over Web 73.1 NYT19990405.0257 -1 problems 73.1 APW19981125.1106 -1 FDA 73.1 NYT19981228.0451 -1 California 73.1 APW19981228.1198 -1 patients 73.1 NYT19990510.0399 -1 Pfizer 73.1 NYT19980710.0321 3 to the discovery of the anti-impotence drug 73.1 APW19990101.0106 3 sale of the anti-impotence drug 73.1 NYT19980601.0148 -1 Buy 73.1 NYT19980619.0062 -1 writer 73.1 APW19981125.1106 -1 case 73.2 APW19980820.1218 -1 Viagra 73.2 NYT19980619.0324 -1 they 73.2 APW19990804.0198 1 PFIZER 73.2 NYT19990329.0140 -1 THE COMPANY 73.2 APW19990804.0198 1 Pfizer 73.2 NYT20000418.0124 -1 GENERIC 73.2 NYT19990211.0165 -1 FDA 73.2 NYT20000411.0383 -1 Pharmaceuticals 73.2 APW19980915.0759 1 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals 73.2 APW19981013.1466 -1 NONE 73.2 APW19981110.0435 1 Pfizer Inc 73.2 NYT19980711.0193 1 Pfizer Inc 73.2 NYT19990319.0178 1 Pfizer 73.2 APW19981110.0435 1 Pfizer Inc. 73.2 XIE20000619.0380 1 Pfizer 73.2 XIE19990108.0186 1 Pfizer 73.2 APW19990804.0198 -1 Celebrex 73.2 XIE20000703.0087 2 Pfizer 73.2 NYT19990211.0165 1 Pfizer 73.2 NYT19980601.0027 2 Pfizer 73.2 APW19990804.0198 -1 Viagra 73.2 APW19990804.0198 -1 AP 73.2 NYT19981128.0153 1 Pfizer 73.2 APW19990116.0036 1 pfizer 73.2 NYT19981012.0221 -1 Barbara Bush 73.2 APW19990116.0036 1 Pfizer 73.2 APW20000801.0134 1 Pfizer 73.2 NYT19980615.0151 -1 U.S. analysts 73.2 XIE20000619.0380 -1 Warner- Lambert 73.2 NYT19981117.0056 -1 Inc. 73.2 NYT19980709.0459 -1 Kaiser 73.2 NYT19980615.0151 -1 U.S. 73.2 NYT19980817.0220 1 Pfizer 73.2 APW19981013.1466 -1 REG 73.2 APW19990518.0303 3 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals 73.2 NYT19980804.0224 -1 Lewinsky 73.2 APW19980915.0292 -1 Buy 73.2 NYT19990805.0423 -1 Celebrex 73.3 NYT19980619.0324 -1 Susan Pisano 73.3 NYT19980820.0499 -1 s 73.3 XIE20000907.0244 -1 DRUG 73.3 XIE20000907.0244 -1 VIAGRA HAS 73.3 XIE20000907.0244 -1 PFIZER 73.3 APW19980820.1218 -1 FDA 73.3 APW19990119.0288 -1 Pfizer 73.3 XIE20000703.0086 -1 Pfizer 73.3 NYT20000626.0355 -1 Generic Cialis 73.3 NYT20000123.0147 -1 FDA 73.3 XIE19980602.0017 -1 Philippine Stock 73.3 APW19980629.0290 -1 Gulf 73.3 APW19981224.0294 -1 Jordan 73.3 XIE20000709.0167 -1 Pfizer 73.3 NYT19981224.0270 -1 Pfizer 73.3 XIE20000703.0086 1 State Drug Administration 73.3 APW19981012.0432 -1 Gasparian 73.3 NYT19980702.0347 -1 Clinton 73.3 XIE20000703.0087 -1 Pfizer 73.3 XIE20000703.0274 1 State Drug Administration of China 73.3 APW19980629.0290 -1 Viagra 73.3 XIE20000709.0180 -1 Viagra 73.3 XIE20000907.0243 -1 Proves Effective 73.3 XIE20000709.0167 -1 erectile dysfunction 73.3 XIE20000907.0244 1 State Drug Administration 73.3 XIE20000703.0087 -1 Koenraad Bostoen 73.3 XIE20000709.0167 -1 health news 73.3 APW19981124.1419 -1 John Walters 73.3 XIE20000709.0167 -1 Health News 73.3 XIE20000703.0086 1 China's State Drug Administration (SDA) 73.3 NYT19990426.0222 -1 Shigeharu Kobayashi 73.3 XIE20000703.0086 -1 ED 73.3 APW19981231.0485 -1 Ap 73.3 NYT19981207.0171 -1 Jennifer Berman 73.3 NYT19980625.0048 -1 R I 73.3 NYT19980804.0224 -1 Lewinsky 73.3 APW19980722.0579 -1 online 73.3 XIE19990108.0186 -1 Chinese 73.4 APW19981113.0449 -1 Pharmacy 73.4 APW19980825.0305 -1 member states majority of 73.4 APW19980603.0940 -1 SALE 73.4 NYT20000317.0304 -1 BUY VIAGRA ONLINE 73.4 APW19981013.1466 -1 Cialis 73.4 NYT19980603.0492 1 Sildenafil Citrate 73.4 APW19980901.0063 -1 whose name and nationality 73.4 APW19980701.1159 -1 Wolfe 73.4 NYT19980711.0193 3 male sildenafil citrate 73.4 APW19980603.0940 1 Sildenafil citrate 73.4 APW19980828.0520 -1 a suspicion of illegally marketing the impotence drug 73.4 NYT19980711.0082 -1 Amorphophallustitanum 73.4 NYT19990510.0399 -1 Suit 73.4 APW19980630.0058 -1 drug 73.4 XIE19990122.0299 -1 cure 73.4 NYT19991011.0160 3 sildenafil 73.4 NYT19980603.0492 1 sildenafil citrate 73.4 APW19980825.0305 -1 Pfizer 73.4 NYT19980711.0082 -1 Amorphophallus 73.4 APW19980603.0940 1 sildenafil citrate 73.4 APW19980825.0305 -1 expert 73.4 APW19980626.0354 -1 buy 73.4 NYT19981012.0221 -1 David Menzies 73.4 APW19990802.0039 -1 generic 73.4 NYT19980711.0193 1 sildenafil citrate 73.4 NYT19980831.0411 -1 ads 73.4 NYT19980619.0067 -1 the name 73.4 NYT19980619.0088 -1 the name 73.4 NYT19981218.0099 -1 impotence 73.4 NYT19980711.0082 -1 inevitable 73.4 APW19980825.0305 -1 EU 73.4 APW20000920.0123 -1 Pfizer's experts said Mallis 73.4 APW19981013.1466 -1 REG 73.4 NYT19981224.0270 -1 Pfizer Seeks 73.4 NYT19981224.0270 -1 Pfizer 73.4 APW19990211.0177 -1 online 73.4 APW20000920.0123 -1 Susan Yarin 73.5 APW19980828.0520 -1 60 73.5 APW19980628.0177 -1 users 73.5 APW19980805.0541 -1 FAKE 73.5 APW19990802.0068 1 1998 73.5 APW19980828.0520 -1 DRUG 73.5 APW19981125.1106 2 1998 73.5 XIE20000628.0231 -1 2004 73.5 APW20000523.0008 3 an instant splash in 1998 73.5 APW19981125.1106 -1 Wednesday 73.5 APW19980828.0520 2 1998 73.5 APW19980925.0524 -1 100 73.5 XIE20000726.0180 2 1998 73.5 NYT19990626.0139 -1 March 1998 73.5 NYT19980706.0427 -1 March 1999 73.5 APW19981013.1466 -1 of July 31 73.5 XIE19980602.0017 -1 June 1 73.5 APW20000920.0174 1 April 1998 73.5 APW19990802.0068 -1 1999 73.5 NYT19990626.0139 2 1998 73.5 APW20000920.0174 1 1998 73.5 XIE19991228.0145 -1 December 28 73.5 APW20000411.0030 1 1998 73.5 XIE19990311.0003 -1 March 73.5 APW19990802.0039 1 April 1998 73.5 NYT19981022.0205 -1 1022 73.5 NYT19980605.0157 2 1998 73.5 NYT19990426.0222 -1 March 73.5 APW19980629.0290 -1 Monday 73.5 APW19990802.0039 1 1998 73.5 NYT19981012.0221 -1 November 1998 73.5 APW20000419.0106 1 1998 73.5 APW19990802.0068 1 April 1998 73.5 APW19980910.0777 -1 Wednesday 73.5 NYT19990318.0321 -1 last year 73.5 NYT19981230.0354 -1 1999 73.5 NYT19980831.0411 3 April 73.5 NYT19980820.0499 2 1998 73.5 APW19990119.0288 2 April 1998 73.5 APW19990326.0160 -1 March 27, 1998 73.5 XIE19980731.0017 -1 2003 73.5 APW20000725.0043 -1 Monday 74.1 NYT19981016.0164 -1 Ferid Murad 74.1 APW19990818.0004 -1 has about 74.1 NYT19990519.0472 -1 LAW 74.1 XIE20000403.0159 -1 DISTRIBUTION 74.1 XIE19971209.0145 -1 UNDERGRADUATE 74.1 APW19990201.0153 -1 College 74.1 NYT19980723.0402 -1 High 74.1 NYT19990818.0318 -1 DePauw president Robert Bottoms 74.1 NYT19980630.0043 -1 New England 74.1 APW19990623.0050 -1 Indiana college 74.1 NYT19980728.0404 -1 Rhodes College 74.1 APW20000915.0087 -1 1973 74.1 APW20000426.0074 -1 president and chief executive officer of Inland Container Corp. He was the starting quarterback for DePauw as a freshman before he and philip Holton 's wife transferred to the University of Illinois 74.1 NYT19990819.0036 -1 MILLION TO 74.1 APW19990623.0050 -1 University in Indiana 74.1 NYT19980723.0402 -1 University of Michigan Law School 74.1 NYT19990524.0202 -1 DePauw University in Greencastle 74.1 APW19990614.0163 -1 University of Florida 74.1 APW20000331.0029 -1 University of Washington 74.1 APW19990818.0004 1 liberal arts 74.1 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Feb. 8, 1999 74.1 APW20000915.0087 -1 University of Chicago 74.1 APW20000915.0087 -1 J.D. 74.1 NYT19980604.0001 -1 University 74.1 NYT19990818.0318 -1 University of Illinois 74.1 APW19990201.0153 -1 Longwood College 74.1 NYT19990818.0318 1 liberal arts institution 74.1 NYT19990818.0318 -1 one 74.1 NYT19990116.0183 -1 the acting president 74.1 NYT19990818.0318 -1 American University 74.1 APW20000915.0087 -1 Southern Methodist University 74.1 NYT19980723.0402 -1 University of 74.1 NYT19990818.0318 -1 Philip Holton 74.1 NYT19990228.0125 -1 Colleges 74.1 APW19990818.0004 -1 Indiana 74.1 APW19990818.0004 -1 DePauw President 74.1 APW19990623.0050 -1 National Guard 74.2 APW19990211.0260 -1 St . 74.2 APW19990818.0004 -1 1 74.2 APW19990818.0004 -1 INDIANAPOLIS 74.2 NYT19990818.0318 3 GREENCASTLE 74.2 NYT19990818.0318 3 IN GREENCASTLE 74.2 APW19990211.0260 3 Greencastle 74.2 APW19990211.0260 3 Greencastle , India 74.2 NYT19990220.0127 1 Greencastle , Ind. , 74.2 NYT19990208.0222 1 Indiana 74.2 NYT19990524.0202 1 Greencastle, Indiana 74.2 APW19990211.0260 1 Greencastle, Indiana 74.2 NYT19990818.0318 1 Greencastle, Indiana 74.2 APW19990826.0161 -1 Indianapolis 74.2 NYT19990818.0318 -1 Indianapolis 74.2 APW20000426.0074 -1 On the Net 74.2 APW19990211.0260 -1 Richmond 74.2 APW19990818.0004 -1 Indianapolis 74.2 NYT19990524.0202 3 Greencastle 74.2 NYT19990818.0318 3 Greencastle 74.2 APW19990818.0004 1 Indiana 74.2 NYT19980728.0404 1 Indiana 74.2 NYT19981016.0049 1 Indiana 74.2 NYT19981016.0163 1 Indiana 74.2 NYT20000710.0088 1 Greencastle, Ind 74.2 NYT19990818.0318 -1 DePAUW 74.2 APW19990201.0153 -1 Longwood College 74.2 APW19990818.0004 -1 indianapolis in 74.2 XIE20000622.0089 -1 French West Africa 74.2 NYT19990206.0204 -1 Clarksville 74.2 NYT20000517.0258 2 Indiana 74.2 NYT19980728.0404 -1 Tennessee 74.2 NYT19990623.0135 -1 Vanderbilt University 74.2 APW19990818.0004 -1 prize educating grandchildren Indiana full 74.2 APW19990818.0004 3 Greencastle 74.3 APW19990623.0050 -1 1992 74.3 APW19990121.0179 -1 Society of Professional Journalists president of 74.3 APW19990818.0004 -1 AT DEPAUW 74.3 XIE19981218.0130 -1 1870 74.3 XIE19961009.0200 -1 1885 74.3 XIE20000104.0225 -1 1870 74.3 APW19990818.0004 1 1837 74.3 NYT19990519.0472 -1 1929 74.3 NYT19990818.0318 -1 1925 74.3 NYT19990524.0202 -1 1908 74.3 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Feb. 8, 1999 74.3 APW20000915.0087 -1 1973 74.3 APW19990818.0004 1 in 1837 74.3 NYT19990116.0183 -1 1975 74.3 XIE20000622.0089 -1 1870 74.3 XIE20000622.0089 -1 1920 74.3 APW19990121.0179 -1 1935 74.3 NYT19990818.0318 -1 Wednesday 74.3 NYT19990116.0183 -1 1965 74.3 APW19990826.0161 -1 1931 74.3 APW19990121.0241 -1 25 years 74.3 NYT19990208.0222 -1 1992 74.3 APW19990818.0004 3 1837 January 10 74.3 XIE19980920.0144 -1 1870 74.4 APW19990818.0004 -1 Philip Holton 74.4 NYT19980625.0210 -1 1 74.4 NYT19990209.0137 -1 IND. 74.4 APW20000216.0260 -1 RICK 74.4 NYT19990818.0318 -1 Art 74.4 APW19990211.0260 -1 Greencastle 74.4 NYT19990208.0407 -1 followed by French President Jacques Chirac 74.4 APW19990818.0004 1 Robert G. Bottoms 74.4 NYT19990818.0318 -1 Greencastle Indiana 74.4 NYT19990818.0318 1 Robert Bottoms 74.4 NYT19990524.0202 -1 Mr. Rockwell 74.4 APW19990121.0241 -1 Pulliam 74.4 NYT19990209.0137 -1 Dr. Underwood Dudley 74.4 NYT19990209.0137 -1 Underwood Dudley 74.4 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Underwood Dudley 74.4 NYT19990208.0407 -1 King Hussein 74.4 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Mathematical Cranks 74.4 NYT19980616.0499 -1 University 74.4 APW19990818.0004 -1 DePauw President Robert G 74.4 XIE20000622.0089 -1 indiana university 74.4 XIE20000622.0089 -1 Michael McIlraith 74.4 XIE20000622.0089 -1 Indiana University 74.4 NYT19990818.0318 3 Bottoms 74.4 NYT19990116.0183 -1 the acting president 74.4 NYT19990121.0446 -1 United Press 74.4 NYT19990208.0411 -1 Clinton 74.4 APW19990121.0179 -1 Journalists 74.4 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Dudley 74.4 NYT19990222.0060 -1 William Harman 74.4 APW20000915.0087 -1 B.A 74.4 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Indiana 74.5 NYT19980728.0404 -1 Teachers of New York City 74.5 NYT19980723.0402 -1 1 74.5 NYT19990209.0137 -1 FEB. 8 74.5 APW19990818.0004 -1 30 74.5 XIE19980915.0131 -1 TOTAL 74.5 NYT19990116.0183 -1 october 2 74.5 APW19990818.0004 -1 School 74.5 NYT19990524.0202 -1 Rockwell 74.5 NYT19990209.0137 -1 2-08 74.5 NYT19990524.0202 -1 Greencastle 74.5 NYT19980728.0404 -1 college 74.5 XIE20000406.0198 -1 are ranked as follows: 1 74.5 XIE19991023.0026 -1 Sir Alec Broers 74.5 NYT19990415.0408 -1 San Francisco Chronicle College 74.5 APW19990121.0241 -1 5 74.5 APW20000226.0145 -1 About 2,300 74.5 NYT19990429.0421 -1 29 74.5 NYT19990818.0318 -1 two 74.5 APW19990818.0004 1 2,200 74.5 NYT19990208.0407 -1 Feb. 8, 1999 74.5 NYT19990208.0407 -1 SCI-MATH-CRANKS 74.5 NYT19990208.0407 -1 GREENCASTLE 74.5 NYT19980603.0230 -1 University 74.5 NYT19990510.0268 -1 number line 74.5 NYT19980728.0404 -1 Typical of many public college 74.5 XIE20000622.0089 -1 degree 74.5 XIE20000622.0089 -1 23 74.5 NYT19990818.0318 1 2,334 74.5 XIE19990617.0056 -1 1999 National University Students Art Festival 74.5 NYT19990818.0318 -1 one 74.5 NYT19990121.0446 -1 Indianapolis Star 74.5 NYT19990208.0407 -1 8 74.5 XIE19960328.0035 -1 approximately 74.5 NYT19980728.0404 -1 100 74.5 XIE19981112.0119 -1 700 students and teachers 74.5 XIE19980602.0122 -1 four 75.1 APW19980617.0110 -1 NEW YORK 75.1 APW20000127.0032 -1 Merck 75.1 APW20000117.0115 -1 PHARMACEUTICAL 75.1 NYT19990815.0212 -1 PARK 75.1 APW20000126.0307 3 Whitehouse Station 75.1 APW19990125.0320 3 Station , New Jersey 75.1 XIE19970820.0210 -1 US 75.1 NYT19990225.0146 -1 Cambridge 75.1 APW20000417.0214 1 Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 75.1 XIE19960327.0147 -1 Beijing 75.1 XIE19961003.0072 -1 China 75.1 NYT20000627.0052 -1 Mass . 75.1 NYT20000316.0322 -1 Dow 75.1 NYT20000920.0039 -1 Germany 75.1 XIE19960327.0147 -1 US 75.1 NYT19990504.0438 -1 U.S. 75.1 XIE19960612.0075 -1 Hong Kong 75.1 NYT20000205.0190 -1 East Coast 75.1 NYT20000724.0294 1 Whitehouse Station, N.J. 75.1 XIE19960612.0075 1 New Jersey 75.1 APW19990125.0320 1 Whitehouse Station, N.J 75.1 APW20000710.0068 -1 Merck 75.1 APW20000117.0115 3 Whitehouse Station 75.1 NYT20000522.0414 3 Whitehouse Station 75.1 APW19991021.0196 -1 Vioxx 75.1 APW19991021.0039 -1 inc 75.1 APW19991021.0039 -1 Chevy Chase 75.1 APW19991021.0039 -1 Inc 75.1 XIE19960612.0075 1 New Jersey, the United States 75.1 APW20000417.0214 3 Whitehouse Station 75.1 NYT20000623.0119 -1 a research site 75.1 NYT19990901.0402 -1 Rahway, NJ 75.1 NYT19990910.0029 -1 Farmland 75.1 NYT19981009.0478 2 Merck & Co. of Whitehouse Station N.J 75.1 NYT19980827.0550 -1 Calif 75.1 NYT19980721.0289 -1 America 75.2 APW19991019.0228 -1 Tantillo 75.2 APW19980617.0110 -1 first stage of testing 75.2 APW19990102.0062 -1 PFIZER 75.2 APW19990318.0145 -1 AND CO 75.2 APW19990324.0119 -1 merck and Co 75.2 APW19990423.0165 1 drug 75.2 APW19990126.0239 -1 quarter 75.2 APW19990311.0014 1 drug 75.2 NYT20000808.0265 -1 research pharmaceutical 75.2 NYT19990924.0343 -1 Intel Corp 75.2 APW19990713.0171 -1 Pfizer Inc 75.2 NYT20000316.0322 -1 Dow index 75.2 NYT19980827.0007 1 drugs 75.2 NYT19991227.0219 -1 sales 75.2 APW19990521.0260 3 Vioxx 75.2 APW19990524.0212 -1 NEW YORK 75.2 APW20000622.0205 -1 Merck AMP; Co. 75.2 APW19990102.0062 -1 Monsanto 75.2 APW19980617.0110 -1 Merck and Co. 75.2 NYT19980616.0347 -1 industry 75.2 XIE20000925.0408 1 drug 75.2 NYT20000424.0419 1 drug 75.2 APW19991021.0039 -1 the first nine months of 1999 75.2 NYT19980616.0347 -1 Astra 75.2 APW20000703.0055 3 Vioxx 75.2 NYT19980616.0347 -1 inc 75.2 APW19990309.0109 -1 text 75.2 APW19990309.0109 -1 available 75.2 XIE19960612.0075 3 vaccines 75.2 NYT19980616.0347 -1 AMP ; 75.2 NYT19980616.0347 -1 AMP ; Co. 75.2 APW19990112.0201 -1 Inc 75.2 NYT19990225.0419 -1 Dow 75.2 NYT19990806.0249 3 Vioxx 75.2 APW19990429.0051 -1 DuPont Pharmaceuticals 75.2 APW19990819.0064 -1 American 75.2 NYT20000724.0294 -1 patent 75.2 NYT19980827.0007 -1 Merck 75.2 NYT19990712.0236 -1 Publication Searchable Manual Diagnosis 75.2 APW19990524.0212 3 Vioxx 75.2 APW19990811.0144 -1 Ltd. 75.3 APW19991021.0039 -1 SmithKline 75.3 APW19990126.0239 -1 or 75.3 APW19990423.0165 -1 TRADING 75.3 APW19990423.0165 -1 COMMON STOCK 75.3 XIE19961003.0072 -1 Co 75.3 APW19990125.0320 -1 Co 75.3 APW20000512.0162 -1 Inc. 75.3 NYT20000316.0322 -1 Dow 75.3 NYT19990802.0355 -1 Vioxx arthritis 75.3 NYT19990331.0348 -1 ticker 75.3 NYT19980909.0222 -1 Index of Diagnosis 75.3 NYT19980827.0007 -1 Medco Managed Care LLC 75.3 APW19990809.0247 -1 first 75.3 NYT19980918.0272 -1 dollars 75.3 APW20000511.0105 -1 Boehringer Ingelheim 75.3 APW20000714.0154 -1 Nasdaq Stock Market 75.3 APW19990309.0109 -1 Lipitor 75.3 APW19990309.0109 -1 Warner-Lambert 75.3 APW19990713.0171 -1 MARKET 75.3 APW19990209.0329 -1 cents to $ 75.3 APW19990423.0165 -1 Shares 75.3 NYT19990802.0355 -1 Merck ' s situation 75.3 APW19991021.0039 -1 inc 75.3 APW19991021.0039 -1 Shares 75.3 APW19991021.0039 -1 Inc 75.3 NYT19990317.0398 1 MRK 75.3 APW19990125.0320 -1 New York Stock Exchange trading 75.3 NYT19990614.0323 -1 Tobacco Holdings Inc 75.3 APW19990309.0109 -1 Gruntal Co 75.3 NYT19981224.0198 -1 Dow 75.3 APW19990819.0064 -1 firm 75.3 NYT20000724.0294 -1 Co 75.3 APW19990125.0320 -1 Market 75.3 XIE19960719.0301 -1 NYSE 75.3 APW19990426.0110 -1 American Stock Exchange 75.4 APW19990126.0239 -1 Johnson & Johnson 75.4 NYT19980616.0347 -1 Astra 75.4 APW19990102.0062 -1 PFIZER 75.4 APW20000724.0064 -1 EXCHANGE 75.4 XIE19961003.0072 -1 Co 75.4 XIE20000528.0102 -1 German pharmaceutical company 75.4 APW20000512.0162 -1 Inc. 75.4 NYT19980909.0222 -1 Americans 75.4 NYT20000522.0414 -1 the doctors' concerns by distancing itself from a coalition that opposes the legislation 75.4 NYT19990924.0343 -1 Intel Corp 75.4 NYT19980714.0376 -1 Pfizer Inc 75.4 NYT20000620.0269 -1 The Merck Manual 75.4 NYT20000511.0403 -1 precisely one 75.4 NYT20000511.0403 -1 United States 75.4 APW19990402.0173 -1 U.S. 75.4 NYT19980616.0347 -1 Combined 75.4 NYT19980909.0222 1 www.merck.com 75.4 APW19991006.0272 -1 CVS 75.4 APW19990318.0145 -1 Monsanto Co. 75.4 APW19991021.0039 -1 leader 75.4 APW19991021.0039 -1 Information Center 75.4 APW20000512.0153 1 www.merck.com 75.4 NYT19980909.0222 -1 American Home 75.4 APW19990521.0149 -1 Approval 75.4 APW19990809.0184 -1 NEW YORK 75.4 NYT20000508.0210 -1 Merck Co 75.4 NYT19981202.0397 -1 Pfizer 75.4 NYT19980909.0222 -1 drugs 75.4 NYT20000508.0210 -1 Co. 75.4 NYT19990508.0201 -1 concerns 75.4 XIE19961003.0072 -1 Merck 75.4 NYT19990712.0236 -1 Publication Searchable Manual Diagnosis 75.4 APW19990524.0212 -1 Vioxx 75.4 NYT20000410.0438 -1 11 Great Oaks Blvd 75.6 APW20000622.0113 -1 Vioxx 75.6 APW19991021.0039 -1 $ 75.6 APW19991006.0272 -1 PRESCRIPTIONS 75.6 NYT20000302.0337 2 GILMARTIN 75.6 APW19990524.0212 -1 Vioxx 75.6 NYT20000113.0358 2 Gilmartin 75.6 APW19990616.0295 -1 House Judiciary Committee 75.6 XIE19991006.0100 -1 Executive Officer 75.6 NYT19991027.0326 -1 Emmanuel College 75.6 NYT19990419.0248 -1 Mart Stores 75.6 APW19990301.0005 -1 Zeneca 75.6 NYT19990108.0448 -1 senior vice 75.6 XIE19961003.0072 1 Raymond V Gilmarman 75.6 XIE19961003.0072 3 Raymond 75.6 NYT20000302.0328 2 Raymond V. Gilmartin 75.6 APW19991006.0402 -1 William Kennard 75.6 XIE19970820.0210 -1 Merck Sharp 75.6 NYT19981210.0332 -1 Executive Officer 75.6 APW20000207.0119 -1 Warner Lambert 75.6 APW19991021.0039 -1 chief executive 75.6 APW19991021.0039 -1 Martha Stewart 75.6 APW19991021.0039 -1 Inc 75.6 NYT19980828.0315 -1 Medco 75.6 NYT19981224.0198 -1 J.P. Morgan 75.6 NYT19990714.0503 -1 Atlanta Journal-Constitution 75.6 XIE19961003.0072 -1 Merck 75.6 APW19990809.0247 -1 Company 75.6 APW20000308.0114 -1 Alan Greenspan 75.6 NYT19980821.0459 -1 CEO 75.6 NYT19990510.0431 -1 Franklin Resources 76.1 NYT19990703.0027 -1 tape quality of 76.1 APW19980801.0788 -1 WRITER 76.1 NYT20000327.0391 -1 MAN 76.1 APW20000308.0116 1 Actor 76.1 NYT20000719.0366 -1 frank Sinatra 76.1 APW20000818.0056 -1 an outspoken voice for social change 76.1 NYT19981116.0127 -1 business 76.1 APW19981020.0336 -1 White Christmas 76.1 APW19981107.0822 -1 White Christmas 76.1 APW19991013.0186 1 singer 76.1 NYT19990320.0047 1 actor 76.1 NYT19990607.0484 -1 Ministry of Fear 76.1 NYT19990311.0025 -1 White Christmas 76.1 APW20000308.0116 1 actor 76.1 NYT20000823.0002 1 entertainer 76.1 NYT20000608.0133 3 entertainers 76.1 NYT20000608.0133 -1 1940s 76.1 APW19990723.0161 -1 Pistol 76.1 NYT19981216.0308 -1 Complete Decca Christmas Songbook'' 76.1 APW20000308.0116 -1 Bob Hope 76.1 NYT19990618.0187 -1 legendary birthplace 76.1 NYT20000121.0152 -1 frank sinatra 76.1 NYT20000121.0152 -1 Stills Nash 76.1 NYT20000121.0152 -1 University 76.1 NYT20000327.0195 -1 clerk 76.1 NYT19981216.0308 -1 MCA 76.1 NYT19990902.0105 -1 Ams 76.1 NYT19981217.0175 -1 Christmas 76.1 NYT19990618.0187 -1 success 76.1 NYT20000327.0194 -1 Crosby 76.1 NYT19980730.0387 -1 1937 as the brainchild of crooner 76.1 NYT20000629.0271 -1 man 76.1 NYT20000203.0015 -1 talk 76.2 APW20000729.0120 -1 Kona 76.2 APW20000308.0116 -1 ACTOR 76.2 APW20000308.0116 1 GOING MY WAY 76.2 APW20000308.0116 -1 Best Actor 76.2 APW20000308.0116 -1 best 76.2 APW19990601.0277 -1 Jane Eyre , ; The Enchanted Cottage , ; Road to Utopia ; The Man Who Knew Too Much 76.2 NYT20000329.0365 -1 Bob Hope 76.2 NYT19980810.0067 -1 Supporting Actor 76.2 NYT19990618.0187 -1 Crosby Clambake 76.2 NYT19981216.0308 -1 The Complete Decca Christmas Songbook 76.2 APW20000322.0112 -1 Barry Fitzgerald 76.2 NYT19991006.0385 -1 White Christmas 76.2 APW20000322.0112 1 Going My Way 76.2 APW20000110.0115 -1 Johnny Cash 76.2 APW20000308.0116 1 Going My Way 76.2 NYT19981116.0127 -1 Awards 76.2 NYT19980810.0067 -1 Best 76.2 NYT19990605.0159 -1 Tribute 76.2 APW20000308.0116 -1 role 76.2 NYT20000121.0152 -1 best 76.2 NYT20000121.0152 -1 People 76.2 NYT20000121.0152 -1 Best 76.2 APW19990421.0349 -1 Old 8 X 10 76.2 APW19990304.0006 -1 Award 76.2 APW19990827.0220 -1 Skippy 76.2 APW20000110.0115 -1 Berlin 76.2 NYT19990217.0493 -1 Elvis Presley 76.2 APW20000308.0116 -1 Oscars 76.2 NYT19980910.0208 -1 Irish Catholics 76.2 NYT19990111.0013 -1 Titanic 76.3 NYT19990703.0027 -1 tape quality of 76.3 NYT20000627.0220 -1 CROSBY AND 76.3 APW19990914.0300 -1 HARRY 76.3 APW20000308.0116 -1 Actor 76.3 NYT20000117.0067 -1 Harry Lillis 76.3 APW19990827.0220 -1 Skippy name 76.3 APW19980729.1341 -1 sobriquet 76.3 APW19981020.0336 -1 White Christmas 76.3 NYT19990311.0025 -1 White Christmas 76.3 NYT19990605.0159 -1 Christmas Song 76.3 APW19990605.0091 -1 A Tribute 76.3 NYT19990621.0207 -1 Field in Front Royal 76.3 NYT19990608.0019 -1 Oscar Peterson 76.3 NYT20000627.0220 -1 Crosby 76.3 APW20000308.0116 -1 Bob Hope 76.3 XIE19970827.0123 -1 Bing Xin 76.3 NYT20000327.0391 -1 Gary 76.3 APW19990723.0161 -1 Pistol 76.3 NYT20000627.0220 -1 SONGS 76.3 NYT20000824.0400 -1 Bob Hope 76.3 NYT20000121.0152 -1 bickers 76.3 NYT20000121.0152 -1 Los Angeles March 76.3 NYT20000121.0152 -1 Bickers 76.3 APW19990723.0161 -1 Bing Crosby Breeders 76.3 NYT19981216.0308 -1 MCA 76.3 APW19980801.0788 -1 Johnny Mercer 76.3 NYT19990902.0105 -1 Ams 76.3 NYT19981217.0175 -1 Christmas 76.3 NYT19991006.0113 -1 notable 76.3 NYT20000405.0080 -1 Natalie Wood 76.3 NYT20000706.0102 -1 tired vaudevillian schtick, vomiting 76.3 NYT19980810.0067 -1 Bing Crosby 76.3 NYT20000826.0114 -1 Harry Lillis 76.3 NYT20000719.0366 -1 Frank Sinatra 76.3 NYT19981216.0308 -1 Bing Crosby 76.4 APW19990914.0300 -1 , 76.4 NYT20000330.0269 -1 HONG 76.4 NYT19990311.0025 1 WHITE CHRISTMAS 76.4 NYT19990703.0027 -1 Palmer 76.4 APW19981020.0336 -1 Crosby's 76.4 APW19981017.0857 3 Christmas 76.4 NYT19990311.0025 1 White Christmas 76.4 NYT19990311.0025 -1 of all time 76.4 NYT20000627.0220 -1 delayed 500 albums and manufactured 4 million records a day to keep up with the demand for their 76.4 NYT19981013.0183 -1 hits 76.4 APW19990528.0084 2 White Christmas 76.4 NYT19990311.0025 1 ``White Christmas'' 76.4 NYT19990223.0174 1 White Christmas 76.4 APW20000820.0134 -1 Del 76.4 NYT19990605.0159 -1 Jazz 76.4 NYT20000627.0220 -1 SONGS 76.4 APW19981020.0336 -1 previous best seller 76.4 NYT20000121.0152 -1 christmas 76.4 NYT20000627.0220 -1 La 76.4 NYT20000121.0152 -1 Christmas 76.4 APW19981020.0336 1 White Christmas 76.4 NYT20000330.0269 -1 The title 76.4 APW19990309.0262 -1 English 76.4 NYT19981217.0175 -1 Christmas 76.4 NYT19990311.0025 -1 Gonzaga 76.4 APW19990724.0175 -1 1944 76.4 NYT20000424.0302 -1 2 files 76.4 NYT19990605.0159 -1 Duke 76.4 NYT19981215.0212 -1 Duke 76.4 APW20000820.0134 -1 1903 October 14 76.4 NYT19990223.0173 3 Christmas 76.4 APW20000206.0133 -1 1944 76.5 APW20000110.0059 -1 5 76.5 NYT19980603.0009 -1 DODGERS 76.5 NYT19990319.0022 1 GONZAGA 76.5 NYT19990618.0187 -1 Arnold Palmer 76.5 NYT19981013.0183 -1 Distinguished 76.5 NYT19981125.0248 -1 vintage 76.5 APW19990319.0024 1 Gonzaga 76.5 APW19990319.0024 -1 campus square 76.5 APW20000818.0056 -1 a member of the Byrds ; He has been impressed by the work of Harry Belafonte , Pete Seeger and Joan Baez , but realizes that some people do not believe musicians should be activists ; " 76.5 NYT19981105.0124 -1 57 from Crosby 's home 76.5 APW19990605.0091 -1 A Tribute 76.5 NYT19990621.0207 -1 Field in Front Royal 76.5 NYT19980818.0221 -1 Columbia University 76.5 XIE19990304.0088 -1 Qinghua University 76.5 NYT19990703.0027 -1 Philco Radio 76.5 NYT19990320.0047 1 Gonzaga University 76.5 NYT19990607.0484 -1 Columbia University 76.5 APW19990319.0024 -1 Bing Crosby 76.5 APW19990319.0024 3 of Gonzaga 76.5 NYT20000121.0152 2 gonzaga university 76.5 NYT20000121.0152 -1 Ford 76.5 NYT20000121.0152 2 Gonzaga University 76.5 APW19990319.0180 1 Gonzaga 76.5 NYT19980908.0385 -1 University of Florida 76.5 NYT20000727.0004 -1 Pat 76.5 NYT19990319.0022 -1 Suddenly 76.5 APW20000820.0134 -1 AP 76.5 NYT19990117.0004 -1 binge drinking 76.5 APW19990319.0024 -1 73 76.5 NYT19990607.0484 -1 Bing Crosby 76.5 XIE19990718.0062 -1 Toronto 76.6 NYT20000327.0388 -1 Bing 76.6 NYT19990528.0428 -1 97 76.6 NYT20000627.0220 -1 14 76.6 APW20000308.0116 -1 14, 1977 76.6 XIE19970827.0123 -1 a nearly 80-year writing 76.6 NYT19981217.0419 -1 1 76.6 NYT20000629.0271 -1 100 years 76.6 APW19991013.0186 1 73 76.6 APW19990723.0161 -1 3-year-old 76.6 APW20000308.0116 -1 70 years 76.6 APW19981205.0892 -1 30 years 76.6 APW19990914.0300 -1 85 76.6 NYT19990119.0051 -1 1970-75 span 76.6 NYT19991006.0214 -1 15-minute 76.6 NYT20000804.0041 -1 6-year 76.6 APW19980620.0141 -1 28 years 76.6 NYT19980723.0540 -1 95 Bing Crosby winner 76.6 NYT20000121.0152 -1 100 years 76.6 NYT20000121.0152 -1 18 year 76.6 APW20000902.0062 -1 63 year 76.6 APW19990914.0284 -1 1950s 76.6 NYT20000302.0368 -1 50 76.6 APW19991013.0186 -1 1977 76.6 NYT19980910.0106 -1 34 76.6 APW19990526.0141 -1 100 76.6 NYT20000627.0220 -1 October 14, 1977 76.6 NYT20000119.0026 -1 Christmas 76.6 APW19990203.0149 -1 five 76.6 NYT19981125.0248 -1 age 77.1 APW19991028.0175 -1 20 77.1 NYT20000120.0275 -1 first boxing incarnation 77.1 NYT19981119.0030 -1 FIGHT 77.1 NYT20000202.0250 1 1949 77.1 XIE19981002.0169 2 1949 77.1 XIE19990102.0122 2 January 10, 1949 77.1 XIE19960213.0236 -1 1993 77.1 NYT19990311.0483 -1 April 1991 77.1 APW19981117.1186 -1 1988 77.1 XIE19991127.0204 -1 1993 77.1 NYT19991020.0001 -1 May 6, 2006 77.1 XIE19990429.0344 -1 Wednesday 77.1 APW19990104.0180 -1 November 1997 77.1 XIE19961104.0198 -1 1993 77.1 NYT19981118.0045 2 1949 77.1 APW20000624.0003 -1 Friday 77.1 XIE19990105.0288 -1 January 23 77.1 XIE19990429.0344 2 january 10, 1949 77.1 XIE19990429.0344 -1 22 Jan 1973 77.1 XIE19990429.0344 2 1949 77.1 APW19980928.1140 -1 1973-74 77.1 NYT19991226.0136 -1 76 77.1 NYT20000912.0296 -1 1968 77.1 NYT19990110.0034 -1 1987 77.1 NYT19981119.0030 -1 Feb. 25 77.1 XIE19981022.0216 -1 1974 77.1 APW19990109.0013 1 Jan. 10, 1949 77.1 NYT20000202.0250 -1 1974 77.1 APW19980722.1233 -1 November 77.2 APW19990114.0036 -1 Holmes 77.2 NYT20000120.0275 -1 snarling 77.2 XIE19990102.0124 -1 FIGHT 77.2 NYT20000202.0250 1 TEXAS 77.2 NYT20000202.0250 1 Marshall 77.2 XIE19990102.0124 -1 Houston , Texas 77.2 APW19990928.0110 -1 Zaire 77.2 XIE19990102.0122 -1 WASHINGTON 77.2 APW20000624.0003 -1 German-born 77.2 XIE19980929.0310 -1 Houston 77.2 NYT19981229.0420 2 Texas 77.2 XIE19990603.0259 -1 WASHINGTON 77.2 XIE19990429.0344 -1 New Jersey 77.2 XIE19981229.0051 -1 U.S. 77.2 APW19990618.0124 -1 Tyson 77.2 XIE19990102.0124 -1 Houston 77.2 NYT19980610.0568 2 Texas 77.2 NYT20000202.0250 1 Texas 77.2 XIE19970923.0265 -1 fellow American Shannon Briggs 77.2 APW19981208.1125 -1 Joe Louis _ 77.2 XIE19990429.0344 2 marshall texas 77.2 XIE19990429.0344 -1 Griffin 77.2 APW19990402.0236 2 Texas 77.2 NYT20000120.0275 -1 Kingwood 77.2 APW19980710.1302 -1 NEW YORK 77.2 NYT20000202.0250 -1 best-known 77.2 NYT19981119.0030 -1 Philadelphia 77.2 NYT20000520.0116 -1 Bush 77.2 APW19991029.0202 -1 Zaire 77.2 NYT19990820.0367 -1 New York 77.2 XIE19970923.0265 -1 Boxing 77.2 NYT19981229.0420 -1 Houston 77.3 APW19991028.0175 -1 than 77.3 NYT19990101.0190 -1 AT 45 77.3 NYT20000202.0250 1 1973 77.3 APW19990101.0052 -1 1949 77.3 XIE19970923.0265 -1 november 5, 1994 77.3 XIE19990429.0344 -1 Wednesday 77.3 APW19990401.0232 -1 1993 77.3 NYT20000202.0250 -1 1994 77.3 NYT19990311.0483 -1 April 1991 77.3 APW19981117.1186 -1 1988 77.3 XIE19971021.0023 -1 1974 77.3 APW19990701.0276 -1 1993 77.3 NYT19990101.0190 -1 1997 77.3 XIE19970923.0265 -1 November 22 77.3 NYT20000202.0250 3 1973 and 1974 77.3 XIE19990105.0288 -1 January 23 77.3 NYT19991209.0415 -1 December 9, 1999 77.3 APW19990101.0052 -1 Nov. 5, 1994 77.3 APW19981208.1125 -1 1974 77.3 XIE19990429.0344 -1 1974 77.3 XIE19990429.0344 2 22 Jan 1973 77.3 APW19991028.0175 -1 1974 77.3 APW19990401.0232 -1 1996 77.3 NYT19980723.0518 -1 1974 77.3 NYT20000202.0250 -1 1977 77.3 XIE19981022.0216 -1 1974 77.3 NYT20000105.0201 -1 1974 77.3 XIE19970923.0265 -1 1994 77.3 NYT20000202.0250 -1 1968 77.3 NYT19980829.0253 -1 23 77.4 NYT20000120.0275 -1 first 77.4 NYT20000120.0281 -1 CHAMPION GEORGE 77.4 APW19991017.0184 -1 MUHAMMAD ALI 77.4 NYT20000120.0275 1 Joe Frazier 77.4 XIE19970923.0265 -1 World 77.4 APW19991015.0070 -1 Tommy Morrison 77.4 NYT19991111.0378 -1 Muhammad Ali 77.4 APW19991017.0184 -1 Muhammad Ali 77.4 NYT19991028.0433 1 Joe Frazier 77.4 XIE19961103.0113 -1 Crawford Grimsley 77.4 APW19990802.0099 -1 Axel Schulz 77.4 NYT19990408.0464 -1 Muhammad Ali 77.4 XIE19961104.0198 -1 Crawford Grimsley 77.4 APW19990107.0018 2 Joe Frazier 77.4 NYT20000120.0275 -1 George Foreman 77.4 NYT19981219.0021 -1 Mike Tyson 77.4 XIE19990429.0344 -1 muhammad ali 77.4 XIE19990429.0344 -1 Basil Rathbone 77.4 XIE19990429.0344 -1 Muhammad Ali 77.4 APW19980928.1140 -1 Holmes 77.4 APW19990917.0020 -1 George Foreman 77.4 APW19990401.0232 -1 Morrison 77.4 NYT20000120.0281 1 Joe Frazier 77.4 NYT19981229.0420 -1 Larry Holmes 77.4 NYT19981205.0191 -1 Lennox Lewis 77.4 XIE19990429.0344 -1 champion 77.4 NYT19991105.0411 -1 Michael Moorer 77.4 APW19990701.0276 -1 Morrison became the WBO 77.4 XIE19961103.0113 -1 George Foreman 77.4 XIE19960131.0197 -1 George Foreman 77.4 APW19981117.1186 -1 Mike Tyson 77.4 NYT20000202.0250 -1 Marshall 77.4 NYT19991226.0136 -1 Muhammad Ali 77.5 NYT20000120.0281 -1 first 77.5 NYT20000120.0281 -1 27 77.5 NYT19991226.0136 -1 20 77.5 NYT20000120.0281 3 24 year 77.5 APW19990102.0101 -1 45 77.5 APW19991028.0175 -1 a 10-year layoff 77.5 NYT19991212.0170 -1 9 77.5 NYT19991212.0170 -1 45 77.5 XIE19990603.0259 -1 50-year-old 77.5 NYT20000202.0330 -1 13 years 77.5 XIE20000130.0128 -1 three days 77.5 APW19980715.1159 -1 49-year 77.5 APW19980715.1159 -1 two weeks 77.5 NYT19990115.0469 -1 32 77.5 NYT19991226.0136 -1 1969-97 77.5 XIE19961103.0113 -1 12 77.5 XIE19990429.0344 -1 50 77.5 APW19990104.0180 -1 July 1997 77.5 XIE19990429.0344 -1 IBF 77.5 NYT19981202.0010 -1 Holmes 77.5 NYT19980602.0367 -1 world 77.5 NYT20000120.0281 -1 27 years 77.5 XIE19990603.0259 -1 20 million 77.5 XIE19980929.0310 -1 76 5 77.5 XIE19990429.0344 -1 12 years 77.5 XIE19990429.0344 -1 10 years 77.5 NYT19990312.0148 -1 34 77.5 NYT20000120.0275 -1 10 year 77.5 XIE19990603.0259 -1 50-year 77.5 NYT20000120.0275 -1 27 years 77.5 APW19980917.0407 -1 49 77.5 NYT19981119.0030 -1 25 77.5 NYT20000120.0275 -1 10 77.5 NYT19990418.0061 -1 10/1999 77.5 NYT20000202.0250 -1 1968 77.5 XIE19990429.0344 -1 Boxing 77.5 NYT19990116.0005 -1 year 78.1 APW19980906.0414 -1 1985 , 78.1 APW19990325.0229 -1 tribute 78.1 APW19980906.0072 3 88 78.1 NYT19980906.0114 -1 3 78.1 APW19991101.0057 -1 2005 78.1 APW19980906.0859 -1 June 18, 2004 78.1 APW19991101.0057 1 in 1998 78.1 NYT19981208.0279 3 September 78.1 NYT19990201.0408 -1 1952 78.1 APW19980906.0598 -1 1954 78.1 NYT19980906.0114 -1 March 23, 1910 78.1 NYT19980906.0114 -1 1997 78.1 APW19980906.0072 3 Akira Kurosawa died 's home Sunday 78.1 NYT19990726.0423 3 September 6 78.1 XIE19980906.0092 3 September 6 78.1 NYT19981208.0279 -1 1962 78.1 NYT20000914.0168 1 1998 78.1 NYT20000907.0301 1 1998 78.1 APW19980908.0580 -1 1985 78.1 APW19981229.1325 1 September 6, 1998 78.1 APW19981230.0438 -1 1943 78.1 XIE19980906.0092 1 September 6, 1998 78.1 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Sunday 78.1 APW19980906.0598 -1 late as 1985 78.1 NYT19980906.0114 -1 1910 78.1 NYT19980610.0523 2 1998 78.1 APW19981001.0024 3 Sept 78.1 APW19980906.0094 2 september 6, 1998 78.1 APW19980906.0094 -1 23 Mar 1910 78.1 APW19980906.0094 2 1998 78.1 APW19991101.0057 1 1998 78.1 APW19980907.0053 -1 1985 78.1 APW19980906.0149 -1 Sunday 78.1 APW19990320.0037 -1 1989 78.1 APW19981230.1131 3 Sept. 6 78.1 NYT20000120.0159 -1 1954 78.1 XIE19980906.0092 -1 Sunday 78.1 NYT19980702.0405 -1 1954 78.1 APW19981107.0088 -1 Nov. 7, 1998 78.1 XIE20000131.0073 -1 2003 78.2 APW19980907.0053 -1 one 78.2 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Tokyo 78.2 NYT19980906.0114 1 1910 78.2 APW19980906.0086 2 March 23, 1910 78.2 NYT19980906.0114 1 March 23, 1910 78.2 XIE19980906.0092 -1 Sunday 78.2 APW19980906.0414 -1 late as 1985 78.2 NYT19980906.0114 1 March 23 1910 78.2 APW19980907.0053 1 1910 78.2 NYT19980906.0114 1 march 23, 1910 78.2 APW19980621.0049 -1 21 Feb 1945 78.2 APW19980906.0080 1 1910 78.2 APW19980906.0149 1 1910 78.2 NYT19991231.0036 -1 ` 78.2 NYT20000831.0206 -1 1985 78.2 APW19991101.0057 -1 Monday 78.2 NYT20000518.0202 -1 1955 78.2 NYT19980906.0121 -1 two 78.2 NYT19980906.0114 1 March 23 , 1910 78.3 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Joan Mellen 78.3 APW19981001.1400 -1 _ 78.3 NYT19990201.0408 -1 FILM 78.3 APW19980805.0241 -1 TOKYO 78.3 APW19980906.0072 -1 Kurosawas 78.3 APW19980906.0072 -1 Japanese 78.3 NYT19980909.0267 -1 filmmaker 78.3 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Toshiro Mifune 78.3 NYT19991206.0042 -1 Nichols 78.3 APW19990325.0229 -1 California 78.3 NYT20000727.0174 -1 California 78.3 APW19980906.0072 -1 Ran 78.3 NYT19980910.0019 -1 Rashomon 78.3 NYT19990325.0312 -1 University of Southern California 78.3 NYT19990201.0408 -1 Columbia University 78.3 NYT19990325.0313 -1 University of Southern California 78.3 NYT19980909.0267 -1 Venice Film 78.3 NYT19990325.0312 -1 AKIRA KUROSAWA 78.3 NYT19980624.0192 -1 film 78.3 NYT19990325.0312 -1 students 78.3 APW19990325.0229 -1 Samurai 78.3 NYT19990201.0408 -1 NEW YORK _ 78.3 APW19980906.0086 -1 school 78.3 APW19980906.0094 -1 Lights Film Journal 78.3 NYT19980907.0026 -1 FILMMAKER 78.3 NYT19990427.0261 -1 Harvard University 78.3 APW19980906.0661 -1 Famed 78.3 NYT19990125.0089 -1 Academy 78.3 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Japanese 78.3 APW19980906.0061 -1 Akira Kurosawa 78.3 NYT19990325.0313 -1 California 78.4 APW19980906.0414 -1 Japan 78.4 APW19980906.0072 -1 Japan 78.4 APW19980906.0149 1 FILMMAKER 78.4 APW19980906.0859 -1 MAN 78.4 APW19980906.0072 -1 Japanese 78.4 APW19980906.0661 -1 film 78.4 NYT19980906.0121 -1 more patient with actors 78.4 APW19980906.0598 -1 job 78.4 NYT19980803.0266 -1 Film Rashomon 78.4 NYT20000808.0336 -1 rousing Seven Samurai 78.4 APW19980906.0072 -1 rousing Seven Samurai 78.4 NYT19980906.0076 3 director 78.4 XIE19980907.0186 3 director 78.4 NYT20000228.0233 -1 Tokyo's talented anime community 78.4 APW19990325.0229 3 director 78.4 APW19980906.0414 3 director 78.4 APW19980908.0580 3 director 78.4 NYT19990401.0140 3 director 78.4 APW19980906.0414 1 film director 78.4 NYT19981231.0258 3 director 78.4 NYT19980906.0105 1 film director 78.4 APW19980906.0414 -1 late as 1985 78.4 APW19980906.0859 -1 Japanese 78.4 NYT19980906.0114 -1 March 23, 1910 78.4 APW19980906.0178 3 director 78.4 NYT20000127.0367 -1 usual blend of clip 78.4 APW19980906.0859 -1 _ Akira Kurosawa 78.4 APW19980906.0094 -1 seven samurai 78.4 APW19980906.0094 -1 Saga II 78.4 APW19980906.0094 -1 Seven Samurai 78.4 APW19980906.0061 1 film director 78.4 NYT20000127.0367 -1 artist 78.4 NYT19980907.0026 1 FILMMAKER 78.4 APW19980906.0859 -1 Famed 78.4 NYT19981116.0187 -1 Samurai 78.4 NYT20000120.0159 -1 8 78.4 NYT20000103.0354 -1 Natalia Sarygina performing 78.4 NYT19990401.0140 3 director 78.4 APW19980906.0094 3 works by acclaimed director 78.4 APW19980908.0580 3 famed Japanese film director 78.4 NYT19981126.0088 -1 DVD 78.4 APW19980906.0297 3 internationally acclaimed director awarded a special Oscar for his half-century career in filmmaking 78.4 NYT19981231.0258 -1 talk 78.5 NYT20000127.0367 -1 Kurosawa 78.5 APW19980906.0072 -1 Japan 78.5 NYT20000831.0206 -1 HISAO 78.5 APW19980906.0414 2 THE EMPEROR 78.5 APW19980906.0072 -1 Japanese 78.5 APW19980906.0661 -1 Director 78.5 APW19980906.0078 -1 named best picture 78.5 NYT19990111.0205 -1 sobriquet 78.5 NYT19990128.0232 -1 security 78.5 NYT20000824.0318 -1 Seven Samurai 78.5 APW19980906.0598 -1 Seven Samurai 78.5 APW19980906.0414 1 Emperor Kurosawa 78.5 APW19980906.0414 1 ``Emperor Kurosawa 78.5 NYT19990120.0120 -1 Stray Dog 78.5 APW19980906.0072 -1 Seven Samurai 78.5 NYT20000730.0057 -1 Yojimbo 78.5 NYT19980803.0266 -1 Rashomon 78.5 NYT20000831.0206 -1 Hyakken Uchida 78.5 APW19980906.0414 -1 film director 78.5 APW19980906.0072 1 The Emperor 78.5 APW19990325.0229 -1 Rashomon 78.5 APW19980906.0859 -1 Hisao 78.5 NYT19980906.0114 -1 RENOWNED 78.5 NYT20000824.0358 -1 Seven Samurai 78.5 APW19981001.0024 -1 Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi 78.5 NYT19980906.0121 -1 japanese 78.5 APW19980906.0598 -1 Shakespeare 78.5 NYT19980906.0121 -1 Japanese 78.5 APW19980906.0598 1 Emperor 78.5 APW19980906.0414 -1 imperious perfectionism 78.5 NYT20000831.0206 -1 Masaharu 78.5 APW19980907.0053 -1 Martin Scorsese 78.5 NYT20000831.0206 -1 Takao 78.5 NYT19990120.0120 -1 Dog 78.5 NYT19991104.0266 -1 reminiscent 78.5 NYT20000831.0206 -1 Takao Saito 78.5 APW19980906.0598 -1 Akira Kurosawa 78.5 APW19980906.0149 1 The Emperor 78.5 APW19980906.0061 -1 Akira Kurosawa 78.5 NYT19981116.0187 -1 American 78.6 APW19981001.0024 -1 Keizo Obuchi 78.6 APW19980906.0067 -1 , Kyodo news 78.6 APW19980906.0149 -1 FILMMAKER 78.6 APW19980906.0859 -1 MAN 78.6 APW19980906.0661 -1 Film 78.6 APW19980906.0661 -1 director 78.6 NYT19980906.0121 -1 more patient with actors 78.6 APW19980907.0053 -1 Yoko Yaguchi 78.6 NYT19990825.0197 -1 Toshiro Mifune 78.6 NYT20000127.0367 -1 Toshiro Mifune 78.6 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Toshiro Mifune 78.6 NYT19980702.0405 -1 knight 78.6 NYT19990401.0140 -1 community 78.6 APW19990325.0229 -1 director 78.6 APW19980906.0086 -1 director 78.6 NYT19990201.0408 -1 director 78.6 NYT20000411.0208 -1 accountant 78.6 NYT19991021.0130 -1 director 78.6 APW19980906.0414 -1 film director 78.6 APW19980908.0580 1 actress 78.6 APW19980906.0414 -1 late as 1985 78.6 NYT19980906.0114 -1 Mifune 78.6 NYT19980906.0114 -1 March 23, 1910 78.6 APW19981107.0088 -1 Seven Samurai 78.6 APW19980907.0053 -1 Kurosawa short shrift 78.6 APW19980906.0094 -1 media 78.6 APW19980906.0094 -1 Mobile Apparent 78.6 APW19980906.0094 -1 Media 78.6 NYT19980906.0114 1 actress 78.6 APW19990602.0116 -1 the work 78.6 NYT19980906.0076 -1 director 78.6 APW19980906.0859 -1 Famed 78.6 NYT19981116.0187 -1 Samurai 78.6 APW19981107.0088 -1 screenplay 78.6 NYT20000103.0354 -1 WOMAN-JUGGLER-2 78.6 APW19981107.0088 -1 director 78.6 NYT19990825.0197 -1 a tribute to the Japanese director 78.6 APW19980908.0580 -1 famed Japanese film director 78.6 NYT19980630.0242 -1 2 78.6 NYT19981231.0258 -1 talk 79.1 APW19991006.0062 -1 17 79.1 APW19990217.0144 -1 Wednesday 79.1 NYT19980613.0073 -1 HIS PARENTS 79.1 APW19990818.0217 3 1998 79.1 APW19990217.0082 3 1998 79.1 XIE19991111.0207 3 1998 79.1 NYT19990428.0270 -1 1996 79.1 APW19990420.0133 -1 Tuesday 79.1 NYT20000117.0166 1 1998 79.1 APW19990707.0271 1 May 21, 1998 79.1 APW19990608.0038 3 May 20, 1998 79.1 APW19990818.0217 3 May 20, 1998 79.1 NYT20000409.0108 3 May 20, 1998 79.1 NYT19980826.0469 1 May 21, 1998 79.1 APW19990114.0226 3 May 20 79.1 NYT19991110.0481 1 May 21, 1998 79.1 NYT19980826.0469 1 May 21 , 1998 79.1 APW19991006.0062 1 May 21, 1998 79.1 APW19991006.0062 3 1998 79.1 NYT19990824.0104 -1 in 1979 79.1 APW19990818.0217 3 May 20 , 1998 79.1 APW19990216.0188 3 May 21 79.1 APW19991006.0231 1 may 21, 1998 79.1 XIE19980211.0071 -1 March 1999 79.1 APW19991006.0231 3 1998 79.1 APW19990707.0271 1 May 21 , 1998 79.1 APW19991006.0281 1 1998 79.1 NYT19980826.0469 3 May 21, 15 79.1 APW20000411.0257 3 two years ago 79.1 NYT19990426.0091 3 last year 79.1 NYT19990427.0152 -1 1997 79.1 APW19990810.0093 -1 summer 79.1 APW19990216.0188 -1 last spring 79.1 APW19990217.0082 1 May 21, 1998 79.1 APW19990818.0217 3 May 20 1998 79.1 APW19990520.0132 1 May 21, 1998 79.1 APW19990216.0188 -1 spring 79.2 APW19990810.0093 -1 one 79.2 APW19990520.0300 -1 2 79.2 APW20000411.0257 -1 HIGH 79.2 APW20000411.0257 -1 TWO 79.2 APW19990217.0082 -1 15 79.2 APW19991006.0281 -1 two 79.2 APW19990608.0038 -1 two students 79.2 APW20000121.0303 -1 two 79.2 XIE19980613.0002 -1 25 students 79.2 APW19990910.0100 -1 killed two students 79.2 APW20000411.0257 -1 two 79.2 APW20000411.0257 -1 the siblings of the two students killed in the attack will share in donations when Kip Kinkel opened fire in the Thurston High School cafeteria two years ago and $150,000 collected after the shooting 79.2 APW20000411.0257 -1 five 79.2 APW19990217.0082 1 22 79.2 APW19990520.0300 1 22 79.2 APW19991006.0281 1 two dozen 79.2 APW19990810.0093 -1 two 79.2 APW19990925.0185 1 25 79.2 APW20000411.0257 1 Twenty-five 79.2 APW19990810.0093 -1 1997-98 79.2 NYT19991110.0481 3 two dozen 79.2 NYT19980613.0157 -1 Three 79.2 NYT19980708.0326 -1 six 79.2 APW19990420.0133 -1 two students 79.2 NYT19990505.0094 1 25 79.2 APW19990924.0063 -1 24 79.2 APW19990707.0271 1 two dozen 79.2 APW19990216.0188 -1 two 79.2 XIE19980613.0002 -1 Two 79.2 APW19990420.0133 -1 two 79.2 NYT19981007.0161 -1 2 79.2 APW19991006.0231 -1 Two 79.2 APW19991006.0062 -1 1998 79.2 APW19990420.0133 -1 15 79.2 XIE19980613.0002 -1 two students dead 79.2 APW19990217.0082 -1 one student 79.4 APW19990518.0244 -1 1997 79.4 APW19990421.0068 -1 0 79.4 APW19990216.0188 -1 HIGH 79.4 APW19990216.0188 -1 15 79.4 APW19990216.0188 1 two 79.4 APW19990608.0038 1 two students 79.4 APW19990420.0133 1 two 79.4 APW19990707.0271 1 2 students 79.4 APW19990216.0188 1 two students 79.4 APW19990608.0038 1 two 79.4 NYT19990427.0152 -1 13 79.4 APW19990707.0271 -1 friends of Kinkel 's present 79.4 APW19990810.0093 1 two 79.4 APW19990521.0175 1 two 79.4 APW19990421.0068 1 two 79.4 NYT19980617.0350 1 two 79.4 APW19990520.0300 -1 22 79.4 XIE19980524.0219 -1 22 79.4 NYT19991110.0481 -1 16 79.4 APW19990925.0022 -1 42 79.4 NYT19991110.0481 -1 two dozen 79.4 APW19990217.0082 -1 22 79.4 NYT19980603.0111 2 two 79.4 NYT19991110.0481 1 two 79.4 XIE19991111.0207 -1 15 79.4 APW19990924.0063 -1 24 79.4 APW19990518.0166 1 two 79.4 NYT19981007.0161 1 2 79.4 APW19990810.0093 -1 one 79.4 APW19990420.0133 -1 20 79.4 APW19990114.0226 -1 22 79.4 NYT19980622.0134 -1 15 79.4 XIE19980613.0002 3 the two students 79.4 XIE19980613.0002 3 killing two students 79.5 NYT19980605.0083 -1 five 79.5 APW19990208.0205 -1 You 79.5 APW19990420.0133 -1 17 79.5 APW19990217.0082 1 15 79.5 NYT19990924.0461 1 15 year 79.5 NYT20000409.0131 1 15 79.5 NYT19980826.0469 -1 the day 79.5 NYT19980826.0469 -1 21 79.5 APW20000411.0257 -1 two years 79.5 APW19990208.0205 1 15-year 79.5 NYT19990505.0094 1 15-year 79.5 NYT20000113.0337 1 15 79.5 XIE19980613.0002 1 15-year-old 79.5 XIE19980524.0219 -1 22 79.5 APW19990707.0271 -1 16 79.5 APW19990217.0144 -1 16 79.5 APW19991006.0062 1 15-year 79.5 NYT19980622.0134 1 15 79.5 APW19990810.0093 -1 16-year 79.5 NYT19980624.0277 1 15 79.5 APW19990810.0093 -1 16 year old Kip Kinkel 79.5 NYT19991110.0481 -1 22 year old sister 79.5 XIE19980211.0071 -1 14 years 79.5 NYT19991110.0356 -1 111 years 79.5 XIE19991111.0207 1 15 79.5 APW19991006.0062 1 15 year 79.5 NYT19990427.0152 1 15-year 79.5 NYT19981007.0161 -1 2 79.5 APW19990518.0224 -1 December 1997 79.5 NYT19990505.0094 1 15 79.5 NYT19980613.0073 2 15 79.5 APW19990608.0038 -1 Sept. 27 79.5 XIE19980613.0039 -1 School 79.5 APW19991006.0062 -1 age at 79.5 APW19991006.0062 -1 year 79.6 APW19990518.0244 -1 12 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 -1 Kinkel 79.6 NYT19980826.0469 -1 HIS PARENTS 79.6 APW19990208.0205 -1 20 79.6 NYT19980826.0469 -1 HIGH 79.6 XIE19991111.0207 -1 15 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 -1 1998 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 1 five bombs 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 -1 two 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 -1 4 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 1 five 79.6 APW19991006.0062 -1 8 79.6 NYT19990108.0448 -1 51 79.6 XIE19980524.0219 -1 22 79.6 NYT19980605.0083 -1 51 79.6 NYT20000409.0108 -1 34 79.6 APW19990707.0271 -1 16 79.6 NYT19980604.0347 -1 two 79.6 NYT19991110.0356 -1 111 79.6 APW19990924.0063 -1 24 79.6 APW19990208.0205 -1 15-year 79.6 APW19990924.0050 -1 two 79.6 NYT19981007.0161 -1 2 79.6 APW19990924.0015 -1 24 79.6 APW19990924.0015 -1 15 79.6 APW20000920.0132 -1 9 25 99 Teen pleads guilty 79.6 APW19990924.0015 -1 17 80.1 NYT19991031.0106 -1 Dallas 80.1 APW20000516.0100 -1 EgyptAir 80.1 NYT19991109.0314 -1 R.I. 80.1 NYT20000205.0155 3 NANTUCKET 80.1 XIE19991102.0118 3 Nantucket Island 80.1 APW19991031.0038 -1 Washington 80.1 XIE20000305.0144 -1 U.S. 80.1 NYT20000205.0155 -1 Island, Massachusetts 80.1 NYT19991102.0343 -1 Cairo 80.1 XIE20000924.0008 -1 CAIRO 80.1 NYT19991122.0349 -1 United States 80.1 NYT20000203.0001 -1 Massachusetts 80.1 APW19991031.0110 -1 Cairo 80.1 NYT20000205.0155 -1 Cairo 80.1 NYT20000205.0155 3 Nantucket 80.1 NYT19991101.0451 3 Nantucket 80.1 XIE19991130.0215 3 Massachusetts' Nantucket Island 80.1 XIE19991102.0164 3 Atlantic Ocean off the northeastern coast of the U.S. 80.1 APW19991031.0122 3 Massachusetts 80.1 XIE19991130.0215 3 Nantucket Island 80.1 NYT19991118.0385 -1 Egypt 80.1 NYT19991117.0331 -1 60 miles south of 80.1 NYT19991101.0060 -1 Cairo early 80.1 APW20000516.0100 -1 AP 80.1 XIE19991101.0030 -1 GMT 80.1 XIE20000812.0030 -1 egyptair flight 80.1 XIE19991121.0006 -1 United States 80.1 XIE20000812.0030 -1 EgyptAir flight 80.1 NYT20000205.0155 3 Nantucket, Mass. 80.1 NYT19991031.0156 -1 Kennedy International Airport 80.1 NYT19991109.0314 -1 crash 80.1 APW20000516.0100 -1 WASHINGTON 80.1 NYT19991221.0180 -1 Newport, RI 80.1 NYT19991109.0314 -1 NEWPORT 80.1 XIE19980209.0173 -1 Cagayan de Oro 80.1 XIE19991124.0022 -1 Atlantic Ocean 80.1 APW20000131.0217 3 Nantucket Island 80.1 XIE20000201.0033 -1 Massachusetts 80.1 XIE20000201.0033 -1 Boeing 80.1 NYT19991101.0060 -1 Los Angeles 80.2 NYT19991031.0178 -1 Richard Larrabee 80.2 NYT19991103.0354 -1 Boeing 80.2 XIE19991119.0188 -1 BATOUTY 80.2 NYT19991117.0480 -1 THE CAUSE 80.2 NYT19991031.0037 -1 Egypt Air 80.2 XIE20000813.0026 -1 Co 80.2 XIE19991118.0106 -1 Gameel Batouti 80.2 APW20000208.0168 -1 National Transportation Safety Board 80.2 APW20000516.0100 -1 Gameel El-Batouty 80.2 XIE19991119.0188 -1 Many Egyptians 80.2 NYT19991116.0275 -1 Hamid El 80.2 NYT20000811.0429 3 Capt. Ahmed 80.2 NYT19991129.0326 -1 Nantucket 80.2 NYT19991124.0431 -1 Gameel el-Batouty 80.2 NYT19991117.0480 -1 Gameel el-Batouty 80.2 NYT19991103.0354 -1 Roshdy Zakaria 80.2 APW19991031.0155 1 Ahmed el-Habashy 80.2 APW20000208.0168 -1 Chairman Jim Hall 80.2 NYT19991119.0304 1 Captain Ahmed El Habashi 80.2 APW20000208.0168 -1 EgyptAir 80.2 XIE20000924.0008 -1 CAIRO 80.2 NYT19991101.0435 -1 EgyptAir 80.2 NYT20000205.0155 -1 Hamdi Hanafi Taha 80.2 APW19991031.0081 -1 air flight 80.2 XIE19990802.0251 -1 final 80.2 APW19991031.0081 -1 Air Flight 80.2 XIE19991104.0253 -1 EgyptAir 80.2 NYT19991104.0454 -1 pilots 80.2 NYT19991102.0413 -1 NEWPORT, R.I. 80.2 NYT19991101.0451 -1 ABOARD MERCHANT MARINE TRAINING SHIP KINGS POINTER 80.2 APW19991031.0025 -1 Rob Halsey 80.2 NYT19991122.0459 -1 investigators 80.2 NYT19991116.0275 -1 Gamil Hamid 80.2 XIE20000817.0036 -1 Fahim Rayan 80.2 NYT19991103.0354 -1 R. 80.2 XIE20000924.0008 -1 October 31 1999 80.2 NYT19991101.0455 -1 Heshema Omar 80.2 NYT20000811.0429 -1 EgyptAir Flight 80.2 NYT19991102.0317 -1 Hall 80.3 NYT19991031.0178 -1 Sheriff Channing Egenberg 80.3 NYT19991103.0354 -1 Boeing 80.3 NYT19991103.0354 -1 NEWPORT R.I. 80.3 APW20000812.0015 3 EL-BATOUTY 80.3 NYT19991116.0275 -1 PILOTS 80.3 NYT19991031.0037 -1 Egypt Air 80.3 NYT20000205.0155 -1 Cairo 80.3 APW20000811.0122 1 Capt. Gameel El-Batouty 80.3 NYT19991102.0340 -1 T.F. 80.3 XIE19991119.0188 3 Gamil 80.3 NYT19991118.0352 1 Gamil El Batouty 80.3 XIE19991119.0188 -1 Many Egyptians 80.3 NYT20000811.0429 -1 Capt. Ahmed 80.3 NYT19991116.0215 -1 Wasington 80.3 NYT19991124.0072 -1 Boeing 80.3 NYT19991102.0275 -1 Boeing 80.3 XIE19991102.0166 -1 Faheem Rayan 80.3 NYT19991101.0451 -1 Heshema Omar 80.3 XIE19991119.0188 1 Gamil Al- Batouty 80.3 NYT19991117.0143 1 Gamil Hamid el-Batouty 80.3 XIE19991124.0022 -1 CAIRO 80.3 APW20000825.0108 -1 Egyptian 80.3 NYT19991101.0429 -1 EgyptAir 80.3 XIE20000817.0036 1 Gameel el Batouti 80.3 XIE19991101.0010 -1 egyptair flight 80.3 NYT19980807.0165 -1 Mike Adams 80.3 APW19991031.0081 -1 Egypt Air 80.3 XIE19991119.0188 1 Gamil Al-Batouty 80.3 APW20000516.0100 3 Gameel 80.3 NYT19991102.0413 -1 NEWPORT, R.I. 80.3 XIE19991118.0106 1 Gameel Batouti 80.3 NYT19991101.0451 -1 ABOARD MERCHANT MARINE TRAINING SHIP KINGS POINTER 80.3 APW19991031.0025 -1 Rob Halsey 80.3 APW20000412.0062 -1 RANDOLPH E. 80.3 NYT19991117.0232 -1 Ann Scales 80.3 NYT19991103.0354 -1 R. 80.3 XIE19991101.0316 -1 Crash 80.3 NYT20000811.0429 -1 1999 80.3 NYT19991102.0317 -1 Hall 80.4 NYT19991031.0127 -1 223 80.4 APW19991031.0025 -1 1 80.4 XIE19991101.0316 -1 199 80.4 XIE19991101.0316 1 15 80.4 APW20000131.0238 -1 217 80.4 NYT19991031.0037 -1 31, 1999 80.4 APW20000516.0100 -1 217 80.4 XIE20000813.0026 -1 three high-speed radar images passing near EgyptAir Flight 990 just 80.4 APW20000131.0217 -1 10 80.4 NYT20000206.0217 -1 261 80.4 APW19991031.0014 1 18 crew members 80.4 APW19991031.0121 1 18 crew members 80.4 XIE20000111.0156 -1 31 80.4 APW19991031.0015 -1 72 80.4 APW19991031.0108 1 15 80.4 XIE19991031.0036 1 17 80.4 NYT19991101.0015 -1 three 80.4 NYT19991031.0184 1 18 80.4 NYT19991101.0183 -1 217 80.4 APW19991031.0014 1 18 80.4 XIE19991102.0164 1 15 80.4 APW19991031.0070 1 15 80.4 NYT19991031.0184 -1 37 80.4 XIE19991125.0166 -1 990 80.4 APW20000825.0108 -1 217 80.4 NYT19991101.0456 -1 990 80.4 XIE19991102.0164 -1 73 family members 80.4 XIE19991031.0055 1 17 crew member 80.4 XIE19991101.0316 -1 217 80.4 APW19990926.0053 -1 10 80.4 NYT19991101.0511 -1 217 passengers 80.4 NYT19991101.0451 -1 one 80.4 NYT19991102.0331 -1 two 80.4 XIE19991102.0164 -1 217 80.4 NYT19991130.0319 -1 NYT 80.4 NYT19991221.0180 -1 990 80.4 NYT20000201.0011 -1 31 80.4 APW19991031.0014 -1 990 80.4 NYT19991031.0184 -1 990 80.4 XIE19991102.0164 1 15 crew members 80.4 XIE19991102.0164 -1 767 80.5 APW19991031.0148 -1 1996 , 80.5 XIE19991101.0228 -1 off 80.5 XIE19991125.0166 -1 31 80.5 APW20000131.0238 -1 10 80.5 APW20000131.0238 -1 217 80.5 XIE19991101.0268 -1 217 80.5 APW19991031.0121 3 the 199 passengers 80.5 XIE19991031.0036 1 197 80.5 NYT19991129.0326 -1 217 passengers 80.5 XIE19991101.0316 1 199 passengers 80.5 APW19991031.0121 1 199 passengers 80.5 XIE20000111.0156 -1 31 80.5 NYT19991031.0190 -1 21 80.5 NYT19991103.0307 -1 200 80.5 NYT19991101.0511 -1 217 80.5 XIE19991125.0166 -1 2,000 80.5 APW19991031.0171 1 199 80.5 APW19991031.0121 1 199 80.5 APW19991031.0014 1 199 80.5 APW19991031.0070 -1 214 80.5 APW20000825.0108 -1 767 80.5 APW20000825.0108 -1 217 80.5 NYT19991101.0061 -1 217 80.5 XIE19991101.0316 -1 15 crew members 80.5 APW19991031.0069 1 199 passengers 80.5 XIE19991101.0316 -1 217 80.5 XIE19980619.0012 -1 11 80.5 NYT19991101.0511 -1 217 passengers 80.5 NYT19991031.0159 1 199 80.5 XIE19991125.0166 -1 16 80.5 NYT19991130.0319 -1 NYT 80.5 NYT19991221.0180 -1 990 80.5 NYT20000203.0027 -1 one 80.5 NYT20000201.0021 -1 31 80.5 APW19991031.0014 -1 990 80.5 NYT19991031.0184 -1 990 80.5 NYT19991031.0183 3 the 199 passengers 80.5 XIE19960620.0259 -1 2000 21 80.5 