Number: MB226 Hershey, PA quilt show <desc> Description: Find information on the quilt show being held in Hershey, PA <narr> Narrative: The user is a beginning quilter who would like to attend her first quilt show. She has learned that a major quilt show will happen in Hershey, PA, and wants to see Tweets about the show, including such things as announcements of classes, teachers or vendors attending the show; prize-winning quilts; comments on logistics, travel information, and lodging; opinions about the quality of the show. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB227 <title> Pradaxa side effects <desc> Description: Find information on the negative side effects associated with the blood thinning drug Pradaxa. <narr> Narrative: The user has recently switched blood thinning medication from Coumadin to Pradaxa. He wants to find tweets that discuss research-based as well as personal accounts of side effects or other drug interactions of Pradaxa. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB228 <title> Coumadin dietary restrictions <desc> Description: Find information on the dietary restrictions associated with the blood thinning drug Coumadin. <narr> Narrative: The user has recently been prescribed the blood thinning drug Coumadin and needs to know what foods to eat and what foods to avoid while taking the drug. Medically recommended dietary restrictions as well as personal accounts of foods that have created issues are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB229 <title> legalizing medical marijuana <desc> Description: Find information on U.S. states considering or having legalized medical marijuana. <narr> Narrative: The user is a journalist working on a story about the use of medical marijuana in the U.S. As part of the research for the story, she wants to find information on which states have legalized medical marijuana or are considering doing so. Legislative bills, votes, and proposals for legalizing it are all relevant, as are legal or official public safety issues concerning legalized medical marijuana. However, general public opinions on why it should be legal or not are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB230 <title> bus service to NYC <desc> Description: Find information on bus service to NYC. <narr> Narrative: The user needs to travel to New York City (NYC) and is considering using the bus to get there. He is looking for other passengers' opinions of the various bus lines regarding aspects such as the quality of service, economic value, driver safety, cleanliness, reliability, and safety of pickup/drop off locations. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB231 <title> Republican nomination Marco Rubio <desc> Description: Find information on the campaign of Marco Rubio as a candidate for the Republican party presidential nomination. <narr> Narrative: The user is a political science student who is considering volunteering to work for the campaign of Marco Rubio as he seeks the Republican party's nomination as its presidential candidate. She is interested in information about the campaign including Rubio's proposed policy initiatives, polling position in relation to other candidates, debate performance, endorsements, and commentator assessments of Rubio. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB232 <title> Democratic nomination Martin O'Malley <desc> Description: Find information on the campaign of Martin O'Malley as a candidate for the Democratic party presidential nomination. <narr> Narrative: The user is a political science student who is considering volunteering to work for the campaign of Martin O'Malley as he seeks the Democratic party's nomination as its presidential candidate. He is interested in information about the campaign including O'Malley's proposed policy initiatives, polling position in relation to other candidates, debate performance, endorsements, and commentator assessments of O'Malley. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB233 <title> Washington Nationals trade deadline <desc> Description: Find information on trades and other deals involving the Washington Nationals before the July 31 trade deadline. <narr> Narrative: The user is an avid fan of the Washington Nationals baseball team. He wants to follow all the news regarding potential and consummated trades, deals, and other roster moves by the Nationals as the July 31 trade deadline approaches. Commentary on and reaction to the deals by other fans is also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB234 <title> Baltimore Orioles trade deadline <desc> Description: Find information on trades and other deals involving the Baltimore Orioles before the July 31 trade deadline. <narr> Narrative: The user is an avid fan of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team. She wants to follow all the news regarding potential and consummated trades, deals, and other roster moves by the Orioles as the July 31 trade deadline approaches. Commentary on and reaction to the deals by other fans is also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB235 <title> California residential water restrictions <desc> Description: Find descriptions of the effects of residential water use restrictions due to the drought in California. <narr> Narrative: The user is looking for information on the effect of residential water use restrictions in California caused by the on-going drought. While official reports on the efficacy of the restrictions are relevant, the user is also looking for first-hand reports of how residents are complying and coping with the restrictions. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB236 <title> California drought agricultural effects <desc> Description: Find information on the effect of the California drought on the state's agricultural sector. <narr> Narrative: The user is looking for information on the effect that the California drought is having on the state's extensive agricultural sector. He is looking for information across the spectrum of sources, from official statistics, through research reports, to anecdotal stories from individual farmers. Commentary regarding whether the agricultural sector should face mandatory water use restrictions is also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB237 <title> electronic cigarette flavors <desc> Description: Find information on peoples' likes and dislikes of current flavors of electronic cigarettes. <narr> Narrative: The user has just quit smoking and wants to find out what's hot and what's not in the E-Cig (electronic cigarette) world. What are some of the current flavor favorites? </top> <top> <num> Number: MB238 <title> Edinburgh Fringe food <desc> Description: What food vendors will be at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival? <narr> Narrative: The user has plans to open a haggis-vending booth and wants to know what the competition will be at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Any comments about past experience or customer likes and dislikes would be desirable. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB239 <title> passenger train safety <desc> Description: Find out how rail passengers feel about train safety in the wake of recent rail accidents. <narr> Narrative: The user is in charge of capacity planning for a rail line, and seeks opinions and comments about traveling by train, in particular about rail safety. Given several recent rail accidents, he is trying to gauge whether passengers are likely to be seeking alternate transportation or will be continuing to travel by rail. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB240 <title> Sugarloaf Mountain wines <desc> Description: Find information about the wines produced by the Sugarloaf Mountain Winery. <narr> Narrative: The user recently learned about the Sugarloaf Mountain Winery and wants to try some of their wines. She wants tweets that show comments and preferences by wine connoisseurs and novices alike. Comments about prices and value are also desirable. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB241 <title> Annapolis Irish Festival bands <desc> Description: Find information about bands that performed at the Annapolis Irish Festival in early July. <narr> Narrative: The user is running a "Halfway to St. Patrick's Day" festival in October and wants to hire a popular band for entertainment. He wants opinions about the bands that play at traditional Irish gatherings. He would like information about the fees as well as the quality. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB242 <title> Saudi bombing Yemen <desc> Description: Find information related to any recent bombing raids by Saudi Arabia against the Houthi of Yemen. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in the ongoing war in Yemen, and the bombing raids by the Saudi Air force against the Shea Houthi fighters in Yemen. He is interested in the number of raids, targets, and damage assessments. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB243 <title> FIFA corruption investigation <desc> Description: Find information related to the ongoing investigation of FIFA officials for corruption. <narr> Narrative: The user is a soccer fan who is interested in the current status of the ongoing investigation by various governments of corruption and bribery by officials of FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association). This includes tweets giving information on various investigations and possible rebidding of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup games. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB244 <title> talks with Yemen Houthi <desc> Description: Find information related to talks between various government representatives and representatives of the Houthi Rebels of Yemen. <narr> Narrative: There have been a number of meetings, both proposed and held, between representatives of the Yemen Houthi and various government representatives. The user is interested in any discussions, plans for these proposed talks and any results from these talks. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB245 <title> ISIS battle for Ramadi <desc> Description: Find information related to battles between ISIS and Iranian forces in and around Ramadi Iraq. <narr> Narrative: The user, having served with the US Army in the capture of Ramadi, is very upset with the recent capture by ISIS forces of this town in Iraq. He is interested in any reports of battles between ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL, or DAISH) and Iraq forces, including Shea militia, Iraq government forces, and Sunni militia in the province of Anbar, of which Ramadi is capital. Tweets concerning US and allied bombing raids in this region are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB246 <title> Greek international debt crisis <desc> Description: Find information related to the crisis surrounding the Greek debt to international creditors, and the consequences of their possible withdrawal from the European Union. <narr> Narrative: Given the continuing crisis over the Greek debt to international creditors, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Central Bank (ECB), and the European Commission, the user is interested in information on how this debt is being handled, including the possible withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone, and the consequences of such a move. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB247 <title> Harlem Week in New York <desc> Description: Find information on activities during Harlem Week in New York. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to attend Harlem Week in New York. She'd like tweets that contain recommendations about local historic sites, best ethnic restaurants, best local hotels or motels, location of museums, and information about featured shows at the Apollo Theater. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB248 <title> Harlem 5K race <desc> Description: Find information on running in the Harlem 5K Race. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering running in the Harlem 5K race, which is an event planned during Harlem Week in New York. He's looking for logistical information about the race---the starting time, precise location, terrain of the race course, entrance requirements, the number of entrants---as well as historical information on previous winners of the race. He is also interested in travel information with respect to getting to the race: locations of recommended hotels or motels and local ethnic restaurants. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB249 <title> Johns Hopkins Lyme disease study <desc> Description: What is the status of the current study of Lyme disease at Johns Hopkins Hospital? <narr> Narrative: The user is a victim of Lyme disease and is considering participating in the on-going study of the disease at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She wants to know how long the study will run and the requirements for participating in it. She'd also like to follow announcements regarding possible outcomes of the study, such as new medications or treatments, and status reports on the current progress being made in the study. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB250 <title> outdoor Shakespeare in NYC <desc> Description: Find information about outdoor performances of Shakespeare in NYC parks. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in attending performances of Shakespeare plays staged outdoors in New York City (NYC) parks. He wants to monitor such information as what plays are being performed, actors in the performances, locations and times of the plays, and reviews of the plays that have already been performed. He also is looking for travel information such as recommendations for hotels and motels, and inexpensive restaurants in the area. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB251 <title> NFL training camps <desc> Description: Find information on the locations of and activities of players during NFL training camps. <narr> Narrative: The user is a fan of National Football League (NFL) football and wants to follow training camp activities of the teams in the league. He is looking for tweets about the performance of the players while they are in training. He also wants to know the locations of the different camps and suggestions of places to stay at those locations so he can visit teams during training. Tweets from other fans who are also traveling to training camps are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB252 <title> Lamictal and academics <desc> Description: Find comments about Lamictal's effects on the academic learning process when used by teens. <narr> Narrative: The teenage son of the user has been prescribed with Lamictal to treat bipolar disorder. The son is a junior in high school and is seeking to apply for college. The father wants to know reactions of teenagers who have used this medication, and is particularly interested in the overall impact on academic achievement. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB253 <title> health insurance for disabled children <desc> Description: Find first-hand accounts of care covered by health insurance for children with disabilities, especially insurance provided through the Health Care Act. <narr> Narrative: The user is looking for first-hand accounts of care/services provided for children with disabilities that are covered by health insurance, and especially by insurance coverage provided through the Health Care Act. She has a particular interest in access to medical equipment and home care services. She is also interested in coverage and cost comparisons between public and private insurance. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB254 <title> cancer and depression <desc> Description: Find accounts of how cancer survivors have dealt with depression after successful treatment. <narr> Narrative: A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent chemotherapy for six months. He has become very depressed and hopeless even though the prognosis is good. He is looking for ways people with cancer have dealt with depression during and after treatment. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB255 <title> medical insurance on cruises <desc> Description: Find accounts of experiences using medical insurance while traveling on a cruise. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning a cruise to South America and is trying to decide whether to buy medical insurance specifically for the cruise. She has heard of many negative outcomes when passengers have sustained a physical injury while cruising, and is looking for people's experiences in accessing medical insurance, especially in an emergency. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB256 <title> Catholicism and social media <desc> Description: Find information on the effect of the Pope using social media has on the beliefs and behavior of young Catholics. <narr> Narrative: Pope Francis is trying to infuse Catholic beliefs in younger generations by using social media, including Twitter and Facebook. The user is looking for evidence that this is an effective method to communicate a set of specific beliefs as well as whether such communication influences young people's behavior and perspectives about Catholicism. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB257 <title> Blue Whiskey film festival <desc> Description: Find information on the Blue Whiskey Independent Film Festival in Chicago. <narr> Narrative: The user is a native of Chicago and a film buff who has recently relocated to Phoenix. He wants to follow the Blue Whiskey Independent Film Festival from afar, and wants to find reviews of the films presented and the festival winner. Tweets that express anticipation of the festival, opinions of filmmakers, comments on the quality of the festival and its logistics, and similar material are all relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB258 <title> Restaurant Week NYC <desc> Description: Find information about Restaurant Week in NYC. <narr> Narrative: The user will be visiting New York City (NYC) during Restaurant Week and wants to have some memorable meals. Tweets that express anticipation, recommendations about specific restaurants, reservation information, recommended food choices, quality of restaurants, logistics etc. are all relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB259 <title> MAOI food interactions <desc> Description: Find information on unexpected food interactions when taking an MAOI. <narr> Narrative: The user has recently started taking an MAOI and had an unexpected food interaction. Personal accounts of food interactions not previously identified or listed in avoidances or warnings are relevant. Severity of reaction, medical intervention and recovery issues are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB260 <title> Society for Women and the Civil War Conference <desc> Description: Find information on the annual conference of the Society for Women and the Civil War. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering attending the Society for Women and the Civil War conference in Sweet Briar, VA. Tweets that discuss anticipation, lodging, travel information, speakers topics and or research, Sweet Briar College, or Appomattox are relevant. Reviews or comments on past conferences are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB261 <title> Brew at the Zoo <desc> Description: Find information on the Brew at the Zoo microbrewery event at the National Zoo in Washington DC. <narr> Narrative: The user wants information on the Brew at the Zoo event in Washington, DC. Reviews or opinions of the various microbreweries attending, and comments on the taste or quality of specific microbrews are relevant. Also relevant are comments on the live music, animals' antics during the event, and logistics information. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB262 <title> Stephen Colbert Late Show <desc> Description: Information and opinions on David Letterman's successor on the Late Show, Stephen Colbert. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information about the Late Show's new host, Stephen Colbert. Information about the transition including assessments, reviews, opinions and comparisons with the first Late Show host, David Letterman, is relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB263 <title> Crohn's disease treatment <desc> Description: Find information on treatment options for Crohn's disease. <narr> Narrative: The user has recently been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and he is looking for information about treatment options. He wants to find tweets that point to published medical literature regarding treatment options as well as Tweets relaying personal experience with treatment. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB264 <title> vaccine avoidance <desc> Description: Find tweets that explain the positions of or otherwise support those who advocate avoiding the use of vaccines. <narr> Narrative: The user is a parent of young children who wants to understand the controversy surrounding childhood vaccinations. She is seeking information and opinions of individuals and organizations that advocate avoiding the use of vaccines on children. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB265 <title> cruise ship mishaps <desc> Description: Find tweets describing cruise ship mishaps and passengers' reactions to them. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering taking a cruise, but is alarmed by the possibility of being onboard during a mishap---outbreaks of illness, accidents, fires, breakdowns, collisions, etc. Relevant tweets include links to event descriptions and passengers' experiences. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB266 <title> passenger ferry mishaps <desc> Description: Find tweets describing passenger ferry mishaps and passengers' reactions to them. <narr> Narrative: The user routinely travels by ferry and wants to follow stories regarding mishaps suffered by or on passenger ferries. Mishaps range from capsizing and sinking to delays and breakdowns. Relevant tweets include links to event descriptions and passengers' experiences. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB267 <title> fighting between Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels <desc> Description: Find information related to fighting between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to monitor activities in the Ukraine where there continues to be clashes between Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian rebels and Russian "volunteers". The user is interested in reports on any such battles as well as reports concerning diplomatic moves to end the fighting. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB268 <title> Syrian civil war <desc> Description: Find information related to the civil war in Syria in which the fighting involves Syrian government forces. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in reports on the fighting in Syria involving government forces, including Hezbollah forces, in the Syrian civil war. Tweets reporting government bombings, possible use of chemical weapons, and gains and losses are relevant. Reports on battles between ISIS and other nongovernment forces are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB269 <title> European refugee quotas <desc> Description: Find information on the effects of the European Union quota system for countries to accept refugees for resettlement. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in monitoring the consequences of the quota system for European countries to accept refugees for resettlement that the European Union has introduced. The user is interested in information on how the quota system is working, how it might impact England's decision to stay in the European Union, and how it is impacting national elections of European countries. Reports on refugee movement into Europe other than with respect to the quota system, such as activities taken by Europe to attempt to help or block additional refugees, are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB270 <title> Rohingya refugee crisis <desc> Description: Find reports on the crisis of the number of Rohingya refugees. <narr> Narrative: The user needs to monitor the situation in the area surrounding Myanmar where the number of Rohingya refugees in neighboring countries has reached crisis level. The user is interested in tweets discussing this crisis, including attempts to rescue refugees who have been stranded at sea, attempts to resettle the refugees, and discoveries of deaths among the refugees. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB271 <title> Kakuro <desc> Description: Find information on Kakuro (also known as Cross-Sums) puzzle apps, tournaments, or solving techniques. <narr> Narrative: The user likes to solve Kakuro (or Cross-Sums) puzzles and wants to find tweets about the puzzles. The user is interested in any tweets on this puzzle: available of apps, tournaments, or discussions regarding the puzzle. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB272 <title> fishing contests in the Atlantic Ocean <desc> Description: Find information on fishing contests in the Atlantic Ocean in July 2015. <narr> Narrative: The user is a semi-professional fisherman. He is looking for tweets about current and recent fishing contests in the Atlantic, including who the contestants are and the results of the contest. He is also looking for tweets about the size and species of the fish caught by the winners. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB273 <title> Scott Tomaszewski <desc> Description: Find information about the murder case against Scott Tomaszewski. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to follow the case against Scott Tomaszewski, the person accused of murdering his next door neighbors in Rockville, MD. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB274 <title> Democratic nomination Bernie Sanders <desc> Description: Find information on the campaign of Bernie Sanders as a candidate for the Democratic party presidential nomination. <narr> Narrative: The user is a political science student who is considering volunteering to work for the campaign of Bernie Sanders as he seeks the Democratic party's nomination as its presidential candidate. He is interested in information about the campaign including Sanders' proposed policy initiatives, polling position in relation to other candidates, debate performance, endorsements, and commentator assessments of Sanders. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB275 <title> Republican nomination Jeb Bush <desc> Description: Find information on the campaign of Jeb Bush as a candidate for the Republican party presidential nomination. <narr> Narrative: The user is a political science student who is considering volunteering to work for the campaign of Jeb Bush as he seeks the Republican party's nomination as its presidential candidate. She is interested in information about the campaign including Bush's proposed policy initiatives, polling position in relation to other candidates, debate performance, endorsements, and commentator assessments of Bush. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB276 <title> gay marriage laws in Europe <desc> Description: Find information about the possibility of the passage of gay marriage laws in Europe. <narr> Narrative: The user is an activist in human rights and is interested in following the legal climate for gay marriage in Europe. Any tweets related to proposed or enacted laws legalizing gay marriage at the national level in an European country is relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB277 <title> calcium supplements <desc> Description: What kinds of calcium supplements are available and what are the pros and cons of taking them? <narr> Narrative: The user was directed to begin taking calcium supplements for prevention of osteoporosis and wants to understand her options. What kinds of supplements are available, what dosage is good, what side effects are there, and what are the pros and cons of pill versus liquid form? </top> <top> <num> Number: MB278 <title> "Mr. Holmes" movie <desc> Description: Find critiques and opinions about the newly-released movie, "Mr. Holmes". <narr> Narrative: The user wants to read movie reviews about the movie "Mr. Holmes", She only wants reviews from people who have actually seen the movie. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB279 <title> Bingham's performance in Snooker World Cup <desc> Description: Find fan opinions about current World Champion Stuart Bingham, who was recently in the Snooker World Cup match. <narr> Narrative: The user wants critiques of Stuart Bingham and his performance in the Snooker World Cup match in Wuxi, China. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB280 <title> Paris Bastille Day terrorists <desc> Description: Find tweets about terrorist activity that happened during the Bastille Day celebrations in Paris. <narr> Narrative: The user wants information about individuals who participated in the terrorist activity during the Bastille Day celebrations in Paris. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB281 <title> tick bite treatment <desc> Description: Find tweets that have any suggested treatment for a tick bite. <narr> Narrative: The user was bitten by a tick and wants to know the best remedy, home or commercial, for treating the bite. She thinks it was a deer tick but it could be an immature dog tick. She knows there is lyme disease in the area and hopes this isn't that! </top> <top> <num> Number: MB282 <title> euthanasia debate <desc> Description: Find opinions on both sides of the euthanasia debate---whether people with severe and incurable diseases have the right to die. <narr> Narrative: The user is a student writing her dissertation on the euthanasia debate: whether people with severe and incurable diseases have a right to make decisions regarding their own life and death as well as the right to be assisted to die with dignity. She is interested in learning people's perspectives and opinions about the patient's right to die vs the doctor's obligation to keep them alive, and whether the perspective changes with the patient's age or condition. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB283 <title> curry as a condiment <desc> Description: Find ways people use curry as a condiment in different recipes. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning to open a small, casual restaurant and is interested in learning the best ways to use condiments and combine different spices. He is specifically interested in ways to use curry to create new recipes. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB284 <title> coping with identity theft <desc> Description: Find information on consumer experiences and best practices in coping with identity theft. <narr> Narrative: The user has been a victim of a major data theft that has caused his personal information to be compromised. He has been enrolled in a credit monitoring service for 18 months. He wants to learn about others' experiences with credit monitoring programs and other ways to cope with compromised identity information. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB285 <title> relocating from NYC to LA <desc> Description: Find data that will help a graphic artist decide where to settle in LA as she relocated from NYC to LA. <narr> Narrative: The user is a graphic artist and long-time resident of New York City (NYC). She has decided to leave NYC and relocate in a more friendly and sunny area in the USA. She is looking for recommendations about neighborhoods in Los Angeles (LA) where creative artists live and work together. She wants to find tweets about housing, employment, networking, and the culture of different neighborhoods in LA </top> <top> <num> Number: MB286 <title> job training for high school graduates <desc> Description: Find data about job training and apprenticeship programs for high school graduates. <narr> Narrative: The user is a high school guidance counselor who needs to keep abreast of job training and apprenticeship programs for high school graduates anywhere in the U.S. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB287 <title> "The Vatican Tapes" movie <desc> Description: Find information on the movie "The Vatican Tapes". <narr> Narrative: The user wants to find tweets that include reviews, comments or reactions to the movie "The Vatican Tapes". Information on the amount of violence is relevant, as are tweets that discuss anticipation, cast, filmmaker, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB288 <title> pet expo Chicago <desc> Description: Find information about the pet expo in Chicago. <narr> Narrative: The user is a pet lover and owner who is considering attending a pet expo. She wants to find tweets that discuss anticipation, what to expect, logistics, and issues about bringing your own pet to the pet expo held in Chicago. Tweets that discuss experiences at a pet expo including new food products, toys, health activities, contest winners, family activities, etc. are all relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB289 <title> Hewlett-Packard breakup <desc> Description: Find information on the breakup of the Hewlett-Packard company. <narr> Narrative: The user is a business analyst with interest in the computer industry. He wants to see tweets that give substantive information about the breakup of Hewlett-Packard into two companies at any point in the lifecycle of the breakup. Commentary on how the breakup will affect consumers and businesses is relevant, though individual personal opinions on the breakup are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB290 <title> H1N2 bird flu <desc> Description: Find information on the impact of the H1N2 bird flu outbreak in the US. <narr> Narrative: The user is an agricultural analyst with an interest in H1N2 bird flu outbreaks and impact. Relevant tweets discuss the commercial, export, and consumer economic impact of the bird flu on poultry products, vaccine effectiveness and availability, or health risks of poultry workers in the U.S. Tweets on bird flu outbreaks in other countries are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB291 <title> Dennis Hastert scandal <desc> Description: Find information on the Dennis Hastert cover-up scandal. <narr> Narrative: The user is an abuse counselor that is following the sexual abuse cover-up scandal of Dennis Hastert. Tweets that discuss the impact of the revelations on Hastert, his family or the victim are relevant. Legal actions taken, resignations, indictments, trial information, organizations reactions and actions, etc. are relevant. An individual friend's or colleague's, comments, opinions or reactions are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB292 <title> Lollapalooza Music Festival <desc> Description: Find information about the annual Lollapalooza Music Festival. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information about the annual Lollapalooza Music Festival, which is held in early August in Chicago. Relevant tweets include opinions/assessments of performers participating, costs, and the "corporatization" of the festival. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB293 <title> British Open Golf Tournament <desc> Description: Find information about the British Open Golf Tournament. <narr> Narrative: The user, an avid golfer, wants to follow the British Open Golf Tournament. Relevant Tweets include opinions and assessments of the competitors as well as viewer and attendee experiences. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB294 <title> Tour de France <desc> Description: Find information on the Tour de France bicycle race. <narr> Narrative: An avid cyclist, the user wants to follow commentary about the Tour de France bicycle race. Relevant tweets include opinions/assessment of the competitors, reference to blood doping or drug use, and viewer and spectator experiences. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB295 <title> "Terminator: Genisys" movie <desc> Description: Find information about the movie "Terminator: Genisys". <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking tweets about audience and critics' reaction to the newly released "Terminator: Genisys" movie. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB296 <title> free-range kids <desc> Description: Find opinions on either side of the free-range kids controversy. <narr> Narrative: The user is a sociologist who wants to study the U.S. phenomenon of free-range kids---children whose parents encourage them to go outside and play without hovering over them, and to walk through their neighborhood to a park (or home from school) by themselves. She is looking for tweets expressing opinions of parents of free-range kids as well as their supporters and detractors who sometimes call the authorities out of concern for the children's safety. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB297 <title> Wimbledon Tennis Tournament <desc> Description: Find reactions to the latest Wimbledon Tennis Tournament. <narr> Narrative: The user is wants to follow commentary about the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament. Relevant tweets include opinions/assessments of the competitors, refereeing controversies, and viewer and attendee experiences. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB298 <title> Gaza rockets hit Israel <desc> Description: Find information on rockets fired from Gaza landing in Israel. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested on reports of rocket fire from Gaza against Israel, as well as retaliatory attacks by Israel against Gaza. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB299 <title> subway commuting problems <desc> Description: Find information on problems with a subway system in the U.S. impacting commuting. <narr> Narrative: The user is a city government worker responsible for traffic planning. She is interested in seeing personal accounts of how subway system problems in U.S. cities have impacted commuters. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB300 <title> Burundi presidential election <desc> Description: Find information on the election of the president of Burundi. <narr> Narrative: The user grew up in Burundi, and is very interested in the election of the next president of this country. He is interested in reports of problems with voting, any voting irregularities, as well as predicted voting results. He is not interested in campaign pronouncements. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB301 <title> Takata air bag recall <desc> Description: Find information on the recall and replacement of faulty air bags manufactured by Takata. <narr> Narrative: With over 34 million air bag inflators manufactured by Takata needing replacement, the user is interested in any information on how this recall is progressing. Reports of additional problems with Takata air bags are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB302 <title> Washington, DC area gas price <desc> Description: Find information on the gas prices in the Washington, DC metro area. <narr> Narrative: The user lives in a suburb of Washington, DC and wants to track information on the price of automobile gasoline in this area. Reports on the best place to purchase gas is desired, though reports on the general trend of gas prices in the area are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB303 <title> fracking in the Dakotas <desc> Description: Find information and views on the use of fracking techniques in the states of North and South Dakota. <narr> Narrative: While some states are moving to ban fracking, it has caused a boom in the oil industry in North and South Dakota. The user is interested in information regarding the fracking techniques used in the Dakotas, and also people's opinions of the use of this technique in the states of North and South Dakota. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB304 <title> bridge tournaments in the United States <desc> Description: Find information about bridge tournaments in the United States in July or August 2015. <narr> Narrative: The user is a competitive bridge player hoping to gain Master Points by playing in bridge tournaments in the United States in the summer of 2015. He wants information about the location of such tournaments, as well as commentary on the quality of the various tournaments. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB305 <title> National Museum of American History <desc> Description: Find information about the renovated National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning to visit the recently renovated National Museum of American History in Washington DC. He would like information about the new collections that are being housed in the renovated museum. He is also interested in logistical information such as whether tickets are required, whether there is timed entry to the museum, and what days of the week may be the best for visiting the museum to avoid crowds. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB306 <title> U.S. writers conferences <desc> Description: Find information on writers conferences in the U.S. <narr> Narrative: The user is an aspiring writer looking for information on writers conferences held in the U.S. He is looking for logistical information such as locations and travel information to and from the conference, as well as opinions of the quality of a conference and its participants. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB307 <title> IKEA's 5-Year climate change plan <desc> Description: Find information about IKEA's 5-year plan to address climate change. <narr> Narrative: The user, a climatologist, is interested in information about and commentary on IKEA's 5-year plan to tackle climate change. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB308 <title> Joey Alexander, jazz pianist <desc> Description: Find information about jazz pianist and child prodigy Joey Alexander. <narr> Narrative: The user is a jazz aficionado who wants to follow the career of jazz pianist and child prodigy Joey Alexander. Any information about upcoming performances and his recordings is relevant, as is commentary about his unusual talent. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB309 <title> Darron Wint murder case <desc> Description: Find reports of the murder case against Darron Wint, including information on any others arrested in connection with the crime. <narr> Narrative: The user wants updated information on the arrest of Darron Wint and any others associated with the murder of a Washington, D.C. family and their cleaning lady. Any descriptions of the event are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB310 <title> No-No razor <desc> Description: Find opinions of the No-No razor. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering purchasing a No-No razor, a product sold through television infomercials and "As Seen on TV" stores. She has seen the infomercials, but wants comments and critiques from users of this product before making a purchase. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB311 <title> Cheltenham Music Festival <desc> Description: Find commentary on the Cheltenham, UK, Music Festival. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to know what was popular at the Cheltenham Music Festival. This includes any information on performers, selections, venues, food, and lectures. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB312 <title> lawn bowling <desc> Description: Find information on the game of lawn bowling. <narr> Narrative: The user would like to join, or start, a lawn bowling league and wants to monitor the level of interest in the game. He is interested in any tweets about the game. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB313 <title> Microsoft Windows 10 <desc> Description: What is the buzz surrounding the release of Microsoft Windows 10? <narr> Narrative: The user, an analyst in the IT industry, wants to track people's expectations of and opinions on the Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB314 <title> honey prices <desc> Description: Find information on honey prices and cheaper alternatives to honey for baking in light of rising prices. <narr> Narrative: The bee population of the U.S. has significantly declined in the past few years due to disease. The user is a baker who is experiencing significant increases in the price of honey, which negatively impacts production and sales. The user is seeking information about places to buy cheaper honey or alternatives to honey for different type of pastries, and storage suggestions to preserve honey. Networking ideas to buy honey are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB315 <title> transgender health services <desc> Description: Find information that would contribute to the construction of a health services directory for transgender individuals. <narr> Narrative: The user is an employee of a U.S. national non-profit organization dedicated to serving the transgender community who has been tasked with developing a service directory of medical and mental health resources. She is looking for information about location, types of service, expenses, and financial assistance availability as well as any opinions regarding such services. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB316 <title> low carbohydrate diet <desc> Description: Find information on low carbohydrate diets. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to try a low carbohydrate diet. Tweets that discuss the South Beach diet, low carbohydrate diets, low GI or glycemic index diets are relevant. Relevant tweets include ones that discuss pros and cons, recommended foods or products, weight loss results, recipes, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB317 <title> Paleo diet <desc> Description: Find information on the Paleo diet. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to try the Paleo diet, and wants to see tweets that discuss pros and cons, recommended foods or products, weight loss results, recipes, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB318 <title> Alex Rodriguez bonus <desc> Description: Find information on the controversy about paying Alex Rodriguez a $6 million bonus for tying Willie Mays record. <narr> Narrative: The user is an Alex Rodriguez fan and is following the Yankees' decision whether or not to pay him the marketing agreement bonus of $6 million for tying Willie Mays' homers record. Tweets that discuss A-rod's record, the bonus, the legal issues, bonus decisions, appeals, etc. are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB319 <title> European river cruises <desc> Description: Find information on multi-day European river cruises. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to take a European river cruise. Tweets that discuss the pros and cons of specific cruise companies or rivers, past experiences, what to expect, anticipation, best time to travel, travel tips, itineraries, travel logistics to meet cruise, etc. are all relevant provided the cruise is in Europe and lasts for multiple days. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB320 <title> Alaskan cruises <desc> Description: Find information on multi-day Alaskan cruises. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to take an Alaskan cruise. Tweets that discuss the pros and cons of specific cruise companies, past experiences, what to expect, anticipation, best time to travel, travel tips, itineraries, travel logistics to meet cruise, etc. are all relevant provided the cruise is in Alaska and lasts for multiple days. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB321 <title> celebrity DUI <desc> Description: Find information on celebrities or famous personalities that have received DUI violations. <narr> Narrative: The user follows celebrity legal issues, especially drinking and driving violations. Tweets that discuss DUI violations received by celebrities or other famous personalities are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB322 <title> Trapp Family Lodge <desc> Description: Find opinions of the Trapp Family Lodge outside Stowe, Vermont. <narr> Narrative: The user will be vacationing in Vermont and wants to see opinions of and first-hand experiences with the Trapp Family Lodge near Stowe, Vermont. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB323 <title> Mohonk Mountain House <desc> Description: Find opinions of the Mohonk Mountain House resort. <narr> Narrative: The user will be vacationing in upstate New York and wants to see opinions of and first-hand experiences with the Mohonk Mountain House resort. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB324 <title> Indian-Pacific train <desc> Description: Find opinions of the Indian-Pacific train that runs between Sydney and Perth. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning a tour of Australia and wants to see opinions of the rail journey on the Indian-Pacific Train that runs between Sydney and Perth. Relevant tweets include passenger descriptions, opinions, and assessments of the train journey, meals, and side trips. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB325 <title> Ghan train <desc> Description: Find opinions of the Ghan train that runs between Darwin and Adelaide. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning a tour of Australia and wants to see opinions of the rail journey on the Ghan train that runs between Darwin and Adelaide. Relevant tweets include passenger descriptions, opinions, and assessments of the train journey, meals, and side trips. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB326 <title> wheelchair accessibility <desc> Description: Find reports of accessibility problems for wheelchair-bound people. <narr> Narrative: The user is disabled and uses a wheelchair. He is interested in news and personal accounts of accessibility problems that other wheelchair-bound people have experienced. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB327 <title> problems between Egypt and Libya <desc> Description: Find information on the problems between Egypt and Libya. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning to visit the pyramids in Egypt, and is concerned that the unrest in Libya is causing increasing problems between Libya and Egypt. She wants to follow news and views on the interaction between the two countries. unrest in Libya </top> <top> <num> Number: MB328 <title> ISIS in Afghanistan <desc> Description: Find information on the ISIS presence in Afghanistan. <narr> Narrative: The user has noted that ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIL, or DAISH) has been increasing their presence and activity in Afghanistan. He is interested in information on clashes between Afghani government or Taliban forces and ISIS forces, as well as ISIS activity in recruiting in Afghanistan. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB329 <title> Baltimore police trials <desc> Description: Find information on the upcoming trials of the six Baltimore police officers charged in the case of Freddie Gray. <narr> Narrative: The user is a civil rights activist in the U.S. who is following the case of six Baltimore police officers who have been indicted by a grand jury in connection with the death of Freddie Gray. He is interested in information and views on the upcoming trials of the officers, including information on the possibility of moving the trials out of Baltimore. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB330 <title> kayaking <desc> Description: Find opinions of interesting places to go kayaking or of kayaking outings. <narr> Narrative: The user has recently started kayaking and is looking for fellow enthusiasts and suggestions for places to go. She would like to see tweets about places other kayakers have enjoyed and announcements of kayaking outings. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB331 <title> Special Olympics 2015 <desc> Description: Find information about the Special Olympics 2015 games held in Los Angeles. <narr> Narrative: The user's daughter is participating in the 2015 Special Olympics. He would like to see tweets about logistics information (lodging, availability and cost of tickets, transportation), as well as contest outcomes and personal accounts from other attendees. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB332 <title> emerging music styles <desc> Description: Find tweets about musicians who are impressing audiences with a fresh, emerging music style. <narr> Narrative: The user is a music industry agent who is seeking new talent. He is looking for tweets from fans of musicians who are impressing audiences with a fresh, emerging music style. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB333 <title> assisted living facilities in NYC and D.C. <desc> Description: Find tweets giving information on and/or opinions of assisted living facilities in either New York City (NYC) or Washington, D.C. <narr> Narrative: The user's elderly father needs to move from his current home into an assisted living facility. She is looking for general information about making such a transition as well as opinions on and experience with specific facilities in New York City (NYC) or Washington, D.C. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB334 <title> mindfulness in the corporation <desc> Description: Find tweets about corporate employees who use mindfulness techniques in their professional lives. <narr> Narrative: The user is a human resource director for a Fortune 500 company who wants to collect data on the use of mindfulness meditation to train corporate employees to multitask and manage time pressure more effectively. She is interested in tweets from people who are using mindfulness techniques in their professional life. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB335 <title> pop-up stores <desc> Description: Who is using pop-up stores and where are the stores located? <narr> Narrative: The user is a retail market analyst who wants to track the appearance of "pop-up stores", temporary retail spaces that brands may use to launch new products. He is seeking tweets that mention the locations of such stores and which brands are using them, and tweets that express opinions about particular pop-up stores. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB336 <title> graduate programs in robotics <desc> Description: What are peoples' opinions of different graduate programs in robotics? <narr> Narrative: The user is about to finish her undergraduate degree and will continue her education at the graduate level. She is interested in seeing opinions about the best schools to go to to study robotics. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB337 <title> Prince Harry girlfriend <desc> Description: Find tweets about Prince Harry and his current girlfriend. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to keep up with Prince Harry's love life. She wants to know what her competition is, so wants to see any comments on the prince and any current girlfriend (rumored or actual). </top> <top> <num> Number: MB338 <title> gluten substitutes <desc> Description: Find information on any substitutes for gluten in baking and cooking. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to use gluten substitutes in baking and cooking during visits from her sister-in-law, who has celiac disease. She would like recommended brand names and also recipes and menus for gluten-free meals. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB339 <title> Chincoteague Pony Swim <desc> Description: Find tweets about the Annual Pony Swim in Chincoteague, MD. <narr> Narrative: The user is attending the 2015 Pony Swim and auction in Chincoteague, MD. Any information regarding attendance, logistics, entertainment, accommodations, and food is welcome. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB340 <title> perennial plants <desc> Description: What perennial plants are recommended for residential gardens? <narr> Narrative: The user wants to skip the annoying impatiens and salvias this year and instead plant perennial flowers and herbs around her house. She wants any suggestions of plants as well as information on planting methods, soil requirements, and seasonal recommendations. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB341 <title> Seattle Seafair Fleet Week <desc> Description: Find tweets about the Seafair Fleet Week in Seattle, Washington. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to know all about the Seafair Fleet Week in Seattle. What kinds of ships will be there? Is it military, civilian, or both? Is it something people look forward to? What kinds of people will attend it? </top> <top> <num> Number: MB342 <title> beta-blockers <desc> Description: Find information on the adverse side effects associated with using beta-blockers. <narr> Narrative: The user's physician is recommending he take a beta-blocker. He wants to find tweets that discuss the personal experiences of beta-blocker users, regarding pros and cons of the various ones available, adverse side effects, other drug interactions, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB343 <title> necrotizing fasciitis <desc> Description: Find tweets about necrotizing fasciitis. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information on necrotizing fasciitis also known as "flesh-eating bacteria". Relevant tweets include links to information about necrotizing fasciitis and individual reactions to news about an infected person. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB344 <title> Iran nuclear agreement <desc> Description: Find tweets on developments in the negotiations to reach an agreement on limiting Iran's capacity to potentially produce nuclear weapons in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information about the agreement between Iran and the P5+1 (the five UN Security Council members plus Germany) on limiting Iran's capacity to potentially produce nuclear weapons in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. Relevant tweets include individual reactions to the latest developments in the negotiations as well as commentary on the agreement. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB345 <title> triathlon participants <desc> Description: Find tweets from triathlon participants. <narr> Narrative: The user is training for a triathlon and wants to see tweets from other triathletes for inspiration. She is seeking tweets from triathlon participants who are training for a triathlon, currently taking part in a triathlon, and recovering after finishing a triathlon. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB346 <title> venomous snake encounters <desc> Description: Find tweets about encounters with venomous snakes. <narr> Narrative: The user is a herpetologist who frequently gives nature talks to the public. She is looking for tweets about encounters with venomous snakes to use as anecdotes in her talks. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB347 <title> Nepal earthquake recovery efforts <desc> Description: Find information about on-going recovery efforts in the wake of the April, 2015 earthquake in Nepal. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information about on-going recovery efforts in Nepal after the April, 2015 earthquake. Relevant tweets include government information on recovery efforts, as well as tweets from individuals assisting in with recovery and development efforts as volunteers or NGO employees. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB348 <title> drones vs. commercial airliners <desc> Description: Find information about drones flying in regions of commercial airliners. <narr> Narrative: Commercial airline pilots have reported an increase in the number of drones near their aircraft despite existing restrictions against drones flying where commercial airliners are likely to be found. The user is interested in reports of and information on instances of drones in commercial airliner space, as well as steps being proposed to further regulate it. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB349 <title> pointing lasers at aircraft <desc> Description: Find tweets about aircraft that have had lasers pointed at them. <narr> Narrative: The user is a writer for a magazine for the airline industry who wants to do a feature article on the occurrence of laser pointers being shone at aircraft. He is interested in tweets that report on such instances as well as reports of prosecutions of such behavior. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB350 <title> farmers markets <desc> Description: Find tweets about peoples' experiences at farmers markets. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering obtaining a booth at the local farmers market, and wants to gain a wider appreciation for what people like and dislike about farmers markets. She is interested in tweets related to people's experiences at farmers markets. Tweets that simply advertise a market or particular vendor at a market are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB351 <title> Piedmont, Italy <desc> Description: Find information on visiting the Piedmont region of Italy. <narr> Narrative: The user's grandparents immigrated from the Piedmont region of Italy, and he is interested in possibly visiting this area. He is looking for information and suggestions on where to go and what to see in Piedmont, particularly the village of Valperga, Italy. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB352 <title> opinions of Wegmans <desc> Description: What are peoples' opinions of the Wegmans supermarket chain? <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking opinions of Wegmans Food Markets, Inc., a U.S. regional supermarket chain. Tweets containing opinions of specific stores in the chain are relevant, but a Tweet must contain some opinion of the stores to be relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB353 <title> summer Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) <desc> Description: Find information on the summer version of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). <narr> Narrative: The user has recently been diagnosed with the summer version of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and wants to follow the personal experiences of others with this version of the condition. Tweets that discuss treatment, advice, symptoms, coping tips, etc. of the summer version (aka summer blues) are relevant. Tweets discussing the winter version are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB354 <title> "Go Set a Watchman" <desc> Description: Find information on the publication of the book "Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee <narr> Narrative: The user is a Harper Lee fan awaiting the release of her second book, "Go Set a Watchman". She wants to find tweets that include comments on portions of the book and what it is about or are in anticipation of its publishing. Tweets that refer to her earlier book "To Kill a Mockingbird" are only relevant if they discuss that book's relation to the new book. Tweets that discuss the authors' current health or situation are not relevant, nor are tweets on book sales or that merely comment that someone is reading the book. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB355 <title> Purceyville, VA 2015 Wine and Food Festival <desc> Description: Find information about Purceyville, VA's 4th Annual Wine and Food Festival held in July 2015. <narr> Narrative: The user is a wine lover who will be participating in the Purceyville, VA Wine and Food Festival in the future. She is interested in tweets about the 2015 festival including information on vendors, lodging, and sponsors, as well as people's experiences at it. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB356 <title> fitness in seniors <desc> Description: Find tweets from senior citizens about their fitness routines. <narr> Narrative: The user, a senior citizen, has read recent reports that link exercising regularly with a reduced possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease, which has motivated her to begin exercising regularly. She'd like to see tweets from fellow seniors about their fitness programs for suggestions and continued motivation. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB357 <title> prevalence of Ritalin use with no ADHD diagnosis <desc> Description: Find information about the prevalence of Ritalin use by college students who have not been diagnosed with ADHD. <narr> Narrative: The user is a father of a college student who has read reports of increasing use of Ritalin by college students who have not been diagnosed with ADHD as an artificial means of staying alert and increasing concentration. He wants to find information about the prevalence of Ritalin use on campus and see personal accounts of Ritalin use by students or their parents. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB358 <title> physical fitness sensors <desc> Description: Find tweets describing how people are using physical fitness sensors such as Fitbit or fitness phone apps. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in knowing what sorts of uses people are making of physical fitness sensors such as Fitbit or fitness apps on cell phones. What types of activity are people tracking, and do they find that using a device motivates them to exercise more? </top> <top> <num> Number: MB359 <title> "Grey" book <desc> Description: Find tweets about the book "Grey" by E.L. James, the fourth book in the Fifty Shades series. <narr> Narrative: The user has read the previous books in the "Fifty Shades of Grey" series by E.L. James, and is looking for tweets from fellow readers about the release of the fourth book in the series, "Grey". </top> <top> <num> Number: MB360 <title> BDS against Israel <desc> Description: Find tweets about the BDS (Blockade, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement against Israel. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in the BDS (Blockade, Divestment, Sanctions Movement against Israel. She wants to find information about the goals of the movement, and to see pro and con opinions regarding it. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB361 <title> adult summer camps <desc> Description: Find information about adult summer camps. <narr> Narrative: The user is an adult who went to summer camp as a child and wants to relive that experience. He is looking for tweets about locations, accommodations, transportation and activities of various adult summer camp opportunities. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB362 <title> Outback Steakhouse <desc> Description: Find information on and opinions of the Outback Steakhouse restaurant chain. <narr> Narrative: The user is an analyst for the hospitality sector and is interested in the Outback Steakhouse restaurant chain. He is interested in information on and the opinions of this chain, including tweets about specials being run by individual restaurants. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB363 <title> school supplies sales <desc> Description: Find tweets about current sales on school supplies. <narr> Narrative: With school starting soon, the user is interested in where there are sales on back to school supplies. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB364 <title> best Aztec archaeological sites <desc> Description: What are the best Aztec archaeological sites to visit in Mexico? <narr> Narrative: The user will be visiting Mexico soon, and is interested in opinions of the best Aztec archaeological sites to visit. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB365 <title> cellphone tracking <desc> Description: Find information and opinions on police and federal officers tracking cellphones. <narr> Narrative: There has been increased discussion surrounding the use of cellphone trackers such as Stingray by local and federal officials in law enforcement, particularly on the need for court approval. The user is interested in opinions on the use of tracking devices by law enforcement, as well as in information on arrests and convictions helped by the use of these devices or plans to require more court oversight on the use tracking. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB366 <title> climbing Mount Everest <desc> Description: Find information and first hand accounts about climbing Mount Everest. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information on climbing Mount Everest in Nepal. Tweets describing climbers' experiences, impressions and analysis of their ascent and descent of Mt. Everest are relevant, as are tweets with pointing to guides and other expedition services. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB367 <title> Turkish government formation <desc> Description: Find tweets about the status of the formation of a new government in Turkey. <narr> Narrative: The user is a political analyst following the formation of a new government in Turkey in wake of the June electoral setback for the ruling party. Relevant tweets include political party pronouncements, Turkish President Erdogan's statements, and opinions and assessments from individuals in or outside of Turkey. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB368 <title> Whitney Museum of American Art <desc> Description: Find information on the new building housing the Whitney Museum of American Art. <narr> Narrative: The Whitney Museum of American Art has recently relocated into a new museum building designed by Renzo Piano. The user is looking for tweets regarding visitor assessments and opinions of the new building, its location, aesthetics, and design features. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB369 <title> High Line Park <desc> Description: Find information on and opinions about High Line Park in Manhattan. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information about High Line Park in Manhattan: general information such as amenities and opening hours as well as visitor impressions/opinions of their experience with the park. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB370 <title> Airbus 380 experiences <desc> Description: Find tweets about passengers' experiences aboard the Airbus 380. <narr> Narrative: The user is a travel tour operator who wants to see find passenger assessments and opinions of their experience on board an Airbus 380 airliner. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB371 <title> self-driving cars <desc> Description: Find information on self-driving cars. <narr> Narrative: The user is a commuter and wants to follow the development of self-driving cars. Tweets that discuss any aspect of self-driving cars are relevant, including accidents, testing, research, public opinion, legal issues, technology, safety, manufacturers, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB372 <title> low serotonin <desc> Description: Find personal accounts of the effects of low serotonin levels. <narr> Narrative: The user has recently been diagnosed with low serotonin levels. She would like to find tweets that discuss personal experiences with serotonin levels and their effect on mood, sleep, appetite, emotion and other symptoms. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB373 <title> T-Mobile and Dish Network merger <desc> Description: Find information on the forthcoming T-Mobile and Dish Network merger. <narr> Narrative: The user is a business analyst with interest in the communications industry. He wants to see tweets that give substantive information about the merger of T-Mobile and Dish Network into one company. Commentary on how the merger will affect consumers and businesses is relevant, though individual personal opinions on the merger are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB374 <title> home brewing beer <desc> Description: Find information on home brewing of beer. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to attempt brewing beer at home. He wants to find tweets that discuss all aspects of home-brewing: recipes, brewing kits, pros and cons of various methods, how to's, quality of home brewed beer, taste, supplies, legal issues, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB375 <title> concussion injuries <desc> Description: Find information about the prevalence and treatment of concussion injuries. <narr> Narrative: The user is a mother concerned about the prevalence of concussions especially in sporting activities. She wants to see tweets that discuss concussion injuries: medical care, legal issues, symptoms, effects, prevention or safety measures, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB376 <title> military exercises southwest U.S. <desc> Description: Find tweets about the military exercises that are taking place in the southwest U.S. this summer. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to determine informal public reaction to the military exercises taking place in seven states in the U.S. southwest in July and August. Any comments regarding citizen concerns are welcome. Such topics as noise, impact on air and land traffic, citizen-troop interaction, etc, are welcome, as are any expression of fear of the implications of such a program. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB377 <title> animal attacks in safari parks <desc> Description: Find tweets relating to animals attacks on people at safari parks. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to find out popular opinion about attacks by wild animals on people or vehicles as they proceed through safari parks. Any comments relating to safety, warnings, ways to protect vehicles and their passengers, etc. are desirable. She also wants comments on whether these parks should be open to the public or even exist at all. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB378 <title> cocker spaniel adoption <desc> Description: Find tweets about cocker spaniel dogs available for adoption. <narr> Narrative: The user is hoping to adopt a (pure bred) cocker spaniel and wants to avoid pet shops, breeders, and local shelters. She is hoping to informally find a dog in need of rescue. Any tweets about cocker spaniels up for adoption or in need of rescue are desired. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB379 <title> morel mushrooms <desc> Description: Find information about morel mushrooms. <narr> Narrative: The user is an aspiring chef and would like to learn more about morel mushrooms. She wants to know where these delicacies can be found, either in stores or in the wild, and would also like recipes or suggestions on how to prepare them. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB380 <title> "Home Free" reality show competition <desc> Description: Find tweets about the new reality show, "Home Free", which consists of a home-remodeling competition. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to know who is watching the new reality show, "Home Free", which is a home-remodeling competition. She wants to know what viewers think of it and how popular it is. Any comments pro or con about the show are welcome. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB381 <title> coin collecting <desc> Description: Find tweets about coin collecting. <narr> Narrative: The user is a beginning coin collector who is looking for advice and motivation from fellow collectors. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB382 <title> trends in children's clothing <desc> Description: Find information on trends in children's clothing. <narr> Narrative: The user is a market researcher interested in following trends in children's clothing fashion. She is interested in opinions on seasonal items preferences, as well as in consumer's concerns such as reliability of merchants and quality of the items. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB383 <title> online dating for older women <desc> Description: What online dating services are available for older women? <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking recommendations about reputable and trustworthy online dating services for educated, older (55+) women . Comments about what to expect from the services are also welcome. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB384 <title> arson fires in inner cities <desc> Description: Find reports of arson fires in inner cities. <narr> Narrative: Abandoned houses and failing stores in inner cities have become prime targets of arson by vandals or store owners seeking to collect insurance payouts. The user works for a national community housing program that wishes to document the extent of the problem to use in dialogue with legislative leaders at local, state and federal levels. He wants to track tweets that report on arson fires in inner cities as well as tweets that comment on the impact of those fires. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB385 <title> D.C. Metro outages <desc> Description: Find reports of incidents that cause outages in the D.C. Metro subway system. <narr> Narrative: The user works for a passenger's rights group that is trying to assess the safety and efficiency of D.C. Metro subway systems' daily operations to share in real time with the commuting public and to use in dialogues with Metro system managers and elected officials. Find reports of delays, damages, suspensions, accidents or other types of incidents that cause outages within the system---incidents that alter or affect the subway system or its schedule. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB386 <title> PCSK9 inhibitors <desc> Description: Find reports of the efficacy of and side effects associated with taking PCSK9 inhibitors to lower cholesterol. <narr> Narrative: The user is unable to control his cholesterol levels through traditional therapies and thus his doctor has prescribed PCSK9 inhibitors for him. He is looking for information on the efficacy of and side effects associated with taking PCSK9 inhibitors to lower cholesterol from both the medical literature and personal accounts of others who are using the drug. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB387 <title> Newport Folk Music Festival <desc> Description: Find tweets about the Newport Folk Music Festival. <narr> Narrative: The user is attending the Newport Folk Music Festival in Newport, RI and is interested in following the event on Twitter. Tweets about the festival's attendance, tickets, scheduling, as well as people's experiences at the festival are all relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB388 <title> Saratoga Race Track <desc> Description: Find reports of people's experiences at Saratoga Race Track. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning a visit to Saratoga Springs, NY and is considering spending time at the Saratoga Race Track. He would like to see tweets about people's experiences while at the track. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB389 <title> Clinton Foundation <desc> Description: Find tweets about the activities of the Clinton Foundation. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in tweets about the Clinton Foundation's initiatives and activities. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB390 <title> Apple Music <desc> Description: What are people's opinions of the Apple Music program? <narr> Narrative: The user owns several Apple products and is interested in the new Apple Music program. He is interested in feedback about the quality, utility, and cost of Apple Music, as well as information about the variety of music that can be downloaded to his Apple product. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB391 <title> polar icecap melting <desc> Description: Find information and opinions on reports that the icecaps are melting at both the north and south poles. <narr> Narrative: There have been reports that global warming is causing increased melting of the icecaps at the north and south poles. The user is interested in tweets discussing this issue. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB392 <title> U.S. forest fires <desc> Description: Find reports of active forest fires in the U.S. <narr> Narrative: The user is a member of the U.S. Fire Administration responsible for tracking active forest fires throughout the country. He wishes to find tweets that report on locations and extents of active forest fire in the U.S. Discussions of forest fires generally are not relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB393 <title> U.S. crop harvest yield <desc> Description: Find information on the anticipated yield of this year's harvest of crops in the U.S. <narr> Narrative: The user is a farmer who is interested in reports and opinions on the anticipated crop yields for this harvest season in the U.S. Reports on research or techniques to increase yield will be considered relevant, including the effect of GMO crops ono yields. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB394 <title> biased news reporting <desc> Description: Find opinions about news outlets providing biased and one-sided news reporting. <narr> Narrative: The user is a news junkie who wants to find opinions regarding people's perceptions of biased or one-sided news reporting. He is primarily interested in instances of biased reporting, though tweets claiming that a particular outlet or show is biased will also be considered relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB395 <title> Nancy Pelosi <desc> Description: Find views of Nancy Pelosi and her leadership efforts. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in following the career of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. He is primarily interested in tweets expressing opinions of her politics, but he is also interested in reports of her efforts to lead the House Democratic Caucus. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB396 <title> Venice Bienniale Arts Festival <desc> Description: Find tweets about the 2015 Venice Bienniale Arts Festival. <narr> Narrative: The user is excited to be traveling to Venice and to attend the 2015 Venice Bienniale Arts Festival. She is looking for tweets from others who have seen the show regarding their assessments/opinions of the artwork displayed and of their experience as a whole. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB397 <title> Expo Milano 2015 <desc> Description: Find attendees' views on Expo Milano 2015. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information on Expo Milano 2015, particularly attendees' impressions and opinions of individual country exhibitions, exposition themes and programs, and of the exposition as a whole. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB398 <title> The Ashes cricket match <desc> Description: Find reports of The Ashes cricket test match between the English and Australian cricket teams. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking reports from The Ashes, the cricket test match between the English and Australian cricket teams. Relevant tweets include assessments of the match play, individual players, the quality of the umpires, and the venue. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB399 <title> Lewy body dementia <desc> Description: Find information about Lewy body dementia. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information on Lewy body Dementia, including medical literature about the condition and experiences of victims and caregivers. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB400 <title> probiotics <desc> Description: Find information about the health benefits of probiotics. <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking information about the health benefits of probiotics. Relevant tweets include links to studies of probiotics, as well as personal experiences (positive and negative) using them. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB401 <title> "Knock Knock Live" <desc> Description: What prizes were given and which celebrities appeared on Fox's "Knock Knock Live" show? <narr> Narrative: The user wants to follow the buzz around the the new television show on Fox, "Knock Knock Live". She is particularly interested in the prizes awarded and the celebrities who presented the prizes. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB402 <title> Scott Disick <desc> Description: What is the latest information on Scott Disick now that he and Khloe Kardashian have separated? <narr> Narrative: The user is a fan of all things Kardashian and wants to know what Scott Disick is now doing since he and Khloe Kardashian have recently separated. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB403 <title> Amazon and USPS <desc> Description: What are people's reactions to Amazon using the USPS for some of its Amazon Prime deliveries? <narr> Narrative: Amazon has recently started using the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to deliver some of the goods bought through Amazon Prime. The user has noted some strong negative feelings associated with this arrangement and would like to get a broader reading of people's feelings about Amazon using the USPS. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB404 <title> "Vacation" movie opinions <desc> Description: Find people's opinions about the newly released movie "Vacation". <narr> Narrative: The user is seeking opinions of the movie "Vacation" that was predicted to be a summer blockbuster. He is only interested in reports from people who have actually seen the movie regarding what the did and did not like about it. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB405 <title> Rotterdam Unlimited <desc> Description: What are people experiencing at Rotterdam Unlimited? <narr> Narrative: The user is attending Rotterdam Unlimited and wants to see what others' experiences with and opinions on its events. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB406 <title> ISBS, KOBE-2015 <desc> Description: Find information on and updates from the ISBS, KOBE-2015 conference on neuroscience and biological psychiatry. <narr> Narrative: The user is a neurobiologist attending the 6th International Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry Regional ISBS Conference "STRESS AND BEHAVIOR: KOBE-2015" conference. She is interested in any information about or updates from the conference, including tweets from attendees about their experiences at the conference. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB407 <title> sunburn art <desc> Description: Find examples of and opinions on sunburn art. <narr> Narrative: The user will soon be going on a beach vacation during which she is considering creating some sunburn art. She is looking for examples of what others have created for inspiration, as well as information about the safety of the practice. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB408 <title> amphetamines and ADHD <desc> Description: Find tweets that discuss amphetamines and ADHD. <narr> Narrative: The user' daughter has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and wants to follow the personal experiences of others that have used amphetamines in the treatment of ADHD. Relevant tweets discuss types of amphetamines used, adverse side effects, drug interactions, physical and psychological reactions, addiction, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB409 <title> airport TSA screenings <desc> Description: Find information on screenings by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at airports. <narr> Narrative: The user recently had an unpleasant experience during a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport screening and wants to follow tweets on experiences by others. Tweets that discuss personal screening experiences (positive or negative), methods, procedures, advise, confiscation of belongings, etc. are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB410 <title> hidden icons in movies and television <desc> Description: Find information on hidden icons in television shows or movies. <narr> Narrative: The user likes to discover the hidden icons in television shows and movies. He wants to follow tweets that discuss the hidden icons, products, meanings, "Easter eggs", messages, characters, etc. that others have found in various movies or television shows or their advertisements. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB411 <title> Disney World <desc> Description: Find peoples' experiences with vacationing at Disney World. <narr> Narrative: The user will be taking his family on a vacation to Disney World in Florida and wants to follow tweets that discuss personal experiences about visiting the park. Tweets that discuss lodging, restaurants, rides, family activities other than theme park, anticipation, travel information, expectations, costs, crowds, advice or tips, etc. are all relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB412 <title> Nova Scotia Bluegrass & Oldtime Music Festival <desc> Description: Find information on the Nova Scotia Bluegrass & Oldtime Music Festival. <narr> Narrative: The user and her family will be attending the Nova Scotia Bluegrass & Oldtime Music Festival. Tweets that discuss the performers, past festival experiences, anticipation, family activities, weather, lodging or camping, travel logistics, advice or tips are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB413 <title> Silverstone Classic Balloon Meet <desc> Description: Find information on the Silverstone Classic Balloon Meet. <narr> Narrative: The user and his family will be attending the Silverstone Classic Balloon Meet in England. He wants to find tweets that discuss expectations, anticipation, family activities, past balloon meets, balloon rides, lodging or camping, rock concert, performers, pilots, etc. Tweets that provide advice or information by previous meet attendees are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB414 <title> Americans traveling to Cuba <desc> Description: Find tweets describing personal experiences of Americans traveling to Cuba. <narr> Narrative: The user will be visiting a family member residing in Cuba. She wants to find tweets that recount personal experiences of Americans traveling to Cuba, including anticipation, expectations, restrictions, sightseeing, safety, currency, travel logistics, and tips or advice. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB415 <title> Ariana Grande <desc> Description: Find information on Ariana Grande. <narr> Narrative: The user is an Ariana Grande fan. She wants to find tweets that discuss Grande's concerts, tour schedule, awards, songs, and acting, as well as tweets on opinions, comments or essays, and reviews about her. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB416 <title> Hepworth Exhibit at the Tate Britain <desc> Description: Return tweets about the newly-opened exhibit of Barbara Hepworth sculptures at the Tate Britain Gallery in London. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to visit London and despite all the other attractions wants to spend some time in a leading art gallery. One possibility is the Tate Britain in London, which is having an exhibit of sculptures by Barbara Hepworth. The user wants comments and critiques by Tate visitors. She would also like to have an idea of how much time to devote to this gallery, how to get there, what refreshments might be in the area, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB417 <title> cataract surgery <desc> Description: Find tweets describing patient experiences with cataract surgery. <narr> Narrative: The user is anticipating eye surgery for cataract removal and replacement. She wants anecdotal information on what to experience before, during, and after the surgery. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB418 <title> ballroom dancing competitions <desc> Description: Retrieve information about upcoming ballroom dancing competitions. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to start entering ballroom dancing competitions and wants information on upcoming events, particularly in the U.S. but events in other English-speaking areas are also of interest. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB419 <title> King George Weekend Ascot <desc> Description: Find tweets about the King George Weekend at Ascot, England. <narr> Narrative: The user is a horse race aficionado and, although house-bound, she wants all the buzz about the King George Weekend at Ascot, England. She prefers comments from people who are actually going to the event, who are currently at the event, or who have just attended the event this year. What horses were entered? Who won? Who-all attended? Were famous people there? Any royals? How were they dressed? Were there any scandals? </top> <top> <num> Number: MB420 <title> Sriracha sauce food uses <desc> Description: What food can Sriracha sauce be used on? <narr> Narrative: The user wants to know what kinds of food Sriracha sauce is good on. Other uses, e.g. as an antibiotic or ant poison, are not desired. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB421 <title> casino gambling in Maryland <desc> Description: Find information on the Sociocultural and economic impact of casino gambling in Maryland. <narr> Narrative: Casinos have had a controversial and conflictual history in Maryland with some parts of the community strongly promoting them for the revenue and other parts opposing gambling based on moral grounds. The user is a researcher seeking information about Maryland casino's financial performance, number of jobs created directly and indirectly, community economic impact, and sociocultural changes. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB422 <title> growing orchids <desc> Description: Find information about best practices in growing and caring for orchids. <narr> Narrative: The user has heard that orchids are difficult plants to cultivate, but she would like to grow them because of their beauty. She wants information about best practices in growing and caring for orchids, as well as sources for equipment and services. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB423 <title> drones and domestic surveillance <desc> Description: Find opinions on using drones for domestic surveillance. <narr> Narrative: The user is a lawyer concerned about the increasing use of drones to perform domestic surveillance and its possible violation of citizens' rights. She is seeking opinions on the routine use of clones for domestic surveillance: does the public feel that the drones are performing a useful service or that they are further eroding citizens' privacy? </top> <top> <num> Number: MB424 <title> Comcast customer service <desc> Description: Find opinions of the customer service provided by Comcast. <narr> Narrative: Comcast has been historically rated as a poor customer service provider, but has made efforts to improve its service. The user is interested in learning people's opinions as to the current state of Comcast's customer service, and about specific concerns and experiences with Comcast. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB425 <title> Sudoku tournaments <desc> Description: Find information about upcoming Sudoku tournaments. <narr> Narrative: The user likes to do Sudoku puzzles and wants to participate in upcoming Sudoku tournaments. The user is looking for tweets that announce a tournament and/or give logistical information, tweets about a tournament from its participants and Sudoku enthusiasts that includes travel to and from the tournament, and the quality of the tournament. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB426 <title> Billy Joel concerts <desc> Description: Find information about Billy Joel's concerts. <narr> Narrative: The user is a Billy Joel fan and wants to track tweets about Joel's concerts. She is looking for tweets that review past concerts as well as give information for upcoming concerts such as dates and locations and other logistical information including lodging and availability and cost of tickets. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB427 <title> Taylor Swift concerts <desc> Description: Find information about Taylor Swift's concerts. <narr> Narrative: The user is a Taylor Swift fan and wants to track tweets about Swift's concerts. She is looking for tweets that review past concerts as well as give information for upcoming concerts such as dates and locations and other logistical information including lodging and availability and cost of tickets. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB428 <title> Teen Choice Awards <desc> Description: Who has been nominated for a 2015 Teen Choice Award and what are people's opinions about the candidates? <narr> Narrative: The user wants to track who has been nominated for a 2015 Teen Choice Award and current opinions about the candidates. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB429 <title> Gates Foundation <desc> Description: What projects are being sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and what are people's views of the foundation? <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in tracking projects sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the views people have towards the foundation and its projects. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB430 <title> Sarah Palin <desc> Description: Find tweets about Sarah Palin's latest political activity and people's reaction to it. <narr> Narrative: The user is wondering if Sarah Palin is continuing to be politically active, and what other's reactions are to the activity, if so. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB431 <title> Royal Shakespeare Company <desc> Description: Find tweets about people's experiences at and opinions of productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company. <narr> Narrative: The user is planning a trip to Stratford-upon-Avon and wants to attend a production by the Royal Shakespeare Company. He is interested in tweets from other theater goers about their experiences and opinions of productions by the company. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB432 <title> Mount Rushmore <desc> Description: Find tweets about people's reactions to and experiences when visiting Mount Rushmore. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering a trip to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore. She would like to see what reaction other tourists have had to the site as well as any traveling tips and advise to make the trip more enjoyable. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB433 <title> car recalls <desc> Description: Find people's reactions to car recalls. <narr> Narrative: The user is a market analyst for the automotive industry who is interested in tracking public sentiment in the wake of a manufacturer issuing a recall. He wants to find tweets that contain people's reaction to a car recall, including their opinions of the brand and their experiences in having the issue that prompted the recall addressed. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB434 <title> 2015 Summer PanAm Games <desc> Description: Find reports from the 2015 Summer PanAm Games. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to follow the 2015 Summer PanAm games, and would like to see tweets that give events' locations and outcomes, as well as tweets from people attending the games about their experiences. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB435 <title> NYC Poetry Festival <desc> Description: Find reports from the New York City (NYC) Poetry Festival. <narr> Narrative: The user is attending the Poetry Festival in New York City (NYC) and would like to see tweets from others who are also attending, including travel to the festival and experiences while there. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB436 <title> restaurant workers' tips <desc> Description: Find tweets from restaurant workers about the tips they have received. <narr> Narrative: The user is a journalist working on a story about the distribution of tip revenues among restaurant owners and employees. She wants to find tweets from servers that comment on the tips they have received. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB437 <title> gay adoption <desc> Description: Find opinions about gay parents adopting children. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in views about gay adoption of babies or other young children. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB438 <title> marlin fishing in Key West <desc> Description: Return tweets about marlin fishing in Key West, Florida. <narr> Narrative: The user would like to go marlin fishing in Key West, Florida. She is looking for tweets about other people's experiences finding and catching (or trying to catch) marlin. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB439 <title> Bolton Wanderers <desc> Description: Find tweets about the Bolton Wanderers Football Club. <narr> Narrative: The user is going to the UK this year and wonders if she should try to see her favourite football team, the Bolton Wanderers. She would like to read some fan reviews and get an informal sense of how the club has been doing lately. Names of team members and staff are also of interest. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB440 <title> women's rights in Saudi Arabia <desc> Description: Return tweets about women's rights in Saudi Arabia. <narr> Narrative: The user is interested in tweets referring to the staus of women in Saudi Arabia and any progress made towards advancing their rights. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB441 <title> speech recognition software <desc> Description: Find people's experiences using speech recognition software. <narr> Narrative: The user wants to have an idea of what speech recognition software is out there and what users think about the various brands or types of processes. Examples of humorous mis-recognitions are also relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB442 <title> Bay Bridge accident <desc> Description: Find tweets discussing an accident on the Bay Bridge in Maryland. <narr> Narrative: The user would like information on accidents occurring on or near Maryland's Bay Bridge. This includes the location and cause of the accident and its impact on traffic. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB443 <title> bee keeping <desc> Description: Return tweets on all aspects of bee keeping. <narr> Narrative: The user is considering raising bees and would like to get a sense of who out there has hives, keeps bees, produces honey, or is involved with any other aspect of bee keeping. Opinions on flavors of honey are also welcome. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB444 <title> Pacific Northwest Scottish Highlands Games <desc> Description: Find information on the Pacific Northwest Scottish Highlands Games and Clan Gathering in Enumclaw, WA. <narr> Narrative: The user and his family will be traveling to the Pacific Northwest Scottish Highlands Games and Clan Gathering in Enumclaw, WA. He is looking for tweets that discuss the participants or winners in the games, drumming, dancing, band, piping, and athletic competitions. Tweets that discuss previous games that give advice or tips to attendees regarding lodging, travel, camping, or other logistics are also relevant, as are tweets on anticipation, expectations, crowds, etc. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB445 <title> Prince George's second birthday <desc> Description: Find information about the second birthday of Prince George. <narr> Narrative: The user is an avid follower of the British royals, and wants to see tweets related to honorary or public birthday celebrations or activities, expressions of birthday wishes, gifts, family celebrations, photos, etc. for Prince George of England's second birthday. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB446 <title> lacrosse tournaments <desc> Description: Return announcements of and commentary regarding lacrosse tournaments. <narr> Narrative: The user's daughter likes lacrosse and wants to attend some upcoming lacrosse tournaments. She wants to see any tweets that relate to a tournament. Tweets about a tournament from its participants including tweets that express anticipation of the tournament or traveling to/from the tournament or tweets that comment on the quality of a tournament are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB447 <title> "Pixels" movie <desc> Description: Find information on the movie "Pixels". <narr> Narrative: The user wants to follow tweets the include reviews, comments or reactions to the movie "Pixels". </top> <top> <num> Number: MB448 <title> Bouchercon World Mystery Convention <desc> Description: Find information on the Bouchercon World Mystery Convention. <narr> Narrative: The user plans to attend the next Bouchercon World Mystery Convention. Tweets that discuss past Bouchercons, anticipation, Anthony Award nominations, author attendees, honorees, travel or lodging logistics, and advice or tips are relevant. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB449 <title> Lego Robotics <desc> Description: Find information on Lego Robotics activities. <narr> Narrative: The user took part in Lego Robotics activities while in school 15 years ago and is wondering what is happening with with them now. Are there any upcoming competitions? Where are some of the teams coming from? What age groups are represented? Any comments on interest level are also welcome. </top> <top> <num> Number: MB450 <title> traffic cameras <desc> Description: What is the public's sentiment on the use of traffic cameras? <narr> Narrative: The user wants to explore public reaction to the increased use of traffic cameras to help catch offending drivers. Alternate uses of the cameras, as in the pursuit of criminals' escape paths, are also welcome. </top>