XIE20000115.0110 -1 767 81.1 APW19990531.0022 -1 Wayne Lukas 81.1 NYT20000520.0168 -1 PEGASUS 81.1 NYT20000520.0168 -1 BELMONT 81.1 APW20000517.0021 -1 JOCKEY 81.1 NYT20000515.0348 -1 Stakes 81.1 APW19990514.0203 -1 1 81.1 NYT19980605.0341 -1 said Elliott Walden , the trainer 81.1 NYT20000511.0381 -1 Derby 81.1 APW19990508.0016 1 Real Quiet 81.1 NYT20000515.0348 -1 racing 81.1 NYT19990803.0100 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.1 NYT19991105.0064 -1 PREAKNESS STAKES 81.1 NYT20000520.0168 -1 Derby 81.1 NYT20000520.0168 -1 Silver Charm 81.1 APW19990507.0232 1 Real Quiet 81.1 NYT19990803.0100 1 Real Quiet 81.1 NYT20000608.0364 -1 Impeachment 81.1 NYT19990516.0125 -1 Belmont Stakes 81.1 NYT20000520.0150 -1 Derby _ 81.1 NYT19980606.0170 -1 the Kentucky Derby 81.1 APW19990531.0030 -1 Derby 81.1 APW19990515.0072 -1 stakes 81.1 APW19990515.0072 -1 year 81.1 APW19990515.0072 -1 Stakes 81.1 NYT20000507.0117 -1 Lukas 81.1 NYT19990603.0527 -1 Stakes 81.1 NYT19981226.0019 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.1 APW19990527.0267 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.1 APW19990819.0158 -1 Victory Gallop 81.1 NYT20000511.0381 -1 Silver Charm 81.1 APW19990514.0203 -1 Sports Cable 81.1 APW19990531.0022 -1 Kid 81.3 APW20000518.0045 -1 Steve 81.3 NYT20000511.0393 -1 DERBY 81.3 NYT20000511.0393 -1 REAL QUIET 81.3 APW19990512.0253 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.3 NYT20000517.0128 -1 Trainer Todd Pletcher 81.3 NYT19990325.0411 -1 Santa Anita Derby 81.3 APW19990617.0022 -1 Derby 81.3 NYT20000520.0186 -1 Joe Orseno 81.3 APW19990515.0082 1 Bob Baffert 81.3 APW19990821.0079 -1 Quiet 81.3 APW19990617.0022 -1 Real Quiet 81.3 NYT19990325.0411 -1 Real Quiet 81.3 NYT19990513.0397 -1 Malek 81.3 NYT19990515.0240 -1 Elliott Walden 81.3 APW19990819.0158 3 Bob Baffert-trained 81.3 APW19990819.0158 1 Bob Baffert 81.3 APW19990515.0125 -1 Trainer D. Wayne Lukas 81.3 NYT19980607.0152 -1 Silver Charm 81.3 NYT19981107.0101 -1 Kentucky Derby and 81.3 NYT19990509.0116 -1 Derby 81.3 APW19990515.0072 -1 stakes 81.3 APW19990515.0072 -1 Chris McCarron 81.3 APW19990515.0072 -1 Stakes 81.3 APW19990217.0009 1 Bob Baffert 81.3 APW19990514.0203 3 Baffert 81.3 NYT19990529.0230 -1 Gary Stevens 81.3 NYT19990822.0045 -1 Silver Charm 81.3 NYT19991106.0202 -1 D. Wayne Lukas 81.3 NYT19981226.0019 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.3 NYT19990529.0230 -1 Real Quiet 81.3 NYT19981106.0501 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.3 NYT19990509.0116 -1 Silver Charm 81.3 NYT20000520.0150 -1 Belmont Stakes 81.3 APW19990127.0014 2 Bob Baffert 81.3 APW19990127.0014 -1 Skip Away 81.3 APW19990819.0158 -1 Victory Gallop 81.4 APW19990509.0018 -1 Carl Nafzger 81.4 APW20000507.0066 -1 DERBY 81.4 APW20000507.0066 -1 REAL QUIET 81.4 APW19990512.0253 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.4 APW19990612.0162 1 Victory Gallop 81.4 APW19990612.0162 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.4 APW19990529.0013 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.4 APW19990612.0162 -1 Jerry Bailey 81.4 APW19990529.0013 -1 Real Quiet 81.4 NYT20000520.0150 -1 Baffert 81.4 APW19990819.0158 -1 Charismatic 81.4 APW19990819.0158 2 Victory Gallop 81.4 APW19990601.0148 -1 Silver Charm 81.4 NYT19980929.0101 -1 Silver Charm 81.4 APW19990515.0054 -1 Derby winner Charismatic 81.4 APW19990515.0072 -1 kentucky derby 81.4 APW19990515.0072 -1 Chris McCarron 81.4 APW19990515.0072 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.4 APW19990819.0158 -1 Baffert 81.4 APW19990612.0162 -1 Silver Charm 81.4 APW19990613.0034 -1 Jerry Bailey 81.4 NYT19981226.0019 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.4 NYT20000610.0143 -1 Real Quiet 81.4 APW20000507.0066 -1 Fusaichi Pegasus 81.4 NYT20000520.0150 -1 Bob Baffert 81.4 APW19990529.0013 -1 Preakness Stakes 81.5 APW19990515.0125 -1 16 miles 81.5 APW20000520.0121 -1 BETTING 81.5 APW19990906.0037 -1 REAL QUIET 81.5 NYT19990515.0255 -1 Stakes 81.5 NYT19990515.0255 -1 1 81.5 NYT19980603.0409 -1 horses 81.5 APW19990324.0260 -1 Belmont Stakes 81.5 NYT19981107.0134 -1 Belmont Stakes winner 81.5 NYT20000520.0168 -1 Only five of the eight horses in the Preakness also ran 81.5 APW19990515.0125 -1 Notes From the Preakness Race BALTIMORE (AP) -- It's often taken 81.5 APW19990507.0232 -1 Real Quiet 81.5 NYT19990417.0253 -1 occasion 81.5 NYT19990603.0384 -1 Belmont 81.5 NYT19990528.0277 -1 Real Quiet 81.5 APW19990508.0016 -1 Real Quiet 81.5 APW19990508.0016 -1 1 3 81.5 NYT19990515.0255 -1 100,311 81.5 NYT19990515.0255 -1 of 1998 81.5 NYT19990517.0005 -1 Baltimore 81.5 NYT19990512.0070 -1 Pimlico 81.5 NYT19990515.0255 -1 Preakness attendance solid 81.5 APW19990515.0072 -1 stakes 81.5 APW19990515.0072 -1 Stakes 81.5 APW19990515.0072 -1 NASCAR 81.5 APW19990917.0008 -1 Real Quiet 81.5 APW20000517.0021 -1 Baltimore Circuit Court 81.5 APW19990906.0037 -1 Derby 81.5 APW19990517.0043 -1 Stakes 81.5 NYT19981226.0019 -1 Kentucky Derby 81.5 APW19990906.0037 -1 Desormeaux 81.5 NYT19990414.0487 -1 Lone Star 81.5 APW19990527.0320 -1 Belmont Stakes 81.5 APW20000520.0121 -1 Pimlico Special and Black-Eyed Susan Stakes 81.5 APW19990519.0088 -1 Pimlico 81.6 NYT19990512.0445 -1 Derby 81.6 NYT20000518.0193 -1 TRIPLE 81.6 APW20000520.0121 -1 PIMLICO 81.6 NYT19990509.0116 -1 three 81.6 APW19990514.0203 -1 1 81.6 APW19990511.0241 -1 April, 1998 81.6 APW19990819.0158 -1 1997 81.6 APW19990324.0260 -1 Kentucky Derby winner 81.6 NYT19990302.0397 -1 Silver Charm won 81.6 NYT20000520.0168 -1 Only five of the eight horses in the Preakness also ran 81.6 APW19990515.0125 -1 Notes From the Preakness Race BALTIMORE (AP) -- It's often taken 81.6 NYT19990428.0108 -1 Timber Country 81.6 APW20000520.0030 -1 post time 5 : 27 p.m. EDT 81.6 NYT20000604.0093 -1 first time 81.6 NYT19981211.0345 -1 today 81.6 APW19990428.0091 -1 today 81.6 APW19990819.0158 -1 This year 81.6 APW19990508.0016 -1 two-fifths of a second 81.6 APW19990604.0038 -1 8-1 81.6 APW19990508.0016 -1 Saturday 81.6 APW19990509.0018 -1 1921 81.6 APW19990515.0125 -1 1909 81.6 NYT19990302.0099 -1 the Kentucky Derby 81.6 APW19990515.0125 -1 colt 81.6 NYT20000608.0364 -1 Preakness winner Personality 81.6 APW19990515.0072 -1 preakness stakes 81.6 APW19990515.0072 -1 20th century 81.6 APW19990515.0125 -1 1988 81.6 APW19990324.0260 -1 the first time 81.6 APW19990515.0038 -1 times 81.6 NYT20000528.0114 -1 him more time 81.6 NYT19980603.0465 -1 2 weeks 81.6 NYT19990819.0322 -1 timing 81.6 NYT19981106.0501 -1 this year 81.6 NYT20000520.0186 -1 horses 81.6 NYT20000511.0381 -1 1998 81.6 NYT19990123.0017 -1 April 18 81.6 NYT19990605.0194 -1 May 15 81.6 APW19990806.0322 -1 1994 82.1 APW20000525.0015 -1 1970 82.1 NYT20000505.0406 -1 1960 82.1 APW20000818.0095 -1 1948 82.1 NYT20000505.0406 1 1947 82.1 NYT19980730.0328 1 1947 82.1 APW20000209.0110 3 howdy Doody was a children's television program that aired on NBC from 1947 through 1960 82.1 NYT19990209.0254 -1 1950 82.1 NYT19980730.0342 1 1947 82.1 NYT19980730.0434 1 1947 82.1 NYT19980730.0424 1 1947 82.1 NYT20000226.0084 -1 1970 82.1 APW20000505.0169 -1 1970 82.1 NYT20000226.0049 -1 1954 82.1 APW19981024.1021 -1 America 82.1 NYT20000226.0049 1 1947 82.1 APW20000209.0110 1 1947 82.1 NYT20000505.0406 -1 2004 82.1 APW20000209.0110 -1 Show 82.1 NYT19980803.0293 -1 television's early years 82.1 NYT19990205.0199 -1 Doody 82.1 NYT20000226.0049 3 from 1947 82.1 NYT20000505.0293 3 from 1947 to 1960 82.1 NYT19980730.0434 -1 Saturdays 82.1 APW20000209.0110 -1 Clarabell 82.1 NYT19991123.0294 -1 one 82.2 APW20000504.0116 -1 1947 82.2 APW20000818.0095 3 1960 82.2 APW20000505.0169 -1 BUFFALO BOB 82.2 NYT20000226.0049 3 1960 82.2 APW20000505.0169 -1 version 82.2 APW19990729.0268 -1 Today 82.2 NYT20000505.0406 3 1960 82.2 NYT20000226.0049 3 September 1960 82.2 NYT20000226.0084 -1 1970 82.2 APW20000505.0169 -1 1970 82.2 APW20000616.0087 -1 June 24 82.2 NYT19980730.0328 1 Sept. 30, 1960 82.2 NYT19980730.0315 -1 Smith 82.2 NYT20000505.0293 3 1960 82.2 APW19990326.0286 -1 1950s 82.2 NYT20000226.0049 3 1947 to 1960 82.2 NYT19980730.0424 3 1960 82.2 NYT19980730.0424 3 Sept 82.2 APW20000209.0110 3 1960 82.2 NYT20000505.0406 -1 Feb 1975 82.2 NYT19980730.0424 -1 Dec. 28 , 1957 82.2 NYT19980730.0342 -1 Show 82.2 APW20000209.0110 -1 Show 82.2 APW19990729.0268 -1 age 82.2 NYT20000226.0143 -1 1947 82.2 NYT20000505.0293 -1 1950 82.2 NYT20000505.0293 -1 1947 82.2 NYT20000912.0150 -1 April 82.5 NYT19980803.0294 -1 Charlie Horse 82.5 NYT19980730.0328 -1 SMITH 82.5 NYT19980730.0328 -1 CLARABELL 82.5 APW20000505.0169 -1 TV 82.5 NYT19980730.0346 -1 played 82.5 NYT19980803.0360 -1 Beth Potier , a spokesperson 82.5 NYT20000226.0084 -1 Rose 82.5 APW20000505.0169 -1 Buffalo Bob 82.5 NYT19980730.0328 -1 Clarabell 82.5 APW20000818.0095 -1 didn 82.5 APW19990326.0286 -1 ``NBC conveyed ownership of all the Howdy Doody marionettes to me 82.5 APW20000818.0095 -1 Raritan Township man is founder of the Doodyville Historical Society Say, 82.5 APW19980818.0750 -1 Nicolae Ceausescu 82.5 APW20000505.0169 -1 Buffalo Bob Smith 82.5 NYT20000505.0293 -1 Rufus Rose 82.5 NYT19980730.0328 -1 Kean 82.5 NYT19980730.0424 -1 Bob Smith 82.5 NYT19990726.0334 -1 Pee-Wee 82.5 NYT20000505.0293 -1 Bob'' Smith 82.5 APW19990326.0286 -1 Rose 82.5 NYT19980902.0434 -1 Kukla 82.5 APW20000209.0110 -1 clown on 82.5 APW19990326.0286 -1 Event 82.5 APW20000209.0110 -1 Clown on 82.5 APW20000505.0169 -1 Bob Smith 82.5 NYT20000226.0049 -1 Rose 82.5 NYT19980730.0346 -1 Hendersonville, N.C. 82.5 NYT20000505.0406 -1 Rufus Rose 82.5 APW19990326.0286 -1 Howdy 82.5 NYT20000226.0084 -1 conveyed ownership 82.5 APW19990728.0096 -1 Mickey Mouse 82.5 NYT19990205.0199 -1 television puppet 82.5 APW20000818.0095 -1 publisher of The Howdy Doody Times and world epicenter for all things 82.5 NYT19980617.0583 -1 7 82.5 XIE19960515.0042 -1 President 82.5 NYT19980730.0328 -1 Bob Smith 83.1 NYT19991109.0183 -1 118 83.1 NYT19990127.0187 -1 ARTWORKS 83.1 APW19990601.0025 -1 MONA LISA 83.1 NYT20000412.0231 -1 FRENCH 83.1 APW19981209.0837 -1 Paris 83.1 NYT19991117.0249 -1 a virtual Louvre 83.1 NYT20000412.0231 -1 Kerchache 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 Paris 83.1 NYT20000907.0202 -1 curators and their trustees 83.1 NYT20000412.0231 -1 dedicated to the art of early civilizations 83.1 APW19980817.1132 -1 Georges Pompidou Center 83.1 APW19980810.0619 -1 Eiffel Tower 83.1 APW19980810.0709 -1 office 83.1 APW19990506.0228 -1 Egyptian 83.1 NYT19990522.0115 -1 Cluny Museum of Medieval Art 83.1 NYT20000924.0187 -1 Museum of Modern Art 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 buildings 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 Louvre Museum 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 Palance Museum 83.1 NYT19990324.0290 -1 in Paris 83.1 NYT19980706.0285 -1 Paris 83.1 XIE19960914.0008 -1 one 83.1 NYT19991109.0171 -1 40 sections 83.1 APW19981214.1043 -1 paris 83.1 XIE20000413.0178 -1 Event 83.1 APW19981214.1043 -1 Paris 83.1 NYT19990127.0187 1 royal palace 83.1 APW19981214.1043 -1 AP 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 Palace Museum 83.1 NYT19990127.0187 -1 collections 83.1 NYT19981201.0181 -1 $ 60 83.1 NYT19991109.0183 -1 Charles Champoiseau found pieces 83.1 XIE19990521.0036 -1 PARIS 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 Paris Paris 83.1 NYT19991008.0109 -1 French Revolution 83.1 XIE19980912.0137 -1 Beijing 83.2 NYT19991109.0183 -1 1996 83.2 APW20000914.0079 -1 1980 83.2 APW19980625.0376 -1 PHILIPPE 83.2 NYT19990127.0187 1 1793 83.2 NYT19990127.0187 1 November 8, 1793 83.2 NYT19991021.0079 -1 1950 83.2 NYT20000412.0231 -1 Thursday 83.2 APW19981102.1117 3 1793 83.2 APW19980921.0910 -1 19th century 83.2 NYT19991109.0172 -1 1863 83.2 APW19981214.1043 -1 Wednesday 83.2 XIE20000413.0178 2 1793 83.2 XIE20000413.0178 -1 1911 83.2 APW19981214.1043 -1 Monday 83.2 APW20000914.0079 -1 1980s 83.2 NYT19990623.0292 -1 Thursday 83.2 NYT19990715.0260 -1 2000 83.2 NYT20000412.0231 -1 November 01 2004 83.2 APW19981102.1117 1 Nov. 8, 1793 83.2 NYT19990323.0092 -1 one 83.2 APW19990527.0159 -1 today 83.3 XIE19960914.0008 -1 6500 years 83.3 XIE19970428.0093 -1 ART 83.3 NYT19990824.0010 -1 SEVERAL 83.3 NYT19990311.0207 -1 1991 83.3 APW19981102.1117 -1 1793 83.3 NYT19991021.0079 -1 three things 83.3 NYT19990311.0207 -1 four 83.3 NYT19991117.0391 -1 4 83.3 XIE19980912.0137 -1 two 83.3 APW19980921.0910 -1 Two 83.3 XIE20000413.0178 -1 Africa Oceania Arctic and America 83.3 NYT19981022.0257 -1 100 83.3 NYT20000217.0232 -1 one 83.3 NYT19991014.0296 -1 7 83.3 NYT19990623.0292 -1 207 83.3 APW19981117.0585 -1 2,058 83.3 NYT19981013.0085 -1 more than 115 83.3 XIE19970808.0121 -1 one 83.3 APW19981214.1507 -1 9.5 million 83.3 APW19981229.0865 -1 3 million 83.3 NYT19990127.0187 -1 1793 83.3 NYT19980720.0129 -1 two 83.3 NYT19991125.0073 -1 five 83.3 XIE20000413.0178 -1 305 83.3 XIE20000413.0178 -1 1717 83.3 NYT19990311.0207 -1 three 83.3 APW19990429.0011 -1 100 83.3 XIE19991106.0169 -1 B.C 83.3 XIE19980912.0137 -1 2 83.3 NYT19990605.0069 -1 202 83.3 APW19980921.0910 -1 19 83.3 NYT19991014.0296 -1 the 1867 Cezanne painting 83.3 APW19981214.1043 -1 tens 83.5 APW19980810.0709 -1 136 83.5 NYT19980930.0296 -1 PARIS 83.5 NYT19990923.0271 -1 10 83.5 APW19980817.0767 -1 7 83.5 XIE19981230.0008 -1 million 83.5 XIE19981230.0008 -1 6 million 83.5 XIE19981230.0008 -1 6 million people 83.5 APW19980817.1132 -1 2 83.5 APW19980817.1132 -1 1 83.5 NYT19990324.0290 -1 700,000 83.5 APW19980817.0767 -1 4.4 million 83.5 XIE19980912.0137 -1 two 83.5 NYT19990201.0373 -1 80 83.5 NYT19991221.0150 1 6 million 83.5 APW19980817.1132 -1 4.4 million people 83.5 APW19981214.1043 -1 tens of thousands 83.5 APW19981229.0865 1 3 million 83.5 APW19981229.0865 -1 6 million 83.5 NYT19981207.0300 -1 6 million 83.5 APW19980817.0767 -1 4.4 million people 83.5 NYT19991109.0183 -1 one 83.5 XIE20000413.0178 -1 3 83.5 XIE20000413.0178 -1 1911 83.5 XIE19981230.0008 1 3.6 million visitors 83.5 NYT19990522.0115 -1 1,000 83.5 XIE19971224.0091 -1 200,000 83.5 NYT19980619.0208 -1 Fifty years 83.5 XIE19980912.0137 -1 2 83.5 APW19980817.1132 -1 million 83.5 NYT19990824.0010 -1 10 83.5 APW19980817.0767 3 5.1 and 4.4 million 83.5 APW19980817.0767 -1 million 83.6 NYT19990311.0207 -1 Barbara Bloom 83.6 NYT19990506.0432 -1 ART 83.6 NYT19990219.0211 -1 LOYRETTE 83.6 APW19981209.0837 -1 Paris 83.6 XIE19980912.0137 -1 part of the royal Palace of the Louvre was first opened to the public as a museum on November 8, 1793 , during the French Revolution 83.6 NYT20000412.0231 -1 Quai Branly Museum 83.6 XIE19970808.0121 1 Pierre Rosenberg 83.6 NYT20000412.0231 -1 Art 83.6 XIE19990910.0058 1 Pierre Rosenberg 83.6 APW19981214.1043 -1 a six-day strike by employees at the Louvre Museum which shut out tens of thousands of visitors 83.6 NYT20000412.0231 -1 President Jacques Chirac 83.6 NYT19991003.1035 1 Pierre Rosenberg 83.6 NYT20000124.0376 -1 Ellen V. Futter 83.6 NYT20000412.0231 -1 Jacques Chirac 83.6 XIE19970808.0121 -1 Young Amateurs 83.6 NYT19991003.1035 -1 Louvre Museum 83.6 NYT19990506.0432 -1 Bergman 83.6 XIE20000413.0178 -1 henri loyrette 83.6 XIE20000413.0178 -1 Abduction 83.6 XIE20000413.0178 -1 Henri Loyrette 83.6 APW19981209.0837 -1 Patricia Mounier 83.6 APW19980816.0856 -1 Mona Lisa 83.6 XIE20000724.0005 -1 Lance Armstrong 83.6 XIE20000724.0005 -1 Armstrong 83.6 NYT20000412.0231 1 Pierre Rosenberg 83.6 APW19990601.0025 -1 MONA LISA 83.6 NYT19990210.0462 -1 Napoleon Bonaparte 83.6 APW19990821.0002 -1 Leonardo da Vinci 83.6 APW19990821.0002 -1 Mona Lisa 84.1 APW19981110.0078 -1 Cosmonauts Gennady Padalka 84.1 APW20000228.0093 -1 THE UNITED STATES 84.1 NYT19980618.0293 -1 States 84.1 NYT19980618.0293 -1 ever 84.1 APW20000228.0092 -1 It 84.1 NYT19990322.0185 -1 Mars 84.1 NYT19980618.0293 1 Willamette 84.1 XIE20000624.0153 -1 Earth 84.1 NYT19990322.0185 -1 Antarctica 84.1 NYT20000117.0187 -1 the United States 84.1 NYT20000623.0016 1 Willamette Meteorite 84.1 APW19980810.0675 -1 Mars 84.1 NYT20000302.0490 1 Willamette 84.1 APW19990319.0199 -1 August 1996 84.1 NYT19990322.0185 -1 McKay 84.1 NYT19980618.0293 -1 in the United States 84.1 NYT20000117.0187 -1 Ansmet 84.1 NYT19980618.0293 -1 Oregon ' s Willamette Valley 84.1 APW19990319.0272 -1 antarctic 84.1 APW19990319.0239 -1 team 84.1 APW19990319.0272 -1 Antarctic 84.1 NYT20000302.0490 1 Willamette Meteorite 84.1 APW20000228.0093 -1 metallic iron 84.1 NYT20000316.0409 -1 the unidentified owner 84.1 XIE19960808.0158 -1 Mars 84.1 NYT20000623.0015 -1 The Museum of Natural History 84.1 NYT20000228.0504 -1 return 84.1 XIE19980811.0288 -1 US 84.1 NYT20000302.0490 -1 meteorites 84.1 NYT20000302.0490 -1 Earth 84.1 XIE19960809.0012 -1 finding 84.2 APW20000228.0093 -1 210 million 84.2 NYT19980828.0051 -1 METEORITE 84.2 APW19990826.0073 -1 3.8 BILLION 84.2 NYT19980828.0051 -1 three 84.2 NYT19980828.0051 -1 four times 84.2 NYT19990826.0421 -1 the 120-degree record 84.2 NYT19990719.0360 -1 dozens 84.2 NYT19980828.0051 -1 generally 84.2 NYT20000724.0371 -1 three times 84.2 APW20000218.0164 -1 Confederated Tribes 84.2 APW20000228.0093 -1 Clackamas tribe 84.2 NYT20000724.0371 -1 by analyzing a Mars meteorite 84.2 NYT19980618.0289 -1 910 metric tons 84.2 NYT19980618.0293 1 14 metric tons 84.2 NYT20000313.0257 -1 4 billion to 3.5 billion years 84.2 NYT19980828.0051 -1 5-pound 84.2 XIE19960814.0081 -1 65 million years 84.2 NYT20000313.0257 -1 4 billion 84.2 NYT20000228.0504 1 15-ton 84.2 APW19990827.0086 -1 2.2 pound 84.2 APW20000218.0153 -1 three 84.2 NYT20000724.0371 -1 two to three 84.2 NYT20000313.0280 -1 4 billion to 3.5 billion years 84.2 NYT20000302.0490 -1 shows 84.2 APW20000218.0153 -1 meteorite to await messages 84.2 XIE19960814.0081 -1 10 84.2 APW20000218.0153 -1 1935 84.3 APW20000228.0092 -1 2 84.3 APW20000218.0164 -1 METEORITE 84.3 NYT20000118.0009 -1 EVOLUTION 84.3 APW20000228.0093 -1 Iron 84.3 XIE19960814.0081 -1 Spanish 84.3 NYT20000623.0016 -1 the meteorite 84.3 APW20000228.0092 -1 Iron 84.3 APW20000218.0153 -1 American 84.3 APW20000218.0153 -1 earth 84.3 NYT20000218.0392 -1 Native American 84.3 APW20000218.0164 -1 embodies three heavenly realms - sky 84.3 NYT20000228.0504 -1 object 84.3 NYT20000622.0084 -1 METEORITE-INDIANS 84.3 APW20000218.0153 1 Tomanoas 84.3 NYT19980618.0293 -1 Meteorites 84.3 APW19981103.0611 -1 Blagov 84.3 APW19990319.0272 -1 Bacteria 84.3 NYT20000314.0034 -1 small 84.3 APW19990319.0239 -1 american 84.3 APW19990319.0272 -1 Mars 84.3 APW19990319.0239 -1 American 84.3 NYT20000228.0504 -1 sacred tribal object 84.3 APW20000218.0164 1 Tomanoas 84.3 APW20000218.0153 -1 the meteorite 84.3 APW20000218.0164 -1 the meteorite 84.3 NYT20000623.0015 -1 The Museum of Natural History 84.3 APW20000113.0017 -1 Gabe Paul 84.3 NYT20000622.0126 -1 Museum of Natural History 84.3 NYT20000228.0504 -1 History 84.3 NYT20000228.0504 -1 American 84.3 NYT19990731.0028 -1 Navajo 84.4 NYT19980828.0051 -1 Daddea 84.4 APW20000228.0093 -1 IN THE UNITED STATES 84.4 NYT19980721.0273 -1 NATURAL HISTORY 84.4 XIE19960903.0301 -1 Culiacan 84.4 NYT19980618.0293 -1 Greensburg , Kansas 84.4 NYT20000501.0268 -1 Earth 84.4 XIE19960814.0081 -1 Mexico 84.4 NYT20000202.0254 -1 rome 84.4 NYT19980828.0051 -1 Miami 84.4 APW20000228.0092 -1 United States 84.4 APW19990319.0239 -1 Mars 84.4 XIE19960808.0156 -1 Earth 84.4 NYT19981026.0178 -1 Mexico 84.4 NYT19980618.0293 -1 the Willamette 84.4 NYT20000302.0490 -1 the Willamette 84.4 APW20000228.0093 -1 United States 84.4 XIE19960814.0081 -1 Earth 84.4 NYT20000623.0016 -1 United States 84.4 NYT19980618.0293 -1 Kansas 84.4 APW20000228.0092 -1 Ore. Iron 84.4 NYT19990322.0185 -1 Mars 84.4 XIE20000811.0015 -1 crater 84.4 XIE20000811.0015 -1 crater is 23 84.4 NYT19980618.0293 -1 Dort 84.4 APW19990319.0239 -1 museum 84.4 APW19990319.0239 -1 Stony 84.4 APW19990319.0239 -1 Museum 84.4 NYT19980828.0051 1 Namibia 84.4 NYT19980828.0051 -1 Monahans 84.4 XIE19961202.0139 -1 China 84.4 NYT20000302.0490 -1 United States 84.4 NYT20000302.0490 -1 Willamette 84.4 NYT19980618.0293 -1 Oregon 84.4 XIE19960812.0082 -1 Mars 84.5 XIE19961202.0139 -1 140 million years 84.5 APW20000228.0093 -1 FOUND IN THE UNITED STATES 84.5 APW20000218.0164 -1 THREE 84.5 NYT19980828.0051 -1 three 84.5 NYT19980828.0051 -1 two 84.5 APW19981024.0073 -1 a five-hour spacewalk Nov. 84.5 NYT20000724.0371 -1 one 84.5 NYT19980719.0153 -1 130 pounds 84.5 NYT20000724.0371 -1 two 84.5 APW19990827.0086 -1 4.5 billion-year 84.5 NYT19980828.0051 -1 Twelker 84.5 XIE20000923.0295 1 60 tons 84.5 NYT20000316.0409 -1 60,000 mph 84.5 NYT19980618.0293 -1 14 metric tons 84.5 NYT20000724.0371 -1 three times 84.5 NYT19980721.0273 -1 7 84.5 NYT19980828.0051 1 60-ton 84.5 XIE20000811.0015 -1 23 million years old 84.5 XIE19960814.0081 -1 Six 84.5 XIE19960814.0081 -1 plunged 84.5 APW20000218.0153 -1 await messages 84.5 XIE19960814.0081 -1 15 84.5 XIE19961202.0139 -1 December 2 84.5 XIE19961101.0169 -1 aerolite 84.6 NYT19980721.0273 -1 1938 84.6 NYT19980618.0293 3 910 84.6 XIE19960814.0081 -1 1000 84.6 APW20000228.0093 -1 10000 84.6 XIE19960814.0081 -1 million 84.6 NYT20000515.0122 -1 100 84.6 NYT19980618.0293 -1 14 metric tons 84.6 NYT19980828.0051 -1 seven 84.6 APW19990701.0172 -1 100 84.6 NYT19990322.0185 -1 4.5 billion 84.6 NYT19990610.0179 -1 4.5 billion 84.6 NYT20000202.0254 -1 five 84.6 NYT19980721.0273 -1 7 84.6 NYT20000830.0369 -1 six 84.6 APW19980708.0471 -1 6,065 84.6 NYT19980618.0289 3 910 84.6 NYT19990826.0421 -1 100 84.6 NYT20000621.0329 -1 4.2 pound 84.6 NYT19980618.0289 -1 billions 84.6 APW19980610.1184 -1 47, 900 tons 84.6 NYT19980618.0293 1 910 metric tons each year 84.6 NYT20000117.0187 -1 1969 84.6 XIE19960814.0081 -1 65 84.6 XIE19960315.0146 -1 five million 84.6 APW19990319.0272 -1 1865 84.6 NYT19990310.0214 -1 13000 years 84.6 XIE19960814.0081 -1 10 84.6 APW19990319.0239 -1 26 84.6 NYT19980618.0293 1 910 metric tons 84.6 APW19990319.0199 -1 six months 84.6 NYT20000218.0392 -1 10 84.6 NYT19980618.0289 3 add something like 910 84.6 NYT19990115.0268 -1 1.75 million metric tons 84.6 APW19980713.0519 -1 3,000 metric tons 84.6 NYT20000218.0392 -1 15 85.2 NYT20000925.0360 -1 five 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 CRUISES 85.2 APW20000127.0010 3 STAR CRUISES HAS 85.2 APW20000204.0143 1 STAR Cruises 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 Washington 85.2 NYT19990927.0420 -1 The revision 85.2 APW20000204.0143 1 Star 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 Seabourn 85.2 NYT19990805.0294 -1 The Man From U 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 On Thursday 85.2 XIE19990406.0290 -1 NATO 85.2 NYT19980619.0009 -1 people 85.2 NYT19980921.0283 -1 Three 85.2 NYT20000925.0360 -1 Cruise Lines International 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 Holding 85.2 NYT19980928.0280 -1 December 1999 85.2 NYT20000620.0142 -1 Norwegian Cruise Line 85.2 APW20000127.0010 1 Star 85.2 NYT19990622.0131 -1 Norwegian 85.2 NYT20000314.0147 -1 Yorktown Clipper sailing 85.2 NYT20000314.0147 -1 Mediterranean 85.2 APW19980827.1297 -1 2003 85.2 APW19980827.1297 -1 Fleet 85.2 APW20000204.0143 1 Star cruise line 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 Oslo-based NCL Holding 85.2 NYT19991212.0084 1 Carnival 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 secured control of line with percent of Oslo-based NCL Holding 85.2 APW20000127.0010 -1 the line 85.2 APW19980827.1297 -1 Leeward 85.2 APW20000204.0136 -1 NCL Holdings 85.2 NYT19990622.0131 -1 Geir Aune 85.2 NYT19980921.0283 -1 10 85.2 NYT19991122.0209 -1 1996 85.2 NYT19990115.0068 -1 turbulence claimed its price : The company reported that it expected a hefty 6 percent decrease in pre-tax profits in 1998 compared to 1997 85.2 NYT19990817.0125 -1 2004 85.2 NYT19990211.0216 -1 The Love Me Tender 85.3 NYT20000118.0104 -1 Coastal Voyage 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 CRUISE LINE 85.3 NYT19980810.0126 -1 CAY 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 Cay 85.3 APW20000204.0143 -1 Malaysia 85.3 NYT19990420.0077 1 Great Stirrup Cay 85.3 NYT19991210.0117 -1 a cruise-ship 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 On Thursday 85.3 APW20000204.0136 -1 Holdings ASA 85.3 NYT19991212.0084 -1 Singapore 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 Miami 85.3 NYT19990420.0077 -1 St. Maarten 85.3 NYT19991118.0242 -1 Cayman Islands 85.3 NYT19980922.0130 -1 Disney 85.3 APW20000204.0143 -1 NCL Holdings 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 Star 85.3 NYT19990119.0102 -1 Blue Riband 85.3 APW19980827.1297 -1 bahamas 85.3 APW19980827.1297 -1 Fleet 85.3 APW19980827.1297 -1 Bahamas 85.3 NYT19991210.0117 -1 Sharon King 85.3 NYT19991212.0084 -1 ASA 85.3 XIE19960830.0028 -1 Diaoyu 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 Asia 85.3 NYT19991210.0117 -1 Norwegian 85.3 NYT19990420.0077 -1 Sports Illustrated 85.3 NYT19991212.0084 -1 Geir Aune 85.3 NYT19990622.0131 -1 Sky 85.3 APW20000327.0104 -1 Love Hawaii 85.3 NYT19990420.0077 -1 Cruises 85.3 APW20000127.0010 -1 Oslo 85.4 NYT19990506.0472 -1 400 85.4 APW20000127.0010 -1 CRUISES 85.4 NYT19990202.0092 -1 SIZE OF 85.4 APW20000204.0143 -1 two 85.4 APW20000204.0143 -1 Line 85.4 APW20000204.0165 3 Today, the companies informed the Oslo Stock Exchange that their stake in NCL Holdings had increased to 66.5 percent of the concern's shares, giving them full control of the world's fourth-largest cruise line. 85.4 APW20000204.0136 -1 Holland America 85.4 NYT19990805.0294 -1 The Man From U 85.4 APW20000127.0010 -1 On Thursday 85.4 APW19990214.0110 -1 Miami 85.4 NYT19990223.0108 -1 Royal Caribbean 85.4 NYT19990323.0103 -1 by cutting it in half is not a new technique 85.4 APW20000127.0010 1 fourth largest 85.4 NYT19990506.0472 -1 June 2, 2000 85.4 APW20000127.0010 -1 Star 85.4 NYT19990607.0220 -1 Norwegian 85.4 APW19980827.1297 -1 travel auctions 85.4 APW19980827.1297 -1 Fleet 85.4 APW19980827.1297 -1 Travel Auctions 85.4 NYT19990202.0091 -1 see 85.4 APW20000127.0010 -1 Holding 85.4 NYT20000908.0336 -1 Holland America 85.4 APW20000204.0143 -1 NCL Stake 85.4 NYT19991212.0084 -1 Geir Aune 85.4 NYT19980921.0283 -1 10 85.4 NYT19990614.0338 -1 Critic Message Boards 85.4 APW20000127.0010 -1 Norwegian 85.4 NYT19990921.0129 -1 fleet 85.5 NYT19990202.0092 -1 three 85.5 APW20000127.0010 -1 CRUISES 85.5 NYT19980921.0283 -1 CAPACITY 85.5 APW20000127.0010 -1 cruise line 85.5 NYT20000203.0213 -1 Cozumel 85.5 NYT19991223.0313 -1 as operating " inside our waters and outside our laws , " as several 85.5 APW20000127.0010 -1 Last month, Asia's leading cruise ship company, Star, appeared to have secured control of the line with just over 50 percent of the shares in Norwegian Cruise Lines owners, Oslo-based NCL Holding. 85.5 NYT19990719.0143 -1 Cozumel 85.5 NYT19991122.0251 -1 Royal Caribbean 85.5 NYT19990719.0143 -1 shore excursions 85.5 NYT19990805.0294 -1 The Man From U 85.5 APW20000127.0010 -1 On Thursday 85.5 NYT19990125.0484 -1 Cozumel 85.5 NYT19990104.0274 -1 Princess 85.5 NYT19990921.0129 -1 because the city marks its 250th anniversary 85.5 NYT19991118.0242 1 chartered for gay passengers 85.5 NYT19991118.0242 -1 CAYMAN 85.5 NYT20000203.0213 -1 Carnival Cruise Lines 85.5 NYT19991122.0251 -1 Carnival 85.5 NYT19980928.0280 -1 2001 85.5 NYT20000620.0142 -1 July 15 85.5 APW19980827.1297 -1 cozumel 85.5 APW19980827.1297 -1 acquired 85.5 APW19980827.1297 -1 sailing 85.5 NYT19991118.0242 -1 Line 85.5 APW20000127.0010 -1 Holding 85.5 APW19980827.1297 -1 Leeward 85.5 APW20000204.0165 -1 Oslo Stock Exchange 85.5 NYT19991212.0084 -1 Norwegian Cruise Line s parent company 85.5 NYT19981012.0258 -1 TOYS NOT 85.5 NYT19991118.0096 -1 Review 85.5 APW19990824.0125 -1 liner 85.5 APW20000127.0010 -1 cruise ship 86.1 XIE19980525.0141 -1 Internal Affairs Wada Nas 86.1 APW20000606.0075 -1 Sani 86.1 XIE19980127.0136 -1 JANUARY 86.1 XIE19961021.0124 -1 NOVEMBER 86.1 XIE19991015.0332 -1 LATE 86.1 XIE19991015.0332 -1 military 86.1 XIE19970914.0033 -1 Salim 86.1 XIE19971222.0218 -1 military ruler 86.1 XIE19961021.0124 1 November 1993 86.1 APW19980609.1730 -1 seized power 86.1 APW19980610.0501 -1 ``We don't want another Sani Abacha,'' said 25-year-old shoe repairman Joseph 86.1 APW20000606.0075 -1 Late Nigeria Dictator Kin Indicted GENEVA (AP) -- A Swiss judge 86.1 XIE19970827.0036 -1 Head of State General 86.1 XIE19971203.0116 -1 Head of State General 86.1 XIE19970603.0020 -1 Mariam Abacha 86.1 NYT19980611.0116 -1 June 1993 86.1 XIE19971001.0078 -1 2010 86.1 XIE19980419.0026 -1 1995 86.1 XIE19961021.0124 -1 Sani 86.1 XIE19970908.0107 -1 Colonel Oneya 86.1 APW19980608.0962 -1 military 86.1 APW19980608.0962 -1 news 86.1 XIE19980113.0212 -1 Nigeria's head 86.1 XIE19971120.0137 -1 October 1, 1998 86.1 XIE19960209.0293 -1 Xinhua 86.1 XIE19961021.0124 -1 transition program 86.1 XIE19970629.0072 -1 1993 86.1 NYT20000906.0260 -1 North Korea s famine -Preparations for introduction of Euro currency -Nigerian dictator 86.1 XIE19960220.0070 -1 recovery of huge amount of money in various national currencies from the family of late Former Nigerian Head of State General 86.1 APW19980609.1322 -1 news 86.1 XIE19970819.0034 -1 morning 86.2 XIE19980701.0225 -1 General Sani Abacha . 86.2 XIE19980609.0359 -1 Xinhua 86.2 XIE19980609.0044 -1 GENERAL 86.2 APW19980907.0844 -1 THE FAMILY 86.2 XIE19980701.0225 -1 State 86.2 XIE19991124.0051 -1 Nigerian dictator 86.2 XIE19980714.0308 3 a sudden heart attack 86.2 XIE19970723.0165 -1 Abuja 86.2 XIE19990305.0043 -1 1998 General 86.2 XIE19980708.0056 -1 Nigerian military ruler 86.2 XIE19980311.0373 -1 Nigerian military ruler 86.2 APW19981009.1046 1 heart attack 86.2 APW19980621.0455 1 heart attack 86.2 APW19980608.1714 -1 Nigeria's military early Tuesday 86.2 APW19980703.1078 -1 general staff 86.2 APW20000826.0116 -1 Nigeria 86.2 NYT19980609.0270 -1 Nigeria 86.2 XIE19980609.0336 1 heart attack 86.2 XIE19980721.0329 1 heart attack 86.2 XIE19980609.0302 1 heart attack 86.2 APW19981221.0241 1 heart attack 86.2 APW19980608.1686 1 heart attack 86.2 APW20000606.0075 -1 June 1998 86.2 XIE19980610.0062 -1 Sani Abacha 86.2 XIE19980610.0146 -1 Abiola 86.2 APW19980918.0508 -1 head of state 86.2 XIE19980609.0068 -1 leader General Sani Abacha 86.2 APW19980608.0962 -1 nigeria 86.2 APW19980608.0962 -1 Nigeria 86.2 XIE19980609.0277 1 heart attack 86.2 XIE19980609.0044 -1 General 86.2 XIE19980609.0359 -1 Nigerian 86.2 XIE19980609.0302 -1 Xinhua 86.2 NYT19980726.0054 -1 Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.2 NYT19980609.0022 -1 Moshood Abiola 86.2 APW19980823.0291 -1 suitcases stuffed with cash 86.2 XIE19960220.0070 -1 recovery of huge amount of money in various national currencies from the family of late Former Nigerian Head of State General 86.2 XIE19980204.0138 -1 consulting with the Head of State General 86.2 APW19980609.1322 -1 news 86.2 APW19981221.0241 -1 dictator 86.3 XIE19961021.0124 -1 1993 86.3 XIE19980714.0308 -1 1 86.3 XIE19980609.0026 -1 GENERAL SANI 86.3 XIE19971118.0212 -1 26 86.3 XIE19991015.0332 -1 8, 1998 86.3 XIE19971117.0112 -1 1998 86.3 XIE19961021.0124 -1 a three-year transition program 86.3 XIE19980703.0006 -1 last month 86.3 XIE19980624.0162 -1 26 86.3 APW19980610.0501 -1 25-year-old 86.3 APW19980608.0896 1 54 86.3 APW19980719.0311 -1 five-year 86.3 APW19980723.0973 -1 five years 86.3 XIE19960118.0027 -1 13 86.3 NYT19990118.0308 1 54 86.3 XIE19980521.0034 -1 five 86.3 APW11980608.1686 2 54 86.3 NYT19980608.0453 1 54-year 86.3 APW19980609.1181 -1 five-year 86.3 APW19980610.0501 -1 25-year 86.3 XIE19960118.0027 -1 one 86.3 XIE19960118.0025 -1 13 others 86.3 APW19980608.0962 -1 three 86.3 APW19980608.0962 -1 10 86.3 APW19980608.0962 -1 25 years 86.3 XIE19980609.0277 1 54 86.3 APW19980609.1730 -1 5 year 86.3 NYT20000824.0186 -1 1998 86.3 NYT19980715.0396 -1 5 86.3 NYT19980710.0005 -1 25 86.3 APW19980608.0881 -1 19980823 death Nigerian leader rumoured 86.3 XIE19980609.0068 -1 Oct., 1997 86.3 APW19990330.0242 -1 now 86.3 XIE19991117.0155 -1 four 86.3 NYT19990228.0190 -1 one 86.4 XIE19980610.0268 -1 Sani Abacha 86.4 XIE19980127.0136 -1 2 86.4 APW19980608.1684 -1 GENERAL SANI 86.4 APW19980608.1684 1 ABUBAKAR 86.4 XIE19961008.0168 -1 General 86.4 XIE19980610.0010 -1 Nigeria 86.4 APW19980613.0191 1 Abubakar 86.4 XIE19980609.0280 -1 General 86.4 XIE19970731.0106 -1 Nigeria 86.4 XIE19971219.0036 -1 Nigerian Head 86.4 XIE19991018.0088 -1 NONE 86.4 XIE19980101.0025 -1 Isaac Mohammed Alfa 86.4 APW19980609.0505 3 Gen. Abdulsalam 86.4 APW19980611.0142 -1 Gani Fawehinmi 86.4 APW19980610.0382 1 Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.4 NYT19980714.0290 -1 Olusegun Obasanjo 86.4 XIE19980610.0010 1 Abubakar 86.4 XIE19980127.0136 -1 Oladipo Diya 86.4 APW19980610.1762 1 Abubakar 86.4 APW19980608.0896 -1 John Paul II 86.4 APW19980622.0229 1 Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.4 APW19980608.1684 1 Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.4 APW19981110.0391 1 Abdulsalami Abubakar 86.4 XIE19960524.0051 -1 LAGOS 86.4 XIE19980127.0136 -1 General Staff 86.4 XIE19961008.0168 -1 State General Sani Abacha 86.4 APW19980608.0962 -1 general sani 86.4 APW19980608.0962 -1 Nigerian maximum ruler 86.4 APW19980608.0962 -1 General Sani 86.4 XIE19980101.0025 -1 Air Commodore Isaac Mohammed Alfa 86.4 APW19980610.0501 -1 Joseph Akpan 86.4 NYT19980726.0054 1 Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.4 XIE19980609.0276 -1 Aso Rock 86.4 APW19980609.0505 1 Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.4 XIE19980715.0035 -1 Health Jubirla Ayinla 86.4 XIE19980609.0026 -1 General Sani Abacha 86.4 XIE19960815.0184 -1 Nigerian Head 86.4 NYT19980708.0479 1 Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar 86.4 XIE19960524.0051 -1 General Sani Abacha 86.4 XIE19970707.0024 -1 ECOWAS chairman and Nigerian 86.4 XIE19960815.0184 -1 Head 87.1 APW20000117.0235 -1 one 87.1 APW20000117.0260 -1 only two 87.1 NYT20000907.0042 -1 1940 87.1 APW19980923.1278 1 1901 87.1 NYT19990612.0161 -1 1943 87.1 NYT19991022.0361 -1 June 11, 1915 87.1 APW20000117.0227 -1 March 4, 1914 87.1 NYT20000907.0042 -1 1943 87.1 NYT19991115.0196 -1 1938 87.1 APW20000117.0269 -1 in 1942 87.1 NYT19990416.0365 -1 1968 87.1 NYT19990122.0144 -1 1950 87.1 NYT20000623.0214 2 september 29 1901 87.1 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Fame 1976 87.1 NYT20000623.0214 2 September 29, 1901 87.1 NYT20000907.0042 -1 1978 87.1 APW20000117.0269 -1 1942 87.1 NYT19990416.0365 -1 1973 87.1 NYT19980605.0006 -1 last 68 years 87.1 XIE19960116.0244 -1 Italy 87.1 APW20000117.0260 -1 1940 87.1 NYT19980604.0389 -1 68 years 87.1 APW19980923.1278 3 1901-1954 87.1 APW19980923.1278 1 September 29, 1901 87.1 XIE19980730.0228 -1 1954 87.2 NYT19990122.0144 -1 1950 87.2 APW19990310.0274 -1 one 87.2 APW20000117.0235 -1 1940 87.2 APW20000117.0269 -1 1945 87.2 APW19980923.1278 -1 1901 87.2 XIE19980730.0228 1 1954 87.2 NYT19991115.0196 -1 the summer of 1950 87.2 NYT19991115.0196 -1 1938 87.2 APW20000117.0269 -1 1942 87.2 NYT20000330.0231 -1 Dec. 2, 1942 87.2 XIE19980730.0228 1 in 1954 87.2 APW19980923.1278 1 1954 87.2 NYT19990612.0161 -1 1943 87.2 NYT19990416.0365 -1 1968 87.2 NYT20000623.0214 -1 november 29, 1954 87.2 NYT20000623.0214 -1 1995 87.2 NYT19990416.0365 -1 1973 87.2 NYT19980605.0006 -1 last 68 years 87.2 XIE19960116.0244 -1 Italy 87.2 NYT19991227.0393 -1 1999 87.2 APW19980923.1278 3 1901-1954 87.2 APW19980923.1278 2 1950 1954 November 28 87.2 APW19980923.1278 2 November 28, 1954 87.2 XIE19961022.0093 -1 1901 87.3 APW19980923.1278 -1 U . 87.3 NYT19990310.0309 -1 3 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 3 PHYSICIST 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 -1 HIS WORK 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 1 PHYSICS 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 1 Physics 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 3 an Italian Nobel prize-winning physicist 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 3 Physics His 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 3 Physics for his work 87.3 NYT19981109.0022 -1 The latest news about all this strangeness comes from two teams 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 -1 The Cultural Committee of the Italian Senate approved Wednesday the plan 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 -1 year 87.3 NYT19990122.0144 -1 Enthusiasts 87.3 NYT19990310.0309 -1 teaching assistant 87.3 NYT19991016.0043 -1 Pulitzer 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 3 Nobel Prize for Physics 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 3 Nobel Prize in Physics 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 1 Physics 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 -1 1938 87.3 NYT19991101.0146 -1 Alfred Nobel 87.3 NYT19981221.0224 2 Physics 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 -1 Italy 87.3 APW20000117.0227 2 physics 87.3 APW20000117.0227 -1 Worked 87.3 APW20000117.0227 2 Physics 87.3 NYT19991022.0361 -1 physicist 87.3 XIE19960116.0244 -1 Italy 87.3 NYT19990226.0375 -1 Award 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Fermi 87.3 NYT19991115.0196 -1 Garwin 87.3 NYT19991020.0493 -1 Italian 87.3 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Enrico Fermi 87.3 APW19980923.1168 -1 Fermin 's sister 87.3 APW19990930.0048 -1 World War II 87.5 NYT19991022.0361 -1 Edward Teller 87.5 NYT19990122.0145 -1 1 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 PHYSICISTS 87.5 NYT20000907.0042 -1 CHICAGO 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Physics 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Physicist 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Nobel prize-winning physicist 87.5 NYT19980604.0389 -1 Italian-American physicist 87.5 NYT19981109.0022 -1 the Cubs 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Physics in 1938 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 an Italian Nobel prize-winning physicist 87.5 NYT19990110.0080 -1 President Harry S 87.5 NYT19980605.0006 -1 name 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Enrico Fermi , an Italian Nobel prize winning physicist 87.5 NYT19991022.0361 -1 nuclear reactors 87.5 NYT19980604.0389 -1 neutrino 87.5 NYT19991115.0196 -1 1938 87.5 NYT20000905.0355 -1 CERN 87.5 APW19990310.0353 -1 University of Chicago 87.5 NYT19990310.0309 -1 physics 87.5 NYT20000330.0231 -1 Stagg Field grandstand 87.5 NYT20000623.0214 -1 award 87.5 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Henry 87.5 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Award 87.5 NYT19980604.0463 -1 Italian- 87.5 NYT19980605.0006 -1 Italian- 87.5 XIE19960116.0244 -1 Italy 87.5 NYT19991022.0361 -1 University of Chicago 87.5 NYT19990110.0080 -1 U.S. 87.5 NYT19990118.0207 -1 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 87.5 NYT20000515.0399 -1 teaching assistant to nuclear physicist 87.5 NYT20000515.0399 -1 Italian Nobel prize-winning physicist 87.5 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Institute 87.6 NYT19991020.0493 -1 Sid Caesar 87.6 NYT20000907.0042 -1 Chicago 87.6 APW20000117.0227 -1 H 87.6 APW19990311.0037 -1 HYDROGEN 87.6 XIE19980730.0228 -1 physicist 87.6 NYT19991022.0361 -1 computers 87.6 NYT20000621.0047 -1 Niels Bohr 87.6 NYT19980604.0389 -1 Italian-American physicist 87.6 NYT20000621.0047 -1 Albert Einstein 87.6 NYT19981109.0022 -1 The latest news about all this strangeness comes from two teams 87.6 XIE19980730.0228 -1 The Cultural Committee of the Italian Senate approved Wednesday the plan 87.6 XIE19980730.0228 -1 Italian Nobel 87.6 NYT20000907.0042 -1 Institute of Nuclear Studies 87.6 NYT20000621.0050 3 Fm 87.6 NYT20000621.0047 3 fermium 87.6 NYT20000925.0225 -1 N.Y. 87.6 NYT19991020.0493 -1 Italian 87.6 NYT19980604.0389 -1 American 87.6 NYT20000621.0050 -1 Albert Einstein 87.6 NYT19980605.0006 -1 Italian American scientist Enrico Fermi 87.6 NYT20000623.0214 2 fermium 87.6 NYT20000623.0214 -1 wikimedia 87.6 NYT20000623.0214 2 Fermium 87.6 NYT20000621.0047 3 fermium (symbol Fm, atomic number 100) 87.6 XIE19990531.0119 -1 is visual element 87.6 NYT19990616.0385 -1 the names 87.6 NYT19980605.0006 -1 its name 87.6 XIE19960116.0244 -1 Italy 87.6 NYT19980605.0006 -1 Italian-American 87.6 NYT20000621.0050 -1 three 87.6 NYT19980605.0006 -1 puzzling neutrino 87.6 NYT19990408.0058 -1 teaching assistant to nuclear physics pioneer 87.6 NYT20000515.0399 -1 Italian Nobel prize-winning physicist 87.6 NYT19991101.0146 -1 Latin 87.6 NYT19990226.0375 -1 Award 87.7 NYT19990122.0145 -1 Milky Way 87.7 APW19990310.0274 -1 doctoral 87.7 XIE20000616.0070 -1 FRANCE 87.7 XIE19990127.0293 -1 GERMANY 87.7 NYT19991115.0196 1 ITALY 87.7 NYT19991022.0361 -1 Oppenheimer 87.7 XIE19980730.0228 1 Italy 87.7 NYT19981009.0232 -1 America 87.7 XIE19990326.0004 2 Italy 87.7 NYT19991115.0196 1 Italy 87.7 NYT19991115.0196 -1 Physics 87.7 NYT19990110.0080 -1 U.S. 87.7 XIE19980817.0053 -1 Chicago 87.7 NYT19981109.0022 -1 University of Chicago ' s Enrico Fermi Institute 87.7 APW20000117.0227 -1 world 87.7 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Northeast 87.7 APW20000117.0227 -1 World 87.7 NYT19980604.0389 3 Italian 87.7 XIE19980817.0081 -1 U.S. 87.7 NYT19990809.0213 -1 Trinity 87.7 XIE19960116.0244 2 Italy 87.7 NYT19980611.0320 2 Italy 87.7 NYT20000925.0225 -1 Yonkers 87.7 APW19990310.0353 -1 U.S 87.7 NYT19990122.0145 -1 Nobel Prize 87.7 NYT20000907.0042 -1 Enrico Fermi 88.1 APW19990909.0105 -1 Boston 88.1 APW19991004.0163 -1 UPS Web site 88.1 APW19990113.0116 1 ATLANTA 88.1 NYT19990721.0376 3 Georgia 88.1 NYT19991115.0218 1 Atlanta , GA 88.1 XIE19970822.0321 1 Atlanta 88.1 NYT19981202.0298 2 ATLANTA 88.1 XIE19970820.0238 -1 Teamsters 88.1 NYT20000227.0074 -1 We 88.1 APW19990909.0105 3 Atlanta-based 88.1 APW19990113.0116 1 Atlanta 88.1 NYT19990722.0235 1 ATLANTA 88.1 NYT19990721.0376 1 Atlanta 88.1 APW19990114.0245 1 Atlanta 88.1 XIE20000208.0044 -1 U.S. 88.1 XIE19990224.0096 -1 Shanghai 88.1 NYT19981202.0298 2 Atlanta 88.1 NYT19980731.0264 2 Atlanta 88.1 APW19990811.0110 1 in Atlanta 88.1 NYT20000405.0192 -1 MyWeb of San Francisco 88.1 NYT20000725.0180 -1 inc 88.1 XIE19990224.0096 -1 Originally 88.1 NYT20000725.0180 -1 Inc 88.1 NYT19990407.0411 3 Georgia 88.1 NYT19991227.0255 1 Atlanta 88.1 NYT19991109.0395 -1 target 88.1 APW19980609.0883 -1 Ind Prod 88.1 NYT20000919.0181 3 continue talking conference Atlanta 88.1 XIE19970820.0238 1 Atlanta 88.1 NYT19991110.0443 -1 Home 88.1 NYT19991109.0225 2 ATLANTA 88.2 XIE19970812.0202 -1 David Murray 88.2 NYT19981202.0298 -1 ATLANTA 88.2 XIE19970804.0070 -1 TEAMSTERS 88.2 APW19990909.0105 -1 ESKEW 88.2 APW19990909.0105 -1 Eskew 88.2 APW19990909.0105 -1 Chairman 88.2 XIE20000225.0256 1 Jim Kelly 88.2 XIE19960530.0077 -1 United Parcel Service 88.2 NYT20000224.0118 1 Jim Kelly 88.2 APW19990622.0134 -1 Vaughn Murphy 88.2 NYT19980729.0421 -1 Motors 88.2 NYT19991109.0395 1 Jim Kelly 88.2 NYT19991110.0299 -1 / 88.2 NYT19990427.0243 1 Jim Kelly 88.2 XIE19990224.0096 -1 mike eskew 88.2 XIE19990224.0096 -1 Lockheed Martin 88.2 APW19991007.0193 -1 Ray Thurston 88.2 XIE20000225.0256 -1 Hall 88.2 NYT19981123.0399 -1 Teamsters 88.2 NYT19990208.0276 -1 Susan Rosenberg 88.2 XIE20000225.0256 -1 Town Hall Los Angeles 88.2 XIE20000225.0256 -1 United Parcel Service 88.2 NYT19980819.0303 -1 George Pullman 88.2 NYT19991109.0395 -1 company 88.3 NYT19991115.0218 -1 100 88.3 APW19991025.0266 -1 1 88.3 XIE19970804.0070 -1 STRIKE 88.3 NYT20000131.0468 1 1999 88.3 APW19980612.1151 -1 initial 88.3 APW19991025.0266 2 1999 88.3 APW20000420.0182 -1 A day 88.3 XIE20000223.0243 -1 Tuesday 88.3 XIE19990120.0079 -1 Sinotrans in 1988 88.3 NYT19991227.0255 -1 1980s 88.3 NYT19991109.0395 -1 1992 88.3 NYT19991031.0190 -1 1982 88.3 NYT19990722.0328 -1 July 22, 1997 88.3 NYT19991110.0299 -1 1995 88.3 NYT19991020.0259 -1 1997 88.3 APW19991025.0018 -1 July 88.3 APW19991021.0251 2 November 1999 88.3 XIE20000223.0243 -1 April 2001 88.3 XIE19990224.0096 -1 1998 88.3 NYT19980722.0367 2 1999 88.3 NYT19991109.0395 -1 1995 88.3 XIE19990224.0096 -1 2003 88.3 XIE19990224.0096 -1 1997 88.3 NYT19990721.0376 -1 1998 88.3 XIE19991106.0013 -1 1996 88.3 XIE19970820.0012 -1 today 88.3 NYT19990816.0365 2 1999 88.3 APW19991025.0266 -1 July 88.3 APW19991025.0018 -1 today 88.3 NYT19991115.0218 1 1999 88.3 APW19990721.0177 -1 Nov 18 1999 88.3 APW19990721.0177 -1 1907 88.3 APW20000131.0138 -1 2000 88.3 APW19991025.0266 -1 today 88.5 APW20000331.0101 -1 Norman Black 88.5 NYT19990326.0154 -1 billion 88.5 NYT20000202.0208 -1 DELIVERY 88.5 NYT19991110.0208 2 BROWN 88.5 NYT19991115.0218 -1 Truck 88.5 NYT19980819.0303 1 brown 88.5 XIE19960531.0183 -1 UPS 88.5 NYT20000715.0099 -1 Pyne 88.5 NYT19980819.0303 1 Pullman brown 88.5 XIE19960530.0077 -1 United Parcel Service 88.5 NYT19991110.0208 2 brown 88.5 APW19991007.0283 1 brown 88.5 NYT20000411.0142 2 brown 88.5 NYT19990427.0294 -1 Murphy 88.5 NYT19980819.0155 1 brown 88.5 NYT19980819.0155 3 chocolate 88.5 APW19990104.0060 -1 black 88.5 NYT19980819.0303 3 chocolate 88.5 NYT19980820.0044 1 brown 88.5 NYT20000222.0422 -1 venture capital firm 88.5 NYT19981103.0157 -1 down 88.5 XIE19990224.0096 -1 pick ups 88.5 NYT20000725.0180 -1 created 88.5 NYT20000725.0180 -1 use 88.5 APW19990723.0041 2 brown 88.5 APW20000207.0091 -1 Ventures 88.5 NYT19981202.0290 -1 UPS-PALMPILOT 88.5 NYT19981123.0399 -1 Teamsters 88.5 NYT19980819.0303 -1 instinct 88.5 NYT19980819.0155 1 chocolate brown 88.5 APW19981207.1798 -1 green 88.5 NYT19990128.0229 -1 Car 88.5 APW19991006.0261 -1 ground 88.6 APW20000331.0101 -1 1997 88.6 XIE19970812.0202 -1 eight 88.6 NYT19990810.0361 -1 $65 88.6 NYT19991118.0562 -1 14 88.6 NYT20000202.0208 -1 $6 88.6 NYT19990810.0361 -1 1999 88.6 NYT19990810.0361 -1 million 88.6 NYT19981208.0371 -1 half 88.6 NYT19991118.0562 -1 $100 88.6 NYT19991118.0562 -1 customers $99.8 million 88.6 XIE19990505.0264 -1 to improve UPS 's own computer system available 88.6 XIE19970819.0215 -1 separate benefit fund for UPS workers 88.6 XIE19980902.0013 -1 1.7 million dollars 88.6 NYT19990810.0361 -1 25 cents 88.6 NYT19991118.0562 -1 $99.8 million 88.6 NYT19990816.0365 -1 the tax years 1983 88.6 NYT20000715.0110 -1 U.S. Postal Service 88.6 NYT19991118.0562 -1 Tax Court 88.6 NYT20000121.0360 -1 5 million 88.6 XIE19990224.0096 -1 health 88.6 APW20000320.0091 -1 75 88.6 NYT19990816.0094 -1 1984 88.6 NYT19981124.0236 -1 1 88.6 NYT19991118.0562 -1 $ 100 88.6 NYT19990810.0361 -1 100 88.6 NYT19980731.0262 -1 Teamsters again took up their posts outside the gates of company distribution hubs Friday 88.6 NYT20000703.0091 -1 uninterrupted power supply 88.6 NYT20000301.0347 -1 business 88.6 NYT19990810.0170 -1 million 89.1 NYT19980722.0143 -1 America 89.1 NYT19980907.0077 -1 Little League World Series 89.1 APW19990828.0104 -1 WORLD SERIES 89.1 APW20000826.0149 3 WILLIAMSPORT 89.1 NYT20000605.0436 -1 Texas 89.1 APW19990827.0129 -1 Waco , Texas 89.1 NYT19980905.0055 3 Williamsport , Pa . , with millions more watching on national television . 89.1 NYT19980828.0413 -1 Japan 89.1 NYT19991015.0236 -1 Series 89.1 NYT19991014.0062 1 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 89.1 NYT19990829.0101 -1 Series 89.1 APW19981209.1379 -1 Keene 89.1 APW19980825.1013 -1 Mexico 89.1 APW20000116.0145 -1 Missouri 89.1 NYT19980829.0240 -1 Molino, Fla. 89.1 NYT19990526.0175 3 Williamsport 89.1 NYT19980830.0162 3 Williamsport 89.1 NYT20000724.0116 1 Williamsport, Pa. 89.1 NYT20000819.0080 1 Pa. 89.1 NYT20000819.0058 1 Pa. 89.1 XIE19990702.0101 -1 Australia 89.1 APW19990827.0054 1 Williamsport, Pa 89.1 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Ga. 89.1 APW19980825.1013 3 WILLIAMSPORT 89.1 NYT19980830.0213 -1 Toms River 89.1 NYT20000819.0058 1 PA 89.1 APW20000826.0149 -1 series 89.1 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Bowl 89.1 APW20000826.0149 -1 Series 89.1 APW19981209.1379 3 Lamade Stadium 89.1 NYT19980829.0016 -1 Lakewood 89.1 NYT20000819.0058 3 Williamsport 89.1 APW19980820.1424 3 Williamsport 89.1 NYT19981008.0499 -1 Toms River 89.1 NYT19990526.0175 1 Williamsport, PA 89.1 NYT19980917.0238 -1 Oakland, CA 89.1 APW19990828.0047 -1 Dayton 89.1 NYT20000819.0058 1 Williamsport, Pa 89.1 APW20000826.0156 1 Pa. 89.1 NYT20000819.0058 -1 Panama 89.1 NYT19980828.0154 -1 Japan 89.1 XIE19970521.0090 -1 Series 89.1 NYT19990826.0162 1 Pa. 89.2 NYT19980622.0236 -1 four years 89.2 APW19990827.0129 -1 2 89.2 APW19981209.1379 -1 WILLIAMSPORT PENNSYLVANIA AP 89.2 APW20000826.0149 -1 WILLIAMSPORT 89.2 APW19980821.1373 -1 Williamsport 89.2 APW19990828.0104 -1 first 89.2 NYT19990526.0175 -1 the pride 89.2 NYT19980825.0295 -1 facilities 89.2 APW19990302.0310 -1 official 89.2 APW19990628.0003 -1 Cleveland team 89.2 NYT20000215.0033 -1 It Safe 89.2 NYT19990201.0536 -1 East Side 89.2 NYT19990327.0286 -1 empty field 89.2 NYT20000722.0235 -1 last strand of a tattered dream 89.2 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Little League headquarters 89.2 NYT19980601.0357 -1 Braves 89.2 NYT19990825.0445 -1 Toms River 89.2 NYT19990328.0217 -1 Roger Dean Stadium 89.2 NYT19990904.0165 -1 Latin American 89.2 APW20000819.0115 -1 Kalamazoo 89.2 APW19980825.1013 -1 Williamsport 89.2 NYT19980602.0025 -1 the first 89.2 NYT19990711.0027 -1 Yankees 89.2 APW19990827.0129 -1 grab 89.2 NYT19990526.0175 -1 baseball world 89.2 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Information 89.2 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Baseball World 89.2 NYT19980715.0269 -1 Anderson Street 89.2 APW19990827.0188 -1 Series 89.2 APW19980820.1424 -1 Williamsport 89.2 APW19980823.0285 -1 Series 89.2 NYT19990825.0445 -1 Chris Cardone 89.2 NYT19980925.0284 -1 Al 89.2 NYT20000819.0025 -1 boys 89.2 APW19990824.0066 -1 All-Century 89.2 APW19990901.0014 -1 team 89.2 NYT19990228.0086 -1 Yankees 89.2 NYT19991011.0275 -1 Baseball 89.2 NYT20000724.0116 -1 Williamsport 89.4 APW20000826.0149 -1 1987 89.4 NYT19980907.0077 -1 Little League World Series 89.4 APW20000826.0149 -1 WILLIAMSPORT 89.4 NYT19990526.0175 -1 100 89.4 APW19990827.0129 -1 million 89.4 APW19981209.1379 -1 two 89.4 NYT19980825.0295 -1 3 89.4 NYT20000819.0058 -1 10 89.4 NYT19980825.0295 -1 two girls 89.4 NYT19990526.0175 -1 two 89.4 NYT20000819.0025 -1 1974 89.4 NYT20000608.0370 -1 1974 89.4 NYT19980909.0012 -1 1,905 89.4 NYT19990526.0175 -1 10 89.4 APW19990827.0129 -1 5 million 89.4 NYT19980601.0357 -1 two 89.4 NYT19991103.0498 -1 12 89.4 NYT19980907.0077 -1 Eight 89.4 APW19980829.0722 -1 12 89.4 APW19990925.0108 -1 three 89.4 NYT19980602.0025 -1 11 89.4 APW19990707.0107 -1 1000 leagues nationwide 89.4 APW20000827.0067 -1 16 89.4 NYT19990526.0175 -1 1997 89.4 APW20000819.0115 -1 1974 89.4 APW19990829.0070 -1 the two finalists 89.4 NYT20000907.0409 -1 one 89.4 NYT19980601.0357 -1 1 89.4 NYT19980605.0213 -1 6 89.4 NYT19990825.0445 -1 2 89.4 NYT19990821.0141 -1 1,200 89.4 NYT19990907.0425 -1 39 89.4 XIE20000128.0154 -1 org 2004 Senior Softball 89.4 XIE19960515.0042 -1 President 89.5 APW19990828.0104 -1 30 89.5 NYT20000819.0058 -1 or 89.5 NYT20000709.0047 -1 1962 89.5 APW19990828.0104 1 1947 89.5 NYT19980907.0077 -1 game 89.5 APW19981209.1379 2 1947 89.5 NYT19990822.0195 -1 1976 89.5 APW19990828.0047 1 1947 89.5 NYT20000106.0345 -1 1996 89.5 APW19990402.0102 -1 1996 89.5 NYT19981230.0186 -1 1993 89.5 NYT19990526.0175 -1 1994 89.5 NYT20000819.0025 -1 1974 89.5 NYT19980907.0077 -1 1962 89.5 APW19981030.1094 -1 1997 89.5 NYT20000819.0025 -1 1984 89.5 NYT19980905.0055 -1 1962 89.5 NYT19990923.0390 -1 1998 89.5 NYT19981110.0268 2 1947 89.5 APW19990402.0176 -1 1998 89.5 APW20000826.0149 -1 in williamsport 89.5 APW19981209.1379 -1 2000 89.5 NYT20000819.0058 -1 Series 89.5 NYT19990403.0172 -1 1995 89.5 NYT20000819.0025 -1 Baseball 89.5 NYT20000608.0370 -1 1974 89.5 APW19980928.1276 -1 1980 89.5 NYT20000819.0025 -1 this year 89.5 NYT19990526.0175 -1 1999 89.5 NYT19981006.0486 -1 in the past 89.5 NYT19980826.0544 -1 annual 89.5 NYT19990822.0195 -1 Little League World Series 89.5 NYT19990526.0175 -1 100 89.5 APW20000821.0171 -1 0 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Stephen D . 89.6 APW19981209.1379 -1 Stephen D 89.6 APW19990827.0129 -1 MAJOR LEAGUE 89.6 APW20000827.0067 -1 INNOCENCE 89.6 NYT19990330.0184 -1 Major 89.6 APW19981209.1379 -1 Sports 89.6 APW20000827.0067 -1 Any time 89.6 NYT20000907.0245 -1 com 89.6 NYT19980730.0129 -1 major 89.6 NYT20000912.0290 -1 Web sites 89.6 NYT19990703.0167 -1 Miles Wolf, founder and commissioner of the Northern League, and president 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 and in cyberspace 89.6 APW19981209.1379 -1 a little 89.6 NYT20000912.0290 -1 The Uniform Resource Locator 89.6 NYT19980901.0119 -1 Major League Baseball 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 cyberspace 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 network 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 Stephen D. Keener 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 LITTLE LEAGUE 89.6 NYT19980902.0270 -1 Softball 89.6 NYT20000708.0199 -1 Matthew Freedman 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 -1 good 89.6 NYT20000819.0080 -1 James 89.6 NYT19990526.0175 1 www.littleleague.org 89.6 APW20000827.0067 -1 Baseball 89.6 NYT20000110.0147 -1 Writers 89.6 NYT19990825.0445 -1 Little League 89.6 NYT19980915.0403 -1 National 89.6 NYT20000623.0114 -1 Little League Baseball World Series 89.6 NYT19980930.0100 -1 CBS SportsLine 89.6 APW19990924.0010 -1 Web broadcasts 89.6 NYT19980928.0499 -1 CBS 89.6 APW19990825.0218 -1 to my 89.6 APW19991006.0167 -1 school 89.6 NYT20000907.0245 -1 major league 90.2 NYT19990714.0240 -1 Gomberg Fredrikson & Associates 90.2 APW19990322.0153 -1 upscale 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 $5 90.2 NYT19990326.0258 -1 25 90.2 NYT19980717.0030 -1 500 90.2 NYT19980926.0140 -1 6,000 90.2 NYT20000229.0248 -1 530 , 000 acres 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 one 90.2 NYT19991019.0209 -1 300 acres 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 18 acres 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 By now, there are more than 60 Virginia wineries, a startling 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 JEFFERSON GETS HIS WISH: AT LAST, A DECENT BOTTLE OF VIRGINIA 90.2 NYT20000513.0095 -1 a few thousand 90.2 APW19991010.0076 -1 about 9,000 additional acres 90.2 NYT20000201.0179 -1 8,000 acres 90.2 APW19991010.0076 -1 9,000 90.2 NYT19980926.0140 -1 286 acres 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 early 1990s 90.2 NYT19990114.0362 -1 Applewhite 90.2 NYT20000719.0131 -1 American 90.2 NYT19980831.0121 -1 67 million 90.2 APW19990809.0269 -1 six weeks 90.2 NYT20000201.0179 -1 8000 acres 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 wine 90.2 APW20000307.0195 -1 10 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Wine 90.2 NYT19980926.0140 1 1,500 acres 90.2 NYT19980915.0278 -1 7,000 90.2 APW19991010.0076 -1 8,000 90.2 NYT19991003.0512 -1 One 90.2 NYT20000103.0352 -1 44 90.2 NYT19981009.0491 -1 25 90.2 NYT19990323.0136 -1 35 90.2 NYT19990810.0149 -1 50 90.2 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Virginia 90.2 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Felicia Warburg Rogan ; Horton 90.2 NYT20000201.0179 -1 Vineyards 90.2 NYT19990521.0100 -1 drummer 90.2 NYT20000103.0273 -1 Virginia Tech coach 90.2 APW20000203.0189 -1 two 90.3 APW20000203.0189 -1 to 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 WINES 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 VIRGINIA WINES 90.3 APW20000203.0189 -1 Winery 90.3 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Meredyth 90.3 NYT19980926.0140 -1 American 90.3 NYT19990713.0375 -1 Winery 90.3 NYT19990714.0240 -1 premium wines 90.3 NYT20000203.0486 -1 California wines 90.3 APW20000203.0189 -1 commerce 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Paris 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 wine of dubious potability 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Felicia Warburg Rogan 90.3 NYT19990428.0214 -1 paired Virginia wines 90.3 NYT19990422.0255 -1 California 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Barboursville 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Charlottesville 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 early 1990s 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Virginia wineries 90.3 APW20000203.0189 -1 AP 90.3 NYT19980602.0165 -1 Italy 90.3 APW19981224.0124 -1 Italy 90.3 NYT19990714.0240 -1 Alex Bartholomaus of Billington Distributors 90.3 NYT19990925.0220 -1 country 90.3 NYT19990412.0459 -1 Year 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Va. 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Other vineyards 90.3 APW20000203.0189 -1 A Virginia vineyard 90.3 NYT19981229.0279 -1 Clemson 90.3 NYT20000104.0105 -1 Much 90.3 NYT20000301.0024 -1 Gilmore-Warner machine 90.3 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Virginia 90.3 NYT20000328.0071 -1 United States 90.3 NYT20000201.0388 -1 California 90.3 NYT19990714.0240 -1 Cellars 90.3 NYT19990603.0164 -1 Vintage 90.4 NYT19990114.0362 -1 most important wine 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 -1 WINES 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 1 JEFFERSON 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Wines 90.4 NYT19990114.0363 -1 American 90.4 NYT20000203.0486 -1 Virginia , and David Lucas 90.4 APW19990929.0148 -1 Bartlett 90.4 APW19990908.0172 -1 West 90.4 NYT20000404.0103 -1 Food 90.4 APW19990706.0221 -1 Food 90.4 NYT20000509.0097 -1 Q & AMP A & LR " Red wine gives me a nasty headache " 90.4 NYT19981006.0210 -1 the wine 90.4 APW19990528.0115 -1 Lucky Strike 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 -1 William C. Curtis 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Paschina 90.4 NYT19980926.0140 2 Jefferson 90.4 NYT19990603.0227 -1 audience 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Felicia Warburg Rogan 90.4 APW19990621.0117 -1 David Hummel 90.4 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Archie Smith 90.4 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Virginia wineries 90.4 XIE19991201.0116 -1 Chinese Wine Maker 90.4 NYT19991104.0145 2 Thomas Jefferson 90.4 NYT20000926.0206 -1 Preserve Consumer Access 90.4 NYT19980731.0439 -1 family companies 90.4 APW20000117.0245 -1 State 90.4 NYT19980731.0439 -1 Family Companies 90.4 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Barbara Payton 90.4 NYT19980616.0161 -1 St.-Emilion 90.4 APW19981027.0195 -1 Max Schubert 90.4 NYT19980717.0030 -1 Antony Champ 90.4 NYT19981120.0357 -1 James Gilmore 90.4 NYT19980602.0165 -1 Ridge Vineyards 90.4 APW20000203.0189 -1 Virginia 90.4 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Archie M. Smith Jr 90.4 NYT20000104.0105 -1 Guide 90.4 NYT19990210.0130 -1 Groot Constantia 90.6 NYT19990114.0362 -1 in 90.6 NYT20000412.0102 -1 SINGLETON 90.6 NYT19980926.0140 -1 HE BECAME 90.6 NYT19990723.0318 -1 University 90.6 NYT20000912.0219 -1 West 90.6 NYT19990302.0141 -1 buyers 90.6 NYT20000314.0099 -1 Torres 90.6 NYT19981203.0344 -1 Articles 90.6 NYT19990326.0432 -1 Articles 90.6 NYT20000229.0370 -1 Barry E. A. Johnson 90.6 APW19990127.0078 -1 Nicholas D. Chabraja 90.6 NYT20000912.0219 -1 William 90.6 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Jefferson 90.6 NYT20000912.0219 -1 Chinon 90.6 NYT20000412.0102 -1 Henry E. Singleton 90.6 NYT19990126.0266 -1 Linda Chavez 90.6 APW19990823.0058 -1 ROY 90.6 NYT19980716.0487 1 Antony Champ 90.6 NYT19991012.0177 -1 Boscaini 90.6 NYT20000912.0219 -1 William C. Curtis 90.6 NYT20000912.0219 -1 JEFFERSON 90.6 APW20000901.0110 -1 White House Chief 90.6 NYT19990714.0240 -1 Alex Bartholomaus of Billington Distributors 90.6 NYT19990419.0327 -1 california 90.6 NYT19990412.0459 -1 left 90.6 NYT19990419.0327 -1 California 90.6 NYT19980926.0140 -1 M. Smith Jr. 90.6 APW19990629.0235 -1 Christos Lambouris 90.6 NYT19990126.0266 -1 Reagan 90.6 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Barbara Payton 90.6 NYT19990126.0266 -1 Opportunity 90.6 NYT19981120.0357 -1 James Gilmore 90.6 NYT20000913.0439 -1 EVineyard 90.6 NYT19990304.0245 -1 VIRGINIA 90.6 NYT19980926.0140 -1 Archie M. Smith Jr 90.6 NYT19990729.0280 -1 Beer 90.6 APW19990322.0148 -1 juror 91.1 NYT19991102.0395 -1 David Lazarus 91.1 NYT19980826.0082 -1 s Friends 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 -1 IDG 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 -1 THE CLIFFS 91.1 NYT19980826.0085 -1 CliffsNotes 91.1 NYT19980826.0093 -1 CliffsNotes 91.1 NYT19991102.0395 -1 IDG 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 -1 Classics 91.1 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Richard Wasowski 91.1 NYT19990414.0268 -1 Woods 91.1 NYT19990824.0155 3 Cliff 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 1 Cliff Hillegass 91.1 NYT19991109.0074 -1 Coppedge 91.1 NYT19990824.0155 -1 study guides 91.1 NYT19981209.0412 -1 Dummies 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 -1 bantam doubleday 91.1 NYT19990527.0225 -1 link 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 -1 Bantam Doubleday 91.1 NYT20000904.0207 -1 Cliffs Notes 91.1 NYT19990824.0083 -1 MELISSA FLETCHER STOETJE 91.1 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Cliffs Notes 91.1 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Greg Tubach 91.1 NYT19991112.0141 -1 Bond 91.1 NYT19990824.0154 3 Cliff 91.1 NYT19990824.0155 1 Cliff Hillegass 91.1 NYT19981005.0058 -1 Penguin Classics 91.1 NYT19980826.0086 -1 Lincoln 91.2 NYT20000825.0253 -1 Ruth . 91.2 NYT19980826.0082 -1 of a ' suggestion 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 CLIFF 91.2 APW20000628.0072 -1 SHELLEY 91.2 NYT19990824.0154 -1 Book 91.2 NYT19990824.0154 -1 Books 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 IDG 91.2 NYT19990527.0225 -1 Atlas Shrugged 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 John Galt 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Study Guides 91.2 APW19990818.0009 -1 Hillary Rodham 91.2 NYT19990203.0234 -1 Roy Hazelwood 91.2 NYT19980826.0093 -1 study 91.2 NYT19990216.0369 -1 IDG 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Covolik 91.2 NYT19980826.0082 -1 Cliff Hillegass 91.2 NYT20000721.0156 -1 Kevin Sullivan 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Cliffs 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Tubach 91.2 NYT19990824.0154 -1 SIDEBAR 91.2 NYT19980714.0190 -1 Zora Neale Hurston 91.2 NYT20000117.0256 -1 49 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 public library 91.2 NYT19990824.0154 -1 World 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Public Library 91.2 NYT20000117.0256 -1 works 91.2 NYT19990824.0083 -1 MELISSA FLETCHER STOETJE 91.2 NYT19990216.0369 -1 classic works 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Greg Tubach 91.2 NYT19980630.0313 -1 suitable 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Cliff 91.2 NYT19990824.0155 1 William Shakespeare 91.2 NYT19990824.0154 -1 Cliff Hillegass 91.2 NYT19980826.0086 -1 Lincoln 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Tubach 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 -1 Foster City company 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 3 IDG 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 -1 DUMMIES 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 THE COMPANY 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Inc 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 ve 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 -1 Dummies 91.4 APW20000413.0284 -1 Sumitomo Corp 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 3 IDG Books Worldwide, the Foster City company 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 3 IDG 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Hillegass 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 -1 AOL 91.4 NYT19990824.0154 1 IDG Books Worldwide 91.4 NYT19991102.0394 1 IDG Books 91.4 NYT19990824.0083 -1 Lincoln, Neb. 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 1 IDG Books Worldwide 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 study guides 91.4 NYT19990824.0154 -1 Cliff Hillegass 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 inc 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Competitors 91.4 NYT19991103.0040 -1 Dummies 91.4 NYT19991102.0395 -1 Foster City 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 PLUNGE FIND 91.4 NYT19990824.0154 1 IDG Books 91.4 NYT19990824.0155 -1 CLIFFS 91.4 NYT19980826.0093 -1 BC-HILLEGASS27-COX 91.4 NYT19980826.0082 -1 Guide 91.4 NYT19990325.0042 -1 NBA 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 112 91.5 NYT19980826.0082 -1 million 91.5 NYT19980826.0082 3 5 91.5 XIE20000303.0046 -1 100000 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 2000 91.5 XIE19960621.0197 -1 hundred thousand 91.5 NYT19980828.0164 3 million 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 1, 000 extra copies 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 1 91.5 NYT20000731.0404 -1 10000 91.5 NYT19991025.0265 -1 100,000 91.5 NYT19990216.0369 -1 4.95 91.5 NYT19980826.0086 -1 129,000 91.5 NYT19980826.0082 1 5 million 91.5 NYT19980828.0164 1 5 million 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 280 91.5 NYT19980826.0082 -1 No. 1 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 254 titles 91.5 NYT19990216.0369 -1 4.95 Cliffs Notes titles 91.5 NYT19990824.0155 -1 over 91.5 NYT19990824.0154 -1 12 91.5 NYT19990824.0154 -1 100 91.5 NYT19980826.0082 1 5 million copies 91.5 NYT19980824.0209 -1 2.7 million 91.5 NYT19980826.0093 -1 81 91.5 NYT19980826.0082 -1 40 91.5 NYT19980828.0164 -1 32,000 copies 91.6 NYT19980826.0086 -1 81 , 91.6 NYT19991102.0395 -1 more extensive tomes 91.6 APW19990617.0276 -1 THE CLIFFS 91.6 NYT19991102.0395 -1 50% 91.6 NYT19990824.0154 -1 1 91.6 NYT19991102.0395 -1 16 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 A. Washington 91.6 NYT20000708.0129 -1 one 91.6 NYT20000411.0046 -1 CliffsNotes 91.6 NYT19991102.0395 -1 Health Insurance 91.6 NYT19990329.0256 -1 70 percent 91.6 NYT19990824.0154 -1 some say students 91.6 NYT20000911.0274 -1 9.7 percent 91.6 NYT19990715.0155 -1 13 percent 91.6 XIE20000810.0168 -1 70 percent 91.6 NYT19980826.0085 -1 Julius Caesar 91.6 NYT19991030.0263 -1 54 percent 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 112 91.6 NYT19991109.0074 -1 24 hours 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 10 years 91.6 NYT19990824.0154 -1 students 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 version 91.6 NYT19990824.0083 -1 5 percent 91.6 APW20000713.0068 -1 23 percent 91.6 NYT19990216.0369 -1 IDG 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 half 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Greg Tubach 91.6 NYT19980826.0082 -1 5 91.6 APW19990617.0276 -1 Charles 91.6 APW19990510.0214 -1 public survey suggests 91.6 NYT19980826.0082 -1 40 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 Dec., 1998 91.6 NYT19990824.0155 -1 now 91.6 NYT19980826.0085 -1 10 92.1 NYT19990407.0301 -1 30 years 92.1 APW19990710.0112 -1 Palmer 92.1 APW19990403.0087 -1 1960 92.1 NYT19990819.0374 -1 6 92.1 NYT19990407.0536 2 FOUR 92.1 NYT19990407.0301 2 four times 92.1 NYT20000604.0089 1 four 92.1 APW19990114.0119 -1 five-time defending champion Raymond Floyd 92.1 APW19990507.0058 2 four times 92.1 APW19990406.0204 1 four 92.1 APW19990910.0150 -1 seven 92.1 XIE19970320.0206 -1 " 92.1 NYT19990712.0313 -1 three 92.1 APW19980621.0996 -1 three 92.1 APW19990413.0232 1 four-time 92.1 NYT19990408.0114 2 four 92.1 NYT19980813.0034 2 four 92.1 NYT19990429.0253 1 four 92.1 NYT19990123.0266 -1 five 92.1 APW19990225.0083 -1 45 92.1 APW19990413.0232 1 four - time 92.1 NYT19990429.0253 -1 1958 92.1 NYT19990125.0476 -1 1960 92.1 NYT19980606.0013 2 four 92.1 NYT19980615.0244 2 four 92.1 APW19990403.0090 -1 two holes 92.1 NYT20000604.0089 -1 two daughters 92.1 APW19990910.0150 -1 10 92.1 XIE19970320.0206 1 four 92.1 APW20000416.0089 -1 10 92.1 APW19990802.0256 2 four 92.1 NYT19980622.0028 -1 1987 92.1 NYT19981022.0062 -1 69 92.1 NYT19990408.0392 -1 83 92.1 NYT19990806.0340 -1 18 92.1 NYT19991122.0417 -1 Golf 2004 years 92.1 NYT20000406.0197 -1 13 92.2 APW19990910.0150 -1 seven 92.2 NYT20000719.0417 -1 3 92.2 APW19990126.0368 -1 1960 92.2 APW19980710.1111 -1 THREE 92.2 NYT19980624.0306 -1 1962 92.2 APW19980610.0563 -1 four 92.2 APW19990114.0119 -1 five-time defending champion Raymond Floyd 92.2 NYT19990712.0313 -1 three times 92.2 NYT19980725.0012 -1 276 92.2 NYT20000723.0091 -1 Masters four times 92.2 APW19980617.1280 -1 three times 92.2 APW19990406.0204 -1 four 92.2 XIE19970320.0206 -1 " 92.2 NYT19990712.0313 -1 three 92.2 APW19980621.0996 -1 three 92.2 NYT19980614.0182 -1 1 92.2 NYT19980715.0014 2 two 92.2 NYT20000719.0417 -1 one 92.2 NYT19990712.0313 1 two 92.2 APW19990910.0150 1 two 92.2 XIE19970320.0206 1 two 92.2 APW19990710.0112 -1 92 92.2 NYT19990125.0476 -1 1960 92.2 NYT19980612.0119 -1 five 92.2 NYT19980708.0490 -1 1962 92.2 NYT19991126.0228 -1 59 92.2 APW19990910.0150 -1 10 92.2 APW19990910.0150 -1 15 92.2 APW19990910.0150 -1 three 92.2 NYT20000719.0476 -1 three 92.2 NYT19981022.0062 -1 69 92.2 NYT20000719.0417 -1 18 92.2 NYT19990217.0328 -1 Factbites 1929 American golfer Masters championship 92.2 NYT20000719.0417 -1 36 92.5 APW19990528.0177 -1 Eastwood 92.5 APW19980621.1059 -1 three 92.5 APW19990210.0175 -1 GOLF 92.5 NYT19990125.0476 -1 HISTORY 92.5 APW19980621.1059 -1 OPEN 92.5 NYT20000604.0089 -1 GOLF 92.5 NYT19980723.0033 2 PGA 92.5 NYT20000406.0518 -1 the PGA Tour and the major championships 92.5 NYT19990429.0253 -1 golf 92.5 NYT19980723.0040 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.5 APW19990210.0175 -1 Open golf 92.5 NYT19980626.0384 -1 Even Tom Wargo, one of his playing partners, was paying homage 92.5 APW19990910.0150 -1 Arnold Palmer Marks 70th Birthday LATROBE, Pa. (AP) -- If Arnie's 92.5 NYT19990429.0253 -1 NONE 92.5 APW20000716.0064 -1 Senior Players Championship 92.5 XIE19970320.0206 -1 four Masters titles, two British Opens 92.5 NYT20000718.0303 -1 Tom Watson 92.5 NYT19980614.0019 -1 Tom Watson 92.5 NYT20000816.0472 1 PGA Championship 92.5 NYT20000406.0518 -1 PGA Tour 92.5 NYT20000718.0303 1 PGA Championship 92.5 NYT19980809.0194 -1 Palmer 92.5 NYT19990819.0374 -1 Cleveland 92.5 NYT19990119.0459 2 pga 92.5 NYT19990324.0459 -1 Golf 92.5 NYT19990119.0459 2 PGA 92.5 APW19990910.0150 1 PGA Championship 92.5 NYT20000816.0472 -1 just one 92.5 APW19990525.0277 -1 six major championship 92.5 APW19990525.0277 -1 six major championship 92.5 NYT19981202.0513 -1 Hawaii 92.5 APW19990414.0357 -1 Palm Beach Gardens, Fla 92.5 APW19990910.0150 -1 Senior PGA 92.5 APW19990910.0150 -1 Masters 92.5 APW19990823.0093 -1 tournament founder 92.5 NYT20000816.0048 -1 Triple Crown 92.6 APW19990910.0150 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.6 NYT19991003.0502 -1 winters 92.6 NYT19991122.0410 -1 HIS WIFE 92.6 APW19990721.0116 -1 RIPLEY 92.6 APW19990512.0169 -1 palmer â s 92.6 NYT20000604.0089 -1 allintitle 92.6 APW19990908.0280 -1 The new tournament 92.6 NYT20000218.0014 -1 Louise 92.6 NYT19990429.0253 -1 Golfer's Life 92.6 APW19990513.0242 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.6 APW19980721.0263 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.6 APW19990910.0150 -1 the 945-acre Westmoreland County Airport as three Pennsylvania Air National Guard A-10 Warthogs flew 92.6 NYT19980601.0142 -1 IS Everyman 92.6 NYT19991208.0051 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.6 NYT19991122.0410 1 Winnie 92.6 APW19980610.0563 -1 Deacon 92.6 NYT19991208.0049 1 Winnie 92.6 APW19981029.1325 1 Winnie 92.6 NYT19990502.0167 -1 Masters 92.6 APW19981029.1325 -1 PGA Tour 92.6 NYT20000804.0204 -1 Maria Shriver 92.6 NYT19990618.0187 -1 day 92.6 NYT19990618.0187 -1 Palmer 92.6 NYT20000604.0089 1 Winifred 92.6 NYT19990923.0454 -1 Ben 92.6 NYT19990419.0063 -1 his name 92.6 NYT19990708.0130 -1 Gary Player 92.6 NYT19990523.0256 -1 his name 92.6 NYT19981224.0344 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.6 APW19991026.0199 -1 agents 92.6 APW19990414.0357 -1 Palm Beach Gardens, Fla 92.6 APW19990930.0298 -1 Arnold Palmer 92.6 APW19990114.0026 -1 Jack Nicklaus 92.6 APW19991022.0071 -1 His Driver 92.6 APW19981029.1325 -1 PGA 92.6 XIE19980110.0193 -1 Trophy 93.1 APW20000909.0011 -1 Bush 93.1 NYT20000914.0351 -1 we 93.1 NYT20000914.0351 -1 KERWIN 93.1 APW20000916.0138 1 JIM LEHRER 93.1 NYT20000907.0004 -1 Vice President Al 93.1 NYT20000924.0075 1 Jim Lehrer 93.1 NYT20000109.0109 -1 Bradley 93.1 APW20000916.0135 1 Jim Lehrer 93.1 APW20000123.0090 -1 Republican George 93.1 NYT20000914.0351 -1 a wholesale retreat by the Bush campaign 93.1 NYT20000914.0351 -1 Annemarie Lewis 93.1 NYT20000906.0411 -1 George W. Bush 93.1 NYT20000313.0354 -1 Bush 93.1 NYT20000928.0265 1 Jim Lehrer 93.1 APW20000930.0161 -1 Al Gore 93.1 NYT20000914.0351 -1 Annemarie Lewis-Kerwin 93.1 NYT20000914.0366 -1 Annemarie Lewis-Kerwin 93.1 XIE20000904.0278 -1 Al Gore 93.1 APW20000916.0132 1 Jim Lehrer 93.1 NYT20000904.0001 -1 Tim 93.1 NYT20000906.0206 -1 Larry King 93.1 XIE20000904.0278 -1 William Daley 93.1 XIE19961017.0216 1 Jim Lehrer 93.1 XIE20000914.0019 -1 Presidential Debates 93.1 APW20000316.0051 -1 iron clad 93.1 APW20000316.0051 -1 Iron clad 93.1 NYT20000928.0337 1 Jim Lehrer 93.1 NYT20000527.0185 -1 GOP 93.1 XIE20000116.0141 -1 debate 93.1 NYT19991022.0329 -1 DURHAM, N.H. 93.1 APW20000919.0284 -1 the Oct. 5 talk show-style debate 93.1 NYT19991209.0154 -1 Al Gore 93.1 NYT20000920.0441 -1 Oct 93.1 NYT20000817.0425 -1 Al Gore 93.1 NYT19980724.0445 -1 Hillary Clinton 93.1 NYT20000111.0236 -1 Sen. Bill Bradley 93.1 NYT20000924.0075 -1 Al Gore 93.1 XIE19961017.0216 -1 Al 93.2 NYT20000908.0271 -1 two 93.2 XIE20000909.0181 -1 TV 93.2 NYT20000929.0124 1 90 MINUTES 93.2 APW20000413.0202 -1 SCHEDULED FOR 93.2 XIE20000914.0019 -1 3 93.2 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 93.2 APW20000907.0026 3 three 90-minute prime-time debates 93.2 XIE20000904.0278 1 90 minute 93.2 NYT20000923.0190 -1 challenge on Oct 93.2 NYT20000914.0351 1 90 minutes 93.2 NYT20000914.0351 1 90-minute 93.2 NYT20000908.0408 -1 to commit all 93.2 NYT20000908.0408 -1 a central 93.2 NYT19990603.0179 -1 17 months 93.2 NYT20000914.0351 3 three 90-minute 93.2 NYT20000908.0271 3 three 90-minute 93.2 XIE20000914.0019 -1 two days 93.2 NYT20000914.0295 3 last 90 minutes 93.2 NYT20000914.0404 3 90 93.2 NYT20000908.0271 -1 one 93.2 NYT20000815.0375 -1 one 93.2 APW20000316.0051 -1 the bush gore debate 93.2 APW20000316.0051 -1 12 minutes 93.2 NYT20000914.0404 1 90 minutes 93.2 NYT20000908.0271 -1 three minute 93.2 NYT20000924.0142 -1 Republican 93.2 XIE20000904.0278 1 90-minute 93.2 APW20000904.0175 -1 Presidential 93.2 XIE19991020.0060 -1 January 24 93.2 XIE19991020.0060 -1 October 19 93.2 XIE19991020.0060 -1 the three debates 93.2 APW20000903.0130 -1 Oct. 17 93.2 NYT20000929.0155 3 90 93.3 NYT20000828.0426 -1 Reagan 93.3 NYT20000826.0023 -1 best 93.3 APW20000902.0070 2 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS 93.3 APW20000902.0070 -1 UNIVERSITY OF 93.3 NYT20000912.0363 -1 Al 93.3 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 93.3 NYT20000914.0347 -1 such a staunchly Democratic city 93.3 NYT20000928.0470 1 University of Massachusetts 93.3 NYT20000929.0155 -1 Wake Forest 93.3 APW20000916.0135 3 Massachusetts 93.3 NYT20000805.0250 -1 With the GOP convention over, Republican presidential candidate Gov. George W. 93.3 XIE20000904.0278 -1 U.S. Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush and his Democratic rival 93.3 NYT19981211.0382 -1 College Station 93.3 NYT19990323.0028 -1 Texas Governor George W. Bush 93.3 NYT20000928.0265 -1 St. Louis 93.3 NYT20000923.0190 -1 Oct. 93.3 NYT20000914.0344 -1 Boston 93.3 NYT20000914.0351 1 University of Massachusetts 93.3 NYT20000914.0366 1 University of Massachusetts 93.3 XIE20000904.0278 -1 NBC 93.3 NYT20000914.0366 1 University of Massachusetts in Boston 93.3 NYT20000912.0363 1 University of Massachusetts 93.3 NYT20000906.0176 -1 Brown University 93.3 NYT20000929.0155 -1 University 93.3 NYT19980615.0054 -1 George W 93.3 XIE20000904.0278 -1 Washington University 93.3 NYT20000303.0128 -1 bush gore debate 93.3 NYT20000303.0128 -1 Articles 93.3 NYT20000908.0400 1 University of Massachusetts 93.3 APW20000902.0070 -1 Presidential 93.3 NYT20000528.0069 -1 Academy 93.3 NYT20000817.0492 -1 Joe Lieberman 93.3 NYT20000929.0155 1 University of Massachusetts 93.3 NYT20000929.0155 -1 Gore 93.3 NYT20000912.0363 3 Massachusetts 93.3 XIE20000914.0019 -1 Al Gore 93.3 NYT20000914.0366 3 Massachusetts 93.3 NYT19991109.0324 -1 Wisconsin 93.3 XIE19961017.0216 -1 Presidential 93.3 NYT20000908.0400 3 Massachusetts 93.4 APW20000902.0070 -1 George Bush 93.4 NYT20000912.0363 -1 Bush 93.4 NYT20000904.0001 -1 COMMISSION 93.4 XIE20000108.0155 -1 C-SPAN 93.4 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 93.4 NYT20000906.0450 -1 networks Wednesday , asking 93.4 NYT20000909.0148 -1 com 93.4 APW20000921.0196 -1 radio 93.4 NYT20000923.0190 -1 Texas Gov. George 93.4 NYT20000923.0190 -1 Vice President Al 93.4 NYT20000805.0250 -1 With the GOP convention over, Republican presidential candidate Gov. George W. 93.4 XIE20000904.0278 -1 U.S. Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush and his Democratic rival 93.4 XIE20000830.0236 -1 prime-time sessions 93.4 NYT20000920.0059 -1 PBS 93.4 NYT20000923.0190 -1 three cable news networks _ CNN 93.4 NYT20000908.0271 2 NBC 93.4 NYT20000927.0032 1 NBC 93.4 NYT20000929.0124 -1 PBS 93.4 NYT20000923.0190 1 NBC 93.4 NYT20000906.0456 -1 Fox 93.4 NYT20000904.0028 -1 Sept. 12 93.4 NYT20000904.0028 -1 N.C. 93.4 NYT19980601.0502 -1 President 93.4 NYT20000914.0295 -1 President 93.4 NYT20000904.0001 2 NBC debate 93.4 APW20000316.0051 -1 the bush gore 93.4 APW20000316.0051 -1 Articles amp 93.4 NYT20000830.0362 2 NBC 93.4 NYT19991022.0329 -1 Republican 93.4 NYT20000907.0404 -1 Gore 93.4 NYT20000929.0124 -1 Bush 93.4 NYT20000929.0155 -1 EDt 93.4 NYT20000928.0265 -1 voters 93.4 NYT20000929.0156 -1 League Baseball playoff game 93.4 NYT20000929.0155 1 NBC 93.4 APW19991028.0186 -1 General Discussion accept browser cookie 93.4 NYT20000908.0173 -1 2004 93.5 NYT20000829.0262 -1 Boston 93.5 NYT20000906.0287 -1 state 93.5 NYT20000927.0203 -1 MASSACHUSETTS 93.5 NYT20000928.0237 1 FLORIDA 93.5 NYT20000907.0004 -1 vice president 93.5 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 93.5 NYT20000906.0041 -1 Massachusetts 93.5 NYT20000913.0448 -1 NEW YORK 93.5 NYT19991124.0162 -1 Texas 93.5 NYT20000927.0107 -1 Texas 93.5 NYT20000923.0190 -1 Texas 93.5 NYT20000928.0237 1 Florida 93.5 NYT19990323.0028 -1 California 93.5 NYT20000908.0340 -1 George W. Bush 93.5 NYT20000929.0155 -1 Texas 93.5 NYT19991025.0363 -1 Texas 93.5 APW20000930.0161 -1 Texas 93.5 APW20000930.0173 -1 Texas 93.5 XIE20000904.0278 -1 Texas 93.5 APW20000930.0196 -1 Texas 93.5 NYT20000125.0005 -1 Iowa 93.5 NYT20000125.0005 -1 IOWA 93.5 NYT20000928.0237 3 will return to Florida 93.5 NYT20000926.0353 -1 Republican nominee George W 93.5 NYT20000912.0363 -1 George W 93.5 APW20000316.0051 2 florida 93.5 APW20000316.0051 2 Florida 93.5 NYT20000928.0470 1 Florida 93.5 NYT20000926.0276 -1 Presidential 93.5 NYT20000913.0468 -1 Bush 93.5 NYT20000315.0317 2 Florida 93.5 NYT20000106.0333 -1 tendency 93.5 NYT19991207.0225 -1 Texas 93.5 NYT20000907.0004 -1 George W. Bush 93.5 NYT20000925.0420 -1 DC Washington 93.5 NYT20000223.0506 -1 2000 93.6 NYT20000817.0445 -1 one 93.6 NYT20000826.0022 -1 s 93.6 NYT20000929.0070 -1 1960 93.6 APW20000903.0068 2 OCTOBER 3 93.6 NYT20000908.0291 -1 eLECTION 2000 93.6 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 93.6 APW20000822.0202 -1 debate , citizen Marisa Hall 93.6 NYT20000920.0243 -1 today 93.6 NYT19991028.0115 -1 1992 93.6 NYT20000914.0351 -1 1996 93.6 NYT20000612.1162 1 Oct. 3 93.6 NYT20000923.0190 -1 Oct. 5 93.6 NYT20000926.0276 -1 1988 93.6 XIE20000914.0019 1 October 3 93.6 NYT20000926.0276 1 Oct. 3 93.6 NYT20000928.0265 -1 1960 93.6 NYT20000914.0366 -1 1988 93.6 XIE19980913.0039 2 October 3 93.6 NYT20000904.0001 -1 Sept 93.6 NYT20000303.0128 -1 the bush 93.6 NYT20000303.0128 -1 Reagan according 93.6 NYT20000817.0445 1 Oct. 3 93.6 XIE20000116.0141 -1 Saturday 93.6 NYT20000612.1162 1 Oct. 3 2000 93.6 APW20000616.0029 -1 2000 93.6 NYT20000923.0190 -1 Oct. 11 93.6 NYT20000929.0155 -1 Tuesday 93.6 APW19991009.0016 -1 2000 93.6 NYT19990807.0015 -1 Oct., 1999 93.6 NYT19981230.0425 -1 July 1 93.6 XIE20000115.0208 -1 Saturday 93.6 NYT19991210.0180 -1 2 94.1 APW19990324.0101 -1 Clinton 94.1 APW19990312.0044 -1 0 94.1 APW19990317.0122 -1 MRS. MCDOUGAL 94.1 XIE19980515.0034 -1 Clinton 94.1 APW19990322.0148 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990330.0193 -1 James McDougal 94.1 APW19990319.0120 -1 Clinton 94.1 APW19990308.0056 -1 Rodham Clinton 94.1 APW19990308.0056 -1 Hillary Rodham Clinton 94.1 APW19990308.0076 -1 the Clintons 94.1 APW19990613.0011 -1 Mrs. McDougal 94.1 APW19990613.0011 -1 Starr 94.1 NYT19990612.0105 -1 Clinton 94.1 APW19990323.0090 -1 President Clinton 94.1 APW19990319.0120 -1 Starr 94.1 NYT19990323.0283 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990501.0004 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990315.0180 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990501.0004 -1 Mrs. McDougal 94.1 APW19990501.0004 -1 Susan McDougal 94.1 APW19990429.0006 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990408.0183 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 NYT19990413.0290 -1 mrs clinton 94.1 NYT19980623.0323 -1 Wikipedia s 94.1 XIE19971009.0281 -1 Clinton 94.1 APW19990318.0168 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990324.0101 1 Mark Geragos 94.1 APW19990930.0355 -1 Mrs. McDougal's lawyers 94.1 APW19990506.0076 -1 Ms. Steele 94.1 NYT19990612.0105 -1 Susan McDougal 94.1 NYT19981215.0057 -1 Whitewater 94.1 NYT19981204.0087 -1 Kenneth Starr 94.1 APW19990613.0071 -1 McDougal 94.1 APW19990330.0171 -1 Susan McDougal 94.1 NYT19990521.0100 -1 drummer 94.1 APW19990329.0179 -1 ABC producer 94.1 APW19990329.0216 -1 ABC producer 94.1 APW19990930.0355 -1 Ewing 94.2 APW19990311.0276 -1 Susan McDougal 94.2 APW19990406.0114 -1 perjury 94.2 NYT19990612.0105 -1 MRS. MCDOUGAL 94.2 NYT19990612.0105 -1 EWING 94.2 NYT19990612.0105 -1 CLINTON 94.2 XIE19980515.0034 -1 Whitewater 94.2 APW19990318.0248 -1 Whitewater 94.2 APW19990426.0245 1 prosecutor Julie Myers 94.2 APW19990331.0301 3 Starr 94.2 APW19990322.0148 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990402.0097 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990408.0183 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990318.0061 -1 Hillary Rodham Clinton 94.2 NYT19980626.0014 -1 NONE 94.2 APW19990613.0011 -1 Mrs. McDougal 94.2 APW19990613.0011 3 Starr 94.2 APW19990323.0053 3 Starr 94.2 APW19990316.0083 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990416.0101 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990312.0214 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990302.0264 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990326.0028 -1 Susan McDougal 94.2 NYT20000426.0152 2 Kenneth Starr 94.2 NYT19990612.0105 -1 Clintons 94.2 APW19990308.0056 1 Whitewater prosecutor W. Hickman Ewing Jr. 94.2 APW19990312.0182 -1 Clinton 94.2 XIE19960708.0234 -1 Jim Guy Tucker 94.2 NYT19981029.0104 2 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990408.0183 1 Prosecutor Mark Barrett 94.2 NYT19980623.0323 -1 patrick fitzgerald 94.2 NYT19981203.0067 -1 Edward s 94.2 NYT19981210.0170 2 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990316.0120 1 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW19990406.0114 3 Starr 94.2 NYT19990612.0105 -1 Susan McDougal 94.2 NYT19990612.0105 -1 the Clintons 94.2 NYT19981215.0057 -1 Whitewater 94.2 NYT19981204.0087 2 Kenneth Starr 94.2 APW20000921.0047 -1 Clinton 94.2 APW19990613.0011 -1 McDougal 94.2 APW19990310.0315 -1 Susan McDougal 94.2 APW19990316.0083 -1 Hillary Rodham Clinton 94.2 APW19990316.0257 -1 James McDougal 94.2 APW19990312.0182 1 Kenneth Starr 94.3 APW19990312.0100 -1 Jim McDougal 94.3 APW19990308.0076 -1 Mrs 94.3 APW19990317.0122 -1 MRS. 94.3 APW19990316.0257 -1 CONTEMPT 94.3 XIE19980515.0034 -1 clinton 94.3 XIE19980515.0034 -1 cLINTON 94.3 APW19990318.0248 -1 plead 94.3 APW19990319.0120 -1 Asked Thursday in Whitewater figure Susan McDougal's criminal contempt trial if he ever had said the Clintons were crooks and liars, W. Hickman Ewing said he had made that statement in-house to another member of Starr's staff. 94.3 APW19990318.0248 -1 guilty 94.3 NYT20000922.0079 -1 Bill Clinton 94.3 APW19990224.0209 -1 The first lady's name also could come up in next month's 94.3 XIE19980515.0034 1 Whitewater figure Susan McDougal pleaded innocent Thursday to accusations that she 94.3 APW19990613.0011 -1 Clinton Whitewater 94.3 APW19990308.0076 -1 Whitewater figure Susan McDougal insists 94.3 NYT19981114.0096 -1 Hubbell 94.3 APW19990417.0072 -1 the president 94.3 XIE19980515.0034 -1 by refusing to talk to a grand jury 94.3 APW19990930.0355 -1 I said the president was about a 'C' and Mrs. Clinton about an 'F 94.3 APW19990310.0315 -1 April 1998 94.3 APW19990310.0315 -1 Whitewater 94.3 NYT19980806.0449 -1 guilty 94.3 NYT19980626.0014 -1 grand jury 94.3 XIE19980702.0228 -1 guilty 94.3 XIE19981222.0073 -1 States 94.3 APW19990416.0101 -1 lie 94.3 APW19990308.0076 -1 insist 94.3 APW19990930.0355 -1 Ewing 94.3 APW19990501.0004 -1 Independent 94.3 NYT19981215.0057 -1 Whitewater 94.3 APW19990613.0071 -1 McDougal 94.3 APW19990407.0322 -1 Clintons former business partner in the Whitewater real estate venture 94.3 APW19990316.0083 -1 44 94.3 XIE19980515.0034 -1 James 94.3 APW19990322.0148 -1 juror 94.3 APW19990316.0257 -1 account 94.5 APW19990502.0105 -1 two 94.5 APW19990412.0289 -1 CONTEMPT 94.5 APW19990406.0005 -1 ROCK 94.5 XIE19980515.0034 -1 McDougals 94.5 XIE19980515.0034 -1 grand 94.5 APW19990502.0105 -1 Monday 94.5 NYT19990502.0210 -1 Clinton 94.5 APW19990613.0011 -1 Whitewater grand 94.5 NYT19990130.0225 -1 perjury 94.5 APW19990224.0209 -1 The first lady's name also could come up in next month's 94.5 APW19990331.0025 -1 her with perjury if she didn't say what he wanted 94.5 APW19990613.0011 -1 Clinton Whitewater 94.5 APW19990412.0289 -1 U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright's contempt ruling 94.5 NYT19981125.0282 -1 criminal contempt 94.5 APW19990428.0159 -1 Whitewater 94.5 NYT19990409.0355 -1 Whitewater 94.5 NYT19980625.0461 -1 Clintons and Whitewater 94.5 APW19990412.0038 1 acquitted 94.5 APW20000921.0047 -1 April 1999 94.5 APW19990318.0061 -1 S&L. 94.5 NYT19990408.0325 -1 Starr 94.5 APW19990428.0159 -1 of criminal contempt 94.5 NYT19980625.0461 -1 re 94.5 APW19990308.0056 -1 contempt 94.5 NYT19981224.0222 -1 charges 94.5 XIE19990315.0057 -1 American 94.5 NYT19990413.0093 1 innocent 94.5 XIE19980515.0034 -1 Starr 94.5 APW19990308.0056 -1 Arkansans 94.5 APW19990413.0045 -1 AP 94.5 NYT19981125.0282 -1 Kenneth Starr 94.5 APW20000921.0066 -1 Clinton 94.5 APW19990311.0276 -1 criminal contempt 94.5 APW19991018.0256 -1 18 94.5 APW19990402.0097 -1 Whitewater Chronology happened Clinton years 94.5 APW19990308.0211 -1 information 94.5 APW19990613.0011 -1 grand jury 94.6 APW19990312.0044 -1 300 , 000 94.6 APW19990308.0056 -1 today 94.6 NYT19990318.0423 -1 INDEPENDENT COUNSEL 94.6 APW19990316.0257 -1 CRIMINAL CONTEMPT 94.6 XIE19980528.0042 -1 criminal 94.6 XIE19980515.0034 -1 Whitewater 94.6 NYT19990118.0102 -1 answer 94.6 APW19990613.0011 -1 Starr 94.6 APW19990429.0006 -1 Independent counsel Kenneth Starr 94.6 APW19990308.0056 -1 Whitewater investigation 94.6 APW19990613.0011 -1 Clinton Whitewater 94.6 APW19990930.0355 -1 responses 94.6 APW19990308.0289 -1 obstruction 94.6 APW19990316.0083 -1 Whitewater 94.6 NYT19980625.0461 -1 Clintons and Whitewater 94.6 APW19990412.0038 1 deadlocked 94.6 APW20000921.0047 -1 April 1999 94.6 APW19990318.0248 -1 Starr 94.6 APW20000921.0047 -1 Jim Guy Tucker 94.6 APW19990308.0033 -1 Whitewater figure 94.6 APW19990308.0076 -1 obstruction of justice charge 94.6 XIE19990511.0128 -1 business 94.6 XIE19981016.0121 -1 John 94.6 XIE19980515.0034 -1 justice 94.6 APW19990308.0056 -1 Arkansans 94.6 NYT19981215.0057 -1 Whitewater 94.6 APW20000921.0047 -1 March 9 94.6 APW20000921.0047 -1 Starr 94.6 APW19990412.0289 -1 McDougal 94.6 APW19990308.0056 -1 18 94.6 APW19990417.0072 3 retrial 94.6 NYT19990408.0118 -1 contempt of court 95.1 XIE19970617.0119 -1 China 95.1 XIE19960928.0076 -1 after 95.1 XIE19970627.0141 -1 CHINA 95.1 XIE19970627.0141 -1 SOVEREIGNTY IN 95.1 XIE19970611.0156 -1 1, 1997 95.1 XIE19970621.0160 -1 million 95.1 XIE19970627.0105 -1 economic prosperity and social stability , a convincing evidence of confidence of both Hong Kong people 95.1 XIE19960625.0175 -1 1997 95.1 XIE19970326.0110 -1 China 95.1 XIE19961115.0124 -1 Britain agreed 95.1 XIE19961030.0092 -1 four 95.1 XIE20000215.0050 -1 1 95.1 XIE19990628.0210 1 6.8 million 95.1 XIE19970701.0253 1 six million 95.1 XIE19960703.0093 1 six million 95.1 NYT19990627.0055 1 6.4 million 95.1 XIE19970618.0212 -1 150- 95.1 XIE19961030.0092 -1 1997 95.1 NYT19990430.0091 1 6.8 million 95.1 XIE19980303.0059 -1 work in progress 95.1 XIE19970802.0061 -1 Canton Railway 95.1 XIE19980804.0192 -1 work 95.1 XIE20000822.0152 1 6,782,100 95.1 XIE19970701.0330 -1 Lu 95.1 XIE19980223.0051 -1 a population 95.1 NYT19990930.0161 -1 half 95.1 XIE19980812.0105 -1 a population 95.1 APW19981229.0471 -1 China 's Foreign Ministry 95.1 XIE19960625.0175 -1 superior 95.1 XIE19960618.0057 -1 China 95.1 XIE19970412.0197 -1 mainland 95.1 XIE19970701.0009 -1 40 95.1 XIE19970701.0330 -1 150 95.1 XIE19980916.0011 -1 Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Up hka091542 95.1 XIE19990531.0142 -1 Charles K. Kao established his own technology transfer consultancy company 95.1 NYT19990330.0165 -1 City 95.1 APW19981111.1463 -1 seven 95.2 XIE19970630.0018 -1 29 95.2 XIE19960928.0076 -1 after 95.2 XIE19980403.0240 3 JULY 1 95.2 XIE19980403.0240 3 1997 95.2 XIE19970701.0225 1 1997 95.2 XIE19970702.0273 1 July 1, , 1997 . 95.2 XIE19960921.0072 1 July 1, 1997 95.2 XIE19980403.0240 1 July 1, 1997 95.2 XIE19970321.0238 1 July 1, 1997 95.2 NYT19980629.0511 1 1997 95.2 XIE19970205.0134 3 July 1 95.2 XIE19961030.0092 1 1997 95.2 XIE19961129.0121 1 July 1, 1997 95.2 XIE19960304.0261 1 1997 95.2 APW19981028.0414 1 July 1, 1997 95.2 APW19981102.1181 -1 Tuesday 95.2 NYT19980629.0511 1 in 1997 95.2 XIE19960702.0008 -1 May 1 95.2 XIE19970703.0259 -1 Monday 95.2 XIE19970528.0073 1 1997 95.2 XIE19970625.0132 1 1997 95.2 XIE19960627.0245 1 July 1 , 1997 95.2 XIE19960604.0069 1 1997 95.2 APW19990207.0058 1 1997 95.2 XIE19990925.0036 -1 1936 95.2 XIE19970611.0156 3 July 1 95.2 NYT20000729.0219 3 1997 95.2 XIE19970617.0119 1 1997 95.2 XIE19960527.0039 3 1997 95.2 XIE19970618.0055 -1 1949 95.2 XIE19960118.0073 1 1997 95.3 XIE19970702.0200 -1 Qin 95.3 XIE19970621.0163 -1 Hungary Chen Guoyan 95.3 XIE19970630.0073 -1 EXERCISE 95.3 XIE19990701.0313 -1 HU 95.3 XIE19970630.0073 1 JIANG ZEMIN 95.3 XIE19970630.0073 -1 China 95.3 XIE19960627.0245 -1 British 95.3 XIE19960928.0076 1 Chinese President Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19970630.0037 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19991023.0027 -1 Macau 95.3 XIE19970325.0155 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE20000101.0041 -1 Taiwan 95.3 XIE19970619.0017 -1 " Mahathir 95.3 XIE19970619.0017 -1 Mahathir 95.3 XIE19970625.0048 -1 Deng Xiaoping 95.3 XIE19970612.0163 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19970701.0182 1 Chinese President Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19970326.0110 3 Jiang 95.3 XIE19970701.0182 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19981215.0323 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19970701.0023 -1 Chinese nation 95.3 XIE19970630.0073 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19960627.0245 -1 Hong Kong 95.3 XIE19970630.0073 -1 Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso 95.3 XIE19980702.0259 1 jiang zemin 95.3 XIE19970701.0037 -1 Tony Blair 95.3 XIE19980702.0259 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19980701.0278 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 APW19980702.0015 -1 Tung Chee-hwa 95.3 XIE19971224.0128 1 President Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19960302.0014 -1 National People 95.3 XIE20000426.0090 -1 Shi 95.3 XIE19961025.0090 -1 Chen 95.3 XIE19991224.0164 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19970701.0158 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 APW19980703.0308 -1 Clinton 95.3 XIE19981128.0149 1 Jiang Zemin 95.3 XIE19980513.0016 -1 Postgraduate Diploma 95.3 XIE19970326.0110 -1 China 95.3 XIE19970630.0029 1 Jiang Zemin 95.4 XIE19970701.0125 -1 Augusto Gomez Villanueva 95.4 XIE19970703.0250 -1 the 95.4 XIE19960927.0057 -1 EXERCISE 95.4 XIE19970701.0037 -1 JACK 95.4 XIE19960927.0057 -1 CHINA 95.4 XIE19970618.0227 -1 China 95.4 XIE19970618.0227 -1 Kong's 95.4 XIE19960524.0075 -1 Qian Qichen 95.4 XIE19980107.0064 1 Robin Cook 95.4 XIE19990615.0014 2 Robin Cook 95.4 XIE19970619.0017 -1 " Mahathir 95.4 XIE19970619.0017 -1 Mahathir 95.4 APW19981028.0414 -1 Chris Patten 95.4 XIE19970630.0228 1 Robin Cook 95.4 XIE19970614.0013 1 Robin Cook 95.4 XIE19970625.0169 1 Robin Cook 95.4 XIE19970201.0034 -1 British Foreign Office 95.4 XIE19960927.0047 -1 Qian Qichen 95.4 XIE19970902.0232 -1 Macao 95.4 XIE19970701.0123 -1 china 95.4 XIE20000208.0063 -1 Republic 95.4 XIE19970701.0123 -1 China 95.4 XIE19970129.0132 -1 Anson Chan 95.4 XIE19970630.0151 -1 Jiang 95.4 XIE19960927.0047 -1 State 95.4 XIE19960927.0047 -1 Minister Qian Qichen 95.4 XIE19960927.0057 -1 State 95.4 NYT20000911.0348 -1 Hiv 95.4 XIE20000426.0090 -1 Shi 95.4 XIE19970630.0199 -1 Yukihiko Ikeda 95.4 NYT19980701.0052 -1 Tung 95.4 NYT20000209.0377 2 Robin Cook 95.4 XIE19980211.0020 -1 Iraq 95.4 XIE19970630.0183 1 Robin Cook 96.1 XIE19980105.0038 -1 Nagano Olympic Organising Committee 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 -1 WINTER 96.1 XIE19990203.0189 -1 JAPAN 96.1 APW19990128.0348 -1 2000 games 96.1 XIE19980206.0169 -1 Relay 96.1 XIE19980106.0131 -1 Symbolic 96.1 XIE19980106.0131 -1 Winter 96.1 APW19990527.0045 -1 2002 Winter Olympics 96.1 APW20000724.0152 -1 Games in Nagano 96.1 NYT19990307.0063 -1 Winter Games 96.1 XIE19990117.0038 -1 silver 96.1 XIE19980106.0131 -1 Japan 96.1 NYT19990121.0252 -1 Japan 96.1 NYT19980815.0199 -1 ice 96.1 XIE19990617.0246 -1 gold 96.1 XIE19980222.0122 -1 marijuana 96.1 XIE19970109.0290 -1 1998 Winter 96.1 XIE19980206.0169 -1 Nagano Organizing Committee 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 -1 Xinhua 96.1 NYT19980606.0222 -1 Games 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 -1 International Olympic Committee 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 1 pine and bamboo 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 -1 executive board 96.1 XIE19980106.0131 -1 Games 96.1 XIE19980404.0136 -1 World Figure Skating Championships 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 -1 1998 Winter 96.1 XIE19970521.0070 -1 Organizing Committee 96.1 APW19980601.0048 -1 SOCOG 96.1 XIE19960723.0156 -1 2000 96.1 XIE19980217.0258 -1 remainder 96.2 XIE19971101.0074 -1 WINTER 96.2 XIE19980212.0312 -1 10 96.2 APW19980602.1120 -1 two 96.2 XIE19980206.0249 -1 two 96.2 XIE19980215.0112 -1 000-meter speed skating race 96.2 XIE19990118.0050 -1 3000 meter 96.2 XIE19990617.0246 -1 2002 Winter 96.2 XIE19980210.0093 -1 15km 96.2 XIE19980213.0221 -1 one minute 96.2 XIE19990119.0077 -1 an hour 96.2 XIE19990204.0109 -1 50 kilometers 96.2 XIE19980108.0098 -1 110 centimeters 96.2 XIE19970521.0125 1 2,923 meters 96.2 XIE19980215.0112 -1 10.64 seconds 96.2 XIE19980214.0109 -1 53-year 96.2 XIE19971201.0098 -1 four-year 96.2 XIE19980206.0249 -1 five year 96.2 XIE19970521.0125 1 2923 meters 96.2 XIE19960206.0096 -1 winter games 96.2 XIE19990203.0189 -1 14 year 96.2 XIE19960303.0098 1 2,920-meter 96.2 NYT19981019.0140 -1 including men 96.2 XIE19961225.0119 -1 events 96.2 XIE19981218.0056 -1 2.7 seconds 96.2 XIE19980217.0258 -1 February 17 96.2 XIE19971101.0074 -1 1998 Winter 96.2 XIE19971101.0074 -1 1 96.2 APW19981228.0498 -1 two Olympic golds 96.2 XIE19971113.0157 -1 November 13 96.2 XIE19980201.0091 -1 22 96.2 XIE19980408.0153 -1 1994 and be silver m 96.4 XIE19960207.0148 -1 JAPAN 96.4 XIE19980217.0246 -1 Winter 96.4 XIE19980217.0246 -1 Japan 96.4 APW20000514.0109 -1 Japan 96.4 APW19990603.0285 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19970903.0270 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980220.0277 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980208.0052 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980208.0185 -1 Xinhua 96.4 XIE19980214.0174 -1 Norway 96.4 XIE19980220.0277 2 Russia 96.4 NYT20000303.0383 -1 Denmark 96.4 XIE19980208.0178 1 Russia 96.4 XIE19980220.0277 -1 Nagano 96.4 XIE19980208.0052 -1 Winter Olympics 96.4 XIE19980208.0178 3 Olympic Winter Games for Russia 96.4 XIE19980208.0185 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19960206.0096 -1 canada 96.4 XIE19980222.0122 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980222.0122 -1 Canadian 96.4 XIE19990129.0257 -1 China 96.4 XIE19980220.0303 -1 Japan 96.4 NYT19990730.0045 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980208.0178 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980402.0222 -1 China 96.4 XIE19980403.0221 -1 Minnesota 96.4 XIE19980220.0323 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980212.0297 -1 Winter Olympics 96.4 XIE19980214.0228 -1 Japan 96.4 XIE19980206.0169 -1 1998 96.4 APW19990224.0177 -1 Japan 96.5 XIE19980219.0259 -1 WINTER 96.5 XIE19981218.0390 -1 PICABO 96.5 XIE19980219.0259 -1 Olympics 96.5 APW19981220.0185 -1 Olympics 96.5 XIE19990104.0166 -1 Xinhua 96.5 XIE19971005.0162 -1 Winter Olympics 96.5 XIE19980215.0077 -1 Winter 96.5 XIE19980220.0279 -1 Winter 96.5 XIE19970126.0069 2 Deborah Compagnoni 96.5 XIE19980220.0303 1 Deborah Compagnoni 96.5 XIE19960403.0205 -1 Nagano Winter 96.5 APW19980902.0654 -1 Maier 96.5 APW19981003.0205 -1 Tomba 96.5 APW19981003.0162 -1 Tomba 96.5 XIE19980103.0075 -1 Hermann Maier 96.5 XIE19980220.0279 1 Deborah Compagnoni 96.5 XIE19980210.0246 1 Karine Ruby 96.5 XIE19980315.0070 -1 Alexandra Meissnitzer 96.5 XIE19980220.0303 -1 Winter Olympics 96.5 XIE19980220.0303 -1 Winter Olympic 96.5 XIE19981024.0218 -1 Andrine Flemmen of Norway 96.5 XIE19990203.0189 -1 world junior 96.5 XIE19960206.0096 -1 Olympic 96.5 XIE19990203.0189 -1 World Junior 96.5 XIE19990313.0066 1 Deborah Compagnoni 96.5 APW19981223.0805 -1 Michael von Gruenigen 96.5 XIE19981218.0390 -1 Winter Olympics 96.5 XIE19980216.0058 -1 Marianne Timmer 96.5 XIE19980217.0240 -1 IIHF 96.5 XIE19980214.0109 -1 Deedee Corradini 96.5 XIE19980220.0279 -1 Winter Games 96.5 XIE19981024.0218 -1 Winter Olympics 96.5 XIE19971014.0119 -1 Juan Antonio Samaranch 96.5 APW19980901.0622 -1 Maier 96.6 XIE19971127.0032 -1 WINTER 96.6 XIE19980106.0131 -1 THREE 96.6 APW19980604.0001 -1 four 96.6 XIE19980124.0162 -1 two 96.6 XIE19970509.0129 -1 that 70 countries 96.6 NYT19990206.0067 -1 167 countries 96.6 XIE19970413.0165 -1 countries 96.6 XIE19960211.0117 -1 five countries 96.6 APW20000724.0152 -1 15 96.6 XIE19980119.0172 -1 70 96.6 XIE19971226.0078 -1 26 96.6 XIE19980124.0162 3 70 96.6 XIE19970320.0294 -1 23 96.6 XIE19980205.0284 -1 three 96.6 APW19990126.0158 -1 two 96.6 APW19990128.0348 -1 two 96.6 XIE19980206.0249 1 72 96.6 XIE19990204.0109 -1 six 96.6 XIE19980106.0207 -1 6 96.6 APW19980831.1370 -1 72 96.6 NYT19980603.0495 -1 1998 96.6 XIE19980124.0162 3 70 countries 96.6 XIE19970904.0152 1 82 countries 96.6 XIE19960206.0096 -1 1998 96.6 XIE19990203.0189 -1 1964 96.6 XIE19960206.0096 -1 4 96.6 XIE19980222.0122 1 72 countries 96.6 XIE19970904.0152 1 82 96.6 XIE19970406.0143 -1 eight 96.6 NYT19980828.0079 -1 one 96.6 XIE19971110.0262 -1 8 96.6 NYT20000901.0387 -1 Japan 96.6 XIE19980214.0194 -1 s 15km cross-country freetyle pursuit race 96.6 XIE19980214.0059 -1 2002 Winter Olympics 96.6 XIE19980403.0221 -1 1996 and 1997 97.1 NYT20000727.0115 -1 Maria 97.1 NYT20000120.0096 3 ADAM 97.1 NYT20000120.0096 1 ADAM DURITZ 97.1 NYT19991207.0201 -1 Music 97.1 NYT19980710.0072 1 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT20000120.0096 1 singer Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT20000727.0115 3 Duritz 97.1 NYT20000120.0096 1 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Bruce Springsteen 97.1 NYT19980611.0166 -1 NONE 97.1 NYT19990219.0200 1 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19991011.0259 2 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19990219.0223 1 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19990908.0288 -1 Mary J. Blige 97.1 NYT20000727.0115 1 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19991029.0111 2 adam duritz 97.1 NYT19991029.0111 2 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19991207.0201 1 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19980727.0143 2 Adam Duritz 97.1 NYT19991014.0141 -1 Sheryl Crow 97.1 APW19990111.0112 -1 Tom Ardolino 97.1 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Counting Crows 97.2 NYT19981028.0571 -1 6 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 A YEAR 97.2 XIE20000314.0106 -1 1997 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 San Francisco 97.2 APW19980919.0140 -1 1989 97.2 NYT19990910.0030 -1 1989 97.2 NYT19990325.0072 2 1990 97.2 NYT19990224.0523 -1 1991 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 1993 97.2 NYT19991103.0293 -1 1994 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 1992 97.2 NYT19981126.0125 -1 2000 97.2 NYT19991011.0259 -1 1993 97.2 NYT19991207.0201 -1 1993 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 February 1992 97.2 NYT20000727.0115 -1 late 1993 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 1 1990 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 1077 97.2 NYT19991207.0201 -1 1991 97.2 NYT19991029.0111 -1 1999 97.2 NYT19991207.0201 -1 1989 97.2 NYT19991029.0103 -1 the year 97.2 NYT19991119.0199 -1 Dec. 6 1999 97.2 NYT19991029.0106 -1 the year 97.2 NYT19990119.0207 -1 1890 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Adam Duritz 97.2 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Counting Crows 97.2 APW20000712.0186 -1 527 97.3 NYT19981012.0302 -1 David Letterman 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 DURITZ 97.3 NYT19980716.0145 -1 FRONTMAN 97.3 NYT19980710.0072 -1 Hits 97.3 NYT19991207.0201 -1 song 97.3 NYT19991029.0111 -1 Tommy Lee 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 3 Jones 97.3 NYT19991011.0259 -1 Adam Duritz 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 debut album 97.3 NYT19990627.0032 -1 No Limit 97.3 NYT20000524.0317 -1 MMMBop , 97.3 NYT19991119.0199 -1 This Desert Life 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 August AMP; Everything After 97.3 NYT19980710.0072 -1 Tuesday 97.3 NYT19981006.0135 -1 Father 97.3 APW19990712.0194 -1 Rage 97.3 APW19990712.0194 -1 Machine 97.3 NYT19991207.0201 -1 MUSIC 97.3 NYT19980813.0073 -1 track 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Adam Duritz 97.3 NYT19980710.0072 -1 influential modern rock hit 97.3 NYT19991029.0111 -1 1 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Adam 97.3 NYT19980710.0072 1 Mr. Jones 97.3 NYT19991103.0293 2 Mr . Jones 97.3 NYT20000815.0390 -1 McDaniel 97.3 APW19990409.0186 -1 Creed 97.3 NYT19980727.0143 -1 Adam Duritz 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 person 97.3 NYT20000718.0413 -1 ballot 97.3 XIE19980730.0172 -1 Mystery Suspense History Gothic Literature 97.3 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Music 97.3 NYT19991103.0181 -1 credit 97.4 NYT19991029.0111 -1 Friends 97.4 NYT20000727.0115 -1 WALLFLOWERS 97.4 NYT20000120.0096 -1 DURITZ 97.4 NYT19990925.0208 -1 August and Everything 97.4 NYT19980710.0072 -1 Song 97.4 NYT19991029.0111 -1 Tommy Lee 97.4 XIE19970912.0044 -1 Boeing 97.4 NYT19980727.0143 -1 hard 97.4 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Adam Duritz 97.4 NYT20000727.0115 1 August and Everything After , 97.4 NYT19991119.0199 -1 This Desert Life 97.4 NYT20000727.0115 1 August and Everything After 97.4 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Rain King 97.4 NYT19981218.0128 -1 deal 97.4 NYT20000811.0090 -1 Live 97.4 NYT19991207.0201 -1 MUSIC 97.4 NYT19980611.0166 -1 two members 97.4 NYT19991011.0259 -1 two CDs 97.4 NYT19991029.0111 -1 track 97.4 NYT19991029.0111 -1 Adam 97.4 NYT19991011.0259 -1 Crows 97.4 APW19990409.0186 -1 Creed 97.4 NYT19991207.0201 -1 Desert Life 97.4 NYT19980716.0145 -1 MTV 97.4 NYT20000727.0115 -1 August 97.4 NYT19991103.0293 -1 Foo Fighters 97.4 NYT20000120.0096 -1 Yahoo Music 97.4 NYT19980710.0072 -1 CD 97.4 NYT19990409.0092 -1 minutes 98.1 APW19981128.0325 -1 1989 , 98.1 APW19990314.0025 1 1919 98.1 APW19990605.0145 1 1919 98.1 NYT20000911.0097 1 1919 98.1 APW19990314.0025 1 March 15, 1919 98.1 APW20000320.0023 -1 1932 98.1 APW20000314.0164 1 March 15, 1919 98.1 NYT20000712.0453 -1 1921 98.1 NYT19980803.0265 -1 1948 98.1 NYT20000819.0251 -1 next month 98.1 APW19981203.1532 -1 July 1976 98.1 NYT20000911.0097 3 in 1919 98.1 APW19990314.0025 1 March 15 , 1919 98.1 NYT20000712.0453 1 1919 98.1 NYT20000712.0453 -1 21 Dec 1945 98.1 NYT20000315.0275 1 1919 98.1 APW19990314.0025 -1 March 15 98.1 APW20000314.0164 1 1919 98.1 APW19990604.0211 1 1919 98.1 NYT20000911.0097 2 March 15 1919 98.1 XIE19980223.0064 -1 1920 98.2 APW19981023.0160 -1 Grande Chancellerie 98.2 APW19990314.0025 1 PARIS 98.2 APW19990314.0025 -1 1919 98.2 NYT19981209.0196 2 France 98.2 APW19980702.1077 2 Paris , France 98.2 APW19980806.0917 2 the Paris region 98.2 APW19981203.1532 -1 Philadelphia 98.2 APW19990813.0066 -1 Auxiliary 98.2 NYT19990601.0094 -1 United States 98.2 NYT20000329.0168 -1 Washington 98.2 APW20000424.0252 -1 WASHINGTON 98.2 APW19990314.0025 1 Paris 98.2 NYT20000911.0097 3 France 98.2 APW20000314.0164 1 Paris 98.2 APW19990605.0145 3 France 98.2 NYT20000603.0147 -1 Chinatown 98.2 APW20000320.0023 -1 New Jersey 98.2 NYT20000712.0453 2 paris 98.2 NYT20000712.0453 -1 Event 98.2 NYT20000712.0453 2 Paris 98.2 NYT20000712.0453 -1 World War I 98.2 APW20000314.0164 -1 Legion 98.2 APW19980806.0917 2 Paris 98.2 NYT19981107.0231 -1 Valley 98.2 NYT20000712.0453 -1 Post 98.3 APW20000607.0007 -1 five 98.3 NYT20000712.0453 -1 SCHICK 98.3 APW19990908.0130 -1 3000 98.3 APW19990813.0066 -1 ALL 98.3 NYT19990105.0063 -1 1.5 million 98.3 APW19990305.0052 -1 2005 98.3 NYT20000328.0259 -1 1, 000 American Legion members 98.3 NYT20000328.0083 -1 More than 200 members 98.3 NYT19990601.0094 1 2.8 million members 98.3 NYT19990908.0226 -1 57 98.3 NYT20000718.0410 -1 two 98.3 NYT20000525.0163 -1 34 98.3 NYT19991110.0447 -1 2159 98.3 NYT19990601.0094 1 2.8 million 98.3 NYT20000716.0118 -1 3 million 98.3 NYT19990531.0282 -1 581 98.3 NYT20000328.0259 -1 1,000 98.3 NYT19990316.0071 1 2.8 million 98.3 APW20000320.0023 3 3 million 98.3 NYT20000906.0263 -1 7,000 98.3 NYT19990601.0094 1 2.8 million- 98.3 APW19980810.0894 -1 470 98.3 APW19990506.0307 -1 15 98.3 NYT20000718.0410 1 2.8 million 98.3 APW19990816.0085 -1 2 million 98.3 NYT19990601.0094 1 2800000 98.3 NYT19980904.0481 -1 39 98.3 NYT20000525.0163 -1 34 members 98.4 NYT20000819.0251 -1 American Legion 98.4 NYT20000315.0275 -1 VETERANS ORGANIZATION 98.4 NYT19990105.0063 -1 DISTRICT 98.4 NYT20000315.0275 -1 THE AMERICAN 98.4 NYT19981104.0123 -1 Hall 98.4 APW20000320.0023 -1 State 98.4 NYT20000217.0094 -1 an AARP-type organization 98.4 NYT20000712.0453 -1 Schick 98.4 XIE19981203.0291 -1 member countries 98.4 NYT19981028.0480 -1 community affairs 98.4 XIE20000913.0373 -1 Nigeria 98.4 APW19980604.1485 -1 Japanese 98.4 APW20000320.0023 1 Sons of the Legion 98.4 APW20000320.0023 -1 Legion Post 98.4 NYT19980709.0243 -1 WACO 98.4 NYT20000718.0410 -1 Air Force 98.4 NYT19980825.0268 -1 Post No. 1 98.4 NYT20000731.0215 -1 NAACP 98.4 NYT20000712.0453 -1 Department of Missouri 98.4 APW20000320.0023 -1 Post 98.4 NYT20000712.0453 -1 AMERICAN LEGION 98.4 NYT19990322.0319 -1 American Legion Bennett 98.4 NYT20000712.0453 -1 project 98.4 NYT20000712.0453 -1 Hill 98.4 NYT20000718.0410 -1 Congress 98.4 NYT20000731.0215 -1 American Association of University Women 98.4 APW20000320.0023 3 The Sons 98.4 NYT20000731.0215 -1 organizations 98.4 NYT19990908.0111 -1 Vietnam War 98.4 NYT20000731.0215 -1 clubs 98.4 APW20000320.0023 -1 Legion 98.4 NYT19980904.0481 -1 39 98.4 NYT20000712.0453 -1 American Legion Post 98.4 NYT19990908.0226 -1 Post 99.2 NYT20000824.0075 -1 19 , 99.2 NYT19980720.0140 -1 OKEMAH 99.2 APW19981121.0780 1 1912 99.2 NYT19980602.0360 2 14, 1912 99.2 NYT19980720.0138 1 1912 99.2 NYT19980731.0097 -1 the '30s 99.2 NYT19980720.0138 1 July 14, 1912 99.2 NYT19981125.0243 -1 1967 99.2 NYT19981219.0296 -1 in 304 2/3 innings 99.2 APW19981121.0780 -1 1940 99.2 NYT19980720.0138 -1 1998 99.2 APW20000202.0327 2 1912 99.2 NYT19980720.0138 1 July 14 , 1912 99.2 NYT19990711.0174 3 1912-1967 99.2 NYT19990711.0174 1 1912 99.2 NYT19980720.0141 -1 1930s 99.2 NYT20000627.0281 -1 1940 99.2 APW20000726.0062 -1 1959 99.2 NYT20000418.0309 2 july 14, 1912 99.2 NYT20000418.0309 2 Jul 1912 99.2 NYT20000418.0309 2 July 14, 1912 99.2 NYT19980720.0138 1 July 14,1912 99.2 NYT20000821.0334 -1 those unfortunate days 99.2 APW20000906.0037 -1 30 years ago 99.2 APW19980714.1141 -1 last year 99.2 NYT19990925.0083 -1 1940s 99.2 NYT20000823.0321 -1 time 99.2 NYT19980720.0140 -1 Saturday 99.2 NYT19990711.0174 2 July 14 1912 99.2 NYT19990928.0067 -1 one 99.2 APW19980714.1141 -1 weekend 99.3 APW20000706.0006 -1 Guthrie 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 3 IN OKEMAH 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 3 OKEMAH 99.3 NYT19980720.0141 3 Okemah 99.3 NYT19980720.0141 1 Okemah , Oklahoma 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 1 Okemah , Okla 99.3 NYT19981203.0269 -1 Bragg 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 1 Okemah, Oklahoma 99.3 NYT19990711.0174 3 kemah 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 3 kemah 99.3 NYT19981219.0296 -1 with a 3.90 ERA 99.3 NYT19980720.0138 1 Okla . 99.3 NYT19980720.0141 -1 Britain 99.3 APW20000916.0076 1 Oklahoma 99.3 NYT19980720.0138 1 Okemah, Okla. 99.3 NYT19980720.0138 3 Okemah 99.3 NYT19981203.0269 -1 an ocean 99.3 APW19981121.0780 -1 Brooklyn 99.3 NYT19990711.0174 1 Okla 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 1 Okemah, Okla 99.3 NYT20000823.0367 2 Oklahoma 99.3 NYT19981208.0465 -1 Guthrie 99.3 APW19981121.0780 -1 West 57th 99.3 APW19981121.0780 1 Oklahoma 99.3 NYT19980731.0097 -1 American folk legend Woody Guthrie 99.3 APW19981121.0780 1 oklahoma 99.3 NYT20000418.0309 -1 Columbia 99.3 NYT19980720.0140 3 Okemah 99.3 APW19990519.0108 -1 Huntington 99.3 NYT19980805.0318 -1 California 99.3 NYT20000823.0255 -1 Coney Island 99.3 NYT19981203.0269 -1 Avenue 99.3 NYT19980805.0318 -1 passion 99.3 NYT20000113.0351 -1 Dylan 99.3 NYT20000612.0261 -1 Nora Guthrie 99.3 NYT19990402.0071 -1 America 99.3 NYT19981203.0269 -1 New York 99.4 NYT19980920.0028 -1 1 99.4 APW20000819.0152 -1 1940 99.4 NYT19990711.0174 1 1967 99.4 NYT19981125.0243 1 1967 99.4 NYT19990508.0222 -1 1992 99.4 APW19981121.0780 -1 1963 99.4 APW20000311.0109 -1 to tell the sport 's biggest promoter they 99.4 NYT20000418.0309 -1 1988 99.4 NYT19980731.0097 1 1967 99.4 NYT19981125.0243 3 in 1967 99.4 NYT20000418.0309 2 1967 99.4 APW19981121.0780 -1 1912 99.4 APW19981121.0780 -1 Archive 99.4 APW20000906.0037 -1 30 years ago 99.4 APW20000822.0055 -1 a year 99.4 NYT20000426.0281 -1 ' Two 99.4 NYT20000828.0308 -1 1998 99.4 NYT20000627.0281 -1 1940 99.4 NYT19980731.0097 3 1967 left 99.4 APW19981121.0780 -1 July 14 1912 99.4 NYT19980731.0097 -1 Music 99.4 APW19980714.1141 -1 tonight 99.5 NYT19980731.0093 -1 MUSIC 99.5 NYT19980720.0140 -1 FOLK 99.5 APW19990811.0283 -1 WOODSTOCK 99.5 NYT19991208.0285 -1 Oklahoma 99.5 NYT19980720.0141 -1 Okemah , Oklahoma 99.5 NYT19980720.0138 -1 the world 99.5 NYT19981203.0269 -1 Bragg 99.5 NYT19980731.0097 -1 lyrics 99.5 NYT20000426.0268 -1 Paint 99.5 NYT19990711.0174 -1 kemah 99.5 NYT19980720.0140 -1 kemah 99.5 NYT19990411.0015 -1 Guthrie to the clubhouse 99.5 APW20000311.0109 -1 to King 's home in Florida 99.5 APW20000916.0076 -1 Oklahoma 99.5 NYT19980731.0097 2 New York 99.5 NYT19990711.0174 -1 Okemah 99.5 NYT19980731.0097 -1 Bragg 99.5 APW19981206.0439 -1 Iraq 99.5 APW19981121.0780 2 New York 99.5 NYT19980731.0097 -1 Huntington 99.5 NYT19981125.0243 -1 Huntington 99.5 APW19981121.0780 -1 West 57th 99.5 NYT19980703.0239 2 New York 99.5 APW19981121.0780 -1 Woody Guthrie Archive 99.5 APW19981121.0780 -1 Brooklyn State Hospital 99.5 NYT19980720.0140 2 new york 99.5 NYT19980720.0140 -1 Life 99.5 NYT19980720.0140 2 New York 99.5 APW19990519.0108 -1 Huntington 99.5 APW19980714.1141 2 New York City 99.5 NYT19981203.0269 -1 Avenue 99.5 NYT20000130.0169 -1 Leadbelly 99.5 NYT19991018.0238 -1 Guthrie 99.5 NYT19980720.0138 -1 Huntington 99.5 NYT19980731.0097 -1 American 99.5 NYT19980720.0138 -1 Okla. 99.6 NYT19980731.0097 -1 Nora Guthrie 99.6 NYT19980722.0403 -1 CELL DEATH 99.6 NYT19980722.0403 -1 HIS DEATH 99.6 NYT19981125.0243 -1 Grandpa Joad 99.6 NYT19980731.0097 -1 Songs 99.6 NYT20000628.0282 -1 This Land Is Your Land 99.6 NYT20000823.0367 -1 Ramblin 99.6 NYT19981208.0465 -1 Land Is Your Land 99.6 NYT19980703.0239 -1 Land Is Your Land 99.6 NYT19990411.0015 -1 light of it 99.6 NYT19990815.0068 -1 This Train Is Bound 99.6 NYT19980722.0403 -1 If I Had 99.6 NYT19991130.0287 -1 Dylan's contemporaries 99.6 NYT19981125.0243 -1 disease 99.6 NYT19980731.0097 3 Huntington's chorea , a degenerative disorder of the nervous system 99.6 APW19990519.0108 1 Huntington's 99.6 NYT19980720.0141 -1 1930s 99.6 NYT19980731.0097 -1 Billy Bragg 99.6 APW19981121.0780 -1 Brooklyn State Hospital 99.6 NYT19980613.0227 -1 Diana 99.6 NYT19980731.0097 -1 American folk legend Woody Guthrie 99.6 APW19981121.0780 -1 years 99.6 NYT20000418.0309 -1 Sing 99.6 NYT19980731.0097 1 Huntington's chorea 99.6 NYT20000612.0261 -1 daughter 99.6 APW19981121.0780 -1 Archive 99.6 NYT19990815.0068 -1 the Woody Guthrie song 99.6 NYT19981203.0269 -1 Billy Bragg 99.6 NYT19990815.0068 -1 characters 99.6 NYT19981031.0229 -1 Balladeer Woody 99.6 NYT20000823.0321 -1 Guthrie 99.6 NYT19980708.0259 -1 folk music eminence 99.6 NYT19990711.0174 -1 Hal Ashby s 1976 film biography of the militant singer-composer 99.6 APW19990519.0108 3 Huntington 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 1 Dominican Republic 100.1 APW19990119.0357 -1 to 100.1 NYT19981017.0183 -1 CHICAGO 100.1 NYT19980927.0104 -1 SAN PEDRO DE MACORIS 100.1 NYT19980927.0104 1 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 100.1 APW19981016.1046 1 Dominican Republic 100.1 NYT19980927.0104 3 Dominica 100.1 APW19990226.0011 3 native Dominican Republic 100.1 NYT19980918.0231 -1 Chicago 100.1 APW19991003.0125 -1 Throws 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 -1 baseball 100.1 NYT19990608.0239 -1 Chicago 100.1 APW19990526.0163 -1 CHICAGO 100.1 NYT19980919.0174 -1 America 100.1 NYT19981017.0207 -1 Chicago 100.1 NYT19981017.0183 3 Dominican-born 100.1 NYT19980905.0229 1 Dominican Republic 100.1 NYT19981119.0436 1 Santo Domingo 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 3 Dominican 100.1 APW19980924.0099 -1 St. Louis 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 3 Dominican- 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 -1 CHICAGO 100.1 APW19981015.0904 1 Dominican Republic 100.1 NYT19980830.0247 -1 McGwire 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 1 dominican republic 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 -1 Good 100.1 APW19990713.0134 -1 Chicago 100.1 APW19990731.0231 -1 Chicago 100.1 NYT19981226.0027 -1 Chicago, IL 100.1 APW19990615.0304 -1 RBI 100.1 NYT19980830.0247 -1 St. Louis' Mark McGwire 100.1 NYT19990827.0001 -1 Chicago 100.1 NYT19980905.0001 -1 at 100.1 APW19981015.0904 -1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 APW19980917.1385 -1 Sports - Baseball - Sosa 100.2 NYT19980914.0477 -1 his dark skin 100.2 APW19980917.1385 -1 LATIN 100.2 APW19990615.0177 -1 THE FLORIDA MARLINS 100.2 APW19990402.0122 -1 Baltimore Orioles 100.2 NYT19980916.0390 -1 lEAGUE 100.2 APW19980917.1385 -1 still high-fiving teammates after the slam 100.2 NYT19990712.0446 -1 AL 100.2 NYT19980916.0390 -1 Baseball 100.2 NYT19980910.0472 3 Cubs fans 100.2 NYT19980910.0472 3 wild-card Cubs 100.2 NYT20000617.0203 3 for which Sosa would gladly leave Chicago 100.2 APW19990226.0011 -1 in Japan 100.2 NYT19980916.0390 -1 a native of the Dominican Republic 100.2 APW19990406.0006 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 APW19980608.1726 -1 In Minneapolis 100.2 NYT19980915.0022 -1 club 100.2 NYT19980927.0032 -1 club 100.2 APW19981103.0612 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 NYT19980905.0001 -1 Sports Illustrated 100.2 NYT19990926.0096 3 Cubs 100.2 APW19980924.0099 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 NYT20000815.0260 -1 Texas Rangers 100.2 APW20000610.0037 -1 Sosa 100.2 NYT19980926.0004 1 the Chicago Cubs 100.2 APW19990928.0273 -1 Sonia Sosa 100.2 APW19990526.0163 -1 product 100.2 NYT20000610.0206 -1 Stadium 100.2 APW20000630.0168 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 NYT20000616.0349 3 Cubs 100.2 NYT19980914.0046 -1 NFL teams 100.2 NYT19980914.0046 -1 NFL 100.2 NYT20000629.0414 -1 their sagging team 100.2 NYT19981229.0061 -1 Mark McGwire 100.2 NYT19980903.0198 -1 Reds 100.2 NYT19981004.0190 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 APW19981119.1121 -1 biased it's ridiculous 100.2 APW19990928.0273 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 NYT19990317.0018 1 Chicago Cubs 100.2 APW19990730.0314 -1 Sammy Sosa 100.2 NYT19991025.0517 -1 Pedro Martinez 100.2 APW19981103.0612 -1 All 100.3 NYT19980914.0459 -1 three days 100.3 NYT19990319.0371 -1 his 100.3 NYT19990319.0371 1 66 100.3 NYT19980926.0004 -1 THREE 100.3 NYT19981110.0441 1 66 100.3 NYT19980915.0022 -1 62 home runs 100.3 APW19990207.0095 1 66 100.3 NYT19990225.0024 3 66 home 100.3 APW20000320.0182 3 66 home 100.3 NYT19980818.0137 -1 42.5 million 100.3 NYT19981017.0183 -1 70 100.3 NYT19981003.0246 -1 77 100.3 APW19990517.0171 -1 300 100.3 NYT19980821.0026 -1 20 100.3 NYT19980909.0005 -1 62 100.3 NYT19980923.0302 -1 two 100.3 NYT19990225.0024 1 66 100.3 NYT19980907.0290 -1 62 100.3 NYT19980921.0033 -1 63 100.3 APW19980929.0050 -1 70 100.3 NYT19981017.0210 1 66 100.3 APW20000715.0114 -1 361 Saturday night 100.3 APW19981017.0842 3 66 home 100.3 APW19990315.0050 -1 two 100.3 APW20000228.0040 -1 10 100.3 APW19980907.0809 -1 60 100.3 APW19981023.1003 1 66 home runs 100.3 NYT19980913.0162 -1 480 100.3 APW19980914.0339 -1 61 100.3 NYT19990713.0024 -1 one 100.3 NYT19980905.0015 -1 57 100.3 NYT19981227.0175 1 66 100.3 NYT19991231.0005 1 66 100.3 NYT19980910.0005 -1 62 100.3 NYT19990317.0022 -1 39 100.3 APW19990415.0001 -1 39 100.3 NYT19980704.0185 -1 the 1998 home run race 100.3 APW19990522.0081 -1 two home runs 100.3 NYT19980905.0015 -1 57th 100.4 APW19980927.1036 -1 Pedro de Macoris 100.4 NYT19990317.0022 -1 1 100.4 APW19981023.1003 1 MARK MCGWIRE 100.4 APW19981023.1003 3 MCGWIRE 100.4 NYT19980918.0527 -1 Chicago Cubs 100.4 NYT19980918.0099 3 Mark 100.4 NYT19990302.0096 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19991030.0265 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19981012.0147 3 Louis' Mark McGwire 100.4 APW19981023.1003 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 APW19990906.0092 -1 Juan Guzman 100.4 NYT20000401.0166 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19980906.0045 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 APW19981023.1003 -1 Roger Maris 100.4 NYT19980928.0419 -1 Manny Ramirez 100.4 APW19980924.0099 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19990412.0004 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19980905.0001 -1 Sammy Sosa 100.4 NYT19980708.0017 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 APW20000715.0114 -1 Minnesota ' s Joe Mays 100.4 APW19990526.0163 -1 sammy sosas 100.4 APW19990906.0054 -1 Field 100.4 APW19990526.0163 -1 Barry Bonds 100.4 NYT19980918.0099 3 McGwire 100.4 NYT19980913.0162 -1 Someone 100.4 NYT19990825.0445 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19981002.0322 -1 Mr. Autry 100.4 NYT19981229.0061 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19980926.0001 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 NYT19980905.0001 1 Mark McGwire 100.4 APW20000710.0212 -1 Sammy Sosa 100.4 NYT19990112.0384 3 Mark McGwire-Sammy Sosa 100.4 NYT19980824.0270 -1 Sports 100.4 NYT19991025.0517 -1 Pedro Martinez 100.4 NYT19980928.0005 3 McGwire 100.5 APW19981023.1179 -1 34 100.5 NYT19980905.0001 -1 Rockies 100.5 NYT19980903.0470 -1 MCGWIRE 100.5 NYT19990710.0226 -1 60 100.5 NYT19980903.0470 -1 MARK 100.5 APW19980927.1036 -1 1968 100.5 NYT19980905.0042 -1 hit 100.5 NYT19980907.0290 -1 21 , and even mimics 100.5 APW19990926.0066 -1 two 100.5 NYT20000401.0166 -1 race Mark McGwire 100.5 NYT20000508.0260 -1 slugger Mark McGwire 100.5 APW19981023.1003 -1 slugger Mark McGwire 100.5 NYT19990319.0371 -1 made him the most revered runner-up in the history of the game 100.5 NYT19980922.0385 -1 Chicago Cubs National 100.5 NYT19990713.0024 -1 Chicago Cubs 100.5 NYT19990618.0185 -1 figure against 100.5 NYT19980914.0523 -1 Cards 100.5 NYT19990827.0403 -1 53 100.5 NYT19981110.0441 -1 66 100.5 NYT19990319.0371 -1 66 100.5 XIE19981222.0230 1 70 100.5 NYT19991231.0005 1 70 100.5 APW19981023.1003 -1 66 100.5 APW19981023.1003 1 70 100.5 NYT19980803.0229 -1 Mark McGwire 100.5 NYT19980708.0020 -1 and Sammy Sosa 100.5 NYT19980919.0127 -1 one 100.5 APW19981020.0027 -1 66 home 100.5 NYT19980905.0001 -1 mark mcgwire 100.5 APW20000228.0040 -1 Sammy 100.5 NYT19980905.0001 -1 Mark McGwire 100.5 NYT20000330.0486 1 70 home runs 100.5 NYT19990804.0246 -1 long balls 100.5 NYT19980903.0470 -1 Cubs 100.5 NYT19981229.0061 -1 Mark McGwire 100.5 NYT19980706.0366 -1 McGwire 37, Ken Griffey 100.5 APW19990415.0001 -1 39 100.5 NYT19980916.0070 -1 62 home runs 100.5 APW19990402.0122 -1 60 100.5 NYT19991025.0517 -1 Pedro Martinez 100.5 APW19980925.1452 -1 66th 100.6 APW19981023.1179 -1 Edgar de la Cruz 100.6 NYT19980905.0001 -1 the 100.6 NYT19990318.0035 -1 CUBS 100.6 NYT20000321.0005 1 MOST VALUABLE PLAYER 100.6 NYT20000619.0248 -1 Cubs 100.6 APW19981119.1452 1 MVP 100.6 NYT19990317.0022 1 League most-valuable-player award 100.6 APW19990809.0114 -1 Gabe Alvarez 100.6 NYT19980929.0312 -1 0 66 158 100.6 APW19990207.0095 1 NL MVP 100.6 NYT19990302.0096 -1 ``Nobody will replace Michael Jordan,'' said Sosa. ``Besides, I don't want 100.6 APW19990526.0163 -1 Sammy Sosa Plans Spanish Restaurant CHICAGO (AP) -- Sammy Sosa's looking 100.6 NYT19981120.0070 3 NATIONAL LEAGUE MVP AWARD OVER 100.6 APW19980929.0050 1 MVP award 100.6 NYT19990331.0346 -1 Chicago 100.6 APW19980929.0050 1 MVP 100.6 NYT19981119.0436 1 MVP 100.6 APW19990207.0095 3 AL MVP 100.6 APW19990226.0011 1 National League MVP 100.6 NYT19981119.0329 1 National League Most Valuable Player 100.6 NYT19981119.0436 -1 1998 season 100.6 NYT19981118.0381 1 National League MVP Award 100.6 NYT19990508.0230 1 Most Valuable Player 100.6 NYT19990508.0230 1 National League Most Valuable Player 100.6 NYT19981119.0511 -1 Toronto 100.6 NYT19980920.0201 2 mvp 100.6 APW20000228.0040 -1 Chicago 100.6 NYT19980920.0201 2 MVP 100.6 NYT19981119.0511 1 MVP 100.6 APW19990207.0095 -1 BBWAA 100.6 APW19990207.0095 -1 BBWAA 1998 awards 100.6 NYT20000321.0005 -1 Award 100.6 NYT19980928.0022 -1 bless 100.6 NYT19990829.0006 2 a second straight MVP award 100.6 NYT19981229.0061 -1 Mark McGwire 100.6 NYT19991030.0265 1 NL MVP 100.6 NYT19990112.0253 -1 World Series 100.6 NYT19981119.0372 -1 American League 100.6 APW20000710.0212 -1 Sammy Sosa 100.6 NYT19991030.0265 -1 Chicago Cubs 100.6 NYT19981119.0436 -1 Mark McGwire 100.6 APW19980816.0019 -1 major_league leader 100.6 APW19980930.1255 -1 first 101.1 APW19980708.0041 -1 34 years , 7 months 101.1 APW19990107.0183 -1 credit 101.1 XIE19980330.0219 -1 POLAND 101.1 NYT20000120.0308 -1 1976 101.1 XIE19970321.0311 -1 2, 1962 101.1 XIE19990823.0100 -1 1976 101.1 NYT19990212.0058 -1 1998 101.1 XIE20000507.0170 -1 1962 101.1 NYT20000122.0143 -1 February 2, 1962 101.1 NYT20000212.0239 -1 1882 101.1 XIE19981129.0144 -1 February 101.1 XIE19980402.0222 -1 1998 101.1 APW19991029.0062 -1 last week 101.1 APW20000102.0092 -1 1947 101.1 NYT19991029.0352 -1 1999 101.1 APW19990213.0126 -1 July 6, 1985 101.1 APW19981120.1191 -1 last two years 101.1 NYT19990818.0023 2 august 2, 1976 101.1 NYT19990818.0023 -1 1962 101.1 NYT19990818.0023 2 August 2, 1976 101.1 APW20000102.0092 -1 1999 101.1 APW20000211.0062 -1 Thursday 101.1 NYT19990215.0020 -1 1994 101.1 APW19990213.0126 -1 1996 101.1 XIE19970216.0166 2 August 2, 1976 101.1 NYT19990611.0111 -1 drummer 101.1 APW19990302.0198 -1 1992 101.1 NYT19991030.0219 -1 1999 101.2 NYT19980707.0368 -1 Weiss 101.2 APW19990208.0215 -1 AP 101.2 XIE19970216.0166 -1 GOEBEL 101.2 APW19991029.0062 -1 Skater 101.2 XIE20000723.0053 -1 Assistant 101.2 NYT20000212.0239 1 Audrey Weisiger 101.2 NYT20000211.0139 -1 Kwan 101.2 NYT19991029.0352 -1 Michael Weiss 101.2 NYT19990329.0051 1 Audrey Weisiger 101.2 XIE19990223.0222 -1 Michelle Kwan 101.2 NYT19980705.0130 -1 Mike 101.2 NYT20000211.0139 1 Audrey Weisiger 101.2 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Michelle Kwan 101.2 APW19991029.0062 -1 Lisa 101.2 NYT20000212.0239 -1 Michael Weiss 101.2 NYT19980604.0054 -1 Antonio Spurs 101.2 NYT19990818.0023 -1 dr michael 101.2 APW20000209.0035 -1 story 101.2 NYT19990818.0023 -1 Dr Michael 101.2 XIE20000331.0247 -1 Michael Weiss 101.2 APW19991029.0249 -1 Michael Weiss 101.2 NYT19990404.0030 -1 Todd Eldredge 101.2 NYT20000214.0032 -1 Carol Heiss Jenkins 101.2 XIE19970811.0100 -1 China 101.2 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Michael Weiss 101.2 APW19990213.0126 -1 Sports 101.2 APW19980801.0134 -1 Cuba , def 101.2 NYT19990611.0111 -1 bassist 101.3 APW19990212.0088 -1 two 101.3 APW19990207.0060 -1 Todd 101.3 APW19990207.0060 -1 FIVE - TIME 101.3 NYT19990908.0082 -1 1934 101.3 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Figure 101.3 NYT20000216.0421 -1 2002 101.3 APW20000211.0062 -1 Thursday night 101.3 NYT20000212.0239 -1 Saturday 101.3 XIE19981129.0144 -1 1994 101.3 APW19991029.0062 -1 1996 101.3 NYT19990214.0141 -1 1998 101.3 NYT19991029.0352 2 1999 101.3 NYT19990227.0236 -1 2000 101.3 NYT19990213.0255 1 February 13, 1999 101.3 XIE19981129.0144 -1 January of 1997 101.3 APW19991029.0062 -1 March 101.3 NYT19990213.0255 -1 Saturday 101.3 APW19990213.0126 -1 2000 101.3 NYT19990818.0023 -1 13 Jun 1985 101.3 APW19991029.0062 1 1999 101.3 APW19990207.0060 -1 february 7, 1999 101.3 NYT19981031.0240 -1 Saturday 101.3 NYT19990215.0020 -1 the '30s 101.3 APW20000212.0245 -1 Saturday 101.3 NYT19990212.0058 -1 1997 101.3 APW19990207.0060 -1 this week 101.3 XIE20000331.0248 -1 2000 101.3 NYT19990213.0255 -1 February 14 1999 101.3 APW19991029.0062 -1 10/29/1999 101.3 APW20000213.0004 -1 2003 101.3 NYT20000120.0141 -1 curator 101.4 APW19990129.0098 -1 5 , 1995 , 101.4 APW19990207.0060 -1 U 101.4 APW19990207.0060 -1 FIVE - TIME 101.4 XIE20000331.0248 2 2000 101.4 NYT19990908.0082 -1 1934 101.4 APW19990211.0179 -1 Figure 101.4 NYT20000216.0421 -1 2002 101.4 APW20000211.0062 -1 Thursday night 101.4 NYT20000212.0239 -1 Saturday 101.4 APW19981031.0910 -1 1998 101.4 APW19991029.0062 -1 1996 101.4 APW19990213.0053 -1 1996 101.4 NYT19991029.0352 -1 1999 101.4 APW19991029.0062 -1 1999 101.4 APW19981030.0022 -1 1994 101.4 APW20000212.0245 1 February 12, 2000 101.4 XIE19981129.0144 -1 January of 1997 101.4 APW19990211.0178 -1 Thursday 101.4 NYT19990213.0255 -1 Saturday 101.4 NYT19990703.0102 -1 2002 101.4 NYT19990703.0102 -1 11 Jul 1997 101.4 APW19990207.0060 -1 february 7, 1999 101.4 NYT19981031.0240 -1 Saturday 101.4 APW20000212.0245 -1 Saturday 101.4 NYT19990212.0058 -1 1997 101.4 APW20000213.0004 -1 2003 101.4 APW19991029.0062 -1 10/29/1999 101.4 NYT20000708.0199 -1 NBC announcer 101.5 APW19991029.0062 -1 Weiss 101.5 APW20000211.0062 -1 disaster 101.5 NYT19991029.0352 3 LISA 101.5 XIE19970317.0168 -1 BRIAN 101.5 APW19991029.0062 -1 Skater 101.5 NYT19991029.0352 3 Lisa 101.5 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Michelle Kwan 101.5 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Figure Skating 101.5 NYT19991029.0352 -1 Michael Weiss 101.5 APW19980729.1393 -1 Timothy Goebel 101.5 APW19980718.0383 -1 Todd Eldredge 101.5 XIE19990223.0222 -1 Michelle Kwan 101.5 NYT20000328.0392 -1 Goebel 101.5 NYT20000112.0226 -1 Peter Weiss 101.5 XIE19991220.0380 -1 Michelle Kwan 101.5 NYT20000319.0077 -1 Michael Starobin 101.5 NYT20000202.0020 -1 Michael Joseph 101.5 APW19990207.0060 1 Lisa Thornton 101.5 NYT20000214.0032 -1 Todd Eldredge 101.5 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Weiss 101.5 NYT19990818.0023 -1 skate forums 101.5 APW20000209.0035 -1 story 101.5 NYT19990818.0023 -1 Skate Forums 101.5 NYT19990212.0029 3 Lisa 101.5 XIE20000331.0247 -1 Michael Weiss 101.5 APW19990201.0020 -1 Elvis Stojko 101.5 NYT19991029.0352 -1 dizzying 101.5 NYT19991029.0352 -1 Christopher Michael 101.5 NYT19991029.0352 -1 Weiss 101.5 NYT19990212.0029 -1 Michael Weiss 101.5 XIE20000329.0290 -1 1999 United States champion 101.5 XIE19970321.0312 -1 USA 101.5 APW19980801.0134 -1 Cuba , def 101.5 NYT20000909.0237 -1 Sky 101.5 APW19990328.0094 -1 Michelle Kwan 101.6 NYT19980707.0368 -1 Brody 101.6 APW20000211.0062 -1 disaster 101.6 NYT19980705.0130 -1 AND MICHAEL 101.6 NYT19990213.0255 3 FAIRFAX 101.6 NYT20000705.0322 -1 Sites 101.6 XIE19991031.0130 -1 Free 101.6 NYT19991029.0352 3 back home in Fairfax 101.6 XIE19990328.0214 -1 United States 101.6 NYT20000520.0085 -1 buy 101.6 NYT20000212.0239 -1 Skate America 101.6 APW19990208.0215 -1 U.S. 101.6 NYT19991029.0352 -1 23 101.6 NYT19991029.0352 -1 last season 101.6 NYT19991009.0242 -1 Colorado Springs 101.6 APW19981031.0910 3 Virginia 101.6 XIE19981101.0106 -1 2. 101.6 NYT19990331.0163 -1 Michael Emerson 101.6 XIE19961117.0165 -1 United States 101.6 APW19991029.0062 -1 Colo. 101.6 APW19981031.0910 3 Fairfax 101.6 NYT19991029.0352 -1 U.S. 101.6 NYT20000920.0227 -1 Seattle 101.6 APW19991029.0062 -1 Michael Weiss 101.6 APW19990201.0020 -1 Elvis Stojko 101.6 NYT19991029.0352 3 Fairfax 101.6 NYT19990818.0023 -1 true champion 101.6 NYT19990818.0023 -1 Born 101.6 XIE19970627.0245 -1 Barcelona 101.6 XIE20000331.0247 -1 American 101.6 APW19981031.0994 -1 United States 101.6 APW19980730.0302 -1 Americans 101.6 NYT19981102.0028 -1 Elvis Stojko 101.6 NYT19991029.0352 -1 dizzying 101.6 NYT20000404.0144 -1 700 words 101.6 APW19990208.0215 -1 SALT LAKE CITY 101.6 XIE20000329.0290 -1 1999 United States champion 101.6 NYT19980610.0250 -1 Dr 101.6 APW19990105.0247 -1 president of the National Academy of Recording Arts 101.6 APW20000213.0004 -1 U.S. 102.1 APW20000211.0276 -1 New England Patriots 102.1 APW20000211.0276 -1 I 102.1 NYT20000411.0366 -1 CELLUCCI 102.1 APW20000411.0251 -1 ARTERY 102.1 APW20000506.0108 -1 billion 102.1 NYT20000228.0152 3 artery/Tunnel Project 102.1 APW20000411.0251 -1 $1.4 billion 102.1 APW20000215.0170 3 Tunnel project 102.1 NYT20000711.0088 -1 massive project 102.1 NYT20000214.0523 -1 James J. Kerasiotes 102.1 NYT20000508.0303 -1 US 102.1 NYT19981220.0239 -1 Contos 102.1 NYT20000313.0394 3 Central Artery 102.1 NYT20000311.0039 -1 tunnel 102.1 NYT20000412.0166 -1 Natsios 102.1 NYT20000218.0298 -1 James J. Kerasiotes 102.1 NYT20000214.0484 -1 Federal Highway 102.1 NYT20000228.0152 1 Central Artery/Tunnel project 102.1 NYT20000503.0315 -1 McCain 102.1 NYT20000411.0351 -1 Globe 102.1 NYT20000409.0160 1 Central Artery/Tunnel Project 102.1 APW20000411.0251 3 Central Artery / 102.1 APW20000322.0254 -1 AP 102.1 NYT20000411.0351 -1 Boston Globe 102.1 APW20000411.0251 -1 business 102.1 APW20000411.0251 -1 Dewey Square Tunnel 102.1 NYT20000503.0315 -1 Wiley 102.1 APW20000411.0251 -1 Kerasiotes 102.1 NYT20000711.0088 -1 name 102.1 NYT19980619.0121 -1 Hide 102.1 NYT20000503.0315 -1 James J. Kerasiotes 102.1 NYT20000411.0366 -1 James J. 102.1 NYT20000508.0412 -1 8.55 billion 102.1 NYT20000211.0127 -1 Tuesday fired James Kerasiotes moments nation top 102.1 NYT19990329.0278 -1 Andrew Paven 102.1 NYT20000216.0359 -1 Massachusett 102.1 NYT20000411.0262 -1 James J. Kerasiotes 102.2 NYT19980918.0172 -1 30 million 102.2 NYT19980708.0115 -1 benefits 102.2 NYT20000503.0270 -1 PROJECT 102.2 NYT19990217.0376 -1 1999 102.2 APW20000215.0237 -1 Project 102.2 NYT20000411.0351 -1 2004 102.2 NYT19981102.0144 2 a 1991 bicycle accident 102.2 NYT19980810.0129 -1 2005 102.2 NYT20000216.0359 -1 2005 102.2 NYT20000409.0160 -1 1985 102.2 NYT19990608.0153 -1 2005 102.2 NYT19990217.0404 -1 2000 102.2 NYT19981102.0144 2 1991 102.2 NYT20000615.0282 -1 1992 102.2 APW20000215.0170 -1 1993 102.2 NYT20000201.0320 -1 1992 102.2 NYT19980717.0134 -1 July 19 1998 102.2 NYT20000201.0320 -1 1036 102.2 NYT19991229.0160 -1 1982 102.2 APW20000411.0251 -1 2007 102.2 APW20000411.0251 -1 1993 102.2 NYT20000411.0351 1 1991 102.2 NYT20000313.0316 -1 Wednesday 102.2 NYT20000503.0315 -1 1985 102.2 APW20000215.0170 -1 last week 102.2 NYT20000216.0359 -1 2000 102.2 NYT20000214.0484 -1 July 18 2005 102.2 NYT19990217.0376 -1 2003 102.2 NYT20000216.0359 -1 one 102.2 APW19990324.0028 -1 former municipal judge 102.2 NYT20000201.0320 -1 Tuesday 102.3 NYT20000214.0484 -1 Amherst 102.3 NYT20000223.0521 -1 September 102.3 APW20000211.0276 -1 PROJECT 102.3 NYT20000411.0351 -1 $8 102.3 APW20000211.0276 -1 BILLION 102.3 APW20000506.0108 -1 billion 102.3 APW20000215.0237 -1 project 102.3 APW20000503.0158 -1 firing 102.3 APW20000211.0276 -1 $1.4 billion 102.3 APW20000215.0237 -1 Central Artery 102.3 APW20000322.0254 -1 12.2 billion 102.3 NYT20000313.0178 -1 public works project 102.3 NYT20000901.0214 -1 BOSTON _ The Freedom Trail. Boston Common. The Boston Tea Party 102.3 APW20000322.0254 -1 Big Dig Foreman Charged With Theft BOSTON (AP) -- A supervisor 102.3 NYT20000408.0227 -1 Joint Legislative Budget Committee 102.3 NYT19991220.0370 -1 But NIF 102.3 APW20000506.0108 -1 charge of the Big Dig 102.3 NYT20000710.0446 -1 2.2 billion 102.3 NYT19980619.0311 -1 000 102.3 NYT20000503.0321 -1 $13.6 billion 102.3 APW20000506.0108 1 $2.6 billion 102.3 APW20000215.0237 -1 4 billion 102.3 APW20000506.0108 1 $ 2.6 billion 102.3 NYT20000315.0270 -1 $1.7 billion 102.3 NYT20000411.0351 -1 $1.4 billion 102.3 NYT20000710.0446 -1 $ 14 billion 102.3 NYT20000222.0335 -1 $ 1.4 billion 102.3 NYT20000710.0446 -1 14 billion mark 102.3 NYT20000410.0304 -1 10.8 billion 102.3 NYT20000411.0351 -1 project 102.3 NYT20000412.0166 -1 Big Dig cost overruns 102.3 NYT20000710.0446 -1 cost 102.3 NYT20000410.0304 -1 $10.8 billion 102.3 NYT20000228.0152 -1 cost 102.3 NYT20000503.0315 -1 James J. Kerasiotes 102.3 NYT20000409.0160 -1 12.2 billion 102.3 NYT20000711.0145 -1 15 million cubic yards 102.3 NYT20000315.0270 -1 just two days 102.3 NYT20000412.0356 -1 no 102.3 NYT19980810.0129 -1 $10.8 billion 102.3 NYT19980810.0129 -1 billion 102.4 APW20000503.0158 -1 2 102.4 NYT19990226.0224 -1 ' 102.4 APW20000215.0170 -1 PROJECT 102.4 NYT19981220.0239 -1 1992 102.4 APW20000506.0108 -1 billion 102.4 APW20000215.0237 -1 project 102.4 APW20000211.0276 -1 the road 102.4 NYT19990902.0332 -1 Sept. 2, 1999 102.4 APW20000215.0170 -1 Central Artery project 102.4 NYT20000710.0446 -1 Central Artery project 102.4 NYT20000411.0351 -1 Central Artery project 102.4 NYT20000214.0484 1 2005 102.4 NYT19990315.0041 2 2004 102.4 NYT19990108.0448 -1 construction 102.4 NYT20000710.0446 1 2005 102.4 APW20000503.0158 1 2004 102.4 NYT20000712.0305 -1 July 12, 2000 102.4 NYT20000508.0303 -1 July 27, 1993 102.4 NYT20000201.0320 -1 1036 102.4 APW20000215.0170 -1 2006 102.4 NYT20000203.0345 1 2005 102.4 APW20000411.0251 -1 may 21, 1993 102.4 APW20000411.0251 -1 1993 102.4 APW20000411.0251 -1 billions over budget 102.4 NYT20000411.0351 1 2004 102.4 APW20000211.0276 -1 project 102.4 NYT20000315.0348 -1 Wednesday 102.4 APW20000215.0170 -1 1993 102.4 NYT20000313.0316 -1 Wednesday 102.4 NYT20000503.0315 -1 James J. Kerasiotes 102.4 NYT19991008.0164 -1 etched-in-Granite-State-granite Feb 102.4 NYT20000711.0088 2 2004 102.4 NYT19990930.0125 -1 1979 102.4 NYT19991227.0126 -1 home Dec. 31 102.4 NYT19990520.0346 -1 2005 102.5 NYT19990217.0404 -1 2000 , 102.5 NYT20000508.0412 -1 we 102.5 APW20000322.0254 -1 PROJECT 102.5 NYT20000410.0304 -1 10 102.5 APW20000506.0108 -1 billion 102.5 NYT20000228.0152 -1 Central Artery/Tunnel 102.5 NYT19990129.0134 -1 half underground 102.5 APW20000720.0046 -1 200-meter butterfly 102.5 NYT19981214.0184 -1 300 feet 102.5 NYT19980724.0214 -1 212 inches 102.5 NYT20000211.0127 -1 three years 102.5 NYT20000311.0039 -1 a month 102.5 APW20000506.0108 1 three miles 102.5 NYT20000201.0320 -1 $12.2 billion 102.5 APW20000411.0251 1 three-mile 102.5 NYT20000201.0320 -1 $1.3 billion to 102.5 APW20000506.0108 1 three mile 102.5 NYT20000411.0351 -1 1.4 billion 102.5 NYT20000410.0304 -1 14 billion 102.5 NYT20000411.0351 -1 1 102.5 APW20000215.0170 1 3 mile 102.5 APW20000322.0254 -1 0 102.5 NYT19980619.0320 -1 half in 102.5 NYT19980715.0129 -1 Art Desmarais 102.5 NYT20000216.0359 -1 March 15 102.5 APW20000215.0170 -1 Boston 102.5 NYT19990830.0147 -1 8 billion project that , among other things , is sending 71/2 mile 103.1 APW20000202.0132 -1 Tennessee 103.1 NYT20000130.0078 -1 One 103.1 NYT20000130.0202 -1 IN SUPER 103.1 NYT20000130.0202 1 ATLANTA 103.1 NYT20000130.0200 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT19991221.0236 3 GA 103.1 NYT19990501.0172 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000130.0207 -1 St Louis Rams 103.1 NYT19990127.0392 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000128.0179 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000130.0198 3 Georgia 103.1 NYT19991124.0269 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT19990905.0044 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000130.0198 1 ATLANTA 103.1 NYT20000130.0202 -1 Tennessee 103.1 NYT19991222.0264 1 ATLANTA 103.1 APW20000126.0326 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000117.0007 -1 Georgia Dome 103.1 APW20000126.0406 2 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000125.0139 -1 Rams 103.1 NYT19991216.0254 -1 Tampa 103.1 NYT19990106.0039 -1 Louis 103.1 NYT19991221.0236 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT19990123.0244 -1 Bears Super Bowl shuffle 103.1 NYT19990124.0088 -1 Steelers 103.1 NYT20000126.0007 -1 rams 103.1 NYT20000126.0007 -1 Houston 103.1 NYT20000126.0007 -1 Rams 103.1 NYT19991222.0264 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000130.0202 -1 St. Louis Rams 103.1 NYT20000126.0047 -1 AMERICA 103.1 NYT19990718.0022 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000125.0078 -1 St. Louis 103.1 NYT19991222.0264 1 Atlanta, GA 103.1 NYT20000909.0157 -1 St. Louis 103.1 NYT20000106.0353 -1 Green Bay Packers 103.1 NYT20000131.0391 1 Atlanta 103.1 NYT20000902.0213 -1 Buckhead 103.1 NYT20000130.0198 -1 Rams 103.1 APW20000202.0091 -1 Tennessee 103.2 NYT19990206.0143 -1 1989 103.2 NYT19990901.0062 -1 fans 103.2 NYT20000130.0202 -1 ATLANTA 103.2 NYT20000130.0177 1 RAMS 103.2 NYT20000123.0219 2 Rams 103.2 NYT20000130.0198 1 Rams 103.2 NYT20000126.0337 -1 Atlanta 103.2 NYT19991219.0225 2 Rams 103.2 NYT20000127.0499 2 St. Louis Rams 103.2 NYT20000121.0067 2 Rams defeated 103.2 NYT20000126.0150 2 Rams defeated 103.2 NYT20000131.0549 -1 NONE 103.2 NYT19991220.0008 -1 The Colts 103.2 NYT20000129.0137 -1 defense 103.2 NYT20000129.0137 -1 offense 103.2 NYT20000131.0016 1 Rams 103.2 NYT20000901.0145 -1 Minnesota Vikings 103.2 NYT19990111.0001 -1 Broncos 103.2 NYT20000130.0163 1 Rams 103.2 NYT19990127.0392 -1 Morgan 103.2 NYT20000131.0543 1 St. Louis Rams 103.2 APW20000130.0150 1 Rams 103.2 NYT20000123.0170 -1 Thigpen 103.2 NYT20000131.0016 -1 NFL 103.2 NYT20000128.0024 2 Louis Rams 103.2 NYT19990123.0244 -1 Super Bowls 103.2 NYT20000126.0007 2 st. louis 103.2 NYT20000126.0007 2 Louis Rams 103.2 NYT20000126.0007 2 St. Louis 103.2 NYT20000125.0003 2 St. Louis Rams 103.2 NYT20000131.0012 1 Rams 103.2 NYT19990225.0077 -1 No NFL team 103.2 NYT19990225.0077 -1 NFL 103.2 NYT20000131.0016 -1 a monumental event 103.2 NYT19991222.0295 2 St. Louis Rams 103.2 NYT19991220.0008 -1 AFC 103.2 NYT19980829.0031 -1 QL 103.2 NYT20000130.0198 -1 NFL 103.2 NYT20000125.0139 -1 NFL Playoffs 103.2 NYT20000118.0409 2 The St. Louis Rams 103.2 NYT20000128.0179 -1 Sports 103.2 NYT19990116.0318 -1 center 103.2 NYT19990130.0265 -1 AFC 103.3 NYT20000123.0219 -1 Lawrence Phillips 103.3 NYT20000123.0054 -1 actual Super Bowl advertiser 103.3 NYT20000131.0549 -1 IN SUPER 103.3 NYT20000130.0163 -1 A FIELD 103.3 NYT20000130.0163 -1 RAMS 103.3 NYT20000130.0202 -1 st 103.3 NYT20000130.0199 -1 Rams 103.3 NYT19990123.0244 -1 the quickest in Super Bowl history 103.3 NYT20000131.0549 -1 1 103.3 NYT20000131.0022 3 Louis Rams 23 Tennessee 103.3 NYT20000130.0194 1 Rams 23 16 Tennessee Titans 103.3 NYT20000131.0549 -1 16-16 103.3 APW20000202.0132 -1 Tennessee Titans 103.3 NYT20000217.0217 -1 LOUIS RAMS 103.3 NYT20000131.0299 -1 ATLANTA _ Mark Bradley column 103.3 NYT20000131.0016 -1 the game 103.3 NYT20000130.0168 -1 touchdown 103.3 NYT20000130.0190 1 23-16 103.3 NYT20000130.0182 -1 two 103.3 APW20000130.0170 -1 64 103.3 NYT20000123.0170 -1 26 103.3 APW20000202.0091 -1 7 percent 103.3 NYT20000131.0542 1 23-16 103.3 APW20000130.0150 1 23-16 103.3 NYT20000127.0433 -1 Jan. 27, 2000 103.3 NYT20000201.0114 -1 Bengals 103.3 NYT20000131.0542 -1 Titans 103.3 NYT19981118.0461 -1 Super Bowl 103.3 APW19990204.0116 -1 19 103.3 APW19990119.0387 -1 44 103.3 NYT20000128.0030 -1 watched 103.3 NYT20000126.0007 -1 Titans 103.3 NYT20000131.0016 1 23 -16 103.3 NYT20000130.0194 -1 points 103.3 NYT20000123.0194 -1 XXXIV 103.3 NYT19990729.0309 -1 several major sporting events 103.3 NYT19991222.0295 -1 St. Louis Rams 103.3 NYT20000130.0194 -1 affair 103.3 NYT20000131.0468 -1 Sunday 103.3 NYT19980829.0029 -1 QL 103.3 NYT20000201.0387 -1 39 103.3 NYT20000131.0030 -1 one play from the 10 - yard line of the St. Louis Rams 103.3 NYT20000130.0202 -1 the 1 Sunday 103.3 NYT20000123.0194 -1 January 103.3 NYT19980619.0062 -1 writer 103.3 APW19990129.0252 -1 one 103.4 NYT20000130.0167 -1 1996 103.4 NYT19990901.0062 -1 fans 103.4 NYT20000130.0202 -1 TENNESSEE 103.4 NYT20000130.0202 -1 KURT WARNER 103.4 NYT20000130.0198 -1 st 103.4 NYT20000128.0179 -1 st 103.4 NYT20000122.0167 -1 Rams 103.4 NYT20000127.0363 -1 Louis Rams 103.4 NYT20000127.0340 -1 Rams defeated 103.4 NYT20000130.0198 -1 (NYT31) ATLANTA -- Jan. 30, 2000 -- FBN-SUPER-BOWL-9 -- The Tennessee 103.4 NYT20000128.0179 -1 The New York Times plans the following coverage of the Super 103.4 NYT19990127.0392 -1 Host Committee 103.4 NYT20000127.0151 -1 Tennessee Titans 103.4 NYT19990729.0309 -1 growing sports presence 103.4 NYT20000130.0198 -1 The Rams 103.4 NYT20000201.0114 -1 NFL 103.4 NYT20000124.0406 -1 six 103.4 NYT20000123.0219 -1 one 103.4 NYT19990127.0392 -1 One 103.4 NYT20000129.0012 -1 St. Louis Rams 103.4 APW20000128.0259 -1 More than 100,000 103.4 NYT20000123.0194 -1 1978 103.4 NYT20000130.0198 -1 Rams 103.4 NYT20000130.0199 -1 Louis Rams 103.4 NYT20000130.0202 -1 Louis Rams 103.4 NYT19980822.0144 -1 45000 fans 103.4 NYT19990106.0015 -1 Four bowls 103.4 NYT20000126.0007 -1 st louis 103.4 NYT20000126.0007 -1 Louis 103.4 NYT20000126.0007 -1 St 103.4 NYT20000117.0322 -1 mass.'s first appearance 103.4 NYT20000131.0012 -1 XXXIV 103.4 NYT20000131.0016 -1 a monumental event 103.4 NYT19991222.0295 -1 St. Louis Rams 103.4 NYT20000728.0397 -1 NFL 103.4 NYT19980829.0029 -1 QL 103.4 NYT20000131.0423 -1 Super Bowls 103.4 NYT20000127.0340 -1 football season s grandest spectacle 103.4 NYT20000130.0198 -1 Web 103.4 NYT19991025.0517 -1 Pedro Martinez 103.4 NYT20000111.0296 -1 Dome 103.5 NYT20000130.0202 -1 73 103.5 NYT19990206.0143 -1 Bowl 103.5 APW20000202.0091 -1 PERCENTAGE 103.5 NYT20000129.0015 -1 TWO 103.5 NYT20000130.0202 -1 two 103.5 NYT20000130.0202 -1 23 103.5 NYT20000131.0549 1 132 plays 103.5 NYT20000131.0549 -1 1 103.5 NYT20000130.0168 -1 23-16 103.5 NYT20000123.0202 -1 two touchdowns 103.5 NYT20000130.0198 -1 4 103.5 NYT20000130.0202 -1 4 103.5 NYT20000131.0030 -1 one 103.5 NYT20000131.0549 1 132 103.5 NYT19990118.0029 -1 27 103.5 NYT20000130.0199 -1 9 103.5 NYT19990127.0392 -1 One 103.5 NYT20000130.0198 -1 23-16 103.5 NYT19981005.0004 -1 23 103.5 NYT19981114.0224 -1 16 103.5 NYT19990124.0036 -1 four 103.5 NYT20000128.0030 -1 2000 103.5 NYT20000128.0030 -1 1 103.5 NYT19991222.0295 -1 two 103.5 NYT20000113.0227 -1 one state 103.5 NYT20000130.0163 -1 73-yard 103.5 NYT19990729.0309 -1 2003 103.5 NYT20000209.0019 -1 58 103.5 NYT19990130.0086 -1 20 103.5 NYT20000201.0387 -1 39 103.5 NYT20000131.0030 -1 one play 104.1 APW20000107.0237 -1 Japan 104.1 APW20000107.0173 1 DETROIT 104.1 APW20000111.0178 -1 CAR 104.1 APW19990101.0126 1 DETROIT 104.1 NYT20000107.0040 -1 Tustin 104.1 NYT19990105.0053 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT19981106.0273 1 Detroit 104.1 APW19990101.0126 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT20000111.0243 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT19981107.0086 -1 Seattle 104.1 NYT19990130.0131 -1 Las Vegas 104.1 APW20000107.0193 1 Detroit 104.1 XIE20000509.0222 -1 Beijing 104.1 NYT19990101.0129 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT19990108.0190 1 Detroit 104.1 APW19990104.0103 1 DETROIT 104.1 NYT19990108.0448 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT19981106.0273 1 in Detroit 104.1 NYT19980712.0071 2 Detroit 104.1 NYT19990107.0092 1 Detroit 104.1 APW20000105.0318 1 Detroit 104.1 XIE19991119.0119 2 detroit 104.1 XIE19991119.0119 -1 Santa Ana 104.1 XIE19991119.0119 2 Detroit 104.1 APW20000107.0173 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT19990107.0093 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT19981106.0273 -1 Show 104.1 NYT20000418.0057 -1 Show 104.1 NYT19981231.0390 1 Detroit, MI 104.1 NYT19981231.0390 1 Detroit 104.1 NYT20000113.0289 1 Detroit 104.1 APW19990102.0040 3 Detroit Auto Show 104.1 NYT20000111.0243 -1 S.C 104.1 APW19990110.0009 -1 North American International Auto Show 104.2 APW19990104.0164 -1 Ford 104.2 APW20000108.0035 -1 SPORT 104.2 APW20000108.0035 -1 DETROIT 104.2 NYT19990114.0184 -1 New York 104.2 APW20000108.0035 -1 Detroit 104.2 NYT19981231.0390 -1 GM 104.2 NYT19991021.0297 -1 Motor 104.2 NYT19991021.0297 -1 Detroit 104.2 NYT20000111.0243 -1 BMW officials thought from the start that the X5 would be 104.2 APW19990101.0126 -1 Facts About Detroit Auto Show *1999 North American International Auto Show 104.2 APW20000108.0035 1 trucks 104.2 APW19990104.0019 -1 car 104.2 NYT19990108.0448 -1 DETROIT 104.2 NYT19991209.0089 -1 cars 104.2 APW20000107.0193 1 trucks 104.2 NYT19990218.0305 -1 Cielo 104.2 APW20000108.0035 -1 station wagons 104.2 NYT20000114.0283 -1 Jaguar 104.2 NYT19990108.0252 -1 Mercedes-Benz 104.2 APW20000107.0193 -1 2000 104.2 NYT19980606.0211 -1 car 104.2 NYT19990104.0529 -1 sport utility 104.2 NYT19991021.0297 -1 multilevel Ford Motor CO exhibit 104.2 APW20000107.0214 1 trucks 104.2 APW20000108.0035 -1 station wagons on steroids 104.2 APW20000108.0035 -1 micro-sport utility vehicles 104.2 APW20000107.0193 -1 the turntables 104.2 NYT19990108.0448 -1 car 104.2 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Peter Yates/New York Times Photo 104.2 NYT20000830.0074 -1 Cadillac Evoq 104.2 APW20000107.0214 -1 hulking four-door pickups 104.2 XIE19990107.0265 -1 Insurance Car Rental Car 104.2 XIE19990107.0265 -1 Detroit 104.2 NYT20000829.0400 -1 legendary leading_man in Indian films and now a suave graybeard at age 58 104.2 NYT19990611.0111 -1 bassist 104.2 NYT19990603.0176 -1 Gulf War 104.3 NYT19990104.0529 -1 DaimlerChrysler 104.3 NYT19990105.0053 -1 DETROIT 104.3 XIE19970321.0005 -1 CANADA 104.3 XIE19990402.0082 -1 Dakota 104.3 APW20000108.0035 -1 Truck 104.3 XIE19990107.0265 -1 U.S. 104.3 NYT19990512.0475 -1 5-12 104.3 NYT20000418.0057 -1 truck 104.3 NYT19990105.0053 -1 Detroit 104.3 APW19990104.0105 -1 truck 104.3 NYT20000111.0243 -1 BMW officials thought from the start that the X5 would be 104.3 APW19990101.0126 -1 Facts About Detroit Auto Show *1999 North American International Auto Show 104.3 NYT19990618.0425 -1 While NBC 104.3 APW19990103.0105 -1 Japanese 104.3 NYT19990108.0456 -1 Chrysler PT Cruiser 104.3 NYT19990412.0434 -1 Harry Pearce 104.3 NYT20000120.0320 -1 International Auto Show in Detroit 104.3 NYT19990108.0448 -1 1-8 104.3 XIE20000509.0222 -1 2000 104.3 NYT19990105.0053 1 Beetle 104.3 APW19990104.0105 3 Volkswagens New Beetle and the redesigned Jeep Grand Cherokee 104.3 NYT19990105.0053 -1 North American International Auto Show 104.3 APW19990104.0105 -1 Truck of 104.3 NYT19990831.0270 -1 ford 104.3 NYT19990831.0270 -1 Truck 104.3 NYT19990831.0270 -1 Ford 104.3 NYT19990105.0053 -1 prestigious North American Car of Year Award by committee at 1999 North American International Auto Show in Detroit 104.3 NYT19990105.0053 -1 Car 104.3 APW20000107.0214 -1 2000 104.3 NYT19980813.0234 -1 Acura TL 104.3 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Chrysler PT 104.3 APW20000107.0193 -1 Detroit 104.3 NYT20000106.0289 -1 annual follies 104.3 APW20000107.0193 -1 1999 104.3 APW19990104.0105 -1 1999 104.3 NYT19990217.0498 -1 the Tony Award 104.3 NYT19980709.0245 -1 Donald C. Hackworth 104.3 APW19990104.0105 -1 International 104.3 APW19990106.0290 -1 Nissan 104.5 XIE20000606.0171 -1 2 , 000 104.5 APW19990104.0103 -1 DETROIT 104.5 APW20000111.0230 -1 300 104.5 NYT20000107.0040 -1 2000 104.5 APW19991007.0279 -1 2004 104.5 NYT19990101.0121 -1 70 104.5 APW19990101.0060 1 48 104.5 APW19990110.0009 -1 1 104.5 NYT19990729.0238 -1 Three automakers 104.5 APW20000112.0095 -1 Three automakers 104.5 XIE19990911.0151 -1 168,036 104.5 APW20000107.0193 -1 16.9 million 104.5 NYT20000111.0243 -1 3 104.5 APW19990107.0202 -1 1 104.5 NYT20000107.0159 -1 two 104.5 XIE20000521.0159 -1 12 104.5 APW20000112.0101 -1 Three 104.5 APW20000112.0095 -1 Three 104.5 APW19990101.0060 -1 6,000 104.5 APW19990108.0022 -1 hundreds of 104.5 APW19990105.0009 -1 240- 104.5 APW19990101.0060 -1 20 104.5 APW20000107.0214 -1 2000 104.5 APW19990101.0060 -1 two level displays 104.5 NYT19990831.0270 -1 2005 104.5 APW19990107.0230 -1 1 104.5 NYT20000107.0343 -1 two 104.5 APW20000108.0035 -1 1999 104.5 NYT20000107.0343 -1 2 104.5 APW20000110.0217 -1 16.9 104.5 APW20000112.0101 -1 U.S. 104.5 NYT19990108.0252 -1 11 104.5 XIE19960902.0047 -1 12 13 104.5 APW20000112.0137 -1 021C 104.6 NYT19990106.0421 -1 1986 , 104.6 APW20000108.0035 -1 DOOR 104.6 APW19990101.0126 -1 DETROIT 104.6 NYT20000107.0040 -1 2000 104.6 APW19990528.0196 -1 2004 104.6 NYT19981231.0390 -1 GM 104.6 APW19990101.0126 -1 Detroit 104.6 APW19990101.0060 -1 concept cars 104.6 NYT20000111.0243 -1 BMW officials thought from the start that the X5 would be 104.6 APW19990101.0126 -1 hours: 10 a 104.6 NYT20000418.0057 -1 North American International Auto 104.6 NYT19990101.0129 -1 North American International Auto 104.6 XIE19991215.0228 -1 presence 104.6 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Detroit 104.6 NYT19991209.0089 -1 state 104.6 APW19990101.0060 -1 figures 104.6 APW20000107.0173 -1 20,000 104.6 APW19990101.0060 1 800,000 104.6 APW19990104.0103 -1 SUV 104.6 NYT19990104.0529 -1 General Motors Corp. 104.6 NYT19980619.0218 -1 North American 104.6 NYT19980619.0218 -1 the North American 104.6 APW19990101.0060 -1 final sale figure 104.6 NYT19990831.0270 -1 Detroit 104.6 NYT20000107.0041 -1 premier appearance 104.6 NYT19981106.0273 -1 Show 104.6 NYT20000120.0359 -1 Show 104.6 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Peter Yates/New York Times Photo 104.6 NYT20000118.0404 -1 results 104.6 APW20000107.0214 -1 North American International Auto 104.6 APW19990108.0073 -1 speech 104.6 NYT19990527.0213 -1 Variety 104.7 XIE19990404.0161 -1 the Auto Show Committee 104.7 APW20000111.0230 -1 COLLIVER 104.7 APW20000108.0035 -1 2000 104.7 APW19990101.0126 -1 Detroit 104.7 APW19990101.0126 1 1907 104.7 XIE19960729.0068 -1 1956 104.7 NYT20000111.0243 -1 2000 104.7 NYT20000317.0060 -1 2005 104.7 APW19990110.0009 -1 1998 104.7 NYT20000111.0243 -1 BMW officials thought from the start that the X5 would be 104.7 APW19990101.0126 -1 Facts About Detroit Auto Show *1999 North American International Auto Show 104.7 XIE19980422.0129 -1 1998 104.7 NYT20000111.0243 -1 Detroit 104.7 NYT19981106.0273 -1 Detroit 104.7 NYT19990108.0456 -1 1 104.7 APW20000107.0214 -1 2000 104.7 XIE19980906.0138 -1 eight months of the year 104.7 APW20000107.0193 -1 2000 104.7 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Jan. 8, 1999 104.7 APW20000112.0095 -1 2001 104.7 NYT19991227.0320 2 in 1907 104.7 NYT19990104.0529 -1 Monday 104.7 NYT20000107.0040 -1 2001 104.7 NYT19990831.0270 -1 2005 104.7 APW19990101.0126 -1 Jan. 9-18 104.7 APW19990101.0126 -1 Show 104.7 NYT19990101.0129 -1 Show 104.7 APW20000108.0035 -1 1999 104.7 NYT19991021.0297 -1 Jan. 104.7 NYT19981231.0390 -1 this year 104.7 NYT19981230.0442 -1 1999 104.7 XIE19960613.0112 -1 biannual 104.7 APW19990110.0023 -1 1913 104.7 NYT20000107.0040 -1 2005 104.7 APW19990102.0040 -1 five 105.1 APW20000330.0073 -1 one 105.1 APW19981118.1224 -1 Colima 105.1 NYT20000515.0209 -1 ST. HELENS 105.1 NYT20000515.0209 -1 VOLCANO 105.1 APW19990308.0012 -1 Emmitsburg 105.1 NYT20000515.0209 1 Cascade 105.1 XIE19981028.0087 -1 1998 , this most active volcano mountain 105.1 NYT20000515.0209 -1 ash 105.1 NYT19990817.0204 1 Cascade 105.1 NYT20000515.0393 -1 (NYT4) JOHNSTON'S RIDGE, Wash. -- May 15, 2000 -- SCI-VOLCANO-RECOVER-1 -- 105.1 NYT19980817.0236 -1 ON MOUNT ST. HELENS, HISTORY IN MOTION CASTLE ROCK, Wash. _ 105.1 NYT19980817.0238 -1 view 105.1 NYT19980707.0153 -1 Mount Rainier 105.1 NYT19990510.0188 -1 23,000 105.1 XIE19960525.0105 -1 South Africans 105.1 APW19990312.0051 -1 Mary's 105.1 NYT19990510.0188 -1 Mount St. Helens 105.1 NYT19990510.0188 -1 Washington 105.1 NYT20000515.0209 3 Cascade mountain 105.1 NYT19980624.0531 -1 May 105.1 NYT19980817.0236 -1 Ridge 105.1 NYT19990510.0188 -1 Popo 105.1 NYT19980830.0163 -1 Mount Rainier 105.1 NYT20000515.0393 -1 JOHNSTON'S RIDGE, Wash 105.1 NYT20000515.0209 -1 Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument 105.1 APW19981118.1223 -1 - 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 -1 Ed Klimasauskas 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 -1 explorer George 105.2 APW19991011.0144 -1 MOUNT ST. 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 1 GEORGE VANCOUVER 105.2 APW19991011.0144 -1 ST. HELENS 105.2 APW19990728.0004 -1 May 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 1 George Vancouver 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 1 explorer George Vancouver 105.2 NYT19990510.0188 -1 Popo 105.2 NYT19990427.0130 -1 Ridge 105.2 APW20000904.0168 -1 NONE 105.2 NYT20000330.0267 -1 Ken Turner 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 3 Vancouver 105.2 NYT19990630.0419 -1 Magnuson 105.2 NYT19980817.0236 -1 Alleyne Fitzherbert 105.2 NYT19990630.0417 -1 Magnuson 105.2 APW20000831.0032 -1 Adams 105.2 NYT20000515.0390 -1 Johnston's Ridge 105.2 NYT20000515.0392 -1 Wash 105.2 NYT19980624.0531 -1 Columbia River 105.2 APW19991011.0144 -1 Evelyn 105.2 NYT20000330.0267 -1 Tietjen 105.2 NYT19980830.0163 -1 Mount Rainier 105.2 NYT20000515.0393 -1 Wash 105.2 NYT20000721.0232 -1 Helen 105.2 NYT19990817.0204 -1 Lassen Peak 105.2 XIE19981011.0062 -1 Mt 105.2 NYT19980707.0153 -1 Adams 105.3 XIE19980710.0261 -1 1997 , 105.3 NYT19980817.0238 -1 I 105.3 NYT20000515.0392 -1 MAY 17 1980 105.3 APW19990919.0012 1 MAY 18 1980 105.3 APW19990728.0004 -1 may 18 105.3 APW19991011.0144 -1 join 105.3 APW19991011.0144 3 1980 105.3 NYT20000228.0488 -1 Feb. 28, 2000 105.3 NYT20000710.0275 -1 National Volcanic Monument 105.3 NYT20000515.0209 -1 1800s 105.3 NYT19980817.0236 1 May 18, 1980 105.3 NYT19990630.0419 3 May 1980 105.3 NYT20000228.0301 1 May 18 , 1980 105.3 NYT19990217.0288 -1 a.d. 79 105.3 APW19990919.0012 1 May 18, 1980 105.3 NYT19990217.0288 -1 A.D. 79 105.3 XIE20000714.0274 -1 Saturday 105.3 XIE19970403.0190 -1 1883 105.3 NYT19990630.0417 3 May 1980 105.3 NYT20000515.0390 -1 1985 105.3 NYT19990501.0122 -1 May 18 105.3 NYT19990510.0188 3 1980 105.3 NYT19990217.0288 3 1980 105.3 NYT19980624.0531 2 May 18, 1980 105.3 NYT20000710.0275 1 May 18, 1980 105.3 NYT19990510.0188 -1 23,000 years ago 105.3 NYT20000515.0390 -1 Johnston 105.3 NYT20000515.0392 -1 Wash 105.3 APW20000404.0208 3 1980 105.3 APW19990728.0004 1 May 18 1980 105.3 APW20000714.0195 -1 2005 105.3 NYT20000515.0391 -1 20 years ago 105.3 NYT19990630.0417 3 1980 105.4 APW20000329.0249 -1 475 miles 105.4 XIE19970403.0190 -1 Sunda 105.4 NYT19980817.0238 1 57 105.4 APW19990919.0012 -1 18 105.4 APW19990728.0004 -1 may 18 105.4 NYT20000515.0391 -1 18, 1980 105.4 NYT20000228.0337 3 2, 000 feet deep , and 57 people 105.4 NYT19980817.0236 1 57 105.4 APW19981118.1224 -1 300,000 105.4 NYT20000515.0393 -1 1980 105.4 APW20000726.0182 -1 400 105.4 APW19981118.1224 -1 300,000 people 105.4 XIE19960819.0108 -1 one 105.4 APW20000331.0028 -1 43 105.4 NYT20000228.0337 -1 8000 foot high snow 105.4 XIE19961105.0211 -1 18 105.4 NYT20000228.0337 1 57 105.4 NYT20000228.0498 -1 15 105.4 NYT19981222.0307 -1 two days 105.4 XIE20000415.0112 -1 three 105.4 NYT19981026.0057 -1 1980 105.4 NYT20000228.0301 1 57 105.4 NYT20000228.0488 -1 15 105.4 NYT20000228.0337 3 57 people dead or missing 105.4 NYT19990402.0065 -1 40 people 105.5 APW19981118.1224 -1 Muniz 105.5 XIE19980708.0279 -1 Xinhua 105.5 NYT20000515.0209 -1 ST. HELENS 105.5 APW19990919.0012 -1 18 105.5 APW19990728.0004 -1 May 18 105.5 APW19990728.0004 -1 ash 105.5 XIE19981129.0137 -1 1,500 meters 105.5 XIE19981211.0393 -1 Mt 105.5 NYT20000515.0393 -1 20 years ago of Mount St 105.5 NYT19980817.0236 -1 is in progress 105.5 NYT20000710.0275 -1 1,312 feet 105.5 NYT20000515.0390 -1 six miles 105.5 NYT20000217.0419 -1 7,500-foot 105.5 NYT20000228.0337 -1 two miles 105.5 XIE19980506.0273 -1 100 kilometers 105.5 NYT19980817.0236 1 8,363 feet 105.5 APW20000826.0092 -1 2,686-foot 105.5 XIE19980721.0244 -1 2,968-meter 105.5 APW19981118.1223 -1 4,000 years 105.5 NYT19980817.0236 -1 May 18 105.5 NYT20000515.0209 -1 200 years 105.5 NYT19990429.0059 -1 30 feet 105.5 NYT19980624.0531 -1 May 105.5 NYT20000228.0337 -1 8,000-foot-high 105.5 APW19990728.0004 -1 6,800 feet 105.5 NYT19990217.0288 -1 79 105.5 NYT19991127.0159 -1 25 feet 105.5 NYT20000515.0390 -1 Johnston 105.5 NYT20000515.0390 -1 Mount St. Helens 105.5 APW19990728.0004 -1 Mount St 105.5 NYT19990812.0055 -1 16,000 feet 105.5 XIE19990806.0302 -1 1600 GMT 105.5 XIE19991121.0190 -1 two 105.5 APW19981118.1223 -1 - 106.1 NYT19991012.0318 2 Yankees 106.1 APW19981018.0026 -1 home 106.1 NYT19981017.0014 -1 FANS 106.1 APW19981022.1171 -1 1961 106.1 APW19981021.1433 -1 98 106.1 NYT19981022.0412 -1 Trophy 106.1 NYT19981022.0070 1 Yankees 106.1 NYT19990403.0203 3 York Yankees 106.1 NYT19981022.0360 3 York Yankees 106.1 APW20000714.0032 2 York Yankees 106.1 XIE19970831.0003 -1 Group II 106.1 APW19990901.0246 -1 Club Championship in Brazil in January 106.1 NYT19981022.0363 -1 baseball team 106.1 NYT20000330.0122 -1 available 106.1 APW19981023.1152 -1 Major League Baseball 106.1 APW19991023.0121 2 Yankees 106.1 NYT19990909.0344 2 Yankees 106.1 NYT19991022.0284 2 Yankees 106.1 APW19991023.0032 1 Yankees 106.1 XIE19960810.0214 -1 Youth 106.1 APW19981023.1152 1 Yankees 106.1 APW19981016.1128 2 Yankees 106.1 NYT19980705.0195 -1 Major League 106.1 APW19990420.0278 -1 Reds 106.1 APW19980610.0821 -1 game 106.1 APW19981021.1433 1 New York Yankees 106.1 NYT19980925.0042 -1 Astros 106.1 APW20000714.0003 -1 Series 106.1 APW20000714.0003 2 Yankees 106.1 NYT19981022.0363 -1 Series 106.1 NYT19981228.0073 2 New York Yankees 106.1 NYT19981022.0363 1 Yankees 106.1 APW19991023.0032 -1 Braves left-hander Warren Spahn 106.1 NYT20000920.0442 2 Yankees 106.1 NYT19981022.0363 -1 U.S. Major League Baseball 106.1 APW19981226.0557 -1 South_American 106.2 APW19981022.0006 -1 Pete Rose 106.2 APW19981018.0026 -1 home 106.2 APW19981023.1152 -1 THE RECORD 106.2 APW19981023.1152 -1 IN 1998 106.2 APW19981021.1433 -1 98 106.2 NYT19981021.0502 -1 Free 106.2 NYT19981022.0070 -1 Yankees 106.2 NYT20000907.0409 -1 League 106.2 NYT19981018.0200 -1 Yankees won 106.2 NYT19990925.0068 -1 Losi G Force 106.2 NYT19981022.0363 -1 baseball team 106.2 NYT20000330.0122 -1 available 106.2 APW19981023.1152 -1 Major League Baseball 106.2 NYT19981022.0363 -1 Yankees 106.2 NYT19981022.0047 -1 Yankees 106.2 NYT19981017.0093 2 Padres 106.2 NYT19980930.0005 -1 Yankees 106.2 XIE20000822.0115 -1 Japan-based International 106.2 NYT20000510.0029 1 San Diego Padres 106.2 NYT19980925.0042 -1 Yankees 106.2 APW19981016.1154 2 Padres 106.2 NYT19980705.0195 -1 Major League 106.2 APW19980610.0821 -1 being 106.2 APW19981021.1433 1 San Diego Padres 106.2 NYT19980925.0042 -1 a's 106.2 APW20000714.0003 -1 Series 106.2 APW20000714.0003 -1 Yankees 106.2 APW19981023.1152 -1 Series 106.2 NYT19981228.0073 -1 New York Yankees 106.2 NYT19981226.0160 -1 48 million 106.2 NYT19991012.0318 -1 Yankees 106.2 NYT19991018.0421 -1 U.S. Major League Baseball 106.2 NYT19991015.0236 -1 National League Championship Series 106.2 NYT20000612.0908 -1 USC 106.3 NYT19981023.0157 -1 Joe Torre 106.3 NYT19981023.0157 -1 and class 106.3 NYT19991028.0025 -1 YANKEES 106.3 APW19981022.0018 1 BROSIUS 106.3 APW19981204.1245 -1 York Yankees 106.3 NYT19990829.0101 -1 American League 106.3 NYT19981022.0070 -1 New York Yankees 106.3 NYT19990302.0007 -1 League 106.3 NYT19991118.0492 -1 Award 106.3 NYT19991118.0492 -1 American League 106.3 NYT19990829.0101 -1 Reggie Jackson 106.3 NYT19990105.0246 -1 Fisk 106.3 NYT20000828.0206 -1 Greenberg 106.3 NYT19991120.0271 -1 Martinez 106.3 NYT19991118.0404 -1 Pedro Martinez 106.3 NYT19981022.0027 1 Scott Brosius 106.3 APW19981019.0585 -1 National League 106.3 APW19981016.1128 -1 Jim Leyritz 106.3 APW19981021.1449 -1 BEN WALKER 106.3 NYT19980910.0066 -1 the World Series 106.3 NYT19980908.0001 -1 Lou Brock 106.3 APW19980610.0821 -1 Major League Baseball 106.3 NYT19991014.0211 1 Scott Brosius 106.3 NYT19980908.0001 -1 Dodgers Steve Garvey 106.3 NYT19991028.0034 -1 Mariano Rivera 106.3 APW19981014.1374 -1 Sterling Hitchcock 106.3 NYT19981228.0073 -1 New York Yankees 106.3 NYT19981024.0143 -1 Reggie Jackson 106.3 NYT19981119.0029 -1 Gonzalez 106.3 NYT19990829.0101 -1 League Championship Series 106.3 NYT19991028.0025 -1 Major League Baseball 106.3 NYT19980904.0022 -1 Derek Jeter 106.3 NYT20000513.0246 -1 Shaquille O'Neal 106.3 NYT20000111.0294 -1 Sports 106.3 NYT19990829.0101 -1 Jackson 106.4 NYT19991012.0318 -1 27 106.4 APW19981005.1156 -1 division 106.4 APW20000709.0084 -1 LEAGUE 106.4 NYT19991019.0317 -1 EIGHT 106.4 APW19981023.1152 1 four 106.4 APW19980825.1013 -1 2 106.4 APW19981014.1414 -1 four more games 106.4 APW20000712.0174 -1 2 106.4 APW19981023.1152 -1 100 games 106.4 NYT19991010.0185 -1 two games 106.4 NYT19990403.0203 -1 500 106.4 NYT20000926.0462 -1 6 million 106.4 NYT20000126.0081 -1 one 106.4 APW19990914.0038 -1 three 106.4 APW20000322.0077 -1 two 106.4 NYT19991206.0287 -1 six 106.4 NYT19981022.0363 -1 nine 106.4 NYT20000505.0167 2 4 106.4 NYT19981022.0363 -1 125 106.4 NYT19981022.0363 -1 seven 106.4 NYT19991015.0236 2 four 106.4 XIE19960810.0214 -1 7 106.4 NYT19980811.0105 -1 seventh 106.4 NYT19980930.0483 -1 21-14 106.4 APW19981019.0302 -1 114 106.4 APW19981017.0925 -1 1996 106.4 NYT19980601.0447 -1 two 106.4 NYT19990805.0228 -1 seven summers 106.4 APW19991019.0132 -1 seven games 106.4 APW19980610.0821 -1 2005 106.4 NYT19980930.0005 -1 100 106.4 NYT19990520.0020 -1 eight 106.4 NYT19990520.0020 -1 one 106.4 NYT19981003.0239 -1 1918 106.4 NYT19981019.0264 -1 6 106.4 NYT20000708.0199 -1 18 106.4 NYT19980930.0005 -1 39 106.4 NYT19990615.0339 -1 39 106.4 NYT19990715.0213 -1 one game 106.4 NYT19991015.0236 2 first four 106.4 NYT19990829.0101 -1 two 106.5 APW19981022.1171 -1 Yankees . 106.5 APW19981023.1152 -1 four 106.5 NYT19981022.0363 1 TORRE 106.5 APW20000709.0084 -1 STAR GAME 106.5 APW19981021.1433 -1 98 106.5 APW19981112.1169 -1 award 106.5 NYT19981019.0033 -1 New York Yankees 106.5 NYT20000511.0303 -1 Major League 106.5 NYT19981022.0360 -1 York Yankees 106.5 NYT20000401.0138 -1 Yankees infielder 106.5 NYT20000229.0490 -1 Cincinnati Reds 106.5 APW19980829.0787 -1 Pennsylvania _ Chris Cardone 106.5 NYT19990622.0335 -1 commissioner Bud Selig 106.5 APW19981112.1169 1 Joe Torre 106.5 NYT19990108.0448 -1 Kelly 106.5 APW19991023.0121 -1 Bobby Cox 106.5 APW19991027.0192 2 Joe Torre 106.5 NYT19981004.0168 -1 Mariano Rivera 106.5 NYT20000229.0490 -1 Anderson 106.5 NYT20000229.0369 -1 Anderson 106.5 XIE19960810.0214 -1 day 106.5 NYT19981022.0363 1 Joe Torre 106.5 APW19981020.1297 -1 Yankees 106.5 APW19981016.1154 -1 Padres 106.5 APW19981223.1301 -1 New York Yankees 106.5 APW19981023.1152 -1 Major League 106.5 APW19991025.0108 -1 Reds 106.5 APW19990915.0252 -1 owner 106.5 APW19980610.0821 -1 Little League 106.5 NYT19991028.0025 2 Joe Torre 106.5 NYT19981022.0025 -1 Johnson 106.5 NYT20000907.0409 -1 Little 106.5 NYT20000722.0198 -1 Anderson 106.5 APW19980930.0919 -1 Series 106.5 NYT19981228.0073 -1 New York Yankees 106.5 NYT20000730.0167 2 Joe Torre 106.5 APW19991023.0032 -1 Braves left-hander Warren Spahn 106.5 NYT19991016.0191 -1 Major League Baseball 106.5 APW19991023.0032 -1 Cincinnati NL 107.1 NYT19991007.0086 -1 2000 107.1 NYT19980607.0126 -1 notorious soccer rowdies 107.1 XIE19980604.0051 -1 LONDON 107.1 NYT19991023.0221 -1 3 107.1 NYT19990114.0353 -1 three 107.1 APW19980603.1193 -1 two 107.1 NYT20000228.0152 -1 a 200-year French dream 107.1 APW20000517.0147 -1 1987 107.1 NYT19990114.0353 -1 31 107.1 NYT20000404.0074 1 32 miles 107.1 NYT20000404.0091 1 32 miles 107.1 NYT20000404.0074 -1 20 minutes 107.1 NYT19991007.0086 -1 180 107.1 XIE19960506.0038 2 31 miles 107.1 NYT19991023.0221 -1 60,000 yards 107.1 NYT19981224.0006 -1 unite 11 countries monetarily 107.1 APW19980603.1193 -1 the Channel Tunnel five years 107.1 NYT19981223.0311 -1 The year 1999 107.1 XIE19980604.0051 -1 end 107.1 NYT19980827.0378 -1 5 - mile 107.2 NYT19981224.0006 -1 1999 107.2 APW20000517.0147 -1 Cost 107.2 NYT19981223.0311 -1 1999 107.2 NYT19981224.0006 -1 1991 107.2 XIE19960120.0192 2 1987 107.2 NYT20000404.0074 -1 1994 107.2 APW20000517.0147 1 1987 107.2 NYT20000228.0152 -1 1994 107.2 NYT20000404.0091 -1 1994 107.2 APW19981114.0163 -1 1993 107.2 NYT19981223.0336 -1 year 1999 107.2 XIE19990201.0043 -1 1998 107.2 NYT19980602.0368 -1 1994 107.2 APW19980714.0417 -1 2003 107.2 XIE20000119.0218 -1 July 1994 107.2 XIE19981205.0209 -1 1995 107.2 XIE20000409.0027 -1 year 107.2 XIE20000409.0027 -1 2002 107.2 NYT19980928.0146 -1 the Eurodollar 107.2 NYT20000228.0152 -1 1997 107.2 APW19980603.0967 -1 Channel Tunnel 107.2 XIE19960117.0249 -1 1994 107.2 XIE20000409.0027 -1 million 107.3 NYT19981223.0347 -1 five years 107.3 NYT19981113.0237 -1 days 107.3 NYT19981223.0311 -1 1999 107.3 NYT20000228.0152 1 1994 107.3 APW19980603.0967 -1 two 107.3 NYT20000404.0074 1 1994 107.3 APW20000517.0147 -1 1999 107.3 NYT19991123.0389 -1 1996 107.3 NYT19991023.0221 -1 1980 107.3 NYT19991003.0559 -1 CHUNNEL DISCOUNTS 107.3 APW19980603.0967 -1 Britain gets new deal to speed Channel Tunnel trains LONDON (AP) 107.3 APW20000517.0147 -1 1987 107.3 XIE19960401.0054 -1 1970 107.3 NYT19981223.0311 -1 year 1999 107.3 NYT19980623.0485 -1 in 1996 107.3 NYT19981223.0336 -1 1999 107.3 XIE19961128.0030 -1 Christmas 107.3 XIE19961128.0030 -1 December 107.3 APW19980603.0967 -1 five years 107.3 NYT20000404.0074 -1 2000 107.3 APW19980603.0967 -1 Channel Tunnel 107.3 XIE19990818.0104 -1 now 107.3 NYT20000228.0152 -1 200 107.4 NYT19991023.0221 -1 60 107.4 NYT19981223.0347 -1 sports 107.4 NYT19980928.0146 -1 BRITISH 107.4 NYT19991003.0559 -1 10 107.4 APW19980603.1193 -1 3 107.4 NYT20000228.0152 -1 200 107.4 NYT20000902.0164 -1 10, 000 strikes and street protests 107.4 XIE19970529.0001 -1 1 million 107.4 NYT19991023.0221 -1 2 107.4 NYT19991007.0086 -1 180- 107.4 XIE19960506.0038 -1 5 107.4 NYT19981223.0311 -1 1999 107.4 NYT20000228.0152 -1 200-year 107.4 XIE19961125.0041 -1 five million 107.4 NYT19991007.0086 -1 180 107.4 NYT19990116.0167 -1 20,000 107.4 XIE19960406.0052 -1 more than one million 107.4 NYT20000228.0152 -1 14 pyramids 107.4 NYT20000228.0152 -1 200 year French dream 107.4 XIE19960506.0038 -1 1 107.4 NYT19981223.0336 -1 1999 107.4 NYT19981223.0336 -1 636 107.4 NYT20000416.0153 -1 18 million 107.4 NYT19981223.0311 -1 11 countries 107.4 NYT19981224.0006 -1 11 107.4 NYT19981223.0347 -1 one 107.4 NYT19981223.0311 -1 11 107.4 NYT20000228.0152 -1 20 107.4 XIE19960329.0167 -1 every 100,000 people 107.4 NYT19981107.0291 -1 one people 107.5 NYT19991023.0221 -1 Mike Ditka 107.5 APW19980603.0942 -1 he 107.5 APW19980603.0967 -1 PRESCOTT 107.5 APW20000517.0147 1 EUROTUNNEL 107.5 APW20000517.0147 1 Eurotunnel 107.5 APW19980603.0942 -1 CHANNEL TUNNEL 107.5 NYT20000902.0164 1 Eurotunnel 107.5 NYT19981224.0006 -1 EURO-CITIZENS 107.5 APW19980603.0967 -1 Channel Tunnel 107.5 NYT19991007.0086 -1 London 107.5 NYT19980826.0303 -1 NONE 107.5 NYT19981223.0347 -1 Palm Pilot 107.5 NYT20000902.0164 -1 Bill Dix 107.5 NYT20000902.0164 -1 Calais 107.5 NYT19980826.0303 -1 Franco-British 107.5 APW19980603.0967 -1 John Prescott 107.5 APW19980603.0967 -1 1st Ld 107.5 APW19980603.0967 -1 Britain ' s railroad 107.5 XIE19960506.0038 -1 Channel Tunnel 107.5 NYT19981113.0237 -1 Eurostar 107.5 APW19980603.1193 -1 Passenger 107.5 NYT20000404.0074 -1 JULIE COOPER 107.5 APW19980603.0942 -1 Eurostar 107.5 NYT19990425.0068 -1 Patented 107.5 NYT19990521.0267 -1 England 108.1 NYT19990305.0346 -1 Mundie 108.1 XIE19980520.0229 -1 MGM 108.1 APW19990914.0146 -1 MEL HARRIS 108.1 NYT20000726.0153 -1 SCA 108.1 APW19990914.0146 -1 TELEVISION 108.1 APW19990301.0045 -1 Corporation 108.1 APW19990316.0233 -1 Columbia's 108.1 APW19990609.0054 -1 a distributor of digital entertainment 108.1 APW19990910.0087 -1 Harris 108.1 APW19990910.0087 -1 Columbia TriStar 108.1 NYT19990329.0451 -1 NONE 108.1 APW19990910.0087 -1 Mel Harris 108.1 APW19990910.0087 -1 Howard Stringer 108.1 APW19990818.0136 -1 Columbia Pictures 108.1 APW19990910.0087 -1 Columbia TriStar Television Group 108.1 APW19990914.0146 -1 Mel Harris 108.1 NYT20000927.0221 -1 Harris 108.1 XIE19961009.0237 1 Sony Corporation 108.1 APW19990914.0146 -1 Harris 108.1 APW19990910.0087 2 Sony 108.1 NYT19980805.0453 -1 Entertainment 108.1 APW19990609.0154 -1 Columbia attorney Jim Quinn 108.1 APW19990208.0001 -1 Inc 108.1 XIE19961009.0237 1 Sony 108.1 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Calley 108.1 NYT20000927.0208 -1 Mel Harris 108.1 NYT20000928.0053 -1 Mel Harris 108.1 APW19990914.0146 -1 Columbia TriStar Television President Jon 108.1 NYT20000926.0327 -1 Paramount Pictures 108.1 APW19990329.0116 2 Sony Corp 108.2 APW19990208.0001 -1 Sony 108.2 NYT19980805.0453 -1 Sony 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 THE COMPANY 108.2 NYT19980805.0453 -1 1989 108.2 NYT19990324.0221 -1 Computer 108.2 APW20000202.0223 -1 Sony's 108.2 NYT19990305.0346 -1 Advanta Corp. , a financial services company , said Sony 108.2 NYT19990519.0027 -1 Chinese 108.2 APW19990910.0087 -1 Columbia TriStar 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 SPE vice-president 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 vice-presidents of the Sony Corp. of America 108.2 APW19990910.0087 -1 Harris 108.2 APW19990914.0146 -1 Columbia TriStar 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Sony Pictures 108.2 APW19990910.0087 -1 Sony 108.2 NYT19991003.0016 -1 General Electric 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Pictures Entertainment 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Japanese electronics giant 108.2 NYT19980805.0453 -1 companies 108.2 NYT20000203.0135 -1 The New York Times Syndicate 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Entertainment 108.2 NYT19981113.0280 -1 Universal Studios 108.2 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Sony 108.2 NYT19980723.0136 -1 Sony 108.2 NYT19991003.0019 -1 Japan-based 108.2 APW19990910.0087 -1 Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc 108.2 APW19990329.0116 -1 Inc. 108.3 APW19990302.0142 -1 Japan 108.3 APW20000131.0137 -1 Disc 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 1 JOHN CALLEY 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 1 CALLEY 108.3 NYT19990310.0446 -1 Destination 108.3 NYT19990502.0076 -1 executive vice 108.3 APW20000131.0137 -1 David Lang 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Nozoe 108.3 NYT19990929.0008 -1 7 108.3 NYT19990329.0451 -1 NONE 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Jeff Sagansky 108.3 NYT19991215.0436 -1 officer 108.3 APW19990910.0087 -1 Howard Stringer 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Masayuki Nozoe 108.3 APW20000202.0223 -1 entertainment businesses 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 1 John Calley 108.3 APW19990914.0146 1 Harris 108.3 NYT19991003.0016 -1 Morita 108.3 APW19990329.0116 -1 MGM 108.3 APW19990914.0146 -1 Television 108.3 NYT19990326.0347 -1 and Chief Operating Officer 108.3 NYT19991003.0014 -1 Nobuyuki Idei 108.3 APW19990208.0001 -1 Inc 108.3 NYT19990531.0244 -1 Mike Swinney 108.3 APW19990910.0087 -1 Columbia TriStar Television Group 108.3 NYT19990112.0041 -1 Resigns 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Entertainment 108.3 NYT20000928.0053 1 Mel Harris 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 -1 replace 108.3 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Sony Pictures Entertainment 108.3 NYT19990323.0067 -1 David George Gordon 108.3 XIE19981214.0141 -1 mid-November 108.3 APW19990617.0310 -1 CEO 108.6 APW19990609.0054 -1 lost sales 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 -1 JOHN CALLEY 108.6 NYT20000128.0188 -1 IMAGEWORKS 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 -1 PRESIDENT 108.6 NYT19990310.0446 -1 Destination 108.6 NYT19980623.0080 -1 Senior 108.6 APW19990910.0087 -1 Mel Harris 108.6 NYT19990126.0170 -1 Executive 108.6 NYT19990329.0451 -1 NONE 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Jeff Sagansky 108.6 NYT20000911.0297 -1 senior vice 108.6 APW19990910.0087 -1 Howard Stringer 108.6 NYT19990324.0221 -1 John Galt 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 1 Masayuki Nozoe 108.6 APW20000202.0223 -1 Nobuyuki Idei 108.6 NYT19991215.0436 -1 Amy Pascal 108.6 APW19990329.0116 -1 James Bond 108.6 APW19990910.0087 -1 Sony 108.6 NYT20000725.0231 -1 board of directors 108.6 NYT20000928.0053 -1 Rob Friedman 108.6 NYT19990502.0076 -1 Executive Vice 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Calley 108.6 APW19990910.0087 -1 Bob Wynne 108.6 XIE19960827.0260 -1 Chairman Rudolf Scharping 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 -1 John Calley 108.6 NYT20000928.0053 -1 Mel Harris 108.6 XIE19961009.0237 -1 Sony Corporation 108.6 APW19990910.0087 -1 Sony Pictures Entertainment 108.6 NYT19981207.0394 -1 appoint breaking 14 month silence 108.6 XIE19980609.0292 -1 Society 108.6 APW19990608.0050 -1 comic-book writer 109.1 APW20000121.0228 -1 1990 109.1 NYT19990709.0071 -1 phone 109.1 APW19990629.0162 -1 LATIN AMERICA 109.1 NYT19980722.0524 -1 30 109.1 APW19990812.0197 -1 million 109.1 APW19990812.0197 -1 two 109.1 APW19990812.0197 1 its 55 million customers 109.1 NYT20000827.0119 -1 one 109.1 APW19990812.0197 -1 30 109.1 APW20000317.0087 -1 million customers 109.1 NYT20000113.0115 -1 21.7 billion 109.1 NYT20000827.0113 -1 4 billion 109.1 NYT20000517.0094 -1 Telefonica a major provider of communications services 109.1 NYT20000113.0404 -1 Telefonica 's first investments 109.1 NYT20000825.0311 -1 3 million 109.1 NYT20000825.0311 -1 8 million 109.1 NYT19980804.0365 -1 3 109.1 APW19990812.0197 1 55 million 109.1 APW19980622.0013 -1 1.3 million 109.1 APW19980623.0116 -1 1.3 million 109.1 NYT19990811.0453 -1 100 million 109.1 APW20000211.0179 -1 Two 109.1 APW20000317.0087 -1 5.58 new Telefonica shares 109.1 NYT19991021.0140 -1 1 109.1 APW20000317.0087 1 62 million customers 109.1 NYT20000114.0028 -1 PHONE COMPANIES IN LATIN AMERICA 109.1 NYT20000726.0409 -1 1996 109.1 NYT19990709.0071 -1 40000000 109.1 APW20000211.0179 -1 3.7 109.1 NYT20000802.0298 -1 $12.5 billion 109.2 NYT19990219.0035 -1 1 billion 109.2 APW19990629.0162 -1 s flagship telephone company 109.2 NYT20000827.0113 -1 BILLIONS 109.2 NYT19990219.0035 -1 SEVERAL 109.2 XIE20000525.0299 -1 2000 109.2 APW20000317.0087 1 17 109.2 NYT20000113.0404 -1 billion 109.2 APW20000317.0087 -1 countries and over 62 million customers 109.2 APW20000317.0087 -1 15 109.2 NYT19980715.0392 -1 1 109.2 APW20000317.0087 -1 100 countries 109.2 APW20000211.0173 -1 20 countries 109.2 NYT20000113.0115 -1 21.7 billion 109.2 NYT20000113.0404 -1 seven 109.2 NYT20000517.0094 -1 Telefonica a major provider of communications services 109.2 NYT20000113.0404 -1 Telefonica 's first investments 109.2 NYT20000717.0339 -1 11 109.2 NYT19990429.0033 -1 eight 109.2 NYT20000517.0041 -1 37 109.2 NYT20000827.0113 -1 three 109.2 NYT20000517.0094 -1 two 109.2 APW20000317.0087 -1 58 109.2 NYT19990627.0191 -1 165 million 109.2 NYT20000113.0404 -1 4 109.2 NYT20000818.0285 -1 10 109.2 NYT20000825.0311 -1 more than 8 million 109.2 NYT20000204.0330 -1 28 percent capital increase worth 109.2 APW20000317.0087 1 17 countries 109.2 APW20000121.0228 -1 12 109.2 XIE19980107.0031 -1 two 109.2 NYT20000726.0409 -1 1996 109.2 NYT19981127.0244 -1 2 109.2 APW20000211.0179 -1 3.7 109.2 NYT20000517.0094 -1 Spain 109.2 XIE19990321.0119 -1 COUNTRY COMMERCIAL GUIDE 1998 Trade Compliance Center 109.2 APW20000211.0179 -1 Two 109.3 NYT20000204.0406 -1 Juan Villalonga 109.3 APW19990629.0162 -1 speaking 109.3 NYT19980729.0528 -1 TELECOM 109.3 NYT20000517.0094 -1 500 109.3 NYT20000113.0404 -1 1 109.3 APW20000505.0115 -1 largest 109.3 NYT20000528.0049 -1 But many analysts expect Latin America to mirror Internet development in Europe, where big telecommunications and media companies dominate the Web scene. 109.3 NYT19990623.0369 -1 top 100 109.3 APW20000121.0228 -1 Latin America 109.3 NYT20000509.0081 -1 NTT DoCoMo 109.3 NYT19980803.0431 -1 came away with the largest single piece of Brazil's telecommunications privatization auction last week 109.3 APW20000317.0087 -1 terms 109.3 NYT19980818.0314 -1 Tuesday 109.3 NYT19980722.0194 -1 by merging their services 109.3 NYT19990630.0089 -1 three 109.3 APW20000121.0228 1 12th 109.3 NYT19980818.0314 -1 MCI 109.3 NYT20000515.0341 -1 Lycos 109.3 NYT19990630.0089 -1 largest 109.3 NYT20000502.0331 -1 60 billion euros 109.3 APW20000317.0087 -1 5.58 new Telefonica shares 109.3 APW19990629.0162 -1 largest 109.3 NYT19980620.0030 -1 17 109.3 NYT19980803.0431 -1 come 109.3 NYT19980818.0314 -1 Latin 109.3 NYT19980803.0431 -1 Juan Villalonga 109.3 NYT20000607.0248 -1 KPN 109.3 NYT19990623.0369 -1 Telefonica 109.3 APW19980601.0737 -1 FY 2000 109.3 NYT20000113.0404 -1 Leading 109.3 APW19990608.0050 -1 comic-book writer 109.3 APW19990629.0162 -1 telephone company 109.4 APW20000121.0228 -1 Chile 109.4 NYT19980722.0524 -1 Polanco 109.4 NYT20000517.0094 3 JUAN 109.4 NYT20000517.0094 -1 THE COMPANY 109.4 NYT20000113.0404 -1 ADSL 109.4 NYT20000627.0048 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000627.0048 -1 David Wetherell 109.4 NYT20000727.0284 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000113.0404 -1 Moviles 109.4 NYT20000515.0341 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 APW20000505.0115 -1 both 109.4 NYT20000530.0320 -1 Royal KPN 109.4 NYT20000515.0341 -1 Lycos 109.4 NYT20000726.0262 -1 Davis 109.4 NYT20000817.0508 -1 director 109.4 NYT20000726.0193 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000517.0094 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000726.0262 -1 Terra Lycos 109.4 NYT20000726.0262 -1 spokesman 109.4 NYT20000726.0282 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000607.0248 -1 TELEFONICA CHAIRMAN 109.4 NYT20000630.0359 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 APW19990629.0162 -1 Telecom 109.4 NYT20000621.0326 3 Telefonica SA chairman Juan Villalonga 109.4 APW20000505.0115 -1 Telecom 109.4 NYT20000517.0094 -1 Madrid-based 109.4 NYT20000717.0339 -1 land-line phone systems 109.4 NYT20000726.0262 1 Alierta 109.4 NYT20000726.0262 -1 Terra Networks 109.4 NYT20000204.0406 1 Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000607.0279 1 _ Juan Villalonga 109.4 NYT20000515.0341 -1 Terra 109.4 NYT20000204.0406 -1 Latin 109.4 NYT20000627.0048 -1 Search 109.4 APW19980925.0473 -1 striker 110.1 XIE19970923.0246 -1 Ministry of Public Health 110.1 XIE19990306.0043 -1 ceremony 110.1 XIE19990306.0036 -1 CHINA 110.1 XIE19980904.0121 -1 CLUBS INTERNATIONAL 110.1 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Service 110.1 XIE19991014.0041 -1 Clubs 110.1 APW19980610.0793 -1 Tai Ping Shan 110.1 APW19980607.0730 -1 Multiple District 110.1 XIE19970827.0098 -1 LCIF 110.1 XIE19971112.0039 -1 to restore that through the two eye camps 110.1 XIE19990515.0104 -1 primary mission 110.1 XIE19981124.0263 -1 the world 110.1 XIE19991019.0016 -1 organization 110.1 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Lions Club International 110.1 XIE19990306.0036 -1 year 1999 110.1 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Lions' 110.1 XIE19991019.0016 -1 1937 110.1 NYT19980604.0337 -1 International 110.1 XIE20000831.0167 -1 International 110.1 XIE19991014.0041 -1 1.4 million members 110.1 XIE19990515.0104 -1 1.4 million members 110.1 XIE19990306.0036 -1 foundation 110.1 XIE19991105.0159 -1 Neil Jenkins 110.1 XIE19990306.0036 -1 Foundation 110.1 XIE19970827.0098 -1 Lions Clubs builds bridges of understanding between themselves and people around the world by funding humanitarian projects. 110.1 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Kajit Habanananda 110.1 NYT19980728.0305 -1 Torstenson 110.1 XIE19980820.0118 -1 Sight First China Action, 110.1 XIE19980626.0157 -1 Lions Club 110.1 XIE20000425.0307 2 blindness 110.1 XIE19990113.0172 -1 Minister of Health 110.1 XIE20000831.0167 -1 Chinese 110.1 XIE19970925.0187 -1 million US dollars 110.1 XIE19980820.0118 -1 Federation and Lions Clubs International 110.1 XIE19980328.0004 -1 LCI 110.1 XIE19980909.0190 -1 Chinese Disabled Persons Federation 110.2 NYT19991020.0378 -1 75 , 110.2 XIE19980907.0137 -1 1 110.2 XIE19970519.0060 1 1917 110.2 XIE19990907.0189 2 7, 1917 110.2 XIE19980907.0137 1 1917 110.2 XIE20000831.0137 1 1917 110.2 XIE19991019.0016 1 1937 110.2 APW20000513.0145 -1 July 19 110.2 XIE20000701.0076 -1 1997 110.2 XIE19981005.0221 -1 1997 110.2 XIE19980909.0190 -1 1997 110.2 NYT20000630.0325 -1 1962 110.2 XIE19990531.0103 -1 1999 110.2 XIE19990306.0043 -1 1997 110.2 XIE20000831.0137 1 in 1917 110.2 XIE19990803.0003 -1 1992 110.2 XIE19990515.0104 2 june 7, 1917 110.2 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Mar 1933 110.2 XIE19970520.0174 -1 May 20 110.2 XIE19990306.0047 -1 March 5 110.2 XIE20000518.0244 -1 1997 110.2 XIE19970827.0098 3 19 June 7 1917 110.2 XIE19970827.0098 1 1917 110.2 XIE19991009.0170 -1 2002 110.3 APW19990316.0162 -1 Detroit 110.3 XIE19990306.0036 -1 5 110.3 XIE20000111.0153 -1 CHINA 110.3 XIE19991014.0041 -1 LIONS CLUBS 110.3 APW19990605.0044 -1 Oak Brook 110.3 APW19980610.0793 -1 Hong Kong 110.3 NYT20000731.0215 -1 Rotary 110.3 XIE20000831.0137 -1 Beijing 110.3 XIE19980904.0121 -1 Beijing 110.3 XIE19981005.0221 -1 Sight First China Action 110.3 NYT19990628.0401 -1 New York 110.3 XIE19990306.0043 -1 China 110.3 XIE19990515.0104 -1 BEIJING 110.3 NYT19990715.0032 -1 California 110.3 XIE19990515.0104 -1 China 110.3 XIE19990306.0036 -1 China 110.3 APW19990918.0030 -1 Lions 110.3 XIE19981124.0263 -1 Hubei Province 110.3 XIE19981124.0263 -1 Hong Kong 110.3 NYT19981010.0108 -1 Lions 110.3 NYT19980728.0305 -1 Lions 110.3 APW19980909.0828 -1 United 110.3 NYT20000416.0113 -1 Greedy 110.3 XIE19990515.0104 -1 international headquarters 110.3 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Rugby 110.3 XIE19990515.0104 -1 International Headquarters 110.3 XIE19990907.0189 -1 China 110.3 XIE19991019.0016 -1 Lions Club Ethiopia 110.3 XIE20000425.0307 -1 China 110.3 XIE19981124.0263 -1 China 110.3 XIE19990908.0278 -1 China 110.3 XIE19990531.0103 -1 China 110.3 XIE19980904.0121 -1 District 110.3 XIE19980207.0106 -1 Hong Kong 110.4 APW19990602.0155 -1 Murray 110.4 XIE19980907.0137 -1 result 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 -1 CHINA 110.4 APW19980611.0508 -1 JONES 110.4 APW19980607.0730 -1 Association 110.4 APW19980607.0730 -1 Lion 110.4 XIE19990907.0189 1 president James Ervin 110.4 XIE19990907.0070 1 James Ervin 110.4 NYT19981010.0108 -1 Home 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 1 Kajit Habanananda 110.4 XIE20000831.0167 -1 Deng Pufang 110.4 XIE19981223.0159 1 Kajit Habanananda 110.4 XIE19980907.0137 1 Kajit Habanananda 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Helen Keller 110.4 XIE19970520.0174 1 Augustin Soliva 110.4 XIE19990306.0043 -1 Lions Clubs International 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Lions Club International 110.4 XIE19971011.0122 -1 Lions Club 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 -1 home page 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Neil Jenkins 110.4 XIE19990515.0104 -1 Home Page 110.4 NYT19991020.0378 1 Jim Ervin 110.4 NYT19980728.0305 -1 Schlicht 110.4 XIE19980902.0120 -1 Li Ruihuan 110.4 XIE19981124.0263 -1 China 110.4 XIE19990908.0278 -1 LCI delegation 110.4 NYT19980914.0385 -1 Clinton 110.4 APW19980611.0508 -1 Melvin Jones 110.4 XIE19970519.0060 -1 District 111.1 NYT19981111.0158 -1 250 111.1 NYT19981111.0194 -1 1 111.1 APW19990302.0084 1 1959 111.1 APW19990303.0060 1 1959 111.1 NYT19980613.0100 1 1959 111.1 APW19980623.0888 1 1959 111.1 NYT19981111.0211 1 1959 111.1 APW19980602.1291 -1 from September 1 111.1 NYT19981111.0194 -1 fiscal year 1998 111.1 APW19980623.0888 1 in 1959 111.1 NYT19981111.0194 1 1959 111.1 APW19990302.0084 -1 Aug 1992 111.1 APW20000718.0130 -1 Energy_Secretary 111.2 APW19980603.0784 -1 Hong Kong 111.2 NYT19981111.0329 -1 Israel 111.2 APW20000202.0287 3 MICH 111.2 APW19980603.0415 1 MICHIGAN 111.2 APW19980603.0415 1 Michigan 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 3 Ada 111.2 NYT19981111.0194 1 Michigan 111.2 XIE19990427.0154 -1 China 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 1 Ada, Michigan 111.2 XIE19980510.0157 -1 Shanghai 111.2 XIE20000414.0197 -1 Guangzhou 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 1 Mich . 111.2 APW20000517.0117 -1 California 111.2 NYT19981111.0211 -1 Haiti 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 1 Mich. 111.2 NYT19991015.0327 2 Michigan 111.2 NYT19980613.0100 1 Ada, Mich. 111.2 NYT19981111.0330 -1 HAITI 111.2 NYT19981111.0158 -1 HAITI 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 1 Mich 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 1 Ada, Mich 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Amway 111.2 APW20000202.0287 3 Mich. 111.2 NYT19980720.0395 3 Ada 111.2 XIE20000629.0115 -1 Hong Kong 111.2 APW20000706.0032 2 Michigan 111.2 APW19990303.0060 1 ada michigan usa 111.2 APW19990303.0060 -1 Grand Plaza 111.2 XIE19960104.0097 2 Ada, Michigan 111.2 APW19980623.0888 1 Michigan 111.2 XIE19990624.0148 -1 U.S. 111.2 XIE19980723.0377 -1 China 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Internet 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Grand Rapids 111.2 APW19980602.1291 -1 Amway Asia Pacific 111.2 APW20000202.0255 -1 North America 111.2 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Business 111.2 XIE19981202.0267 -1 London 111.3 NYT19990616.0271 -1 John Parker 111.3 APW19990329.0052 -1 ' 111.3 XIE19980812.0146 -1 IN CHINA 111.3 XIE19990509.0077 3 DEVOS 111.3 APW19990329.0052 -1 Corporation 111.3 NYT20000731.0227 1 Dick DeVos 111.3 XIE19990427.0154 3 DeVos 111.3 APW20000202.0255 -1 Steve Van Andel 111.3 APW20000202.0287 -1 Doug DeVos 111.3 XIE19990509.0077 1 Dick DeVos 111.3 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Santa Rosa 111.3 XIE19990512.0173 -1 Eva Cheng 111.3 NYT19980828.0198 -1 James Rosloniec 111.3 APW19980603.0415 -1 Preecha Prakobkit 111.3 NYT19990808.0107 1 Richard M. DeVos 111.3 NYT19980708.0373 -1 Chris Lobato 111.3 NYT19981111.0158 -1 PORT AU PRINCE 111.3 APW20000202.0255 1 Dick DeVos 111.3 APW20000202.0287 -1 David Van Andel 111.3 XIE19990427.0154 -1 State Councilor Meets Amway President 111.3 APW19980602.1291 -1 Mr Choong Lai Huat 111.3 APW19990302.0084 -1 bill hushion 111.3 XIE19980812.0146 -1 Stephen 111.3 APW19990302.0084 -1 Bill Hushion 111.3 APW20000202.0287 -1 been Amway's senior vice president 111.3 APW19990302.0084 -1 David Van Andel 111.3 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Quixtar 111.3 XIE19980812.0146 -1 sales 111.3 NYT19980828.0198 -1 Amway 111.3 NYT20000414.0154 -1 Heaton Park 111.3 APW20000718.0130 -1 Energy_Secretary 111.3 NYT19980811.0418 -1 Timothy Munoz 111.5 XIE19980510.0157 -1 Avon Products ( Worldwide 111.5 XIE19980510.0157 -1 of 111.5 NYT19980828.0198 -1 FAMILY 111.5 APW20000202.0287 -1 DEVOS 111.5 NYT19990616.0271 -1 Quixtar 111.5 XIE19990509.0077 -1 amivo acts as an Amway daughter - company in Europe 111.5 APW19990921.0224 -1 Quixtar Business 111.5 NYT19990616.0271 -1 QUIXTAR business 111.5 APW19990302.0084 -1 the new site because it plans to sell thousands of goods and services from other companies 111.5 APW20000202.0287 -1 the privately-held company 111.5 APW19990329.0052 -1 Procter Gamble 111.5 APW19990921.0224 -1 QUIXTAR 111.5 APW19990921.0224 -1 Quixtar 111.5 NYT19981111.0330 -1 PORT AU PRINCE 111.5 NYT19981111.0158 -1 PORT AU PRINCE 111.5 NYT19981111.0194 -1 fiscal year 1998 111.5 APW19990302.0084 -1 Nutrilite 111.5 NYT19990616.0271 -1 QUIXTAR 111.5 APW19990921.0224 -1 McDonald said the Quixtar 111.5 APW19980603.0415 -1 bank 111.5 APW20000202.0287 -1 products 111.5 APW19990302.0084 -1 Person 111.5 NYT19980828.0198 -1 vice president 111.5 NYT19980828.0198 -1 Amway vice president 111.5 APW19990921.0224 -1 the Quixtar name 111.5 APW19990921.0224 -1 a different name 111.5 APW19980603.0842 -1 39 111.5 APW19990417.0024 -1 Winston Churchill 111.5 APW19980602.1291 -1 Mr 111.5 APW19980602.1291 -1 Peter Lee Pang Say 111.5 XIE19980510.0157 -1 Ho 112.1 NYT19990101.0285 -1 five years 112.1 NYT19980715.0498 -1 first 112.1 XIE19980122.0014 -1 TO OPEN 112.1 XIE20000524.0265 1 1955 112.1 XIE20000913.0391 -1 2004 112.1 XIE20000418.0060 1 1955 112.1 NYT19980715.0498 -1 1940 112.1 NYT19980715.0498 1 1955 112.1 XIE19980122.0014 -1 1998 112.1 NYT19990714.0232 1 1955 112.1 XIE20000524.0265 -1 July 112.1 XIE19971019.0157 -1 1940 112.1 XIE19971019.0157 -1 1957 112.1 NYT19980917.0311 -1 next year 112.1 XIE20000413.0184 1 1955 112.1 NYT19991129.0469 -1 summer 112.1 APW19990521.0025 2 1955 112.1 NYT19991030.0114 -1 1985 112.1 NYT19980923.0438 -1 1998 112.1 NYT19981228.0100 -1 2003 112.1 NYT20000806.0048 -1 1994 112.1 XIE20000805.0052 -1 2005 112.1 XIE19980122.0014 -1 Wednesday 112.2 NYT20000711.0157 -1 District 112.2 APW19990907.0263 -1 Treatment of Animals People for Ethical 112.2 APW19990825.0270 1 OAK BROOK ILL. 112.2 APW19990825.0270 3 OAK BROOK 112.2 APW20000330.0096 3 Oak Brook 112.2 APW19990331.0146 -1 Britain 112.2 NYT19991207.0286 -1 WASHINGTON 112.2 APW19990907.0263 1 Oak Brook, Illinois 112.2 NYT20000304.0126 1 Oak Brook, Illinois 112.2 APW19990701.0171 1 Oak Brook, Illinois 112.2 XIE19970219.0077 -1 Beijing 112.2 NYT19980626.0452 -1 Gwinnett County 112.2 APW19991022.0036 -1 Miami-based 112.2 XIE19970520.0284 -1 United States 112.2 XIE20000702.0090 -1 Beijing 112.2 XIE19960328.0083 -1 Hong Kong 112.2 XIE19970605.0028 -1 NEW YORK 112.2 APW19990701.0171 3 Oak Brook 112.2 NYT20000714.0122 1 Illinois 112.2 XIE19980122.0014 -1 FRANCE 112.2 XIE19980924.0141 -1 CPSU 112.2 XIE19980924.0141 -1 ABC 112.2 XIE19971019.0157 2 oak brook 112.2 XIE19971019.0157 2 Oak Brook 112.2 XIE19971019.0157 -1 Oak 112.2 NYT19980715.0498 -1 San Bernardino 112.2 XIE19981021.0089 -1 SINGAPORE 112.2 NYT20000204.0193 -1 Atlanta 112.2 NYT19980908.0152 -1 Paris, FRA 112.2 XIE19990212.0299 -1 Mobilrom 112.2 APW19990907.0263 1 Oak Brook, Ill 112.2 APW19990818.0188 -1 North America 112.2 NYT19991129.0407 -1 Business 112.2 XIE19960912.0142 -1 China 112.3 XIE20000524.0265 -1 Chinese Investment Corporation . 112.3 APW19990907.0263 -1 Treatment of Animals People for Ethical 112.3 XIE19971108.0200 -1 ITS ANNUAL 112.3 XIE19971108.0200 -1 OPERATING INCOME 112.3 XIE19990112.0019 -1 630 112.3 XIE19971108.0200 -1 Food 112.3 APW20000828.0183 -1 said Bill Freelove , chairman 112.3 NYT19980927.0166 -1 pot 112.3 NYT19981125.0240 -1 TMS 112.3 NYT20000124.0138 -1 fast food chain 112.3 NYT19980614.0048 -1 business model 112.3 NYT19980725.0118 -1 By GREG 112.3 XIE19971108.0200 -1 The American 112.3 XIE19980122.0014 -1 8.389 billion francs 112.3 NYT20000914.0271 -1 Corp. 112.3 XIE19971108.0200 -1 General Manager 112.3 NYT20000329.0058 -1 $246 billion 112.3 NYT20000718.0090 -1 some $1.8 million 112.3 NYT20000714.0166 -1 some $1.8 million 112.3 APW19990113.0032 -1 $16 million 112.3 NYT19980804.0111 -1 $200 billion 112.3 APW19990210.0378 -1 S corporation 112.3 XIE19971108.0200 -1 Mcdonald's 112.3 NYT20000718.0090 -1 million 112.3 NYT19981104.0324 -1 league ' s annual revenue 112.3 XIE19971019.0157 -1 $2 112.3 NYT19980715.0498 1 $33 billion 112.3 APW19990210.0378 -1 $ 107,000 112.3 APW19981202.1008 -1 annual revenue 112.3 NYT20000108.0189 -1 $2.4 billion 112.3 NYT19991123.0381 -1 Lee 112.3 NYT19981215.0109 -1 Walt Disney 112.3 XIE19970520.0284 -1 changes 112.3 NYT19981104.0324 -1 players deserve 67 percent 112.3 APW19990416.0171 -1 125 112.3 XIE19990414.0243 -1 world largest chain fast 112.3 XIE19960509.0294 -1 Company 112.3 XIE19990720.0009 -1 outsider 112.4 APW19990907.0263 -1 Ronald McDonald 112.4 XIE19970520.0284 -1 May 112.4 NYT19990126.0488 -1 MCDONALD'S 112.4 NYT19980923.0438 1 RAY KROC 112.4 NYT19980923.0438 1 KROC 112.4 XIE19970520.0284 -1 Company 112.4 APW19981019.0516 -1 Restaurant 112.4 NYT20000711.0157 -1 Allan Feldman 112.4 NYT19990509.0065 2 Ray Kroc 112.4 NYT19980923.0438 1 Ray Kroc 112.4 NYT20000306.0167 -1 Term 112.4 APW19990521.0025 -1 Jack Greenberg 112.4 NYT20000622.0418 -1 Burger King 112.4 NYT20000914.0276 -1 Hancock 112.4 NYT20000127.0283 -1 Ronald Lee Fleming 112.4 NYT20000124.0138 -1 Ronald Lee Fleming 112.4 APW20000330.0096 -1 Anna Rozenich 112.4 XIE19991202.0059 -1 McDonald's 112.4 NYT19990512.0081 2 Ray Kroc 112.4 APW19990416.0171 -1 Imperial Corporation of America 112.4 XIE19991112.0165 -1 environmental defense 112.4 XIE19991112.0165 -1 Ronald McDonald 112.4 XIE19991112.0165 -1 Environmental Defense 112.4 NYT19980715.0498 -1 Richard McDonald 112.4 NYT19991129.0457 -1 Bove 112.4 NYT19980720.0084 -1 McDonald's 112.4 NYT19990415.0383 -1 Wendy 112.4 XIE19970219.0077 -1 Marvin Whaley 112.4 NYT19981215.0082 -1 Burger King 112.4 XIE19970520.0284 -1 United States 112.4 XIE19970520.0284 -1 Big Shift 112.4 XIE19991202.0059 -1 Group 112.4 NYT20000214.0319 -1 rex 112.4 NYT19980722.0294 1 Ray Kroc 112.4 XIE19980924.0141 -1 John Howard 112.4 NYT19980722.0294 -1 American 112.4 APW19981116.1366 -1 Chow King 113.1 NYT20000410.0064 -1 Paul Newman 113.1 APW19981114.0935 -1 moviegoers 113.1 NYT19990930.0449 -1 MARKETING 113.1 APW19990217.0147 -1 DEAN 113.1 APW20000304.0128 3 American actor 113.1 APW20000107.0266 1 Actor 113.1 APW19990927.0229 -1 a camp near here for children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses 113.1 NYT19990930.0449 -1 Allen 113.1 APW20000112.0052 -1 Gang Camp 113.1 NYT20000323.0004 -1 hole 113.1 NYT19981112.0280 -1 Wall Gang camps 113.1 NYT20000203.0243 -1 ``When I met Paul Newman,'' said Kevin Chamberlin, who plays a 113.1 APW20000304.0079 -1 was flourishing in the early years of their 42-year marriage 113.1 NYT19990311.0179 -1 RobinWright Penn 113.1 NYT19981019.0108 -1 Torn's movie career _ more 113.1 NYT19990812.0205 -1 character 113.1 NYT19981019.0108 -1 Bob Hope 113.1 NYT20000929.0085 1 actor 113.1 NYT20000807.0334 -1 physician 113.1 NYT19980616.0184 1 actor 113.1 APW20000119.0134 1 Actor 113.1 APW19990608.0050 -1 Nov. 9, 1950 113.1 APW20000826.0145 -1 Fool 113.1 NYT20000410.0060 -1 BANK SHOT 113.1 NYT19981112.0282 -1 racer 113.1 APW19990217.0147 -1 john 113.1 APW19990217.0147 -1 Hanks Jude 113.1 APW19990217.0147 -1 John 113.1 APW19990215.0170 1 Actor 113.1 NYT19981209.0557 -1 tether line 113.1 APW20000304.0079 -1 husband Paul Newman's career 113.1 NYT19980822.0150 -1 Joanne Woodward 113.1 NYT19990202.0382 -1 kind 113.1 APW20000703.0191 -1 vote 113.1 APW19991013.0102 -1 Yahoo Shopping Yahoo Shopping place 113.1 APW19990320.0037 -1 Henry 113.1 NYT19981120.0416 -1 founder of Newman 's Own Inc 113.1 NYT19990211.0224 -1 Dodge 113.2 NYT20000323.0372 -1 14 113.2 APW20000304.0079 -1 their 113.2 NYT19981112.0282 -1 WOODWARD 113.2 APW20000417.0173 -1 THIS FILM 113.2 NYT19981112.0282 -1 A SECOND 113.2 APW20000304.0128 -1 American actor 113.2 NYT20000410.0060 -1 Ohio 113.2 APW19980807.1201 -1 Haas 113.2 NYT19990316.0331 -1 actor 113.2 NYT20000410.0060 -1 first film 113.2 NYT20000808.0099 -1 film starring 113.2 NYT20000203.0243 -1 ``When I met Paul Newman,'' said Kevin Chamberlin, who plays a 113.2 APW20000304.0079 -1 was flourishing in the early years of their 42-year marriage 113.2 NYT19990311.0179 -1 RobinWright Penn 113.2 NYT20000410.0325 -1 IS BACK 113.2 NYT19981019.0108 -1 Torn's movie career _ more 113.2 NYT19980827.0307 -1 Success 113.2 NYT19981210.0175 -1 course 113.2 NYT19981112.0282 -1 interest 113.2 NYT20000323.0372 -1 coach 113.2 APW20000616.0144 -1 attorney 113.2 NYT19981112.0282 1 race-car driver 113.2 NYT19981112.0280 -1 January 1925 113.2 NYT20000410.0060 -1 NEWMAN 113.2 NYT20000410.0060 -1 BANK SHOT 113.2 NYT19981112.0280 -1 MONTREAL _ Paul Newman 113.2 NYT20000410.0060 -1 film 113.2 APW19990217.0147 -1 Hanks Jude 113.2 NYT20000602.0082 -1 Randy Newman life 113.2 APW20000304.0079 -1 husband Paul Newman's career 113.2 NYT19981208.0175 -1 Own 113.2 APW20000304.0079 -1 husband 113.2 NYT19981112.0280 -1 race-team owner 113.2 APW19980807.1201 -1 Tracy 113.2 NYT19990930.0449 2 Racing 113.2 NYT19981120.0416 -1 founder of Newman 's Own Inc 113.2 NYT19990211.0224 -1 Dodge 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 -1 Christian School 113.3 NYT20000410.0060 -1 doing 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 3 OWN 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 1 NEWMAN 'S OWN 113.3 APW19980623.0617 -1 AE Hotchner 113.3 APW19990927.0229 -1 Newman's 113.3 APW19990215.0101 -1 AP 113.3 APW20000112.0052 -1 Hotchner 113.3 APW20000414.0175 -1 Oscar-winning actor 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 -1 that gives its after-tax profits to charitable groups 113.3 APW19990927.0229 -1 in 1988 113.3 NYT19990123.0034 -1 the job Newman wanted 113.3 APW20000107.0266 -1 the track with an ice pack strapped to Newman 's chest 113.3 NYT19981016.0046 -1 actor Paul Newman 113.3 APW19991013.0102 -1 Hole 113.3 NYT19990525.0375 -1 Oakland 113.3 NYT19990525.0375 1 Newman's Own 113.3 APW19990927.0229 -1 AP 113.3 NYT19981210.0175 -1 Gibson 113.3 APW19990607.0177 -1 World Records 113.3 APW20000414.0175 1 Newmans Own Foundation 113.3 APW19990607.0177 -1 1924 113.3 NYT19981016.0046 -1 NEWMAN 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 3 's own 113.3 APW19990217.0147 -1 nell 113.3 APW19990217.0147 -1 Weinstein Co 113.3 APW19990217.0147 -1 Newman’s 113.3 APW19990215.0170 1 Newman's Own food company 113.3 NYT19990525.0375 -1 Most Generous Company 113.3 NYT19981208.0175 3 Own 113.3 NYT19981016.0046 -1 kind 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 -1 after-tax profits 113.3 NYT19990114.0134 -1 Warner Bros 113.3 NYT19981027.0431 -1 Nell Potts 113.3 APW19990215.0101 -1 Joanne Woodward 113.3 NYT19991117.0381 -1 America 113.6 NYT19981103.0053 -1 Newman 113.6 NYT20000410.0060 -1 the 113.6 NYT19980802.0149 -1 PARRY 113.6 APW19990215.0101 1 JOANNE WOODWARD 113.6 APW19990215.0101 1 Joanne Woodward 113.6 APW20000304.0079 1 Joanne Woodward 113.6 APW19990904.0061 -1 AP 113.6 APW19990128.0096 1 Joanne Woodward 113.6 NYT19990621.0270 1 Joanne Woodward 113.6 APW19990608.0050 -1 Paul S. Newman 113.6 NYT19990606.0222 -1 Paul S. Newman 113.6 APW19990607.0177 -1 Peter 113.6 APW20000804.0051 -1 Paul Newman 113.6 APW19990607.0177 -1 Comic Book 113.6 APW19990215.0101 1 joanne woodward 113.6 APW19990215.0170 1 Joanne Woodward 113.6 APW19990727.0079 1 Joanne Woodward 113.6 APW20000112.0052 -1 Paul Newman 113.6 NYT19981115.0013 -1 Stefan 113.6 NYT19980822.0150 2 Joanne Woodward 113.6 NYT19990621.0270 -1 Las Vegas 113.6 NYT19980720.0333 -1 African-American 113.6 APW19980718.0767 -1 Paul Newman 113.6 NYT20000203.0243 -1 Mr 113.6 NYT20000703.0218 -1 veteran actor 113.6 APW19990608.0050 -1 comic-book writer 114.1 NYT19981104.0463 -1 James George Janos 114.1 APW19990810.0204 -1 crowd 114.1 NYT19990709.0125 1 REFORM 114.1 NYT19990709.0125 1 REFORM PARTY 114.1 APW19990810.0204 -1 Governor 114.1 APW19990828.0021 -1 vocal chords in a beef with a Minnesota newspaper 114.1 NYT20000622.0185 -1 tie 114.1 NYT20000228.0312 -1 Minnesota 114.1 NYT20000228.0312 -1 Minnesota voters 114.1 NYT19981127.0092 -1 Voila! Politics. Now Jesse ``The Body'' Ventura is Jesse ``The Mind'' 114.1 APW19990809.0301 -1 Ventura Appears at WWF Match ROSEMONT, Ill. (AP) -- Minnesota Gov. 114.1 NYT19991027.0125 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT19981104.0630 1 the Reform Party 114.1 NYT19990222.0357 -1 the Body 114.1 NYT19990104.0367 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT19990719.0371 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT20000212.0227 -1 Perot 114.1 APW19990717.0041 -1 WWF 114.1 NYT19991007.0379 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT20000831.0401 -1 Toledo Memphis 114.1 XIE20000211.0257 1 Reform 114.1 APW20000106.0300 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT19981115.0195 -1 governor of Minnesota 114.1 APW19990103.0041 -1 AP 114.1 NYT19981104.0463 -1 governor 114.1 APW19990103.0046 -1 Ralph Nader 114.1 NYT19981104.0463 -1 Governor 114.1 APW19990722.0106 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT19991110.0025 -1 Governor 114.1 APW19990723.0129 1 Reform Party 114.1 APW19991025.0263 -1 Gov 114.1 NYT19981105.0389 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT20000303.0243 -1 Minnesota Republicans 114.1 NYT19981106.0257 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT19981229.0243 -1 Ventura 114.1 APW19990713.0033 1 Reform Party 114.1 APW19990627.0104 -1 Minnesotans 114.1 APW19990627.0104 1 Reform Party 114.1 NYT19991014.0121 -1 Jesse Ventura 114.1 APW20000718.0130 -1 Energy_Secretary 114.1 APW19990912.0057 -1 Minnesota 114.2 NYT19991003.0920 -1 Jesse Ventura 114.2 APW19990810.0204 -1 , 114.2 APW19990212.0317 -1 GOVERNOR 114.2 APW19990924.0124 -1 THE BODY 114.2 APW19990810.0204 -1 Governor 114.2 APW19990924.0124 -1 name 114.2 NYT20000519.0209 -1 Ross Perot 114.2 NYT19981129.0073 -1 Minnesota Governor 114.2 NYT19980916.0006 -1 MINNESOTA GOVERNOR 114.2 APW19990118.0146 1 James George Janos 114.2 APW20000608.0011 -1 after more than one-fourth of its 2,800 residents signed a petition to change it 114.2 NYT19981118.0012 -1 time he laid eyes on California's golden Ventura coastline after moving out here in 1975 to 114.2 NYT19990105.0022 -1 BECOMES A RELUCTANT FIRST LADY 114.2 NYT19990527.0334 -1 Like Minnesota Gov 114.2 APW19990923.0184 -1 Donald Trump 114.2 NYT19990923.0088 -1 Hillary 114.2 APW19990924.0124 -1 Body 114.2 APW19991006.0389 -1 body 114.2 NYT19981107.0070 -1 Evil Special Interest Man 114.2 NYT19981118.0010 1 James George Janos 114.2 NYT19981118.0010 1 James Janos 114.2 APW19990924.0124 -1 Moonlight 114.2 APW19990104.0153 -1 Ventura 114.2 NYT19981118.0010 -1 BOULEVARD 114.2 NYT19981120.0102 1 James George Janos 114.2 APW19990821.0055 -1 Body 114.2 APW19990103.0046 -1 mr. mathers, marshall mathers 114.2 APW19990103.0046 -1 Robert Marella 114.2 APW19990103.0046 -1 Mr. Mathers, Marshall Mathers 114.2 NYT19991027.0149 -1 Their names 114.2 NYT20000730.0109 -1 the name 114.2 NYT19981105.0389 -1 Reform Party 114.2 APW20000303.0268 -1 lawsuits 114.2 NYT20000815.0299 -1 Madonna Gives 114.2 XIE19970912.0291 -1 Ventura 114.2 NYT19991014.0121 -1 Jesse Ventura 114.2 APW20000718.0130 -1 Energy_Secretary 114.2 NYT19990610.0074 -1 Jackson 114.5 NYT19981105.0082 -1 Minnesota Reform Party 114.5 APW19990212.0317 -1 his 114.5 APW19990311.0218 1 TERRY 114.5 NYT19990705.0215 -1 DUKE 114.5 APW20000909.0085 -1 Minnesota 114.5 APW20000608.0011 -1 Ventura 114.5 APW19990901.0024 1 Terry 114.5 NYT19981129.0073 -1 Minnesota Governor 114.5 NYT19981104.0463 -1 Body 114.5 NYT19981027.0249 -1 Minnesota governor 114.5 APW20000608.0011 -1 after more than one-fourth of its 2,800 residents signed a petition to change it 114.5 NYT19981118.0012 -1 time he laid eyes on California's golden Ventura coastline after moving out here in 1975 to 114.5 NYT19991008.0118 -1 Pat Buchanan 114.5 NYT19990109.0059 -1 Rachel Gorlin 114.5 APW19990311.0218 -1 Gov. Jesse Ventura 114.5 NYT20000326.0188 -1 Jesse Jackson 114.5 NYT19990104.0231 1 Terry 114.5 APW20000805.0006 -1 Maria Shriver 114.5 APW19990103.0041 1 Terry 114.5 NYT19990109.0082 1 Terry 114.5 APW19990717.0041 -1 governor 114.5 APW19990104.0153 1 Terry Ventura 114.5 APW19990311.0218 -1 Gov 114.5 NYT19990323.0211 -1 Movieline 114.5 APW19990311.0218 -1 Ill 114.5 NYT19981120.0102 -1 professional wrestler 114.5 NYT19981120.0102 -1 former professional wrestler 114.5 APW19990821.0055 -1 Body 114.5 NYT19981118.0012 -1 former 114.5 APW19990522.0043 -1 Minnesota Gov 114.5 APW19990118.0146 -1 James George Janos 114.5 NYT19990104.0231 -1 MINN-VENTURA 114.5 APW19990821.0055 -1 Bunny Ranch 114.5 NYT19990109.0082 -1 the unconventional _ licensing Jesse Ventura action figures 114.5 NYT19981105.0389 -1 Reform Party 114.5 NYT19990111.0106 -1 ticket 114.5 NYT20000629.0030 -1 Ventura 114.5 APW19990311.0218 -1 Jesse Ventura 114.5 NYT19981118.0010 -1 James George Janos 114.5 APW19990105.0177 -1 Is Jesse Ventura 114.5 APW20000718.0130 -1 Energy_Secretary 114.5 APW20000621.0051 1 Terry 114.6 APW19990821.0055 -1 one 114.6 APW19990517.0152 -1 1 114.6 NYT19981107.0047 -1 THE JESSE 114.6 APW19990105.0183 -1 15 114.6 APW19990809.0301 2 two 114.6 NYT19981107.0070 -1 1998 114.6 APW19990517.0152 -1 17 years 114.6 NYT19981104.0463 -1 one 114.6 NYT19981106.0050 -1 40 114.6 APW19990105.0177 1 two children 114.6 APW20000608.0011 -1 2,800 114.6 APW19990522.0043 -1 three 114.6 APW19990809.0301 -1 will referee match between federation champion the Aug. 22 114.6 NYT19981030.0453 -1 one 114.6 APW19990706.0057 -1 four 114.6 NYT19990726.0047 2 two 114.6 APW19990105.0183 1 two 114.6 NYT19981106.0131 2 two 114.6 APW19990205.0099 2 2 114.6 APW19990104.0282 1 two 114.6 APW19990810.0204 -1 20,000 114.6 NYT19990808.0125 -1 1.3 million 114.6 APW19990828.0021 -1 1986 114.6 APW19990104.0282 -1 15 114.6 NYT19981105.0082 -1 one 114.6 APW19990522.0043 -1 governor of minnesota 114.6 APW19990522.0043 -1 10 114.6 APW19990103.0046 -1 130 114.6 APW19990812.0067 2 two 114.6 NYT19990105.0022 -1 LADY 114.6 NYT19990915.0385 -1 2004 114.6 NYT19981123.0062 2 2 114.6 NYT19981107.0047 -1 one 114.6 NYT19990103.0090 -1 700 114.6 NYT20000411.0399 -1 15 114.6 NYT20000106.0172 -1 15 114.6 APW19990105.0177 3 their two children Jade 114.6 NYT19981030.0454 -1 one 115.1 NYT19990714.0256 -1 1600 115.1 NYT19990406.0105 -1 families 115.1 NYT19990406.0105 1 1906 115.1 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Kennett Square 115.1 XIE20000427.0019 -1 2002 115.1 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Today 115.1 NYT19990406.0105 -1 the summer 115.1 NYT19990406.0105 -1 1859 115.1 NYT19990201.0366 -1 1990 115.1 NYT19990716.0083 -1 1900 115.1 NYT20000711.0100 1 1906 115.1 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1919 115.1 NYT19990406.0105 3 in 1906 115.1 XIE19960805.0002 -1 West 115.1 NYT19990719.0019 -1 1700 115.1 NYT19990719.0019 -1 1994 115.1 NYT19980619.0216 -1 1754 115.1 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1920-1929 115.1 NYT19990210.0415 -1 2002 115.2 NYT19980829.0258 -1 Andres Gimeno 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 -1 garden 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 -1 IN AMERICA 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 3 PENNSYLVANIA 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 -1 AT LONGWOOD 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 3 Pennsylvania 115.2 NYT20000308.0179 3 Kennett Square 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 3 Brandywine area , 30 miles 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 1 Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 1 Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 115.2 NYT20000711.0203 -1 Philadelphia 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Philadelphia 115.2 APW19990805.0329 3 near Philadelphia 115.2 NYT20000621.0226 -1 Philadelphia 115.2 NYT20000711.0108 -1 Winterthur 115.2 NYT20000809.0360 3 Pennsylvania 115.2 NYT20000711.0108 -1 Philadelphia 115.2 NYT20000621.0226 -1 Philadelphia Flower Show 115.2 NYT19990219.0178 3 Kennett Square 115.2 NYT20000711.0108 -1 LONGWOOD 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 3 Kennett Square 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 1 Kennett Square, Pa 115.2 APW19990715.0314 -1 U.S. 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Gardens 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Disney World 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Winterthur 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 3 kennett square 115.2 NYT19990719.0019 -1 Fountain Garden 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 3 Brandywine area 115.2 NYT20000711.0108 -1 America 115.2 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Pont 115.2 NYT20000711.0145 -1 America 115.2 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Longwood Gardens 115.3 NYT19990713.0097 -1 1997 115.3 NYT19990713.0107 -1 musings 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 WINTERTHUR 115.3 NYT19990713.0107 -1 26 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 GARDEN 115.3 APW19980604.1668 3 1050 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 a 12-month display 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 four acres 115.3 APW19990805.0329 -1 1 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 3 thousand acres 115.3 APW19990805.0329 3 a 1,050-acre botanic gardens 115.3 NYT20000621.0226 -1 Philadelphia Flower Show 115.3 NYT20000501.0302 -1 Brandywine Battlefield 115.3 APW19990805.0329 -1 acre 115.3 NYT19990406.0105 -1 four acres 115.3 APW19990805.0329 1 1,050 - acre 115.3 APW19990805.0329 1 1,050-acre 115.3 APW19990805.0329 -1 140, 000 acres 115.3 NYT19980619.0216 -1 30-foot 115.3 XIE19990503.0106 -1 5 115.3 NYT19990719.0019 -1 located 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Fountain Garden 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 20 indoor and 20 outdoor gardens 115.3 NYT20000308.0179 -1 least three or four feet 115.3 NYT19990406.0105 -1 30 miles 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 20 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 two very fine gardens 115.3 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Christmas 115.3 APW19990805.0329 3 1,050 115.4 NYT19980829.0258 -1 Paul Haarhuis 115.4 NYT19980619.0476 -1 4 115.4 NYT19990406.0105 -1 GARDEN 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 -1 PIERRE 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Pierre S 115.4 NYT19990406.0105 3 industrialist Pierre Samuel du Pont 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Winterthur 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 1 Pierre du Pont 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 1 Pierre Du Pont 115.4 NYT19990713.0107 -1 NONE 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 1 Pierre S. du Pont 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 -1 Pont 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 1 Pierre S. du Pont 115.4 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Henry Francis 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 -1 Seeler 115.4 NYT20000330.0219 -1 CULLEN GARDENS 115.4 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Morris Arboretum 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 pierre 115.4 NYT20000501.0302 -1 Brandywine Battlefield 115.4 NYT19990719.0019 2 pierre du pont 115.4 NYT19990719.0019 -1 George Washington 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Pont 115.4 NYT19990406.0105 1 Pierre Samuel du Pont 115.4 NYT20000321.0088 -1 Pasarell 115.4 NYT20000621.0226 -1 Flower Show 115.4 NYT20000809.0360 -1 Pierre S. du 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 cousins 115.4 NYT19990717.0245 -1 Longwood Cricket Club 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Kennett Square 115.4 NYT20000711.0100 -1 Longwood Gardens 115.4 NYT19990406.0105 -1 Harvard 115.5 NYT19980828.0379 -1 21 115.5 NYT19980619.0216 -1 in 115.5 NYT19990406.0105 -1 GARDEN 115.5 NYT19990830.0032 -1 13 115.5 NYT19990406.0105 -1 1 115.5 NYT19980619.0216 -1 900,000 115.5 NYT19991216.0095 -1 Chang , $35 115.5 NYT19980619.0476 -1 30-foot by 100-foot 115.5 NYT19990713.0097 -1 200 115.5 NYT20000321.0088 -1 152,000 115.5 NYT20000711.0203 -1 two 115.5 NYT19980619.0216 -1 3,000 115.5 XIE20000311.0037 -1 630,000 115.5 NYT19990406.0105 1 800,000 115.5 NYT19980619.0476 -1 3,000 115.5 NYT19990406.0105 -1 20 115.5 NYT19981115.0046 -1 top-10 115.5 NYT20000809.0360 -1 only two 115.5 NYT20000711.0100 -1 two million 115.5 NYT20000711.0100 3 a million 115.5 NYT20000406.0153 -1 3,000 115.5 NYT19980603.0420 -1 10 115.5 APW19990212.0248 -1 five years 115.5 APW19990805.0329 -1 1050 acre botanic gardens 115.5 NYT19990719.0019 -1 1 115.5 NYT19990719.0019 -1 22 115.5 NYT19990115.0364 -1 2,500 115.5 NYT19980619.0476 -1 St 115.5 NYT19980619.0216 -1 50 years 115.5 NYT19980619.0216 -1 one 115.5 NYT19991019.0214 -1 15 115.5 NYT19980619.0216 -1 50 115.5 NYT19990406.0105 3 800,000 visitors 115.5 APW19990805.0329 -1 1,050 115.6 NYT20000406.0152 -1 12 115.6 NYT20000406.0152 -1 1 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 WINTERTHUR 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 20 115.6 NYT19990219.0178 -1 Kennett Square 115.6 XIE20000222.0004 -1 2003 115.6 NYT19990713.0107 -1 1917 115.6 APW19990805.0329 -1 summer 115.6 NYT19990406.0105 -1 800 115.6 NYT19980827.0441 -1 1900 115.6 NYT19990406.0105 -1 1811 115.6 NYT19990716.0083 -1 1900 115.6 NYT19990505.0234 -1 October 115.6 NYT19990603.0153 -1 1790 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1919 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 1 May 115.6 NYT19990406.0105 -1 1906 115.6 XIE19991215.0083 -1 1950s 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1393 115.6 NYT20000525.0097 -1 June 115.6 NYT19990719.0019 -1 may 2004 115.6 NYT19990719.0019 -1 September 1997 115.6 NYT19990719.0019 -1 May 2004 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 mid - April 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1900 115.6 NYT19980619.0216 -1 1754 115.6 NYT19990712.0166 -1 next month 115.6 NYT20000501.0302 -1 Sunday 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1906 115.6 NYT20000711.0100 -1 1920-1929 115.6 XIE19981014.0191 -1 March 2002 115.6 XIE19970905.0196 -1 2004 115.6 NYT19990610.0115 -1 June 116.1 NYT20000108.0071 -1 Camp 116.1 NYT20000108.0070 -1 Bar 116.1 XIE20000725.0082 -1 AT CAMP 116.1 NYT19981210.0075 -1 D.C. 116.1 XIE20000711.0054 1 Maryland 116.1 APW20000712.0109 1 Maryland 116.1 NYT20000108.0070 -1 Egypt 116.1 XIE20000720.0183 -1 Middle East Peace Summit 116.1 NYT20000711.0024 -1 Washington 116.1 XIE20000713.0075 -1 Washington 116.1 NYT20000825.0327 -1 Jerusalem 116.1 APW20000705.0105 -1 WASHINGTON 116.1 XIE20000712.0200 -1 near Washington 116.1 XIE20000720.0288 -1 US 116.1 NYT20000713.0022 -1 LA 116.1 APW20000724.0012 -1 Israel 116.1 XIE20000703.0026 3 Catoctin Mountain 116.1 NYT19980724.0375 1 Maryland 116.1 XIE20000712.0200 -1 Israel 116.1 APW20000705.0105 -1 U.S. 116.1 APW20000824.0172 -1 Israel 116.1 XIE20000721.0252 1 Maryland 116.1 XIE20000720.0267 1 Maryland 116.1 XIE20000720.0266 1 Maryland 116.1 XIE20000720.0266 -1 Middle East 116.1 NYT20000711.0024 -1 IND 116.1 NYT20000103.0345 -1 Middle East 116.1 XIE20000725.0058 -1 Thurmont 116.1 XIE20000725.0082 -1 WHITE HOUSE SPOKESMAN SAYS CAMP DAVID SUMMIT ENDS WITHOUT AGREEMENT 116.1 APW20000724.0012 3 catoctin 116.1 NYT20000706.0003 -1 York 116.1 APW20000724.0012 3 Catoctin 116.1 XIE20000711.0091 1 Maryland's Catoctin mountains 116.1 NYT20000727.0290 -1 JERUSALEM 116.1 NYT20000108.0070 -1 JERUSALEM 116.1 XIE20000726.0074 -1 China 116.1 NYT20000922.0082 -1 Washington 116.1 NYT19981210.0075 -1 Israel 116.1 XIE20000730.0019 -1 Israel 116.1 XIE20000717.0279 1 Maryland 116.1 APW20000722.0048 -1 Camp David 116.1 APW19990727.0047 1 Maryland 116.1 NYT20000712.0425 -1 Bush 116.1 NYT20000825.0327 -1 Barak 116.2 NYT20000110.0079 -1 12 116.2 APW20000705.0105 -1 s 116.2 NYT20000110.0078 -1 ISRAELI 116.2 NYT20000714.0201 -1 VISITOR 116.2 APW20000718.0079 -1 17, 1978 116.2 XIE20000725.0082 -1 2000 116.2 XIE20000717.0237 -1 the 52-year dispute 116.2 NYT20000712.0223 -1 1 116.2 NYT19990622.0119 -1 2000 116.2 APW20000917.0124 -1 captured in 1967 116.2 XIE20000715.0129 -1 12 kilometers of Camp David 116.2 APW20000724.0012 -1 an emblem of odds-on struggle 116.2 NYT20000710.0288 -1 Yediot Ahronot 116.2 XIE20000824.0097 -1 The Palestinian 116.2 NYT20000705.0076 -1 80 miles 116.2 NYT20000716.0090 -1 five miles 116.2 XIE20000711.0316 -1 about 30 kilometers 116.2 NYT20000719.0054 -1 five miles 116.2 XIE20000715.0129 -1 12 kilometers 116.2 XIE20000716.0119 -1 Over 100,000 are 116.2 NYT20000716.0089 -1 4,400 five miles 116.2 XIE20000723.0086 -1 three ruling partners 116.2 NYT20000103.0084 -1 23 states 116.2 XIE20000718.0135 -1 private 116.2 NYT20000712.0043 -1 Recent 116.2 NYT20000716.0089 -1 4,400 miles 116.2 NYT20000716.0090 -1 4,400 miles 116.2 XIE20000726.0045 -1 15-day 116.2 NYT20000729.0186 -1 two weeks 116.2 NYT20000724.0329 -1 5 miles 116.2 APW20000714.0065 -1 90 116.2 APW20000720.0201 -1 10 116.2 XIE20000910.0015 -1 July 25 116.2 NYT20000922.0175 -1 2000 116.2 NYT20000711.0275 -1 two 116.3 NYT20000108.0071 -1 Hafez Assad 116.3 XIE20000727.0186 -1 major 116.3 XIE20000725.0054 -1 ISRAELI 116.3 XIE20000817.0122 -1 ISRAEL THAT 116.3 XIE20000817.0122 -1 summit 116.3 NYT20000711.0259 -1 catoctin Mountain Park 116.3 NYT20000712.0082 -1 we 116.3 XIE20000721.0252 -1 Barak 116.3 NYT20000720.0243 -1 Catoctin 116.3 APW20000727.0105 -1 Israel should swap 116.3 XIE19960731.0118 -1 gathered in Paris to counter the American double-standard policy by paving the way for 116.3 XIE20000715.0129 -1 12 kilometers of Camp David 116.3 APW20000724.0012 -1 an emblem of odds-on struggle 116.3 NYT19990904.0210 -1 President Bill Clinton 116.3 NYT20000705.0284 -1 President Clinton Wednesday 116.3 NYT19990715.0210 -1 Franklin D. Roosevelt 116.3 XIE20000720.0098 -1 Barak 116.3 XIE20000725.0034 -1 summit 116.3 NYT20000705.0343 -1 1978 116.3 NYT20000110.0078 -1 September 1978 116.3 NYT20000110.0078 -1 Sadat 116.3 XIE20000711.0092 -1 Israeli-Palestinian Summit 116.3 NYT20000719.0055 -1 Catoctin Mountain 116.3 NYT20000713.0245 -1 Camp David 116.3 APW20000705.0105 -1 camp chank 116.3 XIE20000725.0172 -1 President 116.3 NYT20000712.0043 -1 2000 116.3 NYT20000711.0024 1 Shangri-La 116.3 NYT20000705.0343 -1 first Camp David summit meeting 116.3 NYT19980726.0205 -1 OSS 116.3 APW20000730.0066 -1 Jews 116.3 NYT19981016.0248 -1 Palestinians 116.3 NYT20000708.0093 -1 Privacy 116.3 XIE20000730.0135 -1 origin 116.3 NYT20000720.0243 -1 morning hour Barak Arafat agreed overtime summit scheduled ended 116.3 NYT20000912.0108 -1 Franklin D. Roosevelt 116.3 NYT19980924.0508 -1 Jimmy Carter 116.3 NYT20000925.0313 -1 right 116.4 XIE20000719.0042 -1 19 116.4 APW20000705.0105 -1 Barak 116.4 APW20000705.0105 -1 AT CAMP 116.4 NYT20000716.0063 -1 1943 116.4 XIE19970906.0026 -1 2004 116.4 XIE19970307.0115 -1 2004 116.4 NYT20000108.0071 -1 the 1970s 116.4 XIE20000711.0316 -1 Tuesday 116.4 XIE19960731.0118 -1 1978 116.4 XIE20000627.0059 -1 1978 116.4 XIE19960731.0118 -1 1979 116.4 NYT20000725.0068 -1 1978 116.4 APW20000819.0047 -1 1993 116.4 XIE19981016.0001 -1 1977 116.4 APW20000718.0079 -1 1978 116.4 NYT20000723.0185 -1 1978 116.4 XIE20000925.0012 -1 XIE19960731.0118 1978 two 116.4 APW20000724.0012 1 1942 116.4 NYT20000110.0078 -1 September 1978 116.4 NYT20000726.0026 -1 1978 116.4 NYT19981123.0072 -1 1978 116.4 APW19990823.0024 -1 1992 116.4 NYT20000712.0043 -1 2000 116.4 APW20000724.0012 -1 1978 116.4 NYT20000719.0065 1 1942 116.4 APW20000908.0009 -1 July 116.4 APW19990903.0021 -1 the 1980s 116.4 NYT20000718.0423 -1 22 years ago 116.4 NYT19981023.0418 -1 1978 116.4 XIE20000718.0133 -1 Tuesday 116.4 XIE19960731.0118 -1 1978 two 116.4 APW19990916.0112 -1 Sept. 17, 1978 116.4 XIE20000723.0193 -1 1939 116.4 NYT20000825.0327 -1 2000 116.4 XIE20000926.0389 -1 July 116.5 XIE20000727.0186 -1 Jerusalem 116.5 APW20000712.0109 -1 President Clinton 116.5 XIE20000723.0193 -1 WASHINGTON 116.5 APW20000711.0086 -1 CARTER 116.5 NYT19980924.0508 -1 Carter 116.5 NYT20000712.0425 -1 Bush 116.5 XIE20000808.0307 -1 the U. 116.5 NYT20000719.0333 -1 Palestinians 116.5 NYT19990719.0150 -1 Bush 116.5 XIE19991103.0203 -1 Carter 116.5 NYT20000717.0230 -1 George W. Bush 116.5 NYT19990715.0210 1 Franklin D. Roosevelt 116.5 NYT20000725.0068 -1 Jimmy Carter 116.5 APW20000718.0079 -1 Jimmy Carter 116.5 APW20000705.0105 -1 President Clinton 116.5 XIE20000721.0181 -1 Bill Clinton 116.5 XIE20000716.0119 -1 Bill Clinton 116.5 XIE20000719.0190 -1 will end with dramatic 116.5 NYT19990715.0210 1 President Franklin D. Roosevelt 116.5 XIE20000712.0003 -1 David Camp 116.5 XIE19991103.0203 -1 Jimmy Carter 116.5 XIE20000925.0012 -1 Bill Clinton 116.5 NYT19981026.0340 -1 Jimmy Carter 116.5 NYT20000723.0185 -1 summit 116.5 APW20000705.0105 -1 presidents have 116.5 XIE20000719.0161 -1 Israeli Prime Minister 116.5 APW20000705.0105 -1 Presidents have 116.5 NYT20000719.0065 1 Franklin Roosevelt 116.5 APW20000724.0012 -1 Civil War battlefields 116.5 NYT19980820.0476 -1 President Clinton 116.5 NYT20000913.0170 -1 all presidents 116.5 NYT19981016.0248 -1 Palestinians 116.5 APW20000705.0105 3 Roosevelt 116.5 XIE20000717.0260 -1 Clinton 116.5 NYT19980626.0131 -1 White House 116.5 XIE20000723.0193 -1 Clinton 116.5 NYT20000710.0235 -1 father 117.1 NYT19990723.0192 -1 hundred years 117.1 APW20000110.0021 -1 Edith Edwards 117.1 NYT20000619.0057 -1 KUDZU - 117.1 NYT19990726.0357 -1 PLANTS 117.1 NYT19980617.0343 -1 Japan 117.1 NYT19990723.0192 -1 Root 117.1 NYT20000202.0243 1 vine 117.1 APW19990727.0148 1 vine 117.1 NYT20000524.0039 -1 Pueraria lobata 117.1 NYT19990723.0192 -1 Pueraria lobata 117.1 NYT20000612.0234 1 vine 117.1 NYT20000808.0294 -1 Queen Edith Edwards 117.1 NYT19990726.0357 -1 next kudzu 117.1 NYT19990723.0192 -1 Japan 117.1 APW19990727.0254 -1 weed 117.1 NYT19990907.0232 1 vine 117.1 NYT19990723.0192 -1 1930s 117.1 NYT20000202.0162 -1 Myrothecium 117.1 NYT20000712.0151 -1 South 117.1 NYT20000712.0151 1 vine 117.1 NYT20000619.0057 -1 night 117.1 NYT20000619.0057 -1 perfect 117.1 NYT20000619.0057 -1 perfect plant 117.1 NYT20000202.0162 -1 a fairly wide variety 117.1 NYT19981230.0090 -1 Moon Pie 117.1 NYT19990723.0192 -1 Civilian Conservation 117.1 NYT20000202.0163 -1 Federal weed experts 117.1 NYT20000524.0039 -1 scientific name : Pueraria lobata 117.1 APW19990925.0193 -1 alien plant that ate the South 117.1 NYT20000619.0057 1 vine 117.1 APW19990608.0050 -1 comic-book writer 117.1 NYT20000202.0163 -1 sicklepod 117.2 APW20000110.0021 -1 one 117.2 NYT19981009.0376 -1 press 117.2 NYT20000202.0162 1 1800S 117.2 NYT19990723.0192 1 1876 117.2 NYT19990112.0066 1 1876 117.2 NYT19981218.0072 -1 Christmas 117.2 NYT19990723.0192 -1 1996 117.2 APW20000110.0021 -1 1977 117.2 NYT20000221.0082 3 1800 117.2 NYT20000221.0082 1 1800s 117.2 NYT20000426.0477 -1 1997 117.2 NYT20000221.0082 1 the late 1800s 117.2 NYT19990723.0192 -1 1930s 117.2 NYT20000207.0074 1 1876 117.2 NYT19990121.0294 -1 Thursday 117.2 APW19990704.0123 -1 1811 117.2 NYT20000202.0162 1 1800s 117.2 NYT20000712.0151 -1 the 1930s 117.2 NYT20000808.0294 -1 2000 117.2 APW19990809.0092 -1 Aug. 9, 1998 117.2 NYT19981218.0072 -1 one 117.3 APW20000110.0021 -1 South . 117.3 NYT19980617.0343 -1 South 117.3 NYT20000202.0162 -1 TO NEW YORK 117.3 APW20000110.0021 -1 SOUTH 117.3 NYT20000202.0162 -1 UNITED STATES 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 United States 117.3 NYT19990723.0192 1 Japan 117.3 NYT19990723.0192 -1 South 117.3 NYT20000207.0074 -1 Philadelphia 117.3 NYT20000202.0442 -1 Atlanta 117.3 APW20000110.0021 -1 Charlotte 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 Florida 117.3 NYT20000202.0162 2 eastern Asia 117.3 APW20000110.0021 -1 North Carolina 117.3 NYT19990723.0192 -1 Providence Canyon State Park 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 to the United States 117.3 NYT20000330.0352 -1 Maryland 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 united states 117.3 NYT19980617.0343 -1 North Carolina 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 New York 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 Alabama 117.3 NYT19990726.0429 -1 South Florida 117.3 NYT19990121.0294 -1 White House 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 late 1800s 117.3 NYT20000221.0082 -1 Alabama, Georgia 117.3 NYT19991111.0363 -1 United States 117.3 APW20000308.0184 -1 Democratic Leadership Council 117.3 NYT20000202.0162 2 Asia 117.5 NYT19980812.0386 -1 43 117.5 NYT19980617.0343 -1 pom 117.5 NYT19990723.0192 -1 EAT 117.5 NYT19990723.0192 -1 THE PROBLEM 117.5 NYT20000619.0057 -1 grows 117.5 NYT19981218.0072 -1 may 117.5 NYT19990112.0066 -1 as a threat to remind him that lazy boys were quickly covered by kudzu and never found again. 117.5 NYT19990723.0192 -1 He doubts that there are enough hungry people to eat our kudzu problem. 117.5 NYT20000330.0352 -1 vine 117.5 NYT19990723.0192 -1 time the Civilian Conservation boys came by to plant kudzu near his Mississippi farm, he'd dig it up 117.5 NYT20000330.0352 -1 East Asian 117.5 NYT20000712.0153 -1 ground 117.5 NYT20000330.0352 -1 The South 117.5 NYT19990723.0192 -1 because every time the Civilian Conservation boys came by to plant kudzu near his Mississippi farm 117.5 NYT20000203.0070 -1 Internet 117.5 NYT19990726.0429 -1 1920s 117.5 APW20000919.0110 -1 Nic Holt 117.5 NYT20000207.0074 -1 A South 117.5 NYT19991012.0430 -1 vine 117.5 NYT19980709.0058 -1 South 117.5 NYT20000330.0352 -1 125 years 117.5 NYT19980617.0343 -1 don't 117.5 NYT20000724.0103 -1 zip 117.5 NYT20000330.0352 -1 East 117.5 NYT19981230.0090 -1 Moon Pie 117.5 NYT19990723.0192 -1 kudzu 117.5 APW19990610.0297 -1 NCAA appointed a special 27 - member committee 117.5 NYT19980622.0410 -1 Melissa Wilmoth said 117.5 NYT20000203.0343 -1 Linux 117.5 NYT19991103.0293 -1 singer 117.5 NYT20000607.0050 -1 account 117.6 NYT19990313.0053 -1 two months 117.6 NYT19990305.0319 -1 eloquent assault 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 1 FUNGUS 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 -1 KUDZU AND 117.6 NYT19990712.0135 -1 plants by smothering 117.6 NYT20000221.0082 -1 plant 117.6 NYT19981014.0217 -1 a 69-year-old hippie 117.6 NYT20000221.0082 -1 vine 117.6 NYT20000202.0162 -1 soybean 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 -1 herbicides 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 3 common fungus 117.6 NYT20000202.0163 -1 Agricultural Research Service 117.6 NYT20000208.0047 -1 Now that 117.6 NYT19990723.0192 -1 Japan 117.6 NYT20000202.0440 1 fungus 117.6 APW20000110.0021 -1 Kudzu Queen 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 -1 Dust Bowl 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 1 Myrothecium verrucaria 117.6 NYT20000202.0437 -1 Feb. 2, 2000 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 3 Myrothecium 117.6 NYT20000221.0082 -1 GEORGIA TEENAGER FINDS 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 1 Myrothecium Verrucaria 117.6 NYT20000221.0082 -1 Katie Farris 117.6 NYT20000619.0057 -1 plant 117.6 NYT19980617.0343 -1 Unix Command 117.6 NYT20000619.0057 -1 Plant 117.6 NYT20000202.0162 1 fungus 117.6 NYT20000207.0074 -1 Southeast 117.6 NYT19981230.0090 -1 Moon Pie 117.6 NYT20000202.0162 -1 Stoneville 117.6 NYT20000202.0243 -1 kudzu 100 percent 117.6 NYT19980617.0343 -1 RICK BRAGG 117.6 NYT19990726.0226 -1 Rick Bragg 117.6 NYT20000619.0057 -1 Georgia 117.6 XIE19990115.0174 -1 2005 117.6 NYT19990112.0066 -1 death 118.1 NYT19980604.0144 -1 27 118.1 NYT19980605.0230 -1 first 118.1 NYT19980605.0230 -1 THE MEDAL 118.1 NYT19980608.0072 -1 1993 118.1 APW20000414.0056 -1 1863 118.1 NYT19980605.0230 1 1862 118.1 NYT19980606.0056 -1 this weekend 118.1 APW19980701.1277 -1 1863 118.1 APW19990420.0051 -1 March 118.1 APW20000807.0098 -1 1999 118.1 XIE19980924.0304 -1 1776 118.1 APW20000512.0201 -1 June 21 118.1 APW20000503.0124 -1 1944 118.1 APW19990420.0051 -1 March 1776 118.1 NYT19991102.0199 -1 1997 118.1 APW20000620.0105 -1 Tuesday 118.1 APW20000620.0105 -1 July 1969 118.1 APW20000919.0011 -1 1945 118.1 APW20000919.0011 -1 September 1950 118.1 NYT20000612.0938 -1 Medal 118.1 XIE19991223.0056 -1 first quarter of the year 2000 118.1 NYT20000715.0092 -1 1997 118.1 NYT19980813.0065 -1 1998 118.1 APW20000512.0201 -1 1996 118.1 APW20000915.0178 -1 1945 118.1 XIE19961005.0020 -1 2005 118.1 APW20000310.0008 -1 1865 118.2 NYT19980606.0084 -1 Douglas MacArthur 118.2 APW19990528.0032 -1 of 160 surviving Medal of many 118.2 NYT19980608.0072 -1 THE MEDAL 118.2 APW19990528.0126 -1 AMERICA 118.2 NYT19980606.0056 -1 Army 118.2 NYT19980608.0072 1 Congress 118.2 NYT19980606.0056 1 Congress 118.2 NYT19990113.0524 -1 Cross 118.2 NYT19990624.0332 -1 Army CENTER 118.2 NYT19980604.0144 -1 for the Medal of Honor Society 118.2 NYT19990814.0252 -1 Abraham Lincoln 118.2 NYT20000621.0232 -1 President Clinton 118.2 APW19991013.0140 -1 Marine Corps 118.2 APW20000621.0191 2 the Congress 118.2 APW20000512.0201 2 the Congress 118.2 APW20000208.0250 -1 Rascon 118.2 APW20000621.0191 -1 Clinton 118.2 NYT19980605.0230 -1 Woodrow Williams 118.2 APW19990711.0081 1 Congress 118.2 NYT19980616.0135 -1 Distinguished Service Cross 118.2 NYT20000313.0306 -1 Paul Bucha 118.2 APW20000621.0191 -1 Clinton Awards Medals 118.2 NYT19980608.0072 -1 Honor 118.2 APW19990420.0051 -1 Congressional Gold Medal 118.2 APW20000919.0011 -1 freedom 118.2 APW20000919.0011 -1 Charles Clement 118.2 APW20000919.0011 -1 Freedom 118.2 APW20000620.0105 2 Congress 118.2 APW19990528.0210 -1 Medal 118.2 NYT19990326.0116 -1 ALICE 118.2 NYT19991111.0325 -1 Connie Stevens 118.2 APW19990528.0210 -1 Honor 118.2 APW19990211.0278 -1 Robert S. Scott 118.2 APW20000208.0250 -1 Medal of Honor 118.2 APW20000208.0250 -1 Clinton 118.2 NYT20000301.0092 -1 Rep. Ron Paul 118.2 APW20000620.0105 -1 Congressional 118.2 NYT20000715.0092 -1 Fox 118.3 NYT19980604.0144 -1 163 118.3 APW20000208.0250 -1 five 118.3 NYT19980608.0072 -1 RECIPIENTS 118.3 NYT20000115.0247 -1 10 118.3 NYT19980608.0072 -1 ONE 118.3 XIE19961213.0221 -1 12 118.3 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 118.3 APW19980814.0188 -1 38 people 118.3 APW20000414.0056 -1 less than two 118.3 NYT19980606.0084 1 3,408 118.3 NYT19980608.0072 1 3,399 118.3 NYT19980606.0056 1 3,399 118.3 NYT19990108.0448 -1 19 118.3 NYT19990814.0252 1 3,410 118.3 NYT19980606.0056 3 399 118.3 NYT19980606.0056 -1 06-06 0641 118.3 NYT19980606.0056 -1 18 118.3 NYT20000621.0307 -1 two Asian Americans 118.3 APW19990420.0051 -1 1 118.3 APW20000919.0011 -1 1800 118.3 APW20000919.0011 -1 1967 118.3 APW19990528.0210 -1 Honored 118.3 NYT19980606.0056 -1 one 118.3 APW20000405.0240 -1 Ki 118.3 APW19980919.0404 -1 39 118.3 NYT20000621.0098 -1 Clinton awards 22 Asian American World War 118.3 APW19990929.0035 -1 three 118.5 NYT19980606.0084 -1 Alvin York 118.5 NYT19980605.0230 -1 for their 118.5 NYT19980608.0072 1 MARY WALKER 118.5 NYT19980608.0072 3 WALKER 118.5 NYT19980608.0072 3 MARY 118.5 NYT19980605.0230 -1 First 118.5 NYT19990814.0252 3 Mary 118.5 NYT19990814.0252 1 Mary Walker 118.5 APW19990427.0045 2 Mary Edwards Walker 118.5 NYT19981110.0295 -1 War 118.5 NYT20000313.0306 -1 John J. McGinty III 118.5 NYT19991014.0279 -1 Murphy 118.5 APW20000310.0008 3 Walker 118.5 NYT19980606.0084 1 Mary Walker 118.5 XIE19961217.0127 -1 Police Constable W 118.5 APW20000310.0008 1 Mary Walker 118.5 NYT19980606.0056 1 Mary Walker 118.5 APW20000919.0011 -1 freedom 118.5 APW20000919.0011 -1 Helen Keller 118.5 APW20000919.0011 -1 Freedom 118.5 XIE19970325.0254 -1 Diver Fu Mingxia 118.5 APW19990528.0210 -1 Honored 118.5 APW20000219.0059 -1 Janet 118.5 APW20000803.0200 -1 U.S. Congressional 118.5 APW19990528.0210 -1 Honor 118.5 APW19990211.0278 -1 Robert S. Scott 118.5 APW19990211.0278 -1 Solomon Islands 118.5 NYT19990809.0185 -1 Clinton 118.5 NYT19990814.0252 -1 War 118.5 NYT20000715.0092 -1 Fox 118.6 NYT19990814.0252 -1 1951 118.6 APW20000208.0250 -1 1 118.6 NYT19980608.0072 -1 1993 118.6 NYT19990211.0417 -1 5 118.6 NYT19980608.0072 -1 AWARDED 118.6 NYT19980606.0056 -1 seven 118.6 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 118.6 NYT19990814.0252 -1 the 20 118.6 NYT19981223.0023 -1 24 veterans 118.6 APW20000512.0201 -1 21 118.6 APW20000621.0191 -1 Twenty- 118.6 NYT19991014.0279 -1 1 118.6 NYT19990814.0252 1 Nineteen 118.6 APW20000621.0191 -1 Twenty-one 118.6 APW20000621.0191 -1 104 118.6 XIE19960610.0061 -1 159 118.6 NYT19991018.0473 -1 1966 118.6 APW20000512.0201 -1 Twenty-one 118.6 NYT19981107.0098 -1 11 AM 118.6 APW19981110.1493 -1 66 veterans 118.6 APW19990528.0032 -1 27 118.6 APW20000919.0011 -1 26 118.6 NYT19990814.0252 1 Nineteen veterans 118.6 NYT19990814.0252 1 nineteen 118.6 APW19981130.0676 -1 two 118.6 NYT19981110.0455 -1 18 118.6 NYT19990101.0254 -1 39 118.6 NYT19980606.0084 -1 one Arkansas veteran 118.6 APW20000208.0250 -1 34 years 118.6 APW19990929.0035 -1 three 119.1 NYT19990601.0099 -1 20 119.1 NYT20000814.0230 -1 BUSINESS 119.1 NYT19990122.0339 -1 1993 119.1 NYT19990601.0099 1 1903 119.1 NYT20000817.0192 1 1903 119.1 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 119.1 NYT19990204.0149 -1 1991 119.1 NYT20000814.0232 -1 August 119.1 NYT20000817.0124 1 1903 119.1 NYT20000814.0232 -1 August 1981 119.1 APW19990709.0090 -1 1973 119.1 NYT19980822.0122 -1 1979 119.1 NYT19980802.0066 -1 1911 119.1 NYT20000630.0024 -1 1999 119.1 APW19990126.0338 -1 1993 119.1 NYT20000814.0229 -1 1987 119.1 NYT20000814.0232 -1 1987 119.1 NYT20000817.0192 3 in 1903 119.1 APW19990708.0085 -1 1907 119.1 APW19990715.0141 -1 1824 119.1 NYT19980626.0072 -1 13 years ago 119.1 NYT19980603.0151 -1 1935 119.1 NYT20000922.0107 -1 1987 119.1 NYT19991217.0077 -1 Monday 119.1 NYT20000725.0267 -1 1997 119.1 NYT20000814.0232 -1 2000 119.1 NYT20000817.0124 3 August 28 1903 119.1 NYT19980627.0191 -1 one 119.1 APW19991019.0177 -1 more than 40 years ago 119.2 NYT20000315.0291 -1 Harley Road 119.2 APW19990708.0085 -1 Luxury 119.2 NYT19990601.0099 1 MILWAUKEE 119.2 XIE19960506.0009 -1 CLUB 119.2 APW19981119.0332 -1 Manila 119.2 NYT20000315.0291 -1 Lebanon 119.2 APW19990911.0065 1 Milwaukee 119.2 NYT20000922.0107 -1 Motorcycle 119.2 NYT20000315.0291 -1 Motorcycle 119.2 NYT20000908.0214 -1 rome 119.2 NYT19990601.0099 1 Milwaukee 119.2 XIE19970619.0025 -1 Stuttgart 119.2 APW19990126.0338 3 Milwaukee-based 119.2 NYT19990513.0024 -1 Trinidad, Colo. 119.2 NYT19980716.0298 2 MILWAUKEE 119.2 XIE19960506.0009 -1 Monte Carlo 119.2 NYT20000908.0122 -1 Charlotte 119.2 APW19990911.0065 -1 Power Wheels Harley Davidson 119.2 APW19990708.0085 -1 motor 119.2 APW19990708.0085 -1 Blue Ridge Parkway 119.2 APW19990708.0085 -1 Motorcycle 119.2 NYT20000315.0291 -1 San Diego 119.2 APW19990905.0040 -1 Washington 119.2 NYT19990610.0334 -1 America 119.2 NYT19990418.0115 -1 Boston 119.2 XIE19970619.0025 -1 United States 119.2 XIE19960127.0108 -1 Motorcycle 119.2 NYT19980925.0174 -1 Game 119.3 NYT19990318.0024 -1 Ducati 119.3 NYT20000922.0107 -1 HARLEY 119.3 NYT19980611.0327 2 MOTORCYCLES 119.3 NYT20000224.0148 -1 OIL 119.3 NYT19980611.0327 -1 Products 119.3 NYT19990601.0099 -1 company 119.3 NYT20000817.0069 -1 it 119.3 NYT19991209.0071 -1 Peanuts 119.3 NYT20000616.0143 3 motorcycle manufacturer 119.3 NYT19990601.0099 -1 an American icon 119.3 NYT19990813.0044 -1 BOOSTS PRODUCTION 119.3 NYT20000907.0116 -1 American 119.3 NYT19980802.0066 -1 train 119.3 NYT20000817.0070 -1 Davidson F-150 119.3 NYT19980611.0327 -1 Barbie 119.3 NYT20000817.0069 -1 Davidson F-150 119.3 APW19990708.0085 1 motorcycle 119.3 NYT19980802.0090 1 motorcycles 119.3 NYT20000814.0232 -1 August 1981 119.3 NYT20000817.0069 -1 Ford 119.3 NYT19980604.0219 -1 the world 119.3 NYT20000817.0069 -1 production Harley Davidson F 119.3 APW19990708.0085 -1 oil 119.3 APW19990708.0085 -1 Dyna 119.3 NYT20000224.0129 1 motorcycles 119.3 APW19990708.0085 -1 United States 119.3 APW19990708.0085 3 offer from top motorcycle maker in United States 119.3 NYT19981003.0257 -1 the best product 119.3 NYT19990309.0326 -1 special productions 119.3 NYT19980709.0310 -1 Honda 119.3 NYT19990310.0348 -1 T-shirts 119.3 APW20000711.0085 2 top motorcycle maker in the United States 119.3 NYT19991229.0007 -1 way 119.3 NYT19980603.0076 -1 source 119.5 NYT20000817.0124 -1 150 119.5 NYT19980611.0327 -1 live 119.5 NYT19980802.0066 -1 MOTORCYCLE 119.5 NYT19980802.0066 -1 10 YEARS 119.5 APW20000527.0139 -1 45 119.5 NYT19990601.0099 -1 Little 119.5 APW20000711.0047 -1 the opening bell 119.5 NYT20000908.0298 -1 one 119.5 NYT19991118.0281 -1 Power Wheels 119.5 NYT19990514.0360 -1 motorcycle industry 119.5 APW20000611.0086 -1 74-year-old 119.5 APW20000711.0050 -1 a motorcycle maker 119.5 APW19981107.0822 -1 one year 119.5 NYT19990812.0129 -1 45 119.5 NYT19980802.0066 -1 Easy Rider 119.5 NYT19991119.0166 -1 age 25 119.5 NYT19980630.0027 -1 five years 119.5 NYT19990514.0360 1 40 years 119.5 NYT20000629.0404 -1 22 inches 119.5 NYT20000814.0232 -1 two months 119.5 NYT19990514.0360 3 40 years old 119.5 APW19990708.0085 -1 boomer is 49 years 119.5 APW19990708.0085 -1 49 years 119.5 NYT20000615.0184 -1 25 minute 119.5 NYT20000622.0414 -1 the average age 119.5 NYT20000620.0010 -1 6-foot-2-inch 119.5 XIE20000406.0273 -1 an average age 119.5 NYT19980802.0066 -1 Rider 119.5 NYT19980816.0113 -1 about 119.5 APW20000202.0236 -1 7.63 percent 119.5 NYT19990513.0336 -1 100 119.5 APW20000317.0240 -1 11.3 minutes 119.5 APW20000528.0030 -1 2004 119.5 NYT20000908.0298 -1 now 119.5 XIE20000406.0273 -1 age of just 119.6 NYT19990513.0336 -1 Harley - Davidson 119.6 APW20000402.0037 -1 Tonight 119.6 NYT20000224.0148 -1 THE COMPANY 119.6 NYT20000817.0116 1 AMF 119.6 APW19990708.0085 -1 Motorcycle 119.6 NYT19980611.0327 -1 Susan McDermott , a company spokeswoman 119.6 NYT19980704.0094 -1 REIT 119.6 APW19990504.0025 -1 Buell 119.6 NYT19990801.0065 -1 motorcycle brand 119.6 NYT20000815.0104 1 AMF 119.6 NYT20000108.0091 -1 Harley-Davidson motorcycle 119.6 NYT20000814.0232 1 AMF 119.6 APW19990220.0019 -1 BMW 119.6 NYT20000914.0056 -1 Supercab 119.6 NYT19980822.0122 -1 Zito 119.6 APW20000906.0169 -1 Harley-Davidson 119.6 NYT19990601.0099 -1 Davidsons 119.6 NYT20000224.0129 -1 The Motor Company 119.6 NYT19991217.0253 -1 Coca-Cola 119.6 NYT19990512.0412 -1 motorcycle 119.6 NYT19990512.0412 -1 Music 119.6 NYT19991110.0489 -1 used 119.6 NYT19990601.0099 -1 Photo 119.6 APW20000929.0032 -1 Harley-Davidson 119.6 NYT19990309.0006 -1 a Scottsdale garbage company 119.6 NYT19990601.0099 -1 the company 119.6 NYT19980611.0327 -1 Coca-Cola 119.6 NYT20000108.0090 -1 Aim 119.6 APW19990708.0085 -1 Harley-Davidson 119.6 NYT19990601.0099 -1 Harley-Davidson Motor Company 119.6 NYT19990601.0099 -1 Arthur Davidson 119.6 APW19981123.0451 -1 Online 119.6 NYT20000718.0296 -1 Illinois 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 of 998 Jacqueline Kennedy Award for her winner 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 3 HOSPICE 120.1 XIE20000414.0059 -1 SOLDIERS 120.1 NYT19990716.0170 -1 George 120.1 APW19990203.0119 -1 age 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 72 120.1 NYT20000802.0271 -1 period 120.1 NYT19990120.0444 -1 narrative 120.1 APW19990829.0084 -1 German 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 winner of the 1998 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award 120.1 NYT19980617.0210 3 public service 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 3 crusader 120.1 NYT19980617.0168 3 crusader 120.1 APW19990203.0119 -1 designer 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 1 Hospice care crusader 120.1 NYT19980728.0187 -1 9-inch 120.1 NYT19981203.0357 -1 Cookies 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 SUPREME COURT 120.1 NYT20000719.0384 -1 during the German 120.1 NYT19980618.0027 -1 ROSE CRUMB OF PORT ANGELES 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 beauty 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Desserts BERNARD 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 1 nurse 120.1 APW19990120.0147 -1 America 120.1 APW19990120.0147 -1 occupation in America 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 3 Hospice 120.1 NYT19980617.0168 -1 founder 120.1 NYT19980617.0168 3 Hospice 120.1 NYT19980617.0236 -1 achievements 120.1 NYT19980617.0168 -1 Port Angeles 120.1 NYT19980617.0285 -1 bread crumbs 120.1 NYT19980617.0210 1 hospice care crusader 120.1 XIE19980224.0221 -1 Members 120.1 XIE19991021.0338 -1 technology 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 community 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 CLALLAM COUNTY 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 HOSPICE 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 3 Port Angeles 120.2 NYT19990511.0447 -1 Boswell 120.2 APW19990203.0119 -1 France 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 3 Washington 120.2 NYT19990311.0142 -1 Original 120.2 NYT19981203.0357 -1 Levy Beranbaum 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 WASHINGTON 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 3 Angeles 120.2 NYT19980617.0210 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award 120.2 NYT19980617.0210 -1 Clallam County 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 1 Port Angeles, Wash. 120.2 APW19990203.0119 -1 Los Angeles 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 1 Port Angeles, Wash 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 3 PORT ANGELES 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 3 Port Angeles 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 3 Wash 120.2 NYT19980618.0027 3 ROSE CRUMB OF PORT ANGELES 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 hospice 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Crystal 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Hospice 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 1 Port Angeles, Wash. 120.2 NYT19991228.0176 -1 Gruyere 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Clallam County 120.2 NYT19980618.0027 3 ANGELES 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 3 Wash. 120.2 NYT19980617.0440 3 Washington 120.2 NYT19981229.0216 -1 Crumbs 120.2 NYT19980617.0168 -1 filed ONASSIS AWARDS Washington Hospice 120.2 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award 120.2 NYT19980617.0210 3 Port Angeles 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 of 998 Jacqueline Kennedy Award for her winner 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 CARE 120.3 NYT20000216.0270 -1 NATIONAL 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 3 HOSPICE 120.3 NYT19990716.0170 -1 George 120.3 APW19990203.0119 -1 Robert 120.3 NYT19981229.0200 -1 Random House , 1998 120.3 APW19990203.0119 -1 Rodriguez 120.3 NYT19981203.0357 -1 Levy Beranbaum 120.3 NYT19981203.0357 -1 house 120.3 NYT19990701.0195 -1 didn 120.3 NYT19980618.0027 -1 OF PORT ANGELES 120.3 NYT19980617.0168 -1 Angeles 120.3 NYT19980617.0210 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award for public service 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 1 Hospice of Clallam County, Wash. 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Supreme Court 120.3 NYT19981202.0148 -1 Apple 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Seattle Post-Intelligencer 120.3 NYT19980617.0168 1 Hospice of Clallam County 120.3 NYT19990605.0199 -1 Brodsky Organization 120.3 APW20000217.0108 -1 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 SUPREME COURT 120.3 NYT19980618.0027 -1 Port Angeles 120.3 NYT19990616.0269 -1 Rose Garden rally of Democrats 120.3 NYT19990701.0195 -1 Wine 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 robert 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 Gary 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 1 volunteer Hospice of Clallam County 120.3 NYT19990629.0049 -1 Chips 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 3 Hospice 120.3 NYT19980617.0168 -1 Washington 120.3 NYT19980617.0168 3 Hospice 120.3 NYT19980617.0168 -1 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award 120.3 NYT19980617.0236 -1 AT SUPREME 120.3 APW19991022.0122 -1 1990 Roper poll 120.3 NYT19980617.0210 -1 North Texas 120.3 NYT19980617.0440 -1 New York Times News Service 120.3 NYT19980617.0440 -1 Washington 120.3 NYT19980618.0027 -1 WASH. 120.4 NYT19980617.0236 -1 of 998 Jacqueline Kennedy Award for her winner 120.4 NYT19980617.0236 -1 HOSPICE 120.4 NYT19981229.0199 -1 HER HOUSE 120.4 NYT19980617.0236 -1 A CRUMB 120.4 NYT20000403.0598 -1 1890 120.4 APW20000504.0149 -1 2000 120.4 NYT19980617.0236 -1 her public service achievements , on Wednesday 120.4 NYT19990629.0049 -1 up to 1 month 120.4 NYT19980727.0237 -1 1980 120.4 NYT19990112.0204 -1 1997 120.4 NYT19980617.0236 -1 1998 120.4 APW19990915.0010 -1 1989 120.4 NYT19980617.0236 1 1978 120.4 NYT19981202.0148 -1 1950 120.4 APW19990203.0119 -1 1995 120.4 APW19991021.0028 -1 August 1989 120.4 APW19990630.0168 -1 1962 120.4 NYT19990616.0269 -1 December 120.4 NYT19981115.0002 -1 july 120.4 APW19990203.0119 -1 1998 120.4 APW19991022.0122 -1 1989 120.4 NYT19990311.0142 -1 30 120.4 NYT19980829.0115 -1 October, 1998 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 five 120.6 NYT19980617.0168 -1 ONASSIS 120.6 APW19990518.0025 -1 BY MOORISHGIRL 120.6 NYT19980903.0073 -1 COMPETITION 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 1 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 3 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 the 26-year history 120.6 NYT19990901.0192 -1 1 day 120.6 NYT19981203.0357 -1 4 120.6 APW19991030.0025 -1 six years 120.6 APW19990120.0147 -1 21 years 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 1 72 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 42 120.6 APW20000101.0273 -1 61 120.6 NYT19990629.0049 -1 325 degrees 120.6 NYT19990629.0049 -1 5 tablespoons 120.6 NYT19990629.0049 -1 9-ounce 120.6 NYT19980607.0184 -1 Best 120.6 XIE20000321.0300 -1 35 points 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 three 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 12 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 26 120.6 NYT19990504.0213 -1 12 to 15 minutes 120.6 XIE19991202.0256 -1 23-year 120.6 XIE19981212.0211 -1 18-year 120.6 APW20000520.0099 -1 25 years 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 1978 120.6 NYT19991029.0071 -1 100 120.6 NYT19990412.0233 -1 15 120.6 NYT20000905.0243 -1 2000 Factbites Bette Midler Grammy 120.6 NYT19981020.0429 -1 Oct. 10, 1998 120.6 NYT19980617.0236 -1 one 121.1 APW19990326.0170 -1 Jeff Sotzing 121.1 APW19990107.0313 -1 book 121.1 NYT20000812.0163 -1 SILENT SPRING 121.1 NYT20000812.0166 -1 Silent Spring 121.1 NYT20000812.0166 -1 silent Spring 121.1 NYT20000221.0335 -1 a U.S. marshal working at the Justice Department on surveillance duty 121.1 NYT19990429.0236 -1 career 121.1 NYT19990128.0497 -1 silent 121.1 APW19990107.0313 -1 book Silent Spring 121.1 NYT20000908.0324 -1 Student text 121.1 NYT19991116.0074 -1 ``Next time,'' Summers said, looking at Bridges and me, ``I think 121.1 NYT20000812.0163 -1 If there is an issue in which Vice President Al Gore 121.1 NYT20000221.0335 -1 a U.S. marshal working 121.1 NYT19990429.0236 -1 SILENT SPRING 121.1 XIE19960320.0295 -1 Silent Spring 121.1 NYT19990301.0039 3 career as both a pioneering environmentalist 121.1 NYT20000621.0286 -1 The Silent Spring 121.1 APW20000812.0019 1 author 121.1 NYT20000812.0199 -1 Aug. 12, 2000 121.1 NYT20000718.0153 -1 Wildlife Service 121.1 NYT19981230.0246 -1 The Discovered Writing 121.1 APW20000812.0019 -1 homestead of author 121.1 APW19990108.0204 -1 spring 121.1 APW19990108.0204 -1 Florida Rosalie 121.1 APW19990108.0204 -1 Spring 121.1 NYT19980913.0053 -1 public lives 121.1 NYT19990429.0236 -1 Woolf 121.1 NYT19991222.0136 -1 Daddy 121.1 NYT19981231.0086 -1 Spring 121.1 NYT20000410.0030 -1 Oxford 121.1 NYT20000309.0231 -1 fly _ 121.1 NYT20000812.0163 -1 Johns Hopkins University 121.1 NYT20000812.0163 -1 Silent Spring 121.1 NYT19990212.0337 -1 coach 121.2 NYT19990415.0019 -1 Los Angeles 121.2 APW19991007.0340 -1 Jackson State 121.2 NYT20000830.0273 -1 N.H. 121.2 NYT19991230.0073 -1 MAINE 121.2 NYT20000812.0214 3 Springdale 121.2 NYT20000805.0172 3 Pennsylvania 121.2 NYT19981125.0300 -1 Fort Valley 121.2 NYT20000408.0056 -1 Silent Spring 121.2 NYT20000814.0535 1 Springdale, Pennsylvania 121.2 NYT19981208.0265 -1 Lincoln 121.2 NYT20000812.0163 -1 Pittsburgh 121.2 NYT20000221.0335 -1 at the Justice Department 121.2 NYT19990429.0236 -1 Virginia 121.2 NYT19991230.0073 -1 Maine 121.2 NYT20000805.0172 -1 Philadelphia 121.2 NYT20000805.0244 3 Pennsylvania 121.2 NYT20000812.0230 1 Springdale, Pa. 121.2 NYT20000812.0163 -1 Allegheny River 121.2 APW19990901.0190 -1 Carson City 121.2 NYT20000812.0166 -1 Carthage, Tenn. 121.2 NYT20000214.0292 -1 Wisconsin 121.2 NYT19991029.0200 -1 Summers 121.2 NYT20000812.0227 3 Springdale 121.2 NYT20000805.0244 3 Western Pennsylvania 121.2 NYT20000812.0214 3 Springdale home of Rachel Carson 121.2 APW19990108.0204 -1 silver spring 121.2 APW19990108.0204 -1 Peyton Place 121.2 APW19990108.0204 -1 Spring 121.2 NYT20000812.0214 3 SPRINGDALE 121.2 NYT20000812.0227 3 Pa. 121.2 NYT20000805.0172 3 western Pennsylvania 121.2 NYT20000812.0230 3 Pa. 121.2 NYT20000814.0535 1 Springdale, PA 121.2 NYT20000812.0214 -1 Silent Spring 121.2 NYT19981208.0265 -1 Lincoln Hill 121.2 NYT20000805.0172 2 Springdale Pennsylvania 121.2 NYT19990622.0117 -1 Silent Spring 121.2 APW19990608.0050 -1 comic-book writer 121.4 NYT19990414.0502 -1 100 million 121.4 NYT20000812.0214 -1 s 1 121.4 NYT19981231.0086 -1 1964 121.4 NYT20000812.0214 1 1962 121.4 XIE20000406.0287 -1 2003 121.4 NYT20000812.0166 -1 Saturday 121.4 NYT19990721.0145 1 1962 121.4 NYT19991120.0273 1 1962 121.4 NYT19981208.0265 -1 1986 121.4 NYT19990811.0149 1 1962 121.4 NYT19991230.0073 -1 Silent Spring 121.4 NYT19990531.0187 -1 Silent Spring 121.4 NYT19990531.0187 3 the 1960s 121.4 XIE19960320.0295 1 1962 121.4 NYT19990227.0305 -1 1955 121.4 APW19990108.0204 2 spring 1962 121.4 APW19990108.0204 2 Spring 1962 121.4 APW19990108.0204 2 1962 121.4 APW19990107.0313 1 1962 121.4 NYT19990717.0123 -1 1989 121.4 NYT19990824.0406 -1 1972 121.4 NYT19990531.0187 3 1960s 121.4 NYT19990912.0182 -1 May 27 1907 121.4 NYT20000713.0075 -1 1992 121.5 NYT19980716.0033 -1 30 , 000 121.5 NYT19990624.0187 -1 five 121.5 NYT19990721.0145 1 DDT 121.5 NYT20000812.0166 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19990828.0099 1 DDT 121.5 XIE19960320.0295 3 DDT and other pesticides 121.5 NYT19990721.0145 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19991208.0057 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19990717.0123 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19991116.0074 -1 ``Next time,'' Summers said, looking at Bridges and me, ``I think 121.5 NYT20000812.0163 -1 If there is an issue in which Vice President Al Gore 121.5 NYT19990718.0065 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 XIE19960320.0295 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19991230.0073 2 DDT 121.5 XIE19960320.0295 1 DDT 121.5 NYT20000812.0214 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19990824.0406 -1 1972 121.5 NYT19981230.0242 -1 Carson 121.5 NYT19990824.0406 1 DDT 121.5 NYT20000814.0535 -1 Silent Spring 121.5 APW19990107.0313 -1 cause damage 121.5 APW19990108.0204 2 ddt 121.5 APW19990108.0204 -1 Biography 121.5 APW19990108.0204 2 DDT 121.5 APW19990107.0313 -1 insecticide 121.5 XIE19960320.0295 -1 other pesticides 121.5 NYT19990531.0187 -1 pesticides 121.5 NYT19981231.0086 -1 Spring 121.5 XIE19960320.0295 -1 Rachel Carson 121.5 NYT20000812.0200 -1 author of Silent Spring 121.5 NYT19981020.0159 -1 Net 121.5 APW19990107.0033 -1 attorney 121.5 NYT19990828.0099 -1 Silent Spring 121.6 NYT19990415.0019 -1 Peter Fajardo 121.6 NYT20000812.0163 -1 him 121.6 NYT20000812.0163 -1 CARSON SAID 121.6 XIE19960320.0295 2 CANCER 121.6 NYT20000812.0163 -1 SILENT 121.6 NYT19980625.0323 -1 14, 1964 121.6 NYT20000812.0166 -1 Silent Spring 121.6 NYT19981231.0086 1 breast cancer 121.6 NYT19981230.0242 -1 book Silent Spring 121.6 NYT19981230.0242 -1 Silent Spring 121.6 NYT19981230.0242 1 breast cancer 121.6 NYT19981230.0242 3 breast cancer in 1964 121.6 NYT20000812.0199 -1 Aug. 12, 2000 121.6 NYT19981230.0242 -1 1964 121.6 NYT20000718.0153 -1 Wildlife Service 121.6 APW19990108.0204 2 breast cancer 121.6 APW19990108.0204 -1 Rivers 121.6 NYT19981230.0242 -1 Rachel book `` Silent Spring ' 121.6 NYT19990429.0236 -1 Woolf 121.6 NYT19991222.0136 -1 Daddy 121.6 NYT19981231.0086 -1 Spring 121.6 NYT19981231.0086 1 cancer 121.6 NYT20000612.1072 -1 American West 121.6 NYT20000829.0118 -1 tubes pumping food 121.6 APW20000812.0145 -1 1962 121.6 NYT19990429.0236 -1 the 13 female authors selected 121.6 NYT19981208.0130 -1 20 percent 121.6 NYT19990227.0305 -1 Silent Spring 121.6 NYT19991111.0190 -1 Lincoln 121.7 NYT20000812.0214 -1 hundred 121.7 NYT19981028.0541 -1 Michael Ovitz 121.7 APW19990107.0313 -1 CARSON SAID 121.7 APW19990107.0313 -1 1962 121.7 NYT19981231.0086 1 1964 121.7 APW19991007.0340 -1 May 121.7 NYT19981230.0242 1 1964 121.7 NYT19991120.0273 -1 1962 121.7 NYT20000221.0335 -1 1984 121.7 APW19990326.0170 -1 in 1984 121.7 NYT20000812.0214 -1 1962 121.7 APW20000812.0019 -1 1962 121.7 NYT19981231.0086 1 in 1964 121.7 APW19990108.0204 -1 spring 1962 121.7 APW19990108.0204 -1 Spring 1962 121.7 APW19990108.0204 2 1964 121.7 NYT19990531.0187 -1 the 1960s 121.7 NYT19990811.0149 -1 1962 121.7 NYT20000214.0331 -1 1965 121.7 NYT19990824.0406 -1 1972 121.7 APW20000812.0145 -1 1962 121.7 NYT19981231.0086 3 1964 long 121.7 NYT19981231.0086 2 April 14, 1964 121.7 XIE19990816.0136 -1 2004 121.7 NYT19990901.0198 -1 1962 122.1 APW20000403.0022 -1 motion important nature of 122.1 APW20000628.0079 -1 DICK 122.1 APW19981226.0643 1 1735 122.1 APW20000620.0054 -1 About two years 122.1 APW19981226.0604 1 1735 122.1 NYT19980714.0090 -1 1818 122.1 NYT19990309.0099 -1 1927 122.1 XIE19991205.0148 -1 1927 122.1 APW20000628.0079 -1 1938 122.1 APW20000417.0181 -1 1775 122.1 NYT19990830.0148 -1 1775 122.1 APW20000620.0054 -1 March 1989 122.1 NYT19981009.0231 -1 YEAR 2000 122.1 NYT19981009.0231 2 january 1, 1735 122.1 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Jan 1938 122.1 NYT19981009.0231 2 January 1, 1735 122.1 NYT19980624.0144 -1 1861 122.1 NYT20000327.0260 -1 1775 122.1 XIE19980320.0234 2 January 1 1735 122.1 APW19990106.0280 -1 Jan. 7, 1942 122.1 NYT20000418.0114 -1 April 18 122.1 NYT19991226.0131 -1 2000 122.2 NYT20000418.0114 -1 way 122.2 NYT20000418.0054 -1 1775 122.2 APW19990509.0044 -1 BORN 122.2 APW19990509.0044 1 1818 122.2 APW19990304.0283 -1 Tuesday 122.2 APW20000622.0068 -1 1973 122.2 APW19990417.0001 -1 1775 122.2 APW19981226.0604 1 1818 122.2 APW20000628.0079 -1 1938 122.2 APW20000620.0054 -1 March 1989 122.2 NYT19981009.0231 -1 YEAR 2000 122.2 APW19981226.0643 1 1818 122.2 APW19990515.0069 -1 May 7 122.2 NYT19981009.0231 2 may 10, 1818 122.2 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Jan 1938 122.2 NYT19981009.0231 2 May 10, 1818 122.2 APW20000403.0022 -1 1775 122.2 NYT20000327.0260 -1 1775 122.2 NYT19990830.0148 -1 1775 122.2 NYT19990913.0198 -1 1999 122.2 APW20000417.0181 -1 1775 122.2 NYT19991226.0131 -1 2000 122.3 NYT20000418.0114 -1 recent 122.3 NYT20000418.0114 -1 LEXINGTON 122.3 NYT19980609.0169 -1 BOSTON 122.3 NYT19990902.0103 -1 Boston 122.3 NYT19981029.0207 -1 Dawes 122.3 APW20000415.0035 -1 Lexington 122.3 NYT19990217.0416 -1 Saikou Diallo 122.3 NYT19990902.0103 3 Granary Ground 122.3 NYT20000508.0270 1 Granary Burial Ground 122.3 NYT19990219.0194 -1 Boston 122.3 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Boston 122.3 NYT19980622.0320 -1 John Singleton Copley 122.3 APW20000308.0208 -1 Singer Mark Lindsay 122.3 NYT20000410.0022 -1 Lincoln 122.3 NYT20000117.0111 -1 Boston 122.3 APW19990509.0044 -1 Boston 122.3 NYT19980609.0169 1 Granary Burying Ground 122.3 NYT19980609.0169 -1 Boston 122.3 NYT19980817.0505 -1 Ohio 122.3 NYT19981120.0265 -1 Omaha Beach 122.3 NYT19981009.0231 -1 YEAR 2000 122.3 NYT19990417.0216 -1 Sleepy Hollow Cemetery 122.3 APW20000628.0079 -1 Raiders Still Rocking 122.3 NYT19981029.0350 -1 John Hancock 122.3 NYT19990902.0103 -1 Several Revolutionary War patriot 122.3 NYT19981009.0231 -1 church 122.3 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Ride 122.3 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Church 122.3 NYT19990902.0103 1 Granary Burying Ground 122.3 NYT19990623.0426 -1 Magnolia 122.3 NYT19990623.0426 -1 Magnolia Cemetery 122.3 NYT20000508.0270 -1 Paul Revere's resting place 122.3 APW19990330.0053 -1 Bakers Cemetery 122.3 NYT20000411.0125 -1 Tonight 122.3 NYT19991224.0124 -1 Revolutionary War 122.3 NYT20000508.0270 -1 person 122.3 NYT19980609.0169 3 Granary Burying 122.3 NYT19980904.0135 -1 Revere Beach Boulevard 122.3 NYT20000508.0270 -1 330 122.3 NYT19990519.0463 -1 American Revolutionary War 122.3 NYT19981029.0207 -1 Boston 122.4 NYT20000418.0054 -1 8 122.4 NYT20000418.0114 3 1775 122.4 APW19990417.0001 3 1775 122.4 NYT19990830.0148 3 1775 122.4 APW20000403.0022 3 1775 122.4 NYT19980609.0169 1 April 18, 1775 122.4 APW20000417.0181 1 April 18, 1775 122.4 APW20000628.0079 -1 1938 122.4 NYT20000418.0114 -1 1770 122.4 APW20000417.0181 3 1775 122.4 NYT19981022.0290 3 1775 122.4 NYT20000418.0114 3 April 18 122.4 APW20000620.0054 -1 March 1989 122.4 NYT19990122.0489 -1 Friday 122.4 NYT19981009.0231 2 april 18, 1775 122.4 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Jan 1938 122.4 NYT19981009.0231 2 1775 122.4 APW20000415.0035 -1 midnight 122.4 NYT19981009.0231 -1 midnight 122.4 NYT20000418.0054 3 1775 122.4 NYT19981009.0231 -1 2000 122.4 NYT20000418.0114 -1 1860 122.4 APW19990509.0044 -1 May 10, 1818 122.4 NYT19990417.0216 -1 two 122.5 NYT20000418.0054 -1 8 122.5 APW19990417.0001 -1 LEXINGTON 122.5 APW19990417.0001 -1 April 122.5 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Revere's 122.5 NYT20000418.0114 2 Charlestown 122.5 APW19990417.0001 -1 Lexington 122.5 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 122.5 NYT20000418.0074 -1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 122.5 NYT19990219.0194 2 Boston 122.5 NYT20000418.0114 1 Boston 122.5 APW20000417.0181 -1 On April 122.5 APW20000417.0181 -1 Mass. 122.5 NYT19990924.0397 2 Boston 122.5 APW20000417.0181 1 Charlestown 122.5 APW19990417.0001 1 Charlestown 122.5 NYT19990122.0489 -1 Mexico 122.5 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Revere 122.5 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Longfellow 122.5 APW20000417.0181 -1 to Lexington 122.5 NYT20000418.0054 -1 poem 122.5 NYT19981009.0231 2 boston 122.5 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Heritage Park 122.5 NYT19981009.0231 2 Boston 122.5 APW20000417.0181 -1 Lexington 122.5 NYT19991224.0124 2 Boston, MA 122.5 NYT20000418.0054 -1 Revere 122.5 NYT19981009.0231 -1 2000 122.5 NYT19980922.0275 2 Boston 122.5 APW20000415.0035 -1 Concord 122.6 NYT20000418.0114 -1 recent anniversary of Paul Revere 122.6 APW19990417.0001 1 LEXINGTON 122.6 NYT19980619.0121 -1 BOSTON 122.6 NYT20000418.0054 -1 1775 122.6 NYT19980915.0116 -1 Massachusetts 122.6 APW20000415.0035 -1 Minuteman National Historic Park 122.6 APW19990417.0001 1 Lexington 122.6 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 122.6 NYT19990830.0148 -1 Boston 122.6 NYT20000418.0074 -1 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 122.6 NYT19990219.0194 -1 Boston 122.6 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Boston 122.6 APW19990417.0001 -1 Charlestown 122.6 NYT19990924.0397 -1 Boston 122.6 NYT19990830.0147 -1 Boston 122.6 APW19990104.0219 -1 Dover 122.6 APW19990417.0001 1 Lexington , Mass. 122.6 NYT19990923.0430 -1 U.S. 122.6 NYT20000418.0114 -1 Longfellow 122.6 NYT19980630.0115 -1 Boston 122.6 NYT19990830.0147 -1 in Boston 122.6 APW20000403.0022 -1 Bostonians 122.6 NYT20000418.0054 -1 Danville 122.6 NYT19981009.0231 -1 boston 122.6 NYT19981009.0231 -1 Heritage Park 122.6 NYT19981009.0231 -1 North 122.6 APW20000417.0181 1 Lexington 122.6 APW19990104.0219 -1 Declaration 122.6 NYT19981009.0231 -1 midnight 122.6 NYT19991224.0124 -1 Boston, MA 122.6 NYT19981014.0023 -1 West Belfast 122.6 NYT20000418.0054 -1 Revere 122.6 APW20000403.0022 -1 Boston 122.6 NYT19980922.0275 -1 Boston 122.6 APW20000415.0035 -1 Concord 122.6 APW20000417.0181 -1 Charlestown 123.1 NYT20000802.0057 -1 1988 123.1 APW20000714.0178 -1 Mexico 123.1 NYT20000704.0005 1 1942 123.1 NYT20000703.0302 1 1942 123.1 NYT20000703.0352 1 July 2, 1942 123.1 XIE20000703.0250 2 July 2 123.1 NYT20000704.0005 1 July 2, 1942 123.1 NYT20000731.0040 1 1942 123.1 NYT20000703.0302 1 July 2 , 1942 123.1 NYT20000703.0302 1 July 2, 1942 123.1 APW20000703.0114 -1 next decade 123.1 NYT20000704.0005 1 July 2 , 1942 123.1 NYT20000731.0039 3 in 1942 123.1 NYT20000802.0056 -1 1629 123.1 APW20000703.0033 -1 Sunday 123.1 NYT20000704.0005 1 july 2, 1942 123.1 NYT20000705.0048 -1 1993 123.1 NYT20000731.0039 1 1942 123.1 NYT20000823.0112 -1 late Wednesday 123.1 NYT20000824.0348 -1 Dec. 1 2000 123.1 APW20000704.0014 -1 Sunday 123.1 NYT20000814.0003 -1 1929 123.1 NYT20000704.0005 3 July 2 123.1 NYT20000616.0317 -1 2000 123.1 NYT20000703.0369 -1 2000 123.1 NYT20000901.0351 -1 1 123.2 NYT20000720.0385 -1 Washington 123.2 NYT20000510.0320 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT20000703.0395 2 MEXICO 123.2 NYT20000703.0395 2 MEXICO CITY 123.2 NYT20000426.0210 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT20000802.0056 -1 Mexico City , Fox 123.2 APW20000703.0004 2 Mexico 123.2 XIE20000703.0333 2 Quesada President Mexico 123.2 NYT20000703.0316 2 Quesada president of MEXICO 123.2 NYT20000703.0395 -1 President 123.2 XIE20000704.0321 -1 Lagos 123.2 APW20000904.0003 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT20000511.0473 -1 Labastida 123.2 XIE20000901.0254 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT20000825.0340 -1 United States 123.2 NYT20000825.0294 2 Mexico 123.2 XIE20000820.0150 -1 Canada 123.2 NYT20000819.0144 2 MEXICO CITY 123.2 APW20000703.0114 -1 United States 123.2 NYT19990519.0261 1 Harvard University 123.2 APW20000807.0089 -1 Chile 123.2 XIE20000803.0216 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT19981009.0214 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT19991124.0201 2 MEXICO CITY 123.2 APW20000704.0013 -1 Yale 123.2 NYT20000705.0048 2 mexico city 123.2 APW20000703.0103 -1 South Texas 123.2 NYT20000704.0005 -1 President 123.2 NYT19990519.0261 1 Universidad Iberoamericana 123.2 NYT20000703.0316 2 Mexico 123.2 APW20000823.0022 -1 OTTAWA 123.2 NYT20000411.0021 2 IS SHAKING UP MEXICO 123.2 APW20000625.0137 -1 Mexico 123.2 NYT19981203.0222 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT20000703.0352 -1 Chien 123.2 NYT20000612.0184 2 Mexico 123.2 NYT20000630.0398 -1 Fox 123.2 NYT20000813.0186 2 MEXICO CITY 123.2 NYT20000813.0186 2 Mexico City 123.2 XIE20000724.0295 -1 President 123.2 NYT20000703.0181 2 MEXICO CITY 123.3 NYT20000510.0319 2 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000712.0340 -1 1 123.3 XIE20000712.0340 1 MEXICO 123.3 XIE20000704.0321 1 mexico 123.3 XIE20000704.0321 1 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000819.0154 -1 Belize 123.3 XIE20000904.0009 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000714.0178 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000703.0150 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000901.0015 -1 U.S. 123.3 APW20000727.0085 1 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000706.0099 -1 U . S . 123.3 NYT20000703.0037 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000624.0097 2 Mexico 123.3 NYT20000824.0348 1 Mexico 123.3 NYT20000824.0379 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000703.0004 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000703.0007 1 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000704.0333 1 Mexico 123.3 NYT19990519.0327 2 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000901.0254 -1 Brazil 123.3 APW20000807.0089 -1 Chile 123.3 XIE20000703.0333 1 Mexico 123.3 NYT19981009.0214 2 of Mexico 123.3 NYT19980603.0247 2 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000712.0340 -1 supreme court Genaro Gongora 123.3 XIE20000811.0270 -1 Montevideo 123.3 NYT20000704.0005 1 mexico 123.3 APW20000703.0103 -1 United States 123.3 NYT20000704.0005 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000706.0146 1 MEXICO 123.3 NYT20000703.0358 -1 the country 123.3 XIE20000705.0315 1 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000703.0333 -1 this northern country 123.3 NYT19981203.0222 2 Mexico 123.3 XIE20000712.0340 -1 court 123.3 NYT20000704.0119 1 Mexico 123.3 APW20000703.0023 1 Mexico 123.3 NYT20000813.0186 3 Mexico Visits Littelfuse Piedras 123.3 NYT20000813.0186 3 Mexico City 123.3 XIE20000727.0367 -1 Bush 123.3 NYT20000704.0076 1 Mexico 123.4 NYT20000731.0039 -1 the PRI . 123.4 APW20000714.0178 -1 Mexico 123.4 APW20000808.0209 -1 MEXICO 123.4 XIE20000906.0253 -1 REGIME 123.4 XIE20000703.0321 -1 Mexican 123.4 NYT20000926.0189 -1 Mexican 123.4 XIE20000904.0009 -1 Ernesto Zedillo 123.4 NYT20000825.0294 -1 Bush Mexican 123.4 XIE20000704.0321 -1 phone talk 123.4 NYT20000824.0379 -1 office 123.4 APW20000708.0138 -1 office 123.4 XIE20000703.0215 -1 Mexico 123.4 APW20000715.0041 -1 President 123.4 APW20000719.0082 -1 senator 123.4 XIE20000703.0023 3 governor 123.4 NYT20000424.0330 3 executive 123.4 NYT20000731.0039 -1 in 1942 123.4 NYT20000817.0283 -1 U.S. 123.4 NYT20000819.0181 -1 Fox 123.4 NYT20000825.0256 -1 Bush 123.4 XIE20000704.0321 -1 triumph 123.4 APW20000703.0103 -1 mexican president 123.4 NYT20000720.0385 -1 Monterrey 123.4 NYT20000720.0385 -1 Mexican 123.4 NYT20000703.0316 -1 Mexico 123.4 NYT20000726.0118 -1 home-grown jobs 123.4 NYT20000817.0170 -1 President Clinton 123.4 NYT20000808.0224 -1 MEXICO-MCCAFFREY 123.4 NYT19991109.0001 -1 Francisco Labastida 123.4 NYT20000704.0006 -1 women 123.4 APW20000704.0013 -1 Depression 123.4 NYT20000703.0327 -1 stunning electoral victory 123.4 XIE20000724.0295 -1 Vicente Fox 123.4 XIE20000930.0009 -1 Mexican 123.4 NYT20000707.0248 -1 Quesada 124.1 APW19990830.0142 -1 31 , 1980 , 124.1 APW19981117.1269 -1 Ali 124.1 APW19981209.1759 -1 1913 124.1 NYT19990313.0160 2 1923 124.1 NYT19990430.0001 -1 Aug. 31, 1969 124.1 NYT19980612.0401 3 September 124.1 NYT19981209.0409 -1 1952 124.1 NYT19991217.0052 -1 1956 124.1 APW19981209.1759 -1 Dec. 13, 1913 124.1 NYT19990129.0204 -1 1939 124.1 NYT19990118.0149 -1 1944 124.1 NYT19991226.0136 -1 49-0 124.1 NYT19990201.0343 -1 1956 124.1 NYT19981214.0130 -1 1955 124.1 NYT19980612.0428 -1 1955 124.1 NYT19981209.0414 -1 1952 124.1 APW19990830.0142 -1 1969 124.1 APW19990406.0179 -1 1950s 124.1 NYT20000219.0004 -1 September 1 124.1 NYT19981209.0409 -1 1955 124.1 APW19990406.0179 2 september 1, 1923 124.1 APW19990406.0179 -1 31 Aug 1969 124.1 APW19990406.0179 2 September 1, 1923 124.1 NYT20000219.0004 -1 March 1971 124.1 NYT19990413.0278 -1 the 1950s 124.1 NYT19990311.0153 -1 five decades ago 124.1 NYT19981121.0140 -1 1950s 124.1 APW19981117.1272 -1 1993 124.1 NYT19990217.0157 -1 20th century 124.1 APW19981209.1759 -1 1952 124.1 NYT19990217.0157 2 September 1 1923 124.1 NYT19990217.0157 2 September 1, 1923 124.1 APW19981209.1681 -1 1952 124.1 NYT19990220.0282 -1 1952 124.2 NYT19991226.0136 -1 Marciano 124.2 NYT19981214.0130 -1 Benny 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 1 BROCKTON 124.2 NYT19990921.0319 -1 AVENUE 124.2 NYT19990430.0001 -1 Louis 124.2 APW19990506.0319 1 Brockton 124.2 NYT19990511.0015 -1 Kansas City 124.2 NYT19990509.0177 1 Brockton 124.2 NYT19990316.0363 -1 Joe Walcott 124.2 NYT19990313.0160 -1 Joe Louis Muhammad Ali 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 -1 Colombo 124.2 NYT19990430.0001 -1 Denver 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 3 Brockton Boxers 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 1 Brockton 124.2 NYT19980630.0280 -1 Jersey 124.2 APW19990406.0179 -1 Louis 124.2 NYT19990430.0001 -1 Rocky 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 -1 Iowa 124.2 NYT20000312.0037 -1 Joe Louis 124.2 APW19981209.1759 -1 Mongoose _ 124.2 NYT19981214.0130 -1 Joe Louis 124.2 APW19981209.1681 -1 phoenix, arizona 124.2 NYT19990306.0020 -1 Madison Square 124.2 APW19981209.1681 -1 Phoenix, Arizona 124.2 NYT19981008.0219 -1 Africa 124.2 NYT19990413.0278 1 Brockton 124.2 NYT19990413.0299 1 Brockton 124.2 NYT19990413.0278 1 Brockton, MA 124.2 NYT19990311.0153 -1 New England 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 -1 Marciano 124.2 NYT19990214.0023 -1 Jersey 124.2 NYT19990217.0157 3 Massachusetts 124.2 APW19990406.0179 -1 Joe 124.3 APW19981209.1759 -1 nine 124.3 NYT19990430.0001 -1 1951 124.3 APW19990830.0142 1 1969 124.3 NYT19990430.0001 1 Aug. 31, 1969 124.3 APW19990717.0135 1 August 31, 1969 124.3 NYT19990430.0001 1 August 31, 1969 124.3 NYT19990430.0001 1 on Aug. 31, 1969 124.3 NYT19980621.0133 1 1969 124.3 NYT19991226.0136 -1 49-0 124.3 NYT19981214.0130 -1 1955 124.3 NYT19981209.0414 -1 1952 124.3 APW19990406.0179 -1 1950s 124.3 APW19981209.1759 -1 Wednesday 124.3 APW19990506.0319 1 1969 124.3 APW19990406.0179 2 august 31, 1969 124.3 APW19990406.0179 2 31 Aug 1969 124.3 NYT19990509.0177 1 1969 124.3 NYT19990430.0001 1 Aug. 31 , 1969 124.3 NYT19990413.0278 -1 the 1950s 124.3 NYT19981121.0140 -1 1950s 124.3 NYT19991217.0052 -1 1956 124.3 APW19990830.0142 1 Aug 31 1969 124.3 APW19990506.0319 1 August 31, 1969 124.3 NYT19990806.0389 -1 2004 124.4 NYT19991218.0265 -1 Wilde 124.4 NYT19981214.0130 -1 Benny 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 1 PLANE CRASH 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 3 CRASH 124.4 NYT19990517.0477 -1 died 124.4 APW19990830.0142 -1 1969 124.4 APW19990830.0142 1 the crash of a light plane in Iowa 124.4 NYT19990509.0177 -1 It's difficult to sit and watch and see things, and you'd say,That's a lie, that's not factual,' Rocky Marciano Jr. told the Enterprise in Brockton. 124.4 NYT19990430.0001 -1 Jersey Joe Walcott 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 3 in a plane crash in Iowa 30 years ago 124.4 NYT19990430.0001 -1 on Aug 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 1 plane crash 124.4 NYT19980621.0133 -1 cancer 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 3 Rocky Marciano died in a plane crash in Iowa 30 years ago 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 -1 Iowa 124.4 APW19990506.0319 -1 want 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 3 a plane crash in Iowa 30 years ago 124.4 APW19990406.0179 -1 1950s 124.4 NYT19990509.0177 -1 1969 124.4 NYT19981214.0130 -1 Benny Leonard 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 1 in a plane crash 124.4 XIE19981118.0293 -1 Joe Louis 124.4 NYT19990509.0177 1 plane crash 124.4 NYT19990517.0477 1 plane crash 124.4 APW19990830.0142 3 the crash 124.4 NYT20000714.0111 -1 Sugar 124.4 NYT19981214.0130 -1 Muhammad Ali 124.4 NYT19990217.0157 3 crash 124.4 APW19990830.0142 1 in a plane crash 124.4 APW19990615.0118 -1 und 124.4 APW19990506.0319 -1 stamp 124.5 APW19981209.1681 -1 nine 124.5 NYT19980807.0010 -1 4 124.5 XIE19981118.0293 -1 BOXING 124.5 NYT19990313.0160 -1 THREE 124.5 NYT19991226.0136 1 49 124.5 APW19990406.0179 -1 two 124.5 APW19980722.1377 -1 1960 and included fights 124.5 NYT19980704.0034 -1 more than 2000 fights 124.5 XIE19981118.0293 2 49 fights 124.5 NYT19991226.0136 -1 two fights 124.5 NYT19981213.0164 -1 48 124.5 NYT19990217.0157 -1 86 124.5 NYT19990517.0477 -1 to alter by creating a surreal with Louis Marciano 's life 124.5 NYT19980807.0010 -1 one 124.5 NYT20000912.0296 -1 140 124.5 NYT19990201.0048 1 49 124.5 NYT19980807.0010 -1 48 124.5 NYT20000219.0004 -1 10 124.5 NYT19980704.0034 -1 12 124.5 NYT19990508.0222 1 49 124.5 APW19990406.0179 -1 1951 124.5 APW19981117.1269 -1 1,000 124.5 NYT19980807.0010 -1 one short 124.5 NYT20000219.0004 -1 10 round split decision 124.5 NYT19991226.0136 -1 10 124.5 NYT19991226.0136 -1 two 124.5 NYT19991219.0236 -1 two attempts 124.5 NYT19981213.0164 -1 2 124.5 XIE19981118.0293 -1 Joe Louis 124.5 APW19981209.1759 -1 39 124.5 NYT19990217.0157 -1 Marchegiano September 1 1924 August 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 3 Benjamin 125.2 APW19990927.0234 -1 Caruso 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 -1 TENOR 125.2 APW19990930.0173 -1 LUCIA 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 3 Dorothy 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 -1 Italian 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Park Benjamin 125.2 APW20000127.0167 -1 Stomel 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 tenor 125.2 NYT19990127.0241 -1 Italian opera singer 125.2 NYT20000215.0340 -1 Italian opera singer 125.2 NYT19981007.0401 -1 Isadora Duncan 125.2 APW19981216.1461 -1 Enrico Chiesa 125.2 XIE19991022.0063 -1 Maltese Foreign Minister Joe Borg 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 1 Dorothy Benjamin 125.2 NYT19990927.0479 -1 Placido Domingo 125.2 APW19990303.0013 -1 Domingo 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Farkas 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 3 Miss Benjamin 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 1 Dorothy Park Benjamin 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 -1 Caruso 125.2 NYT20000102.0046 -1 The Greatest Tenor 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Aldo Mancusi 125.2 NYT20000522.0377 -1 Arturo Toscanini 125.2 NYT20000102.0148 -1 Yankee Stadium 125.2 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Santa Lucia 125.2 NYT19990127.0241 -1 Page 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Ms. Murray 125.2 NYT19981009.0232 -1 Jr 125.2 NYT19980929.0235 -1 Placido Domingo 125.2 NYT19991222.0266 -1 Jimmie Rodgers 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Andrew Farkas 125.2 NYT20000119.0189 -1 Enrico Caruso 125.2 NYT19991216.0263 -1 Verdi 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Enrico Caruso 125.2 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Jr. 125.3 APW20000127.0167 -1 5 , 000 125.3 APW19990927.0120 -1 after 125.3 APW19990927.0120 -1 58 125.3 NYT19991217.0322 2 FOUR 125.3 NYT20000822.0121 -1 1873 125.3 APW19990927.0234 -1 17 125.3 NYT19991217.0322 2 four children 125.3 NYT19991217.0322 2 18th of 21 children 125.3 NYT19991217.0322 2 four 125.3 APW20000118.0230 -1 Clark 125.3 NYT20000820.0079 -1 three 125.3 NYT19990525.0131 -1 nine 125.3 NYT19990525.0131 -1 1920 125.3 APW19990927.0120 -1 17 125.3 NYT20000522.0377 -1 11 hours 125.3 NYT19990525.0131 -1 47 125.3 NYT19991222.0266 -1 2 125.3 NYT19991222.0266 2 27 125.3 APW19980926.0857 -1 17 125.3 NYT19991217.0322 -1 48 125.3 APW19990303.0013 -1 17 125.3 NYT20000725.0381 -1 3 125.3 NYT19980929.0235 -1 39 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 -1 1 125.4 NYT19980929.0235 1 17 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 -1 1903 125.4 APW19990927.0120 3 17 openings 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 -1 607 performances 125.4 NYT19990908.0115 -1 23 125.4 NYT19991217.0322 -1 1990 125.4 APW20000118.0230 -1 Clark 125.4 NYT19991217.0322 -1 one 125.4 APW19990927.0234 -1 1920 125.4 APW19990927.0120 1 17 125.4 NYT19980728.0435 -1 127 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 1 17 125.4 NYT19990303.0317 1 17 125.4 APW19990303.0013 -1 18th 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 -1 1884 125.4 NYT19990927.0479 1 17 125.4 APW19980926.0857 -1 1903 125.4 APW19990927.0234 1 17 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 3 17 opening nights 125.4 NYT20000623.0214 2 54 125.4 NYT19991222.0266 2 27 125.4 APW19990303.0013 1 17 125.4 NYT19990926.0123 -1 18 125.4 APW19990318.0256 -1 his 18th opening night 125.4 NYT19990303.0317 -1 18 125.4 NYT19991217.0322 -1 48 125.4 NYT19990926.0192 1 17 125.4 NYT19980929.0235 -1 39 125.4 NYT19980903.0176 -1 Opera 1910 1935 125.4 APW19980926.0857 1 17 125.5 NYT19990927.0479 -1 7 125.5 NYT19990303.0317 -1 17 125.5 NYT19980728.0435 -1 15 125.5 NYT19990926.0123 -1 1921 125.5 NYT19990926.0123 1 607 performances 125.5 APW20000103.0096 -1 100 125.5 NYT19980622.0485 -1 two performances 125.5 NYT19980929.0235 3 550 125.5 NYT19990525.0131 -1 10,000 125.5 APW20000118.0230 -1 Clark 125.5 APW19990303.0013 -1 17 125.5 NYT19980728.0435 -1 127 125.5 NYT20000102.0046 -1 three 125.5 NYT19990927.0479 -1 17 125.5 NYT19990926.0123 -1 17 125.5 APW19980926.0857 -1 17 125.5 APW19990303.0013 -1 18th 125.5 APW19990927.0234 -1 1920 125.5 NYT19990926.0123 -1 five 125.5 NYT19991208.0347 -1 three 125.5 NYT19991222.0266 2 27 125.5 APW19980926.0857 -1 1 125.5 APW19980926.0857 -1 nine 125.5 NYT19990303.0317 -1 18 125.5 NYT19990303.0317 -1 27 125.5 NYT19980929.0235 3 550 singing performances 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 a 125.6 NYT19990927.0479 -1 PERFORMANCES 125.6 NYT19991222.0266 -1 NOTE 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Age 125.6 NYT19981009.0232 -1 opera 125.6 APW19990927.0234 -1 Monday night, as the jealous clown Canio in Leoncavallo 's " Pagliacci " marked his 18th Met opening , surpassing the record of 17 set by Enrico Caruso in 1920 . 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 one 125.6 NYT19990303.0317 -1 von 125.6 NYT19980622.0485 -1 operatic tenor 125.6 NYT19990324.0491 -1 22-year-old 125.6 NYT19980622.0151 -1 Italian 125.6 APW19990927.0234 1 age 48 125.6 APW19990927.0120 1 48 125.6 NYT19990525.0131 -1 47 125.6 APW19990927.0234 1 48 125.6 APW19990318.0256 -1 12 years 125.6 NYT19990324.0491 -1 22-year 125.6 NYT19990303.0317 -1 27 125.6 NYT19990926.0123 -1 asked 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 1 48 125.6 APW19990408.0037 -1 Class A. 125.6 APW19990408.0037 -1 Class A. Age 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 her father's vocal abilities 125.6 NYT19990926.0190 -1 17 125.6 NYT19981009.0232 -1 Century 125.6 NYT19980929.0235 -1 Placido Domingo 125.6 APW19990319.0066 -1 record 125.6 NYT19990513.0305 -1 1920 125.6 NYT19990926.0191 -1 Metropolitan Opera 125.6 NYT19990926.0123 -1 17 125.6 NYT19990926.0192 -1 12/05/1999 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 December 5, 1999 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 1990 125.6 NYT19991217.0322 -1 four 125.7 APW19990927.0120 -1 of 1 tenor the previous mark 125.7 NYT19990927.0479 -1 PERFORMANCES 125.7 XIE19960528.0272 2 NAPLES 125.7 APW19990927.0120 -1 IN 1921 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Age 125.7 XIE19960528.0272 2 Naples 125.7 APW20000127.0167 -1 Milan 125.7 NYT19981005.0171 -1 Voce 125.7 NYT20000215.0340 -1 Sole Mio 125.7 NYT19990324.0491 -1 Metropolitan Opera 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Jackson 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Fla . 125.7 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Milan 125.7 NYT19980728.0435 -1 Metropolitan Opera 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 2 Italy 125.7 NYT19990926.0192 -1 at the Metropolitan Opera 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Jacksonville 125.7 NYT19990525.0131 -1 Havana 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Jacksonville, Fla. 125.7 APW19980926.0857 -1 Opera 125.7 NYT19990926.0190 -1 '' Domingo 125.7 NYT19980622.0151 -1 Pavarotti 125.7 NYT19990324.0491 2 Naples 125.7 NYT19990525.0131 -1 Radames 125.7 NYT20000623.0214 2 naples 125.7 NYT20000623.0214 -1 Madrid Mexico 125.7 NYT20000623.0214 2 Naples 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 St. 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 Fla. 125.7 NYT19990926.0190 -1 Domingo 125.7 APW19990927.0120 -1 Verdi 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 New York Metropolitan Opera 125.7 NYT19991217.0322 -1 at 125.7 NYT19991104.0030 -1 Brazil 126.1 APW20000627.0140 -1 two 126.1 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Pius 126.1 NYT19991001.0347 1 1939 126.1 APW19981103.0931 1 1939 126.1 APW19981006.0319 -1 1933 126.1 APW20000320.0153 -1 in 1942 126.1 NYT19981104.0479 -1 1965 126.1 APW19990825.0024 -1 1978 126.1 APW19990930.0121 -1 1978 126.1 APW19981103.0931 -1 March 126.1 NYT19991001.0347 2 march 2, 1939 126.1 NYT19991001.0347 -1 31 Mar 1829 126.1 APW19981103.0931 -1 1958 126.1 NYT19991102.0265 1 1939 126.1 APW19990301.0215 1 1939 126.1 APW19991008.0222 -1 Oct. 9, 1958 126.1 NYT20000317.0077 -1 15 126.2 APW20000320.0153 -1 John Paul 126.2 APW20000323.0011 -1 year 126.2 NYT19991102.0265 -1 VATICAN 126.2 APW19990301.0215 -1 WORLD WAR II 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 -1 1939 126.2 APW20000226.0162 -1 John 126.2 NYT19991104.0106 1 The photo shows Eugenio Pacelli 126.2 APW19981103.0931 -1 Vatican 126.2 APW19990301.0215 1 Eugenio Pacelli 126.2 NYT19980604.0176 -1 Sunday 126.2 NYT20000323.0276 -1 Thursday 126.2 APW20000323.0153 -1 State 126.2 NYT19980618.0521 -1 1965 126.2 APW20000227.0065 -1 Jews 126.2 NYT20000323.0099 -1 Jews 126.2 NYT19981104.0479 -1 John Paul II 126.2 NYT19980618.0521 -1 Paul 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 1 Eugenio Pacelli 126.2 NYT19991104.0106 1 Eugenio Pacelli 126.2 APW20000320.0153 -1 in 1942 126.2 APW20000226.0162 -1 Jews 126.2 APW20000226.0162 -1 Holocaust 126.2 NYT19981104.0479 -1 Pope Pius XII 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 -1 pope john paul 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 3 Event Eugenio 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 -1 John 126.2 NYT19991102.0265 1 Eugenio Pacelli 126.2 APW19990906.0114 -1 John Paul 126.2 APW19990301.0215 -1 name 126.2 NYT19980618.0521 -1 XII 126.2 NYT19981230.0188 -1 Holocaust 126.2 NYT20000807.0134 -1 Augusto Pinochet 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 3 Pacelli 126.2 NYT19991001.0347 -1 PIUS XII 126.2 NYT19991014.0092 -1 John Cornwell 126.2 APW20000226.0162 -1 the Venerable Pope Pius XII 126.2 NYT20000323.0276 -1 the Pope 126.2 NYT19990929.0153 -1 Don Van 126.2 NYT19991026.0167 -1 Hitler 126.4 NYT19991028.0441 -1 2000 126.4 APW19980609.0140 -1 Eastern Europe 126.4 NYT19990126.0425 -1 ISSUED A LONG 126.4 NYT19990123.0304 -1 TWICE 126.4 APW19981011.0470 -1 DURING 126.4 APW19981104.0972 -1 1958 126.4 NYT19991102.0265 -1 1958 126.4 NYT20000302.0186 -1 a two-hour drive 126.4 NYT20000311.0062 -1 one 126.4 NYT19981010.0039 -1 1939 126.4 NYT19981010.0039 -1 20th 126.4 NYT19980604.0176 1 19 years 126.4 APW19981104.0972 -1 50 years 126.4 APW19981103.0931 -1 50 years 126.4 NYT20000309.0050 -1 indifferent feet 126.4 NYT19981104.0479 -1 five years 126.4 APW19991008.0222 1 19 years 126.4 NYT20000314.0098 -1 79 years 126.4 APW19981103.0931 -1 50-year 126.4 NYT19990923.0422 -1 11 years 126.4 APW20000226.0162 -1 1 television 126.4 APW20000627.0140 -1 1846 126.4 NYT20000308.0206 -1 25 years 126.4 NYT20000323.0308 -1 20 days 126.4 NYT19980604.0176 1 19 years, seven months and seven days 126.4 NYT20000324.0384 -1 22 year 126.4 NYT19980609.0378 -1 XII 126.4 APW19990315.0030 -1 One year 126.4 NYT20000221.0217 -1 XII 126.4 NYT20000323.0276 -1 Thursday 126.4 APW19990311.0143 -1 1939 126.4 NYT19980609.0378 -1 15 1956 126.4 NYT19980609.0378 -1 1956 126.4 NYT20000101.0015 -1 25 March 126.4 APW19991008.0222 1 19 126.5 APW19990906.0114 -1 1 , 000 126.5 APW20000226.0162 -1 1 126.5 APW19981011.0909 -1 JEWS 126.5 NYT19991102.0265 -1 11 126.5 APW19990906.0115 -1 29, 1954 126.5 APW19990315.0030 -1 1950 126.5 NYT19980618.0521 -1 four sessions 126.5 NYT19981010.0039 -1 805 126.5 APW19981012.0086 -1 11 126.5 NYT19980604.0176 -1 seven 126.5 APW19990920.0002 -1 8 126.5 APW20000320.0153 -1 a wider scrutiny of Pius XII 126.5 APW20000227.0065 -1 to save some Hungarian Jews from the death camps and helped shelter others inside the Vatican attempt 126.5 NYT19981003.0082 -1 270 126.5 NYT19981104.0479 -1 thousands 126.5 APW20000520.0070 -1 27 126.5 NYT19991102.0265 -1 1942 126.5 NYT19991102.0265 -1 2000 126.5 APW19991008.0222 -1 1958 126.5 APW20000904.0041 -1 three other church figures 126.5 NYT20000311.0207 -1 36 years 126.5 NYT19991001.0347 -1 12 126.5 NYT19981003.0082 -1 more than 270 people 126.5 APW19981025.0714 -1 800 126.5 NYT19991102.0265 -1 one 126.5 NYT20000817.0365 -1 Series 126.5 NYT19991001.0347 -1 1939 126.5 APW20000312.0072 -1 60 126.5 NYT19991102.0265 -1 850,000 126.5 NYT19991030.0302 -1 12 126.5 NYT19981010.0039 -1 805 people 126.5 APW19991008.0222 -1 19 126.6 NYT20000323.0308 -1 XII 126.6 APW19980609.0173 -1 Eastern Europe 126.6 NYT19991102.0265 -1 HIS DEATH 126.6 NYT19991102.0265 -1 THE SECRET 126.6 APW20000627.0105 -1 Encyclical 126.6 APW19981104.0972 -1 1958 126.6 APW20000318.0136 -1 Vatican 126.6 NYT19991102.0265 -1 Vatican 126.6 NYT19990104.0209 -1 John Paul II 126.6 NYT19981029.0490 -1 John Paul II 126.6 NYT20000318.0103 -1 Vatican II 126.6 APW20000227.0065 -1 to save some Hungarian Jews from the death camps and helped shelter others inside the Vatican attempt 126.6 NYT19981112.0299 -1 Vatican's move 126.6 APW19991008.0222 -1 1958 126.6 NYT19980603.0312 -1 Hitler 126.6 NYT20000221.0217 -1 hiccups 126.6 APW20000226.0165 -1 because the Nazi reaction to such a statement could have cost even more Jewish lives 126.6 NYT19990923.0422 -1 June 24, 1950 126.6 NYT19981104.0479 -1 1965 126.6 NYT20000311.0207 -1 Holocaust 126.6 NYT20000323.0346 -1 Jews 126.6 NYT19990104.0209 -1 Pope 126.6 APW20000627.0140 -1 Italian Jewish leader Luzzatto 126.6 NYT19991001.0347 -1 vatican 126.6 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Papal Tiara 126.6 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Vatican 126.6 NYT19991102.0265 -1 Pius XII 126.6 NYT19991102.0265 -1 beatification of Pius XII 126.6 APW19990906.0115 -1 XII 126.6 NYT19990923.0422 -1 XII 126.6 NYT19981112.0299 -1 Vatican 126.6 NYT19980715.0133 -1 Saints 126.6 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Pacelli 126.6 NYT20000323.0399 -1 wartime pope 126.6 APW20000226.0162 -1 Pius XII 126.6 NYT20000323.0099 -1 failure 126.7 APW19980609.0288 -1 Vatican ' s Ostpolitik 126.7 APW19981104.0972 -1 a 126.7 NYT19991102.0265 -1 JOHN PAUL II 126.7 NYT19991102.0265 -1 II 126.7 APW20000121.0262 -1 Benedict XV 126.7 APW20000226.0162 -1 John 126.7 APW20000320.0153 -1 Now 126.7 NYT19991014.0092 -1 Hitler 126.7 NYT19991028.0441 2 John XXIII 126.7 NYT19991104.0106 -1 Secret History 126.7 APW20000226.0162 -1 save Jews 126.7 APW20000226.0162 -1 NONE 126.7 APW19981006.0581 -1 Stein 126.7 NYT19980810.0466 -1 Divino Afflante Spiritu 126.7 NYT19991104.0106 -1 HITLER 126.7 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Hitler 126.7 NYT19991026.0167 -1 Hitler 126.7 NYT20000807.0134 -1 Augusto Pinochet 126.7 APW20000320.0153 -1 Hitler's Pope 126.7 NYT19981104.0479 -1 Pope Paul VI 126.7 NYT19981104.0479 -1 John Paul II 126.7 APW20000904.0041 2 Pope John XXIII 126.7 NYT19991001.0347 -1 policy 126.7 NYT19991001.0347 -1 John Paul 126.7 NYT19991102.0265 -1 John Paul II. 126.7 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Eugenio Pacelli 126.7 NYT20000323.0399 -1 the wartime pope 126.7 NYT19981029.0490 -1 Pope John 126.7 NYT19980810.0466 -1 XII 126.7 APW19980609.0140 -1 Vatican 126.7 APW19980609.0943 1 John XXIII 126.7 NYT19991001.0347 -1 Pacelli 126.7 NYT19991102.0265 -1 PIUS XII 126.7 NYT19991104.0106 -1 Eugenio Pacelli 126.7 APW20000226.0162 -1 the Venerable Pope Pius XII 126.7 NYT20000317.0069 -1 Church 126.7 APW19990906.0114 -1 criticized for failing to do more to help Jews during the war 126.7 APW19981103.0931 -1 World War II 127.1 APW19990202.0123 -1 U . 127.1 NYT20000703.0391 -1 one 127.1 XIE19980814.0078 -1 APPOINTED 127.1 APW20000702.0051 3 ANNAPOLIS 127.1 APW19990527.0182 -1 United States 127.1 NYT20000907.0238 3 Maryland 127.1 NYT19990326.0384 3 Annapolis 127.1 NYT20000907.0428 3 Annapolis 127.1 APW19990401.0127 1 Annapolis, Maryland 127.1 NYT20000507.0102 3 Annapolis 127.1 NYT20000703.0391 -1 lima 127.1 APW19991009.0135 1 Annapolis,Md . 127.1 APW19990414.0363 -1 Elizabeth 127.1 NYT19990526.0466 3 Annapolis 127.1 NYT19990527.0113 3 Annapolis 127.1 APW19990526.0088 2 ANNAPOLIS, Md. 127.1 NYT20000907.0238 3 Annapolis 127.1 NYT19980715.0473 3 Annapolis 127.1 APW20000702.0051 -1 U.S. 127.1 APW19990401.0127 -1 New Hampshire 127.1 XIE19990928.0255 3 Annapolis 127.1 APW19990713.0263 2 annapolis maryland 127.1 APW19990713.0263 2 Annapolis Maryland 127.1 APW20000702.0051 3 Annapolis 127.1 APW19991009.0135 1 Annapolis, Md. 127.1 NYT19990326.0384 3 U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis 127.1 APW19991009.0135 3 Annapolis 127.1 APW19990928.0225 3 Annapolis 127.1 NYT20000507.0055 3 Annapolis 127.1 NYT19990911.0185 1 Annapolis, MD 127.1 APW20000926.0218 -1 Pacific 127.1 APW20000521.0100 -1 Class 127.1 NYT20000907.0433 3 Annapolis 127.2 NYT19990930.0024 -1 31 127.2 APW19990526.0179 -1 woman 127.2 XIE19991213.0267 -1 THE NAVAL 127.2 NYT20000907.0238 1 1845 127.2 APW19991009.0135 1 1845 127.2 NYT19990930.0024 -1 1954 127.2 NYT20000830.0390 -1 1927 127.2 NYT20000927.0518 -1 1927 127.2 NYT19980729.0123 -1 1715 127.2 XIE19980814.0078 -1 1949 127.2 NYT19980716.0412 -1 September 1996 127.2 NYT19990526.0242 -1 1997 127.2 NYT20000907.0238 3 in 1845 127.2 APW20000503.0227 -1 1927 127.2 XIE19970416.0261 -1 July 1906 127.2 NYT19991015.0045 -1 1963 127.2 NYT19980602.0292 -1 last month 127.2 NYT19981226.0122 -1 1944 127.2 NYT20000503.0455 -1 1975 127.2 NYT20000630.0009 -1 2001 127.2 NYT19990927.0347 2 1845 127.3 NYT20000907.0238 -1 five 127.3 NYT19990526.0242 -1 Constitution 127.3 XIE20000917.0033 -1 INDIAN 127.3 APW19990526.0179 -1 STATES 127.3 APW19991009.0135 -1 1845 127.3 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 127.3 NYT19990723.0355 -1 registration 127.3 NYT19991116.0445 -1 Annapolis 127.3 XIE19980814.0078 -1 After 1949, Deng was appointed successively president of the Andong Naval 127.3 XIE19980814.0078 -1 Deng Zhaoxiang, a former deputy commander of the Chinese Navy who 127.3 NYT19990516.0124 -1 students 127.3 NYT19990824.0159 -1 graduate 127.3 XIE19980814.0078 -1 World War II 127.3 NYT20000907.0428 -1 U.S. Open 127.3 XIE19980814.0078 -1 11 127.3 NYT20000907.0238 -1 Annapolis 127.3 APW20000521.0100 -1 1958 127.3 APW20000702.0051 -1 Rape Investigation 127.3 APW20000401.0097 -1 concept 127.3 NYT19990526.0240 -1 good 127.3 APW19990713.0263 -1 Jeremiah Andrew Denton 127.3 APW19990414.0363 1 4,000 127.3 NYT19980801.0196 -1 Dayton MickensLB6-2205Copperas Cove 127.3 APW20000620.0003 -1 Dey 127.3 NYT19990417.0240 -1 World 127.3 NYT19981202.0420 -1 Navy 127.3 XIE19991028.0165 -1 postgraduate scholarship winners 127.3 APW19980902.1131 -1 Merchant Marine 127.3 NYT19990927.0347 -1 Military 127.3 APW19981208.0187 -1 north 127.4 APW19990808.0072 -1 20 pounds 127.4 NYT19990526.0242 -1 0 127.4 APW19990120.0046 2 MIDSHIPMEN 127.4 APW19990527.0182 -1 united States 127.4 NYT19990703.0140 -1 Duty 127.4 APW19990808.0072 -1 AUVs 127.4 NYT19990129.0487 -1 Annapolis 127.4 NYT20000907.0238 -1 ``an ardent patriot'' whose ``political philosophy always seemed to coincide with his own 127.4 NYT19980814.0207 -1 Diane Zamora 127.4 APW19990808.0072 -1 chance 127.4 APW19990928.0225 -1 much 127.4 NYT19990514.0378 -1 commands 127.4 NYT19990414.0419 2 midshipmen 127.4 NYT20000325.0074 -1 China 127.4 NYT20000904.0064 -1 McCain 127.4 NYT20000907.0238 -1 Flagg 127.4 APW20000702.0051 2 midshipman 127.4 NYT19990210.0062 2 Midshipmen 127.4 NYT19980722.0496 -1 1944 127.4 NYT20000616.0358 -1 Northfield Mount Hermon 127.4 APW20000702.0051 -1 U.S. 127.4 NYT19980923.0547 -1 Fish 127.4 XIE19991001.0299 -1 submarine academy 127.4 APW20000702.0051 -1 annapolis 127.4 APW20000702.0051 -1 Annapolis 127.4 APW19990414.0363 2 midshipmen 127.4 NYT19990930.0024 -1 Gamboa 127.4 APW20000702.0051 -1 AP 127.4 NYT19990514.0378 -1 Vietnam War 127.4 APW20000521.0100 -1 academic regalia 127.4 APW20000603.0017 -1 Canoe U 127.4 NYT19990927.0347 1 Midshipmen 127.4 APW19990509.0091 -1 counsel 127.4 APW19990107.0033 -1 attorney 127.4 APW19990602.0093 -1 Naval Academy 127.5 APW19990527.0182 -1 Josephine Nguyen 127.5 NYT20000927.0518 -1 Navy 127.5 APW19990526.0179 -1 MS. NGUYEN 127.5 APW19990526.0179 -1 HIS FATHER 127.5 APW19990527.0182 -1 United States 127.5 NYT20000907.0238 1 PAUL JONES 127.5 NYT20000123.0025 -1 McCain 127.5 NYT19990703.0140 -1 Annapolis 127.5 NYT19991014.0306 -1 enlisted 127.5 NYT20000907.0238 -1 Maryland Avenue 127.5 XIE19980609.0069 -1 a Naval Academy graduate 127.5 NYT19990603.0021 -1 John Sidney McCain 127.5 NYT19990927.0347 -1 Nashua 127.5 APW19990913.0010 -1 McCain 127.5 XIE19960604.0315 -1 Boorda 127.5 NYT19990703.0140 -1 Isaac Kidd Sr. 127.5 XIE19970616.0033 -1 William 127.5 NYT20000503.0075 -1 Sen. John McCain 127.5 NYT19990930.0024 -1 Jack McCain 127.5 APW19990713.0263 -1 eternal father 127.5 APW19990713.0263 -1 Steve Stoll 127.5 APW19990713.0263 -1 Eternal Father 127.5 NYT19990930.0024 -1 Dittrick 127.5 NYT19990603.0021 -1 His father 127.5 NYT20000123.0025 -1 John 127.5 NYT19980608.0313 -1 Dalton 127.5 NYT19980608.0313 -1 Navy Secretary John Dalton 127.5 NYT20000902.0133 -1 Harold G. Bowen 127.5 NYT19990804.0486 -1 Bush 127.5 NYT20000705.0117 -1 Carter 127.5 NYT20000212.0194 -1 John H. Paasche 127.5 APW20000713.0134 -1 A Current 127.5 APW19980809.0553 -1 USS 128.1 XIE19960415.0002 -1 Iraq 128.1 APW19980616.1609 -1 year 128.1 XIE19970305.0123 -1 NON - OPEC COUNTRIES 128.1 XIE20000412.0301 -1 ELEVEN 128.1 XIE19970305.0123 -1 OIL 128.1 XIE20000916.0020 3 Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000708.0015 3 Petroleum Exporting 128.1 XIE20000715.0134 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000908.0029 -1 oil 128.1 APW20000318.0117 1 Organization Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000622.0276 1 Organization Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000929.0328 1 Organization Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE19970928.0095 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE19960606.0243 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 NYT20000303.0296 -1 Oil Prices 128.1 XIE20000930.0290 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC 128.1 XIE20000319.0007 -1 Organization 128.1 NYT19981013.0163 1 the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 APW19980624.1464 -1 price 128.1 XIE20000319.0007 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000809.0036 3 United Arab Emirates (UAE) Wednesday afternoon to continue his trip to member states of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000929.0328 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE19980512.0003 1 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 APW19981125.1107 -1 June 1999 128.1 XIE19970305.0123 -1 OPEC 128.1 XIE19970212.0238 -1 Price Down 128.1 APW19980626.1388 1 the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE19980704.0104 -1 turnover 128.1 XIE19960423.0201 -1 organization 128.1 NYT20000707.0059 -1 Saudi Arabia 128.1 XIE19960423.0201 -1 Organization 128.1 XIE19971118.0246 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 APW20000805.0041 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 APW20000323.0170 -1 Non- 128.1 XIE19981124.0054 -1 Sab 128.1 NYT19981202.0470 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE20000906.0053 -1 Fadhil Chalabi, executive director 128.1 XIE19980306.0074 1 orgnization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE19990407.0210 1 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 128.1 XIE19960709.0045 -1 cartel 128.1 XIE20000911.0043 -1 Iranian 128.1 NYT19980622.0534 -1 standoff 128.2 XIE19971119.0255 -1 26 128.2 XIE19990309.0310 -1 United 128.2 XIE19980301.0001 -1 OIL 128.2 XIE19971129.0117 -1 3 128.2 XIE19971129.0117 1 11 128.2 XIE19971127.0257 -1 million 128.2 XIE19980326.0252 3 11 OPEC member countries 128.2 XIE19971201.0078 1 11 128.2 XIE19971221.0084 -1 5 128.2 XIE20000924.0195 -1 five countries 128.2 XIE20000809.0036 -1 10- 128.2 XIE19971129.0166 1 11 128.2 XIE19971125.0251 -1 a benchmark price 128.2 XIE19980323.0004 -1 three 128.2 XIE20000809.0036 -1 10 128.2 XIE19980622.0167 1 11 128.2 NYT19990108.0448 2 eleven 128.2 NYT19980604.0250 -1 two 128.2 APW19981125.1085 1 11 128.2 XIE20000708.0013 1 11 128.2 APW19981124.0898 1 11 128.2 XIE20000929.0328 1 11 128.2 XIE19971126.0097 1 11 128.2 XIE20000916.0020 -1 1960 128.2 XIE19991114.0041 -1 54 member countries 128.2 XIE19980607.0020 -1 40 members 128.2 APW20000322.0166 1 11 128.2 APW20000323.0170 -1 20 128.2 XIE19980127.0074 1 11 128.2 APW19980621.1125 -1 21 128.2 APW19981218.0848 1 11 128.2 APW19980616.1609 -1 Iran 128.2 NYT19981013.0172 -1 supplied 54 percent of the world s crude oil 128.2 NYT19980622.0534 1 11 128.4 XIE19960415.0002 -1 Iraq 128.4 APW19980623.0478 -1 lowest oil prices 128.4 XIE19990728.0275 -1 VENEZUELAN 128.4 XIE19980331.0253 1 VIENNA 128.4 APW19980710.0747 -1 Geneva 128.4 XIE19971105.0225 1 Vienna 128.4 XIE19980331.0253 1 Vienna 128.4 APW20000328.0145 1 Vienna 128.4 XIE19990812.0285 1 Vienna 128.4 XIE19990922.0146 2 Vienna, Austria 128.4 XIE19971105.0225 1 Vienna, Austria 128.4 XIE20000805.0099 2 Vienna 128.4 XIE20000924.0195 -1 Kuwait 128.4 APW19980623.0478 -1 from non-OPEC producers Mexico, Russia,Egypt and Oman 128.4 XIE20000725.0074 -1 Kuwait 128.4 XIE19980331.0253 3 Vienna-based 128.4 APW19981216.1597 1 Vienna 128.4 XIE19990728.0275 -1 Venezuela 128.4 XIE19980326.0252 2 VIENNA 128.4 APW19981216.1597 1 Vienna, Austria 128.4 XIE19971105.0225 -1 Sri Lanka 128.4 XIE19990812.0285 -1 Venezuela 128.4 NYT19990322.0390 1 Vienna 128.4 XIE19960113.0193 -1 Brcko corridor 128.4 XIE19970301.0004 -1 Airport Free Zone 128.4 XIE19990324.0251 2 vienna 128.4 XIE19960409.0004 -1 Saudi Arabia 128.4 XIE19990324.0251 2 Vienna 128.4 APW20000328.0145 1 VIENNA 128.4 XIE19990816.0182 -1 Gaborone 128.4 XIE20000329.0116 1 Vienna 128.4 NYT19980625.0202 2 Vienna, AUT 128.4 APW19981216.1597 1 Austria 128.4 XIE19990728.0275 -1 OPEC 128.4 XIE20000912.0216 2 in Vienna 128.4 XIE19990728.0275 -1 Countries 129.1 XIE19960620.0246 -1 34 129.1 XIE19960326.0270 -1 he 129.1 XIE19961219.0040 -1 RUSSIA 129.1 XIE19990510.0237 -1 ABORTION 129.1 XIE19970416.0066 -1 Atlantic 129.1 XIE19981114.0274 3 North Atlantic Treaty 129.1 XIE19990210.0212 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 XIE19990131.0190 -1 Solana 129.1 XIE19971216.0018 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 129.1 XIE19970709.0012 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 XIE20000216.0045 3 North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO 129.1 XIE19990508.0184 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 XIE19960223.0189 1 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 XIE19970709.0069 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 XIE19961211.0062 3 eastwards expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 XIE19990324.0298 -1 Brussels-based 129.1 XIE19970708.0027 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 NYT19990423.0138 -1 1969 129.1 APW20000309.0024 -1 NATO 129.1 APW20000606.0066 -1 KFOR 129.1 NYT19990628.0222 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 APW19981208.1120 -1 finder 129.1 APW19981208.1120 -1 Ribbon 129.1 APW19981208.1120 -1 Finder 129.1 APW19990421.0305 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 NYT19990618.0304 1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 APW20000309.0024 -1 Kamberi 129.1 NYT19990505.0361 -1 KFOR 129.1 NYT19981210.0410 -1 Yugoslav 129.1 NYT19990601.0092 -1 Kosovo Liberation Army 129.1 APW20000606.0066 -1 48 129.1 NYT19990423.0138 -1 NATO 129.1 XIE19960628.0243 3 Russian-North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.1 APW20000309.0024 -1 25 129.1 NYT19990616.0350 -1 standoff 129.2 APW19990421.0306 -1 19 , 1990 129.2 NYT19990608.0326 -1 security 129.2 XIE19970709.0132 -1 1991 129.2 XIE19960418.0229 -1 1994 129.2 XIE20000531.0252 -1 2002 129.2 XIE19990620.0044 -1 1999 129.2 XIE19970708.0175 1 1949 129.2 XIE19960723.0297 -1 July 22 129.2 APW19990210.0270 1 1949 129.2 XIE19961023.0023 1 1949 129.2 APW19981120.1238 1 1949 129.2 XIE19970709.0012 -1 April 1999 129.2 NYT19990409.0429 -1 April 16 129.2 XIE19990603.0003 -1 1991 129.2 XIE19970311.0233 1 1949 129.2 XIE19990313.0062 -1 1997 129.2 NYT19990407.0134 1 1949 129.2 XIE19990907.0025 -1 1999 129.2 XIE19970709.0159 -1 last day 129.2 XIE19960418.0229 -1 October 1991 129.2 APW19990312.0251 1 1949 129.2 XIE19970708.0027 -1 July 9 129.2 NYT19990407.0134 1 April 4, 1949 129.2 XIE19961218.0284 -1 January 1994 129.2 XIE19960418.0229 -1 1991 129.2 XIE19961023.0023 1 in 1949 129.2 APW19981208.1120 2 4 april 1949 129.2 XIE19980416.0048 -1 April 1999 129.2 APW19990421.0305 1 April 4, 1949 129.2 XIE19970709.0132 -1 April 1999 129.2 APW19991014.0278 1 1949 129.2 NYT19981020.0081 -1 1995 129.2 XIE19970131.0232 -1 today 129.2 XIE19961023.0023 -1 1999 129.2 XIE19970404.0031 -1 1999 129.2 NYT19990311.0463 2 April 4 1949 129.2 XIE19970709.0012 -1 December 129.3 XIE19961219.0040 -1 Russia 129.3 XIE19990701.0276 -1 roads 129.3 XIE19981016.0348 -1 YUGOSLAV 129.3 XIE19960625.0317 2 WASHINGTON 129.3 XIE19970530.0230 -1 Ukraine 129.3 APW19981021.0599 -1 Macedonia 129.3 XIE19970418.0263 -1 Russia 129.3 XIE19960506.0085 -1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.3 XIE19960411.0279 -1 North Atlantic Treaty 129.3 XIE19990614.0027 -1 Kosovo 129.3 XIE19990402.0035 -1 Brussels 129.3 XIE19990509.0015 -1 Macao 129.3 XIE19970527.0119 -1 Paris 129.3 XIE19970311.0233 -1 Solana 129.3 XIE19970515.0059 -1 Moscow 129.3 NYT19990319.0325 -1 Paris 129.3 APW19981009.1260 -1 Kosovo 129.3 XIE19961218.0284 -1 Russia 129.3 APW19981009.1083 -1 Belgrade 129.3 XIE19970708.0027 -1 Madrid 129.3 NYT19990331.0235 -1 Mellon Center 129.3 XIE19970711.0241 -1 Ukraine 129.3 XIE19970314.0284 -1 Uzbekistan 129.3 XIE19970527.0012 -1 Russia 129.3 XIE19970520.0058 -1 paris 129.3 APW19990612.0025 -1 Forces 129.3 XIE19970520.0058 -1 Paris 129.3 APW19990421.0305 1 Washington 129.3 XIE19970527.0119 -1 PARIS 129.3 APW19990628.0046 -1 weapons storage sites 129.3 XIE19960915.0147 -1 Ukraine 129.3 XIE19970409.0059 -1 NATO member countries 129.3 NYT19981221.0364 -1 Kosovo 129.3 NYT19990608.0250 -1 Kosovo 129.3 XIE19970530.0230 -1 Russia 129.3 APW19990626.0128 -1 Kosovo 129.3 NYT19990324.0064 -1 U.S 129.3 XIE19971127.0228 -1 Albania 129.5 APW19990421.0305 -1 NATO 129.5 XIE19990509.0017 -1 YUGOSLAV 129.5 XIE19970225.0041 2 BRUSSELS 129.5 XIE19970225.0041 2 IN BRUSSELS 129.5 XIE19990803.0081 2 Belgium 129.5 XIE19971017.0256 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE19970201.0040 2 Brussels 129.5 XIE19990324.0301 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE19980906.0127 -1 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 129.5 XIE19980906.0127 -1 Hollywood 129.5 NYT19990618.0422 -1 allied 129.5 XIE19990402.0035 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE19990509.0015 -1 Macao 129.5 NYT19990618.0304 -1 Italy 129.5 XIE19990328.0201 -1 U . S . 129.5 XIE19990319.0291 -1 Macedonia 129.5 XIE19961218.0284 2 Brussels 129.5 APW19980915.0552 1 Brussels 129.5 NYT19980610.0462 1 Brussels 129.5 APW19990610.0005 -1 Kosovo 129.5 NYT19990614.0325 1 Brussels 129.5 APW20000310.0057 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE20000306.0370 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE19991014.0335 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE19990403.0207 -1 Yugoslavia 129.5 XIE19990330.0262 -1 Yugoslavia 129.5 XIE19970225.0041 -1 Russia 129.5 NYT19990311.0324 1 in Brussels 129.5 XIE19960321.0103 1 mons belgium 129.5 XIE19960217.0033 -1 United States 129.5 XIE19990511.0354 -1 Belgium 129.5 XIE19961218.0074 1 Brussels 129.5 XIE19980717.0026 -1 Tyrnavos 129.5 APW19981008.0754 1 Brussels 129.5 NYT19990430.0243 1 Brussels 129.5 APW19990118.0010 1 Brussels 129.5 NYT19981208.0230 -1 Kosovo 129.5 NYT19990625.0067 -1 Kosovo 129.5 APW19981005.1134 -1 NATO Secretary General 129.5 NYT19990407.0407 2 Brussels 129.5 XIE19990518.0031 -1 in Washington 129.5 XIE19990330.0138 1 in Brussels 129.5 APW19990323.0050 -1 U.S 129.5 NYT19990415.0167 -1 Albania 130.1 APW19980617.1400 -1 Chile 130.1 APW19980617.1399 -1 new urgency 130.1 APW19980617.1402 1 EARTHQUAKES 130.1 APW19980617.1402 -1 A TSUNAMI 130.1 XIE19980720.0105 -1 cause 130.1 APW19980617.1402 -1 Wave 130.1 APW19980617.1399 -1 tsunami inundation maps 130.1 APW19980617.1400 -1 NOAA 130.1 NYT19980727.0124 -1 undersea 130.1 NYT19980724.0146 1 undersea earthquakes 130.1 APW19981109.0245 -1 In December 130.1 APW19980730.0006 -1 extensive damage 130.1 NYT19990510.0219 1 earthquakes 130.1 NYT19990510.0222 1 submarine earthquakes , landslips or volcanic activity 130.1 APW19980727.0392 1 earthquake 130.1 APW19980719.0716 -1 Aug. 27, 1883 130.1 APW19990920.0138 -1 U.S. Geological Survey 130.1 APW19980617.1402 -1 The Associated Press 130.1 XIE19991211.0033 2 earthquakes 130.1 APW20000711.0039 -1 Alaska Tsunami Warning Center 130.1 APW19980726.0017 -1 know what 130.1 APW20000604.0029 -1 Ocean 130.1 APW19980719.0716 1 underwater earthquakes, landslides or volcanos 130.1 APW20000604.0029 -1 massive wave 130.1 APW20000604.0029 -1 A tsunami 130.1 NYT19981224.0194 -1 causing tsunamis 130.1 APW19980723.0052 -1 Sissano Lagoon 130.1 NYT19990510.0220 -1 warning 130.1 NYT19990510.0220 1 earthquake 130.1 XIE19980804.0011 -1 July 130.1 APW19981216.1242 -1 toyv 130.1 XIE19980720.0105 -1 information 130.1 XIE19960611.0057 -1 Center 130.2 NYT20000502.0330 -1 New Guinea 130.2 APW19980617.1399 -1 zone 130.2 APW19980719.0716 3 IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN 130.2 APW19980719.0716 -1 SEA LEVEL 130.2 APW19980719.0716 -1 THE TSUNAMI 130.2 APW19980719.0716 -1 Ocean 130.2 APW19980720.0200 -1 Awa 130.2 NYT20000502.0330 -1 Papua 130.2 APW19980617.1399 -1 Alaska 130.2 APW19980719.0716 1 Pacific Ocean 130.2 NYT19980902.0562 -1 Chicago 130.2 APW19980617.1402 -1 Washington 130.2 APW19990703.0064 -1 Alaska 130.2 NYT19980617.0381 -1 Jurassic Park 130.2 APW19980729.1074 -1 Indonesia 130.2 APW20000604.0029 -1 Indian Ocean 130.2 APW19980720.0200 1 Pacific Ocean 130.2 APW19980722.0496 -1 West Septik 130.2 APW19980617.1400 2 Pacific 130.2 APW19980719.0716 -1 Papua New Guinea 130.2 NYT19980921.0272 -1 an earthquake 130.2 APW19990703.0064 -1 Alaska Tsunami Warning Center 130.2 XIE19980325.0223 -1 Richter scale 130.2 APW19980719.0716 3 pacific 130.2 APW19980719.0716 3 Pacific 130.2 APW19980729.1074 -1 Sissano 130.2 APW19980723.0052 -1 Papua New Guinea 130.2 XIE19961020.0106 -1 Japan 130.2 APW20000604.0029 -1 Earthquakes 130.2 XIE19971218.0035 -1 Palmer 130.3 APW19980617.1399 -1 California 130.3 APW19980719.0009 -1 Guinea 130.3 NYT19980812.0213 -1 A TSUNAMI 130.3 APW19980617.1402 -1 HEIGHT OF 130.3 APW19980719.0716 -1 30 130.3 APW19980617.1402 -1 Wave 130.3 APW19980720.0200 -1 a series of sea waves 130.3 NYT19991012.0139 -1 top 130.3 APW19980719.0716 3 from a harmless few inches (centimeters) to 100 feet (30 meters) 130.3 APW19980617.1402 -1 can rise several meters or more 130.3 NYT19990511.0035 -1 NEW ALERTING SYSTEM FOR 130.3 NYT19980713.0359 -1 3-foot 130.3 APW19980617.1402 1 100 feet 130.3 XIE20000505.0235 -1 six meters 130.3 NYT20000502.0330 -1 40 feet 130.3 APW19980719.0716 1 30 meters 130.3 APW19980719.0716 1 100 feet 130.3 NYT19990510.0219 -1 100 miles 130.3 XIE19960826.0086 -1 sea level 130.3 XIE19981028.0087 -1 50 meters 130.3 NYT19981021.0286 -1 24 months 130.3 APW20000115.0065 -1 8 inches 130.3 APW20000115.0065 -1 Sri Lanka Blog 130.3 APW19980719.0716 1 100 feet (30 meters) 130.3 NYT20000502.0330 -1 3 to 40 feet 130.3 APW19980723.0052 -1 Sissano Lagoon 130.3 NYT19980812.0281 -1 earthquake 130.3 APW19980617.1402 -1 30 130.3 NYT19980812.0281 -1 maximum and minimum temperatures and 24 130.3 APW19980617.1402 -1 Ocean 130.4 APW19980617.1402 -1 one 130.4 APW19980719.0716 -1 to 130.4 APW19980719.0716 -1 100 FEET 130.4 NYT19980729.0472 -1 AS FAST 130.4 APW19980617.1402 1 500 MILES PER HOUR 130.4 APW19980617.1399 1 500 mph 130.4 APW19980617.1402 3 800 kilometers 130.4 APW19980617.1399 -1 20 of the victims 130.4 APW19980617.1402 3 500 130.4 APW19980720.0200 1 450 miles per hour 130.4 APW19980720.0200 1 450 milesperhour 130.4 XIE19980710.0290 -1 people in Anchorage rushing to the streets 130.4 APW19980719.0716 1 450 mph 130.4 NYT20000502.0330 -1 155 miles per hour 130.4 APW19980617.1402 -1 one tsunami 130.4 APW19980719.0716 1 450 mph (725 kph) 130.4 APW19980617.1402 1 up to 500 miles per hour 130.4 APW19980719.0716 -1 250 centuries 130.4 APW19980728.1364 -1 Albright 130.4 NYT20000813.0065 -1 a tsunami wave 130.4 APW20000521.0076 -1 7 130.4 APW19980719.0716 3 450 130.4 APW19980719.0716 -1 100 feet 130.4 XIE19980302.0034 -1 Recovery Facts January 18 2005 130.4 APW19980902.0161 -1 the July 17 tsunami 130.4 APW19980727.0392 -1 Information 130.6 APW19980726.0212 -1 Austen Crapp 130.6 APW19980725.0074 -1 _ 130.6 APW19980726.0017 -1 ENGLISH 130.6 APW20000604.0029 -1 Six months 130.6 NYT19990510.0220 -1 earthquakes , landslides , volcanic eruptions and large meteorite impacts all have the potential to generate a tsunami 130.6 APW19980726.0212 -1 Australian Army Father Glynn Murphy and Brother Benjamin Telu 130.6 XIE19980720.0105 -1 NTF 130.6 APW19980726.0017 -1 English 130.6 NYT19980727.0097 -1 thousands of lives in Papua New Guinea 130.6 APW19980617.1402 1 Japanese 130.6 APW19980617.1400 -1 NOAA 130.6 NYT20000817.0161 -1 118 130.6 APW19980726.0015 -1 ENGLISH;) 130.6 APW19980726.0017 -1 in English 130.6 NYT19980707.0320 2 the Japanese 130.6 NYT19980921.0272 -1 chaos 130.6 APW19980617.1402 -1 seismic sea wave 130.6 APW20000115.0065 2 japanese language 130.6 XIE19961020.0143 -1 earthquake 130.6 APW20000115.0065 2 Japanese language 130.6 APW19980719.0716 1 Japanese 130.6 APW19980723.1324 -1 Pidgin 130.6 XIE19960711.0184 -1 language 130.6 APW19980617.1402 -1 such non-seismic events 130.6 APW19980723.0302 -1 Ap 130.6 APW19980617.1402 -1 events 130.6 NYT19981126.0206 -1 year 2000 130.6 NYT19980707.0320 -1 English 130.6 NYT19980926.0146 -1 Nov. 27, 1998 130.6 NYT19990510.0221 -1 1960 130.6 NYT19990510.0221 -1 now 130.6 XIE20000320.0201 -1 Chinese 131.1 NYT19991110.0271 -1 Cleveland 131.1 APW20000702.0048 -1 Hindenburg 131.1 APW20000702.0048 -1 1937 131.1 APW20000505.0155 -1 LIGHTER 131.1 APW20000505.0144 -1 Lighter Than Air 131.1 NYT19990630.0064 -1 AIR 131.1 NYT19980602.0182 -1 Was Herb Morrison 131.1 NYT19980720.0030 1 Zeppelin 131.1 NYT19990630.0064 1 Graf Zeppelin 131.1 NYT19980720.0030 1 Zeppelin airship 131.1 NYT19991110.0117 -1 FBN-49ERS (Santa Clara, Calif.) _ Pro football's version of the Hindenburg 131.1 APW20000702.0048 -1 BC-NJ--Germany-Zeppelins,0284 FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany (AP) - One hundred years after the maiden 131.1 NYT19980603.0031 -1 WAS EXPERIMENT IN LIVE BROADCASTING 131.1 NYT19990630.0064 -1 World Wide Web 131.1 NYT19991110.0117 -1 great 131.1 NYT19990526.0046 1 airship 131.1 NYT19990407.0236 -1 World War II 131.1 NYT20000729.0098 -1 air 131.1 NYT19990407.0236 -1 Titanic 131.1 NYT20000728.0240 -1 Concorde 131.1 XIE19980501.0129 -1 water jet 131.1 NYT19991115.0063 1 airship 131.1 NYT19991110.0271 -1 ' 1999 season 131.1 NYT19991117.0137 3 rigid airship 131.1 NYT19991117.0137 1 airship 131.1 NYT19980720.0030 -1 first transatlantic flight 131.1 XIE19980501.0129 -1 type 131.1 APW19990821.0103 -1 Events 131.1 NYT20000729.0097 -1 Concorde 131.1 NYT19990407.0236 -1 1937 131.1 NYT19991110.0181 -1 _ Pro football's version 131.1 APW19990906.0114 -1 criticized for failing to do more to help Jews during the war 131.1 NYT19990407.0236 -1 ship 131.1 NYT19990630.0081 1 dirigible 131.2 NYT20000728.0241 -1 1937 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 -1 8 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 -1 THE HINDENBURG 131.2 NYT19991110.0181 -1 AIR TRAVEL 131.2 APW20000702.0064 -1 1937 131.2 APW19980921.0563 -1 minute while approaching 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 1 more than 80 miles an hour 131.2 NYT19980720.0030 1 almost 90 mph 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 -1 of 97 131.2 NYT19980720.0030 -1 6, 1937 131.2 NYT19980720.0030 1 90 mph 131.2 XIE20000407.0231 -1 120 km an hour 131.2 NYT19991115.0063 -1 804-foot 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 1 80 miles 131.2 NYT19990411.0023 -1 64 Phillies 131.2 NYT19990407.0236 -1 20 century 131.2 NYT20000728.0445 -1 air 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 1 80 miles an hour 131.2 APW19990821.0103 -1 Events 131.2 NYT20000810.0407 -1 1937 131.2 NYT20000802.0088 -1 35 131.2 NYT20000728.0240 -1 Concorde in 2000 131.2 NYT19990407.0236 -1 Encyclopedia 1937 added greater 131.2 APW20000702.0048 -1 Zeppelin 131.2 NYT19990630.0064 -1 four 131.3 XIE19980122.0142 -1 490 , 000 131.3 APW20000702.0064 -1 1 131.3 APW20000702.0048 1 1937 131.3 APW20000702.0064 3 the 1937 Hindenburg disaster 131.3 NYT20000729.0098 1 1937 131.3 APW19990821.0103 1 1937 131.3 NYT20000728.0375 1 1937 131.3 NYT19990407.0236 1 1937 131.3 XIE19970107.0243 -1 1996 131.3 NYT20000729.0097 -1 2000 131.3 APW20000702.0064 1 1937 131.3 NYT19980720.0030 1 May 6 , 1937 131.3 XIE19991014.0063 -1 1990s 131.3 NYT19991110.0271 -1 ' 1999 season 131.3 APW19990821.0103 1 in 1937 131.3 NYT20000810.0407 1 1937 131.3 NYT20000810.0407 -1 Jan 1915 131.3 XIE19990223.0121 -1 1998 131.3 NYT19991110.0271 -1 1999 131.3 NYT20000728.0240 -1 2000 131.3 XIE20000411.0075 -1 1936 131.3 NYT19990407.0236 2 May 6 1937 131.3 NYT19990630.0064 -1 one 131.4 XIE19970812.0254 -1 China 131.4 APW19980718.0145 -1 s disasters 131.4 NYT19990407.0236 -1 DISASTERS 131.4 XIE19980313.0023 -1 USA 131.4 APW20000702.0048 -1 7 131.4 APW19990922.0023 -1 Guadalajara 131.4 XIE20000902.0087 -1 Seveso 131.4 NYT19980720.0030 1 Lakehurst , N.J. 131.4 NYT20000728.0241 -1 Washington 131.4 NYT19990630.0064 -1 hydrogen 131.4 NYT19990630.0064 -1 hydrogen fire 131.4 APW19990415.0281 -1 Bonn 131.4 NYT19980602.0182 -1 Chicago 131.4 NYT19980603.0031 -1 IN 131.4 NYT20000729.0097 -1 Washington 131.4 APW20000505.0220 1 Lakehurst, N.J. 131.4 NYT19980720.0030 1 Lakehurst 131.4 NYT19980720.0030 -1 Friedrichshafen 131.4 XIE19990722.0274 -1 East China Sea 131.4 NYT20000728.0375 -1 Washington 131.4 NYT19990630.0064 -1 Akron 131.4 NYT20000409.0196 1 Lakehurst, N.J 131.4 XIE19990706.0044 -1 GENEVA 131.4 NYT19990407.0236 -1 Titanic 131.4 XIE20000518.0173 -1 China 131.4 NYT20000810.0407 -1 hydrogen 131.4 NYT20000810.0407 -1 United States 131.4 NYT20000810.0407 -1 Hydrogen 131.4 APW20000702.0048 1 Lakehurst, N.J. 131.4 XIE19960530.0008 -1 Asia 131.4 NYT19980720.0030 -1 the Hindenburg disaster 131.4 NYT19990411.0023 -1 the Hindenburg disaster 131.4 NYT19991110.0117 -1 Santa Clara, CA 131.4 NYT19990411.0023 -1 Masters 131.4 NYT20000728.0240 -1 pride _ the Concorde 131.4 NYT19991012.0262 -1 Pearl Harbor 131.4 XIE20000809.0022 2 Lakehurst Naval Air Station 131.4 APW20000702.0048 -1 Germany 131.4 NYT19990630.0064 -1 America 131.4 XIE19970901.0028 -1 Japan 131.5 XIE19970107.0243 -1 1995 , 131.5 APW20000702.0048 -1 3 131.5 APW20000702.0048 -1 96 131.5 APW20000702.0048 -1 35 131.5 APW19990505.0093 1 97 131.5 APW20000702.0064 2 97 131.5 NYT20000810.0407 -1 36 people 131.5 NYT19980720.0030 -1 36 131.5 APW19990505.0093 1 97 people 131.5 APW20000702.0048 -1 1937 131.5 XIE19980122.0142 -1 40 million 131.5 NYT20000728.0375 -1 35 131.5 APW20000505.0220 1 97 131.5 APW20000702.0064 1 96 131.5 APW20000131.0217 -1 196 131.5 NYT20000729.0073 -1 35 131.5 APW19980817.0851 -1 247 131.5 NYT19981007.0262 2 97 131.5 NYT20000729.0073 -1 five 131.5 APW20000702.0048 1 96 people 131.5 NYT20000810.0407 -1 1937 131.5 NYT20000810.0407 -1 25 131.5 NYT20000728.0240 -1 Two air disasters involving symbols 131.5 NYT20000802.0088 -1 35 131.5 APW20000702.0064 -1 35 131.5 NYT19990411.0023 -1 64 131.5 NYT20000728.0375 -1 35 people 131.5 XIE20000822.0219 -1 13 passengers 131.5 APW19990324.0048 -1 132 131.5 APW19990913.0020 -1 13 131.6 XIE19990223.0121 -1 four 131.6 XIE19970107.0243 -1 in 131.6 APW20000702.0048 -1 THE HINDENBURG 131.6 APW20000702.0048 1 35 131.6 NYT19980720.0030 -1 6 , 1937 131.6 NYT19980602.0182 -1 two 131.6 NYT19980720.0030 2 36 131.6 NYT19990411.0023 -1 1 131.6 NYT19990630.0064 -1 passengers and crew members 131.6 APW20000702.0048 -1 96 people 131.6 APW20000702.0048 -1 1937 131.6 APW19980718.0145 -1 1,000 131.6 NYT20000728.0375 1 35 131.6 APW20000505.0220 1 35 131.6 NYT19990630.0064 -1 97 131.6 NYT20000728.0375 -1 two 131.6 APW20000702.0064 1 35 131.6 XIE19980604.0045 -1 at least 120 131.6 NYT20000729.0073 1 35 131.6 NYT20000810.0407 1 36 people 131.6 NYT20000810.0407 -1 two 131.6 NYT20000810.0407 -1 25 131.6 NYT20000810.0407 -1 1 131.6 NYT20000222.0073 -1 four months 131.6 NYT19990411.0023 -1 Phillies 131.6 NYT20000802.0088 1 35 131.6 NYT20000729.0097 -1 Concorde in 2000 131.6 APW20000702.0048 -1 91, 131.6 APW20000702.0064 -1 the 1937 Hindenburg disaster 131.6 NYT19991110.0271 -1 49ers 132.1 APW20000216.0066 -1 1994 132.1 APW19980907.1225 -1 s 132.1 XIE20000612.0558 3 1942 132.1 XIE20000726.0065 -1 1941 132.1 XIE19971009.0151 -1 Wednesday 132.1 XIE20000612.0255 1 February 16, 1942 132.1 NYT20000612.0260 -1 1994 132.1 XIE20000612.0558 1 February 16, 1942 132.1 XIE20000612.0558 1 on February 16, 1942 132.1 XIE20000612.0255 3 1942 132.1 XIE20000612.0255 1 February 16 , 1942 132.1 XIE20000612.0558 1 february 16, 1942 132.1 XIE20000601.0160 -1 Jul 1994 132.1 NYT19980914.0383 -1 1994 132.1 XIE20000612.0558 1 February 16 , 1942 132.1 XIE20000612.0255 -1 October 1980 132.1 APW19980904.0063 3 1942 132.1 APW19980723.0388 -1 1994 132.1 XIE20000612.0255 1 February 16 1942 132.1 XIE20000612.0255 -1 2000 132.1 NYT20000913.0465 -1 Wednesday 132.2 APW19980708.0218 -1 state 132.2 APW19980723.0388 3 SUNG 132.2 APW19980723.0388 -1 HIS FATHER 132.2 APW19980723.0388 -1 Korean 132.2 APW19980708.0218 3 President Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW20000720.0012 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW19981001.0036 -1 North Korea 132.2 APW19980726.0086 -1 North Korea 132.2 APW19980726.0086 -1 North 132.2 XIE19960510.0095 -1 Kim Yong Nam 132.2 NYT20000612.0589 -1 Kim Dae-jung 132.2 XIE19971011.0049 -1 Comrade Kim Jong Il 's election as general secretary of the WPK 132.2 APW20000119.0027 3 Kim Il 132.2 APW20000818.0069 3 Kim Il 132.2 NYT20000619.0344 -1 Very Special Leader 132.2 APW20000610.0077 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW19981001.0036 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW20000720.0012 3 President Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW19980728.0218 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 XIE19970221.0008 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 XIE20000613.0192 -1 Kim Dae-jung 132.2 NYT19990602.0305 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 NYT20000612.0589 1 Kim Il Song 132.2 APW19981001.0036 3 Sung 132.2 NYT20000822.0292 -1 Kim Jong Il of North Korea 132.2 XIE20000612.0255 2 kim il sung 132.2 XIE20000601.0160 -1 Yasser Arafat 132.2 XIE20000612.0255 2 Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW20000614.0059 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW20000818.0069 -1 his father 132.2 APW20000720.0012 3 Sung 132.2 NYT20000615.0194 -1 his father 132.2 NYT19980901.0361 -1 Pyongyang 132.2 NYT19981214.0386 1 Kim Il Sung 132.2 APW20000614.0059 -1 Kim Young-sam 132.2 NYT19980914.0383 -1 North Korea 132.2 APW19980723.0388 3 Sung 132.2 APW20000619.0070 -1 North Korean leader 132.2 XIE20000614.0304 -1 warm welcome at the airport by DPRK leader 132.2 APW20000614.0059 -1 President 132.3 APW19980726.0219 -1 hereditary 132.3 APW20000923.0071 3 KOREA 132.3 APW20000923.0071 1 NORTH KOREA 132.3 XIE20000601.0061 -1 China 132.3 APW19980903.0308 1 North Korea 132.3 XIE20000601.0160 -1 China 132.3 NYT19980904.0498 1 North Korea 132.3 NYT19980906.0139 1 North Korea 132.3 XIE20000615.0003 3 Korea 132.3 XIE20000612.0558 3 Korea 132.3 APW19980723.0388 -1 NONE 132.3 NYT19980609.0403 -1 China 132.3 NYT19980914.0383 1 North Korea 132.3 NYT19980904.0313 1 North Korea 132.3 NYT20000617.0120 1 North Korea 132.3 XIE20000612.0255 3 Korea 132.3 APW19981013.0216 2 North Korea 132.3 NYT19990602.0305 1 North Korea 132.3 APW19980903.0308 3 Korea 132.3 NYT19980906.0139 -1 Kim Il Sung 132.3 APW20000614.0059 -1 Seoul 132.3 APW19980905.0401 1 north korea 132.3 XIE20000602.0286 -1 United States 132.3 APW19980905.0401 1 North Korea 132.3 APW19980910.1059 1 Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) 132.3 NYT20000822.0292 1 North Korea 132.3 NYT20000721.0285 -1 his country 132.3 APW20000923.0071 1 North Korea 132.3 NYT19981230.0365 1 North Korea 132.3 NYT20000617.0066 1 North Korea 132.3 APW20000614.0059 1 North Korea 132.3 XIE20000529.0263 2 DPRK 132.3 XIE20000701.0215 -1 Pyongyang 132.3 XIE20000614.0056 -1 South Korea 132.5 APW19980726.0219 -1 assembly 132.5 XIE20000612.0558 -1 KOREA 132.5 XIE20000612.0558 -1 SUNG 132.5 APW19980723.0388 -1 Korean 132.5 APW19980903.0308 -1 North Korea 132.5 XIE19980712.0083 -1 Xinhua 132.5 APW19981015.0539 -1 North Korean leader 132.5 APW19981015.0539 -1 North Korean dictator 132.5 NYT20000822.0292 -1 His Kim Jong Il suit, with its distinctive zip-front jacket, is 132.5 XIE20000612.0558 -1 NEWSMAKER: DPRK Leader Kim Jong Il PYONGYANG, June 12 (Xinhua) -- 132.5 XIE20000615.0258 -1 Kim Dae 132.5 NYT20000612.1119 -1 North Korea 132.5 XIE20000320.0193 -1 General Secretary Kim Jong Il 132.5 XIE20000917.0081 -1 Kim Il Chol 132.5 APW19980726.0086 -1 Kim Il Sung 132.5 APW20000913.0260 -1 Kim Dae-jung 132.5 APW20000523.0030 -1 Kim Soon Young 132.5 XIE20000613.0192 -1 Kim Dae-jung 132.5 APW20000611.0030 1 Kim Young Sook 132.5 XIE19970708.0209 -1 Kim Jong Il 132.5 XIE19971011.0049 -1 Jo Myong Rok 132.5 XIE19960606.0230 -1 Kae Sim Sa Temple 132.5 NYT20000812.0094 -1 Sung 132.5 XIE20000410.0184 -1 South Korea Kim Dae jung 132.5 APW19980723.0388 -1 north korea 132.5 XIE20000612.0558 -1 Kim Il 132.5 APW19980723.0388 -1 North Korea 132.5 APW20000818.0069 -1 Sung 132.5 NYT19981123.0330 -1 Kim Dae-jung 132.5 NYT20000530.0158 -1 Fields 132.5 APW20000815.0056 -1 Sung 132.5 NYT20000812.0094 -1 North Korean 132.5 APW19980723.0388 -1 Sung 132.5 NYT19990306.0076 -1 Dear Leader 132.5 NYT20000616.0120 -1 North Korean 132.5 XIE19960119.0041 -1 leader 132.5 NYT20000621.0313 -1 official 132.5 APW20000720.0012 -1 Sung 133.1 APW19981025.1046 -1 Colombia 133.1 APW19981027.0006 -1 I 133.1 APW19990518.0250 2 CARIBBEAN 133.1 XIE19981106.0268 1 HONDURAS 133.1 APW19981028.1120 -1 Hurricane Mitch 133.1 XIE19981106.0268 -1 Mitch 133.1 XIE19981106.0268 1 Central America 133.1 XIE19990113.0311 1 Central America 133.1 NYT19981110.0215 1 Honduras and Nicaragua 133.1 APW19981104.1064 1 Honduras and Nicaragua 133.1 NYT19981116.0203 1 Honduras and Nicaragua 133.1 NYT19981229.0327 -1 lima 133.1 APW19981108.0824 -1 Miami 133.1 APW19981102.1084 -1 San 133.1 APW19990518.0250 -1 Florida 133.1 APW19990422.0218 1 Central America 133.1 APW19990803.0028 3 Honduras 133.1 APW19981105.1528 1 Central America 133.1 NYT19981027.0196 1 Caribbean 133.1 NYT19981026.0322 1 Caribbean Sea 133.1 NYT19990407.0246 -1 Guantanamo 133.1 XIE19981104.0249 3 American 133.1 APW19981108.0824 3 Caribbean 133.1 XIE19981106.0268 1 Honduras 133.1 NYT19981116.0203 1 Central America 133.1 NYT19981110.0215 -1 Galveston 133.1 APW19990402.0247 -1 Tropical storm 133.1 APW19981202.1174 1 central america 133.1 APW19981202.1174 1 Central America 133.1 APW19981025.0500 -1 Mitch in 133.1 XIE19981115.0166 1 Nicaragua 133.1 NYT19981106.0207 -1 Developments 133.1 XIE19981115.0166 -1 Managua International Airport 133.1 APW19990520.0320 -1 Natural 133.1 NYT19981231.0065 1 Honduras 133.1 NYT19990629.0416 -1 Edwin 133.1 APW19981104.0019 1 Honduras 133.1 APW19990803.0028 -1 Mitch 133.1 XIE19981213.0186 1 Honduras 133.1 APW19981111.1315 3 Honduran 133.1 NYT20000829.0255 1 Central America 133.1 APW19990402.0247 1 Honduras 133.2 APW19981026.0389 -1 250 133.2 APW19981028.0033 -1 , 133.2 NYT19980601.0292 -1 THIS CENTURY 133.2 APW19990401.0256 3 1998 133.2 XIE19981106.0268 3 1998 133.2 XIE19981120.0182 3 1998 133.2 XIE19981120.0182 3 late October 133.2 XIE19991231.0194 1 October 1998 133.2 NYT19981101.0150 3 1998 133.2 APW19990302.0238 1 November 1998 133.2 XIE19981106.0268 -1 1780 133.2 APW19990302.0321 1 November 1998 133.2 NYT19981111.0511 3 1998 133.2 NYT19981027.0384 -1 1988 133.2 XIE19981115.0166 -1 last week 133.2 APW19981028.0033 -1 1988 133.2 APW19981026.1354 -1 1988 133.2 XIE19981120.0182 3 last week of October 133.2 APW19981104.0026 3 October 29, 1998 133.2 APW19990123.0117 1 late October and early November 133.2 XIE19981106.0268 -1 1900 133.2 NYT20000418.0070 3 in 1998 133.2 NYT19981110.0215 -1 1900 133.2 APW19981103.0526 2 october 1998 133.2 APW19981103.0526 2 October 1998 133.2 XIE19981112.0006 3 1998 133.2 XIE19991231.0194 3 1998 133.2 XIE19981115.0166 3 November 8, 1998 133.2 APW19981103.1218 -1 Friday 133.2 APW19981104.0005 -1 Friday 133.2 NYT19981028.0458 -1 1935 133.2 NYT19991206.0188 3 last fall 133.2 APW20000804.0044 -1 1995 133.2 NYT19981216.0372 3 '98 133.2 XIE19981115.0166 3 October 27 1998 133.2 APW19991026.0107 3 Oct. 27, 1998 133.2 NYT19991209.0065 -1 2000 133.2 NYT19981027.0196 3 October 133.5 APW19981027.0006 -1 Caribbean 133.5 APW19981031.0720 -1 At least 133.5 APW19981027.1389 2 HONDURAS 133.5 APW19981102.1084 -1 Guatemala 133.5 XIE19981122.0146 -1 Nicaragua 133.5 XIE19981120.0182 2 Honduras 133.5 APW19981031.0766 2 Honduras 133.5 NYT19981207.0334 1 Honduras 133.5 NYT19981024.0109 -1 Jamaica 133.5 APW19981028.1120 2 Honduras 133.5 APW19981116.1140 -1 U . S . 133.5 APW19981224.0863 -1 Nicaragua 133.5 XIE19981114.0067 2 Honduras 133.5 XIE19981102.0200 2 Honduras 133.5 NYT19990306.0117 2 Nicaragua 133.5 APW19981202.1539 1 Honduras 133.5 APW19990522.0010 2 Honduras 133.5 APW19990401.0256 1 Honduras 133.5 XIE19981117.0294 1 Honduras 133.5 XIE19981105.0037 2 Honduras 133.5 NYT19981102.0332 2 Honduras 133.5 XIE19981105.0037 2 Nicaragua 133.5 XIE19981117.0294 -1 Central American country 133.5 APW19981029.0086 -1 toll 133.5 APW19981027.0241 -1 United States 133.5 XIE19990323.0036 -1 Group of Central American Countries 133.5 XIE19981114.0067 2 Nicaragua 133.5 NYT19981231.0065 2 Honduras 133.5 APW19981103.0544 -1 villages 133.5 APW19981027.1335 2 Honduras 133.5 NYT20000829.0255 -1 Central America 133.5 APW19981031.0711 -1 Hurricane Mitch 133.5 XIE19981104.0272 1 Honduras 134.1 NYT20000202.0150 -1 3 billion 134.1 NYT20000410.0339 -1 Health National Institutes of 134.1 NYT20000601.0333 -1 HUMAN GENOME 134.1 NYT20000601.0333 -1 THE GENOME 134.1 XIE20000628.0154 -1 Human 134.1 NYT20000601.0333 -1 mouse genome 134.1 NYT19990905.0205 -1 order 134.1 NYT19981005.0259 -1 Sequencing project 134.1 NYT20000601.0333 2 DNA sequence 134.1 NYT20000626.0221 -1 ANNOTATING THE 134.1 NYT19991028.0043 -1 REGION RELATING TO DISEASE 134.1 NYT20000410.0339 -1 human genome 134.1 NYT19980914.0458 -1 two years 134.1 NYT20000406.0195 -1 order 134.1 NYT20000323.0404 1 DNA 134.1 NYT19991220.0176 1 DNA 134.1 NYT19990506.0121 1 DNA instructions 134.1 NYT19990129.0051 1 a complete haploid set of chromosomes of an organism 134.1 NYT20000626.0214 -1 May 1998 134.1 NYT20000626.0214 -1 SCI-GENOME; see SCIENCE-TIMES 134.1 NYT20000410.0339 -1 SCI-GENOME 134.1 NYT19981210.0368 1 DNA 134.1 NYT20000622.0058 2 dna 134.1 NYT19990517.0235 -1 Psycho 134.1 NYT20000622.0058 2 DNA 134.1 NYT20000626.0221 -1 knowledge 134.1 APW20000509.0024 -1 genome 134.1 XIE19981130.0226 -1 genome 134.1 NYT19991224.0113 -1 Therapeutics 134.1 NYT19990731.0129 -1 National Institutes 134.1 NYT20000626.0413 -1 St. Louis 134.1 NYT20000314.0372 -1 decode the human 134.1 NYT20000406.0195 -1 10 134.1 NYT20000626.0299 -1 Manhattan project 134.1 XIE19980820.0271 -1 a less than 1% difference 134.1 XIE20000703.0133 -1 information 134.4 NYT19980914.0458 -1 3 billion 134.4 APW20000413.0219 -1 make 134.4 NYT20000406.0494 -1 GENES 134.4 NYT20000626.0214 -1 50 134.4 XIE19991204.0073 1 23 134.4 NYT19990615.0313 2 24 134.4 APW20000413.0219 -1 three complete chromosomes 134.4 NYT20000329.0297 1 23 134.4 NYT20000619.0261 1 46 chromosomes 134.4 NYT20000329.0297 1 23 chromosomes 134.4 NYT19991025.0312 -1 three 134.4 NYT19980914.0458 -1 1 to 10 million 134.4 NYT20000619.0261 1 46 134.4 XIE19991204.0073 -1 22 134.4 NYT20000329.0297 -1 3 billion 134.4 NYT20000626.0419 1 23 134.4 APW20000413.0219 -1 19 134.4 NYT20000626.0398 1 two sets of 23 134.4 NYT19991025.0312 -1 33 million units of DNA, or about 1 percent 134.4 APW20000413.0219 -1 16 and 19 134.4 NYT19990615.0313 1 23 134.4 XIE20000414.0298 -1 three pairs 134.4 APW20000509.0024 -1 21 134.4 NYT20000627.0423 2 23 134.4 NYT19990517.0235 -1 10 134.4 NYT20000626.0398 -1 three billion 134.4 XIE19991202.0263 1 23 134.4 NYT20000607.0185 1 23 134.4 NYT19990731.0129 -1 10 134.4 NYT20000506.0114 -1 10 134.4 NYT20000508.0236 -1 mapped chromosome 21 134.4 NYT20000508.0236 -1 two chromosomes 134.5 XIE19990316.0007 -1 Britain 134.5 NYT20000410.0339 -1 Health National Institutes of 134.5 NYT19990731.0129 -1 IN LENGTH 134.5 NYT20000110.0271 -1 10 134.5 XIE19980814.0208 -1 million 134.5 NYT20000626.0418 -1 Full 134.5 NYT20000308.0319 -1 companies 134.5 NYT20000506.0220 -1 100,000 gaps 134.5 NYT20000521.0184 -1 five-day 134.5 NYT20000626.0261 -1 10-year 134.5 NYT20000406.0195 -1 DNA 134.5 NYT19990827.0346 -1 two years 134.5 NYT19990827.0346 -1 80,000-square-foot 134.5 NYT20000406.0195 1 3 billion 134.5 NYT19990731.0061 1 four billion 134.5 NYT20000626.0413 -1 $200 million to $250 million 134.5 NYT20000421.0288 -1 90 miles 134.5 NYT20000626.0214 -1 3 percent 134.5 NYT19990731.0129 -1 60000 134.5 NYT19990731.0129 -1 one third larger 134.5 XIE19980814.0208 -1 1 134.5 NYT20000626.0300 3 3 134.5 NYT20000522.0245 -1 35,000 genes 134.5 NYT20000421.0288 -1 two miles 134.5 NYT20000110.0271 -1 six 134.5 NYT19990629.0396 -1 one day 134.5 NYT19991224.0113 -1 Therapeutics 134.5 NYT20000110.0238 -1 10 million 134.5 NYT20000506.0220 3 all 3 billion chemicals 134.5 NYT19981207.0441 -1 12-07 --William Haseltine 134.5 NYT19990731.0129 -1 Project 134.5 NYT20000110.0271 3 3 billion base" of DNA in length , and calculation" suggest" it need" to be sequence" some six times over for a fully accurate assembly to be m 135.1 XIE19960707.0050 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19960522.0039 -1 News 135.1 XIE19961205.0111 1 IRAQ 135.1 XIE19961205.0111 1 Iraq 135.1 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 135.1 XIE19970501.0018 1 Iraq 135.1 NYT19981202.0470 -1 Saudi Arabia 135.1 APW19981026.0535 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19970329.0128 -1 Israel 135.1 NYT20000311.0100 -1 Spain 135.1 XIE19990814.0129 1 Iraq 135.1 NYT19980624.0501 2 Iraq 135.1 XIE19990404.0022 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19970907.0071 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19980619.0129 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19980717.0290 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19970708.0217 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19970212.0260 -1 Kuwait 135.1 XIE19960217.0024 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19980802.0022 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19960217.0024 -1 Egypt 135.1 XIE19970708.0217 -1 Philippines 135.1 XIE19971206.0043 1 iraq 135.1 XIE19971206.0043 -1 French Guiana 135.1 XIE19970329.0128 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19960803.0230 -1 The beneficiary countries 135.1 XIE19980112.0186 -1 Egypt 135.1 XIE20000602.0075 -1 Pipeline 135.1 NYT19991116.0320 -1 China 135.1 XIE19961217.0009 1 Iraq 135.1 XIE19970503.0190 -1 Petroleos de Venezuela 135.1 XIE19990227.0135 -1 U.S 135.1 XIE19970612.0199 -1 Thailand 135.2 XIE19980310.0058 -1 Mohanned Saeed al - Sahhaf 135.2 XIE19961201.0034 -1 and 135.2 XIE20000122.0084 1 U.N. 135.2 XIE19960410.0062 -1 THIS ORGANIZATION 135.2 XIE19970219.0163 1 UN 135.2 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 135.2 XIE20000122.0084 -1 Amir Muhammad Rashid 135.2 XIE19980619.0129 -1 Iraq Liberation Act 135.2 NYT19980624.0501 -1 Iraq 135.2 XIE19960928.0050 -1 Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed 135.2 NYT19980624.0501 1 the United Nations 135.2 APW19980820.0690 -1 XIE20000122.0084 XIE20000122.0192 Amir Muhammed Rasheed 135.2 APW19980820.0416 -1 Amer Mohammed Rashid 135.2 XIE19960208.0056 -1 Mazen Jomaa 135.2 XIE19991125.0046 1 United Nations Security Council 135.2 NYT19980624.0501 1 United Nations 135.2 APW19980619.1085 -1 , 2nd Ld-Writethru 135.2 APW19980619.0870 -1 -General Kofi Annan 135.2 XIE19960521.0019 -1 Jordan Welcomes U.N. 135.2 XIE20000122.0084 -1 Iraqi oil export 135.2 XIE19971206.0043 -1 iraq 135.2 XIE19971206.0043 -1 link 135.2 XIE19971206.0043 -1 Iraq 135.2 XIE19970510.0204 1 United Nations 135.2 NYT19980701.0064 -1 Brooklyn 135.2 XIE19990702.0011 -1 Clinton 135.2 APW19990323.0096 -1 Minister Ali Rodriguez 135.2 NYT19981110.0144 -1 Tariffs 135.2 XIE19980727.0193 -1 Authority 135.2 APW19980619.0870 -1 Annan 135.2 APW20000803.0180 -1 Revolving Credit 135.2 APW20000803.0180 -1 C.L. Jackson 135.2 APW19980728.0401 -1 Corp 135.2 APW19981204.0565 -1 River 135.3 XIE19960531.0245 -1 1990 135.3 XIE19960208.0056 -1 of chairman 135.3 XIE20000122.0084 -1 IRAQ 135.3 XIE19960602.0071 2 1995 135.3 APW20000526.0096 -1 2004 135.3 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 135.3 XIE19960531.0245 -1 August, 1990 135.3 XIE19970503.0190 -1 today 135.3 XIE19971206.0043 -1 1997 135.3 APW19981026.0535 -1 December 1996 135.3 XIE19980619.0129 -1 1996 135.3 APW19981109.1359 -1 1990 135.3 XIE19970729.0027 -1 1990 135.3 XIE19991223.0027 -1 1999 135.3 XIE20000122.0084 -1 1999 135.3 XIE19990314.0010 -1 XIE19960217.0024 1990 135.3 NYT19980818.0405 1 April 1995 135.3 XIE19960525.0071 -1 August 1990 135.3 XIE19960525.0071 -1 1990 135.3 NYT19980818.0405 -1 1996 135.3 XIE20000810.0051 -1 Wednesday 135.3 XIE19991223.0027 -1 January 135.3 XIE19971206.0043 3 1995 135.3 XIE19971206.0043 -1 1996 135.3 XIE19991125.0046 -1 1996 135.3 XIE19990827.0008 -1 1998 135.3 APW19981128.0387 -1 today 135.3 XIE19970116.0133 -1 today 135.3 APW19990406.0136 -1 1986 135.3 NYT20000701.0029 -1 2000 135.3 XIE19990814.0129 -1 1998 135.3 NYT19990627.0066 -1 1998 135.4 XIE19960617.0029 -1 50 135.4 XIE19960208.0056 -1 of chairman 135.4 XIE20000122.0084 -1 1999 135.4 XIE19970326.0114 2 1996 135.4 XIE19990923.0324 -1 2004 135.4 NYT19990326.0303 -1 NIL 135.4 XIE19960531.0245 -1 August, 1990 135.4 XIE19960918.0015 -1 every six months 135.4 XIE19960219.0182 2 1996 135.4 APW19981109.1359 -1 1998 135.4 XIE19980708.0045 1 1996 135.4 XIE19960529.0054 3 May 20 135.4 APW19981109.1359 -1 1990 135.4 XIE19970217.0151 -1 1990 135.4 XIE19990108.0017 -1 1999 135.4 XIE19990326.0148 2 1996 135.4 XIE19960527.0017 2 May 20, 1996 135.4 XIE19990701.0209 -1 December 2000 135.4 XIE19960522.0086 3 May 22 135.4 XIE19960522.0039 -1 1990 135.4 NYT19980709.0259 2 1996 135.4 XIE19990701.0209 -1 Wednesday 135.4 XIE19990701.0209 -1 Thursday 135.4 APW19990625.0205 2 may 1996 135.4 APW19990625.0205 -1 1948 135.4 APW19990625.0205 2 1996 135.4 XIE19960802.0042 3 May 20 135.4 XIE19990108.0017 -1 1998 135.4 XIE19971030.0015 -1 1991 135.4 XIE19991031.0011 -1 October 30 135.4 XIE19960523.0077 -1 1994 135.4 APW19980705.0651 -1 1990 135.4 XIE19990814.0129 -1 1998 135.4 XIE19990815.0132 -1 1988 135.4 XIE19970725.0087 -1 today 136.1 NYT20000221.0121 -1 Musa al - Sadr 136.1 NYT19991002.0119 -1 for time Iraqi forces 136.1 APW19980702.0250 -1 SUNNI 136.1 XIE19960512.0089 -1 THE CALIPH 136.1 APW19980702.0250 2 ALI 136.1 APW19980620.0782 -1 Imam 136.1 APW19980702.0250 2 Ali 136.1 APW20000415.0097 -1 Imam Hussein 136.1 APW20000415.0097 -1 Mohammed 136.1 XIE19961125.0219 3 Ali 136.1 NYT20000219.0090 -1 Sunni Muslim 136.1 APW19980915.0091 -1 Sunni Muslim 136.1 APW19980917.0628 -1 a leading member of Murid Hussein 's group 136.1 XIE19960827.0145 -1 Ahmed Habbous 136.1 APW19980816.0311 -1 Taliban 136.1 NYT20000219.0088 1 Ali 136.1 APW19980702.0250 -1 Karbala 136.1 XIE19980423.0153 -1 Mohammed 136.1 APW19980815.0170 -1 Mohammed 136.1 APW20000424.0141 -1 Imam Hussein 136.1 APW19980927.0489 -1 Imam Hussein 136.1 NYT20000221.0119 -1 Shiites 136.1 APW19980716.0141 -1 Sunni sect of Islam 136.1 XIE19980423.0153 1 imam ali 136.1 APW19980908.0125 -1 John Paul 136.1 APW19980915.0121 -1 Sunni 136.1 XIE19961125.0219 1 Ali Ibn Abi Talib 136.1 APW20000901.0002 -1 Hussein Shrine 136.1 APW20000901.0002 -1 Imam Hussein Shrine 136.1 XIE19961125.0219 1 Talib 136.1 APW19980815.0170 -1 Islam 136.1 NYT19991002.0031 -1 Sunni Muslims 136.1 NYT19990105.0375 -1 Ali Khamenei 136.1 NYT19991104.0189 -1 justice 136.1 APW19980815.0103 -1 Taliban 136.1 APW19980815.0148 -1 Mohammed 136.1 APW19981031.0111 -1 Muslims 136.1 APW20000901.0002 -1 Sunni 136.1 APW19980927.0489 -1 Hussein 136.2 XIE19981222.0038 -1 Maronite 136.2 NYT19991002.0119 -1 for time Iraqi forces 136.2 NYT19991002.0119 1 IRAQI 136.2 NYT19991002.0119 -1 THE TOMB 136.2 NYT19991002.0119 1 Iraq 136.2 APW20000901.0002 -1 Imam Ali 136.2 APW19980813.0508 -1 Baghdad 136.2 APW19980927.0383 -1 Islamabad 136.2 XIE19990408.0181 -1 Mashhad 136.2 XIE19971010.0085 2 Iraq 136.2 XIE19980621.0135 2 Najaf 136.2 NYT19990221.0111 -1 United States 136.2 APW20000901.0002 -1 Iran 136.2 APW19980615.0428 -1 Jordan 136.2 APW20000901.0002 1 Najaf 136.2 NYT19991002.0119 -1 Ali 136.2 APW19981023.1482 -1 Karbala 136.2 APW19980615.0428 -1 Iranian tourist 136.2 APW19981127.1321 -1 Shiite Muslim saint 136.2 XIE19961204.0015 2 najaf 136.2 APW19980908.0125 -1 Qazvin Iran 136.2 XIE19961204.0015 2 Najaf 136.2 XIE19970819.0036 1 Iraq 136.2 XIE19990408.0181 -1 Reza 136.2 APW19981127.1321 -1 Mashhad isthe burial site 136.2 XIE19970819.0036 -1 several other holy sites 136.2 APW19981128.0219 2 Karbala 136.2 APW19981023.1482 -1 Ali 136.2 XIE19970819.0036 -1 Abu 136.2 APW19980815.0148 1 Iraq 136.2 NYT19991002.0119 1 Iraqi 136.2 APW19980608.0404 -1 Lebanon 136.2 XIE19990408.0181 -1 Muslim 136.2 XIE19990226.0034 -1 West Bank 136.3 XIE19961204.0015 -1 Lebanon 136.3 NYT20000221.0119 -1 Sunnis usurped 136.3 APW19980921.0251 -1 MILITANT 136.3 APW20000415.0097 -1 KARBALA 136.3 XIE19961204.0015 -1 A PERSON 136.3 XIE19991103.0014 -1 Prophet Mohammad 136.3 NYT19990714.0068 -1 personality 136.3 NYT20000219.0088 -1 the millennarian promise 136.3 NYT20000219.0088 -1 About the only solace for them may be that their Shiite faith has rested from the start on a cult of dispossession, betrayal and defeat. 136.3 APW19980604.0725 -1 Islam 136.3 XIE19980510.0097 -1 Imam Hussein 136.3 XIE19961204.0015 -1 Berri, leader of Lebanon's moderate Shiite Amal Movement, congratulated Grand Ayatollah 136.3 APW19980921.0251 -1 Gunmen kills another Shiite Muslim as religious violence escalates LAHORE, Pakistan 136.3 APW19980902.0652 -1 Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah 136.3 XIE19990203.0022 -1 obligation 136.3 XIE19980510.0097 -1 Iran House 136.3 APW19981123.0932 -1 grandson 136.3 NYT20000219.0088 -1 1990s 136.3 XIE19991103.0014 -1 Islamic Prophet Mohammad 136.3 APW19980920.0682 -1 Iranians 136.3 XIE19980423.0153 -1 Ali 136.3 XIE19990222.0138 -1 commie 136.3 APW19981123.0910 -1 revered 136.3 NYT20000221.0119 -1 only solace for evanescent dreams 136.3 XIE19980423.0178 -1 Muslims 136.3 XIE19980423.0178 -1 Mohammed 136.3 NYT19981123.0449 -1 Sunni 136.3 XIE19980423.0178 -1 Imam Ali 136.3 NYT19981211.0394 -1 Mohammed 136.3 APW19980611.1546 -1 Holy Muhammad Biography Holy 136.3 XIE19990701.0028 -1 Islam 136.3 XIE19980222.0033 -1 brotherhood 136.4 XIE19980621.0134 1 Imam Hussein . 136.4 NYT19990221.0111 -1 Western news agencies 136.4 XIE19980527.0016 1 HUSSEIN 136.4 XIE19980527.0016 1 IMAM HUSSEIN 136.4 XIE19990930.0135 -1 Muslim 136.4 XIE19980423.0178 -1 Ali 136.4 APW20000415.0097 2 Imam Hussein 136.4 APW19980620.0782 -1 Islam 136.4 XIE19961125.0219 -1 Ali Abi Talib 136.4 NYT20000219.0090 -1 Sunni Muslim 136.4 APW19980915.0091 -1 Sunni Muslim 136.4 APW19980917.0628 -1 a leading member of Murid Hussein 's group 136.4 XIE19980621.0135 -1 Gharavi 136.4 XIE19980527.0016 -1 Moharram 136.4 XIE19980527.0016 1 Imam Hussein 136.4 XIE19980510.0095 1 Imam Hussein 136.4 XIE19980423.0178 -1 Prophet Mohammed 136.4 XIE19970821.0041 2 Al Hussein 136.4 XIE19980510.0097 1 Hussein 136.4 XIE19980621.0111 1 Hussein 136.4 APW20000901.0002 -1 Shiite Islam 136.4 XIE19980621.0135 -1 Condemns Assassination 136.4 NYT20000306.0184 -1 Muhammad 136.4 XIE19970914.0018 -1 islam 136.4 APW19980908.0125 -1 Terry Waite 136.4 XIE19970914.0018 -1 Islam 136.4 XIE19970821.0041 -1 Ali Bin Abu Talib 136.4 XIE19970821.0041 -1 Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib 136.4 XIE19980527.0016 1 Hussein 136.4 XIE19970819.0036 2 Al Hussein 136.4 XIE19970819.0036 -1 Muslims 136.4 NYT19980822.0059 -1 Hezbollah 136.4 NYT19990105.0375 -1 Ali Khamenei 136.4 XIE19990218.0098 -1 Hadi Khamenei 136.4 XIE19980621.0134 -1 Ayatollah Gharavi 136.4 APW20000901.0002 -1 Muhammad 136.4 XIE19970821.0041 -1 Iraq 136.4 XIE19990408.0181 -1 Imam Reza 136.5 APW19980917.0628 -1 150 miles 136.5 NYT19991002.0119 -1 Iranian forces 136.5 NYT19991002.0119 -1 1992 136.5 APW19980903.1213 -1 A WEEK 136.5 XIE19960913.0284 -1 2005 136.5 XIE19970425.0250 -1 2004 136.5 APW19980917.1187 -1 recent years 136.5 XIE19960719.0306 -1 June 136.5 XIE19970902.0183 -1 21 136.5 NYT19990223.0274 -1 21 136.5 NYT20000219.0090 -1 1978 136.5 NYT20000711.0315 -1 April, 1987 136.5 APW19990303.0293 -1 1982 136.5 APW19980710.0442 -1 December 1994 136.5 APW19980907.0458 -1 1992 136.5 XIE19980510.0097 -1 May 10 136.5 APW20000901.0002 1 680 136.5 NYT20000219.0088 -1 1990s 136.5 XIE20000409.0035 -1 2005 136.5 NYT19991002.0119 -1 1991 136.5 XIE19990503.0119 -1 september 1, 1924 136.5 XIE19970107.0010 -1 March 1991 136.5 XIE19990503.0119 -1 September 1, 1924 136.5 XIE19990222.0105 -1 1991 136.5 NYT19980911.0229 -1 1979 136.5 XIE19990927.0246 -1 2005 136.5 APW19980621.1063 -1 Sunday 136.6 APW19980917.0628 -1 240 kilometers 136.6 APW19990104.0251 -1 s 136.6 APW19980921.0251 -1 SUNNI 136.6 APW19980917.1187 -1 MAJORITY AND 136.6 APW19980915.0091 -1 Sunni 136.6 APW19981104.0283 -1 the branch 136.6 APW19980921.0251 -1 four 136.6 XIE19981231.0032 -1 BAGHDAD Iraq 136.6 APW19990104.0250 -1 predominantly Sunni 136.6 APW20000519.0097 -1 predominantly Sunni 136.6 XIE19961204.0015 -1 Berri, leader of Lebanon's moderate Shiite Amal Movement, congratulated Grand Ayatollah 136.6 APW19980921.0251 -1 Gunmen kills another Shiite Muslim as religious violence escalates LAHORE, Pakistan 136.6 APW19981005.0351 -1 Hussain 136.6 APW19981005.0351 -1 Shiite Muslims 136.6 XIE20000216.0103 -1 89 percent 136.6 NYT19980915.0288 2 15 percent 136.6 APW19980809.0481 -1 particular 136.6 NYT19990307.0028 -1 the majority 136.6 XIE19990426.0045 -1 Four 136.6 APW19980910.0943 2 about 15 percent 136.6 APW19980921.0251 -1 groups 136.6 XIE19980621.0135 -1 Sunni Muslim 136.6 XIE19961204.0015 -1 Ayatollah Sistani 136.6 APW19980907.0458 -1 Sunni Muslim 136.6 APW19981017.0503 2 15 percent 136.6 XIE19990221.0191 -1 iraq 136.6 APW19980921.0251 -1 Muslim 136.6 XIE19990221.0191 -1 Iraq 136.6 NYT19991002.0119 -1 Iraq 136.6 NYT19991002.0119 -1 part of systematic attack on the independent leadership of Shiite Muslims in Iraq 136.6 APW19980921.1127 -1 Sunni 136.6 NYT19990120.0404 -1 Sunni 136.6 NYT19990105.0375 -1 Ali Khamenei 136.6 APW19980605.1432 -1 INC 136.6 XIE19970917.0124 -1 Khamenei 136.6 APW19981013.0984 -1 financing Afghanistan's northern-based opposition 136.6 NYT20000525.0300 -1 39 136.6 APW20000323.0169 -1 40 percent Christian 136.6 XIE19970922.0188 -1 Frontier Post 136.6 APW19980915.0091 -1 Islam 136.6 APW19980927.0383 -1 son 136.6 APW19980727.0251 -1 Gulf War 137.1 APW20000316.0013 -1 Kinmen 137.1 APW19980820.0480 -1 expensive for Taiwanese , 137.1 APW19980822.0126 -1 MINEFIELDS 137.1 APW20000316.0013 1 QUEMOY 137.1 APW19980822.0126 -1 Taiwan 137.1 NYT19990813.0328 -1 Matsu 137.1 APW20000316.0013 -1 Taiwan Strait 137.1 APW20000216.0328 -1 Portuguese 137.1 APW19980825.0464 -1 Matsu 137.1 APW20000916.0071 -1 Matsu 137.1 APW20000316.0013 -1 Matsu 137.1 APW19980820.0480 1 Quemoy 137.1 APW20000316.0013 -1 experts 137.1 NYT20000521.0122 1 Quemoy 137.1 APW20000907.0041 -1 Penghu 137.1 NYT19981030.0179 -1 territory of taiwan penghu kinmen 137.1 NYT19981030.0179 -1 Wuchiu Township 137.1 NYT19981030.0179 -1 Taiwan 137.1 APW20000316.0013 1 Quemoy 137.1 NYT20000718.0135 -1 L.M. Montgomery 137.1 NYT20000718.0215 -1 L.M. Montgomery 137.1 APW19980825.0464 -1 Taiwanese-controlled 137.1 NYT19980916.0132 -1 Riker 137.1 NYT19990828.0138 -1 Taiwan 137.1 NYT20000315.0310 -1 menace 137.1 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Taiwan 137.1 APW20000216.0328 -1 Matsu 137.1 APW19980821.0288 -1 RATTLING CLOUDS TAIWAIN PRESIDENTIAL 137.1 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Matsu 137.1 APW19980825.0464 1 Quemoy 137.1 APW20000907.0041 -1 Matsu 137.2 APW20000316.0013 3 Taiwan Strait 137.2 APW19980820.0480 3 expensive for Taiwanese , 137.2 APW20000316.0013 1 TAIWAN 137.2 APW20000316.0013 -1 China 137.2 XIE19960831.0141 -1 China 137.2 NYT20000315.0339 1 Taiwan 137.2 NYT20000521.0122 1 Taiwan 137.2 NYT19990814.0023 -1 China 137.2 NYT19990813.0328 -1 China 137.2 NYT19990828.0138 -1 United States 137.2 APW20000316.0013 1 Taiwan 137.2 NYT20000315.0339 -1 China 137.2 APW19980822.0126 1 Taiwan 137.2 XIE19970520.0078 -1 China 137.2 APW20000316.0013 -1 1950s 137.2 APW20000316.0013 -1 Matsu 137.2 XIE20000930.0265 -1 Republic of China 137.2 NYT19990813.0328 -1 Matsu 137.2 APW20000907.0041 -1 Penghu 137.2 NYT19981030.0179 2 taiwan 137.2 NYT19981030.0179 -1 United States 137.2 NYT19981030.0179 -1 Chinese 137.2 NYT19990814.0023 1 Taiwan 137.2 APW19980822.0126 -1 AP 137.2 APW20000216.0328 1 Taiwan 137.2 NYT19980802.0122 -1 Sri Lanka 137.2 NYT19990828.0138 1 Taiwan 137.2 APW20000907.0041 1 Taiwan 137.2 NYT20000315.0339 3 Taiwan article 137.2 NYT20000315.0339 3 Taiwan Strait 137.4 XIE20000210.0084 -1 Lee Hsien Loong 137.4 APW20000316.0013 -1 guns 137.4 APW20000316.0013 -1 TAIWAN 137.4 APW19980822.0126 -1 THEN 137.4 NYT19990813.0328 -1 Matsu 137.4 APW19980822.0126 -1 Taiwan 137.4 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Modern weaponry means that Kinmen is no longer the obvious target 137.4 APW20000316.0013 3 China Threat Looms in Taiwan KINMEN, Taiwan (AP) -- Between the 137.4 APW19980825.0464 -1 Matsu 137.4 NYT19990728.0326 -1 Matsu 137.4 APW20000316.0013 -1 Ou Yang 137.4 APW19980821.0288 1 China 137.4 NYT19980907.0123 -1 Mott 137.4 APW20000316.0013 -1 Matsu 137.4 NYT19980701.0158 -1 Taiwan 137.4 APW20000907.0041 -1 Penghu 137.4 NYT19981030.0179 -1 joseph estrada 137.4 NYT19981030.0179 -1 Joseph Estrada 137.4 APW20000316.0013 1 China 137.4 APW20000216.0328 -1 Matsu 137.4 NYT19980924.0166 -1 Moreau 137.4 NYT19990813.0328 -1 University 137.4 APW20000907.0041 -1 Taiwan 137.4 APW19980821.0288 -1 40 137.4 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Taiwan 137.4 APW20000907.0041 -1 Matsu 137.5 NYT20000315.0279 -1 124 137.5 APW19980820.0480 -1 expensive for Taiwanese , 137.5 APW20000316.0013 -1 TAIWAN 137.5 APW20000907.0041 -1 PENGHU 137.5 APW20000316.0013 3 two 137.5 XIE20000210.0084 -1 2.3-kilometer long Jurong Island Road Link 137.5 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Taiwan 137.5 APW19980822.0126 1 1.8 miles 137.5 NYT20000315.0339 1 a mile 137.5 APW20000316.0013 1 two miles 137.5 NYT20000315.0339 -1 100 miles 137.5 APW19980822.0126 1 3 kilometers 137.5 NYT19990813.0328 2 three-mile 137.5 APW19980821.0288 1 3 kilometers 137.5 XIE20000712.0292 -1 three islands 137.5 NYT20000315.0279 -1 taiwan 137.5 NYT20000315.0279 -1 Taiwan 137.5 APW19980821.0288 1 less than 3 kilometers 137.5 APW19980822.0126 -1 one 137.5 NYT19981228.0455 -1 3 Mile 137.5 APW19980821.0288 -1 Taiwan 137.5 NYT20000315.0339 -1 100 miles away on the m 137.6 APW19980701.0271 -1 Wales 137.6 NYT19990813.0328 -1 China 137.6 XIE19981211.0234 -1 ZHAO 137.6 APW19980920.0480 -1 PLAAF 137.6 NYT19990813.0328 1 TAIWAN 137.6 APW20000316.0013 2 taiwan 137.6 APW20000316.0013 2 Taiwan 137.6 NYT19990813.0328 1 Taiwan 137.6 APW20000316.0013 -1 Taiwan Strait 137.6 NYT19990728.0326 3 attack Taiwan 137.6 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Modern weaponry means that Kinmen is no longer the obvious target 137.6 APW20000316.0013 -1 China Threat Looms in Taiwan KINMEN, Taiwan (AP) -- Between the 137.6 APW19980821.0288 -1 Chiang Chung 137.6 NYT20000315.0339 -1 China 137.6 NYT20000315.0339 -1 year 137.6 NYT19990728.0326 -1 China 137.6 NYT19990728.0326 1 Taiwan 137.6 XIE19980327.0026 -1 January 1997 137.6 XIE19960329.0205 -1 U.S. 137.6 XIE19980815.0011 -1 Cyprus 137.6 NYT19990814.0023 -1 the Taiwan Strait 137.6 APW20000907.0041 -1 Penghu 137.6 NYT20000315.0270 -1 china 137.6 NYT20000315.0270 -1 China 137.6 NYT20000315.0339 -1 tried 137.6 NYT20000315.0339 1 Taiwan 137.6 NYT19990814.0023 -1 Quemoy 137.6 APW20000316.0013 -1 the government 137.6 NYT19980916.0132 -1 Riker 137.6 NYT19990828.0138 -1 Matsu 137.6 APW20000916.0071 -1 Matsu 137.6 NYT20000315.0339 -1 Taiwan inalienable part China 137.6 APW19981115.0688 -1 economist 137.6 NYT20000315.0274 2 TAIWAN 138.1 XIE19990903.0450 -1 five 138.1 XIE19990818.0099 -1 March 138.1 XIE19990903.0450 -1 SEPTEMBER 138.1 XIE19990821.0186 -1 1948 138.1 XIE19990821.0186 1 1874 138.1 XIE19980629.0062 2 1847 138.1 XIE19980629.0062 -1 2003 138.1 XIE19990907.0118 -1 today 138.1 XIE19970610.0285 1 1874 138.1 XIE19971014.0305 -1 2005 138.1 XIE19990824.0040 -1 August 23, 1999 138.1 XIE19990820.0225 1 1874 138.1 XIE19990726.0172 -1 July 26 138.1 XIE19990812.0121 -1 August 12 138.1 XIE19970610.0285 -1 September 15, 1999 138.1 XIE19971123.0042 -1 1999 138.1 XIE19990824.0040 -1 August 23 , 1999 138.1 XIE19990818.0099 -1 May, 1950 138.1 XIE19990821.0188 -1 from August 23 to September 15 138.1 XIE19990818.0099 1 1874 138.1 XIE19971123.0042 1 1874 138.1 XIE19990818.0100 -1 September 15, 1999 138.1 XIE19980515.0070 -1 1999 138.1 XIE19990821.0186 3 in 1874 138.1 XIE19990821.0186 -1 August 21 138.1 XIE19990903.0103 -1 2492 138.1 XIE19990903.0103 -1 Summer 1970 138.1 XIE19990707.0344 -1 today 138.1 XIE19990914.0296 -1 September 14 1999 138.1 XIE19990823.0250 -1 past 85 years 138.1 XIE19990823.0056 -1 August 23 138.1 XIE19980515.0070 1 1874 138.1 XIE19971014.0305 -1 2002 138.1 XIE19990903.0103 -1 22nd 138.2 XIE19990819.0080 -1 15 138.2 XIE19990818.0100 -1 it 138.2 XIE19990824.0202 -1 LEAVEY 138.2 XIE19990821.0186 1 1948 138.2 XIE19980601.0091 -1 1997 138.2 XIE19990824.0202 -1 2005 138.2 XIE19990823.0056 -1 1924 138.2 XIE19990907.0118 -1 today 138.2 XIE19990822.0109 -1 today 138.2 XIE19970610.0285 -1 1874 138.2 XIE19990823.0178 -1 United Nations 138.2 XIE19990824.0040 -1 August 23, 1999 138.2 XIE19990820.0225 -1 1874 138.2 XIE19990818.0099 -1 April 13, 1972 138.2 XIE19990820.0225 1 1948 138.2 XIE19990820.0225 -1 the United Nations 138.2 XIE19971009.0030 -1 postal administrations 138.2 XIE19990822.0109 -1 1998 138.2 XIE19990816.0072 -1 August 23 138.2 XIE19980601.0091 -1 July 1, 1997 138.2 XIE19990818.0099 -1 1874 138.2 XIE19990818.0100 -1 September 15, 1999 138.2 XIE19980515.0070 -1 1999 138.2 XIE19990824.0202 -1 August 24 138.2 XIE19990903.0103 -1 1910 138.2 XIE19990903.0103 -1 Summer 1970 138.2 XIE19990914.0296 -1 September 14 1999 138.2 XIE19990818.0099 -1 1972 138.2 XIE19990905.0271 -1 1949 138.2 XIE19990826.0158 -1 1999 138.2 XIE19990905.0271 -1 two 138.4 XIE19990910.0177 -1 125 138.4 XIE19990726.0172 -1 2 138.4 XIE19970610.0285 -1 SEPTEMBER 138.4 XIE19990821.0186 -1 1948 138.4 XIE19980601.0091 -1 1997 138.4 XIE19990819.0177 -1 1875 138.4 XIE19980629.0062 -1 2002 138.4 XIE19990818.0099 1 March 1, 1914, 138.4 XIE19990818.0099 -1 1874 138.4 XIE19970610.0285 -1 1874 138.4 XIE19990812.0121 -1 countries 138.4 XIE19990822.0073 -1 postage stamps 138.4 XIE19990818.0099 1 March 1, 1914 138.4 XIE19990823.0178 -1 August 23 138.4 XIE19990820.0225 -1 August 20 138.4 XIE19990824.0040 -1 1999 138.4 XIE19970610.0285 -1 1999 138.4 XIE19990905.0271 -1 1949 138.4 XIE19990818.0099 -1 May, 1950 138.4 XIE19990905.0271 1 1914 138.4 XIE19990818.0099 1 1914 138.4 XIE19990822.0109 -1 Monday 138.4 XIE19990903.0103 -1 2001 138.4 XIE19990903.0103 -1 Summer 1970 138.4 XIE19990824.0316 -1 past 85 years 138.4 XIE19990823.0056 -1 August 23 1999 138.4 XIE19980515.0070 -1 today 138.4 XIE19990823.0056 -1 today 138.4 XIE19990905.0269 -1 1972 138.4 XIE19990818.0190 -1 15 Sep 1999 22 03 27 138.4 XIE19990905.0271 -1 two 138.4 XIE19990915.0174 -1 September 15 138.4 XIE19990907.0118 -1 today 138.5 XIE19990913.0060 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19960811.0002 -1 Punjab province capital of 138.5 XIE19990823.0056 3 THOMAS 138.5 APW20000720.0177 -1 THE SPANISH 138.5 XIE19990819.0080 -1 Director General 138.5 XIE19990914.0177 2 Thomas E 138.5 XIE19990707.0164 3 UPU Director-General Thomas E 138.5 XIE19990824.0202 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990820.0225 -1 the Universal Postal Union 138.5 XIE19990824.0040 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990914.0177 3 Universal Postal Union UPU Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990907.0157 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990914.0296 -1 delegates 138.5 XIE19990913.0073 -1 delegates 138.5 XIE19990904.0320 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990913.0073 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990905.0269 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990823.0056 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19980629.0062 -1 UPU 138.5 XIE19990905.0271 -1 International Bureau 138.5 XIE19971014.0305 3 UPU International Bureau Director General Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19990903.0103 -1 mr 138.5 XIE19990903.0103 -1 Woodrow Wilson 138.5 XIE19990903.0103 -1 Mr 138.5 XIE19990914.0231 -1 Director Impressed 138.5 XIE19970610.0285 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19961010.0223 -1 Universal Postal Union 138.5 XIE19990818.0190 1 Thomas Leavey 138.5 XIE19970923.0296 -1 Kamil Idris 138.5 XIE19990905.0269 -1 Universal Postal Congress 138.5 XIE19990905.0271 -1 Director General 138.5 XIE19990818.0099 -1 an international organization that coordinates postal policies between member nations 138.5 XIE19990818.0190 -1 an international organization that coordinates postal policies between member nations 138.5 XIE19990818.0099 -1 Postal Union 138.5 XIE19990914.0177 1 Thomas Leavey 139.1 XIE19971205.0064 -1 5 139.1 XIE19990615.0208 -1 OIP 139.1 XIE19981012.0104 -1 XINHUA 139.1 XIE19990617.0052 -1 16 139.1 XIE19961107.0148 -1 1974 139.1 XIE19980528.0101 -1 1998 139.1 XIE19961213.0299 1 1969 139.1 XIE19970308.0050 1 1969 139.1 APW20000610.0169 -1 2005 139.1 XIE19971211.0146 -1 1979 139.1 XIE19990617.0154 -1 1979 139.1 NYT19981030.0405 -1 June 19, 1998 139.1 XIE19980105.0032 -1 December 139.1 XIE20000630.0101 -1 2001 139.1 XIE19971208.0029 -1 December 9, 1997 139.1 XIE19960717.0059 -1 July 17 139.1 XIE19971208.0023 1 March 1970 139.1 XIE19970323.0131 1 1969 139.1 XIE19991002.0001 1 May 1970 139.1 XIE19961213.0089 1 1969 139.1 XIE19970901.0119 -1 August 31 139.1 XIE20000627.0225 -1 Tuesday 139.1 XIE19971209.0144 -1 december 139.1 NYT19981201.0014 -1 February 1974 139.1 XIE19970323.0131 -1 1996 139.1 XIE19961211.0255 1 1969 139.1 XIE19971207.0089 -1 summit of Organization of Islamic Conference due 9-11 139.1 XIE19971205.0214 -1 December 7-8 139.1 XIE19971205.0214 -1 December 7-8 1997 139.1 XIE19970323.0073 -1 March 23 139.1 XIE19971130.0002 -1 December 9 139.1 XIE19971104.0041 -1 today 139.1 XIE19971211.0331 -1 2000 139.1 XIE19971208.0023 -1 Mar 1997 139.1 XIE19991203.0034 2 September 25 1969 139.1 XIE20000630.0150 -1 2000 139.1 XIE19970210.0047 -1 today 139.4 XIE19970421.0055 -1 Jerusalem 139.4 XIE19961212.0174 -1 Hamid 139.4 XIE19971208.0029 2 TEHRAN 139.4 XIE19971204.0097 2 Teheran 139.4 XIE19970908.0091 3 Iran 139.4 XIE19971105.0154 3 Iran 139.4 XIE19971208.0029 -1 session 139.4 XIE19990617.0154 -1 with the OIC 139.4 XIE19980303.0202 1 Tehran 139.4 XIE19970622.0014 1 Tehran 139.4 XIE19970321.0203 1 Tehran 139.4 XIE19970622.0014 1 TEHRAN 139.4 XIE19971225.0095 2 Tehran 139.4 XIE19971208.0123 3 Iran 139.4 XIE19971208.0179 1 Tehran 139.4 XIE19970320.0114 3 Iran 139.4 XIE19970320.0114 3 in Tehran 139.4 XIE19971211.0332 -1 Middle East peace process 139.4 XIE19971211.0332 2 Iran 139.4 APW19980623.0437 2 tehran 139.4 APW20000126.0146 -1 York 139.4 APW19980623.0437 2 Tehran 139.4 XIE19980206.0172 2 Iran 139.4 XIE19971030.0043 -1 Organization 139.4 XIE19971206.0030 -1 Jerusalem 139.4 APW19980623.1114 2 Tehran 139.4 XIE19970320.0114 -1 meeting 139.4 XIE19970622.0014 -1 President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani 139.4 XIE19970901.0119 2 TEHRAN 139.4 XIE19980206.0172 2 Tehran 139.4 XIE19980527.0042 -1 Tehran-Riyadh 139.4 XIE20000308.0017 -1 Islamic Conference 139.4 XIE19971107.0136 2 Tehran 139.5 XIE19971208.0179 -1 OIC 139.5 XIE19961206.0142 1 JAKARTA 139.5 XIE19980206.0172 -1 TEHRAN 139.5 XIE19971208.0029 -1 Iraq 139.5 XIE20000627.0255 -1 Malaysia 139.5 XIE19980315.0058 -1 Qatar 139.5 XIE19971208.0029 -1 session 139.5 XIE19990617.0154 -1 with the OIC 139.5 NYT19981127.0249 -1 Jordan 139.5 XIE19971210.0165 -1 Tehran 139.5 XIE19971208.0179 -1 Tehran 139.5 XIE19961216.0006 2 Indonesia 139.5 XIE19991130.0317 -1 Tehran 139.5 XIE19980315.0026 -1 Tehran 139.5 XIE19961206.0142 1 Indonesia 139.5 XIE19980315.0188 -1 Qatar 139.5 XIE19980206.0172 -1 Iran 139.5 XIE19961213.0089 -1 the Organization of 139.5 XIE19980206.0172 -1 Tehran 139.5 XIE19971211.0332 -1 Middle East peace process 139.5 XIE19970323.0131 -1 summit 139.5 XIE19970323.0131 -1 Islamic 139.5 XIE19970323.0131 -1 Summit 139.5 XIE19961209.0166 1 Jakarta Convention Center 139.5 XIE19961213.0089 -1 Qatar 139.5 XIE19961212.0011 -1 Organization 139.5 XIE19961214.0010 1 JAKARTA 139.5 XIE19961212.0012 -1 Organization 139.5 NYT19980619.0095 -1 Iran 139.5 APW19990311.0056 -1 meeting 139.5 XIE19961213.0089 3 Jakarta JAKARTA 139.5 XIE19961210.0015 -1 Indonesian President Soeharto 139.5 XIE19961213.0223 -1 Afghanistan 139.5 XIE19961213.0075 -1 Middle East 139.5 XIE19971208.0029 -1 Session 139.5 XIE19971107.0136 -1 Tehran 140.1 NYT19980722.0291 -1 1861 , 140.1 NYT20000920.0257 -1 SENATE 140.1 APW19990722.0197 -1 UNITED STATES 140.1 APW20000329.0128 3 Pension Benefit 140.1 NYT19991207.0404 3 Guaranty Corporation 140.1 NYT20000902.0069 -1 U.N. 140.1 NYT20000920.0257 3 Pension Guaranty 140.1 APW19990513.0146 -1 federal agency 140.1 APW19990722.0197 -1 federal agency 140.1 APW20000329.0128 -1 to 214,890 people 140.1 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Pan Am 140.1 NYT20000920.0274 3 Pension Benefits Guaranty Corp. PBGC 140.1 APW19990513.0146 -1 Congress 140.1 APW19990601.0266 -1 federal 140.1 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Congress 140.1 NYT20000920.0257 1 Pension Benefits Guaranty Corp. 140.1 NYT20000920.0274 1 Pension Benefits Guaranty Corp. 140.1 NYT20000920.0257 1 Pension Benefits Guaranty Corp 140.1 XIE19990712.0144 -1 Organization of African Unity 140.1 APW19980624.0120 -1 Machel 140.1 APW19980722.0182 -1 acronym COMFREL 140.1 XIE20000301.0003 -1 guaranty corporation 140.1 XIE20000301.0003 -1 Guaranty Corporation 140.1 APW19990513.0146 -1 Business 140.1 NYT20000912.0282 -1 the confusing acronyms and bureaucratic language 140.1 APW19990601.0266 -1 CF&I 140.1 NYT20000920.0274 3 Benefits Guaranty Corp. 140.1 APW19990601.0266 -1 Appeals 140.1 APW20000329.0128 3 Pension Benefits 140.1 NYT20000408.0187 -1 Yiddish Scientific Institute 140.1 APW20000329.0128 1 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 140.1 NYT19981223.0126 -1 US 140.2 NYT19980722.0291 -1 Robinson 140.2 NYT20000920.0257 -1 BENNIE 140.2 APW20000329.0128 -1 THE LAW 140.2 APW20000921.0057 2 MR. POMEROY 140.2 APW20000329.0128 -1 Pension Benefit 140.2 APW20000329.0128 -1 Pension 140.2 APW19980920.0011 -1 Holyfield 140.2 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Pension Guaranty 140.2 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Pension 140.2 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Bennie Hagans 140.2 NYT20000920.0274 -1 Myrna Cooks 140.2 APW20000329.0128 -1 Labor Secretary Alexis Herman 140.2 APW20000921.0076 3 Executive Director David Strauss 140.2 APW20000202.0327 -1 Head 140.2 APW20000329.0128 -1 pension benefit 140.2 NYT19990430.0385 -1 John Bolton 140.2 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Myrna Cooks 140.2 APW20000921.0057 3 Executive Director David Strauss 140.2 APW19990601.0266 -1 The steel company's lawyers 140.2 APW19990601.0266 -1 Appeals 140.2 NYT20000920.0257 -1 operations 140.2 APW20000329.0128 -1 Pension Benefit Guaranty 140.2 APW20000921.0076 1 David Strauss 140.3 NYT19980722.0291 -1 one hour 140.3 NYT19980722.0294 -1 1861 140.3 APW20000329.0128 1 1974 140.3 XIE20000817.0099 -1 2002 140.3 APW19990513.0146 1 1974 140.3 APW20000329.0128 -1 1999 140.3 XIE19990803.0262 -1 1948 140.3 XIE19990120.0297 -1 1948 140.3 XIE20000906.0232 2 in 1974 140.3 APW20000108.0224 -1 2000 140.3 APW19990601.0266 -1 1990 140.3 APW19990601.0266 -1 1999 140.5 NYT19980722.0291 -1 Union . 140.5 NYT20000920.0257 -1 PAN AM 140.5 NYT19980722.0291 -1 BEGINNING 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 PENSION 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 million 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 Pension 140.5 NYT19981028.0216 -1 Social Security 140.5 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Guaranty 140.5 APW19990722.0197 -1 pension search 140.5 APW19990601.0266 -1 at $221 million 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 if employers fail to 140.5 APW20000921.0076 -1 Executive Director David Strauss 140.5 NYT20000920.0257 -1 eight years 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 1993 140.5 NYT19980722.0378 -1 1946 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 1999 140.5 NYT19980902.0536 -1 pension 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 plans 140.5 NYT19980710.0292 -1 average value of recovered benefits 140.5 APW19990330.0144 -1 the waiting time 140.5 APW19980616.0128 -1 Dallas-based American Heart Association 140.5 APW19990601.0266 -1 Appeals 140.5 NYT20000920.0257 -1 part 140.5 NYT20000920.0257 -1 Pan Am pension designations 140.5 APW20000329.0128 -1 43 140.5 NYT19990327.0172 -1 Employee Retirement 140.5 APW19990330.0144 -1 1974 140.5 NYT20000920.0257 -1 plan 140.5 XIE19970718.0254 -1 Jones